#oh my god i hate the healthcare system
semiotomatics · 9 months
hahahaha i fucking hate my insurance company and i want them to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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redr0sewrites · 4 months
Sick!Sevika x reader Hcs
🥀A/n: back on my bullshit‼️
🥀Cw: fluff, comfort, kinda angsty but only if u tilt your head, put on glasses, and squint
🥀Character(s): Sevika x reader
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sick? her? she still has to do silco's dirty work, she doesn't have time to be sick- or weak in any form
sevika absolutely overworks herself when she's sick, i said what i said. she practically doesn't believe in weakness, and thinks she can just "push through" the natural way
she can be so stubborn about self care, it genuinely makes you want to scream
there isn't exactly good healthcare in the undercity, but she absolutely seems like the type to take 15 advil and call it a day. she might evn try taking shimmer to "boost her immune system" pls stop her
you have to practically force her to bed, sevika could be seconds away from collapse and still claim that she's "fine", but with enough pleading she'd take a break
it isn't long before she just passes out though
at first, sevika would be a liiitle bit irritated at your worries, claiming that she can handle herself, but feels bad once she realizes how much you genuinely care. she does NOT have an appetite when she's sick but would, begrudgingly, at least try to eat if you asked
she gets headaches a lot. this is just a personal hc, but i really feel like she would get a bunch of tension headaches. sevika HATES them so much, and would be really appreciative of massages
its one of the few ways to actually get her to relax when she's feeling unwell, just say a few sweet words and start rubbing her upper back and she'll practically melt (but she'll never admit it ;)
sevika isn't used to having someone take care of her, and will try her best to make it up to you
that being said, she's not above trapping you in bed with her all day for cuddles- she doesn't care about germs, she just wants you close to her
i feel like she wouldn't be the talkative type when she's sick, and would be a lot more affectionate. you are NOT leaving the bed, she's practically clinging to you with her arm thrown over your body
will respect your wishes to not kiss on the mouth, and gives you a lot of forehead and hand kisses
she has an adorable sneeze. i think it's hilarious when tough, strong characters just have this adorable chipmunk sneeze.
pretty pliant when it comes to taking medicine and other forms of healing, and once she isn't sick anymore she definitely pampers you (more than usual) to pay you back
"y'dont have to do that, doll," Sevika murmurs as you massage her neck, her voice raspy from exhaustion. "i know, but i want to," you reply, gently kissing the top of her head as you apply some more pressure to her spine. she sighs, leaning backwards into your touch ever so slightly. the chair she's sitting on creaks as you continue your ministrations, relaxing all of the knots in her muscles and working away at all of the excess tension. Sevika suddenly inhales sharply and you pause, worrying that you hurt her, only for her to sneeze softly. "oh my god Sev..."
"don't start."
"was that your sneeze?" Sevika grumbles, turning away from you as you giggle. "its so cute! who would've known..."
"shut up."
"aww, but you love me, don't you Sev?" Sevika sighs, turning around to face you on the chair. she gently grabs your face, pulling you down to her level where she kisses your forehead. "f'course i do, brat. now shut up and finish my massage, i'm tired." you chuckle again at her prickly attitude before giving a mock salute. "yes ma'am!" Sevika mutters a few words under her breath that sound suspiciously like brat, and not cute, but turns around and eases back into your touch anyways. her back muscles ripple as you supply relief to her sore spots.
fuck, what a woman. how you pulled her you will never know. Sevika suddenly bursts into a coughing fit, chest heaving slightly as she leans forward to steady herself. "shit, that doesn't sound pleasant," you say, and Sevika merely turns and rolls her eyes. "when's the last time you've slept?" you ask accusingly, and Sevika, failing to supply you with an acceptable answer, proceeds to stand up and follow you as you practically drag her to bed.
"you, my dear, need rest". you accentuate the last word, and watch as your lover smirks at you. "only if you join me," she quips, and you don't even hesitate before crawling into bed next to her. your so weak for her, it isn't even funny. Sevika pulls you close, your back up against her chest and her arm thrown across your body. you can feel her breathe on your neck, and you swear you hear her say, "i love you".
"what was that, Sev?" you tease, already feeling exhaustion weigh on your eyelids. "go to sleep," she grumbles, pressing a hasty kiss to the back of your neck.
"i love you too."
guess whos sick rn 😔 i thrive off of reverse comfort it isn't even funny. ANYWAYS hope yall enjoyed!!!!!! i loooove sevika soo much.
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rikamae · 11 months
I understand now. I understand all of it.
All those times politicians claimed something was "too complicated" "not that simple" "we don't have the money" it's all lies to keep us complacent.
They did it about the situation is Israel. "It's too complicated" everyone said. It didn't look complicated when I did my own research, away from those shitty think pieces talking down to me. Israel was a state built off the blood of Palestinians, and they simply do not want you to think about it. Because there is oil in the middle east and Israel is our only "Ally"
Wow, so complicated! The complicated part being that our media is tricking us into thinking this is so complex so they can be evil in plain sight: yes, so complicated of a situation!!
And today I wake up to find that the House of Representatives (the lowest level of US government) has passed a bill offering 14 billion to Israel! It will go to the Senate to vote. Wow, billion with a B huh? I got a question for you.
Where the fuck did we get enough money to fund genocide? Where the hell was all this money when it comes to supporting the Americans you politicians claim to be representing? Where was this money for free college, universal Healthcare, covid precautions, the climate crisis??
"It's just too complicated! You'll make us do cuts on other programs! You'll make us raise taxes!! Think of the taxes!!!"
Then where did this money come from? Oh, the IRS, the fucking company that handles our taxes??? Yeah????? That was an option? Why wasn't it an option before but it is now? Were they over funded and we just didn't notice until now? Or are you taking advantage of the situation to cut funding to another service you hate?? The point being: if they really want something, they can find the fucking money. They haven't because they don't want to.
It's never been complicated. It's their job to move money around. It's their fucking job to raise our taxes and provide for us, but the only people they truly represent are the ones filling their pockets with lobby money. They could have done this long ago, given us what we've been demanding, but they coddled us and said it was too complicated and our baby brains couldn't handle it. And God forbid you be a woman!! That means you're double unable to understand!
Enough. Fucking enough. Every year congress votes to increase their wages and refuses to raise our minimum wage. Every year they take advantage of their medical insurance and benefits they get for "representing" us when nearly every adult I know is left to suffer with their conditions: untreated sicknesses, chronic conditions, the depression that looms over us because we live in the most wealthy country in the world but we can't make ends meet and our government is more concern with funding armies that feeding and housing us
Politics was never complicated. They just told us it was. To shut us up. To make us feel young and idealistic and stupid. And we fell for it. And now evil is moving through the wills of our leaders IN OUR FUCKING NAMES to support a genocide in the middle east. Their only crime was being born on that land. Their only crime is being Arab. That's not a fucking crime.
Our system isn't complicated. It's working as intended. Keep the people blind and claim that it's too hard, leave all the details to them. But we are smarter than they are. We are informed. The world is connected like never before and I refuse to let their propaganda ever reach me again.
Hold them accountable. Know their names. Write it in the history books. Let their legacy be known to the end of times.
Be loud about your anger. Go to protests. Write your reps to tell them your vote is on the line. And for God's sake vote in the damned elections!
They want you to think it's complicated. It never has been. Be loud. Vote. Use your right to protest. Use your right to free speech. Use your right to petition. Next Tuesday is election day. Make it fucking count.
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gnostiquette · 2 years
the satan: oh foolish mortal...i greet you, to reveal your desires unto you! me: ok hey what's up the satan: i have decided to test you, to-day, to discern your commitment to The Good me: sounds great! so, do i have to reject a kingdom of glory and riches or refuse to jump off a building and make God save me or— the satan: oh no none of that. this'll be much simpler. i am going to present you with a series of ethical situations! ahahaha! me: oh sweet i think about these all the time the satan: perfect...it is time for The First Situation! now, picture a city that is so perfect, everyone is happy and no one is ever sad and there's cakes and festivals and orgies and— me: is this Omelas the satan: me: like this is just gonna be the Le Guin story with the kid in the basement right the satan: ...yeah. ok so there's the kid and the basement and there's the torture, ok yeah you know this one. right. so anyway...you have just learned about the kid being tortured in the basement. what is your judgement here? me: well uh, i guess i walk away the satan: aha but i didn't ask you what you'd do, did i? me: oh come on you tricky little fuck. ok. yeah this situation sucks the satan: and why, pray tell, do you say that is, despite all the happiness and nonsadness and cakes and festivals and orgies and whatnot? me: i suppose it's just that none of that shit justifies torturing a kid in a basement forever. also all that shit sounds kinda gay when you put it like that. like some weird Dutch fag shit the satan: ah. well, moving on, you whimsy-hating homophobe— me: what, just because i say that sounds like Dutch fag shit makes me homophobic? i'm gay you know i can call shit fag shit if i want the satan: —moving on, you would agree with the statement that whatever the consequence, it is inherently wrong to torture a child, hmm? me: well yeah that sounds about right the satan: aha...! me: wait why'd you make that noise the satan: wh-what me: that clicking noise. that was you right the satan: oh no no noise of things clicking into place emanated from my nostrils me: you worded that pretty weirdly, you know the satan: it's time for The Second Situation! you have cro— me: damn you just straight up evaded what i was saying the satan: —you have crossed The First Situation, i was saying, so now it is time for round two. ahem. now, firstly, would you agree that, in general, lying and stealing and cheating are bad? me: well, yeah. i don't like lying, and in general it seems pretty fucked up to cheat and steal the satan: so now you have come across a man in the street who is starving and wounded. after one hour he will die if he is not fed and treated for his wound. there is a store nearby but you are flat broke and have no pocket money, and begging isn't an option. even if you ask your friends to PayPal you they will not be able to get back to you for another two hours. the ER is too far away and there's too much traffic for an ambulance to arrive and take him there in less than an hour and a half, but there is a clinic nearby able to take anyone immediately. however the clinic only accepts people with insurance, and neither of you have an insurance card. you are, however, fairly confident that you can make up fake details that they would be willing to accept. me: what are you trying to write a Jacobin article or something. i'm already a socialist, you don't need to lay out how fucked up our healthcare system or whatnot is, i already know— the satan: okok sure this would never happen under socialism blahblahblah the point is what would you do in this situation me: but in the last one the point was my judgement not what i do. this is getting confusing the satan: DIFFERENT SITUATIONS HAVE DIFFERENT RULES OK?? GOD JUST LEAVE IT AT THAT FOR NOW God: OH HEY SATAN DID YOU JUST CALL UPON ME the satan: HOLD ON I'M STILL TESTING THIS GUY GIVE ME A SECOND God: OH OK THAT'S YOUR JOB AFTER ALL. I SHALL LEAVE YOU TO IT. JUST DON'T BE TOO MEAN
the satan: FUCK. ok. ok. anyway here's the question. assuming you're also relatively confident you can shoplift without getting caught, do you steal a couple things from the store for the man to eat and do you present fake information to the clinic to get them to accept the guy and treat his wound me: yeah totally. i don't want him to die or anything. i'd gladly do just about anything to save someone's life the satan: so in other words, doing bad things like lying, stealing, and cheating in order to accomplish a good thing such as saving a life is good, right? me: sure, i'd say so the satan: AAAAAHH-HAA! i have TRAPPED you! for your response to the first situation implies that good inheres in the act itself, regardless of consequences, and your response to the second implies that good inheres in the consequences of an act, regardless of the means!
me: i mean...not necessarily? like— the satan: wh-what do you mean, mortal me: well, perhaps i think the negative consequences of torture for the child far outweigh the positive consequences for everyone else the satan: what the fuck is that you're doing me: oh i mean you're doing red text, i figure i do blue text, i figure this is like an Umineko thing or whatever the satan: fine. sure. you can do that. whatever. none of this matters to me. why did i pick this fucking job in the first place me: the satan: ...ok, the townspeople get far more happiness than the kid gets suffering me: but what if suffering itself is worth more in moral accounting than happiness, for instance the satan: then how about this? in the second example, you could have caused the shop to shut down due to lost trust with the distributor! you could have caused the clinic to lose their licence over insurance fraud! those could have easily caused far more suffering than if the man simply passed out and died after an hour! me: that's...that sounds far-fetched, but you said it in red, so. ok what if good actually inheres in the character of the person doing the act, so a virtuous person would refuse to sanction torturing a child for the greater good and gladly steal and cheat to save a man's life the satan: virtue ethics is unable to provide actionable guidance! me: oh? the satan: all you can do is imagine what a virtuous person would do, and different people have wildly different imaginations! me: well hmm. that's fair. i'm not sure i could personally live with that, especially in an age where we're getting ever closer to potentially misaligned AI. what if there's rules that say you must never do some things but then other rules can be broken if there's something more important the satan: if those rules exist, then list them off and justify them to me >: ) me: uh, don't torture, don't rape...don't kill is up there, but what if you're killing someone to defend someone else...wait fuck no, what about bombing civilians to end a war, that doesn't sound justifiable at all...god damn it... God: OH HELLO YES I'M BACK the satan: NO FUCK NO WAIT NO God: HELLO DEAR SWEET MORTAL CHILD. IS MY EMPLOYEE BEING TOO HARD ON YOU? OH DEAR I CAN GIVE YOU AN ANSWER IF THIS IS GOING TOO POORLY the satan: oh come on please just let me do my job like normal God: MY DEAR LITTLE CREATURE I HOPE YOU KNOW YOU CAN SIMPLY RELY ON MY EDICT AND ALL THESE DILEMMAS BECOME AS DUST IN THE BROOM OF AN OLD FAT LADY me: why thank you, my Lord, but no matter how perfect You are, it remains that divine command theory is a fundamentally subjectivist theory that cannot provide a truly objective and impersonal basis for ethics, and subjective morality is not a risk i'm really willing to take God: BUT AREN'T I PERFECT FOR YOU AND ALL THINGS MY PRECIOUS LITTLE CREATION me: why, yes, but there's a small but persistent chance You're a figment of my imagination, just like the satan over here, and— the satan: hhHHEYYY NOW me: —and i know that You love righteousness, so really i'd rather continue pleasing You even if You weren't around to tell me what righteousness is God: WHY THAT IS VERY SWEET OF YOU. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M JUST GOING TO STRAIGHT UP LIFT YOU TO HEAVEN LIKE THAT MERRY OLD FELLOW FAUST me: wait huh the satan: w-wait Lord don't you think you're being a bit hasty in judgement a chorus of angels: [grabbing me and lifting me into the aether] ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*HE WHO STRIVES ON AND LIVES TO STRIVE CAN EARN REDEMPTION STILL*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ me: [rapidly disappearing into the sky, utterly bewildered] wait. hold on. hold up. wait,
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I feel like I'm constantly talking like a broken record, lol, leftists this, leftists that.
Sometimes it's surreal to see myself typing that and agreeing with it, given I used to be very left wing myself until the response on the left to October 7th. And I hate the idea that it's giving other people the impression that I'm conservative--I'm not. I have some views that I'd share with conservatives--being a Zionist being one of them... obviously.
But I'm literally bisexual. I support same-sex marriage. I think democracy is the best form of government, that the US should have universal healthcare, should abolish the Electoral College (National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, I'm praying for you). I think the invasion of Ukraine is a monstrous crime and Putin is a threat to world peace. I think systemic racism is a real thing in the United States, as is police brutality against black people. I think vaccines work, and mandates are a good idea. I think most right-wing politicians are right-wing populists more interested in causing democratic backsliding and peddling conspiracies than they are in fixing literally anything.
But I can't call myself a leftist anymore, even with this set of values. Why? Because--oh, God--I believe Israel has the right to exist. And to defend itself.
I'm not even some radical on Israel unlike some friends of mine--I think it's a travesty that Israel hasn't yet legalized same-sex marriage or established a civil marriage system. I think the 2018 Nation-State Law was racist in making Arabic no longer a co-official language with Hebrew. I think Bibi is one of those aforementioned populists. I think Israel has a democratic backsliding problem.
But the rest of the left--the rest of the queer community, especially--has made it clear in no uncertain terms that I am not welcome among them anymore. Like, they genuinely think I'm a genocide defending fascist, which is just so weird to me sometimes. Yeah, me, the fascist who thinks queer rights should be non-negotiable in any society. And they, who are posting pro-Hamas slogans, are the ones standing against genocide and bigotry. Uh huh. Oo-kay.
I don't want to constantly be saying 'Oh, the left...' and 'Leftists when...' like I'm some boomer posting shitty memes on Facebook. The right has its share of problems, too. And I'm sure they'll do something soon to make their antisemitism known as well--especially as the 2024 presidential election draws nearer.
But right now, the immediate threat isn't in Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, or whoever. I'm more worried about being accosted by pro-Palestine protestors with something to prove than I am about neo-Nazi gangs. And so are most Jews right now. And that's why I'm posting about the left more than the right here... even though my values are mostly left.
Oh, the wonders of being politically homeless!
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123 for 🧟:
Buck feels relieved. She didn’t travel all this way not to have a support system in him. 
“Hershey didn’t get the worst of the outbreaks,” Maddie says. “Roads closed from Harriburg, and… Well, it was stemmed.”
Buck remembers that, from the early days. Before the internet went out. He’d tried to reach out. Even to his parents. 
“But everyone went into lockdown mode,” Maddie says. “At first I thought that would exclude me, being in healthcare. I thought I was needed more than ever.”
“Weren’t you?” Buck asks. 
“Oh, I think probably.” Maddie admits. “But Doug came home one day with new guns and told me neither of us was leaving the house again. Not without his say so.”
“What the fuck?” 
“I think he was happy, honestly. Society had gone to hell, and he didn’t have to be careful anymore.” Her eyes tear up a little. “He could do whatever he wanted.”
Buck’s blood goes cold. He knew Doug didn’t treat her right. Didn’t treat her well at all. But what she’s implying? If he had known… Oh god. He would have never left her. 
“Don’t say sorry,” she says firmly. “I worked hard to make sure you didn’t know, okay? It’s why… It’s why we lost contact.”
Buck’s head hangs a little. “I would have helped you.”
“I know. That’s why. He would have killed you.”
Buck sighs. “So what happened?”
“He got sick,” Maddie says. “Went out on a supply run one afternoon, came back sick. Infected.”
“Shit.” Buck hisses.
“So I shot him.” Maddie says, very quietly. 
“My god, Maddie.” Buck exhales. “I’m so sorry. That must have been awful.”
“It was,” she agrees. “But I wasn’t going to die there. Become infected or wait for him to fully turn and… Eat me.”
“I’m so glad you didn’t,” Buck replies. “I’m so glad you survived.”
“Me too,” she says, inhaling a little. Like she’s convincing herself. 
“Can I ask what happened to Mom and Dad?” Buck asks. 
They’re obviously not close. Never were. He hasn’t worried for them, the same way he’s worried for Maddie. But it’s not like he wishes them harm. Though, harm has come for most people anyway. 
Maddie shakes her head a little.
“I don’t know entirely,” she admits. “By the time I left and was able to check on them, the house was abandoned. No trace of them. No remains.”
Buck bites the inside of his cheek. So it will always be a question, then. 
“Sorry,” Maddie says. 
Buck shakes his head. “No, that’s… I mean, everyone has people like that, right?”
She nods. “I’m glad you’re not one of them, now.”
Buck throat feels tight. “Same with you.”
Buck starts his shift on cams after Maddie is asleep. He’s on from eight until two in the morning, when Bobby will switch with him. 
It sounds painfully boring, but Buck doesn’t hate cam shifts. He did at first. The stillness was grating. Drove him crazy. He learned to entertain himself, over the past months. He can’t read, really. He could miss something. But he can listen to music or audiobook CDs. Not just CDs, either. Karen’s iPhone is still in good shape, and it had dozens of audiobooks, podcasts, and music downloaded onto it. She leaves it in the cams room with a charger for whoever is on shift. So there is a lot for Buck to do to occupy his mind. Even if some of the podcast episodes and audiobooks start to get repetitive on the second or third listen. 
Tonight, he’s listening to a nonfiction selection of Karen’s. Something academic and a bit smarter than Buck. But the only way he learns is by challenging himself, so he’s trying to focus. It’s nearing ten o’clock. Most everyone has gone to bed. It’s been a long, tiring day. Full of activity. 
All this to say, Buck is surprised when he sees someone pop up on the security camera. Not just someone. Eddie. He’s walking, purpose in his step, down the hallway connecting to the front foyer, right out the big glass entryway doors. Oh. Well, that’s stupid. The doors lock from the outside. Bobby locks them before he goes to bed. Buck will have to leave his post to let him back in, which is annoying. 
He’s about to do as much, making the short walk to bang on the glass and let Eddie know, when what he sees on the screen stops him short. Eddie walks to the side of the building, leans against a brick wall, and starts to cry. 
Well, this is very awkward. 
And, hey, there’s nothing wrong with crying. Buck has cried twice today. One over the radio, once over his sister returning. No shame in it. It’s just that, Buck has all the off-cam good crying spots down. Including his private room. This poor guy doesn’t realize Buck can see him. 
He shouldn’t watch. Surely no zombies or other forms of villain will come in the next… Well, how long does it take to cry? Buck doesn’t know. He doesn’t know anything about this guy. Other than that he saved Maddie. Really, the polite thing to do would be to turn away and give him a minute. He’s going to. Definitely. 
Except, he finds he can’t look away. 
Something in his heart cracks, watching this guy. He’d seemed friendly and collected earlier. Steady. Not like someone hours away from weeping. Maybe that’s just a front. Maybe he wants to seem tough in front of his kid. Buck thinks he could understand that, despite not being a parent. 
The crying lasts less than ten minutes. Buck watches Eddie straighten himself up, rub his eyes, and turn back towards the entrance. Which is still locked. Shoot. Buck bounces to his feet, leaves the cam room, and jogs down the hallway towards the entrance. By the time he reaches the door, Eddie is trying the handle to no avail, a panicked expression on his face. 
Buck reaches forward and opens the door. 
“Sorry, man,” he says. “It locks from the inside. Safety.”
“No, right,” Eddie nods. “That makes sense. Thanks for letting me in.”
“Don’t mention it,” Buck shrugs. Really. He literally saved Maddie’s life. Buck opened the damn door. Not the same level of effort.
“How did you know I was here?” Eddie asks.
Buck’s cheeks go a little red. “Uh…”
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misschinablue · 4 months
welcome to the UK, where world leading healthcare is free at the point of use! hopefully you don't need it though. underfunding and shitty management of the public health sector by non clinicians mean you could wait up to six months for an urgent referral. hope all your organs are in good working order because you could die waiting if they're not :) and god forbid you should need to see a GP or a practice nurse for something more minor - the demand highly outweighs the supply and you'll be engaging in the hunger games to maybe get a 10 minute telephone appointment in September 2026 :) mental health suffering? well you are shit out of luck my friend - again, demand far outweighs supply - everything has been cut down to less than the absolute bare minimum - and the criteria for services is sky high now. make a cup of tea and take the crisis line number. you'll be fine right?
welcome to the UK, one of the richest economies in the world! how is it then that living standards are as low as they were in the 1970s, what with the old cossie lives and wages that were already laughably meagre now completely out of sync with how fucking expensive everything is?? i know you worked hard to get your education and onto your graduate scheme and did everything society asked of you to make it in life, but things are different now so here's your mouldy room in a shared house where the rent is a million pounds a month and lol what disposable income aren't you just happy to have a roof of your head?? stop going to Costa every morning for your soy triple shot vanilla latte you entitled little shit! it's not like we've had 14 years of complete mismanagement of the economy or anything! ps. aren't you so tired of hearing that it's all your fault?
welcome to the UK, where we have a welfare system designed to help people.in need, I.e. those out of work and those too sick to work! but good luck accessing that too. and if you want to try - LMFAO! oh honey no one LIKES working. but all this pretending to be too unwell to work ain't fooling anyone! come on mate drop that defeatist attitude and get on indeed.com. none of your conditions are even real. stop using your multiple sclerosis/depression/long covid/terminal cancer as an excuse. fucking sickness culture in this country. the high rates of mental illness especially have no obvious cause at all do they?
welcome to the UK, a tiny country that prides itself on tolerance and has historically seen great benefits to the economy and culturally from immigration! but god forbid we make this an easy place to live for trans people! this Woke has gone too far! and oh my GOD aren't all these refugees SO annoying?! they clearly just want to come here for the free healthcare (you know that non existent thing) and to get welfare benefits (you know asylum seekers aren't entitled to benefits apart from a pittance allowance from the home office right?) and they're absolutely not braving a life threatening journey to escape horrific conditions and persecution in their own country. but whatever. not our problem. off to Rwanda with you. human rights are stupid lmao. empathy? compassion? never heard of her.
welcome to the UK, where we support genocide and saying certain things in opposition of it is actually fucking illegal. i wish i was kidding.
welcome to the UK, where nothing works and everyone is sad.
welcome to the UK. god i fucking hate it here.
british tumblr - even if you don't think it will make a difference, even if you recognise there is just a lesser of two evils here, even if you don't trust any of them, even if you're fucked off and burnt out, i am BEGGING you to vote to get these absolute cretins out of power. we cannot have another five years under tory rule. there will be nothing left.
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shadowsandsunset · 6 months
Spoilers for s7e5 9-1-1 under cut:
So I'm watching live and I am missing parts because of a tornado warning but:
Opening? Funny as hell. Poor Eddie. His poor balls.
Karen and Hen preparing for a baby with Chim and Maddie and then not getting a baby? But a little girl age 9? Interesting.
Buck being awkward and closeted with Tommy.
Eddie interrupting? Marisol moving in? Ooooof.
Tommy being like "I don't think you're ready" ow my heart. He's absolutely right to do so. Love Tommy!
Hen and Karen meeting the little girl.
Tornado warning. Ugh. Btw, I'm out of the path of the tornado warning, it's further south of me but I'm getting the warning anyway.
Buck going to Maddie for advice and then playing the pronoun game "this person".
Maddie catching on... "Now you're more than an ally"
Then.... "it's the same Tommy... Eddie's friend..." With a frankly judgy stare Lmfao
Maddie is giving good advice even if taken off guard but being supportive like we knew she would be. Maddie is awesome.
Then Eddie and Marisol in bed in the next scene...her boxes everywhere.
Also hello shirtless Eddie, welcome back, good to see ya.
Marisol was almost a fucking Nun??? Eddie making jokes about being spanked...
Back to the little traumatized girl with Hen and Karen. Karen and Hen are such good moms. This poor kid tho. I don't know what has happened to this kid but goddamn, my heart.
Ooh Buck what are you doing with Eddie... Eddie is being weird about the nun thing lol and talking about his reservoir of Catholic guilt
"like sea monkeys" "no"
Something something tornado warning
"I haven't been able to...you know...since I found out"
"which is why you're so pent up"
Buck backing out of telling Eddie about his recent sexual exploration...
Hen and Cap talking about the traumatized girl. This is heartbreaking. The whole situation is heartbreaking. Poor Denny, he's such a a good kid. But like...why isn't this girl in therapy of some sort? Shit. Like...shit. I hate the US healthcare system. But something is going on and like...idk.
Again, this tornado warning is annoying. I'm missing half the convos and my closed captions aren't working properly.
Hen and Karen are struggling, which I understand, and I think they're trying but with cases like this...
Now Eddie and Cap are talking about Marisol... And his commitment issues... I swear to God Cap was going to say "military, your job, ... Buck" lmfao
"I would probably go to confession, wouldn't want to get on her ex's bad side...the Lord"
Dog attack? Parallels to the little girl? Ooh, heavy handed metaphors...
Wait, does Hen just know dog CPR? Cool.
Oh yay, the dog doesn't die! Hen is now committed to helping the little girl.
Mara is the little girl's name, Athena is helping... The girl's parents were criminals, died to OD. The girl called 911. This poor kid.
Buck and Eddie... Ooof. I'm not spoiling this. I love you all. Ok.
I will say Eddie didn't seem super surprised about it but the fucking tornado warning drowned out half of the scene. I am pissed. I'm going to have to rewatch this later.
Buck is the cutest little bisexual and I love him. I really do.
Eddie...and Marisol. Nuns. Moving In. Not moving in. Blah blah don't care. Sorry not sorry.
More with this new kid and Karen. God, Hen is lucky AF. Karen is amazing and I want to marry her.
Buck and Tommy! Yes. Yessss. Awwww. I love them. Buck is growing up! Tommy is fucking amazing. He's so gentle and kind and and awwwww.
The boys showing up for the wedding like that... lmfao. Omg. We gotta wait two weeks for The Hangover: 9-1-1 edition.
This episode is not what we wanted for Buddie but uh... There is still time? Maybe? There's always fanfiction.
Also? Tommy? I like him. I hope we keep him.
Also? Friendship is never a consolation prize. If they ever end up together or not, the love is there and that matters. The love always matters.
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sylvyspritii · 2 months
I fucking hate the imperial measurement system so much
I will defend the metric system to my dying breath, this is the hill I choose to die on
Americans, you are fed years of propaganda, open your eyes, the only reason you "prefer" imperial is because you grew up with it, it is a part of the cultural nationalism that is spoonfed to you
But I promise you, if you get used to metric, it will feel so much more natural and intuitive (especially conversions, oh my god i love that everything is either /10 or *10 it's so fucking easy), but you gotta get over that initial hurdle of "oh no it's scary because it's unfamiliar", just like with free healthcare and high speed rail, trust me, it won't hurt you, it'll heal you
(Half serious half joking)
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thessalian · 5 months
Thess vs Israel
Wow. I'm getting some shit over my reblog at the moment. I'm not really sure why, given that all I was saying was that on this one issue, there is no Presidential candidate at this stage in the game who is not being an asshole about supporting Israel over Palestine. I am aware that the US vetoed Palestine joining the UN, and while Biden did say that UN membership for Palestine should be an eventual end goal, I figure that those words are just about worth the air used to speak them. I am aware that the US is still selling weapons to Israel and not condemning Israel for the Palestinian genocide.
Thing is? I don't live in the US. But I do live in a country that takes the same view on Israel as the US (and in fact has at least attempted to declare the waving of a Palestinian flag an antisemitic hate crime), and a country that entirely screwed itself over by voting on a single issue in very recent memory. In fact, I live in a country that supposedly doesn't have nearly the two-party system issues the US does but functionally does. I know first-hand the problems that come with throwing support at a third party in a two-party system, especially when voter suppression comes into play.
(Look, the government in this country literally admitted that their fucking voter ID laws were gerrymandering and only have issues with it because it didn't have the effect they wanted to, and then further admitted to setting more restrictions so that the gerrymandering will work they way they want it to. So you might say I'm a little sensitive to the issues surrounding what happens to one's vote.)
The thing I feel the need to underline is that you have to fix your own oxygen mask first. The US has its own struggles - the repeal of Roe vs Wade. The various "Don't Say Gay" laws. The gods-awful labour laws in ... it was Kentucky or Louisiana, possibly both. I couldn't tell you what's going on state-to-state, but it's a mess over there. And the reason I couldn't tell you is because we're having our own shit-show over here. The combination of Brexit and climate change-induced shitty weather is going to leave us with food shortages this year, and the increased rate of inflation and stagnant wages means most of us aren't going to be able to afford the food that is available. Frankly, that's been getting worse for years, as more and more of the Brexit-related policies have had to be enacted. The water companies are going bankrupt and deciding to ask for a 56% increase in water prices while diverting money to shareholders instead of ... oh, I don't know, building new reservoirs so we don't have a drought in one of the rainiest countries on the planet every single year. Our right to protest has been curtailed to ridiculous degrees - as in, we have the right to protest, but it's in name only and police will come shut us down if someone declares that our protest is "annoying" or "disruptive". They just passed a bill that, if enacted the way the government wants it to be, is going to get refugees shipped to fucking Rwanda, which the Supreme Court and damn near everyone else have declared unsafe. Not to mention that our universal healthcare system is all but entirely dismantled, the fitness to work of the disabled is going to be assessed by call centre staff with checklists instead of actual doctors, and the benefits of the disabled are apparently going to be scrapped in favour of "ways to help the disabled get back to work". And don't even get me started on the way the trans community is being treated in this country. Not just state-to-state; the entire country.
So, yes, I give a shit about Palestine. But what the fuck good am I going to be to the people of Palestine if I myself am starving, persecuted, and being pushed beyond my physical capabilities? I can care about Palestine without voting against my own interests, and that means tactical voting.
...Well, ordinarily it would, anyway. But the problem - which was the whole point of my comment on that reblog - is that both parties that stand a fucking chance of winning are on the same wavelength as regards Palestine. The Tories are perfectly happy to keep selling arms to Israel. And Labour? Starmer won't even admit that the very visible war crimes are actual war crimes - and he was a human rights lawyer. If I cannot guarantee that a party that will even attempt to stand up to Israel will take office, and I mean 100% guaranteed chance (which is not third parties, not in a two-party system)? Then I have to vote in my own interests.
I care very much about Palestine. However, I am not going to set myself on fire to keep Palestine warm, especially when I'm damn sure it wouldn't be keeping Palestine warm either way.
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Obey Me As Parks & Rec #10
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Simeon: I just need you to stay calm, okay
Lucifer: I’m just gonna stay angry
Lucifer: I find it relaxes me
Satan: Dear frozen yogurt, you are the celery of desserts. Be ice cream or be nothing
Diavolo: There’s one thing I hate more than lying. Skim milk which is water that’s lying about being milk
Luke: We have to remember what’s important in life. Friends, waffles, work. Or waffles, friends, work. But work has to come third.
Beelzebub: I always carry emergency s’mores rations in my car
Diavolo: One place asked me if I wanted kale in my milkshake.
Diavolo: My milkshake you guys
Solomon: The municipal employee healthcare system is kind of crappy. One time I sprained my wrist and our insurance claimed having a wrist was a preexisting condition
Asmodeus: Oh my god Simeon! When you check your email you go to Alta vista and type “please go to yahoo.com”?
Simeon: How else would I do it?
Asmodeus: Simeon, you don’t deserve the internet
Mammon: Jogging is the worst! I know it keeps you healthy, but god at what cost
Thirteen: One time my refrigerator stopped working. I didn’t know what to do, I just moved
Belphegor: I don’t want to seem over dramatic. But I don’t really care about what happens here.
Diavolo: You’re stranded on a desert island. What is one thing you bring with you?
Barbatos: Silence
Mephistopheles: I like Belphegor. He doesn’t do a lot of work around here. He shows zero initiative. He’s not a team player he’s never one to go the extra mile.
Mephistopheles: Belphegor is exactly what I’m looking for in a government employee
Mammon: You can wait at the table and someone will be here sometime
Little D no. 2: But aren’t you here now?
Mammon: No
Mammon: I made my money the old-fashioned way
Mammon: I got run over by a Lexus
Diavolo: I need anyone with a pulse and a brain to pitch in
Mammon: Hey, Diavolo, do you need help with anything?
Diavolo: No, we’re good thanks. I’m fact, you can head home early
Raphael: I don’t like loud noises and people making a fuss and I especially don’t like people celebrating because they know a piece of private information about me. Plus the whole thing is a scam. Birthdays were invented by hallmark to sell cards.
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clare-with-no-i · 2 years
hi clare!!!! very random (I’m clearly having a wild NYE), but if you don’t mind, I’m super curious about your opinions re: sarah koenig and true crime journalists. I saw you posted about it a while back on clarewashere (I would have submitted this ask there but that blog didn’t have an ask option!). I have always hated true crime podcasts but I know you’re super educated on the criminal justice system and I would love to hear your perspective
totally feel free to ignore this :) cheers! hope you’re having a lovely NYE!!
hi beloved! thank you for the question! also yeah I have my asks off on that blog because one time someone sent me anon hate on there but didn't realize it was my main and that I'm, yknow, me, which was really hilarious lol. anyway.
soooo god I have myriad problems with the true crime genre. it pretty much does everything possible wrong when dealing with conversations around policing, criminalization, and incarceration, and yes I even mean the 'sensitive' true crime people and not just the YouTubers who do makeup while talking about, like, Ted Bundy or whatever it is they discuss.
true crime as a genre and phenomenon sensationalizes crime, creates an unrealistic culture of fear based on wildly standout incidents of violence, and reinforces false ideas that a) police in this country solve crimes, which they don't, FBI statistics on homicide clearance rate give a (very optimistic!) estimation that about 54% of homicides are being solved per annum; b) kidnapping, murder, other violent crimes are a significant portion of the prison population, which they absolutely are not; c) that white people are just as likely to experience violent crime as people of color, which they aren't at all. the airtime that these incredibly niche, outlying stories get overwhelms real conversations about the carceral state in America (prison gerrymandering! over-policing minority neighborhoods! stop and frisk! civil asset forfeiture!), and they also strengthen this insane mythos that there is a hard line between perpetrators of crime and victims of crime, which, no, there absolutely is not. an overwhelming majority of incarcerated persons have themselves been victims of some form of crime. crime is born from poverty, from underfunded school systems, from homelessness, from lack of healthcare, from feeding drugs into Black communities and then arresting drug users. it is a function of the structural racism and classism that permeate the American reality. it's not just joe criminal waking up one day and grabbing an axe. like yes of course that happens, and it is terrible when it does, but to only report on that/make it a feature of a media subculture is frightening.
and people might say, oh, well, what's the harm? it's just a youtube video!!! but the popularity of narratives like those spread by true crime pods/videos is, and let me make this clear, exactly what tough-on-crime lobbyists and legislators want. how do you think laws like "Three Strikes You're Out" get passed? the popular consciousness gets swept into a moral panic about violent crime and looks to expand the prison system as a means of harm reduction.
and to anticipate another counterpoint: when people are like, but it's spreading awareness!!! ok…awareness of…ongoing police investigations? great. and which investigations in particular? whose stories get told, and whose get ignored? I remember seeing some dumbass take that true crime pods 'spread awareness about domestic violence.' cool. and what structural solutions are we positing? what resources to possible victims are we providing? what funding toward shelters, toward civil legal funds, is being allotted from the earnings? yeah I thought so.
outside of its larger effects on its consumers' understanding of criminalization, true crime is so gross on a human level: these are real people's stories. these are real families of victims who have to watch their loved ones' deaths get discourse-ified and mangled on the internet like it's the latest episode of fucking Game of Thrones. Netflix and other streaming services have created scripted TV shows and films based on real human suffering without ever checking with the families or getting approval. and, honestly, even those scant YouTubers who get families' approvals, I still think it's sketchy as fuck. like, you're still profiting off of this, if not financially, then with it being your entire career just sitting in your house telling the stories of other people's trauma for clicks. yikes?
also, sooo many true crime fanatics are feral weirdos. sorry to say it. there is no goddamn reason why people should be dressing up like Gabby Petito or her murderer for Halloween. there is no reason rando white women should be making "if I go missing" folders with, like, locks of their hair and vials of their spit in them. there is no reason to create conspiracy theories around victims of domestic violence and act like they're actually manipulating the world and/or their abuser. there is no reason that lawyers on fucking TikTok should be making weeks-long series on a domestic abuse trial filled with meme audios and funky freeze-frames. it's weirdo behavior!! I'm not sure at what point we all got desensitized to the idea that people are entitled to privacy and respect when dealing with the objectively hardest times in their lives, but Jesus Christ !!!
to wrap up, my gripe with Sarah Koenig is that she's a hack lmao. Serial not only garbled most of its content wrt the Adnan Sayed trial, but it also stole from Rabia O'Chaudry's investigation of the trial, and left key significant pieces of his bungled defense out. and then SK claimed credit for getting him out of prison. blech. she's also the final boss of all true crime journos because true crime podcasting absolutely took off after Serial, much to my chagrin.
there we have it, this was a dissertation, sorry to anyone who actually reads this, it's such a rant lmao. thank you again for asking <3 as a known haver of opinions it's always a pleasure to be asked about said opinions
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dustteller · 8 months
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Oh no, not bad healthcare for the rich people! I just feel soooo bad you know, its always such a tragedy when colonizers move here to exploit our island and puertorricans don't bend over backwards to make their lives easier! Its so waful when the sufferings of the mangey poor unwashed masses also happen to affect the wealthy and privileged!
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It's already bad enough that they had to go through a power outage! I mean, they were fine, they weren't like those disgusting gross people that dared to not have enough resources to survive a sudden deadly freeze and the subsequent government mismanagement. But it was just so cold! How can their delicate rich people skin EVER survive being a bit chilly!
Of course, the solution is to move to an island with a better history with natural disasters and a much more functional power grid! Plus, its got such a storied history with piracy! I know it does, because its in the caribbean and I watched Pirates of the Caribbean once! I bet the island is perfect for my pirate adventure, just like Sir Francis Drake!
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And you don't even have to interact with the locals! You get to hang out with other proper rich people, as the lord intended! God forbid you move somewhere and actually have to suffer living amongst the dregs of society, can you imagine how terrible it must be to interact with the people you're colonizing?
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But like, when we moved to a poor country, we didn't think the poverty would affect US??? We're rich! It's so awful that we don't get special treatment just because we turn into a (very) expensive lobster once we're out in the sun for longer than five minutes! Its such a fucking hassle when the poors don't know their place serving us! If we have any healthcare problems, we have to waste time getting a flight somewhere with PROPER healthcare! Its so rude to treat such important guests like that, the island rabble should be ashamed of themselves for letting us be mildly inconvenienced!
Ok, sarcasm aside, I HATE these articles with a burning passion. Its always rich americans that have enough money that they can just drop everything and relocate somewhere on a whim, and they always get upset that the poor countries they're taking advantage of are, in fact, poor countries with structural issues. Its so clear they never do any research, ever, and they're always upset that they have to deal with the same issues the rest of us do. And the thing is, they're rich. They have a support system somewhere else in a better area. They can literally just move back at any time with minor worries. None of these issues are actually more than a mild inconvenience to them, because if they were, THEY WOULDN'T BE HERE. Meanwhile, us puertorricans? We actually have to live here. I have family members that have died due to the healthcare crisis on the island. So do most of my friends. We struggle to find doctors with the space to see us, and god forbid we actually need a specialist. It took my grandma with cancer weeks to be able to see a doctor that specialized in cancer treatment so she could start chemo. To recieve basic mental health care, I had to do an outpatient hospitalization because there just aren't enough therapists on the island. And that's for us, who are lucky enough to be able to afford it. Not everybody can. In fact, most people can't. I and my family are amongst the luckiest here, and even we couldn't even come close to reaching the level of americans like these. My uncle's son is severely disabled, and hes lucky that he lives in New York, so he has access to services for himself and his family. He can't even visit Puerto Rico with his family because there just aren't enough services for his son to be safe here. Him and his wife take turns visiting family every few years, usually for family emergencies. His son will probably never step foot on the island. And, again, we are the lucky ones, and we struggle a lot with the situation here.
All that is without getting into other issues here. LUMA, our power company, is incompetent. We have constant power outages. A few days ago I spent a whole day without water because the water treatment plant didn't have electricity. We were prepared, because this occurs often enough that we have so many of containers of water stored away for when it happens. It was only for a few hours, so it didn't bother us. We're used to it. During summers, its common for there to be water rationing. Basically, the government shuts down water access for one to three days, and then you get a day of water. Repeat this for weeks if not months at a time. After Maria, I didn't have power from September 20th to January 11th. Luckily, the water was only gone for a week. Do you know what the Act 20's (americans who are here for tax benefits) do when this happens? They leave. They just pack their bags and head back to whatever layer of hell they came from, and they get to have a nice time visiting their family for a bit, and then they come back and can pretend it never happened because to them it didn't. They don't have to go through this. When our issues turn from a mild inconvenience into something they don't feel like dealing with, they get to take themselves out of the situation.
We can't do that. Do you know what happens when we cant take it anymore? We have to deal with it. Or, alternatively, we get to consider the posibility of leaving our whole lives behind, not because we want to, but because we need to. To leave our friends, our parents, our homes, our whole support systems, to venture into the unknown alone. When my uncle left for New York, he did not think he was going on a pirate adventure. He was thinking about how he was going to afford rent on his own. He was thinking about how New York was where the good jobs were, and if he and his wife wanted to live a stable life, they had to make that decision. He was thinking about how he didn't know how to dress for the New York winters, and there was no one there to teach him. He was thinking about how, for those first six months, he was completely alone amongst strangers that didn't want him there. The only reason he and his wife were able to make it was because of other hispanic immigrants that took them under their wing and taught them how to do what they needed to to survive this new, unfamiliar, unflinchingly hostile place. For them, moving away from home wasn't an adventure at all. It was a shared tragedy.
I think often about leaving. I love my island so much. I don't want to leave. I've spent a few years in New York for college, and it is so difficult. I love New York, I really do, but every second I spend there I can feel the wrongness resonating down to my bones. My home is etched there in the white stone inside me, and being away from it hurts. But I did it because I know an US degree is worth more than a PR one back home. I did it because there are resources there that I can't match in Puerto Rico. I did it because I thought that if I paid my dues now, there might not come the day that I have to pay penance there forever and be buried somewhere where there will be snow on my grave.
I'm looking for a job now in Puerto Rico. One of the jobs I applied to had 850 other applicants alone. Most others are also flooded with applications. I know I'm not going to find anything above minimum wage here. Im hoping that I'm smart enough, talented enough, lucky enough to be able to claw my way up and find a way to be able to stay. I'm terrified that I will have to leave anyways, that all my best efforts will not be enough, because hard work has never saved us from having to leave.
So no, Mrs. Sarah Lindsey and Mr. Sean Flynn, I don't feel bad for you. I don't feel bad that a couple of colonizers had enough privilege to be able to describe uprooting their entire lives as "wanting a change of scenery" or "looking for adventure of some sort, a pirate adventure." The struggles you can so easily just leave when cosplaying as poor island people no longer suits you are the ones we bear for the price of being able to live in our home. And, additionally, I would like you to know that Puerto Rico is quite the ironic place to live out your little fantasy. You want to be Sir Francis Drake?
Twice the forces of Sir Francis Drake and the full weight of the English crown sailed on our capital of San Juan with the intention of turning it into another colonial holsing for the British. Twice we held him at bay. Twice we forced him to retreat, once by cannon fire, and once by attacking until his entire fleet was sieged by an outbreak of dysintery. The English would never manage to find their footing in the Spanish Americas after this. Sir Francis Drake died shitting his guts out two months later off the coast of Panama after a string of defeats, his reputation in tatters.
So yes, go ahead and live out your pirate fantasy to its fullest extent! I'm sure you'll do great!
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likealayka · 1 year
So um... I have officially been diagnosed with bpd but I can't get any help because it might cost me my precarious new job, family and like... Every semblance of normalcy a person like me might have in this country.
I'm also oh so very much on a spectrum but that's all I can label myself because it's highly likely I'll never get diagnosed properly, not in this country, not in another. I feel like I compare with, I belong to, but the internet taught me well that you can't put a precarious label on yourself because people will fucking kill you :c
So I guess I'm continuing to think that I'm self-diagnosed? I have it in my medical history but it's kind of obsolete, besides a lot of people irl think of mental health problems in those awful cliché examples that we all hate, so I'd rather continue being "normal" to the outside world until I'm relatively safe.
Gods I envy some people. I'd rather pay thousands for every visit than get denied any help by overworked and underpaid cogs in our healthcare system that just sells you antibiotics and urges you to "eat better, sleep better and stay active" for every issue you have.
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taegularities · 2 years
ridddd 🫶🫶 how are you, my fav person on this app? i heard u were sick :(( pls rest up and drink a bunch of fluids 🙏
i unfortunately went to the dentist and found out i need to get ALL FOUR WISDOM TEETH OUT 🤦‍♀️ i absolutely hate the dentist and ik this will be my downfall fr 😔 plus my insurance isnt accepted by the surgeon they recommended me (its 3k wo insurance) so now i gotta try to find someone else (american healthcare is a scam ‼️)
i hope the weather is nice where you are! its finally 50 F here and im thriving under the sun 🫡
im really happy you're resting rid! ive noticed you arent as active and instead are watching shows/relaxing, i rlly hope you get some good rest (esp before ur school and job begins) ❤️
i hope you are well <3
- wife from war anon 💂‍♀️
(ps i hope i dont bother u with the long messages! i try to condense it as much as possible, but i love sharing with you!)
hello, my loooove !! aghhh yes, been feeling under the weather and sleeping all day... and my head is threatening to burst :') thank you, i'll rest lots 🥺 how have you been? <3
UGH EW dentists, i'm so sorry you have to go through all this. all four wisdom teeth? how the heck did that even happen 😭 but yeah, i don't know too much about the american healthcare system, but i've heard it's not very yay. i really hope you find someone else soon and that the teeth pulling and healing process passes smoothly 🥺
nO, gosh it's cold af... around -2°C/28°F, which is probably why i got sick at all 😭 so happy (and jealous) that you're enjoying the sun though, babe <3 yes, definitely trying to rest as much as possible.. this is the last month before july that i'll be able to chill a little, so... doing my best 💕
AND NOOO, oh my god, you don't bother me at all btw !! i love long messages, bc they show me that y'all are comfortable sharing/venting/conversing with me. it means a lot, so dw 🤍
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slutwithatummyache · 2 years
Why does Kyle in his cubicle get to make medical decisions for me?
“You want this drug to stay alive, stupid girl? Ha! No! Pay $800 or take this other one that doesn’t work for you.”
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