#ok it can probably also carry cans and bottles and other drinks but like
project-catgirlpillar · 11 months
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Yeah it really is odd that this company that produces drones that Carry one (1) single plastic Cup of Beer (the Most Common Size of Beer) at a time isn't worth a morbillion Dollars. So strange
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morganski-19 · 8 months
The One with Sleeping
Steve wakes up with someone’s arm wrapped around his stomach. Which is odd considering he didn’t have anyone over last night. And he’s on his couch with beer bottles on the coffee table and what looks like two crushed ends of a joint in the ash tray.
But he’s too groggy to figure it all out, and it’s probably just Robin anyway, so he leans his head back down and starts to fall back asleep. Until the other person stirs and sits up rapidly, causing him to fall off of his couch.
“What the fuck,” he grunts, slowly getting up from the ground. At least he’s awake now. “Why did you throw me off the couch Rob-.” Steve stops as he sees who’s on the couch. “You’re not Robin.”
Jonathan stares at Steve with a mix of concern and fear. “No, I’m not.”
“Why were you sleeping on my couch?”
“Why were we cuddling?” Jonathan asks, acting as if it was the more pressing question of the two.
Steve collects himself off the ground. “I don’t know. I tend to sleep cuddle people.”
“You sleep cuddle people. That’s a thing?” Jonathan sits up, running a hand through his tangled hair.
“Yeah. Ask Robin, she has a lot of stories about it.” Steve fixes his shirt, it having twisted weird when he fell off the couch. “Thanks for throwing me off the couch by the way.”
Jonathan makes a sheepish face. “Sorry. You scared me when I woke up.”
Steve sits down next to him. “It’s fine. So, why were you sleeping on my couch.”
“I don’t know,” Jonathan scratches at his chin. “I remember coming over last night for some drinks, and then we got high. We must have just dozed off.”
“Together, on the couch,” Steve reasons.
“You don’t think we, you know. Did anything, right?” Jonathan asks cautiously.
Steve laughs. “No, no we’re good. Even cross faded me knows not to flirt with my friends.”
“Does sober you know not to do that?” Jonathan deadpans. Having witnessed Steve play flirt with Eddie multiple times.
Steve clears his throat, avoiding answering that. “The point is, I wouldn’t have tried anything. Not with you, so we probably just fell asleep and somehow ended up in this position.”
“What do you mean not with me?”
“Oh my god,” Steve rolls his eyes. “Now you’re offended? You don’t even like me like that.”
Jonathan scoffs. “And neither do you.”
“Exactly, which is why I wouldn’t have tried anything.”
“But if it was Eddie, would you have tried something.”
“I’m not answering that.” Steve gets up to clear away the old bottles, carrying them over to the recycling can. “If it was Argyle, would you have?” he finally counters.
Jonathan’s face breaks out in a flush that he tries to hide with a cough. “Can we agree not to mention this is anyone?” he changes the subject. “Say I just stayed over and slept on your couch, alone.”
Steve shrugs. “I guess. What, you ashamed that we cuddled on my couch or something?” Jonathan looks away. “Oh my god, you are. How fucking dare you?”
“What do you mean? This isn’t exactly normal for the two of us.” Jonathan stands.
“Sure. But you wanting to hide it means you’re ashamed. Are you ashamed that you slept with me.”
Jonathan gives him a blank expression. “Please don’t call it that.”
“I am calling it that, because it was true. The two of us, slept on the same couch, together, also while cuddling a little bit. It happens, it was an accident. We use it as a funny story and move on.”
“Or we don’t mention it at all.”
Steve crosses his arms. “Alright, under one condition. You admit that was the best sleep you’ve gotten in a while.”
Jonathan huffs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about. Chronic insomniac Jonathan, falling asleep for what looks to be about, oh I don’t know,” Steve looks at the clock on the oven. “Six or so hours, undisturbed. That had to have been a good night’s sleep.”
Jonathan scrunches up his face before giving in. “Fine, ok.”
Steve laughs in victory.
“It was the best night I’ve gotten in a while, you’re right.”
“For me too, actually.”
“Wait. Wasn’t Robin here last night?” Jonathan remembers.
Steve’s eyes widen. “Yeah, she was. Where is she?” He lightly taps on her door before opening it, finding an empty, unmade bed. “Shit, she’s gone.”
“So, she saw us,” Jonathan accepts defeat. “Great. Where do we think she is?”
There is suddenly a loud burst of laughter from across the hall. “Oh no,” Steve groans.
“We’re never going to live this down, are we?” Jonathan asks with a wince.
“Nope,” Steve says defeated. “We go in together?” He turns to Jonathan.
Jonathan nods. “Only way to do it at this point.”
Steve heads across the hall to Nancy and Eddie’s apartment. He nods at Jonathan before opening the door to ruckus laughter.
“There are the sleepy heads,” Robin teases on the couch. Waving her phone in the air. “Hope we didn’t wake you up,” she fake pouts.
Eddie comes out of his room with a picture in his hand, holding it close to his chest when he realized Steve and Jonathan are there. “Oh, hey guys,” he says with a knowing smile.
Nancy starts laughing. “How’d you guys sleep?” she asks innocently.
Argyle sits on the armchair with crossed arms. “Terribly, I hope.”
“I thought this would happen,” Jonathan whispers while pinching the bridge of his nose. “We slept as good as two people sharing a couch do.”
“You admitted it so fast,” Robin barks. Cackling.
“You all already know,” Steve defends. “Also, what the hell is in your hands?”
Eddie tries to cover the picture with his hands. “Nothing.”
Steve walks toward Eddie. “So, I can see it then?”
Eddie runs to the other side of the room, Steve chasing after him. They do a whole back and forth at the kitchen table, Eddie almost running into the counter when he gets away. Steve fails to catch up with him as Eddie does another lap.
Jonathan moves out of the way before he gets run into, walking over to a still upset Argyle. “It really wasn’t that great,” he lies.
“Don’t lie to me,” Argyle says, avoiding Jonathan’s gaze.
Eddie runs into his bedroom, unable to lock the door before Steve gets it open, following him in. There’s a crash, causing Nancy to perk up with concern. But when yelling and sounds of wrestling continue, she sits back on the couch, sipping her coffee.
“Fine, it was the best sleep I’ve had for a few weeks. But it doesn’t mean anything, it was an accident I promise.”
“Are you weirded out by this,” Robin whispers to Nancy.
She just shrugs. “Not really.”
“It was really an accident?” Argyle asks.
“Yes, I really didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.”
Argyle finally looks at him, his face softening. “Promise?”
“I promise.”
“No,” Eddie yells from the bedroom. “Don’t rip it.” Followed by a “Ha, got it,” from Steve. He walks out victoriously with the picture.
“Neither of you are bleeding, right?” Nancy confirms, not really caring anymore. Steve shakes his head.
Eddie comes out of the room, leaning on his doorway, panting. “Please don’t tear it up. It was my last piece of picture paper.”
“Out of all of us, why is it you that has a printer?” Robin asks. Eddie just shrugs.
“What is it?” Jonathan asks, wincing.
Steve walks over to show him. “What you think. Why did you print it out anyway?”
“To put on the wall of many shames,” Eddie says, pointing to the wall covered in pictures of the group scattered along the back wall. Some with pictures drawn on their faces and other various situations they’ve gotten themselves into.
Steve looks at Jonathan, who just shrugs. With a roll of his eyes, Steve walks over and tapes it to the wall.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low, @thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady, @apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic, @fearieshadow, @mentallyundone, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging, @potato-of-the-lord
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dollyup · 1 year
Single dad Bonten!Mikey x Single pregnant Fem!Reader
This is sorta like a love at first sight fic and a bit self-indulgent because I LIVE for pregnant reader fics
Description: you help a lost boy find his dad at a busy beach
Author's note: honestly a little OOC but I just wanted him to have a soft moment for once in the Bonten arc PLS
(Also will be doing this for the other bonten members)
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Setting up your spot on the sand was easy, however, trying to put the umbrella in a way that was covering most of you was a little difficult. It was so easy to become exhausted right away considering the fact that your baby bump was growing and little tasks became big feats.
Finally getting the umbrella in, left you with the task of finally putting down your towel, but not before having to dig a spot for you so you could lay down comfortably on your belly. You grabbed a shovel from your beach bag and started the hole for your belly in the sand. Only after getting a few digs in you hear some sniffling nearby. Looking up and around to find the source there was a young boy, probably around 3 with a scared, lost look on their face. Without thinking, you stand up and walk over to the child, kneeling in front of him cautiously. “Hey, there little guy. You ok?” You can see the tears spilling from his eyes and his little lip wobble. “I-I lost my d-daddy.” You reach out to brush the tears from his cheeks and coo at him in a comforting tone, “Oh, sweetheart. Do you need help finding him?” He nods vigorously as he quickly gives you a strong hug trying not to cry again. You comfortingly rub his back and pull his face back to see if he’s ok. Noticing the pinkness of his cheeks and how he seems to be a bit overly exhausted. Clicking your tongue, you stand up and grab his tiny hand in yours. “C’mon, sweety. Let’s get you some sunscreen and some water. Then we’ll go looking for your daddy ok?” He looked up at you with a small smile and gave a little nod. Walking him back over to your stuff, have him sit down on your towel. He watched you with observing, unblinking eyes and you couldn’t help the chuckle that you let out. You grab one of your cool water bottles, open it, then hand it to him, “Drink up, ok? I’m going to put some sunscreen on you before we head back out into the sun. Wouldn’t want you to get burned right?” He nodded his head quickly and with a small “thank you” before you grabbed your sunscreen stick and applied it all over his squishy face. “So what’s your name honey?” “Kenzo, miss.” “Oh wow! That’s a great name for such a sweet little man, huh?” You smile sweetly and he can’t help but give a big smile back. “My daddy named me!” “Must be a great daddy then.” “Oh, he’s the best! I just don’t know where he went,” he said with a small pout. You smile gently as you pat the top of his head and look him in the eyes, “Don’t worry we’ll find him. I promise.” This seemed to ease the tension in his little body.
Before you put your stuff to the side you quickly grab a small bag of snacks and offer him one. “You want a snack while we go look, Kenzo?” His eyes lit up in excitement at the food. “Woah! So many options!” he said as he started to go through the bag. He picked his favorite and you stood up, picking him up at the same time. Good thing he was light enough to be carried considering you don’t like to push yourself because of your growing stomach. “Let’s go find your daddy then.” 
Walking along the water of the beach, knowing that it’s the safest bet of meeting Kenzo’s father, you would ask him occasional questions about how his day was, his likes and dislikes, and school, just to keep him a little distracted from the fact that he’s lost. He was quite the talker and even made funny little jokes. Little kids have the funniest ways of talking, you thought. You knew it would happen sooner or later that he would ask about your pregnant belly. All kids ask. “Do you have any kids, miss?” You smile big as one hand goes to your belly, “I have a little one on the way,” “Really?? Where’s the daddy?” Your smile faltered and knew that that would’ve probably been the follow-up question. You tried to think of an answer when you suddenly heard Kenzo’s name being called out. Kenzo’s attention went from you to the direction of the man, whom you could only assume was his father. “Daddy!!!” he yelled out, making you put him down so he could run in the direction of the man. 
Turning around at the yell of “Daddy” he saw his little boy about to run up to him. The tension in his body immediately dissipates upon seeing his son. However, his eyes widened at the fact that the boy ran back to you, grabbing your hand and dragging you towards him. He went to meet you halfway when he saw your growing belly and the fact that his son had you practically jogging, making him worried you'll topple over. Stopping just a few feet in front of each other, Kenzo let go of your hand and slammed into his dad’s legs. There was relief on all your faces at the reunited family. Mikey’s eyes never left your figure, noticing the slight sheen of sweat on your brow and a genuine smile on your face at Kenzo now safely with his dad. “Ha, I’m so glad we were able to find you! Kenzo was all worried!” you smile softly as you stand a little straighter with a hand on your lower back and one coming up to rub on your belly softly. The action made Mikey smile softly at the glow you give off. 
He was about to open his mouth to thank you when Kenzo tugged on his dad’s swim trunks, making the attention fall back onto the little boy. “Daddy! This lady is also a mommy! I did what you told me to do when I get lost!!” Mikey chuckled a little as he bent down to pick up Kenzo. “You did a great job, buddy,” he says softly. His gaze then goes back to you who watched the scene with a soft gaze that held mild curiosity. “I told him to look for women with kids in case getting lost. It’s the best bet I’ll get him back,” Mikey said coolly. You can’t help the chuckle you let out, “That’s definitely great advice. I’m just glad we found you when we did! Well… I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the beach day. It was nice meeting you Kenzo,” you say, leaning forward to pat his head. You go to turn around with one last smile on your face but are stopped by a soft, yet firm grip on your wrist. “I’d like to thank you for bringing him back to me. I was worried sick,” you turned and faced the attractive, yet very tired-looking man. The smile you gave him was so genuine and full of warmth he couldn’t help feeling his own, small smile appear. “It’s ok. I know how scary it can be to lose your little one in such a big place. He was very sweet and polite, so it wasn’t a bother,” you say softly, rubbing your hands across your belly. The flush of his cheeks was barely noticeable and could pass off as the sun finally soaking into his pale skin. “Daddy! Daddy! This lady is going to be a mommy too! She was all by herself. Maybe she can come sit with us? She can help me bury you in the sand!” He smiled brightly at his dad letting one hand reach out to grab yours. You felt embarrassed by being called out for being alone but gave a small chuckle at that and grabbed his tiny hand before looking at the man. He looked back at you with an expectant look, “I do have a great spot if you’d like. I can help you with anything since you brought Kenny back to me,” he gestured down to your belly. He watched as your face switched from your happy face to slight hesitance. “You don’t have to. I just want to repay you-” “Please!! It would be so much fun Miss! I promise!” You look down at Kenzo with fondness and with a small chuckle before giving your answer. “I would love to. I just have to go grab my things.” “I can help you with that.” 
After you guys grabbed your stuff and you settled in under the massive tent Mikey had, you carefully got onto the sand to start digging the hole for your belly so you could rest. “Here let me help you with that,” Mikey says, grabbing the little shovel in your hand. “Oh, thank you, uh? I’m sorry I don’t believe I’ve gotten your name,” he looks up from digging to give you a small smile. “It’s Manjiro, but everyone calls me Mikey,” you smile and give your hand out to shake his, “I’m (Y/N),” he tries the name before placing a small kiss on your knuckles. After finishing the hole and then placing the towel over it, he helped guide you down easily to relax into the sand making you sigh a little in relief. You both settled into a comfortable silence as you watched Kenzo play in the sand. It was peaceful and Kenzo would occasionally bring you a shell that he thought was pretty. Mikey watched with adoration in his eyes. He would love for this to be a norm in his life and was about to ask you about your situation, but hesitated not knowing how to approach it gently.
Your phone started to ring in your bag making you groan as you tried to get up before you were stopped by a hand on the small of your back and a quiet, “I’ll grab it.” You relax under the soft touch as he uses his other hand to sift through your bag for the phone. He grabbed it and looked at the caller id with mild amusement at the name “DON'T ANSWER EVER”. You looked over at the name and groaned in annoyance. “You can just ignore that. It’s just my ex,” you mumble at the last part. Mikey hummed as he hit the end button, “I’m assuming he’s the dad.” “Biologically, yes. Will I ever let him near me again? Over my dead body,” you grumble out in irritation. He chuckled at that before gently rubbing his thumb that was still on your back making you ease up a bit. “I know this may be… sudden, considering we’ve just met today, but if you’d let me I can stick around a bit. You seem to be nearing the end of your pregnancy and I happen to know how to take care of kids by myself. I know how hard that could be as a single parent. I know I would’ve killed for some help,” the last part was said to himself. You pushed yourself up and his hands immediately flew to help steady you as you sat on your hip, propping yourself up with your arm and a hand caressing your belly. “You’re a single parent? Someone as kind and as good-looking as you, Manjiro? And with sweet little Kenzo?” you asked with a shocked expression. His eyes widened at ‘kind’ being the first thing you describe him as. It’s been a while since he’s heard that. The way you said his name made his chest flutter and he’s never felt that way before, even with the mother of his child. He huffed out a small, breathy laugh at that before gazing into your sweet gaze. You sit up a little straighter and put your hand on top of his, “You sure did a great job. Kenzo is a total sweetheart. He’s such a cutie pie,” you smile brightly, giving his hand a squeeze as you watch the little boy run up to you with another shell in his hand. He gives it to you excitedly as he rambles about his sandcastle with childish excitement. You were adamantly talking about the details and asking him questions about the construction of his abode before he quickly gave you a hug and ran off to add the details you had suggested. You watch him rush off before sighing happily. “You’d be a good mom ya know,” you turn to look at his soft gaze. “You think so?” you smile softly. He scoots closer carefully before letting you lean against his side. “I know so,” both of you chuckle lightly at that. “If you don’t mind, I’d actually appreciate any help you can give me,” you turn to look into his eyes and feel your chest flutter at the closeness and the sweet face he had. “I’ll give you everything,” he whispered as he wrapped his arm around your back and grazed his thumb against the soft skin on your side. “You sound like you’re already in love, Mr. Manjiro,” you whisper in a teasing tone. He places a small peck on the side of your head, “Maybe so.” 
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formulawonu · 2 years
seventeen & drunk conversations
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prompt: how svt would be in drunk conversations
a/n: hi i'm back and got kinda carried away... tag yourselves i'm a combination of woozi and lee chan 🤠
seungcheol: "i love you i love you i love you" "SAY IT BACK WTH" gets all pouty dkxhsjhb would also attempt to talk to you seriously about whatever is going on with your life <//3 big believer of a drunk persons words are a sober persons thoughts
jeonghan: "ha i knew u were a lightweight" "bet u can't take one more shot" DEADASS what an enabler u both would already be drunk and he'd still be challenging u to drink more. the competitiveness just jumps out i guess???? but it would be a fun night. 50% chance of tears if the mood is right
joshua: stopppppp he'd be holding ur hand or leaning his head on ur shoulder i know u all saw that tipsy dingo live. he'd probably also just be muttering stuff under his breath or singing along to whatever song is in the background he is my king of sitting pretty wherever and whenever he'd also be making sure ur ok
junhui: im sorry this man is in a whole other different dimension. u would THINK ur talking to him then realize mid sentence that he is just.....not there... he would probably think he's having a conversation with u but actually it was all just happening in his head and he was really just staring into the distance zoned out irl fml
hoshi: "yo yo yo listen to me im not drunk i actually love you" "IM BEING SERIOUS IM NOT DRUNK I LOVE UR PRESENCE IN MY LIFE?!?!?!?!?" everyone knows hes drunk. even he knows hes drunk. does it matter? no. he would also actually try to have a deep n heartfelt conversation with u:( pls value the mans drunk words they actually mean a lot and come from the heart :/
wonwoo: ok depending on the vibe he either gets even more quiet or hes literally just laughing at everything im gonna cry diusfkghjfj,cm (sorry that was my bias talking) like if it's a drinking situation where deep conversations are happening he's probably really internalizing everything going on and paying attention to whoever is speaking so he really remembers the moment but if its a fun drinking time he's 100% laughing at whoever tf is acting up and throwing sum jokes in here and there:/ HES TRYING HIS BEST OKAY
woozi: yeaaaaaaaa we got our resident sentimental drunk here 🤠 like he's kinda like wonwoo in the sense that he's really basking in the moment and noticing every detail about what's happening and who he's with but he's really just... a soft guy when he's drunk i think he'd be the type to take out his phone in the middle of the night to just write about how he feels/drunk thoughts in his notes just so he could think abt it when he's sober or potentially get inspiration from it :( brings up nice past memories n all... LEE JIHOON I LOVE YOU
minghao: he's just giggling the entire time and maybe just a lil more snarky... "sorry? did u say something? i couldn't hear u over the shot i poured out for u that u didn't take" would also initiate several group toasts and takes pics of u/whoever he's with to capture the moment. becomes more vocal abt his feelings in general actually. would 10/10 want to get drunk with minghao
mingyu: hes a flirty drunk stop it rn. opens all ur bottles/cans for u and hands it back to u with a wink, takes shots for u, has his arm draped across ur seat.... HES JUST NATURALLY LIKE THAT OK PHYSICAL TOUCH IS HIS LOVE LANGUAGE :/ its just even more pronounced when hes intoxicated. asks u ever so often if ur ok if u need water :/ "i'll take the shot for u just remember u owe me something" MOVE!!!!!!!!! but he's v receptive of u and that translates in how caring he is... ugh what a man
seokmin: byeeeee hes also so touchy. hes showering u with kisses and hugs. "i actually LOVE you though!!!!!! return my love!!!!" ur in for a long night if u put him and hoshi together. im being serious good luck. but he's suddenly down to do anything now - cook a feast? go night swimming? karaoke? he's ur guy. would not stop letting u know how much he appreciates and loves u:/ romantic or not:/ if hes sweet sober hes even more drunk:(
seungkwan: omfg he nags at u so much "ANOTHER SHOT?? REALLY???" "WHY ARE U ASSUMING I WANT TO TAKE ANOTHER SHOT" then takes the shot anyway lmao he'd be easier to fool into doing smth stupid to make everyone laugh bec he just wants good vibes n good memories :/ and he's even more doting on whoever he's with like he would 100% get u water and u could trust him with anything. my dream wingman for real he would know how ur feeling and how the night is going without any words needed. he is ESSENTIAL
vernon: he's the one finishing all of the snacks on the table while everyone is talking. he is pure vibes. nodding his head to whatever music is playing in the background and listening to the conversations going on. inputs here and there but hes happier going with whatever vibe is of the night. great person to have beside u imo if u wanna go crazy he'll jump with u if u wanna sit down and talk he'll do that too. might even share a cig with u if the mood calls for it. vernon is on my night out dream team as well
dino: THE LIFE OF THE PARTY!!!! like he doesn't even ask to be it -- he just naturally draws attention and everyone loves playing with him jiskfdhrkd "guys ive literally been the only one taking shots this isnt fair" "WHAT DO U MEAN I LOST THE GAME I HAVENT PLAYED" but he just goes with it because he wants a good time. however as the night progresses and the group gets smaller n smaller he starts becoming serious lee chan and tries to heart to heart with whoever is there. :/ he has a lot of valuable thoughts to let out so whoever is with him pls LISTEN!
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9leaguesofmirrors · 10 months
The Stranger (a Ross Gaines x Joseph Lisgoe fanfic)
At this point, it's somewhat of a tradition that I start these things with a little introduction... but I don't know what to say
Um... have y'all had hard-boiled sweets before? They're good, aren't they? Love an old-fashioned sweet-shop!
OK, moving on!
CONTENT WARNING: Heavy cigarette usage and a scene involving shotgunning
As soon as Lisgoe was allowed through the doors of Death Trap, hearing the pounding of heavy metal from the inside, he welcomed the aggressive thumps that made his organs buzz and his bones rattle
He wasn't what people would call a "club person", but this place came as a reccomendation from a friend. It was cut-off from the rest of town, like an underground world where the people outside didn't exist. The only rock bar in Royston Vasey was like a hidden gem: live music on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, "club nights" on Fridays and Saturdays, and generally good drinks at a decent price
Plus, it was the only place that played his music
Usually, Ross would never set foot in a place like that
On his way to a more polite pub reccomended by a friend, his ears were caught by the cacophony of guitar, drums and... singing? Screaming? Whatever it was, it was loud enough to catch his attention
He knew he was going to hate it in there, but part of him was filled with a strange curiosity. If all went badly, he could just have a drink and leave, it didn't matter
It's not like this place would play his music
Holding a bottle of beer in his hand and leaning against the bar, Lisgoe looked around at the people around him. It was quite funny, being sober on a night like this, it meant he got to witness everyone else at their most unhinged state while he knew he'd wake up tomorrow without a headache or any regrets
For the most part, it was just laughter and talking. The music from the main floor carried through and many were still dancing along to that. There was a bit of a drunken spat breaking out in one corner, a couple making out in the other, but nothing all that interesting
Until his eyes chanced upon someone entering, looking around like he'd been knocked out and carried there unconcious. He wore a smart collared shirt, which was probably normal anywhere other than here. Those glasses weren't helping either, they just made him look more like a naïve newcomer
It was such an oddity that Lisgoe couldn't look away
It was as if everyone else had been given a dress code except for Ross. As he got caught in the swarm, all he could see was a whirlpool of black, grey and red. There were occasional sparks of other colours and tones, but there was clearly a trend
Despite it not being as packed as it looked on the outside, there were enough people for it to be difficult to get past - and he hadn't even gone close to the mess of people on the dancefloor
As he tried to make his way to the bar, he noticed someone staring in his direction. He blended into the crowds reasonably well, with his black shirt (with a weird logo on it, a brand Ross had never heard of) and jeans. Also black. He had a skull chain around his neck too- OK, which young adult's Tumblr did this man spring from? Trying to decipher his thoughts proved to be pointless, for all the gaze's intensity, it gave absolutely nothing away
Ross didn't speak until he was next to the man, looking at him pointedly
"Can I help you?"
As soon as the bespectacled stranger said that, Lisgoe knew his first assumption was wrong. There was a quiet confidence in him that both surprised and intrigued him, you really couldn't judge books by their covers - no matter how smartly designed they were
"How are you liking your first night?"
"Who says this is my first night?"
That caused a bark of laughter to escape Lisgoe's mouth
"Nobody dresses like that here, you look like your mam's dressed you up for a fucking school choir!"
"Oh," the stranger was slightly offended, yet managed to keep a calm appearance "and you're dressed any better? Do you feel special with your underground designer shirt?"
He really doesn't know what the fuck he's on about
"Yeah, love this brand." Lisgoe snarked "This is a really nice brand. Mhm. Iron Maiden: known for their clothing line!"
"... You're making fun of me, aren't you?"
"How very observant."
Lisgoe took another swig of his beer, observing the stranger. Poor bastard looked like he'd rather be anywhere than here. Death Trap probably wasn't the kind of bar he was used to
"It's a band," Lisgoe explained, as if he'd decided not to be a massive jerk for a bit "pretty well-known actually." He put his beer down on the counter "What's your name?"
"Ross. Ross Gaines."
"Fuck off, that's not your name! Where are you from? The 1800s?!"
Extremely put off by the stranger's attitude, Ross turned on his heels and left without another word. He might have been unsure of where he was going, but he figured he'd be happier being swallowed by a crowd of sweaty drunks than standing around being insulted by someone that looked like a member of the mafia.
It wasn't long before he found himself on the main floor, surrounded by those sweaty drunks he'd feared earlier. Suddenly, he was starting to weight up his options again - being insulted or being suffocated, what was worse? By now, it was too late. By the time he'd made it to the other end, Ross looked considerably less well-kept than when he arrived. Adjusting his glasses and straightening his shirt, he headed down a corridor until he came across a secluded seating area
Dimly lit, surprisingly nice-looking seats made out of what looked like fake leather. The music, though loud enough to bleed through the walls, was pleasantly muffled and, the best part, there was nobody here.
Ross let himself sink into the seat, leaning back and closing his eyes. For once, actually feeling at ease...
... Until he heard the one voice he didn't want to hear again:
"How was the dancefloor, Ross Gaines?"
Lisgoe watched, an amused smirk on his lips, as Ross glared at him
"A bit of help would've been nice."
"Wouldn't have done shite." He sat beside Ross, rummaging for his cigarettes in his pocket "Besides, the roughed-up look suits you." Taking out a cigarette from his little box, Lisgoe took out a lighter and lit the end before taking a long smoke
"Didn't know you could smoke here."
"Not sure to be honest, but nobody gives a shite either way." He handed the box to Ross "Want one?"
Ross shook his head
"I tried smoking once and never got into it," he said "besides, I think I inhaled enough of it on the dancefloor earlier. I don't understand why people enjoy it so much."
"Part of the scene, I guess. It's relaxing for me, but some people find it sexy. They'll shotgun anything that moves."
Lisgoe looked at Ross for a few seconds, then massaged his temple, leaning on the backrest of the sofa with a sigh
"Shotgunning," Lisgoe held up a cigarette "involves sharing one of these. The smoke at least."
"I don't follow."
"I've only done it once, I was wankered and lost enough of my dignity."
It was weird, he'd only just met Ross Gaines- Ross, just call him Ross- and yet there was something about him that was strangely fascinating. He was completely out of his depth, but you wouldn't know it by looking at him. Or maybe you would, he didn't try to hide behind bravado like some of the other prats at Death Trap, he was completely sure of himself. Yet, at the same time, that rigidness felt like such a drawback. Lisgoe wanted to see it falter, see him completely let go. Not just physically, like he was when he escaped the herd on the dancefloor, he wanted to see what Ross looked like when he really let loose. When that serious façade crumbled - when all that was left was ash, smog and fire. God, he wanted to see the fire in Ross
He held out the box of cigarettes
"It's there if you want it."
There was a moment of hesitation. Peer pressure never really worked on Ross but, even if it did, he wouldn't have felt that here. But there was something in Lisgoe's gaze, the way he was so still, the way his hand gripped at the box: there was something he wanted. Something that seemed to buzz through his veins and build behind his eyes in the form of pure intensity. Ross could tell he had it in him to be a very dangerous man, but he didn't feel scared in this moment. If anything, he was curious. Curious as to what hid behind that flame. What was burning in the pit of Joseph Lisgoe's stomach
He took a cigarette and placed it between his lips. He then watched as Lisgoe lit his own and moved the end of it to Ross' until both were alight. In a surprising move, Lisgoe discarded his cigarette onto the floor and placed his hand on the side of Ross' neck. The firmness of the hold combined with the icy coldness of Lisgoe's hand sent a chill through him. Ross watched as he put the cigarette between his two fingers
"Do you remember how?"
That made Ross smile smugly as he inhaled. He may have been rusty, and he could feel a cough bubble in his throat, but he managed to handle the smoke well enough that he didn't splutter
Fighting to keep his eyes on the cigarette and not on Ross, Lisgoe clamped it in his fingers and pulled it away. His hand moved to Ross cheek and he leaned in close, lips parted slightly as they brushed against his
Both their eyes were closed as they let the sensations wash over them. As Ross exhaled the smoke, he felt the gap between them closing. While Lisgoe's hands cupped at his cheek and neck, Ross' hand moved to his waist
Everything tingled and fizzed and popped, Ross' body relaxed while Lisgoe's seemed to ignite. There was a strange sort of opposition that melted into something that, against all odds, meshed together like fire and sparks
It was all so new to Ross. The noise, the claustrophobia... this. This feeling of give, complete surrender. He always felt that letting go of even a fibre of control was crushing and dehumanising. But this, he felt so in control that he could willingly give it to someone else - someone that he'd only known briefly. Which was crazy, he knew that, but it was a choice he made. And, judging by the way Lisgoe pulled himself closer, he knew it was a good one
Lisgoe swore he heard Ross moan breathily against his mouth, and it took every ounce of control within his mind and body not fuck him into the sofa right there and then. Control was never his strong point, but there was something in this stranger's - well, he wasn't a stranger anymore - collectedness that didn't completely extinguish the flame, but rather it contained it in a glass jar. It burned and jumped and roared, but it was all contained within Lisgoe's stomach. It clawed at him, but knew it's place
Reluctantly, he pulled away and leaned back, exhaling the smoke up into the air as he took a moment to compose himself
Thankfully for him, Ross was the first to speak, even if it was just to distract himself from the whirring in his stomach
"So... Iron Maiden's a band, is it?"
"Yeah. Heavy metal band. If you want something less guttural, go for black metal. Like Darkthrone, Darkthrone's my fucking shite!"
"There are different types?"
That conversation carried them out of the bar and down the street, the night-time chill merely bouncing off them as they discussed various music. It turned out that a lot of the bands Ross liked fell under a specific category, one that Lisgoe had a few CDs for back at his house
Which is exactly how they ended up there
What happened after... well, let's just say it couldn't be explained away with music
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aetheternity · 2 years
If you’re making a butchered character roundup, Venti needs to be at the top. The fandom takes this deeply traumatized kind playful and free-spirited god who loves his lost friend, his nation and his people, and has saved Mondstadt from Decarabian, Durin, Ursa the Drake, The Lawrence clan, and Stormterror- to “ehe useless drunkard who can’t take anything seriously” And they call Barbara dense 🙄
Everyone on my page knows Venti is my baby but I'll be honest if I really talked about how badly the fandom treats him I'd never shut up. You can always tell the difference between Venti stans and fanon Venti stans.
Also Also I'm gonna say it: Venti being an alcoholic really isn't funny. I don't really like how it's handled in game and I don't like how the fandom acts like it's so tee hee funny funny. Like no he's drinking his feelings whenever he has the mora to do so or whenever he can sneak a glass. Poor baby stays smiling and I just wonder how many nights he's spent sobbing his eyes out with a bottle in hand because constantly being the happy go lucky person can not possibly stay when he's truly alone with his thoughts.
And another thing about his lost friend the only time I ever see anyone bring him up is to debate that he was fifteen. God forbid we talk about how deeply pained and how influential this beautiful person must have been to Venti for him to recreate his body exactly and then live the rest of his life making sure people never forget this person who he loved with all of his heart. But yeah sure let's start another stupid age debate that holds zero water because Venti is his own person no matter if he recreated his friends body or not.
And I find it extremely uncomfortable how the fandom seems to think he just took over his friends dead corpse and has been animating the thing for who even knows how long. Like do they realize how fucked up that is??
Not to mention the blatant disregard for Venti's incredibly soft heart. He saved Traveler's life despite knowing nothing about them outside of they stole anemo power from the seven and then disrupted his talk with Dvalin. He freed Stanley from the turmoil of carrying his friends soul along with him everywhere. He gave Dvalin, Mondstadt and Vanessa freedom, He created an entire city for his people to populate in, He calls his people his children. He's honestly the sweetest guy and anyone would be so lucky to have a Venti in their life.
People never talk about all of the good the archons have done for their nations and themselves outside of Nahida and it makes my blood boil. It's always "they didn't tell Traveler about their sibling!" Like it does actually make perfect sense that Nahida is the only one with actual information you dumbasses!! Nahida has a link to what is basically Teyvat's database! What do the other archons have their own SIGHT. Venti was probably asleep when the sibling came through his nation, I have no idea what Zhongli might have been doing and Ei wasn't even paying attention to her goddammed nation! She had a puppet running the show.
Let me stop ranting because I'm already starting to shake again. I just wish this fandom didn't look at everything at face value. I want more people to see the Venti that me and other Venti stans have fallen in love with. He deserves so much. Like most people don't even fully understand why Venti doesn't run his nation even though he EXPLAINS IT TO THE TRAVELER IN GAME.
Ugggghhh ok I'm done.
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starmaniamania · 1 year
In case you missed it - Starmania 2022 - Acte 1
There are many little details and references in the 2022 version/staging of Starmania that I noticed over the many many time I was able to see it (some obvious, some not) so I thought I'd try to make a complete list and see if 1) you also spotted them or 2) you spotted other things!
This will be in 2 parts because it'll be too long for one post. I'll put a link to the other part once it's done! (TUMBLR DON'T YOU DARE EAT THIS AGAIN)
It'll also be interesting to have a record and be able to compare if anything maybe changes during the second season come November!
Obviously the empty white grand piano is a tribute to Michel Berger
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In season 1, dancer Matys Kaibo was sitting at the piano at the beginning and pretending to play it; the sound actually came from the live pianist (in Paris) or the soundtrack (on tour).
Some of the male dancers who represent Monopolis inhabitants are wearing skirts
The person who runs across the stage is usually Jeanne Jerosme (the maid) unless she's playing Stella that day. Her maid costume is actually the same costume with a little white collar added.
If you're sitting smack in the middle, the shoulder/sleeve details + wig that Cristal is wearing make her silhouette look like a golden star (ok, you have to squint a bit lol)
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The placement of the characters in the structure reflect their position in Monopolis society: Marie-Jeanne and Ziggy at the bottom, Stella and the Gourou higher (but with Stella going down), and Zéro at the very top. Cristal is moving through the levels, and Johnny and Sadia are absent (probably because they're supposed to be outcasts?)
Quand on arrive en ville
The first of Johnny's victims spits out "blood" (but I think it's water) onto the stage when she gets hit; the second one has a blood stain around the collar.
Some of the Etoiles Noires are smoking electronic cigarettes, you can see a red "cherry" as well as smoke
Not really a staging detail, more of a goof, but I will never not laugh at the Etoiles Noire dragging in the 2nd victim while also carrying a cinder block under his arm, but when Johnny grabs the block it becomes the Heaviest Object on Earth. Poor little Johnny skipped arms day!
Johnny's jacket has a long rectangular outside pocket on the left breast which he can use to tuck his mic into; his t-shirt has a little bit of chain hanging at the front like a necklace, except it's sewn into the neckline. (He's got the same thing in his final black costume).
Petite musique terrienne/Johnny & Sadia/La complainte
The sound effect/lighting after "Quand on arrive" evoke an elevator going down into the underground parts of the city
The Undeground Café has an Etoiles Noires aesthetic moodboard/collage, featuring punk and anti-nuclear imagery, a picture of Zero Janvier with his eyes scratched out and a target around his head, and the current casts' "good luck" motto: "Ahhhh merde!"
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Whoever isn't playing Zero Janvier that day (David or Aurel) sits at the Café's piano (an upright one, not the grand piano from the beginning) and pretends to play throughout most of that scene
Stella is sitting at a table (incognito, she's wearing a big black coat and sunglasses and sometimes a scarf on her head) drinking ("Moi ma drogue c'est l'alcool"); she makes a discreet exist once the Etoiles Noires show up.
Sadia is having a blue drink at the bar
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When the Etoiles Noires show up, Johnny jumps up to sit on the bar next to Sadia and usually interacts with Marie-Jeanne (at least when it's Côme) either by grabbing a bottle out of her hand and drinking from it/dumping it on his head, or by touching MJ in some way (on the face; I saw him kiss her hand once), cementing the fact that they know each other quite well.
Sadia kicks a glass with her foot during her initial pitch to Johnny; the glass is almost always picked up by a helpful Etoile Noire rather than by Marie-Jeanne :p
Johnny stops the Etoiles Noires from going after Sadia when she starts addressing him, miming things like "Let it go, she's crazy." When she says "Si tu me suis tu seras quelqu'un" though, you can see him physically start paying attention.
At the end of their duet moment, Sadia runs a hand down his arm/front, suggesting that she's trying to seduce him and not just ideologically.
Obviously, the double-wig reveal of the "chevelure d'un bleu azur" under the initial black wig with a blue streak
A bunch of extra Etoiles Noires show up for the "line-up" moment (the singers like Jeanne for example) and then disappear again to leave the floor clear for dancers and their acrobatics
During the line-up moment, the Etoile Noire who's propping up Sadia's leg also runs his hand up her thing (she bats it away occasionally). Meanwhile Johnny is cocking his huge, hard machine gun at hip level in a very subtle way, and then he leans in towards her and nuzzles her neck/ear.
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Btw only Côme wears the long black mafioso coat that hides his gun at the beginning; as far as I know William always wears the "Quand on arrive en ville" jacket for some reason.
Sadia used to wear flesh-colored shorts under the blue underwear; then this changed to a pair of thick opaque tights, at least when Ambriel is playing her, so you don't see her thigh tattoos as much. (I think Miriam wears them sometimes but not always.)
The Jaguar is a REAL car which REALLY DRIVES onto the stage, but with a very small modified electric engine which obviously cannot go very fast lol
Sadia's gun is blue too, that girl does like matching her accessories
Johnny always smells the white fur coat before putting it on (to the point that it had a pretty visible foundation stain on the lapels) -- generally speaking the Etoiles Noires smell people a lot lol
An Etoile Noire graffities the words "Stone" and some stars on the car every night during the number
Another Etoile Noire is seen "grinding" the car with an electric tool in the background to show that they're gutting it (for the next numbers where the roof has gone) but it's actually just a button that makes sparks. She then dumps the tool into the back of the car -- there's no rear windshield
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Il se passe quelque chose à Monopolis
Obviously the "going up the stairs" metaphor symbolizes Zéro Janvier trying to rise to the top
On the sentence "et ses buildings de verre qui filtrent la lumière" the backlighting of the stairs gets this really cool filtering effect, always one of my fave moments
Thomas Jolly mentioned in a podcast that he'd moved this song after Travesti and given it to Zéro to make the link more obvious between Sadia's violence with the Etoiles Noires and Zéro's quest for power. The song does take on a very sinister vibe when he's singing it!
Mass médias
The lyrics were changed from "ma cravate rouge ou ma cravate bleue" to "ma veste noire ou ma veste bleue" because this Zéro does not wear a tie, red or otherwise
The newspaper that Zéro is reading has Stella on the front page as well a few easter eggs, like picture of Berger and Plamondon, an ad for Naziland and an ad for a florist on the back (as well as the weather for France lol)
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On the inside I think you can make out more pics of Berger and Plamondon, and I *think* a picture of the show by Dorfmann and the silhouette of the Seine Musicale??
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Starmania Starmania
This is obvious but it took me embarrassingly long to realize because you can't see them depending on where you're seated, and they're sometimes fully in the dark -- there are 3 "backup singers" at the back of the stage on the left, doing vocals and a little choreography!
Cristal doesn't have her mic with her up in the air as she comes down from the rafters, a dancer brings it to her while two others unfasten her (she's suspended at the hips by a harness worn under the dress)
The light periodically draws black stars behind her, which engulf the entire stage at the end
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L'interview de Zéro Janvier/Le blues du businessman/Jingle de Cristal
Pretty straightforward staging-wise. The Blues was going to be Zéro standing on top of the tower at some point, and then they realized it was too static and came up with the lighting thing.
Un garçon pas comme les autres
The little stage that Marie-Jeanne sits on is being pushed by a crouching tech, who then sits behind it during the whole song. If you're sitting at a certain angle you can see them, which I always find weirdly moving.
Ziggy is apparently waiting inside the stairs during the song; that must be where the elevator is, that pushes him to the top in time to start his "oops, didn't mean to overhear that" exit attempt. (As far as I know, it's the first time in the various productions that we know Ziggy has heard the song, which does interesting things to the Ziggy/MJ dynamic!)
Le coup de téléphone/Enfant de la pollution/Coup de téléphone 2
When Johnny and Sadia show up at the top of the stairs, Johnny is wearing the fur coat from Travesti (but that wasn't always the case!)
The Etoiles Noires often bother Marie-Jeanne behind her bar. Ziggy doesn't seem too intimidated -- I've seen him snap Etoile Noire!William's mask onto his eyes for example.
The phone that Sadia uses used to be black, now it's silver.
The Etoile Noire who operates the phone (Max Carpentier usually) stashes his weapon in a little pocket hung in the alcove of the Underground Café, where he brings the phone case back before becoming a Threatening Etoile Noire(TM) again for the interview
Of course, France Gall's voice is the one answering the phone ("Pour un scoop c'est un scoop...") we all know that now!
Interview de Johnny Rockfort/Banlieue Nord/Coup de foudre
When Cristal shows up at the Underground Café, she gets harrassed a bit by the Etoiles Noires obviously; a lot of it involves smelling her hair for some reason lol
If you're there on a Saturday afternoon (William and Gabrielle as Johnny and Cristal), you can sometimes spot Etoiles Noires!Côme and Lilya flirting in the background of that scene :p
Johnny does not have his own mic for this scene; he shares Cristal's at the beginning (apparently stemming from an incident during rehearsals in which someone dropped their mic, and they had to make do with one between two people) and then grabs hers to sing Banlieue Nord (she doesn't have one again until Coup de Foudre)
Obviously the live/recorded thing: the recording is live until Johnny and Cristal leave the stage, at which point it switches to pre-recorded footage with live sound from the wings. As far as I know, this is the only pre-recorded footage/live audio moment; other pre-recorded video moments all also have pre-recorded audio.
The footage was recorded in the bowels of the Nice venue they used for rehearsals. There are 4 alternates to cover every permutation of the two characters, with some small variations, for example in the Gabrielle/Côme version I think Gabrielle doesn't fall down at the end the way Lilya does (and according to my notes, Côme's jumpsuit has a big sweat stain down the back lol)
Thomas Jolly makes a cameo as an Etoile Noire in each of the versions I've seen (Côme/Lilya, Côme/Gabrielle and William/Gabrielle) just at the end of the tunnels part. In the Côme/Gabrielle version, Côme pats him on the stomach as they pass him.
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Besoin d'amour
Once Cristal has stepped up onto the car and it's rotated, the dancers create a "diversion" a the front of the stage while she gets changed standing on the car hood. She gives Johnny her mic to ditch into the backseat of the car so she can get dressed. Her boiler suit unzips at the ankles so she can step into it while wearing her heels (although it doesn't always work, I've seen it go wrong at least twice lol).
And that's it for Part 1! :p Do let me know if you've got anything else or if I forgot anything or if you have any questions! In case you haven't noticed, I love talking about Starmania lololol
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technofinch · 8 months
hiiiiii could i see multiples of 3 for mulligan? that guy is Intriguing 2 me :)
ok there are a Lot of questions here so i'm gonna do my best to keep them short & sweet!
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
his childhood kinda sucked! grew up quite poor on a shitty planet, his mom always wanted more kids but never got them, his dad was kind of a hardass and worked in a mine like 17 hours a day. he started drinking in his early teens to cope with... all that, so he doesn't have a ton of memories either way lmao.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
he did surprisingly well in school, especially in the more technical classes/math/history. not well enough to get actual scholarships or anything, so he ended up enlisting in the marines to get a higher education, which is where he learned that the marines Fucking Suck!
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
im gonna be real with you homeboy has seen like 2 animals in his life and one of them is a dog that is his mortal enemy (Mr Cuddles) and one is a mostly-cat that he rarely sees so. i'd say he's Pretty Bad With Animals
12. What is their favorite food?
will never admit it but it's children's breakfast cereals. the ones that are like 90% sugar
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
he's good at a very specific type of cooking, which is to say, making meals out of the kind of ingredients you have for a long-term deep space voyage. he loves it, but wouldn't know what to do with an Actual Kitchen and exotic things like Fresh Vegetables. the others aren't particularly impressed by it, but they indulge him - it's an important ritual for him and it makes him feel useful :3
18. What’s their favorite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
hmmm... mulligan doesn't experience a lot of Media, when he does it's usually just catching up on sports to have something to talk about with the other Guys™ at the loading docks. iirc he has canonically played team fortress 2 tho
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
he very much has a temper, i would never describe him as "patient" but his anger can be overridden by fear, especially in confrontations with his superiors. he mostly just yells at people and gets it out of his system, if it's something big he'll carry a grudge and continue to make snippy comments until someone calls him on it
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
his sleeping pattern is "not unless absolutely necessary," excluding cryosleep he gets about half the sleep a regular human needs :/ preferred sleeping situation is a hammock, but he's most familiar with thin awful mattresses
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
mulligan is way more likely to be angry/resigned/scared than Sad, and i don't think he's cried in a long time. in that situation he would probably flee and hole up like a wounded animal waiting to die until he could successfully bottle the emotion back up
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
he pretty much has to be forced to keep up with his mandatory exercises, luckily the ship's doctor is (was :( ) very good at her job and kept him on track despite his bitching. he does get notably happier post-workout, but if you point this out to him he'll say it's bc it's over lmao
question 33 intentionally omitted <3
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
he's good at drawing, especially still lifes, but he doesn't do it much or think of it as a hobby. he also plays harmonica, which he is bad at, and does consider a hobby. he can sing, but the only songs he really knows are ones he learned from his mother, so he doesn't
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
call the man. he wants to hear your voice. hand-written letters are basically non-existent in the setting, but he rarely checks his email/texts. just call him. leave a voicemail if you must.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
number one goal is to Survive Another Day, subgoal Don't Kill Anyone. he's not a very ambitious person, like, at all. he would however sacrifice anything to keep his crew safe. he feels a Lot of responsibility towards them, even though he knows most of them are more competent than he is lmao. his secret ambition is to overthrow capitalism and start a commune, however, he also thinks this is stupid.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
in my mind, other people see mulligan as kind of an uncomfortably intelligent dog. just smart enough to get into trouble but will pretty much do what you ask him to do. deficiency of critical thinking and ambition. multiple npcs offered to help him fake his death and quit his job and he did not understand Why they all wanted him to do that.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organize the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
in the academy he enjoyed parties for the booze, mostly showing up to one he wasn't invited to, but after he stopped drinking he pretty much stopped going to parties, and after graduating he really stopped being in groups of more than, like, 10 people who all live together anyway. he does occasionally organize the mandatory crew bonding nights, where he gets everyone together to play dumb party games like never-have-i-ever and watch their vhs cops of home alone 2: lost in new york
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aether-friskets · 1 year
a whole line collection for heather is crazy, congrats on finishing such a big project!! do you have any favorite phrases of hers that you found out while making all this? or just in general as you played the game. something silly or touching or just showing her character maybe.
thank you!! There's definitely a lot of interesting little tidbits you can pick up, although also a lot of "there's nothing interesting here" comments lol
i guess I'll give some random tidbits that I remember and liked for one reason or another (decided to put it under a read more because it's a bit long):
That weird old detective is out there, so I'm not leaving.
This was just funny to me, like I totally missed it on all previous playthroughs. It's from the beginning of the game, if you try to exit the bathroom from the entrance door. Also puts into perspective how much the relationship between Douglas and Heather changes over the course of the game, considering how she views him later on. At this point, though, he's just some weird old guy that won't leave her alone
also, I noticed certain item descriptions can change a bit? For example, what Heather says about the knife she's carrying changes before vs after first encountering monsters in the real world.
it goes from "It's a switchblade for self-defense. I've never used it, but just in case" to "It's a switchblade for self-defense. Better with than without it against those monsters", which is a neat little detail.
the other example of it that I spotted was with the pendant, another item you have for the whole game. I didn't notice the change until the church, after reading the book on Aglaophotis, but it's possible it changed sooner. It was just the addition of "I wonder why I feel sick inside when I look at it?", which might be a bit of further hinting towards its purpose at the end of the game.
Anyway, side tangent over, back to stuff that's more actually focused on Heather.
The bottle says, 'DANGER! Do not mix!' Hmm... mix with an acidic detergent and it'll produce poisonous chlorine gas.
I also love how she finds bleach and just goes "hmm if I combined this with detergent I could make poisonous gas" just, without any prompting or anything. Like girl why did you know that
There was a nice silver ring in here the last time I came... Bummer that it's gone, huh.
(jewellery display in the mall)
I mean, I'm no thief... I might act like one now and then, though.
(silver coins in the office building)
makes me wonder if she's perhaps shoplifted now and again... lol at the very least, shes no stickler for the law, which i can respect honestly
I don't really feel like eating and drinking stuff from an alternate reality, OK?
(shelves with wine in the mall)
I'd feel weird drinking anything sold in a place like this, though.
(vending machine in the office building)
But this popcorn doesn't look right. I don't think I'll be having any. But then again, I wouldn't eat anything else here either.
(popcorn stand in amusement park)
The insistence on not trusting random food and drinks you find lying around... which is probably the smart choice tbh
Hell, I might still be sleeping here, for all I know. ...I wish I were.
She brings up the idea of dreaming and nightmares a few times in cutscenes and such, and I can see why. It would be nice to wake up from something like that and realize it didn't really happen. But, she knows that's not the case.
Is someone sleeping here...? All this red stuff around here is blood. This guy's not sleeping.
(corpse in subway)
There's a dead body inside this box thing. There's nothing interesting here.
(corpse in amusement park)
The door's open. Inside there's someone wrapped in a bag. Maybe--no, they're definitely dead.
(corpse in the church)
I think it's a little amusing seeing the range of reactions to the corpses, for some reason
like girl if its in a bag and not moving its safe to assume its dead by now, especially in a room full of corpses
I also think it's interesting seeing bits where she thinks about Alessa more near the end...
And I don't want to remember them. Because I'm not Alessa anymore... But Alessa is still me. I'm really not trying to deny it or anything.
This line surprised me because while I didn't remember seeing it before, I said pretty much the same thing in a post talking about some of my thoughts on heather a little while ago. And it does sum it up well. She's not Alessa anymore, but Alessa is still part who she is.
i also noticed Heather often switches between "I" and "her"/"Alessa" when talking about her.
It's a picture of me when I was 7. I look bored and sad. Well, of course I do. I was always like that back then.
Like in this instance of talking about a photo of Alessa...
The scribbling on the floor here is Alessa's. For some reason, she always drew monsters like this when she was alone.
vs talking about these drawings on the floor in Alessa's room.
I--no, it wasn't me. Alessa wrote this a long time ago.
Or here, where she can't even make up her mind which to use.
24 years ago, Mo... Dahlia used me to summon God.
(oh there's also this part where she almost calls Dahlia Mom but decides she doesn't deserve that title loll)
There are even a few hints of original Cheryl left, which is nice.
This is my sketchbook, from 17 years ago. On the front cover is a picture of Dad. Really awful work.
(Cheryl's sketchbook)
But I do have just a trace of one more memory left. I haven't forgotten my sweet and gentle mother.
(After reading Harry's diary)
obviously, the "sweet and gentle mother" is Jodie, because I can't imagine Dahlia described that way by her lolll
also this line just made me laugh a bit:
Helmets? Should I take them with me...? Nah, never mind. It's pretty geeky-looking.
ooh there's also a couple lines that made me sad when I found them, I'll put those here:
My home... My dad! Is he okay? I'm sure he is. He must be.
(literally a few minutes before getting back to the apartment and finding him)
I just... Don't want to remember. Get me out of here.
(Alessa's sickroom)
I used to take these dolls with me when I went to bed. Scarlett and... Damn, I forgot the other one's name. In fact, I don't even know which one is Scarlett.
(dolls in Alessa's bedroom)
I want to get out of here, but I just can't. This is for Dad... and for myself. And... For Claudia, too.
(trying to exit the final room back through the door you entered)
I'm exhausted, but I don't think I can sleep now.
(heather's bed)
I'm tired, but it's no time to sleep.
(motel bed)
get this girl some REST!!
Anyway, this is a lot of random stuff, and there's probably more i could've said, but overall... It's really interesting to see all these little details! Like obviously her dialogue and actions within cutscenes says a lot, but I think getting all this insight into her mind through little item interactions is really interesting! This ended up being a bit rambling and not very actually insightful, but I hope it still gives somewhat of an idea :D
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meat-the-sullivans · 1 year
ok ok but how does Cade deal with being sick? he doesn't seem like the "man flu" kinda guy, more "I'll keep going and act like nothing is wrong until I literally physically can't anymore"
would he let Candy take care of him? 🥺
Sully should tell Cylas about his medication trouble, maybe new ones will just appear
not stolen from the hospital or anything, of course
Sully isn’t an idiot, once his head is clear when his meds are back in his system, he’ll know exactly what happened to those pills, and how they conveniently showed up again only after Cade came back home.
But he’ll for sure send a text to Cylas telling her what happened. Probably hoping to meet up to vent. He’s starting to think he really can’t raise these kids alone. Which sucks, but he can’t control Cade and it stresses him out to unimaginable levels. He knows Cade can survive Juvey just fine, in fact in anything he’s concerned for the other kids locked up in there. But he doesn’t know how Dipper would respond to her uncle being taken from her.
And he WONT allow that to happen, no matter how pissed he is at his little brother. But he will have to come up with a punishment. Probably no Candy outside of school for 2 weeks. He can’t exactly ban Cade from going to school, the new principal just lifted his suspension and that wouldn’t be a good look if he just didn’t show up, or was calling in sick right away.
Cade’s also banned from babysitting duty for at least a month, until Sully can trust him again. Because we all know he’s not going to apologise for it. So he’s only allowed to go to school or to the shop with Sully, so my boy is gonna be extra irritable for a while. Probably crazy enough to sneak out and break into Candy’s room just so he can watch her sleep. That way she wouldn’t have to lie to Sully about “seeing him” after hours, she technically didn’t.
As far as being Sick though. It’s very rare with how vigilant and on top of things Sully is, that he lets any of them get sick. Well is Dip’s case, more sick than she already is. The second he hears a sniffle, he’s there with cough syrup and whatever else may help. If he did need a certain antibiotic that he can’t get because we all know Cade will NOT be going to a doctor, not if Sully wants to leave there without blood on their hands. He fucking hates doctors and hospitals. He would call in that favour with Cylas and ask her to steal some for him.
It’s very passive the way Sully takes care of him, just leaving the medicine or instructions on how to take them in places he knows Cade will be. Because Cade does not like being doted on, or having the attention on him.
He for sure denies being sick for the first few days, until it gets bad enough he can’t ignore it anymore. And I would say he’s “whiny” it’s not quite the right word. He’s genuinely just a pissy little brat about it. He has punched a hole in the wall before because he was so frustrated his body was “betraying him”. He thinks sickness is weakness, and we all know how Cade feels about weakness.
Surpassingly, I could see him going to Candy for comfort. Just depends on what type of sick he is. Regular Flu or cold, or migraine, she might have to initiate and tell him he can come to her, or that she wants to help. Candy is his “comfort item”, if that makes sense. But he’s too stubborn to admit he needs comforted half the time.
But if it was something like Covid, or he got diagnosed with something. He’d go to her first. He wouldn’t even know what he was doing until his legs already carried him all the way to her. He would be concerned about getting her sick. But if she insisted, he’s just crawl into bed with her and lay his head on her lap. Letting her soothe him, give him his meds, make him eat or drink water (still will be a baby about it, but he’ll listen to her more than Sully), hot water bottles, cool rags…
That sort of thing. If she or her mother made him soup. Internally he’d be so grateful. He’d try his best to express it, but we know how he is with expression too. He’d repay her by doing the same for her if she was sick. It might not be as tender, as he’s not used to caring for another living thing. But he’d try his best. Looking things up online, asking her mother, or possibly even Sully how he can help her.
Cade is almost half a year into his transition by now. But sometimes he does still get his periods. Those for sure he will go to Candy for, cause she understands them. And he knows she wouldn’t make him feel weird or dysphoric about it. She’s be very willing to distract him. He hates that it’s a constant reminder he was “born wrong”. And Sully should probably save to get him a hysterectomy as soon as he can. Because this idiot is dumb enough, that during a really bad spell of dysphoria and his mental illnesses flaring (because he refuses to take medication, unlike sully. He’ll only medicate for physical ailments) he would try and rip it out himself.
He also gets migraines and nose bleeds frequently because of his mental health. His brain is working overtime sometimes and he has episodes of what he calls “short circuiting” where his head is just screaming in searing pain, and just constant nose bleeds and tremors.
He wouldn’t be nearly as willing to go to Candy or ask for help if it was a mental ailment. Like I’ve said, everyone in the family has OCD. But Cade as ASPD and BPD on top of that. His brain can be very, very unkind to him. But he’d rather suffer that alone than ever admit he’d bad enough to need help.
I do think eventually if she really tried, or expressed how important it was to her. He would consider medication. (Maybe once he realises how much they do help, or or make you feel worse, he’ll have a new respect for Sully for choosing to stay on them despite how numb they make him feel sometimes.)
Candy is fully and honestly one of Cade’s obsessions. He can’t remove her from his mind no matter how hard he tries. He has constant impulsive and sometimes even intrusive thoughts about her. He didn’t mind the intrusive thoughts at first, until he went and fell in love. And now the thought of hurting her makes him physically I’ll. it can flare his migraines, he’s thrown up before after walking from a practically gruesome nightmare where Sully forced him to kill her.
He’s just a love sick puppy. She couldn’t honestly make him worse if she wanted to, and he wouldn’t even mind. He’d just accept it, as hell do whatever makes her happy. Sure it’s unhealthy, but he doesn’t care. He never wanted to feel this feeling, but now that he has, he’s addicted to it. Loving her, caring about her, feels nice. He doesn’t know how to express that in a “chill” or “normal” way.
So to answer your question, yes he would let Candy take care of him. Might take a while for him to open up to the idea. But he’d drop everything to take care of her without hesitation. He just needs to understand she’d do the same for him.
Tag: @shonkgobonk @bluecoolr-main @queer-and-utter-chaos @mothmans-kingdom @myers-meadow
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 224
The Things They Carried/The Caretaker
“The Things They Carried”
Plot Description: while investigations case involving two soldiers just back from Iraq, Sam and Dean run into Coke and reluctantly agree to let him help
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I would simply never voluntarily join the military. RIP this girl but I’m different
There are so many scenes my boss could have walked through the break room and it HAD to be while Sam was silently researching the Mark of Cain and Dean loudly accuses him of looking at porn???
Dean is being so season 3 right now. He thinks his time is running out (though this time he doesn’t know how long he has), and he just wants to go about things like normal and wants Sam to just be alongside him
I still don’t LIKE Cole (you know, the marine I’ve spent too long complaining about even BEING in the show), but I can be compassionate that he’s lost his dad and will likely lose his best friend to things involving the Winchesters’ business
“Medium build and brown hair” can describe SO MANY DUDES…
I know you wanna protect your friend, but like…he smashed a wine bottle, cut a guy’s throat, and drank the blood off the convenience store floor, so…
What if Kit kills Coke and then I never have to deal with him again?
Wtf, that thing looked a lot like the memory worms from Doctor Who, but instead of erasing your memory, it makes you wanna drink blood. And now one’s in Cole, and he’s TOTALLY okay with Dean electrocuting him to get it out
Dean being so conflicted about almost killing Cole. It’s wonderful. Dean who searched for the Father of Murder for a bunch of last season and this season, who’s been killing all his life, but now that it’s someone who needs help but who’s also TRIED TO KILL HIM AND SAM, he’s conflicted? Gorgeous
This rapid dehydration is taking a really long time
Dean’s so fascinating. He’ll tell everyone and their mom that they’re not allowed to give up, that they have to fight…but himself? He’s not worth, it in his mind
I hope this is the last we have to see if Cole. Dean was able to save him, but Sam couldn’t save Kit.
Can he stop calling them Sammy and Deano??
“The Caretaker”
Plot Description: The terrifying Skovox Blitzer is ready to destroy all humanity
I could never be an Eleven or Twelve companion. I’d literally rather disappear from my normal life for as long as I’d be with the Doctor than do this part time gig thing they all have. It looks EXHAUSTING
That said, I’m still enjoying the very platonic sunshine & grumpy dynamic between Twelve and Clara. Probably because the sunshine one is still a little cynical and the grumpy one has a taste for the wondrous, and they truly like being together
I forgot the premise of this one is that the Doctor gets a job at Clara’s school while she’s trying to juggle being a companion with her job and budding relationship with Danny
It’s funny that she’ll call out the Doctor for trying to be mysterious when she’s not stupid enough to not see he’s trying to be mysterious, and then Danny does the same to her the very next scene and there’s no reflection of that
The opening credits are still REALLY bad
Well, he’s no Ten when it comes to going under deep cover. Where’s your pocket watch that holds all your actual memories?? Though…now that I think about it, at least you’re not just saying “Physics physics physics physics physics physics”
I’m fascinated by Twelve’s perception of humans. “It’s assembly now, go worship something” WHAT, sir??!!
If you saw two kids just playing on a phone outside a gate, why would you assume that there was DEFINITELY a third in the abandoned building behind that gate? And that’s what you get, blasted to bits by a robot looking alien…
Ok but the Doctor becoming besties with Jane Austen and going on holidays together but then getting abducted by other aliens before forming a band with Buddy Holly IS an episode I’d like to see
Omg the Doctor thinks Clara is dating the other English teacher and not Danny…
“Why are you talking like an idiot?” would be a WILD thing to say to a temporary school caretaker you barely know…if it wasn’t Clara to the Doctor I’d be aghast
Oooo Danny’s getting suspicious of the caretaker, me thinks
Sorry. Back on the comparing Ten and Twelve again. You’re not going to get “I think you’re giants” lines from Twelve about humanity, even if he does care for humans just as much (DEEP deep down). But you also wouldn’t get “You’re weird” “Yes, I am. What about you?” “I’m a disruptive influence” “Good to meet you” “And you” “Now get lost” from Ten with any student he was trying to save
Doctor…you put one of your time bombs or whatever ON A FIRE ALARM?!?!
Oh no. Oh no no no no no. This…this has got to look and sound SO CRAZY to Danny, and Clara’s just scrambling to do some kind of damage control, to hold on to both parts of her life as they crash into each other at lightning speed
Not Danny calling the Doctor Clara’s space dad 💀
Ugh this hurts. This is probably the first time Clara’s said she loves Danny and it’s just after he’s figured out (some of) her big secret and as the Doctor is insulting him
(Omg he saw Clara hanging with a guy with a bow tie and went, ah yes, THAT is her boyfriend)
Why does she need to explain Danny to the Doctor?!
They really didn’t build Danny up enough for this betrayal of sorts to feel earned
They’re both putting Clara in this impossible position. It’s so unfair. Look. I GET why these two would hate each other but don’t take it out on Claraaaaaa
One day, I hope Courtney “Disruptive Influence” Woods gets her chance to go to space
It truly took me til now to see how much the other English teacher looks like Matt Smith. It’s not just the bow tie, it’s also the floppy hair (though the teachers’s has a bit of curl to it)
Courtney has nothing to worry about…it’s not the end of the world (unless the Doctor can’t defeat the Skovox Blitzer). Her parents are literally arguing that there’s been improvement since last year when she was a VERY disruptive influence
I DIDNT THINK TODAY WOULD BE THE DAY COURTNEY GOT TO GO TO SPACE 💖 I’m sorry she didn’t enjoy it as much as she wanted
We’re getting so close to ACTUALLY getting Missy.
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taleasnewastime · 2 years
Dating advice | Part ten
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Summary: It’s been months – ok, it’s been years – since you last went on a date. And you’re sick of it. Sick of seeing couples kissing and holding hands in the street. Sick of your friends settling down. Sick of everyone buying houses and having families. You’re going to do something about it. You’re going to snap up a man, you’re going to tie someone down, you’re going to finally commit, you’re going to – you’re going to need a bit of advice.
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: fluff; angst; smut
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, reader gets angry, swearing, low self-esteem, angst, awkwardness.
Authors Note: … It’s a big turning point …
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“And then she leaned over and said that’s never happened before.”
Erik lets out a massive belly laugh, his eyes closing, his head flopping back. You can see his whole chest rising and falling through his shirt.
You don’t find it as funny, but you still force out a small laugh. The sound so low over Erik’s laugh and the background noise in the bar that he probably doesn’t even hear it. By the time he’s looking at you again you’re sipping your drink, he doesn’t seem to read the fact you didn’t find the story funny, or at least doesn’t care.
“How’s the drink? Better than your last?”
His smile is large, kind, makes him look incredibly handsome and yet even while it’s all directed at you, it does nothing to you. Not flutter in your chest, no heating of your face, no desire to shy away from him. Still, you smile back, look down at the half gone pink drink in front of you. It’s your second drink, a French martini.
“It’s my favourite drink, and they haven’t disappointed.”
“Your favourite, huh? I’ll have to make a note.”
You give him another small smile. There’s a beat of silence, not awkward, but you realise he’s leaving it open for you to say something.
“Oh, what’s yours?”
“Probably whiskey.”
Of course. “Ever been to a distillery?”
“No, can’t say I have. Would love to though.”
“Yeah, I’d recommend. Some of the good ones are expensive but you walk out feeling tipsy after all the samples. Plus, you get great discount on bottles at the end.”
His lip curls at the edge as if impressed. “Well, maybe an idea for another date?”
“Yeah,” you say lightly.
Why doesn’t the idea excite you? If this was before you would have been jumping in your seat at the prospect. But now, somethings changed. Maybe the fact he ghosted you and is now acting like nothing’s wrong, like that never happened. But you also know it’s something else, because when he mentioned alcohol all you could think of was the pub and when he said it would be a good date, that you should go together, all you could think about was how much Yoongi would love it. About how much you would love to go with Yoongi.
Yoongi. He's getting in your head. He’s ruining your date.
“Anyway,” you try to steer conversation onto something safer. “I was listening to a podcast about this Wagatha Christie case on the way here. Are you following it?”
“Oh my god. Who’s not?”
You smile, genuine this time. The way his eyes brighten at the thought of two footballers wives suing each other is a sight to see.
“They were saying Rebekah’s agent lost her phone at sea so they couldn’t search it for evidence. I mean how convenient it that?” You carry on, glad to be on a topic you can both get behind.
“It’s ridiculous. The amount they’re spending on legal fees just because of a tweet.”
“Footballers get paid too much.”
“I always wanted to be a footballer growing up.”
You laugh and Eriks smile brightens at the sound. “Come on. Every boy wants to grow up to be a footballer.”
“Yeah, well, like you said it’s the money and fame. For literally kicking a ball around.”
“Yeah, can’t argue with that logic.”
You finally relax back into your seat, take another sip of your drink before smiling at him.
“Come on then,” you say. “Millions of pounds a week, what would you do with it all?”
“Firstly, take you somewhere better than this shit hole.”
You laugh, roll your eyes. “Real smooth.”
He takes a sip of his drink, his eyes dark as he looks at you. Still nothing stirs inside you. The conversation is easy, you like him enough, he’s hot, maybe you just need a little more time.
The conversation carries on for a couple more drinks before you head home. There’s a couple of awkward pauses at times, but nothing major. It feels the same as the first time you met up with him. Fun and you had a laugh, a nice date.
You both head the same way when you get outside, end up chatting and walking. You don’t think too hard about it, end up subconsciously walking towards your house and Erik just follows along. But as soon as you indicate your place and pause by the door you can’t stop thinking about it. Is it weird he didn’t ask to walk you home, just did?
You stand in silence for a bit, Erik trying not to show that he’s fidgeting on the spot, you trying not to overthink this too much. When you don’t open the door or say anything he speaks up.
“So,” he pauses, looks from you to your door.
“It was a nice night. Thanks for asking me out again. And for the drinks.”
“You know,” his voice has dropped, he leans in a centimetre and your eyes naturally fall to his lips. “It doesn’t have to end here.”
“Oh,” you quickly look back to his eyes then over his shoulder, you don’t want to give him the wrong impression.
Your thoughts immediately go to Yoongi, the fact you never invited him back to yours after your date even though you wanted to, the fact that he warned you not to invite men back inside. And then you catch yourself before you can keep thinking down that trail. It’s not the first time you’ve thought of him tonight, and it annoys you that even when on a date with another man, another very attractive man, you still can’t stop thinking about Yoongi.
Your fingers twitch at your side, your jaw working as you grit your teeth.
“It’s alright,” Erik obviously gets the wrong impression, and when you look back at him, he’s already starting to draw away. “If you’re busy we can do it another time.”
He’s giving you an out, you know. He’s misread your annoyance for nerves and has taken it upon himself to retract the invite. Even though he’s got the wrong reason, you gratefully leap on the excuse.
“Sorry, I’m just tired.”
He smiles, nods, and you don’t miss the way his eyes flick to your lips. More annoyance flares within you, a perfectly hot man, clearly wanting to kiss you and yet you’re pushing him away.
“I’ll text you,” he says.
You don’t even make a joke about how that’s what he said last time and yet it took him weeks to do just that. Just wave him off, mind slowly whirling with anger, building up and up into a storm.
It’s ever since you went on that date with Yoongi, he was supposed to be doing it to help you and yet he’s seemed to make you more undatable. He’s constantly on your mind, even when you’re with someone else you can’t stop thinking of him, comparing your date to his. And then that piece of advice, don’t invite any men back to your place, why did he have to plant that in your mind? Why did you have to follow it?
You become more and more irrational until you decide that the only thing to do is go and have it out with him. As if he’s personally sabotaged your date. As if by going and shouting at him will make anything better.
You don’t care. Reason doesn’t come into it. You need to let this anger out at something.
You storm into the pub, are a little annoyed that the door has one of the jams on it which means you can’t slam it shut. But never mind, because as soon as you spot Yoongi your gaze becomes like a tunnel.
He spots you when you’re halfway too him and despite the fact that you must have a face like thunder, he still smiles. You try not to let the way his eyes brighten at seeing you stop your anger. But it’s tough. That cute round face, those dark eyes, his cheeks lifting as his lips curl up. The pure delight in his face at seeing you. And then the realisation that you don’t look happy, that you are in fact storming towards him. His smiles dips and something flashes in his eyes.
“Hey, everything –”
“Your advice is shit,” you cut him off.
“Ok,” he elongates the word, clearly confused.
“Did you say it because you knew it would get in my head? Is that why you did all of this? Am I joke to you?”
“I’m not –”
“It’s that, isn’t it? You saw me that first day and thought you could have some fun.”
“I don’t know what you’re –”
“It wasn’t pity at all was it? Have you been mocking me this entire time?”
“Having a good laugh behind my back?”
“Y/N,” he repeats your name, his voice level, his face flat. But you’re on a roll, are deaf to what he’s trying to say. You don’t even fully know what you’re saying, are so worked up that you’re just spouting whatever words come out of your mouth, half of it rubbish, most of it you don’t believe.
“I mean, I don’t know why I listened to you in the first place. I’m a grown woman, I should be able to make my own decisions not just listen to yours. I just can’t believe –”
You finally pause when Yoongi takes a step away from you. You look at his retreating figure about to shout after him before he speaks.
“Priya, you alright to cover me for a bit?”
Your eyes glance to Priya and your heart drops, you’ve never seen the look on her face. Sadness and then such anger when she looks at you. You look back at Yoongi and watch as he continues to walk away. When you speak again your words come out softer and less sure.
“Hey, where are you going?”
He pauses, back still to you and then twists. His features are dark, his mouth a tight line. He doesn’t look happy.
“Believe it or not, I’m not about to stand around in my own pub and be shouted at,” he turns back away from you. “Now, you can either come with me or get out.”
You glance back to Priya who gives you the barest hint that she thinks you should follow him, even then she rolls her eyes at the idiot you are.
As Yoongi slips through the door to the back you make your decision and slip behind the bar. Half jog to follow him, eyes doing a quick glance of the room realising that though it’s not busy, everyone has just watched what’s unfolded.
Ducking your head in shame you head into the back. Think you hear Priya mutter something about how you should be treating him how he deserves and not abusing him. Your shame only deepens. Part of you wants to run away, but you continue to follow; you’re not about to run away from this colossal mess you’ve created.
You’ve never been back here before. A hall with doors leading off, you’re sure one’s to the cellar he took a picture of for you and as you head down the hall you see that the one that’s been left a jar has stairs. You catch Yoongi at the top just before he disappears behind another door at the top.
His flat is not what you expected. You expected dark and moody colours, little to no decorations. But what you find is a bright space, a large comfy sofa facing a large TV. Walls of bookshelves, littered with photo frames and well-read books. There’s a small kitchen at the back of the room, partitioned off by a breakfast island. The space is homely, lived in while also being incredibly clean, not a thing out of place, and not a spot of dust.
And then there’s Yoongi. Stood in the middle of the room, arms crossed, face broody as he watches you take in his home.
Even if it wasn’t for the shock of coming up here and seeing all of this, the fight would have already seeped out of you. The short walk here and the looks of disapproval from everyone doing enough to make you realise what a mistake you’ve made.
It’s not Yoongi you’re annoyed at, it’s yourself. And yet you were so caught up in yourself that you came here and took it all out on him.
You are well and truly messing this up.
“I’m sorry,” you start. “I – that – downstairs.”
You take a breath. Yoongi lets you have the time to stop and start again.
“My heads all over the place, and that’s not an excuse. But, I went on a date today and I couldn’t even invite the guy inside my house. He obviously wanted to come in and I said no.”
“And that’s my fault?”
“You told me not to invite anyone back to mine.”
He rolls his eyes, this apology isn’t going very well. His arms remain crossed over his chest, his stance defensive, but he seems to relax a little, as if amused by what you’re saying. It only irks you more.
“It’s not like I forced you. I didn’t stand guard outside your house stopping rouge men from coming in.”
“No,” you huff. “You didn’t”
“So you’re pissed I recommended you do something, and because you did what I suggested?”
You work your jaw, unable to meet his eyes, especially now he has a wider, more obvious, smile on his face.
“You’re right,” you say feeling completely deflated. “I shouldn’t have come.”
Still, you don’t move and Yoongi doesn’t confirm that he agrees with what you’ve said, that he too thinks you should go. You both just stay standing facing each other.
“I’m sorry,” you repeat.
“It was pretty shitty.”
“More really shitty,” you correct him.
“In my own pub too,” he continues to dig, the smile still on his face despite his words.
“I’m so, so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
You do. It was him, in your mind, which is why you took it out on him. And staring at him now, you feel like you’re cracking at the seams. All this built-up emotion starting to spill out at the seams.
“Maybe I should leave,” your voice comes out hoarser now, the smile dipping on Yoongi’s face. “I mean, I’ve been a complete bitch, treated you like shit – I can’t just stand here, in your flat and pretend it’s ok.”
“Hey,” Yoongi takes a step towards you, his arms dropping to his side. “You’ve apologised.”
“And yet it doesn’t feel like that’s enough.”
“I accept it.”
You pause. He sounds genuine, looks genuine. Yet you still feel so guilty.
You shake your head, eyes flick to the sofa and while you’ve said twice now that you’re going to leave, you slowly move towards it and take a seat. Your head goes into your hands, so you feel rather than see Yoongi come to sit next to you, the cushions dipping down with the extra weight.
“You’re too nice to me.”
“Maybe I’m just nice,” you can still hear the joke in his voice even though it comes out quieter, softer.
You shake your head again, still unable to look up from your hands. You flinch when a hand comes to your back, the contact so delicate you weren’t expecting it. To your relief Yoongi only draws away for a beat before placing his hand on your back just as delicately. When you don’t flinch a second time, he must decide it’s ok to keep it there.
“What’s this really about?” He asks, his hand rubbing soothingly on your back.
How is he always able to read what’s really going on? It’s like a blessing and a curse. You feel embarrassed by the reason, feel like you’ve really built it up and if you tell him the truth it’s going to make it that much more ridiculous. But you’ve never imagined Yoongi laughing when you think about telling him your feelings. He may not return them, but he wouldn’t shoot you down for your own.
You take a breath, sit up straighter so your head is no longer resting in your hands. Your heart is beating a mile a minute and with Yoongi’s hand still on your back you’re surprised he hasn’t expressed his concerns.
In the second or two it takes you to sit straight, you mentally prepare to look at Yoongi. Still the concern etched on his features doesn’t make anything better. You remind yourself of what you thought earlier; don’t run away from this problem.
“It’s not that serious,” you try to lighten the mood even though your smile is forced, and your words feel heavy. “I haven’t killed anyone or anything.”
Yoongi doesn’t crack a smile, just stares you down with those soul eating, yet still soft, eyes.
You feel sweaty, feel like you want to bolt out of this situation, feel like you would literally rather be swimming with sharks then say what you’re about to say. But you try not to overthink it, try not to think of the what ifs and buts. If you truly care about this man, if you truly have feelings for him, then you need to say something.
“I like you,” your voice husky and weak.
You clear your throat, eyes drift and snap back to Yoongi as if unsure where to look, too scared to look at him but feel like you need to say this directly at him. When you speak again it’s clearer and more convincing.
“I don’t mean in the same way I like Priya or Jimin. I mean, I like talking to you, I liked our date together, I like your smile and your hair and I don’t know, I like you. And you don’t have to say you feel the same way, I know the date wasn’t really a date, but I can’t get you out of my head and it’s driving me insane – which you clearly saw tonight.” You pause, take a breath, and then say, “I really like you, Yoongi.”
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Plans Change
Pairing: Childe x reader
Warnings: mentions of vomiting, possible spoilers for childe’s story, pregnancy????
I fought Childe yesterday and he actually gave me good drops so I wanted to write some fluffy fic to show him appreciation <3 anyways uhhh i have a thing for domestic childe and it shows lmao
The world seems to be spinning as you fall back and lay down on the bathroom floor. After being sick all morning all you want to do is to lay down and not move. You groan as another wave of nausea hits your body but you also feel relief as it’s not as bad as the other waves.
“I should try and have some water,” you mutter to yourself as you find the strength to slowly stand up, giving it your all to keep control of your stomach. As you walk to the kitchen you can’t help but wonder what it is that caused this to happen. You don’t remember eating anything that you don’t always have and nobody around you has been sick either. As you finally reach the kitchen and get water a realization hits you. Your period is late.
“No no no no, that can’t be it. I always make sure Childe pulls out. This can’t be happening,” you say to yourself as you try to convince yourself that something like that can’t be an option. Then it hit you, a little over a month ago after you had a couple of drinks you too got a little more carried away than usual.
“Shit!” You yell as you accept what is probably the truth. What are you going to do? You love Childe but how are you supposed to have a baby with a harbinger of all people? You’re so caught up in your panicked thoughts that you don’t hear the door open and footsteps approaching you.
“I’m so glad to be home, you won’t believe what I had to deal-“ Childe says as he walks up to you only to stop when you turn around to him and he sees the look on your face. “You look terrible, did something happen?”
He looks over you, making sure you’re not hurt. After he determines nobody has hurt you he comes closer to you and looks at you expectantly.
“It’s uh, it’s nothing. I just haven’t been feeling great this morning,” you say, trying to force a smile on your face. You can’t let him know what’s happening, not until you figure it out on your own. “I think I just ate something bad yesterday but it’s out of my system now.”
“Do you need me to do anything? You know there’s this soup we make back home that always used to help me as a kid,” he says as he places his hand on your shoulder to try and comfort you.
“No that’s ok, I think I just need to rest,” you say as you move away from his touch. With that the atmosphere seems to change and Childe gets an uncharacteristically serious look on his face.
“What are you hiding from me? Did someone do something to you? If they did I need you to tell me, I’ll take care of it,” he says in a low voice. Though he’s trying to be gentle you can see the familiar glint in his eyes that shows exactly what his words mean.
“No! Childe it’s nothing like that, I swear!” You say quickly before he does anything rash. He simply raises an eyebrow at this.
“Then what is it? You’re not being yourself so there’s something going on,” he says, still completely serious.
“I’m not even sure if what I’m thinking is happening is really what’s going on,” you say quietly as you avoid eye contact with him.
“What is it?” He asks again, not letting go until he knows what’s wrong with you.
“I think I might be pregnant,” you mumble as quietly as possible. Tears start to form in your eyes as the panic sets in again. This isn’t what you wanted to happen. You’re still confused on everything yourself, how are you supposed to explain it to him?
“Baby, I can’t hear you,” he says as he steps closer.
“I said I think I’m pregnant!” You say loudly, finally not able to bottle it all in anymore. You look up at him and all you see is an unreadable expression on his face. In that moment you’re faced with your worst fear.
“I’m sorry! You don’t have to stay with me, really! I know this isn’t what you planned on and being a harbinger doesn’t really go alongside being a parent. I can do it on my own, don’t worry about it,” you say as tears begin to run down your face. Without hesitation Childe quickly takes you in his arms and places kisses on the top of your head.
“Hey, it’s not like that at all. I’m surprised and there’s a lot to think about because you’re right about one thing, this will be hard with my job. But baby, I’m so happy,” he says as he takes his hand and places it under your chin to make you look up at him.
“Really?” You ask with a sniffle.
“Of course! I’ve always wanted a family of my own. I wasn’t planning on it happening anytime soon but I also wasn’t planning on meeting you when I did,” he says as he wipes your tears away. “Although, if this is the case, we need to figure out a way to go visit my home. I need my family to meet the future mother to my children and the love of my life. I just know little Tonia will love you.”
“Slow down there, I already have enough to worry about, I don’t need to pressure of meeting the family on me too,” you say with a small laugh.
“Sorry I’m just excited,” he says with a big smile. He leans down to place a loving kiss on your lips before looking you in the eyes yet again. “Everything will be okay. I will make sure nobody hurts you and you will always be taken care of, even when I’m not around. Can you trust me?”
“Are you, the eleventh of the fatui harbingers, really asking me if I can trust you?” You ask with a playful smile.
“I’m being serious. And I’m not talking to you as a harbinger right now, I’m talking to you as your lover,” he says defensively.
“Of course I trust you. I love you Ajax,” you say as you reach up and place a hand on his cheek. For a moment there’s silence as you two look at each other with eyes full of emotion. But quickly he seems pleased with your answer and leans down to kiss you yet again. And with that kiss all your worries melt away. Maybe being tied to him for the rest of your life won’t be so bad after all.
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xbabybajix · 3 years
Mugiwaras at a Rave ✨
note: this are my headcanons about the strawhats being at a rave bc they seem like party people so why not add them to an au?? Hope y’all enjoy! Feel free to add your own! :)
•would be the first to suggest to pregame before the actual event
•but zoro would definitely second the idea and already have the bottle out
•luffy’s fave raves are the bigger ones like EDC, Countdown, Beyond Wonderland, Escape, maybe even Coachella or Hard Summer and Lollapalooza
•definitely listens to Porter Robinson and will always go if he’s in the lineup
•his faves aside are: zedds dead, Audien, Dash Berlin, Major Lazor, Alison Wonderland,
•definitely wears colorful tops-even crop tops , but will not change the sandals or strawhat, it’s just his signature look (even adds beads to the straw hat too😭)
•is the type to party with everyone, they’ll be like “hey man me and my homies just saw you from across the tent and wanted to say we LOVE YOUR VIBES” luffy: ok *will pop a pill with the randoms 😭
•you can’t tell me luffy isn’t down for anything that happens at a rave so he’s definitely drinking, popping ecstasy, smoking (not cocaine tho)
•nami ends up being his baby sitter bc she refuses to let anything happen to him if she’s also under the influence
•if he gets down, then she will most likely be more sober enough to look after him
•when the raves happening he likes to be on top of frankie’s shoulders for the view
•also is the type to be super affectionate with his crew when the dj plays a song they all love and records it
•also LOVES taking as many group photos and fit pics before and after
•is not AS festive as Luffy but will go bc he likes to be around him during the fun
•doesn’t do the druggies BUT he will get plastered, sometimes even before they head out he’s already drunk as hell
•nami will not let him go like that bc she doesn’t wanna babysit so they sober him up
•then once they’re there he’s fucked up again 💀
•might get lost idk (I don’t like to push onto that directionally challenge fact abt him much so ya) even if he did it’d be a good time cuz he’d probably make new drinking buddies
•his attire is more simple- definitely rocks the headband with sleeveless muscle tee and tight shorts maybe? (Carries the backpack for the group bc it weighs nothing to him lmao)
•doesn’t have a preferred dj he likes but if it’s a hype song u know he’s there head banging WITH THE BOYSSSS
•is hit on by a lot of the rave babes there but zoro is annoyed by them pls
•prefers smaller raves bc he doesn’t like big crowds
•bring zoro to the rave😈
•gonna be biased here bc I’m in love with Nami
•A TOTAL RAVE BABE! Will go ALL OUT on her outfit: the sparkles, face paint, and wears almost nothing to the event or a cute crop fit (depending on the theme of the rave) hair is done, makeup is flawless and also is the one who’s planned the entire trip for them
•bc of that everyone else makes sure she has time for her fun
•luffy, sanji and frankie make sure no creepy dudes come up to her or even TRY to lay a hand on her
•she takes the cutes pics with robin who’s also dressed with ‘rave babe’ attire
•makes friends with a lot of girls there bc they’re all drunk and just complimenting each other’s fits
•becomes famous on social media over this
•is actually really into a lot of dj’s similar to luffy’s but she also likes ppl like dj snake, tiesto, illenium, disclosure, david guetta, kygo, steve aoki, etc
•will twerk on people she doesn’t gaf (mostly on other girls 😛)
•will also pop ecstasy or smoke weed but never has a bad trip bc she’s built different
•she’ll be on jinbe’s shoulder while luffy is next to her on franky’s 😭
•luffy & nami duo at a rave is wholesome but also can be chaotic if they’re both high and drunk off their minds
•they end up attracting a crowd bc of how goofy they are being and people love it
•at some point luffy blacks out and nami is like “ok time to go home now i guess :(“
•franky is carrying out both of them by the shoulders and they are sound asleep <3
•perviness aside, Sanji is the second one who’s looking the best after nami
•definitely takes the time to look super hot and will wear something that makes his arm muscles show and his snatched waist plsss
•loves going because women hit on him
•but is equally simping right back- he is in heaven
•will sometimes stray away from the group bc he met a girl (i think rave!sanji is a whore idc he definitely gets laid)
•if he doesn’t get laid then he’s out in the crowd getting into the music and is jumping around
•is always dehydrated lmao
•oh yeah he’s a huge foodie so he loves trying the stuff they have at the food trucks
•is pretty sober by the end of the night
•also takes super pretentious pictures but they look good ofc
•is down for any kind of rave
•my boyyyyy is looking SUPER FLY to the rave, the group loves Rave!usopp bc of how hot he is
•along with luffy, he’s a bit chaotic when it’s him and nami as well
•likes the dubstep sounding edm music and will be the one to record the crowd and jump along with them
•also loves to record dumb shit like people fighting 💀 or anything funny that happens
•stays within the group
•he knows where the crowds are more fun and that’s how they discover new artists too
•is super nice to girls that ask him if they can sit on his shoulders and he says yes
•gets bitches but usopp is respectful and just makes sure they have a good time
•loves taking group pics and will make vids of himself and luffy like “edc with the fam😤😎”
•plsss robin’s rave outfits are always super sexy but kind of iconic?? Like she literally has the best fit there
•is like nami but not vocal about it, will go along with her shenanigans and watch it all unfold
•she likes to bring her own weed to the raves and doesn’t like to take anything that isn’t from her plug
•rave!robin likes to sway to the music and have her hands up and jump around sometimes
•a lot of girls go up to her about her outfit and she’s always nice about it and tells them her little diy hacks and where she buys her stuff
•likes to buy bracelets for the gang
•if someone fucks with luffy and tries to insinuate a fight she’s flaming
•do not fuck with robin bc she will punch a dude for Luffy lmao even tho he could’ve kicked his ass
•”I didn’t want you to get hurt” Luffy: punching him would’ve fired me up even more >:) her: 🙂 ok
•hangs out with franky most of the time bc he’s also mellow as she is but he is a bit more up her alley with how they have fun
•obnoxiously high amounts of highlight and his hair omggg he loves to get creative with him and people hype him tf up
•everyone: are u fr going out like that? 😐 him: YEAH THE PEOPLE LOVE ME YOURE ALL JUST JEALOUS😎
•robin also loves it (they are not shipped here but frobin supremacy SO TRUE)
•has the best photographer skills bc of his height, and his body allows him to be included in their group pics HAH
•is always gonna be in the back during bc he’s so fckn tall unless luffy asks him to take him to the front😭 everyone else just circles around him to get a view lmao
•franky may have a drink or two but he’s honestly having a good time sober too
•if there are rave himbos u know franky will be in A LOT of random ppl’s pictures bc he’s so charismatic and friendly
•will tweet: “edc with the fam👍🏻 good times with good people” 😂😂😂 and all these replies are like “have fun king”
•brook is like that old dude who hangs out with younger people to have fun but it’s ok here
•brook just smokes weed at raves
•is also festive with the look, goes with the classic hippie with headband and curly hair deal but with ✨fashion
•sometimes gets weird looks from people until they see how fun he really is
•the other stoners see him as a god at raves bc he carries the BEST weed and is also super funny
•just vibes to the music by swaying his arms around to the beat
•but if he’s feeling a bit playful 😛 he’ll try to crowd surf and pop out some dance moves
•sometimes they leave without brook bc he always ends up getting dropped off back to the hotel but the friends he made LMAO
•uncle vibes 😎 but he’s a good time
•doesn’t do the rave look but thinks wearing beads with an oversized shirt counts 👍🏻
•bops his head to the music and headbangs if he’s feeling it
•is never left out by the gang so he enjoys spending time with them
•will usually help nami with taking pictures and also knows all the best angles
•if he runs into older people he ends up having his own group and they all just hangout at a food or drink spot and have convos (pls i can see him being friends with professors who like to rave, I used to have a prof who did hence where this idea popped up from)
•makes sure everyone is safe and altogether by the end of the night
•will have blankets or sweaters ready for the girls and Luffy in case it’s cold
•suggests they all eat after having nothing but drugs and alcohol in their system LOL
•chopper is a baby so for the sake of this I’ll make it short and he’ll be a reindeer in this au
•they carry him like a backpack and make him stay still so he can get thru the bag check LOL
•surpringly he does bc nami sweet talks the security and says it’s her emotional support plushie
•once he’s in they make a stop to take him to try the food and sweet stations
•robin and chopper duo at a rave is cuteee, she just carries him around so he doesn’t walk anywhere but once she does people surround them like crazy
•everyones like “YOOOOO A TALKING REINDEER LOOK” and he goes viral
•they try to make him dance to edm music HAHA
•chopper loves the attention and lets them take him crowd surfing
•sometimes will end up on a dj’s shoulders and he feels so popular omg
•dj: “if anyone is looking for this reindeer looking thing it’s up here on the main stage and it’s definitely a crowd pleaser!! Might just keep this little guy for myself” and then you hear luffy yell out “ OI LOOK ITS CHOPPER AND HE’S ON tyDI’s SHOULDER”
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4joonkookie · 3 years
27 Candles
Tumblr media
💜 Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
💜 Words: 3.5K
💜 Summary:
A 12 hour diary of Namjoon’s 27th birthday.
💜 Tags/Warnings:
Smut, angst, breakup, DaddyJoon, Dom/sub, Daddykink, collars, Daddy/Babygirl, birthday sex, breakup sex, makeup sex, blindfolded sex, butt play, rough sex, spanking, riding, grinding, dirty talk, back scratching, fluff, Happy Birthday to the only man I’d call Daddy, not beta read, wish I had more time.
2:30 PM
After spending hours agonizing over your approach, you call Namjoon to wish him a happy birthday. It’s been a while since you’ve heard his voice. The low rumble sends vibrations through your body.
“We should celebrate,” you insist, exposing your ulterior motive.
“What do you want to do?” he muses.
You're quiet for a while, then take a deep breath.
“It's your birthday. I want you to tell me.”
The request is bold, but subtle enough. He lets out a low laugh, a knowing one, and clears his throat.
“Yeah?” his voice lowers, probably in an area with others. “You wanna be my good girl? Be good to me?”
“Yes,” you reply, just as low though, no one is around you. “I want you to have what you want for your birthday.”
Arousal pools in your belly while you fidget with your nervous hands.
“I like that idea,” he hums. “So I'll come by the apartment when I'm done?”
“No,” you assert, disrupting your compliance. “Can I see your new place?”.
He’s had his own place for over a month now but the place you shared is still “the apartment”.
“Sure, there’s not much there. It’s basically empty,” he replies.
You assure him that's just fine. Adjusting to living in “the” apartment without him has been hard enough. A new, less familiar place might make it easier. A place not-so-lived-in.
A place he can’t leave you again.
He’s quiet for a long time again before speaking.
“Is this a good idea?” he asks, in the exhale of a heavy sigh. His tone has changed, reality settling in.
“No,” you confirm, shaking your head although you’re alone.
The line is hushed, again. The silence is heavy with all of the unspoken “I miss you”, “I need you”, “something is missing without you”.
You both know where this goes, neither having the strength to step away.
3:37 PM
When the elevators open to his apartment corridor, there is a young woman kneeling at the door. Heart pounding, you walk slowly, keeping your head down and avoid eye contact altogether when she stands and begins to walk toward you. You quickly turn your head and breathe a sigh of relief to see her disappear behind the elevator doors.
A decorative basket sits at the front doorstep. You snatch it up, enter the lock code quickly and shut the door behind you.
The basket holds a bottle of champagne on dry ice. Also, a pair of lace panties. Two fixture items, surrounded by decorative flowers, candies and a notecard.
The note is a handwritten message about missing Namjoon on his birthday and a promise of wearing the panties “next time”; a drawn heart and scribbled name.
You open the champagne, chug from the bottle and toss the rest to the trash, attempting to discard the jealousy panging in your gut.
The breakup was two months ago. You hadn’t exactly agreed to “be friends”, it just happened. Though, you haven’t seen each other in person since he moved his things out.
You take in the view of the place. It’s enormously empty. The refrigerator and cabinets are empty, a layer of dust covering the bottom of the inside. A laptop and recording equipment are the only things set up in the living room alongside a couch. The Bedroom has no walls and sits on a raised platform in the living room, a total bachelor pad. Condom wrappers lay on the bedside table near the unmade bed. The bathroom counter, cluttered with his products and potions. You pick up the bottles one by one, searching for what’s new about him. Finally, the closet. You choose a shirt and to put on and discard everything else.
Your phone buzzes, Namjoon saying he’ll be there in about an hour. It’s sooner than you thought but you order groceries anyway. It always takes longer for him to get home than he says.
“Home.” You think. This isn’t home.
4:58 PM
Surprisingly on time, he arrives carrying handfuls of delivered bags.
“You bought groceries?” He uses his foot to close the door behind him.
“Yes,” you reply, removing bags from his hands. “Why don’t you have groceries? Just hire someone to do it.”
“Why hire someone when you’re willing to do it for me?”
“I didn’t,” you banter. “I hired someone to do it.” You shrug.
You close the refrigerator behind you. His phone starts to ring, he silences it.
“Where did you get champagne?” He questions.
When you casually mention the name of the woman who signed the card, he stiffens. Checks his phone, frantic.
“You talked to her?” He remains calm, but you can tell he’s uneasy.
“Yeah, I ran into her dropping this off on my way in. She’s sweet,” you string him along, feeling a little bratty “She said she wishes she could’ve seen you on your birthday.”
He gives you a long look and you hold his gaze.
“Liar!” he laughs, approaching you. His demeanor is calming, his smile relieves something in that “something is missing” category.
“How do you know her name?” He asks curiously.
You stall, not wanting to admit your resentful gesture.
“Oh there was a note, I must’ve misplaced it,” you say, appearing (hopefully-to-be) absent-minded.
He reaches a hand to peek in the trash can. Before he can, his phone rings again. He silences it immediately.
“Is that her?” You ask, casual, distracting.
He shifts uncomfortably but is honest. “We were going to meet up today. I cancelled.”
You tilt your head. “You said you didn’t have plans.”
“I didn’t,” he says plainly.
You hide a shy smile, briefly ducking your head. “And if I hadn’t invited myself over?” you tease.
“I’d be wishing you had.” He gets closer and a familiar electricity buzzes through you. He rests his hands too comfortably on your back, pulling you in, hugging you too tight, smelling your hair.
“I missed you,” He nuzzles his cheek to yours, brushing against you. The moves are slow, requainting.
His lips press against yours and you feel yourself slipping back into him. You try to shake off the feeling, remembering what you discussed on the phone.
“So, what do you want?”
He follows along, seemingly eager to take the edge off of these heavy feelings for a while too. He guides you back to the wall.
You can feel the undertones changing. His gaze darkens, your body being enclosed in his arms.
A hand moves to your bare neck, strokes the soft skin. Your heartbeat quickens. After some back and forth, you ultimately decided not to wear the collar. Not his to claim anymore, anyway. He silently acknowledges the absence of it and moves to your waist.
“It was very rude of you to throw away my things just because you’re jealous.”
“Not jealous,” you pout, and his lips drag against your neck. He bites down at your words causing you to gasp. He pins your hands above your head, against the wall while continuing work on your neck.
“Say it,” he chides. “Tell me how jealous you are that someone else can be good for me.”
Your blood boils, thinking of the woman at the door, condoms on the nightstand.
“And how many good girls do you have?” You query, calmly.
He squeezes your wrists above you. “Say it. And I'll tell you.”
You sigh heavily and give in. “Ok, I’m jealous, you admit.
He giggles between kisses on your skin. “I know.”
“So? How many?” Not giving in to his touch yet, still wanting to know.
He shrinks the grip on your wrists to one hand and uses the other to brush a finger against your lip.
“There are many girls who are good to me but I have only one good girl.”
He releases your wrists and your lips crash together, tongues passing sloppily. You drink each other in after months apart.
“Don’t move,” he instructs, and pulls away. You stand still, watching him disappear into the bedroom. He quickly reemerges with hands behind his back.
“Turn around,” he says, before he can make it all the way back to you.
Without hesitation, you turn and place both hands on the wall, bracing yourself. You feel his presence behind you and it all goes black. A silky fabric drapes over your eyes, a knot being tied just behind your head.
You reach behind yourself to grab at him. “What are you doing?!” The sudden darkness is startling, shocking.
He wraps arms tight around your body to still you.
“Shhh….,” he soothes. This is what I want.” A hand slides beneath the hem of your panties, circling fingers at your wet center, free arm holding you tight to his chest.
He raises his fingers to your lips, offering a taste of yourself.
When you release his fingers, he loosens his grasp on your body and grips a hand at the back of your neck. You straighten up on two feet.
“Walk,” he demands.
After walking a ways, your back hits the mattress.
You can’t see him but his hands are hot on your skin, traveling in unseen paths. You can hear your breath, loud. The quiet in the room is loud.
It’s dark, but the fear begins to fade. All other senses are heightened.
There is a sense of right with his hands on your skin again, lips on yours again, his scent filling your nostrils again, feeling his weight above you again.
He drags his tongue slowly down the center of your body, between your breasts, over your navel and fastens his mouth to your center making you squirm as he sucks below, arms hooked around your thighs.
He licks lovingly, skillfully, and pulls away too soon. He pulls you up by your arms and guides you to sit up.
“Show me what a good girl you are?” he whispers above you. The whisper is crystal clear, echoing in your ears.
You nod into the darkness and hear him removing clothes. Cock free, he pushes the tip to your lips and pushes in slow, to the back of your throat, holding himself there.
“No hands,” he warns. He slides out just as slowly and you do your best to control your gags.
He pushes in again, too quickly and deep. You pull away, coughing and trapping his shaft with your hand.
“No.” he pushes your hand away. He grabs your chin, prying your jaw open and pushes in again. Drool spills and tears moisten the fabric over your eyes. He grabs the back of your head and pushes it flush against his pelvis, no room for grabby hands.
You choke and back off of it, using both hands this time to remove it. You cough when he pulls out, a string of saliva still connecting you.
It’s been a while since you've done this but somehow, it’s more difficult because you can’t see.
“Bend Over,” he growls.
You turn over and feel the familiar caress over your cheek before he moves, muscle memory. He lays a hard smack and you moan, spine lighting up. You smile gleefully to yourself. A familiar warmth overtakes you.
“You’re out of practice,” he taunts, “Need to remember how to behave.”
Another hit, and you cry out again. Spanks, all the more exciting and titillating behind a blindfold.
“You want to give Daddy what he wants, you said?” you hear his voice from behind you.
You nod, zoned in on your lack of vision.
You don’t sense the next hit coming, it’s so much more intense. You’ve been punished for not using words. Without hesitation, they come spilling out.
“Yes, Daddy.”
This was definitely missing. Not so much that you need to be punished but that you want to be tamed.
And no one does it like him.
He slides two fingers into you from behind. You moan and buck back, bouncing on his fingers.
He leans down to lap you, licking up from your pussy and his fingers up to your ass, prodding his tongue inside the tight muscle.
He moves away and you hear the click of a bottle. Cold lube spills over your exposed skin.
Two fingers still in your pussy, He gruffly pushes a third to your bum, pouring more lube with a free hand. He pushes to the webbing of his hand and holds it, giving you time to adjust.
“Good girl loves being filled up, huh?”
You nod before catching yourself. “Yes, Daddy.”
He adds a second finger inside, two in each opening now, scissoring and stretching you open.
You sob, everything feeling that much more intense and full in the dark.
He pulls his fingers out of your body with a lewd pop.
“Are you ready to try again?.”
“Yes.” Something clicks in your mind and has your body assuming the previous position.
The shock of the sensory change and overwhelming emotion before had you too frantic, unable to focus.
Now, bridled in just the right way, he pushes into your throat with no objections from your body, only eager acceptance.
He begins thrusting at the back of your throat. You relax your jaw and control your gags. The darkness isn’t so startling anymore. It helps you focus on controlling your muscles, a meditation almost. You grip the sheets to keep your hands away.
He pulls out and you try to even your desperate breath, swallowing pooled saliva.
He tests your compliance, pushing to the back again, using two hands to hold your head down, letting your face slide off silently.
“There she is,” he strokes your hair as you wipe your mouth. “There’s my good girl.”
The praise fuels you, feeling pleased and settled.
He turns you over again and slides inside right away, slapping hips against you. You whimper and move your body with his.
You nearly ascend when he pushes his index finger into your stretched ass while still thrusting inside.
His cock thrusts against your g spot and presses against his finger behind your walls.The repeated pressure on both sides makes your knees shake. The sound you make is almost primal, body falling limp, spiraling through an orgasm.
He frees his hands and pushes your shoulders flat to the bed to slam inside. You lay, boneless as he grunts and growls through his own orgasm.
Falling beside you, he removes the blindfold and gestures for you to lay on his chest.
He pets and strokes the places he’s left marks. He slides his thumb along your worked jaw.
You didn’t realize how badly you’ve missed this feeling of safe, being claimed again.
8:09 PM
Limbs draped together laying on the bed, Namjoon carries on about his most recent lyric-writing.
Words, spilling out a mile a minute, eyes focused outward, trying to find a lyrical solution by talking aloud.
You study him, just as you always had. The same ,familiar motions and conversation but a different background.
It’s unmistakable.
It’s not any particular location that’s “lived-in”. This place echoes with empty and still smells of fresh paint.
It’s the relationship, the vibes. You and Namjoon are lived-in.
His voice, his touch. You know it’s everything you need but know it won’t last. You broke up for a reason, a dark cloud lingering over your temporary reconnection.
You try not to think of it, letting this temporary elation carry you both to the point where you must eventually take stock of what’s happening and acknowledge that you’re worse together, no matter how good it feels right now.
Despite your silent spiral, he continues talking, unbothered. You watch him, endeared, absorbing every morsel of himself he has to offer before you part again.
Eventually, he catches himself. “Sorry, should I stop?”
You climb on top of him and snag the nearby blindfold. You playfully spread it over his mouth and a giggle erupts from underneath. You slide it up to his eyes, mimicking your position from earlier. He inhales sharply and smiles.
You take his earlobe into your mouth and suck marks to his collarbone, not caring of the consequences. He doesn’t stop you, hissing and grabbing at your hair.
You relish In taking him like this, the breakup, giving you freedom to reciprocate this notion and him, the freedom to surrender to it.
You lean down and graze your teeth over his nipples, a secret sensitive spot.
He gasps and lets out a whimper. It was beautiful. You chase it again, sucking and blowing cold air over them.
Still naked, you grasp the shaft and wrap your pussy over him, eyes rolling back at the pleasing friction.
You slide up and down, chasing the high.
He’s moaning in a way you’ve never heard, the intensity of not having vision.
Still above him, you plant a foot on the ground and slide his length inside of yourself.
Your hips move above him, slowly at first. You watch him, every pant and bead of sweat dripping. You get to see him in a way you couldn’t if he could see you back.
Soon, it feels too good, dick rocking right on your spot, fast and deep. He moves his hips faster below you, a signal to speed up.
You rock back and forth, squirming and squelching on his cock, feeling a little freer that he can’t see you, but only feel you so intensely.
He sinks and drags fingernails down your back with a hiss and a moan. He keeps his nails buried in your skin and holds your hips down.
“Fuck,” he pants as you pull the blindfold loose to see him come.
His hands grab yours and you use your laced hands to brace yourself, squeezing fingers tight when you both come.
It feels like an official reuniting, coming together again. Having more even ground this time, just experiencing this together.
Now, all is right again. Doubt, drowned just a bit longer.
11:51 PM
You’re in a marathon of a conversation, catching up on the last few months.
You laugh and talk and joke, just like old times. He grabs you by the waist.
He kisses you. Long and full of expectation.
“Just remind me why.” He exhales and pushes his forehead to yours.
“No, Joonie, we can’t do this_” You feel thorns grow on your skin and try to push away.
He doesn’t remember yet. This is a beaten path. As much as you missed the four walls you shared, by the end of it all, it was suffocating. Walls, closing in.
“Please,” he pleads. “Because i’m looking at you and we’re here talking and kissing and fucking, perfect as it always was and I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why we’re not together.”
You shake your head as tears burn at your eyelids.
“No, Namjoon, we cannot have this fight again…” you try to free yourself again. There’s so much more to it all than sex and conversation.
“Who’s fighting?”
“You know why we’re not together,” you argue. It was bad for a long time. We fought and fought_…”
“Maybe we didn’t try hard enough,” he interrupts.
You look at him, shake your head.
“I did.” Tears falling freely now. “We can’t see each other anymore. It’s not fair. Not to either one of us.
You laugh to yourself. “We both knew it was a bad idea. We knew we’d end up right back here.”
“And where is that?” he asks, soft tears spilling from his sharp eyes.
You don’t answer. Just offer a weak smile as you quickly dress.
“Happy Birthday.”
And just like that, it’s all over, 2 strokes to midnight.
12:13 AM
You turn on the lights to “the” empty apartment and intentionally don’t look around. Any progress you had made at making the place feel like just yours are back at square one.
Your body is heavy with regret, can’t believe you let yourself drown in him again.
You crawl under the covers and wait for it to be just not so hard, back turned away from the side of the bed that feels so devastatingly empty.
2:30 AM
You stir awake from a noise at the door. The knock sounds again, waking you completely.
You sleepily drag yourself to the door.
There he stands, eyes swollen, looking lost and vulnerable.
You stare at each other in the doorway, unable to tell if there are a million unsaid things being spoken or just emotions spilling sloppily around with no rhyme or reason.
The same electricity fires inside. Even though you can’t remember what you said when you left.
The only thing you can remember right now is how right it is that he’s here. And how wrong it was when he was gone, and how empty his side of the bed is.
You extend your hand out, inviting him in. He looks for a long time and finally accepts. You shut the door behind him, locking you both back into those four walls.
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beom1e · 3 years
everybody had the soul watch app, because everybody was curious to meet their soulmate. it was an app that told you when or how and gave you hints, but never who. and due to all the pressure, you downloaded the app too... just to find out you didn’t even have a soulmate after all.
PAIRING yang jungwon x gn! reader
THEMES soulmates au, highschool au, fluff, humour
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matching jewellery was a trend among soulmates when it came to being a highschool student. those that had found theirs wanted to show it off, basically shoving it into the faces of those that were still searching. walking down the corridors was a constant reminder that you didn’t have a soulmate for yourself, as matched couples would walk hand-in-hand with shiny bracelets or be seen wearing those missing piece style necklaces.
mondays. after freeing yourself from the couple-filled hallways, you sat down at your desk and placed your books onto the table with a huff. trying to block out your classmate bragging about meeting their soulmate over the weekend, you noisily checked around in your bag for your pencil case.
then came the clicking of your teacher’s heels as she entered the classroom, and there was a rush of students finding their seats. the squeaking of chair legs and quiet chatter only made you more annoyed at the world. to say discovering you were soulmate-less a few weeks prior had put you in a permanent bad mood would be an understatement.
but everything lit up as soon as yang jungwon appeared in the doorway. he apologised for being late, cheeks flushed and hair windswept. heat rose to your own cheeks at the sight of his sorry smile.
much to your dismay, he was a few seats to the back and to the right of you. he disappeared from your sight, making you slump sadly in your seat.
‘today is international soulmate day,’ your teacher smiled, setting her powerpoint up behind her. ‘as you all may know. there are many types of soulmate links out there, but i want to know about yours. so research and write about it — its origin, its rarity — and hand it in at the end of class.’
not sure what to do, you raised your hand. ‘what if you don’t have a soulmate?’ at the sound of your voice, jungwon looked up from his notebook. he didn’t have a soulmate either.
‘everybody has a soulmate, y/n,’ she reminded you. ‘maybe you entered your details into soul watch incorrectly.’
‘i don’t have a soulmate either,’ jungwon spoke up. you turned in your seat. ‘so what do we do instead?’
‘this is the first time i’m hearing of people being soulmate-less,’ she chuckled awkwardly, slightly panicked. ‘well, you’re both part of the student board aren’t you? just head down to the main hall and help the others set up for the soulmate dance.’
the soulmate dance. just the thought of it made you roll your eyes. you’d never attended, because you didn’t show interest in finding out until those few weeks ago, but you knew how cheesy it was. it was like every other kind of dance, totally cliché and super boring. except, you got to bring your soulmate.
you packed up your things as quickly as possible. as horrible it would be having to decorate for a stupid highschool dance that you wouldn’t even attend, at least jungwon would be at your side. and he must’ve understood your suffering, especially during international soulmate week on international soulmate day that just happened to fall on a monday.
you slung your bag onto your shoulder and followed jungwon out of the door. he walked slightly ahead of you, holding open each door for you which you quietly thanked him for.
when you made it to the main hall, the bright pink colour palette made your eyes burn. ‘this is going to be a long week,’ jungwon sighed, dropping his bag and leaving you at the door. mentally agreeing, you placed your own bag down beside his.
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you sort of felt bad for jungwon. it was depressing to know that you weren’t ‘destined’ for anyone, and that you’d have to find someone the old way. he seemed even less of a fan of soulmate week than you were, but he did seem really down about not having a soulmate of his own.
it was wednesday morning and you’d missed your bus. annoyed with yourself, you had to run to the nearest bus stop in hopes another bus would arrive soon. that was where you saw jungwon and his friends, all of them being upperclassmen.
trying not to be seen, you awkwardly leaned against the outside of the shelter and looked off to the side. ‘it’s not like i like them,’ jungwon argued, which earned a few laughs from the boys. ‘why would i ask them to the soulmate dance if we’re not soulmates?’
‘because you don’t want to spend saturday studying alone in your room?’ sunoo teased, ‘if they’re not matched, then you can ask them. no big deal.’
the bus pulled up in front of them. you waited for them to get on before following, avoiding eye contact and taking a seat at the back. ‘good morning, y/n,’ jake turned around to face you. ‘i didn’t know you take this bus.’
‘i don’t,’ you awkwardly replied. ‘i was late and missed my own bus.’
‘are you going to the dance on saturday?’ sunoo also joined in, smiling brightly at you.
‘oh, uh,’ you nervously fiddled with the straps of your bag. ‘no, i don’t have a soulmate.’
‘well, we were just telling little wonie here that you don’t need a soulmate to go,’ jay patted jungwon’s head, making the younger boy complain about him messing up his hair. ‘you could come with us.’
‘thank you...’ shifting uncomfortably in your seat, you looked between all of the boys who were staring eagerly at you. ‘for the offer... but i don’t want to go. it means a lot, i just don’t do school dances.’
the bus conversation was probably the most awkward thing that happened to you that day. or during lunch time, when you took a seat on a bench facing the sports field. there was jungwon once again, playing around with the same friends. you watched as jake gave up on running around and collapsed to the floor, with everyone mirroring his actions seconds later.
you’d always had a crush on jungwon. he was always so sweet and polite, with the perfect balance between humour and seriousness. you saw him as someone you could easily rely on and trust, despite never being close to him. his cheeks always had this natural blush and his laugh was addictive, and he looked so serious whenever he was concentrating. you felt your heart racing whenever he was around, but you never had the courage to confess to him.
as you got lost in your thoughts, you made eye contact with him across the field. panicked, you began packing your things away and into your bag. then you left, trying not to move too quickly so that it didn’t look suspicious.
after classes, you were called into the main hall once again. knowing today you’d have to be painting, you grabbed your change of clothes from your locker and headed into the changing rooms. coming back into the hall, you were met with jake and sunghoon covering each other in the baby pink paint.
you slipped past them and looked around for something to do. and then someone tapped on your shoulder. it was sunoo, who asked if you could help him with painting the banner. jungwon passed by you, sending you a soft smile before hurrying off towards jay. how did he seem to be everywhere?
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on friday afternoon, as you were exhausted from all the decorating you’d been doing, you were so glad to be able to go home and enjoy your weekend. the whole week had been a complete disaster, and you now had a strong dislike towards the colour pink. but much to your dismay, the head of the student board asked you to attend the soulmate dance in order to keep an eye on the students. why he chose you specifically, you had no idea.
so on saturday morning, you tried your best to drag yourself out of bed. though you really didn’t want to dress up for a highschool dance, there was an outfit you had in mind. things weren’t going to change, you weren’t going to randomly get a soulmate, but you stupidly had hope things could change.
you spent most of the day considering backing out, but gave in because you didn’t want to disappoint your classmate. you arrived at the main hall an hour and a half before the event, ready to set things up.
a few students were around, moving tables to either side of the hall. a large red carpet was being rolled through the centre of the room, leading out onto the school gardens. you turned around at the sound of your name, bumping into the source. they reached for your hand, preventing you from toppling over.
a shock of electricity shot through your arm, forcing you to snatch your hand back. ‘i’m so sorry,’ the voice spoke, and much to your dismay, it was jungwon.
you felt your heart racing again, heat rising to your cheeks in an instant. ‘it’s ok,’ you reassured him. ‘it was my fault, so i’m the one that’s sorry.’
‘well,’ he smiled. ‘i guess i’ll see you around.’
honestly, you felt like an idiot. he heard loud and clear just a few days ago that you didn’t want to go to the soulmate dance, but here you were. maybe he would realise you were being forced into it, but if he didn’t, then that would be humiliating.
you shook your head to clear yourself of all the thoughts. ‘y/n,’ turning on the spot, you were met with the sight of jay coming towards you. ‘you’re looking lost. i thought you weren’t coming.’
‘change of plan,’ you simply replied. ‘i was asked to help set up some things.’
‘well, i need help carrying some things in from the truck outside,’ he offered. ‘if you’d like to help.’ nodding, you followed behind him at a distance.
the sky was clear — not a single cloud in sight — and the sun was shining brightly. the back doors of the truck were open, workers from the catering company lowering large bottles of drinks onto the ground. jay gestured towards the cluster of fruit juice bottles before grabbing one for himself.
they were heavy, but you managed. walking at jay’s side, you couldn’t think of a conversation starter to make it all a little less awkward. but thankfully, or maybe not, he spoke up first. ‘you do know that jungwon has a crush on you, right?’
the bottle fell from your grip. panicked, you reached forward to catch it again. clearly the universe was on your side in that moment, because it didn’t split.
‘uh, no,’ you forced out a laugh, feeling your entire body heat up. ‘i did not know that.’
‘he denies it,’ jay shrugged, helping you lift the heavy bottle back up from the ground. ‘but we all see the way he looks at you. after he found out you were soulmate-less too, he wanted to ask you to the dance tonight. but when you said you weren’t going, he gave up on that idea.’
what were you supposed to say to that? as you placed the bottles beside the snack table, jay pushed them under it. turning around to see jungwon on the other side of the hall, you felt yourself swallowing your words before leaving to the outside again.
but avoiding jungwon wasn’t as easy as you had hoped. he seemed to be in your line of sight at all times and in all honesty, you weren’t even sure why you were avoiding him. after all, if what jay said was true, then the feelings were mutual. still, you couldn’t shift your mind away from the shock you had felt at his touch. you thought maybe you were going crazy and had imagined it, until your phone buzzed with a notification.
leaving jay to bring in the rest of the drinks, you leaned against the exterior wall and pulled out your phone. a notification from soul watch lit up your phone, 0 days until you meet your soulmate. eyes wide, you looked around the area, hoping to see someone checking their phone in that same moment. was that even possible?
you weren’t sure what to do. search for your soulmate? or would they just come naturally to you? did this mean jay was your soulmate? it was a possibility, considering you were with him when the notification came through.
‘you coming inside?’ speak of the devil. you quickly hid you phone, putting on a fake smile and nodding. ‘people will start arriving soon.’
as soon as the hall began to fill up with people, you wished you had never came back inside. you really needed some time and space to think everything through. there was that electricity when jungwon had helped you up, but then you should’ve gotten the notification in that moment, right?
you grabbed your phone from your bag, going out into an empty corridor. sliding down the wall beside the door and pulling up the soul watch app, you searched your profile for details. but all the information it had was about your soulmate link, which happened to be a countdown. and now that the countdown was over, there were no more hints?
you were in complete disbelief, but the soulmate dance wasn’t the place to be researching this.
‘i guess you got it too,’ you looked up to see jungwon. ‘you’ve been avoiding me all day, so you must’ve.’
‘i have not been avoiding you,’ but the redness of your cheeks suggested otherwise. ‘and got what? i don’t know what you’re talking about.’
‘a sudden notification that you’ve possibly met your soulmate...?’ he sat down beside you.
‘well actually,’ you could’ve laughed at how stupid you were about to sound. ‘i was avoiding you because of what jay said earlier. and i thought there was no way you could be my soulmate otherwise i would’ve received the notification after we bumped into each other.’
‘who else could possibly be your soulmate?’
‘what’s that supposed to mean?’ you turned your head to make eye contact. he quickly looked away and down at the floor, wishing he hadn’t been so bold with his last statement. jungwon was never this forward with people he wasn’t yet close to.
‘i know jay told you that i like you,’ he admitted. ‘and i’ve always known that you like me back. i just never thought to bring it up because i didn’t have a soulmate, and i thought you would have one.’
‘but you have a soulmate now,’ you reminded him, a smile lighting up your features. ‘or... however that works. do you think it has to do with us touching for the first time back then?’
‘you felt that too?!’ his eyes widened as he stared back at you. ‘i thought i was going crazy.’
‘do you want to go back inside?’ you gestured to the door into the main hall. jungwon shook his head, standing up and holding his hand out to you.
‘we could...’ he trailed off, looking behind himself at the exit. ‘or we could ditch this snooze fest and do something fun instead... like go to an arcade?’
‘sounds like a plan,’ you took his hand, letting him pull you up from the ground. he checked if the coast was clear before running towards the exit, the sound of your laughter filling the empty corridor.
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