#and what happens if they gotta carry a pint
project-catgirlpillar · 8 months
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Yeah it really is odd that this company that produces drones that Carry one (1) single plastic Cup of Beer (the Most Common Size of Beer) at a time isn't worth a morbillion Dollars. So strange
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babygirl-riley · 7 months
I’m Sorry Alternative Version
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A mission that was suppose to be easy turns sideways as you lay bleeding out, watching Simon panicking trying to save you.
A/N: @batmanunicorns523 hope this is what you had in mind 👀
“Haven’t I given enough? Given enough? Always the fool with the slowest heart.”
Warnings: angst, childhood trauma, trauma, blood, violance, near death, swearing
simon x reader guide
simon x reader fluff/angst
Blood. Crimson. Gasping. Crying. Everything that Simon never wanted to see you do. It wasn’t suppose to go the way it did, just him and you in the mission. Scope out and confirm the target, however the patrol was never spotted as they came from behind the both of you. Everything was fine, took the squad out done. Until more came.
Both you and Ghost retreated or tried to until the group caught up. The bullets lodging into your leg, shoulder, and chest. You fought until the last solider dropped, you didn’t notice or feel anything until Ghost looked at you. An emotion written all over his face. Something you never seen. Fear.
You looked down to see the blood seeping through your winter gear. The white slowly staining into a red. You looked up at him before feeling weak and started to crumble. He looked over your body before saying something. The words left his mouth but you couldn’t catch them. All you heard was ringing in your ears. You became terrified, you could feel your body weakening, feeling nauseous, tired. So when he picked you up and carried you through the snowy mountains, you didn’t feel anything by that time.
You watched as the trees sprinkled the snow to the ground. It would have been beautiful, you always love the trees when they were covered in snow. You blinked slowly trying to look at Simon. Not Ghost. Simon. Ghost seemed calm yet Simon, his eyes told you different. Panic written on them as he searched the area around them, making sure no one followed. He sprinted up the stairs of deck on the safe house, running through the door. You groaned feeling the pain even more. He set you down quickly and softly, hushing you while watched your color fading.
Simon tossed his gear to the side and his gun next to you just in case they did follow. He ran around the house grabbing alcohol, tissues, any sort of fucking clothing. He had to stop the bleeding. That was the first thought that ran through him, no matter what happens your blood needed to stay.
You stared up at the ceiling feeling the nausea come through once again. You couldn’t die not like this. Not with him here. Watching you die. You knew of his past and you didn’t want him to add another haunting to his memory. You saw a blur and you try to focus your eyes to him. His eyes wild, his chest covered in crimson. Panic went through you as you reached for him, he pushed you hand aside. Is that his or is that…Oh.
Simon knelt next to you as he searched which wound to tend; he saw the blood seeping through to the couch. Simon has seen blood many of times, many different ways, how many pints been taken out; this was no different. However, Simon wanted to throw up, watching the love of his life bleed away from life. Watching the color drain. Watching her soul being yanked by death himself.
He got to work quickly working on the one on your thigh. Grabbing a towel to tie above it to stop the bleeding. You moaned as you looked away, feeling your eyes start to shut. “Nuh uh y/n eyes on me!” He yelled sternly. You tried to sob as you tried to. “I know love I know just keep lookin’ at me yeah?”
Simon’s gloves became heavy as the blood was staining them. He took his gloves off throwing them somewhere as he kept working. There was so much and not one being controlled. He couldn’t loose you, you ware his rock, his world. You kept him grounded. If you leave him…
“Fucking hell,” He mumbled putting pressure on your chest. “I gotta take it off,” Your eyes moved to him it seemed like you were there. He nodded as he pulled a knife and ripped through your jacket and other items of clothing beneath. When he saw it, it was nasty, it wasn’t just one hole there was two. He took a deep breath and kept going. The more he worked the more blood came. “Fuck! Fuck! Come on!”
His frustration was clear, which made it clear for you. You were not making it out of this. You frowned. “It’s okay baby.” You whispered your voice raspy, wheezing.
“No, no stop baby I gotta get this,” He shook his head he placed a hand on your cheek, you felt the red warm stickiness stain your face. Tears welling up. “I’m so s’rry baby, it’s okay it’s fuck-I don’t know what to do! There is just so much fuckin’.” His yelling continued as he worked on you.
“It’s okay,” You kept repeating feeling like death was right there grabbing you taking you. You watched as his eyes was full of panic, you knew that look. The look of ‘there is nothing we can do.’ You had to tell him, you thought that it was an asshole move. But he needed to know. “I love you Simon…Riley. I..I lo…” You couldn’t finish as your eyes started to become heavier. Watching Simon yell, as his eyes widened.
Simon starts to panic, pure fucking panic. Simon started to shake you a bit, then again harder. Thinking how he did the same with his mom, memories flashing back and forth. He let out a growl before yelling out your name. Rocking back and forth before inhaling, petting the sides your face begging for your beautiful eyes to open. “Sweethear’ just stay with me! Please! I can’t loose you too! Fuck come on!” His hands froze for a moment then went back to work on the wounds, while the rest of his body froze inside.
Simon thought that this was it, you were out of his grasp. Once your eyes shut his mind will go with. His heart will go down as well. No one will be able to break down the barriers again. He wouldn’t let it happen. His mind went to the happiest moments with you to become more plagued of never going to see this again. Until the bleeding stopped, slowly letting him help you.
It was hours before he got your bleeding to stop, hours of tears, sweat, blood. Simon placed his fingers around your wrist where the pulse would be, weak. Very weak. He leaned back on his heels as he overlooked you. He watched your chest to slowly see it rise and fall. You were breathing barely but you were alive. He sat there for a moment before sitting down all the way taking a large inhale.
Simon felt his body shake as he watched you. You could have been dead right now, no life, paler, no chest movements. He thought about everything that both of you could have been doing that wasn’t here. Simon would have taken you to a beautiful resort, somewhere where no one would bug him or you. Smiling and laughing at nonsense together. Hell he even thought about how you would be in a wedding dress. Walking down to him. Holding you. Kissing you.
Simon felt his lip tremble as he went into a more darker place in his mind. Seeing faces of his dead loved ones, that could have been you as well. Laying with them. All pale and gone. He couldn’t lose you, couldn’t add you to the pile. Simon gulped before pushing himself up, you laid still as he placed with a small sheet on you to keep you warm.
His mind ticked as he stared more thinking and memorizing all your features. This sheet could cover you completely, hiding the fact you were there. Dead. His finger twitch before he snapped his body away. “Fuck,” He whispered, pacing. His heart was thundering against his chest. Chewing his lip. “Fuck!” He threw the med kit across the room as it smashed against the floor. Simon realized that he still had the damn thing glued to his hand.
Simon couldn’t control all the emotions that ran through him. The rage. The sadness. The sorrow. The spite. The relief. Everything, it felt like his blood stream was yelling for help try to cool the home that was burning everything. Simon stood breathing in and out before the radio went off.
“Bravo 7 come in,” Simon stood still the ringing of his ears coming down to listen to the surroundings. “Bravo 7 how copy?”
Johnny. Simon thought he reached up to the button of the walkie. “Bravo 7 copy.”
“Thank Mary herself,” Johnny sighed. “Where ya at LT, tryin to get ahold of y/c/n.” Simon looked over at you, then looked at your radio, which your radio was broken. Bullet got caught inside of it, which he thanked whatever was out there. Maybe that one wound would have taken you. “Ghost?”
Simon blinked a couple of times. “She’s in critical, when can we get extraction?”
There wasn’t an answer for a moment before Price’s voice came through. “How critical?”
Simon bit the inside of his cheek. “She los’ lots of blood, she will need a blood transfusion. I was able to stop the bleed barley. Is there an ETA?”
Price sighed. “The storm is fuckin’ with our sensors,” He mumbled. Simon’s heart started to drop. “We don’t know until the storm subsides.”
Simon looked out the window, he didn’t even noticed the wind that was yelling outside. The snow fighting around each other, covering any sort of distance from the house to outside. Simon looked at you as nothing changed, watching your chest move up and down.
Simon shook his head. “She doesn’ have that time Price.”
“She will have to Ghost.” He replied quickly.
Simon started to chew his bottom lip now. What if he can’t keep you stable? One wrong move and you could be gone. Just like he did with Tommy. Like his mom. Like his neph… “Simon,” His attention was brought back to his radio. “We will keep in touch, just hang on.”
It was a couple hours before you started to stir yourself awake. The nightmares of continuously running and dying, jolted you awake. Your eyes snapped open as you tried to jolt up but felt heavy. You yelled loudly, as the pain flashed through your veins. That’s when panic came in, looking around with your eyes. Where’s Simon?
Simon rushed over as he shut the door watching your body trying to get up. “Love,” He yelled as you still kept getting up. When he reached your shoulders and soft pushed you back down. “Stay still.”
Tears brimmed your eyes as you stared up at him. You winced as the pain worsened and you held back a scream. Simon’s heart sank as he placed his hand on your forehead. Soothing you as he let out soft hushes. Simon pulled out a stim shot, you winced as you bit your cheek. “It’s ‘ight love ‘m right here.”
Your lip trembled as your body started to calm down a bit. “I-.” Your sentence dropped as you coughed.
Simon got up quickly to find a canteen in his pack and to come back and help it to your lips. You drank carefully as you gripped his wrist. You leaned back down panting becoming more leveled breathing. It was silent for a moment as he rubbed circles on your hand. “How long has it been?” You mumbled your voice hoarse.
“8 hours minimum.” His eyes haven’t met yours since waking up. Looking to the side or down.
You nodded as you tried to grab his attention to you. “Whats…hm the damages?”
His eyes looked at your body, his shoulders going stiff. Simon thought about the possibility of you being dead hours ago. That he wouldn’t be hearing the scratched honey of your voice instead just dust and echos. His imagination. His memories. Simon shook himself mentally before clearing his throat. “Ya have 4 bullet wounds, couple of bruises, and loss of blood. Lots of it. Probably need some blood transfusion when we get back.”
You nodded, reality hitting that would mean that you almost died. You flipped your hand around and grabbed his. Gripping it. “Okay,” You whispered. “That’s good.”
“Good?” Simon chuckled. “No not good.”
You gave him a confused look. “I’m ali…”
“You could have died y/n,” He mumbled, his hand shaking a bit before he snapped it out of yours. “Because I didn’ know what to fuckin’ do. You just kept bleedin’ and there was nothing I could do and-and-I panicked, I never…” His voice cracked, making your heart stop. Did you die? Did you have to be brought back?
“Simon.” You whispered reaching for his face to guide him to your eyes.
His eyes were glossy from tears brimming them. You started to tear up. “I’m sor’y,” He whispered. “You almost were gone an’ I don’t know what I would have done.”
You smiled weakly. “Yet here I am Si,” He leaned into your forehead laying it there. “I’m right here.”
Simon sighed and rubbed his hand through your hair. “You’re right here.”
Simon didn’t move from this spot until the radios went off to inform them that they would be an hour out. Simon will never let this happen again, until the day he fucking got taken from the grim reaper himself.
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cinememed · 7 months
₍ 🎞 ₎   fight club  (1999)  rp  starters  ! featuring violence, explicit language, unhealthy relationships & mature topics . some lines have been slightly adjusted for rp purposes .
how much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?
you met me at a very strange time in my life.
i found freedom. losing all hope was freedom.
i want you to hit me as hard as you can.
the things you own end up owning you.
yes, these are bruises from fighting. yes, i'm comfortable with that.
it's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
if i don't say anything, people always assume the worst.
this isn't love, it's sport fucking.
i know everything you do, so if you know then i know.
i no longer have any fear of death. but i am in a pretty lonely place.
i wouldn't feel good about my life, is that what you want to hear me say? fine. 
this is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.
i see all this potential, and i see squandering.
listen to me, i'm giving you a direct order. 
you have very serious emotional problems.
you're sorry, i'm sorry, everybody's sorry, but... i can't do this anymore.
it will hurt more than you've ever been burned before. you will have a scar.
i'm grateful to you. but this is too much. i don't want this.
you're the worst thing that's ever happened to me.
this is probably one of those cry-for-help things.
you're not getting this back. i consider it asshole tax.
fuck what you know. you need to forget about what you know.
is your life so empty that you can't think of a better way to spend these moments?
start a fight. prove you're alive.
you are too fucking... blonde!
you have a kind of sick desperation in your laugh.
all the ways you wish you could be, that's me.
i am free in all the ways that you are not.
i'll bring us through this. like always.
this is your pain. it's right here. look at it.
you are not special. you are not a beautiful or unique snowflake.
i'll carry you, kicking and screaming, and in the end you'll thank me.
you can swallow a pint of blood before you get sick.
you're not your job. you're not how much money you have 
we are all part of the same compost heap.
you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake.
when people think you're dying, they really, really listen to you
what do you want me to do? you just want me to hit you?
i don't wanna die without any scars. hit me before i lose my nerve.
on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
every evening i died, and every evening i was born again, resurrected.
nobody takes this more seriously than me. 
i didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better.
why would anyone possibly confuse you with me?
without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.
three pitchers of beer, and you still can't ask.
you wanna make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs.
you have to consider the possibility that god does not like you.
i'd be very, very careful who you talk to about that.
i felt like destroying something beautiful.
everything's far away. everything's a copy of a copy of a copy.
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impala-dreamer · 1 year
We're All Irish Tonight
An SPN Fanfic
~Dean has been pining for Y/N for months now, and he thinks tonight might be the night things finally get going...~
Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester, OCs
1344 Words
Warnings: Jealous!Dean, BAMF!Reader, Fluff. Drinking
A/N: Thought you could all use a fluffy drabble today so I banged this out for ya. Happy St Patrick's Day!
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works  ~  Buy Me A Coffee  ~  Feedback is Gold
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The crowd was buzzing with faux Irish pride, only about ten percent of the patrons able to boast any actual connection to the Emerald Isle. But it didn’t matter- tonight, everyone was Irish. The bar was crowded three deep and the trio took turns wading through the sea of drunken green to wave down Chris, the bartender, and order more rounds. 
Y/N was nursing a Guinness like it was poison, but knocking back whiskies like they were the cure. 
“I hate this stuff,” she said behind a hiccup, voice carrying over the throng and across the table to Dean, who was the picture of calm with a thick, foamy mustache. “Tastes like bread!” 
He laughed and licked the head from his lips. “Then why do you keep drinking it?” he yelled back, leaning over the table to get closer to her. 
She shrugged and batted her lashes innocently. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just a dumb floosy at the bar tonight. Besides, everyone’s Irish on Saint Patty’s Day!” 
Seated between them, Sam laughed and rubbed at the back of his neck, feeling for the thousandth time like the third, unwanted wheel on a scooter. “I’ll get you something else when I get back up,” he offered, smiling sweetly at Y/N. 
She was too drunk to really care, but they were having fun. “Nah.” Pushing her chair back, she stood with the pint, downed the rest in one gulp and amazingly did not choke. 
Dean watched her in awe, his green eyes wide, his plump lips gone slack. “Damn.” 
Y/N slammed the empty glass down and cheered. “Whoo! Next one’s on me, boys!” She winked at Dean before turning to the bar and squaring her shoulders, preparing to fight through the noisy masses. 
Dean sat back, staring at her ass as she left. He rubbed his hands down his thighs and whistled with interest. “Ya know, Sammy, tonight might be the night.” 
Sam, having heard this more than a dozen times in the last two months, rolled his eyes and went diving into his beer, hoping to drown or find an escape hatch at the bottom. “Yeah, sure, Dean.” 
“What? You don’t think it’ll happen? Tonight is perfect. Drinks, music, tons of people.” Dean smiled to himself, thinking of the prospects. “Maybe we’ll go for a walk later, find a quiet spot… yada yada… see what happens.” 
There was no help at the bottom of his glass, just a fishbowl view of the grimey table. Sam sighed. “Sure. Just like last week and the week before and that time in Oswego when you were so sure you were gonna hook up. Give it up, Dean. She’s not into you.” 
Dean took it all to heart and slumped down in his chair, crossing his arms. He pouted and then scoffed. “What do you know anyway?” 
Up at the bar, Y/N was waiting for the pints to be drawn, and she herself had drawn some attention from a group of fratboys in various shades of green. One in particular, a blond with pretty blue eyes, was leaning in pretty close, the stench of whiskey and weed on his breath. 
“Come on, baby,” he cooed, pressing himself against Y/N’s shoulder. “You gotta let me pinch you.” 
She spun and lay a playful looking hand on his shoulder while actually pushing him back a step. “Really? And why’s that?” 
He laughed. “Ya ain’t wearin’ green!” 
Y/N licked her lips and gave him another shove backwards. “How do you know?” 
The man ran his hand down her back and moved in again. “I don’t see nothing green on ya, sweetheart.” 
She reeled him in a little closer, whispering. “Well, maybe you just can’t see it over my clothes…”
He sucked in a quick breath through puckered lips and went for it, nearly tumbling over her for a kiss. 
The crack of Y/N’s palm against his cheek rang through the bar like a lightning strike. 
Dean’s head popped up and his eyes narrowed. In an instant, he was at the bar, shoving people aside to get to Y/N.. 
She was standing in the middle of a crowd of morons, one hand on her hip, the other wagging through the air. 
“Don’t you fucking touch a lady without her permission,” she snapped, glaring up at the boy like the Headmistress of a boarding school. 
Blondie got smart and sneered. “I don’t see a lady here,” he barked, arms wide open, looking for a fight. Her handprint bloomed like a rose on his cheek. 
Dean unclenched his fists and his jaw. “Hey! She said back up, buddy.” 
“Who you calling ‘buddy’, pal?” 
“I ain’t your pal,” Dean spat. “And you best take your candy-ass out of here before I paint your other cheek.” 
Dean stepped in, the fratboy countered. Y/N cocked a brow, watching the display. 
The asshole backed down. “Eh, she ain’t worth it anyway.” 
Dean’s shoulders relaxed, but Y/N did not. Stepping between them, she cracked her fist against his other jaw, nearly knocking him over. 
“I am too worth it, ya jackass!”
Sadly, Chris had no choice but to kick Y/N out of the bar, and Dean found her moments later, walking towards home in the chilly night air. Her arms were wrapped around her middle and she walked slowly, kicking at the sidewalk. 
Dean shrugged off his jacket and hung it over her shoulders, startling her a bit. 
“Oh! Hey…” 
He smiled and stepped in front of her to close the top button lest the jacket fall off. She looked terribly small and precious in his oversized coat; too precious to be walking home alone by herself. 
“Ya left without us,” he said, hoping to get a laugh. 
She sighed instead. “Yeah, well… I didn’t want to ruin your night out. Not anymore than I already did, anyway.” 
Dean laughed. “Ruin? Are you kidding me? Watching you beat the crap out of that guy was the highlight of the evening. Hell, of the week.” He turned and slung his arm around her, enjoying the closeness. 
“He really was being a dick. You didn’t see but he was a little grabby…” 
Dean skidded to a halt. “I’ll fuckin’ kill him…” 
“No, no!” Y/N laughed and grabbed his flannel, turning him towards her again. “I was very impressed how you came to my rescue like that.” 
He bit his lip, gazed down with hope in his eyes. “Y/N, if I know anything about you, it’s that you don’t need rescuing. But still, if he comes near you again, I will stab him in the throat.” 
Another laugh knocked her head back and Dean couldn’t stand it any longer. Without a plan, without a thought, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. The moment was brief but not without the shock of truth and they both gasped when space lengthened between them. 
“You… kissed me.” Her eyes were wet and her skin was flushed. Her fingers curled tighter around his flannel. 
He blushed, licked his lip, dipped his chin. “I did, yeah.” 
Stunned, she hung there for a long moment, eyes caressing his face, unable find any words at all. 
Dean grew anxious and cleared his throat. “You’re thinkin’ about laying me out like you did that asshole, aren’t you?”
Slowly, she shook her head and smiled. “Actually, I was thinking about kissing you back…” 
Their lips met under the streetlight, with the noise from the bar lost in the background. Dean wrapped his arms around her, keeping her close while she slipped her tongue between his lips, tasting, exploring, begging for more. 
When she let him go, he looked down, awed and drunk and happy for the first time in a long time. 
“Well, I guess today is lucky after all,” he whispered. 
Y/N shook her head, laughing gently. “You’re not Irish, Dean.” 
He inhaled deeply, pulling in the memory of the moment as his arms tightened around her. “Baby, tonight, we’re all Irish.” 
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2023 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!)
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invisibleraven · 10 months
"Text me when you get home safely." for the Greater Polyphantoms Polycule
Kayla really couldn’t believe her luck, getting to sit in on a real live Julie and the Phantoms band practice. Sure she and Julie had become friendly after Carrie got over herself and declared her cool again, but still! They were a real band with a real contract for a real label to make at least three albums once they graduated.
Plus Kayla was not so secretly a fan of them-their music was so her style, and Julie had even asked her if she wanted to choreograph something for a music video!
Also she might have the tiniest teensiest crush on Julie. And Julie’s bassist Reggie. And well, Carrie isn’t someone Kayla would kick out of bed. Regardless, she was never going to act on any of those feelings, since Julie was dating Luke and she knew Carrie and Reggie had gone on more than a few dates.
So Kayla was just going to bury her feelings, groove to some great bops, then go eat her feelings with a pint of Chunky Monkey.
Only when band practice was over, Julie invited her to stay for their homework session. And Kayla wasn’t about to turn down math help from Reggie or history help from Alex. She gave them help with Civics and Biology in return anyways.
“Shoot,” Luke said, glancing at his phone. “Mom says I gotta get home, horrid Aunt Bertha is coming over and she needs reinforcements.”
Kayla noted how everyone winced at the name and wondered if she would get some stories later about the infamous Bertha.
“Text me when you get home safely, okay?” Julie requested. “No wheelies on your bike this time.”
“Sure thing boss,” Luke said with a grin, ruffling the back of his hair making Kayla get a good view of a nasty gash on his arm, presumably from his last wheelie. He leaned in and gave Julie a sweet kiss goodbye, which didn’t make Kayla’s inside shrivel, not at all.
Only then Luke went over and planted a sloppy kiss to Reggie’s mouth as well. “Mario Kart later?”
“Carlos and I are gonna kick your butt!” Reggie replied, “Jules you in?”
Julie went over and snuggled into Reggie’s side, pressing a kiss to the hinge of his jaw. “As long as you don’t whine when I beat you.”
“Never,” Reggie replied, nuzzling their noses. Kayla’s eyes flew to Carrie, who was just shaking her head fondly. And Luke…
Luke was giving sweet kisses to Alex, then Willie. A kiss to the cheek for Flynn, who returned it and he pressed a kiss to Carrie’s forehead and she rolled her eyes at him and then pulled him in for a proper smooch.
He approached Kayla then, and froze. “I was just gonna go in for a kiss, sorry!”
“Wh-what is happening here?” Kayla demanded.
The group exchanged glances, and it was finally Julie who spoke up. “Oh, we’re kinda all together?”
“All of you?”
“Well Willie and I are only with the guys, obviously,” Alex replied.
“And the only guy I like romantically is Reggie,” Flynn added. “But Carrie, Julie, and I are all together.”
“How does that even work?” Kayla asked, more curious than judgemental.
That’s when Flynn pulled out her very nice looking relationship flow chart, explaining it. Also dragging Alex and Reggie for their initial awful attempts at making the chart.
“Wow,” Kayla said finally. “That sounds so complicated but cool.”
“And there’s always room for more,” Reggie said with an eyebrow waggle.
“Way to keep it classy Reginald,” Alex groaned with a face palm.
Julie shook her head fondly then faced Kayla. “What Reggie is trying to say is that he likes you as well. So do I. So if you’re okay with it…”
“So cool!” Kayla exclaimed.
“So can I kiss you before I go?” Luke asked.
“I don’t think you’re my type,” Kayla replied. “But why not try and see?”
Turns out that Luke was a pretty good kisser, and Kayla had to re-evaluate what her type was-and now she had a pile of partners to help her figure it out.
Pretty good end to band practice in her mind. And she couldn’t wait until the next one!
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Amnesia shenanigans again bc it can be so comedic but Ace before joining the WBP meeting Sabo whilst Sabo’s on a mission
Turns out they have the same destination and team up to take out Sabo’s target who also happens to be Ace’s too
Sabo needed to take them out due to the potential political unrest they could cause in this continent and Dragon would like to avoid this, Ace wanted to take them out because the guy called Deuce “a filthy gutter urchin” which is pretty rude tbh and Ace wanted to kick his teeth in, don’t be RUDE
After it all Sabo’s fixing up his torn coat but realises its a lost cause, takes it off and asks Ace to burn it, leaving no evidence.
“You—uh, you fight good.” Sabo remarks, watching keenly as Ace takes the ruined coat and slowly, methodically sets it on fire. His heart lurches into his stomach before rocketing back up into his mouth at the lopsided smile the pirate rookie flashes him.
“Yeah? Could say the same for you as well.” Ace dusts his hands off of the sooty remains of his well worn, and unfortunately favourite coat, “—Shame about your jacket,”
“Coat.” Sabo amends immediately and almost laughs at the repulsed expression the pirate struggles to force down.
“Semantics.” Ace retorts, reaching up to adjust his bright orange cowboy hat, a motion Sabo has come to realise is to hide his embarrassment.
Huh. Cute.
“You got places to be?“ Sabo digs around his tunic pockets, mentally listing out all his belongings, meagre as they were his den den and purse were still intact. He’s also finished his mission way ahead of schedule, surely no one would mind if he took a bit of time off.
“Kinda, but s’not urgent.” Ace glances at him from under the brim of his hat, curious as to what Sabo had in mind.
“Wanna go grab a pint?“ Sabo nods down the alley to the main street, hoping that Firefist was of the social kind.
“I don’t have any money. Or at least, I used to, burnt it by mistake.” Ace mutters with a grimace, “—Deuce’s gonna kill me.” and Sabo stifles a laugh, must be one of those new devil fruit users then.
“My treat, I promise no tricks, as thanks for helping me out.” He soothes and it’s a marvellous thing, seeing the other man perk up at his charity. So, rough history then.
“Well damn, can’t really turn down such a generous offer from a well dressed gent like you now can I?” Ace demures, his smile open and unguarded at last.
Sabo flushes a little at this, was this what flirting was like? He’s never flirted before, hell he wasn’t even sure he was even into men, and yet he finds himself desperate to know more about this handsome fire wielding pirate.
“C’mon, lets go before the marines find us,” Ace grabs him by his unscarred wrist and begins to tug him down the alleyway and Sabo lets him, realises he’s going to say yes to him every time anyway.
“Halt you two! In the name of the navy, put your hands up where we can see em’!”
“Oh shit, lets go—“ Ace laughs, bursting into a flurry of golden flames and Sabo chokes, wild eyed as the heat touches him and—!
It doesn’t hurt, in fact it’s genuinely pleasant, Ace continues to blabber in his ear but Sabo doesn’t hear him, too distracted by the concept of wounding razing fire being… protective like this.
“Dude! Focus! You gotta hang on if you don’t want me to drop you!” Ace barks in his ear and Sabo jolts back to his senses, and in doing so finds that Ace has taken their escape into his own hands, by carrying him from roof top to roof top, bridal style of all things.
“Put me down!” Sabo squawks, undignified in his haste to put some kind of distance between them, this couldn’t be good for his heart, he’s too young to die from heart failure—
“Nah.” Ace retorts, and how does this feel familiar? The bickering.
“What do you mean, nah!?” Sabo squirms in his hold and almost regrets it when he slips and the ground is so so far away.
“Cuz you’re delicate, man.”
“I’ll show you delicate!” Sabo jabs Ace in the ribs, gently but it’s all that is needed to have them tumbling out of the sky and rolling across a colourful painted rooftop to break their falls.
Picking himself up off the painted stone, Sabo stares down at the man who even here, has protected him, cushioned his fall for some reason with his entire body. Ace blinks up at him, his dark hair in disarray around his angular freckled face, his hat lying a few feet away on the roof.
“Uh.” Sabo blanks when Ace swallows, his gaze locked in on the bob of his freckled throat, obsessed with the line of his tendons.
“You okay?” Ace rasps, strained from the weight of the revolutionary laying on top of him. Sabo for one hysterical moment almost wants to cry, this guy was too damn nice.
“Are you okay?” Sabo breathes, shifting his weight slightly.
“Never better now that you’re here.” Ace grins and Sabo huffs in annoyance, headache beginning to throb in his temple at how infuriating this man was.
“Does anything hurt?” They did hit the rooftop rather hard after all. And logia or not Ace still would’ve felt it.
“Why, gonna kiss it better for me?” Firefist asks cheekily and Sabo scoffs.
“Yeah, if you want.”
It’s not the answer Ace had been expecting and it shows, his cheeks burn a flustered and fetching pink and Sabo likes how the tables have turned at last.
“Well… I guess I did go down face first…”
“Don’t push your luck.” Sabo growls and when Ace throws him a kicked puppy look, the revolutionary finds he can’t say no to him. Not when Ace has been everything he’s ever wanted in one chaotic bundle of a person.
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lihikainanea · 3 years
thinking about jealous bill a lot these days, lei, and how he’d fuck her so good after. one of those fucks where he’s just making her HIS, fucking her from behind and just making her forget any words. especially if she was already small and some guy hit on her at a bar that she already didn’t want to be at and bill just assures her the whole time home. but once they’re home? he knows what he’s gotta do and that’s making her mind blank.
Oooooooof I've been sitting on this for too long, but it has had me tingling for days. I've been itching to get my thoughts out on it, but idk sometimes this routine that I think I have nailed down with my little furry dude just goes to shit all of a sudden and there's really no reason to it. Last week I was rocking it, his nap times were on point, I was eating dinner by 7, we had walks, play time, then he conked out. This week I'm like DURRRR HOW DO I DOG PARENT? and I'm eating dinner at 10 and I feel like even Bongo is looking at me like he really needs me to get my shit together.
Let's get into this.
What I love about this here is the small but incredibly important detail that you mentioned that like...maybe tiger is already a little small. Maybe she's somewhere she doesn't want to be and Bill knows this, maybe she's not feeling too great about it and is getting worse, maybe she wants out or needs a reprieve and Bill knows it. And that right there flares up his protector side, the primal side of him that just wants to pick her up and carry her out, get her somewhere dark where she can sit on his lap and he can shove his thumb in her mouth and hold her there for as long as she needs. Tiger being a little overwhelmed, a little uncomfortable in a place she doesn't want to be in, tiger getting a little small in a place that's not safe for her to be small in and she knows it so she's spiralling a little...oof, Bill morphs into the alpha male that he keeps buried deep, and his own instincts are on fire to protect her, comfort her, provide for her. Throw in a little jealousy on Bill's side because tiger being small is....like, that's his you know? Only he gets to see that. And her mood is completely imperceptible to everybody else, but she may as well have a sign on her forehead that says "PUT ME ON MY KNEES" to Bill. It's so obvious to him, and his feathers are all ruffled because that's his. That's his look.
So alright, maybe tiger is just having a fucking shit week. She's due to be riding the crimson wave in a few days so she's bloated and the tatas are sensitive , her clothes aren't fitting, she's been kind of nauseous all day with a dull ache in the base of her skull. Maybe it's 38754596660 fucking degrees in a heat wave and like, tiger doesn't do heat. Her commute to work is not air-conditioned, so by the time she gets home she's overheated and sweaty and even more puffy and just full of fucking bad feelings. She's physically uncomfortable for a million different reasons, she's tired, SHE'S SO DAMN HOT--it's just all bad.
But it's a friend's birthday and at the moment, tiger kind of thinks that friend is a fucking asshole for organizing something in the middle of the week--let alone the worst week of life--but she's going. They're going. They have to.
But Bill's not convinced.
"You know kid," he says gently as he leans against the doorframe, sipping a beer as tiger tries on the millionth dress. The rejects are in a heap on the bed, and she struggles with the zipper as she shoots him an annoyed look.
"We can sit this one out if you don't feel like going," he says. He doesn't move to help her with the zipper--not when she's in a mood like this. Instead, he just swigs his beer.
"No we can't Bill," she snaps, and with a frustrated huff the dress goes up and over her head and is tossed into the pile of rejects. "She'll be pissed if we miss this."
"Then she's pissed," he shrugs, "We can make it up to her."
Tiger yanks another dress out of the closet, pulls it on. She pokes at it, turns a few ways in the mirror.
"That one's cute," he says.
But then she unties the belt, flings it off so the dress billows loosely around her frame.
"Fuck it," she says, grabbing his beer on her way out of the room, "I'm fucking wearing this fucking potato sack to fucking dinner."
Bill watches as she downs the beer in two gulps.
"Ugh," she mutters lowly, "Fucking lite beer bullshit."
At this point, he really just has all the sympathy in the world for her. Her friends are important to her, and tiger always feels a sense of obligation to never let them down. He knows this is the last place she feels like going tonight, but she's forcing herself to.
And like the thing with tiger's bad moods is sometimes they make her full of piss and vinegar and ready to fight everyone, and sometimes they just make her small. Bill never knows which way it's going to go, but given the fact that she's a little hormonal and he knows she's close to shark week, he can take a guess at which way the dice will roll tonight.
And it basically starts in the car on the way there. She's fidgety, even with the A/C cranked on high. She's pulling at the hem of her dress, huffing, she's rubbing at her temples. At one point she takes the seatbelt, pulling it away from her body and Bill shoots her a quizzical look.
"If my tits could stop feeling like they're about to fucking burst, that'd be great," she mutters.
"I'll give you a massage later tonight," he kisses her knuckles.
"Fuck all of this."
"I know, kid."
And it just gets worse. When tiger is in this kind of mood, really the thing that makes it worse is to just....surround her with people. Surround her with people that she has to fake joy and happiness with. She doesn't have the patience or the fucking energy for it, and despite her best efforts, Bill can see the scowl permanently etched in her forced happy face. And he can see the shift start to happen--the way she fidgets a lot more, and can't get comfortable. The way her shoulders hunch over. The way she's flinching or jumping at loud noises, squinting or wrinkling her features at the bright lights. Her eyes are getting a bit of a spaced out look, she's not really engaging in conversations--everything is just too much. The environment is starting to get way too stimulating, way too overwhelming, and she's getting small on him. He gives her knee a hard squeeze, hard enough to ground her and catch her attention and she jolts.
"You good?" he murmurs lowly. And he knows she's not. SHE knows that he knows she's not. But she forces a fake smile, so wide that it's almost sarcastic.
A few minutes pass, her knee bouncing, her eyes flitting everywhere, and she stands.
"I need some air," she says, "It's too fucking hot in here."
Bill stands immediately, but she puts a hand on his shoulder and pushes him back down.
"I'm fine," she says, "Really. Just give me a minute."
He doesn't like it, not one bit, but he lets her go. Alone.
A few minutes pass, and sure enough she comes back in. She motions her hand to the bar, but Bill holds up his full pint to let her know he doesn't need another round just yet. She nods, heading there anyway to get a refill for herself.
Bill has eyes on her. Bill always has eyes on her. And tiger doesn't see it, but Bill does--he sees the guy standing next to her give her a little once-over, sees a smirk tilt up the guy's lips, and Bill knows what's about to happen. He doesn't hear the conversation, but he doesn't need to. He sees the guy speak. He sees tiger tense up a little, a tight smile in politeness, and she turns her head to try and make eye contact with the bartender a little quicker.
The guy doesn't get the hint, and keeps talking. Bill stands up. His eyes are on her the whole time, and now she's ignoring the guy. Turning her body slightly away, leaning forward a bit in hopes of getting her order in with the bartender faster. Her shoulders are practically up by her ears, and the guy with the sleazy smirk is still talking. Bill is ready to fucking punch the guy into next week just for the reaction that he's eliciting from his girl--making her scared, making her uncomfortable, even fucking daring to talk to her when she's like this. Bill eats up the distance with quick strides.
He makes it in the nick of time, right as this guy had raised a hand and was poised to place it on tiger's back in a rather unwanted caress. Bill grabs his wrist, steps between him and tiger, and gets real into his space.
"Just try and touch her motherfucker," he growls, "I dare you."
And listen, if nothing else--Bill is tall and that's intimidating as fuck when it gets right up in your space real quickly. But Bill also came out of nowhere, he looks a little crazy, and this guy suddenly ain't so down to rumble.
"Bro, I didn't know--"
But Bill just stands even taller and tiger actually shrinks behind him, her hand gently on his back, and it's the only thing that's keeping him remotely calm. This isn't about his anger. This is about protecting her, especially when she's like this for him, and nothing else matters.
The guy just holds his hands up, and backs away into the crowd. When he's out of sight, Bill turns to her.
"We're leaving kid," he says, and god it's so gentle, "Go wait for me by the car okay?"
"No," she mumbles immediately, fisting at his shirt a little bit, "No, can I stay here with you?"
And he realizes that she's a little scared and just a whole lot overwhelmed, and Jesus he could fucking melt into a puddle for her right that second.
"Of course you can," he tugs on a lock of her hair gently, "Of course you can."
Bill gets the bartender's attention in no time--a giraffe at your bar will do that--and he pays for everyone's tab. They make a hasty exit but he takes the blame--it's par for the course when you're friends with Bill, he's often tiger's ride and he's always getting all kinds of urgent calls--and then they leave.
And listen, the second that they're in the car? Tiger can finally start to let her walls come down, which is just fucking igniting Bill's jealous side and his protector side.
"Are you okay?" he murmurs to her. She looks so fussy, so small for him.
"I want to go home," she whines.
"I know sweet girl, I'm taking you home."
"He was awful Bill," she says, "Ugh, he was so sleazy and so slimy and--and he tried--"
"He tried tiger," he says softly, "He can try all he wants. He'll never have what's mine."
"No he won't," she sniffles. Bill tucks her hair behind her ears, taps two fingers against her lips and she sucks at them.
"Are you mine?" he asks softly, "Is this mine?"
She nods, but he tuts her.
"Yes," she mumbles, "Yours."
"Good," he murmurs. He pulls his fingers from her mouth and she whines, but he drags his hand down and cups her mound softly. She moans and grabs onto his wrist.
"What about this?" he asks, "Is this mine too?"
"Yes," she chokes out, "Yes. God Bill get me home."
"I will sweet girl, I will."
And listen, when they get home? oof. There's no stopping Bill. He can't switch it off, he doesn't want to tame it, and tiger doesn't want him to either. She's his. He's possessive, he's rough, he's jealous--and all it does is make her smaller for him, make her even more soft and subby, which just makes him even more alpha. It's rough because he needs it, SHE needs it, needs the pain of it to feel grounded, needs the sting of a spanking so that she can feel his strength, so she can feel like she's his, so she can feel owned and possessed and protected. And Bill needs to mark her to feel like she's his, because goddamnit it came so close tonight to everyone seeing her only the way he gets to. Too many people almost saw what is only his to see.
For as much as he wants to wreck her, maybe tiger wants to be on her knees for him. Maybe she needs to be on her knees for him. And for however much he might need something else, nights like these are always about her, and what she needs comes first.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Best Laid Plans
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Summary: When Jensen starts acting strange around the reader, she has a talk with Jared to ease her worries. In doing so, she reveals a secret of her own and may just put an end to her friendship with Jensen for good...
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Square: Friends to Lovers
Word Count: 6,200ish
Warnings: language, angst, more angst, secrets, eventual fluff
A/N: Written for @spndeanbingo​​
“Uh, excuse me,” you said, poking Jared in the back as you stood in line at the food truck when you spotted a familiar tuft of hair.
“Hey! What a coincidence. I need good barbecue after work this week,” he said.
“Weren’t you in LA for Walker stuff this week?” you asked.
“Yeah. Stupid producer stuff for a few episodes until I flew back home for filming a couple days back. I managed to sneak away for lunch,” he said. “You miss me?”
“Funny is all. Jensen said you guys were in LA working still,” you said, crossing your arms. Jared cocked his head and you nodded. “Yeah. Obviously that’s not true.”
You got out of line and started to head back for your car, Jared catching up and grabbing your arm not more than a few seconds later.
“Don’t even pretend to lie for him,” you said. 
“Okay,” said Jared. “I know he was really busy doing some voice over work.”
“Why didn’t he fly home with you? Better yet, why would he lie about it? He’s not...he’s being shady lately, Jared. He’s been spending all this time in LA and he’s avoiding me the past few weeks and lying to me. I don’t know what to think anymore,” you said.
“I know,” he said.
“Do you know what’s going on?”
“I do,” he said quietly. “Trust him. I know he’s...not being the best friend right now but trust him.”
“...Does he have a girlfriend?” you asked. Jared shook his head and you stared up at him. “You would tell him me if he did, right?”
“I swear, he is single. He’s not talking to anyone,” said Jared.
“Then why is he being all shady around me?”
“Why are you so concerned about him having a girlfriend?”
“I’m not,” you said.
“Really? Because I remember what drunk Y/N said at the series wrap party nearly six months back,” said Jared.
“I was drunk,” you said. He stared at you and you looked around. He rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand, pulling you over to a picnic bench to take a seat at. He started to eat and you felt his gaze on you. “I was drunk, Jared.”
“Drunk or sober, you love him,” said Jared.
“I love him like you love him,” you said.
“No, no you don’t. Maybe those first few months on set but I saw it bubbling up. Everyone saw it bubbling up. You guys have been best friends for years. The only person who didn’t see what was going on was Jensen.”
“I don’t even work with him anymore. I am very happy doing my voice over work and-”
“You moved to Austin.”
“So did you! You don’t own the whole city. You guys aren’t my only friends here,” you said. “My brother lives half an hour away and our parents are even thinking of moving here so-”
“All I’m saying is you’re connected at the hip with him almost as much as I am. More so now that I’m busy with Walker and he’s doing his different things,” said Jared.
“He’s allowed to have more than one best friend,” you said.
“I know. He’s got other ones besides me, ones long before you or I came into the picture. But none of his other best friends fell in love with him. Get the picture?”
“Forget it. I only asked because we had plans tonight and he wasn’t responding to me,” you said. You stood up and he frowned. “What would you do?”
“Tell him how I felt.”
“I can’t.”
“Because I’ve been getting deeper and deeper for the past three years and he’s never noticed. I’m not supposed to be with him obviously.”
“But you love him.”
“He doesn’t love me like that, Jare.”
“Maybe you should ask,” said the voice behind you. You spun around, Jensen in his baseball cap and his carry on backpack over his shoulders. He gave a small wave and you went wide eyed. “I was on a flight. You kept calling so I got worried and used the find my iphone thing when I landed.”
“How long have you been standing there?” you breathed out.
“Since you sat down I think,” he said.
“I’m going to give you guys a minute,” said Jared. He grabbed his food and left, Jensen taking his spot. He looked down to the table, opening his mouth a few times.
“You love me?” asked Jensen. “More than a friend?”
“Yes,” you said. You swallowed and watched him rub the back of his neck. He gave you a quick glance but you caught no shyness in it and your stomach started to churn.
“Y/N, you’re my best friend and I love you as my best friend. I’d do anything for you. I just don’t...love you in that other kind of way,” he said. 
“Yeah,” you said. The air was still and you looked away. “Something came up tonight. I need to cancel.”
You stood up and heard him right behind you, grabbing your shoulder.
“Y/N,” he said running around in front of you. You couldn’t look at him, not after you’d just told him and it was very clear how he felt about you. “Y/N, wait. Let’s talk about this.”
“I don’t want to,” you said, biting your bottom lip. “I gotta go, Jay.”
You took off towards your car, cutting through a group of people to slow him down and you were pulling away by the time you saw him in your rearview mirror.
“Why’s he have to die?” you said to yourself that night, crying as you watched a movie and stabbing into your pint of ice cream. You took a sip of your wine and wiped off your face, the sound of the key in your door making you jump up. The door opened wide as you held up your spoon, Jensen stepping into the foyer. “Get out.”
“Shouldn’t have given me a key then,” he said, looking around your apartment. “Well now I feel even shittier than before. Sad chick flicks? Wine? Ice cream? You look like hell.”
“Leave your key and go,” you said as he slipped off his shoes and jacket.
“Not happening. You don’t walk out on three years of friendship like that, not us,” he said.
“Jensen. You didn’t do anything wrong. I can’t...I can’t hang out with you though if I know I feel a certain way and you don’t. It’s not your fault. I can’t just pretend it’s all okay though,” you said. You set your spoon down and took a seat on the couch. Jensen settled into his usual spot at the other end and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. “What are you doing?”
“I’ve been seeing a girl,” he said. “Quietly. No one really knows.”
“Oh,” you said. He hummed and you grabbed your blanket. He rested his head in his hand and started to watch the movie.
“We broke up an hour ago,” he said.
“Because I don’t love her. I didn’t even really like her. You made me realize something at the park today. I haven’t been single since I was a junior in high school and in all that time, I don’t think I’ve quite figured out what being in love is like.”
“I’m sure you loved someone,” you said.
“I’m sure I did too. But it’s always been this is my girlfriend. I’ve never thought of any of them as my best friend,” he said. 
“I don’t want to date anyone right now. All I want is to be your best friend,” he said.
“I don’t think I can do that.”
“Give me a chance?” he said. “I never wanted to hurt you. The second those words came out of my mouth I knew I did. But I’m a guy and stupid and I don’t want to lose you. So let’s watch a movie and eat and drink like we do when one of us breaks up with someone and in the morning if you still can’t stand to be near me, I’ll respect it.”
“One night won’t change how I feel.”
“I know.”
“I’m sorry but I’d really like it if you left, Jensen,” you said. “I need space. I’m not...I’m not saying maybe someday we can’t be friends again but right now, I really need to be away from you.”
“I understand,” he said. He smiled and stood up, putting his coat and shoes back on. He dipped his hand into his pocket and placed his key on your front table. “Would you have ever told me on your own?”
“I honestly don’t know. I was afraid of this exact situation,” you said.
“We’ll never be the same as it was, will we,” he said. 
“I wanted more than it was, Jensen.”
“Losing you hurts more than any girlfriend did if it’s any consolation,” he said. He left and you got up, locking up after him. You rested your head against the door before you quickly unlocked it, Jensen standing further down the hall by the elevators. He turned your direction as you stepped out.
“Come here,” you said. You slowly walked back to your apartment and you let him inside. You shut the door behind him and quickly pushed him back against it, giving him a kiss. He stared at you after you broke it off, blinking more than a few times. “Now how do you feel?”
“I don’t know.”
“Then go,” you said.
“Why’d you kiss me?”
“Because I don’t think you have any idea at all of what love, a relationship kind of love, actually is. It’s more than thinking someone is attractive or kind. You don’t understand and until you do, you shouldn’t date anyone, Jensen. For their sake and yours,” you said. He quickly left and you went back to your couch, stabbing into your ice cream once again.
“Hey,” said Jared, catching you coming out of the recording studio a few days later. You walked past him and he scoffed. “Why are you pissed at me?”
“Because you lied to me. You said Jensen wasn’t up to anything in LA and he was. You said you knew what he was doing out there. I always knew if it all went south you’d end up on his side. Just leave me alone, Jared,” you said. You walked down the sidewalk to your car, Jared right there with his hand on the door. “Move.”
“For your information, I didn’t know he was seeing anyone. You really want to know what he was doing out there? Talking to network executives about you. He got cast in something and he thought you’d be great for the female lead. I’m pretty sure you’re going to get a call about an audition soon. But you’re right. I’m an ass that only cares about one of my best friends.”
He walked away and you stared after him with a sigh.
“No. You know, I don’t know what the Hell you said to him but whatever it was, it was out of line. You can’t be angry at someone for not feeling the same way about you. You’re not in middle school, Y/N. Grow up,” said Jared. He huffed and went inside the studio as you slipped inside your car. You sat behind the wheel for a moment, your phone ringing all of a sudden.
“Hi, Zoey,” you said. She went off a mile a minute and you squeezed your eyes shut. “A movie with Jensen? Oh yeah, that sounds great. Set something up and I’ll do the audition.”
You hung up and rested your head against the wheel.
“Should have just said no. Should have said you were taking a break but no, had to say yes like an idiot,” you said to yourself. “Hopefully they hate me and give it to someone else.”
Two Months Later
“You guys have to be loving this! Working together again,” said the director. You glanced at Jensen and he forced a smile. “Alright. You two are wrapped for the day along with Nate. Head on home. We got plenty more work tomorrow.”
You kept a smile on your face until he walked away, quickly separating from Jensen.
“Hey!” said Nate, your other lead for the movie as he jogged over to you both. “It’s not that late. Would you guys maybe want to grab dinner? I don’t know many people in Austin aside from work people.”
“Maybe we can grab a bite over the weekend?” said Jensen.
“I’ll go Nate,” you said, shooting Jensen a look. “Don’t mind him, he’s just old.”
There was a quick flash of anger on Jensen’s face but it was so subtle Nate wouldn’t have noticed. 
“Let me just grab my bag and then we can go get some food,” you said.
“Awesome,“ said Nate. He headed over towards his trailer, Jensen walking over to you quickly. You put your hands on your hips and he did it right back.
“It’s nine. It’s late. What are you doing taking the new kid out on a weeknight?”
“I didn’t realize you had a bedtime, Jensen. Call time isn’t until 9 tomorrow. We’ll both be home and in bed by eleven not that it’s any of your business,” you said.
“I’m not old,” he said. “You want to go out after a thirteen hour day, be my guest.”
“Come with us, don’t come with us, I really don’t care, Jensen,” you said. “It was a joke. We used to go out after filming was done on the show all the time. Don’t be so sensitive.”
“Don’t blame me when you’re exhausted in the morning.”
He left with a huff and you rolled your eyes, ducking in your trailer quick. You caught up with Nate a few minutes later who was all smiles.
“Ready?” you asked.
“Yeah. You and Jensen, you’re not together or anything, right?” he asked. “He seemed…”
“No, no. We don’t like each other like that,” you said. “I’m very much single.”
“Good,” he smiled. You returned it, ignoring the small guilty feeling in your stomach for talking to Jensen like that. “So where can we get a good steak around here?”
“You smell like a bar,” said Jensen the next day as you got coffee at craft services. You grabbed your cup as he walked away, sipping from hi own.
“That’s rude,” you said. 
“Don’t be so sensitive, Y/N,” he said with a smirk. You bumped his shoulder and paused as you headed for set.
“Oh and not that you would care but Nate asked me out on a date tonight,” you said.
“Funny. I thought attraction wasn’t the only qualifier to be in love,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “That’d just be for me. You want to date the guy that just wants in your pants, fine.”
“Shut up,” you said. 
“Back at you, runt.” 
You looked back angrily, Jensen bumping you this time as he went by. You caught up with him and grabbed his arm, Jensen frowning.
“Don’t you dare call me runt. Not you of all people. You know what that means to me.”
“Yeah, I do. Maybe I don’t care about much of anything when it comes to you anymore,” he said. You stared at him and dropped your hand away, quickly leaving. You avoided him as much as you could for the day and were grateful you only had two scenes together. When you wrapped for the night and you were getting ready to go out with Nate again, you gathered up your things from your trailer, spotting a cupcake and note on the counter. You picked it up and frowned.
I crossed a line with the runt comment. I’m sorry. It was wrong. Please stay away from Nate. I get a bad vibe from him. 
“At least you got my favorite flavor,” you said. You took a bite and put the rest away in your fridge. You put on your backpack but stopped for a moment and wrote down a note of your own. You ran over next door to the empty trailer and set it down on Jensen’s counter before popping outside and heading over to Nate’s. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he said grumpily, shoving some things in a duffel bag. “Listen, I just got fired so-”
“Fired? For what?” you said.
“I don’t think your friend likes me very much,” he said. “It’s whatever. I’m flying back to LA tonight. Maybe I’ll see you around someday Y/N.”
He jogged out of his trailer and you shook your head. You walked outside and saw Jensen coming out of hair and makeup with his face washed off.
“What did you do?” you asked, storming straight over to him.
“Bought you a cupcake...I’ll be sure not to make that mistake again,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Nate was just fired he said.”
“Good? Did you get-”
“Wow. No, I didn’t. I’m glad to see you think so little of me. Outside of a scene, don’t talk to me,” he said. He left and you stood there, throwing up your hands.
“Oh my God, Y/N! Did you hear?” asked Shelby as she came out of the makeup trailer. 
“Nate got fired? Yeah,” you said.
“I’d have kicked his ass,” she said. You raised an eyebrow and she made a face. “The PA? Inappropriate touching?”
“He did what?” you asked.
“Oh he got way handsy with one of the PA’s. Eighteen years old. One of the grips caught him cornering her and he nearly decked him right then and there,” she said. “He’ll be lucky if she doesn’t press charges let alone act again.”
“That’s too bad. She’s okay?” you asked.
“Yeah. It didn’t go like, bad or anything but dude’s a creep,” she said. 
“Sounds like it,” you said quietly.
“I think production might get shutdown the rest of the week while they find a replacement. I’m sure you’ll find out before the rest of us,” she said. You nodded and she gave you a smile. “You okay? You seem different lately.”
“Yeah. Just not used to long days again,” you said. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow if we still have work, okay?”
“Sure thing,” she said. You walked over to the parking lot, catching Jensen waiting by your car with your note in his hand. Slowly you made your way over, Jensen kicking at the pavement. 
“I heard why Nate got fired,” you said.
“I had a bad feeling about him and you didn’t believe me,” he said, holding up the note. “Fucks sake, Y/N. I’m not jealous of him either okay because I know how your head works.”
“Then what?”
“I don’t want you to get hurt,” he said. You reached for your door handle and he moved in front of it. “Why are you so angry at me? You won’t even talk to me.”
“I’m not angry at you, Jensen. I’m...I can date and be with whoever I want to. I can go out after work without you. We’re co-workers. It’s all we are,” you said. “It’s all we can be.”
“It’s been two months. Why can’t-”
“Because it still hurts me to see your face as pathetic as that sounds. I wish it didn’t. I wish I could pretend we are exactly as we were and go back to that. But I’m not capable of it. I told you. I need time and space if I’m ever going to get back there with you and two months isn’t enough time for me.”
“Not everything is about you. Don’t even bother,” he said.
“Don’t bother what?” you said.
“We’re co-workers. It’s all we’re ever going to be,” he said. He left and headed for his car, leaving the note behind.
“I see you skimmed over the part about me apologizing for how I acted,” you said.
“You skimmed over that part of mine. Fair is fair,” he said. “You know what? Lose my number. Don’t talk to me outside of a set anymore.”
You got in your car and headed for home, hoping that the movie got delayed indefinitely.
Three Days Later
“Hey!” said Ruthie to you out on the hotel patio. You looked up from your phone, Ruth sitting down in the chair across from you. “I haven’t seen you all convention long! What are you doing out here?”
“Enjoying the fresh air,” you said, forcing a smile.
“I see,” she said. You went back to your phone only for her to steal it away from you. “Texting a new friend?”
“No. I was reading,” you said, taking it back.
“You wouldn’t happen to be out here because of you and the boys not getting along, hm?” she asked. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said.
“You’ve been noticeably absent from the group chat,” she said. “And not hanging out with the guys, especially Jensen.”
“Been busy.”
“With what? Unemployment?”
“Our movie is only shut down a few months. I’m taking the vacation time,” you said. “Discovering new things.”
“What happened?”
“Nothing!” you said.
“Fine, fine,” she said. “Bri and I are going to have a drink after the show tonight in my room. Your attendance is mandatory.”
“Why aren’t you going out with the guys?”
“Because you need a girls night and so do we,” she said. “It’ll be fun, I promise.”
“Do you still…” said Bri well after midnight and more than a few drinks. “Love him?”
“Yes,” you said, knocking back your margarita. “I don’t even want to anymore. It just hurts like everyday and it’s so pathetic. I thought pushing him away would make it go away and I thought trying to move onto another guy would work but I still want him. I don’t know why I can’t get over him. I’ve dated before. I don’t know why…”
“When you say you love him, do you mean love him right now or I could imagine the rest of everything with him love him?” asked Ruth.
“I’m so stupid,” you said, sliding down on the bed, pulling a pillow over your face. “We weren’t even together! Why am I so upset?”
“Because you love him bad. Like in deep,” said Bri. “He really said he thought of you guys as just friends?”
“Yes. I miss him. I want my best friend back,” you said, pulling away the pillow. Ruth handed you a few tissues and you wiped off your face, all three of your heads turning when you heard a knock at the door. 
“It’s probably the guys,” said Bri. She was out of her seat and you watched her peek the door open a crack. “What? It’s late.”
“We know,” said Rich and Rob. “We got to talk about this Jensen and Y/N situation.”
“No, we don’t. They’re adults,” she said.
“Well Jensen just drunkenly confessed to being in love with her and how he messed up. I think we at least have to get the two of them in a room together to sort this whole thing out,” said Rob.
“Jensen said what?” you said, rushing over to the door. 
“Oh great. She’s been crying,” said Rich, running his hand over his face. 
“What’d he say?” you asked.
“That he misses you and he thinks he might be in love with you and you got to take this all with a grain of salt. He drank a lot,” said Rob. 
“Where’s he now?” you asked.
“His room. He’s not...save the conversation for when he’ll remember it?” said Rich. You nodded and turned back to the girls. 
“Should I say anything?” you asked.
“I honestly don’t know,” said Ruth. “Maybe sleep on it and decide in the morning?”
“Yeah, that’s probably the best idea,” you said. “I’m going to head back to my room.”
“We’ll walk you,” said Rich.
“Thanks,” you said. A moment later you were in the hall, the guys going up a floor with you in the elevator. 
“From a guy’s perspective,” said Rob. “We can be really dumb. Like it’s amazing how dumb we can be. Give him a chance when you talk to him.”
“He doesn’t understand what falling in love is. I can’t explain that to him,” you said.
“Maybe you have different definitions of love,” he said. You blinked and they both shrugged. “There’s a reason this stuff is complicated.”
“Tell me about it,” you said when the doors opened. “I’m right here,” you said, pointing at a door. “Night guys.”
“Night, Y/N.”
You entered the room and lay down on your bed, staring at the ceiling. 
He was drunk and he’d missed you. It’s all there was to it in your opinion.
Three Weeks Later
“Sounds good,” you said, hanging up with your agent. The movie was back on at the start of the next year and in the meantime, you’d gotten another voice acting gig. You felt happy about that for the first time in a while. Slowly things were getting better. Avoiding Jensen had helped. You still caught yourself wanting to send him a funny video or talk to him about something during your day but you knew you’d get there. All you’d needed was a good cry session with your friends it seemed.
There was a knock on your door and you got up for your pizza, smiling as you skipped into the foyer.
You pulled it open and found Jensen there, a blank look on his face. He stepped inside and grabbed your face, giving you a remarkably gentle kiss that went on and on. He broke it off when there was a grunt and your pizza guy was standing there. You took the food in a haze and shut the door, setting it down on the counter.
“What…” you said, Jensen getting right in your face. 
“I have loved you from the second I met you. I have loved you from the week after that and the week after that and I knew deep down there was no going back. You were it. Always.”
“If you loved me then why-”
“Because I want better for you. I don’t want a life where you’re alone because I’m off working over here or you’re working over there. I want you to have everything you deserve and that is a better man than me.”
“I know you, Ackles. If it were just that, you would have told the truth. What is it,” you said. He closed his eyes and his shoulders sagged.
“I had an anomaly in my blood work at my last checkup a few months ago,” he said.
“Jensen. What are you saying…”
“My blood work showed I was sick. Dying kind of sick,” he said. 
“Oh, you dumbass,” you said, giving him a hug. It was tight and he returned it, running his hand up and down your back. “Jensen.”
“I couldn’t say it when I thought I wasn’t gonna be around in a few years. I couldn’t do that to you,” he said. You squeezed him harder and he shushed you. “S’okay. I’m okay.”
“No, you’re not. You said...I wasted all that time-”
“I’ve had a lot of tests done. Some here. Some in LA. They were looking for the cause. Jared’s the only one aside from my family that knew. It’s why he was so pissed with you when we fought but I swore him to secrecy.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked. 
“I was afraid. Of everything. You pitying me. Leaving me. Of me telling you the truth and setting you up for some kind of horrible heartbreak,” he said. “But in all those doctor’s genius attempts to find something, they never thought to take another blood sample. They kept reusing the same one over and over.”
“What are you saying?” you asked.
“I’m saying I’ve spent the past four months thinking I was dying when they had the wrong blood. It was someone else’s. They couldn’t find anything wrong because there is nothing wrong. I’m perfectly healthy. The only problem I have is finding a new doctor. I found out half an hour ago and drove straight here,” he said.
“So to summarize you thought you were dying and denied you loved me so that I wouldn’t have to be upset when it happened?”
“I know I hurt you. I know...it was easier to push your buttons and push you away than let us be something else and have it ripped away from you so soon. I thought this way would hurt less than the other,” he said.
“You really are a dumbass,” you said with a smile. “You should have told me.”
“I know,” he said. “I wanted to protect you.”
“Do you love me?”
“Do you know what I meant when I said love is more than attraction?”
“Absolutely. But playing stupid seemed like a good idea at the time,” he said. You rested your head on his shoulder, Jensen’s arms wrapped around you. “Do you hate me?”
“No,” you said. “I’m mad at you for lying and I’m sorry for pushing you away just as much. I just want it back to the way it was.”
“Maybe we can try something different?” he said. You cocked your head and he kissed you again, smiling when you held up a finger.
“Different is good,” you said, Jensen looking you up and down. “I’m still mad at you.”
“Okay,” he smiled.
“Still mad.”
“Okay,” he said again, taking off his coat and shoes.
“Inviting yourself over, hm?” you said.
“For sure,” he said. “You even got dinner for us already.”
“Jensen, it’s not all fixed like that.”
“Okay,” he said, kissing you one more time. “I’m going to keep doing that in the meantime.”
“Hey,” you said, grabbing his hand. “You have a scare like that, you call me. I don’t care if you got an hour left and we had the biggest fight in the world. Call me.”
“I was getting close to cracking regardless of the test results. I heard I may have mentioned something at the last con to a few people.”
“You did. Let’s just hang out and eat pizza like we did the first time you came over my place?” you asked. “Try to be friends again?”
“Yeah. I really missed you, Y/N.”
Three hours later you were laying on your couch watching a movie, snuggled up under a blanket. You titled your head back and Jensen gave you a soft smile, his arm over your waist pulling you back into his chest more. He kissed your temple and you thought back to the hundred million times you’d done this same thing before.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” you asked. 
“Because I didn’t know how you felt and the idea of losing you was horrifying. I have had plenty of girlfriends before. I’ve only felt this once and I’m not letting it go,” he said.
“Spend the night,” you said.
“I’ve been drinking. I probably should crash on the couch,” he said. You shook your head and gave him a smile. “Oh. In the...should we really dive into that right away?”
“I just want you close by,” you said. “Nothing more than innocent cuddling for now.”
“I’m very much up for that,” he said. You turned off the movie and grabbed his hand, pulling him down into your bedroom. “All the times I’ve been over here, I’ve never actually seen your room.”
“I know it’s kinda girly,” you said, playing with the hem of your shirt.
“It’s relaxing,” he said with a smile. “I like it much better than my room.”
“Isn’t your house like gorgeous?” you asked.
“I moved,” he said. “About 4,000 square feet now versus the eight.”
“Oh. Well you’re like everybody else now, aren’t you?” you teased. He chuckled and you got an extra blanket out of your closet, Jensen spotting your weighted blanket on the bed.
“Too much house for just me. Never cared for it much. This one is simpler. More of a blank canvas,” he said, taking the soft blanket you knew he liked when he slept on the couch. “How’s your anxiety lately?”
“Not great,” you said. “Better but not great. You’re crap pilled on top of…”
“Top of what?” he asked.
“My dad got released,” you said, sitting on the bottom of the bed. Jensen sat down beside you and you sighed. “It’s been twenty five years, Jay. He got out.”
“Are you scared?”
“No. He’s up in Maine and he has diabetes and cancer,” you said. “He’s in the process of dying.”
“The runt comment,” said Jensen and you nodded. “Y/N, I’m sorry I ever said that.”
“S’not your fault my dad was crappy to my mom and me,” you said. He took your hand in his and laced your fingers together. “She was really happy when she met Charlie. He’s exactly what she needed.”
“He’s what you needed too. You got a real dad and even your little brother a few years later. I’m sorry you had to spend five in a not so great place,” he said.
“Never lie to me again,” you said.
“I promise,” he said. 
“You’re really okay?” you asked.
“Yes. For the hundredth time, I am perfectly healthy. I watched them draw the blood and take it straight into the lab myself.”
“You should call your parents,” you said. “Let them know the good news.”
“It’s late for them,” he said. “I’ll call first thing. Do you mind if I take off my jeans?”
“Of course not. It’s not like I’ve seen you in your underwear before,” you said. He stood and kicked them off as you excused yourself into your bathroom. You exited in a pair of shorts and shirt, Jensen spreading the blanket out over one side of the bed. You walked around and climbed under the sheets, Jensen following after. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he said. You flipped off the light and the room was quiet. Jensen shifted and your head turned, Jensen’s face closer now. You rolled onto your side and rested your cheek on the pillow, Jensen glancing down. “I’m sorry.”
“I know. You thought you were stopping me from a worse kind of pain. Never do anything like that again and you’re forgiven.”
“I won’t,” he said. “It was a dumb split second decision.”
“It’s okay. I still like you. I’m sorry for how I acted too. I never should have shoved you out of my life for thinking you didn’t have feelings.”
“It hurt and you needed space and time. We would have come back together,” he said. “We did.”
“Because you found out you weren’t sick.”
“I was coming over tonight no matter what the test said.”
“Because I can’t imagine how shitty I’d feel if you didn’t love me back. When I heard you talking to Jared...I’d never felt that happy before. Something about you is just...special.”
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you teased. You leaned over and kissed him quickly. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Looking forward to it, sweetheart.”
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imjustwritingg · 3 years
no doubt in my mind
Happy Valentine’s Day babes! Here’s a fun and sorta fluffy one shot with our favorite couple to celebrate the day. Based loosely on the song “Make You Feel My Love” by Adele. Enjoy and let me know what you think! 
Also here: AO3 and FanFic.Net
It’s been a month of them and their new thing, and as much as things had changed between Hailey and Jay, things had also remained just the same. Their dynamic in the field hadn’t faltered once since the first night they’d gotten together. If anything, their partnership had only grown stronger. The lingering looks, the way they could communicate with one silent glance, a simple placement of a hand on a shoulder to let the other know they were there.
They were sure no one had noticed a change in their relationship. So sure up until the point the door to their Sergeant’s office opens suddenly one afternoon and he stands in the doorway with a vacant, unreadable look on his face.  
“Upton, Halstead. My office for a sec.”
The pair share a quick glance before they stand from their desks and follow after their boss into his office. He nods at the door and Jay closes it behind them. Hank sits back down behind his desk while the partners stand on the other side of him, both of their arms crossed in front of them and waiting. They watch as Hank reaches into his desk, pulls out some paper, and then leans forward and hands them to Hailey and Jay. They glance down at the sheets as soon as they have them in their hands. It’s hard to miss the words printed in bold at the top of each sheet.
Chicago Police Department: Workplace Relationship Disclosure & Declaration
Hailey and Jay lock eyes again, both inhaling a deep breath, and then Jay looks back at the man behind his desk.
“Sarge, we - “
Hank holds up a hand and Jay goes silent. He’s been in this position before, he and Hailey both have, and he’s not so sure of how this will play out given the unreadable look on their boss’ face. To say it makes him nervous would be the biggest possible understatement.
“I’m only gonna say this once,” Hank starts, looking between the couple in front of him who nod once at their boss and wait for him to continue.
“You both might just be two of the best detectives I’ve ever worked with, the leading officers on our team aside from me. The job comes first and you don’t jeopardize this unit. Do you understand?”
Jay and Hailey share another look, but nod their heads regardless. Neither quite exactly sure as to what is happening or how it could be this easy.
“That’s it?” Hailey finds herself asking the older man a second later.
Voight sighs then, looking between the two again. There’s a fleeting smile that appears at the corners of the man’s face. He looks almost nostalgic for a moment before he speaks again.
“After everything this team has been through over the last few years, after everything we’ve lost,” Hank sighs again as he looks between the two.
“Look, anything outside of Intelligence and the job, relationships or whatever you guys do on your own time. I gotta tell ya, I just don’t care anymore. Fill these out. Give ‘em to Platt for the Ivory Tower. That’s it,” he tells them.
Hailey and Jay glance at each other again, both of them breathing a silent sigh of relief. This certainly was not what they’d expected happening when this conversation started. They turn and head for the door, but just as Jay is about to pull it open he turns back around to face his boss. He just can’t help himself.
“How’d you know?”
“I’ve got eyes Jay,” is all their Sergeant says.
Jay nods once, glances at Hailey, who just offers a small smile, but doesn’t say anything, and then he looks back at Voight.
“Thank you,” Jay tells him and Hailey nods her head, a silent thanks of her own.
It’s not lost on either of the three of them the weight those two simple words carry.
Thank you for not splitting us up. Thank you for not kicking one of us or both of us out. Thank you for understanding.
Hank leans back in his chair, a smirk on his face now, as he looks at his two detectives.
“Believe me, it’s not lost on me the number of partnerships that have crossed lines in this unit. I shoulda been a matchmaker instead of a cop. And send the other two lovebirds in on your way out, will ya?”
“Copy you,” Hailey tells him, and then her and Jay turn head for the door. Jay shakes his head in near disbelief at the outcome of the conversation as they re-enter the bullpen.
“Voight wants to see you two,” Jay calls out, nodding in Adam and Kim’s direction as he stands in the aisle next to his and Hailey’s desks.
The other couple shares a similar look of concern, but head for Voight’s office, closing the door behind them. The disturbance makes Kevin stand from his desk and walk up to Jay, noticing the sheet of paper in his hand.
“What’s that about bro? Y’all good?” He asks. He glances down at the paper in Jay’s hand and catches the words “workplace relationship” before Jay puts it away inside his desk.
Jay nods quickly. “Yeah, all good.”
The officer glances between Jay and Hailey, noticing the same sheet of paper on the blonde detective’s desk before she drops it in her drawer and closes it. He looks back at Jay.
“You and Upton? Like, you and Upton?” Kevin asks, his eyes widening.
Jay looks over at Hailey, notices her flushed cheeks and her bottom lip pulled between her teeth. The two lock eyes and the look doesn’t go unnoticed by Kevin, who shakes his head in disbelief, not thinking his suspicions of the pair over the last few weeks were in fact true.
“Well, alright then,” is all Kevin says. He picks up his coffee mug from his desk and makes his way to the break room, leaving the partners to themselves.
“That was not as bad as I thought it would be. Definitely expected worse,” Jay says a moment later as he sits on the edge of Hailey’s desk.
“Yeah,” she says as she exhaled a long breath. She’s still a bit caught off guard and the words of their Sergeant are playing on a loop in her head.
“Molly’s tonight?” Jay asks her a moment later, noticing her deep in thought.
Hailey’s being just a little too quiet for his liking, considering the confrontation they’ve just experienced, and that nervousness from Voight’s office is beginning to creep up on him again. He can’t help wondering if she’s starting to second guess this new thing between them. That maybe she’s having regrets and it scares him. He can’t lose another partner. He can’t lose her. Not now.
Hailey turns her head to look up at him, grateful for the distraction and momentary cease of Kevin’s gaze and the eyes of Voight, but soon scrunches her face in realization.
“You know what today is right? That place is gonna be a mad house tonight,” she tells him.
He does in fact know what today is; it’s Valentine’s Day, their first together, and potentially their last given the look on her face and the uneasy feeling he has rising in his chest.
Jay just shrugs, trying to play it off, with a smirk peeking out over his face. “It could be fun and the others are going.”
“Never would have pegged you for the type to wanna celebrate Valentine’s Day,” she tells him.
“Well, if it makes any difference, they’re doing half price pints and they even got a food truck catering from Offset BBQ tonight.”
“What about Offset BBQ?” Kevin asks as he walks out of the break room with a fresh mug of coffee.
“Food truck at Molly’s,” Jay says before standing from Hailey’s desk to sit back down at his own.
“Ah yes, and half price drinks. You can’t pass up half price drinks at Molly’s. Can’t pass up the opportunity to see Herrmann go off the rails over it either,” Kevin tells them as he returns to his desk.
Hailey smiles at Kevin, knowing he’s right, and feeling relieved over the fact that the man doesn’t look at her differently or ask any questions about her and Jay.
She turns around in her chair to look back at her partner. “Fine, but if it gets too crowded I’m bailing.”
Jay just smiles at her and nods his head, and they go back to their jobs and the seemingly never-ending piles of paperwork they have to do. He can’t seem to shake the uneasy feeling still bubbling inside of him at the way the woman across from him remains quiet and doesn’t look up at him again for the remainder of the afternoon.
By the time their shift is over and the last of the paperwork has been done for the day, Jay and Hailey are the last ones in the bullpen. The others had left a short while earlier, even Voight had already called it a night.
“You ready, Hails?” Jay calls out to her as she returns to the bullpen from the locker room.
“Yeah, just had to grab my bag,” she tells him, a duffel slung over her shoulder.
The pair shut down their computers and put on their coats, and then head down the stairs. They don’t say a word to each other as they make their way out to the parking lot to his truck. It’s just as quiet on the short drive over to Molly’s and by the time he finds a parking spot down the street from the bar, he can’t take the silence anymore.
“We gonna talk about it?” He asks her as soon as the truck is in park. He unbuckles his seatbelt and turns his head to look at the blonde, but she just quirks an eyebrow up at him.
“The conversation with Voight,” he answers her unspoken question.
“Do we need to?” She asks a moment later.
That’s not exactly the response he was expecting and it surely doesn’t help calm the nerves he’s been feeling all day.
“I just wanna make sure we’re on the same page. We’ve been doing our thing the last month or so and it’s been really great. At least I think it’s been really great, but we haven’t talked about what exactly that thing is either.”
“So you wanna put a label on it?” She asks, trying to hold back a smirk and failing to do so.
“I just don’t wanna assume anything,” Jay tells her, a shy smile appearing on his face.
“What exactly are you assuming?” She presses.
Jay can tell she’s pushing him by the look in her eyes and he’s nervous again. He knows there hasn’t been anyone else for her since that night in the bar when he first kissed her. There hasn’t been anyone else for him either. The fact that they’ve spent every night together at either of their apartments since that first night solidifies that for him. He’s also sure that what they have, this new thing between them, isn’t just some fling between co-workers out of convenience or opportunity. There’s no doubt in his mind about that.
Jay wants to believe it’s the real deal between them, that Hailey is it for him, despite her quiet behavior and the nerves he’s been feeling all day. He takes a deep breath and then he takes the plunge to hopefully solidify what they’ve been doing and make it official.
“You being my girlfriend,” Jay tells her. His eyes are on hers and his heart is pounding so loud in his chest that he’s sure she can hear it.
“Jay,” Hailey says, her voice soft and quiet and he suddenly feels like he can’t breathe. Maybe he had been wrong.
“I already filled out that form,” she tells him a second later.
“When you and Kev took those boxes of CI files back down to the file room,” she explains as a smirk forms on Jay’s face.
“And what exactly did you write on the form?” He asks her.
“That you’re my boyfriend,” she says with a shrug as if her answer should be obvious.
Jay raises his eyebrows at her response and she gives him a playful roll of her eyes. She unbuckles her seatbelt and leans just slightly over the console between them. She grabs his arm to pull him towards her and they meet in the middle.
“I know I’ve been acting weird since we talked to Voight, but not for the reasons you think. I like you Jay, I really like being with you, and I’m pretty sure you feel the same way, and it seems pretty clear to me what we’re doing, so yeah. I declared you as my boyfriend on that form. Is that okay with you?”
Jay grins at her just before he closes the remaining space between them and captures her lips with his own. He brings his hand up to hold the side of her face, his thumb brushing over her cheek for a moment before he slides his hand to the back of her neck. He quickly deepens the kiss, earning a moan from his partner, and then feels her hands on the front of his jacket. She pulls him as close to her as she can considering the middle console that is wedged between them now.
“I’m gonna take that as a yes,” Hailey whispers against his lips a second later.
“You can take that as a hell yes,” he tells her before kissing her again.
When they separate again, they’re grinning, both of their dimples out on display.
“Gotta say, I was a little nervous there for a second,” he admits then.
She reaches a hand up to the back of his neck, the tips of her fingers brushing through his hair, as she looks him in the eyes.
“I’m sorry about that. It wasn’t because of you or because I was rethinking us. After we talked to Voight, all I could really think about was a conversation I had with Platt actually,” she tells him a small smile.
His eyebrows raise at that. “What conversation with Platt?”
He feels her fingers slip away from the back of his head and she leans back just slightly before taking a deep breath.
“It was a while ago, back when Adam and I were doing whatever we were doing. Platt said that if he was the one that we’d have to make it work. And that if we wanted to be together, one of us would have to leave Intelligence,” she tells him. He nods slowly at her in understanding and then she continues.
“And after what Voight said, I guess I just got lost in my own thoughts and feelings. I know I wouldn’t have given up Intelligence or the job for Adam, but for you? It wouldn’t have been a very hard decision for me and I was ready to make it today in Voight’s office. And I guess it kinda just scared the crap out of me.”
He’s smiling at her now. A wide grin taking over his face as he looks at her with so much admiration and happiness and love. She had chosen him over the FBI. She would have chosen him over her career today. She’s chosen his side countless times before.
“I love you,” he whispers to her then.
He says it so easily, like it’s not the first time he’s uttering those special words to her, and the look she wears on her face after he says them makes him smile like an idiot. He doesn’t care that they’ve only been together a month. He doesn’t care that to others he may be rushing things. He knows it’s been much longer than four weeks that he’s been feeling this way, and not just for himself, but for her too.
He leans towards her again, hanging back just enough to still look her in the eyes, and he brings a hand back up to the side of her face. She’s got tears in her eyes, but they’re shining bright blue, and she smiles back at him just the same.
“I love you too,” she whispers back before closing the space between them again and kissing him hard on the mouth.
When they separate moments later with shallow breaths, they’re still grinning at one another and his hand is still holding her head just centimeters away from his.
“Really wish we didn’t have to leave this truck right now,” he tells her remembering where they are. His voice is so deep and gruff that it sends a heatwave through her almost instantly. She nods in silent agreement before giving him another quick kiss, and then leans back into her seat.
“Let’s go. The sooner we get in there, the sooner we can leave,” she says with a wink and he just smirks at her.
They exit the truck and make their way up the sidewalk side by side and shoulders brushing. When they reach the door to the bar, Jay holds the door open for her, placing his hand on her lower back over her coat and guiding her inside.  
When they enter the bar, they’re not all that surprised to see a slight crowd inside just as expected. The twinkling string lights shine bright from the ceiling, and familiar faces from the district and firehouse scatter the bar and tables.
Jay uses his height to his advantage given the crowd and quickly spots the rest of their team at the back of the place. He drops his hand from Hailey’s back and reaches for her hand hanging at her side. He gives her fingers a quick squeeze to get her attention, letting go of them when she looks up at him. He nods off in the direction of their friends and Hailey follows him to the back wall.
“Tell me one of those is for me,” Hailey says in greeting when her and Jay arrive at the table.
They’re met with hello’s and smiles from Kim, Adam, and then Kevin, who grins back at the blonde. He nods down to two pint glasses full of beer and foaming at the top.
“Of course, help yourselves,” Kevin tells the pair.
Hailey and Jay each take a glass, and then take a seat next to one another on the remaining stools at the table. The group begins making small talk and when Adam starts in about the case they just wrapped, Kevin raises a hand to stop him mid-sentence.
“Hold up, the only shoptalk I wanna hear about is those lovely little forms y’all got from Voight today,” Kevin says as he brings his glass to his lips.
Hailey and Kim both shake their heads, amused smiles on their faces, while Jay nearly chokes on his beer as he’s mid-sip and Adam throws his head back and groans.
“Man, come on,” Adam says.
“You two? I get. Lot of history there,” Kevin starts pointing between Kim and Adam.
And then he turns and looks between Hailey and Jay. “But you two. Y’all have been in sneaky stealth mode and I don’t like it. I thought we were all friends here. I mean, I had suspicions, but how long has this been going on for exactly? Inquiring minds need to know.”
Jay just shakes his head, an amused smile on his face, and Hailey laughs.
“You really wanna know about our love life?” Jay asks before he takes another sip from his glass.
Hailey’s eyes dart to Jay at the mention of the word, thinking back to their exchange from minutes before outside. She moves her free hand from her lap to his knee, not caring about PDA – it’s not as if anyone can see the gesture anyway. Jay glances over at her at the contact and she just smiles at him before turning her attention back to the group.
“Ya know, Kev has a good point. I’d like to know that as well. I mean, Kim and I assumed, but we didn’t know for sure until today,” Adam chimes in while Kim just nods in agreement with a smirk on her face.
“The three of you are relentless,” Jay says before glancing at his partner.
“Yeah, there’s nothing really to tell,” Hailey says with another casual shrug hoping they’d back off, but knowing they won’t.
“No, no, no. There’s definitely something to tell. Come on, it’s us,” Adam pushes with a boyish grin.
“Exactly,” Jay teases, pointing in the officer’s direction.
“At least tell us who made the first move because my money is totally on Hails,” Kim says.
“Well, you’d be right about that,” Hailey tells her with a grin.
“Yes! Ladies for the win!” Kim yells out and the two share a high five across the table.
Adam shakes his head in mock disappointment and Kevin runs his hand over his face before looking back at Jay.
“Bro, you didn’t make the first move? What’s the matter with you?”
“Well, she’s my partner for one,” Jay says as if it’s obvious. All he gets in return are eye rolls and a shake of heads from all of them except Hailey, who just smiles at him and squeezes his knee under the table.
“Semantics,” Adam chimes with a wave of his hand.
“Ok, so I was a chicken. Happy now?” Jay says as he takes another drink from his glass.
“In his defense, he did kiss me first. I just had to give him a little push in the right direction,” Hailey tells them, bumping her shoulder against his and smiling coyly at the memory of that night in the bar.
“Alright, so hold up. I gotta ask, am I the only one here that hasn’t slept with their partner? Is that like some Intelligence initiation thing? Because if it is, I’m pretty sure I missed that in the employee handbook,” Kevin says glancing between the two couples who break out laughing.
Jay shakes his head, a grin still on his face. “Shut up, Kev.”
“I’m just saying. I’m the only one here not getting any. And it’s Valentine’s Day. That’s just a damn shame,” Kevin says as he surveys the bar. “Ya know what, y’all enjoy the rest of your evenings. I’m gonna go and find me a lady friend of my own.”
Kevin shoots them all a wink and a bright smile, and they say a quick goodbye before he stands up and heads off into the crowd.
“I’m assuming you guys got the same speech we did from Voight then,” Adam says a moment later looking over at Hailey and Jay. The pair glance at one another briefly before nodding.
“Man, the way things have changed. Voight’s getting soft on us,” Adam tells them, bringing his drink to his lips.
Jay shakes his head, his hand moving over top Hailey’s under the table and giving her fingers a squeeze. “Not sure if that’s it exactly. I think the unit, us, is all he has left. We’ve lost a lot over the years. I think he just doesn’t want us to lose anything else.”
Adam nods and Kim smiles back at him, and he feels Hailey’s fingers tighten against his.
“I’ll drink to that,” Adam says then, raising his glass. The other three nod and raise their own drinks. They clink their glasses together and then drink, and dive in about hockey and work and swap stories about their friends – their family that are no longer with them.
After another round, Kim and Adam make their way to the bar and get distracted with talking to some of the firefighters from 51. The crowd has only grown larger and the volume of chatter around them makes Hailey turn and lean into Jay so she’s leaning over his shoulder.
“Wanna get out of here?” She asks against his ear.
He gives her a nod and the pair stand from the table. They weave their way through the crowd and say a quick goodbye to their friends, and then head for the door.
As soon as they’re outside, Hailey leans into Jay as they head for the truck. He wraps an arm around her shoulders, holding her against him as her arm snakes around his waist.
“Ya know what I just realized?” He asks her as they walk down the sidewalk.
“Who knows,” she teases. He slides his hand down her arm just enough to poke his fingers into her side, tickling her ribs, and she squirms against him.
“What did you realize?” She asks him, giving his side a squeeze.
“We’re one of those cheesy cliché couples that say I love you and make things official on Valentine’s Day,” he tells her, a smirk spreading over his face as he looks down at her. Her eyes go wide and then she laughs, knowing he’s right.
“At least neither of us will ever forget our anniversary now,” Hailey tells him a moment later with a smirk of her own as they reach the truck.
Jay smiles at her again, taking a step towards her and pressing her against the passenger side door. His hands find her waist and his lips are on hers a second later and she’s kissing him back instantly.
It still feels like a dream to her that she can be like this with him. Kissing him, touching him, loving him. Like it’s not still some new thing for them despite the familiarity and the fact that they’ve been doing their thing for a month already. Kissing her partner, her boyfriend, has become one of her favorite things.
Sure, they’ve slept together. And while those times spent in bed with one another have been nothing short of amazing, it’s these moments where he’s pressed against her with his hands holding onto her, and his lips moving over hers that she’s come to enjoy the most. Because it’s all she’s wanted since falling for her best friend. It’s these little moments that she’s wanted and thought about and it’s what causes her to smile against his lips as he kisses her once more before pulling away to look her in the eyes.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Jay whispers to her.
Hailey nods, leaning back into him, and smirks up at him. “Might just be my new favorite holiday.”
And then she kisses him again just because she can.
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Lady Fair
Darcy Lewis was more than a little nervous for her first day working as Tony Stark’s assistant. She had only met Mr. Stark two weeks ago for the interview and it had gone terribly, or so she thought, and then she had been hired. Maybe Thor had influenced his hiring decision or maybe Tony Stark just wasn’t thinking so clearly without Pepper there to assist him anymore. No one was thinking clearly after Thanos...Darcy only hoped she didn’t mess this up. This job was the only hope she had of getting her life back together.
Darcy parked her car at the big parking lot next to the complex, shouldered her gypsy style oversized purse, and made her way to the double doors. She swiped her security badge, entered the code that she had written on a post-it note, and entered the building. Her instructions said to take the elevator to the third floor and look for the room marked 3-C. She stepped off the elevator, passed 3-A then 3-B. She could see 3-C ahead when a noise further down the hall got her attention. Darcy followed the sound to an open doorway and found herself on a balcony overlooking a gymnasium. Below her, several of the Avengers were training. She watched them for a few minutes and then turned and went back to the room that was to be her office.
The office was sparsely decorated. She tossed her purse into and empty desk drawer, plunked down into the wheeled chair which she spun in a circle a few times before turning her attention to the DVDs on the desk marked, “New Hire Orientation Packet.” With a sigh, Darcy put the first disc into the player.
By lunch time, Darcy slipped out to watch the Avengers train yet again.
“Darcy Lewis!” Thor caught sight of her a called out. “I was not aware you would be here today! Come down and I will introduce you to my friends!”
She found a set of stairs to her left and soon crossed to where Thor stood. It was good to see him again. It was good to see someone familiar, and safe. The past few months had been anything but safe and that had nothing to do with Thanos and everything to do with Ian. After everything she had suffered in childhood Darcy had always had a weakness for men who would “rescue” her. Ian had not been what he seemed, not once he got drunk. Taking a job in another state had been the simplest way to leave him but she hadn’t officially broken it off yet. She’d been too afraid he would show up at her door drunk when she did. The anxiety of knowing what was coming had been following her for three days since she moved out. Now, as she approached Thor, she felt safe for the first time in months.
“Darcy this is, Steve Rogers, Nebula, Rocket, Bruce Banner, Natasha...Darcy used to work with Jane Foster. Now she works for Tony,” he told them after he had listed off their names. Then he turned to Darcy. “I thought you would not arrive until next week. It is good to see you here today.”
“I wasn’t gonna be here until next week,” Darcy admitted. She had done everything she could to get there sooner, or rather to get away from home. “But I made some calls and Mr. Stark let me come early.”
“Well I am glad he did. It is good to see you,” Thor said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s good to see you too,” Darcy leaned into his touch just slightly and had to force herself not to start crying. “You changed your hair. It’s a good look.”
“Are you moving into the complex?” Natasha asked her. “Or are you commuting?”
“I’m moving in. I have a few bags in my car and the rest of my stuff is getting sent at the end of the week.”
“Then let us assist you with carrying in your bags,” Thor offered. It was not a request.
“Thor she’s gotta eat lunch,” Nat protested. “We can help her with her bags this evening.”
“Or I can order lunch while you guys grab the bags,” Bruce offered.
Darcy led the way out to her car, followed by Thor. He could manage her four bags easily enough. She reached her car and realized she had forgotten something. “Shit. I don’t have my keys. They’re back inside at my desk.”
“Then I will go get them for you,” Thor said.
He took only one step away before Darcy grabbed his arm. “Wait!”
Thor stopped moving and looked down at her with concern and curiosity. “You seem on edge,” he commented. “Is everything alright or do you have something to fear?”
“I don’t really know,” she said. She was on edge every moment wondering when Ian was going to realize she had left for good and knowing there was a very good chance he would take up stalking her. He fit the profile anyway. Then she looked down at her hand and realized she still had a tight grip on Thor’s arm. She made herself let go. “I’ll go with you to get the keys.” She headed in the direction of the facility entrance but Thor didn’t follow her.
“Darcy?” he called after her.
She stopped walking but didn’t turn to face him for fear that if she did she’d just fall apart. She wished she had a bag of skittles about then. A candy rush might be enough to get through the next few hours without a meltdown. Thor approached her and stood at her side. He reached over to her arm and pushed aside her long bell sleeve revealing a bruise she had been careful to keep hidden, apparently not careful enough.
“Who gave you this bruise?”
“My boyfriend,” Darcy admitted.
“You have left him behind and you fear he is searching for you?” Thor asked, understanding her situation more quickly than she had expected.
Darcy nodded again, this time unable to stop a few tears from escaping.
“If he finds you, he will not harm you,” Thor said firmly.
Darcy let out a sob and then impulsively she turned and threw her arms around Thor, hugging him tightly. He quickly got over his shock and hugged her in return. She didn’t really cry. Darcy wasn’t one for tears very often. Life had been too hard for too many years for her to be bothered with crying. But she did hold on tightly. Thor could protect her but more than that, he wouldn’t hurt her. Not ever. He couldn’t have been worthy of the hammer of he had been that kind of person. The fact was that for the first time since she was eight, she was hugging someone who truly wouldn’t harm her. It made her unwilling to let go anytime soon. It wasn’t that she was attracted to Thor. Sure, he was hot, but she had set aside her crush on him when Jane started dating him. No this was something more basic, a need for a protective family that she’d never had before. Or maybe it didn’t hurt that he was hot. She couldn’t be sure. She only knew that they needed to go back inside and get her keys, and she just couldn’t let go.
“Darcy?” Thor spoke up after what must have been three minutes.
She shook her head, still holding onto him. “Nope. I think this breaks the record on the longest safe hugs I’ve ever had. Can’t let go now.” She rattled off the words.
“Safe hugs? Are there other kinds?” Thor asked, a little confused.
“Sure there are. There are hugs from your creepy stepfather who only wants to hug you because he’s a pervert. And hugs from your real father only when your mom is watching just so he can prove he’s not a deadbeat. And hugs from three boyfriends as an apology for beating the shit out of you.” Darcy told him more than she’d meant to but she couldn’t help it.
She felt Thor sigh on hearing her words and his arms tightened around her a little more firmly. “Then stay a while longer. I have plenty of time.”
Darcy only stayed another minute and then she made herself pull away from Thor and return to her office for her keys. They went back to her car and carried her bags to her new apartment within the complex.
“Yours is right across the hall from mine,” Thor pointed out as she unlocked the door.
“Are you gonna be one of those neighbors I can like borrow baking ingredients from because I always forget to buy stuff?” Darcy asked him as she dropped the smallest of her bags, the only one she had carried, into a nearby recliner.
“You may borrow from me whatever you wish if I have it.” Thor offered generously. “If there is something I should keep a supply of…”
“I don’t actually do that much baking. The only supplies I need are stuff like gummy bears and skittles.” Darcy said, leading the way back out of her apartment to join the others in the lunch room. They had almost reached the others when Darcy stopped once more to say something to Thor. “If you could...not say anything about what I said about Ian and hugs…” she began.
“I will not speak of it,” Thor told her.
The knock on her door at well past 11PM startled Darcy. She put aside her pint of ice cream and went to the door. Thor stood on the other side.
“Your light was on. I brought you this,” he held up packages of gummy bears and skittles.
“Wow,” Darcy said. “The god of thunder is bringing me gifts now?”
“Even gods can use a few friends. Besides, you know I am only an alien and not truly a deity.”
“I know...you wanna come in? I’m just watching My Fair Lady for the fiftieth time..”
Thor entered a little hesitantly and then joined her on the sofa, surprising her by taking the seat in the center so he was sitting next to her. Darcy couldn’t say that she minded that. “I am not familiar with this, My Fair Lady. Is it an important movie that you’ve watched it forty-nine times?”
“I don’t know how many times I’ve watched it really. Only that it was a lot. It’s probably not that important to most people but it is a classic. I just happen to like it a lot.”
As the film wore on, Darcy leaned a little closer to Thor, letting her head rest on his shoulder. Some part of her hoped that he would put an arm around her. He didn’t. Even so, it was enough to sit as they were.
“Why did Eliza return to Higgins in the end? It seemed he was rather harsh with her while he taught her,” Thor said as the film came to an end. “Or what I mean to say is, why do you like this film?”
“You think I like men who are controlling?” Darcy asked, a little defensively.
“I did not say that,” Thor replied.
Darcy sighed, “You didn’t have to. It’s probably true. It’s not like I do it on purpose though. But it’s like Eliza. She cared for Higgins because he offered her new possibilities. She got to wear fancy dresses and not have people look down on her anymore. She got to dance at the most beautiful parties. People can say that’s shallow but a life of poverty with a dad who would sell her out is pretty crappy too. Higgins was an upgrade. Maybe I just look for guys who have something better to offer.”
Thor remained silent for a short while and Darcy was afraid it was going to start getting awkward.
“I am sorry Darcy, that I frightened you on the day I arrived on earth. I frightened you enough that you felt you needed to use your taser on me. I had not realized the significance of that until now.”
“And what exactly is the significance?” Darcy wasn’t sure what he was trying to say.
“Only that you have not been treated with the kindness you deserve and I did nothing to help you when I could have.”
“I don’t...I don’t know that there’s anything you could have done…” Darcy said.
“I might have at least checked in on you when I was with the Avengers these past few years. You were Jane’s closest friend and it never occured to me that you could be in danger.”
“If I was in danger it was my own fault because I make stupid decisions,” Darcy said bitterly.
Thor turned towards her just slightly. “Darcy, you bear none of the blame for what others have done to you. None. The fault is theirs alone.”
“Thanks,” she said in a near whisper. “Maybe I needed to hear that...and maybe if it’s not too much trouble I’ll need to hear it again sometime.”
“Then I will tell it to you again and if you wish it, I will offer you a hug from time to time.”
“Yeah…” Darcy said, emotion in her tone. “I wish for that.”
He moved his arm so that he could put it around her and she leaned closer and rested her head against his chest. The hour was already late enough that she might have fallen asleep alone but this time Darcy was more than thankful that she didn’t have to. Thor stayed where he was and let her sleep in his hug.
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The Witch and The Wolf Pt.9
Word Count: 1,783
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (brief), Allison Argent (brief), Lydia Martin (brief), Isaac Lahey (brief), Kate Argent, Witch!Reader
Pairings: Eventual Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: some angst, cliffhanger
A/N: ----
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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“Isaac, I can carry my own bag,” you sighed, walking into the school.
“I-I know, I just wanna help you,” he said.
“I don't need help,” you looked around, noticing everyone staring at you, whispering to each other.
You rolled your eyes and walked past them.
“(Y/N), I heard about what happened to your mom. I’m so sorry for your loss,” you heard Allison and Lydia run up to you, wrapping their arms around you.
You groaned slightly, still in some pain, but mostly confused. You knew both of them, and even after being trapped in the school together, you wouldn't count them as friends.
“I need to go to my locker, I’ll be back,” Isaac waved, walking away.
“Why is everyone staring at me?” you asked them.
“They know that you were at the school when Derek killed the janitor and that he almost killed you,” Allison explained.
You clenched your first.
“You guys were there too,” you said.
“Well, protection of minors,” Lydia shrugged.
“Right,” you sighed.
“Oh also, (Y/N), my dad asked me to tell you to call him when you have a moment,” Allison remembered.
You hesitated, thinking about what it could be about.
“Yeah, okay. I gotta go,” you waved them off, grabbing your crutches and walking to your class.
You heard your phone buzz, getting a text from Derek.
Will you reply?
You can’t avoid me forever 
I’m really sorry (Y/N), please just talk to me
Meet me after class?
I’m sorry
If you don’t want to talk to me, at least come pick up your stuff. I have some boxes for you.
Please just get back to me
You turned your phone off, putting it aside.
There was a lot on your mind, you were still mad at Derek, you were still mad at everyone and everything. And now, Chris wanted to talk to you about who knows what. This day could not get any worse, or so you thought. You heard the bell ring, packing up your things to go to your locker when you saw Sheriff Stilinski walk past the classroom.
“Noah?” you called, quickly walking out of your classroom.
“(Y/N), how are you doing, kid?” he asked you, turning to face you.
“I’m okay, what’s going on?” you asked, looking at the men wearing suits standing near him.
“We’re trying to find any lead we can on Derek. We even bought in the state detective,” he motioned to two of the men.
Hunters, you tensed up.
“Oh,” was all you replied.
“Do you need anything? Anything at all?” he asked.
“No,” you shook your head.
“If you need anything at all, just call me or Stiles,” he said.
You nodded your head as he gave you a small hug.
“Stay safe, kid,” he kissed your forehead before walking away.
After finishing your tutoring session with Isaac, you went home, exhausted. It took a while to convince Isaac that you were okay, but eventually, he agreed to go home.
You sat on your couch, laying back when you felt someone standing behind you.
“Víen,” you shouted, pushing him against a wall.
“It’s just me,” Derek panted.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you asked.
“Can you let go? Can’t breathe,” he said, strained.
You took a step back, as he slid down, gasping for air.
“Why are you here? How did you get in?” you asked.
“I needed to give you some stuff, and you didn't answer your phone. I came through the window, you should lock them, by the way,” he said, standing up.
“I live on the fifth floor,” you replied.
“Wolves can climb,” he shrugged.
“I told you to leave me alone,” you sighed.
“I came to drop off some of your stuff,” he answered.
“Well, you dropped them off, you can go now,” you looked away from him.
He walked near you, putting his hand on your cheek as you closed your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly.
“Will you go, please?” you begged.
“(Y/N),” he started before giving you a concerned look.
“What?” you looked up at him.
“I thought the alpha left a scar on your face,” he started.
You frowned, as you grabbed your crutches, limping to the mirror.
You gasped, realizing it disappeared.
“It’s gone…. how is it gone?” you asked him. You saw Derek’s face fall, as he turned your head slightly.
“How deep did the nail go?” Derek asked. You felt your heart rate increase slightly.
“I don’t know, pretty deep I think… You don’t think,” your eyes went wide.
“(Y/N),” he started.
“No, there’s no way. It's been days, I would've known,” you said, a hint of panic in your voice.
“Yeah, but it would take longer for someone like you. You don’t always feel it immediately,” Derek said.
“No, that's crazy, okay?! I’m not turning,” you raised your voice as your eyes glew purple before they turned yellow.
“Your eyes. It’s a sign,” you shut your eyes tightly, letting out a shaky breath.
“No, there’s no way. Look, I broke my leg. That proves it,” you stuttered, trying to convince yourself.
“Have you tried walking on it?” Derek asked.
“And hurt myself more?!” you exclaimed.
“(Y/N), there’s a fucking full moon tonight! We need to know now!” he yelled.
You dropped your crutches as you took a breath, taking a step forward as your eyes watered. It didn’t hurt at all
“Did it hurt?” he asked softly.
“No, it doesn’t,” your voice broke.
“Shit,” he groaned.
“Okay, there has to be a way to stop it, a spell or something,” you started, pacing around the room.
“But, all of my grimoires were burned in the fire, and I need them,” you realized, as your heart stopped.
“No, they’re here, they’re in the boxes,” Derek motioned to the boxes he bought.
“God,” you let out a breath.
You ran to the box, grabbing a book as you quickly turned the pages, looking for a spell.
“(Y/N), just take a breath,” Derek started.
“I’m fine,” you stuttered.
You flipped through the pages quickly, looking for the right spell or something.
“(Y/N), calm down. I can hear your heart,” Derek tried to calm you down.
“Don’t tell me to calm down! If I don’t…I’m not losing my powers to become a werewolf!” you yelled.
“I know! Hey, it’s gonna be okay,” he wrapped his arms around you, before your tears fell freely, holding back a sob as he held you tightly.
You and Derek sat on your floor, looking through all the grimoires that you had. You had more than you realized.
“What about this one? it looks like it could be it,” Derek handed you the book.
“That turns people into wolves,” you gave him a look. You gave him credit, Latin is hard to read.
“There’s a spell for that? Wait, why don’t you reverse that, and find the alpha?” Derek asked.
“You don’t just reverse spells. You do the smallest thing wrong and I could make him more powerful,” you sighed.
“That’s the last thing we need,” Derek sighed.
“Wait,” you paused, reading the sentence.
Supprimunt atramentum speciem tuam
“What is it? Did you find something?” Derek asked you.
“Sort of. It’s not a cure, it’ll just suppress the wolf in me until I can find a more permanent solution,” you sighed.
“How long will that be?” he asked.
“I don’t know, but not that long. I just need a few ingredients,” you said, looking at the potion.
“What do you need?”
“Wolfsbane, Vervain, pint of human blood,” you shuddered at the thought of human blood.
“Where are you gonna get that from?” 
“There’s a Stiles that lives 5 minutes away from here,” you shrugged.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied.
“I’m not talking about this, I’m talking about everything else,” he said.
“I’m okay,” you lied.
“You suck at lying, you know that?” Derek raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry. I don’t know. I just want to get done with this and go to bed,” you sighed.
“Yeah, but listen. Me and you have to stick together, okay? We’re the last of our families, we need to keep going, okay?” he stood next to you.
You nodded as you gave him a small hug.
“Come on, we gotta go now,” he pulled you up.
“Yeah, wait. I’m gonna take the cast off,” you started.
“Yeah? And what are you gonna tell people when they ask how you miraculously healed in two days?” Derek crossed his arms.
“Shit, you’re right. Let’s go,” you groaned as the two of you left your apartment.
You ran up the stairs of Scott’s house, going to his room.
You saw Stiles nervously pacing outside it.
“Stiles,” you started.
“(Y/N)? How are you walking?” he asked, looking shocked.
“It’s a long story, and I need your blood,” Derek stood behind you.
“What? Hell no,” he said.
“They’re no other fucking option and I’m almost out of time. Please, Stiles,” you begged.
He looked between you and Derek.
“Oh, thank you! Wait, is that Scott?” you asked, hearing some noises come from his room.
“Yeah, he's fighting the full moon,” he said.
You shut your eyes tightly, leaning against the wall.
“(Y/N)?” Derek put his hand on your shoulder.
“I’m fine. I just need the blood, now. Derek, you have the vervain?” you asked.
He nodded as he handed you the flower.
“Okay, Stiles, deep breath,” before you could finish his sentence, he passed out, seeing the needle.
You poked it into his vein, taking some blood.
“There’s less than a minute,” you started.
“I know, come on, we have everything. Just take it,” Derek said.
You finished taking Stiles’ blood, mixing it with the crushed vervain and wolfsbane.
“Purga animam emundes spiritum meum lustrare,” you recited the spell as you fell to the ground, feeling the power of the moon.
“(Y/N)!” Derek exclaims, holding you.
“Purga animam emundes spiritum meum lustrare,” you repeated.
You grabbed the bowl, drinking it, as you held in your gags.
“Did it work? (Y/N)?” Derek asked.
You let out a shaky breath, as your eyes flickered from yellow to purple, then back to its normal color.
“I… I’m okay,” you nodded.
“I’m okay,” you repeated, laying on the ground.
“Stay here, I’m gonna go check on Scott,” he said.
You nodded as you slowly closed your eyes, taking deep breaths.
You stumbled to your apartment, exhausted and ready to pass out.
Your heart rate quickened as you saw your door opened.
You slowly entered, seeing Kate sitting on your couch.
“Kate,” you gasped.
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deathonyourtongue · 3 years
Resurrection | 11
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Summary: A ragtag team of Spec-Ops operators are brought out of retirement for all the wrong reasons. When the dust settles, only the best will be left standing. Pairing: Pablo Schreiber x OFC, Henry Cavill x OFC (listen, she gets with the whole team, okay? Don’t lie, you would too.) Word Count: 2.1K Warnings: Nothing much really. A/N: Shit hath hitteth the fan. Again.
“Ooh, smells like semen in here!” Jake says with far too much enthusiasm, smiling brightly at me as he pours two cups of coffee, doctoring mine just how I like it. 
“Shut up. If you or anyone else brings it up, be ready to be on the receiving end of Beef’s fist,” I mutter, giving Jake the only warning he’ll get from me as I take my seat at the conference table, rolling my neck side to side, amazed at just how sore I am. 
“My lips are sealed. I just gotta know one thing: What was he holding out for?”
“Me,” I whisper, watching as Jake’s eyebrows go sky high and he leans back in his seat, silenced. 
“I mean, we all sort of suspected. He’s not exactly subtle about...well, anything, but you never seemed to catch on, so we left it alone.” He shrugs, his smile more genuine this time, Jake looking truly touched by the revelation. 
“Yeah, well, next time do us both a favor and tell me sooner.”
“And spare him the blue balls? Where’s the fun in that? Was it a mess? Did you have to stick the shower head up there after?”
“Jake, shut up!” I crow, throwing a spare pen at him just as Rick walks through the door, breakfast in hand. 
“Literally the last two people I expected to be up early after last night, but I’ll take it. Where’s the rest of the gang?” Rick asked, setting the bags of food and the tray of coffee down in the center of the table. 
“What did you get up to last night?” It’s my turn to interrogate Jake, my eyebrow going up as I watch his smile go impish. 
“Her name was Star and she did things to me that are deadly sins in most religions.” Jake says with as much seriousness as he can muster for all of 2.5 seconds, his face breaking into a smile just as he takes a sip of his coffee.
“Just be glad you weren’t stuck in a box with him for more than 24 hours,” Benji mutters as he takes the seat to my left, squeezing my shoulders before sitting down. 
“Morning,” Max mumbles as he sits to my right, avoiding eye contact with everyone, including me.
“Save the act, Beef. We all know you got some,” Dom cuts in, moving to sit next to Rick, leaning back in his seat, and grinning like that cat that ate the canary. 
“Congratulations on losing your V-card, bro,” Flip adds as he comes in, patting Max on the back as he scoots by him. 
“Alright, enough. What d’we got, Rick?” I cut the shenanigans short, knowing if I let it go on any longer, the guys will yank Max’s chain a little too hard first thing in the morning. Even I’m not that patient before coffee. 
“Well, since we let Wallace literally walk out the front door, we have to chase again. I asked intel for his whereabo--”
There’s barely time to hear the blast before the shockwave hits us, taking out the bulletproof glass as if it were single pane. I feel Max’s body collide into mine, before we both hit the ground hard. Car alarms and smoke detectors go off in nearby buildings, making it clear the blast came from the outside in, but leaving no doubt we’re the targets.
Breaching charges come next, one at the front door, one at the secondary exit. I finally open my eyes as I get to my feet, keeping low and feeling Max’s hand clamped around the back of my neck. Though smoke fills the meeting room, I get enough of a glance to know that the guys are all okay, each of them in the same crouched position I am, all of us moving with precision. 
Max pushes me into my room, slamming the door behind me. Without hesitation, I grab a t-shirt, vest, pants and socks, throwing everything on in a hurry. My boots go last, the laces double knotted so I don’t have a slip-up later. I pull my hair into a messy knot before grabbing my M4 and checking the mag. Seeing it fully loaded, I push it back into place and slam it home, ready to go. 
The knock at my door comes just in time, and I knock back once to let whoever is on the other side know I’m ready and armed. Pulling it open, I fall in behind Flip, covering him and bringing up the tail end of our little procession down the hall. Up front, I hear Dom call out targets, he and Rick taking out three men without hesitation. 
“Let’s move!” Rick calls out, and I pivot so that as I move forward, I can cover us against anyone who might want to come up behind. Within moments of doing so, two of Wallace’s men come out of the meeting room and into the hallway. Leveling my M4, I take four shots, ensuring both men’s deaths. 
Just as I pass the last of the bedrooms, I feel my body get pulled sideways. With little time to react, I let my gun fall to my side and pull my knife out of my vest. Before I can sink it into the nearest limb, I feel his arm go around my throat in a rear naked choke, the man squeezing hard enough to make me see stars. I only have six seconds before the chokehold takes me out, and with gunfire sounding ahead of us, I know the boys won’t be coming to save me. Stepping forward, I pivot towards the man’s thumb, palm striking his hand away as I go. Out of the hold, I don’t waste time, wrapping his neck in a guillotine choke and cranking with every ounce of anger I feel towards the man who’s made our lives a living hell for the last few weeks. 
It takes a second, but I feel the distinct pop of tendon and bone breaking and from how limp the man goes, I know he’s gone. Swinging my gun back into my hands, I check my corners and sprint to catch up with the team, reaching them as they start going down the exterior stairs of the building. At street level, more of Wallace’s men are posted up, guns aimed directly at us. I pause for a moment, eyeing the most imperative man to take out, and with a quick check through my scope, put two through his forehead, taking him out just before he can let a shot off; a shot that would’ve surely hit Rick where it counts. Taking out two more men before moving again, I sprint for our car, slipping in just as Dom puts the pedal to the floor. 
“Everyone good?” Benji calls, his eyes wide as they dart around the van, watching carefully as we all pat ourselves down. Unlike our last shootout, I don’t find a hole where it shouldn’t be. Still, I’m not surprised when I find Max’s fingers lifting my chin. 
“Jesus,” he hisses as I turn my head out of his grip, nodding. 
“Yeah, it’s gonna be muteville for me tomorrow unless I can ice this soon,” I acknowledge, resting my head back against the seat as the pain finally kicks in. 
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Our secondary safehouse is nowhere near as luxurious as the one we use for headquarters, being nothing but a small, modified warehouse, but it has water, ice, and a place for me to lean back while I ice my neck. Max brings me the bag and gingerly sets the ice down on my neck, smoothing my hair back after. With a gentle kiss to my forehead, he takes his seat next to me, his gaze focusing on the screens where Rick is pulling up traffic cameras.
“Home Office is going to love knowing you broke the Freedom Act just for one man,” Max deadpans, all of us focusing on a different part of the screen, trying to figure out where Wallace and his men went after the bombing. 
“I’ll have a look at security cam footage from right after the stairs, see if I can pinpoint what direction he went in,” Dom says, pulling his laptop closer before entering the same camera network the traffic ones are on. If nothing else, I’m glad we’re in London because as one of the most surveilled cities in the world, the chances of not finding him are slim to none.
Silence falls over the room as we all study the feeds, looking for any sign of the black vans Wallace and his men got into after the bombing. It seems like hours go by before Dom finally speaks up, his voice terse as he checks and double-checks his findings.
“Cameras show him headed east-”
“I got him. He’s on A12,” Rick interjects, standing to get a closer look at his square, where the two vans are headed in the exact direction Dom had said. 
“A12 ends at London City. He’s gonna try and hop ship!” Max is the one on his feet now, reaching for his phone. 
Taking the ice off my neck, I sit up, well-versed in what’s about to happen. Joint ops are always a mess, but we need the airport locked down with him and his team in it, and with the head start Wallace has, we’ll never make it in time. 
Max paces as the call rings, his face making it clear he needs the person on the other end to pick up, and pick up quickly. As he waits, we all start getting ready. Vest plates are checked, mags get loaded and stowed, and extra ammo is stuffed into a singular go-bag one of us will carry just in case. 
“John. Hey mate, I need a favor and I need it fast. No questions right now. I need you to lock down London City as quickly as you can. No making calls to anti-terror, understood? This one’s ours and ours alone. He’s an animal and we need to put him down. Can you do that, mate? Good, thank you. What’s your ETA?”
Max listens intently to his friend on the other line even as he starts prepping his own gear, knowing we don’t have much time. 
“Great. I’ll see you there, mate. I’ll explain over a pint when it’s all over, I promise.” Closing the call, Max grabs his gear, on my heels as we all rush out the door and back into the truck. 
We check and recheck everything as Max drives towards the airport we know Wallace will be trying to fly out of. The silence in the truck is deafening, all of us tensed and ready for what we hope will be the end of this nightmare. 
London City’s facade reminds me of a used car dealership, all concrete and glass, with the airport’s title written in blue letters across the top of the entrance. It’s not a stunning piece of architecture, and despite its prime location, it’s nowhere near as heavily-trafficked as Heathrow or Gatwick. I try my best to keep my face neutral as we arrive; by the amount of lights and personnel standing around outside the building, the Mets weren’t exactly subtle about their approach. The chances that Wallace is still in the building drop more and more, the closer we get.
Max tears out of the car like a bull in a china shop, eyes narrowed with laser precision as he marches inside to find his friend. We follow suit, scanning the area for any sign of Wallace or his men, knowing he could be waiting to spring another trap on us at any moment. 
“What the hell happened, John?” Max barks as he makes a beeline for his friend, having no idea how scary he looks when he’s on the warpath. 
“We were too late, mate. He had a private jet set to take off. Wheels were up by the time we got to the counters. We’re pulling surveillance and the flight manifest as we speak.” John, to his credit, manages to face Max without shrinking in his presence, unintimidated by the rabid dog routine he tends to default to whenever a plan is going south.
Appeased by the quick reaction to missing their primary objective, Max backs off, scrubbing a hand over his face as he turns back towards us.
“We’re all in consensus that he wants to recreate the night he was arrested, correct?” He asks as we all gather around, ready to rejig the plan as necessary. Everyone nods, the rest of the team’s anger rising to the level of Max’s, none of us wanting a repeat of that night. “So he’s headed south. Probably back to Libya.” 
The flight manifest appears before anyone can say another word, and as Max reads over the report, I know the bad news is about to be compounded. 
“He took a hostage. FUCK!”
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invisibleraven · 9 months
Song based, She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 and Sweet Tarts?
Reggie knew that knock as soon as it sounded at his door, and he felt only a little ashamed about how fast he ran to get it. "Hey Carrie!"
"Men are awful," she said as she stormed past him. "Not you obviously, but all the rest."
"Caught him with another girl," Carrie said, slumping down on his couch.
"You really know how to pick 'rm," Reggie said, grabbing a pint of Cookie Dough from the freezer and two spoons, vaulting over the back of the couch to offer her snuggles. "So do you want to watch grisly horror movie or rom com to get over it?"
"Death Becomes Her-best of both worlds," Carrie replied, shovelling a scoop of ice cream into her mouth.
"Gotta love Meryl and Goldie," Reggie quipped, starting up the movie. "You gonna stay awake through the whole thing?"
"Yes!" Carrie protested.
But of course, after ice cream and tearing down Chaz, Carrie was asleep not thirty minutes in, leaving Reggie with a human teddy bear putting his arm to sleep. But he didn't mind-Carrie was his best friend, and he promised her that he'd always be there for her.
It was an unlikely friendship-she was a beauty queen, wanna be pop star and he was a math nerd who just happened to like photography. He used a picture of her for a contest in exchange for tutoring. In the end he won the contest earning him a scholarship and she was able to graduate. From then on they'd been thick as thieves, tellingeach other everything.
Well except for the fact that Reggie had been madly in love with her from the first flash bulb, capturing a broken smile and a wistful glance.
But he was okay with her not knowing, honestly. He'd rather be her friend than foul it up by adding romance-he'd seen how well that went for Luke and Julie, now the two of them couldn't be in the same room as one another.
So Reggie stayed there, getting a crick in his neck from falling asleep on the couch, just like he did after every idiot broke Carrie's heart. Just like h always would.
"You should tell her," Alex urged him. "At least then you know."
"And lose her?" Reggie snorted. "Yeah right."
"I didn't lose Willie did I?" Alex asked. "And before you bring it up, both Luke and Julie will tell you their problems are their own-they're rooting for you and Carrie. It's about the only thing they agree on."
"You think I stand half a chance?" Reggie asked. "She's Carrie Wilson, a star in the making, and I'm just a nerd who teaches math and takes good photos."
"And who loves her like she should be," Alex reminded him. "Not for her money, her name, or her looks, but for who she is." He pushed him out the door, and Reggie grinned. Alex was right, he had to try!
He stopped by the florist for a small bouquet of Carrie's favourites-hot pink Gerbera daisies. Racing towards her place, even as the skies opened up, but he barely felt the rain.
It wasn't until he got to her corner that he realized how wet he was-maybe because the rain failed to stop the tears running down his face when he looked in her window. Because there was Chaz, a dozen red roses, and Carrie, kissing him for all she was worth.
Reggie let the daisies fall, and tried to smile. Sure, he knew Chaz was no good, just like the parade of losers before and surely after him. But at least this way... Carrie would be loved.
And that was what mattered to him most.
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Seventy-Six
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff, and smutish
It was nearly the end of June, it was sweltering, and you had your period. You were thankful your apartment had central air. Harry often found you standing above the vent, with your head pressed against the wall.
“Babe…what…why do you keep doin’ that?”
“I’m sweating.”
“We can just turn the A/C up.”
“No, it’s not enough. My hormones…they’re making me sweat more, and I feel disgusting. So fucking disgusting. And I hate working when it’s this humid out.” You turn to look at him. “I feel like a sausage casing every time I put a dress on, and I can’t really wear my sundresses because they’re not appropriate, and we’re not even allowed to wear Bermuda shorts. What’s inappropriate about a Bermuda short? They’re the least attractive shorts out there!”
“You know what you need? A chocolate milkshake. I’ll just run to McDo-“
“A milkshake? A milkshake?! I just told you I felt like a sausage casing in my clothes and you want to get me a milkshake?”
“A…smoothie then? I could make you a smoothie?”
“I don’t want anything to eat! It’s swimsuit season, any extra calories are bad calories Harry!”
“Just tell me how to help you!”
“Go take Buster for a walk!”
Harry grabs the leash and whistles for Buster. He texts Niall to meet him downstairs. It was 8:30 at night. Niall comes rushing out.
“Thank god you texted me. Sarah’s goin’ bananas.”
“So is Y/N.”
“She got her period too?”
“Yeah! I offered to go get her a milkshake and she yelled at me. She’s really hot, I thought it would cool her down.”
“Never offer a woman food on her period, you have to wait until she asks you to go get her somethin’. I thought I made a kind gesture to Sarah once, and she freaked out and called herself fat. Sarah, for Christ’s sake, called herself fat!”
“I can’t listen to Y/N when she talks shit about herself. It breaks my heart.”
“Mine too. I feel so bad when Sarah does it. She’s perfect to me.”
“Same with Y/N!” He sighs, and Buster yips at him. “Mummy’s scary sometimes, huh Buster?” He looks at Niall. “I’m afraid of what I’m goin’ to walk into. She’s not like this all the time, I just think the heat is gettin’ to her.”
“Same with Sarah. We’ll survive this like we do every month.”
Harry gets back upstairs, and finds you sitting on the couch with a pint of ice cream. He wants to say something, but he knows he’d be dead if he did. He sits down next to you and he smiles. He sees tears streaming down your cheeks.
“What, uh, what are yeh watching?”
“Um, I made the mistake of rewatching Glee, and…it’s the first episode, and oh god they’re singing don’t stop believing! Corey Monteith had the voice of angel!” Your voice cracks as you sob.
“Do want me to put somethin’ else on?!”
“No leave it! I love this show so much!”
“I think…I’m gonna go read.”
“No! Please stay, I want you near me.”
“Okay.” He moves closer to you.
“I said near me, not on top of me.”
“Okay.” He sits there and faces the TV.
He really didn’t want to watch Glee, but he had no idea what else to do. You had never been so worked up on your period before. Buster sits between his legs, and he mindlessly pats at his head. You finish the pint of ice cream, there wasn’t much in there anyways. You stand up to go throw it out, but you feel a sharp pain.
“Ow! Oh god.” Harry looks at you as you start to crouch and then lay on the ground. You start crying again. He stands up and stands over you. “I took some ibuprofen with the ice cream, why is this happening, Harry?”
“I don’t know, love.” He sighs and sits on the floor next to you. “Where does it hurt the most?” He asks softly.
“Like right in my lower stomach, feels like I’m being stabbed.”
Harry’s heart breaks for you. If he could take all your pain away and endure himself he would.
He scoops you up and carries you to the bedroom. He lays you down and leaves.
“One second!”
He returns shortly with a hot water bottle wrapped in a rag. He gets on the bed and presses it lightly on your lower stomach. You wince and then you relax.
“My sister used to do this when he cramps got really bad.” He strokes your face. “Is it helping?”
“A little, yeah. Thank you.” Your eyes get watery again. “I was so mean earlier, I’m sorry.”
“Please, Y/N, I can’t watch you cry anymore. It’s okay, I know you can’t help it sometimes.”
“I don’t deserve you.” You sob.
“Please, honey, please, just take a deep breath.” He gives you a reassuring smile. He presses the bottle a little harder and you close your eyes.
You eventually fall asleep and Harry sighs. It was like having to calm a child down. You were never like this, ever. He wondered if it was the heat, or if you were just having a particularly heavy flow.
Harry was in absolute shock at your bright attitude the next morning. You got up, showered, took Buster out, and made breakfast. It was like you hadn’t gone psycho at all last night.
“I’m so excited to have a long weekend soon. We’re still going to Hull right, you’re okay with it?”
“Uh, yeah…how are you feelin’ this mornin’?”
“Great! Why?”
“You, um, well…”
“Did I scare you last night?” You chuckle.
“A little bit, yeah.”
“I’m sorry.” You sigh. “I don’t really know what came over me. Just a rough night. Good news it, it’ll be gone in time for the party so we can go swimming.” You smile. Your phone goes off. “Oh shit, Niall’s downstairs, I gotta get to work. Taking Buster with you today?”
“Yup.” He kisses you. “Have a good day.”
“You too, my doll.”
You head down to the car, and Niall looks frightened honestly.
“Good morning?”
“Mornin’.” He starts to drive.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, just didn’t sleep much last night. Apparently, I don’t fold my socks correctly, which resulted in Sarah reorganizing my entire dresser and closet.” You burst out laughing. “It’s not funny, it’s like a demon possessed her.”
“She and I are the same person sometimes I swear. I wasn’t too kind myself last night.”
“Heard you were cryin’ like a baby.”
“How nice of the two of you to compare notes about your girlfriend’s periods.”
“If you compare notes about sex with us, then it’s only fair we compare notes on that.”
“You got me there.”
“Then this mornin’ she got up before me and made me breakfast. It was very confusing.”
“It’s because you’re not actually the problem, you’re just in the line of fire. I feel like every year, every month I just angrier. Like I have to deal with this easily for another thirty or so years, and then what? I get all dried up and get reminded I no longer can produce life, great.” You scoff. “It’s a shit deal.”
“I remember when my mum started havin’ hot flashes and shit, no Bueno.”
“Exactly. My mom didn’t have hot flashes, she just had a mid-life crisis and left my dad.”
“Jesus, Y/N.” He laughs.
“Sorry, too dark?” You laugh.
Your stomach felt better, but the same could not be said your breasts. They were super sore and felt like hard rocks. You ripped your shirt off the second you got home, including your bra. You let out a large sigh. You threw on some athletic shorts, and filled a bag full of ice, not even bothering to wrap it in a towel, and pressed it to your chest.
“Mother of god.” You say to yourself. “What is wrong with me this month?”
You drag yourself over to the sofa and turn the TV on. You put Glee on, hoping you don’t cry again, but fuck it if you did. You had leftovers from last night’s dinner in the fridge. You didn’t have the energy to make something new, Harry could just eat that if he wanted.
He comes home with Buster around 6PM. He runs right over to you and you pat his head. Harry stops short when he sees the water from the ice dripping down your chest.
“Hi.” He says, cheeks growing red.
“What’s all this?” He gestures to the bag of ice.
“My boobs really hurt, so I’ve been icing them.”
“Is it helpin’?”
“It’s numbing, so a little.”
Harry sighs and thinks for a second.
“How do they hurt?”
“They’re just really tender, and they feel heavy.”
“Alright, how about I give you a little massage?” You raise an eyebrow at him. “A genuine massage, nothing more.”
“Okay, well, that actually sounds nice.” You smile.
“Come on, it’ll be easier if you lay on the bed.” He extends his hand out to you and you take it.
He stops in the kitchen quick to throw the bag of ice in the freezer. He strips down to his boxers to cool his own body off, getting used to the A/C.
“It was so hot out today.”
“I know, baby.” He looks at you for a second. “Lay with your head towards the end of the bed, then I can stand over you.” You do as he says.
He grabs your lotion from your night table and rubs it in his hands. He starts with the back of your neck and your eyes flutter closed. He kneads his thumbs into your shoulders and works his way down your chest. You wince slightly, but you relax at his gentle touch. Your nipples were already pebbled. Harry could feel how hard your breasts were and he felt awful. He grounds his knuckles in and then slides his palms over you. You let out a sigh.
“So nice.” You whisper.
“Feels good, babe?”
“Mhm, thank you.”
Harry continues to massage you. He moves his hands back under your neck and you arch up a little so he can get at it better. He remembered you raving about this part of the massage when you went away at that weekend. He smooths his hands back down to your breasts and you groan.
“Is it feeling better?”
“Much, yeah. You’re the best.”
He smiles and continues to work on you. He spends a full thirty minutes massaging you before your hands get tired. You sit up and start to tear up.
“What, what’s happening? Why-“
“It’s just.” You sniffle. “You came home from work and didn’t even get to eat or relax, you just jumped to take care of me, and for what? What do I even do for you?”
Harry’s mouth falls open. How could you not know what you do for him? You do everything for him? You do his laundry, fold it, and put it away. You iron all of his clothes and make sure they’re hung up. You make him breakfast every single morning, and make sure his lunch is fully packed before you leave for work. You take care of him in so many ways, how could you even ask that?
“Y/N.” Harry sighs. “You do a million things for me every day, I can’t even begin to list everything.”
“But you were probably busy all day.” You hiccup. “And you were probably tired, and there I am being a big baby, and-“
He grabs you by the back of your neck and cups your cheek with his other hand, crashing his mouth to yours. You needed to calm down, and he didn’t know what else to do at this point. You sink into his touch and kiss. Your eyes flutter closed when you feel his tongue enter your mouth. He could feel your tears against his own cheeks, and could taste the salt from them. He lets go of you slowly, and uses his thumbs to wipe your face clean. You press your forehead to his.
“I really need you to calm down.” He says lowly. “Can you do that?” He says looking at you, and you nod your head yes. “Okay, did you eat yet?” He lets go of you.
“I’ll go heat up the leftovers. Go get comfy on the sofa. Buster’s been missin’ his mummy all day, I’m sure he’d love to sit with you.”
“Okay.” You go over to your dresser and grab a t-shirt to throw on. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He gives your bum a smack and you squeal as you both leave the bedroom.
Harry washes his hands and makes up dinner. He comes out with a bowl for you and you happily take it.
“So, what did I miss on Glee?” He asks and your smile brightens. You pause the TV.
“Okay, so Sue, Jane Lynch, doesn’t like that Will’s club is taking from her funding, and Rachel has a crush on Finn, and he likes her too, but he’s dating this cheerleader…”
Harry let you go on with the synopsis so he’d be caught up. He could have cared less, but it made him happy to see you get so excited to talk about a show you loved so much. And there were a few songs he actually didn’t mind. And sometimes you’d sing along to certain songs, which he loved so much.
The next morning you get up and cheer happily, waking Harry up. You burst out of the bathroom.
“That bitch is gone! Fuck you Aunt Flow!” You cackle, and Harry gives you a thumbs up. “Get your ass up and come shower with me, I’m feeling frisky.”
He didn’t have to be told twice, he got his ass up and joined you in the shower.
Harry closed the studio for the fourth of July. It was a Friday anyways, and no one had booked anything. He didn’t get to see what bathing suit you put on before you put your blue coverup dress on. He could tell it was white from the knot peeking out, but that was about it. You put a hat on and pulled your ponytail through it. You and Harry packed a cooler and a bag of things you’d need. Buster would be spending the day with his Uncle Isaac at his apartment.
You meet Sarah and Niall down on the street. Sarah had a red coverup dress on with a blue bathing-suit on underneath. One could assume Rachel probably had a white coverup dress on with a red bathing suit. Harry had his yellow trunks and a white T on. Niall had on a pair of green trunks and a white T. Everyone looked summery and ready for a day at the beach. You and Sarah decide to sit the back together as Harry drove off towards Hull.
“Check out this air bnb at the Cape.” Sarah shows you on her phone. “Not terribly expensive, and it would fit all of us.”
“Yeah! I saw that one too. I think we should book it. Rachel said she could get the time off that weekend, and I already have it off.”
“Friday to Monday right?”
“Alright, I’m booking it.”
“Oi! I’m supposed to do that.” Harry says.
“Snooze you lose.”
“But now they’ll have your credit card, and-“
“Harry, I promise, you can just Venmo me later.”
“Oo yeah put him in his place, Sarah.” Niall says winking at her and she makes a kissy face towards him.
You arrive at Seth’s parent’s house just when Rachel and Mariah do. Mariah had a one piece bathing suit on with a cute pair of jean shorts on over.
“Yay! Now we can all take a picture!” Sarah squeals. “See, we’re red, white, and blue.” She hands her phone to Niall and three of you line up.
You smile brightly and then giggle, getting a good and a silly picture out of it.
“Where should be put all our stuff?” Niall asks. “Should we just leave all our spare clothes in the car?”
“Yeah, for now.” Sarah says. “I’ll just bring this bag with our towels in it.”
You all walk up to the house, and around the back. The three of you had been here before, you knew where to go. The house was huge, and had its own private beach. There were a ton of hard games set up and a volley ball net. There were plenty of people there already, and a ton of food out. Seth had set up a bar on the deck for drinks.
You look over and see the tall boy with light brown hair and hazel eyes. He was shirtless and you notice a new tattoo from the last time you went swimming with him.
“That’s Seth.” You point him out to Harry and he nods.
“Look, there’s a bunch of lawn chairs, we can go put all our shit down and claim a spot.” Mariah says. “I’m already ready to get in the water.”
You all walk over to the open chairs and put your things down. Seth notices you, Sarah, and Rachel and jogs over to you.
“You all made it!”
Seth was handsome, there was no denying it. In a way…he was your first Harry-esque kind of guy. He has a deep voice, paints his nails black, has tattoos, and he has small hoop in his bottom lip. But he as sweet as all hell. And one of the funniest people you had ever met. Before you can stop him he’s hugging you three.
“I’m so glad you’re here. I can see you’re setting up shop, that’s great. Bar’s up on the deck, help yourself to whatever and however much you want. Plenty of food too. The water’s actually warm too, it’s great. Got some extra sunscreen too.”
“Thanks Seth.” Rachel says. “This is my girlfriend, Mariah.” They shake hands.
“Great to meet you.” He looks over at you and then to Harry who was just taking his shirt off.
“This is Harry.”
“Hey man, heard a lot about you.” They shake hands.
“Same here.”
“And this is Niall.” Sarah says.
“Welcome. Well, uh, I better keep playing host. Really glad you all are here. Max and Ben are here too, they’ll love to see you.”
Oh god. You swallow hard and give Sarah and Rachel a look as he walks away. You take your hair out of your hat and shake it out. You decide to just put it half up.
“You all want drinks before we head into the water?” Niall asks, taking his shirt off.
“Sure! Why don’t you all go up and grab some of whatever, we’ll go test the water.” Sarah says.
Harry, Mariah, and Niall all head up to the deck.
“Oh my fucking god.” Sarah says. “I haven’t seen Ben since we broke up! What am I gonna do?”
“What are you going to do? Max is here too!”
“Times like this, I’ve never been so happy to be a lesbian.”
“You’re not helping.” Sarah glares at her.
“Relax, it’ll be fine, we’re all adults now, right?”
The three of you rid yourselves of your cover ups. You all help each other put some lotion on your backs and shoulders. The sun was strong today.
Harry, Mariah, and Niall were busy making drinks when Mariah gasps.
“Oh, I could kill her.” She says.
“What?” Harry asks.
“Look at them!”
The three of you had the same bikinis on. You all looked cute, but Harry was hoping you’d wear something a little more modest for a party. Plus, you were wearing a white bathing suit, which just made your skin look even better.
Harry and Niall’s jaws fall open as they watch the three of you walk into the water.
“It’s going to be a long day, isn’t it?” Niall asks.
“Yup.” Harry says. “Good thing there’s plenty of free liquor.”
“Bro, is that Sarah?” Niall whips his head around to see a couple of guys talking.
“Looks like it.”
“She looks good. I didn’t think she was still friends with Seth.”
“Yeah, and that looks like Y/N, damn…”
Harry’s jaw tenses immediately. He did not like college friends, nope, not one bit. He sighs heavily, and the three of them come down with the drinks. The three of you turn around and smile at them.
Mariah takes her shorts off and goes into the water. Harry walks right in and grabs you, lifting you up, making you squeal.
“Harry! Please, I don’t want to get my hair wet!”
“Should’ve thought about that before comin’ to the beach.”
“Please! Please don’t drop me!” You cling to him and wrap your legs around him as he wades deeper in the water.
“Don’t worry, I gotcha.” You move around him so he’s giving you a piggyback ride. “That’s a nice bathing suit.”
“Okay, so I know it’s a little revealing, but we all wanted to wear red, white, and blue. Are you mad?”
“Nope…just know a lot of people are gonna be lookin’ at you.”
“Don’t worry, anytime I’m not in the water I plan to have my coverup on.”
“Okay.” He loosens his grip on you.
“Harry, I mean it don’t drop ah!”
He drops you in the water and starts laughing hysterically when you come back up.
“Not funny!” You pull the scrunchie out of your hair and flip it over.
“Come on, now you’ll have those beach waves you’re always after. You’re looks so nice when you leave it naturally.”
“Fuck you.” You flip him off and walk back towards your friends.You stop when you see a soaked Sarah.
“Niall just did the same thing to me.”
You feel a hand clasp on your shoulder.
“Are you really mad?”
“No.” You sigh. “What did you bring us to drink, I’m thirsty.”
“Vodka tonics.”
You all get out of the water and sit down on the chairs. You put your sunglasses on and sip on your drink. Once you’re dry enough you put your coverup back on.
“Hey Y/N!” Seth says.
“Will you come be on my volleyball team? We need another person.”
“You know, I haven’t played since college…”
“So, it’s just for fun.”
You look at Harry. He nods towards the net and you stand up.
“You all can come play too, you can play winner.”
He puts his hand on the small of your back as he leads you over.
“She played volleyball?” Harry asks Rachel and Sarah.
“She was on an intramural team, that’s how they met.” Rachel says. “We used to go to her games.”
Harry turns around and watches you laugh and say hi to the other people.
“Alright, so let’s go watch.”
Everyone gets up to stand near the net and watch you play.
“You serve first.” Seth tosses the ball to you.
You wind up and jump to hit the ball, and the people on the other side miss.
“Yes!” Seth turns to you and gives you a high five. You turn to your friends and they all give you a thumbs up.
You serve the ball again and someone calls base so you run to your actual spot and watch the ball. You bump the ball so someone can set, and Seth spikes it.
Harry had never seen you so…athletic. You worked out, but the two of you never worked out together. You never even went for runs together, and you certainly never went to the boxing gym with him. He was impressed.
“Hey Sarah.” Ben comes up to her and she immediately loops her arm around Niall’s.
“Oh, Ben, hi.” She gives him a fake smile.
“Didn’t know you and Seth were still friends.”
“Sure, yeah, we talk from time to time.” Niall looks at the man talking to Sarah. “This is my boyfriend, Niall.”
“Hey mate.”
“Boyfriend? Wow, good for you. Hey man.”
“Yeah, we’ve been together for like nine months.”
Niall notices how uneasy Sarah is and hooks his arm around her waist.
“How do you two know each other?”
“Friends from school.”
“Right, because dating for a year is totally just what friends do.” He smirks. Harry looks over to make sure everything’s okay.
“You know what? You’re right, I’m sorry. Niall, this is my verbally abusive ex-boyfriend, Ben. Ben, this is my incredibly wonderful amazing love of my life Niall.”
“Sup.” Niall says smiling.
Harry focuses his attention back on you. Your team was about to win. Seth sets the ball for you and you jump to tap it over the net, securing the win. Your team cheers and Seth nearly lifts you to hug you but you shake your head no and push him back. You awkwardly shake his hand, and walk away from him. You jog over to hug Harry who happily takes you in his arms.
“You were incredible.” He says.
“Thanks. Think I’m done though.” You look at the situation with Ben and Sarah and you storm towards him. “Ben Richmand, walk the fuck away.” You say crossing your arms.
“Chill, Y/N, we’re having a pleasant conversation.”
“No, you’re trying to cause trouble, look at her, she’s shaking.” You get in his face further. “I’ve beat your ass before, and I’ll gladly do it again.”
Sarah and Rachel burst out laughing.
“I’m not afraid of you.”
“No?” You step towards him and he steps back. “We all came to have a good time, so please, do everyone a favor and just leave us alone.”
“Dude, are we playing Polish horseshoes or not? Y/N…hi.” Max rubs the back of his neck.
“Please, if you’re gonna beat up Ben again, make sure you tell one of us so we can get it on video.”
“Can do. I’m hoping it won’t come to that. Think you can keep him away from Sarah? She’s clearly here with someone.” You point to Niall.
“What about you, you here with someone?” She smiles smugly and you blush.
“Um…yeah…Harry?” You turn to him and wave him over. Max smirks and shakes his head. “This is my boyfriend, he own a dog together, it’s pretty serious.” He starts laughing.
“How’s it going man?” Max shakes Harry’s hand. “Wish I knew all it took was a few tattoos.” He smirks. “Come on Ben, let’s head over to the game.”
“I…have so many questions.” Mariah says. “You beat that dude up?”
“Let’s go back down to our chairs, too many people around here.”
You all make your way back down and you all sit together.
“Okay, so there was the four of us. Me, Kate, Rachel, and Sarah. Then we had the boys. Kev, Seth, Max, and Ben. Kate and Kev got together, and later Sarah and Ben got together. But what none of us realized was that Ben is a sick fuck, and poor Sarah was too scared to say anything. One night Rach and I got back from a party and we heard Ben violently yelling at Sarah, which in turn set me off because my father used to violently yell at me. So-“
“Y/N tore Ben away from me and broke his nose.” Sarah says. “It was awesome.”
“I thought I broke my hand when I did it. It was like right before we all graduated. Rachel called campus police and got him out of there.”
“You’re a little badass.” Mariah says.
“You broke his nose?” Harry asks. “You must have really socked him.”
“She did! Cried like a baby.” Sarah says.
“You never told me, Sarah.” Niall says concerned.
“It wasn’t something I wanted to talk about.” She shrugs.
“Man, you girls have so much bullshit to deal with.” Niall shakes his head. “I’m glad you all have each other to lean on.”
“So what’s the deal with Max then, is he your ex-boyfriend?” Mariah asks you.
“God, he wishes. He had a thing for me, but I didn’t like him like that, and I made it very clear.”
“Oh please, Y/N.” Rachel scoffs. “That boy did everything you asked, all you had to do was smile at him.”
“I did nothing on purpose, nor did I lead him on. I told him I wasn’t into him like that, and that I just wanted to be friends.”
“Wait, do you remember when he walked in on you and Seth.” Sarah starts giggling. “Think that made it really clear you just weren’t that into him.”
“And could you have been more obvious before? Uh, hi this is Harry, we have a dog together.” Rachel laughs. “You’re a bitch.”
You mouth falls open. At first the boys and Mariah aren’t sure what do to, but you start laughing and whip the lime from your drink at her.
“As if you didn’t fake being straight to get Max to tutor you in math.” You say.
“Look, it’s not my fault that he’s the type of guy to only be friends with girls because he think he might have a chance. And thanks to him, I was able to graduate.”
“So this guy had a crush on you, and he accidentally walked in on you and that other guy?” Harry asks.
“God.” You groan. “It was so embarrassing. I had accidentally spent the night at their place…and…”
“How do you accidentally spend the night at someone’s place?” Niall laughs.
“Oh, this was Y/N’s thing, it was so smooth, honestly.” Sarah says. “The master of getting what she wants.”
“Okay, can we get a drink refill please?” You say.
“Yes! Let’s get fucked up.” Mariah says. “I love drinking with you guys.”
You all get new drinks and go back to where you were to tell stories.
“Okay, please explain, what exactly were you the master of?” Mariah asks.
“Nothing!” You giggle.
“Shut up, you did this all the time. If there was a guy you wanted to hook up with, you did one of two things. You either asked them to walk you home, if you knew you’d have the room to yourself, or you’d get them to play video games with you until you were the last two people in the room.”
“Video games?” Harry smirks.
“Oh sure, I’m pretty good at NHL, and Mario Kart.”
“You’re a savage as Smash Brothers too.” Rachel says.
“Thank you.”
“That’s how she finally scored Seth. I was dating Ben, so I didn’t really care that she wanted to hook up with him. We were at a kickback at his place, and she got him to play NHL. Everyone else had left after a certain point.”
“And we were both too tired to walk me home.” You say. “So he let me crash in his room with him, but no one knew. And we when we both woke up in the morning we started fooling around, and poor Max walked in because Seth had Max’s phone charger.”
“I think he knew you were in there and he wanted to get hurt.” Rachel says, sipping on her drink.
“I don’t understand why you had to work so hard to fuck some guy.” Harry says. “Look at you, how did he not just say hey let’s go?”
“He didn’t know if it would be weird for Sarah. Seth’s a really nice guy.”
“I think Harry, Louis, and I all had sex with like ten of the same women when we were in school.”
“Probably more.” Harry says.
“I secretly wish we all could’ve gone to the same school. You two totally would’ve hooked up back then.” Rachel says to you and Harry. “I just wonder who would’ve made the first move.”
“I’m sure I would’ve had to work to get his attention with so many girls probably trying to hook up with him.” You nudge Harry and he shakes his head. “I would’ve stayed across the room and made eye contact occasionally. And then at the end of the night, I would’ve walked up to you.” You turn to face him and he looks at you. “And said, I know this is your party, and you probably don’t want to leave all this, but I can’t find my friends, and I don’t feel safe enough to walk home alone.” You bite your bottom lip. “Could I ask you to walk me?” Harry starts grinning, his dimple popping out.
“As much of a prick as I was, I don’t think I could’ve said no to that.” The group starts laughing. “That’s a pretty good move.”
“It worked just about every time I wanted it to.” Harry pulls you into him and kisses the top of your head.
“Well, it would’ve been my honor to walk you home.”
You were so happy he was being chill about everything. Sometimes your friends had zero filter with bringing up stories. You all decide to grab some food and mingle with some other people. You all swim for bit, and eventually decide to change once the sun starts to go down. You had a pair of capri, cuffed jeans on with one of Harry’s sweatshirts. You hair was really curly, but you used your sunglasses like a headband and it actually looked cute.
Someone gets a bonfire started and you all sit around it. Seth comes around with blankets for everyone.
“When we watch the fireworks later, we’ll go down closer to the water. Sand might be wet.” He says to you with a smile.
“Thanks Seth.”
“Having fun, Harry?” He asks, genuinely.
“Yeah, your parents have a great house.”
“Thanks, it’s just a summer home. It was actually my grandparent’s. We rent it out a lot to make some money back on it. It’s super expensive to take care of.”
“I bet, lot of square feet to take care of.”
“Hope you’re taking good care of this one. She’s special.”
He gets up and walks around to other people to keep giving out blankets. Harry throws his arm around you and you lean into him.
“So you two never actually dated?” You look up at him.
“Why not?”
“We were just better as friends. It was our senior year, neither of us wanted to get into something when we didn’t know where our lives were going.”
“If it had been better timing do you think-“
“Harry, why all the questions?”
“I don’t know…would you like me better if I had my lip pierced?” You burst out laughing. “You clearly have a type.” You laugh harder. “No really, I see it. Tall, tattoos, I really am just missing the lip piercing.”
“His tongue’s pierced too.” You both laugh.
“There it is.”
“That’s why you and Sarah wanted to keep hookin’ up with him.”
“Because he had his tongue pierced?”
“A straight guy only get his tongue pierced to do one thing with it.”
Sarah overhears the conversation, and takes the opportunity while Niall is getting more drinks to chime in. She leans into Harry.
“He also has a huge, thick cock, so there’s that too.” He pats him on the shoulder.
“Sarah!” You swat at her and she laughs.
“I don’t feel bad saying it because Harry has nothing to feel self conscious about, do you Harry?”
“I don’t know Sarah, you tell me.”
“Oh, are we talking about Harry’s dick?” Mariah says as her and Rachel sit down. They had gone off to change. “Cause it’s huge.”
“Oh my god.” He groans. “How the fuck would you know that?”
“You used to wear the tightest fucking pants when you started, dude. Your bulge was just always there.”
“It’s true mate, you used to wear some tight jeans.” Niall says, pulling Sarah into his lap.
“You all are just jealous that I know a thing or two about fashion and you don’t.”
“Yeah, that’s what it is.” Mariah says.
“Anyone hungry?” Seth asks. “Did we have enough to eat?”
“Seth, relax.” You say. “Everyone knows where the food is. Chill, enjoy your party.”
He laughs and nods. He nudges your shoulder and walks away. Things for s’mores get passed around as everyone hangs out around the bonfire. You had some melted chocolate on the corner of your mouth.
“Babe, you got some..” Harry taps his mouth.
“Oh, do you have a napkin?”
“No, but I’ll do you one better.”
He pulls your towards him and sucks the chocolate off your mouth. You giggle while he does it, realizing you’ve barely been able to kiss all day.
“Alright you two.” Sarah says. “Don’t be gross.”
“I was just helpin’ her get some chocolate off her face like a good boyfriend.”
“Mhm, you’re so considerate.”
Eventually you all head down closer to the sand and find separate spots. It was dark enough where you could all cuddle openly. Sarah sat against Niall’s chest with his arms wrapped around her. Mariah and Rachel were laying on their backs holding hands. And you were laying on top of Harry. You both were giggling and talking. You start kissing and he rolls you both over onto your sides.
“Fireworks start in two minutes!” Someone yells.
You both sit up and he has you move between his legs like the way Sarah and Niall were sitting. He rests his chin on one of your shoulders and keeps his arms around you to keep you warm. You take your phone out so you can take a selfie.
“Oh look, Isaac texted us a picture of Buster…he’s home now in his little bed.”
“We’ll be home to him soon, babe.”
“I know.”
You pull up your camera and take the selfie of the two of you. Harry sticks his tongue out and you make a funny face too. A firework goes off and you both look up. A few more start to go off and you both lay back so you can see better without having to crane your necks.
“These are amazing.” Harry says.
Harry looks over at you and smiles at the way you look at the fireworks and the way the light your face up. The grand finale starts and everyone cheers when they’re done. Harry helps your up and you grab the blanket. You all head up back towards the house and you throw the blankets on the stairs that lead up to the deck. Seth was drinking beers with his friends.
“We’re headed out.” Rachel says to him. He frowns and stands up.
“So soon?”
“We’ve got like an hour drive back to the city.” Sarah says.
“Oh right…”
He hugs Rachel, and then Sarah. He looks at you.
“Are we shaking hands again, or can we hug?”
“We can hug.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and his go around your back. He squeezes you close to him and lets you go.
“It was great to meet the three of you. These are probably my three favorite girls, and it seems like they’re all in good hands.”
“Thanks for a great party, mate.” Harry shakes his hand, and so does Niall. Mariah waves goodbye.
You hug Rachel and Mariah goodbye as they get into Mariah’s car. You and Sarah sit in the back seat again. Harry lets Niall drive back. You and Sarah lean against each other and slowly fall asleep.
“They’re knocked out.” Harry chuckles.
“Got a lot of sun today.”
“You know what’s nice?”
“That we both kept our cool today?”
“That, and…this is the part of growin’ up I don’t mind. Goin’ to parties with our girls, you and I still gettin’ to hang out.”
“Yeah, I like when we all get to do this. Gotta make time for fun.”
You and Sarah wake up to the sound of Niall and Harry laughing about something. You were parked in the garage of your building.
“What are we doing?” You ask.
“We were waitin’ for you to wake up.” Harry says.
“I’m…so tired. Niall carry me up.”
“Alright babe. Can we grab our shit outta your car tomorrow?”
“Sure.” Harry shrugs.
Niall gives Sarah a piggy back ride and heads across the street. You and Harry walk hand in hand up to your place. Buster wakes up when you get int and you squat down to love on him for a few minutes before letting him get back to sleep. When you get into your bedroom you wrap your arms around Harry.
“Can we just shower tomorrow? I’m exhausted.”
“Course, honey.” You say looking up at him. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“You were unbelievably cool today, and I appreciate it.”
“It’s like you’re always sayin’, I’m the one sleepin’ with you not them. I know I have no reason to be jealous.”
“Nope. Cause at the end of the day, you’re the only boy I want to trick into walking me home so I can bang him.”
You both giggle and he presses his forehead against yours.
“You know, you didn’t ask me what my move was.”
“My apologies, what was your move?” You step back from him and cross your arms.
He puts a hand on your shoulder and looks at you.
“That’s it? An intense stare?”
He keeps looking at you and then he licks his lips and smirks.
“Yeah, I can see how that worked.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Harry.”
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i-read-by-lamp · 4 years
Could I get a Roman for collared and chained?👉👈
Indeed you can anon! This is for the prompt Collared and Chained for @badthingshappenbingo I’m honestly really feeling this au. I already have ideas for another part (happy ending if I write it I swear) so let me know if anyone is interested in more!
Warnings: Bruising, Roman is very beat up, Kidnapping, Chained up, there are hints of hope if anyone notices them. Talk of death. Let me know if I need to tag anything I missed!
Also Roman is 17ish for human measure in this.
   Roman coughed, feeling the harsh scraping it caused all throughout his throat. He quietly mourned the harsh treatment of his single most prized feature. His pod always depended on his voice to draw in prey and to protect them from outsiders. What would he do if it was irreparably damaged?
His fathers always said they loved his voice, what if it was gone now because of the mistreatment he was feeling the effects of? He had tried so hard to stay quiet but it had all hurt so much…
Tears welled up in the sirens eyes as he tried to choke down the distressed chirps and clicks forcing themselves out of him.
“Shut up in there!” A loud clanging made him flinch, his sound cutting off and he jerked into the wall, the collar that had been forced on him cutting into his neck. The hunters had put it on him when they had kidnapped him, a deterrent to trying to escape with his voice, it cut into the tender gills along his neck and could tighten painfully to cut off his breathing at the command of his captors.
He had learned that lesson painfully.
“I can’t believe you actually got a siren.” A voice from outside of his cell spoke, a smooth tenor carrying through air, sounding almost too pretty to be human. It almost sounded familiar, but Roman was very tired and very confused, he just closed his eyes and tried to shift so that his manacled hands could provide any kind of comfort. They were chained to the wall, too short to do anything, and Roman had tried. At this point though he just wanted to be able to give himself a hug, but even that small comfort was impossible.
“It wasn’t easy,” A rougher voice replied to the first. “They ain’t exactly the easiest to track, especially this pod. I figure now that we’ve got this one, we can pick the rest of them off one by one. Still gotta be careful though, this one’s just a half pint. The two grown ones won’t be pleased so it’ll be harder to get the other young’uns if we want to pick off the vulnerables first.”
 Roman really only caught parts of the conversation. He’d been starved and dehydrated for days, the bruises stark against his usually tanned skin. He did however, hear vague mentions of capturing young ones. Were they talking about his brothers?
They couldn’t be talking about his brothers! Remus was his age but who knew how he was handling the separation from Roman; they hadn’t been apart in all their seasons in the sea. He would be a wreck, and Virgil was just a baby! He was barely a guppy, there’s no way he could defend himself. He was scared of the coral for heavens sake! And Logan was barely old enough to go hunting with their fathers, let alone fight off crazed humans, hell bent on capturing and hurting him.
Roman tugged himself up, ignoring the painful chafing and reopening of wounds from his wrists. He let out a weak but fearsome snarl.
“Don’t,” He gasped, “Don’t you dare touch them.” He panted from the effort of sitting upright, but pulled himself as close to the monster outside his cage as he could.
“I will,” Gasp. “Tear you limb from limb.” Another heave, and his arms gave out. “And feast on your entrails.” He felt tears form in his eyes when he heard the monster laugh.
“Is that so? I look forward to seeing you try when I finally have one of those other pests in my grasp. I can’t kill you yet, you could still be useful as bait for the others, but don’t you worry I’ll give you a front row seat when I sink my blade into the abominations.”
Roman let out a gasp as he felt his collar tighten in warning, turning his face to the floor so the horrible human wouldn’t see his weakness.
“How… spirited.” The smooth voice spoke again. Roman almost felt comforted by it, but he wouldn’t let himself fall into that trap. “I must say I am impressed with how quickly you’ve reduced him to such a quivering mess. He won’t even look up at us.”
A grunt in acknowledgment. “Yeah it took a while, but a few shocks and a few extended restriction sessions with the collar and it settled down. Still acts up at the mention of its ‘family’ though. A protective little thing I’ll give it that.”
Of course, he was, he had to be. Remus and he had been on their own for so long until Papa and Dad had found them. Their whole guppy hood had been spent desperately swimming from one reef to the next, hiding from big things that wanted to eat them, while trying to find food so they wouldn’t starve. They had protected each other until they both collapsed to the sea floor, desperately trying to lay on top of each other to shield their twin from any predators that could happen upon them. Instead they had gotten Dad and Papa, the first ones to show kindness to them and love them. They didn’t get mad at Remus for the shocks and messy thoughts he couldn’t control, they loved Roman’s overactive imagination and his particular way he had to do things. When they sang together there was nothing more beautiful to Roman’s ears. He would miss that when he died. He hoped the family song sounded just as beautiful without him in it.
He was so tired. He was a few summers shy of being a full adult and while he was mostly grown, he still ached with want for the soft warmth of his Dad. He wanted the calming tenor of his Papa as they both wrapped him up tight in their embrace. Instead he had these chains that were too tight that he couldn’t focus on for too long or he would panic and completely lose any rational thought.
 As he heard the footsteps move on from his cell, he let his tears escape. He didn’t move from his position face down on the floor and he let the exhaustion take him.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Maltese Falcon Job
leverage 2.15
Hardison (checking phone): Guys, they are ripping through Nate and Tara's cover stories. All their financials are blown. So look, until I know what they know, no credit cards, no debit cards, no ATMs, nothing that can be traced back to us. OK? Cash in hand only.
- - - - -
Nevins (on phone): No, not a safe house. Interpol wants Culpepper someplace off our system. We're taking him to the Governor Hotel.
Nate: OK, that's it. That's where we're gonna hole up.
Tara: The Governor Hotel?
Nate: Yeah.
Tara: The hotel crawling with FBI?
Eliot: FBI and Interpol.
Nate: Yeah, you know, it's the one place in Boston they won't be lookin' for us. Come on, we just gotta get there first
- - - - -
Tara: Oh, thank God! I just stepped out to get the paper and then my door closed behind me and I tried to find a house phone, but you guys don't have those anymore. (drops towel) Oops.
Man: Uh...
(Eliot and Parker look down the hall, then at each other, then down the hall)
parker, g i r l, close your mouth
they were both slightly Into It™ and you can’t change my mind
- - - - -
Hardison: In-room checkout. (sits down on bed with keyboard) OK, look, this means that I have access to the hotel's billing computers. It's a big ol' backdoor in every hotel room in America. (hacks system) As of right now, we've been here for a week, and our reservations are good for another week, courtesy of this man's platinum card, Mr. Ogden Shields, who has spent a lot of time in the adult section of pay-per-view. I mean, did he even leave the room?
Parker: In-de-panties Day?
~ a few moments later ~
(Parker takes keyboard from Hardison’s hands)
Eliot: All right, I'm gonna go get some keys made. I'm goin' to the gym. Make sure I can charge stuff on the room.
Hardison: I gotcha.
(women moaning on TV)
Parker: Wow, she really wants that car clean.
Hardison: That’s-that's enough of that
parker is baby and hardison wants to protect her from that nastiness
- - - - -
Nate: Why do we care about him?
Hardison: 'Cause he's big on the surplus weapons market.
Eliot: (laughs) That's just a polite way of saying arms dealer.
Tara: His specialty's buying cheap guns from Third World countries and reselling 'em.
- - - - -
Nate: Don't worry about Sterling.
Eliot: Did you just say, "Don't worry about Sterling?"
Nate: Yeah, don't worry about Sterling. What you don't think I can beat Sterling?
Eliot: I think in the last six months, Nate, I've heard you talk about beating the Triads, beating the Russians. All right? Maggie's boyfriend. Huh? How'd that work out? We all said that meet was a bad idea, right? But you got a taste for taking down this Mayor and you can't resist.
Nate: You wanna walk away? Walk away.
Eliot: I'm not walkin' away. It's not my job. My job is to get your back. And, Nate, I'm gonna do it. All the way down. But I need you to do your job.
Nate: And what's that?
Parker: Be Nathan Ford. Be the person we came back for
PARKER BABY she showed emotion I’m so proud of her
- - - - -
(Eliot holds up the piece of paper taken from Bonanno’s house that reads ‘Maltese Falcon’)
Eliot: That's still bugging me, man.
we love to see eliot confiding/leveling with hardison
- - - - -
Parker: Ooh! But, uh, I have mini-bar.
her in the maid outfit with the french accent
- - - - -
Nate: You help Tara and Parker. I'm gonna stall Sterling.
Hardison: How?
Nate: I'm thinking.
(Sterling gets into an elevator. Nate heads up the stairs, stopping at every floor to push the elevator button. Sterling begins to get irritated when the elevator stops at every floor but never sees Nate, who gets progressively more tired as they go upward)
(Sterling gets off on the 14th floor. Behind him, Eliot pushes his cart into the elevator. Sterling glances at him but the door closes before he can get a good look. Sterling approaches the door the FBI agents are guarding)
petty and fucking ICONIC I wouldn’t have the stamina for that but neither would nate tbh and honestly he was probably running on pure spite to make that happen and I respect him for that
- - - - -
Parker: Housekeeping!
(she goes inside, pulling her cart in behind her. Once in the room, she finds Tara and Hardison in the window. Hardison is tangled in his line, and Tara is trying to help him)
Hardison: Ow. That's... Stop. Hey, I got this. Stop. I don't need help.
Tara: Clearly you do.
Hardison: I got this. I got this. Go.
we love to see the running bit of hardison utterly FAILING at anything rappelling related
- - - - -
Culpepper: Where are the agents? Where are the agents? There should be two FBI agents standing at the door.
(Eliot walks in with Parker thrown over his shoulder)
Nate: Did you have to?
Eliot: She saw our faces.
Nate: OK. Yeah, put her in the tub with the others.
(Eliot takes her into the bathroom)
- - - - -
eliot can always knock a bitch out with one (1) punch
- - - - -
Sterling: So, I'm gonna make you a deal. You find Kadjic, tie him to the guns, I'll give you a free pass. Just this once, you get to walk away with your record wiped clean.
Nate: My team?
Sterling: They go down. Every last one of 'em. They deserve to go down. They're criminals, Nate. Thieves. So that's the deal. You bring me Kadjic and the guns, and I cut you and you alone loose. Because at the end of the day you're always right. You're not a thief. This is your second chance.
(Sterling picks up the flask and walks away)
this was actually really interesting to see. sterling leveled with nate. he knows nate, knows how he works, thinks he knows who nate really is on the inside. they have a Past™
- - - - -
Nate: Yeah. No. I... I, uh... Listen, I need you to come back. Um... I need you. Uh, I need you.
[Interior Helicopter]
Sophie: No, no, no. Speak up. I'm traveling and...
[Leverage Headquarters]
Nate: Not the team. Me. For me. Not for a con. I just... Listen, I... I don't know who I am anymore, Sophie. And, ah... When, when I was chasing you and everything and we were doing cons, I knew who I was, but not anymore. As crazy as this sounds, I need you to tell me, tell me when I'm goin' too far. I mean, it just... It gets out of control and I just don't know who I am and, and you've always been... .y compass. And, you know, I care about you more than yo-you'll ever know, because I lo... I lo...
lmfao when the signal is lost? tragic
- - - - -
eliot is wearing a flannel in the final scenes
- - - - -
the obama portrait very visible in the background of the government building? we love to see it
- - - - -
eliot DING DONG WE’RE HOME spencer owns my whole (whole) heart
- - - - -
Nate: What are you doing?
Eliot: Countin' all the guys with guns.
Nate: How many?
Eliot: A lot
smart and TOTALLY an eliot thing to do
- - - - -
Parker: Don't worry. No one's ever died going in through an air duct.
Tara: Oh, this is comforting.
Parker: I mean, worst case, you slip and fall. Break your legs. Lay there for days, scratching on the metal. It's like a long, metal coffin with wind. (excited) Let's go!
(Parker runs across the roof)
she’s baby and I love her. never, ever change parker
- - - - -
Computer: Match identified.
Hardison (bending over keyboard): Damn, you finally found something, half-pint?
- - - - -
Hardison: Parker, where are you?
Parker: Sorry, had a buzz from the alarm system, I couldn't hear a... thing. What?
(Parker’s face hardens and she heads for Tara, who is putting the rappelling gear back in the oxygen tank)
Tara: Parker, what's wrong?
(Parker grabs Tara by the throat and pushes her back until she is leaning over the edge of the building)
Tara: You're really strong.
Parker: Yeah. I hang from buildings with my fingertips.
Tara: It's not what you think. I was setting up a meeting!
Parker: Actually, that was exactly what I was thinking. Bye now.
Tara: Not for myself
- - - - -
- - - - -
(Eliot, his hands tied, is being led to some stairs by two goons.)
Man: I'll get the hatch.
(one man moves ahead of Eliot while the other stays behind him. When Eliot doesn’t follow the first man up the stairs, the second pushes him)
Man 2: Come on.
Eliot: Thirteen.
(Eliot and the second man struggle, sending gunfire rifling across the ceiling before the second man is knocked down. The first man comes back and kicks Eliot in the face. Eliot kicks him in return)
Eliot: Come here!
(Eliot swings his hands across the first man’s face, knocking him back)
Eliot: Twelve.
(Eliot knocks the first man out)
Eliot: Eleven.
(Eliot starts up the stairs, but hears someone else coming and waits around a corner. After a brief struggle, he knocks this man out as well and breaks the zip ties on his wrist)
Eliot: Ten. (heads up the stairs
also if parker and hardison know what he was doing? they’d be marked down as the same
- - - - -
Tara: All she asked was that I report back to her every now and then. Are we sure this is the fastest way?
Parker: Yeah, look. (looking at car GPS) There's no traffic this way. So, you were spying on us.
Tara: I was not spying. I was an early warning system. Sophie just, she was worried Nate might go off the rails. So, if it ever looked like he was spinning out of control, I was supposed to call and let Sophie lay in a backup plan just in case.
Parker: Yeah. Why not us?
Tara: Because you were too likely to forgive him.
Parker: I suppose gettin’ busted by the FBI and trying to bring down arms dealers while kidnapping a mayor does qualify as out of control.
Tara: So, anyway, I used my contacts to get Sophie set up as a buyer for the guns. You know... You actually had me worried for a second that you were gonna drop me.
Parker (laughs): That is silly
- - - - -
(Hardison is carrying a large monkey wrench and smiling. He hears noises and goes to investigate, seeing Eliot starting up a ladder)
Hardison: Hey. It took you long enough.
Eliot: What?
(Eliot starts toward Hardison, but a man points a gun to his head)
Man: Freeze.
(Eliot grabs the gun and knocks the man out)
Eliot: One.
Hardison: What
hardison if he knew what eliot was doing: hot damn
- - - - -
(the team gathers together. Parker hugs Sophie)
Sophie: Ooh. Parker touching.
Parker: Kinda, yeah.
- - - - -
Eliot: There's not that many ways out of here.
Sophie: Eliot, when I arrange a rescue, I do it properly.
(a helicopter lands on the docks near the ship. The team heads down the stairs, but Nate hesitates, looking down at the blood on his hand from his side. He goes down the ladder to join the team on the lower deck)
- - - - -
Nate: I've destroyed all the evidence the FBI has on Culpepper and Kadjic. You have no photos, no tapes, you don't have anything. You don't have a case on anybody, unless you arrest me. And only me.
Sophie: Nate?
Nate: I agree to turn state's evidence. I testify to what Kadjic told me, how he put the hit on Bonanno. Hell, I'll even give you Bonanno's evidence against the gunrunning.
Eliot: Nate, I can take these guys.
Hardison: It's just ten more yards to the chopper, man.
Nate: Listen, guys. I got you into this mess. This is the only way to get you out.
eliot is still ready to fight for his family no matter what and hardison just wants them to leave because they’re SO CLOSE
- - - - -
Nate: Come here.
(the team moves closer to him)
Nate: You guys are the most honorable people I have ever met in my life. You've become my family. My only family. I won't forget that. (looks at Eliot) Now get 'em on the chopper. Please. Now!
Eliot: Let's go.
(Eliot nudges Parker and she reluctantly heads for the gangplank. Eliot touches Hardison’s arm)
Eliot: Let's go, man.
(Hardison walks away. Eliot hesitates a moment, shaking his head, then follows the others, hesitating at the top of the gangplank near Sterling)
nate trusts eliot, and only eliot, to be the one to be able to get the rest of the team out of there and into the helicopter. he knows eliot and how much he cares for his family and will do anything to make sure they’re safe, and nate is betting on that to get them out of there
eliot has to be the one to make parker and hardison move because they’ll listen to him and also there would be a good chance that they’d try to stay with Nate otherwise
his gentle hands leading them away have my whole (whole) heart
- - - - -
(Sophie and Eliot get on the helicopter, Eliot hesitating one last time before getting in)
this hurts eliot so much because he’s the RETRIEVAL SPECIALIST and he’s supposed to get everyone safe and never leave anyone behind I’m-
- - - - -
Agent: Who the hell is this guy?
Sterling: I don't know.
Nate: My name's Nate Ford, and I am a thief.
(more sirens are heard. Nate begins laughing as the helicopter lifts off and more police cars and agents arrive, surrounding Nate and the dock. Nate watches the helicopter fly away)
MAJOR character development for nate this season (2.01 had him refusing that he was a thief and in multiple other episodes in this season)
oh and also, y’all, just like last season, if I had to watch this go down like that with my own two eyes and have that be the end of leverage (because they close every season like it’d be the last) I would have fucking R E V O L T E D
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