#ok fine there are some things in 5th that could work. main thing that comes to mind is paladin smite
pramanixx · 4 months
i have a disease called "need to make builds for my favs in whatever ttrpg i can". thankfully with prior favs this was extremely easy due to 5e being piss easy to build in and them having fairly basic skillsets. thank god i have found other ttrpgs to love (please for the love of christ talk to me about lancer its so fucking good) and now the buildcrafting process more fun but more challenging as well. as if this wasnt enough, uh. axl 1. can cast magic at will 2. but is primarily a melee* combatant 3. (not really) 4. has time travel magic.
due to my insanities i am still attempting to build this out. i have accepted i cant just take the fast and easy route via 5e because even WITHOUT the time magic this build is a fucking multiclass monstrosity + his weapon is two-handed and 5e doesnt like it when casters wield those.
but i HAVE discovered its very possible to build him in lancer ;)
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thegeminisage · 1 year
im in kakariko and WAH koko and cottla still pray to their mom every day and their dad joins them...but they can't get to the actual cemetery bc of the ruins >:( and "rpincess zelda" said not to go near them. it is driving me crazy that i cant so this quest!!
i googled and apparently this quest involves the business with the Fifth Sage so i have to hold off for now :/ SUUUUCKS gonna collect some korok seeds and then find something else to do
oh wow that interactive map got a BIG upgrade. i can just ask it where certain items are now lol
I FOUND? THEIR MOMS? JOURNAL??? oh my god in the kakariko well.......
she had a garden down here 😭 she lists all their favorite foods......
theres a korok seed at the cemetery, so i went the long way around and left a silent princess for her. i'm gonna come back and get the rest later when the main quest takes me here
i knew there'd have to be a fifth sage, but a whole quest AND dungeon...that's pretty amazing!! i wonder if we get a 5th companion...zelda as a ghost companion would be SICK but i know nintendo would Never
ive decided to attempt to investigate the faron thunderstorm. wish me luck
THUNDERHEAD ISLES.......this is so cool. i can't see shit <3
also all of my bows & weapons rn are metal...oops lol
whoooa the music here.........
when i say i cant see shit i mean i REALLY. cant see shit. even the depths is better than this, at least there you can use brightbloom seeds
i found a flux construct but i CANT SEE LOL and i dont have any nonmetal weapons worth any damage...im doing it blind while only switching to goo weapons when im actually attacking sdlfjghsdfjkg girl HELLLP
i used the shadows and the LAST of my stamina to make it to ??? dragonhead island ??? WHICH I STILL CAN'T SEE
there's gotta be some trick to clearing or navigating the storm but i dont wanna google it in case its like...THE SIXTH SAGE,
ok. fucking hell. im leaving. is there ANYTHING interesting im allowed to do rn. jesus
from now on im just going to assume that if i suddenly hear cool music im not supposed to be here.
landed in the horse god lake and caught that big stallion. named it yeto in honor of the big white abominable snowman in tp salute emoji
this well has a bubbulfrog inside it ??????
where the FUCK am i going theres a whole ass cave system down here
another ancient blade.......
fine ok i can work with this. jesus.
actually no i can't. it's raining and i don't want to climb all this shit nor do i want to tangle with electric lizalfos. i swear to god
ok. back to the stable.
oh flute boy!! i forgot about him. i guess he must be part of the band. luckily this time i have his fireflies...
AWWW the glowing tree was so cute and pretty
ok, feeling more prepared for komo shoreline now. luckily there's not much here anyway...
NO!!!!!! a fucking BLOOD MOON while i was attacking this electric lizalfos camp!!! COME ONNNNN
i survived but god one of the lizalfos got glitched and there WASN'T. even a treasure chest over here. good fucking lord
i found my first above-ground lynel......and it's silver. this is what i get for waiting so long to seek them out...
omg my ancient arrow sent him to eeby deeby. im reloading tho idw waste it on that
okay so. he is hitting, very, hard,
i can't climb a tree either cuz he can Get me
okay. well! i died. clearly outmatched. i need.........better armor. i am so TIIIIRRRED of getting my ass kicked!!!!
for better or worse i'm in the chasm on the island next to hyrule castle. i figure it's probably an isolated place since. yk. island. reeeally wish i could find a lightroot tho
blue-white frox. less sick. im gonna die again :(
omg i GOT HIM!!! n*ce
i cheated and peeked at the map...theres literally nothing else down here lmao not even a lightroot. im gonna go...somewhere else!! but later. i have to take a break now for food chores etc ive been playing for hours
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vivisviolets · 14 days
Hello, i want to participate in your free reading. My name is Ngoc, she, 1998, capricorn rising, taurus sun, virgo moon, favorite things: pink, cat, cute animals that can speak human language, horror movies.
I'm into men.
Thank you!😚
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NGOC ✦✨🍖 King of Swords, Ace of Wands (reversed), Two of Pentacles, Three of Swords (bottom of deck) 555, 1515, 111, 321/123, Gemini/Aquarius/Libra placements (Moon, degrees, dominance), 7th/5th/10th/2nd house placements, Leo/Taurus/Capricorn placements (Sun, rising, Venus) traditional, travel, mixed family, "old world" heart, channeled song, Collide - Justine Skye Hey girl, thank you for joining. ok so as I free-channeled, the entire time my mind was replaying Collide by Justine Skye feat. Tyga- which I first thought was unrelated due to the HUGE theme of "tradition" and "family-passed-down values"... but honestly- the lyrics of that song are still hitting, like- your person knows how to provide- but let me get more specific! your person is like a fine wine- a majestically made tapestry... they have layers 🧅 BAHAH- oh, they also enjoy cooking. that's a random message, but they enjoy cooking foods from their childhood/recipes their family has made. but moving on, they are very well made, well crafted, like this is one of God's finest creations... it's giving-
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and the thing is- is that they are incredibly humble about this fact, it's like they have the appearance of a Leo, but they have the humbleness of a Capricorn/Libra. they know how to work hard, and how to get along well with everyone. they may have an air Mercury w/ a Capricorn degree/10h, and they have an "artless" way of communicating- where even if they aren't the most empathetic person, their way of communicating just works well with everyone, especially in the workplace! communicating/HR may be part of their current job. all that being said- this person still has many colors to them, as I said they enjoy cooking, and their meals tend to be incredibly flavorful, south/southeast Asia is coming through heavily, or Latin American countries- a lot of who they are creatively, is from where their family/bloodline is. and I'm hearing their main form of expression, is photography! and or an art form that allows them to document what they perceive around them. they actually take in a lot, very emotionally observant. I also see they enjoy reading in their downtime, maybe while waiting for an appointment(?), or at night before they doze off. now their relationship with you!~ I think you two will share a very similar mind, and that will intrigue this person heavily (it's reminding me a little of Dr. Yang + Dr. Burke's relationship from Grey's Anatomy)- they immediately wish to travel the world with you, they know the feeling of getting a rush from adventure, due to their own travels across their own home-country(ries)/places they've traveled for work, but getting this desire for you will come as such a head rush for them... yes- you two may meet in a workplace context (there's some professionalism about the enviorment, this could be an education, or group enviorment), and they're immediately attracted to your appearance,- I mean they can find many words to describe you,- pretty, attractive, cute, gorgeous- I think they'll be observing you heavily in this shared place, seeing your face and how you interact from all angles... that's why I'm getting so many different descriptive words! because sometimes they watch you concentrating on something and they'll describe you as "gorgeous", or they'll see you laughing at a joke and think you look so "pretty" (+ how sweet your laugh is), or they'll see you getting a cup of coffee/snack and think you look so "cute" as you eagerly wait for it- I dearly hope this isn't coming across as creepy to you! because that is not what I'm picking up on at all (tho I do think he is self-aware of what he is doing and feels a tiny bit embarrassed- but they also can't help it aw) -this person does not become "attracted" to others easily, they've dated before, but those only lasted 3-6 months before parting ways, and it was ok, as it taught them lessons and helped to broaden their viewpoint on different kinds of people... but they have always craved a person that they actually want to build something with- and they think that might be you. my dear. they really do, they're just so attracted to you- just, you, standing right next to that vending machine- they like the way you carry yourself... when you act humble, and reach out to others to extend kindness or advice- oh boy, I'm getting lost in the sauce- and I want to point out some further aspects as you will be entering into a relationship with them- I see there will be some strange misalignment or weird divinely-allowed tampering. one of you will be moved to work elsewhere, or there might be gossip from ill-informed peers,- but whatever happens! I want to make it clear to you, that this relationship can survive, and more than that, but flourish. and that anything that may come up can be worked out and that the idea of it not being able to be worked out, is an illusion- there could possibly be a lot of illusions made by people around you, evil eye, toxic influences, etc. please just focus on this relationship and its stability! because that is what is important.🌳❤️. consider tipping my Patreon, or following :>~ sending you on your way, bye!
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literaphobe · 3 years
Dream really does perform much better when he has a right hand man to lean on, I think with enough training Sam could step up to that🤷‍♀️. Not like George or Quackity will take the spot lmfao
um sorry but can y’all like. stop saying this ❤️ i literally keep getting asks reinforcing this same concept n it’s starting to get a liiiiiitle uncomfortable. peace and love but i don’t like the narrative y’all are forming here re george n quackity just not giving a fuck about playing competitively and not being up to task or unable to cooperate and that dream’s gonna struggle keeping them in check n that they’re gonna be laughing n throwing while dream n sam struggle to win? like even disregarding performance george n quackity ARE competitive and they DO care about winning and they will work w dream and try their best to pop off?
like. ok. so here’s the concept of a right-hand man for dream. it’s basically someone that’s skilled and can pull him back when he’s making a bad call or back him up when he’s making a risky play. you people keep wondering who’s gonna fill that role! who’s gonna co-lead with dream! “co-leader” and “right-hand man” in this scenario mean different things. when it comes to leadership, dream will take into account every suggestion his teammates make. eg. trusting quackity’s suggestion that michael be sandkeeper instead of him in mcc15. if ‘leading’ is deciding the strategies for games and what plays they’ll make, then all of them are co-leaders, but of course, dream’s teammates usually see him as a final authority when it comes to making a decision
being dream’s right-hand man doesn’t entail much more than 1) an ability to back him up or 2) the ability to stop him from making a bad decision or 3) the ability to pick up his slack if necessary. obviously they can all do this to some degree, but if you’re pinpointing a main person who’s gonna do the Most of that, i think it’s pretty obvious that that person is george? it’s weird to be like george CAN’T do that lets pray n hope that they train first time mcc player awesamdude in time to do this!! like. if george was such an ineffective ‘right-hand man’, dream wouldn’t have teamed with him SIX times and if quackity were so incapable he wouldn’t have teamed up with him THREE times. like yeah we can joke about how george n quackity r gonna be breaking bad rping during mcc but the moment we go /neg about it, the moment we start putting down their capabilities and criticizing their supposed attitudes… that sits wrong for me?
like so. mcc14 was an outlier. dream almost got to dodgebolt in mcc6 and mcc10 w george, but they got fucked by build mart (this is a devastating story for another post), and they won mcc11 together. dream and quackity won mcc15 together. and you can yell n scream about how its bc sapnap was there!!! all u want but they can back him up (george popping off in battle box w dream in mcc14, them getting 3rd and 5th individually, quackity popping OFF in SoT, him n dream getting 3rd n 5th individually), and pick up his slack (quackity clutching up two rounds of battle box himself, george clutching up 2/3 of their clean sweep rounds in dodgebolt) JUST fine
i’m not saying y’all hate george n quackity or anything. i’m not trying to be malicious here, or say that awesamdude can’t be a good co-leader/right-hand man. of course he’ll do great. he’s fantastic, he’s amazing, and i can’t wait to watch him pop off. but desperately trying to place him in a pressurizing position when he’s literally never played mcc before whilst putting down george and quackity’s abilities to fulfill those roles? it’s so condescending towards them. they are competitive. dream likes teaming with them. they are gonna do great, and if they don’t, it’s not because they weren’t good enough for it. mcc is an incredibly unpredictable event, and factors like luck, game order, game selection, their psyche that day, how other teams fare in comparison, etc, it’s all gonna play a role. other than that, they’re a great team. it’ll be a good time
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ophezio · 4 years
yes, i think harry and luna makes more sense than harry and ginny. hear me out
ok so before any hinny shippers get me, please hear me out. a lot of points might be unjustified but only because jk rowling is a shit written and wrote a lot of horrible tropes. but anyways, let’s continue.
let me start off with harry as a character. harry has always been rather opposed to the fame he receives, and hates when people pay him attention only for the purpose of him being The Boy Who Lived. he always feels rather shut off from the world, even though he clearly has people on his side. you can tell he wishes everyone would just look past his legacy and see him for him. hermione and ron do that most of the time, but still do fall into the trap of seeing The Boy Who Lived first. a lot of people do, and it’s quite understandable as that’s the first thing you notice about harry. but anyways harry is just a boy who wants nothing but to been seen as anything but that. moving on to his personality, he’s very hotheaded and very opinionated, and never lets his opinions falter. he of course has a lot of built up anger over the way people have treated him his whole life. he struggles with people just not understanding him the way he longs for someone to. he wants to seen as an ordinary dude who has emotions just like anyone else, simple as that.
now let’s look at ginny as a character. ginny is a very nice girl who’s an enjoyable person to be around. she’s confident, outgoing, funny, and can bring a good energy to room as all eyes automatically go to her. she’s quite popular as she’s extremely pretty, automatically pushing her up the food chain of hogwarts. also, being on the quidditch team helps with the popularity. so naturally, attention follows her. she’s your stereotypical perfect-girl, which isn’t at all a bad thing as most stories need that girl. the one thing i will say that bugs me about ginny is her judgefulness, especially when it came to fleur. now of course this is just plainly jk rowling’s internal misogyny and pick-girl writing style, but it still is ginny, unfortunately. ginny feels like a person who can be quick to judge a situation for what it is rather than accessing it first. and that isn’t exactly a positive trait.
ginny and harry definitely have a lot of similarities and get along extremely well. they both love quidditch, both are hotheaded and opinionated, and overall have a lot of the same personality traits. most importantly, they share the trauma of being controlled and tormented by voldemort. this is a very big thing to share in common, and is most likely why harry can confide in ginny. but, all the similarities can create a dynamic where they butt heads a lot as you do when someone is so similar to yourself. i know personally when i meet people who are a lot like me, we tend to butt heads more often than not. i can definitely get along with those people though, and have great friendships. it’s just anything beyond that wouldn’t work in my opinion. and that’s why harry and ginny sometimes makes me scratch my head a bit. harry and ginny did work in the books because they were always written to be together. but if we think from a realistic standpoint, it wouldn’t have worked at all. similar trauma would definitely create a bond, but now in a way that could be romantically. you are welcome to disagree all you’d like, but i just simply can wrap my head around it.
moving onto luna as a character. luna is a very freeing character who does as she pleases and doesn’t let others people’s harsh opinions affect her and her hobby’s. people have always talked down on luna, and separated her based on what they see on the surface. they first see her as “loony lovegood” because it’s what their first reaction is. i can see at first seeing her as a bit odd, as she does talk about things that are out of the ordinary. but if you look beyond that, she’s so much more. she’s extremely intelligent (hence the ravenclaw), and has such an open mind that anything seems possible to her. with having such an open mind, she’s willing to see situations as they truthfully are, and would never wrongfully judge as she never enjoys when it happens to her. she listens to people, because she knows she’d appreciate if people listened to her. with this comes her calming demeanor that could especially help when someone’s in a state of panic or is just riled up. luna is a very fluid character who can very relaxing to be around.
harry and luna would more realisticly work, in my personal opinion. if they had been written to be together from the start, more people would agree with any opinions regarding harry and luna. but jk rowling being the shit writer she is, she would rather see the main character get together with the perfect girl with seemingly no flaws on the surface, rather than the girl who clearly does have flaws but is more realistic. ginny was written as jk rowling’s projection, clearly representing what she so desperately wanted to be. if she had just written characters as they should be, ginny would an even better character than she already is.
but anyways, harry and luna. harry and luna relate on many different that in the long run matter a lot more than you might realize. harry and luna have always been objectified for things they have no control over. harry for being The Boy Who Lived, and luna for being herself. they’ve both been on the receiving ends of weird stares and harsh words. hogwarts has seemingly created a lot more problems for them than anything, yet they still manage to find more redeeming qualities than anything. especially with found families. harry and luna both know what’s it like to lose a parent, and what that sort of thing does to you. no one else they know have gone through that, making it hard to connect with others on that level. they’re able to understand each other, and sympathize for each other without it being pity because they know how it feels. and i think this shows when luna comforts harry after sirius dies. she knows the feeling, and makes harry feel known and understood, something he constantly needs from people. he needs people to see him on a personal level, and see him beyond his fame, and see him as harry, a ordinary boy who has just had unfortunate things happen to him. i think luna really gets that feeling, hence why she’s able to make harry feel more comforted about sirius’s death. luna generally has a calming effect, and it works extremely well for harry, who desperately needs a person capable of doing that. luna can see straight though him, and can sense when he’s feeling down and lying about being fine. not many people tell him they can see through him, rather just believing when he says he fine and leaves it alone. luna is very straightforward, and sometimes harry does need that. yet she doesn’t pry for information. she’ll tell him she knows he’s not fine, but she’ll let it go rather that press on him for details. harry is always appreciative of people who don’t pry for details, but when someone can see past your facade yet still give you the space you need, it helps a great deal. especially someone like harry who is only ever looked at from the surface. he’s seen as an object rather than a person. but luna never does that. luna never looks at him as The Boy Who Lived, she looks at him like he’s an normal boy who she just happens to go to school with. harry can talk to luna with fear of being seen just for fame, and can obviously talk to luna without being bothered. people generally avoid luna, and realistically, harry would find comfort in that. harry enjoys when he escapes the fame, and can be normal. luna is one of few people he can be like that with. hence why i would assume harry finds more comfort in that than what’s written in the book. i always take everything in those books with a grain of salt, and this is one thing that i think otherwise on. if these books were more better written, harry would naturally find comfort in someone he can lay low with and find peace with. someone who understands him and wouldn’t turn their back on him. luna is that person. all throughout the books, luna is constantly standing behind harry, never for one second leaving him behind. in the 5th book, she reassures harry that she certainly believes harry and has no reason not to. she also helps harry tell people his truth by putting his interview with rita skeeter in the quibbler. that’s a very important thing for harry, as not many people would be willing to do that big of thing for him, especially during that period of everyone accusing him of being a liar. luna also constantly stands behind harry in the 6th and 7th books. she asks a lot of times if the DA will ever meet again, showing she’s willing to meet again if harry ever speaks the words. after almost getting caught the previous, people might not want to return to the DA so willinging as luna seems to. and in the 7th book, she stands behind him too, comforting him when dobby dies, casting those patronuses when seen harry in danger, and when she offered to cause a distraction so harry could get some privacy after the final battle.
luna is a very strong support system, and never falters her support. this is very important for someone like harry, who a lot of times gets a nagging feeling that people are going to leave him, which is understandable for the life he’s lived. luna is the definition of a ride or die. now an argument i see a lot is harry wouldn’t be good enough for luna. if we look at it canon wise, then yes, i might agree. but that’s simply because he wasn’t written to be romantically involved with luna, hence why it does seem he would be not be good enough for her. if he had been written to be interested in her, it would appear totally different. i mean canon does show us he does care for her and doesn’t think poorly of her. he clearly always appreciates her kind gestures, and he clearly enjoys her presence enough to invite her along to the slughorn christmas party. he wouldn’t have invited her if he didn’t like and care for her, simple as that. if a romance was written and developed between them, things would look a lot better than they do when we look at canon. i personally hate most canon things, so i simply ignore certain canon aspects a lot of times. most importantly being harry being an auror and settling down with ginny. the auror part being because he doesnt like attention from a lot of people, and isn’t ever really shown to be enjoying fighting dark wizards. personally if i had been hunted down by dark wizards my whole life i wouldn’t go into a profession where i’d often be fighting them, but that’s just me i guess. and settling down with ginny just for the fact that usually high school sweethearts don’t make it far out of high school, and i also don’t see ginny wanting to settle down so early in her life. like c’mon, does ginny weasley honestly seem like the type to settle down at the age of 22 or 23? not really. ginny wouldn’t willing give up a professional quidditch career for some kids, let’s be real here. in a most realistic setting, i see harry laying low for a while, living a peaceful life where he doesn’t have to have people constantly prodding him because of his fame. and luna obviously would never settle down early either. they’re similar in that retrospect, and had they been together, would probably live in a cottage where they don’t have many neighbors. i also see them traveling and just enjoying the peacefulness of seeing new things and finding the joy in the simple things. it’s something that would be so important for harry and could truly help with his recovery, because him not having any mental health problems is so painfully unrealistic. and luna would be wonderful for improving his mental health, as she understands him and can see straight through him. also, she’d bring him out of his comfort zone into things he’d never though he’d find himself doing, but enjoying nonetheless. he needs someone to bring out a different side to him, and show him all the different possibilities life has to offer, people i can easily see harry have troubling with seeing the light in life after everything he’s been through.
i’m definitely rambling at this point so let me conclude : i love ginny to pieces, she’s one of my absolute favorite characters. but with the careless way she was written, and the unrealistic terms in which her and harry’s relationship was written under, i can’t help but see harry and luna being a more realistic match.
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who's this dude again?
oooh boy more cultists dont tell me he's part of it tooo.
oh. the dad's dead isnt he. that or kidnaped
ye cultists.
yeah explored whispermill earlier sure did give me cultist compound vibes. the ember wasnt that hard to get. ophilia got it without permission
found the star seer shrine. it went much better than grandpa but i still died. she healed like 20k no fair. alright tress time to take on your 5th side job.
omniscience is bullshit. also time to use all the items ive been hoarding. if this really does work i'll try gamla again wwith my new reflection technique
wow reflect can break shields. like she didnt get a chance to use any of her post 50% abilities or put on a regenmmm im already a bp heavy tram with alfyn and tressa so one of them is getting starseer and the other runelord probably (when i find it). still need cleric to beat the old man so probably alfn for now
apparently i dont learn from my mistakes since im making all the same o es as last time but not remembering until after i press the buttons.
the reflecrs were harder to set up but once i did it was ok. now to make my little nuke even stronger. ULTIMATE POWER AHAHAHAH
i keep getting winnhild down to 5% health or about 2.5 breaks but then she starts taking 6 actions a turn and then i die. #glass cannon problems. so i didnt read the fine print and apparently theres no reflect physical. i tried both buffing ally defense and lowering her attack but with 6 aoes a turn im still dying. i'll... come back to this. (lit she's 2 cyrus attacks (no break) away from dying but she only need 1 turn to wipe the party) therion is doing very well since he's got like 700 evasion but everyone else is dying. also i love her battle sprite my fav in the game so far.
hah yes the knight of ardante of the church are headquartered as far away from any churches as possible. makes total sensf
wohoo got runelord on my first try.
i have to grind for a sword drop?? oooh tressa tge things you make me do
back to winnhild. holy shit tressa did a puny 90 damage but then the rune did 9999. i also gave cyrus a better staff so hes doing 4k more per action (no break or boost). so just skipped winnhilds 2nd and 3rd phases!
i might try out surpassing power on tressa just to see how much she really hits for. im only occassionally seeing high numbers on cyrus so i might swap it off of him. with the new 3 hit spells its ike 3 hits of 8-9k each so supassing power isnt really needed. i was thinking. well ok so i build my team based on who i like best not which team is mechanically best and money i base it on looting. so its haanit, alfyn, cyrus, and tressa which means i dont have a good buffer. cyrus and tressa uses to do some biffing but theyre now sorcerer and rune blade. i like big numbers so haanit was always going to be warmaster. starsrer doesnt really add much to alfyn tho since i spent most turns concocting bp+2 for the whole party. i considered giving alfn runeblade and tressa starseer. i got starseer first and tressa was doibg great with it the main thing is that merchant already overlaps a lot of weapon and element types with starseer and same with apothacary and runeblade. of course if i were to try and make the best team possible and make the biggest booms i might add primrose as starseer to the team so she could do offensive buffs and save cyrus and haanit a skill slot. with the way runeblade is best with many hits per turn haanit could actually work well except i want big number so warmaster it is. otherwise i could have alfyn as warmaster, haanit as runeblade and tressa as starseer. .
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
MCC 24 JUL 21
Green Guardians and Pink Parrots Part 1/2
Alright I’m finally back! I’m only half watching while I clean my room but it’s fine.
I’m watching Fundy’s POV on my main screen and Ranboo’s on my phone where I’m typing this.
Ranboo pre game stream let’s gooo.
I’m so very entertained by the background Tubbo noises.
He’s so happy. I don’t know if I have it in my to watch Fundy’s POV even though I’m cheering for the Green Guardians.
Sands of time. Let’s go!
We are going to hear these boys in each other’s backgrounds.
This has “mom can we play Minecraft at our sleepover” vibe.
Phil’s streaming. Where is the fox boy…
Boys trying to out noise each other.
Please tell over to tubbo about how loud he is being. It would be funny.
It’s so much fun watching this boy achieve his goals. I love watching people achieve their goals.
Actual MCC server!!!
Good time for screeny. Nobody is chilling.
I saw him! I saw that fox run past!
“Ahh” - Ranboo
“Aaaa” -Tubbo
“Ahhhh” -Ranboo
“Aaaa” -Tubbo
High school ish age boy in competitive scenario. This will be so much fun.
Microphone magic time!
Hey I hear the boys!
And it works well.
It does echo???? How???
“It was a joint effort. I came up with some bad ideas you came up with the idea that works.” -Tubbo
Also known as every other group chat I’ve ever been in.
Lmanburg flag at rally?
No. Let’s do free clout.
Ranboo being a problem.
Why is everyone in that VC?
What problems are these children causing.
Fundy is live! Where is my iPad time to dual wield streams.
Dual spatulas.
It’s time to start!!!
Where is the fox?
You know. I might reverse it. I might have to watch Pink Parrots mainly and just ignore green guardians.
I’m going to put Wilbur on my iPad so I can see the chaos man. Now to decide which POV I’m listening to. Probably Ranboo. Wilbur on mine is slightly behind.
They asked if Wilbur was going change his skin? That never happens. He had to wear the sweater of shame at Christmas time.
I have them both almost perfectly sinced but it’s at the point it almost sounds echoed.
No it’s just tubbo who sounds echoed.
Nope can’t get it to sync. Just listening on my speaker.
No surround sound here. Unless I get really board.
Manifesting the win?
Manifolding the win.
Time to annoy the other teams.
From here on I’m going to try to be productive while I watch. Wait no. The music isn’t in sync with the one I’ll mostly be watching.
Oh I forgot TapL was there. Nope it’s not syncing. Just going to have Ranboos on my phone be secondary.
Wilbur POV let’s go.
We trash talking. Look at them go.
Ahh. English area codes. What the enigma.
Let’s win pink parrots!!! How do I always end up cheering for this team…
I need to make pink parrot art.
Oh no. Just Wilbur.
Oh no. It’s all Tubbo.
Wilbur reminds me of a good camp counselor motivating his team. Not like one of my coworkers.
My brother isn’t home today so we can’t have a watch party like we wanted.
My mom is confused with my and my brother’s investment in MCC but we told her it was the national championships of Minecraft.
Oh poor Fundy tagging on the other side.
I need to remember to collect channel points.
I’m sorry why is my internet acting stupid. Work you!
Pink and purple. The tween girls second most idea color pallet.
They are over motivating the Soot.
Thought Wilbur was going to explode from peer pressure there.
Yooo. I figured out how to watch Fundy! I can split screen my ipad between the app and the website. Tiny Fundy screen and big Wilbur screen and tiny Ranboo screen on my phone.
They can’t warn fast enough.
Time to watch and ad and support Wilbur because it got too far behind for my liking while I fought with the tiny Fundy screen.
I need to put away the books I’m pressing flowers in. But I don’t want to mess up the flowers.
Wonder how soon I’ll have to start a new post because I ran out of bullet points.
Nah I’m not keeping Fundy’s POV open. I want full screen Pink Parrots.
Music brain made the lyric connection.
I could drink 3 bottles of water every round.
The boys with the superior bladders.
What happened with Wilbur? What I didn’t see anything happen with the stream.
Nox crew role play??? What?
Wait. Did red team just fall into the void?
I found a skirt and I’m wondering why I don’t wear it more often.
It goes down to my knees I could even wear this to church.
Offhand wool!
Time to battle in the box!
Exciting death boots.
Go!!! Do wool! Get em!
Oh wow. They both died. At the same time.
They can hear the Tommy. That’s how well these dudes know one another.
Bragging on each other.
Everyone surprised that Wilbur is entering his old man years.
Random history moments with Tubbo.
Woohoo (again)!
Ranboos just going to jinx it.
Oh no I need my charger!
Got my charger! Rejoined at “Minecraft butts make big… videos” and am quite confused.
Skilled boys!!
Poof goes the Bur.
They beat Dream???
Casually refolding every bandana I own while watching battle box.
I found a peppermint tea bag.
Come on get mid! Noooo.
Pink parrots doing pretty good from what I see in MCC live.
I thought Ranboo had an actual burger on his face cam. I was so confused for a moment.
Yelling across the room casually.
Wilbur is back. You can hear him.
Wilbur is like a kid trying to get a duck out of the pond.
Sky battle?
Shake? Shake shake shake?
Oh no. Now all the chat is crying over Ghostbur. Myself included.
Pink parrots on top so far! Never mind that didn’t last long.
Go Wilbur! Go Tubbo! Go Ranboo! Go TapL!
Wilbur go poof.
3rd atm.
Oh we’ve gone down.
No he was not good. But he paved the way for TapL.
We’re in 2nd?? Are the other teams dead or something?
If we’re going down and yelling timber.
4th. Not bad.
Go green guardians!!
So proud of them.
Pants and Boots!
Still in 6th for sky battle.
Bless his heart TapL is so worried.
Red Rabbits and Green guardians are close.
My streams are out of sync. So confused.
We’re in lead!!
My iPad is struggling with Will’s stream but it’s going!
Come on Parrots!
Alright got it up again. Got it up again.
If I were a streamer I wouldn’t be good at MCC. I can’t competitive properly. I just like making jokes and being goofy.
Not a good lead but oh well never mind we don’t have the lead.
Red Rabbits YUM.
“Do not engage” as they set off tnt.
Get those stupid rabbits! Or whoever is attacking. I’ve never been good at any sports.
First again!
Hold on guys!
They won!!! With Wilbur hovering on the edge of the void!!!
PINK PARROTS FIRST PLACE (for now but I’m still excited)
Talented team!! Look at them go!
Get your screen shot little Y/N fan boy.
Not surprised we’re more popular than the olympics.
Had to go brag to my parents that there are more people watching MCC than the olympics. They were also not surprised.
Sands of Time. The wildcard game.
Sand sand sand sand.
We have a key for a vault already?
Putting away shoes. Nothing to make you be productive like watching Minecraft peeps play a competitive game.
“Everywhere is a way into somewhere”
Come on boys.
Time to switch to Ranboos POV. See if I can spot that N with my grown up can spot things vision.
Nope don’t see this mysterious letter.
TapL if you got nothing to do bother Ranboo to help him find that N.
Calm Tubbo. Tubbo chill.
Really. The map is broken and they are taking forever helping.
Key!!! Fight Fight Fight.
Ranboo apologizing.
If his team loses this kid will blame himself.
Go Tubbo and Ranboo.
Vault open!
Out of sand = prepare to book it.
1:30 (90 sec) let’s go.
Less than a minute. Evacuate!
Oh no Ranboo is lost. Hurry kiddo!
They made it?
They made it.
Off goes the Wilbur. Now to wait.
Come on pink parrots.
Is it bad I can’t see sands of time coins in MCC live or am I just crazy?
5th. Better than I expected.
Barely. But they are.
We get to vote now?!?
Quick to the voting!
I had to fight Twitter to vote.
The app didn’t want to work.
What’s the acronym one?
I’m sorry did I just hear that Wilbur taught Tubbo how to spell fuck?
Ranboo has the iron bladder.
I drank so much water but I just kinda do that.
Listen to Wilbur getting soft and encouraging Ranboo in his first game.
And Wilbur wanting him back. And planning to manipulate Scott.
Doesn’t surprise me that Wilbur would manipulate Scott. I know he probably doesn’t but still.
Look at all us audience beings.
Hooray David. I don’t know who you are but sup.
I’m sitting on a yoga ball to type and I about fell off. That wouldn’t have been fun.
All of Wills chat blessing him.
David just did the vocal equivalent of 👍🏻
Ooo I found a dollar.
And of course Tubbo likes the olympics. Trampoline boy should love them.
Nooo. Not tubbo!
Whoopsy. There go the parrots.
Why does my Wilbur stream keep goofing. See this is why I don’t actually liveblog I am so behind it’d be delayed anyway.
Instead of replacing with Phil replace with Kristen.
Keep it up Pink Parrots keep it up. *clap clap*
Where is my old cheerleading book?
Oh this is so behind. I saw ranboo fall on his POV then waited a few moments to see him on Wills.
Let’s reset it again for now. Look like it’s close. And I got an ad this time.
If it gets super behind again I’m going to just switch to Ranboo on my iPad and see if that works.
Wills is slightly ahead now. That’s how I like it.
Wilbur is such a motivating human. I swear I keep thinking that I’m hearing my coworkers encouraging campers at a kickball game or something.
Oh we’re dropping. But we’re still going.
How the actual hay are we still here.
Keep it up TapL!!
300 and a bit to get back to first.
Look at Ranboo and Wilbur. So happy.
Ok singy boi with the ability to do one sound for a long time.
I want TapL on DSMP. It would be funny I like this guy. What does this guy stream? I want to start watching him.
Ace Race? I love ace race.
Ooo buildmart. Used to be my favorite but now no one hates it anymore.
I like least liked games. Least liked games act as great equalizers. No one is happy and it’s funny.
“You have such a way with words” -TapL (?)
“Thanks I’m a song writer” -Wilbur
Why are we doing dramatic monologues?
Sounds neat. I like this deep story.
Who is dying? What? I zoned out for a minute.
Cant wait to see that audio appear on tiktok.
You go Wilbur. I believe in you.
You go Ranboo become a lover or hater of Ace Race.
“I keep on stabbing people in the butt with my fork” -Ranboo
Again can’t wait to see that audio appear on tiktok.
I love Wilburs angry “which glitch” he’s experienced all of them.
No don’t stop Wilburs channel! I’ll watch an ad but let me watch ace race.
Ranboo has learned to dislike ace race.
Feels like a achievement. You have made Ranboo hate ace race.
Tubbo did it! Whoop!
Good job Will!
Good Job team!
Second team to finish!!!
Wait it says they are in 3rd on MCC live?
Phil Head!
Hey 1st. Good job Parrots!
The perspective I watch doesn’t matter. All I see is shifting at Wilbur either way.
Ranboo booked it.
Techno. Oh how we miss him. He was there last MCC but still.
Wait why are they in the soggy? I missed it?
Dunk tank?
End on build mart! Everyone sounded so sad! I’m so happy! I picked the right team!
Oh acronym is terra swoop force!!! Go Philza.
I’m practical shot who will win.
Pink Parrots doing actually pretty good according to MCC live.
Good job guys!
Resetting Wilburs stream while nothing is happening so I don’t miss anything later.
Oh final text block. I’m going to have to make 2 posts.
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airi-p4 · 4 years
Last chance - Chapter 1
Ready for a new multi-chapter Lukanette angst fic? ;)
Rated: T
AO3 Link
Marinette’s POV
He’s gone.
I took him for granted. For my second chance, my second choice, my plan B. And now he’s gone.
I should have noticed when he kissed me. I thought it was out of greed or desperation, maybe jealousy. But it was not. It was his way to say goodbye. His last attempt to make me notice him. But I only hurt his feelings. And now he’s gone.
For some days, I thought it was alright. Sad, but still alright. He was my second, after all. I should be fine as long as my first choice and the love of my life was still there.
Until it wasn’t.
No matter how much time I spent with my boyfriend, it was never enough to fill in the void he left with me. No matter how many days, weeks, months or years passed by, my emptiness couldn’t be filled back.
I cried a lot, without knowing the reason why. For months, for years. Hiding my tears from my boyfriend.
And then I finally understood everything.
How he had never been my second choice. How he was always the one supporting me. My pillar. How I can’t be happy in a world without him.
I understood what true love was.
Comfort, trust, safety. Good and bad times spent together. Always together. Treasuring each other. Peace.
I misunderstood it for too long and now it’s too late. He’s gone. And he’ll never be back.
It doesn’t matter if I broke my engagement. It doesn’t matter how much I keep writing him messages that I’m unable to send everyday. It doesn’t matter how much I need him. Or how he is the only one I can ever love. He’s gone. Getting married soon, and surely forgotten about me. Probably with the worst impression I could ever leave on him. And I can’t blame him. It was all my own fault.
“Why… Luka, why did you kiss me? You know I’m with Adrien! You can’t do this against my will! Take it back! I don’t want Adrien to hate me!”
“I’m not taking it back. NEVER”
*Flashback ends*
How come I never noticed his pain? Why did I never consider his feelings? I was fond of his love for me. I would internally brag to myself for it. How Marinette is loved by two fantastic boys… How could I ever attempt to get him back after that? He hates me for sure. I hate myself for that, so of course he must hate me too.
Why give it a second chance to a love that ended once? Why should I retry going back to him when his feelings must be fully buried under the sea of his heart, dead. Would it be possible to access there through his deep, calm water-colored eyes? No, of course no. Because he is no longer here. He’s gone.
But how can I keep on going when I’m hurting this much? All my inspiration dried out, only anger, sadness and loneliness kept me going. And my head keeps spinning around, stressing over and over about how I’ll never be able to correct my mistakes.
And now I’ve sunk to the bottom. The dark bottom of my heart. Pitch black. Not a single spark of light is there. Nor hope.
I wonder how many days it has been. Weeks? Months, maybe? I see how my skin is getting whiter and I’m getting skinnier as time goes by. But I can’t help it. I’m not hungry, not even thirsty, not even sleepy. Physical pain has no effect on me anymore. But my heart… All my pain concentrated in that single spot of my body.
I can’t take it anymore… I want to disappear. Just fuse myself with the darkness I’m surrounded by. Turn ashes, or water, or air… maybe a star, if I’m lucky enough. Maybe… If some of Ladybug’s magic luck remains on me… just maybe... a miracle could happen.
Maybe, it can happen. Maybe I can do it.
I have nothing to lose, and everything to win.
Maybe I don’t have my second chance anymore but I can have one last chance- that’s right, the rabbit miraculous.
It’s been years since I returned the Miraculous box to the Temple of the Miraculous, but I’m still its Guardian. And I still have the only key to open it.
I can do it.
And if the rabbit fails I can always use the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous together… NO… I shouldn’t... If my most precious thing is taken, then there’s no reason to use the wish. I have to make it right with the rabbit. Yes, that’s exactly what I need. I’ll correct this timeline. I’ll rewrite the past, change this reality and be happy at last. It's my only hope.
My last chance.
I stand up from my desk and pass through the door to go see my secretary.
“Sabrina, buy me a ticket to Tibet for tomorrow and cancel all my appointments for this and next week”
“Are you sure, Marinette?” she is surprised. Of course she would be.
“Do it. Tell all the employers they have a two week vacation break”
“Understood. Any seat preference for the plane?”
“I don’t care about that. Just buy me the flight that leaves the earlier the better. I'm counting on you.”
“I’ll let you know as soon as it’s booked”
That’s why I like her. So reliable. “Thanks”
“You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re smiling again. You look way prettier now”
I never noticed I was smiling, or that my face looked better. Is it the power of hope? Probably. I just need to get my things ready. Knowing Sabrina, my leave will be imminent.
I leave the office and reach home in 10 minutes and the phone rings just 10 minutes later.
“Marinette, it’s Sabrina. Your flight is leaving tomorrow morning, 10AM. Be there 2 hours earlier for security procedures.”
“Thanks, Sabrina. I owe you one”
“No, you don’t. I’m always glad to help a friend. I hope you can find what you’re looking for there. Have a safe trip”
“Thank you. Enjoy your vacation”
“I surely will. See you later”
It’s still somewhat strange how my enemy and rival’s BFF is now my secretary. I’m glad I can call her my friend now. She has helped me in a lot of ways, but not even Sabrina or Alya, or any of my friends can cure my loneliness. Not when he is no longer by my side...
The next day, 8AM.
Charles de Gaulle, Paris' International Airport
It’s been a while since I was last here. Since… yeah, that time. The time I tried to reach out to Luka after knowing he was leaving. The day I keep regretting over and over for all these years. Regretting how I never made it on time before he left. How he left just like that, from one day to another. No goodbye. Nothing. He was just gone. I couldn’t stop him and we've never met again after that. Just stepping here triggers the memories of that day I keep trying to bury deep inside my mind.
Yes. It was also that day. The day after the kiss. Our first and only kiss. The kiss I refused to accept for months but that I would give anything now for it to repeat.
Which is exactly what I’m about to do.
I’ve been avoiding coming here all these years for a reason, relying on private planes and small airports. But now I’m here to make this reason disappear. So I can go back to the time he was here. The time I was unknowingly the happiest. Not because of Adrien or any of my friends. Just because Luka was still there, by my side.
I still feel stupid how I didn’t notice my feelings earlier. Even my own feet knew better than me. Anytime I needed support, Luka was the answer. Anytime I needed calm, Luka was there for me. Anytime I wanted to share some happy news, Luka was always happy on my behalf. Anytime I needed a shoulder to cry on, Luka lent me his. And even after he left, my feet kept taking me to where he used to be. Even if his boat was nowhere to be seen anymore. Even if his apartment had a new tenant. My feet always knew better than me. Searching him felt like a need for my body.
But now these feet need to go to a far place, trespassing first through the main doors of the airport.
I search for my flight on the big screen. 10AM, Beijing. There it is. Counter… OK, I know where to go. Tibet, here I come.
I can only take 5 steps until I collide into something. A person. Familiar clothes. Too familiar, maybe. And not the ones I wished to see.
“I can’t let you go, Marinette”
“I know what you are about to do. I’ve been warned. I can’t let you do it”
“Alix, I need to go. I really need to do this.”
“No, you don’t. You can’t”
“I will”
“You need to stop. You should know better than anyone the consequences. The reason you took away my miraculous… everyone's miraculous... I can’t let you do it”
“Well, Alix, I’m sorry, but you can’t stop me! Look at me. Do I look like I have anything to lose? Do you think I’m strong enough to keep living like this? With all this regret? With this pain? Surrounded by pitch black darkness? No! I’m not strong enough. I’ve tried for so long… I thought I could move on, but I couldn’t! And I can’t take it anymore... ”
“There are other ways…”
“Oh, yeah, I thought of other ways too. The only other one that could probably convince me was jumping from the balcony of my 5th floor apartment. Or maybe from the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug dying on the Eiffel Tower would be even more dramatic, even poetic, I would say. Should I go with this instead?”
“Marinette. There ARE other ways”
“No, there ARE NOT. You know how I work. How I always find a plan for everything. How Ladybug can make anything succeed. Well, this time my only plan involves the Miraculous. So I have no choice but to do it”
“You don’t understand”
“I DO understand. I can’t keep living like this anymore. Luka is getting married. I’ve been avoiding all his dating news, but you can’t run away from them when an internationally well-known French Rock Star like him gets engaged to Chloé Bourgois, former Queen Bee and one of the best stylists in the world. Which means, I don’t have a second chance anymore. It’s too late. He’s gone. Forever. And I’ll also be gone forever too if I don’t go to Tibet right now. Just look at me! Regret is destroying me from my insides. I have nothing to lose anymore...”
Sabrina had tried to hide Chloé’s Wedding Day from me, knowing how I was pining over Luka. But she received an invitation to their wedding, and she marked it on her personal journal. She asked me if she could have that day free. ‘Family matters’, she said. I knew she was being considerate, but knowing Luka was going to be married in two months made him completely unreachable for me. No more draft messages could help me calm down anymore. And the fact that I’m not even invited… It only makes it clearer how he despises me, hates me… or maybe how he has completely erased myself from his memories. I’ve hurt him for so long, so it’s only natural but… not even time can heal me.
But I can restore everything with the Miraculous magical powers.
“You really DO NOT understand”
“I DO! Why do you keep telling me I don’t? I’m greedy! Having my friends is not enough for me anymore! I NEED him. It’s always been him!”
“Marinette. LISTEN TO ME. I’m here because YOU - The future YOU, asked me to come”
“I don’t believe it”
“Futurebug said you wouldn’t. But you need to, because you still have a second chance”
“That’s impossible. I’ve been thinking about this for years and there is no other way, I’m sure of it”
“NO. You’ve just been too scared to try. There’s something you can still do. Something you’ve been too scared to do. The answer you’ve been looking for has always been in your hands. Inside your draft folder. Why haven’t you tried to reach him? Why did you keep your feelings to yourself? You are too afraid of rejection. That’s why you never tried”
Alix is right. I’m scared- no, I’m TERRIFIED. I’ve always been. Every single day since he left. Rejection would be the final piece to my complete defeat. Funny how humans' survival instincts worked… Always avoiding damage, trying hard to live no matter what… That’s what I’ve been doing since that day. I tried replacing his place with Adrien’s love, but it didn’t work out. Everything I tried failed. But I'm afraid Alix is right: I can’t say I put all my effort on Luka. Not when I couldn’t dare to see, talk or even contact him out of my fear. Fear of rejection. Can I be more pathetic?
“Marinette. Just send them. All of them. All your drafts. Send them to him. Let him know how you feel”
“And what would be the point? That would change nothing. He’s getting married, nothing I do can change that. Not after all these years…”
“Why don’t you try? You said it yourself: you have nothing to lose. Give it a try”
She’s right… I have nothing to lose… And if I fail, I can always continue with my plan to change the past and to make this timeline disappear -even with the consequences it would take. I’m still afraid but...
“Ok. I’ll do it. I’ll send them. But with one condition”
“I'm all ears. You know that, Buginette”
“If I do… if I send them… You are not interfering with my plan anymore”
“Deal. But only if you send them ALL, and NOW. In front of me, and wait one week before doing anything stupid”
“ALL of them? There’s more than 900…”
“I know. Almost one for every day you were apart... I want you to send them all. Don’t make that disgusted face. We have a deal?”
“OK. I’m sending all of them. But we have a deal. You’re not interfering anymore”
I know I have nothing to lose but this is still not as easy as I thought… Unlock screen, Mail, Draft folder, there it is. Send them all button… Is my smartphone screen looking blurry? Why is it so hard to press a single button that’s just in front of me? Wait. How do I know he hasn’t changed his e-mail address? Or maybe erased it? I can’t know... but I can not not send them… I have a deal with Alix, and I really want to take this last chance... My finger is just over the button. Just one touch and… press.
“That’s it. Sent”
“Well done, Buginette! I’m proud of you!”
I can’t believe I really sent all those, after all this time… I’m somehow… relieved. Being held by Alix has a slightly calming effect on me too. When did she grow so tall?
“Hey! Don’t cry, Marinette… Now you can go on without regret… you did your best”
I don’t know when I started crying. I didn’t notice. I don’t know when I started clinging to Alix in order to cry desperately. Like a little child who misses his mother or like if someone has just presenciated they loved one’s final breath. I can feel how all the tears I’ve been collecting inside my heart for a long time have started spilling from my eyes. Unstoppable, salty, heavy. Filled with all these years sadness and regret. Now leaving my body drop by drop.
I don’t know how much time has passed. But I can hear how the airline is calling for me. I feel better, lighter. Something lifted from my body. But I’m scared. It’s not that I expect Luka to really see or answer my messages… but there’s that ‘what if?’ feeling one can’t avoid having after making a decision. Even more if it’s a matter of life decision like the one I just took.
“I have to go. Thanks Alix”
“Remember we have a deal. Don’t do anything stupid”
“I know. One week. I can do that. I have nothing to lose, anyway”
“Take care”
“Thanks Alix. You too”
I feel gross from all my crying. Wet, dirty, snots coming out my nose… Thank god Alix had some tissues with her… I used all of them and I still need more. I’ll have to go to the toilet after I finish my check-in. I’m thankful for Alix support, but I can’t look back. What’s the point of sending all those messages now, anyway? I have to be realistic. He’s gone. And this ticket I’ve just got is giving me one last chance.
My only and last chance.
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tarontherocketman · 4 years
Mr Madden | Madderton Teacher AU | Chapter 4
Taron stirred in bed, glancing to the clock for the umpteenth time that night; it was only 4:57am. He had just over 2 long hours until his alarm was supposed to sound, it was still dark, and the birds hadn’t even thought about chirping yet. The entire night had been a series of waking up and drifting off, usually multiple times within the hour. His mind was disturbed by the thought of arriving at school to find out that Ella hadn’t made it, he had visions of her parents coming in to blame the school, leading to Taron being ratted out for not doing enough to help her, her poor parents screaming and crying at him, telling him that they killed their daughter. He made himself dizzy filling his head with these thoughts that deep down he knew just weren’t true, and Richard has done everything he could to assure him of that. The light from his phone and a soft vibration pulled Taron out of his dark thoughts as he rolled over to pull it out of its charging port and squint at the bright screen. 
Rich: you up, T?x
Taron: yep, been up most the night, why are you up??x
Rich: set an alarm for 5 cos I knew you’d be up and I wanted to check up on you x
Taron: what? really? Rich you didn’t have to do that you have work too..x
Rich: course I did I couldn’t bear the thought of you alone in bed feeling shit so I thought instead of another 2 hours of that you’d want to go for breakfast before work? Obviously the only place open is mcdonalds but you can’t go wrong with a maccies breakfast x
Taron: you’re right you can’t go wrong with a maccies breakfast, thanks rich I need this I was preparing for a long couple of hours, was considering going for a walk but this sounds much nicer x
Rich: no worries bub, I’ll come pick you up in 20 mins then we can go straight to work after breakfast x
Rich got himself up and ready for work, a routine that didn’t take long. As long as his face was washed, teeth were cleaned and his hair was tidy he was quite happy to get dressed and go within 15 minutes. He grabbed his keys and jogged down the stairs of his apartment to the resident car park, making the short drive to Taron’s place and sending him a quick text to let him know he was outside. Taron appeared quickly, looking a little less put together than usual. His hair wasn’t quite as neat as he usually bothered to make it, and his eyes were puffy from the severe lack of sleep.
“Jeez you look shit T,” Rich commented.
“Cheers,” Taron sighed.
“No I mean you still look handsome, obviously,” Rich scoffed playfully, “but you literally look like you haven’t slept for a minute.”
“You’re not too far off the mark there,” Taron replied as he pulled the seatbelt over him. “Seriously though thanks for doing this Rich it means a lot, you really didn’t have to wake up so early for me.”
“Don’t worry about it I knew full well you’d be up most of the night worrying, I know what you’re like by now, I’d rather that you get out of the house and have some breakfast and coffee rather than tossing and turning for another 2 hours and coming to work without eating anything,” Rich said softly as he put the car into 5th gear along a long, empty main road. 
“Thank you,” Taron replied, at a loss for what else to say to his incredibly thoughtful friend who knew him even better than Taron thought he did. 
The pair rode out the rest of the journey in silence, neither knowing exactly what to say at a time like this. Rich pulled into the car park of the 24 hour McDonalds and made his way inside with Taron following miserably behind. Rich noticed him trailing behind and stopped at the door to wait, putting an arm round him when he caught up as they walked into the building. Once the two had ordered, received their food and sat down at a booth table in the window, Taron held his egg muffin limply, taking tiny bites. Rich, having already finished the tiny thing in what felt like less than 5 bites, sat with his hands wrapped around his coffee for warmth.
“Look T, I know this sounds obvious but please stop blaming yourself for this, no one is mad at you,” Rich soothed, taking one hand away from his coffee to place it on Taron’s arm.
“But what if she dies, Rich? How am I supposed to deal with a student dying at my hands?”
“T, if she did die it wouldn’t be at your hands! Not one bit! You did what you could. And anyway there’s no point worrying about death now, if you worry about something that hasn’t happened you’re potentially putting yourself through it twice, ok?”
“That’s actually not bad advice,” Taron said, perking up ever so slightly.
“Yeah I got it off one of those facebook posts with inspirational quotes,” Rich admitted, laughing quietly at himself.
“Oh christ,” Taron chuckled softly, “well thank you anyway, I don’t know why it’s got me this down, I know it’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid at all you’re a worrier, you worry for the world Taron, and it’s a heart warming trait but you’re gonna worry yourself sick,” Rich spoke in almost a whisper, rubbing Taron’s arm comfortingly.
“I know, I know,” Taron took a long sigh and finally finished his breakfast. Rich’s words did actually make quite a big difference, he didn’t need to be so miserable about something that he shouldn’t even blame himself for in the first place. “Thank you again for this I do feel better.”
“Anytime,” Rich smiled. Taron and Rich sat for the rest of the wait before work, sipping their second coffee and chatting mindlessly to keep Taron’s mind off things. As the time passed quickly, the morning drew closer to them having to go to work. The sun rose at last, and they knew they’d have to go sooner or later.
“You ready?” Rich asked, offering his hand to Taron, who reluctantly took it, deciding that there wasn’t really anyone around at this time of the morning who would see them and so they walked hand in hand to the car.
“I might not even hear anything about it today, no point getting worked up,” Taron assured himself out loud, staring out of the window at the sunrise lined buildings of the city that zooming past the window as they travelled.
“Exactly,” Rich agreed, putting his left hand on Taron’s knee in between changing gear. They arrived at work, deciding that a third coffee probably wasn’t a smart idea, but a visit to the staff room before they started might be worthwhile, in case there did happen to be any news on Ella.
“Morning,” they both said politely to the other staff gathered around the room, all looking a little bit like they didn’t want to be there for another day in the mad house that they called a school. Taron bit his lip, not sure whether to ask the question. The Headteacher, who was leaning against the kitchen counter waiting for the coffee in the coffee pot to brew, seemed to have read his mind.
“Ella’s parents got in contact, she’s fine,” he smiled, almost as relieved as Taron.
“Really?” Taron beamed happily, relief washing over him like a tidal wave, his whole body relaxing as if he’d been tensing for a week straight.
“Yes she’s stable, already recovering, and will be back in school next Monday if she’s ready so she’s got a little while to get better,” he informed, now turning around to pour coffee.
“Thank god,” Taron breathed heavily, taking a seat on one of the old tatty sofas and slumping forward in relief, rubbing his temples. Rich looked at him, longing for a cuddle, but knowing he couldn’t so just settled on patting him on the shoulder casually, avoiding the curious gaze of Mrs Reynolds who was clearly trying desperately to sniff out some gossip again.
“Coffee?” the Head asked in Taron and Rich’s direction, who both declined rather quickly.
“Suit yourself,” he smiled. Mrs Reynolds was now looking quizzically in their direction.
“Already coffee-d out?” she questioned, an eyebrow raised suspiciously. 
“Yep, uh, we do both have coffee at home, so,” Rich trailed off uncomfortably.
“No of course, I just don’t tend to get up early to use up the coffee in my house when it’s free here.” Taron was now looking up at her, his eyes narrowed slightly as if to say ‘keep your nose out of our business’ “Anyway,” she quipped, putting her mug in the sink and turning on her heel “I must be off to class.” At that she scurried out of the staff room making brief eye contact with the rest of the staff before she left, leaving them to sit in tense silence as they all attempted to sip their coffee nonchalantly, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Taron and Rich took this as their cue to leave and head to Rich’s class, walking quickly down the hallway.
“Oh my god do you think they’re all onto us?” Taron whispered, leaning into Rich as they walked.
“I don’t know, but like you said the other day, there’s no proof, they have nothing on us!” Rich loud whispered back.
“You’re right, we just have to be extra careful,” Taron nodded as they arrived at Rich’s classroom and scuttled inside.
“Yeah we will,” Rich assured.
“Extra careful,” Taron smirked, leaning flirtatiously against the door to the supply closet.
“Taron..” Rich warned, knowing exactly what he was suggesting.
“Do people usually come snooping in your supply closet at 7:30am on a Tuesday?” Taron joked.
“Well no, but they do walk past the classroom and snoop through the big obvious window in the door, what if we get seen going in or out?”
“We won’t! We’ll make sure,” Taron reassured the Scotsman, who stood shifting on the spot nervously, his hands fiddling with each other. 
“Your mood has certainly improved in the past 10 minutes,” Rich observed.
“Of course,” Taron started, “I spent all night worried sick and now I know she’s ok I feel like a massive weight’s been lifted and I have some emotional catching up to do.”
“Right, that’s your logic?” Rich laughed, “in fact, you’ve changed your whole tune about doing things like this since I met you.”
“I know, like I said, everything changed when I met you! Now are you joining me or do I have to please myself?” Taron wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“Argh, T!”
“I’m joking, I’m joking!” Taron assured quickly, laughing at Rich being a typical serious History teacher. “You coming in?” Rich shuffled on the spot some more, glancing back and forth at the door suspiciously.
“Hmm, ok, but we really shouldn’t be doing this though,” Rich muttered, following Taron into the cupboard.
“No we should not,” Taron agreed with cheeky smile, pulling Rich in and locking their lips firmly, hands running up and down each other’s backs lovingly.
“No really we can’t make a habit of this,” Rich said, pulling away for a moment in between breaths. Taron shushed him, pulling him straight back in, gently grabbing his thick, lovely hair from behind. The lovebirds carried on having their moment until they accepted that they’ll have to stop eventually and get ready for class. Taron cracked the door open slightly to look at the door to the classroom, making sure the coast was clear before grabbing Rich’s hand and pulling him out of the now fully open door.
“Hey look we literally came out of the closet,” Rich snorted, Taron nudged him playfully, laughing along. “Seriously though we can’t get too comfortable doing that.”
“I know, it’ll be fine!” Taron assured, following Rich to his desk to take a seat next to him. The two of them sat in silence while Rich turned his computer on and watched it boot up, the logo appearing across the screen in big letters. Rich looked down at his lap, and then back up at Taron, the secret kiss they just had now playing on his mind.
“T, what are we?” Rich asked, now ignoring his computer entirely to look into Taron’s pretty eyes. Taron sat thoughtfully.
“I don’t know, Rich,” he admitted, avoiding Rich’s gaze.
“Are we a thing or is this all just for fun?” said Rich, biting his lip in thought.
“Why don’t we talk about this later, you need to get ready for class,” Taron smiled, glancing at his watch. 
“Yeah, you’re right, come round mine tonight?” Rich offered.
“Pizza and beer?” Taron said hopefully.
“Course,” Rich agreed, turning to his computer that had now turned on, asking for his password. 
“I better get ready for class too, I’ll talk to you later,” Taron said, getting up from his chair and planting a small kiss on the top of Rich’s head. There was a somewhat solemn feeling between the two all of a sudden, they hadn’t delved into the relationship conversation yet. In fact, neither of them knew if they were ready for a relationship, it had all been fun and games up until now, but they had to decide if settling down was something that they both wanted to do now.
The day passed, slowly. Taron and Rich’s thoughts consumed by the reality of the conversation that they would be having that evening. At least there were some distractions through the day, working in a city secondary school always came with its daily challenges. Taron broke up two fights in one lunch break, had to mediate an argument between four girls in his afternoon class that had suddenly turned 2 vs 2 during a script reading exercise when he stupidly split the class into groups of 4 and not only let them choose their groups, but let them choose between them who gets to be which character, as if that could have ever ended well.
Rich had a student storm out of his class angrily after having to tell him more than five times to get off his phone, the students argument being ‘it’s my personal property fuck off’, and he had a 10 minute job of calming down an over-hyper class of year 7s that had just had a P.E class and were now on the last lesson of the day, which was just a recipe for disaster. Rich knew that being a secondary school teacher would come with challenges, based off his own experience as a student many years ago, but he swore teenagers had become 100x times crazier since then, but maybe that was just him remembering it from the point of view of a student, never really knowing at the time what teachers actually had to go through every day.
Once the day finally drew to an end, Rich and Taron met up to go straight to Rich’s seeing as they had both come in his car that morning.
“You sure you don’t need to pop home first? I don’t mind,” Rich offered.
“No it’s all good, these clothes are comfortable enough and we’ve got the same phone if I need a charger,” Taron replied.
After a short journey home, Rich and Taron climbed the stairs to Rich’s apartment, he unlocked the door and let Taron in first, following straight after him. Taron stopped to look around the place, observing the colour schemes and decor themes going on. 
“Nice place,” he commented, nodding in approval at the well decorated room.
“Thanks!” Rich said happily as he threw his bag on the dining table and slung his jacket over one of the chairs, Taron did the same and joined Rich on the couch, both sinking down into it after a long day. Taron even more exhausted from his extreme lack of sleep the previous night, knowing full well everyone he had talked to today had just politely ignored the bags under his eyes. 
“So do you want a beer now, or?” Rich offered.
“I can wait, we should talk,” Taron said slowly, Rich nodded nervously, breathing heavy enough for Taron to hear it clearly now. 
“Ok, look, T, I’m just gonna say it- I really love you, and I think I’ve fallen fast, and if you don’t feel the same and are just in it for the fun I understand but,” Rich babbled, Taron trying so hard not to giggle at not only his rambling but the fact that he swore the Scottish accent was getting thicker as the sentence progressed.
“Oh shut up,” Taron chuckled, shushing him fully with a kiss. “Mr Madden, will you be my boyfriend?”
“Um, obviously!” Rich breathed, laughing from relief and leaning back in for another sofa make out session, one that meant even more to the two of them than the last time it happened, now that this had developed into a real relationship. One that neither of them were expecting considering they both had intentions to lay low in their jobs, but they couldn’t help it. They wanted each other so badly and would freely admit at this stage that that had been the case for quite some time now. 
“So you wanna order food?” Rich asked as the pair pulled away from each other.
“Hm, not yet,” Taron replied.
“You not hungry?” Rich asked in genuine surprise, feeling his own stomach rumble from a long day at work with not enough food, knowing Taron had eaten even less. 
“I’m hungry, but not for pizza..where’s your bedroom?” Taron smirked. Rich scoffed in surprise at the extremely forward question. 
“I- wow, that is very bold of you, Mr Egerton!” Rich said, taken back but not actual displeased by the question.
“Well, you’re my boyfriend now,” Taron smiled flirtatiously.
“Good point, right this way,” Rich grabbed Taron’s hand and let him into the door that was only a few metres away from the sofa, pulling him into the room and gently shoving him onto his king size bed, pulling his shirt off in excitement and kicking the door shut behind him, knowing that he hadn’t felt this content in such a long time.
So. You may have just figured out, but I don’t write smut! Sorry! Love reading it but terrible at writing it, so you’ll just have to leave it up to your imagination if you so wish! Anyway sorry this isn’t quite as long as the previous chapter, I just went off on that last one, this is more the length that I’m keeping them. Although I’m slightly worried this chapter is a bit boring, but I hope you all like it regardless tho!
Tag list: @taron-eggmcmuffin @coffeetalkbaby @nataschalenasblog @stateofloveandvedder @winterismyfavoriteseason1945 
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thevelvetseries · 5 years
Little Severide
Summary : We all know Kelly Severide as a player, sleeping around with whoever he wants. Until one day he opens the door to his apartment and sees a little baby girl with a note tapped to her chest. He whole world changed. Y/N Severide is nearly 5 years old now and is Kelly’s whole world. What happens when Kelly starts to fall for a fellow firefighter? Will Y/N approve of this new woman taken space in her father’s heart?
Pairing : Kelly Severide x Child Reader (Daughter)
Warnings : Fluff
Main Masterlist
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I’m currently in the kitchen making some waffles for breakfast and having a nice cup of coffee. Thinking about the day I found out about Y/N.
I’m currently sitting on the couch watching the game when a knock at the door gets my attention. I look through the eyehole and don’t see anyone. Once I opened the door I see a little baby girl in a car seat. I pick her up and bring her inside.
“Well hello there, I’m Kelly” she just keeps staring at me.
I look through the bag that was left with her, and came across a note addressed to me.
Hey Kelly.
I’m Y/N your daughter. I was born on the 5th June this year. You know my mum, her names Naomi Smith. You met her in a bar on south street and well her I am. I hope you’ll look after me.
Love Y/N
I look down at the little girl in front of me.
It’s currently 6:30am when I place the last waffle on the plate and sent them down at the table. I wonder down the hall and open the door to Y/N’s room. She looks adorable. So at peace while she’s asleep. I just love her, she’s my everything. I walk slowly to the bed and sit down and lightly shake her awake.
“Hey pumpkin, it’s time to wake up” she scrunched up her face and my heart melted.
“Come on sweetie, I’ve made waffles. Your favourite” one of her eyes open.
“With strawberries?” She asks when yawning.
“Yes, now lets get out of bed before I eat the all” she pushes back the sheets and runs to the kitchen. How can she go from no energy to being full of it in under 10 seconds I’ll never know. I follow her into the kitchen and sit next to her to have breakfast.
“Am I coming to work with you today daddy?” Y/N says while biting into a strawberry.
“Yes kiddo, so once your done you need to get washed and dressed so we can go see uncle Matt and aunt Gabby” a large smile appears on her face.
“Do you think aunt Gabby will braid my hair?” she yells excitedly.
“I’m pretty sure she will if you ask nicely. You finished?” I see that she have ate her whole waffle and downed her apple juice. She nodded her head and ran off to her room to get dressed.
Time skip – 8am Firehouse 51.
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We pull up to the firehouse and park the car. I get out the car and get Y/N out as well and we start to make our way into the firehouse. Once we enter the kitchen Y/N runs over to Gabby.
“GABBY!!!” she runs over and climbed onto Gabby’s lap.
“Hey sweetheart” Gabby says while giving her a big kiss.
“Hey uncle Matt” Y/N waves. “So Gabby… can you braid my hair” Y/N asks.
“Yes, turn around”
I walk over to Y/N and Gabby after getting a mug of coffee. “Sweetheart I’m going to head to my office ok. You know where I am if you need me. Be good for Gabby”
“Yes daddy” she says happily.
- Severide’s Office
I’m currently sitting at my desk, going over some files from and arson case when Stella knocks on the door. “So… yesterday.” Stella says while closing the door behind her.
“Stella” I breath out.
Stella continues “Seriously, this thing with your dad.”
“Stella, I’m just gonna stop by his place and talk to him.”
“I get why you want to do this. But I care about you, so I just have to point out that things don’t normally go well when you ask him for things”
“I know that” I say while getting closer to her.
“You come away from it in pain Kelly”
“I used to” I take a deep breath.
“Well you think its different now? You haven’t talked to him since that fight you had months ago.”
“Yeah, well. I guess we’ll see” I say. Me and Stella are now just face to face.
“Hey” Stella says while moving a hand to cup my face. “I love you. You know that” she holds my hand.
I smile at her. “I love you too”
Suddenly I hear a loud scream for DADDY!! I look out the window of my office and see Y/N running down the bunk room to my office.
“Look daddy, don’t I look pretty” she says with the biggest smile on her face.
I let go of Stella’s hand and pick up Y/N. “You look beautiful my baby” Y/N turns and looks at Stella. “Why you in here with daddy?” Y?N says with a but of attitude and suspiciously looking Stella up and down.
Stella looks nervous. “Just saying good morning, I’m gonna go and get something to eat” and Stella leaves the room and heads to the kitchen. My heart is pumping. Why is Y/N acting this way to Stella. What’s changed?
“Hey kitten, what was with that attitude you gave to Stella” I ask while setting her down on my bed.
She looks up at me “No I didn’t. I like Stella. But why can’t she talk to you with everyone else. It’s weird. You don’t do that with anybody else here”
“Stella is my friend sweetie, sometimes we like to talk behind close doors. Like you do with Gabby when you tell her all your secrets I’m not aloud to know.”
“But Gabby’s Gabby. It’s different she’s family.”
“Well sweetie, Stella is my friend, and I like spending time with her.” I say a little too harshly and Y/N face scrunches up. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t have time for my favourite girl.”
“But why do you have to spend time with her alone?” she slightly raises her voice.
“Because I can. Now why don’t you see if you can get Herrmann to give you a cookie while I finish up with the files ok” Y/N nods and climbs off the bed and leaves the room without looking back at me.
I released the breath I didn’t know I was holding. Why was she acting like this? Did she see something between me and Stella or did she just not like her.
- Kitchen
I hear a small little pitter patter running down the halls. I see Y/N runs into the kitchen and looks at Stella with evil in her eyes and walks over to me and Matt. Y/N climbs on Matts lap and cuddles into him.
“Hey sweetie what’s wrong” I say rubbing her back
“Nothing” she snuggles closer into Matt. Matt gives Y/N a kiss on the head and holds her close. “Come on kiddo, talk to us.”
Y/N moves back from Matt and looks at him. She looks around the room looking for something then looks back at Matt “Do you spend time with Gabby, when the door shut.”
Matt eyebrows lift up. “Errmm….. Sometimes yes. Why?” he says slowly.
“Daddy did that with Stella. Why?” Tears start to form in Y/N eyes. “He got mad at me when I asked” Now things where starting to make sense. She was a little jealous of Stella taking away her dad.
Time skip – 5pm
I walk into the kitchen and look around for Y/N. Gabby speaks up “Y/N’S asleep in Matts office.”
I nod. “Can erm.. me and Matt talk to you. Outside” “Yeah” we all head outside.
“So what’s going on” I ask
“Well, when Y/N came into the kitchen earlier after talking with you she was upset. She was talking about you and Stella.” I close my eyes and breath. “and how she didn’t like it, and how you got mad. I just feel like she thinks having someone else in your life will take away some of your time for her, I just think she may be a little jealous. Just make sure she knows that’s not going to happen. We all know you and Stella are together. Maybe it’s time to let Y/N know.” Gabby says.
I look up at the sky and take a deep breath. I know I need to tell Y/N at some point. I love Stella and I want to be able to move forward with her, I guess this is the next step.
“Yeah, I guess.” I say
I walk back into the firehouse, and head to Matts office. Y/N was starting to wake up when I opened the door. “Hey baby” I say when kneeling down to her.
“Hey daddy” she says quietly looking down. My heart breaks.
“So. I need to talk to you about something. This morning when you asked why I was spending more time with Stella is because I like spending time with her. I really like her. You know how uncle Matt and aunt Gabby spend a lot of time together because they would miss each other if they’re away from each other for long time, that’s how I feel about Stella. She makes me happy”
Y/N looks up at me “don’t I make you happy?”
“Aww baby, yes. You do. But there’s somethings you won’t understand until you’re older. This doesn’t mean I’m not going to be there for you. It means I’m going to be there for Stella as well I want her to be apart of our family. I want you both to get along and be friends, that would really make daddy happy. But if you don’t like Stella or you don’t want Stella to be with daddy that’s fine.”
“NOOO…. it’s not that I don’t like Stella. I just don’t want you to leave me for her.” Y/N shouts with tears running down her face. “I don’t want you to leave me like mummy”
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My heart broke again today. I reach out to Y/N and hold her in my arms. “You listen to me. I am not going to leave you. I love you more than anything in this world. You are my baby and will always be my little baby girls, there is nothing that could happen to make me not love you or want to leave you. EVER! Your stuck with me”
Y/N wipes her eyes and looks at me. “Ok, do you promise”
“Yes. Where would I be without my Little Severide”
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Matchup ♥
Hi!~ you can just call me Alex, please!~ I would like to be anon if that is ok lol the fandoms I want are A3!, Haikyuu!!, and Naruto! 🥰 SFW and NSFW is alright with me! 😉 whatever is comfortable lol
Alright so, intro info! I’m a Capricorn sun, Sagittarius moon and Virgo Ascendant. My modality is Cardinal 53%, Fixed 37%, Mutable 11%. My elements are Earth 51%, Water 36%, Fire 10% and Air 3%. My MBTI is INFJ. I’m also a HuffleClaw with a bit of Slytherin. I have was born with Turner Syndrome. I have ADHD, Autism, Anxiety and Depression. I am agender and I use they/them pronouns though she/her are alright since I’m used to those pronouns lol I am still exploring my sexuality, I am very open dating anyone of any gender so I would say I’m bi/panromantic, however I do strongly connect with the asexual spectrum since trust is a big deal for me lol
I had a coarctation or narrowing of the arota at 6 days old and was pronounced dead on the way to Children’s Hospital. I had open heart surgery soon afterwards. My grandmother was told that with all the mental health issues I could have due to TS, I could be super smart or I wouldn’t even be able to remember my own name. The doctor’s said I would be bad at math. My parents divorced when I was 10 and my little brother was 6. Both of them remarried, my dad once and our mol several times. Though, I won’t go more into that lol just to save you the details, our grandparents raised us and life was -is- really messy ahah
I’m currently going to college. I was supposed to graduate last semester, but I changed my major several times in the last 2 years lol 😂😂 I was a biology major and wanted to work in marine bio/ wildlife conservation and start my own rehab places for marine/terrestrial mammals. I am now a Middle School Education major with areas of concentration in science and language arts with a minor in TESL ( Teaching English as a Second Language). I want to teach English in Japan! 😊 As far as grade school, I always made As/Bs witout even trying and I loved to read, so much so that I got an award for it in 5th grade! I was quiet yet loud and super awkward as a kid 🤣🤣 I actually loved science a lot and even took AP courses until highschool because the teacher I would have taken in highschool was a really bad teacher who if he had family members and didn’t like them, he wouldn’t like you. He taught my father and his sister and didn’t like them, so least to say young and impressionable me noped out of that fast 😂😂
For a while, I wanted to be a Forensic Antropologist like Temeperance from Bones! 😊 however, we didn’t have a anthro major at my college, only chem lol so, when I started taking upper level courses, I quickly found I much prefer bio to chem 🤣🤣 I still dislike math as I have my whole life, but since I got to college, I’ve only made below a B in one math related course! 🥰
Ok sorry for a lot of random info 🤣🤣 onto other things! So, I’m very shy and quiet at first, but when I get comfortable around someone, that’s when the wierd comes out 🤣 I’m very passionate about education and science! I am a Christian and am very passionate about equality. I also firmly believe in redistributing millionare/billionares’ wealth.
I grew up watching anime and still love it to this day. I have strong connection with Japanese culture because anime was the gateway into learning about it and anime will always have a special place in my heart because of it! Japanese culture and really most if not all Asian cultures resonate with me because of the morals anime had taught me. I firmly believe in balance and hamrony with nature! I was introduced to kpop in middle school and have been a fan ever since lol 🤣 I also like pop/alternative music lol I like P!NK, Linkin Park, Adele and a few others lol
As I mention with wanting to be a marine biologist, I really love animals!~ 💕💜 my favs are otters, foxes, cats of all kinds, dogs, wolves, dolphins, and honey badgers! I currently have a Korat named Lila (li-lah like lilac) she is a very unique cat 🤣 she’s super curious and sorta a crackhead lol I did have a yorkie terrier named Sarah and a miniature schnauzer named Star, but since last June, we had to put both of them down 🥺 Sarah got cancer suddenly late last year and a few months ago Star had congestive heart failure. They were 13 and 14 respectively. They were amazing dogs! Sarah loved to swim and hunt little creatures and was the energetic one while Star was the grouchy old lady 🤣🤣
I also love anything fantasy/superhero! I love HP, LOTR, and Marvel! My fav genre of anime is shounen obvi lol 🤣Lol I also love learning other languages! I took French in highschool and two semester of Mandarin in college lol ( I need to brush up on both 🤣🤣) I am currently trying to learn Japanese! I wanna also learn Korean, Welsh, and Irish! I hope to go teach English in Japan via the JET program at my college! 🥰 I will more than likely stay in Japan after I stay the 5 max years through the JET program!
I also really love video games! I wanna play Persona 5 soo bad 🤣🤣 Horzon: Zero Dawn, the Legend of Zelda series, the Pokemon series and Animal Crossing: New Horizons are some of my favorites lol
Hmmm… what else to say? 🤣 I am typically the mom friend of the group ahaha oh! I am 4’9” and weigh 140 so I’m kinda chubby 😅 I am very self concious about my body. I have green eyes and I wear small, black rectangular glasses. I have moles and freckles all over my body. I have a dyed blonde bob with a brunnette undercut. I don’t have any piercings yet but I do have one tattoo on my inner left ankle!
I am stubborn, passionate, caring, empathetic, understanding, loving, loud, quiet, awkward, hyper, enthusiastic, curious, and I can procrastinate at times due to my ADHD lol I also love to have plans lol I like things to be organized and clean, but I don’t mind ‘organized chaos’ sometimes lol I am also very loyal to my friends. I prefer having a few super close friends than having tons of aquaintances.
Ok so dating lol um I’ve never actually dates anyone before 🙈 I’m also a virgin lol trust is a big issue for me, like aforementioned my parents divorce affected me a lot and I have a strained relationship with each of them due to the divorce and the events over the years afterwards. Plus, as a Capricorn, school/career is my main focus. I’m so busy with college and trying to figure myself out, I haven’t got time for dating ahaha so my irl soulmate will need to be a hell of a person and have the patience of a saint to deal with me 🤣
Even though I have never been in a relationship, out of curiousity and wanting to be knowledgeable, I have researched BDSM lol 😂 I am definitely not into slave/master, whipping, or anything super hardcore at all lol though, mild stuff like toys, handcuffs, spanking, biting, dirty talk, brat/tamer or daddy (mommy)/ little girl and blindfolds would be stuff I’m willing to try out lol basically, some light pain, toys and anything where I can be submissive and cast my cares away while still being able to be sassy/defiant suits me 🤣
Oh! For the purposes of this matchup, just male characters is fine lol like I said, I’m still trying to figure myself out so, for simplicities sake, assuming heteronorms is alright lol
Hmm as far as a type of guy I like, I can give you some anime examples 😂 Portgas D. Ace from One Piece, Itachi/Kakashi/Shikamaru from Naruto, Roy Mustang (also shoutout to Solf J. Kimblee as a guilty mention 🤣) from FMA!B, Kisuke Urahara from Bleach, Zuko/Sokka fron ATLA, Gintoki/Kamui/Takasugi/Shinpachi/Hijikata/Katsura from Gintama, Daisuke Kanbe from The Millionare Detective- Balance:Unlimited, Shinso Hitoshi/Shindo Yo from BNHA/MHA, Levi/Beel from Obey Me!, Itaru/Omi/Sakyo/Misuki/Tsuzuru/Kazunari/Banri from A3! And many more 🤣🤣 sorry for the long list lol basically to sum it up my type is kinda laid back, a lil perverted, confident, dominant, funny, teasing/flirty, caring, intellgent, mysterious, passionate and stubborn lol
Well, I hope that was enough info to get a good in depth matchup 🤣🤣 I feel like I gave too much but I wanna try to make it as detailed for y’all as possible so you can have an easier time with the matchup ahah thanks a lot, I love your blog and keep doing the good work you are doing! 🥰❤️💜💕 be sure to take care of yourselves and I hope y’all have a great weekend!! 🥰
( I apologize for sending it a second time, but there was some stuff I wanted to add that I forgot to mention until I after I sent in the first one 😭 again, I sincerely apologize!)
Hello Alex and thank you for submitting with us! And thank you for supporting us! I hope you enjoy the boys I paired you with!
>Admin 𝕋
𝐼 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽...
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I choose Kiba to be your Naruto boyfriend! when he first sees you, and how quiet and shy you are, Kiba will definitely want to bring your inner playfulness out! And when he sees that you do have some playfulness in you, he will see that you became comfortable enough around him that your inner weird came out! And that would really pull at Kiba’s heartstrings! Kiba will also find it fascinating that you like different types of culture, and how the world works via science and education! He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he will definitely appreciate how you think, since he wants harmony in the world too! He will love the fact that you love animals and he will love the fact that you want to be a marine biologist! Being an animal lover himself, he will marry you right on the spot, just for that!
Since you are the mom friend of the group, you can totally take care of Kiba! It might not be the best, but Kiba would really love and appreciate you taking the time out of your day to do stuff for him, even if he didn’t ask for it! He will love your buddy, it being curvy and easy to hold onto, if you know what I mean wink wink. He will find your little beauty marks to be charming and I see him poking your moles and freckles every so often when he is bored! And when you tell him that you want to get tattoos, hell yeah! He will want to be there for when you get your first one!
Kiba will love the fact that you are passionate about your studies, and you main focus is school and your career! He will love the fact that you are don’t want anyone to mess up your future, and where you want to go in life! He may be a bit on the impatient side, but when he is with you, he will understand the need for patience and why it is important! He will also love the fact that you are so loyal to your friends! He doesn’t want to date anybody who isn’t loyal or isn’t compassionate to the people around them, so that will definitely be a plus in your book!
For the spicy stuff, Kiba at first would not know what he is doing but once he figures it out, ho boy, you are in a for a treat! Biting, lots of biting, and him being just very dominant, wanting to please you and make you feel like you are on cloud nine! He will let you do what you want, if it means that you are going to like what you guys do in the bedroom! From the biting to the dirty talk, he is up for anything!
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I choose Sakyo to be your A3! boyfriend! Sakyo will see your shy and quiet persona and think nothing much of it, but once you get comfortable around him, enough so that your inner weirdness comes out to play, he will be surprised that you were hiding such a fun and cheerful person away from him! He will also like the fact that you are passionate about science and education, since Sakyo himself is definitely one to go to science for something that can’t be explained, and he is one to like education too, since it gives you wisdom on subjects you didn’t know about before! He will love the fact that you love his culture so much, from the anime to the actual history of Japan. He will feel that you super educated on the subject, and will be appreciative of how much you love where he is from! 
Sakyo will find it adorable that you love animals, and he find it admirable that you want to become a marine biologist! It is a hard job, learning about all kinds of animals, and then discovering new ones! Yeah he will find it very impressive! And if you were to ever tell him that you want a dog or some kind of really cute animal, he will never able to say no to you! So you should use that to your advantage! As for video games, he isn’t one for the, but if you ever try to get him to play with you, he will have a hard time saying no! It will frustrate him though, that you’d keep beating him at all of them!
As for appearances, I feel Sakyo wouldn’t care about what you like, it’’s all about what is on the inside, and when he sees that you are a passionate, loving, caring, a mother figure to your friends, loyal to them, and empathetic to the people around you, he will just know that you are the person for him! Seriously, yeah he might like your curvy body, but what will really give make him like you is the fact that you are just a really nice person for people to be around! He will definitely understand the sentiment of having just a few close friends, than having like twenty acquaintances.
Sakyo will love the fact that you’d rather focus on your studies than have a boyfriend that could distract you from your future career! He would be glad to wait for you to accept him, until you are stable in your career and would be able to start dating you like he wants! And for a little spicy time, he would be a dominant as all hell. Like he would be so into dirty talk and taking you to heaven with his mouth. You might tell him you want to some like spanking and biting, and he might be into the biting, but the spanking makes him feel a little weird, so he might do it as often. But! If you ask, him he will have no reason to say no! So you better have fun with him!
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I choose Iwaizumi as your Haikyuu boyfriend! Much like Sakyo, Iwaizumi will see you shy and timid demeanor and think nothing of it, and if anything, he will think it is kind of cute, but would have an inkling that you are more than you put out. And once Iwaizumi sees that, yes, you are more than shy, that you have your weird quirks and can be quite loud, he will find you even more cute, what with the way you act around him and not the others! He will find it so cute that you only act like that with him and nobody else! And much like Sakyo, he will find it awesome that you like his culture so much! From the anime to the language, and everything else! He would even offer to help you learn the language and such, to help you better understand his culture! Iwaizumi love the fact that you like superheroes and practically anything fantasy! I suspect that Iwaizumi also love Marvel and such! I also feel like Iwaizumi is extremely good at video games, so when he plays with you, make sure you try your best to win against him!
Iwaizumi will feel a bond with you being like the mom friend, since he has to constantly watch over Oikawa like he is his child! And for appearances, much like Kiba, I feel as though Iwaizumi will see your blemishes and your curvy body and think it is just uniquely you! Something that he associates with you alone! And the uniqueness will definitely get him to really like you! But I feel like he will really like girls in glasses so that is a definite plus for you!
Iwaizumi will love the fact, like the others, that you are a loving and caring person. Someone that is passionate and driven! And the fact that you have all your plans thought out and organized in your own way? Oh yeah, he would definitely like that! And the fact that you are so passionate about your future that you’d much rather focus on that instead of being in a relationship! He’d understand, would he hate that fact that he has to wait for you to be stable in your career? Yes, he wouldn’t like it one bit, but he wouldn’t leave you because of it! Will he wait for you? Most definitely!
For the spicy stuff, ahahahaha Iwaizumi. He is like. A dominant bottom, he’s okay with essentially whatever you want to do, as long you both are having a good time, and you guys are feeling good! As for the biting and the spanking and all the kinky things you want to try out, he’d be into it, he’d just wouldn’t know how to go about it, so it would be a learning experience for the both of you! In the end, Iwaizumi would be into a lot of things you guys tried! So beware what he has in store for you in the future!
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The end...or is it? [End of Arc]
[Kisaragi Foundation main branch office]
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Listen up. I know you may have all been on standby today, but I’ll applaud you all for your good work! We’re revisiting the establishment tomorrow to dispose of all the machines and those pods I mentioned.
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You’ve all done a great job and have been really helpful. Tomorrow, we’ll carry out our mission, and you can have the rest of the day, as well as the day after off.
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A-Are you sure Ms Mekaru!?
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Shush! Don’t question her.
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Haha...No worries, I’m sure. I’ve already checked with Tsurugi, it’s fine.
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I’m standing right next to you, don’t act like I’m not here...
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Thank you so much sir!
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Hey, don’t mean to sound like a slouch, but does that go for me too?
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You may need to come in at some point for security reasons, but why not?
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Good work today you guys.
*Tsurugi and Rei leave.
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I...I’m a little surprised. Days off are pretty rare around here...
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Well, look on the bright side. We get to spend all day together if you want.
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Ah...young love...as tragic as it is wonderful...
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Still, I agree with Ryutaro. Is it really a good idea to let us all off now that we’re in this situation?
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What situation?
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I mean, think about it.
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Officer Kinjo agreed to help the Future Foundation rescue their friend, and now the mastermind behind the whole situation knows about us...
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What are you saying?
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I’m saying our part in this isn’t over. This “Tsumugi” person might add us on her hitlist if we pose a threat.
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You scared Keisuke?
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Most certainly not! I won’t go down without putting up a fight! I’ll defend the foundation with my life if I have to...
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I’m just saying, if there’s a way we could avoid this situation, then I’d take it...but we’re already in deep, and we’re undermanned too...
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Not for long.
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Didn’t Tsurugi tell you? In exchange for his help, the Future Foundation agreed to use those reviving clone machine thingamabobs to bring back some people.
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Namely, Teruya might be back at some point...
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Mr Otori! Seriously!?
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That’s great news!
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Let’s not hold our breath people. It’ll be a while before that happens. We’ll need to hold down the fort from here.
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You worry too much Keisuke.
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I worry enough. Don’t you see?
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I think the reason we’re even getting this day off is because things are gonna get a lot busier around here...
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[Meanwhile, at an unkown location]
*A telephone rings, and the ultimate cosplayer picks it up.
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Yeah, it me...Look, I know!
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Ok, listen here! There are over 2500 reserve course students, we lost about a 5th of them! Not all hope is lost yet!
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This deal is getting out of control...You said you could-
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Oh, I see...
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So, you just want to create chaos and rile them up a bit? And I take it you know how...?
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Okay. I’m on board...What’s the plan?
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You need to create a public scene...then hand you-know-what out to the people in the inevitable crowd. That’ll easily get the ball rolling.
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If we do it right, maybe we can get both the Kisaragi and Future Foundation out of the picture...
To Be Continued...
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
hxh movie....2!
ruth and i watched the second hxh movie and that certainly was a movie
the title is already cracking me up lmao ‘the last mission’ THATS SO DRAMATIC. 
the first like 3 scenes feel totally disconnected like theyre from different movies vnjskdfnsdkflk
‘many decades ago’ vbhjdsfbajsdf that phrasing is hilarious somehow 
damn young netero just killed jeb bush 
ah look its our movie villains, starting their villain stuff
so i guess this is set around where we are in the series now - like, somewhere in this beginning part of the chimera ant arc where gon and killua are hanging w/kite. which is kinda funny bc they dont explain AT ALL how and why gon and killua are in this city suddenly hvbajdsfjskdjan
killua skateboarding makes me smile :’) love it 
omg wing and bisky are here too!!! nen fam 
im so proud of zushi being a floor master omg....i love how the side characters progress and grow offscreen, separate of the protags, kinda like seeing pokkle again (rip tho, i think) 
LEORIOOOOO MY MAN!!!!!!! he really showed up for like 3 seconds then gets KOd and dumped in a sewer....STOP DOING MY MAN SO DIRTY GIVE HIM SCREENTIME..
ohhh so we’re doing anime die hard. kinda like the first macadamia movie 
that lady rlly just stabbed herself huh.
these antags look like theyre from naruto. main antag dude looks like about 7 different anime guys fused 
oh man netero got dunked on immediately Ls. gotta take him out so the protags can do the fighting 
gon and killua are so good. and also in love. epic 12 yr old romance 
KURAPIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lookin sharp in a suit. also just looking depressed as hell in general. KURAPIKA ARE YOU...GOOD....ARE YOU STAYING HYDRATED??? TAKING UR VITAMINS?? I DONT THINK YOU ARE. 
also i still cant believe kp is working for neon still...it rlly feels like they just gave up on life and just figured that staying there was fine or w/e
now the 3 protags are goin full die hard thru the tower...WHERE is leorio i cant believe they rlly threw my mans in a sewer like that smh 
these guys r rlly called ‘the shadow’ thats so edgy 
also i watched this like a few hours ago but im a dumb bitch so im reading thru the wiki article for the movie to remind me what happened, and apparently The Shadow(tm) was the black ops division of the hunter association, and they were later rekkt once they started w/the On...i so didnt get that while actually watching the movie vhdakjfhbskdfn thanks hunterpedia for explaining that one to me 
wooowww so the HA rlly just committed massive, morally reprehensible war crimes and then just sealed it all in a book or st and moved on. yikes id be mad too, generic anime dude villain 
so these three rlly just resurrected a dude by going into the desert and saying ‘hey we r emo can you give us some power and maybe anime jeb bush’ and that Worked 
now kurapika is fighting the dude in the control room and gon&killua are fighting Big Dude WHO BEAT UP ZUSHI!!!!!!!!! get his ass boys 
and then he immediately gets yoinked by hisoka, who is for some reason in this movie. i feel like they were like oh yeah hisoka is like, the 5th main character/antagonistic force of the story so i guess he should be here. its hilarious tho bc he spends 90% of his already limited screentime in this movie just playing w/his playing cards and smirking. bastard man you just gooo awayyyyy
seeing beans again omggggg green dude u r great
also who the FUCK is that smarmy looking blonde at the HA HQ...i hate him already based on 1) his atrocious pattern-clashing fashion sense, and 2) his smarmy aura. he looks like hes never thought a thought in his life. ruth says he might be buddies w/ging which makes me hate him even more 
gon and killua....r dating. ty 
when gon and the bad guy start fighting in the elevator shaft and killua just kinda watches hvbajddfhbsjf hes like ‘oh the narrative demands that gon fights solo for a bit so i guess ill stay here’ lmao 
but then he saves gon with his physics-heavy electromagnet elevator clamp plan....smart baby 
then after they defeat the guy they just start chatting lol i love them 
ohhh shit the guy exploded, thats fucked up 
poor gon :( more trauma for the poor kid 
meanwhile kurapika fights an evil clone of themself. wow 
tbh kurapika could totally one-up these guys by being like ‘well ok at least you have each other, im the VERY LAST kurta’ 
its strange to see kurapika fighting w/the sticks instead of the chains tbh
they are married tyvm 
kurapika is soooo not doin well like...please get some rest
kurapika referring to their ‘new friends’ hmmmm thats probably an actual canon reference since this doesnt get brought up again in the movie. probs referring to w/e kp is doing in canon at this point 
LEORIO USING NEN LMAOOO hes like pshhhh that was easy but internally hes like owww....sir ily sm 
damn kurapika rlly stabbed that guy w/a stick huh. rip dude 
ohhh shit its those drug capsule things 
leorio best dude
wow so kp has to make an On covenant OR DIE...yeah i think theyll choose the die option 
squad reunion :’) even tho kp is like, dying 
gon is such a good boy :( ily baby 
leorio and kurapika are str8 up married ty 
final battle timeee
love how at this point in the story gon only has one attack so he has no choice but to keep doing that same attack (well, the 3 variations) over and over til st happens lmao 
lmao gon and kurapika are rlly on the opposite ends of the ‘On’ scale here w/kp willing to die rather than accept using On, and gon seeking out On for POWER and also VENGEANCE 
the themes of gon’s righteous anger on behalf of others continues...
the boys are rlly getting tossed around a lot this movie geez 
hh boy gon is now...PURPLE-BLUE 
oooh killua convincing the lady to chill out was cool - tho ngl i didnt realize she was still alive 
now netero can go ham. i wonder if he’ll finish the fight or if gon will 
uh oh gon is Extra Feral now 
oughhh they love each other so much bro. fuck this 
gon banging his head on the ground and then killua jumping in between him and the ground....true love bro 
gon snapped out of it WITH THE POWER OF LOVE!!!!!!!!!! im emo and gay. thanks 
love how even when netero was younger he was still like, an old guy lmao 
and then the next day theyre all just back in heavans arena hbvhdahdfbjsakf who cares that the building just got hijacked? whatevs 
kurapika smiling a little and melody then smiling knowingly....melody is like Bitch I Know Youre In Love 
still kurapika seems like. not Right. pls get some therepy 
im glad zushi got to fight that guy like he was supposed to....and w/the nen fam cheering him on :’) 
its wild how they didnt really delve into the whole ‘war crimes’ thing w/the hunter association lmao. idk if this movie is canon so that might be why....they just brushed over the fact that the HA was like, running concentration camps and murdering entire groups of people. wild 
this movie was fun!! it felt more like hxh than the last movie, which v much felt like a generic anime movie. this one felt more in character. it did fall into typical anime movie tropes sometimes but the characters felt more like themselves here, espec w/the point of the story this seems to be set at 
like gons anger and all that - while it obvs comes from a place of love and kindness, he can get carried away sometimes...i feel like we’re gonna rlly delve into the negative impact of this in the CA arc and i am both so ready and not ready at all 
this movie was hella gay which i appreciate. love the gays 
all in all this was fun!! i wish there were more hxh movies lmao i love anime movies. well at least theres the musical LMAOOO im gonna watch that soon 
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dungeonqueering · 5 years
I have no natural artistic talent, nor skill that I’ve built. Hell, my handwriting is only legible if I make sure to write slow. But I want to have nice maps for the many, many, MANY tabletop games I GM for, so what’s a girl to do? This! In the last post I gave you some examples of where I came from, here I’m giving actual advice, from a person who doesn’t know shit about shit. I literally bought nice pens a few weeks ago specifically for maps, and the last time I touched Photoshop was 13 years ago.
So, if you also want maps and don’t know what you’re doing, or if you DO have artistic talent but want to have a general idea of the mapmaking process, here is MY general process.
First things first: Supplies. At minimum, you will need a pencil and graph paper. I highly advise a pen as well. I have a .5mm pencil, and 4 pens: .7mm, .5mm, .3mm, and .2mm. Personally, I’m a big fan of the Pilot Precise V7 and V5 for the larger pens, but for the smaller ones I’m using some Pigma Microns I picked up at Michaels.
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This step is somewhat optional, or can be done later, but may inform your design. Figure out what the dungeon currently is, and if its a ruin, what it used to be. This may be informed by entries in the Monster Manual, but its ultimately up to you. For this example map, I’ve decided it’s an old Dwarven temple space dedicated to Gond. It was abandoned for any number of reasons. I want it to be a low level dungeon, so I’ve decided it’s now inhabited by Goblins and animated objects that the goblins fear. I also want it to have a secret treasure room that neither the goblins, nor any other previous inhabitants since the dwarves, have found.
This works for any game system, but I’m assuming we’re using 5th Edition DnD because that’s what’s hot at the moment, and thats the main game I GM these days. So go ahead and do the basic outline in pencil, in whatever way you want. For this, I used the DMG’s random dungeon generation tables because I hadn’t before and I wanted to see how that would do. It’s less compact than, say, a castle or something would be, but it certainly makes sense given that every foot of stone wall is going to have religious carvings on them.
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You will want to ink your outline, and erase any errant pencil lines. If you have multiple pens, ink the lines with the thickest one. Spill a little water on it afterwards because you’re a dummy. Wait, no, that’s just me.
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And now CRUCIALLY for one of the later steps that is really going to elevate this dungeon, Double up your dungeon lines in thickness (and go ahead and number your rooms while you’re at it)
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This is the step that’s going to give your dungeon that important POP that, regardless of your skill level, is going to make your dungeon look and feel far more professional. There are different types of hatching, but I will be using the kind found here, from Dyson’s Dodecahedron , but there are other ways people do this that look just as good. I just personally like the way Dysonization looks, but there are tons of good ways to do this, and you can definitely come up with your own style, or use them situationaly depending on what genre or location the map occupies.
Anyway, for the Hatching, I personally suggest using your second thickest pen. For me, that’s the .5mm, however I’m going to be using the .3mm because my Pilot Precise .5mm ran out of ink, and I happen to think it looks nicer. Do lots of test lines in the margins, or on scratch paper or whatever suits you. This process will take a while (I will time myself for you) so put on your favorite podcast or music. 
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If you look closely, you can see the exact moment I realized I could be in my bed asleep. Lazy hatching aside, this took about 25 minutes.
This is the step where you decide what monsters and loot go where! The room numbering is going to make that far easier. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to see my notes because I usually name the rooms on the original document, like so:
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This is also where I would make a document saying what monsters live where.
So I’m not actually going to detail this map, mostly because I am not at all confident enough to put that out there. And you don’t have to! This step is more for the artistic folks. I’m done, this is good, I’m happy. Now you know how to make maps! For advice detailing, I recommend moving beyond Dysonizing your dungeon, and move further into Vulpinizing Your Dungeon. These guides have tips on EVERYTHING including how to do isometric maps, hex maps, and so on and so forth. It is a VERY good guide, and I cannot recommend it enough. But you can do all sorts of things at this stage. You can color it, you can add very fine details, you can do SO MUCH. There are even ways to remove the grid, if you’re savvy with editing software (I am not).
Anyway, that’s the fast and easy way to make maps that look Pretty OK if you aren’t skilled at artistic endeavors. Enjoy!
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lockdownuk · 4 years
Lockdown Diary Part 7
A personal account during the lockdown in the UK due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
23/03/2020 8:30pm Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, gives a live address to the nation to, effectively, put the country on lockdown to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus strain, Covid-19.
Many of us have been self-isolating for days but this latest development within the UK in reaction to the pandemic feels very serious and very scary. I decided to keep a simple diary and where better but online.
Day 181: Typing on day 182. I received an email from someone at DSM who had got my CV from Helen Proctor (she was the manager that interviewed me along with the founder) and wants me to interview for a IT business consultant role for a shoe firm (Loakes) in Kettering. I called the chap and had a quick chat and arranged it for Wednesday.
A few beers, as it’s Friday, and caught up via video chat with Foggy and Irish Mike (Foggy’s on quarantine having holidayed in the south of France). It was a late one and they were both pissed, but nice to chat. Andy and Ham were meant to join but were no shows - Ham had his sister’s funeral this week - might explain it.
Day 182: I messaged Ham - he went round his folk’s house after work last night as his two sisters were there. I have to admit, I am ignorant of all of Ham’s brothers and Sisters so he may well have meant one was Preaya in an urn.
Someone on the Oundle Chatter FB group asked about Google Hangouts (on behalf of her son who is attending college and they have online classes using it. I am now about to look into it for her. Why did I get involved. It’s 8pm on a Saturday, ffs!
Update, I researched it and messaged her - seems I hit a nail on the head and she seemed suitably grateful. Booze and pizza coming right up (at 9:15pm)
Day 183: Up at just before 2pm - I drank shed loads last night and went to bed after 4am. Faffed about but did manage my stair climb, a 10km walk and I am now making a roast dinner-ish tea (chicken breast stuffed with red leicester and wrapped in bacon) with all the veg and yorkies (I am trying to empty the freezer as it needs defrosting).
Day 184: I posted on FB that today was half a leap year of lockdown (that’s wrong, should have been yesterday). Rachel replied that it isn’t lockdown anymore. I replied that it is for me but that got me thinking - are we officially in lockdown still? Checked, and we are. Posted that on the same thread and Badger replied that the current level of lockdown has been uprated to level 4, whatever that actually means. Rachel’s post worries me - 1. ‘cos it’s indictative of the far-too-relaxed attitude and, 2. I wasn’t even sure even though I’m still observing the same lockdown behaviour that I was before Boris made his announce on March 23rd. Scary how facts bleed into fiction. 
Jim contacted me today, asked me to call. I did so, he says I’ll be asked to return to work (from home) on the 5th October (two weeks). Shirley from HR will be in contact. I’ll believe when I see the email from her! 
Day 185: Boris announced a tightening of the relaxed lockdown including pubs shutting at 10pm. None of it really affects me since I’m still in as full a lockdown as when it started.
Received an email from John Morton at DSM for an interview at Loakes tomorrow (Wed) at 09:30am.
Received a Facebook message from the editor at Oundle Chronicle - he wants to do a short article about the photos I take and post on the Oundle Chatter fb group.
Day 186: Interview went ok.
Called Dad and Rita to let them know that I received an email from RCI confirming that I will be back at work on the 5th of October.
In the evening, Facebook had posts concerning somebody walking round Creed Road with a knife in his hand, and the police getting involved!
Day 187: Spend spend spend. Paid my speeding fine today £357, my water bill £147, bought two new duvet cover sets and two new sheets £58, a new pair of walking boots (my relatively new Hi-Tec are leaking and falling apart) £75. Oh, and the car insurance renews day after tomorrow, £230. Thank fucking fuck I’m being taken off furlough!
Day 188: Friday and I’m going to have a few beers and watch a couple of films.  I’ve been trawling through Seinfeld and am most the way through S3, and it’s brilliant. The Kramer character is mentally good. One episode had the actress who played Janice in Friends - that episode is a classic - which also included an scene whereby the cast are all exclaiming ‘Saturday night’ similar to the Friends TikTok trend. Got a call this morning about a service delivery lead role for EPM, a education service provider, based in Huntingdon. It’s a good role, very involved, reporting directly to the head of IT. But it’s only £32k pa. I replied to the email the recruiter subsequently sent to say I am interested but that salary is less than £5k pa than I am on now as a 2nd line support techie!  Lastly, I am well on my way to doing 500,000 steps in September!
Day 189: I was woken by the doorbell - a delivery of one of the duvet cover sets. On the door mat was a missed parcel delivery note from Ryal Mail (I have to get whatever it is from Warmington PO) and a note from next door (No. 34) asking for me to turn my music down at 10.30pm. That’s fair enough but....10.30pm! What are they, 80 years old? I have felt low today. There is no rhyme nor reason as to my moods suffice to say I am not of the happiest dispostion on a permanent basis, resigned to being alone. In fact, I have come to terms with the fact I’ll die alone but, it seems, some days I cope with it a lot worse than others. On that cheery note, it’s 8.45 pm on a Saturday night so, I am about to launch into some beers, weed and pizza. I think tonight I’ll seek out the second John Wick film - watch the first last night - so fucking good. You gotta love Keanu!
Day 190: Hopefully the last Sunday of having an enforced no-work-on-Monday so I’m going to have a beer or two (it’s now 8:20pm - just cracked open a Bud), watch American Sniper and eat Chilli and naan bread and onion rings. I did a 12 km walk today - I recall a time when 40-45 minuts walking was enough. Today’s walk was 2 hours! I know it’s only walking but I feel fitter than I have for years; still unfit, but fitter. Day 191: Well, I enjoyed the decadence of boozing last night but it meant getting up at after midday! Still managed two walks, trip to Tesco’s in Hampton after picking up the mystery parcel from Warmington PO. It was two unknown bottles of beer for a marketing campaign I entered a few days ago! I have to not open the beers until I receive instruction whereby I’ll be joining in with other drinkers in video chat! Day 192: Smahed 500k steps for September with one day to go! Cleaned the kitchen - I’m going to do the whole house over the next few days while I have the free time since I’m back to work on Monday.  The lad from next door called round this eveing to ask if I got the note. When I said yes, he told me they (he and his partner) can still hear music. FFS! I asked where their bedroom was, it’s along side mine, so I guess it’s the TV sound that is travelling up and disturbing them. Great, fuck knows what I should do if I want to watch anything after 10:30pm. I suppose going back to work is good timing..I shall be going to bed around that time myself, especially if I want to get up early to get a walk in before starting at 09.00 am.
Day 193: Typing on day 194. Only managed one walk today, before 9.00am. It made a great change walking that early. I then set about doing housework (which I started yesterday) - I want to clean the house from top to bottom before going back to work. i.e. while I have time during the working week. I did the Kitchen yesterday and the whole lounge today. It’s fucking knackering. I managed 519k steps in September, works out at 9.6 miles per day, which is good and, also, annoying. I have taken delivery and laundered all my new bedding. It’s brushed cotton lushness, can’t wait to try it. Last ‘happy hour’ of (this current) furlough, so I had beers (and a fucking spicey sausage casserole)...hence penning this a day late.
Day 194: I didn’t get out of bed until nearly 2pm, FFS. Spome with Ricky Roberts about kayaking, it sound sliek something I could take up but, I would need to join the boat club to have somewhere to get in and out!
Day 195: Sueanne from work called to let me know she’s taking over from Jim ‘til new yer and that the team are looking forward to my return - lovely. Dad called, he and Rita are fine as usual - lovely.
Day 196: Got up fater 2pm. I was seriously fucking wasted last night. Had a video chat with Fog - just checked, it ended at 02.04am and I did a lot more drinking and smoking after that. I still managed a 9.7km walk and am now going to settle down to a few (just a few!) beers, shepherds pie and watch Casino. Day 197: Quiet Sunday with some bizarre results in Super Sunday in the prem. Man U lost at home to Spurs 1-6 and Liverpool were thrashed at Villa Park, 7-2. Work tomorrow, feeling a little apprehensive, not sure why. Got to go to the office (to reset password) at 09.00am
Day 198: Back to work. It went OK. I had to go to the office so that my a/c could be enabled and password reset and t get VPN working. There were a few problems but I was back home and logged in OK in the afternoon. Saw Mark in the office - he’s lost weight and was telling me about a cycling accident - I knew about it, but I didn’t realise he had been in hospital and had a plate put in his shoulder. He also has the exact same issue with codeine as me! I am pleased to be back at work but it’s different - no Jim and Sueanne in charge is the main thing. I’m just going to keep my head down; it’ll be for the best.
Day 199: Second day back at work and I’m (trying to) crack on with it. It’s all coming back... New walking boots arrived today (I have them on as I type); I reckon I’ll be OK to walk in them with no breaking in. That’s just as well as my evening walk took me by the marina and the path between the lock, the small bridge and, especially, the larger bridge into the field at the bottom of Basset Ford Road was flooded, no way my boots will be dry for tomorrow.  I did my stair climb before work, 3.5 km walk at lunchtime and then a long, second one, as mentioned, later. I want to try and do a short walk before work in future, hopefully. On the way back from the lunchtime walk, I saw the lad from next door who thanked for me keeping the music down as per the note he left, so, that’s all good.
Day 200: I’ve started a work diary,  à la ENDC....nowhere as urgently required but I just think it’s a good idea.
I wore my new boots for the lunchtime walk (3.6km) and they’re fine. However, I didn’t use them in the evening, they niggled the left foot a bit, so some breaking in is required. My usual ones were just about dry enough having been sat on the radiator! Day 201: Popped into the office today to pick up my full headset dongle, did a quick shop at Asda. So, only one walk today. I have not yet managed to get a walk in before work, just the stair climb, so missed out on a lunchtime walk today since I was shopping. Did 8.5km in the evening. Bought a card online for K’s birthday. Not sure why, we seem not to be communicating - I haven’t heard from her for over a month now which, as mentioned before, I shouldn’t find as hard as I do. The card’s pretty cool though, a quip about just getting a card as a present would involve non-essential travel. Now I am back at work, I want a to do loist app. I recall a smart one that was a linear/curved affair that I saw on Producthunt but, fuck me, I couldn’t find it after over an hour looking. Then I checked Google apps and there it was (Lightpad.ai) - I was chuffed and relieved. The lad from oundle School has been trying to get hold of me via Messenger (he tells me by email) so he can interview for the article in the Chronicle. He has pencilled in Saturday at 6pm.Fuck knows if it will go ahead, the whole thing is sketchy. Day 202: First week back at work over and done. I ordered some stuff from Amazon (slippers and socks) and they offered a free trial of Prime, which is the norm, but, seeing as I have had a free trial under that a/c, I assumed it would error, as I have seen before. This time it didn’t! So, tonight, I just about to have some beers, eat pizza and watch The Gentlemen,. It was suggested by Miles on FB when I asked for  recommendations. It’s been on my to-watch list since its release. I need some cheering up, I’m having a low ebb today.Day 203: Typing on day 204. The Gentlemen was pretty good. I had lots of beers and smoke and went to bed fucking late, gone 4am. Up at lunchtime. I was meant to be going up Foggy’s for a few beers and to listen to Cobblers vs Posh but I sacked that off. I went for a walk at tea time when it got dark fucking quick and pissed down. I didn’t mind ‘cos Posh won 0-2. I watched two films in the evening: Master and Commander: Far Side of the World and Official Secrets. Both excellent. Day 204: Another late night, so up at just before 2pm. 12.64 km walk! I’m going to make stirfry and watch Knives Out...taking advantage of Amazon Prime.Day 205: I didn’t watch Knives Out last night, Amazon Prime was playing up. Tonight, however, after uninstalling and reinstalling the LG app, it’s working again. But, rather than a film, I have started watching The Boys series. 3/4 through the first episode and I’m kinda hooked. Another long walk tonight (I didn’t go out before work or at lunchtime), over 5 miles. My new boots are a marvel...they’re still new - I can tell I’ve got a little bit of wearing in still to do, but, pretty much from the off, I can walk long distances in them. I’m impressed. I think, because they are so light, they may be susceptible to the cold, especially now I can walk for longer periods without hypo-ing. The snow and frost will be the test.Day 206: Bit of a frustrating day at work. I am pleased I have a diary of events to update, that’s all I will say on this potentially public diary. Had a chat with Mark about certain aspects of the day, it was a good chat whereby he agreed with some of my gripes. In the evening I took part in a Ipsos marketing test of two beers with a whole bunch of people online. Ultimately, you have to choose one of two beers you prefer and answer questions why. It’s then revelaed which beer you chose. The beer I iked best was Stella but 4.6%, I think that’s the next product iine for them. You don’t get to find out the other beer. I shoudl recieve a £15 amazon voucher for partaking. If that actually happens, I’m going to buy a pair of gaiters. My new boots are fab (although I did turn my ankle last night) but their insides don’t half attract gravel and debris.Day 207: A productive day incorporating ToDoist with work and GCal, I have sacked off Lightpad.ai (it was too cumbersome moving tasks between dates) - so I managed to tick a few things off the task list as a result (responding to Jo Broom’s voicemail, chasing an eye appointmen, for example). Tim came round and did the garden, nice chinwag. I saw little Derek the other day, as well, he’s not coping great with the whole pandemic atm, certainly now lockdown has relaxed, he’s not as social as before. Day 208: Had a chat with Sueanne today, which is not unusal, and I was asking about creating KBs...she remarked how well, and quickly, I getting up to speed. It pleased me. I am having battered fishcakes, potato wedges and peas for tea. I am looking forward to it the most ridiculous amount (it’s cooking as I type). I shall eat as I watch more of the rather excellent The Boys. Seinfeld is on the back burner atm. Day 209: Emily Folgate’s room mate at uni has tested positive for Covid19! Marc’s avoiding the pub and I am glad I didn’t pop up there last Saturday! Bumped into Ash and Dee when i walked past the vets, chatted for 5 mins, it was really nice to see them. The lady next door (38) stopped me outside to say she recently realised that it was me who posts photos to FB, and said they’re ‘amazing’! End of week 2 back at work. As I type, I’m on my first beer, about to have many more and a smoke, half way through The Trial of the Chicago 7 on Netflix. Living the dream! Day 210: Things got messy last night. Sugar levels were a mess. I couldn’t even make it upstairs at one point, laid down on the long rug nursing a big bottle of coke. Got up at around 1pm and did usual shit, now having a beer, spicy sausage casserole in the oven (and it is fucking spicy) and I’ll pick a film to watch in a bit. Posh won, 2-0 at home to Oxford, up to 4th, one point behind Lincoln.
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eurovision-del · 4 years
And now, just before the show tonight, here’s the conclusion of my ranking of the entries this year, with my top 10.
10. Sweden – Move
I never got the hype for any other song in Melfest this year so I was overjoyed when this song won! It’s just such an expression of love and joy, with a message that may be familiar but still very important. The Mamas nail those harmonies and each gets a moment to shine, their voices are so incredible. I enjoy the pop sounds in the chorus well enough, but the moment I love is when it moves in the properly gospel bridge, it just brings the energy right up.
9. Georgia – Take Me As I Am
Georgia have become one of my favourite countries in Eurovision, up there with Albania and Portugal. I’m so grateful that they stick to their guns and do their own thing, sending interesting varied music. As a halfway decent rock song, this was always going to make my top 10. It’s not perfect as far as rock goes, I feel it could do with a little more variety, it’s all very loud with long notes, and I could do with some different rhythms and levels in the verses, but the scream of anguish works very well in the chorus, and I like the grungy sound the song has. I do think this song is saying something important with the idea of wanting to be loved as who you are while taking a dig at the big 5, but I do feel the lyrics, while to the point, can feel a little basic. Tornike is one of the artists confirmed for next year, and I’m very excited to see what he brings!
8. Norway – Attention
This is the best straightforward ballad this year as far as I’m concerned. I find it deeply moving, Ulrikke sings this song and sells it so well. Lyrically, I think this is actually really strong, at first I was put off by how needy it sounds, but the main line in the chorus ‘why do I think it’s ok not being me because of you’ brings it all together and makes it clear it’s about someone who knows it isn’t healthy, but can’t help themselves, and it makes the song feel so much more relatable and painful to me. The melody is also really strong, and I adore the moment after the quieter bridge where the song absolutely lets loose in the climax.
7. Germany – Violent Thing
Sometimes a song just cuts through, and I don’t care about the lyrics, and I can’t point to what it is, but it just sets the mood so well and I just want to dance. This is that song this year. I could point to a good production, and a unique voice, but in the end I can’t really justify my love for this song other than the instrumental just works for me! I want songs to make me feel something and this is just makes me feel happy, I can’t really explain it.
6. Czech Republic – Kemama
So remember when I ranked this song 5th out of 7 in the Czech selection? I still stand by that ranking, that’s how strong that selection was this year. That said Kemama did grow on me over time. I’ve just finished my final semester at Uni and submitted my dissertation a couple of days ago, and I’m not sure when it was, but at some point this song became my relief from it all, I love how chill it sounds while still being really uplifting, and those pre-chorus lyrics (I just work like this, 24/7) became a bit of an anthem for me these past months. The lyrics hit the perfect spot between being really personal to the singer, but also very relatable. I didn’t hate the first revamp either, though it was poorly mixed, and I really like the final version, those little guitars are so nice, though like Alcohol You I wish it had upped the intensity on the final chorus by working on the backing track without having to resort to changing the melody and forcing in a dramatic note in the main line, but I think it’s still a great track.
5. Israel – Feker Libi
So looking at the average mood of my top 10 (with some exceptions), apparently I just wanted to feel good things this year. This is the song that encapsulates that, it’s such a burst of joy and fun, and the one that most successfully fills me with happiness and makes me want to dance! I think the blend of different ethnic influences in the backing and the different languages works so well here. There’s so many things that just work here, from the little instrumental line at the very opening, to the vocal calls, to the way it repeats the chorus just enough to get it well and truly stuck in your head, but switches up the beat to keep it interesting and exciting. I love the second half of the chorus where the heavier ethnic beats come in, but I think part of why it works is because it contrasts so nicely with the more familiar dance beats in the first half of the chorus. My favourite part though is the end, where it ramps up the energy with the beat switch and it’s just so good! And to top it all off it’s sung by Eden Alene, who is such a great charismatic performance, she exudes joy on that stage and just seems like someone you’d want to party with. Of all the artists who are confirmed for next year, she’s the one I’m happiest for.  
4. Ukraine – Solovey
In Feker Libi I could point to so many individual parts and say why they work for me, for Solovey I just have to point to the whole song. The blend of ethnic sounds with that singing technique and the modern beats works really well, and while drops are very hit and miss for me, this one just works. It’s a truly unique entry, I can’t think of anything I can really compare it to, and one that I absolutely love.
3. The Netherlands – Grow
This song was one of the later ones released, at a similar time to many others, and I thought it was nice but kind of overlooked it the first time I heard it. I can’t remember when it was, but there was one time I was listening through all the songs, and it just reached out and touched me, and I absolutely fell in love with this song. I love the structure here, the way it starts contemplative with several verses, before the final section builds up to a peak right at the end of the song, taking you on a journey from almost bittersweet reflection to a final note of confidence and hope. Jeangu has such a great voice, and I adore the way he sings this song, he brings so much texture and emotion to the lyrics. And about those lyrics, these are easily my favourite this year. I tend not to look up lyrics for songs, if I can’t pick them out in the song, I won’t judge them, and that was absolutely true for this song, but this song really puts the lyrics front and centre so I couldn’t help but pay attention. Similar to Kemama, they’re a good mix of deeply personal and relatable, but the emotional connection is so much deeper in this song. This is the point in my ranking where I really start to mourn that we’ll be missing these songs on stage, I’m sure Jeangu will bring something great next year but this song is so excellent I’m disappointed we’ll never see it on stage.
2. Iceland – Think About Things
Looking back on my rankings at the time I almost can’t believe I didn’t rank this song first in Iceland in the semis. But by the time the final came round I knew I wanted it to win though, and it’s only grown on me since. There’s not much I can say on this song that I haven’t said before, the instrumentation is top tier, I love the 80s synth, that brass in the instrumental, and that baseline. The song progresses so nicely into the best key change of the entire Eurovision season, national finals included, and puts such a smile on my face. It might not make me want to get up and party like Feker Libi does, but it’s just so uplifting and enjoyable, and you can’t help but dance along a little. It’s also got some great lyrics which are a genuine expression of love for his daughter. I was worried the staging might make it seem a little goofy, but the overall internet reaction has been really positive, and the whole performance is just a lot of fun.
1. Lithuania – On Fire
And finally, my favourite song of this year. The perfect combination of a slick instrumental production with a real soul. The message of never being too old to live is great, and that instrumental line on the drop is just infectious. I also actually really like the way the lead singer sings, it’s a little rough but it compliments the backing track perfectly. This song absolutely stands out on it’s own but it is elevated by the staging. It’s definitely one of the best staged performances of the national final season, ‘winner vibes’ might not be the most helpful term, but this was the performance that really gave me them. We’ll never know who would have won this year, there were certainly options, but I do feel for Lithuania as this was their big chance to snatch their fist win. I don’t know if The Roop will come back next year, but I do worry that this was lightning in a bottle, I’ve listened to some of their other songs and they’re very good, but everything about this was perfect, from the song, to the staging, to the performance, and it’s going to be very hard to replicate.
Overall, I found this year a little less interesting than last year, with a lot of songs in the grey ‘this is fine’ zone, but there were plenty of songs that did stand out, and five that I truly love and look forward to listening to for years to come, as part of the Eurovision canon.
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