#oh and 'the fic isn't finished yet' babe come on
chocolatepot · 2 years
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footballerimaginess · 7 months
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This fic is based on James Maddison's twin baby announcement, you voted for Kylian to have this fic so enjoy!! Kylian Mbappe Word Count: 790 The work day had flown by, you were finishing early as you were heading to the PSG game. You could barely keep your eyes open you were that tired, it was like you needed a 12 hour nap.
Getting home and stuffing your face with a bit to eat before you needed to head back out yet again. Changing into suitable clothes for the game as you rushed straight out again. "Hello" you waved your pass to the front of the stadium staff as you made your way to the stand. The overwhelming feeling of feeling absolutely exhausted was still there, you could barely keep your eyes open but you didn't want to disappoint Kylian and not turn up to his game. The game ended in a 3-0 victory for PSG, Kylian having an amazing game as usual. "Hey love" Kylian face lit up as he saw you walking over to him. "Hello KyKy, you had a great game" you smiled as you embraced him in a cuddle. "Thank you angel, let's get home. You want food?" he asked as he took your hand in his. "I am not hungry, I haven't felt hungry all day" you shrugged. "That isn't like you babe, is everything okay?" he asked as you made your way to the car. "I don't know, I haven't felt right all day. I have felt so exhausted all day and it's just strange. I don't know why, maybe I have been over doing it or something" you told him as you sat in the car and drove home. - The past few days you were feeling the same, you noticed your stomach start to cramp up a little bit assuming your period was on it's way. You checked your phone to see what the time was when you saw a notification pop up saying period 6 days late. "Fuck" you blurted out loud, forgetting that Kylian was fast asleep beside you as you turned to see if you'd woken him up and you did as you watched as his eyes slowly open as he put his hand around your waist as you were sitting on the edge of the bed. "You okay?" he muttered sleepily. "I have some pain, I am late too" you turned to face him. "What is your period?" he questioned as you simply nodded at him. "Do you think you're pregnant?" he asked as you nodded. "I will go and grab a test, hoping I don't see anyone" you got up slowly as you felt the room was spinning. "Go back to sleep Ky, I'll be back soon" you whispered as you chucked on some fresh pair of clothes on as you headed out to the local pharmacy. Not entirely sure what one to pick, you seem to have two in your hand as you paid at the till and practically ran to the car, with all the emotions flowing that you were about to take a pregnancy test. "Got it" you shouted as you walked through the house as Kylian was in the kitchen making himself some food. "Want to go take it?" he asked as he followed behind you as you made your way to the bathroom. "I'm so scared" you mumbled as you opened the wrapper of the test as you read the instructions. "You stand outside, you are not watching me have a wee Ky" you laughed, through the nerves as you practically pushed him out of the bathroom as you did your business. "Is it done?" Kylian asked as you pushed the door open for him to come in as he stood patiently staring at the test. "Oh my god" you whispered as you watched as the test appeared with the words Pregnant 2 weeks. "I I- we are having a baby" you burst out crying. "Oh darling, come here" he held you tightly in his arms as you sobbed on his sleeve. "Hey it is okay darling, congratulations to us" Kylian pulled you as he gently wiped the tears away from your face. "Thank you, we haven't spoken about having a baby though. You're not mad though are you?" you asked as you took another look at the test. "No no baby, why would I be mad? I am so happy, please don't feel sad this is supposed to be a happy time with us having a baby" he put his hands on your stomach as you looked down, placing your hand on top of his. "I don't know how to feel, I am scared. My belly is doing somersaults knowing that there is a baby in here" you whispered as you held him tightly as you could. Knowing that you were excited for your next journey to begin. - There will be a part 2, let me know what you think of this fic!!
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whatevertheweather · 3 months
an ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIP(s)
Thank you for the tags @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @youarenevertooold I've been in search of ways to procrastinate <3
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s):
I'll go with one that isn't being posted yet: Callous.
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Touch starvation + poor communication = Baz's No Good Very Bad Night
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
PTSD, disassociation, and, uh, emotional hurt/comfort?
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
Bold of anyone to assume I'm good enough at coming up with titles that I have multiple to choose from. Oh! But actually I do for Bait and Switch, thanks to Dre brainstorming fishing idioms with me. There were 4 alternatives, but my favorite is All is Fish, because it makes no fucking sense.
5. ⚠️Which WIP your most likely to finish or update next?
It had better be Musical Chairs.
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
In an uncommon turn of events, I only have one (active) WIP right now that's not already named as it will be posted, and that's "yeah sure let's just write some shit that's way later and not finish the other that's fine"
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP.
It’s just…there’s also some deer in the headlights energy to him, which, mixed with the general aura of barely tamed violence, is throwing Shepard off. Truly, it’s been a good long while since he’s done this kind of pinballing over what he’s seeing when he looks at someone.
He does know what he’s seeing when he looks back at Simon. It’s the sort of face that has him politely averting his eyes to examine the bland thread of Simon’s shirt instead. He thinks walking in on the two of them tangled up without a stitch of clothing wouldn’t feel half as intrusive as looking at that expression did.
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP.
I had to abandon about a page of the above misnamed WIP (now to be succinctly abbreviated as YSLJWSSTWLANFTOTF) because it no longer fits the tone of the rest of the fic at all, which is sad because it made me laugh. It's too long to put here in its entirety, but here's part of one line, which shall function as the dead darling's eulogy: "I know you have a dick, Baz, I’ve fucking well been thinking about it!”
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Okay there's one I don't want to say much about because, selfishly, I want to be the one to write it, but it's related to truth spells. (Technically I've started it because there's a document with 10 scattered lines of dialogue, but I haven't started it started it.)
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on?
I'm trying to focus on 3, but I might have to say 4 here.
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
I have rewritten the same 4 pages of Musical Chairs about 5 times. It's absurd. I know what's going to happen, I have the ending written, I have almost everything that gets us there written, and yet this section is u n d o i n g me.
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send.
I'm gonna take that as me sending kudos to all these lovely people: @cutestkilla @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @artsyunderstudy @fatalfangirl @whogaveyoupermission @iamamythologicalcreature @thewholelemon @facewithoutheart @martsonmars @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @larkral
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Steve being a mean girl
A snippet of what I'm working on for my next coming part of 'Bark At the Moon' though if you don't want to read it that's fine you can read this scene all by itself :) It isn't in the fic yet but will be when I'm done writing
Link to Bark At The Moon
TW; The word queer is being used in a derogatory way and is only used once and is in the first paragraph under the keep reading line.
Tonight was like any other night. Steve sitting up on the front counter, feet up reading something while he waited for his shift to be over. Robin had finished stock hours ago and was sitting far as possible from Steve. But still near him. She was doing some crossword puzzle, her hair freshly cut into a bob as they both stay in silence. Neither of them hops up when they hear the familiar bell ring. 
Steve simply glances up over what he was reading. Seeing that it was some group of bitchy girls. All of them were younger than him and he can't help but roll his eyes at the way they were acting. Silently reminding himself that they were in fact still children. Looking down at his paper he doesn't pay any more attention to them until he hears them mumbling things. His senses were heightened and he could hear everything they were saying.
"Can't believe they let freaks work here." One of them whispers to another. Steve assumes they were talking about him, he's heard far worst and didn't really care. The girls were trying to keep their words silent and hushed except for one. There was always one.
"Poor guy has to sit next to a queer all night. Honestly, they should pay him more for compensation." The girl's voice is obnoxious and Steve can hear Robin's fidgeting become far worst. Her face is red and Steve was getting pissed. His wolf was fully prepared to literally eat the brunette with horrible eyeshadow on. He could also feel the anxiety raising from Robin whose hands were starting to shake around the crossword she was working on. Not really looking down at it anymore, her eyes may be but her mind wasn't.
Steve moves sitting up as he acts casual. Humming as he acts like he didn't hear the girls. Moving and scouting them for a second, eyes flickering back to Robin who was trying to sneakily look up from where she sat to see what he was doing. Her eyes were watery and that was all he needed to commit to what he was doing. 
He watches the girls go to a blind spot, an area that the managers have been trying to get a camera on for a while. But no one was trying to steal stuffed animals. As it was far too easy to get caught. Steve gasps loudly, causing all of the girls to turn around to look at him with confusion. He knocks all of the teddy bears down on the ground on purpose. Watching them all jump back. 
"Oh my god, I can't believe you girls were trying to steal." He gasps. "And all for a teddy bear? God, I'm going to have to call the cops. Hey Robin, how fast do you think the cops can get here for shoplifting!" Steve yells loudly. Staring at all of the girls that have gone a bit pale. The one that had decided to open her mouth earlier was moving to open it again. But before she can he's gasping as he picks up one of the makeup pallets that was set on the shelf next to the teddy bear. All were outdated and from February, but the store was still determined to sell them. 
"Oh honey, no wonder you're trying to steal this terrible makeup pallet as well. It's okay, not all of us have good taste when it comes to doing makeup. I have a friend, her name is Carol. I can give you her number if you want to learn how to mask being a bigoted piece of shit better." He says with a pout of his lip. "Or did I just use a big word for you babe?" He's being dramatic in the way he talks. Cocking his hip out with purpose as a grin works its way to his face. 
Most of the girls were starting to cry, and the ring leader's face was red from what was most likely embarrassment. It's been a while since he's had to be a mean girl but damn did it feel good. He was doing it partially for himself, but mostly for Robin who didn't deserve the shit they were trying to give her. He knew that she might not like what he was doing, but he knew if he didn't do something then the silence of saying nothing was going to do more harm than embarrassing her. He runs a hand through his hair as he sets the makeup back down on the shelf as he hums. 
"So, this is how it's going to go. Either you A, cooperate and give me the stolen merchandise and give me and Buckley your names and ID's so you can be permanently banned from the store, or B, you don't cooperate and we call the cops. And trust me, I don't think Chief Hopper will be too pleased waking up just to deal with your sorry asses. If you guys haven't heard, I kind of went missing and now I have the chief's personal phone number on speed dial." he says with a cocky grin. 
Sure, he was lying. He didn't have Hopper's personal phone number but it was so worth lying over if it meant scaring the shit out of these girls. All of them look at each other before looking defeated and following Steve up to the front. Who makes sure to move and lock the front doors so they didn't try to book it. He moves pulling out his phone as he sees that Robin was no longer sitting at the front counter. Which was understandable as he begins to ruin these girls' nights just like they had his coworkers. 
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
for the sweet prompts: AJ/Nate or Janine/Felix + Slow Dancing!
-em :)
I've been giving AJ a lot of attention recently, so I went with Janine/Felix for this one, and posting today as a (slightly early) birthday fic for my girl. --- Janine was singing.
Felix could hear her even before he reached her flat and grinned. It sounded like she was having fun, belting out a pop song. He could pick up her elevated heartbeat, too.
Oh, yeah. She's having fun. Whatever she's doing. He fished the key to her place out of his pocket. (she'd given Bravo two; one for him and one for Nate "'cause I trust you most with my stuff.") Felix hadn't used his yet, so there was a small pulse of relief in his chest when it worked and he slipped inside.
Janine was having fun--so much she didn't immediately notice his entrance. She was cleaning; pushing a dust mop across the spaces of wood floor between her rugs and occasionally pausing to dance around with the mop.
Felix's grin widened at the sight. She was so gorgeous happy, even in legging and a ratty, too-big t-shirt, hair in a messy bun with a cloth headband holding wispys back from falling in her face. "Surely you can do better for a partner, babe."
She twitched at the realization she wasn't alone, then relaxed just as fast seeing it was him. "Easy as pie, now that you're here." She leaned the dust mop on the back of the loveseat. "I thought you were working today."
"Maybe I'm s'pposed to be," Felix grinned, waggling his brows. "Or maybe a couple meetings got cancelled and you're the best way to spend my free time."
Janine smiled. "Why'd the meetings get cancelled?"
"Didn't ask," he shrugged. "All I care is that I don't have to go. Thought I'd see if you wanted to do something..." He glanced at the cleaning supplies scattered around the kitchen and living room. "But clearly you already have plans."
"Yeah, sorry." She wrinkled her nose. "Since I'm off today and you weren't supposed to be, today is summer cleaning. And I have company coming tomorrow, so I have to finish today."
"So I'll help," Felix offered.
Janine arched a brow. "You sure, babe? I love spending time with you, but I know cleaning isn't your favorite."
"Hey, anything I get to do with you is my favorite activity by default." He grinned and tugged her close to twirl around. "One condition: we stop for any songs that are super-danceable."
"Deal," she laughed, grabbing his shoulder to stop herself. "Except how do you know all my music tastes aren't super danceable?"
"Guess we'll just have to tighten up the criteria," Felix said. "Whaddya want me doing?"
"Hmmm..." Janine slipped her phone from her pocket to pause the music. "The kitchen, I guess? That's mostly wiping down counters, and finishing the dishes I have in the sink. So you don't have to worry about pungent cleaning agent smells and we can see each other."
"Aw, babe, thanks for looking out for me," Felix said, giving her a peck of a kiss before he headed into the kitchen.
Janine laughed and restarted the song as she reached for the dust mop to get back to work.
Her playful question about her music proved valid; pretty much all of it was very danceable. It varied in tempo but maintained a good energy for cleaning. Felix made himself wait and work through three whole songs before one of his favorites came on and he couldn't help it.
He dropped the rag he was using on the counter and zipped across the floor to tug Janine away from cleaning windows to dance with him. "We can't pass this one up!"
She laughed, eyes sparkling. "You are a very bad influence, darling."
"The worst," Felix agreed cheerfully with a wink.
The two had their impromptu dance session, laughing the whole time. Janine was so graceful Felix couldn't take his eyes off her(but that was always the case when they were in the same room). He could see the influence of her years in ballet on how she moved, even just goofing off with him to a more modern song. It was captivating.
"You're studying me like there's going to be a test," Janine said, breathless teasing that startled him out of his reverie. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah. You're just so gorgeous when you're happy. And always, but you know what I mean, I like seein' you happy. Getting to relax."
"Technically supposed to be cleaning rather than relaxing," she said wryly, "but I suppose this is better than... a lot of what we do for work, regardless."
"I just..." Felix caught her hand and twirled her in close. "You've gone through a lot of shit since we met" --because we met-- "and I like getting to see you genuinely happy, too." He kissed her and she hummed appreciation, her free hand sliding to cup the side of his neck. (Fireworks, again. How was she such a good kisser?)
"Shouldn't be terribly hard to catch," she winked. "I'm always happy with you."
The last beats of the song faded out as his heart exploded a little with joy at her words. "Me, too," he whispered, and then got distracted when the next song started with a much slower tempo--jarringly slower--than the rest of the playlist. "Wow," he muttered. "Talk about a mood change."
"Risk of hitting shuffle, you never know what's next." Janine grinned and pulled him back when he started for the kitchen. "I don't think we're done yet."
"This is your idea of danceable, babe?" Felix teased even as he let her reel him in and start swaying to the soft melody.
"Can't hurt to brush up on your slow dancing, Agent Hauville," she riposted, mischief in her grey eyes as she settled her arms around his neck. "You never know when you might need it for infiltration or what have you."
Felix bit back a grin and looked down at their feet. "And if I point out I ddon't really know how to do the fancy formal slow kind of dancing, Agent Elder?"
Janine smiled. "I do. And it's Agent Elder the younger, if we're being formal."
He laughed, finally settling his hands on her hips as they continued swaying to the song. "I think we need to get your mom a promotion. You two having the same title is weird."
"I don't disagree," she said with a giggle, leaning her forehead briefly against his shoulder. "Though I think we'll need a better reason to convince her superiors."
Felix snorted. "True. But let's get back to how not-surprised I am you know this kind of dancing, too."
"You do know me well," she said. "Honestly, Felix, a lot of slow dancing you can fake it just by holding your partner close and swaying in time to the music, like we're doing now. Small shuffle-y steps. It's only with something more specific like a waltz you need to know certain steps if you don't want to stand out."
You'd stand out in any crowd. "So I'm following your lead, then?" he joked.
"Only until you know the steps. Then I'll happily follow yours." Janine leaned in to kiss him. "Wherever you want to go."
"No pressure or anything," he murmured against her lips. You're much better at leading.
She slid her hand forward, thumb brushing arcs over his cheek. "I trust you, Felix."
"Glad to hear that." Felix swallowed. Doesn't really help with the no pressure thing. "I trust you, too."
Janine smiled at that, and this time when she leaned in to kiss him he met her halfway. His hands tightened on her waist, her arms slid around his neck, as fireworks flashed across their vision. (or at least across his.) The parted and rested their foreheads against each other, still swaying slightly as the song faded out.
"I guess we should get back to cleaning," Janine murmured in the brief silence before another, more upbeat, song started off.
"Guess we should." Felix couldn't resist stealing another quick kiss before they disentangled themselves to get back to work. He grinned, catching her smiling to herself as she resumed cleaning windows, and picked up where he'd left off. Maybe slow songs weren't so bad.
Nothing was, that made her smile like that.
And then she started singing along with the current song and Felix couldn't help but join in.
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hekateinhell · 3 months
Your very specific brand of Armand/Lestat toxic yuri compels me so much! Although lbr even OG male!Armand and Lestat have toxic yuri vibes going on 🤔probably has something to do with all the yearning and the tantrums and the LACE 🥹
LOVED your qotd entry needless to say. So slutty, so gritty yet delicate, so them/you. I listened to Lana del Rey as I was reading it because it felt right. ENRICHMENT, from start to finish. I genuinely love how this whole event has brought us together as a fandom lmao, leave it to the vc community to be at each other's throats constantly over mlm pairings yet the second femslash is involved, we're all blood sisters. AS IT WAS WRITTEN. Always your biggest fan xoxo DA ❤️
I'm so glad you liked the fic!!! I had such a blast and perhaps five different meltdowns writing it. ♥️
I wasn't sure how the fic would be received because I know femslash isn't big in this fandom (though hopefully we're starting to change that!) and L/A isn't one of the juggernaut ships in general and it's an AU, so I really was just writing for me and the girlies (gnc) with this one! LOL I love L/A! I love women! I love playing in and outside of canon! 🤧♥️ (btw I'm still planning to write 1-2 chapters more for this fic so if there was anything in particular that you enjoyed or you would like to see, just let me know and I would love to include it or include something with the same vibe 🥹) 
Although lbr even OG male!Armand and Lestat have toxic yuri vibes going on 🤔probably has something to do with all the yearning and the tantrums and the LACE 🥹
Oh my god, now you have me wondering if that is why this ship hits so fucking hard for me! PLEASE give me all the yearning and tantrums and lace 🥹 it's Wuthering Heights, it's Saltburn, it's Much Ado About Nothing, it's Girl Interrupted.
I love that you were listening to Lana lmao so was I when I was writing it! Blue Velvet, Love, and Get Free. But also Cigarettes After Sex and Perturbator just to rotate vibes.
I genuinely love how this whole event has brought us together as a fandom lmao, leave it to the vc community to be at each other's throats constantly over mlm pairings yet the second femslash is involved, we're all blood sisters.
I'm so happy with the way our first Queens of the Damned went and I'm so proud of @lovevamp for coming up with the idea in the first place and having all the prompts and everything ready to go in under 14 hours!!!! It's her baby and we're so lucky to have her in our fandom bringing us omegaverse and femslash and all the good things 🥹🥹💕💕
Thank you so much for dropping by babe—I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN 🫶🏼
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [part one] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPov!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
A night out drinking leads to a small misunderstanding with a handsome, yet dangerous man. [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader]
3,894 words
note: edited this so it could still be read as a reader fic! it's actually a lot of fun writing in first person! hope those who read this enjoy my first bsd fic!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || masterlist
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I've experienced a lot of amazing things since I've moved to Japan. A new job in a different country, new co-workers and friends, work parties, themed bars, cafes, and hookups with pretty strangers. There was a long list of great things I've had going on, and a long list of things I've never expected... and being fired from the job I had for a year was not one of them.
"A year of hard work... for nothing," I mumbled bitterly as I sat at the bar with my close friend, and now ex-coworker, Keiko. She was beautiful, with long black hair and brown eyes. She frowned, a sympathetic look on her pretty face as she sighed.
"I'm so sorry," she said softly, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "I'm sure you'll find something else soon! You have an awesome resume, and you're an amazing worker who can speak English, Japanese AND Spanish... there is totally a place for you out there!"
Keiko has always been supportive and enthusiastic, a really bright and friendly girl who made it her mission to befriend me as soon as I started working with her. She was relentless, and soon enough, I found myself spending many hours with the woman.
"Yeah..." I just mumbled again and she laughed softly.
"It's okay to mope... that's why I brought you here!"
"Yeah, about that," I started, sending Keiko a look as I swiveled the stool so my body faced her. "Why did you bring me here?" As soon as the work day was done, Keiko immediately dragged me to what was clearly a mafia bar. That didn't surprise me, since she was actually dating a mafioso.
A mafioso, who was part of the Port Mafia. It wasn't long after I moved to Yokohama that I started to hear stories about the organization, and was also warned not to cross them. Of course, with my luck, I became best friends with someone who dated someone who was in the Port Mafia. How a sweet girl like Keiko ended up with a man like him, I'll never know.
What I do know is that Taichi adored Keiko, gave her everything she could possibly want and need with the money he makes, and that was just being a normal grunt! Even so, it was dangerous, but Keiko didn't seem to mind.
"I come here with Taichi all the time," Keiko answered, sipping her drink. I turned to sip on my own. "You can't tell me it isn't luxurious." It was. My jaw had dropped to the floor when we first stepped into the very luxurious bar. "Don't worry about it, okay? Drink your sadness away! You're safe here. Since I am Taichi's woman, and you're with me, nothing will happen, okay?"
"Where is Taichi anyway?" I asked, glancing over her shoulder when I spotted a group of men walking in through the entrance. I missed the way the light left Keiko's eyes, chewing on her bottom lip anxiously. My eyes were on the men, which in the middle was a man with orange hair, a black hat adorning his head. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my eyes looking at the very handsome man up and down. I swallowed thickly.
"He had a job tonight and couldn't make it. He'll be home to- hey, what are you looking at?" Annoyed at me ignoring her, she turned in her seat, a shocked look on her face before she smiled tightly.
"Taichi! I thought you had an assignment!"
"Hey, babe! We finished early, which was quite surprising, honestly."
The couple embraced and I barely registered the mushy love between the two as I watched the ginger man lead the rest of the group further into the bar. He walked by me, and before I knew it, dark blue eyes were staring right at me, eyebrows furrowed.
"The hell are you looking at?" he sneered and my face turned red, heart dropping in my chest.
"No one! I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, quickly turning back around and facing the bar.
"Tch. Whatever," the man only responded before walking off.
"You look like a cherry," Taichi said, clearly amused. I sent him a half-hearted glare, Keiko slapping his chest lightly.
"Be nice to her. She got fired today."
"Ohh, that sucks. If you need help-"
"She won't take it," Keiko said with a huff. "Stubborn ass."
I rolled my eyes at her, biting my lip nervously as I fiddled with my glass. "So uh... who was that guy? With the hat?"
Taichi blinked. "Oh, that's Chuuya Nakahara."
"Is he part of the Port Mafia?"
Taichi barked out a laugh, Keiko giggling softly behind her hand.
"Baby... he's an executive. Chuuya works closely with the leader of the Port Mafia."
"And I work under Chuuya," Taichi finished, amused at how wide my eyes have gotten at the answer.
"You mean to tell me... I pissed off... an executive member..." I was dismayed, heart pounding in my chest.
"Hmm, probably. Don't go home alone tonight," Taichi grinned as I balked, clearly having fun torturing me.
"Taichi! Babe, don't listen to him."
I gulped nervously, downing the rest of my drink before signaling to the bartender to get me another one.. "R-right..." Despite my better judgment, I turned my head, looking towards the obvious VIP section of the bar. Chuuya sat with some other grunts, a glass of what seemed to be red wine in his hand. Of course, his eyes found mines yet again and I whipped my head back around. Fuck, I did it again! I quickly downed the newly made drink, unaware of Chuuya's eyes narrowing as he watched me.
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"Nooo, do you have to go?" a drunk Keiko whined as she latched onto my arm, a forever amused Taichi watching on. "Don't leave me with hiiiiiiim."
"I want to go home, dammit," I huffed, successfully peeling her off of me and handing her to her boyfriend. "I have to start job hunting tomorrow. Thank you for bringing me here, I do feel better and I love you but... I'm tired."
"Ugh, you are such an old lady!" Keiko whined again and I couldn't help but laugh, turning to start walking towards the exit.
"Goodnight, you too. Please get her home safe, Taichi."
"I wouldn't count on it~"
I rolled my eyes at his teasing, leaving the two behind as I left the bar. I stepped out into the cool night air, shivering a bit as I closed my cardigan tightly around me. I wore a simple but cute outfit; a black dress with burgundy tights underneath, black flats on my feet and my favorite tan cardigan over the entire outfit. It helped me fight off a bit of the cold, but as I started to walk down the block, I grabbed my phone to start searching through my usual rideshare app.
I didn't get far. My phone cluttered to the ground as it fell out my hands, a gasp leaving my mouth as I was slammed against the nearby brickwall of a narrow, dark alleyway.
"Who the fuck are you?" a familiar voice hissed and I'm shocked to find Chuuya Nakahara glaring daggers at me, his strong hands pinning my arms against the wall. He growled when I didn't answer. "Answer me! Who sent you here?!"
"N-No one!" I cried out, shaking like a leaf. Of course, of course I would be confronted by a fucking high level member of one of the most dangerous organizations in Japan. "I swear, I just came here with my friend."
Chuuya growled again and he flipped me around, pressing my front against the wall. "Stay still," he grunted, and my face started to heat up as I felt his gloved hands quickly feel along my body. He was frisking me, and I gulped when he shoved his hand under my dress, producing the knife I had strapped to my thigh.
"I carry that to protect myself," I immediately explained, Chuuya turning me around again to face him. His eyes were still narrowed, staring me down as if trying to figure out what the hell I was up to.
"And the bouncer didn't pat you down?" he questioned and I shook my head quickly.
"No, he didn't pat me or Keiko down."
"Tch, that's Taichi's woman," he said, though he still looked at me with narrow eyes, hesitating a bit before he turned my knife in his hand, handing it back to me hilt first. "You sure know how to make yourself look suspicious."
I cringed a bit as I strapped my knife to my thigh strap again. I missed how Chuuya's eyes lingered, him licking his lips. "That's my fault I... I know I was staring..." I could feel my face heat up again and I couldn't even look Chuuya in his face. "S-sorry if I creeped you out. I don't mean any harm. Keiko brought me here 'cause I got fired and she wanted to help me feel better..."
"Hm," was his only reply, crossing his arms over his chest. "What you do to fuck up?"
My mouth fell and I sputtered as I tried to come up with the words. "What do you mean?! I didn't fuck up!" I protested. "It literally came out of nowhere! I worked my ass off all year, only to get fired 'cause I wasn't what they needed anymore. Fucking bullshit."
Chuuya was amused by my little vent, snickering a bit as he gave me a quick look up and down. "I'm sure it wasn't your winning personality."
I scoffed. "Says the one that shoved a random woman against a wall?! That hurt, you bastard!"
Chuuya raised his eyebrows at me, and I immediately slapped my hands over my mouth.
Oh no. Fuck, I forgot who I was talking to.
Chuuya snickered again, his eyes flashing in amusement. He stepped closer to me, making me press back against the wall again. Chuuya leaned his face close to mine, a smug smirk on his face as he spoke.
"Be careful who you talk to like that," he hummed, and I shivered despite feeling some of his body heat. "Someone might just cut out your tongue for talking back like that. Me? Well, it'd be a waste, especially when I think of all the things I could make you do with it."
I squeaked, the heat never leaving my face as I stared at Chuuya with a puzzled expression on my face. The sudden switch up was giving me whiplash... and lowkey turning me on. "I..." I stuttered, looking away and finally noticing my phone still on the ground. "Crap, I hope it's not broken."
I rushed over to pick my phone up, ignoring Chuuya's hard stare on me. I looked over my phone, sighing in relief when I saw that it had sustained no damages.
Chuuya then stepped up to me, jerking his head back towards the bar before walking off. "Let me take you home. Take that as an apology for being so rough on you."
I blinked. "Um..."
"Hurry up!"
"Okay!" I squeaked and followed after the man quickly, chewing on my lip as I asked myself... what the fuck was I doing? Am I really about to get inside this man's car? He was a stranger! Who frisked me! Let alone, he is clearly a dangerous man.
I must be insane.
"Tell me," Chuuya started and I was dumbfounded as he approached a rather cool looking motorcycle. No way. "What the hell were you being so creepy for?" He turned to me and asked, an all-knowing smirk on his face. I blushed deeply. Of course, he already was able to figure it out once he realized that I wasn't a threat.
"No reason," I huffed out, earning a low laugh as Chuuya grabbed the only helmet I could see. I looked at him confused, gasping when he unceremoniously placed the helmet over my head. "What about you?"
"I don't need it," Chuuya simply answered before he finally mounted his bike. "Come on, you little liar. Hop on."
I couldn't help but stare, my mouth going dry as I took in the image of this handsome bastard with his bike. The engine roared as he turned it on, revving it a bit and making me make a mess in my panties.
"Hey, ya done eyefucking me, dollface?"
I sputtered. "I was NOT eyefucking you!" I stormed over to the bike, glaring at the grinning bastard as I climbed onto the bike behind him.
Chuuya snorted. "Yeah, like you weren't eyefucking me earlier in the bar," he retorted, easily reaching behind him to grab my wrists, pulling me against his back as he wrapped my arms around him. I was stunned silent, from his words, and his actions and the fact that his back felt so solid.... and he smelled so good...
"I was not..." I mumbled, pressing my cheek against his back. "Shut the fuck up."
He laughed darkly, and that sent a shiver down my spine.
"Where do you live?" Chuuya asked and I hesitantly told him my address. "I know where that is. Hold on."
"You do? It's on the other side of the city," I said and Chuuya just chuckled softly, looking over his shoulder and smirking at me.
"And who exactly runs this city?"
I clamped my mouth shut, his eyes staring into mine. I blushed and looked away from him. He turned his head back around with an amused laugh, the engine revving as he took off on his bike.
"Hold tight, dollface!"
He didn't have to tell me twice, my arms tightening around his torso as he sped down the street, weaving in and out of traffic. It was scary, but also so fucking exhilarating. My heart was thudding in my chest, my eyes watering because of the wind. Still, I kept them open, wanting to watch the world blur by us. Chuuya made a sharp, right turn, making me scream while he laughed loudly. 
"Man up!" he yelled at me.
"Stop driving like a crazy person!" I yelled back.
I didn't see the large, almost evil smirk that grew on Chuuya's face. Didn't see him licking his lips excitedly as he eyed a rather tall building coming up ahead.
"Tell me, dollface," he hollered back at me, revving the engine and I gulped as I held him tighter, his bike going faster. A bad feeling started to settle in my stomach, balking when he asked his next question. "Do you want to defy gravity?"
I didn't have time to answer, not when I finally realized that we were heading right towards the side of the building. I couldn't even scream, fear striking me as I suddenly started to see red, body jostling as Chuuya maneuvered the bike to jump in the air.... before landing perfectly on the side of the building and continuing vertically up towards the sky.
"Don't let go!" Chuuya sneered. Like that was ever going to happen.
I didn't dare turn my head to look down, my wide eyes staring up into the night sky as we made it closer to the top of the building. I couldn't even think straight, my body just running on nothing but adrenaline and fear.
"Ch-Chuuya!" I gasped out sharply, the bike finally making it to the roof of the building. Chuuya didn't slow down though, only barreling towards the edge and I started to panic. "Chuuya! What are you doing?!"
Chuuya only snickered, revving the engine once more before sending the bike flying off the edge of the building. I squeak and screw my eyes shut, pressing my face against the middle of his back. I didn't want to watch us plummet to our doom.
"Hey, idiot, open your eyes."
I whimpered and shook my head. "N-No..."
Chuuya sucked his teeth. "Just open your eyes! You'll regret it if you don't."
Biting my lip, I wanted a moment before I lifted my head up and opened my eyes, a small gasp leaving my mouth as I looked around me.
We were still floating in the air, biking moving through the sky. The City of Yokohama was lit up beautifully underneath us. I looked over, seeing the ocean at a distance, the ferris wheel lit up and spinning slowly. My mouth had fallen open, eyes wide in wonder. Chuuya was looking back at me, a triumphant grin on his face.
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We made it to my apartment and Chuuya stood over me, an amused smile on his face as he watched me melt on the ground after I got off his bike.
"That was intense..." I mumbled, still feeling the effects of flying through the fucking sky. "I shouldn't even be surprised that you're gifted, with the power that you have already in the Port Mafia."
"Yeah, it was pretty great, huh," Chuuya said smugly, gloved hands stuffed in his coat pockets. I laughed softly, slowly standing up with my shaky legs. He took one look at my frazzled state and he grew even more smug. "That's a cute look on you, though if I really had my way with you, you wouldn't even be able to stand."
My face turned hot, sputtering as I tried to respond, but I had nothing to even say. Because the thought of actually inviting Chuuya inside and--
"Fuck..." I breathed out softly, looking at the man standing before me. His eyes didn't leave mine, the heat in them making a shiver go down my spine. "Do you... want to come inside?"
Chuuya fixed his hat on top of his head. "Lead the way, dollface."
"So... your ability lets you control gravity?" I asked once we made it inside the elevator of my apartment building. We were going fifteen stories up, after Chuuya parked his bike safely, of course.
"To put it simply, yes," Chuuya answered, stepping closer to me. I gasped softly when he grabbed my chin, the leather of his glove pressing against my skin. "But we're not here to talk about that." He pressed himself against me fully, leaning his face in until his lips hovered just above mine. I shivered, looking at him with hooded eyes. "This will be a one time thing, dollface."
I nodded, appreciating his honesty. "Of course," I replied just as the elevator stopped on my floor, doors sliding open. I grinned at him. "So let's make it count."
He liked the sound of that, grabbing my wrist and leading me out the elevator. I rushed to my apartment, grabbing my keys and hurriedly unlocking the door before opening it.
The door slammed shut as Chuuya immediately pressed me against it, his lips on mine in a fervorous kiss. I knocked his hat off his head as I ran my fingers through Chuuya's hair, moaning when his hands started to roam all over my body.
"Fuck..." I moaned softly when Chuuya started to kiss down my neck, squealing when he squeezed on my ass.
"Damn... you won't be able to fucking sit right, either," he growled against my neck as he massaged my ass and thighs. "Let's go."
Groaning when he moved himself away from me, I rushed to lead Chuuya to my bedroom, our clothes coming off in the process and making a trail on the floor.
It didn't take us too long to start really going at it, our lust fueling us to incredible heights. Chuuya held my hips tightly with his leather clad hands, thrusting his hard cock in and out of my soaking pussy.
He was fucking me hard, my body just sprawled on the bed as I moaned and grunted from the pleasure this man was giving me. "Fuck, fuck, Chuuya!" I whined, making the man grin widely as he kept his pace. Sweat covered both of our bodies, moans and deep growls mixing with the sound of skin slapping against skin.
"That's right, dollface, ride me," Chuuya smirked up at me, now on his back as I bounced up and down on his cock. His hands were right on my hips, his eyes going back and forth between  watching my bouncing breasts and watching his cock disappear inside my heat. "Fuck, you're so fucking sexy," he growled, thrusting up particularly hard and making me toss my head back, screaming when I finally fucking cum.
"Oh my God!" I gasped sharply, still squeezing around him as I began to slow down. "Oh fuck... it's so good," I moaned, reaching out and hooking my finger into Chuuya's black choker. I pulled and he pushed himself up, lips meeting mine in a messy kiss.
I moaned against his mouth, still slowly riding him as his hands ran up and down my sides, the leather cool against my skin. Then, Chuuya placed his hands on my hips, and with a mischievous little smirk, he licked his lips. Immediately, my body started to feel a little bit lighter, and Chuuya started to effortlessly bounce me up and down on his cock, 100% controlling my body with his ability.
"Chuuya..." I moaned his name, head lolling back. He continued to maneuver my body, little grunts and moans leaving his own mouth as he worked to reach his own pleasure, and mine.
I came again, tears falling down my face from the intense pleasure, and that was enough for Chuuya to pull me off of him completely, putting me on my knees before him on the bed. His hand grabbed the back of my neck and he pushed my head down, stuffing his cock in my mouth.
"Take it," he growled, his hands in my hair and using it to push my head up and down as he fucked my mouth. I moaned around him, a new wave of pleasure washing over me as I let the mafioso use me as he wanted. Soon enough, he exploded into my mouth, and I made sure I swallowed all of him.
"Fuck, that's hot..." Chuuya breathed out when I opened my mouth to show him that I did so. "You're such a good girl, dollface."
That made me flustered and I looked away shyly, earning a chuckle from him. I looked over when I felt him get up from the bed, thinking that he would leave. Instead, he just gave me a look. "Where is your shower?"
We showered together,  which took longer than needed because Chuuya couldn't keep his hands to himself. I was surprised when he climbed into bed with me afterwards, allowing me to cuddle against him as we slowly fell asleep.
I wasn't surprised though, when I woke up the next morning, sore and alone. I didn't get too upset about it, though. Chuuya laid it out clear and I accepted it and moved on.
I sat on my dining room table, looking through the newspaper as I sipped on my morning coffee. I was looking for a new job and figured looking at the local ads wouldn't hurt.
"Hm... let's see..." I whispered, reaching over and grabbing my knife. I ran the tip of it down the paper, stopping when one particular ad stuck out. "Hm... the Armed Detective Agency, huh? Interesting..." I set my knife down, staring at the ad as I took another careful sip of coffee.
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beisuke-kaji · 3 years
god fucking hell, another angst fic cus thats the only thing in my mind huh 🙄🙄
"-you to come back"
warnings: angst, baji x reader, valhalla spoilers.
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12:08 ----
you hear a pebble hit your window and before you open it you see baji already outside your window. "god you scared me." you put your hand on your chest to calm your heartbeat from that jumpscare. you unlock the clamp from your window and he immediately pounces on you, you just hope that the thud didn't wake your parents up. he supports your head though, making sure that the floor doesn't hit your head. when you ask him to get up, he hesitates at first but then carries you all the way to the bed. you look over at his attire and he's wearing the valhalla jacket and not his toman uniform. your hands touch over the jacket and pout a bit at the sight. baji takes note of this and grabs your hand and kisses your knuckles instead, "it's alright, babe." he reassures you that this was just a plan. that it's just a way to protect toman. you both talk for awhile, asking about your day and what he's been up to, if he did something wrong which he aggressively denies to.
"what really are you here for, kei?" you abruptly asked since it was already past midnight and he chose to visit you, what was wrong?
"i just wanted to visit you, just in case-"
"just in case what?"
"just in case something happens y'know?"
you never would've thought something would happen to him since you had faith he'd come back alive, that he'd come back with just frightening wounds instead. "didn't you promise me that you'd come back to me?" you cross your arms, thinking about it now is starting to scare you too.
he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to give you a kiss on the forehead, your nose, your cheek and lastly on your lips. he then hugs you like he doesn't want to let go of you, that he doesn't want to go yet, like this will be the last time he'll be able to feel your warmth.
"i love you, you know that right." he says.
"i know it from the bottom of my heart." you smile at him.
a couple of minutes after that, he says his goodbyes and kisses your hand once more when he goes down your window. you sleep in your bed peacefully knowing that he'd come home to you once again.
you woke up quite late, you check over your phone to see 32 missed calls from baji. when you call his number and he answers, you say your sorry for the not picking up but before you could continue the person who picks up isn't baji, its a woman, its his mom instead.
when you ask what's wrong, she explains but she wasn't very clear to what she was saying. "y/n, kei--kei's gone..." she lets out clearly.
"no, no, what do you mean? he's probably just with everyone else."
"y/n, i'm with him right now."
"see, he's not gone. he's right there-"
a sudden realization hits you that when she meant gone, she didn't mean physically but that he's gone from this world.
"...i'm-i'm coming to you right now. where are you?" you try to say as straight and clear as possible but his mom could probably hear that you were shaking and holding it in to not hurt her more. she texts you the place and you run out of your house. you look to your phone and see messages coming from him.
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'shit, y/n. i'm kinda scared shitless from what's going on but hey, i'm not a pussy. i'm going to protect toman and everyone else included.'
'i think that the cops are about to come here sooner or later, so i better make this quick.'
'shit, the brawl is happening but i can't go out yet.'
'well it's time for me to go. hope you get this'
'y/n, i love you!!! i'm never gonna stop loving ya!!'
'i'll come back to you.'
'onve laast tuuie, iu locvze y"
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he never properly finished his last sentence, maybe he's okay, because its not the first time he misspelled words. maybe he's with his mom, laughing it off while his mom starts hitting him from being rash again. "oh." you say as you enter the place and see his corpse. "no..." his mom sees you and leaves the room for your privacy.
when you get closer to his body, you see that the color in his face is gone, there was some blood on his face but you can't tell if it's his or not, when you try to grab his hand, he didn't react. "hey come on, kei. hold my hand." you've been holding your tears for so long that when you finally blinked, they came rolling down. "hey, stop playing already. you promised, remember?" you feel your legs about to give out but before you do, you give him one kiss.
"didn't you say that you believed in those fairytale bullshit about true love's kiss? so get the hell up." you voice wavers and your legs give out. his mom sees you and both of you cry at the sight. both of you trying to comfort each other, still hopelessly thinking that he might wake up because he didn't want to make his mom and his love cry, right? so why didn't he open his eyes.
when you come back to your house to explain to your parents, you see something in front of door to your house. you eyes realized what it was and once you saw it, the tears start to come by again, pricking your eyes. it was his toman uniform. neatly folded, this was probably from chifuyu. "i wanted you to come back, not this." you hug the uniform, making wrinkles all over it again and sob.
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whorror-barbie · 3 years
Horrible boss(AU! boss!salesman x Accountant! fem reader) part 1
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Summary : Oh Il-nam steps down from being the CEO, So his son takes his place.
Warning: none at this time, talks of hookups,and profanity. this fic is NSFW though, so beware of that.
A/N: I don't know how long this series will be yet,so enjoy :). I did name the salesman after the train to Busan character,so it's Oh Seok-Woo it's easier that way lol
It's 8 o clock in the morning, the weather seems promising today as the sunshine is casting down on Seoul. You have been living here for about a total of 4 years now, it seems like 20 Years with all the hardships you had to face while trying to fit in here but managed to figure it all out eventually. graduating from a great university, living in a decent apartment, and made good friends from the office you are currently at work. sure, there is some setback from time to time, yet everything seems to be falling in place for you now. Looking at yourself in the mirror to make sure everything is in order, just a plain grey blazer jacket and a pencil shirt with a white blouse which you kinda hate, so you would try to fancy it up with different accessories for the effort of standing out. After you were done checking out your ass in the skirt, you start to head out.
making your way to the train station, on the path there you couldn't help, but stop to purchase some Dalgona cookies from a local family business. They are so damn good, though definitely not great for your teeth. finishing off your snack on your walk, you see Gi Hun in his office attire with some mysterious guy near a convenience store up ahead. Gi-Hun spots you and waves for you to come over with a welcoming smile. " Hey, Gi Hun, how's it going, babes? " Smiling at him, near the mysterious man standing with a cigarette in his hand, his attention is now on you, he looks familiar. " Great, I'm just catching up with an old buddy I haven't seen in a while" putting his hand on his shoulder with excitement in his voice, he's such a cute bean you thought.
"oh, how rude of me, this is Cho Sangwoo. he graduated from SNU, he's practically a genius" he side-eyeing Gi-Hun as if this is what he tells everyone when first meeting, though you have definitely seen this man before. then it suddenly clicked, The two of you met each other a few weeks prior, just a hot drunk make-out session within 5 minutes of meeting each other in the back of the bar, no biggie. You still get nervous as if he was reading your slutty thoughts then swallow the reminder of spit in your mouth,feeling his intense stare. he definitely remembers you, maybe? "Oh? I heard a lot about you, don't worry all good things of course" Sangwoo flash a friendly smile at you" I would only hope so" he simply put, the three of you laughed, this shit is so awkward "we don't want to be late, let's get going." Gi hun agrees. " it was nice meeting you though" you said in unintentional flirty tone, or hell maybe it was intentional. "Well, The feeling is mutual". a slight nod from him while putting his cigarette between his lips. You two departed from him finally. "Isn't he great?" Gi-Hun said cheerfully, nodding in agreement. he's definitely great alright.
You both made it to the train station just in time. It's pretty packed at this hour which is normal here. You stand with Gi hun on your left side, talking it up quietly as time goes by. asking about his mom who is in and out of the hospital. it saddened your heart, only hoping she gets better. You see him and his mother as family. "Yeah, I hope she'll be ok as well " with sadness in his voice, you comfort him" it will be trust me" giving him a reassuring smile. All of sudden you feel a hand on your backside, you look back to see who did that. "Hey, fucking watch what you are doing, asshole? " Getting angry, Gi hun looks up from the ground. " Oh sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to do that, my apologies," the man said politely. He didn't look like your average salesman, short clean-cut hair with an expensive suit on, the scent of the expensive cologne smells amazing on him,and dare you say he's a handsome man as well. You felt intimidated by him "Hey, what do you think you're doing? Trying to cop a feel, you fucking pervert" Gi Hun jumps to your defense.
" he said it was an accident, babes" trying to calm him down, He's not buying it at all " you heard the young lady," the man said with a smile that just seem a bit off. " Sir, we don't want any problems, ok " looking up at the tall man, he looks back at you in a calm state. "Better not do that shit again" Gi Hun was pissed off as he glares at him. The train ride went awkward and silent for a while. It's your stop, this morning was too eventful for your liking" where is he, huh?" he's getting riled up once again. the man is nowhere to be found, you could have sworn you saw him get off here. " Let's not worry about him, we need to get going " both of you exit the station.
Now in the office, you say your hellos to the other workers. made it to the break room, Put your lunch away in the refrigerator then start to prepare some coffee. " Hello " you hear from behind " oh hello, Eun-Yi !" You give each other a quick hug. "How are you, girl ? " you asked, leaning your back on the counter. " I'm great, I finally got some good rest for once last night " she laughs, grabbing a granola bar. " how about you?" You look around the room" I can't say the same, unfortunately...though I did stay up to watch a movie that was pretty good". As you grab a cup from the cabinet. " what's so good about this movie that you had to stay up for it" She asked playfully rolling eyes, taking a bite of her granola bar. " Well, since you asked "you chuckle " it's about a maid who moves in with a rich family, and the handsome husband has an affair with her" explaining it with your hands "then he gets her pregnant, but the thing is his wife is pregnant as well, it's a whole ass mess...men sometimes" and she laughs an agreement" anyways you should check out though, the ending is so.. interesting" you sip on your coffee. " You always watch good movies without me, you know" Yi poked you with her elbow "I'm pretty sure you can relate to the maid though" she jokes with a smirk. You definitely caught that shade "not you calling me a hoe, gurl it's too early for that" sharing a laugh with each other.
Gi-Hun enters the room. " Hello," he said awkwardly to Eun-Yi, "hello, Gi-hun" you sip your coffee watching. this interaction between them is cute. " Is Il-Nam here?" You breaking the tense. "Oh, no I didn't see him," he said scratching the back of his head "running late? That's not like him" giving Gi-Hun a worried stare." I'm sure he's ok" reassuring you" we all know he's retiring right? his son is supposed to take over". He says looking at Yi. "Oh yeah and aren't we supposed to have a retirement party for him tonight?". Il-Nam has been so caring to you, he's like a grandpa figure when your own grandpa is not with you. He helped you though some of the low point at the time, his heart is always so big for the workers in the office, he is loved here, so it's sad to see him go. "I'll go see if he's here, I'll let you guys know" Yi looking between you two, and both nods in response, making her exit.
"why don't you just ask her out already?" You giggle. "Ah...I don't know about that" he nervously laughs, standing next to you now "why not? you clearly like her and she seems to like you too. I say go for it" he raises his eyebrows with innocent eyes " you think she likes me? " Nodding as someone is now entering the room " hey, Jun-ho " giving him a flirtatious tone, then proceeds to check him out. He flashes his boyish smile at you "hello, you two" standing on the other side of you. " Where have you been, love? I missed you." the two of you are best friends with benefits for a while now. let's just say, you are living your best life, being a hoe " I just got back from a trip with my brother" smiling at you still" you want to come over tonight and make up for lost times? " Putting his charms on you, it's definitely working. "Mhmm" sipping on your coffee. "Hey, guys I'm still right here" Gi-Hun reminds the two of you with discomfort. "Aren't guys curious about his son?" Trying to change the subject. "What's there to be curious about? Maybe he's a good man like his father" you said confidently.
Yi opens the door "Il-Nam is here" you put your cup down the cup so fast. "We should go see for ourselves" exiting the break room, everyone is gathering in the main room. You see Il-Nam and a man who is supposed to be his son you assume." wait a minute, isn't that the guy we met on the train?" you whisper to Gi-Hun. "I'd like to introduce you all to my son, Oh Seok-Woo he will be your new boss." He said happily. Well, this is off to a great start.
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thesvnsins · 3 years
Hooked |pjm|
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▪Outline: 'When Jimin looks extra good in his suit, it becomes difficult for you to control yourself.'
©️ @lataes
▪Pairing: Jimin × f!reader
▪Genre: smut, fluff, relationship!AU
▪Wordcount: 1.6k
▪Warning: explicit sexual content - Dom! reader, sub!Jimin, pillow humping, light bondage, fingering, sex toys, vibrating buttplug, aftercare. Jimin is just too sexy to resist.
▪A/n: Hello guys! Hope you enjoy this fic. I would love to get some feedback and suggestions. Please ignore any mistakes and typos. Enjoy! 💗
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You are watching him like a predator. Waiting for the right moment to strike and then devour him. He is looking super hot tonight in his button-up suit. It isn't typical of him to dress up but when he does, you are not able to control yourself.
You have been distracted from your conversation with this businessman for at least five minutes. The champagne flute in your hand your only companion. Jimin is talking to a lady with his back towards you but what is distracting you are his buttcheeks tightly wrapped in his jet black pants. He had insisted on wearing this suit piece for the occasion as it was a gift from his Hoseok hyung.
He had asked you to come to this party because of the celebration of his new hit song. It is a huge milestone for him and his group but right now what interests you the most is making Jimin whimper and break below you. You finally excuse yourself to take him back home.
With a drink in your hand, you reach there and gently slide your hand around his own and put on a smile
"Good evening" she bows to you
"Good evening to you to" you reply, bowing
"Are you his plus one?"
"Ah, yes I am"
"It's great meeting you dear"
"Thank you, ma'am"
She is not a very young woman, maybe in her late forties and yet she has maintained herself pretty well.
You have no problem with talking to her but right now the only thing in your mind is to have Jimin beneath you. You can't suppress this feeling anymore
"Ma'am, I am sorry but I would have to cut this conversation. There has been a phone call Jimin has to attend" you lie on spot and get a confused reaction from Jimin.
"Of course. Don't let me interfere in important matters. Enjoy your evening" she says and leaves
You finally finish up your drink and look Jimin in the eyes.
"Babe, can we go home?" you ask him, desire coursing through your body.
"Yeah, let me just say my goodbyes to some people then we can leave," he says bewildered and goes around the room and gives his gratitude to everyone.
You both retire from the party and go to your home together. Your need to have him increasing bit by bit, delighting in his hands wrapped around yours. A white-hot feeling seeps through you just by thinking how these pale hands would look tied to the bedpost with a silk tie.
"What happened to you at the party?" Jimin asks, bringing you back to the real world
"Oh nothing" you reply
"No, you just...suddenly wanted to leave. Was everything alright?" he raises a question with a concerned filled voice
"Of course babe. I will be better when we reach home"
"Oh, okay"
You both enter the home and you immediately shove Jimin up against the door, gently enough so he didn't fall but stumble and you start kissing him purposely. You pin your knee between his legs and he starts to grind on you immediately.
Your kisses move from his lips to his neck, his sweet spot just behind his ear, where you know one kiss will make him melt in your arms. Just as you knew, Jimin shivers and fights back a moan. His voice rumbling in his throat.
"Don't. I want to hear your voice baby boy" you say and start licking his neck
You go to his collarbone, slowly opening his shirt, button by button. Making him wait. You know he is getting excited, you can feel his excitement on your thighs.
"Getting excited for me baby boy?" you say mockingly
"Yes" he moans as your fingers find his nipple and you start twisting it around, playing with it. Your lips again attach to his neck and he gasps.
"So this is what you meant when you said you wanted to go home" he says unexpectedly and you reply with a hum.
"Bedroom. Now" you order him
"And take off your clothes while you are at it"
"Yes ma'am" he teases and obediently goes into the bedroom. You take your time to go behind him.
Locking the door behind you, you go to the kitchen and take a bottle of water and a pack of cookies for him. You love taking care of him, even if you both make love you still love to tuck him in and make sure he feels loved. Sometimes he does that for you too.
You enter the bedroom and see that Jimin is already on the bed, a pillow tucked between his legs, humping it, his eyes closed and soft gasps escaping his lips. The scene in front of you particularly erotic, you couldn't help but clench your legs together to get a hold of yourself. Easing yourself.
You quietly keep all your supplies on the nightstand and climbed on the bed, hovering over him
"Already started without me hmm," you say
"I-i couldn't stop, sorry"
"Well someone has to teach you the value of patience"
"But-" his sentence cut short as you bring your lips to his in a heated kiss
"No more talking if it's not moaning my name" you order sternly and he nods
You look around and find his discharged tie lying on the floor. You pick it up and start to tie his hands around the bedpost. After making sure it's secure you open your special drawer and bring your favourite toy to him.
"Are...are you going to-"
"Ah, what did I just say"
"Good boy" you reply and see him blushing. You always knew this title affects him in ways you love to watch.
You climb on the bed open and the lube bottle, slowly starting to drain the cold liquid on his burning cock
"Nghh" he moans, clearly not expecting that.
"Shh baby boy, this is just the beginning" you say
You spread the lube on him and take your lubed fingers towards his hole.
Small whimpers escape him as you start to massage his hole. You dip one finger inside of him and see him tightening his hold on the tie.
"Ready?" you ask
"Yes please" he breaths and you start to move your finger inside of him.
He tugs at the silk fabric but it is of no use. You move on top of him so you are straddling his thigh, your fingers still moving inside of him.
You curl them and incoherent moans escape his lips. You hit his prostate again and his eyes roll back. His lips start to quiver and his breathing increases as he starts to clench his hole around your fingers. You know these expressions very well by now so you immediately remove your fingers from him
"Why!" he whines below you and you chuckle
"Don't worry baby. I will make you feel good" you say and pick up your favourite possession, a vibrating buttplug.
You lube it up and switch it on so it buzzes to life. You gently push it up against Jimin while he clenches his fist tightly and curls his toes.
"Are you okay baby?" you ask
"You are doing so good for me"
You start to fuck the plug inside of him. Jimin moans as the vibrator hits deeper inside of him. You abruptly stop your movements and see a dazed look on his face as he whines like a puppy.
"Baby, do you want to make me feel good too?" you say and he immediately nods. You know he will never deny you pleasure and he loves it when he is the one providing it.
You move on top of him and take his dick in your hands give it a few strokes and then you take him inside of you. Both of you moan as you start to move, the vibrator still in his ass. You have been waiting to touch him the whole evening and now you finally get the chance to do so.
Your one hand reaches behind to fuck him while the other goes upwards and begins to play with his nipples
"Ah! y/n" he practically screams with all of these sensations.
Sweet nothings spill from your lips as you bounce on him, reaching your climax and you can also feel him desperately crying for release.
Your breath hitches as you orgasm on his cock and he makes a strangled noise. He is breathing hastily. His hips buck as he cries out your name. He releases inside of you and you can feel him shaking beneath you.
You slowly move away from him and fall next to him on the bed, huffing.
"Please..." he says and you look over to his still tied form
"Sorry!" you exclaim and start to untie him. He cuddles closer to you as soon as you release him
"I have to clean us up first then cuddles" you say and gently peel yourself from his hold. He mumbles something under his breath but then again closes his eyes
You go to the washroom and get yourself a warm towel. First, you clean yourself and then you go to the bedroom and wipe Jimin.
"Here, have some water" you offer him and he gulps down half of it making you smile at his cuteness
"Want something to eat?" you ask and he says no so you slide in the bed, pulling the mattress on top of yourself you cuddle him. His head resting under your chin as you deeply inhale his scent and fall asleep with him secured in your arms.
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cheemken · 2 years
Hi! Sorry for the bother, but I saw your comment on your Six fic "Sixteen" to send you an ask for the ending. I'm not really the other user you told that to, but I'm still curious about the ending of the series. I really love your writing btw! Downward Spiral is my favorite, the angst hurt but the concept is so interesting!
Oh sup hahah
Damn, can't believe peeps still read my old fics they be cringy af hahah but hey I'm glad you somewhat enjoyed hahah
And, of course, the ending for Sixteen, I.. never really finished it, so hey have this lil unfinished fic and then on the second cut I'm just gonna continue w the concept and all that so hey yeah here you go hahah (also pls note this is kinda old and kinda cringe so like,,, hey ig)
Pure excruciating pain shot throughout her body, and oh my God did it hurt to move. 
Trying to move her hands, she winced when she felt a sharp pain in her knuckles. She tried moving her arms, yet she also felt a sting when she tried moving them. Moving her body, her head, was somewhat bearable, however, the pain in her neck made her stop shifting. 
What happened? She asked herself, trying to recall the events before she got here. Here. Where is here? Looking around, she noticed the yellow decor scattered around the room; the blanket, the curtains, and just the whole interior of the room; this was Catalina's room.
What am I doing in Lina's room? 
"Oh good, you're awake!" A voice called out, and she winced at the volume. Turning her head slightly to the side, she saw Anna and Catherine entering the room. 
"We were so worried about you!" Catherine cried out, rushing in and kneeling on the side of the bed facing the door. "Jane, didn't I tell you that you could come to me if you had any problems? Why didn't you?"
Why didn't I..?
"Yeah, babes. We could've helped you." Cleves chimed in, closing the door behind her. She walked to the other side of the room, to the other side of the bed, and started helping Jane up. "There we go, I'm sure staying in that position for too long isn't good." 
The third queen winced in pain as her body was moved from its previous position. She heard Cleves mutter a quiet apology, then she continued helping her sitting straight up, her back now leaning against the headboard. 
"There!" Exclaimed Cleves, "so how are you? Do you need anything?"
"Jane, please we're worried, are you okay?" Parr took one of her hands, and she winced when the sixth queen brushed her fingers against her knuckles. "Ah, I'm sorry," she muttered. 
What happened?
"Anne was so worried, you know. Kat, too. She mentioned how you weren't okay before you locked yourself in your room," rang Parr's quiet voice. "She went to me, asked if I knew something, then before we knew it, you were screaming." 
Cleves slowly nodded, an unreadable expression in her face. "We also heard a thud that came from your room, we found your phone broken on the floor, and shattered glass was everywhere. What did you even do?" 
Jane breathed out a shaky breath. Her gaze held a far off look in them, almost empty, devoid of any emotions. Broken phone, shattered glass. "I don't know," she breathed out, "I don't know," she repeated, voice completely monotone, "I just wanted them to shut up." 
Both Cleves and Parr looked at each other, taken aback by the answer, then slowly, swallowing the lump in her throat, Parr asked, "who?" 
"Them." Was Jane's whispered reply. 
Raising a brow, Cleves spoke, "you have to be more specific than that."
Specific. Be more specific. You see. That's why no one wants to talk to you.
"My siblings," she said, letting out a cold breath, then she continued, "Henry," Cleves and Parr flinched at the name, "my father." 
"Is he still here?" 
"Is my father still here?" 
Jane's voice was quiet, fearful, yet her face was still free of emotions, and it was nerve-wracking. 
"Is he still here? Are my siblings still here? Is Henry still here? Is Edward here?" 
"Woah, okay, calm down," Cleves tried consoling Jane, placing both hands on Jane's shoulder, almost pushing her back against the headboard. "Calm down, okay? They're not here. Not anymore, I guess. So calm down." 
They could still be here and you want me to calm down?!
Knitting her brows, Jane gritted her teeth, "but what if—"
Parr cut her off, "no, no 'what if's', Jane! They're gone, and they can't hurt you anymore." 
"Yeah," Cleves nodded, now placing one of her hands on top of Jane's head, ruffling her hair, "you gave us quite the scare there, Janey!" She chuckled, yet it only made Jane cringe. 
"I'm sorry," Jane said, looking down on her hands on her lap. "I'm so sorry…"
Parr gave Cleves a look and turned to Jane, "hey, don't apologise. We're just really worried about you, Jane. You almost stabbed yourself."
Jane's eyes widened, "I almost…" she looked down on her bandaged arms. "But they did this… right?"
Didn't they?
Did we?  
Her breath hitched. 
No, we didn't.
"Jane, are you alright?" 
You're the only one who did that, Jane. 
Why would you blame us?
"Jane, please we're getting worried!"
You're so quick to pin the blame on the people who weren't there.
"Jane, please!"
Why would you blame your family, Jane?
She gasped, breath quickened with each one she takes. Looking up, she saw them.
Thomas and Edward.
"Are you alright?" Thomas asked, brows furrowed in worry. That doesn't seem right. "Jane, please, we're worried about you." He wasn't this caring. "We almost lost you," he whispered, placing his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it gently. 
This has to be a trick.
"You know you don't have to handle this alone, right? We're family, Jane!" exclaimed Edward, his crimson eyes flashing with his smile. He didn't have those coloured eyes. 
"Family…" she muttered, "we're family." That felt wrong to say… but it also felt right.
Edward nodded, "yeah! We help each other out!" You never helped me. "We take care of each other, Jane. You don't have to handle all of this alone." He softly said, giving her a gentle smile. 
She wanted to smile too, she has never felt this safe around her brothers, but god she was so conflicted. She knows this is a trick. When were they ever nice to her? They used her. 
And yeah that's all I got before I gave up, but hey the thing after that is Cleves and Parr calling in Kat since Anne and Aragon are still talking and such, well, more like Aragon calming down Anne
But Jane didn't see Katherine as herself, instead she saw her own sister Elizabeth, and it scared her. She's scared Elizabeth will call their father again and Jane would get punished. She panicked. But Liz just hugged her, and now she's wondering "why..?"
What do you mean "why"?
Didn't you hated me...
And of course, in Kat's mind, maybe it's all the lil fights and arguments they had, but no, that's not what Jane truly meant. So Kat just hugged her tigtly and was all "I never hated you, idiot! Yes we fight, and yes sometimes I say that, but I never mean it! Please don't push me away again, Jane... I don't wanna lose you..." And Jane's there wondering why Elizabeth apologized. She never did. She never cared.
And hey, Kat was all "oh God, Anne's gonna be so happy you're awake!" Like, she's crying tears of joy now that Jane's awake, and she's sure Anne would too, so she hugged Jane again and went out the room, calling for Anne
So Anne came running in w Kat behind her, and she runs up to Jane, hugging her tight and "God, don't you ever do that again! Don't you ever do that again, Jane! Don't scare me like that, please.. please, my dove, I don't want to lose you too." And she's crying on Jane's shoulder, pulling her close, almost afraid to let her go, afraid that she'd vanish if she does. "Jane, please, don't scare me like that again, oh, ma petite colombe, I was so worried.."
And it broke Jane of course, bc it's not Anne she sees yet, it's her own mother. And God, she feels so guilty, she doesn't want her mother to worry about her. She doesn't. Jane sobbed quietly, hugging Anne back, and burying her face on the crook of Anne's neck. "I'm sorry," she said between her sobs, "I'm sorry, mother.."
And hey, Anne just held her tighter, "it's okay, my dove. It's okay now. You're here, you're safe.." and God she could still feel her own heart beating rapidly in her chest, and she's trying to calm herself down now, Jane's safe, right, so that's all that matters now.
Everything was okay at least, her sister might be there, but she apologized, which was kinda odd for Jane, but she's taking it. It's not always her sister apologizes, and her brothers were so nice now, she has their mother with them. So maybe it was going to be okay.
Then Aragon came in with Parr and Cleves, but in Jane's eyes, it's Thomas and Edward with Henry.
Her breath quickened, her grip on the sheets became tight, her knuckles turned white. She held her tongue, she doesn't want to make a scene in front of her family, she doesn't want them to be disappointed in her, so she sat there as she watched Henry approached her.
The others left, giving them space, and oh God she hated it, she hated being alone with Henry. She doesn't want to be with him. But she had no choice.
"Jane.." he said, but his voice was soft, I was never like that, it was always raspy, it was rough, this isn't like him. "I was so worried.. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me." He grabbed one of her hands gently and held it between his own, crying, he said, "I should've been there for you, my love. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there."
It's conflicting, to say the least, because he wasn't this nice. This has to be some sort of trick. They're all just playing this game and she's not aware what it is. And it breaks her because what if her own mother is behind all this too..
But, Jane's tired. She's so drained, at this point, why even bother fighting back, yeah? So with a sigh, she fell on Henry's chest, letting him pull her close to him, closing her eyes and pretending everything will be fine. Pretending that everything will turn out okay, that maybe Henry is nicer now, he's changed, and so did her siblings. This is probably the actual second life she's been promised, yeah? And now she only hopes nothing could ruin it anymore.
But, she wonders, is all this true? Is it really her siblings with her? Was that truly her mother? Is this even Henry? There's so many questions running her mind, so many names wanting to be called out, but God she's just so tired. And there's no way, right? There's no way Anne Boleyn would like her, there's no way Katherine Howard recognizes her, there's no way Catherine of Aragon is with her. Her queen isn't here anymore... So she should stop believing the lie she sees in the reflection of the window, that it's Aragon hugging her right now, not Henry.
And yeah owo
The end uwu
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someone1348 · 3 years
This is for my lovely best friend who was kind enough to write me a fic! Here's yours! @sleepy--anon i hope you enjoy!
People in this: Ler!Sapnap, Lee!Quackity
(Karlnapity romance so if you dont like that dont read it!)
Tw: like the smallest bit of angst (jealousy) pretty much! Thats it though it's soft! For the most part! And mild cursing!
Plot: While Karl is out on a "business trip" (time travel stuff) he leaves his other two husband's alone and well lets just say it was an eventful evening to say the least
With all that being said enjoyyyy :]
Tickle fights and Tickling in general was almost an everyday occurrence in the Karlnapity household. It pretty much was second nature to the three.
With that comes ler moods and lee moods poping up left and right. Typically between the three Sapnap was ler the most, followed by Quackity with Karl most of the time being lee, nothing bad of course, they loved the dynamic of everything from this specific thing to how their relationship worked. They were happy and that's all that mattered.
The days went on as they normally do.
"EE! SAHahap! StahAhap!" Karl would twist around from Sap's evil fingers pushing at the boy's hands, giggling freely as quackity watched smiling a bit as his two husband's went on to do what they do.
It was always like this for the most part. While he was getting a snack,
"No pLEase!! Hehe" Karl's beautiful laugh could be heard from the other room.
While cuddling, sap would run his fingers over the time traveler's stomach sending sweet giggles to flow out of their husband's mouth.
Even in the store one time Sapnap poked at Karl's sides. Of course Quackity would join in sometimes to tickle his favorite lee (leaning) fiancé, but he was jealous, beyond jealous.
Seeing this everyday not only built up on his lee moods but he just wanted to be involved, not just in tickles but in the relationship. He wants cuddles and attention and affection from the two people he loves most.
And yeah with the lee moods he has bad but it's not the same. He wants his husband's and so help me thats what he was gonna get. He was a man on a mission.
'Let's goooo!!' He thought in his head as he started the day.
Karl had left last night, the bed was alot colder now. He turned to see Sap curled up onto his side his mouth slightly a-jar with his hair flowing perfectly on top of his face.
He sighed happily lightly pushing some of the hair out of his face. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this happy and in love.
'I'm gonna make him breakfast' He thought getting up carefully as to not wake him and got started on cooking up his favorites.
Not even 20 minutes later the firey boy poked his head into the kitchen
"Mmmm yay! Thank you babe!"
Quackity smiled "Anytime"
After the two finished the scilence became loud.
"What do you wanna do?" Quackity asked rocking a bit back and fouth on his heels trying not to make the scilence anymore awkward.
"I got work to do so you entertain yourself, I'll be quick"
Quackity nodded "okay! Good luck!"
"Thanks" Sap said shooting him a smile leaving back to their shared room to do the said work.
The beanie boy sighed flopping down onto the couch. He flipped on a random channel and texted Karl.
'Hey Baby!! I hope your trip is going good,we miss you and can't wait to see you tomorrow!<3'
He held the phone close to his chest letting out another sigh. He knew in his heart that Sapnap was gonna be busy all day so instead of sulking he told him he was going for a walk.
He went walking around, coming back, making more food, playing video games. All while sap typed away at the keyboard.
It wasn't helping at all it only increased the feeling of wanting to be with his Sapnap, his fiancé, he wanted attention and love dammit!
The smaller boy marched up to their room.
the bandana wearing man shook and snaped up to look at his clearly ticked off tiny lover.
"WOAH! what!?! Yes?!" He said furrowing his eyebrows.
"Are you done yet?"
The other slowly blinked "uhhhh,," he looked back at his work "nope not yet"
"Too bad! You are now finished because i say so!" He crossed his arm's
"Ha! Yeah thats cute hun but im busy, i gotta get this done, im sorry, I'll be there soon"
Quackity scoffed "whatever" he left as sapnap sighed
'He's never like this, maybe i should stop and check on him' Sapnap thought closing his laptop quietly sneaking up on his amazing fiancé on the couch.
"HIYA!" he tackled him to the couch holding him close.
"WA!- SHIT!" he fell over with him now in a cuddly trap, smiling widely giggling a bit.
"What's wrong Quacky babe" Sap said concerningly putting his head to his adorable smol husband's shoulder.
"I wanted to hang out together,,, i want to be involved, i want attention and affection and love sapnap and i haven't gotten anyyy in a long time" Quackity spilled out as sap processed everything.
'Looking back i see where he's coming from, it's been alot of Karl-'
"Don't get me wrong i love karl and i love giving him attention and affection and everything and i love watching you two be that way with each other i just i guess i felt a bit left out"
Sapnap nodded,
"Im Sorwy baps, forgive me?" He used his small voice making quackity cringe a bit jokingly.
"Give me attention and we will see what happens" He smirked
"Hmmmm" He anticipated his moves and ideas watching quackity's eyes that were pointed right to his hands
'So that's what he wants' he smirked wider lightly running his fingers slowly up and down his sides.
The other on top of him tensed "s-sap"
"Yea babe?" He said as if he wasn't tracing the man's sides with tickly anticipation.
"W-what are you doing?"
"Giving you attention, isn't that what you wanted?" He smiled at him as Quackity sank into Sapnap's embrace leaning his head on the pillow behind them, Sapnap's head still on his shoulder.
Sap lowly giggled quickly stittering his hands his stomach then back to his sides watching him lift up and squeak.
"You're such a dick" Qauckalee said in a joking matter making Sapnap's smirk deepen.
"Oh im a dick?!" He digged into his stomach watching as quackity squealed digged his heels to the end of the couch.
"Thats my name love~" sap moved closer towards his bellybutton.
"Yes there! The giggle button has been unpressed for wayy to long, i need it to make up for the lost times Quackity"
Sapnap giggled with him taking in every werid noise and laugh that the touch starved lee had made.
Seeing it was clear he wasn't used to it he slowed down moving back to his sides lightly to get his breathing steady again.
"Easy tiger, i got you" he reassured him getting his breathing together
"Im gonna getcha'!" Sapnap said moving up towards his ribs scribbling along up and down and In-between.
The smaller's back arched as his giggles mixed into light laughter.
"AyEehehe naha-Ha! Tickles!! It tickles!!" The man rang out trying to squirm out of his fiancé's tickle trap.
"Thats the point Quacker's im hungryyyy i need your giggles to surviveee" he lightly blew a raspberry onto his neck, the other scrunching up
"Nomnomnom" he made fake eating sounds, playing pretend before blowing another raspberry into his neck.
Sapnap giggled and stopped holding him close rubbing circles into the top of his hand
"Come here bubba" He lifted Quackity up letting him wrap around him while he got a blanket.
Sitting back down he put the blanket overtop of them throwing on the Disney movie Coco for some well deserved aftercare and fiancé time, Playing with his hair Sapnap smiled down at his man kissing the top of his head.
"We gotta get you a haircut buddy its so long" he teased as quackity laughed
"I'll get a haircut the day you shave" the tired one teased back both laughing together enjoying the moment, the beanie boy slowly falling asleep on his chest.
"Goodnight handsome" he placed another kiss to the top of his head.
Quackity's phone went off, Sapnap looked, it was Karl.
'Hi bubby!! It's going lmao, i miss you both so much too! I'll be home soon i promise! And when i do get home It's cuddle time! Hehe I'll talk to you soon quack baby! Tell sap i said hi and that i love him too! *mwah!*'
Sapnap smiled and put the phone back down to the side of him, smiling at the boy in his arms.
'Homework can wait'
I absolutely LOVED writing this! I love Karlnapity! I hope you all enjoyedd! :]
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Show Me Your Room -
Jeongguk established relationship
Fluffy smut : Part of the GCU
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The studio sat abandoned, the call of dinner pulling everyone away for the evening. The last two cars in the parking lot, you presumed belonged to security. 
"I can't believe I forgot my airpods. I'll just run in and grab them."
Leaning over to the passenger side he kissed your cheek. "Sorry I'm cutting into our date time." 
"Can I come see?" 
"Yeah? You really want to?"
"Of course! You think I'm not interested in what you do all day?" 
The long halls of the warehouse were lined with huge doors but only one had the BTS logo across it. The bright yellow sign read, "CLOSED SET - credentials must be shown for entry."
"Am I going to get in trouble for being here?"
"I think it'll be okay, but you'd better stay close." he winked  reaching for your hand. 
"This is where the magic happens!" He pushed the door open for you to enter. "Welcome to my room."
It was amazing, it could have been in anyone with a teenage boys' house. Your jaw hung open in awe at the details.
"A Surfboard? Clothes, look at all these posters. This is seriously cool!"
He laughed at your excitement. 
"So is this what your room at home looked like?"
"Are you kidding, my mom would never let me be this messy."
He slid his arm around your waist kissing the top of your head.
"And, she'd kill me if I ever had a girl in my room." 
Pulling away you looked at him seriously. "Jeongguk? Are you telling me you never had a girl...over?" 
He shook his head, "never"
"We need to fix that, baby that's sad." 
"Yeah? I'll drive, it'll take a few hours and my parents might be suspicious as to why we just showed up…" He dangled his car keys playfully. "but let's go." 
You punched his shoulder, "I'm not kidding Guk, let's take care of it." You looked towards the bed, "right now."
His face was dumbfounded but it held an open mouth grin like he was processing the scenario. 
Gently taking the car keys from his hand you threw them on the wooden desk. 
"Now's your chance, you've got me here, we're alone, I want you to show me your moves." 
"You're such a wild girl."
You kissed his neck, "tell me you don't like it," you could feel him hard against you.
"I love it, I love you." 
Your mouths met halfway, hard and needy against each other. 
"What about security?" he got out breathily while pulling his shirt off. 
"I'm trying to fulfill a fantasy here Guk...isn't part of it the fear of getting caught?"
Grabbing for the waist of his jeans you tugged him around to the bed and pushed him back. 
A loud bang and a string of expletives filled the air as Jeongguk's head hit the steeply sloped ceiling.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry are you okay?" 
You lay on his chest and pushed his hair back, "Want me to kiss it better?"
He nodded in full pout until your lips were almost touching his.  Quickly blocking you with his hand, he playfully pushed your head back laughing, "uh uh...lower."
Leaving trails of kisses down his abs you smiled, "You say it like it's a punishment."
It had only been a few weeks since you became a couple, but you couldn't see yourself ever getting tired of Jeongguk. 
He moaned as you reached into his boxers and wrapped your hand around him. The soft honey skin taught over his hard swollen shaft in beautiful juxtaposition always made you desperate for him. He looked down at you smiling, Your cheeks flushed with colour.
"Nobodies ever made me feel the way you do." 
"I guess I'll take that as a compliment since your cock's not even in my mouth yet."
"I'm serious." 
Your tongue ran around the outline of his tip, "so serious…" 
Sliding your lips down his shaft he groaned, "seriously in love with you."
Wetness grew inside your panties as your mouth worked him over. Your hand slid easily up and down his saliva covered cock.
"Have I told you how pretty your cock is Guk?" 
He grabbed the pillow and held it over his face, "Stop, you're not supposed to say things like that." It was muffled but you could tell he was smiling.
Sitting to straddle him your hands creeped under his down filled hiding place and lifted the corner.
"Why? It is pretty."
Pulling your shirt over your head you pressed yourself against his bare chest.
"What should I say instead? Should I tell you it's huge and manly and I love how it ravages me?" 
"YES!" he flipped you quickly onto your back, "That's exactly what I want to hear." 
His face was lingering above you and he wiggled his eyebrows, "We should probably hurry before my parents come home and catch us." 
He slid your panties to the side and let his fingertip linger at your entrance.
"Jeongguk, do you think if we met in high school you would have liked me?" 
He took a pause, "I think," he kissed you softly, " That we are destined for one another in every lifetime and no matter where or when we continue to meet I will immediately recognize you as my soul mate." 
Your eyes locked and he tilted his head cutely at you.
"yes baby?" he wiped away the tear that had snuck out to roll down your cheek. 
"I'm gonna need you to ravage me with that pretty cock now." 
He sat up and hooked his fingers into your panties. Sliding them down your legs and over your feet he tossed them across the room. 
Meeting back together you laced your fingers through his hair kissing him wildly as he entered you. Moaning in unison as he bottomed out you both giggled.
"Do we do that everytime?"
"Everytime," he worked his hips into you. "and I hope it never stops."
His lips slid over your neck sending every nerve ending into a frenzy that made your toes curl. He felt so good filling you that your brain turned off and all you could see was a kaleidoscope of colours behind your eyes.
"Jeongguk, I'm so close, don't stop, please don't stop…" 
You could feel yourself fluttering around him. In such a short time  he'd already figured your body out. No matter how excited he got for his own climax he always made sure to keep his pace steady until you cried out his name. 
Sweat soaked skin slapped together as lips and hips synchronized to the grand finale. 
"Jeongguk," you cried out as he spurted into you collapsing in exhaustion.
Laying together wrapped in the thin plaid blanket you held on to one another catching your breath. 
"That was amazing," he kissed the top of your head.
"You know what else is amazing?" 
"What's that?" he asked.
"Food. I think we can still make our reservation if we hurry." 
He squealed in delight and jumped out of the bed. 
"Girl of my dreams prioritizing sex and food." 
Almost dressed you could hear footsteps getting closer. The door pushed open and security tentatively approached your scrambling figures.
"Everything okay in here?" 
Laughing all the way to the car he wrapped his arms around you. 
"Jeongguk...I don't have my panties…" 
He kissed the back of your hand. "I'll find them when we come back to shoot tomorrow."
But he never did.
Months later you sat in living room as he hurried up the hall towards you."
"They just sent the finished Dynamite MV babe are you ready to watch?" 
Pressing play he stopped about 40 seconds in to point excitedly. There, beside the backpack on the floor, your panties peeked into the frame. 
The untrained eye would have no idea, but he spotted them just a little too quickly and with just a little too much glee for it to be a coincidence. 
"Jeongguk, did you leave those there on purpose?" 
Read the other Golden Closet Fics
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agentnolastname · 4 years
Tell the World
Pairing: Raleigh Carrera x Cadence Dorian (Platinum)
Prompt: Image
for: @choicesseptemberchallenge20 • Day 25
Note: Hello! This is my first time joining a fic fest and my first time writing, too. It's not the best but I hope you'll enjoy it. Thank you!
Cadence wakes up as the rays of sun hit her eyes. She stirs and tightens her arms around the waist of the man beside him, unwilling to move and get the day started. It hasn't even been 24 hours since the last time she went on stage and she feels so tired. She groans as her phone buzzed once again making the latter chuckle from behind her and stroke her hair.
"Babe, you have to wake up. Your phone has been going off since earlier." Raleigh pats her back lightly as he inched himself away from her only to put a kiss on her forehead and on the tip of his nose. Cadence waits for his lips to land on hers yet she didn't feel it. So he opened her eyes and pouts only to see her boyfriend grining down at her. "Thought it's gonna wake you up and it did. Good morning, hermosa. Let's move now, shall we?" He says finally reaching to let their lips meet.
Cadence groans and hides her head on his neck once again.
"Can't we stay for another hour?" She protested and let herself nuzzle the latter's neck. Raleigh just stays still as she does, holding her tighter.
"You know just how much I'd love that but I bet Fiona would disagree." Just then, her phone buzzed once again. Fiona's caller ID appearing on her screen. Raleigh takes it and answers the call.
"Hey, Fiona." He answers brightly. His husky voice long gone. Cadence chuckles as Raleigh continues bickering with her publicist on the phone.
It was after a few minutes when Raleigh sets the phone down on the night stand that he rolls them over, he ends up hovering on top of her.
"My manager talked with Fiona and it's bad news." Raleigh smirks as he lowers himself to trace kisses on Cadence's neck. She giggles at the sudden contact, lulling her head back to give his boyfriend more access.
"How bad?" Cadence asked him as he goes to kiss her on the lips once again.
"Let's just say, a pap saw me walking into your house last night." Cadence hums and pushed him to sit. She moves to straddle him.
"That's not so bad." Cadence says unfazed, trailing Raleigh's neck and chest with her fingers as she follows them with little kisses. The man held her on the waist pulling her impossibly close.
"Except they saw me carrying a box of condoms." Just like a lightning, Cadence's expression changed as she moved away from Raleigh's body.
"They did what?!" She asked, obivously surprised. Well who wouldn't be? The press will eat this issue. Especially when both of them are coming out with an album next month. Especially when they allegedly broke up three weeks ago.
"They saw me walking into your house with a box of condoms in hand." Raleigh chuckles and pulls her back to him. He leans his forehead against hers and smiles. "It isn't that bad, babe."
"Raleigh, we broke up three weeks ago." Cadence says emphasizing the word broke up as if it'll knock some sense into him.
"That's what they know." Raleigh shrugs, Cadence hits his shoulder lightly and stands up. Grabbing clean towels and heading into the shower. "Oh in the shower? Again?"
"You're not joining me for shower today, Mr.Carrera!" Cadence says out loud just as he was about to enter. He laughs and moves away going back to bed as he waits for her to finish.
This will be a long day.
They arrived at Overknight early since they did not make any stops today, Cadence did not even speak to him during the whole ride. She just leaned on his shoulders and not say anything. Not that Raleigh would wish for anything else though. Holding Cadence in his arms is more than enough, but surely, being able to tell the world that she is a big part of his life rather than a phase would be great. They walked into the studio hand in hand. Cadence stayed quiet despite Raleigh's efforts to open up a conversation one after another. They sat side by side into a couch in front of Fiona and Raleigh's publicist, Edward.
"I said that you two should be careful." It was the first thing they heard from the two. Cadence's heart beats fast on her chest. Unable to make herself feel at ease because of the possible scenarios this event might lead up to.
She doesn't get nervous often, but then this might affect both of their careers, and she wouldn't like it if this will harm Raleigh's career in any way. She looks down as the publicists talks about the issue, thinking of ways to avoid further controversies.
"If we're talking about publicity then this issue is definitely doing great in terms of exposure. America loved their relationship, don't you think?" Edward scrolls through twitter showing that the netizens mostly had positivie reactions regarding this.
Some even thinks it's funny how their relationship is an open secret the company is trying to hide. Cadence plays with her hands, still unable of what to make of it. Suddenly, Raleigh's hand covered hers and gives it a little squeeze. When she looks at him, she saw Raleigh grinning at her. So she smiles, too.
They continued discussing with their publicists unable to come up with a definite solution, but with the current position of the issue, it seems like there's no way that it'll worsen. After an hour, Fiona decided that it was enough talk for a day.
"I can see that the issue has no significant effect on your standings. I'll leave it up to you both."
Just like that they were dismissed. They said their goodbyes and head home right after.
Contrary to what Raleigh had initially thought, today went by fast. They dozed off to sleep right after they reached home and they played a couple of movies during the afternoon, making out a few times in between. Yet, they still haven't decided on what they should do next.
It was night and Cadence is almost done cooking for dinner. Raleigh, on the other hand, is on the kitchen bar stool when he decided to bring the topic up.
"I want to go public." He says randomly as he takes in the sight of his girlfriend moving across the kitchen. Looking a lot more beautiful wearing her messy bun and without make ups on.
This is the kind of sight he would kill to see everyday. The kind of moment he would like to boast around the world. He's the lucky man who gets to eat Cadence Dorian's cooking every day, what's there not to be smug about? He chuckles when he realized Cadence still hasn't moved since he says it. He stands up and goes behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning down on her shoulder.
"I want to tell the world that we own each other, Cadence." He says, placing a soft kiss on her exposed shoulder. Cadence turns the stove off as she looks over her shoulder to reach his lips for a kiss.
"What if some of your fans become mad again?" She says, now leaning her head into Raleigh's chest.
"They're not fans if they act like that. Besides, I don't intend on having fans forever. On the other hand..." he trails off and perched a kiss on top of her head. "... I plan to stick with you from now on."
Cadence chuckles at this, turning around and dragging Raleigh back into the living room where she pushed her boyfriend into the couch and she sits on his lap. Raleigh's arms are wrapped into her in seconds.
"Is this real? Raleigh Carrera being cheesy? Sounds like headlines to me." She teased as she loops her arms around Raleigh's neck.
"Make it a headline then, I don't care." He says nuzzling her neck. "If that's how you want to go public then so be it. Good way, too, since they'll realize I probably plan on marrying you."
"And do you?"
"Of course, hermosa." He chuckles placing yet another kiss on her neck. Cadence giggles and hugs him tighter.
"I love you."
"I love you more, Cadence."
"You go and tell the world how crazy you are for me then."
Raleigh placed one more kiss before the latter stood up and heads back into the kitchen. He follows after a few seconds hastily snapping and image of his girlfriend. Then he opens twitter and types, attaching the picture he just took, clicking on the tweet button once he's done.
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He chuckles as their friends replied one by one. The people went crazy, as their names enter the worldwide trends in just a few minutes. Cadence confusedly looked at him as she unlocks her phone only to see his tweet.
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"God, why is my boyfriend like this?" She frowns and placed their food in front of Raleigh who is still busy scrolling through the tweets. Cadence sits beside him and sends a tweet.
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"What's this? You actually don't mean..." Raleigh trails off and shakes his head, moving closer to Cadence. "Nah, you won't break up with me." He says sneaking his arms around her waist immediately.
"Oh, who told you?" Cadence raises her eyebrows, bringing her tweet to life as he teased his boyfriend. Yet, Raleigh didn't budge. He still wears his confident smirk, inching himself closer to her. He leans his head on Cadence.
"You did."
They both laughed as they started eating. Finally relieved that they wouldn't be sneaking out for a date tomorrow, or the next few days, or ever. They happily ate dinner. Glad that they can finally date freely now.
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Inside Jokes and References in the Full Bios
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Mainly for @spacelizardtrashboys and @kuruumiya
Also: Any time strikethrough text is used it's because it's meant to be secret information, for example on the small bios any time 'Lucifarian' truly isn't their last name their is strikethrough test after saying that it's not their real name. This is to say that no matter what is written or if it's strikethrough text or not, it is there for a reason.
Damien - Bio In-Jokes and References:
The Quote for him refers back to his 'King of Hell' gimmick, as does his middle name, Rex means king.
He's protective, like a dad, but also way too overprotective over the gimmicks for the girls. He's an old, old school guy so he enjoys card games with the boys.
He's supposed to sound like a young Hugh Laurie, mainly because if I heard a young Hugh Laurie say Damien's bio quote I wouldn't be able to take him seriously.
His main finisher (Seventh Circle) refers back to (a) him being the king of hell and (b) the seventh circle is for violence, and well, he's a wrestler, that's a pretty violent job.
He calls fans both 'peasants' and his 'loyal subjects' because he's like an asshole-ish king who'd quickly be dethroned if they rebelled.
Vickie - Bio In-Jokes and References:
The Quote for her refers back to her gimmick along with the old saying 'pride comes before the fall'.
She's called 'Victoria' because of both (a) it meaning victory and (b) the fact that Queen Victoria ruled back when Britain had an empire, then the empire fell (as in pride [Vickie] before a fall)
Both Her and Damien are born in August and are the only two to share a birth month as they are Father and Daughter (non-kayfabe, as in they share DNA)
She's raised Christian as back when she was growing up England was a lot more Christian than when she became an adult so she got lax in her beliefs
Her personality is supposed to make her come across as a vain, rich, arse of a person, yet deep down she's still redeemable, she's got a long way to go before she actually redeems herself though
She's the type of person who makes sure EVERY little detail of her matches and promos are PERFECT to the point that she will control what other people do or say, down to the moment it's said/done and the way it's said/done
She only likes the other D.O.D (Daughters of Darkness) members because she has only made enemies in the short while they've been in the company, she especially dislikes George 'The Animal' Steele because of his very messy style going against her 'everything should be perfect' views
She's the leader, the brain and the mouth because of her control over the group, if she let them have more control, there might be less arguments about her amount of control
Her named moves are also references to both her gimmick and other things. Beheader is named because of the Tudor monarchs of England having kind of a thing for killing people in this way (ex. Henry VIII).
Lineage Ender is named that because if she ever botches that one specific move (it'll make sense in context/ she does it during a training scene) it could end either her own Lineage or the person she's doing it to.
Lion's den is called that because she traps them in a near-inescapable crucifix pin, and normally if someone goes into a den of Lions, they aren't escaping in one piece.
Family Pride is named that because not only is her gimmick the sin of pride, but she's got pride in her family and she's her dad's 'pride and joy' because she's his only child.
Wish for this (her main finishing move) is called that because it's an inside joke of "you're gonna 'wish for this' to be over soon"
As she's Damien's blood daughter, a 'prodigal son' joke seemed somewhat appropriate.
Billie - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to the Guerreros and the whole 'Latin lover' trope
She was born in February because of Valentine's day, hence why her birthday is two days before the 14th
She's 1/2 Cuban (just in general - both Mexican and Cuban culture is interesting to me) But she's 1/2 Cuban in case I ever need to write for Razor Ramon, I can get away with making the joke of 'my Cuban accent's better than yours'.
Her casual style is 'Suggestive' because how else is Lust supposed to dress.
She dislikes Hulk Hogan because she finds him incredibly annoying and she dislikes Jesse Ventura because she dislikes his fashion choices.
I imagine her uncle Hugo looks like Luis Guzman and her dad's like Raul Julia. Try to imagine those two wrestling as a luchador tag team.
Her mother was basically a valet to her dad, which was usually Billie's role before she was part of the D.O.D.
Her move name references are all song references: Love me Tender - Elvis' song of the same name, Personal Aphrodite - a reference to / joke on 'Personal Jesus', Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye's song of the same name.
Also, I hope to eventually use the joke 'The Babe, the babe with the power,' 'What power?' 'Power of voodoo' 'Who do?' 'You do' 'Do what?' 'Remind me of the babe' because of one of her commentary nicknames being 'The Babe'
P.G - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is in reference to her being greed and (right at the start of the story) her thoughts on money actually being able to buy her happiness
her surname 'Voronin' means crow, and well, crows like shiny things, like money
she wears 'fancy but simple' clothing because if she bought designer clothes she'd be in debt, but she still wants to look like she has more money than everyone else
she's cowardly in a Jimmy Hart way, she'll piss someone off during a promo and run away once she feels like she's in danger
she's a showman because she's more show than work, meaning she works exceptionally quick matches.
Her moves are basically jokes on the fact that she is greed, such as Gold-digger and Diamond Ring. However, Money Maker is also a joke on the fact that it's a facebuster and usually an actor's face is called their 'money maker'
She hates Hulk Hogan and Sgt slaughter because of how patriotic they are
Kirby - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to (a) the fact that she's Gluttony, (b) her being the only one who wears a mask constantly and (c) her basically being the group's scare tactic against people who think they can push them around.
I am planning on eventually making her a part of the machines, maybe as a valet, maybe as a wrestler, not 100% sure as of right now
Her mother is the Norwegian-Scottish one and her father is the Irish-Welsh one
She is the tallest (not the heaviest, that's Damien) but she's still 9 inches shorter than André.
She's willing to bleed hardway, but hates blading
She hates Big John Studd because of his disrespect, she hates Hulk Hogan because she thinks he's obnoxiously 'American', she dislikes Lord Alfred Hayes and Dynamite Kid because they are so insistent on calling her '1/4 Icelandic' whenever she talks about being 1/4 Norwegian. She hates Brutus Beefcake because he's just 'so, so much' energy-wise.
She's always been tall, always shorter than André though, she was 5'6" when she was 12, which is still taller than Sam, P.G and Eli.
Kirby's the best at using folk tales and mythology references in her promos and still keeping them dark and scary.
Her speaking voice is Jessica Hynes, but I imagine her singing voice (which will be important later) to be that of Deee-lite's Lady Miss Kier. On that note, I will be putting up a post on this part of the fic's canon.
Feeding Frenzy is meant to look similar to Roddy's wild punches, hence the 'frenzy' part of the name.
Organ grinder is named because it's meant to look really hard (like she's putting all her force and weight into it) as if she's grinding her opponents organs
Hungry for Blood is an in-joke of during her toughest matches she seems hungry to give the fans the sight of blood
Consummation is a joke of 'the match will soon be over, the match will soon be concluded, or consummated' not the sex-based meaning of that word.
Number of the beast, which is 666, is a reference to the 619, and is a modified 619 basically.
Vampire's Bite is a reference to her sitout jawbreaker looking like she could possibly bite someone's neck, like a vampire, as she performs the move
I didn't want to call her chops, chops, so I made a joke of 'oh it's chopping, like a butcher's knife'
Overfeeding is another basic gluttony reference. Cheshire Grin is a facelock-based joke. Let Them Eat Cake is a butt=cake joke
The ogress is a thinly-veiled way of the commentary team calling her ugly, because why else would she be the only one in a mask
Holly - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is written that way because I always wanted her to sound like she comes from New Jersey
She's very cuddly towards the rest of the D.O.D and thus gets called a teddy bear by the others
She's Pansexual because she doesn't care what your gender is, she loves people just being themselves
She's the only ginger because I've never seen a ginger wrestler from New Jersey
She was raised Catholic but lost her faith upon realising how bad gay people are treated by the church (Holly literally just goes "Y'all it is 1984, how are y'all gonna reject people based on who they love?")
Holly's very much the person who'll ask permission to cut a promo on someone but won't tell them how harsh she's going to be
She's the group's mom friend (mum friend?)
Before she started travelling with another member of the group (Holly travels with Sam a lot) she would accidentally no-show events
She does accidentally give incredibly stiff shots
Holly likes Gorilla Monsoon because their friendship is very much a weird pseudo-dad-daughter friendship, so basically, she's using him as her new dad
Her voice is Angie Harmon because I think Harmon sounds like a badass from New Jersey
Naptime, Dirt Nap and Lullaby are jokes of 'I'm gonna knock you out'
Eli - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a joke of 'this is why she doesn't do a lot of promos'
She's the most likely to be on one of those 'too hot for TV' blooper reels from her promos
Both she and Sam hate people taller than them
Sam - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to the fact that her tattoos are her 'masterpiece'
she dresses athletically because she's always ready for a fight, especially because she's usually the one picking fights
She likes Lou because he's like a crazy uncle to her and she likes George Steele because, unlike Vickie, she likes the wild man side of his gimmick
She's voiced by Melissa Etheridge because she's still feminine but is the most masculine sounding
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livelovelaug-h · 5 years
Let me go
Request from anonymous: Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Dean x reader based off the song Let me go by Christian Kane? Every time I here it, it reminds me of him.
A/n: this fits perfectly for Dean. let me know what you think! Hope you like it! Enjoy!
Warnings- none ? Song!fic
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"Hey I'm Dean” a cute handsome guy said sitting down in your restaurant.
“Hello. I'm y/n.”
“Pretty name for a beautiful girl.”
“Wow really that's the best you got ?” He looked confused, you just smiled.
“You get that alot?”
“Enough yea, but it's sweet”
“I have more.” he said with his nice deep mesmerizing voice.
“Oh yeah let me hear em.”
“Let me see the back of your shirt i wanna see the tag.”
“Ummm okay.” You turn a little.
“Yup just like I thought made in heaven.” you gave a big smile.
“That was nice.”
“Thank you. Got any pies?”
He never thought you would being here with him in the bunker.
You two were curled up in bed your head was resting on his chest. He was watching you peacefully sleep, watching the fall and rise of your chest. He loved how your skin felt.
Later that morning Sam told him that he found another case so he had to go pack. First joining you in the shower. He loved when your hair was wet; how different it looked. He thought it was funny how you would get mad when he would kiss you when you said you had "morning breath."
"it's fine come here baby."
Hearing the word baby literally made your heart melt and you almost couldn't breath each time.
Dean was so sweet He made you a big breakfast, he knew how much you loved your pancakes. But as he thought some things have to come to end.
“Okay so, you stay here me and Sammy are off to Louisiana. I'll call you when we get there and if we need help on research.”
“Okay sounds good.” He looked at you while you looked at the book in your hand. You were so cool with staying behind it surprised him. You should be out doing more though. “When I get back I'm going take you out.” He kissed your lips quickly.
“Really? I can't wait.”
“Me either. Love you see you soon.”
“Love you too be safe! See ya soon.” Dean was a little distracted the whole case.
“What're you thinking about Dean, you seem off. “
“It's nothing.” He mumbles. “Okay so I'll go to the victims house you go to the station.”
“Okay.. do you wanna talk about it ?”
“I'm fine I promise.”
After they finished the case Dean did indeed take you out but he seemed far away like he wasn't all there but you didn't push anything yet. You guys went for a car ride, Dean pulled over to the side of a small river.
He got out a beer from the cooler and you guys watched the sun go down from behind the Impala. When the sun went down you kissed his cheek and then you went over to his neck.
They were sitting on his tailgate
And she was lovin' on his rough neck
And she was talking 'bout running away
And he was puffin' on a cigarette
Just thinkin' (huh) How am I gonna say goodbye?
"You know, I've been thinking aren't you sad you can't see your nephew anymore?" You stopped kissing his neck.
"kinda but it's like my and my sister get along that well anyways." He nods.
"well what about working at the restaurant you miss that?"
"I mean it was nice but it got old fast. I like helping you and your brother."
"yeah me too. Do you.... Do you ever think about going back?"
"what do you mean? then I would lose you. I don't think about that. I never traveled the world this much, it's amazing."
"yeah but you don't even get out that much."
"I do why don't we plan a small trip this week? How's Texas it's your favorite ?" He pushed off the car and shook his head.
"your not getting the point y/n. This isn't gonna work out. You can't just be tied up in a bunker most of the time..." you were surprised at what he was saying, of course it hurt too.
"i think it's a good time now to just let me go, move in with your life. You don't need me. I'm like ninety Percent crap. This life is terrible, I shouldnt have dragged you into this."
"you didn't drag me i wanted to come Because I feel in love. Your not crap Dean, you know your a good man."
"maybe but this life will rip us apart. I know you act like you don't care and maybe you don't most times but i see how scared you are when I leave."
"of course because it's almost like your going in the war each time but I still stay and love you".
You don't need me baby
Stop holding on the way you are
Don't you know I'm no good for you
And it'll only break your heart
If you don't
Let me go
"you shouldn't you need to let me go y/n." He wasnt looking in your eyes, for the simple reason of not wanting to show that he is weak. You went over to him-
"nice try Dean, You see I don't think you're all that tough, I think you're scared of love and I'm not going anywhere no matter what you say. I won't take up much space. I know you've lost so many people but that's why we're being careful. I dont mind it. Your worth it Dean." You leaned up and kissed him. When you pulled back he was still crying.
"what do you say babe?"
let me go.
The end.
Here's the song !
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