#ok i should go 2 bed bye
scootarooni · 2 years
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(Φ ω Φ)
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lil-quinnie · 4 months
Pity party
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part I
Warning +18 smut, jealous Eddie
Summary college au After Eddie kissed the girl in front of you, you decide you NEED to move on.
F!boy Eddie x Plus size reader
a/n: Hi guys, sorry for the delay in posting part 2. I was very insecure about the story and this year I started working as a full time teacher so time is also very limited, anyway. Sorry for any typo or mistake, i'm brazilian god danmitt. I hope you like it <3
The return to your dorm was humiliating, you tried to explain everything that had happened amid sobs and inaudible words, Steve tried to support most of your weight in his arms as he guided you safely to your room. The boy tried to comfort you the whole way, even though he knew what his best friend had done would be difficult to reverse.
With the promise of a call he left the room and disappeared down the crowded halls of the girls' dormitory.
you woke up to an excited call from Robin and Steve, talking about a party that was going to happen that night and how it would be the perfect opportunity for you to try to get a certain metalhead out of your head.
"so, there will be this band and I'm sure one of the members will be your type...I promise" Steve said without thinking, receiving an elbow in the ribs from his best friend "dingus" Robin said rolling her eyes "We pick you up at 8?" the girl asked hopefully.
Even though you didn't want to interact with a lot of people, you agreed that staying in bed wouldn't solve your problem. "Yeah, okay, I'll be ready at 8, bye, see you guys"
One last check in the mirror before hearing Steve's horn followed by Robin's loud laughter. 
You could already see the number of people in the frat garden, indicating that the party was packed. "It's harder to find him this way" you thought , at the same time Steve squeezed your leg, checking if everything was ok.
The blue lights of the crowded living room hurt your eyes, the cigarette smoke turned into fog on the floor of the house, making those lights refract 10 times stronger back at your eyes. Nancy already had a drink for you in her hand because Robin had already told her everything, welcoming you with a smile and a hug as always. 
When she let you go, the girl said just so you could hear "Eddie is looking for you”, causing you to pour the cheap liquid from the cup down your throat in one go.
On the other side of the house, the metalhead was negotiating his sales, even though it was a good day and he had sold almost everything he had brought, Eddie couldn't change the uncomfortable expression on his face. 
His mind always brought back the vision of you and Steve hugging, or holding hands, hell even your schedule Steve knew and he didn't, the green bug of jealousy spent all day on his shoulder, blowing fears into his ear that he had been trying to keep away for decades.
Eddie was hustling around the party, looking for potential clients and for you. He saw Robin at the party so of course you were here too.
Some people stopped him to talk, some girls offering themselves as payment (it was no longer new to him), others trying to flirt without it being so obvious, a normal night if you were Eddie Munson.
While finishing a sale he heard your laugh, causing him to turn his entire body towards the origin of the sound, "Fuck" he thought.
Your cleavage revealed the soft mounds of your breasts, making his face burn with jealousy at the thought of anyone else being able to see what should be just his. “Harrington, of course,” he huffed as he put the crumpled bills in his pocket watching Steve making you laugh. 
Eddie's eyes were shining in a purple light, never leaving your face, moving from your cleavage to your eyes and your lips, the tip of his tongue insisted on leaving his pink lip moist and shining, delicious it looked.
Eddie didn't understand what was happening, why his heart raced every time you smiled at someone else or why there was a knot in his stomach every time Steve pulled you closer, or touched your thigh while telling you a story as if you were his, but you weren't, right?
Steve excused himself from a ‘lil crown and threw himself on the old sofa next to you "hi" he said, you responded in the same tone with a shy smile, looking at each other for a while, it could be alcohol or even joints but damn! Steve was really handsome and you’re pretty sure he thinks the same about you.
Soon everybody went to fill their glasses or smoke outside, except Robin who danced with Vickie as if she didn't have early classes tomorrow, leaving you and Steve in your own bubble.
What made Eddie most angry was the fact that you seemed so comfortable with Steve, in the way he couldn't make you feel, he thought. Eddie could never make you stay close to him among a lot of people, you always found an excuse to go to the dorm or any empty place while with Steve... "fucking hell" he exclaimed, while passing the bag with the customer's product. 
Eddie needed something stronger than weed if he wanted to swallow all of his wounded ego to get to you, and he couldn't do it dry. He poured the glass full of whiskey and downed it in two sips, letting a few drops of the golden liquid run down the corner of his mouth wiping it with the back of his hand, determined not to let anything pave the way to you.
You couldn't help the smile that widened every time he got closer. The rosy cheeks showed that Eddie had been drinking, a few curls of hair coming out of his low bun and that smile of someone who wants to be confident even though they're scared... 
How could you be mad at him? how you could cut him out of your life while he gave you that half smile he only gave when he was embarrassed, which was rare for a guy like him.
When Steve's fingers intertwined with yours, Eddie decided he had had enough of that and with his double shot of whiskey, he swallowed all his pride to go talk to you.
His hands in his jacket pocket only showed how uncomfortable he was, even more so after the disaster that happened last night, but he would never forgive himself if he didn't at least try to talk to you again before the night ended. 
On the other side, you and Steve didn't notice as the metalhead approached, still lost in your own world, exchanging too many small caresses and smiles.
He could hear your voice clearly, he even swore he could already smell the moisturizer that covered your skin, so close that he could feel you under his fingerprints.
He cleared his throat trying to get the attention of the two sitting on the sofa, when he realized that he was unsuccessful, he kicked Steve's Nike, who quickly turned his head, letting a HA! to escape from his lips going together with his hands clapping in the air "Munson" he smiled sarcastically, "Harrington" Eddie raised his browns and then turned around for you "can we talk?"
"I don't know, can we?" you said, getting up from the sofa and pulling Steve with you, who protectively wrapped his arm around your waist, hugging you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder, "I have nothing to talk to you right now, Eddie", you said while broking away from Steve's hug, signaling him to lead the way away from there.
"Please, let me talk to you", but before he could hold you, you turned and snapped 
"Isn't there anyone to save you again Eddie? That's why you're coming after me?",
Steve was amused by the situation, it wasn't often that he managed to get under Eddie's skin, so he planned to enjoy it.
"Follow my lead" he said with that smirk on his face.
Steve started to dance with you innocently but noticing the other man's gaze, he decided to be bold.. He had your back pressed against his hairy chest as you danced together to the beat of the music. 
One of his hands held your hips against his crotch, while the other danced down your body side, stopping at your hip and pulling you closer against the tent that was beginning to form in the boy's tight jeans.
Eddie watched everything from the other side of the room, his eyes following every slow movement your body made, burning holes in the uncovered skin of your cleavage. 
Every time Steve pressed his body against yours, Eddie looked away and sawed his fists, causing Steve to proudly smile.
Steve's eyes were locked with eddies while his mouth timidly explored the skin of your shoulder and neck, causing goosebumps that only a metalhead had caused to this day, when he realized that you didn't stop him, he was braver, leaving love bites on the exposed skin. 
Eddie noticed when your thighs pressed together, tighter every time Steve's mouth came close to yours. 
Eddie's heart missed the beat, it felt like hours of torture having to watch you like that with someone else, with his best friend on top of that.
Even though you understood the game Steve was playing, you decided to let yourself go and enjoy the little attention you rarely received. Seeing Eddie's reaction, watching each micro expression that appeared on his face was satisfying, with his knurled eyebrows and wrinkled nose you know that he was feeling the same thing you felt when he did the same in front of you.
"I need to go to the bathroom, angel. Do you want me to fill your cup?" Steve whispered in your ear and you just nodded, letting Steve go with a smile.
This was Eddie's chance to talk to you once and for all, and he no longer had the patience to put up with you being a brat. 
He knew that you would go outside, that you would light a cigarette and that you would wait for Harrington until he arrived with another alcohol bomb, he also knew that if he didn't do anything, he would lose you forever.
The mild temperature due to the late hour of the morning itched your exposed skin, causing goosebumps while you unsuccessfully tried to light your cigarette, too frustrated with everything around you to really pay attention to your surroundings.
“Here” you heard a husky voice coming from near the pool house “let me help you”.
The man approached slowly, the darkness using her cloak to cover your lover's face, only making you realize it was him, by fate's trap, when it was too late.
“I’m good, Edward. Thank you very much” you replied,
"What the hell is all that? What the fuck did I do to make you like this, Huh?” Eddie held your arms tightly, forcing you to look at him, you saw the anxiety and confusion that showed in his eyes, which caused an immeasurable pleasure to ignite in the pit of your stomach as you pressed his buttons more and more.
"What do you think I am Eddie? Just a toy when you don't have one of those dumb girls to fuck?" you spat at him with no mercy "and what do you think you are for him right now?" he said dryly,  "More than I ever was to you, right?"  he looks… hurt.
“Are you even listening to yourself? you’re sounding delusional.” he said letting your arm go.
“Oh! Poor Munson, where's Heather? giving a blowjob to some basketball player before ending up in your bed?" you cringed at the words that should have stayed in your head, giving up on the cigarette and making your way out the conversation.
“WOW!! Who stuck a stick up your ass, cutie? Was it Stevie?” He whispered in your ear, making you pull your arm free from Eddie's grip, leaving the mark of your five fingers on the boy's rosy cheek.
“Ed… I.. I'm" 
"Shut up, just shut the heck up ok?! I'm done with you” he said harshly, making you scared and before  you could say something, apologize or anything, Eddie was pulling you inside the pool house. 
You could feel the beats of the muffled music on the cold wall that Eddie pressed your body against. 
"Eddie, I'm sorry" you pleaded, almost begging, he pinch the bridge of his nose shaking his head in disbelief “let’s talk, please” you pleaded one more time.
"Of course sweetheart, NOW you wanna talk.” he gave you some space, sitting across the room, “just tell me why you're treating me like shit and I'll leave you, forever even.”
"Eddie, you... you” you tried to explain to him but the words just went away.
“I’m what babe? tell me what I did” his voice was almost failing. 
“You kissed her in front of me" you said through sobs “she said horrible things about me…and you did nothing about it” your tears betrayed you, rolling through your pale face, Eddie could see how big the fleek was on your poor heart.
The muffled sound of the party was the only thing that echoed inside that room, that and the heavy breathing of the man who stared at you, as if he had discovered some absurd secret.
“I went after you, I screamed your name several times through those damn corridors…I know you heard me” you could feel the sad tone behind the guy's bad boy pose.
He moved closer to you, entering your space, his contorted face reflected how painful the memory was. “and I found you, oh boy i found you! In the arms of MY best friend” he returned to the opposite side of the room and continued in silence, lighting his cigarette, the orange light from the lighter flame making Eddie's teary eyes shine in the darkness of the pool room.
“Eddie…what are you talking about?” You said with your voice still shaking, not paying much attention to what was said but to your best friend's sad eyes, “YOU kissed another girl in front of me, after we had sex! you asshole.”
Eddie stood up once again this time angrily shouting back at you “I DIDN’T FUCKING KISS HER”.
His hands caged you against the wall, against his body. He looked straight into your face, with his breathing still labored he whispered “and we didn't have sex”.
He placed a strand of your hair behind your ear, the tension could be cut with a knife. His eyes traveled between your eyes and your lips, waiting for a minute of weakness, any sign from you so he could have you the way he'd been wanting since the night you ran away from his dorm. 
Your hands shyly touched Eddie's face, bringing the boy's attention to stillness. You held his face firmly and still so unsure “I'm sorry Eds” you said running your fingers over the welts that marked his cheek.
Eddie pressed your bodies closer and held your hand against his cheek, taking advantage of the gap to connect your lips. The kiss started lightly, Eddie enjoyed every crumb you gave him, his tongue explored your mouth hungrily, trying to feel all your flavor, his thin fingers pressed the flesh of your waist, roaming freely over your abdomen, making your legs go limp “Eddie…” you sighed.
"what?" He said, moving his lips down your neck, following the same path that Steve had taken earlier, leaving bigger marks on your skin. He wanted everyone to know that you were his and no one else’s. 
He kissed your shoulder as he ran his hand up your thigh, past the hem of your skirt.
Noticing the lack of response, it's clear that teasing you was the boy's only option. “Did the cat get your tongue, sweetie?” His hands slowly felt your hips at the same time he pushed your legs apart with his knee and forced his leg between yours. He could feel how hot your pussy was from the heat that passed through his thigh “you seemed pretty brave when you were rubbing your ass against Stevie” he pressed his knee against your most sensitive part, gently brushing against your clit.
“I already told you Eddie, Steve and I are just friends” you said again, trying your best not to straddle your best friend’s thigh.
The boy finished taking off your shirt, exploring your breasts as he had done several other times. Eddie pinched and pulled your nipples, making the man feel you wet through your panties. He laughed in a mocking tone “look at you, you barely got off my best friend and you’re already here, all wet for me” his hands forced your movements, making you slowly ride his thigh “I saw your thighs pressing together, you know?” he said, increasing the intensity of the pace at which he guided you.
“Do you like being treated like a slut?” Eddie said taking you off his lap, in one movement he turned you around, face pressed against the old window covered in graffiti, it was too blurry to see you inside but depending on the angle you could see the people outside. “Did you like the feel of Steve’s dick rubbing against your ass?” he said as he pressed his own erection against you, making sure you felt every inch of him against the soft skin of your ass. “I know you liked it baby, there’s no need to be embarrassed” he patronizes you more and more.
With the panties around your ankle, Eddie adjusted your hips the way he wanted, brushing your entire pussy with the pink head of his cock.
"Are you sure?" he asked, without any malice or malice tone, you were already drunk on cock, just nodding your consent. “Words darling, use your words” “please Eddie, I need you” his voice came out more shrill than you wanted, showing his desperation.
In just one thrust, Eddie's entire cock slowly entered your tight pussy, “fuck…so thick” you moaned, not knowing if it was pain or pleasure, receiving sweet prayers from the man who filled you “shh…I know darling, It will soon be so delicious, I promise you” or “good girl, taking it all”, his words made you increasingly wet, making his back and forth movements easier.
“Fuck Eddie, more...I need more, please” you leaned against the window frame, managing to see Steve's confused features through the graffiti window, as he looked for you around the pool, not going unnoticed by Eddie either.
The man pushed into you harder and harder, your hands holding tight on the old wood making it shake. “Hmm… fucking tight, darling” he continued to fuck you, with one hand on your waist holding you in the position he needed and the other tangled in your hair, forcing you to look out the window, to look Steve.
"Eddie please" you begged, he could feel the adrenaline making his voice lower a few tones, every time Steve's eyes passed over you, Eddie could feel your pussy throb and squeeze his dick. “Make me cum Eds, please” you almost cried.
The large hand that held your head against the window ran down your entire body to where you needed it most. He fucked your pussy, changing the angle to hit your sweet spot while slowly massaging your citrices circularly, eliciting from you the most maddening moans Eddie had ever heard... "oh... Eddie I'm going to cum, fuck I'm going to cum " "fuck that pussy, please eddie" "Fill me, I want to feel you filling me Eddie", and Steve.
With his gaze fixed on his best friend, Eddie filled your pussy with his cum, not stopping pumping until the last drop of cum entered you. He helped you straighten up, bringing your back against his covered chest.
He kissed his neck while whispering how hot you were and how you were his and only his, leaving your breasts exposed against the window. His malicious smile began to make you suspicious of the boy's true intentions.
After a few minutes of recovering, you decided to get dressed again. Her panties on one side, her t-shirt rolled up on the floor and her skirt hanging from the window.
Your fingers pulled at the fabric of your skirt, revealing a large hole in the window where Steve stared at you and Eddie, while squeezing his erection through his pants. The boy's pink cheeks didn't bring you clarity, was that shame or lust?
Eddie’s hands went around you in a hug, resting his head on your shoulder “I told you he had a crush on you,” he kissed your cheek before walking away, opening the little door to the pool house “oh! Yeah and I'm sorry, I was really jealous." leaving you high and dry watching him go after his friend.
Taglist ~ dumblittlebunbun pettydonuts kerst666 emma77645 darknesseddiem tlclick73 the-fairy-anon mygirlchaos d4rk4ng3l86 corygshitilike madi-is-kinda-lame munsongirl97 alone-but-never themusingofagothicsoul foreveranexpatsposts anaibis laricebabe she-collects-smut chronicles-of-koystee
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tastesousweet · 4 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (v) - pt 1 pt 2 p3 p4
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matt sturniolo x fem!oc / reader
summary : y/n and matt don't have to like each other to continue this thing of theirs, right?
warnings : implications of sex, alcohol, mention of weed, ???
mickey speaks : THANK U FOR THE LOVE ON THIS SERIES!!! sorry if this part feels shorter than the usual !! things get cute in next few parts...
"SHE'S sick again?" remi asks, scooting herself further into the booth.
"yeah, i think it's her sinuses or something. she seemed pretty bummed about staying home, i feel awful." andrea pouts while glancing at the menu.
"she's the only person to ever be sick this often in june," remi giggles.
"we should order something to-go for her then. maybe soup?" erin suggests.
"that sounds nice, i'll text her- hopefully she's awake."
"i can't keep telling my friends i'm sick." you huff as you walk back into your room to find matt redressing.
"why not?" his voice is muffled through his shirt as he tugs it over his head, leaving his hair ruffled.
you lay yourself on your bed lazily, "because they're smart enough to stop believing me soon."
"and why can't they just mind their business?" he looks over to you before reaching down to adjust the white shoes on his feet.
you stretch an arm out to grab your phone from your side table, mumbling, "you must not have friends who worry for you.”
he shakes his head then sighs, “sure, my friends care about me, but they also know when to leave me the fuck alone.”
“right, and my friends know me well enough to know i’m never asking to be left alone.” your comment comes out with more sass than you intended but you know he doesn't understand (or care to understand) your friendships enough to comment on them. then again, you were the one who brought this up in the first place.
"mmm...right. forgot you're just a little insane," he tsks, looking into your mirror and adjusting his shirt some more.
"shut up, matt," you continue staring at your phone, though it's only open to your home screen because you're far more engaged in the conversation than anything your phone could give you. "okay actually, what should i dooo?" you whine.
"i sure as hell won't know?!" his face twists up as he turns to look at you, "you're a smart girl, i'm sure you can figure it out."
you roll your eyes, "'kay... well maybe i've picked up a hobby...like, i dont know, painting! and i just really enjoy painting all alone, 'cause it helps me...focus?"
matt sarcastically laughs through his words, “you’re weird as shit,” he throws your plush throw blanket (that fell on the floor when you pushed matt on your bed just an hour ago) at you. “alright, i’m headin’ out.”
you don’t even give him a second look, “bye.”
a few cheers of “ayy” and “look who made it” echo out from across the small alley as matt tucks his keys in his front pocket.
he looks over to see chris excitedly pointing at him with an arm hooked on nathan’s neck and another close friend, elijah, sitting on an oversized couch with a smile.
matt chuckles under his breath and walks closer to them, taking in the rowdy and neoned atmosphere of this downtown bowling alley. “what’s good?” he greets his group of friends.
“what’s good with you?” nathan counters with a grin as he moves to dap up matt.
matt shrugs into the handshake as eli begins to speak and stand up, “yeah, where the fuck are you comin' from?”
“home. don’t worry about it,” matt defends as his tongue guides over his hidden smile with a loose shrug of a shoulder.
“nooo! just say it how it is, matt,” chris says through a bite of nachos, “you slept in late and forgot about boys night, big fucking deal. you’re here now!” he throws his hands up before letting them fall to his sides dramatically.
matt slowly nods his head in sarcastic agreement as he faces his friends, "he's right."
he almost wants to laugh at the fact that chris actually believed his fake-sleeping enough to let him off the hook for "forgetting" their group hangout.
cameron wanders over to the group after taking his turn bowling, “‘kay, nate it’s your turn.” he then quips his chin up with a sudden grin, "hey, matt! about time you showed."
"better late than never," he breathes before joking, "you know i had to let you guys get at least a round in before i got here to start dominating."
“the word choice is a bit insane,” nick exaggerates as he approaches with arms full of bottled water and soda cans, "how about you go get your fucking shoes before you make that kind of claim." he moves around matt to place drinks on the coffee table (decorated with various bowling ball and pin themed clutter that made nick way to happy when first seeing it).
elijah places a hand on matt's shoulder, "i'll come with you, matt."
"sick baby, i'm home nowww!" andrea yells from the front door.
you mentally gather yourself to continue your deception. you add weight to your eyelids, purposely making them droop and make your voice extra scratchy, as if you'd only just awoken.
andrea's at your door quickly, only tapping it slightly open, not wanting to blind you with the harsh yellowed lighting of the hallway. "hi, you up?"
you tussle under your comforter and give a small nod, "mhm."
"do you think you're like, contagious? i have your soup here and really wanna tell you some shit about tonight." she smiles warmly.
"no you're fine. please come in, i've been all alone and bored as hell," you rub your eye softly for effect.
you feel pretty guilty about this whole thing but you aren't hiding anything tragic from her. and this "illness" hasn't ruined that many hangouts...only the one's that happen to fall on days matt texts you.
"i hate to see my favorite bitch down like this, this soup better make you feel better immediately." she sighs as she comes into your room, noisy plastic bag in hand.
"i know," you lift yourself to sit up against your headboard as she sits next to you, "think i should be all better soon. i can't miss another shift at the bakery."
you were never missing work for matt, but to cover your ass you did miss a day or two of work to show your friends just how "sick" you were. if you were sick enough to stay home from work you surely were sick enough to avoid a girls night or two. but you guess it technically does come down to matt...unfortunately.
"yeah, i'm sure mr. houffman will lose it of you call off again," she giggles, sifting through the bag for your soup and silverware.
barely a week later and you're feeling the best you have in a while, with the guilt of pretending to be sick no longer following you.
it's the fourth of july so there was absolutely no way you'd be continuing that act. you weren't missing out on a holiday with as many parties as this one.
and when chris asked andrea to get the girls to come party hop for the night, you told her yes immediately.
you're currently sat atop a random kitchen counter as nick moves around to make a concoction cocktail for you. you lean back on your hands to watch as he uses a knife to slice a small lime as garnish. "wow you really have an eye for this shit, nick," you laugh at his focused stare (he tries to compensate for any drinks he's had so far, not wanting to slice a finger off).
"i guess i'm just a natural!" he exclaims as he places the lime on the rim of the plastic cups, "okay, one for you," you take it from him, "and one for me." he grins at you.
"cheers!" you motion your drink towards him and he echoes you before you both take large sips.
your eyes pinch before they grow wide, "...why's it actually...good?" you laugh.
"you bitch! you thought i'd give you a shitty drink?!" he giggles and goes for another sip of his own.
"it's not that-"
you're cut off by matt's voice, "alright, time to dip. everyone's sayin' this place is really weird."
you both look over at him with his mellow attitude and perfectly organized outfit (so that he'd 'have all the colors but not look like a walking american flag'). "what? this place has been a good time so far! right, nick?"
"suppperrrr fun. maybe it's a you problem, matt." he jokes.
"come on, chris is the one who sent me to get you two. you know i would've left you both a few houses back." he teases.
you slide off of the counter easily, "okaaay," you look into his eyes and pat his chest twice mumbling, "someone needs a smoke break," before walking off in search of the door.
"wait y/n!" nick grabs a few sealed jello shots from an ice bucket nearby before rushing after you.
though he doesn't catch up to you before matt does, grabbing your hand, "you don't even know where the fuck you're going."
you breathe out defeated, "i'm sure i could've figured it out. i don't need you bossing me around."
matt pouts with squinted eyes and his head tilted, "sure."
nick comes up to you, continuing to stuff the shots into his jort pockets, "do these shorts make my ass look fat?" he turns to show you his side profile (already giggling before the punchline of his joke lands) that showcases the multiple items shoved into his back pockets and protrude out in awkward shapes.
you and nick both fall into a laughing fit and matt only ghosts a smile at his brother's stupidity before tugging your hand towards an exit. "wait! here, hold this please," you hand your drink to matt and reach your hand out for nick's. when he takes your hand willingly you raise your conjoined hands with a smile, "aw, we're like a little train!"
nick adds to the joke by pretending to be a conductor, exclaiming all the cliche lines he knows to make you laugh.
matt finally pushes a front door open, the warm summer air finally surrounding you once more. the rest of the group chatter along the sidewalk across the street. "my friends!" nick yells.
the three of you make your way down the wooden stairs (that seem to be steeper when going down than they were to walk up), and once you're in the grass your hand drops from matts's as nick drags you across the street quickly to crash into your friends.
remi's face is annoyed and confused at first but changes immediately when she recognizes your face. she throws her arms around you for a hug, "y/n! you were found!" you laugh into her neck as she sways back and forth.
"okay guys i'm thinking we hit up the place that the end of this block, right there. they've got some crazy lights goin' on so it should be fun." chris points in the direction and looks to the group for opinions.
"yeah! let's do it!" nate encourages.
the group begin to walk down the sidewalk (and slightly into the grass) lined with miniature american flags and past the many houses full of people and decorated with fairy lights and expensive garland.
naturally, everyone gravitates into cliques due to the amount of small conversations happening at once.
"that's unreal!" erin adds while hanging her arm on your shoulder, as you both listen to remi's dramatic retelling of some guy's awful flirting with her.
"i''m so over these trash ass men," remi shakes her head.
"tell me about it," erin sighs, rolling her eyes.
just as you begin to add your own opinion, matt taps your shoulder. he seems to always find a way to interrupt you. you glance behind you and see him holding your cocktail from earlier up.
"oh thanks, i forgot you had that," erin leans off of you to give you space to turn around and grab it.
though her eyes linger on matt for a second too long causing him to send her a smile and raise his eyebrows slightly in awkward question.
you feel the tension bite at the air around you and in hopes of escaping it, you turn back around and prompt remi with a new topic to discuss.
only, now you miss when erin gives matt a second glance back- and this time she offers a gentle wave and smile to him, in truce.
after a few more stops at parties (you all got a little greedy about the free drinks and food which brought three extra "one more"s before deciding to cut it off), you all head to a nearby park to end the night with a firework show.
it was surprisingly well organized, with blankets already laid out around the large grassy area so that anyone could sit and watch whether they'd planned to or not.
the night has started to get the slightest bit cooler which was much needed after such an eventful three hours, leaving everyone exhausted in their comfortable spots; chris resting his head against andrea's full thighs, you next to her with your legs sprawled and arms extended behind you, nick and nathan both sat with their legs crossed, admiring the bright fireworks despite nick's flinching every-so-often.
the blanket next to you hosts erin, remi, matt, and cameron. all laying out as they laugh and talk, which you assume comes from a combination of the edibles they'd all taken at one of the parties and remi's addictingly outgoing nature that can force anyone to want to talk to her.
the booming fireworks go on for another twenty minutes before dying down and leaving the crowd in the dark, smokey air.
as you adjust to standing and take out your phone to use as a makeshift flashlight, you read the most recent of your many notifcations:
MATT - 12:36 AM
you down to paint after this???
you bite at your freshly chapped bottom lip before looking over to matt, who's currently using his hands obnoxiously to explain something he's clearly passionate about to cameron.
you sliently sigh before replying:
YOU -12:47 AM
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆🎱˚
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oliverstarksbae · 5 months
Picked up pieces
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♡ hi, this is my first ever one shot, so this might be bad, but I hope you enjoy 😉
♡ summary: in which they realize they are made to pick each other pieces
Evan buckley was a player but that was before he met (y/n) she very much was the complete opposite "the ray of sunshine type of girl" So why did she fall in love with him beacuse behind the bad boy act was someone who was hurt and needed some one .
Now it was a normal Saturday he was at work she was at home doing some house work at there shared home made some food read a book and catch up on her favorite show
It had now hit 11pm Evans shift does not finish till 2 so she went to the living room and saw the news.
When she click channel 8 she heard "this is a live broadcast of a horrific hotel fire so far many firefighters are having a though time helping." said a red hair woman
(Y/n's) mind spiraled of what she heard but then took a worried breath beacus the first thing the she thought was ok maybe this is a different firehouse in the 118 area beacuse they were busy
She tried and tried to belive that but then she saw the 118 written on the firetruck that's when she panicked and started to pace around the house with her mind full of worry but it was still not his time to get off so she decided to look at her phone every 5 seconds for the time he gets off.
Evan buckley was stressed to say the least first he was trapped where there was a huge fire which he got out of beacuse he thought of who he cause the most for and how if he did not get out how many people would have been devastated
Then he was not able to save someone today which hurt worst then he thought it would.
He went on his phone and called (y/n) by pressing the contact lover girl <3 ❤️
Then the first thing he heard was, "OH MY GOD EVAN ARE YOU OK I WAS SO WORRIED I SAW ON THE NEW-"
"I'm fine" he replied with not so nice but not that serious tone still in shock on what happen
"Ok let me know when you get home E I love you" said (y/n)
" Yeah see you bye" he said not realizing that he did not say I love you back
(Y/n) on the other hand was confused but decided not to think much beacuse maybe he was tired?
*A few minutes later *
A knock sounded on the door she rushed up to it and ran to evan the give him a hug
"Oh my god, evan, I was so worried. I'm so glad you're ok." she pulled him into a hug, but then he started shaking, and it lok like he was going to cry?
"Evan are you ok? Ok-i-I- need you to calm down fallow my breathing ok?" He agreed while shaking and tears slowing coming down his face
"Baby, I need you to tell me why you are crying. Are you hurt-" he gulped and said, "No-no im-not"
"Ok did something happen?" She asked
"Yes-yes-some-thing-did," he said
"Ok, what happened? I need you to tell me when you're ready, ok?"
"I w-as g-etting some-one an-d we put h-Im on the gurny and in the amb-ul-an-ce he cod-ed" he said it while it replaying in his mind what happened
" E oh my God it's ok you did the best you can and you saved many people ok I love you I want you to know that"
"B-ut I didn't save them I ki-lled hi-m"
"Evan buckley do not think that way you did the best you can and your ability to risk your life every day for strangers now I think you should go take a shower and get ready for bed"
He replied with a happy gentle smile
After everyone was done they both hopped
Onto bad a cuddled she being to big spoon
And slowly he fell asleep but before he said.
"I love you so much and thank you for being there for me"
"Of course I am there for you now I'm tried so goodnight"
"Good night"
Before she fell asleep she thought about what she said and she knew he was hurt plot but she really didn't think it was bad enough for this to happen but she realizedThey were made for each to pick up the pieces other people broke
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asahicore · 1 year
gorgeous - lhs
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"you should take it as a compliment that i'm talking to everyone here but you / and you should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in a darkened room" - gorgeous by taylor swift
series masterlist - part one - part two - part three
prompt 45 of the 100 kisses list, "we shouldn't do this" but they do so anyway
pairing. best friend's brother!heeseung x fem!reader synopsis. Heeseung comes back from his first year of university a new man - forget nervous, fidgety, dorky Heeseung and say hello to confident, teasing, flirty Heeseung. This change of attitude doesn't help your longstanding crush on your best friend's brother, and neither does the rising tension between the two of you - a tension that is bound to explode. genre. f2l, did i mention this was a best friend's brother au?, only fluff in this part but more to come, perhaps suggestive due to tension between reader and hee and makeout session lol word count. 8.1k (yes an asahicore fic under 10k thank u very much) a/n. hi loves i'm super happy to be posting this bc its the very first fic out of the 100 kisses event and its a project im really excited about !!! i know i said like 2 days ago it'd take me a while to write this but i got super motivated over the weekend and it turned out shorter than i thought and bestie @k-ingzo zo did a super amazing job at beta reading this so i was able to post it really quickly !! anyways hope you enjoy this, pls lmk,, and hope u look forward to the rest of the series as well !! ok bye
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Nine years ago
“Y/N, honey, come meet your new friends!”
You rushed down the stairs at your mom’s call - at eight, you were always excited by the idea of new friends. She’d also called Naeun down, but lately, your sister had been acting like doing anything your parents asked her would cost her her life.
There in your living room were four unfamiliar faces, but your parents were smiling warmly, so you weren’t too nervous. Instinctively, you found your mother’s side and she rested her hand on your head, bending down to talk to you.
“Y/N, these are the Lees, they’ve just moved to the neighborhood.”
“Hi,” you greeted shyly, and were met with four hi’s in return.
“Heeseung and Seeun here started going to the same school as you,” she informs, nodding her head towards the young boy and girl. Now that she said it, the boy looked really familiar. You thought you recognized him from school that day - his glasses were definitely memorable. “And Seeun is the exact same age as you!” Your face lit up at that, and her expression mirrored yours as her lips curled into a smile. “Why don’t you show her your room?”
“Sure! Come on,” you said, holding out your hand for Seeun to take. She looked back at her parents who were nodding vigorously at her to follow you. You just played for half-an-hour, and Heeseung joined you quickly, saying he was bored with the adults downstairs. He didn’t talk much, instead found some of your toys to play with in his own corner. 
When the Lees left, you were thinking two things: one, you couldn’t wait to tell Chaeyeong about Seeun, and two, that boy with the big glasses was really, really cute.
“Seeun, why the hell didn’t you tell us that your brother is a mega-hottie now?!”
This is what your friend Chaeyeong whisper-screams in lieu of a greeting as she barges in Seeun’s room, plopping down on her bed like it was her own. It might as well have been, considering how long the three of you had known each other.
“If you ever refer to my brother as a mega-hottie again, I’m terminating this friendship,” Seeun replies, not bothering to look up from the bead bracelet she was currently making.
“Oh please, just because you’re his sister doesn’t mean you haven’t noticed how attractive he’s gotten,” Chaeyeong insists, but it just makes Seeun scrunch her nose in disgust.
“Chaeyeong, please stop making it so obvious you’re an only child,” Seeun sighs. You let out a giggle at your friends’ conversation as you search for another color that could go well with the pink beads you’d chosen for your own bracelet. 
Stealthily, Chaeyeong leaves her spot on the bed and sneaks up to you. “Y/N!” she exclaims suddenly, wrapping her arms around your shoulders in a sneak-attack hug that makes you yelp. It makes you drop your half-finished bracelet, the beads falling all over the carpeted floor around you. You look up at Chaeyeong with a pout, but she just smiles at you and starts picking up the beads, gathering the tiny pink jewels in the palm of her hand.
“Y/N, you’re with me on this one, aren’t you?”
You ignore Seeun’s side-eye and give in to Chaeyeong’s encouraging expression. “I guess he does look very…” you pause to carefully consider your word choice. “Different,” you settle on.
“Different? That’s it? Y/N, you should really consider getting some glasses, seeing how you’re so blind to hot boys.” Cue a loud groan, Seeun’s courtesy. You just giggle again, slightly shaking your head at Chaeyeong’s antics. She rolled her eyes, disappointed that you didn’t back her up, but she drops the subject and switches to Seeun’s upcoming birthday party. Something great about being generally quiet? People don’t question it when you don’t partake much in a conversation. You listen and laugh as your friends bicker, but your mind is on something else.
Or rather, it’s on someone else.
Because Chaeyeong is absolutely right - Seeun’s brother has glowed up so much during his time away at university that you had a double-take when he opened the door for you earlier.
The sentence this is so unfair plays over and over in your head.
You’d heard of the freshman fifteen, of college first-years being so stressed over grades and having so little time that their diet consisted of instant ramen, quick cafeteria lunches, and an ungodly amount of coffee. And alcohol, on Friday nights, of course. After seeing how freshman year treated your older sister, you were dreading going to college, imagining it to be the complete opposite of what TV and movies had shown you.
So how the hell had Lee Heeseung gone from high school loser to campus hearthrob in the span of a mere nine months? (After some thinking, you realized that, well, if a woman can create a whole human being in nine months, maybe a regular guy can undergo great physical and mental change in that time, too.)
In September, when you’d last seen him, he wore the same glasses he had for all of high school - those slightly crooked ones that made his eyes look even bigger than they already were. He always had to push them back up his nose but he never bothered to get them fixed, even though all they needed was for the arms to be tightened. You remember his tic-like habit of readjusting his glasses, a habit so strong that he did it even when he wasn’t wearing them. Maybe they bothered him so much that he decided to get rid of them once and for all, you guess. 
Indeed, when he greeted you at his front door earlier (even after years of knowing Seeun and her family and no matter how much they reassure you that it’s okay, you’re unable to come in without knocking first, like Chaeyeong does), he wasn’t wearing his thick lenses you’d grown fond of. His eyes didn’t look unfocused like they usually would without glasses, so you assumed he’d switched to contact lenses - you knew it wasn’t Lasik surgery, because Seeun was always complaining that her parents wouldn’t pay for her or her brother to receive it. 
But it wasn’t just the glasses, of course not. There was an ease and confidence about him that he didn’t have before - no awkward giggles, no darting eyes, no weirdly positioned limbs. He held the door open for you and kept his eyes on you as you walked in, saying it was nice to see you again and asking if you were happy to be done with high school. You already weren’t expecting Heeseung to open the door in Seeun’s stead, so him actually looking at you while he spoke instead of mumbling a few words in your general direction and scratching the back of his neck rendered you completely flustered, cheeks heating up embarrassingly quickly.
His hair was different: it used to sit there atop Heeseung’s head, unsure what to do with itself, but now it was purposefully cut and slightly pushed back. When he turned his head, you saw something shiny dangling from his left ear.
Heeseung had a piercing. Shy, nervous, fidgety electronics club president Heeseung had a goddamn piercing, and it looked amazing. 
And then he laughed. He actually had the audacity to laugh, and then ruffle your hair. You could’ve died right then and there. “You’re still just as cute as before,” he mused, beaming down at you. Then he walked away towards the living room, saying Seeun was in her room upstairs. As if nothing happened. As if you weren’t on the verge of combusting, your saving grace being your friend’s voice calling out your name. You ran up the stairs, wanting to get as far away from Heeseung and his smile and his voice and his touch as possible. You busied yourself with the pearls and the small bracelet-making station Seeun had organized, trying not to think about the vein that ran down his forearm or about how his shoulders looked wider than before. And you’d managed to do that, until Chaeyeong brought him up.
It wasn’t unfair because he’d grown mysteriously hot - it was unfair because to you, Heeseung had always been the cutest boy around, but now other people had surely noticed too, Chaeyeong amongst them. Now, you were just one of the many girls that had a crush on Heeseung, even if yours dated back to the first time you’d met him when the Lees moved into the neighborhood. 
Their parents had been delighted that two girls of their daughter’s age - eight, to be precise - lived on their street. You were delighted that the cute boy you’d seen at school that day was her big brother, just one year older. Chaeyeong and you gladly welcomed Seeun into your friendship and you had each other’s back through the awkward phases of your early teenage years and the stressful times as high school seniors getting ready for college. You shared everything - clothes, jewelry, homework answers, gossip, tears, laughter. Secrets.
You liked to think there wasn’t a thing you didn’t know about them, but you couldn’t say the opposite was true - there was a secret you had to keep from them. A secret that grew bigger and bigger as time passed, but that you needed to keep locked in.
You had the biggest crush known to mankind on your best friend’s brother. It was either keep quiet or tell both of your friends; you trusted Chaeyeong, but you didn’t want her to carry that burden. You had no idea what Seeun’s reaction would be if you admitted you liked her brother, but you didn’t want to risk it. Every best friend’s brother (or brother’s best friend) romance you’d read had told you that the former was always against and deeply disgusted by the idea of their friend dating the latter. The last thing you wanted to do was make things weird, so you said nothing and suffered in silence, as one does. And so, for years, Heeseung was your little secret.
But not anymore, apparently. And it felt unfair. You didn’t have much of a chance to begin with, but now, getting with Heeseung was inimaginable. You’d just have to continue pining from far away, just as you’d gotten used to.
Four years ago
Your heart pounded as you made your way to the bus stop, steps heavy and head full of thoughts. Even though your older sister told you there’s nothing to worry about, you couldn’t help it. You were used to walking to school, not taking the bus. After three years of seeing the same people roaming the hallways, it was nerve-wracking to arrive at a place where most faces would be completely unfamiliar. You didn’t know what your teachers would be like, you were scared your classes would be a hundred times harder than before, you heard the cafeteria food was really bad. In short, you were absolutely dreading high school. And today was your first day.
The only thing that calmed you down was knowing that in a few minutes, you’d be with Seeun and Chaeyeong, and just seeing them would make you feel instantly better. You were meeting at the bus stop.
But when you reached it, neither of your friends were there. You shouldn’t have been surprised, since you’d come ten minutes early, but you couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed. That is, until you recognized someone else.
“Heeseung?” you called out before you could stop yourself. The boy snapped his head in your direction, and his eyes widened at the sight of you. Simple things like that made your heart burst with adoration for him.
“Oh, h-hi, Y/N.” He smiled the shy smile you loved so much and looked back at his feet, holding on tightly to the straps of his backpack. You stood next to him, close enough to have a conversation if he wanted to but not so close that it’d be weird.
Heeseung was the only person you felt awkward around. Even though you were on the quieter side and strangers weren’t your favorite people per se, being around people you didn’t know well wasn’t your definition of torture like it seemed to be for Heeseung and other kids from your school. But Heeseung’s awkwardness was contagious, and your crush on him didn’t help your ease of mind - so you imitated his posture, swaying back and forth on your feet as you held onto your backpack straps just to have something to hold onto. You smiled at the ground, not wanting to make him uncomfortable by looking at him, but that meant you missed the growing blush on his cheeks.
“So,” he started, “nervous?” He glanced quickly, just once, at you. You were so surprised at his breaking the silence, used to a quiet Heeseung, that you forgot to answer, simply staring at him. His panicked expression and mumblings were what jolted you out of your daze. “I-I mean, you know, cause it’s your first day and everything, and I was really nervous last year- I am today, too, actually- so I thought maybe, you know, you’re nervous too, but maybe you’re not, I don’t-”
He said all of this so quickly, you started laughing, slightly bending over. He let out a chuckle too, but as you continued laughing, a pout started to form on his lips. “What’s so funny…” you heard him grumble as he kicked a non-existent pebble.
“Sorry,” you said, regaining your breath. “I’m sorry, Heeseung.” The sound of his name made him glance at you again. You wished you could kiss the pout off his lips. “I was nervous, actually. But I feel better now.”
A quick smile appeared on his lips, but he willed it away. “I’m glad my embarrassment made you feel better,” he sighed.
You gently kicked his shoe with yours to make him look at you. “No, it’s because you made me laugh. I needed it. Thanks,” you corrected with a smile. Heeseung may have made you feel awkward, but the easiness with which he always got flustered made you love to tease him slightly.
His smile widened as he looked away once more, the blush having spread to his whole face by then. “Whatever,” he murmured. There was no time to say anything else because Seeun called out your name, practically skipping towards you. 
She gave you an excited hug as a greeting before turning towards her brother with a glare, punching him hard on the bicep, making him wince in pain and reach his hand to cover his arm where she hit him. “Thanks for waiting for me, loser.”
“You were gonna make us late!” he whined, rubbing his arm.
“Yeah, ‘cause I obviously missed the bus,” she tutted.
You watched the siblings with an amused smile, used to the exact same kind of banter at home. Your sister, who was in her last year of high school, had decided not to drive you for some reason only an older sister could make up and pretend was reasonable. Your parents had tried to convince her, but you didn’t mind taking the bus with your friends, so they didn’t push it, just glad they could somehow keep the both of you happy.
Heeseung didn’t say anything in return. Your eyes met for a moment, and his frown relaxed into a smile when he caught your expression. It lasted a second but it was enough to make your stomach twist. Seeun, oblivious, grabbed your arm and started telling you about all the things she was excited about for today. You were worried Chaeyeong wasn’t going to make it, but her footsteps were loud as she ran, reaching you just as the bus stopped in front of you. Heeseung took what you soon found out was his usual spot at the front of the bus while your friends dragged you towards the back of it. You tried not to let your thoughts drift towards the boy with the messy black hair and crooked glasses, but his shy smile replayed in your mind all day. For a year, you’d gotten used to not going to the same school as him - you didn’t know how you’d survive seeing him at least five days a week once again.
You were really determined to not let Heeseung’s newfound confidence sway you, physically shaking your head every time a thought of him popped in your head (useless) and racking your brain for reasons you shouldn’t like him (not many of those). There was just one teeny, tiny problem.
He was making it impossible to pine for him at a distance. 
It seemed like everywhere you went, he was there. Maybe that was due to the fact that your most frequently visited place was literally his house, but still. It was frustrating. You didn’t need to be met with his stupid smile whenever he opened the door for you, you didn’t need to catch him cutely napping - how was that even possible?! - in the living room, a random sitcom still playing on the TV, you didn’t need to hear his laughter when his friends were over, and you definitely did not need to see him half-naked as he came out of the bathroom, hair wet from the shower and sticking to his forehead, towel wrapped low around his hips and his abs fully on display. Because of course, you had to be in the hallway, heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water, at the exact same time as him. 
You almost start to resent the fact that Seeun had the comfiest bedroom out of the three of you, as well as the most snack-filled house, which was why you had decided years ago to hang out there the most. Especially during school breaks, you were there almost every day, so you were bound to see Heeseung a lot. But for some reason, that didn’t seem to be enough, and over the course of June, you also ran into him while shoe-shopping with your mom, then another time as you entered the public library just when he left it, and another when your friends and his had decided to get ice cream at the same time. It was like you couldn’t escape him.
The worst part? Every time he saw you, while you simultaneously wanted to run away from him and into his arms, his damnedly handsome face broke into a stupidly beautiful smile that looked far too genuine for your heart. “Y/N! Funny seeing you here!”
No, Heeseung, not funny.
You didn’t want to be that girl whose brain cells stopped working whenever she encountered an attractive male specimen, but that was apparently who you were meant to be, because all words left you when you saw Heeseung. Although you’d been somewhat flustered around him in the past, he was always much more so than you, which reassured you and gave you enough confidence to actually talk to him. But now that he had realized how handsome he was and was clearly using that newfound knowledge against you (or so you thought), you were unable to string a coherent sentence when his shiny eyes bore into yours.
You think he might’ve sensed your awkwardness, because he never lingered, never made useless small talk, just asked about your favorite ice cream flavor or the book he’d checked out, patted your head, then was on his way.
There were so many butterflies in your stomach, you were scared it might fly away.
One afternoon in the middle of July, you and your friends come back from the city pool completely exhausted after playing around for hours in the water. All bundled up and close together, you try to nap on Seeun’s bed. Keyword try, because even though your friends’ soft snores quickly start to fill the silence of the room, you can’t seem to fall asleep, no matter how heavy your eyes feel.
Quietly, you get out of bed and head downstairs to the kitchen, hoping a cold glass of water will help sleep come to you like it usually does. You shouldn’t be surprised to see Heeseung in the dining room/kitchen area, busy with a puzzle, the pieces of which he’s spread out all over the table, but your heart still does a flip. He must be really engrossed in it, because he doesn’t notice your presence in the room until you fill a glass with ice, the sudden sound making his head snap up at you. You hate that his face breaks into a grin as soon as he sees you.
“Oh, hey, Y/N! What are you doing?”
“Just getting some water,” you explain, raising your glass with a small smile. Your whole body tells you to run away, back to Seeun’s bedroom, but something in your gut tells you to stay, to get closer to Heeseung. So you do. “What about you?” you ask, slowly making your way towards the table and peering at the puzzle in progress.
“Just whipping up some brownies,” he retorts with a devilish smirk, big eyes looking up at you. 
You fight back a smile in vain. “Shut up,” you mumble, but take a seat next to him anyway. He seems slightly taken aback by the sudden proximity, and you are too, but you keep your gaze focused on the puzzle in front of you so that you can’t think too much about how close you’re sitting, and how your knees could touch if you angled them just so.
For a small while you sit in silence, watching as he puts pieces together and even finding a couple of your own. It’s a one-thousand piece jigsaw that he’s clearly only just started, but Heeseung doesn’t seem fazed by that. You like seeing how his eyebrows slightly furrow when he’s searching for a particular piece, and the pleased smirk that graces his lips when he finds it. You break the silence after a few minutes.
“So you still like puzzles, then?” you ask, voice low. You’ve always been told you speak quietly - even too quietly sometimes, but you can’t always help it. Especially in situations like this, when it’s silent around you anyways, you don’t see the point of raising your voice. When Heeseung replies, he speaks at the same volume as you, and there’s something comforting about it, about speaking quietly in such a spacious and sunlit room - the words you share are for you two, and you two only.
“Yep, ever since that day.” He glances quickly at you and smiles at the piece in his hand, and it’s like getting a glimpse of the Heeseung you had known all those years. Your heart warms at the sight.
“That day?”
This makes him look properly at you, his eyes darting back and forth between yours as if searching for something there. Your heart is now on fire. “Don’t you remember?”
You tilt your head in response and he turns his attention back to the puzzle. “It was at this table, too. I think your grandparents- your grandma, I think? Anyway, someone had gotten you a puzzle for your birthday.”
You ‘ah’ in realization. “Of course!”
Two years ago
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I don’t think I can do this, it’s so complicated,” Seeun pouted apologetically, looking at you sadly. “We’ve been here like an hour and we’ve barely gotten anywhere.” 
Chaeyeong, head on the table, groaned in agreement. You followed your friend’s gaze to the puzzle in front of you - she was right, you hadn’t made much progress. But you liked it. The picture was pretty and you’d like to see it completed, but more than that, you liked finding the right piece, figuring out strategies.
You hummed, mirroring Seeun’s pout. Chaeyeong snapped her head back up to look at you. You’d think she hadn’t slept in days, but that was just bored Chaeyeong. You loved your friend and her over-dramatic antics. “Can we just take a break?” she asked, tone like you’d kidnapped and forced her to do this.
“You guys go ahead.” You smiled. “I like it, I can just continue this for a while and you guys do whatever you want.” The three of you spent so much time together that you didn’t need to be doing an activity together to be happy - being in each other’s general vicinity was enough to be considered a hang-out.
“You sure?” Seeun asked.
“Yeah, ‘course.” You chuckled at the obvious relief on your friend’s faces. “Just don’t watch the next Extraordinary You episode without me, okay?”
They both gasped and clutched their hearts like you’d accused them of murder. “How could you even think that, Y/N?!” Chaeyeong exclaimed.
“We would never!” Seeun added.
You shook your head at your friends’ antics, laughing as you waved them off. “Just go, already.”
“Yes, ma’am!” And with that, they were off, running up the stairs to Seeun’s bedroom.
You were only on your own for around ten minutes - the front door opened and closed, and the quiet shuffle of shoes being taken off and replaced with slippers let you know Heeseung had just come home. Seeun always made a show of being exhausted after school, groaning as she threw her backpack to the ground, while Mr and Mrs Lee always announced their arrival with a sometimes cheery, sometimes tired ‘I’m home!’. But Heeseung, quiet as always, simply set his backpack next to the stairs, slipped into his slippers and made his way to the kitchen, fond of a quick snack after school. Even Chaeyeong made herself more known when she entered the Lee household.
Every day except for Fridays, he came home two hours later than his sister because of either magic or electronics club (yes, magic club. It was cute, okay?!). You always looked forward to the monthly meeting of the book club you were in, partly because it meant you could take the bus back with Heeseung afterwards. Even if the ride was usually mainly silent, just sitting next to him was enough for your heart to do all sorts of tricks worthy of an Olympic gymnast. 
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” he greeted softly, probably surprised at seeing you alone at the dinner table.
“Hi, Heeseung. How was the electronics club?” You wanted to make conversation, but you winced immediately at your words - was it normal for you to know what club he had on what days?
But Heeseung seemed to pay it no mind, just smiling shyly, a blush already creeping on his cheeks. “It was nice, thanks.” He opened the fridge, taking out a carton of milk. “Do you want a glass?” When you didn’t respond immediately, he was quick to add, “Of milk? O-or orange juice? Or I can make some tea, if you want-”
His hands were already busy with preparing whatever drink he thought you might want. You held back a chuckle and smiled as you answered, “Milk is fine, thanks.”
His blush spread all the way down his neck and you turned your attention back to the puzzle so he wouldn’t see your grin. “Right, milk. Milk,” he stammered, then got two glasses out of the cupboard.
You loved moments like these with Heeseung - flustered, light-hearted, slightly awkward, moments that made you want to giggle out of nerves and delight. Basically every moment with him was like this, so it’d be more accurate to say you loved every moment with him.
“I didn’t know you liked puzzles,” he said, an upward tilt to his voice, as he set your glass next to you and took a seat across from you. He peered down at the pieces spread out in front of you, fixed his glasses on his nose, and took a big gulp of milk.
“I didn’t either,” you said with a chuckle, and stammered out an explanation when he looked up at you questioningly. “My, um, my grandma gave this to me for my birthday last month. She’s got a lot of grandkids, you know, and I think she might’ve mixed up my other cousin who likes puzzles and me…” Heeseung nods slowly, the corners of his lips tugging up in amusement. “But I don’t mind it,” you add, “I’m having fun, actually. Seeun and Chaeyeong are of a different mind, though. It’s a bit hard doing it on my own but I like it anyway.”
“I can help you,” he suddenly blurted out, and he looked just as surprised at his words as you were. “If you want.”
You smiled at him, and Heeseung and you actually looked at each other, actually held eye contact for three seconds, until you felt your face burn and had to look away. “Sure, yeah, that’d be nice.”
Although it took some time to finish the puzzle - putting 500 pieces together was a lot trickier than you thought it’d be - Heeseung and you managed to do it, high fiving celebratorily after almost two hours of hard work.
“I just had a lot of fun that day.” Heeseung shrugs. “Plus, I already liked things like Legos and Rubik’s cubes, so it made sense I’d like puzzles, too.” 
You nod in response, watching as he twirls a puzzle piece between his thumb and middle finger. “It’s funny that my grandma’s mistake is what made you discover your love for puzzles.”
Heeseung chuckles along with you, and you’re relieved the atmosphere is somewhat lighter than before until he looks straight into your eyes, locking your gaze in his own, and a breath gets trapped in your throat. “I’m glad she did that, otherwise we wouldn’t be here right now.”
You’re still staring at him, dumbfounded, mouth agape, when he looks away with a smirk and turns his attention back to the puzzle, analyzing it seriously as if nothing happened. You come back to your senses after a few seconds, clearing your throat before imitating Heeseung and trying to focus on the puzzle once again. But that’s hard to do when your hands brush ever-so-slightly every time you fumble around the pile for a particular piece, or every time he hits your knee with his, inadvertently or to tease you, you’re not sure.
The first thing to do when starting a puzzle is looking for all the side pieces to build the frame. When Heeseung spots one in the pile next to you, he leans in to grab it, and he’s suddenly close enough for you to get a whiff of his cologne that had faded over the day. You think he’ll just take the piece and sit back in his seat, but instead, he turns his head towards you, and that’s when you realize just how close you are. Close enough that it wouldn’t be hard to close the gap and have your lips on his - just as the thought hits you, his eyes drift down to your parted lips. Is he thinking the same thing?
You take a sharp breath in, eyes fixed on Heeseung, mind racing with thoughts and assumptions of what might be going through his head right now. But your brain goes haywire when a smirk blooms on his lips, clearly enjoying your reaction. His gaze finds your eyes once more and he raises the piece between the two of you, in the small space that separates you. “Got it,” he says quietly, voice lower than usual. It makes your insides melt. He could be very well talking about you - he’s got you absolutely wrapped around his finger, and he seems to know it.
He turns back to the puzzle, smirk still on his lips, and you’re so embarrassed and confused that your flight instinct kicks in. The screech of your chair as you push it back and stand up makes Heeseung look up at you again, his smirk having dissolved in surprise and - disappointment?
No time to ponder, you need to get. out. of. here. 
“Right, well, that was fun, haha,” you breathe out, actually saying the word ‘haha’ and wanting to run away even more thereafter. “I should probably head back to the girls, now.” You’re already backing up and walking away when Heeseung calls out your name, but you just turn around and rush back upstairs, yelling out a small “bye, Heeseung!” on your way.
You’re already back in Seeun’s bedroom when Heeseung shakes his head at your sudden disappearance, an amused smile playing on his lips. “Cute,” he says under his breath.
To minimize any chances of running into Heeseung, over the next two weeks, you ask Chaeyeong and Seeun if you could hang out at your house more often, using the excuse that you want to spend as much time as possible there before leaving off to college. They don’t question it too much - next year, they’ll be able to come back fairly regularly to their parent’s houses, since the college they’re going to is less than an hour-long car ride away, but you’ll be further away, too far to come back home often.
It just so happens to be the university Heeseung is studying at, but you don’t need to worry about that right now. They had one of the best English Lit programs in your area and you’d been wanting to go there for all of your high school years - you used to think of Heeseung’s going there as a pro, but right now, it felt more like a con.
You manage to only run into him twice over the course of those two weeks, and both times, just in passing. But now it’s the night of Seeun’s birthday party and it’s impossible to pretend he isn’t there even when you’re in a crowded room together. Heeseung and Seeun’s parents have lended their house for their kids to have a party there, using it as an opportunity to have a date night, and Heeseung and his friends have graciously provided a big portion of the alcohol, saying it was their birthday gift.
You aren’t the biggest fan of alcohol, so you opt for the fruitier, lighter drinks, but still, two hours after the party starts, you can already feel your head start to spin, your voice is louder, everything makes you laugh. When a friend from school tells you they’re playing seven minutes in heaven in the hallway upstairs, you think that's the funniest thing you’ve ever heard and immediately agree to join.
The sight of Heeseung sitting in the circle, already looking at you with a lopsided smile, almost sobers you up completely.
You’d tried to avoid him as best as you could, but it was like you couldn’t escape him - maybe that was due to the fact that the heart of the party was kept to the kitchen and the living room, just a few people sitting on the stairs at the entrance to get away from the noise, but still, it annoyed you to no end that you had to keep seeing him everywhere. Maybe that was also what made the alcohol easier to down.
At some point, you were in the kitchen, doing a shot of God-knows-what with girls from school. You heard his voice before you saw him, and it made you roll your eyes but also your heart skip a beat. “Didn’t know you were such a drinker, Y/N.” You could hear the smirk in his voice, and when his face came into view, you wanted to slap it away. Or kiss it away, maybe.
“I’m not, I’m just trying to have fun,” you retorted, eyebrows slightly furrowed as you poured yourself another shot. I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas started playing in the next room and the girls shrieked before rushing to the made-up dancefloor. You wanted to join them, but something kept your feet firmly planted at the kitchen counter.
Before you could bring the shot glass to your lips, however, Heeseung stole it from you and downed it himself. “Hey!” you protested, but it was done, and he was scrunching his nose at the bitter taste, shaking his head. You wished he could stop being attractive for one damn second.
“You don’t need that to have fun.”
He placed his forearms on the kitchen counter and leaned on them, forcing him to look up at you. You had no idea what the hell he meant by that, nor did you want to try and figure it out - all you knew was that you couldn’t stay there with him when he looked at you so intently, cheeks flushed from the alcohol, hair perfectly disheveled and biceps apparent even under his t-shirt sleeves.
“You’re right, I don’t,” you made yourself say, and spun on your heels to join your friends on the dancefloor. 
And a few drinks later, here you are, sitting in a circle on the hallway floor, Heeseung right in front of you, leaning back on his palms and looking down at you with that same stupid smirk once again.
The game goes as such: one person spins the bottle twice, and the people it lands on have to go to a bedroom closet for seven minutes (timed carefully by Jake, Heeseung’s friend who is taking this game very seriously) to do whatever they want, while the others occupy themselves with other games. When the seven minutes are up, the doors burst open, and you have to leave the closet. 
And because it wouldn’t be any fun otherwise, after a few rounds, the bottle points straight at you, then straight at Heeseung, and before you know it, everyone except for Seeun is cheering, and Heeseung is holding out his hand for you to take, and you do, and he raises you up, and together, you head to his closet, as per the rules of this stupid middle-school game you should never have agreed to play in the first place. You can barely Seeun’s voice as she shouts, “Y/N, I trust you!”, which just makes Chaeyeong burst into laughter and whoop louder for you. You’d also barely registered Heeseung’s friends clapping each other’s backs, smiling like they were in on something.
The sound of the closet door shutting is what snaps you out of your daze. You hadn’t even realized Heeseung had kept your hand in his until he released it, leaning his back against one wall of the closet, facing you. All three bedrooms in the Lees’ house had built-in walk-in closets which meant you weren’t sandwiched between Heeseung and his clothes, but still, you wished you could put more distance between your two bodies - one step closer, and you were done for.
It wasn’t just Heeseung’s presence in the narrow space - it was his scent filling your nostrils, the combined smell of the cologne he was wearing, of the fabric softener on his clothes, and an unfamiliar scent you somehow recognized as unique to Heeseung, his skin, his hair, smells you’d wanted to discover for years but never got close enough to. Well, now you did. And it was intoxicating - you wanted more, wanted to bury your face in the crook of his neck and inhale. You wanted to know what his reaction would be, if he’d let you, if he’d push you away.
All those thoughts were running wild in your head. You didn’t know what to do with yourself. Your stomach was in messy knots, your hands were sweaty and you had no idea where to place them, your eyes wouldn’t stop darting around the dark room. Everywhere but Heeseung. You could feel his eyes on you, but you were too nervous to meet them.
Your breathing must’ve gotten loud enough for him to hear, because all of a sudden, you feel his hand take yours, and he’s stood up from his position against the wall, his body too close to yours for your heart to handle. His thumb rubs what he must think are comforting semi-circles on the back of your hand, but the touch just destroys any capability of thinking straight you had left.
“Y/N,” he calls out, and the sound of his voice makes your eyes close shut. You cannot give in. You had seen Seeun’s disgusted expression when you and Heeseung were picked for the game - if just the idea of you and her brother kissing repulses her, what would she say if she knew it actually happened, or if you started dating? You may have the biggest crush ever on Heeseung, but no one was worth losing your friendship with Seeun.
“Calm down,” he says, and you wish you could be as steady as his voice. “There’s no reason to be nervous.”
This makes you scoff. “You touching me is not helping my nervousness.” The words are out before you can stop them, and in the darkness of the room, you have to concentrate to make out the tilt of Heeseung’s head. You don’t need to see it to know he’s smiling, the satisfied smirk that has been gracing his features for the past month and a half.
“Yeah? Why is that?”
You take your hand out of Heeseung’s and cross your arms over your chest. “You know why,” you say, not intending your voice to come out as weak as it does.
Heeseung takes another step closer to you, and the only ray of light that comes through the panels of the closet door hits his face, making it visible for you to see. “I do, but I want you to tell me.” Another step, making you back up until you hit the wall behind you.
You call out his name shakily. His lips are right in front of you at this point, and you can’t not look at them.
He places a hand delicately on your waist, as if not wanting to scare you off. “Yeah?” He’s so close now that you can feel his breath fanning on your lips.
“We shouldn’t do this,” you say, and finally, your voice is strong like you want it to - but Heeseung isn’t deterred by it.
“Do what?” he asks, pretending to be stupid. “We haven’t done anything. Not yet.” He adds the last part in a whisper, his eyes drifting down to your lips, and you can feel your resolve crumbling piece by piece, the opposite of completing a puzzle.
“You know what I’m talking about,” you whisper back, voice almost pleading with him. Stop this before it’s too late, you want to tell him, but for some reason, at this point, you’re more scared of nothing happening than something happening.
“I do, but I want you to tell me,” he repeats, and you can’t help but let out a chuckle. Laughing helps relieve the tension, but it’s back as quickly as it left when his hold on your waist gets tighter, bringing you closer to him. Your hands that had fallen to your side come up to grab the sides of his t-shirt, gathering the fabric in your fists. There’s no going back now, you can tell - you wait for Heeseung to make a move, both dreading it and craving the relief that will come with it.
Heeseung’s free hand comes up to your face, and he traces your jawline with a knuckle before taking your chin in two of his fingers, gently raising it so that your face is angled up towards him. His touch makes your skin burn and takes away your ability to breathe properly.
“We shouldn’t do this,” you repeat, voice barely audible, a weak and half-hearted attempt at stopping this now that you still can.
“No, we shouldn’t,” he agrees, and before you can say or do anything else, Heeseung presses his lips to yours, finally, finally.
His lips are just as soft as you’d expected them to be, and the kiss is light, slow, careful. You’re grateful for it, because you’re not a very experienced kisser - if Heeseung had plunged his tongue directly into your mouth, you wouldn’t have known what to do. It’s almost like he knows this, like he’s giving you time to figure it out, to get used to it. His hand snakes its way to the small of your back, pressing you closer to him, while the other cups your cheek with his palm. You, on the other hand, have completely forgotten about your hands, only able to focus on where your lips meet.
It’s easy to fall into Heeseung’s rhythm, to let him take control of the kiss. But maybe it’s too easy, because soon enough, you start to want more - as amazing as this is right now, a slow kiss like this is not enough to have dissolved the tension in your body. You remember your hands and inch them up to his hair, your fingers finding purchase there and slightly pulling as you open your mouth just a bit wider, hoping Heeseung will get the message.
For a second, you think you’ve got it all wrong - Heeseung pulls back an inch, peering down at you. You’re both breathing heavily, and you’re scared you might have gone too far. But then, he murmurs a small fuck under his breath, and just like that, his lips are back on yours, your back is pressed against the wall again, his body encaging your smaller one. The kiss now is nothing like it was seconds ago - it’s turned hungry, hot, messy. You love it.
You had no idea you would want to kiss Heeseung like this, but now that you were doing it, you couldn’t get enough. The intensity with which he held you, the feel of his tongue against yours, the small groans that escaped his lips every time you pulled on his hair, it was all making you more drunk than the alcohol had.
You swear you haven’t even been kissing for two minutes, but then, all of a sudden, the doors are snapped open, and light pours in the closet, and Heeseung’s lips aren’t on yours anymore. You hadn’t heard the timer go off, too engrossed in Heeseung to pay anything else any mind. When you turn your head, Chaeyeong and Jake are staring at you and Heeseung, mouths wide open and eyes darting back and forth between the two of you.
“Oh. My. God,” Chaeyeong says, while Jake starts laughing. A shy smile appears on Heeseung’s lips, even plumper and pinker than usual from your kiss. His hair is a mess, and you’re sure you don’t look too different. He scratches the back of his neck, and you can’t believe this sheepish boy is the same that was kissing you roughly not a minute ago.
“Chaeyeong,” you cry out, voice already pleading as you take a step out of the closet and take both of her hands in yours. “Seeun can’t know about this.” She raises her eyebrows in surprise but nods her head in agreement, and you’ve never been so thankful for your friend as now. 
“Would she really mind?” Jake asks, looking at you, then at his friend. You turn to look at Heeseung behind you, who purses his lips.
“I’m not sure, but I have a feeling she would… She’s always told me she didn't want me hanging out with her friends,” Heeseung says, and you and Chaeyeong exchange a look; this was news to both of you.
You have no further time to discuss it, however, because Seeun’s voice calling out your name and Heeseung’s make all four of you widen your eyes. Chaeyeong fixes your clothes and hair as best as she can, then smiles at you reassuringly and nods, prompting you to imitate her. She ushers Heeseung into his bathroom and tells him to “freshen up or whatever,” and you, Jake and Chaeyeong leave the room just as Seeun reaches the door.
“Where’s Heeseung?” she asks, not a trace of suspicion in her voice, peering behind you into her brother’s dark room.
“Just needed the toilet,” Jake answers quickly, and that seems to convince her. 
She turns to you, an amused expression on her face. “Hope that wasn’t too awkward.”
You’re so surprised at your friend’s quickness to assume that nothing could happen between you and her brother, as if the idea was truly unfathomable to her, but you figure it’s for the best. You all head back into the party, Heeseung appearing some five minutes later. He scans the room for you, and when you make eye contact from across the crowded living room, he smiles, his shy, genuine smile that you’d fallen in love with all those years ago. 
You already miss him, you realize, his lips, his touch, his scent. That’s how you know that you’re in deep, deep shit.
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permanent taglist: @k-ingzo @bbujiikseu @sunghoonmybeloved @lalalalawon @sd211 @w3bqrl (ask to be removed/added!)
© asahicore on tumblr, 2023. please do not repost, translate or plagiarize my works. reblogs and feedback are always appreciated!
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Mike Schmidt x Male reader
Mike is such a little meow meow boy and as such I've declared him a bottom (my opinion means nothing) my first actual fic
It's late around 6 pm, your lazeing on your couch in nothing but your boxers and sweater, when you hear a knock on your door, reluctantly you get out of your comfortable spot in front of your TV to get it. Peaking through your peep hole you see your perpetually tired and pretty neighbor, Mike and suddenly you feel like maybe you should have made the extra stop to put on pants. But you're here now so you open the door, "Hello," you say nervously hiding half way behind your door hoping he doesn't notice the Minecraft boxers wrapped around your waist " what brings you over?" He looks anxious now that you've opened the door a little drop of sweat forming on his brow , "um I'm sorry to intrude and all but um..." He shifted nervously from foot to foot then said "Can you watch my little sister I have to go to work and my usual sitter is M.I.A." You think for a second then ask "What do I get out of it?" You knew he was struggling so you didn't expect money you just wanted to make the brown eyed boy squirm. "Anything." He half sighed "Anything?" You repeat questioningly "Anything" he said looking at you with his big brown eyes, how could anyone say no to him with eyes like that you thought before stating "ok I'm holding you to that."
You quickly go back inside and put on a pair of sweatpants and shut down your house before following him across the street to his place it was a carbon copy of your house just a few things were different. He leads you inside where he tells you what your responsibilities and such are like his sister's name is Abby and she spends most her time drawing and that she already ate dinner so u just gotta make sure the house doesn't burn down while he's gone, well that's what you got between checking him out and his anxious chatter. Then after that little speech he says bye to his sister to her protest as she doesn't want to be separated from her big brother, then once he separates from her he says a polite "bye" and heads out the door. Which leaves you alone with a kid you only met once before when you first moved in. Honestly you had no idea why he trusted you to watch his sister but you got to know the pretty neighbor boy better so that's a plus.
You slowly make your way to Abby's room knocking lightly, "hey can I come in?" You ask and the door is opened by the small girl. "So you're who's watching me now?" She asked unimpressed. You just nod, man kids are rude then what she said next gave you a bit of a shock, " I don't get why he talks about you so much, anyway do you like drawing," you chuckle lightly "of course, I love drawing." So you drew with the kid until she fell asleep at her desk. She is a cute kid you thought to yourself as you tucked her into bed. You then went and sat on his couch and fell asleep watching his TV.
You feel the couch dip as someone sits on it waking you, you look over to see mike then look at the clock its 10 am and you groggily say "sorry for falling asleep for so long." He looked over and apparently he didn't notice you woke up. "Sorry for waking you." He said in a whispered voice, God his voice is really nice. " So I've been thinking about what you can do to pay me." You say slyly. "Yeah," he said curiously "what?" You smirk " I'd except payment with a kiss." He instantly flushed and looked away a little bit of sweat beginning to form. You quickly say "it was just an idea you don't have to." You beginning to believe you read him wrong only for him to say "no it's ok," he turned to look at you "I was just caught off guard." He then grabbed your face giving you a small peck. Your hands going to rest on his hips as you kiss him, this one lasting longer. The kisses got more heated with each one before he pulled back, a little gasp coming from between his chapped lips. "Oh god." He groaned quietly, you gently pulled him onto your lap giving he plenty of time to pull away if he wished. His hands now rest on your shoulders, as you slowly kiss his neck his stubble scratching your face. He let out little whimpers and whines his hands going to pull on your hair. Then he jolted a little and began peeling himself away from your grasp. "hmmm..?" U look up at his questioningly "um I think um maybe we should stop, I'm really tired, and I gotta take care of Abby when she gets back." He looked nervous. it was cute his face was flushed, a tent in his worn blue jeans, and his brown eyes almost totally eclipsed by his pupils. Thought he did look like he was about to fall asleep on his feet "yeah you should get some rest." You stood up a tent in your pants as well. "Can u watch Abby again tonight?" he asked nervously "she seems to really like you." You smirk at him "you don't have to pretend you don't just want to see me again, and of course I'll come back if that's my payment." You give him one more kiss he whines into and then you go back to your place the house seems so empty compared to his. The warm lights seeming cold and the rooms look bare, but that's how it always is.
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squerlly · 3 months
flames of desire chapter 2: bad decisions -sfw/nsfw- ANGST!! Alastor x (f! bunny reader) chapter 1
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Alastors POV:
"al do you mind showing y/n to her room" "of course I would be delighted to!, come now my dear" walking down the hallway I glance behind me to see her following me, she's quite a small girl... it makes me wonder why something so small and fragile looking ended up in hell, she has a very interesting appearance a bunny rabbit?, stopping at her room I open it for her "there you are my dear, if you happen to need anything just ask Charlie or me" "do you have any clothes I could were?" "oh were are my manners, ill send niffty your way with some clothes in hand for you, will that be all?" she nods "thanks" "of course dear, now if you excuse me ill be on my way". Walking back to my radio tower I exit the hallway, when vaggie had told me we had a new guest at the hotel this was not what I was expecting, "I might have just found my new toy".
your POV:
as alastor left I turned looking around my room, it was fairly large with a big bed that looks the comfiest and a bathroom with a mirror. looking at my reflection angel was right I did look like shit, hearing a knock on the door I walk out of the bathroom, answering the door a see tiny girl "hi I'm niffty, alastor said you need clothes" she said handing me a pile of folded clothes "thanks niffty" bouncing on her toes she says "sure thing, it so nice to have a new friend" she said giggling creepily "uhh huhh... well I'm gonna uhm go.." "ok bye bye" she said before running off, closing the door I head back to the bathroom starting the hot water and taking off my raggedy old clothes, I stepped into the shower feeling the hot water cascade down my back "ahh finally..." taking the shampoo to my hair to scrub off any dirt washing my body and conditioning my hair I step out drying off. looking at the clothes niffty gave me, it was a pair of shorts with a t-shirt, putting them on they weren't the most fashionable but they were comfy and I didn't mind. niffty also gave me a black skirt with a brown sweater, probably for tomorrow. slipping under the covers of the bed I lay back looking up at the ceiling. this is really happening, I'm really in hell now. I'm a weird demon bunny thing. I guess this is what I get after what I did...
"father, you called for me?" I said walking into the living room were I saw my father sitting on the couch "y/n come sit I have something important to discuss with you, as you know we are tight on money and I'm starting to get to old for working so I have been talking with my good friend Edward" "Edward as in Edward Ellsworth?" "yes, he said that his son James was around your age and ready for marriage, I told him about you and they proposed an arranged marriage and I accepted" "arranged marriage!? but father-" "y/n please...hes a good man and will take care of you, just please consider it" "yes father..." "good, now get some rest".
-End of flashback-
The Ellsworth family, a pretty well off family, Edward is the head CEO of the company they run, having a beautiful wife names Emily they had two sons, James and his little brother Henry. James was a charming guy and good looking to, father and Edward grew up together and I met James a few times and he is rather nice so thinking about the marriage I'm not all that mad about it but I should have known better. James mother Emily was a gentle and kind woman, she was quite fond of me. I always had a strong love for children and being a mother was something I wanted in the future, so when Emily asked me for a grandchild I gladly accepted. It took many tries but after some time I was finally pregnant, James and I were so happy and so was the rest of the family. life was doing just fine and we even got a house together in a quiet place next to lots of wildlife, living next to a forest was peaceful. however...one day while James was at work I was doing some cleaning when I felt in excruciating pain in my stomach going into the bathroom I started bleeding everywhere. when James got home from work he went into our room looking for me until he spotted me on the floor sobbing holding our dead baby in my arms. I had had a miscarriage... when we went to the doctors to see what was the problem it turned out I was infertile, it felt as if my heart shatter into a million pieces. James was angry, I couldn't give him a child, and therefore I was a waste he started to become distant, he became more irritable and cold towards me. while I was cooking dinner I was chopping up vegetables, James had come home from work, being fed up I confronted him about his behavior and we fought, telling me how useless I was I got angry and slapped him and that's when he snapped, protecting myself I used the only thing on hand...I raised my knife and killed my own husband. Panicked I hid the body reporting him missing claiming he never came home from work and they never found out. except for his brother henry, Henry and James were close like two pieces of paper glued together close, so when he found out I killed his brother, It was over for me and he wanted revenge. Henry broke into the house With a shotgun in hand...I ran, I ran as fast I could through that damn forest, bullets flying past me left and right but, the inevitable always happens, like prey being hunted by a predator, I got shot right through the heart leading me to my death.
sorry if this feels more like an oc x alastor rather than y/n but iv wanted to turn this idea into a story for a while. I hope you all enjoyed these chapters, I'm going to take a fat nap and I hope you all have a good day/night!!!
for more stories and chapter please click this masterlist
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delimeats-000 · 7 months
Just the Editor - pt. 2
summary: chris comes to get his sweater back after the edit session him and the reader had.
warning: idk, shit writing
(two days after pt 1)
he’s all i can think about. his lips on mine ad i sit in his lap. what i wouldn’t give to be that close again. im scared to call, what if he’s not really interested? maybe im just another girl that he can fuck and dip.
i don’t want to be that.
fuck this, im just gonna call. i gotta play it cool though.
“ok” i say outloud to myself, in my shitty one bed apartment.
that was fast.
“Hey chris.”
“Sup, goof?”
“I uh, I still got your sweatshirt. I dunno if you want it back or whatever.”
“Uh if you want to keep it that’s cool.”
“Nah im good you can have it back.”
does he want me to keep it?
“Oh, ok.” he sounds disappointed, “Should i come by and get it right now?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Alright send your lo and i’ll be there.”
“K, bye.”
i hang up before i could get a response.
that was awful, i feel awful. maybe he does like me. maybe im just overthinking it. no he could have literally anyone. he’s not gonna like some editor.
an hour goes by and i hear a knock at my door. i grab the sweatshirt and take it with me to the door expecting him to take it and leave, as i open the door i realize i was wrong.
“Hi.” his voice is gentle, he seems nervous.
“Hey?” i look down he’s holding bags of chick-fil-a.
“Can i come in?”
“Oh right, yeah.”
he walks in right by me with a faint smile. “I didn’t know what you liked so i got a few things.”
“Yeah, no problem.” he pauses for a minute, i can tell he has something to say. “I uh, im sorry for the other day.”
i knew it, i knew i was just another fuck buddy.
“Oh it’s cool, i get it.”
“Get what?”
“You just needed to get off, right?”
“No. No, not at all.” he seems kinda offended. he looks down before continuing. “I like you, a lot. I thought that you’d get weirded out or some shit if i told you and in the heat of the moment i thought you liked me too.”
that’s all i could manage to say.
“Look im sorry, ill just go home.” he starts to stand up but then i grab his hand and pull him back down towards me.
“Dont go. I like you too chris. I just dont want to be a booty call.”
“Never. I want you, only you.”
“Chris, im just the editor. You gotta know that im not special.”
“You are tho, you’re so sweet and pretty and ever since the other day your lips are all i can think about.” he grabs my face with both hands and pulls me closer to him. “I’ve always been scared of relationships, but for you, i want to try. I want you all to myself.”
“Ok.” i smile and hold his hands that still rest on my face. he leans in and kisses me.
we both laugh and eat the chick fil a he brought while finally reviewing the newest pod i editited.
pt 1, love you🫶
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marvelavengerspovs1 · 3 months
Winter Wolf - Chapter 2
Winter Wolf Master List
Warnings: Use of Y/N, Mentions of drinking
Length: 2149
A/N: Here's a little early upload for y'all!
I do not give consent for my work to be translated, copied, or sold!
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It is the day of the party and you do not want to go. You always have fun, but you don't want to deal with all of the people that come. They're normally just a bunch of random socialites who want to say that they are BFFs with the Avengers.
You're lying on your bed when there is a knock at your door.
"It's open!" You yell.
Natasha and Wanda come in and you groan. You know what is about to happen. They're going to drag you around town for a makeover that you did not want to attend.
"Why can't I just go in sweats?" You complain.
"Because Tony has a dress code," Natasha reminds you.
"And this will be a fun trip! We haven't hung out in ages and this is a good way to catch up!" Wanda says optimistically.
You cover your face with a pillow and let out a scream. The two girls laugh at you before they sit on the bed.
Wanda shakes your shoulder. "Come on Y/N! It'll be fun!"
"But why do I need to go out if I have all of this makeup and clothes here?" You counter.
"You know how Stark is. If he sees you wearing something you've worn in the past he'll insult you for weeks." Natasha rolls her eyes.
"HE DOES THAT ANYWAY!" You exclaim after throwing the pillow across the room.
The pillow hits an unsuspecting Bucky as he opens the door. "How can you make a pillow hurt?"
"Sorry Bucky, I didn't realize you were coming in." You apologize.
"It's fine, I should've knocked. Anyways, Tony wanted me to tell you that we all have to show up and be dressed for the occasion."
"What does that even mean?" You question.
"I don't know. But I thought you should know."
"Ok, thanks robot arm!" You wave bye at him and he offers a small smile before closing the door.
"You should ask him out on a date," Natasha looks at you. You forgot that Wanda and Natasha were there for a second.
"She has a boyfriend Nat!" Wanda swats her arm.
"What he doesn't know won't kill him," Natasha explains.
"I wouldn't cheat on my boyfriend."
"Come on, let's go!" Wanda pulls you up and you groan.
"It's going to be the longest day of my life!" You exaggerate with a huff.
After they drag you into Natasha's car, the three of you go out to look for some new clothes. Natasha was the first to find her outfit. It was a black jumpsuit paired with a black belt. The outfit made her look like the powerful woman she is.
"What shoes are you going to wear with that?" You ask her.
"Probably my red stilettos."
"You're going to look so good!" Wanda compliments.
"Thanks, babe." Natasha smiles at her.
The next person to find an outfit is Wanda. She found a red long-sleeved dress. The dress reached Wanda's mid-thigh and a slit was cut on the right side of her dress.
"I don't want to sound repetitive but you look hot!" You tell her.
Wanda blushes at the compliment. "Thank you Y/n! But we should go and look for your dress now!"
You sigh. You were hoping that the girls would forget what you all initially went in for.
The three of you went to multiple different boutiques for you, but nothing caught your attention. You were growing frustrated that Natasha and Wanda would not let you go home.
"Guys, I'm not going to find anything. Let's just go home!" You whine while they drag you into another boutique.
"This will be the last one, I swear!" Natasha promises you.
"Who knows, maybe you will find something you like," Wanda says, being optimistic like always.
You sigh and let them drag you in. "This is the last one."
You guys search the whole boutique, going through every single rack. Both Wanda and Natasha found a few dresses that they thought would look good on you. Out of the whole store, you only find one dress that catches your attention.
"Ok, time for a fashion show Y/N!" Wanda pushes all of the dresses into your hands and pushes you into a changing room.
You put on the first dress you see. Wanda had picked out a burnt orange dress that hugged your body. It was beautiful but it is not something you would wear. You go out anyway and show them.
"It's a beautiful dress, but I don't think it's for you," Wanda admits.
"That's what I was thinking." You admit.
"Go try on the one I found," Natasha smirks.
You don't tell her, but you're scared. Natasha's taste in clothing is significantly different from yours. She likes tight, form-fitting clothes that are revealing. You tend to gravitate to something more modest. If a dress is form-fitting, you prefer for it to be a little longer.
You go back into the changing room and find the dress Natasha picked out. You're not even sure if you could call it a dress. It was a black long-sleeved dress that had the hips cut out of it. It was cut low on both the front and back. You leave the dressing room with your cheeks hot.
"You look hot!" Natasha complimented.
"Are you sure you didn't pick this out for you?" You ask her.
"If you don't want it, I'll take it," Natasha said.
Both you and Wanda roll your eyes and you go back to the changing room. You decide to put on the dress you grabbed.
The dress is silver and when the lights shine on it, it becomes iridescent. It was beautiful. It hugged you in all the right spots but it was in your comfort zone. It was the perfect solution to wanting to look cute and sexy.
You leave the dressing room with a big smile on your face. You spin around once and Natasha and Wanda clap.
"This is definitely you babe," Natasha smiles at you.
"I told you you would find it!" Wanda smiles and claps.
"I'll admit, you were right." You look at Wanda.
"Come on, let's go pay for this, and then we can go to the makeup store." Wanda goes with you to put the dresses back and you pay for the dress.
The three of you go and have a quick lunch before going back to the compound.
You and Wanda are laughing at a joke Natasha made when you see Thor strolling by, a Pop-Tart in hand.
"What is so funny ladies? I would like to laugh as well." He asks with a smile.
"Oh, it's nothing, Thor." You smile back at him.
"But I find humor humorous!"
You look at Natasha, letting her tell the story.
"It wasn't anything big. We were just eating at a sandwich shop when we..." You zone out of what Natasha was saying.
You were thinking about your boyfriend. He is an amazing guy and you know you love spending time with him. This relationship was fairly new, only 2 months since you guys made it official. You wanted to introduce him to the rest of the Avengers.
You're pulled out of your thoughts by Thor's laugh. 
"That was very funny!" He throws the rest of the pop tart into his mouth before walking away.
"I'm going to go to my room now, I'll see you guys in a couple of hours!" You wave at Natasha and Wanda and head to the elevator.
You go to push the button but a metal arm beats you to it.
"Oh, hey Bucky! Thanks for pushing the button." You smile up at him.
"No problem, Doll." Bucky smiles back at you.
The doors open and he gestures for you to go in first.
"You are being such a gentleman today Mr. Barnes," You smile up at him as you walk in.
"I try once in a while," Bucky smiles at you before walking in after you.
"So what are you planning to do this weekend?" You ask him.
"I don't know. I don't really have anything set in stone. Did you decide what movie you're going to see with your boyfriend?"
"Not yet. I think we're going to get dinner instead."
"That sounds nice." The doors to the elevator open and you both step out.
Bucky walks you to your door and smiles at you. "I'll see you later tonight, Doll."
"Bye Bucky," You walk into your room.
After a couple of hours of laying in bed doing nothing, you decide that it is time to start getting ready. You didn't buy any new makeup after shopping for a new dress so you didn't need to unpack anything except the dress. You hang it up in your closet before heading to the bathroom.
You take a quick shower, avoiding your hair since you washed it the night before. You stay in the bathroom and start to do your makeup. Just a simple look, nothing over the top. You decide against liquid liner and use eyeshadow instead. You debate about going for a bold red or a clear gloss but ultimately you choose the clear gloss. You decide to lightly curl your hair, leaving them in beachy waves.
You put on your bra and underwear before going into your closet for the dress. You put the dress on and smile at yourself in the mirror. You feel beautiful. You grab some strappy silver heels and head to the elevator. You were the last one to leave so you were alone the whole time.
You decide to send a text to your boyfriend.
I can't wait to spend some time with you this weekend.
You didn't bring a purse and you started to regret that until your phone buzzed with a new notification.
Me too. Did you decide where we're going to eat?
At the restaurant we always go to?
That sounds perfect
You smile at the messages before you exit the opening doors.
As soon as you walk out, you could tell it was a Tony Stark party. There were hundreds of people mingling, many of them trying to talk to the Avengers. Of course, the team would politely hold a conversation, well all except for Tony and Bucky, but they always found a way to get themselves out.
You decide to go to the bar and ask for a glass of white wine. You didn't want to get drunk, but you didn't want to only drink water. You find a small group, Wanda, Natasha, Vision, and Bruce, hanging out and sit next to Natasha.
"You look so good!" Wanda clapped her hands and smiled at you.
"Thank you!"
You guys hang around for a couple of hours, laughing at jokes and memories. You casually drink your wine, not wanting to get too intoxicated. As the party starts to wind down, the rest of the Avengers find their way to the couch. Some girls try to stay but Tony has them escorted out.
The only people left were you and the rest of the Avengers. This is the only thing that made the parties worth it. Although you guys live and work with each other every day, you guys were family. They had your back and you had theirs.
You guys were talking about past stories and then your love life became a topic.
"Oh come on Y/N! Tell us who your mystery boyfriend is!" Natasha begs.
"Yes Lady Y/N, I am curious as well." Thor injects himself.
"No! If I told you then he wouldn't be that much of a mystery now, would he? He's my secret boyfriend for a reason." You smile before sipping on your wine.
"We're not worthy," Steve whispers to himself, but everyone hears.
"Steve, no." Natasha shakes her head.
"Yeah, I agree with Nat." Bucky shakes his head at his best friend.
Natasha turns back to you. "Come on! Is it Barnes?"
"No," Bucky immediately answers.
"I'm going to have Wanda read your mind." Natasha looks at you before turning to Wanda.
"Leave the poor girl alone, Nat." Bruce comes to your rescue.
Steve is still looking down, thinking about his joke.
"Guys, Y/N isn't going to share who her boyfriend is. Let's just leave it alone." Bucky defends you.
"Aw! Thanks, Weiner Soldier!" You ruffle his hair.
"I thought my joke was funny," Steve finally looks up at the rest of the group.
Tony claps Steve's shoulder. "Sure it was Capsicle."
You get up and pull your dress down. "This has been fun, but all of you are pretty much drunk. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
You leave the room and the rest of the Avengers stay.
"Y/N is not Mjölnir Steve, you know that. Right?" Wanda turns to Steve.
"She might as well be!" Steve shrugs his shoulders.
Tagged Readers: @ordelixx @bellabarnes1378
62 notes · View notes
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A/N ::: Things are out of whack. So I'm writing ☺(smol-ey = smol smiley). This song has been on 100% repeat for the last several hours of my life and heavily inspired what is below. This is only Part I and I don't know how many there will be. But I've taken quite a few notes on it. I would just say be ready for more.
SFW ::: C/W ::: A-n-g-s-t & language. (aged up) ProHero!Katsuki x F!reader, things didn't turn out like either of them thought and they're doing their best to move on. But can they? Do they really even want to?
WC ::: Just under 700
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
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He called you at 8:04 that morning. And while you didn't answer, you did do him the courtesy of listening to his voicemail.
Katsuki's voice was gruff and rough around all of the edges. He didn't like that you probably looked at the phone when it began to ring and you either flipped it over or pushed the volume button to silence the ringtone that you two had so sweetly picked out together when you first got together 3 1/2 years ago.
The sound took you back to that time when everything was new and fun and so simple that you thought it would be like that forever. But you were harshly reminded that if things don't change, they will most likely die. It would take a miracle to figure out where, along the way, did you both change so much that you couldn't live together anymore.
"Oi, I know you're sitting there looking at your phone, listening to that fuckin' stupid little song we picked out on our 11th date. Yeah, course I remember. Anyway, uh, whatever. I mean, you needa come by and get the rest of your stuff outta here. I -” You heard a muffled sound as he tucked the phone away and yelled at someone. “- hold the fuck on, can you not see that I'm on the fuckin' phone? Jesus. Uh, um, oh. Get the rest of your shi- uh, stuff today. P-please. I'm off today and won't be home between 9 this morning to about 6 or 7 tomorrow morning. That should give you more than enough time to get everything. Ok? O-ok. Leave your ... key, too, I s'pose. Well, that's it. I lo- fuck! Bye, y/n."
The tears welled up in your eyes like they had everyday this week. As soon as you opened them to take in the empty space around you, in your bed, your bleak little apartment was a fucking joke compared to the place you two once lived together. And while you're the one who, for all intents and purposes, asked for this, you couldn't lie to yourself any longer: You did not want to be without him.
You did not want to be away from the man you loved with every cell of your stupid body. Every breath. Every heartbeat was the beating of a drum sounding out his praise. Every smile and every flutter of your eyelashes was because of him. God, you miss him.
But to just leave it at this? To let go completely? That would be an admission that it's how things will be from here on out. And you're just not ready for that to be your final answer.
Texting him back, in response to his call, you said as little as you could, still getting the point across. "Yeah, thanks for the heads-up. I'll take care of everything and leave my key on the kitchen counter by the coffee maker." You choked back a sob as you thought about all the times he set up the coffee the night before and climbed into bed with you. Wrapping his arms around you. Snuggling his face into your neck and telling you that he made it extra strong, just how you like it. And that he picked up your favorite creamer flavor - it was 2 for $7, so obviously he got you 2 of them because it would be fuckin' stupid not to. 
It hurts to breathe. It hurts to walk. It hurts to be awake. You have all day and all night to get over there and clear out whatever is left of your lives together. To leave the one thing behind that could get you to him at any moment in time. 
So, you threw on a pair of his old sweats, an old favorite shirt of his, and a hoodie with his Pro Hero name on it. Fixed your face. Put your hair back. Grabbed your purse and headed to your favorite coffee place to get something to appease this godforsaken headache you had brewing in the core of your brain and drove to his place.
You drove home. 
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Taglist ::: @darkstarlight82 @millennialmagicalgirl @arlerts-angel
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83 notes · View notes
emsgwenstan · 4 months
Personal or professional?
Larissa Weems x fem(carpenter/joiner) named reader
Chap 5| chap 6| chap 7
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Words: 3k
Warnings: insecurity’s, swearing.
Note: another fill in chapter… this gif☝️is the look she gives Violet about the door lol.
Well it’s official, It’s the 12th of December and my dreaded birthday, another year of being alive, I guess I should be grateful but only 2 hours until I can go home and sleep! Jesus I really am getting old. I do wish I could see Larissa today but I don’t want to disturb her, we have been texting since that day which was three days ago now, I drove her home that night and the next morning she sent me a message saying good morning and I thought that was really sweet, but this morning she hadn’t said anything, I don’t need to read into it though, I just hope I haven’t done anything wrong. My phone started to ring in my pocket and just when I thought it was her I was wrong.
“Happy birthday vi!” She yelled.
“Thanks Lou.” I said chuckling.
“Happy birthday vi.” I heard jades sultry voice say on the other line.
“Oh yeah jays here too.” Louise said.
“Wanna wish auntie vi happy birthday?” She added.
“Happy birthday auntie violet!” Lou’s daughter lily shouted.
“Aww thanks guys, how is everyone?” I asked.
“Yeah we’re all pretty good, how are you though? You’ve been pretty quiet… perhaps finally found someone?” Louise said teasingly.
My face burned, how am I supposed to say yes I’ve met and fallen in love with someone, we’ve had sex and yet we’re still in a what do they call it now? situationship? Friends with benefits? Let alone it being with a woman- not that they’d be very surprised.
“I have been getting out more and no I’m not with anyone.” I said.
“Let’s hope you find someone vi we don’t want you to be alone forever.” Jade said in a sing song voice.
“Shut the fuck up, says you your a hoe, a serial seducer.” I laughed.
“Ok lily go to your room for a minute.” Lou said.
“Oh my god sorry!” I said.
“Aunt of the year award goes to Violet.” Jade said mockingly.
“Agh, anyway guess what?” I asked.
“What?.” “Mhm?” From the both of them.
“I’ll see you guys at dads this year.” I said.
“What! You’re actually gonna show up!?” Louise said.
“Yeah but I’m not gonna be alone, I’m bringing my… friend Larissa.” I said awkwardly.
“Ooooo Larissa.” They said in unison. I could just imagine them looking at each other knowingly.
“Please… anyway I’ll be there for a week then I’m going to see my mum.” I stated.
“We haven’t seen you for ages, oh and by the way dad has been such a dick lately, all he talks about is fucking golf.” Jade said.
“When isn’t he a dick, and that doesn’t surprise me, I’m not going for him though I’m coming to see you guys.” I spoke.
“Yeah well we will be there for like 9 days I think, we really need to go out all together again, I know I need to get hammered.” Louise said laughing.
“Agreed I know just the place.” I said.
“We know.” They both said giggling.
“Ok well I’m at work so I need to go but I’ll see you guys then ok?” I said.
“Alright we love you sis.” Lou said.
“Love you guys, tell lily and Lottie i love them to.” I said.
“Will do, bye.” She said.
I went back to stacking lengths of timber in their designated racks and began to wrap up the rest of my stuff getting ready to come home.
Finally in the threshold of my house, I kicked off my boots and tore off my work clothes, it was so fucking hot I felt like I was suffocating. The heat was up so high last night because it was freezing and I forgot to turn it off this morning as well as having the fire going. Turning it off and keeping the fire going I went and jumped in the shower quickly to rinse off the sawdust and settle in for the night.
Hopping into bed I let my hair out of the tight ponytail it’s been in all day letting it fall over my pillow and just like that I passed out. It was only 6pm but I didn’t care it was much needed, although it wasn’t until a while later when I could feel my body slightly shaking that I awoke again. “Wake up darling.” A hushed voice spoke, I know that accent anywhere, why is she here? how is she here? I rolled over slightly with my eyes cracked open, Larissa was standing beside me with a hand delicately wrapped around my bicep.
“Good morning.” She teased. “What are you doing here? How did you get in here?” I asked sleepily. Larissa brought her hand to my face stroking my cheek lightly. “I did knock, but no answer. The door was unlocked, I should have rung you I’m sorry.” She said in haste. “No, no it’s fine you’re welcome you don’t even need to knock.” I said rubbing my eyes. Larissa smiled warmly. “Sit up for a moment I’ll be right back.” She said leaving the room. I’m still a little bit delirious wondering if this is even real or not, but the fact that I could feel her gave me every indication that it was. Slowly I sat up and realised I’m only wearing underwear, I clutched my duvet to my chest and sat cross legged against my head board.
Larissa waltzed back in with a large box in her hands, the sound of her heels clacking on the floor boards getting closer gave me more anticipation wondering what was going on. She perched herself on the edge of my bed and placed the huge box in my lap, it was a deep red with a crimson, satin bow on top. I looked at her with curiosity and a small smile. “Open it.” She said gesturing me to do so. Slowly I undid the ribbon and opened the box, I could smell it first, the large bouquet of red and dark red- almost black roses that lay on top. “Oh Larissa, these are beautiful.” I said plucking them out and smelling how heavenly they are. “How did you know these were my favourite… not just the flowers but the colours.” I asked jokingly. “I have my ways.” She said. I giggled at her and lay the roses next to me and continued to open the layers of tissue paper.
The next thing was clothing of some sort, pulling it up I gasped. “It’s beautiful.” I said astonished, the black dress was gorgeous, intricate black beads lined the off the shoulder cut out and strapped top, the thigh slit down the side and the cuffs of the sleeves. “Why did you get me this?” I asked incredulously. “Because you deserve it.” She said blatantly. “I’m afraid I don’t think it will fit.” I said solemnly. “It will, I promise.” She ensured moving the tissue further out of the way to indicate there’s more. Carefully I laid aside the dress as well and took out the next thing. A large black coat with fur around the hood, sleeves and bottom. My eyes lit up and I became speechless. Trying to catch a sneaky look at the tag, I didn’t find a price or size instead the words ‘Vivienne Westwood’ in scribed on it. “What the fuck.” I breathed, I looked at the dresses tag and the same thing was embedded.
“There’s more.” She said suggestively. I looked at her with wide eyes and put aside the coat. Underneath was a shoe box and another thing wrapped with tissue paper, I opened that first unraveling the fragile paper. My cheeks burned, when I came to relise it was lingerie, a set of scarlet red lace, a bra with matching panties. I admired them, running my fingertips along the intricacies of the material, I gave a shy and quiet thank you to Larissa and set them aside too. The last thing was the shoe box that made my breathing stop. ‘Cristian louboutin’ no fucking way.
Larissa could see my face at the sight of it, how much I was in shock and awe even without seeing what’s in it. I took off the lid and just about had a heart attack, slick black heels lay next to another adorning the familiar red bottoms. I turned to Larissa with a gaping mouth and wide eyes. “How- why…I. Larissa I’ve wanted these shoes since I was 17!” I screeched. She grinned and put her hand on my wrist. “Happy birthday darling.” She whispered sweetly. Again I melted. “Oh rissa, I don’t know if I can accept these.” I said softly. “Yes you can, I wanted to give you something to make you feel beautiful, and I know that black makes people feel slimmer- not that you need to of course! I just…-god, I thought I could help you feel better about yourself and show you how beautiful you are my sweet.” She said feeling horrible at how that sounded. “No I understand, it’s very thoughtful of you. Most of my clothes are black.” I said smiling.
“And I think red looks gorgeous on you too.” She said. I immediately remembered that I wore a red bra that day and that’s what she was pertaining to. Larissa was very close it was harder to not be under her piercing gaze, I put the box next to me and wrapped my arms around her neck, slowly I leaned in and hoped she wouldn’t pull away, I placed a chaste kiss to her lips grinning into it. “Thank you lovely.” I said into her ear still hugging her. “You’re very welcome.” She said pulling back. “Now I hope it’s ok with you but I made reservations for 8:00, so go get changed into these and we can go get dinner?” She said questionably. “You didn’t!” I said. She stood from the bed and reached for my hands to help me up, I stood and covered my stomach feeling a little self conscious again.
Larissa grasped my wrists, moved them away and looked in my eyes. “Don’t hide from me darling.” She said placing another kiss on my forehead. She turned on the spot and left me to get changed. In the bathroom I painted on some make up opting for dark eyeshadow and lipstick a few shades darker than Larissa’s, I curled my collarbone length blonde hair and put on my gold necklace with a ‘v’ initial and a few rings from the dish on the sink. I slipped on the red lingerie with a smirk and then the dress, for a moment my heart sank when the sip at the back wouldn’t go up, but turns out it was just caught on the material, it slid up my back with ease. I slipped on the shoes and couldn’t stop the excitement that spread through my body as I did so.
Looking in the mirror, I stared at myself, I hadn’t even realised I had a waist, the shoes are what I kept looking at and my calf muscles that sculpted due to the height. Larissa carefully opened my bedroom door and walked up behind me, I looked at her in the reflection giving a timid glance, she pressed herself to my back and gently put her head on my shoulder and moved her hands to meet around my front, her palms smoothed out the fabric and stopped at the swell of my stomach. “You look stunning.” She said kissing my temple. “Thank you.” I said. “Shall we go?” She asked. “Yeah.” I grabbed the coat and put it on.
Going past the kitchen and hallway I grab my keys from the dish. “What are you doing?” She asked. I dangled the keys giving her the hint I’m driving. “No, I’m driving.” She said plucking them out of my hand and putting them back down. Larissa walked out the door and I followed behind her, she stepped to the passenger side and opened the door for me, I giggled at her chivalry. She walked to the other side and sat in the drivers seat. “Ooo the woman knows how to drive stick.” I said as a joke. “Yes I do, something else we have in common.” She said turning on the car and reversing out of the drive way.
Once she went thought the gears, Larissa placed her hand on top of mine and curled her fingers into my palm, the butterflies in my stomach were alive and well at this point, not that they ever go away when I’m with her. When she down geard and sadly removed her hand from mine it must have meant we’re close, but when I saw the place my eyes just about bulged out of my head. Larissa killed the engine and stepped out, just as I open the door she glared at me through the windscreen, I laughed throwing my head back and closed the door again. She made it to the other side and reopened the door extending a hand to me.
I stepped out onto a gravel driveway and kept a hold of her hand. She closed the door and started to lead me in the direction of the restaurant. “Wait.” I said stopping. Holding her hand I took off my shoes and started walking again until we made it to cement and put them back on. I looked at her confused face. “I want to savour and look after these shoes.” I said. “Oh.” She chuckled, we made our way up the grand steps to the front door. This place was about ten minutes out of town and secluded by trees, the building was a tan colour and had pillars surrounding it, pot plans and ivy covered the exterior, a red carpet rolled down the stairs and the large double doors open wide with a ‘please wait to be seated’ sign on the wall outside of them.
Larissa glanced at me as a young woman greeted us. “Hello ladies, booking name?” She asked. “Weems.” Larissa said. “Yes, right this way.” She lead us into a massive dining hall, intimate tables with candles and silver alike, chandeliers vaulted from the ceiling, paintings, even live music with people playing violins and other sweet sounding instruments, a dance floor- for those who actually dance, it was beautiful and it felt right to be here experiencing this with Larissa, if I came here without her, she would be the one I’d tell this place about. “Here you go.” She sat us in a green velvet booth and placed two menus on the table then left.
“I didn’t even know this place existed.” I said. “Do you like it?” She asked shrugging off her cream coat, Larissa was wearing a plum coloured silk blouse and a matching cream pencil skirt, my breath hitched at the sight of her, somehow she seemed nervous, the woman who exudes power, authority and confidence is nervous, but then again I know its not the first time around me, but as if I do that to her, its probably just because she wants me to have a good night. “Absolutely, I really don’t deserve this-.” “Yes you do.” She said cutting me off. I took a deep breath and changed the subject. “Any idea what you feel like?” I asked. We both went through the menu together, decided on our choices and ordered.
Larissa and I were having a conversation about what we both did today when we were interrupted by a man who seemed to know her. “Larissa, I thought that was you.” He said. She looked up and let out a sharp exhale through her nose forcing a tight lipped smile. “Mr jones, lovely to see you.” She said speaking though here teeth. “Likewise, I don’t see you out of that school often.” He said. Larissa bit the insides of her cheeks quite literally refraining herself from spitting a very unkind insult his way. “Yes well Marcus, I do have a life.” She said bitterly, if looks could kill. His line of sight went to me. “And who is this?” He asked. If it were anyone else, She would have felt compelled to say ‘oh forgive me how rude I didn’t introduce you sooner’ instead she kept her back handed behaviour. “This is violet Hastings, my very good friend… now if you don’t mind we would like to enjoy our dinner.” Her voice sounding like venom. “Nice to meet you, I suppose I should get back to my wife.” He said awkwardly leaving.
The silence was killing me. “Ok what was that?” I asked chucking. Larissa let out a huff and turned to face me. “That was Marcus jones, a sleazy twit… also a board member.” She explained whilst simultaneously taking a sip of the wine the waitress brought over. “He did seem a bit smug.” I said sidding with her. “He’s an imbecile, all he does is make my job harder and tries to deny my advances for the schools funding and changes.” She said twisting the stem of the glass on the table. “Not to mention, every Thursday night he goes and screws his assistant, how cliche.” She rasped, throwing back the remaining wine in her glass. I raise my eyebrows in response. “I was a bit harsh wasn’t I?” She asked grasping my thigh under the table. “No, because if it were me id have been worse, you did a great job.” I said. Larissa laughed. A real laugh. It was loud and turned a few heads, but I didn’t care id love to hear it again and again and again. She covered her mouth with her fingers trying not to do it again. She never fails to make me weak.
The dim lighting made her look even more delectable then she already is and I found myself staring at her. “What?” She asked noticing. “Your just…ethereal? I don’t even know how you real.” I said lowly. “Stop it.” She giggled looking down. “I don’t think you know how pretty you are Larissa.” I spoke. “I could say the same about you vi.” She said tightening her grip on my thigh. The waitress brought over our food and left us to eat alone again. Once we were finished a flurry of people went to the dance floor with each of their partners. “Would you like to dance violet?” She leaned in to whisper. “Oh I don’t dance.” I said. “Please?” She pushed. Looking in her eyes I tilted my head, I can’t say no to her. “Sure.” I said reluctantly. Larissa took my hand and guided me to the floor.
On perfect queue the music started, the tune was familiar, experience I think it was. Everyone began to slowly sway to the music as if their bodies were one, Larissa held onto my waist and brought my hand to her shoulder, I placed my free hand in hers and began to dance. She was wonderful, so free and loose, Larissa let herself succumb to the music and I did the same, the stronger the tune the more contrived the movements, Larissa spun me about like they do in those ridiculous romcoms but Christ it felt like I was in one, her gaze never faulted, eyes piercing into my own as if the whole world disappeared. When the music went softer Larissa braced her arms around my torso and I joined my other hand to her vacant shoulder and let my head rest in the crook of her neck.
"May I cut in?" A voice said behind my shoulder, as I turned there standing was that same halfwit Marcus, asking me to dance. I looked to Larissa for help, she said nothing only looking down at her feet. "Um...I-." I began about to reject his offer. "Great!" He took my hand and I was dragged of with him, as a new song started I couldn't stop staring at Larissa, she stepped away sitting back at the table hardly watching what was going on, like the big ball of anger I am sometimes, I felt obliged to peruse my next move, as he was twisting me around like a monkey on steroids, I leaned back and stopped on his foot with my heel and elbowed him in the face. "Oh! my apologies I'm a horrible dancer.” I said with faux forgiveness. Immediately I ran back to Larissa.
"Why didn't you save me." I said sternly and out of breath. "You looked happy with him." She said fiddling with her fingers. "I beg your pardon? I’m sorry but if that's what I look like when I'm happy with someone then I must look insane when I'm with you." I expressed sitting down again. "Did you not just see what happened." I asked. "Yes, I must say it was a little entertaining." She said giving me a meek smile. "good. But why didn’t you do anything?” I asked. “I don’t know… I’m sorry I just thought-.” “It’s fine, I mean he had that coming.” I said. We sat together for a while and before I excused myself and went off to find the lavatory leaving Larissa at the table alone again.
*Larissa’s pov*
I’m so glad violet likes the gifts I gave her, she looks breathtaking, I feel deeply saddened that she doesn’t see herself through my eyes, but I do suppose no one sees their own beauty like others. I hope I didn’t take it to far when i gave her the lingerie, i just couldn’t help myself. Violet is an incredible woman, shes smart and witty, she’s kind and full of skills i could only dream to obtain, she makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room as if i were so interesting, a 48 year old who lives and breathes to work and is unbelievably stubborn, something else we have in common i think. I adore all the things about her she views as flaws but somethings telling me that there’s still more to her, but in time i hope to learn them all.
I feel so guilty I did nothing to stop that asshole from taking Violet away from me, I thought we had a special moment, I guess my own insecurities came to play, the last time I danced with somebody I was with mortica and that didn’t end well, why would it with her?
I observed her as she came back to the table, her legs are stunning and she can definitely walk in heels, i do find that people our height can do a good job in them if i do say so myself, I’m pleased that she insists on taking care of them, even if she didn’t id just buy her a new pair. Before she sat i offered to take her home, we had been here well over two hours and thought she would appreciate actually going home. “Sure.” She said. I stood and draped my own coat over my shoulders and placed my hand in the small of violets back to go and pay. As already anticipated she tried to debate on who was paying but in the midst of it i handed the poor waitress my card, the glare i received when violet heard the beep on the machine was endearing, she did look as though she could physically hurt me but i kept my laughter at bay.
Exiting the restaurant, violet stopped and moved her head to gaze at the stars above, it was very beautiful, no light pollution, no noise, just the stars, moon, violet and I, although i found my view much better than hers. The reflection in her eyes and the soft glow of the out side lights from the restaurant made her impossibly more beautiful, that doesn’t even sound like the right word, but it will do.
*violets pov*
The sky was extraordinary I haven’t seen it like this for a while, but my gaze was cut short when Larissa ushered me to the car and opened my door again. On the ride home I placed my hand in her lap playing with the material of her skirt, I was so relaxed that I eventually fell asleep, the soft hum of the radio and the smell of her perfume lulled me to dose off. Larissa opened my door and gently coaxed me awake and let me rest against her side as she walked us inside.
By the time we made it to my room I had woken up a bit more and turned to Larissa. “Are you ok?” I asked. “I’m fine.” She said. I took off my heels and placed them inside my robe out of the way, I saw her looking down at the floor as she sat on the edge of my bed. Trying to find a way to lighten the mood I reached for my small speaker and turned it on, flicking through my phone I found a song to play, set down my phone and pulled her to stand. Larissa looked at me confused wondering what’s going on, I placed her hands around my neck and I locked mine around her waist and pressed my body to hers.
I hummed along to the tune and swayed to the slow rhythm, Larissa rested her temple on my forehead and sighed. “I don’t dance for just anyone you know.” I whispered in her ear, I could see the small smile across her face. “Violet?… why are you doing this?” She asked still wrapped around me. “Because you deserve to know that you’re cared for to, because you’re special and you would do the same for me.” I said. Larissa was quiet after that, but she did grip me a little tighter and breathe a little deeper.
After the song stopped I paused it and started to get changed. Larissa offered to drag down my zip, I stepped out of my dress and picked it up hanging it neatly inside the wardrobe. Just as I was about to enter the ensuite to change Larissa’s voice rang through the air. “Wait!” She said. I turned on the spot and looked at her flickering eyes and ridged stance, I was silent waiting for her to continue. “I-I… was wondering if you could just… stay- in what you have on.” She mumbled. My eyes widened at her ask, my stomach riddled with butterflies.
Larissa’s gaze met mine and slowly she stepped out of her heels, removed her coat and pulled off her blouse and skirt, only left standing in her underwear. My gaze never left her, not once, I don’t recall I actually blinked to be frank. “Is it ok if I stay?” She asked. I paced back towards her and discarded the clothes I’m not going to be changing into on the floor, I took ahold of Larissa’s hand and threw back the covers of my bed and crawled in before her. I found a comfortable position on my side and laid out my right arm for her to rest her head on, to which she did.
There were no sounds, no interruptions, no one else but us- half naked and left in only undergarments, Larissa’s long limbs were intertwined with my own and the way she studied my face made blood rush to my cheeks, I did the same though- studied her that is, stroking her hair and tracing unknown shapes along her jaw and lips, especially over her scar. “What are you thinking?” I whispered, Larissa’s eyes fluttered to mine. “It’s silly.” She hummed softly. “Tell me? I’m sure it’s not.” I said back. “I’ve not been this… close to a normie before.” She expressed. I adjusted my head a little. “And what does that mean to you, is that a good thing or a bad thing?… are you saying that your view on me would change if I were?” I said sitting up a little. “No of course not i just mean, I haven’t been exposed to any normie that has been… well, like you.” She said sheepishly.
I sat mulling over the conversation, on one hand it’s disheartening to hear that she hasn’t been accepted due to the fact of being an outcast, and on the other I suppose she still hasn’t… “I know that was rather odd of me to bring up but it was just something that I had been thinking about, it’s nice to see that normies and outcasts can be civil.” She murmured. I felt a tinge of guilt gnaw in my stomach, just wait for the right time Violet. “No I get it, really, especially since you dedicate your life to ensuring your students feel accepted for who they are.” I said laying back down.
For a while it was quiet and peaceful, Larissa was the one who fell asleep first, but as I rolled over she slightly roused earning an almost incomprehensible statement. “Happy birthday Violet, my sweet sweet girl.” She left her head against the back of my shoulder and pulled me by the waist to rest against her front. “I love you Larissa.” I breathed but with no response I knew she had fallen asleep.
@lex13cm @im-a-carnivorous-plant @barbarasstar
@giogwensversion @sabraaabra
@readingtheentrails @readingtheentrails
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average-vibe · 8 months
I’m Sorry, Ok?
summary: wilbur comes home super late from a concert, and forgets to say hello to his favorite person
warnings: language, bad grammar, sad wilbur, mentions of OD
notes: this kinda sucks but it’s my first actual fanfic so i’m proud of myself for finishing lol
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Wilbur walked into the shared home around 2:30 AM, exhausted from the show. he usually didn’t come home this late, but wilbur’s phone died, so transportation became much harder. eventually, wilbur found a gas station that had a phone charger, but his phone only reached 7% by the time the station closed, and by the time he got into a car, his phone died. it also didn’t help that the show was about 2 hours away from the house. wilbur didn’t care. at least he was home.
He put his keys, phone, and money on the counter before crawling to the bedroom, eager to go to bed. he didn’t even see you, sprawled on the couch, sound asleep. about 5 hours earlier, when wilbur sent his, “shows over” text, you decided to wait for him on the couch, hoping that you could meet him at the door and cuddle for the night. after about an hour, and no texts back from wilbur, you began to panic. you called his phone about a thousand times, then tried Ash, who simply said “he should be on his way.” before having to hang up. you tried wilbur a couple more times, before giving up. you tried melatonin, but you thought that the amount you needed would kill you. you just closed your eyes, and tried to think about anything but wilbur. eventually, and surprisingly, sleep came rather easily.
you woke up around 6:30, and immediately started panicking, realizing that wilbur was not with you. you tried to call, but to no avail. yiu began to actually have a panic attack, worried that wilbur never made it home.
the sound of your sobs woke wilbur up from his already light sleep. as soon as he heard your small, hitched breaths, and your loud sobs, he knew something was wrong. he rushed out of his bed, out the bedroom door, and through the hallway to see you, knees clutched to your chest, eyes shut, and cheeks soaked.
“hey lovely.” Wilbur whispered, almost running to you in a flurry. “what’s the matter? why’re you crying?” he sat down next to you, embracing you with a hug. “wilbur?” you asked, voice cracking. wilbur chuckled, his laugh making you calm. “yes, it’s me baby. now why’re you crying? gonna mess up that pretty face.” he said, taking your face in his hands, and stroking your cheek with his thumb. “i-i thought y-you weren’t um.. c-coming home. i t-thought you were gone.” you’d aid through tears. “baby, i would never leave without sayin bye!” wil said, smiling. “and why’d you ever think i would leave you? i love you.” he questioned, his smile now turned into a concerned face. “i-i sat here waiting for you until it was late and i called you a bunch and you never answered and ash said he didn’t know and i didn’t know where you were.” you said in a rush, looking at the floor in embarrassment.
“oh.” wilbur said, frowning. “i’m sorry, love. i was just so tired from the show yesterday. and the reason i was home late was because my phone died, at this really sketchy place, so i went to the gas station and charged it and then it took me 2 hours to get home..”
you smiled. you didn’t think your boyfriend would just leave you.
wilbur smiled back at you. “hey, now that i’m home, let’s cuddle.” he said.
“alright.” you agreed.
“oh, and, one more thing.” wil said.
“i’m sorry, okay?”
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lbcreations-blog · 3 months
The ocean is so nice. Part 2
Pt 1
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You were on your bed thinking about what happened at the shoreline at the beach earlier that day.
"What's your name, stranger?" You asked
"Lilith," She told you. "I- nice to meet you, Lilith," you told her. "Nice to meet you too. What is your name?" She asked. "My name is Y/N L/N"
"Well, I better head off," you told her. As you were about to start flapping your wings, she interrupted you. "Hold on, Y/N, if you wish to come and chat once again, please do, I enjoy your presence," She stated.
"Of course, Lilith, now I should head off," you said as you started flapping your wings. "Bye!" You told her, and then you were off to get home and some sleep.
End flashback
You knew she was the first woman and the queen of hell, but for some reason, you were almost like pulled to her like some type of magnet.
I mean, you shared one of your main lore points in your life to her, and you hardly knew her. You needed to know why you were so pulled to her. Was it because she was the first woman? Did she have some weird fucked up powers or what?
You just had to know. So it was decided you would go visit the woman in two days after you were done with the advents coming up. You were oddly excited to see her.
Two days later, you were soaring through the sky once again, and this time, you had a destination in mind. The beach.
Once arriving, you already saw the woman sitting there, and she looked just ravishing.
"Hello there Y/N" she said, suddenly giving you a fright even though you were behind the woman once you landed.
"H-hi Lilith, I was not expecting you to talk so suddenly, but eh, whatever." You said as you walked to your spot on the sand and sat down comfortably. "So, how's your day been?" You asked."It's been adequate," She told you.
"What about you, Y/N?" She asked. "Oh yea, mine has been neat," you told her. And your conversation went on from there.
These meet-ups ended up happening for days now, getting to know each other, and you love them. For some reason, you feel like you are being pulled into her more.
You kind of feel you like that you might have a little crush on the queen of hell herself, and upon realizing this, you are already in too deep.
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OK, well, that's pt2. I hope yall enjoyed it
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Taglist: @fatherlesschild2 @whitewingsh @iheartpieck
Taglist request area
-L.B Creations
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lizzieislife94x · 6 months
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Woman In Red Pt.2 (e.o)
LizziexFem Reader
Also guys i forgot to say PLEASE if anyone finds these one shots offensive please done report them please just move to the next story still crushed about the original being removed by wattpad. I don't need to put warnings on these because they're ALL 18+ all smut.
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing in my ear groaning I answer with my eyes still close "hello" I instantly smile at the voice on the other end "I'm sorry did I wake you baby?" I open my eyes and sit up a little "yeah but I don't mind being woke up to the sound of your beautiful voice babe, what's up are you ok?"
Lizzie: yeah I'm OK y/n just missing you and so excited for our date tonight I can't wait to see you I can't wait for these interviews to be over I just wanna be cuddled up in your arms
Y/N: I can't wait either babe and don't worry you'll be in my arms tonight with lots of hugs and kisses I can't wait to take you out
Lizzie: ok ill see you later y/n can't wait
Y/N: bye beautiful see you in a few hours.
I end the call with a huge smile and jump out of bed to do my morning routine then head down to make some coffee and eggs about 30 minutes after I eat breakfast and make some phone calls to make sure everything's set up perfectly for tonight now time to decorate the bedroom just in case, I take the Rose pettles and candles heading upstairs and decorate the bedroom and smile to myself.
It's currently 7pm I've spent the day getting things sorted for tonight, I fix my black dress that hugs my body perfectly and quickly fix my hair biting my lip slightly yep y/n you look smoking hot, I giggle to myself and grab my car keys heading out and start to drive to lizzies it should take almost 40 minutes due to the awful traffic but my only thought is the gorgeous woman in red waiting for me, I grab my phone as I sit in the last bit of traffic and text lizzie
Me: hey baby almost out of the last bit of traffic I'll be there in 10 minutes can't wait to see you♡
Woman in red: Eeeeee I'm so excited I feel like I've not seen you in weeks, I know I seen you 3 nights ago for our walk but it feels like so long ago I'm pouty hurry and get here.
Me: I know babe but I'll be 10 minutes and take that pout off your face beautiful or ill need to kiss it away ;)
Woman in red: Thats my plan, so the pout stays
I just giggle and let out a content sigh god that woman will be the death of me its official I've fallen madly in love with her, before i know it I'm parking outside lizzies house, i close the door and walk up ringing the doorbell why do i feel nervous as the door open i go to say hi but I'm met with a pouty lizzie jumping into my arms hugging tight I let out a giggle "I missed you too babe" I start to leave kisses all over her face making her giggle and eventually gently kiss her pouty lips and she instantly kisses back I could kiss her forever "ok as much as I want to stay here kissing your amazing lips we have to go baby we have a reservation for dinner" she smiles and looks me up and down biting her lip and I do the same to her she's wearing a dress similar to mine but red and she's fucking stunning "god you really are my woman in red" she blushes gently pushing my shoulder "what do you mean your woman in red?" She asks softly, fuck "well when we first met when we bumped into each other you had this beautiful red pant suit on and even tho I knew your name every time I'd think about you I'd refer to you as the woman in red" I feel my face instantly heat up "y/n that's so fucking adorable by the way after we first met I couldn't keep my mind off you either and fate seemed to bring us together out of all the banks I unknowingly ended up in yours" she smiles and leans in to place a gentle peck on my lips and I hold her there mumbling against her lips "it sure did beautiful now let's go" we head to the car and I open her door for her and we drive to the fancy restaurant I booked.
We spent the night laughing flirting and occasionally giving each other kisses and I couldn't be more happy "one more stop before we go back to my house babe" I say as we leave the restaurant and head to the car "lead the way y/n wherever you go ill follow" I smile and intertwine our fingers as we walk to the car I open her door and she gives me the most adorable smile I drive us to the little milkshake shop she first took me to and the excitement on her face is priceless "ohhh my goshhh your so fucking cute y/n taking us to the place we kinda had our first date, this place will forever be special to me" I squeeze her hand gently as we walk into the shop "me too lizzie me too" we enjoyed our milkshakes and spend an hour enjoying eachothers company before we head back to my house on the drive home lizzie rests her hand a lil high on my thigh and I unknowingly squirm in my seat and she clearly noticed "what's wrong y/n you seem a little tense" she smirks and bites her lip sliding her hand higher "I um I I I'm not I'm fine" she giggles and looks at me with a smirk "that dress looks fucking sexy on you y/n but you know where it would even better?" She asks innocently I swallow the lump in my throat and shake my head at a loss of words and she leans over and whispers in my ear "on the bedroom floor" I let out a moan I didn't mean to and she licks her lips "I also want to hear lots of that" I feel the pool of wetness gather in my underwear, we need to get out this car now,
As soon as the front door of my house closes lizzie has me pressed against it kissing me like there's no tomorrow I let my hands travel her body and land on her ass and she let's out a moan god that sound is sexy I break the kiss and smile "come with me baby" I take her hand and lead her up to my bedroom and open the door and watch her smile grow as she enters "you done all this for me?" I smile and nod "I just wanted to make everything perfect for you " she crawls onto my bed and bites her lip looking straight at me "come here babe" I walk towards her and unzip the side of my dress letting it fall to the floor "fuck y/n you look so sexy" I blush and crawl onto the bed and start kissing her neck while I unzip her dress and she unclipped my bra letting my breasts pop out and before I know it she flipped us so she was on top "fuck please touch me lizzie I need you I need to feel you" she kisses her way down to my nipples and sucks the left and rolls the right between her fingers pinching sending moans flying out my mouth she lowers her kisses to my stomach then pantie line and looks up to me to make sure she has permission "please lizzie touch me" i beg and quicker than I could blink my panties where on the floor beside my dress and her tounge runs through my wet folds and all I can do is whimper "mmh fuck this wet for me baby? And you taste so fucking good y/n" I try to form a sentence while biting my lip "you make me so fucking wet lizzie it's all for you" she moans and slides 2 fingers inside my tight cunt while she kitten licks my clit and all I can do is moan her name her fingers and licks get faster she must have curled her fingers because I'm so close to Cumming "fuck lizzie right...right there fuck don't stop I'm going to fuckkkk" I cum all over her fingers and my full body spasms I try to catch my breath but lizzie continues to finger me and before I know it I'm Cumming all over her fingers again and again fuck that woman has skilled fingers.
After many rounds of mind blowing sex she's curled up close to me as she sleeps soundly.
AN: sorry if it's not great but I'm making these up word for word as I write I think I'll be able to write better if I have requestes something to have a lil inspiration to work with so feel free to either comment your request or message me here on wattpad 😊 word count 1.5k
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limedane21 · 1 year
It’s God’s Will [Vash X Reader][3/3]
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Word Count: ~4.6k Description: The gang wakes up after a night of celebration. Problem is no one remembers the night and there might have been a wedding? A/N: search history now has ‘wikihow marriage license’ in it cause I don’t exactly know how that works and I’m banking on your guys don’t either lmao. This is written for entertainment value not accuracy anyway. [Part1] [Part 2]
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It was another few hours before a doctor came into the room, “Is Y/N here?”
“Yes?” you answered as everyone got up from their seats.
“Can I speak to you privately?” the doctor asked.
“Hey, are you going to tell us if Vash is ok or not?” Meryl interrupted.
“He’s fine, I just need to go over some things with Y/N,” The doctor replied before turning to you, “Follow me.”
You looked back at Meryl and Wolfwood, shrugging as you left the room. You followed the doctor through several hallways. You hoped she was taking you to Vash but was confused on why just you specifically. You doubt Vash would make that request, all of you were friends.
The doctor stopped at a random door and turned to you, “I had to speak with you privately since you’re the spouse—”
“Wait, what?” You interrupted, not believing what you just heard.
“The records say you are married to Mr. Vash,” the doctor said, confused.
“No no no no, there’s got to be some kind of mistake,” you said, waving your hands, “No one even remembers the wedding cause we were all blackout drunk.”
“Well, you seem to remember it and there are official papers stating so. You’ll have to talk to town hall about it if it is indeed untrue,” The doctor continued, “Regardless, let’s get back to Vash. He's stable and resting at the moment, however, we want to keep him here overnight to make sure everything is okay. Are you alright with that?”
“Yes, of course,” you almost couldn’t pay attention as you tried to figure out how your marriage was officiated.
“Do you wish to see him?” the doctor asked.
You nodded as she opened the door for you. The room was bare, just a bed, chair, and nightstand. A radio played music softly and Vash’s coat and glasses were neatly folded and set on the chair. 
You walked over to the bed where Vash slept; the color on his face was still off. You knelt down, holding his prosthetic hand as you watched him slowly inhale and exhale. Your panic from earlier melted away as your brain accepted Vash was okay.
You couldn’t stay forever though, so you got up and kissed Vash’s beauty mark. You immediately felt stupid for doing that and quickly made your leave. Thankfully, you had a good sense of direction as you made it back to the waiting room Meryl and Wolfwood were in.
“They’re going to keep Vash overnight to make sure everything is good,”  you said, “You should be able to visit him. He’s in room 103.”
“What about you?” Meryl asked.
“I need to run an errand, I’ll be right back,” you smiled reassuringly before heading out, “Okay, bye!”
You heard Wolfwood yelling back something but you were already out the door. It wasn’t yet dusk as you hoped town hall was still open. Taking a right, you briskly walked to the center of town.
The town hall was one of the oldest buildings. It was mostly made from stone and bricks with metal additions that were added through the years. You walked up the steps and tried the door. It opened and you entered the lobby. A receptionist looked up from his papers, “How can I help you?”
You walked over to the desk, “Um, I need to check and possibly update my marital records?” you didn’t know how to word the question with such a bizarre situation.
“You’ll need to speak with Ms. Moore. She’s the first office to the left, down that hall,” he pointed and then returned to his paperwork.
“Thanks,” you replied, heading down the hallway.
You found the door with Ms. Moore’s name and knocked.
“Come in!” a cheery voice answered.
You opened the door to find Ms. Moore, a younger woman with her hair tied up in a bun. She was surrounded by file cabinets with pills of files filling up her desk.
“Hello, take a seat, I’m Ms. Moore,” she greeted, moving a stack of files off her desk to the floor next to her, “I’m the familial and martial records archivist. How can I help you today?”
You sat down on the only chair that wasn’t covered in files, “I was at the hospital earlier and they said I’m married.”
“Okay, are you not?” She asked.
You sighed, your head dropping as you realized you were going to have to explain it to her, “A week or so ago my friends and I got blackout drunk and one of them decided to take it upon themself to get me and another friend married. I thought the person who performed the marriage wasn’t an authorized officiant and no one remembered so I didn’t think it was officiated.”
“Interesting,” Moore said, “Can’t say I’ve had this situation before. Let’s check the records for a marriage license. What’s the last then first name?”
“It’s L/N,” you said as the archivist pulled out a drawer and started sifting through the files, “And my first is Y/N.”
“Okay,” Moore drew out as she double checked, “I’m not seeing anything under that, is there another name it could be?”
“I don’t remember the marriage license or signing anything, but,” you paused, hoping Wolfwood didn’t actually do this, “Try Stampede.”
“Stampede, now I remember that,” Moore spun in her chair to another cabinet, “I thought it was an odd last name. Oh, here it is.”
She pulled out a file and put it on her desk, opening it up.
“Okay, here’s your marriage license and it says here your legal name is now Y/N the Stampede,” Moore said.
You facepalmed; you were going to kill Wolfwood when you saw him again. You dragged your hand down your face as you looked at the license Ms. Moore was showing you. There it was, your messy signature along with Vash’s.
“This Nicholas D. Wolfwood, he’s the officiant and the person who decided to get you and Vash married?” the archivist asked.
You sighed, “Yeah, didn’t realize he was authorized.”
“Do you wish to null the marriage?”
You stopped yourself from saying no, “Y-yes. Yes,” Vash doesn’t know, it isn’t fair to him.
“Well, to do that you’ll need to either have your spouse also agree to a divorce or have Mr. Wolfwood nullify it since both of you were intoxicated.”
Great, now you had to pick between a hard place and a rock. You knew your chances with Wolfwood were slim but you definitely didn’t want to tell Vash, especially since he’s still recovering.
“Lovely,” you got up from your seat, “Thanks for the help.”
“You’re welcome, I hope you figure everything out,” Moore replied.
You left town hall feeling drained already. The sun was finally setting as you made your way back to the hospital. You’ve decided to fight Wolfwood tomorrow about the whole marriage thing. You just wanted to be by Vash’s side now.
The hospital was quiet as you walked to Vash’s room. Most of the lights were shut off leaving you with just enough light to see your way through the hallways. You successfully managed your way to room 103 and carefully opened the door so you didn’t wake Vash.
Meryl and Wolfwood turned to you. Vash’s coat and glasses have been moved to the nightstand as Meryl sat in the chair. Wolfwood leaned with his cross on the wall across from Vash.
“Where did you go?” Meryl asked, keeping her voice low.
You didn’t have the energy to reply so you just shook your head and walked over to Vash. He was now lightly snoring which you took as a good sign. 
“Let’s go, Meryl,” Wolfwood said, grabbing his cross and walking to the door, “Give Y/N some alone time with Vash.”
You turned to the undertaker about to retort but he just winked at you and left. Meryl got up from her chair.
“What’s in the box?” Meryl asked.
You slowly looked over at her, “None of your business.”
Meryl looked at you suspiciously but didn’t respond, following Wolfwood. When the door shut, you sighed and pulled the chair up to Vash’s bed. You less than gracefully fell into the chair and set your head on the bed, looking at Vash’s sleeping form. At some point, you fell asleep.
Your back ached as you slowly woke up. You could have sworn you felt someone running their hand through your hair but as soon as you shifted and started stretching out the feeling was gone. You tried to stretch your arms out but were blocked. You opened your eyes to see Vash sitting up in bed looking down at you.
“Morning,” he grinned.
“Mmmm,” you grunted as you sat up, “How are you feeling?”
“Better now,” Vash gave you a thumbs-up, “I hope I didn’t scare you too much.”
“Only the normal amount,” you yawned, covering your mouth as you did so.
A knock sounded on the door and a nurse peaked in, “Oh Mr. Vash, you’re awake. Do you mind if we do a few tests to make sure you’re all set to leave?”
“I don’t mind,” Vash replied as the nurse entered the room.
In the hallway, you saw Wolfwood and you remembered how he changed your last name. Gritting your teeth, you got up and stormed out of the room, wanting to get this over with.
“Oh hey, you look happy to see me,” Wolfwood smirked.
You grabbed his collar and shoved him against the wall, “I’ve about had it with your shit.”
“My shit? I’ve hardly done anything for this amount of aggression,” Wolfwood replied coyly, “Unless there’s something you want to tell me?”
You looked side to side to see some people staring and eavesdropping. You let go of Wolfwood’s shirt and stepped back.
“Let’s go somewhere more private,” you said, walking down the hall.
Wolfwood shrugged and followed after, grabbing his cross.
You found a dead-end alleyway behind the hospital. kicking at the trash on the ground, you turned to the undertaker. He set his cross against a wall and pulled out a cig, lighting it and sticking it into his mouth.
“So, what do you want to talk about?” He said, blowing smoke into your face.
Your nose crinkled as you swatted away the smoke and plucked the cig from his mouth. You dropped it on the ground and stomped on it.
“I don’t believe you when you say you don’t remember what happened that night,” you declared.
“The feeling’s mutual,” Wolfwood replied, “You’ve been acting weird since that night. Now I might not remember what happened but it seems like you do and it has something to do with me.”
You stared at him for a moment, you really, really didn’t want to tell him what happened but you’ve made your bed, now you must lay in it.
“You,” you jabbed your finger on Wolfwood’s chest, hoping aggression would be a better persuader than straight-up begging, “somehow orchestrated a marriage between Vash and I, and now my legal name is Y/N the Stampede.”
Wolfwood stared at you in disbelief before he started laughing hysterically. You crossed your arms as he choked on his spit, still laughing. 
“Laugh it up, asshole,” you deadpanned, if you weren’t so embarrassed by the whole ordeal you would probably find it as funny as the undertaker.
Wolfwood wheezed as he had trouble breathing properly, his hands on his knees. He brushed away the tears forming around his eyes as he straightened.
“You’re telling me, there was a whole ass wedding and no one remembers but you,” he said, coughing as he went into another laughing fit.
“Yes, and the only person who can nullify it is the officiant, which apparently is you,” you replied.
Wolfwood stopped laughing, “Wait, you want me to nullify the marriage?”
“Uh, yeah,” you said, “No one remembers and we were all drunk. That’s not a real wedding.”
“Sorry, it must have been God’s will,” Wolfwood lit another cigarette, blowing out smoke before continuing, “Besides, don’t you like Needle-noggin anyway?”
You felt the blush creep up from your neck to your ears. You opted to stare at an interesting piece of garbage on the ground as Wolfwood waited for an answer.
“Exactly,” he said, your silence confirming everything, “That’s why I won’t nullify it. If you want a divorce you’ll have to tell Vash yourself.”
“You are a fucking asshole, Wolfwood,” you mumbled, your hands curling into fists at your side.
“Tell me something,” Wolfwood ignored your comment, “Do you have those rings in that fancy little box of yours?”
“Are you going to tell Meryl?” you asked in return.
“Nah, even though she totally tried getting into it last night,” Wolfwood replied.
You never could quite believe him but you knew sooner or later it will spill either by your or someone else’s doing, “Yes, the rings are in the box. Along with all the photos.”
Wolfwood chuckled before getting serious again, “You need to tell Needle-noggin. Soon, it’s not very fair to hide this from him, don’t ya think?”
“And it's not very fair to marry two intoxicated people but here we are,” you scoffed.
Wolfwood ignored you and grabbed his cross, walking back into the hospital, leaving you to your thoughts.
You don’t remember how long you stayed out there but eventually, you went back to Vash’s hospital room and helped him check out with Wolfwood. All three of you returned to your temporary house. Meryl had gone shopping for some groceries so the group can make some dinner while Vash recovers. She and Wolfwood were preparing dinner as you sat on the porch staircase, looking out to the endless sands.
You didn’t feel like talking to anyone or doing much of anything since your conversation with Wolfwood. You were embarrassed by how you acted and are still acting. You knew you should have told everyone what happened that night instead of keeping a secret that slowly ate at you from the inside out. But you were always an anxious person and that anxiety makes you do some rash things. Or in this case not do things you really should.
You heard someone walk up behind you. You glanced over as Vash sat next to you on the steps. He gave you an easy smile and looked out at the desert with you. Most of his color was back but you could tell he was still a bit ill, moving more slowly and sleeping often.
“Are you alright?” he finally spoke, breaking the comfortable silence.
“No,” you answered honestly, not elaborating.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Vash asked.
“No,” you sighed, “But I’ll have to eventually.”
Vash leaned into you slightly for a second, giving you a soft smile, “I’ll wait until you’re ready then.”
You don’t know why, but you felt a weight being lifted from your shoulders with Vash’s words. Somehow you kept forgetting that Vash was the nicest person you know and that he’ll understand anything. You just didn’t want to ruin that.
“Thanks,” you smiled back.
“Lunch is ready!” Meryl called from the house.
You and Vash turn to the door before looking at each other. As Vash slowly got up, you rose, your hands hovering around him in case he lost his balance. He didn’t and you both entered the house and walked to the dining room. Meryl and Wolfwood were already seated at one side of the table, so you and Vash sat together. 
Dinner was potatoes, bread, and some type of meat. Vash carefully picked at his food as Wolfwood stole a piece of meat from Meryl’s plate.
“Hey,” she protested, taking a piece of his potatoes as payback, “You got plenty on your plate.”
“Yeah, but you overcooked my steak,” Wolfwood replied.
“You cooked the steak genius,” Meryl retorted, dodging the undertaker’s attempts at more of her steak.
“Guys, c'mon let’s just eat off our own plates,” Vash interrupted, his voice coming out more tired than normal.
The two stopped but not before shoving at each other one last time. You just watched and ate, glancing over at Vash to make sure he was okay. You caught Wolfwood looking over at you and he quickly winked in return. You pressed your mouth into a thin line before going back to your plate, not wanting to give him a response.
“Hopefully that gang will leave us alone now,” Meryl said.
“They better after the hell I gave them,” Wolfwood replied and turned to Vash, “I didn’t kill anyone so be grateful.”
Vash chuckled, “Yeah, thanks,” he paused for a second before speaking again, “I think I’m going to retire. Night, all.”
“Night,” you all chimed as he got up and walked to his room, shutting the door.
You looked back down at your plate and continued eating. When you didn’t hear the others doing the same you looked back up. Meryl and Wolfwood were staring at you, Meryl with a determined look while Wolfwood shrugged at you like he was forced to do something.
“Wha—” you started before Meryl brushed her plate to the side and placed the box on the table. It had been noticeably chipped at.
“What’s in the box?” Meryl asked.
You stilled, glancing over at Wolfwood for any help. He just subtly shook his head.
“None of your business,” you turned back to Meryl. 
“I’m not taking that answer anymore. You’ve been acting weird since that night we all got blackout drunk and as a reporter, it's my job to find out what happened,” Meryl said.
“You’re not reporting that night in the papers so what does it matter?” you asked.
“So you do know what happened?” Meryl pressed, she was standing and leaning over the table now.
“I never said that,” You retorted, crossing your arms and leaning back in your seat as you tried to give an air of confidence.
“You’re hiding something and it's in this box, I know it.”
“Well, it looks like you had trouble getting into it. You know it's rude to take people’s things,” you said.
“Why are you so desperate to keep it a secret?”
“Does it have to do with Vash?” Wolfwood decided to join in.
You scowled at him as he smirked at you. Sure he wasn’t going to tell Meryl but you guess that doesn’t mean he won’t help her. Meryl watched both of you before turning back to you, waiting for an answer.
You sighed, the fight leaving you as your shoulders slumped. You were tired of being embarrassed and made fun of.
“It’s embarrassing,” you started, not looking at the two.
You heard Meryl slowly sit back down, catching your shift from defensive to defeated. Your crossed arms turned to holding yourself for comfort as you prepared to spill.
“First I would like to say this is all Wolfwood’s fault,” you started; if you were going down, you definitely were dragging him with you, “He stole Vash’s arm and sold it for a pair of rings. He, somehow, convinced Vash and I to get married and officiated it, even getting the fucking license and having us sign it.”
“Want to tell Meryl what your new name is,” Wolfwood prompted, apparently very proud of his “creation”.
“Y/N the Stampede,” you mumbled, turning away.
“What was that?” Meryl asked, having not heard you.
“Y/N the Stampede,” you said a little louder, blushing in embarrassment.
Meryl’s cheeks puffed out as she tried to hold in laughter and failed a second later. She slammed her hand on the table, already losing her breath. Wolfwood grinned with her. You just looked miserably at the pair as you waited for them to finish.
After a minute or so, Meryl suddenly looked confused, “Wait, how do you know about this Wolfwood?”
“Y/N told me this morning,” Wolfwood replied, “Trying to get me to nullify the marriage so she didn’t have to tell Vash.”
“What?” Meryl before she turned back to you, “Vash doesn’t know?”
“Of course not, everyone got blackout drunk. I thought it was a dream before I saw the photos.” you replied.
“What photos?” Meryl replied, “You said most weren’t viable.”
You rolled your eyes and took off your boot, grabbing the key and throwing it across the table to Meryl, “I lied.”
She took the key and immediately opened the box, going through all the photos, “Oh my god.”
You put your boot back on as she continued to go through the box. She reached the end of the photos and pulled out the string that held the rings. Wolfwood and Meryl analyzed them for a few moments.
“Why haven’t you told Vash?” Meryl asked, putting everything back into the box.
“Mmmm,” you didn’t answer.
“Y/N,” Meryl pressed.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” you answered.
“Why would that ruin your friendship?”
You were not liking this interrogation very much, “Cause I like him.”
“Awww,” Meryl cooed, “Well that’s just perfect you’re already married so you can skip over the dating part.”
“Meryl this is serious,” you warned.
“I know, but you have to admit it's kinda funny,” she said.
“Yes, I know,” you replied, “But since it’s still ongoing and I’m a part of it, it is not exactly funny to me at the moment.”
The table fell silent as Meryl processed everything she just learned and you sat uncomfortable, wanting to crawl into your bed and never leave. Wolfwood got up, grabbed his cross, and left to smoke outside for the evening. Meryl started taking the empty plates to wash and you got up to help clean off the table.
“I’m going to bed,” you said, grabbing the box and key.
You twisted the doorknob all the way and silently opened the door. You carefully shut it behind you as well and walked to the far end where your shared dresser was. You set the box and key on it before resting your hands next to it as you felt your energy drain from your body. You were already drained from your conversation with Wolfwood earlier and now that conversation with Meryl sapped you out of everything else. However, you did feel part of your self-imposed burden lift.
“Are Meryl and Wolfwood giving you a hard time?” Vash asked.
You snapped in his direction, “I thought you were asleep.”
You vaguely saw Vash shrug in the shadows, “You guys were a bit loud.”
“Oh,” you paused, “So you heard us…”
“Not enough to hear what was said,” Vash replied, watching you for a moment, “Is it about that thing you weren’t ready to talk about?”
You nodded, “Yeah.”
Vash didn’t say anything after as you leaned over the dresser still. After a few moments, you finally pushed yourself up and sat on your bed so you could take off your boots.
“Um,” you barely heard Vash as he spoke up again, “If you want, you could lay with me if that’ll make you feel better.”
You couldn’t see his face but you could tell he was nervous asking you. You wanted to question it but you wouldn’t pass on such a nice offer since it’d probably be ruined tomorrow when you tell him what happened.
You must haven’t answered soon enough cause Vash started backtracking, “That is, if you want—”
“Sure,” you interrupted before he could talk himself out of it, “That sounds nice actually.”
You heard him shift as you got up and walked over to his bed.
“It’ll probably be best if you climb over to the other side,” Vash said, in reference to his prosthetic arm.
“Okay,” you replied, carefully maneuvering yourself over Vash and dropping on the left side of the bed.
Once you were under the covers, you wrapped your arms around Vash’s waist and pulled yourself into his chest. Vash stiffed at first before relaxing and wrapping his arms around you, his chin resting on the top of your head. Vash’s fast heart rate eventually steadied as you both lay there. You took a deep breath, taking in Vash’s smell before slowly drifting off to sleep.
You were slow to wake as you felt a sense of deja vu sharing Vash’s bed. You both were still holding onto each other. Vash sturred awake as you leaned back to see his face. He smiled at you before yawning.
“Morning,” you whispered.
“Morning,” Vash replied then chuckled, “This feels familiar.”
You raised a brow at him as he smiled, nervously.
“At the hospital, you fell asleep with your head on the bed,” Vash explained..
The corners of your mouth lifted before you remembered the box and pulled away from Vash; his brows furrowed at your actions, “What’s wrong?”
“Remember when I said there’s something I would need to talk to you about?” you asked, holding your hands to your chest as Vash gently held your waist.
“Yes?” Vash answered.
You jerked your head in the direction of the box and key, “What’s in that box will tell you everything.”
Vash turned around and sat up, leaning over to grab the box and key before putting it on his lap. You rolled over, you didn’t want to see his reaction. You heard the box unlock and its hinge squeak as it was opened. Vash shifted through the photos and picked them up. You tensed up as you heard him make a eek noise while looking at the photos. He shuffled through more and lightly laughed at one. You finally heard the clinking noise of the rings as Vash bought them out of the box.
“I thought it was just a dream,” he said, which made you roll back over.
Vash looked down at you and smiled. Blush brushed his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Rem told me a little about marriages,” he paused, “I won’t mind trying it with you.”
You pushed yourself up, your eyes wide, “What? You like me that way?”
You had forced yourself to doubt Vash would like you that way, you felt like you couldn’t comprehend any other outcome. Now Vash was sitting next to you, saying he wouldn’t mind being married.
His face grew more red before he squeaked, “Yes.”
You grabbed Vash’s cheeks, bringing his face to yours, “Can I kiss you?”
He just smiled and connected his lips with yours. You both held the kiss for a few long moments, your hands moving to Vash’s shoulders. When it ended you looked into each other's eyes.
Vash then turned to the rings, “In that case…”
Your hands left his shoulders as he undid the string’s knot and dropped the rings into his hand. Vash gently grabbed your left hand and slipped on your ring. You followed suit and did the same. You both held each other's hands, looking at the rings.
“There’s something else I need to confess,” you said.
“Oh?” Vash replied.
“Remember that the morning after the party, when we woke up in the hotel room?” Vash nodded and you continued, “we were sleeping in the same bed.”
Vash put a hand on the back of his head, “Oh, I kinda figured.”
“Huh?” you exclaimed.
“I woke up before you then fell back asleep,” Vash explained, “I assumed you were embarrassed so I didn’t say anything.”
You shook your head, smiling, “And I thought I was the one trying to save you the embarrassment.”
You both chuckled before you spoke again, “Guess I’m going to have to live with the name Y/N the Stampede now.”
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[Part1] [Part 2]
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emberenchanted · 11 months
For Keeps (2/3)
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Pairing: Dark!Carol Danvers x Female Reader
Summary: Carol sees you. Carol wants you. Carol gets what she wants. 
Series Warnings: extremely dubious consent, strap ons (r receiving), sex (oral, vaginal), fingering, anal fingering, Dom!Carol, orgasm denial, spanking, violence (not really towards reader), manipulation, forced relationship, rough sex
18+ ONLY
Link to Chapter 1
Chapter 2
As you drag yourself up the stairs to your studio above the bar you reflect on whether living at home with your parents had really been that bad. This kind of thing didn’t happen where you were from and it had you thinking that perhaps it was time to revisit your long term plans. Coming back home after three months was kind of pitiful, but even that might be better than getting pulled into a world you have no business in. One filled with casual violence that made your stomach turn. 
Especially since you were now dreading the inevitable phone call from Carol. You knew she would call and you knew you wouldn’t be able to say no to her. That was a dangerous road to start down. Better to nip it in the bud ASAP. 
Calling an ambulance for Mel and closing down the bar mostly by yourself made for an extra late night and all you could think about was taking a hot shower (your meager attempt to wash the violence off of you and out of your mind) and climbing into bed. You wish you’d given yourself a glass of wine “on the house,” but after Carol’s display, it seemed like Mel really couldn’t spare the extra cash. 
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When you awake late the next morning it’s with a pounding headache and two missed calls from an unknown number. You also see a voicemail notification. Your mind quickly flashes over the events of the preceding night and you immediately wish you were still sleeping. For some reason you feel like you should be sitting up while you listen to Carol’s message, so you throw your legs over the edge of your sofa bed and drag yourself into an upright position. 
As you suspected, the message was from Carol and she sounded like sin. 
Beep. “Hey, baby. It’s me, Carol. I had such a good time with you last night, and I can’t wait to see you again. How about I pick you up tonight at 7pm for dinner and a show? Call me back with your address as soon as you get this. Ok, bye baby. Talk to you soon.”  
You squeeze your eyes shut and press 7 to delete the message. You never should have given her your number. And you definitely couldn’t go out with her. She’d hurt Mel! In the three months since you’d moved to the city, Mel had been--well, not a friend exactly--but a stable acquaintance. He’d given you a job and a place to live, and only price gouged you a little. But the commute to work was unbeatable. You generally liked Mel and wanted him to be ok. Carol, or whoever she was representing, could have offered him some kind of payment plan. From what you could tell from his tearful blabbering while you waited for the ambulance, he’d made an honest mistake. 
You also knew that while you might be telling yourself you were refusing to call Carol back out of some source of solidarity, the simple truth was that Carol scared you shitless. She also didn’t seem like someone who handled rejection well. And you aren’t interested in standing up to her and risking her undeniably brutal wrath. You don’t think that she would hurt you like she’d hurt Mel, but you also don’t think she’ll simply accept your answer and leave you be. So, to your bleary brain, ignoring the problem is the next best thing. You busy yourself with laundry and tidying your small apartment; your distractions work well until Carol’s next two calls at 5 and 6pm. She doesn’t leave any more voice messages and you hope that she got the message that you weren’t interested and that she would lose interest in you. You spend the evening with a bottle of cheap red wine and Netflix. You tumble into bed around 2 am and fall into a fitful sleep. When you wake up in the early afternoon the next day, 6 hours before your 7:30 pm shift at Mel’s, you nervously check your phone for more messages. To your relief, there are none. 
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Carol’s good mood fizzles in the 24 hours after meeting you. The morning after Mel’s Tavern she’d woken up in high spirits. After a quick 6 mile run, she’d showered, eaten a hearty breakfast, and started planning her date. She’d settled on a location for dinner, made reservations, and bought tickets to a popular live show. She’d called Y/N to tell her all about their night, then called again to leave a message. By 5pm, Carol was irritated, and by 6pm she was worried. She’d even driven by Mel’s around 6:30pm to see if you were working. If Carol had known your address, she wouldn’t have hesitated to drop by. By 7:30pm Carol was back in the gym, sparring just a bit too viciously with Natasha. 
“Damn!,” Nat huffs out as Carol puts her on her ass for the fifth time that evening. She sits up while rubbing her side and looks at Carol through the red sheet of hair that has fallen over her face. “Did I happen to do something to you? Because, if so, you should know I’m very sorry. Can you please stop beating me up? ”
Carol sticks out her hand to help Natasha off the mat. “Sorry. I’m a little distracted today so I wasn’t really paying attention.”
Natasha, now standing, looks quizzically at Carol and then laughs, “I feel like I should be insulted.”
Carol smiles. “Never, Nat. You always give me a good fight." The next moment her smile turned sour. “I’m just frustrated and a bit pissed. I met this woman last night and she gave me her number, but then started avoiding me. She won’t answer her phone and stood me up for a date. That’s actually where I’m supposed to be now. But I know she likes me. I saw the way she looked at me and reacted when I touched her. But, she’s just too nervous to admit it.” 
Carol rolls her eyes and throws her head back as she releases a frustrated grunt.
“Ok, woman troubles. Now that I can help with,” Nat chuckles. “If she’s too shy, then you need to be bold enough for the both of you. Don’t let her say no.”
“You know what Nat?,” Carol grins, “it’s like you read my mind.”
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Carol strides into Mel’s Tavern at 9 pm the following night. She walks directly to the bar, ignoring everyone around her and heading straight to you.
As she approaches, your heart starts racing and the room feels much hotter than it had moments ago. She was just as breathtakingly beautiful as you remembered and your mind empties for just a moment. She didn’t look happy, but she also didn’t look like she was about to fling a knife into your heart or drive a fist into your face. That had to be a good sign, right? 
“Hey, Carol,” you choke out quietly. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“No, Y/N. But I would very much like to speak with you.” Carol states calmly, hands braced against the edge of the bar and body leaning over the counter towards you. “Why don’t you take your break now?”
You gesture aimlessly to the few scattered patrons in the bar. For the second time in as many shifts nobody would look at you. They were all suspiciously interested in the glasses in front of them, even if those glasses were empty. You grit your teeth and say, “Someone might need me.”
Carol frowns, looks around and asks the room loudly, “Anybody here need anything?”
A chorus of “nos” come back to her.
Carol raises one of her perfectly arched eyebrows and beckons you over to her with a softly crooked finger. 
You scoot to the section of the bar directly in front of Carol, cross your arms and look down. Carol reaches across the bar with her right hand and, taking your chin between her thumb and forefinger, pushes your head up until you meet her eyes directly. 
Your brain races through excuses frantically. You knew it was a possibility she’d show up and you should have prepared better. Maybe you could say that things have been a little crazy in your life and you don’t have time to pursue anything... with anyone? Not just her? It was a pitiful excuse, but the best you could come up with.
Carol looks at you, head tilted slightly, brows furrowed, and eyes narrowed as her thumb gently strokes your face. Her expression could only be described as frustrated yet determined. “Baby,” Carol began slowly, “I’m confused. When I came in two nights ago, we had an instant connection. That doesn’t happen often, does it?”
Your head jerks quickly back and forth, signaling no.
“Ok, that's what I thought,” Carol continues. Her voice hardens slightly, as does the hand holding your face. You wince at the sudden pressure. “So why didn’t you call me back? Why did you make me call you four times with no response?”
Your head feels dizzy and your lips stay glued together. You're on the verge of a panic attack and all you could think of is getting her to let you go. 
“Answer me, baby. Now,” Carol commands, as her grip on your chin tightens further. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. Your eyes squeeze shut and your upper body is leaned back as far as you can while your face is still being held by Carol. 
Carol abruptly releases your face and you have to take a quick step and set your hand on the bar to rebalance your body. 
Carol’s hand snakes out and grabs yours, holding it firmly so you can’t walk away. Her voice softens some, but still sounds slightly harsh .“Ok, I’ll forgive you this time. But don’t let it happen again.” From her back pocket she whips out a piece of paper and a pen. “Write down your address so I know where to pick you up tomorrow.”
Once Carol pockets your address, she reaches for your hand once more. “How much longer do you have on your break, baby? Let’s go outside.” 
After walking you outside, Carol immediately presses you against the brick wall and pushes her lips against yours in a forceful kiss. Her tongue slips across the seam of your lips until you open to allow her entry into your mouth. She sets to exploring every bit of you, sucking your tongue into her mouth and nibbling on your lips until they are tender and you are breathless and dizzy. Then she’d promptly untucked your shirt, unbuttoned your jeans, and slid her hand down to your slippery folds. When you try to move away, her free hand tightens on your waist and shoves you back, making your back scrape against the wall. 
“Mmmm, is all this for me?,” she murmurs, nuzzling your ear, as her fingers part you and begin gently rubbing from your clit to your slick opening. You squirm on Carol's fingers, and Carol slides her thumbnail over your sensitive clit harshly, making you yelp. “Did I tell you to move?”
“No,” you whisper.
“When we're together like this you call me Ma’am,” Carol growls. “No, who?”
”No, ma’am” you gasp out while trying desperately to stay still. She slides two fingers into you and your walls flutter furiously around Carol's fingers, searching for relief. “Sorry, ma’am.” It comes out as a whimper. 
Carol pushes her fingers deeper up inside of you and you choke. Her free hand slides under your shirt, over your waist and ribs, before spreading and tightening under your breast, fingernails digging into the hollows between your ribs, scratching your soft flesh. Carol thumbs your taut nipple, and a moan bubbles up in your throat as you fight your every instinct in your attempt not to move. Her warm breath fans over your neck as she shifts your body flat against the wall, caging you in. 
Carol pinches your nipple sharply as her fingers begin to push into you harder and faster. She  focuses her thrusts, curling her fingers inside you to rub your spongy flesh until she hits that exquisite spot that makes you moan and shiver. The slick sound of her fingers pumping in and out of your pussy fills your ears. That and Carol’s murmuring are all you can hear. Her voice pitches you higher as she calls you her good girl, her sweet girl, her hot sticky tight little girl. 
Your heart pounds in your chest as you feel the relentless rising in your core. You approach the edge of a wicked orgasm, and just as you feel yourself begin to teter over, Carol slides her fingers out of you and starts slipping them, in a whisper soft motion, over your clit, just barely brushing you. The abrupt emptiness has you whining sharply. 
“No, no, no,” Carol whispers in your ear. She presses her body firmly against yours,  “No coming for you. You were a bad girl. Do bad girls get orgasms?”
“No,” you gasp.
Carol pinches your clit sharply once before going back to her soothing motion, “No, who?”
“No, ma’am,” you whimper. 
“Good girl. We’re going to do that a few more times while you apologize to me, ok? Hold on, baby.”
Feeling lost, you loop your arms around her neck and drop your head into the crook of her neck. Carol’s long slender fingers push roughly back inside of you, furiously rubbing you as you whine and squirm against the wall. Before long you hear yourself apologizing for not answering her calls, for worrying her, for standing her up. 
She tortures you throughout your broken apologies, bringing you to the edge over and over only to force you back down. 
Finally, finally, she must decide you’ve apologized enough, and she whispers in your ear as her fingers pick up again, “Shhh, now, I’m going to let you come baby. You’re being such a good girl and you apologized so nice. But don’t you ever ignore my calls again. No matter what.” Her voice hardens and her slippery fingers pinch at your clit gently--making you jump and yelp--before pushing them back inside you, “You understand me?”
Your brain is fuzzy and can’t seem to string together enough words to form a sentence. When you first saw Carol enter the bar you definitely didn’t intend for this to happen. You’d hope that you could somehow weasel out of a date with her without her getting mad. Things had obviously not gone according to plan. You must take too long to respond, because Carol’s free hand reaches to twist your clit harshly, making you howl. 
“Answer me. Now.” The fingers inside you don’t stop. 
The sharp pain from her twist radiates up your body, and temporarily mutes your rising orgasm. “Yes,” you sob pathetically. “Yes, I understand, ma’am.”
Carol uses the entirety of her body weight to push you up against the wall. Your back scrapes the wall as her fingers pick up speed and she coos softly in your ear. Her fingers push you violently over the edge, and you buck harshly between the wall and Carol's solid form. Carol’s fingers fuck you through your orgasm as she nuzzles your neck, licking and nipping at the tender skin there as you come down.  
Carol watches as you readjust your clothes and wipe at the mist in your eyes before she walks you back into the bar. She drops a possessive kiss on your mouth before heading toward the door. At the last minute, she turns and looks you dead in the eye. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Right, baby?” 
You look back at her and nod. “Yes, ma’am,” you whisper under your breath. 
After dropping you back at work, Carol walks to her car with her lips curled into a smile. She is sure that she’s on the right track with her sweet, shy little baby. She's even hopeful that she might be able to trade in her unused tickets for show credit that she could use for her date tomorrow night with you.
Chapter 3
A/N: Thanks for reading and for any feedback you give. Please do let me know what you think so far. It's much appreciated. Also, I know need to work on my dividers.. haven't quite figured those out yet. Thanks for bearing with me.
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