#ok so this is Orpheus and Eurydice now I think
azukisprouts · 2 years
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horror protagonists can be a gay beanpole and a beefed-up short king
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starlooove · 2 years
I think Gavin should have a wife who’s vigilante name would be Eurydice, and if they had a kid their vigilante name should be Musaeus (sound based vigilante - maybe direct enemies with music meister or smth idc) bc I want more happy blk families
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devils-little-sista · 8 months
Honestly I think Nico should have died at the end of BoO—hear me out ok just hear me out—and been a martyr figure for a while about a year and then somehow come back just before Tower of Nero and he’s there with Apollo the whole book hanging out with the trogs and kicking Nero’s ass.
It’s just that literally everything in BoO is foreshadowing Nico’s death. Hades’s whole speech about how “some deaths can not / should not be prevented”.
Nico having that dream about Ella reciting that line from the sybline books “the fall of the sun / the final verse”. Because that’s the next prophecy Nico will be apart of and also when Nico makes the big announcement that’s he’s alive again / came back from the dead / is immortal now.
It’s just that there is so much more foreshadowing into Nicos death and martyrdom beyond these points it’s insane. If BoO was fresher in my mind I would be going on about it for eternity.
I mean I kinda understand why Rick wanted to keep him alive because he didn’t want to buy into the whole “bury your gays” trope. But he could have done something like he did with Leo’s last chapter to show that even tho he’s dead Nicos not gone and that he’s still going to be part of the series whilst being a martyr and he may be back in the future.
Maybe Hades makes him immortal. I think that would fit best because of the parallels between Apollo just loosing his immortality and going through hell trying to get it back and then here’s Nico flaunting his fresh shiny new immortality with no idea what he’s doing with it.
Or Maybe Nico come back earlier than ToN because Jason did the Orpheus/Eurydice deal. And maybe when Jason dies Nico does the Orpheus/Eurydice deal so they’re both back from the dead there kicking Neros ass. That would be fun to see.
Side notes: it would be heart breaking if Nico gave Hazel the skull ring right before he leaves with the statue. And she doesn’t want to take it but she does.
And double heart breaking if she refuses to take the ring because she believes Nico will survive this and the ring is going to stay with him.
Triple heart breaking if Hazel doesn’t take the ring or if he can’t get to her in time he asks Reyna or Percy or Jason or Frank to give her the ring for him right before he dies.
I think Percy would be the most heart breaking and the most fitting for this because of Bianca trying to give Nico the Hades figurine. Nico trying to give Hazel the ring that was a gift from their father. History repeating itself. Percy is shattered once again.
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eqt-95 · 4 months
I'm here to bring fluff and happiness back with this ♥️
ok so get this: my phone showed your ask as a red heart. so here I was, typing away about deep-throating popsicles and fingering milkshakes when I opened your ask on my laptop and saw a... white heart?! absolute witchcraft!
and since now i don't know what's right-side up from upside down, i offer a mash up: ❤️+🤍 or 'first kiss / realization' + 'kiss at the wedding / milestone'
p.s. thanks for the fluff and happiness injection. i needed it
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Kara loved going to weddings. What wasn’t there to love? There were flowers, delicious foods, endless dancing, and, best of all, that excuse to confess your deepest feelings in front of friends and family to the love of your life. 
She’d watched her sister and Kelly share their vows, commit to each other, and look darn good while doing it. She danced with Nia and Brainy to Bye-Bye-Bye which was technically of Alex’s no-play list, but Nia bribed the DJ. She stuffed her face with cake alongside Esme who was stubbornly fighting off the sleepies. She even had the most amazing pep-talk slash hug slash reveal with Lena.
The very best kind.
The kind that left her warm and seen and cherished.
The kind that left her wanting that same feeling for forever. 
The kind that felt like a Red Sun: held and understood and home. 
So why did she feel so… heavy and twisted inside?
Stumped. She was stumped. She was also in a slump. Her lower lip was quite close to a grump. But how to overcome this hump?
She shook her head. Now was definitely not the time for Dr. Seuss rhymes. Though silently she argued there was always time for Dr. Seuss rhymes.
Serious Kara won out. So instead of rhymes she stewed. She stewed and brewed and searched for a clue(d) -
“What’s up homie?” Nia asked, sliding across the bench and tipsily colliding into Kara’s side. “You missed REO Speedwagon. Even J’onn gave it his all; might’ve thrown out his back though. Poor guy. I am parched.”
Kara bit her lip and scowled and really really wanted a rhyme scheme to get her through this. “You love Brainy, right?”
“Woa, left field there swinger,” Nia smirked. Her attention was on the array of glasses with colorful drinks littering the table behind them. “Sure do.”
Kara slouched and let her chin find the palm of her hand. “So how did-”
“You think this is sour raspberry?” Nia interrupted, a cup of bright blue liquid appearing under Kara’s nose. “Or tropical punch,” she said.
Kara sniffed the cup. “Tropical punch.”
“Bonus,” Nia exclaimed and took a long drag. “You were saying?”
“Um,” Kara began without an ounce of heroic chutzpah. “How did you know?”
The question made the ‘heavy’ feeling morph into butterflies. It did nothing for the twisting. In fact, it exacerbated the twisting. It wrangled around her heart and made her breaths shallow with nerves. Definitely no chutzpah.
“Easy: He’s my person. My ride or die. To infinity and beyond. The Clyde to my Bonnie.”
“Are you sure that’s who you want to compare-”
“Look, it doesn’t matter. They went out with a bang,” Nia scoffed. “But fine, point taken,” Nia conceded then pulled another deep swig. “He’s the Orpheus to my Persephone.”
“I think you mean Eurydice.”
“Sure.” Her lips were now a faint shade of blue.
“But also, didn’t Orpheus fail-?”
“He did no such thing!” Nia proclaimed with rather unfounded enthusiasm. Juice sloshed onto the grass. “He went to the depths of hell for the woman he loved. He descended through souls and ghouls and fools-”
Kara wondered if this was the rhyme she needed. Maybe it was, because it propelled her up and across the lawn and so focused was she that Nia’s parting words of ‘Go get her, champ!’ fell of deaf ears.
She stumbled over lawn darts and accidentally destroyed a life-size jenga game. She nearly walked straight through the barn wall and into a decorative trough. She walked straight past the cake without grabbing a slice. 
Kara Zor El was on a mission.
And that mission was less than ten feet away, laughing and radiating like the sun rose and shone only for her. Her nose scrunched as the smile spread wider when Kara approached. It faded only slightly when the palpable look of fear on Kara’s face was noticed.
“Kara? Is everything ok?” she asked, stepping away from the group and brushing a reassuring thumb over Kara’s arm.
They stepped more steps until the steps led them to crickets and tree frogs and only the white noise of people. And ever the Pulitzer winning wordsmith, these were the words that managed to trip out of her mouth:
“I want to be your Orpheus.”
Lena’s mouth parted and eyes narrowed. “You… what?”
“I want to… shoot, no I mean…”
“You want to trap me in hell?” Lena asked. And bless the straight face she was trying to keep, but between Kara’s fish mouthing and absolutely butchering of whatever heartfelt words she had hoped would appear out of thin air, Lena’s face was doing some serious gymnastics to keep from smirking.
“He didn’t fail! He… he…”
Straws. Those were the things Kara was grasping for. Humiliatingly limp, paper straws.
“I want to fight off souls and ghouls and fools for you. I want the chance. I want you and the world to know that you are the person I’d move heaven and hell for you, because you make me feel whole. You make me feel seen and wanted and loved and I just… I just want you. And I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to realize it but I-”
Soft lips.
Soft lips and deep sighs and the flutter of long dark hair tickling her cheeks.
And then a sigh.
And then a ‘wowzers’.
And then a laugh.
And then again.
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ask game
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gabessquishytum · 3 months
i keep typing out asks to send you but stop working part way through 😔 so instead of letting them sit in my google docs, i'm just gonna send what i've written and just summarize what i wanted the rest to be 🙃
so. here's one of them lmao
loosely inspired by Abigail (2024)
Hob is a reformed criminal, ok; he got out of that life when he met Eleanor and created a new life for himself when they married, identity and all. He didn't want any children they had to have to deal with any of that. He was even going to school to become a teacher.
And then Eleanor died and Robyn was taken and now Hob is being forced back into that life to get him back.
It's a kidnapping job, some rich fuck, with a large payout and Hob doesn't fucking care, he just wants his son back.
When he sees it's a 12 year old boy who's scared out of his mind, though, that's when he snaps.
He can't do anything, not yet, not when they- whoever they are, he still isn't sure- still have Robyn. All he can do right now is wait and protect the boy.
so it eventually gets revealed that the kids name is Orpheus, that his father is Dream (who's known to be incredibly dangerous, there are stories about him, most of which Hob doesn't believe because hello, vampires aren't real!!!)
except Hob gets proven wrong when Orpheus gets scared (and hungry) enough (he's just a baby!!!) and starts killing off his abductors. he only leaves Hob alone because he was nice to him and confided in Orpheus about his son.
Dream finally shows up at the end of the bloodbath (he was out of the country or something, idk lmao) with Robyn, who had been taken by Burgess (he wanted to force Dream into turning him and that's where Dream thought Orpheus was at first) and is all "you protected my son in the end and ur hot, i'm gonna turn you and make you my bride :)"
and Hob is like "!!! I don't want to get murdered if I say no so I guess I don't have a choice!!!"
and so Hob gets turned, he and Dream are now vampire married and fuck often, and Robyn and Orpheus bond over having weird dads (and when he's old enough, Robyn chooses to be turned as well; no way was Hob gonna make him go through puberty AND deal with being a vampire) (really Hob just didn't want to deal with the angst that came from it all, it's like the normal teenage angst bullshit got doubled and he was NOT doing it, thank you very much) (Orpheus was bad enough, and he was a born vampire; he definitely got the dramatics from his father)
Awww so cute! I remember the trailers for Abigail and thinking that the young lil vampire killing people was a cool concept.
I think the vampire family with Dream and Orpheus and Hob and Robyn would be so cute 🥺 like they live in a big spooky chateau with lots of vampire servants (who are also their friends tbh. Cori is their terrible terrible butler and Matthew is meant to be a valet but hes honestly just Dream’s weird friend at this point) and they go on hunts to kill bad people and eat them, and sometimes they go into town and do normal human things (Dream is really not very good at pretending to be human, but it makes Hob and the kids laugh a lot to see him try). Of course Dream hosts fancy vampire balls sometimes, and persuades Hob to get all dressed up in flowing red ballgowns because they're vampire married and Dream wants to show off his bride to everyone!!!
Orpheus and Robyn have to get Matthew to help them in solidly soundproofing their bedrooms because their dads are having NASTY sex every night. Orpheus has it worse because he has super vampire hearing - he did NOT want to know about his dad and step-dad's kinky strapped to an altar drinking each other's blood sex. But he gets his revenge eventually with a fellow vampire called Eurydice when they fuck on Dream’s favourite red velvet couch. DEFINITELY dramatic just like his father, honestly.
But next time someone tries to kidnap literally anyone in the Endless-Gadling family, they're in for a big surprise. Dream and Hob are protective of their baby boys, and Orpheus and Robyn are soon fully grown vampires ready to protect their dads. They really are the cutest family! As long as you're not squeamish!
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mmpookie · 9 months
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Also teehee the dots are connecting with mythology again UGH it's so smart with what they pulled off I loved this closing arc for pollux
or I mean castor???
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I'm not stretching right???
Also did they ever clarify what castor's fate of misfortune was? Unless I missed it, it's gotta be referring to his death right? Deffo gonna reread the story for when my arcana twilight withdrawals kick in to reanalyze EVERYTHING bc that will be fun
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I've would also love to shout out how much of Arky's role of guiding us out of the Boundry can be paralleled to the greek god Hermes and what he symbolizes BUT BRO
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Ok so at the end I was like NERVOUS bc there was the chance they could have MAYBE pulled off two different endings depending on whether summoner personally wanted to stay or go back to Mid Earthium- which would have been a cool opportunity that Storytaco could have pulled,, but I guesss instead they did the thing where the choices triggered the same response, but this time in the sense that the rest is left to your imagination:
*you turn around = you stay back at the Boundry with the boys (this is because if you turn around the portal magic thingy won't work)
*or you listen to arcturus = keep walking until you arrive back home (earth)
Personally I chose to turn around bc ,one, the story never really gave me TOO much reason to want to go back home- however it was back there- and two I WAS YELLING THROUGH THE SCREEN NOO I DONT TO LEAVEEE 😭😭 THE WHOLE TIME
Also the voice we hear at the end says
"Can you hear? I have a story I desperately want to tell."
And I?? Can't exactly tell what it means?..OTHER THAN A TEASER FOR MORE CONTENT?? MAYBE PONTENTIALLY?? But if it's actually obviously something else I missed please tell me 😭
Anyways end of lecture:
Pollux and vega ending arc top tier.
Arcturus hmm I wish they didn't gloss over the void arc so quickly 🤔
If they could have fitted it in there I would have loved if they had just a BIT more of a satisfying conclusion for spica and alpheratz yknow? :( just me??
And finally. I can be slow,,, so if there's anyone out there that can explain Sirius's whole spiel with polaris and everything with the time travel.,,,,,,, I really would appreciate it bc I'm still trying to understand 😭
(Story taco if you're reading this please make more story I love these characters too much ☹️)
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browneyedartist01 · 4 months
My thoughts during the final hour of acomaf:
(Bare in mind that I notched up the speed to 1.5 then 1.75, and these thoughts are not in order)
-"You don't need proof that it works, I'm proof that it works-"
Weren't you made by high lords?
-"I will destroy your court."
And I will hate you. More so than I already do
-"He held out his hand like I was some pet."
"Come home."
My thoughts:
"Come home with me."
"Who are you?"
"The man whose gonna marry you, I'm Orpheus."
"Who am I?"
"Eurydice, *laughs* the girl who makes me wanna sing, the women I'm marrying."
-Why dose the evil man sounds like a radio announcer?
-Lucian really setting the bar higher already in how to care for your mate, as expected. (Go little Rock star)
-He broke through the bounds that a high lord couldn't break through just to go to her?!?!
-And he gave her his coat to cover her??
-"There were different kinds of torture I realized, there was ones I went through, what Rhys went through and then this."
Yeah, now you know how Tamlin felt utm.
- Did Nesta just give the evil king the middle finger? Ew, sarah cringe stop it.
-Cassian just keep dying sweetie, don't touch Nesta.
-Nesta be nice to your future brother in law.
- Freye unlocked a new power, somehow.
-Cheesy, this is all so cheesy.
- "his green eyes met mine, the sorrow and tenderness in them was the most hideous thing I've ever seen."
Wow, ok...
-Tamlin acting like Ryhsand though with Tamlin it's justified/understandable
- *me counting down the final 22 minutes while freye is dying*
-"I nerely gagged on his scent."
Freye darling, I get your upset about his deal with evil king. But he literally tried to save your sisters, stop being so dramatic.
- "my family."
It's been 3 months girly.
- "Tamlin ignored Lucian, so I did too."
Sums up Freye and Lucain's friendship
-Of course all the queens' want is eternal youth,
- Lucian naturally being the smartest one in the room.
-Noooo, not Ryhsand pov. 😭 this better not be the last 17 minutes.
-Holy crap, I just realized how similar this ending is to season 2 of lore olympus ending.
-Don't worry, the bat boys plot armor is thick. Sarah loves you monsters too much.
-Mor don't rip out the arrow it will only make it worse.
-Ryhsand please think, do you really think Tamlin would actually partner with evil king? He didn't even trust evil fae women when she first appeared, what makes you think he would actually help him beyond getting freye back?
-"she is my mate, my wife, the high lady of the night court."
BANG, CRASH A LIGHTING BLAST! (no joke there was thunder after he said this in the dramatized version)
I have 2 thoughts on this one:
1. There was a fan theory during the court trial in lore olympus (persephone was on trail for mass murder, long story) where hades and persephone got married before the trail started because at one point he called her his wife. This wasn't the case because she was 20 and he was in his 2000 (aka 40's) Idk if Rachel was a fan of acotar and wanted to steal from it (since acomaf was released in 2016 and the trial was released in 2020) but because people guessed it she dropped it. Idk that's just a my own theory.
2. How can she be the high lady when the mother is the one to give out titles? Do you realize what you just start Ryhsand? This could lead to more war against the more religious courts, this could lead to the end of the night court if the mother finds out... oh wait, this is acotar. Not real high fantasy, there's no real religious world building.
-"I've forgotten how quiet it was here, how small, how empty"
You do this every time freye, anytime your some where "better" you always just stick your noise up at your old home.
-Freye acting high and mighty towards Tamlin as if she wouldn't had praised Ryhsand for doing the same thing.
- Lucian, you are truly the best character.
-"My sister mate, the mother did indeed seem to have a sense of humor."
What do you mean? He would be a great mate. But then again you're suffering because of it...which makes it so much better.
- "as if he could do that to anyone."
But- but he did freye. And tbh I think he would have done worse to you if he deemed it necessary.
-Freye is really giving evil queen vibes. I wish I could enjoy it, but I know sarah is going to make her the "hero"
And that's it, Thank Saints.
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seawardboundsammy · 8 months
started writing in between classes and im deeply obsessed with orpheus parallels with ortega/chargestep so have this. warning for ortega being inebriated and wanting to die.
Time to rise Orpheus. The day breaks and you with it. 
(I don’t want to. Don’t make me.)
That’s not an option. Get up Orpheus. 
(I have no legs. I have no hands.)
You will be repaired, doll of lyres. 
(I don’t want to be. I want to lay here and die.) 
Scio, sweetheart. 
(Will I see her again?)
Only on her deathbed. 
(I don’t think I can do this anymore.)
You will. 
Get up Orpheus. 
Get up Orpheus.
Get up-
“Ortega! Get down from there!”
Chen pulls you off the ledge of the building you guess you were climbing over. You're not really sure. 
You’re downstairs now. Your arm is over Chen’s shoulders. 
“-tega! What did you drink? Can you even hear me?” 
You’re nauseous.
You’re not nauseous anymore. 
“Ok that’s. That can be someone else’s problem, come on.” 
He lifts you once more. He’s good at that. He does is a lot when you fuck up or do something stupid which is always cause you’re a poor excuse for man. 
You snuggle into the passenger seat of his car. It’s cozy, it smells like him. You don’t smell good. 
“Drink this.” He says. He tips your head back and water pours into your mouth.
You do your level best to not choke.
You’re on the wrong side of your couch. This is Eurydice’s spot, not your’s.
Sidestep. Sidestep’s spot.
You shake your head, the smallest bit of clarity returning to your vision and mind. Chen has pulled a chair from the kitchen to sit in front of you. His expression swims but you think he’s concerned. Not a clue why.
“So. ‘Never gonna drink again?’” You spit onto the carpet and he grimaces. 
“Don’t know what you expect from someone like me. When’s my word ever meant shit?” You wonder if you could get him to punch you.
“You- I’m not entertaining this. You need to get your shit together.” He doesn’t say ‘before you end up dead’, but you hear it anyway. Or maybe that’s you saying it.
You let your head tip back over the couch. He wants you to try. You don’t know how. 
Yes you do. Rise from your corner. 
But you’re already so far gone.
Then go all the way. Pursual when you cannot see your target is what you do best. Find them.
They’re not dead. 
They’re dead.
Not to you. 
I already failed them.
Then fail again. 
Isn’t the definition of madness trying the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome?
No, that’s a misconception. And anyways, when has that ever stopped you before?
Now tell him something so he doesn’t send you to a madhouse. 
You look back at Chen. His clenched teeth twist his scars on his lips and his hands are clasped together so tight you swear you hear the creak of metal. You slump forward, uncoordinated, and put one of your hands on his. 
“I’ll tell my… therapist,” the word is still a rock in your mouth, “about. This.” You’re not sure if you mean the drinking or the climbing. 
That’s not true.
Yeah well fuck you I’m not getting sent to a madhouse. I’m not crazy.
Then what’s this?
“That’s good.” Chen breathes out in a long relieved sigh. “That’s good.” 
You tug him off the chair and into a hug. You know he can feel your heartbeat through your shirt, and you know he needs that. 
Out of his view you stare daggers into the wall. You’re determined (for now). You have to find them again.
Miles to walk Orpheus. 
And promises to keep.
And promises to keep.
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tyran-the-tyranical · 10 months
Raphael’s character and a lot of references to Ancient Greek mythology/history
Ok, so there’s some really obvious ones like, I think there’s some story in the game about a bard winning over a devil that he likes, which is a clear reference to Orpheus and Eurydice (also Raphael holds the power to free Orpheus in the game, like hades being able to free Eurydice) also hope being a parallel to Persephone 👁️👁️.
Besides the little things like that, I’ve noticed his character kinda resembles Alexander the Great, LEMME EXPLAIN FIRST
Raphael as we all know really wants the crown of Karsus, and knows alot abt the guy (he was even there when he failed, or when the city fell) , and maybe admires what he managed to accomplish to some extent and he kinda even models his house on his work, as they both float in the sky (also gonna make the obvious connections to Icarus here) and Raphael “believes” he should rule the hells and that he could end the blood war ect etc… and he’s so great, anyway.
Now Alexander was similar in that he too believed he should rule the world/Persia or Asia (debatable which) and he also admired someone with a great “folly” which was Achilles, whose weakness was yknow his Achilles, and Alexander basically modelled his life after this guy too, so he’s a bit more extreme than Raphael, like man carried the illiad wherever he went, but it shows he’s a fan of literature and epics, like Raphael.
Also, Alexander is supposedly of “half divinity” or whatever, he believed he was the son of Zeus or at least more than just a human, which Raphael is, but I suppose less Divine in his case.
Another thing is, Alexander also was kinda a dick, in that in his pursuit to conquer he also sieged the city of Thebes which was also a Greek city state, like he says he later regretted it but still. Also during his siege he did let some people live, like some ppl in a temple of Heracles (another idol of his) and a woman who attacked some soldiers after being assaulted and he was impressed by her or something. Ithaca wasn’t the only place he sieged, later in Babylon during a party some girl convinced him to siege a city and burn it, he did lol. Alexander wasn’t a great person, also a conqueror so there’s that.
Raphael, is obviously not a good person but it’s hard to say he isn’t somewhat likeable or has his moments, korilla even says so herself, that’s he a much kinder boss than she’s had before, especially for a devil. Though in the end, Raphael still wants to conquer, and not just the hells, he says that he’ll go further and conquer other “worlds”
(Also the attack on Thebes was one of Alexander’s first key victories, but it was on his own country, unlike everything that he attacks after, which yknow is like Raphael starting his attack in the hells then moving outward)
Also just gonna mention it here, but it’s been said loads, when Raphael dies, it’s a total reference to Kronos eating his children, as Raphael gets nommed on by his father.
There are totally more references and especially to other cultures, like his cat/mouse rhymes kinda remind me of Hickory Dickory Dock and his miss tuffet being miss miss muffet, but my guy is totally Italian/Greek? Coded, like it’s hard to believe otherwise.
Maybe the similarities to Alexander are a bit out there, a lot of “leaders” or “greats” were like that. Anyway, I’m probably missing more references but that’s all I couldn’t remember off the bat.
EDIT: To be fair though, maybe he’s more of a Julius Caesar, since Alexander was quite young when he died and Julius was said to have cried in front of a statue of Alexander since he accomplished so much more than him in his youth, since most of caesars big stuff was later in his life, but like I said you can find similarities with a bunch of other similar dictatory guys,
He is so Julius Caesar coded;
"All the Gauls did Caesar vanquish, Nicomedes vanquished him;
Lo! now Caesar rides in triumph, victor over all the Gauls,
Nicomedes does not triumph, who subdued the conqueror."
This is supposedly a song that Caesar's soldiers sang making fun of how he was a bottom, Caesar conquered Bithynia but Nicomedes conquered Caesar. LIKE, the parallels are there, friends.
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I’ve been listening to Narcissus Under the Knife by Jessica Law. I’ve been feeling very Normal about Narcissus Under the Knife by Jessica Law. I’ve been writing an analysis-ish thing about Narcissus Under the Knife by Jessica Law. I’ve also finished it, and if anyone wants to read it, that’s what this is. So. TW: mentions of mental health issues, namely Orpheus’ depression and Narcissus’ extreme Narcissism. Also plastic surgery. Also this is basically just incoherent rambling.
You have been warned.
Narcissus Under the Knife is a song by Jessica Law. It’s based on a fiction by the Mechanisms called Orpheus and Narcissus Go on a Trip to the Seaside. It (Narcissus Under the Knife) is written in first person from Narcissus’ perspective. Instead of talking to someone, or telling a story of some kind, it’s Narcissus’ own thoughts and reflection about his relationships, with Orpheus, his friend, and Echo, his ex, as well as his own relationship with mental health and his appearance.
My mind was ringing with echoes
When I told you to let go
When I sent you from me
The first verse is about Echo. In Orpheus and Narcissus Go on a Trip to the Seaside, Narcissus tells Orpheus about Echo, his ex from seven years ago. He says that he only realised that he truly loved her after she’d left him, saying that he loved his reflection more than he loved her, and had thought about her ever since. Orpheus said something about him only loving her once she became unattainable, but Narcissus never addressed this with anything other than a glare.
Now sitting here at my mirror
With the light getting dimmer
I can see myself clearly
You see, it’s ironic because the lights are getting dimmer. But it’s also ironic because his mirror is broken. Narcissus said that Echo broke it when she left, and that he never got around to getting it fixed. But, in the fiction, Orpheus thinks he sees an older, more beaten down and aged version of Narcissus for a moment in the reflection. He chalks it up to the drugs he’s on and the lack of nutrition, but that’s likely similar to what Narcissus sees in the mirror: a combination of how he looks and a distorted version, what his mind shows him.
And I'll never reconcile
Those bright eyes and flashing smile
With the mind that whirs and winds
And finds fault in all I see
But I think I'll stay awhile
Sit and stare and sulk in style
When Narcissus looks in the mirror, he sees himself. Sometimes how he physically looks. Sometimes his mind’s own version. Physically, he’s very attractive, young, obviously upper class. However, all he can see is what’s wrong with him. Yes, that makes no sense with what I said earlier about how sometimes he’s seeing what he actually looks like, but that’s why he can’t fit that version of him that everyone else sees with how he sees himself. He looks in the mirror, and what he sees is different from what he is. A young man with years and years ahead of him, perfect. Nothing about that is meant to imply someone who stares in the mirror for hours looking for faults. And it doesn’t, since no one is that kind of perfect without any insecurities.
And I never said that everything would be the same
And I never promised I would be OK with change
And I never meant to hurt you
But if you feel no pain, then
That's enough for me
That's enough for me
Here, Narcissus is struggling with change. He knows it happens, and he isn’t denying that, but that doesn’t mean he’s alright with the changes in his life. This whole verse could be about Echo or Orpheus, and it’d fit just the same. Echo left. It’s unclear if he actually realises that he hurt her, but either way he didn’t mean to. (Doesn’t make it okay, but there’s a reason Narcissism is called Narcissism.) And if she wasn’t really hurt by him (his perspective. Obviously that hurt her feelings), then he has a chance of her coming back. It also fits Orpheus because of Eurydice’s death. Since she died, Orpheus got careless, depressed, suicidal. He changed, and Narcissus wasn’t ready for it. And at the end of Orpheus and Narcissus Go on a Trip to the Seaside, Narcissus is actually the one to suggest that Orpheus try and get Eurydice back from the Acheron. Because Orpheus ended up dying before he could do anything, Narcissus never found out if it worked or not. So there was equal chance of his suggestion failing, hurting Orpheus more, and of it succeeding, in which case Orpheus would feel much better.
Looking is all I am doing
I would face my own ruin
If these looks didn't stay
Narcissus’ entire livelihood relies on his physical appearance. His job is people being attracted to him. His job is how he gets the money to throw fancy parties. (And, as is implied in the fiction and later in the song, plastic surgery). His fancy parties get him exposure, and exposure helps him keep his job. HE DOES NOT HAVE BACKUP MONEY. If he loses his looks, he loses everything. Also, the “Looking is all I’m doing” bit is a reference to the original Narcissus myth, where he has a pond instead of a mirror. Touching his face in the water would cause ripples that would ruin his otherwise perfect reflection. In the song, it’s less of an actual thing that could happen, as just touching his face or reflection couldn’t actually do anything to ruin how he looks. It’s just his fear that if he disrupts his perfect reflection, it’ll shatter everything he’s done to maintain his appearance.
I can't decide if I miss you
There are more pressing issues
Like remaining this way
So I think this bit is more about Orpheus than Echo, but could, again, be about either. About Orpheus: his best friend is missing, likely dead, possibly having killed himself, and Narcissus can’t stop maintaining his appearance for long enough to think about him. About Echo: Narcissus has spent so long keeping himself looking the same for when he thinks Echo’ll be back that he hasn’t thought about whether or not he actually loves her/wants her back.
And I'll never sympathise
With that place behind my eyes
Cells that order me to lie
And buy time with money
But I'm kind of mesmerised
By the face they hide behind
Narcissus’ actual reflection is perfect. Just like his face. But this is a mix of the actual reflection and his mind looking for something wrong. The something wrong here is what he sees behind his eyes. Y’know the whole ‘the eyes are a window to the soul’ thing? Pretty sure that’s the reference. Narcissus looks at his soul, who he is as a person, who he really is, and he doesn’t like it. The cells are his actual cells. He’s ageing. There’s a bit more allusion to him getting plastic surgery here, because it costs money and plastic surgery can hide ageing. So he’s forced to alter his face artificially in order to look younger. A sort of lying. Then the last two lines are him admiring his face. For anyone who’s ever dyed their hair, it’s kinda like the bit of time right after it’s been dyed where you pull it in front of your face because it’s a new colour and that’s interesting. He doesn’t feel like it’s his face. It’s a marvel, it doesn’t change, it’s constantly new.
And I know I need someone who feels and thinks the same
And I know that person isn't real and can't be named
And I never meant to spurn you
But if you feel no blame, then
That's enough for me
That's enough for me
The needing someone who feels and thinks the same is because he knows it would be good for him to talk to someone who went through/is going through what he’s going through. But there isn’t anyone he can talk to. (In the fiction, Orpheus thought about how he could have helped Narcissus, but wasn’t in the right mental state to be able to.) The spurn bit: he ignored Echo in favour of his own reflection, and he sort of did the same to Orpheus. Not as much, but he did leave him waiting three hours. But if they don’t feel any blame, then that’s good enough.
I know they'll soon come and get me
You would never have let me
Reach the state I'm in now
Narcissus is going to end up in an asylum. He knows it. Orpheus knew it. He believes that either Echo or Orpheus could have helped him get better.
Counting the cracks in the pavement
One more day of enslavement
To the lines on my brow
He counts the cracks, he counts his wrinkles, he only steps on the black tiles in his house. Every day he sees something new wrong with him, namely wrinkles, and hyper focuses on it. All he can think about is his imperfections.
Just another little tweak
Rolls the clock back one more week
If I could I would rewind the time I was with you
All those years I can't reclaim
But my youth I shall retain
So this is the big plastic surgery thing. “Just another little tweak” and all. One little change, and he’s so much younger. And the “my youth I shall retain” bit. He’s using plastic surgery to look younger. Obviously. Kinda. Already implied that. Whoop. But there’s more Narcissusism here. The 3rd and 4th lines are basically him saying that if he could take back all the time he spent with Echo/Orpheus in favour of his youth, he would.
And I'll never have that natural glow or natural grace
And I'll always have to cast my spell in other ways
And these dotted lines are painful
But that's the price I pay, and
That's enough for me
That’s enough for me
That’s enough for me.
Last verse! He can’t have a natural glow or grace because his looks aren’t natural. So everything he does has to be accentuated by something artificial in order to keep up the facade of effortless beauty. He has to spend hours on makeup and hair. He has to pick out fashionable clothes. He has to walk right, he has to speak right, everything he does, he has to do because if he doesn’t, people will see right through him, right through what he wants, no, needs them to see. Anyways, next line! More plastic surgery shit! When someone gets plastic surgery, the surgeons draw dotted lines around the area they’re doing surgery. The dotted lines are guide lines. The price he’s paying is both the price for the surgery, and also the ever so slight price on his soul that comes from living longer than he should have. Which makes sense for something related to the Mechs. Themes of the consequences of extended life and life in general are common themes in their stuff. If someone who’s reading this somehow hasn’t listened to them, Then What Are You Doing, Go Listen Now. Anyways, continuing to look young and pretty is all Narcissus feels he needs. It’s reaffirmed by the fact that he only says  “That’s enough for me” three times, one of which as the last line of the song. Every other time that line has popped up, it’s been sung twice. Like he’s trying to convince himself. But here, it’s sung three times. I’m taking it as convincing himself, convincing himself, convinced. Especially since the last one’s sung differently than every other time he sings that line. And there’s nothing else he needs to say after that. The whole song has been building up to and backing away from a sort-of admission of his own obsession, and now that he’s finally said it, there’s nothing else to admit.
Also, I really like that the song’s slow with lonely-ish melancholy vibes. Really lends to the contemplative aspect of it.
Wow! You stuck around! Wasn’t expecting that for my nonsense!
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athenafire2000 · 1 year
Ok I've mentioned some of this before at some point but I'm mentioning it again because the book is coming out soon and leaks are becoming more frequent so I want to place my bets now, but Michael Yew 100% got sucked into Tartarus when Poseidon sucked Typhon down into Tartarus through the river. My other predictions include:
Bob is trapped in Nyx's mansion (I already had this theory but the map pictures are making me more sure I am right)
Michael Yew will be the thing of equal value that gets left behind (or possibly Small Bob, I will cry either way)
Will might bathe in the Styx at Nico's request but don't really think so
It's actually going to be more of a Cupid and Psyche parallel than Orpheus and Eurydice, or a combination of both
I don't really think this will happen but I started a prediction AU about it a while back and never finished it or posted it but I think there's a possibility that Nico dies and Will goes all plaguey plaguey plaguey and then when he finally escapes Tartarus he just marches right into Hades's palace and is like hEY. I WANT MY BOYFRIEND BACK. And Hades is like cool sing me a song then. Also I already offered him immortality so he'll have to choose between that and you (another possible thing of equal value to leave behind) and you won't know till you get to the top of that tunnel without looking back. And because he's already kind of f'ed up mentally from Tartarus Will is like oh.... I don't wanna make him choose me over immortality... nvm I guess... and Hades is like just fyi immortality sucks when you're sad and alone can confirm how about you just do it and let him decide and Will is like ok good point and then sings a song and absolutely nobody cries or anything and then he makes it out of the underworld but basically passes out before he finds out if Nico followed him or not and Apollo just ignores everything and shows up and takes him to CHB to heal him and when he wakes up Nico is waiting for him and cue tears
Thank you and goodnight
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mrsnancywheeler · 4 months
HI ok so its the same anon who wrote that thing about Billy and Muse in regards to Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers. But like here me out right now; 'Anything' by Adrianne Lenker fully reminds me of Finnick and sweet girl. Specifically Finnick thinking back on certain moments and thinking about how much he just wants to be back next to his Sweet Girl whilst he's in District 13 and she's not. Especially with lines like;
"I dont wanna be the owner of your fantasy, I just wanna be apart of your family."
"I dont wanna talk about anything, I dont wanna talk about anything, I wanna kiss, kiss your eyes again."
"Circle of pine and red oak, circle of moss and fire smoke. [.....] Wanna listen to the sound of you blinking, wanna listen to your hands soothe. Listen to your heart besting, listen to the way you move."
"Weren't we the stars in the heaven? Werent we the salt in the sea?"
I dont know why it reminds me of them two so much but my god it does and especially given how reminiscent it is of things from the past and stuff. Wishing to experience certain things all over again and be with rhat person and wanting to despite all thats going on.
God im such a music nerd
reading these lyrics I could literally feel finnick aching for his sweet girl to come back to him, not just in the physical sense when the Capitol has her, but even when she's there, but not adjusted back to him yet. like when she's still trying to trust him again and he can't touch her, can't know what's going on inside her head, can't help her the way he longs to. it breaks him apart. it also heavily reminds me of orpheus and eurydice, who are also them, i just love it.
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idiasmentalhealth · 10 months
yo so this is really weird but im tryna think of names inspired by cozier songs and I see that you have a case of the hyper fixation so if it suits your fancy could you perhaps like think of some (no pressure at all btw)
i'm not entirely sure if i'll be much help but i will try my best :)
and p.s. a lot of his song reference stories i don't know much about and i'm willing to do some research to understand it but not that much so 😭
(edit note: i wrote this last night and stayed up till like 3am i think and i was gonna proofread it today but i was too busy/lazy and forgot to and i don't wanna take too long to reply so here you go good luck lol) i probably put way more effort into this than you wanted me to from the ask buttt too late now
ok so i'll start with the easier songs (the ones with actual names in the lyrics/title)
"But, still, the mind, rejectin' this new empty space
Fills it with somethin' or someone
No closer could I be to God Or why he would do what he's done"
"What you're given, what you live in Darlin', it finds a way to live in you And your heart, love, has such darkness I feel it in the corners of the room"
Selby: gender-neutral name meaning "manor village; from the willow farm"
note that these songs are inspired by the fictional character De Selby. Hozier describes him as "-this philosopher, this kind of scholar, who's kind of part genius part lunatic. He sees the world through a very dream-like logic." its up to you if you want to name ur character after a song inspired by another character or not lol
here's a cool little description of the name on thebump.com: "Selby is a gender-neutral name of English origin, meaning “manor village.” Softly alluding to a place of dwelling in Yorkshire, England, Selby is a wholesome moniker that feels like home the minute it’s spoken. Selby is also a name linked to Old Norse history and points to a person or thing “from the willow farm.” Known for its connections to the Underworld and Otherworld, willow trees, in all their cosmic wonder, put realms beyond imagination right at our fingertips. Both an abode and a bridge to a land existent only in legends, Selby inspires us to look beyond what our eyes can see but reminds us to stay grounded while we’re at it!"
and hozier's other song "Would That I" also references willow trees so in a way it's inspired by 3 songs?
"Do you think I'd give up
That this might've shook the love from me
Or that I was on the brink?
How could you think, darling, I'd scare so easily?
Now that it's done
There's not one thing that I would change
My life was a storm, since I was born
How could I fear any hurricane?"
"Heaven is not fit to house a love (like you and I)"
This song is about the story of Francesca da Ramini in the 2nd circle of hell. Basically Francesca has an affair with Paolo Malasta because of how unpleasant her husband (Paolo's brother) is. Eventually they get found out and her husband kills them. She's saying that even though she's in the 2nd circle of hell (where lustful souls are punished by somekind of hurricane) she doesn't regret loving Paolo and would do it all again. - a summary of a comment on genius.com about the lyrics
Francesca: feminine name meaning "free."
similar names: Francis, Francisca/o
you could also use Paolo (meaning "small; humble) if you want
"I do not have wings, love, I never will
Soarin' over a world you are carryin'
If these heights should bring my fall
Let me be your own
Icarian carrion
If the wind turns, if I hit a squall
Allow the ground to find its brutal way to me
If I should fall, on that day
I only pray, don't fall away from me"
clearly referencing icarus, the man who flew too close to the sun
Icarus: "follower; the one who reaches the sky"
"I'd be the voice that urged Orpheus
When her body was found"
"And I'd be the immediate forgiveness
In Eurydice
Imagine being loved by me"
Orpheus: "the darkness of night"
Eurydice: "wide justice"
similar names: Alice, Justyce, Justin/e
ok now to get more creative
or not. quite a few of his songs reference light/darkness and there are a LOT of names that reference either one of those 😭 here's some examples:
Phoebe, Clara, Nora, Lucian, Lucius, Elena, Ayla, Claire, Bodhi, Lucia
Adriana, Achlys, Akmad, Apollo, Azazel, Asra, Carey, Colin, Corvina, Cronan
now back to "Would That I," he describes 2 kinds of loves in this song: the willow tree and the fire. thr willow being a past love, and the fire being the new that burnst away the attachment to the old. or something like, that im tired.
could always use Willow, which i think is a pretty name.
other names meaning willow tree: Dozier (haha), Arava, Salton, Wellesley, Liu, Wilford, Osier, Vide, Lian, Verba
names meaning fire: Ember, Bedelia (goddess of fire in Celtic mythology), Bridget, Calida, Cyra, Enya, Eliane, Elidth, Elidi, Hestia, Helia, Idalia, Mehri, Soleil, Seraphina, Oriane, Nina (also mentioned in "Nina Cried Power" which is a protest song)
speaking of Nina Cried power, a list of all the names in the song just in case: Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Mavis Staples, Curtis Mayfield, Patti Smith, John Lennon, James Brown, B.B. King, Joni Mitchell, Pete Seeger, Marvin Gaye, Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie. These are all names of musicians who contributed to the battle for equality over the years (Civil Rights Movement and other such protests) not sure if you'd want to name your character one of these since it wouldn't exactly be naming them after a Hozier song, but i felt like i should mention them anyways
other names mentioned in song lyrics but i'm too tired to do more researching rn: Cher, Atlas, Fred, Sergei (Sergei Polunin, the dancer in the music video for "Movement")
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nectardaddy · 2 months
oh i absolutely LOVE the orpheus and eurydice myth with all my heart. it's the myth that got me into greek mythology, actually.
and just imagine omi complaining that orpheus was an idiot and yn just softly explaining to him that he loved her so much he just couldn't stop himself from looking to make sure she was there, she was safe. and how tragic it was that it was his love that condemned her to stay. and he's like ??? the only tragedy is that he was too stupid to wait!!! but then one day he's looking at yn while she talks and he thinks he would've turned too and then immediately pauses cause !!??
(this is the post we're talking about to everyone watching my brainrot)
ok first, "the only tragedy is that he was too stupid to wait" took me out. omi WOULD say some shit like that but oH MY GOD OH MY GOD !!!!
the first thing that popped into my mind is him forever thinking this story is dumb, that it's just some sad excuse of a story. until he, physically, has the same thing happen to him. like she trips behind him and he is SO QUICK to spin around uuuuUUGHHHHHH
I love this story more than life itself!!!!! the whole "he would always turn around because he loved her so much. whether he thought he was tricked, he thought she fell, or simply just to see her again" BROTHER IM ON MY KNEES
I'm rocking back and forth just thinking about how the realization would hit omi so hard that he just blurts it out randomly. "remember how I said orpheus was stupid?? yeah no I get it now"
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clovercow8228 · 1 year
gillion and chip as hadestown!orpheus and eurydice
ok so i was listening to hadestown again because i love it dearly and i am still desperately trying to cope with ep 101 and i was like haha. chip and gillion as orpheus and eurydice. because yknow in the context of the actual myth you could compare it to the whole feywild arc and whatnot.
but then i listened to it more (more than halfway through the first song) and i realized it’s way better (worse) if you have it the other way around with chip as hadestown eurydice and gillion as hadestown orpheus. (there’s another way to read it too but we’ll get to that because it’s a bit more convoluted since. well it’s basically a game theory atp)
i’m going through this song by song because i have never felt happiness or peace ever
Road to Hell: ok so ignoring the gods for now. road to hell does eurydice a little dirty so for this song it’s just orpheus i’m talking about, but hermes describes him as a muse’s son and touched by the gods themselves. ok cool whatever so what Any Way the Wind Blows: “eurydice was a hungry young girl / a runaway from everywhere she’d ever been”? like yeah ok sure cool (side note? “ain’t nobody gonna stick around when the dark clouds roll” and  for chip, mr. constantly both afraid his crew will stay and will leave anytime something bad happens and who literally lost his family in the hole in the sea? silly.) plus for orpheus, “and this poor boy wore his heart on his sleeve / you might say he was naive to the ways of the world / but he had a way with words”. that’s my boy right there
Come Home with Me: most of this is just very funny (”oh, a liar and a player too?”) but “why would i become his wife?” “because he’ll make you feel alive” kinda got me a little tbh. and there’s also the ongoing theme of orpheus working on something to fix the balance of the world, which he can do because he’s touched by the gods.
Livin’ it Up on Top: most of this i’ll talk about when i talk about the gods because woo boy that should be a post of its own with how much psychological damage it caused me. but “there was a girl who had always run away / you might say it was in spite of herself / that this young girl decided to stay” for chip?
All I’ve Ever Known: yeahhhhhhhh nothing real metaphorical about this one. fnc shippers come get yalls juice ig idk that’s really all for that one
A Gathering Storm: title aside, the whole thing is eurydice being concerned about the practical way they will survive the winter while orpheus works on his song to make the world right again.
When the Chips are Down: hand to god i did not think about that pun until now. but yeah this whole song really sold it for me. “help yourself (to hell with the rest), even the one who loves you best / take if you can (give if you must), ain’t nobody but yourself to trust / aim for the heart (shoot to kill), if you don’t do it then the other one will” are interesting enough to think about with chip because basically his whole thing is not turning out like that but there are still some times (mainly early on) that he gets a little closer to those ideas. finally, “cast your eyes to heaven / you get a knife in the back”. put your life in the hands of anything but yourself and you get fucked over.
Wait for Me intro: alright one god i can pitch right now. hermes with the “so, just how far would you go for her? you got a ticket? yeah, i didn’t think so. course there is another way, but nah, i ain’t supposed to say.” being as mean as possible rn? hermes as niklaus would work as absolutely unfortunate as that is. which also makes the “ain’t no compass, brother, ain’t no map” line in the actual song even funnier since it’s hermes describing how to get to the underworld to save eurydice.
Wait for Me: the fates hit orpheus with the self doubt and worry that essentially he’s not the chosen one, part one. don’t really need to explain that one
Way Down Hadestown (Reprise): now hear me out on this. because hades’ whole bit is deals for people’s souls. eurydice signs a deal to give him her soul in exchange for not starving to death, and this song is her realizing what that really means and trying to defend it. which i will admit, makes it seem like it would work for niklaus too. but we’ll come back to that
If it’s True: “is this how the world is? to be beaten and betrayed and then be told that nothing changes?” now this one got me a little, between gillion’s ‘my last sin’ speech and what he said to jay in the block.
Intro to Wait for Me (Reprise): “it’s a trap?” “it’s a trial.” hermes explaining to orpheus and eurydice the conditions of them being allowed to leave. at the end of the day, according to hermes, their success rides on whether they trust each other and themselves. arguably the most recurring theme of riptide.
Doubt Comes In: orpheus doubting that he actually has the power to bring her back, thinking he has been tricked or is too weak to do it. in gillion’s own mind, his fatal flaw is not knowing if he believes he can be the chosen one or protect his friends. and for orpheus, he couldn’t.
a good amount of the songs are missing because i haven’t talked about hades and persephone yet. they’re. a separate issue
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aeneiddaily · 2 months
im back<3 with assorted aeneid book 6 thoughts
- been over this, but i don't believe thats anchises for even 2 seconds. but the gods have to use anchises for this because thats the only person aeneas is willing to listen to at this point.
- the many assorted short stories or mentions of hubris killing people + people that were turned into other things by the gods. minesus. icarus. daedelus. orpheus and eurydice. castor and pollux. hercules. achilles and hector. theseus and pirithous. ixion
- the. bough didnt immediately grow another fruit. its supposed to. "eargerly breaking the *tough* bough" its supposed to be easy. if youre supposed to do it its supposed to be easy. he didnt stay to look he just left bc he was excited at having found it at all. IT WASNT SET IN STONE YEEETTTTTTT. HE DIDNT HAVE TO . HE DIDNT HAVE TO.
- palinurus trying to lay out for aeneas exactly how the gods have been puppetting him and tricking him with wordplay and aeneas not saying. anything? then palinurus calls him a coward on his own.
- pious aeneas keeps showing up so much now.
- everything about that interaction with dido. much smarter people with much better words have analyzed this in ways i dont think im able to
- hey anchises why are you turning the entire process of death as its known in this mythology on its head. the amount of times i had to reread that passage just to wrap my head around this shit
- helen mention ❤️
- sybil is kind of so funny. yeah man just drug cerberus. heres the most visceral description of torture youve ever heard. we're technically not supposed to be down here but ill make an exception for you, man. damn your helmsman is piiiisssed. hey bro theres your dad
- aeneas was swapped with pious aeneas here. aeneas didnt leave the underworld as aeneas
- aeneas death count for this book: 1 or like 10. no in between
"the gods have to use anchises for this because thats the only person aeneas is willing to listen to at this point."
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