#oh ellie. lmao
air-rising · 1 year
Ellie & mini 🥰🥰🥰
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DPxDC AU: Ellie was going to beat the shit out of this space cop if he was lying…she might just do it anyway but, like, fr she’ll throw down on Danny’s behalf.
Enter scene following a bad tandem clone + identity reveal where in Danny is captured and wounded, Ellie escaping just narrowly. She manages to get Sam and Tucker on her side and together the three of them save Danny. (Where was Jazz? Why couldn’t she find Jazz?)
Ellie has traveled all over the world, has seen its hospitality just as much as its hostility- besides Danny liked space right? Mostly, Ellie is panicking and, being unable to think of a place to take Danny while he’s bleeding out on her, she just goes… up. Out of the atmosphere and just beyond the satellites. It finally feels far enough away, tho she didn’t take them beyond the moon, she has limits to her paranoia thank you.
Imagine to her annoyance that apparently someone actually watches for biological materials leaving and re-entering the earth! Total Bullshit! She’s needed to make a number of trips back and forth to get Danny food and water and medical supplies- and she’s doing a damn good job of getting him stable. Too bad she hadn’t realized the ring guy following her sooner.
Turns out he’s “made a report” and “will find them justice” and “wants to help”. Yeah right. She throws down with him as best she can, and he clearly doesn’t want to hurt her so he keeps letting her get away with Danny in tow. Danny is sleeping through most of this but a few times he lets out a woop or a go get ‘em.
Eventually Hal calls the only person on the team with a single paternal bone in his body (even if it was only a single one most days). Pulling Batman into a spacesuit, into a ship and across the atmosphere shouldn’t have been that easy- though it was obvious how his agreement came immediately after Hal mentioned the wounded and entirely isolated twins he’d found.
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ladiesngerms · 1 month
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lila doodles
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elliewiltarwyn · 7 months
Miqomarch Day 1: Introduction
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Weary and exhausted, she starts fishing in her pocket for her room key as she walks under the entrance arch to Bulwark Hall, slowing her pace. It’s weirdly resistant and slippery today, feeling as if it keeps slipping from her fingers right before she can properly grasp it. She stops and lets out an annoyed oath as she focuses on digging a little more firmly—
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The hairs on the back of her neck rise. Hear… Her ears immediately follow, and her eyes go wide. Feel… Her tail flicks one way, then the other. Think…
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Before she’s even aware of her body’s movements, she’s spun around in place, yanked her hand from her pocket, and forcefully grabbed the wrist of a midlander man in a loose green-and-white tunic, who in response stares at her as if she had just exploded a bomb in his face and blown his bandanna and the hair underneath it clean off. “Seven ‘ells,” he mutters, not even blinking. “I ‘aven’t been caught in years.”
and that's how lilyana tsuki met captain jacke of the rogues' guild and took her introductory step towards becoming a warrior of light
(the writing's from my MSQ novelization fic very much still a wip >.>)
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 9 months
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version w/o grain:
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bulbabutt · 10 months
no offence to people who genuinely enjoyed james somerton and feel cheated but you could kind of tell he didnt give a shit about anything he ever said. there was no passion or personable anecdotes in anything he ever made, and the fact he was constantly posting videos was crazy. like if you watch your more popular video essayists theyre always coming from a point of 1) education in a field 2) passion in a subject and 3) being open about themselves
like , this man hopped on the video essay train because of the popularity of his peers and just tokened himself into "the gay video essayist" as if so many other people werent already doing that? and the lack of care for intersectionality was obvious. i stopped ever watching him after he took it personally that some marvel show was about black exploitation in america and not about two men kissing each other, cuz it became abundantly clear that was the only experience he gave a shit about (his own)
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screaming-oak · 2 years
the ellis debate has gone on for so long “hes not dumb hes just silly” “hes not silly hes just stupid” here is my take. hes just dedicated to The Bit above all else. hes a lil dumb but more than that he is just off the shits simply for the fun of it. my man is just here for a good time not a long time and puts all hes got into it🫡
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charlescoded · 2 years
I'm trying to decide on what I'll be writing next for lestappen, but in the meantime, here are some snippets from stuff that will probably never see the light of ao3:
1.) love potion
“Please tell me you didn’t just drink that.” There’s a desperation in Charles’ voice that he’s has never heard before, and a worried look on his face that sets Max on edge.
“Yeah? I did..?” He shifts uncomfortably, looking at his empty glass.
“Oh my god,” Charles mutters, his hands grabbing hold of Max’s face without warning. He looks him over like he’s trying to find something. It fills Max with a sense of anxiety. “How do you feel— Do you feel anything strange?” He demands.
Max lets out a confused noise. “No? Charles, what the fuck?”
Charles frowns. “Nothing at all?” He presses. “That does not make sense.” His hand comes to rest on Max’s forehead, like he’s checking for a fever.
He grabs hold of Charles’ wrists, taking his hands off his face. “What doesn’t make sense..?”
Charles’ frown deepens, but he doesn’t try to get out of Max’s grip. “The potion… you drank it, there should be an effect…”
“What potion?”
He doesn’t reply.
“Charles… what potion?” He asks alarmed.
“A love potion.” He admits reluctantly.
2.) soul manifestation
“Did you see Oscar’s koala trip up Logan?”
Max doesn’t look up from his phone, but he still smiles. “Yeah, so I know it was by accident.”
Lando sighs. “You’re no fun.” He mutters, sagging down next to Max onto the couch. Logan tripping was by far not the only accident that had happened the last few hours. Pierre’s wolf had broken one of the chairs, and Zhou’s rabbit had gotten stuck on a shelf without a way down.
It doesn’t take long for Lando to get bored again, before he asks another question. “Have you seen Charles? I haven’t seen him for like an hour.”
Max purses his lips and doesn’t answer.
There’s a pause before Lando turns his body completely towards Max. “You do know where he is.” He accuses.
“I might, yes.” He shrugs, keeping his eyes on his phone.
“…Max, where are Charles and his mouse?”
He sighs and finally looks up, slipping his phone into his pocket. “They’re asleep.” He says flatly.
“What do you mean ‘asleep’?” Lando asks alarmed.
“Like I said it.”
For a moment, Max debates keeping Lando guessing for a while, before pointing at his own animal: a lion. If anything, Lando looks even more alarmed.
“Please tell me your lion didn’t eat the mouse!”
“What? No, of course not.” Max rolls his eyes. “I told you, they’re both asleep.”
“I don’t know what that means!”
Max snorts. “Exactly that: They’re asleep.”
“But where!?”
He stands up and grabs Lando’s wrist, dragging him to the sleeping lion. Max puts his hand into the lion’s fur and brushes it aside, revealing a small, sleeping mouse.
“Oh!” Lando exclaims before covering his mouth to silence himself. “But what about Charles?” He whispers.
Max bites his lip and points behind the lion.
Lando takes a step closer, before his head snaps back to look at Max, his eyes wide. Why, he mouths. They walk away slightly before Lando repeats the question. “Why is Charles there? Under your lion?”
“Got stuck.”
“…Got stuck?”
“Yeah,” Max shrugs. “His mouse was sleeping already and he tried to grab it. My lion didn’t like his sleep getting disturbed, so he made Charles stop moving.”
Lando’s eyes go even wider. “And you didn’t help him?”
Max gave him an incredulous look. “And get stuck too? Mate, I think that mouse is in on it. No way am I challenging them.”
3.) I wish (you didn’t forget me) scene concept for an au where charles, in a moment of anger, makes a wish that comes true, changing reality (but at this point, it got reversed)
“Wait, you remember!?” Charles’ eyes go wide as Max rips his wrist out of his grasp. His jaw sets, tense and obviously upset. Charles is hurt too, that Max didn’t say anything, that he didn’t do anything, but then he remembers why Max left in the first place and he understands. Still, it hurts.
“Yes,” Max says tersely, glancing around them. There’s people looking at them. There’s nothing private about this, but Charles doesn’t care. Max can’t just disappear here, he will have to interact with Charles, he has to. “It would be better if neither of us did.”
That, too, hurts to hear. Charles has to remind him that this is a Max who thinks that Charles doesn’t want him, that he thinks Charles doesn’t want to remember, but he does. He still so desperately wants Max, and seeing him like this, the insecurity, the dismissal of his own feelings, it feels like too much.
“No, it would not be.” He argues, voice hushed. “I want to remember.”
Max’s eyes harden. “Well, you wished for this, so deal with it.”
He turns around and walks away. Shit. Charles scrambles to follow him. Max can’t disappear from his life, he can disappear into some Red Bull building Charles isn’t allowed into. “Wait! Fuck— Max, wait!”
There’s no reply and Charles once again curses to himself.
This is harder than he ever imagined it would be. He knows he can clear this up, but Max doesn’t seem to want to hear it. He hopes that by the time he knows, this will get better. He wishes that it did.
Charles catches up to Max and grabs his shoulder. Max comes to a halt, turns around, and glares at Charles. They’re around the same height, but something in Max’s gaze makes him feel smaller, like he’s being towered over. “What?” He hisses.
“I love you,” He blurts out, because he can, because it’s the truth. Because he isn’t sure what else he can say to make Max stay and listen to him. “I love you, Max, in our memories, but also in this life. I did not stop loving you.”
Max’s throat bobs, but the ice remains in his gaze. “Sometimes… Sometimes, love isn’t enough. You made that clear.”
He flinches, but he knows he deserves every bit of venom Max throws at him. “I didn’t mean it,” He steps forward when Max looks like he wants to protest. Charles presses his hand against Max’s chest, his own gaze pleading. He looks conflicted about pushing Charles away. “I wanted to return with you. We didn’t… We did not belong there, Max, and I knew it was eating at you. Not racing. I wanted to go back and race against you again—“
“Stop.” Max grabs Charles’ wrist, light and gentle, but his voice is made of glass. Sharp, ragged. Broken. “I don’t need to hear how much you wanted to race me again, Charles, I don’t need that right now…”
Charles falters. Does Max not want to race again? No, that makes no sense. Since they returned, Max has been driving like his life depends on finishing first. Charles hasn’t managed to finish a single race in front of Max since they returned a month ago, but the racing has felt the same. There’s no sudden aggression, or pettiness. It’s just fair racing. So this doesn’t make sense, unless…
Unless it’s not Max who doesn’t want to race against him, but exactly what he said. He doesn’t want Charles to want it.
“Let me finish, please.” He whispers. Max’s hand feels warm against his skin, and suddenly, Charles feels terrified that he’ll leave again. That he’s just made this worse, but then Max nods, a dejected look in his eyes. Somehow, that’s worse than his ice. “I wanted you to race again, Max, I wanted the life back where you were happy, and confident, and full of life.” His throat feels tight. “Not racing, it was… it was hurting you so much, and it made things worse between us. So much worse, and that’s why I wished for our old lives back… But, I still wanted you here, too.”
Max’s expression shows his conflict. His grasp on Charles’ hand goes from lax to firm to lax again. They stay silent as the air between them settles. Charles hopes, prays, that this is enough to make him understand, to give him the security he needs.
He just wants his Max back.
The tension disappears from Max’s shoulders, his fingers glide over Charles’ own. He holds his breath, feels the anticipation building, but Max’s smile isn’t happy, it’s sad instead. “What we had there, it’s not going to work here, Charles, even if our feelings haven’t changed.”
Disappointment crashes down on him. Reality feels suffocating all of a sudden, and desperation returns. But, if nothing else, Charles can be incredibly stubborn. “Why not?” He’s ready to disagree, ready to fight Max for this, for them.
“Because we’re both drivers.” Max squeezes his hand, Charles feels it in his heart. “You could come out because you were a champion without me, but you’re not one with me.”
“Why does that matter?” He argues.
“You think I don’t remember how people looked at us there? What they said? It would be worse here, Charles, when you’re not secure with Ferrari.”
Charles bristles. “And what about you? You are secure, you are free, are you not? Do you not love me? Do you not want me?” 
Max inhales sharply. “Of course I love you, of course I want you. That’s not—,” He pauses, struggles with his words, before continuing. “I can come out, Red Bull would be fine, but you’re not—“
“Would you take the leap for me?” He rushes out. His determination rises.
“For you? Yes, of course, but you shouldn’t take it for me—“ That’s good enough.
“I decide that.” Charles closes the last distance between them and kisses Max. His hand rests against Max’s jaw, warm and present. Max doesn’t move at first, but Charles feels the moment he relaxes, the moment he realises the decision Charles made. He made the leap. Max returns the favour with another kiss, a smile blooming slow and hesitant, before settling on relieved.
The media can fuck off. Charles can kiss his boyfriend again.
4.) things you said after you kissed me (it's a bit toxic, innit)
“Kissing me won’t fix things, Charles,” Max whispers, the brush of his lips light and fleeting. “What we have? It’s not enough.”
“Why not?” It’s a challenge. Charles’ eyes are bright, fire burning hot like a forest fire. And Max wants to burn. “Do you not want me?”
It’s a ridiculous question. Of course Max wants him. He’s always wanted him. But he knows that what he wants, he’ll never have. “We’re not meant to be together. You know this. You’re already with someone else.”
Charles twists his hand into the fabric of Max’s shirt, holding him close. It feels almost possessive, like he can’t let go. Of this. Of them.“ I do not care, I want you.”
It’s not. It’s not right. Max knows this, even as he feels Charles’ lips brush over the stubble of his chin, down to the slope of his neck. It feels divine, his skin alight, Charles’ touch making him crave more. “I can’t share you.” He murmurs. His protests sound weak to his own ears.
Charles knows, too.
Laughter reverberates against his skin. “You can. You will.” The confidence is all-consuming. Max’s bones feel heavy, the weight of them the only thing keeping him from tumbling down to the ground.
“Please stop.” He whispers.
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lavellun · 2 years
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THE LAST OF US 1x07 | Left Behind
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softmeetscreatureplz · 4 months
I was back at school 4 one dayyyy-
That makes Friday, Monday, Tuesday, wendsday, and Tuesday again.
I dis get an actual warning from my bus driver today tho so at least that's smth
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dailyeca · 8 months
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INLAND EMPIRE [Legendary: Success] — A rosebud, more stem than petal. A teacup, with a steeping sachet of lavender. It will take time. But they will wait for each other.
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portrait on its lonesome (disco elysium style is so. difficult hkjh i blend colors too much and am too cautious about palettes to be able to pull it off, does not help im a warm colored art kinda guy)
Dialogue: AUTHORITY — Don't let this perp get the last word! Who does he think he is, talking to you like that? RHETORIC [Medium: Failure] — Who *do* you think he is? PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Trivial: Success] — Someone with a permanent frown. LOGIC [Easy: Success] — Someone who's a criminal. CONCEPTUALIZATION [Formidable: Success] — Someone who's an artist. HALF-LIGHT [Medium: Success] — Someone with two brass knuckles and the know-how to use them. ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Hard: Failure] — Someone who doesn't seem a lotta fun to be around! VOLITION [Heroic: Success] — …Someone who fell through the cracks. SHIVERS [Godly: Success] — Some 20-odd years ago, a kindergarten runaway is herded into the metal belly of packed public transport and emerges reborn in a new city, baptized and spitting up the holy water in the wake of an identity you could barely say was remade as much as it was, simply, made. SHIVERS — He drowns again at age 7, at age 14, and every year thereafter, water filthier and colder every time, treading without a shore in sight. Even as his limbs grow leaden, come hell or high water, he maintains that stepping foot on land after so long will doom him. INLAND EMPIRE [Legendary: Success] — He doesn't even know who he is anymore; he just feigns indifference. He is a ladybeetle inversed - in the same way there are dots of yin and yang. Stiff belief that there will always be bad in the good. Living proof that there is good in the bad. He will never shed the former, nor acknowledge the latter. EMPATHY [Heroic: Success] — Not now, at least. Not with you, and not without time.
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loptrcoptr · 8 months
Went on a trail ride with another girl I haven’t ridden with in a while l and said “hey let’s try this trail!” and then I nearly got us stuck in a fucking swamp
I literally said “haha, come on Bertie (my horse) it’s not like it’s quicksand” and then boom! it kind of WAS though and my pony is fat but she is small, so she got stuck up to her knees a few times but oh my god, poor Buster is a normal sized thick ol halter hog quarter horse boy and he almost went down. he sunk in on the left side up to his stifle. that’s like his hip man that’s like. Almost the butt. that was high-as-a-horse’s-hips mud. That was horse-thigh-gap-height mud. Oh my god.
This obviously scared the horse so then he scrambled out as best he could and he took his mom into a bank full of many sharp little trees and she almost came off and then had to get down and back him back into the mud to get him out and around the trees again
Was my horse as affected? No. Was I hit so hard in the face by tree branches that I bit my lip? No, but her horse reenacted the neverending fucking story for a minute there and she got pistol whipped by branches and I felt so bad 😭 in fairness, she never objected to exploring. not in fairness, it was absolutely my dumbass idea
This is why no one wants to ride with us, even when I try to have a chill walk-only lazy little trail ride I still manage to get us into some kind of chaos, because my riding style can only be described as Quaintly Unhinged™️
As pet tax, here’s my pony and her stupid stray dog she adopted, brave survivors of the sticky icky swamp
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aetherose · 7 days
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@squidsavior replied: HI LESBIAN JESUS CAN I GET BLESSED-
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A blessing for you! A blessing for all sapphics in fact! Lesbian Jesus is giving them all good luck today!
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lasarcasticpanda · 2 years
in the show, we are constantly shown joels humanity. we haven't really seen the joel that everyone is so wary of, we are more in ellies POV in this regard than joels.
in the game, you're always reminded of it, because it's a violent third person shooter and you are joel. you're thrown into ambush scenarios where everyone else dies and you make it out and there are some brutal death animations and you are confronted with joels violence and ruthlessness again and again.
it's difficult to do that in a show. and there's also a level of expectedness about "what is possible for me to do here that i can walk away from" in a game that is on a very different wavelength than a TV show.
ellie has always been joels humanity, in both versions of the story. but in the show, instead of being reminded over and over about the violence of joel, were reminded of the humanity of joel. we see him connect with ellie and mourn tess and bill and frank and feel heartbreak at henry and sam (though I think henry and sam breaks his heart for ellie more than himself)
and hes fought it the whole way! it's no good, it's gonna get him killed! until he reaches a point where he gives ellie the chance to set him free or take him along and seal that fate.
and of course she takes him, she trusts him and no one else and he has fulfilled his promise of protection that she saw when he killed the FEDRA officer.
but now. now joel is in and all in with whatever this means and whatever this brings. and now that he's all in, he will do whatever necessary to protect ellie and get her through this and back to tommys home (their home).
i hope they show us just how far joel will go go to keep her safe and show that the stories we and ellie have been hearing about joel are far less accurate than we've been lead to believe.
i want to see him show us why people have been afraid of his violence, in the face of ellie being threatened.
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wyvernspirit · 10 months
I need to write an Ellie and Greta fic at some point
I feel like not enough dc X dp fanfics in general explore the fact that Greta is a ghost
like there is your set up it is right there! But also even if you do still wanna explore like, say Danny and Jason you can explore Greta with Ellie have a joint pov thing going on could be fun
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heisttheblackflag · 1 year
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happy one year anniversary to San Francisco AH Live!
- Trevor recognized me in the audience from this tweet
- I asked in the VIP Q&A “if you had an unlimited budget what would you want to make?” Geoff was really sweet and said he’s already been able to make everything he’s ever wanted. Joe said he wanted to make a podcast about rocks. he clarified he wanted to be able to talk about like moon rocks and meteorites and stuff, but not before the entire rest of the cast absolutely shit on him and continued making fun of him for it for the rest of the Q&A
- Jeremy sang “Impostor” live and absolutely KILLED it, his screams were even better than the recording it was so cool
- they did a karaoke dance party as the very last thing of the night and almost every single person in the audience voted to do a song from hsm but the link didn’t work so we did Africa by Toto instead
- there was a cheesecake with a mic on stage and people kept sneaking bites until finally Joe shoved the whole thing in his mouth at intermission. when they came back Trevor and Alfredo started screaming
- Tim Gettys and Alfredo had a really tearful beautiful moment with Alfredo’s grandma on stage, it was genuinely really incredible and touching. and then later on she came back out to threaten a bunch of the other AH members as a bit. I’m obsessed w her
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