#ok owie. ice time
lambentplume · 1 year
wrist hurts so im typing one-handed + have 2 miss art class :( on the bright side i can hang out all day and listen to c/w.
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nyckie · 2 months
Hyperchondria's great, it's like am I having an allergic reaction to this wasp sting or am I just imagining it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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yelenasdiary · 4 months
I saw you were talking about Wanda x daughter!reader ideas, and I just can’t get this out of my head.
What if reader is actually Nat’s daughter and Nat and Wanda start dating. Like just imagine all the super cute moments of them bonding…
-Wanda really likes her new girlfriend, but is a bit nervous getting to know her daughter.
-Wanda eventually asks them both on a date.
-Maybe Wanda even asks Nat if it would be ok to take R on a “date” one on one.
-Wanda becoming R’s best friend.
-R asking Nat when they can see Wanda.
-R wanting to be Wanda’s partner on game night.
-R getting super excited when Wanda picks her up from school one day.
-Wanda tucking R into bed.
-R asks Wanda to kiss an “owie” like Mama does.
-Wanda falling absolutely in love with this little girl.
-R wanting Wanda to move in so they can all be together.
-Of course there will be a misunderstandings and arguments because kids (and adults) have big feelings and people make mistakes, BUT there is always a teary conversation after where they apologize and listen to each other. Wanda always wanting R to know her feelings matter, and they are even closer by then end.
-The “I’m Sorry” ice cream date after a fight is always a plus too.
-Wanda helping R with homework.
-R wanting Wanda when she has a nightmare or feels sick.
-Wanda telling Nat that she loves R, possibly even more than she loves Nat.
-The first time R says “I love you” to Wanda.
-R asks Wanda to a “Mommy and Me” party/event.
-Wanda proposing to R when she proposes to Nat.
-R is Wanda’s maid of honor in the wedding.
-The first time R calls Wanda Mom or Mommy.
- The only thing on her letter to Santa is to be adopted by Wanda.
-R giving Wanda the best Mother’s Day presents.
-R getting upset when a bully tries to say she can’t have two moms.
-R going to Wanda with those awkward mom/daughter questions as she’s growing up.
-Wanda being the middle ground between R and Nat during teenage rebellion.
-Eventually when Y/n is all grown up(maybe even a new or soon-to-be mom herself), Wanda tells her the best decision she ever made was to be Reader’s mom.
… just… the possibilities are endless.
…and like obviously Nat is reader’s mom and they love each other SOOO much, but there is just something special about the bond R and Wanda share, and tbh Nat wouldn’t have it any other way
Ps sorry that ended up being super long 🤦🏻‍♀️ hope it sounds as good as it does in my head 😂
I love all these cute little ideas!!!
Imma keep these in mind when I sit down to work out the little AU xx
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medusozoic · 1 year
So in december I fell of my bike drunk and then I was like owie my wrist hurts and after a week when I realised I couldn't really move my wrist I went to my doctor and he was like 'eh prob not broken would hurt more but I'll get u a scan' and then I went to the hospital and they were like ye it's broken go to ic and we'll get it into a cast right away so I did that and then I had a stupid month including Christmas in a stupid cast and then I got out of the cast and I was like woo and then after a month I was like ok it still hurts quite a bit so I went back to my doctor ans he was like naaaaaa that's normal!!!! Dw baby!!! So I went along with my life skip to like 4 months later pain is getting a lot worse and I called the doctor again and had an appointment bc I wanted another scan and then she was like 'o you didn't need to go to me for that!!! You're still registered at the hospital you can just tell them!! Oh maybe I should've told you that on the phone' and then I was like :/ and I called the hospital and they said NOPEY you can't do that you need a referral!! And then I send an email to the hospital and they said 'no the pain is not bc of when you broke it hehe' so I called my doctor again who then called the hospital who then called me and they said oopsie sorry yeah we'll get you an appointment you actually were allowed to do that!!! So then like a week before my appointment I went to play some baseball (first time actually physically using my wrist again) and then it hurt really bad and I was like eh it'll probably go away in a few days (it didn't it got worse) so anyways 6 months after getting the cast off I go to the hospital get another picture and the doctor is like 'oh haha I haven't seen you in a while why have you not had any check ins!!!' and I'm like : l and he's like 'oh I see the problem it's still broken the exact same way!!' so now I'm getting surgery in 2-3 months to actually get it fixed and then I'll need a cast AGAIN for a month and 4 months recovery time.
Long story short I biked drunk and am being punished for a whole goddamn year
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jackiefoureyes · 9 months
ok after all this time one final in all while under severe stress pain in my upper leg owie, and dare i say, ouchy
now for the second yummy i'm so happy i could glow oh my god i cant wait it's gonna be ice cream and cake i love this professor they're such a great marker and make amazing assignments with such crystal clear instructions (sarcasm) (so much sarcasm) (gave me a D+) (not biased in the slightest) (i dont care) (cuno doesn't fucking care) (amazing lecturer tho) (not sarcasm)
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schizoideh · 2 years
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Ok guys, I know I haven't been very active, but.
Let me just brainrot over sligs for a bit, I crave it right now because that's the only thing that heals me from the crunch I've been through all this time.
Oddworld is great game series, as it always was. I've only yet to play Soulstorm but I love the new artstyle a lot and I really hope OWI will make it through and the show will happen finally, sooner of later.
We shall protecc the baby sligs.
IMO that would be Abe's 100% IC reaction while holding a tiny green potat.
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beautiful-songbird · 2 years
Ice It
Pairing: Dad!Taehyung x Mom!OC
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: none
Summary: Zoro is teething, and his parents can’t figure out what to do to make him feel better.
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Raising a toddler is the hardest job in the world, they say.  But why did they say that, exactly?  Sure, toddlers were loud and rambunctious, but as an adult, surely you had the higher ground.
Zelda knew how to take care of kids.  She always had.  That was something that just came with being an older sister.  The only thing was that she really didn’t have experience with babies and toddlers.  Zelda had been the last baby in the house.  All of her younger siblings hadn’t come into her life until they were at least 3 years old, and despite being a mom for over two years now, she still didn’t know how to deal with her son when he was upset.
Zoro was a very quiet kid, and he hadn’t started speaking much yet.  He was often content with just about anything, and on the occasion that he did have a meltdown, there was usually an easy remedy.
Zelda had already gone down her usual list of problems though, and nothing was seeming to work today.  No, he wasn’t hungry.  He didn’t want to nap.  He wasn’t missing Appa.  His favorite toy hadn’t gone missing.  He didn’t want his pacifier.  And despite all this, he was still sitting on the floor crying.
Normally in a situation like this, she’d call her mom, but because of the time zone difference, her mom was definitely sound asleep at this hour.  Tae wouldn’t be home for another hour or two either, so she couldn’t really get his help.
“Zoro, what’s wrong?”
The toddler just gave a pitiful whine in response.
It was at times like this that Zelda really wished Zoro could communicate with her.  Or better yet, that he would communicate with her.  Sometimes it seemed that he simply didn’t want to tell her what was wrong.
“Does something, hurt, bub?” she asked as he stuck his finger in his mouth.
Again, the only response she got was a whine.
She picked him up and sat on the couch.  He was chewing on his finger now.  Everything seemed to click in her head then.
“Oh, you’re teething, aren’t you?”
She pulled his hand out of his mouth and rubbed her finger along his gums.  He took this as an invitation to bite down on her finger.
“Ow!  Ok, let’s not chew on fingers, buddy.”
“Yes, Zoro?”
She laughed. “Oh, sure, now you tell me.”
Zoro was very happily chewing on an ice pack when Tae got home that evening.  After a quick shower, Tae settled himself on the couch as Zelda finished throwing dinner together.  Zoro toddled over to the couch and climbed up onto it.
“Hi there.  Are you liking your ice pack?” Tae asked.
Instead of responding, Zoro crawled into Tae’s lap and rested his head on Tae’s chest.  Tae rubbed his head.
“Not feeling chatty today, eh?”
Zoro stuck the ice pack in his mouth again as he stared up at his dad.  There was drool running down his chin now, so Tae wiped it off with his thumb.
“Getting new teeth isn’t fun, is it?”
“Yeah?  It’s ok, bub.  It’ll be over soon.”
Zoro was still chewing on this ice pack when Zelda brought dinner out.
“Do you want bread, Zor?”
Zoro perked up upon hearing this. “Bed?” He jumped off Tae’s lap and took the bread from Zelda. He was whining a moment after taking a bite, though. “Owieee.”
“Do we need to take the crust off?” Tae asked.
Zoro shoved the piece of bread in Tae’s hands. “Cust owie.”
Tae tore the crust off the piece of bread before handing it back to Zoro. “There you go.”
Zoro climbed back on the couch and happily chomped away at the now crustless bread.
“Is that good?” Zelda asked.
“Yeah,” Zoro nodded.
He leaned against Tae’s side as he ate, making Tae chuckle. Zoro was happy to only eat bread as his parents ate dinner.
It wasn’t long before Zoro was unhappy again, though. Zelda had headed to get ready for bed, and the ice pack was fully melted.
“Zoro,” Tae sighed as the toddler sat on his lap and sobbed.
“Appa, owie.” Zoro mumbled through his tears and shoved his fingers in his mouth.
Tae pulled Zoro against his chest. He had no clue where the ice packs were in the freezer, and he wasn’t sure what else to do to console Zoro.
“Zor, you wanna chew on my finger?” he asked, offered the toddler his pointer finger.
Zoro sniffled and grabbed ahold of Tae’s hand before biting down on it. Tae winced, but Zoro seemed calm again, so he let him continue.
By the time Zelda returned to the living room, Zoro was sound asleep against Tae’s chest with Tae’s finger still in his mouth.
“I don’t think I like being a chew toy,” Tae whispered.
Zelda laughed. “We have like five more ice packs in the freezer!”
He shrugged. “I don’t know where anything is in there.”
“Ok. I’ll go get one. Take him to bed and I’ll meet you there.”
Zoro was sobbing again when Zelda entered the bedroom a few minutes later. Tae was trying to offer the tiny boy a pacifier, but Zoro didn’t want it.
“Zel, I think he’s got a fever?” Tae murmured once he noticed his wife was in the room.
Zelda climbed into the bed. “Zoro, you want an ice pack?”
Zoro didn’t stop crying this time, but he gladly took the ice pack from her and munched on it. She rubbed her hand on his stomach.
“He’s a little warm. Probably from all that crying.”
The three of them lay there in silence for a minute as Zoro calmed down.
“Do you wanna go to sleep, Zor?” Tae asked softly once he was sure Zoro wouldn’t easily upset again.
Zoro whined and squished his cheek against Tae’s arm. Tae rubbed the tiny boy’s head. Zelda scooted over to hug the two of them and rubbed her nose against Zoro’s neck. Zoro giggled.
“Is that ticklish?” she asked, doing it again.
He giggled again. “No tickle!”
Tae gasped. “No tickles?” He reached down and dug his fingers into Zoro’s stomach.
Zoro squirmed and let out a loud laugh. “Nooo.”
“I’m gonna get you!”
Zoro squealed as both his parents continued to tickle him. “Nooo! No mo!”
Zelda grinned. “No more?”
“Is it bedtime now?”
It wasn’t five minutes before Zoro was sound asleep curled up between his parents.
“I think we don’t want to sleep with the ice pack,” Tae whispered as he took the ice pack and set it on the nightstand. “Zoro’s not been kicking the baby, has he?” He asked, rubbing her stomach.
She shook her head. “He’s very calm.”
Zelda rested her hand on top of Tae’s and shut her eyes. “Love you.”
He smiled. “I love you too. Goodnight, Zel.”
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This is part of the Dad!BTS series that can be found here
A/N: ok so like 4 days after having that dream I finish this fic 🤪 here y’all go
It would be greatly appreciated if you reblogged the story if you liked it!
Taglist: @jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger @jinnie-forthe-winnie @fly-you-dam-fools @aianloveseven @thornedswan @kookstempo @armys-dna
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avmisworld · 4 years
NCT Dream when you're clumsy:
A/N: Ok but y is this pure crack lol
"Shit, are you okay?", Mark utters, running quickly to the place where you stand, rubbing your head with your hand, a pained pout on your small face. Even you don't understand how you managed to walk into a wall, but apparently everything was possible when it's your clumsy self.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine", you mumble, your lips quirking up unconsciously at the sight of your worried boyfriend, his eyebrows furrowed and a cute frown settling on his pink lips. No matter how much times these things happen to you, Mark still managed to be worried every time.
"Maybe you should put some ice on that", Mark suggests, moving your hand gently to suspect the slightly swollen spot on your forehead, his deep brown eyes inspecting you carefully before he grabs your hand and drags you to the kitchen. "You really amaze me sometimes, you know that?"
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You're getting out of the bathroom after your shower, your dark hair pulled into a messy bun and the skin of your face sporting a red blush from the hot water, when you hit your leg on the side of the bed, your face immediately contorting in pain as you grab your hurt limb.
"Owie~", you whine, making your boyfriend look up from his phone, laying on the bed lazily with his gray sweatpants and black t-shirt, just passing the time until you finally finish your excessively long night routine and finally be ready for sleep.
Renjun playfully rolls his eyes at your blatant attempt to get his attention, but he still gets up despite the exhaustion swimming in his veins, walking up to you before kneeling down to look at your ankle, inspecting the red spot carefully before deciding it isn't anything serious. Now that he knows you're fine, he won't hesitate to tease you. "Yah, I've been waiting for you this whole time only for you to try and break the bed?!"
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Jeno came running into the room the second he heard the crash, his footsteps making screeching sounds against the parquet floor of your apartment as he finally reaches you, practically slamming into the kitchen doorway.
"Wha-", your boyfriend stops mid-sentence as he sees the state you're in, staring at the floor with a miserable expression, your hands still held out and your gaze locked on the pile of glimmering white porcelain, which used to be plates.
"Hey, come here, you might get hurt", Jeno scolds you, walking over to you quickly and grabbing your wrist, gently leading you over to the living room before ruffling your hair, noticing the embarrassed expression on your delicate features. "Y/N, it's just plates, it's not a big deal, we can always buy new ones. Now stay here while I go clean the mess."
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You're running, your boot-clad feet frantically digging into the snow covered ground, trying to run away from your boyfriend, who's running after you with a massive snowball is mitten-clad hands and a shit-eating grin on his face, when you manage to slip on the powdery substance, falling straight on your bum with a loud 'oof'.
"Oh my god", you can hear Haechan cackling behind you, and you manage to blush despite the cold, frowning to no one in particular as you stand up, brushing the specks of snow from your black jeans. "Shut up."
"Baby, you literally fell for me right now", Haechan says proudly, wiggling his eyebrows as you snort, amazed by his ability to turn your every action into a symbol of your undying love for him. But you don't miss the way he secretly makes sure you're fine, steering you away from the slippery slopes as you start your snowball fight again.
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You're helping Jaemin make some instant noodles in the kitchen after he insisted on showing off his cooking skills, which included boiling water and ripping open packets of seasoning, when you somehow manage to close the drawer on your thumb after taking out two pairs of chopsticks for the two of you.
At the sound of your pained shriek, your boyfriend turns around immediately, his eyes wide with worry before they land on you, quickly understanding the situation when he watches you sniffle, rubbing your now-red finger with your other hand.
"Oh jagiya, come here, let me kiss it better", Jaemin mumbles, forgetting about his 5-star dish as he walks over to you, taking you to the sink and washing your thumb gently before moving to kiss the red spot on your finger, his lips more often than not landing on your cheeks and lips, until you find yourself laughing once again, your embarrassment and pain slowly fading away.
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"I don't get it", you mutter with a defeated expression, watching as Chenle repeats the dance move he's been trying to teach you for the last hour, his body moving gracefully as he repeats the move once again, a small smile quirking at his lips when he sees the cute pout adorning your lips.
You sigh, trying to repeat the move, but of course your ankle somehow manages to twist beneath you, resulting in you letting out an embarrassing whimper as you drop to the floor, deciding to give up so you won't sprain something necessary.
"You're so clumsy, you know that?", Chenle sits next to you, bringing his hand up to stroke your hurt ankle, before he sends you a wide grin and ruffles your dark hair gently when you huff at him, annoyed at the fact he outed you with such an unbothered attitude. "But you're the cutest when you're clumsy."
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You and Jisung are walking down the beach, watching the sun set slowly, coloring the bluish-greenish water in a lovely golden hue, and then you go and ruin the moment by stumbling on the sand, your boyfriend managing to catch you at the last second by sliding his hand around you waist.
"Oops", you say sheepishly at the sight of Jisung's wide eyes, smiling awkwardly when Jisung lets you go, a smile of his own framing his thin lips as he intertwines your hands once again, and you can practically feel the second hand embarrassment oozing from your boyfriend's very presence.
"You good?", your boyfriend asks you after a few seconds of him trying to stop the giggles bubbling up in his throat, not wanting to make your feel more embarrassed than you already were, and he'll pull you slightly closer when you nod, letting you no silently that he loves you not matter how clumsy you are.
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Make wise Choices Part 1:
Hold me (baby Danvers)
Never have I ever written something in my life (except for Christmas cards for Santa when I was a kid or you know the regular affidavit when I lose a ticket for my expenses report from work, and that should count like poetry itself 🤓)
Anyways after reading for a while in different platforms I became quite curious about writing something myself. I noticed a lot of Baby Danvers fics and developed a sort of attachment to the concept of a third sister. Also I’m a sucker for fluff and sick fics. Even though I do have a dark side I wanted to try something tame first.
I have no idea if its any good and also take into consideration English is not my native language, I’m sleep deprived and using an iPhone because I’m too lazy to get my laptop and it’s like 3 am and I’m supposed to be at work in 3 hours LOL 😂
Without further ado I leave you my first story with baby danvers going through some painful wisdom teeth surgery recovery (so not an original idea but this actually happened to me and I can relate, impacted teeth sucks big time )
You had to get your wisdom teeth removed and you knew it was perfectly normal to experience some anxiety prior the procedure. In your case, your anxiety levels were through the roof. Your sisters knew this and of course they wanted to be there for you, and you couldn’t be more grateful for that; However, you were very nervous. Because of your anxiety you had to be sedated for the procedure and the effects very rough on you. You felt just awful and very loopy. Kara had to carry you from the dentist office to the car and up to her apartment. You were practically a rag doll in her arms, drooling saliva and blood on her sweater, because of course you were disgusted by the gauze and you took it out. Kara didn’t mind that at all, she felt bad you were feeling poorly after your surgery. You just cling to her like a koala and nuzzle your face in the crook of her neck.
Kara: “Careful there little one, don’t press your cheek into me so hard or you will hurt yourself” - Your sisters felt awful to see you like this, but you knew they were going to care for you during the following days after the procedure. Even thought you are a big baby when it comes to pain and doctors, the procedure was indeed very difficult, your teeth were impacted and required surgical extraction.
You just grunted in response and kept rubbing your face into your sister’s neck and shoulder. Until you did it too hard and felt a sharp pain in your mouth. Y/N: “Ow Ow Owie!” -You cried out and tried to move into a more comfortable position in her arms, you felt exhausted and wanted to sleep, but due to the weird feeling in your mouth and the odd sensations due to the medication you couldn’t quite find a proper spot to feel comfortable.
Alex: “Come one Y/N, don’t press your face like that and just hold on a few more minutes, we are almost home, and you can take your pain meds and sleep for a while. Don’t fall asleep before that, just hang on a little longer baby”
The three of you were in the elevator waiting to reach the apartment your shared with Kara.
Y/N: “Nooooo! I want to sleep now and eat a corn dog” – once again you rubbed your face into Kara and again, it hurt. – Ow Ow Ow!” You cried once again and tried to pout miserably, feeling just bad. You had tears in your eyes and you just looked like an overtired toddler with your big hazel teary eyes and rosy cheeks.
Alex: “Damn it Y/N, be careful you’re going to reopen the stitches and we will need to take you back to the dentist so she can patch you up. And no, you can’t have a corn dog just yet. It will hurt trying to eat something hot and solid”
Apparently, that was the worst thing to say because you just looked at her with big scared and hurt eyes and started to cry. – Y/N: “I’m sorry, but I just feel so awful and can’t get comfortable I just want to sleep. This suck! Dentists sucks, stupid wisdom teeth and stupid stitches! And I really want a corn dog Alex, pleeeease!!!!” - Moving your mouth to complain and speak your discontent made your incisions to bleed more and that of course made you cry more.
Y/N: “ugh blood taste awful!” – Kara tried to adjust you into a more comfortable position in her arms and rubbing your back in a soothing way to calm you down.  While Alex tried to clean the slobber and blood from your lips and Kara’s shoulder with a handkerchief. Both gave you a sad smile and just felt sorry for you. You were clearly in pain and felt just awful.
Alex: “Oh sweety please don’t cry, we’re almost there. Damn elevator it´s taking forever!” – she gave a frustrated sigh while trying to keep you from falling asleep and avoided mentioning the corn dog in order to make you forget about eating one.
Kara: “I know, I think there’s something wrong it, but we are almost there. Shhh… little one, we are almost there, and you can rest after your taken your meds. Ok?, Lena is waiting for us already with lots of cold juice and ice cream so you can feel better pretty soon”
You perked up at the mention of the green-eyed woman. Y/N: you sniffled and asked your sister- “Lena is here?”– It was no surprise for the Danver sisters that at the mention of the younger Luthor you would cheer up. You were very loved by your sisters and their friends, but it was no secret that you had the young CEO wrapped around your little finger. Lena was your sister Kara’s girlfriend, but she was enamored with you and she was very protective of you as well. She is like a hero to you; you admire and look up to her so much. Not that your sisters weren’t amazing as well, but the relationship you have with Lena is very special and strong.  She is always pampering you and spoils you rotten. You never take advantage of the way Lena is with you and her affection. You are not a brat, you are a very easy-going person, a ray of sunshine and everyone was smitten with you. But when your feeling down or sick you get cranky and you can be a little annoying. You know that, but you feel no shame whatsoever.
Kara: “Yes! She is waiting at the apartment and she said she was going to be prepared with lots of yummy things you can drink, and some things you can eat. We can watch movies after you rest for a bit if you want. What do you say?” – your bubbly blonde sister said while stroking you back and trying to make you stay alert for a bit more until you reached the apartment.
Y/N : You just gave her a tired smile and rubbed at your eyes with a fist and said- “Ok, that sounds nice.”
The elevator dinged and the door opened in the hallway. Alex and Kara, with you in her arms, stepped out of the elevator and walked to the apartment door. Lena was already waiting at the door with a big smile on her face, however she frowned a little when she saw your pained face and teary eyes. Your cheeks were starting to swell, and she knew the first couple of days were rough after that specific dental procedure. She also hated to see you in pain, so she just holds the door wide open to let Alex and Kara walk into the apartment.
Lena: “hi sweet girl”- she presses a kiss to your forehead while greeting Kara and Alex as well. She gave Kara a peck in the lips and asked her to put you in the couch. She walks to the kitchen to grab a bowl with cold water and a cloth to help reduce the swelling to your cheeks while Alex read trough the indications given by your doctor and sort your meds at the table.
Meanwhile Kara tries to lay you down on the couch, but you refused to let go of her and you just cling harder with your arms circling her neck and your legs into her hips. Kara just chuckles and rubs your back: “come on little one, let me set you down on the couch, you will  be more comfortable laying down and I’m just going to bring your blanket and some pillows and bring a pair of comfy pajamas so you can be more comfortable.”
But you, feeling poorly and cranky, shed some tears and asked to be held by your sister. You just felt so clingy. Y/N: “Noo… please Kara don’t go. Just stay with me I don’t need a blanket or pajamas.”
You were beyond exhausted and being up since early in the morning and since you didn’t get that much the sleep night before, you were just so nervous about the whole thing. Now that it was over, you felt all your energy drained, and in addition the pain meds were staring to wear off and that made you feel even worse.
Alex: “Sit down with her Kara, I’ll bring the blanket pillows and pajamas. Let me just grab the meds, and hey Lena can you bring a glass of water and – oh you already have a bowl of water and cloth that’s perfect, thank you. Go and sit down with Kara and set those on the coffee table. I´ll just change real  quick and we can give Y/N the meds and make her more comfortable so she can take a nap.”
Lena just nods and walks to the couch carrying the tray with a bowl with cold water, a few clean hand towels and a glass of water with your meds on it. She set the tray on the coffee table and takes one of the smalls towels and dips it into the cold water in the bowl to make a cold compress for your cheeks. She then turns to Kara and speaks softly to you.
Lena: “Y/N is it okay if I hold you for a little while so Kara can go change into more comfy clothes? What do you say, want me to sit with you for a bit?” - she gives you a big smile and you just nod and make grabby hands toward her. Kara chuckles once again at your antics and transfers you to Lena’s lap making sure you are settled alright and gives you a kiss to your forehead.
Kara: “I’ll be right back”- you just hum in approval and rest you head into Lena’s shoulder while the green eyed woman smiles down at you and brings the cool towel to your fast swelling hot cheek to make you feel better.
Y/N: “That feels nice”- you say in a sleepy voice while clinging to Lena.
Lena: “This will help with the swelling, I’m sorry you feel so poorly sweet girl. But don’t worry we are going to make sure you are comfortable, and you can take a nap after you take your pain meds. Look, Alex is here, come one just sit a little bit so you can take the pill.  Alex walks into the living room carrying several items in her arms.”
Alex: “Y/N come on kiddo I have your comfy jammies. Please sit for a bit for me baby.”  You sit with your back to Lena’s front and you hold your arms up while Alex works fast removing your current top and bra and pulls the button-up pajama top on you, while Lena keeps a hold of you supporting your hips and shoulder so you don’t fall from her lap. Next are your jeans, you let yourself fall backwards into Lena and she just chuckles and holds you close so you don’t slide down to the floor while Alex works on removing your jeans and putting the pajama short on you. Once you are  in your pajama set, Alex smiles at you and helps you try to lay in the couch, but once again you refuse and you move sideways on Lena’s lap so you face is nuzzled on her upper chest and sitting on her lap with your legs in the couch. Alex is about to try and make you move, but Lena just holds up her hand: “Its fine Alex, she is not heavy I can hold her and once she is asleep, we can move her to the couch or switch turns, because I think someone is  going to be very clingy for the next couple of days.”-  She says while looking down at you and giving you a soft smile.
Alex sighs but knows what you are saying its true, when you don’t feel good you turn into a koala bear and refuse to let go from your sisters or Lena’s arms. But you’ve been like this since you were little,       and your sisters love to provide any comfort you need. And right now, you want to be cuddled and sleep. So, Alex gives you a nudge and brings a small pill to your lips and hold a glass of water so you can swallow the medication. Alex: “Good job baby, now close your eyes and rest for a bit.”  
You let you head fall back into Lena and close your eyes mumbling something about corn dogs being soft. Alex smiles down at you while giving Lena the cool towel so she can press it down to your cheek and walks to the kitchen with the tray and to  figure out diner for Kara, Lena and herself and something soft and easy to drink for you. You won’t be able to eat anything solid for a few days, so that’s going to be a challenge. You love food as much as your alien sister. You don’t really like bland food nor drinking smoothies but that’s a fight for after you wake up from your nap. To say you are going to be an unhappy and very grumpy camper it’s the understatement of the century.
Kara took the opportunity to take a quick shower and walks into the living room in sweatpants and a lose top.  She smiles when she notices that you’re almost asleep with a small smile on your face while resting on top of her girlfriend. She spots your favorite blanket next to Lena in the couch, she drapes it over you and Lena and presses a quick kiss to your forehead and a kiss to Lena. Kara sits next to the both of you while surfing for something to watch on Netflix while Alex is busy in the kitchen. Lena is watching you fall asleep and still holding the cool rag to your cheek. After few minutes you are completely passed out and a little bit of drool and blood starts to spill from your lips.
Lena: “Kara, honey can you pass me one of those clean towels on the coffee table, please? Kara notices the little bit of blood and takes the clean small white towel and tenderly cleans your lips and chin. Kara takes away the other wet towel Lena was using for your cheek and leaves the new one so Lena can put it in between her shoulder and your chin. You sleep peacefully while being hold be Lena and Kara in the couch. Alex finally returns to the living room announcing she made diner, actually she made a phone call to order take out because she didn’t feel like cooking or cleaning dishes. She brings refreshments for everyone, a glass of wine for Lena, a glass of chocolate milk for Kara and a beer for her. She also brings a sports bottle with juice and ice, the ones that have a little rubber tip so you can drink easily and can keep the liquid cold. So once you´re awake you can drink something cool and remove the taste of blood from your mouth.
Yes, the next couple of day are going to be a little hard on you, but you have your sisters and Lena to keep you comfortable and dot on you while you recover.
 Next chapter: Y/N wakes up from her nap. And so, it begins…
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firefox-official · 5 years
why every type of straw sucks
by me and kyle :)
metal straw: too hard
paper straw: dissolve too easily
plastic straw: bad for earth
cloth straws: soggy
wood straws: splinters
no straw: not a straw
straw straw: that’s a plant
sponge straw: absorbs liquid
ice straw: too cold
denim straws: heavy
froot loop straws: too sweet
suede straws: not allowed to get wet
raw pasta straws: too raw
cooked pasta straws: too tempting to eat
water straw: not a solid
fire straw: owie
person drinks water and puts it into your mouth: gross
not drinking: that doesn’t work
hair straw: w-wait what why would someone use a hair straw
pool noodle straw: that doesn’t work but i wish it did
straw straw: s t r a w
kale straw: fuck you
chicken nugget straw: nobody liked that
rubber straw: hard to clean
cardboard straw: mushy
glass straw: will break then no good
styrofoam straw: crunchy but in a bad way
clay straw: won’t keep shape
ceramic straw: what the fuck
small intestine straw: will digest the liquid before you can
concrete straw: what
fortnight straws: two week
upside down straw: that’s just a straw
fortnite straw: too cringe
french fry straw: salty
invisible straw: people think ur crazy
red vine straw: you’d eat it
german straw: germs
ur pal’s straw: belongs to ur pal
vintage straw: old
book straw: too much reading
cheap straw: doesn’t work
time rift straw: causes rift in time
tan straw: it’s tan and nobody likes tan
paper sack straw: huh
silly straw: made of plastic (see plastic straw)
pen straw: get ink in your mouth
muppet straw: please get away from me
felt straw: ew???
cake straw: soggy cake. gross
sock straw (clean): ok a little weird
sock straw (dirty): i’m going to kill you
bone straw: probably illegal
pencil straw: too much lead
hat straw: how would that work
using a spray bottle to spray liquid into your mouth: not enough liquid per spray
pant leg as a straw: that’s not going to work and you know it
poster straw (in packaging): you’ll ruin your poster
poster straw (not in packaging): not straw shaped
flagpole straw: metal and giant and not a straw
sucking water up your nose: please don’t do this
cheese straw: you will 1000% eat it
grass straw: grass
tape straw: liquid will stick to it
capitalist straw: expensive
dirt straw: will also absorb liquid
marker straw: your tongue will dye
pipe straw: ur not taking a shower dum dum
uncooked spaghetti: no thank you
cooked spaghetti: see cooked pasta
that life straw thing: removes all the “natural flavoring”
bagel straw: bread. also, won’t work
gun straw: probably gonna kys
using a water gun and squirting it into your mouth: not enough water. also, i hate you
power hose straw: too much pressure
regular hose straw: do you really want to drink hose water
shoe straw: then you have a wet shoe
stick straw: no
conclusion? all straws suck
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tirstyspngirl · 4 years
Dean Winchester Hates Witches Take 2
Febuwhump Day 4: Impalement 
Fandom: Supernatural
TW: None that I can think of
Work Count: 1497 Tags: whump, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, de-aging, de-aged Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester takes care of Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester is Sam Winchester’s parent, 
Dean sent the bullet flying into the witch. As soon as he confirmed her dead, he turned to his little brother. Last he’d seen, his brother had been laying in a heap on the floor. But Sam’s massive body wasn’t there anymore. In his place lay a small child in a man’s clothes.
Dean crept closer, making sure his gun was still handy in case this was a trick. Dean nudged the small child onto its back and let out a gasp. The child was Sam, but he looked to be about 5 years old. 
“Oh shit.” 
Little Sam began to stir at that moment. He twitched his eyes open and glanced up at Dean before scrambling back, terror on his little face. Sam’s little body got tangled up in the massive clothes. Dean raised his hands up, trying to show Sam he meant no harm. Sam shrieked and Dean looked up at his hands realizing his gun was still in his hand. He quickly threw the firearm into his waistband and raised his arms up once again.
“Easy, Sammy. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Who are you? How do you know my name?”
“Well, uh.” Dean rubbed the back of his neck. “I know this is gonna sound weird Sammy, but uh, I’m your brother, Dean.”
“You’re not Dean. You’re old, Dean is 9.” 
“I know Sammy, I know it seems that way. But I really am Dean. Something happened to you, bud. You’re supposed to be an adult, like me.”
“How do I know you’re really Dean?”
Dean paused, wracking his brain for anything he could think of to prove his identity. His first thought was the amulet, but at age 5, Sam hadn’t given it to him yet. Finally, a spark of inspiration hit him. 
“Your first day of kindergarten, I walked you to your classroom. You didn’t want to let go of my hand, but I told you I would be waiting for you right outside the door as soon as the bell rang in the afternoon. And I was. On the way home, you told me all about your new teacher and the friend you made who had the same name as me. You thought it was so cool you made a friend who’s name was Dean,”
Upon hearing the tale, Sam jumped up and began running towards Dean. The pants were so big that he ran right out of them and the shirt fell off one shoulder. Dean squatted down, letting Sam run into his arms. 
"Hey, Sammy. I know this is scary, but we'll figure it out."
"I know you will Dean. You always protect me."
Dean felt a rush of warmth spread in his chest at Sam's words. "And I always will Sammy."
Dean wished he could've called Bobby. The man would have called them idgits for getting themselves into a situation like this, but he'd help them with research and would be able to guide Dean on where he should look. But Bobby was dead now, so Dean was on his own. So instead of calling Bobby, he tried to think about where to look to find a reversal. 
On the way back to the motel, Dean stopped at a local thrift store. He needed to find clothes that were designed for a 5 year old instead of a sasquatch. A few concerned glances were thrown toward the kid drowning in nothing but a t-shirt, but Dean tried to ignore them and get done with the shopping. Dean felt much better as soon as they stepped through the door of the motel and away from any prying eyes. 
"Alright, Sammy. I gotta do some research. Why don't you watch some TV or something while I do that?" Dean said as handed the remote to Little Sam. 
Sam looked hesitant, but took the remote from Dean anyway. "Are you sure it's ok? Daddy doesn't like when the TV is on when he's doing research."
"I'm not dad, squirt. I don't mind if the TV is on. If I did I wouldn't have suggested it."
Sam thought about it for a second, but then smiled brightly at Dean before plopping on a bed and clicking the TV on. Dean couldn't help but notice that Sammy automatically went to the furthest bed from the door. 
Sam clicked through several channels before settling on the Disney Channel. Sam was mesmerized as a movie called Frozen came on. The picture was so clear compared to the cartoons he was used to. He instantly became absorbed in the storyline. 
Dean focused on his research. He started with John’s journal, but when that proved unhelpful, he turned to a tome on witchcraft that the boys actually kept in the car for such times as these. He was just starting to find something that might be useful for their situation when he heard a fearful cry from his actually Little brother. Dean’s head snaps up and he finds a distraught Sam.
“What’s wrong Sammy?” He asks as he makes his way over to the bed and sits down beside Sam. Sam launches himself into Dean’s arms and begins to cry.
“That snowman was just impaled.” 
Dean was confused. He knew Sam had been a sensitive child, but he doubted a kids movie on the Disney channel had shown a graphic scene such as impalement. And also, how did a 5 year old even know what that meant?
“How do you know what impalement is Sam?”
“Daddy came home bleeding one night and I heard him say he’d been impaled.”
“When did you hear that?”
“He thought I was sleeping. But I was just faking. I wanted to see daddy when he got home, but when he got home he looked really angry, so I just pretended to sleep.”
Dean thought he remembered the specific incident that Sam was talking about, but he couldn’t be 100% sure. After all, their dad had come home many times injured. Either way it was upsetting Sammy, so he had to do something. He glanced up at the screen and saw a little snowman talking to a man and woman. 
“Look Sammy, the snowman is fine, see?!”
Sam looked up and saw the snowman talking to Anna and Kristoff and he felt a little better. “Isn’t he in pain though?”
“It doesn’t look like it.”
“But Daddy was. He kept making ugly faces and saying bad words.”
“Well, do normal snowmen talk Sam?”
“Why does this snowman talk?”
“He’s a magic snowman. Elsa made him with her ice powers.”
“So he probably doesn’t feel any owies because of the magic.”
“Oh, ok.” 
“And even though dad did feel his owie, he got better right?”
“Well so did the magic snowman.”
Dean moved to stand up, but Sam clung to him. Sam seemed to have accepted Dean’s magic explanation, but he was obviously still feeling somewhat distressed. 
“Will you sit and finish the movie with me Dean?”
“I really need to get this research done Sammy.”
Instead of using words to argue with Dean, Sam simply looked up at him and gave him the widest, pleading eyes he could muster. Dean didn’t remember him using his puppy dog eyes that young, but clearly he could and they were lethal.
“Damn, Sammy. Those should seriously be illegal.”
“Hmm?” “Nothing, nevermind kiddo. Fine. I will watch the rest of the movie with you. But then I need to go back to work ok?” “Ok.” Sam said, clearly happy he got what he wanted. He snuggled further into Dean. Dean would never admit it out loud, but it felt nice having his little brother all cuddled up with him. Without even realizing he was even doing it, Dean reached down and began carding his fingers through Sam’s floppy hair. Within 20 minutes, the kid was passed out. Dean had promised he’d finish the movie with Sam, so even though Sam slept through the end, Dean sat with Sam cuddled up in his lap and ran his fingers gently over his scalp until the credits rolled.
Once the movie was over, Dean gently laid Sam down on the bed and returned to his research. It took another few hours, but Dean finally determined that there was nothing he could do to reverse the spell, they would just have to wait it out. The book said that most de-aging spells lasted 3 to 5 days, but if the witch was powerful enough it could last up to 8 or 9. The witch has been doing pretty minor level stuff when they caught onto her, so he didn’t think Sam would be stuck like this for more than 5 days.  
Dean sighed and began a mental list of things he would need for Little Sam until Big Sam returned to him. For now, all Dean could do was enjoy the cuddles and hope that Big Sam didn’t remember anything when he aged up.
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Sunsets & Whiskey Kisses: Chapter Forty Seven.
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Note: Thank you @jobanan23​ for crossing your fingers for me to have this chapter out today.
More than a couple weeks had past and the colours of the leaves were starting to change as the autumn months crept closer.
The winds were cooler and Dakota was even more uncomfortable as she had just past her due date and their little girl wasn’t budging. She was already stubborn and Dakota just knew that with her brother’s influence, the little one was going to be feisty and test her and Chase’s patience.
It didn’t matter what she and Chase did to bring on labour, nothing worked. But that wasn’t the only trouble brewing.
Things between Anna and Jack hadn’t gotten any better. Ryleigh had even tried countless times to get the toddler to talk to her father but that was a no go.
The little stinker was refusing to even look at her father. For example, on Tuesday morning after breakfast, Ryleigh suggested that they go for a family walk and the entire walk, Anna held ducky over her eyes so she wouldn’t have to look at her father. She didn’t even care when she ran into the slide and fell on her butt at the park after Jack said he’d catch her at the end of the slide so that Ryleigh could feed Parker.
Of course being the little tomboy she was, Anna got up and removed her ducky long enough that she could see where to go.
It was really getting ridiculous to say the least.
So, with all of that being said, Halloween was about two and half weeks away and Jack decided to take matters with Anna ignoring him into his own hands.
“Ryleigh, I’m going to run into town really quick and pick up some things.” Jack announced as he rushed to the front door.
“Um, first of all, why are you going into town? And second of all, where the hell is my kiss?” She said as she finished up her lunch at the dining table.
“First of all, I came up with an idea that I think Anna would really like but for that to happen, I need art supplies and second of all, it’s right here.” He said as he ran over to his wife and kissed her.
Jack broke the kiss and ran out the door.
Ryleigh giggled at her husband’s antics and as soon as the door closed, Anna woke up from her nap.
“Hello, pretty girl. Did you have a good nap?” Ryleigh asked after she had gone upstairs to get the little girl.
“Yeah. Dada gone?” Anna asked and Ryleigh sighed.
“You are going to have to talk to him at some point.” Ryleigh stated.
“No, him mean.” Anna argued.
Ryleigh rolled her eyes. If Anna was like this now, God only knew what she would be like during puberty.
“I’m getting really annoyed with you two fighting. Yes dada was mean but you are being mean to him. You are hurting his feelings. He thinks you hate him and don’t love him anymore.” Ryleigh replied, not realizing that that’s how Anna feels with Parker around.
The little girl looked at her mother and frowned.
“That how I feel.” Anna pouted with her arms crossed over her chest.
Ryleigh’s heart broke.
“You think that because Parker was born, we love her more than we love you?” Ryleigh asked.
“Yeah.” Anna answered with a vigorous nod.
“Oh honey.” Ryleigh said as she kissed Anna’s cheek. “Dada and I love you very much. You are our miracle baby and you will always have a special place in our hearts.” Ryleigh explained.
Anna frowned even more and grumbled.
“You don’t believe me do you?” Ryleigh asked somewhat sadly.
“No.” Anna replied as she wriggled to get out of her mother’s grasp.
Ryleigh set her down and Anna stormed toward the stairs.
The mother defeatedly opened Anna’s curtains and joined her daughter at the top of the stairs. She opened the baby gate and they walked down.
“What do you want for lunch?” Ryleigh called as Anna walked into the living room.
“No food.” Anna shouted back with annoyance.
“Fine.” Ryleigh grumbled.
The woman set about filling Anna’s sippy cup with water and getting herself some tea.
“Here you go.” Ryleigh said as she passed Anna her cup and sat on the sofa.
“Tata.” Anna replied as she took it and climbed onto the sofa beside her mother and cuddled into her mother.
“Shall we watch your first movie?” Ryleigh asked. Anna nodded excitedly as she chugged a bunch of water.  
Ryleigh stood up and went to the dvd collection she and Jack had built over the years. She skimmed through the movies until her eyes landed on The Lion King.
The woman knew that this would be the first movie Anna would ever see but she also wanted to see her reaction to it.
“Do you want a treat while we watch it?” Ryleigh asked but Anna shook her head.
“Start.” Anna said as she pointed to the tv.
Ryleigh chuckled and put the movie in the dvd player before joining her daughter on the sofa.
“You ready sweet pea?” The mother asked and Anna nodded before cuddling up to her mother again.
Ryleigh grabbed the remote and pressed play.
As soon as the music started to play, Anna was hooked. She couldn’t even blinked as the bright colours and variety of animals flashed across the screen.
“Wow.” Anna whispered in wonderment. The wonderment wasn’t to last though.
As soon as the scene of Mufasa’s death came up, Ryleigh set her gaze on Anna, wondering what her reaction would be.
Anna looked at the screen with tears in her eyes and by the time that Simba was trying to wake his father, Anna’s tears were full sobs.
The little girl hid her face in her mother’s side and cried. Ryleigh felt terrible for having to make her daughter endure that.
“I’m home.” Jack called as he shut the door and kicked his boots off.
“Living room.” Ryleigh called and continued to rub her daughter’s back as she cried uncontrollably.
Jack walked into the living room and stopped when he saw what was going on.
“What happened?” He asked.
Upon hearing his voice, Anna pulled away from her mother and slid off the sofa before running up to her father. Jack picked her up and held her close.
“What’s wrong?” Jack asked as Anna hid her face in the crook of his neck like she always did when she was upset or shy.
Ryleigh simply pointed to the paused image on the screen and Jack looked at it. He saw Simba cuddled up next to his father.
Jack and Ryleigh looked at each other with slight confusion as to why it had upset the little girl so much.
Anna lifted her head slightly so that she could see her father’s face. Jack kissed her forehead and rubbed her back.
“What’s wrong, sweet pea?” Jack asked.
Anna lifted her small index finger and ran it over the scar on her father’s brow.
“Dada owie.” Anna said as she looked at the tv and back at her father.
It dawned on Jack and Ryleigh that Anna had associated the scene with Jack’s accident. They were surprised that Anna had remembered that as she was still very young at that point.
Jack cuddled her closer again and rubbed her back.
“My baby girl.” Jack whispered as he kissed the top of her head.
Ryleigh watched them cuddling each other and took a picture, sending it to her mother
<<They made up.>>
Even though Grace was out with George, she immediately texted back.
<<My sweet darlings. You’ll have to tell me all about it later. Give my love to my other kiddos.>>
Ryleigh smiled and put her phone down.
“Do you want to keep watching the movie?” Jack asked his daughter softly.
“Peas.” Anna said through her sniffles.
“Why don’t you and dada cuddle on the sofa and mama can sit in the comfy chair.” Ryleigh suggested.
Jack smiled at his wife and mouthed a silent thank you. Ryleigh nodded and moved to the comfy chair like she said she would. Jack sat on the sofa and leaned back.
“Lay down.” Anna said and Jack smiled.
The man laid down on his back and Anna laid on top of him whilst gripping onto his shirt tightly.
“Do you want a blanket?” Ryleigh questioned.
“Thank you babe.” Jack said.
Ryleigh stood up and covered her husband and daughter, tucking them in and making sure they were comfortable.
When she was sure they were ok, she went back to her chair and played the movie.
“I’m really glad they’re on good terms again.” Grace as she and George sat on the back porch swing cuddling.
“What happened between them?” George asked as he played with Grace’s hair.
“Jack was having a rough day and snapped at Anna. She was ignoring him but I guess something happened for her to be on terms with her father.” Grace explained.
“Was that when you brought Anna in that day and she was crying?” He asked. Grace nodded and looked up at him from her spot on his shoulder.
“Yeah. Thank you for giving her that ice-cream, it really cheered her up.” Grace said as she leaned in and kissed his lips.
They broke the kiss and George smiled at the woman in his arms.
“I love you.” He said, making Grace smile.
“I love you too.” She replied before kissing him again.
Their kisses grew hungry and passionate.
George broke the kiss and stood up. He smiled at Grace cheekily.
“What are you smiling at?” She asked with her own cheeky smile.
“Come on.” George replied as he held his hand out for her to take.
She accepted his hand and followed him inside. They walked upstairs and to Grace’s room.
Standing outside her room, George kissed his girlfriend before he opened the door.
He broke the kiss and took hold of her hand again, leading her into the room.
“What are you planning to do?” Grace questioned through her giggles.
“You’ll see.” He said slyly as he kicked the door shut.
Once the girls were in bed and sound asleep, Jack and Ryleigh sat on the sofa watching tv. Well, Ryleigh was watching tv and Jack was trying to tempt his wife into fooling around.
“Jackson, please stop. You’re just annoying me.” Ryleigh admitted after enduring his insistent staring and tongue movements.
The man refused to listen to her pleas for him to stop.
“So, what are you going to do when Anna tells you that her boyfriend does the same thing?” Ryleigh asked, hoping that he’d stop once and for all.
Jack stopped for a few seconds as he thought about telling him that. He eventually shook his head to rid the thought from his head. He continued with his attempts at wooing his wife.
“Oh my fucking shit Mason, you are annoying.” Ryleigh grumbled as she threw the remote into the empty recliner beside the sofa.
She grabbed her husband’s shirt and pulled him into him as she crashed her lips against his in a hungry kiss.
Jack laid on top of his wife and let his hands roam her body.
Ryleigh broke the kiss and pushed her husband off of her.
“Are you ok?” He asked, concerned that he upset her.
“As much as I’m enjoying this, I really don’t want to do anything on the sofa.” She replied and Jack nodded as they both stood up.
Jack picked Ryleigh up bridal style and carried her to the guest room on the ground floor.
Ryleigh giggled as he playfully dropped her on the bed.
“You dork.” Ryleigh said.
Jack smirked as he removed his shirt and climbed over her.
He captured her lips in a sweet and tender kiss before moving on and kissing her neck.
“Stop for a second.” Ryleigh said as she started sitting up.
Jack got off of her and laid beside her on the bed.
“What’s wrong?” Jack asked as Ryleigh looked at him.
“Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, Penetration still isn’t that much of an option.” Ryleigh questioned.
Jack smiled and pulled her down so that she was on top of him.
“There are other ways of having sex you know.” He answered.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to use anything that you order online the day PJ was born.” Ryleigh whined.
“Do you trust me?” Jack asked.
Ryleigh nodded slowly, not really knowing what he had up his sleeve.
“Good. Lay down and let me take care of you.” He instructed but Ryleigh shook her head.
“I like the view from up-” She started, before Jack flipped them so that he was on top again.
Ryleigh pouted at him and he chuckled.
“I have an idea, please let me go on top.” She begged and Jack rolled his eyes playfully.
Jack climbed off of her and removed his pants and returned to the bed, laying on his back as per Ryleigh’s request.
The woman finished undressing herself before climbing over her husband.
“What are you doing? I thought you said that penetration was still prohibited.” He said with confusion.
“You’re not the only one whose been doing research you doofus. Now shut up and let me do this.” Ryleigh replied with a smirk and slightly raised brow.
“Kinky bitch.” Jack mumbled as Ryleigh placed her lips on his softly.
The woman slowly grinded against him, making sure that he didn’t slip inside her.
Ryleigh broke the kiss and moved away long enough for her to move his erection against his stomach.
“Tell me if I hurt you.” Ryleigh said as she carefully lowered her dripping core onto his cock.
Jack hissed, making Ryleigh lift her hips away from him.
“I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” Ryleigh asked with concern. Jack shook his head.
“No, it felt good.” He replied and Ryleigh smiled.
She lowered herself back down after resting his back on his lower belly.
Ryleigh continued to slide herself against her husband, drawing a symphony of moans from his lips.
“I’m gonna cum.” Jack whispered as his eyes fluttered closed.
Ryleigh stopped and ran her fingers against his frenulum. The sensation made the man under her squirm in delight.
“You like that?” Ryleigh asked with amusement.
Jack nodded and hummed in contentment.
“Keep going.” He whispered just as soft as before.
Ryleigh listened to his request and moved her hips as she continued to massage the area.
Jack’s labored breathing soon turned into slight grunts as the knot in his belly tightened.
Before he could warn her, his orgasm washed over him and he spilled all over himself. Ryleigh watched with a smile as his body writhed and shuddered underneath her.
“You’re pretty.” Ryleigh teased as Jack came down from his high.
Jack chuckled and with all the strength he could muster, he flipped them over so that Ryleigh was beneath him.
“Your turn.” Jack said as he winked and went down on the woman.
After their fun, Jack and Ryleigh got dressed again and went around to make sure the house was locked.
When they were satisfied with everything, they went upstairs, had a shower where they fucked again and then crawled into bed, after deciding that clothes weren’t necessary.
The next morning, Grace woke up cuddled into George’s side. Her head was resting on his bare chest.
The smile on her face grew even bigger as the events from the previous night replayed in the woman’s head.
“What are you smiling at?” George asked groggily.
“Last night.” Grace replied simply.
George’s own smile grew and he started chuckling.
“It was fun, wasn’t it.” He said as his chuckles died down.
Grace nodded and smirked.
“Round 6?” Grace asked.
Back at the Lake house, Anna had escaped the confines of her crib again and crept into her parent’s room and tiptoed to her father’s side of the bed.
Jack was laying on his side facing Anna. Ryleigh’s arm was slung over his waist while her forehead was resting his bare back.
The little girl didn’t bother to say anything as she knew her father wouldn’t hear her. Instead, she threw her ducky in his face. Thankfully it missed his face and hit him in the chest.
“Hey.” Jack grumbled as his eyes remained closed.
Anna picked ducky up off the floor and threw him at Jack again, this time ducky hit him square in the face. Jack caught ducky this time and held him close
“You are a cheeky one.” He said as he opened his eyes and blinked rapidly as he tried to adjust to the light.
When he could see better, he grabbed his glasses and put them on and he was met with a wild haired Anna.
“Hi dada.” She greeted softly, knowing that her mother was still sleeping.
“Hi princess.” Jack replied, matching her tone.
“I eat?” Anna asked as Jack handed ducky back to her.
“You go wait at the stairs for me.” He whispered, not wanting her to see him and Ryleigh weren’t wearing clothes and that he was semi hard.
Jack crawled out of bed slowly, not wanting to wake his wife. He quickly grabbed his sweatpants and pulled them on while trying to think of something gross and disgusting, hoping it would help and thankfully it did.
Jack walked to where his daughter was randomly jumping up and down.
“What are you doing?” Jack asked with amusement.
Anna giggled and stopped jumping, lifting her arms up so that her father would pick her up.
“It’s friday isn’t it?” Jack asked, cluing into her excitement.
“Yeah. Cake!” She hollered at him with a wide cheesy smile.
“Yes.” Jack said as he set her down in her little booster seat.
Anna patted the table top with both of her hands as she waited for her father to bring her a bowl of fruit like she normally got for breakfast.
Instead of filling her sippy cup with water, Jack decided to surprise her with chocolate milk.
“Tata.” Anna said as Jack placed her food in front of her.
“You’re welcome, my heart.” He replied before kissing the top of her head.
Jack sat at the table as well and had his cup of coffee.
“So, you met Mi’s boyfriend?” Jack asked as he read his paper.
“Him nice.” Anna said as she chewed her banana.
“What’s his name?” Jack asked in a teasing tone.
Anna ignored that question and picked up her cup to take a drink.
When the chocolate milk hit her tongue, Anna squealed happily.
“Why is she squealing?” Ryleigh asked as she walked downstairs with Parker in her baby carrier.
“Tell mama what you got.” Jack said encouragingly.
Anna put her cup down and smiled.
“Brown milk.” Anna hollered.
Ryleigh laughed and went to make herself some food.
“You want me to take the peanut?” Jack asked as he walked into the kitchen.
“Sure. Thank you babe.” Ryleigh said as she helped her husband take the baby out of the wrap.
The father held his youngest close and as he sat at the table, his phone rang.
“Hello?” He asked as he put the phone on speaker.
“It’s Lauren. Has Dakota called you yet?” Lauren replied.
“Tee.” Anna shrieked when she heard it was Lauren.
In recent times, Anna and Joshua had come to call Lauren their auntie. Of course with them being young, they couldn’t quite pronounce ‘auntie’, so they just called her ‘Tee.’
“Hi my sweet Annie.” The woman said before continuing to talk to her friend.
“RYLEIGH!” Jack called excitedly, making both of his girls cry.
Ryleigh came running into the dinning room.
“What’s wr- really?” SHe whined when she heard both her girls upset.
“I know, I’m sorry. Dakota’s water finally broke and they’ve been in hospital for the last three hours.” He explained.
“Thank fuck for that.” Ryleigh said.
Anna stopped crying and looked at her mother who had a hand clapped over her mouth.
“Mama, no. Dat bad.” Anna lectured, despite her tears.
“That’s right.” Jack agreed.
“Dada, her sad.” Anna pointed out as she looked at her little sister.
“Thank you, missy obvious.” Jack said sassily, making Anna giggle.
“Elcome.” She replied, still not able to say ‘welcome’ properly.
“Do you know what’s happening right now?” Ryleigh asked as she sat at the table, forgetting all about her coffee that sat on the kitchen counter.
Anna shook her head.
“You’re getting a new cousin today.” Ryleigh replied, pulling an over excited face.
Anna’s face lit up with joy.
“Wanna see.” Anna said as she pushed her bowl away and wriggled in her seat.
“The baby isn’t here yet but when she is, uncle Chase will call us and tell us when we can meet her.” Jack explained and Anna pouted.
“Otay.” Anna said happily but still thrashed in her chair.
“Where do you want to go?” Ryleigh asked as she released Anna from her confines.
“Dress.” She shouted excitedly.
Jack and Ryleigh laughed.
“Alright, let’s go.” The mother replied as she held out her hand for the tot.
“No, dada.” Anna said as she swung her hand behind her back.
Jack stood up and handed Parker over to her mother once again before he and Anna went upstairs to get her changed.
The father went through so many outfits until his daughter was satisfied.
“Are you serious, you really want to wear that?” Jack asked when he looked at Anna’s outfit.
“I pretty.” Anna said as she twirled for her father.
“You sure are and if wearing this dress makes you happy then wear it with pride.” Jack said as she stopped spinning and giggled.
“Baby turn.” Anna said as she heard heer mother walking toward the room they were currently in.
“Look at you, you look so beautiful.” Ryleigh commented when she saw Anna in her Minnie Mouse dress from James and Ruth.
Anna did an overdramatic spin for her mother.
“I think auntie will love the fact that you wanted to dress up to meet your cousin.” Jack said as he rubbed at his eyes from behind his glasses.
“Why don’t you and dada go pick out shoes to wear when it’s time to go.” Ryleigh suggested, so that she could change the baby without Anna wanting to get in there and poke and prod at Parker.
“We already talked about what shoes to wear but maybe you can come help me pick a shirt to wear.” Jack replied.
“Otay.” Anna replied as she took her father’s hand and led him to his and Ryleigh’s room.
Once they reached the room, Jack picked Anna up and placed her on his side of the bed, propping her up so that she could see the shirts he tried on.
“Ok, you ready?” Jack asked as he pulled the first shirt on.
“Yup.” Anna called as she patted her bare legs.
Jack walked out of the closet and modeled the shirt for his daughter, making sure to slowly turn so that she could see the whole thing.
“No, not good.” Anna answered truthfully not liking the colour.
“Alrighty.” The father responded as he walked back into the closet.
He skimmed through his shirts and he came across a simple black shirt. He pulled it off the hanger and put it on.
As soon as he stepped out of the little space, Anna nodded.
“Pretty.” She said as a smile grew on her lips.
“You’re supposed to say handsome, not pretty.” Ryleigh said as she entered the room.
“No, dada pretty.” Anna said seriously.
Ryleigh shook her head as she chuckled.
“Let’s go downstairs so that dada can shower and I can do your hair.” Ryleigh said. Anna nodded and stood up on the bed.
Jack moved closer to the bed and Anna jumped into his arms. The man laughed as he caught her and held her close.
“Love you dada.” Anna shouted as she kissed him and threw her arms around his neck in a big hug.
“I love you too, princess.” Jack replied as he set the little girl down so that she could run to the stairs like she always did.
When the girl was out of earshot, Ryleigh walked up to Jack.
“You look really hot with those glasses on.” Ryleigh whispered as she placed her lips over his in a hot kiss.
Ryleigh backed away from the kiss when she felt her husband’s erection pressing into her core.
“You’re evil.” He growled when he opened his eyes.
“Enjoy your shower, big boy.” She teased softly before walking out of the room.
Jack grumbled and angrily removed his shirt. He then stormed into the bathroom where he showered and took care of himself.
By the time that Jack had finished his shower and got dressed, Chase had called Ryleigh to let her know that the baby had been born and that mom and baby were doing well. He also told her that when they were ready, they could come and meet the baby.
“Jack, Chase just called.” Ryleigh called from the living room where Parker slept in her rocker and Anna played with her toys.
“What did he say?” He asked as he came downstairs and walked over to them.
“You officially have a niece.” Ryleigh replied with a huge smile.
“Are you all ready to go?” Jack asked excitedly. Ryleigh laughed.
“I sure am. You get the baby and I’ll help Annie with her shoes.” Ryleigh said as she helped Anna clean up her toys.
“White Minnie Mouse sandals.” Jack said as he picked Parker up.
The mother nodded and stood up, following her daughter over to where they kept the shoes.
Jack and Ryleigh got their girls all ready to go and they headed over to the hospital.
“It’s weird saying that we have a daughter.” Dakota said as she watched Chase pace the room with the newborn in his arms.
“It really is weird but it’s nice at the same time. Changing the diapers will be easier.” She replied.
Before either of them could say anything else, someone knocked on the door.
“Come in.” Chase said as he adjusted the newborn in his arms.
Grace opened the door and walked in.
“Hello my darlings.” She greeted softly.
“Hi.” Dakota replied through a bright smile.
“How are you feeling?” Grace asked as she sat beside Dakota’s bed.
“Exhausted but so happy.” She answered.
“How are you feeling Chase?” The woman asked, seeing him staring lovingly at his daughter.
“Over the moon. I have two beautiful women in my life and one strapping man.” He stated proudly. Both women chuckled.
At that moment, there was another knock on the door.
“Hello.” Dakota said, granting permission to enter the room.
Jack helped Anna push the door open as Ryleigh stood behind them holding the carseat that held an alert Parker.
“Hi Dee.” Anna greeted as she walked toward her auntie.
“Hello my sweet girl, look at you. You’re so pretty.” Dakota commented.
Anna did a little spin for her and she giggled.
“Very pretty indeed.” Chase added as he smiled warmly.
“Tata.” The tot said.
“She insisted on wearing this.” Jack admitted.
“Now that you’re all here, I think it’s time for this little lady to get passed around.” Chase said as he looked at his wife for approval.
“We talked about it and Chase and I agree that Anna should be the first one to hold the baby.” Dakota explained.
Anna beamed at the adults and jumped excitedly in her spot next to her father.
“Come here sweet pea.” Chase said as he sat down with the baby.
Anna toddled over to her uncle and climbed onto the small couch with her father’s help. Jack got her situated and when he was sure the little girl was comfortable, he stepped away.
Chase handed the newborn to his niece and Anna giggled as the baby blinked up at her.
“Her cute.” Anna said as she looked at her little cousin.
“Do you want to know what her name is?” Chase asked, unaware that Grace and Jack were taking photos of the pair.
“Peas.” Anna said. Chase whispered the name into her ear.
“What’s her name?” Ryleigh asked.
“You tell.” Anna said as she looked at her uncle.
“Katherine Ivy.” He announced happily.
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Tag List: @sarahegerton96​ @softeggsy​ @dogmom2014​ @holdmeclosertinytaron​ @aberystwythboy​ @jobanan23​ @stronglyobsessed​ @superthiccthighssavelives​ @hauntedflamingo​ @rocknrollmadden​
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firecrackerwrites · 6 years
“Baby lemme see it’s ok lemme see”
“Notta baby!” 
Link had been trying to get away from him for ten minutes, crying like he’d just heard that Paw Patrol was cancelled. It was just a (admittedly big) bump on the forehead, some bruising, maybe a bit of blood but nothing that would be life threatening. But playing at the park always carried risks for such a clumsy boy. 
Rhett sighed heavily, squatting down so Link could see him better. “I know. I know you aren’t buddy. But please, can I see your forehead? I know it hurts. I know you’ve got quite the owie there, can Bubba see it so he can give kisses?” 
“No!” Link howled again, collapsing against the dirt. “Hurts!” 
“I know it hurts. Bubba knows it hurts, bumblebee. He just wants to kiss it better, can you lemme see it?” 
Link reluctantly moved his hands out of the way. 
“Oh, thank you buddy! Thank you, just lemme look,” Rhett murmured, turning LInk’s head a little, satisfied with what he saw when he finally got a good look at Link’s eyes--no concussion. “Aw, you’ll live,” he teased affectionately, pressing a soft kiss to the injured area. “Clumsy boy. I told you to let me tie your shoes before you went up on the play set, didn’t I?” 
“Shoes,” Link agreed woefully, letting Rhett help him to his feet, sniffling loudly. 
“Yeah. We’ll get your Velcro ones next time, huh?” 
Link nodded, keeping right closes to his side as he got him back out to the car. “Link has ice?” 
“Yeah buddy. You get an ice pack when we get home.” 
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bux-n-azu · 3 years
Ice Skating
There was a skating rink over near Cryopolis Central, and Bux decided that today would be a great time to teach Azuri how to ice skate.
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"Alright, when you get on the ice and start moving, be sure to keep your balance."
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"Mmmph... O-ok, Buxie..." Azzi began slowly sliding forward on his blades as his legs wobbled. He quickly flapped his arms as he struggled to balance himself. It didn't take long for Azzi to fall on his rear while on the icy floor.
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"Ah! Azuri! Are you ok?"
Bux ran over to Azzi but ended up slipping and falling on the rink. He ended up sliding over to Azzi while he was on his rear. Bux only managed to get up in time to see himself bump into Azuri, knocking both of them over. Worse, someone was recording the entire thing.
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"Ugh. This is why I don't like ice skating."
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exhoe-imagines · 5 years
headcanon: jackson would pretend not to want to go ice skating bc he's a ~big strong manly man~ but when you do "convince" him to go, he is ECSTATIC. he kneels down to tie your skates and insists he's going to teach you how to skate, but really, he's the one clinging onto you the whole time. when he finally has enough of busting his butt and gets one of those ice-walker assistance thingies, y'all skate around for about an hour until the rink closes and you sit drinking hot cocoa under the stars!
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MY GOD !!!!! OWIE EE E E ! !!!
ok like i tried roller skating once and couldn’t do it so this would be no different maybe even worse LMSAKJSFK but u know i’d be like “babe we gotta recreate my yuri on ice dreams pls” bc im Weeb.. and we both end up looking like senior citizens with those ice-walker things that look like a fucking old person’s walker
and u KNOW jackson tries to pick me up and recreate my yuri on ice dreams and then we die and reenact Night Changes by One Direction with Jackson Wang as None Other than Harry Styles
im ugly laughing and crying now thank u for wounding me :’)
- admin ruby
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vonnyphant · 3 years
The Dreaded Chemo #2
It's been a week since I started Chemo 2, and I haven't really had the mental energy to update my blog (but we also celebrated a birthday in between so it wasn't like I was lying in my bed all week).
So how was it?
Chemo itself was actually more comfortable that Chemo #1. It took longer, but I did not have to ice my hands and feet! Woo! That meant I could hold a book and sit more comfortably. But not TOO comfortaby, because the downside from this drip is that I was told to move as little as possible- should the needle become dislodged and the chemicals seep into anything else but my vein, it can lead to tissue necrosis. Lovely. But no pressure! Just try not to go to the bathroom for a few hours...
Of course as soon as they told me this, my body went BUT I NEED TO PEE RIGHT NOW!! Typical...I get two bags of drip and went for a quick trip in between switching bags, but that was about 2,5 hours of trying to ignore my bladder. Owie! Memo to self: no morning coffees.
In all, the thing took about 4,5 hours, but with some Netflix and books, it was ok. I also did not get the 'drowsy meds' they gave me for chemo 1, so I felt unusually perky and went home to eat a big lunch in celebration.
...which was a good thing, because it turns out 'delayed reaction nausea' is a thing, and I was not able to eat anything else for the next 12ish hours :`D It kicked in about 2-3 hours after chemo. Yeah, not fun. All I could do was lie flat and sort of sleep through the rest of the day, and keep a bucket nearby.
The next day it was time for my booster shot; in comparison, my previous injections had 0,5 mg of white-bloodcell-stimulant, this one had 6 mg. If you look at the side effects on the package you want to run for the hills. Thankfully, I only had mild ones; imagine the muscle / back soreness from helping someone move house if you don't lift from your legs ;) [always lift from your legs guys!!] - a bit like that. My arms were heavy and my back hurt every time I 'started' to move (like getting up from a chair, starting to walk, etc). This lasted for about a day, and then it was gone.
Since then, I have been feeling ok. Very tired, but that's not new. I am still afraid the side effects may be cumulative and the next one will 'hit harder', but I will just have to deal with that when it happens. Very Zen of me, right? (trust me, the 2 am worry-hour reality is far less zen)
I had a blood check up yesterday and my stats are low - I may get the next chemo next Wednesday.. or not. Another check-up up is due next Tuesday. I wish I could plan more, but this is how it is.
Under the cut - some more eyebrow game; I am able to slap some on my face in roughly 10 minutes now, which is an acceptable time of grooming for daily use, I think. It really does make me look less ill and weird. Or so I tell myself, anyway!
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