#oh and vinyl scratch?? again I love them too but
lesbianapplejack · 1 year
Look I love Muffins/Bubbles but why is there more merch for them and not Starlight Glimmer who was literally a huge villain and then main character??? And there’s essentially nothing of the student six like
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strniohoeee · 9 months
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris is struggling to come to terms with Y/N no longer being in his life. Stuck in the memories of the past, and having to fight with himself to see her again🫂
Warnings⚠️: None….I mean just heartbreak, so get those tissues ready😭
Songs for the imagine: Ooo Baby Baby- Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, All I want- Kodaline
Disappear suddenly and completely
[Play Ooo Baby Baby]
“Chrissss you’re here” I shouted jumping off of my bed and running up to my boyfriend
“Of course my love, I wouldn’t miss your birthday for anything” he said kissing me
“Chris it’s just my 22nd birthday it’s nothing special” I said looking down
“Of course it is! To another year of health and happiness” he said hugging me tightly
“You’re amazing. What would I do without you?” I said pulling him tightly to hug him
“The real question is what would I do without you” he said kissing the top of my head
“Mmm probably crumble to the ground” I said giggling
“Something like that” he said laughing
“Oh babe! I got you something” he said pulling away
“Chrisss why? You know I hate gifts” I said tilting my head at him
“Well I know, but I’d never show up empty handed on your birthday. Now shut your eyes” he said tapping my nose with his pointer finger
“Fineee” I said shutting my eyes
I heard him walk to my living room and my brows furrowed as to what he got me. Truly hating gifts, but Chris expressed his love through gifts, so I went along with it.
“Okay now open” he said standing in front of me
I opened my eyes to see Chris smiling brightly and holding a vinyl record in his hands. I looked down and my mouth dropped as my eyes went wide
“You didn’t” I said grabbing the vinyl from his hands
“Oh but I did” he said smiling
“Chris I’ve been searching for this album forever, and couldn’t find it well, not an original at least ” I said looking at the album. It was Smokey Robinson’s and The Miracles 1965 Going to a go-go album.
“Trust me I’ve been searching for this album for months, and I’ve had to hide it from you” he said looking at me
“How did you find an authentic album….these are so hard to come by” I said tracing my fingers along the cover
“Lots of dead ends and lots of people helping me, and by people I mean Nick and Matt searching for hours and looking for a receipt authentizing them” he said giggling
“You’re perfect. Like this is the best gift I have ever gotten” I said hugging him again
“Put it on” he said kissing me on the cheek
I walked over to my record player and put the vinyl on. Hearing the little scratch it does before playing the song, sending shivers down my spine. I loved my record player
“Oh my god this is my favorite song” I said clapping my hands together
Ooo Baby Baby started playing and I shut my eyes letting the music take me far away.
“Dance with me?” I asked him sticking my hand out
“Babeeee you know I don’t dance” he said getting shy
“But please it’s on my bucket list to dance to this song with the love of my life” I said pouting
“Alright fine” he said dropping his head and standing up
He joined me as I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and his hands around my waist. We swayed to the music as I looked into his eyes.
“I love you, and I know I haven’t said it in a while” I said looking up at him
“You don’t have to say it, I know my love; and I love you too” he replied, smiling down at me.
“You’re the best thing that has happened to me” I said in a whisper
“I’m thankful I met you when I did” he said kissing my forehead
“I want to stay like this forever” I said looking up at him
“We can stay like this for as long as you want” he said laughing at bit
“If I could just freeze time I would” I replied
“I would too” he said in a whisper
I leaned the side of my face over his heart as we swayed to the music. Listening to the thumping of his heart as I smiled and let a tear slip from my eyes. God I loved him so much.
“Never leave me Christopher” I say in a whisper
“I would never” he said rubbing my head with his left hand
The song finished and we parted ways as I turned the music down. He walked over to my bed and sat down.
“Thank you again Chris” I said as I turned around
“Anything for you my love” he replied blowing me a kiss
I shuffled over to the bed.
“You okay baby?” He asked me as he began to scoot up on the bed
“Yeah my back just hurts today. I’ve been super busy” I said cracking my back
“Come lay down, and I’ll rub your back” he said winking at me
“I could never turn down one of your back rubs” I said winking back at him
I laid down on my stomach next to him, and he began to rub my back gently as I melted into his touch. Chris was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for, and I truly hoped he knew that.
[Play All I Want]
Chris POV
I sat down in front of her, my heart breaking and tears beginning to fill my eyes. I mean I just couldn’t believe what I was going through.
How I just sat here with her infront of me…so close yet so far away. I couldn’t come to terms that this was my reality. Oh how badly I wish I could turn back the hands of time and really hold on to what we had…. I really took a lot for granted.
Reminiscing on our past memories whether they were good or bad, and wishing so badly I could go back to that. If I knew our story had a bad ending I would’ve held on to her a bit tighter.
It’s been two months since I last saw her, and looking at her right now was making me sick. Wishing I could kiss her lips again or hold her tight against my body and whisper how much I loved her. God this was painful….
Silence consuming us as I sat here not sure what to say, or what to do. Struggling to find my voice as I racked my brain for words to express to her.
“It’s been a while” I stated looking down
“I wasn’t even sure I would be able to come here today, but I knew I had to. Had to see you one more time to finally realize that this is over, and not something I made up in my brain” I said finally looking up
“Your mom came by my house two months ago when she came to pick up the last of your belongings ,and she dropped off a letter you wanted me to read” I said, looking at her….waiting for her to say something
“I was so fucking hurt that I left that letter on my dresser for two months. I mean I couldn’t even come to terms with us being over, and you not in my life anymore. I couldn’t bring myself to read it, but I knew when I decided to come see you today I would finally have the courage to open up the letter with you” I said shaking my head
“Well…I’m going to open it, and read it out loud because I want you to hear it for yourself again” I said picking up the letter and showing her
I sniffled and wiped my eyes. Running my fingers over the cover of the envelope titled ‘Chris<3’….. I almost chickened out, but I came here for her and to be able to step away from us and move on with my life
“Well here goes nothing” I said looking at her as I opened the envelope and pulling the letter out
I began to read out loud
Dear Chris,
To my sweet sweet boy oh how I love you so much. I’m so grateful for everything you have taught me in life, and for all the love you have shown me. Before you I was so depressed and felt like I had no meaning in life. But when you came along you showed me that life is beautiful, and I began to see in colors again.
I remember the first day I saw you I thought wow he’s so immature and annoying….but look at us we ended up together. I mean that wasn’t on my agenda, but love has a funny way of finding those who aren’t looking for it. I sure wasn’t looking for love, but here we are you swept me off my feet what can I say.
I can’t even begin to describe how you changed my life for the better. I know we had our ups and downs, and we argued a lot (you are very hard headed, and I know you’re thinking ‘no I’m not’ right now, but yes you are!). I know you would beat yourself up over a lot of things, but Chris nobodies perfect. However you were the closest thing to perfect! So stop beating yourself up my love.
You’re very hard on yourself, and I don’t think you realize how great you truly are. You’re so focused on being perfect that you let life fly by your eyes. Take a step back and just enjoy what you have! Please don’t take life for granted.
I remember when I first told you I was sick, and that I wouldn’t be around for a long time. I expected you to run and leave me, but you sat with me. And we talked…we talked about life, and we cried, and we laughed and most importantly you helped me live life. I know a lot of days were hard because I wasn’t feeling well. You were there to help me complete my bucket list, and that I will forever cherish even in the after life! And when it was getting close to the end you never stopped losing faith and you never let me think about death. With you I was alive….more alive than I’ve ever been. I want you to know that I fought for you, and if you’re reading this it’s because I lost my battle. However I need you to keep fighting in life, and if it’s not for yourself then fight for me okay!
When you purchased me the Smokey Robinson and The Miracles album you made me the happiest girl ever. I know that you knew it was getting really bad, and I was at the end; but you never made me feel like I was dying. I’m thankful that you never treated me differently even though you were suffering on your own.
I know you said that after I passed you’d never date again because I was your soulmate, but I want you to move on in life. Keep me as a memory and a special part of your story locked away in your heart, but don’t close yourself off to love. When you find the perfect girl (which you will), and you get married my only request is that you dance to Ooo Baby Baby at your wedding! Make that promise for me.
Now I know you don’t believe in reincarnation, but I do and I promise you we will find each other again. If you ever hear Ooo Baby Baby just know that I am here with you. Don’t ignore it because it will be a sign of me.
I know you will be sad and in pain, but I want you to keep your head up and push forward in life for me. You will be okay one day. So once again thank you for always being there for my Christopher, and I hope to see you in another lifetime!
I love you with all my heart….till next time
I let out a shaky breath as I broke down sobbing. Closing the letter back up as I put it back in the envelope. Putting the envelope in my pocket.
Vigorously wiping my eyes and my nose as I broke down sobbing. I never cried in front of Y/N, and I’m sure she was looking down on me laughing as I tried to hide my sobs.
I inhaled shaky as I licked my lips and batted my tears away.
“Fuck man….you have such a way with words” I said looking back over at her
“Life is so unfair…I finally found the one thing I was so sure about in life, and just like that it’s swiped from my hands. If only we could’ve froze time” I said shaking my head
“I miss you…I miss you a lot. Most nights I wake up from this bad dream reaching over to grab you only to realize you’re not here anymore, and my bad dreams are a reality” I said swallowing thickly
“I know I always said I love you, but man if I could get one more chance to say I love you to your face. How your face would crinkle up and your eyes would squint at those words” I said laughing a bit
“God… I just I just miss you man. I’m not sure how I’m going to keep pushing in life, but for you I will” I stated as I fixed the flowers in front of her
“You were my best friend, and my soulmate. I’m going to miss our corny little hand shakes and our slow dances. You know I took your record player and the Smokey Robinson album. And I play it every night, often falling asleep to it. It brings me the same comfort your embrace would” I said as I looked at her
“Most mornings I wake up swearing I hear your voice, or smell your perfume. Hoping you’re going to walk through my bedroom door with bags of snacks screaming my name like you always did…..just hoping you’d wake me from this bad dream” I said licking my lips and wiping my nose
“But I think I’m going to go. It was nice seeing you, and I’ll be back more often” I said standing up
“You look beautiful” I said as I wiped the dirty and rocks off of her tombstone
“I miss you and I love you dearly, and I hope you’re doing okay” I said as I leaned down kissing her tombstone
“Until next time my love” I stated as I let my finger brush off her tombstone, slowly walking away.
I walked away wiping my eyes and taking a deep breath trying to gather myself. Unable to come to terms with having to walk away from the love of my life’s tombstone.
Never seeing her again was going to be the worst part of my life, but I always promised her that I would keep it pushing just for her.
My beautiful girl….oh how I missed her
5 months later
It had been a solid 7 months since the passing of my Y/N. It was still hard, but I was taking it day by day. Having my family and hers to keep me going in life. I still wake up from bad dreams searching for her, and that’s something I’m sure I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life.
I visited her grave every 2 and a half weeks. Just sitting and reminiscing with her about anything I thought of that reminded me of her, or memories we always laughed about. It truly helped me feel better about losing her.
Every corner I turned or everywhere I went something always reminded me of her. It brought a smile to my face but a pain to my heart. I began to believe that she was showing me signs of always being with me, and it made my heart flutter.
Three months ago a blue and black butterfly would always land on or near her tombstone whenever I was there. I swore it was just a coincidence, but when it happened every time I began to believe in reincarnation like she did, and started to think it was her showing me a sign.
Today I was heading to a flea market with my brothers to do some shopping. It was something they loved to do, but I cared less about. I tagged along because I hadn’t really been leaving the house. I figured I could use some fresh air
We were walking around when I decided to branch off from my brothers and look at some other things.
I landed on a booth selling old record players, and immediately my mind went to Y/N. Oh how she would’ve loved to be here, and I’m sure she would’ve bought one.
The guy was helping someone else as I was looking at the record players.
Suddenly I heard a record scratch and Ooo Baby Baby started playing. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and my eyes went wide. I turned around and saw the record player in the far corner.
I walked over to it and looked down. It was an authentic 1965 Going To a Go-Go album playing. Just like the one I purchased my Y/N. A smile crept up on my face and I began to think about that night we shared dancing.
When suddenly something from the corner of my eye caught my attention, so I looked down. Tears came to my eyes when I saw a blue and black butterfly had landed on the record player. Not moving, just standing there with the wings spread.
I smiled and laughed a bit…she was right about reincarnation, and that I’d find her again.
“I love you” I whispered
And with that the butterfly flew over my left shoulder and was gone with the wind, and just like that it had
The End
YALLLL I BOUT NEAR CRIED WRITING THIS🥹🥹 I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it🤭🤭. Thank you all for the support, and I’m sooo close to 1,300 followers like WHATTT?? I love yall🤞🏽🥹🖤🖤
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junnieverse · 1 year
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➙ synopsis: after a trip down memory lane and a 'coincidental' run in with your ex after moving back home, you thought you would be able to move on but sparks seemingly started flying once again between you and jay.
pairing: park jongseong x gn!reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers to exes to lovers (again) au
word count: 1.3k
request: " I almost cried reading Best Part, may I request a part 2 with a happy ending?? "
warnings: not proofread
a/n: I had initially wanted to leave this as a oneshot with a bittersweet ending but because you so kindly asked, here it is anon, enjoy :)
a/n (2): please be sure to read part one [ here ]
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You were finally back home after being overseas and for the past two weeks you've been settling back in into your new apartment and catching up with your friends and family.
It felt great to be back and seeing everyone you love in person again but after the day of your trip going through your box of keepsakes, you would catch yourself thinking about Jay once in awhile wondering how and where he was.
Although a big part of you also knew maybe it was best not to see him because you wanted to, no, needed to move on from him and start a new page in your book called life.
Your new apartment still needed some decorating with a personal touch and you thought adding a few vinyl pieces could make your space feel more like home.
Walking into the old music shop you had been introduced to by Jay in the past, you kindly greet the store owner in the front and begin to browse through the various vinyls picking out some you wanted to get.
The store bell rung alerting the owner and you, seeing as you were currently the only customer, that someone else had come in.
You had obviously paid no mind to this simply paying attention to this box of vinyls looking for a new album.
"(Y/n)... is that you?"
Turning your head you immediately recognise the voice you'd missed but also wanted to forget for the longest time.
"Jay... h-hi." you say weakly as your voice cracked.
It felt as thought your entire world was crashing down and in that moment you were just holding back tears and wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
"How've you been, it's great to see you again. When did you get back?" he asks calmly trying to make small talk but little did you know his heart was beating uncontrollably fast.
"Uhm yeah haha. I've been good I guess. Got back about two weeks ago so I've just been settling in." you tell him wanting to run away.
"It was nice to see you too but I have to uhh... unpack some of my other things back home." you excuse yourself avoiding eye contact with him fiddling with your fingers nervously.
Just as you turned around to leave to go pay for the vinyls you picked out, Jay stops you gently grabbing your wrist and you notice a particularly familiar bracelet on his wrist.
"I hope it's okay if I message you again if you don't mind... maybe we can catch up over a coffee sometime." he suggests letting go of your arm and scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"Y-you still have my number..?" you ask him suprised by this.
"Yeah. I kept them... you know just in case." he said smiling sheepishly.
"Oh uhm, okay then, you can text me. I'll see you soon then."
Your heart and mind were both racing at this point.
You didn't know whether it was the right move to let Jay back into your life but having met him here again has to be some sort of sign right?
And the bracelet you made him, not only had you both broken up but he was still wearing it too...
You plop down onto your couch, after arriving home, letting out a deep sigh trying to figure out how your life suddenly took an entire 180.
Jay did in fact text you that night and talking to him again brought back so many emotions you'd tried so hard to let go of.
You felt like a giddy high schooler experiencing her first love all over again.
You both had agreed to meet at a cafe not far from where you lived the following Saturday and you were quite nervous.
Seeing Jay again after so long only proved to you that you were still undoubtedly in love with him and you were secretly hoping he was too.
Walking into the cafe that afternoon, you catch Jay sitting across a table near the window looking beautiful as the sun hit him at the best angle making his skin glisten.
"Hey Jay." you greet him about to sit down but before that he abruptly pulls you in for a hug.
You feel yourself melting in his embrace taking a whiff of the vanilla scent you missed still proceeding to hug him back despite how awkward you felt.
"It's great to see you again, thank you for agreeing to this." he says pulling away first as he pulled out your chair to let you sit as you thanked him taking your seat.
"Wow, this place sure has changed, felt like just yesterday we were here on one of our dates." you say looking around admiring the new interior of the place as you reminisced about the past.
"Yeah, it feels good to be back here with you, it didn't feel the same coming alone." he admits shyly as a waiter suddenly places your drinks and food down.
"Why am I not suprised, you still remember my go-to order." you say trying to hide your smile as Jay chuckles.
"I wanted to make a good impression. Although I was worries maybe it might have changed, glad it didn't." he says feeling relieved watching you enjoy your food.
"So how was it studying overseas, anything memorable?" he asks trying to make conversation.
You were glad Jay was able to make you feel comfortable, it felt like talking to an old friend and catching up.
You both then exchanged stories of what has been going on for these past two years you'd been away from each other and yet, you hadn't picked up any romance in his story.
"So you didn't meet anyone while I was gone..?" you ask clearing your throat.
"I wasn't really interested in anyone. Plus I'm still I love with y-" he stops himself realising what he just said as your eyes widen.
"I-I'm so sorry, uh, I don't want to put you in a difficult position. I completely get it if you've moved on-" he rambles and you stop him trying to calm him down by laying your hand on his across the table.
"It's okay Jay, I feel the same way." you admit as his ears turn red and he had the biggest smile on his face.
It felt so relieving being able to finally get that out to him and even better to know he felt the same way.
You both then spent the entire day catching up more and visiting old places you'd go to making new memories there.
"Thank you for today, I had a great time." you tell Jay as you stop in front of your door both your hands in his as you gently sway them.
"Wait uhm, I actually have something for you." he says gently rubbing your hands with the pad of his thumb letting go briefly handing you the small letter from the inside pocket of his jacket.
"Oh, thank you." you accept the letting wondering what it was.
"But open it only once you're inside and I've left." he says smiling shyly.
"Okay Jay, goodnight." you tell him nodding in understanding.
Letting go of his hands, not really wanting to though, you decide to make the first move planting a short peck on his cheek leaving Jay in awe as you went inside.
You look at the letter once more opening it and reading it's content feeling yourself about to burst into tears.
At the end of the letter it read:
'Day 01: I love your presence, no matter how much time passes, I still feel myself loving you more and more and now we can finally start over together.'
He still remembered the letters, you thought to yourself with the biggest smile.
Maybe things would work out just fine.
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annieisverybored · 11 months
I got sweet taste for men who are older
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no outbreak!Joel Miller x reader
Based on a request @creedslove got/ a request she wrote (I asked her permission before writing this 😌) (also look at me writing again after my 3 year break so lmk what you think)
Summary: short drabble, you show Joel your vinyl collection including Born to Die
Warnings: implied age gap, no use of y/n, mostly just fluff
The record player you bought last Christmas might just be your favourite thing in your apartment. It’s from the seventies and getting it to work was a hassle, but one worthwhile. Perhaps you have always had a thing for old things, broken things. You spent hours mending it, fixing it.
The first time you bring Joel to your home, you take his large hand in yours and lead him to the small living room where it sits on a bookshelf, speakers crammed in between volumes of even older books. Your chest puffs slightly as you point to it.
“Got it working all by myself. It wouldn’t even turn on when I first got it”, you say.
He says nothing at first, but he does look at you with soft eyes that seem to say three words you have yet to say to each other. There’s a glimpse of them in his eyes.
You bite your bottom lip softly. “I could put something on, if you want.”
“Sure”, he says, “what’d you got?”
“Oh, I just got this new one, well not new as in it just came out but new to my collection”, you ramble.
Joel takes a seat on the couch. His legs slump down, and he spreads them slightly. He looks relaxed, he looks like he belongs there on your couch and you have never been more in love with him. The deep forest green of your couch envelopes him and you want to do nothing more than lie in his lap.
In a moment, you have to remind yourself. You have to pick a record first.
There is some Fleetwood Mac in your collection, the Beatles too and other records you have inherited from your grandparents and that might be more to Joel’s liking, But you haven’t played your newest addition to your collection yet, and the moment is so tender, he is so tender in his loving that you don’t feel the need to please him. You remove the vinyl from its sleeve. Born to Die, Paradise Edition is a classic.
You carefully dust it and place it on the turn table. The record player hum softly as you switch it on. As soon as you place the needle on the record, as soon as you hear the faint scratch of it, you crawl into Joel’s arms.
You try to close your eyes, to take the moment and taste it, feel it in every fibre of your bones.
“Look at me, sweetheart. Open your eyes.”
You do, of course, you do. You look up at Joel and drown in his soft brown eyes. Lana del Rey plays in the background as you sink and sink and sink.
You don’t break eye contact until the new track starts. Cola starts playing and Joel huffs a small laugh. You’ve heard it so many times, you don’t even register at first why he would be laughing.
“I might have an idea why you like this girl so much” he says and inches his face closer to yours. “She sure does sing about liking older men a lot.”
“I could put on something else”, you say and move your face even closer to his. His nose buries itself into the side of your face.
“No.” His teeth catch your bottom lip. “I don’t think that’s necessary.”
Finally, your lips meet. It is agonising, it is tender. Your hands find his curls and hang on to them, pulling ever so slightly and desperate for more.
You sure like your record player, so does Joel.
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musingsanddrabbles · 5 months
Anonymous asked:
I don’t necessarily have an exact prompt but just maybe something sweet or fluffy with Carlesme?
How About a Dance
Word count: 707 | Characters: Carlisle & Esme | No Content Warning | Time-frame: Post Volturi Confrontation, Breaking Dawn
The majority of the covens who came to testify had left after their testimony or simply followed closely behind the Volturi’s own departure. Whoever remained were seen off by Carlisle and Esme, their contribution to the Olympic coven’s safety deeply appreciated; an appreciation made known to those as they said their goodbyes.
The silence that encroached after everyone had left was almost unsettling. The last few months of their lives had been nothing but a flurry of noise and panic, plans chopping and changing. Nothing could be set in stone, no-one dared to live beyond the next hour.
With their safety now assured, Carlisle and Esme find themselves alone. Bella, Edward and Renesmee have taken themselves to their cottage, Rosalie and Emmett have gone away to one of their various wood cabins, and Alice and Jasper have taken themselves away to indulge their nomadic ways for the time being.
With the house having previously been full to the brim with vampires, being the only two occupants left has the house feeling nothing more than too big— bordering on lonely.
Esme has taken herself to their bedroom. As much as she has the whole house, she feels safest here. Snow is freshly falling outside, the sight hypnotising with vampiric sight; every single flake is noticeably different and unique. She spends hours watching snow fall most winters, utterly mesmerised by its beauty.
Carlisle finds her fairly easy. She can see his reflection in the window, his golden gaze content with the image of her and nothing else.
Eventually, he makes his way to the record player and places the needle against the spinning record. The familiar notes of Paul Whiteman’s Wonderful One replaces the comfortable silence between them, and she sees Carlisle unbutton the first three buttons of his shirt; he rolls his sleeves to his elbows before offering out his hand to Esme.
“How about a dance?”
She accepts his hand with biggest of smiles, her arms draping lazily across shoulders to clasp loosely behind his head. His own arms snake around her waist and eventually his forehead finds her own as they sway, the song the same one Edward played for them on the piano after their wedding— their first dance.
Carlisle playfully twirls her around, caramel curls brushing against his face and tickling his nose which causes him to briefly scrunch it up. Esme laughs, inviting his own before he pulls her close again and Esme’s head rests against his chest as her arms hold him around his torso.
They stand wrapped in each other’s embrace as the song finishes. Carlisle pulls back slightly only to find Esme’s eyes, gently singing the closing lyrics directly to her:
“Just you, only you; in the shadowy twilight, in silvery moonlight. There’s none like you, I adore you. My life I’ll live for you, oh, my wonderful, wonderful one.”
Esme can’t help but beam, her hands coming to rest against his chest as fingers lightly curl around the material of his shirt.
He places a kiss against her forehead, soft fingers coaxing her chin up so he can place a kiss against her lips too. He leaves for the briefest of moments to remove needle from record, opting instead for the saved playlist of 1920s love songs on his iPod to avoid scratching vinyl.
Before they can continue their dancing, he’s on one knee as he was all those years ago, a ring held between them in the daintiest of boxes.
“Will you do me the honour of renewing our vows?”
Just like then Esme feels him steal away her breath, but not before she can whisper yes.
Carlisle whisks her off her feet, his smile as wide as her own before placing her back down and drawing her into the deepest of kisses, one that hadn’t been shared between them like this since Alice’s vision.
He slips the ring onto her finger, capturing her hand so he can hold it as his other arm comes to wrap around her waist. And they dance until the sun rises, their eyes never straying too far from each other’s own, the memorisation of their features no longer fuelled by fear that that memory is all they will have left of another.
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marbled-love · 13 hours
Who's you fav mlp character???? Also love the art!!!!!^_^
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firstly!!! tysm?!? ur art is also super cute!!!!!!!! NOW.... TO ELABORATE ON MY FAVS 😈😈😈😈😈
🦋FLUTTERSHY... ok so she is such an obvious and well-loved choice for a fav BUT I CANT HELP IT!!!!! ive loved her ever since i was kid like i could always relate to her and she was super cute and like. come on. SHE LIVES IN A COTTAGE. AND CARES FOR ANIMALS. THATS THE FUCKING DREAAMMMMMM RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! of the mane six along side flutters rainbowdash was also a HUGE fav of mine as a kid, as a whole i love them all but fluttershy holds a special place in my heart fr ❤❤❤ 🫧MUFFINS/DERPY... im not sure if its ok to still call her derpy???? BUT EITHER WAY just like w/ fluttershy she was one of those characters that i just latched onto especially w/ all the fanart that people made of her... i loved her crossed eyes n how silly n clumsy she was cuz i was also lowkey a clumsy kid (i still am and im an adult now!!!) and just. how could u not like her look at her face. LOOK AT HER. 🎧DJPON-3/VINYL SCRATCH... ANOTHER BACKGROUND PONY THAT I FELL INLOVE WITH..... again, all the fanart of her is what rlly rlly pulled me in to her character... i LOOOOVE her so freaking MUCH!!!!! i love her energy and that she's a dj she fits her talent so perfectlyyyyy GRAHHH i also LOVE her sunglasses thats one thing design-wise that drew me in too.. characters w/ sunglasses my beloved ❤❤❤ 🌙PRINCESS LUNA... i feel like she's another thats kinda obvious for like why she'd be a fav, like fluttershy, i rlly rlly latched onto her as a kid and that love has never rlly died down!!! i rlly struggled w/ my mental health as a kid and seeing luna's struggles (even if it wasnt anything ground breaking lol) made me feel less alone n i could rlly relate to her for that!! plus pony that can make it night time??? thats fucking awesome i love the moon and stars HELLO??? luna's softer like more introverted personality also just made me rlly connect w/ her so she's always been up there in my favs 🎆TEMPEST SHADOW... WHERE DO I EVEN BEGINNN W/ TEMPEST OH MY GODDD i am SUCH a hardcore fan of hers i absolutely LOVE her characterization, her backstory goes hard, her design goes evener HARDER, like im fr so obsessed w/ her i LOOVE the song she sings in the movie n i just love how they made her go from this pony who felt so badly hurt and betrayed by her friends that it made her lose faith to learning that its ok move on and heal and like let herself form relationships again after so long of dwelling on the past like THAT GOES HARD!!!! I FUCKING LOVE HER 🎶SWEETIE BELLE... ok for sweetie belle im gonna be so fr i dont have a ton of reasons for why i like her... she can be a little annoying at times but shes so freaking silly i love her dynamic w/ apple bloom and scootaloo n watching her quest to get her cutie mark w/ her friends was just too cute ❤❤ i DO feel like the cmc all getting like.. the same cutiemark basically was kinda wild like i do think its rlly cute that they all got the same talent but also. all 3 of them had their own little things that they liked/were GOOD at like for sweetie belle it was singing!!! i wish they had each gotten their own thing but im not mad at what the show ended up doing.. lowkey wish their cutie marks matched each of them as individuals tho cuz the colors dont rlly fit each of them the same 🗻MAUD PIE... i dontttt remember if i ever got to see her in the show when i was younger cuz i. might've stopped watching by the time she was introduced but getting back into mlp now that im older i like. fucking love her man. she SCREAMS autism to me (and like everyone else im sure) i can relate to her a LOT n i love how passionate she is abt rocks its so cute i love rocks too girl u get me ❤ 🍁AUTUMN BLAZE... IM GONNA BE SO FR I DONT THINK IVE PROPERLY WATCHED THE EPISODE(S?) SHES IN BUT IVE READ EVERYTHING I CAN ABT HER AND SHES JUST SOO SILLY i absolutely love kirin as a species in mlp n how theyre so nature centered they bring me so much joy.. i cant say MUCH of why i like her its like indescribable i just rlly rlly love her <3333
I HAVE. MANY MORE FAVS. BUT THESE R CHARS THAT FIRST COME TO MIND IDK I LOVE THEM. i also gotta admit. i havent finished watching mlp. so idk a lot of the later characters and i KNOW i rlly need to get to finishing it BUT THERES SO MUCH.......... ill get to it i promise................... thank u for coming to my yap session
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roppongi-division · 5 months
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ARB Birthday Special 2024: Kai Quinlan
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~~ April 16th ~~
"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."
Login Lines:
"...Hmm? No, you're not disturbing me. I was trying to come up with a theme for this song I was working on, but nothing's coming to mind, so I was taking a break. So, what's up?"
"...A present? For what? ...My birthday? ...Oh crap. That is today, isn't it? No wonder Mireya looked so frustrated with me this morning when she asked what today was. I knew it wasn't our anniversary, but..."
Voice Lines:
"35 years old, huh? ...Man, time just seems to fly by. It's been almost a decade since I officially moved here to Japan from the U.S. and became a Japanese citizen. ...It's also been 10 years since Mireya and I became husband and wife. ...Man, has it really been that long since all that? Time seems to move to fast or slow depending on the situation..."
"My fans on the radio show all wished me a 'happy birthday' and thanked me for my radio show. It was nice of them. I thanked them all for their wishes and for being members of the Wolfpac. Without them, Wolf of Shadows would be nothing."
"I got a call from my sister, Kairi. She wished me a 'happy birthday' and congratulations me and Mireya on 10 years. I was glad to catch up with her. She's doing well. ...And you're not gonna believe this, but... well, apparently, I'm going to be an uncle. ...Yup, my sister's pregnant! I'm really happy for her! She doesn't know if it's a boy or girl, but she's hoping for a girl. I'm really happy for her! I'll have to make some time to fly back home and see her when I can."
"I... I asked her how mom was doing, but... she didn't really say. Apparently, mom's cut off all contact with her. I guess she didn't approve of the news that her daughter was going to be a mom. *Sighs* I really worry about that woman. Can she never be happy for once..."
"Hey hun. ...Yes, I finally realized that today was my birthday. I'm sorry I forgot. ...Hey, would it have been worse if it was your birthday, or, Heaven forbid, our anniversary? ...Right. Shutting up now. ...Yes, yes, you're right. Thank you, babe. I really appreciate both it, and you. Thank you."
"So, what is this? ...An Orb Vinyl LP Flattener? ...Oh yeah, I was browsing this on the Internet one day. My vinyl discs were getting scratched up and they say this is supposed to repair them. Thank you very much, love. I really, really appreciate it. ...Thank you, love. I love you too."
"Hey, son. Thank you. ...Old? I'm pretty sure being in your mid 30s doesn't constitute as 'old', son. There are plenty of other people in Japan, far older than me. ...Like Jakurai, your doctor? He's one year older than me. ...Gee, thanks son. I'll be sure to remember that when your birthday rolls around in December."
"So what exactly did you give me for my birthday? Something 'old', I presume? ...LED Glasses? Oh yeah, I've seen some of the teen kids wearing these. They're supposed to light up at certain intervals, right? They look nice, but... don't they seem a little, I don't know, 'dramatic?' ...If you say so, son. Fine, I'll take and wear them. ...Yeah, thanks son."
Mireya Lines:
"Well, good morning, mi amor. I sincerely hope you recall what day it is today. ...Thank goodness. I know you get a little distracted sometimes, love, but that is no excuse to missing on important days. ...Love, if you were to forget either of those days, I'd make sure you spent the rest of this year and the next sleeping on the living room couch. *Sighs* It's moments like this that remind me of why I fell in love with you. I love you, mi amor."
"Anyway, here is your birthday gift. You mentioned that some of your old vinyl discs were getting dented and scratched, correct? Well, I saw this in the history pages on our computer and decided to purchase it. ...No problem, mi amor. I'm glad you like it. I love you, my gorgeous husband."
Zakari Lines:
"Hey pops! Happy birthday! So, how's it feel to be 'old' now? ...Of course it does! Everyone knows that reaching your mid 30s is a sign of oldness. ...Oh, Jakurai-sensei has always been old. He even acts like an old man half the time! Don't believe me? Just ask Kensaku-san over in Toyama! But don't worry, you still have him beat on cuteness! ...No problem, old man! Hahaha!"
"So, here's your birthday gift! ...They're LED glasses! I saw some of the club goers wearing these, and I thought they'd look good on you! You could wear them when you're up on stage DJing! ...'Dramatic?' Don't be ridiculous, pops! They're totally 'you'. Trust me. ...Glad you like them, pops! Happy birthday again!"
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prodigal-upsiders · 2 years
having so many thoughts about music evolving from a hobby to a survival tool to a love language with the fruity four and i just 
after ‘86 they all have songs they can’t listen to anymore, all carry updated mixtapes like talismans in case, just in case, comfort and paranoia and protection all tapped out in the frequent little sounds of someone tapping their fingers against a plastic case. there’s a lot of time spent sitting together, back-to-back or curled around each other, hands clenching tight together while their safety songs play. 
as it sinks in that they’re safe, as they move away from hawkins and stubbornly build their own life, the weird co-dependent four of them, music comes with them. steve lowkey steals all of the best vinyl from his parents’ house, not that anyone but him was enjoying it there, so he hauls his whole collection to boston; eddie is constantly coming home from work with new tapes in his pockets because he thinks one of them would like this or just plain needs to listen to it for their own good; nancy starts keeping a little journal of lyrics that resonate with her, and one day she jots one down on a sticky note instead and by the end of the year one of their living room walls is covered in lyrics they love; robin learns new things like a sponge and instruments scratch that itch just as well as language does, constantly barging in to the music shop where eddie works to get her hands on something new and interesting until she can play steve’s song on so many different things (eddie and robin’s favorite, which steve and nancy hate them for, is the kazoo.)
it’s small things, too, ways each of them say i love you. nancy’s voice, still crackly and quiet from just waking up, crooning out a french love song as robin’s arms come around her waist while they both wait for the coffee to brew. steve taking the eyeliner from eddie’s hand as he gets ready for a show, just a snippet of put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty, and meet me tonight in atlantic city sung soft and low between them, eddie smiling as he closes his eyes and hums the harmonica parts back. somehow steve and robin always end up with the same song stuck in their heads--sometimes they’ll be out all day and not see each other until dinner, when one of them is still humming it and the other can go “oh so it’s YOUR fault” and they’ll both launch into the bit they’re stuck on, full muppet voice at full volume. 1997 rolls around and “Bitch” comes out and ruins eddie and nancy forever, they’re thirty years old and so annoying about duetting that song in the kitchen with spatulas for microphones.
their home is loud and quiet and soft and wild and everything they need it to be, and it’s never silent. they love music and they love each other and none of them are lonely again.
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slimyficgirl · 2 years
Bad boy type (Zimelu x reader)
Scratched record was the last record store on the metro district, as everything was going digital, and it would be closing down within the week. As much as you wanted to do something to save your favorite store, rally up a fundraiser or anything, the owner had already given up the fight. Now all you could do was take advantage of the closing sale.
You and your friend Sunny stood in the back of the shop, going through some old rock vinyl when the bell above the entrance jingled and Sunny let out a groan. Looking up from the Ramones record you had in your hands, you say the cause of her grief. Cadence, Trisha, and Tiffany. Three girls from your university that still acted like mean girls from high school, despite having graduated from that years ago. All three were from the Dream fever district, and they made sure everyone knew it with their stylish clothes and money. 
Ugh, how cliché. 
"What are they even doing here." Sunny hissed under her breath as she joined you at the rock aisle and you shrugged. "I think tickets for 1010 are going on sale at that fancy cyber café across the street, they're probably just waiting for that. Ignore them." "1010? That's a band you like too, right? Are you getting tickets?" You snorted softly. "Please, like I could afford those things. I'm, like, heeeellls broke." And wasting what little money you had here at the record shop. The bell rang again and this time you both groaned. The three joker queens were now joined by their joker king, Alan. While the three girls were mean in a more psychological way, Alan could be outright violent. "Maybe we should bail.."
Hush, let's kick it in to touch.
And wash away the sludge that's withering our minds.
Words, a message to the world,
To let the masses learn that someone holds a light.
Oh shoot. That was your song. 
You couldn't leave now.
You turned to Sunny with a grin on your face and she immediately dropped to her knees, playing an air guitar. You followed suit, raising your fists to play your imaginary drums as the two of you danced around the aisle. Of course Cadence and her groupies had noticed, and of course they'd likely mock you for this, but somebody else passing by the shop had noticed too. He stared through the window at the little show you and Sunny put on, a smirk creeping across his face.
So yeah, I'm ready for you.
Yeah, I'm ready for you.
Yeah, I'm ready for you now?
Are you ready for me?
Are you ready for me?
Are you ready for me now?
How cute. 
"How childish." Just as the song ended, Cadence and her friends made their way over, her arms crossed as she sneered down at you. How could somebody so rich and so pretty be so awful? Did her parents not love her enough? Did she feel overwhelmed with the social pressure of those around her and their expectations? You didn't care, all you cared about was that she was being a mega bitc-
"As if you didn't embarrass yourself enough in music history class today." Cadence went on, Trisha and Tiffany snickering behind her as Alan joined her side. "I mean, you couldn't even get such a basic question like where the term serenade came from." "um, Um, I don't know, Mrs. Wright." Alan mimicked you in an obnoxious, high pitched voice, "It comes from the Italian word Serenus, by the way. Not that you're smart enough to remember that. The school is really going down hill to let people like you in." "Is this how you deal with daddy taking away your allowance after you threw that fit in Mr. Mackey's class?" Sunny hissed, her temper flaring already. Unlucky for her, Alan's was even worse. He stepped forward, their faces way too close. "What did you say to me, you little freak?"
You sighed and, knowing this was a bad idea, placed a hand on his chest to try and push him back. "Back off, Alan Jones."
You got a hand around your throat in response. Crud. 
"I don't take orders from anyone, especially not pieces of poor trash like you."
The entrance bell jingled. 
Heavy steps approached.
"Let. Her. Go."
OwO? What's this?
The deep, stern, and poison dipped voice made everyone pause. Wincing you craned your neck to see who had spoken. Your jaw dropped. Standing there was a very, VERY tall robot wearing a black navy uniform with red highlights. he had a matching red mohawk with side burn and red eyes that stared hard at Alan. You yelped as his grip on your neck tightened. "Or you'll what. Scram, you cheap AI girl toy." Oof, a bit awkward of a comment seeing as you knew Cadence very much wished 1010 were her girl toys. You might have laughed if you weren't, ya know, being choked out right now. The big red boy, also known as Zimilu, reached down, grabbed Alan's wrist, and squeezed. You heard a pop that made you wince before the stereotypical bully dropped you on your butt, staggering back and gripping his now limp hand. he was cursing up and down, heading to the door with Cadence, Trisha, and Tiffany. “I’ll have you turned into scrap metal! And you!” He pointed a finger at you.
”Watch yourself! Don’t forget I know where you sleep, loser!” 
Oh boy. Well. Seemed like you had a lot to look forward to when you returned to your dorm. 
But you didn’t have time to think about that as Zimilu grabbed your jaw gently and tilted your head up. He was checking your neck. “Are you okay, baby? Does it hurt?” “…n-noooo?” A little, but you felt too awkward to say anything. “I’m okay..thanks.” “Of course, baby. That sort of behavior isn’t cool. Even to me.” And he was supposed to be the bad boy type. He gave you a slight smile once he was sure you were okay. “Name?” “Uh..Y/N. And this is Sunny.” You motioned to your friend, who was frothing at the mouth for revenge. Zimilu gave her a nod and held out his hand expectantly. “Phone.” “..huh?” You tilted your head and he snapped his fingers. “Phone. Give me your phone, baby.” 
You hesitated and handed him your cellphone. He hummed as he typed something in, struggling as his hands were bigger than the phone, then handed it back to you. “If he does ANYTHING, you call me, understand?” “Um..” You were..really confused. He used a finger to tilt your chin, forcing you to look him in his eyes. They seemed a bit warmer now. “Understand?” He repeated. You swallowed, your mouth dry, and gave a nod. He smirked and stepped back. “Good. I have to go back to the ticket stand but I’ll see you real soon, beautiful.” Then he just..strolled out. You glanced down at your phone, staring at the number he put in. 
Holy crap. 
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aidengallangerfan · 1 year
Mornings with you - five x reader
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The sunlight streamed in through the curtains, waking Five up first. He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He looked down at your sleeping form with a soft smile. You were tucked in beneath the covers and your breathing was light and even. He bent down to kiss your cheek before slipping out of bed. Mr. Pennycrumb was curled up next to the foot of the bed. Five smiled and bent down to scratch his ear. That woke him up from his slumber.
"Hey, buddy," Five knelt down. "Ready to go outside?"
Mr. Pennycrumb perked when he heard the word. He laughed quietly, clicking his tongue and the dog happily trailed behind him.
Here came the same routine: he would let the dog out and make himself his usual cup of coffee. For you, he made your favorite drink to wake you up. He got the coffee started, figuring it'd be a while before you woke up. So, he decided to surprise you. He started getting ingredients out to make breakfast with. He picked out several things, really wanting to go the extra mile. Besides, it's been a while since you've had breakfast in bed.
Before he started, he let Mr. Pennycrumb inside and fed him. After he was taken care of, Five softly hummed as he made breakfast for the two of you, trying his best not to be too loud and disturb you in the process. He didn't want to ruin the surprise and/or your rest. He slid out two plates from above, putting them on the fancy silver platter you got from your grandmother for Christmas. He carefully put the freshly cooked food on all the plates, as well as the cups and the two empty plates. With that, he swept up the platter and headed into the bedroom again. Mr. Pennycrumb trotting beside him, hoping for a crumb or two to fall.
When the two came inside the bedroom, you were still asleep, cozy beneath the covers.
"Oh, Y/N," Five quietly hummed in amusement. He set the tray down on the bedside table.
The smell of food didn't even stir you awake and that was when he knew you were really asleep. He perched on the edge of the bed next to you, careful not to move too much. He gently swept some of your soft h/c hair out of your face and let the back of his fingers lightly trail down your cheek.
"Hey, it's time to wake up," he lovingly shook your shoulder.
You didn't budge.
"Y/N? Love of mine, it's time to wake up," he shook you a bit more.
You let out a small groan, starting to stir awake now. Although you were having a nice dream.
"Hm, what?" you slurred out sleepily.
Five softly laughed, brushing some more fallen hair out of your tired eyes. "Good morning, my love," he greeted, taking your hand and kissing it.
"Hi," you smiled, rubbing your eyes and blinking to clear your vision.
"Did you sleep well?" he shifted some to let you move around a bit.
You nodded. "I think so. Did you?"
"As much as I usually do," Five got up and kissed your forehead.
"Goodness, what is that amazing smell?" you breathed in.
He grinned, sliding the tray off of the table. "Why, our breakfast of course, my darling."
"Oh my gosh, are you serious? Five!" you gasped, seeing all the delightful food.
"What can I say? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," he carefully placed the tray down.
"You arranged it so nicely I'm almost afraid to eat it," you admitted almost shyly.
He laughed. "Don't be. This is for you."
"It looks amazing," you didn't even know where to begin.
"Good. I just hope it tastes as good as it looks."
"Oh, hush. Your cooking is delightful," you kissed his cheek and then proceeded to help yourself.
After you got what you wanted, Five fixed his own plate. The two of you ate in comfortable silence as Mr. Pennycrumb jumped onto the bed, curling up near the end and away from the tray. You smiled, setting the tray on the bedside table to let the dog join the two of you.
"You know what we need?" you looked to Five.
Five frowned some. "What?"
"Music," you grinned, going over to the record player. You slid in your favorite vinyl and soft music began to fill the air.
Five opened the curtains, letting more light pour into the room. You smiled. Despite having to wake up, you secretly loved mornings. You loved the peaceful atmosphere you and Five shared. You loved just co-existing with him in the same room, even if you two never exchange a word. Mornings were always so relaxing and tranquil and calm. Five really did know the best ways to start off the days.
After the two of you finished breakfast, you two cleaned up the dishes and finished getting ready for the day. Though the both of you returned to the bedroom. You picked up a book, beginning to read. Five was busily throwing a ball for Mr. Pennycrumb and keeping him entertained. You laid back on him, feeling his arm lazily drape over you.
"Ooh," you perked up when your favorite song began playing. "This is a good one!" you eagerly closed your book and popped up to your feet, grinning at Five.
"Yes?" he returned with a slight frown.
"Dance with me?" you requested shyly, holding your hands out for him.
"Oh…uh…" Five turned red. Despite being forced to take ballroom lessons at the Academy, he wasn't much of a dancer.
Mr. Pennycrumb barked at Five as if to further urge him.
"Please? Just this once?" you gave him your best pleading face. You puckered our your bottom lip ever so slightly.
Five sighed, not being able to resist. "Okay, okay. Only for you, my angel."
You squealed happily as he got up and went over. You looped your arms around his neck and his snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You smiled softly, hearing him softly sing under his breath. His lips lightly brushed against your ear and his words traveled from your eardrum to your heart.
As the song faded out, Five smiled down at you. "You're incredible, did you know that?"
"Awww…I try…" you blushed bright red.
He smiled and kissed you lovingly as you returned it. The two of you pulled apart a few moments later.
Oh how glad you were that he existed.
~ * ~
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holdingontoheadache · 2 years
Hey there! I’d love to send a pic of self titled but I dont think I can while being anonymous!
Red is for sure midnight memories color but I also think a certain shade of purple would look amazing since the original MM cover has some purple and that color would be perfect imo! I really think four should’ve been brown as well!! Blue would’ve looked really nice too. I love yellow as well buuut I think it doesn’t work color scheme/theme wise for the album.
Oh, self titled really is that bitch, no one was ready for her, truly. I think my favorite is Woman, I just fell in love with that song when I first heard it and she’s everything to me still. I think FTDT is up there too. For Fine Line I’d say TPWK was one of my immediate favorites as soon as I heard it and she still is which I know is somewhat controversial since people did not like TPWK. Also Lights Up and many more. For Harry’s House my favs are Grapejuice, Satellite and probably Matilda. The whole album is amazing honestly I loved it. As for the rest of the boys it goes like this, Louis: Don’t Let it Break Your Heart, Defenseless, Only the Brave, Chicago, All This Time, Holding onto Heartache, Saturdays and Angels Fly, Niall: Paper Houses, Flicker, Fire Away, The Tide, Bend the Rules, Arms of A Stranger, Everywhere, Cross Your Mind, San Francisco and Still. Zayn: it’s you, fool for you, blue, scripted, good years, and sour diesel. Same with Liam, his stuff just doesn’t really pull me in 😔
I hope you enjoy severance and the devils hour if you check them out!! They were definitely some of the best tv I’ve seen in a long time and the aesthetics of severance I’m just obsessed with. Pitbulls really are gentle giants, all my pitties are the biggest babies and love attention and scratches. Thank you! Photography is a hobby of mine I pick up when I feel motivated at times and the idea of traveling the world and getting those amazing shots just sounds like a dream.
I’ve not played BOTW or Cult of the Lamb but I’ve seen the streamers I watch play them! I myself never got into Pokémon but my brothers/cousins definitely were. Now, don’t even get me started on Stardew, I love that game! I’ve been told I dont exactly play it right but who cares I’m still having fun! Who has been your favorite to marry and who’s your favorite non-bachelor/bachelorette character? Are you excited for the new game ConcernedApe is putting out? I’m very excited! I dont think you can go wrong with Kirby! I main Yoshi as well when playing Mario party unless I’m playing the one that has Monty Mole, then I’m Monty. With Mario kart I’m always dry bones!! Oh my, this message is already so long but I’ve still got quite a bit to say!
The decline of physical media is my villain origin story. I think what I miss most is physical photos. It used to be so easy to get little disposable cameras and easy to get the film developed but now it’s such a hassle and the cameras are not as cheap. One of the worst parts of declining physical media imo is that trends are cyclical so no matter what they’ll always come back as a trend at some point like vinyl and Polaroid which means the price will just keep going up when the trend picks up. I feel like photo albums, physical ones, are somewhat in the past now because all the photos you ever take are on your phone and that’s a nice convenience of course but it also breaks my heart cause I love pulling out old photo albums and shoebox’s filled to the brim with old photos and film. I wish disposal FujiFilm/Canon cameras were just like 5/10 bucks and I could just pick one up at the checkout of Walmart like before. Also letters and postcards should be a big deal again and like colorful clunky 80s home phones/rotary phones. Like I just live for hands on media and that’s why I love vinyl because you’re engaged with it. You have to clean it, adjust things, press buttons and flip the vinyl. I’m in my early 20s so I didn’t really get to experience some of these I suppose. I just hate the way these forms of physical media are dying/declining and don’t even get me started on dvds. It’s crazy to me that streaming sites can just like erase a show from their platforms and it’s gone forever? Also books, I love holding/feeling books and picking out cool covers. I too love trinkets and tend to fill my room with whatever I can find!! This is so long so I need to stop here and do quick speed round questions.
Speed round: If you could pick any skill to suddenly have, what would it be? I think mine would be easy to learn languages! I’d love to learn ASL.
Do you have a favorite board game? I really like scrabble and clue!
Do you have a preferred brand of shoes? If you look at my shoes I’m always wearing some weird/patterned vans!
Is there a car you’d just die to have? I think mine would be an old Volkswagen Van!!!
Lastly, is there a hobby you want to pick up but just haven’t yet? 
Hope you’ve had a lovely day and again I’m so sorry for the late message and length! I just feel like I need to reply to everything you’ve said! Wishing you a happy/good day tomorrow ❤️
Hello, hun!! Wishing you a happy Monday/Tuesday your way!!✨
Ahhh, I see lol. I didn’t know until just recently that you can’t send pictures while on anon and I almost sent a picture to one of my secret santas this year 😬. Would have been a short lived secret santa if I had done so lol. Hopefully, I can remind you to send a pic of the record once we all reveal ourselves!!
Purple would look amazing for the Midnight Memories pressing!! That’s so smart!! I can see it now!! It can be a mix on purple and blue, almost in a swirl!! That would look so nice!!
Self-titled sits on a pedestal that no one can really reach!! Love that for her!! TPWK was also my favorite when fine line came out!! I remember seeing everyone online saying she was the weakest song off the album, to which I understand cause everyone has their preferences!! But look at her now!! People love hearing her live!! I knew I stanned the right one lol. Oh, to hear Lights Up just one more time live!! All of your favorites listed from the other boys are so valid omg!! Did you have a favorite member of the band? Mine has been Zayn from day one up until he left (he still has such a special place in my heart tho 💕). I’d say now my favorite is Louis, but it very much jumps around from time to time to Niall and Harry!!
It does sound like so much fun to be able to fly around the world and take such stunning pictures of the things you see!! Rooting for you to be able to do that one day!!
Stardew Valley has such a special place in my heart!! I love that game so much so seeing that other people have played it as well makes my heart so happy!! My only problem is that I start a new save, play it for a week and a half straight, forget about it and then try and play it weeks later not remembering what I was doing in the first place 😅. If I remember correctly, I’ve only ever married Leah and Maru, but I would love to be able to explore the rest of the available bachelors, like Harvey, Penny and Abigail!! My favorite non-marriageable characters have to be Evelyn and George. He’s such a grumpy old man but Evelyn is such a sweet old lady; their dynamics are so funny and I would like to get to know their story a bit better!! Might have to go after Alex for that, I guess.
I didn’t even know that the game developer was releasing a new game!! I really like the art/gameplay style of Stardew so I guess is am pretty excited about this “Haunted Chocolatier” game that’s coming (edit: I just saw the trailer/early gameplay footage and I’m now actually very hype for this release!!).
Ayyeee Yoshi gang!!! I’d love to hear anything more you have to say about these Nintendo characters!! Never fear if the message is too long, love!! I love reading all of it!! ✨
Now that you mention it, it is very difficult to find disposable cameras nowadays without paying more that $15-20 for it, especially if it becomes so high in demand to meet the trends, like you said… that’s just capitalism, I suppose. I remember when I was younger and getting my parents mail from the mailbox and wishing I had mail, even if it was just spam lol. Now I’m only waiting for the important stuff in the mail and shred everything else. The idea of postcards and letters really does sound nice!! That’s also the same reason why I wanted to get into vinyl collecting!! Your feelings about declining physical media are so valid!! We should all be excited to collect things and show off our trinkets to our friends/family/strangers on the internet just out of pure excitement to have them!!
Speed Round Answers: Sudden Skill? Digital Media!! I want to be able to make digital paintings/drawings/edits of the ideas that pop up in my head!! I wish I knew how to use photoshop in that way, I suppose lol. Board Game? I don’t play many board games as much as I did when I was younger. Me and my brother played Mouse Trap/Operation a lot, so I would probably say those!! Shoes? I also really like vans!! I have about 10 pairs, maybe, of vans and always want more lol!! Lately though, I’ve been really into platform boots!!!
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These have been catching my attention for the longest time, but never got around to actually buying them!! I will one day, for sure!! Dream Car? Right now, I have a Toyota Corolla (2008), but I really want a compact SUV, doesn’t really matter the brand, I suppose!! I’ve just always had low cars for as long as I can remember!! I’d say I’m a pretty tall individual, so it would be nice to have a car my size lol. Those old Volkswagen vans are so cute, I totally get the hype!! Next Hobby? There are definitely more things I wanna do, but never got around to actually doing!! I’ve always wanted to learn how to crochet, but out of the multiple times that I have attempted to learn, I’ve failed horribly at lol. Maybe I’ll get back into it at some point, but who knows!! 🎄✨
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Snippet #29 - Doodles]
“When Jungkook doodles on your back.”
Genre: domestic Fluff
Warnings: casual nudity but it’s not sexual, kissies, they are so CUTE
Wordcount: 1.5k
a/n: just something short and sweet because i miss them :( also this is a hundred percent a regular thing between those two 🥺🧡
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It was a warm summer's night. The opened swing doors let in the smell of ocean salt and the sound of crickets. Your shirts have been off for quite some time as the weather was just too hot for clothes and on your coffee table a finished plate of snacks is waiting to be cleaned up.
Inside you have your vinyl player playing, because Jungkook insisted that using it is peak romance and "tonight is all about romance". 
It didn’t actually start off as a romantic evening. You were merely discussing the new tattoo you are planning on getting (Jungkook will do it obviously) when Jungkook had the brilliant idea of practicing its placement. 
It started off innocent. Jungkook got the finished sketch while you took off your shirt to make space for him.
Your tattoo was supposed to go on your upper back. Your shoulder blade to be more exact. You told Jungkook to design something related to the coast and he did. Around three inch in size and with the most intricate of details. You loved it instantly.
Jungkook then spent a good hour recreating the tattoo on your back, working quietly while you were shivering in relaxation. Back scratches are your weakness after all.
Romance soon however began seeping into the evening. The tattoo was finished but the desire to doodle remained.
Jungkook put on music and together you created your little snuggle spot on the floor on top of your cuddle blankets and with too many pillows to count. 
Jungkook got his skin safe doodle pencils, which he got solely for drawing on your body and then the fun began. He doodled on your back while you relaxed and shivered each time he brushed over an especially sensitive spot and every now and then you could listen to Jungkook sing to one of the songs. It was the perfect evening, it really was.
Almost your entire back is covered by now, serving as a canvas for the most beautiful artworks ever. You haven’t seen them yet, but this was your husband you were talking about here and his doodles are always the most beautiful ever.
"Oh no", Jungkook whispers. 
"Messed up?" 
"Mh-hm yeah."
Jungkook fixes his mistake by wetting his thumb and wiping your skin. You don’t mind the feeling, not with how nasty the two of you are during your wilder times. A little bit of his spit can’t disgust you.
"What were you drawing?" you ask him.
"Just some flowers, but the stem looks weird. I gotta redo it."
His thumb leaves your skin. He wipes you dry with the help of his pointer finger and then begins drawing again. 
The pencil is soft on your skin, sending an enjoyable shiver over your skin. His hand is warm, dancing over your body in snych with the patterns he draws. Every now and then you can feel the tickle of his fingertips as he outlines what he drew to check for any mistakes.
You relax in a sigh.
"Honestly Koo, I could fall asleep just like this", you mumble. 
"You know you can, I’ll keep you safe."
"You're talking as if we're in some life or death situation."
"You never know. Maybe a bear randomly appears while you sleep. What then? You’d be happy to have me."
"Really?" you are already snickering in preparation for his silly joke.
"Yeah, cause I’ll be fighting it."
"Of course", you cackle, "cause you'd be able to fight a bear."
"Don't underestimate me. I fought many bears before."
"Did you now?"
"Yeah. There was this one time where Yoongi, Tae and I were camping in the woods and then a bear snuck into our camp and I had to fight it."
"Wow, that sounds dangerous. How come you never told me about that?"
"Because I didn’t wanna worry you."
"Ah I see, obviously", you say, grinning, "you doofus."
"Hey", Jungkook complains and slaps your ass. 
"Ah", you gasp, "what the heck babe, that was really strong. My butt hurts now."
"That's what you get", he says, rubbing your butt as an apology, “sorry.”
You send him an annoyed glance, rolling your eyes. 
"You'll get that back", you murmur, snuggling back into the pillows. 
Jungkook snickers boyishly and returns to drawing his pretty flower. 
It will be the last piece of the painting. Jungkook wants to continue, but your back physically has no space left anymore. So he sadly has to make this flower the last doodle, if he wants to or not.
He finishes the stem with a little swirl. 
"Done", he says and traces the finished drawing with his thumb. 
"Wait. Like done done?" 
"Yeah, your back's covered all over."
You huff out air, "I'm sad, I want more."
"Same, but wait”, he slaps your ass again, “I'll take a picture.”
And with that he gets up and hurries to get your polaroid camera. 
“Stop slapping my ass, you idiot!” you call after him.
He returns after a moment, “sorry that you’ve got such a yummy peach just out and about. I can’t resist”, he says and sits down on the back of your thighs. 
You laugh because he is so silly and stupid and you love him so much.
"Hold still", he says, guiding the camera to his eye. 
The flash goes up, the shutter clicks then the purring of the camera printing out the picture. 
Jungkook takes it, shakes it twice and places it on the blanket. 
"Can’t tell yet. It’s developing", he says, lifting his hips so you could flip on your back.  
He sits back down, resting his weight on your crotch. 
"Stay like this", he says, lifting the camera.
"Kook, I’m not even wearing a shirt", you complain in a giggle, covering your boobs with the help of your hand.
“So? Put your hands away I wanna have boobies”, he says, tugging at your wrist whilst looking through the camera.
“Urgh fine”, you give in, intertwining your fingers with him.
Jungkook's face reappears. He is grinning brightly. 
"You're so pretty", he says, placing the picture next to the first one. 
"I am?" 
“Yeah so pretty”, he says, leaning down to press a big smooch on each of your boobs. Then a kiss on your left collarbone and a little bite to your shoulder.
“Mhm Koo feels good.”
He hums softly and kisses your neck in a way that it would tickle.
You giggle, fighting him off with a little push.
“Don’t it tickles.”
“Baby”, he coos and chases you.
“Koo please”, you squeak, cackling.
Jungkook chuckles and rolls  off your lap to cuddle into your side. You shift and wiggle to find your perfect snuggle position, fighting each other with giggles in your chests because Jungkook is still trying to tickle you. You end up with Jungkook’s arm under your head while you are facing him in the end.
“You’re the worst”, you mumble.
"You're the prettiest", he says, pecking your forehead. 
"So are you", you tell him, melting closer. 
Your eyes meet. You kiss each other’s lips in a quick peck, feeling tingly. He pulls back with a smile, tracing your cheek with his fingertips.
"Should we take a picture?" you suggest.
"Yeah? Like in a selfie?" 
"Mh-hm, we didn’t take selfies in ages." 
"We didn’t. Okay, come here baby let's take a pic."
You and him squish against each other. Cheek against cheek while Jungkook is lifting the camera up. 
You smile, as does Jungkook. 
The flash goes off, the shutter clicks and the camera gives you the picture. 
"Another one", Jungkook says and turns his head to smooch your cheek.
"Kook", you squeak in happiness, smiling oh so brightly. 
Jungkook takes a picture of that moment. You glowing in happiness while he kisses your cheek. 
The picture will turn out a little blurry, but neither of you will care. 
Jungkook places the camera next to the photos after taking the picture. He rolls to his side, facing you that way and hooking his arms behind your head.
"You're so cheeky", you tell him, caressing his chest. 
"I wanna have a new pic for my wallet. It’s perfect."
"I want a copy too."
"Yeah, you get the other one."
"Wow okay, so you get the really cute one?" 
"The other one's cute too. You look so pretty on it."
"You don’t even know how I look on it yet."
"Don't have to, I just know."
You grin, "you old cheeseball."
Jungkook smirks confidently and pinches your cheek softly. 
"Wanna see the doodles?" 
"Yeah show me."
Jungkook fetches the developed polaroid of your back and hands it to you. 
"Wow, Googie", you gasp, "those are all so pretty."
"You think so? I just doodled though."
"I can't even see it. I like them all so much." 
Jungkook shies away, even going so far as to nuzzle into your hair. It makes looking at the polaroid impossible, but you don’t mind because you can cuddle Jungkook instead. 
"You smell nice", he murmurs and kisses your forehead.
"You too", you whisper and sigh contently. 
Tonight is perfect, it truly is.​
240 notes · View notes
Dance Lessons | Harry James Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter x fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Wordcount: 12200 words (Yes, really. Do you ever just start to write a little oneshot and then it turns out as a fic with over 10000 words?)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of underage drinking, sexual tension but no smut, fluff, slight angst, slow burn i guess
Summary: Harry asks you to teach him how to dance for the upcoming Spring Ball.
a/n: Set in Harry’s sixth year. English is not my native language, so there might be spelling/grammar mistakes. (The beginning is inspired by this oneshot)
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Not many could say that they had faced Voldemort more than once and had survived, but Harry Potter was one of the few lucky ones that had gotten away every time. And if that wasn’t enough, Harry had defeated horrifying creatures, had broken into the Ministry and had saved the wizarding world several times – more or less accidentally, but hey. He had dealt with Umbridge and fought Death Eaters.
To the world, he was a hero, he was the Boy Who Lived.
So yes, his record of fighting the evil was quite impressive for a sixteen-year-old. But there was one thing he knew he would never impress anyone with and that were his dance skills.
Because Harry Potter couldn’t dance for shit.
Everyone who had watched his poor attempt at a waltz at the Yule Ball knew it had been an embarrassing disaster, and a blessing when he had stopped – merely for Parvati Patil’s feet.
Everyone who had watched knew that Harry Potter had never before set foot on a dancefloor. And you had watched. You had watched with great interest because secretly, you had wished for him to ask you to the ball. But when there had been only two weeks left and Dean Thomas had asked you after Transfiguration class, you had said yes.
There you were, sitting with Dean beside Seamus and Lavender as well as Ron and his date Padma, your eyes glued to the raven-haired boy getting terribly out of step. You watched, of course, under the pretence that you found it disgracefully hilarious.
Harry had never thought about asking you to the Yule Ball, if he was quite honest with himself. He had been after Cho, and he waited way too long to ask her, so she was already going with Cedric. And you had a date with Dean.
As good as Harry was with fighting the dark and the evil, as bad was he with social interactions. He had no problem producing a Patronus, but he was absolutely useless when it came to talking to girls.
You were the opposite.
Yes, the boggart may had made you faint in front of your whole class, but on the other hand, talking seemed like the easiest task in the world. Whether it was a chat with a teacher or speaking to strangers, though you did not thrive off of that.
There was one other thing that made you stand out to the other girls (and boys) in your year: You knew how to dance, from a simple disco fox to a more complicated waltz.
So, when Professor Slughorn announced a Spring ball for the students in sixth and seventh year, Harry knew you were his only chance if he did not want to make a fool out of himself again. He asked you (after a whole week of practicing in front of the mirror), with heated cheeks and a fast-beating heart, if you could teach him how to dance.
You felt a bit taken by surprise by this request, but agreed, nonetheless.
Friday evenings, eight to nine o’clock, were now reserved for your weekly dance lessons.
Looking at Harry’s history, it should be no big deal to dance with a girl when you had already come across the most dangerous things existing in the wizarding world. He should not be nervous; what was the girl teaching you how to dance against gigantic spiders who saw you as their dessert?
Well, everything.             
The thing was, Harry could prepare spells and charms, he knew what he had to do when he was faced with a Dementor or a Boggart. His mind, however, went completely blank when it came to you, like his nerves were on fire. To say he was nervous was an underestimation.
Harry ran his hand through the mess of black locks in a rather useless attempt to flatten them. They jumped back up immediately as he let go, pointing in every direction but the one he wanted them to. Stupid genes.
Sometimes he wished he had inherited his mother’s hair. It would have been fun to be mistaken as a Weasley and he could pretend he and Ron were actually brothers.
To keep his hands busy, Harry smoothened the plaid shirt he had thrown on before darting another glance at the clock over the door of the abandoned classroom on the fifth floor. 8:01 o’clock.
His fingers drummed against the wooden desk he was leaning on to release his excited tension, which only worked until the door opened, and he jumped up into a straight position.
You stepped inside, a vinyl clammed under your arm and an apologizing smile on your lips.
“Sorry I’m late, Snape held me off,” You said, placing your bag on the table Harry had leaned on previously.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. Uh, are you alright?” He asked.
“Oh, yeah. I mean Snape just almost failed my assignment, but I found a new song to dance to, and I’m pretty sure you’ll like it,” You said as you rushed over to the old vinyl player in the corner and unwrapped the black record.
Harry followed your every movement. You could feel his eyes on you and bit down on your lip to stop yourself from smiling.
“It’s a bit slower than the other one, so it will be easier for you to follow,” You added and pulled the vinyl out, stroking a streak of Y/H/C hair behind your ear, your back still facing him.
When the record was placed correctly into the player, you turned back around and led Harry by the hand to the middle of the classroom. This simple touch alone made Harry’s head spin, and it did not help when you placed his hand onto your waist.
“Are you ready?” You asked and he nodded. “Good, follow my lead.”
There was nothing but admirable beauty, the way you moved to the soft piano music filling the room, Harry thought, and he hated himself for not realising sooner. You were like a sunset, and he was afraid to look right at you because what if you saw all the feelings swelling in his heart that dared to overspill at any moment.
You had been right, he adored the music you had brought with you, but he adored you even more.
You thought he looked at his feet because he was afraid to mess up the steps.     
“Hey,” You said softly, taking the hand from his shoulder to lift his chin. “Eyes up.”
“Yes. Right. Sorry.”
A sheepish smile spread over his face and your heart beat hectically against your rip cage as his emerald green eyes met yours.
It took Harry a great deal of strength to not break out of the dance routine he had so intensely studied and kiss you. But your hand slipped away from under his chin back to his shoulder and the moment was lost, like so many others.
Staying professional was not so simple for you either, as much as you liked to deny it. You liked Harry, more than friends should like each other, but who could blame you? Harry was very handsome, with his messy hair and those green eyes, he was sweet and caring, and he was dancing with you in an abandoned classroom, his hand on your waist.
Looking at it from this angle, there seemed to be no reason as to why you were so careful to deny your feelings.
Well, there was one problem: You thought he wanted to ask Cho to the ball to make up for the Yule Ball.
Harry was pretty oblivious when it came to love. Neither had he thought about you as more than friends before sixth year, nor had he realised that the feelings he had felt for Cho two years ago were similar to the ones he had for you now, though they were much more intense.
The worst part was that you two had been friends for three year and since then, you had spent a week of every summer holiday at the Burrow. Harry knew you; he knew that you liked his crappy jokes and his sarcastic comments, but never before had his stomach tingled when you laughed at them. Never before had there been goose bumps all over his skin when you hugged him. And to hell, never before had he acknowledged how goddamn beautiful you were.
“You’re getting really good.” You ripped him out of his thoughts.
“Oh. Really?” He asked.
It would be brilliant if he could dance without thinking about it all the time, fearing he could step on your feet.
“Yes, really,” You replied, grinning.
“Well, I- I suppose I have a good teacher.”
The piano music faded out and you stopped in the middle of the room, slipping your hand out of his. It was a good excuse to turn around and start the vinyl again, so you did not have to answer anything.
Harry stood there for a second, gulping and scratching his neck. He should not have said that.
What he had said flattered you, but it was only a knife dressed like compliment, stroking over your heart to stab you right after. All of this was amicable, temporary, fickle. All of this was for Cho.
You sat the needle back on the record.
“What’s it called? The song, I mean,” Harry asked quietly.
“‘Il Reste du Temps’. The rest of time.” You walked back up to him and took his hand, leading you two into the dance. With his hand on your lower back, he pulled you a bit closer than last time.
“So, there are only two weeks left. You have asked Cho by now, I suppose?” You asked to remind your thoughts of reality.
Harry narrowed his eyebrows, not sure how you had come to the conclusion he still liked Cho. She was great, for sure, but she wasn’t you.
“Oh. Uh, not really, no,” He answered. Your heart jumped.
“Well, you should hurry up. You don’t wanna wait until last minute like last time.”
“I- yeah, I mean, I don’t- I don’t want to go with Cho.”
You stepped forward even though you were supposed to draw back and stomp on his left foot. His hand around yours clenched for a second at the sudden pain.
“Shit. Sorry.” You quickly brought you two back into the right footstep order. “You’re not asking Cho?”
“No. I wanna- No.” Harry stopped himself from talking any further. He couldn’t ask you. He just couldn’t.
“Well, who do you wanna ask?” You said.
Maybe it was Ginny. She was gorgeous, phenomenal at Quidditch and in the Slugclub. Nothing you could say about yourself.
Harry opened his mouth and stammered. “It’s, uh, you know…some…girl.”
Oh yes, great save, Harry, congratulations, He thought to himself, couldn’t be any vaguer, could you? For Merlin’s sake, look at her, she is completely confused.
You were pretty even when you were confused, with your eyebrows drawn together over your eyes curiously inspecting him – Stop.
“Ah, okay. The lucky girl’s a secret,” You said, laughing lightly. It was definitely Ginny.
“No, I mean, she’s –” 
“It’s not my concern who you’ll ask, Harry,” You interrupted to calm him down. “As long as you ask her.”
Harry didn’t know what to reply to that. You really saw them just as friends.
The two of you danced for a while and Harry tried to memorise every golden speck in your dark eyes, every freckle, every curve, just so he could imagine you instead of the person he would dance with in a fortnight. If he would even go. Because what point was there to go to a ball if the one person he wanted to dance with more than anything else would not be there with him?
You tried to enjoy the closeness while it lasted. But the voices crowding your mind all shouted that he would never see you the way you saw him. That his face would never be so close ever again. That his hands would never rest on your body the way they did now, and never with any other intention than for the sake of learning how to dance, learning how to impress Ginny or whoever he would ask.
“Have you – have you asked anyone yet? To go to the ball with you?” Harry disrupted your thoughts and pulled you back into reality.
“No. I don’t even know if I’ll go,” You said and Harry’s heart dropped. “I mean, I’ll come to watch you dance, that’s for sure.”
Now his heart was way up in his throat, beating like hell. He swallowed and forced himself to answer. “No pressure then.”
You grinned at his comment. “Oh please, you can dance better than most of sixth and seventh year combined by now. You remember the spin I showed you last time?”
Harry nodded. He lifted his left arm and put a little pressure on your waist. You performed a small twirl before he caught you again, hand on your side. He smiled proudly.
“Really good.” The music stopped and you looked at the clock on the wall behind Harry. 8:57 o’clock. “I guess that’s it for today.”
Harry smiled sadly but you thought it was just your mind, playing you a trick. You packed the record back into the cover while Harry shouldered his back bag, handing yours to you. Then he held the door open for you, and you stepped out into the dimly lit hallway.
Harry had already pulled out the Marauders Map to check if the way back to the Gryffindor tower was clear. You weren’t technically allowed out after nine p.m. because of the new safety measurements, but it was part of the charm.
“Filch’s down on the first floor and Snape’s in his office,” Harry informed you.
“Okay.” You nodded.
Quietly and side by side, you two walked back to the Gryffindor tower. There was plenty of silence to break, plenty of time to ask you to the ball, Harry thought. But he was too afraid.
“It’s not that easy, alright?”
“Bloody hell, you spent every Friday evening with her! Half of our year thinks you’re secretly doing it in that classroom.”
For that, Ron earned a jab into his ribs. The two made their way through the masses of students down the last staircase to the Great Hall.
“Ow! It’s not my fault, you can’t open your mouth.”
“Oh, I can’t open my mouth? Have you asked Hermione yet?”
Harry was sure this would shut Ron up, but he was wrong.
“I asked her six weeks ago and she said yes, mate.”
Harry stopped in his tracks, stunned. “Wot?”
“Merlin, do you ever listen to me?”
Ron shook his head, walking to breakfast. Harry needed a few seconds before he could move again, then he caught up with his best friend. He was about to say something back when Ron’s sister Ginny interrupted them, wrapping her arms around both of Harry and Ron’s shoulders.
“Morning boys,” She greeted them enthusiastically.
The ceiling of the Great Hall was covered in a pale blue and yellow, the upcoming sun shining golden through the high windows.
“So.” Hermione poured both of you a glass of pumpkin juice. “How was it yesterday?”
“Mhm?” You looked up from your toast.
She sighed as if her question was rather obvious. “The dance lesson with Harry?”
“Oh.” You shrugged. “Normal.”
“So, nothing happened? Nothing you want to tell me?” She asked further.
You eyed her suspiciously, but she kept an innocent face expression.
“It’s not like we could do much besides dancing.”
Lavender beside you snickered and Parvati snorted into her coffee.
“Believe me, there is a lot you could do in that hour besides dancing,” Parvati said.
“God, no! Have you met Harry?” Lavender said bemusedly. “Like he's the type to have secret sex.”
“Still waters run deep,” Parvati replied, a smug grin on her lips. “Don't they, Y/N?”
Hermione crunched her nose at the suggestive tone as you narrowed your eyes at the two girls, shaking your head.
“Yes, keep making fun of my non-existing love life.”
You grabbed the strawberry marmalade, determined to ignore any topic concerning Harry. While you had lain awake last night, you had decided to bury your feelings for him all together and get over it. This would be easier once your dance lessons came to an end and the ball was done.
“Well, it does exist for everyone else,” Lavender interposed.
“And it would exist for you, too, if you would finally do something,” Hermione said, leaning forward.
“What?” You asked. “I mean, yeah, I like him, but he is definitely not into me like that. And I can't force him to be.”
Hermione groaned, and Parvati rummaged through her bag, pulling out a piece of parchment and making some space on the table.
“Okay, let’s see,” She began, “He asked you to teach him to dance. Big step for him, you know that. He always stares at you during Quidditch instead of the Snitch. Wood would've killed him by now. He always sits beside you. He definitely smelled you in Amortentia, regarding how he looked at you during that class. And since then, he looks at you like you’re the only person in the room. He –”
“He does not,” You said, grabbing her wrist to stop her from writing any further.
“Yeah, he does,” Lavender argued. “Look!”
You turned to spot Harry alongside Ron and his sister Ginny coming through the doorway, and for one second, your eyes met. Then Ginny said something, and Harry looked at her, laughing.
You sighed and stuffed the rest of your toast down your throat to get rid of the sour feeling twirling and burning in your stomach.
“Well, Ginny’s pretty funny,” Hermione tried.
“Yeah, she’s funny and pretty and she likes everything he likes.”
“None of that matters because he fell in love with you and not Ginny,” Lavender said, smiling brightly.
“He did not – not what you said.”
“He did! The list doesn’t lie.”
Parvati waved the parchment through the air, and you snatched it out of her hand, drowning it in the pumpkin juice before anyone could read it. Hermione curled her lip as she watched the paper soaking up the orange liquid, sinking to the ground of the jug.
In the same moment, Harry, Ron and Ginny reached your table, and to your surprise, Harry really did sit down beside you, your knees touching shortly while he climbed over the bench. The sudden touch sent sparks through your body and filled you with a comfortable warm which was quickly extinguished by Ginny sitting down next to Harry.
You didn’t want to be jealous.
There was no need to compare yourself to Ginny, you were two completely different people. But hearing her talk about Quidditch to the guys and seeing her flicking her beautiful hair over her slim shoulder made it so obvious how perfect for Harry she was. You couldn’t compete with that, in fact, you didn’t even want to compete with that.
No, you would get over your feelings and maybe ask someone else to spend the next Hogsmeade weekend with you. Those evenings with Harry, those moments too good to be true would stay somewhere deep down in your heart, locked away from the real world.
The weekend left as fast as it had come, and soon enough Harry and you both found yourselves in your day-to-day school life, studying for an upcoming Charms test and writing essays for Snape and McGonagall.
There wasn’t much time to think about each other, yet Harry managed to glance up from his homework a few times to stare at you opposite from him, snuggled into an armchair while flicking through a book. He noticed that you captured your tongue between your lips or mouthed single words to yourself whenever you were so deeply sunken into thoughts that you forgot the many people around you.
The latter found Harry very impressive because he was never that relaxed if more than three people were with him. Your lips on the other hand found Harry... well, much more interesting than his homework was the least to say.
Every day he woke up thinking that today, he would ask you. But whenever he came close to ask, he changed the topic or was distracted by friends and classmates.
Even Ron had given up with his jokes by now, which was a very bad sign and a nonverbal way to say, Man, you fucked up.
You had decided to make the last of your dance lessons a memorable one. An hour of pretending, of being close to someone you know you would never be this close to ever again.
Therefore, you had asked your older sister to send some of your favourite records from home, which you were now sorting through in the abandoned classroom. It was ten minutes to eight and you were sipping a butterbeer to cool your nerves. All those times before you had been as calm as ever, but today you were on the edge.
The door opened and you turned to find Harry in the doorway, hair messy as ever.
“Hi,” He said and the corners of his lips jumped up into a lopsided smile.
“Hey. You’re early.”
“Could say the same about you.”
“Yeah, you could,” You mumbled, pushing the needle of the record player down onto the vinyl.
Classic music filled the air and you walked over to Harry to lead him to the middle of the room after he had dropped his back bag to the floor. With the high heels on your feet, you were almost eye to eye, your nose at the height of his lips.
For a wonder, he did not need your instruction to place his hand on your waist and pulled you much closer than usual.
Harry felt his heart beating in his throat. Being this close to you was galvanic, every nerve was burning, and then again, for the first time in two months, he was able to close his eyes and let himself sink in, to melt with the music, to feel the tact pulsating through his whole body. It was what you had tried to teach him all along.
And yet his tongue was tied. He just had to ask. Would you like to go to the ball with me? One simple question. You had told him yourself to not wait until last-minute to ask, and now with every minute, every hour, every day passing it felt more ridiculous. He had known that he wanted to ask you and only you to the ball, but every time he thought about forming the question, his mouth failed him.
Your eyes lay calmly on him, tapping his shoulder in time to the music while secretly trying to remember every little detail of his face: His prominent eyebrows curved over his emerald green eyes, his flushed cheeks and the dimples created by his light smile lying on his lips.
Harry had become, for lack of a better word, quite fantastic at slow dancing. There was confidence in the way he moved through the room and held onto you, mingled with a certain elegance and appreciation of the art he was participating in. A good teacher, he had called you. Well, regarding slow dances, yes.
But there was one other thing he had yet to learn.
“You’re really good, you know that?” You said, and his smile brightened.
“Yeah? Or are you just saying that because it’s my last lesson?” He asked.
“No, I mean it. You know, I wrote my sister last week and she send some of my vinyl discs from home,” You told him as the music slowly faded out and let your hand slip from his shoulder and hand to turn to the record player, not noticing how his fingers lingered a moment longer on your waist.
Harry watched how you sorted through the discs, not able to make use of their names in any way. The only record he had come across before those dance lessons had been one by a singer named Bonnie Tyler, who Aunt Petunia secretly listened to on repeat during the summer when Uncle Vernon went grocery shopping or mowed the lawn.
Harry wasn’t a big fan, which was pretty much the only thing he had in common with his cousin Dudley.
“Here. To dancing and a nice Spring ball.” Harry snapped out of his thoughts. You held out a bottle of butterbeer, which he took and snapped its bottle top off, regarding for a moment to say something along the lines like To you, for teaching me how to dance or To us, but that seemed a bit too much.
Therefore, he went with a simple “Cheers” and touched glasses with you.
While he took a big sip in hopes it would make him braver, you decided on a turquoise and pink coloured disc with a man dancing on the front, the words Footloose in ornate writing covering its front. He couldn’t help but notice the grin you tried to hide, as if knowing something he didn’t.
“What’s that?” He asked, leaning against the table beside you and putting his beer aside.
“That’s what the cool kids dance to.”
You placed the needle onto the record. Drums began to play a fast rhythm, mixed with an electric guitar, and you slipped off your high heels, now only in tights. Harry watched with fearful curiosity how you snapped your fingers in time, bopping your head with closed eyes to internalise the music.
Every movement of your feet, your hips, your shoulders was nonchalant, effortless and... well, simply cool.
“Come on!” You said loudly over the music, waving Harry closer.
“No, no, that’s –” He shook his head, heat flushing his cheeks, and crossed his arms.
You danced up to him, grabbing him by his hands and pulling him to the middle of the room.
Harry had improvised a lot when it came to fighting evil. His whole trip to the ministry had been decided because of his gut instinct, because he had thought he knew what he was doing. Well, that was probably a bar example. He had made everything worse back then.
But everything he had done to fight off the hundreds of Dementors at the Great Lake, or the creatures in the maze two years ago, or Voldemort at the graveyard, every single thing had been purely and spontaneously improvised.
Now, he wasn’t sure if he was that good at improvising dance moves, but you had other plans.
“Come on, don’t you trust me?” You said as his fingers clenched around your hands, unable to let go, like a man clinging onto a life buoy in the middle of the ocean.
And Harry wanted to say back that of course he trusted you, more than he probably knew himself, but all that came out was a “Yeah” which sounded more like a laugh than an actual word because of the grin stretched across his lips.
“Just dance the way you dance when no one’s watching,” You said.
“I don’t – I don’t do that,” He admitted, feeling how his cheeks burned under the unbelieving look coming from you.
“Okay, then close your eyes and just – just do it. Here, I’ll do it, too!”
You closed your eyes, smiling brightly, and slipped your fingers out of his, twirling on the spot like you usually only did behind closed doors, and clapping your hands in time with the music.
Harry couldn’t rip his gaze off of you, the way your body moved without any shame, your ridiculous head banging while acting like you play the guitar – air guitar, that’s what it was called, he had seen Dudley and his friends doing it, but never with so much... passion?
You were quite passionate about dancing, much more passionate than you were about school or Quidditch, and it fascinated him. How you could let loose, could forget what everyone thought of you, and he wanted to feel it too, wanted to not think that everyone was judging him.
So, Harry closed his eyes, concentrated on the beat of the music and your hands clapping, and then he did what you had been doing: Moving his arms, his legs, his feet, all a bit offbeat, all much less cool than what you did, but it had the effect he had wished for.
He forgot. Forgot about everything going on, everything in the past, everything that would come. It was like the music had deleted Voldemort from his mind. There was only his body and those absurdly freeing dance moves he would have been ashamed off any other time.
But not with you.
“Hey, you’re doing it! You’re doing it, look at you!” You shouted over the music, and Harry ripped his eyes open in the same moment as you grab his hands again. He slowed his legs.
“You said you wouldn’t look,” He said breathlessly, very aware of his fast-beating heart.
But if he was honest, he did not mind that you had seen him. If he could choose any of his friends to watch him dance like this, it would definitely be you.
“I had to, I’m sorry!” You laughed, and the song came to an end. “Oh, I have something even better, you’ll like that!”
You hit him friendly in the chest and rushed over to your pile of vinyl discs, wrapping the Footloose back up and pulling out another one from a white and pink packaging with two people on the front.
Harry would’ve never believed that dance lessons would be more exhausting than Quidditch training, but he had soon been disabused. He took a huge sip from his bottle of butterbeer and watched how you placed the needle on the disc before reaching for your own bottle.
“‘You broke my heart – ‘cause I couldn't dance – you didn’t even want me around!’” You were mouthing along the words the singer was speaking in an overdramatic seriousness, holding your bottle like a microphone. Harry was grinning at you, afraid of what would come next. “‘And now I'm back – to let you know – I can really shake 'em down!’”
The music dropped in, and you shook your hips, hands on your black skirt.
“Now don’t tell me you’ve never heard of Dirty Dancing,” You dared as Harry stayed at his spot, and he shrugged helplessly.
You shook your head at him with a smile on your lips, placed your bottle away and pulled him away from the table until you two were almost as close as in your usual dance lessons.
“Okay, like this.” You grabbed him gently by the waist and pushed him a bit down so his legs were slightly bent. Harry’s heart jumped at the unexpected touch. “Good, yeah, look at what I’m doing.”
Your grip became firmer, circularly moving his hips like you did. His eyes jumped up between your face and your waist, and he tried his best to copy your movements while calming his heart speed down.
“Yes, good! Now, your upper body, look at me – yeah! Good, eyes up,” You reminded him, and he glanced at your face, his cheeks flushed.
“Is that okay?” You asked, stepping closer so your hips almost touch, and he nodded. You took his hand, placed it on your lower back, and wrapped your own arms around his neck, just like Johnny and Baby had done it in the beginning of Dirty Dancing.
“That’s good!” You encouraged him, and he grinned at you, his face bright red. “You know, in the movie, they have another dance with a lift.”
“You’re not gonna make me do that, are you?” He asked.
You shook your head, laughing. “No, definitely not without training and a mattress,” You said, slowing your hip movements. “Maybe after the ball. I mean –”
The words had just slipped out of your mouth without thinking about them before. But Harry smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of his forehead, while I’ve Had The Time Of My Life began to play, and Bill Medley’s voice filled the room.
Harry felt like he was on fire. If you wanted to continue the dance lessons next year it must be because you liked him. In some way, you liked him, and it was very hard for him to concentrate during this dance. And training on a mattress would not make that easier – Stop it, stop it, just answer!
“Yeah, okay,” He said, and your heart jumped up in excitement. You smiled back at him and grabbed his free hand with yours, leading you back into a simple dance routine fitting the music. Harry followed almost effortlessly, only shortly glancing at his feet.
“I’ll have to demand payment if we keep doing this.”
“What kind of payment?”
His hand on your lower back pushed you a bit closer, you were almost chest to chest. Was he... flirting with you?
Whatever it was, it made you speechless, and in a moment of incautiousness, your eyes fell down to his lips. You held your breath for a second as you looked back up into his eyes, slowing your movements. He returned your gaze, but just as you were about to gather all your courage, his eyes shifted to the door of the classroom, his eyebrows drawn together in concentration.
“What?” You asked, turning around.
“Filch,” He said and not far down the hall, you heard the meowing of Mrs. Norris.
Panic flared up inside of you as you saw the clock on the wall: Half past nine.
“Argh, fuck.”
You let go off him and rushed over to the table with the record play on top, shoving your vinyl discs into your schoolbag and collecting your high heels in a hurry.
Outside in the hallway, the scratchy voice of Filch mixed with the clicking of his cat’s claws on the stone tiles. Harry had grabbed his bag from the floor and fished out his Invisibility Cloak. As you turned around, he had reached you and enveloped you two in the cloak, standing almost as close to you as a few seconds ago.
“Have you found someone, Mrs. Norris?” Filch’s voice echoed through the hallway. “Is someone out of bed at night?”
“We have to get out,” You whispered, not very keen on getting detention any time soon.
“If we open the door now, he’ll know someone disguised is there,” Harry answered.
“How often have you snuck out of bed at night?”
The corners of his mouth twitched upwards into a lopsided smile.
“Enough times to know what to do.”
The scratching on the classroom door reminded Harry that, despite the fact that they were invisible, it was still pretty obvious that someone had been in here. Harry flicked his wand at the ceiling light right in time – the candles went out and the two of you were coated in darkness just before Filch pushed the door open and the light from his lantern fell onto the stone floor. You held your breath, hoping he would leave again.
Unfortunately, Mrs. Norris’ red eyes scanned the room and the greyish cat walked up to you as if she could actually see you. Instinctively, you wanted to move backwards, but Harry’s arm wrapped around you, holding you in place. You looked up to him and he slowly shook his head.
Mrs. Norris eyed you for a few more seconds before she suddenly jumped onto the table behind you, walking up to the two almost emptied butterbeer bottles and bumping her head against them.
“Oh no.” Your voice was no more than a whisper. “I didn’t –”
Harry placed his hand over your mouth, forcing you to keep quiet.
“Sorry,” You mumbled.
Filch had turned away from the other side of the room he had inspected and was now walking over to his cat. With his arm around your mid, Harry pulled you two quietly away from the table he was now inspecting. You weren’t entirely sure whether it was the panic of escaping Filch or Harry’s chest pressed against your back, but the butterflies in your stomach were jittery as though they were on drugs, and your heart beat unbelievably fast.
Harry felt your heartbeat. He felt the pulsating blood in your veins on your neck where his arm lay, reaching up to your mouth. You were barely breathing, and he figured it was because he was holding you like he was about to kidnap you.
“Run when we’re in the hallway,” He whispered, eyes steadily watching Filch, and removed his hand from your lips to grab your free hand. You nodded shortly. Fortunately, Filch had left the door open, and in one swift motion, Harry had steered you outside.
Fingers still interlocked with yours, he began to run, you by his side. And despite the fact that you two had almost been caught, despite that you had been interrupted when he had felt most confident, despite the ruined moment, he felt light and free and happy.
You were clutching your shoes, slithering over the cold tiles in your black tights, and Harry, looking at you, almost missed the last step of the stairs leading to the portrait of the Fat Lady. He held onto you as he staggered, and you giggled breathlessly, pulling him back up.
“That – stupid – fucking – cat. Can she see through your cloak?” You asked.
Harry shrugged and ruffled through his messy hair.
“Don’t know. I think, but I’m glad she can’t talk,” He said, and a grin spread over your lips, which he returned.
He caught your eyes, looking at you like before, like there was something he needed to say – the tingling feeling in your core got overwhelmed by heart-racing panic and because of some sour mix of uncertainty and fear, you slipped out from under the Invisibility Cloak, taking a few steps away from Harry.
Not a second later, he emerged as well, fighting to keep the smile on his face like his heart hadn't just sunk so deep he wasn't sure if it was even still connected to his veins.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Yeah!” Your voice was too loud, too squeaky to convince him. “Yeah, I – I'm sorry, it's just been a long week and I'm really tired. I'm gonna – gonna go...”
You gestured to the portrait behind you, avoiding his eyes, and turned to escape the situation.
Harry stared at the spot where you had vanished into the common room, his fingers clenching around the fabric of his cloak before tossing it to the ground. It didn't give the satisfying sound he had wanted to make, so he sent a “Fuck!” after it.
“Young boy, that is not a very appropriate language, now, is it?”
His eyes flew up to the Fat Lady, who had apparently watched with great interest. “Besides, what are you doing that late out of bed? I mean I know it gets later on Fridays for the two of you but it's later than usual today –”
“Chinese Fireball.”
“I just don't know what you are doing during that hour. There are rumours, for sure –”
“I told you the password, now will you open the fucking portrait? Chinese Fireball.”
“Oh, fine.” She let the portrait swing forward. “I'll find out by myself... maybe visit some paintings down on fifth floor...”
Harry ignored the Fat Lady.
He also ignored Ron calling after him from the sofa in front of the fireplace, as well as Hermione's questioning look and all the other people staring at him as he darted through the common room and up the stairs, slamming the door of his dorm shut behind him.
He ignored them because the only person he wanted to be seen with had just left him standing in the hallway and he wasn't even sure why.
The first time you saw each other again was three days later in Potions. You had ignored him on purpose, which you knew was obvious to him: Leaving the Great Hall whenever he stepped inside, sitting as far from him in the common room as possible, avoiding his eyes... that did not leave that much room for speculations.
You didn't want to hurt him, you really didn't, but you couldn't be friends any longer, especially not after last Friday. You weren't even sure what exactly had happened – had he really flirted with you or had that been your imagination? Probably the latter. He had asked someone else the ball after all. Right?
Parvati nudged you with her elbow, and you snapped out of your thoughts, noticing the hole in your parchment created by your quill. The two of you sat in the far back of Professor Slughorn’s class, who was in the middle of telling one of his anecdotes instead of teaching about Veritaserum.
“What’s going on?” She asked in a hushed voice. “You’ve been weird since Friday.”
Lavender, who sat in front of you, turned around. “Is it because of – you know?”
She gestured towards Harry in his usual place diagonally across from you. You sighed, placed your quill aside to rub your hands over your face and shrugged. You had also avoided any questions from your friends about Friday, mostly because you could not even answer them yourself.
“I thought he would ask you,” Lavender whispered while throwing a quick glance at Slughorn to make sure he was still occupied with his story. “Didn’t he?”
“No,” You mouthed. Parvati shook her head.
“Man, you’d think he had grown a set of balls after all. If it turns out he just used you to look good in front of Ginny, I swear to Merlin –”
“Well, that’s what it looks like, I mean, he had enough time to ask you,” Lavender said.
Before you could reply anything, Parvati had grabbed her wand and leaned forward. In the next second, the blue Jobberknoll feathers on Harry’s desk burst into flames with an ear-piercing noise.
Both Harry and Ron jumped up, startled from the sudden explosion, and Hermione let out a little shriek as one of the sparks got caught up in her locks. Snickering came from the Slytherin table, and Crabbe and Goyle were stupidly grinning.
“Was that you? Stupid tosspot, I’ll shove that feather up your –,” Ron swore loudly, fists high and ready to walk over to the Slytherins, who had gotten up as well and were throwing insults through the room.
“Calm down, m’boys, no need to get abusive.”
Slughorn stepped between the two fronts while both Harry and Hermione pulled Ron back down onto his chair. With a wave of Slughorn’s wand, the feathers stopped burning and were as good as new.
“Have you gone mental?” You asked during the turmoil. Parvati shrugged and innocently shoved her wand aside.
“You’re my friend and if he hurt you, he’ll get what he deserves –”
“He didn’t hurt me!” You whispered angrily. “I was the one who panicked, I ran away that evening because I was afraid of what he would say! Not Harry. I left him like the idiot I am even though he – he was super nice and said he wanted to learn more –”
“Ms. Y/L/N?”
“Sorry, Professor, I was just –”
“Talking to Ms. Patil, I noticed. Could you still answer my question?” Slughorn eyed you, and so were all the other students.
“Uh...yes... if you could repeat it? Sir.” You said, and once again snickering echoed through the classroom, the loudest coming from Pansy Parkinson.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Parvati reaching for her wand again, and you quickly pressed her hand down to the table, awkwardly smiling at Slughorn.
“I asked if you could tell me anything about the usage of Veritaserum in court,” He kindly repeated and you straightened your back, ignoring Hermione’s raised hand.
“Well, the potion is strictly banned by the British Ministry of Magic, therefore they don’t use it during interrogations and such, which is also because, like any other potion, it’s not infallible. But I read that in some Asian countries, the accused can choose if they want to take Veritaserum before they give testimony. Unfortunately, in some courts they give the accused failed Veritaserum in order to alter the given testimony fraudulently.”
You had never read about that, you were – ironically – making it up, but Slughorn didn’t seem to notice.
“Very well, that’ll be five points for Gryffindor,” He said. “That reminds me of –”
As Slughorn fell back into his old habit of telling personal stories during class, you sank back into your chair and stared at the chapped top of the desk for the rest of the lesson.
Only the bell ripped Slughorn out of his monologue, and over the rustling of chairs, he told the class to read the next chapter of Advanced Potion Making until Wednesday.
“Courtyard?” You asked Parvati as to where to spend your free lesson.
“Yeah, but I got a question about that graded essay from last week. Just go ahead, I’ll catch up with you,” She answered and made her way to the front. Alongside with Lavender, you were one of the first to leave the Potions classroom.
“I wish I hadn’t picked Arithmancy,” Lavender complained.
“You can sleep longer on Thursdays, remember?” You said as you reached the entrance hall. “I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, bye.”
Lavender began to climb up the stairs to the third floor, and you walked down the hallway. It was freezing cold outside, but the courtyard was beautiful during every time of the year, especially in the early mornings when the sun melted the iced-up grass and you could share a hot chocolate with your friends on one of the benches.
“Hey, Y/N! Wait!”
You turned to spot none other than Theodore Nott running up to you, his Slytherin scarf loosely around his neck.
“Hi,” He said as he had reached you.
“Uh, hi. Can I help you?” You asked.
“Actually, yeah. I wanted to ask if you have a dance to spare at the Spring ball? I mean, I know you’re going with Potter, I just wanted one dance with someone professional –”
“I’m not going with Harry,” You blurted out. Theodore narrowed his eyebrows.
“What?” He asked, a bemused smile on his lips.
You gulped and shook your head, crossing your arms. “I’m not going with... anyone.”
“Oh. Well, then,” His body relaxed visibly, and he raised his eyebrows, “do you wanna go with me?”
You opened your mouth, an agreement already on the tip of your tongue, but you knew that was just out of desperation and not because you actually wanted to go to the ball with Theodore.
“Hey, you know what, no pressure at all, okay?” He said, placing his hand on your shoulder casually. “I’ll be at the ball anyway, so if you want to dance then, I’m free.”
You nodded. “Thank you, Theodore. I’ll think about it.”
“You can call me Theo. Only if you want to, obviously.”
A grin crept upon your face. “Yeah, I’ll – I’ll think about it.”
Whatever Harry had felt the two days prior, it was nothing compared to the sour feeling circulating in his stomach now, like some dragon-creature spitting fire and tearing at his entrails with sharp claws. Inside of him, everything was clenching and itching, but on the outside, he was numb.
Like his brain had been disconnected from his muscles, wherefore he was only able to stare at Theodore Nott and his stupid, complacent grin and his hand on your shoulder while he asked you to the ball.
This wasn’t fair. How come everyone else but him was able to do it, how come everybody else had managed to find a date, when – to be honest – he had been provided with one of the best initial situations? How come the only thing he was apparently fit for was getting himself into trouble and escaping death every goddamn year? Harry had kind of forgotten about all that was to come, all that Dumbledore had told him, and the memory Slughorn was still tending like dark secret simply because of you.
The worst thing wasn’t that Theodore Nott had just asked you to go to the Spring ball with him. No, the worst thing was that you had agreed.
The only thing that was left for him was to run, which he did now: Up to the Gryffindor tower, tossing his back bag into a corner and grabbing his Firebolt from under the bed, then back down to the Quidditch pitch in record time.
Flying was one of the most freeing activities known to Harry, especially in the cool, fresh morning air with no one else around. High above the frozen grass and the wooden stands, much higher than probably allowed without any teacher near by, Harry paused to watch the sun over the Forbidden Forest.
He wondered if you had ever flown before, if you knew how brilliant it was to hover a thousand feet above the ground, far away from all the problems. Far away from Ron asking what the bloody hell was wrong with him. Far away from Hermione telling him that it was his own fault for waiting so long but that you surely weren’t interested like that in that tosser Theodore (though she would probably word it much more formal).
Time was relative up here, Harry had noticed over the years, so he closed his eyes and shut the world out for a moment. Saturday was still light-years away anyway, so –
“Harry, is that you?”
He almost fell from his broom.
With his heart still beating way to fast and adrenalin pumping though his veins, he turned his broom around to find no one other that Luna standing inside commentary box and waving up to him. Oh well. So much for being alone.
He steered his Firebolt down to the blonde witch and landed beside her.
“What are you doing her, Luna?” He asked as climbed from his broomstick. “Don’t you have classes right now?”
“Oh, yes. But I saw that you are sad so I asked Professor Sprout if I could go because I’m not feeling very well,” She explained and sat down on one of the benches.
“You lied to a professor?”
“Oh, no,” She said, looking at him with her dreamy blue eyes. “I don’t feel well when my friends are sad.”
Harry didn’t know what to reply to that, so he simply sat down next to her. Luna had such a strange, but calm energy, like a pulsating, pink bubble inhibiting her, and if you were lucky, she let you inside this bubble and you could shut the world out for a moment.
“Harry, why are you sad?” Luna asked softly after a while.
“Because... because I like someone who doesn’t like me back,” He said.
Luna placed her hand upon his, and he saw that she had painted her fingernails in every colour of the rainbow. Though that was probably Ginny’s work.
“I think Y/N likes you very much,” She said. Harry scoffed.
“Not the way I like her,” He said. “She just agreed to go to the ball with Nott. I saw it. She looked happy. And when I wanted to ask her last week, she ran away.”
“You know, first I thought you wanted to go to the ball with somebody else,” She said. “I thought maybe you wanted to ask Cho again and wanted to prepare this time. And maybe Y/N thought so, too.”
Harry looked up at the blonde girl.
“She did ask me if I was going to ask Cho,” He said, remembering one of the dance lessons.
“And did you tell her that you actually want to ask her?”
“No,” He admitted, burying his face in his hands. “I panicked... and now it’s too late.”
“No, it’s not. You should still go to the ball, and then you should tell her,” Luna said.
“How? I can’t do it when we’re alone, I certainly can’t do it when there’s a hundred people around,” Harry said miserably.
“Well, then don’t.” Luna shrugged. “If you want her to be with Theodore –”
“I don’t want that,” He interrupted her. “Of course, I don’t.”
“Then go to the ball and tell her. I know you can do that.”
Saturday evening came around faster than you liked it to. Over the last four days, you had noticed Theodore’s eyes on you more than once during the meals or potions class, but it did not cause the tingling feeling in your stomach you would like his looks to cause.
If anything, you felt a pressure to talk to him and to spend time with him because you would go to the ball together. But you did not give in to that pressure and avoided him as much as possible, which led to you often leaving the potions classroom as one of the first.
To be honest, you were much more concentrated on Harry.
Harry who did not sit beside you during meals anymore. Harry who did not look in your direction but rather stared at his plate. Harry who looked like he had just lived through a very miserable week.
And you knew that was because you had left him standing in the hallway last Friday night. Maybe he had figured that you had feelings for him and that was his way of dealing with it: Distancing himself from you.
You wished you had not run. You wished you could’ve stayed in that abandoned classroom forever, your favourite song playing and his arms around you.
“What eyeshadow should I use?”
“The darker one.”
You snapped out of your thoughts, looking up from where you sat on the floor in your puffy, ankle-long purple-pink dress. Parvati held out her eyeshadow palette, eyebrows raised as she sceptically eyed you. Her black hair was still wrapped around a dozen curlers. Lavender had spent all morning on them.
“Yes, the darker one,” You said. “Brings out your eyes.”
Thankfully, that answer seemed to satisfy her enough to not ask how you were doing. She and Lavender had already asked that over a million times, but you had reassured them that you were totally okay.
Parvati turned back to face the mirror.
“When did you want to meet with Nott?” Lavender asked. She kneeled in front of her trunk, pondering whether she should wear black or silver heels.
“Half past seven,” You mumbled, picking at the tulle of your dress.
Theodore had held you back yesterday after Defence against the Dark Arts to tell you that he would be at the Great Hall at 7:30 and that you were welcome to eat dinner with him and his friends – which included people like Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson; people you usually avoided by all means, people that had laughed at you for tripping over the last step of a stair, for not knowing an answer to one of Snape’s stupid questions, or for simply being Muggleborn.
You had never been less interested in going to a social event. All you wanted to do was lay in bed under your blanket and erase the last week out of your mind.
“Oh, come on, darling, we talked about this.” Lavender came over and squished your cheeks, brushing away a tear. “Today is not the day to sulk about some guy who doesn’t return your feelings. Today is your day, and you’re gonna have fun with us. Don’t let some guy ruin that. Okay?”
You sniffed and nodded, not able to answer because she cupped your cheeks so solidly. Lavender smiled and kissed your forehead.
“That’s right,” She said. “We’re gonna have some dinner and dance a bit and if by then you still feel bad, we can go back to our dorm.”
“And if Harry dares to talk to you, he’s gonna know what’s it feels like to be kicked in the balls with a heel,” Parvati added dryly. You laughed.
The Great Hall was decorated with yellow, pink and purple banners, and the four long house tables had been exchanged with much smaller, round ones scattered where the staff table usually stood, on each of them a vase filled with rosa tulips and white daffodils.
The ceiling did not mirror the night sky outside but a beautiful, orange sunset lighting up the dance floor in the middle. Opposite from the many tables, on the other end of the hall, Slughorn had organised a stage with a cover band. Next to the stage hung a long parchment onto which everyone could write requests.
You spotted your Potions teacher, dressed in a bright green suit, next to Dumbledore, his robes a terrible pink, both of them writing down their song requests.
“A Galleon that Dumbledore is a Spice Girls fan,” Lavender said grinning as she had followed your eyes.
“Bet,” Parvati said, grabbing three drinks from a passing waiter. “Here. Cheers.”
The three of you clinked glasses and took a sip of the red punch – it tasted strongly of various fruits, coconut, and bitter alcohol.
You let your eyes glide further over the hall and the people that sat together in groups around the tables, some of them already eating. Secretly, you were looking for Harry, though you only discovered Ginny in between Luna and Hermione, all of them chatting happily, and a few tables behind them, Theodore.
He waved as he saw you, gesturing to come over. You forced yourself to smile and wave back at him.
“I’ll see you later,” You said, chugging down the rest of your drink.
“Tell us if he’s being an asshole,” Parvati said. “Or really any of them.”
“And have some fun,” Lavender added.
You took one last look at your friends – Parvati in her silk, almond white, slim dress, and Lavender with flowers in her hair, their arms linked together – and swallowed thickly before turning and making your way through the crowd towards Theodore, though you made sure to give the table with Ginny a wide berth.
“Hi, Y/N,” Theodore greeted you, pecking a swift kiss on your left cheek. His eyes, however, were gliding over the room filling with more and more students. “We’ve already ordered some drinks, come on.”
You took a step back after the kiss, blinking quickly, then noticed how the other people around the table were staring at you:
Pansy and Daphne eyed you and your dress dismissively, and Blaise sipped on his wine, eyebrows raised. Only Draco was slumped in his chair and chewed on a gum, not wasting a single glance at you. He looked as uninterested in this Spring Ball as you felt.
An hour ago, you sure as hell wouldn’t have believed to relate to bloody Draco Malfoy.
“Uh, hi. I’m Y/N,” You said, forcing a smile on your face and holding out your hand towards Pansy, as she sat closest to you. “I like your dress. Matches your earrings.”
That compliment seemed to leave a mark. Her judging look softened and she shook your hand.
After introducing yourself to everyone (well, except Draco, who had only shortly nodded at you), you sat down in between Theodore and Blaise, and ordered something to eat.
Pansy and Daphne were huddled together the whole time, giggling and pointing at others, while Draco raised a complaint about every meal on the menu or really any other small inconvenience that had the unfortune to be spotted by him (“I can’t eat that, it has tomatoes in it. Nothing on here is gluten free. I’ll write father first thing in the morning. Pansy, will you shut the fuck up for a second? That’s not even a real band. God, I hate this place.”).
“He’s a whiny bitch most of the time, but his family has a great holiday chalet in France,” Blaise said to you after Draco had shot you an annoyed look for asking if you should ask the band to play a different song. “Otherwise, we wouldn’t be friends with him.”
“I hope you choke on that disgusting wine,” Draco muttered, and you chuckled.
“Sure, darling,” Blaise replied, sharing a look with you. Until now, Blaise had surprisingly talked the most with you, and it turned out he wasn’t half as bad as you had always thought he would be.
Theodore on the other hand had only occasionally asked you how your meal was and how long you had planned to stay. His eyes had not held contact with yours for longer than a second and were still searching for something in the crowd, which was – by the way – having fun on the dance floor while you had not moved in almost an hour.
It wasn’t until a particularly beautiful girl from Ravenclaw strode past your table that Theodore hooked his foot around the leg of your chair to pull you closer and placed his hand on your upper thigh, giving you his full attention for the first time that night.
“Have I told you that you look very pretty tonight?” He asked, his dark eyes meeting yours.
“Er – no,” You said, darting a confused look towards the Ravenclaw girl.
“Well, you do,” Theodore went on and turned your head back to face him by stroking his thumb over your cheek before pressing his lips onto the skin beneath your ear. They felt chapped and not pleasant in any way. You cringed.
“Uh, sorry, but that’s maybe a bit early, don’t you think?” You said, drawing back and shoving his hand from your thigh.
“She’s gone anyway, Theo,” Blaise said. You did not understand.
“Who’s gone?” You asked, looking back and forth between Theodore and the others, who all seemed to know something you didn’t. Pansy giggled.
“Nothing,” Theodore said. His sweet voice had turned bitter, and you felt like that was your fault. He stood up. “I’ll get some more punch.”
The band segued from an upbeat song into a much slower one, and the light of the candles magically dimmed.
“Do you want to dance maybe?” You asked Theodore as a way to make up for your rejection, but he had already pushed past a group of chatting seventh years, not turning around.
You sank back into your chair, picking at the tulle of your dress again. Was it too early to tell Lavender and Parvati that you wanted to go back to your dorm?
“Girl, if I were you, I would get out of here as quickly as possible,” Blaise said. You looked up at him. “He’s not worth it. And he’s not here for you. So don’t waste your energy.”
“But he asked me to the ball,” You said weakly.
“Did he? Or did he just ask for some time with you to make his ex-girlfriend jealous?”
“He – well – he…”
But Blaise looked at you and you knew that he was right, that this was never about you but some other girl. It was always about some other girl.
“Excuse me, I’ll get some fresh air,” You said and made your way through the tables towards the doors.
The last time, everyone had watched him. Now it was Harry’s turn to watch everyone else try their best on the dance floor. He wasn’t sure what was worse; to be laughed at by the others while stepping on Parvati’s feet every other second or to watch not only Hermione and Ron but also Ginny and Luna, as well as Seamus and Dean dancing closely, arms around the other.
They all had no idea what they were doing, Harry could tell, but they were having fun anyway. He had never seen Hermione this happy.
“Oh, flashback.”
Harry looked up. Parvati sat down next to him on the chair that Ron had left over half an hour ago.
“Yeah,” He mumbled, taking another sip of butterbeer, and turned back to the dance floor right in time to see Dean kissing Seamus passionately in the middle of the room.
“And you are not dancing because…?” Parvati asked. Harry crossed his arms.
“If you’re here to make fun of me or to blow up my butterbeer, feel free to fuck off.”
Parvati chuckled. “Sorry about that. But seriously, why are you sitting here miserably after all those dance lessons?”
Harry tried to make out if she was actually serious or if this was her way to revenge herself for the Yule Ball.
“Are you kidding me?” He asked. Parvati narrowed her eyebrows, now visibly puzzled.
“No, I’m genuinely asking –”
“Well, it’s not that fucking easy to slow dance if you have no date, is it,” He said crossly.
Parvati gaped at him, but he was certainly not in the mood for this. It had cost him all his strength to not look for you in the crowd all evening, he did not need reminding of you not liking him back by Parvati.
Before she could say anything else, he placed his butterbeer bottle on the table and darted outside, hands shoved deeply into the pockets of his suit and eyes directed to the floor.
Harry’s feet guided him towards the courtyard. The music played by the band wasn’t as loud out here, and the cold night air was lively in contrary to the sticky, perfumed air inside the Great Hall.
He kicked some of the grass away and walked towards the bench underneath the willow, watching how its branches weighed in the wind and thought how you were probably having as much fun as his friends, or maybe even more, considering Nott was infamous for snogging in various broom closets.
Harry’s stomach turned at the thought of that. He wished he had a time turner to make it right.
The moon stood high on the deep blue night sky, illuminating the courtyard you had unconsciously walked to. Grey clouds had approached, and tiny raindrops were falling to the ground, steadily drumming onto the roofs of Hogwarts.
On your way out of the Great Hall, you had caught a glimpse of Theodore sticking his tongue down the throat of that Ravenclaw girl, but to be honest, it didn’t matter that he was making out with someone else. It would’ve just been nice if you could have had a forewarning.
You thought you were the only single soul wandering about, then spotted a figure sitting on a bench. You were about to turn and search for some other place to wallow in your feelings, when you recognised the messy hair.
Maybe this was the time to make up for running away. Maybe this was the time to be honest.
Harry looked up when he noticed someone coming closer, the tulle of your dress rustling over the wet grass. His heart jumped and he forgot to breathe for a moment.
“Hello,” You said, voice echoing over the empty courtyard. “Can I sit?”
“Of course.”
Harry scooted to the side to make some space for you. You sat down next to him, leaving maybe a hand width between the two of you. The wide branches of the willow guided you from the cold rain.
“You weren’t dancing,” You said, staring at the grass instead of his face.
You would understand if he did not want to talk, if he just walked away. He didn’t owe you an explanation for why he had not asked you to the ball or why was sitting here instead of inside with Ginny or whoever he had asked.
“You weren’t either, were you?” Harry replied. “You and Nott.”
“No, he’s busy with someone else, so… no. Not dancing.”
“Oh.” Harry shuffled. His knee bumped against yours. “Well, he’s an idiot then.”
You smiled, not moving your knee away from his.
“Yeah…but I don’t mind, really.”
“You should,” Harry said, and he meant it. No one should be treated like that. “If anyone should be dancing, it’s you.”
You looked up at him. Harry was already watching you, and it filled you with warmth despite the freezing cold. There wasn’t a single sign of hurt on his face, just a soft curiosity lying in his green eyes.
“I’m sorry,” You whispered, “for running away last Friday. I had to sort out some things.”
“What things?” He asked quietly.
“Some…” Your heartbeat sped up. Be honest, you told yourself. “Some feelings.”
“Oh.” Harry tried to figure out what you meant by that, but the way you looked at him made his mind go blank. “You mean you…”
“I really like dancing with you,” You said. Harry felt his heart beating faster than ever against his ribcage. He wondered if you could hear it. “And I wouldn’t have done those lessons with anyone.”
The music from inside the Great Hall was growing louder, overshadowing the rain; someone must’ve opened the doors to let in some fresh air. The band was playing a slower, French song and it stung in your heart. It was one of your favourites.
When you turned back to Harry, he was standing up. For a second you thought he wanted to leave, to go back inside, then –
“May I have this dance?” Harry held out is right hand, and you did not have to think twice if you should take it or not.
He helped you up from the bench and led into the middle of the lawn, the rain still pattering onto the grass and the stone tiles. It smelled strongly of petrichor, and you thought that this was much closer to spring than the decorations in the Great Hall.
Harry’s hand found its place on your back, pulling you closer to him. You placed your hand on his shoulder, tapping his skin with your finger in time to the music out of habit, and met his eyes, reflecting the moon light in them.
Had you ever told him how beautiful he was?
The two of you moved, swaying back and forth. Harry realised that he did not even need to concentrate on the steps, he knew them by heart. The closeness of you took his breath away, the way your fingers held onto his, the way there was little to no room between your torso and his. You were smiling at him, despite the cold and the rain. Harry felt his stomach tingling.
“What’s it called?” Harry asked quietly, not wanting to drown out the music.
“‘Je Te Laisserai Des Mots’. I’ll leave you words,” You translated, having memorised the lyrics in your mind. “I’ll leave you words underneath your door, underneath the singing moon. Near the place where your feet pass by…hidden in the holes of wintertime and when you’re alone for a moment.”
You paused and Harry’s eyes fell to his feet, not able to take your gaze any longer. There were words on the tip of his tongue he did not dare to say – afraid, to ruin the moment. He wanted to stay here forever.
“Eyes up,” You said, placing your hand underneath his chin to lift his head up.
More French words reached your ears; Harry figured they were the same sentence repeated over and over, but even if he had been able to understand French, he wouldn’t have been able to translate them because of your hand still resting under his chin.
“Kiss me whenever you want,” You whispered. “Kiss me whenever you want. Kiss me –”
And then, Harry let go of his fears and kissed you.
After all it still took you by surprise how he loosened his fingers from yours to cup your face, pulling you as close to him as possible, until there was no space in between, noses bumping against each other. Both of your hands slung themselves around his neck, caressing his skin and driving up through messy hair.
His lips matched yours, gliding smoothly over one another, smearing your lip gloss everywhere until all you tasted was strawberries and sweet alcohol. With his chest against yours, Harry was glad to notice your heart beating as fast as his did, though that was also because he really needed to breathe – not that he wanted to, he would have been totally okay with never breaking away from the kiss if it was always going to feel this soft and freeing.
It was you in the end that had to carefully pull his face away from yours, heavily breathing in and out. You brushed his wet hair out of his forehead and let your fingers slide over his temples and cheeks down to his neck.
“That offer,” Harry began breathlessly, tucking a strand of hair he had accidentally drawn from your pinned-up hair behind your ear, “about continuing the dance lessons…that still stands, right?”
Your lips curved upwards into a smile. “Of course.” 
“Brilliant,” Harry said, mirroring your smile before leaning down again to close the gap between your lips.
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trin-gvf · 2 years
S.F.K - Morning sex
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3.1k words minors DNI
sub!sam x fem!dom
WARNINGS: mommy kink, unprotected sex (wrap b4 you tap), overstmulation, slapping, degradation
this is very smutty hope u enjoy 😙
your face contorted as you felt wet licks to your cheek. you furrowed your eyebrows as you soon realized it was rosie coming in to give you morning cuddles.
"awww hi baby! hi ms. rosie! good morning, pretty girl!" you said in your baby voice, petting the dog that was atop of you. she gave you licks and kisses as you laid there, waking up before deciding to walk and try to find your boyfriend.
"alright rosie, cmon girl let's go" you said, letting her outside the sliding glass door you guys had in your shared room. you didnt bother to stay and let her back in, knowing she would come in through the doggy door in the livingroom.
once you shut and locked the door, you looked down at your body, seeing the marks and scratches you had gotten due to the events last night. you looked around, not quite wanting to put clothes on just yet. you decided on a satin robe you had recently bought. it was an emerald green robe with a floral print around the shoulders and down the sides of your body. you tied it up to where you could see the cleavage of your boobs, but your nipples just shy of showing. it didnt do well to cover your ass, about half of it was still out but your could care less.
it covered your pussy in all the right ways, just barely revealing it when you walked. as you finished admiring yourself, you walked down into the kitchen. you smelled the aromas of pancakes, oatmeal, coffee and vegans eggs and sausage.
you sneakily made your way and wrapped your arms around his stomach, kissing his bare back.
"hi sammy" you said as he put his hand on your two hands.
"good morning, my love"
you both swayed to the vinyl playing in the back. it was your favorite song.
"all this for me, sammy?" you questioned, still hugging him from the back.
"i wanted to surprise you" he said, you didnt even need to see his face to know a blush had crept onto it.
"you look good, baby" you whispered, barely loud enough to hear.
"thank you, love" he said
you kissed his back once again, feeling the muscle under it relax as you pressed your lips to it.
"so pretty for me…" you said as you took small nibbles at his skin. it caused goosebumps to spread across the exposed skin. you nibbled up to his shoulders, the spot where his neck met his shoulders and finally his neck. it was a more a mix of wet kisses, your tounge swiping across his sweet, sweet skin and lastly those nibbles that made him fall to his knees for you.
"y-y/n..im cooking breakfast-"
"oh? youre cooking breakfast? too bad." you said as you left his skin cold, walking away. you leaned against the table. giving him a good, great view even of your body through the robe.
"wait y/n- ohh my god" he gasped as he turned towards you.
his eyes sunk into his head, he froze in his spot and nothing but whimpers were coming out of his mouth.
"sammy, baby? whats wrong?" you questioned until you heard a small "drip"
oh. my. god.
he just came in his pants. he actually came in his pants.
"wh-when did you…i- well uh…when did you get that-...that uh robe"
you walked up to him, touching his bare chest.
"its brand new, baby, pretty isnt it?"
you took his hands and let him untie the robe, letting it fall to your sides, exposing your breasts and your now soaked pussy.
"yeah..yeah its really pretty.."
"yeah? you think so? pretty enough to make you cum on the spot?"
you both looked down the very visible wet spot running down his leg and the white sticky liquid that was now on the floor.
"i-i couldnt help it! you look too good."
"tell mommy how pretty she is." you whispered as you nibbled on his ear lobe, kissing down his neck. as he rambled those stupid fucking words to you, you stuck a hand in his pants. his pants were flowy and a pretty floral design on them. you pulled his cock out and got on your knees.
"mommy youre so gorgeous, dont wanna do anything but worship you. could look at you for hours and hours- oh- oh fuck!" he was interrupted with your mouth on his cock.
you teased him by sucking on just the tip of his cock, giving it the softest kitten licks. you finally put the rest of the tip into your mouth, sucking off the cum that was left from what the poor boy had just done.
"you dirty boy. came just at the sight of mommy. what am i going to do with you?"
he went to answer but before you could, he let out a cry. you shoved his cock all the way down your throat and massaged at his balls.
he put a hand into your messy bed hair and tried to move your head, leading you to pull off of him.
"look at you, youre like a whore trying to cum any chance he gets. is my baby a whore?"
he stood stunned for a second before you stood up and pulled his hair.
"i asked you a question, mister. you better answer me."
"yes! yes mommy!"
"whose whore are you?"
"im-im yours!"
being satisfied with the answer, you fell back to your knees.
"i think mommy should get these icky things off her baby." you said, more talking out loud to yourself than him. you pulled his pants off and watched as he stepped out of them.
you kissed his thighs, causing your poor boy's legs to shake.
you put your two hands on his ass and looked up at him.
"gunna be a good boy for mommy?"
he nodded.
"use your words, samuel."
"yes mommy im gunna be so fucking good for you"
you smiled as you licked the underside of his cock, watching it jump as your tongue traveled it. when you got to the tip of it, you gave the top side small kisses. you finally took him into your mouth. you took about half of him yourself, the lower half being pushed into your throat by your hands on his back side.
you watched his mouth fall open as he looked down to watch you swallow his dick. his hair fell perfect around his face, framing it in an almost angelic way.
you pulled away, gasping for air as you stayed on his cock for too long. once you felt you were stable enough, you lowered your mouth onto his cock once again. this time you bobbed your head. every other time you came up, you would find some degrading thing to tell him.
"you sound like a fucking porn star. such a shame only mommy's ears get to hear it."
samuel had a kink for getting caught. he would wish that just once you would be loud enough for his brothers to hear while theyre spending the night. or he would try to pull a move on you in movie theaters, loving the thrill of it all.
when you came up once again, you spoke sinful words towards the boy.
"mommys little slut, your stupid whimpers are pathetic. couldnt even hold yourself together seeing me this morning."
as you placed your lips back down to his cock, bobbing your head, wet noises and gags were heard all through the livingroom.
"mommy please 'm gunna cum!"
you kept going, eye-ing him to give him the permission to cum. you watched sam release his cum down your throat. the man above you didnt know what to do because he felt so good. his arms were shaking and moving positions every other second because he just felt too good.
you pulled off of him, a string or two of spit still connecting between your lips and his cock.
you stood up and gripped the back of his hair, pulling his head closer to yours. you pulled him in for a kiss as he tasted the sweet, sweet cum he had provided you with.
he placed his hands on your hips as you guided both your bodies down the hallway back to the room you just woke up in. sammy sat at the edge of the bed, watching you.
you ever so slowly let the robe fall down your body. you giggled as you watched sams dick jump again.
"aw what, your cock isnt gunna cum for me again? untouched? like a fucking 14 year old?" you watched him try to act like your words didnt go straight to his cock.
you let your hand fall down to your chest, squeezing your nipples. it caused you to moan and arch your back against the wall.
when you opened your eyes back up, you saw sam with his dick in hand.
you walked up to him, smacked his cheek and then his hand.
"did mommy say you could touch yourself?"
"no mommy..no you didnt"
"so why are you fucking doing it?"
"it hurts, i need to cum again mommy." he loved using mommy in every sentence. ot gave him a sense of who he belongs to.
"oh yeah? you need to cum again? watch yourself before you say something you regret, my sweet boy." you gave him and soft slap to his face and took a couple steps back. you pulled a chair over, one you kept in your room for this reason specifically, and sat on it.
"now. youre going to watch mommy make herself feel good and you arent going to do a damn thing about it."
"yes mommy.."
"good boy. so good for mommy."
you took your middle and ring finger of your left hand and licked the pads of them, getting them wet enough to circle your clit. once you felt they were wet enough you looked sammy in the eyes as you began to touch yourself. you used your free hand to touch your tit, you sped up your left hand and started to buck your hips.
"ohh fuck sam, oh baby" you moaned, knowing itd get him going.
as you got closer and closer to your orgasm, your fingers went fast and the hand gripping your tit got tighter. you finally tipped over the edge when through your moans, sams little whimpers hit you like a ton of bricks.
"oh fuckfuckfuck" you moaned, eyes still on sam. you squeezed your thigh together and slowly took your hands off your body.
"youre so pretty mommy.." he said.
you hummed in acknowledgment before going over to him. you took the two fingers that were used to fuck your cunt and placed them in sams mouth.
"see how good i taste." you said, sitting in his lap. you made sure his cock was laying flat against his stomach while you did so. you used your free hand to wrap around his neck and looked down at him through hooded eyelids.
"pretty baby.." you cooed as you watched him suck your fingers clean.
you removed your fingers from his mouth and slowly moved your fingers down his torso, down to his cock once again.
he gasped as your fingers swirled around his precum.
"sam, my sweet boy. guess what mamas gunna do for you?"
"wh-whats mama gunna do?"
"im going milk your pathetic little balls until you have nothing left to give me." you whispered in his ear.
a shiver went down samuels spine as you spoke your words.
"are you going to be a good boy about it?"
"im gunna be a good boy mommy. i promise."
you leaned down and kissed his neck as you rutted your wet pussy against his painfully hard cock.
as you moved your hips, wet sloshes came from the two of you. you both had been so wet for each other like never before.
you rubbed your clit against the head of sams cock, causing you to moan against his neck.
sam helped with the pleasure, moving his hips in a perfect way with yours to get the best angle.
"yes yes yes mommy just like that dont stop im so close!" was all you heard before another spurt of hot liquid was spilt over the two of you. sams body has started shaking, 3 orgasms being a lot so far.
you didnt give him anytime to come down from that high before you lined his cock up with your pussys entrance, pushing him into you. sammy tensed up as you did so.
you slowly sunk down, letting his cock bottom out and stretch you out oh so wonderfully.
you gave him small praises.
"such a big cock. fills me up so good. doesn't it?" he just nodded as you were speaking. it wasnt enough for you and you decided to get the answer you wanted.
"tell me how good you fill me up. i want to hear your whiney voice while i fuck onto you." you demanded as you started grinding onto his cock. he hesitantly brought his hands up to your hips, not sure if he had the permission just yet.
"go ahead baby boy, touch mama. mark me up"
with that, he dug his nails into your hips, his eyes starting to water.
"cmon. i wanna hear it. tell me how good i make you feel." you said, keeping a steady pace.
"f-f-feels so good- oh my- and mommy is- fuck- mommy is so tight around- oh my gosh! so tight around my cock!!" you smiled at how much the poor baby struggled to speak. you watched his eyes as the tears started to spill over his water line.
you wiped the tears as you rode closer to your second orgasm.
"come on baby, make mommy cum. cum on your pretty little cock" you moaned out, getting more aggressive with your movements.
as sam got closer to his next orgasm, he leaned down and bit onto your shoulder.
you felt his hot tears the same second you felt his cock twitch. he came for the god know what time, as you came for your second.
you pulled off of him and ordered him to lay down all the way on the bed. he did just that but laid against the headboard some so he could watch you do whatever you were about to do.
you swiped up the cum that fell from your cunt and sucked it off your finger.
"you taste so good. its almost addicting." you said to him, letting a low laugh slip as you watched him shake and cry under your frame.
"whats your color baby?"
"green" he managed to say.
"oh you poor thing. nothing but a needy whore. look at you, shaking, covered in your own cum and you still want more."
more tears managed to find their way out of his eyes.
you didnt know how on earth his cock was still hard but you werent going to complain, this was possibly the hottest thing youve ever experienced with him.
you stroked his cock a couple times before sitting back on his cock. he yelped when you did so, due to his cock being more sensitive than it ever has been before.
"two more times baby. cum for mommy two more times."
he nodded and grabbed at the sheets as you moved against his cock. you took turns between grinding on it and hopping on it. when you would hop on it, he would watch your tits bounce up and down, almost like a kid in a candy store.
he tried to fuck into you, but you wouldnt let that happen.
"don't you dare. mommy didn't give you permission." you scowled at him as you gave his face a slap.
" 'm-m sorry mommy!" was all he was able to say.
"you fucking better be."
you decided to stick with hopping on his cock, feeling his dick twitch and move on its own once again.
"cum for me, cum with me." you said as you felt the rubber band in your stomach snap. you shook on his cock as you felt hot cum fill you up once again. you watched sam as he came, he was basically sobbing at this point but told you to go on. he begged you to go on.
"mommy please please one more time" he said through choked sobs.
"okay. but youre fucking me. mommy was so kind to fuck you and now its your turn."
you knew he couldn't do it. you knew his body was too sore and fucked out to do it but you wanted to watch him struggle as he tried.
he shakily lifted his hips before letting them fall back down.
"mommy- i-i cant…'m too-too.."
"fucked out?" you completed his sentence for him.
"how funny. just a second ago you were begging mommy to let you fuck her. youre nothing but a dumb puppy in heat. aren't you?"
you hopped off his cock as you went down to finish him off with a handjob.
"if you cant fuck mommy then I'll use my hand." you were fully satisfied, you just wanted to watch him squirm once more before you were done. when you felt the cum drip down your thigh, you took it on your fingers and into your mouth. you climbed back onto him once more, opening his mouth and spitting his cum into it.
"taste how good it is."
he swallowed and moved his head, saying that he wanted a kiss. you gave him what he wanted and gave in to a kiss, one full of passion, heat and lust. your tongues swirled as your hand made it was down to his cock one last time. he sobbed into the kiss and you moved your hand up and down. he barely fucked up into your hand as he was already on the verge of cumming his final time. he was so sensitive just came in less that a minute.
you pulled away from the kiss and watched his cock shoot a blank for the very first
"oh look at that. mommy kept her promise. i milked your cock for everything it had."
he caught his breath as his whole body shook. you wiped the tear stained cheeks he collected through this whole process. as he came down from what just happened, you cleaned him and yourself up. there was an ungodly amount of cum on his stomach and stuffed up into your womb. you even cleaned the bit that fell to the floor in the kitchen.
you wobbled around the kitchen, with the same robe on as earlier and fixed a plate for both of you, heating it up and bringing it into your bedroom.
you kissed his forehead and you watched him eat and drink orange juice.
"my sweet boy."
112 notes · View notes
ghostingtrackone · 3 years
✧ how you’d spend your anniversary ✧
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pairing: txt x gn!reader
genre: fluff, so much fluff :(
note: this is my first headcannon, i hope you love it!
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a romantic
he gives you a necklace, his initials are on it
he pulls out his matching one with your initials on it too
you beam at him
he melts
lots of them
the ones you mentioned once that you loved too
he remembered :(
he’d write you a very long letter speaking about how you’ve helped him with his growth and how he falls in love with you everyday
would give you many kisses
as if he doesn’t already
you two get a milkshake
just like you do every month on the day of your anniversary
this is because on the first night you realized you were more than just friends, it’s what you shared
he never wants to forget where you two began 💔
and yes he thinks adding a new month is JUST as important as adding a year
it’s always a special moment between you
would take you to a drive out in the city while the playlist he made for you plays in the background
“y/n, i’m so grateful that i’m in this universe the same time as you”
the sky would somehow be a pretty pink color; like it was made for both of you that day
first he surprises you with a batch of homemade cookies and cupcakes
he knows how much you love his baking
the cupcakes have your anniversary date in pretty frosting
little heart sprinkles all over them too :(
you would both want to stay home, you barely get to see him 💔
you both cook dinner
specifically the dishes that remind you of one another
like if you had tteokbokki on your first date, you’d be making it from scratch
“remember that day?”
“we were so nervous we didn’t even finish the plate”
you share occasional heartfelt glances and pecks on the cheek
its wholesome, and your favorite vinyls are playing in the background
yes your relationship song is in there
you talk about the moments you first fell in love with each other
“i want to have these type of days with you for as long as we are both here, y/n”
you cuddle all night and spend the rest of the week together
he would write you a letter as well
there’s pages oh my
he’d get you matching sweaters after realizing you always try to color coordinate with him
“was it that obvious? 🥺”
“it’s one of my favorite things about you”
you both go to the arcade
being with beomgyu has helped you both connect with your inner child, so much healing
it’s like if you met him back then, you would’ve ended up together either way
“if you lose you give me a kiss”
you purposely lose
then after!!!! rollerskating
you are both falling
you’re both in tears, you’re giggling and that causes you to fall down AGAIN
little main characters in a coming of age movie moment
you swear it’s just both of you in that rink
you’re there until midnight
you go home and end up taking a shower together
such a pure intimate moment, holding each other close toward the end of it
“i’ll take care of you forever, y/n”
u both cry 💔
you show up to his house because he says he needed help with something
but when he opens the door he has a picnic basket
“don’t ask questions, just follow me”
you don’t hesitate
he’s your safe space
he leads you to the backyard while holding ur hand
“close ur eyes”
“ok now open them”
there’s candles
there’s fairy lights
there’s a pretty blanket
the sky is a burning orange, the most beautiful you’ve ever seen it
you: 🥺
him: 🥺
“i want to experience many more beautiful sunsets with you, y/n”
you felt butterflies even though you’ve been together for a year
you both share words you’ve been afraid to tell one another, not wanting to scare each other away
but you’re both in love now, and you can’t go back
lots of words of affirmation
you slow dance until the orange sky turns dark but full of shining stars
you open the door and he has on your favorite color
you: :0
“you never wear this color”
“now i do :D”
you share your gifts first
when it’s his turn, he takes out a box
inside it is... a photo album???
and when you turn the first page see it’s full of film pictures of you that he’s taken on his camera :(
he’s been working on capturing the moments he cherishes most
surprise surprise, they’re all with you :(
there’s a picture of you on your birthday and of you when you first opened up to him about everything that evening at the beach
then on the last page, it’s a picture of both of you
your favorite one too
you cry
oh you thought that was it?????
he wrote you a song and he brought his guitar
he sings it with the most gentle voice
when he finishes, you cry more 😞😞😞
you exchange the most warm hug, and there’s been lots of them
can’t you feel his heart pounding????
he kisses you on your forehead
“thank you for being love in human form, y/n”
367 notes · View notes
all-things-fic · 4 years
Spoilin’ for a Fight
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A/N: Happy Sunday loves! Hope you’ve all had a lovely and restful weekend. No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you... I have indeed (finally) posted another piece of writing. Here’s 6.7k of Harry riling up his partner all because of a bloody vest.
Thank you as always for all the love and patience everyone has given me. Especially @waitingfortwilight, @haute-romance-quotidienne and @harryfeatgaga. Hopefully this lives up to any hype the sneak peek created! I’m going to disappear again .x 
You rolled your lips into your mouth as you watched him walk his way around your master bedroom. His movements were confidently familiar as he tucked his vest into the waistband of his white boxer-briefs and kept his eyes down to the dress shirt and trousers he had laid out across your bedspread, sitting next to choice accessories. 
He was running late. Both you and he knew it. Yet the leisurely motions he undertook would never have told you that if you didn’t already know. The way he had taken longer in the shower, carelessly stepped out of the towel (and stepped over it too, meaning the item was now damp and in a bunched up pile closer to Harry’s side of the bed waiting for someone to put it in the laundry basket) and meandered his way through getting ready. 
Boxers first, then black ankle socks. Then the bloody vest. 
You exhaled through your nose, trying not to release a breath that would catch his attention and let him know that you were becoming slightly vexed by how lackadaisical he was choosing to be.
The vest had to go.
Not even in a sexual way either. 
And it wasn’t the fact that it just wasn’t doing it for you - on the contrary it was quite the opposite, the tight item clearly letting you ogle and appreciate the fine specimen you were proud to call your partner - but it was just how much of grandad-move it was.
You understood how having some sort of undershirt kept his actual shirt looking pristine acting as a defensive layer between his body and his clothing.
But, the vest had to go. 
It just had to.
Blindly reaching down to your dresser for your tube of mascara, you unscrewed the gold lid and coated the wand with product. 
Mouth slightly fallen, you washed your lashes with the High Density Black mascara and quickly made the switch to the other eye making sure to get your bottom lashes too. 
Looking at Harry through the mirror, you wondered what he could be debating as he stood silently in the middle of the room. A soft frown traced his brow, his eyes looking down at the bed. His hands were digging into his waist, as his lips jutted slightly in thought. 
Your conclusion was that he was debating his outfit choice for the evening. 
Lid gently screwed back on, you placed your mascara into your cosmetic vanity, before then reaching out for your brow gel. A quick brush through each side and you were done with that step.
You happened to quite like his outfit choice. It was a little less formal than usual for one of your dinners. Classic houndstooth patterned trousers and smart black shirt. The kind of material that made a scratching noise which was music to your ears as you clawed at your man, wanting him closer. Whether that was in the booth of a restaurant, on the car ride home while you were sat at a red traffic light, or when he had you pinned against the locked door for your house. 
Eyes dropping, you watched as your hands - with freshly lacquered nails - gently drew the opening of your silky-satin dressing gown together as it started to gape. 
From your fidgeting, Harry’s attention was stolen by the movement he had seen in his peripherals and when you next looked up at him in the mirror you were met by his already awaiting gaze.
His face looked worn, as his still slightly damp hair fell across his forehead. Lines lingered in his skin from the way his head was tilted and his arms were bent as his hands faffed around with what appeared to be a trinket box. He must’ve reached for it at some point while you were otherwise occupied. 
Gold cross dipping underneath the neckline of the vest, the width of his chest seemed to be getting wider the longer you kept your eyes on his reflection. In moments like this you always became hyper aware of the amount of tattoos that were scattered across his body - arms, shoulders and chest. If you were able to let your eyes drop lower, you were sure the ones of his legs would be just as vivid.
But while everything else about him just seemed content in the moment, his eyes were different. They were strong as they held yours. Waiting for something. 
And you knew you couldn’t keep his gaze as you let your words leave your throat, albeit with less conviction than you originally thought them.
If you were after a bicker before dinner then he was absolutely going to bite and give you what you wanted. You just knew it. 
“You’re not going out in that, are you?”
“‘S there a problem ‘f I am?”
A charged pause.
Harry’s remark was shot out instantly, on yours as fast as a predator was on their prey. 
Inhaling deeply through your nose, you looked back at him through the mirror. A slant to his lips as he waited once more.
Gentle raise of his eyebrows. Faint but definitely there. Goading. Knowing you would be so aware of every moment, every twitch with your eye for detail. His eyes shone in a way that he was daring you.
Oh, he was spoiling for a fight. Most definitely. 
See, this wasn’t new territory for you and Harry. He knew that it sometimes got on your last nerve in how he opted for a vest to cover his top half as an undershirt but especially when he only wore that as the item of choice and simply slung a suit jacket over the top to complete the outfit. 
Like that one time when he attended The Store X The Vinyl Factory's Transformer exhibition and swung by your then rented London townhouse after said event in the small hours only for you to chastise him on the doorstep for how he hadn’t even put on a proper shirt for the evening. 
That night he had teased you - “‘least let me in the door before you start dressing me down, darling. Especially considering ‘m halfway there with not putting on a clean shirt an’ everythin’” - in that slow draw that maddeningly managed to warm you through even when you were irritated with it’s orator. 
Blinking, you knew you needed to respond but you weren’t sure which route you wanted to take with your tact. 
“Not a problem, ‘s just not my favourite.”
“Didn’t realise we’d become tha’ sorta couple,” he paused, his sentence obviously not finished. When your eyes met his again, he continued, “The kind that tells the other what they can and can’t wear, can and can’t do.”
Sighing, you fiddled with your diamond earrings and spoke, “Forget I said anything.” 
“No, no,” he spoke clearly, ringless hands rising in defeat. “You don’t like the vest, ‘s fine. Allowed an opinion.”
“Nice to know.”
A suppressed laugh spluttered from Harry’s lips as he pressed them together. 
Looking at him again, you watched him wrinkle his nose up at you through the mirror. By now your gaze was flat and you were far from impressed with his taunting.
“Come on,” he encouraged, eyes alight.  “‘S have a row.” 
“I’d rather not.”
“‘S healthy to tell me to piss off every once in a while, y’know tha’?”
“So, piss off.”
“Ouch,” he dragged the word, playing offended. “Could say it wi’a bit less conviction next time.”
“That’s if we make it to a next time,” you muttered, seeing his smirk. “‘M not doing this.”
He watched the way you snatched at your other earring, your hands quick to try and place it gently to your lobe but in your haste you fell foul of losing the item. 
“Shit,” you hissed when the dainty jewellery slipped from your grip and to the wooden floor below with a dull clink. 
“Hang on-“
“It’s fine,” you rebutted any chance of his offering to help, swiping for the earring and managing to make good the second time around. 
There was tension in the air now as Harry remained quiet while you continued busying yourself, ignoring the bubble of annoyance and unexplained upset simmering within you.
Gently scooping at your necklace next, you fiddled with the clasp of the fine chain and tilted your neck down as you raised your hands and arms to place the necklace onto yourself. 
From behind you, Harry nervously chewed at his bottom lip. He knew the outcome wasn’t going to go well as he looked on at your slightly shaking hands struggling to successfully bring the two sides together. 
Rather than point out the possibility of ruining the nails that you had endlessly chewed his ear about all afternoon and constantly stuck under his nose to show off; he waited with baited breath, more than willing to step in if required.
It was when he heard the small and soft growl omit from your mouth with sheer frustration that he decided to change tact.
Gone was the trinket box, tossed aimlessly back onto the bed with a soft bounce. His hands gently placed to rest against taut shoulders, Harry leaned down to press his lips to the top of your head. Nose tickled by your hair he muttered into the silky strands, “Let me, darling.”
You froze as you sat in your seat, eyes still slightly lowered from the way you had dropped your head. Frantically blinking as you mulled over how you were going to play your next move. 
Harry hummed, noticing that you had gone quiet on him, knowing you wouldn’t want to engage with him just yet considering how soon he had previously provoked. He just had to wait it out a little more. 
A slump came to your shoulders at his words, partially irked at how he had been the one to coil your spring - pushing and pressing and prodding - and now he thought he could be the one to so easily offer you release. 
“Let me just-,” he spoke more so to himself, cutting himself off, as he scooped your hair into his hands and mumbled soft apologies considering he knew you had spent some time on styling. 
When he was happy that your neck was open enough and there wasn’t going to be anything to hinder him with your tresses over one shoulder, he reached for the item. 
Harry’s right hand met yours first, his thumb and forefinger easily pinching at the delicate chain that he knew so well having been the person to pick and purchase the item. 
Surprised at how easily you gave up the treasure, Harry darted his eyes to your left side and reached for the other side of the fine chain. 
“Have you got it?” You were reluctant to let the one side of the necklace go, in fear of losing the pendant that was currently bouncing against your chest from the way you held the jewellery item. 
Again, a throaty hum vibrated through Harry’s chest. 
“Which idiot chose the finicky clasp?”
“You did,” you outright answered him.
He chuckled in concentration, eyes zoned in on the way his thumbnail pressed at the clasp to hold it down, and his left hand fed itself to the right. “‘S right, I did. Fucking big idiot over ‘ere.”
You then felt the chain gently tickle the back of your neck as Harry let the item go. “But he’s only gone an’ bloody done it.”
Lightly sighing, you pressed your hand to your chest and felt the necklace sitting cooly against your hotter than usual skin. A soft smile at Harry’s choice of words to let you know he had successfully put on the necklace. 
Slightly inside your own head as you raised it to sit up straight, you quickly busied yourself with returning items that you had been using to get ready, to their rightful spots.
Behind you, you heard Harry chuckle as he gently dropped himself down to sit on the edge of your side of the bed. He was clearly amused at how you still couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. 
“Ignoring me now? Not even gonna gi’me a thank you?”
If you hadn’t been so stubborn, and focused on the task at hand you would have heard his question and thanked him. However, given your own bloody-mindedness, you never stood a chance. 
Learning forward, Harry’s hand reached down to one of the four legs that made up your dressing table pouffe - the one closest to him - and swiftly pulled. 
Of course, you squealed. The quick change in motion was enough to cause anyone to omit a noise fit only to dogs hearing due to its pitch. 
“‘Ve got yer,” he spoke around a chuckle, enlightened by your reaction as the chair scraped against the flooring and made it so you were virtually sat in his lap. “If the mountain won’t come to Mohammed...”
Sharply, you turned to look at him and pushed at his shoulder. “Hope you’re not implying-“
“Wha’,” his expression was boyishly cheeky as he cut you off with his question, his hand keeping hold of yours that had pushed his shoulder. “What am I implying?”
Nostrils flared as you looked at him, feeling your arm slowly wrap around his neck as he tried to pull you closer once more on the chair. Legs man spread, he managed to slot you in between his thighs and enjoyed the way your soft knees squashed into his inner thigh from how close you now were. 
“I’m implying what the proverb is implying,” he smarmily responded, forever having an answer for everything.
“Is that so?”
“It is,” he turned, noting the way your arm was still draped around his neck.
“Shame that,” you commented. “Cause if you were alluding to the other thing then you would’ve really gotten the fight you were looking for.”
Harry’s eyes cut to you from the corner of his vision, his lips now pressed gently against your forearm. “Would I? If that’s the case, I take it back.”
Again your nostrils flared, as you mumbled a veiled threat of, “Swear to god, Harry.”
“So, so easy to wind up-“
Harry’s voice was abruptly cut off when your fingers came into contact with the hair at the nape of his neck and pulled as hard as you could. His only response was to gently graze his teeth to the skin of your arm and the silk of the gown in the tiniest of nips as he ascended to your neck.  
“D’yeh know how much I love fighting with you?” He mumbled against your skin, “How much I love doing anything and everything with you?”
“Have a feeling you’re going to tell me,” you swallowed around your dry response, feeling his lips quirk against the shoulder of your silk gown as he gently brushed your hair away once more.
With it falling down your back, you became all too aware of the gape to your coverup, revealing your clavicle and the top of your breast, as Harry’s lips rubbed against where your neck and shoulder met. 
Growl-like hum heard from your suitor, you gently pushed your finger through his drying hair. Forcing it in haphazard directions before bringing it back and smoothing it down. 
When he showered you with affection like he was currently doing, it was hard to stay mad at him. Which is why you found the direction of conversation so intriguing. What was he trying to achieve here? Whatever it was, he really was going the wrong way about it. 
“Know why I love fighting?” He felt you shake your head lightly as he brought you back to him with the question. The rustle of your hair against his was heard prominently in your ears as he now lightly rested his forehead to your temple. “Yea’, you do,” he disagreed with your non-verbal response, tone gritty as he tried to rouse once more. 
“‘S cause I love shagging when we’re angry,” he heavily pressed his nose into your cheek, knowing you were watching him through the hooded eyelids regardless of how you wouldn’t fully let your gaze meet his long enough to be suckered in. “How you really dig your nails into my back an’ shoulders when I properly get going - not to mention my arse cheeks - and how it feels when I step under the shower the next morning and wince like a little wuss.”
You laughed breathily, stopping your feelings of joy by biting down on your bottom lip. Laughter however played on your lips, lingering in a soft smile that danced along and up the corners of your mouth.
“Fight me, darling.” 
Amused didn’t even cover it as you pulled your head back in a slightly uncomfortable way to look at him. The smoulder of his dilated eyes that were clearly set on what he wanted, they jarred so evidently against his messy hair that looked fit for a toddler who had woken from a heavy nap.
He seemed awfully whiny for a man who was confident with what he wanted. Supposed to be the instigator of an exchange of diverging or opposite views, creating most likely a heated happening. Then again, maybe he was onto something.
Soft frown set in the middle of his brows, his eyes dropped so brazenly down to your lips. A quick swipe of your tongue had them glistening enticingly for him as saliva lingered and caused his groan to get caught in his throat. 
Hand against the back of your head, he tilted your face down to his once more and let his mouth sit at the corner of your lips. Your breathing and his had started to become staccato, as anticipation bubbled within you both from your shared close proximity. 
“‘M waiting,” you challenged knowing he would rise up to the provocation, as his hand turned you face a tiny amount more so when he stuck his nose against yours, so they would slot perfectly together.
Harry’s vision blurred as he felt your warm breath bounce against his face, licking his own lips now and rolling them into his mouth to take away any dryness. 
Hand drawing you to him and mouth about to take your bottom lip, he felt the soft draw back of your head causing his lips to tweak as his breathy laugh mixed within his short and sharp exhalations. 
“‘S tha’ how it’s gonna be?“
You fought the way your hooded eyes wanted to close at the gruff tone that laced his question, wanting to marvel in the glow that had started to coat the skin of his face. 
“Said you wanted a fight.”
No sooner had the words left your mouth were his lips abruptly upon yours. His hand spread across your entire cheek as your free hand reached for his wrist and tightly gripped. Noses squashed from the force; desperate to have each other. 
Harry's lips were fierce and bruising, his body feeling heavier against yours as he rested his other hand against your chair and gave you more of his weight. 
For him your smell was everywhere, as your other arm wrapped around his neck and clawed at the fabric of that bloody vest. The sweet of your hair care juxtaposed against the woody florals of your perfume that sensually drew and tied him to you.
Knees knocking together, you felt the way his hand stumbled as it peeled away from the chair and clawed at the silky fabric of your gown. Fingers quickly became frantic as his concentration moved to his hands that lifted fabric and slipped underneath craving the feel of your warm, soft skin.
With his mouth slightly slower and fallen as he was pulled elsewhere, you tried to take the lead as his hands wandered and he explored.
His hands were softer than usual, time away from music and instruments meaning the callouses had faded. Short nails were dull as they clawed, fingertips dancing against your plush thighs as they flattened to the seat and then upwards along your hip, scooping around your back and confidently spreading out just shy of the top of your bum.
God, he loved knowing you were completely naked underneath. How with a quick and sharp tug of his hand, he would have you bare to him.
Small press against your lower back had Harry silently asking you to raise and fall into his lap. You ignored him at first, far too wrapped up in the way he gave you his tongue around his quivering lips that were trying not to smile at the way the two of you were shamelessly necking on and he was managing to get his own way. 
Pressing your toes into the patterned antique Persian rug which sat underneath your bed, your body created a break between your thighs and their seat. Harry took advantage of the space without any need for a nudge, his hands curling against the clammier, warm skin as he urged you once more to come to him.
Your knees hit the side of your mattress first, lifting and mounting Harry’s lap and he moaned as he enjoyed your full weight against him. Fingers digging into the skin of your thighs, you felt him squeeze as he started to lower himself down to the bed.
Body laying atop an outfit priced easily in the early thousands, Harry hummed clearly letting you know how pleased he was with himself. This was only solidified by the crack of his hand, as it slapped against you bare bum cheek now on show. 
“Can’t believe you’ve got your arse in the air like this,” he rasped, head lifted so he could leave lingering kisses to the hinge of your jaw. 
Mouth slightly dropped, you could feel the way his right hand danced against the curve of your cheek and the way it dipped as it met the back of your thigh. 
His eyes were on your face, chin soft as he tilted his head down to his chest. You admired him, somehow able to find a stillness woven within a intoxicated, sensual love between the lewdish comments and suggestive wandering hands. 
Lips melding to the skin of your cheek, he asked,  “Who’re you showing it off to?”
“You, ‘f you want it like that.”
The coolness of the room hit your bare skin even more as Harry roughly pushed up the fabric of your gown up as he palmed your cheeks once more, skin massaged and squeezed between his digits.
Raw groan, he found his voice, “Turn over for me.” 
Harry slid himself closer to the side of bed, hands making light work of his socks and his briefs before he turned to throw you a glance over his shoulder.
You had removed your gown, item somewhere now on the floor revealing yourself to him proudly. 
As you lay gently on your stomach, the expanse of your bare back on show for him. He greedily let his eyes wander, the curvature of your shoulders and the indentation of your spine line. 
The way your right leg was slightly bent creating a crease to your hip and your left leg a little straighter. You certainly gave him plenty to devour with his sight. 
He didn’t give it much thought when he joined you back on the bed, his hands pressing into the mattress closer to your head.
Bare fingers caught your attention as you watched his hands scrunch around his expensive dress shirt, the familiar scratching sound music to your ears as it caught against his nails and not yours for once while he threw it to the floor at the bottom end of the bed.
“Doesn’t look like we’re going to make it to tha’ dinner,” he spoke, his words not really warranting an answer. Beside your hips, you could feel his knees as he leaned for the trousers on the other side of you and pushed them out of the way too.
He continued with, “Already late. ‘S no point.”
From the way he spoke you wondered if this was what he had been aiming for all along. To scrap dinner and have his way with you. It wouldn’t have been the first time and definitely not the last. 
Eyes already heavy from the deep lull of Harry’s voice, they closed when you felt his lips hit your back, making light work of inhaling you in. His mouth was wet as he reacquainted his lips with your skin, suckling the lower he got.
Nose gently sweeping down, you found yourself dropping your forehead to your forearm giggling from the light tickle, only to sharply cry out as his teeth sunk into the top of your cheek and your head lifted once more. 
Your hand reached behind you pressing against his forehead, “Don’t you dare leave a love bite on my bum.”
His lips twitched at your squealed but breathy chastise, tongue laving against the startings of a mark. “Always begrudging me of eating, darling.”
A devilish grin laced his features as you dared to look over your shoulder at him and take in his gaze that owlishly looked at you from behind your curved hip. All you could see were his eyes as your hand gently pushed his head while he pulled your hips upwards with him, lips skimming the backs of your thighs. 
“Mm,” he started. “Not everything though, ‘s tha’ right?”
The man simply didn’t want to part from his meal.
“You always did like dessert better.” 
There was nothing more Harry loved than when you let him put his face between your legs. But when you let him do it from behind, he couldn’t even explain the difference yet there was one.
Maybe it was the way he could grab and smack your arse, fingers digging into your hips as he got to pull you onto his face when things started to get hot and heavy. That animalistic grab to your hip bone, loins pulled onto his face as he went to town.
Even better when you would push back against him. So caught up in the way he felt that you couldn’t wait any longer. He could talk to you easier this way too, really coax you not only with the feel of his tongue but the words that dripped off it too. 
And then there was the possible anticipation of assplay. Tongue always ready and willing to stimulate if it were desired and communicated. 
The way his hands massaged you, softly pulling apart your rounded cheeks and opening you to the cool air of your bedroom almost stunned. Your body quickly gathered itself with a warm moan when you felt his warm salvia drip messily down onto your ass and your middle. 
Then he was leaning forward - lapping at your skin - lapping you up. Tongue greedy at your cheeks and folds, building his own desires before he actually ate. 
This was his starter. 
The most feminine gasp exited your open mouth when you felt his mouth land where you needed him the most, somewhat too cautiously for your liking at first but you knew he sometimes liked to play this game. You found yourself wiggling back, Harry’s hands wrapping around and squeezing into your thick thighs welcomingly when he knew you’d caught on. 
He hummed, pleased that you had fallen from his meek offerings and gave you more of his mouth. 
“There’s my girl.”
“H,” you panted, pressing your forehead onto your forearm. 
“Fuck,” he muttered against you, enjoying how you were letting him have a taste. Your sweetness quenching his starved fancy. 
You were wet, but he wanted you wetter. Just wet enough so that you were tacky when he tapped himself against you teasingly. 
With his eyes closed, Harry opened his mouth wider as he pulled your hips back to his lips. His nails dig into your skin as your hands clenched into the sheets beneath.
He worked slowly against you, tongue licking at your wetness and saliva mixing with your early arousal. Nose buried inside of you as he devoured you in a way that had you thinking he had been wanting you this way for weeks. A little bit rougher, grabbing you to him and not in the way that quickies usually brought. In a way that sex selfishly commanded sometimes. 
“God, baby-“ how was it always so- gratifying? 
With his eyes closed now as he tried to focus, Harry felt your body shuffle and his own limbs followed after you without restraint. Your bum became slightly raised as you pressed your arms deeper into the mattress due to the way you began to play with yourself.
Your fingers swiped upwards in gentle pulls against your clit, Harry’s mouth barely letting up. He must’ve figured out what you were doing though from your slight change in position as he hummed against your heat, light mutterings that you couldn’t make out. 
“‘S tha’ feel good?” he asked, voice hot as he pulled back to bring his focus onto the glide of your fingers against your wet and neglected clit. “Couldn’t wait, wanted to play.”
You knew you were slick, you could feel it but rather than feel embarrassed you found yourself without a care as you pushed yourself back again. His chuckle made you feel on fire, “Not done with me? Still need some more?”
His lips and tongue dove straight back in rather than wait for a verbal answer, feeling the way your legs widened further when he licked in a particular way. The smell and taste of you was everywhere, gleaming against him with a tackiness that was the perfect piece of free memorabilia. 
Breathing heavier, you both listened to every small gasp and light moan that was drawn from you. The sound of his lips pulling at you making a heat spread across your chest and down to your core.
Harry knew your reactions like the back of his hand, and was waiting for that one sound that was so sweet and enough to get him to cheekily pull away. 
The thought alone had his lips curving into a smile against you, as he felt you starting to clench against his tongue from your joint efforts of pleasure. 
“Harry,” you whispered, rushed. The slow burning feeling starting to form in the pit of your stomach as your fingers began to move with that little bit more fervour. “Want you.”
His mouth was away from you and against the skin of your bum cheek not long after, lips messily wiping as he moved them up your back leaving a trail of arousal in his wake as you felt yourself fall flat to the mattress as he mounted you. 
Hands pinched into the skin of your back, Harry pressed his pelvis against you. 
Feeling him nestled between the cheeks of your bum, caused your eyes to close. He was so full and hard for you, you couldn’t contain the throaty moan that accompanied his grind into the dip of your bum.
“‘M gonna fuck you,” he panted, hands sweeping your hair to one shoulder so his lips can find your skin again. “Want that, hm?”
Your fingers wove into the hair at the nape of his neck, as he craned his head to look at you. His left hand pressed into the bed, holding his entire weight as his right hand reached down for his leaking cock. 
“‘S this what you want- how you want it?” He goaded in question again, gently tapping himself against the skin of your bum before he slid himself down and watched as you slightly raised your own hips for him and started to reach behind you to encourage him to press his weight on top of you.
Harry lined himself up, pushing forward and shifting his eyes from his sinking cock and up your back to see your head dipping forward to fall between your shoulders. He knew he’d never grow tired of the welcomed blissful moan of ‘yes’ that always left your lips when he finally gave it to you.
Humming deeply, Harry bit around his smile as he started with shallow, teasing thrusts. A series of strokes that you found frustratingly sexy but knew as ones he wouldn’t be able to keep up due to his own insatiable desires. 
He swore, in the least teenage boy way possible, you were always tighter to him like this. Especially if you crossed your legs at your ankles behind him while he pushed into you. 
It was usually the position you adopted when you’d let him take you this way, however in the dusk evening he could feel that you had lifted your legs up so your calves were resting against his bum and holding him to you; cutting his shallow thrusting short to press and hold him deeper inside. 
As his pelvis flattened against your bum, he gritted his teeth and released a deep noise from the very back of his throat. The sound had you giggling, slightly wiggling your hips from beneath him, the moment quickly halted by one of his hands cupping at your skin.
“Darling, steady,” he warned.
“Come on,” you wiggled again. “Fuck me then.”
Pulling back, Harry nudged forward just as smooth, the intent behind his thrust obvious. Eyes dropped down he enjoyed the bounce of your cheeks from the force of his pelvis.
A content hum left your smiling lips as you jolted from each push of his hips; his grunts of exertion delightfully pleasurable as his hands pressed into the mattress next to your waist. 
Thrust measured - slow, hard and deep - knowing what they wanted and needed. How to get it too. Undulating and determined.
Harry’s eyes closed as he felt you squeeze him, your legs dropping away from the cheeks of his clenching arse and down to the bed with a soft bounce. You moved again and he followed, legs opening wider against the mattress beneath you both. 
The way your face was now half buried into the sheets, muffling your moans that were usually hot against his ear and coaxing him to places he was still dumbfounded he was able reach let alone find. 
Teeth gritted once more, he could feel the tightness in his limbs and lower back. The work of his hips was unyielding but you were opening up to him, only making him want to continue the steady rhythm. To push and pull. To chase.
And it was enough. It was nice. Simmering. And if you opened your legs just that little bit wider you could rub yourself against the sheets but you wanted to give as good as you could get. Being engulfed wasn’t going to give you that. 
“Give it to me,” you requested, “Harder, baby.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “Really need it, don’t yer?”
He pulled you upwards, hands at the curve of your waist so his fingers indented and left lighter marks against your skin from the pressure.
Now on your knees he could really have his way with you. 
Soon the sound of your skin slapping together only started to add to the growing fire in the pit of his stomach and yours. The sound of it so obscene but so welcomed to both your ears. 
Harry’s eyes raked over your naked body, the pert cheeks of your arse bouncing enticingly against his hips, to the tops of your fingers that were fisting tightly into your bedsheets. Knuckles so prominent due to the unrelenting grip.
He had noticed that your body was on its way to folding in on itself, arms stretching above your head and hands finding purchase on your plush bed pillows closer to the top of the bed that had been reached and pulled for by your own lack of knowing what to do with your hands.
“D’ya love me?”
His question was so gritty. Throat dry from his heavy breathing. You found yourself collapsing again. 
Your body, in its lethargy, started to curl up into itself with hands pressed down and your legs bent as your arse begins to bob more against him rather than thrust itself back.
“Said d’ya love me.”
He was sharp with his thrust.
“So much-“
It was wet and it was gasped. Low moan as he cracked his hand against your cheek.
“‘S tha’ the sex talkin’,” he heaved goadingly, and you knew he was smiling. It wasn’t the sex talking, but it could be. Both so taken by the waves of pleasure that could easily sway even the most sound of minds.
You whined into your arm from his smarmy laugh, a writhe to your hips as Harry licked at his thumb and pressed it enticing against your arse. Gentle rubs had you gasping his name and pressing back, as his thumb slid down to collect your arousal that was sat coating your outer walls and his cock each time he retreated.
As you became more excited, his thumb pressed against you with a bit more pressure, gently popping inside and sitting there. 
“Harry,” you whined, the loudest you could around biting your lips, a soft frown forming against your brow at the pleasurable intrusion. 
“You fuckin’ love it,” he growled, watching as you pushed back against his next thrust. “You dirty mare.” 
Heavy frown against your brow, you dropped your head onto your forearm once more and felt yourself start to clench around him. “Yea’,” he muttered to himself, “You’re coming.” 
Nodding your head against your forearm, you felt his free hand rest onto yours that was pushed above your head. He pressed down, fingers slotting through yours as he grunted in time with his harder thrusts into you.
With shaking thighs and aching knees, you feel your mouth fall as his teeth grazed over your ear and his heavy pants warmed your already perspiring cheeks. 
“Don’t fight me,” he pleaded. “‘S nice to give in.”
His head was heavy against your temple, your hair messily in your face. You felt your expression fall as you teetered, starting to lean slightly more to one side. He was nodding, you didn’t know who to but you knew what about and you found yourself craving his narration of whispered ‘yeses’ but instead you were both overcome and the best he can do was huskily groan to encourage you.
Suddenly it tipped and your limbs started to shake as you pressed back against him both in want of more but more so to ground yourself so you didn’t collapse. He stuttered from your vigour but held you there, feeling you helplessly writhe and mercilessly squeeze around him. His cock grinding and dipping into you, drawing out each tremor, desperately seeking its own sexual gratification.
Your other hand was wrapped around his face, fingers digging into the back of his neck and whispering begs for him to come inside of you. Pleas of how you want him to give it to you. Fill you up.
And you were lewd because sometimes that was how he liked it.
Such a pretty face and pretty mouth - yours - speaking to him in such a way. Admonishment was forgotten. Who needed or cared for it when his balls were pulling up tight with each slap against you. 
And then he collapsed against you. His thighs roughly spread you as he clenched and groaned deeply - guttural - giving you everything he had. 
Blood rushed around his ears as he shuddered and shook, the force of his orgasm causing his hips to continue with little pushes just to be sure he was done. Lost to himself, the silence and his sensitivity. 
He roused to your dirty snicker, one of disbelief. Right hand wrapping behind to feel for his arse cheek and digging your nails there, wanting to keep him deep inside, or just behind you for long enough to feel him pressed flaccid and wet against your cheeks. 
The filthy reminder caused you to flush, as Harry shuffled behind you, lips seeking out your clammy skin. 
“Make you mad more often, ‘f tha’s my private penance.”
His words were muffled, spoken into your shoulder as his hands soothed and massaged over your joints in preparation for the aching reminders tomorrow. 
And the vest was still on. 
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