#oh to not be embarrassed of my hobbies and interests </33
resident-rats · 4 months
Driving past army barracks with my boyfriend and he caught me staring, and asked why I was trying to look into the barracks hxhdhh. I was too embarrassed to say it was bc I wrote two metaltango fics that included them being in army barracks hdhdhdh
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gardenoblues · 11 months
Fic Tag Game
tagged by @iamfandomcrazy @therulerofallpotatos @dark-visitors sorry it took time to reply, y'know uni stuff and shit <33
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? -8 2. What's your Ao3 word count? -46,208
3. What fandoms do you write for? -Wednesday, ENHYPEN (and Raise Tanin ga ii tho i doubt id write for this again) 4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? gee this is embarrassing i really dont have much 1. BloodyLocks (311) 2.Hyde The Past (74) 3. The Pastor's Son (50) 4. you never forget your first (63) 5. Who doesn't love The Smiths? (39)
In Wednesday? -its the same fics above 5. Do you respond to comments? -I try to reply to all as much as possible but if they aren't positive comments i just erase them lol. But I do appreciate the comments (not like I have a lot but nonetheless they make my day) 6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? -It's not written yet, still in the drafts and I won't spoil >< but to answer that question, I don't think I have written angst, I'm still figuring my way as a writer and if I will to write angst I want it to hurt but with purpose, and I'm not sure how to do that yet. 7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? -all my fics aren't done yet. except for you never forget your first. that's pretty happy, well the Wyler version of happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics? -So far so good. But I do think that I hold back my ideas because I'm still so scared in writing them. Maybe someday when I get bolder I'd get them. Can't wait actually lol. 9. Do you write smut? What kind? -Yes. But it's just light smut. I just begun writing so I'm still exploring myself in that area.
10. Do you write cross-overs? -No, but it sounds interesting. Maybe when I get the idea. 11. Have you ever had a fic translated? -Not that I know of. Prob not. 12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? -Nope. But I would love to if chance comes! 13. What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will? -My Reaper and Hyde The Past I have a whole plan laid for these 2. Both drained me until now, but I don't think I'd want to die while they're still unfinished. I will finish them as I promised myself no matter how long that takes. 14. What's your all-time favorite ship? -Wyler! It's more likely that I won't find another ship that tops them. (Just last night I wrote like 2 story of drafts abt them lol they're my favorite brainrot)
15. What are your writing strengths? -Narrating and dialogue. Having tons of ideas for a fic.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? -Thinking for the fic in the long run, and missing out some of the details that can make the fic more, not sure how but just more, and this factor makes me write slower. As well as being too self-conscious and ending up complying to the safest choice. Oh and fight scenes, they just seem like fairies fist-fighting when I read them lol makes me laugh. 17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? - I've thought so much about Wyler in Filipino. Somehow they can fit, but I don't think I have the determination for that yet. This made me remember @ablatheringblatherskite idea for Filipino/cultural mythological creatures for some reason, I want to write a fic about that someday as I know a lot about Filipino folklores.
18. First fandom you wrote for? -WYLER. It's BloodyLocks I had my ao3 acc made months before just so I can comment to the fics I liked with ease. But when Wednesday came out, I suddenly became a fic writer lol. Thanks to their dynamic, I have one more hobby that drives me slowly to insanity. 19. Favorite fic you've ever written? -Hmm, I thought of Hyde The Past right away, (I have a lot, I mean A LOT, that I have written for this fic, but its hard to connect them now) it pushes me to the edge of burnout. At the moment The Pastor's Son is the easiest to write and I'm personally liking where it's going.
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day? -Hyde The Past If I can rewind time, I would write it so much better and wouldn't rush. You can say that when I wrote that fic I was in my lowest, and it hurts my eyes and brain when I try to read it as I think of what should happen next. It's probably one of the reasons why it's taking me so long to finish it.
I'm tagging @tastethesetears @cosmic-lullaby @nouklea @lovepoison9 @writerrose1998 @chinita-inzunza @ablatheringblatherskite @anotherbluesunday @chaoticstupiddm i don't know who was been tagged and if you have u can just ignore this <33
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chairwritexv · 1 year
Hey about the exchange match-up if you’re intrested then may I from my side request only female?
Fandom/s: The Arrow, MCU
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: Trans (ftm)
Attracted: Only to girls
Zodiac: Cancer
Short brown hair, dark brown eyes, kinda mascular but not much, usually wearing hoodies, never dresses or skirts
Very sarcastic, can be rude, polite, stubborn, caring, protective, can and will throw hands if anyone hurts someone I care for, not lazy but not really active, patient, funny
Likes: Material arts, reading, cuddles 100%, hanging out with friends, physical touch in general, rain, music
Dislikes: Homofobia, rasism, bullies, injustice, pick-me people
Hobbies: Krav Maga (military material art), archery, writing, reading
Bad things: Lack of focus, bad memories and orientation
(Just female characters please)
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your arrow match is…
𝓶𝓲𝓪 𝓼𝓶𝓸𝓪𝓴
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lowkey likes your sarcasm
will be sarcastic back to you
you like martial arts/fighting? and archery??? congratulations, you now have a mia smoak attracted to you
is also very stubborn which can create some tension between the two of you
probably didn’t like you at first but got used to you
very protective over you, doesn’t want you getting hurt because of her being blackstar
its hard for her to show interest in people because she’s so closed off but she tries for you
you like music? she wants to listen to what you like (no guarantees she’ll like it though)
you write? she wants to see
you like cuddles? she’s not huge on physical touch, but she’ll cuddle with you, for you, and only you.
also likes rain, unless she’s out in it, which tends to happen a lot
rainy day cuddles??? yes please
she doesn’t always have time to read because of her superhero duties, but if you recommend her a book she will do her best to make time
steals your hoodies
could care less that you’re trans
loves you as you are <3
makes sure to use your preferred pronouns
if someone bullies you about your gender (or really anything) they will more than likely end up beaten up in an empty alleyway
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your mcu match is…
𝓶𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓮 𝓳𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼
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definitely probably attracted to your sarcasm
like mia, will be sarcastic back to you lmao
thinks it’s kinda badass that you know martial arts and archery
probably has you teach her some archery
was neutral abt you when you first met
you were annoying but cool at the same time
you like reading??? congrats, she likes you 50% more now
eventually started feeling this fluttery thing in her stomach
didn’t realize it was a crush until she talked to ned and peter abt it lmfao
isnt huge on physical touch but is probably also touchstarved
she will cuddle w/ you though, just give her a bit to get used to it
lowkey loves reading while cuddling you on a rainy day
three of her favorite things <3 (reading, cuddling w/ you, rainy days)
might put some quiet music on in the background too
will be slightly embarrassed if you bring it up but doesn’t show it
actively denies that it’s yours
which, to be fair, it isn’t yours anymore
oh your trans? cool
like mia, could care less, loves you for you
if someone’s a bitch to you abt being trans/anything else she will roast them to hell
by the time she’s done with them their self-esteem will be absolutely shattered
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yay, exchange matchup! this is my first time doing a matchup (and writing for these characters), constructive criticism is appreciated, just don’t be a jerk abt it, hope i did you (and these characters) justice! <33
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nogenderbee · 1 year
hello! if you're still willing to do the matchups, id like one if that's okay! no rush, and happy birthday!
⊱ What nickname would you call your lover?: a shortened version of their name, or just babe i guess ToT saying cutesy pet names makes me embarrassed </33
⊱ What are your hobbies?: drawing, guitar, singing, video games and crafts; id like to be in a band one day if i'm able to!
⊱ What's your perfect date idea?: anything my partner wants, i don't mind! i think amusement park dates, aquarium dates and cafe dates are cute, tho!
⊱ What's something you hate in others? (like a personality trait or behavior for example): liars, manipulative people, people who ghost/abandon others without telling them (people who don't communicate how they feel)
⊱ What are yours main 3-5 (or more if you want!) personality traits?: shy (at first, but eventually i get relaxed and very silly and joke around a lot), unserious (i make jokes out of a lot of stuff and laugh easily but i can stop when needed), overthinker
⊱ What's activity/hobby do you like?: theatre, anything music related, visual arts (drawing, painting etc), cooking/baking, fashion (though i'm not good at it myself lol)
⊱ What's activity/hobby you don't like?: outdoorsy things that involve bugs and heat, things that demand a ton of physical activity (hiking)
I still do them don't worry! And thank you so much <3 So let's get into it!
I pair you with...
Saki Tenma!
⊱ okey so Saki might be hard to shorten but "babe" also suits her well!
⊱ now, you have in common crafts! So you can be sure that she'll try her best to get you into bracelets making! You both like singing and since you like playing on guitar, I can just see you two having a mini private concert!
⊱ and since you want to be in a band, she convinces Shiho her group to let you hangout with them and maybe even play on few concerts! And she definitely does her best to find a band for you!
⊱ she honestly enjoys all the ideas! But her two favorites are amusement parks and cafe dates! Cafe dates are nice when she feels like doing something calm but amusement park dates are great when she wants to have a bit of fun and wants date to last whole day!
⊱ she wasn't discouraged by your shy side, if anything it only made her more interested! As for your silly side, she loves to just friendly joke around with you! And if your overthinking ever gets in the way... she's ready to assure you and explain to you everything so you won't have to worry!
⊱ and then there's also cooking/baking and fashion! She may not be very good at cooking or baking but she does enjoy helping you in the kitchen! Also when it comes to fashion, she'll definitely help you get better at it and you two most probably end up talking about it most of the time!
⊱ and finally... your dislike for bugs. She's used to it thanks to Tsukasa so she really doesn't mind avoiding any of those places or if anything, helping you out even if she's herself sometimes just a bit grossed out...
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You and Saki were now ganging around amusement park. It was rather late so the two of you were slowly walking to the exit while eating cotton candy.
"It was really fun! We should repeat it sometimes! Oh but oh about on our next date, we will come to cafe with matching outfits?"
"No problem! Do you have specific style in mind?"
"Of course! So since we'll probably go to our favorite cafe, how about we go with it's theme? I think it'd be super cute! We can even go for shopping tomorrow to choose some outfits for both of us!"
You could see the stars shining in her eyes at the mention of matching outfits. It was obvious she was really excited for this, especially if you'd be willing to do that with her! And you can't really say no to a date with your girlfriend in favorite cafe~
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honeysmoonn · 29 days
hey love! congrats on 430+ 🤍 i’m not sure if you’re still continuing with the summer celebration (if you aren’t you can js discard this), but can i please request white mustang?
white mustang — send a description of yourself and i’ll ship you with someone!
(with Outerbanks please!!!)
Sooo to describe myself i’m a 16 year old girl with straight dark brown hair, almond eyes, and freckles along my cheeks. Oh my name is Ivy LMAO. I would say i’m an ambivert. I’m really quiet when I’m not around my friends; I would say i’m a silent observer, I listen in and people watch when i’m by myself. However when I’m with my friends, i’m most likely the loudest of the group. I love my friends dearly and would do anything for them. However, Im a little sensitive and I do get humbled and embarrassed easily. So if someone tells me to “shut the fuck up” I probably won’t speak a word for the rest of the day 😭 I guard my feelings and don’t really share what’s going on unless you’re a really close friend. I lovelovelove talking as much as I love listening. My hobbies are pretty minimal. I love reading, listening to music, and watching movies/tv shows. Definitely a hopeless romantic due to all the books I read. I CRAVE love like it’s shown in the movies. I would say I have a bit of a flirty personality even if I’m not trying to come off that way, if I really click with someone i’ll probably act like we’ve been best friends since 6 years old.
AHHH OKAY. im sorry for writing quite a bit 😭 congrats on 430+ btw! tysm :) 🤍
hi honey! i think im going to pair you with the one and only… pope!
you two have similar interests but your personalities balance each other out because he is also a little more introverted too, but paired with someone who can be more loud and outgoing just makes sense to me.
pope would be a very good boyfriend and make sure to give you everything you want in a relationship <33
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
coming from someone who never got involved in the fandom until last year (and is now regretting it), so I think I have a bit of an outside perspective because yeah I like Taylor and her music but I'm not obsessed with her yk (I think I have an healthy interest as in I like her music, but I also like doing other things. Her and her life are not my main hobby), there's some stuff I read that I don't think this fandom realizes is really cringy. If someone outside the fandom read some things I see, they would be like...girl...you do know you're talking about a 33 year old billionaire that you don't really know, don't really hang out with and this is kinda creepy, weird vibes?
about the age thing, I have seen people saying "she's not even 0, she's a newborn/hasn't even came out of the womb/a bunch of cells" 🥴
Oh yeah swifties are some of the most unself-aware embarrassing people on the planet for sure
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shealwaysreads · 2 years
This is gonna be really random but I am so delighted that you have 30s in your bio. I'm 23 and at that point in my life where I'm entering adulthood and I've thought of my involvement in fandom and how that would change as I journeyed further into adulthood. And most of the time, especially on new platforms like tiktok, it's mostly younger people who are making fan content so it's amazing to see people actively enjoy fandom content as they become full adults. It's very freeing 💜
This was such a lovely ask to receive, I’m so touched and so glad that you reached out! You’ve tapped into a subject I have a Lot of Feelings about, so forgive the incoming ramble ❤️
I have had friends of all ages in fandom over the years, and those friendships have been more important than perhaps I gave them credit for at the time. I’ve been fandom-ing since I was about 14 and its been a hobby that’s brought me huge joy and allowed me to get to know so many lovely humans. They’ve modelled ways of living that I didn’t know about, have generously shared their time and knowledge and expertise and experience, and have been examples of preserving one’s joy amidst the reality of growing up and of living in an adult landscape that can become barren if you don’t intentionally enshrine what’s important to you. (The actual you, the one that lives in your heart.)
The narrative of ‘you’ll grow out of this’ or of setting aside your pleasures as you become an Adult™️ is incredibly pervasive and incredibly damaging. There is even more pressure on young women in particular, and I’ve seen so many instances of ‘oh my god you’re 30 why are you reading fanfic, shouldn’t you be married/mothering/doing your taxes?’ 
It’s easy to get tricked into believing these social strictures are rules that really mean something, but reducing yourself to something prescribed by….who, exactly? (The people and structures that are interested in keeping us small, and bored, and tired, and empty-hearted, and too worn out to argue when they want to take more of our money and eat into more of our precious time here on this precious planet with all of these precious people) It’s a losing game! How much do you think you would need to give up to please the anonymous Life Police who are apparently out to make sure we’re all living the most stripped-back life we can?
If something makes you happy, if it gives you pleasure or comfort or inspiration, then it has a meaningful place in your life. This isn’t hedonism, it is a fundamental basis for a life worth living. 
Fandom is fundamentally about fun—it’s a small word for a big phenomenon, full of community, and friendship, and connection. It’s a folk-space where there is room for everyone, where you can explore the subversive and the comforting all in one blog. It’s where all of us can contribute—making art of all kinds, celebrating each other, inspiring each other, debating each other, stepping out of our daily lives to indulge in the essential, essential, work of imagination and creativity and enjoyment.
Play doesn’t stop being important when you stop being a child, or a teen. We’re human: telling tales and making marks, and sitting together around the fire enjoying it all is in our DNA. Fandom is just another circle of humans joining together to listen to stories and be together.
So. Enjoy being 23, but don’t fear 33, or 53, or 73!
You’ll be yourself; wiser and older, and more well-lived, but you’ll still be yourself. You’ll still laugh, with love, at your childhood and teenage embarrassing moments.
You’ll still remember when that actor did that movie, in that outfit.
You’ll have playlists full of music that brings back summers and parties and heartbreaks, and you’ll still know every lyric of all of those songs.
You’ll have new hobbies, and you’ll have your old hobbies, and maybe you’ll leave them for years at a time but you’ll come back to them unexpectedly and joyfully.
You don’t have to give anything up, not if it still makes you happy!
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yaomomvs · 3 years
Hi there <3
Idk if you take requests or somethin but like- I rlly love ur writing and I can't find a fic with this kind of plot.
So like- haikyuu characters falling inlove with their fangirl (´・ᴗ・`)
But not that crazy fricken fangirl who stalks them, probs like those who give them gifts on their birthday and supports them only on the sidelines. And probs tries their obvious interests when they feel like it and it suddenly became her hobby.
Oh! And I request it with Miya Twins, Oikawa, Sakusa, Suna, Kita, Akaashi if you could. ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ ) [It's ok if you can't, I kinda requested to much characters]
I feel so pushy with this request so It's fine if you ignore this!, if you did do it though, thank you very much!♡
[P.S- Can I Call u Matcha-chan? It reminds me of ur gorgeous theme]
ofc you can call me that it’s so cute! sorry if this took long but i was so busy with my college prep, that why i didn’t write all of the characters in sorry! for a plus, listen to “number one fan” by MUNA hope you like it anon <3
# falling for a… fangirl?
what if they fall for a fangirl?
→ osamu miya, oikawa tooru, kita shinsuke
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osamu miya
honestly you really try to be careful on this one
the thing is you know how many fangirls this guy and his twin have, so it’s not that you are hopeless but
you also know hoy annoyed at least his twin is, so you figure out osamu is kind of the same just more respectful
you liked osamu bc of how mysterious he looked yet so open specially when it comes to volleyball
you happened to be in the same class as him so, you let yourself have the luxury of admiring him while he was taking notes or just staring at the board, he has better things to do than notice he has another fangirl so it really didn’t worry you a lot
but osamu notices
yes, at first he didn’t realize, but one day he just suddenly starts feeling strange, he suddenly paid more attention to his surroundings and that’s when he notices a cute figure close to him
he sees you among the crowd at his games, how blushy your face gets whenever he lands a spiker, how you tell other girls to keep quiet or control themselves but also how you cheer whenever he shines in the court
and honestly? he loves it, he observes you when you are distracted and it feels so good having someone who respected his space but at the same time has a spot for him and only him and enhances those feelings
like an idiot, he tells suna and atsumu about you and knowing osamu is too much of a coward sometimes they make sure to do anything in their power
“hey little y/n, uh- may i call you that?” your heart stops when you hear atsumu’s voice as he places his arms around your shoulder thinking he finally notice how you look at his brother and would tell you to back off, at his side was suna who just nods at you
“i guess” your face was red from embarrassment, the blonde twin noticed and the just spat “what would you think about a little reward, from your dear friends aka the volleyball team? as a thank you for yer support” “w-what?”
so imagine osamu’s reaction when that day walked in the gym for practice and found you playing with your hands sitting next to the coaches on the bench
his face just fires up and he looks away finding a very pleased atsumu.
he gave his 200% just because he did not want to disappoint you, when he notices he is doing this he just smiles and waits for the practice to end
when it does he doesn’t even stop to drink water he goes straight up to you and with puppy eyes he asks “so how did i do today?” his eyes are so hopeful he really just wants you to keep admiring him the way he started doing it with you 🥺
you blush SO hard understanding the situation and then say “the best on the court as always” now he is red and he unconsciously grabs your hand and squeezes it
ofc he then took you to dinner <33
oikawa tooru
oh lord
okay you didn’t expect to actually become a fangirl of the great king, in fact you were hesitant about what made this boy special
you regret it when you actually watch him play and pour all of his emotion in the game, it just naturally captivated you
but in this case you indeed were so hopeless lol
you gave up even before beginning bc come on this guy has half of the school at his feet there was no way he would look your way, besides you knew how much he put volleyball above anything else so yeah
you were so frustrated to be his fan, it was almost as if you hated to admire him you were just not used to the feeling
but you thought there would be no harm on putting a note on his desk ‘confessing’ your admiration, it was ridiculous but here you were looking around everywhere so no one would see you doing it
oikawa waits a while before entering, because yes, he saw you, he found out it was best to give some space to the girls who secretly left gifts or candy at his desk, i mean, they were doing it anonymously for a reason so he really just sees your back as you leave
but when he reads the ‘i like the passion you play with, oikawa tooru’ his heart just- pow!
this guy has never felt so good with a fan note, all of them were about his pretty face and attitude but finding out there was someone out there who watched him play was heart stopping
he immediately tells iwa as mattsun and makki in order for them to just catch you, they do, but oikawa always wanted to admire from afar first
as weeks pass by he now knows you name, class and the way you are always the first to arrive at his games, but never approached him, who your friends were, but how they had no idea of what were you writing to him. you weren’t necessarily avoiding him, in fact he almost exchanged words with you a couple of times
you were gorgeous to him, it’s the first time he feels his cheeks burn whenever you pass by
it is not until he wins against karasuno that the first thing he does after beating his nemesis, is hurry in between the crowd and he just calls “Y/N!!!!!”
you froze like wtf, your brain malfunctions thinking it was the oikawa who was calling you and before you could run away, he runs over to you and almost tripped ending up a bit too close to your face
“huh?” you manage to mumble way to panicked, he wraps both of your hands and it’s way more embarrassing now
“nice to meet you, y/l/n y/n, the one who prefers beige notes with tons of bears on the margin, my name is oikawa tooru, and today’s victory is dedicated to you and only you”
he just radiates pure happiness that your heart stops racing and stops, seeing him so genuine was something else
“you really are something oikawa tooru” you smile and he swears the world stopped.
longs story short, he really won a number one fan
kita shinsuke
please give this guy some classes on how to catch hints
you admired kita for being one of the most honest, hardworking and kind people you’ve ever known
hearing he was in the vball team gave you the opportunity to approach him a bit more with the excuse that in fact you were a fan
his first reaction was so ??? normal ??? although he seemed surprised the twins weren’t the only ones to have fans he just felt like nothing big happened
“thank you, but we have to start practice now, i’m not kicking you out but we need to start as soon as possible”
aran and pretty’s much all of the team was so shocked and he was about to say like ‘that’s not how you talk to a fan!’ but they were even more shocked when you giggled and waved goodbye so friendly.
ever since whenever you had the chance you gave little gifts and notes to kita, and he unconsciously grew fond of them, even if he was stoic you knew it, it made you happy he started to form a friendship with you, and were cool with the fact he was so blunt sometimes.
he likes it when you are around, how you always greet him in the mornings and how loud you are at the teams games! he doesn’t have the exact term to define you but he felt comfortable
but one jealous asshole had the audacity to say out loud that you were just interested so he would date you
so as he doesn’t have much experience he just asks to talk to you one day “please stop giving me gifts and affection, i liked them but they are just a lot now, i don’t know if it’s correct and honestly it’s better”
your heart ached sm because he sounded different almost made you think he didn’t want to have any relation to you, as if he was embarrassing and although you could not be sure, the cold tone he used was making you overthink
“o-okay, i’m sorry if it was bothering, i- you were such an inspiration, thank you for that” and you just tun not wanting him to see you cry
god the days after kita felt like a part of himself was missing, you avoided him at all cost and immediately knew he was wrong for letting that guy play with his head. you never looked his way with those divine eyes that made them feel at ease, or he no longer hearst your heartwarming laugh near him.
the team notices how he is basically yearning for you, and as the helping friends they are, they want to help his captain. so they find your locker and hide your umbrella on a raining day (lol)
kita spots you waiting at the entrance for the rain to stop, and the light breeze helps him smell your scent, he takes a place next to you
noticing he was there you began walking but he suddenly takes your arm and pushes you towards him.
“you are going to get sick, and i can’t have that” he talks holding you against his chest.
“i thought-“ you began quite shocked
“yeah, i thought that too, but i guess i am allowed to make mistakes right, darling?”
your eyes widen as your face feels warm, and it is when you look him in the eyes you know hee is confessing. and you just giggle”
aran, suna, atsumu and osamu high five right behind you
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holy-guacamoly · 3 years
hi lena darlin!! congrats on 200 my sweet friend<33 u deserve all this and more !!
for ur event, may i request for sfw and n sfw hcs for megumi<3
about me!
name: beanie
pronouns: she/her
hobbies & interests: i love to read & write (both poetry & prose for both in addition to fanfic hehe), singing & playing guitar, hammocking, binging shows, dancing, hangin’ w my friends, & finding new music !
about me: im an extrovert, esfj, 2w3, taurus sun, sag moon, aries rising ; i’m a joyful but also very melancholic person ; dont mean to be cringey but i’m an empath ; very much a people person ; love languages are physical touch, quality time, and words of affirmation
abt my kinks: into marking, impact play, spitting, choking <3 not into watersports or scat play
thank u so much again darling! i’m so happy to be a part of your milestone<3
Beanie my dear! FINALLY, I am able to do your request! I am so sorry for the long wait but I want this to turn out in something you deserve. <3 Also I'm a little dumb-dumb, but you know that already. Disclaimer: Megumi is aged up. Warnings: mentions of choking, dom/sub dynamic, spanking, degrading speech ♡ Two words: Slow Burn. I feel like Megumi would be so intimidated by your confidence when you first met. Of course, he is beyond impressed, but he never laid eyes on such a badass woman before and was shooketh to his core! Gumi's cool and calculated deminer is suddenly all gone and he is the new CEO of being a stammering mess. You initiate most at first and kind of force him to be friends lmao But over time you grew so close, doing the most adorable stuff together. You always paint each other nails, binge every show together and it often happens that you fall asleep on his couch during said activity. Let's be real, you acted as a couple the minute you started hanging out. ♡ You guys are always in denial of your romantic feelings and the build-up tension drives everyone around you insane. For months the both of you keep tiptoeing around your feelings. Your man asks you a lot of weird questions whenever another person pops up in a conversation and it cringes you to the max. "Oh...so I met this person." "Like....met-met? Like a...dating situation?" "Uhm....like, in class." "Oh." "Yeah, oh." Finally, Megumi confesses at a party, after he saw you dancing with someone else and becomes incredibly jealous. "Megumi, what the hell is wrong?" you scream at the top of your lungs as you sprint behind your best friend who is already outside. At first the raven-haired seems to ignore you but then turns around abruptly. "I can't stand to see you with them!" he shouts, tears daring to spill over his waterline. Your eyes widen. "What? Why? I don't understand..." "Because I love you, Beanie. For fucks sake! I love you!" ♡ Finally, the cat's out of the bag and Fushiguro is the most romantic boyfriend on this planet. He shares your passion for poetry and slides little notes in your bags and pockets. It's not always the biggest love confession, but rather something like "Be safe today." ♡ Definitely is the type of guy who ALWAYS makes time for you. No matter how busy he gets, this man will move trees to see you. Doesn't matter if he works/studies till midnight. He still comes over to cuddle you in your sleep. ♡ Megumi is a surprisingly good dancer. It's his most well-kept secret and you only find out after a year of dating. You actually catch him blood-handed while he moves insanely fluently to a Rosalia song. :') For a few minutes, you enjoy the show until you make yourself known, sending this poor boy into a state of pure embarrassment. But you are beyond happy that you finally have a worthy dance partner. ♡ Nose kisses! So many nose kisses! He loves to wake you up with them while he wraps his arms around you. :( Megumi buries his face in the crook of your neck and sighs contently against your skin. He feels so safe with you. "I have to get up soon, 'Gumi," you murmur against his head, earning a disappointed sound in return. "But I wanna stay here with you forever, Beanie." he sighs. ♡ Being an empath can be so draining. Luckily your man is here to keep any kind of overwhelming feelings at bay. Megumi adores you for your gift of making people happy and giving them the feeling of being understood. It's something magical really. But he knows that you soak up others' emotions easily, positive or negative. When things get rough your boyfriend gives you temple massages and lets you ramble about everything that is going on in your life. ♡ Your outfits are often color coordinated and it is the cutest thing ever! Secretly Megumi loves to make sure everyone knows you're his.
NSFW ♡ Never judge a book by its cover. Megumi may seem like a wallflower on streets, but for sure is a hoe in the sheets. :') Definitely is a Switch. This is canon! ♡ When in a Dom mood he loves to be mean. "Open up," he commands as he forcefully grabs your cheeks between his index finger and thumb. And you know better than to disobey. As your mouth forms a wide "o", Megumi lets a big pearl of spit drop into your throat. "You are such a slut, aren't you?" ♡ But Subby!Megumi is something else! I love him so much omg. He likes when you try out all kinds of toys on him. Paddles and collars are his favorites and he begs so nicely for them. :( "Six..." Megumi moans as the hard material of the paddle crashes down on his bare skin. "But honey, we are at seven. Guess we need to start over." you muse, while you pull your lover closer on his collar. ♡ Fushiguro's hands are made for choking. Call him Gumi with the choking hands. They are all veiny and strong - A sight for sore eyes. Loves to choke you just enough to make you dizzy. <3 In conclusion: You are dating your best friend and this is something really rare. The two of you are just connected by heart - Soulmates.
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ocvtis · 2 years
hi!!!! here to request a romantic matchup for TWST and Bandori!!!!! :D
I go by she/her pronouns (don’t mind they/them tho) and I’m bisexual!!!
I’m an INFP (MBTI) 4w5 (Enneagram) personality type!!! My personality is all over the place tbh, generally nice and empathetic but I also won’t stand things I don’t like!! Also neutral-good!!! My love language is Quality time and gift-giving!!!
I enjoy doing a lot of things involving arts & crafts, such as pairing, drawing and junk journaling !!!! I also know how to play the guitar, piano and flute!! I also like taking care of plants!!!! I tend to collect a bunch of stuff too, like plushies, books, tarot cards or figures!!
Favorite stuff: Ducks, cats, Lily of the Vally (flowers), soda(!!!), video games (like Minecraft and Roblox because I am a Child at heart), fishes/the ocean (I think the ocean is an interesting place, especially the Mariana Trench!!)
Dislikes: Eating Fish (I like fishes as in learning about them not eating them as dinner,,,,), Frozen Foods, Medication, Cars (I get carsick easily), really loud noises,
extra stuff that I wasn’t sure where to put in one of the categories:
- I have anxiety so I tend to shy away from meeting new people unless someone introduces me to someone new!!!
- I listen to a bunch of music genres (most interesting ones I’ve listened to is shoegaze and noise music) will literally jam out to Anything (besides country.)
- same thing for dressing up! I love cottagecore outfits but I also like dressing in dark academia fashion too!!
- Gifted Kid Burnout that’s Me!!!!
- I like making gifts for friends especially if it’s a birthday coming up for them!!!!! I usually make them on my own rather than buying it from the store
Tried to include as much as I can from the top of my head LOL, thank you for the matchup!!!! <33
I match you with...
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Himari Uehara and Kalim Al Asim 💋
Himari was the first to approach you, probably because she liked your style of clothes and wanted to get to know you, or because you simply inspired her
Himari loves pretty things and dressing well, in fact she loves your style. She would be the kind of girlfriend to want matching outfits with her partner so I hope the idea makes you happy
She would be overjoyed if you showed her the things you are passionate about, like your drawings or the journal you keep. Know that Himari would be your biggest fan <3
Since Himari loves plushies in my opinion her room would be full of them, or she would have a special corner for them. She would show you her collection and you could show her yours, it would be such a wholesome thing. Oh, you could get matching plushies too!!!
Since you like music so much she would be even happier to let you hear songs from her band, in fact, she would invite you directly to concerts and introduce you to afterglow members. Seeing you at her performances fills her with charge and motivation
As mentioned above she would introduce you to the members of afterglow, this implies that Moca might make some harmless joke about the two of you to see Himari blush. By now seeing Moca teasing Himari is not a strange thing, of course she would not say anything offensive. You could witness how cute Himari is when she is embarrassed ;>
When you first gave her a gift made by you she cried, literally. She was so happy that she couldn't contain her emotions, in fact right afterwards she hugged you very tightly. Yes, sometimes she tends to exaggerate and does not easily contain what she feels, but that is one of the things that makes her special
Kalim, like Himari, would be very supportive of your hobbies and would care a lot about you, in fact he would try to spend as much time as possible in your company and would often invite you to Scarabia (I hope you can withstand the heat of his dormitory). Let's just say that by now Jamil has gotten used to your presence lol
He would ask to see your collection, and offer to take you to visit places where you might find pieces to add to it; he would even offer to buy them for you, since money is not an issue for him anyway and he is very superficial when it comes to spending.
Unfortunately, he is quite a dense person and doesn't realize things right away; in fact, at first he didn't quite understand your problems with anxiety or your shyness. But don't worry, after explaining it to him he would do what he could to help you, and help you meet new people
Kalim is not used to receiving handmade gifts, as he is usually the type to receive things bought from the finest stores. After receiving your gifts and realizing how long it took you to make them, his joy was incomparable. Know that he will take good care of your gifts, and they are more valuable to him than any jewelry
For me, Kalim loves playing Minecraft and Roblox and no one will be able to change my mind (lmao). Well, you are officially videogame buddies ;) ; now it will be even harder for Jamil to convince him to go to bed early.
He's also the kind of person who likes to give gifts, but in his case it's more of a random thing, I'm referring to both when he gives them to you and what he gives you. Like, he might show up in front of your house with a duck in his hand completely at random just because he knows you like them, as if it were a bouquet of flowers 💀
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
rainy days = thinking about kuroo <3 more kuroo hcs for you, liaaaaa! 💫
i think kuroo would automatically put his arm around your shoulders if you sat next to him on the couch - subconsciously rubbing your cheek w his thumb (im so touchstarved helP)
kuroo likes to fluster you w his words, but the best way to fluster him is by hugging him out of no where, or throwing w compliment his way, or smooching his cheeks :,( he just loves when you outwardly show your love for him!!
he’d absolutely love having your close friends or family over at your place. he likes to see how engaged you are w them and how big your smile becomes when you’re surrounded by your favorite people :) he’d also try so hard to impress them omg (stop he’d tell everyone how you two started dating w stars in his eyes oh my gosh that’s his favorite story!)
on rainy days, you two wear your biggest hoodies and lay around, talking to each other about the times in your lives that the other was not a part of - childhood trips, elementary school crushes, embarrassing phases, etc. (he’d make fun of all the people you had crushes on as a joke, but inwardly, he’s overwhelmed with pride that you two ended up together)
if you’re coming home from a big exam day or an interview, he’d jump onto you right as you enter to wrap you into a hug and tell you how proud he is of you!! “you’re pretty amazing, you know that? i know you did amazing! and if you didn’t? that’s ok! there’s always gonna be another one!” :)
he doesn’t let you dwell on mistakes or failures. he constantly reminds you that everything is a learning experience <3 but he also does his best to cheer you up!! he brings you your favorite snacks, or your favorite plushies to comfort you.
omg i feel like he’d loVE making the bed with you in the morning! you’re both half asleep, but tossing the pillows to each other reminds him of his volleyball days (maybe he’ll have to teach you?) and he can’t help but smile as you carefully fold the blankets w your face all puffy from sleep (pls i think he’d be in love w your puffy sleepy face)
speaking of your puffy sleepy face, he’d definitely be tempted to just chomp on your cheek gently. you just look so cute!! he’d do it and then walk away as quickly as he can before you can comprehend what just happened.
mayhaps he’d secretly save up for a trip for the two of you??? once he saves up enough money, he’d surprise you w plane tickets. he’d also plan everything out in advance. best boyfie >:( best travel buddy!!!
kuroo would water all your plants if you forgot :( and change their locations to follow the sunlight :( he’s so attentive to your hobbies and interests (taking care of the plants basically becomes apart of his everyday routine)
his hugs!! aaaaa he’d put his hand on the back of your head, the other wrapped around your torso. he’d hold you so so close and lay some kisses on the top of your head :( he’d also gently rock the both of you from side to side, resting his cheek on top of your head. he never wants to break away from your hugs!!!
don’t mind me, just reading your drabbles to provide some comfort on a gloomy day 🌧 as always, i hope you have a lovely day, lia! sending tons of warm hugs <33
— 🧸 anon
hii! it was also rainy for me today :0 rainy days always makes me want to feel more cozy, and your hcs are doing just the thing :'
the subtle touching and affection :' i'm so touch-starved too-
ahhaha he'll be so good at making your cheeks turn red. but oh when he's flustered, his cheeks, ears, and neck will turn pink all at once :' (so cute ><)
:'(( thinking about kuroo fitting right into your family makes my heart so soft
YES sign me up for cuddling with kuroo on rainy days 😫(and sunny days) PLS he'll make fun of your past crushes so much, secretly prideful that they never stood a chance with you >:))
kuroo being a supportive friend/partner/parent/person in general makes my heart so soft :'(((
suddenly, i feel motivated to make my bed more often...
aaaaaaaah he'll find your puffy cheeks absolutely a d o r a b l e! i can imagine him doing random stuff and quickly walking away to contain his laugh ahhahah
:(((( PLS where can i volunteer to be his s/o i'll give up anything djlsdkfj travelling with him sounds so nice :' i'm sure he'll be patient and just there for a fun too, so nothing stressful
now i feel like crying-
heheheh him hydrating your plants >>> i can imagine him rushing to change the pot location to match the sunlight :D (too cute)
noooo i love your hcs so so so much :'(( they make my day everytime i read/reread them! i'm currently working on a sumi drabble that i hope you like hehe :')) thank you lots for your kuroo hcs, and i hope you have a lovely lovely lovely day <33
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be-the-creature-fan · 4 years
My list of Questions I would ask the Kratt Brothers if I had the opportunity to interview the both of them. (Its a dream of mine)
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My actual interview questions are beyond the read more. (Questions for Both is in Black, Questions for Martin is in Blue and Questions for Chris is in Green.)
So without further a do.....
1. What are your earliest childhood memories?
2. How does it feel to be the oldest?
3. How does it feel to be the youngest?
4. What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
5. Any major injuries or near death experiences as a kid?
6. Were you guys always close as kids or was until you guys were adults that you became close.
7. What was life like in the late 60s/70s
8. What was your guys favorite TV show, Movie and Song or Songs as a kid and what about now?
9. Any funny stories that your parents would constantly remind you of that you don't personally remember but is always good for a laugh?
10. How much did you enjoy school, were you a good student or not so much?
11. What's a talent that you have?
12. I heard that your father owned a Harmonica factory while watching a Mr. Rogers documentary that featured the factory in an episode. Have you worked at the factory? and if you have how was it?
13. Did you see the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion? And if so what was your reaction?
14. What's are your favorite sport teams?
15. How was it like growing up with sisters?
16. Would you ever have your sisters cameo in Wild Kratts if you could?
17. On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your high school experience?
18. Were you always interested in having a job that involves animals or did you have other interests?
19. What's your favorite Christmas Movie/Special
20. Can you please translate what your seinor quote thing means? (Especially the Mamm do you have a dog?)
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21. How did it feel to be the first one out of your siblings to go to college?
22. How did it feel when Martin went to college?
23. Any funny stories from when you worked at the Duke Lemur Center?
24. What was it like when you guys created your first ever video back in 1989 also any funny stories or close calls?
25. How did it feel when you got your first couple of rejection letters and what made you continue to pursue your dream?
26. How was business school?
27. How was your washing dishes job at Charlton?
28. When PBS Kids finally accepted your show Kratts Creatures,what was your reaction?
29. How was working on Kratts Creatures? Any funny stories or close calls?
30. Do you keep in contact with the person who played Allison and Ttark or any of the crew who worked on the show?
31. How was working on Zaboomafoo? Keep in contact with coworkers and crew who worked on the show?
32. How did you guys meet your wives? And what was the moment that made you know that they were the one?
33. How did you propose to your wives and how was the wedding?
34. What was the most memorable night of your lives? (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) (I would probably skip this question)
35. How did you react when you first found out you would become a dad? and how did your wives tell you?
36. How did it feel to go from working on Zaboomafoo to Be the Creature how was the shift from kids show to more of an adult show?
37. How would you rate working on Be the Creature? (my personal favorite show)
38. What had to be a low point in your life?
39. What year did you thought up of Wild Kratts? And what was the creative process for that?
40. Which people inspired Aviva, Koki, Jimmy, Zach, Donita, Dabio, Gormond, Paisley and Rex?
41. Where were you during 9/11? (I'm trying to ask people I know that were alive during 9/11 because most Americans alive during 9/11 never forgets where they were at.)
42. Who's the 3rd camera man in Be The Creature?
43. Would you ever make a biography about your adventures? (Please do)
44. What are your Favorite activities to do with your family?
45. Will you ever make another adult show like Be The Creature?
46. Have you ever participated in a Zaboomafoo or Wild Kratts drinking game or would you?
47. What's your Biggest pet peeve?
48. Who's actually the most organized?
49. What are your Hobbies?
50. What is something you wish you could do but can't no matter how hard you try?
51. What's your favorite book?
52. How does it feel to have a cartoon plush of yourself? Is it weird?
53. What's your reaction to receiving art from fans of your shows?
54. What is the most memorable fan encounters you ever had?
55. What country have you not visited that you really want to go to?
56. What is your favorite country that you have visited? (They better say Peru)
57. What's your favorite video game?/ If you played Super Smash Bros (The Nintendo video game) what's your main?
58. What do you do when your not working on Wild Kratts?
59. What was your best year and your worst year and why?
60. How was it like raising your kids when they were kids compared to when they were in their teens?
61. Do or did you watch Kratts Creatures, Zaboomafoo, Be the Creature and Wild Kratts with your family?
62. Do you like being recognized in public?
63. How often are you recognized by people?
64. Have you ever been in a fist fight? if so tell me the story.
65. Have you gone through a mid life crisis?
66. Where are your Disco outfit that you wore in Kratts Creatures and Zaboomafoo?
67. What was your reaction when Jovian the Lemer died?
68. What's a funny or a close call story of your time camping in Vermont as kids?
69. What's your number 1 Karaoke song?
70. Does pineapple belong on pizza?
71. Why has Jimmy not been given a CPS and will you give him one? (That Sea otter episode was a cruel joke)
73. What's your favorite animal? (I want to know what the next episodes will be)
74. Fruit with chocolate yes or no and why?
75. Whats your most embarrassing moment that keeps you up at night?
76. What was up with your hair back in highschool?
77. Why was your hair so curly in highschool and when did it stop being curly?
78. What was your oh crap I'm getting old moment?
79. Have you seen the movie Grease from 1978 and did you like it?
80. What song represents you the best?
81. What animal represents you the most?
82. What's your favorite Theme Song?
83. How is working with Pure West? ( the guy who wrote the theme songs for BTC and Wild Kratts and maybe Zaboomafoo?)
84. Whats your Favorite sport to play?
85. What's your favorite sport to watch
86. What Fad that you lived through was the most Fun and which one did you absolutely lothe?
87. What's a little known fact about yourself?
88. Who's the bossy one?
89. Do you remember what your reaction was when your parents told you that your having a baby brother?
90. How many times did Martin pull the Because I'm older than you card?
91. What was something that you struggled with for a long time but finally over came it?
92. What is something that you are still struggling with?
93. What are your greatest strengths?
94. If you could give advice to your past self what would it be?
95. If you found a new species what would you name it?
96. What is something that you crossed off your bucket list?
97. What is something that you still want to cross off?
98. If you had a time machine what year would you go to?
99. Who do you admire/look up to?
100. What are you looking forward to most in the future/ what are your future predictions for wildlife?
If anyone knows how to send these to the Kratt Brothers that would be Great :)
I will come up with more questions in the future but this is it for now.
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ughgclden · 3 years
if it's not a bother, could I ask for a 🧸(romantic) darling?
i'll try my best to describe myself, as that is my fatal flaw. i have green eyes and messy brown hair. my classic scent is marine water and driftwood. im a entp, aquarius, and slytherin. i use the pronouns she/her. i'm extremely stubborn, i have a good sense of humor, and i love learning. i also love to argue/debate, and i'll do anything to win [even if I'm wrong, but i'm never wrong ;)]. i probably need glasses, but i'm too stubborn to ever admit it. my favourite hobbies are reading, writing, researching, and baking. i love learning about all types of mythology + astrology. i have a knack for history, and i'm super into foraging, although I don't get to practice it much! i play many sports, some of which including ice hockey, baseball, and volleyball. i would describe my aesthetic as a mix of academia, cottagecore, and goblincore. i have an extremely flirtatious personality, even when i don't mean to come across that way. my friends say i have an old soul- they also say i'm a nerd but we don't talk about that. i was on our schools honor roll and I received two other awards, one for my academic achievement and one for my leadership skills. i am a die-hard romantic, although i'm the person you least expect it from. hopefully this information will suffice, and i'm particularly interested in whom you think would fall for silly old me.
thank you so so much lovely!!! and of course you can!! <33
i'd pair you with...
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i think meeks would think you're the best person he's ever met. from the moment he lays eyes on you, he just thinks you're absolutely gorgeous, then he actually talks to you and oh boy, does he fall. hard.
he loves your aesthetic! he thinks the way you mix and match your aesthetics is great and it works in a way that is just so uniquely you, he swears no one else would be able to pull it off nearly as well as you do, and he thinks you look incredible.
your personalities work great together; meeks also loves acquiring new knowledge and will happily listen to anything new you've learned about mythology or astrology - yeah, he could just research it himself, but it always sounds ten times better coming from you. meeks is also quite the old soul, something that gets you both a bit of teasing from the other poets who dub you the 'parents' of the group.
the most supportive of your sports!! he's always there to hype you up and remind you how talented you are. it amazes him how you can play so many different sports, him only really being good at soccer, and would ask you to teach him some ice hockey. this lasts all of ten minutes, as this boy cannot ice skate to save his life.
meeks cannot keep his hands off of your hair. even when he doesn't realise, his hands always find themselves in your hair, playing around with it and twirling the strands around his fingers. he's a little embarrassed when he realises, but loosens up when you assure him it's okay
studying together! you and meeks aren't opposed to study dates if you have a particularly heavy workload, but if much work actually gets done is another thing in itself. this boy can't focus on his school work when you're sitting right in front of him.
he'd also try to bake with you! whilst not the worst baker, he isn't exactly the best. he lets you take the lead and just tell him what to do, and he's more than happy to oblige in order for whatever you're baking to turn out well.
he'll place his glasses onto your face constantly, commenting how you need glasses so you might as well borrow his. this obviously doesn't help, as his glasses are a totally different strength and make your vision worse, but he enjoys being able to tease you anyhow.
i hope this was okay!! thank you so so much for sending something in <33
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muwur · 4 years
hiii can I request hcs for Bokuto, Oikawa and Kuroo crushing on a shy s/o :3 tyyyy
crushing on a shy s/o
✧ hc’s ✧ for Bokuto, Oikawa & Kuroo
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.6k words
a/n: ty for the request ! <33 idk y everytime its like headcanons mixed w scenario frjffgt i hope das ok w yall my definitions of all these intersect too much--
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✧ mans sometimes has trouble knowing people’s boundaries
✧ PERO bby is just being himself, we lov a king
✧ when he has a crush, he just wants to give you a lot of attention
✧ your shyness is just an added uwu factor to him, he craves seeing how surprised you get whenever he just so happens to pop up out of nowhere to say hi!
✧ tbh he spotted you from like a mile away and pretended like he needed to go in the same direction just so he could talk to you--
✧ doesn’t hesitate to compliment you! will ask if you did anything different (you: “not really” ) and then always says “you always look great, anyway, no need to change anything!”
✧ invites you to his games, hyping up his team and insisting that if you come, he’ll play even better because of your support
✧ has to control himself from leaping with happiness and giving you a hug when you respond a bit bashfully, agreeing to go like 👉👈 “oh, sure, ill come” bc a cutie just asked you to come watch him play
✧ however, when akaashi mentioned once that Bokuto might be coming on a bit strong for your more timid nature, he tried to tone it down
✧ but then he got sad thinking that maybe he was actually overwhelming or annoying you and he sulked for three and a half days despite akaashi insisting that you probably didn’t feel that way, otherwise you would just avoid him
✧ you noticed recently he’s been acting a bit off, and it made you a bit sad to see him looking upset
✧ so you decided to make a sign for him for his upcoming game!
✧ you lugged it around with you when you entered the gym, backside facing forward to hide what it said
✧ you were a bit self-conscious, to say the least
✧ you got settled on the bleachers and watched the game
✧ but Bokuto rlly seemed out of his element; he missed a few potential points and the other team eventually got in the lead
✧ thinking that he needed a pick-me-up, you held up your large sign overhead sheepishly during a time out, hoping that Bokuto would notice
✧ everyone on the team started to snicker when they read your “You got this, Bokuto! Go Owls!” and gave suggestive looks to their team captain
✧ he was confused (Bokuto: “why are you all looking at me weirdly??”) until he finally turned around and saw your sign
✧ and fell 10x more in love with you
✧ and now he can die happy
✧ turning back to his team, tears pricking at his eyes, he quietly choked out:
✧ “(Y-Y/n) made that...? F-For me?!?!??”
✧ now that he’s fIRED UP, Fukurodani easily gained back their momentum and won by a landslide
✧ you stood around outside the gym after the game, wanting to congratulate Bokuto and the team but ovERthInkING iT and you were about to chicken out when
✧ “(Y/N)!” a voice called out loudly
✧ and you were met with a crushing hug
✧ never in your life were you more pleasantly surprised and embarrassed at once
✧ Bokuto’s back on his bullshit, always tryna talk and impress you
✧ and everyone wonders why y’all aren’t dating yet cmon just love each other already--
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✧ a big tease and a big flirt
✧ never fails to tell you how lovely you look everyday
✧ a bit embarrassed, you’ll always thank him (which he points out is cute, saying there’s no need to be shy)
✧ overall, he’s rlly sweet doe
✧ he was out with his teammates once when he saw you, so he called you over by name
✧ but since you’ve never met any of Oikawa’s teammates, except Iwaizumi, you were a bit hesitant
✧ seeing this, he goes over to you, gently grabbing your arm and pulling you over while reassuring you, “C’mon, I want you to meet my team. I think they’ll like you!”
✧ will introduce you as his friend
✧ however everyone sees through this (except u) and knows boyo wants mor
✧ makes sure to include you in any conversation, asking you for your input
✧ piss Oikawa off
✧ until he rlly does get pissed off and excuses both of you, deciding to just hang out with you because his teammates are meanies
✧ so we may conclude he can be a bit protective
✧ always staring or looking at you, secretly hoping that he catches you looking at him (gets disappointed when once again, no, you were not looking at him)
✧ checks himself in the mirror even MORE now that he has a bit of an infatuation-- (Iwaizumi: *to Oikawa, who is inspecting his face* “you can only do so much to look human, give up”)
✧ politely excuses himself from his horde of fan girls just to talk to you
✧ always trying to find ways to talk to you in hopes you’ll open up more to him and in general
✧ will offer you help even though you obviously do not need any (again, just to talk to you)
✧ and offers you other things he has on himself, like gum
✧ speaking of gum he’ll always have gum or mint on him in general but espeeeeecially if he knows he’ll be around you bc boyo want his breath smelling fiinneee
✧ eventually gets you to be quite comfortable around him (yes!), so you have nice conversations every once in a while
✧ he’s also v considerate and likes gift giving! bought you milk bread from his fav place because he talked about it the other day, and you mentioned you were curious to try it
✧ one time after you told you that you looked pretty, you paid him back with a compliment as well
✧ he got quite flustered himself, trying to hide his blush by turning his face to the side and then excusing himself-- (smooth)
✧ mans just left you confoozed, but you shrugged it off
✧ he digged the compliment tho, it made his heart swell and his ego skyrocket LOL
✧ his crushing gets worse after you start showing up to his games to support and cheer for him
✧ gushes about you mid-game to Iwaizumi, who looks like he wants to off himself every time--
✧ once you’re a bit more comfortable around him and after “hanging out” (Oikawa: “nOT a date oKAY”) a few times, that’s when he thinks he should ask you out (like on a date date c; )
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✧ (totally unrelated but i had a weird dream recently where kuroo and i became buddies bc we found each other’s finstas--)
✧ ok im like 99% sure all these bois would love to get some sort of reaction out of their shy crushes cuz they think it’s cute, they just do it in different ways
✧ kuro’s a bit of a tease
✧ but only because he likes to see your reactions, thrives off of them n eats that shit up like salted mackerel-- (not literally)
✧ likes to look in on what you’re doing whenever you’re just minding your own business ( “whatcha got there?” )
✧ gets a bit close to you as he looks over your shoulder (doesn’t matter wut ur height is; this mf tall tho)
✧ will call out your name and wave when he sees you in the distance, then walk over to you and start a conversation, asking you about your day, what you were doing, etc.
✧ will leave his other friends to talk to you, so much for bros b4 hoe5
✧ always respects your boundaries, though. he’s quite perceptive and is able to tell whether or not you’re uncomfortable
✧ and if you are, he’ll do whatever he can to lessen it (sometimes without you even realizing it)
✧ invites you to study with him after school in the library (and thanks the universe when you agree)
✧ tries to be sLICK when y’all are studying
✧ like he’s extra attentive so when you drop your pencil this man zooms for it before you can even blink so he can pick it up and maybe touch your hand as he hands it to you
✧ “oh, you dropped this,” he says, iNNOcENtLY
✧ you just smile and respond with a “thank you, kuro”
✧ may or may not have done this also so you could smile and thank him—
✧ will also try to impress you with his knOwLedGE and is eager to help when you don’t understand something
✧ tries to fix his bedhead ;((( but fails (Issok bb u perfect already)
✧ will kinda flex about his team and being captain (“oh yeah so we’re going to nationals pretty soon”),,, hoping to convince you to come to a game
✧ which,,, you do (much to his content--)
✧ luckily for him, you end up easily vibing with both kuro and kenma
✧ occasionally you see both of them and are comfortable enough to approach and say hi
✧ after a while tho kenma just disappears and ur like ?? where’d he go ?? and kuro genuinely did not know
✧ kenma just wants to give y’all sum alone time,,,, but y’all dont know that (except kuro when he confronted him later n all he got as a response was ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
✧ always asks you about your interests, mentally taking notes on them (he believes that info will come in handy in the future)
✧ and he likes to surprise you with the things he remembers (ie. your fav colors, snacks, scents, hobbies, etc)
✧ is kinda comfortable with how things are between you two
✧ but also really want something more; will probs end up asking you out suddenly when y’all are hanging out >.>
✧ embarrassment and uwu’s are shared
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♥️ Anon Matchup!
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I Match You with Suna;—
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Before I read your wanted characters, I was thinking about Suna as your first match up! So when I saw him there, I was so happy to know you wanted him.
I’m not sure why Suna to be exact but he’ll your perfect match! He’s extremely chill and doesn’t seem bothered to care about controlling people, so he wouldn’t mind that! Plus he’d love to have lazy days with you and just laying down together, cuddling (I headcanon he’s very into cuddling and will cuddle 24/7), and seemingly having no care in the world.
Suna has an “I don’t care” vibe to him he cares a lot! He’s always sure to communicate his feelings with you and be clear so no one’s left in the dark. He’s also very loyal to his friends and partner, he’ll be sure that everyone is aware the two of you are dating and hypes you up in social media. He comments odd passive aggressive replies to everyone that simps for you in your comments. It’s quite endearing...
He also plays video games with you all the time! But that doesn’t mean he’ll go easy on you... he’ll literally destroy your ass and make sure you don’t win. He’s like “equal rights, equal rights right?😐😐”... (I hate him omfggg😭😭).
Suna finds your piano tunes very calming and asks of you to send him recordings of them so he can sleep listening to them, it gives him the feeling of being appreciated and loved. I mean, you took time out of your day to help him fall asleep easier.
Overall, you and Suna are a chill couple and people want to surround themselves with the two of you. Also, people were surprised to know how much of a simp he is😭😭.
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I Match You with Kuroo;—
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I was gonna go more towards a Kenma path until I saw your wanted characters and checked their compatibility with you. Kuroo was one of the ones that were very well matched with you!
Loyalty is a very important thing for the both of you and that reassures you that there won’t be any backstabbing and going behind each other’s back in your relationship.
He adores how supportive you are! If you come to drop by practice, he’ll be so happy and if you were to join them for a game or two, he’ll be over the moon. Going to Yaku and flaunting his relationship with you and ‘teaching’ Kenma his ways, but Kenma knew better than to believe that Kuroo’s ‘charming’ Chemistry pickup lines won you over.
Kuroo admires how assertive you are and how you always speak up when you see something wrong happening. He loves you and all of your traits. And your flaws too! He knows you can come off as controlling but knows you mean no harm. And about being lazy, his closest friend is Kenma... that says enough LMAOO.
About your dislikes and turn offs, you don’t have to worry about a thing when you’re with Kuroo; he feels the same way! Except the public embarrassment... he likes to tease but wouldn’t go far!
He also supports your interests and hobbies! After he found out you like gaming, he was sure to tell Kenma about it and he watched you both get along with your favorite games, he felt as if he could die happy watching his partner and Kenma get so engrossed in conversation!
If you play the piano competitively, he’ll attend every recital of yours and if you did it as a side hobby, he’ll beg you to play something for him <33.
Overall, you and Kuroo are a supportive couple and uplift each other. He helps you be more out there and you help him loosen up every now and then. Plus, Kenma loves you and is glad you’re Kuroo’s partner.
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Who are you most to least compatible with from your list (based on my own characterization of these characters)?
1st : Suna -> You’re most compatible with Suna and it shows, I’ve stated why on the first match up!
2nd : Kuroo -> Another person you’re very compatible with, just not as much as you are with Suna.
3rd : Osamu -> He’s a good match just probably wouldn’t feel like communicating and that might lead your relationship to be somewhat toxic with no communication.
4th : Sakusa -> You might get along with him but he seems as the type to demand control and it will be a constant tug of war between the two of you for dominance (wait that’s kinda a hot concept...😟).
5th : Oikawa -> You mentioned you really find it a deal breaker if someone were to be disloyal, and due to Oikawa’s natural flirty attitude, it’ll be a tad hard on him. He won’t cheat on you! Just says things in a flirty manner and that gives others the wrong impression.
6th : Atsumu -> I imagine him to be the least compatible with you out of everyone for the same reasons as Oikawa, except he does it on purpose to push your buttons. He might go too far and when he realized he hurt you, he’ll then feel bad. But you two might have an enemies to loves type relationship ;)).
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Author’s Note : THANK YOUUU AND YEAH YOUR DETAILS WERE VERY HELPFUL!! Sorry I couldn’t attach it there, it kept lagging and deleting my response when I answer your ask :(( AND NO WORRIES, I hope you liked reading this <33. Also thank you for calling this event fun ownsuwndhe😟☝🏼 I thought it was lame since it’s overdone so it means a lot you saying that. OH ALSO YOU’RE SO NICE, I added a special bonus for you ;)). I’m sorry about the mistakes, I’m writing this a bit drowsy so praying it’s not too bad
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shingia · 4 years
hi! I would like to request a matchup with one of the haikyuu boys please :D some things about me:
- female, istp-t, gemini (but definitely not a "social butterfly" ._.)
- um idk if appearance will make matching me easier but I'm 5'6", have long, straight brown hair, brown eyes, I have terrible vision so I wear glasses (and I'm pretty sure I look dead without them sksjs), and I'm not ~in shape~ so I'm kinda (very) insecure about my appearance. but it is what it is so I try not to think about it too much :') also my mom once said I have rbf so there's that
- hm for personality... I've been told that I act like a cat 😂 I think I usually treat people the way they treat me, if not in a more reserved way. if someone is being rude, I will not hesitate to passive-agressively call them out and insult them (I am a verbal fighter lmao). I have a lot of friendly acquaintances with whom I'm nice and joke around with, but with my few friends I can be extremely sarcastic and very much the mom friend. it takes forever for me to open up emotionally bc I am a master at bottling up my feelings ✌I can also be very stubborn, defensive, and sensitive, if someone says something hurtful to me I will immediately withdraw and will definitely overthink it
- some things I enjoy are: cooking/baking, listening to music (especially 80s music!), arts and crafts, reading, crime/mystery/thriller media, and driving on the freeway during sunset and at night (while listening to music of course) also I seem to enjoy waiting till the last minute to do everything (but I'm a pro procrastinater so it always works out 😎 except for my ap calculus class yikes hopefully I can get an A this semester)
- my love language is probably physical touch, but I'm honestly a bit of a tsundere and currently touch-starved so yeah >_> also I hate to admit it but I'm easily flustered, so if someone were to flirt with me by teasing and whatnot I would definitely blush (aghh that's embarrassing) and think about for forever
- if I were to be in a relationship it would be for the long-term, I do not find flings to be appealing. but I'm also lowkey afraid of heartbreak so... yeah o_o
haha I hope I didn't say too much 😅 I just found your blog and I have to tell you that it is so pretty!! the way you format your posts, the fonts, the titles, your writing... everything's just amazing! thank you so much for taking the time to do this matchup, I hope you're doing well and hopefully have some fun writing! please don't feel obligated to do this request if you don't feel up to it though!
🖤 a/n : awww that’s so nice of you tysm !! 🥺🥺 hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself ! (good luck for your calculus class btw!) 
i ship you with…
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𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈 ! (lucky girl)
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• since akaashi’s rbf game is pretty strong as well, you two would look unstoppable together
• the whole fandom probably agrees on the fact that akaashi wouldn’t give a flying fuck about appearance, so don’t stress yourself beacause as long as he loves your personality, he’ll love the way you look. and i know for a fact that he would love your personality. so yeah obviously praise is a huge yes - he’d always find ways to comfort you if you feel insecure
• i think he would even look up to you on some points, like « treat people the way they treat you » for example. i feel like he’d probably try to apply this to himself as a way to be more assertive maybe? just a thought
• and he would respect you SO MUCH for standing up for yourself and not take shit from people/call them out
• he might try to warn the person if he feels like they’re on a slippery slope, but quite honestly, i don’t think he would try to hold you back from insulting them lmao
• because i genuinely think that sometimes akaashi just likes to sit back and enjoy the chaos
• he definitely knows a lot about sarcasm so i think this would be your main form of teasing if there was to be one. he’d never risk to upset you or make you feel uncomfortable by saying something that’s plain hurtful, even as a joke
• and he would 100% understand your struggles with overthinking/bottling up your feelings so i’m sure he’d be very patient with them. so don’t feel bad about taking your time to open up, there absolutely no rush !
• i think akaashi would be v interested in literally all of your hobbies, but the fact that you like to read is definitely what makes him the most happy <3
• he’d be so ecstatic to lend you some of his books and read some of yours, that’s probably one of his favorite ways of bonding
• and oH GOD driving on a freeway at night with akaashi keiji ? absolute dream. + i’m sure he has immaculate taste in music, his playlists always fit the mood
• if your love language is physical touch then i only have one thing to ask of you : 👏🏼hold👏🏼his👏🏼hands👏🏼
• it’s alright if it makes you flustered, he’ll probably be blushing 100x more than you anyways
• bottom line : if you’re looking for a long and steady relationship, then he’s most definitely the one for you. my dude is not joking about these things 😌
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