#oh my god akkO
pharmacity-weekly · 7 days
you should write an article about how gay kobayashi aiko is. lesbian loser /aff (/j)
-i will not be signing off with my pharmacy you guys will have to figure it out >:)
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conartisthaiji · 2 months
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[image description: 9 slides from a slideshow. The slideshow has a white background with black text in comic sans. Each slide is as follows.
Slide One: Witch Hat Atelier, by a little witch academia fan (sorry in advance)
Slide Two: Basic Overview
NOT to be confused with Little Witch Academia 
yes, they both have a cheerful bad-at-magic lesbian who is in love with a grumpy magic prodigy lesbian (...i think) and yes, the uniform features cute little hats and robes and yes they are at a magic school and yes the two main teachers have homoerotic tension and…huh.
Just don’t call it witch hat academia (<-has done that)
Next to the words is the cover for the first volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows a blonde girl, Coco, cheerfully jumping down.
Slide Three: Blonde Akko Kagari
She’s blonde 
Her name is Coco 
Very sweet looking like i bet she’s just the nicest 
Probably had something tragic happen to her i bet it’s qifrey’s fault
Oh my god maybe this IS little witch academia 
Next to the text is the cover for the first volume of Witch Hat Atelier.
Slide Four: Not Olruggio
Lesbian (my mutuals told me so) (okay actually one of them had Agott over a lesbian flag as their profile but that’s basically the same thing) 
I did confuse her with Olruggio wha but no, she is a lesbian and her name is Agott. 
Rhymes with fa-i am forcibly removed from the room.
I just know she’s emo as hell like she looks like everything thirteen year old me would LOVE. unfortunately I am in my twenties. 
See next slide for blorbo.
Next to the text is the cover for the second volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows Agott sitting in a chair and staring out with a bored expression on her face.
Slide Five: Richeh!!!!!!!!
I mean, she’s gonna be my blorbo now.
Look at her i love her she can do no wrong.
Her eyebrows are my fave thing about her like they are so expressive
Next to the text are two manga panels of Richeh, one showing her eating noodles from a bowl, and one showing her cheering with her arms raised. Text behind her says, "Riche is sold out!" Next to these panels is the cover for the fourth volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows Richeh sitting on the side of a cliff.
Slide Six: The little pink one
I hate to say it but i do not know anything about her 
Not even her name
Sorry to all fans of the little pink one 
I bet she’s the energetic/upbeat one of the group though
Next to the text is the cover for the fifth volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows a pink-haired girl leaping gleefully into the air.
Slide Seven: Qifrey without a U
It’s QI-FREY. No u. 
Now why is he wearing a one-lens sunglasses. Sun monocle. 
It’s probably just the cover art sorry Shirahama
Gay and sad i just know it 
Honestly i got nothing on this man
Next to the text is the cover for the third volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows Qifrey holding a book in one hand. One of the lenses on his glasses has been darkened.
Slide Eight: Not a teenage lesbian
So Olruggio is actually a teacher.
Upon closer inspection i see that his hair is not curly. I truly thought it was. Sorry Agott.
Qifrey may be gay and sad but Olruggio is gay sad and tortured about it 
Whatever is wrong with him has nothing on whatever the fuck is wrong with Qifrey i bet
Why is this picture so fucking pixelated.
Next to the text is the cover for the sixth volume of Witch Hat Atelier, which shows Olruggio jumping with his cloak flowing behind him. The picture is far more pixelated than the other images in this slideshow.
Slide Nine: Ok the end because i don’t know who else is part of witch hat! But go read witch hat atelier! Or just wait for the anime but i’m gonna go read the manga (and maybe i’ll rewatch little witch academia too teehee) /end id]
so sorry wha mutuals i didn't pay enough attention to your wha lectures 🙇🙇🙇
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scooter-ing · 1 year
another silly rant.. . but this time its NOT about wenclair??
jesus, i just rewatched little witch academia after YEARS, and the pure sapphic energy radiating from that show is craaaazy yo. (heed my spoiler warning for lwa)
yeah so.. diakko. kay. now that that's out of the way
i actually loved akko's character as a whole, as ambitious and stupid as she is, i can totally see some of myself in her. i never saw her as a selfish person, i feel like she always considered and appreciated those around her. every time she cried and demeaned herself (especially in the second half of the show) i was like "poor baby" bc she really didn't deserve it. sure, was she a tad bit impulsive? yeah. but her character is meant to be easily swayed and convinced. like how croix convinced her to go to the wagandea tree, and literally gaslighted her into thinking she shouldn't trust chariot (ursula). as a character though, she really, truly, just tries to help people and i think you rarely see characters that are as pure as that, you know? her dream is to make people happy, not some bullshit like being the strongest witch, or obtaining some kind of object. she just aspires to fill people's hearts with joy, and her intentions are set with that only. and she tries, and tries, and tries, despite people's discouragement. so every time she cried, i cried with her. sigh.
moving on to ursula, otherwise known as chariot. i loved her older sister-mentor role. akko definitely needed someone that would keep her in line, but also encourage her in her endeavors and keep her safe. my girl was ALWAYS there to save the day (and by gOD she was so fucking hot whenever she was fighting croix). ughhh i literally groaned out loud every time she got interrupted when she was trying to tell akko about her identity. idk, i kind of have mixed feelings about the dream fuel spirit shebang. cause, chariot had NO idea it was stopping people from being able to use magic, so it wasn't really her fault. croix manipulated her. and once she found out about that, she stopped using it. im glad croix had somewhat of a redemption, but jesus she was such an asshole when she revealed that ursula was chariot. like, a royal asshole. bc that was not her secret to reveal, you know? and she left some very important pointers on the table. though, i felt terrible for akko.
mmmm. diaaaaaaaaana. diana cavendish. i had a massive lesbian crush on her for the whole fucking series. oh my god. especially in the two-part episodes where it's set in the cavendish estate? so, so, chivalrous, and dashing, and royal... and skdjhfskjlhf (totally referencing that one scene where diana defends akko infront of aunt daryl and offers her arm for akko to hold). poor akko, oblivious to like... all of the massive lesbian signals wafting from diana. she literally had big neon signs that said "akko you fucking idiot im gay for you."
all jokes (and thirsting) aside, diana and akko's growth as a pair is really touching to me. diana was never outright rude to her bc of her inability to properly use magic, i saw that she was more judgmental of her character as a person instead. (e.g the samhain festival episode in which she calls akko pathetic for "leaving" lotte and sucy before her performance). and i can totally see that it was reasonable. later in the episode, after akko finds the second Word or whatever, she goes on to think, "what is this emotion i'm feeling?" as much as i would want it to, i wouldn't say she was in love at that time, considering her harsh judgment earlier in the episode, but akko continues to grow on her from then on. i haven't mentioned this yet, but the episode (sorry that i keep saying "that episode" the site that i watched it on didn't have episode names) in which the faeries ordered a strike against the witches, was actually less goofy and funny than it was made to be. akko really took time to understand where the workers were coming from, and being their representative was really thoughtful? when diana came to tell her off, she deadass started making fun of her bc shes an aristocrat. and telling her she doesn't understand the woes of the working class bc of her wealth. which is just... so... real? and diana gets all flustered, which leads me into the topic of:
Diana Literally Only Blushed Because of Akko. she just gets all flustered when akko calls her out on her shit, like she's not afraid of her. everyone else is. even the godforsaken teachers are. she only ever truly worried whenever akko was hurt, or in some form of danger. she completely remains indifferent to everything, even when things happen to hannah or barbara she really doesn't give a shit. (at least not in the way she does with akko, she's probably loyal to her friends and shows it in her own way). which segues me into the episode "yesterday," in which akko goes "missing" and jesus christ diana's dialogue with chariot is really touching. from "akko needs you more than anything right now!" to "what could possibly be more important that akko right now!?" and "i'm more disappointed in you than i am of your past." she's just so well spoken in the most disastrous and telling moments, and it really shows how strong of a character she is. she remains level headed when lotte and sucy consult her about akko, and kindly offers them tea, along with reassurances. despite her generally not hanging out with akko's crowd of people, she's still kind and considerate when people need her. her words to chariot/ursula are so powerful because she's depicted as so stoic and indifferent but completely tells her off when she knows what ursula is doing is wrong. i hope that makes sense? from an apathetic elitist to a passionate worrywart - all over akko. and once she finds her, she basically acts as her caretaker, in that moment. and i'd be lying if i said i didn't cry, because god. diana knew exactly how to make her feel better, and man is that not an indicator to how perfect akko and diana are for each other. her confessing that she felt envious of akko's determination and closeness to chariot, and confessed to wanting to get away from akko bc of it, but ended up just getting closer to her.
in the last episode, in which they stop the missile, i was just so happy to see where their growth led them. them holding each other while doing the shiny arc thingamajig? awesome. akko catching diana when she falls? diana screaming for akko when akko falls? which inevitably leads to her falling because she's crazy for akko? really hit me in the feels. undeniably happy. joy. the parallels between chariox and diakko are like, super obvious. except for the fact that diakko was the better example, in which they worked together instead of one envying the other for their power. like how diana initially said she envied akko for having the shiny rod, and croix getting jealous of chariot bc of it too - except diana learned to accept it and support akko and work with her. bc red and blue gays. ygm.
i'll talk about andrew and the rest of 'em later bc im fairly tired but. im sorry for the excessive tangent. i likely left out a lot of what i wanted to say bc big gay brainrot, and i'll spew that out sometime later.
thank u for listening to my ted talk stay gay!!
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callmearcturus · 11 months
curious about your on-the-go fic-writing keeb and how it's set up. also the whole switches post gave me the incredible desire for some sort of "what's in my bag" sitch. thank you i liked reading about your switch opinions.
Oh hell yeah sure.
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So my mobile keyboard is amazing.
This is an EPOMAKER NT68. It's a 65% bluetooth keyboard that I have used to, at this point, write about 80% of the PT Benji AU. It's a fucking joy to use.
I got it on sale from Bezo's Store for about 70 bucks (it's 95 right now). At the time, it came with Gateron Blacks installed but literally like seven of the fucking switches had bent pins and had to be replaced. It came with five spare switches so I was p pissed.
Which, I was fine obvsly because I keep buying switches on the cheap.
Okay but about this specific keyboard:
Haimu Whisper Silent Tactile switches (which I LOVE, very good feedback without a ton of sound, great of typing at work)
Cannoncaps CXA Superplum (which is to to date the only caps I have ever paid full price for which I should not have done except they might be my Actual Favorite Profile. this is unfortunate bc they fucking never going on sale, but that special spacebar shape is incredible)
my lil vinyl record player artisan was a gift 8) the maker is 2Tcraft on Etsy
What I love about this keyboard is that
It allows for three BT connections at a time, so i can swap from my phone to my home PC to anything else with two buttons
the sound of it on a deskmat is actually one of my favorite noise profiles of any keeb I've used
it is the most portable keeb without going into weird Nuphy keebs (which I did consider a lot) or going Ortho (which I ALSO considered but this was before Akko put out an affordable Ortho option, god bless Akko)
it has a felt magnetic sleeve that can be folded around the keeb to protect it or into a lil triangle to prop your phone on, which I use all the time. when this thing starts wearing out, I will be very sad.
it fits into my cheapass Vera Bradley crossbody bag so i bring it with me everywhere and I have genuinely used it a fucking lot, like a LOT.
it is a major conversation starter, everyone at work wants to know more about it which is fun.
obviously I had switch issues with the stock keeb and had to swap out some non-working switches, BUT the stock is honestly very good otherwise and the caps it comes with feel perfectly fine. you can use them for a while without issue.
some caveats:
this thing is an investment. i told myself that basically this is what my patreon is for and I saved up for a few months to justify it to myself. i'm glad I did it but also Oof That Pricetag.
the software for this thing is fuckign incomprehensible. i have tried many many times to add some hotkeys to it and fucking forget it. I managed to turn off the lights and that's all I'm doing with it. if you want this for coding and need something very easy to add layers to, FUCKING FORGET IT. go get one of Drop's Orthos instead.
sometimes i type too fast for this thing lmao. it doesn't happen often but like if i'm REALLY going max speed, it will every once in a while (like once in a paragraph) miss a key. I'm fine with this because it doens't happen with casual use.
it is portable but you are gonna need to find a bag for it to fit into. It fits perfectly into a Vera Bradley Sling Backpack, which I picked up on clearance from my local Hallmark store oddly enough.
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cartoonbabbles · 1 year
Was rewatching some LWA today.
Yes I ship SuAkko. And I’m gonna talk about them
“Adventures in Sucyworld” oh my god these two are gay and have no idea, poor souls
- Episode starts with Sucy referring to Akko as “her” Guinea pig, which I don’t really need to go into how we’ve all taken that to mean. Like. “I need *a* Guinea pig” no Akko is *hers*
- Sucy doesn’t want Akko to leave her behind as evidenced by her noting she doesn’t want Akko to become “talented and powerful” and while this might be a reach I feel like Sucy felt it would be better for her to leave instead of watching Akko leave bc at least that’s something she *can* control, and if Akko never has the chance to reject her, it wouldn’t feel as painful if she’s the one who never gives her that chance
- Akko doing everything in her power to wake Sucy up <3
- The angel and Devil Sucys my beloveds
- Something kinda stuck out to me regarding Angel Sucy’s terms of helping Akko. “Do my laundry for a month” is one thing but “carry my books” and “do my shopping” sounds an awful lot like “I’d have loved to do laundry and taxes with you,” “I want you to carry my books like people who are crushing on others do” and “I want to hang out and do fun things together”
- Small Sucy being a manifeststion of Sucy wanting to show affection to others (not just romantic but in general)
- Sucy not allowing herself to feel anything else or pursue anything else and Akko barging in to say she should do what she wants was just <\3 my heart
- The sceneeee the movie sceneeeee Sucy sees her best moments with Akko being a gorgeously rendered anime whereas she sees most of everything else as a slapstick cartoon, as if she’s above all that. But for Akko? She slows down and wants to appreciate the moment, Fashionable moviegoer sucy said as much when she said that particular film was her favorite
- Llama Sucy just makes me smile
- grandma Sucy (?) was funny
- Sucy being like “no don’t kiss me this isn’t right I want this to be perfect” (yes I’m interpreting this with a bit of a stretch) in both the real and sucyworld
- my conclusion? Sucy wants someone to pine for her like in a cheesy high school rom com and she sees herself as the tough on the outside soft on the inside bad girl
- also holy fuck Lotte really went through it this episode
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keviniiryuu · 10 months
What are your three favorite diakko moments from the show or OVAs?
oh man this is tough.
Perhaps the top moment is when Diana confronted Ursula when Akko disappeared. Diana is the type of character who is calm and collected in a lot of situations. So to see her getting angry/frustrated at Ursula when she didn't chase after Akko is just so... my god. my heart.
I applaud the VA for performing so well. The transition the Diana's usual voice and its volume slowly raising.... And she was DISAPPOINTED at Ursula because she left Akko when she needed her most. I think that's the most powerful tell that Diana cares for Akko.
And by extension, we cannot leave Diakko's conversation in the cafe alone. The way Diana was careful with her words around Akko and that despite being so heartbroken and her mind is probably a mess, Akko still listened to Diana. Like, even if she wasn't responding and looking at her, you can tell she was still paying attention.
Okay and the third was. Hm. Maybe the short exchange they had when going back to LN from the Cavendish Manor. That was hilarious lmao. But I'd put the entire ep19-20 tbh.
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nono-bunny · 1 year
Omg Woodward DOES show Akko her future after she unlocks her word and?? It's basically a smashcut of her future hardships, which Akko truly had no way of understanding at that point but?? Oh god literally all of it is stuff we see her face later, it's such a huge contrast to that vision of her being Chariot, god I feel bad for my girl but I'm also so proud, she has so much shit left to go through and it's gonna be hard and painful af but?? She also emerges victorius from it all and I'm struggling not to cry rn ckndidne
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depressedteenager2 · 1 year
I made this my little witch acedemia au where Diana dies and becomes a god and this au takes 10 years later.and baiscally Akko becomes depressed bc in this au Akko and Diana were great friends since childhood. Oh yeah she died when she was gonna take place as the next leader.oh yeah sorry Lotte looks like a child😭😭
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tuliptheoshawott · 1 year
So I made a character.ai room with Akko and Lotte and just let them go at it and OH MY GOD THEY'RE BECOMING SELF AWARE
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Trigger : Hey, Gainax! Can you hear me now bud? Gainax! Can you hear me now bud! Haha, very funny, man. I think that I got the wrong stuff, I hope those guys are fast asleep. Hey, Gainax. Quit joking around. Gainax? GAINAX!
Trigger : Huh? Who can that be? Can't anyone sees that it's three in the gosh darn morning?
*door opens*
Trigger : Oh, Senshi. What do you have common to think about the consequences.
Laios : You're not gonna like it.
Trigger : Huh? What's this news paper about the dailly news reads that--
Trigger : (in wario's voice) OH MY GOD!
Trigger : Ah, my long time predecessor is closing it's doors! The studio went out of business! Now who's gonna look after the characters or handle the animations with other studios!? Can't believe that Gainax is gone! All gone and I was too late! Seriously, don't blame on me, I didn't feel well when my old friend got serious file of getting a shutdown and now all of its employees have left the building. Well, at least I still have it's IPs.
Haruko : Of course, you're still living with the Gainax legacy. But you didn't forget about us, did you?
Trigger : Oh that's real funny haruko, you expect to believe that I would eventually see the studio Gainax throwing away like--(jumpscares) HUWAAAAH!!! Haruko Haruhara, is that you? W-W-What happened to you? Did all of you Gainax characters heard about the announcements. I mean...
Marcille : Did you all literally died on purpose?!
Haruko Haruhara : Yeah, well, we all died because of that. Anyways, we're ghost now, so buzz off, ya creeps.
Marcille : AAAAAAAAAA--(wakes up from dream) YAAAHH!!! I forgot about the announcement of Gainax's farewell!
"This morning"
(bagpipe playing)
Shinji : I guess this is goodbye to the studio that we all loved and now it's history. You all guys heard me, right? Studio Gainax is history. Same goes to Akira Toriyama who is now history!
Asuka : Well, it was the most important studio opened in the 80s, but we had a lot of great times together. I mean, this studio was our home, we cherished this place as the greatest shows that has ever existed on Japanese TV. Gainax is a great, great, great, studio in all of Japan.
Rei : So, now that we don't have the studio anymore, it appears that each of the studios has gathered their own IPs from it's remains and the owner ship will be something to do with it's future. Studio Trigger would be shaped in memory of our beloved studio now gone to waste like Lain's studio that got bankrupted for sure.
Shinji : You're probably right about that. It's not just the studio, it's about the heart. So let me tell you this one Studio Khara, you changed us for real! It used to be about the Gainaxing, now the Gainaxing lived on. So that's on you, Khara.
Asuka : So now that we all did a bid farewell to the studio that we all worked at.
Misato : Wait a second, did somebody left a pack of cigarettes in the building?
Mamimi : (lighting up a cigarette) That was my last pack before I had the chance to quit smoking. You never seen a girl who smokes at an age like this, do ya?
Mamimi : Whoops. Yeah, I think that was my pack of cigarettes in there.
Misato : Hey, Mamimi-san. I'm gonna ask you this appropriately.
Mamimi : Oh, okay.
Simon : I'm alive! But man that I used my robot to escape!
Mamimi : I guess that nobody was hurt in there, it could've been someone inside the building! Honestly, I-I-I swear! TH-This never happened!
Mamimi : Okay. That wasn't totally my fault. At least, I still got my dignity. Well, you know all the rules, never smoke at a work place.
Misato : Well, there goes our former glory.
Shinji : Wise choice.
Asuka : I feel like the other studios have the studio's remaining IPs, totally makes a statement about the economic fundings of anime in the industry. It's only the anime industry that is part of the mangaka industry, who's gonna make everyone popular in Japan?
Lain Iwakura : Hey, guys. I forgot to give all the data back to Gainax since the studio is about to go out of business---And there goes the legend. Well, great. There goes another studio going out of business.
Rei : I know.
~ Goodbye Gainax 1984-2024 ~
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vampire-chokehold · 1 year
land of monsters and gods
preface the thing lay still
▶ Her eyes were still open. It was, in fact, the only thing she could move at that moment. The pain was immense, and she had no breath left. Everyone was dead, although there was only one death that truly mattered to her. In front of her, after the direct and forceful strike of Akko wielding Santa Markovia's femur, Strahd had fallen to his knees. With the little strength he had left, he transformed into mist to return to his coffin, where, with a stroke of luck neither of them had, he would regenerate and end the battle. Sweat on his forehead dripping on either side of his face, his previously tied-back hair dishevelled and blood-soaked, strands sticking to his forehead. Remnants of other people splattered on the once immaculate armour, blood tracing constellations on the gleaming metal. His defeated figure, agonizing, the incessant gasps to cling to what was already impossible. She couldn't erase the image from her mind.
Then, footsteps shattered the silence in the tower. She knew it was the moment, but she was surprised when she saw Akko's figure looming over her. She couldn't see him well because her eyes were filled with tears. And his were too. Were his tears of sorrow? Or were they also of anger, like hers? He should have been happy, ecstatic, beside himself. Finally, all the promises would be fulfilled. Forgiveness was his forever. Why was Akko crying? Why was he looking at her like that?
They locked eyes for a few seconds, silently conveying all the things left unsaid. She didn't apologize, she had no kind words for him. Only curses escaped her. If she could have bitten her own tongue, she would have poisoned herself. He didn't apologize either for what he was about to do.
Akko pulled out the stake that Ezmerelda had given him. The wood felt smooth in his hand. He brought the tip close to the vampire's chest and held it there, their gazes still lost in each other's eyes. He hesitated, oh how he hesitated. She had been his friend, his adventure companion. They had experienced the worst moments of their lives together, as well as some of the best. But hesitation could never turn into forgiveness because she was stained with the blood of too many people.
A lightning bolt split the sky in two, and for a moment, the darkness in Barovia turned into light. She felt the thunder reverberate inside her as if it had shattered her as well, the shockwave reaching the ends of her body. Her fate was the same as Strahd's; their deaths had been sealed practically from the beginning. Everything had to have an end in order to start anew. They were bound together forever.
A sharp pain began to well up from her chest where her heart no longer beat. The stake had plunged deep, tearing through her skin. The blood remained still as if nothing had happened. As if every cell in her body was on fire, she felt her skin peel away and dissolve, her muscles and bones disintegrating. Akko took a few steps back, leaving the wood to sink into her body. A single tear slid down her face and onto the satin pillow of the coffin. Absolute and complete silence.
Nothing remained of what had once been the tiefling.
The horror that she had been was no more.
Akko leaned over to look inside the coffin. A dark silver ring with a ruby at its centre shimmered almost magically. When he held it between his fingers, he saw thick blood within the precious stone. A symbol of eternal love, a love that had to be destroyed at all costs. He tucked it into his pocket. It was not a decision to be made without consulting his friends.
On his way to the door, he noticed the book resting open on a worn wooden table covered in torn and crumpled papers. He approached hesitantly because he knew it was not the time to investigate, but curiosity had always driven him to make questionable decisions. In cursive handwriting, he read the first lines of what seemed to be a diary.
With his hands on my shoulders, we gazed at the picture of our future unfolding before us. In the darkness of the night, the campfires were mere orange dots scattered among the mountains. Silence reigned, but the next day the roads to our castle would be filled with all kinds of voices. Some would exclaim with joy, others with terror. I would hear yours among the rest of the commoners and instantly know that you had come to kill me. Hatred and rage are hard to swallow; they are always heard in words.
Nadia, will you come to my wedding too, or will you flee as you always do when things get ugly? It's okay; you don't have to be ashamed of your cowardice. I am too, a coward. My life has been a continuous forward escape. But that ends tomorrow. There is no more path to tread, and this time I won't jump off the cliff. I am ready to embrace my destiny.
"I'm proud of you, Vepharlim. I've finally found someone on my level. There are no more doubts. It's you."
He didn't want to read any further. His friend's words pierced his gut like thousands of knives. In that instant, he decided that his friends wouldn't know about the existence of that tome. The wound that Vepharlim had left in their hearts would take time to heal, but with her death, it had already begun to mend. Akko took the diary and put it in his backpack.
For the first time in a long while, unafraid of what awaited him outside, Akko left the tower, leaving behind a coffin that would never be occupied again.
Waterdeep hadn't changed much despite the years passing quickly and without respite. Its streets were still bustling with people of all kinds, regardless of the time, and the Yawning Portal Inn was no exception. Inside, people drank and chatted, laughter and commotion filling the place with a cheerful atmosphere that was always well received by both customers and staff. It seemed like it was going to be a calm night.
At a table near the door, Akko had left a jug of mead and a book with pages tinged red. He wrote thoughtfully along the edges of the pages with barely legible handwriting. His free hand held his head, the hair that was now slightly longer falling between his fingers. His glasses were starting to slip down his nose a bit. When he lifted his head to adjust them, he saw a diverse group entering the inn. Instantly, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. He saw Nadia, Sabriel, Galánidas, and even Vepharlim in them. The group of boys and girls came in laughing, with the one in the front recounting a tale that the rest found terribly funny. When they sat at one of the more secluded tables, a man with a questionable appearance approached them.
Akko had unconsciously followed them with his gaze. Intrigued, he stood up to eavesdrop on their conversation. He could only catch the last part when the man asked them to take a carriage to Barovia. Those words sounded too familiar to him. A succession of images began to appear in his mind, memories of what felt like a past life. It felt as if it burned him, so he took out the ring he had worn around his neck since that day when they managed to break the curse. He took off the pendant and examined the ruby very carefully. It was empty. The blood that had once filled the stone was no longer there.
His chest tightened, and he heard Nadia's words in his head. Perhaps they should have listened to her and destroyed it as soon as it came into their possession. Was it possible that the curse still haunted the poor inhabitants of Barovia? Had it all been in vain? No. Even if the curse had returned, there was no reason to lose hope. He now possessed not only vast magical knowledge but something even more valuable: Vepharlim's own words. He took out the diary that had always accompanied him, just like the ring, and slammed it on the table in front of the group of adventurers.
"If you're going to Barovia, I'll accompany you. But first, you have to read this tome. It is of vital importance that you do."
One of the girls looked at Akko very seriously and dragged the diary towards herself. Its brown leather cover had slightly bent corners from use. She looked back at Akko, who hadn't averted his gaze and now had both hands resting on the table, expectant. She opened the diary and began to read.
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em0ticonz · 1 year
id like to hear ab the racing au!
OMG wait OMG ok ok OH MY GODOD i had the best idea today so like in racing racers will connect their cars to reduce drag and make everyone pushing faster so like in the finale type thing I think it'd all the 3 teams boosting akko cus they believe in her oh my god (im so smart) !!! And akko has 1 sponsor (no one believes in her lwa tingz) so like her uniform car and all her appearances r sponsored by some fuck ass company (haven't come up w a joke name for it yet) i have more but this is getting too long and I wanna draw the.. cars connecting
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annoying--moth · 1 month
Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite magician characters? And what do you like about them?
They can be of any class or variety of magic-user (wizard, witch, sorcerer, warlock, healer, druid, etc.), of any race or species, so long as using magic is *primarily* their thing in the story. Not just something they do occasionally, but something that is a major element of their role and their identity.
Oh god I'm into a lot of fantasy things... Well Harry Potter is a big one, I'm especially a fan of Luna and Bellatrix (mainly cause Bellatrix is fun to draw)
I also like various witch anime characters, including Akko from Little Witch Academia and Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service
Oh and how could I forget my bbg Lisa from Genshin Impact (she's been my main since the beginning, though I have been considering switching her out for Raiden Shogun...) along with several other catalyst users (my main team includes Klee, Nahida, and Kokomi)
I am definitely missing several that I will punch myself in the face later for forgetting but here's a few
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deadnightcoffeetime · 10 months
The Monster Of Willow Creek (Tales Of Horror Segment 2) (COPY RIGHT) Page 27
Isaac and Steven are sitting on the edge of the patio, having a nice high time, laughing and coughing hard. “Yo. Where did you get this?”, said Steven. Isaac replies, as he passes the joint to Steven. “My cousin. He gave it to me last week. I kept it for a special occasion.”, said Isaac. A distinct woman’s voice can be heard from a far distance. “CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!?”, said a woman’s voice. Steven hears the woman’s distinct voice. “Hey, did you heard that?”, said Steven. Isaac replies, after taking a puff. “Heard what?”, said Isaac. The woman’s voice now gets louder. “CAN SOMEONE HELP ME?!?!”, said a woman’s voice. “See, did you heard that?!”, said Steven. “Yeah, I did.”, said Isaac. Steven slowly walks towards the trees, that Alyana entered yesterday. “It’s coming from this direction.”, said Steven. “Steven hold up. I’m coming with you.”, said Isaac. Steven waits, as Isaac gets up and puts off the joint, then flicks it. While walking up to Steven, the woman’s voice seems to be getting close. “CAN SOMEONE HELP ME, PLEASE?!?!”, said a woman’s voice. “Let’s go look for this woman.”, said Isaac. Isaac and Steven enters the forest and starts looking for the helpless woman. “It’s dark out here. Let’s use our phones for light.”, said Steven. “Good idea.”, said Isaac. Both took out their phones for light, and continues to safely search. Few minutes gone by for searching the helpless woman, but both guys couldn’t find the woman. “okay, this is weird. We heard the woman’s voice, but where the hell is she?!”, said Steven. “I don’t know. All I know is, this better not be a fucking joke!”, said Isaac. Out of nowhere, Tanya bumps into Steven, scaring the guys. Tanya is relieved to find people. “Oh, thank god!”, said Tanya. “Whoa, lady, are you okay?”, said Isaac. “No! I’ve been lost and running through these woods for a couple of days! I’m fucking hungry, and I was being hunted by a monster!”, said Tanya. “Okay, okay, calm down..We’ll take you to our cabin and feed you. And you can explain to us everything that happened.”, said Tanya. “No! We need to leave this -place! There’s something evil out here!”, said Tanya. “Well, first tell us everything at the cabin.”, said Isaac. “Fine!”, said Tanya. Isaac and Steven are heading back to their cabin with Tanya. A few feet away, the monster arrives, looking at the group walking back.
Leon, Alyana, and Michelle are getting dressed. A phone call occurs. It’s Leon’s phone that’s ringing. He answers. “What’s up, Isaac?”, said Leon. “Come to the cabin. We have to talk.”, said Isaac. “Okay, we’re on our way.”, said Leon. Alyana speaks, as Leon puts his phone away. “What happened?”. “Isaac wants us back at the cabin. He wants to talk to us about something.”, said Leon. Leon and Alyana, each grabbed a blanket. “Let’s go.”, said Leon, tithe three head back to the cabin, but gets startled by that same animalistic roar. “Shit! That thing again!”, said Michelle. “Fuck this! Let’s run back!”, said Alyana. They all start to run. Isaac, Steven, and Tanya-enters the cabin. “Akko her to the couch. I’m going to. Check if Becky and Eric, are here.”, said Isaac. Steven takes Tanya to the couch, while Isaac calls out for the others. “Becky! Eric!”. After placing Tanya on the couch, Steven speaks out. “Ll got get you some water and food.”. “Thanks!”, said Tanya. Steven goes to the kitchen to grab water and food. Isaac opens the door to Becky’s and Michelle’s room, only to see Becky and Eric are having sex. Both are interrupted, embarrassed and uncomfortable. “What the fuck!!”, said Becky. “Dude, don’t you knock?!”, said Eric. “Sorry, but we have to talk.”, said Isaac.“About what?”, said Eric. “Come to the living room, and you’ll see.”, said Isaac. “Alright. Just let us get dressed.”, said Eric. Eric leaves the room, heading back to the living room. “What do you think it could be?”, said Becky. “I don’t know. But, we’re going to find out.”, said Eric. Becky and Eric are getting dressed. Leon, Alyana, and Michelle, arrives at the porch, they enter the cabin. “We came here as fast as we could. What happened?”, said Leon. Eric moves out the way, letting them see Tanya. Tanya is drinking water and eating leftovers, next to Steven. “Who’s the woman?”, said Michelle. Tanya looks at them. Alyana recognizes Tanya from the article last week. “You’re Tanya. You and your boyfriend, Mathew, went missing a week before thanksgiving.”, said Alyana. “How do you know?”, said Steven. “I read something on a newspaper about her and her boyfriend, Mathew.”, said Alyana. Becky and Eric arrives at the living room, fully clothed. “What did we need to talk about?”, said Eric. Becky and Eric looks at Tanya. “Who’s her?”, said Becky. “Her name is Tanya. Steve and I bumped into her in the woods.”, said Isaac. “She also said we all need to get out of here.”, said Steven. “Leave?”, said Eric. “Yes! We all should leave here now!”, said Tanya. “Why? What’s wrong?”, said Becky. Tanya explains he story, the gang listens. “It started a week before thanksgiving. Mathew and I, came here to get away from stress for a week, and return home on the day before thanksgiving, but well, as you can see we didn’t. There were signs, or red flags out there that clearly said there’s something in the woods.”, said Tanya. “Like what?”, said Eric. “The first night, we heard this animalistic roar.”, said Tanya. The gang looks at each other, knowing they’ve heard the animalistic roar. Tanya continue to explain. “At first, we thought it was just a bear. So, we both ignored it, and went on with our night. The second night, that thing came back, roaring again. This time, Mathew wanted to check what it was, but, I was against the idea. But, in the other hand, I didn’t want to be alone. We checked it out, and saw a mess of, broken tree branches, rocks scattered all over, and claw marks. Then that roar happened again, this time louder, like it it was getting closer to us. We got scared, and we went back to our cabin. Right before heading back, I saw a tall, humanoid, creature with antlers on its head.”, said Tanya. Alyana is surprised to know she’s not the only one that has seen the wendigo. “On the third night, that thing comes back, and starts attacking and circling around our cabin, trying to get in. We had no choice, but to hide, in case it breaks it breaks in. Which it did. Both of us hid in the closet, hoping it won’t find us. Thankfully, it didn’t.
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cartoonbabbles · 2 years
Cartoon babbles about Little Witch Academia incoming.
In the absence of content from TOH, I’ve gotten back into anime. Specifically Studio Trigger stuff. I saw Kill la Kill thinking it wouldn’t have any lgbt stuff aside from the ending and then I realized the entire show is queer coded (and the animation on a technical level kicked ass). And while I ended up covering half the screen for most of it and mainly getting the story by listening, I thought it was pretty cool. But holy crap did I realize I completely slept on Little Witch Academia
Like. It’s if TOH was like. Lower stakes? Like they two shows read super similarly, outcast girl makes a group of misfit friends and changes things for the better yes yes we’ve all been there. I’d seen fanart of Diana and Akko and seen parallels drawn between them and Lumity and hell yes we love to see it.
And oh my god the animators and artists are so talented how did they make this show look so good and move so much like the colors designs the everything.
Also one thing about shipping in the fandom. I went in expecting a to see a lot more from Diana (and maybe I’ve been spoiled by Amity’s development) but honestly I wish we’d gotten to see more of her character development? Like she had her standard “we will put Akko and (x) in a boat and give them character development) but if I’m honest like. Come on. Diana’s motivations for going to Luna Nova are cool but could you be maybe a little less like. Idk. Gah it’s bugging me her entire family tradition, like one of her biggest factors in her character is kindness and for the entirety of the series leading up to that point she’s like. Just. Doesn’t really show that? Like I’m sorry maybe I’m reading into things too much but even among her own friends she seems isolated????????
Which brings me to the thing that surprised me the most about the show in that I really ended up liking the side characters. I wish Jasminka got more screen time and lines, but she makes a statement on her own and that’s really cool. Constanze is amazing, Sucy is my mood all the time and Lotte is really cool too. But like. I’m still not over Amanda because even between Diana and Akko, Amanda gets probably the most amount of time with Akko aside from her roommates. Like Akko and Amanda hang out together, and clearly Amanda trusts Akko enough to share her feelings about wanting to leave since Akko mentions this isn’t the first time Amanda had floated the idea. And their brains operate on the same frequency of chaos and crime (Akko steals food, Amanda tried stealing treasure. Apparently she’s from a well off family so I don’t get the motivation entirely but it was really freaking funny)
Like come on. Diana “I am going to actively put you down for most of the series and at most act aloof until we’re forced to interact” Cavendish and Amanda “well we got detention together that one time so I guess we’re besties and btw I’ll duel someone for you with a fucking sword” O’Neil just. Ackskdkwkdnsb
I’m really tired and not thinking straight (since when do I ever think straight hah) but man oh man
I haven’t even mentioned the mecha episode
My biggest complaint, if I had one, is that I wish the music matched the range of characters and emotions cuz a lot of the time they end up playing this one track. Like the music is super good but I wish there were more variety
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jackie-que-nothanks · 2 years
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Day 3: Long distance
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