#ok so this may be an abridged version
echoesofadream · 9 months
What the fuck?????? im dying i just finished little women and im like thats weird, bc like, ive seen the movie (the winona ryder one). so im like something is wroooong. and also in a fic ive read there are excerpts from little women and they never came in this book. and i look at page amount it says it has 449 pages. my copy has 257????? im SO confused though because if this is supposed to be like easy to read version then why wasnt it easy... it really wasnt! i did pick this up from the teenager/children section which i found weird but then i looked inside it and it pretty advanced english to me at least. not too hard but definitely not for children! since its like old english too. This sucks lmaoo cause now i both wasted my time reading a stupid childrens book and spoiled the actual book itself! im not going to be reading that one now i dont think. im just so shocked and confused
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kylejsugarman · 11 months
Idk if you’ve answered this already but at what point in their relationship did Jesse tell Demi ab his past? How did that go over? How much does she know?
ive mentioned it some before but i haven't really gone super in depth!! as u all may know, i am very "and then everyone made it to alaska and everything ended up ok!! :)" minded, so i dont have a big dramatic revelation beat to my story and ultimately, jesse never tells demi that he's living under a completely new identity. however, he does tell her a Lot of other things, partially because he trusts her, partially because he feels guilty keeping things from her that might make her see him differently; he feels that she deserves to know how fucked up he is so she can escape him and avoid tying herself down to a mistake. jesse first tells her about his drug use after demi explains how her sister died, again out of that guilt and the expectation that she won't want to associate with a former(ish) addict, but demi saw firsthand how powerful addiction can be and isnt scared off. when it comes to his criminal history, it takes him a little longer to work up the nerve to disclose that stuff: he's afraid of both endangering her by letting her know what he's done and losing her. he drops a few things along the way, usually related to drug dealing and production since she was so understanding of that aspect of his past, but once they decide to get married, he feels that he owes it to her to be totally honest. the dark details of making and selling the drugs, being around violence and controlling figures. enacting violence himself. losing people. being sold into slavery. he leaves out specific identifying details (demi's never been a current events kind of person but he cant risk her connecting those dots) and places a lot of the blame on himself instead of trying to describe the people from his past who were pulling a lot of those strings. its basically an abridged version of the show's events, no names, no details in certain places (he doesnt even tell her which state he used to live in), and no forgiveness.
demi listens patiently the whole time, not asking many questions along the way. she tenses up when he touches on captivity, but otherwise her demeanor remains open and nonjudgmental. when it's over, she doesn't say anything, which is somehow worse than disgust. jesse is so wound up at this point that he flips out on her, insisting that this is her time to cut her losses. he's a criminal, a fucking murderer. he's evil. demi still doesnt react the way he wants and instead just waits until he's out of venom before reaching out to very gently smooth down his hair. petting the angry, upset dog instead of reflexively giving him away. "im sorry you've had to carry that around with you all this time," she says softly and that breaks him. because it Has been so hard carrying that around. demi asks a few more questions, clarifies a few more things, then tells him what she thinks. that she's seen how he acts now, how he treats people, how he treats himself. that she grew up with a father who sounds like the figures he alluded to in his story. that she is uncertain and insecure about a lot of things, but she's never been more sure that jesse is a good person and that she loves him irrespective of whatever came before. "im dangerous," he insists, a former fighting dog that would rather die than return to the ring. a hand on his own—"then why do i feel so safe with u?"
it's not perfect. there will always be things that jesse never shares with her and he will never totally forgive himself because as the one living person who knows the Extent of what went down, he feels that it's his responsibility to hold himself accountable for It for the rest of his life. demi's perception of him Does change, although not entirely in a negative way, and she is a little hurt that he expected her to bail so quickly and she can't lie and say that her mind doesn't occasionally drift to the fact that her husband has killed people. but at the end of the day, they're two broken people who were utterly convinced that their lives were over before they found each other. this is their second chance at life and they're never going to take that or each other for granted. whatever comes, they're going to face it together
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miloucomehome · 1 year
VIVANT stuff (spoilers): Apparently, we now have an official hanzi version of Liu's name...? + theory :'D
Part of my JP TL is having a mild meltdown over the fact that a program of some kind (or a new "preview before the final episode" video?), showed a clip of Nozaki recounting his story about Liu Mingshen on the plane (Episode 7) to Nogi and highlighted the rendering of Liu's name in Chinese. Then wondering "Wait why is the hanzi rendering of this guy's name being highlighted?? Is he important?!"
(I do have a theory but honestly I really don't want that to be the case because i don't think it would fit with the world of VIVANT and there's no precedent, nor signs that is remotely possible. It would also be the weirdest dip towards the fantastical/spiritual for the series to take.)
EDIT: Found a theory before twitter auto-refreshed on me that theorizes that Liu may have been an earlier undercover identity Nogi took on for an earlier mission many years ago. It's plausible, but I think it loses ground when you remember the abridged history we got about Nogi and how and when (ish) he joined Beppan. (My impression is that Liu was someone Nozaki knew many years ago.)
EDIT 2: friendly reminder that the character chart is still incomplete as we head into the final episode. (the actor, top right) 🤔
EDIT 3: Ok fam, what if "Liu Mingshen" was one of Nogi's mission identities he used in China a few years earlier? Something happened, he "died" and Nozaki finally clued in on what he found so interesting about Nogi during the moment on the plane when he told him "You look like him--the colleague I cared about/favoured/liked". あなたは鶏群の一鶴、眼光紙背に徹す is maybe the Japanese translation of something he said as Liu to Nozaki in Chinese originally. It's still coded, so he maybe hasn't figured out that it may be a translation and is reading it atm as a "Ok, you're trying to tell me something--I'll keep my eyes peeled" message.
(maybe this scene is Nozaki receiving something from Tojoh where he tells him it's a reference to something in Chinese and gives him the original version)
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Nogi entrusts him, not only because Nozaki is sharp and intelligent and suspects he's not a Monitor, but because Nogi also remembered that identity and realized Nozaki did too when he mentioned "Liu Mingshen". (but this also makes me wonder why F didn't recognize it, if this is theory is plausible)
Also: this will all instantly sink if it turns out Nozaki met Liu a really long time ago. So it hinges on everything having occurred within the last 10 years of the series' timeline from the present.
Edit 4: also hinges on F just having the same memory capacity as Nogi. I feel like he should remember at the very least most of their past missions, but at the same time, if you change jobs within 5, you might not remember all your colleagues that well (or their names) if you didn't work at the place for very long.
That's my theory 👆
(and I'll polish it up in my "final post before the finale" post lol)
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livsabell · 2 years
Welcome to my little planet within the ‘world wide web‘. On this planet we treat people with respect & kindness. I have the mouth of a trucker & the punctuation of a toad. If you’re not into that or weird stuff in general, feel free to exit this site now. No harm no foul xx
In this post I am attempting to give you an abridged version of my life, in hopes you join me along in my journey.
At the ‘mo’, I run my own online thrift store, ThriftAbell. I also have my own stamp collection/store called StampAbell as well as a podcast which I will EVENTUALLY publish. haha
To be honest I don’t know what I am doing with my life. I write poetry, love adventure, ironically getting my fingers dirty with soil and designing things that I never publish. I’m the girl you call for anything graphic design. I have a vision and I go with it, very rarely does anything go to plan or come from a rubric. These designs range from television show advertising, social media banners, to websites. I love making art. Yes, Ok! It’s mostly centered around me but hey, when the clients are a few, the A.D.D mind wonders and creates world of entertainment for oneself. I’m sitting on hundreds of unused designs that may make your mind explode or call me egotistical.
I am a very sensitive person with lots of empathy and sympathy. My goal is to create content for this blog that will include a little bit of everything. I jump from subjects very quickly, so thank God for post categories because one day you may read about my intestinal issues and the next you’ll see a recipe for cannabis malva pudding.
I am so grateful for how far I have come, not only as a Transgender woman but as a human in general. This blog will be a melting pot, a multiverse if you will, of my mind, which I call a planet. I will not talk down to you or at you, which is why you will see I type like a speak. This is merely a diary that happens to have an email subscription form.
Some Facts about me:
I have a collection of over 10,000 stamps
I enjoy watching tennis & local rugby but MUCH pefer to play tennis
In 2022, I’m turning 25, an age I have always been scared of.
My dead name is Matthew Nel, You may call me Livs
My mom was going to call me Alexander Nel, Making it  (A.Nel) cough cough.
I can create, fix and or break websites in under an hour
‘My’ dog max is my life
Fav food is Spiga Pizza
I was a shy kid, as an adult I am LOUD
I enjoy being single & having the entire bed to myself
From punny puns to marvellous Malvas to topics such as hormones and transitioning, join me as I discover more about myself and share my life with you. You never know what you’ll stumble across.
Xx @livsabell
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unboliviabell · 2 years
Hello <3
Welcome to my little planet within the ‘world wide web‘. On this planet we treat people with respect & kindness. I have the mouth of a trucker & the punctuation of a toad. If you’re not into that or weird stuff in general, feel free to exit this site now. No harm no foul xx
In this post I am attempting to give you an abridged version of my life, in hopes you join me along in my journey.
At the ‘mo’, I run my own online thrift store, ThriftAbell. I also have my own stamp collection/store called StampAbell as well as a podcast which I will EVENTUALLY publish. haha
To be honest I don’t know what I am doing with my life. I write poetry, love adventure, ironically getting my fingers dirty with soil and designing things that I never publish. I’m the girl you call for anything graphic design. I have a vision and I go with it, very rarely does anything go to plan or come from a rubric. These designs range from television show advertising, social media banners, to websites. I love making art. Yes, Ok! It’s mostly centered around me but hey, when the clients are a few, the A.D.D mind wonders and creates world of entertainment for oneself. I’m sitting on hundreds of unused designs that may make your mind explode or call me egotistical.
I am a very sensitive person with lots of empathy and sympathy. My goal is to create content for this blog that will include a little bit of everything. I jump from subjects very quickly, so thank God for post categories because one day you may read about my intestinal issues and the next you’ll see a recipe for cannabis malva pudding.
I am so grateful for how far I have come, not only as a Transgender woman but as a human in general. This blog will be a melting pot, a multiverse if you will, of my mind, which I call a planet. I will not talk down to you or at you, which is why you will see I type like a speak. This is merely a diary that happens to have an email subscription form.
Some Facts about me:
I have a collection of over 10,000 stamps
I enjoy watching tennis & local rugby but MUCH pefer to play tennis
In 2022, I’m turning 25, an age I have always been scared of.
My dead name is Matthew Nel, You may call me Livs
My mom was going to call me Alexander Nel, Making it  (A.Nel) cough cough.
I can create, fix and or break websites in under an hour
‘My’ dog max is my life
Fav food is Spiga Pizza
I was a shy kid, as an adult I am LOUD
I enjoy being single & having the entire bed to myself
From punny puns to marvellous Malvas to topics such as hormones and transitioning, join me as I discover more about myself and share my life with you. You never know what you’ll stumble across.
Xx O.A.
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Do you have any recs on where I can find a translation of the Mahabharata? Or at the very least any good reads regarding Arjuna in general (talking mythology not Fate related)?
lmao ok so. first thing to bear in mind is that it is VERY old and has about 50 million versions and 4 translations, which means that theres tons of changes from version to version as to who was where when and who said what so its hard to say what the 'definitive' or 'most correct' version would be so you're always going to ahve to bear that in mind not that people dont argue about who's right anyway
second thing: its very long, and by merit of also being old it does have that old story structure you may have noticed if you read stuff like the bible or the odyssey so bear that in mind if you find texts like that dry or difficult to read
i've got two translated versions from a friend on discord, an abriged (still long) and a long version one by bibek dibroy and one by C Rajagopalachari. i also included their versions of the ramayana bc why not. ive uh. never shared a google drive link b4 so pls let me know if that works lol
ABRIDGED RAMAYANA (C. Rajagopalachari)
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kingarmorking · 3 years
any more thoughts to share about the extended family in the hon au? do any of them live nearby? does anyone notice when danny starts acting strangely? what do they think of dani/how is she introduced?
Danny's the only one in his family that lives in amity park! hes got a few aunts/uncles/cousins that live relatively close by (driving distance at least! though some are longer drives than others see maddie's sister) they get together on the Lunar New Year and talk with the rest of his family over (…fuck whats relevant now. zoom? facetime?? discord??? yall know what i mean) in Korea, which include other aunts/uncles/cousins and his grandparents!
Danny's family (everyone who lives in America anyway) have an annual trip to go to Korea around Chuuseok and they spend about a month there or so to spend time with his entire family ("My, my look at how you've grown young man!" "Thanks halmoni but I really haven't grown much since last year")
OK SO THIS. DO ANYONE NOTICE DANNY ACTING STRANGELY. I'm of the belief that Danny was pretty quiet and didn't interact a lot with his extended family at first (lots of people who youre just suddenly thrust into meeting can be A Lot) but they let him keep to himself and when he felt comfortable enough is when he would seek out the rest of the kids his age to talk to (though maddie's side of the family don't quite approve of jack and his obsession with ghosts) so if he avoided them for a little bit no they didn't really notice
HOWEVER. on jack's side of the family he's got two older twin cousins (i literally just made them up as i type this and i really like the idea so ill draw them later) who straight up know that he's Phantom ("Wait you two know!?" "Your alias's name is Danny Phantom. That's not exactly subtle.") they don't really care though, they keep his secret and while they like learning about ghosts similar to the rest of the family, actually keeping tradition? eh theyre indifferent. theyre about 18-19
hes got a younger cousin on Maddie's side of the family (who lives in Korea) and thinks that Danny's side of the family is one of the coolest things on the planet but her parents do not share the same opinion unfortunately
theres an uncle on Maddie's side that thinks Jack is hilarious, the two drink during family gatherings while jack spouts all the stories hes got about fighting ghosts in amity park. in that same vein hes got an aunt on Jack's side that's always competing with him and Maddie about how much progress shes made in terms of inventions or studies regarding ghosts of differing cultures
when it comes to Ellie… theyre all understandably confused ("You had another child and didn't ever tell us?? Let alone bring them to meet us??") after an abridged version of what happened with Ellie (and subsequently with Danny) there's… a lot of mixed feelings at first.
the two twin cousins are angry at Jack and Maddie on Danny's behalf ("You tried to kill your son so you could dissect him!" "Did you not ever think about why they look so damn similar?!") honestly a majority of the family (esp on Maddie's side) feel that way but are more subdued, the cousins are the ones who are most vocal about it
Danny's younger cousin isn't allowed to interact with his family that year and his uncle doesn't drink with Jack. Chuuseok is… awkward that year, everyone actually leaves earlier than the month. they spend the 3 days and then go back their separate ways to take in everything that happened
things don't go back to normal right away, not even for the Lunar New Year a few months after. Ellie feels bad cause she thinks she may have caused the shift so Danny and Jazz take it into their own hands to orchestrate Chuuseok the following year with their grandparents
when everyone goes back to Korea the next year (cause it's still tradition, they don't want to miss out on it) they all basically say that what's done is done, they can't change it but are taking the steps to heal and get better. their grandparents agree and say that through it all they have a new member of the family who should get the chance to learn about everything she missed
things start getting better; the twins still avoid Jack and Maddie but they talk with Ellie and help her get more relaxed being amongst so many new people, the younger cousin ends up being super close to Ellie and they talk over messengers. His uncle starts to drink with Jack again and his aunt brings up her inventions again
Danny and Jazz are happy, things are still awkward but it's getting better at least
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funkin-news · 2 years
wake up babe new kickstarter update just dropped
here's an abridged version ↓ you may still wanna read the full one above for everything-everything though
for those who got stuff that's gonna be shipped but need to change your address, there's instructions! scroll down to "Can I change my shipping address after I submit the survey?"
you have 2 WEEKS to change your address on Kickstarter!! if you gotta get it changed, get it changed by June 12th, 2022!!
after that, from June to August, you'll have to go to Needlejuice if you need an address change!
that's also gonna be about the time stuff gets shipped to backers!
speaking of stuff getting shipped, here is what will be shipped: cassettes, CDs, posters, and pins!
now, lemme remind you because this exact text was in big bold font on the update
for the vinyls: everything's done, except the design! here's some ideas they have in mind:
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they're considering making a kickstarter exclusive variant too! feel free to dump your favorites of the existing designs ^ in the comments of the update (not this tumblr post lol) so they have some input to base the kickstarter design off of!
since vinyl stuff ships later, your address change due date will most likely also be later! they'll let you know when that's narrowed down!
pin surveys are out! if you got the pins, you'll be getting ALL FOUR OF 'EM!
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haha holy fuck wow it's. it's been a year since week 7
a lot of "dumbass business bullshit" has been sorted out since then
jeff bandelin redesigned the current fnf logo! (wait, WHAT :0)
and now, a summary of a summary of what's been happening behind the scenes over the months...
APRIL 2021 - MAY 2021: brainfuckery on the fact that the squad now has 2 million bucks. beginning of realization that "oh... this is gonna be even longer than we thought."
MAY 2021 - AUGUST 2021: work nonstop. work work work! PROFESSIONAL work! took some mini side projects and breaks to keep brains from dying. started working on a new level in june/july to "keep things fresh", could be one of the next upcoming ones!
SEPTEMBER 2021: brains are back in the vibe! lotsa progress made, and the squad becomes an ACTUAL COMPANY!
OCTOBER 2021 - DECEMBER 2021: business bs, ip rights, copyright, legality, lawyer stuff, bank account setup... and it turns out the guys barely even touched the kickstarter money that year! "Long story short, we made it more complicated than we needed it for ourselves, but in the end we got it all GOING."
JANUARY 2022 - MAY 2022 (Now!): wrapping up kickstarter rewards! ninjamuffin has gotten around to getting some programmer help, and he also moved to another city!
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh Season Zero: The Yo-yo Crimes of Jounouchi Pt 2
OK, last we left off, we were in a different Youtube video. This one I grabbed off of 2 different videos (you’ll see their watermark in the corner change) and it makes me appreciate the quality that our other episodes have been, honestly. A little bit of compression going on in these, just to give you even more of that nostalgic feel of watching a bootleg anime from the 90′s your brother got from his weird high school friend’s Napster account.
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Because this is done with subtitles on, it takes more caps to cover it. Part of why I rewrite the dialogue in these recaps is to help abridge stuff, and so consider yourself warned...there’s a lot of caps in this one. For most of you, that’s probably not much of a problem. But I’m just letting you know because...I sure wasn’t expecting it to be over 40 caps for half an episode, and I’ll probably just type less to make up for that. (Tumblr keeps Erasing All My Words anyway, so this is for the best, but that’s a tech issue I already went into in another post.)
(read more under the cut)
So, to start off, Yugioh and co. walk up to a bar like a really weird version of a bar joke and are like “do you know where we can find the yo-yo gang?” And, much like a video game npc, the bartender was like “I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about, and I heard every part of their intimate conversation. Let me give you all the details, children.”
Hey, PS, there’s an entire Wikipedia entry about the bar joke. And that is wild. Apparently the first bar joke was from Ancient Sumeria, and Wikipedia was like “Here is the Sumerian joke, but we Do Not Get it. Please don’t try to get it.”
The joke being: "A dog walked into a tavern and said, 'I can't see a thing. I'll open this one'."
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Damn. I can’t believe the Sumerians were onto meme humor before we ever invented memes. They were in the Galaxy brain over there in the land before time, holy crap. Depositing their memes knowing that 7,000 years later mankind would look at the world’s first joke and be like “I don’t get it!” while all the millennials and zoomers with our MB of nonsense memes on our phones are like “No. I get it.” Good on you Sumerians, that is freakin the best joke ever made. 7000 years to get to the punch line of confusing the hell out of all us. Bless.
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They promptly tell Miho that everything was resolved and that she should go to bed and she was like “Cool!” and exited stage left. Bye, I guess. Anzu also went home, but she didn’t have to be tricked into doing it, she just went the hell to bed.
(PS, I just realized that if I want to write less...I should probably not look up Wikipedia articles about the world’s first ever bar joke. But y’all, habits die so freakin hard, and I just feel like it’s very pertinent to this Yugioh recap, although I know it’s really not.)
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Yuugi and Honda decide to visit the warehouse and harass Jounouchi. In the context of the show, they’re going out of their way to pull their best friend out of society’s systemic downward pull of a life of crime and most likely turning into exactly like his Father. But, the way that it’s storyboarded makes it look a lot like these kids just show up out of the corner and this gang was like “Damn it, again? OMG small children, please leave us alone!”
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Honda hands over the symbolism sash, to which Jounouchi symbolically says “Nyeh.”
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And Honda didn’t take it very well.
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After tending to his kidneys for a little while, Honda decided to go back at it again at the Krispy Cream and do some sort of insane parkour over this completely ordinary fence.
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Ah, the very first instance of real duel law where you duel over a relationship. In later seasons duel law is invoked for things like Mai’s marriage and the right to date Tea (and then just kind of forgetting you ever won the right to date Tea twice). But to think the very first time was Honda dueling for the right of Jounouchi to be part of nerd gang because Jounouchi had fallen to the dark side yo-yo gang across the street run by some 40 year old man with blue hair.
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How many times is Honda gonna fight with a broom? Like are they just magnetized to his location? where are they even coming from?
Freakin janitor powers over here, put him in a Final Fantasy style RPG. I want to see what his limit break would be.
Not like it matters, because Hirotani very quickly explains why these yo-yo’s are at all a threat.
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Which honestly shouldn’t be...so lethal? Seems like the weight is all you need, not really the spikes. But it’s at least stronger than Honda’s janitor stuff.
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Unfortunate for Honda that he just destroyed an antique.
So with lightning reflexes, Yuugi does what he does most:
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The death yo-yo ricochets back and does this little itty bitty scrape to this guy’s face and he’s real bothered by it. Although it’s like...well dude, you’re a 50 year old high schooler, I don’t think people will notice the scrape compared to everything else falling apart in your life.
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And so then the Yugioh Season Zero team was like “oh shoot is it time to torture Yuugi???” and they got hella excited.
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Like I thought it was just Yuugi’s class that were a bunch of disturbing criminal disasters, but I guess it’s the whole city. Like...was Yuugi’s class the good school?
I mean, it can’t be, there’s no way...
but like...is there a good school in this universe? How does anyone survive till graduation? If you so much as disgrace a yo-yo, you will get the torture treatment that I sure did expect in Yakuza games, but not so much in Yugioh, tbh.
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Just a reminder: This is the third time we’ve beat up Yuugi this episode. Within the first meeting of Yuugi and Hirotani, he beat the tar out of Yuugi within eye shot of Jounouchi. So like...Jounouchi was reallllllllllllllllly lax on that deal, right? Like...he took his toot sweet time to realize “yeah this just ain’t ever gonna happen.”
And then the yo-yo wars begin.
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Just like Solid Snake crawling through the radiation chamber.
Hirotani throws his Fyper-yoyo, Jounouchi intercepts with his Eireboy, and Hirotani’s completely terrible yo-yo just flies off the string again because Hirotani should have just sticked to using his fists. No wonder they wanted to recruit Jounouchi so badly, their yo-yo game is so off.
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We never get a door to darkness in this episode, dipping our enemies into mind horrors. Instead, we get home-alone style traps. But, this makes sense. Not only do the show makers have to make Yuugi avoid solving problems with magic in front of Jounouchi, they also have to make it Jounouchi’s choice to leave Hirotani behind. If Yuugi did it for him in like...some sort of duel law situation...then that sort of leaves out Jounouchi’s choice in the equation.
Not like this ever really comes up in later seasons, since who even follows through with duel law and marries Mai? But like, it does feel like Season Zero calls out the later Seasons a bit in this regard. Honda got beat up because he tried to win Jounouchi back by force (or game, I guess.) That was just another form of coercion on the heels of Hirotani’s. What Jounouchi actually needed was to make his own decision to leave.
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...most other anime I’d be like “I’m sure that’s just a translation error” but not this one.
So Yuugi runs to the roof where Jounouchi will never see this.
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My audible sigh reading this line about fight club roof.
These stupid gang members went into Yuugi’s native territory, not just a fight club roof, but on a warehouse? They were dead before they arrived.
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This was like maybe 3 frames of animation in just rapid succession, it was pretty silly and good.
Reminder that like 4 minutes ago, Yuugi was about to get like executed on a meat hook.
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Speaking of getting executed on a meathook:
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Hope you like the idea of glass in your eyes, because this anime’s got it.
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They chase Yuugi around, in a sequence that was done mostly to conserve frames, so you rarely saw the ground until this shot:
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Lots of falling down this episode, but unlike Tea, who fell from a warehouse ceiling once and just kind of rubbed her ass after and was like “ah damn it.” these guys won’t come out of it virtually unscathed.
Also, Honda is here now:
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Jumping off of his symbolic sash trapeze, he decides to do in Hirotani for good.
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Hey so like...walk the dog is a fairly gentle walk that a yo-yo does slowly on the ground right?
Just pointing out how sensitive Hirotani’s fingies are.
And he...didn’t appear to be dead, so I don’t have to add to the bodycount...but it’s gonna be a real long road for recovery.
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And now, with the gang back together Jounouchi is back at school knee deep in make up assignments he’ll probably completely ignore since we know that in a years time, these fools are going to be trapped on Pegasus’ island, and at that point school will be just that place you talk about when you try to remember why you’re friends with Bakura.
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---hey aren’t those chairs attached to the desks?
Because...holy crap, Anzu.
Honestly this is what you see before you die, but I guess Jounouchi died off screen after the episode ended, so I don’t have to add him to the deathcount (again). RIP.
Alright! That took like...8 tries to get Tumblr to save this one, but it managed! (well...I guess “managed” isn’t the word you’d use for a typing program that takes 8 tries to save)
Next time, we’ll be back to S5, for an arc I’ve heard is kind of boring. We’ll see. If it truly is, I can condense episodes into fewer posts. Or maybe it’s a secret gem? I guess we shall see.
And if you just got here this is a link to read all the Season Zero recaps from the start:
(there’s also a link to read all the Yugioh posts we wrote from the start in chrono order but straight up, this file won’t freakin save, and I just can’t even will myself to look up that link again. It’s on the home page of this blog on the right.)
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mhaccunoval · 2 years
YES beloved please share your cor and victoria thoughts!!!!
ok well. this is an abridged version of my original thoughts because. threw out some of the dumber ones seeing Your ideas. ANYWAY.
— ok........ before you even mentioned lovely lady wife victoria, i had that thought of cor having a soft spot for being called babygirl. doesn't even matter that she's a bit older than tori. it just HITS, especially with how softly tori coos it
— also we already agreed on cor being from bristol but for tori i FEEL like she's a georgia girl. don't ask why, it's just the Vibes i get. peachy girl <3
— oh yes. in being georgia & bristol girls. victoria was probably raised baptist and cor protestant, but neither really keep up with religion after like. their teenage years. their wedding probably wasn't even in a church, knowing them. BUT victoria does like to keep easter dresses and like. christmas accoutrements because it's about the AESTHETIC not the faith aspect
— totallyyyy not a slight projection but. natural redhead victoria. bright red when she was young, mellowed out and faded to more auburn as she got older. however cor still loves to take a crack at her while brushing her hair for her, making jokes like "are you Sure you don't qualify as a ginger" ("i may be pale and red haired but NO!") and. "you look like elizabeth the first" ("gee, thanks, babe...")
— victoria very housewife <3 (<- cannot remember what else went with the bullet 'housewife momence')
— though, tangential to the last bullet, victoria loves her some sewing and embroidering so she regularly makes patches for cor's jackets and cor VERY proudly shows them off like 'look what my WIFE made uwu'
— if we're keeping with faceclaim heights. i know 5'7 and 5'10 are only three inches apart but. tall wife victoria is something that can be so personal, especially when she's in heels. ('i can get you platform boots if the height difference gives you Such a complex' 'i do NOT have a complex...')
— well established that cor is punk so. definitely listens to punk genre music (good on the brain And nostalgic) but also. guilty pleasure of george michael and elton john and others. brought to you by my listening to them too much myself
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natromanxoff · 4 years
Queen live at Festival Hall in Osaka, Japan - April 20, 1979
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Since they didn't tour Japan after releasing News Of The World, Queen decide to revive the We Will Rock You slow/fast combination for the second night in Osaka. As in 1977/78, Freddie and Brian perform their respective parts of We Will Rock You from opposite sides of the stage. The overture from the A Day At The Races album then plays, after which Brian launches the band into the fast version.
There's a great moment after Somebody To Love. Freddie remains sitting at the piano and says, "Ok, we have a slightly different show tonight from last night, so it should be a lot of fun. This next song is from A Night At The Opera. This is called Death On Two Legs." He then realizes he has messed up the setlist, and says, probably slightly embarrassed, "I told you it would be a different show!" He fiddles on the piano briefly, gets up, and continues, "I think we're gonna change it. This is called If You Can't Beat 'Em, join 'em!" Looking at one of his bandmates, he adds, "Fuck off!" as Brian starts the song.
Freddie, after Now I'm Here: "We're gonna do a song for the first time ever. I don't know if you understand this. I think you'll get the gist. And we'd like everybody to join in." In Japanese, he then invites them to sing along, and they simply love any moment where he speaks their language. "Ok then, this song is called Teo Torriatte." Brian May then plays piano on stage for the first time. The song is heard at the expense of Spread Your Wings tonight.
They play an abridged version of the A Day At The Races favourite in 1979 and 1981, generally intended as a singalong with the audience since the chorus is in Japanese. Queen would only play the song in Japan, and the complete song would be performed only twice in 1982 (its only performances outside Japan would be by Brian May on the tail end of his solo tour in 1993).
Hearing these versions of Love Of My Life without the audience singing along leaves one appreciating the sheer beauty of Freddie Mercury's voice. After the Live Killers album release, most audiences would sing along to the song and it would become an event unto itself.
After '39 Mercury does a quick exchange of "hey hey" back and forth with the audience, and brings Roger Taylor's drum tech Chris Taylor on stage to do one himself. Mercury introduces him to the audience as "Crystal", as he gave many of the people around him female nicknames.
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cherry3point14 · 4 years
Stranger Than Fanfiction: Ch 7
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Dean x Reader   Warnings: Not much except for a badly brewed cup of tea. Word count: 3,000.  Chapter Summary: A quick trip to finish with your job puts you on a path to see a certain Winchester again. A/N: After the shock of the last chapter I thought we could all do with a little Dean.
Ao3 if you prefer
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Margaret Hall, formerly Margaret White, was a dreamer. That is until she met her late husband. Before meeting Andy she had dreamt of being an actress, perhaps, or a dancer. Moreover, she had dreamt of the world and any career that would allow her to see every corner of it. Teenage dreams are often far-reaching and difficult to attain, not that Maggie gave up or settled in any way. She understood that dreams change and hers evolved into a romance with her high school sweetheart. His father owned a restaurant and wanted Andy to follow in the family business. Maggie wanted to follow Andy, whether that was to the furthest reaches of the Middle East or the eastern end of Peach Street. He loved her as much as she loved him, so he’d resisted and tried to send her away after her dreams. Luckily Maggie was a lick smarter than her husband and saw straight through his stupidity.
They tried to start a family but after years of failed attempts they found out it was impossible, the Hall family genetics skipped Andy’s generation. Maggie didn’t care as much as she thought she would. They could adopt or foster, or they could live renound as the local childless couple with too much disposable income. It might even be enough to travel the world one day. Not that it mattered if they did see the world she had dreamt of as a child. As long as Maggie had Andy, then she had all the family and adventure she’d ever need.
Her last memory of Andy is the ghostly shade of grey his skin held when she had to identify his body. Murdered felt like the wrong description for what happened to him, he was stolen from her.
Of course, seeing him on that cold, metal table wasn’t Maggie’s hardest day. She thought it had been at the time but since then her life had gotten so much worse, so very quickly.
You swallow thickly as you turn onto Peach Street. You have the file, again, in your bag and you hope it’s the last time you’ll ever hold that manilla nightmare. Then the voice in your head, the writer, started talking about Maggie and you almost consider going home again.
It was only one signature that you’d forgotten to get. Everything was done, claim processed, entered in the system. This was literally dotting the ‘i’, assuming that she signed her name Maggie and not Margaret.
The voice talking about Maggie is what makes you doubt being here at all. You didn’t want to be her worst day. Not that you think you are but what if you were part of it? All the preparation and niceties in the world wouldn’t make this easier. This wasn’t a loss you could compartmentalize away like you usually do with clients since you’d  just  heard the abridged version. You could be as sympathetic as you are with any other spouse in mourning, nothing would change the fact that your heart had broken for Maggie about twenty seconds ago.
You don’t stop, can’t. Not for your own selfish reasons, although you won’t deny you’re a little selfish; you keep going for Maggie. This thing you need her to do is a few blinks from her entire life and then it will be done. No more people coming into her home reminding her of her dead husband. Andy. She’d said Andrew when you’d visited the first time. You’d written down Andrew but he was an Andy.
You shake your head, you need to be stronger than this, focused. As much as you wanted to sympathize with Maggie Hall it may not even be Maggie that you are going to see.
No matter what the voice says there was always the possibility that you were about to meet a shifter. How you  were supposed  to tell the difference you had no idea since you had no silver stashed away ready to  subtly  hand over. That was probably a good thing. If you showed up with silver and the shifter realized you knew what they were? Well, that thought terrified you. Imminent death or not you didn’t want to go looking for danger. You were happy to leave the monster to the experts, all you needed was a signature. If you could do it on the doorstep you would, but two minutes inside would be an acceptable compromise. In and out. Done and dusted.
You’d convinced yourself this would be fine, that you didn’t need backup or support. Finding yourself on the doorstep of 75 Peach Street is a completely different matter.
Y/N knocked commandingly on the door. She heard the sound echo as if the inside was a cavernous space waiting to engulf her. A stark contrast to her previous visit when she’d found two burly men filling up the whole space and pretending to know her. She might have been convinced nobody was home, there wasn’t so much as a rustle for the longest period. Y/N began to wonder if she should walk away and make a return journey another time. That is until the lock of the door clicked  slowly, fearfully, with none of the confidence of a woman who so bluntly referred to her dead husband before.
You’d noticed how slowly the door opened obviously, still, it was the voice who put a name to what you see in Maggie. Fear. The door only opens ajar, a chain across the gap stopping pushy intruders. Your own concern melts away at the sight of scared Maggie Hall peering out of the darkness of her own home.
She could comment on the time of day and question the darkness within but it would be a pointless question. That much was already explained by the closed curtains and shuttered blinds visible from every outside window. Y/N is not one to point out the obvious unless she is clarifying a fact for her records. She could also argue that the brightness in which Maggie Hall chooses to live was not her concern.
Y/N did none of these things and only endeavored to get what she needed  quickly and precisely, having no idea that this meeting was another thing on a long list of things. Things such as she had no idea how important they were.
“Mrs. Hall?” you ever so slightly lean in, all the better to see her face and still failing.
You expect the correction insisting that you call her Maggie, instead, she stutters out an affirmation, “y-yes ?”
You only pause for a moment, “Mrs. Hall, do you remember me? Y/N Y/L/N from First National?”
“The insurance company?”
“Yes, the insurance company. I was missing a signature on the paperwork and I was hoping I could get you to sign it. I promise it’ll only be a second and it’s the last thing we need.”
While she waited for Maggie to make a decision Y/N was struck by a conflicting myriad of memories. The woman she had met had been not only more confident and straight forward, but she’d shown no feelings about the insurance claim at all. Mrs. Hall had been rather blase about the money she would be receiving, hardly remembering the account details it was to  be paid  into. Now the woman before Y/N sprung back in horror. She slammed the door closed only to throw it wide open again seconds later, no security chain and fervent horror adorning her features.
“There’s a problem with the insurance?!” She shouts at you. Almost. The emotion is there, not the volume. As if shouting has been trained out of her.
You’re quick to stop her panicking, you didn’t do well with other people panicking, “no, no. It’s fine, everything is fine, everything is processed. I just need a signature to officially close the claim but really, it’s all done.”
She inhales like it hurts her throat and exhales as violently. Although she does, at least, appear to be breathing again.
“Mrs. Hall, Maggie, are you sure you’re ok? You seem upset.”
Where you hope to calm her down enough to stop her breaking apart, instead you set her off.
“Of course I’m upset. My husband is dead!”
This was going to take longer than two minutes.
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“Thank you, Mrs. Hall.” You’re not stupid enough to wish her well as you leave.
Y/N fell from the step outside of Maggie Hall’s home much like a dazed and confused newborn giraffe trying to take its first steps atop uncertain legs. Maggie had kept the lights low, had led her to the lounge, and only turned on a single lamp to see the line where her John Hancock was required. She had signed her name Maggie and dotted the ‘i’ with a shaky strike, rather than a neat jab. Still, it wasn’t the shocking change from night to day that had Y/N wobbling unpredictability to the pavement. The woman seemed to have no recollection of the Winchesters, whom Y/N had completely,  accidentally mentioned.
The fact that Dean himself was taking large strides across the street to meet her was merely a coincidence after she brought them up. Y/N was not aware of any hidden powers she possessed to wish for things and have them appear. However, intended or not the older Winchester was here all the same.
You’re looking back towards the door you’d just left with disbelief. Which is why Dean has to catch you with his hands wrapped around your shoulders to stop you bumping into him or consequently walking into the road. “Hey, hey. Wanna watch where you’re going, honey? Good thing I was already keeping an eye on things here, huh?”
He probably thinks he's being funny about you nearly walking into the street but you don't laugh.“She had no idea who I am.”
When she whips her head to him it turns out to be, very unfortunately, the first time she’s seen Dean Winchester bathed in sunshine. Not under fluorescents or in darkness. Absolutely drenched in the sun's warm glow, highlighting the forest green of his eyes enough to pull a silent ‘wow’ from her lips. It’s uncontrollable then when she slips into her imagination, where his strong hands are holding her still as he leans into her. His tongue rolling over his bottom lip before he slots his mouth over hers. The pad of his thumb tracing the curve of her neck as he swallows the air from her lungs.
Crap. This again. You can’t deny it’s a very pleasant mental detour but now you feel like you might fall down if he wasn’t holding you up, and moments ago you’d had other interests.
“Sweetheart? You ok?” His voice sounds worried if you’re inclined to believe it.
“Yeah-yes. I’m fine. I’m-she didn’t remember you.”
“So? I was there for five minutes, a week ago, before you kicked us out.” His lip twitches when he mentions you kicking him out and he decides that you’re steady enough to let go of, as his arms drop.
Before you can reply he starts patting his pockets for his phone, which has coincidently started to ring. He only fleetingly scowls at the name on the screen and then his face smooths out. He holds a finger up, “give me a second.”
Dean took two steps away to speak into his phone, which seemed to be enough distance for Y/N to clear her head completely of her intoxication. He was becoming more of a constant in her life than the questionable sounds that came from her car engine. It had to be more than a simple coincidence that she once again found herself with him. This time without the distraction of Sam or the inherent urge to argue with him.
How much the voice encouraged you to think about Dean was becoming borderline embarrassing.
“You’re not understanding me.” You emphasize by tipping your head forward and raising your eyebrows when he ends his call, not wasting a second. “She didn’t know me as if we’ve never met and I spent over an hour with her last week.”
His eyes flash in recognition, although it doesn’t seem to change whatever decision he’s already made, “coffee?”
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Dean seems at home in the diner that you weren’t even aware of on the other side of town. The place smells of bacon and coffee with a side of Americana. Somewhere in the deepest recesses, you recall a thousand instances in the books of Sam and Dean solving things over breakfast. You don’t mention that to him. Understandably he doesn’t seem to appreciate his claim to fame. Besides, you very recently understand what it feels like to be a subject other people are reading about.
The waitress walks over with a pad and what she thinks is a smile, “what can I getcha?”
Dean, in his natural habitat, is confident, “two coffees and a slice of pie please, sweetheart.”
Y/N huffed, only slightly. If asked she could claim it’s due to him ordering her a drink and the wrong drink at that. Dean's order was certainly not the reason for the huff or the crease between her brows. She didn’t want to admit the actual reason. She had too many other pressing matters in her life. Too many to admit that him calling the waitress 'sweetheart' had felt seven shades of uncomfortable.
She knew the other matters had to come first, not to mention she was being irrational. Logic didn't stop the absurd thought that she has to chase away. It also doesn't stop the small curve of her lips when he looks at her expectantly, waiting for her with silent eye contact to add to the order. Unfortunately for Y/N, she was coming to realize that her feelings went beyond simply not wanting to kill him anymore. Beyond a distracting physical attraction even. In another timeline, another story, she might even find herself using that elusive cure-all verb—like. She liked him.
You soften your face for the waitress, ignoring everything you’d heard and felt as best you can. You needed to ignore it. “Can you change one of those coffees for a tea please and double the pie.”
The waitress purses her lips, “tea?”
“Any tea you have will be fine.”
She taps her pen against the pad and you wouldn’t be surprised if she’s written some sort of insult on the paper. She walks away without anything said out loud, which could be considered a kindness.
“Tea?” Dean repeats but with amusement in his voice compared to the waitress's judgment.
“Tea,” you confirm smiling wider, shrugging one shoulder. “You didn’t bring me here and buy me a slice of pie to debate tea versus coffee though, did you, Dean?”
He raises his finger again, “well, you never need an excuse for pie.”
It’s funny you guess. In the Supernatural books, Dean’s love of pie was a fun quirk that showed up at inopportune moments. The boys might be stranded in a hideout or undercover and Dean would always step out for pie. It’s the punchline to a joke. Whereas sitting here with him illustrates the nuances of real-life compared to pulpy fiction. Dean talks about pie in front of you and there’s something childlike in the crinkles of his eyes, a quirk you can't get from literature.
“Sure. Still, there’s something you want to tell me?”
He sighs, it weighs him down like it could drown him. “That was Sam on the phone, leads have been drying up for a week now and we’re kinda spinning our wheels.”
She felt like she had been on the receiving end of this conversation before. Past boyfriends telling her that it wasn’t her, it was them. Even when she suspected it might indeed be her. The déjà vu was unnerving. Dean was not tied to her by the title boyfriend, unfortunately, which meant that his ‘dear John’ conversation was not his way of breaking up with her, thankfully. This only begged the question, if it wasn’t her he was leaving, what else was he trying to let her down easy over?
“Not for nothing I think you’re right too. The widow she’s not a shifter, at least not anymore.”
It all clicks into place. He’s not leaving you, he's leaving the case, which by extension still means he's leaving you.
“You think the shifter moved on?” Even you can hear the panic in your own voice, it's not panic over a shapeshifter anymore at least.
“One coffee and one tea.” Your bubbly waitress interrupts with two drinks and you find yourself looking at a sad cup of half brewed leaf water. She’s gone before you can complain.
Dean doesn’t see his coffee while he tries to calm you down. “We’ll stick around a few more days, I’m not just leaving. We gotta make sure it’s really gone.”
You’re still not fine with monsters and you’re still not looking for danger, the words come rushing out of your mouth anyway. “What if I had an idea to flush it out?”
He cocks his head like you're adorable for trying to play with the grown-ups, “you have an idea?”
“It’s about the money, right? The insurance money. So, let’s-let’s stop the money. Yeah… I can go to the bank and stop the transfer. Then it’s gotta come out of hiding?”
Dean sips his coffee. Slow and savoring. His whole hand wrapped around the small cup. The china clangs as he puts it back down. It’s an agonizing sixty seconds until he opens his mouth again.
“Solid plan, sweetheart. Ain’t no way you’re doing it.”
“It has to be me. I’ve done this before, the bank knows me and this is the sort of thing that needs approval.”
He clicks his teeth, “let me rephrase that, ain’t no way you’re doing it alone.”
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Continue to Chapter 8.
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5eva tags: @divadinag​ @darthdeziewok @fluentinfiction @witch-of-letters @supernatural-teamfreewill-blog @magnitude101999 @alexwinchester23 @jesseswartzwelder  Dean babes: @thewinchesterchronicles @akshi8278 @bloodydaydreamer StrangerThanFiction tags: @jaylarkson @starsandmidnightblue
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mournfulpursuit · 4 years
Safety blanket chapter 5: Something in common
Leon s Kennedy X F!reader
Word count: 2,788
Author notes: this took way longer to write than I thought it would but yeah I did it, it’s here.
Also bolded and italic things are inner thoughts just to clarify.
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You stared at the syringe for what felt like an eternity. Many said that Umbrella itself was just a front and they actually made bioweapons to sell to the military, you remember hearing about after the arklay mountains incident. You had found a radio when you were wandering around that had mentioned many things about Umbrella and that they may be responsible for whatever was happening in Racoon city.
Many still didn’t really know what was happening inside Raccoon city. Your hands began to tremble as the syringe shook in your hand. You looked at it more closely looking for clues on what it was. All it had was the umbrella logo and had a green circle on it with the letter v under it. You had no clue what this was or what it could do. If it was a blessing or a curse you had no way of telling, you just had to hope for the best. Your thoughts were interrupted by what sounded like footsteps in which you stuffed the syringe back into your pockets. You didn’t know if it was Leon or not so you kept your guard up.
“(Y/N), I found some supplies that could help-”, he cut himself after he noticed you’d been crying, “hey are you ok?”, he asked you
“Oh yeah I’m uhh fine, I was just thinking about things”, you said looking down sadly
“Was it about Maria?”, he looked at you still with immense guilt.
“Oh no it was about what happened on the day...the day raccoon city became this hellhole”
“Oh”, he said sadly, “well I found you some herbs”, he smiled at you. He then walked towards you and bent down on his knee and gently grabbed your foot.
“This may hurt a little bit because i’m probably going to have to touch the bruise, he said nervously, “if it hurts to much just tell me”
“It can’t hurt as bad as it already”, you said smiling at him, “besides I’m a pretty tough cookie”
Leon nodded and grabbed out some bandages before grabbing the herbs and grinding them up and placing them on some of the bandages. You quickly realized what Leon was doing.
“You're making it into a poultice aren’t you?”
“Huh?” He looked up at you confused, “yeah I learned it in first aid training at the academy”
“Oh um my mom.. before she met my dad used to be a nurse, after my parents got married they moved away into the country where they took up that lifestyle”, you said reminiscing about your parents, “they were to far away from any hospital so my mom just helped my dad with farm life, she did know some herbal remedies though”
“So I take it you're not from this neck of the woods huh?”he said, starting to wrap the bandages around your ankle.
“Nope I grew up in a county not really that far from here, I just moved here about 2 months ago before all this happened, I had recently gotten hired as a phone operator”
“A phone operator?”, Leon looked at you as if he were about to laugh
“Oh haha it’s not like I wanted the job, I wanted to be a nurse kinda like my mom, help people or something like that, I guess”
“I guess I can relate, I joined the force to protect and serve, I guess that might never happen”
“Hey, if we ever get out of here i’m sure you can work for another department”, you said smiling at him, “besides I think you're a pretty good co-”, You didn't finish your sentence because of the stinging sensation and pressure on your ankle causing you to grimace making your head reel back while you shut your eyes.
“Sorry”, Leon flinched by your reaction
“It's fine”, you gritted through your teeth, “itll feel better when you're finished”, you said, staring at him urging him to continue wrapping up your ankle. He continued to grimace and your leg strained trying to not kick Leon in the face. Your fingers dug into your legs and teeth still gritting.
“That should be good”, he said making sure you were ok
“Great”, you huffed out still recovering from the the strange burning sensation you had just felt, “I don't think it was supposed to hurt like that”
“Well did add some first aid spray to it”, Leon said rubbing his neck embarrassed, “are you ok?”
“Yeah I should be fine now, thanks”, you said getting up expecting your ankle to hurt way more than it actually did, “Huh that did work, thank you Mr Kennedy”, you smiled at him teasing him
“Well all in a day's work I guess”, He said laughing, he quickly looked back to the statue in the middle of the station. “Guess it's back to work”.
“Hmmm,”, you looked at him confused at what he meant.
“Oh umm before you got here, I was looking for these medallions for that statue over there”, he said point at it, “there’s apparently a secret way out if we find all three, I’ve found two we just need one more”
“I can help”, you said walking towards the statue, “it might be easier if there’s two of us”
“I don’t know, your ankle still is Hurt, I don’t wanna push you past your limits”
“Well I’m bored as hell and want something to do”, you pouted at him, “please let me help”
He hesitated for a moment before looking back at you, “fine you can come along but if I see you grimace even for a second I’m being you back, got it?”
“Yes sir”, you replied smiling at him, as you two prepared to go find the last medallion.
Leon handed you the shotgun again and scolded you not to waste too much ammo. The moonlight only added to the eerie atmosphere of the station. The sound of thunder caused you to jump and fall into Leon.
“Sorry”, you yelp out, “just got spooked by the thunder”, you said laughing embarrassed. Leon just rolled his eyes. You two continued exploring, searching for the last medallion. Leon stopped causing you to run into him.
“Leon what-”, he then shushed you, putting a finger to your lips. Everything was still for a moment until you heard a groan. Leon pulled out his gun and quickly fired. The zombie went down. Your face dropped as it reminded you of Maria but quickly snapped out of your thoughts and kept going. You were walking down a long hallway when you suddenly heard a helicopter crash.
“What the hell was that?”, you asked sheepishly towards Leon.
“I don’t know, wait here”, Leon went to check and quickly signaled you that it was safe. You walked over and saw the helicopter. You noticed the few sparks flying from it. You then noticed a pilot slumped over, your face grimaced due to his demise. You two were then startled by a woman's scream.
“Leon!”, Leon looked over towards a door that led outside, and quickly opened it, “Claire!, hold on I’ll be right there”
He quickly ran outside while you still stood in the hallway very confused and dumbfounded. you to go outside to find Leon talking to a woman.
“Claire, it’s so nice to see you”
“How’re you doing?, that helicopter just came out of nowhere”, you slowly walked down to see them and warn Leon as you saw the helicopter light on fire.
“Yeah i’m in one piece”
“i’m guessing you don't have a key in one of those fancy pockets?”, you interrupted their conversation by pretending to clear your throat, tapping your foot anxiously.
“Oh umm hi”, you said to the woman awkwardly with an even more awkward wave.
“So this uh (Y/N )'', Leon said to her, “I kind of saved her'', he said rubbing his neck embarrassed.
“I’m Claire, Claire Redfield”, she said to you with a smile
“(Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you”, your conversation with her was interrupted by Leon.
“So how are you doing?”
“Oh you know just surviving”, Claire said leaning on the fence
“That's good”, Leon chuckled out,there was something about Claire that made Leon act a little differently, “any luck with your brother?”
“No not yet”, she said looking down at the ground
“Claire don’t lose hope..i’m sure we’ll find him”, as he said that the helicopter exploded causing you to tense up.
“Dammit. You know what that means”, he said towards Claire
“Yeah.. Dinner. Time.”, Claire said looking behind her noticing a zombie getting up.
“Claire, I think you should go”, Leon said to her as you just stood there feeling very out of place.
“Don’t worry about me Leon, take care of yourself”, soon zombies were swarming the gates by Claire.
“You need to go, now!”Claire began to walk away and quickly turned around back towards you and Leon.
“Hey...Lets get through this”, She said to Leon then turned her eyes towards you, “All of us”, she then walked away from the gate and soon disappeared leaving just you and Leon.
“So uhh who was that, well I guess I should say how do you know her”, you asked him
“I’ll tell you later we should go”, he said leaving the gate and going back into the station, “come on” he said motioning you to come back inside.
You didn't know what it was the way he spoke to Claire but it made you feel something, you couldn’t describe it but the way he said those words made it feel like he cared about her, he hoped he felt the same way about you.
“(Y/N)!”, he shouted out you getting your attention, quickly tearing you away from your thoughts and quickly running back the stairs, he looked down at your ankle, “hey be easy its not fully healed yet”
“Yeah, yeah I know”, you said rolling your eyes heading back inside, “so where's that madallion you were talking about?”
“Well we still have to find it”,he said turning towards you, “it should be around here somewhere, we’ll just have to look for it”, he sighed out.
You two continued walking around the station looking for the medallion, Leon did explain a few things to you when he knew the area wasn't zombie infested. Most of the time it wasnt. Apparently he met Claire when he was heading to Raccoon City and needed to fuel up his car. After seeing a sheriff get killed he fought his way out as he described it and then met Claire. They drove into town together before getting seperated. That was the abridged version he gave you. You finally got to a room that had the medallion but it took you two a while to figure out a way to get out. Leon told you to stay back a few paces. Before throwing a grenade allowing you to finally get it. While you didn't mind the station you knew you couldn't stay here for long so a tiny part of you was excited.
“We just gotta put all three in the statue then we are out of here”, Leon said excitedly, “We just gotta figure out how we're going to get Marvin out of here”, your blood went cold when he said that. Leon said he was attacked by someone he considered a friend that had turned. Maybe Leon was a little too hopeful about this, you knew deep inside Marvin wasn't going to make it.
“Leon, h-”,you tried speaking words but you couldn't, your heart wouldn't let you tell Leon the truth.
“Huh”, he looked back at you confused. Your heart was pumping hard and fast, you hoped he didn't hear you now what, what could you possibly say now.
“I’m just excited to finally get out of here”, you said to him with a shaky smile on your face. He could tell you were hiding something.
“Is something on your mind?”, he turned around and fully looked into your (E/C) eyes, his pretty blue eyes staring into your soul. Your heartbeat once again quickend causing you to sweat nervously. You never were a good liar. You thought of something that had been bugging you for a while.
“It's just my parents”, you said looking down at the ground, “I hope they're safe, and know I'm safe”, you put your hand over your heart and smiled softly thinking about them.
“Have you been able to contact them at all?”, he asked you sadly, you could tell Leon cared about your well being which made you happy.
“No and i’m kind of glad I haven't”, you said looking up at him, “knowing them they would drive all the way down here to find me and the last thing I want is for them to get stuck in this mess”
“I’m sure they're fine, I knew nothing that had happened in this city til I got here”, his words made you feel a little better about everything, “let's go see how Marvin is doing”, he said smiling at you. Something about that smile made you feel safe.
You went back to the reception area and headed towards the statue. You noticed Marvin laying there looking very lifeless.
Please not yet
Leon placed the medallions into the statue and watched as it turned into a staircase, you were mesmerized by it. You looked over to Leon who looked very excited as he pushed the door open, he quickly turned back to Marvin. Your face dropped slightly.
“Lutennent Branagh! Marvin!”, he said walking towards him, Marvin still wasn’t moving
Leon please don’t
You reached for the shotgun Leon gave you , not pulling out but to be able to grab it if necessary.
“It’s time to go”, Leon was closer to him now he reached for him, “Hey Marvin”
Marvin immediately jumped up and growled causing you to flinch, Leon seemed unfazed. Marvin hasn't turned..yet. You put your back towards your side, no longer reaching for the shotgun. It hurt knowing he wasn’t going to make it. Marvin breathed heavily for a few moments.
“We need to get you to a hospital right now ,both you and (Y/N)”, Marvin looked up and saw your eyes realizing you knew what he was going to say, you simply nodded at him
“No..no..I”, he stopped for a second, “Save yourselves”, he said standing up. Leon still tried to get Marvin to come with him.
“Come on, I’ve got you-” he cut off by Marvin
“GO!”, he yelled at Leon, you just stood there staring at the two of them.
“Look we can still make it out of here, if you give me-”, Leon was cut off and taken by surprise as Marvin pulled out his gun.
“It’s too late”, Marvin said with a sadness in his voice . You placed a hand on Leons shoulder causing him to jump as you startled him a little
“Leon we have to go”, you told him, looking him in the eyes, you pointed towards the secret exit, “come on”, he looked back towards Marvin.
“I tried Leon..but I couldn't stop it”, His voice was shaking slightly, “We can’t let this thing spread, it's on you now, both of you”, he said looking back at you, your eyes became wet as your vision blurred slightly from the tears forming in your eyes. You probably would have sobbed but you had been through enough that it didn’t faze you. You were used to death and getting left behind, you were numb to it now.
“Listen to (Y/N), and just go!”, Leon finally gave in.
“I understand”, he said defeatedly, he stood for a moment before heading towards the statue. Marvin removed his bloody hand from his wound.
“I’m sorry”, you whispered to him, “I wish I could of helped you”
He looked up at you and gave a sad smile, “just promise me you’ll look out for each other”
“We will, I promise”, you smiled at him one last time before joining Leon by the statue. The statue closed back up and you saw Leon Look back towards Marvin before the statue completely shut. You just stared forward.
“I won’t let you down, Marvin”, Leon said to himself before continuing down the stairs.
“I guess we have a lot in common now”, you tried to joke but you could definitely tell Leon wasn’t up for your sense of humor right now. So you sulked down awkwardly realizing how much it hurt Leon to leave Marvin behind. It’s a tough lesson that always came back to haunt you, Not everyone can be saved.
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apprenticeofcups · 5 years
LMAO how tf did you get kicked out of Sunday school at 7?
oh god ok so important background
I grew up in Florida, which, if you’re not from there, it’s exactly how it sounds in the news
I was a big know-it-all kid. graduated from Dora the Explorer to Discovery Channel ASAP, no siblings, so I was used to carrying on conversations with adults, and I read a lot, and I liked being right
I was also Dinosaur Kid™. Saw every Land Before Time movie multiple times, knew all the names, the periods, their diets, as much of their habits and biology as we knew in the late 90s/early 2000s
when I was little, we went to church, not because my family’s particularly religious, but because we were white anglo-saxon protestants in the south and it’s what you do. we went to a lutheran church, not because we’re lutheran, but because it was close to our house and the rest of my family went there. 
one day, i was in Sunday school, and we were learning about Noah and the Ark (you know the guy, big boat, lots of pets). we were following along with the teacher, who had to be about 400 years old, thirty pounds soaking wet, and wearing a whole Winn-Dixie makeup counter
(if you’re from the South, you know the one)
we all had these little kiddie Bibles, the ones that take out all the juicy murder stories and keep the abridged version of the love-and-peace stories with cartoony illustrations, and I, being a Dinosaur Kid through and through, asked our prehistoric Sunday school teacher why, in the little illustrations of Noah’s Ark, there weren’t any dinosaurs. 
Now, there are a couple potential responses, I’ve found, when kids ask that question. I imagine, with the prevalance of Dinosaur Kids, and the popularity of the Noah story, many youth pastors and Sunday school teachers field it a lot. one could say:
The story of Noah takes place after the dinosaurs were already extinct (most historically-accurate)
The artists didn’t include all the animals in the drawing (a cop-out, but realistic)
Dinosaurs were evil so God killed them in the floor (a bold choice. kind of crazy)
this woman chose none of those.
note: what happens next does not reflect on Lutherans themselves or the Lutheran Church as an entity. this was just one batty AmeriChristian woman at a swamp church
my Sunday school teacher proceeds to tell me that dinosaurs were never real, they were invented by the government to turn people into atheists by tricking them into thinking that the world is older than 6000 years. Dinosaur bones were planted by the governments of the world to make it more realistic, but they’re all fakes made of stone or plaster to sway people from believing in God. 
Now, at seven years old, I wasn’t fully-prepared to absorb all that crazy. I wish I had been. I wish I’d been twenty-one and high as a kite when I heard that statement for the first time. But as a seven-year-old, I was only equipped to do one thing: Be Right.
I told my Sunday school teacher, in no uncertain terms, that we know dinosaur bones are real, because of carbon-dating, and furthermore, we know the Earth is billions of years old, because we can date the layers of rock in its crust. 
She was not convinced. She had more talking-points. They may have been the first set, just louder - I don’t remember. The point is, this escalates to the point the backup pastor has to get involved and pull my parents out of Grown-Up Church to de-escalate. 
Per the administration, if my parents don’t teach their child “the real story” so I stop causing disturbances, I’ll be booted from Sunday school, and we’ll no longer be allowed to participate in this church.
To which my dad, who worked Monday-Saturday in the family piano store, and would much rather spend his Sunday mornings making pancakes and getting hype for football
And my mom, who has always been a big fan of Dad’s love for Sunday breakfast, and has been missing the time to prep chili for football, replied, 
“Sweet, no church.” 
I haven’t been to a regular church service since, and on the whole, most of my family isn’t very church-y, anymore. ☕
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pikemoreno · 4 years
Hello my friend! I saw your Pedro ship post on another blog and I'm always looking for new friends, especially friends who understand how much I love Pedro! May I please request a ship? Also ya girl is annoyingly wordy so this will definitely take more than one ask 😂😂 and so I begin lol. I am really short, like 5'1", and I'm also a little chubby, mostly in the tummy, thigh, hip and boob areas lol. I have shoulder length pink hair and I love dying my hair different colors! 1/
2/ I'm a HUGE nerd! LotR, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, Harry Potter pretty much everything! I love to read and I also love writing! I also really love singing! It's my favorite! Especially musicals like Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, The Secret Garden, lots of musicals! I sing all the time! I also have anxiety and depression, and I'm working on managing it better. I'm a hopeless romantic, but also very lonely because I've never actually dated anyone lol. I think that's everything though
Wait. Also I sent my Pedro ship thing several hours ago but I remembered that some people put their zodiac in there, but I know nothing about astrology other than I'm a taurus if that matters lol sorry I'm a disaster. I guess that's another thing, my ADHD ass forgets shit a lot. But it also makes me good at cross stitching and means I can sit for like 12 hours straight and do diamond painting. Gods I'm the worst sorry lmao
OMG I'M AN IDIOT. THIS IS MY 4TH ASK BECAUSE I CAN'T GET MY SHIT TOGETHER. I'm also a disaster bisexual mess. 😂
hfdyuh your asks made me giggle.
lol i also know nothing about astrology! is mercury in gatorade rn? no idea
ok so this was the first thing i thought of and it made me LAUGH because it would be utterly chaotic but also completely perfect. so i’m sticking with it & going with ezra. that man talks ALOT. no one has probably ever been able to keep up with him when he gets going. of course not a word is wasted, it’s all meaningful and has purpose, but good lord my dude, the abridged version pls. but you could 200% give him a run for his money. i believe you will NOT be outdone and i, for one, am a huge fan. there is quite possibly never silence between you two and it’s my favorite chaotic good thing in the world.
actually i lied, there would be the absolute sweetest moments of silence on quiet evenings. you’re both heavily involved in the books you’re reading, the only breaks of silence come in when there’s something one of you reads that you just have to share and it’s very very very sweet. i love it and i’m soft for it.
is your thirst for pedro pascal’s characters just too real?
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good-rwbyaus · 6 years
Au where Ruby has the personality of abridged Kirito.
Jaune: So how’d you get it to be a sniper?
Yang: JAUNE NO!!
Ruby: I’m glad you ask for you see…
Yang: NOOO!
*three hours go by*
Ruby: And after I was made the bride of the dragon king with the promise to return to my love, so that we may rule the dragon kingdom as a just king and queen, I was gifted the metal that would one day form the proof of our love, Crescent Rose.
Jaune: *looks at Yang*
Yang: She wanted to make a scythe like our uncle Qrow’s but she thought shotguns were to weak, then she came across a video of how high impact sniper rifles worked
Jaune: Ok that makes more sense
Ruby: But my version sounds so much cooler!
Nora:I believe your’s is the true version Ruby!
Ruby: See Nora gets it!
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