#games with on what day... and my mom and dad are super involved with their temple activities
chrisbangs · 1 year
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cityofmeliora · 1 month
What do you think about Copia’s childhood? I saw your post about Terzo’s, so I started wondering. Where do you think he was raised, who do you think he was raised by, how did it contribute to who he is today?
ok so first, i just wanna be clear that this post isn't gonna include anything about Cardi's twin because i'm still waiting to see what happens next in the lore before i try to write anything involving him.
with that out of the way,
like all my Ghost headcanons, my headcanons about Cardi are built on the foundation that the band Ghost lore is about 1) an evil satanic cult, and 2) a dysfunctional showbiz family from Los Angeles.
basically, i think Cardi had a very lonely childhood. and he has psychological issues caused by a lifetime of Sister Imperator's insane parenting. his anxiety in Rite Here Rite Now, about how being Papa is all he wants to do and all he thinks he could do, SCREAMS of "unethical Hollywood parent who molded her child to be a star" to me.
i do think Sister 'raised' him, or was at least present in his life since he was a child ("You'll always be my little Cardi.") and she just... didn't him she was his mom / Nihil was his dad. (i guess it's quite similar to children of catholic clergy IRL, who are sometimes raised by family but never told about their true parentage, or know the truth and are told to hide it.)
Cardi is autistic, obviously, but i also think his awkwardness is him being socially underdeveloped because he comes from an isolated cult environment. he was a weird satanic homeschool kid who almost never interacted with anyone outside the Ministry, and he was basically left to watch movies and listen to music and play video games all day. i like the idea that Cardi had dance training when he was young, though. that was probably the only time he really got to interact with others. and because he grew up in the Los Angeles area, on the occasions he did get to go out, he was always surrounded by the entertainment industry and people trying to rise to stardom.
anyway, i think this was all somewhat intentional, or at least worked in Sister Imperator's favor, to mold him into a neurotic showbiz baby in service of her evil satanic death cult. (though i don't think he cares about the cult aspect of Ghost at all. he's been in it his whole life because he didn't have a choice and has never known anything else. he really just wants to be a rock star.) growing up without the love of friends + family, Cardi filled that void with games / music / film. so... of course he wanted to be an entertainer when he grew up– that was his only avenue for human connection.
and i think Cardi kinda knew Sister Imperator was giving him special treatment and pulling strings to put him in position to become Papa, though he never understood why.
a major point in my Terzo character analysis post is that he was very ambitious and he loved being an entertainer and a showman, but he was frustrated because he wasn't allowed to express his full potential. i wrote that his mindset was "i know i'm good enough. and i could prove it if they would just let me."
and ever since i wrote that, i can't stop thinking about how Cardi feels the exact same way.
he's super talented. he's worked very hard. he's proud of his accomplishments. he's proven he's capable! but Sister Imperator doesn't respect him. she infantilizes him. she keeps the training wheels on. she doesn't want him to be capable!
Sister Imperator does not allow Cardi to have independent thoughts or make real decisions for himself. she allows him the illusion of autonomy when she needs to, but every time he shows a little bit of awareness of how fucked up his life actually is, she shuts him down to keep him under control. she purposefully hides information from him so he won't know anything she doesn't want him to know. she intrudes on his privacy because his bedroom doesn't have a door.
i think their relationship has been like this his whole life.
you can see examples of this manipulation / obfuscation throughout the Chapters, and you can see a lot of it in Rite Here Rite Now.
first off, the opening narration gives the context / background information that sometime in late 2021, when Cardi was 51 years old, he found out his two bosses are actually his parents, and his mother kept this a secret from both him and his father his whole life. which is. wild. to say the least.
(i think when he found out, he was disappointed by the realization that he got to where he is because he was secretly a nepo baby and not because he was doing a good job on his own.)
moving on. in Rite Here Rite Now, Cardi's main source of stress was that he fully believed his parents were going to murder him and then put his body on display to sell VIP tickets for his successor's concerts. this was genuine fear, and he had a legitimate reason to believe they would do that to him because they actually did that to his three older brothers! and in the later Chapters, Sister Imperator and Mr. Psaltarian were totally fucking with his head and making him think he was going to die!
he asks Sister why he can't continue being Papa for longer –because he doesn't want his parents to kill him when they're done with him– and she just brushes him off and tells him to keep playing his show. then in the Miasma scene, Cardi has a critical moment of awareness and asks what the hell is actually going on in his life and who's in control.
PAPA EMERITUS IV: One thing I do not understand… All these things… here, all of this stuff, and all of these things we're doing, where we go, and when, and to where… Who decides these things? I mean, who's calling the shots?
this is totally fair! he has a right to know this information!
in response, his parents completely avoid answering the question. they shut him down and basically tell him he sounds ungrateful for the life he has.
SISTER IMPERATOR: You waste so much time and energy worrying about what's been and what's next, who's next and whatnot. As with all things in life, it circulates. Everything that has a beginning has an ending. There just has to be an orderly transition.
she never tells him the truth. she just tells him to stop worrying. stop thinking.
they never tell him they're not going to kill him. They Never Tell Him They're Not Going To Kill Him. THEY NEVER TELL HIM THEY'RE NOT GOING TO KILL HIM.
Cardi spends the last third of the movie making peace with the idea that he is going to die soon and his parents will be the ones to kill him. after Respite On The Spitalfields, he seems resigned to his fate. he tells the Nameless Ghouls they're not doing an encore. he says "Fuck it." but Sister Imperator, still explaining nothing, tells him to do the encore and he unenthusiastically gets back on stage.
SISTER IMPERATOR: Even though you don't understand right now, sooner or later, you will know what I'm talking about. Things –events– are unavoidable. Now you go back out there and give them one hell of an encore. And that's all you have to worry about. PAPA EMERITUS IV: Okay. SISTER IMPERATOR: Off you go.
by the beginning of Square Hammer, he decides he is actually happy with the life he has and he's okay with whatever's coming. and he still expects he's going to die... only for them to totally fake him out.
Sister Imperator dies instead. in the letter she leaves him, she tells him, "My son, I'm sorry I could not find it in my heart to tell you about my condition. I was afraid you might lose your sometimes frail concentration." more obfuscation. more infantilization.
at the end of the letter, she promotes him to head of the Clergy. he takes on his new job assignment as Frater Imperator and he seems to think he'll have more power now that Sister Imperator is "not in charge anymore." i'm not so sure about that.
and this isn't even getting into all the other weird shit going on between them in that movie! why was Cardi literally unable to see her wheelchair and medicine until the Spoksonat scene? why couldn't he remember his twin brother who he spent time with as a child? either Cardi is even more mentally unwell than we know, or Sister is messing with his head in even more ways than we know. maybe both. probably both.
i do believe Sister Imperator loves Cardi. that does not negate the fact that she is also manipulative and dishonest and has no respect for him, and that made her a terrible parent. she caused him a lifetime of unnecessary confusion and suffering in furtherance of her goals. yes, he is often childish and irresponsible. but i think the way she treated him didn't allow him to mature on his own.
the worst part about all this? i think he's convinced himself that he loves her, too. (he doesn't actually know how to feel about her. it would be too painful to think about.)
in summary, to me, Cardi's life is like The Truman Show, except it's the bad ending where the producer (Sister Imperator) successfully convinces him to stay in the bubble.
this was supposed to be a headcanons post and it totally turned into an analysis post, but i cannot help it. i just love Cardi so fucking much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST WANT CARDI TO BE SAFE AND HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
btw i think his actual legal given name is Cardinal Copia Imperator. yeah. i believe Sister Imperator actually named him that.
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shares-a-vest · 2 months
🪱 🧠 Wiggly Wed-ursday 🧠 🪱
Let's just pretend timezones aren't real for a second and that it's still Wednesday for me. @kikidoesfanfic tagged me in this wonderful tag game weeks ago and I only remember when I see everyone else's on a Thursday my time. Also thank you to @penny00dreadful for the tag today which made me decide to finally do it!
I spend a stupid amount of time thinking about Steve's parents. So much so, that I have a fic in the pipeline that is from Steve's Mom's POV and lmao, my brain already wants to write a semi-sequel/companion piece (I swear to fucking christ I am determined to publish this fic this weekend – I am so sorry to all the people I have basically strung along with this long-gestating wip). We get like four sentences about Steve's parents the entire show ("she's super well-respected", "my dad's an asshole"). And while I guess you could argue that Steve's background isn't all that crucial in the show, he still grew into this fan-favourite character that ended up gaining more screen time than initially planned but... We still get nothing??? Steve's parents not getting a mention in extended material bugs me too (whyyy aren't they in that play!!!). Anyway, enough screaming and onto some brainworms. I am plagued by thoughts of Steve's Dad's POV – Somewhere between an outsider's POV and a character study. Does he notice when his son disappears for days at a time? Right on Spring Break when this young girl has been 'murdered'? Is he like the Wheeler's, watching the local news? Do he and Steve's Mom go to the town meeting? Maybe they sit at the back. Do they know who Claudia is? Maybe she awkwardly greets them, only to be left cold. She thinks they should be as concerned as she and Karen are. If their kids are involved in all of this somehow, Steve would be with them too. How about when the town splits in two? Steve's car must be gone from the house too, right? (Honestly, I lost track of everyone's vehicles in s4. steve changes into The Yellow Sweater, so he must have gone home). Do his parents know the Buckley's number? Surely they know of Robin. Do they go looking for him? What happens when they find him and his friends? Do they ask what the hell happened? What does he tell them?
Some general/possible fic ideas I have with all of this worminess:
Steve's POV, His Mom's POV, His Dad's POV all in the one event. Maybe it's Christmas or just some fancy party they are having. Maybe even the aftermath of some event/family drama.
Mr Harrington's POV of Season 4.
Steve's Parents meeting Robin for the first time. Somewhere between seasons 3 and 4. Robin's POV of this too.
Claudia's POV of Steve's parents.
I think I'll leave it there. Consider the end of this post me walking off into the sunset for the day, ramble-asking endless questions about Steve's parents.
No-pressure tags: @momotonescreaming @puppy-steve @sidekickjoey @tangerinesteve
@hellion-child @devondespresso
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bcolfanfic · 6 months
HI so another youngvets ask if you're drowning in these I'm so sorry--
but I'm wondering do the buckies deal with the pta?? are the pta moms gossiping about sweet little josie's incredibly attractive parents? did uncle croz pick her up one random week when he's visiting from england and everyone practically falls in love with him? do they go on those sports day kind of parents race thing like princess diana did for her boys and absolutely decimated the other parents? career day where they come by to talk about gales academia life and former piloting? chaperoning for field trips to the aquarium? josies in some ball club and they come watch her games with the rest of the boys and nearly get kicked out for being too rowdy???
thank you <33 hope everything is well!!
well gale IS my princess diana, so 🙏🏼
but yes i think they’re very involved parents. gale already has friends within the school system from work and even though he teaches high school knows families with littler kids too. so even though they are *very* much the minority as a 2 dads family where they live in wyoming them not being total strangers in the community makes it less awkward if that makes sense? there’s of course some outlier jerks, but the other parents generally have their back when anyone is a dick.
and yes the other moms think they’re hot pleasexbhxh made myself laugh thinking about one of them telling bucky that if he ever changes what team he plays for then she’s around. and he’s like 😀👍🏼 noted LMAO.
when uncle crosby comes to visit he comes to her school to eat lunch with her and she’s sooo excited sweet thing. especially bc he brought her candy and what not from england so she’s automatically Super Cool now to all her little friends. she thinks that big doe eyed man hung the moon. <3
def see gale doing the career day stuff. not that bucky doesn’t *want* to it’s just. a sore topic for him still and especially with kids being a little unfiltered question wise it just makes sense to play it safe and let gale take over that. but josie still tells everyone with great enthusiasm that her other dad also flew planes.
she’s so proud of her daddies. her little face looking for them in the crowd when they come to her school stuff- and her smile when she sees that they’re there- just makes them melt.
very much see curt being the one that borders on getting thrown out of her sports games when him and kenny are in town. in my mind him and kenny are kinda in a fucking on the low situationship deal which is a part of them always showing up together but ah that’s a brain rot for another time. he doesn’t mean it in a Scary Sports Guy That Yells At Kids way, he’s just ✨enthusiastic✨. and he does think josie is better than all the other kids because well, she’s his perfect darling niece and the other kids are not LOL.
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indecentpause · 16 days
Happy STS! How are the chores divided among your cast? Is there a person who prefers to do the dishes or someone who will do anything to get out of doing dishes?
oooh this is an excellent question! here's the people who live with partners or roommates:
Danny and Meara share a small one bedroom, and they treat it kind of like a dorm with a built in kitchen and bathroom. they take turns doing dishes but Meara HATES it because his parents always made him clean up after everyone in the house when he was growing up, so sometimes when he's having a bad brain day Danny will hop in and take care of it. (they don't have a dishwasher, they have to do them in the sink by hand). they both love cooking! Danny is REALLY GOOD at Iranian and other Middle Eastern cuisine (he learned from his parents growing up and it is his comfort food), and Meara is really good at American style vegan food. so depending on what they want to eat they take turns! Danny is learning how to bake and he's teaching Meara how to make the best possible cup of coffee.
they each do their own laundry. sometimes Meara will take Danny's to the laundromat too, because Danny works so early the times line up better for Meara to get there more easily.
they each are responsible for their own things and messes around the apartment. there's not a lot of space so they have to make sure things stay organized and clean.
Josselin and Frankie do their best to split chores, but it's not always even. Josselin tries REALLY HARD to help with dishes, but he can't stand the feeling of sponges or scrubbies and hates having rubber cleaning gloves. he'll do it but his skin will crawl for an hour afterward. so Frankie mostly does that. they do laundry together; they pack it up in bags and go down to the laundromat and take those few hours to play card games and talk about things going on in their lives.
Josselin handles all the cat stuff: food and water, litterbox, clipping her nails, etc. Familiar is super friendly and sweet but when it comes to brushes and nail clippings she only wants Josselin to do it. she'll wriggle and yell when Frankie tries, lol, and while they both adore Familiar, she came with Josselin when they moved in together, so Josselin considers it his responsibility to do all the cleaning and care for her. he simply said upon them moving in together, 'she's my cat, I'll take care of her.' and that was that!
Frankie does grocery shopping, because Josselin has food safety issues due to growing up on the road and often having to eat food that had gone past its prime, not enough to cause anything serious but there have definitely been some stomachaches in the past. since his budget allows it he only gets food from a few specific restaurants/bakeries/etc that he trusts, where he knows at least one of the people in the kitchen, so he always has takeout or a walk in walk out order. he doesn't often actually eat in the restaurant because a lot of the time it's too loud, but during slower times (like between lunch and dinner) he likes to go on dates to restaurants with Meara or Frankie. :)
Morgan and Josephine love to cook together! their mealtimes are sacred, from the moment they turn on the stove to until the last dish is clean, it's time just for them. they can't do this every night due to schedule misalignment, but they do it whenever they can. they go grocery shopping together, especially at import markets. they love Indian and soul food! Josephine learned it from her dad growing up (her dad is Black and grew up in Georgia before he moved to Illinois with his parents as a teenager, and her mom was Indian, but she had some really bad mental health problems and would often disappear for days at a time and one day just didn't come back. but her mom's family was still really involved with Josephine because she was so little and she and her dad needed the support). and Morgan will eat anything once; he's very adventurous. Josephine bakes and decorates as a hobby, so there's always treats around.
Morgan and Josephine go to the laundromat together but Morgan does all the cleaning stuff, and Josephine folds. Morgan thinks the way Josephine sets up laundry is too messy, but she worked in a department store in high school so she knows how to fold stuff really nicely. Morgan does sweeping and mopping because he's much more efficient, and Josephine keeps the bathroom clean.
thank you so much for the question!! it was really fun :D
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tswiftcore · 10 months
Taylor & Travis: Simplified (1/2)
July 8, 2023:
Travis attends the Eras Tour in Kansas from a private box and trades friendship bracelets with fans (where he tries to meet Taylor after the show to give her a personalised friendship bracelet with his number on it, but fails).
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July 26, 2023:
Travis reveals his failed friendship bracelet plan on his podcast New Heights, explaining, "I was disappointed that she doesn't talk before or after her shows because she has to save her voice for the 44 songs that she sings... " And, "If you're up on Taylor Swift concerts, there are friendship bracelet, and I received a bunch of them being there, but I wanted to give Taylor Swift one with my number on it.
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September 16 - 17, 2023:
ESPN teasingly saturates Travis' report with Taylor Swift references, including, "Travis Kelce, at this point in time, is trying to Shake It Off and get back out there. He knows how much he's needed and that he's The Man. It was a little bit of a Cruel Summer for Travis Kelce with that knee injury but he can see the Daylight. He looks like he's Ready For It."
A day later, the jokes continue flooding in in the form of NFL commentary.
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September 19 - 21, 2023:
Travis mentions some of his dating dealbreakers on an episode of Kristin Cavallari's podcast (high maintenance, must be humble and grounded, ideally kind-hearted and sweet like his mother, Donna), explaining, "You gotta have some sort of sweetness to you."
Then, Travis' brother, Jason, jokes about dating rumours on DeCamara & Ritchie, commenting, "I think they're doing great and I think it's all 100% true, and I hope this thing goes a mile - no, I'm joking, I don't know what's happening."
Finally, on an interview on the Pat McAfee Show, Travis explains that he threw the ball in Taylor's court by inviting her to see him play at Arrowhead Stadium. He told her, "Ive seen you rock the stage at Arrowhead. You might have to come see me rock the stage at Arrowhead and see which one's a little more lit."
September 24, 2023:
Taylor attends the Kansas City Chiefs game, observing from Travis' suite beside his mother Donna Kelce and wearing Kansas City Chiefs merch. After the game, Taylor and Travis were photographed leaving together in Travis' convertible, literally driving off into the sunset.
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September 25, 2023:
A source explains, "They're having fun. This was Taylor's first time meeting his mom and dad, and everyone was enjoying themselves. She was super chill and low-key hanging out with his friends and family." The source also added that after the game, Travis rented out a restaurant for an intimate gathering with those same friends and family, with Taylor in attendance. "They were cute and normal, just hanging out and chatting. There's no pressure."
Taylor is pictured with her arm around Travis, reportedly wearing a denim dress.
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September 27, 2023:
Travis addresses Taylor in his New Heights episode, commenting, "I'm enjoying life and I sure as hell enjoyed this weekend. Shout out to Taylor for pulling up. That was pretty ballsy. I just thought it was awesome how everybody in the suite had nothing but great things to say about her - the friends and family. She looked amazing and everybody was talking about her in great light."
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October 1, 2023:
Taylor brings her friends along to MetLife Stadium for another of Travis' games - in attendance were Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Sabrina Carptenter, Sophie Turner and Antoni Porowski.
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October 2, 2023:
A source reveals that Travis and Taylor are "still just getting to know each other. It's nothing too serious - he is a charming guy. It's more of a hanging out situation than dating."
October 6, 2023:
Donna, Travis' mum, explains on the Got It From My Momma podcast that, "I feel like I'm in an alternate universe, because it's something i've never been involved with before. Every week just seems to trump the week before. So it's really kind of wild, a wild ride."
Further, Travis addresses his romance with Taylor during a team media availability, explaining, "It feels like I was on top of the world after the Super Bowl and right now I'm even more on top of the world." And in terms of paparazzi buzz, "You've got a lot of people that care about Taylor, and for good reason."
October 12, 2023:
Taylor attends a Kansas City Chiefs game alongside Brittany Mahomes and Travis' parents.
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October 14, 2023:
Taylor and Travis hold hands on the way to making a surprise SNL appearance in NYC, including an SNL afterparty at Catch Steak. A source explained that they were super affectionate the whole night, giving each other kisses.
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October 15, 2023:
Taylor and Travis hold hands around NYC after dinner at the Waverly Inn
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October 22, 2023:
Taylor attends a Kansas City Chiefs game, following the pregame party, wearing a bracelet with Kelce's number (87). A photo is taken where Taylor openly kisses Travis on the cheek. Swift does a secret handshake with Brittany Mahomes. Taylor and Travis hold hands as they leave the game together. Later in the night, the two are photographed having dinner at an Argentine steakhouse called 'Piropos' in Missouri.
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peronica · 2 years
The First Thing I'll Do....
Spoilers for season 5, remember in season 1 on the monorail the kids were talking about what they missed at home and what they'd do when they got back? Well, I wrote a quick story about it.
This is the first time I've tried to write a story involving texting as a main plot point, so just bear with me. And you can probably figure out who's who. Enjoy!
. . .
The first one came a week after the gang got home, not to Costa Rica, but once the doctors deemed them healthy enough to leave for their real homes. Jurassic World had provided each teen with a new phone as an “I’m sorry for leaving you for dead on the island” gift.
It was so random, no one knew what to think of it:
Track Star: Um, Sammy? Why are you hugging a cow? 
In the group chat Sammy had sent out a picture of her hugging a brown cow with a black face. 
Farm Girl: Remember when we were on the monorail? Yall said what yall’d do first when yall got home… Well, this is what I did! 🐮
Dino Nerd: me too.
Jungle Boy: How do you even remember that?
Mr. VIP: Hey, is that Bessie?
Farm Girl: Yes it is! I’ve missed her so much, I went straight for the pasture before dad pulled me back to the house to see mom and the others. 😁
Mr. VIP: Only you, Sammy… 
Farm Girl: Ok, now yall have one week to send your pictures, or I’ll come take them myself!
Another picture popped up, this time, Brooklyn was hugging her coffee machine, smiling like a lunatic.
Super Star: Done! Who’s next?
Over the next week, the gang kept sending their pictures, the next one being Darius, his V.R. Headset pulled above his eyes as he held the controllers and smiled at the camera. 
Dino Nerd: turns out the jurassic world video game isn’t as scary as it used to be.
Jungle Boy: Yeah, running from real ones will do that to you.
The next day, Ben held his fanny pack, now clean, up. On the table in front of him sat a small water bottle, an open first aid kit, a small flashlight, a carob bar and juice, a small pad of paper with some crayons, and some folded paper towels.
Track Star: Ben… do those band-aids have dinosaurs on them?
Jungle Boy: They glow in the dark, providing another source of light!
Mr. VIP: Of course they do.
A few days later, Yaz sent a picture of her in her new running gear, lined up with a few other kids on a track. On her face was a smile, her eyes full of determination.
Track Star: Mom and the doctors won’t let me run very far, but a few of my track buddies let me sneak into their 100 yard race earlier.
Mr. VIP: Did you win?
Dino Nerd: just be careful of that leg.
Track Star: Yeah, I know. And yes, I won.
“Hey, what's got you so happy?”
Darius looked up to see his brother, Brand, walk into his room. “The gang and I are sending pictures of  the first thing we said we’d do when we got home, it’s nice to see everyone so happy even though we’re so far apart.”
“That’s great Darius, but then why does Kenji look so sad?”
“What?” Kenji asked.
“Well, all week you’ve had this look that, I can’t really explain it other than you look sad.” Brand explained.
“Yeah Kenj, I’ve noticed it too; You ok?”
Kenji looked between the two brothers, and faked a smile: “Oh yeah, I’m fine! It’s just that, I said the first thing I’d do was go bowling in the basement. But I can’t do that now, so I have nothing to show the others.”
Darius and Brand shared a look, “Kenji-”
“Really dude, I’m fine.” He stood up to leave the room, “I’m just getting a snack, you want anything?”
“No thank you,” Darius sighed as his new brother left the room.
Once he was out of hearing range, the remaining brothers began to make a plan.
. . . .
“Ok, where are you taking me?” It was the next day, and Darius and Brand had practically pushed Kenji into the family’s car.
“You’ll see when we get there,” Darius said mysteriously. 
“Or, you could tell me now?” Kenji suggested, “Seriously guys, this feels suspiciously like kidnapping.”
“How do you know what that feels like?” Brand asked from the driver’s seat.
“What? Didn’t you guys go through anti-kidnapping classes when you were little?” He asked sarcastically.
“Uh, no.”
Kenji seemed shocked, “really? Then how did you avoid being kidnapped?” 
“Stranger Danger?”
“Common Sense?” Brand looked up, “we’re here.”
Kenji still couldn’t see where he was, until he opened the door and read the sign. “You brought me to a Mexican restaurant?”
“What? No,” Darius turned Kenji around.
Kenji’s entire face lit up, “no way…”
“I know it’s not as fancy as your private one, and no way are we going to let you win, but-”
Kenji interrupted Darius by pulling him and Brand into a hug. “It’s perfect!”
A few minutes later the group chat updated, this time Kenji was holding a blue bowling ball in front of their bowling lane, he was smiling like a ninny and looked so proud.
Farm Girl: Good for you Kenji!
Track Star: I was wondering when you’d post.
Super Star: That's so sweet!
Jungle Boy: Why’d you pick an 8 pound ball?
Mr. VIP: Shut up Ben!
About half an hour later another picture showed up, this one was a scoreboard reading: Capt: 98, Dino: 104, B-man: 90. And then Darius’s phone said:
Dino Nerd: Brandon here, I totally let them win, just so you know.
Mr. VIP: Is that why you keep changing balls and yelling at the pins?
Dino Nerd: Shut up Kenji!
. . . .
I hope you liked the story, I wrote it in like 15 minutes, so it might seem a little sloppy. Also, I am still working on my other story, if anyone here knows that one, writer's block stinks.
I hope you have a great day!
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5, 16, 20?
Linking the original ask post cause it took some digging to find it again lol
Something you see in fics a lot and love:
B-boysss... kissing :3
lol okay uh the overwhelming majority of what I read is jaytim that's rated Explicit, so there's, ya'know, a lot of patterns in there that I've self selected for, but attempting to get into a more meaningful answer, I really like the way that fanfic repeatedly digs up old shit and uses it as a catalyst for characters to gain greater intimacy with each other. The constant reinvention and re-contextualization of Jason and Tim's various fights is neat to me
A tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate:
Oooh I'm gonna throw up the post I already made about the guy Jason manipulated into playing puppet for him
But that feels like cheating so I also want people to appreciate the asymmetrical aspects of the OG spoiler outfit, because I adore it so. I am a SUCKER for shoulder pads/spikes and 80s asymmetrical outfits.
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Your very first fandom:
That's... actually pretty hard to answer.
The first online community I truly got involved with is City of Heroes. Loved playing the game when it was live, and I role played in the Homecoming servers for fourteen hours a day, seven days a week, for about five years. I still play every once in a while too! If you see Dread Captain Bones, David Drakal, or Cowboy Cline around, those are me :3 The only issue I have with saying it's this one is that I'm not entirely sure this counts as a fandom?? It really is more a role playing community than anything like a fandom for the game itself, most people only very lightly engage with the setting and it's considered a tad crass to get any of the named canonical characters involved with your character's story lines.
We could very technically count Naruto simply because that was the first one I ever tried to find fanfic for but uhhhhh... I started with ff.net with a super dark E rated fic because I thought E meant for Everyone and bounced off it so hard. I'm very sorry geisha AU naru-sasu fic I read when I was like thirteen, I tried so hard to like you, but my PTSD was not having it lmao
There's also half decent arguments to be made for Marvel comics, Doctor Who, or Vampire the Masquerade simply because my parents are/were such massive nerds lmao
Both of them did a lot of LARP and one of my favorite pictures of my mom is her as either the Sheriff or the Prince of our city ripping someone's heart out via a sponge soaked with fake blood :3 so yeah I def grew up learning about the clans and the lore and such
And this is very much a Marvel household lol My parents used to do story time with me about the X-men, and like they are completely accepting of my metal head and queer stuff, but I feel like it hurts my dad's soul just a little bit that I ended up being so into DC and so uninterested in Marvel. Whenever we talk about some of my (not romance related) plotlines for my DC fics he'll substitute in vaguely equivalent Marvel characters because he simply cannot be asked to dedicate braincells to DC characters lmao
Me: "I'm really looking forwards to writing out how the super geniuses and stuff push the limits of what Jason and Tim did to the diseases."
My Dad, knowing FULL WELL that I am not including any Marvel characters in this fic: "Oh yeah, Reed Richards would go nuts trying to figure that shit out."
My dad also collected Doctor Who episodes, like the ones from 1963 all the way to modernity, I grew up watching the black and white stuff, and for sure tumblr did expose me to Superwholock, through I never felt like I was a part of that.
It might actually be DC comics itself that's my first fandom! I just never really interacted with any sort of online or fandom space directly until Boostle dragged me into DC fandom's sphere of influence.
Anyhow I hope my ramblings were interesting/entertaining and thank you muchly for the ask! :3
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
why did your parents homeschool you when they didn't seem to have an interest in teaching you?
Sorry but this ask has me in hysterics cause like,,, I DUNNO, ANON WHY DID THEY????
Ok but fr, from what I can tell it was a mixture of not trusting public education, wanting direct control over what we learned, being bad at teaching kids, and then just kind of getting too busy and giving up. Like our mom did teach us how to read, right? But she kinda got … i dunno, bored?? tired?? Near the end?? So my youngest sister really got screwed in that department and needed tutoring.
I have a lot of memories though where we’d go somewhere like my brothers baseball game and she’d pull out different work books for each of us while starting on a reading lesson with another one of us. So, like, she DID try. I have way too many painful memories of frustrating homework to say that she didn’t try to teach us anything hah. she just didnt teach us very thoroughly, especially about things she assumed we'd just pick up eventually (like time, dates, and months)
Also, my dad is a philosophy professor with multiple degrees who heavily values the education of his children. But I don’t think he’s good at teaching kids, and he didn’t even live with us most of the time. So while he supported the whole thing and would administer science tests (AKA have me read a science text book and then take a test on the chapters I read) he wasn't super involved, from what I can recall.
Wanna know the funniest part tho? Home schooled kids tend to test higher than publicly educated kids. And despite the gaps in our general knowledge and downright educational neglect at times, that’s still the case for me & my siblings.
My brother got insane math scores, I’m talking better than 90% of his peers. And I always scored particularly high in English. my worst subject was math but i never failed anything. i had a breakdown when i got a B in my first ever semester of high school, because to me that was basically failing since my mom said it isn't that hard to get A's :/
my oldest sister has a theory that we're all autistic because we all kinda act like it, haha. which might explain why we didnt realize, cause if all of our siblings are autistic then its just normal to us.
but ALSO: we all have at least one thing we're insanely good at. my oldest brother was fantastic at math (before he self sabotaged but idc about him so whatever). my oldest sister is a wonderful writer and has a fantastic rate of success when she sends out her writing to be published, my other older sister is incredibly smart with math & science and is trying to become a doctor (she also makes all her own clothing and is really good at crafting). i got accepted to every art college i applied to, with scholarships & everything. my younger brother is one of the top football recruits of his year in our entire state. and my littlest sisters skill set is harder to describe, but the gist of it is that she's really good at manipulating people and lying. not sure where she's going with that but she's probably gotten hundreds of dollars of free stuff from people and she enjoys acting. excited to see where she goes cause i genuinely think she could do anything she wants to haha.
ok but now im just ranting about how cool my siblings are. THE POINT IS THIS- as much as I was neglected educationally, I think my parents accidentally did something right: I think they accidentally unschooled us, because our education was NOT as strict as some of the other home schooled kids I met.
my theory is that the neglect/accidental un-schooling kind of led to gaps in knowledge around things i didn't NEED to know to live day to day life (I didn't NEED to know the months or days until I went to public school. before that, I'd just ask mom what day it was, or else just go along with whatever she said we were doing that day)
BUT on the flip side! It also led to me and my siblings basically developing highly practiced skill sets based on our personal interests. and also kept our desire to learn relatively in tact, compared to kids who had the curiosity to learn beaten out of them in middle school with mind numbing homework hahafsdfadf.
OK SO I've clearly gotten away from your original question, anon, apologies but this sparked something in me and i HAD to ramble about my theories.
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dogmetaph0r · 5 months
10, 13 (alfie - i mean i have to - plus one of your choice) and 14 for salty asks game 👉👈
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
I didn’t not like it narratively, but I didn’t particularly enjoy the whole arc of trying to get Linda and Arthur back together :/ I did appreciate it in a “fellas we are never breaking the cycle” way, but it kinda drove a wedge between me and my enjoyment of Arthur’s boyfailure arc at some points. Linda kinda reminds me of my adorable little WASP-y mom so seeing her threatened and upset because a man will do anything but go to therapy……eugh, hard watch.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Alfie - this is gonna maybe be a bit controversial (or not? idk it took a while for me to wrap my noggin around the vibes) but……I don’t think Alf is all that religious? He is very very involved in his community and seems to be a well respected member of Jewish society in Camden Town, but idk how much he really practices in his day-to-day. I could be entirely wrong (would be happy for a Jewish PB fan to correct me if I am, and honestly I much prefer the headcanons that imply it matters a bit to him because as you’re about to see….I love cultural exchange) but Alfie’s irreverence and self-deification don’t really come across as terribly devout to me. If you consider the non-TV works to be canon, he definitely seems to be of the impression that nothing really matters beyond the carnal. He does seem to believe in a God, but that God’s existence isn’t really consequential to him. So I think his Jewish identity is more forged in community than shared reverence! I can relate, in a way; I never practiced Catholicism, but because my entire dad’s side did and I grew up in a highly Catholic neighborhood, it impacts how I interact with the world. So that’s how I kinda see it: it’s not the religion that he practices, but more the identity of someone raised with the religion.
I also wanna doooooo……..
Polly - she wasn’t always a wise, rational woman throughout the show. There were plenty of times she acted out of anger, fear, stubbornness… and while I do love that we kinda treat her as our voice of reason, she’s still as flawed as the rest of them. I feel like I’ve seen a lot of fics fall into the idea that Polly knows everything. It makes for a good story driver, but I feel like that unfortunately just doesn’t encompass who Polly is as a person. I don’t wanna ramble super long AGAIN but I think a lot of her interactions with/about Michael kinda demonstrate that. She’s easily blinded by her fear of loss in particular, and in a way it’s very similar to Tommy’s motivations. I think that’s part of why they butt heads sometimes. I’d like to explore that more myself!
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Oooh boy, this one is kinda tough to say. But I think we have a looooong way to go as a fandom in terms of cultural sensitivity. I know we’re working with source material that already has a pretty problematic and shallow way of going about Romani characters, but I think it’s our duty as fans to sorta….grapple with that a bit? Address it with nuance? Or at least listen to POC, particularly Romani, creators who take issue with the things done in the show and in fan content. There are SO many aspects of the show itself that play into racist stereotypes about Romani people, and I’ve seen a number of tropes and fic concepts that revolve around those stereotypes in particularly shocking ways (for example, maybe don’t have “sold to the Shelby family” or “magical g**** fortune teller” as a plot point??? Many levels of inappropriate to that). I do largely give people the benefit of the doubt because I know that not everyone knows what to look out for, especially if they themselves are not targeted personally by bigotry in their communities, and fewer people know where to go to figure that out…. but I feel like specifically Romanichal culture is a strong enough theme in the show to warrant SOME promotion of cultural research. Of course we all have work to do (I’m no exception, and I wholeheartedly welcome concrit if anything in the story seems off) but I feel like some people really lean into exoticism and stereotypes without any unpacking of why they’re doing it. And, when other people express discomfort, I’ve seen more than once the sort of response that sums up to “well so-and-so said it’s not a slur/bad trope/stereotype so I’m gonna keep using it”. Thankfully it’s less prevalent here on tumblr but it’s still a problem! Let’s rid ourselves of the idea that any one culture is a monolith! Cultural exchange and education are exciting! Decolonize your writing! Respect and an open mind go a long way!
BUT YEAH basically that’s it teehee :•)
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myloveforhergoeson · 6 months
Uhh... I'd apologize for the wall of text I just left on your new chapter on AO3, but my mother always told me to never tell a lie. ;)
AHHHHH thank you SO MUCH i know it was so long and so much information to take in but im so so so overjoyed that you enjoyed! thank you for taking some time out of your day to write such a thought out and sweet comment 😭 literally my #1 motivator. us james girlies gotta stick together!!!!!!
i know you left the comment on ao3 but i've got a lot to say back so imma take some bits and pieces and write them out here ehehe
"I'd noticed that James seemed a bit hesitant to talk about his parents. Especially his mother. And I saw Roxy wonder if she was the type of girl you bring home to your parents. But I think for her, everything's going to become clearer at Mother's Day. It's not that James is ashamed or anything. I think it's because he loves her so much and he doesn't want his mother ruining what they have. She is a bit... domineering."
YES UGH roxy just doesn't get it bc she has such a good relationship w her dad and mentioned way way back after she broke up with dak that she thought he was hiding their relationship (which he was... but she's just speculating) so she's just a teensy bit freaked out about james potentially doing the same thing. and it's totally like you said, she just doesn't understand quite yet. from what she knows about the diamond family, she sees james' dad as the problem, not his mom. she's in for a ride lol
"But, seriously, side note for these two: OPEN UP TO EACH OTHER!"
mannn they struggle with that don't they 😭 it's so hard to write! not that i'm a perfect communicator in my own relationships but... yeah i remember being 17 and wanting to share ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about myself so...
"Kendall sure knows how to bribe her, doesn't he? And the cheeky payback with Kendall on the ice is so Kendall. I really love how you touched on Kendall being a prodigy on the ice. And of course he was the Captain. I can see it. And the nicknames too. Sir Rounded. Pretty Boy. Tensie. Sensacional. Please, please, PLEASE have the boys refer to each other by those nicknames at some point. Or even Roxy."
roxy and kendall are like brother and sister to me; of course he knows how to get what he wants from her!! especially when joe jonas is involved... but yes!! they talk big hockey game in the show but we never really get to see it; so i wanted to highlight that just a little bit. go captain go! i really don't know anything about hockey irl but i do know that nicknames are a big thing at least in the american league! did my best. if you ask my friends im equally as terrible at nicknames in real life. and don't you worry roxy is definitely calling james pretty boy at some point in the future (she already did in the rockstar au!) but i'll have to find a way to work in the others. did anyone almost catch that kendall nearly told her logan's real name? hortense... 'tensie... oh god she's going to freak lmao...
"Side note: I love how all the hockey guys are super chill. I actually like that image of them being so aggressive on the ice, but actually be teddy bears in real life. (Something that especially fits Carlos.)"
:)))))))) even though they appear for so little in this chapter the hockey boys mean so much to me. if anyone reads my monthly book reviews... well... you know i love a good hockey romance! they're all themed quite similar - the giant, violent sports machine actually has a soft side... god i'm such a sucker for it! james really isn't like that, at least not in the way his friends are, but i gotta squeeze in some self-indulgence in here and there. i named most of the guys after characters from those books! hawkins comes from nate hawkins (icebreaker by hannah grace) ((i know! you can all boo me later)) callaghan comes from russ callaghan (wildfire by hannah grace) graham comes from garett graham (the deal by elle kennedy) miller comes from rory miller (the fake out by stephanie archer) logan (not that one) comes from john logan (the mistake by elle kennedy) and streicher comes from jamie streicher (behind the net by stephanie archer) PHEW!!!! we love a cameo
"And the way Roxy got tricked by Katie was so... that was just glorious. And the way Roxy freaked out when she realized what was happening was great too. This is making me excited for Big Time Crush. Their conversation at the end was such a great touch. I'm glad Katie has that older sister figure in her life."
katie MASTERMIND strikes again... though if she just asked rox would've taken her anway!!! she was just embarrassed... it's hard for her to talk about her feelings when she's growing up with not one, but FOUR, overprotective older brothers! someone left a comment on my wattpad and said they really loved the roxy/katie interactions and i realized they had like. such little time together so i needed to fix that asap! i don't have an older sister, but i am one, so i tried to channel that energy into that scene hehe
"AH! JO SAID THE L-WORD ABOUT KENDALL! Damn. That episode is gonna be even more heartbreaking now."
>:) sorry. had to! bothered the fuck out of me they never said it in the original show soooo
"And the cat's named Hippocrates?! That is such a Logan thing, though. And I love how Logan and Roxy were able to talk to each other about their respective heartbreaks."
eheheh it took me sooo long to come up with a name for the cat, it was originally einstein but we talked about hippocrates in one of my classes the day i edited the chapter and it just felt more fitting... here is the mister in the garden himself. thanks google!
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and yess lord i love writing logan and roxy so so so much. out of all of them (even james!) she's most comfortable talking with him; i accidentally made them really similar personality wise and they just get along so well
"Aw, Carlos got Roxy on an early morning run. AND HE BROUGHT A PUPPY! (Her age doesn't matter - all dogs are puppies to me.) Missy sounds so cute! And the way she led the run is so cool. And I'm with Carlos. Keep Missy away from Lightning. He's such a protective dog dad."
MISSY!!!!! you are so right all dogs are puppies and missy is no exception!!!! i read somewhere a long time ago that dalmatians are natural leaders, so i just let our girl have her moment! my dog can be like that too though; she has her favorite walking paths! as for keeping her away from lighting... i think missy can hold her own :) but yes carlos is such a protective dog dad. that's his baby!!!! and here is missy, thank you once again google
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"And seriously? James needed to ask if he could kiss Roxy at midnight? Also... can I live in Roxy's dream house?"
yes!! he's a gentleman!!! they were drinking!!!!!! but rox was def thinking the same thing as you hehe. and she's sooooo funny! miss ma'am gets a few drinks in her and she just starts blabbing and blabbing (just like me fr) for anyone wondering what her biggest fantasy is... she's literally living it idk what to tell you. dream job, living in her dream city, dating the hottest guy ever who is so sweet and attentive to her, and he's FAMOUS? not that james needs to know that she thinks that :) lord knows she's going to love the introduction of one direction in the third season...
lmaooo there you go - an equally as long wall of text i am also not going to apologize for... i was bursting with all this information and just waiting for someone to ask loll. you know me. i can talk about my own silly story for hours and hours and hours-
thank you so much again for reading! i'm so excited for the next chapter of take a shot in the dark!!! and i noticed you put in a new section of your ao3 for kaelyn knight stories? are we getting short stories in the future!? ahhhh!!!!!!
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hollowsorrows · 1 year
How was the latest chapter in ymu?
OH BYO OH BOY OH BOY absolutely destroyed me!!!! made me lose my shit for about two whole days!!!! it was BAAAD. and its also THE most game changing thing to happen so far. gonna put what happens under the cut bc spoilers 😁😁
i just finished typing this oopsies i rambled about the entire comic
cw for a lot of things.
SO. lemme set the scene for you. you have 3 main characters: KK, BK and RK.
kk is the main protagonist. he is the 8th generation in a long line of heroes; the KK clan. he is utterly shit at being a hero and hes still so bubbly and silly and honestly kinda childish but i dig it hes aweaome. he also has some traumaaaa!!! bros dad kinda sucked (he was like. WAY too immature to be a father; worth noting that he's the 7th generation kk) and when his father didnt come back home from war his mom went out to figure out what happened to him and kickass. which left kk all alone for like around 10 years maybe more if im being honest. hes not okay <3333
bk, we know JACK SHIT about. hes the demon king/devil, whatever you prefer. he likes animals. he likes carrots. hes straightforward, blunt, and way too trusting and forgiving. but like people are scared of him cuz hes the fucking devil he just hasnt used his magic yet. it will be plot relevant im 99% sure. we know Nothing about his past. we know he was involved in the war against humans and demons when kk was a kid (which kk's dad fought in). and bk was essentially a refugee. he ran to the desert and some shit happens but its quite literally blurry we dont know whay happened. hes VERY overprotective of kk too!! like VERY over protective ykyk. so somethings going on with him.
RK. OH BOY, RK. rk is like severely fucking insane like genuinely he has so many fucking problems. he is surprisingly the one we know the most about considering how much of a mystery he was in the older chapters. he calls himself the alien and doesnt reveal his name. he flies. he has a box on his head all the time. he has a dead ghost girl hallucination thingy that he talks to ghat nobody else sees. he has a gun. hes amazing. dude has canonically committed quite a few attrocities like man. his first on screen murder was fucking BRUUUTAL. "see you in hell." GOD he makes me insane. anyways his past is SUPER fucked up; born with magic unlike anything his family has ever seen before, the king (his adoptive father) exploits it and uses it to kill captured demons. he also had this whole thing where he found kk's mom in jail, kept a photo of her and kk, and helped her escape which did end up killing her. and he forgot that. anyways dude has some fucked up shit happening and is severely gone in the head
worth mentioning that in season 2 the three find the one eyed village which is keeping a princess there. princess violet. ill talk about her a bit more later in the post. the one eyeds get fucking evaporated by a group of demons that are specifically out to get bk, and only a golden tree remains of the village. rk knows about this. kk doesnt know ANYTHING
so. this expansive lore stuff is revealed like throughout the comic in pieces. and it starts out funny and sillt and like slice of life comedy but it gets fucked up around season 3 where kk gets his sword fixed and it becomes alive. he then basically dies and goes to this world where he is fucking god. and his sword is there. and its imbued with the soul of this random ass guy qho we call the musician. and its fucky wucky. the guy who fixed the sword also had a buncha kids hidden behidn a wall and rk takes them each to their hometowns via magic portals whatever. this is also where we see rk fucking shoot said guy and go actually insane for like 15 minutes. ill show screenshots cuz what the fuck man. then season 4 where princess violet, a character from another kingdom whos sister (named princess L) killed herself during a fire in the kingdom (said sister is also rk's brother's fiancé no this is not confusing), goes through what is essentially a demon realm where she has to adhere to the rules of a demon her sister kept and find out which of her 6 sisters killed princess L. in the end its revealed that it was a suicide which is lovely :)
season 4.5 goes more into rk's past and rk's brother, rj. like. rj is the king of the kingdom, since rk's adoptive father passed away. hes a really cool guy but is DEFINITELY either marked by or an avatar of the lonely iykwim. he has like no loved ones around him he is alone man. he was also princess L's fiancé! i love him. anyways rk and rj reunite but then rk kinda hates the r kingdom so he leaves and also finally reveals to kk hes actually insane so :)
season 5 has like this tower which will be relevant i think cuz there was a teaser of kk's teacher entering it the end of season 6 season 1 and being shrowded by darkness. its not sinister at all trust me :). i dont remember this one well but it had to do with the best side character ever angel do i love you do
season 6 season 1. huge lore dump on rk's part. kk bk and rk find this tower that is stopped in time. two wizards live inside: oz, the moon wizard, and of, the sun wizard. they control the moon and the sun. they also are prophets, disciples of the first kk, and know a lot about what they shouldnt! including rk's forgotten past :) they task the gang to go to this portal and defeat the demon paimon lest it unleash chaos into this world. and they do!
along the way kk finds out about the one eyeds. he loses trust in bk, and rk has to give him a pep talk and it genuine is kinda sound actually the only w rk ever had
and they find the portal. they enter the realm. the demon there is named paimon, and is a fucjing bitch and was foreshadowed ALL THE COMIC. and are tasked with going through each a designated room. each room has a shit ton of clones of the characters. only the real one can go through the door at the end. kk goes through just fine, although he had a bit of conflict. bk made it through bc ofc its bk. and rk. oh. rk. his room is empty with scortch marks on the ground. and theres fog. its implied that he killed all of the rk's before proceeding. he goes through the door. as it turns out, the real rk already made it past the door, scratched up, from whay it seems. and what does the fake rk do??? he shoots the real one. in the heart. the real rk dies. just like fucjing that.
did i mention that rk cannot die?? hes tried killing himself. a lot. but each time he regens. the only places he hasnt tried are the heart and the head. so the fact that he was killed via the heart. ugh its so good its amazing from an analytical perspective i ranted about this before but its genuirnly amazing. the character thay is established as being hard to kill. killed at his own hands. it was his own hubris that failed him. raintime you bastard you are a fucjing genius how did you write such an amazing comic
oopsies that was not meant to be the entire comic :) also i need to mention that these guys look like this
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blue haired ones kk, black haired ones bk, blonde bitch is rk
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king-bee-sting · 2 years
Hello fellow arven stan/simp, I have a question if you don’t mind. Does he have trauma or just mom/dad issues or both? Because the way the game goes over it makes it seem like yes it was a bad event, but he was able to grow as a person and find himself through it, along with making new friends, and from what !!VERY LITTLE!! I know about trauma (as someone whose experienced it) I think it’s an event or a response to an event that changes how you respond to other stuff/how you act, and I don’t think that happens with him. I could very well be wrong though! And I don’t want to come across as trying to invalidate trauma, or say characters can’t have trauma, I’m just genuinely curious/unsure and also really really want him to be okay. My apologies if this was long or weird or both! Have a great day/night!!
Spoilers ahead, obviously, we're deep diving into an Arven character inspection
I definitely feel that Arven absolutely does have s0me trauma
However because Pokemon is considered and marketed as a children's game, it's glossed over and not all that obvious/explained, since even in these times talk of trauma is often taboo, especially in children's games
But for the older audiences who knows more about cause and effect, and mental health, it's easier to spot and think about
Arven absolutely has trauma, how could he not? He has what could possibly be abandonment issues and trauma from what's essentially neglect. It was said that his parent was more often than not unavailable emotionally and physically due to being very engrossed in their research, leaving Arven to basically grow up on his own, teaching himself how to cook and take care of Maschiff/Mabostiff. This is very possibly why Arven is very closed off in the beginning; he was never given a proper example of how to socialize and accept attention. And because of his parents lack of attention this could have caused him to have some resentment for others, especially those who do have active parents.
I wasn't necessarily neglected as a child but I was very lonely and didn't receive as much attention as my brother and sister did, and growing up I was very much jealous of those who had very attentive parents, so that's why I think Arven may think this way as well
And then moving into his relationship with Mabostiff, he's certainly got some trauma involving him. It was said that Mabostiff had gotten seriously injured in Area Zero, that's why Arven went on the quest for the Herba Mystica. Arven is canonically young, a teenager, so he must've been even younger when Mabostiff got injured. His best and only friend had gotten critically injured and crippled, there's no way that did not scar Arven.
There's certainly going to be unresolved trauma with Arven and his parent, after all he had been neglected and when he thought he was going to finally give them a piece of his mind, he finds out that they had actually died and the current professor is nothing more than an AI. One who tells him his parent did certainly love him and would be very proud of who he's grown into. One who look and sounds just like his and gone into Paradise Protection Protocol. Even if it's a children's game, it's obvious that the PPP was made to eliminate any threat to the research. And I don't think I have to explain what eliminate means in this situation.
But a thing that I find super interesting is that in SV, Arven does indeed work through it and finds support and stability through the friends he's made. Even going through the effort to forgive and rebuild a more positive relationship with Koraidon/Miraidon as the titan storyline progresses. And after the main storyline, Arven goes on a personal quest to learn more about himself and where he came from, even wanting to learn more about his mom/dad.
To put it simply; yes, Arven has both trauma and mommy/daddy issues. He certainly will of course have issues dealing with it in the future, trauma like that isn't a one-and-done issue, but he's handling it amazingly well and of course he has you there to help support him through it :)
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averyauthorship · 1 year
15 questions tag!!
I saw people posting this, and most everybody said to treat it as an open tag, so I decided to do it too! Tagging (with no pressure at all!!) @mjparkerwriting @kainablue @karimac @melusinewrites @mayonnaisepudding and also ANYONE who wants to do it!
The concept for this is to write responses to the following questions as if you are your original character answering, or just as yourself. I haven't talked about myself much outside of my writing on here, so might as well do it now, right? So! Answering as me!
1 - Are you named after anyone?
My first name (Avery) was just a name my parents liked. My middle name is actually my grandmom's and my great grandmother's name. My mom didn't want to name me that as my first name because she thought it was better as a middle name. So that's my name!
2 - When was the last time you cried?
I cry A LOT. Over songs, commercials, movies, shows. I make myself cry sometimes because I think it's healthy to let it flow. I literally started tearing up at a book I was reading today. The last time I cried cried though (for real, not because of content or something) was when I had a super bad panic attack. I have OCD, and sometimes you get so panicked you just melt :(
3 - Do you have any kids?
Nope! I would like to have a couple in the future, though.
4 - Do you use sarcasm?
Ehh, I have tried. But I am not sarcastic. I'll do it as a joke sometimes when someone says something obvious about me (i.e. Whaaat? Me? Liking books? That's crazy!) but not in any real way.
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people?
Definitely the way they carry a conversation. If they interrupt people, seem rude or ill engaged. I like talking, but I realize that conversations involve two people. It's a big red flag when someone can't share a conversation.
6 - What is your eye color?
Brown! Lovely, if I do say so myself.
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, no doubt. I can't actually handle scary movies (because of my OCD. Hate to blame everything on it, but it's definitely true. I ruminate way too hard on scary, violent things). I'm a sucker for a happily ever after! It's what I hope I can have one day, so I like seeing it in my media.
8 - Any special talents?
Besides writing (which I am learning to accept as a talent), I craft and sew for cosplay. I sing too, and I think I have a nice voice. I have a lot of hobbies, but I don't think most of those qualify as a "talent." I'm pretty dang good at building houses in the Sims. I think that's an underrated talent.
9 - Where were you born?
Maryland, USA
10 - What are your hobbies?
Ah, yes. I mentioned them before but let's list them: Cosplay (sewing and crafting and all that), reading, writing, drawing, painting, playing video games, baking, collecting items (is that a hobby? I do it so much I think it must be), jewelry making (it sounds so fancy but I just make little bracelets and earrings with shrink plastic sometimes).
11 - Do you have any pets?
My family does! We have four cats: Ash, Whistler, Taffy, and Pike. I grew up with cats, and I miss the ones we've lost every day. (RIP Rainier, Nauset, Odell, Asia, and Ebony.)
12 - What sports do you or have you played?
I am not a sports girly. Like AT ALL. But I did run cross country for a semester back in my freshman year of high school. I absolutely hated it. Instead, I picked up musical and children's theatre. That's almost a sport...? Generally, I like to swim and dance (I'm not good), but it's not like a "sport" really. Just for fun to move my body when I feel like it.
13 - How tall are you?
Honestly? No clue. Haven't measured in many years. Somewhere between 5'8" and 5'10" I would guess?
14 - Favorite subject in school?
I've always been really into English. (My dad was an English teacher so it was only natural.) Also, any English extracurricular like journalism and creative writing. I was actually a journalism major until halfway through college. I switched to focus on English and picked up minors in journalism and linguistics instead.
15 - Dream job?
I'm about to ship off to grad school to get my masters in library sciences, so the hope is to become a librarian. It's realistic, so I'm excited to do that someday! On the side, I really hope to be a published author. I don't expect to make much money (if any) but I just want to get my work out there for people to find if they need it.
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softxsuki · 2 years
Hello Han, thanks for letting me send in my urgent request and here’s the Drabble request (it doesn’t have to be long) idea. Here’s the summary for Eren x Fem!Autistic!Reader Drabble: Y/N wanted to take an Uber to the bookstore because she chose not to drive on snowy roads, but her dad got too overprotective and kept telling her it’s not safe and won’t budge despite her explaining that the Uber is safe and there are drivers who are skilled with driving on snowy roads. Then Eren overhears the fight and decides to break up the fight and take Y/N home. After returning home, Y/N is sitting in her bean bag chair in her quiet room crying and Eren finds her there and wraps her with her favorite weighted blanket and letting her cry on his shoulder and reassuring her he’s not mad at her and letting her know that he doesn’t agree with her dad’s overprotectiveness, giving her advice on coping with situations involving conflicts especially when he had to deal with similar situations with his mom and Mikasa being overbearing, and gives her permission to take an Uber to the bookstore the next day which helps Y/N feel better and give her a hug. Finally, Eren decides to play a board game on the little game table by the window with Y/N and also let’s her know that he invited Mikasa over to make pastries with her which made Y/N happy with the idea. - 🌙
Eren With Reader Who Has An Argument With Her Dad
Pairing: Eren x Fem!Autistic!Reader
Warnings: frustration, argument with dad, crying
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Drabble
Word Count: 600
Summary: In which your father is being overprotective, which causes an argument between you and Eren helps you feel better.
[A/N: Hi hi! Hope this helps you feel better :)]
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“It’s not fair, why couldn’t he just let me go?” You were frustrated that your father wouldn’t let you take an Uber to go to a bookstore due to the dangerous road conditions caused by the snow.
You glanced out the window at the white snow that paved the roads–it was a perfect day to go to the bookstore across town, but your father wasn’t having it. Thankfully though, your boyfriend Eren swooped in to take you away from the tense environment after your mini argument with your father.
“I’m sure he doesn’t mean to be overprotective over you. I respect that he wants to keep you safe though, because I do as well–your safety and happiness mean everything to me. But you’re grown now, he can’t exactly tell you what you can or can’t do–I can’t either,” Eren explains, not wanting to throw your father under the bus, but still wanting to show you his support.
You dig yourself further into your favorite bean bag, cuddling under the weighted blanket that Eren wrapped over you, pouting a little. “Yeah, I wish he wouldn’t be so overprotective. I can take care of myself and I’m already making a safe choice by taking an uber instead of driving myself. Why doesn’t he understand that?” You huff in frustration.
Tears start to fall down your face as you think about the argument you had with your dad along with all the frustration flowing through you.
“Hey angel,” Eren coo’s as he scoots onto your bean-bag with you, holding you close so you can cry on his shoulder, “It’s alright, I’m here. I’m not upset at you or anything, I get why you’re feeling frustrated.”
He gently rubs your back to try and comfort you as he continues to speak, “Conflict isn’t easy, especially when it’s about your parents being overbearing. Trust me, I’ve been there. Mom and Mikasa were the exact same way with me when I was a child. I couldn’t go anywhere without mom sending Mikasa with me to watch over me. It was super frustrating, but I get why she did it. At least I understand more now, she just loved me enough to care about my well being and wanted to ensure I stayed safe!”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” you mumble into his shoulder, feeling a lot better already since he could relate to how you were feeling. You didn’t want to stay upset at your father and you hoped that things would smooth over in the next few days.
“Maybe you can go take an Uber to the bookstore tomorrow,” Eren suggests, which instantly perks you up.
“Of course. You don’t need anyone’s permission. Go have fun at the bookstore, I’ll be here waiting for you to get back, unless you’d like my company.”
“Thank you,” you smile, glad to have your boyfriend's support. He really had a way with words.
“Of course,” he smiles, “Oh right, I forgot to mention that Mikasa is coming over today. I told her a little about your situation and she knows how much you love her pastries, so she’s coming over to do some baking with you, if that’s okay.”
Your frustration from earlier is long gone at the mention of Mikasa’s pastries, “That’s more than okay! I can’t wait to see her!”
Eren smiles fondly at your excitement, happy to see you in better spirits. You both spend the rest of the day playing your favorite board game to pass the time until Mikasa’s arrival. You were relieved to be feeling better thanks to Eren. You don’t know what you’d do without him.
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Posted: 11/18/2022
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moonwaterart · 2 years
Tell us about Danny 🔫
Alright! Alright! Put the gun down. If you wanna know about my little South Park OC, it's under the cut that contain rewritten elements to Stick of Truth and a small ounce of Fractured but Whole
Danny is the new kid in South Park. He and his parents moved there from Tampa, Florida after an incident that Danny was the catalyst for that he can’t remember due to the medication his parents got him on. It makes his brain all foggy so it’s hard for him to recall what happened before they moved to South Park other than they hopped from hotel to hotel a lot. The majority of the time, the pills made him sleep, so it's hard to tell what is real and what's fake.
His mom, Bianca, is Italian-American and came from Brooklyn. During the events of SoT, she is pregnant with Danny’s baby brother. She works at the abortion clinic as a receptionist.
His dad, Gan, is Thai-American and came from Mesa, Arizona. He and Bianca met when Gan moved to Brooklyn to pursue maintenance work at some apartments there and the rest is history. He now works at the retirement home as a maintenance worker.
Danny does look more like his mom, but has his dad’s nose and skin tone. Because of his upbringing, he knows Thai, English, and some Italian words and phrases (at least enough for a basic conversation).
He's a 4th grader (so around 9ish years old) and was to start going to South Park elementary the Monday after they moved in. He's soft spoken at first due to being unable to recall his life before South Park, but he slowly starts to recall things over the course of playing with the other kids as the days went by and became more crazy.
A running gag in the SoT arch of his story is that he's always trying to correct Cartman and the other human kids, getting progressively more angry as time goes on. Butters, however, calls him by his chosen name for the game, 'Daniel the Rogue' (He chose the thief class because he can be quiet and mysterious), but only when Cartman isn't around. When he was taken to the Elves, he actually felt more welcome with them given they would call him by his chosen title and said it in a way that made him feel included in the game rather than just another rando. It's no wonder he chose to betray Koopa Keep and lead the goth kids to Kyle.
A major plot hook I got rid of was the fact that Danny doesn't fart, but the boy can belch. Everything involving farts and butts kind of weirds me out, so I wanted to keep it to a minimum with Danny and focus on another equally gross bodily function. To counter balance everything, Danny will ocassionally get acid reflux and puke if he burps too much.
He still, however, would still have to fart on a man's balls for the sake of plot.
I have yet to play The Fractured but Whole, but I can tell you he hates the name Cartman yet again gave him, which would be Belchsack, for his super hero name. When he's sent to infultrate the other franchise with Professor Chaos, I think he's paired with Mysterion at one point and they have a heart to heart due to Danny not looking like he's having much fun with playing super heros like he did with the fantasy characters. Danny would tell him it's because he yet again didn't get a say in his name and he was upset that people won't listen to him.
Mysterion let's him rant then asks what he'd want to be called instead and starts to call him that, which seems to lift Danny's spirits about playing super heros with the other kids. At this time, his parents had been sneaking his medication into his dinners, so his memory starts becoming hazy again and he hates how he can barely remember his adventures now.
I can't think of anything else to talk about with him at the moment, but I'll try to sketch out a family portrait and post it when I can. If you want me to give context to anything, let me know. <3
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