#when I was writing knives are faster he asked me what the plot was
resident-rats · 4 months
Driving past army barracks with my boyfriend and he caught me staring, and asked why I was trying to look into the barracks hxhdhh. I was too embarrassed to say it was bc I wrote two metaltango fics that included them being in army barracks hdhdhdh
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
Deep Work
pairing; knives x (GN) reader warnings; smut, !NSFW MINORS DNI! , fingering, reader is gender neutral but i have them wearing a skirt for plot convenience summary; knives makes your reading time a bit more ... interesting word count; 1.3k notes; this came to me in the dead of night and i just had to write it.
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You look up from your book as the weight on the couch shifts. Your eyes land on the last person you expect to see out and about so late.
Knives has his own book in his hands, something about science. He sits on the cushion next to you one leg crossed over the other. He holds his book up with one hand, while the hand closest to you lays by your side, almost touching your leg.
You suppose you could ask what he’s doing, but Knives has never been one to chatter. No, this stone cold man usually keeps his distance from most everyone. Especially you, for reasons you don’t quite understand. He keeps all conversation with you short and to the point, and rarely even offers you a spare glance.
Which makes this situation all the more curious.
He doesn’t look up from his book to meet your eyes, and you decide it’s best to stop staring at him. You can’t imagine he wants you looking at him like that, and you’d rather he not walk away from you quite yet. Despite his cold nature, you find yourself very interested in this man. He’s smart , talented, and definitely scary. He has this powerful nature that screams not to mess with him. 
He’s also incredibly handsome. There’s doubt about that. You’re sure that if he were just a bit nicer, he’d have people trailing behind him begging him for a chance.  He, most likely, would never want something like that. He would likely view it as more of a hassle than anything. Knives doesn’t seem interested in any kind of intimacy from what you’ve seen. He even ignores friendly banter, preferring quiet solitude instead. 
The two of you read in complete silence, the only noise being the sound of paper turning. His fingers flip through the old pages much faster than yours. He seems to be a fast reader. Either that, or you are a slow one.  You are a bit distracted by the current situation, which makes keeping your place on the page quite hard.
You never would have expected him to actually sit down and read with the likes of you. Knives is other worldly, and you are very much human. A species in which he despises. For him to volunteer to sit with you so closely….
This must be some kind of test right?
His hand lightly grazes your thigh and you suck in a breath. This is something of a fantasy for you. You can’t deny that you’ve thought about this man more times than you should. Who wouldn’t? He may be brooding, and unreachable, but is is also beautiful. You must admit you’ve thought about what his hands would feel like on your skin. You’ve imagined it was his fingers instead of yours while you’ve touched yourself on numerous occasions. You’ve even gone so far as to call out his name in the dead of night when you’re sure nobody can hear you
Suddenly you feel his fingers brush against your thigh. Your body tenses at the feeling, eyes widening. You lower your book and look down at the hand that is now resting just above your knees. You then turn your gaze to him, his own gaze still locked onto the book in his hand. His fingers squeeze the skin on your thigh gently, before they start rubbing soft circles.
The words on the page start to become slightly blurry as his hand starts slowly sliding upward.  Torturously slow, only lifting a single inch at a time. Your leg explodes with electricity from his touch, making you gasp quietly.  He doesn’t seem to be looking at you still, but his gaze seems to get more and more intense with each little noise you make. His fingers reach the hem of your skirt, and start lifting the bottom up as he slides his digits even further towards your heat.
He pulls away suddenly to flip a page. He lifts his finger up to his lips then licks it softly. As he does, his eyes meet yours for half a second, before they’re back down on the book as he turns the page. The tension is palpable. He places his hand back in the same place, and continues his hand up. He lifts it slowly, so his fingers trace the line of your under garments, but don’t touch them fully. 
A small whimper leaves your lips as his fingers finally reach your underwear, already wet. He rubs his finger against the fabric, letting out a “Hm.” You aren’t sure if that’s a reaction to you, or the book. He traces his fingers along your clothed folds gently, creating friction that leaves you wanting. 
He finally pushed the fabric to the side, pressing his finger against your clit as he makes small circles against the nerve. Your jaw goes slack, your eyes roll back, and the book that was previously in your hands falls to your side. He seems to take your reaction as encouragement as he continues his movements. You’re not sure if he’s even turning the pages in his book anymore. 
You let out a soft gasp as his long finger swirls around your sex, gathering the juices before he finally presses it inside you. His blue eyed stare is still hyper focused on the book in his hands as he teases your entrance. There isn’t a smile on his face, not even the hint of a satisfied smirk. He looks completely neutral while he slowly pushes one finger inside of you. 
On the other hand, you’re  a mess. Your breathing has become ragged, and there’s a bit of sweat forming on your brow. Your face must be red, by now, covered by a dark blush. You can barely believe what’s happening as he slowly pumps one finger inside of you. Why is he doing such a thing so suddenly?  You have little time to think, as another finger is added.
You let out a deep moan, hips moving up to meet his hand. A quiet “tsk” leaves his lips, and you try to keep yourself from humping his hand. It’s so hard though. His Fingers are long, and hit all the right spots. The curl within your sex and you let out a gasp followed by another moan. He stops his movements for a second at the noise, then continues on with a new intensity.
You find yourself squeezing your eyes shut as his name leaves your lips. “Oh Knives~” He arches a single eyebrow, and hooks his fingers again. Your entire body begins to shake as the orgasm draws near. How is he doing this without even looking at you? 
You let out a soft, begging whine, and finally his book snaps shut. The sound makes you jolt, and you’re worried you have done something wrong. Then his eyes meet yours, and he simply mumbles “Go ahead.” 
Your body reacts immediately as your climax hits you like a wave. The heat that was building bursts, and you feel yourself get lost in the feeling of it all as Knives helps you ride out your orgasm. When your body finally relaxes, he pulls his fingers out. He looks at them, then licks you off of him slowly. Your eyes widen at the scene.
Knives grabs his book and stands up, walking away. Not before leaving you one last glance, a tiny smirk resting on his lips. You quickly pull down your skirt, still panting from what just happened. Your cheeks are pink, and your thoughts run rampant. 
'What just happened?'
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deejadabbles · 11 months
hiii friend <3 for the Halloween drabbles:
🏚️ haunted house + "Don't be scared, I'll hold your hand" withhhh Echo!
Excellent combo, my friend! And with Echo no less, I was very excited to write this so thank you for sending it in! Also, I just realized IDK if people assumed this prompt was for a haunted attraction or a supernatural haunted house sooooo because several peeps asked for the prompt, I'll do both! This time around we're going with supernatural, I hope that's okay <3
The Hidden Room (Echo x GN Reader)
Summary: You and Echo get sent to a place that's totally, definitely not haunted....probably. Rating: G (but minors DNI) Word Count: 1.821 (what is self control at this point?) Warnings: Creepy atmosphere and dangerous situations, reader is not having a good time but at least Echo is there to comfort you. Masterlist /// Tag List Sign Up  /// AO3
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“We’re going to die.”
The outlandish words earned you one of Echo’s infamous side-eyes, but the flat tone of finality earned the smallest of smirks. “Don’t be dramatic.”
“Dramatic?!” you shouted in a distinctly dramatic tone, the word ringing in the vast forest surrounding the two of you. “Echo, we’re out in the middle of nowhere, about to go into a mansion that looks like the inspiration for the Haunting of Hill House!”
“And Cid’s cutting us a decent check to do it,” was Echo’s bland reply, though, even he was looking at the abandoned home with a scrunched up nose.
Could anyone really blame you for getting the creeps from the situation? You had driven nearly an hour away from the city to this random ass plot of land with nothing but trees for neighbors, only to find a house that loomed up into the night sky like a decrepit specter. Seriously, even setting aside the gothic ambiance, just the rotting state of the house alone should be cause for concern, one good breeze might knock the thing down with the two of you inside.
Unfortunately, Echo knew you too well and, with a shrug, he started for the front door of the murder house. Kriff, he knew you wouldn’t stand out here by the speeder bike alone, in the dark, or let him brave the spooky manor by himself. With a muttered curse under your breath, you followed after Echo. The supposed forgotten family riches Cid mentioned better be worth all this!
Inside, Manor McCreep was even worse. Thick layers of dust and forgotten belongings were to be expected, but the white sheets over furniture, the broken grand piano, the grand staircase with a shadowy upper landing- yeah, Echo owed you big time for agreeing to be his partner for this one.
“We’ll split up, but keep our comms open the whole time in case one of us gets hurt,” Echo suggested, shining his flashlight slowly over every creeping shadow.
A part of you wanted to tell him how ridiculous it was to even say the phrase “split up”, but another part wanted this to be over with as soon as possible, and covering more ground meant faster results. “Fine, but we stay on the same floor and in the same wing.”
“Agreed,” he hummed, narrowing his eyes at a corner where a torn painting hung ominously on the wall.
And so, like the leads of any horror vid, you two parted ways through the dark. 
Echo could tease you for being dramatic all he wanted, but you took full advantage of the open comms and gave him a running commentary of every room you went through. “Oh, the kitchen, complete with rusted knives that’s probably dried blood, perfect!” “A conservatory filled with weeds that’ll come to life and kill me any minute, nice.” “Ah, the library, filled with ancient tomes of unspeakable curses, I’m having the time of my life!”
Your partner must have appreciated the antics that filled the silence, because his deep voice crackled over the channel, meeting your sass blow for blow. “Make sure to dodge the blades when they start levitating.” “I knew we should have brought that paranormal weedkiller.” “If there’s a curse to make Tech’s goggles fog up when he’s being a smart ass, make sure to grab it.”
You smiled every time he quipped back, comforted by the reassurance that he was still there, close by. It was almost possible to forget where you were as you rummaged through the rooms for this rumored treasure. For the most part, all you found were yellowed flimsi documents, broken furniture, and more signs that one wrong step would send you falling through the rotted floor.
Of course, the true potential for horror came flooding back to you when you opened a door to a study and found nothing but a porcelain doll sitting in the middle of the room.
“Absolutely kriffing not.”
Slamming the door shut was the only solution to that room.
Fortunately, by the time you had found that little horror, Echo was done searching his half of the first floor and the two of you reunited in the entry hall. Unfortunately, he had not found this treasure trove either, which meant it was time to climb that eerie looking staircase to the even creepier second floor. At least your lights lit up that shadowy landing.
Said landing was a wide, open space, with dust covered bookcases and broken end tables lining the wall between two dark hallways on either side. To add to the spook factor, a howling wind roared from outside.
“So,” Echo hummed, the light on his chest plate shining to the right, “do you want eerie corridor number one?” He turned it to the left, “Or eerie corridor number two?”
You opened your mouth to quip back at him- only to pause when you shivered at the breeze that should have been outside. You turned in the direction of the wind, narrowing your eyes at the solid wall that certainly shouldn’t have had that much air coming through an old crack or two.
“Do you feel that?” you whispered to Echo, raking your own light over the bookshelves.
His eyebrow lifted as he followed your gaze, of course, being covered in his armor and body glove under that, he probably hadn’t felt it unless it hit his exposed face. He did notice something, though, and walked over the bookcases. That skilled hand of his ran along the bottoms of the old wooden shelves, then he gripped one and pulled.
The bookshelf swung open as if on a hinge, and revealed a dark doorway.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t there be a sketchy secret passageway?” you sighed.
Echo huffed a laugh, “Well, what better place to hide the family fortune than in here?”
“I acknowledge that you are completely right but- Echo, have you not read any of the horror novels I’ve recommended to you? Secret passageways are never a good thing! We’re bound to find some madman’s journal detailing unspeakable monsters of the H.P.Starcraft variety!”
All he did was give you that look, then walk into the secret room. “Come on, sooner we find it, sooner we get out of here.”
With a heavy sigh you followed him again, running your flashlight over every nook and cranny so you could set your mind at ease that there wasn’t anything lurking. In the shadows. To your relief, there was no long passageway of certain death, but instead it immediately opened into a small room. There wasn’t much in it, just an old desk with a matching chair, and more bookcases that mostly looked empty. Above the desk was the source of the wind: a window that had three of its four panes broken.
Wordlessly, you two got to work searching, you taking the desk, Echo the bookcases. Of course the desk drawers were locked, and you had to dig out the multitool from your belt to open them.
In fact, you were so preoccupied with trying to jam the drawer open, that you didn’t think much when you felt someone step up behind you.
You didn’t know why Echo was standing over your crouched form, but you went on with your work, letting out a satisfied noise when the desk popped open.
“Nothing in here but old tax documents and…a first draft of a romance novel?” You said as you flipped through the pages.
 Echo chuckled, “Wonder how bad the smut is that they felt the need to write it in here.”
“Maybe they just liked the privacy…” 
...Wait, Echo’s voice hadn’t come from above you. A glance to your right told you he was still rifling through the shelves. Despite the fact that there was something creaking the floorboards directly behind you.
Every hair on your body stood on end as you wheeled around- and your light illuminated a gaunt, bloodless face with sunken sockets for eyes.
A scream ripped from your throat as you fell back against the desk, dropping your light in your fumbling attempt to reach the blaster at your hip. Another cold breeze whipped painfully across your face, just as Echo called your name.
He was beside you in an instant, a hand on your shoulder, “What is it? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
Wha- how the kriff had Echo not seen the person looming over you?! Blaster in one hand you quickly grabbed your fallen flashlight and shone it over the spot they had been. 
But of course, there was nothing there.
“B-behind me,” you inwardly cursed the stutter in your voice and swallowed hard as you continued to scan the area with your light, “There was someone behind me- Echo I swear I saw someone!”
Echo’s hand gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze, “Hey, it’s alright, I believe you,” he threw an cautious look around the room, then slid his hand down your arm to lock with your own. “Don’t be scared,” he murmured, that steady baritone almost managing to calm your thundering heart. Then Echo slowly started to rise, pulling you with him as he kept his eyes out for danger, “I’ll hold your hand while we-”
He was cut off when the desk chair threw itself across the room and shattered in a burst of splinters against the wall.
Your man did not need to tell you twice. With more grace than you thought you could manage, you sprang to your feet and ran for the hidden door, Echo holding your hand tight as you did. Just as you both cleared the doorway one of the bookcases fell over, blocking the secret room from visitors once again.
The carnage didn’t stop there. As Echo pulled you down the stairs, an end table grazed your cheek as it flew through the air, certainly aimed at your head. Paintings fell off the walls and floorboard ripped themselves up as you both thundered through the entry hall. The moment you two practically jumped past the front door something else smashed against the wall, narrowly missing one of you.
Unfortunately, holding on to each other caused one, then the other, to lose balance and both of you tumbled down the porch steps. As if on instinct, Echo’s arm went around you protectively, holding you as your bodies rolled across the ground in front of the haunted manor.
The moment you came to a stop, both of you looked up at the house. The wind gave one last mournful wail as the front door slammed shut, sending quite a clear message.
You and Echo both seemed to hold your breaths for a moment, waiting until, all at once, the horrible wind and sounds from inside died, as if they had never been there to begin with.
There was a heartbeat of dead silence, then, “Echo?”
“I’m going to kill Cid when we get back.”
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EDIT: click here for an extended ending in my reply reblog lol
Tag List: @sev-on-kamino @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @commander-sunshine @dystopicjumpsuit @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @arcsimper5 @littlemissmanga @wings-and-beskar @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @idontgetanysleep @523rdrebel @moonlightwarriorqueen @briefartnaturewolf @kimiheartblade @littlemissbshine @funeralreunion @chubbyhedgehog @ladytano420 @trixie2023 @mssbridgerton @wizardofrozz @vithepotato @mythical-illustrator
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twstedstoryshop · 3 years
Homecooked Sweetness
I’m really behind on Valentwst, but at this point I don’t wanna push myself to play catch up. Instead, I’ll post the prompts when I feel the spark to write that day. Anyway, onto our prompts! This day’s prompt was Star | “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” I chose Star! -Shopkeep
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Yuu and Trey share a moment together as the two work on dinner for the Heartslabyul boys. Sometimes, it’s the simple moments like these that bring people together.
Content: Trey x GN!Yuu, Pre-established Relationship, Fluff
The Heartslabyul kitchen was alive with the sounds of pots clattering, knives cutting against a chopping board, and shaking spice holders. Yuu watched in amazement as Trey moved from one end of the kitchen to the next with pure finesse. It was a wonder how he was able to stay on top of everything, but that was a testament to Trey’s reliability. Already the fruits of his labor could be smelled in the air. The scent alone made Yuu’s mouth water and stomach growl in excitement.
“God, Trey, this is already smelling amazing. Are you really not done yet?” Yuu whined as they leaned against the chair they were straddling. Trey laughed, amused by his companion’s excitement, but did not take his eyes off from the pot he was stirring.
“Not yet, but if a certain someone was willing to lend a hand, maybe this coconut chicken curry would finish faster,” he said, tossing a smirk towards Yuu with a raised brow.
Yuu pouted as they slumped against their chair. “Treeeeey, you know I don’t cook. I’d probably mess it all up…”
“I’m not asking you to do the whole recipe, silly. Just help prep some of the ingredients! That way I can just toss it all in the pot and cook it. Come on, why don’t you wash your hands and I’ll show you what you can do. I promise you won’t mess it up.”
“Yes, yes,” Yuu grumbled. They slipped out of their chair, making a dramatic show to trudge over to the sink. Which got a snort out of the third year. Eventually, Yuu came to their partner’s side. Trey set the stove to a simmering heat and pulled out a small cutting board, followed by a number of carrots and a knife.
“Here. All you gotta do is cut these carrots into thin shreds. That’s simple enough, right?” Yuu nodded, a little taken aback at how easy this seemed. Trey grinned then ruffled Yuu’s head gently. “You thought I was going to put you through the wringer?”
“Maybe…” Yuu pouted. “You’re always plotting to tease me and the other boys somehow, hmph.”
At that, Trey drew close to bump his forehead lightly against Yuu’s, looking straight into their eyes with his golden ones. There was a definite affection that could be felt in his gaze but beneath the surface, a mirthful twinkle gleamed. “I can’t help it if I want to play around with cute things.”
Yuu could feel their heart instantly bump up in speed, but they stood their ground. Ever since Yuu and Trey had begun dating, it was a game between the two of them when flirting was concerned. Mostly Trey trying his best to woo Yuu and Yuu doing their best to not crumble into a blushing mess from his advances. “Ehhh? Does my boyfriend have a wandering eye? Has he found others cute besides me? How mean!”
“The others are cute in the way little siblings are. You, on the other hand, are someone cute in the way I want to see you fumble around,” Trey then pulled away to turn back to his curry pot, “--and you have to cry out for me to help you~”
Yuu’s brow twitched. They puffed their cheeks and turned to their cutting board in a huff. “Now you’re just making it sound like I’m a dummy! Well jokes on you, I’m going to shred these carrots so good, you’ll be thanking me for making this curry!” With that, Yuu eagerly went to chop away with a bemused Trey at their side. Despite the little squabbles here and there, it wasn’t enough to sorely annoy the two. If anything, it brought the couple closer. Which was made abundantly clear by how close the two stood next to each other and lightly pressed their shoulders together to be affectionate.
Time passed in comfortable silence. Trey continued to perfect the taste of the curry base while Yuu rhythmically chopped away. Just then, an idea passed Yuu’s mind. With a good-sized slice of carrot, they carefully carved away it and smiled at their handiwork.
“Hey, Trey. Check it out!”
Trey spared a look over and saw Yuu with a carrot star held up in front of their eye. “Pretty cool, eh?” Trey grinned at his partner.
“Hey, not bad for a first time carving! You know, actually… You should make more of them! We can toss them into the curry! I’m sure it’ll be a nice surprise for the boys.”
“You think so?” Yuu smiled, eyes closed like a content cat who got the best cream. “You can leave it to me!” With renewed vigor, Yuu carved away at various carrot slices to make an array of stars. With Trey’s help, the stars were slid away into the cooking concoction. Yuu would watch with wide-eyed wonder as Trey made the final touches to the curry. Seeing the carrot stars swirl in the mixture almost made it look like a spiral galaxy of delicious food. With a quick taste test, Trey hummed, and nodded in satisfaction.
“I think that should do it! We’re done! All you gotta do is plop it on some rice and it’s ready to serve.”
“Awesome! Finally, I’m starving! Hold on, lemme go get the others and we can–” but before Yuu could finish their statement, a gentle kiss suddenly hushed them. Trey then pulled away just as quickly and smiled shyly with rose-tinted cheeks.
“I really appreciate you staying with me in the kitchen. I mean it. Not a lot of people come by to keep me company while I cook. I think the last time I ever felt so happy cooking was when we made that chestnut tart together with the others,” he chuckled.
Yuu was a goner, instantly overcome with a great blush, and their body trembled in sheer adoration for the man before them. “That’s not fair… Being cute like that… C’mere, you dork.”
Kisses were peppered all over Trey’s face and Trey himself couldn’t stop the giggles from bubbling up and popping in delight. “I’m not a dork!”
“Yes, you are. Being all sappy and sweet like that. Now shut up and kiss me,” and who was Trey to stop a final kiss to be sealed between him and Yuu. The moment of sweetness was cut abruptly though by a flash and camera click. The couple quickly turned to the kitchen’s entrance to see a number of eyes peeking around the corner. One pair was sheepishly trying to hide his phone away.
“Oops, I left the flash and sound on…”
“Cater!” A number of familiar voices groaned in exasperation.
“Waaaah, enough of the smooching! I wanna eat!” One particular voice yowled that Yuu sighed at. Trey could only laugh. He had a feeling tonight’s dinner was going to be more hearty than usual.
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raph-and-spike · 4 years
Blowing off Steam - Leo x genderneutral!reader
requested? yes/no
“Remember that one episode when Karai was first introduced while Leo was letting stream from from his bro stressing him? I was thinking while Leo was on the roof tops he noticed the most unique person he had ever since... Same plot but no Karai.”
a/n: The person who requested this also told me that I could free write a lot of it, so I hope you like what I did with it! Also, I’m trying to get to as many requests as I can, so please be patient if I haven’t done yours yet!<3
warnings: Smut, so NSFW content. You’ve been warned. **For the sake of it being smut, I have made both the reader and Leo 18 years old.**
Leo had it.
Why couldn’t his brothers accept that he was the leader, and he always would be? Master Splinter had chosen him to be leader; wasn’t that self-explanatory enough? He needed to blow off steam, something that even meditation couldn’t fix this time. As he climbed rooftops, wondering how his brothers were holding up without him, you came out of nowhere.
You were like nothing he’d ever seen before. Not that he’d seen a lot of humans anyway, not ones he was attracted to. But you were something magical; something about you separated you from everyone else. You were dressed in skin tight black clothing, there were small, shiny daggers and knives visible from every pocket and strap on your clothes, and you wore a smirk on your face that showed him a sexy confidence he’d never seen on a human before.
You immediately attacked, catching him off guard. He grinned; a fight was exactly what he needed to blow off steam. But, how would he be able to potentially hurt someone as angelic as you? It didn’t matter, because your blows were hitting him every which way and he didn’t have the time to romanticize you in his head. You used your years of learning ninja combat and mastering the art of knive throwing to fight. This was a surprise to him, he’d never seen a human fight so well and strategically.
“Who are you?” he asked, dodging your punches as he used his katanas to his advantage.
“I could ask you the same question,” you retorted.
You threw a knife, which would have hit him exactly between his eyes if he hadn’t dodged it with the blade of his katana. “I asked you first!” he yelled.
Your fight moved to a different rooftop, blowing punches and kicks at each other whilst both using your weapons.
“You’re not bad for a frog,” you grinned, running away and throwing another knife in his direction. He moved his head, nearly getting hit before running after you.
He grunted. “I’m. Not. A. Frog!” He caught you from behind and nearly slit your throat before you used your foot to kick him where the sun don’t shine.
You stood confidently over him, hands on your hips as he doubled over. “Then, what are you?”
“Mutant. Turtle,” he groaned, his eyes spinning as he held his crotch in agony.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Hmm... Another mutant in this city, huh?”
He rolled his eyes. “Only I’ve been a mutant for eighteen years.” He used his foot to kick you off your feet, making you fall beside him.
He turned his head to you. “Who are you? And where did you learn to fight like that?”
You sighed. “My mother,” you reminisced, “she was the best kunoichi of her time. I learned everything I know from her.”
He winced at the past tense words. “I’m sorry.”
You shrugged, standing yourself up and lending him a hand. He grabbed it, standing up as well.
“It’s fine, I’m Y/n by the way,” you introduced. 
He smiled. “Leonardo.”
“And, where did you learn to fight like that, huh?” you asked with a smirk. “I’ve never seen a turtle fight like a ninja warrior before.”
He didn’t want to give too much information away. “My Sensei,” he responded bluntly and confidently. 
You raised your eyebrows. “Your Sensei’s got a lot of skills then, I suppose.”
He nodded. He wasn’t going to say anything else, and you sensed that. You decided to change the subject.
“Why were you dilly-dallying on the rooftops, then, Leonardo?” you observed.
He rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t ‘dilly-dallying’,” he mimicked, “I came here to blow off steam.” 
You chewed on your lip. “Well, I suppose you came to the right place; I was doing the same.”
He cocked an eyebrow at your tone. He couldn’t help the aching that began between his legs; eighteen years and he’d never been sexually relieved by someone else. Would today be the day?
You stood closer to him, laying a hand on his plastron and connecting the space between your lips. Never had he even kissed a person before; would he be bad at it? He hoped that you would guide him through it.
You took the lead, moving your lips slowly against his before gently introducing your tongue. He reciprocated, and your tongues slowly began to dance with each other. Your hand slipped between the two of you, moving toward his crotch. You could feel him, cock against his stomach, rock hard. You smirked against his lips, fingers teasing against his flesh. He groaned, his cock twitching at the sudden feeling. You pulled your lips away from his, moving them to his ear.
“Let your anger out on me,” you whispered sensually, “or in me, rather.”
He shivered, pushing you to the cement as he followed on top of you. You pulled your pants down along with your underwear, and he wasted no time aligning himself with your entrance. 
“This is, um, how I do this, right?” he asked, stuttering. 
You groaned. “Yes, Leo, just get inside of me now!”
With one thrust, he filled you up completely, causing you to gasp at his size. He didn’t allow you to adjust to his size before thrusting into you again and again. He kept a pace, going faster and faster with each thrust. You wrapped your legs around him, pushing him into you as you felt your climax arise. It didn’t take long for him to finish, given that it was his first time. But, he was eager for you to finish too. He kept thrusting, reaching as deep inside of you as he could manage. Finally, you came too, with a loud moan.
He pulled out of you, leaving you both breathless on the rooftop, laying side by side.
“You blow off enough steam, Leo?” you asked, turning face toward him.
He chuckled, turning his face to see you as well. “Yeah, you?”
You nodded. “I might need to blow off some more steam again soon,” you chided, “if you’re willing.”
He nearly fainted.
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summonerscenarios · 4 years
Hey I submitted a request earlier that I don't think went through (sorry, new to tumblr). In case it didn't, I asked if you could do an angst scenario of the MC being wounded in a real fight and getting hospitalized, hanging onto life. How would Shiro, Kengo, Ryota, Toji, Moritaka, and Agyo take it? (Ignore this the post went through) Thanks!
Me? Going overboard on a request and writing way too much filler at the beginning for the sake of a plot? MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK. 8000 words later and this is made~! Thank you sm to @husbandomail for proofreading this! -------------
None of the Summoners are there when you get ambushed, it’s a twisted kind of irony really - the one person who’s almost always hanging around with someone being attacked the moment they get caught on their own. You’re used to the fights by this point, you’ve been involved in conflict from the moment you first arrived in Tokyo from fighting enemies to fighting future allies, so when you first get jumped by another group who think they’ve got what it takes to take you down, you don’t even bat an eye at the confrontation, thinking it should be over soon. You were right, but not in the way you’d thought.
You don’t know when it happens, you were just preparing to call forth your sacred artifact when a wave of searing heat blossoms from your side. At first you don’t even recognize it as pain, it feels just like burning, as though you’ve gotten too close to a fire, and you look down just in time to see the knife buried in your side as the stranger rips the blade back out. The the pain hits you, and you stumble over yourself trying to make as much distance as possible from the one who stabbed you, cursing as you bring a hand to clutch at the wound - it must have been serrated, as there’s far more damage than a regular knife could cause, and the blood is already seeping through your shirt and onto your fingers as you try to keep pressure on it. It’s a moment of weakness, one your attackers are eager to take advantage of, but you aren’t going down without a fight; weapon or no, you’ll fight tooth and nail if you have to to get out of this.
And that’s exactly what happens - your attackers swarm in, some armed with knives and pipes, others bare handed like yourself, and the ensuing fight is awash with blood, tearing and screaming. Every hit you get in you’re taking three, knocking you back and slicing at your clothes and body as you have one too many close calls with weapons getting too close. Your fists are torn up and bleeding, and your arms are shredded from blocking blow after blow as you focus on a repetitive rhythm - swerve, jab, dodge, kick, swerve, jab, dodge, hit - you’re getting exhausted, movements growing sloppy with each moment spent constantly evading. You put up a good fight, at least three of them are limping from where you’ve struck them in the legs, and another is clutching his arm nursing the spot where you’d sunk your teeth in when it had wrapped around your neck. They’re wounded, but the more you hurt them the more you piss them off, and you’re struggling to keep up.
It’s brutal, and in the split second it takes you to kick away the stranger going for your throat there’s a crack and your vision goes white as your body gives out and you crumple to the floor - you’ve been struck in the back of the head, that much you know, but you can’t will your body to get back up. You’ve reached your limit, you can’t move anymore and your vision is swimming in and out of darkness, with blackspots clouding your already messy thoughts as you fight to focus on the group who are closing back in. They’re approaching you slowly, whether it’s because they’re so sure they’ve won, or if they assume you’re just faking (which would have been a smart move, in hindsight) you don’t know, all you know is that their weapons are still raised, wet and dripping from what you can only assume is your blood. They’re not done with you yet, you think to yourself, head laying slack against the floor as you glare up at your attackers with bared teeth. 
Shit, you might actually die here.
But then the walkway is flooded by lights, a passing car driving close to the pavement as it goes past. It must be too close for comfort, as at the sight of the headlights momentarily blinding your vision the group scampers off, as though terrified at the thought of being caught - it’s enough to make you laugh, if breathing didn’t feel like you were rubbing sandpaper against your throat. Instead you try to call out to the passing car, ignoring the metallic taste that floods your mouth as you try to make your voice as loud as possible. For a moment you think you catch the driver’s attention, as the car slows down just a fraction, lights trailing over the path so close to spotting you, but then you watch as it continues moving, the lights sliding out of view and basking you in darkness once again as you drop your head back to the ground. You don’t know how long you lay there - a few minutes at least - but eventually you slowly pull yourself up into a sitting position, no longer trusting your legs to support your weight as you drag yourself over to the closest wall, slumping against it with a wheeze as your body protests moving so soon. If you’re gonna pass out, it’s not gonna be face down on the floor you’re making sure of that, but you know you can’t stay here and just hope someone will come find you, not when there’s a chance of your attackers coming back. 
Yet you can’t walk, and you doubt dragging your bloody body out into the street is going to do anything other than get you hit by a car. Instead, you shove your hand into your pocket, cursing the fabric as it catches and pulls on the slices etched into your skin as you fish around for your phone, hoping that it wasn’t too damaged in the scuffle. Fortunately, it looks untouched when you pull it out, and when you turn it on the flash lights up the area around you, where you can see dark red streaks spattering the pavement like something out of a horror movie. Biting back a wince, you clumsily open your phone, fingers sliding over the screen and leaving smears as you slide through your contacts, looking for someone who can pick up your call. You don’t know who you end up calling, but the moment you hear the dial you bring the mobile up to your ear and wait, trying to keep yourself focused enough to stay awake long enough to tell someone what’s happened. You hear a voice as someone picks up on the other end - you can’t make out who but they sound happy as they say your name, recognizing the caller ID; you feel almost bad that you’re about to ruin their night with an impromptu near-death call.
You wheeze something out - maybe cracking a joke in the face of death, maybe a serious rundown on what’s happened, or hell maybe even a garble of gibberish with how your tongue feels like solid lead in your mouth as you talk. As soon as you speak the call goes silent, and you wonder for a moment if they’ve hung up, but then they’re back on the line again, saying something about holding on and asking where you are, what you can see, and questions along those lines. You do your best to answer them all, but sometimes their voice is drowned out by white noise, as though a static is clouding your head and trying to force its way out of your ears getting increasingly more persistent the longer the call lasts; eventually you can barely make out anything other than a few words, and your entire weight is pressed against the wall now hands struggling to keep a hold on the phone as your fingers go lax and lose any strength they had. Eventually the phone slips from your hands altogether and you can’t even reach down to pick it up, so you try to keep speaking as loud as you can as you stare up at the sky, looking for something to keep you awake. But you don’t find it - instead you find the stars looking back at you, sparsely dotted across the sky as the only other witnesses to the sight of you in this moment. They look so small and you have to squint to see them, noticing that their initial shine is fading, growing duller; it takes too long for your brain to register that it’s because you’re passing out, eyes fluttering open and closed. The last thing you can hear is the voice on the other end of the call, telling you to stay awake, not to close your eyes - you’ve never been too good at listening to people though…
Shiro is the one who you’d called. When he’d seen your name flash on his screen, he fully expected to hear that you were on your way back to the dorms since you were cutting close to missing curfew. His tone is chipper when he answers the call, bringing it up to his ear, but then he hears the wheeze on the other end, a hollow sounding rattle of words that makes his world freeze in the spot. Shiro would recognize your voice from anywhere, but it sounds so hoarse and pained that he goes silent at the sound, listening to the sound of you breathing as you wait for him to respond. All thoughts screech to a halt - there’s so many questions that hit him at once, all fighting for the forefront of his mind, but the red flags force their way forward. Something’s wrong, something’s happened. A wince on the other line snaps him out of his thoughts, and all at once he’s trying to get as much information as he possibly can - where are you? How far from the dorms? Can you get back? What can you see? They rattle off faster than they should be, but the panic is beginning to well up in his chest as he begins to realize the gravity of the situation and that you aren’t okay. The moment he’s able to get an address, he’s out of the room and looking for someone, anyone who can help him get to where you are and get you the help you desperately need as soon as possible - it’s a stroke of luck that there’s teachers still doing their rounds when Shiro makes it outside, as he would scoured the whole place looking for help as he didn’t want to hang up on you. 
He’s part way through trying his best to explain the situation when your phone hits the floor and he stills, eyes wide as he listens to your voice, loud but groggy and disoriented as your words filter in and out of coherency. The only thing he can think to say is begging you to stay awake, to listen to his voice in the vain hope that it will give you something to focus on, and by the time your answers begin filtering off into long silences Shiro’s clutching his phone hard enough that it hurts and yelling even though it doesn’t make a difference. He’s got a sinking feeling in his stomach that if you pass out this might very well be the last time he hears your voice, but he shakes the thought away violently as his attention whips back to the teacher, watching anxiously as they make a call to someone - he’s hoping its emergency services - and try to fill in the gaps on what’s happened. In the time that Shiro’s attention has turned from the teacher back to the phone the call’s gone quiet, he’s hoping it’s just that the calls dropped but when he checks the screen his heart drops into his stomach upon seeing the call time display. 
You’re gone - and he prays it’s not for good.
Shiro’s not allowed to go with them to the scene, but when he’s not calling the other Summoners to get them to convene he’s glued to Mr. Triton’s side, the teacher being updated on the situation as things progress. He can tell something’s wrong when Triton receives news that they’ve found you, as the momentary sigh of relief is replaced by an expression of dread which is poorly masked as he looks over at the Summoners who have all arrived. You’re alive, the teacher assures them that much, but as soon as he hears the word ‘hospital’, Shiro is struck with the reality that this is really happening. There is no worry over wounds that disappear, no grins as he’s waved off for being so concerned over temporary injuries - you won’t be coming back tonight. Going to the hospital isn’t an option, even though for once Shiro is tempted to side with Kengo about going anyway just to see if you’re gonna be okay, but it’s clear the teachers are on alert as all students are directed right back to their dorms to stay put for the rest of the night, with promises that you’re going to be okay even though he knows they don’t know that for sure. 
Shiro can’t sleep, and spends most of the night looking through his phone. Videos, pictures taken together - he keeps rereading the last message you’d sent him over and over again, getting more choked up every time he goes back to it. ‘Be back soon’, if only you knew how wrong you were, but how could you have known? How could he? He didn’t get around to responding, figuring that he could speak to you when you got back at the time, and now he regrets it, he regrets it so much that it hurts and he can’t do anything about it. He doesn’t know when he falls asleep, but when he wakes up Shiro’s head is throbbing and his eyes sting, and he feels sick when he looks at his phone and last night's events catch up to him.
It takes a while before anybody is allowed to actually see you. Your condition was worse than they had thought when you were first brought in, so you weren’t allowed visitation until the doctors knew you weren’t at immediate risk anymore, but those days of waiting are agony. Shrio can’t stand still - if he stands still then he thinks about it, and immediately jumps to the worst case scenario - so he’s always up and trying to keep his mind occupied with tasks, hand constantly hovering over his pocket to make sure he’s got his phone on him. He’s so scared that he’s going to get a call of the worst, that you’ve taken a turn and aren’t going to make it, to the point that he keeps checking it throughout the days, keeping it close even though realistically he knows that he wouldn’t be the one getting that call if something happened. 
Once the visits start you’re not allowed more than a few people in your room so the Summoners have to visit in pairs. Shiro is the first to visit with Kengo, and it takes a lot of running between floors and Kengo being too stubborn to ask the reception for directions before they’re finally directed to your room, and though they’re warned beforehand that you won’t be awake Kengo storms inside with Shiro hot on his heels. At the sight of you Shiro’s chest tightens. There’s bruises, cuts and tears everywhere he can see, the majority of them bandaged up and sterilized yet still painful to look at; he can’t imagine how much they must have hurt, how much they still hurt, and he has to tear himself away and focus on your face so his mind doesn’t immediately dip back into those worst case scenarios. Despite your injuries your face looks relatively peaceful, though the neutral expression on your face marred by scrapes and gauze makes it hard to just pretend that you’re sleeping and going to wake at any moment. He leaves flowers and a card signed by your classmates and guild members at your bedside before taking a seat right beside you, hesitant to even touch your hand whilst Kengo leans against the wall directly facing your bed. They’re only allowed to stay for a few hours, and when it’s time to leave Shiro reaches out and gives your hand a comforting squeeze, muttering words of confidence under his breath hoping that they’ll at least reach you before he leaves. It hurts to see you in the hospital, but being able to see you still living and breathing, no matter how battered and beaten, gives him hope, a hope that he desperately clings to like it’s a lifeline as he comes to terms with the fact that this isn’t over yet. You’ve got a long way to go - and Shiro hopes above all else that you’ll wake up...right?
Kengo, upon getting the call from Shiro, doesn’t really register the seriousness of the situation - Shiro wanted to explain it to everybody in person rather than over the phone, and most of the time his ‘emergencies’ are usually just some easy to fix problems with some elbow grease and a couple bruised knuckles. It’s because of this that he doesn’t rush over right away, arriving at the meetup point by the time everyone else has convened in a small cluster of concerned faces, and it’s upon seeing their expressions on top of spotting a teacher with them sets of alarm bells in his head. Those are only confirmed once Kengo hears about what happened to you, about the attack and the events that followed. It can’t be real, right? Most people who want to get revenge or get violent need only to open the app so they don't have to worry about real world damage, so unless someone was actually trying to kill you this doesn’t make sense. And if someone was trying to kill you? There’s gonna be hell to pay, and he’s not gonna sit by and let someone else take care of it for him. 
He knows that obviously they’re not going to be allowed to see you, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t at least argue it - what if something happens to you again?! He wasn’t there the first time he’s sure as hell going to be there the next time! He can’t just go back to his dorm knowing that you’re out there, even if you’re somewhere safe like the hospital, so it’s no surprise that he tries to sneak out anyway. Of course he doesn’t get far, as the teachers are already on alert in light of what’s just happened and so he gets confronted by Mr. Jinn before he even makes it out of the dorms. He can’t convince Kengo to go back to his dorm room, so Mr Jinn instead offers for him to come walk with him as he does his rounds through the dorm building checking in on the other students - Kengo still feels antsy about not being able to leave, but knowing that he won’t be able to think clearly if he’s stuck in his room by himself, he takes him up on the offer, even if the whole time his mind can’t stop thinking about where you are and how you’re doing. 
Once people are able to visit you in the hospital Kengo’s adamant of seeing you as soon as possible, not being able to see that you’re going to be okay for himself has been driving him nuts. It takes some convincing before they settle on visiting you in pairs, and Kengo ends up tagging along with Shiro when he makes the trip to come and visit you for the first time. He’s gotta admit, he gets ahead of himself and doesn’t think to ask for directions, going off of the room number alone to try and find your room; however, after more than a few minutes wasted going between floors with Shiro right behind him trying to get him to slow down, they finally get directed to the right place. He doesn’t hesitate to swing the door open without a second thought, only half listening to the warning that you won’t be awake when he enters the room and spots you. Now, Kengo has seen you hurt - the two of you have gotten into too many scuffles together to count, both inside and outside of battle zones - he’s seen you so hurt that you’ve had to use your sword to stand, so hurt that when you smiled he could see the blood in your teeth and smearing your lips as you wiped it away. This isn’t the same. You look beat down, weak and frail, surrounded by wires, tubes and machines and it just looks wrong. You’re his partner, guildmaster of the Summoners, one hell of a fighter and friend to just about anyone you meet, you shouldn’t be here, with the doctors still not knowing if you’re going to fully recover or not, let alone wake up at all. 
It makes his blood boil, thinking about how someone went out of their way to actively hurt you, maybe even try to kill you. He doesn’t care if they sought you out deliberately or if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but the moment he sees you in that hospital bed it already solidifies the resolve that he had to track down the people responsible and give them a dose of their own medicine - maybe if they’re lucky they’ll still be able to walk by the time he drags them to whoever handles this whole investigation mess. That can be handled later, for now Kengo takes a spot leaning against the wall right next to the window, arms crossed whilst Shiro sits down directly by your bedside. At least you’ll have a nice view to wake up to when you’re finally conscious - he’s not even humoring the alternative, you will wake up. The time passes by too quickly for his liking, and all too soon there’s a knock on the door as one of the floor staff informs them that visiting hours will be concluding soon. A part of him wants to argue staying for a little longer, reluctant to leave your side now that he can finally see you again, but he doesn’t wanna cause even more stress to the people responsible for keeping you alive so the two of them take their leave, with Kengo taking a moment to run his hand along the end board of your bed as he gives you one last glance. Kengo hangs around outside of the hospital for a little longer after that, giving the area a couple rounds. He’s pretty sure those thugs aren’t stupid enough to take another go at you here, they probably don’t even know who you are, but the idea of just leaving you there doesn’t settle right with him. So he stays a while, finding a wall to sit on that gives him a good enough view of your room, just one light amongst many that light the hospital, and he waits - he doesn’t know for what, but the whole time he’s there he’s wordlessly cheering you on, cause he knows that you’re gonna come out of this in one piece. You’ve beat the odds before, and you’ll do it again, he just hopes he’s around long enough to see it happen.
Ryota doesn’t immediately clock on to something being wrong, as Shiro never specified over the phone what the meeting was about, but he’d still rushed to get there nonetheless because most of the time Shiro’s meetings were about something important, or, at the very least, meant that everyone was going to show up. However, he arrives just in time to catch part of the conversation between Moritaka and Shiro, where upon hearing the word ‘hospital’ immediately asks why they’d brought it up. Ryota can’t imagine anyone being able to take you down, especially because you’ve joked about it so many times, so he’s shaken to his very core to learn that you’d been found collapsed, so badly injured that you’ve been immediately transported to the closest hospital for treatment. There’s a few minutes where he hopes that they’ll spin around and say it’s a joke while you sidle up to the group and laugh at how he fell for it, but you’d never been one to play that cruel of a prank and it’s more wishful thinking on his part, one that slowly dies as Toji, Kengo and Agyo show up to receive similar confirmations. He wants to cry, and he does once the situation fully registers. You were out there, badly hurt all alone for who knows how long - how many people had walked past and not noticed? How many hadn’t even heard what was going on until they saw lights flashing as you were carted off? The thought of you alone and in pain brings Ryota to tears, only made worse when the Summoners try to comfort him even though none of them know what could happen to you.
He’s a little bummed that he isn’t able to go along with Shiro when visitations first open up, as he wanted to be the first one to see you; however, with how wound up Kengo’s been, Ryota reasons that it’s probably for the best to let the two of them go, making sure that Shiro takes the ‘get well soon’ card that everyone had signed with him so that you can see how many people are here to support you. When Shiro returns to the guild everyone can see that it was a difficult experience, his expression one of serious distress as he takes a moment to himself before talking to the others about how you’re holding up. The fact that you still aren’t awake worries him the most, as you’ve been kicked down plenty of times and still get back to your feet, never one to stay down for long - it’s been a while since the day you were attacked however, and very little word on your progress is something that sticks him with a queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. When Ryota is able to come visit he’s practically dragging Toji along with him to get there as quickly as possible, something the swordsman takes notice of as he too picks up the pace on the journey there.
Having received directions from Shiro from their last visit, it doesn’t take long for Ryota and Toji to find the room you’re staying in, and even though the window is small he can make out your shape lying down on the bed when he peeks in through the door and he feels hope welling up in his chest at the sight of you. You look truly beaten down but you’re still here, and Ryota knows that it’s something to be lucky for as he looks over the injuries that he can see. From the minute that he sits down his hand never leaves yours, holding it close and squeezing it as though expecting you to return the gesture; he tries to keep his spirits up, and talks to you even though he doesn’t know if you can hear him. From filling you in on things that have been happening since you were gone to telling you about all the things you all will be able to do together once you wake up Ryota tells you about them, rattling off how excited everyone will be to see you come home and how many gifts people are making for you to enjoy when you’re in a good enough condition to see them all - if you weren’t the life of the party before you’ll definitely be now! The atmosphere shifts a little every time he mentions you getting out of the hospital, and Ryota can see Toji’s gaze flickering over to your monitor with a carefully neutral expression as though checking to see that it’s still going, that you’re still going, but Ryota’s not gonna give up on you, no matter how long it takes for you to come home.
Ryota ends up staying a little longer than he should have, as visiting hours are over by the time he finally realizes what time it is - the nurses on the floor had allowed him to stay since he didn’t cause any trouble during his visit, or maybe they just felt sympathetic and were moved upon seeing him crying over his beloved friend. He panics a little and apologizes for staying past visiting hours, but even so he still feels reluctant to leave you, being slow to collect his things and taking the time neaten up the gifts decorating your bedside just so he can have a few more moments at your side. 
Toji takes any guild meetings seriously, so it comes as a surprise to no one that he starts heading to the meeting location as soon as he gets word from Shiro. However he knows something is wrong before he even gets there - Shiro’s voice was notably shaken even as he’d attempted to keep himself calm over the phone, pausing at points to recompose himself and continue the call. That was all he needed to begin suspecting that things were amiss, and yet he had no way of gauging just how serious the situation was until he’d arrived to find the Summoners already there, talking amongst themselves with high-strung emotions. The sight of the teacher with them only solidifies his suspicions, and when he approaches he can see that Ryota’s on the verge of tears when the two make eye contact, and the other two Summoners are faring just as poorly. Toji is reduced to silence when he figures out what’s happened in his absence, and he can suddenly understand why everyone looks so pained - their very own guild master, closest friend and ally to many, was viciously brought to their knees, reduced to a bloody mess that left everyone wondering if they were going to even survive the night. Just hearing it paints a violent picture that would make just about anyone sick to their stomach that another being would be capable of inflicting such brutal harm, and that very image keeps Toji awake even as they’re ushered back to their rooms and ordered to stay put until more light is shed on the situation.. 
He keeps himself busy during your first few days in hospital, but that's namely because he’s throwing himself into scouring the streets for any traces of your attackers he can find, following leads and piecing the puzzles of your attack together to get a better picture of what exactly went down. He wasn’t allowed at the scene, given that it at least had to be cleaned before people could use it again, but he’d gotten close enough to see the remains of your blood stubbornly clinging to the gaps in the concrete as it was hosed down, a particularly large pool of it collected close to the wall where you must have been sitting that night. Toji’s seen crime scenes before, quite a few of them stumbled upon by chance, but there’s something different when you’re looking at the exact spot where one of your closest allies was struck down and left for dead, and Toji has to force himself to stop coming back to the scene before the sight’s ingrained into his mind for the rest of his days. It’s no surprise that Toji’s out for blood, Kengo is much the same as the boy wants to see some form of justice against the ones responsible; however as the days pass he’s run into just about every dead end he’s been able to pry to the surface. He’s angry at himself for not having found the culprits by the time he’s able to finally visit - he wanted to be able to inform you that you could rest easy knowing those responsible were brought to justice, whether that was by his own hands or by other means, so the fact that he can’t frustrates him to no end.
Ryota’s all too eager to get there and see you, practically dragging him along by the arm and telling him to hurry up with a smile on his face as though he’s trying to reassure the swordsman that everything’s going to be okay. Yet Toji knows that Ryota’s taking this situation as seriously as the rest of them, regardless of how well he hides it behind a smile and words of comfort. He has to admit that he’s eager to check in on your condition as well, but doesn’t fool himself with hopes that you’ll be up and awake when they arrive; it’s still far too soon to tell, and he’d rather see it for himself before he comes to any conclusions about your current state. Upon arriving at the hospital Ryota takes the lead to guide the two of them up to the floor you’re staying on, and upon checking that it’s your room by looking through the door window, Ryota opens the door and the two of them step inside. It pains him to see you in such a state, and upon seeing your face he is only reminded of the past, when you’d rush headfirst into fights without another thought for the consequences, taking every hit and wound in stride like not even the world itself could touch you. He’d told you back then that one day your recklessness would prove to be your downfall, but he could have never predicted that his words would have been such a painful foreshadowing of where you are now. 
Taking a seat by your side, he can’t find the right words to say - what do you say to someone who could be lying on their deathbed days from now? To someone who might not even hear the words in the first place? Toji starts when Ryota begins to speak to you, clutching your hand in his as he talks as though you’re awake and well, like nothing’s wrong. He has to admit, seeing Ryota talking to you in such a way, entertaining ideas of all the people waiting for you to return back to school, makes him feel a little more at ease as he imagines those scenarios that he talks about coming true. Every once in a while his attention wanes from you as he glances at the vitals monitor beside him, watching the lines on the screen as they dip and rise in what for the moment is a steady rhythm. How bizarre that such a thin line is the lifeline proving you’re still alive, Toji finds himself looking at the monitor for longer than he should, as when he looks away Ryota gives him a comforting smile, worry clear on his face before turning his attention back to talking to you. For the first visit Toji doesn’t stay for too long, and leaves you in the care of Ryota after a few hours. However, before he leaves, Toji brings a hand to rest against your arm, careful to avoid your bandages and wounds as much as possible as he brushes your hair from your face, pausing for a moment before whispering something under his breath and pulling away. He’ll come back, once things have cleared up and he can calm the thoughts already pushing at the corners of his mind, but for now his search for the culprits begins anew the moment he steps out of the hospital doors, hands  gripping the hilts of his swords tight as his expression twists into one of grim determination. He’s going to get you justice - hopefully you’ll live to see it come to fruition.
Moritaka was the first one to arrive when he’d gotten the call from Shiro, being closer to the area in question than all of the rest as he was already on his way there. When he first receives the call there is no reason to suggest that something’s amiss, after all word spreads fast when things go wrong, especially when it involves a certain guild master. And yet when he answers the call Shiro’s tone immediately gives him pause, and he stops walking to listen; all Shiro does is tell him that something has happened and that he needs to get there as soon as possible, but that’s more than enough for Moritaka to pick up the pace, rushing to arrive at the destination in question. When he arrives he greets Shiro and the teacher, resting a hand upon his friend’s shoulder when he sees how openly frazzled and shaken up he is by the situation - rarely does he see Shiro reduced to such a state, and as that same level of concern is evident in Mr. Triton’s face Moritaka realizes that this is far more serious than he had initially thought. When Moritaka gets filled in on what happened while you were out he recognizes the gravity of the situation - app wounds are easy to heal, but wounds procured in actual combat? Especially those that are severe enough to warrant being taken directly to the hospital? Just the thought of your current condition has concern bubbling up to the surface, even more so as the other Summoners begin to show up.
Once you’re allowed people to come and visit the Summoners end up visiting you in pairs, with Shiro and Kengo going first, then Ryota and Toji, and then Agyo and himself. They were fortunate to be able to come and see you so soon after they started up visitation, as the moment words got around there were many people who wanted to come and check up on you for themselves, each one a testament to how many friends you’d brought together during your brief stay in Tokyo. The mood is somber the entire trip there, and upon seeing the entrance to the hospital Moritaka can feel the unease seeping from his small companion, an unease that he’s sure he’s radiating himself. He’s been to the hospital before - nothing major, but the therian has had his fair share of visits for various reasons, both visiting allies as well as checkups - but now? This is different, and he can feel it hanging in the air as he takes the initiative and steps inside, moving over to the reception for directions to your room. One of the nurses is kind enough to escort the two of them there, expression one of understanding when she realizes exactly which room she’s taking them to, and for a moment he could swear there’s also a look of pity that crosses her face before she turns away and starts walking. 
Before they enter the room, Moritaka turns to Agyo and warns him about what he expects to see in there - whilst Shiro assured you were making slow but sure progress, you were still in a far worse state than the last time either transient had seen you, so Moritaka feels responsible for letting the lion dog know that should he need to step out at any time to process it he can. Agyo assures that he understands, and makes the first move to reach for the handle and step into the room, where Moritaka notices he immediately freezes at the sight of you. He can see you too, laid up in bed covered in enough gauze, stitches and bruises to cover the majority of your arms and torso, and even Moritaka has to take a moment to steel himself before softly calling out to Agyo, asking if he’s still okay to step inside. The two of them enter the room, both taking their place at either side of your bed and Moritaka steals a glance at your injuries - Shiro was right about how you were on the way to recovery, as up close like this Mori can see some of your superficial wounds are well on their way to healing. But the deeper wounds are another story, and even covered up it’s clear to see that when you wake up you’re going to be bed bound for a long while so that they can properly heal.
Throughout their visit, nurses and doctors alike filter in and out of the room, most of them stopping by to check on your condition whilst a few take the time to come in and ask how they’re holding up. Moritaka keeps up a light conversation with them, assuring them that they’re fine whilst Agyo mostly keeps to himself - from his reaction Moritaka can understand why the staff might worry, he’s worried too. As the time finally arrives for them to take their leave Moritaka stands up and pats the bed beside your arm, unsure if it’s a good idea to touch you lest he end up hurting you in some way. However, when Agyo hops from his seat he turns to the warrior dog and asks for a few more minutes alone - Moritaka is surprised but offers an understanding nod, resting a hand on the young boy’s shoulder as he leaves. He doesn’t stray far, resting by the wall just outside the room waiting for Agyo to join him; he can’t hear much of what’s being said inside, not wanting to intrude on what is understandably a rough time for Agyo, however his ears pick up on the sound of crying, starting off quiet but growing loud enough for Moritaka to hear outside. His heart breaks at the noise, understanding too well the rush of emotions and uncertainty that hang in the air like a vice, and Moritaka finds himself tearing up as well as the weight of the situation settles within his mind, so much so that he ends up grabbing a fistful of his uniform and staring hard at the floor willing himself not to cry as the sound of crying continues to seep from the other side of the door.
Agyo sensed something was wrong the moment he was called to meet with the Summoners - he doesn’t know why but at the sound of Shiro’s voice the lion dog feels something weird in the pit of his stomach, leaving him uneasy as he goes to meet up with the other members. Normally, if something happened there would be a meeting at the guild, where Shiro would explain the details while the others joked about and tried to lighten the mood, but this time is different. And then, when Agyo arrives, he notices something else is different. Everyone is there, even a teacher he’s never seen before - everyone but you. Agyo asks where you are without thinking, expecting one of the Summoners to say that you’re on your way, but when he’s told that you’re not coming he’s confused. It’s a guild meeting, right? So why won’t you be there? Maybe you’re slacking off and hanging out with Tsathoggua to avoid coming to the meeting - you’d done it before - and he fully prepares to spin on his heel and march right on over there when Kengo stops him, expression grim enough that Agyo pauses on the spot. When Agyo hears your hurt he’s worried that it was some kind of accident, however he’s at a loss for words when they inform him that you were hurt enough to be put in the hospital, where you’ll be for a while. They try to tell him that you’re going to be okay, but he sees it on their faces when they cast each other nervous glances that they have no idea if that’s true; they know just as much as he does, and he suddenly feels sick at the thought of you stuck in a hospital, all alone. The first day passes and there’s no word on your improvement, then the second, then the third, and by that point Agyo’s beside himself, cleaning and re-cleaning and re-cleaning trying to stop himself from thinking about it. Every day he thinks the same thing, ‘you’re going to come back’ and every day that doesn’t happen, leaving a sinking feeling that hangs around the air right up until the day you’re finally allowed visitors.
Originally, the Summoners suggested to Agyo that it would be best for him to hold back on visiting until you’re in a better state - they’d be lying if they said that you were okay, especially once they’d seen how badly you were hurt for themselves. But the lion dog persists; Agyo wants to see you for himself, he wants to see that you’re okay and he’s relentless in assuring that he’s fully prepared for whatever ends up happening when he gets there, even if he’s not entirely sure what to expect. Even before they go in Moritaka has a heart to heart with the younger transient, placing a hand on his shoulder as he informs Agyo that he can leave at any time if he’s not prepared for what he’s going to see - it’s never easy seeing the ones you care about hurt, much less hurt enough to be placed in the hospital, so he wants to give Agyo a serious talk before he decides on whether or not he wants to go in. Honestly, he is kind of irked at first, not wanting to be babied, but he knows the situation is serious from the expressions of everyone since the news first reached him - the Summoners, his friends, even the nurses have been casting the two of them sympathetic looks the whole time they were being led to your room. So he listens to what Moritaka has to say, and, once he’s finished, Agyo’s the first one to reach for the door, trying to steel himself for what’s behind the door.
He’s not as prepared as he’d proclaimed he was, as the moment he opens the door it hits him all at once. It doesn’t feel real, not really, as though it’s a dream he’s about to wake up from at any moment, but the dull beep of your monitor is the only thing that feels real, and he fixates on it. He watches it as it moves, a stable rhythm for now, and he stands in the doorway until he hears Moritaka’s voice behind him, asking if he’s okay. Putting on a brave face, Agyo moves out of the way and sits down at your side while Moritaka takes a seat at the other side, and Agyo finally looks at you. You look in better condition than what he’d first thought, with the way he’d listened to Shiro describe your appearance he was expecting something scary, but now? You just look like you’re hurting, even though your expression is neutral. He tries to imagine what would happen when you woke up - the lion dog hopes that he’s here when it happens - he’s got a few choice words about how much you worried everyone, though he’s sure that scolding would just get waved off with a laugh as you lean over in your bed and give him head pats. 
When he closes his eyes he can almost feel your hand on his head, and he tries his best to hold onto that when he opens them and faces you again. The two don’t stay for long, as they’ve got to return back to the guild soon, but as Agyo hops off of his chair to leave he pauses, blurting out a request for a few more minutes alone before he leaves. Moritaka gives him a look, one of understanding, and takes his leave, and as soon as the door closes the room feels quieter, only the sound of that monitor beeping as he looks at you. He doesn’t know what to do, or what to say, but after a moment of looking at your face he reaches out a paw and holds your hand, clutching it tight even though he knows you probably won’t feel it. Agyo whispers something, more to himself than to you, but it’s a plea for you to come back; it’s so quiet, but those words are like a catalyst as his vision blurs with tears as they roll down his cheeks and soak into his fur, and he cries, choking out those same words again and again as he wipes desperately at his eyes. He just wants you to come back, please, come back.
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tloujm · 4 years
Part XII: Jackson Manor
Author’s Notes: Here’s my attempt at horror that I promised! Its roughly a week until Halloween, so just in time I guess! MY GOD, DOES TIME FLY. It was just the beginning of October a minute ago, wasn’t it? It’s a long one, just under 9k words, so grab a snack. It features some continuity on the main plot, but really its a stand alone chapter. Because there are multiple other characters mentioned, there is less focus on you and Joel as a couple, but there’s definitely some fluff and angst (grumpy Joel) hidden in there. I know I’m no James Wan or Stephen King, but bear with me. I only did it as a seasonal thing. The next chapter will go back to focusing on you and Joel’s relationship. 
Genre: Cheesy Horror
Summary: Maria puts together a specially curated group for the next patrol outing that includes you and Joel. The group of five are sent on a mysterious treasure hunt of sorts. The “treasure” is inside of a creepy, abandoned house that plays tricks on the group, fueling into the already existing tensions. 
Ship: Joel x Reader
Joel watched on with tired eyes as you sat with the newcomer at the daycare. You got up early so you could talk to her. So far, the girl remained silent, but her body language was responsive. Joel just stood there, unsure of when a good time to interrupt and steal you away would be. Luckily, he didn’t have to wait too long as you finally caught his gaze. After a moment, you excused yourself and walked over to him standing in the doorway. 
“Maria has us scheduled to patrol today.” He said.
“Us? Together? Well, that’s a treat. You usually do the tougher routes. Am I going on one of those with you, or are you doing an easy one with me?”
He shrugged. “Honestly, I’m not quite sure. Maria didn’t say much after she told me to come fetch you.”
“Maybe they think I’m ready for something more challenging.”
“I think so, but what’s strange is that she’s got us goin’ out with a couple other people who I don’t think are.” Joel said, scratching his beard.
“Who’s all going?” You asked.
“Tim, Rhonda and uh, Jesse.” He replied. He was less than enthused with the last name that exited his mouth. While he was civil with Jesse, he still couldn’t help but feel like he had a thing for you, whether you acknowledged it or not.
“Jesse’s a veteran, but Tim?” You made a face. “And Rhonda?” You made a slightly more exaggerated face. “Did Maria say why she chose all of us to go together?”
“Didn’t get the chance to ask. We’re meant to meet her at the stables. That’s where she’s debriefing us.”
“Thank you all for meeting me for this patrol on such short notice. I know this is everyone’s day off.” Maria began. You and the others were seated on bales of hay as she paced in front of the stable doors. “I hand picked each of you to work together and complete the task at hand. I drew up copies of a special map that came into my possession a little while ago.” She handed them out. “Outside the city of Jackson, there is a little village...smaller than that really, that is not located on any published map. I want you guys to check it out and report back on it. Note everything. More specifically, I want this team to sweep through a large house over that way. You’ll know it when you see it. According to the original map, ‘the exterior is dark, almost black, three stories high and overshadowed by a massive pine tree’. I was tipped off that the house was used as a supply cache for the Jackson Frontier Faction, a recently extinct group of survivors. Bring back anything you can. Leave what you can’t and we’ll come back for it. Update the map if need be during your journey. Any questions?”
“How long do you think this mission will take?” Jesse asked.
“I don’t want you to spend too much time out there, but I estimate no more than three days. That’s including the time to get there and back on the horses. If you are not back by then, I will send a search and rescue team.” Maria responded confidently.
“No offense, but why did you pick us? We’ve never worked together as a group before.” Joel spoke up.
“True, I do not have the advantage of seeing your group dynamic, but there is method behind my way of thinking. Each of you have a specific skill set that I believe would simultaneously compliment each other as well as make the group superior to our previous patrols. Joel, you are an excellent shot and an exceptional tracker. Jesse, as well as your combat skills, you have a great sense of direction, even in the most foreign of environments, and you think outside the box. (Y/N), I know you have trained under both Joel and Tommy and I have seen your melee combat in person. I trust that you are ready for a more difficult route such as this. I also appreciate your level headedness. Keeping calm during dangerous situations can be the difference between life and death. Now as for Tim and Rhonda. I know the two of you have never been on patrol before, so I especially thank you for agreeing to this. I wish I could have introduced you to this job with a more novice route. Tim is our medic in training and has been Dr. Carson’s right hand and apprentice for over a year now. He will be there to aid in any medical relief.” She turns her attention to Tim. “If you ever need any assistance, (Y/N) is trained in first aid.” He looks at you for a long moment. You return the gaze, realizing that you’d never formally met him before. “Rhonda, you are great at your job taking inventory at the pantry. Now, you are the group’s official scribe and your job is to take inventory of the things collected. I’ve also seen how good you draw. I would like you to note the environment and work with Jesse in drawing up a new map. Also, I want you to record things of interest through writing and drawing.” Maria gives her a journal. “I would have had you all wait until the first sign of spring, but we are in desperate need of certain supplies. To be honest, this is an experiment, having all of you in a group together, but I still have high expectations. Please, do not disappoint me. We are all counting on you. Have a safe trip.” Maria left to tend to some business at the main gate.
“I think we should go over this map she gave us so we can all be on the same page.” Jesse suggested.
Joel grunted in agreement. “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.” You began to push the bales to form a circle. The others followed suit and Jesse placed his map in the middle. Before you could take a seat, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Hi, I’m Tim.” He began to laugh nervously. “I’m sure you know that because of Maria, but I wanted to introduce myself. I didn’t want my asking you to apply pressure on somebody’s wound be the first time I talk to you.”
“Nice to meet you, Tim. (Y/N).” You shook his hand.
“I’ve heard a lot about you actually.” He responded.
“Oh?” You questioned genuinely.
“Yeah. Everyone knows about that bloater you and Joel ran into. And I was there helping Dr. Carson handle the bodies when the two of you found Sid and Adam. I just want to let you know, I think you’re very brave.”
A grin slowly grew on your face. “Thank you. I’m sure you are too, having to deal with blood and whatever gory things you see in the infirmary.”
He brushed past the compliment. “No more gory than what you guys see on patrol when you run into clickers and bloaters. The way the Cordycep fungus disfigures the body is something from a nightmare.” You nodded in agreement. Joel watched on from his seat as the two of you conversated. Eventually, he cleared his throat, causing you to turn and see that everyone else was seated and ready to go over the map. Tim’s cheeks turned red as he gave you a small smile before sitting.
“Nice of you to join us.” Joel whispered after you sat next to him. You nudged him in the shoulder and focused on Jesse’s words. 
After agreeing on a specific route in accordance to the weather conditions, the group picked up their respective horses and headed to the main gate. Maria and Bill from weaponry passed out a plethora of guns and knives. Joel and Jesse led the way out into the open with a couple clicks of their tongues. Everybody's horses galloped behind. It was cold and the snow was fairly high, but light enough to dredge through. 
Tim gently kicked his horse in the rear to gallop faster and catch up with you. “So how do you think Maria found out about this place?”
“I don’t know. Must have been one of the merchants who passed through a few weeks ago. If this place was discovered by someone inside Jackson, all of the patrol groups would have known by now. For Maria to be the only one who knew and had a map?”
“Do you think it actually exists?” He asked.
“The house?”
“The whole village.” He confirmed. “Maybe a merchant made up the location with the hopes of convincing someone of a known cache supply, like a treasure map, and had the intentions of charging a high price for it.”
“Maria is smart. She wouldn’t have let anyone get over on her, especially a merchant.” You defended her. 
“I’m sure you’re right. What do you think is going to be in there?” Tim asked casually. 
You shrugged. “Food. Hopefully not molded or eaten through by rats. Medical supplies. Seeds for the spring. Could be anything.”
“So long as it’s worth it.”
“She wouldn’t have sent us if it wasn’t.” Things fell silent between the two of you. You thought about riding off to the front next to Joel, but figured it was rude to just leave him.
“You and Joel,” He began before clearing his throat. “You guys patrol a lot together?”
“We used to. Not so much anymore. Matter of fact, this is the first time we’ve been assigned to the same group in about a year.”
“Why is that?” Tim questioned.
“It was this whole thing.” You explained it away, not wanting to get into detail. He kept looking at you as if he was waiting for you to expand on the response. “We just got busy doing different things. I help out at the daycare too, you know.”
“Yeah? I know Wendy. She brings the kids by the infirmary from time to time for check ups. I traded for a pack of stickers a while back. I give them out to help put a smile on the kids’ faces when they come in. You know, a lot of them get nervous around doctors. My stickers don’t stand a chance against Joel's wooden toys though.”
“You know about those?”
“Of course. They come in holding the little horses or race cars kind of like a blankie. So...speaking of Joel, you two are together, right?”
“Yes, we are.”
He nodded. “He’s more than lucky, I’d say.” He waited until you turned and held his gaze before bidding you a goodbye. He slowed down his horse to ride alongside Rhonda. After a moment, you rode up next to Joel. You offered him a small smile, to which he returned the same.
“What did he want?” Joel nodded his head back in Tim’s direction.
“He was talking about Maria and this mission. He seems skeptical about the whole thing.”
“I don’t blame him, but I trust Maria. What else did he say?” Joel inquired.
“We were just getting to know each other. Small talk really.” You responded. You seldom saw Joel jealous, but you didn’t want him to get into a funky mood when there was a mysterious task at hand to focus on.
“The winds picking up, you feel that?” Jesse chimed. The two of you nodded.
“Yeah. I hope we find this place soon.” You shouted over the howling winds.
“According to the map, there's still a ways to go. Let’s just hope the weather doesn’t get any worse than this.”
Unfortunately for the group, not only did the winds pick up, but it got cloudier, blocking the sun’s warmth. It was hard to tell whether it was snowing or if the wind was just blowing around what had already fallen. Either way, the visibility got progressively lower by the second. At one point, you had become separated from Joel. The only people you could see were Tim and Rhonda. Joel was alone; nothing but white around him. He shouted your name over and over, but the frigid air entering his lungs began to hurt. His horse started to slow down as it became harder for her to gallop through it. Joel had been separated from the group for so long that he thought he was going crazy when he heard crunching in the snow from behind. He heard his name, but it wasn’t from your voice. Jesse came up from behind him. Despite the cold air whipping his face, he seemed happy to see Joel.
“Where are we?” Joel shouted.
“I don’t know, but we have to find somewhere soon. These horses won’t make it.” Jesse replied.
“Did you see (Y/N)?” Joel asked.
“I don’t know where anybody is.” Jesse pulled his hood back over his head. “The storm’s getting worse. Should we turn back?”
“No!” He shouted over the winds. “We came as a group, we leave as a group.”
“What if they already turned back? They’re probably assuming that we’re going to too.” Jesse pleaded.
“I’m not leaving without (Y/N).” Joel retorted. “We just need to find cover to wait out the storm and go on from there.” Jesse quietly followed his lead. There seemed to be no shelter in sight. If there were, they were masked by the white wall of snow directly in front of them. Joel was contemplating pulling out his map and risking it against the wind to estimate how far they rode from their last known point. Just as he began to pull it out,  a big dark building came into view.
“That must be it!” Jesse exclaimed.
“This way!” Joel noticed a large opening on the side of the house. As he galloped closer, he realized it was the opened door of an attached shed. The men ducked their heads as the horses walked them inside.
“Joel!” You exclaimed, voice laced in relief. He immediately looked your way and his heart skipped a beat. He was so worried. You approached his horse and waited for him to dismount before you attacked him with a tight hug. “You’re so cold.” All you wanted to do was strip him down and warm him up.
“Well, it is cold outside.” He responded sarcastically. You lightly slapped him on the arm before moving onto Jesse. You gave him a quick hug and helped tie down both of the horses.
“We’re glad you’re back.” Rhonda announced as she entered the shed. Tim followed close behind her.
“Good. The gang’s all here.” Jesse said.
“We wouldn’t have been if we hadn’t convinced (Y/N) to stay.” Tim began. “She insisted on going back out for you guys when we saw that you weren’t here. We told her that it was too dangerous, but she insisted. Practically had to hold her back.” He chuckled.
“Well, I’m glad you didn’t.” Joel said flatly to Tim.
Breaking up the tension, Jesse spoke up. “Did you guys clear the house?”
“Only the first floor. There’s two more floors, not including the basement.” Rhonda responded.
“Alright, Jesse, Rhonda and Tim. Y’all sweep the top floors for Clickers. Me and (Y/N) will board up them windows over there.” Joel points to the wind entering through the broken glass. Jesse nodded and pulled out his gun. The others did the same.
“Y’all know how to use those things?” Jesse questioned them. Joel didn’t see or hear their answer as he was focused on you.
“Are you okay?” You asked him.
“I’m fine, darlin’. What about you?” He asked with a soft tone.
“I’m good now.” You smiled. He tilted your chin up with his still gloved hand and kissed you. He let his forehead rest on yours for a moment before straightening back up.
“Alright, let’s find some wood or somethin’.” Joel’s body was weary, but he didn’t want to rest until the house was secured. You couldn’t find any tools to board the windows up with, so the two of you settled on barricading them with large furniture. It wasn’t until you were done, did you realize how big the house was. 
“This isn’t just some house, it’s like a manor.” You commented. “Almost reminds me of that hotel.” The last part you said almost in a whisper.
“This ain’t gonna be like the hotel.” Joel tried to comfort you.
“How do you know?” You furrowed your brows.
“Well, how about this, I’ll make you breakfast in bed the morning after we get back if there are zero bloaters in this house...I’m sorry, manor.”
“Well aren’t you naughty, implying that I’ll stay the night when we get back.” You teased, changing the mood of the conversation.
“I’m implying that you’ll consider moving back in.” He gazed at you, all playfulness left behind.
“If you still agree to make me that breakfast in bed, I will.” You replied coyly.
“It’s settled then.” Joel smirked. 
The two lovebirds had just begun to feel each other up when the rest of the group came back downstairs. They would have been caught if it weren’t for Jesse’s heavy footsteps. He gave the all clear but claimed he saw something of interest upstairs and wanted Joel’s opinion. Rhonda, wanting to take note of whatever it was, tagged along with them as they went up to the third floor. With just you and Tim left alone, the two of you agreed to scavenge the second floor.
“Oh wow, look at this!” You walked up to a bookcase in one of the bedrooms. It was tightly stocked with classical literature with matching book spines. 
“Lord of the Flies, The Secret Garden, For Whom The Bell Tolls, Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy…”  Tim followed your voice into the room and read some of the titles from over your shoulder. “Quite the eclectic collection.”
“Oh look! One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” You pointed out.
“Ah, Nurse Ratched. She creeped me out. Almost didn’t finish it because of her.”
“You read it?” You asked.
“Don’t sound so surprised.” He chuckled. “I’m a well read man. It's funny, I’ve read more after the outbreak than before.”
Turning back to the bookshelf, you crouched down and ran your finger across the spines. “Look how dusty these are. They look like they haven’t been touched in years. That Jackson Frontier Faction, or whatever Maria said they were called, probably never even touched these.” You continued to read the titles before eventually picking up a book that peaked your interest. “Charlotte Bronte.” You breathed out her name as you flipped the cold, leather book in your hands. “Jane Eyre is one of my favorites. I never wanted to like all that mushy, gushy romantic stuff, but in the end, it appealed to me. You know, sometimes I think of Joel as kind of like my Mr. Rochester because he can be so grumpy at times. Don’t tell him I said that, though.” You chuckled as you turned to face Tim, but he was no longer there. 
The large bedroom was empty and you began to notice just how eerily still the air was. You calling out to him was the only sound. You waited for an answer to no prevail. Turning back to the bookshelf, you placed Jane Eyre back in its slot. With a light, barely there click, the door behind you closed. Slowly, you turned to face it. A sense of dread washed down your body as you got up and walked to the door. Your eyes cautiously bounced around as you did, looking for anything abnormal. It was wide open when the two of you walked into the room. Your hand reached out for the door knob and, barely touching it, the round thing of metal fell onto the floor and rolled around your feet. 
“Hey.” You exclaimed as you banged on the door. “Tim, the doorknob broke off. Let me out.” Your brain allowed you to think that it was all just a prank masterminded by Tim. “You got me, but it’s not funny anymore.” You began to bang louder. You heard the echoes of your fist against the wooden door, but again, he did not respond. “Tim?” You banged harder. “Help!”
“(Y/N), step away from the door.” You heard Joel’s voice on the other side. He gave you a few seconds before kicking the door in. It only took him one try before the door swung in and you were revealed to him. He pulled you into a tight hug. “You alright?” He kissed the top of your head. “How did you get locked in?”
“I’m ok---” 
As soon as he heard that you were fine, he began to bombard you with questions. “You sure? Weren’t you with Tim? Where is he?”
“Yeah, Tim was there for a moment. Look, it was probably just a draft that closed the door on me.” You wanted to believe that. 
“That still don’t change that he should’ve been with you.” Joel sternly said. Jesse watched and waited in the hallway until Joel took your hand and led you out the room. “Tim!” He called out as he sped down the stairs.
“Hey, we’ve been waiting on you guys.” Tim casually stated.
“Well, guess who’s been waitin’ on you.” Joel retorted. He glanced at you before glaring back at him.
“Wait, I don’t get it.” Tim said, confused.
“(Y/N) was locked in a room upstairs. A room both of you were meant to be in.” Joel’s voice became more aggressive.
“I don’t know how she got locked in. I didn’t do it, I swear, if that’s what you’re saying. I left it open when I walked out.” He shifted his gaze to you. “I thought you were right behind me, (Y/N). I heard Rhonda call out from downstairs and---”
“Yeah that’s true,” Rhonda began as she leaned back on an end table. “I went downstairs to look for my pencil sharpener because my tip broke and I called you guys down to keep me company. I don’t know if it’s just me, but this place kinda creeps me out. I didn’t want to be down here by myself and I know Joel and Jesse were busy upstairs so...”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I swear I thought you heard her too and were following me.”
“She was up there for God knows how long. You didn’t notice when you got downstairs that she wasn’t behind you? Did you even tell her that you were leaving the room?” Joel questioned him.
“Well, I mean no,” Tim began to stammer. “But that was because I thought she heard her too! I didn’t notice that she wasn’t behind me until about a minute after I got downstairs. She was having a good time looking at those books in the room, I figured maybe she ignored Rhonda and kept looking or maybe went upstairs with you guys. Look, she’s an adult! I assumed she made the decision herself not to come down. It’s not like she’s some lost child that I have to look out for!”
“She may not be a child, but we look out for each other beyond them gates. You may not be used to how patrollin’ works, but they put us in groups for a reason. Anythin’ can happen out here!” Joel explained.
“Ok, let's take a breather.” Jesse spoke up to relieve the tension. “(Y/N) is fine and that’s all that matters.” Jesse was not immune from Joel’s heated glares either. 
“You didn’t hear me calling for you?” You asked Tim in a low tone.
“No.” He simply said in an apologetic tone. You didn’t know what else to say. It was probably really all just a harmless mistake. You concluded that you didn’t hear Rhonda over your own voice when you were rambling on about Jane Eyre.
“Let’s just make sure we communicate better next time, huh?” Jesse suggested, focusing in on Tim.
A sudden, blood curdling shriek cut through the air. It belonged to Rhonda. She flailed about the living room, shaking tiny black dots off of her hand. It was hard to see as she moved quickly, but the black dots were crawling up her arm. Jesse stepped in and began swatting her with a blanket off of the couch. Her feet hopped up and down from the floor like a choreographed dance. Even after Jesse asked her to stand still to inspect her, she kept moving. Joel stepped in to gently hold her still. She whined in protest, claiming that they were still crawling on her. Tim took the time to thoroughly look over her body for anything that moved. He even raked his fingers through her hair. Jesse walked over to the end table that she was leaning against and investigated.
“There’s a sac of spider eggs directly behind one of the table’s legs. You probably broke them when you leaned against it, releasing all those baby spiders.” Jesse explained calmly.
“They could have crawled anywhere! Why did they have to go for my hand?” Rhonda asked rhetorically.
Still Jesse answered. “Maybe they were crawling toward the scent of their mother.”
“Are you saying they thought I was their mother?”
“I’m saying that the mother must still be around here close by.”
“God! I hate spiders!” Rhonda exclaimed. “I told you this house gives me the creeps. I can’t be the only one who thinks this.”
“Spiders are everywhere, Rhonda. I didn’t see any bites, so you should be alright.” Tim chimed in. 
“What were you guys checking out on the third floor?” You asked Jesse and Joel as a way to change the subject. 
“It ended up bein’ nothing.” Joel said curtly. He saw your dissatisfaction with his answer and sighed. “It turned out to be a couple of dead rats. They were frozen.”
“We haven’t gone down to the basement yet. I think we should make sure it’s clear before we start really scavenging.” Jesse made notice of the oversight. “It’s really cold in here. Can’t we make a fire first?” Tim spoke up.
“I’ll stay and make one here.” Jesse volunteered. “Tim, since you want one so bad, you can stay back and help me with it.” He turned to Joel. “Y’all can go ahead. Let us know if you run into trouble.” Joel nodded and led you and Rhonda down the basement stairs. The temperature dropped almost immediately after making it to the sub level. 
The three of you pulled your respective weapons out and cautiously walked across the cold cement floor. The large basement was divided by metal shelving units. There was no space left on any of them. It seemed like whoever owned the house before the outbreak was a hoarder. The snow blocked out any light from peering through the narrow windows. The only thing guiding the three of you were your flashlights. 
“What’s that?” Rhonda spoke up. It fell silent, but everyone heard it. It was a drawn out creaking followed by a deep rumble that sounded as if it moved across the whole basement.”
“It’s just the house settling.” Joel simply said.
“That’s what they all say. Feeling a draft when there’s no wind. Hearing doors slam in the next room. Oh, but it’s just the house settling.” Rhonda responded.
“Well, did you hear a door slam or feel a draft?” Joel inquired, almost wishing he hadn’t.
“No, but now that you mention it, it’s colder down here than upstairs. This is probably one big cold spot.”
“It’s always colder in basements.” You tried to reason.
The creaking sound occurred again. “Look,” Joel flashed his light up toward the ceiling and moved it along the direction of the pipes. “Whatever water is left in the pipes from when they were last used is freezing which means it’s expanding. As the ice grows, it’s pushing against the walls of the metal pipes.”
Rhonda looked up at the frost covering the illuminated pipes. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Come look at this.” You beckoned them over. You had found a table covered in a sheet and after whispering some encouraging words to yourself, you pulled it off.
“What is it?” Joel asked.
“It’s an orrery.” You breathed out. Despite your amazement, he was no closer to knowing what it was. As a matter of fact he was more confused. Rhonda took out her notebook and began to draw it.
“Its a mechanical model of the solar system.” You explained. To Joel, it just looked like different sized spheres positioned in a circle.
“They don’t look like planets to me.” He said.
“This isn’t the most extravagant one I’ve ever seen, but it’s something.” You walked around the table, studying the spheres. “See, right here, this one is the sun,” You pointed. “Which makes this one Earth.”
“Really makes you feel small, don’t it.” Joel chimed. 
“I know we won’t be able to take this now, but this would be great for school. The kids would love this. Teach them about how space works.” You said.
Joel studied it a little bit longer before moving on to see what were on the shelves. As soon as Rhonda was done drawing, she did the same. You threw the sheet back over the model before continuing on as well. Most of the items were either junk or rotted with mold. On one of the lower shelves, you found a small hand mirror. The base was ornate in design, but the glass itself was dull and cracked. You held it up to your face, angling it in your hands. Something moved in the corner near the crack. You didn’t pay the occurrence much mind until it happened again. You saw something in your peripheral vision that couldn’t be explained away by the house settling. Turning around, you inspected the area of interest in the dark. Everything was still. Whatever it was that moved, maybe it knew that you were watching it, so it stopped. You stood still, hoping to blend into the darkness as well. Maybe you could catch it moving before your very eyes if you just waited long enough. Your heart thumped in your chest as you began to fiddle with the switch on your flashlight. Quickly, you illuminated the space in front of you only to reveal nothing but boxes stacked up against the wall and another item covered in a sheet. Carefully, you approached the cloaked object and ripped the fabric off. You jumped out of your skin at the sight before you. 
A shaky breath escaped your lips as you turned around. “You scared the shit outta me!” You told Joel. He was standing behind you when you pulled the sheet off of a standing mirror. Your light reflecting off the glass masked some of his features and for a moment, you didn’t know exactly who was standing behind you.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, darlin’.” He said. This time it was your turn to glare at him. You knew it wasn’t his fault, but your heart was still beating out your chest. “I just came up to check on you. I saw you wandering around in the dark.”
“I’m fine. I just...I thought I----” You stammered through your explanation before being cut off by a loud thump. It went eerily silent. “Rhonda?” 
“Rhonda.” Joel called out as well. There was no response. The two of you searched up and down the makeshift aisles that the shelving units created. You called out for her again. 
“She has to still be down here.” You mentioned.
“Think she pulled a Tim?” Joel suggested.
“No, she wouldn’t do that. God, how is this basement so huge?” He led you to a tunnel-like portion of the room. “Rhonda!” Your light shone on her unmoving form on the ground. You and Joel kneeled beside her. Upon closer inspection, you found blood slowly dripping out from the back of her head. The back of her hair was matted in a mixture of gravelly dirt and the dark red liquid. Joel got back up and flashed his light around the narrow space to see what could have happened.
“Looks like she hit her head on this.” Joel commented. You followed the direction of his light and saw a stack of cement blocks against the wall. The top block had fresh blood painted on the side of it.
“Go get Tim. He needs to help her!” You were scared for her. The blood wasn’t coming out at an excessive rate, but there was still a lot more than you wanted to see on the ground underneath her head. 
Joel began to leave in a hurry, but stopped in his tracks. “Be careful, (Y/N). This is what she must have slipped on.” He said as he shone his light on a patch of black ice on the ground. He moved the light higher and inspected the pipes directly above his head. A frozen over droplet formed around a tiny crack in the cylindrical piece of metal. 
You were scared as you sat alone with her in the basement. Her lips were turning blue and you couldn’t tell if it was because she was dying or because it was really cold down there. You wanted to believe the latter. Either way, she needed to be moved. After what felt like five long minutes, Tim came rushing into the narrow section where you waited. You screamed for him to be careful around the ice. He hopped over the patch and knelt down by Rhonda’s side to assess her head injury. He managed to wake her back up, though she was slipping in and out of consciousness. Tim gently picked her up and walked her upstairs to where the fire was going. Jesse laid a blanket down on the floor in preparation for her. 
There, in the middle of the living room floor, Tim treated Rhonda. He diagnosed her as having obtained a severe concussion. He elevated her bandaged head and gave her a pain killer to swallow. He practically swaddled her in the extra blankets to discourage sudden movement. 
“I’m going to help her eat so her medicine can digest properly. After that, I’m going to ask her a set of basic questions just to see where her brain and motor functions are. Nothing major; her brain definitely needs some time to heal. Despite falling unconscious, the blunt force trauma doesn’t seem to have caused any swelling or permanent brain damage, but like I said, I still have to evaluate her and see where she’s at.” Tim explained. The four of you were huddled together on the other side of the living room to make sure she was out of ear shot.
“If you’re gonna look after her, I reckon the rest of us should finish scavenging. The faster we do this, the faster we can get back home where she can better rest.” Joel stated.
“Given the storm ends soon.” Jesse spoke up.
While the three went up the stairs, Tim went over to his backpack to review his medical supplies. As he rummaged, a drawn out creak sounded from the kitchen. He glanced in the direction of the room despite not being able to see inside. A few moments of silence was followed by a loud bang. Tim glanced back toward the kitchen again. This time, he moved closer to the fire, giving him a better view into the room. His heartbeat quickened as he peaked around the corner. From his angle, nothing suspicious could be seen. He exchanged a worried glance with Rhonda before looking at the staircase. He wanted to see if anybody upstairs had heard. If not coming down to investigate, he figured they would at least shout out to them and ask if they were ok, but there was nothing. 
“I’m going to go see what that was.” Tim said to Rhonda.
“Please don’t.” She replied weakly.
“It’ll be fine, I promise.” 
“No, no, no.” She profusely shook her head. Tim read her face, he knew that she was sincerely frightened, but if there was an impending danger, he needed to know where it was. I would only be gone for a moment, he told her in his head. He pulled his gaze from her and turned the corner. The kitchen appeared completely normal. He was confused. The sound was so close; it had to have come from the kitchen. As a precaution, Tim went into the laundry room located right off the kitchen. 
“(Y/N)? Come here. Wait with me.” Rhonda spoke up, barely above a whisper. She didn’t hear you come down the stairs, but you were in the living room nonetheless. It was good timing as she was too scared to be by herself. “Please?” You hadn’t so much as looked in Rhonda’s direction. You just walked from one end of the room and down the hallway, disappearing from her view. “(Y/N)?”
Rhonda waited for you to come back down the hall. This time you’d be facing her and surely she’d be able to get your attention. Despite calling out again, you never did. Left to her own devices, Rhonda began to think about what you wore when the group left Jackson. She couldn’t completely remember, but the more she thought on it, the more she realized what you wore just a moment ago was different from what you wore earlier today. She never did get a good look at that woman’s face, but she thought it was you by the color of your hair and the height. She wanted it to be you. A wave of shivers ran down her spine as the realization sat in. 
You, Jesse and Joel split up the rooms upstairs to cover more ground, but decided to stay on the same floor to avoid a repeat of what happened earlier. As soon as you were done searching your room, you moved on to the next only to find Jesse. He called you over from the doorway but shushed you as you walked in. You noticed that it was a grand bedroom, similar to the one you were locked in on the second floor. You walked past the four post bed and stood next to him. His ear was to the wall.
“Tell me if it’s coming from here.” Jesse whispered. You heard a faint scratching sound, but it could have been from anything inside the old house. Standing next to him, you mirrored his position and let your ear rest against the cold wall. The scratching sound became more clear as it mingled with a slow, yet distinct clicking sound. The two of you stared at each other. You silently expressed to him that you did in fact hear what he was hearing. You read the question in his eyes, unsure of how to answer: what was behind these walls? This was the last room in the hallway, so there wasn’t much space for anything else. You began to walk backwards with your ear sliding against the wall to follow the sound. Jesse followed your footsteps. When you stopped, there was no more than a half foot distance between you two.
“It’s right here. Right on the other side.” You whispered. Jessed nodded. Subconsciously, you held your breath and stayed like that for a few moments. Suddenly, you jumped at a new sound echoing through the room. It was Joel clearing his throat as he glared between you and Jesse from the doorway.
“What’s this?” Joel asked in a less than impressed tone. His arms were crossed as he walked in further. You hadn’t realized how the proximity in which you stood to Jesse looked from another view point. You knew Joel wasn’t the happiest camper around Jesse, but you also knew that you hadn’t done anything wrong. Quietly, you placed a finger to your lips and pleaded for his silence with your eyes. As he walked closer, you could tell by the curiosity in his face that he heard it too. He made a move to stand in between the two of you, prompting the other man to walk away from the wall. “It’s probably termites or rats. This house is old and falling apart. There’s no tellin’ how many little openings there are.”
“With all due respect, I don’t think it’s rats this time.” Jesse disagreed. “I think we should investigate.”
“What good would that do? There’s nothing beyond these walls! You’ve seen it; there's nothing but the outside. If it ain’t rats, then what is it? We ain’t here to play ghost hunter, alright? We’re meant to be lookin’ for them supplies.” Joel argued. His attention was geared at Jesse, but when there was no rebuttal, he turned to look at you only to find a hint of disappointment in your face.
“Who knows how long we’re gonna be stuck in this house. We may as well while we’re here.” You said. Much to Joel’s dislike, you sided with Jesse. With an exasperated sigh, he agreed under the condition that it wouldn’t take long.
The three of you walked around the room, looking for clues such as holes in the walls for rodents to scurry through. It didn’t take long for you to find a draft coming from behind the armoire. It was as if the large piece of furniture was blocking an opening. The two men moved it out the way to find that it was blocking a crawl space. With the opening exposed, the scratching and clicking became clearer. The three of you were hesitant, knowing that whatever it was making that sound, it was through that small, dark space. You glanced between the two men before volunteering to go in first. You were the smallest, you argued, and could best fit through. Crouching down, you saw that the large hole in the wall was like a tunnel to something deeper in the house but that it also passed the interior of the wall. You let out a deep breath and began to crawl with a knife in your right hand.
With your body only 3/4ths of the way in, you came face to face with the origin of those sounds. You removed your flashlight from your waist and shined it on the clicker. It was so disfigured that you concluded that it had turned many years ago. Remaining completely still, you watched as it slowly clawed at the wall. The scene before you was so abnormal. Never had you seen a clicker move so slow. You eyed the way it was positioned between the walls. It could have found its way out easily if it wanted to. Living for years after the outbreak, you observed how the fungal parasite used its host cleverly to spread its disease. It had probably been there for so long, blocked by the armoire, that its blood lust fell dormant. You continued to watch as its mouth slowly opened to release a few clicking sounds before closing again. You were afraid that as soon as any sudden movements were made, a switch would flip in whatever was left of the  clicker’s brain and it would begin attacking you. While silently weighing your choices, Joel and Jesse noticed that you hadn’t moved for minutes and asked if you were ok at the same time. He gave the younger man a glare before refocusing on your well being. Your eyes immediately went back to the clicker to see if it was disturbed by the sudden sound. Normally, all it took was the tiniest sound of a human voice to activate their savage nature. You watched and waited, but nothing different happened. You let out a deep breath and told the guys you were ok. Despite the thing being closer than you would have liked, it was an easy kill. You told them what had happened before carrying on through the crawl space. The tunnel spilled out into a secret room. It was as big as a walk-in pantry closet or a janitor room. Before you stood up, you shouted behind you for them to follow. It was a tight squeeze, but they did it.
The group had already scavenged valuable odds and ends throughout the house, but this was the jackpot. The walls were lined with nonperishable foods and cases of bottled water stacked up as tall as Joel. Jesse broke the lock on a heavy duty trunk to find it full of weapons and ammunition. There was another trunk with other survival tools like batteries, matches and medical supplies raided from a hospital. The three of you donned huge smiles at the amount of supplies that was discovered. With Rhonda injured, you pulled out your own notebook and marked everything that was inside the room while the other two filled their bags up to the brim to take what they could.
Downstairs in the laundry room, Tim found nothing out of the ordinary. It made no sense to him. Was it all a prank; something the rest of the group was doing to initiate him into the patrol job? Or was it all in his head? He knew it wasn’t that; he wasn’t crazy. Just as he turned to walk back into the kitchen, he heard the loud bang again. It came from the same place he investigated just moments ago.
“Rhonda, did you hear…” He shouted out as he walked into the kitchen. He stopped mid sentence when he saw the disarray before him. All the drawers were pulled out and all the cabinet doors were opened. His body froze in fear. The only thing that moved were his eyes as he watched a mouse scurry between the cupboards. For no good reason at all, he was overcome with a feeling to not look behind him as if there was something there waiting to reveal itself in the laundry room.
“Tim!” Joel shouted from the living room. He was still scared, but hearing his voice snapped him out of that debilitating fear. Quickly, he made his way out the kitchen. Without warning Joel pushed him against the living room wall and held his arm against Tim’s throat to keep him in place. “Where the hell were you?” Joel asked aggressively. “We come down here to find Rhonda crying and bleeding through her bandages.” Tim’s eyes, bulged out, danced across the room before landing on the wounded woman. You were holding her in your arms.
“C’mon. Ease up. He gets it.” Jesse gently rested his hand on Joel’s shoulder.
“No, I don’t think he does.” He replied over his shoulder before looking back at Tim. “When you said you were gonna look after her, I figured you meant it. I thought we’d been over this, Tim.” He glared daggers into the medic’s eyes, but he was only met back with fear. Assuming that he was the cause, Joel finally let go. Tim scurried to another corner of the living room to gather himself. 
“I saw her...it...whatever that thing was!” Rhonda spoke up raspily. “I called out to her, thinking it was you. I thought you’d left me, but then she came back. Not once did she look at me, but she paced the living room and each time she walked back, she got closer to me. I told her to stay away, but she didn’t listen; she kept coming closer. I tried to crawl away, but I got dizzy and my vision got blurry.” She began to weep again. “So I closed my eyes and counted to ten, like my Nana taught me when I was little. Then I heard you guys come down the stairs. When I opened my eyes, all I saw was you. The real you. She was gone. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Rhonda.” Tim hoarsely apologized. “I...I was gone because there was this sound. A huge bang. You guys didn’t hear that?” Joel only offered a blank glare while you and Jesse shook your heads. “It had come from the kitchen. It was only right there, so I figured it was close enough for me to see what it was. Just in and out.”
“Well, it wasn’t in and out was it?” Joel questioned.
“That’s the thing. When I went into the kitchen, I couldn’t find anything out of place; nothing to have made such a noise.”
“I told you not to go in there.” Rhonda said in a low tone.
“I saw that there was another room right off of the kitchen. I decided to investigate that while I was in there. I meant to be quick.” Tim explained, meeting no one’s eyes in particular. “I...I...I swear to you, my back was to the kitchen, and when I turned back around, the whole thing was a mess.” You continued to hold Rhonda as she shivered while Jesse and Joel rounded the corner into the kitchen. Things were a mess, yes, but in the way a house this dilapidated would be.
“I don’t get it.” Jesse whispered to Joel.
“I know you couldn’t have expected this place to be immaculate.” Joel said to Tim. The medic followed them into the kitchen and looked around with his mouth agape.
“It wasn’t like this. The...the cabinet doors were open! All of them! And the drawers. All pulled out! I mean what could have done that all at once in the matter of seconds?”
“Your mind maybe.” Jesse answered. 
Tim shook his head. “I saw it with my own eyes.” He whispered. 
“Whatever it was, it’s gone now.” Joel concluded.
“Yeah, I vote we call it a night and settle around the fire. Tomorrow morning, we will collect as much as we can upstairs and prepare to leave.” Jesse suggested.
“Right, we meant to tell you guys, we found the cache!” You began excitedly. “You should have seen it. It wasn’t as extravagant as when the kids found the pirate ship in The Goonies, but it was just as special. Everything in there is everything we need.”
Rhonda’s weeping quieted down into whimpers as she was comforted by the idea that they would get to leave soon. Tim acknowledged your words with only a nod. His mind was still on the house and all the tricks it's played since the group arrived. Was the woman that Rhonda spoke about all in her head. He was quick to think so on account of her head injury. For her it was easy to explain away, but what about himself? He wasn’t a doctor of psychology, but he was familiar with the idea. He felt fine and had no idea how he could have made something up that played with more than one of his senses. 
Tim volunteered to take the first shift of keeping watch, determined to catch whatever was messing with him. His plan was to wake the others up as soon as something happened so they could see what he had saw. The exhaustion he felt, however, played against him and he dozed off. When he came to, the living room was shrouded in darkness. The makeshift pit in the middle of the living room floor was nothing but ash. His mind raced as his thoughts went back to that elusive woman Rhonda was haunted by. He was so engulfed with fear that he couldn’t tell if what he was hearing was the whistling wind seeping through the cracks of the barricaded windows or the whispers of a woman. He looked at all the sleeping forms and wanted so badly to wake someone up to keep watch with him, but selflessly chose against it. Sitting there, his eyes flickered to every corner of the room, waiting for something to happen. He waited for so long that he forgot to wake Jesse up for his shift to keep watch. It wasn’t until the little rays of sunshine poked through did Tim realize how long he’d stayed awake for. There was something about the light that comforted him. He mustered enough courage to get up and stretch his legs before waking up the rest of the group. 
Joel peaked behind one of the barricades and saw that the blizzard had finally passed. Despite that, there was a significant amount of snow left on the ground. The group wasted no time in doing as they agreed last night. The bad feeling that each of them got coupled with Rhonda’s injury, quickened their pace. After packing what they could carry, the group grabbed their horses and made a slow trek through the snow back to Jackson, leaving the dark manor in their wake. 
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Hatred and Love (ft. G Dragon) Mafia AU
Part 6
You receive your punishment.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Okay, so this is a mafia AU. It has appearances from Daesung, Taeyang, TOP, Mino, Hanbin and EXO (mostly Kai). This continues with the EXO storyline, but again, I have nothing against EXO :)) I love them, but I had to use someone for the plot
Warnings: Violence, Death(not main character), Injury, Blood, Eventual smut, Abduction, Guns and Knives, language, emotional breakdown. SMUT. This chapter is mostly hardcore smut. Includes Master kink, Name calling, Degradation, over-stimulation, light bondage.
Before doing anything else, he asked you for your safe word. 
He nodded. 
“I can get a little rough, so let me know if it’s too much.” 
You nodded, watching him with rapt eyes, waiting for him to do something. He tied your hands behind you, eyes still dark with lust.
 “One last thing. Degradation or praise?”
 You practically moaned out 
 enjoying the way his smirk deepened and he said, 
when he heard that. He sat down in a chair across from the bed, crossing his legs to watch you with those eyes. 
“What was my whore doing before master came back?” 
You quickly caught on, only too happy that he shared that kink. 
“Your little whore was masturbating to the thought of you master.” 
You gulped hungrily when you saw the growing bulge in his pants. 
“What were you thinking of, my little slut?”
 “I was thinking of you punishing me master.”
 “Didn’t I say I would take care of you when I got back? Did my little slut disobey me?”
 You moaned, loving the way he sounded when he called you his slut.
 “Yes master, I did. I was just too horny to bear it.”
 His voice turned harsher, making you so wet that you were starting to drip down your thighs. 
“If you’re going to behave like a bitch in heat, you should get yourself off like that.”
 You looked at him, not understanding what he meant. He didn’t offer an explanation.
 “Shirt off, slut.” 
You happily removed the shirt, waiting for more. His eyes darkened when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra underneath. He slowly spread his legs and gestured for you to come and sit on his lap. Only then did you understand what he meant. He wanted you to ride his thigh until you came. You nearly jumped with eagerness. How had he known? You slowly sat down on his thigh, enjoying the feel of those firm muscles below you in the best possible way. He gestured for you to go ahead and you slowly began riding his thighs, barely managing to sit up straight with the little shocks of pleasure it sent up your body. You tried to speed up, feeling so close to cumming. It only made you more desperate when Jiyong, staring at you coldly throughout, started rolling one of your nipples between his thumb and his forefinger and started sucking on the other. You wanted to just grab his head and keep it there, but your hands were tied. You were shaking from how close you were and you were about to fall off, when Jiyong grabbed your hips, so hard it would leave bruises, and moved you against his thigh, harder and faster, enjoying watching you become a moaning mess just over his thighs. You could hear yourself sloshing against his thighs, and that incredibly lewd sound just got you even more wet. You were so incredibly close. Jiyong took one look at your head thrown back, flushed and moaning, and he added his finger to the mix, pressing down hard on your clit. And with that, you were gone. You began shaking and you came, falling forward onto his chest, your thighs weak. He slowly moved you off his thighs and pushed you back onto the bed, pausing to enjoy how beautiful you looked. Your hair messed up, your lips red, your cheeks flushed, panting as your breasts were thrust forward because of the way he tied your hands.  Jiyong looked down at his pants, which were soaked because of you. In an icy cold voice, he said,
 “You dirty slut. Look how disgustingly wet you were. Look what you’ve done to my pants.” 
You looked up at him, excited and scared for more. 
“I’m sorry master.”
 He eased out of his pants and moved closer to you. 
“I’m going to have to make sure you regret that.” 
He roughly grabbed your hand and pulled you upright, making you sit on the edge of the bed. He knelt down in front of you, smirking at the wide-eyed look you gave him, and forced your thighs apart as far as he could. He looked up at you one last time and said, 
“You’ll definitely never dirty master’s clothes after this.”
 And he began. You were already sensitive from having cum, but he just harshly latched onto your clit and began sucking. He swirled his tongue over your clit, enjoying the way you were writhing beneath his grip. You were too sensitive. You screamed out.
 “Oh my god, Jiyong, I can’t take this.”
 He looked up for a second, his face glistening from how wet you were, eyes dark. And he went back in, sucking on your clit even harsher, and spreading your thighs apart even wider. 
“I’m sorry, Master. I didn’t mean to call you that. But oh, I can’t take this.”
 He ignored your protests and while swirling his tongue around your clit, he slowly pushed a finger into you, curling it gently. That pushed you over the edge. You were twitching and bucking your hips into his face, unable to control yourself. And when he added the second finger, and slowly curled that in as well, you lost it. Trembling from your second orgasm that night, you moaned out 
 starting to see spots at the back of your head.
 You would have collapsed onto him, but even through your orgasm, he never stopped licking, in fact, licking even faster than before. One of his hands reached up to play with your nipples while the other one desperately pumped two fingers in and out of you. You were the most sensitive you had been in your life. It was too much for you to take. You were screaming from how intense it was. But that never stopped Jiyong. He just continued to move his tongue in the most brilliant manner. He swirled his tongue around your clit one last time before pressing the flat of his tongue down on it, increasing the pressure. You were crying from how sensitive you were and by now, you were seeing spots. When he added one more finger to pump in and out of you, and lightly nibbled on your clit before sucking on it really harshly, it was too much for you to bear and came again, for the third time that night. Head spinning, you fell forward on to him. Jiyong gently caught you and held you up, the caring way he was holding you contrasting drastically with the cold look on his face. He gave you just enough time to be able to open your eyes and not have the world spin before he was back to his harsh, dominant self. He then roughly held your jaw, forcing you to look at him. You were flushed, eyes glazed and unfocussed, and panting from everything that just happened. He harshly whispered against your ear,
 “My little slut forgot to call me master, didn’t she?” 
You knew there was more coming your way, and you were both dreading it and longing for it at the same time. He smirked.
 “Well, you know what to do for your punishment. Get down on your knees, slut.”
 You were barely able to sit up straight, but you were relieved that it wasn’t anything for you. You got down on your knees, patiently waiting for Jiyong to strip. He slowly did, and he approached you. Without him even saying anything, you already had your mouth open, waiting for it, wanting it more than he knew, because of your dream. As you gently took his dick into your mouth, he gently ran his fingers through your hair and grabbed it, pulling your head back so he could see your face properly. You fixed your eyes upon his and ran your tongue up and down his shaft, swirling it around the tip, enjoying the way he pulled your hair and closed his eyes. You hollowed your cheeks and began sucking, letting your tongue focus on the tip. You gently licked off the little bit of precum there, enjoying the way he shuddered slightly. 
“Is this what my slut wanted all along? Is this why you couldn’t wait? You enjoy this don’t you?” 
His voice turned harsher, and he began bucking his hips into your mouth slightly. You gagged a little, but after getting used to it, your gag reflex went back, and you took him in even deeper. He groaned, rolling his eyes back.
 “Oh, you little slut. You don’t even have a gag reflex. You just love having master’s cock in your mouth, don’t you?” 
You moaned from his words, feeling your tired body get turned on again. He let out a slight hiss from the vibrations from your mouth, and then, he grabbed your hair even tighter and began fucking your mouth. You loved it. You could feel that he was close, and because of everything he said, you were getting wet again. He suddenly pulled away, panting, incredibly close. You looked at him, disappointed, wondering what he was going to do next. You wanted to make him cum all over your face. He cursed, and said,
 “Fuck, I can’t take this anymore.” 
He roughly picked you up, threw off his shirt and threw you onto the bed. He undid the belt he had tied around your wrists, pausing to rub the sore skin underneath. You looked at him, surprised, wondering what he was going to do next. He spread your legs and stood between them, desperately trying to open the condom packet in his hands. He quickly rolled it onto his cock and pushed one of your legs over his shoulder. You had started shaking your head, realising what he was doing. 
“Master, I won’t be able to take this.”
 You hissed as he pushed into you, loving the way he filled you up, but feeling way too sensitive. 
“But sluts like you love it.” 
He continued thrusting into you, enjoying the way you were writhing under him. 
“Now pinch your nipples for me, like the little slut you are.”
 Barely able to think straight through the over-stimulation, through your tears, you led your hands to your erect nipples, pinching them and pulling them, just like he told you to. You were moaning from how good it felt, when suddenly he pulled out completely. Pausing to smirk at you for a minute, enjoying the way he had made you a moaning mess on his bed, he rammed back in, thrusting harder and faster. Your back arched when you felt him hit the perfect spot and you screamed. Your walls tightened around him. He groaned, throwing his head back. His thrusts got faster and more desperate. You could tell he was as close as you were. And with his next thrust, you were gone. You walls clenched around him and you threw your head back to moan, 
 falling back onto the bed, exhausted, tears running down your face. He came soon after that. The way your walls clenched around him had just sent him over the edge.  He just threw off the condom and lay down on the bed next to you, leaning in to pull you into a soft kiss.
You opened your eyes slightly to see that he was smiling at you, eyes so full of care and affection, before closing your eyes again. You felt him get up from the bed. He returned a few minutes later with a damp washcloth, gently wiping you clean. He lay down next to you and gently pulled you into his arms. He sounded worried when he said, 
“Hey… was it too much? Are you okay?” 
You could barely open your eyes, but you did, and you smiled.
 “No Jiyong. It was amazing. I loved it.” 
You slowly turned to face him, burying your face in his chest, mumbling,
 “Best sex ever.” 
He had a large grin on his face when he heard that. 
“Same here.” 
He pulled you in even closer and gently stroked your hair. He frowned when he saw your red wrist and your bruised hips, wincing a little at how hard he gripped you. He got up and got some lotion. He gently pulled you up, letting you lean against his chest while he gently massaged your hips and your wrists with it. He smiled when he saw the light smile on your face with that. He slowly pulled you closer and scooped you up in his arms. He nuzzled his face into your neck, and carried you to the bathroom. He gently put you down into the bath he had drawn, smiling when he saw you relax because of the warm water. He slowly got in as well and he moved you so that you were resting against his chest. You were exhausted and your eyes were closed. He slowly started massaging your head, knowing you relax that way. You leaned back into him even more, loving the intimacy of the moment. After a while, he got out and towelled himself dry, putting on a pair of boxers and a t shirt. He came back with another towel for you, helping you stand and holding you up while he gently dried you off before picking you up and carrying you back to the bed. He knew your legs were too weak to stand on your own. You wrapped your arms around him like a Koala bear, loving the way he smelt so fresh and so incredibly him. He smiled and slowly unwrapped your arms. He held your arms up and slid his t shirt onto you. It was practically a dress on you, but you loved the comfort of it. He towelled your hair and then ran his fingers through it, gently detangling it for you. You had moved under the blanket, making yourself comfortable near the pillow. He climbed in next to you, gently moving the hair that was falling in your face. You tiredly smiled and snuggled up to him, enjoying the warmth of his chest. He also smiled when his head hit the pillow, gently wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. The two of you fell asleep like that, bodies intertwined, with smiles on your faces. Neither you nor Jiyong had ever felt that comfortable around other people like that before, but you knew, it with different here. You knew that the next day, things with EXO were going to blow up, but for now, being in his arms were enough.
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arseneiic · 3 years
Short, sweet, and to the point. Follow these rules and we all have a great time.
1. Mutuals only. I must be following you and you must be following me. Only those that I follow can like starter calls, send in character asks, and reply to posts.
1a. I will not interact with non-Mutuals, that includes asks, unless it’s done anonymously and it doesn’t have a url attached.  Anyone who breaks this rule will get about a few pardons but after that will be blocked.
2. My time is limited here in what I can do. This means that I am very selective in what I reply to. Doesn’t necessary mean that I am ignoring anyone. Some days I reply to everything and everyone, others I am so burnt out from irl things or work that I just lurk and do the bare minimum. My mental health and well-being comes before anything else.
2a. Replies vary by length and time. I normally work eight to ten hours a day and experience a lot of exhaustion. Unless I don’t see a thread or an ask going anywhere and publicly make a post saying it’s been dropped, consider everything as pending / will do ASAP. Memes are okay to send in late unless it clearly states, not accepting. My timezone is Eastern Standard Time or EST. United States is where I am located at. I am usually online from 10 PM EST to 3 AM EST unless it’s a day off from work, which the online time will vary from 12 PM EST to 3 AM EST.
2b.  Role-playing is a hobby, not a job. Do not pester me for replies or asks to be answered. I am not obligated to owe anyone anything on this website. I am human and can’t cater to everyone’s needs.  Being persistent here is not going to make me answer yours faster than other people.
2c. Don’t follow, unfollow, and then refollow my blog. It’s not going to make me want to follow you back, ever. It’s annoying and no one is being crafty by doing that. If you continue to do this and it isn’t a tumblr glitch, I will be inclined to block and possibly report for spam.
3. If you do need to break mutuals with me, HARD BLOCK my blog. Don’t just UNFOLLOW or SOFT BLOCK because chances are that I could mistakenly follow you again. And that’s something we both don’t want since it would be quite awkward.
3a. I have the right to unfollow whoever I want to and so do you. Please don’t go on a hunt and try to guilt trip me into following you back again. Just don’t. I can and will tell you the reason why I unfollowed you but other than that, just let me leave in peace.
3b. Personal blogs and non RP blogs will be blocked on site. Please, if you have a side blog let me know through asks so I don’t accidentally block you. IMs are not a good way to let me know since they are closed for non-mutuals.
4. Duplicates are welcomed to follow me. The more the merrier. I do not suffer from same muse anxiety and encourage any of the same muse to follow me. Only request is that you don’t steal my headcanons, edits or icons. Other than that, we should all be able to have a good time. I’m always up for twin verses or alternate universes shenanigans.
4a. Original Characters are allowed to follow me. However, they need to be a little flesh out before I make a decision to follow them back or not. Just a small backstory or biography is all that I need. Headcanons also work if there isn’t an about page but must have about one page worth for me to consider following.
4b. Crossover Characters from other shows are allowed to follow me but I must know about said muse or else I’ll have a hard time whether to follow or not. Few fandoms I won’t interact with because I have no interest in these series are: Avatar the Last Airbender, Avatar the Legend of Korra. ( more to be added ).
5. I am a multi-ship blog. Arsene himself is ageless but his physical form is around 25 when he became a shadow / persona / demon and as such, I will only be shipping him romantically with muses around the 20s to 30s range. Some threads may get a little spicy but nothing that requires a ‘do not read at work’ type of posts. I will tag those post that are suggestive with a ‘spicy: tw & spicy for ts’ and ‘Looks like someone needs proper punishment’ for blacklisting purposes.
5a. I am open to all kinds of ships, not just romantic ones. I also enjoy platonic, rivalry, and familiar bonds. All ships are open to discussions through my IM(s) or otherwise known as Instant Messenger. Chemistry is key. As long as we interact a little, there’s always the chance that both muses can be in a relationship.
6. Things for you to tag for me are: BIRDS, CHAIN LETTERS, ORGANS, DOGS. For the birds and dogs, just in real life ones trigger me. I am fine with cartoon / art / video game ones as they are not real.
6a. Things I’ll tag for you: BLOOD, GORE, DEATH, BODY HORROR, EYE HORROR, INSECTS, MAGGOTS, BRUISES, SCARS, GUNS, KNIVES, CLOWNS. If there are anything I missed that you want tagged, please let me know through IM(s).
7. I am over the age of eighteen. However, I refuse to write smut as I am not comfortable with that subject to begin with. Please never force me to write this with you and if you keep sending things to me in this type of nature, I will report you, no questions asked.
7a. If I see any form of hate and I find out it was you that sent it, I will immediately BLOCK you. No questions asked. Life is too short to send unwanted hate, anon or not. All anon hate and hate towards me and my characters ( s ) in general will be reported and then blocked, no questions asked.
8. My pen name on here is SERE. Obviously, that is not my real name but it’s what I go by. It’s short for ‘Serena’, the English name that DIC gave Usagi Tsukino in the Americanized version of Sailor Moon. It’s pronounced; SIR-REE.
9. I am not a meme source. If you need to reblog a meme from my blog and don’t plan to send me anything, reblog from the source. I hardly get asks as it is, and for you to just use me as a meme source puts a bad taste in my mouth and I feel like I’m being used, which isn’t a good feeling. If you wonder if you should send in a meme to me, please do. I love getting asks. I do hoard them from time to time like a dragon hoards treasure but I do get to them eventually. The more memes / asks, the merrier.
9a.  Feel free to turn inbox replies into threads. Just remember to make separate post when replying. Do not reblog threads not meant for you and don’t reblog my headcanons. It’s okay to reblog my asks though if you want them to be keepsakes on your own blog. Also, it’s alright to reblog musings and images from me.
10. I rather not be bothered by callout posts and any potential drama that might accumulate. I am just here to have fun and I hope everyone else can too. Life is too short to spend on certain things that don’t matter in the long run. If I see multiple call out posts from you in a single day or that’s all you post, I will quietly unfollow you.
11.  Out of character posts will be on here from time to time. Mostly talking about life in general or me venting once in a great while. If this annoys you, please remember that this is my blog, not yours. You are welcomed to unfollow / block at any time.
11a.  The best way to interact with me is to send memes / asks / inbox things. I am always up for unprompted things in my inbox. Also, my instant messenger is always open if someone needs to contact me out of character or to plot something. Don’t hesitate to talk to me. I will try my best to respond.
11b. Not interacting after a month or two with me and my blog will make me silently unfollow you or result in a soft block. Or if you don’t interact with me at all, even out of character. Also, if you are gone for more than 6 months, I consider your blog inactive and will probably assume that you aren’t going to return.
12. I’m really laid-back in nature so don’t feel pressure to reply to anything I send to you. I understand that life happens and that sometimes you just need to unwind from the stress of daily life.
13. For pronouns; either SHE/HER or THEY/THEM is okay with me. My orientation is DEMIROMANTIC ASEXUAL. I love anime, manga, video games, music, drawing, and writing. If you read all of this, then thank you! I won’t ask for passcodes but please still try to remember these at some point. That’s all I ask. <3.
( rules may be updated from time to time so please check here once in awhile. I will also post when these are updated as well ).
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Jughead//Forsythe Pendleton Jones III
 Request: Would you write/can I request a Jughead/Reader where you meet when goes to Southside high and hook-up but you both assume once Southside high closes you're going to Greendale/Centerville but you end up at Riverdale high instead
“Forsythe Pendleton Jones III.” Toni interrupts the conversation you’re having and stops in the middle of the corridor abruptly.
“Huh?” You ask, a boy a few feet away from you asks the same thing and the two of you make eye contact for a few seconds. 
“Uh...Its Jughead actually.” The boy replies annoyed while gathering up his things.
“I’m Toni Topaz.” Toni introduces herself. “And this...” She points to you. “Is Y/n Y/l/n. I was supposed to give you the full animatronic tour of Southside High, but...”
“But, some of the robots went insane and started killing the guests.” You interrupt and Toni laughs.
“Like we could afford robots in the first place. So, we’ll just wing it.” She finishes. “Y/n, you coming with?”
“Hmmm.” You think for second. “I was supposed to meet Sweet Pea by the old Chemistry lab so we could cover up the fact that we were the ones that blew it up. But, I suppose he can do it himself, there’s a much cuter boy here.” You wink at Jughead and he blushes softly.
“Ignore her. She’s flirts with everyone.”
“I flirt with everyone that’s cute.” You argue and she rolls her eyes.
“Anywayyyy.” She changes the subject. “The classrooms don’t have Wi-Fi...” She starts to explain while the three of you walk down the stairs.
“Bathroom stalls don’t have doors, so if you need to go, you’d get more privacy doing it in the corridor.” You add and he grimaces.
“What about the school paper? The Red and Black?” He asks and you and Toni share a look.  
“Yeah, it no longer exists. Censorship? Budget cuts?...” 
“The fact that someone printed a dick pic on the front page.” You giggle.
“Take your pick.” Toni sighs.
“Mr Phillips was so pissed.” You laugh. 
“Mr Phillips?” 
“English teacher. He used to run the Red and Black.” You reply.
“To your right. You’ll find a glimpse of jingle-jangle being consumed in its natural habitat.” Toni looks beside her once you reach the bottom of the stairs. Jughead starts to break away from the group but you grab his arm, pulling him back.
“Don’t get too close. They’re like horses. And they will bite.” You warn. 
“Jingle-Jangle?”  He asks. 
“Wait.” You and Toni say at the same time. 
“You don’t know what jingle-jangle is?” You ask and he shakes his head, continuing to stare at the group of teenagers. 
“This place is crawling with it. Its a highly addictive, total gutter drug.” She explains. 
“So, lets not touch that.”   
“Jingle-jangle. Fascinating.” Jughead mumbles. You soon approach the cafeteria and Jughead looks...overwhelmed to say the least.
“Here in the cafeteria, Ghoulies sit over there.” Toni points to a table and he looks at the two of you confused. “They're a rival gang.
“They’re also drug dealers, street racers. And there are some rumors of cannibalism.” You add. “Don’t ask.” 
“Weird Tim sits over there.” Toni points to the corner of the cafe. “And we sit over there. With the Serpents.” She points to the table with the loudest students. 
“Y/l/n!” Sweet Pea shouts. “Where were you?!” 
“Joining a rival gang and plotting against you.” You shout back making him chuckle. 
“You could never plot against me! You loveeee me.” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“You’re a Southside Serpent?” He asks and you and Toni just stare at him for a few seconds. 
“Did you not notice my jacket?” You reply and he shakes his head.  
 “And why do you think I volunteered to give you the tour?” Toni adds. “Come on.” She nods her head towards the Serpents. You smile at him before sitting beside Sweet Pea.
“Actually, I’m gonna sit alone.” Jughead says and the conversation at the table stops. “Just, you know, finish my book and brood.” 
“More like get beat up.” Sweet Pea mutters and you all laugh quietly. 
“The only person that sits alone is weird Tim.” You tell him. 
 “I’m confused.” Toni crosses her arms and looks him up and down. “Aren’t you Serpent by blood? The son of FP Jones?” 
 “Yeah? So, I self identify as a loner, not a pack animal.” He replies and the laughing grows louder. 
“He’s definitely gonna get beat up.” Sweet Pea whispers and you hit him.  
“I’m just gonna put my head down and try and get through this, okay?” He continues while turning around. 
“Hey!” You call after him and he looks at you, mildly annoyed. “You wanna get through this, you should hang with the Serpents.” 
“If the Ghoulies get a whiff that you’re alone and vulnerable...” Toni interrupts. 
“They’ll make you their bitch faster than you can say American History X.” You finish.
“I think I’ll be fine.” He grumbles making you roll your eyes. “Anything else I need to know?” 
“Don’t go into Mrs Johnson’s class alone.” You reply and he raises an eyebrow.
“He doesn’t need to know that story.” Toni says. “Have fun. Don’t get killed.” She smiles at him sarcastically and he huffs before walking away. 
The last class of the day eventually rolls around and it is definitely the worst one out of all of them. Since lunchtime, you haven’t seen Jughead and you’re starting to worry about him. However he walks into your English class, 5 minutes before it starts and quietly sits down. 
“Fahrenheit 451...” Mr Phillips has been droning on for the best part of half an hour and you, as well as the majority of the class have almost fallen asleep. “By one of my favourite authors, Ray Bradbury.” He continues talking as he walks to the front of the classroom. Your eyes follow him, quickly landing on the back of Jughead’s head. He was frantically writing in his notebook making you shake your head. “Lets start with the title. Can anyone tell me its significance?” 
“What!” Sweet Pea shouts from beside you. “Damn it!” He kicks the wall behind him and shoves your desk as he storms past you. 
“What the fuck Sweet Pea!” You shout after him. Jughead looks between his retreating figure and you and frowns slightly.
“Are you okay?” He leans back in his chair. 
“Fine.” You shake your head. “He has anger issues.” You explain. “As well as a shit ton of others. He’ll text me in a minute to apologize.” You add, just as you tell him your phone buzzes in your pocket and you pull it out. “See.” 
“People.” Mr Phillips speaks over you, and Jughead looks back towards the front of the room. “There’s a burning book on the cover.” He prompts and Jughead looks around. You know exactly what he’s going to do, and it’s not going to end well for him. 
“Don’t fucking answer.” You mutter. “Don’t say anything.” 
“Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which paper burns.” He answers and you sigh loudly. Everyone in the class is now looking at him, even the students who weren’t paying attention in the first place, and you can practically hear the brass knuckles and knives being pulled from pockets. “It was a pleasure to burn.” He quotes and you groan. 
“Indeed.” Mr Phillips points to him. “Thank you, Mr...Jones. And welcome to hell.” People start throwing stuff at him and you sigh before standing up. 
“Hey! Mark!” You shout towards a boy near the back. “Stop throwing things at the new kid or so help me God I will tell every single person in this school about the time you tried to fight me and ended up pissing yourself.” You smirk and he looks at the floor. People quietly laugh around you and you send him a sarcastic smile as he sinks in his chair. 
“Thank you.” He mumbles and you smile softly at him. 
“Miss Y/l/n, sit down. You can stay after class. And if you have Sweet Pea’s number, tell him he’s joining you too.” 
“What the fuck! I didn’t do anything!” You argue. 
“Sit down!” He shouts and you roll your eyes before sitting down. The bell rings soon after and everyone moves quickly to get out. You’re one of the first to stand up, grabbing your bag and trying to sneak out, but you don’t get very far. “Y/n.” Mr Philips sighs and you mutter angrily to yourself as you make your way back to your seat. 
“I’ll see you at the Wyrm later.” Toni mumbles as she walks past you. 
“Sorry.” Jughead mouths and you shrug. “Uh...hi? Mr Phillips?” He says anxiously. 
“What the hell are you doing?” You mumble to yourself before watching the interaction.
“Mr Jones.” He replies. 
“Mr Jones.” You say in a mocking tone and he sends you a glare. 
“Y/n was telling me that you used to advise the school paper.” 
“I wouldn’t listen to everything that Y/n says.” He mumbles and you flip him off. 
“I was wondering what happened.” Jughead continues. 
“Drugs and gangs...” He looks towards you and you stand up, ready to defend yourself. “Came to Southside High.” 
“Excuse m-” 
“Trying to get students interested in anything like the school paper was an exercise in futility.” He interrupts. 
“I’m interested.” Jughead says quickly. “And I have experience. When I was at Riverdale High, I wrote for the Blue and Gold.” He explains. “I’ll put in the work.” 
“Your articles online?” Mr Phillips asks. 
“I’ll take a look, let you know.” 
“Thanks.” He smiles awkwardly and starts to walk out. 
“Wait up Jones!” You call after him. 
“Miss y/l/n, you have detention remember.” 
“Sorry sir.” You grab your bag quickly and make your way towards Jughead. “I have gangs to affiliate with and drugs to deal.” You say sarcastically before walking out, Jughead following after you. 
“Is he always like that?” He asks, quickly catching up with you. 
“Yep.” You nod. “How was your first day?” 
“Could have been better.” He shrugs. 
“Come on. I’ll take you to the Wyrm.” 
The next few days go by quite quickly considering its Southside High. You and Jughead hang out a few times, and you’ve already saved his ass from Ghoulies, and a few Serpents a fair few times. 
He’s also somehow dragged you into helping him with the Red and Black. Toni would take pictures, and you and Jughead would write the articles. Much to Mr Phillips dismay, however that made you want to do it even more. 
“It’ll be great!” Jughead says enthusiastically and open the curtains in the old classroom. Dust flies around the room and you almost cough up a lung as you walk around the room, making him laugh. He turns and looks around the room. “Its no New York Times.” 
“But, hey, kudos on finding your safe space, snowflake.” You tease. “Toni said she’s gonna join us later. Serpent business apparently.” 
“Thats fine. I don’t mind it being us for a while.” He says quietly and you send him a shy smile. He looks you up and down and is about to say something when the door opens. 
“Y/l/n.” Sweet Pea greets you, a few other Serpents follow behind him and they all send Jughead angry looks. “Lets bounce.” You turn around and cross your arms. “Jones, wanna come with? We’re going to the quarry.” 
“Uh, I don’t have my beach bod yet.” He replies sarcastically making you giggle.
“What?” You’ll ask for help from the Serpents. You’ll get one to protect you.” He points towards you. 
“Here we go.” You mutter. 
“But you won’t hang with us?” He asks, crossing his arms. “Don’t come crawling to us, hat in hand, when some Ghoulie decides to earn his stripes by taking out FP Jones’ kid.” 
“Duly noted. Thank you, Sweet Pea. I appreciate what you and the Serpents have done for me and my dad. I do. But I’m done. Okay? No more favors coming your way.” Jughead replies and Sweet Pea’s expression darkens. He cracks his knuckles and starts walking towards him. 
“Hey, hey. He made up his mind okay?” You stand in between them and push Sweet Pea back. “Take the hint, Sweet Pea. He’s just not that into you.”
“Fine.” He pushes you off him and turns around. 
“Catch you later, Jones.” You tell Jughead and his face drops at the sight of you leaving. “I’ll have a think for some articles. And tell Toni I said hey.” You send him a kind smile before following Sweet Pea and the other serpents out the room. 
The next day, you, Sweet Pea and Toni are sat at the lunch table when a familiar Serpent makes his way towards you. 
“This is why we told you not to climb the tree, Sweet Pea.” You and Toni laugh, making Sweet Pea roll his eyes. The laughter dies down when you notice Jughead standing beside you. Sweet Pea glares at him, Toni looks at him expectantly and you send him a warm smile. He returns the smile, completely ignoring Sweet Pea and points to the empty seat beside you. 
“Is this seat taken?” He asks and you shake your head, moving your bag to the floor. Toni and Sweet Pea look at him before continuing their conversation. 
“Don’t worry.” You nudge him. “You’ll get the hang of it. And I’m always around.” 
“Jughead!! Thank god you’re here!” You greet him anxiously before dragging him towards the table. 
“What?” He asks, looking at the laptop in front of Sweet Pea. Toni was on one side of him and Fangs was on the other, a few other Serpents were gathered around looking annoyed. “I assume we’re not looking at cute cat videos?” He looks around confused and you shake your head. 
“We will find you.” He hears a familiar voice come out the speakers of the laptop and his eyes widen. 
“Check this out.” Sweet Pea turns the laptop around to face you and Jughead. “Some sick-in-the-head Northsider posted a crazy-ass video, and we were just talking.” 
“About what?” Jughead asks nervously. 
“Do you know him?” You whisper to Jughead and he nods ever so slightly. 
“Fogarty wants to earn his Serpent stripes.” Sweet Pea smacks Fangs’ back. “I say, bring us that Northsiders head and you’re in.” He continues and a few Serpents cheer. 
“I’m down with that.”
“Boys.” You warn. 
“No, guys. No.” 
“What, Jones?” Toni asks. 
“I know this guy. He’s a football player and no threat to any of you. Its kind of a lame target.” 
“Jughead?” You whisper. 
“You wanna prove something?” He asks. “Why don’t you go after the Black Hood?” 
“Why would we do that?” Sweet Pea laughs. “The black hood’s targeting Nothsiders, who do nothing but blame us for everything wrong with this town. We’re sick of it! The Black Hood’s doing our work for us.” 
“Sweet Pea!” You warn. 
“He’s a hero.” He adds. Jughead looks at him and you place a hand on his shoulder. 
“Come on. We have a paper to work on.” You guide him away, towards the Red and Black room. Once inside you sit down and pull a notebook from your bag. “So, I’ve been thinking. We could run an article about th-” 
“This is fucking stupid.” He interrupts you and pushes a few things off a table. 
“I fucking hate it here.” He huffs, sitting beside you.
“Its not that bad.” You try to make him feel better and he raises an eyebrow. “You’ll get used to it.” 
“I don’t think I will.” He sighs. “I miss the Northside.” 
“I know. But you’ll be okay. You’ll get the hang of it. Plus...I quite like you being here.” You turn to face him, but he’s already looking at you. 
“You’re the only good thing about this damn place.” He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear making you blush. “You don’t deserve to be stuck here.” He adds, his hand cupping your cheek. You lean in, his breath fanning across your face and your nose brushes against his. 
“Y/n!” Sweet Pea shouts, kicking the door open. You and Jughead jump apart from each other, and you stand up quickly. “Fogarty wants us to show him the blind spots around here.” 
“Coming.” You smile at him. “See you later Jughead.” You wave. 
“Yeah, see you.” 
“And thats why if you’re gonna get high at school, make sure that weird Tim isn’t around.” 
“Right. I’ll keep that in mind.” Two weeks had flown by and Jughead is finally starting to get used to life at Southside High. He stopped answering in class by the end of the first week, he doesn’t talk to anyone apart from the Serpents, and he’s figured out how to avoid weird Tim. The two of you are currently on your way to Maths when a red-headed boy approaches you. 
“Jug! Jug!” He shouts and Jughead looks at him wide-eyed. “We gotta go, right now.” 
“Archie, what are you doing here?” He asks annoyed. “Betty ask you to throw salt in the wound?” He adds spitefully and you look at him confused. You knew he was dating a girl, and you were quite thankful that you found that out before you continued where you left off in the Red and Black classroom. 
“Mayor McCoy’s about to raid Southside High.” He interrupts him. 
“What!?” You ask panicked, Archie looks you up and down before focusing his attention back on Jughead. “I need to text Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs!” You pull your phone out. 
“We gotta get you out of here right now.” Archie continues and grabs Jughead’s coat. “Come on.” He finishes and the front doors open. 
“Shit.” You mutter as Mayor McCoy and Sheriff Keller burst through the door with police dogs. Archie starts pulling Jughead through the crowd towards the back door and you look at him. 
“Wait.” Jughead pushes Archie off. “Come on.” He grabs your arm and pulls you with him. 
“But Toni and Sweet Pea.” You reply. 
“Its too late.” He shakes his head and you looks behind you. Sweet Pea was being pushed against a locker and Toni was being arrested in the middle of the corridor. “You can come back to my trailer.” 
“Here.” Jughead hands you a mug with hot chocolate in and you smile gratefully at him. 
“Thanks.” You smile and blow on the steam. You wrap the blanket further around you and Jughead sits beside you on the sofa. 
“Do you wanna watch a movie?” He asks and you nod. Ten minutes into the movie you turn your attention back to Jughead who is staring intently at the screen. You couldn’t get what he had said about Betty out of your head, so you decide to ask him. 
“What did you mean about Betty?” You ask, placing your cup on the coffee table. 
He sighs and places his mug beside yours. “She broke up with me a few days ago.” 
“Sorry.” You sigh. “That sucks.” 
“Do you know why?” 
“I dunno. It was kind of a blur.” He shrugs and you nod. 
“Its fine.” He replies, a sad smile on his face. “Its for the best anyway. I kinda like someone else.” 
“Ooooo.” You tease, nudging him slightly. Your heart rate picks up at the thought of it possibly being you. “Who is it?” You ask. You look up at him to see him already looking at you. His fingers brush the hair out of your face, the way they did the first time, and he slowly leans in. You were sick of waiting so long, you’d liked him since you met him, so you decide to close the gap between the two of you quickly. He kisses back instantly, his hands going to your waist. 
“Do you wanna continue this in my room?” He asks, pulling away from you. 
“Yes.” You nod quickly and stand up. Jughead grabs your hand and pulls you towards his room. 
A month later, you and Jughead have been hooking up practically everyday and some Serpents were happier than others about it. Everything had been great. However a spanner had just been thrown into the works and everything was starting to fall apart.
News that Southside High was closing down had quickly travelled around and you had just been told were you were going. 
“Wow, Jones, props to you. Its very Lovecraftian.” Toni teases Jughead. They’re sat on the steps at the front of the school, while you stand beside them, leaning over the side. You’ve been distracted all day after being told where you were going. “Which I’m sure was the intention. But I gotta ask you, did you write this on a typewriter?” 
“Err...Yeah. I wanted to get into Lovecraft’s headspace.” 
“So, it wasn’t like Y/n bought you a typewriter for your birthday or anything weird like that?” She asks and Jughead snatches the paper back from her. 
“No comment.” He mutters. 
“Did you?” Toni asks. “Y/n?” She says and you shake your head, looking at her. 
“You okay?” 
“WOOOO!” The front door opens quickly and you have to jump back to avoid being hit. Sweet Pea and Fangs walk out, followed by some other Serpents all being very loud.
“Whats up with you two?” Toni asks. 
“You know how Southside High is being closed down?” Sweet Pea asks and they both nod. “We just found out where we’re going.” 
“Where?” Jughead asks. 
“Same as the rest of the Serpents. Riverdale High.” Fangs smiles. 
“Think of all those Northside heads to knock.” Sweet Pea punches Fangs lightly and they started to play fight making you roll your eyes. 
“Great.” Toni mumbles. “School full of stuck up Northsiders.” She sighs. 
“You’re the lucky ones.” You interrupt, gaining the attention of the gang. 
“What do you mean?” Jughead asks and stands beside you. 
You sigh and look at the ground. “Because there are so many students, Serpents and Ghoulies are being split. Serpents are going to Riverdale, Ghoulies are going to Centreville.” 
“And?” Fangs asks. 
“And the remaining of each, as well as weird Tim and the rest of the randoms are going to Greendale. Guess which one I’m going to?” 
“You’re going to Greendale?” Jughead asks quietly, wrapping his arms around you. You nod and he sighs, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
“Thats fucking bull.” Sweet Pea mutters angrily. 
“Calm down Sweet Pea. You’ll always have Fangs to keep you warm on a cold night.” You tease, trying to lighten the mood. 
“You staying at school overnight now?”
“You never know....” 
“What do you mean?” Toni asks. 
“I might have to move.” 
“What? You can’t move.” Jughead shakes his head frantically. 
“We’ll leave you two alone.” Toni stands up and starts to walking towards her bike. Sweet Pea and Fangs give you a quick hug before following Toni. 
“We can make this work.” Jughead cups your cheeks. 
“How. We’re gonna be going to different schools, I might even have to move. And you’re going to school with your ex. Its never gonna work.” You say, tears flowing down your cheeks. “And I thought I finally had something good in my life.” You mumble and he hugs you tightly.
“Y/n y/l/n. You’re the best thing in my life and I’m not gonna let that go just because we’re going to different schools. So what if I’m going to school with Betty. She’s in my past, you’re my present and hopefully my future?” 
“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” You pull away from him slightly and he nods. “You have awful timing.” 
“Is that a yes?” 
“Yes?” You reply before kissing him. 
“You could be on the other side of the world and I’d do anything to see you. I’ll follow you anywhere and everywhere.” 
“Its gonna be okay.” He reassures you, pulling you into a tight hug. “Everything’s gonna be okay.” He adds, you have a feeling he’s trying to convince himself too, but you decide not to ruin the moment. 
“Friends! Welcome to Riverdale High.” Veronica greets the Serpents enthusiastically, but Jughead isn’t feeling very thrilled about being back at Riverdale. When he first started Southside High, he would have done anything to be back at here. But now he is here, he’d do anything to be wherever you are. “Jughead.” She looks towards the beanie clad boy and he glances at her. “Nice to see you bac-” 
“Sorry I’m late!” You shout, pushing through the mass of serpents until you’re at the front, standing beside Jughead. “Weird Tim flashed the fucking bus driver again.” 
“Y/n!” Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea greet you happily, all squeezing you tightly.
“What are you doing here?” Jughead asks shocked and pulls you into a tight hug. “Are you coming here?” 
“No, I’m here for a school trip.” You reply sarcastically. “Of course I am. I was transferred here.” 
“How?” He asks and kisses you. 
“Just a slight incident involving a few students and some fireworks. They transferred me here.” You reply happily.
“Nice!” Sweet Pea laughs and high-fives you. 
“We’re glad you’re back. It didn’t feel the same without you.” Fangs adds.
“Plus, Jughead was moping so much we thought his face was gonna be permanently stuck in a frown.” Toni teases and Jughead rolls his eyes making you laugh. 
“Awwwww.” You tease and kiss his cheek. “Were you really that upset?” You ask and he nods. 
“Of course. I love you.” 
“You love me?” 
“...yeah.” He whispers, a blush appearing on his face and you laugh softly. “I’ve loved you since the day I met you. You were so kind and sweet. A ray of sunshine in the dark of Southside High.” He rambles and you kiss him sweetly.
“I still think its gross.” Sweet Pea rolls his eyes. 
“Shut up Sweet Pea.” Fangs nudges him. 
“But I suppose if you make her happy.” 
“He does.” You nod. “You have no idea.” 
175 notes · View notes
notapaladin · 4 years
turning saints into the sea
I wanted to write possessive Teo mixed with someone going (about Acatl) “he’s a priest!” “he’s a HOT priest!” and so this fell out. Enjoy!
also on AO3
Three young noblemen lounged around a single palace courtyard, dressed in far too much finery for the half-hearted ball game they’d just been playing. That game was over now; the sun had risen high in the sky, and it was far too hot to exert themselves in such a way. It was almost too hot to move; even their conversation had a lazy, drowsy drawl to it.
Finally, one of them—Ocelocueitl was his name, the third son of one of Huitzilxochtin’s noble brothers—broke the latest spell of silence. “Guess who I saw yesterday?”
“...Who?” Mopouhqui lifted his head. He’d been spinning the ball between his palms, idly tracing the designs incised in the surface, but this was much more interesting.
“Teomitl’s priest, the one that’s supposed to be tutoring him in the magic of living blood.” They were allowed to address him familiarly; they were his cousins, after all. Ocelocueitl had never gotten along with him, but there was a distinct tinge of smugness in his voice now. It suggested he’d come into valuable gossip, and the other two were intrigued.
“...Teomitl has a priest?” That was Xohueyac, who rarely bothered to pay attention to anything that wasn’t the ball game or a pretty girl.
Ocelocueitl nodded. “Mm-hmm.”
Mopouhqui, not to be left out, added, “Acatl, High Priest of Mictlantecuhtli.” And if he sounded a little wistful, his cousins weren’t surprised. Mopouhqui was not known for great discernment, and it had been some time since there had been a High Priest notable for more than magical prowess or political connections.
Xohueyac muttered, “What a shame.” And then, bright red, he stammered, “I mean—that’s what my sister says…”
Mopouhqui reached over to pat him nearly sympathetically on the shoulder. It was ruined by his lascivious grin. “That’s what we all say. He’s a pretty man!”
“Do you think him and Teo are...“ Ocelocueitl trailed off with a few hand gestures that would probably make a priest of Xochipilli blush. It definitely made Xohueyac blush, and he hunkered down in his seat before it could be remarked upon.
Mopouhqui smirked. “Well, if he’s not, I will!...or hell, even if he is.” He shrugged, careless of the blasphemy he was suggesting. “Man like that breaks his vows once, he might do it again.”
Xohueyac spluttered, “He’s a priest!”
“...And he’s far too attractive for it to be at all fair.” Mopouhqui nodded sagely. Of course he was right, but that didn’t make it a good idea to say. The gods were always listening, and even if they weren’t, there was their cousin to consider.
“Teomitl got to him first.” At least someone there was displaying basic self-preservation skills, though Ocelocueitl was still wearing a smirk that would get him punched in the teeth by the man in question.
Mopouhqui raised an eyebrow. “So?”
Xohueyac shook his head. “Wow, you really don’t want to get the chance to die in battle.” He might not have known until this afternoon that the handsome High Priest for the Dead was Teomitl’s tutor, but now that he did...well. He wasn’t stupid. Teomitl had never been inclined to share.
Mopouhqui scoffed, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Ocelocueitl’s smirk only grew. “Means Teomitl is—“
Xohueyac saw movement, froze, and waved a frantic hand. Maybe if they were all very, very quiet, the man wouldn’t notice them or their conversation. “Coming this way! Shut up!”
Mopouhqui did not shut up. In fact, he raised his hand in a jaunty, cheerful wave. “Hey, Teomitl!”
Xohueyac groaned. This was going to be painful.
Teomitl was going to have a good day. He’d already decided on it, and nothing would rattle his mood. Nothing. After all, it was one of the days of the week set aside for his lessons with Acatl. The man was always honest and never flattering, at least not without good cause; it made the occasional words of sincere praise lodge ever deeper in Teomitl’s heart. You’ve done well, he’d said at their last lesson, and that had been enough to make Teomitl blush all on his own, but then he’d smiled. Smiled! At him! It had turned Acatl from merely handsome to radiant, and Teomitl had had to make an excuse to leave just so he wouldn’t say or do anything stupid. Mihmatini had seen through the real reason for his visit in a heartbeat. She’d gone so far as to giggle at him, which hadn’t helped.
He sighed at the memory. At least I can see him. Talk to him. Maybe I can get more of those smiles, even if...even if I can’t… He shook his head to clear it. Gods, he was a fool.
Someone called his name. He swiveled around to see a trio of his most indolent cousins waving at him and grimaced as he checked himself midstride. He should have pretended he didn’t hear them. Ah, well, too late now. “...What do you want?”
Ocelocueitl was grinning in a way that made him long to erase the look from his face. Preferably with a fist. “What’s with the glare? We just want to talk to our favorite cousin.”
Teomitl’s eyes narrowed. Ocelocueitl never wanted to talk to him. They hadn’t been friends since a childhood sparring match had ended with sprained limbs on both sides. “I don’t really have time—“
If his cousin been a hound, his ears would have pricked up. “Where are you off to?”
“...Lessons,” he said stiffly. “In the magic of living blood.” His heart skipped a beat at the thought. He ignored it. In front of his family members, he couldn’t afford be distracted or to show weakness; they’d pounce on it like jaguars, and their idea of teasing too often hid knives.
Mopouhqui muttered, “Lucky you.”
Against his better judgement, he frowned at his cousin. “Hm?” He’s never displayed an interest in magic before.
Ocelocueitl buffed his nails on his tunic and shot him a sideways glance. “I was just telling them I saw your priest yesterday.”
His ears went hot. He prayed desperately he wasn’t blushing, but he knew the gods weren’t listening. “Acatl-tzin’s not my—“
“Suuure. But you’ve been holding out on us!” Ocelocueitl actually had the nerve to smack Teomitl’s shoulder, as though they were friends.
Ah, now he was on firmer mental ground. Fury. He wrenched himself away, glaring at all three of them—even Xohueyac, who was clearly trying to blend into the ground lest he become a target. “I beg your pardon?”
Mopouhqui, not so easily deterred, came up on his other side and knuckled companionably at his arm. “You told everyone all about his magic and how smart he was, but you didn’t tell us he looked like that.”
Now he knew he was blushing. “I don’t see how his looks are any of your concern,” he snapped, even as the part of him not plotting how best to dispose of the bodies piped up with Well, at least someone in Tenochtitlan has working eyes and excellent taste. He snarled at that mental voice until it retreated; it was one thing to have a cousin who was properly appreciative of Acatl’s looks, and another for the man to be appreciating it in that tone of voice. Nobody was allowed to use that tone about his Acatl.
Mopouhqui grinned at him. “But he’s so handsome, don’t you think? Even at his age? Bet he made all the girls in his calpulli swoon when he was younger!”
The images marched through his mind—Acatl younger, less careworn, not yet sworn to the gods, surrounded by laughing peasant girls and smiling at their flirtations. Acatl flirting back. He sucked in a hard breath. “It’s hardly—“
Ocelocueitl snickered. “Oh, definitely not just the girls.” Teomitl froze, but he was safe—his cousin had apparently meant Mopouhqui, who didn’t look in the least fazed by it. Bastard. Teomitl hoped he came down with boils.
The worst part was that now he was picturing it, and it was too easy. Acatl had studied in the boys’ calmecac, after all, and Teomitl knew perfectly well what happened there out of sight of the teachers. Acatl was beautiful now and couldn’t possibly have been less so in his school days; it was impossible that he hadn’t had admirers. Impossible to think that there hadn’t been flustered boys trying to impress him, trying to press gifts and favors upon him. He felt his face go warm at the certain knowledge that he would have been one of those flustered boys. That he was one of those boys now, far past the point where Acatl might have been free to look back at him the same way—if it had ever even been a possibility in the first place.
He turned to go. This conversation was too dangerous. “I can’t listen to this; I’ll be late.”
Mopouhqui hummed thoughtfully. “For your magic lessons. With Acatl-tzin.”
“And that’s all you’re learning from him?”
The insinuation made his teeth grind, and for a moment all he could do was draw in a long breath. “What else are you suggesting I learn from the High Priest of Mictlantecuhtli?” The man sworn to Lord Death. The man who wears Mictlan’s power like a cloak. The man who would never in a thousand years do what I know you’re thinking about.
Mopouhqui started smirking again. “I’d love for him to teach me something else—“
No, came the white-hot flash of rage through his mind. He’s mine.
At least those words settled it. Teomitl was definitely going to kill his cousin. He lunged with the intention of getting him in a headlock, but he’d already taken too many steps out of arm’s reach and Mopouhqui was faster than he looked; it was annoyingly difficult to grab him. He’d almost managed it—Mopouhqui had made the mistake of dodging in a direction that put him near Xohueyac, who’d obligingly stuck a foot out to trip him—when a voice stopped him.
He loved that voice. He desperately did not want to hear it now.
Acatl was gazing at the tableau in front of him with an expression that said, quite clearly, that he was not going to ask for answers because he did not want to know. When Teomitl backed away from Mopouhqui and slowly unclenched his fists, it changed into the faintest of faint smiles. He wanted to collapse with relief.
Then Acatl said, “There you are,” as though nothing was out of the ordinary, and he felt himself flush hot all over.
“Acatl-tzin...” he began, unsure of how to end it. I was defending your honor. They were disrespecting you. They were saying that you—that we—
“I was looking everywhere for you.” There was a crease between Acatl’s brows, but—thank the gods—he didn’t sound annoyed. Teomitl felt himself start to relax.
And then Mopouhqui scrambled to his feet, dusted himself off, and strode over to Acatl beaming like an old friend. “Oh, so you’re Teomitl’s priest! I’m his cousin Mopouhqui; it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Acatl-tzin!”
Though Acatl crossed his arms defensively and looked visibly taken aback as the man stepped into his personal space without so much as a by-your-leave, he didn’t back down. “Is it?”
“Mmm. Teomitl’s told us so much about you.” There was more than a suggestion of a leer in Mopouhqui’s tone. Teomitl’s fists clenched hard enough for his nails to bite into his palms; when his cousin’s gaze flicked back towards him, it took all his willpower not to lunge for his throat.
“He—he has?” Acatl sounded like he wasn’t sure whether this pleased him or not.
Mopouhqui made a nauseatingly self-satisfied humming sound and swept his gaze slowly and pointedly over Acatl’s form. “But he left something out.”
And then he set a hand on Acatl’s forearm, and Acatl blinked at him. “Gnh.”
Teomitl saw red. How dare you. How dare you, you don’t touch him—he is mine—
“We weren’t expecting the new High Priest for the Dead to be so young and vigorous, you see.” There was another quick glance at Teomitl, but then those fingers slowly trailed up Acatl’s arm to the crook of his elbow; Acatl twitched in surprise but didn’t pull away, even when Mopouhqui leaned in to murmur, “Our previous one was ancient when the Empire was born. But you, my lord…”
Enough. Acatl was clearly flustered, clearly unsure of himself, and—just as clearly—wasn’t about to risk starting a fight in the palace in front of his student. Teomitl had no such compunctions. His idiot cousin was too preoccupied with gazing into Acatl’s eyes and so didn’t notice his approach, but he definitely noticed when Teomitl lashed out, grabbed one of his dangling earrings, and twisted. Hard. “He is busy.”
Mopouhqui yelped. Ocelocueitl and Xohueyac started cackling. Acatl was staring at him—he could feel the weight of his gaze—but he refused to look. His attention was on Mopouhqui, whose single working thought had finally settled on the realization that he’d made a dangerous enemy. Teomitl channeled all his rage into his eyes; he could feel them itching, feel the slow rising tide of the ahuitzotls’ song in his mind, feel how easy it would be to reach out and end it—
It was almost a relief when Mopouhqui dropped his gaze and he had to step back. Good. Go, and know that you’ve been beaten.
He wiped his hand pointedly on his cloak and turned to Acatl, who was watching him with the most carefully blank expression he’d ever seen. It made his heart sink like a stone, but he took a deep breath and forced himself to relax anyway. “Come on, Acatl-tzin. I’ve been looking forward to today.” And I’m not going to let this pup ruin it, he thought viciously.
Even if I’m afraid he might already have.
They didn’t talk until they reached his courtyard. Teomitl didn’t know what to say. I’m sorry about my cousin didn’t cover the scope of it; besides, it would be ridiculous of him to make a big deal out of it if Acatl wasn’t. I didn’t mean to rise to his bait would be an outright lie; if Acatl hadn’t been there, he would cheerfully have made Mopouhqui bleed for his insolence. And yet to tell the truth—I’m not sorry, you’re mine, he should never have touched you—was unthinkable.
When they stopped by the shade of the pool, Acatl broke the silence. “Teomitl…”
He couldn’t look at him. His face was already warm; if he looked at him, it would surely burst into flames. “What?” he snapped, and regretted his tone immediately.
His wonderful, rational, level-headed teacher only sighed, shaking his head. “What has that tree ever done to deserve a look like that?”
Teomitl swallowed and turned to look at him; at the very least, if he could maintain eye contact it would show his sincerity. For a split second he even managed it. “Nothing. I’m fine.” Drop it. Gods, drop it. Please.
Acatl did not drop it. Acatl, in fact, met his gaze with a searching one of his own that said he knew damn well there was a problem here. “No, you’re not. You looked as though you were about to murder that cousin of yours—”
“He was flirting with you,” he ground out, and clamped his mouth shut before he could say anything else incriminating.
Acatl flushed, but he didn’t look upset. At least, not at that. “I...I realized that. What I can’t figure out is why. I mean, look at me—“
As if I ever stop. “I do. I look at you all the time.” He made himself smile, made himself sound careless, because the alternative was to start screaming. “Mopouhqui is a fool with no sense of boundaries, but he has eyes. You’re not an unattractive man, Acatl-tzin.” Understatement of the age.
Now Acatl looked even more flustered, and Teomitl cursed himself. He’d revealed too much. “I—if you say so. But he...hmm.” He trailed off, dropping his gaze to the ground thoughtfully.
The smart thing would be to change the topic; he really had been looking forward to his lesson, and he ought to go and bring out his worship-thorns and grass balls and writing implements. But that pensive, worried look on Acatl’s face pinched his heart, so instead he took a step closer and asked, “...What?”
Acatl was quiet for a long moment. “He kept looking back at you,” he said finally. “Checking your reaction. He was flirting with me, but he was trying to provoke you.”
He growled at the memory. Oh yes, he’d noticed those looks. Mopouhqui had no doubt thought he was being sly. “He thought I was—“ Learning what I want from you, which is far more than I should be. Panting after you like a dog in heat. Trying to lay a claim to you, as though I have the right.
Acatl’s head came up like a hunting hound. “Hm?”
He swallowed back his words. “...Nothing.” It sounded steady enough, but he couldn’t—couldn’t—lie and maintain eye contact, not to Acatl, so he dropped his gaze to the water and hoped Acatl only thought he was embarrassed over having been so easily angered in public. He could feel his ears burning.
“You looked like you wanted to break his hand when he touched me.” Acatl did not sound fooled, but instead of his usual dry, unimpressed tone it was almost...soft. Gentle.
It made something in Teomitl’s chest twinge hard, and he lifted his head automatically to meet warm brown eyes. Ah yes, that twinge was definitely his heart skipping a beat. “You noticed that?”
“I notice everything you do.” It was said simply enough, but there was a faint tinge of color in Acatl’s cheeks, and the little frown that was his constant companion was nowhere to be seen. It wasn’t a smile—which was probably a good thing, Teomitl didn’t think he could survive a smile right now—but Teomitl had quite clearly threatened a man over him and he was looking at him in a way that suggested he actually approved. And as he watched, those eyes softened further.
Oh gods. Teomitl felt sure that, in defiance of all biological laws, his heart had flown up into his throat and stuck there. Don’t say that, he thought frantically. Don’t say that you notice me, don’t ask me if I’m fine, and for the Duality’s sake don’t look at me like that. If you do, I swear I’ll— “It really wasn’t like that,” he blurted out. “Or—I mean—it was just—he put his hand on you and I…” His fists clenched until he forced them open, knowing there were no battles to fight here. Air. He needed air. He took a breath and let it out, feeling his still-stuck heart hammer against the walls of its cage.
And then, of course, it got worse. Acatl’s brows knit as he frowned at him, as though he was a puzzle that couldn’t be solved. Or as though it had been, but the answer wasn’t something he was prepared to believe. “...Were you—were you jealous?”
He opened his mouth. He closed his mouth. There was nothing he could say, no speech he could mount in his defense. I am. I am. He was bold enough to touch you, to smile at you, and I wanted to tear him limb from limb for it.
No, he wanted to tear himself limb from limb; he’d spent so long trying to keep his feelings hidden, and here they were written on his traitorous face and proclaimed in his every reckless action. When Acatl drew in a long breath, he had to close his eyes, sure in the knowledge that he could not face the disgust in his teacher’s gaze—or worse, the distance. The disappointment. The polite rejection that said I’m sorry, Teomitl, but you know I don’t feel the same way.
Acatl let out a sigh. Teomitl, still afraid to move, froze even further at the first touch of his hand on his arm. “Teomitl. Look at me, please.”
He opened his eyes and looked. He could do nothing else, not when the fingertips resting gently on his skin sent lightning racing through his chest. Not when the man had said please.
Acatl kissed him.
The first brush of lips against his own was sweet, tentative, as though he was afraid Teomitl would be scared away, but then Teomitl’s lips parted and Acatl grew bolder, the hand on his arm sliding in to his elbow and the curve of his waist to pull him in closer. There was a noise—from him or Acatl, he couldn’t tell—but it didn’t matter when all it took was a half-turn to press their bodies together, to let his hands rest at Acatl’s shoulders and to melt in pleasure when Acatl’s arms went around him. He’d been kissed before—a fumbling, awkward encounter with a distant cousin—but it couldn’t compare to this. He felt like melted wax, like melted rubber, and all he could do was sigh when they pulled away.
“Acatl-tzin,” he murmured through his smile. I love you.
Acatl was smiling too. One hand came up to trace the line of his jaw, so gently that it almost tickled. “Teomitl.” His voice was the softest thing Teomitl had ever heard. “You never need to be jealous of me with anyone. Who else could I care for but you? Who else would I allow into my life, into my heart?”
Teomitl drew in a breath, heart racing. “I…”
He was too slow. The hand at his jaw fell; as Acatl averted his eyes, his words took on a bitter edge. “But gods, I was so determined never to tell you…”
A thin sliver of ice seemed to have lodged itself in his chest. “...Why not?”
Acatl bit his lip; he seemed to be hunting for the right words, but they were slow in coming. Finally he huffed, “I—you’re my student. I’m responsible for you in some way; to take advantage of that...I…”
Really? Really?! He leaned in and kissed Acatl again, brief and hard; when he broke away, they were both breathing raggedly. But Acatl still looked shaken, and it nettled him. Glowering, he took a deliberate step backwards out of his loose hold. “I’ve been to war,” he snapped. “I’m no green boy.”
“I know.” Acatl grimaced and looked away again, even as he traced his own lips with a shaking hand. “But I thought you’d be—you’d reject me—and you’re my sister’s age—“ He cut himself off, turning red. “Gods. Mihmatini is going to kill me.”
He made a face. Right. Of course he’d have to tell her, and even the knowledge that she’d probably be happy for them wasn’t enough to make the idea less than cripplingly awkward on his end. He had no illusions that she’d go any easier on her older brother; in his admittedly limited experience, family never did. Maybe he could convince Acatl to wait until his wedding night to share the details, where with any luck she’d be in too good a mood to tease them about it.
Acatl was still talking, and unfortunately seemed to have settled on a much faster timetable. “I know you’ll say I’m a fool, but...but I can’t keep this secret from her. Especially not if you’re still planning to court her!” He hesitated. “I don’t mind if you are. But I really think she should know.”
Even knowing the reaction was stupid didn’t stop his face from growing hot as he muttered, “She does. Or suspects, at least. There were...hand gestures.” He waved a hand in a rough approximation. The actual ones used had been explicit enough to make him choke, and he was morbidly curious to know how she’d learned them. It was another thing best saved for his wedding night.
This clearly took a moment to sink in; when it did, Acatl turned slowly red. “...I don’t want details, do I.”
He met Acatl’s gaze steadily, voice lowering. “You do not.” This time, he was the one moving slowly and carefully; as he set his hands at Acatl’s waist, Acatl was trembling. It tore at his heart. I have to reassure him. I have to make him see. “The important thing is that you wouldn’t be upsetting her. She’ll be more than glad to know that you’re mine.”
Acatl sucked in a breath. “Yours?”
“Yes,” Teomitl closed the distance between them. Their mouths met in a biting kiss, one that made Acatl gasp and return it with equal fervor. There was a moment where Acatl didn’t seem sure of what to do with his hands, but then sharp nails were digging into Teomitl’s shoulderblades and he moaned into Acatl’s mouth. Acatl nearly growled, nails raking down his back and catching in the folds of his cloak; when Teomitl dug his fingers into his hips, it got a bone-deep shudder in response. But it wasn’t enough; he needed more, needed to see Acatl fall apart in his arms.
And so he pulled away and scraped his teeth over Acatl’s pulse, reveling at the man’s helpless gasp. “This is what I wanted to do in front of him,” he breathed. “This, over and over—I wanted to mark you as mine.”
“Oh, gods,” Acatl panted; his fingers were digging into the back of Teomitl’s neck hard enough to hurt, hard enough to make him wonder what would happen if he grew his hair out—would Acatl pull it instead? Gods, he hoped so. But now there was only flesh and muscle, and when he muffled himself by mouthing down Acatl’s throat to his collarbone the man’s whole body trembled.
He hummed into the thin skin. Yes. This is what I want. “Mmm…”
Pressed together as close as they were, it was impossible to miss how much they were both enjoying it. Acatl was hot and hard and absolutely perfect in his arms; when he pulled away, Teomitl made a sound he would never admit was a whine. Acatl’s eyes were hazy with desire, though, and the breathless pleasure in his voice made him shiver. “...I don’t think either of us can be expected to focus on lessons today.”
Teomitl’s breath hitched at the sheer possibility of it all. I could...gods, I could…
He could. His room was right there. He gave Acatl’s ass a lingering squeeze, smirking when the man gasped. “Come inside,” he whispered. “Let’s learn something else instead. Together.”
For a moment there was silence, and he prayed he hadn’t overstepped—but then Acatl breathed, “Gods, yes.”
They went inside.
It was a very, very thorough lesson indeed.
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linphd · 5 years
katsuki x fem!reader | sweat
katsuki bakugou x reader
female reader
Just a steamy session between (Y/N) and Katsuki, where the boy doesn't seem as mad as usual for once.
warning : smut/lemon
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not my first smut ever, but the first one I've written as a girl that isn't virgin and actually know the fuck she's talking about dhsjks
I had a draft for a Dabi one first, but I had this ending idea and it was better with a hero so Katsuki was faster to write (I love my ending.)
Katsuki let out a groan when he pushed in. ''Is it okay ?'' He asked, almost in a whisper. The girl hummed, nodding. Sure it wasn't the first time they'd done this, but he still wanted not to hurt her. He started to move at a slow pace at first ; he knew she liked to be teased a lot, even if she was complaining. And it made the pleasure go on for a longer time.
''It's still weird that you love to face me. Even when I'm behind you you're turning your head to look at me.'' (Y/N) slapped his shoulder. ''Shut up and go faster before I fall asleep.'' That made the blond groan. ''Shut up, I'm the one on top, I should be giving orders !'' Even if the girl wanted to answer him, she couldn't. She was cut off by her own groan when he started to move a lot faster without any warning.
They could hear their skins slapping against each other now. After a whole minute, Katsuki finally looked in the girl's eyes, and kissed her. The sudden bent of his body sent more sensations to the girl's, so she pulled him closer, hugging him.
The way his body was bent made his skin rub (Y/N)'s clit, which made her wonder if she was really going to climax this soon. But no worries, she didn't. She focused on something else instead. She had her nails scratching his back, leaving marks. ''Fuck yeah, uh, why are you scratching this deep ?'' She couldn't tell if he was liking it or not, but hearing his heavy breathing, she didn't stop her actions.
What made her forget about her rising orgasm was his scent. She had her nose in the crook of his neck, smelling his skin. She thought Katsuki would smell like sweat, or like something burnt, because of his quirk. But actually, he smelled more like blood, like he had fought someone but had been hurt in the process. Don't ask her how blood smelt, she just could recognize it. It wasn't the first time she smelt him, after all. She knew.
She was brought back to Earth when Katsuki moved her. She was now on top of him, him sat against the head of the bed. He took her chin in his right hand. ''You seem not to focus. I want you to focus on everything, understood ?'' The girl nod, giggling, bouncing on top of him.
The blonde kept staring at her, in her eyes. He kept telling her to look at him. After some time, she had her mouth opened, so Katsuki took this opportunity to slip his thumb against her tongue. ''It was slapping harder when I was moving... that's not a really good job from you ! Do you need some help ?'' He raised an eyebrow, making (Y/N) nod, her eyes widening at the question.
Katsuki grinned and even let out a giggle, and used his both hands on her waist to help her bounce up and down. She took this opportunity to touch his chest, since she was helping herself by relying on his shoulders with her hands. Now that she could rely on him anyway, she enjoyed to brush against his chest and abs.
''Oh, you're all sweaaaaty !'' He raised an eyebrow. ''Yeah, that's supposed to be a part of my quirk ?'' She laughed, and seeing her this happy and cute made Katsuki crazy. He turned around, and he was on top again. He bent down to be closer, so his skin would brush against her clit. This time, it made her orgasm, since she didn't try to focus on anything else. She has looked at his red eyes and he had bent down to kiss her. That's what made her lose it.
He moaned, even if it sounded like a groan, like all the other noises he was making. ''Okay, I'm glad you're done, cause I was trying not to finish yet.'' He ended his sentence with a real moan this time, and with an high voice. It wasn't his usual raspy voice he used, but a rare high noise he was making during all those intimate moments. It wasn't ridiculous at all ; it was a hot voice crackling noise. At least, according to (Y/N).
The girl chuckled at this comment, and Katsuki kept pulling in and out at a fast pace. He took her throat in his right hand after a minute or two, using his left hand to rely on, against the mattress. He was looking at nowhere, overwhelmed with emotions and sensations. (Y/N) wouldn't have judged him ; she was the type to cry when there was too much overstimulation.
After some effort he made to keep his fast pace even with his body tiring, Katsuki was done as well. He made a groan, breathing heavily, and fell on top of her. He was resting his head against her shoulder, releasing her throat -even though he wasn't hurting her much. After a minute of him catching up his breath, and her playing with his hair, he pulled out and moved to the side. They both enjoyed the cold breeze.
Himiko changed back to her normal appearance, giggling. ''So ? Was it good ?'' The other girl didn't even look at her, still breathing heavily. ''Yeah, thanks Toga. Sorry, I can't do that with Deku for you.'' The blonde giggled again. ''No worries, I have my ways !'' She stood up, putting her clothes back on. ''We'll try to kidnap him once again and maybe this time he'll date you for real !''
That made (Y/N) smile. ''Yeaaah...'' Himiko swung her feet, sat back on the bed. ''Are we weird for doing this ?'' She sounded -at least- a little little bit concerned. ''I don't fucking care. Are we both happy about it ?'' The blonde giggled. ''Yes ! -Then, no.'' Himiko hummed, thinking. ''But Dabi says I'm weird because I play with knives all the time. But that makes me happy, so what's the problem ?'' (Y/N) stretched her arms. ''Him. He is the problem.'' Himiko giggled.
''Do you forget that it's me sometimes ? -Yes, yes I do. But you don't smell like him.'' The blonde pouted a bit. ''I can't be perfect at everything... I have more and more his attitude right !'' (Y/N) nodded. ''I really wish I was a hero sometimes.'' She murmured, only to receive a pillow in her face. ''Maybe if you were a hero he would still dislike you ! But as a villain you have your fabulous friend that can change her appearance !'' And then, they were up for a pillow fight.
(okay here it’s just me analyzing my ending and saying why it’s great only to reassure myself bc my smuts are average)
omg that plot twiiiiiiist that's why I love that ending
bitch you were 1. a villain 2. fucking with himiko all this time and I oop
actually maybe it made some people uncomfortable so soooooo sorry if that happened?????
but I love my ending cause 1. you like to look at Katsuki's face bc it's Katsuki's and not Himiko's 2. he smells like blood instead of smoke and stuff bc it's Himiko and you know the smell of blood cause it's clearly not the first time you've done this 3. that's why you're happy he sweats and why he answers 'supposed to'
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awkwardlyflustered · 5 years
Smoothies and Smiles
A/N: Alright, Day two of the TUA tickle fic week. Diego’s day. I’m very very excited to write this one, and I low-key am pretty proud of just the general concept that I figured out for this one. I literally figured out this idea when I was sitting in my old school’s jazz band talking to one of my dearest friends. I honestly thought of this, stopped in the middle of a sentence and just busted out laughing. He thought I was crazy. And I know that I’m honestly going to be the only person who finds this funny, like at all. But it’s worth it. I was laughing for like five minutes straight. I might have laughed a little too hard at this idea. Oh well. Thank you for listening to my rant about plot, now I hope you enjoy the fic! Sorry it’s so late. (Also, oh my god that title, I’m actual garbage. It’s fine. Hope you enjoy!)
Vanya wandered into the kitchen and was taken aghast by the sight in front of her. There was some kind of pink liquid all over everything, and standing in the middle of the chaos was none other than Diego. 
“Don’t tell me what you did. I truly don’t want to know,” Vanya said, turning around to exit the kitchen.
“Wait!” Diego called after Vanya, trying to run to catch her, but ended up falling on his ass because of the pink liquid. Vanya, rushed, or more so carefully shuffled over to where Diego had fallen.
“Are you okay?” Vanya asked, her eyes filling with concern. Diego just nodded, still making no attempt to get off of the floor. “What happened?”
“Oh, well I slipped on the smoothie and then you came over to check if I was okay,” Diego answered, a cheeky grin plastering his face. Vanya lightly hit his head,
“No smartass, why is there, what is apparently smoothie, everywhere?” Diego’s face tinted pink at the mention of the mess, and he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.
“Oh, yeah, it’s kind of a funny story,” Diego said with an awkward laugh, “So I was making a smoothie and I got all this stuff for it yesterday so I put it all in, except for blueberries, and yesterday I had to get frozen blueberries because they were out of just regular blueberries. Well me being the genius that I am forgot to take them out to defrost ahead of time, and the instructions said to not microwave stuff if it was frozen. So I waited for them to defrost. For a minute, then I got bored and started throwing knives. There was a noise that scared me, right as I went to throw another knife. I jumped and the knife went off course and hit the start button on the blender… which had no lid on, then tada, big mess.” Vanya couldn’t help but laugh.
“Alright, come one, get up, I’ll help you clean this mess up,” Vanya, said offering a hand. Diego smiled up at her, accepting the hand gratefully,
“All right, first things first, go put your clothes in the wash, it won’t help us if everytime you turn more smoothie gets everywhere,” Vanya ordered, eyeing the mess suspiciously. Diego stood up straighter, and saluted Vanya,
“Yes ma’am.” Vanya smiled at the playful jab, then sent Diego to do his task. Once Diego had returned Vanya started right back up with the orders. 
“All right, you’re much taller than I am, so you’re going to handle the ceilings and top half of the wall. I’ll get the floor and the lower half. Did you put your clothes in the machine?” 
“And you started the load?” Vanya pressed. Diego blushed slightly then shook his head shyly. Vanya just smiled at him. “Alright, you go get the cleaning supplies I’ll start the laundry for you.” Diego nodded then ran off to get the supplies. Once both of them had returned from their chores they started to tackle the mess. They were starting near the end, and Vanya ran out of cleaning solution. “Hey, Diego, can you hand me the cleaning stuff?” No response. Vanya tried calling his name again. Still no response. With a sigh, she stood up and walked over to where Diego was scrubbing smoothie off the ceiling. Vanya poked Diego in the side to get his attention. Diego squeaked, and dropped the mop he was using.
“Shit, Vanya, you scared me,” Diego said, clearly dazed.
“What was that?” Was all Vanya had to say in response to Diego.
“W-what was w-what?” Diego asked, shifting nervously from foot to foot.
“That noise you made, it sounded like a squeak.”
“N-no I d-don’t s-squeak,” Diego stuttered out. Vanya just looked at him deviously, taking a step forward. Diego mirrored Vanya’s malicious step forward with a skittish step backwards. They continued this waltz until Diego finally hit a wall. He smiled anxiously at Vanya, and Vanya returned the anxious smile with a sinister one. “V-v-vanya p-please d-do-don’t,” Diego pleaded, his stuttering getting worse as he got more nervous.
“Don’t what?” Vanya asked, “innocently” placing her hands on his sides
“T-t-ti-tickle m-me.”
“Okay!” Vanya responded cheerily, digging into his sides. Diego sunk to the ground, trying to catch Vanya’s hands to stop the tortuous feelings going through his torso. Vanya barked out a laugh, “I can’t believe you fell for that, no one falls for that.”
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup.” Vanya smiled at her brother, absolutely loving the adorable giggles he was making. 
“Oh my god you’re so cute,” Vanya cooed, digging into Diego’ ribs. Diego thrashed around, almost hitting Vanya in the face on more than one occasion.
“Vahahahanyahahaha plehehehehease,” Diego squealed as Vanya dug her fingers into the spaces in between his ribs.
“Please what?” Vanya asked, feigning innocence.
“Plehehehehehease stahahahahap,” Diego screeched, clamping his arms down when Vanya shoved her hands under his arms.
“Please stop what?”
“Tihihihihihicklihihing mehehehe!”
“Alright,” Vanya replied moving down to tickle Diego’s stomach. “Man, I got you with that twice, you doing okay Diego?”
“Vahahahahanyahahaha Ihihihihihi wihihihihill kihihihihill yohohohou dohohohon’t thihihihihink Ihihi wohohohon’t,” Diego giggled out, still thrashing around like a fish out of water.
“Wow, that’s a little harsh, don’t you think? I think that needs to be punished,” Vanya said cheekily sitting on Diego’s ankles, unlacing his shoes. 
“Nononononononononononono, Vanya I’m sorry please don’t I’m sorry,” Diego spat out, trying desperately to keep his shoes on.
“Diego, you threatened to kill me, we can’t have that, now can we?” Vanya teased, now taking off Diego’s socks. Diego whimpered in anticipation. Vanya dragged all of her nails up the entirety of Diego’s soles making Diego yelp. Vanya laughed then gently raked her nails up and down on Diego’s soles. Diego shook with laughter, but no sound was coming out. He wanted to yell out for help, but he couldn’t. Vanya, saw this and stopped tickling his soles, taking a bit of mercy on him. “Alright, as much fun as it is to tickle you, I don’t want to kill you, despite the fact that you want to kill me,” Vanya teased, moving to straddle his waist.
“Are you ever going to let me forget that?” Diego asked, recovering from the lack of breath.
“Nope,” Vanya replied cheerily. Diego rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but smile at her.
“So, we’re done here then?” Diego asked, gesturing to the situation, “Can we get back to cleaning?”
“In a minute, I just want to do one more thing.” Diego whined, squirming under Vanya.
“What do you want to do?”
“You’ll see, put your arms up,” Vanya started, and Diego cocked an eyebrow at her. “Come on, it’ll make this go faster.” Diego reluctantly complied, raising his arms above his head. Vanya clapped happily. “Yay! Thank you.”Diego smiled at his sister lovingly, but he quickly lost that loving smile once she started pushing his shirt up.
“Wh-what are you doing?”
“I already told you, you’d find out.” Diego squirmed around a bit, sucking his stomach in as much as he could. 
“Oh my goodness, you’re so impatient,” Vanya said, slowly lowering her head down to Diego’s stomach. Diego’s eyes widened in fear, and he squeezed his eyes shut not bothering to protest, knowing his fate was sealed. Once Vanya had finally reached Diego’s abnormally sucked in stomach she blew the biggest raspberry she could. Diego went absolutely off his chain.
“VAHAHAHANYAHAHAH NOHOHOHOHOHO!” Vanya ignored her brother’s pleading, and blew more raspberries, and starting spidering her fingers up his sides to add to his hell. Diego continued to laugh at the volume of a baby at twelve in the morning with a dirty diaper with sixteen megaphones held up to its mouth. After Diego’s laughter had once again gone silent Vanya finally stopped, getting off of Diego and offering a hand to him. He gratefully accepted the hand, standing up still panting slightly.
“So back to cleaning then?” Vanya asked grabbing the bottle of cleaning solution she needed.
“Sure, as soon as I get you back,” Diego replied nonchalantly. Vanya’s eyes widen and she took off running. Diego smirked and started chasing after Vanya. Within seconds loud laughter could be heard throughout the Hargreeve house.
Tagging: @mystey-writes and @xokiedokie because what Diego did in the beginning just seems like something you guys would do.
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kolbisneat · 5 years
MONTHLY MEDIA: December 2019
Oof what a year! It’s been a rollercoaster and I realize I haven’t been posting much art this month. I’m heads down working on my Neverland role playing setting (out next fall, I think!) and thus it’s been quiet. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t still taken time to read and watch things and such! Here’s how I spent the month of December!
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Knives Out (2019) Just incredible. It’s beautiful and subversive while still delivering on the expectations of a murder mystery. It’s one of those films that just feels like everyone was having a great time making it and I think we need more of these in the theatres. Absolutely worth checking out.
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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) You know, I just don’t think this film was for me. I saw it with a quartet and felt like the varying opinions was a  good breakdown of what worked and what didn’t. The person who grew up with Star Wars and thoroughly knows the universe loved every minute of it. Totally satisfied. The person who has maybe seen half of the 9 movies had nooooooo idea who half the original cast was and never really got a sense of what the point of the movie was. Like what was the driving thrust? Control over...the galaxy? I guess. Anyway, I don’t know if I would’ve enjoyed it more if I didn’t know all the drama outside of the actual films, but I can’t avoid that now. At its core, I think the movie tried to do too much and in doing so, didn’t do enough. It spent so much unnecessary time with old characters and it diluted the time we spent with the new cast. The action felt empty and I just don’t think I was the target audience for this movie. And that’s fine.
Noelle (2019) Very much ABC/TGIF Christmas movie vibes. The sets were fun and there were some wonderfully touching moments in there. It felt a little long and maybe that’s where editing it into a 2 hour block with commercial breaks would’ve helped.
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The Mandalorian (Episode 1.01 to 1.01) This is Star Wars that worked for me and hopefully future movies will follow this template aka be inspired by the iconography of the world but expand and tell light/smaller stories. It’s fun when Star Wars is fun. 
You (Episode 2.01 to 2.10) This season doesn’t ask for any more suspension of disbelief as the first season and I think that’s incredible. It’s still a little kooky, but continues to be relevant and unsettling. Great performances and a fascinating exploration of the old and new characters.
Swamp Thing (Episode 1.01 to 1.02) The casting is a little jarring (I recognize that there are real life scientists that are Hollywood handsome and beautiful, but it just feels a little boring) and I haven’t quite gotten past it. With that said, the pacing has been brisk and the effects are stellar.
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Dracula vs Hitler by Patrick Shean Duncan (Page 240/500) Perhaps the title and premise presents a slightly pulpier story but I’m still a big fan of what I’ve read so far. It mostly feels like a story set during the second world war with a light dose of the fantastic, and it’s great! The structure of the book follows various points of view and it really allows for a deep dive into each character’s perspective. It also does something the first Pirates of the Caribbean did well: only lightly explores the coolest character. Like Jack Sparrow (and again, only in the first movie), Dracula is a compliment to the main characters and the fact he isn’t where we spend all our time means his presence is made all the cooler. So far, so good. 
Emperor Mollusk Versus The Sinister Brain by A. Lee Martinez (Complete) Writing a hyper-intelligent conqueror as the main character is tricky in that most of the book is a breeze. The plot presents a mystery wrapped in pulpy fun, but it’s not nearly as enjoyable when the lead already solved all the problems outside of the current events. To its credit, the end gets far more interesting and sees the titular mollusk up against dire circumstances, but I’m not sure it made up for the rest of the book for me. Recommended if you want a casual adventure with giant robots and sentient plants and alien worlds, but just know that the plotting and characters stray dangerously close to Ready Player One territory.
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Silver Surfer Omnibus by Dan Slott, Michael Allred, Laura Allred, and many many more (Complete) Ugh I loved this so so so much and I think Silver Surfer may be one of my new favourite characters. This run is so optimistic and big yet also deeply personal and driven by love that I just...I really felt so much when it was over. It’s sci-fi used to highlight human stories and I’m just so glad it exists.
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Bat Out of Hell by Meatloaf (1977) Maybe it’s because my dad had this album, or maybe it’s just something about Meatloaf’s voice, but the whole thing feels like it captures what it was like being a teenage white boy in the seventies. It also feels like it captures the spirit of live as an AV or drama kid in highschool and that I can’t explain quite as well. It just tells stories of relationships in the biggest and most dramatic fashion possible and it’s fantastic.
Faster Than the Speed of Night by Bonnie Tyler (1983) Researching Meatloaf lead me to Bat out of Hell’s producer, Jim Steinman, and to this album by Bonnie Tyler. It has the big, fill-your-chest, sound and I love a song that features a children’s choir. Right from the first track you know you’re in for something bombastic and it really delivers.
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Pandemic (Zman Games) We were gifted this for Christmas and while I’ve seen it on a bunch of “Best Board Games” lists, I really wasn’t prepared for what an adventure it was! The cooperative element is a nice touch and it really does feel like you’re trying to stop an outbreak of infectious diseases. Great for small groups and also I’ve yet to “win” this game.
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The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Nintendo) This new style on the Switch is so freaking cute! I’m also loving the rather concise game in comparison to Breath of the Wild. Definitely going to try to get 100% but I’m doing the hard mode for my first playthrough so maybe I’m overconfident. Anyway. So cute!!!
Maze of the Blue Medusa (Satyr Press) The group continues to explore but I can see the cracks. Maybe I’m not the best Dungeon Master for a megadungeon or perhaps this group wants more of a narrative-based game; it’s just not quite clicking. I think we’ll be trying something new in 2020.
And that’s it! As always, I’d love to get your recommendos and see you in 2020!
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Jax Teller-Lucky (Zombie Apocalypse)
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I forgot to write down who requested this, but I know that at least two people (probably anon) along with @buckysjuicyplums (I know you requested some more, but I this was on my list of request and I thought I would tag you! I will have the rest when I have time) So, seeing that more than two people wanted this, I’ve done it quite long. Please, tell me if you like the idea, becuase I’m planning on a second part!
Plot: after the “fall”, everything turned out to be dangerous. You have been lucky enought to find Jax and a group.
The fall. That was how the first news called it; the fall of the humanity. When television or media still existed. They were the first ones to disappear, along with the governments and the army; they were all in the front when it happened. It started as a single man, which had become crazy in the streets. No one cared about him, just a drugged homeless man. He died in the hospital two days later of pneumonia. Only that it wasn’t pneumonia, it was an extremely dangerous virus that kept your body alive even when you died, and that turned you into a monster. The doctors and nurses who treated him went to their houses without knowing anything, talked with their families and slept with their partners. Not knowing they were spreading the fall.
By the time at least one thousands people had died in every country, the governments tried to solve it. They send the army, along with the media, to the places where the sick was being treated. It was only a way to give away more people to the virus; and soon, it was too late to save the humanity. In the short time of five months at least half of the population had become… things that walked searching for human flesh. Walkers, they called them. Along with the media and the army, the hospitals were the next to fall. When a year passed, every type of civilization you had ever knew was over.
You had been lucky, or so you thought. You used to live in an apartment in California, one of the first cities to fall. But you had managed to escape and found a group of people to survive with. Carol, a kind woman who cooked like heaven, and her son Jordan, a little boy of seven years who was the light of the group. There were also Marcus and Merritt, two brothers from Brazil who argued all the time. Chibs and Tig, two friends who loved too much women and guns, and Opie, who was literally a huge teddy bear. Lastly, it was Jax. He was the last addiction to your group along Opie, and you learned that they were buddies from the army. While Opie was cheerful and kind, Jax was rather silent and serious. But you wouldn’t have survived without him.
He was the stone of the group. When there was a discussion between Tig and Marcus, he stepped in between and put things in place. When you were surrounded by walkers, he always came up with a plan. And if you were running low on supplies, he got them from nearly nowhere. So, yeah, you had been kind of lucky.
“I’m tired, mom.” Jordan who was walking grippping Carol’s hand, complained. “When are we going to stop”
“Don’t worry, baby.” Carol answered. “It will be dark soon, no much longer”
“Maybe we should keep walking.” Marcus argued. Everyone scoffed at him, tired of his constant complaining. “It’s not a good idea to camp in the middle of nowhere.”
“We will find something soon.” Opie said. “If not, we can always stand guard.”
“Then don’t count with me.” Merritt scoffed. “I’m tired as fuck of sleeping on the hard ground, I’m not-“
“He said a bad word!” Jordan screamed, making everyone laugh except from the brothers. You looked back and smiled at the kid. He had two missing teeth, dirty cheeks and an adorable face that made everyone melt.
“I swear, kid, you’re-“
“We’re stopping here. “Tig said after looking at Jax. He was a few meters away from you, deep in the woods. You saw him giving Tig the thumbs up, meaning that he had found a safe place. One thumb, a safe place with walkers. Two thumbs, a safe place without walkers. You feared the day he wouldn’t give any thumbs up.
Everyone was too tired to complain. You had been walking since early morning, wanting to find some kind of refuge, as the last one was raided. You walked faster until you found what used to be a big warehouse. Jax was waiting for all of you in the front, with two dead walkers at his feet.
“Any more in there?” Opie asked, looking inside. He gripped his gun tighter, ready to attack.
“Nothing.” Jax said. “Two floors, many windows and a few cars. It will be more than enough for the night.”
After a last check from Tig and Marcus, you entered and prepared your things for the night. You put your sacks on the floor, all of them around a fire that you had stared with the help of Carol. The brothers took out a few cans of food from the last fuel station you had found, and even little Jordan ate knowing that there wasn’t much food left. Opie searched around for a bit, trying to find something useful. If you were to say, the place had been occupied by some group like you. There were some stains of fire in the ground, and in general it was too empty to be a place from before the fall.
As you were looking in a map, you felt a big shadow towering over you.
“I can’t see if you’re behind me, Jax.” you said, smiling. 
He kneeled behind you, putting his hands on your shoulders and giving them a soft squeeze. After a quick kiss on your forehead, he sat besides you in your sack.
“It could have been anyone else.” he stretched his legs. “I could have been a walker.”
“Walkers are much more silent than you, Teller.” you said. “If you keep carrying so many knives, you will be a tambourine.”
“You never know when they can save your live, darling.” he yawned, covering his mouth before Jordan could point him for not doing it. The little kid made sure manners were not lost in the new world. “Aren’t you going to sleep?”
“I want to find something first.” you sighed, turning to look at him.
Jax’s face had always been a wonder to you. Everytime you looked at him, you found something new. His messy blonde hair changed too many times; sometimes, he left it long, and then he would shave because he would feel like it. He had strange scars everywhere, not too big but enough that you could see them if you looked close enough. Depending of the light, his eyes could be green or blue. And if you were lucky, he would gave you a beautiful smile.
“I’ve noticed there used to be a military base here.” you pointed to the map. “It was abandoned before the fall, so maybe it’s closed. And if it’s closed, it should be safe.”
“Or it could be a walkers’ nest.” he frowned, looking at where you were pointing. “Everyone went to the military bases when the fall started. “
“Yeah, but-“
“And if they didn’t die there, it means they are still in there.” he said. “You know what that means, Y/N.”
“Sometimes the living are worse than the dead.” you sighed, repeating the words he had told you so many times. You had had a few encounters with living people, and most of them had tried to rob you, rape you or eat you alive. Without a government or laws, people were really becoming crazy.
You understood his protectiveness over the group. At first, no one cared about what he said; when you were a group of nearly twenty people. But everytime someone died, it turned out it could have been avoided with Jax’s advices. So in that moment Jax was the well-earned leader in the group, even if he didn’t want to say it.
“It’s better if we keep going.” Jax pointed to somewhere different. “It’s a little too far, but’s it’s worth the try.”
“What’s that?” you frowned, not seeing anything in the map. 
There was a huge blank on the map, possibily because it was made before whatever it was, was created. Anyway, it was big enough to be an ariport.
“It’s a mall. Opened shortly before the fall, so it must be full of things that can be useful.” he gripped your hand and gave it a soft squeeze. “I’m sure there will be books, we could find one you like.”
“But-Jax, it’s too far. It will take us too long, enough for the winter to arrive.” you worried. “You know what happened last winter.”
Everyone remembered the last winter. It had been the coldest since the fall, and none of you were prepared for it. One of Jax’s friends, Juice, had died during it. And probably most of you would have if it wasn’t for Jax and Opie. So, that winter, you were determinated to find a safe place.
“I know.” he sighed, remembering the blue lips, frozen fingers and pale faces. “We don’t have anything else, darling. I wish it could be any other way.”
You turned to him and, putting your hand on his cheek, kissed him. His lips, as yours, were dry, but neither of you cared. In a world where finding someone to love was nearly impossible, you were lucky enough. Jax put his hand on the back of your neck and kissed you deeper, making you tear apart with a small smile.
“Jordan is just a few meters away.” you chuckled.
“God, I can’t wait to have a little privacy.” he sighed, and pecked your lips again. “I’m going to talk to the guys, get in and I’ll be here in no time.”
“Okay.” you whispered against his lips.
Jax got up and walked away, leaving you cold and wishing for his warmth. Your relationship was nothing serious, you weren’t sure it was even a relationship. Sure, you had slept together and kissed always, but in the new world couples didn’t exist. Maybe in another time or world, things would have been different. Not wanting to think about it, you got into your sack and pulled up the zipper.
Little by little, everyone went to sleep. You heard Carol telling a story to Jordan, Merritt’s annoying snores and Tig’s breaths from your right. It seemed that Marcus and Chibs would be the ones in guard that night. Jax gave Opie one last look and then walked towards you. He left his coat next to your head, using it as a pillow. You didn’t have the privilege anymore of having pyjamas, lucky who got more than two pairs of jeans.
Jax got into the sack and you instantly wrapped yourself around him. Nuzzling your head against his neck, you left there a quick kiss before closing your eyes.
“You’re thinner.” Jax said, and you looked up. By his eyes, you knew he wasn’t going to let that go.
“It has been a couple of rough months, Jax.”
“No, it hasn’t. Everyone has been eating just right. We have enough food to have a heathy life, Y/N.”
You moved uncomfortably against his arms. Jax’s worry about the group, especially about you, was endlessly.
“Then I’m not thinner, Jax. It must be just you.” you sighed, wanting to sleep.
“I don’t think so.” you felt his hand under your pants, and you hit his chest playfully when he pinched your ass. “See? They’re so lose that I can fit my hand in here.”
The pants that you were wearing weren’t your size. In the past world, they must have belonged to another person, woman or men, with more hips than you. They were loose in your hips and you had to put them up with an old belt Carol found a few months ago. Still, they were warm and comfortable.
“That’s just a lame excuse to touch my ass.” you rolled your eyes and smiled at him.
“Seriously, Y/N.” he took his hand out and looked down at you. “It’s not about that and you know it. Although I would love to touch your beautiful ass in any other circumstances, I prefer talking about why are you so thin when you have enough food”
“There is nothing to worry about, I haven’t-“
“Jordan is not a quiet boy, you know.” he sighed, giving up. You looked down, knowing that it was a dead end, and waited for him to talk again. “I wanted to give you the chance to explain yourself, but I see you aren’t going to. Jordan has told me that you’re giving him your food.”
“I’ve seen Carol giving him her food too many times, Jax. Opie gives him some treats too, but his mother is always there for him. I-I can’t just stand while that kid and his mother are starving”
“They’re not starving, darling. Merritt and Marcus bring enough food for everyone. What Carol does with her son is not my business. I care about them, but not in the same way I care about you.” Jax said, lowering his voice so that no one heard your conversation.
“No, Y/N. There are so many thing that can happen if you don’t eat. You could faint in the middle of a fight, or you won’t be able to run fast enough. There are a lot of illnesses you can catch.” Jax pressed you against him and kissed your head. “I can’t have you dead because I wouldn’t know what to do without you.”
“I’m just-.” you sighed and let the silence run for a few seconds before talking again. “Jordan is still so young. He should have a normal childhood. And-And Carol is trying to hard to make him happy. I just want to help.”
Jax noticed how your voice broke and how your fist closed in his shirt, and he took a deep breath. It hurt him that you were so good in a rotten world, it only gave your problems. Since the beginning, he had thought you were kind of silly. He was used to the army, where everyone looked for themselves and gave hard words to the weak. You had been patient with the others, and always cared about the weakest ones. At the same time, it made him angry and love you more.
“Maybe we can look up that army base.” he gave you a half smile. “If it’s empty, it can be a good place to spend the winter.”
You moved so that you practically were laying on him, with bright eyes. He knew how much it meant to you being useful to the group, being able to help in making the big decisions. Jax chuckled at your hopeful eyes, and kissed you once more. His lips moved against yours slowly, enjoying the peace of the moment. Just when he thought it would be too hard to pull away, you did.
“Don’t get your hopes up, as I told you it might be too dangerous.” he warned you. “We will just take a look in the distance, see if it’s safe.”
“It’s enough for me.” you kissed his cheek. “It can be a good place to spend the winter in.”
“Yeah.” he smiled, giving up against your hope.
Even with the heat of the fire, the warehouse was still too cold. Some teeth chattering could be heard, probably from Opie or Jordan, and the wind blew hard against the windows. You snuzzled your cold nose in Jax’s neck, and felt him pulling you even closer. You were really lucky.
The next morning you woke up to a cloudy sky. It must had rained as you were sleeping, because some parts of the ground were soaked. The ceiling of the warehouse was broken in some parts, and the place was even colder. Winter was hot on your heels. The snow hadn’t appeared yet, but you knew it was a matter of time before the ice and the freezing temperatures made you slow down.
As you rose from your sack, you saw that you weren’t the last one to wake up. Carol was still sleeping in her sack, Jordan tucked on her side. Merritt snored beside you and you could see Opie sleeping on his side. Your sack was still warm, so that meant Jax had to be somewhere around. Putting on your old boots, you walked towards Marcus, who was cooking some animal on the fire.
“Hey.” you said, not receiving an answer. “What are you cooking?”
There were a few seconds of silence until he talked. Marcus was a big guy, shaved and with a weird moustache. Before Jax and Opie came into the group, the brothers used to take the lead. But deep down they were good people, and even if they butted heads with everyone, just wanted the best for you.
“You call this cooking?” he scoffed. “This is just not dying from raw meat.”
“Well, how are you saving us from dying from raw meat?” you let out a little laugh, attempting to light a little the mood.
“It’s rabbit. Not that there is much variety of food here, princess.” Marcus said. He had started calling you that name when he discovered you were still a student at university; a white young girl. For him, your kind was the cause of the fall probably.
“I’m not complaining, Marcus.” you rolled your eyes. “Have you seen Jax?”
“Of course you would want to complain to him”
“Why are you in such a mood?” you asked, crossing your arms.
Marcus didn’t answer you, just mumbled something under his breath and looked away. You were sure that attitude of him would be his death. You walked around for a bit, talked to Chibs who was on guard in the main door and laughed with Tig. They told you that Jax had left just some minutes ago to take a look around; so, after taking your knife, you stepped outside to look for him.
The trees were tall and the big leaves whistled loudly. The sun wasn’t anywhere, and you swore that soon it could rain. Maybe it was because that smell that only some people noticed, but each second you were more sure of it. After more than fifteen minutes walking, you found Jax crouched down next to a tree. You made yourself known by calling him quietly, not wanting to drag to yourself unwanted attention.
“What are you doing here?” you frowned, crouching beside him. From where you were, you could see at least fifty kilometres ahead you. It was a really big cliff.
“I should be the one asking you that. Don’t you know that it’s dangerous walking alone in the woods? Someone might have seen you, or something”
“I have my knife with me” you smiled, showing him the bloodied blade. “Sure, I ran into some walkers on my way, but you had taken care of everything, didn’t you?”
“Still.” he scoffed. None of you said anything, and you waited for Jax to answer your original question. Feeling your eyes on his face, he sighed. “I’ve been thinking all night about the military base. It’s in a good position, can you see it?”
He was pointing to somewhere between the trees, and you finally caught on what he was talking about. It was a small round base, but you guessed it was just the top of the iceberg. The position of the building had probably made it go unnoticed, so it was a good sign.
“I’ve been looking at it for a while” Jax whispered. “I haven’t seen any movement, from walkers or people”
“That means it’s safe” you said, turning your face to look at him.
His comforting smile was all you needed to tackle him to the ground. Jax complained at first, yet he wrapped his arms around you. It had been months of walking without really knowing where you were going, months of sleeping with one eye open and endless fights against the walkers. The possibility of catching a break was too good to hide your excitement.
Soon, you started rambling about it. How good would it be to feel the warmth of a closed place. The possibility of a bed or even energy to heat the food. Normal showers, everything was too good to be true.
Jax looked at you with a silly smile on his face, looking at your lips and feeling his heard full of love. It was what you deserved, what everyone in that group deserved. You had been lucky until then, and you really believed that you would be even luckier. As you gripped Jax’s cheeks and kissed him deeply, you two missed the growing feeling in your stomachs that your luck was about to end.
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weaselle · 5 years
pay no attention to this collection I just need to post it so I can find it
hit walls and floor... tall inside of my skull; if I never fall at all, clever's awfully dull - so if "push" says the door you'll be watchin' me pull - 'cause I only shop for china when I'm walkin' with bulls
Order me sit? dope, I'm askin' how high; I out right hope my notes are causin' outcry - where do I fit? miles as the cow flies - statistically shit, climbin' slopes to outlie
I can juggle knives, and proselytize, and wink my eyes in flirth (or mix words like mirth and flirt, like, ask what planet Dirt is wearth) I can lift a person by their soul, or... even let them down; I can fit myself to any role: demon, prophet, clown. I can write like frightened squid, or read a book from any shelf- but a lifeguard out at sea can drown, and I can't save myself
I want an adventurous crew, less than 100 and much more than 2; I've got an idea or four to do and believe that "to lead" isn't "ordering you" - I want be thicker than thieves: if one of us cries, everyone grieves; stacked deck for success, form small companies so that every ace dealt goes up all of our sleeves - I wish I had Boromir's horn; I stand full of arrows, small and forlorn I'd summon an army as sure as you're born and we'd rend every obstacle / mend what is torn
yo when it's late I don't know if debate is a pro that I'm prone to or con I conflate; yawn ok great it's the dawn of new date too soon gone like a pawn in a perilous state - do I wander or wait, keep closed yonder gate or transpose these ten toes 'til exposing my fate? if not off to bed nodding off head berates and refuses to do more than snooze/obfuscate
I don't have time enough to tell the clock to stop its ticking talk, while I'm sublimely sleepy, still ensconced in twos of shoes and socks; I'm staring off in awful need of themes that breed these searing thoughts- I breathe more air when all unfair reality congeals and clots; when sleep is claustrophobic, fear near stoic in its static stay, I ride my nightmares into mounts more suited to the dreams of day
time for me to be known from home to home, on the campaign trail like when Romans roam, I'mma do the damn thang, prevail and own every twist in this life-line vine I've grown
sick like a little bit with a bad tum and sniffle it's not a badda-boom bat beating but a wiffle hit; sleep like the bleeping sheep gotta wring it outta me, sore like a freaking score that you sing without a "c".
i got nothing to say, i'm all bluff in this play, i mean i'm here to swerve some verse it's clear i'm thumpin' away at the buttons with the letters on whenever it’s day like a cat attacks a sweater, just pretending it’s prey - I need to catch the thing I’m chasing, like, it’s gotta get caught, and so I jot it down a lot to try to capture the thought; but though the plot is often written out in dashes and sketches, i rarely cash in those checks, i need more carry than fetches, so I’m dreamin’ and dumpin’ out all the schemin’ or somethin’ and like, even if it’s meaningless these keys I’ll keep thumpin
with the internet i’m magic and i’m casting a spell call a song out of the air to here as clear as a bell private playlist from the A-list like i’m famous as hell making music moving quickly so I’m faster as well
“oh no” I shout “Where’s Trusty my phone?” I don’t know the whereabouts, must be shown- adjusted the tone of the ring to silence now trying to find it brings me to violence; really need to locate as I motivate to go today I throw the flippin’ sofa pillows hopin’ for a stowaway... but oh no way it’s gone I pray this song will make a tiny spell; a lesson less on lost forlorn and more intent on finding cell
pocket full of humbug, some'll argue/ some shrug but damnit my whole planet's stupid like it's on the Dumb drug will there be a U.S. war? (I mean ANOTHER on our list) maybe something civil: neo-drivel vs. power fist... maybe accidental, mental trump insulting china's boss I fear these pale tears will steer us straight into a giant loss
so many people on the earth are searching for a safe life the rich'll keep their swords but lord they'll take away our steak knife Nothing free for you and me our banking fees are never waved; an act by black or poor is "crime" for white or rich it's "misbehaved" They're pouring us an ethanol and calling it an eggnog - time to run away and trade these reindeer for a sled-dog; the season of the commie christ whose message hasn't landed yet: money only isn't evil if the people's needs are met
no thanks on the news, yo crank up the tunes, don't bank on the crankiness taking a snooze unless I get dressed from neckless to shoes and charge the horizon more wise than confused __________________________________________________________
hear the too late beep, missing two days sleep, and the road to a dream is a two way street; so the mood stays bleak though I do make sweet this coffee with cream and the brew ain't weak
been a While since I styled out the verbs and tenses, went around the Gates and straight hopped the fences; penUltimately gotta be a sultan of self: master mind, rule body, find my worth-and-my-wealth; if i'm quiet too long I'll have sloth not stealth so I try to move along and get my words off the shelf.
my projects: objects I invent/books writ - that shit won't pay the rent; throw fits, I have, it don't prevent: what's real from feeling devil-sent.
so I must be clever, do each: sum total; whatever needs eating this dead-beat goat'll; ask what is the art in a pace grown sickly? cut to the part where the chase goes quickly
Now hook or crook I must prepare, to tell each truth/take every dare stand hand on hips, and one in air, you can kiss my lips, or my derrière
got me a hit list, swear i'ma get this done til the sun goes under the business; witness, this is crazy and witless, lazy lately: maybe the wiz kid just hid restless - put to the test his quiz is bested get to the rest it's now or not again, get that got and then kill it til the whole damn lot is a slaughter pen, sweat til the wet drip drops gettin' hotter than the metal that your kettle corn kernel keeps poppin' in; hoppin' and hippin' and readin' what's written i gotta be gettin' to the List no skippin'! slippin like fall, new leaves i'm flippin - givin' my all just to keep on grippin'; breakin' what doesn't bend wrong way through, as i make it to the end of the long To Do
i post at the prompt, chew big what i've chomped; grew kid to a ghost haunting most of this pomp; listless within this to do list i'm swamped - spirit in fits, corpse slow to go romp
incautious swatches of saying; watch as he washes the playing: switching the swerving and swaying into some terms of conveying wishes conditions occurred in which this envisioned un-blurred digit could get itself heard and flip politicians the bird
in the trace of the face off you tasted last, is the scent of the sense made fading fast, so your dreams leak sieve-like hiking past a scared nightmare crew of an all-you cast
got me a pallet of shall get around to, climb out of shallow kie, it's not about you; just look at the play and see where the props ain't, take out a brush but don't rush it you'll drop paint; stop sayin' you're praying for planet like damn saint but get out and do, do it, do, 'til you feel faint; yes do it, true get into some writing, what you must chew is how much off you're biting, i dust off the lightning and plug it right in, if i play hard enough then my bluff just might win, all this tin in my pocket while walking about til the hat-caving camptown will clean me all out- my ten other projects, pretend money fudge it, i'll sell all my objects and end up with budget; i'd love it if some of my ideas ran, but i'll finish the one and be one happy man
each piece is news, new peace in reach; tho a few of you choose nude tweets of Preach- but the rest got best bits fittin' here, what tests my pets must sit and hear: forget that past rush last two years going mash-gas fast 'til we're clashing gears, it's clear no room for fear to be, but the info flash is a blast to me- from the crashing sea to the land locked loam, we're lashed to the new word womb to tomb; and it's all fantastic like plastic foam that'll patch like magic a tragic home, or a tech part heart in 3-d print that'll let docs talk too intelligent; it's so elegant, that an elephant could do operations like he hella went: to harvard med my head is full but the school yard's sharp like a shaving tool; i'm a raving fool, but i drink it in, article particles 'til i sink and spin, win wonder i'm under delusions grand- will i sunder illusions and understand? or is it too much fuss will i cuss and worry, will i do what's just 'mid the dust and fury all i know is i go with the flow i find, tryna rein in my brain while i fill my mind
so often was the A.M. spent prayin' for mayhem, like seeing riots firing inspired me to 'amen'; i'd hate when the job sucked, my robbed luck, i'd get stuck- attempts at free society my hopes and dreams were all fucked; but lately (don't hate me) the game is less crazy- i bust twice as lustrous if bosses don't make me; So new to the bragging, i catch up from lagging and write down solutions more lucid less nagging
no sleep awake i sit and wait until the mill will dim/abate some whim shall take my fancy fate is to be sleeping dreaming state my eyes won't close i'll type i 'spose i'll write a night time rhyming prose those words i've heard but rearranged their meaning seeming weird and strange i've changed but how i could not say i only know no other way yet days gone by then who was i my mind was mine but what i tried to bind untied it flies! it runs! i rue what once i 'knew'; so dumb- untruth undo what time has done i can't so chant of what's to come oh spin oh sing oh show such things oh paint me what the future brings if won't be still then say your fill i pray my brain abstain from frills and spill the beans and give me scenes of things that help divine the means which plan to make which paths to take? i sit and wait no sleep awake
rework this
i want things to be different, starting with me; like to find me a new mind, with new eyes to see; like to start a new life, with new ways to be; can't be hard to do right, or this dude might flee- but i like the older version, no aversion to he: the kid who up and did lots, and got up from knees; who figured bigger sub-plots, and thought it was neat; who questioned syncopation, by stepping off beat; so i'd like to start a nation, a tribe or a team; one with no reservations just, a vibe and some steam; a group think to shout out 'thou shalt know peace' and to try it they're provided with some elbow grease; what i mean is, i think it's, so nice to be me; and the thing is the scene seems a singularity; but my brain goes, down more roads, than the branches of trees; and with more crew, i might do, more glancing with ease; so for multiples of loyal, one/two/three: i might try it royal, and become true We
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