#oh. goth. lmao
ria-starstruck · 1 year
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love the hc that the dreamers we see in-game r just wearing funerary clothes bc it gives me the excuse to prettify lurien's design
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rafyki · 4 months
Part two of the Goth! Nico/Surfer! Percy!! @neo-kid-funk liked it so much I couldn't not post another part so soon!! That's what your art does to me!! Pure inspiration!!!
This time it's Percy's turn to be a huge loser with a huge crush lmao
Part one, if you haven't read it~
Percy threw himself on his beach towel, trying his best not to spill his precious drink even in his excitement.
“Annabeth, he smiled at me!”
His friend looked up from the huge book she was reading, a skeptic but fond look in her eyes.
“Percy, he works in retail, smiling at customers is literally his job”.
Percy groaned, took a sip of his drink - not alcoholic, but maybe it could make him forget his huge absurd crush on a boy he didn't even know.
The prettiest boy you've ever met though, his brain usefully supplied. What did it even matter that they didn't really know each other and that they had exchanged perhaps a total of twenty words to each other? Nothing, not when said boy had the prettiest features Percy had ever seen, the most enchanting eyes, the deepest and most beautiful voice, and the most charming shade of pink coloring his nose and cheeks. And, finally today Percy could add to the list that he even had the softest and cutest honest smile ever - because Percy could tell the difference between a “customers smile” and an honest one, and the way Nico had smiled today? It couldn't have been anything but honest, and it had made warmth bloom into Percy's stomach, made his heart grow ten sizes.
“No, Annabeth”, he said, at the cost of sounding like a petulant little child. “He smiled for real! He even laughed a little!”
“Did he?”
“I'm telling you he did!”
She seemed to consider it for a long moment. Percy waited with as much patience as he could muster for her opinion. He could always count on Annabeth being horribly and unapologetically honest with him; he could definitely trust her to be the one to offer him a cruel but needed reality check to bring him back to earth.
She had been the main witness of Percy’s fall into the hopeless (or maybe not so hopeless?) rabbit hole that was his crush for the kiosk boy, had been listening to him ranting on and on about him for probably almost a month now, and had been dragged on the beach way too many times against her will for Percy to ignore her valid as always opinion.
“That doesn’t necessarily mean he likes you, Seaweed-brain, you know that, right?”, she said, and Percy knew, but his heart fell anyway. “Still”, she added, and Percy couldn’t help but perk up at the tone of her voice. He knew that tone - it was the tone she used when she was about to say something optimistic even against her better judgment. 
“I guess it is weird for him to smile like that at customers - at least, I’ve never seen him do it - and we do spend a whole lot of time on this beach and at the kiosk”.
She said the last part with just a tiny little bit of annoyance - but Percy knew her well enough to know that she would forgive him eventually.
“I need your support, Annabeth, you know that!”
“You could take Grover with you next time”.
“I did once, remember? He was even more nervous than me”, Percy said. “Not exactly the best wingman”.
Annabeth rolled her eyes at him. “It’s not like you’re doing much but staring at him and daydream anyway”.
Well, that was a low blow, but true.
“That’s not true”, he still said, just for the sake of it. It earned a raised eyebrow and the most skeptical expression he had ever seen on his friend’s face.
“Percy”, she said, slowly as if she was talking to a kid. “Showing off your surfing skills and hoping he’ll find you so incredibly hot he’ll fall on your knees for you is not doing something about this”.
Ouch. Alright, maybe Annabeth’s reality checks were a little too honest and harsh sometimes.
“You can’t know it won’t work”, Percy said.
She was right, of course - she always was, and Percy hated and adored her for it. 
He sighed, setting aside his drink and looking at the kiosk, his eyes finding Nico right away with practiced experience. He was serving someone, and Percy’s first thought was I wonder if he’s smiling like that at them too - which was stupid, and he knew that too, but knowing it didn’t really change anything. Percy was perfectly aware of how ridiculous he was being, but despite what Annabeth might have said about it, knowledge wasn’t always all that mattered.
He sighed, forcing himself to look away.
“What do you think I should do?”
“Well, you really only have two options”, Annabeth said.
It wasn’t exactly hard to guess what she was referring to.
“Either giving up or finding the courage of asking him out?”.
“Ugh”, Percy groaned. “You’re not much more helpful than Grover, you know?”
Annabeth laughed. “You know I’m right, Seaweed-brain”.
“I hate you”.
“Hating me won’t make you date the boy of your dreams”.
The boy of your dreams - oh, he really was, wasn’t he? Percy didn’t even know when exactly he had started to be unable to think about Nico, to want nothing more than to talk to him and get to know him for real; things had degenerated pretty fast - one moment Nico was just the cute goth boy working at the beach, and then the next he was Percy’s newest obsession.
It was weird - Nico wasn’t exactly his type; he seemed to be all dark and sharp edges, cloaked in black like he was constantly trying to hide in the shadows even under the bright sun. He looked like the kind of person that kept everyone at arm's length, and it only made Percy want to get closer and closer.
He realized his eyes had turned to him again, following his every move. He was talking to his friends, his words accompanied by wide hand gestures - Percy had noticed this habit of his before; it was adorable, really. Percy wanted to talk to him and see it from up close.
“He’s so pretty Annabeth, I’m gonna die”.
That was probably the thousandth time Annabeth had heard him saying that, so the roll of her eyes was definitely justified.
“Then go talk to him and ask him out”.
Percy groaned. She made it sound so easy.
He got up, took his surfing board again. “Maybe”, he said. “But first I’m going to see if my plan of being too hot to resist is gonna work”.
“You’re ridiculous”.
“Thanks, I didn’t know that”.
Annabeth rolled her eyes again and went back to her book. Who even preferred reading a book on a beach instead of going into the water? Percy would never understand that.
He walked towards the water with his mind still fixed on the same thought. He wondered if Nico liked the ocean - maybe they could enjoy it together, maybe Percy could teach him how to surf.
Maybe. If he could actually find the courage of asking him out.
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hjonko · 2 days
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if it wasn’t obvious, they’re stupid-
also peep hopper being a girls girl and making sure no one falls over lmao
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sweet-tragedys-stuff · 4 months
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Pins :]
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sydmarch · 2 years
was shit talking waterparks to a friend who only knows of them through me (as any parx fan does) & I'm like no really some of the more recent lyrics are so bad. read this. show him the genius page for fruit roll ups & he's like "STOOOOP YOU LIKE THIS BAND?? but you usually have good taste" lmaooo
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turkeydinner-jpeg · 5 months
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sh4thesh33p · 7 months
He’s so lonely…
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
my fave initial reaction to masato people have will always be ‘ew’ because bestie i promise you it does not get better after this. this is his HIGHEST point considerably
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bl00dcakedbunn1e · 5 months
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MEET THE ARTIST! (Template by bruteboots on deviantart)
Ibis kept fucking crashing on me when i was trying to work on it, so it took me 2 days or so.
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shadowkira · 6 months
Where are all the goths. All we have in Pennsylvania is clouds.
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battlevann · 10 months
Would Poshe have good low light vision or would he be night blind? 🤔
I think that when he initially started using his human form he was completely night blind, he had created it without much idea of human's scotopic vision
eventually he got tired of trying to make it normal and now, given enough time to adjust, he can see just as well as he could in daylight.
It is terrifying.
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onmorphine · 6 months
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velvetwarfare · 6 months
starts wheezing so fucking hard because this really cute dude in person w a blue mohawk and punk goth aesthetic asked if I wanted to grab a coffee w him tomorrow and I’m like
y,,yeah man wicked let’s fucking go
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sweet-tragedys-stuff · 4 months
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Yeah, I have a guitar jaja
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Another ref sheet! It’s my sweet boy, Stitches! 
It was created in a lab to be a ferocious monster, but he ended up being born with an inherent curiosity about the world (even asking what its own name was), a tender heart and moral compass.
His creator gave him a rabbit to be his first kill, but Stitches instead named it Bun and adopted it as his friend. Things Went Down a little while after, but eventually, Stitches left his creator’s lab and now looks for a new family for him and Bun! You’re more than welcome to join! Don’t EVER threaten Bun or any of his friend. He is still a monster, after all...
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killjoyyzz · 1 year
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shoutout to that time i actually did my makeup and then never again
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