#ok byeeee :333
dreamsb0u · 8 months
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Oh yeah I made him a few days ago
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nastylillad · 1 year
Omg I fucking love how Barnaby looks in the bunny outfit-
now make him fuck Howdy
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u got it!
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i just finished drawing this and realized u probably meant in the bunny suit oopsie daisies
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ireallydohateyou2 · 2 months
lemme kno when anyone finds a way out of here
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slapfish-reblogz · 8 days
hi hi I’m curious on how Borous and Valerie meet :333!!! I love them so much they’re my fav ship of all time ok byeeee
Okay so short answer: they met at BIGGG MOUNTAIN!
Long answer:
Valerie had been running her own lab with grant money they had gotten from *shady corporation* since she graduated, but eventually that ran out cause running an entire laboratory is EXPENSIVE so she turned to contract work, eventually being hired by Sinclair to improve the AI programs at the SM casino. Sinclair eventually found out she was super low on cash and would have to shut her lab down, so he told her about BIGG MOUNTAIN. She was interested in the facility, the possibility of being able to do SCIENCE without boundaries was an ideal she enjoyed. So she booked an interview with Klein, eventually being hired as a department head to manage the morgue and do other computer things. She actually met borous at her interview, he stormed in complaining about the new budget
(Forgive me for the quality of this comic but I literally did it in 20 minutes before class haha)
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shotmrmiller · 2 months
every day i wander into your account to get my fill of simon , johnny , gaz , price , ghoap , everything cod related , then i leave w a full tummy and an aching cunny , so , thank you <333
( p.s. my fav part of your acc is the pfp!!?!😭 it's like, a lot of filth is getting spat by a cat that looks so .. "derp :p" vibed🐥‼️‼️ ok that's it , bye <333 )
aching pussy is the realest shit i've ever heard in my life 🥲
you're welcome ❤️❤️❤️
and the cat makes sense because i'm never serious online like
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why wouldn't i want this to greet everyone? matches my energy yknow?
ily byeeee ❤️❤️
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crazywritersol · 6 months
OK GUYS! NEW AU IDEA! (Well kinda-) I already know about the infected lmk aus 😭but this one is kinda like a parasite, like if that even makes it different 😞, but anyways, in was a parasite that was made from the underworld and found a way escape or some crap like that-(IM STILL THINKING OK?!!! I KNOW IVE BEEN GONE AS WELL 😭😭💀) I'm not very smart- 😞 but so anyways the parasite fuse's into a peach to like hide?? (Like I said, I'm still thinking I'm also busy on another fanfic atm- T-T) and patient zero is no one other than Macaque, my lover(@teacupdrawz12 )is also helping with the au (mostly drawing TvT) you should also chek them out! They are super cool UvU anyways, that's all for now byeeee<333
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knwatchesninjago · 7 months
S1E12 The Rise of the Great Devourer
Look who livessss!!!
Welp i gtg soon so imma just get straight to it, lolll!!
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and he didn't even put the slat on the inside parts.... he put it on the BREAD?!?!?!!!!
that's it.... im done questioning ninjago
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Why is he soo tiny? 😭💞
How can Pythor look at that baby and hurt him?
Ok... time out... I'm back to questioning ninjago again....
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its right above lava....
apparently this volcano is also THREE BAJILLION DEGREES!??!?
ummm... forget the anchor... how in the world did the Destiny Bounty survive?!?!? And the ninjas!?!?
*sighs once again at ninjago logic*
(or the lack of it)
(boy do i miss my old tag of #Lloydster_Enters_The_Scene.... too bad the lloydster wont be coming back anymore :'( )
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The deep voice in the beginnng made me cackle 🤣
I was soo set on editing after I watched that, but im on a time crunch due to my bet with my friends soooo...
Also... where are the ninjas' braincells? Who in their right mind would let a 7 year old fly a ship all ALONE??!?
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Wwhen i ws watching this scene i really couldnt help but laugh when I saw the plank, loll. Dang, Wu... u reallly would make ur students walk a plank? Lolll
But all jokes aside... Kai... you really have some strong feet...
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My little gremlin is sooo smalll 😭
#Stop Discriminating Against Snake-People
Okay... okay.
This is my biggest complaint.
Look I get it that the serpentine are the "bad guys" in this season, but... EXCUSSE ME?!?!!?!?
The only snake that deserves to be punished is Pythor. Actually...no. Even he deserves a break.
No one deserves to be locked up underground. Did you see the cave he was stuck under? It was full of skeletons. And Pythor was the oly one alive....
that has a lot of implications. The guy had to probably eat his fellow snakes in order to survive... the snakes were treated horribly.
Now I dont remember exactly why they were forced underground but if my memory serves me right... was it bc of some war?
But like... I bet there were so many innocent snakes as well, right?
Like looks at these babies:
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i'm pretty sure these snakes are ment for comedic relief but stilll... some of them are sooo sweet 😭
And.... Cole..... blackberryy.... u did NOT have to shoot Skales....
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Honestly with that kinda blast i have no idea how Skales even survived that, lolll.
Also... WU!!! WHAT THE HECK DUDE?!?!??
WHat was this for??!??
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Why didn;t you let Pythor leave?!
Why are you trying to get both yourself and Pythor killed?!?
I know that it was trying to give off the vibe that Wu was "sacrifising" himself or something, but imo, it was just plain stupid.
But then again, im giving too much critizism to a kids show. No kid out there is analyzing the show like i am, so ur off teh hook this time, lol.
Also... y'all... this mailman deserves the world.
He is so dedicated to his job. Plus he's old.
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I'll leave you with this:
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Byeeeee!!! Cya laterr!!! <3333333
Oh wait!! I 4got to add this:
#My fav quotes
"But Sensei"
"Butts are for sitting"
(excuse me??!? wasn't there a yellow color or something? or am i remembereing wrong?)
"You are like the sunrise, we can not begin a day without you"
Zane sweetiee... ur too precious for the world!! <333
alright byeeee
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otrtbs · 1 month
tcb! is a masterpiece ok thanks byeeee ur a genius
hi love you thank you you’re so sweet!! <333
byeeee mwah!
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HI HI HIIIIII! ok so I saw requests were open and wanted to send in something that's been on my mind
So Bain, Houston, Sokol, and Dallas with a really quiet, shy, and sensitive S/O who dresses super cute??? Like cuz me, fem or GN, it's up to you
Byeeee ily/p your writing is amazing and it makes me feel fuzzy and happy
Shiiiii I got u Finn I got u
Bain, Houston, Sokol and Dallas with shy/cute/sensitive (fem) s/o
- Bro is in love
- Bro wants you 24/7
- You know how people have a comfort plushie that they hug?
- Yeah, you're his comfort plushie
- Your soft clothing is just an open invite to him
- Whenever he feels really stressed he'll either touch you (hugs, kisses, hand-holding) or just seeing your smile
- You can tell because you'll just be chilling at his when he just rests on you and hugs you from behind with a sigh/groan
- He really likes to just wrap his arms around your waist
- Your kisses are the equivalent of coffee for him
- He gets motivated and happy once you give him any sort of physical affection
- Actually scratch that, you could just say hi and he'd probably be happy with that
- Actually scratch that again, he just needs to see your cute little outfit and just
- UGHHHH he thinks you're so pretty fr
- I think since he's so used to violence, crimes and loneliness, having you as a girlfriend was a big change (/pos)
- At first he would be super awkward and wouldn't be clingy
- After a while, he definitely isn't scared to show his more affectionate side
- Why should he be scared to show how much he loves his pretty little girlfriend????
- Same with Bain, he just adores you so much
- He is constantly fighting the urge to pick you up by the waist and spin around and just hear you giggle
- It's a losing battle 😔🙏
- He will probably pick you up at least once a week
- He'll also keep a hand around your waist because your just,,,, so cute
- He's so happy to have such a cute girlfriend <333
- Will always brag about you
- 'Yeah, well is your girlfriend as cute as mines??? Oh, right... you don't have one.'
- In bed he will just constantly cling to you and compliment you
- Like you would be talking about cleaning a dead body and he'd be like 'You're so cute....'
- It may be more of a curse than a blessing if you're trying to be cool-
- Maybe gets a little jealous
- Okay maybe gets very jealous
- If anyone tries to flirt with you, he'll probably have to hold back on punching them straight up
- Will buy you anything in the shops fr
- You don't even need to ask
- If you even look and smile at it, he will buy it
- Actually, you don't even need to be there
- He'll probably see something cute and just go 'My girlfriend would look so cute in this' and immediately buy it without asking you
- When you first started dating, he'd probably ask beforehand, but as time goes on he just buys it
- Every time he goes shopping, just expect him to come back with something for you
- 'I saw this and thought of you. It's cute, no? Like you, hehe-'
- Other than that, expect him to always have an arm around you or something
- If you're wearing a short skirt expect him to have a hand on your thigh
- (Not in a sexual way inherently)
- He likes showing people that your his cute girlfriend
- It fills him with pride :)
- Also it's so he can keep you safe
- He knows you can protect yourself in public (heister or not), but he just
- He can't help himself he just needs to protect
- Will glare at anyone who looks at you too long
- Will constantly shower you with compliments :)
- They're always so genuine too ‼️‼️
- 'You're looking cute as always, (Y/n)."
- Whether you're wearing an elaborate outfit or a basic one, he'll still find a way to fluster you
- If you guys are in private, he'll probably just put his arms around you and hug from behind
- Probably bury his head in your neck and leave little kisses :>
- 'You're so pretty today....You always are, my love.'
- (Got me kicking my feet and giggling over this)
- If you can defend yourself really well he's even more in love fr
- His cute but feisty gf omg
- If you give him the puppy eyes he would probably do anything for you
- Will pick you up and swing you around if you like it
- If you do, expect him to do it whenever it's just you two
- If he isn't tired or anything, he'll probably pick you up and spin you around, calling you his wife or smth
- If he's losing motivation during a heist, he'll just think about you and your cute face
- He may or may not keep a photo of you in like, his pocket or something
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whereismyhat5678 · 11 months
yayaya u kno what time it isss evelyn hcs less gooooo
Due to the tower falling and reviving, her speech is a little broken, if someone (like the pillar bros, peppino, etc) were to have conversation with her then they'll have to be a little patient when shes speaking.
Here, I'll make an example:
``It was v..very lonely, in that hee..headspace, but I'm just glad I m..anaged to make it out. I hope I didn't sc..are anyone too much fro..from my revival..``
Although, when she gets more nervous/stressed her speech becomes more broken than before.
Heres another example:
``Look, Mr. Gustavo, a-as much aa..s I respect y..ou symapthy, I d- don..tt want to ta..talk a..bbout th- thee..the "incident" at a..aall- And I'm su..sure Peppino and th..e others wouldn't wa- wan't to tt..alk about thee t- tower f..all- O-or Pi- PPiiz- Pizza- Pi- Pii..iizzah--`` *COUGH COUGH, COUGH, HACK, AHEM.* ``I j- I'm..I'm sorry. Could..Could we please cc..change topic? I don't wan..t to talk abouuu..about him anymore.``
Her favourite genre of songs is..Heavy Metal! ..yeah I wouldn't expect that either- But hey, her song choices have never changed since her children were teenagers! That AND Weird Al songs are her favourite-
She once had a (not really) wrestling match with Pizzamancer- I say not really because Noise saw the fight about to start and he just- got his camera crew to live stream it and just..called it a wrestling match-
oke thas it byeeee have a good day <333
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Other from that.
Honestly, her music taste is amazing, love a woman who can jam the fuck out to some heavy metal
I’m picturing that one scene from Monsters University when Squishy’s mom is in the car dropping them off at the actual building and when she rolled the window up she was BLASTING THE HEAVIEST METAL OMG SHE’S A QUEEEEEEN 💅💅💅💅💅💅✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 (If you haven’t watched the movie you should I love it-)
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Here’s art. Because I was taking breaks in between the dawgs <33 enjoy 🏃‍♀️💨💨
Mirabel and Usagi dripped out‼️‼️ Usagi being a good mom leader and explaining the basics—also Luna questioning some stuff 🫡
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Alma wondering what to buy Mirabel for her birthday, and she needs Casita and the Candle to help her (spoiler it’s a new sewing machine hand painted by her)
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De aged Alma has been on my mind as of late, that and Radiohead.
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Da son and da father👹👹
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That is all, unfortunately <\\333 I know I usually have more, but I couldn’t really draw up anything else, not at the moment; plus I don’t wanna stay up too late tonight. Hopefully by the tomorrow I’ll get these dawgs done and I’ll be able to post them <333
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sleepyboizclub · 6 months
Introducing myself!!!
Hey Hey Hey! My name is Jonah/Nathan! Here's a small get to know me!
Name: I go by many names, Including Will, Evelin, Jonah, Nathan, Nico, Ect!
Age: I prefer not to say, So yea, I'm an ageless guy. Woooo...-
Gender + Sexuality: Genderfluid, Bunnygender, Staticgender, Other Xenogenders. Pansexual, Polyamourus, and Nebularomantic, and currently have no partners.
Pronouns: Mainly He/It/That, Also use She/They/Bun/Tech or others, But ONLY if I trust you COMPLETELY.
Nationality + Race: British/American, African American in body IRL.
DNI: Creepy ppl, Pedo's, Z00philes, Basic DNI criteria, Disorder Fakers, Anti-LGBT, Others.
BYI: I am a fictionkin of many characters, meaning I truly believe I am or was them. Please respect my name and pronouns when they change. I am also not always gonna act or remember stuff close to my source, and my canon is often different from Canon. Certain kins aren't allowed on my profile (Such as Belos), Please for the love of GOD, Just respect that. I also do not support any problematic creators, even if I kin some of their characters.
INT: Most Mandela Catalouge Kins, such as Adam Murray, Sarah Heathcliff, and Thatcher Davis. TOH kins, PJO kins, Especially Will Solace (I'm a nico kin), And other fandom fictionkins.
also, I'm ok with doubles! The only doubles I'm not ok with are:
Annabeth Chase (PJO)
Leo Valdez (PJO)
Sally (Creepypasta)
Missy Cooper (Young Sheldon)
Hazel.L (PJO. No, I don't know how to spell my own name DON'T ASK)
Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa)
Any other kins may interact, But if I don't answer, It's likely that you might kin a character that could make me have a trauma response. Not personal, I promise! Ttyl!
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weidli · 7 months
ok this is going to sound soooo weird but I had some good news today and promised myself I'd do something stupid/fun so I'm letting you know that I've been having a bad case of tumblr crush on you for a few months now
from your tatort content to your humour to the random swiss ranting your blog just gives me such good vibes and just seeing you on my dash is enough to lift my mood sometimes :)
(I hope this doesn't come off super creepy it's genuinely just meant as a compliment and I'm too much of a coward to do it off anon byeeee)
ANON THIS IS THE SWEETEST THING EVER I'M GOING TO CRY. i am so happy that you got good news and that this is what you decided to do with it this is definitely going in the folder of screenshots to look at when i'm really sad and need to cheer up thank you <333
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ireallydohateyou2 · 3 months
resorting to phoning a friend before I drink myself sick .... tbh.
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magpie-sherlock · 1 year
thank you so much!!! ur anonymous, but i love u too!!! have a wonderfaul day/night!! <333
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mercurygguk · 2 years
rant incoming
so i found u randomly on my feed. i don't have any self control so i read part 1 and a drabble of risqué DURING my WORK SHIFT (i tutor kids LMFDSIFISF) and I am, absolutely rgklenrgklerngkengksskfnsknf I'm fucking in heaven right now. the way I'm so scared to read part 2 cause i wanna savour my fucking high right now. even tho jk went through some shitty ass post nut clarity, i am in LOVE WITH THE STORY. I'm normally a f2l girl but the ABSOLUTE HOLD THIS HAS ON ME. Also, a big thank u for the appreciation and detail to oc !! she is everything i want to be. I hate when authors make oc a super innocent cute small ass fucking bitch like damn I'm sorry but its not my style. Contrary to jks "type" (my heart broke when he said his type is cute), I've always envisioned jk w/ a girl whos super cool, sexy, curvy, and smart + funny. Idk. Anyways, I just took a shower, gonna eat, get my hw over w/ (delayed gratification), get high and THEN READ to enjoy my Friday night. Omgmgomgomgomgoggm im so fucking excited.
ok sorry for the rant, i love risque so much, therefore, I love u so much.
okay byeeee!!!! <3333333
PLSSS IDEK WHAT TO SAY😭😭😭😭 just… thank you so much for this message!! this was the best thing to wake up to 🥺🥺🥺 im so glad you like risqué and thank you for noticing the details <333 AHHH THANK YOU SM THANK YOU
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