#ok yuri already knew how to skate but victor was still his coach so it counts
hoperays-song · 1 year
Something something queer ships and teaching one another their favourite sports and falling head over heels in the process.
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k-laconia-bug1 · 3 years
Ok... so more TeenWolf/Yuri On Ice crossover prompts/Headcannons but first the link to when I first came up with the idea
Ok let's Begin
1.Stiles would absolutely die of embarrassment if Derek ever saw his costumes for comps or anybody really
2. Lydia designs his costumes causes they're still good friends even after she quit skating
3. Stiles and Lydia have a brother/sister friendship as such Jackson never bulled Stiles
4. Stiles met Cora before finding out she's derek sister at a meet&greet at one of his comps
5. When Stiles coach's find out about the supernatural Yuuri already knows and just sighs and says "of course you get caught up in this!" Victor is just confused about 60% of the time
6. When Yurio finds out he takes his knife shoes and threatens anyone who dare hurt his little brother
7. Scott confused on how he never knew
8. Victor tends to steal and replace Stiles clothes to fit him better (stiles tattles on him to Yuuri)
9. Vicchan lives!!! Vicchan and Makkachin absolutely love Stiles and will tackle him down when they see him
10. Derek goes to see Stiles one day ask about research *cough an excuse *cough* to see him cough * and just see's Stiles drowned in poodles and falls more in love with him
11. The time Derek finds out that Stiles is a pro Skater is when Cora left the YouTube video open when she watched an old performance and is just gobsmacked
12. Yuuri is the one to train Stiles with his Spark and just Glares at Deaton doesn't even talk to him just glares with eyes of death and Stiles doesn't know why but if Yuuri doesn't like Deaton then he won't either
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hostclubtrash · 5 years
No one asked for this but what the hell. Part 2.
When I open my eyes again I see that my girl is still laying in her stop beside me on the couch, although she's awake now, I pet her head and sit up cracking my neck and back rubbint my eyes. I look around and it's dark all around my appaetment and since I didn't turn any lights on when I got home I make the smart call and assume that it's night time. "Good job Victor you know what darkness outside means." I rub my eyes again and pet Makachiin some more giving her a kiss on the head. "My good girl" Then I feel my phone vibrate, which isn't out of the ordinary but it is pretty late. I check it and my phone screen is completely filled with notifications either from Twitter, Instagram or text messages, "Ok I know I'm populare but damn." Since Chris was the one blowing up my text messages I decide to give him a call.
"Ew, you called instead of text." I roll my eyes and smile a bit from his whining, "And hello to you as well. Now, what is all this about?" He gasped and his voice got about a whole octave higher and his pacing picked up quite a bit, "How do you know everyone I know has seen it already! Plus I'm sure your dms are full by now." I give anothet small eye roll, "They're always full, now tell me already." He gave a small chuckleat my comment "You know the boy at the banquet that was all over you?" I could hear in his voice the smirk on his face "And if I'm not mistaken he also asked you to be his coach right?" I could feel my face burn and my heart lung out of my chest like I was back in high school and my crush looked at me, "Yes of course I do." He gave a small laugh, "Well apparently he's a really big fan of yours, everyone is going crazy over a video of him skating your last year's program, and he's really good." I covered my mouth so the squeal that I let out wasn't audible to him and imminently hung up on him. I opened up Youtube and slowly typed in his name, making sure not to mess up the order of the s and the t like I always do and I hit enter. There it was, it was posted under a channel called YuukoNishigori3 and it had a thumbnail of him on it, I took a deel breath and clicked on the video. Watching it I had a huge smile on my face and I can't believe it but I squealed every time he landed a jump, his spins were perfect, amd although he wasn't in costume and there wasn't any music it was still beautiful. The video ended and my phone lay in my hand as I stared at it, there was a huge smile plastered on my face. "Makkachiin, he took his time to learn my routine perfectly, I can't believe it, that was such an amazing performance, he was doing facial expressions and everything, and the music wasn't even playing!"
I opened my eyes wide and stared at my phone again, "He did my gold medal-winning performance without a costume or music and did it perfectly." I started the video again and sat on the couch paying very close attention this time, every detail was there, even his facial expressions. I went and got my laptop and put one of my practice videos on at the same time and looked back and forth from my performance and his, it was perfect, completely perfect. "If he can do a performance like this how come he came in 6th at the GPF?" my eyebrows furrowed and I played the video again, this time I played the music that goes with it from my laptop, everything was in sync too, nothing was off. "Why in the hell wasn't he in the top 3?"
I spent the rest of the night taking notes on his performance of my piece, which were only positive, there truly was nothing he did wrong, even his landings were timed perfectly, I have to show someone this to prove I'm not crazy, so I head out to the training rink and ask Mila for her opinion. "What do you mean have I seen the video? Of course I have, everyone has, your little banquet boy is quite the fan isn't he?" Again my cheeks began to flush, I can't help it whenever someone mentions him or I think about him my cheeks light up like the lights on a Christmas tree. "Well, what do you think of the performance?" She nodded her head a lot and giggled a bit too, "Well, that handsome little man is quite the copy cat, from seeing you practice it looks the same to me." I got upset for some reason when I heard the word 'handsome' come out of her mouth, of course, she was right he is a thing kf beauty but I don't want anyone else saying that. "Right, I reviewed it over and over again and I couldn't find a single thing wrong with it see." I opened up my notebook and showed her all of my notes, "Well, Victor I don't want to assume anything but I think someone has a little crush, and it isn't this Yuri boy either."
I froze, what did she say? Crush? No, what of course not, I couldn't have a crush on this boy no. Even if I do think he's the cutest little thing ever and that he is an amazing skater and that I think his chubby little face might just kill me no no I don't have a crush on him. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, I have a crush on him, but how? I've only actually ever talked to him twice how can this be?
"Awe our little Victor does have a crush that's adorable. What's his full name? I'll send him a text and get to know him for you." I suddenly jumped and stole her phone from her hands, my cheeks were om fire and I couldn't stop my heary from beating faster. "You will do no such thing!" The other two that were skating stopped and looked over at us, Mila took her phone back from my hands and put it in her pocket. "Sure thing." Before I even knew what hit me Yuri was standing in front of me with that mean look on his face as always. "What are you and this hag talking about?" I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts and get my composer, "Well, it doesn't have anything to do with you so why should you care?" I walked past him to go talk to Yakov, behind me all I could hear was an angry Yuri saying "What the fuck?"
This is all I'm going to post for now. Let me know if you like this story and I'll keep it updated on here. Send me a chat if you want to learn more about it. 😁
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80srockher · 6 years
Yuri on Ice Rewatch and Live-Commentary, Episode 1: Easy as Pirozhki!! The Grand Prix Final of Tears
*There are spoilers throughout.  I also make assumptions that anyone reading has already seen the episode or has a grasp of the content.*
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Source: http://yurionicescreencaps.tumblr.com
The opening scene is so pretty.  Really sets a tone.  I went in knowing nothing about the anime first go-around, so I found Yuri and Victor’s grow/glow-ups montages interesting.  
This theme song is… not my favorite.  Maybe it’s the French horns?  That and too much synth.  I usually skip over it but want to give it a chance this go-around.
Heh, Victor and his gold blades to match his gold medal.  And his European af haircut.  Can’t remember the last time I saw an American past the age of 12 with bangs. No mistaking him for anything other than Eastern European.
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Also, the poster on the left is for Victor, I believe.  Can he pull his leg that high in the air?  Was that featured and I forgot?  I’ll be on the lookout for it.
Also, looks like Jean JACK made it to Sochi and placed third here too, lolz.
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Yes, please listen to your coach, Yuri.  Don’t poke the wound.  Stay off the internets.  ESPECIALLY the figure skating internets.  What little I remember from when I used to follow the sport is that it’s dramatic, to put it nicely.
I keep getting distracted by the utter Euro-ness of the Europeans in this show. The cut of Coach Celestino’s suit is so Italian I weep. He’s too smooth.
Yuri’s name tag has his name in Cyrillic as well?  Cute.
My first impression of Yuri was that he looks about 18 and that impression hasn’t changed.  Perhaps it’s the glasses, but he def looks youthful. I’m also someone who’s been accused of looking a decade+ younger than I actually am, so I can sympathize.
Speaking of sympathy – Yuri caved to pressure, binged ate before the competition while mourning his dog, then bombed his first trip to the Grand Prix final.  All in front of his idol.  Damnity damn damn.  Sorry, kid.
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Is Cao Bin ever introduced on the show?  Something else I forgot, maybe?
Now, when I first saw this poor child crying in the bathroom, that’s when I knew the series was going to be much different from the light-hearted anime about figure skating I expected.  It got real deep real quick.
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Yuri Plisetsky “The Russian Punk”.  Is this something the in-universe media refers to him as?  Because I only recall (JPN) Yuri saying it and only this once.
This screencap is during the scene where the journalist Marooka (sp?) is hassling Yuri about his future plans and instead of answering, Yuri can only stare at someone else’s puppy that reminds him of his dead Vicchan.
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This baby is crying. Cry.ing.  This has been a tough day for poor Yuri, overall.
And he talks down to himself so much.  It’s all his fault he caved to pressure. He was an idiot to think he could meet his idol on the same playing field.   He’s come so far and still thinks so little of his accomplishments.
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So, I understand this “one year later” is not really accurate, lol.  It’s just the new  year following the previous season.  I was confused initially about a number of soon-to-happen events before Yuri’s mental alter ego cleared it up.
So, per Minako’s voice actress, Yuri really is pronounced YOO-RI.  Cute.
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Four Continents is… not a Grand Prix competition?  My figure skating knowledge is all rust now.
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LOL, Minako does. Not. Play. And she wears a pinky ring.  My God, that death grip on poor Yuri.
It’s snowing outside the train station when Yuri and Minako leave.  So, it’s not unusual to snow in this region in March, but it’s highly unusual a month or so later. Man, hard to believe Yuri sat around for almost an entire month before the infamous video became viral.  More on that, later.
So, based on everyone’s interactions with Yuri so far, the only person who cares that he didn’t make it to the World Championships is him.  And he should care since he’s worked basically his entire life towards that goal.  But, he doesn’t appear to have let anyone down but himself, though he doesn’t act that way.
So, the fact that the family hot springs is named “Yu-topia”… did that influence Yuri’s name at all, I wonder?
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Ha!  I wish I could have recorded the Japanese actor’s voice when he says this line.  He makes Yuri sound so done with it all, lol.  It’s the best.
Ok, so a number of very interesting and entertaining things happen in succession that I don’t feel like screencapping.  No hug between the littlest Katsuki and the senior Katsukis, even though he hasn’t been home in 5 years.  Fascinating. No doubt cultural (I’m guessing) but fascinating.  
Yuri’s mom basically calls Minako a drunk.  To her face. LOL.  But I imagine no one can get mad at this sweet lady.
Minako calls Yuri out on his weight gain in front of God and everybody.  Though, I think it’s more of a matter of his clothes no longer fitting due to said weight gain.  
But, his parents don’t care. Eat more pork cutlet bowls, Yuri! Welcome home!
Vicchan’s shrine is where they also store the unused treadmill.  Want to bet the only person to use it was Yuri?
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Then older sis Mari-neechan appears with frosted tips.  I can appreciate a character that doesn’t beat around the bush (a trait she inherited from her mother, I imagine).  Welcome home, Yuri, but don’t sit on your ass.  Start thinking about your next move.    
Actually *loads headcanon* I suspect Mari doesn’t want Yuri to give up on skating.  The longer he stays at home, the more quitting becomes a possibility.
So, the Katsuki family hot springs resort (Inn?  Restaurant?) is the last one standing in town.  Very OT, but I wonder if the hot springs are still an attraction at all and are perhaps, government-owned?  Protected, used by tourists for a fee, perhaps?  I think about things like that.
Having never visited a hot spring, and based on the setting around Minako while she watches the World Championships on TV, it appears to be a place for people to come, soak, and lounge and grab a bite to eat if the mood strikes.  So, the Katsukis wait on people basically all day long.  Gotta be exhausting work.
Yuuuuuko!  The Madonna of Ice Castle Hasetsu!  Yuri’s crush on her is hella cute.
A slight segue to Yuri’s perceived attraction to Yuko and what it could imply about his sexual identity.  Per his labeling of Yuko as a “Madonna,” I figure Yuri considers Yuko untouchable, perhaps even “too good” for him.  Yuko, just like Victor, is “ideal”.  For someone as self-conscious as Yuri, comparing any romantic prospects against his two ideals was probably a convenient excuse not to get *too* close to anyone, male or female.  That being said, he didn’t pursue Yuko.  Alcohol loosened enough of Yuri’s inhibitions to eventually openly flirt with Victor, but this is still an important distinction, IMO.  He pursued one of his ideals (in more ways than one, even going so far as to leave home to in hopes of becoming Victor’s equal) and left the other one behind.
Yuri idealizes/d Yuko, and comes to love Victor.  He’s gay.  Bi, at the least.  
I don’t feel confident in applying any other labels, because I’m a straight.  Yuri could fall under any number of categories as long it they include, IMO, same-sex attraction.
In actuality, Yuko is “introduced” to the audience as Yuri’s straight love interest, but that doesn’t last long.  Cute and clever, show creators.  Cute. And . Clever.
Then we find out, via flashback, a) how adorable they all were when they were little kids and b) Yuko wanted to see Yuri compete against Victor.  Yuko has been a profound influence on Yuri.
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So, Victor.  This guy is in a class by himself.  The animators obviously invested a lot of time in his movements.  You can see why he leads the field even at 27.
Also, the creators had the nerve, the audacity, the unmitigated gall to compose an original opera aria for a cartoon.  That was my next indicator that this was more than a cutesy figure skating anime.  
The song really is beautiful, too.  Probably my favorite in the soundtrack.
Who’s the last IRL skater to win 5 consecutive World Championships?  Michelle Kwan, maybe?  Who is Kwan’s male equivalent?  Back then, probably Alexei Yagudin?  May research. May not. 
Anyway, Victor is the Michelle Kwan of YOI-verse lol.
Hmm.  Here come the three brats.  Good God.  Poor Yuko and Takeshi lol.
So sweet to see Yuri’s childhood bully is his biggest fan now.
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Sooo, Yuko’s triplets secretly record Yuri’s private performance, post it online (sometime before April 10, when Victor shows up), and things progress rather quickly from there...
Or do they?  It appeared to me that Yuri caught up with Yuko at the rink the same day he returned home.  Did he skate Victor’s routine for her that day, as well, or did it happen later?  Perhaps the triplets waited a few weeks to post the video, or else it took a few weeks to go viral.  Did Yuri turn off his phone for *weeks* to avoid the world?
Maybe he got home on March 30 and then the whole month of April just went to hell for him?  The possibilities...
LOL, I’m so SO mad the title of the video is “Katsuki Yuri TRIED to Skate Victor’s FS Program”. Those brats.
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This might be the most unattractive Victor’s ever looked.  Severe close-ups aren’t flattering on anyone.  Welp, down the rabbit hole now.  
So, in the next scene it snows in April which doesn’t stop anyone from stripping naked to bathe in a hot spring, apparently.  Or it just doesn’t stop Victor.
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I like this ending theme much better.  It’s a head-bopper.  The Instagram reel kills me.  
Thanks to anyone who took the time to read through this stream of consciousness!  No idea how long it may take me to get through the rest.  I tip my hat to those who regularly and passionately participate in fandom.  It’s a lot of work!
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vcepsis · 7 years
Question: If you're taking yoi prompts, have you ever written/would you consider writing a sick Otabek? Figured you like him a lot since he's your icon. Plus it's always refreshing to have sickfic content for characters other than the mains.
Hey thanks so much for the prompt! I do love him, he is my precious son. I’ve never thought about an Otabek sickfic but I decided to try it! I find Otabek’s character a bit hard to pin down but I hope I did him justice.
Also, there’s a bit of Otayuri in this. I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about Otayuri; for me, I don’t have a strong preference about whether or not they’re romantic or platonic. So I did write about Yurio here, but really you can read it however you want (I kept it pretty open to interpretation I think). There is no Yurio whump here though (I doubt I could ever write whump for him, lol).
Just over 2k. Enjoy!
Otabek’s alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. Approximately two hoursafter he had finally gone to bed.
Normally, Otabek was smarter than that. When he got offersto DJ at a club on a weekday, during training season, he always turned it down(it didn’t stop people from asking, though; apparently he had quite thereputation). Why would people want a DJ for a Tuesday night, anyway? It seemedthe party  in Almaty never slept.
Lately, however, everything had been going wrong. He hadbeen falling on his jumps in practice more often than not, to the point wherehis coach was growing concerned. His short program for the coming season wasnearing competition, but his free skate was still a complete mess. Thechoreography refused to work, no matter how many times he reordered things. Itlooked like he was going to have to scrap it altogether.
Plus, he woke up a few days before with his throat feelinglike sandpaper. It sent a wave of dread through him. This was not what he needed right now.
So when a friend had reached out about playing at a club,Otabek threw caution to the wind and said yes. Nothing else was working, butmaybe a successful show would finally knock his head back into place.
For the most part, it did. He was able to forget all about triple axels and quad salchows and getting sick in the middle of trainingseason quite well with the bass pounding in his chest and the free alcohol(despite the fact that he was underage, but really, nobody cared if the DJbroke a law or two, as long as the party didn’t stop).
Of course, that had been a mere three hours ago. He had managedto get a little bit of sleep to avoid another all-nighter before practice(hiscoach had threatened him in many colourful ways the first time he tried that) but he certainly hadn’t done hisbody any favours.
His alarm was still ringing in his ears, exacerbating theheadache that hadn’t quite faded. Sitting up slowly, he put a hand to his headas the room started to spin. Am I stilldrunk?
No, he hadn’t had enough to be hungover. He may have been anidiot by going out, but he wasn’t that dumb.
Sighing, Otabek rubbed his throbbing temples. The time onhis phone said 6:10. He didn’t need to be at the rink until 8. Surely he couldsleep a little longer, at least to get rid of this headache. He decided to liedown and close his eyes for another half hour or so.
Not two minutes later, it seemed, his phone started to ring.Groaning, he pulled it off his bedside table. It was his coach. He frowned abit, but answered.
“Where areyou??” Came the annoyed voice on the phone.
“What—” Otabek took the phone away from his ear longenough to see the time: 9:28 a.m.
“I’m sorry,” Otabek said earnestly, wincing whenhis voice came out more like a hoarse whisper than a heartfelt apology. Hetried clearing his throat. It didn’t help. “I’ll be there in—”
“Were you outlast night?”
This stopped Otabek in his tracks.
“I only meant to sleep a little longer,” Otabeksaid, trying not to sound like a pleading child. “I’ll make up for ittoday, I’ll stay late, I’ll pay you double for the day—”
There was a sigh on the other end of the phone. “Hang on, just stop for a second.” Thevoice was much gentler now. ”I knowyou’ve been frustrated lately, but I wish you would ask for help rather thantaking your frustrations out on cheap alcohol and loud music.“
Shame turned Otabek’s cheeks red.
”I’ll meet youhere at 10, and we’ll have a short day. Do not worry about fees. I just want tohelp you.“
Swallowing the fire in his throat, he agreed.
Otabek woke the next morning feeling, somehow, even worsethan the day before. His sore throat had evolved into  a grating cough which no amount of water woulddispel, and his head pounded so hard it felt like a bass drum.
His second alarm went off at 6:30 (after yesterday’s fiasco,he set four alarms to make sure he got up on time). With a groan, he switchedit off and dragged himself to the shower. When he finally arrived at the rink,his coach took in his pale complexion and weak voice with a raised eyebrow, butsaid nothing.
Practice was even more grueling than normal: Otabek feltcompletely drained by the end. His body had a heavy, groggy feeling that madeit hard to concentrate, and he was blowing his nose twice as much as normal.
Usually Otabek waspretty hardy when it came to illness, but his frustration at everything hadgotten the better of him, and he was ignoring his body screaming at him to slow down! Even now, when he had to stopmidway through his routine to cover his awful sounding coughs again, he refused to take it easy.
Distantly, he heard his coach sigh.  "I thought you were hungover yesterday,but it seems you’re not well.”
Otabek stiffened at the accusation. So he wasn’t feelingwell. So he could barely breathe without coughing and the room was beginning tospin. It was nothing. He could pushthrough.
A hand appeared in Otabek’s vision, cool on his forehead.His coach tsked. Otabek just shook itoff, scowling. “I’m fine.”
“Sure you are. Now go home.”
Otabek opened his mouth to protest some more, but he wasswiftly cut off. “No, I don’t want to hear it. You’ve been a mess latelyand now you’re neglecting your health. Go home, get some rest, and come backwhen you’re better.”
Obviously Otabek didn’t look convinced, because his coachcontinued, “Or you can stay here, work yourself into the ground, and getnowhere. While infecting everyone around you. Is that what you want?”
Otabek blinked, shocked. He had been doing his best to stayaway from his rink mates and cover his mouth, but what if it wasn’t enough? Heput a hand to his forehead, embarrassed. “I’m sorry,” he said softly.
His coach sighed again. “No, I’m sorry. That was toofar.” Otabek felt the weight of his coach’s hand on his back. “I knownothing seems to be working out, but this is not the solution. You need to takecare of yourself. So go home, get some rest, and we’ll start again when you’rehealthy.”
Otabek hesitated for a moment, but nodded in the end.
It turns out his coach’s advice was sound, as he barely hadthe energy to walk back to his apartment. Dragging himself through the door andtrudging to his room, he barely had the energy to change out of his practiceclothes before collapsing into bed and promptly passing out.
His phone, however, had other ideas.
The shrill sound of his ringtone cut through his fitfulsleep, and he groaned as the pain behind his eyes spiked anew. Turning towardhis nightstand, his phone told him two things: that it had only been a fewhours since he got home, and that Yuri Plisetsky was calling.
Ah, shit. In hishalf asleep state, he had completely forgot about his agreement to have a chatwith Yuri tonight. Sighing at his own incompetence, he hit the answer button. “Hey, Yuri.”
“Whoa, you soundwrecked,” came the greeting from the other end. “Were you out last night or something?”
Why did everyone assume that because he was a DJ, he waspartying every night?
Well….he was outa few days ago. Bitterly, he supposed it was a fair assumption after all.
“No,”Otabek replied. He held the phone away from his face as he coughed harshly.“Just a bit sick.”
“Oh,”Yuri said, sounding a bit surprised. “Areyou….uh, are you ok?”
Otabek couldn’t help but laugh a bit at Yuri’s somewhatfretful tone, which turned into another wet sounding cough. “I’ll be fine.It sounds worse than it is.”
“Yeah.”Yuri sounded unsure. “Did you, like,take your temperature or anything?”
Huh, that actually wasn’t a bad idea. “Not yet,”Otabek said, “I passed out as soon as I got home from practice.”
“Shit, did I wakeyou up?” Yuri sounded upset. ”Ishould have texted you first, ugh.“
“No, no, it’s ok,” Otabek said, rubbing his tiredeyes and sitting up in bed. “I should have let you know I was going to bedearly.” It seemed everything really was going wrong. He couldn’t even be ahalf decent friend.
“It’s ok,”Yuri said.
Otabek pushed the covers back and stood, blinking rapidlywhen black spots appeared in his vision. There was silence on the phone for amoment while he tried to get his bearings, and he stumbled a bit on the way tothe bathroom. Now that he was up and moving, he desperately wanted to blow hisnose, but didn’t want Yuri to hear (and be any more grossed out than heprobably already was), so he resorted to sniffling as quietly as he could.
He didn’t want Yuri to have to wait in awkward silence whilehe looked for his thermometer (when was the last time he even used the damnthing?). Clearing his throat—wincing at the raw feeling there—he asked,“How is training going?”
This, predictably, sent Yuri into a spiraling rant about “Victor goddamn Nikiforov thinks he’sSO GREAT and that PIG worships the ground he walks on it’s absolutely pathetic—”which allowed Otabek to dig through his bathroom cabinets. Despite Yuri’s angrytone, Otabek knew he didn’t actuallymind that much. Having Katsuki around was good for him, Otabek knew, from themultitude of texts he got about how well practice was going. Otabek hadn’tknown him long, but he knew that Yuri secretly looked up to Katsuki, and thathe maybe even enjoyed the sudden burst of activity Katsuki ended up bringing tothe St. Petersburg rink.
About halfway through Yuri’s colourful rendition of howVictor was an absolute prick, Otabek finally found his thermometer. Washing itoff quickly, he stuck it in his mouth just as Yuri was asking, “Can you believe the shit I have to dealwith?!”
Otabek couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. “Soundsterrible,” he said, the words a bit muffled by the thermometer. It beepedsoon after, the sound louder than he anticipated.
“Was that yourthermometer?” Yuri asked.
"Yeah,” Otabek replied, looking at the numbers.101. He couldn’t help the frustrated noise that escaped him.
Yuri was silent for a moment. “Is it….bad?”
“No,” Otabek said honestly. It wasn’t that bad,but his fevers always tended to stick around longer than his other symptoms. Itjust meant more time away from the rink.
“Well….”Yuri started, a bit unsure. “This isgonna sound dumb, so like, don’t listen to me if it’s stupid or whatever—”
“What is it?” Otabek asked, rubbing his nose withhis palm, sniffling quietly.
“You’veseemed….frustrated, lately,” Yuri said tentatively. “Like…you’ve been doing too much. Pushingyourself too hard. That’s probably why you got sick. Maybe…..this time awaywill help?”
Otabek was silent for a moment. He thought he hadn’t beencomplaining to Yuri that much, that he’d been pushing his concerns far enoughaway that no one else would notice. Clearly, that wasn’t the case. Because Yurinoticed.
Wait. Was Yuri….worried about him?
A sigh came through the phone. ”That was stupid, I know, just forget about it.“
"No, no,” Otabek said. “You’re….probablyright, actually. I have beenfrustrated. I might just need some time. Clear my head.” At this, hisbreath began to hitch, and he pulled the phone away to sneeze twice into hiselbow.
Yuri sighed a bit. “Yousound like shit. Go back to bed, dude. I can call you when you’re better.”
“Yeah,” Otabek replied, wincing at the evenrougher sound of his voice.
“And…..text me.When you wake up. Let me know you’re still alive.”
Otabek huffed a small laugh. “I will.”
They hung up, and Otabek finally got to blow his nose. SoYuri wanted him to text when he woke up….maybe he was worried after all.Otabek felt a bit bad for worrying him.
But also, it was kind of nice that someone cared.
He trudged back to his bed, making a quick note on his phoneto buy some cold meds the next day. As he was finishing, a message from Yuricame up: it was a cat meme, with no context, of course. Was he trying to makeOtabek feel better?
Otabek smiled at the thought. Sending a quick“LOL” to Yuri, he put his phone down, crawled back under the covers,and was out within minutes.
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yoiotdfics · 7 years
Fic Recs for the Month of November 2016
Triple Axel  by  terunakamura
Yuuri is so in love with Victor that he gets too distracted to do his jumps. What better solution than to avoid the problem?
fight for you, write for you by  third
The thing is, Yuuri had completely forgotten about his account on Figure Skating! until he sees the email in his inbox. He doesn’t know how he ends up awake at 3 AM defending Victor’s reputation from strangers on the internet.
Melting Point by  cirrus (themorninglark)
Katsuki Yuuri waves an awkward greeting at him. Yuri feels his blood rising, whirls and whips away. He’s definitely out of step now. Not that it matters. Not that he needs any more practice to beat Yuuri to a pulp.
In which a conversation takes place off the ice, and Yuri Plisetsky considers fragments, shards, and space to breathe.
Looking for a clue by  neerappi
It takes one touch and Yuuri’s head goes haywire.
Dear Mama by  Ferrero13
In which Victor writes letters to his mother, who is fifty percent of his rationality and self-control.
Cheering for You by  gawsoloy
The tissue box cover shielded his face, as if it was an impenetrable barrier to keep the stunning man in front of him from starting into his soul.
Learn to Love Yourself by  SocialDegenerate
Victor teaches Yuuri to become more attuned to his sexual side.
“Tonight,” Victor said, and his thumbs were rubbing little circles on Yuuri’s hips, making him painfully aware of the slight layer of fat that still padded some of his stomach, “I want you to become more comfortable with your body.”
Lift Me Up by  ca_te
Before Victor came barging into his life, Yuuri didn’t know what love was. Then Victor arrived and lifted his heart up. Ep 5 reaction ficlet!
Iced by  Sandyclaws68
A hard fall, ice packs, the Cyrillic alphabet, and Viktor all combine into one oddly comfortable situation.
Ice Posters,  Warm Pictures by  StorySongs
Yuuri’s walls don’t stay blank forever, but this time he fills them with pictures of the real Victor.
What are we? by  angel_ponders
The media picks up on the close relationship between Yuuri and Victor, which forces Yuuri to confront him about the nature of their relationship.
And then cuddles, because we need cuddles.
What do you Want from me? by  Goombella123
The one in which they’re dating in all but name.
Mild spoilers past episode 3.
Hold my Heart by  Gilrael
Yuuri can see Victor’s mouth move, but he might as well be speaking Russian – all Yuuri can think about are the three words he’s been practising in his rare moments of privacy. He’s this close to saying them, they are burning on his tongue, filling his mind…
Sparks in The Snow by  nuclearchinchilla
Guang Hong Ji peeled Viktor’s thong off his head, throwing it aside, along with any remaining shred of his dignity. Honestly, he was just here to pretend to like hotpot, and he was feeling so traumatized right now.
Out in the cold, the red of the restaurant’s lanterns shone like large beads against the white streets and black-framed snack stands.
Sexy and I Know it, But Not by  InsominiacArrest
Leo and Guang-Hong end up trying to increase their ‘sex appeal’ after seeing this year’s competition, they laugh, they cry, they look silly in a local park
Show Me by  actualgayrobot
Yuuri finds himself hot and bothered after his most recent Eros performance, wanting nothing more than some alone time in a private room to sort out his problems. He doesn’t plan to drag Viktor with him, it just kind of… happens.
A sister knows by  preciousbunnynoiz
Everyone says that Victor is a terrible flirt but Mari isn’t convinced.
Off the Ice by Lirillith read by  Rhea314 (Rhea)
Summary: Guang-Hong Ji saw a lot more than naked Victor at that restaurant.
Old Wounds by  YuYam
It’s when Viktor takes off his shirt to change when Yuuri notices a small scar he’s never seen before on his upper back. He reaches a hand forward, his fingers lightly brushing the shiny pink skin, and he blushes when Viktor turns to acknowledge him. “Would you like to see more?”
stranger in the shell of a lover by  astralelegies
“Victor Nikiforov had always been just the right level of unattainable—an international skating celebrity who was close enough to dream about but remained constantly out of reach. Yuuri would see him at competitions, hoping for a chance to meet, praying that they wouldn’t, and thus a reasonable balance between reality and his own wilful illusion was maintained. Now Victor was his coach, his reality, and the balance was changing. He was on thin ice.”
For You, For Me by  Val_Creative
Leo shares his headphones with Guang-Hong, making him flustered about how close they are. Having an unrequited crush feels disappointing, until maybe it’s just not unrequited at all.
Masquerade by  Ashida
“Just say the word.” came the whisper as Victor stepped close, behind them Yuuri was aware of guns out and at the ready, of confused men and questioned loyalties, here Victor was offering, and Yuuri was too selfish to say no.
“Ok.” Yuuri smiled as this game of masquerade came to an end, what would happen now, he didn’t know, he would probably die, his family would come after him and try to put a knife in his back or a bullet between his eyes, none of it mattered, because together they would fight, and the rest of the world would finally burn.
a single vowel in this metallic silence by  100demons
Summary: “Kissing you still feels like a surprise,” Yuri says thoughtfully.Post Episode 7.
Slow it down  by  SportsAnimeRuinedMyLife (KnightOfRage)
Summary:  "At first, he looked at Yuuri and he just wanted.But then he started looking at Yuuri and wanting to protect him, to make him happy.Now he looks at Yuuri and he wants everything with him.It’s terrifying.“Or…people have always been easy for Victor. Yuuri is the exception to the rule.
When Everything Calms by  lizo1294
Summary:  After the kiss on the ice, Yuuri needs to be alone with Victor. But he’s also exhausted. He really should have taken that nap before the competition.
After the Free Skate by  Arisprite
Summary:  After everything that had happened, Yuri’s exhaustion is catching up to him. Victor’s arm is warm around his shoulders.
Strictly Professional by  sqbr
Summary:  Yuuri is deeply scandalised when he finds out everyone thinks he’s dating Victor.
The Aftermath of Sleepless Nights by  JDGambit
Summary:  Agape, eros, he felt it all and more and, he knew, with certainty that Yuuri felt the same. And wasn’t that just amazing?
AfterShocks by  trixiechick
Summary:  the reactions to The Kiss™ Seen Around the Skating World
In All of Creation by  flyingcrane
Yuuri knows everyone - friends, rivals, coaches, even strangers - have given Victor the “don’t break his heart” speech. He’s not surprised when it’s his turn, but he doesn’t expect to get it from his own mother.
Some Tender Love and Care by  Momus
Summary: Victor tends to Yuuri after a long day of competition.
if only by  nsykdk
What if Victor never meant that kiss?
The Trouble With Boyfriends and Dogs by  Wolfs_Ayame
Makkachin is a boyfriend thief, Victor just wants to sleep, and Yuuri is a sass master.
Based off a Tumblr prompt challenge given to me by my friend Sachiro: “You can’t banish me, this is my bed too!”
Tomorrow the world breathes again by  perennials
“Can I touch you?”
“We’re holding hands. You already are.“
“Then, can I touch you more?”
Thunder comes after by  calciseptine
“Touch me,” Victor demands.
For Makkachin by  anomeganeyatsu
The moment he hears the words Makkachin, hospital and not gonna make it in the same sentence his mind flashes back to Vicchan.
Bridge-Passage by  Eithe
Yuuri and Victor are figuring out how to build a partnership, but it’s hard when their best common language is nonverbal.
When He’s Not Even Trying by  qwartooty
“Do you have any kinks?”
Viktor looked down at Phichit, surprised. “Excuse me?”
“Fetishes. Turn-ons. Things that make you go, ‘Oooh! Wow! Yeah!’”
“I know what a kink is. Why are you asking me that kind of question?”
“Don’t look so scandalized. It’s for my psychology project. Which I just told you about, but you were too busy drooling over Yuuri to listen,” Phichit said.
(post episode 7 - In which Viktor is enlightened, Phichit is a little shit, and Yuuri frantically searches for ways to keep surprising Viktor)
Momentum by  YankingAwry
Here was how the scene went in Yuuri’s head:
Victor, frozen, clueless: the ruins of a smile on his face. But Yuuri, I thought you knew! It was only to surprise you. It meant nothing more-
Yuuri: spine limp, head hanging, tears streaking down his face and collecting at his chin, dripping like an old faucet onto the ground. Words exploding out of his mouth, wet, glottal: Then just stop! Stop doing things that mean nothing to you, and everything to me!
Too Much, Not Enough by  iceprinceofbelair
Summary: Viktor cuts his hair.
Sunrise and Winter Snow by  Crimsonpheonix271
Sometimes Yuuri just wants to enjoy his only day off, and sometimes Makkachin disagrees with that plan. Victor just wants to stay warm and comfortable, and attached to Yuuri.
A Member of the Family by  TheUnforgivables
Victor returns to Japan to check on Makkachin. While traveling, he muses about family and how Makkachin is pretty much the only family he has.
One Surprise after the other by  shimazakis
Yuri didn’t expect a quiet birthday, not when Victor Nikiforov was his boyfriend.
We’ll call this place our home by  perennials
“What do you want for your birthday?”
Yuuri averts his gaze, cheeks rosy-red. “You, I guess? Forever?”
Forever. Forever.
Viktor buys a ring.
Or, The Big Day approaches, and Viktor seeks advice from various members of the Katsuki family.
Pieces Of Me Pieces Of You by  Sandyclaws68
Birthday cake, sake, and one special present have Yuuri and Viktor crossing one more threshold in their relationship.
Savor the Taste by  RennieOnIceCream (Hitsugi_Zirkus)
Everything was sinfully good sensation under Yuuri’s palms until he couldn’t quite tell if the silk he felt was the lingerie or Viktor’s own skin. It was surreal and beautiful and made Yuuri’s head spin all bubbly like champagne.
In which it’s Yuuri’s birthday and Viktor’s eager for him to unwrap his presents.
For Good Luck by  StorySongs
Victor puts his own twist on a traditional Russian birthday tradition.
To be selfish by  shiromantic
Yuuri is turning twenty four. He starts to think about his life up until this moment and how much he’s grown. Victor listens and tells him how important he really is.
On Pirozhki and Katsudon by  Zelinxia
Yuri knows what Agape is, but not what it means to him. As his motivator for the Onsen on Ice competition, Yuuko comes up with a solid idea that helps him find inspiration.
“What is your favorite comfort food?”
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toraonice · 7 years
Yuri on Ice interview translation - Otomedia 2017/02 (p21)
Here’s the other interview with producer Manabu Otsuka from February’s Otomedia. This is from February so of course it's after the end of the series.
As I mentioned in the other post, Otsuka is a producer and also the current representative director of studio MAPPA, so he’s actually a very important guy. In other words, as long as he’s fine with more YOI we will get more YOI...
I know Otsuka from Shingeki no Bahamut Genesis, because he often appeared in the crazy staff live talk they had every week. I always had the impression that he is a nice guy who is open to challenges and lets creators fairly free to do what they wish, which in anime such as YOI is a good thing because it means that creators don’t have to fight against an army of narrow-minded higher-ups to make the story how they want it (though I think they still have to fight against sponsors, distributors etc..). Yamamoto and Kubo would probably have had a much harder time making YOI if they had teamed up with a more old-fashioned anime studio.
As most of the anime staff, Otsuka didn’t really create the story of YOI, he just managed the team that animated it, that’s why often speaks with “it’s my opinion” “I think that” etc.
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MAPPA producer Manabu Otsuka interview The story of the two continues after the Grand Prix Final
—Let us know how you feel now that the last episode aired.
In the last episode Victor decided to go back to competing and Yuuri decided to continue. I feel that (Mitsurou) Kubo-san and director (Sayo) Yamamoto-san were able to successfully depict the progress and final destination of their relationship of coach and student, as well as the theme of this work, which is “love”, bringing everything to a beautiful conclusion. —Was it decided from the start that Yuuri would place 2nd in the Grand Prix Final?
Yes. When I received the plan of the story until the last episode, it had Yurio (Yuri Plisetsky) as the winner. I think that, from the start, the story of Yuuri and the other figure skaters was portrayed as something that was going to continue even after the Grand Prix Final. If Yuuri had won he might have chosen to retire this season. —Were there any other alternative plans for the ending?
Kubo-san and director Yamamoto might have discussed other plans between themselves, but the production staff only knew the current ending. The way we portrayed the exhibition changed from the original plan, but I think that this version with Victor barging in on Yuuri’s exhibition and the story ending with the two of them was probably the best option. —Why do you think Victor decided to go back to competing?
Victor has been winning all this time with his overwhelming strength and has always surprised the audience, but I think that he might have gotten into a slump because he didn’t know what to do next. Just at that time, at the banquet of last year’s Grand Prix Final, Yuuri told him “become my coach”. This is just my imagination, but I think Victor might have seen it as an occasion for he himself to change. After that he becomes Yuuri’s coach and they fight together, and I think that Yuuri kept on surprising Victor. As they spend time together not only in tournaments but in their private life too, Victor is attracted by Yuuri and is influenced by him. Unlike when he was always winning alone, the influence of another person caused something inside him to change, and I think he might have become curious to know what kind of performance this new himself was capable of and how he could fight against the other skaters. Of course it’s just my personal opinion. —So this change led him to return to competing.
In the Grand Prix Final we are also shown how both his personal best scores in the short program and free skating were surpassed by the two Yuris, and he can’t just stay there twiddling his thumbs as the others surpass him. Also, in episode 11 we see Victor watching the other skaters’ performances, and of course I don’t think his feelings are that simple, but Yuuri takes it as “see, Victor wants to skate again after all” and “I’m the one who is stopping him from doing that”, so at the beginning of episode 12 he tries to set Victor free. —So you are saying that he didn’t decide to retire just because of his physical limits.
Yes. And I also believe that Victor’s return to competition might have stopped Yuuri from retiring. —I had the impression that Yurio’s free skating in episode 12 also had a strong role in stopping Yuuri’s retirement.
I do think that Victor himself and his choice were one of the ultimate reasons causing Yuuri to change his mind about retiring, but at the same time, on a different level, Yurio as an athlete showed him how earnestly he wanted to win against him. I think that power affected Yuuri’s feelings as a figure skater and made him decide to continue competing. Love and bonds with people are portrayed through his relationship with Victor, and the spirit of an athlete and the importance of keeping a strong motivation are portrayed through Yurio. I felt that the way the story is structured with Yurio, who is the youngest one, fiercely representing the essence of an athlete and confronting the adults, was very cleverly thought. —What do you think about Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ), who placed 3rd in the Grand Prix Final?
He’s a character I really like. He was overwhelmingly strong ever since he appeared, has a crazy personality and many things about him are more definite than other characters. He says he’s “the king” and delivers. I think that JJ’s collapse increased the tension of the Grand Prix Final. I felt that he had the role of making the audience think “What will happen to Yuuri and Yurio?”, “What will be the results?”. As someone on the creators’ side I was also happy that in the end he was able to rank 3rd overall (LOL). —It’s amazing that he could recover in the free skating.
I was moved watching him, because unlike the previous JJ, this time he was suffering and struggling to achieve good results. In any sport it always leaves a strong impression when someone is able to overcome adversity, and depicting this through JJ’s development was a good thing for this work as a sport anime. —From episode 10 we have Otabek too.
Otabek is an athlete who pursues strength as a competitor. He stoically endeavors to become stronger to win competitions. This personality also makes him lonely, and I think that’s why he became friends with Yurio. Yurio has Yakov, Lilia and the others, but I was happy to see that he could finally find a fellow athlete who shared the same loneliness. —Regarding Yuuri and Victor, how do you interpret their relationship over the course of the whole anime?
This is just my opinion, but I think that for the two of them the relationship of coach and student is just the surface. It looks as if Victor showed up and saved Yuuri from a crisis, but at the same time Victor needs Yuuri too. Yuuri has fallen to the very bottom and Victor has lost sight of something. They meet when they are both going through a difficult phase and need to change something, they complement each other and go further ahead. Yuuri said “this feeling doesn’t have a name”, and I really think their relationship is just like that. It’s surely beautiful to call it “love”, but I think that it goes even beyond that; it’s a relationship where they motivate each other to go in a better direction. —Every episode had a big response, but do you think in episode 10 it was particularly impressive?
I felt that Kubo-san and director Yamamoto, just like Victor, like to always surprise the audience. And they even set a series of surprises in a row. Showing something clearly can be scary because some people might not be impressed by it, but it’s amazing how they still pushed forward without hesitation (LOL). However, I think that the aggressive stance of this work is what helped it reach the hearts of many people. I personally felt that episode 10 was the culmination of that. It was full of thrills. —Many people are already hoping for a sequel. What are the current plans for the future?
I think that Kubo-san and director Yamamoto want to continue as long as they can, and there are probably lots of things that they want to portray. If they wish so, the company and I will be glad to work on it as we’ve done so far (LOL).
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ayabaiii · 7 years
Why I’m so nuts for YOI
YOI flipped my switch in a big way, in a head-over-heels way, in a Victor-dancing-with-Yuri-at-the-GPF-banquet-and-realizing-this-was-it way, and I’ve been thinking lately about why it is that I love it SO much. There are so many reasons. A million reasons. A gazillion reasons under the cut because I’m not as cruel to stick this much text at once into your dash.
Sexual desire can be a positive thing: In most Asian media (dramas, anime), sex and desire is usually treated as deviant- if you want it, you’re a slutty slut or a comical horndog, or it has to be way crazy kinky nonconsensual porn shit. In most Western media, it isn’t treated well either- I just finished watching Big Little Lies and sex is all about shame, rage and violence in that series. But in the world of YOI, Victor is super hot for the cute guy who challenged his rinkmate to a dance off, then proceeded to strip and pole dance, THEN CAPPED IT ALL OFF BY SWEEPING HIM OFF HIS ACTUAL FEET, and then he choreographs a skating routine about SEXUAL LOVE about it and ends up making Yuri skate it. A lot of fandom seem to write Yuri off as a delicate flower who knows nothing about sex, but were you all watching the same series as I was? He basically has a sexual awakening as a preteen watching stupid pretty Victor twirl around with his stupid pretty hair and covers his entire bedroom with sexy posters of him (there are posters where Victor isn’t even skating, they are more or less posters to jack off to). He literally says that he is the only person in the world who can satisfy Victor. I’m shit at translating but the Japanese dialogue and narration in the series (I should just watch the blurays because I find the english subs on crunchyroll distracting and not particularly accurate) is... pretty sexy too. They’re in love, but they’re also SUPER attracted to each other, and that’s ok- better than ok, really, because great sex is a cornerstone of healthy and happy long-term relationships. 
The fact that they’re both the same gender is never an issue: No angsting about sexual orientation. Neither party wishes they were a girl (which happens every so often in yaoi). No pandering or queerbaiting. This series is a straight-up romantic comedy: person A meet-cutes person B, person A and person B fall madly in love. No one gives them any shit about it (except Yuri Plisetsky, but my head canon there is that he has an unconscious crush on Yuri Katsuki and is mad as shit that stupid perfect Victor swooped in and stole him away) 
No stupid romantic subplot friction: No super retarded misunderstandings that could be avoided by just talking to each other (I’m looking at you, every Korean drama ever made), no evil love rivals, no contrived situation with parents or other authority figures trying to keep the main couple apart. Their main issues are what most couple’s issues are: proper communication, compromise, and learning what it means to operate as a unit. I also love love love that when Victor gets jealous and possessive in the Yuri on Stage skit, he doesn’t demand to know all the details of whoever he thinks Chihoko is, he doesn’t close off and make it so Yuri only ever talks to him, he drunkenly scrawls “Surpass Chihoko” on Yuri’s naked back, and then proceeds to climb a public edifice naked and scream his love from the top. And when he demands Yuri do it too, instead of telling him he’s crazy or to get down or having a fight, Yuri just strips and gets up there too, to make his stupid hungover husband feel better.  
A realistic portrayal of love: Victor and Yuri are attracted to each other, but the reason they fall in love is that they really get along and like being around the other person. They have fun, they make each other laugh, they excite and surprise each other, they slowly open up to each other, they bicker and squabble because being in love doesn’t mean your partner doesn’t annoy the shit out of you sometimes. Most anime and media treat falling in love like some magical thing that makes your life instantly perfect, which is not the case in real life. They also treat falling in love as a mysterious and sudden thing you have no control over, and honestly for the most part it is, but that’s limerence, not love. Victor and Yuri actually fall in love and stay in love. Their lives are immeasurably better with the other person in it. They fill in each other’s spaces. 
Realistic portrayals of mental conditions: I stay away from saying mental illness because I think anxiety and depression are things most people experience at some point in their lives- some just have it to a deeper or lighter degree than others. Yuri and Victor are both high functioning- Yuri in his anxiety, Victor in his depression. A lot has been said about Yuri’s anxiety, especially given than he’s the narrator of 11/12 episodes, but I was actually hugely impressed by the nuanced and realistic depiction of Victor as a high functioning depressed person. He’s clearly bored and sad and lonely, hugely craving human connection and feeling cut off from people because of his godlike status: every connection he has is in relation to his sport, and they all want something out of him, so when he falls in love for the first time, he ends up becoming a coach because he thinks that’s all he has to offer Yuri to make him fall in love with him too. I honestly don’t think Victor has ever thought about being a coach, nor is he interested in staying one after Yuri: the entire thing was basically a crazy grand gesture to make the cute boy from the banquet fall in love with him (well, in his defense, it worked, so good job Victor). Victor’s only real connection seems to be to his dog, which struck me as enormously and terribly lonely. Hopefully we’ll learn more about his family in Season 2. 
Realism about bodies and how much fucking work it is to be hot: I just spent an hour and a half at the gym so this is on my mind LOL. Most anime and tv shows gloss over the sheer amount of work it actually takes to be a certain shape, and I already knew from episode one where Yuri gains weight after his depression from a seemingly endless onslaught of FML that I was in for the good shit. Any hot person you know who claims they just sit on the couch eating hot wings all the time is a goddamn liar. I’m no longer sample size because I don’t have time to spend 2-3 hours in the gym every single day and I like to have some fried chicken and chips and ice cream now and again. Now, I had some discussion with male friends when I forced them to watch it last week as to how feasible it was for Yuri to lose all that weight in basically a week, and they claim it’s doable / they’ve done similar before, but I think part of episode 1 shows Yuri as an unreliable narrator who seems to think he’s WAY fatter than he is (which is part of the nature of anxiety), so he was probably, like, in actually 10-15lbs or so heavier than his GPF weight vs how he’s portrayed in the anime in the comical fatty-fat-fatty sequences. Victor is also super cut but it looks like he’s always biking/skating when Yuri’s skating /probably spends a lot of time working out to keep that amount of muscle tone (he’s also clearly vain af so you better believe he is all about the gainz).
Body positivity about squishiness: And this is not in a pandering or condescending way. Victor is affectionately into Yuri’s squishy off-season tummy in the Yuri on Stage skit, and Yuri’s objections are only really that they’re in public and around other people while he’s playing with it. I always interpreted Victor’s saltiness about Yuri’s weight / forcing him to get back to his GPF weight when he first arrives in Hasetsu not as Victor actually caring about Yuri staying hot or not, but as Victor being a petty little bleep because he’s annoyed that he showed up just like Yuri asked and Yuri kind of ended up giving him a weird awkward cold shoulder instead of fucking him into the nearest mattress. And in any case, speaking of saltiness...
People can be petty af because they’re human: Victor is a lowkey asshole (the kind of person who’s so beautiful and talented they’ve been able to get away with just about anything because everyone gets blinded by lasers of HOT PERSON IS TALKING TO ME) but still immensely likeable. And Yuri is a lowkey asshole too- see his HAAAAH reaction to Victor’s baiting about past lovers, or his constant poking of Victor’s hair whorl. He’s really likeable too. Sometimes it’s ok to be petty af.
I really wish that a series like Yuri on Ice had been around in my formative years. One of the biggest reasons I love it so much is I feel like it can have such a positive influence on young people- on people who struggle with anxiety and depression, with people who struggle with simultaneously being on top of their game and not feeling good enough. More importantly, I think it gives a really great primer on the RIGHT way to be in love. My college best friend was a philosophy major and one of her professors once said in class “If it wasn’t for movies, no one would ever fall in love,” and looking back on toxic relationships I’ve been in and people I shouldn’t have slept with, it’s most likely I used tv and movies as a primer for what seemed like socially acceptable behaviour for love: tumultuous drama as PASSION, jealousy and possessiveness as being marked by a great love, sex as a substitute for emotional intimacy. Being older and wiser and through the gauntlet I know a lot more now about what’s good for me, but if I’d had something like Yuri on Ice back in my teens, I think I would have made some better decisions. So I’m glad a series like this is out there now. Hopefully it’ll make a new generation of young’uns (or even old’uns!) make better decisions than I did (well, most of them, anyway. I had a lot of fun, and you should too)
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dahcyst · 7 years
A Flower for the Bee [Chapter 6]
[AO3 link : http://archiveofourown.org/works/9238850/chapters/21205610]
The next day, Yuri had waken up with some difficulties. He hadn't drunk last night for his birthday, as he was still underage for the two incoming years, but going home so late after the small party had just left him dead in his bed. Dealing with J.J. had been quite weird and totally impossible. Dark eyes had been looking down on him when he'd tried to get the man's cellphone, and the smirk on J.J.'s face was really pissing him off. Victor had soon stopped both them, claiming the phone as his -and it actually was true: J.J. hadn't been using his own cell the whole night and Yuri learned later that Victor had lent an old one of his to the Canadian. It seemed that his coming from so far wasn't that prepared as he hadn't made the advances for a journey phone credit.  
He'd tried to ask Victor –more or less roughly, violently, even threatened the man, but the skater never returned the phone, and didn't even bother answer to Yuri's rude words.  
"None of my business, boys," he'd said despite the protests.  
After that, the party hadn't last for long, and Yakov had drove him back home; it appeared that J.J.  was really sleeping at Victor's during his stay. At the end of the evening (or the early morning? He wasn't sure), the man looked pretty exhausted and Yuri had suddenly remembered the huge jet lag between Russia and Canada. It was already quite impressive that J.J. had survived that entire time –or maybe he'd taken a nap in the afternoon before taking him to Victor's place.  
Speacking of J.J., Yuri hadn't seen any pictures of the small party on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr...He'd checked Victor's, J.J.'s, aven Yakov's account even though the old man wasn't one to take pictures and didn't quite understand how to upload a photograph, let alone make a publication alone. He used to ask Georgi or Mila when he needed some help.  
J.J.'s accounts on social medias didn't have anything new published since...Days. Weeks. It had made Yuri frown a little since J.J. had always been someone who posted a lot of things –especially things that made others feel like they wanted to punch him right in the face, and especially Yuri. But the last thing Yuri saw in tCanadian's feed was that selfie Isabella and him had taken together at the end of their wedding. He was still wearing her white veil, her dark hair hair tied up in an amazing bun that Yuri was petty sure it had taken hours to make due to the lack of lenght.  
"Wow, got new clothes?"  
At Mila's words, Yuri raised his eyes up to her as he was lacing his skates and nodded silently. With that gaze of hers, he knew that she was aware of what had happened the night before –or at least about that gift. Did she knew about Otabek, the incoming duet and why she was training so much with him lately?  
"You look a bit tired, is it gonna be ok today?" She asked sitting near on the same bench.  
"I'll go easy for today," he sighed. "Yakov's been pretty irresponsable for once, taking me home soooo late..."  
He knew for sure that Victor wouldn't be here in the morning : the man was a heavy sleeper and knowing that J.J. was at his place didn't help with that feeling. Before leaving his phone on the bench with his towel, Yuri gave an eye in his mailbox in case he would get a new message from Otabek. He actually hadn't been sleeping right away after getting home last night, sending some words to the Kazakh. The man had answered almost immediatly, putting his nerves to the edge. For God's sake, when was he even sleeping!?
 Yura : "When are you coming in Moscow then?"
   Ota-bee : "By the end of the week, I'll tell you"
   Yura : "Ok then"
Oh man. It had kept him from sleeping for a good couple of hours more and he wasn't sure if he had even sleep a complete hour that night. His brain was feeling like dead, not running properly to his liking –he didn't have strenght enough to answer back Mila's bad jokes. His body was painful enough to make him grunt even more than usually. But the idea of skating with Otabek Altin was somehow worth it. Well, not somehow. The simple thought of being able to stand by his side on the ice made his heart jolt and beat so hard that he wasn't sure if it was due to the excitment or the tireness or anything.  
Mila laughed gently, then patted his head with her thin hand. "You're a lot on your phone lately," she said. "Finally got a girlfriend?"  
Before he could even think about his answer, Yuri gave her a dark death glare as he was leaving his phone screen for a few seconds. "What?"  
"Wow, don't look at me like that, you're scary!"  
"Your fault! What kind of nonsense are you saying!?" Yuri spit. He had tightened his grip on the frame of his phone, his thumb pushing pretty fast on the main button to darken the screen. But she grinned anyway; he hadn't been quick enough for it not to be noticed.  
"Sooooo, what's her name?" She continued.  
Yuri grit his teeth. "There's no 'her', stupid!"  
She opened her eyes wild. "Oh! That's a 'he' then? I didn't know you were into guys!"  
Yuri coughed pretty hard at her suggestion and the lace slip off his hands as he was giving her the most threatening gaze of his. Or at least he tried but the sudden heat all other his face wasn't  helping and he wasn't sure if being red to the ears was something convincing enough against Mila.  
"What 'what'?" She shrugged. "Aren't you?"
The silence that fell between the two of them suddenly took him deep and he felt a heavy lump forming in his throat as Mila was staring at him. Her gaze was as curious as puzzled. The few people not so far around the rink had turned their attention toward them and it made him feel pretty bad. But the young woman soon sighed softly, standing slowly.  
"Yeah," she simply said. "You're not, of course. Sorry if I've upset you, okay?"  
Once again this week, Yuri felt the guilt taking him deep in his stomach. Mila's features had suddenly changed and if he didn't know why, he knew it was because of what he'd just said. That subject was something he'd never really thought about. A girlfriend, or even a boyfriend, weren't something that had their place in his life right now. He didn't have enough time or energy for such things –let alone nobody was interesting enough in his current daily life to even consider the idea.  
"O-okay," he mumbled.  
She quickly left, gone for a little warm-up on the ice and Yuri sighed, pushing again on the button of his cellphone to enlight the screen again. Otabek was online and he counted. It was something like lunch time for the Kazakh and he didn't even got surprised when the picture of a plate full of letuce and chicken suddenly appeared in their conversation.  
 Ota-bee : "Seriously I feel like a girl on a diet"  
Yuri hardly held his laughter back.  
 Yura : "wtf why are you eating that?"  
   Ota-bee : "Coach said so?"
   Yura : "don't tell me you're one to listen to your coach!"
   Ota-bee : "why not, it worked pretty well till now"
Yuri stared at it for a few good seconds, trying to imagine Otabek purposely doing whatever his coach would be asking him to do. Was his body, his final frame, his strength, the result of what his coach had decided? Or did Otabek himself asked for this. Their was something that Yuri knew about Otabek: his skills on the ice were ones that had make Victor coming back in competition, and for this the Kazakh was a serious rival. He had't been the only one to be that reason, of course, just a part of the story, but still. Victor had taken an interest on the young man –or, more specifically, his body.  
Yuri sighed.  
 Yura : "ok ok why not"
   Ota-bee : "How is your training btw?"
   Yura : "terrible"
   Ota-bee : "?"
   Yura : "wanna sleep"
   Ota-bee : "Ahah same to be honest"
He caught himself smiling at the written laughter; he coud imagine the soft giggle from the man, the dimples at the corner of his mouth and his eyes, sweet and dark at the same time as he would be shaking his head a little.  
 Yura : "Take a nap dumbass"
   Ota-bee : "I will"
   Ota-bee : "but it's kind of crowded here now"
   Yura : "Really?"  
   Ota-bee : "Yeah small demo this afternoon"
   Ota-bee : "Hope I won's sleep on the ice lol"
Yuri huffed a little at the unusual 'lol' at the end of the message. It wasn't so...Not Otabek? The man wasn't one to use that type of shortcut –most of the time he typed full sentences, except sometimes when he was in a rush or something that kept him from being able to take his time to write properly on his cellphone.  
 Yura: "sleep now then?"
   Ota-bee : "no way"
   Yura : "man, you're stupid?"
   Ota-bee : "We are chatting, i don't want to sleep now"
Yuri had suddenly been holding his breath and the only thing that made him inspire again was Mila's call for him. Oh dears. What could he honestly answer to this when he only wanted to be a few days ahead of now?  
 Yura : "I'm off see you"
Then he shove his phone between his folded towel layers to hide it at least a little and decided to finally join the young woman. What was that, seriously? Yuri didn't like what he'd just done, leaving Otabek so suddenly when the man had just said...Uh. Well, when he'd just said that. Had the Kazakh absolutly no pride to be able to say such a thing to a friend?  
"Hey Yuuuuriiiii!" Mila called again.  
With a deep sigh and a grimace at his painful articulations when he'd stand up, Yuri reached the young woman. Mila's hair was finally long enough to tie it up in a very small ponytail and it showed up her so little ears. With her pale skin and puckish blue eyes, let alone her deviish smile and than damn body of her, the boy was pretty sure she was incredibly attractive and might have tons of suitors. But he'd never seen her with someone until now.  
She watched him coming, hands on her hips and tsk'ed a little at him, making the blond raise a eyebrow. "Boy, you look sooo down! Are you really tired?"  
"I already fucking told you, Mila! They trapped me last night in Victor's apartment! I've barely slept, I'm DEAD, how can't you get something so simple?"
She laughed a little at his mad expression. "Right, riiiiight!"  
Cheeks red from being suddenly annoyed, Yuri mumbled and started sliding on the ice to get used to the thing again during a few seconds. Here. Like that. He needed that. He wanted that soft feeling of air brushing his face, his body suddenly so light as it was heading straight on this line. His knees were still as fuck, the dull pain irradiating from his articulations to the muscles of his thights. Sometimes, it was unbearable and he wondered how he still hadn't given up on all that shit.  
Georgi soon joined them in the training. The man wasn't preparing the new season. If he hadn't retired, his life had slightly changed since he met his new girlfriend and to be honest, his personnality was way smoother than when he was dating that superficial Anya.  
"Hey, Yuri!" Georgi suddenly called.  
The boy stopped strenching his body at the sound of his voice and turned his attention to him. The man was scratching his head and slid with curiosity near Yuri before suddenly grabbing his sides with both hands. He earned a surprised sound.  
"Are you injured or something?" He simply asked.  
Yuri blinked a little. "What?"
Georgi was frowning a little, visibly concerned. "Aren't you?" He continued. "I thought so, your skating is quite different lately."
The blond Russian froze a little at Georgi's words. Was it so obvious that something was happening? Had he been so freacking bad that even Georgi had noticed? Not hat Georgi was a bad skater, not at all, but he wasn't one to really care about others' way of skating.  
Yuri swallowed the lump in his throat with some difficulties. "I...Might have some cramps," he lied. Or rather, it wasn't completly a lie. He was, at least, admitting that something wasn't really ok. Georgi raised an eyebrow.  
"Aaahh, I was right then! Since when? Is it painful? You skate a little as if you had, uh, well..."
"As if I had what?"
"A tree up in your ass, actually."  
Yuri stared at the man for a moment, not sure if he had really heard what he had just heard. But Georgi was still standing before him, intensively thinking about the situation.  
"What the fuck did you say?"
"Oh, I mean, you still skate like a damn goddess –DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT, you were the prima ballerina after all!"  
"But that's a bit weird, I mean, you're stiff and all that, like, well, I mean, that's just why I'm asking? You look so uncomfortable with your body right now, that's the weirdest thing I've ever seen from you!"
"Shitty bast--"  
But Mila's hand suddenly on the top of his head stopped Yurio in his incoming colorful cursing litany toward Georgi. Her fingers were cold and her looks concerned.  
"What?" He growled.  
But she only shrugged a little with a small odd smile –and for once he was prtty sure it wasn't made out of pity.  
"Georgi, go train somewhere else," she said. "And leave us some room, ok?"  
"What the...Yeah, ok, ok!"  
The man mumbled when she scowled him a death glare, and Yuri could swear that he wouldn't have looked better himself at that 'dark eyes' game. Once Georgi was gone, or at least far away enough for her liking, she turned back to him.  
"So..." She grinned at the boy, stretching a little on place, arms above her head. "What can't you do anymore?"
Yuri frowned deeply. "I didn't say I--"
"I said," she cut out. "What can't you do anymore?"  
He clenched his jaw, almost painfully, silent for a few good seconds as she was staring at him. "Mila, I--"
"Don't you want to dance with Otabek?"  
The question suddenly went out, lingering in the air for a moment as he froze. Before he knew it, she had put her arm around his neck, body close enough to his and wa whispering to hi ear. Her breath was hot, like damn, how could she be like that when the place was made of ice?  
"I'm here to teach you, Yuri," she murmured. "So, don't you want it? Dancing with him? Do you really think that you're powerful enough to be paired with the guy?"  
Powerful was the word. Yuri gulped despite himself at the memory of the srong body evoluating on the ice and Mila scoffed a little at his discreet reaction.  
"Now, you'd only be a pain in the ass for him, ok? You don't fit his style at all, and as I'm the one who know the choreo, I can tell that you have a lot to do in such a few time, baby tiger..."  
She laughed a little more openly at his decomposed expression, especially when his green eyes were looking for an escape on her face. She suddenly burst into a huge laughter this time, and gave a big hit in his back with her hand, making his cough so hard that he thought he was going to spit out his lungs.  
"Don't make such a face, babe!" She said. From the distance, Georgi was giving them a curious look, full with his lack of understanding. She didn't give him any attention.  
Yuri sighed, this time without holding hmself back. As tired as he was, Mila's words had made their way to his brain and he could feel the hint of excitment making his guts twitch with need.  
"Why are you doing this?" He asked.  
"Victor told me," she shrugged and he winced a little. "Plus, it's pretty funny to see you in this situation. And somehow..."  
She leaned a little, back to his ear. Her nose brushed against his lob and he gulped softly at the feeling. Dears.  
"...I wonder how Otabek would answer to such a strong and amazing danse with you, don't you?"
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umadosedefanta · 7 years
ANOTHER list of Yuri on Ice fanfics that I would like to recommend (no one-shots)
Yuuri Katsuki, PA by MidnightTrash
23-year-old Yuuri Katsuki doesn't know how he got here. One moment he's applying for an internship, the next he is a personal assistant to CEO and President Victor Nikiforov. He always wanted to break free from the comfort of home, but he always lacked the means to get there. Enter Victor who opens up the opportunity of a lifetime.
And for Victor, Yuuri shows him a part of life he never knew existed since he neglected it for years.
The Clockwork Prince by momolady
Figures are beautiful automatons designed to entertain. Artisans are those specially trained tend to them and keep Figures in working order. Yuuri became an Artisan in hopes of meeting the Figure that captured his heart as a child, the ice dancer Viktor. Yuuri had long given up his dream and opened a small shop. Then one day, his entire life changes when Prince Yuri comes and requests Yuuri to make emergency repairs on his Figure, the one and only Viktor.
Fighting for Eros by MerWhoLocked
There is a rumor floating around that Yuuri killed his husband. As an omega, Yuuri’s life had been mandated the moment he presented. His dream of becoming a competitive figure skater had been put on permanent hiatus and his life revolved around finding an eligible Alpha to settle down with and marry. After the mysterious circumstances of his husband’s death, Yuuri is suddenly on the market again but his prospects don't look so good. Most consider him to be undesirable, chastity soiled and past suitable marrying age. That and the rumors of his contribution to his husband’s death and his inability to bear children after four years of marriage keep the suitors at bay.
In town for the World Championship after winning his fifth consecutive gold at the Grand Prix Finals and rethinking his whole career, Victor is worried he’s missed out on the chance to find love. Until he decided to take a spontaneous trip to a ninja castle on a southwestern island of Kyushu and finds the omega of his dreams. He’d only seen him once and already he could see himself settling down with him. Even the dark rumors surrounding this mysterious omega don’t dissuade him… much.
when the ice melts in the snow (that’s whe you’ll love me) by lilithiumwords
Katsuki Yuuri is the worst incubus in the Underworld. Viktor Nikiforov is his human target.
Blue Echo by Myka
Yuri is a natare. A mermaid. He knows how to follow the rules that keep his kind safe. So why does a human dancer named Victor make him feel like breaking all of them?
Dot, Dash, Star* by shorelines
People with soulmates were blessed with lights like stars. Viktor Nikiforov was born without one, Katsuki Yuuri would have two, and Yuri Plisetsky pretended he had none.
They find each other anyway.
Cognitive Dissonance by Katyaton
When Yuuri gets kidnapped one night in St. Petersburg, all hell breaks loose. The police claim they are doing all they can to find him, but with so little clues to track him down, it seems like he’ll never be found. Viktor begins growing desperate, and just as it seems like his Yuuri will never be rescued, he and the police come across a startling video - A video of Yuuri.
This video may be just what they need to identify Yuuri’s location, but with Yuuri’s safety at stake, will it be enough to track him down in time? And just what does the kidnapper want with Yuuri?
Yuuri, meanwhile, has been asking himself the same thing.
(Previously Titled: The Ties That Bind)
On Love: Storge by shark_meat
“When are we going to have kids?” Yuuri thought he might pass out, but in the end heeded to his husband's wish. Next thing he knows there's another Yuri in their lives. A blond one with a bad attitude, but Viktor insists he'll grow out of it. AU where Yuuri wins gold at the Grand Prix and he and Viktor adopt little Yurio.
(offer me) the Deathless Death by melonbugs
It was the curse he and his family were fated to: Death would come for him the moment he turned eighteen, and he could only hope the flimsy wards passed down through the generations would protect him. But Death always won eventually, Death would snatch him up as he had all of his ancestors.
But somehow he wasn't what Yuuri had expected. He was a constant presence in his life, barely there. A vigilant spectator to his burgeoning skating career, a gray haired man with a soft expression who found him again and again, waiting for him to let his guard down, but becoming something more, over time.
"Don't be careless," his sister told him, but they were all careless, in the end.
Heart of Frost by ArowanaPrincess
In a world full of humans who cannot use magic, there were wizards called Magi that secretly live in society. They can control one of the four elements- water, earth, fire, and air. Unfortunately, the differences between the two species were terrible enough to create a great rift between them. After a great and terrible war, the winning species had driven the other into near extinction, with the remaining survivors going into hiding. While it’s no secret that the Magi were still out there, there was a bounty on each of their heads.
Katsuki Yuuri was a Magus. He happened to be a Water Magus, commonly known as an undine. Unlike the rest of his family though, he specialized in ice magic. It wasn’t a surprise when he grew to become Japan’s leading figure skater, when he grew on the ice himself.
But it was a surprise when his long-time idol, Viktor Nikiforov, becomes his coach, and later his fiancé. Unfortunately, all of this happened with Viktor not knowing that he was a Magus. They’ve now moved in together in St. Petersburg, and still, the secret is there. How long is it before Yuuri tells his future husband the truth? And how will Viktor react when Yuuri finally tells him?
Black Ice by hitherelovely
Yuri is a freshman in college, trying to make ends meet by working part-time as a prostitute. Victor is a renowned author and professor who stumbles across one of Yuri's essays. Inspired by Yuri, Victor travels across the world to find him. When they meet, stars collide and so do they.
Panta Rhei by Kashoku
This was a mistake. Viktor needed to somehow pry Yuuri off of him and leave the room immediately. Viktor was drunk, and Yuuri was so far beyond gone that there wasn’t even a word for it. But the alpha in Viktor was having an incredibly difficult time resisting the pungent scent of cherry blossoms and ocean that filled his nose. Viktor snapped.
They had been reckless.
Gololyeditsa by QueenSabriel
While on a road trip to Moscow the trio finds themselves in an abandoned Soviet mining town, but something they brought with them will not let them leave.
Domestic Hijinks of the Nikiforov Family by zidaris
Viktor Nikiforov: renowned figure skater, 5 time consecutive World gold medalist, outrageous flirt, dog lover, amateur coach, spy/thief/criminal accomplice.
Ok, that last one isn’t really by choice, that’s just what you pick up when you were raised in the family business.
(alternatively: there’s a Russian wedding tradition that the parents of the bride demands the groom to ‘pay a ransom’ or complete a series of challenges to prove his worth for the bride. It’s all in great fun. Usually. Apparently, spies take pranks and traditions very, very seriously.
aka: Yuuri Katsuki doesn’t know what type of family he just married into until he has to rescue his kidnapped husband-to-be.)
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smolkatsuki · 8 years
my fic rec list
i read as much yoi fics as the next person, so i decided to share SOME my favorites with you all. some of these are definitely popular or you’ve seen them be recommended more times than you can even count. but, if it’s a good fic then it’s a good fic. here are my recommendations!
the fundamentals of caring by braveten “Let me guess, you’re going to go take care of Yuuri while he sleeps? Just in case he sneezes or something?” Yurio rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “Viktor, you’re whipped.” Viktor rubs the back of his neck as he leans against the wall. “What does that mean?” “It means that if Yuuri asked you to do a little dance for him in nothing but a coconut bra and a hula skirt, you’d do it.” Viktor pauses, confused. “And that's a bad thing?” comment: the cutest sick fic i have ever read and i read it every time i feel down because it makes me laugh so much.
masquerade by ashida (WIP) “Just say the word.” came the whisper as Victor stepped close, behind them Yuuri was aware of guns out and at the ready, of confused men and questioned loyalties, here Victor was offering, and Yuuri was too selfish to say no. “Ok.” Yuuri smiled as this game of masquerade came to an end, what would happen now, he didn’t know, he would probably die, his family would come after him and try to put a knife in his back or a bullet between his eyes, none of it mattered, because together they would fight, and the rest of the world would finally burn. comment: NEVER IN MY LIFE WAS I ABLE TO READ A MAFIA FIC UNTIL THIS ONE CAME ALONG IT IS SO WELL WRITTEN AND I LOVE RE READING IT TOO I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE!!
excelsior by powerandpathos (WIP) Yuuri wanted the reporters to leave knowing one thing: That he had found Viktor in a way that they had not; that Viktor was his in the same way that he was not theirs: utterly, entirely, completely.Yuuri has won the Grand Prix, which was everything he thought he wanted. But for Yuuri, an end to skating could mean an end with Viktor, and when two female skaters approach them with an offer that could make them or break them, they are put to the test more than ever. Can they rise higher than they already have? comment: i didn’t read the tags when i first started this fic but it became my favorite quickly and usually i stay away from fics involving homophobia but it works well with this one and its super intense i highly recommend it!!
dancing daffodils by grayclouds (WIP) "As Love gently wipes away the tears that trail down his cheeks something within Victor quakes, its tremors resonating throughout his entire being like a deafening echo. He is in the arms of a god." A god falls for a man. comment: i decided to start this one when i was at work and i couldn’t stop freaking out then i had my night class and kept freaking out there to the point that my classmate was jealous of how excited i was while reading. even if youre not into the greek mythology, READ THIS IT’S AMAZING.
until my feet bleed and my heart aches by reiya (WIP) ‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be. comment: this fic is literally my guilty pleasure, if you love rivalry of any sort. this is your shit and it’s still going AND GOSH THE LAST CHAPTER FUCKED ME UP AHHHH
you can’t plan for everything by rivdev (WIP) Yuuri forgets that he has a scheduled heat coming up until it's just a couple weeks away. He scrambles to get everything ready in time, including deciding whether he'll spend it alone or with someone. Victor only wants to help. comment: alpha!victor & omega!yuri.. do i need to add anymore??
#lovehotelsareawesome by lucycamui After the Grand Prix, Victor drags Yuuri to go sightseeing in Tokyo and stumbles onto an interesting aspect of Japanese culture...“Yuuri, what are all those?”Yuuri looked down the street that Victor indicated, as first seeing nothing out of the ordinary, but then realized that it was the buildings themselves that had caught his coach’s attention. “Well, uhh…” His heart sank a little when Victor started down the street, examinging blown-up display photos, with one of a room made up to look like the stereotypical image of a tropical resort. “They’re… love hotels.” comment: the whole series is adorable and sexy, recommend definitely!!
from almaty, with love by boxwineconfessions It’s quiet here. Even if the car alarm on the neighbor’s goddamn BMW has been going off for the past twenty minutes. Quiet, even though the alarm’s got the neighbor’s dog howling like crazy, and the neighbor works second shift and isn’t there to comfort the dumb dog.It’s quiet…They haven’t spoken to each other since that morning, when Yuri went off to go see his tutor, and Otabek went off to do whatever the hell it was he did in the mornings before he hit the rink.“You’re used to the noise?”“Yeah, but…I think I like the quiet too.” Or: Yuri spends the summer with Otabek in Almaty. comment: it’s an otayuri fic that i never knew i needed, they’re so cute :(
enthrall by poppysicle (WIP) No one knew something was wrong with him. No one cared to even ask the professional ice skater. Not until it lead to him laying in the bed of a hospital room, feeling absolute regret that what he did couldn't be finished. But maybe it was for the best, Victor doesn't know that yet. aka Victor, a five-time gold medalist attempts suicide but is saved by Doctor Katsuki. comment: what is so wrong with self promo? check out my fic if you haven’t, it’s angsty yet fluff at the same time. also everyone who reads it seems to adore yuri’s child, emi. so if you like kid fics then this is the one for you!!
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kuraiofanagura · 8 years
Day 4: Domestic
Or basically my HC list for them xD
Link to Ao3 http://archiveofourown.org/works/9845825/chapters/22187600
“Serik! Wait a second!”
“Excuse me, but I'm not allowed to talk to the press alone.” The eyes of the lanky youth darted nervously left and right in favor to avoid direct eye contact with the approaching man.
“Oh, no, it's nothing like that! You see, I'm not here as a reporter!” Finally Serik dared to take a closer look at the guy. He was tall, with remarkable silver hair; though it was hard to tell if it was just a very platinum blond or already silvered by age. He panted a little, obviously hurrying to reach him, and tried to regain his breath. Now straightened and clapped his hands together.
“I meant to talk to you for some time, Serik!”
Serik's gaze stopped at the press card that hung around the reporter's neck, resting on the vest of a well fitting dark grey suit. The reporter noticed his stare and hurried to pull the card off his neck and put it into his breast pocket with a wink. As if he wanted to say 'see, not a reporter!'
“I wanted to ask you some things about Yurio!”
“Yurio? I'm sorry, but I don't know somebody of that name?”
“Aren't you Serik Tsoi from Kazakhstan, the pupil of Otabek Altin?”
“Yeah...?” By now Serik had reached the point where he definitely was nervous. It was his first major event outside of either Kazakhstan or Russia. The NHK Trophy was not only the first time he left the continent, but also the first time he was about to clash with the top figure skaters of the world. Being assaulted by reporter's and sponsors was so new to him, the mixture of languages and different nationalities whirling around him was, mildly said, overwhelming.
Otabek had kept him close, most of the time, a steady rock guiding him through the wild waters that was an international competition.
But now Otabek was away for a briefing and had left Serik with the words “Take a look around, but don't wander too far.” Serik had managed to dodge most cameras and most people who the telltale aura of 'competitor' around them, but now this strange man stood in front of him and talked to him as if he knew him or at least as if Serif should know who he was.
“And you don't know Yurio? Yuri Plisetsky?”
Serik must've made a face of recognition, because the reporter's eyes lit up. “Ooooh, right, I'm sorry! I was talking about Yuri Plisetsky. You know, I'm his former coach and Yurio's my nickname for him, since my husband's name is Yuuri as well and it got really confusing!”
Yuri's former coach? Serik knew about a Yakov Feltsman, but in his later years Yuri'd spent a lot of time here in Japan to train under...
“You're Victor Nikiforov...” he mouthed breathlessly, suddenly feeling very very light headed.
“Why, I am! Of course! Oh! I Haven't introduced myself, haven't I? I'm terrible sorry! But like I said! I really wanted to talk to you! Would you let me buy you some coffee? Or better tea? You look anticipated enough as you already are. Yeah, that sounds about good! Let's have a good calming warm cup of tea together!”
Victor, he'd insisted on being called by his first name by the young skater, had managed to clear a small couch in one of the cafes that were scattered around the rink. A warm paper cup of herbal tea was shoved into his hand and Victor sparkled with curious eyes at him over them brim of his own cup.
“I've heard from Otabek that you live with him and Yurio in their apartment?”
“Yes, I'm originally from Astana, but the best training facilities lie in Almaty. We don't have dorms like in Russia, so Otabek agreed to host me as he became my coach. And it's really ok, because he has a really big apartment and I have my own room.” Victor smiled encouragingly as he took another sip from his tea. Serik's back straightened. He was drinking tea with THE Victor Nikiforov. Sure, Yuri had broken most of his records, but the man was still a living legend.
“And do you like it? That Otabek's your coach? He is still comparable young and you're his first pupil on an international level?”
“Being trained by the Kazakh skating legend himself is the most I can wish for!” Victor just smiled a little brighter and Serik felt himself relaxing under the gentle smile. “And other than that I think he's a really great coach. His training is hard, really hard. But he listens to me when I ask something. And that's nothing I've experienced before.”
“I haven't expected anything less from him.” Victor concluded with a satisfied sigh. “And Yuri's living with you, too?”
At this Serik shifted uncomfortable in his seat, his nervous strain suddenly back. He did not know how much he could share with this man, skating legend and former coach aside. Serik himself had been in a mild shock as he'd first seen THE Yuri Plisetsky in their living room, dressed casually with black leggings and an oversized leopard patterned shirt that hung low on one shoulder. Of course he knew that his coach (by their first encounter Serik had lived for nearly two weeks in Almaty) and the infamous Yuri Plisetsky had been really good friends throughout their competitive careers. The skating legend, besides Otabek Altin, he'd grew up to, who'd retired two years before and now modeled (the sheer atrocity of such a live style after skating!)  in New York for different labels, just lazed around very casually on his coach's couch. And worst of all the more lethal of the horror-cat pair that inhabited his new home was cuddling up to him! Serik and Otabek had come home from the rink for today and Yuri Plisetsky's face lit up in a smile that quickly morphed into something between polite neutral and nervous as he paced towards them. His gaze flickered questioningly between him and Otabek; Serik got the feeling of being left out in a non-verbal yet very eloquent discussion between the friends. It was Otabek who broke the silence and planted a firm smack on Yuri's lips and murmured 'welcome home' into their lips. Plisetksy's shoulders relaxed and he murmured 'Idiot, I was about to say that' back, before he captured Serik in a hard and taunting gaze. “So. You're the little delinquent, that steals my boyfriend's time away?”
Serik was never very religious, yet he still needed his time to get accustomed being around a very gay couple. He also was just a child of his upbringing, but Otabek's and surprisingly Yuri's patience paid off and broadened his horizon.
“Don't worry, I know that they're together. They've actually spent several vacations at my husband's and my house. I've been the one that lectured Otabek about not laying a hand on my little cute pupil until he was at least 18!” Victor said it as if he'd read Serik's mind. And despite the disturbing fact that he just termed Yuri Plistetksy with the words “cute” and “little” Serik felt himself relaxing again.
“He's not at home all of the time. He flies around a lot. Mostly to New York or around the globe. But yeah, when he's here, he lives with us.”
“What I want to know, little Serik,” suddenly Victor was way too close into his personal space, glacier blue eyes boring into his, voice low and dark and sultry. “How they really are together. Yurio's very very secretive about the true nature of his relationship with Otabek. I'm talking about blackmailing material here. Yes, I am. But trust me, it will pay for you. Help me now and you'll earn my loyalty as an allay. And Victor Nikiforov is better your allay than your foe.”
Serik's eyes went wide and he tried to fuse back with the cushions. Maybe it was the tea. Or the rush of the upcoming competition. Or the sleep deprivation from the jet leg. But Serik felt a little daring today.
Victor leaned back finally and his mouth formed that heart shaped smile again. “Go on, then.”
“They're actually the most domesticated and sugary sweet couple I've ever seen.” He began and noticed with delight how Victor choked a little into his tea.
“When Yuri'll come home from a rather longer visit, they'll spend like five minutes with their foreheads pressed together, just staring into each other's eyes. The first time I witnessed this it freaked me totally out! Because I thought something really bad had happened! They maintain the illusion of a good friendship outside, but as soon as they're away from any onlooker they're always touching. And when I say always, I mean always! Nothing fancy, but there's at least always one hand on the other. Otabek and I go on morning runs before my school and when we come home Yuri's already prepared breaktfast. With designated cups. Like, cups that has 'Best Boyfriend' written on them. Yuri's running during the afternoon mostly and when he comes home he sometimes has picked a flower or a made a little bracelet of flowers, which he'd put in Otabek's hair or on his wrist. And he won't say anything about it. Just put it there and then they would smile at each other.
And also Yuri takes Otabek's black Shepherd with him on his runs. Even though he always states how much he hates dogs and that cats are so much better.
Otabek's a mediocre cook, I can survive his skills. But when Yuri's at home, Yuri'll cook for all of us. Sometimes he's like a general in the kitchen, throwing orders around with this wooden spoon. I swear, I once saw Otabek salute with a pan!
When they talk in private it's this totally weird mix of Russian, Kazakh and English and it's like their own language which I cannot follow most of the time.
When they brush teeth in the evening Otabek holds Yuri's hair without any comment when he rinses his mouth.
But what's really the cherry is how damn loving they are around each other. I experienced quite a few Plistetsky's TM myself and Otabek's merciless during training. But when they're together it's like... I don't know... like it was meant to be?”
Some seconds of silence stretched between them in which Victor did not move an inch.
“My dear, dear Serik. I bless the stars on the day you were born! This is pure gold!” Serik had ended his list and noticed with a little shock that Victor was teary eyed.
“Now this is a sight that had followed me in my most horrific nightmares,” the characteristic snarl in the voice made them both looking up. At the entrance of the Cafe stood the cornerstone of their conversation. Cold sweat of fear started to pool at the base of Serik's back and he saw his live flashing before his eyes-
“I've hoped to be spared of your sore sight, geezer, but it seems as if I can't run from you at the NHK.”
“Yurio! There's no way in the world I would miss your first scouting mission!”
“Fuck off, baldy! And that's still not my name!”
“I'm so glad you're somewhat returning to skating! I know you love your other job, but being a scout for the youths really hits your strong streak! Nobody was ever more capable to point out the weaknesses of skaters with a precision like you! The boy you sent to us from that shopping mall in New York is such a promising talent! Yuuri's been thrilled as he saw his self made step sequence!”
“His jumps are shit and his flexibility is non-existant. I've thought such a hopeless cause was best with a hopeless coaching duo.” Yuri glared down at his former coach and Serik gave a pitiable squirrel like squeak as his piercing eyes landed on him. “Haven't we told you to steer clear of suspicious people? And here I find you with the most suspicious and dangerous of them all!”
“I-I'm sorry?”
Yuri gave a tsk-sound and picked Victor's cup from his hands to drain the remaining tea.
“Don't worry, Yurio, I saw your little lamb wandering alone and thought to offer him a little bit of advise. We had a nice little chat.”
Again Yuri's searing gaze wandered towards Serik, who suddenly wished to be several inches smaller. “I swear to all that's holy, Serik, if you've pulled some bullshit I will find out and judging by the grade of your crimes I will find a punishment that leaves you regretting the day you were born.”
Serik really really wished Otabek would come back from his briefing soon.
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doorwaykeeper · 8 years
Victuuri and why love won
OK So just a note – I'm so far into YOI that you could pass over me with a Zamboni and nothing would happen.
So just a few Victuuri thoughts:
Episode 7 and why it's monumental – yes, we all think about the kiss, but to me, the most important scene was the parking lot scene. The kiss would never have been that important without it, and let me tell you why. In it we see two people who has been growing closer and closer, and probably have already acknowledged that they have feelings for each other (Victor is always keeping close to Yuuri, we see it happening, and even though at first Yuuri isn't very comfortable with it, all you have to do is remember the difference from the hug Victor gave Yuuri at the Japanese competition which made Yuuri gasp his head off and the hug they casually stand in when they watch Chris, Um, skate o.O at the China cup).
So, they've been growing closer and closer, and then Yuuri's anxiety comes up, and Victor is AT A COMPLETE LOSS as to what to do with it. So he says – "Skaters' hearts are as fragile as glass" (Whose, exactly? How many skaters' hearts does Victor know? Only two – His and Yuuri's). So he goes and breaks his Yuuri's heart with saying he's basically going to leave him if he doesn't get it together and Yuuri starts to cry.
And here are so many monumental things! Because for starters, Yurri is crying in front of Victor. We know, from episode 4, that he didn't want to let him see his shortcomings, so crying in front of Victor is a huge leap forward – it means he truly trusts him, and can let him see him at his most vulnerable state. And then, Victor is completely stunned, and he says "Should I just kiss you or something?" and here's the thing – it probably happened. I don't believe their TV kiss was their first, so that offer doesn't really stun Yuuri, but even more because Victor probably used this like so many couples do. Kissing and making out and sex so that your partner would calm down, to avoid talking or getting too emotional and it did work in the past, but this is different. This is a place that a kiss won't just make it better – this is a time you just have to listen and be there, and have faith in your partner.
And it's the first time Yuuri let's himself say these things, and not just let Victor kiss it and make it better.
Monumental, I tell you.
And then, after the storm has passed, then, the kiss becomes that much bigger, because even though it's on international TV, it's a private moment between two people who start seeing each other and themselves for the first time.
From that moment on, Yuuri goes on into actually taking a less passive stand in their relationship. Up until then, Victor was the force moving forward, but in Episode 9 Yuuri asks for Victor to stay as his coach until he retires, and episode 10 (which is a MASTERPIECE) HE is the one to buy the rings.
And here's another interesting thing. Victor, again, says "When athletes are pushed into a corner they can do unexpected things" and who is he talking about here, again? He said it himself – he's neglected his life and love for over 20 years for his career. We have no information regarding his family, if there is such a thing, his only friends are people in skating and they are his rivals, so this time, again, he's talking about himself – or about Yuuri, because those are the hearts he knows.
This scene, which is one of my favorites, is just so incredible.
So why would Yuuri decide to retire and release Victor from coaching him?
Ah. Here's the thing. Yuuri spent half his life believing Victor is a god on earth. He knew him only from public viewings, competitions on TV, posters of him, magazine articles. It's a difficult thing to shake within 8 months. And he still doesn't believe that he himself is just as good, and an equal to him, not in skating and not in their love. So he decides to take himself out of the equation and let Victor take the front once again.
But then why does he change his mind in the end? Because of what Victor says before the Free skate. Remember, back in the China cup Yuuri said exactly what he needs – he needs Victor to "Believe that he [Yuuri] will win more than he does", and Victor says exactly that – that he believes Yuuri can win – that he's still in warm-up mode, and that he has yet to show the world exactly what he can do.
And THAT'S why Yuuri break into tears. Because Victor LISTENED and IMPLEMENTED. And with that faith he skates his best skate ever.
And with all of that, and the realization that they are indeed equals (both on the ice and off) they can actually be together. And Victor knows that he won't be on the ice forever, and I think his future success is much less important to him than Yuuri's (that's why the comment of the 5 times world champion – because Victor was already there, and now it's the next stage of his success – to get Yuuri there).
So can you tell I adore this show?
(There's more, and also about Yuri P. and the rest, but this was so important to me to get out).
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thecma19-blog1 · 8 years
Yuri on ice fan fic idea?
Ok so i have this little head cannon/ idea for a fan fic. Its kind of strange but here it is.
This is about Victors family.
Victor has a sister 5 years younger then him, Named Nicolette . They used to be really close. And they both loved skating. Victor being the better skater of the two. But when victor was 12 his parents disowned him because of his interest in men. ( I know homosexuality is accepted everywhere in the YOI universe but you know there is always those few people who are total asshats). Victor ended up living with Yakov, his coach, and his parents took his little sister and moved to America. While in America victors parents band Nicolette from talking to her brother, skating or even watching it, because they believe that it was that sport that “corrupted” their son. Well throughout her years she always snuck into the rink and kept skating, feeling like ti was the only way she could still be close to her dear brother. Her parents find her when she is around 16 and forbid her from ever stepping on the ice again and move to a place that didn’t have an ice rink. She goes through the next few years not touching the ice. not even when she graduated high school. She still secretly watcher her brothers competitions and red news on him. Her parents send her to a private college, one they made sure did not have an ice rink. When she graduated at 22, victor is 27 and is coaching yuuri. She tells her parents there is a school in russia she wanted to go to in order to complete her masters and they agree saying that she was an adult now who could make the right choices, little did they know the university was in st. petersburg.. The first semester in Russia she did what she was expected of her. Calls from her parents making sure she was doing “right” slowed in the second semester and thats where she unveils her special plan. She knew where her brother skated and that he was making a come back. However she was scared to show herself to him in fear he would make her go back to their parents, so they don’t disown her too. She she dons a red wig and wares green contacts and goes to the rink when she thinks its empty. She steps on the ice, at first rusty as to not being on the ice in years. She starts skating and going through motions she learned through the years or seeking peeks and dancing in her room. She notices there is someone else at the rink but she pays them no mind. She stop for a second to take a breather and she seen a man walking through the rink entrees looking distressed. His platinum that matched her own natural color was all over the place and he was out of breath. IT take all she is to hold back and skate right into the 28 year olds arms and cry into his shirt. Instead she speaks in a slightly accented english “What are doing here” and the man replies in a heavier accent “Trying to find my husband, we had a little of a disagreement, have you seen a japaneese man with blue glasses about 5’9” black hair and brown eyes?” Nicolette remembers back to the person she saw in the rink not too long ago, who was currently hiding behind the boards. She noticed victor did not oblivious as always, and he married already, without me there :( “No i haven’t seen one” “damn i could have sworn he would be here. anyway is you do see him tell him ‘victor said he finally did the dishes as he asked so please come home already, he won’t do it again’ please” nicolette nodded and victor left the rink. She lets out her breath just realizing she was holding, and chuckles “How long are you going to hid behind the boards Yuuri?” of course she knows the skaters name. she knew he was in a relationship with her brother. but she didn’t know they married. “You noticed me didn’t you, thanks for covering for me.” she skated towards him and smiles she just thought of the perfect idea to surprise her brother  “Its been 16 years but my brother is still an airhead isn’t he?” at this the japaneese mans jaw drops. they talk a lot and she ends up taking off her disguise. She tells him about the situation and asks him a large request “Please as my brother in law do this for me, teach me to skate and help me get into the GPF thats where i want to show victor its me. ” and she does end up going to the gpf under the false name of Stephanie and in her exhibition she skated a program in which she doesnt wear the disguise and she is skating to her and victors story. This is the moment it clicks for victor and he realizes who it was who was skating and practicing with them this whole time. in the end their parents were there for the final at first angry at the sister for disobeying them but after seeing how much those two belonged on the ice and how much victor and yuuri loved each other they accepted them fully and victor was no longer disowned.
So what do you people think Should i write more on it. I have ideas to broaden the story and stuff? Any suggestion or does it should stupid? Please any thoughts on it would be lovely no matter how harsh.
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phichit-chu-rp · 8 years
Seung Gil, the instagram lurker
A shamchat conversation with @my-kai-doodles as Yuuri that turned into a super-mega-awesome rp. Featuring genuine compliments, Phichit’s crush on Seung Gil Lee and putting the skaters as superheroes and youtubers. Also mentions of Otayuri, Victor being extra and Phichit being a troll. 
This is a conversation between Yuuri Katsuki and yourself, Phichit Chulanont.
Yuuri Katsuki: "Phichit! Hey, how are you?" Yuuri grinned.
Phichit Chulanont: "I'm good," Phichit replied. "You seem pretty happy, what's happened?"
Yuuri Katsuki: "Nothing really, I guess I'm just excited about moving to St. Petersburg." Yuuri relaxed a little. "Sorry if I shouted."
Phichit Chulanont: "Nah, it's fine! How long until you move?"
Yuuri Katsuki: "About two weeks. Still packing and figuring everything out." Yuuri hummed. "How about you? Are you already planning for the next Grand Prix? You've already made history as the first Thai skater to make it. You should be proud of yourself." Yuuri smiled.
Phichit Chulanont: "I'm actually really happy despite coming in 6th place. I didn't have a reputation to defend so I felt I could just be me. Winning has never been my main goal though." He looked thoughtful.
Yuuri Katsuki: "You also only had one quad. Next year, I'll be looking out for you. You're going to be a threat on the ice, considering how well you charm the audience already." Yuuri chuckled, knowing how talented Phichit was. "Winning shouldn't be everything. It's doing your best. And you do it because you love it. I wish everyone was like that..."
Phichit Chulanont: "I want to learn another quad for next year, maybe I'll learn two if I can. And I know I've said it before, but congratulations on getting the silver! It was really really close and your performance was worthy of the gold, even if Yurio was there to beat you this time."
Yuuri Katsuki: "That'd be great if you could. I know you can." Yuuri encouraged. "And thanks! Thanks, really... it's not the gold that matters. Though my fiance won't marry me until I win one." Yuuri huffed in partial annoyance. "Yurio will be there next year too. But it'll be different, I'm sure."
Phichit Chulanont: "Is Victor seriously sticking to that gold medal thing? That's hilarious! I thought he only said that to encourage you and to annoy everyone else... Wow I wonder if JJ is still getting married..."
Yuuri Katsuki: "He better not, I want to get married!" Yuuri groaned. "No, apparently not. And the next Grand Prix is so far away! When you meet your first love, make sure it's not someone so stubborn." Yuuri joked. "JJ? I think so. His fiance didn't care that he didn't win. She just was supportive. And it was mostly him saying that, not her." Yuuri mused.
Yuuri Katsuki: "Speaking of which... Phichit, do you have a girlfriend at all?" Yuuri smirked.
Phichit Chulanont: "Well.........................."
Yuuri Katsuki: "Well?" Yuuri's eyes widen.
Phichit Chulanont: "Moving on! Maybe this means Yurio will get married first, seeing as he won the gold ;) "
Yuuri Katsuki: "It's not a bouquet toss at a wedding, Phichit. But who knows, though I don't know who'd marry him." Yuuri laughed. "Wait! Don't change the subject." Yuuri leaned in. "Who is it?"
Phichit Chulanont: "You know, you're very quick to assume things, Yuri. But just for the records I can totally see him and Otabek together in a few years time."
Yuuri Katsuki: "You never said 'no' though, so yes I'd assume." Yuuri tilted his head. "Plus, I'm teasing you. Otabek, huh...? He does call him Beka affectionately." Yuuri thought about it.
Phichit Chulanont: "I think it's the sort of thing where he'd end up developing feelings and not realising it until their friendship is threatened in some way and then get super defensive or something. Otabek will silently watch and swoop in at the last minute, stealing the heart of the Russian Fairy forever... ok sorry I'll stop. I guess changing the subject isn't going to work any longer..." He paused, thinking about the best way to say this. "I have a crush on someone I've never met."
Yuuri Katsuki: "You write fanfiction about this, don't you?" Yuuri laughed softly. "No, no, I like the idea. And no, it's not..." Yuuri waited patiently but when he heard him, he ended up blinking in confusion. "Someone you've never met? I... I don't understand."
Phichit Chulanont: "Really? Yuuri Katsuki is telling me he doesn't understand the concept of having a crush on someone he's never met?? 'Victor is so cool!' 'Victor has a poodle, so I'm going to get a poodle and name him Victor!' 'Look Phichit, my room is covered in posters of Victor!'" Phichit teased.
Yuuri Katsuki: "Okay, okay, okay! You've made your point, I get it!" Yuuri whined, waving his hands at him to hush. He ended up smiling though. "Well, I'm glad you found a 'Viktor'... maybe he or she will come down and try to coach you." Yuuri teased.
Phichit Chulanont: "Maybe. From what I can tell I think we're very different but, as they say, opposites attract!" Phichit grinned stupidly, as if nothing he found out about this person could possibly detract from his feelings. "He does have a very good taste in costumes though..."
Yuuri Katsuki: "So... someone who doesn't have social media, take one hundred pictures every day, and hasn't seen The King and the Skater movies." Yuuri tried to think. No one came to mind... "He. So it's a guy." Yuuri could narrow down from that. And costumes... it had to be another skater. Those are the only people they were really around, right? Or maybe someone from a play? Hmm.. He'd seen hat look before. The 'nothing can sway my feelings' look. Yuuri still looked like that, sometimes. Who had good costumes? "Is it Chris?" Yuuri guessed.
Yuuri Katsuki: that*)
Phichit Chulanont: "It's not Chris. I've met Chris. Though he is pretty hot I'll give you that. But you're right about the other things. Well, technically he does have an instagram but he's posted like, 3 pictures in the last two years. And I can only assume he hasn't seen the king and the skater movies. I don't know that for a fact. He does have a good taste in music though, from what I can tell."
Yuuri Katsuki: "I didn't know if you KNEW each other, though. And yeah, he's... he's something." Yuuri liked Chris, they were friends. "Music... three posts on Instagram.... It's not Leo, you know Leo." Yuuri spoke to Phichit and himself all at once as he thought. "Wait. Does he even skate with us? Like, on a national level?"
Yuuri Katsuki: "Because I'm wasting guessing if it's not that." Yuuri laughed nervously, suddenly feeling stupid. "Honestly though, I know you'll tell me when you're good and ready. It's just fun to guess."
Phichit Chulanont: Phichit laughed nervously. He really wanted to talk about this with Yuuri, but at the same time he felt a little ridiculous. It wasn't like this was ever going to come to anything. The chances of that kind of success had already been snatched up by Victuri, and it was unlikely fate would strike that well twice in a friendship group. "Yeah, he skates on a national level. I saw him for the first time skating on TV, though he didn't quite make it to the final."
Yuuri Katsuki: "I see... I'm not sure, then. Either way, keep your hopes up. Just because something sounds like it might not happen doesn't mean it wont. The world is weird like that." Yuuri said, thoughtfully. He really did have faith in his friend.
Phichit Chulanont: "Maybe," Phichit mused, seeming distant.
Phichit Chulanont: "Do you think he'd just block me if I started following him on instagram? I can't tell if he's the sort of person who silently lurks there or never logs on."
Yuuri Katsuki: "I doubt it. Usually people just block if they have a personal problem." Yuuri figured. "I say it's worth a shot."
Phichit Chulanont: "I'll try. Luckily I already saved those 3 pictures to my phone so I don't really have anything to loose."
Phichit Chulanont: *a few seconds pass*
Phichit Chulanont: *he follows back*
Phichit Chulanont: "OH MY GOD YUURI"
Phichit Chulanont: "HE FOLLOWED ME BACK"
Phichit Chulanont: "WHAT DO I DO"
Yuuri Katsuki: "YOU FEEL HAPPY ABOUT IT AND STOP YELLING. THEN YOU TAKE A MOMENT TO SEE IF YOU CAN SEE MORE PICTURES HOW THAT YOU GOT A FOLLOW BACK." Yuuri knew sometimes people had pictures only friends could see.
Phichit Chulanont: "OK. Oooh he has a few more. Not that many more, but a few. I'm gonna like this one with him and his dog. His dog looks cool."
Yuuri Katsuki: "Can I see?" Yuuri leaned over to look. Mostly at the dog, but he wanted to see Phichit's person.
Phichit Chulanont: "Not so fast! I'm not sure I want you to judge me just yet... well fineeee it's not like I'm any good at keeping secrets for longer than a minute." Phichit resigned, showing Yuri the picture. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/yurionice/images/5/5c/Seung-gillee.png/revision/latest?cb=20161023032010
Yuuri Katsuki: Yuuri leaned in, looked at the dog, then looked at the guy and gasped. "Seung Gil?!"
Yuuri Katsuki: "You all would look so good together." Yuuri was naturally supportive.
Yuuri Katsuki: "I've hugged him before too. He's warm, I think you'd like cuddling with him." Yuuri nodded slowly.
Phichit Chulanont: "I heard about you hugging everyone from Yurio. He wasn't too impressed. Wait, you really think so?" Phichit couldn't help blushing. "He seems kinda serious though, is he even interested in other people? At least, he's serious until he gets on the ice. Then another side of him in unleashed. I want to unlock that other side of him. The rainbow feather suit side of him."
Yuuri Katsuki: "I was uh... having some issues, yeah..." Yuuri blushed and looked away. None of the hugs felt right, he needed Viktor's that day. "I really do! And he is... but sometimes serious people have hidden sides. And extroverted people like you bring out the best in introverted people like him. People are much different on the ice. I think you can bring out that side of him outside the rink if you got to know each other... I just realized you're about the same on the ice. I'm glad you're real all the time, Phichit. He'd probably appreciate knowing that too." Yuuri encouraged with a small smile, happy his friend found someone to admire. "You're closer to meeting him than you think."
Phichit Chulanont: "Do you think you could introduce us? I'm not sure how that would work, living in different countries and all, so we might have to wait till the next skating event, but it might be still worth a try." Then Phichit continued, "What should I do in the meantime? What level of selfie liking is acceptable? Should I try and talk to him?"
Yuuri Katsuki: "I don't know him well enough, but I could try. And you're right... but the Four Continents are coming up! You'll see each other then! You're competing there, right?" Yuuri wasn't, but other skaters were. "In the meantime... honestly, I'd ask about his dog. It's not directly talking about himself, and introverted people may not /want/ to talk about themselves the first time chatting with someone. Talking about a pet is much easier and much more relatable." Yuuri spoke matter-of-factly and from experience. People always did better asking about pets first. "I-It's just a suggestion though, I'm only three years older than you, I'm not too knowledgeable on these things." He chuckled softly.
Phichit Chulanont: "That's a really good idea, about the dog! And I am doing the four continents, so it won't be too long I guess before we meet in person." Phichit smiled, looking hopful. "Thank you, Yuuri!"
Yuuri Katsuki: "Don't thank me, I didn't do anything but support you." Yuuri grinned and pat Phichit on the shoulder. "I'm happy for you! I think this'll work out well. You'll become friends, then who knows~?" Yuuri winked, only to pause in realization that he never did that. Good lord, he'd been spending too much time with Viktor.
Phichit Chulanont: Phichit laughed. "You really have been spending too much time together haven't you." He winked back at Yuuri to rub his point in. "Let's take a selfie together. I wanna make Seung Gil's phone vibrate."
Yuuri Katsuki: "I caught him cursing in Japanese about a week ago, so yes, probably." Yuuri laughed softly and shook his head. "Y-Yeah, lets! You look good in the outfit you're wearing today too." Yuuri pointed out as he leaned in so they could both be in the shot.
Phichit Chulanont: Phichit unfolded his selfie stick, making a peace sign with his free hand and winking.
Yuuri Katsuki: Yuuri smiled and made a peace sign, letting his glasses do the thing where they glared in the light.
Phichit Chulanont: Even though he was a well practiced selfie master, Phichit still found himself taking several photos in order to choose the best one. "This one's pretty cute," he said pointing to one of the later ones.
Yuuri Katsuki: "Yeah, that one looks the best. Are you going to put a filter on it or is it fine as is?" Yuuri didn't know much about the professionalism of selfie-taking, but he knew all the terms thanks to his best friend.
Phichit Chulanont: Phichit spent the next ten minutes choosing the right filter. He had to go through every single one at least twice before he decided on one with what he described as a 'warm glow'. Of course he then had to adjust every little detail after that, but he eventually came to something he was very happy with.
Yuuri Katsuki: "Now that you look like a model, it's perfect." Yuuri joked, thinking Phichit always looked nice. "I do think he'll like it."
Phichit Chulanont: "He might not even see it," Phichit contemplated. "I hope he does though. Hmm what to tag it as..." He decided on a simple 'Hasetsu! #yuuri #friends #japan'.
Yuuri Katsuki: "You never know, he just followed you back, which means he might still be online and looking through all your cool photos. I'm pretty sure he's a lurker. I like the tags." Yuuri grinned.
Phichit Chulanont: "I'm starting to get that vibe too. I bet he never sleeps either. Just silently watches everyone. So mysterious!" Phichit grinned again.
Yuuri Katsuki: "Like Batman." Yuuri grinned too, happy to see his friend so lit up over this.
Phichit Chulanont: "Does that make me Robin?"
Yuuri Katsuki: "Why not? Robin was hot."
Phichit Chulanont: "Yuuri! You're too kind!"
Phichit Chulanont: "Ooh maybe yurio can be the joker"
Yuuri Katsuki: "No, that's Georgi." Yuuri snorted softly.
Phichit Chulanont: "Yesssss!"
Yuuri Katsuki: "Yurio can be Harley Quinn."
Yuuri Katsuki: "He's blonde and angry. It works."
Phichit Chulanont: "This is all perfect"
Yuuri Katsuki: "We should write stories."
Phichit Chulanont: We should
Phichit Chulanont: *" "
Phichit Chulanont: "Who would the other superheros be?"
Yuuri Katsuki: "I gave my two cents. What do you think?" Yuuri waited excitedly.
Phichit Chulanont: "Hmmm..." Phichit thought. "I kinda see Mila as wonderwoman"
Yuuri Katsuki: "You think? Yeah, I could see it... I kind of see Emil as the Riddler too. Or Mickey looks more like he, but..."
Phichit Chulanont: "Emil just looks like pewdiepie"
Yuuri Katsuki: "Kind of depressing, actually."
Phichit Chulanont: "Do you want to look like pewdiepie?"
Yuuri Katsuki: "No, not at all. I find him kind of annoying, actually... The youtuber! Not Emil, Emil is really nice."
Phichit Chulanont: "It would be fun to look like him for a day or so. If I were Emil, I'd pretend to be pewdiepie and go round tricking people into taking selfies with me and generally trolling people."
Yuuri Katsuki: "Did you used to pretend you were a prince from some random country and do that in America?" Yuuri smirked and crossed his arms.
Yuuri Katsuki: Didn't*)
Phichit Chulanont: "I had the looks to pull it off, I couldn't resist!" He grinned again, completely shameless. "If we're doing youtubers though, JJ's personality is more like pewdiepie and you and Victor would be Dan and Phil."
Yuuri Katsuki: "I played your butler for a day, I remember." Yuuri laughed fondly at the memory. "You're right about that. I don't watch Youtube enough to know who you're like... but you're pretty original, Phichit."
Phichit Chulanont: "I'd be KickThePJ!" Phichit said proudly. "He's one of the most original and creative youtubers out there and good friends with Dan and Phil. He made his own internet film series and should have way more subscribers than he does."
Yuuri Katsuki: "Yeah, that sounds like you. Except for the followers part, you have so many!" Yuuri was surprised by that, but also not: Phichit WAS a tp figure skater and took really cool photos from all over the world. "I might look up that guy, he sounds interesting."
Phichit Chulanont: "I think you'd like him. All his content just feels really fresh and imaginative. But then there's his side channel, PJTheKick. There, he likes to troll people and the further back you scroll through it, the more random screaming occurs."
Yuuri Katsuki: "His first comment sounds great! The last one just sounds kind of terrifying." Yuuri grinned nervously.
Phichit Chulanont: "He's chill and extreme at the same time."
Yuuri Katsuki: "Kind of like you."
Phichit Chulanont: "Indeed."
Phichit Chulanont: "OOoh I haven't checked my instagram to see if Seung Gil noticed me!"
Yuuri Katsuki: "Check!" Yuuri rocked on his heels.
Phichit Chulanont: *goes on ig*
Yuuri Katsuki: Yuuri waited eagerly. "Wellll?"
Phichit Chulanont: Phichit opened the app and clicked the notifications button. Their selfie already had over 200 likes, but luckily he managed to spot the all too familiar seung-gillee amongst the crowd of usernames. "He liked it! YURI HE LIKED IT"
Yuuri Katsuki: "Really? That's great, Phichit! He's totally watching your photos, then! This is a good start!" Yuuri gave a fist of determination for him.
Phichit Chulanont: Phichit couldn't stop smiling. "Maybe there IS hope. Possibly. I'm gonna ask him about his dog."
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dahcyst · 7 years
A Flower for the Bee [Chapter 7 : My favorite flower]
[AO3 link : ]
Mila had literally killed him, he could swear it. Yakov had shown up after lunch, his eyebags a little darker than usual. He didn't say anything about the night before, but there was probably nothing to say, really. Yuri and J.J.'s constant quarrels were now kind of a habit and it only made people sigh -actually smile, most of the time.
The training had been something. Yakov was silent for a big part, letting Mila lead the thing the way she wanted. It wasn't like ballet at all and for the whole afternoon, he understood what would be the main problem for this program. It needed his full strength in addition to his abilities for spins, loops, jumps. He knew he was able to do all of this. Of course. Why couldn't he?
But at his umpteenth attempt for a move he couldn't get, wasn't able to properly understand yet to recreate the way they needed for the choreo, Mila had put a stop. "You're tired," she'd sighed. "And so I am. Let's do something we're more used to do for now, okay?"
The first day of this new training ended with Yuri still frustrated by his own skills. His lack of skills actually –and it was rare for him to think that way. Exhausted, he'd gotten something to eat on his way back, and was already done with it when he reached the door of the small house. The last thing he did was going in his room, fall on his bed, his bag lost somewhere in the entrance. He'd let if fall without even thinking further about his stuff in it. He would see in the morning. Eyes burning like hell from tireness and the cold air at the rink, he just needed to sleep, with the hope that it would help with the dull pain ramming along his body. Between the suddenly different training, his lack of sleep, and his current growth, it had been a day in hell. And Mila was Satan. Next to her, Lilia, Yakov and Victor were barely some cute devils, he could swear.
His whole body muffled in that pain didn't let him find a nice position to sleep. In the end, he just found himself half sleeping on his side, his fingers brushing the edges of his phone resting near his pillow.
He hadn't answer Otabek since the morning practice, since the man had been eating that lettuce thing. Since what he'd said. Not that he didn't like it, actually knowing that Otabek was treasuring their conversations at the point he would be denying his need for sleep really made him happy. Really. So much, even. But he didn't know how to answer that in the right way and every time he didn't feel confident enough to answer Otabek, he ended up with an absence of answer.
Checking his mailbox, he'd read a few more messages from the Kazakh and he sighed. He needed to see his nickname amongst his notifications. There were some retweets, then a picture of the ice rink in Almatin popping in his feed. The place was empty, it was probably late when he'd taken it. There was only a figure still skating, and it had taken Yuri a few seconds to understand that it was Otabek. Someone else might have taken the photograph for him, and he had squinted his eyes a little to be able to read the caption under it. 'Beka never sleeeeppppp wanna go home'. It wasn't Otabek picture, he finally understood, but someone had tagged him in it and it had appeared in Yuri's news feed somehow.
If he enlighted the screen, he knew his phone was still on the profil page of the person who had taken the picture. There was those huge dark eyes, that long hair, that slightly tanned skin, on the profil picture. He immediatly disliked her name 'Nadya'. What a lack of originality, really. There was nothing interesting in her feed. Pictures from Almaty during the day, during the night, the ice rink, people skating on it, Otabek going out of the changing room half naked with that annoyed scowl on his face, the cafeteria, a bunch of coaches talking together, a stupid dog...
Yuri blinked a little and made the pictures pass back to get back to that one that took him off guard and he frowned a little. It really was Otabek, and the man looked almost angry through his usual so-called blasé face. Something had upsetted him somehow, probably that Nadya he was looking at -if she was the one taking the picture. With a hint of curiosity, he pressed on the picture to get the caption. 'hes so embarrassed ahahah!' A towel around his hips was all that was hiding his body, and in the back another girl was laughing at them.
Yuri sighed. He'd never heard about a girlfriend before, or anything, and had always thought that the Kazakh was a bit like him -too much of a busy skater and student to actually get one or even think about that. But maybe he wasn't the same, and in a sort of way it couldn't be a bad thing after all. But...
Stretching a little on his matress, with his blanket sliding against his body, Yuri sighed and groaled at the same time. He wanted to send a message to Otabek, didn't know what to put in it. It was quite ravaging, keeping him away from sleeping.
At some point, the thought that he still hadn't called Otabek crossed his mind. It was late. The Kazakh wouldn't answer his call, and somehow it was reassuring. Nor would he answer his message right now. A wave of pain killed his knees, making him hold his breath against his own will.
He had closed Nadya's profil with a slow forefinger sliding on the smooth surface of the screen, the phone flat on the matress near his pillow. He tipped on it softly -it was always amazing how his finger made him open Otabek's chatting window without even thinking about it.
Yuri litterally jumped when the small phone vibrated under his finger without a warning, and he pulled it a little closer to give an eye at the enlighted screen without having to mode his head.
 Ota-bee : "Sleeping?"
It took him a few seconds to register that no he wasn't breathing anymore. God knew why. The tip of his finger was already crashing against the smooth screen, right on the blue frame with that phone icon.
He was stupid.
The ring echoed slowly in the room due to the high speackers he'dput on. The ringbecause there was only one. Then, he swallowed slowly, hardly, at the small sound, that 'click' as Otabek was taking the call.
"I wondered if you'd ever call me again."
Yuri closed his eyes. For a moment, he needed to stop everything, and that deep, amazing voice was probably everything he needed. How weird it was when the same words, used differently, didn't mean the same thing at all. Otabek's voice was suddenly filling the room, and it was incredible, even though it was slightly deformed by the phone.
"So you doubted?" he replied.
It wasn't a reproach, actually Yuri didn't even bother making his voice sound like it could be one. He was talking so low, was actually so tired, and Otabek at the other side of the phone call could probably understand it.
The stony tone made Yuri laugh a little, and a long sigh answered to it. Something resigned, tired as well. The boy rolled on his side, staring at the ceiling barely enlighted by the screen on the bed.
"So, you called," Otabek stated, and for a second Yuri felt like he was caught on something. But he didn't know what, why, and didn't know how to answer to that. So he just mumbled some "Yeah, and?" in a grumpy voice. The Kazakh's voice instantly smoothened, with a soft noise as he was probably keeping back a little laughter.
"I like it."
Yuri frowned at it.
"Man, you'd rather keep that line for your girl."
Oh shit.
The silence on the other side weighted all of a sudden, heavy in the entire bedroom air. A few seconds passed by and once again, he sucked in a breath sharply, looking for something to add.
"My what?"
Yuri blinked. Otabek's tone was just so genuinely surprised that it had taken him by surprise. But he didn't say anything, waiting patiently -or rather impatiently, hungrily as Otabek was processing things out and answering with some time. Too much time. Tireness might be what was taking him so long. Somehow. Probably. He wasn't sure. He didn't know.
Oh man, why was his mind so full of questions and so empty with answers?
But a soft huffing in the room made him shiver a little under his blanket. He knew that Otabek was smiling.
"Are you making fun of me?" Yuri growled.
"I'm not. Were you serious when you thought that I could have a girlfriend?"
The way Otabek said the last word was a bit weird; he made it sound so funny, so impossible, so not him that Yuri wasn't here for a second, blinking with disbelief. Well. He hadn't been expecting that.
The silence was back, as if Otabek was waiting for something and--
Yuri gulped.  
It wasn't a casual chatting through written messages.
He couldn't escape giving an answer by ignoring Otabek. They were talking. Hanging up, and he felt it so deep under his skin, in his chest, was the last thing to do.
He took a breath. He wasn't a big amator of this topic. Especially toward Otabek. God knew why.
"Difficult not to think you have one," he finally sighed after what sounded, to him, an eternity.
There was that light laughter resonnating in the room from the high speackers, and it warmed him for a few seconds. Watching the fragile frame of the cellphone on the sheets was frustrating.
"Did it upset you?"
Otabek's tone wasn't weird or anything. There was no innuendo in his words, and somehow it stopped Yuri's heart from beating too much –beating? He frowned a little at the realization. Everything sounded normal and it was...Particularly annoying.
"Na," he mumbled.
"Really? You sound pissed off."
"I'm not."
Otabek huffed softly in the microphone and Yuri tried to imagine his face at that moment. It was difficult. Photographs weren't enough to show him enough of Otabek features and what he might look at that moment.
"Ok, I believe you then," was all that Otabek said. And that pissed Yuri off, but he didn't say anything this time.
Sometimes, there were those soft sounds in the mic, and Yuri knew that the young man was moving in his bed, probably changing his position.
"What would you do?" Otabek suddenly asked.
Yuri blinked, surprised. "Eh?"
"If I had a girlfriend. What would you do?"
"I don't get the question."
This time, the soft laughter Otabek gave him sounded a little different. Yuri couldn't point what it was about, but there was something, and the fact that he wasn't able to answer here and now suddenly got on his nerves. Why couldn't he find an answer right away? What was wrong with that question?
What was wrong with Otabek getting a girlfriend?
What was wrong with the picture of Otabek hugging a cute girl with long dark hair?
"Ah, sorry, I'm saying weird things again I guess?"
What was wrong with Otabek kissing a girl?
 What was wrong, really?
He wasn't thinking about the pain radiating in his entire body anymore, to be honest. He wasn't answering Otabek anymore at that moment, staring at the screen. The ellapsed time for their conversation was running slowly and quickly at the same time.
"Eh, Yura, you're sleeping?"
"Everything sounds bad," Yuri finally breathed out.
"You having a girlfriend."
Otabek only giggled at it. "Really? That's mean." His laughter echoed a little in the microphone, and Yuri sighed.
"That's not," Yuri replicated with a small pout. "Just..."
Hesitation was always a bad thing, and Otabek didn't take his time before jumping on the occasion.
"Just what?"
Yuri snorted, mubling a "nothing" while rubbing his face in his pillow with the hope that it would erase all of his previous sentences.
But it didn't. The screen was still enlighted, projecting its pale light on the ceiling.
A heavy sigh filled the room through the cellphone and Yuri shivered a little. "Just in case, Yura, I don't intend to have a girlfriend."
The teen didn't answer, staring again at the phone.
"I have something else in mind, ok?"
At that, Yuri snorted again, unable to hold back a funny smile. "Like taking my title during next year Grand Prix?"
"Like skating my favorite program with my favorite flower."
He chocked, sucked in a breath and waited a few seconds before being able to speak again. It was long enough to make Otabek worrying about that silence.
"Sorry, was 'flower' too much here?"
"What do you mean your favorite program?"
Was he himself deliberately skipping the favorite flower thing? Actually, both were taking him appart, but he had to put a priority on the skating part.
The ice was all that mattered to them. He had to remember it as often as possible, and it was hard to focus on it when Otabek's laughters resonated again in the room.
"I'm going to skate it with you, how can't it be my favorite?"
"Fucker," the boy mumbled, and even he couldn't miss the heat suddenly spreading all over his face and body at those words -Otabek had always had a deep voice, even through a fucking cellphone. He swallowed, annoyed and at the same time he could feel his heart jumping stupidly in his chest.
Not only his heart, by the way, and not only in his chest.
"You're a dead Don Juan if you keep saying things like that," he hissed, and he used his own voice to cover the sound of the sheets while unfolding his long legs to feel more at ease. Why didn't he take his trousers off when he had the time, by the way?
"W-wait, what? Did I say something again?"
"Any girl would fall for less than it, I swear!" Yuri growled again. He wasn't angry, of course, and he could hear the hint of panic in the young man's voice, but he couldn't let Otabek continue this way -his night depended on it and on his own ability to stop his body from reacting  too easily to--
To what, by the way?
To his voice? Why? He knew Otabek's voice for long now.
To the sound of the sheets moving around him through the microphone? His sighs due to his tireness? It wasn't the first time and it was still damn sexy.
"Yura, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, was I bothering?"
Otabek's tone was genuinely concerned and worried, and at that moment Yurifelt unable to answer.
"Eh, Yura, I--"
"It's ok."
"Really? You sound pissed off..."
He sighed. "You're with it again?"
Actually, Yuri knew that he might sound weird instead of pissed off. But...He couldn't casually say I'm having a boner because of you, right? It was the second time in less than a week, by the way, and somehow the idea that Otabek's stay would be awfully long kind of hit his mind.
He just had to hope that those accidents woudn't happen with the Kazakh beside him.
"Sorry," Otabek breathed. And it got worse, his raspy voice lingering in Yuri's mind.
It woud be a long stay, for sure.
"I'm way too impatient for friday," the man added. "Can't sleep well. I'm sorry for saying stupid things."
Yuri hesitated this time, but in the end he gave up trying to stop Otabek from speaking like that. It wasn't the first time and wouldn't be the last.
He mumbled instead, and he knew he was digging his own grave. "I don't mind."
"You don't mind?" Otabek sounded surprised.
"Well, uh, how to say...You can say...Whatever you want...?"
What an amazing idea, Yuratchka, amazing, really. But this time, the silence was back, settling softly between the two of them until Otabek's voice break it, low and deep.
"You should keep this line for your girlfriend."
Yuri's heart was beating.
He knew it, he could feel it. His heart was racing more and more, and he wasn't sure if he hated or liked it.
He didn't waste his time.
"I have something else in mind," he murmured, taking Otabek's words from before.
Was it a game?
He didn't know. He didn't even know if he wanted to understand what was behind it. For now, he just felt the need to say those things, those lines, to the man.
Two minutes before, Yuri was annoyed by the fact he was starting to have an erection to his friend's voice.
Now, it didn't even matter, it felt normal. Otabek taking his lines first was like a silent agreement, like a "It's ok".
OK for what? He didn't know. But it was ok. Because, well. It was Otabek.
They were friends.
And through this innocent relationship, Yuri knew that something was there, special, yet amazing, and making his heart beat so much. He was just unable to get it, transforming it into something frustrating he was craving for.
When he was trying to think about it, it was even worse.
"Like keeping your title next year at the Grand Prix?"
Yuri giggled a bit. A mirroring chatting was funny, somehow. His cheeks were hot from the excitation settled under his waist, and for once he dared slip a hand against his crotch.
He sighed at the feeling and somehow hoped that it wouldn't be too obvious, before continuing his sentence.
"--waiting for you to come to Moscou."
Mirroring Otabek's words wasn't his thing anymore. Well. It would do.
There was a chocked noise in the phone , and soon Otabek's voice came again. "You're one to talk, Yura! You're even more flirty than me, oh god!"
His voice sounded halfway between panic and surprise -and something else but he couldn't figure out what. He chuckled a little at that, letting his hand press a little against the dark and thick fabric of his trousers. He wasn't used to palm himself -nor doing more by the way, so the light touches were already pretty effective. He heard himself laugh a little at Otabek's words and how he felt taken appart. It sounded...Great. Somehow. He wasn't sure if it was the good word to use in this situation, but still.
"Probably," Yuri sneered in a low voice. A loud moan of disapproval echoed in the room through the phone, and it killed him somewhere down in his low waist. Lips tight not to let a weird sound escape his mouth, he just sighed through his nose, trying to muffle it in his pillow for a second.
That wasn't a healthy situation.
"Man, if I'd been a girl, I'd fell for you with less that this."
Yuri gulped. When would Otabek stop genuinely saying those things? "You're silly," he sighed again. But under his hand, he knew  that Otabek's voice was feeding his awful boner.
"Really? I could fall for your voice here and now with no problem."
Yuri blinked -and his cock twitched joyfully at it and he just hated himself and how he liked that deep and low voice talking to him this way. Wasn't it going too far?
Was it still a friendly thing to says such things? Otabek suddenly stammered, his usual small panic showing off through his voice. "Ah, oh, w-wait, that's weird, forget it!"
"Really," Yuri moaned a little at the request. How the heck could he forget all of that!?
"Please, please, just...Well, I'm tired? There's, uh...Nothing weird, ok?"
Otabek could beg all night long, Yuri suddenly thought. It wouldn't be a problem to him, only to his mind and body.
"So, you don't like my voice?" he gently teased.
"Oh my god, that's definitely not what I mean, I--uh--"
"It changed," Yuri cut him without a warning. His hand had a strong grip aroung his own crotch, the feeling of the pressure as excited as painful somehow.
"Of course it changed. It had already started when we've met at the Grand Prix."
"You noticed it?"
The boy didn't talk. He'd hoped that the subject would stop his body -it didn't. Instead, Otabek's soft and nice voice only sounded even worse to his ears. Sweet.
"I already asked you," Otabek continued. "Did something happen?"
He sighed. "Not really."
"I'll take it as a yes then."
"Don't turn things the way you want..." Yuri hissed a little between his teeth. His other hand had slid the tip of his fingers under the belt of his trousers, the tip of his fingers in search of the swollen head stuck in his underwear.
Otabek chuckled softly and a sudden urge filled him -his fingers tried to circle around his penis, his other hand half stroking through the thick fabric and be damned that fucking fly. It was like his pelvis was in fire.
"What is it about, Yura?"
Damn. That guy and his voice. His concerned voice.
At that moment, Yuri felt a little jealous. Having a voice like Otabek's would be a dream. Now, it was too late to hope.
He swallowed. There was no lump stuck deep in his throat, just...
Just that. That feeling that was crawling under his skin, making him need even more of it. He didn't want to like it.
He couldn't hate it either.
"You know you can talk to me, right?"
His voice was the sweetest thing in the world. He could swear.
He was breathless -he didn't expect that. Gulping even more, he gathered his thoughts all together to think properly -not about your fingers, Yuratchka, don't think about what's happening in your pants.
"I don't want to change," he shyly admitted.
There was a soft sigh at the other side of the phone. Something nice, gentle, and Yuri didn't wonder anymore if he had made the right choice by telling Otabek.
"You don't want?"
There was no reproach in his voice.
His beating heart was still so fast, but he wasn't sure about the reason anymore.
"It's...Scary...?" he murmured.
"I don't feel like myself anymore..."
And hell, it was the case right now. Some time ago, he wouldn't have been caught doing that in his bed, hidding his voice, hidding his moans as much at possible from the microphone. From Otabek.
It wasn't him.
"Hey, that's normal, Yura."
The boy closed his eyes for a few seconds -the heat radiated in the lower part of his abdomen.
"But...Don't refuse it, ok? Remember it's for the best."
"What if I can't?"
"Can't what?"
Otabek's voice was still doing its job, soft and low, nice. He wanted to loose his mind listening to it.
"Accept my new self."
A sighed answered at first and Yuri shivered.
"Can I say something weird, this time?" Otabek asked.
The loud beating was still echoeing in his ears, but Yuri growled in response, earning an amazing chuckle.
"I'll like it for you, man."
He stopped breathing. "Uh? What do you-"
"I'll like you no matter how you change, Yura."
His fingers trembled around himself, the hot and wet feeling suddenly spreading between his phalanges.
It had been a little too much this time and this time he'd been unable to hold a small scream.
Breath, breath, it's ok, answer as quick as possible!
"You're ok? What's going on?"
His heart still drummed hard in his chest, and he was...Breathy. It was difficult not to let it appear.
"You...You're silly," he murmured.
An embarrassed laugther answered him. "I told you it was weird! But...That's how I feel, I guess? Well, like...You're important to me. And...See? Uh. Well, that's weird actually, jeez!"
Yuri grimaced a little -but more because of the sticky feeling on his skin. His underwear felt wet now. Great.
Otabek's voice had lowered a little, earning Yuri's attention.
"I think I understand you. Changing is scary when you don't have a hold on it."
"That's...Right..." The boy mumbled.
Talking to Otabek about what was making him feel so bad for a moment wasn't so bad after all. The young man wasn't pitying him, at least.
It was even more that it. It was different. There was that real interest, and his way to show how concerned he was by the situation.
"I guess that's why you've been hiding yourself from the cameras 'til now?"
Yuri chocked on his saliva at that. "You noticed?"
"I'm not stupid, eh! You haven't posted any picture of yourself in the last two months, it was weird enough for me to worry!"
"Uh--I'm sorry...?"
His fingers were sticky and felt disgusting, his cock getting soft in his dirty pants. Amazing. How comes adults were all about sex and that stuff?
"Don't be, it's ok. Well...I'm impatient now."
Yuri growled a little -more for his clothes. "What for?"
"To see how much you changed."
"Continue like this and I won't even pick you up at the airport."
"So mean!"
"Of course I am." In the darkness, Yuri spotted a small pack of tissues and he rolled a little until he could grab them from the nightstand. "Are you staying at the hotel?"
"Yeah, that's what my coach said."
"Text me the name later, ok?"
"Mh. What are you doing? That's noisy."
Yuri had been moving a little too much, unbuckling the belt and pulling the trousers off as much as possible in order to clean himself -he'd juste forgotten about what had just happened a minute before.
"Uh. Nothing. Just, uh--taking my pajamas..."
"Your--Ah, must be the sheets then--You're in your bed?"
"Uh, yeah..."
A new silence settled slowly. He could hear Otabek's breath in the microphone and still, the light sound of fabric moving constantly around him.
All of a sudden, reality hit him and he frowned. "It's getting late, will it be ok for you?"
It had to be more than 1AM for the young man. Training would start early, for sure. A deep and annoyed sigh resonnated.
"I don't know. That's the least of my preoccupations."
"Sleep," Yuri sighed.
"You don't want to talk a little more?"
He shook his head, even if Otabek couldn't see it.
"We'll talk later," he murmured. "Friday..."
"Friday sounds great," Otabek continued in a murmur mirroring Yuri's voice.
He liked it. The proposition sounded like coming from the both of them.
He liked it.
"Friday sounds too far," he complained.
"It is."
"Don't be late."
"I won't be."
They didn't call each other during the next days, but the already huge amount of messages between them seemed to increase after that. Everyday, through Mila's awful training, through the pain in his body, through his desperate need to forget everything from his daily life, giving an eye to his phone was the best to do. No matter the time, the weather, the topic going on at that moment, there was his name in the corner of the small screen, that small colorfull notification for a new private message waiting for him.
And it was reassuring not to feel alone through life.
Despite the pain, despite the stress and the pressure.
Despite the absence of the people he cherished around him in the small house.
Busy with his life, he didn't take the time to think more about what had happened on that night phonecall. He didn't need to think about it, anyway.
Otabek would be here soon.
That was all that mattered now.
"Yuri! Hurry up!"
The big voice of the old man suddenly awoke the boy as he was taking his time in the changing room. It was the day. His nervousity had been a little too much overwhelming actually, and Mila had spent the whole morning mumbling against him. In the end, she'd even tried to lift him over her head to frightened him.
She hadn't been able to do it.
He was too heavy, now. Too tall.
A loud shot made the door tremble and he jumped in surprise.
Ah, Mila. Yakov might have called her to give a hand at getting him.
Hair undone from changing his clothes quickly in the end, Yuri opened the door before she could hit again. There, a large smile was waiting for him.
"It's today," she said. "Still nervous?"
"Shut up," he growled. "I'm not."
"Sure, big baby!" she giggled. "Yakov's in the car already. Don't make him wait!"
She didn't need to say it twice, the boy was already running to the main exit. His heart was beating loud, fast, and he could almost feel it in his ears. In his pocket, his phone hadn't vibrated for more than three hours, and he knew that he had to be patient. Otabek couldn't contact him during his fly.
In the car, the idea that Otabek would be in Moscou for real suddenly sounded more real. Like...What would they do? Or say? Through a phone, everything was easier, but in real life? Would they even talk as casually as they always did during those last months?
Of course, they talked a lot in Barcelona during the Grand Prix. But it was different now. They weren't discovering each other anymore.
It felt incredibly different.
"No pressure, boy," Yakov suddenly say. "Stop eating your fingertips."
Unaware of that sudden bad habbit, he raised his eyes to the old man. He was driving slowly, with care, not giving any importance to Yuri's impatience. Anyway, it wouldn't make the plane land faster.
"That's not you," the man continued.
Yuri only pouted at that. "Well, I'm...Not used to it..."
"Used to what? You know the airport by heart!"
"Welcoming a friend."
Yakov let a soft smile linger on his face after that, but Yuri didn't say anything about it during the two hours of the journey.
In a few time, Otabek Altin would land in Moscou.
Finally caught up with all the chapteeers heeeeeeere! XD I’m one to often forget about my Tumblr existence, so well, better to follow my work on AO3! ;p (or Twitter, I tweet a lot uh)
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