#ok maybe not forever but i play all the gens and have since the first one
actias-luna · 2 years
i will not waste my money on the new pokémon game. i will not waste my money on the new pokémon game. i will not waste my money on the new pokémon game. i will not waste my money on the new pokémon game. i will not waste my money on the new pokémon game. i will not waste my money on the new pokémon game. i will not waste my money on the new pokémon game.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Zoomer Huey, I tend to see people saying why Gen z don’t have sex much.
These journalists surprisedly have WORSE self awareness than there boomer relatives
Here a hint https://x.com/swannmarcus89/status/1762582001507323991?s=46
And gender dynamics are…nuked in the fields they are surveying. Women and girls are told that all men are predators and misandry is left unchecked
Also, why Hollywood act surprised about the sex abuse?
We all heard about the casting coach, and how suspiciously people from working class backgrounds like Micheal Jackson (yes his dad had his music connections. But essentially mj was a slave and was arguably was the first black child star unless I’m missing someone) and Walt Disney (though not as bad) are painted as monsters while the actual monsters are protected for decades
I mean look at Judy Garland, she was a sweet person and she did help the LBGT in Hollywood and supported the civil rights movement
But her “crazy” behavior makes more sense because she was sexually abused at a extremely young age
And she not the only one, Shirley Temple, the boy who played at the first LA Dennis the Manis
Oh and the Peter Pan actor (a lot of people leave out the part where ALL of Hollywood basically says he can choke and die because he was “too” Disney)
But sorry about the Gen stuff, but the false rape accusations, maybe if you guys didn’t view men (especially white ones) the same way Nazis viewed the Jews while saying all the working class men were Weinstein.
My Gen would have more sex
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Entertainment industry has been like that since the beginning of forever, probably less so when women weren't allowed to participate but still a thing I'm sure.
As for Judy Garland it was nice to see people come out swinging in her defense when someone tried to start shit over well
She was not in control of her carer, saying no was not an option for her with this, but dumbasses that can only think in terms of today's standards never think about that.
Jay North (Dennis the Menace) did ok, so did Shirley Temple, plenty of others not so much, more recently we can look at Drew Barrymore and RDJ who both had fairly public meltdowns and problems.
Drew was ruined since her first film was ET and Spielberg takes care of the kids on set, going beyond the legal requirements.
Bobby Driscol was the Peter Pan VA top of his Wiki article.
Robert "Bobby" Cletus Driscoll (March 3, 1937 – c. March 30, 1968) was an American actor who performed on film and television from 1943 to 1960. He starred in some of the Walt Disney Studios' best-known live-action pictures of that period: Song of the South (1946), So Dear to My Heart (1949), and Treasure Island (1950), as well as RKO's The Window (1949). He served as the animation model and provided the voice for the title role in Peter Pan (1953). He received an Academy Juvenile Award for outstanding performances in So Dear to My Heart and The Window.
He just fell into the child actor pit, where he wasn't "cute" anymore couldn't get gigs and couldn't adjust to not being in the spotlight, the way he went and nobody knowing is awful to think about still.
Jackie Coogan, on the other hand was a different story.
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His parents sucked and as a result there's a series of laws named after him California's Coogan Law all about protecting the earnings of child actors from their parents. % goes into a trust iirc.
He ended up OK in the end though
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The false accusation thing, #me too hurt women because #believe women was taken advantage of to such a degree that even this coming out to light
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has still probably not cleared up for the trooper, and men are opting to not mentor women because of not wanting to risk a false accusation, everyone screams about how rare they are, to which I say so what, why should they assume the risk even if it's minor
Former VP Mike Pence came out and said he won't be alone with a woman that's not his wife in order to ensure that there is no possibility of someone making a claim of impropriety.
And he got this response
Why is anyone going to put their neck on the line when something like what he said is going to get this kind of response.
Maybe instead of crying about how rare false accusations are they should focus on shaming the people making them and coming up with solutions to keep them from happening.
You know instead of blaming the victims of the false accusations.
All this and so much more going on that isn't in this ask goes to the I don't blame people for not having as much sex, it's actually kinda nice too, fewer std's this way.
I went on a couple tangents, hope that's ok
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petriichvrs · 10 months
𝙷𝙾𝙶𝙶𝙻𝙴𝚂𝚆𝙰𝚁𝚃  𝙰𝚂𝙺𝙴𝙳  :   3, 4 & 5  !
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3.   FACE CLAIMS YOU ARE DYING TO USE : archie madekwe and sun yihan are TOP of my list, but i also really wanna use london thor, madchen amick, diego luna, oliver jackson cohen, skeet ulrich, savannah lee smith, nadia hilker, chandler kinney, maia reficco and derek luh ! some have ideas attached for nox / aurora / lumos, but most are just ... waiting for their chance :(
4.   FACE CLAIMS YOU ARE DYING TO PLAY AGAINST : oh i don't actually know ... i think pedro pascal has been on my opp list for a WHILE, but the only other people coming to mind are havana rose liu and melanie lynskey. maybe derek luh should be here too because i REALLY like him for astoria's oldest sibling ? but that's about it !
5.   YOUR FAVORITE ORIGINAL VERSE OC (OR ONE OF YOUR FAVORITES) : ok she really might not count towards this because of being from a disney / marvel / next gen type group ( depends on your definition of original verse honestly, but since they were super au and set in a made up universe that i fleshed out i feel like all the characters there DO count ) but my number one forever is going to be rylie natalia barton. i've written her on and off since 2014 and she was originally a willa holland fc, though i recasted her for recent musings with my friend as diana silvers, because i think she's a great cast for a 'modern' rylie of a similar age to when i first wrote her. she's the daughter of clint barton & bobbi morse ( & step daughter of natasha romanoff ) and kicked off my whole barton cinematic universe that now includes uncle barney and his only kid, monica barton, and natasha's legal ward, ziva mizrahi. i just ... love her. this is her pin board & three songs from her inspo playlist that i think get her vibe are miss america by james blunt, tightrope by lp and hymn by kesha. she went through a LOT during her original run and was the character i did a three irl year alcoholism arc on that i am still like ... a little proud of, weird as that is to even say, because i feel like i wrote it well, and i just think that her character arc was one of the best things i ever did, tbh. she's always been the character i understood best and for a long time understanding her best and loving her most meant that i was going to give her a gruesome, too soon death, but as i've grown up and gotten myself into a better place and went on my OWN journey, she's now this character that i just want the absolute best for all of the time, even if she can only get to the best through a little more trouble. rylie is inspiration for a lot of characters i have written, but i've never been able to recreate her exactly, nor would i want to. she will always have a lil part of my heart and nobody else can ever take it<3
𝚁𝙾𝙻𝙴𝙿𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁 𝙰𝚂𝙺 𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙴  »  currently not  accepting  !
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esprei · 2 years
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VOLO TIME *cue piano* OK SO... I’ve been meaning to write this up for a while now - my thoughts, observations and general musings on Volo (and maybe a headcanon or two?) (please keep in mind this will be very jumbled - literally just me trying to talk about why this character has grown on me and why I love him so much now so without further ado, let’s go! also, big shoutout to @sunnyluma for helping grab most of these screenshots tyyyyyy ;-;)
((under a cut because this will be loooong))
Ah, Volo... where do I even start?  I was pretty indifferent towards him at first and the same can be said as I played through the game. I honestly thought that he was just a Legends Arceus version of Cynthia, nothing more nothing less (since, y’know he had similar looks, mannerisms and things, not to mention the whole various characters as ancestors bit). For some reason gen 4 is the gen that resonates with me the least (I’ve uh... never actually finished a gen 4 game or fought Cynthia 😬), and while I do think Cynthia is a really cool champion and character in general, I definitely don’t feel a lot of the same hype for her that others do. So that, in turn, applied to Volo for me as well. It was like a... he’s just there kind of situation. But fast forward from finishing the game to hyperfixation on submas to maybe... two months ago? Three now? I dunno, can’t remember the timeline, but what I DO remember is looking at Volo one day and being like... wow. He’s cool. I like him. More specifically, I was looking at his character design sheet at the time. And in that moment it really sank in that, wow this guy is freaking tall. 190cm? equivalent to 6′3″? What in the world. And just... something about that cocky smirk of his in his artwork, coupled with the fact that it’s right next to his goofy Arceus cosplay with that hair... He hooked me. Seriously. Look at him:
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(This outfit has also grown on me btw I unironically love it because look at him he’s in his Arceus cosplay and he confidently rocks it like i can’t-) Anyway part of it is probably because I love characters who have crazy or sinister expressions. They can be fun! So then I rewatched the cutscene that happens after you win against him and Giratina because I couldn’t quite recall the sequence of events that happened there and I was curious. And MAN I was shocked... I did not really remember ANY of this?? Seriously, there’s so much packed into these last few lines before he walks away (forever... sobs...). I feel like I really see a glimpse into Volo’s complexity during this whole cutscene. Or, at the very least, his insecurities. Just take the following for example:
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HE LOOKS SO SAD... SERIOUSLY, this particular little scene always gets to me. Like... ok. Yeah, he not too long before this ordered Giratina to strike you down to get the plates because he said he wasn’t above using force to get them from you, but it’s here where I really see a guy who’s questioning himself in this moment. It’s like he’s putting so much worth into Arceus’s view of him, he’s so convinced that he’s the chosen one because of his bloodline that when Arceus doesn’t choose him he’s lost. Confused. Surprised Pikachu face even. 
I dunno... we unfortunately don’t have a lot of backstory on him, but I feel like this guy has (or feels like he has) a lot of pressure on his shoulders due to the nature of belonging to a bloodline that has pretty much since died out, save for himself and Cogita. Or maybe even that he put that pressure on himself? Which brings me to this... a scene that REALLY caught my attention when watched it again because I actually read what he says???
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If you follow me over on twitter, you might have seen me talk about this scene a while back - more specifically what he says in the first two screenshots. It’s honestly one of the ones that led me to look into Volo even more because seriously... Volo. Who or what hurt you. What happened. Talk to me. PLEASE...
In all seriousness though, the lack of backstory kills me because I like to imagine something tragic happened to him in the past for him to have this viewpoint. And to not only have this viewpoint but to be driven enough to make a change in the world... err... rather, just make a new one!
But. Back to the lines after you defeat him and Giratina... what stands out to me here as well is Volo’s admission and acceptance of defeat. Watching it back the first time I was honestly a little caught off guard. He really kinda humbles himself and gives you the last plate, the Spooky Plate, admitting that his journey ended when lost to you. I don’t really focus too much on the other Pokemon villains admittedly so I’m not sure if others did this, but this sequence just stuck out to me because he gives it up after being so aggressive right before this. Like before he was confident, smug, hellbent on doing everything that he could to get you out of his way, you outsider, then when he Giratina ran off he was at first angry, then confused, questioning Arceus about it all, left with burning questions that he can’t bear not knowing the answer to... It’s like this man goes through the five stages in grief all in the span of like... 30 seconds.
Seriously, this man looks tired here. Done. Defeated. He knows it’s over.
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He accepts it all, even if it’s just for a moment. ...Then right after that the Azure Flute forms for you and he’s right back to being an angry, petulant brat about it all... But that’s why I love him! He’s morally gray. He fights with himself, he fights with the internal emotional turmoil that he’s feeling about you being the one Arceus wants to see rather than him, about him not being good enough for Arceus to spare him even a second of its time, him thinking that he was doing something that needed to be done, rebuilding a new world free from pain and strife and other horrible things he’s had to experience, that others have no doubt experienced... (at least, this is what I see asfkldfj) And all of that, at least to me, makes him more interesting than the Volo I had first impressions of. Makes him feel more human to me. More than just “oh shoot, he’s the Cynthia ancestor who’s actually the villain instead of Cyllene!” Like... yeah. He made bad choices. He tried to use Giratina to strike you down. He wanted to subjugate Arceus and force it to create a brand new world, erasing the current one. Not a good look. I’m not trying to excuse any of that, and I’m not the best at organizing these thoughts probably, and I will admit that I also saw Volo as the manipulative, conniving guy early on because for me it was such a twist that he was the villain, so that’s what I focused on. And why he was such a great twist villain for me was because of the setup. By that, I mean you already had a well established character in Cynthia right - an all good, helpful, friendly and strong person - then you apply that to Volo and... boom. HE’S NOT THAT?? I was thinking at a certain point it was just going to be Kamado as the big bad because of the events that unfold, which is why with Volo it was EVEN BETTER because you had that sort of fake out I guess (for lack of a better term)? Kamado banishes you from Jubilife, Volo finds you in Obsidian Fieldlands and helps you, takes you to Cogita to help with the lake spirits and the Red Chain and all, you eventually hear that Kamado is going up to the temple to deal with the rift, then after those events Volo gets kinda sus at the Giratina statue riiiiight before you go up to the temple and then when you get up there... JACKET COMES OFF, OUTFIT CHANGE, etc etc. And like... I get why some people just do not like Volo and never will. I respect that. Trust me, I did NOT like Melli during the main game at all, I’ll tell you what. The little bit of background we get on him in the daybreak update was what changed my view on him, though. And for me what changed my general view on Volo were these scenes. I dunno, maybe I’m a broken record at this point, and maybe I’m a little biased now because I adore him, but I now see him as someone who maybe in the beginnings had noble intentions and just ended up going down the wrong path unfortunately.
Like... look. Right after he questions Arceus about what he’s lacking he asks this:
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To me, he’s doubting it all now. And like the moments I mentioned above, him questioning the grand ol’ creator what it is he’s lacking, what makes him not good enough, we see a bit of his human side. Scenes like these and scenes like when he gives you the Spooky Plate lead me to think he has a lot of insecurities hidden underneath that confident (and other times cheery and playful) demeanor. Whether it’s a burden, an expectation, his own self-imposed pressures... there’s just a smidge that we can see and so much more that could be possible if he had more story elements focused on him. (WHICH IS WHY I WANT PLA DLC SO BAD I KNOW IT’S WISHFUL THINKING BUT PLEASE) I’d also like to mention that I think it’s very very interesting that his trainer class for his last battle is “Pokemon Wielder” rather than the “Ginkgo Guild Member” class he has for his other battles. I don’t feel like “Pokemon Wielder” is negative in its connotation - rather, I’d like to think that it derives from his bloodline, the Celestica people, and the thought that perhaps they were the first tamers of Pokemon in the land of Hisui. This thought is due to the fact that he’s excited to see another person (you) who uses Pokeballs for their Pokemon (rather than the Diamond and Pearl clans whose leaders and wardens do not use Pokeballs at all - with Ingo being the (other) exception to that rule of course). That coupled with the fact that he looks genuinely disappointed that more people don’t use them (this line here):
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And, of course, how can I fail to mention his Pokemon team itself? Look. Really. If you know anything about me lately it is that I ADORE the idea of Volo adoring his Togepi. Which then would evolve into a Togetic through high friendship. And then into a Togekiss through use of Shiny Stone, but you get my point right? Budew into Roselia, Riolu into Lucario... Yes, I know, I know, Volo is Hisuian Cynthia so the team matches for the most part outside of H. Arcanine, and the joke about him gaslighting his Pokemon into evolving is funny on the surface, but in reality I think he genuinely loves his Pokemon. For goodness sake, there’s a photo of him and Togepi outside of the photo booth! And and and the standee that was recently announced as merch?!
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LOOK AT HOW HE HOLDS LITTLE TOGEPI. YOU CANNOT TELL ME THIS MAN DOESN’T LOVE HIS EGG. LOOK AT HOW HE HOLDS EGG. EGG DAD. ...Sorry. Got a little carried away there. But yes! I think he loves his Pokemon, genuinely. Which is why it kills me when he says this:
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Like bro. Your Pokemon were right there in that battle. VOLO PLEASE- (ALSO JUST A QUICK MENTION ABOUT THIS LINE, it also leads me to think that he’s kinda... always been alone for the most part, outside of his Pokemon team maybe 🥺 probably more of a headcanon than anything but that’s just how I feel sdflkjsdlfkj) Alright... I think I’ve said enough at this point and it’s a mess and I’m not too sure I can ever put quite how I feel about Volo into proper words because I’m not the best at this kind of thing but... I just want to say that he’s a character that I have accelerated in love and appreciation for because he’s just... I dunno, he’s got a lot going on. And I think maybe some of that gets missed because of his ties to Cynthia and his betrayal. But I’m reaaaaaally hoping to see him again in the near future. A random house in one of the cities either in the new region or in Unova (if we get B/W remakes) will suffice 🥲 So uh... YEAH. tl;dr I think Volo is a great character with a little more under the surface than just the villain reveal twist at the end of the game and I’m rooting for him all the way. Him and Togepi (Togekiss?). 
Alright. That’s all I got! Byeeeee y’all 👋
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks compilation: 09/05
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God ok that actually sounds like it would work really well. John would be a huge McElroy fan, wouldn’t he?
I just looked up the Washington accent to compare it to Griffin’s, and wow, my mental voice for John is completely different. I probably have all the wrong accents for these characters in my head, since I don’t have a clue which accent maps to which state. 
At least we’re all in the same boat about not knowing Jade’s accent - unless we learn where Grandpa grew up later on, since she’d probably have picked up his.
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Brilliant! Yeah, no, I’ve been trying to nail down that font for ages.
Dammit, I just realized I could have inspected homestuck.com’s source >:(
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It narrowly edges out Gen 4, for me. D/P/Pt were great, but Black and White were the games which really perfected the formula. I honestly don’t think they should have gone 3D, but whatcha gonna do?
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Oh my god, of course there are. I’m going to rewatch that show some day and lose my mind, aren’t I?
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Hey, thanks for the ask! 
I thought about this back when I was first starting the blog. I dunno, though. You’re really not missing much - my live reactions aren’t nearly as coherent as the writeups - mostly just a lot of ‘oh my god, what?’ moments. I write more articulately than I speak. Trust me on this. 
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I’m honestly impressed you came up with something more headache inducing than the bogo algorithm, which for the uninitiated literally means ‘randomly shuffle a list until it’s sorted’. 
aw fuck we’re getting a bogo modus aren’t we
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I like Bogleech’s writing, especially his creature design reviews, but I could never get more than a handful of pages into Awful Hospital. I respect his commitment to the stereotypically ‘gross’ organic aesthetic, but it kind of just squicks me out. Plus, I dunno. The premise is really dark, but the comic seems to be a full-on comedy. The dissonance just doesn’t really work for me. 
Still, though. Pokéween is some of my favorite writing on the web. Check out his stuff. 
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I’ve never been super into horror. Mind you, I like having something to listen to when I’m out on a walk, and I’ve heard good things about the Magnus Archives, so maybe this is my opportunity to give it another chance?
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No, yeah, we have a winner. Step aside, Broderick.
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I have come to accept that Hussie is just really prone to making unintentional references. When Dave Strider is one of your primary characters, you probably can’t avoid constantly referencing pop culture - even, it seems, accidentality!
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The Queen is dead! everything has gone to shit! Long live Jack the Ascended!  
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Haha, I never considered that tumblr’s format does kind of resemble John and CG’s inverted conversations, in a way. When you reblog a connected pair of joke posts, you even have to make sure to reblog them backwards, or you’ll invert them! 
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Ah, indie devs. Heads, they’re legends, tails, they’re assholes. 
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I’ve never played it, but it’s been sitting in my steam library for months! If it’s anything like Celeste, I should have started playing it yesterday. Lore is pretty much the only thing Celeste is missing - not that it needs it. 
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Those giant Underlings are nothing compared to what you see in Pipecorp. This is just another day in the office for Harold P. Egbert. 
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Awesome! Yeah, I already see why the comic’s music is so popular. And considering we’ve got Toby ‘Leitmotifs’ Fox on the music team, these are all sure to return. 
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So what, it’s like, Act 6: Act 1? We’re going to start recursing?
Don’t lie to me, guys. This comic is a fractal, isn’t it? It goes on forever, the sub-acts shrinking into the infinitesimal. 
I know not what awaits me. 
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Six, right? Based on the above ask, there can’t be room for any more, unless they shrink dramatically after Act 6. 
I have no idea how many sub-acts there could be, though. Once you pop open that can of worms, you can’t easily close it. 
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Done! From now on, all theoryposts will be tagged #theories!
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Yeah, noted! I didn’t expect Homestuck to require the equivalent of waiting for the post-credits scene, but here we are?
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In what sense? The Trollslum showed up pretty soon after Jade’s intro, and CG chimed in up not long after. The sense I always got was that Hussie improvised a lot of the comic, but maybe the trolls were a particularly spontaneous addition?
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Liveblogging a liveblog! I can get behind that. Yeah, like I’ve alluded to before, I’d be having a very different experience with this comic if I wasn’t reading it in bite-sized chunks. 
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Thank you!! I’m really trying to convey the same feelings that I’m getting while I’m reading this comic. I’m glad it’s working!
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Honestly, my guessing technique is essentially just throwing theories at the wall to see what sticks. 
I usually have like, two or three explanations for a a given event in the comic, which means I can be eerily correct and ironically wrong about the same thing -  or ironically wrong twice over, as is probably more likely.
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dandylion240 · 3 years
All of the story asks please :) (Character specific ones I'd say up to you, but would love to have them be Jonah/Cecil or my usual favorites ;) )
what’s the last screenshot you’ve taken for your story?
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2. describe your story in three words or less
Family, Angst, Drama
3. describe (insert character here) in three words or less
Jonah - unassuming, brave sensitive
Cecil - insightful, supportive, caring
Evan - self-sacrificing, helpful, innocent
Jayden - protective, stubborn, active
4. how did you choose the name of your story?
I try to use titles that is kind of thematic of the story I'm writing. It takes me forever to come up with a name and sometimes the name changes multiple times before it gets posted.
5. how do you choose your characters’ names?
It depends upon the story. For my Reagan family stories (TS4) I use the parents names. It's kind of a family tradition. For instance Jonah/Ethan. All boys will start with E and the girls will start with J. In my TS3 stories I sometimes choose a theme for names and use that. Like next gen of NSQL the theme is nature.
6. how long have you been working on your story for?
Well it depends on the story. With my Reagans I started writing for them in the summer of 2019. For my TS3 legacies I started in 2014 I think.
7. whats the biggest risk you’ve taken with your story? did it pay off?
I think my biggest risk is my current story Into the Depths of Darkness. I wasn't sure I could pull it off and the story has changed from what I thought it would be and the hero of the story has changed from first conception. I'm happy that Jonah is the hero of his own story and it's given him so much character growth and he's becoming more of what I always invisioned him being. I owe a lot to @mahvaladara to how the story has progressed and the ideas she has contributed. It wouldn't be what it is without her.
8. what about your story are you proud of?
There are many things I'm proud. Mostly that I continue writing even though sometimes it feels like I'm ripping my heart out to write some of things I write about and also that I don't quit even when it's hard.
9. what about your story are you looking to improve on?
There's always things that can be improved. Writing is a process that the more you do it the more you learn and get better. I could say pictures but I'll admit the storytelling will always come first over pretty pics and sometimes I just can't find the right pose to fit. Maybe one day I'll be able to make my own poses but I'm not there yet.
10. is your story fully planned or are you still working things out? is there a definitive end?
It's a work in progress. I start writing from an outline of how I think the story should go but it's loose enough for me to rearrange things or remove/add things to it as the story evolves.
11. why have you decided to tell this story? are there any messages or meanings within it?
I just like to write. If there's any message in my stories it's that family is important and no matter awful things you might face in life if you have people who love and care for you that you can endure it. But mostly that you can rise above your circumstances and still be a healthy, functioning person despite everything even if you have a mental or health problems, you can still be happy, loved.
12. do you actually play the game or do you just use it as a storytelling medium?
It's mostly a storytelling medium for me. I do play it sometimes but tbh though TS4 lacks so much depth and gameplay I find it boring after a while. I've gotten into playing TS3 again now that I have a better computer that it doesn't lag as much.
13. from basic planning to a finished post, how long does that take you?
I don't honestly know. I've never stopped to consider how long it takes.
14. do you have any regrets about your story so far? if you could go back in time, how would you fix these?
No I don't think I have any real regrets. Sure I go back and think I could have written that better or edited that picture more but for the most part I'm happy with my stories.
15. what have been the highlights of creating your story?
The highlights have always been the people who become involved in my characters lives.
16. what about the process do you enjoy?
Seeing my stories come to life. How my characters change as the story progresses.
17. what about the process do you hate?
When I struggle to write a scene and it doesn't flow the way it should. It's generally because I'm coming at it wrong. Once I figure that out than it flows. Sometimes the seeming lack of interest in what I write from the readers is hard to overcome and I feel like quitting. But the few who comment I thank because that always revs up my motivation to continue.
18. choose a song that reminds you of your story
Just one song....that's really difficult say. There are so many songs out that fit my current story. This song fits Into the Depths of Darkness because where there's a lot of darkness there's still hope to be found.
19. choose a song that reminds you of (insert character here)
Ok I'll do this for Jonah - Fight Song
20. choose your favourite shot from your story so far
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21. choose your least favourite shot so far
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22. choose a favourite character from your story so far
Jonah is my baby. It may not show it by I love him.
23. choose your least favourite character so far
Hmm this is difficult because there were characters I created purely to be hated. Currently my least favorite is Ethan but it's not because I don't love him but it's because of his roll in the story.
24. are there any characters who remind you of yourself?
Not really. There are certain aspects of me in all my characters or people I know in them but none are an incert of myself.
25. what inspirations have you drawn on for your story?
There are so many. I draw inspiration from people around me. From movies and TV shows I watch. The books I read. Sometimes from the people I interact with on here mainly @izayoichan @mahvaladara @jenpants and @legendofsim They've let me bounce ideas off of them and their input helps me in my stories.
26. have other sim stories inspired you?
Yes they have. See above. All their stories have inspired me.
27. what genres would you describe your story as?
Modern fantasy drama??? I have no idea if that's a thing but it best describes what I write.
28. if you could reproduce your story in another medium (movie, novel, comic, etc.) what would you choose and why?
Hmm I'd say novel or maybe series. A movie would be cool too.
29. what would your story’s rating be? (G, PG, M etc.)
Hmm interesting I'd like to say its somewhere between PG-13 and mature just because of some of the topics.
30. if you were leaving simblr and had to choose another creator to continue the story for you, who would you ask?
I think either @izayoichan or @mahvaladara for my TS4 stories since they've helped me write some of them and they would keep true to the characters as they love them as much as I do.
For my TS3 stories I would say @legendofsim since for a long time our stories had been intertwined.
31. drop some random trivia about your story
Ethan was supposed to die trying to save Jonah
Caiden was supposed to have played the part of the hero instead of Jonah
Cory was going to heal Jonah's broken heart over the of Ethan.
But as they say the story changed...
32. give a light spoiler
Someone will be heartbroken at the end of the story.
33. recommend another creator’s story!
There are so many: @izayoichan @mahvaladara @nikatyler @justkeeponsimming @amuhav @legendofsim @simlit @lilyshadowwriter @wannabecatwriter
Please don't be upset if you weren't listed on here. I love everyone I follow but these are my favorites. I have others but some aren't active anymore and stuck with the ones I'm always waiting for the next installment, even if I'm behind on a few of them.
Thank you for asking!
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booknerdteen · 3 years
Review Time
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“I stop myself from apologizing-because what would I even be sorry for? Existing too loud?”
My expectations: 📈
The Book: 📈
If you haven’t heard of this book (which isn’t very likely at this point) or haven’t read it, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?
For those who read my excerpt review which is down below, you’d know that I was freaking out. And this book made me reconsider all my thoughts but not in a bad way. Definitely not in a bad way. /gen
Niveus Private Academy has a reputation for being… well, amazing. Everyone there is rich, and the students never pass as less than perfect. Until an anonymous texter who goes by the name “Aces” starts bringing the only black students in the schools’ darkest secrets into the light. Devon and Chiamaka are haunted by day and watched by night. Someone is out to get them. Will aces make them face the consequences of their actions or will they put a stop to this madness before anyone gets hurt?
“Growing up, I realized quite quickly that people hate being called racist more than they hate racism itself.”
The Plot was stressful. I was constantly bombarded with the struggles of these characters and was at the edge of my seat! Every single development made me doubt that I was sane. By 90 percent into the book, I was already dumb stricken and had a huge headache. Not only did the plot keep me at the edge of my seat but it was also I don’t think I would have survived if it wasn’t for the calming characters that I found relatable. So on to that! /gen
The characters were relatable… well, at least most of them were. There is only so much one can have in common with some spoiled private school brats that wouldn’t quit gossip if their life was on the line. But hey, at least I had Chiamaka and Devon. I hated 90% of the characters but that last 10% is filled with love and adoration for Chiamaka, Devon, Chi, and… some other side characters whose names I oh so conveniently forgot./srs
“I didn’t invent this twisted system that pits us against each other and makes us do crappy things for status—but I do know how to play it.”
Chiamaka was a really annoying and self-centered character. At least that’s what I thought at first until I found out that she was actually a Not-so-straight-character-with-zero-annoyance-levels. #Characterrevivaloftheyear. Oh no! That was Zoya. So back to our point- Chiamaka was a really relatable character that I will forever love and (maybe one day, if we are lucky) will have a book of her own because damn was that an ending. She was smart, witty, charming, adorable (at times) but mostly badass. She gave this book the I’ll-kick-your-ass vibe every thriller needs. I can see why she might not be liked by some people because her characteristics are raw and a lot to handle. But I found her to be an awesome sensation to give this book everything it lacked. It was fun tagging along and learning more about her past and her sexuality which this book describes as a lesbian. Chiamaka makes so many sacrifices and by the end of the book, you have to admit to how thoughtful and kind she actually is. /lh
Devon was the powerhouse of the book. He was cute, sweet, and intensely vulnerable. He made me cry more than I have over a book in a while. Niveus is is home and it’s so special to him since his home life isn’t the best. So when Niveus becomes a horror house for him, it hurts to watch. He and Chi were the cutest couple I’ve encountered in a while and their relationship was so beautiful. I may or may not be crying while writing but that doesn’t matter. Ok… so maybe he was a bit confusing and indecisive at times but we all love him. Don’t we? I mean what else could we want he’s got the representation, relatability, love, cuteness, cuteness, cuteness, cuteness, cuteness, cuteness, cuteness & so much cuteness! The character was so cute! Have I mentioned how cute Devon was? Umm, guess I did. But you need more reminders. HE IS CUTENESS ITSELF. No really, we needed a bit more of soft fluffy cuteness in this book and we got it through him. /gen /pc
“I hate how they have the power to kill my future, kill me. They treat my Black skin like a gun or a grenade or a knife that is dangerous and lethal, when really it’s them. The guys at the top powering everything.”
The Romance was beautiful. All right, you might be saying “If I read cute one more time, I’m gonna barf” and I get what you’re saying but hear me out! How cute was the romance? It was the ultimate level of cuteness and I loved it! Cutest cutie of the cutes. There. Done. But seriously the romance was on spot and that’s coming from a girl who doesn’t read a lot of romances. Chiamaka was slowly figuring out herself and realizing that she might not actually like the people she thinks she likes. Devon was also figuring out himself and his sexuality. Although he knows he is very much gay, he doesn’t know how to tell his family. Or even if his single mom will accept him. He also gets his heart broken multiple times by multiple lovers so it kind of hurts to see him confront the pain head-on (wish I could do that) but it also gives me comfort. Especially when he finds Chi (more like Chi finds him but Sara just got over an entire week of packing and moving and is still mentally unstable but refuses to have coffee so we’ll go with that) and they become the power couple of the book. For a thriller, this sure has a lot of romance (unlike my life). /lh
Overall, I was not surprised by the sheer amazingness of this book. K… maybe I was a little? But I loved every bit of the book and it put me in the mood for more Dark Academia stuff so don’t be surprised if I have an entire phase.
|Triggers/Content Warnings- abuse, toxic relationship, alcoholism, memory loss, anxiety, cyberbullying, homophobia, racism, stalking|
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“Pseudo” Boyfriends (Chapter 3)
Chapter Title: Fake=Fucking Stupid
Summery: Patton learns about Pre-Birthday Prank War, and Patton and Virgil decide to figure out how to tell Janus that Patton likes him. (Well, Patton decides while Virgil struggles with the impaired judgement of his best friend)
Ships: Moceit, Analogical, CriticxSleep
Warning: stupidity, blatant ignorance, selective hearing
-let me know if I need to add more warnings-
(Thank you to my friend @kawaiikat54 for helping me with this fic!)
*Enjoy the fluff while it lasts...*
It was around 8:30 when Janus opened his eyes and looked down at the person in his arms.
Patton had his arms wrapped around Janus and his face was alight in the morning sun. Janus yawned and Patton held on to Janus tighter.
Janus smiles and starts softly running his fingers through Patton’s hair. Janus always loved to do that, because to him, Patton’s hair is softer than silk.
Patton’s nose twitched the tiniest bit, and Janus place a delicate kiss on the top of it.
‘He looks so peaceful, like the dew on a flower petal in the early morning. His hair curls around my fingers like it’s reaching for me, like it’s trying to love me as much as I love him. His eyes are... open?”
Janus stops his Shakespearean monologue about how good Patton looks when he realizes that Patton is watching him stare at him. To avoid embarrassment, Janus just holds onto Patton tighter and burrows his face into Patton’s hair. “Your hair smells good.”
Janus pulled back and saw a dust of redness across Patton’s features. “Oh, it must be shampoo, Very Hairy Berry. Ain’t the name hairlarious?” Patton giggled, and Janus just shook his head fondly.
“You’re so adorable.”
Janus, realizing that he just said that aloud, looked at Patton. Patton just smiled a snuggled closer. Janus looked ecstatic.  
“No no sleepy head, no matter how adorable I find you, we still better get ready for breakfast.”
They get ready and go down, smiling and blushing the whole time. Once they entered the kitchen, everyone greeted them, and they sat upon the stools next to the island.
Remy is making eggs, and Critic looked to be making chocolate gravy for the biscuits. Virgil put a bowl of what looked like pudding on the island, and then kissed Logan on the cheek.
Patton grabbed a spoon and went for the pudding, but Logan placed his hand on Patton’s wrist before he could even get anything on the spoon.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-“
“No no, it is nothing of the sort Patton. Though the person who does eat it is going to hate Virgil for about a week.”
Remy and Critic snickered. Janus groaned.
“Tomorrow is prank day, isn’t it?”
Critic nods and turns to a confused Patton.
“It is tradition that on the eve of every person in this family’s birthday, there is a prank war. The winner of the war gets to smash a piece of cake in the birthday boys face. Or, if the birthday boy wins, he gets to choose a punishment for the entire group.”
Patton smiled and looked at everyone. “That sounds like a wonderful bonding experience! But how is the winner chosen?”
“Oh! I can answer that one babes! So, all day the participants will do their pranks, and then they will do one main prank on the person of their choice. On the main prank, you will record what happens and everyone will vote on the best prank after all the videos are presented right before cake time.
Patton happy clapped and Janus banged his head against the island.
“Don’t be happy Pat, it is absolutely torture!”
Virgil laughed at Janus’s actions. “Ignore him Patton, he’s just upset that he has never won.”
Janus stood up, knocking his chair over and pointed and Virgil threateningly.
Patton kissed Janus’s cheek. “Common Snakey, sit down and calm down. We need breakfast!”
Janus plopped down on Patton’s lap and buried his face in Patton’s shoulder. Everyone chuckled and sat down around the island.
“Sorry, was that to much?” Patton whispered in Janus ear.
“No. Well, maybe a bit much.” Janus whispered back.
They both huffed a laugh, oblivious to Virgil’s knowing gaze from hearing their words.
After breakfast, Logan asks Janus to help him with something. They left, and Patton walks towards Janus’s room, but Virgil drags Patton off to his room.
“Hey Virgil! What’s up?” Patton asked after Virgil shut the door. Virgil turned around and crossed his arms.
“So, you and Janus, huh?”
Patton sighed happily and fell onto Virgil’s bed.
“Yep! Can you believe it?”
Virgil blinked. “No. I literally cannot.”
“Haha,I couldn’t either at first. I mean I was shocked when I realized he really truly likes me!”
Virgil, deciding he has had enough of Patton’s bullshit, pulled out the big guns.
“Yeah. So, how long have y’all been pretending to be boyfriends?”
Patton blinks and then...
“HAHAHA WhAT dO yoU MeaN? thAts ReDicUlus!”
Virgin leans against the door and raises an eyebrow.
“Well, I was going to say this was a prank, but what the hell? That was about as convincing as that time when you said you didn’t like snakes while cuddling with a gaint plush snake.”
Patton stood up, and put a hand on his hip. “One, Janus got me that when we went to the Zoo. And two, how did you figure it out?”
“Ohh, other than the fact that there is literally no way y’all could have gotten together without you telling me or Logan?”
Patton nodded.
“And the fact that you have liked Janus forever?”
“And the fact that you have gushed about him to me basically every night, but haven’t once since you got here?”
“And the fa-“
“Ok ok, I get it! Now what specifically gave it away?”
Virgil smirked. “I actually had no idea, but your reaction was perfect.”
Patton looked shocked, and then threw a pillow at Virgil.
“Calm down Patton, I had my suspicions but not definite proof.”
“So! You tricked me!”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Not really. Also, you already told me about your birthday story, and you said it was the first time he kissed you on the cheek. You gushed about it for hours, and then I had to deal with Janus telling me the story over again and him gushing while I had to pretend to act like I didn’t already know everything.”
Patton immediately brightened and jumped up and down. “Yes! Last night when he thought I was asleep, he said he wished that this was real. And what you just said confirms that he truly likes me! Now I just have to tell him that I feel the same!”
‘Huh. I wasn’t expecting that.’ Virgil though.
“Well, maybe today because tomorrow is prank day and that could be a bad misunderstanding.”
Patton had a look of realization pass over his face. “You’re right! I could tell him tomorrow with a prank!”
Virgil blinked, and took a step away from the door. “Wow, that is not what I said at all. That sounds like a terrible plan!”
Patton nodded. “It is a wonderful plan! I could make him one of those glitter tubes, and whenever he pops it open it will have a note that tells him I want to be his real boyfriend!”
“...Are you even listening to me? He could take that in the wrong way and think that you are just joking or playing with his feelings.”
“Of course I’m listening! He won’t think it is a joke because I will add a bunch of emojis on it!” Patton said, looking faintly offended at Virgil’s thought. “Oh? What type of emojis?”
“The laughing face ones!”
Virgil face palmed. “Oh my god. This... this is going to be awful.”
Patton waved his hands around. “Awfully fantastic! I’ll even give him a speech afterwards, telling him everything and how I’ve liked him since he punched my ex Ethan to protect me.”
‘Finally, something that makes sense.’
“Ok,” Virgil nods, “that’s actually a good idea. This could work.”
“Put since it’s prank day I’ll say everything the opposite way!”
Virgil blinked, and then threw his hands into the air. “Holy hell! This just keeps getting worse! Please don’t do that!”
Patton hugged Virgil then gripped his shoulders. “Thank you for your help Virgil! I’m gonna go start on my plan!”
Virgil watched Patton walk away, frozen in place and dumbfounded. He shook his head and took out the recorder in his pocket.
“Well, when shit hits the fan and Janus comes to murder me, at least I can give him this and make him see that Patton meant well. And was serious. Holy hell my friends are idiots that don’t listen!”
Gen Taglist-
Pseudo Tag-
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faedawayyy · 4 years
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he’s had a good 3 years of being in relationship and girl drama and having that just doesn’t...make sense...anymore? like him and zara definitely have things they need to work through but i think he’s found someone he really likes and isn’t even looking into everybody else. 
HOWEVER, now that he’s with her, i think his family’s financial situation will become even more desperate bc they’re bankrupt and the calloway’s are like r i c h. so.... 
- SOMEONE HE’S LOANING A LOT OF $$$ FROM: yes, he makes lots from his singing career but his parents are in huge debt and on top of that, there’s margo’s rehab fees and spending problem. everything dallas has earned since his first album has gone to fixing his family and it just hasn’t happened yet. maybe he reaches out to someone over christmas for a big loan and they give it to him, without realising he has literally no plans on paying them back. if they’re going to be nice about it, i dont want it. i want tension w this.  - DIRTY WORK: he’s obviously been a drug dealer before. i’m happy for him to go down that route but again, anyone who is maybe from a sketchy family, dallas would be happy to do their dirty work for them if the price is right. maybe someone knows his family’s situation and takes advantage of this. again, i rly don’t want people being really nice about it.
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he’s obviously, officially a dad now. i don’t think the pressure is getting to him, but the whole idea that this is his life forever definitely is. i’m always on the fence with him because he LOVES disney and nobody comes close. affairs just seem a bit old for him, but he still definitely fucks up now and then and i think i’m going to give him a bit of a partying/being out/spending addiction. sooooooo....
- PEOPLE WHO PARTY/GO OUT WITH HIM: think like, wolf of wallstreet or ‘the man’ music video by taylor swift. i think fake friends would definitely come in to play here - people who know he’s wealthy and take advantage of that to have really good nights out and tempt him to just blow tons of money on shit.  ALSO, people using him for publicity and maybe people who sell stories about the wild nights out he has and how much he fucks up/isn’t a great father figure atm.  - FRIENDS WHO COVER FOR HIM - TAKEN BY LEO: they don’t care enough to get him to fix up, but they definitely act as alibi’s and help him to avoid getting into too much shit with disney.
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i’m reaaalllly liking the idea of mason maybe not being as perfect as he appears on the surface. i think that has slowly started this year but hasn’t been as dramatic as it possibly COULD be. he also has the whole secret of knowing james is alive and nothing has come of that yet, so these are the two directions i want to take him down. SoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO......
- ALLEGED MISTRESSES/FLINGS: mason isn’t brody or leo and it is just natural to him to stay loyal and committed to the person he’s with and obviously, he loves kendall. however, i do think he has a lot of unfinished business with exes (we could also develop new ones if they’re not exes already). we could maybe plot about him rebuilding his relationship with them but it gets misinterpreted and it’s made out as if he’s cheating or something when rly it’d be completely innocent. - SOMEONE WHO CATCHES HIM WITH JAMES AT A SECRET LOCATION - TAKEN BY GISELE: i’d love this one more than ^^^^^^^^ tbh! it’s obviously a hUGE secret that james is alive and mason knows his family won’t forgive him for keeping it a secret if he finds out. this could definitely bring out the nastier side of him and i think he’d even go as far as to blackmail somebody or pay to keep them quiet. we can develop it! 
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i struggle SO much with blake because he really is unproblematic. he can be a bit of an idiot but he’s not really into drugs, HE’D NEVER CHEAT, HE’S WITH THE LOVE OF HIS ACTUAL LIFE, and he’s pretty honest and kind for the most part. i’ve had a think, though, and i’ve came up with some of these. SOOOOO.... - MUSIC DRAMA: blake loves 5SOS but i also think his unique style of music is so different from the bands and he’s going to try and explore that in 2021. i kind of want him to work with other artists in the industry and lots of different drama could come out of this:  >> tension with the other 5sos boys and maybe fans who start to fuel rumours that he’s leaving when he isn’t  >> rivalries with some of the more established male artists. dallas would be great for this BUT he’s mine lol >> song-writing credits/arguments. maybe he writes with someone and they don’t feel like they’ve been given enough credit for how much they helped him. i’m very reluctant to do anything with blake’s personal life just bc that really isn’t him. AT THE VERY MOST, maybe some ex relationships for him to base his solo songs around.
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MY BABY IS ENGAGED. WHEN I TELL YOU I THINK I SHED A TEAR FOR HER LAST NIGHT, I’M NOT LYING. SHE’S SPENT THIS WHOLE RP PUSHING PEOPLE AWAY JUST TO BE LIKE “I TOLD YOU SO”....BUT !!!!!!! THINGS ARE CHANGING. ok, here are some ideas i have. these will take a little bit more development but still have a lot of potential.  - AN OLD (TOXIC) FRIENDSHIP REVIVING: there was a time like pre-st judes where hensley was quite off the rails. LIKE, she’d go out, get drunk/high, just not go home for days and i think this all came down to losing autumn in such a weird way....maybe she gets closer to that person again, and they’re a pretty bad influence? i feel like this would put a big strain on all of her healthier relationships. she’ll definitely not stay in the toxic place forever but maybe this friend is kinda passive aggressive like: “oh? you’re getting married? that’s very...not you.” and stuff.  maybe they come from a challenging background too and they were each other’s support systems but it wasn’t a healthy relationship. we could build this up!  - ANY OF EVAN’S EXES/FLINGS: LISTEN BECAUSE SHE IS JUST SO CONVINCED SHE’S NOT THAT EASY TO LOVE, she does find any ex of evan’s threatening no matter what is said or how long ago it was. it’d be interesting to see how that develops bc i think f x f relationships are where hensley’s flaws surface more.
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OKAY SO PSA: issy is still ruby’s sister but nadine and i have decided to send it back to ruby not knowing that because it was a lot more interesting when it was still a secret. ISSY is still a mum and happy with levi and building her life back up from how damaged it became with her adoptive father in australia. SOOOOO.... - THE FACT SHE’S RUBY’S SISTER - TAKEN BY KENDALL: somebody she opens up to but they’re like “lol ok whatever...no you’re not” and rather than helping her, they think there’s something wrong with her and try to keep her away from ruby bc they think she’s doing it for attention or she’s just some kind of stalker? this would make her feel even less sure about telling ruby. MAYBE said person can kind of tell others that she’s obsessed and it becomes a thing around the academy for a while... - BABY PLOTS: there’s been quite a lot of babies being born. I’D LOVE to do something that maybe gets carried into next gen. maybe issy brings avery on a lot of play dates (when he’s a bit older) with another baby and they jokingly talk about setting their children up? then in next gen, it’ll obviously be up to meg how avery feels about it?
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Double Trouble
Hey guys, @leelee10898 here. Since @cocomaxley & @ao719 posted their birth story... I figured I should get off my butt and do one, considering the twins were due months before them lol. This is just a little something I threw together, it also answers a few questions some had. So here we go...
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Alicia leaned back against her husbands chest as she watched their twins enjoy the puppet show with the other kids. So many things had changed in a years time. The wild fun loving group were now all parents, they traded beers for bottles, and the guys weekly poker game turned into once a month, and weekly play dates. "Penny for your thoughts love?" Leo whispered in her ear. "Just thinking how fast time flies. It feels like yesterday they were born, and now they are 1." She sighed.
"Oh I remember it well." Leo chuckled as the two thought back to the day that changed their lives forever.
1 year ago…..
"God its so hot." Alicia whined as she fanned herself.  It was unseasonably hot and humid for April, and here they were sitting at a garden party to celebrate Regina's birthday. "I'm sorry love. I know you're miserable, how about a glass of Ice water?" Leo gave her a sympathetic smile, and a kiss on the cheek. "Ok fine. But a big one,  with lots of Ice." She pouted, as Leo motioned to a nearby waiter. "Oh, and a cookie. chocolate chip, no oatmeal raisin. Wait, No. yes. Ok bring both." Slightly confused the waiter wandered off to retrieve the duchess's requested items. Leo walked over to join the guys leaving Alicia with the other ladies.
"God its hot. Who the hell planned this?" Anitah huffed. "Um you did." Genevieve rolled her eyes. "Jesus I swear this pregnancy brain is going to be the death of me. I almost forgot to put underwear on this morning." She popped a grape in her mouth. "It is hot, but its a very nice day. Maybe you guys can go inside to cool off?" Pam suggested. Finally the waiter came back with Alicia's water and cookies. "How are you holding up honey?" Pam turned to Alicia who looked like she was stung by a bee. "Im hot, im huge, I can't see my feet. Speaking of feet, they're swollen and the amount of pressure and cramping today may just kill me." She blurted out, pam gave her a questioning look.
"God im sorry Pam. I didn't mean to snap, I just. Oh, ooooh, ugh." She cringed as she grabbed her stomach. Anitah shot her a look. "What's going on over there?"
"These damn Braxton hicks." Alicia grunted. "You sure its not gas?" Genevieve snickered. "Trust me, if I fart you'll know it Gen."
She composed herself and focused on picking at the cookie in front of her. Not having much of an appetite anymore, she took deep breaths trying to keep the pain at bay. The ladies chattered around her, Leo still talking to the guys.
Suddenly Alicia's eyes went wide. "My. My water broke." Genevieve looked over placing her hand on Alicia's "that's ok honey,  we'll get you another." Pam looked down at the liquid dripping from the chair. "Um Gen, no. Her water broke. The twins are coming."
Genevieve and Anitah froze, pure fear in their eyes. Alicia let out a long loud groan.  "Oh god. It's happening." Anitah panicked standing and knocking over her chair, Genevieve following suit. The two began to freak out, while Pam tried to soothe Alicia. The commotion drew the attention of the whole party, Leo grinning widely in conversation as he turned to face his wife. The smile soon faded as his eyes landed on Alicia's pain stricken face.
Leo took off running across the lawn, tripping over the leg of a table holding a large ice sculpture in the form of a swan. He landed in a rolling heap on the lawn, the table flipping over sending the ice sculpture into the air, landing in the fountain where Madeline, Kiara and Alexis stood, soaking them from head to toe. Bastian had Brad bring a car around, as Liam and Drake helped Alicia across the lawn. "My bag. Its in our car." Alicia breathed out, Rashad volunteered to grab it while Leo limped next to his wife.
They arrived at the hospital, Leo was treated for a sprain and Alicia was rushed to a delivery room.  Anitah, Liam, Drake, pam, Rashad and Genevieve sat in the private waiting area down the hall from the delivery room. Maxwell was in Texas visiting with Stephanie and Evie, Liam called him to let him know that Alicia was having the twins.
"You're 8 centimeters your grace. Not much longer until these babies are here." Another strong contraction hit her like a ton of bricks.  "Arrrrggg Fuuuuck! It hurts." She sobbed. "Leo, we are never having sex again." Leo chuckled as he rubbed his wife's damp head. "I think we both know thats not true."
"The fuck it isnt! Bambam better not come anywhere near pebblesssss, ahhhhh my god fuckkkk it hurts."
Leo's face turned a deep red as the nurse snickered.
Anitah paced the floor. "Anitah, sit down you're gonna wear the tile out." Genevieve teased as rashad rubbed her feet. "I can't just sit. Its been hours, we haven't heard anything yet. What if something's wrong?" Liam came up placing his hands on her shoulders.  "Everything is fine my love." Anitah glanced at the door opening it a crack and sticking her head out. She heard a blood curdling scream come from down the hall, a few doctors and nurses rushing into the room Alicia was in. Before Liam could grab her Anitah bolted out the door, down the hall and into Alicia's room where she could see a small head crowning.  
A doctor approached the queen, who was looking a bit green in the face "your majesty, are you ok? You don't look so well." He questioned
"Oh, im fi-" She leaned over vomiting on his shoes.  "Fine." She lifted her head just in time to see another doctor hold a tiny baby up, and hear a tiny cry. Anitah joined Leo next to Alicia. "One down, one more to go." The doctor said. "I had to make sure you were ok." Anitah sniffled as she looked down at the new baby in her bestfriends arms. "Will you stay here for the next one?" Alicia sniffled. "Of course." Shortly after Baby A was born, baby B made their way into the world. After the nurses cleaned them up and Leo and Alicia had time alone the group entered the room. "Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Leonard Joshua and Arabella Faith."
Leonard or LJ for short was born first  weighing 7lbs 2 oz and 20 inches long. Arabella was born 2nd weighing 6lbs 10 oz and 19 ½ inches long. Both babies were healthy, and did not need to spend any time in the NICU.
"So when are you two gonna make the announcement?" A voice pulled them from their thoughts. They looked over to find Stephanie sitting there. They both gave her a questioning look. "Oh come on. I may not live in Cordonia anymore, but Im not stupid." Stephanie had made the decision to move back home to Texas to care for her sick mother. Maxwell and her both made the amicable decision to divorce, but still loved each other very much. He would travel to Texas to visit and occasionally Stephanie could come visit Cordonia, just like for the twins birthday.
"Well I guess now is as good a time as any." Alicia squeezed Leos hand. They walked over getting everyone's attention.  "We want to thank everyone for coming today. And Celebrating the twins birthday. But, we also have an announcement to make." Alicia looked to Leo who then grinned. "We're having a baby. Just one this time." He smirked.
The group congratulated the pair. Drake looked at Liam and shook his head, pulling a crisp $100 bill from his wallet "Damnit Liam, I should've known better then to take that bet. Liam smirked "what can I say. I know my brother,  and I'm pretty sure those two will end up having the most kids out of all of us."
Drake rolled his eyes. "Ok, fair. But how about a new bet." Liam looked at his best friend intrigued "I bet Rashad and Gen are next." Liam chucked "I'll take that bet."
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beatricebidelaire · 5 years
Hey! So, reading some of your posts, I was just wondering something. What do you think happened with such relationships as Kit and Olaf or Beatrice and Lemony? It is my personal belief that Olaf had a staggering amount of control over Kit even before he turned crazy, and when it started veering into levels Kit wasn’t comfortable with Kit kinda snapped and just left. And with Beatrice and Lemony, I feel like Lemony just idolized her, rather than saw her as a romantic partner. And that’s not ok
hi - first of all I’m on mobile so i apologize in advance if formatting gets bad
so tbh we don’t know and i think there are a lot of possibilities, we only ever see glimpses of it. i think while we could see lemony seems to be putting beatrice on a pedestal and had a hard time moving on and seem to see her as a perfect figure and that wasn’t exactly good for him, it doesn’t necessarily mean he did that while she was alive and/or when they were together. because grief can change someone, and it’s possible that he wasn’t always like this, that their dynamics wasn’t always like this, and he’s using that as his own way of coping, his way of dealing with his grief. because it’s easier to make it a show, a performance to himself, to pretend she’s this perfect person. deep down he probably knew she wasn’t but he’s not ready to think of her that way, think of the real her , because that would be opening too many wounds. to think about the real beatrice with all her goods and bads and flaws and memories and realness, that’s maybe too much to handle and when he was writing asoue, he wasn’t ready for that. which was obvs not healthy for himself, but sometimes that’s grief and everyone deals with it in their own way. i’d like to think he finally started to move on and to heal when bea jr write to him and he realizes goes from “because I love her so much I cannot imagine there’s a second Beatrice Baudelaire” (I’m paraphrasing a bit) to getting to know his niece, I’d like to think he finally started to move on and heal.
now the thing about sugar bowl gen is that we know so few things so we don’t really know either way, and maybe he always idolized her and put her on a pedestal, maybe he always saw her as some kind of perfect figure, maybe growing up in vfd wasn’t the best way to learn to love and young lemony had the tendencies to picture his crushes / romantic interests as either “femme fatale” character (ellington feint) or “perfect figure” (beatrice baudelaire), and maybe they weren’t fit for each other even before tragedies tear them apart. which is also possible.
i don’t have a fixed opinion on things went down between beatrice and lemony, mostly because i enjoy the ambiguity and unknown and finding out fragments of history and playing around with them. i’m very much an equal opportunity canon compliant fic writer tbh. also i love lemonberry ice and in many versions of my imaginations L also loved bertrand, not every version though because i do ship bertrand with quite a few people ranging from georgina to the denouement triplets, but i digress
similarly we don’t know what happened with kit and olaf aside from the scene in the end (netflix!opera is pretty aesthetic wise but not my canon, kit being innocent and unaware of what’s going on at opera night will never be my canon no matter what b sonnenfeld said.) so like, anything goes i suppose. maybe they just had a brief fling maybe they were deeply in love before things went wrong, i particularly enjoy the headcanon that they kissed one (1) time as teens and that’s it and he said the line “... one last time” dramatically and that’s it. once a theater kid always a theater kid. i don’t really think they were in love or anything and by the end it’s mostly just rose color tinted glass of nostalgia at play. he missed her not as much as missing she as her but “younger days” as whole, “before everything went wrong” era as a whole instead of her, except even then he’s still probably the one who cared more than her, who’s always cared about vfd more, and not to sound like a baticeer who had complicated feelings towards kit snicket, the fact that he doesn’t even care that much or miss her as her that much but was still the one who cared/more at the end is something i found incredibly, vindictively, satisfyingly amusing lol.
i know various people have different headcanons and thoughts about young!k/o but since i’m a beatrice fan i will admit that i find kit’s and olaf’s respective dynamics with beatrice much more intriguing to me than k/o itself, so i like to throw her into the mix when i discuss k/o dynamics. my personal favorite theory, based on my biased opinion lol, is that kit liked beatrice but didn’t admit it to even herself , and young beatrice and olaf certainly shared some similarities, dramatic theater kids who’d canonically known each other at least as early as seven (one of they very few canon facts we DO know about sbg), and that’s the real reason she dated O. olaf on the other hand were bffs who knew about Beatrice’s feelings instead and dated Kit to kiss beatrice off. b&o to me just had that kind of dynamics.
in conclusion, beatrice baudelaire forever . happy new year!
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divinebovine12185 · 5 years
March Catch-up
So I decided to make this blog after seeing someone elses that they were doing for pretty much the same thing (Thanks Baby Bahamut). Seeing as this is march now, I have lots of catching up to do. So, here’s what I’ve beaten so far;
Mutant Mudds (3DS): This was a game that I’d picked up sometime in 2012, and then kind of forgot about. I think its been sitting on my 3DS ever since, and I’ve kept meaning to get back to it. This was its year I guess, and I decided to finally beat it to start the year. I started a new game aaaaaand...instantly remembered why I never beat it.
It just feels like so much nothing. The graphics are pretty meh, story might as well not exist, and the action isn’t really that fun, more frustrating. Especially near the end of the game, the controls really aren’t tight enough to support what it wants to do. Beat it and instantly deleted it. 3/10
West of Loathing (Switch): This was a real surprise. When I read that it was from the same guys who did Kingdom of Loathing, I thought it might be ok, but it could also just be try-hard random. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the humour was actually really clever, and the combat, while super basic, was pretty fun! I also couldn’t stop exploring and clicking on every little thing to see what it did. If I had any problems, it was that the ending was a little too abrupt, and that the combat difficulty tended to be all over the place at times. Great game, and I will definitely be playing the DLC at some point. 8/10
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA): Well, technically I played in on my 3DS, but its a GBA game so I’ll let it be. Anyways, what a fantastic little pocket zelda game! The world was pretty compact, but thanks to the kinstones I was always exploring, and the graphics, while being super cute, also kept things clear and easy to read. It’s pretty hard to know where to go, but with a ton of exploration even I managed to find my way to the next dungeon.
The equipment you find was super fun too; I didn’t realize that they had managed to get things like the deku leaf in a 2D zelda, and had lots of fun with it. Backtracking with them was great too, as re-exploring old areas always felt fresh. Definitely a must play if you haven’t already. 9/10
Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening (GBC): I already beat the original way back in the late 90′s, but I figured that the GBC version was different enough to call it a seperate game.
So this one definitely scratched a nostalgia itch, but it was kind of a mistake playing it after a more modern one. The items felt a little more basic, the movement a little more stilted. Still a great game, but definitely aged just a bit. And the colour dungeon was really basic, didn’t feel like much of a challenge. Again, still worth playing, but without the nostalgia glasses, its aged. 7/10
Sonic Forces (PS4): So I know that this is a “bad” sonic game according to the mainstream, and I can totally see why (homing attacks barely work, kind of a dumb story, etc etc) but for some weird reason I actually kind of enjoyed the levels...so much so that I think I’ll go for that crazy grindy platinum! (Tho whoever thought of a trophy for getting 100,000 rings, I will find you and punch you). Theres just something fun about the missions, and again some of the levels I really enjoy. And the avatar dress-up (despite sounding dumb at first) is actually pretty great once you unlock a bunch of the clothing options.
A solid 6/10
Pokemon Shield (Switch):  Okaaay, so this one is controversial. Maybe its just me being a pokemon fanboy, but I still really liked this entry. Sure it was really easy (mostly), but the things I love about the pokemon franchise were still here. Sure most of the monsters aren’t, but they are coming, and since I’m more interested in the competitive meta than the story, its kind of refreshing. 
See, in past gens, the same pokemon have been on top forever (for the most part), and then you have the same pokemon that deal with them well, and before you know it, all the competitive tiers (shoutout to smogon) look the same as the past gen, and I’m already bored. Here, its a chance to remake them fresh, and I’ve been loving it. As well, they’ve made it WAY easier to train up competitive pokemon. I already have a team ready to go, and it didn’t take me a whole month to do it!
All in all, very happy with this entry, and can’t wait to see whats in the expansions. 8/10
APE OUT (PC): Guess this is the arbitrary “Arty” entry eh? So basically you are an ape that is breaking out of various places, and you attack by grabbing and throwing people at walls or each other. When you do, they die in a really satisfying explosion of blood. The really cool part of the whole thing is that its all set to a drum solo that encompasses the sound effects and everything. When you just start a level, its really quiet, but as the carnage starts, the beat picks up organically and you can really get into it! And the art style is so clean and simple, yet very artistic. Just a neat game all around!
After reading this, it sounds great, right? Well, there are a couple things that actually made this one kind of hard to finish. See, the game is super satisfying, until you’ve died a million times from something you had no control over; A couple examples are getting sniped from way off screen, or RNG making 6 super tough enemies appear in a room you just ran into, meaning instadeath. Also, the graphics are really cool, but some effects make it super hard to see what was going on, 5/10
What’s Next?
Right now, I’m just working on the platinum for Sonic, but next month I think I feel like playing the Full Throttle remake. Once I’ve beaten something, Ill be sure to make a post about it! Thanks for reading!
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I’m a pretty big Pens fan. I’ve been kind of hardcore freaking out and flailing about because my team is probably going to ripped apart and hastily sewn back together over the summer, and they might be trading my favorite player, but I haven’t had time to process it until now because I’ve had finals and moving, but now it’s kind of hitting me. Anyway, I was wondering if you could do some sort of fluffy next gen thing from TOTBL? Your writing never fails to brighten my day so I figured I’d ask.
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Hello, anon, you are lovely! Thanks for being patient on this one. And honestly for reading Blue Line, because, like...I am not nice to your team. I’m so glad you still enjoy it! I especially hope the Pens don’t trade your favorite player. That is a sports fate I would wish on no fan. 
So, you asked for fluff and this is a great, big pile of that. I think I’ve mentioned a few times that although Chris is not a huge athlete, he plays baseball in HS and one time, he pitches in the city championship game and Matt and Leo Nolan (who plays professional baseball) both skip their professional obligations to come see it. Time-wise, this is June 2046. Which sound like a fake year. But that makes Henry 41, Roland 36, Lizzie 29, Matt 27, Peggy 24, Chris 18, Leo 25 and! introducing Taylor Débleu who is Phillip and Aurora’s kid. He’s 22. 
“You’re late.”
Killian startled as soon as the words were out of Peggy’s mouth — seemingly talking to empty air until that empty air was no longer empty. It was being gulped down. By a clearly out of breath Matt.
Who was not supposed to be there.
There, of course, being Fordham University and a baseball field without seemingly any shade, a city final and unexpected start because Xavier had lost in the first round and there were loser’s brackets and you pitched your ace in a must-win, and they’d done that the day before, but that meant that Chris was going to start in a winner-take-all championship game and he’d been freaking out and—
Killian was also running out of oxygen.
“It took me forever to get here,” Matt grumbled, running a hand through hair that was starting to get a little damp. “And then they didn’t want to let the Uber guy on campus and he definitely came in the wrong entrance.”
Peggy narrowed her eyes. “How is that possible? Where did you come in?”
“I have no fucking idea.”
“Hey,” Killian snapped, and he’d probably blame years of experience and possibly the sun, but it was mostly just nerves because Chris was nervous and he really wasn’t all that great at playing baseball. He was better at it than hockey, though, and it had become a thing and now there was a championship on the line.
Or so he’d mumbled quietly the night before.
His ears had gone decidedly pink at the time, an incredibly telling tell that had made Killian’s eyes flicker towards Emma. Much like they were now. Her mouth was hanging open. Maybe that’s where all the oxygen was going.
Because Matt was not supposed to be there.
“Dad, listen, if you’re going to blame anyone for this, it’s totally Mar’s fault,” Matt started, ignoring Peggy’s objections and limbs. They were both making a considerable amount of noise. “She’s the one who texted me in the middle of the night and—“
‘—Ok, that is just patently untrue.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be on ice somewhere, mini-Jones?” Ruby asked, leaning around Emma with a smile on her face and a likely melting chocolate chip cookie in her hand. “I distinctly remember an email.”
The phone in Robin’s hand made noise — laughter coming from Philadelphia and Killian could just make out the way Roland’s shoulders were shaking in the frame. There were far too many of them there, taking up more than a dozen seats with Xavier plastered across shirts and hats and Mary Margaret had baked far too many chocolate chip cookies.
Will was going to eat half of them before they even got to the fifth inning.
Killian hoped Chris was still pitching by then.
“You did text pretty late, Pegs,” Roland reasoned, as soon as he was able to speak without laughing. “Lizzie was super annoyed. It woke her up.”
Peggy slumped in her chair, letting the top of her head slam into Matt’s stomach. He hadn’t sat down yet. And he was going to draw more attention than all of them. Because Matt really, really, really was not supposed to be there. He was supposed to be on ice, in Tarrytown, fulfilling face-of-the-franchise obligations and instructing children who had paid a considerable amount of money to be there.
“You guys are all super lame,” Peggy sighed. “It wasn’t that late.”
“How late is not late?” Emma asked, tugging lightly on the back of Peggy’s shirt. “C’mon, babe, get off him. He looks like he’s going to die.”
Roland laughed again. “I think that means he’s in offseason shape.”
“Ok,” Matt groaned. “Thank you.”
“Did you walk across the whole campus to get here?”
“The guy got really confused by Fordham and Fordham Prep and—“ Matt waved both hands in the air, shaking his hair away from his eyes. Too long. Always too long. “Why are they playing here, though? Is that normal?”
“Fordham Prep doesn’t have a baseball field,” David explained. “This is it, kid. You should have worn a hat.”
“Yeah, it’s crazy hot over here, right?”
“We only go where we’re told to go,” Will said, one side of his mouth tugging up. “And you better sit down, Dr. J, you’re going to start attracting attention.”
Matt made a low noise in the back of his throat, but Will did bring up a pretty good point and—“Hey,” Killian said suddenly, Emma’s expression shifting because she was absolutely thinking the same thing. “Why exactly was Peggy texting you?”
Well, relative. Matt was, after all, kind of late and he’d missed the first inning and there were bats swinging and balls landing in gloves because, apparently, this was the type of sport where they had to warm up between every single inning and Killian was still only a little confused by what actually counted as an error.
Particularly at the high school level.
“Oh, he didn’t tell you did he?” Emma asked.
Matt squeezed one eye shut. “That sounds like a rhetorical question.”
“It was, kind of.”
“He didn’t think MD would be able to show,” Peggy said, and Killian could hear the hitch in her voice, an overprotective streak that ran several miles and an entire college campus wide. “Because there was definitely an email about the camp thing and Toph knew that this was MD’s week to be up there and—well, he’s you know…”
“Oh, say it, Pegs,” Roland chuckled. Matt opened his eye again. So he could roll both of them.
Peggy stuck her tongue out. “MD is famous. It’s…well, everyone in Toph’s class knows him and it’s—“ She shrugged, eyes going a little glossy. Mary Margaret handed her a cookie. “Anyway, Toph told me that he knew Mom and Dad would be here and that meant everyone else, but he didn’t think MD or—“
The stands shook as soon as the latest set of footsteps came running towards them, more having chests and flushed cheeks and Mary Margaret nearly dropped the whole Tupperware container.
That definitely would have attracted attention.
And maybe they didn’t need to worry about Matt.
Leo Nolan was also decidedly out of breath, beads of sweat on his temple and far too much orange in his outfit, but Killian assumed that was an occupational hazard. “Are we late?” he huffed, dropping his hands to his knees.
“You’ve got to stand up, Le,” Roland shouted. “Otherwise you’re going to mess up your diaphragm or something.”
“God, that is not accurate at all,” Matt argued. “What the hell are you doing here? How did you get here?”
Leo waved a hand in the air, nodding in the general direction of his parents and there were more footsteps coming, a kid clinging to Henry’s side and Taylor Débleu, Phillip and Aurora’s son who worked for a Fortune 500 downtown, was trying to keep his phone pressed to his ear at the same time he worked his tie loose.
“They have these things called planes, Matthew,” Henry drawled, flashing a grin at Robin and Regina and saluting slightly at Roland. “And frequent flier miles.”
Matt was going to give Emma a run for her money with the mouth-hanging-open thing. “He is supposed to be in Miami!”
“MD, you are really not doing a good job of hiding out here,” Peggy muttered.
“Seriously, Le, how did you get here?”
Leo grinned. “Was the plane quip not enough for you? Also Tay called in some favors after Peg texted us all in the middle of the night.”
“Oh my God, it was not the middle of the night,” Peggy screeched, but the sound quickly morphed into something closer to a cheer and an umpire calling strike three and no one looked more surprised by that than Chris. He blinked once, twice, three times, a soft chuckle where he was still standing on the mound, catching the ball with a backhanded move that would have put several of the nearby professional athletes to sham.
“Shit, look at that hand-eye coordination,” Will said, before adding quickly—“Do not yell at me for that, Cap. I don’t—“
“—No, no,” Killian shook his head. “That was insane.”
He could practically hear Ruby roll her eyes. “This is why he was never a very good quote. And you’re really avoiding the question, Leo. Your mom’s about to have a conniption.”
“Ok, that is also not accurate at all,” Mary Margaret objected, but she was already moving both hands cupping Leo’s cheeks in the same way they had since he could stand up. “How come you didn’t tell us? We could have picked you up.”
“Then what would Henry have to do?”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s definitely all I had to do,” Henry groused. He dropped into the chair next to Peggy, letting Lucy crawl onto her lap with what was, very clearly, a handmade sign. “It’s not our best work,” he added, “but that was mostly because the Grand Central was a mess and then Leo’s plane almost got delayed and, you know, Tay’s not actually in charge of the FAA.”
“Also, to answer the question,” Leo added, slinging an arm around Mary Margaret’s shoulders, “today’s an off day anyway, we would have been traveling, but then Pegs texted us, said Chris was going to pitch today and I figured I’d get here a little early.”
“Except he’s not as good at booking flights as Taylor is.”
“I’m taking that as a compliment,” Taylor said, stuffing his phone and his tie in his back pocket. “What inning is it, anyway? Peg’s awful at updating when she’s not on some kind of warpath.”
Killian blinked, Peggy’s lips all but disappearing behind her teeth. “Were you on some kind of warpath?”
She shook her head.
And every other kid, none of whom were really kids anymore, and some of whom had their own kids, very quickly and very loudly objected.
“War. Path,” Taylor repeated. “What time did the first text demanding our presences come?”
Peggy glared at him. “That is not correct English.”
“Yeah, well, luckily for you, you’ve got those fantastic athletic genes to fall back on and people who aren’t all that bothered by your middle of the night texts and—“
“—Except Lizzie,” Roland interrupted, mumbling something that sounded a lot like dad, seriously, you’ve got to hold the phone still.
“It’s because she’s got that case she’s starting next week,” Matt reasoned. “And the first text came at like one in the morning because it also woke up—“
He exhaled loudly as soon as he realized what he was about to say, eyes going impossibly wide as he tried to brush the hair away from his forehead again. It didn’t work. They were all going to get ridiculously sunburned.
“Hey,” Leo yelled, dragging the word out until it sounded like several different words and a few more announcements and maybe they should have gotten the PA announcer involved. Just to make things as absurd as possible.
The kid at the plate swung. And missed.
“Ok, ok, you guys need to—“ Matt started, but anything else he was about to say got drowned out by cheers and his head snapped around so quickly Killian’s hand moved on instinct. Like he was going to do something about it. Until that same hand flew into the air, another swing and miss and he didn’t know much about baseball, but he might have been googling things and he hoped no one else knew that.
Emma totally knew that.
She’d been asking David questions all season. And they still couldn’t figure out how to count something as an error at the high-school level.
“Did you see the movement on that?” Leo said. “Seriously! The kid didn’t even realize it. He’s got to keep throwing that, he’ll throw a perfect game.”
“Oh my God,” Taylor sighed. “You are a professional athlete. You know not to jinx things.”
“I’m not jinxing, I’m—ah, shit.”
Leo shook his head quickly, plastering a smile on his face and he’d been too loud. Or it was only a matter of time. Or something. Something negative and professional and the kids coming towards them all looked a little nervous.
With notebooks in their hands.
“Leo? Uh—uh, Mr. Nolan? Do you think we could get an autograph?”
Peggy snickered, burying her head into the curve of Henry’s shoulder, but this was what Chris had been worried about. He never really wanted the spotlight. He wanted to play a game he was, relatively, good at, without any hopes or expectations of anything more. And—
“Mattie,” Emma muttered lightly, the tip of her tongue pressing into the side of her cheek. “You better move behind Dad or something.”
Matt hummed in confusion, but Leo had finished signing autographs and brushed off requests for a selfie — I’m just here to watch the game, guys — and it only took Killian a moment to realize what Emma was looking at.
A small group of girls on the other side of the seats, all of them wearing their Xavier shirts, and one phone between them. They appeared to be on some kind of swivel-timer, glancing down at the screen, only to glance back up just as quickly, muttering and whispering and—
“Too good looking,” Roland mumbled, Matt glaring at the screen because he couldn’t do anything else. Not without attracting attention.
And stressing out his brother.
“Just stay as still as possible, MD,” Peggy grinned. “Bend your knees more, so Dad can block you.”
“This is ridiculous.”
“Bend your knees.”
“I can’t,” he hissed. “This is as good as it’s going to get in these jeans, Mar.”
That drew a whole new round of laughter, Matt’s head falling against Killian’s shoulder blade and it wasn’t entirely comfortable, but it was also pretty par for the course and that was the wrong sports joke. The last kid didn’t strike out. He grounded to third.
Matt appeared to be choking on oxygen. He was trying not to cheer.
“That’s good, right?” Lucy asked, curled against Peggy’s side with her sign already brandished.
Killian nodded. “Really good.”
And it kept being good. For five more innings. Until it was the seventh and Chris was still pitching, a three-run lead and maybe there just wasn’t any oxygen in the Bronx.
It felt that way.
“You’re stressing me out, Cap,” Will drawled, slumped in his chair with his legs hanging over the seat in front of them. They were all going to get called out on in the internet for this.
But Killian couldn’t remember the last time anyone on Chris’ team had pitched so many innings and Leo was definitely keeping track of the pitch count. That was probably another occupational hazard.
“Shut up, Scarlet,” Killian said. There wasn’t much insult to it though, because he was definitely kind of freaking out and for someone who had played in more high-pressure games than he’d like to remember, he was never very good at dealing with it when his kids were doing the same thing. “At least I’m not pacing.”
Will hummed in agreement, Emma waving a dismissive hand over her shoulder as she followed the same path she’d been going since the fifth. “How many is he at, Leo?”
“Not even a hundred, Em. I think they take him out once he gets there.”
“They do,” Peggy confirmed, only to be met by several sudden surprised expressions. “What? I know things. Toph and I talk. He’ll have to get through the inning quick.”
“Look at your jargon,” David said.
“Can we all focus, please?” Emma asked sharply, and Killian wasn’t sure who made what noise, him or Matt. “I will ground you, Matthew, I swear.”
Matt hummed, not sounding particularly threatened, but that was probably because he was going to get in enough trouble for blowing off camp without having to deal with his mother as well and—“Oh shit,” he whispered, ignoring Killian’s grunt when he used his shoulder for leverage. “Throw it, throw it, throw it.”
The kid he wasn’t really shouting at did, in fact, throw it, an only slightly off-target out at first that left a different kid with absurdly stretched out legs. “God,” Matt added, hooking his chin over Killian’s shoulder. “That can’t be comfortable at all. Le, is that comfortable?”
“I play in the outfield, Matthew.”
“And you need to direct your voice to somewhere that is not my ear,” Killian added, rolling his shoulder. Matt didn’t move. He hadn’t expected him to.
“Ok, ok, ok,” he continued, voice picking up. Emma stopped pacing. Because that voice was a voice, a voice neither one of them had heard in years, a voice that usually came with extra ice time when he was a kid or getting to tag along to Rangers practice, taking shots on an NHL net. That voice never happened unless there was hockey involved.
Until. Now, apparently.
Because Matt wasn’t supposed to be there and Leo wasn’t supposed to be there, but Peggy had sent out middle-of-the-night text messages and Henry had absolutely rearranged his schedule and Killian’s smile made the muscles in his face stretch to ridiculous proportions.
Not like that kid at first, but—well, he would never have been able to do that.
Killian didn’t try and roll his shoulder again, fluttering his fingers instead and pulling Emma against his side as soon as her touch grazed his skin. Matt was still talking.
“C’mon C, c’mon C, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon.”
Matt flinched as soon as the bat hit the ball, but then that ball was in the air too and Leo might have been standing on his seat at this point. “Get your glove under it,” he shouted, waving both arms like he was directing the plan he’d come in on. “Clinch it, clinch it, clinch it!”
“Oh my God, you guys are the worst,” Peggy groused, but that kid listened too. Or, probably just knew how to play baseball.
Maybe he knew what an error was.
And they were down to their last out. Killian took a deep breath, a soft squeeze to his hand and a smile from Emma, the jut of Matt’s chin digging into his shoulder.
Chris took his hat off, dragging the back of his hand across his forehead and it was probably a testament to the competitive gene that was part and parcel of being a member of this family because he hadn’t really looked their direction until that very moment. His eyebrows jumped, lips parting with a pop that wasn’t actually audible, but sounded like several explosions in Killian’s brain.
His shoulders slumped, some of the tension almost visibly falling with them, and Killian could see the muscles in his throat shift slightly. One side of his mouth tugged up.
“Should we feel bad for the guy at the plate now?” David mused, Ruby making a noise that sounded a bit like an objection. She’d started stress-eating cookies in the sixth. “Because, uh—well, Chris has got that look.”
“What look?” Killian asked.
Robin threw his whole head back when he laughed. “Your look, Cap. And Matt too, if we’re being honest.”
It wasn’t really a compliment, but it wasn’t really an insult either and it was, admittedly, pretty goddamn accurate. Chris put his hat back on — and worked himself into a full count.
Killian could hear Emma’s teeth, the soft clack of them as she took an unsteady breath, using the hand that wasn’t still wrapped up in his to press against her cheek. Mary Margaret wasn’t watching. Roland kept shifting on the couch if the sound was any indication. And Will had gotten his phone out too, muted voices that were demanding updates he clearly wasn’t giving them.
Peggy was using Leo as leverage, his feet back on the ground, while she stood on her chair, both of them shouting suggestions and instructions and something that sounded like to the glove, throw it straight to the glove.
“Where else is he going to throw it?” Matt groused.
Chris threw it. Not quite perfect, possibly a little outside, but it was low-level high-school baseball and he’d been far too nervous, so, maybe not quite perfect was, actually, pretty goddamn perfect and he exhaled as soon as the ball landed in the catchers’ glove.
A swing and a miss. For the final out. And the city championship.
Emma squeezed Killian’s hand again.
And he was about to do something — a little paternal, a little proud, possibly kiss his wife and then tell his kid he loved him, but all of that got forgotten as soon as the words were screamed into his ear.
“Fuck yeah, C,” Matt yelled, jumping and flailing limbs and both he and Leo moved impossibly quick. Their hands slammed into the backstop, rattling metal and drawing the attention of, probably everyone on the Fordham campus. “Yes! Yes!”
Ruby slid down her chair. “Oh my God, this is going to be everywhere.”
“Ah, it’s not the worst thing we’ve done, Lucas,” Killian reasoned, arm moving around Emma’s middle and he did, finally, kiss her temple.
“If that’s our marker, we’ve got to reexamine some things.”
He chuckled, Emma shaking slightly against his side and Chris was nowhere to be seen, likely in the middle of the pile of celebrating kids in the infield, hats forgotten and gloves strewn across meticulously and incredibly well-watered grass. And it only took a few moments — but Killian wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to the concept of winning, particularly when his kids were involved and then there was more shouting and cleats on the stands and both Matt and Leo moved again.
Chris slammed into them both in equal measure, a knot of limbs and words — did you see that pitch and how’s your arm feel and I didn’t think you’d be here.
It was the last one that did it.
Matt pulled back slowly, staring at Chris with something that looked torn between disbelief and just—well, disbelief. He punched his shoulder. Of course. “Wouldn’t have missed it,” he said, and Chris’ arms flew around his middle, hugging tight while several different camera shutters, some of which belonged to phones that weren’t theirs, went off.
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justkending · 6 years
Knock, Knock. Part 3.
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Summary: You are a really good friend of the Padaleckis. Your apartment gets infested with all kinds of problems, so you have to move in with your friends for a couples of days. Little did you know who you would run into while staying there.
Pairing: (single) Jensen x Reader
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1880
Part 3:
“Hey, Y/N right?” Jensen asked with a wide smile pointing to you.
“Uhhh, yeah. Jensen Ackles, right?” you said pointing a finger back at him as you moved closer into the room.
“Ha ha! Yeah, but no need for the formalities. Just Jensen is good.” He laughed as he stood up reaching his hand out to shake. “It’s nice to actually meet you. You didn’t seem that interested in the whole introduction thing this morning.”
You looked at his hand then back at him before grabbing and shaking it.
“Oh God,” you groaned, shaking your head remembering the morning. “I’m so sorry if I came off rude. I had a major hangover from the night before and was not happy with all the noise. Really, I promise I’m not that grumpy and short all the time.”
“I don’t know… You seem pretty short to me,” he said turning his head to the side. “I don’t think you’ve grown that much since this morning.”
You were confused at first, but eventually caught on.
“Clever man. I see,” you chuckled. “Nice one smart guy.”
You took this moment to strip off the last bit of layers you had on and hung them across your arm.
“Do you know where Jared is by chance?” you asked, straightening your sweater out and looking around.
This guy was even cuter in person, and even after getting pampered all day and looking done up, you still felt like you had to fix yourself up.
“Umm, he told me he was going to change before dinner, but it’s been a good 10 minutes,” Jensen answered, turning to look where his friend walked out.
“Yeah, and I thought I took forever getting ready, but for all we know he’s been grooming that luscious mane of his this whole time,” you giggled.
Jensen immediately turned to look back at you hearing you laugh. It was the most beautiful sound, and it went with a perfect smile.
“Ha! You’re probably right,” He said looking at you with wonder. “Glad I have someone else to back me up on the hair jokes.”
“Oh, I’m always up for joking around with Jared.” You said with a smirk. “Anyway, I’m going to go get changed into something more comfortable myself. Are you staying for dinner?”
“Um, I wasn’t originally planning on it, but my plans just got canceled.”
If by plans you mean sitting at home and ordering in, then yeah. Count those as canceled.
“Great, I’ll make sure to set an extra plate for you then,” You smiled walking to your room down the hall, giving him a friendly wink on your way out.
Shortly after you left, Jared came into the living room in sweats and a white Henley.
“Hey, dude what are you still doing here? I thought your ride would be here by now.”
“Trying to get me rid of me Jar?” Jensen said jokingly from his seat on the couch.
“No man, you know you’re welcome here all the time, but you said your ride was like 2 minutes out when I went to change. I just thought you would have left by now.”
“Uh yeah, change of plans. I’m staying for dinner, if that’s ok?”
“Um, yeah sure. Fine by me. I know Gen loves having you over,” Jared said plopping on the couch next to his friend. “Plus, I think Thomas has a new toy he was all excited to show you.”
“Oh, is that so?”
“Hey Jared! I was wondering where you were!” you said making your presence known.
You had changed into some black yoga pants, a giant grey sweatshirt with red lettering of Oklahoma on it, and some cozy red long socks that you scrunched up over your leggings. You had gotten your hair blown out today with Gen, and it was looking really voluminous and movie star like, so you just let it be. You thought you looked pretty cute for a relaxed at home look. A good hair day always boosted your confidence.
Jared’s head spun around to see you walk in. Then it looked back to Jensen with wide eyes who was just watching your every movement.
“Y/N, I didn’t realize you were home. I thought you and Gen were having a girl’s day out.” He kept looking back and forth from you to Jensen.
You went and sat in the giant single chair that was close to the couch the men were on. You flung your legs over the arm and nuzzled into the back before crossing your arms to get comfortable.
“Yeah, well the day’s almost over, and she had to go pick up the boys,” You said noticing Jensen’s eyes on you. You gave him a subtle smile and he returned it. Making your heart skip a beat. “But we had a good day. Nice to have a day to treat yourself after all the crap that’s going on. You know?”
“For sure. How you doing by the way? Gen told me what was going on before you left last night.”
“Oh, you know. Best that I can be. I drank it out last night, and today, I pampered it out. All that’s left is to fight it out,” You laughed out. “Just kidding. Now it’s time to face the storm.”
Jensen had a look of confusion, but didn’t press. Just listened in and tried to pick up on the details.
“Well, you know you’re always welcome here. Let me know if Gen and I can do anything to help,” Jared said with a grin that brought out his dimples.
“You guys have done enough,” you countered, sitting up. “Which reminds me. I am suppose to be prepping the food for dinner. I’ll see you two in a little bit.”
As you got up to start your way into the kitchen, you heard screaming coming from the entry of the house and turned to see two little boys running in your direction. Tom was about 6 years old and Shep was 4.
“Aunt Y/N! Aunt Y/N!” they shouted as they ran at you with open arms.
“Oh my goodness. My two favorite boys! What are you two rascals doing?” you said getting down to their level as the bulldozed you to the ground.
While going to crouch you didn’t have that much balance, and the boys gave you some powerful hugs that made you tilt backwards falling to the ground. You gave up and just laid there with your legs spread out and held onto them before letting go of their hugs.
“Boy’s be careful! Remember we talked about being gentle,” Jared said once you had fallen down.
“Oh, you know it’s fine Jared. They’re just excited,” you said, waving him off and making him roll his eyes with a smile. “Isn’t that right boys? Just cause I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t play rough.” You ruffled both of their head’s of hair.
That got a laugh out of Jensen, and Gen came and patted you on the head before saying she was going to get started on dinner.
The boy’s nodded their heads at your comment before trying to tell you everything about their day.
“Y/N! Guess what we made at Grandma and Grandpa’s? Guess! Guess!” Tom said jumping up and down.
“Hmmm. Did you make a… birdhouse?”
“Noooooo…” Tom said.
“No birdhouse? Ok. Did you make a… spaceship?”
“No Aunt Y/N/N! Guess again,” Shep chimed in this time.
“Well, I’m all out of guesses, so why don’t you tell me?” You said pulling Shep into your lap on the ground.
“We made pumpkins!” they said at the same time.
“Oh my goodness! Wait a minute, you grew a whole pumpkin while you were there? Are you some kind of garden witch?” you said poking Tom in the stomach making him giggle.
“No, we didn’t grow pumpkins. We carved some for Halloween!”
“You what?! Well, you’re going to have to tell me what you made them look like while I help your mom with dinner,” you said sitting Shep up before you got to your feet. “Why don’t you boys go wash your hands, and I’ll let you mix the batter for the biscuits.”
“YAY!” they shouted as they ran into the bathroom to wash their hands. Only stopping to say hi to Jensen before running off in full speed again.
“Ugh, they make me feel so old,” you sighed dusting your leggings off.
As you went to look up you noticed Jensen had been watching you the whole time with the biggest grin. You were really good with the kids and it was making him even more attracted to you.
“Hope you boys like biscuits and gravy for dinner because I’m pulling out my dad’s recipe,” you said mainly toward Jared knowing his love for that meal, but saw both of the boys perk up.
“Biscuits and gravy? Oh hell yeah! That’s my favorite!” Jared said with a fist pump to the air.
You laughed a loud laugh and crossed your arms.
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing Jensen is staying. That way he can experience the heavenly meal himself,” you chuckled, turning back to the kitchen walking away from the boys. “It’ll be out in about 20 minutes ya’ll.”
Jensen watched you walk away and hadn’t realized he was staring until Jared slapped him on the arm.
“Ouch! What the heck dude?”
“You know what the heck! You only stayed cause Y/N was here.”
“What? Noooo. I- I just- “
“No, don’t try to make excuses. She showed up while I was changing and you invited yourself to dinner to talk with her more. Don’t act like I don’t know you Ackles!”
“Ok, ok. So what? Is it really going to hurt me to just learn a few details about her. I mean I just learned she is really good with kids.” He stopped and looked back where you had walked away. “Like really good with kids.”
Another smack to the arm.
“OW! Stop that!”
“It may not hurt you, but it may hurt everyone else.” Jared let out a sigh. “I meant it Jensen. You need to leave her be. She’s going through some stuff that she needs to figure out, and Gen doesn’t need to help her through ANOTHER heartbreak because you just want something casual.”
“Who said I want something casual with her? Maybe, I want something more. You don’t know.”
“I know that you haven’t had something not casual in a while. Don’t get me wrong. I want you to settle down, but if it doesn’t work out… Jens just-“
“Ok, ok. She seems like a cool person to be friends with though. At least let me be friends with her,” Jensen said with his hands up in surrender.
“I don’t know man… Maybe-“
“Come on. I promise I won’t try anything. Please tell me you don’t think that low of me.”
“No man. You know I don’t. Just… Ok, fine. Friends. But JUST friends ok? I mean it.”
“Just friends!” Jensen said heading into the kitchen Jared following close behind. “For now…” he muttered only for him to hear.
Part 4
@sleepless-sin  @luci-in-trenchcoats @ain-t-bovvered @dean-winchesters-bacon@angelkurenai@unabashedsoul97@sandlee44@gripmetight-raisemefromperdition@cabbagewithissues @supersleepygoat@anotherwaywardsister  
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keatulie · 6 years
I need to scream about Reunited. just a lil. spoilers under cut.
I totally thought we were shaping up for a Mr. Greg-esque musical there for a sec. that was an incredible opening, and I’m glad they’re not just wrapping up the angst all nice and neat, and actually acknowledging that even tho they’d all like to move on, things are difficult to accept.
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her updooo awwww
Ruby and Sapphire just generally being rly cute preparing for their wedding?? god I love their dialogue and how they giggle at eachother. makes you realise how often tv Doesn’t write relationships well.
Peridot’s little sundreeeeess!! also this intense curtsy dhfjg summer mood
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(I totally thought Sapphire was breaking a glass under her foot and not ice..  . . .)
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they love eachother sO MUCH and also Ruby tearing through the aisle and Greg having to speed up his playing is adorable and funny, a+ Content episode.
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god the cartoons I watched growing up only had fleeting references to same gender relationships, if at all, and even that one great Courage episode w/ the lesbian cat and bunny had to settle for ‘best friends forever’ and no kisses. I’m so thrilled for Gen Z kids to have this be completely everyday content.
the second they showed Mayor Dewey and Jamie alone at the table I rly thought there was gonna be an affectionate look or hug between the two there omg? but the dance was great too. the 3 total Dewmies are gonna be stoked.
also hhh Garnet scooping up Steven and them hugging, she’s such a mum, I love her. I missed Garnet. and her visor is yellow now?? what does it meeean
so like uh since Bismuth caught the bouquet and everything is foreshadowing, who is she marrying.
the Cluster is hORRIFYING and sinewy, but at least they’re cool! I love the little thumbs up so much.
(Ronaldo the Weeb charging at the Diamonds w/ his katana is gold ok)
(0.5 seconds after an entire house gets crushed) “I CAN FIX IT” bless Bismuth
CAT STEVEN there she issss. this poor baby has been through a lot. also I still love Greg doing anything.
YE LAPIS just casually dropping a whole building from the moon there.
I TOTALLY thought Steven got poofed there and was gonna reform as something Pink Diamond-like to convince them oh my god.
god Blue Diamond’s voice is so unsettling. hearing her comforting, gentle Irish accent while she talks about how she’s going destroy everyone is some creepy dissonance.
the preview implies that the Diamonds didn’t know that their attack would cause corruption apparently? Oh that’s gonna be more guilt for Blue, judging by that scene of Centipeetle crawling out (also yay Centipeetleeee).
ANYWAY so uh jeez that was a Bomb. the Best One so far honestly, and the wait for a resolution on this is gonna kill me. inevitable White Diamond reveal aside, that battle was so big, and the impact of (mostly) everyone coming back so great, that I’m guessing SU is coming to an end p soon? and honestly, I’m happy w/ that.
5 seasons, and maybe a 6th (or a series of specials)? for the final arc is good enough, and I wouldn’t want it to constantly attempt bigger and better things like.. Another show I enjoy. besides, the Crewinverse have had this planned out for years and I’m sure they know exactly what they’re doing, so that prob is gonna be how it pans out.
even tho it’ll be sad to say goodbye to it (it’s the first show I’ve ever stuck w/ since the pilot days!), I’ll be glad to see another cartoon w/ a satisfying conclusion like Gravity Falls and Avatar. <3
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tocinephile · 3 years
The Morning After... 2021 Oscars Edition
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Whether you liked it or hated it, at least last night's Oscars are worth talking about, which is more than I can say for any other award show this season. But there's no way to hate on Glenn Close doing "Da Butt" after telling Daniel Kaluuya he was too young to know Donna Summer trivia, now that's the mark you want to leave on Oscars history!
This year's award began in a beautiful garden party and then moved inside a train station for a cavernous yet intimate small audience feel. Largely live with overseas presenters (including the Brits gathered at BFI) broadcast with a quality signal with pros on site to make sure everyone was unmuted when they should be, and a few pre-recorded segments thrown in.
Hats off to Regina King for her stylish entrance during the classic movie opening credits, give her an award for walking all the way through Union Station in heels no less! Some people missed the comedic opening, but for all the years that those same skits/monologues incited criticisms and yawns, I think it was fine to skip the comedy for one year. Apparently it's also fine to skip the musical performances and film clips when announcing the nominees. Perhaps many will disagree, but I often take bio breaks leave the room during the song performances anyway, coupled with none of the songs making an impression on me this year, it made no difference to me.
Awards were also presented in a different order this year. By the middle of the show I was already seeing commentary about this in my Twitter but I actually thought things were going well until out of nowhere they start announcing the Best Picture nominees and I started to wonder if I'd left the room by mistake during the Best Actor/Actress awards. I haven't found any sources yet that confirm the reason for the change-up, I can only assume they were saving the Best Actor for last so we could all have an emotional cry over the tragic loss of Chadwick Boseman. It turned out both the Best Actress and Best Actor awards were a bit of a surprise, we can now reconfirm our trust in PWC that NOBODY knows the winners ahead of time.
The Best Actress category hasn't had a clear frontrunner but I was personally rooting for Andra Day. I thought Viola Davis also had a good shot of winning. While Carey Mulligan's film was my favourite, I was really blown away by Day's performance. Plus I really wanted to see a BIPOC sweep in the acting categories and I think this was the year for the Oscars to do this right. Frances McDormand is always a force, but I think it was in Three Billboards that she outdid herself, and she was awarded for that. In Nomadland, she was merely 'great'.
Then came the final category of the night and we prepared for them to announce the Best Actor. I'm just going to be presumptuous and say most people were expecting Chadwick Boseman to win posthumously, but not only did they announce Anthony Hopkins name, he wasn't even in attendance/available on video conference to make a speech. The biggest night in Hollywood ended with "we accept this award on his behalf. Thank you and goodnight". I really don't think this is what Steven Soderbergh (and Stacey Sher and Jesse Collins) had in mind. I would have to agree that Hopkins really nailed his performance in The Father, and the film in general is quite an achievement (not only in acting, but in writing, editing, and set design) but I think had the producers known what would hapen, they would have stuck with the classic formula and ended things with Nomadland taking Best Picture. Sure, it would have been playing it safe, but hey, ain't nothing wrong with a classic Hollywood ending.
The acting categories were strong as always. I remarked to a friend prior to the awards, out of the films of the Actor nominees I saw Mank first and thought there was no way Gary Oldman could lose, but after seeing the rest of the films, I had changed my opinion to he didn't stand a chance. And of course there were my BIPOC (ok, every time I type this I think there should have been an Indigenous person nominated... Oscars 2022 are you listening??) acting sweep fantasies. If not Boseman, then maybe Riz Ahmed? Or Steven Yuen? To be up there with a statue alongside Youn Yuh Jung and Chloe Zhao cause "#OscarsSoAsian" has a nice ring to it.
Let's look a little closer at the winners by category:
Best Actor in a Leading Role
Riz Ahmed (“Sound of Metal”)
Chadwick Boseman (“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”)
Anthony Hopkins (“The Father”) (WINNER)
Gary Oldman (“Mank”)
Steven Yeun (“Minari”)
Since this was the last award, it’s forever remembered as “ruining” the Oscars. While it was not the ending we wanted (maybe it was the ending we deserved? j/k…) it’s important to note Sir Anthony Hopkins didn’t ruin the Oscars, the producers betting an entire award show finale on what they thought was a sure thing is what derailed the evening. What Hopkins did was give a phenomenal performance and subsequently became the oldest actor to be recognized in the category.
I did want Chadwick Boseman to win. I did want a teary emotional finish. I did want a person of colour to win the Oscar. But I also want millions of dollars and the ability to travel around the world right now, so, let’s keep our desires in check.
Best Actress in a Leading Role
Viola Davis (“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”)
Andra Day (“The United States v. Billie Holiday”)
Vanessa Kirby (“Pieces of a Woman”)
Frances McDormand (“Nomadland”) (WINNER)
Carey Mulligan (“Promising Young Woman”)
Oh how badly did I want Andra Day to win? How amazing did I think Viola Davis was? How much did I love Carey Mulligan’s film? (and sidenote: Does Vanessa Kirby know how to smile? Forget smiling, I don’t think I saw her expression change once during the show last night?) But you gotta respect Frances McDormand who didn’t care if she won, who doesn’t need to explain herself, and advocates for Karaoke Bars at award shows.
Best Picture
“The Father”
“Judas and the Black Messiah”
“Nomadland” (WINNER)
“Promising Young Woman”
“Sound of Metal”
“The Trial of the Chicago 7”
Someone on Twitter rightly pointed out… Best Picture is a good choice to hand out last because there’s always someone there to accept it. I’m all for Nomadland winning this, but wouldn’t it have been awesome if Promising Young Woman took it for the upset of the season?
Best Original Song
“Fight for You,” (“Judas and the Black Messiah”). Music by H.E.R. and Dernst Emile II; Lyric by H.E.R. and Tiara Thomas (WINNER)
“Hear My Voice,” (“The Trial of the Chicago 7”). Music by Daniel Pemberton; Lyric by Daniel Pemberton and Celeste Waite
“Húsavík,” (“Eurovision Song Contest”). Music and Lyric by Savan Kotecha, Fat Max Gsus and Rickard Göransson
“Io Si (Seen),” (“The Life Ahead”). Music by Diane Warren; Lyric by Diane Warren and Laura Pausini
“Speak Now,” (“One Night in Miami”). Music and Lyric by Leslie Odom, Jr. and Sam Ashworth
Best Original Score
“Da 5 Bloods,” Terence Blanchard
“Mank,” Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross
“Minari,” Emile Mosseri
“News of the World,” James Newton Howard
“Soul,” Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, Jon Batiste (WINNER)
I’ll never get used to seeing Trent Reznor as a multiple Oscar Winner/Nominee. (Spoken like a true Gen X-er)
Best Film Editing
“The Father,” Yorgos Lamprinos
“Nomadland,” Chloé Zhao
“Promising Young Woman,” Frédéric Thoraval
“Sound of Metal,” Mikkel E.G. Nielsen (WINNER)
“The Trial of the Chicago 7,” Alan Baumgarten
I’d read in some articles that whoever gets Editing also typically wins Sound and vice versa. Is that true? Has it always been true or is that recent? Wasn’t there recognition in Sound Editing and Sound Mixing until recent years? While Sound of Metal immediately stood out to me in Sound (I mean, would it have been truly successful if it didn’t?) I’m still not sure how it’s outstanding for its editing. The Father on the other hand, and even The Trial of the Chicago 7. I’d also like to note that David Fincher films also typically feature great editing, and so my impressions of Mank are correct and reconfirmed by its absence in this category.
Best Cinematography
“Judas and the Black Messiah,” Sean Bobbitt
“Mank,” Erik Messerschmidt (WINNER)
“News of the World,” Dariusz Wolski
“Nomadland,” Joshua James Richards
“The Trial of the Chicago 7,” Phedon Papamichael
I’m hearing from both the Oscar Pools I was part of, that I was in the minority for calling this one correctly.
Best Production Design
“The Father.” Production Design: Peter Francis; Set Decoration: Cathy Featherstone
“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” Production Design: Mark Ricker; Set Decoration: Karen O’Hara and Diana Stoughton
“Mank.” Production Design: Donald Graham Burt; Set Decoration: Jan Pascale (WINNER)
“News of the World.” Production Design: David Crank; Set Decoration: Elizabeth Keenan
“Tenet.” Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Kathy Lucas
There’s just something about old Hollywood isn’t there? I mean most creative should definitely be The Father, and outstanding is Ma Rainey, but this is Hollywood’s night, not unusual for them to celebrate themselves. For what it’s worth, I loved the Production Design in Mank. Also in all the personal tidbits they tried to share about the nominees, the only one I remember a day later is winner Jan Pascale's dream career trajectory for me... from puppeteer for Mr Rogers to set decorating for David Fincher! Talk about living your best life!
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Maria Bakalova (‘Borat Subsequent Moviefilm”)
Glenn Close (“Hillbilly Elegy”)
Olivia Colman (“The Father”)
Amanda Seyfried (“Mank”)
Yuh-Jung Youn (“Minari”) (WINNER)
This is going to come off unkind, but I never understood how Maria Bakalova made the cut once we stopped separating out Comedy and Drama categories. What can I say, I just didn’t get the appeal of the Borat sequel (I was lukewarm to first one too truth be told, but at least it was funnier)
Best Visual Effects
“Love and Monsters,” Matt Sloan, Genevieve Camilleri, Matt Everitt and Brian Cox
“The Midnight Sky,” Matthew Kasmir, Christopher Lawrence, Max Solomon and David Watkins
“Mulan,” Sean Faden, Anders Langlands, Seth Maury and Steve Ingram
“The One and Only Ivan,” Nick Davis, Greg Fisher, Ben Jones and Santiago Colomo Martinez
“Tenet,” Andrew Jackson, David Lee, Andrew Lockley and Scott Fisher (WINNER)
I haven’t looked too carefully at other smaller awards, but I feel there is a world of technical awards out there that Tenet deserves to win. I wonder if Tenet shouldn’t have gotten some recognition for Sound as well, alongside the sets, stunts, etc etc.
Best Documentary Feature
“Collective,” Alexander Nanau and Bianca Oana
“Crip Camp,” Nicole Newnham, Jim LeBrecht and Sara Bolder
“The Mole Agent,” Maite Alberdi and Marcela Santibáñez
“My Octopus Teacher,” Pippa Ehrlich, James Reed and Craig Foster (WINNER)
“Time,” Garrett Bradley, Lauren Domino and Kellen Quinn
Best Documentary Short Subject
“Colette,” Anthony Giacchino and Alice Doyard (WINNER)
“A Concerto Is a Conversation,” Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers
“Do Not Split,” Anders Hammer and Charlotte Cook
“Hunger Ward,” Skye Fitzgerald and Michael Scheuerman
“A Love Song for Latasha,” Sophia Nahli Allison and Janice Duncan
Best Animated Feature Film
“Onward” (Pixar)
“Over the Moon” (Netflix)
“A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon” (Netflix)
“Soul” (Pixar) (WINNER)
“Wolfwalkers” (Apple TV Plus/GKIDS)
Best Animated Short Film
“Burrow” (Disney Plus/Pixar)
“Genius Loci” (Kazak Productions)
“If Anything Happens I Love You” (Netflix) (WINNER)
“Opera” (Beasts and Natives Alike)
“Yes-People” (CAOZ hf. Hólamói)
Best Live-Action Short Film
“Feeling Through”
“The Letter Room”
“The Present”
“Two Distant Strangers” (WINNER)
“White Eye”
Best Sound
“Greyhound,” Warren Shaw, Michael Minkler, Beau Borders and David Wyman
“Mank,” Ren Klyce, Jeremy Molod, David Parker, Nathan Nance and Drew Kunin
“News of the World,” Oliver Tarney, Mike Prestwood Smith, William Miller and John Pritchett
“Soul,” Ren Klyce, Coya Elliott and David Parker
“Sound of Metal,” Nicolas Becker, Jaime Baksht, Michelle Couttolenc, Carlos Cortés and Phillip Bladh (WINNER)
Best Director
Thomas Vinterberg (“Another Round”)
David Fincher (“Mank”)
Lee Isaac Chung (“Minari”)
Chloé Zhao (“Nomadland”) (WINNER)
Emerald Fennell (“Promising Young Woman”)
This has been said, but it needs to be said again (and again)… Oscar Winner Chloe Zhao is the 2nd woman in the history of the Oscars (which is nearing close to a century) to win in this category and the first woman of Asian descent. Her award announced by last year’s – also Asian – winner Bong Joon Ho. THIS is what I want to be hearing in the news about Asians. Seeing all the side by side photo comparisons of them each posing with their two Oscars is sparking so much joy in my social media feeds.
Best Costume Design
“Emma,” Alexandra Byrne
“Mank,” Trish Summerville
“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,” Ann Roth (WINNER)
“Mulan,” Bina Daigeler
“Pinocchio,” Massimo Cantini Parrini
When you take a step back and consider Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom as a whole, the look of the entire film really does grab you doesn’t it? Well deserved win.
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
“Emma,” Marese Langan, Laura Allen, Claudia Stolze
“Hillbilly Elegy,” Eryn Krueger Mekash, Patricia Dehaney, Matthew Mungle
“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,” Sergio Lopez-Rivera, Mia Neal, Jamika Wilson (WINNER)
“Mank,” Kimberley Spiteri, Gigi Williams, Colleen LaBaff
“Pinocchio,” Mark Coulier, Dalia Colli, Francesco Pegoretti
I said this in my twitter best... in recent years it’s finally dawned on the Academy to stop simply awarding the period films in these categories. I fully support this, I just need to remember this when I’m making Oscar Pool picks in attempts to win money.
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Sacha Baron Cohen (“The Trial of the Chicago 7”)
Daniel Kaluuya (“Judas and the Black Messiah”) (WINNER)
Leslie Odom Jr. (“One Night in Miami”)
Paul Raci (“Sound of Metal”)
Lakeith Stanfield (“Judas and the Black Messiah”)
I’d like to thank Daniel Kaluuya’s mom and dad for having sex too.
Best International Feature Film
“Another Round” (Denmark) (WINNER)
“Better Days” (Hong Kong)
“Collective” (Romania)
“The Man Who Sold His Skin” (Tunisia)
“Quo Vadis, Aida?” (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Another Round was an early favourite among audiences, I saw it back in the fall myself. I’m almost positive it’s the style of the film and a general lack of enthusiasm I have for cinema of Northern Europe (no offence, there are many exceptions but I don’t really jump out of my seat when I hear there’s a Scandinavian film festival in town) but I wouldn’t rave about this film. It’s decent but I was much more moved by Better Days (which is a Mandarin-spoken film, so I was entirely reliant on the subtitles despite it originating from HK) and much more interested in seeing Quo Vadis, Aida?
Best Adapted Screenplay
“Borat Subsequent Moviefilm.” Screenplay by Sacha Baron Cohen, Anthony Hines, Dan Swimer, Peter Baynham, Erica Rivinoja, Dan Mazer, Jena Friedman, Lee Kern; Story by Sacha Baron Cohen, Anthony Hines, Dan Swimer, Nina Pedrad
“The Father,” Christopher Hampton and Florian Zeller (WINNER)
“Nomadland,” Chloé Zhao
“One Night in Miami,” Kemp Powers
“The White Tiger,” Ramin Bahrani
Looking at this list, I’m reminded that Regina King should have gotten a nomination for directing. Good script but her direction brought it to life.
Best Original Screenplay
“Judas and the Black Messiah.” Screenplay by Will Berson, Shaka King; Story by Will Berson, Shaka King, Kenny Lucas, Keith Lucas
“Minari,” Lee Isaac Chung
“Promising Young Woman,” Emerald Fennell (WINNER)
“Sound of Metal.” Screenplay by Darius Marder, Abraham Marder; Story by Darius Marder, Derek Cianfrance
“The Trial of the Chicago 7,” Aaron Sorkin
I’m so happy Emerald Fennell won, over Aaron Sorkin, who’s got enough awards he can live without this one despite Trial of the Chicago 7 being some good writing. There’s something to be said about a story so triggering, wracks many with guilt (I know it did that for me, and it better have done the same for many others that I know, because we all know the things we turned a blind eye to growing up in the years that we did. We remember the things that we cannot even bare to talk to each other about now.), and we still can’t help but be in awe and consider it the best damn story of the year.
Also tipping my hat to Minari (which Chef/Restuaranteur/TV celeb David Chang so accurately describes as the real “Marriage Story”) and Judas and the Black Messiah. And the absence of Da 5 Bloods needs to be pointed out, it should’ve been nominated for Screenplay.
Sound of Metal is many things, its performances, technical achievements, and even directing are superior, but script-wise… I liked It’s All Gone Pete Tong (2004) better.
My post-Oscar ramble seems a little longer than usual (I mean, I do have a LOT more time than usual) so I won't recap my tweets of varying relevance and intelligence, you can find them all on my Twitter at https://twitter.com/palindr0me
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