#oh yesh that reminds me
So anyway I caught up on the most recent two episodes of wtnv and listen he may have missed but he tried your honor <33 that's what's important
The entire episode was adorable :) and also blood boiling at points xD, but I'm mostly stuck on that part XD.
Also ALL HAIL. 😭😭💔❤️
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I actually can't believe people talk about the weather in real life? like the small talk? is it not satire? you're just out here talking about the weather? like actually? fr? the one thing we make fun of the most when it comes to small talk???
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PIBTLW Death x reader Hcs // mild nsfw //
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Let’s hope you’re stretchy cuz he does enjoy frisky time and he is very large
His favorite resting position when he gets home after work is face squished between your thighs, nose pressed against your genital region, nonsexually, unless you want it that way ;>
Melts when you scratch the back of his neck, his tail starts wagging and he can’t help but relax and turn into a puddle
Also weak to boops and squishing his cheeks with your palms. When you do this he just adores how happy you look, it reminds him of why he cherishes life so much, despite literally being death. 
He prefers to not wear clothes, as he enjoys the freedom of not being restrained by the cloth. Kinda like putting clothes on dogs, lol.
He’s not necessarily protective, but since people know he’s death and you’re important to him, he knows there are people who will try and hurt you to get at him. 
Call him a good boy. Please. He gets so happy. 
“Who’s my good boyyyyyyyyy~?”
“Is it me? Am I the god boy?”
“Yesh you areeeeeee, my good puppy-wuppy~” 
He’ll get on his back and let his tongue fall out, like a dog, as you rub his belly.
Praise him, he’s weak to it
Honestly, he's infatuated with the taste of your blood. One day you two got a little carried away, and he bit a little too hard, but the flavour was immense. You're so sweet, in every way. How do you do this to him?.
Oh yeah also gently bite on his ear as you're fucking and he'll make a noise he'll never admit he made // <3
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aehyei · 2 years
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pairing: boyfriend!njm x reader, genre: pure floof, established relationship!au, tw: uh drunk reader and drunk jaemin = chaos
AUHTOR’S NOTES : WHO’S EXCITED FOR AUGUST?? I KNOW I AM !! anyways this is just like somehow to ready you for a whole month of nana in 31 days and nights with na jawmin
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So if he says that he wants to marry you now, expect to wake up with a wedding ring on your finger.
On usual days, you’d probably be the most sober one compared to your boyfriend as you didn’t really like drinking that much. But tonight’s different and special—Jaemin got a perfect on the project he had been stressing about! And like any normal thing to do, you both decided to celebrate inside your shared apartment. So by now, it’s clear you're both very, very, very drunk.
Again, if you didn’t jug alcohol for the past few hours, you would’ve pushed his face away and playfully rolled your eyes at his flirting. But right now, you just grinned and wrapped your arms around his neck, flirting back, “yes, handsome?”
Jaemin’s heart fluttered countless times that night, trying his best to aim and kiss your lips (although he still misses a lot). Then another random thought made him blabber out some incoherent words and finally some words that you could understand.
Jaemin’s heart fluttered countless times that night, trying his best to aim and kiss your lips (although he still misses a lot). Then another random thought made him blabber out some incoherent words and finally some words that you could understand.
“Let’s get married.”
You visibly froze, stiffening in his hold. Feeling your tensed body, his eyes widened and maybe he sobered a little when he started to scold himself for not keeping his thoughts to himself. “W-Wait—fuck—wait, I mean—”
“Jaemin?” You whispered, cutting him off, “let’s do it.”
You didn’t have to say it twice. You both planned to get married exactly by midnight, so Jaemin video called Mark and explained to him how he wanted to get married to you with eyes barely opened.
Mark was far from concerned, exchanging looks with Doyoung beside him. “Okay, let me try to get this straight: you’re both drunk and you want me to announce you husband and wife? Like dude, won’t any of you regret it by the next day?”
“Mwark!” You appear on the screen.
Mark and Doyoung screeches at the sight of you, accidentally dropping the phone. Taeyong and Haechan rush to the room in panic. “What’s going on?!” Taeyong asked, still alarmed, “I heard two girls scream. Have you guys been hiding girls here?”
“Shut up Taeyong.” Doyoung hisses and tries to remove your image in his mind. Mark gulped and took his phone, looking at you and Jaemin with widened eyes, “D-Dude, oh my god, you’re both actually serious.”
Haechan marched his way to the phone, rudely grabbing it away from his hold and choked out laughs, snorting in between. “Y-Y/n! W-Why the fuck do you look like a ghost bride!?”
And you do. It was clear you tried to wear make-up, but because of your wasted state and huge headache, the lipstick didn’t stay on your lips and the eyeliner looked like a mess. Jaemin scowled at him, covering your ears, “No! Back off you demon! My wife is a pwetty bwide!”
“...are they drunk?”
“Yesh.” You answer Taeyong.
“Just do it Mark, it'll be interesting in the morning. Oh and Hyuck, grab the camera. We gotta film this for future blackmail.” Doyoung snickers. Mark chuckles and settles the phone where the four boys could see. “Alright lovebirds, a wedding you want, a wedding you shall get.”
You and Jaemin did a fist bump and also angled the camera where it would capture the two of you, facing each other with lovesick gazes.
“I think I’m gonna be sick….” Haechan gagged a little. Taeyong slapped the younger man’s shoulder as a reminder to focus on recording the whole thing. Mark cleared his throat and started.
“Blah, blah, blah, will you Na Jaemin, take Y/n as your wedded wife?”
“I dW—”, Jaemin’s voice cracked, making you smile widely. He smiled too then proceeded to speak clearly, “I do.”
“And will you Y/n, take Na Jaemin as your wedded husband?”
“I do.” You say without hesitation, a little distracted with how the stars twinkled in Jaemin’s eyes.
“Then you may kiss the bri—”
Jaemin didn’t even let Mark finish his sentence. Instead, he jumped on you and finally succeeded in capturing your lips with his. The action caused the camera to fall on the floor. The kiss was passionate and full of love, neither of you had any plan of pulling away.
“Are they—”
“End the call at least!”
“Let’s film this too—”
“No!” Doyoung, Mark, and Taeyong scream in unison, ending the call and launching on Haechan.
Perhaps the wedding that happened wasn’t ‘legal’. There were no wedding rings, no wedding gown—nothing except you, Jaemin, and the rest of the guys. It wasn’t perfect nor extra, but it was enough. Even if you and your boyfriend (husband?) wake up with the biggest headache in the morning, there would be no regrets.
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Hello!!! I wanted to first congratulate you on the milestone for followers! You deserve it honestly with your artwork and designs that are so well-crafted and a delight to see every time you pop up on my dash. Part of me lowkey gets inspired every time, wondering if I could describe them in some writings I do, hehe.
But anyway!!! I offer my humble Shopkeep, the sona of my blog for possible outfit design? Cheers!
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Hello dear Shopkeep!
Oh my what kind words, I don't know if I deserve such praise, but I'm truly happy to have kind, and respectful followers!! That truly means a lot that my design might make some people "pleased, happy"! And potentially inspired them! Ohh if you do, please let me read it!!!
For sure, I'll make your sona's tumblr, an outfit!
Hope you'll like it!
Again thanks!
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K:"Good evening Mishter Shopkeep! Yesh my mashter is ready for your meeting! Pleashe come to me firsht, I have a shpecial outfit for tonight!"
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That was definitelyyyyy a challenge, such an interesting design to twist!!
Reminds me a lot of "Nightmare before Christmas"'s vibes somehow!
I kept your whole design, I just added some formal and classy touch!
("Met Gala K edition lol")
Hope I didn't ruined your chara...
Again thanks!!
Take care~
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asexualbookbird · 1 year
oh i saw that "reblog and tag what your ereading" post which reminded me! there was a scene in A Gathering Of Shadows that i really DID NOT LIKE lololol
been vibing with Alucard, i find him interesting, i love that lilas like "huh weird that i dont know of any of alucards enemies!" and then we see kell go "ugh i HATE that guy i want to punch his face"
i like lila well enough, shes an entire mood, but yeah im tired of her being mean to Girls In General, which wouldnt bug me nearly as much if we had Literally Any Other Woman to latch on to, but come ON okay
Alucard has just had a Moment where hes like "ah yes Lila has clearly been Traumatized and does not trust people and does not like getting close to people" and his next move is to kiss her???? mid sentence??????? bro WHAT is your thought process there lmao
it makes NO sense to me, yesh sure it was funny when the narrative was like "oh btw Lila pulled a knife on him" but AGAIN. THATS THE POINT. WHY WOULD YOU KISS HER LIKE THAT WHEN SHES COVERED IN KIVES AT ALL TIME AND IS BERY GENEROUS IN USING THEM
Even ignoring her feelings (which he did!) what about HIS safety! did not like this scene lololol
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fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
(Hi, me again. I remember you saying that Virgil might have run into Oswald at the aquarium when I want somewhere with him so I was relieved that the fates were on my side.)
Hey Rem, hi Rem. I heard your conversation with Logan. Have fun at the zoo and I’ll give you the stuff when you get home.
Hey! Welcome back. Here you go just as promised. Injections for Remus and pills for Remy.
Glow Eyes
"I don't believe we have the resources to make the tapes edible to spiders so we will have to find another solution" Logan said.
"If we film it instead of making it a live installation we can try as many times we want" Remus excitedly replied.
They were sitting on the bench in front of the spider exhibition while loudly chattering. Logan was showing his notebook with his new research while Remus showed off the parts of his sketchbook related to the idea.
Remy was laying with their head in Remus' lap with their eyes closed since they weren't interested at all and also high off of half a zanny.
Remus looked up and smiled at your short message "Thanks duder! We're getting suuupper good spidey info right here!! We're practically doing science here! Get the nobel prize over here!"
"I must admit I have been a bit close minded around art but talking with Remus has truly enlightened me that art can contain fun things such as research and extensive planning"
He nodded along "Yeah! Yeah! Log over here is helping me with installation ideas!!"
"And me!" Remy blurted out while punching their fist into the air.
He patted them on the head "Yesh my muse of course" It made them laugh.
The two nerds continued to discuss different ways to make the installation as safe as possible for the spiders for a while. Until Remus noticed that Remy was starting to get bored and thought of what they would enjoy.
"Wanna go oogle at jellyfishies?"
"I'd rather prefer seeing the exhibition on animal bones but you two can go look at the jellyfish while I do that" Logan suggested.
"They remind me of floaty dresses" Remy chuckled out.
Remus walked circles around Remy the entire way to the jellyfish. They stepped into a small darkened house that held most of the zoo's aquatic animals. The air was a bit chillier in there and all the windows were darkened. Soft blue lightning shone up from lamps imbedded in the floor.
The jellyfish swam around in a large tank. They embdedded the room into a purple as their pink hues mixed with the blue water. Remy almost collapsed onto the bench in front of the tank and Remus sat down next to them.
"They're so pretty" Remy mumbled out "You'd think they could kill someone?"
"Oh I think they could kill Several! Especially small children or middle aged men with weak hearts!"
Remy chuckled before leaning their head against his shoulder. They followed one of the jellyfish with their eyes as it swam up to catch a piece of food. They imagined themself wearing a big poofy jellyfish dress with their skin no longer looking sickly pale and their hands no longer quivering with fear.
"Beanie I-" Remus reached out and placed his hand atop of theirs as he turned his head towards them "I've been really thinking bout-"
All of a sudden Remy flinched back. Away from his shoulder. Away from his hand. His comfort.
For a moment they had thought he was going in for the kiss and their heart had started to beat out of their chest in response. It literally felt like their entire spine and all of their muscles were yearning to move closer to him and yet they stayed the same as they parsed their lips.
"I- I gotta tell you something" Remy blurted out "And like it's super okay if you're like gonna get mad at me or something for it"
"Don't tell me you've had a secret twin this whole time" Remus replied in a dead serious tone.
"What? No. Girlie no. Nothing like that. I just- Like- When I was still staying with..Virgil..After like halloween I think this dealer started to like come over to our place like pretty often and I think- I'm pretty sure he might have been your....your...Oswald"
Remus looked at them with a stunned expression. He didn't say anything.
"I didn't know it was him but like as soon as you told me like what kind of asshole he was I promise I haven't seen him, haven't talked to him, haven't anything since then. I like get it if you're mad though"
".....he's a bad guy right?"
"Yeah. Yes! Of course! Obviously! He was horrible to you!"
"Beanie I don't really understand why I should be mad at you then?"
"I mean- I guess- I'm still sorry. I just feel like gross knowing I've met him"
Remus glanced away as he thought. He leant his head in his hands and dragged his fingers through his hair "He didn't do anything right? Like you haven't like kept something for yourself just 'cause you've been worrying about my reaction"
"No! Like at most I think he might have like asked for my deadname while I was like high. I promise-"
"That's still awful" Remus added in.
"I- In hindsight....He was really like sleezy? Or I mean like...like it always felt like I was missing what he really was like trying to do. Like I 100% get why you would like fall in love...or whatever you did...to this guy 'cause he was just so...persuasive....especially when I was with Viv"
"He is still doing the exact same shit!" Remus lips quivered a little and his hands moved into fists "He's so- He's so- I feel so stupid for not getting what he was sooner"
"Hey no. Hun it took me you telling me to realize he was actually like being all creepy and flirty to me 'cause I just thought I was crazy" Remy said it as softly as they could "Is it alright if I touch you?"
Remus nodded and Remy reached their arms around his shoulders and moved their head against his to hug him, not too tightly. They noticed as their friend's expression smoothed into a numb look and his eyes glazed over.
"You okay?"
He let out a dull "Mhh" while nodding "Just....gimme time"
A few minutes passed before Remy noticed that he was following one of the jellyfish with his eyes. He blinked rapidly and scrunched his nose to try and jumble his brain together again.
"It's so annoying I start dissociating when I get angry" He muttered out "...But at least I'm letting myself get angry nowadays"
"Super progress!"
They high fived.
"I think- I mean I've heard that like Os- that asshole is being haunted at least. Heard he got an infection of demon snails" Remy said to try and lighten his mood.
"Yeah. Apparently they're like totally ruining his apartment and like it's bad people- including well...potential victims- wouldn't wanna stay over. I think. Pretty sure"
Remus let up into a slight smile "That's-" A sigh left his lips "That's really good to hear. I always feel so guilty 'cause it would feel like my fault for not speaking up if he ever hurts anyone again"
"It's his dumbass choices"
"I know" He grimaced "But I still can't not feel guilty....at lest he's going after people your age now...that's something...."
"I still got his number on my phone" Remy admitted "i haven't texted him!! I promise! I would never! It's just like some part of my brain is like stopping me from blocking him just 'cause I know he's abusive and some part of me stupidly like wants to be hurt"
"I get it Beanie. For months after...even now sometimes...something just takes over and I have to trigger myself by watching assault porn until i'm shaking and crying or something. With actors of course! Not- Not-"
"I know"
"Yeah. So I get it. I think it's pretty normal for uhh...victims...to crave abuse. It's like love y'know? I've read that! The brain can get confused and addicted and think abuse is love and everyone wants love right?"
Remy nodded "Right"
"We can ask Logie to block him for us?"
"Great plan! You got such a smart fucking brain bestie!"
Until Logan got there Remy asked their friend about topics they knew would calm him. Like asking him to name all of the intestines of a human body or wondering about some obscure but very gorey illness found in deers.
As soon as Logan got there the Rems almost in unison asked "Hey Logie!" "Sup girlie" "Could you maybe block a number for us?"
"Of course" He got a slightly smug look on his face "I am quite good at technology"
Remy handed him the phone with Oswald's number already up on the screen. With just a click the number had been blocked and all of the text the abuser had sent were deleted. Logan handed the phone back with a proud smile.
"Easy as stealing candy from a corpse!" Remus added.
"I passed by the gift shop on the way here and I saw that they had plush toys in the shape of, get this, prehistoric bacteria" Logan genuinely looked excited.
Remus' mouth went agape "Shut up! You're kidding!?"
"No. I am not and I will not shut up. I believe I saw a aegirocassis"
"Holy hell I need me one of those!"
Remus jumped up and bounced on his heels while waiting for Remy to get their cane in order. He took their hand and excitedly skipped along Logan as he went to the gift shop.
Only a few steps outside the aquarium house he suddenly stopped mid step and blurted out.
"I forgot my bag. One sec!"
Remy was quite sure he hadn't brought a bag but just shrugged and let him run back in. Remus spun around the jellyfish room before locking eyes on the darkest corner of the room. He hunched down next to it and spoke in a hushed tone.
"Any demons here? Ghosts? Succubus?"
The darkness wiggled a little to show someone was there.
"Oh goodie! Could one of you make sure Janus and Logan are preoccupied tomorrow? NOT IN THE DEAD WAY!! Just in the busy way!" He let up into a goofy smile "I was thinking of asking Remy out to an art visit tomorrow and I uhh I kinda want it just to be us....Like a date! So I can't have them inviting Janus or Logan!! Just book them for some nerdy thingie! Yeah! Get them some nice busy day! Please!"
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ventismommy · 2 years
praise-degrading with tartaglia sounds good
+points if you call him ajax cause thats hot
warnings: praise, degradation (dumb baby, slut) overstim, use of toys
Ajax’s thighs shook as he struggled to keep them open.
His hands were bound behind his back, trapped as he rested against the pillow. Every time his thighs tried to close around your wrist, your hand delivered a sharp slap to the pale skin on the inner sides of them, and each one wrung a delicious little whimper from his mouth.
Pain, pleasure- they were the same to Ajax. He’d sit in your lap and let you stroke his cock til he was crying and cumming dry, and still beg you for more. Punishments? The only one that worked was tying him up and not touching him- edging him just made him beg for more, and the first time you slapped him he came untouched in an instant.
Oh, but it was no worry, not with your dumb little baby. He was simply too in love with the praise you showered him in to ever really act out. Sure, you got the occasional bratty attitude, but a raised eyebrow and a glare usually fixed it up with no issue. Right now was no exception- right as his hips bucked into your hand when they were supposed to be still, you glared at him, and as soon as he met your eyes he was slurring apologies and whimpering.
He couldn’t even really speak, a fact you delighted in reminding him of as you held the vibrator against the tip of his cock, watching the muscles of his abdomen flex as the pleasure rolled through him. He was trying so hard to keep his legs open and pulled up for you, to keep his hips still. “Good boy,“ you cooed at him when he kept his hips from bucking as you flicked the switch on the toy up one. ”My pretty dumb baby, yeah?” The words came out jumbled and slurred when he responded.
“M-Mmph, yes!"
You let out a mocking laugh that sent a shiver straight down his spine. “Yeah?” you purred, mocking his barely coherent speech while he whined in protest. “Go on sweetheart, don’t get shy on me now.”
His leg shot out uncontrollably when you flicked your thumb over his dripping slit in just the right way, making his cock twitch in your hand just like his body was twitching now. You could tell just how much of an effect your words had on him.
”Ajax~ c’mon, baby, I wanna see you cum all over yourself like I know you can~”
His hips twisted, even though he immediately righted them when he realized they were moving away from the pleasure. Greedy boy. In fact, there wasn’t a single part of his body that was still right now as tremors rolled through him with the pleasure. He was so close, he just needed that final-
You turned the toy up one more setting and he was gone.
Both of his legs shot out this time as his entire body spasmed, his eyes shut tight as he cried out loudly. “Y-yesh- oouhh! mmmph- p-pleash-“ he keened, his hips struggling on whether to chase the pleasure or twist away from it as he came, spilling all over his stomach. You weren’t letting him do either, moving with him and keeping it juuust pressed against his flushed cock. He started to come down from his high with quiet moans and whimpers, tossing his head from side to side, and then the real fun began, as the sensitivity began to set in. Ajax squirmed.
“Pl-e-eash- s’ too mush, c-can’t-“
”Oh, but baby, you were humping Mommy’s pillow like a little slut earlier, and now it’s too much? I thought you wanted to cum, huh? Since you just couldn’t wait until Mommy got home to start~”
Ajax could only whine in protest, knowing you were right- and that this was going to be one hell of a night.
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haikwritings · 4 years
Haikyuu Boys / No Nut November - Part Two
Part One, Part Three.
Character Mentions: Kenma Kozume, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Hajime Iwaizumi, Issei Matsukawa & Keiji Akaashi.
Warnings: Smut— like smut.
Kenma Kozume
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Kenma isn’t the type of guy with a high sex drive.
“A-Are you busy?” Kenma asked nervously.
He was the type of guy who had sex at least five times a month.
“No babe, what’s up?” Y/n asked sweetly.
It was a bad record— but well she didn't complain as she knew what he was like.
“I- Well...” Kenma said nervously.
And when Kuroo had proposed the challenge to him—well, she thought he would win it seriously. But apparently she was very wrong.
“I- I can’t anymore.” Kenma confessed.
“What?” Y/n asked confused.
Because right, Kenma didn't have a high sex drive but he was starting to get—needy.
“P-Please.” Kenma pleaded painfully.
She was completely confused because she had never seen him like this—but when she lowered her gaze and saw the bulge of his pants— she understood everything.
“I see...” Y/n teased as she smirked.
She thought he would last longer but hey—twenty days wasn’t a bad record.
“You know what happens to losers?” Y/n teased as she touched his bulge, making him jump.
But he knew what was coming.
“They get punished.” Y/n said as she licked his neck, feeling suddenly Kenma’s moans.
“I- I—” Kenma moaned as he grunted—
Accidentally cumming from her not so innocent touch.
“S-Sorry.” Kenma said embarrassed, trying to compose himself.
“And you know what happens when you cum without permission, right?” Y/n whispered in his ear flirtatiously.
“I get punished.” Kenma stutter excitedly.
It was going to be a long night.
Tadashi Yamaguchi
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Yamaguchi had accepted the challenge with his best friend, Tsukishima.
“Y-Y/n—” Yamaguchi moaned.
He thought he was going to make it but he was very wrong.
“I- I—” Yamaguchi moaned as he continued to hump his pillow.
He wasn't much of a fan of sex, but since he had his girlfriend—all of that had changed.
“I- I just like that.” Yamaguchi continued moaning, thinking and imagining that the pillow was his beloved girlfriend.
He had already gotten too used to sex—so much so that the most he could go without it was three days.
“Baby?” Y/n asked as she saw his boyfriend.
And it had been six days.
“I-I’m cumming.” Yamaguchi stutter as tears left from his eyes— he couldn’t stop... he needed to cum.
And he was too shy to ask her for help.
“A-Ah—baby.” Yamaguchi said as he came in the pillow, making a complete mess.
He just didn’t know how to say in a completely sweet way that he wanted to fuck.
“I- I— lost.” Yamaguchi said as he tried to regain his breathing.
He just didn’t know.
“I- I notice.” Y/n said as she giggled.
But he knew he needed to say it.
“C-Can we...” Yamaguchi stutter nervously.
And she knew he needed to say it.
“C-Can we fuck?” Yamaguchi asked nervously, blushing in the process.
And that’s all she needed to hear.
“Anything for you baby.” Y/n smirked.
Hajime Iwaizumi
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“Hajime?” Y/n asked as she saw him standing on the living room.
She knew he was going through hard days because of the trainings he did—
“W-What is wrong?” Y/n asked worried as she saw him looking at the floor.
And she knew that he lowered the stress with sex.
“Baby?” Y/n asked as she got closer to him.
Sex that he wasn't having as he was trying to win a challenge.
“Iwa...” Y/n said as she caressed his cheek slowly.
A stupid challenge that Oikawa had proposed.
“I-Iwa—” Y/n stutter as his lips crashed with hers.
And he couldn’t wait twenty days...
“I-Iwa.” Y/n giggled against his neck, feeling him so desperate for her.
He just couldn’t.
“Shhh—come on, let’s go.” Iwaizumi said as he carried her to their shared bedroom.
He just loved sex.
“W-What about the challenge?” Y/n giggled sweetly.
And he loved her.
“Fuck that.” Iwaizumi said as he continued kissing her.
So why would he do such a stupid challenge?
“Ready to play?” Iwaizumi asked smirking.
“Yesh, Hajime.” Y/n answered sweetly, suddenly earning a concerning gaze from him.
“Uh oh, that’s not my name princess.” Iwaizumi reminded her.
It didn’t make sense.
“Sorry...daddy.” Y/n answered sweetly.
Fuck Not Nut November.
“That’s my baby.” Iwaizumi said as he close the door of their shared bedroom.
Issei Matsukawa
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“I-Issei!” Y/n moaned as she rode him.
“What? Cumming already?” Matsukawa asked smirkingly, giving her a harsh slap on her ass.
His old friends had proposed the challenge to him.
“Is my princess already cumming?” Matsukawa asked smirkingly, suddenly feeling her clench against him.
Challenge he promised to follow.
“I- I— fuck, princess.” Matsukawa grunted as he felt her gripped around him.
Challenge he had forgotten...
“If you keep doing that I’m going to cu—” Matsukawa was saying—
“W-Wait— I c-can’t cum—fuck.” Matsukawa said desperately, suddenly remembering the challenge he had accepted.
He had forgotten about it when he saw his girlfriend.
“B-Baby fuck, s-slow down.” Matsukawa pleaded, almost crying.
He didn’t knew if he wanted to cum or win the challenge.
“I- I— faster.” Matsukawa said as he held her hips, speeding his movements.
His brain wasn’t working at the moment.
“I- I can’t cum, I-I won’t cum.” Matsukawa said, not making sense— nor stopping.
“W-What?” Y/n moaned confused, seeing her boyfriend desperate.
He wasn’t making any sense.
“Fuck!” Matsukawa said as he came inside her.
But he sure did cum.
“I- I just cummed...” Matsukawa whispered.
Loosing the challenge in less than a day.
“Oh well.” Matsukawa said not caring.
What a loser...
“Round two?” Matsukawa asked smirking.
But oh well, maybe next year?
Keiji Akaashi
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“Fuck, just one more day.” Akaashi said proudly, looking at the calendar.
He had been able to hold out for twenty-nine days.
“Just one more...” Akaashi said as he looked on his pants—seeing his painful bulge.
He didn't know how he was doing it, he practically felt like he being tortured.
“Babe?” Y/n asked as she walked to their shared room.
“Y-Yes?” Akaashi asked, suddenly being perplexed by the view.
And not only was he being tortured by his thoughts—
“Y-Y/n...” Akaashi gulped.
He was being tortured by his own girlfriend.
“Do you like it?” Y/n asked as she as she make a little spin, showing him the new lingerie she bought.
He was living a hell.
“Fuck.” Akaashi stutter as he held himself with the closet.
He was suddenly feeling weak and—
Is he cumming?
“K-Keiji!” Y/n yelled worried as she saw him close his eyes.
“Fuck, fuck.” Akaashi stutter, coming from his high.
He did—
“F-Fuck! No!” Akaashi stutter as he saw the wet patch on his pants.
He couldn’t believe he had lost...
“Aw babe, you came.” Y/n giggled teasingly—earning a dangerous look from him.
And all because of her.
“Bed, naked, open, now.” Akaashi demanded.
“Yes sir.” Y/n answered smirkingly.
She knew she was going to be punished
But it was worth it.
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leo-gold-hotchner · 2 years
Aaron Hotchner X BAU G.N. Reader
Warning: sexual tension... 
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Like a dog, you shook your whole body as soon as you entered the HQ. It was raining dogs and cats for days. Even with an umbrella, your body was wet from the heavy rain. As you entered the bullpen, you saw your friends gathered around Emily’s desk as always. Whenever they were not doing reports, they were always brewing something. You made a little crease between your brows.
“It’s heavy raining, and how come you guys are already here?” You put your bag down and rub your hair with a towel. Thank goodness you always have your travel bag with you.
“Because I got this!” Emily showed you an ominous purple liquid in a flask.
“A poison?” You raised your brows.
“Better than that,” JJ grinned. “It’s a potion that makes you sprout random animal ears and a tail if they have any.”
“It’s been viral on the net.” Emily's smile grew broader, and you had a bad feeling about that.
“We gonna prank one among Hotch, Rossi and Strauss,” Morgan said.
“You’re out of your minds, people. Hotch, Rossi? Sure I understand. But Strauss? Am not gonna take part in this.” You didn’t have a death wish. Strauss? Seriously, Strauss?
“Oh, no, you’re in this,” Garcia showed you a tablet screen with ladders. On top of the ladders, you saw your name and the others.
“Each one of us chooses a ladder. One of the ladders will say, ‘You won,’ which means you’re going to prank one of them.” Reid nodded.
“I didn’t say anything,” you said drily.
“You’re automatically on this, Ace newbie,” Garcia winked.
“C’mon, choose the ladder,” Morgan urged you as he pushed your chair.
“Everyone’s already chosen? How can I know this isn’t a trap?” You squinted your eyes suspiciously.
“Of course, we’re gonna choose at the same time.”
It was definitely a trap. You knew it. But there was no evidence that they cheated on you. You groaned as you held the flask. You knew they wanted you to prank on Strauss. You could read that wish in their eyes so badly. No way you were going to go through that.
Your inside was boiling like the coffee you just made for your boss. You chose to prank on Hotch because he seemed to be like you. Well, he liked all of his teams, but you felt he was a bit protective of you, and you appreciated that. The coffee reminded you of the colour of his eyes. Under your friends’ watch, you poured the purple liquid into the coffee. According to Emily, it was okay and wouldn’t harm Hotch one bit except that you will earn scolding from your lovely boss. As you finished the coffee, you made a face to your friends after seeing lights in the Hotch’s office. Your friends gave you thumbs up with giddy faces. 
Hotch replied ‘enter’ as you knocked on the door lightly. He looked at me quietly, waiting for me to talk.
“I got your coffee.”
Hotch raised his brows but thanked you nonetheless. You put the cup down on his desk and looked at him expectantly. Without a word, he took a sip and put down the cup.
“It’s good. I’ll finish it later.” He noticed your face crumble a bit. He looked over the window, and your friends quickly pretended they were working. “It’s a prank?” You hesitantly nodded. “They want me to drink this, whatever it is.”
“Yesh…,” you mumbled and started to fidget with your hands.
Hotch hummed and stood up, the coffee cup in his hand. Then, he held his cup lightly to show your friends who blinked at Hotch. You stared at your leader, who started to drink the coffee and soon blinded the window.
“I will forgive you,” Hotch smiled. But you felt a chill at that smile. It made him a predator. You unconsciously took a step backward when Hotch locked the office. “I know what you put in my coffee, F/N.”
What the fuck? They told you its purpose was to transform human parts into animals. But this? He was acting a bit strangely.
“Sit, F/N,” he simply commanded, but you couldn’t disobey the authoritative voice he was giving.
You just sat there and watched him pacing his office. Several times, he brushed his hair and face.
“You know, F/N,” he started to talk after a while, his back to me, “that thing also brings out animal instinct which I can hardly control.”
You could only blink at Hotch. When he turned, you saw two pointy ears on his unruly hair. It really worked! As he smiled at you, you didn’t miss the sharp teeth that looked like a canine’s. He slowly walked up to you, and you saw a large grey fluffy tail on his back. As your attention was focused on the tail, he stood before you. He slowly bent over you and inhaled your scent, sending light electricity all over your body. His hands gently pressed on your arms and slowly moved upward to your shoulders.
“Am I scaring you, F/N?” He whispered, but there was a low growl echoing from his throat.
Your throat only bobbed, your voice lost the way. His fingers, with his nails gotten long like claws, twisted your shirt lightly. 
“Hotch…” You gulped, feeling like sweating as your body shuddered in the mix of excitement and worry.
He growled, and he lightly nipped your ear. “Aaron,” his voice echoed in your ear.
“Aaron," you murmured. Your heart was racing faster than anytime before. His usual stoic face was plastered with a large grin. His usual brown orbs were specked with yellow stars, a storm of lust and desire mingled together. His breath tickled your skin as he trailed down your neck. Aaron gently kissed your neck as his hands slithered inside your pants. His ears twitched, and the tail wagged from excitement. Your hands were trying to unbutton his shirt, but he tightly grabbed your hands to stop you. Aaron Hotchner wanted to dominate you, and he wanted you to be submissive and obedient. You whined in disappointment, but his grin only got larger. 
His lips lightly pressed yours to swallow your moans as his hands were roaming between your thighs. His hand stopped, and he pulled away from you. In chagrin, you looked at him, and you found that the yellow specks and lust were no longer in his eyes. His ears twitched again as he licked his lips.
“Sadly, we need to stop.” He paused and watched you pout. “If you want to, we can still continue our exploration at my home tonight?” 
You vigorously nodded, excitement building inside you once again. He smiled as your eyes darted to his ears and tail. He kneeled in front of you and put his head on your knees like a big dog. With Aaron’s encouragement, you scratched his soft ears. He closed his eyes, his tail wagging happily.
He jumped and growled at the door bearing his teeth with a sudden knock. He really did look like a dog or a wolf. You quickly schooled your expression and adjusted your ruffled clothes. Aaron crossed his arms, clearly mad from being interrupted.
“Could you open the door,” he asked you gently despite how irritated he looked.
You only nodded and opened the door, finding Rossi standing there with raised brows.
“I see Hotch didn’t like the surprise.”
You only shrugged, not knowing how to respond.
“Indeed, I am.” Aaron huffed. “Did you take part in this, Dave?”
“I just got here.” The older man rolled his eyes, gesturing you two his very wet coat. “But I see the wolf suits you, Aaron.” Then he left, leaving the door open so the team could see Aaron’s ears. Your friends quickly adverted their eyes as Aaron glared at them, but you saw their laugh-holding faces. You thought about giving them the finger, but Aaron lightly pushed you and closed the door.
“We’ll surprise them later when they let their guards down. In the meantime,” he pulled you to your arms. “I’ll gladly enjoy your company if you let me.”
“At your home?”
“At my home.” He grinned, and you mirrored him. 
Later, much later, you and Aaron ordered each other the same potion and had quite fun.
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morimallow · 4 years
Vitamins C and D
(Osamu Miya x Male!Reader)— I've been reading yaoi and gay smut for so long but this is the first time I'm writing one, so.. Bye.
Warnings: food play, nipple play (?), dirty talk (?), anal sex, blowjob, sleepy and horny Osamu Miya, oh, and butt plug
You were as relaxed as you could be, trying to whisk some eggs for breakfast. The seasoned soup was boiling, the rice was cooked, pre-heated pan for the omelette. It was a peaceful morning except that you've been moaning because of minimal chest movements due to the fabric in contact with your sensitive nipples.
You did a good job making breakfast for someone who just got fucked and got their nipples played with before coming to the kitchen.
After a long time being with your boyfriend, you found out that if nipples were constantly played with, it becomes sensitive to everything — even the fucking wind. You'd be like, “Oh, wearing my tops when my nipples are this sensitive is making me horny all the time so I'll just go topless or whatever,” and finding out that the cold wind is even harsher in abusing your hard nipples.
By the time you turned off the stove, you felt your backside being enveloped in Osamu's warmth. His hands immediately went for your still-hardened nipples hiding behind the apron you were wearing and the other pulling your boxers just below the curve of your bum.
“'Samu, not now,” you whispered as he started to rub his rock-hard dick between you ass cheeks. You sucked in a breath when he prodded the tip just at your entrance, “I'm still sore.. please..”
“Ye forgot to take in yer vitamins last night. Peel an orange for me, baby,” turning you around to face him, he handed you an orange.
You started peeling the orange, trying so hard not to squeeze out the juice as your boyfriend crunched up the sides of the apron between your chest — lazily sucking, licking, and grazing his teeth on your hardened buds. It hurts, really, but the way Osamu can perfectly balance the pain and pleasure like how he does with his dishes makes you mewl and weaken in front of him, makes you grip to whatever near you to gather strength and in this case, it was the orange you were peeling.
Osamu licked the sweet drops of orange pulp rolling down on your chest, “Yer the one who needs this.”
The oranges he picked from the farmers' market were no doubt the sweetest and freshest fruits he ever purchased but why not taking in two vitamins in one go?
You put two orange slices in your mouth, made Osamu rest his hips on the edge of the table and dropped to your knees in front of him, instantly taking in half of his fat cock in your mouth.
He seriously thought you gave the best blowjobs but this one was on another level. He couldn't help but enjoy the relish, new feeling of his dick in your warm and wet mouth, adorned with sticky and tangy feeling of the orange. Osamu totally lost his shit, grabbing a handful of your hair and started face-fucking you.
The sweet and musky taste in your mouth turned into sweet and salty by the time Osamu released his warm seed straight to your dry throat. You swallowed it all while his dick was still in your mouth and then releasing it with a loud pop.
Removing the boxers that hugged your ass perfectly, you leaned towards your lover, “I think I didn't absorb much of vitamin D yet, 'Samu. Mind injecting it inside me?”
He picked you up, entered your tight hole the second you clung onto him for dear life. Osamu held you so close that you felt electricity in your nipples everytime he helps you bounce up and down his dick.
“Is this how ye want to take yer vitamins every day, huh? Want me—” he placed you on the dining table, “— to directly shoot it inside yer fucking greedy hole? Is that what you want?” The only thing in your mind was how good he fucked you. The only thing coming out of your mouth was his name. The only thing inside you was his monster cock.
His hand travelled from your navel, to your bursting nipples, then to your jaw to make you face him. Your face was so fucking lewd, he had to control himself to not come on your ruined face but he managed to ask you one more time, “Is that what ye want? Tell me and I'll come inside yer filthy hole every mornin' if ye really want me to.”
As his hand was squishing your cheeks, you managed to answer him, “Y-Yesh.. Fuckin' fill me up efery day, 'Thamu! Ahh!”
He thrusts became faster, harder, and sloppier by the minute and still managed to hit and brush your prostate which made you a writing mess under him and in his eyes, you looked like a freshly caught fish — best be eaten raw.
He leaned in to play with your nipples again, his thrusts matching the way his hand pumped your neglected dick. It was rough, it was absolutely fucking perfect. Your heels dug holes on Osamu's firm ass as you both came at the same time. His cock was throbbing inside you, pulsing as it contrasted the tightness of your pink — now painted white by Osamu's cum — walls.
You both were catching your breath and Osamu was lazily pumping your softening cock and he was quick to replace his dick with the gray fox tail butt plug he always wanted for you to use.
“Ya like this, don't ya? Ya like being full of my cum the whole day, yeah?”
The sudden intrusion made you shake uncontrollably under him because you were still sensitive from your orgasm and Osamu licked his lips, thinking of what he did to deserve someone so perfect for him in all aspects.
He cleaned you up and made you wear one of his shirts that reaches just below your balls. It was a truly wonderful sight to see for Osamu — your nipples, which are still hard until now, were visible through the thin material of the shirt, your smooth legs remind him of how you would pull him closer to his crotch, and your ass — your sweet and perfect ass with its entrance locked up with a butt plug to keep his seed inside your ass.
“Yer so fuckin' sexy, sweet cheeks.”
The Aftermath (requested bonus scene)
M. List
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Please you
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Kinktober day 2 - lingerie 
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
Dividers by @whimsicalrogers
Summary - You buy some pretty lingerie to please your overworked husband and hope it doesn’t end up ruined by his hands.
Warnings - 18+ smut (m/f), dom Andy, name calling, cum play, slight spanking.
Pairing - Andy Barber x reader
Word count - 1552
Masterlists are linked in the bio!
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You rubbed the mesh material of your babydoll between your fingers - coarse and rough. The baby pink nightie was made of net with a matching thong that was very uncomfortably riding up your butt. Your nipples and torso were completely visible, really what was the point of making such a thing? You looked at your reflection in the mirror…
Oh yeah. It’s supposed to be sexy and enticing. Which to be fair - it worked. You got worked up just looking at yourself.
‘Damn I’d fuck me’ you muttered to yourself.
What you weren’t sure of was if your husband would like it. Andy seemed to hate any sort of clothing on you with a burning passion.
Even going as far as establishing naked Wednesdays. Which was exactly what it sounded like - Wednesdays you spent completely naked, except for the apron which you wore while working in the kitchen and he was clothed in his usual loungewear.
On your wedding night you had worn a beautiful and classy white satin nightie with lace trimmings. The bastard ripped it off in just a few seconds. Hundreds of dollars done the drain. You knew he was just showing off. Having recently been promoted to the position of the DA he got a massive pay bump. Giving you the liberty to buy whatever you want.
You sprinted off to the living room as soon as you heard his typical ‘Honey, I’m home’ greeting.
“How was your day, daddy?” you asked as you sneaked up behind him.
“So long and tiring, princess. I couldn’t wait to see you.” He groaned as he took off his tie and jacket, putting them on the armrest of his couch, he plumped down in on the it.
He finally looked in your direction - it had been such a long day, but he knew he’d feel better as soon as he got a look at you.
His jaw dropped as he took you in, clad in a flimsy piece of lingerie that literally left nothing to his imagination, your hands behind your back as you swayed side to side.
“Do you like it?” you asked suddenly feeling shy. Even though there was no need to be. This was your husband. He’d seen you in much more compromising situations. But there was still that little doubt that he’d reject you, that he wouldn’t appreciate your efforts.
He licked his lips at the sight of your hard nipples poking through the fabric, “Do a twirl for me, princess.” he instructed.
Like the good girl that you were - you followed. Turning around and lifting the helm a bit to wiggle your ass. “Will you spank it today, daddy?” you cooed as you looked back at him.
“Of course, honey. But first you gotta suck daddy’s cock.” he said unlooping his belt and pushing his pants and briefs down to pull his hard cock free of them.
You swiftly walked over to him and knelt before him, waiting for further instructions.
“What’s all this about, doll? Hm?” he asked as he smeared his leaking tip around your lips.
“I just wanted to please you, daddy. You’ve been working so hard.” You swallowed your saliva - already drooling, you needed to have him fuck your throat so bad. You whined as he started to pump his cock with his hand, spilling more of his creamy juices on your mouth.
“That’s not how it works, princess. I take care of you.” he grunted as he jerked himself harder with his hand, he knew just how desperate and crazy it would make you.
“No,” you shook your head as tears spilled from your eyes “Please let me suck it. I’ll be good.” you promised eagerly.
He stopped his moments, his heart swelled as you cried, he wiped your tears off with his thumb “You promise you’ll be good?” he smiled as you nodded. “You’re always good baby,” he praised as he pushed your eager mouth down his length, groaning and slightly wiggling his hips as he bottomed out, your nose touching his pelvis as you gagged around him.
“Just relax, princess,” he reminded you as he traced a thumb over your throat, groaning as he felt his cock lodged deep in it. Bunching your hair up in his palm, so he could properly see all of your face, he pulled out till only his tip was in your mouth “Such a good girl. You love sucking daddy’s cock, don’t you?”
“Yesh” you answered, your voice muffled with your mouth full of cock, as he roughly fucked into your face. You tried your best to keep from choking every time he hit the back of your throat.
“You’re such a cock hungry whore. Aren’t you, baby?” he grunted as he felt his climax approaching, the gags and squelching noises you made only fuelled his it.
“Such a pretty slut.” his hips stuttered as he emptied himself in your mouth, holding your head down on his shaft he painted the back of your head with his cum. “Swallow it all, sweetheart. Be a good slut.” he rasped as he stayed inside you for a minute to keep himself hard. He wasn’t done with you yet.
He pulled you off of his cock as you coughed, a string of your spit and his cum connecting to his tip from your lips.
“What do you say, slut?” he pushed all of his spilled cum back inside your mouth.
“Thank you for your cum,” you swallowed “daddy.”  Your voice hoarse because of your abused throat,
“You’re welcome, princess. Are you tired?” You shook your head no as he sat back against the cushions. “Come get on daddy’s cock and ride him. Then I’ll give you one more treat to swallow.”
You stood op on shaky legs and straddled his lap, shifting your panties to the side you held onto the base of his shaft before sinking down on him. “Oh,” you moaned as you closed your eyes shut. Too intimidated by Andy’s intense gaze. “It feels so good,” you settled your head in the crook of his neck, nuzzling his bread as you panted.
“Come on, princess. You’re doing the work today remember? Now let me look at you properly.” he pushed you back so he could ogle your breasts.
You curled your hands around his neck for support as you sat back, bouncing up and down on his throbbing hard cock. “Andy, no,” you whined, you knew the predatory look he gave you all too well “please don’t. I really like this one.” It was probably of no use. He was going to ruin yet another piece of cute lingerie.
“What did you call me?” he chastised you, delivering a harsh smack to your ass.
“Daddy,” you quickly corrected yourself.
“I’ll do whatever I want with you. You’re my perfect little fuck doll.” he groaned as he grabbed the curve of your hips, rolling his own to feel more of your tight wet cunt “Isn’t that right?”
You nodded as you quickened your pace, almost on the edge of your own orgasm.
“I do like this one though. I’ll let you have it, princess.” He gushed as he sucked your hard nipple through the mesh, pulling and pinching at the other.
“That’s it sweetheart. Just let it go.” He encouraged you as he felt you clenching around him.
“Oh...oh, daddy,” you crashed onto him as you felt your whole body pulsate, heaving on top of his chest.
“Come on, sweetheart. Daddy promised you one more treat.” he said as he kissed your hair.
You sobbed as you pulled him out of your drenched cunt. Digging your nails into his shoulders as he traced your pussy with his fingers before pushing them in your hole.
“You’re so wet sweetheart. You made a mess of my dress pants.” he tutted as he looked at the stains on his pants.
“I’m so sorry, daddy,” your breath hitched as he teased your swollen lips.
“Get on your knees.” he ordered as he pulled his fingers out of you, bringing them up to his mouth to suck them clean.
You resumed your previous position as he pumped his cock in front of you. Spurts of his cum landing on your face, chest and nightie.
He jerked his softening cock till he was sure he had nothing left. He heaved as he admired his work. Your face drenched in his cum, staring up at him with sweet doe eyes.
“Clean me up now.” you nodded as you lapped at his cock with kitten licks, taking a hanky out of his pocket to clean him up and tuck him back in his pants.
“You did good, baby.” he threw his head back, feeling completely spent and satiated.
“I made dinner too, daddy, your favorite meatloaf.” you said, laying your head on his thigh, tracing his cum which was on your skin with your fingers.
“Go set the table. And don’t change. I’ve got more plans for this little number.” he said as he pushed a flimsy strap down your shoulder to reveal the swell of your breast.
You giggled as you got up, “Okay, daddy,” giving his lips a peck you skipped on over to the kitchen. Wiping down your face and then setting the table for dinner.
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isitbussinjanelle · 3 years
Reposting this because I FINALLY have an Archiveofourown account! :D (also wanted to link this story for anyone who never got to read it. I also made some corrections and changes in this version).
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“No no no no please rethink this ba!” Raya is currently following the chief of heart through the halls of the palace. The chief, benja, is busy planning on the upcoming summer festival, and doesn’t have time for Raya’s whining- again. He’s busy emailing the chiefs of other lands about things like food, and entertainment ideas.
“Dewdrop, what’s the big deal? Is it so hard to volunteer at the beach?” Benja complains as he turns around, with the glow of the phone screen shining on his face.
“Um- Yeah! Whenever I volunteer at the beach, Namaari and her fang posse are ALWAYS there, causing havoc and being loud, and they don’t give a damn!” Raya shouts. The staff of heart are looking over at this father-daughter quarrel, noticing Raya’s raise in tone.
“Dewdrop, I understand that Namaari has the tendency to be...rambunctious, but it’s for the community? What if you save someone from drowning! Think about that and not Namaari, eh?” Benja pats the side of Raya’s shoulder and walks over to Tao, the head of the heart land cook team to talk about dinner plans for the festival. Raya starts to walk after him but stops and pouts to her self.
“You good?” Sisu questions. She came from the kitchen with a bowl of spicy shrimp congee
“No- far from that. Ba’s making me volunteer at the beach.” Raya sulks in the chair behind her and rests her chin on her hand.
“Why do you sound sad? That’s a good thing! Beach’s are fun, and- beachy!” Sisu exclaims, taking a sip from her congee.
“There not super “beachy” when the person I despise most is there- Namaari.” Raya pouts and crosses her arms.
“Sure- “despise”. I think you should go though. And I’ll come too! I’ll be your wing-women,” Sisu walks away with a wink and whispers the last part, but that doesn’t stop Raya from over hearing this jeering remark from the dragon. Sisu knows that Namaari and Raya have a love hate relationship- and the flirty banter they show when there together proves just that.
“We’re here,” Raya parks her Jeep and opens the car door. She’s wearing a scarlet read swim suit with the words, “life guard” on the front and, “Raya” Imprinted on the back, both in bold white letters. She’s also wearing her iconic bamboo hat.
Sisu jumps out of the trunk of the car with pool noodles and water guns.
“Time to terrorize as many kids as I can find- catch ya later Raya!” Sisu dashes to the area of the beach with the most children, prancing like a goblin. Raya puts her hand on her hip and laughs, afterwards applying sunscreen to her nose.
Raya scans the sun lit beach- no Namaari. Was this Raya’s lucky day? A day of...peace and quiet? She silently celebrated, but still looked around to make sure her hopes were true.
She suddenly feels a tall presence arrive behind her. Her bamboo hat nearly falls off as she shrieks with terror.
“Boo!” Namaari shakes Raya’s shoulders from behind in attempts of scaring her- it worked. Raya turned around in a defense position, only to realize it was her rival.
“Namaari,” Raya spat with a mean look, taking a good look at the tall, muscular women.
“What’s dripping dep la?” Namaari says nostalgically. She new that Raya hated it when Namaari called her Dep la.
“I told you to stop calling me that, undercut,” Raya crosses her arms and smirks. Namaari rolls her eyes at the remark.
“Wheres your little posse of fang people?” Raya asked with attitude. Namaari thought this was cute.
“Didn’t show- and I didn’t want them too. I wanted a day all to my self. To get a good beach work out in.” Namaari winked as she tossed the dumbell in her hand up in the air effortlessly and caught it.
Raya sucked her lips and tried not to stare at namaari’s biceps, which was very, very hard for her.
“Volunteering again?” Namaari teased with an eye brow quirk as she looked Raya up and down.
“Yes- is that a problem little miss muscles?” Raya responded, quite embarrassed by how she admitted to the fact that she was looking at Namaari’s biceps. This made Namaari chuckle deeply.
“Not at all, princess. Besides,” she leaned in closer, “I kinda like seeing you in your cute little bathing suit.” She looked Raya up and down once more, smirked, and turned to head towards the beach.
Raya stood their with her face red and her arms still crossed and completely still, her feet hot from the asphalt.
Sisu came to meet Raya at her life gaurd chair after a while.
“Good news- found lots of kids to scare. Bad news- I think their mothers called the cops so I might have to split later on,” Sisu chuckled.
“Yeah. Uh huh.” Raya responded, only half listening because she was busy watching Namaari do high knees and bicep curls and sit ups. Hot. Hot. Hot- Was all Raya could think about. But she would never actually say that, ew.
Sisu soon noticed what Raya was so occupied by, and teased, “hmm...interesting. Namaari is super fine, huh?” Sisu said as a test.
“Yes ma’am,” Raya was practically frothing at the mouth, but snapped out of it when she fully thought about what Sisu had asked. “I-I MEAN NO! Of course she’s not! I mean sh-she’s okay looking, but I’ve seen WAY better than Namaari. Like, WAY.” Raya sat back in her chair with her arms crossed and lips pursed, still staring at Namaari helplessly.
“Oh yeah? Name ‘em,” Sisu interrogated, trying on Raya’s bamboo hat hat hat was nestled in the sand.
“No problem! There’s- um...uh...you know that one...guy..” Raya trails off as she stared at Namaari doing push ups. She shakes her head out of the trance.
“YOU CANT EVEN NAME ONE BYE-“ Sisu couldn’t help but laugh. Raya frowned with crossed arms and slumped.
“You know, I’ve seems that “one guy” tons of times...he’s not that bad looking if I’m honest.” Namaari is suddenly leaning on the right side of Raya’s chair, still doing bicep curls with the arm not on the chair.
“YOU- h-how much did you here..?” Raya felt like telling her off, but that wouldn’t do anything. When Raya was in private, she could think of all kinds of ways to tell Namaari off. But she can never apply that stuff when she sees her face to face.
“Not much...only the part where YOU couldn’t name anyone more attractive than ME.” Namaari smiled up at Raya from where she was at the bottom of the tall chair.
“Um, NO. That’s not what I was asked. I was asked to name someone BETTER than you, not attractive,” Raya climbed down from her chair and leaned against it, arching her back with both hands on her hips, looking up at the fang princess.
“Pfft- not what I heard but, puh-taytoe puh-tatoe right?” Namaari jeered. “You’d be a really good liar if your blushing didn’t always give you away Princess,” Namaari had a hand on the side of the chair, trapping Raya against it. Namaari caressed Raya’s hot face and used her index finger to raise her chin and smiled, “it’s cute though”. Namaari said with a smirk. That damn smirk.
Screw it, Raya thought. She grabbed namaari’s tank top with both hands and crashed her lips against hers. Namaari hummed with approval, one hand on Raya’s waist and the other in her hair. Sisu was on the side, jumping and silently squealing with happiness.
They kept this up for another 30 seconds or so. Raya was the first to break away from the kiss.
“I knew your lips were soft.” Namaari said all smiley as she backed away to return to her work out area. “Thanks for giving me a taste!” She shouted over her shoulder.
Raya was standing still with her lips pursed and her arms stiff to her side.
“Oh m-my spirits...I just did that.” Raya whispered aloud.
“UH- YEAH YOU DID!” Sisu hollered as she high fives the hand Raya was using just then to wave at Namaari nervously with a dorkish smile and giggle.
“But quit making that face. You’re starting to remind me of Marinette from MLB,” Sisu rolled her eyes and laughed.
“YESH NAMAARI LIKES ME TOOOOO!” Raya pumped her fists like a kid and yells a little too loud, causing the beach occupants near by to turn around, some even laugh. Raya’s knees turned in nervously.
“Can we please leave before I embarrass my self anymore?” Raya whines.
“Sure, lets get outta here lover girl, I’ll cover you for chief Benja.” Sisu grabs her arm.
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mizelophsun11 · 3 years
Mizeloph's Tale Chapter 7
Pairing - It is still General Kirigan x OC Sun Summoner but will eventually switch over to Kaz Brekker x Sun Summoner OC
Summary - Anna is continuing to adjust to her life in the Little Palace and her life and things will continue to pick up once she is presented to the king. She is missing some of the old parts of her life and thinking about it her childhood before crossing the Fold.
Word Count - 2273
Anna had been dressed in a First Army uniform that she knew all too well. What she was not used to was the golden veil that was attached to her hat, she had a hard time seeing through it. Something else that was different was her hair that had been tucked into the hat so it wouldn’t be seen. The idea behind it being that Anna would truly be seen for the first time as the Sun Summoner when she pulled her hat off in front of the king. She and Genya were walking to the courtyard where they would meet General Kirigan. He would take Anna over to the Grand Palace for her to be presented in front of Ravkas monarchy and other important people.
“Can you please explain to me again why I have this veil? I just don’t see what purpose it has” Anna said as she touched the veil
Genya tapped Anna's hand to stop playing with the veil “you look fine”
Anna sighed and stopped touching it “um, so I was wondering, is there any way that I might be able to leave the Little Palace? It wouldn’t be for a long time I swear” Anna was starting to feel the effect of being sealed away in the Little Palace and wanting to just get out and possibly see her friends
“But you have everything here that you might need” Genya knew that there was more than just missing a some items, but it was dangerous for Anna to leave the Little Palace
“Yeah, but there are a few things I wasn’t able to get before I was whisked away to the Little Palace” which was true, she had been dragged to the carriage and taken away before she could even think about what was happening “I could go back, get those items and make sure that I stay safe” she also hoped that getting those things would allow her to see Mal and Alina
“What could be so important that you would want to go back there? Plus, you were attacked on the way here, why would you want to risk that?” Genya thought that maybe if it was truly important maybe something could be done, but Anna’s friends would have to wait to see their friend
“I know it's a huge risk.. But it’s my sketchbook, I’ve always had one since I got to the orphanage.. It’s stupid I know, but it’s really important to me” for Anna drawing was very important to her. With it she was able to make new friends while also thinking about her first friend Kaz. In the orphanage, Anna and Alina would draw pictures that reminded her of the places she and Kaz use to draw in the dirt. Ketterdam was not for someone with artistic talents like Anna, but she remembered Kaz supporting her passion. Anna knew that she could never make a career out of drawing; it was always something she used to just escape. Now that she was in the Little Palace Anna needed a little bit of time to escape.
Genya nodded “It’s not stupid, I will see what I can do, now come this way, we don’t want you to be late to meeting the king” she pulled Anna along
Anna smiled a little and started to blow at the veil still trying to make the best of it “now this is fun, I can’t wait to get this thing off” she kept blowing at it
“Stop that!” Genya laughed at Annas antics
Anna laughed, she was having a good time with Genya, they had gotten along from the beginning and it was really nice. With Genya at her side she felt like she had made her first friend in the Little Palace. She knew that friends were probably hard to come by in the Little Palace with everyone being cold stone serious, but Genya was different and Anna loved it.
“Remember, no one can see you until King Pyotr does, I’ve told you this when I was tucking your hair into your hat” Genya said
“I still don’t understand why, it’s not like other people have already seen me before, I am just the supposed Sun Summoner now” before she was a living myth Anna was just a regular map maker, why was it so important now to cover up what she looked like?
“It’s all ceremonial, the King wants to see you, a humble girl taken from the ranks of his army, as if he is taking credit for you” Genya tried to explain
“Yeah.. but still I feel like I should be wearing a kefta or something, not a cleaned First Army Uniform that has never seen a speck of dust ” Anna said
“You’ll get a Kefta once he has seen your power” Genya knew that this was a lot for Anna and was trying to be there for her
“Yesh, that power that I definitely have a full grasp on..” she said sarcastically, Anna just wanted this demonstration to be over with, she wanted to start training right away
“The important people who will be there are King Pyotr, the Queen, Crown Prince Vasily, and the King’s spiritual advisor, the Apparat. He’s a greasy rat, then there will be other Lords and Ladys there close in the kings court” Genya went on but something grabbed Annas attention
They had walked past a library, Anna stopped for a moment to look inside and see the rows of books. When she had been living at the orphanage Anna would read any book she could get her hands on in order to escape the world she lived in. She had also taken interest in books with illustrations, she always enjoyed the prospect of drawing what she was reading. Another escape she had acquired when Anna was taken to the orphanage, with the drawings came the reading.
“Wait, did I just see a library? Please tell me that is available to us” Anna asked really hoping it would be someplace she could visit
“Everything here is available to all of us, General Kirigan built this palace to be a home for us so we could thrive and not have to always look over our shoulder” Genya knew that it had not always been like this, a palace safe space
Anna nodded “has a Grisha ever escaped?” she joked, not being serious
General Kirigan knew she was joking, but decided to approach “does that mean you are going to make a break for it?”
Anna turned around to see General Kirigan “oh, I didn’t mean to, it was just a joke, sorry” she smiled a little and he smiled back
“It’s alright, I know you are still adjusting to life here, it’s good to laugh a little” he wished that sometimes he could smile more and laugh, but he was always serious and take care of everything, the world was on his shoulders
They walked out to the courtyard that connected the Little Palace and the Grand Palace “The royals paid for a palace that looks like crap?” Anna said without thinking “oh my.. I just said that”
General Kirigan chuckled “I couldn’t agree more, I think that the Grand Palace us the ugliest building I have ever seen”
Anna smiled “well that’s good, otherwise I would be questioning your sanity”
General Kirigan looked at her as they walked “I hope the room was to your liking, did you get some rest?”
“Yeah I did, surprisingly, once I was finally able to fall asleep it was probably the best sleep I have had in a while” Anna had gone through so much she had tired herself out, she needed to rest “but now there is this demonstration and I don’t even know how to summon the sun properly.. I am scared that I will fail in front of everyone”
General Kirigan stopped, Anna noticed and faced him, understanding he wanted to have their conversation before entering the Grand Palace. “Remember the promise that I would keep you safe?” Anna nodded, she knew that he would keep his word to her. “During this demonstration, just focus on me and you will be fine, we will get through this together. All of this is for formalities and I promise I will be by your side every step of the way” General Kirigan smiled at her and grasped her hand “we have nothing to fear” Anna felt at ease and her worries had dispersed.
They let go of each others hands and continued on to the Grand Palace “once we sees what you can do then get his blessing, you will remain here to train” General Kirigan said
“His blessing? I know he is the king, but I thought you ruled the Grisha” Anna asked, she knew that there was a lot to learn so she hoped that she wasn’t coming across as stupid
“I only lead the Second Army, the King has the final say in things, but I always make sure that my Grisha have the best and are not held back”
They walked into the Grand Palace, as they walked down the large stairs she looked around at the room filled with people. As Anna and General Kirigan walked to the center of the room, it felt nerve racking, there were so many eyes on her. General Kirigan and Anna both got to the center of the room and bowed to the monarchy. Once everyone was settled in Anna looked over to General Kirigan who nodded to her, she took the hat off allowing her white hair to flow free. The people in the room gasped and began to whisper, the unnatural color catching everyone off guard, this made Anna even more nervous. Eventually everyone became more quiet once the Queen spoke up.
“Your hair color.. I have never seen anything like it before, it’s.. interesting” the Queen said trying to appear as nice
“Thank you, Your Highness” Anna was able to spit out
The Queen continued to look at Anna curiously “what are you?”
Anna was still feeling nervous and looked to General Kirigan pleading for help without saying a word “She is Anna Mizeloph, the Sun Summoner moya tsaritsa and she will change the future. Starting now..”
General Kirigan brought his hands up to call forward the shadows into the room, making it dark. Anna watched as the room was consumed with darkness, she looked to General Kirigan who then faced her.
He gently grasped her hands and put his under hers “now call the sun”
Anna nodded, she brought her hands together beginning to call the light, then she felt General Kirigans hands come under hers and the light moved out completely surrounding the room. She was glowing, feeling every molecule of light and the energy that came with the sun, warmth and power. Anna looked up at General Kirigan and smiled, she felt more like herself than she ever had. In the moment, it felt like it was only them in the room, wanting to get lost in each other but remembering they had an audience. General Kirigan then let go of her hands and the light she had summoned disappeared. Everyone in the room was clapping and cheering, the Sun Summoner had been found and the people could not be happier.
Their transe was broken by the King's standing ovation “Bravo! Bravo! How long will she need?”
“Destroying the Fold will not be easy. She will remain with me in the Little Palace to train.. Undisturbed” General Kirigan wanted to get his point across to the King
The King nodded “Then train her quickly, our wars have been a noble pursuit, but this chatter from the West about becoming a sovereign nation needs to stop. The sooner we are one country again the better”
“Agreed, moi tsar” General Kirigan and Anna bowed and turned around “you were perfect”
Anna smiled “thank you, it felt amazing, I don’t even know where it came from” she was still feeling the joys of using her small science truly for the first time
General Kirigan stopped and looked down at her “it came from everywhere, because you called upon it” he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek “Welcome home, Miss Mizeloph” she blushed a little and smiled watching him walk through the group of Grisha that had gathered around to greet her
One Grisha gave her a hug “it’s such an honor to formally meet you” Anna smiled and saw the Squaller, Zoya approach her
Zoya smiled and hugged Anna “white haired Ketterdam trash” Zoya whispered into her ear
Anna didn’t have enough time to react as Genya grabbed her arm pulling her through
“You are truly one of a kind, the entire country is going to be talking about you now” Genya smiled and pulled her away from the group
Anna walked with Genya back to the Little Palace, she was still in shock, first she had been able to summon the sun. Then after it all, General Kirigan had given her a kiss on the cheek, she touched the place where he had kissed her. She was surprised by it, but it was actually kind of nice, she was feeling so many different emotions. Once they got back to her room there was a blue kefta that had gold embroidering that resembled the spiralling rays of sun. Anna took off her First Army uniform and put her new kefta on, she went over to a mirror and looked at herself, she felt like she finally finding her true home.
Author Note - Thank you everyone who has been reblogging my chapters and leaving comments! I really appreciate everyones support in my story! Please feel free to continue leaving comments if you would like to! Also if anyone would like to please feel free to pm me and if you would like to talk I think that would be amazing!
Tag List - @rika90 @itsemy01 @hotleaf-juice @teatimeforusreaders @benbarnes-supremacy @graciefullygracie @aleksanderwh0r3 @klaudosh @herbatkazmilosica
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djcarnationsblog · 2 years
He and Drew would probably bash Felix into being a decent person and just look at him with the lower face like "haha." -Pix
That does remind me I should get back to writing
Oh they totally would and could, fuckin' demons-
yesh, you go ahead and write, uwu
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
Hi! So... It was me, shy anon! 🌼
I'm so glad you're okay to be friends, I screamed when I read your answer x) I was so nervous, I couldn't stop looking at Tumblr again end again to see if you answered xD
Thank you ✨
Hehe but I know French can be quite hard, if you want to learn I can help you :D And of course I can say something! I'll say something easy :
"Tu aimes les chats, les poulpes et les choses sucrées" that means "You like cats, octopuses and sweet things" :)
If you're from Brazil, do you speak Portuguese then? Or is it another language? Can you say something too, pleeeeease? :D
Maybe I should DM you now? I don't knooow tell meeee x)
Passe une bonne journée et prends soin de toi (Have a nice day and take care of yourself) ✨
I am sorrey for taking so long to answer u ajgwuwgjwveo and hey! Hi!! :DD Nice to meet youuu!!!
And oh gosh, that sentence was so cute. Sucrées reminds me of sweet things somehow (probably because of sugar) so ! Yesh! Learning! 😎
Yeah, it is! Brazilian Portuguese! And yup: Eu posso falar 'alguma coisa também, poooor favor' (I can say 'something too, pleeeease) :D
Vajvsuvsufskvwuvw I know, I know. I am very funny and my sense of humor will conquer the whole world/j
Gwugwigwyvwjvwyw <333 no, but for real: Muito obrigada por todas suas askys! Tú és um doce de pessoa >w<)s2 (Thank you very much for all your askys. You're so sweet! >w<)s2
Have a nice day too! Take careee <333
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