#ok but ive needed to say this for a while now but i didnt wanna like. taint anyones thoughts on this or whatever
archivebottles · 4 months
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"You don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself now."
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Okay I can't post it until next week at the earliest and NEED to get this off my chest between now and my next longer reply because of stuff we were talking about:
Confirmed in one of my livestream clips there's been actual consideration towards Mine having survived. It's just a matter of his voice actor's availability and wanting to do it right if they end up doing it. We really could see Mine back in the main series.
And I recorded that clip based on something I misheard and didn't register that part at all until now. How Are We Doing Tonight
(Speaking of, get well soon!! I was sick myself the past couple of weeks, it's awful)
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me waiting for the absolute millisecond yokoyama drops the 100% Mine Survived The Fall statement
#snap chats#ON THE REAL THOUGH HELLO ?#hang on i need to put my thinking cap on after i threw it across the room excited#OK so i recall yokoyama(? im p sure it was yokoyama lik 99% sure it was him) talked about the concept of mine being alive#i think i still have the tweet bookmarked and while he didnt blatantly confirm it he did kind of allude to it#EITHER WAY ive gotten hope from the idea of mine being alive before#BUT IF THIS IS CREDENCE TO FURTHER CONFIRMATION i might just explode. i MIGHT just be even MORE insufferable#this is such a funny case though like i love how the status of mine's mortality is treated like an actual missing person's case sometimes#Area Man That Went Missing In 2009 Has Finally Been Found Alive#im holding off on the Mine's Alive memes until theres a Confirmation confirmation#i dont even care if he comes back in the main games (yes i do im lying) just the idea that's he's out there would satisfy me for now#if mine was just a local cryptid in the rgg franchise that would be JUST as funny oh my god actual zhao in judgement type beat#BUT THANK YOU FOR THE INFORMATION I CAN SEE WHY YOU'D WANNA SAY SOMETHING NOW#IF YOU GET THE CLIP OF THAT READY LIKE OBVI ID LOVE TO SEE IT ?? MY STARS#gonna think of this all night.. mine should come back so i can be even more annoying#and thank you- i hope you're feeling better from your sickness now !#i think im starting to feel better- i just have to stay inside more i guess#when i was at school there was pretty much no foliage so my allergies werent as bad#but back home theres nothing But foliage im gonna throw up ☠️
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merry-the-cookie · 10 months
alright email sent now that thats done lemme speak candidly the 5sos merch process became a fuckcing trigger after i was done with it so forgive me for like. not engaging at all with it by the end of the process cus i legit needed to recover
i was not taking good care of myself, i was absolutely going through it at work, my mental health was in the ground, it was hell. i learn from every experience and i dont want to let myself get traumatized all over again from doing merch because i do love it in the end, i just take a while to find my own boundaries and limits and i struggle with not letting it take over my entire life. i think i’ve learned from this (again) so hopefully it wont be as draining to send the remaining stock (if ordered at all lol)
im really sorry to all the friends i didnt communicate with, its not an excuse and im working on bettering myself with all this shit.
i hope i can slowly but surely enjoy 5sos again in a way that doesn’t become as suffocating as it did when i was fully in the merch process :’) its honestly just my own boundaries that i keep crossing, so idk hopefully i find some patience and self respect or whatever whilst still doing my best to deliver a good product and a good experience 👍🏼✨
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arolesbianism · 2 months
Thinking abt how much I love oni's writing again... In particular, "a seed is planted" continues to be one of if not my favorite logs because despite the troubling details and implications that come with it, it's the one thing in the entirety of the decaying corpse of gravitas that genuinely leaves us with a grain of hope (a seed if you will) and makes oni as a whole a lot more bitter sweet as while earth may not have survived, the dupes did, and after their horrible origins and the shit that many of them went through, in due time they'll finally get to just live, they're free now, and even if Olivia's sleep is end of a tragedy, the world will keep moving forward with or without those who've been lost
#rat rambles#oni posting#like I guess I just rly love that oni both manages to commit to being a tragedy while also leaving a world still in motion#like Im glad that olivia didnt get a bittersweet ending and instead got a fucking miserable one#while at the same time the dupes are still left there to keep moving forward#well ok more so I like how the narrative shifts into smth quite beautiful when seen from the dupes perspectives#which is also why I like that the dupes are rarely talked abt directly in the lore logs#idk I just feel like a seed is planted wouldnt hit as hard to me if the dupes were talked abt more#its the same sort of incedental storytelling that I like abt the rest of oni's writing ig#also I just think them being a major part of the lore logs would rly take away from the greater horrors and tragedies of gravitas#like idk I think it would have been a lot more boring if a third of the logs were just jackie going so yeah I tortured dupes some more#it makes the pre end of the world world feel so much bigger while still mostly remaining within gravitas itself#enhances the feeling of glimpsing into a past world#like every now and then I think abt what oni story could have looked like and am filled with joy at what it is now#I fucking love being into fiction thats good god it feels so good to like shit thats just like actually good#it honestly makes me almost wish there wouldnt be new lore but I do think theres room for more#as in theres plenty of room to make shit up and also we need to see more of the scientists pls#as for actual quote unquote plot stuff idk just give me like one jackie and olivia college year video transcript or smth and we're good#theres other stuff that make me lose my mind but for narrative consistency I think itd be best to not touch those two too much#especially olivia I rly think she doesnt need almost any new content the only stuff Id want with her is if it expanded upon jackie#because rly jackie is the only character I think would super heavily benefit from elaboration even if I stand by her not needing much#as Ive said a billion times just smth small to show us her in a more casual setting and we're golden I think#show me that woman being genuinely happy so I can fill in the blanks as she slowly gets crushed by the consequences of her actions#shes a part of this tragedy too and god damnit I want to see the life she ruined along the way of ruining many others#I want to see a woman whos eyes once shined and then when the lights have dulled I want her to say it was worth it with no conviction#metaphorically ofc I dont actually want to see most of it because thatd go against the narrative philosophy already established#rly all this means is I wanna see jackie and olivia doing laundry together or smth#oh also I hope they specifically give otto a whole other log just to clear up my pronoun woes#idc what its abt just have them talk abt their gender offhand or smth#just mi-ma being like how do you do young man and otto is like they and mi-ma is like ah yes young they
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paralien · 3 months
Hey, I accepted responsibility over 1 cat. why am i takong care of 3 cats w 0 communication from the owners of the other 2 cats?
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satoruhour · 8 months
Thoughts on poly with satosugu
a/n: long post LOL enjoy
howd you manage to get two of the most caring yet annoying boyfriends ever??? they feed off each others energy sm it’s insane lol good luck. but not in a bad way of course. it def started out when one man of the two was frustrated with the stagnancy and the mixed signals between the three of you that gojo decided to confess and the both of you dated for a while.
geto didnt rlly wanna intrude and felt bad even tho you three were still eye fucking basically every time u were in a room together. gojo was the first to ask you about it “no because ive thought of it too” and gojo’s face lights up bc teecchnically hes been texting geto always how its been a dream to date you even tho it rubs in the wound a little. but it’s ok!!!! im sorry suguru!!! all three of you are together now !!!! 
to start off they are very physical and clingy. always need to have some part of their body on you. gojo prefers the arm slinging over your shoulders, geto prefers a more subtle arm around the waist. ppl r always starin when you three go out 😭 but it’s so cute lowkey! gojo is usually the upbeat one, suggesting dates and places to go and things to do, creating the gc between the three of you (if u didnt alr have one), keeping the relationship fresh with a lot of questions. geto contributes more to the practicality of the rs?? not to say he doesnt talk or is passive in the poly rs but he’s more of a getting groceries, lounging in the back watching the two of you talk excitedly bout digimon, and likes the household chores kind of guy.
it feels like if i say this it’s too cheesy but gojo feels like a sunrise: the dawn of a new day and the adventures that it may bring while geto is like sunsets: the dusk of winding down after the exciting day and youre always craving both. gojo and geto complete each other in countless other ways too and the dynamic you three have is super adorable.
ill highlight a few scenarios bc theres too much potential and power w/ poly stsg!! watching movies: geto us usually okay with anything u two pick out and gojo picks out some psychological horror for funsies but hes screaming into geto’s arms at every jumpscare 😭 the popcorn goes everywhere good lord. you and geto laugh (in the case youre not too afraid of horror) laugh at gojo and pepper him in kisses even when he puts the blame on you for choosing this movie. “too scared that youre placing the blame on our poor (y/n)?” gojo tsks and swats away geto’s hand but is soon distracted by you pulling u into your embrace lol <3 the usual movie positions are like this: either the both of you latch onto geto’s sides, or youre tucked into geto and gojo sits on the floor, your head in either man’s laps and your feet on the other, you squashed in the middle of them both, gojo tucked in your hug while you are tucked in geto’s <333
going grocery shopping: it’s stocking up time and geto cant possibly handle bringing back all the groceries by himself so he brings you along and also (reluctantly) brings gojo. main reason is bc gojo likes to put a lot of things in the cart and begs with his pretty eyes of his that geto always gives in 😭 youre like semi-focused on the task. you put together the grocery list but then youre getting distracted when you see the fruits section and point at it excitedly to geto. gojo is somewhere in the store. sometimes you lead the expedition, pushing the trolley as geto and gojo walk together a few steps behind hand in hand. it changes a whole lot.
sometimes geto will head off to get something and youre left to push the trolley, with gojo by your side kissing your temples walking by your side. they will both sometimes play pranks on you and go off without telling u and run around the store hoping you wont find them LMAO, or even be so so embarrassing dancing in the middle of the aisles or putting their face up to the cameras that broadcast the footage on big tvs ….. also once you guys lost gojo and you had to make an announcement at the counter to call for a six foot man to meet you two at the cashiers….
it’s easy to feel insecure sometimes, or rather not getting enough love / feeling left out bc sometimes they both click so well together you cant understand their inside jokes or they act like boys again, hitting and laughing to each other about shoko fumbling utahime again or something. they apologise profusely, feeling guilty that they even made u feel like that, esp gojo since he has a tendency to initiate a lot of those jokes which you dont understand, or talk about man things lol. youre the sole focus of their eyes always and they show it even more today by pampering you, having a sleepover ish date night, you paint each other’s nails and do some skin care, gossip a little. geto and gojo compliments you a lot, even more so during this bout of insecurity. they fight over who gives better compliments 😭😭😭😭
but either way you bring both of them in to kiss them as a thank you. it’s so difficult to choose between the both of them for cuddling too bc theyre so warm always. you curl into geto first bc on this night you guys picked your fav movie (which also happened to be gojo’s fav) but you were feeling tired asf so the former let you rest up on him while hte latter had his eyes glued. and later when geto needs to clean up he passes you to gojo gently and you adjust yourself against his lanky body <3333 “she’s just so cute, ain’t she?” geto smiles, brushes your hair out ur face, placing a peck on your forehead and another on gojo’s lips. “rest up first, both of you. i’ll come in soon.”
overall best boyfriends ever; let me highlight some more scenarios which i think would happen: coddling over you when you get your period. geto holding your tummy and massaging it while gojo feeds u snacks. fighting over the blanket between the three of you. gojo runs cold at night, geto runs a little cold too so youre usually the mediator between the two of them. “just buy a bigger blanket!!!” and gojos up and ready to head out at 3am. “go to sleep satoru the stores not open rn.” “theft exists.” “no!” sometimes youd go on individual dates when the other cant make it, esp when you three have busy schedules. either two will ALWAYS promise to shower the third in affection once they return home from the date! sometimes when you three need to visit weddings, you’d be squashed in the middle dancing with them, two towers and the shorter one in between that it looks a little comical.
fighting about whose music is the best in the car and fighting over the au, fighting abt who gets to drive. gojo tries to squeeze into the stick shift bc sometimes he misses you two in the back seat :(((( they let you sit down on public transport if the car isnt possible. scary dog privileges, two of them. gojo sneers at anyone who wants ur number and tells them off, geto glares quietly, gojo thinks its bc of him but actually it’s all geto’s doing LMAOAOAO. loving the kisses they both give you: gojo a little more excitable and geto’s sensual and slower, will also fight over who you should straddle when your making out but u give them both equal attention. one will take over the other whos preoccupied with your lips. geto littering kisses down your neck while youre busy with gojo’s lips and vice versa 💟💟💟
sigh id love to be in a poly rs with them and id love to write n*sfw but my hands hurt toodles (i do have a stsg ask that is smutty tho ... will write that soon muahahha)
hello hello!
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asteroidzzzn · 10 months
more than just a dream - spark, 004
pairing: college!ellie x reader
synopsis: you transfer to a new school where you only know one person; your childhood best friend. he invited you to a beginning of the year party to meet some new people, but one person, in particular, catches your eye... his other best friend.
a/n: dina bonding time!
genre: social media au, fluff
series masterlist -- previous chapter -- next chapter
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bria 🧚
dina 💋
hi whats up? :)
bria 🧚
im bored and everyone else went out but i dont feel like drinking rn..
can i come over?
i know the two of us arent super close but this could be our chance to bond outside the group 🤞🤞
dina 💋
omg ofc!! i was feeling the same i just wanted to chill and stay in today 😭 but ya come over whenever
bria 🧚 ❤️ a message
we can watch mission impossible if ur into that!
only if u bring snacks...
bria 🧚
U HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH IVE BEEN WANTING TO SEE THATTTT OK im omw now ill put the best i have in a bag 🙏 cya!!
dina 💋 ❤️ a message
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bria 🧚
hey dina, sorry i had to leave right away
i have to study for the first unit test later today
wish i didn't, this is so boring
how are u?
dina 💋
im fine
im good im great actually
but i really think we should talk about it
what happened last night
bria 🧚
later, ok?
i need to go right now stepping into class
dina 💋
oh ok, bye :)
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dina woodward
hi y/n im literally going insane r u free to talk
omfg 😭 whats going on
dina woodward
you'll never believe what happened last night
ughhh i wish i was there! sorry i wanted to stay in to get some sleep, i have a test next period
dina woodward
oh no worries i actually stayed in too so this isnt ab the outing
do u know who bria volentas is?
yeah i do!
shes really nice ill sit next to her in history in a few minutes actually
dina woodward
oh 😭😭😭 i wanted to talk to u ab this bc i thought u were the only one in the group that didnt really know her
can u keep a secret? just need to get this off my chest
u can trust me :)
dina woodward
sooo... ive had a crush on her since the dawn of time
y/n !! a message
and we hung out last night alone!!
!!AWEEE yall will be so cute together i can see it now
dina woodward ❤️ a message
also im so glad u said that bc i wasnt ab to be the one to com eout first 😭😭
dina woodward !! a message
dina woodward
YOUW AHT?!?!?!?!?!?
i didnt wanna assume but i secretly knew.........
y/n haha a message
dina woodward
we were watching mission impossible bc ellie ditched me (i wont forget) and she goes 'im cold' so bc shes the actual loml i let her under my blanket
dina woodward
then our feet kinda touched then our hands kinda touched and we were getting rlly close... then we fucked
that went from 0 to 100 sO FAST
dina woodward
dina woodward
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this is the average wlw experience i say while dry heaving and crawling onto the roof and howling
y/n ❤️ a message
LMFAOOO it literally is tho we have it so difficult
dina woodward
i said i wanted to talk ab last night and she was so avoidant so she BETTER say something rn
yall rn
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lurking in chat.....
dina woodward
i need to be distracted rn
eye starts twitching
tell me smth thats going on w u
ok u trusted me w ur crush so i can trust u w mine right..
dina woodward
ofc ofc
so u know her actually like really well from what i know
is ellie williams gay..
dina woodward
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take a look at her what do u think
y/n ❤️ a message
angels harmonize and descend from heaven
yes i like her... i think. its been hard to like anyone since my last relationship but im feeling rlly hopeful about us
im heavily delusional tho she was prob just being friendly when we hung out
dina woodward
she recently broke up w her ex too, and shes been kinda staying away from relationships :(
ur amazing tho youd be so good for her
if she acts like a bitch to u ONCE run
damn jesse warned me ab her too 😭 what happened with her and her ex? if u know or if ur ok with telling me
i know its not really my business
i just wanna know what lines i cant cross
dina woodward ❤️ a message
dina woodward
yeah i totally get it
i actually dont know all the details
i think she only told jesse bc theyre way closer than me and her
if u want to know everything, id ask him or get it from ellie herself
just get closer with her and she'll tell u everything, and u can decide what to do from there
ok , thats a good idea
ill just use my amazing charm and incredible beauty to captivate her in chemistry
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dina woodward ❤️ a message
dina woodward
speaking of,, she sucks at chemistry. u could get closer to her by tutoring her if youd be up for that?? shed appreciate it sooo much
#1 wingman award is presented toooooo dina woodward!
dina woodward ❤️ a message
ill def talk to her ab that ill be like heyyy u need help 💋
shit gtg now, test time!
dina woodward
good luck!! with the test and ellie🙏
y/n ❤️ a message
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a/n: a lot longer than the last chapter!! but i had a lot to say in this one :D love in the future for my girl dina!!! love to see it
hope u enjoyed as always (✿◠‿◠)
taglist: @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @elliesinterlude @fireflyels @trulygnomed @deluluwh-0-re @toesorhoes @elliewilliamsmissingfingerss @emluvselandabs @ariianelle @jokerpokimoon @lonelyfooryouonly @lil-elliesgf @yuaaa05 @ourautumn86
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trainingdummyrabbit · 2 months
which character ya wanna post about? (invitation to go off)
ouuHGUHUGHHG ive been rotating this around for hours bc ive redirected myself like 5 times since u sent it but ithink i got it i got it this time. i wanna talk abt porccubus. ok gimme a minute gimme a minute
so like. i know theyre technically the same thing, across lobcorp/ruina, but i really really wanna dissect the weird contrast it has going on there. (though, isuppose, their "same"ness is kinda up in the air re:abnos, considering there was a librarian snippet abt child of the galaxy being more "vicious", but wwwwwweh [waves hands around])
so like. the thing about lobcorp porccubus is that its just. an odd fucking creature. like yeah obviously, but its about the way its perception seems to weave around it. its core themes, that of pleasure and euphoria, uncontainable and uncontrollable, would imply that its something impulsive, stimulation-seeking, something that is driven wholly by desire and would be difficult to pin down. however, the way that its logs and flavor text are written give off a much more... subdued vibe, for lack of better words to describe it.
it is the source of that elation, yes, but everything in the way it holds itself is so withdrawn. it simply floats there, yes, but there is little to no mention of it making any moves of its own (which, now that i recheck its info log, is also mentioned plaintext!) and its in-work flavor text seems to speak with the tone of someone Studying it, Speaking about it, rather than observations of its movements or descriptions of its mindset. its all very distant. speaking in third person to someone who is listening. ...right?
which is to say: whats wrong with this dog. its story implies direct exploitation yet it just… it Just. its some strange little animal. its not malevolent and trying to kill people for fun. but it also isnt all sad like petals plucked from a daisy. it just Is. it has almost the same sort of feel as some sort of object. and yet it is clearly alive. does it have a will? it must; as abnormalities Do. so what is it? it functions by its own rules and just kinda Goes Here. does it want? does it need?
porccubus itself acts more like a Service or Trade than an actual creature. you walk in and interact with it, and it knows what to do in response. game of trust - it does a little song and dance as is its nature, yet doesnt seem to desire much more.
which also brings me to the shackle-- the little necklace around its neck. it speaks about how it was chained up, for whatever reason, and yet nobody seems to have any idea why. and porccubus... just doesnt seem to mind it. never mentions it. its such a particular type of indifference. (i suppose another good question is what is it shackled to?) and even further still... what does it mean that the ego gift it grants Is that necklace?
lc!porccubus as a creature is laced with restraint. both in a literal sense, And in an internal sense. pleasure and euphoria, yet it is definitively restrained. it cannot reach out first. it does not act on its own, but rather waits for something else to reach out First. even when it breaches, it (according to what im reading,) simply... waits. waits for an approach. (you Must approach it. it has to be a Choice.) theres something very Aimless about it, mechanical almost. i cant really sum it up in any way other than That Is An Animal.
...which brings a very interesting contrast between It and its Ruina counterpart. in the library, its much more Jubilant. it speaks, for one, which is something i straight up didnt know it did for a while. the way that it presents itself outwardly is much more outspoken-- inviting, wanting someone to engage, trying to persuade that first step. it yearns! pet it! it wants to share what it has to give, but it still wants that hand of yours offered to it First. its happy! its happy! come be happy with it!! dance with it, play with it! its demeanor is so much more forward, more present... more conscious.
and crucially... that shackle is no longer tied about its neck. rather, it dangles loose from the end of its tail, almost like an accessory rather than something granted/given to it. does this represent the release of former ties? it certainly acts more free than it did before-- whatever was holding it back, is it gone now? is its shift in demeanor the jubilant frolicking of that which has never been able to soar? is this what allows its nature of wishing to share that elation to shine through? much like a dog chained to a stake, finally being set loose in an open field.
in an unspoken turn of events, porccubus seems to focus on Release. release of ties, release of inhibitions, release of that which had been holding you back. it wants nothing more than to give what it is experiencing to those which are weighed down by things that keep them unhappy. and yet, it does nothing to truly alleviate what those woes are, simply covering them up with a layer of unrelenting sweetness.
..............which of course, brings me to angela. yeah yall thought i could go an essay without her?? lol. lmao.
on the floor realization centered around her staunch desire to live, it almost seems to stick out like a sore thumb. with all of the withdrawn mourning and wishing that the rest of the phases share, pleasure is an odd slap in the face, almost. but... it really does make it hit that much harder-- Especially with that which was expanded upon above. the imagery of unshackling yourself from that which held you down, allowing yourself to feel things you never were able to-- never were Allowed to. is that not what she stands for, here?
its reaching towards an open door, trying to grasp to any amount of Living that you can reach-- you deserve that much, at least. at the Very least. you Have to be allowed something. but not only is it that desire, but its also the Ignorance. the understanding that no matter what you mask it with, all that baggage still remains. chasing those short, intense bursts of happiness-- everything else still continues to eat away at what's underneath. and yet, theres still a consciousness to that. even further than that, a commitment.
who cares what becomes of you because of this? this happiness-- this which you were never allowed to so much as dream of-- is right within your grasp. and to taste it for even the smallest of moments, the briefest amount of time-- that makes it worth it. it was all worth it. nothing matters more than this complete devotion to sensation. it doesnt matter if it tears you apart from the inside, this is what you were always looking for. this is what you deserve. and youll do anything to hold onto it.
in some odd way, it really is about rotting.
in conclusion,
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yb-cringe · 9 months
alright wybie here's a free ask to talk my ear off about fitpac GO
this is like a trap isnt it ih gos ok yea
the thing that gets me abt fitpac is that its not that deep. and i dont mean that in an insulting way or that their impacts on one another arent expansive and hugely helpful but i mean it in that like. theres no catch. i love spiderbit for their complexity i love fitpac for their simple, slow, love
that by no means is me insinuating its not got its edges though. theyre just. sweet.
i think both of them have a lot of trauma when it comes to imprisonment and just general fear for their lives and while that could be said for a lot of people on the server i think whats important is that they’ve recognized that in each other? or at least fit has from what ive seen
and pac (and mike tbf) need a constant right now. things are crazy people are disappearinf theres no stability but they can always trust that fit will be there and he will listen and more importantly that he SEES them and will defend them
i think my thoughts abt them boil down to ‘pac needs consistency. a solid rock. he needs a recognizable pattern that doesnt change so he can have a safety net’ and ‘fit spent so long in survival he doesnt know how to just Live and he needs someone to be patient with him’
and its not easy for Either of them especially right fucking now. whats happened is that fit is trying to be the solid foundation for a bunch of people and its wearing him thin. and pac is just speedrunning traumas.
god the babysteps thing will forever be imprinted on the back of my eyes tho. like yeah fit needs to go rly fucking slow. hes a traumatized single father and hes fucking cautious about everything. always has been. letting someone into his life and giving them space in his heart is a big fucking deal. he just cannot afford to make that choice lightly. hell even ramón had to be patient for a bit
whats the fuckin saying like. fell first but he fell harder? wheres the ‘he fell first but didnt wanna think about it until he accepted it at which point he fell so fucking hard it would ruin him to lose it’ thats qfit. he literallt cannot even say the words date or romance or love or wven really Like in a romantic context about pac because shit will get too real and he needs to go slow rven if he has to FORCE HIMSELF to move slowly.
gkd i dont even know where to start with pac. he needs consistency so bad. and mike was that- mike IS that. pac is someone who needs company he needs someone to be near especially lately after his whole kidnapping thing where he was alone in that fuckin room after whatever they did to him—
hes been through so much shit and he just needs someone to stay- someone to turn to and know he’s got slmeone on his side. like pac in his own right is sort of paranoid —not the kind of way he has been recently though.
but like if you had to force tazercraft into designations of head and heart, pac would be the mind and mike would be the heart. pac is thinking ahead, he’s trying to force himself to move on because he knows mike wont, he’s trying to avoid doing things too crazy to keep them off the radar— he’s keeping them out of trouble when he can remember to.
not to say hes not chaotic and passionate in his own right but yknow. comparisons. but hes a thinker yjnow he plans for the future and if he doesnt have someone to be his safety net he fucking panics and doesnt do things he wants to because he’s worried about being caught out alone without any support
all of this to say that he doesnt Really think of romance more then Fun because he needs safety nets first. which is also kind of why the moving slow thing works for him because he’s definitely not going to realize how in deep he is like love wise until its too late. and he probablt cant even fuckin risk it right now considering yhh like Everything going on.
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godfistgonnalive · 8 months
please ramble as hard as you can about pruita I need to hear what you have to say about them
grabs you by the shoulders very roughly.
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ok. my favorite flavor of pruita is utterly unrequited. cuz its very funny to me. my fav thing to do is listen to music and think about unrequited pruita like L imagine 😹😹but also its kind of sad and i like how its sad but also funny
like think about the prussia cleaning game like omg.... he loves him.... its so silly.......
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and he literally was imaginging them like together on some sort of boat idk what its called like ugh
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and the fucking BLOG. ive already posted these before but. my god.
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he likes him so much....... its unbelievable........
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like are you serious. he so very obviously has a crush on him THERES SO MUCH PROOF OF IT AND [im trying to restrain myself here from being salty about prucan shippers so i will stop myself here.]
ok im racking my brain to try and think of what to say rn cuz as much as i say i wanna talk about my ships i know deep down in my heart i dont have much to say that i can turn into coherent thoughts.
back to my thoughts and not canon content. unrequited pruita. like ok you know that hetalia itself is just gerita fanfiction. like i love gerita. who doesnt. and thats where it comes in in my version of pruita. like prussia is so in love with italy and italys like omggg germanyyyy :3 like. oh my gfod can i talk about the songs i associate with them. the answer is yes i cant be stopped.
ok puppy princess by hot freaks. fucking UGH. unrequited big fat crush ANTHEM right here.
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ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS. prussia is the goofy friend... prussia loves italy...... and italy loves germany........ my goodness.........
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i love gerita truth pruita so much but not in the love triangle way like i mean thats what it sounds like but its more like a fucked up triangle like
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it doesnt connect all the way... cuz in love triangles dont they usually like compete!>>! like prussia loves italy but in my pruita brain he wouldnt like.. actually really try to get with italy while he knew that germany was trying to get with him.... you know.... he wouldnt do that to his brother..... so he just keeps his crush to himself.... rip.... and thats the fun of it ! ! ! he yearns but he'll never have him... love that
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and peach scone. by hobo johnson.
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ltierally every time... prussia calls italy cute.... god......
now. onto requited pruita.
i think theyre silly cute so much so much :3 :3 :3 hold on gotta check pixiv so i can formulate thoughts. ok like i mostly think about prussia's side of things when it comes to required pruita but in my opinion prussia is CRAZY about that man. jesus christ. and italy thinks hes super silly and loves him 🫶🫶🫶 HOLD ON I SHOULD FILL OUT ONE OF THOSE UNDERSTAND NMY SHIP THINGS HOLD ONNNNNN
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got a little lazy but you understand.
i think thats all i have to say . i feel like i didnt really say much just put images and then said something along the lines of "jesus christ" or "what the fuck" but i think you undestand. thank you for asking. PEACE AND LOVE!
ALSO WAIT I HAVE MORE. i LOVE gerita marriage. they are so married. and i love thinking about prussia watching the boy hes had a big fat crush on for god knows how long get married to his brother. LMAO! and hes like crying like hes happy for his brother,... but oh man........ LMAOOOOO
i love prussia so much. make him suffer now
ok thanks for reading :heart:
edit:i just realized onm the height thing onm the ship chart i forgot to put 6 CM and instead put 6 M. oops
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owlnsfwsstuff · 9 months
MD x fem reader bj alex smut!!
Y/n pov
"And thats the end of my stream guys  come back next time where ill rate more toys for you~" i wink and shut off my camra i was a bj  for my braudcasts i would rate sex toys ibe never really gotten naked on screen ive always warn my underwhere and bra i sigh softly checking my watch " agh its ten already" i get up getting dressed today i was going to my boyfriends house his name was kim myung-dae hes tall and hadsome i lived him we met at a bar where i watch him get slapped by a small guy with blond hair and black roots i was later told his name was chanwoo he didnt like that myung never wanted to really be seen with him i comforted him from his brake up a few months past and we went from friends to lovers i would come over to his house and chill...he never really told me what he did for a living but i assumed he just didnt wanna talk about it i was really curiouse though "hey myung" i smile as he opens the door he looked a little distraught "uh hey " i look confused and came in seeing papers and his computer he removed everything and sat with me on the couch"uh are you ok you seem stressed" i tilt my head he sighed "y/n can i ask you a favour " i smile " definatly! Sure anything babe" i smile he held my hand a bit " i need you to help me with...my job" i smile " sure no problem what do you need help with ill do anything " he softly smirked and stood up telling me to follow down the hall there was a door i never really have went inside before"is this your office?" He smirked "you could say that...open the door~" i looked at him he stood back i turn the knob my eyes widen it was a...sex room!? With monoters,camras,a bed and sex toys coverd the walls  i blush deeply he closed the door " uh...t this...this is" i was so red and shocked alot made sence now
"Good girl~"
"Can you sit at me feet...i want to pat your head~"
*Flashback over*
"A sex room y/n...is it to much" he said softly "uh n no!?" I said quickly he raised an eyebrow smirking "so...you like this sort of thing kitten~♡" he shut the door behind us moving falward " u uh....w w whatta you need my h help with i thaught i was helping with your work m myung" i blush dodging the question he smirked " you are helpingwith my work...im an MD i need..." he walked falward lifting my chin wispering " a sub~" i was 50 shades of red (lol or gray) h he wanted me to be h his sub i mean ...we havent had sex yet i said i wanted to know him more before i committed to it " u uh b but" he smiles softly " my job is broadcasting i do a live BDSM show where i play with subs the viewer's send in a point system calld chestnuts that converts into money that gets sent to me they can also request things ...dont worrie your face will be masked as will mine i wont say your name or who you are...so what do you say i know its a bit much you dont have t-" i cut him off " y yes" he looked suprised " yes?" I blush nodding  he smirked " wow that quick such a naughty girl~ i didnt know you where so eager you should have told me you liked this " he took me to the bed " i i thaught youd think im wired...also i know how the bj system works...i im one to i mean ive never been naked on c camera but i review...t toys" i blush he was more shocked " you share my beautiful  property with others thats rude~♡" i blush being calld his we discussed our safe words and how things would work as usual his safe word was 'macaroon' i choose 'strawberry' he told me to strip and get on the bed i obey he did his intro i where a red eye mask and he wore a black one "hello everyone MD is back ive been away for a while since i needed to find a new play toy~ but now i have found a beautiful one im sure youll like them as much as i do and to spice it up its a lovely woman since i havent had any woman on for a while~" the chat room flooded with commenters and chestnuts he stood up coming over showing me off " look how gorgeous this baby girl is~ such a cute kitten and that will be your name is that understood kitten~" he asked i blush nodding then he grabbed my chin " use your words~" i shake softly " y yes u understood.....master~♡" i purr out softly he was delighted as the show went on he had me binded up in red rope, nipple clamps on my now hardend buds and a vibrater deep inside i shake moaning as he walked over to a box "hmm what should i use dear viewers on this naughty kitten a riding crop....orrrr a paddle~♡?" He viewd the comments to see and smirk " riding crop it is~♡" he walked back over and moved my tied legs apart " oh look your dripping everywhere ...such a mess~..bad kitten" he strikes my thigh i shudder and moan out drooling " a a ah a a ah m mggs  s sorry" i wimper,smirking he struck my thigh over and over soon i was so pent up i squirt all over the toy the bed and the crop " oh my already~ well ill have to teach you a lesson next time then wont i because i didnt hear me say you could cum~" i whine as he went over to the camerai lay panting tired as i hear him say his outro ...that was a new ecxpiriance that i wanted more of...i loved that man our love was binding
Sorry for poor spelling and punctuation 😅
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razzdrgn · 7 months
ok it's time for razz recipes get ready for some cooking momence
i have an eviction trial in 2 weeks so im gonna teach you how to make extremely cheap recipes with as few ingredients as possible because i have no money to spend and enough mental disorders to make me love cooking but hate the amount of work that goes into it
todays recipe is: flatbread, probably of the mediterranean variety but i dont know actual recipes i legit just made this shit up after watching the bdg zelda recipes video
all you need is:
a pan
and thats it. Its that easy
theres more you can use to make it better tho and ill bring those up as they come up but ill do the whole cooking instructions thing under this readmore
okay so. flatbread
i think its also called like. unleavened? but i dont really know what that means and im still confused after looking it up so im just callin it flatbread because it is bread that is flat
step one is to pour some flour in a bowl. i recommend about 1 cup, but i never really measure and do it by eye/feel so you can add more or less if you want.
first optional thing to talk about briefly before the recipe really starts is salt. i highly highly highly recommend adding salt to this, because it allows the bread to actually have. yknow. flavor. and not suck. but ive made this without salt and its also good so like, do whatever u want
you can also add other spices if you want flavoring like that. ive had success with garlic powder and red pepper flakes, but honestly cookijg is most tun when ur just wingin it so throw whatever spices you like in and see how it turns out
so once all ur dry stuff is in the bowl, you should gently mix/whisk it together. i usually use a fork or knife for this since flour sticks to shit a lot and the smaller surface it has the less its gonna stick. plus with a fork it helps get things in evenly really quickly.
once everythings in and mixed is when you add your water. id say like, roughly 1/3 to 3/8ths of a cup is fine, or adjusted for how much flour you have, you really do not need much, just enough that everything comes together. if you add enough that its a bit of a shaggy but congealed mass, you can turn it out onto a work surface and knead it/fold it a little to make it thicker. i didnt like it when i did this because of texture things so i like to add just enough extra for it to be a bit of a goop.
once you got your "dough" make sure your pan is on the stove heated to uh. 3? or 4? i hate that stoves dont have proper temp markings but thats about as hot as i make mine on whatever arbitrary scale it uses.
at this point you can add in the next optional thing, which is some sort of fat. this can be an oil of your preferred variety (i am canola gang because i like to fry things while also being allergy friendly), or you can just melt some butter which is what i usually do. hell you could use like, lard or crisco if you've watched too many b dylan hollis videos. a fat is a fat. its gonna help cook the bread more evenly, will make its "crust" crispier, and make it taste better.
all you gotta do now us dump your dough onto the pan and let it cook. roughly five minutes per side but you can flip it a few times if you need, just keep an eye on it. you wanna check the edges to make sure the insides are getting properly cooked all the way through, and make sure to press down on it to make sure its making full contact with the heated surface when possible as especially thinner breads can tend to curl up a bit
while its cooking in the pan you can optionally add some shredded cheese onto the bread. i recommend doing this right before adding your dough, and right after, to make sure the cheese gets properly incorporated into each side, but you totally can also just drizzle it on at any stage and let it melt by flipping the bread onto the cheesed side. i use an italian 4 cheese mixture from my cheap local supermarket chain and thats good for the kinda savory flavor i like, but experiment! use one cheese you like, or maybe a different blend (i also really like mexican cheese blends that u use for tacos or burritos).
once the stuffs nicely cooked and browned, its good to eat. i mean its technically been ok to eat this whole time none of the ingredients are necessarily bad to eat raw but obviously you dont wanna shove fistfuls of flour into your maw.
i recommend pairing this with an iced tea of your favorite flavor persuasion as tea is a nice smooth drink you can also make super easily, some refried black beans which you can get in a can super cheap and turn into a nice dip, and some yellow mustard, which honestly goes with this way more than i thought it would by adding a bit of a sour kick which i like. obviously try pairing it with whatever you have in your kitchen, i dont know what you have. maybe you got some eggs that are about to expire and want to make some kinda breakfast bread. maybe you wanna feel that kinda childlike wonder by combining foods so you mix it with some box mac and cheese and ketchup. maybe you splatter some tomato sauce and add some kind of cheese product to make it into a shitty pizza. i have done all of these things and they are certainly all things you can do if you also want to do them
thank you for reading my extremely long recipe post join me next time where i do uhhh. something else maybe. maybe ill do that iced tea method i talked about i feel like for some folks hot tea can be a bit unapproachable and ice tea can feel like its impossible to make but i promise you its way easier than you think
ok bye!! love you
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cerealmonster15 · 6 months
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a bit of both- I was too scared to go off anon cuz I would've been embarrassed if I was wrong 😭
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They INVENTED divorce. You get it.
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And I DONT MIND YOUR THOUGHRS ARE SO SILLY!! pls invitation to come back on stage and scream about the guys ever 🥺
ksjdlfdsklfj I Understand 🙏 i hope it is ok that i took this message as an excuse to Continue Going Wild
head empty only tiny guy doodles now
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while i was doodling i remembered ruggie and silver both have a vignette with jade where Food Is Involved... im obsessed w/the one where jade gives his mushrooms to the cafeteria bc azul and floyd banished them, and silver has them the next day and is like This Is The Best Risotto Ive Ever Had In My Life. and jades just watching him like 👁️👁️ and theres the one where ruggie accidentally takes jades ingredients and is like OH SHIT DONT KILL ME here i'll teach you a cool recipe!!!! i love how often these boys bond over food actually.... ruggie helped kalim cook in another vignette... jade and kalim talked about tea [and then jade died bc kalim uses too much sugar LOL]
more rambling and screen shots i have to go bonkers or i will die
oh my god and the second tsum event. theres the cutest little rythmatic of jamil kalim floyd and azul in the kitchen with tsums 😭😭😭 i want the second years to have a potluck........
ALSO i love in the first volume of the twst anthology, chapter 13 where it basically turns into the second years coming together and trying to help silver stay awake and hanging out EXCEPT THE FISH ARE NNNNOT INVITED!!! or like. theyre just not in that story fdslkjfds and jamil just shows up at the end..
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why did he do that. he was talking about riddle and they literally got riddle involved bc ruggie suggested it but here's the thing!!! silver is the one that needed notes bc he fell asleep. kalim joined up and was like lets study together and have a feast!! so ruggies like oh hell yea im in it for the food. why did he decide riddle needed to be there 🤔 i mean maybe he did actually want to study and/or didnt wanna be the one suckered into leading the study session LOL but. i think it kinda just looks like he wants to hang out with riddle jflsjeklkj like he literally later says "but im here for the feast" so WHY did you get RULES ABIDING RIDDLE involved HMMM??? watching you ruggie bucchi.
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theyre literally SO cute i LOVE the anthology mangas SO MUCH and i really wish they'd make a third one!!!
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god i actually. forgot a lot about this one LOL there's a lot of cute moments w/them 😭
ALSO now that im at my computer i could search better and i FOUND THE POST where i talked endlessly about riddle/floyd. i still stand by all of that. and theres cute anthology moments in there too.
third year divorce jumpscare while im in the anthologies
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i love them theyre so fucking funny. also why are there So Many Times in game where vil basically says "yeah leona is extremely physically attractive HOWEVER his personality sucks and i hate him." like okay. why do you have to keep telling us that leona has a "pretty face" or "only good for his looks" or whatever it is he says fjsdkljekl. that's nice vil.
pushing them back out of the way back to the second years
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and trey. im still trapped in the anthologies since thats whats in front of me klfjlewjsdfjkls god the way this one takes place after jamils meltdown and hes like "omg trey senpai....... and jade 😒........" Get His Ass sdfdsfg god i dont have a screenshot rn but another top 10 moments of twst for me that made me cry laughing was when i was reading cater's union bday card and jamil asks him that interview question "which dorm would you pick if you werent in heartslabyul" and god the TIMING with cater saying octavinelle INSTANTLY making jamil SCOWL IN DISAPPROVAL at the SHEER MENTION OF THE FISH BITCH DORM is SO funny to me. EW. GROSS. DISGUSTING!!! i so badly want riddle and jamil to bond over their mutual fish hading sjdklfe theyre SO FUNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
and yet in masquerade event. jamil bullies azul. azul buillies him back. they DANCE TOGETHER IN BOTH OF THE RHYTHM GAMES. theyre DUO PARTNERS to azuls ssr. riddle and jamil compliment [more or less LOL] azul's singing performance at the end. i think once or twice riddle and jamil also share a few 😑😑 moments over azul... being azul jdkslfjkdsljf and it's EVERYTHING TO ME it was so validating bc i think those three should hang out forever.
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This might sound a bit dumb, but I have an AU idea where Pepper Mint somehow manages to retain control of his Pepperminteppi form & escape with Cadebra. Cadebra: "So my friend is now an immortal Primordial being that can use massive amounts of black magic. Nice." The Cult has to deal with their God not wanting anything to them (& also being in Wizard Jail for, y'know, murdering children).
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absolute delight and excitement and beige comics under the cut let's go insane
first off this is such a fun idea but i kept getting stuck because how did they get out if he didnt get at least a little violent? they were in a Situation. thats why he started blasting in the first place in the movie! he kills everyone holding cadebra and then kills everyone else who is looking at the two of them funny, and he tells her to get out before he starts hurting her too. but anyways i digress. au! my polite little boy uou (transcipts in image descs to save on space. i realize i should be doing this in the first place to be more accessible but i dont do it. ay. someday ill get over that brain hurdle)
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the profs are so. blank eyed about being Stopped. that’s their GOD. they want him to do the prophesied deeds! but he’s not. “aren’t you our god now” no I’m just that kid but I have this primordial god deity chilling giving me horrible advice now in my head. awful. thanks. i just learned real fast real hard how to love and trust myself
and then also i was like. well like. w. what is everyone gonna say. not nice things. thats a scary insect boy (WHY HE INSECT? IVE NEVER DRAWN PEPPERMINTEPPI PROPERLY BEFORE AND ITS KILLING ME WHY IS HE A BEETLLEEEEE).
and also also. also. ???? drinking the ichor SUCCESSFULLY, is quite literally what og peps just,, keeps saying will Recreate Him, OG Peps, so i guess he did that (?? HELLO) or something similar when he was little but as you can tell he did not uh. keep the scary beetle body. maybe he didnt have a bestie to protect
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anyways. so. pep likes being big. :)
also have this
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poor pep trying to mediate between the gay idiot he used to be in his head (not the gay idiot he still is) and the giant scary monster from the before-nothingtimes he just willingly added to the vr chat
and his poor fuckin teachers
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(ron james is too old and anxious for this shit and life giving magus has a thing about not letting people feel sad :( hes an Emotions Wizard being sad makes him do Evil Magic did you watch the episode Little Dude? gotta keep his students feeling loved and safe or else. especially when they’re um. imbued with massive amounts of dark magic. sorry I like the them)
i also have this from discord
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I don’t know how to end this post this au is fun. none of the kids and few of the adults know the significance of this guy. pep is like hnnnnn just wanna be a normal kid but also scarypowerfulbig. enough. to protect. blaines over here like we are not letting him in the school like that are we and weaponhead is like well. the important thing is we aren’t letting the murderers back in. Blaine.
Maybe larry (cousin got fucking murdered by the teachers) and pep (reached level 100,000 just by drinking juice and now kinda scares everyone) drop out together. just chill quiet together. what do wizards even DOOOOOO, get COFFEE??? make up entirely new schools of magic kinda like those jerky secret societies but less jerky (ron James s6e13 “thanks for the crabapples giussepe”)????? just sit around and wait for Blaine (RULES GUY) and Deb (needs structure in her life and thinks school is fun) to get out of class so they can go do things?
also also I was gonna be Sad tm that you said pep was immortal now, but I insist on believing that wizards have long lifespans. so it’s not like Deb and blaine and larry just fucking DIE ten seconds into pep’s infinite life. they’re there. for a while. (:
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1nm806 · 9 months
ok so like
i mentioned eel ran away in my Eel Is A Little Traumatized Boy Master Post when i made that ten billion million years ago
and he went to work for the circus for a year before he was a newsie
ive posted a painting i did of him in a tutu which im supes proud of lmao but i have this thing that when he was younger and before. yknow. puberty. he worked as a bowery beauty for a while after the circus and after he was a newsie because he had to get back on his feet. and i have a lot more thoughts in that vein but they dont make much sense outside of my head other than 'something something something he had to resort to selling his body for a while and hates when people touch him without his consent because of it something something' which SUCKS for him because ive already said he was a really tactile person? so he hates when people touch him but he loves hugs and stuff like that (might also be the tism but whos to say)
so it took such a long time to trust his friends in queens enough for them to even clap him on the shoulder or something, but after they left and he became king he didnt have that support system to bounce back on so he was really struggling with trusting people until he met shoe. and even with him, it took eel months to let him get near him, because he was big and tall and brought back bad memories, but he learned that shoe wasn't like those guys in the alley when he was young, shoe would never touch him when he doesnt want to be, shoe may be a large guy but he's so so gentle with the kids. and i think thats what finally got eel to trust him, he saw how sweet he was with the littles and was like "oh he's actually like. super nice and sweet and pretty and raaah maybe he wouldnt hurt anyone for no good reason" and dimes kinda just affixed himself to eel's side and zeke just. let him. dimes was the only one zeke trusted immediately, and he's not sure why, until he sees his old friend from queens before he was king and is like oh. dimes is the same person as Evan (kind of an oc? not really, kind of like i just took one of my really good friends and stuck them in a newsie outfit and now they exsist lmao) and he''s like whelp if i can't take care of evan now, dimes is the next best thing and promptly adopts him <3
anywhizzle i have a lot of thoughts abt these stupid little guys if youse wants more <3
ur ALWAYS good 2 share ur thoughts i ALWAYS WANNA HEAR BOUT THIS FAMBLY!!!
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yellowbentley · 1 month
fuzzy and the terrible horrible fuckass testday he did NOT wantt to to but had to anyway
reader bewarb this this shit is long may or may not be hard to follow because i talk about (my) degree jargon
ok lessgo
to begin. you need context. theres an organization (one for every country im assuming) that issues tickets stating "X CAN WELD" or else some schmuck with a helmet can walk in and work.
theres a ticket for every process in every position and then some. it was these tickets i was testing for today and i was WILDLY unprepared. it isnt the first time ive done them but i was super out of practice. they are flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead.
so cut to february, the last time we did tickets. remember when i wanted to end it all because i failed a test i spent a hundred dollars on? yeah this was one of those. i failed my horizontal so this time around i thought "i dont wanna do my fuckign horizontal cause last time i failed and i felt like shit so im gonna do my vertical instead"
what no one told meeeee was that you have to get your tickets in position order. and i KNOW i take forever and a day, hence me only doing one.
well i didnt do one. i did two. i have no idea if i passed or failed them and tbh im too scared to check because i was completely out of fucks two beads into my vertical.
but lets not get ahead of ourselves.
the test sheets had to be reprinted twice because the first go around they missed imputting someone into the system and the second time around someone got lost, and then got registered twice. great lovely. so because of this all of our test plates were wrong because we all got new assigned numbers.
we finally get our sheets we go and pay and while im in line in the bookstore to pay for my test (remember this) guess what fucking hit me. the cramps i had spent all night hoping for. at 8:30 in the morning. litterally 2 hours behind schedule. i was FURIOUS. so now i had that to deal with all day thankfully ive had worse but because they didnt arrive on time i have full permission to bitch as much as i want.
so back to the shop. i was trying to set my peremiters for my vert so i hadnt even started yet when my instrucor pokes his head into my booth and says "(tester) wants to see you" so i go and thats when i find out that you have to do the tests in order. so i tack and stamp up some new plates which was probably the least annoying part of the whole day
so i do the new plates first. welding it out goes relatively fine. it took forever to find an instructor to verify it but whatever.
i could not. for thee fucking life of me. unscrew the cutting tips from the oxy torches. ive seen people do it. ive done it. it is Not Hard. i used a wrench n all on all 3 tables and it would Not Come Off. so i said to hell with this and went to the carbon arc room.
carbon arc cutting is using specialized electrodes to vaporize metal. you drag it over metal and it carves into it. fast and easy.
but i of course had a hell of a time doing it like i do anything and it was Not Working. by the time i did figure out what i was doing wrong there were carbon deposits coming out the yahoo and it which are difficult to gouge through. so i had half of it very nice and the other half a melted amalgamtion of metal and didnt gouge very much off. great.
so i finish that. away i go back to my booth. to grind for the next i dont even know how long because oh my fucking god SO much grinding. im not big enough to use the 7 inch grinders so i have to use a 5 inch one which is yk what let me just show you
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these are all cordless but you get the fuckin gist.
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what everyone else got to use vs what i got. dying.
so i finally fucking got it flush. cut it. not a big deal. onto the second one at 1:30. i feel like i should mention that at this point everyone else has been done for like two hours.
i didnt even start welding until like 10ish so i was already 2 hours behind everyone only doing one plate. most everyone else did 2 and so did i BUT I ONLY WANTED ONE
my vertical was so bad i was way too hot and shaking and i didnt put them in in a very good order i would genuinely be surprised if it didnt snap. i needed a practice one but i had No Time so it was messy and the cap was large and my rods were sticking so i was frustrated aND OH THATS SOMETHING IM FORGETTING
some electrodes need to be baked/stored in an oven to keep moisture content low. when i ran out i went to get more and the oven was empty so ithought i'll be a good samaritan and fill it up AND I GOT THE BOX THAT SAID. 3/32ND. MATCHES THE OVEN. AND I OPENED IT. AND IT WAS THE WRONG KIND OF ELECTRODES.
and once you open these they cant be resealed they need to be either used or cooked within 4 hours.
so i started stuffing as many electrodes into the oven as i could and in my haste i sliced both my fucking hands open. i didnt even notice the cut on my right palm because the one on my left pointer finger was just gushing blood all over soaking my glove and getting over the electrodes (absolutely my fault btw i should of been wearing gloves. i deserved this one) and so i stopped and said i need to handle this. so away i went. bandaged now all good. just again. annoyed. and i still didnt have any 7018s.
i found some. eventually. fuck.
i finished my second test at idk 2:30 or maybe a bit later, begged one of the instructors to mill the back off for me because i was NOTTT doing the carbon arc/ grinding for forever again. once it was done bc time crunch i p much just got to look at and get excited over the smooth mill peices before my instructor whisked it away to grind/cut himself. which - i understand completely time crunch im slow i get it im not bothered.
and then we cleaned up. and i was talking to the tester a little bit before i left and he said "glad you paid because theyre checking who didnt hoho"
now. guys. recall at the start of the post where i said that 2 tests are a hundred bucks. and i only paid for one.
i did one of my tests for free afusdiaksoqondiakdka. he said he'd get the paperwork later and he never did 😭
then. fucking FINALLY it was 3 and i got on the bus and came home and i was so spent i had an alcoholic freezie. i dont drink.
i should of fucking stayed home.
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