#ok i am pretty sure these photos or some of them may be refs
bluebellthesponge · 1 year
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*NSYNC TV Guide covers - April 2000
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#39: Season 1, Episode 16 - “Luscious Lou”
After a massive content drought... We are back! This week, Louis joins the wrestling team!! It’s surprisingly going pretty well for him — until he finds out that his major competitor from a neighboring school is a girl. Oh, boy. Typical junior high sexism ensues. Meanwhile, Ren tries to get back at Louis for a prank he pulled on her. 
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This one starts off with Ren getting caught in a net trap made by Louis. She’s cursing his name when Steve comes to her rescue. He tells her she can’t be so quick to assume that Louis made the trap.. but is shut down immediately when Ren hands him a piece of paper that says…
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I always liked this. Louis is so freaking condescendingly sarcastic sometimes.
Anyway, this highlights just how much free time Louis has on his hands. So Steve encourages him to “use it for good instead of evil” and join an after school activity. Louis tells Twitty and Tawny about the situation and they start brainstorming sports Louis could do... But, pretty much come to the conclusion that he sucks at everything. My favorite line here is “What about cross country?” / “Nah, he gets cramped up and winded just from tying his shoes.” - S A M E. This whole convo is actually really lighthearted and funny on Tawny and Twitty’s end, but Louis is caught in the middle and a lil upset. "There's helping, and then there's hurting guys” he says.
They run into Coach Tugnut and Louis asks him if he can join a sports team. Tugnut lifts him up and tries to gauge his weight and just like that, Louis makes the wrestling team. I’m pretty sure that’s not how joining the wrestling team works irl. 
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“How much do you weigh, Stevens? 104, 105?”
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“........uh, th-that’s a personal question, Coach.” (I’m dying) 
Tugnut randomly lifts up Twitty as well and says “Haven’t seen you in a while, thought I’d lift you up.” It’s such a bizarre and out of left field moment. I feel like it was written in last minute for the heck of it. It’s great, though. Certain offbeat moments like this that work are what help make the show unique and quirky, imo. The fact that there’s no laugh track makes it even better. It’s dry and awkward and reminds me of a bit you’d see on Portlandia or something.  
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I bet Tugnut previously impacted Lenny The Lifter’s life in some way. 
Later that day back at home, Ren and Steve are in their back yard which does not look like their back yard at all for whatever reason. Ren is rigging a lawn chair to break for whenever Louis may or may not sit in it. Not exactly the best idea. Steve happens to be looking through an old box of photos here, one of which is of Louis as a lil nakey baby wearing a cowboy hat. 
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Steve: “There’s ol’ Lou! Never the shy one!” Ren: “...And he still watches TV that way. It's very disturbing." 
Just picturing fully grown Season 1 Louis lying on the ground in a cowboy hat with his name on it, butt naked in front of the television like it's no biggie, has me dying right now. I just can't. Donnie ends up sitting in the rigged chair and falling, all while eating a cupcake. He says “I need to lay off the deserts” as if his non-existent obesity broke the chair -- which is pretty funny.
Something I love about certain comedy shows is when a scene will abruptly start with the tail end of an unrelated, absurd line. I don’t really know how else to explain it, but that’s what we get next. It cuts to gym class and we hear Tugnut casually say “...but before we get to those finger tip push-ups with a partner on your back -- let me introduce the newest member of our team, Louis Stevens." Which is just hilarious to me. It’s so easy to miss, but the imagery is so great. Take a minute to imagine flimsy middle schoolers trying to do that. Just another reason why Tugnut is an unfit and frankly abusive educator, lol.
Here is where we see that Louis initially thinks the wrestling team is going to be like freaking WWE Monday Night Raw and says "Although, I've never gotten hit in the back of the head with a folding chair... I'll try to make it look as real as possible." It. Is. Fantastic. Tugnut is quick to let him know it ain’t pro wrestling. Then we get a montage (which must span at least a few days/weeks) of Louis’ progress from ridiculous, uncoordinated weakling -- to pretty decent wrestler! I love this so much! Partially because there’s this one bit: 
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^ LOUIS IS LITERALLY MEEEEE!!!! No exaggeration. I once auditioned for the touring production of Green Day’s “American Idiot” and holy crap the choreo they taught and expected us to know within a few minutes murdered me. I was seriously THAT person. When everyone was up, I was down. When everyone was down, I was up. So unbelievably embarrassing. Needless to say, I didn’t receive another callback after that, lol. I feel like this might be another reason why Louis is my fave. No, yeah. It’s definitely a reason.
He gets better and better over time, and seeing Louis with determination for something that's not lazy and takes hard, physical work -- is honestly so attractive. I know Shia was, like... 14 here but... Oh, well. He was my first TV crush okay?! And watching this show takes me back in time. I MISS LOUIS STEVENS! If Shia ever reprised his role as an adult, I’d ascend into heaven right then and there. 
Of course, this newfound ability to wrestle decently goes to Louis' head once again. He’s bragging to the other kids "I'm a quiet snake. I just sneak up. I go *hiss*! Nagurski, he can't mess with me. Look at these pipes!!!" I feel like all of this is ad-libbed. He’s sort of stuttering and pausing, trying to think of what to say next. I love Shia LaBeouf. But then suddenly a girl rolls up on her bike. "Are you guys on the wrestling team?" she asks. Louis obviously thinks she's coming onto them. "Yes. Louis Stevens, Olympic hopeful" is how he introduces himself to her and I am dead. "Mimi Nagurski, destroyer of dreams” is her response. THIS IS PERFECT. Louis was brought straight down a peg right there. Yep. He finds out Nagurski is... a girlski. (Forget that I ever made that rhyme immediately.)
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It’s like he’s questioning the meaning of life.
“Imagine losing to a girl?!” the other teammates say and laugh. Oh, man. The sexism is cringy. But, I know that it's a thing. Especially among teen boys in 2001... Dang. 
He goes to Twitty to talk about the issue and Twitty’s oh so comforting words are "You know what a win/win situation is, right? Well, this is just like that -- except it’s a lose/lose." Thanks, Twitty. Even so, Louis genuinely says he's not gonna quit the team or back down from the match. He's been working really hard and actually likes the sport. He's also happy about making his dad proud, as Steve used to be a wrestler himself back in the day. Aww. 
As far as Ren’s plot goes... She spends the whole week/episode trying to get back at Louis for trapping her. She fails and ends up accidentally getting Donnie instead. Since Donnie is very underappreciated, I really like his moments here. 
Even though Louis doesn’t want to quit the team, he still doesn’t want to have to fight a girl either. Once he realizes that the team is divided by weight, he gets the brilliant idea (sarcasm) to eat as much food as he can in 20 hours in an attempt to gain 9 pounds and bump up to the next weight class. I am positive that's not how the digestive system and weight gaining process works but, ok. Wow, Louis. Wow. This kid risked going into a diabetic coma just so he wouldn’t have to fight a girl. 
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And, yes. This is when he has that iconic nightmare that all the fat went to his butt: 
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He ends up having what I assume is terrible diarrhea and gas, if the explosion noises coming from the bathroom are any indication. Disney coming through with those mature, high brow jokes there! (more sarcasm) Poop is funny!!1!! XD
At the next weigh-in, Louis is still trying to find a way out of the match until the last minute by hiding two frying pans under his jacket. 
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“Stevens, you have two frying pans around your neck.” // “I do???” - Why is this so funny?
Obviously, Louis’ weight gain idea failed and he’s still 105, in Mimi’s weight class. But, as an even worse last minute attempt of getting out of the match, he sneakily puts his foot on the scale when Mimi’s being weighed -- which puts her over 123 pounds, lol. “Oh... I thought I saw a bug.” SLICK, LOUIS. Real slick. 
Now, we’ve made it to the match! Louis is mysteriously absent when announced by the ref. Until, you hear animal growls and metal music start playing. That’s when Luscious Lou makes his grand entrance. (See cover image.) “I’m Luscious Lou and I love you, sir! There’s love in my heart. No hate, no hate. Just love. That’s all. That’s all I can give.” Was that an unintentional Backstreet Boys quote? I also feel like this is all an ad-lib. It’s really great. Shia’s delivery is always on-point regardless.
In hindsight, it’d be much funnier if this bit wasn’t rooted in Louis’ internalized sexism. Oh, no. Is my inner Tumblr SJW jumping out??? Ah. I really do feel that way, tbh. If he wasn’t trying to get himself disqualified and genuinely acted like this because he’s just a hilarious person like that, I’d find it much funnier today. Instead, it comes across as cringy and sad. Like, I’m so embarrassed for everyone involved in this fictional universe while watching it. In a way, I think that’s the point though. Steve and Ren are confused and disappointed in the stands. Louis is making a fool of himself. The school’s reputation is on the line. Mimi is insulted. It’s... yeah. 
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I’m not sure “Luscious” is the best word to describe Lou. 
Thankfully, Louis decides to do the right thing and fight Mimi fair and square. “Hey, Nagurski! Let’s dance.” AYYYYYY! It’s slightly epic. During the fight Steve yells “Take him down!! Oh.. take HER down! Guy, girl, it doesn’t matter. Take THAT PERSON down!!!” - This is so life in 2017. It’s true though. Louis wins the match and Mimi’s respect. So, that’s cool. 
This episodes’ final minute bit is also pretty good. Ren finally pulls a solid prank on Louis by making him think she printed that naked baby photo of him on the cover of the school newspaper, lol. 
All in all, this is a good episode! We’re into the #30s now, so every episode is pretty much stellar to some degree from now on. Shia really shines in this episode and we get to see some different sides to Louis as well, which is always nice. 
Thanks for reading!! Please share your thoughts below! :) 
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overhaulbids · 7 years
Pine Straw Makes This House Looks So Much Better.
Benefits of Pine Needles in your landscape: It provides the ideal level of acidity for your plants to take in optimum soil nutrients It does not drift and remove and breaks down more slowly, so it does not have to be reapplied as frequently as other mulches It is much easier to deal with and lighter per cubic foot than other mulches: one large bale can cover as much location as 30 cubic feet of a lot of mulches the expense per square foot is competitive with other mulches It breathes much better, does not compact, and allows for much better water seepage It is simple to apply: simply unroll the bales and scatter by hand It does not draw in termites It includes natural product and nutrients to soil and lowers weeds The uniform color and fine texture of pine straw brings out the color, contrast, and texture of your landscape You can utilize it for erosion control where grass will not grow to hold soil, even on hillsides and courses FAQ
I Have 3 Dogs And My Backyard Is Almost A Sand Pit. Tried Mutiple Ideas Still Didn'T Grow Thick Enough.? Any Words Of Wisdom Other Than Get Rid Of The Dogs???
Kinda like what the "Mom of 3 and done!" said.....but instead of fencing part of it....I would probably try to designate an area, probably like 20'x 20' in the back corner of your yard. Size of area depending on the size of your yard. Put a thick layer of pine straw, leaves, mulch or maybe even actual sad. Train your dogs to potty in that area. AFTER your confident they use that area only....Replant grass in the rest of the yard. If you have problems with them digging holes...then all you have to do is get into a strict routine of exercising them at least once a day. They are trying to tell you how bored and that they want more attention. All depends on the breed they are. Luckily for me I have an American Eskimo Spitz and for whatever reason they always go as far away or out into the woods to do their business! I've also had huskies and I had the same prob with pee spots and holes. The pine straw worked pretty good for the husky and it's cheap...just have to throw another layer on every month or two. Good Luck!
Can You Name This Type Of Pine Tree? Forgive My Lack Of Details But This Is All I Can Tell You: This Particular Pine Doesn'T Even Look Like A Tree, In My Opinion It Just Looks Like A Very Tall Bush. Its Approximately 12' Tall. I Do Not Know If It Is Native To The Southwest Area Or Not - I Live In Southern Nm And I Rarely See These Around But I Am Sure There Is Quite A Few. It Does Not Have Long Branches And Does Not Have Traditional Pine Needles Or Pine Cones. The Most Unique Characteristic Feature I Can Tell You Is That It Grows These Blue Berry Looking Things That Almost Sorta Resemble The Spike Ball On A Mace Club. (Though Not As Spikey Or Sharp). Does Anyone Have Any Idea What This Could Be? I Only Ask Because I Would Like To Learn How To Grow One But Have No Idea How To Classify What It Is.
Are you seeing this as a landscaping plant? There's a type of arborvitae (an evergreen distantly related to pines) that's got the cultivar name 'Blue Cone' that might be what you're seeing. Their "leaves" are a series of overlapping scales. http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4102/47874... http://www.floridata.com/ref/p/images/pl... http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z182/... Junipers (which may or may not be native, depending on the location) also have blue fruits, but don't have the spines similar to a mace. Their "leaves" are needles which are attached singly, or overlapping scales like the arborvitae depending on the species and age of the twig. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/Juniper_berries_q.jpg http://www.jlehtinen.net/photos/view/2006-09-24-dscf0048 ADDED For the first plant I mentioned, arborvitae 'Blue Cone' is the name that you would see in a nursery or online. The scientific name for the cultivar is Platycladus orientalis 'Blue Cone' (although you might also see it under the incorrect name of Thuja orientalis 'Blue Cone'; scientists now say this species belongs in its own genus). Planting and care information is in the links below. http://www.treehelp.com/trees/cedar/thuja-orientalis.asp http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/3010/3010-1496/3010-1496.html ADDED - Sorry for misunderstanding. Arborvitae are fairly easy to grow from seed, but you shouldn't put them out where they'll be growing for at least a year. First, you'd need to buy seeds, or collect seeds from your neighbor's tree if they'll allow you. You can get them while they're still green/blue, and put them in a paper bag or envelope and keep this somewhere dry until they turn brown and open. Although they may not look much like them, the Arborvitae fruits are much like a pine cone. It's only when they're brown and woody that they open fully to release their seeds. By keeping the cones in an enclosed place, you'll be able to catch the seeds before they fall to the ground or are eaten by animals. You'll need to give the seeds a period of cold (inside your refrigerator for a few months), then plant in pots and allow them to grow for at least a year before you try to transplant them outside. You can keep them on a porch, or put them in a cold frame so they can get a little "natural winter" outside (if using the cold frame, you can skip the refrigerator unless you have a very mild winter). But you don't want to transplant them to where you want them to grow until they're old enough not to be damaged by foot traffic or animals, or you can protect them with screen cages. But keeping them in pots lets you bring them inside or move them to a sheltered area to avoid damaging weather like the hail they got in Socorro, NM last month. Some websites relevant to growing these from seeds - http://homeguides.sfgate.com/grow-arborvitae-seed-21603.html http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/2222/ http://en.allexperts.com/q/Conifers-713/2008/9/Planting-arborvitae-seed.htm
Starting A Rabbit Rescue. Need Help? Hi! My Mom Gave Me And My Sister The 'Ok' To Start A Rabbit Rescue. We Would Take Rabbits And Re Home Them. Anyways, We Need Help Getting The Supplies And I Wanted To Ask This To See If Anybody Had Any Website To Get This Stuff For Cheap. Rabbit Cages: We Plan To Have 10-15 Rabbits At A Time, Maybe More So We Need Lots Of Cages. Rabbit Food: Does Any Body Know Where We Can Get 50 Lbs Bulk Rabbit Food For Cheap? I Know One Person Who Got A 50 Lbs For 11 Dollars But The Store Closed Down. Accessories: We Need Water Bottles, Food Dishes, Toys, Etc.. Does Anybody Know Where We Can Get These Or Make These For Cheaper? Bedding: I Can Get Free Straw From A Friend Who Owns A Farm..Hay Too. Is Straw A Good Enough Bedding? (I Know It Would Be Messy.) Any Other Tips? Also, Can You Read These And Let Me Know What You Think? Http://Www.Homesteadingtoday.Com/Livestock-Forums/Rabbits/309400-Growing-100%25-Food-Rabbits.Html Http://Www.Grit.Com/Garden/Crops/Grow-Your-Own-Rabbit-Food-Zkrz12zreg.Aspx?Page=2#Ixzz2axw39xrt If You Can'T Read The Second Link, Put That In Your Answer And I'Ll Add It To The Question. Thanks!
The place were I'd get all those items would be PetsMart, but for the hay, I suggest not, because the bacteria from the untreated straw could make your rabbits sick, due to bugs, fleas, parasites in the hay. What I use for my Oliver, is a bag of Pine shavings which is only $6.99 I beleive, at your Walmart. It is a big bag and lasts my male rabbit months. You could make toys out of small hollow things, but make sure your rabbit can't take bites of them and eat them, the plastic could make him sick. If you have a cardboard toilet paper roll, you could put some beans or some other type of edible thing, put it in the toilet paper roll, and seal up the edges. Then when the rabbit pushes it, it will rattle. For the 50 lbs of food I would suggest Walmart, because I get my rabbit food there for pretty cheap, (The big bag of pellets.) And growing your own crops would be okay for the rabbit, as long as you clean them for bugs and other harmful bacteria. :3 I feed my rabbit from the garden alot. For the cages I suggest a bigger-ish cage that you could buy at PetsMart because a small cage for a rabbit wouldn't give it a healthy living space. The second link worked, just to let you know. :3 Good luck on your rabbit shelter!
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