#oh yeah did you talk w that dude you know who to clear things up?
malewifemanhunter · 5 months
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0cta9on · 9 months
Beach Day
length: +3k words
Genre: smut
Nmixx Haewon x Male Reader
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The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Your teacher dismissed the class as the sound of shuffling bags and miscellaneous chatter filled the room.
“Yo, Minhyuk!”
You turn to your best friend, Junseo, who was sat next to you.
“Did you invite anyone to our beach party yet? Jaewon and I already got Lily and Yoona to tag along,” he asks. Your stomach dropped at the question.
“U-uh, no, sorry. I think I’ll just sit this one out, you guys go and have fun without me,” you say.
Junseo sighs, annoyed at your lame excuse. “Dude, quit being a bitch and ask Haewon already. The worst thing she’ll say is no.”
You and your friends had planned on going to the beach this weekend, and Jaewon suggested that all three of you would invite a girl to make things more “interesting”. It’s not that you didn’t have any girl to invite; it’s quite the opposite. You had your eyes dead set on one girl: Oh Haewon. You’ve had a crush on her since you first laid eyes on her and you would gladly sell your limbs if it meant getting to spend one second alone with her. There’s only one problem - She’s the most popular girl in school, and you were just… You.
“That’s the thing, Junseo. She’s obviously gonna say no,” you reason as you grab your things and exit the classroom, Junseo following closely behind you. 
“Why do you think we invited Lily and Yoona? Those three are close, of course Haewon is gonna say yes.” Junseo suddenly grabs your shoulders, stopping you in your tracks. “Speak of the devil, they’re right there.” He points towards the end of the hallway where, lo and behold, Haewon, Lily, and Yoona were talking.
You gulp as your throat suddenly becomes dry. Even in a simple school uniform, she was the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. The overwhelming feeling of attraction towards her makes your heart race, which has the unfortunate side effect of turning you into a blubbering nervous wreck.
Junseo starts pushing you towards her. “C’mon dude, just go and ask her.” You try to stop him, but your legs are practically wet spaghetti noodles at this point. Before you know it, you find yourself right in front of the three girls, their eyes staring back at you.
“H-Hae… H-hhhhh… Hi…” you stutter breathlessly. Junseo smacks the back of your head, bringing you back to your senses.
“Hello ladies, my friend Minhyuk here has something to ask Haewon,” he says, patting your shoulder reassuringly.
You awkwardly clear your throat, staring at the ground as you’re too intimidated to look her in the eye. “U-uh, do you wanna… go to the beach with us tomorrow?” You brace yourself, expecting rejection.
“Yeah, sure, sounds like fun!” she says in a bright, cheery tone. You couldn’t believe your ears at first. Your lips curved onto a goofy smile as Junseo held you up from fainting, your legs reduced to jelly.
“Cool, we’ll see you girls tomorrow then,” Junseo says as he drags you away. Right as you round the corner, you see Haewon and the other two giggling amongst themselves.
*Beep beep beep*
You groan as you shut off the alarm on your phone. 7:00 am. You had a couple hours before Jaewon would pick you up for your beach trip. The excitement from being able to spend alone time with Haewon made you restless, so you decided to put in a quick workout to make sure you looked your best for the beach. While you weren’t an athlete like Junseo and Jaewon were, they always forced you to go to the gym with them, resulting in you having a pretty solid physique that you hoped Haewon would notice.
Time flies by, and after a shower and getting your stuff ready, you hear a honk from outside, signaling Jaewon’s arrival. You head outside and see Junseo hanging his head out of the passenger side window.
“Yo Minhyuk! Hurry up and get your ass in the car!” he yells, a mischievous smirk adorned on his face. You give him a weird look before opening the door to the back, only to be faced with Lily and Yoona.
“Hey, Minhyuk.”
You give them an awkward nod, feeling a little confused. You assumed the girls would be going in a different car and the three of you would meet them at the beach.
“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I went ahead and picked up the girls since they live close,” Jaewon says, looking at you through the rear view mirror with a smirk on his face. Jaewon was the most soft spoken out of the three of you, but he always had some kind of trick up his sleeve. You scoot next to Lily, oblivious to whatever he was planning.
“Alright, we just gotta pick up Haewon and then we’ll be good to go. The back is only meant to seat three, but I’m sure you guys don’t mind squeezing her in there, right?” Jaewon says, his smirk growing into a full on toothy smile. Your eyes go wide with shock as the realization hits you - he was planning on smushing you in the back with Haewon. While you weren’t completely opposed to the idea, you can only imagine how much of an awkward mess you’re going to be with her practically breathing down your neck. After a short drive, Jaewon stops in front of what you assume is Haewon’s house.
“I’ll tell her that we’re here,” Lily says, typing on her phone. You gulp, suddenly feeling very anxious. The girl of your dreams was about to be squished next to you and you were almost 100% sure that you would find a way to fumble this. While lost in thought, the car door opens, revealing a smiling Haewon wearing baggy sweatpants and a white, tight fitting tank top that accentuated her breasts.
“Hey guys!” she greets. Lily and Yoona greet her back, while all you can muster is an awkward hand wave.
“Yo Haewon, are you alright with squeezing in the back next to Minhyuk?” Junseo asks, a sly twinkle in his eyes. Your only wish right now is to strangle his neck with the seatbelt.
“Yeah, that should be fine,” Haewon replies as she scoots next to you. You give Lily and Yoona an apologetic look as you push them to make room for Haewon. Miraculously, the four of you are able to successfully pack together like a can of sardines. The soft skin of Haewon’s arm brushes against you, causing your cock to spring to life from the sudden contact. You mentally facepalm as you try to focus on something else, hoping none of the girls notice your bulge.
“Yoona, you can come sit on my lap if it’s too cramped back there,” Junseo says.
“In your dreams, pervert,” Yoona says, grimacing. The rest of the car erupts into laughter while Junseo sulks in his seat.
Junseo and the girls fell asleep on the drive to the beach, while you were way too excited to even think about sleep. 
“Wake up y’all. We’re here,” Jaewon says, shaking Junseo awake. All of you step out of the car, taking in the warm sun and the salty scent of the ocean. You, Jaewon, and Junseo grab your stuff from the trunk while the girls excitedly run towards the sea, kicking up sand behind them.
“Yo Minhyuk, did you have fun back there?” Jaewon teases. You punch his arm in rage while he chuckles at you.
“I fucking hate you, man.”
Junseo wraps his arm around your shoulder. “Chill out dude, we’re just trying to help you out. Remember, you would have bailed on us if I didn’t shove you towards Haewon.” He slaps your back before heading in the direction of the girls.
“He’s right. You're basically a mess without us,” Jaewon says, snickering to himself. A feeling of determination suddenly fills you up. You were dead set on having a good time with Haewon and, if things went well, you would confess your feelings to her by the end of the night. With a huff, you march through the sand, following behind your friends.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been to the beach,” Haewon remarks. “Thanks for inviting me, Minhyuk.” She turns to you, flashing a bright smile.
At that moment, all your confidence immediately leaves your body. “Y-yeah, n-no problem, hehe…” you stutter awkwardly. To make things worse, you catch Haewon covering her mouth in an attempt to hide her laughter.
Jaewon places a large picnic blanket on the sand while you set up the umbrella. Junseo sets down a bag of snacks and a cooler full of drinks, completing the preparations. 
“Thank you boyssss,” Yoona says. “Alright, let’s hurry up and get in the water!”
The three of you can’t help but stare in awe as the girls start stripping, revealing their bikini clad bodies underneath. While Lily and Yoona had nice bodies, all of your focus was on Haewon. Her bright yellow bikini top revealed a generous amount of cleavage, while her matching bottoms left practically nothing to the imagination. You felt yourself drool as you imagined getting to explore her smooth curves with your hands.
“Hey perverts, are you gonna join us or not?” Yoona yells, snapping the three of you back to your senses. Jaewon and Junseo quickly discard their shirts before running into the ocean, joining Lily and Yoona. You start to do the same before noticing Haewon, who was sitting underneath the shade of the umbrella.
“Aren’t you gonna go in the water?” you ask her.
“I want to, but I completely forgot my sunscreen at home like an idiot,’ she says, sighing disappointedly. “I’d rather not risk getting sunburnt, y’know?”
You rummage through your bag and pull out a small bottle of sunscreen. “Here, you can use some of mine.” 
She flashes you a bright smile as she takes the bottle from your hand. “Thank you, Minhyuk! You’re a lifesaver!” 
“”Y-yeah, no problem.” Your cock begins to stir in your swimming trunks as you watch her rub the white cream into her smooth skin, your mind filling with sinful thoughts. Then, the unthinkable happens.
“Hey Minhyuk, do you think you could put some sunscreen on my back?” Words you’ve only ever heard in the beginnings of cheap porn films have now come out of Haewon’s mouth. You try to keep a calm expression as she hands you the bottle of sunscreen. 
“Y-y-yeah, I c-can do that,” you stutter, trying and failing to maintain your composure. Thankfully, Haewon doesn’t notice as she lies on her stomach, giving you the perfect chance to ogle her cute ass, barely covered by her bikini bottoms. With trembling hands, you squirt some sunscreen on your fingers and begin gently massaging into her back. 
“Mmmmm, you have such strong hands,” she says, moaning from your touch. You felt your heart pound in your chest with excitement as your hands caressed her lower back. Her skin was as smooth as you had imagined, your fingers easily gliding over her curves. This intimate situation felt like a dream come true that you never wanted to wake up from.
“Oh Minhyuk, that feels so good.” You felt your ears burn bright red as your cock stood at full attention. Everything else faded away as you focused on giving Haewon the best massage you could muster. The sunscreen acted as lube as you gently pushed your digits into her back, eliciting more moans. It became a game to you as you figured out which spots she liked most. Your breathing became heavy with arousal as the chorus of Haewon’s moans filled your ears.
Suddenly, Haewon sits up and grabs your wrists, glaring at you. You gulp, worried that you may have taken things too far. Without a word, she pulls you up and drags you away from the picnic blanket.
“U-uh, Haewon? Where are we going?”
She ignores you as she drags you behind a large boulder, away from everyone else. Her demeanor suddenly turns timid as a pink blush appears on her cheeks and her shaky eyes are unable to meet yours.
“Haewon? What’s wrong?” you ask, becoming increasingly bewildered by her behavior. Despite the circumstances, you couldn’t help but find her cute as she nervously twiddled with her fingers, her impressive cleavage on full display.
“U-um, I’m sorry if this is weird, but that massage got me all h-hot and…” Her words trailed off as the pink on her cheeks evolved into tomato red.  You couldn’t believe her words at first. Did Haewon want you to…? Without hesitation, you pulled her closer and smashed your lips against hers. Your gamble pays off as she wraps her arms around your neck, moaning into your mouth. With newfound confidence, your hands explore more of her body, tracing her every curve. Your right hand cups her plump ass cheek while your other hand gently squeezes her breast, giving you the perfect chance to shove your tongue inside of her mouth as she opens it to moan. The sweet taste of strawberry lip gloss covers your taste buds as your tongues squirm in an erotic dance.
You eventually break the kiss as the need for oxygen manages to trump your carnal desires. Haewon stares deep into your eyes as she catches her breath, her hand snaking down your torso before stopping on your erect bulge. A low groan escapes your lips from the contact, sending a wave of pleasure through your body.
“C-can I touch your cock?” she asks, her voice trembling. You always saw Haewon as an outgoing bundle of energy, so seeing her this timid and horny made you go feral. With a nod, you lower your swimming trunks, revealing your rock hard cock to her in all its glory. Haewon gasps as she kneels in front of you, inspecting your full length with wide eyes. The sight of her innocent face next to your cock would be forever etched into your mind. 
“Oh my god, you’re so big, Minhyuk,” she whispers in awe, gently wrapping her fingers around your member. Her hands felt like Heaven against your cock as they clumsily stroked it. “U-um, I’ve never done this before. Can you help me?”
“Y-yeah, sure. Uh, why don’t you try kissing it first?” you suggest. Haewon obediently complies as she places gentle kisses on your shaft, staining it with her lip gloss. Each kiss sends a shockwave of dopamine throughout your entire body.
“Is that okay?” Haewon’s large eyes look up at you, searching for approval.
A smile grows on your face as you pat her head. “Yes, that’s great, Haewon. You should try sucking it now.”
Haewon giggles excitedly before taking the tip of your cock into her mouth, running her tongue against your slit. A moan escapes your mouth as your hands instinctively reach for the back of her head, encouraging her to take in more of you. You would’ve never guessed that she was inexperienced with how easily your cock slides down her throat. The sensation was unlike anything you had ever felt before - pure ecstasy.
“F-fuck, Haewon. You’re so g-good, holy shit..”
Lust takes control of your body, your fingers interlocking with her hair as you roughly fuck her face. Haewon’s eyes well up with tears, but she makes no move to pull away, happily accepting your whole length. Saliva dripped from her mouth, the dirty image only fueling your arousal. Without warning, you shot your load down Haewon’s throat, the heavenly feeling of her mouth becoming too much for you to handle. After what feels like an eternity of cumming, you release her from your grasp. Haewon collapses backwards onto the sand, drool and cum staining her perfect face.
“S-Shit, are you okay?!” you ask, worried you may have been too rough on her. 
Haewon props herself up and smiles at you. “Th-that was… i-incredible…” she stammered, catching her breath. “C-can you put it inside me? P-please?”
Her words reinvigorate you causing your cock to become hard once again. You quickly pull Haewon to her feet and untie her top, tossing it aside to reveal her ample breasts. Your mouth latches onto her tits while you shove your free hand inside of her bottoms, rubbing her moist slit.
“Oh fuck! That feels so good, Minhyuk…” Haewon whimpers as she plays with your hair. Any ounce of common sense left in your mind was thrown out the window as your only goal right now was to pleasure the girl of your dreams in every way possible. Your heart chugged like the engine of a steam train as you worshiped Haewon’s body with every flick of your tongue and every swipe of your finger against her heat. Eventually, you detach your mouth from her breasts, staring into her eyes while you finger her pussy.
You lean into her ear and whisper, “I’ve wanted to do this for so long. I-I like you, Haewon.” You curl your fingers inside of her, coercing a high-pitched moan out of her as her body is reduced to putty in your hands.
“I-I l-like you too, Min- Ah, fuck! P-please fuck me!” she exclaims. Haewon holds onto your shoulders for balance, nibbling on your neck to muffle her erotic noises. Her confession only increased your skyhigh libido, ripping her bottoms away and lining up your cock with her dripping pussy. Slowly, you thrust forward, impaling her with your erection.
“H-holy shit…” she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes.
“A-are you okay, Haewon?” you asked, pausing your motions to check up on her.
“Y-yes, k-keep going please. Fuck, y-you’re so big…” Haewon looked up at you with pleading eyes. You could’ve sworn her irises turned into hearts for a second.
You continue thrusting forward, catching her lips in a kiss that was much gentler than the one before, eventually bottoming out inside of her. Gripping her supple thighs, you mentally thank Jaewon and Junseo for dragging you to the gym as you lift Haewon’s body with ease. You increase your pace, each thrust punctuated by Haewon’s cute whimpers and the occasional “fuck”, “ah”, and “yes”. Her ample breasts bounced in front of your eyes as Haewon threw her head back with pleasure. You still couldn’t believe that you were fucking your crush on the beach.
The pressure built up inside of you as you savored the feeling of her warm, tight cunt around your penis. You did your best to hold on for as long as possible, but the sensation was becoming overwhelming. “H-Haewon… I-I’m gonna… c-cum…” you groaned.
“F-fuck… C-cum in me, M-Minhyuk… I-I wanna feel you fill me up…” The vulgar words coming out of her mouth were enough to send you over the edge as you shot your second load deep inside of her womb. Haewon continued to bounce on your cock, her own orgasm taking over. Your legs eventually give out as both of your naked bodies collapse onto the sand, your cock never leaving the warmth of her pussy. Haewon laid on top of you, planting kisses on your neck and chin as you caught your breath.
“That… was fucking amazing, Minhyuk,” she giggled, tracing random patterns on your chest with her index finger. You wrapped your arms around her, the warm rays of sunshine beating down on the two of you.
Eventually, the two of you get up and put on your discarded bathing suits. “We should do this again sometime,” you quipped. Haewon laughs and grabs your face, planting a gentle peck on your lips.
“I would like that a lot.” Hand in hand, you return to your friend group, ready to enjoy the rest of your day at the beach with your new girlfriend.
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nanamistie · 1 year
Having your revenge over hq boys who made you feel horrible.
Wearings: suggestive, smut, fluff if you squint, angst from previous fic.
(Also, please read first part, you can find it right here.)
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Oikawa Tooru
The girl he chose, over you, left him. So of course, like a hurt dog, he came running back to you. He had a spare key to your shared apartment, so he proceeded to unlock the door and come search for you, only to find you like this with his best friend.
You sat on top of Iwaizumi, on his lap, in a beautiful red lace lingerie that your ex boyfriend, Oikawa, just bought for you. Both of you shared a passionate make out session, his hands traveling down your body, that now, Oikawa couldn’t touch anymore.
His face dropped. You didn’t acknowledge his presence, but Iwaizumi did, so he started to kiss your neck, while keeping eye contact with Oikawa. He pulled such beautiful moans from you, just by kissing you, like Oikawa never heard before. Oikawa's face got red, he was so ashamed of himself, so he quickly left.
You hear the door to your apartment shut, you jolt at the sound. “What was that?” you asked him. “Nothing princess, don’t worry that pretty little head of yours”.
Atsumu Miya
The next day, he felt your side of the bed cold. So he decided to look for you. You weren’t in the house, so the only thought he had was to call his twin brother. “Dude, have you seen y/n?” seen? oh, he did more than just see you. “Yeah, i’ve seen her, she crashed at my place this morning”. Atsumu sighed, now relieved that he knew you were safe. “Good, good. Is she okay?”
Osamu looks down at you, and caresses your cheek with his thumb. “Dude, if you were worried about her, you at least could’ve called her earlier.”. “I know, I was such an idiot, I should never have done that to her, I’m just scared it’s too late.” Osamu chuckles. “It is pretty late.”
“I know, can I at least talk to her, please?” he wanted to make up things with you, but little did he know that you already moved on.
“She would’ve talked to you, but her mouth is busy doing something else, right babygirl?” He looks down at you, admiring you for crying of pleasure instead of crying after his stupid brother.
Kuroo Tetsuro
A few days later, he walked on the alley in front of your house, only to stop when he saw a car parked next to it.
The car was shaking and the windows were steamed up, you could barely see what's going on in the car, but I'm pretty sure your ex boyfriend Kuroo wouldn’t like to see who’s in that car.
“Tsuki, please, somebody could see us. W-What if Kuroo comes back?” he laughed and picked up the pace “Then he better watch and learn! I bet he never made you feel like this.”
Kuroo didn’t move a single muscle, he thought of what could happen, but he wished it wasn’t true. But the moment Tsukishima got out of the car, with wet hair and wrinkled clothes, it was clear as day that he was right. “Hi Kuroo, don’t mind us, we're leaving right now.” Tsukishima said, smirking , while getting in the car.
Bokuto Koutarou
You didn’t have anywhere to go, you couldn’t move from you and your boyfriend’s place, so you stayed in the guest room. You called Akaashi, your friend, to come and comfort you.
When he arrived, Bokuto saw him but didn’t greet him. Akaashi went straight to your room, and Bokuto was wondering why you would need him. He thought about everything, pure jealousy came from him, but he was never expecting this.
He went after some time by your door and heard loud whimpers and some wet sounds. ‘THAT’S IT, I'M GOING IN‘ he thought and just like that he opened the door just to see you like this. You were on Akaashi's lap, his legs were opening yours wider, his fingers were deep inside you, and your head was thrown back on his shoulder.
“Y/N WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU ARE LITERALLY CHEATING ON ME!!”. You rose your head to see his furious state. You wanted to say something, but Akaashi quickly interrupted you “No,she’s not, you don’t “really” love her so she’s not going to be in a relationship with you.” You looked up at him, he loved you, not Bokuto.
Bokuto quickly stormed off, shutting the door with force. “See baby? It’s not that hard to be loved, now is it?" Akaashi said, quickening his pace.
Osamu Miya
How could you hate that kitchen so much but also love it at the same time? Well, I kinda understand why when Atsumu has you sitting on the counter, with his face between your legs. "Come on, gorgeous, let me take out that stress from you" he says before planting his face in there. Your sounds were echoing in the room.
Out of nowhere, Atsumu's phone started ringing-it was his brother. He pulled his face back and answered. "What's up?" Osamu sighs "It's y/n,she did me such a great surprise, she tried cooking for me and burned the whole thing. She almost burned the whole kitchen!"
You hear that, and your face quickly turns red and tears appear in your eyes. He stops, sits up, and cups your face and kisses your forehead. "It's ok." He whispers. "Really?" He says to his brother "She really did that?" he said in an ignorant tone.
"Yeah! I can't believe she could screw up such a simple food." Atsumu was so pissed by what his brother said. "Well, I know two things, Osamu. One: Y/n wanted to do something good for you,and that shows how good of a girlfriend she is." you smile.
He bends down again to the level of your thighs "And two: I'm eating something from y/n right now and you know what, this is the best meal I could ever have" Osamus eyebrows frown "What did she cook?"
Atsumu smirks "Oh I'm not talking about food". And just like that, he hangs up the phone and goes back to showing you how much he loves you.
Oikawa has been your best friend for a long time, so of course he heard the news pretty quickly. He had a crush on you since forever, that's why he was happy when he heard you two broke up, but he was pretty upset because he hated seeing you like this.
You came by his house and settled in his arms while pouring out your heart to him. He listens to you, he actually does, because unlike others, he actually likes when you're talking about yourself and how you're feeling.
After he comforts you, you look at him with fresh, cried eyes, with mascara running on your cheeks, and a cute pout. "Thank you Oikawa, you've always been here for me, you've always helped me." you hugged him. "Of course, it's the least i can do"
He crashes his lips on yours. Your eyes widen,but you don't pull back.
He brings his hands down on your hips. You melt in his touch." 'Kawa,what are you doing?" He smirks. "This."
He pushes his fingers in, and like an instinct you quickly cover your mouth with your palm. "No, no, don't hide those pretty sounds of yours, I want to hear you, I love listening to you." You take off your hand,and let him hear how good he makes you feel. He pulls out his phone and starts recording. "Now, let's see if Iwachan likes to hear you, too!"
Hey guys! I'll do another part two, with comfort, so, stay tuned, I am listening to all of you and I will do everything (let's not cross the line tho) you ask me! Love you!! 💕 💕
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andvys · 2 years
Love will tear us apart // part four 
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Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of ptsd, nightmares, alcohol consumption, mentions of drugs, not nsfw but still 18+, jealous and mean Eddie
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader // mentions of Steve Harrington x fem!reader
“So you’re still crushing on Eddie Munson?”
Your eyes widen, grip tightening on the telephone “w-what?” you exclaim, straightening your back as you sit up on your knees, the cushions of the couch soft beneath your legs.
“We have been talking for what- an hour?” 
“An hour, twelve minutes and thirty seconds to be exact.” another voice cuts in, making you furrow your brows in confusion, who is that?
“An hour, twelve minutes and thirty seconds yes-” “thirty five seconds now.” 
Jonathan sighs “anyways, we’ve been talking for over an hour and all you talked about was Eddie Munson.” 
“Who’s Eddie Munson?” you hear the voice in the background.
“Her crush.” Jonathan slurs, chuckling “he’s also a drug dealer, he sells weed and stuff.”
“What! He is not my crush!” you exclaim, making Jonathan chuckle. 
“Dude, that’s sick. I like Eddie Munson.”
“W-What- I, who is that?” you ask, feeling more confused than ever. 
“Who Eddie?” 
“What? I know who Eddie is you dumbass, who is the guy in the background?”
“Oh! That’s Argyle, he’s my friend.” 
“Dude, I’m so stoned.” Argyle says in the background. Jonathan only chuckles in response, mumbling some incoherent words.
You furrow your brows, an amused smile tugs at your lips as you lean back on the couch “Jonathan Byers, did you start smoking weed?” 
Jonathan clears his throat “yeah.”
You chuckle at the slur in his voice. In all those years you have known him, you have never seen- or well, heard him this way. 
"I never pegged you for a stoner, Jonathan.” 
“It helps me relax, you should try that too, it might help with the nightmares and the panic attacks.” 
You never actually considered it, taking something to help you with the weird symptoms you were experiencing lately. You never really considered taking medications let alone drugs in general but Jonathan was right, maybe it could actually help. 
“Yeah.. maybe that’s not a bad idea.”
“Or you could just inhale the sweet scent of Eddie Munson again-”
“Ugh shut up, I should've never told you about it.” you groan, running a hand down your face. You only told him that because you knew that he would be one of the people who wouldn't tease you for what Eddie did for you. Robin would have started teasing you relentlessly and Steve, you don't know how Steve would react considering he knows nothing of your weird interactions with Eddie. 
“Who else would you tell about it, Steve?” he scoffs.
“Who’s Steve?” 
“A dick.”
“Hey! Steve is nice.” you mumble, defending your friend. You know that he wasn't always nice to Jonathan but he changed after everything that happened with the upside down and Nancy “he is my best friend.”
“Ouch, what about me?”
“You ditched me for Nancy.” you joke, it wasn't exactly a lie. After Jonathan and Nancy became friends and later on started dating they both ditched you and Steve, that's how you and him became friends in the first place. 
You were there for him after they broke up and he was there for you when you had no one else to talk to after what happened to you. He knew of all the things that went down so you didn't have to lie and make up some bullshit story about running away from home the way you were forced to do with other people who approached you after you came back to school. 
“Speaking of Nancy- how are things between the two of you?”
“Uh good, I think.” he mutters “she’s applying to the same college as me.” he says, with a weird tone in his voice.
You raise your brows, “you don't sound too happy about it.” you point out.
“Dude not this again, this is stressing me out please don't talk about your girlfriend again- hey he has been talking about her all day.” his friend, Argyle, complains into the phone causing you to laugh. 
“Shut up- yeah let’s not talk about it. What about you, are you applying to any colleges?”
You sigh, staring blankly at your wall, you haven't really thought about it, your mind was taken over by anxiety and all the trauma you apparently haven't processed yet. Your grades were dropping too and you were certain that you were going to repeat senior year. 
“Uh- I don't know, I have a feeling that I’m not gonna make it.” you mumble “this year, I mean, my grades don't look good right now.” 
“Oh, how's that? You were always one of the best.”
“I don’t know, my mind is kinda- I’m just struggling.” you mumble. You know you don't have to hide your feelings when you talk to him even though you aren't as close as you used to be, you still tell each other everything.
“I’m sorry, y/n.” he speaks softly. 
“It’s okay, hey- uh how is Will doing?” you ask, you know he struggled more than you did after what happened.
“He’s good! He’s doing better here. I think moving away from Hawkins was good for him, maybe you should do that too.” 
“Yeah.” you trail off as you look at the large clock on your living room wall, the ticking sound getting too loud all of the sudden, making you feel anxious for some reason the longer you look at it. 
The ringing of your doorbell startles you. You blink, shaking your head, you look out the window, just now noticing the car in your driveway. 
“Oh shit, I gotta go, Steve’s here.” you mumble as you lean down, grabbing the boots that you picked out earlier, you put the phone between your shoulder and your ear so you can put your shoes on.
“Right, careful with the drinks, you might run into a certain someone and confess all your darkest secrets to him.” Jonathan chuckles. 
You shake your head at his words “there won't be any confessions tonight.”
“Tell me about it tomorrow and hey, Munson might be there, maybe you can buy some weed or ask for more cuddles.”
“Oh shut up, we weren't cuddling.” 
He laughs at your words and you can’t help but chuckle as well “I gotta go. Tell the fam I said hi.”
“Will do, have fun and don't get too drunk.” 
“Okay dad.” 
You rush towards the front door after hanging up the phone, looking at yourself in the mirror one time before you open it. Steve is leaning against the doorframe, a smile on his lips that widens when he sees you. 
“Hi.” you smile as you open the door further. 
His eyes widen as he looks you up and down “hi.” he smirks, licking his lips “y/n, I didn't think it was possible for you to get even prettier but wow.” he breathes, a slight blush on his cheeks as he stares at you.
“Pfft, look at yourself, you’re the pretty one here.” you say, trying to hide the flustered expression on your face. He is your best friend, you’re used to his flirting and teasing but he still manages to make you flustered every single time. 
“I guess we’d be a pretty couple, huh?” he smirks, his brown eyes staring right at you. 
Your lips part in surprise as you look into his eyes “I-”
“Hey dingus! Stop flirting, let’s go!” Robin shouts after rolling down the window in his car.
Steve rolls his eyes at her, flipping her off, making you chuckle. Robin mumbles something in the background as she looks at the two of you. 
“Okay, let’s go.” he smiles at you.
“I’m definitely getting drunk tonight.” you mumble as you grab your jacket before stepping out of your house. You didn't really like going to parties and you didn't really drink much either but after the awful and stressful days you’ve been having, your mind was just begging you for a short break from both the anxious thoughts and him. 
Eddie hated nothing more than parties, the awful music that blares through the house, the annoying drunk people who are either to giggly or too aggressive only cause him to roll his eyes every few seconds, he can’t wait to go home, listen to actual good music and just relax while reading his favorite book for the 100th time. He wasn't here for the fun of it though, he was here to make a couple of deals, the jock that invited him was nice enough for Eddie to agree. Both him and Wayne could use more money, but not even an hour in and he wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow him up.
Until you showed up.
He straightened his back, pushing himself off the wall as his eyes lock on you. He drowns out every noise, blind to everything else in the room, all he sees is you. His eyes widen slightly. You look so pretty. You always do but something about tonight has him frozen in place. You wear your hair differently tonight, you ditched your usual clothes for a pretty dress, a short one too, an oversized denim jacket thrown over your shoulders, a smile tugs at Eddie’s lips, his eyes soften the longer he stares at you, he ignores the weird feeling in his chest he always seems to feel whenever he looks at you or whenever he’s around you. 
He gulps as he eyes you up and down, a soft smile is resting on your lips as you look around the room. He hasn't seen you since the day he drove you home after you almost passed out in the bathroom. You haven't been to school ever since that day and he felt guilty and horrible for the way he treated you after you thanked him for what he did, especially after he witnessed your weird interaction with your brother. He wanted to apologize the next day but you didn't show up and the day after that you didn't show up either but he kept waiting for you, looking around the cafeteria in hopes that he would spot you somewhere but you were nowhere to be found, he walked past your lockers after every class but you didn't show up, for a moment it reminded him of the time you went missing but seeing you here now, puts his mind at ease. 
Something pushes him to go talk to you, to ask if you’re okay, to tell you how pretty you look but just as he takes the first step, someone else walks in, coming up behind you. Steve. He snakes his arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest, he kisses your cheek, you giggle in response as you look up at him.
Eddie’s heart drops at the sight, the soft smile falls from his lips and he watches the two of you with a scowl on his face. Fuck, why does it hurt so much to see you so happy with him. 
Steve grabs your hand and pulls you further into the house. Eddie’s eyes follow you trying to see more of you. He notices the lack of his bandana around your wrist and for some reason it saddens him. He liked seeing you wear something that belongs to him. He notices something else though, a bruise around your wrist that wasn't there before, was it from when your brother grabbed you? Anger welled up in his chest at the thought of someone hurting you. 
He spent many moments thinking back to your interaction with your brother. Was he hurting you? Was he the one who gave you those scars?
No. What Eddie had witnessed was purely just a fight between siblings who don't get along, right?
Feeling someone’s eyes on him, he turns back and finds Robin staring at him with a knowing smirk on her face, she chuckles as she walks towards him, turning to look at a girl who walked past her before she turns back towards Eddie.
“Hey.” she smirks. 
“Hi?” Eddie looks at the girl with a curious look in his eyes.
“You are pretty obvious you know?” 
Eddie raises his brows “what do you mean?” for a moment he thought she was talking about him making drug deals but it wasn't a secret so he didn't care about being obvious about being here for only, this. 
Robin chuckles, looking down for a moment before she raises her head again “your not so small crush on y/n.” she says as she leans closer to him as she looks around. 
Eddie gulps, eyes widening as he grows flustered, he shakes his head wildly “me? crushing on y/n? that’s bullshit.” he scoffs. 
Robin throws her head back, laughing at his words “yeah, you’re right, it’s total bullshit cause it’s not even a crush at this point, you are totally in love, dude!” she chuckles. You and Eddie might be the most oblivious people she has ever seen and met, you both aren't aware of your feelings, well, maybe you are but you keep denying it to both her and yourself but Eddie, Eddie is totally oblivious to his feelings, he won't even admit it to himself but she sees the way he looks at you when you aren't looking. He is the epitome of heart eyes. 
He opens his mouth to say something but Robin cuts him off, holding her finger up “Ah! No need to deny it, it’s written all over your face, just like the jealous look on your face when you saw her with Steve.” 
Eddie just scoffs as he crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back against the wall. 
Robin chuckles at the blush on his face, she has never seen him so flustered before, his cheeks are almost as red as the solo cups on the table next to him. 
“I’m not in love with her.” he scoffs, a frown on his face as he shakes his head once again. 
“Are you trying to convince yourself right now or..” 
He gives her a death glare causing her to chuckle again. 
“Anyways, you could like stop being a dick to someone who actually likes you and cares about you and maybe try to talk to her like a normal person instead of watching her like a creep and then saying the meanest shit to her because you are afraid of your own feelings.” Robin takes a deep breath after her short ramble, grabbing one of the solo cups, she nods at him before walking off. 
Eddie’s eyes widen, cheeks getting even redder now. You like him and care about him? What a bunch of bullshit “what feelings?” he mutters to himself.
Robin’s words echo in his mind for the majority of the night. Eddie had a hard time understanding his own feelings. Most of the time he was in denial when it came to anything complicated and it seemed to get worse when it came to you. 
One thing he was certain of; he hates seeing you in pain, he hates seeing you sad and scared. His heart ached in his chest when you were having a breakdown on the cold and dirty bathroom floor. Holding onto him for dear life, crying into his chest as you tried to breathe. He wanted to protect you more than anything, it hurt him to see you this way but it also hurt to see you so happy with someone. All night he had to watch you dance and laugh with Steve and Robin, now he didn't mind Robin, he doesn't know much about her but he likes her. Steve is a different story, he hates him. He doesn't know whether it’s because of his perfect status or if it’s because he has that one thing that Eddie can’t have? He doesn't know. 
That ugly jealous feeling inside of him, grew more and more, it was burning in his chest and he felt angrier throughout the night, Steve had his hands on you all goddamn night, on your waist, on the small of your back, holding your face as he kept kissing your cheeks, holding you against him as you both danced and you, you did nothing to stop him. You giggled every time Steve pulled you into him, trying to kiss you. At one point he even had his hands on your ass while you were dancing. 
His hands balled into fist and his jaw was clenched in anger, he couldn’t focus on anything but you and that happy smile on your face as you leaned into his touch. God, he hates you right now.
His eyes meet Robin’s again, the same look on her face as before, she knows, of course she does, the jealousy and the anger was anything but subtle.
Suddenly her eyes widen as she looks at something next to Eddie, a mix between a warning and a teasing look in her eyes. 
Eddie’s brows snapped together as he turned his head to see what she was looking at. It’s you, you abandoned Steve and were now walking towards him, a happy look in your eyes, the same soft smile on your lips as before. Your denim jacket was long gone allowing him to see more of your black dress, his eyes fall to the necklace around your neck, a simple silver chain, it reminds of something he owned once. He eyes your wrist, seeing the bruise more clear now, he could see the fingerprints, yeah, it was definitely from where your brother grabbed you. As if he wasn't angry already, seeing this filled him with more rage. 
“Eddie, I’m so happy to see you-” you speak over the loud music, your voice and the look in your eyes give away your drunken state “y-”
“What the hell do you want?” Eddie asks, rolling his eyes at you. He didn't mean to sound so rude but he was angry and pissed off already and now you out of all people came to speak to him. 
“I uh-” you mumble, looking around uncomfortably, you almost sobered up immediately “w-what are you up to?” 
Eddie glares at you as he meets your eyes “working and it’s a bit hard when you’re standing here so..” he mumbles, waving you off. 
You blink, the soft and happy expression on your face slowly falls and is replaced by something else, sadness? Disappointment? Whatever it was, it made Eddie feel guilty right away. 
“Right, uh- I’m gonna go.”
“Yeah you should.” Eddie speaks coldly.
You purse your lips, nodding at his words, you chuckle to yourself as you turn to walk away, you feel stupid for even thinking that you could have a normal conversation with him. 
Eddie stares at your back, dread settles in him, he knows it’s wrong to treat you this way, he feels horrible every time he does but for some reason he continues to treat you like shit every single time.
You stop and stand there for a moment before you turn back around, your eyes meet his and he watches you curiously, eying the confused look on your face “why do you hate me so much, Eddie?” 
The question has him taken aback. He stares back at your sad expression, all the happiness taken away from you again, god he feels so horrible. He hasn't seen you genuinely happy in a long time and the moment you were finally able to loosen up a little, especially after what happened a few days ago- he ruined it again.
You wait for him to say something, arms by your sides, your shoulders slumped as you wait and wait. You sigh, why do you even bother?
“Y/n, I-”
“Hey man, heard you were selling tonight.” 
You roll your eyes at the interruption. 
Eddie sighs, closing his eyes for a moment, he huffs in annoyance as he opens his eyes again “yeah, how much do you want?” he mumbles, looking at the guy in front of him. 
You stand back for a moment and stare at Eddie, he hates you and there's nothing you can do to change it, you tried to once but it was a lost cause, he would always hate you and you would always care about him. How couldn’t you? He saved your life, you wouldn't have made it without him but he doesn't know that and he never will.
You shake your head, ripping your gaze away from him, you turn around and walk away from him. You are too sober for this and you can feel the anger rising inside of your chest, it isn't directed at Eddie, no, you could never be angry at him but you are angry at yourself, for being so stupid, for caring about someone who hates you with every inch of their being. 
Eddie looks over the jocks shoulder, staring at your back as you walk into the kitchen, he wants to call out to you, tell you to wait so you can talk but he gets cut off again as another guy approaches him. Eddie sighs in annoyance as he looks at him, he recognizes him from math class, he would always sit in the back with him and talk Eddie’s ear off. 
“Fuck.” he mumbles, knowing that he won't be able to make a quick escape, he would try to avoid him but knowing that he’s one of the stoners who would buy the most, he’d be pretty stupid to run off when he could make a good deal right now even when he has to sacrifice his nerves and listen to a bunch of shit he doesn't care about. 
He finds you in the kitchen almost an hour later, you’re leaning against the counter, downing a drink swaying a little.
Where the hell is your stupid your boyfriend?
He huffs as he stares at your drunken form. He doesn't doubt that you have been downing one drink after the other since he last saw you, you looked tipsy earlier but now you look absolutely wasted. 
He watches as you throw the now empty cup down, reaching for another one.
Eddie shakes his head, rushing towards you “hey, I think that’s enough.” he says, grabbing the drink out of your hand. 
“W-What the hell?” you mumble as you look at the cup that’s been ripped out of your hand, staring at it in confusion before your eyes move up, looking into his eyes, the concern his eyes is impossible to miss, it makes you angry, why does he look at you like that when he hates you so much? 
“What the hell do you want? Didn't you tell me to leave you alone? I did, so fuck off.” you slur, glaring at him as you reach for a new cup but Eddie takes that one away too, putting it down. 
“You’ve had enough y/n.” Eddie warns, looking down at you, under different circumstances he might find the pout on your face amusing but the hurt and angry look in your eyes was anything but funny to him. 
“N-No, I don't think so.” you mumble shaking your head, you were drunk but not drunk enough to forget. 
“But I think so.” Eddie argues, pushing the cup away as you try to reach for it again. You groan in annoyance, glaring at him as you cock your head to the sight, staring at him, you blink, eyelashes fluttering, your lips are set in a pout. They look so kissable right now and you look so goddamn cute. A blush settles on Eddie’s cheeks at his thoughts. 
You lean against the counter, looking him up and down, he swapped his hellfire shirt for a washed out Metallica shirt, he’s wearing his signature leather jacket and his denim vest, he looks so good. “I like your shirt.” you blurt out. 
“You do?” he asks surprised. 
“Yes, I love their new album.” you smile. 
Eddie’s eyes light up, a smile tugs at his lips. Lucas did tell him that your music taste was similar. 
You take a step closer as you eye his necklace, reaching up to touch the guitar pick, Eddie’s breath hitches in his throat as you look up at him through your lashes “I- I like this, too.” you mumble, playing with the guitar pick. 
“Yeah?” Eddie whispers nervously. You have never been this forward with him, you always kept your distance, it was him who initiated the closeness of your bodies. In school, when he’d sit next to you, at the bar when he’d come close enough to feel your breath on his skin, in the bathroom at school when he held you- but it was never you, you never came this close to him. 
“Yeah.” you nod, the look in your eyes is so intense as you gaze into his brown eyes- it’s almost as if you are trying to read his thoughts, like you’re trying to take a look into his mind, like you’re trying to see his soul, trying to figure something out. You blink, looking away for a moment before your eyes return to his, you fingertips graze his chest and you look down at your hand. You want to touch him, to hug him again but you can’t. This is still Eddie, the same Eddie who hates you. 
You clear your throat, pulling your hand back again, you look down and you reach for the drink again.
Eddie groans in annoyance, pushing it further back again “I told you, you’ve had enough, y/n.”
“I’m not even drunk.” you exclaim, your eyes darting between him and the drink. 
“Uh- yes you are.” he grumbles. 
You roll your eyes at him and scoff, staring right into his eyes as you take the cup that Eddie put down, you manage to take a few sips before it’s taken away from you again, he slams it on the counter, spilling some of the liquid “stop it, you’re being a brat.” 
You hold your breath as you keep your eyes on him, the slight rasp in his voice made your stomach flutter, the look in his eyes didn't help either, why does he have to be so attractive? 
You reach for the cup again but Eddie grunts in annoyance, grabbing your wrists gently, he tugs you forward causing you to slam into his chest “I swear to god, y/n, stop. You’re only making it worse for yourself.” 
You snort, ignoring the way it feels to be pressed up against his body “and why the hell do you care? Oh and I still want an answer, why do you hate me so much, hmm?” 
Eddie gulps as he eyes your face slowly, he’s still holding your wrists in both of his hands, your chest is pressed against his and you are so close, even closer than the last time, your lips are only inches away from his. 
His heart flutters in his chest as your eyes flicker to his lips before they return to his eyes. Eddie breathes shakily, what does he even say? There is no answer to your question, there is no reason for him to hate you. He doesn't even hate you. Robin was right when she said that he is scared of his own feelings but he isn't about to admit that to you. 
You shake your head at him, of course he wasn't going to say anything. You think about what Robin said in the cafeteria a few days ago. 
Eddie’s eyes flicker down to your lips for a mere second, you would have missed it if you didn't stare at him as intently as you did, his pupils dilating the longer he stares at you it caused a wave of fury to crash through you. You have seen him look at you this way before. He either looked at you with anger and hatred in his eyes or with lust, like he wants to rip your clothes off and fuck you right then and there, was this the only thing you were good for? 
You don’t know whether it’s the alcohol in your system or the anger that is cursing through your veins that push you to say the next words. 
“Is it because you can’t have me? Because you can’t fuck me?” Something in the back of your mind was screaming at you to stop knowing you would regret it all in the morning, if you can remember any of this.
Eddie took in a sharp breath, staring at you in shock with his big brown eyes.
“Why else would you hate me? I-I never gave you a reason to.” you pause, drawing in a long breath “I was a-always nice to you but you treated me like shit, right from the start but why?” 
You didn't even notice how tense you were until you finally asked him the question that has been on your mind for years. 
Eddie stiffens, his heart is racing, his palms are getting sweaty against your skin as he stares at you, he didn't expect this. It doesn't help that you are standing there, completely pressed against his body with your short dress that leaves nothing to his imagination. Just a few days ago, you were sitting on the counter with your skirt riding up your bare thighs, making him all nervous and god, he feels like a creep for looking at you that way but fuck, you are perfect.
“Do you want to fuck me, Eddie?” you ask him with anger in your voice. 
His eyes widen even more, you press yourself even tighter against him and he is certain that you can feel him, all of him. He hates how much he loves it, the feeling of your body against his, he has spent far too many nights laying awake thinking of you in ways he would never actually get to have you. 
His lips are parted as he stares at you in surprise. 
You lean in closer and for a moment he thinks you’re about to kiss him but instead you stand on your tippy toes and lean in to whisper something in his ear, your lips brush against his ear lobe. 
“Fuck.” Eddie mumbles quietly, clenching his jaw. The feeling of your lips on his skin is something he will never be able to forget. 
“I’d let you.” you whisper. 
You will truly hate yourself tomorrow morning but right now, you don't care about anything. 
“If that means you’d hate me less.” 
You should have listened to Jonathan when he told you to be careful with the drinks. 
Eddie clenches his jaw, he pushes you away gently, he feels as though you are mocking him, you came to this party with Steve, your boyfriend and yet you are here with him, saying all these things to him you don't mean. He knows exactly what you are trying to do, you want to hurt him, mock him, give him a taste of something he can never have. 
“Stop that.” he says through gritted teeth as he pushes himself away from you, the hateful glare in his eyes returning as the concern slowly slips away.
You stare at each other for a moment, both quiet, both breathing heavily. Eddie tries to stop himself from saying something he will regret later on and you, you just look like you want to run away so you don't have to listen to the hurtful words that he is about to throw at you. 
He feels so angry all of the sudden, your words would have flattered him if things were different but you didn't mean what you said. You were playing with his feelings. You would never fuck him, you would never touch him, not the way that he wants you to at least. 
“I don’t want to fuck you.” he spits.
“I don't want to touch you.” he lets go of your wrists, not caring about the hurt look on your face right now. 
“I don’t want to see you.” 
“I don't want to hear your fucking voice.”
“I don’t want you anywhere near me okay? You wanna know why I hate you?” 
Lies. It’s all lies but Eddie can’t stop himself. His eyes are burning, his throat feels like it’s gonna close in on him, everything in him is screaming at himself to stop but he can't. 
You take a step back from him, his sudden outburst leaves you with a nervous and anxious feeling in your stomach, digging your nails into your palms, you clench your jaw as you straighten your back, fighting back your tears.
“I just fucking do, I can’t stand you, y/n, there's no reason, I just hate you.” and he hates himself even more in that moment, he’s lying to you and he's lying to himself and he’s running away from his feelings. 
You bite on your lower lip to keep it from trembling, you stare at him almost in disbelief. You nod, your breathing quickens and you suddenly feel lightheaded again, the same feeling you have felt a few days ago flooding through your body. 
You tear your eyes away from him, you need to get away from here, away from him. You reach for the drink again and this time he doesn't stop you, you down it in one go, throwing the empty cup away “thanks for your honesty.” you mutter weakly, turning away from him but before you can walk away, he grabs your elbow gently and pulls you back “y/n-”
You rip your arm out of his grasp, didn't he just say he doesn't want to touch you? 
“Don’t fucking touch me, Eddie.” you mumble angrily, you look up at him “I’ll make it easy for you okay? You don't have to see me anymore, you don't have to be around me and you certainly don't have to touch me.” you spat, looking at him through your tears, you take a deep breath, you want to walk away but something in the back of your mind is screaming at you to stay, to confront him further as you notice the guilty look in his eyes.
He is so irritating, perhaps the most irritating person you have met, he says the cruelest things and then he looks at you like some sad puppy and you hate it.
“You hate me? Okay.” you nod, wiping your tears away in anger “then stop saving me, Eddie. You are only making it harder for me.” you exclaim with a shaky voice. 
Eddie’s eyes dart from one place to another, he knows you are talking about the incident at the bar and the panic attack he helped you through a few days ago but somehow, it feels as though you are talking about something else. 
“I’ll stay out of your way s-so please, please, do the same for me instead of giving me false hope and breaking my fucking he-” you sniffle, pausing, you take in the shocked expression on his face at your words. 
He speaks your name softly but you don't give him the chance to say anything else, you just shake your head and walk past him, rushing out of the house, using the backdoor in the kitchen. 
Eddie turns around, staring at the door you just walked through. There are so many things running through his mind right now, so many questions but above it all there's the voice in the back of his mind that is telling him to go after you and he does after a moment of just blankly staring at the door, he rushes out of the kitchen, following you out. He knows he shouldn't have, he should leave you alone after what just happened but he can’t. 
He calls out to you as he spots you standing in the driveway. It’s freezing outside and you aren't even wearing a jacket. 
“Y/n! Hey..” he walks towards you, repeating your name but you are standing there, not moving, you’re almost stiff “you’re gonna freeze to death.” he complains, about to take his jacket off as he walks around you “listen, I’m-” his words get caught in his throat, “what the- y/n?” 
Your usual warm eyes, the color in them gone, instead it’s replaced by a milky color. 
Eddie gulps, he looks around, seeing if anyone else is out here but it’s just the two of you. He puts his hand on your shoulders “hey, y/n.” he speaks softly to no avail. 
“What the fuck..” he whispers, he shakes you softly “y/n!”
You don't react to his touch or his voice, you remain the same. A gust of wind blows through the dark streets at the same time as one of the street lights start flickering. A shiver runs down Eddie’s spine as he turns to look around, eying the street light closest to the two of you. His brows are furrowed in confusion, he has seen this before, the lamp in his bedroom would flicker every night a few days in a row but that was two years ago and it stopped ever since. 
“I-Is this some sort of panic attack?” he mumbles as he turns back to you, knowing you won't answer him anyways “come on, sweetheart.”
Thunder rumbles in the distance and lightning flashes through the sky as the rest of the street lamps start flickering. 
He takes your face in his hands, tilting your head up “y/n, wake up!” he slaps, your cheek softly “fuck.. please wake up, y/n!” he almost yells, eyes widening with fear, his heart jumps as the wind grows stronger, the lights flicker faster. 
He looks around, confused and scared as he looks back down at you. He doesn't know what’s going on, he doesn't know what the flickering lights have to do with the state you are in but he knows, he knows something is very wrong. 
He doesn't know what else to do, he doesn't know how to snap you out of the state you are in so he does what he did last time, hoping that it will help the way it did last time. He pulls you into his arms, gently moving his arms around you as he cradles the back of your head against his warm chest. His heart is beating against his ribcage, his eyes clouded with fear and worry. He holds you tightly, rubbing your back softly. 
“Fuck.” he whispers, there's something eery in the air, he can feel it, he can see it, it’s right in front of his eyes. 
“Please, please wake up.”
taglist: @prettyboyeddiemunson , @inject-memes , @twdimagining , @littledemondani , @wroteclassicaly , @pagesfalling , @boomhauer , @care-4-you , @ashwhowrites , @iamaslutforcoffee , @fieldofsecretss , @haylaansmi , @slutformurdock , @l1fe-1z-p3achy , @tayhar811 , @timetravelassasin , @phantomxoxo , @paprikaquinn , @marianita195 , @bambi-munson , @harrys-tittie , @eddies-lover , @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl , @arioneway , @vampirestookmydoubts , @sushiirestaurant , @killjoy36154 , @avocadotoastwithegg , @miss-celestial-being , @squirrelgirl23 , @ms1oftheboys , @kittykaylat1987 , @thesnoweclipse , @beep-beep-sherlock , @sav7689 , @ogoc-19 , @linkpk88 , @urmomgov , @magnificantmermaid , @sallyp-53 , @dumbblonde1630 , @zucchinimalfoy , @mrsdollardog , @that-girl-is-a-psycho , @ihavebecomesomething , @sashaphantomhive , @slightlyvicked , @lolilkkk , @copycatkillerfics , @crazykidsdontmelt , @fujiwaradivebar , @siriuslysmoking , @littlefreak04 , @somerandos-world , @munsonsuccubus , @eddiemuns0nl0ver , @depressedacidtest , @heyhowareyaxd , @smexylittleswine , @georgiapeaches-world , @tlclick73 , @michaelfuckinglangdon , @sammararaven , @aliceheart247 , @eddiemunson95 , @lunatictardis , @broccolisoupy , @emokid-ellie , @wonderful-outcast , @idkidknemore , @ilovecupcakesandtea , @untoldshortsofthefandoms , @hannahdinse8 , @nojamsonmytoast , @spideyycents , @gaawdblesssmissamurricah , @ayla-sprague , @leahthesith , @bhavanti , @ninapengbrev , @aftermidnightwriting , @quartzneyy , @sad-darksoul , @gaia-simp , @daydreamerblues , @heyjudemunson , @bitchyseawitch , @toobsessedsstuff , @livasaurasrex , @clilxlx , @asortedtastyalmonds , @corrodedcorpses , @likeficsinthewnd , @let-love-bleeds-red , @peachypie97 , @princess-eddie , @invade201177 , @groupie-love-71 , @b-irock , @crazyjenny8675309 , @eyenyuh , @tiannamortis , @ilfmlsm , @idagafboutyou , @anadlr , @n3rdybirdee , @mortuaryminx , @hazzaismyreligion , @bellevsoares , @lovysstuff , @urallidjits​ , @srapalestina​
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
"Tommy changed after episode 4 because their relationship changed. It got more serious as the season went on and we saw Buck change and grow as that relationship grew. He even took back his name as a result of his relationship with Tommy. The show has shown Tommy to be supportive, encouraging, protective and funny."
Nothing changed sis. After episode 4, Tommy was basically a douchebag. It got more serious? Was that before they said they were going slow? He took back his last name? Did I mess the scene he had with Eddie or Maddie or literally anyone where he said hey guys can you call me Evan instead of Buck because that would be him taking back his name, not wanting to be called Buck but Evan. What they saw is someone that doesn't know Buck or understand him call him a name he does not like just like Ana did with Eddie w/ Edmundo. It's the same damn thing.
Their fanfic "The show has shown Tommy beign supportive, encouraging, protective and funny. "
Reality of what the show has shown. The show has shown Tommy being unsupportive of Buck at the Bachelor Party and with the medals, dismissive of Buck when Buck wants to talk abotu almost losing Bobby as well as the deleted scene, protective LMFAO before or after he almost outed Buck? And the last one....dry humor does not make someone funny it makes them an asshole especially if that's all they got.
This must have been a troll, because literally this anon invented FANFICTION in their head.
No but the encouraging is what gets me tbh. The man is the most dismissive he could be at all times. And I've been saying this for a while, they are shipping an idea not the actual relationship. They decided on things and completely ignored what the show was actually showing them. And legit dude, we know they were getting script hours before filming, we know they didn't have the scripts to anything past 706 during the interviews for 705. The show absolutely saw the reaction to Tommy and decided to make an effort to paint Tommy that way to make it very clear that Tommy is a bad fit for Buck. There were multiple chances to develop the relationship. They didn't take it any of them. In fact they continue to write that man as condescending and dismissive. The dude has like, 2 minutes of screentime that keeps making him look worse. And they didn't use Buck to develop the relationship while he's off screen either. Buck doesn't retell a date, no casual mentions of "Tommy just dropped me off" or "Tommy is picking me up" no conversation about the dude at all, except for the one with Bobby where Bobby is on a goodbye tour and Buck asks Bobby how does he know that Tommy hasn't been a problem. Do you know know easy it would've been to make Buck say "yeah, I really like him" on that fucking scene???????? You know how easy it would've been to have Tommy in the hospital???? Except we get sexual jokes, no intimacy, Buck ditching him to go Eddie. The show made a very clear point that Buck is Eddie's partner because Buck was existing on Eddie's storyline, took no chance to develop the relationship, the deleted scene makes it even worse and I'm supposed to do what? Imagine they have a perfect relationship because someone paid Lou 200 dollars to say their relationship is thriving? Oh come on. And the reclaiming Evan is such absolute bullshit. Everyone understood what was happening when it was Ana with the Edmundo. Everyone but Athena has a nickname they prefer to go by and we know for a FACT that Buck doesn't like people calling him Evan because he said so. On screen. Even Maddie and Eddie only use it when they need to snap Buck into attention. Until they show me a scene on the fucking show that tells me that Buck is okay with Evan now, Buck doesn't like being called Evan. And Lou said he wasn't allowed to call Buck anything else. That obviously has a purpose. "The people who know me call me Buck" that's something we hear from Buck's mouth. What's not clicking, exactly? They live in a land where Buck is not Buck and Tommy is not Tommy. They rewrote both characters going against what was being shown and now they are scrambling to make their headcanons canon and they get mad when we don't agree. It's WILD.
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perpetualproductions · 5 months
If We Were Vampires (Pt. 9)
- There's a party tonight?
- Jordan decides to stay in
- Nevermind. Jordan needs to go to the party.
CW: Blood. Violence. More blood. Mentions of drugs/drug use. Same w/Alcohol.
[a/n: ngl, kinda let the depression win with this one. Words just weren't wording when I wrote it. But hey, still wrote. Anyways, sorry, ig. Hope it's readable.]
3k words
<-Previous| Next->
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Jordan and Marie were both sitting at one of the picnic tables in the quad, sharing a sandwich from the cafeteria. They had spent most of the afternoon outside now, just walking around, spending time together and simply enjoying each other's company. They had fallen into casual conversation when they were suddenly approached by Cate and Andre. 
“Well look who decided to show their face?” Cate said, sliding into the open spot on Marie's left.
“Yo, I'm gonna need to know what you took that left you MIA for four fucking days, dude. Seriously, where'd you go that night?” Andre said, slinging an arm around Jordan's shoulders, taking the spot on their right. 
Jordan just forces a laugh. “Trust me, you don't want to know. Definitely never doing that again.”
Andre jokingly narrows his eyes. “Fine. Keep your secrets.” Andre drops his arm, giving Jordan some space. 
“Doesn't matter. There'll be plenty of opportunities to get fucked up later tonight.” Cate winks, nudging Marie a bit, who just gives a tight smile and nods in response. 
Jordan's a little confused from the interaction. “What's tonight?” 
“Party in the woods. There's a clearing about a mile out from Dusty's, right next to a lake. There's gonna be a bonfire and everything.” Cate responded. 
“And rumor has it Dusty's supplier is bringing out some of the good shit this time.” Andre added. 
“I thought Marie told you?” Cate questioned, looking at Marie. 
Marie just looked at Jordan a bit wide eyed. She did mean to tell them, but then the whole vampire thing came to light and Marie was sure partying was gonna be the last thing on Jordan's mind. “I uh, well Jordan's been really busy, haven't really had time to bring up-” 
“It's fine. Don't think I'm gonna go anyways.” Jordan interrupts. “I am still pretty busy.” They tried to reason. 
“Oh come on, you're always busy, Jordan. It's Saturday! Come get fucked up with your friends!” Andre tries to convince them. 
“Yeah, since when does Jordan Li say no to a party?” Cate adds.
“Since I completely blacked out from one a couple days ago. And I seriously can't afford to do that again when I have so much work to do. Sorry guys. Maybe next time.” Jordan said, definitely. They switched to female form as they got up and began to walk away from the table, knowing they wouldn't stop trying to convince Jordan to go to the party if they stayed. They were right. Usually Jordan would jump at the chance to escape their response for a night, but they really weren't sure how they'd behave in a crowd of people, blood pumping through their veins from the dancing and drugs. Just sounded like a recipe for disaster. Also, there may be a touch of ptsd, given they actually died at the last party they went to. Or adjacent. Whatever, it was the middle of the woods, they're a vampire, they've seen this movie before. They weren't gonna risk it. 
They could hear Marie call their name from behind them, but they didn't feel like talking at the moment, so they rounded a tree and sped away once they were out of sight.
Jordan spent the rest of the day working out in the student gym, then going to study in their dorm, alone. Just trying to keep them busy, taking their mind off of anything vampire for the rest of the day. As much as they could anyway, cause they still had to drink blood every now and again.
Except this time, as they sat at their desk studying for what felt like hours, they felt their stomach growl, the hunger seeping in. They were on a bit of a roll, so they ignored it as much as they could until they finally caved, dropping their pencil and rolling over to their mini fridge. As they swung the door open, they froze… There was only one bag left. Shit. 
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit-” Jordan stumbled out of their chair, kneeling in front of the fridge, digging through to make sure there weren't any bags hiding in the back (not that it even went back that far). “Shit!” Jordan yelled, slamming their hand down on the fridge door. A loud crack followed by a thump rang out as the fridge door broke off its hinges, falling on the floor. Jordan moved back a bit as it happened, a hand clutching their head, fingers tangling into their bob. “Fuck…” Jordan sighed, sliding down till they were sat on the floor. They angrily kick the broken door away from them and reach into the fridge, grabbing the last blood bag, ripping it open and drinking it all down. 
They tried to savor it, take it slow, but they were too hungry. They finished the bag in seconds, throwing it to the side. Jordan groaned as they clutched their head in their hands. They were a bit fucked here. They were doing a decent job at rationing their “meals” and making sure they were pacing themselves and not drinking too many bags at once. But that morning sort of fucked them. When they got spooked, accidentally biting Marie's lip, they just lost control a bit and drank down like five fucking bags at once. Shit. They were gonna have to get more, and unfortunately, they only had one supplier…
Jordan made their way over to Justine Garcia’s dorm, banging on the door. “Hey! Open the fuck up!” Jordan yelled. They didn't want to bring any attention to themselves, but they were pretty on edge at the moment. They kept knocking on the door, but didn't get a response. 
Jordan sighed, thinking Justine was already at the party by now. Fuck. They were gonna have to go, confront her, and either convince her to come back to give them more blood bags, or drag her back. No- they really shouldn't make a scene. They can't make a scene. 
Jordan's about to walk away, but stops. They turn back around to the door in front of them, getting close to it to see if they can sense what they're looking for on the other side. They couldn't sense anyone on the other side. No fresh blood flowing through veins or breathing can be heard, but they think they can smell a faint scent of blood. Bagged blood, but still blood.
Fuck it. Jordan thought. They grabbed the door handle and yanked it down, effectively breaking it off. They push the door open, taking a scan of the room before walking in. But, as they go to step in, they can't.
"What the fuck?" Jordan mutters to themselves. They try to step through again, but can't. It's as if an invisible force is keeping them from crossing the threshold into the dorm. Getting frustrated with whatever the fuck this was, Jordan stepped back and tried to run as hard as they could through this invisible force, but they just ended up being pushed back. "Fuck!" They exclaimed, finally giving up. There was blood right inside that room and for whatever fucking reason, they couldn't walk in to get it. Fucking hell.
Jordan took a deep breath, trying to ground themselves. Their hunger was very present, but they couldn't let it take over. They just needed to push it down, go to the party, get in and get out, and everything would be fine. 
Jordan shuffled their way through the crowd in their male form, the cold night air barely noticeable while in the sea of bodies, so crowded you'd think you were actually indoors. Jordan focused on their breathing as they waded through, letting the hundreds of heartbeats fade in with the pounding music. Their eyes scanned around, trying not to linger on any necks, looking for one particular person, and honestly having no luck so far.
Jordan decided to move closer to the lake where there seemed to be less people. They turned to face the water and took a deep breath, trying to focus their hearing on the gentle lapping water of the lake, doing their best to shove down the incessant hunger clawing at them from the inside. They literally shook themselves off as they turned back around, determined to find the other vamp and get more blood bags on their hands and into their stomach. 
They scanned through the crowd from the outside, able to focus in more now that they were out of the chaos in the middle. They spot a few familiar faces, the usual Godolkin party goers. They see dusty near the pit snorting powders with a couple others, they see Cate and Andre drinking and laughing it up, and then their eyes land on the one Marie Moreau. There she was, as beautiful as ever, dancing in the crowd, hands reaching to the sky as her body moved to the rhythm of the music. They couldn't take their eyes off her, they barely even noticed Emma dancing next to her, seemingly preoccupied with some random curly haired freshman. Jordan couldn't help themselves as they began to walk towards Marie, almost forgetting why they came to this party in the first place. 
But, before Jordan could make it to her, they noticed someone else walk up to her. A douchey looking (in Jordan's opinion), 6-foot-something, blonde guy made his way up behind Marie and just blatantly placed his hands on her waist. The proximity alone made Jordan's blood boil, but the touching was too far. Even as Marie began to turn around, her hands coming up, ready to push the guy away from her, Jordan was there in the blink of an eye, throwing Marie off for a second. She watched as Jordan (who came out of nowhere to her), pushed the guy so hard he fell to the ground with a thump. 
“What the FUCK do you think you're doing!” Jordan barked at the guy, looking down at him. 
The guy got back up, brushing the dirt off of himself. “Hey man, what the fuck’s your problem?!” The dude shouted back. It was clear this guy was a bit drunk, Jordan smelling the alcohol off his breath as the guy got up in their face. “I was just asking the lady if she wanted to-”
Jordan, letting their heightened emotions get the better of them, just swung at the guy, hitting him square in the face. A loud crack could be heard, along with a cry coming from the guy they just hit. They watched him stumble back, clutching his face. Jordan didn't need him to move his hands to know that they had broken the guys nose, smelling the blood oozing out and running down his face. 
“Jordan, what the fuck?!” Marie's voice pulled them back.  They looked back at her, clocking her worried, yet pissed off face. But Jordan already felt themselves hurdling off the edge with all the heightened feeling and the presence of blood, they just yelled back at her. 
“What do you mean, “what the fuck?!” That asshole was fucking all over you!” They shouted, not paying attention to said asshole being ushered away from the situation by some other party goers. Jordan could tell by the fading scent of fresh blood moving further away, which just reminded them of their hunger even more. 
“Yeah, and I was gonna take care of it til you came running in, arms swinging like an idiot!” Marie shouted back. Jordan's head was too busy ringing from all the overwhelming sensations, they didn't even notice their chest was still heaving. Marie took the time to notice they were still in the middle of a large crowd, sighing and grabbing Jordan's arm to drag them away. 
They stopped a good ten feet away from the crowd, just at the forest treeline. Jordan switched to their female form and pulled themselves out of Marie's hold. “Hey, how about you calm down for a second.” Marie said, clearly still peeved from the whole situation.
“I'm trying to be calm! Okay, Moreau? I'm fucking trying, it's just-” Jordan clutches their head, trying to get their thoughts together, but all they could focus on was Marie's pounding pulse. “Fuck, I-I’m sorry. I shouldn't even fucking be here-” 
“-Then why are you here, Jordan? I thought you weren't coming?” Marie asked, crossing her arms. 
“I wasn't gonna come, but then I- I don't know. I thought I'd be fine- that I'd have it under control, but I obviously fucking don't!” Jordan shouted, more at themselves. 
“Are you hungry? Have you-” Marie tried to ask, but Jordan cut her off. 
“I'm fine, Marie! I'm fucking fine! You don't have to worry about that shit.” Jordan said, defensively. 
“Well you don't seem fucking fine, Jordan. What did we say about communicat-” 
“I am fine, Marie, okay? I'm just fucking tired from everything. I thought this would help, but obviously not.” Jordan tried, hoping Marie would buy the explanation. Before Marie could respond, Jordan decided to just completely backpedal from the situation, they needed to get some distance between them right now, especially with just how fucking hungry they were right now. “I'm just gonna go. We can talk tomorrow.” 
Marie was already shaking her head as she spoke, “No, Jordan, wait-” but before she could finish, Jordan had sped off, leaving her standing alone by the trees. 
Jordan had sped back into the woods, just far enough to be out of Marie's line of sight. They couldn't help but look back at her, confused and upset at Jordan's sudden disappearance. But they didn't have a choice, they needed to get the fuck out of their and just lock themselves in their dorm till they could go safely find Justine again. Jordan took a deep breath, turning around, and walking their way back to Godolkin. They had only taken a couple steps before a sound to their right caught their attention. They turned, only to catch the sight of someone leaning against a tree, seemingly groaning in pain. 
“Hello? Are you alright?” Jordan asked as they slowly approached, only to stop dead in their tracks once they realized who this was. There Jordan stood, face to face with the blonde asshole who tried to grab Marie earlier. They were surprised to see their nose was still actively bleeding, the words coming out of the guys mouth not even registering. Jordan could help but step closer to him, making him back up more into the tree. 
“Aw fuck man, look- I-I’m sorry, okay? I didn't mean to-” 
“Shut the fuck up.” Jordan said, looking into the guy's eyes. But to Jordan's slight surprise, he immediately stopped talking. In fact, the guy looked as shocked as they did. But Jordan didn't have time to linger on that, the blood on guys face still drawing them in. The sound of their elevated pulse, pounding in their neck made Jordan's mouth water. The tiny voice in the back of their head tried to speak up, yell at them, beg them to stop, but they were too far gone now. It had been too long, they waited to fucking long. Their stomach ached with hunger, their skin crawling and begging for satiation. And here it was, right in front of them. Without thinking, they switched back to male form, grabbing the blonde by the shit, pinning him in place. The guy looked truly terrified, unable to yell out for help. The terror only grew as he watched the veins protrude beneath Jordan's now darkened eyes. Jordan felt the familiar ache in their teeth as their fangs grew out. At this point, Jordan could care less how terrified the man looked. All that mattered was the delicious substance that ran in the veins, just beneath the skin. Jordan, now mere centimeters from the man's neck, took a deep inhale through the nose, relishing in the intoxicating aroma of blood, and without a second thought, sunk their teeth right in, ripping through the skin and unleashing that which they crave. 
An animalistic growl escaped Jordan as they continued to feed on this man, sucking every last drop of blood he had to offer. The taste of fresh warm blood was almost incomparable to that of cold, bagged blood. It was invigorating, only urging them to drink more. They didn't stop, couldn't stop for a good few minutes, feeling the man's body go limp in their arms. A feeling they remember from the first time they did this. It was then that Jordan's conscience clawed its way back to yell at them. The images of that poor lady flashing through their mind, the possibility of them almost doing that to Marie. They screamed at themselves to stop, let go, maybe it wasn't too late, but it was. Because they couldn't stop. They kept drinking till there wasn't a drop left to drink. Only then did they manage to unclench their jaw and pull away, dropping the body on the forest floor. 
Jordan fell to their knees, staring at the dead body before them. They felt so relieved and rejuvenated, but at the same time terrified. Drinking the blood straight from the vein was a feeling unlike any other that left them with a clear head, but looking down at the dead eyes and limp body in front of them, with a clear, bloody bite mark on their neck, it fucking terrified them. It terrified them that they were the animal that did this, and even more so that they wanted nothing more than to do it again. Before Jordan could think anything else, a voice echoed out from beside them. 
“Well, took you long enough.” Justine tisked looking down at Jordan with a feigned apologetic look. “Aw, what's wrong? That conscience of yours making you feel bad?” 
The sound of Justine's voice alone ticked Jordan off, but her words were confusing them. “What the fuck-” but before Jordan could finish their sentence, they felt a sharp prick on their neck, a hand instinctively shooting up to feel where they've been pricked. They tried to turn around to see what the fuck that was, but it was too late. Their vision quickly became blurry, the darkness taking over, as they felt themselves fall, everything fading to black…
Thanks for reading this far! Hope you enjoyed. And honest big thanks to those that have interacted with every update, I appreciate it so much and it lets me know that people actually read these, lol. So yeah, until people don't, I plan to keep writing this. Actually have an idea for where I want this story to go, but if you have any suggestions or things you want to see, please let me know! I'm happy to do so. It might be a minute before the next chapter tbh. Life's getting hectic again and I'm in between jobs rn, so I won't have much time to write. But feel free to check out my other fic in the meantime (Never Be The Same), which drops every Saturday. Anyways, hope you have a nice day!
Much Love, 😎👍❤️
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queen-of-deans-booty · 2 months
There's No Place Like Home: Part Two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: Charlie is back from Oz but she's not quite how Sam and Dean remember her. You're pretending to be on your best behavior, but you're making it clear that anyone who stands in your way is only going to end up hurt.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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Instead of leaving and going back to a motel, both brothers staked out her house just in case. If Charlie is going after these people, she'll come for Barbra sooner or later. Dean got some food while Sam stayed outside of her house doing research on Charlie and what happened to her parents.
Dean got this healthy sandwich with kale that he isn't too fond of but he eats it nonetheless.
"While you were gone, I found Charlie's file online. It says here that she has anti-authority disorder, clinical depression, and violent outbursts. Man, Charlie was--"
"Dude. If a shrink interviewed us at that age, do you think the report would be all kittens and rainbows?" Dean cut his brother off. "Come on. She's a good kid. There's got to be an explanation for this, man. There's just got to be."
An hour passes before they hear a scream come from Barbara's house. They break into her house and see Charlie dressed in dark clothing standing with Barbara in her living room.
"I should have known Rocket and Groot would track me down. What, no witch?"
"Let her go," Sam glares.
"Who, her? I just want answers."
"Since when do you start pounding on people for those? What the hell happened to you in Oz?" Dean asks.
"Everything I wanted. An adventure. I even got my own little sword."
"Oh, Sam, you're adorable. You're not gonna hurt me. In fact, that's your problem--all good-guy code, no bite. What a waste." She turns to Dean. "You're always letting this albatross hold you back."
"Okay, I don't know what's going on here, but this is not you."
"Oh, it's me alright."
She twirls the knife in her hand with a smirk on her face.
"Charlie, put the knife down. Let her go. We don't want to hurt you, kiddo, but we're not gonna let you do this."
Charlie doesn't care if Sam and Dean are here, she immediately charges toward them to fight. They aren't expecting her to be so violent so they don't react quick enough. Dean takes most of the force while Sam takes Barbara to a safe place. Charlie has moves Dean has never seen before and she manages to lock her legs around Dean's neck tightly.
"Sam!" Dean gasps out.
"Are you okay?" Sam asks once he and Barbara are safe.
"What did she say to you?"
"She wanted the bank statements."
Charlie tosses Dean to the ground and kicks him away before escaping out the front door.
"Charlie!" Dean curses and chases after her but she is already driving away in an SUV. He goes to the Impala to chase after her but realizes she has slashed his tires to prevent him from going after her. "Son of a bitch!!"
Sam comes running out of the house once he's done with Barbara, and he looks in the direction where she sped off.
"What the hell is going on?" Sam pants.
A yellow beetle comes speeding down the road to Sam and Dean and parks right in front of them. Dean has to do a double look to make sure the driver is who he sees it is.
"What's up, bitches?" Charlie says with a smile. Sam and Dean give her a confused look. "Right. We should probably catch up."
Dean calls someone to get his car fixed, and Charlie takes both brothers to the nearest diner to eat and talk about why there are two of her running around. After ordering, she looks around the place in confusion before sitting down across from her.
"Where's Y/N?"
"In the dungeon."
"What? Why?"
"She doesn't have a soul. I died, became a demon, got cured, but sucked her soul into my body. It's a whole thing but she's not herself. That's the short story. Now, onto you. What happened in Oz?"
"Yeah, there are two of me running around this town."
"Yeah, is dick you is some sort of a ninja?" Dean scoffs.
"She is badass, yeah."
"Okay, back up. Explain something to me. We saw you go with Dorothy into Oz."
"Yeah, it was fine for a little bit until the war of Emerald City happened. It was awesome until it wasn't. We were gonna lose so I made a deal with the Wizard of Oz. He said for us to win, I had to unleash my true darkness which he meant literally. He used the inner key of Oz. It opens a door to your soul and lets the darkness out. We're still connected physically. If you hurt her, you hurt me. The bottom line, she's bad and I'm good. Let me just tell you, being good is really annoying. Normally in a place like this, I'd be pounding Harvey Wallbangers and checking out the bartender's ass. Now all I want to do is sip club soda and send her to college."
"Okay, why is Dark!Charlie gunning for revenge?"
"She's trying to win me back. Dark!Charlie won the war single-handedly, but she did some truly awful things. I told her I didn't want any part of her near me again, ever. Going after the person who mur--mur--uh," She can't say the word 'murder' since she's the good parts of herself, "who took my parents away is her messed-up way of showing me how close we are or could be. I keep calling her 'she' but she's me. I'm the one doing this."
"Charlie, that's not who you are, okay? She's a twisted version of--"
"Me," she finishes his sentence. "I've been following her so I can catch her before she does something stupid, and just lock her away forever."
"Charlie? That's not an answer."
"Is that what you're doing to Y/N?"
"That's a different story. She'll get her soul back and until then, she stays in that dungeon."
"Sam's right. We'll go back to Oz, and we'll get the key from the Wizard of Douche, and we'll put you back together."
"Even if I did want her back, Dark!Charlie broke the key. There's no way to get back to the Wizard."
"Okay, first things first, we need to find Dark!Charlie before she finds the drunk driver. We know Barbara gave up her old bank statements, right? That means Dark!Charlie will probably follow the money back to whoever made the payoffs."
"That's what I would do," Charlie nods.
"I'll get some refills," Dean says and gets up to go to the bar counter.
He can't help but think of you and if locking you up is the best decision. If he thinks too much about it, he's gonna leave and let you out himself. You're not sure how much longer you can take being alone in the dungeon but you know Cas has been making regular visits to check on you to make sure you're still in the dungeon.
Just like clockwork, you can hear Cas walking down the stairs to the dungeon.
"Cas? I know you're out there," you say next to the door. "Come on, are you really going to ignore me?"
"I'm here to check on you. That's it."
"Open the door, Cas. I want to see you when I'm talking to you."
Cas thinks he's enough to stop you if you try anything, and he'd be right. He's an angel and you're a human. Even though you're soulless, impulsive, and aggressive, he's still an angel. Cas opens the door and stays in the doorway to prevent you from leaving.
"What do you want?"
"Look, I've spent the last month in here. In that time, I really believe I learned my lesson."
"Nice try."
"No, I'm serious, Castiel." You slink up to his side and place a hand on his chest over his tie. "Look where my past behavior has gotten me. I don't want to be in here alone, anymore. I want to be able to live my life. So, no more being sarcastic. No more hurting people. I don't want it anymore. Please believe me."
It's the way you're looking at him that has him folding. You give him the same puppy dog eyes you have given him in the past, and he chooses to believe you. Wrong choice. He nods and steps aside to let you leave, and you lean up and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you, Castiel."
You walk away from him and when you know he can't see your face, you turn that sweet smile into a mischievous smirk. When you get to the garage, you start up Dorothy's motorcycle and peel out of there to join them in Topeka.
Sam, Dean, and Charlie have been working together to try and find out who the owner of the bank statements Barbara had to give up is. Getting this information is going to take a while but until Dean's car is done, they can't really do anything but sit here and wait.
The front door opens but none of them bother to look up to see who had entered the diner. They only look up when you slide into the booth next to Charlie.
"Hey, Charlie. Hi, boys."
"What the fuck?" Dean whispers. "What are you doing here? Who let you out?"
"Your dumbass angel did. All I had to do was bat my eyelashes and fake being sad for it to work. He really is easy once you know how to play him," you smirk.
"Fucking child," Dean shakes his head.
"You're lucky I'm not shoving a knife into your gut for what you did to me. Lock me up again and I promise you'll join your parents in hell." You turn to Charlie and give her a sweet smile. "Speaking of, how's your mom doing? Hell must be pretty hot this time of year."
Charlie opens her mouth to respond but she can't say anything rude to you. Dean kicks you underneath the table and thankfully, you shut up about it.
"Okay, Charlie, we need you to hack into Barbara's bank accounts."
"I can't. It's bad. I told you, being good is annoying."
"Okay, how about you guide me through the process, and then I'm the bad one?" She does and he is able to access her bank statements. "Okay, so, Barbara's payments all came from offshore accounts which were routed through dummy corporations. They have all gone belly-up."
"Who do they lead to?"
"Russell Wellington. According to his personal records, he had a car that was reported stolen the week of the accident. The car was never recovered. After the supposed theft, he went on a sabbatical from work for two weeks and returned to work with bruises and a broken ankle."
Sam pulls up his picture and turns the laptop for you and Charlie to see.
"So, this is him? This is the man who killed my parents?"
Dean immediately closes the laptop so she doesn't fall down that rabbit hole.
"And you're done. Sam, a word, please?"
Before they can get up, Charlie stops them.
"Hey, dudes, secrets are bad."
"Fine. Charlie, I don't think you should be anywhere around this piece-of-shit salesman. We also don't think locking up Dark!Charlie is gonna work. She may be dark but she's still a part of you."
"There's a dark version of you running around? Is she more fun than you?" you ask.
"Debatable," she replies to you before addressing the brothers. "You're right. I hate it but you're right. Okay. Let's go to the bunker. Baum used the key to Oz. Maybe there's something in the Men of Letters' files about the key. If we fix it, we can get back to Oz."
"You two dig on that," Dean says. "Y/N and I are going to keep an eye on Russell and wait for Dark!Charlie to show up."
"Are you sure you want to let Y/N anywhere near Dark!Charlie?" Sam asks.
"Don't talk about me like I'm not sitting right in fucking front of you. If I wanna meet this more interesting version of Charlie, then I'm going to do it. I'd really like to see you stop me."
Dean has the remote that will activate the device on your neck but he doesn't want to know what will happen if he presses it. It'll piss you off enough to kill someone and he doesn't want that. You get up and leave the diner without waiting for Dean.
"Maybe I should be the one to do this."
"No, I got it," he sighs. "Not only do I have to protect his piece of shit, I have to deal with her."
"You have to protect Dark!Charlie. If she gets hurt, so does she."
"Be careful," Charlie chuckles nervously.
"I got it. Thanks."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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worlds-4th-best-dad · 3 months
Takao: So, what have you been up to over the weekend? Tsubaki: Um... I downloaded Death Forest 3 off Limewire. Takao: Oh, I see. Is that a movie? I’m not familiar with the first two Death Forests. Tsubaki: It is. Takao: Right. Are you liking it so far? Tsubaki: It’s alright. Takao: Well, hopefully they could play it for the school festival, if it’s school appropriate. Tsubaki: Yes, if I’m even going. Takao: Now, you wouldn’t be having trouble fitting in, would you? Tsubaki: Excuse me? Takao: It’s just that smoking habit of your might leave a smell that could put everyone off. Tsubaki: I really don’t think it puts anyone off. Takao: Well, in any event, if you ever need to change to get the smell off, you’re always welcome to use my office. Tsubaki: Why wouldn’t I just use the locker room? Takao: The gym teachers would catch that smell and bombard you with questions. Though, in my office, it would be our little secret. Middle school can be very hard, so it helps to have an adult who really understands you. Tsubaki: Of course, yes, uh... So, is that it? Takao, with a murderous glint in his eyes: Now, you’re not trying to get rid of me, are you? Tsubaki: W-why would I ever want to do that? Takao, seemingly back to normal: Just playing around, but before I go, I just need to remind you of the school’s dress code once again. Tsubaki: What about it? Takao, while menacingly approaching Tsubaki with murderous intent: I see your top has a few infractions. Tsubaki, nervously: I-It does...? Kosaka: *kicks Yuki over* Loser! Yuki: Hey, what’s that for?? Kosaka: For playing with your little flip-phone in front of me, you fuckin’ nerd! Yuki: I already told you, it’s called my diary! Kosaka: I’m gonna call your mom and tell her “sorry” she’ll never have grandkids. Yuki: Wha- No! Don’t kick me down there! Kosaka: I don’t need to, ‘cause the more dart trivia you know, the less girls wanna date you! And you know a whole lotta dart trivia, don’t you Amano? Yuki: M-moreso the comprehensive rules and regulations of the game. Kosaka: You are gonna fuck so many kids in your 30’s. Yuki: How does playing darts and writing a diary make me a child molester, huh?! Kosaka: That’s like asking, “how does heroin make you a drug addict?” Yuki: I’m getting real tired of you picking on me! It won’t be so fun when the shoe’s on the other foot! Kosaka: Are you threatening me...? Are you threatening me while wearing two jackets?! Yuki: Well, um, uh... Kosaka: I’ll take the gun you’re saving for the popular kids and blow your fuckin’ brains out! Takao: Alright, that is quite enough, Kosaka! Kosaka: What, what’d I do?! Takao: What I’ve heard in your verbal attack on Amano is very troubling and downright heinous! Yuki: Yeah, you forgot everything they said in the bullying assembly. Kosaka: Yeah, those work. Takao: Confronted by a teacher and not even an ounce of remorse? This is how Virginia Tech happened, Kosaka. Kosaka: ...Wait, do you mean he’s doing the shooting? ‘Cause you should probably talk to him then. Takao: Go to class, Amano. I’ll deal with this troublemaker myself. Yuki: Thanks, you’ve always had the backs of us students. Takao: This is mandatory counseling, Kosaka! You will be in my office everyday for the rest of the year until you show improvement! Kosaka: Fuckin’ everyday?! For how long?? Takao: You’ll be excused from your classes for one hour. This used to be my break time, but now I’ll be seeing you in my office 9AM sharp starting tomorrow. Is that clear? Kosaka: Dude that’s so early! Takao: Is. That. Clear?! Kosaka: Sure, whatever... Takao: Now, off to class, both of you! Kosaka: How was that rest of the year punishment...?! Tsubaki: Um... What did Yukiteru do? Kosaka: Nothing. Tsubaki: Wait, then why did you-- Kosaka: You can smoke by yourself again, right? Tsubaki: ...That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me. Kosaka: ...That’s kinda sad.
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sp-by-april · 22 days
You Could Be My Muse: 04. Boy Problems
I promised @angel-gone-dark that if he posted ch2 of his fic that features me, I would post ch4 of Muse featuring him. Besties in all AUs, you love to see it.
There's a smut writing club at South Park High! Their favorite muses are Mysterion and... Kyle? After Cartman instigates a bet between Kenny and Kyle to get them to compete for April, the club's newest member, Stan's trying to figure out Eric's angle.
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[Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [Read All On AO3!] [Kenny Master List] [Kyle Master List]
The bet was made. Now all Kenny had to do was go through with it. He tried to formulate a plan as he dug through his locker.
“So Kenny,” Cartman began as he leaned on the locker next to his, “You decide how you’re gonna win her over and get us that pile of money? Kevin, Scott and David all added to the pot when they found out,”
Kenny rolled his eyes, “I’m still figuring it out,”
“Her date with Kyle is tonight, but it's highly probable that he’ll ruin his chances all on his own and then you can swoop right in,” Cartman mused.
Then as if it was an after-thought, Eric added, “It probably wouldn’t hurt to ask Leigh,”
Kenny frowned, “Leigh? Isn’t he the guy that hangs around the Writing Club?”
“He doesn’t hang around the Writing Club, he’s the only guy in the Writing Club. He’s also, like, April’s best friend. If you want to get to her, you should talk to him,”
“Her best friend is a dude?” 
Shit. That’s gotta be the guy she likes, right? 
No, they're best friends, she said she didn't think he knew she existed. Theoretically that would rule out Kyle too, but the way he pretended not to care, maybe she really bought it.
Eric shrugged, if he worried about the lives of girls like April he'd never get anything done, “Yeah, he should be doing shit with the Cooking Club right about now,”
“There's a cooking club?” Kenny blinked.
 “Am I the only one that pays attention to anything that happens in this school?” Cartman threw his hands in the air.
Kenny thought he felt a headache coming on, “Just shut up and tell me which classroom they meet in,” 
💜 ❔ 💚
Stan scrolled through his phone, pretending to listen to Kyle as he bitched. He started to text Luna, wondering if she knew how serious April was about this whole date-thing.
"I mean," Kyle threw his hands up, “Who does that? Kenny’s supposed to be my friend–”
“I’m sure he was thinking the same thing,” Stan said flatly.
Kyle blinked, “What do you mean? I did nothing wrong here. He’s the one –”
“I know you’ve been into her for a while, but this disinterested act you’ve liked to pull lately isn’t doing you any favors," Stan sighed, "You can just say you think she’s cute, and it’s okay to admit that you know she has boobs,” 
Kyle rolled his eyes to the ceiling, “I mean, obviously I know she has boobs,”
“Oh, we know that you know. Just fucking admit it once in awhile. You never would’ve even gone after her if Kenny being into her hadn’t varied whatever weird risk-reward calculation you had running in your brain,”
Stan punched Kyle in the shoulder, “Admit it,”
“There’s nothing to–” Kyle winced from another punch, even harder this time, “What the hell?”
“Stop lying, no one’s buying it,” Stan pulled his fist back again, “Especially not me,”
“I never fucking lied, the boobs just weren’t the main–”
Stan punched Kyle again. Kyle threw his left arm around Stan’s neck and punched back with the right. Before long they were on the ground exchanging blows until Stan came out on top and had Kyle pinned. 
“Ahem,” Eric cleared his throat, “ I don’t know how you guys managed to turn a fight over tits into something completely fucking gay, but I shouldn’t be surprised,”
Kyle sucker punched Stan in the stomach and he rolled off of him with all the grace of a drowning rat.
Eric frowned, “Don’t let me stop you. While you’re getting handsy with Stan, Kenny is with Leigh, securing me a pile of money,”
Kyle hopped up swiftly, “Shit, he knows about Leigh?”
Stan was worried. No one could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like Kyle.
On top of it, Stan knew a con when he saw one. Cartman was more likely to sabotage Kyle’s chance with any girl, but especially one he knew he was risking public humiliation by pursuing with a bet on the outcome, and that's before even bringing in her race and religion into it.
The more he thought about it, April was right as far as Kenny’s type and Kyle’s. She was the perfect carrot to dangle if Eric wanted to distract them both, but… Why?
Stan was the first to admit he didn’t have the brain-power to see all the angles and the two guys he knew that did were the ones all wrapped up in beating each other and winning the girl.
He needed someone close enough to know all the players, but far enough to see the bigger picture.
💜 ❔ 💚
Kenny finally tracked down the baking club on the second floor. He poked his head in the classroom and the smells of baked goods lured him the rest of the way. 
He scoped out the group and saw Leigh in the back. He was a fairly short guy with silver glasses. Brown hair with blue tips.  At first glance, he definitely seemed cool enough to be April’s best friend. 
Kenny approached cautiously, he didn't want to spook the guy, “Leigh?” 
“Kenny?" Leigh blinked, "I assume you're not here for a crepe,”
“I wouldn't turn one down, but I wanted to talk to you about April," Kenny awkwardly swirled his hands around each other, "Are you two, like… You know?”
“No way,” Leigh snorted, “Trust me, she's not my type,”
Oh. Guess that's the final nail in that theory. 
Kenny awkwardly scratched his nose hoping he didn't make too much of an ass of himself by even asking, “Gotcha,” 
“She has a date with Kyle tonight," Leigh said switching off the burner, "I heard that you turned her down,”
I did? When she asked to hang out?
I guess I did.
"In my defense–”
“Let me guess, you didn't even realize she was asking you out? I keep telling that girl she needs to be more direct…” Leigh shook his head as he tossed a pan in the sink next to Kenny.
“More or less,” Kenny sighed, “I need to know how to get her to ditch Kyle and go out with me,” 
Leigh shrugged, “I can't help you,” 
“What!? Why not?” Kenny asked thinly.
The feeling that he was really doomed in this endeavor started to crush him like a weight.
“She's got a lot of pride. You turned her down, she'll probably marry him out of spite. But I don't know, even if there's nothing you can do, someone else might be able to win her over,” Leigh glanced up at Kenny over the frame of his glasses, “If you catch my drift,”
Kenny nodded. He got the message. He was pretty sure he got it, anyway.
💜 ❔ 💚
Kyle was an inch away from a panic attack.
He picked a simple first date. Coffee. They could talk. He could walk her home. 
It seemed like a good plan.
Except now he realized the plan was stupid, he was stupid, Kenny had surely learned everything there was to know about April from Leigh, and by this time next week would probably be taking a video of himself motorboating her just to rub it in his face.
Then April strolled inside Tweek Bros and he knew he was done for.
She was stunning. Kyle took inventory as he tried not to stare. Black dress. Short. Her long hair was up with some stray loose curls, that were undoubtedly meticulously planned. He didn't think he'd ever seen her with curls. Her make up was immaculate, with a dark red lip. He wondered how much work she put in to look so effortlessly hot.
“You look really…”  Kyle's jaw hung slack, but the words wouldn't come out.
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auspex · 1 year
fuck it discord rant with no context (feel free to ask for context) about my last session
ok little context: mark and cassidy driving home from mission where the anarch party they were investigating got raided by camarilla so they have to take the long way home. also, mark juts got a text from sampson that they need to talk. otherwise good luck making sense of this if u havent heard mark rants before.
Mark learned: -Cassidy turned in 1853 california -loves older western movies, NOT spaghetti westerns except once upon a time in th west -loves detective novels; steven king -has larger goals that he doesnt want to say due to mark's sire having a short leash on him lol -guessed mark was about 5 years dead, mark told him it was less than a year. cassidy was pretty surprised lol -cassidy asked marks goals and what he wanted. mark talked abt goals of stability, and knowing whats going on in the city. talked around it but basically said he also wanted someone he felt he could actually talk to T_T This is what inspired lighter covnersation abtmovies and books -cassidy invited him to WATCH A MOVIE W HIM AT THE CINEMA LOVE WINS (NOT A DATE FOR SURE UNLESS?) -
Now its time to talk to sampson on the next night
due to something julius did mark has to shelter some anarchs in the sewers on his territory. he made it clear the SEWERS only. theyve been moving in.
anyway marks goes to the bar. theres some sketchy ppl outside .oh god. anarchs not listening to directions? THATS CRAZY. Anyway the bar is closed early. it has blinds. many locks. sampson lets mark in and is like. dude. wtf are these people around. ive been seeing htem around and we figured out they were vampires and you said htis place would be safe?? i cant keep doing this???
he's like i know its not all always your fault or things happen in spite of you but what am i supposed to do? i cant live like this again? what am i supposed to do?? And marks just like look anarchs have been moving in city wide ill deal with this and . sampson presses and hes like deal with them how. and marks like IDK kick them out? kill th- and sampsons like YES KILL THEM you killed that one random person cant you kill kindred on your territory?
like OOF that 1 ONE murder lives in his head dsakjfsfdkjds
he's crying, also, ends up saying 'after all this i dont want to talk to you again, i know you bring me stuff to keep me alive' and then be breaks down MORE like REALLY sobbing
so mark gives him a little time to compose himself. then gets all cold and is basically like. so be it. ill still have to see you monthly, but we can try to limit it. but then sampsons like. "I dont know. I just. dont know what to do. i cant sleep with these guys out there all the time" and mark is like "do you want me to deal with them right now?" and smaspons like "yes" so. mark leaves to deal with them!
he grabs piece of shit tony who is supposed to be helping manage this territory. tony says the guys claimed he invited him there, so mark has to explain how they are allowed in the sewers but no where else. and that he wants the three in front of the plaza dealt with Tonight. they work out a deal. tony drives around collecting ghouls and plays this song.
the ghouls are wearing ski masks and have various weapons. he assigns them an order. and turns up the music and they start FUCKING those guys up. first guy modified his glock to be semi automatic? one gets downed immedaitely. 3 other ghouls approach with melee weapons. one gets killed sadly but all the kindred who were loitering by the bar get torpored in short order. Tony is pissed and yells at a corpse about whose gonna pay to replace his ghoul? Ooffff. but yeah mission done. tony says to mark to get out of his car.
He does so. returns to bar. SESSIONEND
THEY WERE ABOUT TO GET TO TALK! im sure they are shook by the Incredible Violence outside but whatever
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blindrapture · 4 months
TUESDAY MAY 31ST, 2011 (Tropes)
7:12 AM "Man, that really did a number on you, didn't it?" I don't want to disobey. :c "That is what I wanted, yes. Okay, I don't have much to tell you today except to remind you, marketplace, 8 PM." Hey, yeah, there's a big TVTropes meetup there. Why do you want me to go to that? ..she walked out. Guess I can go back to bed, then.
7:56 AM Donnie’s up. She said she missed me yesterday. ..and she kissed me. .w. FUCK YEAH APOCALYPSE
8:38 AM Fucking hate those things. They don’t ever do anything. They just stand there, moving only when I do. I’m beginning to suspect they aren’t really “zombies.”
12:52 PM More zombies got into the house. I got ‘em out.
4:44 PM OH MY GOD MORE ZOMBIES BACK BACK BACK There’s been a lot of zombies lashing out today. It’s almost like they’re choosing today, of all days, to group up. >___>
7:10 PM We’re heading out to the marketplace now, all three of us. It’s a stupid idea to leave the house unguarded, but what the fuck.
7:48 PM People are slowly pouring into the marketplace. It’s oddly devoid of all zombies.
8:06 PM Wow, a lot of people here recognize me ‘cause my TVTropes avatar is a drawing of Rael Fancyhat. ..which is my ALTER-EGO. :DDD (Inter-ego?) In the.. coat n’ hat. And scarf. And.. yeah, I’m easy to spot. I just heard, like, seven “DJays” right then. I’m getting hugged left and right. I love tropers.
8:21 PM Seems like someone’s gonna have to make a speech soon. This oughta answer a few of our questions.
8:29 PM I see Mister Speech Man Dude. I think that’s one of the moderators. I think. Shit, I’ve heard about him.
8:30 PM Speech time! “Attention. Attention, everyone. I don’t exactly have a microphone, so you’re just gonna have to be quiet, alright? Alright. Now, let’s get some facts straight: This is probably the end of the world. There are zombies in the streets. There are giant faceless torso men crawling around. There are portals to another dimension lying around. The internet has been down since Saturday. There are really dangerous creatures sharing our world. We have no idea what else is going on. There, see? Does that clear things up?” crowd’s laughing a bit “But none of that means we should give our hopes up. We’re all still alive, and we’ve made it through some pretty atrocious wars so as a species I think we’ll do just fine. The important thing to do is to gather whatever information we can find. So if we could all patiently raise our hands and, when called on, tell everyone whatever information you’ve been able to discern about this bizarre state of the world.” someone raises their hand, the mod points at them “I’ve been having bad dreams about the future, and from what I’ve gathered everyone’s been, so they’re probably important.” “Yes, good to note! Bad dreams about the future, real specific, I love it! Who’s next?” a woman over there “I have good friends in the Internet Service Providing industry, and before the internet went down last Saturday some of them were talking about their computers showing a figure made of clockwork. The internet had actually gone down before that day and they’d been able to get it back up, as apparently this clockwork virus thing can’t keep a total hold over the internet for too long, so something tells me the internet will come back. Probably go in waves.” murmuring mod “Wow, that’s some really vital information if your friends were right in what they saw! Way to go to them! Anyone else? C'mon, we’ve got all night!” uh I guess I’ll raise my hand “Yes, you there in the hat!”
Hi! I, uh. I’ve got a lot of things to say, actually; I’ve kinda been running all over the country so I’ve already encountered a fair bit of stuff. May I take some time to.. list.. stuff? “By all means.” First up, hi, I’m Jordan. Jordan Dooling. You guys know me as DJay. I’ve been kinda running all over the country, and I’ve seen plenty of shit. Can I say “shit?” Alright, shitting fuck, all that stuff. There are, uh.. there are these things called “spidercats.” I don’t know if you guys’ve seen them. Hell, they might not even be called that; I just… heh, yeah. Spidercats are exactly what they sound like. They’re cats. With eight legs. And they are bastards, seriously. Sure, they can be docile and cute just like any cat, but I warn you: If they get hostile, kill them swiftly and sharply. Try not to get ambushed. …that was shit advice, now that I think about it. I mean, you can’t exactly prepare for an ambush; it’s not an “ambush” then. I’ll move on. The big, faceless guys? I call ‘em “Big Ones,” and I find it’s a very helpful name for remembering which creature’s which. I haven’t seen any other giant creatures crawling around, and I can’t say I really want to. But yeah. Big Ones. I have no idea how to kill them. I just try to avoid them. Oh! Oh! A little tip: Big Ones love Pot Noodles. Found this out the hard way. You guys might want to write some of this stuff down. A while back, I encountered something some of you might not believe. This was an isolated event; I haven’t ran into the thing since, but still! Best to inform you. It was, um… no easier way to say this, really. A Cockroach Jesus. It was a giant cockroach. With the head of Jesus Christ. He was driving a car, no joke. He’s a little hostile. Chased me through the woods. Uh.. take notes if you see him. Or one. Might be more than one. Oh, important to note that it was specifically the head of the white western depiction and not anything historically accurate! ..moving on. In the aforementioned forest, not sure where but it’s somewhere close to Ashford, Middlesex. …SORRY NOT MIDDLESEX, I forgot it hasn’t been called “Middlesex” since 1962. SURREY. Right? Surrey? Yeah, Ashford, Surrey. Anyway! In the forest is a little town I found filled with green people. Now, uh.. trying not to sound racist here, but the green people were evil. They tried to kill me. I think. I’m.. well, my memory’s a little fuzzy as to what they actually did. I just realized I don’t have a name for them. …well, they had trees on their fingers. So “Treefingers.” Let’s call ‘em that. Kay? Kay. Question, did you have a questi… no, you were stretching. Kay. God, this is gonna take ages.
There seems to be a, um… does anyone know the towns near Ashford, Surrey? You do? Good. Um.. tell me, was “Hell” always there? It wasn’t? Yeah, well, it is now. It’s a weird town, clocks are a little broken, and your old friends show up as tarantulas, but it’s.. I mean, it’s not bad. I wouldn’t hate living there or anything. The only problem is this, uh… “Eldritch Bear.” It’s a giant bear thing that really isn’t a bear at all. It’s Eldritch. An Eldritch Abomination. I’m sure you tropers know what I mean. Just.. if you see a bear, run, okay? You probably didn’t need me to tell you that, actually. There’s also a really creepy man around there, looks a bit like the G-Man from Half-Life. Don’t know shit about him, sorry. He’s good with bears, though. Alright, let me pose a, um… scenario in your minds: Let’s say you’re— close your eyes, close your eyes, relax, you’re on a beach, you’re in the sky, you’re relaxed and in your happy place. Right. Now, you’re on the motorway and a giant truck is chasing you and trying to eat you. That’s the “Carbra.” Watch out for it. f them do have wings. Watch out. No special name; they’re just the flying zombies, really. Real flappy wings. Can’t miss ‘em. Unless you’re looking at the ground. But then, why would you be looking at the ground out in the middle of— oh, maybe there’s a spidercat eating your leg or something. God, that would be, like.. the worst day, ever. …sorry, moving on. London is fairly safe. Fairly. I’m sure some of you were wondering about that. See, the zombies there don’t hurt you. They just stand there, as do the ones around here. I have no name for these. ….but I guess I’ll make one now. Uhhhh… hrm, what’s a good name? They’re zombies… but they just stand there. They’re pretty dull. …how about “dull zombies?” Right, rolls off the tongue, sounds good. Now, up around the northern motorway, I have seen a certain crying man. Now, don’t fall for the same mistake I made, kay? Stay away from the crying man. If he runs from you, don’t follow. “But wait,” you ask. “What if it’s an actual survivor? How do I tell the difference,” you ask? Well. …I have no idea. Just, um.. call his name. Or say “HEY YOU.” If you get no response, he’s either the crying man or he can’t hear you or he’s distracted or he’s.. well, a lot of things. Fuck. Um.. just… be careful, alright?
Right. I’ll cut right to the good part: The slender man is real. Saw him when I was on Blackpool Tower the other day. Same slender man we all know and fear— slendercoat, slender body, no noticeable face. He didn’t attack me, but ohhhh god I’ve never seen him actually attack anyone in a story ohh god what’s gonna happen SORRY SORRY SORRY. Next: THE MOTHERFUCKING RAKE IS REAL. AND THERE ARE AT LEAST THREE OF THEM. Three Rakes. You know The Rake, I’m sure. Pale, hairless, dog-man, sharp claws, disturbing eyes. Yeah, there are at least three of them. Luckily, they are killable. And I have already killed two. But still, y’know? Prepare. My friend in the Americas let me know that the Grim Reaper might be real too. Wears a gas mask, apparently. Be on the lookout. What else. What else. Hoo boy. In London, right? In London, there is, uh.. how to explain him. He’s a man. In a hood. And he’s wearing a mask that’s a lot like a giant beak, covers his face. I thought he looked a lot like Ace, from RubyQuest, so I called him Ace Man. For some reason, I get the feeling he’s a lot more dangerous than when I just saw him standing there, so.. yeah. And here in Blackpool, stay away from the seaside, okay? You might run into a giant tentacle. I call it CTHULHU 2 or something, though I was told it’s nothing like Cthulhu at all, so don’t let my words distract you from reality. It controls the zombies around here. Okay, good I got that out of the way. Now, I think that should be it. Is that it? Yeah, I think that’s it. Thank you, and, uh… have a nice day.
“Thank you for that, DJay. That was pretty informative. But I think I have something you missed: The Harlequin.” The, uh.. the Harlequin? “Yes. Heard of her?” …no, I can’t say I have. <:D “Then I’ll explain. The Harlequin is an increasing threat in our attempts at survival. I’ve heard word of at least seven groups of survivors being defeated by her today. And with the more people she defeats, the stronger she grows, so something needs to be done sooner rather than later. The Harlequin, for all intents and purposes, is a living puppet. A marionette, y'know? Except she isn’t controlled by strings. She uses her strings to control us. Well, her victims. She loves to play tricks, whether just fooling us for fun or playing with her ‘food.’ It’s hard to tell who’s actually under her control, too. Her strings aren’t normally that easy to see. And if she knows enough about you, she can get your corpse to mimic you to a terrifying degree of accuracy.” Have there ever, um.. been reports of people.. following the Harlequin.. without being forced? "What, a genuine follower? No. No, nobody's been that stupid. To willingly go along? To just be some kind of... of pet? What would she have them do, probably murder. I have a word of advice to everyone here: You want to avoid the Harlequin. Kill the Puppets, put them out of their mercy. If there is someone willingly following her, kill them too! This is about survival, and protecting humanity!" ..ah. That answers my question. “Good. I’m glad it does. Now, then. Now that we’ve gotten all the serious business out of the way, let’s try living like humans again. Let’s have ourselves a party!” crowd cheeeeer
8:57 PM Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my goddddddddddd HELP.
10:31 PM I’m hiding in the bathroom. I just.. I need a moment. Oh my god, why am I freaking out so much, they love me, but I’m a traitor. You heard them, journal; you got it all written down. They'd hate my kind. I’m spineless. I’m a coward, a fool. A bitch. I’m a pet.
10:34 PM ….as I was walking out, I passed by a troper who I assumed was listening to his iPod. I looked again, he had no earphones nor any iPod or anything. Just wires. I’m gonna find Donnie.
10:38 PM I can’t find her. I guess I’ll.. keep looking.
10:44 PM Everyone’s looking at me. Why is everyone looking at me.
10:45 PM Someone’s stepping up to the stage. It’s the mod. He looks tired. “Attention, everyone. The time has come for the few of you who have been unconverted to step up.” ..the crowd’s pushing some people up to the stage. What the hell. …wait, am I converted already or somTALKING TALKING “We shall start with the first.” It’s a woman. ..obviously. I’ll shut up. ..wait. What’s he doing with that KNIFE WAIT asdfgh ….o_e There’s someone floating above him. Above the mod. I gotta get closer. The mod’s arms are raising. His hands are dangling as his elbows are up. The figure above him is doing the same. The figure’s moved their right hand to their throat. And.. I don’t need to tell you this but that’s his knife hand ohgod I can almost tell who the figurrjiweds Hello, Mistress. Mistress is pleased to see me here. I.. but.. fuck. Mistress says she’ll do that later; I may have been a good boy but she has other matters to attend to. That’s not what I… Mistress is making the mod talk more. She’s making him give a speech to the few remaining survivors, telling them how they shouldn’t have come, how the Mistress is so pleased they did come anyway. How their blind obedience will come in very handy. The crowd of puppets is closing in on the NONONO I’ve gotta do somethYES MISTRESS, oh god sorry sorry…I’m sorry, you guys. .__. I just.. I can’t. She can crush me like an ant. I couldn’t possibly… Oh god. Can I at least look awayYESMISTRESS ohgod I don’t wanna looooook blood blood look at that that’s death more and more tropers taken to the public spectacle I oh god please no that’s Donnie please. .___. Mistress sees I am passionate for this pathetic girl. Mistress decides she’ll show a little mercy, at least because it’s for her pet. But Mistress reminds me that her mercy comes at a price, a price that Mistress can and will claim when she so pleases. Yes, ma’am. >___< Mistress is ordering me to take Donnie and go to bed now. Mistress will see me in the morning. …her giggles. Not so comforting.
11:00 PM Donnie and I walked home slowly. Donnie stopped by a bin to vomit at one point. We didn’t speak to each other. She knows I’m a pet now.
(Attached: "What is this about? Tropes transcend television. They reflect life. We’re about celebrating fiction, not showing off how snide and sarcastic we can be. What is this about? What is this about? What is this about? What is this about?”) (Attached, flipped to other side: “Cyetbwla ewbtwnx eu tam ohytv, Sbjyw if lbnw lv usnz hcfaz Agl hkvdadfr gx spta bzx vxhoshogeay mw kxl ezo J.. kyeh, dhh Q jxhtdy ba. Naa Yemcjg vn Jafz Ztjjyail, tz Q'v cbzfxz pt. Lwex vn qov aur dhvx lgnibwd ns Uvybsxl ex vn ealwhz if lbnw nw Ag I esxbyhtx xska wx Rbdnnnl th ggn Icl umhcfwaeeg lapa as ocn yky yhc. Lapa as gcl xrlrrwfx. Apas jg zhn te. ...Vhvk htvsnh oed qgea fiwir: Vrhtagqpeaofi tbv VXN...”)
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teabookgremlin · 1 year
hello little gay people who live in my phone, here are my thoughts on yellowjackets 02x03. spoilers below cut
first of all! lets talk taivan bc i feel like we got some good stuff from them this week so i’m starting there bc i love them
- i felt so bad for tai when she had the realization of what happened. like she had no idea and it’s so upsetting like she had to process that not only did she do that but everyone else did it willingly! also how van just immediately tells her that she ate the face, van, baby, i love you but maybe don’t immediately tell your gf that she ate someone’s face in her sleep. also interesting to me that she went for the face given that in 02x01 she tries to eat van’s face in her sleep
- van following tai when she sleepwalked, she’s so so so worried for her and i feel like in this episode she really fully sees how bad it is. finding out about the man w/ no eyes, sleepwalking tai not being tai, it’s all super wild and i want to learn more i wanna know what her connection to the supernatural is and being drawn to the rune was interesting
- during the bird scene when van was collecting them like lottie said, the way tai was looking at her made me sad. like we know the cult shit is causing issues between them but i don’t like seeing it. i do think i read somewhere that tai ends up getting more into it to stay closer to van so that’ll be interesting to see
- ok now onto the big moment for the taivan girlies: THE FUCKING MIRROR SCENE i’m obsessed mirror tai mouthing “go to her” and forming the doomcoming mask with her hands oh my god i can’t. and then her immediately running out at taking her assistant’s (or advisor or whoever that lady is) and calling jessica roberts (rip). i wanna know how she ends up finding van cause we know jessica can’t help anymore but yeah just the desperation to go find her in that moment was a lot for me and i cannot wait to get adult van next week
alright now onto some more general thoughts that aren’t taivan
- once again feeling terrible for our doomed king, ben. the scenes where he was remembering paul and imagining having gone to him instead of getting on the plane… my poor guy :( also him hallucinating rabid gen was great and honestly valid. at this point i honestly feel like ben’s gonna end up killing himself, whether he just like stops eating or like full on commits suicide i honestly think he’s just gonna die then get eaten rather than being killed for food
- i loved the scene of nat just staring at jackie’s body. her guilt and shame was so clear and just demonstrated well between that scene and what she said to the bones after dropping them off at the plane
- i don’t trust walter. the way he instantly jumped to flattering misty in exactly the way that works on her makes me suspicious and i wanna know what he’s up to. other than that mostly didn’t care about him and misty’s shenanigans except that its leading them to lottie and therefore our mistynat reunion
- lottie telling shauna that jackie would’ve wanted shauna to eat her and shauna saying she wanted to eat her… the homoeroticism of cannibalism my beloved
- loved loved loved the bits with akilah this episode, her and tai talking, her talking about her nephew, it was just SO sweet and so wonderful and i love her
- misty and crystal agreeing that jackie was tasty, crystal telling misty about absorbing her twin in the womb, these two are enabling each other’s weirdness and i’m obsessed with their loser girl friendship
- nat hallucinating the moose was interesting bc she’s one of the few main girls that hadn’t hallucinated yet so wonder what that means
- listen. shauna threatening the dude was incredible, i love my unhinged milf, but like the car theft thing took up too much time and also we got too much jeff this episode
- misty’s gift at the baby shower killed me. loved nat, tai, and van talking shit about it that was great but like what the fuck misty why are you like this
- adult lottie seeing the hives bleeding and bees dead was really interested and i wanna know what it means
overall a pretty strong episode. i’m glad that in the wilderness they had a fairly chill time given everything, like we don’t need a big shocking scene each episode and this one was more about dealing with shit and i liked that. my biggest issue this week is, as many people are saying, too much men (ben is the exception bc he’s the only man on this show i really care about)
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s11e8 just my imagination (w. jenny klein)
this uh, sounds interesting. oh, i've scrolled past gifs of this guy, try to skip by anything with an actor i don't recognize nowadays
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DEAN Dude. Who you talking to? SAM Him? DEAN Are you having a stroke? Do you smell toast?
the sleepy face and morning voice but asking the questions while also making that face, very cute. 10/10 (wanna hear about how smelling burning isn't actually a classic symptom of stroke)
i, too, was taken aback by the marshmallows nachos, dean.
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DEAN Come on?? Are you kiddi… Look… This… mother… You and me, library, right now. Come on!
dad's pissed
SAM Dean, when I was nine years old, you know what I wanted more than anything? Marshmallow nachos. DEAN Yeah, you were a weird-ass kid.
marshmallow nachos plot device
SAM In Romanian lore, Zanna are creatures who guide and protect lost children. Zanna intentionally appear as figments of a child’s imagination, allowing the child to move on with confidence once guidance is no longer necessary. Maybe Sully’s telling the truth. DEAN Okay. Say Bozo is legit. Right? Which, you know – hello crazytown, but okay. How is this our problem?
don't be an asshole, dean
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DEAN Good. The Bert and Ernie pretext. Awesome.
if the shoe fits...
DEAN You know, this whole imaginary friend thing was dumb then and it’s dumb now. SAM Yeah, you’ve made that pretty clear. DEAN You didn’t think to tell me he was real? SAM Well, Dean, I didn’t think he WAS. You saw the lore book too, I mean, maybe when I was nine years old I thought he was real, but I grew up. Or grew out of it. Whatever. I left it.
don't particularly enjoy when they do this. dean's an ass, sam gets hurt and we feel sad for him.
DEAN And what did you need Drop Dead Fred for in the first place? SAM I was kind of a lonely kid, Dean. DEAN You weren’t lonely. You had me!
preemptively getting upset. you had me, except when you were old enough (according to john winchester) to stay for who knows how long alone. you know, at that big age of 9 years old. episode makes it seem like we're supposed to be upset with dean but this is all dad. and how exactly did john take dean hunting when he was younger than 9, where was sam. bobby? pastor jim? let me tell you the logistics get more preposterous the more you think about it, and with every new little backstory they decide to toss in
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comedy music and all, at least the visual gag was compelling what with the sparkly blood all over her hands and face
DEAN The whole family. Yeah, just get the whole gang in there… You know, the family that showers together… Kay.
combining this cracky murder mystery story with more groundwork of how sad and alone sam was as a kid, and how he spent so much of his life wanting to run away, blergh. meanwhile we see dean at that group home as a kid and considering staying, but seeing sam makes him decide to go home with them. thinking about it too much and making myself upset! great!
you can't make me cry and then have an extended air guitar demo by bleeding imaginary friend man.
slight reassurance that it's not that sam wants to run away from them, but that he just doesn't want to be left alone. which is a totally logical and understandable - especially for a fucking 9 year old - way to feel.
SULLY Yeah, it was really bad. You know, I’m not gonna lie to ya – when you went off to hunt, I considered that one of my biggest failures. It just seemed so clear to me that you wanted something else. But – I was wrong. And it all worked out, didn’t it? SAM I don’t know about that.
SULLY Come on. You’re a hero. Sam, you saved the world. I keep track of my kids. And you did really good, Sam.
real nice for someone to actually call out what sam did right
SAM Well… Not all good. There was some bad. And some really bad. Sully – I screwed up. I let something out into the world that was… SULLY You mean the Darkness? That’s what the others are calling it, I’ve just heard rumors. SAM I’m gonna fix it. I am. Dean and I, we’re – we’re gonna fix it. It’s just…
sam is being so vulnerable and earnest, hurts. good job, padalecki
SAM There’s this Cage in hell, and it’s where they keep Lucifer. And I’ve been in it, and it’s… And I think God wants me to go back. SULLY Ever think… about running away anymore? SAM I did. Um, I mean, I have. But not in a while. Not anymore.
so i'm not sure what direction that's to be taken. is running away going to the cage (surely not) then running away from the perceived responsibility of needing to do it? but we can't counsel sam on that without knowing for sure who's telling him this. because i mean sam has mentioned lucifer like, 4 times this episode. did you consider sam, my love, that lucifer is involved in the messages
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DEAN Trust me. Revenge? Ain’t gonna make you feel better. Listen, I’ve seen more than my share of monsters. And I mean REAL monsters, bad. These guys? These are Sesame Street Mother Teresas. But when I wasn’t there for my little brother, Sully was.
will always take when dean admits he was wrong and didn't see how him not being around affected sam, but the setup went a little too hard (imo) on dean being a clueless jerk. first appearance of the mushy music i think in s11.
SAM Sully. One thing I’ve learned – heroes aren’t perfect. SULLY Mm. Sometimes they’re scared. But that just means the thing that they’re facing, it’s super important. And nobody else is gonna go for it, because nobody else has got the balls.
damnit sully.
SAM Dean, we need to seriously discuss me going to the Cage. DEAN Okay. Not happening. Good talk. – Sam, even if these visions are real… SAM Yeah. It’s Lucifer? And me? In the Cage? I know. But this – this lump in my throat… It’s not an excuse. Not anymore. DEAN We’ll find another way. Okay? There’s always another way. SAM Okay. Then tell me – what is the other way?
did they not have this conversation back in whatever, first trip to the cage? s5? when they had 99% more information than they do right now. i cannot believe. I CANNOT BELIEVE we're making decisions without knowing FOR SURE who the visions are coming from. and why isn't sam more suspicious they're from lucifer? ok, so he's all traumatized by lucifer and thinking with his emotions and fear and feeling like he deserves the punishment. but hell, DEAN. since he's all dubious. how about a position that's reasonable what with sam's and their history, that the visions are from someone - but if not god, then WHO
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PLEASE talk more abt the social politics of all the egos I'm BEGGING YOU
Oh absolutely I will!
Okay so like not to talk about Dark and Jackie again but I actually wanna elaborate on their dynamic because I have this really funny picture of them in my head. So like Jackie talks a big game about hating Dark. Really does not like or trust that guy. Maybe they've beat the shit out of eachother a few times, who's to say. Here's the thing, I think Dark couldn't give less of a shit. I think at most he thinks of Jackie as being an occasional nuisance, but also as being occasionally useful. I think he like shows up to Jackie's secret hideout (bc of course he knows where tf it is Jackie is terrible at hiding shit), knocks on the door all polite and shit, and Jackie answers and is like "Dude wtf you can't just show up here, you're not supposed to know where I am, we're enemies!!" And Dark just walks in like "Yeah, yeah, 'enemies', anyways so Anti is being a nuisance-" bc he knows Jackie will take care of it because Anti is like the only person he hates more than him.
I really don't think Dark is particularly hostile towards any of the other egos by default, unless of course they're getting in his way at any given time. I think that's definitely another place he clashes with Jackie, because I've recently fallen in love with the headcanon that Jackie and Actor!Mark would be friends, bc Jackie bought his whole sob story about being a tragic hero and Dark isn't exactly one to come in and rationally explain things, so that misconception has just never been cleared up. And, again, the parallels Jackie has drawn in his head between Dark and Anti aren't exactly making him keen on listening to Dark at any point anyways.
On the other hand, I think it's rare that Dark is generally openly friendly with many of the other egos either. He's polite, y’know, but he's not exactly looking to be buddies. there's Wilford obviously. And I think he'd get along really well with The Host, actually. He's got this thing about control, so I feel like he'd be really drawn to The Host's narration, an attempt to get a leg up in his plans, stay one step ahead. And I think The Host, having had a similar history with an obsession with control (I am a Host was the Author truther) is happy to help guide Dark in the right direction as long as he's not directly interfering with the story. I feel like he'd give really good advice too, maybe steer Dark towards letting go a little bit.
Other than that I think, maybe surprisingly, that he'd be on pretty good terms with Schneeplestein. Like, Henrik is the only one of Jack's egos who has a direct line of communication with Dark type get along. Like. They catch up over the phone regularly type of get along. I am completely serious. I think Dark likes having at least one ear on the inside of Jack's egos and Henrik is happy to have someone of a bit higher elevation to talk to. Maybe Dark occasionally funds his practice in exchange for information. Who's to say. I think Dark absolutely went to Henrik with all the worm hole stuff after Space.
I think Henrik definitely doesn't exactly share that connection with Jackie all things considered, since he's kind of already walking a fine line with the guy considering the occasional moral ambiguity of his work. He's not looking to be seen as a traitor in any sense in addition.
I think the Jims would follow Jackie around a lot. He'd be in the middle of crime fighting shit and they come in like lost puppies and fuck it all up trying to interview him. He broke his rule of avoiding Wilford at all costs to talk to him to try to get them to stop and it Did Not Work. Maybe he pawns them off on Chase or Marvin eventually.
I think that Chase and Dark would actually get along okay. I have this personal headcanon that Damien had a soft spot for kids when he was alive that kind of carried over to Dark, so I think he'd feel for Chase a little, maybe be particularly polite when they run into eachother, be willing to do a bit more for a bit less in return. He'd never admit it though.
This whole paragraph is just gonna be a bunch of my headcannons about the Markiplier TV crew. I love the idea that Bim's show got canceled bc of. Well. All of it. And the reason he's at Markiplier TV is because Wilford was the only one who would hire him. He's absolutely a fucking suck up about it. Illinois was on his show once and they had a similar dynamic to his dynamic with Matthias in Hire My Ass. Ed brings it up to this day. Ed and Bim are regularly at eachothers throats ("Mr. 'It was only one cannibalism accusation' over here-" "OH! Says the man who's been publicly, UNSUCCESSFULLY, trying to sell his son for the last DECADE-"). They beat the shit out of eachother in the breakroom and Yancy joins in just cause he likes a good fight. And also maybe a little bc he hates Ed's whole deadbeat dad thing. Bing thinks he's friends with Bim but Bim just hasn't figured out how to avoid him around the office. I think Bing is like solely in charge of public relations on the station. And Google fucking can not stand it. Because somehow Bing has the most human understanding of how they all come across to other people out of any of them, and Google 'I have all the data in the world' Iplier, is pissed because be thinks he could do that job easy. He could not. Which is why he works as Dark's assistant, doing stuff that his more logical, inhuman focus is actually helpful with. You might be surprised to learn that Jim News is actually the most successful program to come out of the network. So was everyone else at the network. All of the other hosts fucking hate this fact and refuse to acknowledge it. The Jims couldn't care less. They don't even realize they're the highest rated.
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showfallmediaarchivist · 11 months
[Transcript Begins.]
[The Camera is positioned in someone's front pocket, giving a view of an incredibly wrecked room. The only area seemingly not crumpled is the bed, in which the person is sat on. It is just opposite the door, seemingly to the room.]
?: You're okay, you're safe, you're okay. Just keep the bandages on.
[Voice Identified: William Keane.]
[A sharp knock on the door is heard.]
?: Can I come in?
[Voice identified: Cassius.]
W: Oh, y-yeah! Come on in, excuse the, uh, mess?
[The door opens, and Cassius steps in, he glances around the room, before closing the door and walking closer. He appears to be fairly beat up, but he doesn’t acknowledge it, focusing on Will.]
W: Hey, Cass! H-how're you?
C: I’ve been better. I’m fine, though. No need to worry. How are you?
W: The same..do you wanna..talk about it?..
[Cassius stares at Will for a few seconds.]
C: I… can I?
W: Yeah, man, of course! You can sit down, if you want as well?
[Will's arm moves, revealing the appendage to be heavily bandaged to the camera. He taps the bed as an inviting gesture.]
[Cassius nods, and sits down next to them.]
C: If I start to bother you, let me know. I um… haven’t actually been able to talk to anyone about what happened a few nights ago yet.
W: Cass, you can speak to me about anything, dude. Don't feel pressured to, but. You can.
C: Alright. Um… so as you’ve probably heard. The two guys who nabbed me at the bar tried to bury me alive in the forest. I… it’s stupid, but I keep thinking back on it. I thought I was a fucking goner there.
[He clears his throat, bringing his hand up. His hands appear to have slashes in them, he moves his hand back down quickly.]
C: I’ve died so many times before, why would this one be any different, you know? Why did I actually feel afraid this time? I just… I can’t get it out of my brain.
W: Cass, it was a traumatic event. If you had died there, you probably knew it would be a while if someone found you. You could be scared of dying, after living for, well, this long. It's most likely a trauma response, being buried alive is..fucked. fucks with the head, since its a mix of different feelings to the brain. You're allowed to feel scared or sad about it, maybe not to certain people, but here? You can.
[Cassius stays silent for a while. Before saying something quietly.]
C: They called me an ‘it’.
W: They…what?
C: I remember this so fucking clearly. One of them said ‘It’s eyes freak me out.’ I wasn’t even a fucking person to them. I mean, I… I get that some people like to be called that. I’ve met a few people. But it doesn’t sit right with me.
W: that's messed up. They were..if they weren't already dead I'd murder them myself. Cass. You don't deserve things like that being said to you, you hear?
C: I know… I… I just…
W: Yeah?
C: Never mind. It’s stupid.
W: No, it isn't. Nothings stupid in here, alright?
C: … I try to keep my own image as a person in mind. Like, I try to remind myself that I’m still… human. But things like that are…
W:...I know what you mean. Maybe not exactly the same scenario, but trying to remind yourself that you're a human? Some people have, really fucking narrow views, and will think of just one certain ideal, "one specific type of human" or "one specific type of clothing." They're completely wrong. Everything is diverse, including the idea of a human, and I want you to know you fall right into the human category. No matter what assholes say.
C: … Thank you… I really needed to hear that. I… I also need to apologize.
W: What for? There's no need to?
C: No, no, there is. I’m sorry for stabbing Mari through the hand. It was… completely unnecessary.
W: Ah. I..did think it was, until. I realised. Its the strikes, isn't it.
[He nods.]
W: Yeah. Consider it, already fuckin' forgotten, dude. I can't say I wouldn't stab someone's hand if I was in the same position. Already forgiven, no apologies towards me needed. I can pass one on, if you can't?
C: That would be much appreciated.
W: I can do it as soon as I can. And Cassius?
C: Yeah?
W: C'mere.
[The Camera moves, going dark as Will appears to pull Cassius into a hug.]
C: … Thanks, Will.
W: It's no problem. At all.
[After a few seconds, the camera can survey the room once more.]
C: Uh… do you want to talk about… any of this?
[He gestures vaguely around the room.]
W: Ah. I probably should, shouldn't I.
[There's a dry chuckle from William.]
W: Drugged. Got drugged with a sedative, I think?
C: Jesus. That’s…
W: Yeah. Not..not fun.
C: We need to not store sedatives in this building. Or at least not leave them out where people can get to them without difficulty.
W: i..don't know if that would stop xem. She's pretty determined, I'll give xer that.
C: [Muttered.] Fuckin’ Florble. Jesus Christ.
W: The one and fucking only. I..tried to keep xer away? At least to get time, but…did not work. I don't like sedatives. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. 2nd bad experience with them, really need to stop getting on the bad side of people with access to them.
C: You and me both…
W: Lessons for the future, at least, right?
C: Yeah. Although, I think Ophelia dealt with Nicholas effectively enough that he won’t try that again.
W: I still don't understand why he did that? Like, I don't think there was much motive?
C: Probably just because he thought he could.
W: With what he did to you, and what he recently did to Rose, I have half the mind to permanently destroy his enhancements. I won't, but.
C: As much of an asshole as he is, he’s too used to them. He’s had those extra arms for years. He wouldn’t be as effective of a team member without them.
W: Hmph. Fine. Won't destroy his ribcage, then. But point still stands.
[Cassius laughs loudly, as soon as he stops, he pulls a piece of grass out of his mouth.]
C: How the fuck is there still grass in there.
W:...Cass. They didn't just get a 'bit of dirt' on you. Did they?
C: … do you want the full truth, or the less concerning version.
W: Truth. As long as it doesn't distress you.
C: Um. It wasn’t just a little bit. It was… well. 6 feet. Of dirt. Those fuckers shoveled fast.
C: It’s fine, though! I’m all good!
W: That is not all good! At all! Dude!
[The camera darkens again, as a second hug is given.]
C: Will, I’m fine. It was a close call, but I’m fine.
W: Not letting that happen again. Too close.
C: I’ve had worse happen, honestly.
W: Once again, I put emphasis on this: THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT OKAY!
C: Er, maybe not, yeah.
W: Cass, I'm begging you, get those cuts cared for. Rest.
C: Oh, I was hoping you wouldn’t notice those.
W: …I'm an Archivist for a reason, cass. I'm observant, maybe a dumbass but I see things. Please.
C: I’ve been trying to get some rest, but I had to be there for the job yesterday. I don’t think it would have gone… as smoothly as it did. Not saying it went perfect, but it would’ve been worse.
W: I still need to read that transcript, but I'll trust your word for it.
C: Ah, um. Just a warning. It did go pretty badly. But, luckily, we won’t have to go to that club for jobs again anytime soon.
W:...the club's gone, isn't it.
C: Yeah. Ophelia and Ness burnt it down.
W: Huh. Well. That's that.
C: Speaking of Ophelia… I haven’t seen her since she walked Ness into Marina's house.
W: Sleepover, Maybe?
C: Probably, using that one enhancement takes a lot of energy, and with the scale xe used it at… zey’re probably pretty tired.
W: Ah, definitely knocked out then?
C: Yeah. Likely.
W: Cannot blame xer in the slightest!
C: I think someone was taking a video of the fire when she screamed, because I saw it while I was looking at my phone earlier.
W: Ah, that's. Gonna be a pain to get rid of then, isn't it. Who's gonna do it dyou think?
C: Dunno, I might get Alexander to do something about it. But, then again. Something is probably already being done.
W: Mm. Well, if you want anyone to help, I'm happy to?
C: I’ll let you know if we need any help, thanks for the offer.
W: might as well get comfortable with my job!
[He does say this with a more, lighthearted tone.]
C: Yeah. Uh, do you want any help cleaning your room up a bit? I’m not busy.
W: If you can? I would really appreciate it, Cass. Thank you.
C: It’s no problem, Will. A messy room isn’t ideal for mental health or something, I think Naomi told me that once.
W: That checks out, honestly. I..yeah. Thank you, dude.
[Cassius gets up and makes his way to the centre of the room, he starts picking things up and tidying the room up.]
[The camera jostles as Will moves about also attempting to tidy the room.]
C: Hey, let me do this. Sit back down.
W: No, I'm helping.
C: Incorrect, actually. You’re injured. You need to sit back down.
W: So are you. We could just leave it?
C: No, you let me ramble about the thing that happened a few days ago, so I’m going to help clean up. It’s only fair.
W: It's not like a transactional thing, Cassius, you don't have to.
C: Just let me do this for you, dude.
W:...fine. as long as you rest afterwards.
[The camera stills as William sits back down with a huff.]
C: Fine. You sound like Ophelia.
W: Not necessarily a bad thing.
C: Yeah.
[Will does fidget a bit, moving the camera at random intervals.]
C: Do you want any new things for this place?
W: Maybe….some books?
C: Any preference for genre?
W:I…Don't know actually. I don't think I've ever read an actual book in here that wasn't the stupid files- ..can't say that. Sorry. Maybe a mix?
C: Alright, uh, fair warning. You might end up with several dictionaries. I’m not very good at buying books. I also might have a few older ones in my room, you can have some of those.
W: They're yours, cass, I don't wanna take them from you. And, dictionaries would be pretty funny to have. Imagine pulling one out whilst in an argument-
C: Alexander does that, so fucking often. And then he uses the words wrong.
W: They have examples on how to use them below??
C: I think he does it on purpose. One time he just said ‘perchance’ and then acted like his statement made complete sense.
W: I really wanna know how he thinks things through, and how the hell he comes to conclusions. Amazing.
C: So do I. One time he just walked up to me and said ‘You’re so sucks.’ And left. I don’t even know why he was mad at me!
W: Honestly he may have not been at all, just seems like something he'd do-
C: Yeah. I think he does most of the things he does for shits and giggles. Like his leg enhancements. He has roller skates built in. I asked him why he got those a week after and he just told me he thought it’d be funny.
W: That's. Actually kinda funny, to be honest!
C: Mhm, it was funny, I’ll give him that.
W: I've got to ask him about tha—OW.
[It grabs at his head, the camera position moving]
C: Woah! Hey, are you alright?
[Cassius rushes over, leaving whatever part of the room he was cleaning up.]
W: M-Mhm! It's-it's fine!
C: Are you sure?
W: Kinda?
C: Is it… uh. Okay I genuinely can’t remember the name, so I have to use the name Florble.
[Will laughs, but it's cut short as it grabs his head again.]
W: May just, be headache. Maybe. Hurts a lot.
C: I can go grab some painkillers if you need them. I have a lot in my room.
W: Y-Yeah, if that's, okay?
C: Alright, I’ll be right back.
[Cassius sprints out of the room, the door closing loudly behind him.]
W(?): How..näive.
[Cassius returns a few seconds later, painkillers in hand.]
C: Got them.
W(?): Thank you, so much Cassius, God this hurts..
[Cassius freezes.]
C: ‘God’?
W(?): I don't know, Man, this fucking hurts.
C: … You’re not Will.
W(?): Hm. I said the wrong word, didn't I.
C: Mhm.
?: Well. There's no recovering from that, I suppose. His head truly was hurting though.
C: Because of you? Or because of something else?
?: Oh, because of me. You should've felt Its fear when it realised. Amazing. As it should be.
C: Around a month or two ago I would’ve agreed. But I don’t now. What do you want.
?: Our second session, of course! I did say I need to retrain it.
C: It'd be greatly appreciated if you could explain what that means.
?: Well, I suppose that is in order. I'm assuming you saw what I managed to do yesterday- hold on. The brat bandaged my handiwork. Rude. I was so proud!
[Will's hands reach just above the camera, pulling bandages away from its neck. Cassius seems to tense up.]
?: You see? I'm extremely proud! If the child didn't "help" it, the lesson would have been more affective, but. Suppose that means more lessons for us! You see, I'm teaching it to be less defiant, more..well! Useful! It seems to forget just what it is,with stupid dreams. Wanting to leave, of all things!
C: I see. And you’re going to keep this up for… how long?
?: As long as I can before it breaks! After all, it's "dreams" are also incredibly easy to infiltrate.
C: Hm.
?: Also! I would appreciate access to the sedatives and poisons still, it won't kill it!
[Cassius moves his hands behind his back, a singular quiet crunch can be heard. He smiles.]
C: You can only have access to the first. Poisons are a no.
?: Hm. Spoilsport.
C: Main reason, those are mine. Personal use only.
?: Ah! Thats..understandable. If you hear screaming or yelling, it'll just be this brat. I promise not to kill it!
C: I have one more request, before you… do this.
?: Oh?
C: Since it has two jobs to be doing, instead of one. If it’s busy with something PR related. Wait until that’s over with. I’d hate to lose productivity over a little retraining.
?: That can easily be done! As I said, dreams are easy to get into! Of course!
C: Thank you, Fl– Virus. I only ask because I was considering asking for help with that video of Ophelia.
?: Ah, that's no worries! And, if you come across that..idiot that helped it?
C: Yes?
?: Please remind them that, even if they try to attack me, it's the Archivist they are hurting?
C: Yes, I’ll let them know.
?: Amazing! Do you want the archivist now? Or am I alright to begin?
C: If you could refrain from doing so for a little, that would be wonderful.
?: Hmph, have it your way!
[The aspects of Will's body visible to the camera go slack, and he falls forwards.]
C: … I…
[The camera slips out of their chest pocket as they fall, landing with the lenses pointing at Cassius and William.]
[Cassius doesn’t move, the only movement that can be seen is his breathing.]
[Will is simply lying on the floor, unresponsive yet there are visible signs of life.]
[Cautiously, Cassius takes a few steps. He pauses for a few seconds, then closes the gap, kneeling down at its side.]
C: [Quietly.] Will…?
[There's a noncommittal response from the body on the floor, then a whisper.]
W: What?....
C: You’re back? It’s actually you?
W: I, uh..think?
C: Thank fuck, okay. I have painkillers, if you still need those. And we have to do some actual PR work. I’m really sorry, I tried to help, I swear.
W: I-i believe you, its- fine,its okay. Can I, uhm, have the painkillers? Please?
C: Yeah, here.
[Cassius hands them the painkillers, before standing back up.]
[Will takes them, whilst attempting to get into a better position for taking them. It manages to slot them through the gaps in its muzzle, taking the pills dry.]
C: I’ll… meet you outside. I’m sorry.
[Cassius backs up, and quickly exits the room, closing the door behind him.]
W:.... my fucking head.
[Transcript end.]
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chatx · 3 months
Ooh gotchu gotchu. I feel a lot better now because i was really walking on eggshells trying to figure out how to make you comfortable and stuff. 😭 It was also like. My first time ever sexting with someone who's not cis so i was EXTRA on edge, even as i tried to figure out my gender identity myself. Like for me it's somewhat clear.. Something inbetween the lines of androgyny and gender fluidity but.. it's still pretty scrambled. I don't know if i like to dress boy-ish more than dressing girly but i also DON'T know if i would rather commit to a more masculine gender identity rather than a more neutral-feminine gender identity.
It's why i placed 'any pronouns' instead of they/them. I wanted to SEE how i felt with he/him pronouns. With they/them pronouns. I know how i feel with she/her pronouns.. which is pretty tame cause i've been cis for 18 years up until this point. But i sort of found out that i'll either feel happy when reffer with he/him pronouns or i'll feel pure apathy.
I especially remember the times when i was on Anime Amino (TRAUMA JUMPSCARE) and because of my pfp, some people would mistake me as male. And i really, REALLY did not give a fuck. In fact, i found it somewhat funny. But not in like: haha they think i'm a dude!!! More as in: Oh shit i'm so good at this. I wonder how long it will take until they reali- oh my friend just corrected him on my pronouns. And i still think about it. A lot. Like i really did not care and in fact, it makes me somewhat euphoric. In a way.
I don't neccessarily think i cracked any eggs or came out of any shells. I think this is very life-changing but it HAS been inside of me. I just never realized it. And now that i'm digging deeper into this is like, i'm growing into it. I still have some dilemmas, like i still heavily relate to the female experience and feel it so fucking personal but fuck. Sometimes i just want to be a dude yk? Like being a girl also fucking sucks. It's easier sometimes to be more of a dude because i also don't have to deal w toxic masculinity since, i already know that's bs. Damn i just realized i never had anyone to talk about this to LANSKSJWNSK. But no yeah, it is a pretty scrambled, deep thing. Like this shit feels sooo fucking personal and i feel myself blooming into this and more into my own truth. But it also has to do w many things about myself that i can be so unsure about. Everyday i'm discovering new things and it's like: how the fuck did i not know this about me? It's insane but so much fun. Anyway. Idgf about my gender overall, like sometimes i just don't think about it too.much. if it makes me happy, that's what matters. :)
Hopefully you also found that within yourself too little bro. I need to see you happy n shinning like Dave Strider... Well he's more of a badass than happy but you know what i mean lmao. <3
And.... you say... you bark like a dog, huh..? You mind if i... drags you into an alleyway and forces your legs to open LISTEN it's good for your health!!¡! Im.just a curious cat!!! Shoves my FAT DICK in and-
I've basically always known i wasn't cis but i started identifying as trans when i was like 11. like being male is always a part of my identity but i also LOVE gender neutrality. esp rn i love they/them pronouns. it usually goes between masc and androgynous but rn esp i like androgynous (though masc things still make me happy)
i care a lot abt my gender cus i just. love labels. i need them. i tried just "queer" and it didn't work for me. like i need SPECIFICS!!! (ive been completely ignoring my sexuality bc of that. bc it's worse than my gender.)
arf arf
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