#oh and also at my work earlier a girl KEPT asking me out but it was the opposite of a good time I was like fucken girl STOP
genderfreakxx · 1 year
Anyway a really fucken handsome dude bought me a beer at a concert today so I’m gonna be riding that high for the rest of the year
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spiderwcd · 9 months
sense | c.b.
pairing: colby brock x medium ! f ! reader
summary: colby meets a new medium for their video, but he didn't expect to have a crush on her 
w.c.: 5.4k
warning(s): talk about paranormal, creepy activity, a lil steamy moment
a/n:  like sleep tight, the hauntings are made up and the story line does not exist. i do want to add that, i suck at writing a lot of like investigative stories so please don’t judge me. also I had requests for this type of story, ironically I was already working on it so hope you guys enjoy it
images from pinterest !
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"Is anyone gonna join us?" Colby asked, packing his camera into his bag. 
"Actually, yeah, some girl that Celina referred from the home town," Sam replied. "She's supposed to be a medium." He added. 
The two guys finally we're going to investigate the infamous orphanage that is supposedly haunted by the spirits of the children that died. They had finally done the research and were ready to go investigate. 
"Cool, what's this girl's name?" Colby inquired. 
"Uhm, I think it's y/n?" Sam stopped to think, pulling out his phone. "Yeah, I texted her this morning letting her know we're going to catch a flight there, she's our ride." Sam chuckled, putting away his phone into his pocket. 
Colby let the name sit in his brain for a little, hoping to remember it later. It wasn't long before they were on their flight there. It was quite a while, editing and looking over their notes. 
When they landed, Sam kept searching for her face and Colby totally lost who they were supposed to look for. Sam's eyes soon lit up, recognizing her in the crowd. He waved at her, bringing her attention towards them. 
Colby finally noticed who they looked for, catching a glimpse of her. He felt his body heat up, flustered at her beauty. She was gorgeous, her hair running down her shoulders and her smile radiating through the crowds of people passing, he was surprised he didn't notice her earlier. She'd look like your typical medium, having a great style in all black, wearing an oversized band shirt, black sleeves underneath that hung over her jeans. 
"Hey guys!" Y/n greeted them, hugging Sam then moving over to Colby.
Colby felt his heart flutter and couldn't help but take her scent in, practically intoxicating. As she pulled away from her embrace, Colby couldn't help but feel disappointed. She offered them a smile and a hand with their luggage, but they declined the help. 
They moved their things into her car, ready for the trip over to their hotel. On the way there, she played music that practically matched Colby's taste. He felt as if he found his soulmate then and there. 
Sam kept asking her about herself and getting to know her. 
"So tell me, what type of medium are you?" Sam wondered. "If you don't mind me asking, of course." 
"It's okay, I like answering these, well, it's weird but I sorta have different types of abilities," Y/n began, steering the wheel. "I can let spirits communicate through me, so I'll channel them into my consciousness, letting them talk." She answered. 
"Other abilities? like what?" Colby asked, curious as he leaned forward in his seat.
"Well, I'm sure you have other mediums with my ability to see beyond what you guys can see," Y/n chuckled, amused at their curiosity. "I sort of have a heightened sense and I can see actual spirits walking around and hear whispers." 
"You know, I think you're the only medium we met who can just surrender themselves to let spirits talk through them." Sam chuckled. 
"Oh well I don't do it often, only with spirits I trust." Y/n added. 
As she finished her sentence, they had finally made their way to their hotel. It didn't take long before the three of them were inside the room, talking about random stuff. Colby couldn't help but watch her as she laughed and moved around the room. 
"What's so interesting about Nebraska?" Sam joked, starting a conversation. 
"If i'm being honest," Y/n sighed. "Nothing." She laughed. 
"Oh, that's great," Sam laughed back. "I don't want to get into the video already, but tell me, why is Nebraska so significant with orphanages?" He continued, pulling out his camera and beginning to record. 
"Well, do you guys know about the Orphan Train Movement?" She asked, leaning back on the bed she sat on. 
"No, never really heard of it." Colby replied, shaking his head. 
"Well, Nebraska is like the center of all the railways, so in the 1850's all the way until the 1920's, people would send orphans on the train from like the crowded East Coast cities into the midwest, mostly Nebraska," Y/n explained. "So, we used to have a lot of orphanages just like Haven Orphanage." She continued. 
"Really? that's really interesting." Sam commented, facing the camera towards her. 
"Yeah, again I don't really have much knowledge about it but that's what I know," Y/n corrected. "Hopefully the guide will explain it better." 
Y/n decided it's best if she lets them settle in, letting her also collect herself and prepare for their investigation. she said her goodbyes before leaving. She had to admit, she had a crush on Colby for a while. But she didn't want to feed her delusions and say he felt the same, telling herself he was probably being friendly. 
When she had left, Sam turned over to colby. 
"You so have a crush on her." Sam laughed. 
Colby turned red, covering his face, "Shut up." He muttered. 
"Hey, I just never seen you so quiet around a girl," Sam admitted. "Come on, you gonna make a move?" Sam enticed him.
Colby sighed for a second, looking at his best friend, "I-i don't know, she's only being nice, I don't want to embarrass myself and get rejected." 
"Really? Colby Brock getting rejected? Haven't seen that happen yet." Sam teased. 
Colby rolled his eyes, playfully. "Whatever, let’s just focus on this investigation for now." he averted the subject. 
Sam just gave him a look, as if it wasn't over just yet. He agreed to his friend's idea, pulling out his notes and taking more notes. 
Six o'clock came a lot earlier than they hoped, making their way to the orphanage. As they pulled into the building, they noticed y/n already waiting out front for them. Colby felt his heart beat a bit faster seeing her there. He examined her outfit and her demeanor, admiring her. 
They began making their way up towards the front doors, seeing the guide also there. It didn't take long for y/n to turn around and notice them, putting a smile on her face and her heart to melt a bit seeing colby. 
"What's up guys?" Y/n offered them a smile. "I was just talking to Morgan here about the building." She pointed towards the other woman. 
They greeted their guide, offering a warm greeting. They all introduced themselves, joking and laughing a bit. 
"Well, are you guys ready for the tour?" Morgan asked them. 
"Yeah, for sure lead the way." Sam nodded, following her. 
"Well this building was built in 1863, it was originally an orphanage named Haven Orphanage for Moved or Unwanted children," Morgan started, pointing towards the building. "It's said to be haunted, due to cruel conditions like overcrowding and shortage of supplies. The government didn't really want to pay for any orphanages, unfortunately causing it to be absolute hell for the children and staff." She continued, clasping her hands together. 
"Yeah, off the bat I already feel like some negative energy," Y/n motioned with her hands towards the building. "Like I feel a negative spirit lurking." 
"Yeah, so that you're feeling is Ruby," Morgan clarified. "She was one of the staff, she was very cruel to the children and it's rumored she sold her soul to the devil for the place to keep standing, but unfortunately she passed away from unknown causes." She continued. 
Everyone looked around, widened eyes painted on their faces. 
"Wow, okay so more demons." Sam chuckled.
"Well, it's not all bad energy," Morgan stopped him. "There's a lot of children spirits in here, they're rather playful and kind. But they do like to mess with you so don't get too scared from it." She added. 
"Wait, why am I kinda excited," y/n replied, covering her smile. "I never talked to children's spirits before." She admitted. 
"Well, it'll be a new experience for everyone then." Morgan chuckled, "Shall we start the tour then?" She suggested. 
The group agreed, making their way into the building. Immediately everyone looked around the place, noticing the different decor and admiring the ceilings. 
"So, as you can see, the building has a lot of character to it," Morgan pointed out. "But don't be fooled, there are a lot of dark corners of this building." 
Aas they went deeper into the hallway, they looked around seeing the admission office and different classrooms. 
"This was the classrooms, they would attend school here but the staff wasn't very kind," Morgan began. "A lot of the staff would use punishments that were unorthodox, like paddling which was spanking with a wooden paddle." She added. 
Colby looked over to Sam, "Maybe I should be punished." He whispered, causing y/n and Sam to laugh a bit. 
They soon wandered up the stairs, examining the stained glass on their way up. Y/n smiled as her eyes traveled around the beautiful structure, while Colby couldn’t help but watch her move and how beautiful she was. 
When they made their way up, they noticed the many bedrooms with bunk beds. As y/n began following the guide, she heard a loud metallic thump in one of the rooms. She jumped a bit, surprised by the sound. Unexpectedly, she jumped back into Colby's arms, causing her to become embarrassed. 
Colby's hands were wrapped around her for a moment before y/n, releasing her when she cleared her throat and looked down flustered. “Sorry, that just scared the shit out of me.” She muttered, placing a hand on her chest. 
“That's probably Billy,” Morgan mentioned, pointing towards one of the darkened rooms. “He likes to mess with tourists, he’s a prankster but he’s harmless.” She added. 
Y/n couldn't help but notice a small figure move out of her eyeline, causing her to swing her head towards the room. The guys followed her swift movements, examining the dark room. 
"Did you see something?" Colby asked her, looking back at her. 
Y/n tried focusing her eyes into the darkness, but nothing came up, "Could've sworn I saw something..." She whispered. 
As Sam pointed the camera towards the darkness, he zoomed into the room. "Well we definitely have to come back here for something," he commented. 
As they continued making their way further into the building, Colby couldn't keep his eyes off her. She was beautiful at every angle, he wanted to protect her from anything and everything. Y/n noticed his gaze, being a medium and all, and turned to him. Colby quickly averted his gaze off her, flustered yet again and awkwardly kept walking. 
Y/n blushes as well, trying to rationalize. She cleared her throat as she began making her way towards one of the bedrooms. 
"This was one of the girls' rooms," Morgan explained, pointing towards the different bedsheets of muted pinks and purples. "This doesn't have much activity besides a little girl who likes to sing from time to time, she's a rather sweet ghost." 
"Sam, this one should be your favorite," Colby teases, mentioning the Sallie house. 
Sam laughs, facing his friend, "I think I'm okay without another attachment." 
They all exchanged laughs as they averted their attention towards the sudden faint sounds of footsteps, followed by the rocking chair in the corner slowly creaking as it rocked back and forth. 
They went silent, looking at each other and back at the scene. But the chair just ceases its movements. 
"Okay, what the actual fuck." Colby whispered, covering his mouth in shock. 
Y/n felt a cold touch travel down her arm, as if someone swiped her arm. She looked around, trying to find the source. She felt a faint whisper in her ear, a name. 
"That was the little girl, her name is Beth if you would like to talk to her." Morgan suggested.
Y/n's jaw flew down, realizing what the name was. "You're kidding," she gasped. "I literally heard like a whisper or something with that name." She announced, crossing her arms as she felt the cold begin to engulf her. 
Sam and Colby turned to her, eyes widened in surprise. 
"Oh my god, maybe Beth wants to talk or something?" Sam considered, pointing the camera towards her direction. 
Y/n nodding, agreeing. She had experiences like this, but never this strong. She felt like her body was vibrating and buzzing with the constant movements and voices. 
"Are you okay?" Colby asked, furrowing his brows as he noticed her body shake. 
Y/n nodded slightly, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath. "Yeah just there's so much happening right now, I keep hearing different types of voices and seeing figures around the corner of my eye." She mentioned. 
Colby's eyes washed over with concern, having the need to protect her. "Did you want to take a break or anything?" He asked her, worry coated in his voice. 
Y/n smiled at his empathy, "I'll be okay, just my body is buzzing a bit, but thank you." She breathed out, flustered at his concern. 
Before they knew it, they had made their way to the darkest part of the building. The basement was where supposedly a lot of the children died from cruel punishments, creating a lot of angry spirits. 
"Okay, so before we make our way around," Morgan began, turning back to the group of people. "There is a lot of negative energy here, they will try to hurt you. People always leave here with scratches and even have been pushed off the stairs going to the basement." She warned. 
The group felt tense, nervous about what comes next. When they entered the dimly lit room, they could barely navigate through the dark basement as they stayed close to each other. 
Y/n heard something fall, causing her to jump forward and instinctively grab the person's hand. That person being Colby. She blushed as she realized who it was, clearing her throat and mumbling an apology. 
"It's okay," Colby assured, smiling but she couldn't see it. "You can hold my hand if you want, I'm sorta shitting bricks right now too." He chuckled, stretching out his hand to her. 
She felt her heart skip a beat, hesitantly reaching for his hand. As she grabbed onto his hand, she felt her body rush with electricity. Y/n was glad that the room was too dark to see her flustered face. 
"Alright guys," Morgan sighed, stopping under a lightbulb. "This was where most of the children actually died." She mentioned. 
Y/n felt a wave of sadness coarse through her body, her lip beginning to quiver. Colby looked over to her, seeing the glisten of her tears. 
"Hey, you okay?" He asked her, his brows furrowed with worry. 
"Y-Yeah, I just felt this wave of sadness," she sniffled in response. "like I feel them telling me something so horrible happened to them." She added. 
Colby felt sad to see her cry, wanting to wipe her tears away. Instead he gripped onto her hand firmly, reassuring her. 
Morgan nodded at her comment, "It was actually gruesome," she began. "The kids would be punished here, starved, even beaten. A lot of that resulted in death." 
Everyone in the group frowned, so much remorse for the poor children's lives that were lost. 
"But," Morgan cut in. "Like I mentioned before, there is an adult spirit who haunts here, Ruby. It's rumored she was murdered down here or the other theory was she was pushed out of one of the windows." 
They thought for a moment, feeling a cold chill rush through them causing them to shiver for a bit. 
"Did you guys feel that?" Sam asked, pointing the camera towards them, ignoring their grasp on each other. 
The two nodded, their eyes darting throughout the basement. 
"Man, I don't like the vibe I'm getting here." Y/n whispered, trying to inch closer to Colby. 
Colby agreed, lacing his fingers through hers as he pulled her closer to his body. He felt so protective of her, wanting her to be safe. 
"Yeah, we don't want to be down here for too long," Morgan began making her way back to the exit. "People get seriously hurt here." She added, sternly. 
Y/n's eyes widened, looking up at Colby. He looked back once he noticed her glance and smiled as he guided her towards the exit. 
Once they exited the creepy basement, y/n let go as she thought Colby wouldn't want Sam to see their hold, causing Colby to become disappointed. 
Morgan led the group towards the front of the building, Y/n walking alongside with her as Sam and Colby hung behind them. 
"Dude, I saw you guys down there," Sam smirked, grabbing Colby's attention. "You know, holding hands," He teased. 
Colby rolled his eyes as he flustered at his best friend's teasing, "So what?" He murmured. 
"Admit it, you like her, don't you?" Sam asked, wiggling his brows slightly. 
This only caused Colby to get more embarrassed, looking away from his best friend. 
Sam only chuckled, reaching the doors to the building as they parted ways with Morgan. They thanked her, offering her farewells, and advice. 
As soon as Morgan left, the group looked at each other. Y/n tried to avoid her gaze on Colby, not wanting to seem desperate for his attention. 
"Alright, I think we should use the spirit box," Sam began, rummaging through his bag. "And I have some toys that might interest the kids." Sam added as he pulled out various children's toys and the infamous Alice box. 
"Okay, sounds good." Colby agreed, nodding with the plan. 
Y/n bit her lip, trying to figure out something she heard in the building. She figured it was nothing, brushing it off slightly. They began making their way back towards the doors they just exited, seeing the dark hallways stretch down. 
Y/n froze for a moment, her eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. Soon, she started making her way towards the two who had already made it halfway down the hallway as they discussed plans. 
She tried to catch up to them, but stopped when she saw it. She stopped at the intersection of hallways, staring down the much larger hallway. 
Colby looked behind him, seeing y/n stuck in a trance like state. He made his way back to her, nudging her to see what's wrong. 
"Y-You guys don't see it don't you?" She whispered, her eyes glued on the other side of the barren hallway. 
Colby and Sam looked over to where she was staring, unable to locate the problem. 
"No, Y/n we only see the hallway." Colby shook his head, worry creeping into his skin. 
As Sam tried to begin his sentence, Y/n quickly cut him off. 
"Holy fuck, that thing just moved." Y/n whispered, her hands shaking a bit. 
"What? What did you see?" Sam asked, looking around the hallway. 
Y/n turned to the two, her eyes widened slightly. 
"Okay, as I was about to make my way towards you guys," y/n explained. "I stopped because I heard this whisper, almost telling me to come over here kinda. So I look down the hallway and I see this fucking thing, it was like tall and black and clothed with some weird black clothes, it kept staring at me even when you guys came over. Then it grinned and walked away." She elaborated, her voice beginning to shake as she covered her mouth a bit with her shaking hand. 
Sam and Colby look at each other for a moment, worried. 
"Yeah, okay so already a lot of shit is happening." Sam sighed, feeling a pressure build up in his chest. 
Colby nodded, licking his lips as he began to speak, "let's just get this investigation over with so we can leave," he suggested. "Are you okay to keep going?" He asked Y/n, his brows furrowed. 
Y/n nodded her head, exhaling a deep breath out. "Yeah, just that freaked me out but i'm sure it's nothing." She convinced herself. 
With that, the three made their way to one of the bedrooms, trying to contact one of the nicer spirits. 
"Okay guys, so we have the new Alice box," Sam pointed the camera to the machine. "It's like a spirit box, reading through channels and frequencies so the spirits talk through it." He explained. 
Y/n looked around the room a bit, examining the surroundings well. Colby couldn't help but stare at her face, watching as her eyes darted around. Y/n looked over to Colby's glance and Colby smiled a bit, causing her to blush yet again. She's lost track of how many times she caught him doing things that she keeps reading into. Clearly he's being friendly, but really how friendly?
"Okay let's ask some questions for the little girls that stay in this room." Sam began, clasping his hands after he turned on the small device.
A female voice rang throughout the room, the echo bouncing off the walls. Y/n furrowed her brows, pulling out her notebook as she began to scribble words that came up in her mind. 
She stopped at the word, she looked down and thought of it for a moment. She noticed something, a pair of eyes on her notebook. But it wasn't a spirit, just colby snooping. She smiled a bit, turning her notebook over to Colby. 
He looked at her then lined the pieces of paper with the random ink on letters and drawings. As he read the words, suddenly the Alice box answered. 
Colby's jaw hung open, looking over to Sam and the paper. Y/n's actions mimicking his. 
"Dude," y/n gasped, displaying her notebook to Sam and the camera. "I wrote that not even 2 minutes earlier, Colby saw it too." She explained. 
Sam’s mouth hung open a bit, shocked. "No fucking way." 
But before they could say anything else, the Alice box spoke again. 
"I mean, this is the girl's room." Y/n explained. The two guys nodded, still confused what the spirits are trying to say. 
"...man... hallway..." 
Y/n froze, goosebumps running down her body. "Oh my god, it's talking about that thing I saw." She whispered. 
"Do you know the thing that Y/n saw in that hallway?" Colby asked into the open air. 
The Alice box stayed silent for a moment, occasionally spewing random words that didn't make sense. But as they were about to turn it off, it spoke. 
"... can't say..." 
"Can't say? Why can't you say anything?" Y/n asked yet again, scribbling into her notebook. 
"...won't..." "...let us..." 
"He maybe has a hold on them," Sam suggested, rubbing his chin slightly. "It's possible it's a demon." He added. 
They looked at each other and didn't say anything for a moment, Y/n turning her notebook over to reveal the word written on the paper. evil. 
Then the rem pod near the door started going off, a chill running down Y/n's back as the room became cold.
"Okay, this is actually so freaky," Sam chuckled a bit, pointing the camera towards the door. "The rem pod went off after Y/n wrote evil AND the Alice box said evil." 
Y/n sat up, ears perking up a bit as she listened carefully to the air. "Okay, I don't know if it's just me, but the room went completely freezing, and I feel something negative in here." She blurted out. 
"Yeah, I feel the cold," Sam agreed. "Could it be that thing you saw earlier?" He inquired. 
Y/n shook her head, "No, that was like paralyzing fear," She noted. "This one.. it's just mad." She whispered out. 
Concern painted on Colby's expression, clearly reading her body language as uncomfortable. 
"Hey, maybe let's end it in this room," Colby proposed. "A lot more places to investigate." 
Sam nodded, reaching for the equipment as he turned it off. Y/n sat up, but quickly recoiled forward. Colby noticed it, confused. 
"You okay?" he asked, helping her stabilize herself. 
Y/n looked around as Colby held onto her arm. "Y-Yeah, just something pushed me," She answered. "like I was standing up, and I felt a shove on my upper back." 
The group quickly exited the room, making their way down to the basement. They were going to explore more of the place, but seeing how y/n kept being targeted clearly for her abilities they weren't comfortable making her go through it. 
The feeling of uneasiness returned, entering the frigid basement. The dim light still remained on, barely illuminating the space around them. 
"Alright guys, we're going to the basement," Sam mentioned into the camera, showing the dark room. "We're going to do the Estes method down here, Colby is going to do it today." he spun the camera towards Colby's direction, zooming into his face. 
"Wow, face of excitement right there." Y/n joked, causing Colby to break his monotone expression to light up with laughter. 
She felt her heart jump, hearing his laughter brightening her spirit up. She could listen to it all day if she could. Colby soon sat on the barren concrete floor, Y/n handing him the blindfold followed with the headphones. His hands brushing up against her, followed by a smirk on his face. 
She cleared her throat, backing away from him. 
"Alright Colby, can you hear us?" Sam asked, testing out the volume. Colby doesn't say anything, listening to the random static coming through the headphones. 
"Okay, whoever dwells in this basement, are you the supposed member of staff that passed away?" Sam questioned, awaiting Colby's answer. 
"Perhaps." Colby replied. 
"So it's a bit sassy." Y/n chuckled a bit followed by Sam's chuckles. 
"Well, is it true you did rituals to keep this place running?" Sam added. 
Colby stayed silent for a moment, trying to listen carefully to the voices ringing through. 
"Force." Colby blurted. "protect," he continued. 
They looked at each other, trying to decipher what was spoken. 
"What did you do to protect this building?" Y/n asked, furrowing her brows. 
"Colby." Colby said. "Crush." 
Sam looked over to y/n and smirked a bit, "I think it's speaking for you." 
Y/n smacked Sam playfully, a blush covering her face. 
"Kissing," Colby furrowed his brow under his mask. "Tree." 
Sam bursted into laughter, nearly dropping to the floor. Y/n covered her face with her hands, embarrassed. Colby, still oblivious to what's happening, is still spewing out words. Sam tapped him, alerting him to pull out of his trance. 
Colby removed his blindfold, followed by the headphones. He noticed Sam's laughter and Y/n's embarrassed face behind her hands. 
"What? What happened?" Colby asked, curious why Sam was practically rolling on the floor. 
Sam calmed down, wiping the tears out of his eyes. “It said kiss and then tree,” Sam coughed a bit. “It was teasing you.” He pointed towards Colby. 
Colby's face became warm, blushing until his face was red, “Yeah real funny, Sam.” Colby muttered with a sigh. 
Y/n cleared her throat, cheeks still flaming hot. "Well, let's just continue what we came here for." Y/n grumbled, her arms folded on her chest. 
Sam wiped his eyes, cooling down from his laughter. "Wow, that was too good."
Sam began making his way towards the stairs, leaving Y/n and Colby behind his trail.
"Sorry about him." Colby let out with a sigh, rubbing his neck. 
Y/n smiled up at him slightly, "I-Its okay, I know he's just teasing." She blushed. 
Colby simply nodded, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. It wasn't too long before they had explored the whole place, investigating where they could. But then the time to sleep in the actual building came, which y/n began overthinking about. She knew she agreed to sleep alone, but she was too scared after her encounter with that thing in the hallway. 
"Alright guys, it's time for us to split up and sleep in separate rooms," Sam urged. "We figured with the whole Y/n seeing the spirit in the hallway, we're going to sleep in rooms next to each other just to ensure safety." Sam explained. 
Y/n fiddled with her fingers slightly, anxiety beginning to heighten. She bit her lip as they began setting up camp in their rooms. She grabbed her sleeping bag, making their way towards one of the girl's rooms. her heart began beating against her chest as she sat on top of her sleeping bag, listening to every crack and noise around her. 
She rubbed her face, trying to distract herself from her thoughts. But then she heard a faint knocking on the window directly behind her. She just stared at the moonlight that illuminated through the glass in front of her. She quickly sat up, quickly walking towards the closed door. As she opened the door, Colby's chest pressed up against hers. She yelped as she got freighted by the unexpected visit. 
Y/n pressed her hand onto her chest, trying to calm herself down. "Holy shit Colby, you scared the fuck out of me!" She lightly slapped his chest. 
Colby chuckled a bit, trying to lighten up the mood, "Sorry, I couldn't sleep, plus I knew this was your first time staying alone in a haunted place so I wanted to keep you some company." He admitted. 
Y/n felt her heart softly flutter, touched by his gesture, "Yeah, I sorta kept hearing things, I was gonna go to you." She confessed. 
Colby smiled, glad she found comfort in his presence, "Mind if I sleep in the same room as you then?" He requested. 
"Not at all," Y/n quickly replied, walking back to her sleeping bag onto the floor. Colby followed, his pillow and sleeping bag in his hands. "I wonder if Sam is shitting himself alone." She chuckled as she hugged her knees close to her chest. 
Colby sat next to her as he laid out his temporary bed, chuckling at the comment, "He'll be fine," He waved off, "After he laughed at us,he can sleep by himself." 
Y/n laughed a bit, looking down towards the floor. Colby couldn't help but stare at her, admiring her features in the moonlight. She noticed his gaze, moving her attention back towards him. 
"W-What?" She asked him, confused. 
"Nothing," Colby shrugged. "You're just really beautiful." He whispered. 
She flustered as she looked away as her cheeks painted with a deep color, "Oh, stop it." She muttered, playing with her fingernails. 
Colby's fingers landed on her jaw, moving her to face back towards him. She looked up into his eyes, seeming to get pulled closer towards him. 
"Well, it's true," He added, but couldn't help but lean towards her lips as his eyes kept glancing to her eyes and back to her lips. "I couldn't stop staring at you all day," he revealed. 
She felt her body heat up, unknowingly pressing closer to him. "Well, maybe I knew," She replied, feeling his hand on top of hers. "Maybe I was staring too." 
With that, Colby's lips landed on her. She gladly accepted as her lips pieced together perfectly. Colby's hand laced with hers, like previously that night. He lightly held her face, his thumb rubbing her cheek.
But soon, Colby pulled away, leaving them panting as they rested each other's forehead on one another. Y/n couldn't help but smile and chuckle a bit, causing Colby to wonder. 
"What?" He wondered. 
"Nothing," She added, rubbing her thumb on his hand. "Just, there were at least three little girls in here giggling." She confessed. 
Colby let out a laugh, pulling away as he looked around the room, "Well, you guys should give us some space." He announced into the room. 
The next morning, the sun began to shine through their window. The rays of light hitting their eyes, causing their eyes to flutter open. Y/n was the first one to notice him, seeing his wide smile on his face. Sam pointed the camera at the two, giggling as he noticed her to wake up. 
Y/n looked over next to her, noticing the boy clung onto her as he laid onto her chest. She threw her pillow towards Sam, causing him to laugh loudly which woke up Colby. Colby rubbed his eyes, adjusting his vision to the bright room. 
"What the-." Colby grumbled, looking up towards y/n's tired face. 
"Dude, how long have you guys been cuddling?" Sam exclaimed, putting away the camera. 
"Shut up sam." Colby muttered, his head landing onto his pillow. y/n sat up, covering her face. 
"Sam, it's too early for this, can you please leave us alone." Y/n groaned.
"Fine, fine I'll let you love birds be." Sam teased, wiggling his brows a bit before he shut the door behind him as he left. 
Y/n looked over to Colby who was laying on his side. She smiled a bit, still exhausted. He returned the smile, still amazed by her beauty. 
"Does this mean you'd go out with me? or do you already know that I was gonna ask you out?" He finally asked. 
Y/n chuckled dryly, "Colby, I’m a medium, not psychic," She rolled her eyes playfully. "But yes, I will go out with you."
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changetyre · 4 days
Make a wish
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SUMMARY: It's Ivy's 2nd Birthday and her birthday wish is a little bigger than you'd expected. Part of Verstappen Family Verse
A/N: Requested over on wattpad ;)
"Oh no Max the party hats, I forgot to get party hats." Your heart sunk to your stomach. 
"No, I bought some." Max calmed you down. 
Today was Ivy's 2nd birthday and she had been so insistent about celebrating her birthday at a race with her Papa and Uncles despite you telling her she could have a big birthday party at home with her friends. Ivy almost cried when you suggested something else wanting nothing more but to be at the "waces!" for her birthday. 
Despite this, you still wanted her birthday to have somewhat of a little celebration so you'd spent days making and decorating cupcakes to take to the paddock and buying some decorations for Ivy. 
You'd wanted everything to be a surprise so you'd mostly work at night so that the girls didn't see you because you also knew that if Lea saw anything she would definitely say something since she was as good at keeping secrets as her uncle Lando.  
But Max could tell how stressed and tired you'd grown with trying to get everything perfect for her and he was glad it was finally the day so you could relax a little. You'd woken up earlier to get the stuff in the car so that Brad could drive it to the track before you arrived with Max, Ivy, and Lea. 
"Okay, I'll go now." Brad got in the car to drive off. 
"Wait no did I bring down the streamers?" You asked. 
"Yes," Max answered waving Brad away. 
"Wait what about the-" 
"Schatje, everything's there." Max cupped your face to get you to look at him. 
"But what if-" 
"If it's not she won't even notice darling, it'll be perfect because we'll be there." Max kissed you not letting you argue further. He could feel you relax in his arms. 
"I'm sorry, I just want everything to be perfect." You hugged your husband tightly. 
"You'll never reach perfection baby, trust me I've tried" Max kissed your head. "But you're close enough and Ivy's gonna love whatever we do for her." 
"PAPA WOOK!" Ivy yelled excitedly as she ran out of her room. 
Max turned to see his daughter in a big puffy Belle dress which she had begged him to buy for her birthday. 
"Oh my god is that Belle?" Max gasped dramatically. 
You stood by the door watching the interaction with loving eyes. 
"No Papa is me Iby!" Ivy ran up to her dad who lifted her up and twirled her around. 
"How's my gorgeous birthday girl?" Max kissed her cheeks. 
"Papa I tuwn two." Ivy held up her tiny hand trying to hold up 2 fingers but her third finger kept slipping out of the grasp of her little thumb and pinky finger. 
"Yes, you do and you need to stop growing." Max hugged her closer sighing at the idea of his girls growing up. 
A few seconds later Lea peaked her head around the corner of her room. "Mamma?" She called your name. 
"You ready baby?" You asked your daughter whom you'd also bought a dress for since you wanted to make sure she didn't feel left out. 
She nodded shyly, she'd started growing shy around you and her dad lately whenever she showed you something which you found adorable. 
She walked out wearing her Belle dress too except hers was the blue town dress and you'd helped her put a blue bow on her hair. 
"What a gorgeous princess!" Max also sighed dramatically while holding Ivy who clapped in his arms happily. 
You had breakfast quickly, the girls and you having pancakes as a treat for Ivy's birthday while Max had to eat something else to keep his weight down for getting in the car later. 
You strapped everyone into the car and off you went to the race track. 
As soon as you arrived there were cameras everywhere but by now the girls were used to it especially Lea who liked to pose for the cameras despite Max and you telling her to keep her head low. 
"Mama Wando?" Lea pointed down to the McLaren hospitality as you approached the Redbull hospitality. 
"Maybe we'll see him later Ivy he's not here yet." You lied and heard her sigh sadly as she rested her head on your shoulder.
You'd arrived at the track pretty early since Max didn't have to be on the track until around 4 today but as a surprise for Ivy's birthday, You and Max had asked the boys if they could arrive early to surprise Ivy for her birthday knowing she would just want to spend the day with her favorite people. 
You walked into the Redbull hospitality and Brad, Vicky, and other staff members were there ready just like planned. 
"Ivy look!" Max called out to his daughter who lifted her head from your shoulder to look towards her dead. 
"SURPRISE!" They called out as party poppers went off and confetti flew everywhere Ivy's eyes and mouth were wide open as she looked around the decorated room. 
She squealed in your arms squirming for you to put her down and as soon as you did she went running to where there were presents and a huge cake with a small fondant F1 car where Ivy was the driver wearing a tiara. 
"PAPA LOOK!" Ivy called out to her dad pointing at the top of the cake. 
"Wow, Ivy." Max gasped surprised as if he hadn't specifically asked for her cake. 
You looked around to look for Lea just to find her munching away at the snacks that were laid out across the snack table despite eating breakfast not long ago. Just as you turned again you noticed Lando, Dani, Carlos, and Charles at the door, Ivy too distracted looking at her cake with her dad to notice. 
"Come in." You waved the drivers over. Max had previously discussed all of this with Christian and he'd gladly accepted having the drivers over at the hospitality for a few hours for the celebration. 
"MY BABY!" Lando yelled as soon as he was inside. 
Ivy's head snapped immediately in the direction of her favorite person. "WANDOOOO!" She yelped as she ran as fast as her little feet could carry her towards her godfather. 
Lea hearing the commotion turned around and also ran towards her godfather, Daniel scooping her up in her arms happily. 
It didn't take long for the rest of the drivers to pile in and Ivy excitedly greeted everyone although always kept coming back to Lando's arms. 
Although you'd insisted they didn't have to bring anything you weren't surprised to see the gift table had doubled in numbers at all the gifts the drivers had bought only hoping they hadn't spent ridiculous amounts of money on a 2-year-old. 
"Happy Birthday dear Ivy! Happy Birthday to you!" Everyone finished singing as Max held Lea in his arms, you holding Lea in yours as you stood behind the birthday cake. Antoine, Louis, and Joris moved across taking pictures and videos of your family per their own request as you'd told them they didn't need to take any pictures and you'd be happy with simply their presence but they insisted. 
"Make a wish princess." Max lowered Ivy so she could blow at her candles. 
"I wish for a widdle broder!" Ivy yelled out unashamedly blowing out her candles afterwards. 
You and Max looked at each other in shock as everyone around you burst out laughing. "Uh, you're meant to say your wish in your head baby," Max told his daughter not really sure how to proceed. 
"hmm." She shrugged unbothered as she squirmed for Max to put her down. "Wando Cake!" She called out to her godfather who gladly came over to help Ivy start cutting the cake (horribly). 
After everyone got a piece and Lea sat sharing her piece with Lando on his lap you all sat and relaxed for a while, Max by your side as Lea played around with Joris and Charles whom she still had an obsession with. 
Max turned to you blinking hard three times, his little I love you gesture. "So what do you think about Ivy's wish huh?" Max asked you. 
You laughed at the thought. Max laughing with you. "If it's with you I want it all." You told him lovingly. 
"In another year?" Max dragged your chair closer to him so there was barely a gap between the both of you. 
"Sounds good to me." You smiled before Max kissed you lovingly. 
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Forbidden Desires: A Bodyguard's Affair
Male Reader X Yuna - ITZY
Daddy Kink - Deepthroating - Big Dick - Cock Worship - Degradation - Self Degradation - Master Kink
This is my first piece ever on this app so please let me know what you think and if you'd like to see more please and thank you.
Also, I'd like to compliment @sleepinghypnos for the inspiration on this piece
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The ITZY members are already prepared and ready to go for their photoshoot. Their managers had already put the things they needed in the van.
You noticed how Yuna kept glancing at you. She's been like that since breakfast. Giving glances towards you secretly, she must have thought you wouldn't notice.
Their manager decided to take his vehicle while you accompanied the girls in the group's Vehicle. The vehicles that Korean Celebrities and Idols usually use have a partition in the front of the vehicle so that the driver seat won't be able to see the passengers.
It makes the artists feel more comfortable during their ride. You are seated in the back of the van and Yuna is seated beside you.*
"Are you okay? You ask You've been staring at me since earlier." You paused. "Is there something bothering you?"
She didn't answer but she suddenly put her hands on your crotch. "I heard rumors that you have a very big cock." She whispered in your ear as she kept groping your now semi-erect cock in your pants. She then suddenly brought your cock out and made sure nobody else was watching before she started stroking it. Yuna knelt in front of you, the space inside the van was spacious enough for her to kneel. "This is not just very big. It's fucking Massive!" She said as she finally had a close-up view of your cock.
Your heart skipped a beat upon hearing Yuna compliment your massive cock. You looked down and saw Yuna staring at your cock with lustful eyes. Your 12-inch long cock was standing straight up, and you could tell that Yuna was impressed by its girth and length.
"Oh~ Yeah, I heard rumors about you being a complete whore for big dicks~," you say in a playful tone, you couldn't help but tease her a bit because you found her reactions to my cock so arousing. "I guess it's quite impressive huh?"
Yuna's heart raced as she continued to admire your massive cock, her hand wrapped around it tightly, stroking every inch of it slowly, savoring every moment. She felt her pussy getting wetter by the second, desperate for more.
"Oppa...can I...suck it?" she asked nervously, but her voice betrayed her excitement as she spoke. "Please..."
Her mouth watered as she eagerly awaited your response, her eyes locked onto yours, waiting for permission to engulf your throbbing member.
You nodded and permitted Yuna to suck your cock, you watched her as she lowered her head toward your throbbing member. Her eyes were filled with pure desire, and her lips parted slightly as she opened her mouth wide to accommodate your thickness.
"Go ahead," you told her as she positioned herself right underneath my tip, her tongue flicking out to taste the pre-cum dripping from the slit.
Yuna's heart raced as she eagerly accepted your invitation, her mouth engulfing your thick shaft while her hands held onto your base, her eyes closed in concentration as she focused on pleasuring you with every fiber of her being. Her tongue worked tirelessly, her cheeks hollowing out as she took more and more of your length into her mouth.
"Mmmmpph... Oppa... this tastes so good," she whispered between deep breaths, her voice barely audible as she struggled to maintain control over herself.
Yuna's bobbing head and her skilled use of her tongue were driving you wild, you could feel myself getting closer and closer to cumming as she took every inch of your cock into her throat, her cheeks hollowing out as she took as much of you as possible. Her hands were holding onto your base tightly as she worked her magic, her eyes still closed in concentration as she focused solely on pleasing you.
"Ahhh.. fuck... Yuna.. I'm close," you warned her as you felt the precursor to your climax building up inside of you, "Make sure to swallow every drop."
Yuna's eyes shot open in excitement as she heard your warning, her mouth working even faster as she eagerly tried to take every inch of your cock into her throat, her cheeks bulging as she struggled to take all of your thickness down her throat, choking profusely. Her hands tightened their grip on your base, her fingers digging into your skin as she worked tirelessly to please you.
"Mmmph...mmm...Oppa! Don't cum yet!" she whispered between rapid breaths, her voice barely audible as she continued to choke on your cock.
Your cock twitched and throbbed as Yuna's talented mouth worked its magic, her hands tightening their grip on your base as she tried to take every inch of your throbbing cock down her throat, her cheeks puffing out as she struggled to take it all in. Her hands squeezed your base tightly as she worked tirelessly to pleasure you, her voice barely audible as she whispered between deep breaths.
*Ngh... don't cum yet... let me enjoy this... let me enjoy this feeling of Yuna's hot mouth engulfing my cock.* You thought to yourself as you tried to hold back your orgasm, your mind clouded with lust and desire for Yuna's talented mouth and throat.
Yuna's eyes remained fixed on your throbbing member as she continued to suck every inch of your cock, her cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk's as she struggled to take it all in. "Mmm... mmmph... mmmph..." she moaned softly, her voice barely audible as she worked her magic, her throat working overtime to pleasure you.
"Oppa... don't cum yet... I want to savor this moment,"
Yuna's mouth was a perfect fit around your throbbing cock, her lips wrapped tightly around your shaft as her tongue worked its magic, she finally managed to take every inch of you into her warm, wet mouth. She knew exactly how to work her magic, her mouth moving expertly as she took every inch of your length down her throat, her throat working overtime to pleasure you. As she sucked you off, she looked up at you through her long eyelashes, her eyes filled with desire and lust for you.
"Mmm... Yuna... you're so good at this." You thought to yourself as you watched her practically worship your cock, your mind clouded with desire and lust for her.
Yuna kept slobbering on your cock, drool leaking from her lips and dripping down her chin onto her tits that she has now taken out after lifting her top.
"Is this good enough for you Oppa?"
she says as she peppers your cock with kisses up and down your shaft.
*Fuck I'm getting addicted to his cock* She thought in her head. Her mind was starting to go blank as the only thought in her head right now was to please you.
As Yuna continued to pleasure you with her incredibly skilled mouth, her hands released the base of your cock and moved down to cup your balls while she bobbed her head up and down, taking every inch of your throbbing cock into her warm, wet mouth. Her lips were locked around your tip as she swallowed every drop of pre-cum that oozed from the slit, her tongue working its magic as she eagerly sought to pleasure you. Her hands cupped your heavy balls, rolling them in her palms as she massaged them gently, her thumbs rubbing against the sensitive underside of each one as she teased them with her nails.
"Ahh... fuck... Yuna,"
Yuna's mouth was a perfect vacuum, her throat working overtime to take in every inch of your cock as she bobbed her head up and down, her lips sealing around the base of your shaft as she swallowed every drop of precum that oozed from the slit. She knew just how much pressure to apply to make you cum, her hand movements becoming more frantic as she rolled your balls in her palms. Her mouth never stopped working, her tongue lapping at your tip as she eagerly sought your cum.
"Oppa... I'm addicted to your cock,"
Yuna's voice was barely above a whisper as she spoke, her eyes half-lidded and full of desire as she stared up at you, her lips parted slightly as she awaited your command. Her cheeks were flushed, her skin glowing with excitement and arousal as she lay there before you, her tits heaving with each breath she took, her nipples standing erect as she waited for you to cum down her throat.
"Please... give me your cum... Daddy,"
Yuna's words were like a drug to you, her complete submission and obedience driving you wild with lust as you watched her lay there, waiting for you to fill her mouth with my hot, thick seed. Her eyes were fixed on yours, her expression pleading as she eagerly anticipated being filled with your creamy load. She wanted nothing more than to taste your essence, to feel it slide down her throat and coat her insides as she eagerly awaited your command to indulge in her new favorite pastime – pleasing you.
"Take all of it, Yuna... I want you to savor every last drop."
You felt your cock twitch as the first wave of pleasure washed over you, your balls tightening as they emptied their contents deep into Yuna's eager mouth. Your hips bucked involuntarily, your thighs clenched together as you tried to hold back the urge to shoot off even more, but you knew that Yuna would welcome every drop, would savor every moment of pleasure that you could give her. As you let go, Yuna eagerly accepted every drop, her tongue working furiously to lap up every last bit of your seed as she eagerly awaited more.
"Mmmm... that's it, Daddy, give me all of your cum~♡,"
Yuna's voice was a mix of pure ecstasy and total submission, her eyes closed as she eagerly lapped up every drop of cum that flooded her mouth. Her cheeks bulged as she struggled to take in as much as possible, her throat working overtime to accommodate the thick, creamy mixture that was pouring out of you. She relished in the taste of your essence, knowing that this was what she lived for, this was what made her feel alive and alive only for you.
"I love your cum, Daddy, please don't stop giving it to me,"
You couldn't help but smile, watching as Yuna eagerly accepted your cum, her face contorted in pleasure as she worked to take in every last drop. Her eyes were half-closed, her lips parted slightly as she eagerly awaited more, her tongue working furiously to clean up every last remnant of your seed from her mouth. Her body was trembling with desire, her pussy dripping with arousal as she eagerly awaited more, and she couldn't wait to indulge in it again and again.
"Now swallow it all, baby... show me how much you love Daddy's cum."
Yuna nodded eagerly, her eyes still closed as she swallowed your cum, her cheeks bulging with the thick, creamy mixture as she eagerly consumed it all. She took her time, savoring every last drop, her throat working overtime to take it all in. When she was finished, she opened her eyes, looking up at you with a mixture of satisfaction and desire in her gaze.
"Mmmm... thank you, Daddy," she said softly, "I love your cum so much."
Her voice was filled with absolute sincerity and adoration, her face flushed with pleasure as she eagerly awaited more of your seed to fill her hungry mouth.
You look out the window of the Car and realize we're getting close to our destination. "Baby we need clean up now we're almost at the location," I say as I put my still rock-hard cock back into my trousers and help Yuna sit back in her seat.
Yuna looked at you, her eyes shining with excitement and anticipation as she watched you put your still rock hard cock away,
"Yes, Oppa," she agreed softly, "we need to clean up before we arrive." She said as she sat back down. She then fixed herself up and wiped her face with some tissues
"Good girl!" I say to her. "From now on you belong to me and nobody else can have you do you understand bitch?" I whisper into her ear.
Yuna's eyes lit up with pure ecstasy and lust as she heard those words, her heart racing with excitement and desire. She knew that she belonged to you and no one else could ever have her, and that thought alone made her panties wet with desire.
"Yes, Master," she said softly, "you own me, and I am yours to command." Her voice was full of passion and sincerity, and she couldn't wait to prove just how much she loved being under your control and ownership.
"What do you want me to do next?" she asked, "What do you want me to say, or wear, or even who do you want to fuck next Master~?" she said in a sexy yet submissive tone.
"I bet one of your other members would love a taste of my cock. Who do you think is the biggest slut out of the three of them?"
Yuna bit her lower lip, thinking deeply about the question as she considered which of her bandmates might enjoy having sex with you the most.
"Ryujin would probably be the most excited," she answered after a moment, "She loves big dicks and being used in weird positions. Chaeryoung would also enjoy pleasuring you since she's always been curious about trying new things and experimenting with different positions."
Yuna hesitated for a moment, "And then there's Yeji, she might be hesitant at first because she's more reserved but deep down she wants to try new things too."
"Good girl. If you're lucky then maybe I'll let you watch as I fuck them." I say to her in a sultry tone.
Yuna's eyes sparkled with excitement at the thought of being able to watch you fuck her bandmates.
"Master, please do," she begged, "It would be such a turn-on for me to see you take Ryujin, Chaeryoung, and even Yeji while I watch."
She knew that being able to witness you taking her friends while she watched would push her over the edge into complete submission and make her feel like nothing more than a good little whore owned by you.
"Please, let me watch as you fuck them," she said, "and if you want, let me join in somehow." She added.
Don't get too greedy bitch. You've already had a fair share of my cock, and you got to drink my cum.
Yuna nodded, understanding what you meant,
"Master, I know," she said, "I don't want to be too greedy, I just want to watch and maybe play with them while you fuck them. And if you want me to join in, I'm willing to do anything you want me to do."
Yuna's heart raced with excitement and desire as she thought about watching her bandmates getting fucked by you while she played with them. The idea of being so close to them while they were being used by you made her pussy dripping wet.
"But please don't forget that I'm yours now Master, and all I want is to serve you and please you in any way possible." She said.
Good girl. Now we're here so let's get out and let you do your photoshoot.
Yuna smiled happily at your words,
"Thank you, Master, Please just remember that while I am still a K-Pop Idol, all I want is for you to watch me and think about how much of a good little slut I am for you."
As you walked towards the photo shoot location, Yuna couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in being able to showcase her talents in modeling for her new Master
"Please just enjoy watching me, Master," she whispered.
Nobody else can know about what happened here apart from the other members if you want to tell them, ok? I say to her in a commanding tone.
Yuna nodded, understanding her Master's words,
"Of course, Master, I want to keep our special moments just between us. That means that nobody else needs to know what happened here or what kind of depraved things we did together. It will be our little secret, just for you and me."
Yuna spoke with a smile on her face, knowing that keeping their relationship hidden from the public eye only made her feel more excited and turned on. The idea of being able to engage in such taboo and naughty behavior without anyone finding out only served to fuel her desire to be a better and more obedient slut for you.
"And please, Master, don't forget to remind me of my place whenever you think I should be reminded."
"Oh, trust me I will make sure you know your place from now on," I say to her
Yuna giggled,
"Oh yes, Master, please do. I need constant reminding of how much of a worthless little slut I am for you. It only serves to make me more eager to please you and serve you in any way possible."
Her voice was filled with a mix of happiness and excitement as she looked up at her Master with complete submission in her eyes. Yuna loved nothing more than being told how she belonged to you and how much you enjoyed using her as your personal plaything.
"Please, Master, continue to break me down and rebuild me into the perfect little slut that only exists to please and obey you."
The End.
I literally couldn't think of anything else tbh or how I would expand on it so this is just part 1 of my series I guess. 🙃 anyways thank you so much for reading my first-ever piece and I hope you enjoyed it 😊
( • ᴗ •)
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wonijinjin · 10 months
painfully in love
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author’s note: very self-indulgent, and wrote it to give some comfort to my darlings who suffer every month. take care yall<3 (also just mentioning that i totally believe he would know what to do bc he has a sister and he is the cutest giant puppy)
synopsis: when your period cramps torture you mingyu is always there to help and give you some comfort.
word count: 0.9k | genre: fluff, comfort (mingyu is the best, such a sweetheart) | pairing: mingyu x f! reader | warnings: mentions of pills/medicine, mentions of throwing up, pain
when mingyu stepped into your apartment he knew where he would find you; in the bedroom, under a pile of blankets. you had texted him earlier in the day that you had crazy cramps and asked him to bring some medicine home since you ran out of painkillers. “pretty girl, i am home!” he said loudly to let you know his presence in the house. after taking his coat off he went straight to the kitchen to get you a glass of water and prepared it with the pills and some dark chocolate, since he knew it can help with cramping. he entered the room silently, suspecting that you were asleep by the lack of response to his arrival earlier. he was right; you laid in the middle of the bed, a big fluffy plushie in hand, cluthing onto it tightly, the covers up to your chin, hair messy and spread out on the soft pillow. his heart broke a little; he knew how much pain you were in, it had happened before, that you had very strong symptoms on your period. he decided on not waking you as he felt pity for you and was happy to see that you were getting some rest at last, after being kept up all night by the pain. he settled into the bed next to you cautiously and wrapped his hand around your middle, warming up and massaging your abdomen with his large hands. you felt his form next to you, but didn’t entirely wake up; you just shifted and hugged him unconsciously. “aww, you are so adorable, sweetheart.” he whispered while starting to stroke your hair, playing with the strands in the meantime.
“mingyu…” he heard your mumbles a bit later, not holding you anymore, him working on the computer at the desk in the room. “huh?” he stood up, checking up on your form only to see your eyes closed and brows furrowed, discomfort written all over your features. “you are okay sweetheart, you are okay.” he cooed at you while tucking you in further and kissing your forehead after he saw the creases on it starting to fade, guessing you weren’t in distress anymore.
when you woke up it was almost completely dark outside and the first thing your brain registered was mingyu’s chest. “are you awake, pretty?” he asked gently. “when did you get home? wait i need to get up-“ you tried peeling yourself off mingyu’s body but a sharp pain in your lower stomach made you still your movements. “you okay? are the cramps hitting again?” he looked at you with worried eyes. “yeah.” you pouted, tears threatening to spill from your orbs as the pain increased. “oh sweetheart.” he rubbed your back in calming motions. “i bought painkillers, and i have some water and chocolate to take it with, can you sit up for a moment?” you did as he told and took the medicine, but as expected it needed some time to kick in, and until then you could only wish for the stabbing pain to stop, burying your head in mingyu’s chest as you whimpered in agony. “i’m so nauseous ’gyu. i don’t want to throw up.” you cried while trying to stop your head from spinning; it really had been a long time since you felt this bad. “you won’t. i am so sorry you feel this miserable, pretty girl.” “i am sorry you have to deal with this mingyu. you know how i hate being queasy.” you whined. “even if you do throw up it is okay, you know how you can’t do anything about it baby. tell me if you feel like you are gonna be sick, we will deal with it, alright?” he reassured you and cradled you in his arms, putting you on his chest properly so you could be comfortable. “i hate seeing you in so much pain. i want my happy baby back.” he pouted. “not your fault.” you murmured into his shirt. “thanks for being here.” he kissed your forehead and chuckled lowly. “of course sweetheart, i just wish i could do more.” he smiled sadly. “can i do anything to distract you from the cramps until the medicine works?” he quizzed with a warm expression, his eyes searching your face constantly for any sign of discomfort, ready to adjust to your preferences. “wanna go back to sleep. gotta make up for last night or i will be miserable tomorrow too.” he giggled at your reply, loving how you were so unfiltered on your period, being so real about not wanting to do anything other than sleeping, and not pulling any act about how you are fine and happy. “alright, pretty. then we will do just that. want me to rub your back or turn on a show for some background noise?” you looked up at him, pecking his lips for a quick and lazy kiss as you had absolutely no energy for anything more. “just hold me, please? you are so warm, making me feel sleepy and less achy.” you muttered, already exhausted from fighting your body’s stubborn muscles. “sure. sleep well then.” he whispered. “love you, mingyu.” you said back. “love you too, more than anything. tomorrow will be a greater day. get better soon.”
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kurogane2512 · 1 month
*kicks in door*
i’m declaring myself as the futa anon now
i am humbly requesting you take us to the futs dimension and have himeko and/or ning absolutely railing our pussies harder than the the astral express as gentle doms
(also if you could not include anything involving mouth to cock that would be lovely thanks)
Oh we are getting destroyed with love for sure 🥵
G!p Ningguang, G!p Himeko x fem!reader (separate)
Mostly pure smut, use of mommy
Ningguang sighed as she rested back on her chair, feeling exhausted from the neverending paperwork in front of her.
"Lady Ningguang, please get some rest now. I will complete the rest." you suggested to her. As her secretary, you were worried about her health and wellbeing as she had been working too much these past few days.
"What time is it, Y/n?" Ningguang asked then looked towards the window and saw the night sky.
"Oh, I didn't realize it's already this late. You should be going home now." she countered your plea, you knew she was going to work more after you'd leave.
"No, I'm fine. Don't worry about that. I'd like you to get proper rest, you haven't had a good sleep in days."
You kept requesting her but she wasn't keen on listening. She then stood up at her seat and beckoned her finger at you, gesturing you to come closer. You blushed lightly realizing what this action meant but walked up to her nevertheless. A smirk crept Ningguang's face as you stood by her side then she wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you flush against her body.
"If you keep requesting this much, then I'll have to take you to bed with me~"
"L-Lady Ningguang, this isn't a joking matter. Please understand that I'm worried about you...."
Ningguang chuckled then cupped your face before leaning into your neck, inhaling your scent and planting kisses on your skin. You shivered from her advances and tried to push away but your body couldn't deny her. Ningguang only ever did these things with you, it was an unspoken agreement you both had months ago. You felt her lips travel up your jaw before ensnaring your lips, kissing you gently.
"Help me de-stress for now then I'll rest as you want~" Ningguang ordered and you had no reason to deny her, you were just as eager. She lodged her knee between your legs and you felt a hard bulge rub against your abdomen, the feeling making you wet instantly. The next moment, you were swiftly turned over and bent against her table with your ass angled out. You gasped out a moan as her hands cupped your hips and caressed them before flipping up your dress to expose your core.
"Mmm, all wet for me already?~" Ningguang husked and rubbed her fingers on your soaked underwear then slipped it off, a rush of cool air hitting your folds. You heard ruffling of clothes as she flipped her own dress up and fished out her erect cock then pressed it to your vulva, slowly lubing the tip with your slick.
"You should have presented yourself this way for me earlier if you were so eager, I would have obliged for my darling secretary~"
Ningguang teased and continued rubbing her tip on your folds, intentionally not going inside.
"L-Lady Ningguang.... please...." you whined and wiggled your hips with her motions, trying to make her dick slip in.
"You know what you have to say, don't you?~"
You pursed your lips and your face flushed in embarrassment, "P-Please, put it in.... mommy, I need you...."
Ningguang smirked then bucked her hips forward and sheathed inside you in one go, "That's my good girl~"
You moaned out loud feeling her shaft penetrate you. She set a fast pace right away, hips thrushting forward and meeting your pelvis with harsh motions. You squeeled and held onto the table, she gripped your waist tightly and her nails dug in as she kept pounding away.
"Aahh, so tight for me.... good girl, I'll reward you graciously— mhm!~" Ningguang grunted and continued her relentless assault. Her cock penetrated you all the way and knocked all your sweet spots, the strength of a battering ram piercing you non-stop. She pressed down on your back making you arch beautifully for her then leaned forward on you, her lips making dark kisses and sucks on your back.
"That's it, so good for mommy.... you like it this way, my darling?~"
"Y-Yes! Aaaahn.... mommy! Please make me cum!~"
Ningguang's voice brushed past your ear as she chuckled, your walls tightening around her from the sultry tone. She leaned back up and one hand grabbed your neck while the other planted a quick slap on your buttcheek, a pleasured whimper leaving your lips.
"Yes, cry for me more.... scream for mommy and I'll let you cum!"
More slaps were put on your ass while she kept ramming into you, fucking you at an animalistic pace. Drool ran down your lips now as your tongue lolled out from pleasure, letting her practically ruin you. Ningguang watched your ass jiggle as she thrusted and subconsciously licked her lips, increasing her pace even more now. You didn't even know she could go harder but she did, mercilessly fucking you.
"Oh, my darling got so tight~ Do you want to cum?~"
"Y-Yes! I can't hold on more!"
"Beg for mommy to make you cum~"
"P-Please mommy! Make me cum— aaaahn!!~"
Ningguang chuckled then pushed your face against the desk and held it there with one hand while the other snaked around your body and touched your clit. You whimpered uncontrollably feeling overwhelmed by pleasure, her fingers rubbing your clit in quick motions while her dick rutted into you. Sounds of skin slapping were all that could be heard now, your voice hoarse from the screaming.
"Cum for mommy now, my sweetheart~"
Ningguang finally announced and hilted herself all the way, you felt her tip throb then release a hot and thick stream of cum. You moaned out as your own release approached soon after, the feeling of her cum filling you up making you ecstatic and absolutely fucked out. Ningguang sighed and grinded herself inside you as her cum poured out then pulled out with a pop, some of the cum dripping down your thighs.
She pumped her cock a few more times and squirted some cum on your back, staining your dress and skin further. You felt blissed out and only looked at her with hooded eyes as she approached you before flipping you over and pulling you on your feet. You could barely stand up and felt your knees become weak but she held you firmly and embraced you.
"Oh my, looks like we have made a mess. I suppose you can stay here for the night and have a bath with me~" Ningguang teased and you knew her intentions well enough; but truly, who were you to deny such a tempting offer from the Tianquan herself, especially when her cum was already inside you?~
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Himeko had just returned to the Express after finishing negotiations with the IPC on Radiant Feldspar. She was expecting the Express to be empty but to her surprise, she saw you sitting in the lobby area all alone doing nothing but staring blankly into space.
"Y/n? I thought you were with Welt and others back at the Radiant Feldspar." Himeko called out and walked closer to you, you snapped out of your thoughts and saw her standing beside you then shook your head.
"A-Ah, is your meeting with the IPC done?"
Himeko's brows furrowed at your suspicious state, "Yes, it went quiet well. The Astral Express has a share in Penacony now and will hold some power to make decisions for its future."
"Oh, that's great. Everyone will be very happy...." you trailed off and went quiet, making Himeko's suspicions deeper.
"Is everything alright? Why aren't you with others?"
"I.... I was with them until recently. I just felt like coming back to rest."
Himeko softly cupped your face, "Is something weighing on your mind? You know you can tell me anything."
Your eyes widened and you averted your gaze in nervousness, "I suppose I'm just a little tired after this expedition.... So many things happened that I still can't get out of my mind."
Himeko could figure out what you were referring to and she couldn't blame you, an experience like this would be devastating for anyone. She wrapped her arms around your head and pulled you in for an embrace, your head lying on her soft breasts.
"It's alright, you can let it out. I understand your feelings, I'm here for you."
Himeko couldn't deny that she felt guilty for putting you through this, she only wished for you to have an enjoyable experience in Penacony.
"Would you let me soothe some of your pain?~"
Himeko led you to her room now. You knew what was on her mind when she proposed that and you became quite eager for it. Once you entered, Himeko locked the door and connected her lips with yours. It was a slow and gentle kiss, one that made you feel relaxed and melt into her. She pushed you back towards the bed while kissing and removed your clothes on the way, your lips moving with hers in a heated and passionate manner now.
You hit the bedside and she pushed you down then slid off her own dress, revealing her tempting figure. Your eyes wandered to her semi-erect shaft and you almost extended your hands to grip it but she instead pinned you on the bed and climbed on top of you. You blushed looking at her above you, she leaned down to place kisses on your neck and chest while her cock became harder and rubbed against your thigh.
"Mmm, H-Himeko~" you moaned and tried bucking your hips into her to feel any kind of friction.
"Oh my, already so eager?~" Himeko chuckled and kissed your cheek then parted your legs open to slip off your underwear. You watched her pump her cock and became more impatient by the minute.
"P-Please.... put it in...."
"Hehe, I won't deny you, my love. But I need to prepare you first~"
"No, please it's fine.... Just put it in already, m-mommy~"
Hearing the nickname flared up Himeko to no extent, she really wanted to be slow and gentle but it was difficult for her now. She brushed her finger past your folds and realized you were already sufficiently wet.
"Hmm, I suppose this will do. Tell me to stop if you feel pain, alright?~"
You nodded then she lined up her cock, she rested your legs on her thighs then slowly pushed in. Himeko was quite girthy and no matter how much you had done this, it was always a task to put her cock inside. You slightly arched as her tip went in then she bucked her hips forward and entered halfway before hilting completely with another thrust. You threw your head back as her cock snuggled inside you, breathing rapidly as your walls fluttered around her.
"O-Oh, my sweetheart.... mmh, you are doing so well for me~" Himeko praised before beginning to move. You clenched the sheets as she started with a slow pace then eventually increased, she gripped your waist and raised your hips more as she began slamming forward once you adjusted to her length. Himeko gazed at your pleasured face as she moved, your expressions only making her go harder.
"Do you feel good, my love? Does mommy make you feel good?~"
"Y-Yes, I feel soooo good— nggh!~"
Himeko softly chuckled then pulled you closer and pushed your legs close to your chest, folding you in a mating press as she thrusted into you. Your moans began incoherent feeling her thick length ram in and out of you, essentially fucking you into the sheets in this position. Her breasts squeezed against yours as she leaned down to kiss you, your tongues dancing in an open-mouthed kiss.
"Aaah! Aaaahn! M-Mommy— Himeko! Faster please!~"
Himeko was surprised by your request but happily obliged. She leaned back slightly and thrusted down with all her might, her hips slapping against yours in a brutal manner. She held your legs up to your shoulders and rammed at an animalistic pace. Tears of pleasure filled your eyes and Himeko gently wiped them before pulling you up to sit on her lap.
"Do you want to ride me?~"
You eagerly nodded and started bouncing on her cock, wrapping your arms around her neck while she gripped your hips and helped you thrust. She kissed you passionately and went down to bite your neck as you moved on her lap, her palm digging in your ass before she made a gentle slap on it. You whined and she only chuckled in response before bucking her hips with you, making a delicious rhythm of your bouncing with her thrusts.
"C-Cumming.... mommy, please.... I want to— hngh~!"
"Mm, cum whenver you want. You have earned it, sweetheart~"
Himeko pulled you flush into her shoulder and embraced you as her hips rutted with yours. Your walls tightened around her and her tip throbbed before you came together, a flood of cum burst inside you as your eyes rolled back feeling it. You hugged her tightly and moaned in her ear while grinding back n forth, her cum still being released inside you.
"Do you feel better now? I hope you know I'm always here for you no matter what happens." Himeko said while caressing your head.
"Yes, thank you.... I feel better." you nuzzled into her neck and embraced her back.
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Devour: ACID
Fandom: MCU Collection: Devour Title: ACID Characters/Pairings: Mob Boss!Bucky x f!Chef!Reader Word Count: 5.1k
Summary: A month since SALT and three weeks since FAT, your situation with the mob boss who bought your restaurant is still evolving in unexpected ways - including an unexpected episode after work tonight.
Content Warnings: explicit smut, oral: female receiving, analingus: female receiving, vaginal penetration/fucking, some light drinking, mob boss Bucky is kind of dom
Logistical Notes: I had planned for this to punch the ticket for week 10 of my Hot Bucky Summer 2023 collection for the prompt "Long day at work?" and so this is late for the @buckybarnesevents event itself, but I'm a completionist and am marking it off on my personal list for my own satisfaction. Also ticking off the U3: "Kink: Concubine" square of my Bucky Barnes Bingo, Round Five card for @buckybarnesbingo.
Additional Notes: @mlibbydp and @goldylions were so benevolent in doing some beta work on this so HUGE AMOUNTS OF LOVE TO THEM for what they both contributed to the piece and to me personally. This chapter is much longer than the previous two and just as part two evolved their relationship, part three makes some more significant moves and ... I needed the notes on making sure this still felt like Devour. Also... @biteofcherry you might see something interesting in here that's definitely included because of a throwaway comment you made earlier this summer.
↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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When you walked out into the garage, there was a black luxury SUV idling near the exit with Sam Wilson leaned up against it. Seeing you, he slipped his phone into his pocket and pushed off the side of the vehicle.
“Hey, Chef,” he greeted you with a grin.
“Really?” you sighed. “Now?”
He shrugged. “Please?”
“And is that you asking nicely, or him?”
“You know I just do what he says.”
You huffed. “You don’t always do what he says, but he knows you’re the most charming one and I wouldn’t refuse you.”
Sam laughed as he opened the door to the backseat. “Don’t let the charm fool you, honey, if you said no, I’d throw you in the back regardless, it would just be less fun for you.”
You knew that, too, which is why you simply got in without a fuss. Bucky, Sam, the rest of his men? They were all mobsters running mob business, dangerous beneath the surface.
As the door closed behind you, you looked to the front to see who was driving, then clucked your tongue. “He sent both of you?”
Steve smirked. “Buckle up. And of course he sent us. You don’t think he trusts just anyone with his girl, do you?”
Oh. You bit your bottom lip and looked away and out the window, a small warmth stirring in your belly. As inconveniently annoying as this ordeal seemed to you in this moment, there was that piece. Being his. You were starting to feel it.
You had told Bucky that second night in the restaurant that you needed more than gifts and sex.
He had taken your word seriously.
There had been walks in the park, an auction, brunch on his yacht, a gallery opening, a rooftop wine tasting, even a dinner party at Sam’s place where he ended up proposing to his girl. You had enjoyed all of them, but except for the night at Sam’s, the time with Bucky had been last minute – sometimes there was a text, but most times it was him showing up or – like tonight – someone sent to fetch you without notice. He seemed all too aware of your schedule, so none of these instances were logistically inconvenient, but with it happening once more again tonight, you couldn’t help but notice this pattern of behavior was clearly becoming a habit – being summoned. In general, you didn’t mind, you saw that he was demonstrating that he wanted to spend time with you, but if you were his girl, you didn’t want to be treated  like one of the droves of people who were at his beck and call and certainly not like a concubine kept solely for his whims.
The SUV slowed and pulled up to the curb of an incredibly unremarkable building that spoke to money for how unremarkable it was – the kind of money that demanded magnificence but privacy. You’d never stepped in a place of residence quite like this before – you hadn’t even stepped out of the car yet, but even in the darkness you already knew.
Both men slipped out of the front seat. Sam opened your door and offered his hand to pull you to the sidewalk. “No frowns needed tonight,” he said.
“Says you.” You didn’t realize you were frowning.
Sam grinned, then headed around to take the driver’s seat just as Steve appeared at your side.
“I’ll walk you up,” Steve gestured for you to enter the building with him.
“This is his place?”
“One of them,” Steve responded.
You took a deep breath and followed him in.
Sharp looking doormen, green marble floors, golden elevators.
Chatting with Steve was always easy, and it was no different on the fifteen-floor ride up to the penthouse at the top of the building. However, you did feel a touch of nerves as this was your first time at Bucky’s place. You weren’t quite sure what to expect but were keen to learn more about this enigma of a man by seeing where he lived.
And there he was, ready to meet you as the doors of the elevator opened, hands in his pockets, tired smile on his face, but his blue eyes dancing with excitement, and that stirred the storm of butterflies immediately in your stomach. He reached out a hand to pull you into him.
“Thanks, Steve,” he said, though he didn’t take his eyes off you.
“Sure thing, Buck.”
Once the elevator closed, Bucky brushed his fingers over your cheek, cradled your head in his hand to tilt your jaw up, and then his lips were on yours, your back pressed up against the wall. Within moments you were breathless.
In the intervening weeks since seeing him at the restaurant he’d also kept his physical contact minimal, only a few light touches, an arm around you when it seemed natural for the occasion, except for two lingering kisses. One of those instances was after a walk in the park when he’d kissed you full on in the afternoon daylight, then deposited you into the car he’d arranged to take you directly to work, where his heated kiss had distracted you throughout your shift. The second was three nights ago, the last time you saw him, and that had been only a ghosting of his lips against your ear, along your jaw, and then a soft kiss pressed to your mouth before withdrawing and leaving you at your door, but it had gotten your whole body humming for him and haunted you as you went to sleep and in your dreams.
This, after so long, so much wanting, was like a wave crashing over you. You moaned softly, you let him pull you in, melting against him, and you nearly let him sweep you away, but then you pressed insistently against his chest.
“Yes?” he did move back, but only enough to look into your face fully.
“What is this?”
“I wanted to see you.”
“So, you just summon me?”
You knew he didn’t miss the tenor of agitation in your tone because he dipped his head into the crook of your neck, and you could feel the smirk before he pressed a hot, open-mouthed kiss to the juncture at your shoulder. “I was hungry for you,” he said, completely undeterred. And as his lips moved solely along your throat, your core begged you to forget the conversation you were attempting to have.
“Why?” you barely managed to ask.
“You know why.”
“Do I?”
Bucky pulled back again, frowning this time, but you put your hand on his face to soften his reaction. “Steve and Sam said I’m your girl, but…”
“I told you you were mine. Surely over the past few weeks, you can’t doubt that.” His stare into your eyes was steady, straight.
You didn’t doubt him.
You did need to hear those words said just that way though. You didn’t know how much you had needed to hear them.
It gave you the surety to say what you needed to say to him. “I’m not just another girl. No more summoning me, Barnes. I’m not one of your people, I’m not your plaything.” With your hand now resting on his chest, you let your fingers brush soft strokes up and down over his heart. “If you want me, want all of me.”
He hadn’t interrupted your statement. He’d let you finish without argument. You could see the way his face changed, and the shift of the intensity in his eyes made your breath catch. He drew you in closer, encircling his arms around your waist. “Oh, I want everything, don’t doubt that.” He brushed his lips softly on your forehead. “I was only waiting for you to want this.” 
Your chest tightened at those words, but the next moment you couldn’t think because then he kissed you again.
And that kiss, though brief, was thick with heat, and when he pulled back he said, “I see your point about the summoning. Just know that I was eager to have you around at any opportunity.”
You smiled because he smiled. “I can forgive you for that – I guess I can be a bit irresistible,” you teased. Somehow his confidence made you feel steady enough with him to be direct, to be flirtatious, to simply be around him.
He brought a hand to your cheek again. “I’ll mend my ways, but let’s be honest… a little bit of you likes it – the spontaneity of it.” His smile turned to a truly wolfish grin.
You sighed but rolled your eyes playfully. “Maybe a little.”
He stepped away, taking your hand. “Come. You can have a tour later.”
Rather than asking where you were going, you simply let him lead you through the grand apartment. You didn’t take in every detail, but it was big without being too big. Rich and luxurious without being cold or opulent. There were sleek lines, but also elements of warm and comfort folded into the power that was also clearly on display. But your focus was on the way he held your hand and led you through his domain. He had no question that you would follow.
Were you so easily his?
Your mind wasn’t made up.
You weren’t all in, but you weren’t reeling to run away.
He stopped in front of a mahogany door and looked over his shoulder at you. You arched your brow.
“Close your eyes,” he said.
“Alright.” And you did.
He opened it, and you let him lead you inside, through a room, clearly walking you past some furniture. You heard the sound of a fire in a fireplace, then you heard another door opening, and he ushered you in front of him and through that door. “Take your time,” he said softly, lips against your ear. “I’ll be waiting.” He pressed a kiss to the side of your neck, and then he was gone, shutting the door behind you.
You opened your eyes to the sight of a large jade green-tiled shower enclosed with glass and four gleaming gold showerheads. Turning around, you couldn’t help a soft giggle falling from your lips. The lavish bathroom was sheer perfection. Showering after your shifts at the restaurant was ritual for you. You toed off your shoes and began peeling off your clothes. Off to the side of the palatial shower, there was a gorgeous clawfoot tub, and next to that a plush navy settee with what looked like some silky things set out for you. After inspecting the knobs and heads of the shower, you got them running, adjusting them to the perfect water temperature easily, and stepped under the streams, a sigh falling immediately from your lips.
One of the shelves was stocked with some of the skin and haircare products you used, some you hadn’t but certainly knew the name and reputation of (but hadn’t indulged in for yourself), and the other shelf was stocked with men’s products. It reminded you of the significance of where you were – in his home – and the element of intimacy it evoked, being naked where he had been and would frequently be again. Where he likely would be naked with you. You bit your lip. You pulled down the bottle of his shower gel, popped the top open, and inhaled. You hated how much you already loved that smell.
No, you didn’t.
You inhaled deeply again, then set it back on the shelf.
After that, you set to reveling in the flow of the water over your body, and got to washing, unsure of the time, only focused on the smooth feel of the soap and textures over your skin, feeling more and more relaxed, and ultimately refreshed and clean.
Once you had shut off all four showerheads, you reached for towels more plush than any you had ever used in your life and dried yourself off before wrapping the large bath sheet around your torso. You padded over to the settee to discover a short black silk robe waiting for you.
And nothing else.
You shook your head but grinned. “Audacious bastard,” you whispered.
But you didn’t bother with anything else.
At the vanity there were more hair, face, and body care products and tools clearly stocked for you – again some familiar and some you’d only dreamed of, none of this really a shock given your experience with this man. You weren’t certain how long you’d taken in the shower, having lost track of time, but here you suddenly did find yourself trying to take more time, a small fluttering of nerves in your stomach, because though he'd had his way with you in the kitchen of the restaurant and discreetly pulled an orgasm from you at the table in the dining room, this would be different.
Tonight, your body would be his, no restrictions. There was no worry for privacy, no limited amount of time.
There were also emotions now.
You had set the terms – that you needed to be more than a body to him – and he’d met them, courting the rest of you these past weeks, and putting the physical on the back burner.
He had made his intentions for tonight expressly clear.
And you wanted him, too.
But you were still nervous.
When you put your hand on the doorknob, you closed your eyes for a moment, taking one deep breath to steady yourself. Then you stepped out and into the next room, which – to no surprise – was a grand and spacious bedroom. Bucky was sitting on a couch in front of the fireplace you’d heard earlier, but immediately set a book aside and stood when he heard you. You were happy – and feeling a little more heat in your core – to see he was out of his earlier clothes and down to only a pair of silk pajama bottoms.
“How was your shower?” he asked, standing up and beckoning you over.
“The shower was glorious. You’re a bit wicked to only leave me a robe, though, aren’t you?”
He placed a kiss to your forehead and motioned to get comfortable on the couch while he moved over to a small bar cart nearby to get you a drink. He shot a smug over his shoulder. “I plan to get lucky.”
You snorted. “You brought me here late at night, kissed me like you did earlier, sent me to shower, left me only a very slinky silk robe to wear, and then greet me again looking like this,” you gesture at him, “fixing me a drink, and you call that ‘planning to get lucky?’”
He shrugged, his smug grin only growing. “Do you think there’s any way in hell I’d be where I am if I hadn’t strategically hedged my bets? Absolutely I plan to get lucky. I make sure I don’t give luck any reason not to go my way.”
You didn’t need alcohol. He was beyond intoxicating. He had been from that first night.
“And I’m assuming I don’t get a choice of drink tonight, either?”
He looked at you again. “I let you choose a lot of things, but I want you to try this. I think you’ll like it.”
You bit your lip and tucked your legs up under you, draping an arm over the back of the couch and facing him as well as where he would return to sit once finished mixing your drinks. His back was to you now, and you were not surprised he seemed to want to keep his preparation a mystery at least for a few more moments.
“Long day at work?”
“Work?” You weren’t expecting such a normal inquiry about it.
“Yes,” he chuckled, “work, my beautiful, talented chef.”
He handed you a wine glass with clear liquids over ice, garnished with fresh mint and slices of lemon, while he had what looked to be a whiskey smash in his other hand. You took an experimental sip as he sat close to you, angling his body to face you, resting his arm over the back of the couch as well. The citrus and mint blended with something floral and…
You swished the contents of your drink in your glass before taking another sip. It was bright and refreshing and not quite the evening night cap you would have expected.
He watched your face, gaging your assessment as he sipped his own drink.
“What is this?” you asked.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes,” you countered, “but what is it, James?”
Your name on his lips ticked the corner up in a half smile. “It’s a Hugo cocktail.”
“It’s not a predictable choice for the middle of the night.”
“It wasn’t my intention to bring you hear and tuck you in straight away.”
You laughed. “There’s no question what your intentions were. We established that.”
He tilted his head slightly. “You’re not picking up on all my intentions.”
Your brow furrowed. Then you let out a little yip of surprise as he pulled you closer, you clutching your wine glass to keep from spilling the drink.
He had already positioned himself close to you, but this was even more intimate. You were nearly in his lap, and he did pull your legs up to drape across his thighs.
“Now tell me about your day.”
“Oh, you were serious.”
His hand settled on one of your bare thighs, just next to your knee.
“If I didn’t want all of you, I would’ve fucked you in the foyer and let you go home. I want this, too. Now talk.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, but you smiled. This really was him – demanding but not inflexible, and certainly giving you more than you expected.
So, you did talk, just as you had been really starting to the more he had brought you around to spend the time with him these last weeks. However, there was no getting around that this was more intimate. No others around, no distractions, no functionality of a thing you were doing together, only the two of you.
His line of inquiry was genuine, and he listened intently.
Almost too intently.
You were his singular fixation, and you knew he was thinking of nothing but you as you spoke.
And his fingers brushed idly over your thigh as you conversed.
The soft, repetitive motion wasn’t distracting at first, but it wasn’t long before it was an overwhelming tease of what wasn’t happening.
The physical touch you hadn’t experienced at his hand in weeks.
He was asking questions about how some of the new members of your kitchen staff were integrating, and all you wanted him to do was glide that hand down between your thighs.
You sipped at your drink, and as you continued to talk, you let your other hand drift to rest on his arm still draped over the back of the couch, and your fingers traced along a vein on his forearm. Although it was difficult not to let your eyes drop to his bare chest, you kept his gaze. If he was going to continue talking like this proximity and the lack of clothing between you both wasn’t affecting him, you were determined to match him.
Finally, he moved his hand from your thigh, but it went straight to your waist to curl just above your hip. “Kiss me,” he said.
You leaned forward and pressed your lips hungrily to his without hesitation. He set his drink to the side, then grabbed yours to do the same. With both your hands free, neither of you wasted another moment. Your hands went to his neck while one of his hands traveled slowly up your spine, the other holding your face. As impatient as you were for him, both of you kissed to savor, but there was no rush to it. His lips moved against yours, your tongues explored together, tracing, memorizing, exploring. It wasn’t enough, the tenor moving from savoring to consuming, and you shifted, moving into his lap.
He broke off the kiss briefly, turning his head to the side, but his left hand remained firmly against your back, keeping you close, and you rested your forehead against his temple. His other hand reached to the side table, and he plucked one of the slices of lemon and some mint from your drink. Curious, you lifted your head away. He brought the mint leaf to your mouth first, pressing it along your bottom lip. Then he pinched the fruit against your lip. The mint played with the acid of the citrus deliciously as he kissed you again, this time each of you nipping and licking intermittently through the kisses. Your hands explored the broad planes of his chest now, and his hands raked up and down your sides, thumbs skimming over the side swells of your breasts.
Keen for more, you pressed your body closer to him, pushing your core directly against the hardness of his cock. Rocking your hips, you drew a debauched moan from him that made you swell with pride and made your pussy ache even more for him. You needed him, each moment driving that need exponentially now.
The thick arms and broad chest you were getting to explore freely for the first time held only some of the rippling muscles that made it seemingly easy to push up off the couch while still holding you close with one arm, and it made a broken whine escape the back of your throat. You wrapped your legs around his torso, and his other hand squeezed and held your ass against him as he moved you from the seating area across the room to the bed. He tossed you down on the mattress, then pushed the silky robe – which was naturally already askew – off your body and flung it away. You pushed yourself back a bit more on the bed, and he was only a half second behind crawling up after you.
He pushed your legs wide open, and dove immediately for your dripping cunt. You laughed, a little flushed, but also more than ready for him to bury his face between your thighs. You let your head fall back against the soft bedding, closing your eyes. Then you yelped as there was a sharp slap to your pussy instead of his lips on your folds. You jerked up to look at him, and the devilish grin on his face, the darkening of his eyes made your heart stutter.
“Don’t laugh, Chef, I told you I was hungry for you. Keep your eyes on me,” he said.
You took a deep breath, leaned back on your elbows, and gave him a solemn nod.
He pressed kisses slowly along your inner thigh, his deep blue eyes locked on yours. The fluttering in your stomach rose steadily, your pussy desperate for his attention. When he planted his lips in the crease of your thigh, he left his mouth there. A broken whimper leapt from your throat, and you pushed your hips up. 
He pushed your hips back down with one of his large hands and moved his mouth the opposite direction and bit at the tender flesh of your inner thigh, making you yelp.
“Please,” you murmured.
“Eager for me?”
“Yes,” you answered without hesitation.
And then he worshiped your cunt, kissing it with as much fervor as he had kissed your mouth, and you moaned openly, no worries over anyone but him hearing you here. You didn’t look away, completely captivated because this was also a new level of intimacy that you felt both ready and unprepared for. Receiving oral sex from other partners had never felt so purposeful. This man in this moment was so avid in the way he was pleasing you, making you watch him, you brain was having a hard time recalling if sex with anyone before him had ever been so intense. You didn’t think it had – that first night when he’d demanded it from you in the kitchen, the next time he’d coaxed you into a few moments of pleasure in the dining room, and now inviting you here to have you without restraint – each encounter had been unlike anything before.
The pleasure was overwhelming as his lips and tongue licked, sucked, flicked your clit, delved into your folds, and he kept a keen eye on your every reaction. You began to feel lightheaded with the mounting waves of bliss, your toes curling, breaths coming in short gasps until your head fell back because you simply couldn’t look at him anymore, couldn’t do anything but feel, ready to fall over the edge because of him again.
But then he pulled his face away, jerking you back from that edge of ecstasy and you would have whined, but he was already manhandling your hips to flip you over. One of his rough palms smoothed slowly and firmly up your spine, applying delicious pressure, but you still felt the lack from the orgasm he’d dangled then withdrawn. “James,” you moaned. “James, please.”
He drew his palm slowly back down your spine. “You’ll have me, Chef, don’t doubt that.”
You whined again, but he pushed your thighs apart and slotted himself again between them, holding you splayed open for him with his broad shoulders. It was a little uncomfortable, stretching your legs, but you settled and breathed through it anticipating what was coming next.
His tongue teased at your clit for a moment, then slowly licked up and between your folds to dive into your cunt, lapping inside, and you shivered. But then one of his hands pushed at your ass cheek and his tongue continued moving up, and you gasped and tried to move away when the tip of his tongue teased your tight, puckered hole.
“Easy,” he said softly but firmly, his other hand moving beneath you and hooking at the juncture of your thigh to pull your hips back flush against him. He pressed a kiss to your round ass cheek.
“I’ve never,” you admitted enough, he knew what you meant. He kissed the same spot on your ass cheek, but then he shifted, and you felt him moving up over your back, his body pressing lightly against you until he was up at your shoulder. He pressed a kiss there, and then looked at you.  
“Then I won’t give you more than my tongue tonight, but you know I’ll make you feel good, don’t you?”
You nodded.
He smiled, then left the ghost of a kiss to your temple and slipped back down behind you.
Resuming his exact same positioning, his left hand curling under to anchor at the juncture of your leg, his right pressing you open to expose your ass, you pressed your cheek into the pillow and took a deep breath. You reached your left hand down to meet his, and he twined his fingers reassuringly with yours as they sought him. Then his mouth pressed in, and his tongue darted out, swiping over the tight ring of muscle.
“Just relax and feel,” he instructed.
You concentrated on breathing and then the new sensation. Unexpected. Then a different kind of pressure, then pleasure. It wasn’t awful as had always been insinuated. It was debauched more than anything else, and he soon had you moaning and panting and wriggling back against his tongue which alternated between lapping at the hole and teasing in and out. It was when you pushed hard back against him that he pressed a kiss again there and pulled back.
“I know what you like.”
It wasn’t a brag; it was a statement of possession that sent a shiver through your body. Because he was right, and you couldn’t deny that.
“Now come here,” he said, pulling you by your hips up to kneel, presenting for him. “Such pretty folds.” His fingers circled your clit, then slipped briefly inside your cunt, drawing a happy gasp from you.
He grabbed his thick member and brushed the tip up and down over your sensitive parts a few times as you pushed up on your elbows, your back arched in a beautiful bow for him. When you looked over your shoulder at him, he finally sunk his cock into you. His hips pushed forward against you slowly until he was completely buried inside you, filling you, pressing so intimately into you. Fully sheathed, he stayed there for a moment, and he ran his hands over your hips and your lower back, caressing, relishing in the fill. He pulled back slowly, but only a couple of inches, then pushed back in, clearly wanting to relish in this for a moment. You had no desire to rush him either.
When his hands gripped your hips, you dropped your forehead to rest your forearm on the mattress, and then he began to fuck you, building a steady rhythm. He built up bit by bit, and you both let words and sounds fall out of your mouths as the physical feelings increased in intensity. Having been so close twice, when he finally moved a hand to rub expert circles into your throbbing clit, your body quickly responded in releasing your orgasm, and your spasming walls pulled him right along with you, and he came with a shout over your moans, a stuttered thrust, and then he continued a few more pushes, his hot spend coating your walls.
He wrapped an arm around your stomach and pressed kisses into your back, and you curled up into him with a hum of contentment.
When he pulled out, he reached over to the bedside table to retrieve a waiting damp hand towel – you shouldn’t have been surprised that he’d prepared to this detail – and then cleaned you up and then him before tossing it away. He stroked your back once more, then scooped you to your side, and pulled your naked and spent body to him so he could spoon up against you. You put your arm over his, and he nuzzled into the crook of your neck.
“Stay?” he murmured simply into your ear.
This you didn’t answer immediately. You let your chest fill and empty with a few breaths, weighing your answer between your head and your heart. But neither of them fought to leave.
“Okay,” you finally breathed.
He settled in even closer, then reached for the sheets to pull up over the both of you. “I told you that first night that you would warm my bed.”
“Don’t be smug,” you protested.
“I’m not,” he insisted, and pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder, “I’m only pleased I’ve finally got you here.”
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↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
next part: HEAT
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aniesvision · 3 months
dating? (matt sturniolo x f! reader)
warnings: lying, anxiety, panicking (nothing too bad), mostly just fluff
a/n: hi!! this one is just a cute little short fluff, it's translated from my wattpad account. friendly reminder: english is not my first language, i'm sorry if there's any mistakes ✨
synopsis: your friends were going to have Madison Beer as their next guest on their podcast and you were excited to meet her. Things take a different turn when, finally talking to her, you realize one of your friends lied to her.
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colors: matt you nick chris madison ✨
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎
Just over two hours after entering the podcast studio, the three boys and the day's special guest, Madison Beer, appeared in the living room.
I had only arrived a few minutes ago and let myself in with the extra key that Nick had given to me once, considering how many times we went to each other's houses (he also have a key to my apartment).
I was practically family now. And, for that very reason, they accepted me only coming here today with the interest of getting to know Madison.
-Hi! It's so nice to finally meet you. -I smile excitedly as soon as I see the girl.
I was a big fan of her work, not the kind who followed every detail of her life or waited anxiously for news stories to find out when the new album was coming out, but the kind who listened to her songs from time to time and liked them. And also related with the lyrics.
Madison gives me a genuine smile, not waiting a second before pulling me into a hug, kindly greeting me and walking with me to the kitchen.
I showed her where the glasses and water were while the boys threw themselves down on the couch I was on earlier.
-The boys have told me a lot about you, especially Matt, you guys make such a cute couple. -She says with a big genuine smile, setting her empty glass on the counter.
-Huh? -I ask, confused. -What do you mean "couple"?
Madison spent her whole day with the guys. They decided to hang out before filming so it'd feel more natural. I haven't been able to talk to any of them yet, considering they were filming and I immediately went to talk to Madison when they were done.
I glance in the direction of the couch, seeing that Matt is looking at us suspiciously. Maybe he said we were dating for a reason, and I'll find out later, but for now I'm going to be the good friend who lies to get in on the act and help him out.
-Matt told me you guys are dating. And I'm sorry, I didn't know you had something, I have a friend who has a certain interest in him and I tried to help her, but neither of us are the type to destroy happy couples, so don't worry, it won't happen again.
Madison explains, making some gestures with her hands and I smile, trying to dispel the feeling of guilt that exuded from her face.
-Oh, it's okay, it's a recent thing, we haven't really announced it yet. -I answer, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. It's so hard to lie, specially about something like this and specially to THE Madison Beer.
-I understand, but now I know, and she knows, and I'm sorry again. -Madison says, but I can't answer as Matthew appears in the kitchen.
-Hey, can I talk to you for a minute? -The boy looks at me with a fake smile and pulls me by the wrist to his room, locking the door as soon as we enter.
He didn't even give me a chance to excuse myself, he just dragged me away from Madison.
-Matt, what the fuck was that? -I ask, disbelieving that I've been taken out of the conversation so abruptly.
I crossed my arms and looked at him in confusion, trying to understand his reaction. He seemed nervous and kept looking down, running his hand through his hair repeatedly.
-I don't know. -He replies, his voice low.
-Why did you tell her we're dating?
I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible, to show him that I wasn't angry, just confused. Annoyed, for sure, but mostly confused. I didn't want to make him feel bad in any way.
-Madison tried to give me her friend's number, and I don't know, I guess I panicked. -Matt rubs his eyes a little.
-If you didn't want to, you could've just said 'no' or 'I'm not interested'. -I uncross my arms, but continue to stare at him in confusion.
-I panicked. -He repeats, starting to play with the rings on his fingers.
I take a few steps forward and take a deep breath. I put my hand on his, squeezing it lightly and making him look at me.
-It's okay. -I smiled, trying to calm him down.
-Are you mad at me? -He asks, squeezing my hand tighter.
-Of course not. I was just confused, I still am, but I think the biggest problem isn't that you said it, it's that Madison is no longer the only one who knows about our "relationship" and maybe we need to talk about what to do now.
I keep making eye contact and standing close to him, not stepping back so he wouldn't think I was somehow mad at him. Matt and I have been friends for a long time, and we both show affection through touch, so hugs, holding hands, sleeping in the same bed and things like that, are normal. But it's always just friendly.
What's not so normal is hearing that he invented a relationship between the two of us so that he wouldn't have to dump a girl and for some reason during his moment of panic I was the person he thought of to say he was dating.
Although we have a very strong friendship, not just me and him, but me and his brothers, I understand that maybe I was a kind of easy answer because I was always there.
Part of me believes this theory, that it was just a mistake out of anxiety, nothing major. Part of me wants to believe that he feels something more.
It's not like I like him, or have a crush on him or anything. I don't feel anything other than friendship for him, I can't feel it.
He's my friend and he should probably just stay my friend.
He really is an amazing person, he's attractive, I can't deny that, he's funny, we have a lot in common, we get along well, I enjoy being with him and he would certainly make a great boyfriend.
But not for me, he doesn't see me that way.
He could've gotten someone's number, he could've gotten along with a nice person, and yet he preferred to lie and say he was dating me.
He preferred a fake relationship to the chance of something real.
He panicked, but why did he panic? It's not as if anyone would think it was that bad to be dumped, it's not. It happens all the time.
I don't know how I'd feel if he told me that he'd got the number of a new girl. That he's going out with her, that he likes her. I don't know how I'd feel if he had someone else in his life. Someone that's not going to be just a friend.
I should be happy, but I probably wouldn't.
It's Matt, after all. He's my best friend, he's the one who's with me in every situation, he's the person I want to be with in my days and rely on for every moment. That's Matt. And I love him with all my heart.
I don't want to distance myself if I know he has someone else with whom he's going to do all the things we do. And even more things we've never done, but in any case, the attention would be hers, it would all be for her.
And as selfish as it is, maybe I don't want that person to exist for him. I want to remain the focus of his attention.
-I don't know what to do. -He says, getting more anxious and pulling me out of my own thoughts, back to facing the situation.
-Matt, it's okay. -I put my hands on his face, forcing him to look at me as I spoke. -It's just a fake dating thing. It's not the worst thing in the world and we'll work it out together, okay?
Matt puts his hands on my hips, pulling me closer.
-I don't know if I want to lie anymore. I can't. I need to tell the truth. -He whispers, shaking his head repeatedly.
I put my arms around him, hugging him and feeling his rapid heartbeat as he tried to take a deep breath.
-Breathe, Matt, I'm here, and it's okay, it's going to be okay.
I keep squeezing his body and he squeezes mine back, only pulling slightly away to look me in the eye.
-I lied to Madison and I couldn't say "no" because I'd feel guilty accepting another girl's number knowing that there's only one girl in this world that I want. -His voice is just above a whisper, a little shaky but firm enough to show how serious he was about his words.
He placed his hand on my cheek, caressing it gently.
-Matt... -I try to say something, but I was so stunned with the confession that I couldn't.
-I lied because I'm in love with you and I do want to date you for real, I'm sorry, I should have just confessed all this before and avoided this situation, I'm really sorry, I'm an idiot.
I giggle at the way he said it. Matt has just confessed his feelings for me and he's so anxious that he looks like he's going to die at any second and I can only laugh. It's so silly. So stupidly silly, the way I've been shoving my feelings down the ground and he was out there lying that he was dating me because he feels the same. And neither of us though of talking about it before acting stupid.
-Then we don't have to do anything, silly. There's no fake relationship to unmask if it's real. -I smile, slipping my arms around his shoulders and getting even closer to him.
-Wait. Does that mean you feel the same? -He asks, his eyes widening in a mix of confusion and surprise.
Without thinking too much, I close the distance between us, bringing our lips together in a long affectionate kiss. We pull apart from lack of air and I smile with our faces still close.
-Do you want to be my girlfriend? Like, for real this time? -Matt asked, with our lips ghosting.
He had a smile on his face that immediately made me realize how much I am and always have been in love with him, I just never wanted to accept it.
-Of course I do. -I accept, with a smile.
He joins our lips in a kiss once more and leaves several kisses on my face, then on my neck and finally back on my lips.
-Matt, everyone's in the living room, we need to go back. -I giggle, with my eyes closed, still feeling kisses on my face with a smile.
-Yeah, you need to talk to Madison more, I forgot you came just to see her today. -He lets go of me, chuckling and taking my hand.
-It's not my fault she's perfect. -I laugh too, interlacing our fingers with a shrug and pulling us towards the bedroom door.
-You're the only one who's perfect for me. -Matt whispers in my ear before opening the door and pulling me into the hallway, his face completely red with a silly grin.
We sat down together on the couch next to Madison and I got back into talking to her again, about the podcast, her music, her day, what she liked to do and things like that. She's such a sweetheart and I was so happy to meet her that my heart was racing. Obviously not just because of that, but honestly this day is just full of surprises.
At some point, Nick and Chris got closer and joined in the conversation too and it was amazing to see how everyone was so comfortable talking to each other.
Madison seemed to be a great friend and I intended to keep her in my life.
While Nick asked about what we wanted to eat and they discussed seating options, Matt wrapped his arm around my shoulders and sank his head into my neck, leaving little kisses all around.
-You guys are so cute. -Madison draws the attention of the whole group to the two of us, making me feel a little embarrassed, but happy.
-It's normal, they're clingy, it's disgusting. -Nick comments, still not connecting the dots.
-Don't say this, Nick, every couple is clingy at first. I think it's cute. -Madison looks at me with a smile.
-COUPLE? -Nick and Chris yell together, confused, looking between everyone in the room.
I hear Matt's giggle, his face still nestled in the crook of my neck. He must have been as embarrassed as I was, but it was still funny.
-Yes, a couple, people who are dating and all that. I think we forgot to tell them. -I say, sarcastically, trying to stay serious and not burst into laughter as I nudge Matt.
-Dating? You two are dating? -Nick asks again, confused. He took turns looking between me and Matt, arching an eyebrow.
Chris was looking at us laughing and Madison was a little confused, but finding the whole thing just as funny. Then Matt lifts his face, showing his big smile and red face, pulls me closer, making me lay my head on his chest this time, and starts messing with strands of my hair before looking at his brothers.
-Yes, Nick, we're dating.
With that, he lifts my face by the chin and leaves a quick kiss on my lips. I could feel my heart beating faster, but Nick and Chris's reactions were so good that I couldn't pay attention to my nervousness.
-AND YOU TOLD MADISON FIRST?! -Nick looks at us indignantly.
-I didn't mean to, but yeah, I guess. -Matt comments, shrugging and running his free hand over the back of his neck.
-Since when? -Chris asks, pointing at the two of us.
Matt looks at me in slight despair. We needed to be cautious not to seem like he lied to Madison too.
-It's recent, we'll tell you the details later, where are we going to eat now? I'm hungry. -I say, trying to change the subject.
And it worked, everyone went back to discussing where to go out to eat and forgot the information about our recent relationship, which was more recent than they could ever know.
-Thank you. -Matt whispers in my ear and I smile in response, snuggling closer to him and enjoying the moment.
I certainly could never have imagined Matthew with anyone else, and I'm glad I realized it in time. It'd be painful to see him with another girl.
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bambisnc · 6 days
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i guess the time has come [ft. p.hn]
-> recap : “hanniii,” iroha says, throwing an arm around your best friend’s shoulder, “i can’t believe you left your ~girlfriend~ moka here all alone… she’s been pining after you for ages now~” you quietly slip out before you can hear her response.
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pairing : bsf!hanni x f!reader genre : angst uwu cw/tw : girl idk i tried to make it sad + uneditted <3 wc : 0.6k (chat did u notice how the number of words keeps decreasing ...)
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it’s raining. 
it’s raining and you’re still in school long after the bell signaling the end of the day; embroiled in the committee plans for the upcoming school festival. 
it’s raining when you see hanni’s lone figure walking back through the school gates. she doesn’t see you though, her eyes too busy focusing on her phone screen. 
a minute later, you hear a familiar notification from your own phone.
● hanniiee 😏 guess who’s at school rn … 
● you well. me
● hanniiee WHAT WHERE WHY 
● you  dumbass look up
her head swoops up, and you swear you could almost count the stars upon stars in her eyes which look around in search of you.
you wave to catch her attention.
and when she waves back, for a second it’s just the two of you in the entire world.
hanni races over to meet you and you almost want to scold her because the ground is already wet – what if she slips or something? but somehow the sight of her eagerness is enough to quell all the other feelings bubbling inside you. 
“yn~? jesus did you zone out on me?” hanni teasingly asks. 
you shake your head, “i wouldn’t dare.” 
“mwah <3 that’s more like it. hey so why are you in school so late anyway?” 
before you reply, you take a moment to look at your best friend. hanni shakes the umbrella slightly to rid it of the water. 
when she looks up, she doesn’t meet your eyes. she’s looking at someone else. 
“ah-! moka, there you are! i can’t believe you’d make me come all the way here just to get you an umbrella.” 
you don’t turn around. 
“pft. why? am i not allowed to disturb the ever-too-busy-for-me pham hanni for a teeny-tiny little favor?~” 
hanni walks behind you, shoulder brushing yours ever so slightly. her clear laugh is what finally propels you to turn around and stop staring at the blank wall in front of you.
“well~ i might make an exception for you. just because you’re a cutie <3”
“my my, such an honor isn’t it? oh right! i wanted to ask your opinions on the dance my club members and i were preparing for the festival!!”
“oooh dance~? yeah you did mention that earlier … ”
she and hanni go on talking about something; you’d be damned if anything actually registered in your brain. you can’t really bring yourself to interrupt them either.
but anymore of this,... you don’t think you’ll be able to handle.
“hi moka..! um also hanni my work’s already done so i’ll be leaving now-” it’s genuinely nothing less than a herculean task for you to be able to layer your words with a thick coating of nonchalance. 
it’s all you can do to act normal. at least for now. 
at least in front of her.
“already?” hanni whines, “aw can’t you stay longer? what’ll i do here without you :( ~” 
you’d do anything for her. 
“i really can’t,” you smile, “moka.. you’ll keep hanni company though, yeah?”
she looks shocked to hear you say her name. to be fair, you are too. 
“yeah i’ll- i’ll be here.”
hanni, bless her heart, immediately offers you her umbrella, “here-! take this, it’s still pouring out there.” the same umbrella which she had come all the way here to give to moka. 
“wouldn't you two need it though?” you ask.
“no.” her hand is looped through moka’s. you don’t remember since when they were standing like that. 
since when they even became a concept. 
(you know you’re overreacting but wasn’t it supposed to be the two of you against the world?)
“i think we’ll manage without, it’s fine really.” 
hanni’s smile bids you farewell.
you leave the umbrella right by the gate where hanni’s bag was kept. you couldn’t take it and leave the 2 of them umbrella-less in good conscience. 
you also can’t help thinking of another universe.. one in which she’d run after you, through the rain. like a scene from the one of those cheesy rom coms you used to binge all the time.
… looking up at the grey sky, you’re almost grateful for the rain and how it streams down your face.
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notes : 🤷🤷 + [m.list] + YALL CLICK ON THE LINK PLEASE song rec : te quiero - kiof wbk
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𐙚 . regulars : none yet! ⋆
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 3 months
You're Drunk
Alrighty this chapter of Dating App pretty much wrote itself! I really enjoyed writing it so I hope you all enjoy reading it. There is a several week timeskip and this is also where the timeline fuckery happens. Pease ignore everything about why Carisi is around so early cause I kinda of forgot that I wanted to rewrite some scenes from the earlier seasons before Carisi is in it, but like...I love Carisi and I have other plans so.....Timey Whimey wibbley wobbley stuff begins.
Also pretty sure this is my longest chapter think it is like 6000 words.
Let me know if there is anything in particular you would like to see in this series. Like an episode of the show with her put in it or just something random. Also let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for this.
Warnings: Drinking, talk of sex, sexual implications, teasing, drunk conversations. I think that is it, if I missed something let me know.
Master List
Prompt List
Chapter List: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
Tag list: @pear-1206
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“That is the fourth time you have checked your phone in the past two hours,” Lily pouted as she placed drinks on the table, Shannon and Courtney trailing behind her each carrying a cocktail and a shot. The four of you had made plans to go out for drinks the next time your schedules all aligned. Shannon and Courtney desperately wanted all the details on you and Rafael. The last time you able to catch up it hadn’t been the time to discuss such details. You friends were gossips but they thankfully understood that there was a time and place for such conversations, like drinking at a bar.
“I know, I’m sorry,” you quickly shoved your phone back into your pocket. “Rafael had a tough day in court, Liv said the team was taking him out for drinks since we already had these plans.”
“Aw, and you’re worried about him,” Shannon cooed, she was a little further gone than the rest of the group, she was smaller and had a lower tolerance. “When do we get to meet him?”  
“Soon, I promise,” you smiled. “I just-”
“Wanna keep all that deliciousness for yourself?” Courtney asked wiggling her eyebrows.
“Did she tell you two about how he got on his knees to take off her shoes?” Lily grinned. The other two both gasped, nearly shouting no as they turned to you expectantly.
“Lily!” you groaned, giggling a little. You were going to tell them. Just after a few more drinks.
“Take your shot and tell us!” Shannon bounced. “Come on.” You all picked up the mystery shot Lily had brought over, you thought it would be best to never know what was in the things she brought. A little like the cocktails Lily made when you all last got drunk together and you ended up downloading the dating app. You shook your head and knocked back the shot coughing a little when the strong burst of alcohol hit your throat.
“Alright, geeze,” you nodded, sipping your cocktail. The other three leaned in close, even Lily who you had told before, there were benefits to working with your best friend. You kept the details limited, not telling them everything but you painted the scene perfectly. You all finished your drinks and ordered another during the time it took for you to fill in your friends on not only your first time but near about everything that happened since.
“Damn girl!” Shannon sighed, pushing her long red hair over a shoulder. “You lucked out with this man. I don’t think my first time ended in spectacular orgasms.”
“I mean, mine did but that was just because I was with a woman for my first time,” Courtney grinned. “And when I finally slept with a man, I was assertive in what pleased me but still wasn’t great.”
“Yeah, it took maybe my third boyfriend before I started being able to orgasm with a man,” Lily agreed.
“Oh,” you tilted your head biting your lip. “I’m never letting him go then. I mean orgasms are great by myself but with Rafi, they’re something else.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Shannon playfully shoved you. “Keep bragging.”
“As if you three can talk,” you wagged your finger at them. “I had to hear all about your sexual exploits. I’m totally bragging about how he made me orgasms several times before he fucked me.”
The four of you burst into a fit of giggles before you all cheered and took another round of shots and moved onto other topics of conversation throughout the night. It had been a few hours since the night started, more rounds of shots had happened and bowls of fries, pizzas and other table snacks had been consumed to at least attempt to soak up some of the drinks. Your phone buzzed against the table, the screen lighting up with a picture of Rafael that you had taken when he wasn’t looking. His contact’s name visible for the world to see ‘Sexy Lawyer’, you hadn’t changed it since he put his number in it.
“Ooh, it’s mister magical fingers!” Courtney oohed as you picked it up.
“Hush,” you waved for your friends to be silent. “Hey babe.”
“…Chica,” Rafael sounded a little confused before he chuckled a little. “Are you still with your friends?”
“Ask him if he has any single friends that are as good in bed as he is,” Shannon tugged on your arm.
“Shh!” Lily whispered. “You’ll make her turn on her librarian voice. It’s scary.”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Rafael’s amused voice called your attention again.
“Yep, are you? Ooh!” your attention taken again. “Is Liv there? And Amanda? Do they wanna come and join us girls?”
“No invite for me? I see how it is,” Rafael feigned offense.
“We’re having girl talk and a girl’s night,” you waved your hand around. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“Oh Chica,” Rafael’s soothing voice cooed through the phone at you. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?”
“Duh, we’ve been drinking for…a few hours by now,” you rolled your eyes.
“Wait, the whole team can come!” Lily interrupted. “That way you can meet the rest of his friends, we can meet him and his friends. Win-win.”
“Ooh yes!” Shannon agreed, with Courtney nodding beside her. You could hear Rafael chuckling in the background, it was slightly muffled and you could hear other voices, one that sounded a little like Liv.
“Rafi,” you whined, pouting a little when he didn’t respond straight away. “Rafi…are you coming?” You forgot you hadn’t actually asked if he and the team wanted to join you and your friends but after Lily’s suggestion it sounded perfect and all you wanted was to cuddle with Rafael. Your friends sniggered, taking your words in a much different context to what you had meant them to be.  
“Now I’m invited, am I?” Rafael’s voice finally answered you. “I don’t know, you didn’t seem keen at first.”
“Rafi, don’t tease,” you continued to pout. “Will you please come and join us? Liv and the team as well?”
“Ask nicely, Chica,” Rafael was enjoying this far too much. He didn’t realise that when you were drunk you had very little filter.
“Oh please, please, Rafi,” you lowered your voice only slightly, your tone slipping into the tone you used when begging Rafael to let you cum. “Please come and join me. I miss you. I need you. To be here. With me, with your arms wrapped around me.”
Your three friends stared at you, mouths open and eyes wide in shock. They had never heard you speak with such a tone before or say such things before, especially in public.
“Baby,” Rafael groaned. “You can not speak to me like that when I am near my friends.”
“But you said to ask nicely,” you pointed out. “I’ll keep doing it unless you say you’re all coming.” There was some commotion on his side of the phone before you could hear him speaking in Spanish.
“Hey, it’s Liv,” Liv’s voice replaced the Spanish, her tone definitely amused.
“Liv!” you cheered perking right up at the sound of her voice. In the several weeks since you had meet her, the two of you had met up for coffee and Liv had been over for dinner a few more times when schedules aligned. During this time the two of you had bonded quickly, and you really enjoyed being around the older woman.
“We’re all heading your way, you’re still at the same bar?” Liv assured you. “And thank you for giving me so much more material for teasing Rafa with.”
“Yep, we haven’t moved except to get more drinks,” you assured her. “And you are most welcome.”
You both ended the call, well, you’re pretty sure Rafael wanted to speak to you more but Liv hung up the phone before he could get it back. You grinned at your friends.
“They’re on their way,” you nodded to the cheers of your friends.
“Oh my, he is even better in person,” Lily murmured causing everyone to turn towards the entrance of the bar just in time to see Rafael and five other people walk in. You perked up, almost bouncing in your seat as you waved your hand to get their attention.
“Rafi, Liv!” you called drawing their attention to your table ignoring the other patrons giving you looks. All that mattered was that Rafael made eye contact with you and sent you that impossibly soft smile of his, as his entire face softened and his whole body seemed to relax. Liv was right beside him and was able to see the complete change in him as he saw you and she laughed lightly at how excited you were to see him as well. Nearly bouncing in your seat as you grinned at him.
“She is adorable,” Amanda whispered.
“Just wait until you see them together,” Liv whispered back. “Cutest bloody couple ever.”
“Does this mean we will get to try her food now?” Finn asked.
“Of course that’s your concern,” Nick rolled his eyes.
“Man, I got my priorities right,” Finn shrugged. “The food Liv and Rafael bring into the office smells divine.”
Rafael moved right to your side, sliding his arm around your waist and pressing a kiss to your temple as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, almost falling but Rafael kept you on the seat by pressing himself as close to you as possible. Since you and your friends were sitting on stools you were roughly the same height as Rafael which made it easier to snuggle into him and press kisses along his neck before pulling away to make grabby hands at Liv.
“Liv, hi!” you smiled as she came around to your other side to hug you.
“Hey, there, you all been drinking water tonight yeah?” she asked looking over you and your friends.
“Of course,” Courtney was making near heart eyes at Liv and you couldn’t blame her, that woman was gorgeous.
“Guys this is Rafael, and this is Olivia,” you introduced the only two people you could. “Everyone, this is Lily, Courtney and Shannon.” You then turned pointedly to Rafael, who just narrowed his eyes at you in slight confusion. “Rafi, introductions.” You pouted lightly removing your arms from around Liv to wrap them around your man again, trying your best to look up at him from under your lashes.
“Alright, alright Chica,” he chuckled gently stroking your cheek. “This is Nick, Amanda, Carisi and Finn. This is Lily, and her friends.”
You smiled at him pressing a kiss to his cheek before turned to look at the other members of his friend group who were all sitting around the table, Liv next to you closest to Shannon, Nick and Amanda sitting in the two free seats next to Lily, Finn sitting at the other end of the table and Carisi sitting on the free seat next to Courtney. And Rafael was happy standing next to you with his arm wrapped around your waist.
“We need drinks,” Lily said. “Finn, help a girl out.” Finn just shrugged and followed the woman to the bar. You couldn’t help but smile at your bossy friend as she led Finn to the bar smiling up at him.
“Be careful with what Lily brings back,” Courtney warned. “She always buys potent cocktails.”
“But yummy!” Shannon assured.
“I’ll get us some water,” Liv laughed. “I daresay we’re all gonna need them. And maybe some more food.”
“Ooh, yes more food!” you nodded. “I’m definitely hungry again.”
“We’ve had like two pizzas and two bowls of fries and a bowl of wings,” Courtney quickly listed off on her hands. “How are you still hungry?”
“Don’t know but I am,” you pouted. “So…more food?”
“Noted, when you get drunk you get hungry,” Rafael smiled. “I’ll come with you, to help carry the glasses. I’ll be back, love.”
You narrowed your eyes briefly but at the promise of them ordering more food you released your hold on him.
“Come back quickly, please,” you begged. Rafael just chuckled kissing your cheek, checking the table number before following after Liv who immediately started talking about how adorable you were when drunk. You looked back to the table. “It’s so nice to finally meet all of you. Including Finn.”
“Same here,” Carisis smiled.
“Hmm, we had been all curious about the woman who was able to get Barba to smile,” Amanda added. “He only tends to smile when he is about to demolish the defence and that is a completely different smile.”
“Ah, yes I know which smile you are talking about,” you giggled. “I rather like it.” Though the reason for that smile was probably a little different when you saw it, the others were a little confused by the sudden red that coated your cheeks and went down to your throat.
Amanda, Nick and Carisi all shared a look at that information, filing it away like good detectives to tease the Counsellor with later. Although in the first five seconds of seeing you and Rafael interact, they had a large number of things they could tease him about. Including what seemed to be an uncontrollable desire to always be in contact with you, and the never-before-seen softness to his features.  
“So, any of you single?” Shannon asked giggly.
“Shannon,” you groaned. “Do try to be a little subtle sweetie.”
“What like you were?” she challenged raising an eyebrow. “Begging Rafael to “come”.”
“Oh, shush, that’s completely different,”
“It’s really not,”
“Is so,”
“Girls,” Lily interrupted returning with Finn who was looking incredibly confused by the current back and forth. “Really?”
The detectives were trying so hard to restrain themselves from laughing but it was a challenge that is for sure. Amanda leaned towards Finn to fill him in, causing him to bark out a laugh before trying but failing to cover it with a cough. Lily and Finn quickly handed out a round of shots and placed two jugs of some cocktail in the middle of the table and passed around glasses.
“Finn, I was just saying it is good to finally meet all of you!” you drew the attention back to the fact that you hadn’t met any of the detectives but Liv yet and tried to subtly inform Shannon and the others that you didn’t need them to make things awkward by hitting on them within five seconds. “I have heard quite a bit about you all, from Rafi.”
“He talks about us?” Nick asked, scoffing lightly. “I bet it’s mostly complaining.”
“Well, a little but mostly not,” you shrugged.
“Seriously?” Carisi needed to be sure he heard you correctly.
“Well, yeah, I doubt he holds back with his complaints at work,” you nodded, causing the others to laugh at how right you are.
“Good to see everyone is getting along,” Liv interrupted, returning with a bottle of water and some glasses, Rafael right behind her with another bottle of water and more glasses. “Definitely a good idea to get two bottles of water.”
“I think everyone may regret their choices in the morning,” Rafael quipped.
“I won’t!” you called making grabby hands at Rafael the moment he was in your sight. He smiled indulgently at you as he moved back to your side, his arm finding its way back around your waist, rolling his eyes a little as you sighed happily as you snuggled into to him.
“Oh, you probably will,” Liv said eying the shots that sat in-front of everyone. “Do I want to know what this is?”
“Nope,” Lily grinned picking hers up. “Now come on everyone, bottoms up.”
You and your friends eagerly picked them up, the detectives and Rafael however eyed it a little suspiciously, even Finn, who hadn’t quite heard what Lily had ordered. You turned your pleading eyes to Rafael, nodding towards the shot. He sighed, deeply, already regretting this decision as he picked up his shot. Grinning in triumph you turned to Liv, giving her the same look. Rafael watched in interest as his best friend tried very hard to ignore you, but he was able to watch as Liv’s eyes kept shifting to you and then away before her face scrunched up and she also reached for the shot glass. She shot Rafael a look, but he only raised an eyebrow.
“Now you know what I mean,” he told her.
“What?” you asked looking between the two.
“Well, who would have thought anyone would be able to get Liv to do anything,” Finn grinned. The rest of the detectives nodding in agreement, stunned over what they had just witnessed. The girls shared a look of confusion but their drunk minds quickly forgot about the odd moment.
“Come on,” Courtney begged, her hand lightly grabbed Carisi’s arm before looking towards Nick and Amanda.
“Alright fine,” Carisi laughed picking up the glass looking to the others pleading with his eyes to join him.
“I will make it an order,” Liv added turning on her Sergeant voice. The other three all resigned themselves to whatever was in the shot glasses as they picked them up.
“Bottoms up!” Shannon, Courtney, Lily and you all cheered, tapping the glasses on the table before throwing them back. The detectives and Rafael hesitated one second before copying them.
“Oh, god what is that?” Carisi asked face screwing up as the alcohol hit his tongue.
“I don’t think I want to know,” Nick coughed, reaching for the water that Liv had poured for everyone.
“Sook,” Lily giggled teasingly.
“Can I have some water?” you whispered to Rafael your hand playing with the tie he was wearing.
“Of course, Carino,” Rafael reached for his glass of water handing it to you with a kiss to your temple not noticing the phone in Amanda’s hand that was angled towards the couple. Liv raised an eyebrow at the blonde who merely shrugged, already sending the image to Liv and to Rafael. She figured the couple didn’t have a lot of candid photos of them. Smiling happily at Rafael, you handed him back the glass turning your attention back to the table.
“What are in the jugs?” Amanda asked a little wearily as she reached for one.
“I ordered those,” Finn assured her.
“Somehow I’m not overly assured by that,” she muttered but poured herself a glass regardless and sniffed at it. “Oh, is this just margheritas?”
“Yeah, they didn’t have a lot of options for jugs,” Finn shrugged.
“Good choice!” Shannon eagerly reached for the other jug to pour herself a glass. “Can I pour one for anyone else?”
Courtney pushed her glass towards Shannon with her fingers nodding as she did. “Obviously, I haven’t got work tomorrow.”
“Lucky,” Lily muttered but poured herself one anyway.
“Lily, do I have work tomorrow?” you asked turning to your best friend your brows furrowed as you tried to remember your schedule. Lily squinted at you, mouth opening a little as she tried to remember as well.  
“No, sweetheart you do not,” Rafael answered instead. “You have tomorrow and the following day off to recover from tonight.”
“Aw, he knows her schedule!” Amanda cooed leaning into to Nick.
“Of course I do,” Rafael said drily. “Why would I not?”
“Good point,” Amanda muttered sipping on her drink.
“Ooh! What food did you order?” you asked turning to Liv, one hand leaving the grip it had on Rafael’s suspenders to tug on the end of Liv’s blazer.
“We got more chips and some wings,” Liv informed you grabbing hold of hand and squeezing it gently, finding it difficult to stop the coo that wanted to escape. She found you adorable when she met you the first time, but apparently drunk you put that adorableness to shame.
“Yummy!” you wiggled in excitement at the prospect of food before a frown took over your face as you looked between Rafael and Liv.
“What’s wrong?” Nick caught sight of your frown first.
“Carino?” Rafael quickly turned to you, his free hand coming up to tilt your chin towards him.
“I want to cuddle with you but I don’t want to let go of Liv’s hand,” you whispered, shaking the hand that Liv still had hold of, tightening it in case Liv tried to let go of your hand.
“Darling, how drunk are you right now?” Rafael asked with a fond look, his thumb stroking your pouting lips.  
“Hm…a lot drunker than I was when I downloaded the dating app we met on,” you answered honestly. “Like way more, that shot definitely threw me over the edge.”
“I thought so,” he chuckled. “Want some more water?”
“Yes…but that means I have to let go of either you or Liv,” you pondered looking between Liv and him, lips pursed as you tried to make a decision. “Oh, I know, you can help me!” you grinned, ecstatic that you had solved the problem.
“Surely, he won’t, right?” Finn asked. He was slightly regretting joining but at the sometime not, he was getting a lot of material to tease not only Rafael but also Olivia. Plus, your friends weren’t too bad and he had been wanting to meet you.
“I don’t know, Barba seems very different with her,” Carisi answered shrugging his shoulders.
“Very different,” Finn agreed.
“I-,” Rafael was about to say no, but upon looking at you he once again found he could not say no to you. “Alright, fine.”
“No, way,” Nick muttered as Rafael did exactly that.
“I’ve known her for years,” Lily whispered to Nick. “Trust me, she is adorable and once someone gets to know her it is very hard to say no to her. If you were in his place, you would do the same thing.”
“I doubt it,” Nick turned to Lily raising an eyebrow in doubt.
“Oh, you poor deluded man,” Lily flicked his arm. “We’ll see, it even worked on Olivia, who is not dating her. One day you will have that look directed at you and you will eat your own words.”
The waiter came with the food interrupting anyone from being able to comment further on the fact that Rafael Barba, the man who didn’t relent even with victims, relented under a single look. Rafael set the glass down, pouring more into it, as he wanted to get you to drink as much water as possible otherwise tomorrow morning will be horrible for you. Though…he was a little curious how you would be with a hangover.
“Yay, food!” you cheered letting go of both Liv and Rafael.
“Thought you didn’t want to let go of us?” Liv asked waving her now free hand. Your eyes narrowed as you watched her hand, sure that you were meant to be doing something with it.
“Don’t confuse my poor Chica,” Rafael scolded. “Her poor brain probably can’t handle too much at once.”
“I must have missed the part where my boyfriend suddenly became a comedian,” you muttered crossing your arms. “Stay at your day job.”
“Now see, I was waiting for this,” Finn grinned folding his arms.
The rest of the table who were watching this like it was their dinner entertainment, tried not to nod in agreement with Finn. They dished out the food onto the plates that were placed on the table along with the food. Those who were nearly done with their margherita’s pouring themselves another glass. The detectives hadn’t had too much to drink before they joined you and your friends, so they still were no were near the level you four where at so they were able to hold in their amusement. Your friends however, were getting even further along where unable to hide theirs, the giggling muffled a little by their hands.
“For my girlfriend to insult me?”
“For Rafi to be mean?”
The two of you asked at the same time turning your eyes onto Finn who seemed a little shocked by the response.
“Creepy,” Shannon whispered.
“Extremely,” Carisi agreed. “They’ve only been going out what like two or three months? And they’re already in sync like that?”
“Actually, it’s closer to four months,” you shot at them before going back to the food that Rafael had put on a plate in-front of you. “Being precise with timelines is important, as a detective you should know that.”
“Oh, I see it now,” Amanda said around a mouthful of chicken wings.
“We all see it,” Nick agreed. Pouring another glass of the margherita, noticing that the two jugs were getting empty fast. He glanced at his watch, a little surprised by the amount of time that had passed.
“What do they see?” you leaned towards Liv confused.
“Why you and Rafi get along so well,” Liv whispered back.
“Oh, you mean apart from the fact that the man is gorgeous, charming, sarcastic and incredibly intelligent?” you tilted your head to side. “Oh, and good in bed.” There was a round of near choking around the table as they heard your comment, being drunk you thought you were whispering but you in fact were not.
“Alright, you are definitely cut off,” Rafael pushed the glass of the cocktail away from you. “Eat some more food.”
“Don’t be pushy,” you whined. “And give me my margherita back.”
“Eat some more food and drink some more water and then I will,” he commanded pushing your plate towards you before picking up his own margherita. You leaned towards him wrapping your arms around his neck so your mouth was right next to his ear.
“Or, give me back my margherita and when we go home, I’ll get on my knees and suck your cock the minute we get through the door,” you whispered seductively. “And then, I’ll strip naked for you, put on your vest and ride you.” You moved away a little to allow him to turn his head to look at you.
You felt Rafael’s hand on your waist tighten and you had the pleasure of seeing the red creep up his neck as his eyes started to burn. He swallowed, the knuckles on his other hand turned white as he gripped his drink. He was very grateful that you still had enough thought to whisper that in his ear rather than saying it loud enough for the rest of the table to hear.
“Chica,” he warned eyes taking in your cheeky grin. “That’s out of line.”
“Hm, we’re not in a court of law my dear,” you giggled. “So, counsellor, do you accept the terms?”
“No,” Rafael stated, smirking as your mouth dropped open in surprise.
“Really?” you were shocked. “But…I want my margherita.”
“Then drink some water and eat,” Rafael raised his eyebrow at the water he pushed towards you. “And you will.”
“Fine,” you huffed pulling your arms from his neck. “Then I won’t suck your dick.”
“…please tell me I wasn’t the only one who heard that?” Finn muttered.
“We all heard it,” Liv muttered eyes wide and looking away.
“You are naughty!” Shannon giggled leaning as far as she could to swat at your arm. “Is that what you whispered to him?”
You nodded holding the glass of water eyeing it suspiciously, cheeks puffed out as you sulked. Olivia lifted her drink out of the way of Shannon’s flailing limb, trying very hard to restrain herself as she watched the marid of expressions that passed over Rafael’s face. Shock, horror and that last one was a little unclear, but oddly enough she could still make out the fondness that he has for you in his eyes as he watched you giggle at your friend but still sulk over not getting your margherita.
“This has got to be one of the most entertaining nights I’ve had in the longest of times,” Amanda giggled. “And Barba the look on your face was priceless.”
“I hate all of you,” he answered, drowning the last of his margherita before grabbing your glass and drinking that as well.
“Hey!” you squeaked. “That’s mine.”
“You hadn’t finished your water or your food,” he groused.
“You’re not getting sex,” you glared at him.
“We’ll see,” he smirked at you, slowly licking his lips, your lips parted as you felt warmth slowly build, you had to squeeze you legs together as your eyes glazed over.
“Is he?” Nick asked, not even wanting to finish that sentence.
“That is the sign for me to go,” Finn decided standing up, a look of near horror on his face. His eyes squinted as he looked between Rafael and you. “It was good to meet all of you. Maybe next time a little less alcohol.”
“Agreed,” everyone agreed.
“I think I’ll also call it a night,” Amanda smiled. “I should go and walk Frannie before it gets too much later. Are you girls fine to get home?”
“Aw, that is so sweet!” Lily leaned into Amanda smiling up at her. “I’ll be fine, I’ve gotten home when I have been way more drunk.”
“If you’re sure?” Amanda asked.
“Mhm, though I can’t say the same thing for Courtney or Shannon,” Lily nodded towards the two other girls who were leaning against each other and giggling.
“True,” Amanda agreed, eyeing them both.
“I’ll help with them,” Lily patted her arm. “Shannon lives on the way to mine so I can take her in an uber with me. Courtney however, lives in the opposite direction.”
“I can take her,” Amanda offered.
“Ooh I get to ride with the pretty detective?” Courtney asked bouncing in her seat. “It’s my lucky day.”
“I wanna ride with the pretty detective,” Shannon muttered.
“You ride with me,” Lily pointed at her. “And you better say you’re lucky with that.”
“Duh,” Shannon rolled her eyes. “But I get to ride with a pretty librarian all the time.”
“I am both offended and fine with that,” Lily shrugged as she quickly drowned the rest of her margherita. “Is anyone else heading my way? Can take two more in my uber.”
“I’ll take you up on that,” Finn nodded.
“Carisi, you coming with?” Amanda asked, a particular look in her eye as she looked at the Italian.
“Sure, that okay with you Courtney?” Carisi asked, not wanting to tag along if she wasn’t okay with it.
“Two pretty detectives?” Courtney asked. “Getting better and better.”
“I think that’s a yes,” Nick muttered. “I’ll be fine on my own. Liv, you good getting home?”
“I’ll be fine, I live in the opposite direction of all of you,” Liv smiled. Everyone turned to Rafael and you, both currently still arguing over him drinking your drink. “I think they’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, I don’t think it’ll be a good idea to share a ride with them,” Nick grinned. “It might get a little awkward.”
“Hey, lovebirds,” Carisi teased. “You two ready to go home?”
“Not with him,” you muttered, turning your pleading eyes to Liv.
“Oh, no,” Liv laughed reaching out to squeeze your cheek. “You are going with Rafi. Maybe you can tease him to feel bad about drinking your alcohol.”
“Ooh, could idea!” you nodded, trying to climb off your seat. “Come on bub.”
“I’ll never forgive this betrayal, Liv,” Rafael promised as he kept hold of your waist keeping you from stumbling. “She’s really good at teasing. It should be a crime.”
“Oops,” Liv grinned. “Come on.”
The group made it’s way out of the bar, Liv, Lily and Amanda helping Shannon and Courtney. They were surprising stable, only a little unsteady after sitting down for so long and drinking as much as they had. Nick, Carisi and Finn were all at the back keeping an eye on everyone else, they didn’t even realise that they had done it until Liv glanced over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow as the group waited for their Ubers together.
“What?” Nick asked crossing his arms. “You know me, you can’t even pretend to be surprised by this.”
“Alright, that’s actually fair,” Liv rolled her eyes.
“Rafi, the world is spinning,” you whined, looking up at Rafael, your hands were once again holding onto his suspenders.  
“Aw, my poor Chica,” Rafael cooed lightly brushing the hair out of your eyes before pulling out his phone to order an Uber, his other hand still held you tightly against his side. “Let’s get you home, my apartment or yours?”
“Yours, please,” you grinned up at him, all annoyance over him stealing your drink gone. “I sleep better at yours now.” You nuzzled your face back into his neck, sighing happily as his scent surrounded you.
Rafael felt his heart melt at that, the two of you rarely slept away from the other these days. The first time you had been in his bed when he got back from a late night in the office it had been surreal, he had to stop for a moment and appreciate that fact that you wanted to be there when he got back. It had happened after he got an emergency call, the two of you had been having dinner at his and you were prepared to head back to your apartment when he left but he offered for you to stay at his without even really thinking about it, all he knew was that he wanted to come back to his apartment with you still there.
“Looks like our ride is here,” Amanda motioned towards the car that just pulled up pulling everyone out of their conversations. Carisi moved forward ready to help with Courtney. “Tonight, has been…entertaining and enlightening.”
“All of this has been off the record,” Rafael warned looking pointedly at all the detectives.
“Sure, counsellor,” Carisi agreed, a boyish grin on his face. “Next time we need a warrant and you don’t want to do it I’ll just call y/n up and she can get you to do it.”
“Nope, that is an abuse of my power,” you claimed not lifting your head from Rafael’s neck. “Only use it when absolutely necessary.”
“Noted,” Finn said.
“Alright, Shannon, Finn our ride is also here,” Lily waved towards another car that pulled up. “It was lovely to meet all of you, should do this again sometime.”
“That would be nice,” Liv agreed.
“Thirded!” you called. “I loved meeting the rest of Rafi’s friends!”
“And we definitely enjoyed meeting you,” Nick assured you, chuckling a little.
A round of goodbyes followed as everyone managed to get into their Ubers with minimal issues. Assuring everyone that they would message when each member got home safe and sound. The more sober members of the group thoroughly entertained by the drunker members attempt to converse with the drivers before getting sleepy.
“Alright, Carino, here we are,” Rafael huffed as he gently set you down on his bed, hands hovering just in case you started to sway a bit too much but when you stayed upright, he moved around his room, gathering some clothes for you to sleep in. A little selfishly he grabbed one of his shirts for you, along with a pair of your panties that you kept here. “Alright, let’s get you changed, that make up off and some more water into you.”
“Rafi,” you looked at him biting your lip as your hands struggled to undo the buttons on your top. “Let’s have sex.”
“I thought you said no sex for me because I was mean,” Rafael laughed, grabbing the make up removal wipes you kept on the dresser. He warmed at the thought that there were daily items you used all around his apartment.
“Oh yeah,” you mumbled before shrugging. “Really that’s punishing me as well and I don’t deserve that. I deserve your talented fingers, tongue and cock.”
“Lord help me,” he muttered rubbing his forehead as his cock twitched in interest. He had tried so hard to keep it down at the bar after you whispered to him but here in the privacy of his own apartment it was becoming a hassle. “Baby, you are really drunk, so that is a no on the sex.”
“Maybe but I wanna,” you promised him. “I fully, whole heartedly consent to you railing me. Besides you’re already getting me undressed.”
“To get you into something to sleep in because you are drunk,” Rafael explained patiently. This was the first time he had ever seen you drunk and it was both amusing and difficult as he tried to get you changed. “Come on arms up, there we go.”
Thankfully, in your drunken state you eagerly followed his directions as he changed you and gently wiped off the make up you were wearing. Being sure to get every last spec of it. He wasn’t about to try and get you through your entire skin care routine but he figured you could do that in the morning or he could help you if you were hungover. Who was he kidding? You were going to be so hungover.
“Sex?” you asked one last time as he got you to drink some more water, leaving a bottle on the bedside table before he quickly got changed and slid into bed beside you, tugging you close.
“You’re drunk,”
“…yeah…” yawning you wiggled into a more comfortable position of sleeping mostly on Rafael’s chest. “Night bub…” soft snores followed after that as you drifted off into a drunken sleep.
“Tomorrow morning is going to be something,” Rafael muttered pressing a kiss to the top of your head, wrapping his arms around you as he listened to you breathing, letting that lull him to sleep.
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monikashinswife · 11 months
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Unexpected Visit (Monika Shin x Artist! Reader)
-The reader is an influential actress/dancer, due to her busy schedule. Their relationship is in jeopardize. How would they fix it?
"Oh babe please?" She said to me almost desperately, "it's been a while since we went out on a date." I sigh as I look at her. Knowing Monika, she usually doesn't do this. She's very independent. And her asking me to go on a date is a huge deal.
I bit my lip as I tried to fight back tears, knowing that I am probably lacking something for her to ask me that herself. I reach for her slowly, "I'm really sorry babe, but this is a huge project for me right now." I explained broken heartedly. I understood that it's been a while since we went out. And it's breaking my heart. As much as I want to take her on a date.
I can't because of my schedule. "Please?" She looked at me with those damn eyes. "Oh God." I groaned as I put my hands on her cheeks. She smiled playfully as she knew the effect that she has on me. I caress her cheeks lovingly.
"As much as I want to, Monika." I said softly, I can feel my heart breaking when I said my next words, "But I can't, babe..." my voice break while saying those words. I continued staring at her beautiful eyes. My heart breaking as I saw the emotion in them. I gave her forehead a lingering kiss.
I close my eyes as I feel her wrap her arms around my waist. I left my lips on her forehead as we cherished this. I tense up when my phone rang. I feel her arms tightening around me. I hugged her back. Giving her head a few kisses.
"I'm really sorry baby. I have to go." I told her. And as much as we both don't want to let go. We had no choice. I have to go film and she also needs to shoot something later.
"I love you okay?" I noticed how she went quiet, but before I could ask her. My phone rang again, I quickly gave her a kiss and gather my things. I hug her for a moment and I hurriedly went to the studio with a heavy heart.
I was greeted by my manager. Luckily the people I'm working with are the people that I knew. And our familiarity with each other resulted to the shoot going smoothly.
"Alright Break!" The head director shouted. I sigh in relief before going back to my trailer. Now feeling the weight of what happened with Monika earlier. I put the script on my vanity, I stare at my phone beside the script.
I bit my nails before looking at myself in the mirror. I gave myself a nod and I messaged Monika.
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My hands shaking lightly as I messaged her. For some reason, her message bothered me. Knowing that something is definitely not fine between us.
I gulp as I read her message again. Thinking about her face earlier made me drop everything. I couldn't take it anymore.
I took my things and informed my manager that I am leaving. I quickly messaged the producer of the show that Monika's shooting at the moment.
I asked how many are in the show and bought them foods. I was aware of the show so it didn't surprise me when the producer said the number of participants.
They are filming Street Dance Girls Fighter. I bought Monika a bouquet of her favorite flowers. Still nervous because of what happened. I kept in touch with the producer, asking if I am allowed to enter the studio.
Luckily they allowed me. I toughened as I enter the set. I chatted with the producer for a moment before I was told that the foods that I ordered for them are here.
The producer told me that he would love for me to enter the shoot. And he knew why I came here. I thanked him.
He told the Kang Daniel to introduce a surprise visitor. And when the MC announced it with full energy. The stage door opened. Revealing me.
And the crowd made such a loud noise. Then Dj Som played a hiphop song that is one of my signature dance. And to make it interesting, I gave them a show.
High School girls are different type of fan. They were full of energy and I'm glad that I am able to gave them a worthy impromptu performance with the bouquet in hand as I dance to the rhythm.
The cheers continued after I was introduced. I smiled at the familiar faces of the dancers who are also our friends. They clap at the surprise.
And then I turn to look at the shocked Monika. She's adorable, her stoic facade long gone as genuine shock is written on her face. I smiled sweetly as I approached her.
"Hey..." I said softly. I gave her the flowers. And she looked at them confused. "I'm really sorry love." The people suddenly disappeared and it's just the two of us in this world. I kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry." I whispered, I really wanna make it up to her.
And everyone was surprised to see the strict and intimidating Monika all soft and lovely with you. They awed at the interaction.
After that, the mc continued to explain the next mission for the girls. And the producer told me to sit with PROWDMON in the meantime as the show continued.
The moments of me and Monika were closely watched by the cameras. The way we both would look at each other while talking. The way Monika would scoot closer to me.
Every time I would try to appeal for PROWDMON and Monika's cute reaction as she saw how I could be quite persuasive when I want to. The way I would ask Monika and her members from time to time if they are alright.
The way we would wrap one arm around each other's waist. And how the calm Monika sometimes put her chin on my shoulder as I excitedly watch the girls perform.
The camera captured every interaction we had. And they all felt the love we have for each other. The other crews are very much aware of what's been happening to us and they are just happy that we're alright. And also thanks to this unexpected visit, people saw the serious Monika's other side.
(Not proofread, I just finished this rn😭)
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stargazing15 · 2 years
Mister grumpy chicken
Rooster x Wife reader & baby Nick
Warnings: you’re having a fight, very tired parents, will get fluffy
It was one those days, or rather weeks. Nick hasn’t been sleeping well for over a week, due to teething, a growth spurt and he learned something new. The first night Bradley was still home but just as most nights he didn’t hear Nick crying, so it came all down on you and as of the next day he stayed at base for the rest of the week due to training. If you got lucky you got 4 hours of sleep in total. Once you held Nick in your arms he calmed down quickly, but getting him back in his bed was not that easy and before you knew it your alarm went off, again. This was your whole workweek, getting up early to take Nick to daycare, going to work, rushing back to daycare, taking Nick to the supermarket with you, getting back home to feed Nick, doing the laundry and trying to play with Nick in between, bathing him every other day, putting him in bed, cooking food for yourself if you didn’t forget, taking the laundry out of the washing machine, clear away Nick’s toys which are shattered all over the floor and by that time it was also time for you to get in bed. And the next day it was the same all over again, since some coworkers called in sick, you drowned in work and didn’t even have the time for some small talk at work.
You didn’t know how you managed to survive this hell week, but you sure looked and felt like a zombie. And just like that it was Friday, you didn’t work on Fridays so could take care of Nick since daycare was pretty expensive. Even though Nick had been playing well and had slept a bit, he started getting fuzzy knowing his dad would get home today. But as it eventually got 5 pm, Bradley still wasn’t home, so you send him a text with a picture of Nick saying he misses his dad.
After putting Nick to sleep at 7 pm, you finally heard the front door open when you almost felt asleep on the couch.
“Bradley, babe?” You got no answer as he walked right past you straight to the bathroom. With all your heart you wanted to join him, but you had no energy left so you dragged yourself to the bedroom letting yourself fall on the bed, still wearing your clothes. 
You got waken abruptly by getting poked in your side. “Nick’s awake, you go, I’m tired.” Bradley mumbled, you lifted your head up to look at your alarm clock, 20:25, time hadn't really passed and you were still wearing your jeans. 
“Bradley, can’t you please check on him for once, I apparently still need to change, and I haven’t slept we-“ before you got the chance to end you sentence, Bradley interrupted. “I’m the one who has been working hard this week and we had night flights, so believe me I am the one who’s tired! I’m gonna sleep on base, at least it’s quiet there!” He almost screamed at you, hearing his daddy yell resulted in Nick crying even harder.
“Bradley, please stay, Nick…” You tried to reason him with tears rolling down you face, but he had already taken his bag and left. “I can’t do this alone” you whispered to yourself.
You were able to calm Nick down for a minute, but he felt you were tense and started wiggling and whining in your arms. You didn’t want to bother anyone, but for both your and Nick’s sake you needed someone to help you out.
“Please, pick up” you whispered in the phone with tears falling down on your cheeks.
“Y/N? Hey! How’s everyt-” 
“Nat, can you please come over?” You interrupted her, “I can’t do it, Bradley… and Nick’s been having a hard time. Ssshhhh Nick, everything will be alright.” You sobbed and tried to coo Nick at the same time.
“Oh sweetheart, I’m on my way, tell me what happened.” As Natasha kept the line open during her ride over, you were able to tell her what happened. It felt good, finally able to talk to someone, so good that she arrived earlier than you expected.
“Woah, girl you look like shit.”
“Thanks," it was a complement compared to how you felt "can you take Nick over for a minute?” You asked while handing him over.
“Yes of course, I’ll try putting him in bed, you go take a shower, I think you might need one.” She was right, the hot water helped your muscles finally relax and for the first time this week and your head was just empty, no thoughts, no worries, just the sound of water.
When you got back to your bedroom to put your clothes away, Natasha joined you. 
“I called Jake, he was busy chasing a nurse, so he’s still on base, Bradley arrived safely and was one ray of sunshine, I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s the matter with him today, but Jake’s gonna kick his ass in the morning.” She smiled. 
“Nat, you’re one hell of friend, I’m so thankful you took me in as part of that big idiot family.”
“Hey, I’m the one who’s thankful, now I’m not the only girl anymore.” She said while hugging you, as you melted in her hug, she noticed your loneliness. “Do you want me to stay?” You nodded. “I don’t think mister grumpy chicken will mind that I take his place for the night.”
“Mister grumpy chicken” this was the first time this week you genuinely laughed. “I’m gonna change his name in my contacts to that. And I’m in for a girls-only sleepover, and Nick of course.” It was the first time this week that Nick has finally slept through the night, so did you. When you woke up and saw it was already 9 am, you hysterically ran to Nick’s room to find it empty, relieve washed over you when you heard his little squeals echo from the living room.
“I think a good night of sleep did wonders to the two of you, you look a lot better. Nick’s already been fed and playing like his life depends on it.”
“Thanks Nat. You’re the best!” You ran over to hear to give her a big, warm hug and immediately got interrupted by a giggling Nick. “Good morning to you too, come here.” You said while picking him up. “Nat, did you… did you hear something from Bradley?”
“Oh yes, Jake has had some fun already, he bunked with Bradley on base and Bradley is really regretting yesterday. He’s expecting you at the beach. Nick stays with me, we still have a lot to discuss, ain’t that right Nick?” You heard Nick answer with one of his cute “bababababa’s” “See, we’ll be okay? Would you mind if Bob came over? He misses this little goofball too.”
“No problem, I think Nick would love it, he adores uncle Bob.”
Since it was not that warm anymore, you put on jeans that hugged your waist nicely, a cute top and one of Bradley’s sweaters. When you arrived at the beach you got a text from Bradley where to meet him. Instantly your face lit up when you saw his new screen you had given him yesterday evening.
Grumpy chicken: look up and you’ll see me
When you looked at the beach, you couldn’t miss him. There he stood with a bouquet of red roses in one hand and a couple of fluffy blankets in the other one. Seeing him like this you got flooded with memories from the time you met him, feeling the butterflies all over again.
“Hi baby.” You said while joining him. He quickly kissed you, letting you know everything was alright now.
“Hi sweetie, I’m so sorry I was selfish yesterday. I, uh, got you these.” He said while he gave the roses.
“Thank you, but I rather have one of those” while pointing at the fluffy blankets “and you to join me.”
“Oh my god, sorry, forgot, come here. You look good in my sweater.” You joined him on the sand, getting wrapped up together in one of the blankets, mumbling a small ‘thanks’. It felt nice, your body touching his, nuzzling your head in his neck, feeling his arm wrap around your shoulder, getting warm inside just from being with each other. 
“I’m sor-” “Shhh” you interrupted him. “Let’s just enjoy this.” You took his right hand that was wrapped around your shoulder in you right so your rings would touch. He got the message and kissed the top of your head, the two of you staying silent like this for a while enjoying each other’s presence and the sound of the waves, forgetting what happened yesterday.
“Can I still apologise?”
“Yeah now is okay.”
“I’m really sorry for my behaviour sweetie. You sacrificed already so much for us and I was just a dick to you, sorry I didn’t look at you and noticed how you were, Jake told me after Phoenix called this morning, he made me regret it with a cold water alarm.”
“You kinda deserved that,” you tried to imagine Hangman living his best life by doing such stunts, “it’s okay now, I should have let you know how bad the week has been, maybe we should get a babysitter more often so we can have some more us-time. We still need to learn, but that’s part of being parents now.”
“I’m so lucky with you, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You felt your phone go off, receiving an update from Phoenix and Bob. “Must be Nat.” You said while taking your phone, just then remembering you hadn’t opened your text from Bradley so it was sill visible on your lock screen.
“Who’s grumpy chicken?” You couldn’t help but giggle at the memory last night.
“You, you’re my grumpy chicken.”
“Seeing it makes you smile, I don’t mind it.”
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
Walk your talk
Tumblr media
Rating: Explicit
Synopsis: Bucky survives and settles down back in New York. His wife discovers at SSR Bucky has been ahem- exaggerating around the lunch table. Punishment ensues. A good boy should know to keep his mouth shut. Right?
Tags: Period typical sexism, Bucky pretends to be tuff™️ but is the biggest sub in the universe, SSR gang reunited and by that I only mean Peg n Sousa are allowed, men wearing panties, chubby!subby!bucky, dom!reader, pnv!sex, orgasm denial, SO MUCH TEASING, subspace, Bucky just wants to be the best boy to ever, kinda fluffy, aftercare
A/N: This was already in the bullpen hahaha BTTOH is about 75% done. Writing full ass chapters confuddles me but it’s about GROWTH. Also I love sub chub buck
Bucky worked at the Strategic Scientific Reserve. He was a top dog— the heroic best friend of the dear Captain America and famed Howling Commando. He’d been working there since he lost his arm in the war. Howard Stark had since designed him a new one with some plans he said ‘certainly were not smuggled from a Nazi bunker’. He was happily married and recovering day by day.
Bucky’s pretty little wife was perfect. She never complained, and made his lunch for him every day. His coworkers would jab about Bucky having her under his thumb— how he probably gave it to her good. He’d laugh and go along with the talk, shrugging off their questions. Peggy would hound him about defending her honor and he figured he should before it got out of hand. He didn’t really prioritize that…being on a new case and all.
To Bucky’s consternation, it got out of hand as predicted. He was at a company cocktail party on Stark’s fancy pool property. He warmly smiled at his best girl, a big hand resting on the small of her back. She nuzzled his shoulder and cooed, “C’mon big guy, when are you going to let me meet some of these men? I’ve had an earful every night.” He shook his head with a laugh, calling over Johnson and Krzeminski. The pair of men were tipsy and goofily strode over.
Bucky introduced her, “Hey boys this is the wife!She’s interested in putting a face to the two who get on my damn nerves.” He pointed at the tall blonde, “That arrogant bastard is Johnson, and the lerch there is Krzeminski.” She airily laughed, a beautiful noise to Bucky. The woman teased, “Oh hush, I’m sure you two are perfectly ordinary!”
Krzeminski guffawed before slurring, “Ah Barnes I see why you kept her hidden. You’re a gem!”
Bucky narrowed his eyes as she blushed and laughed it off.
Ray continued as he elbowed Johnson, “Yeah, Barnes has told us all about you. I wish my wife took obeying so seriously, lemme’ get her over my knee for once.” The blonde chuckled lowly, eyeing the confused lady. Bucky intervened, “Alright. Thanks boys, we’re going to get something to drink now. Maybe some water for you Ray.” He clutched the man’s shoulder in a facsimile of warmth but gripped roughly, causing Krzeminski to wince in pain.
Bucky led his other half away internally cringing at his coworkers words. He should’ve nipped this in the bud earlier. She looked up at him, a sharp brow lifting up in question. Bucky stuttered to respond but she held up a hand. She asked, “What was that all about dear? What did you tell them?”
Bucky ran a hand over his brow and replied, “Y’know how guys get— just talk.”
“Just talk about our sex life? I guess you didn’t tell them the truth.”
Her painted lips turned into a frown, sending his heart to cracking. Bucky mumbled, “They worship the ground I walk on and I just got carried away— m’sorry sweetheart.” She rolled her eyes and looked up at his sorrowful blues. Her manicured hand reached up to thumb at his reddened cheeks.
“I understand. Maybe shut any future talk down baby,” her soft gaze hardened, “I doubt they want to know what happens when you misbehave. Who really gets taken over the knee, hm?” Bucky’s mouth gaped like a fish, his full cheeks flushing further at his baby’s words. He gulped, “N-no sweetheart, m’so sorry.” Bucky’s skin crawled as shame licked up his spine. He shifted in place, looking away from his wife’s piercing stare. He was in the dog house now.
“I think we need to head home Bucky-bear. Obviously you need a punishment for behavior like this.” A strangled noise leapt out of Bucky’s throat at her words. He didn’t need to be punished— Bucky just wanted to be her good boy but was doing poorly at that. She cooed, “Poor baby. You’ll be fine. Now go say your goodbyes.”
Bucky frowned and stalked off, saying sullen goodbyes to the partygoers. He waved off Sousa and Peggy asking about his mood, scurrying to the car instead. His wife waited in the passenger side, idly checking her nails. Bucky got in the two-door, avoiding her pointed gaze. She spoke softly, “I’m really disappointed in you sweetheart. I wouldn’t even speak, much less lie about our sex life to coworkers.” The brunette’s throat bobbed with emotion.
“It was messed up, I shouldn’t do that. M’sorry.”
Her voice cut him like a blade when she responded, “Sorry isn’t cutting it tonight. When I get out of my shower at home I expect you on the bed wearing your pretty things. Bad boy.”
Bucky whimpered.
“‘M not a bad boy,” he weakly protested. His face was red from embarrassment with hot tears welling up. His metal hand creaked against the steering wheel. She patted his thigh, giving it a squeeze as she teased, “You haven’t been acting like my best boy Buck. Don’t worry, I’ll get you sorted out.” He whined lowly, his dick traitorously jumping at her mean words and soft touch.
The rest of the drive she maddeningly stroked and gripped at his thigh. Bucky felt an oncoming haze at the edges of his mind— blurring and scrambling his thoughts. His cock was full to bursting, stuffed uncomfortably in his slacks. Bucky whined through his nose at the pain. She cooed, hand traveling up his thigh to brush against his need. He swallowed down a mewl.
“You’re something else. Getting hard when you’re being punished. Such a bad boy.”
Bucky frowned again then shot her a pitiful look. He wasn’t a bad boy, atleast he wasn’t trying to be! Bucky blinked dumbly at the road. His wife’s voice came through the haze, “C’mon Buck don’t go dumb on me yet. Parking is on the left.” On autopilot, he managed to park the car and escort his lady out.
She stepped in front of him, shouldering off the offered hand. Bucky moaned in distress and followed behind her like a lovesick puppy. He whined, “Don’t leave me behind!” The woman turned around with a smirk, eyes roving across his form. She replied, “Quit being needy baby— I’m not going anywhere.” Bucky softened slightly at the pet name but his cock stirred again.
He dug the heel of his palm into the swollen flesh, biting his lip to stifle noise. Bucky’s wife tutted and slapped at his hand, then turned to open the door to their brownstone. She kicked off her heels and walked to their room. Bucky did the same, calling her name as he followed her along. He watched hungrily as she unzipped her dress, smiling softly.
“Go change your clothes, puppy. I’m having my shower and you better be ready when I’m out.”
She moved away towards the bathroom, slamming the door shut. Bucky winced and his heart fell when he heard the lock. He pouted now, sullenly going to the ‘special drawer’. He rifled through the lingerie, settling on a baby blue set he knew she liked. “Brings out your eyes,” he remembered her whispering. He flushed and shivered at the memory.
Bucky stripped off his coat and yanked down his tie. He unbuttoned his shirt with frantic fingers, doing the same to his pants. Bucky moaned helplessly when he pushed down his underwear, brushing against his sensitive cock. The swollen member hit his belly when he uncovered it. Taking a deep breath Bucky collected and folded the clothes. He trembled with anticipation, heart thudding rapidly.
He slipped on the soft stockings first, shuddering at the feeling. Next came the garter, which Bucky shimmied on, his face flushing deeper in hot shame. He pulled at it, the material cutting into his softened waist and belly. He frowned down at the poorly fitting garter. His pretty baby was going to tease him to tears. Grabbing the last article of clothing, Bucky gazed at the skimpy panties. He had no clue where his wife even ordered them but he slipped on the silk clothing.
The soft material felt nice against his sensitive skin, Bucky’s lashes fluttering in response. When he pulled them up over his hips he mewled softly. The tight panties were snug against his leaking cock and achy balls. His left hand whirred as it twitched towards his crotch. He groaned, restraining himself or he’d be an even worse boy.
Bucky gingerly walked to the big bed and sat on the edge, tucking his arms behind his back. He whimpered in need, clenching his eyes closed to blot out the bright light. Bucky chewed on his lip as he waited, listened, and waited. He vaguely heard her humming and a couple of objects moving around. The fog began to collect around the edge of the brunette’s thoughts again, swaddling his racing mind. The humiliation of the lingerie and perching himself like a needy whore was fueling Bucky’s heady desire.
“Buck?,” came a soft voice. His missus voice. Bucky whined lowly, keeping his head down. He heard her bare feet padding across the floor. The light clicked off and a candle was lit. She instructed him to look up. He could see the outline of her until she got closer, his baby coming into view. Her eyes were soft but her face was locked into a predatory expression.
Bucky’s lips trembled as she caressed his jaw. She breathed, “Oh Bucky- you look so sweet. Like a good boy.” Oh please, Bucky thought. All he wanted to be was her good boy.
She crawled onto his thick thighs, seating herself flush to her husband. Bucky whimpered thinly, twitching.
“Lay back now,” she whispered into the shell of his ear. Following orders Bucky dropped back, no usual finesse on his part. Everything sounded dull and his muscles were lax. But he was keyed up to a 10. Bucky tried to speak but ended up whining and slurring nonsense; to which she pressed a finger against his lips. Her wide eyes sparkled when she murmured, “Shh bear. I’ve got you. This won’t be long- I know you’re sorry.”
“S’sorry,” Bucky cried lowly.
She stroked a tiny hand down his chest, soothingly stroking at the built muscle. She laid featherlight kisses onto his jaw and neck. Bucky preened, moaning at the soft touches. He faintly jerked when his wife’s fingertips swirled around his peaked nipple. Her lips split into a wide grin as she pinched at the sensitive nub. She teased, “So responsive, easy little thing.” Bucky was reeling when his girl combined the pinches with a roll of her hips.
“F-fuck!,” he cried.
Her hands moved down to the garter, rubbing at the flesh rolling out around it. Bucky’s wife taunted, “Oh, s’gotten a little tight hm? Maybe instead of yammering about our relationship around the lunch table you should get back to boxing?” Bucky gasped in mortification, his dick spurting out pre at the same time. She continued, “My plump little housewife at home— y’think they’d suspect it?“ She groped meanly at the fluff on Bucky’s belly, him squirming and whining in response.
“S-stop,” he begged, blue eyes watery and wide.
Bucky liked the humiliation so much, but he wouldn’t— couldn’t admit it out loud. His cock could clearly show you how much he was into it. It currently was staining the front of the silk panties. The woman tilted her head as she replied, “Oh sorry baby, was that mean? I don’t care.” Bucky sniveled at her response, tears rolling down his full cheeks.
Her hand finally, finally reached the hem of the underwear. The woman pulled down the blue silk to reveal Bucky’s cock. He hissed at the cold air hitting his hot skin. She marveled at his swollen member, flushed almost purple and profusely leaking. She moaned lowly, “Oh baby, that looks like it hurts. Want me to play with it?” Bucky nodded viciously, little whiny ‘yesses’ falling from his plump lips.
His wife rudely spat into her palm then wrapped her lithe hand around him. Bucky yelped like he’d been burned, twitching underneath her. Bucky hoped he was being good enough for her because she was still so angry. She ruthlessly jacked his cock, scolding Bucky about how bad he’d been. The brunette moaned non-stop, drooling pathetically. He was close already, his balls drawing up painfully.
He cried out his baby’s name, feeling his orgasm begin and followed by absolutely nothing. Bucky blanched at the loss, registering the denial seconds too late. He let out a confused sob, shaking intensely. Bucky mewled, “Nnno please baby— oh m’sorry sorry m’so sorry. Fuck it hurts s’bad, oh god!” He squirmed at his balls aching, the sensitive flesh swelling up even more. She pecked him on the lips, circling her thumbs on his plush sides patiently.
“That’s a good boy, shush, be still, taking your punishment so well. So proud of you sweet, handsome thing.”
‘Yes, yes,’ Bucky thought earnestly. He could deal with the pain if he got his miss to praise him like that. His stomach flipped excitedly at the prospect of her forgiving him. A delirious smile flicked onto Bucky’s face. She pressed a kiss to his delicate nose, her hand speeding up again. Bucky fluctuated between whiny cries and deep moans as she worked his cock.
“That’s so good, my pretty. My Bucky being such a good boy for me.”
“‘M your good boy?,” Bucky echoed in a frantic voice.
“Mhm,” she sighed.
Her thumb swirled around his sensitive tip relentlessly, not stopping until Bucky’s legs were shaky and he was sniffling. He whined, “Oh doll, miss, Jesus Christ, oh!” When he approached the jumping off point she pulled back again. His face crumpled and he sobbed hoarsely, gripping his hands so hard in the sheets she heard them ripping. Bucky’s brain was fried at this point as he wept. His wife stroked his sweaty hair, scratching her nails into his scalp.
“S’okay Buck, you’re okay,” she soothed.
His chest wrenched with another sob, throwing his head back. His angelic demon of a partner asked, “D’ya wanna come bear?” Bucky could only let out a string of incoherent whimpers, his eyes fluttering and nose running. Bucky knew he looked like a mess— but she gazed at him like he hung the moon. She pressed herself on top of him, breasts against his wide chest. She grasped his chin and thumbed the drool away.
Bucky’s sobbing had died down to breathless pants as he watched her. “Color?,” she inquired. Batting the heavy cotton out of his brain Bucky managed a weak ‘green ma’am’. He sniffled again at the ache between his thighs, pounding and heady. She whispered, “Kiss me then?” The brunette puckered his lips and she closed the gap.
Bucky thinly moaned her name, desperately seeking her approval. He couldn’t move his lips as confidently as he usually did. She picked up the slack, kissing Bucky even more senseless. Her tongue roved around his mouth and massaged his own softly. He rutted up against her wet sex out of instinct.
His baby laughed into his mouth meanly and pulled back. Bucky chased her lips only to receive a tut. He whined in frustration, tears threatening to well up again. She grinned as she spoke, “Hush now— you’ve been doing so good. Crybaby.” Bucky pouted and clenched his fists up. He knew he’d been a weepy thing but didn’t need a reminder.
“I’m just teasing! I know you’re hurting bad. Think you can handle my pussy now? Not gonna blow your load immediately like a needy slut are you?”
Bucky shook his head vigorously. He was going to prove himself but he couldn’t find the words for it. She laughed again and reached down between them to guide his cock into her. Her composure broke at the stretch, the woman’s lips falling open in a moan. Bucky painfully groaned and shut his eyes, afraid he’d blow from seeing how pretty his wife looked above him.
She stayed still and gave him some time. Bucky was reeling from the feeling of her snug, wet heat around his achy cock. He cried, “Ah- ah— fuck!” Her legs wrapped around his hips as she rolled them over, Bucky now on top. He blinked at her and braced his hands to keep his full weight from bearing down.
“C’mon and show me how it’s done, slut. Punish me big man, like ya’ tell your friends,” she taunted and slapped his ass.
Bucky whined, dimly pondering if that was the only noise he could articulate now. He pulled out slowly and thrust back in with a slap. She arched her back, face smugly looking up. Bucky trembled and tried to fight his body screaming at him to release. He knew his wife would have to give permission first. Again he drew back and jerked into her.
“That’s the best you can do? I said fuck me James.”
Bucky’s cheeks were wet with tears again. He had to be a good boy even if it was going to be the last thing he did. He’d always been told he was stubborn. With a shaky exhale he started an easy pace into her lax body. He bit down on his lower lip, grunting and whining like he was hurt. She gasped and gripped onto his broad shoulders. Pretty legs wrapped around his soft waist, goading him on.
Bucky felt the initial insistent heat in his loins die down, thrusting into his girl harder. “Yeah, yeah that’s it puppy,” she chanted. Bucky latched his swollen lips onto her breasts: biting, sucking, and licking. The woman’s cunt leaked more at the roughening thrusts, wet noises filling the air. She whined his name when Bucky suckled at her nipple.
Bucky keened and moved a hand down to her sensitive bundle of nerves. He had to make his angel come. The sargeant slurred, “M’your good boy.” She moaned in excitement and gripped at his dark hair. The woman cried out, “You are- fuck don’t stop!” Bucky swirled his thumb around her clit harder, feeling her cunt draw tight around him. She yanked at his hair as she throatily rasped, “The best boy, come with me Buck c’mon sweetheart. Love you.”
Bucky’s heart leaped, his wife had granted him permission. Needy kisses were laid on Bucky’s sensitive throat. One hand gripped his hair, the other lovingly rubbing at his back. “Love you,” Bucky weeped. She dug her heels in as she writhed, moaning Bucky’s name like a prayer.
Bucky was frantically rutting into her now. He couldn’t stop— chasing their orgasm like a mad man.
Sweat dripped down Bucky’s neck and chest. He gathered his baby’s lips into a kiss, crying out between lip locks. He whimpered, “Mh! Gonna come baby gonna f’you up, ah sorry can’t stop!” He repeated his needy apologies as he took from her. She yelped in ecstasy and tightened around Bucky’s cock. Her moans pitched up as she rocketed into a peak.
She pulled his hair one last time and threw her head back, exposing the column of her throat. Bucky wailed when he emptied into her tight pussy. He slammed his hips into hers, milking himself one last time. The pulse of her hot cunt felt like a gut punch. Bucky needily babbled on as his balls emptied. He trembled down to his toes and tucked his face into her neck.
He shook through the orgasm, feeling like hours had passed before the pleasure was less intense. She cooed and praised Bucky throughout the whole ordeal, gently replying to his slurred nonsense with a smile on her pretty face. She tapped his cheek and Bucky groggily raised his head to look. His wife chuckled, “Oh Buck you’re so cute. Did so well baby boy.”
Bucky rasped, “Thank you s’much.” He wasn’t sure if he was responding to the compliment or the magical sex. She rolled Bucky to his side, him sliding out in the process with a whimper. His wife cuddled closer and hugged him tightly— exactly how he liked after a punishment. Bucky blinked away some welling tears. His mind was clear enough that he murmured, “I’ll straighten everything out at work, I promise. I didn’t mean to shame you.”
“I know bear, I know. Just relax now. We’re alright. I love you, I’m here, you’re my good boy, I’m not going anywhere.”
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stromuprisahat · 5 months
Second Army disorganization
Siege and Storm- Chapter 14
One of the most frustrating and famously nonsensical passages of Grisha trilogy, easily explained through doylist approach- the author's inability to write strategy or politics and demands of the genre, requiring a weak, unfit heroine to defeat immensely powerful opponent way out of her league:
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Alina: Oh no, they dare to oppose me again! :(
Isn't that why would you want to establish a council in the first place? So you get constructive criticism and suggestions to do things better?!
My objections to the notion Alina came up with representation of Grisha can't be more obvious:
Army is a structured organization. There are ranks and councils by default. No amount of ignorant teens will persuade me calling it "Second" makes it otherwise.
Any big organization has a structure. Even if Second Army were only about education, there would be councils and posts on different levels. Hell, school system works that way.
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Alina: I'm gonna have the useless ones represented, because we're not doing things like the Darkling, but that doesn't mean I'll respect them myself or abandon my prejudices. Fucking nerds. Weidos...
Another YA nonsense- you cannot put people into categories based on their physical predispositions, and expect the mental ones to fit accordingly. You can have a huge, muscled guy, skilled in delicate handiwork. You can have a tiny wisp of a girl beating the living shit out of you (popular trope by itself).
Now why should sensitivity to metals get you a spot in labs, if you're a strategic genius? Or incredibly skilled, witty rhetorician? Isn't it more likely you'd be required to complete basic training to stay healthy and prevent accidentally endangering others, while being assigned to whatever you're most useful at?
And what about those weak or less intelligent ones? Are they bringing coffee and arranging entertainment?!
It also fits this fan interpretation, that Materialki are often neuro-divegent, so they are tend to be kept away from battle for their own sake.
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Alina wasn't involved in practical running of Second Army before. Just because she doesn't know about something, it's not a totally fresh idea.
I'd be afraid of a girl, who almost murdered a bunch of people for asking questions, too.
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At this point, I'm gonna run with the idea that all the older Grisha are torn between face-palming and silently laughing their assess off (so Alina doesn't overhear and her clique doesn't resort to violence).
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“But what do they do in there?” I asked, not entirely sure I wanted to hear the answer. “Only the Corporalki know. But there are rumors that they’ve been working with the Fabrikators on new … experiments.”
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 8
... and that says nothing about the field, or the little groups in noble houses. People tend to stick together with their own, when in strange enviroment. I'm sure such bonds dissolve immediately after their return "home".
I've also delved a little into the sitting order here.
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A few lines earlier, Alina noted Materialki didn't show up to complain. Who is so horrified then?! Not them, for sure.
Ironically, this fits into Fabricator-brain theory linked above AND the most logical explanation- Materialki have basic self-defense training, but only those, who are able to, continue. Alina isn't particularly friendly with any of them, so how would she know no one had EVER bothered to teach them? Alright, there are none in her class, but as far as we know, it consists of a Squaller, an Inferni and a Heartrender. Not the most saying sample.
Having a third of all Grisha helpless doesn't fit into the picture of Aleksander's leadership:
“That’s what Botkin always says. ‘Not showy, just to make pain,’” I said, imitating the mercenary’s heavy accent. “Smart guy.” “The Darkling doesn’t think Grisha should rely on their powers for defense.”
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 17
You don't have to become another Bruce Lee, you only need a chance, when they drag you out of bed in the middle of the night.
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What tradition?
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This is rather well-written group of angry, disorganized people. It might start with a reasonable goal, but soon everyone talks about something else than others, and the message gets lost in the noise.
Tradition doesn't equal "the way things are done". Neither of them is the same as "the need for structure and people knowing their places". The third one is a legitimate concern, although one could argue it's exactly what Alina's attempting.
This whole scene very much reads like:
The author is desperate to prove the Heroine isn't quite useless- she has good ideas! Look! *whacks a hundreds of years old stategist and survivor par excellence with stupid stick*
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kokoch4n3l · 7 months
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TWO — beachy dreams
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“he had trauma stemming from childhood. abandonment issues? currently unsure. he says he has a house on the beach. rich? 100% sure. lol would he adopt me if I ask?” — MAYA'S ROUGH NOTES ON K.I
chapter summary: Maya finds herself at Chifuyu's place with his rowdy friends before hitting the club and she's drawn into flirtatious exchanges with a mysterious club owner. Tensions arise when a revelation links Maya's work to her social circle. Izana gives her an intriguing invitation.
chapter warnings: mentions of body image, clubbing, alcohol use, intoxication, mentions/implications of forced prostitution, mentions of gang violence, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals, f!oc with zero self preservation skills
word count: 4764
moodboard | masterlist | previous | chapter 3
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"didn't know you were keeping this pretty lady to yourself Chifuyu! How cruel" One of Chifuyu's friends, Mitsyua Takashi, says with a soft croon
It's 7 pm and Maya's just reached Chifuyu's place due to a change of plans. Originally it was supposed to be her and him going to some restaurant to catch up but Chifuyu's friends from middle school had also been pestering him to meet up which resulted in Chifuyu changing plans last minute and bringing Maya to his place to pre-game before going to a club. Chifuyu had picked her up from her apartment and brought her to his apartment where his friends had already come inside due to having the code for his door. "Mitsuya-kun, she's 6 years younger than you" Chifuyu hisses at Mitsuya, hiding Maya behind him
Maya felt her cheeks tinge pink at the attention she was suddenly receiving from all the people in Chifuyu's apartment. There were so many people there and she kind of hated Chifuyu for not warning her earlier. There were mostly only guys here and 2 other girls. Everyone was dressed in typical club attire. Maya herself was in a matching set, a lilac mini skirt and a matching crop top in the same colour. The crop top had a spaghetti v-neck line and was slightly cinched in the center. It was backless, held together by a button she had taken around 10 minutes to do by herself. Both pieces clung to her skin, accentuating her thin body and even somehow making her lack of boobs look bigger. Slightly that is(Maya unfortunately wasn't blessed in that area). The fabric of both pieces were slightly sparkly and she had done matching makeup with it and wore platform heels and a leather jacket on top and two diamond studs in her ears. Of course, she couldn't forget the two necklaces she was wearing. One was a gold oval pendant with a delicate border and the outline of a daffodil flower in the center of it. The second necklace, also gold, was a small butterfly pendant. Maya never exactly took these necklaces off. Yes, she was supposed to remove her jewellery for her job but Sunshine Grove was surprisingly lenient. But still, she always kept her necklaces tucked underneath her shirt and only ever wore stud earrings or none at all at work. "Oh well—"
"Oh my you're so cute" Maya feels her face being grabbed "Matsuno, where have you been hiding her!?"
Maya comes back to face with a tall girl with ginger hair and brown eyes. "Guys please stop scaring her and embarrassing me" Chifuyu grumbles in annoyance at his friends, pulling Maya out of the tall girl's grasp
Maya turned bright red and shifted on her feet, unsure of what to say in front of so many people who were clearly older. "This is Kaneko Maya. 5 and 6 years younger than all of us" Chifuyu says "stop scaring her I swear to god"
Maya waves nervously and the room gets quiet for a moment. She shifts. Oh man, this was a bad idea. She should have just told Chifuyu that they could reschedule but her damn lovesick brain just accepted the offer of going with him and his friends. What felt like hours to Maya was a mere few seconds to everyone else and they all started introducing themselves to her. Well, all except for the ginger-haired girl, Shiba Yuzuha's, younger but very tall model brother, Shiba Hakkai(he's apparently afraid of women). Maya doesn't usually drink much. So as the rest of them around her are taking a few shots, she sits on the sofa next to Tachibana Hinata who just doesn't drink at all. Maya can't help but notice the four leaf clover necklace she was wearing. "So when did you and Chifuyu-kun meet?" Hinata asks
Hinata seemed sweet. Like too sweet. Like an angel from fucking heaven. "uh... When I was in middle school... Like 7th grade"
Then comes Hanemiya Kazutora who leisurely takes a seat in front of both of them on the coffee table. Kazutora was Chifuyu's roommate and really the only other person Maya knew here. Maya knew about how Kazutora went to jail in his youth and got out recently but she didn't ask for what. "so how's your job with the crazy people doin' Maya?" Kazutora asks with a grin and Hinata gives Maya a confused look
Maya laughs nervously. "Uh... I'm a psychiatrist... I work at a psychiatric hospital"
"Oh wow... Must be hard work" Hinata says with a smile "That's great that you got hired this young. I heard hospitals rarely hire people fresh out of university"
Maya nods. "Yeah got rejected by everyone at first and ended up at this shitty psychiatric hospital, Sunshine Grove, just outside of Tokyo. They pay well but the place is scary"
"Sunshine Grove, huh" Kazutora says slowly as if trying to remember where he heard the name of the hospital
But Kazutora's thoughts are cut off by Draken, a super tall intimidating guy with a dragon tattoo on the side of his head, calling them and telling them it is time for them to leave. The room is filled with hooting from the boys. Maya can't help but laugh a bit. Chifuyu's friends were nice. "Come on Maya, we're gonna have so much fun tonight" Yuzuha says pulling her off the couch
They make it to the club not too long later. Maya is linking arms with Hinata and holding hands with Yuzuha. The lineup is pretty big and Maya wonders how long it will take for them to get in. But to her surprise, the boys are all walking straight up to the entrance. "Huh? shouldn't we get in line?" Maya asks Hinata
Hinata and Yuzuha look at each other for a moment then at Maya. "ah~ the boys know the owners" Hinata explains "we always come here since it's the safest out of all the ones they own"
Hinata's words raise a few red flags in Maya's head. Safest out of all the ones they own? What did that even mean? "a friend's I'm assuming" Maya says as they reach the bouncer
Yuzuha scoffs. "Please, the last thing any of them would call each other is friend"
That concerns Maya even more. If they weren't even friends, why the fuck were they here. They make it to the front of the line and instantly the bouncer starts letting them in but stops Maya. "Hey, she's with us too" Mitsuya says lowly and Chifuyu looks pissed now
The bouncer scoffs. "I know you guys are special guests of the Haitanis but I'm sure they wouldn't want a minor in the club either. ID"
Maya feels embarrassed by this. She pulls her phone out of the inside pocket of her leather jacket, takes her ID out of her case, and hands it to the bouncer. "Birth year?" The bouncer asks
Her cheeks burn in embarrassment as all of Chifuyu's friends watch the entire thing play out. "1996" She squeaks out
The bouncer looks between her and the ID card a few times then gives it back to her and lets her in. "Oh god that was embarrassing" Maya whimpers to Chifuyu who now has an arm around her shoulder, guiding her through the club up to the VIP section
"It's fine Maya" Chifuyu says with a laugh into her ear over the loud music "Can't control how young you look"
Her heart beats faster when she feels Chifuyu's breath against her skin. He guides her to sit in the VIP booth and then slides in next to her. His arm goes around her shoulders once again as he talks to his friends. Maya feels her face go pink. Thankfully the lights are dim and no one could tell. "let's go get the ladies some shots" Mitsuya says and drags Hakkai and Draken with him
"Fuck I have a feeling all of us are gonna black out tonight" Kazutora says with a laugh
The music is more muffled in the VIP section. Maya wonders if it's because of the connection Chifuyu and his friends have with the owners that they're able to be here. Honestly speaking, despite having known Chifuyu for so long, she's never been to the club with him. It was usually only restaurants, cafes, parks and just fun places like that. This was the first time Maya was out clubbing with Chifuyu. "You okay?" Chifuyu murmurs into her ear, her breath brushing against her skin
Maya's heart beats faster at the feeling and she suppresses a shiver. Chifuyu's arm around her shoulder tightens and he pulls her a bit tighter into his side. "listen, anything happens tonight, you're not feeling well, something does something, everyone is here for you. Not just me, okay?" He says and Maya almost flinches when she feels his lips brush against her ear "Understand"
She almost can't respond. "Y-Yeah... I understand"
Chifuyu is probably tipsy because he kisses her cheek and turns around to talk to Kazutora. Maya sits there stunned and if it weren't for the flashing neon lights, everyone would see how flushed her face was. She lets out a shuddery breath and gulps, hoping no one saw that. Thankfully everyone was too tipsy to actually notice and soon after Mitsuya, Draken and Hakkai bring more shots, they drink some more and everyone is drunk. Everyone except Draken and Mitsuya who were apparently the designated drivers for tonight. Jun thinks she's drunk, somewhat. She stumbles off the dance floor away from Hinata and Yuzuha to the bar where the music wasn't as louder. Everyone was scattered around, talking to girls or whoever. She's drunk out of her mind at this point and just one more drink away from blacking out. Just as she's about to call the bartender over, someone stands beside her. "haven't seen you before" someone says,
Maya looks up and sees a very tall guy. His hair is short, coloured purple and black. His skin is pale and his eyes are lilac. Woah he was handsome. "I doubt you could keep track of who comes and goes unless you're here every day" Maya tells him with a smile
The man chuckles. "This is my club sweetheart, I know who comes and goes"
Maya giggles drunkenly, too far gone to remember that Hinata and Yuzuha said the boys weren't that good of friends with the club owner. "Really? You're rich?" she asks and leans in closer
The man sighs and leans in closer as well, with a tentative finger brushing one of her wavy locks behind her ear. "All pretty girls are gold diggers huh?" he says it more to himself than to her
Maya pouts. "'m not a gold digger" She pokes his arms and has to tilt her head back to look at him despite wearing heels "I have student loans and need to pay them off y'know"
The man starts to laugh and he drapes an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in closer. Maya stumbles forward and he catches her against his chest. "I like honest girls..." He murmurs sweetly, sounding like he was crooning
Maya finds herself attracted to the club owner. Not just because of his money but he was definitely very charismatic. Her hands somehow find their way up, hooking her fingers into the belt loops of his pants and he smiles, seemingly satisfied by her action. His free hand comes up and cups her cheek, brushing his thumb against her cheekbone in a gentle affectionate manner. The same way she wanted Chifuyu to touch her. Maya's expression turns sour at the thought of her unrequited love and she turns away from the club owner. "Hey, what's wrong sweetheart?" he asks, holding her cheek again to make her face him "thought we were having a moment"
"Need a drink..." Maya says with a frown as the man keeps his arm tightly around her shoulder
He presses her into his side and chuckles. "yeesh, I know that look" he says and asks the bartender to make her a drink, on the house apparently
Maya looks up at the man and sees he's already looking at her. "So what's your name pretty lady?" He asks
"Maya" She answers, not smiling anymore
She needed more alcohol before she could smile again. The man, however, grins. He's charming and clearly doesn't mind Maya's mood swings. "Haitani Ran, owner of this as you already know"
Maya had a feeling she had heard this guy's name somewhere. She couldn't put her finger on it. But the bartender puts her drink in front of her so she doesn't think about it anymore and basically chugs it. Ran then decides to order shots and Maya might as well be blackout drunk at this point. But at least she wasn't thinking about Chifuyu anymore. "so cute, hm" Ran says pressing her into his side
His skin was warm and despite how sweaty the club was now, Maya couldn't help but like it. Ran smelled really good too. Like that expensive cologne she smelled at Sephora the other day when she went shopping with Chifuyu. Jo Malone if she remembered correctly. "You've got this lovesick look in your eyes" Ran says as he holds her cheek in one hand, making her tilt her head back so she is looking right at him
(Eye contact was important for Haitani Ran. It was the way into a woman's heart after all.)
"I do?" she mumbles drunkenly, practically leaning into Ran at this point who didn't mind, holding her up against his side
"Yeah, someone break your heart?" Ran's tone is condescending but also holds a sense of curiosity in it
Maya groans. "Not yet" she pouts, her words starting to slur together "he doesn't like me back... Haven't confessed to him 'cause I know he doesn't like me... Says 'm too young for 'im"
She feels dumb dumping all her feelings to a stranger but she's far too intoxicated to care. There was no harm done anyway. "poor little girl" Haitani Ran coos, his tone almost mocking as he runs a hand through her hair "I guess he's missing out on the fun of younger girls, hm..."
He sounds dangerous. Scary. Had Maya been sober she would have run far away from Haitani Ran the moment he came up to her. But with the mixture of the alcohol and her lovelorn state, it was hard to really get a grasp on reality and the dangers of this situation. "younger girls are adorable and real needy" Ran murmured, looking down at her "You sure are needy"
Maya wanted to retort, say something back but she finds herself getting a bit lost in her own head trying to come up with a response to him. She just stares up at him until she's suddenly ripped out of Ran's arms. "Hands off Haitani" A familiar voice warns as her back is now pressed against someone's chest
Maya looks down at her waist where a strong arm is tightly wrapped around her and she faintly recognizes Mitsuya's rings and watch. "Oh, this one of yours Mitsuya?" Ran says with a chuckle "C'mon don't be greedy. Was just havin' some fun"
She feels Mitsuya hold her tighter and Maya's knees feel weak so she leans back against him. "We all know what your version of fun is. Take videos and use them till they're dead. Leave her alone" Mitsuya says angrily
Maya can't see Mitsuya's face but she can assume he's probably pissed as hell. "What's going on?" she slurs, turning her head back to look at Mitsuya
Mistuya and Ran are having a staring contest— Mitsuya looking pissed off and Ran just smiling like nothing is wrong. Maya on the other hand is too drunk to really care. Mitsuya is pissed off and Maya is admiring how hot he looks angry like an absolute idiot. Were all of Chifuyu's friends this hot? She sighs dreamily, admiring the way Mitsuya's neck tensed when he got angry. God-fuckin-damn. "stay away from her Haitani" Mitsuya hisses
Ran only laughs. "You're not a part of Toman anymore Mitsuya, I have no need to listen to you" He walks closer to them and leans down so he's on eye level with Maya "We've only kept our hands off Shiba and Tachibana out of respect for Mikey and Kisaki and for the sake of old times... Else—"
"Shut up" Mitsuya says before Ran can say anything else and looks down at Maya, hoping she is too drunk to remember any of this
Chifuyu had explicitly told all of them he didn't want Maya to they used to be a part of Tokyo Manji Gang and Mitsuya wanted to respect his wishes. "Not her" Mitsuya says and it's not up for discussion
Mitsuya drags her back to the booth and makes her sit down. He's standing over her, holding her face in his hands checking for injuries or something. Maya doesn't know. Mitsuya's cold hands just feel really good to her heated skin right now. "You sure have a thing for attracting dangerous people, hm?" Mitsuya says with a laugh, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear
Maya just stares up at Mitsuya, openly admiring him now and he laughs. "fuck you're cute" He coos and ruffles her hair like she's a little kid
Maya doesn't really remember what happens after that. She was up with a pounding headache in Chifuyu's room, lying in between Yuzuha and Hinata who were snoring away. They were both still in their outfits from last night as well as Maya. But she had a familiar zip-up hoodie over her two-piece outfit. Chifuyu's grey hoodie sits on her shoulders and Maya's heart flutters. Had she not been feeling like absolute shit, she would have been squealing and kicking her legs like a middle school girl. But Yuzuha and Hinata were still sleeping so she kept herself quiet. She carefully gets off the bed, trying her best not to wake the other girls and picks her purse off Chifuyu's bedside table and heads to the bathroom connected to the room. She closes the door and turns on the light and gasp seeing her face. Her mascara was running down her cheeks like she'd cried and her lipstick was smudged. Maya shudders at the thought of all of Chifuyu's hot friends(and Chifuyu himself) having seen her like this and pulls out makeup wipes from her purse. It was a good thing she kept makeup wipes, moisturizer and things like that in her purse. Thank god for Sephora and other brands selling mini versions of their products. Once Maya gets her face clean and fixes her hair she leaves the bathroom and picks her phone up from the bedside table, leaving her purse there instead. As expected, her phone was dead. She puts it on charge and sighs. Yuzuha and Hinata were still dead asleep. The digital clock in Chifuyu's room shows it was 10:45 am. Maya zips up the hoodie about half way and heads out of the room silently so she didn't wake the other girls up. As she heads for the kitchen, she hears voices.
"Haitani is a fucking bitch" That was Draken
"Did he try anything?" Now Chifuyu
"She was too drunk to tell me anything but I don't think so" Next Mitsuya
Huh? What were they talking about?
"All that matters is that she's alright" Now that was a new voice
Maya pulls down the end of her mini-skirt and walks over to the kitchen. Immediately their conversation stops. The boys all look at each other nervously and before Maya could say anything, Mitsuya speaks up first. "Good morning Maya, I made soup. You probably feel like shit"
Maya just nods and looks at the newcomer who was wearing a suit and looks slightly awkward right now. "Oh yeah uh... this is Tachibana Naoto, Hina-chan's younger brother" Chifuyu says "and Naoto this is Kaneko Maya"
They both greet each other and Maya takes a seat at the dining table next to Kazutora who looks like he doesn't want to be up right now, his duel coloured hair sticking up in multiple directions. As Maya looked over at the couch she could see Hakkai knocked out, snoring away, sleeping in a somewhat uncomfortable-looking position. As Maya slowly sips the soup Chifuyu starts talking about what Naoto does. "He's a detective. Handling the Tokyo Manji Gang case right now" Chifuyu says with a grin
Maya nods. "Oh that's cool. I'm a psychiatrist"
Naoto seems genuinely interested. "Really? Where do you work?"
"Sunshine Grove. It's like outside the city—"
"Sunshine Grove?" Naoto's voice completely changes "You work at Sunshine Grove?"
Maya nods slowly. "Yeah..."
Naoto looks worried and that makes the rest of the boys worried as well. "Why what's wrong?" Draken asks the detective
Naoto shakes his head. "Uh... Insider info. I found out Toman's number 3 is possibly admitted in there for cocaine addiction"
Maya raises a brow. Now that was news. She had no idea someone like that was admitted to Sunshine Grove. "Wait seriously?" Kazutora is wide awake now and the rest of them have dark expressions on their faces
"Apparently," Naoto says "It's not confirmed but, it's what my sources say"
They all look toward Maya as she's drinking her soup. Her eyes widen realizing they were expecting an answer from her. "O-Oh... I wouldn't know. I don't work with the patients who are there for addiction. That's second floor, I work fourth floor with the criminals"
Mitsuya starts to laugh while Chifuyu groans. "C'mon I thought I told you to tell them to switch you to another floor" He complains
Maya only pouts. "4th floor makes more money"
Mitsuya laughs even harder at that. "see I told you. She just attracts bad people"
"Do not!"
Later when Hinata and Yuzuha wake up, Naoto insists on exchanging numbers with Maya. "I know there is this whole doctor-patient confidentiality thing and I won't push it... But um... If there is ever anything wrong, please tell me" The detective says with a small smile, his suit jacket now worn by his older sister
Maya nods and they exchange numbers. Hakkai and Yuzuha leave not long after and then followed by Mistuya and Draken. "I saw that~" Kazutora teases
Maya pulls the hood of Chifuyu's hoodie over her head and collapses on the couch. "Saw what?" she asks, bringing her bare feet up on the couch, sitting in a kind of fetal position
"Naoto's got the hots for you~" He says in a singsong voice
Maya narrows her eyes. "Nah uh!"
"100 percent. I saw it too" Chifuyu says teasingly from the kitchen where he is washing the dishes "he was blushing so damn hard. So fuckin' cute"
"Shut up" she grumbles
Maya had in fact not noticed any of what Kazutora and Chifuyu were talking about. She had been too preoccupied looking at Chifuyu to really look at Naoto. Now she just feels bad. Naoto was about 4 years older than her, of course, Chifuyu was encouraging this. Chifuyu had never been a huge fan of age gap relationships especially if it's more than 3-4 years. Maya, as a psychiatrist, does not blame him. But oh how she wished she was born earlier so Chifuyu would at least look at her as something other than a child that hangs around him. She figures it was alright. Even if she were the same age as Chifuyu, she wouldn't have confessed anyway.
He just doesn't like her that way.
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Monday comes along pretty fast as usual. Maya clocks in and greets the other doctors leaving from the day shift. She does her usual, give all the 4th-floor patients their food, collect their trays, bring the cart back down to the 1st floor then come back up and give either Mr. Ueda company or talk to Mr. Kurokawa if he is awake. "You know, you're rarely asleep," Maya says taking a seat on the chair in his room "When do you sleep?"
"I'm in here all day, I sleep when I want," Izana says simply with a shrug "You on the other hand doctor, I still don't understand why someone as young as you would take the night shift. You still have a lot of living to do"
His words sounded oddly ominous. But Maya just shrugs that feeling off with the thought of it just being her nerves and not yet used to the night shift among criminals. "I do my living on the weekends, Mr. Kurokawa," Maya tells him "went out clubbing this weekend and got blackout drunk... Wait you don't have a problem with alcohol do you?"
Maya realizes she had a slip of the tongue. She wasn't supposed to be talking about alcohol or things like that with patients. "Calm down doctor, I think we're past the point of a normal doctor and patient relationship. I basically know everything about you. And no, I don't have an alcohol problem. I'm not here for that" Izana says with a lazy grin "How about you continue your story"
Maya shifts a bit in her seat. She looks at the small notebook in her hand and flips through the pages to where she had written down possible offences and the possible things wrong with Izana. She crosses off alcoholism. So far the ones circled were abandonment issues, mommy issues, narcissism and sociopathy. She was starting from scratch with him so she had to make some assumptions. "Um... Well... Went clubbing with that guy I told you about on Friday. He's..." She pauses trying to find the right words "Older... like about 5 years"
"You like older men, doctor?" Izana is teasing her and it works, her cheeks flush
Maya clears her throat. "Anyways..." she grumbles "I met his friends for the first time... They were nice. We went to a club, and got blackout drunk. Everyone ended up crashing at his place and in the morning one of the girl's younger brother came to get her... He was a police officer and now my crush is trying to set me up with him"
Izana laughs. "Police officer? A psychiatrist and a police officer. That sounds chaotic"
Maya just shrugs. "Forget that, he's trying to set me up with someone else and it's just... ugh" she groans
Izana laughs even more. He seems to be enjoying her misery. "Don't laugh at me" she whines "You're probably single too"
Izana gives her a mocking smile. "I don't have a lack of ladies, doctor"
Maya doesn't doubt him one bit. Izana was handsome. She can imagine him being the center of attention wherever he goes despite his condescending behaviour. Some girls were into that after all(Maybe Maya too). They end up dropping the topic and soon another starts and then another. Izana tended to avoid talking about his past, particularly his childhood. Maya would try her absolute best not to push it. However, after spending hours of the night just talking, the topics would shift into typical first-date or ice-breaker questions. "So if money wasn't a problem where would you live?" She asks
"Money isn't a problem, doctor. I'm rich" Izana tells her "I can live where I want. What about you?"
Maya thinks for a moment. "The beach"
"The beach?" He repeats "Really?"
Maya shrugs. "Yeah, why not? Warm weather all the time, nice view. It'd be nice"
Izana hums, seemingly agreeing with her. "I can agree with that. I have a beach house. Bought one recently because my younger brother likes the sea"
Oh? He has a brother? "that's sweet... how much younger is he than you?" Maya can't help but start jotting things down in her notebook again
Izana watches in amusement. "3 years. An annoying little shit sometimes but he does what I say because I'm all he has left"
Now that was ominous. "hm... What do you mean?" Maya asks slowly, furrowing her brows
Izana doesn't say anything after that. At the end of the night before Maya leaves, Izana speaks up. "You know when I get out of here, you can come visit my beach house" He suggests with his usual lazy grin
Maya laughs a bit. "I don't think that's very appropriate Mr. Kurokawa"
She bids him goodbye and Izana sighs, staring at the metal door. "Well see about that, doctor"
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notes: I’m creating a tag list for this fic so if you’d like to be apart of it tell me :)
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alexblakeisgay · 3 months
Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object
Ship: Alex Blake/Reader
Summary: Your eagerness to please has met its match in Alex's determination to break you...
Word Count: 533
Author's Note: This fills the Begging square on my @cmkinkbingo2024 card. Y'all have no idea how hard it is to not force these to be longer lol
“You’re such a good girl for me,” Alex said as you knelt at her feet, eating her out. “Aren’t you, Princess?” With one hand, she held a tumbler of whisky, while the other one tangled in your hair, keeping you tongue deep in her cunt.
You didn’t bother replying, knew that what Alex wanted you to be doing with your mouth wasn’t speaking. Besides, you’d been given the privilege of servicing Alex fucking Miller and you weren’t about to risk disappointing her. (You’d always wanted to be used like this by a gorgeous older woman, so you were hardly going to complain now that you were...)
Alex kept waiting for you to tap out, to need to catch your breath, to get bored and impatient. What she didn’t account for, though, was just how badly you wanted to please her... Afterall, you were a milennial with mommy issues and a praise kink.
You proceeded to make her cum three times before she needed to tap out, her clit so sensitive it was almost painful. “A plus work, Princess,” she said breathlessly. “I think you’ve earned a little treat...” She gently tossed you aside. “On your hands and knees,” she ordered.
Once you’d assumed the requested position, she proceeded to wait. And wait. And wait. And you knew what she was waiting for... “Please, Daddy?” you begged. “Please please please?” You pouted, batting your lashes up at her in plea.
Finally, she indulged your pleas...by slapping her palm down on your cunt. Once. Twice. Over and over. “Fuck, you sound so pretty for me...” she purred. “Can you hear how wet you are?”
“Please,” you whined desperately, knowing you were never going to get close enough like this and also knowing she wanted to hear you beg. “I need you, Daddy!”
She landed a very precise smack to your clit, causing you to yelp. “Oh, that was such a pretty noise you made, baby,” she praised. “Do you like it when I do that?”
You nodded frantically.
“Does my baby want me to fuck her? Yeah?”
You nodded again.
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” she said, sliding two fingers into you and began thrusting them. She knew exactly what she was doing, knew exactly how to work her fingers to coax every whimper and whine and moan past your lips. Knew how to have you begging and pleading and bargaining. “Are you going to cum for Daddy, Princess? You’re tightening around my fingers, I can barely move them...”
She milked not one, but three orgasms from you in quick succession, in retribution for making her cum earlier.
“No more,” you whined, “Daddy, please...”
She chuckled. “Beg me to stop,” she said, never letting up her demanding pace.
You gave a petulant little huff. “Daddy, I can’t,” you begged. In spite of the verbal plea, your hips continued chasing her hand. “Daddy, it’s too much.” Your voice warbled as she hit the sweet spot inside you.
“You’re getting close, hmm?” she said, knowing how desperate you were. “Do you want to cum for me?”
You nodded, desperate for her to let you rest.
She had absolutely no intention of letting you do that, though...
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