#sevika wlw
redr0sewrites · 26 days
Sick!Sevika x reader Hcs
🥀A/n: back on my bullshit‼️
🥀Cw: fluff, comfort, kinda angsty but only if u tilt your head, put on glasses, and squint
🥀Character(s): Sevika x reader
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sick? her? she still has to do silco's dirty work, she doesn't have time to be sick- or weak in any form
sevika absolutely overworks herself when she's sick, i said what i said. she practically doesn't believe in weakness, and thinks she can just "push through" the natural way
she can be so stubborn about self care, it genuinely makes you want to scream
there isn't exactly good healthcare in the undercity, but she absolutely seems like the type to take 15 advil and call it a day. she might evn try taking shimmer to "boost her immune system" pls stop her
you have to practically force her to bed, sevika could be seconds away from collapse and still claim that she's "fine", but with enough pleading she'd take a break
it isn't long before she just passes out though
at first, sevika would be a liiitle bit irritated at your worries, claiming that she can handle herself, but feels bad once she realizes how much you genuinely care. she does NOT have an appetite when she's sick but would, begrudgingly, at least try to eat if you asked
she gets headaches a lot. this is just a personal hc, but i really feel like she would get a bunch of tension headaches. sevika HATES them so much, and would be really appreciative of massages
its one of the few ways to actually get her to relax when she's feeling unwell, just say a few sweet words and start rubbing her upper back and she'll practically melt (but she'll never admit it ;)
sevika isn't used to having someone take care of her, and will try her best to make it up to you
that being said, she's not above trapping you in bed with her all day for cuddles- she doesn't care about germs, she just wants you close to her
i feel like she wouldn't be the talkative type when she's sick, and would be a lot more affectionate. you are NOT leaving the bed, she's practically clinging to you with her arm thrown over your body
will respect your wishes to not kiss on the mouth, and gives you a lot of forehead and hand kisses
she has an adorable sneeze. i think it's hilarious when tough, strong characters just have this adorable chipmunk sneeze.
pretty pliant when it comes to taking medicine and other forms of healing, and once she isn't sick anymore she definitely pampers you (more than usual) to pay you back
"y'dont have to do that, doll," Sevika murmurs as you massage her neck, her voice raspy from exhaustion. "i know, but i want to," you reply, gently kissing the top of her head as you apply some more pressure to her spine. she sighs, leaning backwards into your touch ever so slightly. the chair she's sitting on creaks as you continue your ministrations, relaxing all of the knots in her muscles and working away at all of the excess tension. Sevika suddenly inhales sharply and you pause, worrying that you hurt her, only for her to sneeze softly. "oh my god Sev..."
"don't start."
"was that your sneeze?" Sevika grumbles, turning away from you as you giggle. "its so cute! who would've known..."
"shut up."
"aww, but you love me, don't you Sev?" Sevika sighs, turning around to face you on the chair. she gently grabs your face, pulling you down to her level where she kisses your forehead. "f'course i do, brat. now shut up and finish my massage, i'm tired." you chuckle again at her prickly attitude before giving a mock salute. "yes ma'am!" Sevika mutters a few words under her breath that sound suspiciously like brat, and not cute, but turns around and eases back into your touch anyways. her back muscles ripple as you supply relief to her sore spots.
fuck, what a woman. how you pulled her you will never know. Sevika suddenly bursts into a coughing fit, chest heaving slightly as she leans forward to steady herself. "shit, that doesn't sound pleasant," you say, and Sevika merely turns and rolls her eyes. "when's the last time you've slept?" you ask accusingly, and Sevika, failing to supply you with an acceptable answer, proceeds to stand up and follow you as you practically drag her to bed.
"you, my dear, need rest". you accentuate the last word, and watch as your lover smirks at you. "only if you join me," she quips, and you don't even hesitate before crawling into bed next to her. your so weak for her, it isn't even funny. Sevika pulls you close, your back up against her chest and her arm thrown across your body. you can feel her breathe on your neck, and you swear you hear her say, "i love you".
"what was that, Sev?" you tease, already feeling exhaustion weigh on your eyelids. "go to sleep," she grumbles, pressing a hasty kiss to the back of your neck.
"i love you too."
guess whos sick rn 😔 i thrive off of reverse comfort it isn't even funny. ANYWAYS hope yall enjoyed!!!!!! i loooove sevika soo much.
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k3n-dyll · 3 months
maybe because not everyone has to cater to black and brown readers? if i feel excluded then talk to ur black and brown writers bc why tf would (for ex.) white writers write black readers when…when they aren’t?? yall aren’t victims write ur own shit if u care so much like idk what to tell u but not everyone has to bow down and write the way you want them too.
The fact that this is what you got from me saying that POC feel excluded from fandom is...insane.
I hesitate to even answer this because you sound stupid as hell, but since I think other people need to get this shit through their skulls as well:
If you are a writer, and you claim to be writing an "x reader" fanfic for a character you like, the general consensus is that "reader" in this situation should be neutral for the most part. Sure, there's different versions of that ( "x fem reader", "x masc reader", etc.") , but generally, the idea is that "reader" in this situation could be anyone, yes? A lot of writers on this app and others, write "reader" as if tiny white women are the default.
And you know what?
If you wanna write that way, fine, but say that. If you so desprately want to write about Abby Anderson fucking a 5ft nothing white girl with blonde hair and green eyes - write that. But don't call that shit an "x reader" when you know its a self insert meant to exclude everybody that doesnt look like you. Dont claim to be a safe place for all readers if when POC say they feel excluded from the things you write, you say stupid shit like what this anon just did. If your shit is labeled "x reader" with no other warnings, one should be able to assume that they arent going to see any specifics about body type, hair textures, skin color or eye color - but no. Thats not the case.
I swear, every time we bring this shit up you bitches act like we killed your fucking grandma. If you dont wanna write in a way that everyone can consume, fine, but dont make it seem as if petite white girls are just the default human in every scenario. Theres a content warning over every fic, if you dont want to see how problematic it is to write as if whiteness is the default then the least you could do it leave a big fat warning in that little "CW" section to let us know that you didnt write this with the existence of people that dont look like you in mind.
Oh, and I do write my own stuff btw. Don't ever come in my inbox with this bullshit again. Pissing me off first thing in the morning😒
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shimtarofstupidity · 6 months
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(Part one)
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Part two
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sevsprettyslut · 4 months
Currently thinking about Sevika x Reader scissoring….
You’re lying on your back against yours and Sevika’s bed, whining breathlessly as she grinds her pussy down onto yours. You’re panting under her, completely under her control as she manipulates you into the position she wants you in. Her pretty brown skin has a fine sheen of sweat glistening on it and you watch in a daze as she pushes one of your thighs closer to your chest, repositioning herself above you so that with every grind of her hips, both of your clits would rub and slide together. Her muscular thighs and strong arms and well build abs flexed and strained with every roll of her hips down onto yours, and you swore you saw stars behind your fluttering eyelids when the slick from both yours and Sevika’s cunts made the friction between you two heighten. Above you, she cursed and grunted under her breath, her eyebrows furrowed as she peered down at you, her eyes filled with adoration. It seemed she was losing herself in you just as much as you were losing yourself in her. The wet and sticky noises coming from both of your pussies filled the room, aside from all the whining and moaning and gasping you did, and all the grunts and groans and occasional lusty moans Sevika had escaping from her. Sev moaned above you and threw her head back as her hips stuttered against yours, obvious sensitivity coursing through her. You moaned and lifted one of your arms up so you’d be able to curl your palm around the side of her neck, bringing her down for a sloppy but passionate kiss. While your lips moved against hers and her tongue made its way into your mouth when you moaned, her hips quickened against yours and even you, yourself put in the effort to bring the two of you closer to your conspicuous orgasms. As one of your hands rested against the side of her neck, her flesh hand moved down to palm and grasp at your tits, her fingers pinching and rubbing your sensitive nipples. Your orgasm made itself known quicker than you thought it would, and by the way Sev ground down against you, she was close as well. The both of you climaxed only moments later, your bodies shivering and quivering from the otherworldly orgasms. Sev panted against your lips, her erect nipples lightly brushing against yours. You shivered and peered up at her with glossy eyes, your high still rippling through your entire body.
She glanced down at you, her sex-drive suddenly at 100% once again. “You think you have a couple more in you, sweet girl?” She asked, leaning down to press a couple lingering kisses against the column of your throat.
You smiled, “Yeah, Sev, I do.” You confirmed, and that was all it took for her to start grinding her hips, her slick folds and swollen clit easily sliding against your equally wet cunt.
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dykesevika · 1 month
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old-ish sev drawing I found in my gallery
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cewl-casper · 17 days
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
How it be all the time sometimes.
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cotton-candycurls · 1 year
I had nothing to do with my life lmao, so here's a lil collage
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pow-pow1111 · 3 months
Lol I don't know how to write fanfiction but I hope you enjoy this! :)
Pairing: Sevika x fem reader
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♥ Sevika had a soft spot for you. She couldn't quite place it, what exactly it was about you that she was so fond of, but she cared for you immensely and would go to great lengths to protect you. You were special to her. You meant a lot.
♥ "Come back to mine, there's something I want to show you."
♥ You of course did not hesitate to agree. You nodded your head eagerly, a joyful smile playing at your lips as you entertained the thought of seeing Sevika's place. It was so exciting! She was such a reserved and private person, you couldn't help but feel curious to learn more about her.
♥ "I think you'll really like it..." She says with a subtle smile, her harsh face softened by your company. You felt so special when you were with her. She treated you so well, and the idea of her trusting you, willing to be vulnerable, was beyond touching.
♥ She wasn't like this with anybody else. Nobody had ever made her feel this way. Only you.
♥ Her home was cozy and secluded. The Lanes certainly were not a place of comfort, but Sevika's place was inviting and warm. She needed somewhere to unwind and relax what with the overwhelming stresses of her life.
♥ She held the door for you, a small nod of her head to invite you in. Your eyes sparkled. Quick, furtive peeks all around her home made you grin. "It's wonderful, Sev!!" You exclaimed gleefully.
♥ Your head perked up as you realized she had already disappeared into a further room. "Sevika?"
♥ Her large, muscular form emerged from the dark, something cradled in her arms. Your eyes lit up as you saw what she was holding. It was a small black kitten, fluffy and sleepy. The feline's tail swayed down from Sevika's gentle hold. It made content mews as it nuzzled into the woman's chest.
"This is Nori. Heard her mewing at night so I took her in." She glanced down at her cat and then back up at you with the same fondness. Her expression was bright, her smile warm. It was adorably uncharacteristic of her. "Thought you'd like her. You're nice and soft like she is."
♥ You couldn't control the surge of warmth you felt inside. Your heart fluttered. She thinks you're nice? Nice and soft? And oh my gosh, Sevika looked so adorable holding that cat so delicately. You knew she had a huge heart, but she didn't make it known to people. Seeing her like this was so attractive. Your attempts to hide your blush were futile, and you giggled to play it off.
♥ "Aww she is precious!" you beamed, overjoyed at such an endearing sight. Sevika carefully placed the cat in your lap. She smirked with a sense of pride as she admired you.
♥ "She's a pretty little thing, isn't she?"
♥ "Absolutely, what a sweet little baby-" you cooed, cuddling the small creature. "Thank you so much for letting me meet her!!"
♥ As you snuggled and played with the kitten, Sevika drifted into another room. All the while she marveled at your caring nature.
♥ "You want something to eat?" She asked, a thoughtful and gentle look on her face as she peered around the corner.
♥ "You cook??"
♥ "What, you surprised? I'm offended," Sevika bantered, a low chuckle following. "...Not well, but it's to my liking."
♥ "It's really nice..."
♥ "Hm? What's nice?"
♥ "There's so much I don't know about you, Sevika."
♥ Her breath caught in her throat. She evaded your eyes. "I'd like for that to change..."
♥ Those words were purely sincere. She moved towards you and sat by your side. Her fingers caressed the small kitten's dark fur, her arm grazing your body as she pulled back. She looked down at you with a certain intensity.
♥ "Look- I'm not willing to let people think I've gone soft, got it? You better not run your mouth." Sevika's voice was husky and harsh. You could not very well sense if she was being serious or not.
♥ "I'll keep your secret for a price," you teased playfully. You gave her a pretty, flirtatious smile.
♥ This seemingly caught her by surprise. "Oh is that so? Do tell," she jested, voice dripping with amusement. Her eyebrow raised, a smug look on her face as she eyed you with curiosity.
♥ You met her gaze with a soft, coltish expression. "If I keep your secret... May I give you a kiss?"
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lavendersgirl · 4 months
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happy valentines day to other single sevika lovers. this is literally us today
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sevikasbeloved · 4 months
After it had all died down, you found yourself alone finally with Sevika. She sat down on the metal bench in the middle of the locker room, and you joined her, sitting on her lap as you quietly inspected her cuts and bruises on her face.
“I can’t believe he got you this good.” You mumbled as you wiped away the fresh blood with a warm and damp washcloth.
“Yeah, me too.” She husked, although her tone seemed as though she was focused on something entirely different from the conversation you had started.
You smiled, biting the plump of your lip each time she tried fighting back a wince every time you’d hit a deep cut. Your thumbs rubbed against her cheeks as your eyes stayed absorbed on each other. Your close proximity allowed you to hear the rapid beating of her heart, paired with her sudden deepening breaths. You looked at her from beneath furrowed eyebrows, trying to read her clearly unrested mind.
Like she knew you were looking for an answer, her hand hooked onto the joining straps of your dress, the other gliding up and down your waist.
“I couldn’t stop thinking ‘bout you.” She whispered, “Everyday I was away from home, I would only think about you.”
You tucked your bottom lip entirely between your teeth, biting back an even bigger smile than what was already plastered on your face.
“What were you thinking about?” You hummed, your hands cupping around her neck as you rested your forehead against hers, feeling dampness from the sweat and blood on her face.
“Was thinking about holding you, loving you,” she husked, “fuckin’ you silly.”
Your heart skipped a beat, travelling to your member as you felt her hips buck up into you, causing your dress to ride up just a little, the slit sitting even more dangerously high on your thigh.
Her fingers that toyed with your straps rose to your plump lips, her thumb grazing against your bottom.
“Fuck, you look so good right now.” She growled, immediately pulling you into a raunchy kiss, her tongue forcing its way between your lips as she explored your mouth like it was the last thing she would do.
You moaned into the kiss, your body rocking into her front. She broke the kiss as she looked at you from beneath lowered eyelids, her breaths deep and sparse.
“How bout you let me make up for all the days you’ve missed me?” She said, her hands already wandering your body, fingertips curling as they curved into the dip between your thighs through the slit in your dress.
“I dunno, Sevi, you’re all roughed up from that fight, maybe we should take it easy tonight.” You said as you straddled her, her knee ever so slightly bouncing up against your clothed clit, making your concerns sound less serious than they were as you poorly attempted to muffle a whine.
“Baby, listen,” she muttered, her forehead flush against yours, “this shimmer is runnin’ through me like a goddamn viagra, so, either I fuck the shit out of you right here, or I tear apart this locker room.”
You bit your lip, biting back a smile,
“Oh well, we can’t have that can we?” You whisper in her ear as you begin to nip at her earlobe.
She pulls your body in close to hers, bucking her hips up purposefully to rile you further. You groaned into her ear, only egging her on further as she took your sarcastic retort as a go ahead, picking you up like you weighed nothing as she laid you out against the warmed bench.
She wasted no time as she began running her hands up the length of your thighs, bending down as her lips placed chaste kisses on their way up.
“Oh my god- I’ve missed you so- much.” She mumbled through shallow breaths in between kisses.
You couldn’t help a giggle at the complete adoration she showered you with, feeling like you were young again and fucking her for the first time.
Her fingers stroked along your barely clothed member, your thong leaving little to imagination as her fingers quickly became coated in your juices.
“Damn, baby, you’re so wet for me.” She almost groaned, pressed her slick covered fingers to her lips as she licked them, her eyes still vibrant in their right as she watched your reactions.
Your eyelids fluttered shut, the sight almost being enough to send you reeling, but the sudden sharp feeling of her hand groping your sensitive breasts had your eyes shooting open again as you wriggled under her sinful gaze.
“You’re not gonna wanna miss any of this, baby girl.” She chuckled, standing up to her full height as she began pulling her dirtied tank and sports bra off, letting her breasts slip out and sit pretty against her toned abdomen.
“Fuck, sev.” An impish smile found itself on your face as you beheld the god given sight. She always knew you were obsessed with her body, oftentimes comparing her to the Greek gods with her always trumping them all.
Your hand mindlessly found its way between your thighs as you watched her chest rise and fall, the sweat glistening underneath the warm, overhead locker room lighting. You began drawing circles against your clit, your back arching as you noticed that all too familiar sadist smile finding its way across her face.
You expected her to stop you, but she let you please yourself as you watched her, her eyes never once looking at the wilder and faster circles you were rubbing against your clit. You whimpered, wanting nothing more than her to snatch your hand away, replacing them with her own skillful ones.
“Keep going for me, I wanna see you cum just by looking at me.” She grumbled, feeling a heat rise in her own cunt as she watched you writhe, your legs barely holding themselves up as they fell limp on either side of the bench you laid on.
“Please, Sev, I need you so bad!” You cried, your wrists burning up as you moaned through the smaller waves of an oncoming tsunami.
“I can see that, love.” She chuckled deeply, her hands resting against the waistband on her bottoms, thumbs toying with your feelings as they teased and pulled on her shorts, revealing just an inch of the dark hairs on her pussy.
“Fuck!” You groaned, another wave of pleasure going through you again, you felt your eyes pool with warm tears, a big part of you not wanting to make yourself cum when she was standing right fucking there.
But her frame, the way she stared at you like you were the only woman in the world she desired, her deep chuckles, the pet names she gave you…
You felt your cunt twist and coil as your hole tightened around your fingers, forcing you to curl the tips of your fingers, hitting your g-spot at the perfect angle.
“Sev, please, please, I don’t wann- come without you!” You spluttered out in a moment, feeling the peak approaching ever fast.
Her eyes finally snapped down to your sopping cooch, her eyes dilating impossibly so as her hand came flying out to your hand, stopping you dead in your tracks, leaving your pussy throbbing around your fingers.
She moved her hand off your wrist, immediately pressing her thumb to your clit, stroking it slowly, your hole quickly loosening its grip as you pulled out of yourself, fighting your own body’s desire for release as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
“You close, baby?” She whispered, leaning down into the side of your neck as she sucked against the thin skin, knowing damn well it’d leave a mark.
You hummed meekly, her voice practically muffled as your mind stayed on her thumb that teasingly ghosted over your swollen clit.
Her free hand grabbed the hand that was just inside of you, taking your slick coated fingers into her mouth, her tongue cleaning it smooth before letting it slip back out with a pop. She let your arm fall above your head, as she stood up again.
She stepped over your body, pulling her shorts and boxers off in one go, leaving you with nothing but the sight of her naked muscular figure, dripping in sweat, blood infused with shimmer even still.
“You were never gonna come without me, Angel,” she said, pushing your dress up around your waist as she grabbed your right leg, holding it up as she slotted herself between your legs, her breath hitching as your wet cunts met.
“Just wanted to see you squirm.” She mumbled as though it was meant for herself.
You rolled your eyes, she was still the same old Sevika.
“Fuck you,” you chuckled, though it faded into a dull moan as she adjusted herself against you, smirking as she heard you.
“You’re about to.”
In an instant, she rutted against you, beginning a steady rockin rhythm as she held your leg in between her breasts. Strained moans left your lips, the feeling of her strong body, overtaking yours pushing you to a level of bliss you’d never thought you’d reach.
You felt yourself teetering already, completely forgetting how close you were from before, your half lidded eyes gazed at Sevika who, as she picked up her pace, her sharp breaths matching her intensity, you knew she wasn’t anywhere near done.
You tapped her side lazily, your eyes struggling unbelievably to stay open,
“I’m so close-“ you breathed, your fingers scratching against her lower back as you felt that same coil wring tight.
“You got it baby, just ride through it for me.” She grunted, her grinds becoming slower yet as you watched through blurry eyes, you saw the way her back and ass rolled like water into your cunt, your clits rubbing raw against each other.
All the air left your lungs as your head fell to its side, your eyes succumbing to your inevitable release as your eyes closed shut, and your upper body convulsed.
Sevika kept going though, her slowed pace extending your orgasm, forcing you to take in a deep breath, a string of squeals and moans escaping your lips in an instant as you came back to reality, still being fucked out of your mind.
“Cmon baby- just a bit longer- hold on for me.” She panted, her grip on your leg getting tighter as she ground her hips into yours, hitting every sensitive part of your pussy without hesitation.
Tears didn’t dither from your eyes as they came streaming out, overstimulation bordering on its limit. But despite the stabbing butterflies you felt, the pleasure that resided above you, that rippled through your body, made you never want to stop.
You muttered vulgar words of encouragement, stained with ‘I love yous’ and ‘keep going’s’ as you felt her body begin to twitch above yours. She rutted into you once more before her body almost folded in half, her foot finding its floor again as she raised her cunt from yours.
After a couple shared deep breaths you managed to prop yourself up on your elbows, slapping her ass lightly to get her attention again. Her head, tucked down into her chest, turned slowly to look at you, the sweat acting as a lament for her hair as it stuck to her face and neck.
“C'mere, babe.” You hummed.
She leaned over to you, placing her forearm beside your head as she looked down at you, her nose grazing lightly against yours, airy breaths fanning your face as her tired eyes gazed into yours.
“Hi,” you whispered, observing as her eyes finally began fading from violet back to their starry greys.
She scoffed, combing her fingers through your hair as she moved to kiss you gently on your lips.
“Love you, baby.” She smiled against your lips.
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zhenyaiam · 22 days
𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒌𝒂 𝒂𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅
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Summary: A spoiled piltie. Always get on Sevika's nerves.
Cw: NSFW, dom!Sevika, bottom!reader, fingering, oral, fem!reader
a/n: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭. 𝐈𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐭𝐬 b𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 . 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐨. 𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐈 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝. 𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲.✨
Silco had struck one of his biggest deals of the year, assigning Sevika to guard one of Piltover's elites. Eager not to miss the party tonight, you decided to sneak out through your window.
Or at least you tried, until strong hands grabbed your waist and pulled you back inside, tossing you onto your bed. Sevika stood over you, her eyes cold and her usual scowl on her face. "Where do you think you're going?" she demanded with her aggressive voice.
You looks up to her and sighs in frustration
"Nowhere? Just wanted to sit.. There. Yeah.." You looked at the window sill.
“A likely story.” She retorted, crossing her arms in disapproval. “You think I haven’t noticed your little sneaks out for the past few weeks? I’m not an idiot, sweetheart.”
“Ahgg there’s is a big party. They are waiting for me. I want to go there.” You said annoyed as you stands up from the bed looking up to the older woman.
“I don’t care. You aren’t going and that’s final.”
She responded, a hard edge to her voice. She was a tall woman, her arms covered with battle scars, her chest visibly muscular even through her shirt, and her prosthetic arm a dull metallic grey, and she towered over you.
“I’m your bodyguard. Everything is my job, and that means watching where you go and what you do. And you are not going out into the city where you can get hurt. Now either you give it up, like a good little girl, or I will physically prevent you from going anywhere tonight.”
"This is pure shit!" you grumbled and sat down on the bed.
In an instant, Sevika grabbed your chin in her grip, tilting it up and forcing you to look at her. “You will refrain from using such language, Y/N. I don’t care who the hell you think you are, you will show respect to me. Got that?” She asked, her thumb tracing your lower lip, her body pressed against yours as she forced you to stay in place, almost mocking you.
You mumbled something under your breath and answered.
"Got it"
Her eyes travel down to your dress as she pulls up onto the edge of your bed, still towering over you.
“Im a Piltover elite.” You huffs. “Not just some dirty Zaunite that you can just...look down.” you looked up and down Sevika
“Do I look like I care hm?” Her eyes never leave your face, though she does occasionally look at your chest.
She leans in a bit closer, not seeming to worry that she’s invading your personal space.
“If you won’t show the appropriate respect for the house rules, maybe I’ll make you regret being so disobedient.” She says with a smirk and her eyes once more travel down your body.
"I am superior to you."
“And? Does that put you above house rules?” She says, the smirk still on her face.
“That’s what I thought.” She says, her hand moving back onto your waist.
You push her hand away but her hand not budge.
“Leave me alone.”
“And why should I do that?” She asks, her other hand moving to join its partner, her grip tight enough to dig into the fabric of your dress.
“Because I said so. You work for ME. You do as I say.” You tried to push her hand away once more. But her hand didn't move.
As soon as those words leave your mouth her eyes narrow. Before you can respond, she shoves you down flat on the bed and pins you down, your thighs between her legs. Her grey piercing eyes looking trought your soul.
She presses you down and looks you in the eye for a moment before moving her lips just centimeters away from yours.
She says this through gritted teeth. “You don’t get to say that to me.”
“Sevika what are you doi—?!”
You look at her confused.
She doesn't give you a chance to respond, her chemtech arm moving up to press against your cheeks. She draws you closer so that your mouths are just millimeters apart.
She leans in closer, her eyes locking with your own.
“Do you need a reminder on where you stand?" She asks, her voice low.
“Im a the one who you protect. So you obey me.” You said as you tried to push her off of you.
Her voice is harsh even though it's close to your ear, her face still practically against yours.
"You obey me. I'm the one who keeps you safe, who protects you at all costs. So I think it's about time you pay for all that."
Her hand moves up your thigh to rest beneath your dress and she rubs her hand against your leg, pushing your dress up.
She silences you without hesitation, her chemtech hand moving back to your waist, this time to undo the buttons of your dress exposing your breasts.
She looks at you for a moment before leaning back to take in the sight.
"Mmm..." She hums, her voice softer now.
"My little Piltover elite all for me." She says before moving back. Her chemtech arm moves to your shoulders and her mouth moves back to your ear.
She whispers, "So I think it's time you started paying back."
You trying to cover yourself with your hands.
"Oh, are you still self-conscious about your body?" She asks, her voice slightly teasing.
She doesn't let you cover yourself before pulling your hand away. Pinning your hands above your head.
She licks your ear in spite and grins. "I don't think you should be. And you know I have these too. I've seen these before you know? " She says, a smirk on her face.
“S.. Sev.” You squirm, she squeeze your wrist to say you do not move.
”I hate you so much” You look away from her in embarrassment.
Her grin grows wider, she seems to enjoy your discomfort.
"But.. I think you're actually quite stunning." She says with a smirk.
"Especially right now."
You push her away or at least trying.
“Ah ah, don’t push me,” She said, grabbing you by the chin and forcing you to stay still again. With her chemtech hand, she grabbed your wrists and pinned them firmly to the bed again, her body trapping yours underneath hers again, the heat of her body pressing against yours.
“Don’t act innocent. I’ve seen that spark in your eyes, that fire craving a taste of me. Why else would you keep trying to make me snap?” She murmured, pressing a kiss onto the corner of your mouth.
"Why would I ever want someone like you?" You asked.
“Oh really?” She asked, her breath warm against your skin, brushing close to your neck, a hand tracing over the edge of your throat. “Because I'm the only one who's * ever put you in your place, darling. That's why.”
She leaned in closer, her hand wrapping around your throat, not squeezing, just lightly, threateningly holding you in place. “I'm the only one who's ever had the audacity to grab you and push you down."
"That, doesn't mean anything" You spitted out.
"Doesn't it now?" She purred, her thumb brushing over your lips, her eyes gleaming dangerously. "You've only ever been with those who treat you with kid gloves." She whispered, her voice like a sweet poison, as she loomed over you from above, her lips brushing against your forehead.
“But not me, I know how to handle you.
I know how to push you down to your knees. And you like it, don’t you? Because I’m the only one who puts you in your place.” She mused, her lips curving in a small smirk. "You want some control in your life, you like this feeling because its new to you. You always got anything you wanted. Without objections."
“I’m not just another spineless fool at your beck and call...
And now—” She gently tightened her hand on your throat, not enough to hurt you. Before you could say anything Sevika lips were on yours.
It was an possessive kiss, not tender or gentle in any way, Sevika’s lips crashing against yours in a fierce, demanding claim. Every inch of her mouth tasted, teeth grazing over your lower lip, drawing small gasps from you at the sharp tingle of pain and pleasure combined.
You tries to break the kiss what succeed for a second.
"I-I don't want this!" You said trying to get up from Sevika’s grasp.
Sevika grinned, pulling away just long enough to speak before diving back in, her lips moving against yours urgently. “Oh please. You wouldn’t still be lying here if you didn't want this.” She mumbled into the kiss, her fingers sliding through your hair, tugging your head back to expose your throat to her onslaught.  She nipped and kissed her way down your jaw and neck, her teeth scraping over the sensitive skin. While her hands parting your legs more, under her body. One of her hand wanders down to you core.
“Do you honestly think you could hide this from me?” She asked, her tone playful as the edge of her thumb found your clothed cunt, circling it making your breath hitch, her mouth still on your neck, her tongue lapping at the hollow of your throat. “The looks you’ve been giving me, the way you’re always trying to push my buttons, so I’d pin you down and tease you? You can’t hide it.”  She murmured. “You just want someone to make you scream."
Her fingers circling over your clit a bit more, her thumb applying just a tiny bit more pressure, enough that you made the most delicious sound, your head falling back. “Someone to put you in your place,” She continued, her tongue tracing over the curve of your shoulder as she made her way further down, nipping at the sensitive skin. “And I’m that someone.” She with a swift motion take your underwear down dipping her head between your legs.
Her tongue flicked out, flicking over your clit with a quick, calculated move, before she licked at you with an almost teasing, almost torturous pace. With each swipe of her tongue, an electric thrill of pleasure shot up your spine, a small whimper leaving your lips, your back arching slightly. Sevika’s hands grip your hips tightly, holding you in place.
"You don't get to hide this from me," She groaned, her mouth pressed against your sensitive skin, the sounds of her pleasure, muffled against your core. Her hands grip your thighs, spreading you with ease. “I'm going to find that sweet spot and make you sing."
At that, she licked at your clit, with a slow, almost languid pace. You shivered, your body squirming in her grasp, and Sevika kept you steady with a firm hold on both of your hips, not allowing you to move away from her assault.
Your breath hitched, your body shaking. "That’s it, baby girl, let me hear you." She mumbled, her fingers pressing against your clit, rubbing quick circular motions. You choked on a moan, one hand gripped firmly in your sheets while the other tangled in Sevika’s hair. Sevika grinned against your skin, feeling the shudder wrack through your body. “I’ve got you.”
"Sevika, mm please" You tried to arch your hips towards her.
“You need something, baby?" She asked, her tongue lapping at your clit as she spoke, her breath hot on you. “What do you need? Use your pretty words, darling.”
"Don't stop."
“I didn't want to” She whispered, her tongue flicking in quick motions, matching the rhythm of her two fingers as they pushed into you, her thumb still rubbing circles over your clit, and she pressed your legs open wider.
Her free hand traced over your stomach, before slipping up, tracing along the line of your ribs. Then she reached up, finding one of your nipples and pinching it, before rolling the harden bud between her fingers.
You gasped and arched your back, your body trembling under the attention, a sharp cry leaving your lips as she did. Sevika grinned and continued her ministrations, her mouth leave your sensitive flesh sucking the other nipples of you while her fingers pumping in and out of you.
You moaned, your breath coming out in pants now, your body shaking in her hands. “Sev..ika, I’m... I need...”
“What do you need, darling?” She asked, her tone teasing you as she nipped at your sensitive flesh, her fingers pumping into you even rougher than before curling them upwards, her thumb rubbing in fast circles over your clit. “Use that pretty voice, baby girl. Tell me what you want.”
With a strangled gasp, you managed to get the words out “I’m.. close, I’m so close..”
At that, Sevika smirked, her fingers curling in a come-hither gesture, pressing against your sensitive spot. “Then let go for me, pretty girl. I’ve got you.” She leans to your lips kissing you.
The sound of your moans echoed in the room, swallowed by Sevika’s mouth with every kiss. “Perfect girl,” She growled between kisses, her tone rough. “Making these perfect sounds for me. So sweet, so good. Gods you’re so beautiful.”
The pleasure built up inside you, like a dam ready to break, then Sevika leaned down, her mouth back to your pussy and sucked hard.
You couldn’t hold back. A sharp cry tore from your throat.
Your body jerking as wave after wave of intense ecstasy washed over you, white hot sparks of pleasure danced around your vision, all thoughts of anything but Sevika, her mouth and her fingers vanished in an instant, her name tumbling from your lips like a prayer, your hands gripping the bed sheets tight enough to turn your knuckles white.
Sevika groaned at the taste of you, her fingers still working, pushing you further over the edge as she licked at you like a woman starved, drinking up you pleasure like her sustenance.
Your body still jerked and convulse slightly, small whimpers escaping yiur4 throat, your body shivering from the intensity of your orgasm. It was only after Sevika pulled away from you, the sudden lack of contact making you whimper, that you slowly started to come back to yourself, your body still twitching gently.
Sevika moved back up her body, a self-satisfied smile on her lips. You was flushed and panting, your hair sticking to your forehead, and Sevika couldn’t help but take a moment to appreciate the sight.
“There,” she said, her tone a touch smug. “That looks much better than some stuffy up-city party.”
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k3n-dyll · 1 month
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||Men, minors and ageless DNI
CW: 18+, wlw, scissoring, domtop!Sevika, Sevika w/ a clit piercing
Word Count: 409 Masterlist Divider Creds Free Palestine
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Thinking of Sevika with a clit piercing, desperate and needy after waiting for over a month for it to heal. She's making her reward for being patient worth it for both of you, holding one of your legs over her shoulder, kissing and nipping at your calf as she glides her cunt steadily against your own. The little silver balls decorating her now hypersensitive clit provide an added layer of pleasure to each sloppy roll of her hips, her moans and praises for you coming much louder and more frequently than they would have prior to the new piercing.
She keeps her body pressed close to your own, full breasts squishing up against your own, stiffened nipples gently passing over yours with each movement while she whispers in your ear
"Missed this so f-fuckin' much" "Forgot how pretty you look takin' it for me - fuck"
Sevika most definitely hadn't forgotten though.
After a full 4 weeks of no touch it was all she thought about, dreamt about, even. Having cum from just the thought of putting you on your back like this again more times than she'd admit aloud.
Her honey smooth voice and the wet, sticky sounds coming from your connected bodies are only contested by the uncontrollable, desperate whines pulling from your own throat. You needed this just as badly as she had. There's no denying, of course that your girlfriend was skilled with her hands and mouth, but it had never crossed your mind just how much better it feels to have her toned body tangled with your own until you weren't able to for what felt like ages.
The resulting orgasm is like a shock to both your systems, Sevika's fucked out brain only able to form the word "fuck" alongside the low grunts that punctuate each of the last few thrusts against your cunt. Her head drops to the crook of your neck when she begins to come down, her brown skin glistening with sweat in the dimly lit bedroom as she presses soft, wet kisses to your shoulder.
Before you can manage to calm down from your own high, her hips begin to roll once more, though shes barely finished catching her breath. You can't help but chuckle a little at how quickly she's ready to fuck you again.
"Already?" you ask her, doing your best to tease her through already escelating moans and ragged breathing.
"I'm not even close to done yet"
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AN: More Sevika!!! Also, sorry y'all I haven't been on it with new content, work has been kicking my ass
Reblogs are appreciated <3 || Taglist: @delinthecut, @sevsbaby @half-of-a-gay, @porcelainmystery @archangeldyke-all
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jnkangels · 4 months
If you're men or minor, do not interact with this content! I don't responsible for your media consumption.
English is not my first language, there maybe mistakes ( u can correct me, without being rude).
I'm just thinking about how Sevika would want to fuck you all fucking night.
You were still lying on the bed, sweat dripping down your cheeks as you tried to regulate your breathing. The girl who left you like that licked her three fingers; savoring your essence.
"Honey, seeing you like this makes me want to fuck you again." She crawled towards you, brushing your hair out of your face so she could admire you as she caressed your cheeks.
"You're a complete mess, babe." Her thumb traveled to your bare nipple, beginning to massage it, a moan leaving your lips. You sat astride her, seeking to feel more of her soft touch, wet and desire-filled kisses spread all over your neck and down to your torso.
Sevika took the time to admire each place where she dispersed her kisses and light touches, her tongue began to trail along your abdomen until it reached your tits; She licked the areola and with one of her hands she took one of your breasts and took it to her mouth; nibbling and sucking your nipples.
Uncontrolled moans left your lips, your lover's other hand was pinching your other nipple. Their intimacies colliding shook each other making the heated experience even more stimulating.
"Do you want me to fuck you now, babe?" Sevika removed your breast from her mouth, roughly throwing you onto the bed again; Your head hit the mattress, she looked at you waiting for some kind of response.
You nodded at the question, longing to feel her touch again. She wasted no time and flipped you over leaving you face down, she lifted your ass leaving it exposed for her, she ran her fingers along the line of your pussy.
From one moment to the next she sticks her fingers into your pussy, drawing a surprised moan from you; Their movement was aggressive and fast.
Her fingers kept piercing your pussy, going in and out roughly. Your eyes began to glaze over at the excitement you were experiencing.
“You sound so good, babe.” Sevika made a rough movement, grabbing your hair. "Am I being good to you? Do you like the way I'm fucking your pussy? I want you to cum for me, babe."
Ragged breaths and moans escape your velvety lips, as Sevika pounded even harder into your pussy. You could feel how close the orgasm was, you contracted your clit trying to retain the emotion of the moment; the effort was in vain. A loud moan escaped your lips as you felt all the current discharge from your body, Sevika's fingers left the inside of your throbbing and aching pussy.
"Aww, are you tired already, honey?" Sevika said with a mocking tone of voice as she looked proudly at the mess she had made.
"We still have a long night, babe."
like and reblog! ♡
2024 © jnkangels | all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or translate any of my works.
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sevsprettyslut · 5 months
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My wishes for 2024:
1.) Sevika’s mouth on my pussy.☺️
2.) Sevika’s strap/dick deep in my gut.
3.) The both of us all oiled up and fucking until were unable to walk or see straight.
That’s it, that’s the post!👍🏽🔥🎉☺️
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no1heyyyyyyyy · 6 months
Sevika's tastes
Sevika is an old lady and she just wants to be left alone. She likes to look good but when it comes to clothes, Miss thing just doesn’t care that much. She always has practicality in mind. So, no dresses, nothing flowy, has to have natural fabrics so that her skin can breathe, and she requires that things are comfortable. Her shoes are always made for hardware with a strong sole and often reinforced. In the modern world, I see her working in metal working (specifically welding), so she has to have clothes that are multipurpose. Though, if she was forced to wear anything really nice, it would be a simple well-cut blazer and a button down with jeans or slacks that conform to her legs nicely. She prefers earthy colors, nothing too flashy. I think she’d really appreciate a nice dark green, or perhaps brown. I also feel that she would enjoy a nice flannel regularly.
With food, I’m afraid her palette is as unrefined as her clothing choices. She genuinely does not care what she eats, though she really likes chicken- loves hot wings, spicy food is her love. But, her comfort food will always be the food native to what part of India her family is from. I don’t think she’s the best cook, but she has a few family recipes that she knows so well (aloo gobi, chai, samosa, tikka masala, saag paneer). And, I think that on nights where she’s feeling really sad or lonely she always craves those foods. She’d love to cook with or for her partner, it’d be the best way to get to know her honestly. Because it allows for her to show vulnerability through actions and without words. She loves to take care of people and I think in modern times she’d mother her friends just a bit, always making sure they’re eating well, drinking their water, and sleeping right (if not she’ll give them some chai). She doesn’t eat beef or dark meats in general, and she isn’t the biggest fan of seafood or turkey. So, she sticks with her chicken and her paneer. She’ll eat tofu but it needs to be in curry or something similar.
This woman would love 80s hair metal, music is something that I genuinely believe she’d love so much. She’d play drums as a teenager, dead set on becoming the drummer of the next Metallica. She’d also love the old school heavy metal bands, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Pantera. She’d love them all. I think she’d like some old school 90s rap too, but none of the new-age mumble rap that’s going on. She wouldn’t really like Taylor Swift’s music, just because it didn’t vibe with her, but she respected Taylor’s ability to get a bag. She has had a huge crush on Adele ever since she heard the album 25 when it came out. She liked some of her music, but thought Adele was drop dead gorgeous and all mature and soulful and shit, hit her in the feels and made her whipped for this woman she didn’t even know.
For movies she loves shitty 80s slasher horror, nothing that makes her think. She’d sit back in her old recliner in her pajamas and house slippers whilst watching Slumber Party Massacre for the third time, and then put on Golden Girls because she feels that Dorothy Zbornak is her spirit animal. She likes a good sitcom too and a ridiculous drama (she loves Desperate Housewives), she likes the camp, the over the top acting and dumb plots, it makes her laugh and feel care free in a way she hasn’t been in a long time. She just wants to curl up with her pets (she would have many) and watch teen-based tv shows that revolve around crime or secrets (Pretty Little Liars, Riverdale, Vampire Diaries, even Buffy etc.). She likes how bad they are, but she gets so invested it’s ridiculous.
For personal scents she’d like more woody, alluring scents that are also kind of sweet. Think Amber by Rag n’ Bone (it smells so good), she doesn’t spray much, just a spritz, it wafts around her just slightly, just enough for women to fall at her feet. Her individual smell wouldn't be overpowering but it would definitely be clear. It’s grounding and soothing. Her sweat stinks though, every time she comes back from the gym, she goes straight to the showers because her own dogs don’t want to come near her b.o.
In general, Sevika is an old woman who couldn’t give less of a shit. She wants to be left alone with her life and her people and chill. Which is why, I feel like she isn’t that opinionated on much unless it’s boundaries or causes she cares about. She just doesn’t have the energy to be bothered with trivial things like which movie to choose for the night, or which restaurant to go to. She is tired and all she wants to do is eat good food with her partner and her pets in a little cottage in the middle of nowhere. She doesn’t like neighbors and she doesn’t like people in her business. She doesn’t need a perfect life, just one that’s hers.
for whatever reason the letters are being weird, it is killing me. Please ignore it.
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