#ohhh and i will
baronessblixen · 11 months
Prompt? Mulder and Scully pick out baby furniture and later talk about baby names? Or one or the other, I'm happy either way! 🙈
Look who's answering a five-year-old prompt! I think this was supposed to be about the new baby, but I wrote about William instead.
Fluff, set after "Alone": With Mulder being unemployed, and Scully on maternity leave, they spend their time thinking about furniture, baby names, and all the ways their lives will change. (wc: 1,378)
Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2023
Fictober Day 14: Preparation is Everything
Fox Mulder is a new man.
His naked body is still adorned with pale scars, but they’re healing, slowly fading away. Soon, they will be gone, and with them the only proof of what he went through. How many people can claim to have come back from the death? Mulder doesn’t even want to know.
The other day, Scully left a pamphlet for group therapy on his coffee table. His first instinct was to throw it into the trash, but then he reconsidered. Scully isn’t pushing him. No one is. They’re all just glad he’s back among the living. Well, most of them. He bets that Kersh can’t wait for him to die for real. That feeling, he realizes, is mutual.
When he stood in front of Kersh's desk, his former boss barely able to contain his glee, he was ready to fight. To defend himself and go on another rampage. That feeling lasted all of five seconds. Not worth it, a voice inside him whispered. He thought of Scully, and the baby, and knew that they were the only thing that mattered to him now. They didn’t need him jumping off oil rigs. He’s caused Scully seven years of grief and he was done. Enough was enough. Someone else could take over the X-Files. He may not trust Doggett yet, but Scully does. And when Scully trusts someone, he knows they’re good people.
So, he’s Fox Mulder now. Just Fox Mulder. Unemployed bum, spending time at his partner’s apartment whenever she lets him, and trying to figure out what to do next.
“What are you doing?” Mulder asks as he steps into the living room where Scully sits on the couch, engrossed in a colorful catalog.
“Looking at baby furniture,” she replies with a sigh.
“I thought- I thought you already had everything.”
“I thought I’d have more time,” she admits sheepishly, biting her lip. Seeing his Scully unprepared for anything just makes him love her more. But he knows better than to tease her.
“Well, you’re in luck,” Mulder says, sitting down next to her. “We both have plenty of time. With me being fired, and you on maternity leave, we have all the time in the world. Let’s go shopping.”
“Mulder, we have the catalog.” She points at a crib with a smiling baby inside of it. Mulder thinks it looks a bit like an alien. “We can order everything we need.”
“Or,” he says, drawing the word out. “We can go into a store and pick things out.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure I don’t want the kid to sleep in a thing that looks like this.” He points at the ugliest crib he’s ever seen. “$1000? Does it come with the whole apartment? Come on, Scully. It’s going to be a nice trip to Babies'R'Us.”
“Does no one work anymore?” Mulder mumbles as he and Scully step into the crowded baby store. There are squeaky bright colors everywhere and Mulder doesn’t know where to start. He keeps close to Scully’s side, but she, too, seems overwhelmed by the sheer size of this place.
“Wish you were hunting monsters instead?” he asks Scully and she gives him a small smile.
“At least we have experience with that.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Mulder assures her. “Look, that’s the baby section. Let’s start there.”
In the end, it’s not as difficult as either of them thought it would be. It doesn’t take them long to find the essentials. They both fall in love with the same crib and Mulder gets so excited that he kisses her quickly and noisily in front of another family, not caring at all.
“Mulder.” Her cheeks are coloring and she’s looking around nervously. Old habits die hard.
“I doubt we’ll run into Skinner or Kersh here, Scully. Or anyone we know. Either way, we’re not working together anymore, are we?” The realization hits him that he’s telling the truth. As of right now, they’re no longer work partners. There’s nothing holding them together. He’s not even FBI anymore.
“Are you all right?” Scully touches his chest.
“I’m- I just realized that we’re no longer partners.”
“Are you leaving me?” There’s no worry in her voice, but rather amusement.
“You know what I mean.”
“Mulder, we don’t need to be working together in the basement to be partners. You know that, right? We are partners in this.” She takes his hand and puts it on her stomach. “Unless you-”
“Oh, I want. I’m all in, Scully. I hope you know that?” She nods, and he sees a few tears pool in the corner of her eyes. He almost ruined another moment with his insecurities.
“Do you think we have everything we need for now?”
“You’re tired,” Mulder states and she doesn’t deny it.
“And hungry,” she says with an apologetic smile.
“We’ll get you and Junior something to eat. Let’s get out of here.”
Their baby is a pizza lover. They may not know much about their child yet, but they do know that. Mulder watches Scully happily lick her fingers clean after eating a slice of greasy pepperoni pizza and thinks he might even be a little turned out by her enjoyment of it.
“Happy now?” he asks her, unable to hide his own happiness.
“Very much so. I just- I need to get comfortable.” She’s half sitting, half lying on the couch, and watching him with curious eyes. She’s been doing that a lot lately. Who can blame her? After all, she had to bury him. Had to try and make peace with him being gone and having to do all of this on her own. He doesn’t want to think about missing all of this. He’s missed so much already. The moment she found out. The morning sickness. Her growing belly. He missed all of it. He can only try to make up for all of it now. But they will never get that time back.
“Mulder, stop,” she says gently, a hand on his thigh. “I can feel you thinking.”
“Can you?” he asks with a sad smile.
“I wish I could turn back the time and-”
“None of this is your fault, Scully.”
“It’s not your fault either.”
“Not debatable,” she says firmly. “You’re here now and it’s everything- Mulder, it’s everything.”
“You know you’ll see a lot of me now, right? With me being out of a job. I need to- I will find something. We can’t let Junior think I’m some kind of slob.”
“You’re going to be an amazing father,” Scully whispers as if she were sharing a secret.
“Let’s hope you’re right.”
“I’m always right.” She winks at him and they both laugh softly. A truce.
“Have you thought about names for Junior?” Mulder asks as Scully snuggles into his side. He puts his arm around her and, a bit more hesitantly, lets his hand wander to her stomach. What a miracle they’ve created together.
“I have a few ideas. What about you?”
“It’s your decision.”
“No, I think you should decide. I’ll veto if it’s something like… Nimrod.”
“Too bad. That was my favorite.” She grins up at him. “I was thinking about all the people we lost. Samantha and Melissa. We could pick something similar to that, to honor them. Or give them a name with no memories attached. Give them a fresh start.”
“They deserve a fresh start.” Mulder kisses her temple.
“All of us do,” Scully says, putting her hand on top of Mulder’s on her stomach. “We’ll know what to call him when we see him.”
“Him?” Mulder asks.
“Or her.”
“You know,” Mulder says, closing his eyes, and letting his imagination take over. “I think our child is going to change the world. Save it even, maybe. They’re going to do great things.” He can see it. Can see their child grow up from baby to child, to teenager and adult. He can’t wait to be there and watch every single step they take. Holding their hand if they need him to.
“I think you’re right, Mulder,” Scully says.
“You hear that, baby?” Mulder presses his ear to her stomach, murmuring the words against the fabric of her shirt. “Your mom just said I’m right.”
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bethfuller · 3 months
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limited perception.
find me on instagram!
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moomoorare · 5 months
I love nautical and seaside town horror stories. Tell me more about the fog and water that eats people
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goldensunset · 1 year
did you know? if you do your laundry you can get your clothes back
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hansolz-moved · 2 months
hey let's have this conversation again since the like/reblog ratio is getting SOOOO much worse. if you like content, reblog it. the people who follow you cannot see when you've liked a post, unless your likes are visible and they are routinely going through them, which i assure you they are not. by reblogging content, you are making it visible to other accounts. fanart, gifs, edits, etc. may be fun to make but they are very time consuming and it is much appreciated that if you enjoy them, you take the brief moment to reblog them to show that appreciation - and it helps. as fun as they may be, it is often kind of discouraging for posts to not do well because for every one person that reblogged it, five left a like and kept it pushing
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moeitsu · 29 days
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Hugh Jackman was made for the female gaze
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ruporas · 4 months
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trigunned the hades or hadesed the trigun (id in alt)
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botanyshitposts · 1 year
love doing something I call ‘the big leaf test’ where I put my hand on a leaf and if the leaf is bigger than my hand I go damn that’s crazy
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konigsblog · 1 month
How Loser!König behaves once he gets his grimey hands on Bimbo!Reader.💄 (🌽 link)
König had reached his wit's end. He was pushed beyond his limits, sick and tired of your constant teasing and mocking. He despised the way you'd taunt him, calling him pathetic for not losing his virginity, for being so prudish and socially anxious. You took pity on the freakish loser who clearly fawned over you. He'd generously help you study with the promise that you'd jerk him off. I mean, König would accept anything. But, from a girl like you? How can he reject your kind offer? You were practically doing charity work.
You'd promise to make out with him afterwards, to suck him off and wrap those pretty, glossy lips around his meaty, girthy cock. You'd show him a great time, reapplying your lip gloss before skipping off with a playful grin on your face, leaving König with a growing, leaking, and straining boner and a creamy and sticky mess left along his t-shirt. He couldn't resist you. You were a temptation, an irresistible one at that. He'd catch himself fantasising about losing his virginity to you, distracting himself from his work. Fuck, look what you've done to him, Maus.
He attempted to hold himself back. But, it wouldn't take long for König to break, to lose control. He'd plead with you for hours on his knees in front of you, his face buried in your plush, soft thighs. He begged to lose his virginity to you, to feel your slick cunt around his inexperienced cock. He was tired of catching you toying with other men, losers similar to himself. He wanted you. He just wanted you to love him.
“Bitte, Mein herz,” König began, his eyebrows downturned and furrowed together, a frown visible on his face, “You know what you’re doing to me. Just one time, I need it.”
And how could you ignore the sight of König's gleaming and shining eyes, the way they glimmered in the dim light? You sighed, pushing his head from your lap to slide your panties off, rolling your eyes at his depravity. You wore a thin lace thong, stuffing König's mouth with the worn underwear while he rolled and rubbed his creamy head against your dripping slit. Collecting your sweet juices, he used it as lube, allowing himself to slowly ease inside while breathing in your expensive perfume — the one he'd purchased for you, an attempt to win you over.
König couldn't control himself. Each deep thrust sent a wave of euphoria through the sick pervert. He growled and grumbled, an animalistic and depraved noise emitting from him. He worked until his legs were trembling, until he could feel his core tightening and his shaft pulsating inside your wet, warm heat. He'd fill you, leave an ache on your rear from the impact of his heavy balls colliding with your supple ass. He'd work until his thick load was spilling from you and you were unable to catch your breath, ‘til mascara was running down your cheeks, and you were moaning his name through breathlessness and helplessness.
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rusticottage · 4 days
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nauti-ca · 3 months
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what’s on your mind, kal?
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gatoburr0 · 2 months
Hehe hiii samurai shiver Hii um!!
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Also yes I designed the tattoos from scratch and I still gotta do the one on her back 😪
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rebelsafoot · 6 months
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ive done it, ive boiled their relationship down to its main dynamic
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luck-of-the-drawings · 5 months
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posted this forever ago as part of a bigger compilation BUT i think it deserves to stand on its own. i was gonna add more color BUT that didnt happen; thus it doesnt translate aswell that hes freezing the water around him. BUT now you aware and you can see it. you can see it
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lesbyers · 4 months
Madeleine is so important to Claudia not just as a companion but also as the only person to see her as a woman and not a child, or a pet, or a puppet. She has her own agency and is her own person when she’s with her, no one else does that for her, not even Louis. Louis has a love for Claudia like nothing else but it is a love that does not do her justice. She’s a child to protect like a father or she’s a sister to argue with like a child. She’s not a free woman of her own agency. Even in death she will become something hazy and painful for him, but never a whole woman, only fragments of grief.
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yrsonpurpose · 7 months
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"I didn't ever want to keep you from the King, but the King from you."
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