#ok just had a look at the old results and fuck that lol
lokh · 1 month
ahh when i did some long ass test for personality disorders and the psychologist was like 'you don't get results like this unless u were emotionally neglected. were u emotionally neglected' and I was like Shrug. apparently so
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 5 months
Genshin Guys with an S/O on their Period: Waking up with a Mess and Cramps Edition (Diluc, Kaeya, Neuvillette, Itto)
A/N: Now that I can do more than curl up on the couch letting the heating pad do it's job kind of here we go.
Do we even know what period products people on Teyvat use? And have they even invented Midol? Like, what does a Teyvat medicine cabinet look like?
CW: mentions of blood because period, duh, hurt/comfort
Diluc x fem!reader, Kaeya x fem!reader, Neuvillette x fem!reader, Itto x fem!reader
Requests are OPEN
Diluc is a heaven send at a time like this, no doubt it
The man is on it
Let's say he comes home from some Mondstadt batman-ing and goes to curl up in bed with you
Only to find you asleep, but curled up in pain and a growing red spot on the sheets
Thanks be to Adelinde for making sure he's not clueless about female issues. If he didn't know anything before dating you, she made sure he had an idea clue after
He wakes you up, gently, and helps you get to the bathroom so he can help clean you up, while Adelinde (who makes a habit of staying up when Diluc does his vigilante thing) makes sure the sheets are changed and gets you whatever pain relief Mondstadt has available
After you're clean and have whatever products you use on, you go back to bed and he curls up behind you. He uses his vision to warm his hands and uses them as a hot pad for you
Let's be real, you don't get better than a pyro vision for dealing with cramps
Kaeya is not quite as good as Diluc (mostly because of his vision, lol)
In this case he has the decency to not tease and poke fun. Even if he didn't know that doing so would result in his premature death, he actually feels sympathy
When he wakes up next to you, finding you curled up and nearly crying, he's momentarily very concerned. After all, his pretty little s/o is in pain and that just won't do
A quick once over and he spots the blood pooling between your legs and the concern subsides. This isn't the first time this has happened, especially if you're not possessed of a clock-work cycle, though your cramps usually aren't this bad
Because both of you are familiar with this routine, he''s got a lot of stuff on hand. Like Diluc, he makes sure you wake up and get cleaned up while he changes sheets and runs to pester Barbara about something to help the cramps. Again, he doesn't have the advantage of a pyro vision
If he has a mission that day, he does it as quick as possible, but if he just has paper work, he carries that shit home and does it while taking care of you
He wants you to focus on not hurting, so any chores you would do he takes over (it gives him a way to avoid paperwork, lol)
I'm not saying Neuvie would freak, the first time this happened, but yeah, the man freaks the fuck out
I mean, dragon boy doesn't spend that much time in close proximity to human females. He conceivably is fully unaware of what exactly a period entails.
When you wake up cursing and hissing in pain, which wakes him up in the process, he's genuinely scared for you
After all, you look like you're in huge amounts of pain and that's blood on the sheets. It takes you several minutes to calm Neuvie down, to make sure than he's not blowing things too far out of proportion
Eventually you manage to enlist his help cleaning up. He's perfectly happy to give a little help making sure the bloodstains on your thighs are gone and changing the sheets
He still calls one of the Melusine nurses. A) you're in pain and that's unacceptable to him and b) he's still not 100% certain that you're OK
You roll your eyes, but it does hurt and I'm not sure what kind of over the counter period relief Teyvat has. Either way, you'll have something that might help
After the Melusine leaves, you pull him back to bed and cuddle while you explain female biology in depth. First time a 500 year old dragon has had to take sex-ed lol
Once you're done he feels a little embarrassed over his overreaction
Needless to say, your next period goes much smoother. Once he's aware of the issue, he does some research on his own, talks to some other girls about ways to make it easier (basically being a stand up, super loyal boyfriend.n outstanding boyfriend)
Eventually the entire ordeal is something the two of you will laugh over
I rarely write for Itto, but I think the idea of Itto seeing the period mess and cramps would be kinda funny. At least from the outside. I would not want to be the s/o in this situation. It's a mess
He thinks the world is ending. Blows it waaaay out of proportion, and unlike Neuvie, he doesn't really listen.
Once you convince him you're not dying, he thinks you're the absolute coolest for being able to bleed every month and be in that much pain and not die
You might have to stop him from trying to "join his most awesome girlfriend ". Like, if you're so cool for this, obviously the One and Oni must be able to as well? Right.
You immediately call Shinobu because, "No. Itto. You have a dick. If you try and bleed like this. you'll die."
You and Shinobu stop him from trying to have a period too, because he'd try...somehow, and send him on basic errands or something. Anything to distract him.
Honestly, I feel like dealing with Itto's...whatever he has going on...would be more exhausting than the period and cramps
In this situation, Shinobu is your girl. She is prepared, both with the ability to redirect Itto and whatever you don't have on hand in case of mess and cramps
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taptrial2 · 1 month
ok i need to talk about my dp au or i'll explode. specifically details about vlad and danny's powered up forms. these guys
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danny first though
danny, being a banshee, has a lot of different scream-based projectiles. the ghostly wail comes from using his chest voice and is more AOE, and the higher he screams the more narrow the resulting beam is. (those are the rules with his powers in general, not just powered up!) when he's like this, most of what he can vocalize is whimpers, stereotypical echoey ghost ooos and aaas, squeaks, squeals, and screams. he can speak words/sentences if he is laser focused on one person or conversation, but otherwise he does not.
vlad is in the same camp with the rules on the noises he can make. while danny is shrill, vlad roars and growls deeply. he doesn't have any powers related to his voice so it's mostly for show. he IS really fucking loud when he wants to be though
danny is usually very close to vlad when they are both in this state, wrapping his tail around his waist and putting his hands on his shoulders like this
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part of this is their attachment to each other, and part of it is so that danny can quickly move to cover vlad's ears if they're in a fight:
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vlad CAN stand out of the way to be able to withstand a Wail in this state, but it isn't ideal lol
vlad has a sense of physicality in this form and doesn't float unless necessary, preferring to trundle around on floors or stand on walls/ceilings like spiderman or perhaps zonic the zone cop. he and danny are both barely conscious, too overcome with rage and/or paranoia to do much else other than violence or searching for potential threats
a neat design note i thought i'd share is that i wanted vlad to look like he was bursting out of a cocoon or something w/ his black and white clothes contrasting his harsh hot pink colors. to really visually say that he's Letting Loose. saying that makes me feel silly but it really was the intention
danny's tail is long enough to make him as tall as vlad when it's fully stretched out (with the same proportioned upper half as his normal self), and when it's not wrapped around vlad protectively/possessively, he uses it as a weapon. his tail is deceptively strong and he can crush people to death with it if he so wishes, coiling around them like a snake. he thrashes and whips his tail when unhappy much like an unhappy cat. the difference is that it's strong enough to snap trees in half so if he starts thrashing it quickly turns destructive.
vlad is the melee fighter of the two. if anyone gets too close to the both of them, he's grappling and throwing punches. he's strong enough to punch through concrete and he does NOT care about property damage. vlad is usually much more of a projectiles and shields kind of guy, but it takes too much brain power for angy vlad.
usually they aren't in these forms at the same time though! the primary trigger for these forms is the other getting hurt or threatened, ESPECIALLY if they are defeated in a fight / knocked unconscious and revert back to human form. these forms are a maladaptive traumatic defense mechanism. they are so afraid of losing each other and/or being sent back to where they came from that they lose themselves if they feel as though that may happen or if they feel as though someone else wants to make that happen. skulker gets thrashed after he successfully captures danny to the point that he just doesn't fuck with them again
danny had never gotten like this before they escaped, but his fear of getting forcibly taken back or losing the one family member he has is enough to bring him into hysterics in the outside world. vlad DID enter this state before, but only once. danny was 4 years old and was about to go through his first comprehensive vivisection. he ended up killing two scientists and taking off the fingers of a third with his teeth before being subdued. after danny ends up going through the vivisection anyway, his learned helplessness was cemented and he never tried something like that again until the day of their escape a decade later
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Guys. I'm gonna be very real with you here. And I'm sure it will piss off a few people. So I'm not tagging it. You can rb if you want, but I'm not tagging it. This is for you to do with as you please.
Ok. Here it is. We don't know what happened behind the scenes. We don't. We truly don't. And please be real.
HCav (not using the full name because I don't want to put it in the search results) is a massive global superstar, gorgeous, rich, beloved, AND incredibly incredibly incredibly good at pr. He has legions of fans and more access to media than almost any other celebrity.
All he has to do is very tactfully, in a few interviews, refuse to compliment the writers and instead steer the conversation to his love of the books, and voila. When he leaves this show, everyone blames someone else. Like. I've seen like two people mad at him. That's it. And that is what he did. He is very very smart.
This is the man who managed to convince millions of nerdy fanboys that he is 'just like them' that he is 'one of them'. Do you know how hard that is for someone who looks like him? lol
It used to be that when Hcav was cast in something nerdy, they'd bitch. "He's too pretty" (they want to project hard onto the hero, and their ideal is a rugged man which they associate more closely with old fashion masculinity. They also always complain the opposite of the female lead...she's never pretty or hot enough. But that's a different convo.) But despite that, HCav has painstakingly convinced them over the course of several years, that he is 'just like them'. It's like...the miracle that he has pulled off is THEE pr accomplishment of this century.
I am not saying that HCav is not a nerd. I'm not saying that he doesn't work hard or take the material seriously. I'm saying that it is far too easy for everyone watching this unfold, to just call him Jesus, and vilify everyone else, all while have zero fucking idea of what happened behind the scenes.
"Yes but Des, we know it's the writers' fault, because the show writing does suck, and the showrunner herself says that Cav was always the one who tried to fit in passages from the books."
Yes. Ok. But the problem I have with the writing is never the details. It's the overarching plotlines. HCav knew her vision when he signed on. When he fought for that role. They had so many meetings. Netflix told her to carry out her own vision, that's what she said she'd do, and he knew that.
All I'm saying is, no matter what you think of the writing, he is not a passive victim here. He was not betrayed. It's just grown folks having differences. That's it! And he couldn't write that show. Him adding lines here and there is the easiest thing. Would he be able to write an entire season's worth of scripts? (It's harder than it looks. It takes years of honing that craft.) No. He wouldn't, nor would he want to. The pay cut alone would be so staggering I'm sure he would have to sell several ocean front properties.
"Yes, but Des, the former writer said that people on the show hate the books. Surely that drove him away."
Babes. The guy who said that is the one who wrote S2E2 AND Nightmare of the Wolf. lmaoooosob. I would rather have a writer on the show who critiques some elements of the books (THEY ARE NOT ABOVE CRITIQUE) but actually understands what a witcher is and what that means in context of class, and who understands their oppressions, than someone who thinks the books are perfect, but took from those books that witcher are....THAT. That Vesemir is THAT.
Secondly, again, we don't know what happened. Another staff writer implied on twitter that there was ego and abuse issues. So WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.
The point is, it is sooooooooooo fucking easy when you've left to blame everyone else. That's petty as shit what that departing writer did, and like...it works! It is guaranteed to work and he knew it.
Which leads us to the most uncomfortable truth here, and that is that what that writer did and to a lesser extent what HCav did, is weaponize a multitude of these racist cishet white nerdboys who harass and loathe Anna and Anya and Mimi and all these woc. These people live in a constant abusive rage online, and the root of their rage is that the witcher is diverse and 'woke'. If you haven't been on twitter or reddit or youtube and seen the relentless vile open racism in the most organized and loudest elements that attack the writers and Lauren, then I envy you. It is a cesspool.
When that departing writer threw them under the bus, he knew exactly what would happen and who he would rile up.
"Are you implying that if you hate the writing, you're misogynistic and racist."
No. Obviously not. I have criticized the writing and I will probably continue to do so on occasion.
I've been accused of being a 'book purist' but I assure you I'm not. Just give me good writing. Just give me a good story. And keep the characters true to their spirits. And if that isn't what is delivered, I might write a post with critique in it.
But what I won't do is publicly pile on people, on human beings, for business decisions and deals that happen behind the scenes, people who have no control over this, no fame, and no way to defend themselves.
This is how it works.
The showrunner decides the plot of the season. The staff writers are assigned episodes. They write what they're told to write. A lot of these staff writers and writer assistants make near poverty wages (for people living in L.A. Dear god. The cost to live there is staggering).
What I'm not gonna do is publicly blame them for driving away 'poor little hcav' lmao this incredibly incredibly powerful, wealthy global superstar who makes his own fucking decisions and whose race and gender protects him if his money and fame didn't.
Were there creative differences? Probably.
Did he also walk out on a show instead of working it out because he got a better offer? Definitely.
And was he INCREDIBLY INCREDIBLY savvy about very gently and subtly throwing them under the bus in every interview in order to preserve his fanboy following and his reputation going forward?
Because these studios know that if they adapt existing properties of these past comic books and novels and then they put a foot wrong, they will have legions of these toxic racist cishet white nerdboy fuckers review bombing, harrassing, stalking, making rape and death threats to actors, and if they get HCav they know that's not going to happen. The fanboys worship the ground he walks on. The fact that he delivers that to them is a HUGE plus in his favor. And then he also delivers the straight women. (and the bis, we won't leave us out, I did think he looked great grimy in a bathtub)
The issue is, back in the day, when these adapted properties (in the broader sense) novels and comic books were being published, 99% of English language publishing was run by white men and everyone else was excluded. If we are going to adapt them today, we can choose to uphold that white supremacy by continuing to exclude every other race from participating in the projects, thereby extending that white supremacy, and becoming agents of it, or we can cast the best actor for the role, regardless of race. And when that happens the backlash is swift. Because white people think only white people can be ethereal beauties (elves) they think only white people can be seductive, smoking hot sorceresses, they think only white people pilot space ships in the future and kiss heroic leading men.
It happened with Rings of Power, in Wheel of Time, in Star Wars, and more! Legions of racists and misogynists organize and make life a living hell for everyone else. They do not want to share their toys.
Yes, there is room for critique and dislike of these properties without being racist. I'm not talking about people who have real critique. (I have critique! I'm a mouthy, wordy bitch!) I'm talking about people who complain about 'woke' properties and who spew racial epithets at these beautiful talented actresses.
HCav never once that I saw stood up for the diverse casting of his female costars (Please prove me wrong and send me some interview where he did) and he could have. Again, I'm not demonizing him. He is focused and ambitious and stays in his lane and looks out for his career. But he does not go the extra mile for them. And he sure as shit doesn't need one more person (me) deifying him, trying to suck him off, and in the other breath, throwing all these women and poc under the bus for him.
Look, for example, the difference with other properties. Like The Walking Dead. Andrew Lincoln literally never shuts up about how much he loves Danai being his 'leading lady'. And look at how Ewan McGregor took up for Moses Ingram. (not his leading lady, but his colleague) Just saying. It is possible. So.
This recast is weird.
It sucks.
It's no one's fault.
It just is.
And we move on.
I got Joey Batey out of this. I got The Amazing Devil out of this. I got Madeleine Hyland out of this. I got the witcher book saga out of this. (I had only vaguely heard the names here and there but would have never read them otherwise) I got an amazing fandom community out of this that I will continue to write for and be a part of.
And I am not going to start screaming at working people in the streets for something they had little to no control over.
And lastly, "but you said Lauren has control over it, and surely she does get paid a ton of money. So surely this rich white lady isn't blameless in this. Surely she deserve the criticism she gets."
My guess is they are both grown ass adults who are fallible and are equally to blame. It doesn't help infantilizing or deifying him. And I can critique her work without vilifying her.
I can go write the Milva post I've been drafting for months being absolutely livid about her tweet saying Milva "embodies unrequited romance" without harrassing her. Please look at the difference here. IT IS ABOUT THE WORK. IT IS ABOUT THE STORY.
It is never personal. I would never make it personal. It's just different visions about fiction. And I would never pretend to know what happens in real life with real people behind the scenes.
And I know that no one who follows me on here is the kind of person who would harass her. At least I hope. I'm almost positive. So I'm not accusing anyone of anything. And if you hate the writing and the direction of the show you are entitled to that. I have done my own critical posts.
But again, I do not know what happened behind the scenes. So I'm staying in my lane. I've lived long enough now to see people get blamed and harassed for things and then we get documentaries twenty years later showing that people were totally in the wrong and just didn't know what happened behind the scenes.
So I will not be doing that.
And I will keep supporting Joey and Anya and Myanna and Mimi and all the people acting their little hearts out on the show. And I will keep talking about the books and writing my lil fics.
And when the show is over, I will probably follow Joey to whatever other projects he goes to. But I won't ever stop being a witcher fan or a TAD fan. That's a 'for life' thing at this point.
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bunnieswithknives · 2 years
I love your AU! I have a few questions about it though. Was Red Guy David's roommate before he was Red Guy and if so did he agree to be turned or was he turned against his will? Also how old is David in this (I know he's in college but what's his exact age)? How does Duck factor into the whole thing? and what are Lesley and Roy like before they died compared to after? plus how does the magic(?) work?
Ok, strap in! 
Despite how it looks from the "what the fuck David" comic, David does end up convincing Red to help out with his project, mostly via lying, and Red really not wanting to believe David's a bad person. Eventually though Red red sees/learns something that pushes him over the edge and he decides that he can't do this anymore and wants to back out. This leads to a fight that ends in David killing Red and turning him into the puppet we all know and love today. Red retains a good portions of his memories/personality though he has a lot of gaps that are getting worse by the day, he doesn’t quite remembers what happened to him, but does he know he's angry about it, and that he wants himself and the other puppets to escape.
As for David's age I don't really have anything solid, like 20-ish? but you can do whatever.
This is gonna be a little disappointing but Duck really was just meant to be some random homeless guy David killed because he didn't think anyone would miss him; alternative suggestions are David's grandparent or a teacher from his school. The main interesting thing about him is just that he was the first puppet David made and was really fucked up as a result.
I don't think either of David's parents were very good people, Roy especially (hence why David loves his mom more, lol). That being said, their puppet version are extremely different. Roy never spoke much when he was alive, but now he’s almost completely mute, and both of them are considerably nicer and more childlike.
Gore tw - As for the magic I’ve sorta kept it intentionally vague, though I do have some ideas for how it works. I think that the more parts of a person you put into a puppet, the more like them it will be, Roy and Lesley were dead for a while and had mostly rotted away, as a result aren’t very similar to their living counterparts. On the other end of the spectrum basically Red’s entire body was used, so he’s still got a lot of himself in there, though dying definitely had a negative effect on his mental state. David doesn’t particularly like graverobbing or killing people, so usually he’ll use one person for multiple puppets as he’s a lot less concerned with how the teachers come out compared to Red/his parents. 
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spideycatt · 1 year
Pretty n' Pink || 42!M.M x BlackFem!Reader
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New school, new people, new relationships
Word Count: 1.8k (wow!)
Song Recs: Talk that Talk // TWICE, RUN2U // stayc, Big flirt // lil hero, Super Bass // Nicki Minaj, Into you // Ariana Grande
Warnings: Crude language, bullying (me projecting (≧◡≦)), Miles is an asshole for 1 second, BLACK reader, 80% angst 20% fluff
Not rlly warnings: Reader is small n chubby, making out, we’re gonna act like they don’t have to wear blazers all the time lol
Lmk if I missed something!!
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A/N: I spent so long writing and editing it was insane. I've been writing since June 26 (* ̄▽ ̄). Literally writing one day, rewriting the next, writing and rewriting, writing and rewriting. AND I'm still not sure if I'm fucking w/ the results... but I'ma still post it cuz mama aint raise no punk!!
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Moving to a new school in the middle of the year is never easy for anyone. You cried while packing up, you cried on the ride to New York, you cried while unpacking, and cried on the way to your new school, Visions Academy. Saying you were scared was an understatement.. You only moved because your mom got a new job at some science place, but also because you were horribly bullied at your old school.
Everyone made fun of you for the way you dressed, pink hair-clips all over your colorful braids, hello kitty sweaters and fun makeup looks. You once wore some cute leg warmers to school, what happened to you that day made you vow to never wear them again.
You knew you wouldn't get made fun of every time you left the house, but man going to school made you want to cower in your house forever.
But alas, here you are putting your up hair with your favorite heart-shaped claw-clip. You sniffled lightly as you line your lips and put on your Fenty lip gloss. You wipe your tears away, careful not to mess up your lashes. Grabbing your light pink messenger bag, you sling it over your shoulder and walk out the front door, making your way to school.
The more you walk the faster your heart beats. You weren't as nervous as you were when you first moved here, but you were still feeling a little anxious as you walk onto school grounds. Sighing when you realize there was no time to set up your locker, you try to hype yourself up as make your way through the sea of students to get to your homeroom.
Luckily, the school required uniforms, so even if kids were to make fun of you it shouldn't be that bad. You only had some cute accessories here and there, and a white cardigan with hello kitty over your heart.
You weren't even halfway to the class when someone bumped into your shoulder, causing you to drop all the books you held in your hands. You take a deep breath looking at whoever this boy was, trying to calm yourself down.
'It's ok, it was probably just an accident. You're fine.'
"Watch it, pinkie pie!" He yelled behind him as he walked away, laughing with his goons following behind him. So much for an accident.
'"Wow, how original." You spoke to yourself, trying to ignore all the stares you were getting as you picked your stuff up.
You rush to your class, already wishing the school day was over. And just your luck, the bell rang signaling you were late.
You made it to class a few seconds later, drawing everyone's attention to you. You walk over to the teacher's desk with your head pointed down, speaking softly.
"Hi, I'm y/n I just transferred."
The teacher looked at you uninterestedly, before speaking loudly.
"Class, this is y/n from, Georgia? Was it? Doesn't matter, she needs time to adjust, so everyone be nice to the poor girl. You can go sit next to..." She trailed off, looking around for a place to seat you.
"Sit next to Miles. Miles raise your hand."
You looked up to see a boy with two long braids raise his hand in the back of the class, honestly looking quite bored. You nod as you scurry to the empty seat next to him, taking out a piece of paper and your favorite gel pen. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Miles staring at you.
"What?" You whisper at him, trying not to draw more attention to yourself.
He blinks at you. "You the girl who dropped her books earlier?"
"Does it happen a lot or something?" You scoff at him, drawing cute little doodles to match the lesson title.
"Nah, I guess that was a dumb question." He replied, looking forward.
"Why do you ask anyway? Trying to rub salt in the wound?" You argue, looking at your hello kitty-themed nails.
"Miles, y/n. Please." Your teacher interrupted, making the class snicker.
You hide your face in your hands, silently groaning before Miles slid a note your way.
'Sit with me at lunch?'
You glared at the paper, crumbling at and putting it to the side, giving your full attention to the lesson.
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You made it through your first few weeks without any more bumps, and it was now a new month. Miles had become your only sorta-friend at this school, which you were grateful for. The boy was nice to you, unlike everyone else, who give you strange stares and whisper about you like you aren't there.
The calming melody of Apple Cider by Beabadoobee played softly in your headphones as you grab your lunch tray. Thanking the lunch lady before turning around to look for where you should sit today, you suddenly remember Miles had asked you to sit with him on your first day, in which you never did.
You start walking around, subtly looking around the cafeteria for the tall boy with long braids. You spot him quickly, watching him roll his eyes at something the boy in front of him said. Strolling to where he was, you bite back a smile when he turns around and notices you.
"What brings you over here, hm?." He smirked, standing up as you approach the table. You try to ignore how he towers over you.
"Well, I have nowhere else to sit." You shrug, looking at his friends who watch quietly. "Uh, hi.." You wave awkwardly, looking back up at Miles who smirked softly at you.
"You shy, chiquita?"
"Shut up."
His friends laugh, making you swallow thickly. 'Are they laughing at me?'
"Yo, pinkie!"
Someone shouted from the table, chuckling as you look up with fear in your eyes.
"Remember me you little cunt?"
It was the boy from your first day. You look up at Miles, silently pleading him to help you, and of course, he stayed quiet.
"Hey, I'm talking to you." You hear from beside Miles, the boy looked down at you with an angry expression. You didn't even realize he walked up to you.
"S-sorry." You whispered, looking at your pink converses.
"Yea you better be fucking sorry you fat freak." He said, pushing you into the ground, resulting in your lunch landing all over the floor. You try to stop the tears as everyone gasps and goes silent.
"Dude, chill." Miles finally speaks up.
You shake your head, "No Miles, it's fine. Have a good lunch." You say with a slight whimper to your voice, standing up to leave the cafeteria.
You sob, looking for somewhere to cool down, ignoring Miles calling your name.
"Pinkie! Wait!"
You steps falter, flinching at the nickname. You sigh deeply, wiping the tears off your face.
"What do you want, Miles."
"I'm sorry about him, he's been an asshole since like, 2nd grade." He huffed out, slowing down as he caught up to you.
You hummed.
"But you just sat there, so what does that make you?"
His silence answered for you.
"Right. This sucks, honestly, I thought we could've worked out." You say, walking off with a lump in your throat.
You kind of expected him to say something more, you don't know why, but you did. But all you were met with was silence.
You gasped as you feel Miles grab your hand and drag you into an empty classroom.
He closed the door harshly behind you guys, breathing heavy as he looked at your tear streaked face.
"What are you doing Miles— WOAh-" You stutter out as he hoists you up, putting your back against the door so you could be eye-level with him.
"Forgive me pretty girl.." He breathed out, rubbing your plush thighs with his thumbs.
"Miles, put me down."
"Nah ma I don't think I will."
"How... how do I know you won't hurt me..?" You whisper sadly, feeling the waterworks coming again.
"Trust me, I won't, baby." He moved to wipe away the tear that's fallen on your soft cheek, before moving in to lock lips with you.
You wanted to move away, you really did. But you trusted him for some reason, kissing back. The kiss got heated fast, you lock your legs together behind Miles as he pins you harder against the door, gripping your thighs harshly as he pulls away to speak.
"Let me treat you right, ma. Please. I'll take you out, I'll buy you anything you want. Let me protect you." He breathed out against your neck, making you sigh. You nod your head. Bringing his head up to connect lips again.
You sigh into his mouth as your tongues slide over one another, gripping onto his broad shoulders to keep yourself grounded. He turns around to place you on a desk. Hands roaming everywhere as he took your sweater off your body and unbutton your shirt a little to mouth at your collarbones. You let out a quiet noise as he moves back up to your lips, pushing you to lay on your back.
He caught both your wrists and wrapped one of his hands around them, pushing them onto your chest as his tongue seemed to move even deeper into your mouth. Man he was a good kisser.
You seperate with a string of saliva connecting your plump lips to his when the bell to go back to class rings. "Miles, lets go." You said as he places his head into your cleavage, sighing disappointedly at the fact that you guys had to go back to class.
He ended up buttoning up your shirt for you. Glancing at you every now and then to look at your swollen lips, smiling as he helped you off the desk and walked you to class.
You make it through the rest of the school day, smiling softly to yourself whenever you think of your heated moment with Miles.
You had Miles' hoodie on due to a giant stain on the side of your favorite sweater, playing with the strings as you write down some notes into your binder.
Everyone stared at you but you found yourself not caring anymore. Maybe you made the right choice.
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You didn't expect to go to this new school and acquire a bodyguard for a boyfriend but here you were weeks later walking out of campus with Miles trailing behind you. You could've sworn you saw that one boy glaring at you from afar, but honestly, as long as Miles was with you there wasn't a problem.
"Hold on baby." Your boyfriend stopped you, kneeling on the ground to tie your shoelaces and fix your leg warmers. Honestly this was a whole new experience for you, never having this affection given to you by someone outside your family.
Miles pressed a kiss on your thigh as he finishes tying your shoes, standing up to fix the ribbon on your ponytail.
"Miles, you're acting like a mom right now." You say giggling, looking up at your boyfriend with heart eyes.
"Gotta make sure my baby lookin good." He replied quickly, leaning down to kiss your cheek. He pulled "C'mon, I saw a nice jean skirt I wanna see you in."
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ballcrusher74 · 3 months
Your sona (bigform) looks very cool, reminds me of the silhouette of a dinosaur, what is the critter and what inspired such a cool mech tang?
My sona (Jawbreaker) is a fucked up star alien thing ! You're gonna get a little more than just what he is and inspirations and I hope you don't mind, I made a whole fucking species just for this guy's backstory LOL Stellarites are shapeshifting, celestial beings created with star energy. Their strength varies, depending on what kind of star their energy was sourced from. Jawbreaker (his actually birth name is unknown and he forgot himself) was created with the energy of a quasi star as an experiment for his overlord, Metsu. He served in their celestial empire as a royal guard, and had a close eye kept on him. He excelled compared to his peers, and was deemed spectacular at his work- the only downside was his short temper. He was constantly consulted about his attitude, and it only seemed to grow worse. He grows disobedient, to the point where he is sentenced to be shattered for his resources to be recycled. He escapes from his home planet, landing on Earth. He examines life from afar, and takes on a more humanoid form. As he lives out his days on his new home, there's something that he can't avoid now- taxes. So what's a better job to get when you used to be a guard for an intergalactic ruler? Become a hitman! This is where he obtained his helmet and his name. A couple years go by and he's considered a perfect killing machine, being able to leave such little trails behind in his work. Then, he fucks up one day. A single drop of his blood is found at a scene. This results in a huge chase for him, especially because he is extraterrestrial life. He eventually is caught, and used in government experiments. These experiments were based off the mega-structure, dyson spheres, in which they tried to extract energy out of him. He manages to escape this, takes on his current form with a repainted helmet and fresh new look, and is now a party-animal alien out on the run with a bounty on his head. (This is like, a really watered down version of his story cus if I put the whole thing here that shit would go on forever)
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Also y'know what, fuck it, here's the full ref sheet + cool guitar item that I keep forgetting I have OOPS
Going onto actually inspirations now, here's a couple !
The general design was just based off of character design aspects that I like a lot. Chunky shoes, shoulder pads, big sleeves, huge zipper- etc, etc.
The hoodie and boxers combo just comes from the fact that that is typically what I roam around in
The star eye was me trying to recycle from my old sona, but the true origin of it was it being a reference to one of my favorite musicians at the time, Grandson ^_^
The half heart locket is for my boyfriend <3
The big ol' eyebrow is just cus I have bushy eyebrows + I love big ass eyebrows
I'm gonna be honest, the hair was when I was trying to make my sona on Roblox but I obviously couldn't have my helmet, so a red base and cyan trihawk came along and it's stuck since then + I FUCKING LOVE MOHAWKS SO BAD
The blood is based off of glowstick liquid . Please trust me when I say to not eat glowsticks they do not taste good .
The colors are also kinda recycled from my old sona, but also because I fucking love red and cyan
The whole alien aspect is taken from the fact my birthday is on the same day as the Area 51 raid LMAO
Exaggerated proportions kinda came from FNF . yeag
THE HELMET . The helmet was a thing I scrapped from a really old oc of mine, which was kinda taken from Jasper (SU) . The addition for the jaw part was inspired by a bear trap
also these two that I use for this blog . They're obviously more jokey looking + I made it so they are both immortal beings that have existed since the dawn of time that just fuck around on Earth but yea it's also just me . but funny looking
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I think that is it . yeag
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All of your WIPs sound so interesting, but I think I'm most intrigued by Shallow Graves. Anything you'd like to share about it?
Oooo thank you! This is probably my favorite project lol
Shallow Graves is my "Pathfinder Fan Novel" featuring original characters in the Pathfinder TTRPG Golarion setting. (Though I've been flirting more and more with the idea of turning it into an original novel in the second draft...)
Shallow Graves is about a group of very old friends who completely fell apart when a member of the group was murdered ten years prior to the events of the story, on a zany adventure to settle old business, find closure, and try to move on.
It actually started out as a thought experiment on my part, wondering if I could write a revenge story and a fridge story that turned both those archetypes on their heads. So far I'm pretty pleased with the result.
Anyway, as the story progresses, they unearth a lot of rotting baggage. The below excerpt is a piece of that.
* * *
Gem scampered ahead of him and turned around, forcing him to address her.  “You’ve always treated that bow like a grudge but it’s clear someone taught you to use it well.  Since you seem determined to be relentlessly honest—let’s have it at last, shall we?”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“Not a chance.”  She poked him. 
He rolled his eyes.  “I was a terrible druid.  Druid initiate.  Whatever.  That’s really all there is to it.”
“That explains nothing.”
He made an exasperated noise.  “Look, it was the only thing I was any good at, ok?  My uncle made a bow for me.  My mother thought it was a distraction, tempting me away from her incessant curriculum of forcing me—”  Kel raked his fingers backwards through his hair.  “It doesn’t matter.”
“If it didn’t matter, you’d be able to tell me what happened.”  Her amusement had faded entirely, which was a bad sign.  When she got concerned her curiosity hardened into steel point.
Probably best just to spit it out and move on.  “One day, she got so frustrated she stole it and turned it back into a living branch.  Leaves, flowers, green wood, bark, all of it.  Impossible to use as a bow.  Then she told she wasn’t fixing it, and if I ever wanted to use it again, I’d have to figure out how to do it myself.”
“What a bitch.  What did she make you do to relent?”
“It’s never been clearer you’ve never met her.  She’d never go back on a threat.” 
“So you never did get it back.” “No, I figured it out.”
Gem blinked.  “What?  Kel, on a good day, if you sit very, very still, you can conjure half a spark.”
“It took me six months of spending nearly every waking hour trying.  I’m certain I couldn’t do it again if my life depended on it.”  It had been the strangest feeling.  All of sudden, he could see the branch as an imprint on the universe, something outside of time, existing in all stages of its life, and it had seemed so damn simple to shift it into the one he wanted.  Just for a single, hallucinatory second.  And then it was only a piece of wood again, lifeless and still.  “My mother was…”
“Happy, I imagine.”
“Happy.”  He laughed.  It wasn’t funny.  “She was overjoyed.  She’d never praised me like that… I spent half my life trying to please that woman, and for the first time…”
There wasn’t a but at the end of her sentence, no forced acknowledgements or despair-tinged false encouragements.  No biting criticism.  No complaints of his laziness or contrariness.  Just shear, unadulterated, lavish pride.  And he hated himself for how he’d basked in it.  Exhausted, yes, but that only led an extra edge of exhilaration for finally having the unconditional approval of his mother. 
She’d even hugged him to her, arm around his shoulders, squealing quietly over the quality of the work, the completeness of the transformation, how she always knew he could do it. 
His mother went as far as telling him it was the happiest day of her life, and for just a second, it had been his, too.
Gem interrupted his thoughts, hesitantly.  “Nobody avoids a happy memory.  What happened?”
He cleared his throat.  “She told me it was the happiest moment of her life.  Then she broke it over the back of a chair.”
“What?!”  That explosion of shock, from Gem of all people, underlined in red why he never told people stories about his mother.  “I don’t—it was what she asked?  I don’t understand.  She wanted to punish you further?  For—for liking something?”
“No, you don’t understand,” he replied, wearily.  “It wasn’t a punishment.”
It hadn’t felt real. He stared at the jagged ends of the once-proud recurve, as if expecting them to come back together, like it was some sick fever dream brought on by too much kindness. 
“It wasn’t a punishment,” Kel repeated, louder, overruling her questions.  “Like you said, she was happy.  I didn’t need it anymore, she told me.  It was a great day.  Now I could truly be her apprentice, I’d have druid magic, and wouldn’t require a silly toy to protect myself.  I’d graduated.  And she was so proud of me, she wanted us to celebrate and she was in the middle of planning some kind of dinner when I walked out.”
He hadn’t said a word.  In truth, his mind had gone entirely empty with some feeling that to this day he couldn’t name.  A cousin to resignation, but the kind that only came after a long and bloody struggle.  The kind born of knowing, once and for all, that you’d never been more than a thing to anyone.  Just an empty vessel.  And if they had to tip it over onto the floor to get it that way, so they could fill it up with what they preferred, well, that was a small price apparently.
It hadn’t worn off until he was five days gone.  And then he’d had a breakdown unrivaled even by more recent events.  Sixty years old.  Just a gangly kid.
Gem sat back with a sigh of sudden understanding.  “That’s why you left.”
“That’s why I left,” he affirmed, dully.  Then he stepped around her and resumed walking.  “We should keep moving.”
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plutobutartsy · 11 months
You Mentioned OCs. (np)
oh di i'm so excited you asked about them i'm actually jumping up and down rn bc like,,, i've had these two for YEARS, i rotate them in my mind every single day and with all the media i consume i always think ok but what if the protagonists were ACTUALLY my ocs like i'm so mentally ill about them
their names are Briar and Evelyn (Evie for short) and they're both so silly and so disgustingly in love, think vincent and lovely but ten times worse
also this got like REALLY long so don't feel obligated to read it all lol
let's start with my boy Briar
his name frequently gets mistaken for Brian and it makes him so irrationally angry lol
he's a born vampire! so no old man activities this boy is like 17 as of now
he's the one who knows how to cook! he makes food for others as a love language
also fun fact there's like an actual vampire cuisine in this universe so vampires can consume food that's not just blood and still get nutritional value out of it
his family are part of the older vampire generation technically? what i mean is his family have been vampires for a few centuries now so they're kinda rich and well known
that said, his parents are for sure around 80-100 but him and his sisters are young!
as i've said he's only around 17 and he's the youngest out of his siblings
he has 3 older sisters (20ish, 24 and 28) and they're all very protective of him because omg!!!! that's their baby brother!!!
sometimes too protective to the point where they underestimate him and make him feel bad,,, woops!
he still really looks up to them and puts them on a bit of a pedestal, making him an overachieving perfectionist while he strives to get to what he assumes is their level
spoiler alert this results in a lot of angst and him not feeling good enough despite his parents and sisters never really pressureing him to do anything
he definitely tries to hide his insecurity by overcompensating and acting more arrogant than he is but his friends can read him like a book lol
"i had this leftover because i made too much on accident, eat it so i don't feel bad about being wasteful. honestly you should feel honored to be allowed to taste my cooking" translation: "you seemed stressed so i made you your favourite meal but please don't bring it up or i'll die. hope you like it ^-^"
terrified of bugs which is unfortunate since his 3rd sister loves them and keeps them as pets
when i said overachiever i meant it. student body president. excels in most sports. top grades.
he has to be perfect or he will literally die (real) (not fake)
oh he's also scared of dogs and he's very pathetic about it. i'm talking he sees a tiny puppy and he crosses to the other side of the street.
works at a convenience store because he doesn't want to end up being a spoilt rich brat stereotype lol the old ladies at check out love him because he always offers to carry their bags to their car for them
tries to act all serious and grown up when he's around his sisters to impress them but it's a lost cause
he's a complete sweetheart please tell him he's doing a good job and watch trashy dramas and reality tv with him
okie Evie time :3
she's a witch!! wohoo magic
she has like a billion siblings
jk just 5 but still
all of them are adopted and a different magical being (for example her older brother is a werewolf) simply because i think it's funny
listen hear me out: her dad is like fucking bruce wayne, adopting kids left and right, but he's just a regular schmegular human so i think it's hilarious that he adopts a new kid and he's all like "oh great they're just human phew no stress for me"
just to find out that no, this child is in fact NOT human, and on top of that they're an entirely different species than the rest of his kids so he has to learn about their specific needs and quirks and whatnot all over again
listen it's hilarious
okay anyways
evie stress bakes!! so she always has new stuff to give to others because WOW girl you're stressed beyond measure
brought 5 loafes of bread to school once to give to her friends. "thanks but you already gave me 2 yesterday my family really can't eat all of that :(" "girl PLEASE you have to help me i have 12 more at home and my dad is fucking PISSED he told me to get rid of them immediately."
if Briar needs to be perfect or else he will die, then Evelyn needs everyone to like her or she will die
she's honestly a bit of a pushover because of that but she's working on it and has made great progress (therapy queen)
fashion lover and lover of cute things
her outfits look like a claire's threw up on her
her magic manifested when she was like 5 when she got into a fight with her brother and she just. launched his ass into the sky lol
that accident broke his leg and made her resent her powers for a bit
like she wanted nothing to do with them and straight up refused to go to a school where she would learn about them. her dad was so worried because suppressing magic longterm makes you actually sick
that is until a friend of her dad explained to her that learning to control her powers would help her prevent any more accidents
that friend is called Makena and we love her! she's a witch as well and ended up giving Evie private lessons and also helped Evie's dad with learning about magic and how to care for non-human kids
at first Evelyn rly sucked at magic like REALLY sucked at magic and she was like, are you serious this is ASS
but she was just a slow learner and is really good now :)
works at Makena's cafe in an effort to help with her social skills
i have drawings of these two somewhere but it's been a while so i can't fund them 😭
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boyakishantriage · 6 months
imagine being a matpat defender LOL. cringe tbh
My reactions to this:
Who the fuck is mat pat?
Sounds kinda like a burger joint
Damn, now I want burgers
Where are my keys.
Haha, I have gas.
... Who is mat pat?
... Oh, like. Person or organisation.
He just makes dumb videos using conspiracy thinking for fun.
I guess that's a thing now, making fun of people who think too much about video games and stuff.
... What Berger do I want?
... Huh, they're using anon.
How do I word- ooh.
Burger, burger, burger.
Burgor has been completed.
... Hm, think here or think home.
Wasn't there a video of something the kid had. Like.
@boyakishan or something?
... Trash into the bin :3
He he he.
And off we go.
... This post is kinda. Hyper fixing on a few things.
... I mean, I guess the video has transphobic elements. Though they're really old and kinda cringe.
Yeah, the quality of this pyro video is more than a bit shit.
Not much research. Just first few results on google.
I'm gonna do chores. I need a break.
... Wasn't there a video about him leaving FNAF or being less focused.
Huh, well. FNAF was left because they didn't like people who were more straightforward and boxed in.
Hm, that time they called kids being in boxes was before everyone and they were called dumb. And now everyone's more accepting of that now it's mainstream.
Huh, what's this video about...
Oh. Looks like matpat fucked up and made his hollow knight video on half truth and forgot a few major contradictions and questions I'm his theory.
... I guess I can watch the pyro video again.
Oh. It's cringe.
It's very cringe.
Ahhh, cringe.
... How old...
... Wait, what resources were available for trans people around then?
... Huh, you gotta dig deep for that.
Wait, this video says something about his old videos needing more research.
... Huh, a lot of these counter videos seem to act like matpat's supposed to be this crowning representation of all the correct things.
... Huh? Sans is ness?
... Ok, so. It's. A little cringe. But our there. But it kind of makes sense. Is that controversial to say?
... Hm, wait. Isn't there a memory of a key ask?
... My friends are trans...
Wait, if you watched this and took those comments as insult about your friends you hold really really close to heart...
These articles are kinda bland, clickbait titles and just air stating things we already know
Yeah, I'm. Confused? I don't get what's so bad about a bunch of nerds geeking out about video games and stuff?
Uhh, anon. Huh. That's. Interesting, too scared to show your username. Wait, doesn't our pinned have a thing about complaining about shit you go to @boyakishan ? This is more of a system blog thing...
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x-raei-s-art · 2 years
Ok so... I decided I would redesign and potentially rewrite some aspects of Tmnt 2012, and we'll since I've been brought back to my 9-10 year old hyperfixation of mutant turtles, I went straight to character redesigning. Hope you enjoy my process lmao 🦐
A collection of beta designs of my redesigns of 2012 tmnt, and of course April was one I prioritized first, and I quite like it so it may be permanent (I could tweak the hair a lil more though)
(rough sketches)
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Final result
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Since she is a Krang expirement, after all they did give her telepathic powers I kinda wanted to explore that part of her as it was in like maybe by season 2 it was established she was a "mutant", but it was never heavily explored.
I kind of wanted her outfit to have more pop and make her stand out instead of the weird clothes she has, and since it takes place in 2012, I wanted her to fit like early 2010's teen heroine aesthetic (oh and she will be Hispanic cause I said so 🤪)
Onto the great legend, tech genius, Donnie. I wanted to to stay true to his original design. Just added some goggles and some mixed toxic chemicals bottles on his strap, cause from what I've seen (I haven't watched the 2003 or 1987 yet) 2012 Donnie and Bayverse!Donnie are the only ones who mess with chemicals and expirement with antidotes so I wanted to heavily reference that.
Also donnie 2012 doesn't have the best tools and materials to work with when it comes to tech unlike Rise!donnie so I'm debating on if he should have the same skills he's always have and putting junk together and making it work, or up his knowledge to !Rise or !Bayverse level
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Yes I did steal rise!donnie's goggles at first but than I looked for refs to redesign it and I got the bottom left *first image* as my final result so yeah (did try to do bayverse donnie's goggles but it was to much detail)
I do gotta admit, I put more effort on trying to write donnie's traits while designing him than the other boys 😀
Now onto the Leader Blue, Leo. After all this is 2012 versions so yeah he's leader lol
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So Leo was kinda a struggle, because I wanted him to have something that would make him different than donnie. The first thing I came up with was one of those fabric arm brace, with the Hamato Clan symbol. In Japan, when someone's a president to a club (from what I've seen in the animes) they are wearing the arm brace with the symbol of their club. So that was my first idea.
I was going to leave him with his original design until I went into looking at the other outfits he's wore on the series, and I got inspired with season 4 finally and decided to give him the fishnets he wore so yeah lol
My boo, my bae, Raph the Violent Fucker His design was basically what made him look "bad ass" and "he's fucking stupid for that" vibe cause yeah thought it would be funny
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with Raph I had an idea of what I wanted him to have. I first relied on the crack of his shell to giving me an idea, and that was that he was a reckless kid. The scars on his face and legs are due to reckless self-injury (not purposeful SH) or Leo.
Leo and Raph were always competing since kids so when they got their weapons Raph wanted to fight Leo, and of course not being trained, Leo swung his sword wrong and hurt his bro (I might add a couple of scars on Leo too just to be even)
Now the precious boy Mikey is up next. His head shape was a pain in the ass to draw, and I might redraw him cause I'm not very happy with it. Though the general idea is drawn on here so I will use this ref for now.
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There wasn't much thought put behind his design, I was just thinking about what would he wear to stand out from his brothers. I was struggling with how he would wear the wrapping on his leg so I came up with what's on the sketch (I don't really like but it does give me another idea). I did add stickers because I think April would just decorate him with stickers.
I also added more freckles on him because, I can
I will say that these are just some beta designs and I will try and improve them, I might start writing about the relationship dynamics first before another redesign, maybe then I could get a better idea of what I should improve, keep, or change all together so for now I hope you found my lil hyperfixation on mutant turtles interesting lmao 🧍‍♂️🪄
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gins-potter · 2 years
No context episode 10 thoughts
- last episode let’s gooooooooooo
- Dimitri just being so fucking calm while everyone’s dying outside I could never
- Oh my god Jesse seriously
- I need this show to stop trying to make me care about him
- Ok Mia and Victor having a moment is emotional I guess but also THERE’S AN INVASION GOING ON THIS ISNT THE TIME
- Mason you better speak up
- Ok good boy
- ummm rip
- Didn’t see that one coming
- umm girl what
- Can they not just tell who’s a dhampir and who’s a Moroi?
- Romitri reunion
- oh no Mum and Dad are fighting 😭😭😭
- Oh Mason you’re gonna die
- oh damn old lady has game
- lissa why don’t you heal her?
- Oh you’re doing it very good
- Andre I kinda love you
- Also you’re pretty resourceful for a posh Royal
- Man Daniela cries so pretty
- This queen iconic until the end
- I still find it so wild that Andre has been alive this whole time
- So wild
- lol this chick just making up her own rules
- We stan
- Victor there’s literally a FUCKING INVASION GOING ON and you’re crying in the church
- All these friendships that the books never gave us - living for it
- Romitri arguing and then completely dropping it when Rose senses the strigoi because Dimitri is a concerned puppy dog
- Tatiana what the fuck
- All these people running for their lives stopping to get luggage is so fucking batshit
- I oscillate wildly between wanting Jesse to die and finding him amusing
- “There’s more grace in that hope than in all the prayers I’ve ever uttered” I FUCKING LOVE THAT LINE
- “Thanks Jesse you’re not always a complete dick” Mia you’re such a mood
- Rose defending Dimitri like no one touches her man
- her accent is still so fucking hilarious
- Oh shit thought Andre was gonna survive a car crash and burial just to get killed by a random strigoi
- is lissa healing literally everyone but Mia?
- Disregard
- Oh this music I love it
- I find this deviation from the books so batshit insane but this is cute
- welp
- Brought him back just to turn him
- That’s so unfortunate
- Oh Sisi fucking ate with that scene tho
- she’s not gonna have any spirit left because she’s been fucking healing everyone
- Oh my god Mason that leap through the air was fucking hilarious
- I’m so here for this Rose and Janine team up
- Victor she’s literally a strigoi
- We’ll rip Victor
- Unsurprising result
- oh Mason
- … so is he dead?
- Get him to the infirmary where there’s no doctors?
- Welp, so I guess it’s gonna be Lissa’s escape story next season
- Oh Mason’s not dead
- Inch resting choice
- these children are married
- How
- Oh my god they’re such dorks
- Awww they said they loved each other
- so is it gonna be lissa, rose, and Dimitri together on the run
- Because that’s a vibe
- The drivinggggg
- incredibly fucking rude
- (Side note: do either of them remember she was just about to run away with Mason?)
- The nose nuzzle
- Oh these two
- They literally own my heart
- Sisi fucking serving looks in this scene btw
- The way Janine has grown on me so quickly
- Zmey’s number???????
- oh my god I need a season 2 just so they can cast Zmey
- two girls who don’t know how to drive road-tripping to escape murder charges? What could go wrong
- dang Andre has had it so rough lmao
- Anyway that was a wild ride but thoroughly enjoyable
- I do want to reread the books now tho
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cassyapper · 1 year
pls share abt ur ocs <3 i remember the sister who was looking for her brother, and ur jjba oc percy f. lloyd. do u have other ones?
YAY yes ok. so i meant mostly the sister looking for her brother story so i'll talk aobut that here but if anyone wants to hear about my absolute loser jojo oc percy f lloyd (always say his full name or he'll kill you), send me a message and i'll make a post <3 he is in part 6 and serves as a general annoyance. he's not even a stand user. ANYWAY
so yes the sister and brother story. for those not in the know this girl ai (wip name) is looking for her brother after they get separated when their village was raided during war. ai's mom basically grabbed her and ran cause she wasn't gonna risk losing her only other kid (she is not a believer in best of both worlds) and ai never forgives her for it. when ai gets old enough she enlists in the army to use it as means of looking for her brother. her story picks up from there
ai has a big attitude and a short temper. even before everything she probably has some sort of mood disorder but the general trauma of her life did not help it at all so she's very unruly and short. as such even though she's been in the army for a long time she doesnt have a very high rnaking cause she just cannot do what she is told. it doesnt help that she has no allegiance to the military or national cause at all cause she doesn't actually care baout that, she's just looking for her brother. frankly the only reason she isn't kicked is cause she does do well in battle (she's a good swordswoman) and her commanding officer is a bit of a bleeding heart and wants to help her (ai will not let him)
anyway so ai goes on this whole journey. she meets a girl named arha that she gets homosexual with and she gets a little buddy named adalia that she is forced to mentor (adalia is the one forcing her). ai has a hard time focusing on them (and her commanding officer who frankly at one point quits the army in order to help her cause. well im still figuring it out but yknow) past the desire to find her brother. she refuses to believe he's dead
and like he's not dead! and she does find him! but he never looked for her. he had been saved by some dragons and was living with them and learning magic. while he knew ai and their mom weren't dead, he knew it wasn't likely he'd ever go back to human society (he was kinda traumatized by the raid and also the dragons are nice so) and so he just, moved on. this absolutely fucking crushes ai cause she ruined all the life she's lived thus far to find him and he didn't even...care if she did. her brother isn't a bad guy btw it's just. he was so young when the raid happened and he again never thought he'd see them again so. he's glad to have her now but it is admittedly awkward especially with how shattered ai is
so ai tries to figure out what comes after a) finding her goal and b) that goal not resulting in what she thought it would. her brother does join her and probably the war that was going on will be wrapped up by them but im still figuring that part out. ai accepts arha and adalia and her commander (and probably others but those are just the three i've conceived of so far) into her heart and she learns to move on, too. after which her and her brother's relationship improves in leaps and bounds. and while she never quite forgives her mom she's able to form a relationship with her after it all. but yeah
anyway i know i spoiled a lot of the beats of the story with this but! that's the basic gist. lol
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this is ai btw (this is an outdated design but the foundations are here)
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onyx-roses · 1 year
I finished re4r awhile ago and it was FANTASTIC.
I feel they really did the original justice. I enjoyed the QOL improvements that were made. Having your knife being able to parry is awesome and very satisfying. It's quite the game changer! The fact that you can use it even against one hit kill bosses like dr. salvador is so neat! While I don't like stealth typically, it's a welcome addition since the game doesn't force it on you. Having the option to pick off a few enemies silently is nice although I feel doing this made little difference in terms of making taking down the rest of the enemies easier tbh. Being able to simply kick and elbow barrels and crates instead of painstakingly having to shoot or knife them is probably an afterthought for others but i highly appreciated this. Crafting ammo and grenades is new feature that saved my ass a few times so needless to say love it lol. And next up the biggest change in the game, you can move and shoot now! Lol. Something I never quite got use to however was the 180 degree turn. In old RE, it was down + x (on ps at least). Now it's down + R1, which feels very unnatural to me. I dealt with it but eh, not very comfortable with this change. Leon overall controls pretty well despite this. I love that you can change weapons on the fly now instead of always having to go into the attache case. I do kinda miss seeing Leon on the side in the attache case menu lol. The merchant returns! With a nice little bonus, side quests! They are completely optional but doing them can net you extra rewards. The shooting range is back and I LOVE that they used 'The Drive' song and remixed it! Especially the way it amps up during bonus time, ugh so good. The fucking nostalgia man. Going on to story and characters now. I love that Ashley feels like an actual character and more realistic this time around. Her redesign is rly cute too. Luis being more present and fleshed out was great too. I have to say I think I actually prefer how his death was handled in the remake. It felt more emotional and impactful. Ok so with Leon. First off, I admittedly am always nervous with how characters are going to look because I'm not always crazy with how capcom handles redesigns and characters' faces. But holy crap, LEON THO. Every version of Leon can get it but Re4 Leon is my fave Leon so needless to say when I saw him for the first time in that reveal trailer, Me = deceased. He looks so goddamn good. I thought I had it bad for him back then, nah. Now, I'm fucking embarrassingly OBSESSED with this man. I want to devour him. It was hard to not stop every two seconds when playing to admire his....assets lmaooo. I think some ppl didn't like that he seems more grounded this time around but I actually don't mind it at all. They found a nice middle ground where Leon is def more serious than before but he still throws out one liners here and there. So his corny side is still very much present but he doesn't seem as cocky as before. Ada looks great and is as mysterious as ever lol. Story beats were mostly the same, a few things tweaked of course but I was satisfied with how the narrative was handled. And omg, was so nice to see certain costumes and weapons plus easter eggs make a comeback! The freaking gangster suit, armor for Ashely, the chicago typewriter and the reload animation, him sitting down on the chair and posing fabulously, etc. I'm just so over the moon for this game. It's one of my favorite games of all time and I couldn't be happier with the end result. I remember hearing when this was getting a remake and being like but why? Re4 doesn't need a remake. But now having played it, it's so well done and I'm so glad Capcom didn't screw it up lol. It was a blast reliving this masterpiece all over again 🥲.
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creepypastalover97 · 2 years
Ok time for another creepypasta au headcannon
Today’s headcannon is Kate the chaser
But first thing first
okay so i haven't actually looked into kate that much woopsie
i know the basics of her story, design, and what she basically does as a proxy.
kate " the chaser? " the first time i read that i thought an animal and since then, my version of kate isn't entirely human. i like to think of her as a forest spirit, although she just looks a little creepy; she's an average height, skinny creature with limbs that are just slightly too long. ( these make it easier to chase people on all fours, ya know, like an animal ) my reason for her being a forest spirit is actually kinda funny; in middle school I had a running joke that she was a dog cause that's what i thought she was at first LMFAO so i thought she was magical version of smile dog for a while. i got them mixed up don't yell at me lol.
okay but back to kate
. now i think of her as a forest spirit because in my headcanon, the operator’s radiation killed her, although he wanted her to work for him so badly that he brought her back to life, just as a spirit in his forest. because she was brought back from the dead, she looks a lil fucked up but it's okay we love her .
. She doesn’t really look human anymore. a not entirely human demon-spirit thing with long limbs, sharp teeth, and a mask who smells like death, like think very wendigo-esque.
. Kate the Chaser was the result of an experiment by the Operator to see if he could make someone willingly submit to being his proxy. The Operator made Kate find the 8 pages over and over and over and over again until she cracked and practically begged to serve The operator just to make it stop.
. kate still feels human emotions, although they can easily be clouded and taken over by voices in her head. these voices are what used to keep her loyal to the operator ; if she didn't hear these voices she would have run off and probably been killed again by some scared civilian. these voices are also what makes her kill; because of them; they're constantly screaming in her mind, reminding her that her one goal is to protect the forest from outsiders. kate believes that's her only goal and reason to be where she is; she does a damn good job though
. She is one of the few proxies to suffer from “maladaptive proxyism”, which occurs randomly. It is a select grouping of genes that makes someone susceptible. There are no signs of it as a human, but when someone with it is “transformed”, they go feral. Kate’s episode lasted almost a year. She takes specialized medicine for it (thanks EJ).
. There is a cabin in the woods that kate goes to when she has one of her episodes it’s her safe place
. Since she’s one of the Top 3, she has a really nice room inside of the mansion. She likes to sleep there when most of the time. because the mattress on the floor in the cabin hurts her back too bad to walk back there to it. :(
. She has a ragged old cat who can detect her episodes. Whenever she notices the cat acting strange, she knows to take leave and go to her cabin. She is not immune to her episodes; the pills just help prevent most of them..
. Her eyes are very sensitive to light due to her living in Kullman Mines before being relocated to the Mansion by Slender Man. which often leaves her to only be seen in the night then in the daylight; a total night owl
. She can see really well in the dark, to the point where when there was a power outage at the Mansion she didn’t notice for like an hour.
. Wears sunglasses whenever she’s out in about in the daytime.
. She’s kind of terrified of Slenderman. Despite him removing her from the operator’s control she still afraid of him mainly because of his resemblance to the operator.
. Kate’s voice is kind of raspy and low. She has severely damaged vocal cords.
. She doesn’t talk much. (Yet again because of her vocal cords.) though she’s fine with speaking with her hands, facial expressions or body language. She also growls a lot.
. Despite having damaged vocal cords, She has a very nice singing voice but she is kind of self-conscious about it.
. Kate has a southern accent.
. She is the one who drew the operator and the slenderman notes that travelers find in the woods. Her room is covered in notes since she can’t stop drawing them. Some think they are coping methods that she uses to help with all the shit she went though with The operator. but by god has she gone through a lot of shit because of The operator in her lifetime.
. Black goo occasionally leaks from her eyes and mouth. Nobody 100 % sure knows why but the other pastas just assume it’s because of Her past of being under the operator’s influence.
. Due to being a proxy of the slenderman. Kate has now developed the ability to fully transform into a beast. ( remember proxies can develop abilities after a few years of being proxies when marked by the slenderman, kate only developed the ability to transform into a beast specifically because she already showed attributes of animal-like behavior. it kind looks similar to this.)
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Bonus: She often has to strip in order to transform if she doesn’t want her clothes or her mask to be ripped to shreds
. More brawn then anything else, she works out on her free time leaving to be very trimmed down, lean with a good amount of muscles on her making her a good fight .
. She goes after targets at night or in dark places, and will try to get rid of any light sources they have first so they can’t take advantage of her photophobia.
. She thinks 2 am is definitely the best time to climb a tree, as it’s good practice for agility.
. Unnaturally quick on her feet; she’s a speedy runner who’s stamina is way through the roof that can beat easily almost all the other proxies and outrun anyone else. Literally can seemingly run for hours without getting tired.
. Kate likes to get in and out of missions as quickly as possible. Despite being a fast She’s not extremely stealthy, so when she goes on missions by herself she usually kills all people in the house.
. She is feral as fuck and will start a fight with anyone for any reason. She runs on energy drinks and pure rage. She once got in a fist fight with Nurse Ann because she put her milk in before her cereal.
. One time BEN dared her to punch the Rake in the nose and she did it without a second thought.
. She adores listening to the sound of rainfall. She was cooped up in Kullman Mines for so long that she forgot what it sounded like. Whenever it rains she goes for a walk. Without an umbrella. Because umbrellas are for pussies.
. Often is mistaken for either mostly Jeff the killer and or occasionally Masky and in turn leaves her quite annoyed whenever it happens
. Not entirely fond of fire whatsoever at all though isn’t deathly afraid and wouldn’t mind staying close only for warmth purposes
. ABSOLUTELY will down your ass for saying one of her interests is stupid. You’re stupid >:(
. Her and Hoody argue a lot but it’s more over who gets to pick the TV show.
. actually quite a big fan of anime
. She can only cook basic things.
. She has a good amount of hoodies, as she keeps getting blood on them and it takes ages to wash them.
. She sometimes has mood swings, especially after coming back from missions
. Her mask is honestly one of her most prized possessions. It has sentimental value to her. It was a mask Lauren got her for Halloween. She always has it with her and almost no one except for Slenderman have seen her without her mask.
. while on the topic of her mask, it's a plain white mask but the eyesockets are very big; maybe the constant scratching at it by victims wore it down who knows though.
. Due to being a forest spirit and somewhat undead. Kate can take a lot of damage without worrying about dying. It really scared the shit out of Circe that one time Kate’s arm got torn off.
“ oh wow, i didn’t even notice.”-Kate
. Hates when people call her Katie, Kathy, or Katherine and has punched people in the throat because of it. The only person who still does it is Jeff, because he’s an asshole.
. Has a fear of being abandoned by others
. She trusts Masky the most out of anyone and all she does is sometimes let him talk to her. According to circe their conversations can be quite entertaining to watch.
“Okay, what do you want to drink?”- masky
“Pepsi.”- Kate
“Kate, for the last fucking time, we don’t have Pepsi.” - masky
“Tim, either you get me what I want, or I’ll dig your grave next to Jay’s.”- kate
. Kate and Rouge have this thing where they just kind of stare at each other and vibe. It freaks Masky and Toby out just a little bit. Hoodie doesn’t really care. He’s kind of quiet too. Circe just loves it.
. All she thinks about is karma. Spill coffee on her, she’ll send a karma demon to your place.
. She has social anxiety. So she locks herself up in her room 24/7, and only leaves to get food, relieve herself, or to go on missions. Tho slender forces her to interact with others.
. has a hard time making friends but if she does make friends she’ll become extremely protective over them and beat the shit out of anybody who crosses them.
. Due to showing signs that she may still have traces of being under the operator’s control. She’s not allowed to lock her doors when in the mansion, for example. She also has one of the baby monitors in her room.
. A loyal-ish proxy to the Slenderman who’ll do pretty anything for the most part without question or a second thought
. Tbh she’s probably one of the most well rounded out Proxies. She’s very in-tune with herself and those around her. She has to be, she works with idiots all day long. (But she herself is kind if an idiot, Miss Why-set-traps-the-normal-way-when-i-could-become-the-trap)
. Even though she misses her old life, she does not want to go back. She doesn’t want to go through it all again to get to where she is.
Overall kate still has her struggles. But I think she’s going to be okay.
P.s. none of this canon. So don’t take it seriously if you don’t want to, if you don’t like it, take it somewhere else. Thank you
Bye 👋🏻
P.s.s. Go check out Circe’s origin story on archive of our own. It’s called rabbits are not what they seem.
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peggycatrerr · 9 months
Fucking WHAT well I guess I learned something new today bahaha thanks! I could have sworn I was always searching the tag :') ok ignore everything I said then lol. This whole time I’ve been overthinking mentioning show/character names in my tags cause I was worried it’d end up in the main tags… But yeah that person probably did the same thing I did and that’s why they saw it. And yes people search by acronym??? People use the acronym as a tag so why wouldn’t I search it?
YEAH!! i mean it does still show up in search results so there are still absolutely times when it's worth skirting around show/character names because there are people who are searching instead of going to the tag, and more people than i realised i guess, because i honestly thought it was widely known that they changed it to take you to a search result a couple of years ago. it's handy when you're trying to find a specific post! but it has definitely caused... problems too.
but basically yeah if you type the thing you're looking for into the search bar and then just hit enter (or "done" on mobile) it will take you to a search result for every post containing the words you just searched. if you click/tap the thing that says #what you typed , then it'll take you to the tag (which will just be things ACTUALLY tagged with that phrase, verbatim, by op, and not just posts including the words in any order)
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as for the acronym thing, it... literally never occurred to me. like i have seen people tag things w the acronym for something if they're just doing an organisational system on their own blog, or they'll include it in the list of tags if something has a really distinct acronym, but i literally always type out the full name of the thing i'm searching for and i never considered not doing that. idk. maybe this is an age thing? i don't know how old you are but if you're younger than me then maybe you've just always had hashtags there as part of your internet-using life and are used to doing things that way while i'm more used to figuring out the exact search terms required to get google to give me exactly what i want. you're probably no more than two years younger than me tbh but that would be enough to do it. who knows! who knows.
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