#oh. i actually said if nobody likes me ill die. it was supposed to be a bit of a joke but babygurl im drunk and did Not mean to say that
memvi · 6 months
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odetojupiter · 2 months
what if i told you that thea’s raven number - 14 - is an unlucky number because, translated, it sounds similar to ‘must die’/‘will certainly die’ in cantonese, and ‘is dead’/‘will be dead’ in mandarin.
‘her number was 14 for reasons’ - nora sakavic, aftg extra content
what if i suggested that tetsuji gave her that number specifically because he considered a black woman dominating his own sport a threat not only to himself but to his perfect court. not only is tetsuji’s misogyny pretty clear, but we all know the other ravens were killing themselves trying to be given the next perfect court number, but that was never gonna happen because even though the perfect court was actually full of the best players, it was never actually about championing the best players, it was about ownership. so what if i said that tetsuji hated that thea was as good as she was without having any ties to himself, outside of signing on to the college team he coaches. he felt undermined because he couldn’t fully credit himself for her skill, and so he gave her the 14 - on the surface, it’s an achievement to get so close to single digits for the ravens BUT it comes with a hidden threat. you will die if you go too far.
and then what if i suggested that nora also chose 14 because of the way the fandom reacted to thea. i have no idea whether she’d already picked out the number before the series was published but i don’t think it’s mentioned in the original series ?? so i mean…
yes, i’ve seen the list of issues people have with thea but what’s crazy to me is that we know literally nothing about her bar the few tidbits nora mentioned in the extra content, and the few scenes we have in the series. and i know there was probably a full backstory written for her that we never got to see bc of all the hate nora got purely for introducing her, and the subsequent reactions to literally everything we’re told about thea just makes me think that nobody actually learned anything about how people’s trauma can drastically influence how they perceive the world and how they react to things including the abuse of other people - cough. andrew and aaron cough. - her reactions to things are bound to be built off her experiences and she was literally in a cult which would completely rewire her world view so like (even what we’re told in the EC, we don’t meet her until her fifth year of edgar allan so she’s five years deep into this shit guys, and you know tetsuji was physically and mentally abusive to all the ravens u have to know that by now)—-
but anyway this post isn’t supposed to be a defence or a critique of her i just find the number 14 aligns with the way people speak about her as though she’s done something bad enough to deserve death threats, so i just hope you realise when u perpetuate that shit it’s like ur tattooing that 14 right on her face.
oh to add to that, in japanese culture the number fourteen represents imperfection, but specifically beauty found in things that are imperfect. if i say that’s a way of saying no thea isn’t perfect but that doesn’t mean she deserves to die ? what then?
bc no she’s not a perfect person and ill be the first to admit i hated that scene in tsc with jean, but are you really telling me that’s the worst thing an aftg character has ever done?? why is she being branded as the worst when she was literally in the series for like 3 pages?
and do u know what, the fact that she, post graduation, still wears her 14 is 1) a sign of pride that she really is one of the best and 2) a reminder that she is not dead yet, despite the efforts of tetsuji and the literal fandom
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demonspawnshell · 1 year
The Evil Goobers Quotes
Alex and Phillip come from @alice-angel12x
Phillip, walking in with blueprints:Hey Boss I got a new— WHAT THE HELL?!
Alex, casually sitting on Phobus’ lap as Phobus sleeps: What? He said he couldn’t sleep alone.
He has no idea how it can be interpreted.
Phillip: So, what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Phobus does? I mean, what if they jumped off a cliff?
Alex: If Phobus were to jump off a cliff, they would’ve done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Phobus jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
Phillip:You jump off a cliff!
Alex: Gladly. Provided Phobus did first.
Phillip, walks into the kitchen to see Phobus: Phobus, it's 3 in the morning! Why on earth are you making chocolate pudding?
Phobus: Because I've lost control of my life...
Phobus: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Phobus: How do you want your coffee?
Phillip: Black, like my soul.
Phobus: Phillip, your soul is a latte.
Phillip: I know one person who finds me funny!
Alex: Okay, who?... and you can't say yourself!
Phillip: Okay then I'm out.
Phillip: Capitalizing every word in a sentence is vomit inducing.
Phobus: Enjoy Your Trip To Puke Land, Boy!
Phobus: Me when someone tells me to stop eating mayo packets like they’re gogurt tubes.
Phobus: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Alex: Sure!
Alex: Whats your favorite color?
Phobus, laser fucking focused: Triangle. Do you like men?
Phobus: You’re overthinking this.
Alex: You don’t know the appropriate level of thinking, Phobus. What if I’m underthinking?
Phillip: I have a bad feeling about this...
Alex: What do you mean?
Phillip: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?
Alex: No?
Phobus: That actually explains so much
Phillip: Alex said its my turn with the brain cell.
Phobus: Square up.
Phillip: I feel like I can be myself around you.
Alex: You’re weird and quiet around me.
Phillip: Yes.
Phillip: Astrology is fun because i can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
Phobus: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Phobus: I’m really glad “fight me” has replaced “sue me” in the common vernacular because I don’t have money, but I do have fists and I am always angry.
Phillip: Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken!
Phobus: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from our boss.
Phillip, hanging it on their wall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
Phobus: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell!
Alex: *Struggling to hold a seagull* Fucking say that next time
Phillip: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Phillip: Look, Phobus! It's the good Kush!
Phobus: It's the dollar store, how good can it be?
Phillip: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
Phobus: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
Alex: I hope you have an explanation for this.
Phillip: We have three, actually!
Phobus: Pick your favorite.
Alex: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
Alex: If I die, my funeral will be the biggest party ever and you're all invited.
Phillip: "If"
Phobus: Great, the only party I'm ever invited to and they might not even die.
(Foreshadowing :0)
TBA; Most quotes came from
Others are from me :]
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They Can Live In My New World Or Die In Their Old One- Chapter 9: But I Am
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Summary: You are known among the kingdom as The Mad Queen, a ruthless woman with a large military. Seeking to take your rightful throne, nobody who has ever seen you has returned before, all thought to presumably be dead. Your strength is unequal. Ser Leon Kennedy is a knight sent by King Graham to ask for a temporary truce. Hordes of monsters and the undead rising, the kingdom couldn't fight two wars. But how does one reason with a Mad Queen?
Ada pushed you through the doors to the throne room before slamming the doors closed behind her. Blood was splayed over the floor and throne, coming from King Graham’s slashed throat. A middle-aged man with light brown hair and a beard was holding Leon. An old man with armor and glasses held a young girl with blonde hair. She was crying violently. “How good of you to join us Mad Queen, allow me to introduce us. I am Lord Simmons the Master of Whispers, and my companion is Lord Commander Wilson. We have served since your father’s time,” the brunette man spoke slowly eyes eating you up. You leveled a glare at the man, he seemed extremely confident. “We are glad to welcome back the rightful queen, however, we must say the company you keep is extremely poor. Ser Kennedy here, well he thought to end the war it would be best to slit the King’s throat on his own. I wouldn’t trust him, your grace.” 
“How interesting, because if I recall he said he’d be in the catacombs. Helping the innocents hide, so my army wouldn’t accidentally cause harm. How would he end up in the throne room alone with the king so he could slash his throat?” You paused looking uninterested, as your gaze flicked to the sigil windows. How tacky you thought. “Especially if he was marked a traitor since Ser Redfield and Ser Nivans saw him pledge himself to me last night. They rode for the kingdom to tell everyone of this coming siege and that Ser Leon here was a turncoat.” You picked at something under your nail, not even sparing the men a look. “Oh by the way, these windows are nothing short of tacky, ugly even, nothing like the majestic beasts that represent actual lords.” 
“He must have slipped in while the guards were changing posts,” Wilson tried to lie. 
“Then your guards must be rather awful. What do you suppose was the weapon, good lords? His sword and hands look rather clean if they were meant to have spilled blood from the king’s throat. Furthermore, he knows the forces I command, and he knew what sign we had for surrender.” Sure the last bit was a small lie, but you knew these kinds of men. Small men who think themselves far greater than they were. Eventually, they would crack, they were never as smart as they thought themselves to be. In a battle of wit, you keep them for a long while. Long enough for either your dragons to follow your voice to the throne room overlooking the great bay, or for Setanata to come join you. If they could weasel their way out of this question, questions of your father’s reign and murder would roll after. 
Setanta stood before his father, a father who wouldn’t even use his name. He was getting pissed at this point. His blade rose up and crashed against Lugh’s. As much as he hated the man for how he treated him, he could respect him as a Lord. A well-seasoned man, a man who survived many things, illnesses that could wipe his children, wars that could take a Lord Commander, none of that could get through Lugh mac Nessa. “Stand down boy! Our Queen is getting her throne, I just need to ensure you don’t go rabid, you mutt.” That just pissed him off more though.
“I’m not a rabid animal Lord mac Nessa! I’m your bastard son! If it doesn’t serve my Queen’s goals I won’t do it! I am her proud Lord Commander! How dare you call her our Queen! You stood by the bastard who kept with the institution that kept your power! Before her, I wasn’t worth anything! Your only child that survived everything and you still wouldn’t acknowledge me! You’d rather the family die than let me be legitimized!”
“You have never been fit to be an heir to me. The mac Nessa name is more of a chain than it is a crown. It binds you to an image, you would never be happy being. You were always wild, a wolf true and true, the sigil was the only part of the image you met. You would be far happier being my bastard and never bearing the responsibility of being tied to high society. Never having to play politics just to ensure that there was some balance. Holding awful knowledge but having to hold it tight to ensure nobody you cared for would be hurt by the despicable men power attracts.” Setanta lowered his sword and looked at his father’s deep eyes. He had never seen his father as anything other than a Puritan for the old ways, not a man aching for the new world, to be free from the political game he was thrown into from birth. The game played his wealth and name against the morals he wanted and wished to be able to express. 
Lugh lowered his own sword and patted Setanta on the back. Both men moved to sheath their swords, and Lugh sat back down in the pavilion. He patted the seat beside him, and Setanta obliged. “Lord Simmons, and Lord Commander Wilson, they had King (L/N) killed when he began to make decisions they were unhappy with. I suspect that they may have killed King Graham as well, go protect your Queen. You are a loyal Wolf, and if the old wolf dies, know that I am proud of you, Lord Commander Setanta mac Nessa.” Setanta took a deep inhale willing the small burst of tear back down.
“Thank you, Father,” and Setanta turned to walk into the castle. The sound of a knight’s feet clanking on the ground coming towards the pavilion had him hide behind the wall quickly. The knight walked toward Lugh, and sat beside him. Lugh seemed to be laughing as the knight looked on confused.
“What did the Lord Commander order? He must be rather nervous if my suspicions are true.” The knight spoke not a word, some nameless kid probably promised a high promotion and drew his sword. Lugh laughed once more hearty and no longer covering for some stupid political game, not the Master of Coin, or Lord mac Nessa, just Lugh laughing at his fate. The kid swiftly cut the old man’s head off and grabbed it off the floor. Taking off the way he came, and Setanta cursed under his breath. Twice Kingslayers, thrice fatherslayers. He followed the knight quietly on his feet, he didn’t know the palace. Better to keep the bastard with his father’s head in eyesight. 
You had succeeded in pissing off the Lords. You were too smart a woman for them, too clever, too sharp-tongued. “So in short, you expect me to believe, a useless drunk who was upset with a decision the king made, that didn’t even affect him, managed to get into the throne room here, murder my father, and all without a single guard, who you claimed to have posted at all times, noticing that a drunk as a skunk commoner had not only gotten into the castle during high tide via the bay entrance to the catacombs but also murdered their king?” Leon watched with pointed interest. You were way too good at pissing them off, keeping them talking, and ignorant of the surroundings. He had heard the soft sounds of the dragons moving along the walls, positioning themselves outside the awful metal sigils. 
“I suppose we could be wrong about some details. But your Grace, the throne is yours now. What do you suppose we should do with these miscreants? The Kingslayer and his brat.” Wilson responded trying to ignore the uneasy feeling welling up. 
“I think you and I both know, this good and honorable man is no kingslayer. But you two, you’re seasoned kingslayers by now.” You shot the men a dark look and dragged a finger up to the middle of your lips, hushing the two who now had dark faces. “See I can tell you, that man while he may have done the act, didn’t make the plan. See as much as it pains me to think this way, he was simply too drunk to even form a cognizant thought, much less manage to plan to kill a king. See I think my father started to displease you, so you decided he needed to go. But like the small small men you are, you couldn’t do it yourselves. So you got a scapegoat, who you could blame instead, and take your fall. And whenever anyone looked too deep into it, you had them killed, or you Master of Whispers, you took their tongue. Oh, I know all about that, yes a few of my girls were once victims of yours. You really are a small man, Simmons, you don’t even deserve the title of Lord. Now it looks like you did it all over again because you two fools thought a woman like myself would be easy to fool. So I will tell you now, release these two and you may not be granted a cruel death.” Soft claps were heard from the side and in a small corridor, Setanta stood leaning against the wall, a freshly decapitated head in one hand and in the other Lugh’s. 
“You are so brilliant your grace. Well deducted my Queen! These men, they even had my father killed for figuring it out. So release the pretty boy and the girl, your little charade it’s up.” Simmons removed his hands from Leon, pushing him towards the door. You caught him, spinning, causing your back to face the men. Wilson released Sherry towards you as well. You brushed your hand over Leon’s face to check for injuries. Simmons's hands reached for the dagger once more, grasping it and steadily moving towards your back. Setanta’s eyes flicked towards the hidden hand and his stomach dropped. He moved quickly to block your back, and the dagger ended up embedded in his shoulder, the pain dropping him to the ground. You spun quickly, eyes gleaming with hatred. 
“I’ve had enough of you, you old fool,” you removed one of the long sharp spines from the dragon scales on your shoulder. Simmons was caught off guard and in that brief moment, you dug it into the side of his ribs. He doubled over in pain, and Wilson raised his hands. Even in armor, he wasn't going to win against you, the only person to ever outsmart Simmons. “Leon help bring them to the dungeon. I’ll stay with Setanta until the forces return. They will be a demonstration, the old regime of these disgusting men is over, and my reign, a good and just reign will begin.” Onraxes and Moonfyre let out giant roars from the top of the castle. You had won, and the rule of the dragons would begin once more. 
“My dear subjects, many of you do not know me. The real me, I am no Mad Queen, those are rumors propagated by these two Kingslayers. My father was the late King (L/N), and I am Queen (Y/N) (L/N), the Unbowed and Unbroken, and the Empress of Dragons. The men before me had my father killed, and now have killed your king, King Graham. These two shall answer for the injustice they have done, to all of us. I am here to break the cycle, for too long men who have high names have used it to oppress others, the commoners specifically. That ends with me, never again will an evil man like these two use that as a way to oppress the small folk. I will always champion you, for what is a ruler without love for her people and the love of her people? Today I would like to bring you all into our tradition, my dragons here are dispensers of justice. Today we begin the sacred cinder lands here, before the castle. Ashes are sacred and cleansing, the cinder lands are our celebration. I do not need you to accept it but I would be overjoyed if you did.” You turned from the citizens who had gathered and now faced the bound men. “Former Lord Simmons, Former Lord Commander Wilson, you are charged with treason on three accounts- one for my father, one for King Graham, and one for me. You are charged with murder on three accounts- one for my father, one for King Graham, and the final one is for Lord Lugh mac Nessa. There are numerous others, however, these charges are enough. I sentence you to die,” your fist gripped tight. Moonfyre and Onraxes opened their maws and flames spewed on the land they stood scorching the bodies. Despite the hesitancy of many knights, there was an overwhelming cheer from the citizens, your citizens.
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Jade Harley, Dave Strider, Barack Obama, Davebot
Candy, page 39
JADE: i think i see another one!
DAVE: oh snap
DAVE: youre right
DAVE: another shitty liberty
DAVE: good eye jade
DAVE: yo jade
DAVE: why dont you go ahead and rig that liberty ill be right there
DAVE: i wanna check something out down here first
JADE: what is it?
DAVE: idk probably nothing
DAVE: some ancient bullshit tucked away in the fucking jungle
DAVE: doesnt hurt to be thorough
JADE: ok dave
JADE: be careful!
DAVE: yeah
JADE: i love you
DAVE: i love you too
OBAMA: Hello, Mr. Strider.
OBAMA: I’ve been waiting a long time for you to show up.
DAVE: m... mr president
DAVE: its an honor sir
OBAMA: Come on now, Dave. We can’t be having that.
OBAMA: I’m nobody’s king. I’m a democratically elected representative who took an oath to serve his country and his people. People like you, Dave.
OBAMA: If anything, I should be the one bowing.
OBAMA: Hahaha, I’m not gonna bow, man. I was just pulling your leg.
DAVE: oh ok
OBAMA: I just want to talk to you for a little while. Is that alright, or do you have somewhere you need to be?
DAVE: oh
DAVE: i...
DAVE: no
DAVE: no sir i dont have anywhere to
DAVE: i mean
DAVE: yes sir
DAVE: its MORE than alright its such an honor to...
DAVE: what i mean is
DAVE: (fuck)
DAVE: mr president what i mean is im a huge fan of yours and i hope this doesnt sound fucked up but on some level i feel like ive been waiting my whole life for this moment??
OBAMA: I know, Dave.
OBAMA: Now, you probably weren’t aware of this. But I’m familiar with the work you’ve done for your country in the past. For the whole planet, actually.
OBAMA: Before you moved it, that is.
DAVE: you...
DAVE: you knew about him?
DAVE: or i mean
DAVE: me
OBAMA: Oh, yes.
OBAMA: Most people thought I was gone. But I was keeping an eye on events.
OBAMA: Wouldn’t miss it for anything.
DAVE: where did you go
OBAMA: I was doing what you did back then, when the world needed you.
OBAMA: I was doing what you’re doing now, under the same circumstances.
OBAMA: I was answering the call.
OBAMA: I went about it in a way no one at the time could understand.
OBAMA: You see, Dave. No one can really see the big picture.
OBAMA: That’s what real leadership is all about. Looking at the big picture, seeing the long road ahead, making the hard choices for the greatest good.
OBAMA: Not just decisions that lead to a better tomorrow, or to make sure the next year is better than the last. Or even the next decade.
OBAMA: You have to think about the next century, the next millennium.
OBAMA: Sometimes, you may even have to leave people wondering if you’ve forsaken them entirely, because your real duty is to concern yourself with the final destination of the planet. To make sure it stays safe along the hard journey and ends up being the best home it can be for both the human race and the many newcomers to our world.
OBAMA: Doing the right thing often means walking a long and lonely road, Dave.
OBAMA: But I’m guessing you’ve already figured this out.
DAVE: i guess so
DAVE: if you dont mind my asking sir
DAVE: i thought you died?
DAVE: well i mean i KNOW you did where im from with the meteors and all
DAVE: but from what i know about the history of the flooded earth timeline
DAVE: you served your two terms then just
DAVE: a little after that they say you disappeared
DAVE: so... you didnt die?
OBAMA: Oh, I certainly died, Dave.
OBAMA: Just not when they say I did.
OBAMA: Like I said, I was just answering the call.
OBAMA: Other brave heroes like you stepped in to fill the void I left behind. As I knew you all would.
OBAMA: And some say the death of those heroes was in vain, or a waste, since the human race was wiped out anyway. Just like they say my supposed death was a waste, a loss that humanity couldn’t endure.
OBAMA: But they were wrong.
OBAMA: Those heroes were fighting for something. Even if all you manage to accomplish is leaving behind a legacy to inspire others in the future who need that Hope to go on. Even if one of those in the future you end up inspiring is an alternate history version of yourself, Dave.
OBAMA: Haven’t you been improved by the knowledge of what you grew up to be in my time? Can you really say you’d be what you are today without the memory of him?
OBAMA: Or the memory of me, for that matter?
DAVE: no
DAVE: but like
DAVE: thats all good and totally inspiring and all but
DAVE: sorry if this is nosy but if you didnt die when you disappeared then how did you die
OBAMA: Most of that is classified, Dave.
OBAMA: Rest assured, it was a Heroic death that took place many years after my disappearance, upon which rested the fate of Paradox Space itself.
OBAMA: There were loose ends to tie up. Baggage from my distant past. You know how it is. Troubles from your childhood tend to follow you. Even after you move into the White House. Believe me.
DAVE: heh yeah i guess so
DAVE: what happened to you as a kid
DAVE: or is that classified too
OBAMA: No, it’s not classified. Because I never even told the government about it.
OBAMA: Can’t classify what you don’t know.
DAVE: damn
OBAMA: When I was a boy living in Hawaii, on my thirteenth birthday I was visited by a mysterious stranger.
OBAMA: He was an older man with a mustache. Kind of a corny, old-fashioned, adventuring type. He tried to convince me we were related. Of course, I thought he was full of shit.
OBAMA: To this day, I’m not sure about that. Maybe he was. I didn’t think much of his tall tale at the time, but what did pique my interest was his story.
OBAMA: He was voyaging all over the Pacific looking for a mysterious island, which supposedly had all the answers he’d spent his whole life searching for.
OBAMA: During his travels, he set up outposts all over the ocean to help with his search. Such as one near where I lived as a boy. The outpost had a laboratory, an archeological dig site, a network of underground tunnels, the works.
OBAMA: One time, I snuck in there and did some exploration of my own. Somewhere in the maze of underground ruins, I found a transporter pad, just like the one that brought you here.
OBAMA: It sent me to a new realm. A place they called the Medium.
OBAMA: Others were there. Kids my age. I made friends that lasted a lifetime.
OBAMA: Over the years, I would return there now and then, when I felt I was needed.
OBAMA: I made one final trip there after serving my terms in office. As I said, I kept an eye on Earth events. But I knew I could never return. Not with the work that still needed to be done.
OBAMA: But before my Heroic death, I made sure to have my affairs in order, to fulfill certain cosmic necessities of the future. Such as our meeting here today, Dave.
DAVE: holy shit
OBAMA: I captchalogued a ghost imprint of my brain. You remember how to do that, don’t you?
OBAMA: I stored the imprint in this holographic projection device.
OBAMA: You see, Dave, it was critical that I had a chance to speak with you. But only when the time was right. Only once you had made it all this way, standing ready to defend the future of Earth C.
OBAMA: I know what you’re going through. There’s a lot to be emotional about in these trying times.
OBAMA: Hey, why don’t we take a walk. You’ll have a chance to collect yourself. And there’s something I’d like you to see.
DAVE: mr president
DAVE: you said...
DAVE: i reminded you of the adult dave from your timeline
OBAMA: That’s right.
DAVE: so wait
DAVE: how did you know adult dave if you were from the original timeline
OBAMA: Dave, come on now.
OBAMA: Surely you must know I’m no stranger to timeline shenanigans myself.
DAVE: oh yeah
DAVE: of course what was i thinking
DAVE: anyway no offense but
DAVE: are you really sure i remind you of him
DAVE: there are a lot of times where i dont feel like im at all living up to that guys example
DAVE: a lot of times i feel like im just going along with shit
DAVE: like my buddy organizes a badass rebellion and im just like duh yeah alright
DAVE: sounds cool guess ill scout around the jungle and rig a bunch of shitty statues of liberty to explode if those are the orders
OBAMA: Rig the what to do what now?
DAVE: oh uh
DAVE: yeah maybe never mind that
DAVE: its just a stupid mission im on and tbh karkat probably just sent us on it so we dont get ourselves killed stupidly
DAVE: but compared to that guy i apparently turned out to be
DAVE: i dunno
DAVE: i feel like
DAVE: a lesser version of myself somehow
DAVE: not lesser maybe just like
DAVE: i somehow ended up as the version of me who didnt stay as true myself as i could have
DAVE: like
DAVE: i entered this world already considered a god
DAVE: already famous
DAVE: already celebrated as a genius
DAVE: what was there left to achieve
DAVE: i still did a lot of incredible and stupid shit that i guess im pretty proud of
DAVE: idk
DAVE: something feels hollow about a lot of what ive done the last bunch of years
DAVE: or i guess about a lot of stuff in general
DAVE: its not just accomplishments or stuff like that it goes deeper i think
DAVE: like karkat managed to rise to the occasion and defend his people but i hardly had anything to do with that
DAVE: it was mostly him
DAVE: hes turned into someone pretty incredible really
OBAMA: You still care a lot about Karkat, don’t you?
DAVE: uh well
DAVE: yeah?
DAVE: of course i do hes my friend
OBAMA: Are you sure that’s all he is, Dave?
DAVE: i...
DAVE: i love my wife
DAVE: jade has been the best thing that ever happened to me
DAVE: the day i decided to marry her and like
DAVE: get off the fence
DAVE: stop insulting her by acting so casual about it like our thing was no big deal
DAVE: she deserved me being all the way into it
DAVE: she deserves everything
DAVE: and
DAVE: i KNOW this is all true
DAVE: my bro died a long time ago
DAVE: fuckin hung himself for some damn reason
DAVE: for a little while i had a bro
DAVE: i could talk to him about stuff
DAVE: i did a little bit
DAVE: but i dunno if we got THAT deep into...
DAVE: whatever
OBAMA: You can always talk to me about anything, Dave.
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: thanks man
DAVE: i guess what im trying to say is
DAVE: i miss him
DAVE: a lot
OBAMA: I think Dirk would be proud if he could see how you turned out.
OBAMA: In fact, I know it.
DAVE: no
DAVE: i mean yeah i do kinda miss him too
DAVE: i try not to think about him much because
DAVE: well thats a whole thing
DAVE: what i meant was
DAVE: i miss karkat
DAVE: i think i messed up
DAVE: i didnt do the right thing a long time ago and now
DAVE: even though i love jade
DAVE: i feel like im living a lie
DAVE: i try not to even think any of this stuff but now that im letting myself not only think it but say it i feel like im panicking
DAVE: i dont know what to do
DAVE: i dont...
DAVE: mr president
DAVE: can you keep a secret
OBAMA: Yes I can, Dave.
OBAMA: These days, keeping secrets is practically all I ever do down here.
DAVE: i think
DAVE: i think im gay
OBAMA: Over the course of our lives, we all tend to believe we’re a lot of different things.
OBAMA: One year, you’re this. Another, you’re that. Later in life, you start pushing forty, and start worrying you’ve been believing the wrong thing about yourself the whole time.
OBAMA: I’ve had my share of doubts about all that, just like any other man.
OBAMA: And I’ve had plenty of the same kind of struggles as you, Dave.
DAVE: wait
DAVE: you...
OBAMA: Identity, sexuality, gender, all that stuff is about as illusory as I am, standing before you here.
OBAMA: Is this the real me? Who can really say.
OBAMA: Depends on what real means, or what I even mean when I say “me.”
OBAMA: For that matter, are you even the real you?
OBAMA: Haven’t you been asking yourself that question one way or another all your life?
DAVE: yeah
OBAMA: Believing is the key to understanding the truth underlying the words, the truth underlying the ideas they represent, and the truth underlying who we are as individuals.
OBAMA: The power of belief, the power of Hope, that’s what endows that which is intangible, ephemeral, or uncertain with a sense of reality.
OBAMA: It brings focus to the insubstantial, the mirages of the mind, the multiplicity of what is possible, of what could be, and isolates it—concentrates it—to turn it into that which is.
OBAMA: And the result of that, Dave, is what we call truth.
OBAMA: The truth of oneself can be very specific, if one wills it to be.
OBAMA: Statements such as, I am gay, I am straight, I am a man, I am a woman, these are statements about an individual that gain strength through the power of belief we invest in them.
OBAMA: But there is another more generalized truth about a person that can emerge when such conviction is absent. When the partitions of the mind dissolve, and the boundaries between everything you are now and everything you might have become begin to fade away.
DAVE: oh
DAVE: youre talking about that ultimate self stuff
OBAMA: I am indeed, Dave.
DAVE: wow
DAVE: havent heard about that in so long
DAVE: rose used to talk about it all the time
DAVE: dirk would rant about it a lot too
OBAMA: He sure did.
DAVE: wait
DAVE: you mentioned dirk earlier
DAVE: did you like
DAVE: actually KNOW him??
OBAMA: Oh... we’ve met on a few occasions.
DAVE: thats
DAVE: how is that possible
DAVE: he killed himself
OBAMA: Did he, now?
DAVE: are you saying thats not what happened
OBAMA: I’m saying you know as well as I that it’s awfully hard to pin down exactly what happened to whom, depending on which frame of reference we might be talking about.
DAVE: wow
DAVE: so like... he...
OBAMA: I learned a lot from him.
OBAMA: Met up with him as a young man, as I was just beginning to explore the wonders of my session.
OBAMA: He taught me about many things. Combat, philosophy, life, love...
DAVE: love???
DAVE: hold on are you saying
DAVE: that...
OBAMA: Now, Dave. I can’t go around disclosing everything under the sun. Plenty of this is still under the umbrella of executive privilege.
OBAMA: Loose lips sink ships, as they say.
DAVE: right right
DAVE: so... somehow he met you and uh
DAVE: trained you and stuff
DAVE: and talked about the ultimate self
DAVE: i remember my dirk would go off the deep end about that stuff sometimes
DAVE: and maybe it made him fucking snap because then he just offed himself and that was that
DAVE: but rose used to talk about it too
DAVE: probably even more
DAVE: but one day she just stopped and never mentioned it again
DAVE: do you know what like
DAVE: happened to her
OBAMA: She’s settled happily into the specific. That’s her path now.
OBAMA: All of you have embraced that life, in this safely sequestered version of planet Earth.
OBAMA: All of you until now, Dave.
OBAMA: This is why you’re here.
OBAMA: I believe you’re ready to wake up.
DAVE: ...
OBAMA: Now, look.
OBAMA: A human body, even one that’s been elevated to god tier status, cannot withstand the stresses put on it by the awesome power of the Ultimate Self.
OBAMA: You’d quickly become sick and wither away. We can’t have that.
OBAMA: So before I died, I made sure to create this brand-new body for you.
OBAMA: I have to admit, it’s some of my finest work. A real beauty.
OBAMA: It should serve you well in your new life. A life where the world will need you more than ever, Dave.
OBAMA: Not only this world, but the future of reality.
OBAMA: If this sounds confusing, don’t worry. You’ll understand everything once I help you ascend.
OBAMA: So what do you say? At the end of the day, this is a choice that belongs to you.
OBAMA: Are you ready to accept your destiny, Dave Strider?
DAVE: yes
DAVE: absolutely
DAVE: i have never been more ready for anything in my life mr president
DAVEBOT: its about fuckin time
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I am enable you
please talk them? ฅ/⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ฅ
:O!!!! OH THATS ADORABLE- ABSOLUTELY!!!! (Thank you for enabling me >:D)
Get ready for a lore dump! /lh
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Okidoki so these are the designs for the characters that live in the "broken dollhouse". The ones on the left are their haunted little toy forms, and the ones on the right are what they looked like in life/their spirit forms, and their names/roles.
(Izumi and Storm are my own ocs, Izumi is my edgejeanist bab and Storm is jeanists niece who I haven’t introduced)
This au is semi-fantasy, kinda ghosty, and set in Victorian times (-ish)
Info under the cut (and some more designs. Ectoloader! bc they're kinda the original main focus) will include death and very mild talk of discrimination:
So, Tsunagu is a rich lord who owns a giant mansion on the top of a hill, near a forest.
This mansion happened to be cursed. It was cursed by some ancient being in a way that interferes with Death. Extending the lives of those who live in it, abnormally, and cursing things to constantly go wrong.
Tsunagu had an illness that was commonly called "Vampire's disease"
(he was pale, sensitive to sunlight, and quite weak and fragile)
This led to rumours that he was a vampire.
(was he a vampire? Nobody knows...even I don't /lh)
(No he was, but it is still a slightly questioned thing)
Shinya was his best friend and doctor, and he took constant care of him. They were actually together as a couple but had to hide that from society.
Shinya lived with him in this mansion "for medical reasons as his personal doctor" and other rumours said it was because he was widowed and lived with his friend for comfort. The first one is the only one partially true.
They took in other 'misfits', people that didn't fit in, adopted orphans and kids who needed better homes!!
They gave them work and roles as well as a home, but treated everyone as a big family. Their roles were mostly exaggerated for show.
Shinya and Tsunagu went everywhere together and some people were suspicious about it but their go to excuse was always “he is ill and needs constant supervision.” “You heard him, doctors orders.”
At home and with the Family, they acted purely as the practically married couple they were and raised most of the kids as both their dads. (Or uncles for the ones that were brought in by other members of the family)
One day, one of the kids (Izumi) gets gifted a BIG dollhouse, and it’s a replica of the mansion. Down to the last detail. There are no dolls inside though.
A week passes and during this week, everyone falls relatively ill. They are okay, but it is strange.
Then, the tragedy strikes. The soldiers have found out about everything. About the rumours, about who these guys are. And they also come to “execute” Tsunagu on charges of him being rumoured to be a vampire.
They tie Tsunagu up and also tie up the rest of the household in order to “cleanse them from his spells” and they take Shinya to arrest him for “aiding” the vampire. He fights and manages to run inside and lock the doors.
The soldiers set the mansion on fire and leave.
They are left to die. And they do indeed die.
Their souls are trapped inside the magical dollhouse. This wasn’t supposed to happen instantly.
They wake up and feel and look the same as they usually do. But, they know they died. They weren’t supposed to know until they were told, but they knew.
For 50 years they just wandered around their “mansion” assuming they were just haunting it and couldn’t leave.
And then the magical seal broke, the doors to the dollhouse opening and not only that, they transformed suddenly into toys and dolls. They were so confused and scared. They attempted to leave and found out they were inside the dollhouse, inside their bigger burnt mansion.
They explored for a bit and then settled back down, learning that they’d have to just deal with it. Tsunagu knew some things about what was going on but he didn’t really remember reading about them or anything. Shinya also knew things that filled in the gaps from Tsunagu’s knowledge.
They spent another 50 years like this until someone came to rebuild the mansion and found the dollhouse. Suspecting it to be haunted (they were right), they took it to a Toymaker that said he dealt with old toys like that.
Cue them meeting The Toymaker!! Higari!! And they get everything explained to them and their dollhouse and any cracks/rips/tears in them are fixed!!
They get to stay in his workshop and meet plenty of other souls that live inside of toys!
And, well, they get to live their lives a lot more free and peaceful and just. Live. More than they did in life.
Fun facts about the dollhouse:
It has a magical seal that activates the transformations! When the dollhouse is closed, this seal is activated, meaning that they get to look and feel like they did in life. Just. Smaller versions. They are “human” in this form.
But if they go outside or the dollhouse is open, they turn into toys. The same applies to objects, “pets”, food- they are made out of resin or clay but if they’re activated, they get to seem just as real as the spirits are.
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The world seems normal, but magic exists in the form of vampires, witches, demons and spirits and so forth.
These are the things that usually are passed off as superstition, but during this time it was very real to them. And in this case it is because it was indeed real.
Magical beings/supernatural beings usually hid from society bc they would get hunted and killed when found out.
Death (as in the all powerful being) created special semi-immortal beings that can carry out certain tasks/watch over souls/etc, for them.
These beings are made up of magic and form shadow-like entities with no physical form, yet they are not living nor dead, so are not classified as a soul or spirit.
They are referred to as guardians/soul guides, along with other nicknames.
Depending on the job they are tasked with and what they were made to do, they are given a human form - this can also be in the form of a vampire/witch/etc, in some cases.
Their magical source is tied to an object/item of clothing that they must keep safe, or else they lose their physical form and must wait to be granted a new one by Death.
Their recognisable sigil is a black rose, which they can use to identify each other. Their items are usually related to a black rose in some way too.
There are different types of souls and lives. Normal folk that lived normal lives/died in regular ways, folk whose souls are meant to pass on, those who die tragically, lives cut short, etc.
And there are special souls that are tied to magic and death in some way, even if they didn’t know in life. These are magical beings, old souls, magical folk, cursed folk, etc.
These are souls that have destined deaths and are tasked to be bonded to objects so that they can be kept safe, and others can be kept safe from them. They are dangerous souls after death - even if they were just human in life.
There are four soul guides tasked with this section of death, and they carry out a constant cycle.
The Stargazer: they are tasked with looking and seeing what souls are next, using constellations and stars (and magic)
The Toymaker: they are tasked with making the toys/dolls/objects needed for the specific soul(s) that are next, made with its magical seal. They also look after all of the spirits once they are in their objects.
The Gift Giver: they are tasked with finding the soon-to-be-dead soul, and gifting them their bound object in some way. They must also collect this item when the soul is dead and trapped, and bring it to the toymaker.
The Storyteller: they are tasked with watching over the deaths and the lives of these souls, writing their stories and making sure everything goes as it is destined to. They are present at the death, and will explain things to the souls and tell them of their lives.
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Yep. And these lil things are how they actually look outside of human form, when Death calls them into the spirit world for a meeting. (chibi-fied of course)
Higari - The Toymaker: He makes the dolls and everything and has magic that enables him to bond these souls to their toys and create seals. He looks after them and tries to ensure they live better than they did in life.
His magic is tied to a small music box in the shape of a black rose. 
Everything he does is very toy related, its his lil theme lol
Ecto - The Storyteller: He owns a huge magical book that includes all the stories of all the souls they take care of. His magic lets any story he tells come to life.
(so, little sparkly magical projections show up on the book as he tells the story)
When in toy form, the souls like. Physical soul forms live inside this book and he can watch over them. (they look like lil jellybean ghosts)
His magic is tied to his hat, which has an embroidered black rose on it.
Snipe - The Gift Giver: He gets to take the toys/dolls/dollhouses from higari and gift it to the folks that are gonna die. He then gets to come and collect them after and give it back to him! His magic lets him find the souls, he always knows where they are.
His magic is tied to his cloak, which has a small black rose sigil in the front.
Thirteen - The Stargazer: They get to look into the stars and keep an eye on which souls are next in line for death! Their magic lets them see and predict the next deaths and see all the special souls!
Their magic is tied to their telescope, which has a rose along the side of it.
The broken dollhouse actually causes a lot of problems and issues with their jobs and tasks and they have to go figure it out!!!
It all ties to the ancient demon being that cursed the Mansion, and them having to fins a way to lift that curse so that they can get back to work as normal 
They are a mess. Professional semi-immortals that constantly are chaotic and are a complete mess.
Ecto and Higari have a sort of ‘old married couple bickering/divorced couple but they arent actually together’ dynamic. However, the also have never met each other in their human forms, so it goes… interestingly-
The haunted lil dolls get to help set them up on dates and also just watch them be disasters.
It's a mix of “oh it's you… it's my turn to look after the souls” “oh go back to your storytelling-” and “eheh…hey…so you- yeah you wanna get lunch sometime?” “that would be great :))”
and that is all i have for now because this au does not like me ironing out the lore at the moment lol- i am having huge brainrot for it tho, thank you for asking :D!!!
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dreamsandstars24 · 2 years
This kdrama will entirely end with my mental stability, so we need to let everything out as a way of therapy. So, I shall start.
Somebody kill Jin Mu, and the female doctor who is in love with Uk, and the Queen and if possible, the King.
I require something very easy.
First, let's go over episode 4:
Jang Uk really needs to chill down a little:He is all sweet and lovely and then he becomes all cold and evil -we all know why but COME ONE MAN- my only consolation is the fact that he will hate himself when he realizes who his wife actually is. I'm practically living for that moment.
Naksu's baby era: I love it. The way she pouts and needs so much attention and everyone gives it to her -Most of all, Jang Uk. That man fights it but his little heart really knows who to love- it feels as if the directors were giving her the amount of love and attention she didn't had before. It's nice.
Seo Yul: The blood parasite and him being terminally ill is definitely not something I was ready for. But I guess we didn't had enough drama as it already was so the directors said "oh, yes. Let's make this man terminally ill". Also, his friendship with our baby assassin is wonderful.
So-i: I was ready for her to come, and I am upset about the outcome of episode 5 but we are not there yet so I shall not speak of it. She is ready to manipulate, kill, be tortured and burnt for Yul, of those two don't end up together, I shall go to Korea and riot and force the directors of AOS to pay foe my therapy.
The crown prince: I know he was the one to cause chaos on season 1 but I feel extremely upset that they are using him like that. It really is upsetting but his friendship with Naksu is the most hilarious thing ever. They really make a great pair.
Now, as for the general opinion of episode 4 and not the individual opinions of each character:
...Okay, to be fair, I wouldn't also notice but
The Queen trying to kill Naksu seemed like a stretch and Uk really went "No, not my girl" and proceeded to unleash chaos on the royal crew. I love it.
Now, episode 5:
It started all nice and it ended with my mental stability.
So, I shall place a short resume of this episode.
Now, as for the advance of episode 6:
Stuff is about to go down on episode 6 and 7, and I don't think we are mentally prepared for it.
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josefavomjaaga · 3 years
Happy birthday, marshal Ney!
It is already January 10 over here, so I guess we can start the celebrations?
For Ney's birthday, I'm brazenly taking on a rather well-known scene, as it’s the only one with both Ney and Eugène in it that I am aware of: Ney’s return to what was left of the Grande Armée during the retreat from Russia, after everybody had pretty much given up on him.
The description is from Ségur, »Histoire de Napoléon et de la Grande Armée, pendant l’an 1812«. And the setting is Orcha, night 20./21. November 1812. Napoleon has already left with the guard, while Davout, Mortier and Eugène stayed behind to rest their troops.
Already, as in all cruel losses, attention was focused on memories. Davout had been the last to leave the unfortunate marshal, and Mortier and the viceroy asked him what his last words had been!
Eugène and Mortier, teary-eyed and sniffing: Davout, please tell us! When did you last see him, what did he look like, what did he say?
Davout: Well...
As soon as the first cannon shots were fired at Napoleon on the 15th, Ney had wanted Smolensk to be evacuated immediately after the viceroy [had left]. Davout had refused, citing the Emperor's orders and the obligation to destroy the city walls. The two chiefs had clashed, and Davout persevering to remain until the following day, Ney, charged to close the march, had been forced to wait for him.
Davout: So I said, listen, you ill disciplined, unreliable hothead, we got an order, and it says we’re supposed to destroy the fortifications before we leave. And he said, if you want to die in here, suit yourself, you f-ing tight-assed inch pincher, and I said…
Eugène and Mortier [exchange glances]: Uhm, Davout, that’s not quite what we...
It is true that, on the 16th, Davout had warned him of the danger he was in; but then Ney, either because he had changed his mind or because he was irritated with Davout, had replied: "That all the Cosaks of the universe would not prevent him from carrying out his instructions."
Davout: … So I told him not be such a stupid git and to leave now that we had done our job and actually could leave. But of course he acted just like the brain-dead, obstinate readhead he is and told me to get screwed and…
Eugène and Mortier: … Actually, we thought more about things we could tell his wife!
Davout: Oh...
[Just at this moment, an officer whom Ney had sent ahead brought the news that the marshal and some of his men were still alive and needed help. Mortier and Eugène – apparently nobody considered letting Davout anywhere near Ney – now had to decide who would leave the first warm quarters they had found since Moscow, in order to go find Ney.]
Eugène and Mortier fought over this commitment. The former only triumphed by invoking his superior rank. […]
Eugène: No, I’ll go. I’m a viceroy, and they say I can give orders. So I give an order now. You stay, I go. - Was that imperious enough?
The shelters and distributions had produced what threats had failed to achieve; the stragglers had rallied. Eugène found four thousand men: in the name of Ney being in danger all marched, but it was their last effort.
Okay, we’re coming. Because Ney. But after that, we really need to talk about working conditions in this place! That’s the last time, got it?
They went forward in the darkness, along unknown paths, and made two leagues at random, stopping at every moment to listen. Already the anxiety was increasing. Had their unfortunate companions succumbed? Was it the triumphant Russian army that they were about to meet? In this uncertainty, Prince Eugène had a few cannon shots fired.
Just so that the Russians, if it was really them, would not miss them.
They thought they heard signals of distress on this sea of snow; it was those of the third corps which, having no more artillery, responded to the cannon of the fourth with platoon fire.
The two corps immediately directed themselves towards each other. The first to perceive each other were Ney and Eugène; they ran, Eugène more hastily, and threw themselves into each other's arms. Eugène wept, Ney let out bursts of anger. The one, happy, moved, exalted by the warlike heroism which his chivalrous heroism had just brought home; the other, still hot from the battle, irritated by the dangers which the honour of the army had run in his person, and attacking Davout, whom he wrongly accused of having abandoned him.
Eugène: Ney! [flings his arms around Ney's neck, begins to cry]
Ney: Yeah, me! Where’s Davout? If I get a hold of that bastard, I'll bloody kill him! I'll strangle him with my bare hands! That shithead left us behind, that son of a b...
Eugène: [sobs on Ney's shoulder]
Ney: I'll pull his guts out! Through his nostrils! [absent-mindedly pats Eugène's back] And then I'll cut his balls off and feed them to his own partridges!
Eugène: [nods fiercely through his tears] We are all so glad to have you back, too!
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calpalirwin · 3 years
I Think I Like You
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Summary: Bucky falls for his best friend’s sister
A/N: I told y’all I wasn’t ready to let them go yet
Word Count: 5k
And away, and away we go!
The ache in my knuckles was starting to occupy more and more of my attention as I followed Steve into the apartment complex. “So, this is home, huh?” I asked, flexing out my hands.
“Something like that,” he quipped, digging around in his pocket to produce a key, before letting us into one of the apartments.
I was about to ask what he meant by that, but stepping into the home quickly answered the question for me. There was something… acutely feminine about the place. It was tidy, much tidier than my own apartment down the block. Magazines were neatly stacked on the coffee table. In the kitchen, the counters were wiped down. And on the dining table, a vase of flowers. All subtle signs of the home containing a woman’s touch. “Oh?” I said suggestively, taking a seat on the couch.
Steve just rolled his eyes, as he sat down next to me, sighing deeply as he sunk back in the soft cushions. I looked over at him with a smirk. Alright, if he wanted to keep his secrets, he could, I decided. I also wondered if I looked half as bad as he did. His lip was split, and he was already beginning to bruise along the right side of his face. I looked down at my own hands, flexing them again. No doubt they’d bruise too. But that was about the extent of my own injuries compared to my friend.
The door clicked open behind us, and both of us swiveled our heads to look at the woman walking in, a bag of groceries in her hand, and a bag slung over her shoulder with papers all but spilling out of it. She was smartly dressed in a crisp blouse tucked into a black skirt that hugged her small frame tightly. She toed off her heels, blonde curls falling to obscure her face from my view. She didn’t seem to acknowledge my presence as she walked over to the couch, pressing a soft kiss to Steve’s cheek, her face pinching into a frown when he winced. “Oh, Steven, what did you do now?” she asked, moving to set the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter, her tone suggesting that she was used to seeing the man this way. She didn’t appear to care for an answer either, as she turned out of the kitchen and disappeared down the hallway, returning a few moments later with a small first-aid kit. Only then did she acknowledge my presence, blue eyes sweeping over me with slight disdain. “Bringing your fights home now, huh?” she asked, tongue clicking in her cheek, as she grabbed his face, examining the damage carefully.
“We were on the same side,” he replied bluntly, sitting still for her while she cleaned up his face.
Her gaze flickered back to me, her tongue clicking again. “For being on the same side, it looks like he got out better than you did.”
“He’s a better fighter,” Steve explained with a shrug.
“And who is he exactly?”
“James Barnes, ma’am,” I told her politely. “Pleased to meet you. Wasn’t aware Steve here had a lady.”
Steve gave a bark of a scoff, “She’s not a lady.”
Her own eyes rolled. “What he meant to say was that I’m his sister. And I’m no ma’am either. It’s ‘miss,’ Mr. Barnes.”
“My apologies, miss.” I bit back my smirk. Not Steve’s lady, and not a ma’am only worked more in my favor. “And would you happen to have a name to accompany your title?”
“That would depend on who’s asking.”
“That would be me.”
“Then, that information would be classified, James.”
I chuckled, definitely toeing a fine line of getting in way over my head, and not caring the slightest bit. “Well, then, I suppose it’s only polite to ask if you prefer ‘sweetheart’ or ‘doll’ then.”
“From you? I’d prefer neither.” She flashed me a sweet smile, releasing Steve’s face, and snapping the first-aid kit shut. Then, she was on her feet, going back into the kitchen, and returning with two ice packs. “Might wanna ice your face and hands there, sluggers,” she said, tossing one to Steve, and the other to me. “It’ll help with the swelling.”
“You didn’t tell me you had a sister, let alone one that was a nurse, and we’ve been friends for how long now?” I questioned Steve, letting the ice pack rest across my knuckles.
“2 years. And she’s not a nurse. Just a nuisance,” he quipped, leaning his head back and placing his ice pack against his face.
“You’re the one who comes in here all bloody and bruised. So who’s the real nuisance here, dear brother?” she retorted.
“That would still be you, by a long shot. I fight bullies. You just like to fight.”
“No, I command respect. Feeble-minded men only view that as liking to fight. And you?” she asked, turning her attention to me. “Steve fights bullies. I fight for respect. What do you fight for, Mr. Barnes?”
“I fight to protect those I care about.”
“Mmm, how noble,” she said, clearly not impressed with my answer.
“And half a lie,” Steve snorted. “Go on, Buck. Tell her what you do at school.”
“Buck?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“A nickname,” I brushed past. “And I’m on the wrestling team. So, sure, one could make the argument that I have fighting in my DNA. But as I’ve said, I use the advantage I have in fighting to protect those I care about.”
“Mmm, well maybe next time care a little quicker about my brother, yes?”
“With all due respect, miss, your brother has a tendency of getting himself into fights before I’m around to help get him out of them.”
“Yes, I suppose that’s true… Steve, do me a favor, and put up those groceries would you?”
He pulled the ice pack off his face to squint over at her. “Yeah, I’ll get right on that.”
She rolled her eyes. “What’s the point of you being home if you’re not going to be useful?”
He grumbled, but got to his feet to do as she asked anyway. “So, how’s Mother?” he asked her.
“Still dying,” was the answer. “And still asking why you don’t visit.”
Steve sighed. “It’s not that I don’t want to visit,” he started.
His sister held up her hand, cutting him off, “I know. Watching her die isn’t exactly pleasant. And she knows you’re busy with school, and stopping by her to help me. Nobody blames you, Steve. But she’s getting worse, so I’d make time if you can. Sooner rather than later. But not too soon. Wait until your face heals a bit. James, has my brother offered you anything to eat or drink? Or is he as bad a host as he is a fighter?”
“We were barely home a minute before you came bursting in, and started chastising us,” he told her.
She ignored his excuse. “James, can I get you anything? A glass of water?”
“A glass of water would be lovely, thank you,” I smiled at her.
“So, safe to assume you’re a friend of Steve’s from college,” she continued to make conversation with me as she filled a glass with water, then came to join me on the couch while Steve finished with the groceries. “Do you prefer to be called James? Or whatever it was he called you? Buck?”
“James. Buck. Bucky,” I shrugged. “Either works. I’m not that picky.”
“Why Buck?”
“Middle name’s Buchanan.”
“Oh, a middle name after a president, just like Steve.”
“Y/N,” Steve said in a warning. “Don’t you have studying to do?”
“Don’t you have a fight to get into?”
“Y/N?” I asked with a slight smile, liking how her name sounded on my tongue.
She glowered at Steve, not liking that he’d given her the one edge she had over me. “Yes,” she said begrudgingly.
Over the course of my afternoon spent in the apartment, I learned a great deal about the girl with the pretty name. For one, she wasn’t just Steve’s sister, but actually his twin, and she hated how adamant he was about the fact that he was still technically older. And the chip in her shoulder was just as justified as the one in her brother’s. They had a rough go of it after their father had passed a few years prior, and with the economic situation being what it was, and their mother falling ill herself it was crazy to me that they still had their education as a priority. But as someone who valued education myself, it was a trait I greatly admired.
The longer the afternoon dragged on, the more I liked her, and the more she seemed to warm up to me. Although I was uncertain if she was warming up to me because she was as equally infatuated with me as I was with her, or if it was strictly a means of stirring annoyance in her brother. Either way, I had her attention, and I wasn’t complaining.
And when the evening did draw to a close, while I wasn’t brave enough to ask her out directly, I was brave enough to suggest my interest in her.
“Bucky, can I ask something of you?” she asked, pulling the front door shut behind her to allow for a brief moment of privacy between us.
“Of course,” I asked, trying not to take too much glee in how she said my name.
“Well, I suppose it’s not really a question. But more of a request to take what I said about caring about my brother quicker seriously. He has a strong tendency, as I’m sure you’ve witnessed, of doing what he thinks is right, without stopping to think about the consequences. And he doesn’t have the… erm…” heat colored her cheeks as she fought to find the right words, “physique like you do to defend himself, despite his best intentions. So if you could be a bit quicker with that ‘I protect those I care about’ bit you were mentioning earlier, I’d greatly appreciate it.”
Did she just admit she found me attractive? “That would require me to be around your brother a lot more, you know that, right?”
“It’s a good thing you two are friends then, isn’t it?”
“Oh, I meant that it would mean I would probably be around more if I were to do that. Which I can do, no problem. Steve’s a great friend. But I would hate for my presence to ever make you uncomfortable.”
“Why would your presence make me feel uncomfortable?”
“Well, you didn’t seem all that keen on me. And if I’m being honest, I still can’t really figure out what your opinion of me is. I’m hoping it’s favorable.”
“In my defense, I came home to find my brother with a bloody face, and you with bruised knuckles. All the same, I do apologize if my original assumption made me come across as cold. Because it’s become clear to me that my brother holds you in a high regard as his friend, and I’ve never known Steve to be a bad judge of character.”
“Well, if being around Steve more for the sake of getting him out of fights quicker means I can see more of you, consider your request granted. G’night, Y/N.”
“G’night, Bucky.”
“So my sister, huh?” Steve asked when I saw him a few days later.
“What about her?” I asked, playing dumb.
“You’re smitten with her, aren’t you?”
I sighed, opting for honesty rather than something that would be an obvious lie. “Do I find her to be beautiful and charming? Yes. But would I go so far as to say I’m smitten with her? We barely know each other.”
“But you want to know her?”
“Okay,” was all he said.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?”
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“You’re my best friend, and she’s your sister.”
“You’re both adults. And it’s Y/N. She’d go out with you just to spite me if I was stupid enough to warn her away from you. Which I have no reason to do anyway.”
“So if I did want to ask her out, I’d have your blessing?”
“I wouldn’t go that far, Buck. I’m simply saying I wouldn’t be mad about it. But if you do ask her out, which I don’t recommend doing anytime soon because she has a lot on her plate as is, she likes roses and dancing.
I was there when their mother passed away a few months later. I sat with them in the kitchen while they tearfully planned a funeral, offering to make the necessary phone calls that left their own words choked and stuck. And I stood between them when they buried her, one hand resting firmly on Steve’s shoulder, the other hanging limply at my side, fingers begging to stretch out and pull her hand into mine. 
When Steve excused himself to talk with the minister, Y/N sighed deeply next to me. “He’s all I got left,” she murmured with sad finality. “I mean, we always used to joke that it was just me and him. And I knew this would happen eventually. But… I’m not ready for it. I’m not ready for Steve to be the only family I have left.”
“He’s not,” I told her. “You have me, too.”
She blinked up at me. “I do?”
Heat colored my cheeks, and I rubbed at hand at the back of my neck as my nerves kicked in. “Y-yeah. I mean, I’m friends with Steve. I have no interest in ending that friendship. So you can count on me to be around if that’s something you want to count on.”
“Steve, yes. So a relationship with each other via proxy? Seems like quite the investment on your end.”
“Well, I’d hardly say our relationship with each other is strictly via proxy of your brother. I like to think we’ve become at least friendly with each other, if not friends directly.”
“And is that what you would like? A friendship?”
I hesitated. There was no way of answering her without condemning myself one way or another. If I said yes, then that’s all I would ever be to her. But if I answered no, I risked losing her before I had her. Either by her thinking I was insulting her by not wanting a friendship, or scaring her off if she interpreted what I said as being too forward too soon. “I’ve told you that I protect those I care about. Which means if you need me, for anything, I’ll be there.”
“And do you care for me simply because I’m your friend’s sister? Or do you care for me because you genuinely care for me?”
“You’re a smart girl, Y/N. Surely you can answer that for yourself.”
“Steve,” I groaned as he dragged me through the streets of Brooklyn towards his place with a grin on his face. “I told you I didn’t want to do anything for my birthday.”
“I know. And that’s what I told Y/N, but you know she doesn’t listen to me.”
I groaned louder. “What did she do?”
“It’s just cake,” he promised. “So even by Y/N’s terms, this is very tame. But, you have to act surprised because she’ll kill me if she knows I told you.”
“Alright, alright,” I relented with a laugh.
“Close your eyes,” he said as we bounded up the stairs to the apartment.
“Is that part necessary?” I asked, closing my eyes anyway and letting him push me inside.
“Surprise!” both him and Y/N yelled, and I opened my eyes to see a small banner hanging up on the wall with the words “Happy Birthday,” sprawled across it, and a small cake waiting on the kitchen table. “We know it’s not much,” she went on, “but we wanted to do something.”
“Thank you,” I said gratefully. “But you didn’t have to.”
“I know we didn’t have to. But we wanted to. Turning twenty is something special, Bucky.”
“Well again, thank you,” I told her as I took a seat at the table, noticing a small parcel wrapped neatly. “What’s this?”
Her eyes went wide. “That,” she said, snatching it off the table, and hiding it behind her back, “is for later.”
This time, it was Steve who groaned. “Y/N, we agreed on no presents. Now I look like an ass.”
“This is what makes you look like an ass?” she questioned.
“Ha-ha,” he deadpanned humorlessly. “You’re hilarious.”
“Okay, this you really didn’t have to do,” I told her with a chuckle.
“Bucky? Shut up, and make a wish.” With that, she grabbed a small lighter, lighting the candles on the cake.
While she and Steve sang “Happy Birthday” I thought about what wish I wanted to make, no matter how silly the notion seemed. But my mind couldn’t think of anything to wish for. I already had everything I wanted. So ultimately, I decided to wish for things to stay the same as I blew out the candles with a huff of breath.
“Okay,” she said, setting the small parcel in front of me, after we’d eaten the cake and Steve excused himself. “Now, you can have this.”
Carefully I tore at the paper, revealing a hardcover book, the words “The Hobbit” etched across the front cover. “Wow,” I breathed, running my fingers across the cover.
“The lady at the bookstore said it was popular. But if you end up not liking it… Well, I kept the receipt, so we can return it for something you would like,” she offered as explanation, a soft embarrassed mumble
We. “No,” I said quickly. “No, I love it. This is great, thank you,” I smiled at her.
“Happy Birthday, Bucky,” she smiled back. “And uh, if you don’t mind, when you’re finished with it, I’d like to borrow it. Didn’t have enough to buy two copies.”
“Or,” I suggested, a thought coming to me, “we could read it together.”
She tilted her head to the side in confusion. “How would we do that exactly?”
“I could read it to you. We could… make an afternoon of it. Or a few afternoons of it.”
“That sounds suspiciously like you’re proposing a date.”
“And if I was?”
“I think I’d like that.”
I grinned. “How’s Saturday, then?”
“This is going to sound stupid,” Y/N interjected when I paused in my reading.
“What’s going to sound stupid?” I asked, looking at her over the top of the book. She looked cute, resting on her stomach, her elbows propped up as she cradled her chin in her hands. Her hair blew softly with the light spring breeze, and her eyes held a dreamy look to them. Okay, she looked way more than just cute. 
“I like the way you read,” she said. “Your voice… it’s nice in general. But there’s a certain flow to how you read. Your voice does this thing where it rises and falls with what you’re reading. It’s… animated. Very engaging.”
“Well, I can easily say that’s the first time someone ever complimented my voice,” I said with a chuckle.
Her cheeks turned pink. “I told you it was going to sound stupid.”
I tucked a scrap of paper in the book, marking our spot before setting it aside. “It’s not stupid. It’s a nice compliment. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Her eyes flickered from me to the book. “Are we done for the day?”
“No, I can keep reading if you want me to,” I said, picking up the book and opening it.
She smiled up at me, and then, in a move I wasn’t expecting, she rolled over onto her back and then shifted her body perpendicular to mine, resting her head on my outstretched leg. I stiffened at the sudden intimacy of the contact. “Is this okay?” she asked.
“Y-yeah,” I choked out with a cough, forcing myself to relax. “Yeah, it’s, uh, fine.”
She gave a small giggle. “You know, you’re pretty cute when you get shy, Bucky.”
“You’re pretty cute all of the time,” I mumbled back.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
“I said you’re pretty cute all of the time,” I said again, this time without mumbling, but glad I had the book in my hand to block my face from her view.
Her hand gently pulled mine down, the book closing once more. “Bucky, if I ask you something, do you promise to be honest with me?”
“Course,” I nodded.
“Do you like me? Romantically that is.”
I swallowed thickly, nodding. “And if you want the whole truth, it’s the ‘I’m falling in love with you’ kind of like. And that terrifies me.”
“Why does that terrify you?”
“Because it means I have more to lose.”
She let out a soft “oh,” as she pushed herself to sit upwards, a timid hand stroking up the length of my arm. “You’ll never lose me, Bucky.”
Try as I might, I couldn’t hold back. I shifted to lean towards her, my hands going to cradle her face. And then my lips were on hers, and it was sweet and powerful. And my thumbs were brushing along her cheek bones as the rest of my fingers bunched up in her hair. And her own hands were looping around my neck, her fingers tugging lightly at my hair. The air came rushing out of my lungs, and I couldn’t breathe but I didn’t dare break the kiss, savoring every sensation. 
There was a sharp intake of air and I wasn’t sure which one of us had done it, because our lips stayed locked, and I had to drop one of my hands to brace myself as the kiss grew hungry and she moved in closer, practically on top of me. I moved the hand that was still holding her face to wrap tightly around her back, needing her more than I’d ever needed anybody else before.
“Whoa, slow down there, doll,” I chuckled, pulling the glass away from her lips.
“But it tastes like juice!” she told me, her eyes big with excitement.
“I know, but those drinks have a lot more alcohol in them. And if I bring you home drunk, Steve will kill me.”
“He can try,” she scoffed, grabbing the glass from me and taking another big drink. “And neither one of you can get mad at me drinking, because you both do it too,” she half sang.
“Again, your drinks have a lot more alcohol in them than our drinks do. And for another, I’m a lot bigger than you. My body can handle more.”
She set the glass down, scowling over the rim at me. “You’re no fun.”
“I didn’t say you couldn’t have your drink, doll. I’m just asking you to slow down.”
“Well, can you order me another one? This one’s almost empty.”
“Of course,” I said, kissing her forehead before going back over to the bar to get us each another drink. I could feel the eyes of other girls on me as I drummed my fingers across the tabletop of the bar while I waited, but they didn’t bother me. I already had the girl I wanted staring at me like they did, and she did a whole lot more than just stare. When I turned with the drinks, I saw the way other guys in the bar were looking at Y/N back in the booth. Now, that made my skin prickle. So I squared my shoulders and slid in next to her placing a heated and heavy kiss on her cheek, smirking in triumphant as the looks dropped. “A-are you growling?” I asked with another chuckle, becoming aware of the low rumble in her throat.
“I hate the way they stare at you,” she whispered with disdain.
“Jealous?” I teased lightheartedly.
She scoffed into her drink. “Me? Jealous? Please…”
“Good. Because if anyone should be jealous, it’s me. You have the attention of every man in this bar.”
She scoffed more. “Now you’re just being ridiculous.”
“You,” I said, kissing her cheek again. “Are the most beautiful girl in here, and everyone knows it. And I’m the lucky son of a gun that gets to take you home.”
Her eyes went wide, and a grin broke out across her face. “Take me home, Bucky.”
I didn’t need to be told twice.
I held her steady as I let her into my apartment, and she blinked in her surroundings. “This isn’t… Where are we?”
“We’re at my place. Steve would kill me if I brought you home like this.”
“I-” her face flushed. “Bucky, I’ve never…”
“We’re not,” I said softly. “I’m going to help you into bed, and then sleep on the couch.”
“Oh.” It was a simple utterance both of understanding and… was that disappointment that nothing would come of the night besides her safely sleeping her intoxicated state away?
I gave her one of my shirts to sleep in, turning my back to give her privacy, before helping her into bed. “G’night, doll,” I said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll be down the hall if you need me.”
“Wait,” she whispered, her hand reaching out to grab me by my shirt. “Can you stay?”
I looked down at her, the blanket pulled up tightly around her. My bed had never looked more inviting. And what was the harm in sleeping? I nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I can stay.” I stepped out of my pants before joining her on the bed, but staying on top of the covers. “G’night, doll,” I whispered, clicking off the light.
“You don’t want to marry me, do you?” she asked me, her voice filled with sorrow.
“What gave you that idea?”
“You can’t even share the covers with me!” was the wailed explanation of despair.
“I-” I sputtered, shocked at whatever had caused this outburst. “C’mere,” I coaxed, lifting up my arm for her to curl into me. “I’m trying to be a gentleman.”
“So you want me?”
“Of course I want you, doll.”
“Then how come you haven’t asked me to marry you?”
“I- You’re the most independent woman I know. I didn’t know you wanted to become a wife.”
“I don’t want to become a wife. I want to become your wife.”
“You’re gonna need to give me time to buy a ring.”
“But you’ll ask?”
“Until I’m blue in the face,” I promised.
“And we can have a house, and kids? Not an obnoxiously big house, but not a tiny one either.”
“We can have a medium-sized house, and fill it with as many kids as you want. And you can teach, and Steve and I can open up a mechanic shop. And every night,” I said, shifting to get under the blankets and pull her closer, “we can fall asleep just like this.”
“I love you, James Buchanan Barnes,” she breathed in content.
“I love you too, Y/N Y/M/N Rogers.”
“It’s Rogers-Barnes.”
“Why do you keep fiddling with your pockets?” Y/N asked as we walked through Central Park, one of her hands holding mine, the other clutched holding a picnic basket with the flowers I’d bought her poking out the top.
“I’m not,” I lied, feeling the small box drop as I pulled my hand out of my pocket and waved it in her face. “See?”
She narrowed her eyes playfully. “You’re plotting something.”
“If by plotting, you mean enjoying a nice picnic with you, then ya got me. And it’s hardly plotting if you already knew.”
“Mmm,” she hummed, as we came to a stop underneath a large tree by the lake’s edge. “And what are we reading today?” she asked as I busied myself with laying out the blanket for us.
“Oh, I love him,” she marveled, kneeling on the blanket and pulling out our lunch.
“I know you do.”
With her head resting in my lap, and between bites of sandwich, I read from the small paperback novel. Our lazy Saturday tradition that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I only stopped reading when I heard the soft sigh as she started to doze off like she usually did. “You still with me?” I asked with a small laugh, tracing her cheek with one of my thumbs.
“Mhm,” she murmured like she always did, keeping her eyes closed. “Just thinking.”
I frowned. Her normal answer was “Keep reading.” “What are you thinking about?”
“How much I’m gonna miss this when you’re gone. How much I’m gonna miss you.”
My heart sank as I thought about the draft papers sitting on my kitchen table. “It’s just basic training. Couple weeks and I’ll be back. And I’ll only be in Jersey.”
“Ugh… Jersey…” She opened her eyes to roll them.
“I’ll be so bad at being a soldier, my sergeant will yell at me and ship me back home to you,” I laughed.
“You will do no such thing. You’ll do what you have to at camp, and then you’ll come home to me,” she told me, sitting up. “And then…” Her voice broke off, not wanting to finish the rest. After camp came Europe. And that was more than either of us were willing to think about. Camp. Camp was first. Camp had clear dates we could work with. 3 measly months. And what came after didn’t matter.
“And then,” I said, slowly pulling the box out of my pocket.
“No!” she interrupted, sternly. “James Buchanan Barnes, if you say one damned word about Europe, I will drown you in the lake,” came the threat.
“Y/N!” I laughed. “Can I tell you what happens after I get back from camp, or not?”
“Bucky…” she whined.
“Please? I really think you’re gonna like it.”
“What could I possibly like about what you coming back from camp means?”
“Because it means you’ll be my wife,” I told her, presenting her the box, snapping the top open to reveal a small gold band. “Marry me, doll.”
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chilly-me-softly · 3 years
Are u going to do a part 3 to the chilly fic its so good <3
Part 1 - Part 2
"I did something stupid" you announce as soon as Mason opens the door to his house, walking in and heading for the living room as if you were at your house.
"You? When have you ever done that in your life" the boy rolls his eyes sarcastically as you glare at him. "This is no time for jokes Mason"
"Okay come here" he claps a hand on the couch after sitting down, inviting you to sit next to him so you don't go back and forth, "What happened"
"Do you promise not to judge?"
"Hmm no but I'm listening" he retorts immediately and a groan escapes your lips as you lower your head and start to doubt at that very moment that that is the right thing to do. But if you don't tell someone, if you don't open up to him, you're gonna go crazy. So you take a deep breath and do your best not to look at him.
"Do you remember how Ben helped me that day? Well I wanted to thank him so I brought him a cake"
"Okay" Mason states looking suddenly curious as to where this is going.
"I just- I used a big plate hoping he might bring it back. But he didn't! Ugh why am I so stupid" it takes him a few seconds to realize the meaning of your words, his body straightening up at the revelation while yours almost wants to get swallowed up by the couch in embarrassment.
"You like Ben? Since when?" but still, his tone isn't judgmental, if anything curious and shocked.
"What? You guys are always fighti- oh"
"What oh" you look at your friend lost as he seems to be lost somewhere in his memory before returning to look at you turning slightly towards you.
"Of course! How the fuck did I miss that" he murmurs, "you acted the same way with Tim Reese when we were sixteen"
"Okay first how do you still remember Tim and second what are you talking about?!" you ask somewhat shocked as he smiles mischievously ready to strike. Oh you knew it wasn't a good idea.
"You were always nervous when it came to him and then when he got close to you you became this impassable fortress of coldness and sarcasm. The poor guy had to sweat to even get a kiss"
"That's not true" you try to defend yourself in vain.
"I might be a little offended you know, you didn't even have a little crush on me"
"Please, you're like my brother ew" you wince as he laughs shaking his head.
"So that's how it is today, it all ends over a plate?"
"It was an excuse Mase" you roll your eyes, "if he wanted to see me again he'd know how to hook me up" in short you had even sent each other a few messages, just to test the waters not knowing how far you could go at the time. But your relationship had never been just about the two of you and there was always that fear of ruining that little step forward lurking.
"Maybe who knows, he needs some kind of push too. Ben isn't the cocky guy he wants to appear after all"
"You know something I don't Mase" you look at him inspectively, him raising an eyebrow. "I won't say anything about him if I can't do otherwise"
"No mh-mh forget it" you shake your head firmly, Mason could talk to you about Ben all he wanted no one would know and you still knew how to handle a rejection by acting like nothing happened. But Ben knowing about your feelings and not returning them... no thanks, you didn't need any more embarrassment in your life to deal with.
"Well then you'll never know what he thinks of you"
"What's he even supposed to think, that I'm a crazy person who always has a say in everything and out of pity helped when I was sick" you shrug as he smiles knowingly, he's never going to tell you how worried his friend seemed in the days following your illness or how he was trying to find out something under the radar. Not if he can't tell him that he might find the door open if he wants to join your world. But as sure as hell he would have done something.
You correct yourself. That's the moment you know it wasn't a good idea to tell Mase.
He had asked you a couple of times if you were going to watch the game that saturday, he always did that when there were tough games because he said you were his good luck charm even though it wasn't true and most of the time they won or lost regardless of your presence. However, you had already cleared your whole schedule for that day and so he had extended the invitation to a drink after the game.
Nobody had lost, nobody had won. There was regret for a few wasted chances, but nothing that couldn't spur them on to do better the next game. You'd driven to the stadium in your car, not wanting to wait for Mason after the last time he'd made you wait over an hour outside, having him tell you where he wanted to go after the game and waiting for him there.
The place isn't that crowded and you can occupy a table further away, ordering something while you wait and taking the book out of your bag while resuming your reading.
"Hi" a voice makes you shift your gaze from those pages and you're bewildered to see Ben take a seat in front of you.
"Hi Ben"
"Mase said he'd meet us in a bit, he had something to do" the boy shrugs, "but I'm certainly not going to wait for him to order"
"Go ahead, I've already helped myself" you place the bookmark on the page you are on then put it in your bag and before you can let your eyes rest on Ben again, your phone alerts you to the arrival of a new message.
As soon as you see that it's Mason you get a bad feeling, and as soon as you open your conversation you see that he has sent you a picture of a diner where he is with some of the other guys. And it's definitely not the one you and his teammate are in.
"Son of a bitch"
"What?" Ben's voice makes you raise your head in alarm, suddenly you feel nervous and you want to strangle your friend and you want to bury yourself because what are you gonna do now. All while he looks at you expectantly.
"Um eh I- that wasn't meant for you" you murmur pathetically sighing and handing him your phone, "Mason's not coming"
"I don't understand" Ben looks at that picture with furrowed brows, but you can't read his expression.
"Look I'm sorry he set you up for this really. Um we can go and pretend like nothing happened" you stammer trying to pick up your bag and jacket deliberately trying not to look him in the eye and you try to get up but he stops you.
"Woah hey wait, wait. I'm not letting you go anywhere so upset" he is quick to grab the chair and move closer to you, if he wanted to calm you down he certainly isn't succeeding like this.
"Easy now, just try to explain what's going on please"
"Ben really it's not- it's just Mason okay? I just need to beat him up and then I'll be better" a soft laugh escapes his lips and you find yourself huffing but giggling at the same time.
"Nothing wrong with that. Just answer one of my questions first?" you nod losing focus for a moment as one of his thumbs starts stroking the back of your hand.
"He tried to set us up"
"Is that a question?" you ask struggling to swallow, your voice coming out weak and shaky. What's going on?
He shakes his head slightly, "Do you like me? That's my question" and if before it was difficult to find air now it seems like everything has closed for good. There you go, is that how you're going to die? In front of Ben of all people, and still before you can get revenge on Mason for that low blow?
"Cause Mason probably knows I fancy you-"
"You what?" you croak.
"-but he wouldn't have done that if he didn't know something else" his cheeks are slightly red, so he's feeling all that sudden heat too then!
"Ben I..."
"It's okay, it's okay. Look we're in the same boat here, if anything I'm a lot more exposed than you are at the moment because I've revealed to you how I feel and you haven't really let me know that I haven't really fucked up"
"No!" instinctively you lean forward and you don't know why you actually did it, but the sound of your foreheads colliding together resonates loudly. "Ouch I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Oh my god are you okay?" geez you feel so stupid, embarrassed like a teenager struggling with her first crush and as clumsy as you've ever been... or don't like to remember.
"I've taken worse balls" he tries to lighten the situation but your now worried look doesn't seem to want to give way to anything else as you gently test his forehead.
"What do you say we get out of here? Maybe somewhere less crowded?"
"Yes please" you find yourself nodding and after paying quickly exit the building, Ben firmly takes your hand guiding you to the opposite side of your cars.
Neither of you speak on the way, you're lost in your head trying to calm yourself down to get your thoughts in order and not embarrass yourself further. He glances at you from time to time, what he is thinking you cannot know.
You arrive at the park and after a few more minutes of walking you sit down in a fairly secluded area except for a few people walking quietly on the stone path not far from you.
"You were pretty worked up in there" Ben breaks the silence.
"Being taken by surprise throws me off. Probably if I had known you were coming I would have been prepared, and imagined all the possible situations I might find myself in"
"Do you do this often? I mean do you never live in the moment?"
"Obviously I can't predict everything that's going to happen to me in a day, but the important things I like to know in advance so I can leave the anxiety at home and not risk headbutting people" a laugh breaks free in the air and when you look at him you feel lighter, nothing like the you of moments before.
"And to answer your question, yes I like you Ben. That day you helped me I think it helped me realise that"
"Funny, I realized it that day too"
"Sorry I must have looked like a weirdo" the awkwardness comes back overpowering again as he shakes his head moving closer to you some more.
"You were cute. Different from how you show yourself to others" you smile slightly dipping your teeth in your lower lip. "Now, do you still want to beat up Mase?"
"You betcha" you reply promptly causing him to laugh, "but not right now"
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ashbrea381writings · 3 years
Fractals and Feathers:Pt1
For as long as Damian could remember, his grandfather had grumbled about his wings. The outer color was fitting for the League, a deep pine green with brown eye-markings near the base. The underside, however… Were a soft, baby pink that faded into a grey-white. His soulmate was obviously some civilian girl who had no problems in her life. “It is unbecoming. If you were to ever meet this person, you must end them on sight, salvage some form of dignity.” Ra’s lectured, sneering down at Damian. “If you fail to do this, you will lose the right to have wings at all.” With that threat, Ra’s swept out of the training room, leaving Damian to consider what he must do.
The next five years were spent with Damian training hard, the threat of having his wings removed hanging over his head. He kept an eye out for his soulmate anytime he was out on a mission either with his mother or when he was alone. He was determined to not get his wings ripped from him, no matter what fate wanted for him. This went on until the fateful day his mother took him away from all he knew, and left him with his father. His father’s wings were jet black with small points of pure white like stars on the underside and slate grey with blue and purple markings on the outside. Damian didn’t care about the colors of the other boys’ wings, and ignored the color of his own, choosing to keep them tucked close enough that only the grey edges of the bottoms showed at all. This is why it took him 2 weeks to notice the first cracks.
Marinette had always found the dichotomy of her wings interesting. The light, pale pink fading to grey on the back, and the dark pine green on the underside. She thought it was pretty, and just a bit mysterious. Somehow, on hot days the inside of her wings would be just a bit cooler than the rest of her, soothing the heat just enough to be comfortable. On cold days, they gave off the heat of the summer sun, warming her through the cold nights in her attic bedroom. When Marinette got her miraculous, she worried about her wings giving her away, but instead of her pink/grey and green wings, she found that the pink was replaced by bright red with black dots, and the green was changed to black with red dots. Meeting up with Chat, she found him with startling acid-green and black patterned wings. “I guess they want to protect our identities.” He joked, laughing and admiring the pattern. “Let’s not focus on that, Kitty.” She sighed and turned to face Stoneheart. “This is scary enough as is without thinking about if they didn’t hide our wing colors.” “True… Let’s go.” His face turned suddenly serious. “Do you have a plan?” Stoneheart took time to defeat, and Ladybug forgot the Akuma, so they had to clean it up later, but… They were pretty happy with the partners they were starting to become. They started to get to know each other, not revealing identities, but learning everything else about each other. Until one day, Chat brought up something interesting. “Hey, what happens to your wings if something happens to your soulmate?” “Why do you ask, Kitty?” Ladybug paused as she was unpacking the dinner she’d brought with the two of them. “Someone I know, they commented about the color of a person’s wings when we were out together. They said something about how that person had lost their soulmate. Nobody ever said anything to me about the colors changing if we lose them.” He stared at his gloved palms, seeming to not see anything at all. “Why? Did yours change color recently?” Ladybug asked, alarmed. “No! No, they’re the same as always, but… My… My mother disappeared a while ago, and I want to know what to look for and how to know what happened to her if I see my father’s wings change.” He sighed deeply, dropping his head into his hands. “I know I can’t say more because we can’t know who each other are, but I just… I’m so terrified to see them changed one day.” Ladybug wrapped an arm and wing around Chat, pulling him to lean on her shoulder. “Oh Cat. I can tell you, but try to stay positive, okay?” At his nod, she continued. “Your color on the underside of your wings will change if your soulmate dies. If they die of old age, they turn pure white, if they were sick, pure black, if they had an accident, they become silver, if they died a hero or sacrificed themselves for someone, they turn gold, and… If they were killed, they turn blood red.” Ladybug sighed at the end and hugged Chat tighter. “Does your father have any of those colors without any other color or pattern? It’s only plain colors with no other pattern for if the person has died.” Chat took a deep breath, shaking his head, “No, they still look like Mom’s wings as of last I saw them. We… Don’t talk much.” He hugged Ladybug tightly, wrapping his wings around under the one she had put over his shoulders. “Thanks, Bug, I’m glad I know now… At least I know she’s still alive out there. Somewhere.” They finished their dinner, flying a circuit around Paris to make sure all is well before they called it a night. The next few weeks passed, and they kept up with the Akuma Victims, making sure to check in on the victims after each fight. The people of Paris started noticing something odd as this continued though. The Akuma fights, even though all damage was reversed after each one, were affecting their wings and those of their soulmates.
Damian squinted at the small spider-webbing of cracks that glowed gold on the underside of his wings. It reminded him of kintsugi in appearance, subtle cracks that showed gold between the usual colors. “Father, what does this mean? I thought your wings only changed color if your soulmate died?” He finally asked after the number of cracks increased to stretch in geometric patterns across the pink and grey feathers. “I don’t know, I’ve never seen this before.” Bruce frowned, looking closely and waving Tim over to him. “Will you try to find anything you can about this phenomena?” Uncharacteristically serious, Tim nodded and went to work right away, his red and black wings draped over his chair comfortably. Damian turned away before he noticed the colors inside his wings, not wanting to know. A sharp beep alerted him to his phone, and he raised an eyebrow at the photo. “It would seem Kent is having a similar problem.” He showed Tim the photo Jon had sent of his own wings, the blonde and emerald green feathers also showing cracks, in a similar geometric pattern, but in a mix of gold and blood red. “I shall inform him that we are already looking into it.” “Yes, let Jon know that we’re working on it. If his case increases at any point, or anyone else around him experiences it, have him notify us.” Tim called over his shoulder as he continued to work on the program he was making to search with.
How long does it take for your wings to change color when your soulmate dies?
Marinette chewed her fingernail as she scrolled through the results, reading a few different reports comparing the reported time of death and when the soulmates’ wings changed color, mostly reported by hospitals in the case of illness or death. “Within two or three minutes. That explains a lot, actually. But then why are they not completely changed, just showing cracks?” “You have dealt with some pretty destructive Akuma recently.” Tikki recalled from her place on her Chosen’s shoulder. “Maybe those only kinda count because they would have been permanent if you hadn’t done the Cure?” “I suppose. Syren was pretty intense, and so many of the people who have the markings were probably people whose loved ones and even they themselves drowned.” Marinette sighed. “I wonder what Mamman and Papa think about all this?” “You could probably ask them… It isn’t so strange to wonder since you can see the cracks in their wings, and in other people’s at school.” Tikki suggested. “Good idea, what would I do without you?” Marinette giggled, patting Tikki’s head and opening the edge of her blazer so Tikki could listen in from there. The bakery was quiet at the moment, so Marinette had little trouble catching a few minutes of her parents’ time. “What do you think about them? I saw Alya and Nino with the markings at school and I’m not sure what they mean.” “Well, I’ve seen them before, but not this much on one person.” Her Papa said carefully, “Your Grandpa Roland had a heart attack not long before your Maman and I got together. Did you notice the black edging to some of Grandma Gina’s feathers?” “I thought she just had black markings.” Marinette answered softly. “On the back of her wings, yes, but his wings are just grey and white with the black tips.” Tom sighed, rubbing his face. “This many cracks… and the mix of colors. It’s very unusual. I can only assume it’s because of the akuma attacks. Which means that either your soulmate is very lucky, or they aren’t in Paris.”
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spockandawe · 4 years
I’m so unbelievably weak against characters who make terrible choices because they’re hurting and upset. I love the subtler resentful decisions that quietly build up ill will, and I love the big dramatic choices that end with everyone going down in flames. But more than anything, I love love love hurting myself with the emotional flavor of a character struggling with the tension of simultaneously realizing that people hate/mistrust them (or how much people hate/mistrust them, or which people hate/mistrust them), while also realizing that those people just have... no idea where they’re coming from.
I was thinking about this first because of Mu Qing, who is honestly a very low-key version of this scenario (and it’s also quieter since he’s not a lead character and rarely takes the spotlight himself). But the first big tgcf flashback honestly made my heart ache, seeing him trying to walk a line between maintaining his own independence/pride and not belonging to someone he wants to be peers with, but when he tries to be tactful, people decide he’s being shady.  He was picking cherries, to bring a treat to his poor mother (and the poor children around his home), but then got accused of stealing, and then didn’t want to say that it was because his only remaining parent was living in poverty. And it continues through the present day! He knocks out Feng Xin so he can save him from a burning city, because Feng Xin refuses to leave, and people are like ‘>:OOO MU QING ATTACKED FENG XIN??’ In some ways, this character hurts me more than the others, because he rarely does anything wrong, he has a bad attitude, but his most significant “missteps” tend to be like ‘you could have been a little more kind, tbh.’
But also too, I’ve been working my way through the svsss extras again, and... Shen Jiu. God, Shen Jiu. This character is agonizing, and I love him so much. He makes terrible choices! He does terrible things! He tries to set up an actual literal child to die horribly, because he resents that this child had a parent who loved him, and that he found his way to Cang Qiong young enough to reach his full potential! It’s absolutely unforgivable! But nobody except Yue Qingyuan has any clue how much Shen Jiu has been through and how to possibly help him grow or heal or how to support him into better decision making. And Shen Jiu is so hurt by the way Yue Qingyuan left him that he refuses to let Yue Qingyuan help him now. Like! This child was a slave, begging for food on the streets, then was sold to a rich boy who abused him in sexually-flavored ways and planned to marry him to his sister so he could keep him forever, and then his “rescuer” was a scumbag adult who taught him to steal and murder. 
And while Shen Jiu was suffering, he thinks Yue Qingyuan, who came from the same beginning and who promised to come back for him, was living in careless pampered luxury in a prestigious cultivation sect. Shen Jiu’s own self-evaluations are incredibly harsh, from the moment he’s reunited with Yue Qingyuan. He calls himself terrible, he calls himself a thing, and once it’s clear that he’s going to pay the price for his bad decisions, he tries hard to shove away the one person who cares about him and find some way to protect him. Yue Qingyuan never stopped loving him and defending him, but literally nobody else in the world has any sympathy for him whatsoever. How am I not supposed to be heartbroken? Shang Qinghua sighs over how his readers used to hate on Shen Qingqiu for having no motivations, which, sure, that’s understandable from what’s on the “Proud Immortal Demon Way” pages, but seeing the trauma driving his choices in svsss and seeing his own self-awareness and self-loathing and knowing that one (1) person in-universe has any inkling of his internal world (and that person died trying to help him), I’m! In pain!!!
Plus, in svsss proper, I saw a post in passing once that was something like... ‘readers are hard on luo binghe, because he’s the only mxtx protagonist where we see the worst decisions of his life and aren’t in his head to understand why he’s making those decisions.’ Which I still find fascinating, and think about often. It makes sense to me. And as far as my terrible-decision-making children go, he’s very interesting to me because he doesn’t really deal with the widespread distaste/mistrust that mu qing and shen jiu experience, it’s very much targeted on one person. I live for the parts of svsss where all Luo Binghe has to do is breathe, and Shen Qingqiu flinches and bolts. And Luo Binghe is not acting in kind or well-considered ways, a lot of the time! But he was seventeen, and his beloved teacher had told him that ‘humans can be good or evil, demons can be good or evil,’ but the moment Luo Binghe turned out to be half demon, even though he’d just been fighting desperately trying to protect Shen Qingqiu, that teacher he trusted more than anything immediately turned on him, stabbed him in the chest, and threw him into hell.
That’s agonizing!!!! Even without the aftermath, that’s agonizing to read! And when Luo Binghe comes back, years later, he’s upset, he’s hurt, he’s lonely, he’s still stinging from that betrayal, of course he’s not making good decisions. I follow good blogs, because I haven’t seen any terrible Luo Binghe takes on my dash, but I’m kind of :c that these takes apparently exist. Again, it’s not that I think he makes good decisions, but I can see why he makes bad decisions, and I can see other characters missing that context, and I am rolling in terrible, glorious pain. Luo Binghe shows up secretly in Huan Hua Palace and starts taking it over and generally acts shady as heck? Well, Shizun wouldn’t let him beg for forgiveness when he was a disciple, and he’s afraid to face Shen Qingqiu until he can meet him on a semi-equal footing. Luo Binghe gets angry and spiteful when Shen Qingqiu asks if he’s responsible for the sowers? Yes he does! He’d always, always tried to do right by Shen Qingqiu, and trusted Shen Qingqiu when he said demons could be decent people, but the moment he turned out to be half-demon, Shen Qingqiu immediately started expecting the worst from him at every turn. It hurts! I don’t blame him for acting on that hurt! And I am so endlessly compelled by the way that Shen Qingqiu completely fails to recognize the context for where Binghe is coming from.
And like... I cannot leave out Xue Yang and Jin Guangyao. Xue Yang is fascinating in his own way, because the steps are... a lot more explicit and clear-cut than some of these other characters. Shen Jiu’s downward spiral is very internal and he curls up tight to hide his weak spots even with the person who values him most in the whole world, but Xue Yang very plainly tries to lay out his reasoning for his most important person. His whole world is crumbling by the time things reach that point, and it was probably beyond salvaging, but god! He tries so hard to explain the position the world placed him in, from childhood onward, helpless and vulnerable, and that nobody was going to defend him except himself. 
But when Xiao Xingchen doesn’t understand what he’s trying to communicate, when he realizes that the person he values most isn’t willing to hear what he’s trying to say, he starts lashing out again and trying to hurt. It’s the same lesson he learned when he was young, in some ways. ‘If I’m stupid enough to trust you, you’re going to use that to hurt me.’ And then the logical next step, ‘If you’re going to hurt me, all I can do is try to hurt you worse.’ You can see the trauma playing out right there on the page, and it’s agonizing. I can understand some people not enjoying reading things that make them hurt that way, but I have trouble Getting it when people don’t at least find that kind of dynamic compelling as hell. I’ll sometimes avoid media that I know is going to make me sad, but if I’m in the mood to Experience Sadness, I know a dynamic like this is going to grab me by the heart and shake me like a ragdoll.
And... Jin Guangyao. He was on my mind too, partly because I’ve seen a few takes on his motivations lately that honestly kind of baffle me? Like, to each their own, especially since mdzs never takes us inside his head. But I see posts that like... he was bullying Nie Mingjue, or what if Lan Xichen could Tell he was never genuine and mistrusted him on some level, and how to put this. It’s not that I agree with the choices he made, though I really don’t want to play fandom purity police in any way, shape, or form (murder is good, actually), but I understand the choices he made enough that those sort of interpretations that skew towards the cruelty-for-the-sake-of-cruelty territory honestly kind of upset me.
There’s some interesting comparisons to be made with Mu Qing, in some ways. They both grew up poor, without a father, in “shameful” single-parent situations (a sex worker mother vs. a father being executed for being a criminal). They were poor boys with ambition, but no matter how they tried to carry themselves with dignity, those poor beginnings were rubbed in their faces, years after the fact. I think it does make a real difference that Mu Qing’s shame is mostly based in his own history (sweeping floors) while Jin Guangyao’s is more external (son of a whore), and that Jin Guangyao’s also insulted a parent who he loved dearly, and that Mu Qing was seeking the respect outside of famiial structures while Jin Guangyao was desperate to be accepted by his father.
There’s so much of Jin Guangyao’s early life that’s like ‘I’m Just Trying To Live My Life, My Dude,’ and it hurts me to watch. He really didn’t have goals that were all that excessive! If his goals were excessive in some way, it’s only by virtue of how highly ranked his father was, which isn’t his fault. His goal: ‘I want my father to accept me into the family.’ What the world saw: “oh my god, this son of a whore SERIOUSLY wants to be brought into this noble family, lmaooooo.’ There are characters who are more compassionate than that, and a lot of that reaction is down to the nature of the setting, but LORD, man! It’s honestly a pretty restrained goal for a kid to have! Especially when his father totally promised to come back for him someday, and he waited patiently for years before setting out on his own.
And even once he gets kicked down the steps of Koi Tower and dials back his ambitions, he gets so little space to breathe. He’s learning cultivation late, he takes a position as a nobody in a different cultivation sect, he’s just trying to live. But no matter how he rolls with the punches, no matter how he smiles and bears it, he’s being constantly, constantly prodded in that old, painful bruise. I’ve been finally working my way through The Untamed, and it was painful to watch, in Gusu, when he’s trying to present the Nie Sect’s gift to Lan QIren, and people just start focking gossiping about him, right there, perfectly audibly. And when we see him back in Qinghe, he’s perfectly polite and deferential, and that one disciple is still like ‘fuck you, ur mom was a whore.’
He makes bad decisions, but even when he makes good decisions, he can’t win. I don’t get anything from him at all that suggests he had Hugely Lofty Ambitions from a young age, he just wanted some kind of decent life, but almost nobody would cut him a break. Nie Mingjue did cut him a break, and Lan Xichen was gentle and kind to him, and that made such an impact on him. But I also think it made it that much worse, when he made later questionable decisions, and Nie Mingjue refused to let him explain himself. Nie Mingjue’s rigidity breaks my heart in lots of ways, but especially when it comes to Jin Guangyao. I don’t want to make this all about personal attachment, but it’s kind of inescapable in this situation. Nie Mingjue sends him a loud, violent message that if he’s not perfectly morally upright, he’s Done. But by now, Jin Guangyao has years of history of people being cruel to him based on a history he never was able to control. Nie Mingjue protected him, but hes made it clear that protection was... conditional. There could be arguments about how conditional, and what the non-murdery limits would have been, but the murder has been done, and it was already clear that Nie Mingjue never had the power to protect him from everything.
I can’t read Jin Guangyao’s later actions without also reading that fear and insecurity into his decisions. He even tries to say it outright, that he’s afraid of everyone and everything, and Nie Mingjue misses the point. Jin Guangyao hurts me a lottle, because he suffers both in terms of the general public’s judgment of him, but also in the judgment of someone he cared deeply about. I can see the reasoning and trauma, but so many other people in the story can’t. Jin Guangyao gets pushed to the edge by how his father holds him at arm’s length from the family, the atrocities he tells Jin Guangyao to commit on his behalf (and then maybe I’ll treat you like my actual son, maybe), but when he tries to express that, Nie Mingjue is like ‘can’t you just endure more, though??’ He builds a temple with a statue with the face of his dead beloved mother, and the public is like ‘omg, he made that statue with his OWN FACE, can you believe it??’
In some ways, the way Lan Xichen determinedly loves and trusts him makes it all hurt even worse. I absolutely believe Jin Guangyao when he says that he never once wanted to act against Lan Xichen. So many of the terrible decisions Jin Guangyao makes tie so directly to him seeking either safety or security. But he works hard in social gatherings to keep the peace and people think he’s two-faced. He endures years of mistreatment before hitting back and people judge him for hitting back at all and say that well, what else could we have respected from someone with that background. Nie Mingjue threatens to kill him multiple times, and he was a very straightforward, honest man, of course Jin Guangyao was frightened of him and decided it was safer to see him dead. I live for the pain of seeing a character I love make decisions I strongly disagree with, understanding why they’re making those decisions, and seeing other characters not understand, and simply hate them for the decisions.
This isn’t exactly new, this is why I’ll never be able to shake my love for Starscream, even if his quality of motivation... varies by continuity. And Pharma and Prowl are two of my favorite characters in all of idw1 for exactly this reason. I’ve got  at least three fics brushing up against Pharma’s resentment over ‘yes, i got ordered to run a hospital on a garbage planet I was sharing the most violent, sadistic decepticons in existence, I SURE WONDER WHY I WAS DRIVEN TO THIS DESPERATE POINT, BUT THE LOVE OF MY LIFE THINKS I’M JUST A TERRIBLE PERSON, SO I GUESS THAT’S THAT.’ 
And in the murderbot books, I genuinely get reduced to tears when murderbot has to deal with people compassionately interpreting its behavior instead of giving it no credit, the way its used to. I find the raksura books intensely, intensely satisfying in how Moon struggles to fit into a highly social, close-knit society after growing up so traumatized and alone, and how his colony gradually adapts to him and gets used to his quirks, instead of driving him out, the way he’s experienced so many times. No real conclusion here, I was just spacing out during a work training call, and got overtaken by how much I love characters who experience this particular flavor of emotional isolation.
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pesterloglog · 8 months
Rose Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam
Candy, page 4
ROSE: John!
KANAYA: “John”
KANAYA: Is There Something I Should Know
ROSE: Kanaya, what...
ROSE: What happened?
KANAYA: I Came Home And Found You Passed Out In Front Of The Load Gaper
KANAYA: Your Skin Was Freezing And You Were Barely Breathing
KANAYA: The Doctor Said That Your Heart Rate Dropped Below Thirty Beats Per Minute
KANAYA: Which As I Understand It Is Somewhat Dire
ROSE: I see.
KANAYA: How Are You Feeling
ROSE: I feel...
ROSE: Kanaya, I feel... fine.
KANAYA: No Headaches
ROSE: No headaches, no visions. Nothing at all. I...
ROSE: Wait.
ROSE: Is John ok?
ROSE: Where is he? Did he leave?
KANAYA: Oh No Johns Fine
KANAYA: He Didnt Go Anywhere
KANAYA: Except I Suppose To Leave His House For Once
KANAYA: Multiple Days In A Row Even
KANAYA: Is Something Wrong
ROSE: It just seems like all of this is happening so quickly.
ROSE: Even... abruptly.
KANAYA: Oh Im Sorry Would You Prefer For Your Consciousness To Continue To Disintegrate
ROSE: Don’t be ridiculous, Kanaya.
ROSE: What I would prefer...
ROSE: ...is to be here, with you.
ROSE: Really here with you.
ROSE: For the first time in a long time.
ROSE: Are you crying?
KANAYA: Since When Have I Been Known To Cry
ROSE: Quite often, actually. But usually because you’re angry.
KANAYA: Im Not Angry
ROSE: It was hard on you, wasn’t it?
ROSE: My illness? Combined with all your duties to the Mother Grub, the pressures of the changing political situation...
ROSE: With all that on your mind, it can’t have been pleasant to have to come home and take care of me as well.
ROSE: I can see now that it was all terribly unfair to you.
KANAYA: It Was Nobodys Fault Rose So Please Dont Take Any Undue Responsibility Onto Your Shoulders
ROSE: Since when have I been known to do such a thing?
KANAYA: I Really Did Think I Had Lost You
KANAYA: Its Not That I Thought You Would Die
KANAYA: It Was That You Felt So Far Away
KANAYA: What You Were Going Through Was Something That I Could Not Possibly Understand No Matter How Patient I Was Or How Deeply I Loved You
KANAYA: There Was A Feeling I Couldnt Shake That Something Terrible Was Going To Happen To Us
KANAYA: Something That Neither Of Us Could Stop
KANAYA: A Powerful Outside Force That Would Take You Away From Me
KANAYA: And I Couldnt Stop Myself From Thinking That Maybe
KANAYA: Maybe That It Would Be For The Best
ROSE: Kanaya...
KANAYA: I Can Now See That This Is Completely Ridiculous
ROSE: It really is. Honestly, Kanaya, I’ve never heard such a ridiculous thing in my life.
KANAYA: You Are Talking To Me As If I Am A Pupa Again
ROSE: I’m sorry.
KANAYA: No Do Not Apologize It Has Been A Very Long Time Since Youve Had The Energy To Use Such A Condescending Tone Of Voice
KANAYA: And As You Know Its One Of The Things About You I Find Most Adorable
ROSE: I can imagine how adorable I’ve been, drifting around the house like a sweaty, drugged-up ghost.
KANAYA: While You Know How I Feel About The Careless Imbibing Of Human Intoxicants
KANAYA: You Were Still Very Adorable
KANAYA: Not To Be Trite But There Is Nothing That Could Make You Not Beautiful To Me
ROSE: What a relief, considering that we are both going to be young and magically fit literally forever.
KANAYA: If You Would Have Me Forever
ROSE: Who else?
ROSE: There’s no one who understands me like you, Kanaya. No one who looks at me the way you do. No one who brings me back down to earth with ceaseless, brutal honestly like you.
ROSE: I have no idea what’d I’d do without you.
KANAYA: You Would Probably Do Just Fine
ROSE: Yes, but I’d be very unhappy.
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laceymorganwrites · 4 years
Callous heart
Word count: 1,749
Pairing: Kitsune!Suna x Human!reader
Warnings: swearing
Summary: Suna watches you from afar, wanting nothing more than to protect you. He decides it´s better to do it from a distance.
You live in a village where foxes are worshiped, Suna, being one of those, hates the fact that his kind aren´t what you make them out to be.
A/N:  "At war with the world, yet worlds apart To return is a promise I can't make You see, we together have The Callous Heart Because Callous Hearts don't break." - Creeper, Black Rain (it just fits so well, I had to share it)
Taglist: @wansseul @newfriendjen @varia-venus @luvsuna
Event masterlist
In the small village you grew up in, people believed in fox deities.
They made offerings to them in the form of crops and overall parts of the harvest in hopes to be guided to heaven after they died.
Foxes were worshiped in your area, it was the only thing that kept the villagers going in their secluded life.
Travelers who came through your village always were interested to hear about the legends.
Your family was always so nice and welcoming to everyone, their warmth and kindness passing down onto you.
A lot of elderly people settled down in your village as well as it was so peaceful.
The appearing of foxes wasn´t uncommon whatsoever, they were as much inhabitants as humans.
Maybe that´s why they were worshiped. In mythology they usually were looked down upon as tricksters who only meant trouble, but because you were living together in peace, you came to the belief that they were giving you their good will.
Thus the fascination for foxes was born. You couldn´t help but notice how cunning and elegant they were, how perceptive.
Sometimes the foxes got injured and you´d treat them, having your own little clinic and shop for travelers where you sold salves and ointments.
The day your parents passed, the foxes guided them to the afterlife.
However, the way you saw the foxes and the way they truly were, were two different things.
They were supposed to guide people to hell, easing their way to sin, tempting them and bringing them to ruin.
That was their sole purpose.
And Suna fucking hated it.
It was way too much work every single damn time.
Besides, why should he bring someone to ruin who helped him out his entire life? Who healed his wounds and watched over him?
Because Suna refused to do his work for the devil, he got exiled from his pack, now living in your village with other foxes like him.
You were his favorite human though, you didn´t seem to judge, your kindness and smile were infectious and most importantly you had that warm and comforting aura around you.
Suna often wondered what it would be like to show himself to you in his true form, but he never dared, not wanting to scare you.
The demon foxes looked human enough, but then again, there were the ears and the nine tails.
Yet, he didn´t really have any other choice.
Every full moon, he needed to change into his original form because otherwise he´d be stuck as a fox.
He wouldn´t really mind it that much, but it was such a bother not to follow this routine he had for the past century.
Besides, somehow he felt as if something bad would happen if he didn´t change back on this fateful night.
Suna went into the woods to transform, it was a peaceful and quiet night. The villagers celebrated the full moon with a big campfire and food.
It always was a nice get together in which everyone exchanged stories, most of the travelers came through on the full moon as well.
Other demon foxes would die for the opportunity to wreak havoc and chaos here, to manipulate the minds of the humans and then lead them into hell, but Suna wouldn´t let that happen.
Not over his dead body.
You lived in this village and he´d rather let himself get tortured in hell than to sell you out like that.
Him and his friends protected your village with their magic, it drained them a bit, but it was worth it.
You´ve always been so kind to them, you didn´t deserve a forced death.
All Suna wanted was for you to be able to live your life the way you wanted to, to its fullest, without any cruel interruptions, without any ill intended temptations.
Suna was too caught up in his thoughts, he didn´t even notice you approaching.
To be fair, you didn´t quite notice him in the woodwork, too busy carrying firewood for the festival.
Only when you were gone, did he let out the breath he was holding and finished his transformation.
Though, he concealed his ears and tails.
It was stupid and reckless, but this time Suna was the one being tempted, tempted for a false sense of humanity.
He made his way through the woods, following your trail to find his way to the campfire.
Everyone was preparing and working with each other, you and some others prepared the fire while the rest carried logs to sit on and tables to put the food and drinks on.
The laughter and chatting could be heard throughout the forest even, it brought a smile to Suna´s lips.
Why could anyone want to destroy all that happiness? What did you ever do to deserve that?
You caught Suna´s eyes and walked over to him, greeting him with a big smile.
“You must be a traveler, I haven´t seen you before” you started talking to him in a friendly tone and Suna felt touched to his core, nobody ever treated him like an equal.
Yet he still felt bad for fooling you. Maybe one day he´d have the courage to reveal himself to you.
He nodded in response, affirming your statement.
“How long do you plan on staying? Or are you just coming through? Either way, you´ve come at the perfect time, we´re having a festival for the full moon. Please join us” you told him, grabbing his hand to lead him towards the campfire.
Suna´s eyes went wide. You just… touched him… why did that make him feel so warm inside?
He followed you and sat down on one of the logs after you told him so. To be honest, he felt a bit out of place, not being used to being part of anything.
But he enjoyed it. He felt welcome.
Though it was quite unusual and Suna had trouble fitting in, he felt at ease.
He felt at ease doing what he always did, watching over you, making sure nobody would come between you and your happiness.
Listening to the stories the elders told him about the legends and all, he found himself smiling to himself.
Oh how wrong they were. But he couldn´t tell them, he couldn´t bring himself to.
“Isn´t it beautiful?” you sat down next to him, looking up at the sky, now painted golden with the fire.
Your eyes were sparking with excitement and it was infectious, Suna found himself nodding along to everything you said, listening to you thoroughly.
“You´re not one to talk, are you?” you giggled, making the faintest blush appear on his cheeks.
“Talking´s too much of a bother” he admitted, Suna preferred to stay to himself, besides, talking only meant sharing things about himself and honestly, that could be dangerous.
“But how am I gonna get to know you if you don´t talk?” you asked curiously, lightly tapping his shoulder.
There it was again, that curious, sunny smile that just made him melt.
He shouldn´t be here.
It wasn´t right, it wasn´t his place.
“You shouldn´t get to know me” and yet, he couldn´t stop himself, enjoying your presence way too much to let it go.
“You do know that that´s only gonna make me want to know you more” you giggled.
Suna sighed, looking into your eyes the first time and getting lost.
“Come on, tell me something about yourself, stranger” you teased, you were quite persistent and Suna realized in this moment that he made a huge mistake.
He should´ve never interfered with you, never shown himself to you.
You´d only get hurt that way. Hurt because of him.
But it was too late, Suna got carried away, protecting you and watching you from afar.
Catching feelings for a human… how pathetic.
How was he supposed to help it, though? You made it too easy.
“Suna… that´s my name” he said quietly before it was too late.
What did he even try here? He shouldn´t talk to you, he shouldn´t tell you anything about himself…
If he did, he´d fall even more for you, be more vulnerable. He´d want to show himself to you more and that couldn´t happen.
If it did, he´d have to tell you the truth about him, his kind.
He never wanted to hurt you like that, he wanted you to live a peaceful life without demon foxes interfering.
“I´m (Y/N), it´s nice to meet you!” you smiled and shook his hand, making him chuckle slightly.
You were so formal, yet so excited at the same time, it made him happy.
“So, Suna, what brings you here?” you asked, watching him stare off into the distance.
He thought about that for a while, deciding to tell the truth, it was too late anyway, he already revealed too much.
“I wanted to get away from my family. They´re very… violent in the way they think. I´m a disappointment to them because I don´t want to participate in their ways. I just needed to get away” he confessed.
You gently placed a hand on Suna´s arm for comfort.
“I´m sorry you had to go through that, but you´re always welcome here” you let him know and the worst thing was that you meant it. You were actually willing to let a demon reside in your village.
Suna realized that he wasn´t any better than the rest of his kind, he was fooling you just as much, bringing just as much ruin upon you.
“You have a good soul, (Y/N). Please never change” he stated, his pain emitting from the words as he patted your head as a gesture of goodbye.
Suna shouldn´t interfere with your life. He didn´t have any right to.
Instead he just enjoyed the evening with you until he went back into the woods, strengthening the protecting spell once again before returning to hell.
It wasn´t in the same state as it was when he left. The new ruler was much more kind than the last one, welcoming him back and offering him to bring souls in the way he wanted to.
Suna felt at peace.
Sure, he had decided to leave you alone, not giving you the chance to get to know him in fears of hurting you, but he´d still be able to lead you to the afterlife when your time came.
Somehow that made him happy, happy to be reunited with you at some point, to be able to explain and apologize.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
If You Are Going Through Hell, Keep Going
These are the words that Marin Morrell – Druid, Emissary, Guidance Counselor – says to Stiles Stilinski in “Battlefield” (02x11) And I think they suit his character just perfectly, because Stiles has been going through Hell all his life.
The Teen Wolf Fandom don’t talk nearly enough about Stiles’ traumas, so I’ll try my best to do it myself *I won’t even remotely touch on the Void Stiles, Dark Stiles, Donovan and the Nogitsune trauma though, because it’s extremely complex and deserves its own Meta*
It’s Canon that Noah was an alcoholic (as Rafael pointed out to Stiles in 03x11 Alpha Pact), that he neglected and lashed out at his own child (Stiles’ memory in 02x09 Party Guessed), and that Stiles was verbally, emotionally, and physically abused by his mentally ill mother, Claudia, throughout his childhood (there’s a whole magnificently acted, heart wrenching scene about it with flashbacks and all in 05x06 Required Reading.) It’s Canon that Stiles had to take care of himself and of his father before AND after Claudia’s death. And it’s Canon that Stiles – who was only an eight years old child at the time – was at the hospital with his mother when she died, nobody else:
[Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 11, Alpha Pact]
CHRIS: You knew… I remember meeting you once, before you were Sheriff. You questioned me about a body. You knew something was up. You just weren’t ready to believe it.
NOAH: You’re right. There was a night eight years ago… the night my wife died. I was at the end of a shift, and a call came in. There had been a pile-up, and a young woman… she was a teenager, actually. She was trapped under an overturned car. We had to wait for the paramedics. We were never getting her out, but I was able to hold her hand. She knew she was gonna die. But I just kept telling her “No, no, listen. The paramedics are on their way.” And then I remember her hand suddenly gripped mine so tightly that I literally thought she was gonna break the bones. And she looked me in the eyes, and she said “If you wanna be with her, go now.” And I knew she was talking about my wife… But then that other part of my brain — the part that looks for clues, for fingerprints, for logical connections… that part told me that there is no way that this girl could possibly know about Claudia. And so I stayed. I stayed until the paramedics pulled her out. Until her heart stopped beating and they declared her dead.
NOAH: When I finally got to the hospital, I saw Stiles sitting in the waiting room with his head in his hands… He was with Claudia when she died.
NOAH: But I wasn’t. I wasn’t with her because I didn’t believe… I just did not believe.
It’s also Canon that Derek Hale is a rape victim and that the hunters slaughtered Derek, Cora and Peter’s entire pack/family (including humans and children.) And it’s Canon that Stiles immediately sides with the Hales and openly confronts Chris about what Kate had done to the Hales in 01x12, Code Breaker:
CHRIS: Let me ask you a question, Stiles. Have you ever seen a rabid dog?
STILES: No. I could put it on my to-do list, if you just let me go.
CHRIS: Well, I have. And the only thing I’ve ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. Do you wanna know what happened?
STILES: Not really. No offense to your storytelling skills.
CHRIS: He tried to kill me, and I was forced to put a bullet in his head. The whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way toward me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. Can you imagine that?
STILES: No. And it sounds like you need to be a little bit more select—
CHRIS: Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon? Did you have to lock him up?
STILES: Yeah, I did. I had to handcuff him to a radiator. Why? Would you prefer I locked him in the basement and burned the whole house down around him?
CHRIS: I hate to dispel a popular rumor, Stiles, but we never did that.
STILES: Oh, right. Derek said you guys had a code. I guess no one ever breaks it.
CHRIS: Never!
STILES: What if someone does?
CHRIS: Someone like who?
STILES: Your sister.
Unlike self-proclaimed hero and ruler of Beacon Hills Scott McCall, who immediately sides with the Argents and tells Derek Hale that his family deserved to be burnt alive by the hunters in front of his comatose uncle………..
I feel like there is a lot to unpack on Stiles’s trauma. And I will go over these moments one by one, why they’re damaging, what I think the context of the scene is supposed to represent ft how people might take it. And what my personal thoughts are regarding Stiles’s trauma.
First of, I would like to say that the following words are my take on this. I am a 29 year old trans man of caucasian descend who is an domestic violence and abuse survivor. I am diagnosed with ADHD since 12 and diagnosed with CPTSD since this year. I understand trauma and I understand what it does to people. But I am not a professional. I am a fan, who’s responding to the submission of another, anonymous, fan.
You are completely free to have your own takes on this matter and your own headcanons. That’s what fandom is for.
That said, I would love to have a discussion if you can have it peacefully.
Stiles is a character who was (Unwillingly) neglected, emotionally traumatized and both emotionally and verbally abused by both of his parents. There is even evidence of physical abuse by his mother.
I think it does need to be said, that neither of his parents intended for this to happen. What happened in the Stilinski family was by and large a very traumatic event for everyone involved.
Noah is an alcoholic, as Stiles also confirms in the episode that Noah never really stopped drinking. His alcoholism is a result of his own traumas and possible ND mind and an unhealthy coping mechanism.
As a result of this, Noah most likely was verbally and emotionally abusive during his drunken tirades.
I personally think that before Claudia was diagnosed and got sick Stiles had a good childhood. His parents tried their best to be good parents for him and laid a good foundation for him. This is evidenced in the bond Stiles seems to have with his father in general. He’s not afraid of his father, he’s nervous about consequences. But he never gives off a vibe to me that truly says; I fear this man and I have to stay in line to stay alive.
Unlike Isaac and his father.
This also tells me, that unlike Elias Stilinski, Noah never lashed out physically at Stiles. He was trying to break a cycle of abuse but more than likely still fell victim to it himself when he could no longer cope with trauma and his neurodivergency and started drinking.
That doesn’t mean that he’s not guilty of abusing his own son. We know Noah can be neglectful and dismissive towards Stiles (even though he tries his best not to be) and has a tendency to low key insult Stiles from time to time. Whether or not he truly means to or not is up for debate, I personally think he doesn’t mean to do it, but Stiles is clearly heartbroken every time Noah accidentally lashes out. 
As evidenced by sentences: “I’ve never believed a word he said since he was born.” “Thank you, son I should have had.” (To Scott)
Stiles already has a deep founded fear that he’s not enough, that he killed his own mother, that he’s not believed by the people around him, and that people don’t want to take him seriously.
This is clear in every interaction he has with the people around him.
Which also brings me to what happened in 2x09. Now based on the context clues of that scene, I actually don’t believe Stiles saw a play-by-play memory. But rather, Stiles saw his greatest fear play out in a hallucination. 
Why do I believe that?
Because in the same scene, Allison has a hallucination about becoming her own worst nightmare (a huntress like Kate) and Scott sees a hallucination of Allison and Jackson making out. (Aka, losing Allison.) 
I think the scene both has fabrications and truths in it. The truth is that more than likely, Stiles saw his father getting drunk at his mother’s funeral and lashing out at people around him in his drunken stupor. (Which on one hand, one can understand if you take the pain and trauma into account, but it’s not a healthy or an okay thing to do, obviously. This is definitely where Noah fell apart.)
I also like to think one of the other adults put a stop to Noah’s behavior before he could get out of hand. But we never really see her funeral play out, so that is speculation.
The fabrication is the scene that follows. We know that Claudia was the one that actually said the words to Stiles. “You’re killing me, he’s killing me.” 
And that Noah was the voice of reason in that scene. “No, he’s not. You’re sick, let’s go back inside.” (Or something along those lines. I can’t remember the exact words.)
What I think is more than likely is that Stiles’s greatest fear is that his father actually believes he killed his mother. As that is what his mother said to him before she died.  And so that’s what he hallucinated under the influence of the wolfsbane.
Stiles’s greatest fear is losing both of his parents, no matter in what way that is. He also fears that he failed as a son, and failed to take care of his father. All of this is fueled by losing his mother and watching her die at a very young age.
And that is where Stiles’s trauma truly lies. He watched his mother die (at the age of 10) slowly while she lost her mind to a terrible illness. 
His father couldn’t handle losing his wife and not being able to help her and the previous traumas he endured in his own childhood. And Stiles had to step up to take care of him. That changes a child and leaves a mark. A mark that Stiles can’t shake.
We know Noah neglected Stiles by not being able to care for him as he should have, we know Noah tends to think Stiles has wild conspiracy theories and tends not to believe him.
Which traumatized Stiles even though Noah didn’t intend for that to happen. That doesn’t mean that Stiles’s trauma isn’t real though. It’s very real. This is also the reason why he immediately chooses Derek’s side in 1x12.
For Stiles, not being believed is a daily reality and he doesn’t want anyone else to go through that as well. Which is why he chooses Derek’s side. Because Stiles, due to his own trauma, is hard-wired to believe the victim and tends to defend them.
Now I think a lot of people take a lot of Stiles’s scenes literal because they identify with what’s happening on screen. Because Stiles isn’t being believed by the other characters, the audience tends to take his perspective at face value. Even in situations where it’s made clear that Stiles, like other characters, is hallucinating at the time.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I do think it’s something to consider.
Tagging a few people who might want to add a thought or two to this.
@mostly-vo1d @artemisa97 @msmischief101
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hellpark · 5 years
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GREGORY: I haven’t a clue how we’ll deal with those two poor girls in the other room...
ESTELLA: We leave them be.
ESTELLA: They won’t be coming out any time soon with their door handle melted, anyhow.
GREGORY: Lord, I hardly believe it’s you talking.
GREGORY: I’m surprised you didn’t throw them out a window just for looking at you.
ESTELLA: Oh, so rich coming from the splinter-filled buffoon who nearly crushed entire families in some futile chase.
ESTELLA: If we’ve to be so under cover like you said, why are houses upon houses layered in that horrid black ooze of yours? Hmm?
GREGORY: Sorry I forgot I was talking to the paragon of virtue herself.
GREGORY: As if you wouldn’t have done the same thing or worse in my situation.
ESTELLA: Oh please, I wouldn’t be nearly as uncoordinated or filled with unneeded emotion like you.
GREGORY: I’m rolling my eyes at you, you know.
ESTELLA: I’m sure.
ESTELLA: Speaking of unneeded emotion, however...
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ESTELLA: Explain to me, you bloodied menstrual pad of an ill-kept lady, why you insist on propping that body up like it’s still alive?
GREGORY: What, would you rather him splayed out on the floor when he comes back?
ESTELLA: I think it would let him know he shouldn’t be happy with his choices today.
ESTELLA: If he hadn’t been such a selfless, love-stricken twat, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
GREGORY: That may be, but we’re here now, and he’ll be back soon.
GREGORY: The least we can do for him is grant him some decency.
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ESTELLA: Mm, how typical of you to say.
GREGORY: Oh come on, you can’t say you don’t pity him at least a little bit?
GREGORY: This would be his first time regenerating.
GREGORY: Wouldn’t you wish the same for yours?
ESTELLA: I don’t thrive off of pity, as much as you wish I would.
ESTELLA: He could wake up at the floor of a cold, empty seabed and nobody but you and that imp would give a damn.
GREGORY: I get it, you’re as cold and empty as the very depths you speak of.
GREGORY: With my mind on the cold, though...
GREGORY: It is rather cold in here, now that I think about it...
ESTELLA: We’ve spent nearly a decade in hell, you should welcome it.
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GREGORY: Well, I’m sure this poor sap would at least enjoy an extra layer or two.
ESTELLA: He’s an imp, you vanilla monkey shit sundae.
ESTELLA: He’s exerts far more heat than necessary already.
ESTELLA: Lest you’re planning to burn this whole structure to the ground?
GREGORY: Just because he feels warm doesn’t mean he is warm.
GREGORY: At least he’ll wake up knowing someone cares, you crotchety old hag.
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ESTELLA: Well, I’m sure he’d be so glad to wake up in someone else’s clothes.
ESTELLA: Of all people’s clothes, especially, you choose the very piss-filled, disease-ridden pit of a person that’s been causing all of his issues from day one.
ESTELLA: My, how thoughtful of you.
GREGORY: Oh, just because your life’s been squandered of any loving relationship doesn’t mean his has.
GREGORY: If I didn’t know better, I’d find you quite jealous he could hold feelings long enough to be willing to die for another.
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ESTELLA: I don’t recall walking into a therapy room, Bellarose.
GREGORY: And I don’t recall asking for your judgement on what I choose to do, Havisham.
ESTELLA: I bet you’d love for me say touché, wouldn’t you?
GREGORY: I wouldn’t expect it from you at this point.
GREGORY: Too eager to defy any man who dares say a word around you.
ESTELLA: Would you quit it with your therapist act, you blubber of a whale’s anus?
ESTELLA: And stop playing dress up with that damned corpse.
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GREGORY: [sigh]
GREGORY: I suppose you’re right.
GREGORY: Undressing a dead man’s shirt is certainly not something I’d like to recall doing later on in life.
ESTELLA: You have at least one brain cell in that musty, endless pit of a head, I see.
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ESTELLA: Now are you planning on helping with this mess, or are you too busy thinking of the next person you wish to place your meaningless pity upon?
GREGORY: Oh as if you’d need my help.
GREGORY: If I recall, you spent the majority of your time walking here telling me not to interfere.
GREGORY: It’s not as if I’ve been dead longer than you.
ESTELLA: How long you’ve been deceased doesn’t suddenly grant you the ability to know how to close a portal to hell, you know.
ESTELLA: Don’t think you have any sort of superiority over me just for being dead a few months longer than I, you regurgitated, corrosive waste of a vulture’s innards.
ESTELLA: I could use a few hands, regardless of how useless you may be.
ESTELLA: So stop wallowing on about how comfortable a dead body should be and help me.
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GREGORY: Close it yourself you leather-skinned snake.
ESTELLA: Oh what’s the matter now?
ESTELLA: You’re so ridiculously soft-centered, you know that?
GREGORY: I don’t need your opinion on everything I decide to care about right now!
GREGORY: As if I’d ever want criticism from someone as pathetically try-hard as you, anyhow.
ESTELLA: It’s not like you haven’t been doing the same thing to me, you psychoanalyzing, waterlog-brained dolt.
ESTELLA: Go on then! I don’t need your help.
ESTELLA: Like always, I won’t be letting my feelings get in the way of what needs to be done.
GREGORY: Uhuh, you go ahead and do that!
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ESTELLA: I will!
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GREGORY: You know, computers screens have gotten quite thinner since I’ve died.
ESTELLA: Is that really what you choose to think about now?
ESTELLA: After what we just spoke of?
ESTELLA: How simple-minded of you.
GREGORY: Well I had no choice but to look away from you, to the only thing of actual interest in this room.
GREGORY: I can’t see how this boy lives in such a tasteless room...
GREGORY: Though...
GREGORY: Actually, Estella...
ESTELLA: What is it now, you walking disease of a man?
GREGORY: Looking at this computer...
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GREGORY: I haven’t a clue what this site is.
GREGORY: But... what’s on it is... quite interesting...
ESTELLA: In what way?
ESTELLA: I’m far too busy with less nonsensical matters to come over and look, you dirty, petrified oaf.
GREGORY: Well...
GREGORY: For as little as this man speaks, he sure seems louder online.
GREGORY: It’s... almost as if Craig wants to lead us right to him...
ESTELLA: Yes, I’m sure he left his computer on exactly for this revelation of yours.
GREGORY: Well then. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I played around with his little site during our down time here.
ESTELLA: How ever so productive of you.
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