#okay but like... i heard this song in a noodle shop today and i really like it
neuevague · 1 year
get to know me game !!!
thanks for tagging me em (@peachenle) i appreciate it :DDD and im tagging emma (@asahicore) and sky (@bruh-changbin) !
super long bbut my answersa re under the cut <333
birthday: dec 17 
favourite colour: orange 
do you have pets? not anymore i had two goldfish though one called nemo and the other called speedy and speedy died which made me so upset that i cried for hours and wrote a poem about it.. so distraught my parents just returned the other fish to the pet shop
how tall are you? 169 cm 
how many pairs of shoes do you own? .. too many, i’m really trying to cut back on buying shoes but i love them :/// i think i rotate between about 6 pairs though .. and i rarely wear shoes without some kind of platform at least
favourite song: immortal by kid cudi !
favourite movie: get out 
who would be your ideal partner? .. i think if i had to use an idol to describe their personality they’d be a lot like jay.. i think we have a lot of similar traits and he’s someone with a lot of traits that i admire !!! 
do you want children?  i think i do but i don’t want think i want to give birth .. and i want 1 or 2 .. i really want to be an aunt though.. all the fun of motherhood with none of the stress 
have you gotten in trouble with the law? if going to parties that end up getting locked off counts then yes ? 
what colour socks are you wearing? i do not wear socks at home.. but i wore a white pair to uni today 
favourite type of music: im easy on genre so im not sure but .. maybe trap.. some form of rap or r&b for sure 
how many pillows do you sleep with? i sleep w 4 on the bed but i have 1 head so i use 1 pillow.. 
what position do you sleep in? on my side in like a relaxed(???) fetal position
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: i can fall asleep in like any conditions but im also a light sleeper.. oh i don’t like thunder when im sleeping !!! or at all 
what do you have for breakfast: these days i have a hot matcha and warm cereal 
have you ever tried archery? a handful of times when i was like 13 or so it was tons of fun and i was like super into the hunger games so i felt like katniss which made it like at least a million times more fun
favourite fruit: pineapple !
are you a good liar? yes in theory but im pretty forgetful so practically no not really
what’s your personality type? infp !
innie or outie? innie ..
left handed or right handed? ight but when i was younger i started using my left hand but my mum thought it looked weird and made me change 😭
favourite food: curry flavoured maggi noodles .. flames 
favourite foreign food: chicken katsu curry or pizza
am i clean or messy? my room is messy but im clean
most used phrase:  probably omds / oh my days .. i’ve started saying oh brother a lot recently 😭 and also “man..” like .. okay i just finished doing this and obviously my most used phrase word whatever is like are you kidding..  
how long does it take for you to get ready: this morning i got ready in like 25 minutes including showering, picking my outfit, putting it on, skincare, and makeup (in fairness, i was a mascara lip gloss babe today so .. yeah) .. it really just depends what i’m doing, where i’m going, who i’m going with..
do you talk to yourself? constantly .. but in like vlog style narration 😭😭😭 and with an american accent..? 
do you sing to yourself? yes a lot
are you a good singer?  i scored super high in my singing exam in high school so yeah but like im not like .. predebut era good more like if you heard me singing along to something you might tilt your head and be like hmm 
biggest fear? throwing up 
are you a gossip? yes.. 
do you like long or short hair? on me i prefer longer hair but im easy on other people i don’t really care.. unless you’re jake in which case don’t cut your hair pleaaaaaaaaase 
favourite school subject: english ! i really loved history as well so it’s such a close second 
extrovert or introvert: introvert
what makes you nervous: my own death.. and not on a me standpoint but like im worried about my family and stuff 
who was your first real crush? the older brother of my best friend .. it didn’t work out because i was like 13 and he was 20 and a decent human being 
how many piercings? zero 😭
how many tattoos? 5 
how fast can you run? not very ..
what colour is your hair? black
what colour are your eyes? brown
what makes you angry: people who spoil movies and shows and stuff when they just hit netflix two seconds ago like how do you know the plot twist of a 3 hour movie that’s been out for 6 minutes like what’s wrong with you.. i think people should wait like at least a week before tweeting spoilers and stuff come on
do you like your name? not really.. i have an awesome middle name though.. but im too anxious to use it as my actual name .. idk
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? a kid’s a kid 🤷
what are your strengths? my curiosity ! i’ve picked up a lot of useful (subjective) skills / knowledge just out of curiosity around the topic.. like i have a basic understanding of spanish (could travel to spain and talk to people and survive) because i found out violetta was dubbed over 😭😭😭 i know my way around photoshop even though my actual talent for design is questionable.. i only ever got into fashion bc i wanted to know what the rappers i liked were talking about, i started learning how to read hiragana in 2020 after watching like the first couple episodes of haikyuu (and then i got hyper fixated on acnh and didn’t do anything else for months), i learned how to read hangul after watching a kdrama 2 summers ago like if i want to know something i’ll find out 
what are your weaknesses? also my curiosity i think because like.. im curious to a fault.. i also have like no self confidence .. like i really do not believe in myself at all, procrastination
what is the colour of your bedspread? green !colour of your room: the walls are like a creamy beige off white-ish colour and then i have a bunch of like mismatched wood tones all over.. idk how to answer this
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
逃跑计划 - 夜空中最亮的星 我祈祷拥有一颗透明的心灵 和会流泪的眼睛    
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angryinternetduck · 3 years
noodle <3
2.2k on harry’s new puppy. the before and after of a clean break . goes from kinda angsty to fluffy (literally) to more angst, and then wraps up with fluffy fluff fluff. 
Harry’s house felt empty. 
It was empty, really, but it felt about a million more times empty than it ever had. 
He couldn’t bear it. 
He woke up in the morning and turned over to kiss you awake. He brushed his teeth and stared at the spot where your toothbrush went. He got changed and remembered where he’d gone with you while wearing that shirt; how you’d complimented those pants and teasingly mocked those socks. He made coffee and ignored the gaping hole where your mug used to go. 
He was driving to the studio one morning, thinking about all of this - what song you’d have put on if you were in the car with him, how your hand would feel in his, what joke he’d say to hear your laugh - when he saw a pet adoption center. 
All at once, the solution became clear. 
A dog, he thought. I need a dog. 
So he turned off the road, kind of in a daze, and walked inside. Barking, chirping, and soft music greeted him. He flipped his sunglasses up. The lady at the counter’s eyes widened, and then she smiled. “Hi!” she said brightly. “Can I help you?” 
“Er… yes,” Harry said. He rocked back on his heels. “I’d like a dog, please.” 
She smiled more. Harry saw her nametag. It said Holly. “Okay!” she said, coming around from behind the counter. “Follow me.” Harry put his hands in his pockets and followed her a few steps back into the shop, and then around a corner. 
Dogs of every size, shape, and color lined the wall, separated by short, colorful barriers. The barking increased as the dogs noticed Harry and Holly. Harry felt a smile on his face as he looked around at all of them, up on hind legs, tongues lolling out of mouths. 
“Here we are,” Holly said over the noise. She crouched down next to one, rubbing the dog’s ear. With her other hand, she pointed to a card attached to the barrier. “These have all their information,” she said. 
Harry nodded, and started walking around. He kept his hands in his pockets and walked around the room. He scanned the cards, only stopping when he saw an anomaly. One dog, a puppy, by the look of it, was quiet. It wasn’t barking, wasn’t on its hind legs excitedly jumping up to greet Harry. 
There wasn’t a card attached, either, so Harry turned around to look at Holly. She was preoccupied with another dog, petting him and laughing as he flopped over onto his back. “Hey, erm - this one have a card,” Harry said. 
She looked up and then stepped over the barrier to walk over to him. “Oh, yeah, this little guy,” she said. “We just found him a few days ago. No collar, no chip or anything. We waited a little while for somebody to come and - you know, claim him, but it never happened.” She knelt down and scratched him behind the ear. “We don’t even know his name.” 
“He’s quiet,” Harry said. 
He was cute, too; golden and fluffy, and Harry thought he looked like a goldendoodle. 
Holly looked up and smiled at him. “Yeah.” 
“Can I - er, can I get him? Have him?” 
“Sure!” Holly said. She got a collar and a leash from the wall behind Harry and clipped it onto the dog. “Wanna walk him up?” she asked, holding the leash out to Harry. He smiled and took it from her, and she opened the barrier to let him through. 
The dog walked next to Harry, sniffing the floor and the walls and occasionally Harry’s pant leg as they headed back to the front desk. He sat down and watched Harry with big brown eyes as Harry filled out paperwork, and then trotted behind them as Holly showed Harry toys and dog food and beds everything Harry needed. 
Soon enough, Harry was staring at the dog, sat peacefully on the passenger seat, looking out the window curiously. After a few seconds, the dog looked back at Harry, and Harry smiled because it almost looked like he was smiling, too. 
“Right, then,” Harry said, patting the top of his head. “You need a name.” Harry twisted his keys in the ignition and started off towards home. “Marley,” Harry said, glancing over at the puppy. 
No reaction. 
“Alright,” Harry hummed. “How about… Bob.” 
Still nothing. 
Harry smiled. “So this’ll be a challenge, hm?” he asked. The dog lay down in the seat and sighed heavily, looking up at him. Harry laughed and rubbed his fluffy head. He suggested names the entire way home, but nothing seemed to stick. 
When they got home, the puppy wandered around, sniffing every corner and inspecting each piece of furniture. Harry watched him, partially endeared but also sort of worried about puppy proofing his entire house. 
He wasn’t too worried about it, though, because after a while, the puppy came over and sat down next to him, tail thumping on the floor behind him and tongue hanging out of his mouth. Harry grinned and crouched down to pet him, then looked at his phone. 
“What do you say to some food, buddy?” Harry asked. “‘s almost noon…” 
He just licked Harry’s hand. 
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Harry said, laughing as he stood up and the puppy followed him into the kitchen, where Harry looked at the refrigerator and pantry. Nothing seemed very interesting, but Harry eventually grabbed a pack of ramen and started boiling some water. 
While it heated up, Harry set up the puppy’s bed and toys, then got distracted playing fetch with the puppy, who got adorably excited, and Harry heard him bark for the first time. When the water boiled, Harry put in the noodles and then read the back of the dog food bag while he stirred and added the seasoning. 
After it cooked and Harry poured a bowl of soup for himself, he measured out some dog food and put it in the bowl he’d picked out with Holly. The puppy had at it, and Harry smiled, satisfied, and then went and ate himself. 
Once the puppy finished, though, he padded over to Harry and laid his head on Harry’s lap. Harry laughed and pet him. Suddenly, he looked up at his bowl of ramen, and then back down at the puppy, whose fur was long and golden brown and a bit curly. 
“Hey,” Harry said, a slow grin growing on his lips. “Hey, how ‘bout Noodle, hm?” 
The puppy yipped and thumped his tail. 
Another bark, and he jumped a little bit, placing his two front paws on the edge of Harry’s chair. Harry laughed and rubbed his ears and said, “Noodle it is, then!” The puppy, Noodle, barked and bounced, and his ears flopped. 
Harry looked at his noodles, wondering if dogs could have ramen, but then decided against it and went and grabbed a bag of treats from the things he’d gotten at the pet store. Noodle followed him, trotting along and then happily taking the treat. 
“Good boy,” Harry cooed, “good boy, Noodle.” 
Noodle barked again and covered Harry’s hands in licks, and Harry grinned. 
“I think we’ll get along just fine,” he said. 
The next time Harry took an unexpected detour, he was a bit less inspired, a lot more desperate, and horribly miserable. This time, he was heading to a double date. Mitch and Sarah, and Harry and somebody else, somebody Sarah thought he’d be good with. 
Somebody who was not you. 
How, Harry thought dully, could he be good with anyone who was not you? 
It was raining. All Harry was thinking about was that time he’d danced with you in the rain, that time you’d gone to the park together and it had rained during your picnic and you’d danced together. In the rain. 
The rain was miserable. Harry was miserable. The date would be miserable. 
And it was even worse, because the directions Mitch gave him took him straight past your place. He felt nauseous as he started up the street. He couldn’t go on the date. He couldn’t go and pretend that he was okay, that he was over you. 
Before he knew what he was doing, he was parked in front of your place. 
He stared at the rain, coming down in sheets over his windshield. He wondered how many times he’d kissed you in that exact spot. How many times he’d walked you back home, how many times he’d stayed over, how many mornings he’d spent avoiding paps as he walked back to his car. How much he’d pay to have one of those nights, one of those mornings, just one more time. 
He picked up his phone and dialled Mitch’s number. 
“I can’t make it,” Harry said flatly. 
“I - I’m not coming,” Harry said. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Tired,” Harry whispered. 
“Harry, I don’t -” 
“I can’t make it,” Harry said again. “I’ll see you later. Apologize for me.” 
“What? Harry, you can’t -” 
Harry did. He hung up and stared at the rain again. 
It was raining. It was raining so hard, so, so hard, and Harry didn’t have an umbrella. He didn’t have the energy to run, either, so he trudged up to your place in the rain. He was soaked. He was trembling, chattering, soaked to the bone. 
You were on the phone when you opened the door. 
“Speak of the devil,” you said. 
Now, Harry’s watching you play with Noodle. 
He doesn’t think he’s ever been happier. 
“I’m gonna steal him,” you giggle, rubbing his fluffy belly. 
Harry says, “You could try,” and kneels down next to you. 
It’s been a little more than a week since he appeared on your doorstep. He’d been texting with you the entire time, just trying to find a time when neither of you were busy. That time had been today, and you’d come over as soon as you could.
“Think you like him more than me,” Harry says, and you grin at him, and Harry’s heart flutters, and you say, “You’re right.” Harry groans and buries his face in Noodle’s fur. “I’d be jealous but I’d like him more, too,” he mumbles, and you laugh as you stand up. 
Harry looks up to see you looking at Noodle’s box of toys and then smiles when your eyes light up as you see the bag of treats. “Can I?” you ask excitedly, holding it up, and Harry shrugs. “Sure,” he says, and he has to bite his lip to keep himself from smiling more. 
You sit down, laughing as Noodle jumps up, tail thumping when he notices the treats in your hands. Harry sits back, watching as you feed him a few. “Have you tried training him at all?” you ask, and Harry says, “Nope.” He pauses, then adds, “I was waiting for you.” 
“Oh, sure,” you reply, grinning as you hold a treat with one hand and lift one of Noodle’s paws with the other. “So fluffy!” you exclaim, watching Noodle drop his paw obliviously and then giving up and giving him the treat anyway. 
“You’ll make him fat,” Harry scolds playfully, reaching forward to grab the bag out of your hands. You yelp and dart away, holding it out of Harry’s reach. Harry scoffs, lunging after it again, and suddenly he’s falling - 
“Jesus,” you gasp through giggles, “don’t want you on top of me like this -” 
Harry laughs, propping himself up so he’s hovering over you. “Sure about that?” he says lowly, nipping at your ear, but you just laugh more, slapping lightly at his arm. “You’re ridiculous!” 
Harry pulls back, unable to keep the smile off his face as he catches your eyes, gets lost in them for a minute, for two… You bite your lip, sliding your hand to the back of his neck and gently tugging him down so his lips meet yours. 
“Missed you,” you whisper. 
“Missed you, too.” 
It feels like just seconds before Harry hears shuffling and licking through his blissful daze. He looks up, confused, and then sees Noodle steadily making his way through the bag of treats that had skidded, open, across the floor during your scuffle. 
“Shit,” Harry hisses, scrambling up. 
You groan, trying to pull him back. “Come back,” you whine, but Harry grabs the now almost empty bag of treats with a huff before looking back at you. He holds it up, and you sigh heavily. 
“Shoulda just let him have it,” you say. 
“‘s not healthy,” Harry says back, and he ruffles Noodle’s fur before carefully placing the bag on a table higher than Noodle can reach. “It’s not healthy to leave me alone, either,” you complain, and Harry laughs. “Please.” 
With a dramatic groan, you get up to sit over where Harry is. You situate yourself next to him, and Harry smiles at how perfectly you fit together. You rest your head on his shoulder and sigh happily. “Guess we’re parents now,” you say, looking at Noodle. 
Harry kisses your temple, smiling more. “Guess so,” he says. 
hope you liked it!!!!! if you did, a reblog and some feedback would be much appreciated 💜 thanks for reading!!!!!!! 
masterlist | ask
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fenheart87 · 3 years
Name For Your Order?
My work for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers Exchange 2021! This goes out to @bevvydraws . Prompt was Coffee shop au! - So a coffee shop au where Luka is a singer who occasionally performs at the cafe, and Marinette is the shy barista who keeps forgetting to ask his name.
It was Tuesday, a bright and sunny Tuesday. Usually, just another day of the week except Marinette had been persuaded to swap her shift so one of her co-workers had the day free, which she did not mind at all, for two reasons. The first being that co-worker always covered when she needed it, and extra hours never hurt, but the bigger reason was one tall, blue-eyed and sweet guitarist that played at their little coffee shop on most Tuesdays. Now if she could only manage to talk to him and get his name, that way she could quit calling him ‘blue eyes’ in her head. Maybe she would ask him when he came to get his free cup of coffee, a perk that the manager gave for him bringing in more business.
Looking at the clock showed that the rush hour would be hitting soon, and Marinette checked all the cups, syrups, and other mixing items to make a list of what needed to be restocked before the rush. They never seemed to be successful in preparing for it but anything to make the miserable time easier was always a plus. Moving to the back she grabbed as many items as she could carry until Nino came in through the employee door and helped to break up the load with an empty box he found. Smiling gratefully, Marinette emptied her arms and grabbed a few things she was unable to before. She opened the door for Nino and helped to refill the items, weaving through the other employees as they were making drinks and serving pastries.
“Welcome to The Busy Bean, what can I make fresh for you?” Marinette greeted, finishing a refill of the large cups.
“I’d like a cappuccino with caramel drizzle please.”
“What size for the cappuccino?”
“Medium, I think small goes too quick and the large gets ignored when I’m playing back to back.” Oh, he was early.
“Sure thing!” Marinette squeaked, almost punching in the wrong order but correcting at the last second. She grabbed a medium-sized cup and slid to the side to write on it while her manager comped the drink for the part-time musician. Passing off the cup for someone else to make it, the petite employee moved back to the register. “Next time I recommend a chocolate swirl. it makes it even better.”
“I’ll have to try that next time. Time for me to get to work, thanks Marinette.” The musician smiled softly, just like always, and then made his way to the little stage area they had.
“Still didn’t get his name huh?” Nino teased, knocking Marinette out of her love-struck staring.
“No, and I don’t want to know from you.” The DJ shrugged with a smile and handed off another drink. It had become a thing between the two childhood friends, the mysterious singer was actually Nino’s roommate that he never really talked about by name. It was surprising but humorous and the DJ had fun, too much in the designer’s opinion, teasing her about her crush and not being able to ask him for his name.
“Okay, dudette, but you do realize I’ve been fighting not to say his name anytime we talk, it’s difficult.”
“Free macaroons and I’ll even throw in an eclair a day for Alya.” The raven-haired girl bargained with a sly smile.
“You drive a hard bargain dudette but you got yourself a deal.”
“Welcome to The Busy Bean, what can I get started for you today?” Marinette hip-checked Nino who snorted good-naturedly and moved back to his place in the hot drink line.
The lunch rush came and went, and the stress was eased by the upbeat pop songs the guitarist had been noodling together for the better part of an hour. Marinette had missed her break but was fine as she could take a longer one now that there were only a few people in the coffee shop. Deciding to whip up a similar drink but with sprinkles and roasted marshmallow, she grabbed two medium cups and made her way to the ‘Blue-Eyed Prince’ as Nino teased.
“Hey stranger, thought you could use a pick me up.”
“Well if you’re talking about the coffee then yes, not that I would say no if you were talking about yourself.”
“I uh, what?” Marinette stuttered and froze with her hand outstretched.
“Sorry, Nino has been teasing me about the coffee girls. I take it, you’re not one?I’ll ask for you to make my drinks from now on, it’s hard to play when I’m being flirted with and some girls can’t take no for an answer.” The guitarist sighed, sipping on his drink. Surprise colored his features for a moment, making the coffee worker giggle.
“I put a spin on it, I hope you like it.”
“Sprinkles,” he smiled crookedly and Marinette felt her breath catch, “I like it. Think we can make this my regular drink?”
“When I’m here yeah, I don’t usually work Tuesdays, but now a co-worker owes me and I’ll see you on Fridays to make your signature drink.”
“Cool, I shouldn’t keep you since you get paid to be here and I’m just here to vibe.“
"I had extra time on my break, at least I’m over here and not being harassed by people trying to get their caffeine fix and bugging me when I’m clearly on break at a table. I need to bring a jacket back to work so I can zip it up and not be bothered.”
“Hey I’m here until closer to six, take mine so you don’t get harassed.” He passed over a well loved leather jacket that had a hint of cologne.
“Oh I couldn’t- I mean that’s so nice but I’m so clumsy and I would spill something on it.”
“Nino talked about a friend that works here, she’s a pretty bomb designer and I’ve seen her work on his favorite jacket that she made him and the stains that Chris has put it through. If you make a mess, I have faith she’ll be able to fix it.”
Marinette squeaked as she turned red, and the musician’s knowing look, causing butterflies to run rampant in her stomach. Accepting the jacket, she hid her face and listened to his smooth chuckle.
“Alright I need to play something chill, it seems like the ladies with the short hair cuts like to their chins? They are quite uh-”
“Demanding? Crazy? Rude? A little too Bourgeois?” The shop employee rattled off after removing her face from the leather cover. “Yeah, it’s about that time because the yoga class and spin classes let out.”
“Any requests?”
“I like Jagged Stone but I don’t think they appreciate it. Maybe something mellow?” Marinette mused before Nino waved with a hand signal. “Ah Nino needs help, he’s hopeless with the swirls. Duty calls.”
“When does your shift end?”
“Supposed to be five-fifteen.”
“I’ll play Jagged for you then.”
“Awesome! See ya ‘round Rockstar!” She chirped, nearly skipping her way back to the counter. With a fist bump to Nino, he rattled off the orders that needed swirls, and the designer set to work with the same determination she had when designing for the rest of her shift.
“One caramel macchiato swirl for Rose!”
“Thanks Marinette! Oh hey, I didn’t know Juleka’s brother played here.”
“Wait, brother?”
“No way dudette, you didn’t know my roomie is Juleka’s older brother? And here I thought you knew your blue-eyed prince.”
“Juleka! Oh my gosh that’s so cute! Isn’t it?! Juleka!” Rose squealed, latching onto her girlfriend’s arm and shaking the taller girl a bit.
“That’s my brother, gross.” Came the dry reply.
“I mean if it bothers you I can back off. I don’t even know his name…” Marinette backtracked, not wanting her friend to feel awkward.
“It’s fine, just no details. I haven’t seen him in his birthday suit since we were young and took baths together.”
“Oh my God! Juleka!” For the second time that day Marinette lit up bright red, this time collapsing onto the counter and shielding herself with her arms.
“It’ll be okay dudette, when you remember to ask his name at least.”
“It’s not my fault! We get to talking and he doesn’t seem to mind my crazy runaway brain and lets me figure out my words but, like, not in a rude way. Then I get distracted by his eyes oh my God those should be illegal. And he’s just so nice and funny and talented. By the way, you didn’t tell me you told him about me fixing your hoodie!”
“Hey he’s my roomie and he asked if I got a new one. I told him the truth because you’re awesome.” The DJ shrugged with a grin.
“That’s Luka’s jacket.” Rose gasped, pointing at the leather jacket she was wearing.
“Yeah he let me borrow it, can you give it back to him for me?” Marinette passed over the jacket to Juleka who took it with an odd look on her face but remained silent.
The lack of music drew their attention to the small stage where Luka waved and then started playing a Jagged song, tossing a wink at the ravenette. Marinette flushed again, ignoring the coos from Rose and playful elbow from Nino.
“Huh. he usually hates playing Jagged’s music…”
“Really? I mentioned I liked his music but I wouldn’t have asked if I had known.”
“Go figure.” With that mysterious comment, Juleka shoved the jacket back at Marinette and pushed her towards her brother who finished up the song.
“Hey there Sprinkles.”
“Hey Rockstar, I think this is yours.” Marinette handed over the leather jacket with a shy grin.
“You know out of all the times I’ve played here the last couple of months, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call me by my name.”
“Well, that uh might be because I don’t know it? And Nino teases me all the time calling you my 'blue-eyed prince because I get distracted by your blue eyes, they should be illegal. And you’re so nice when I’m having a bad day or just a busy day, you always smile and listen to me and don’t make me feel stupid for getting words mixed or rambling like I’m doing right now and oh my God!” She wished a hole would appear so she could sink into it.
“Well your eyes are pretty amazing too, they’ve kept me up on more than one night trying to find the music to describe them.” Her eyes met his, a soft smile present on his face, “And since I was too distracted by the pretty coffee girl to give my name, I guess I should fix that. I’m Luka, nice to finally introduce myself.”
“Hi, Luka.” Marinette smiled, the blush dying down to a pinkish color and not a full red.
“So uh would you like something to eat? I’m sure you’re tired of coffee…” Luka packed up his guitar, taking the jacket and putting it over her shoulders.
“Sure but let’s go somewhere else, the best pastries in all of Paris.”
“Wait, if you’re going where I think you’re going you had better bring me back something! I’ve got another hour left!” Nino shouted, amusing the customer he was supposed to be taking the order of.
“Maman won’t mind another mouth to feed if you just want to come over for dinner. I think it’s dumpling night?”
“Marinette you are my best friend! Sorry bro, you’ll understand when you taste the food.” The DJ joked before focusing back on the order he was punching in.
“Did I just get invited to dinner?”
“Yeah but that’s okay, you’ll have to meet my parents at some point. Juleka and Rose are already like their adopted daughters.”
“Oh! Maman Sabine dumplings?! I’m in!” Rose jumped on her toes excitedly, tugging Juleka along to follow the budding couple.
“I’ll text Maman and let her know we need to break out the other chairs and let Papa know we need another batch of macarons and eclairs.”
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
Snapshoot (OT13)
Hi, in case y’all didn’t know, I have declared war on Erin and Haley and this was one outcome lmao! It’s also one of my favorite songs and I’m really happy with these! Credits to the owners for the gifs!!! I couldn’t find names!!!!!
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Seungcheol: (Ahh, that’s how it’s done...3,2,1 shoot) the way you had fallen on your butt when you two had decided to take an evening stroll after dinner one night. You circled the nearby park a couple of times when you noticed your shoe had become untied. You let go of Cheol’s hand and knelt down to tie it up. You’d been so focused on looping the laces, you didn’t notice the furry little creature trotting up to you until it barked to get your attention. You let out a small yelp and fell back from the scare, only to squeal in delight when the pup sniffed your face and licked your cheek. She ended up sitting next to you while you petted and cooed her. Seungcheol took out his phone and snapped a photo of you nuzzling noses, the biggest smile on both your faces, until the rightful owner came calling for the pup a moment later and she vanished, breaking your heart. Cheol did help you up eventually, shaking his head at your expression. He posted all over social media, gushing over your cuteness.
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Jeonghan: (snap shoot, you) the way a bucket of paint managed to fall, spilling the orange color all over you. After agreeing to help one of your friends paint their new house while they went furniture shopping, you invited Jeonghan to help you. Okay, he wasn’t really helping, but he did occasionally dip his brush in the paint and got it on the wall, and he liked changing every song that came on because it didn’t fit the mood, but you couldn’t complain much. At one point, Jeonghan did get up on the ladder to paint the parts you missed (because his eyesight was better than yours), and when he had forgotten he had the can of paint on the top step, he buckled his knees and one of them hit the can and it spilled on the ladder and on you while you were removing the tape. He captured the perfect moment with you rubbing the paint off your clothes and hair, the laughter being heard throughout the house. And before he could do anything else, you splashed a different color of paint on him and going to hug them so the colors could blend together as well as you did.
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Joshua: (the way to set the focus on you is a tutorial of love) the way you held his guitar in your hands. In the entire time you’ve known Joshua, his most prized possession had never been far behind. In the midst of his collection of rice cookers, Winnie the Pooh plushes and never ending love letters, his guitar had been his first and only love. He loved dedicating a few minutes of his day playing Encantadora, the name he had given her because he was so enchanted by her. And whenever you hung out together, he’d always ask if it was okay if he could fill the silence with her music. And it’s not like you could say no. Sometimes he sang along with her and sometimes she sang alone, but both were always beautiful. The last time he was at your place, Joshua had been called back to work for some last minute changes and Encantadora had stayed with you since then. You were always afraid of carrying his guitar, because of the things that could go wrong and you couldn’t handle him hating you if something did happen. So naturally, it stayed on your couch where you hardly moved her. But Joshua was picking Encantadora up today, so after Google searching what was safe, you cleaned her up, making sure to rid any specs of dust. Curiosity eventually got the best of you and picked her up and fixed her on your lap, strumming the chords lightly and cringing because she didn’t sound anything like when Joshua played her. Joshua had quietly let himself in during this time, just in case you were asleep, and he saw you tenderly caressing the strings, you frowning when it didn’t like the way you expected it to. He smiled, exiting the app he currently had and opened the camera. He clicked the button a couple of times before announcing his presence and taking a spot next you, showing you how the basics. 
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Junhui: (capture this moment right now) the way you stopped to smell the roses, literally. One of Junhui’s favorite times of year was the rose festival. Businesses all around the Seoul area closed and gathered at the park to support the small businesses. Jun often woke up early to get a good seat for the parade that kicked off the momentous occasion; the only difference was that this was the first time that you’d be joining him. Other than being mostly sleepy and resting your head on his shoulder it was fun. The people on the floats engaged with the crowd, throwing candies and small toys and even fliers to vote. Junhui constantly disappeared and then reappeared with food, only sharing sometimes. And with the parade ending, he brought you to your feet, making you follow it (yes, walking) until you ended up at the park which had been up with various booths, the dj barely setting up his stage, and the bounce houses getting ready to go. You didn’t know how Junhui managed to fit so much food in his stomach throughout the day, and how many items he buried in his pockets and once he started getting recognized by the fans, he had to hide in one of the public bathrooms until you got him a hat and sunglasses. And once the early evening followed the humid afternoon, he pulled you onto one of the benches to let you catch your breath and once you were on your feet again waiting for your ride, you recounted the day’s events, you swearing you were gonna be full for the rest of the year when you noticed the rose bush. You stopped in the middle of the story, making a beeline for the bush and petted the flowers, adoring the color and everything and even inhaled the scent, praising their beauty and you didn’t notice Jun pulling out his phone and taking pictures of the candid moment, your nose pressed to the petals, your skin tone complementing the rose.
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Soonyoung: (to me baby, you are the greatest gift) the way you ended up falling asleep on him curled up on the couch. He had just come after an exhausting practice and all he wanted was to cuddle you in his arms until his idol duties separated you again...or until his limbs fell off; whichever came first. He opened up Disney plus, telling you about the movie that he had been wanting to watch since forever just to see if he still remembered it. Soonyoung found the movie, pressed play, and let you snuggle close to him, throwing a blanket over yourselves. At one point he asked you if you wanted to order pizza for a late, late night dinner when he noticed you weren’t responding to him. He turned to you, ready to ask again, but he saw your eyes closed, breathing in and out deeply and he smiled. He kissed your head and fumbled around for his phone, wanting to capture the moment. He finally found it and after turning off the flash, took a couple of photos, even coming in for a few of them and sent them to you so you’d have something to look forward to when you woke up in the morning. 
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Wonwoo: (let’s remember this happy day; let’s capture it in a picture) the way you lit up with your photocards. Wonwoo had promised you that when your albums from the other kpop group that had stolen your heart arrived at the boys’ dorms, he’d let you know (even though you got the notifications by email to track their every movement.) Sure enough on a clear Saturday afternoon, he had woken up from his second nap because of your constant knocking. He let you in, rubbing his eyes and grumbling how he could never get any peace and quiet, despite being the only one home. You saw the package on the couch addressed to you and you ran, tripping over someone’s blanket. And then the package disappeared from your sight as Wonwoo picked it up and said you weren’t opening it until you had something to eat and as if knowing you, your stomach growled so you complied grumpily slurping the ramen noodles without really tasting them and being the little shit he was, didn’t let you open the box until he finished eating. You didn’t ask for much, just that you’d be gifted with a bias card. Just one, and then you’d be happy. And with each one you opened, you could feel a little sadness at not seeing your favorite face and Wonwoo made sure to capture your reaction each time. You had given up hope at the fact you weren’t getting your bias this time, but still you opened the final album, thumbing through the photos when you saw the photocard. You flipped it over, and then you showed it Wonwoo with a big grin on your face, radiating with the same happiness and he snapped away, the smile making its way to his face.
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Jihoon: (you in viewfinder, the focus is auto. Naturally following the movements, it follows you) the way you covered your face when he was singing the song he wrote for you. You had been under the guise that he had been holed in Universe Factory while everyone spent the day in the great outdoors, so he asked if you could pick up his lunch order and bring it to him. You didn’t bother changing out of your comfortable clothes so you left almost as soon as you read his message. He was surprised to see you so soon, but stammered out how you didn’t want him to be hungry when he still had so long to go. Jihoon smiled at your sweet response, otherwise not being able to form any words. You feel your face warming up, so in order to move away from the awkwardness, you asked him if you could hear what he was working on. He was slightly embarrassed but he took a collective breath and went to pick up his guitar and played. Once you realized it was about you, you looked for something to hide behind so you didn’t notice that Jihoon had stopped playing and quietly pulled out his phone and captured the moment until the sound gave it away but he set it to his lock screen to remind himself of his muse. 
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Seokmin: (to me, you’re the most precious) the way the wonder etched across your face. You weren’t sure how you managed to convince Seokmin to play hooky but here you were at the sea turtle reserve you volunteered at during the season. You showed him the in and outs of the place, giving him the rundown of how you normally spent your time here. He nodded along, not really understanding a lot but he enjoyed hearing you rave about it and seeing you light up. You even got to show him the nest that you found one day while picking up trash and gave him an estimated date on when they were gonna hatch. You picked up an egg, dusting the sand off when it began to shake and move. Seokmin, not knowing what else to do, searched his phone, finding it in his back pocket, and almost dropping it while trying to unlock it so the perfect moment wouldn’t pass him by. He snapped several of them, from the way the shell cracked open to the way the baby sea turtle popped its head out, all the while you being so mesmerized with a live baby in your palms and he swore he found a new favorite animal as you gingerly placed it on the sand and said goodbye before the ocean wave took him home.
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Mingyu: (I want to capture that smile, just as the way you are) the way he got you laughing again. After a long week of struggling with your work life and being dragged into unnecessary family drama, Mingyu snuck into your house and turned it into a mini photography studio, complete with stuffed animals, all your favorite foods and running up your energy bill from all the light sources. The moment he heard you unlocking your door and stepping inside, he ambushed you with his camera, throwing out every compliment that came to his mind and it took everything in you not to cry into the plush when he tossed one at you. He reassured you that you didn’t have to talk to him but he wasn’t gonna leave you alone until you smiled like you meant it. Mingyu then proceeded to poke your cheek, telling jokes, doing aegyo and impersonating his brothers until the corners of your lips turned upwards and you forgot about your hard week. He even went as far to develop the photos and telling you he was keeping them somewhere in the studio so he could always see you happy (and you bawled.) 
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Minghao: (Ahh, this is how it feels like...3,2,1 shoot) the way the leaves fell around you. When Minghao’s Polaroid came in, the first thing he wanted to do was take you out on a date and capture as many moments as he could. The only problem with that was that he forgot to order extra film, so he had to wait until that arrived. The air had a crisp feeling to it, an uncommon occurrence during the hot weather, but he took advantage of that and took you hiking. The camera was a little heavier than he expected it to but he carried it around, nonetheless. The few butterflies that came out, he snapped; the names you engraved on a tree to symbolize you were together forever, he got twice. He even got the little squirrels chattering at you as if getting you in trouble for vandalizing their home. He loved your hand around his, feeling as if you were one with nature. Minghao, at times, felt as if he was looking at you for the first time, because he couldn’t speak. The light breeze that followed you around blew on the tree as you carved your favorite lyrics into a different tree and you had to stop to catch the falling leaves. Minghao, after refilling the film, raised the lens to his eye and clicked on the camera, the candid moment captured and already developing. He was almost sure he’d put the photo behind his phone case. 
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Seungkwan: (me by your side and you by my side) the way the fantasy life took over your life. When Wonwoo had raved about a book, your curiosity had gotten the best of you and bought the book for yourself just to see it was worth the buzz that he created and unfortunately for you, it did. Even worse was that Wonwoo failed to tell you that there wasn’t a sequel, but it was a series that just had you ordering all of them at once to save you shipping costs. In that week you read them cover to cover, Seungkwan invited you to Pledis while they worked on songs, vocals, choreos and antics of every size, especially since they stayed late to the point where they went straight home after work. One night while they were perfecting the choreography, you finished another one, and you couldn’t remember where you placed the other book to start reading it, until you found it under Chan’s hoodie and opened it straightaway, immersing yourself in the newest adventure. You missed the way Seventeen finally nailed the moves and the 15 minute break they took to enjoy their soda and burgers and just how loud they were in general. The only thing you complained about was how you couldn’t find a comfortable reading position so Seungkwan took a spot next to and draped an arm around you to bring you close to him and you decided to rest your head over his heart and resumed your reading, although you could feel yourself growing more tired now that you were finally comfortable. Seungkwan picked up his phone that had been charging by an oultet and called you softly once he opened the camera. He placed a soft kiss to your cheek and clicked on the shutter, ecstatic that you didn’t push it away.
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Hansol: (a perfect subject that is more than perfect) the way you modeled an old hat you didn’t wear anymore. After your family had threatened to throw away the belongings in your old room, you asked Vernon to take a trip with you to your hometown to clean it out and take with you what you wanted to your new home and the rest could be donated or trashed. He helped you throw your posters away (although that hurt your teenage self a bit), stuffed the shirts you cringed at in a trash bag, and packed some CDs into boxes so you could ship them back. While clearing out one of the drawers on your nightstand, he pulled out a digital camera, the strap decorated in puff paint peeling in some parts. Hansol pressed the power button, unsurprised when it didn’t turn on, so he asked if you had any batteries and you pointed him in the direction of where you remembered you kept them, but you focused more on throwing everything you kept hidden from your nosy family, making sure to rip your notes into tiny pieces in case they decided to rummage through the trash, even going as far as dousing them in water just to be safe. When Hansol managed to finally turn it on, he skimmed across your photos, hardly recognizing the person you used to be but also believing it, since you never lost your smile. He came back into your room, telling you to wear the first thing you grabbed and snapped photo after photo, capturing every movement, even going as far as throwing the hat as you posed for the grand finale. Naturally, Hansol dragged you to the nearest place that developed photos, and picked out a book to keep these in. 
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Chan: (I know, even if it turns to be hard somehow, but since I have you, everything is alright) the way you couldn’t stay still before getting ready to go to work. When you had quit your last job, you felt a mixture of emotions but mostly the relief of no longer taking people’s shit and the fear of not knowing how you were gonna survive without money. Chan had been more than helpful, letting you move in with him while you got back on your feet. During those days, you had grown closer and eventually started dating, and you found a short college course that could help you in achieving something close to what you wanted. And when you received the degree, you immediately looked for a job in hopes of paying Chan back as soon as possible (even if the idea did offend him. He was more than happy to help you out after all. It seemed that Chan was your good luck charm because you found it...your dream job and got it almost as quickly. You guys celebrated that night and you found yourself being unable to sleep the entire night and you were still up early the next morning. Chan, feeling more like a proud parent than a supportive boyfriend, made you breakfast while you got ready and didn’t let you leave the house until he got many, many, many pictures of you to show off to his friends when he left for Pledis. He sent the selfies to you as a way to remind you that you could conquer the day.
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dexiao · 4 years
Play me (m) | Part 2 of 2
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Gif originally posted by @weishenkun​
Synopsis: Living with Kun was perfectly fine until he tried to teach you how to play the guitar  Pairing: Qian Kun x female reader  Words: 2.3k  Genre: roommate!au, smut (oral, safe sex), fluff? A/N: Ok, so this chapter is basically the vehicle to smut and the smut itself. I’ve never really written smut in another language, so I hope it’s ok.
This is a work of fiction. It does not portray the real personality of the member.
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The next day, Kun went to the gym and dinner was under my responsibility, so I decided to make a veggie pasta that I knew he liked.  
I turned on a Arctic Monekeys playlist and sang at brianstorm with all the power I had while cutting vegetables and heating water to cook the noodles.
Kun would arrive between 8:05 and 8:15 p.m., so when the clock hit 8 o’clock I started cooking the noodles.
It was 8:07 when he entered the apartment, going directly to the kitchen. My sauce was ready and I was only looking over the pasta to not let it overcook, lazily scrolling through my instagram feed.
“Hello there.” He said with a smile, heading to the fridge. God, he was dripping sweat. His t-shirt was wet and there were streams running down his face and neck. 
“What’s up! Dinner’s almost ready.” I nodded, looking at him.
“Great, my shower will be quick.”
Kun opened the fridge door, standing in front of it and taking off his t-shirt, releasing a small sigh. Then he grabbed the water jug and closed the fridge, turning to the sink to get a glass. Coincidentally, it was where I was standing.
When I realized that Kun, shirtless, with sweat draining through his upper body, was coming in my direction, I froze immediately in my spot. Unable to move, I just felt my face turning red as his arm brushed against mine.
After he drank the water and distanced himself, I realized that I was also holding my breath and holding onto my phone so tight that my knuckles were pale.
“Is everything ok, Y/N?”
“Hum, sure, why not?” I answered, my voice cracking a little.
“Okay then. I’ll go for that shower.” He said and moved out of the kitchen. 
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It’s not only that I had never seen Kun shirtless. We were very respectful towards each other, and that included not walking around semi naked. I mean, of course I knew that he was hot, I knew it since we first met. But I didn’t want to ruin the great relationship I had with Kun, he was the most perfect roommate I could ever find. God, he even tried to teach me how to play the guitar.
Today was one of the days I’d cook for us again, and these thoughts filled my head as I waited for Kun to get out of the shower. Today he didn’t repeat the shirtless piece he threw last Thursday, going straight to the shower as I screamed for him to be quick. This time I waited in the living room, the hot dogs I just made placed on the center table.
I kept searching for something to watch as Kun turned off the shower, opening the door almost promptly.
“Y/N?” He shouted.
“Can you bring me the towel, please? I think I forgot in on top of my bed.”
I could feel the blood flowing to my face and ears as I got up to get his towel. Just as he said, the towel was sprawled on the bed.
I took a deep breath before heading to the bathroom to hand it to Kun. The door was already open, so I just had to hand it and go back to the living room, right? Wrong.
When I reached the bathroom door which wasn’t completely open, I put my arm inside while holding the towel. Instead of just grabbing the towel, Kun opened the door, only wearing a pair of boxers.
It was involuntary to look at him as the door moved. His toned body covered in water. His chest, his abs, his thighs… and a fucking innocent look in his eyes. Every inch of him was so perfect that I had to force myself to look the other way. 
Blushing more than before, I shook the towel in my hand and Kun finally took it, allowing me to run back to the sofa.
“What the hell, Kun.” I whispered, trying to normalize my breath.
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At this point I was sure that Kun was trying to do something to me. He always walked around shirtless, stayed a long time only wrapped in his towel after showering and stripped off his top after gym.
I, on the other hand, didn’t really know what to do and it started to bother me so much that I was dreaming about Kun. And by dreaming I mean hot and wet dreams, in which Kun would press me against a wall and tease me until I begged him to fuck me.
On a Saturday afternoon, Kun went out to buy some books and I stayed home watching some random Netflix series laying comfortably on the couch. Eventually I fell asleep, my phone still on my hands.
And of course I dreamed of Kun.
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I was sitting in the office chair he had in his bedroom, my back straight and my whole body tense. My dress rolling up my tights as I felt myself heating. I couldn’t help but think of the things Kun could do to me since everything at his room just screamed his name. His smell was everywhere. I closed my eyes and tried my best to push away the thought of him kissing my neck. I pressed my legs together and squeezed my arms along my torso as I took a deep breath.
Kun appeared shirtless at the door, wearing only a black pair of jeans and holding his guitar – which was the reason he left me alone in his room in the first place. He sat on the bed in front of me, his six pack abs folding when he curled his back a little.
“I’ve been thinking on what chords I should show you now, but it depends a little on the songs you’d like to learn.” He said, playing the guitar absentmindedly. I didn’t realize that I needed to respond, too busy watching his arm muscles as he held the guitar and pressed the strings.
“Yeah?” I looked at him, confused, noticing the grin in his face.
“You’re really just watching me, aren’t you?”
I couldn't help but look down as I blushed aggressively. Kun dropped the guitar on his bed and kneeled in front of me, cupping my face with both hands to make me look into his eyes. 
“So you are this dirty, Y/N?” He smiled devilishly, one of his hands letting go of my face and going to left thigh. I could barely breathe as his fingers played with the hem of my dress, lifting it up. My eyes alternated between looking at his hand and his face, observing as lust grew in Kun’s dark eyes.
Kun moved his other hand to open my legs and I gasped as his right touched my underwear. He laughed.
“Look at yourself, so needy…” Kun said to himself, lifting my dress until my hips were completely shown.
I held tightly to the arms of the chair as Kun leaned to lick a stripe of my leg, starting from the knee until my inner thigh, close to my soaked panties.
“So wet already.”
He licked the fabric of my panties and I shivered, letting out a strangled moan. Then he moved the panties to the side and released a hot breath against my pussy.
“Your pussy is so pretty, Y/N. Why have you been hiding it from me all this time?” He licked his lips at the sight and used one finger to play with my wetness.
“Kun, please stop teasing…” I whined.
That’s when I heard a loud thud and woke up, realizing that the only real thing was the soaking in my panties and the sweat on my forehead. The phone I held in my hands before was now fallen onto the ground.
“God, Y/N.”
Then I noticed Kun was back from his shopping and watched me, standing next to the couch. I blushed immediately, noticing how flustered he looked and imagining I might be looking a lot worse.
“Were you dreaming of me?” Kun asked, closing his eyes, breathing heavily. His hands closed in fists hanging on the sides of his body, a bulge very visible in his pants.
I nodded, forgetting that he wouldn’t notice my answer. My eyes were still glued to him when he opened his again, looking at me in expectation.
“Yes, I did.” I said, ashamed of having this kind of thoughts about my roommate.
Kun took another deep breath, coming closer to me and sitting on the edge of the couch next to my hips.
“Can I touch you?” Kun asked, gazing into my eyes.
As I nodded, his hands moved to my waist, running through my hips and legs, then coming back and entering under my shirt to reach my breasts. Kun looked at my body as it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and it just made me more wet by the second.
I let out a short sigh and licked my lips, salivating at the sight of him, as he squeezed my breasts trapped under the bra.
Kun lifted my shirt and laid a wet kiss on my belly, making me groan and involuntarily rush my hands through his hair.
When he raised his head again to look at my face, I couldn’t hold it.
“Please, kiss me.”
Kun leaned closer to my face, looking at my face like I wasn’t real. Then he licked my already wet lips and his tongue entered my mouth in a wet kiss. My hands pulled his hair and scratched the back of his neck, as his travelled to my hips to play with the waistband of my shorts. One of his hands squeezed my butt, making me moan into the kiss.
He broke the kiss to take off his shirt and my shorts, placing himself between my legs to slowly remove my underwear.
“God, Y/N, you are so fucking wet, your panties are dripping…” He said, squeezing the piece of fabric in his left hand and bringing it closer to his face.
With his right hand, he rushed his fingers through my throbbing core, sliding easily due to the arousal. Kun inserted two fingers in my pussy, so I moaned loudly.
“How can you be so hot, Y/N?” Kun removed his fingers and sucked them, closing his eyes. “I want to stuff your sweet little pussy with my cock so bad. I don’t even know if you can take all of it.”
His words made me clench unwillingly, thirsty to have him inside of me.
I got up and kneeled by his side, taking of my shirt and bra before kissing him hungrily. My hands traveled on his half naked body, one busy with chest and abs and the other palming him through his jeans.
Kun opened his pants himself and started kissing my neck, grabbing my hips to brush his cock on my folds. He lifted his hips to remove his pants completely, then searched for something in his pockets. While he opened the condom, I kept humping him and breathing against his ear.
I moved to the ground and grabbed his shaft before he could put on the condom, licking a stripe of it and sucking lightly at its head. Kun threw his head back on the couch as I went deeper on his cock, already wet from my juices. He placed one of his hands on the back of my neck, trusting his hips a little forward and making me choke on his huge member, trying to fit all of it in my mouth.
“I want your cock inside me so much, Kun…” I whined.
Kun pulled me up and laid me down on the couch again, finally being able to put on the condom. He threw my legs over his shoulders, brushing his dick on my cunt and covering it in my juices again.
“Please, fuck me.”
It was the spark Kun needed to bury all of his length inside my pussy at once. I groaned loudly, grabbing his hair and pulling him for another kiss as he fucked me stupid.
One of his hands moved to my clit, so I broke the kiss, unable to hold the moans and, to be honest, unable to think of anything but how good Kun was making me feel.
“You take my cock so well, Y/N…” He said, stopping his massage on my clit and moving his finger to my mouth, so I sucked at his digit.
Kun was already sweating when I started moving my hips against his, searching for more friction.
“Do you want to cum, baby?”
“Yes, please.”
So Kun put one of my legs down and trusted as deep and strong as he could, teasing my nipples as I stimulated my clit and felt my climax approaching.
“Oh God, Kun, I’m gonna cum.” I said as I felt the knot on my core growing.
Kun fucked me through my high and came as well, inside the condom.
After a few seconds catching our breaths, Kun slipped out of me and sat spread on the couch, still sweating.
I got up to rest against his torso, feeling his breath on my hair as my fingers played with the hair of his leg.
“So, you’ve been looking forward to this, Y/N?” Kun asked, noticeably more shy.
“Yes, for a few days, since you didn’t seem to be able to wear shirts at home anymore.” We laughed. “And what about you?” I asked, turning my head to face him. He was disheveled, but never looked so hot and adorable at the same time.
“Ever since you moved in. The day I tried to teach you how to play the guitar was the last straw.” He smiled, intertwining our fingers.
“Oh, right. I noticed it. By the way, we could keep doing it, don’t you think?”
“Fucking or playing guitar?”
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larryfanficwriter98 · 3 years
Chapter Eleven
*Fake It Until You Make It Real*
**I've been asked and here it is! This story has a playlist on Spotify under the same title as the story made by Kelly with the same profile picture! If you have any trouble let me know. There will also be one for my other story Falling In Love Through The Phone**
*playlist link (I think)*
Louis walked into the kitchen confused as he looked around the house. Harry was only in the Halloween sleep pants he had slipped on after they decided to get out of bed.
"Where is everyone?" Louis asked walking up behind Harry and wrapping his arms around his waist.
"Oh, Liam and Niall offered to take the dogs on a walk and Freddie asked if he could go too. I told them I didn't know how you'd feel considering you just met them, and Zayn and Amy offered to go along so I agreed. And before you worry, they completely understood and were not offended at all. They left about ten minutes ago. Freddie has taken to Niall though; Niall was showing him my guitars and how to play them. Niall has already promised a kid guitar as a Christmas gift for both the kids."
"Anyway, we can convince him to take it back and claim he couldn't find any?" Louis asked.
"Afraid not. Freddie was too excitedly about it and I don't break little hearts."
"Only little ones?" Louis teased.
"Well, you are little- Ow! Not the nipples." Harry said turning to face Louis and wrap his own arms around him, "come on I have a surprise for you."
"Oh, you do. What is it?" Harry didn't answer just kept his arms around him as he led them towards the second living room making Louis walk backwards. Louis tried to look but Harry turned him around and covered his eyes, "what? Harold!"
"Relax you'll be fine." Suddenly he was stopped and shifted around then the hands were removed. When he looked, he noticed they were in the small sunroof with breakfast laid out on a blanket and candles that filled the room with a beachy scent and a record player playing at a low volume.
"What is this?" Louis asked.
"It's breakfast silly. Don't mind the half-eaten waffle Freddie demanded it." Louis laughed as he watched Harry grabbed the plain half eaten waggle off a plate and toss it into the main hall as if it never was there, "I really hope that wasn't in the photos I took."
"It adds character." Louis said grinning as he kissed Harry's cheek, "thank you this is great if with the decor Freddie added makes more special."
"Look I'm trying to impress you I don't need Freddie to show me up with his talents." Louis shook his head as he led Harry into the room by his hand making him sit down first then he slotted himself between his legs leaning back against his chest, "look I even dug out my fancy tea set." Harry said excitedly as he showed off his baby blue floral teacups and saucers.
"Very fancy. I practically feel like royalty." Louis said grinning widely, "since I'm royalty i absolutely cannot pour my own tea you'll have to simply do it for me."
"Ah yes how dare I make you lift a single finger." Harry said kissing his hand that he was holding while the other hand poured the tea carefully. Louis absolutely refused to admit he giggled when Harry maybe a clinking sound on accident, "Shhh it didn't happen."
"Oh yes my mistake." Louis said grabbing a chocolate drizzled fruit kabob, "I heard not a thing."
"Exactly." Harry said pressing a kiss against his cheek as he grabbed his own kabob, "who says romance is dead with kids."
"The half-eaten waffle decor definitely says something." Breakfast was finished between laughter and sips of tea, but that apparently wasn't all Harry had planned. He was up and changing the record to something else. When the vinyl was in and the needle was moved Harry pulled Louis up to his feet.
"Dance with me."
"Dance with you to what?" Louis asked skeptically even if he did wrap an arm around Harry and slide his hand in his free one. Before Harry had a chance to respond Shania Twin filled the room and Louis grinned, "I knew I was marrying a man with good taste. Though I must say I'm shocked it's not Abba."
"Oh, don't worry they're in the list of potential wedding songs. After all we do have quite the story to tell with our first dance. Who knows maybe Abba tells it better than Shania. Hard to believe I know, but it's possible." Louis didn't even deem that worthy of a response especially when the introduction ended, and the first words started to play.
Looks like we made it Look how far we've come, my baby We mighta took the long way We knew we'd get there someday
They said, "I bet they'll never make it" But just look at us holding on We're still together, still going strong
You're still the one I run to The one that I belong to You're still the one I want for life You're still the one that I love The only one I dream of You're still the one I kiss goodnight
Louis grinned as he and Harry sang along with the lyrics, Harry's voice mending with his perfectly as they did a simple step and sway slow dance. His hand slid in Harry's hair pulling him down for a soft slow kiss and neither of them noticed when the others came back and stood in the doorway. Louis pulled away and gently guided Harry into a spin making them both laugh before their lips met again then it was Louis' turn to spin. As the last words were sung, they're lips touched again with emotion that seemed too strong with how little they knew each other, but Louis pushed it aside jumping when their friends 'awww'd loudly causing both of them to turn and see them standing there. Liam had Freddie on his shoulders and Niall had his phone out recording them.
"You two are so cute. I'm sending this to your mother Harry." Niall said as he walked away typing something on his phone, "don't worry I'm sending it to you two as well."
"We should get dressed. Busy day today, you go ahead, and I'll clean up."
"You sure?" Louis asked.
"Yes, now leave." Harry said gently pushing Louis towards the door.
"Alright come on Freddie let's get you ready as well mister Jammies." Louis said taking Freddie groaning slightly, "You're getting big kid."
"Liam says I'm light."
"Yeah, for him he has biceps the size of China. We don't listen to him." Louis grumbled hearing the lads laugh as he walked away.
Shopping was Harry was different than he expected or imagined. Since Harry didn't worry about money Louis had assumed Harry just tossed things in without much thought process and just swiped his card without worry. Turns out he was very wrong. Everything Harry bought he had a purpose for which really shouldn't have surprised Louis now that he thought about it. Though Harry also pretended not to notice when Freddie snuck snacks into the cart and buried them under things and Louis didn't say anything wishing for Harry to stop him when it was enough. Freddie was currently on his tenth box and Harry was reading the back of a noodle box as if it weren’t just a box of noodles that he had in his cupboards at the house. When Freddie had successfully hidden it only then did Harry coincidentally finish as well and put it in the cart pretending to not notice the junk food in his cart.
"What?" Harry asked innocently when Louis continued to stare at him, "I was reading the ingredients making sure they hadn't changed it."
"Uh huh. I'm not saying anything. It’s all on you this time." Harry looked betrayed but then he sniffed and turned away from Louis.
"Fine. I can totally say no when I need to." Harry said grabbing a few different boxes of pasta before he pushed the cart down a different aisle.
"Papa." Freddie whispered tugging on Louis' hand.
"Harry needs cookies."
"Oh, he does?" Louis asked looking at Harry who was humming as he quickly grabbed two of the same jams and read the backs of them as if they were different.
"Yeah, but we have to be sneaky about it. I am a break hider with Harry because he reads a lot unlike you so we can sneak in a lot I bet."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, and I reckon if we guess his favorite, he won't say no no matter how many we bring back, so I think we being back one of each."
"Wow you thought this one through. One of each you said." Louis said looking at Harry who started pushing the cart forward, "hey Haz."
"Yes, my darling?" Harry asked innocently as he looked back at them.
"Freddie and I are going to go look around you uh...have anything to say to us?"
"Have fun. Make smart choices." Harry said before he hurried down the aisle, Louis shook his head as he grabbed Freddie's hand and followed him down to the correct isle.
Harry didn't question it when Freddie practically begged that he and Louis unload the cart while Harry stood with his back to the belt. Louis shook his head glad he had sneakily snuck out the snacks he knew Freddie wouldn't miss or have eaten while Freddie and Harry had been picking fruits and vegetables. Harry didn't even question why there was ten boxes of random snacks in the produce section as he kept Freddie distracted by letting him push the cart.
"You're welcome." Louis had whispered.
"No idea what you are talking about."
"Uh huh." Harry grinned turning to peck him on his lips but never admitted to anything.
"Papa I think some things fell out but that’s okay. I think he would have noticed if we had too much." Freddie whispered.
"I think you're right. It must have fallen out when we helped rearrange the cart." Louis whispered back.
"Yeah, I think so too."
The cashier was grinned as she swiped the junk food boxes after having swiped the things Harry and Louis had picked out for dinners and lunches. The last fifteen items were obviously picked by a child and was obviously a 'secret'. She even played along by double bagging the items and sneakily handing them over the belt with a wink. Louis then pushed the cart ahead and started putting the bags in the cart while Harry paid for the groceries grinning. When everything was packed Louis moved ahead out of the way and helped Freddie put on his jacket. When Harry came over shoving his wallet and receipt into his pocket Freddie was  ready to go out to the chilly October weather. When they got to the Murano Louis got Freddie into the booster first then went around and helped Harry finished packing everything. When they were back in the Murano Louis made sure Freddie was strapped in correctly before he buckled himself.
The drive to the apartment building was short and when Harry parked, he kept the Murano running and leaned over to kiss Louis on the lips.
"I'll be back."
"Okay we'll be here." Harry got out and hurried inside the building to escape the chilly breeze that accompanied the end of October. He hurried inside the elevator and pressed the fifth-floor button and then to room 409, He pulled out his phone and went to the camera app pressing the record button then he put the phone in his shirt pocket, so the camera was visible. His lawyer told him never to talk to her about Maddie without recording the conversation whenever possible and make sure to get her face so they could prove it was her. When it was situated, he knocked on the red door and waited only a few seconds before it was opened revealing Hannah dressed in a very revealing dress that Harry quickly averted his eyes upon seeing.
"Where's Maddie?" Harry asked stepping inside the apartment when she widen the door for him to enter.
"She's in her room." Harry tensed when Hannah's hand touched his shoulder. He quickly moved away from it and looked at her, "oh come on Harry...Danny isn't here, and Maddie doesn't have to know."
"I'm not interested. I'm also not available as you know. I'm engaged. I'm just here for my daughter. Maddie!"
"Daddy!" Harry grinned turning when a door opened and Maddie came out with a small suitcase making him frown slightly, "I'm ready."
"That's great princess what all did you pack? You look like you're ready to run away." Harry teased assuming she had packed toys or something.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you you're getting her for a week because Dan and I are leaving to look at a few homes in America where his transfer will be."
"A week? That would have been nice to know before today."
"It's a week or nothing. We leave tonight and we don't have a ticket for her, so we'd drop her off as Dan's parents’ place tonight otherwise.”
“Well, no I want her. Of course, I want her I just wish you would have told me. But thank you anyway for letting me keep her for the week.”
“You could thank me in another way.” She suggested.
“Not interested. Ready to go Mads?”
“She already ate so there’s no need to feed her dinner tonight.” Hannah said stepping closer, Harry immediately stepped back and opened the door.
“Goodbye Hannah.”
“Bye Harry.” She said slowly smiling as she wiggled her fingers. Harry ignored her and hurried out of the apartment with Maddie’s hand in his and her suitcase in the other hand.
“Daddy why does mom want me to you about you two getting back together upfront of Louis?” Harry pulled his eyebrows together and looked at her.
“What do you mean?”
“Mom said I had to ask you about you and her getting back together as soon as we got in the car if Louis was in the passenger seat. I asked her why and she told me it doesn’t matter to just do it.”
“Oh well I’m not sure, but I would prefer it if you didn’t. It can cause some tension that I really would rather not have inside the car. Your mother and I are not getting back together and there is no reason to ask that, okay? I’m marrying Louis and we are planning to stay together for a very very very long time.”
“like a Happily Ever After long time?”
“Yes, just like that. You’re going to be at the wedding and Freddie will be there. He’s going to be the ring bearer and you’re the flower girl. You’ll have a sort of baby aunt to help walk down as well. She’s only a baby you like that idea?”
“Yes, I can help her walk and help her throw petals on the ground, right?”
“Right. But don’t tell Louis I’ve already got it all planned out he has to feel included too.” Harry said jokingly making her giggle as he tickled her, “Promise?”
“I promise it’s our little secret daddy.” Harry grinned before he noticed something.
“Where’s your coat?”
“I don’t have one…well I have one, but it stops here.” She said pointing to her mid forearm, “and it’s tight and I don’t like it.”
“I gave your mother fifty pounds last week to get you a new one.”
“She spent it on the jacket, but it doesn’t fit, and I told her it didn’t fit but it was the only one the thrift store had.”
“The thrift store I gave her fifty pounds for a winter coat. She didn’t have to- it’s fine we’ll get you two one for me and one you’ll keep at your mothers, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you, daddy.”
“You don’t need to thank me for getting you essential items like coats, but you’re welcome.” Harry pulled his phone out and ended the video making sure it had recorded the entire time before shoving it in his pocket. Once they got to the front doors, he made sure to have a good grip on her suitcase and her body as he lifted her up before he ran out into the cold making her squeal with laughter, “RUN RUN RUN RUN.” Harry said laughing as he got to the Murano and pulled it open as she giggled, “There we go all toasty. Get in your booster and buckle up.” Harry told her closing the door then hurrying to the driver seat.
“I told you to put a coat on.” Louis told him as he rubbed his arm.
“Tell me you were right later.” Harry grumbled as he pulled his phone out and set it in the little cubicle, “We have to go to a department store for Maddie to get her a coat. Does Freddie need one for winter?”
“No, I go shopping for the after-winter sales and get him a size up for the next winter. He has a coat and gloves and a hate. He’s all set for winter.”
“Smart man. I knew I was marrying you for a reason.” Louis rolled his eyes with a grin, but he leaned into the kiss Harry pressed against his cheek, “we need to talk when we get home for a few minutes about Hannah.” Harry whispered against his ear before pressing another kiss there to disguise it. Louis nodded letting him know he heard him, so Harry pulled back but kept one of his hands intertwined with Louis’ as he pulled out of the parking space.
Two hours later Harry and Louis were finally finished putting everything away and the kids were successfully distracted with each other and the toys, so Harry pulled Louis into his home office and pulled out his phone.
“My lawyer has always told me to record every conversation I have with Hannah as much as possible so that’s what I did. Anyway, I’m not worried about what happened inside the apartment for obvious reason what I want you to really focus on is inside the elevator, but I’ll let you see whole the video anyway.” Harry said handing the phone to Louis as he sat in the desk chair and Louis sat on his desk, his legs in his arm rest holes pulling the chair in closer making Harry grin at how cute he was. Harry didn’t pay much attention to the video, but he knew when Louis got to the part where Hannah started coming on to him more and more. He’d make a face and his hand in Harry’s hair would tighten briefly but then came to the part where Maddie asked about Hannah tell her to ask the question upfront of Louis. His eyebrows rose and he grinned as if he found it amusing and when the video ended Louis laughed sliding down to straddle Harry’s lap.
“Even if Maddison had asked that it wouldn’t have bothered me.” Louis said.
“You got upset with the florist commented about my eyes sparkling with artificial bluebells.”
“Yeah, because she was wrong.” Louis said with an eye roll, “Your eyes sparkled with the purple Ranunculus.”
“Right the flowers we never even went near.” Louis rolled his eyes with a grin as he stood up, “How could I have forgotten those.”
“Someone’s sarcastic today and I don’t know if I like it, Harold.” Louis said with his arms folded, “It might hurt my feelings.”
“No not your feelings!” Harry said in fake outrage before he quickly wrapped his arms around Louis and kissed his face multiple times until he was pushing him away and running out of the room. Harry grinned as he grabbed his phone and hurried after him only to see he had teamed up with Freddie and Maddie in the matter of three seconds and all three of them had nerf guns points at him.
“CHARGE!” Louis shouted as he ran up the stairs and they ran after him shooting at him.
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afishcalledfatin · 5 years
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hello, my lovelies~ OMG I truly apologise for taking so long. I actually had this story ready but I kept forgetting to post it. Anyways I hope you like it, I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed or offended anyone :)
summary :  in which Taeil is calm and collected ENT specialist who gets flustered when he sees the hospital florist, well you.
pairings: doctor! Taeil x female reader!
genre: FLUFF
· The eldest of the bunch
·Also, the calmest
·Does have his energetic moments, but besides that, he's super relaxed
· An ENT specialist
·LOVES music very much
·If he didn't pursue in medicine, he would've been a musician
·Has a Bluetooth speaker and stereo system in his office.
·His house is filled with records and CDs.
·Sometimes, when the guys come over he'll play the guitar for them while he sings
·His voice is amazing
· This one time a teenage girl came in with an infected ear. As Taeil was checking it, he began humming softly.
·“I think my ear got better.” “Wait what? I just started.” “Your voice healed it, man.”
·He got so flustered he couldn't stop smiling
· A lot of times, he's either belting out a song or singing it softly.
·Nobody minds, cause he's that good
·Nurses PURPOSELY walk by just to hear him sing clearly
·He's constantly being teased by the younger doctors
·“Hyung, what was it like in the 1920s?” “Hyuck, may I ask why you're asking as if I was there?” “WAIT! YOU WEREN'T???”
·But being the oldest has its perks.
·“Jungwoo, I'm in need of a coffee and muffins.” “Why don't you go get some?” “I’m old remember. These bones are fragile. Now go get my                     food.”
·He's really quiet at first but once he's comfortable, he'll start talking a lot.
·Like one minute he could talk about how the world is slowly deteriorating and in the next, he'll start talking about how pillows effect everyone’s sleeping habits.
·  Quite confusing sometimes, you gotta pay attention at all cause.
·Residents and interns working with him honestly, love him a lot.
·They see him as a cooler older brother.
·Doesn't get angry at them. But when he does warn them, he'll joke around about it.
· “Oi, don't do stuff like that again. The boss wouldn't just get your ass but mine too! My ass is too pretty for that. I’m not gonna comment on yours, you can evaluate your own body part. Now, I'm not scolding you cause honestly I love all of you but please don't get in trouble okay?”
·He honestly loves days where he can just sit at home and listen to music or when he can calmly play his guitar.
·No busy schedules, no patients. Just him.
·Man... what a concept.
·Besides that, he's quite goofy.
·He likes to take pictures of his weird faces and sends it to the rest of the group
·The guys love Taeil so much.
·Then again, they love each other very much.
·His style is a mix of comfy but stylish. But at work, he wears his usual dress shirt.
·On normal days, he wouldn't care too much about his hair. But at annual dinners, FOREHEAD FOR DAYS.
·They walk in and even the CEO feels as if they own the hospital.
·Now, about his love life.
·He's had a few relationships but they all never really worked out.
·His first one was with his close friend. It was great at first, but over time they were both very busy. They decided it was good for each other if they stopped dating. They're still friends though.
·His second one was a girl his mom introduced to him. It didn't last long, they were too different.
·And the rest were just blind dates.
·He knew he was going to meet the one eventually but not anytime soon.
·One day, the hospital had changed one of their cafe's. Everyone was happy, that cafe had really bad drinks and snacks.
·the cafe doubled as a flower shop. The flowers were in another area.
·The guys decided to go when they were all free.
·When they entered, a song Taeil knew very well was playing.
·He began humming softly and bobbing his head.
·“You have a lovely voice there, son.” An elderly lady says behind the counter. He smiled and thanked her.
·As they ordered their drinks and waited, Taeil was interested in the flower section. It wasn't those generic flower arrangements. It was beautifully done.
·He walked over and heard a quiet singing in the background. He looked behind the counter and there sat a beautiful girl.
·You were sitting on the stool, preparing a new arrangement of flowers. You wore a flowery dress and your hair was tied into a braid.
·You sang softly when you felt a figure standing in front of you. You looked up and saw a man staring at you in awe.
·“Oh, hello! Would you like some flowers?” you straightened your dress.
·“It's alright, I was just looking around. You have beautiful flowers here.” He said.
·“Thank you! I always make sure they're perfectly taken care of...” You looked down at his tag and noticed that he was a doctor.
·“Doctor Moon?” he smiled and nodded “Yes, and you are?” “I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you!” you stretched out your hand. He took it and shook it gently.
·“Welcome to the hospital. Is the cafe yours too?” you shook your head “The cafe and flower shop belongs to my grandmother. I just help out with the flowers.” He nodded and he was going to say something when another person walked in.
·“Hey, your coffee is ready. C'mon.” Taeyong called.
·“Well, I should get going. It was nice meeting you.” He said. “It was nice meeting you too.” You waved as he was leaving your little shop.
·Taeil had frozen the moment he saw you. Not only were you gorgeous but your voice was so soothing. He didn't realise he was staring until you said something.
·“Is something wrong?” Yuta nudged him. “Huh? No, no. I’m fine.”
·He sat in his office and continued with his work but for some reason, your captivating smile wouldn’t leave his mind.
·The next few days, he didn't have much time to go to your cafe because he was really busy.
·After his last patient, he got into the elevator and groaned at how sore his back was.
·He pressed the button when he heard a voice
·Incoming was... a stack of boxes?
·Well, it was you behind the boxes.
·His eyes widened and he held the door for you. You thanked him and plopped the boxes down.
·“Oh, hello Dr Moon! Finished work already?” he smiled “Yes, it was quite some day. I'm in need of my bed.” You nod and was left in awkward silence.
·When you remembered something was in the box. You pulled out a small box of chamomile tea.
·You handed it to him and he was quite confused. “It'll help you sleep better.” He took it from you and he looked at it before thanking you. When you reached your floor, you picked up your boxes and wished him goodnight.
· “Goodnight Dr Moon!” he waved back at you and he smiled at the box of tea in his hands.
·When he reached home, he slumped to the shower and got ready for bed. He was about to turn off his lights when he saw the box of tea. He decided to make a quick cup.
·He drank it slowly, sipping it and blowing it to cool it down.
·After that, he sat on his bed. His eyes were beginning to droop and within minutes he was fast asleep.
·He woke up rejuvenated. That was the best sleep he has had in months.
·He got ready and went to the hospital. Before he went in, he went to see if the cafe was open.
·He walked in and was greeted with the scent of roasted coffee beans and roses.
·“Hello again.” Your grandmother greeted him. “What would you have today?”
·He ordered and waited for his order. When he went to go take it, he peeped into the flower shop. Wondering if you were there.
·“Excuse me but by any chance is Y/N here?” he asked. She shook her head, “I apologise, she went to go send her friend to the airport. She'll be back soon but may I ask? Why are you looking for her?” your grandmother asks.
·“Oh, last night she gave me a box of chamomile tea.  I wanted to tell her that it helped me to sleep better.” She nodded and smiled sweetly. “That's good to hear. You doctors deserve alot of rest.” She said. He smiled and thanked her once more.
·He went back and met with a few patients.
·He stretched and checked his watch. “ahh, lunch.”
·Taeyong came by Taeil's office and knocked.
·“Let's go eat!” Taeil grabbed his coat and walked out.
·They were both quite free at the moment so they agreed to eat out at their favourite noodle place.
·Taeyong was telling Taeil stories of his wife, son and their daughter who was turning 5 months old. Taeil couldn't stop smiling. Taeyong loved his family very much. (Click here to read Dr LEE)
·Taeil was slightly jealous.
·As they stopped at the traffic light, Taeyong spotted you.
·“Oh, isn’t that the girl from the cafe?” Taeil's head shot up and he saw you. Holding a bag and you were looking around.
·“Yeah, that's Y/N.” “Oh? You know her?” “Sort of. She gave me tea the other day. It really helped with my sleep.” “Oof, give me some.” Taeil chuckled but when he looked back up, his smile automatically turned into a frown.
·Two guys were talking to you and you were clearly uncomfortable.
·“What's a sweet little lady doing alone, hm?” “Leave me alone.” “Hey now, don't need to be so serious. We just want to talk.” One of them grabbed your arm. You struggled to let go.
·Taeil quickly reacted and crossed the road even though the cars were still passing.
·“TAEIL!” Taeyong yelled.
·Taeil pulled you. “Oh, baby, I'm so sorry I'm late.” He held onto your waist protectively.
·You were confused but played along. He pulled you behind him and looked at the two men.
·“Please excuse me.” He pulled you gently but the guys blocked him.
·“Woah now buddy, we were just talking to her.” “Get out of my way.” “A pretty boy like you won't do sh-“ “I said, get out of my way.” Taeil straightened up and for some reason, he towered over the two men.
· His face was so serious, his jaw ticked. The two guys slowly began to back off.
·When they were clearly gone. He turned to you and looked at you with concern, his hard expression gone.
·“Are you alright?” he let go of your hand.
·“Thank you for helping me... again.” You smile graciously to him.
·Taeil was internally screaming at how cute you looked at the moment.
·Taeyong jogged to the two of you. “Are you okay?” and you nod.
·He stretched out his hand. “I'm sorry about what happened.  I'm Dr Lee.”
·You took his hand and introduced yourself. Taeil turned to you and he couldn't help but feel like wanting to make sure you're always safe.
·“Y/N, do you mind if I gave you my phone number?” you took your phone out of your pocket and gave it to him.
·He began dialling and when he was done he gave your phone back.
·“If you need help, please don't hesitate to call me. Okay?” he handed you his phone and you dialled your number into his.
·“Thank you, Dr Mo-” “Taeil. Call me Taeil.” You nod and they bid you farewell
·You went into the cafe and saw your grandmother cleaning a few mugs.
·“Oh, you're back! How was Moe?” “She's fine and on the way back to Osaka.”
·“By the way missy, a very handsome doctor walked in looking for you.” “Who?” “Oh dang, I didn't ask for his name but he mentioned something about you giving him tea?” “Ahh, Dr Moon.” “Well, he seems like a fine fellow.” You shake your head at your grandma as you walked to the flowers.
·Indeed, he was very good looking and he was very helpful but besides that, you knew very little of him.
·“Why don't you ask him out, sweetie?” your best friend, Moe asked. You plopped back onto your bed with your phone on speaker. “I don't know. He probably has a girlfriend. He's just so..” you sighed. “How about you try talking to him the next time he comes to the cafe?” you hum at the idea.
·You had a day off, so you decided to go out. You were walking down the street when you saw Taeil crouched down and petting a dog.
·You smiled at the sight. You happened to be walking towards where he was so you mustered the courage to say hi.
·“It seems like she likes you.” You said, startling Taeil. “Oh, hey Y/N. Off day huh?” you nod. “You too?” he nodded with an adorable grin. You both stood there awkwardly before you decided to ask him to lunch.
·“I was going to go grab lunch, would you like to join me?” “That would be lovely, I'm honestly starving.”
·You brought him to this restaurant that had amazing pizza. After ordering, you both sat quietly.
·“So Taeil, what do you do when you're free?” “Oh well, I love music. I usually take naps or listen to some music.” And it was quiet again.
·A song he heard you hum at the cafe was playing and he heard you softly sing the lyrics.
·“Ahh, this song was playing when we first met.” He smiled “I thought I was the only one that remembered.”
·You got to know Taeil even more and realised at how much of a goof he is. He's so precious and you couldn't stop smiling. He was so animatic and cheerful.
·Lunch ended and you both bid each other farewell.
·Taeil was feeling all fuzzy and warm and honestly he was really happy you asked him out for lunch.
·The following days, you saw him alot at the hospital.
·He came down all the time to get a coffee (LMAO THE REAL REASON WAS TO SEE YOU SWEETIE) and he would talk to you as much as he can.
·The guys were COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS to how different he was
·“Is it just me or Taeil has been quite odd lately?”
·*He's literally giggling by himself as he looks at his coffee cup*
·“Seems normal.”
·The first one to realise it was Dr. Dong and Dr Lee.
·Taeyong had a feeling after seeing the way he reacted when those two guys were harassing you.
·Yes, most people would react the same way but for some reason when Taeil saw you, he looked like he could rip those guys to shreds.
·“I have a feeling he's seeing someone.” Sicheng tells Jungwoo
·“I highly doubt it.” Jungwoo shakes his head.
·Sometimes he would come down to just hang out.
·“Y/N, I brought doughnuts!” “Oh my god, you're my hero.”
·Both of you would sit and talk. You really did treasure your time together. He was a great listener and he gave great advice but sometimes he'll start the conversations with random questions.
·“I honestly have no idea what flower is my favourite.” “I'm giving you 5 seconds to tell me or not I'm tickling you.” “Wait wh-” “5” “Taeil hold on, I can-” “4” “Stop!” “3” “PEONIES! I think peonies.” “Pity, I really wanted to tickle you.” “Meanie” you poked his chest.
·You also began texting. Regularly. (REGULAR HUH)
·He also started calling you sunflower bECAUSE HE LIKES HOW CUTE YOU GET WHEN HE CALLS YOU THAT. You start making this weird bubbly incoherent noise while trying to hide your face.
·It’s also because you remind him of a sunflower field when in bloom.
·You were always looking at your phone and vice versa. He'd sneakily check his phone to see if he had new messages from you.
·And when he does, his face lights up.
·Months gone by, you've gotten closer, boys are still clueless, your grandma and best friend are stressed at how you both aren't admitting your love for each other.
·that's exactly how he felt.
·Finally, the night came where you confessed. On accident.
·You wrote a letter... yes Y/N A LETTER BECAUSE YOU PANICKED.
·“Dear Taeil, I've known you for half the year and honestly, you've made my life so much better. Your presence lights up my day and I feel empty when we don't get to meet up. I get fluttery when I see that beautiful smile of yours and I panic when I see you sad or serious. IM SO SCARED AHHH BUT okay... I'm in love with you Moon Taeil. I know I should be telling you this face to face but I'm so scared. It's okay if you don't feel the same way. But I hope we can  still remain close friends cause honestly I've been so much happier since you came into my life.”
·You placed the letter on the table and wrote his name on it. You were going to meet up for drinks but he told you he was going to be a bit late.
·YOU BEING THE BRILLIANT BOO THE FOOL had forgotten to keep the letter somewhere safe.
· Your plan was to give it when you were ready.
· But you fell asleep waiting for him.
· Taeil hurriedly grabbed his coat. He was jumping slightly in the elevator. He loved being with you and honestly he was going to confess. He just needed to plan it.
·“Y/N, sunflower I'm sorry that took longer than expected and-” he saw your sleeping figure. Your head on the counter surrounded by flowers. He took his phone out and took a photo, he wanted to show you later.
·“Ahh, she's too precious.” He went to go wake you up but he saw a letter with his name on it.
·He smiled and opened it slowly.
· He read the contents of it and he began tearing up.
· This entire time, he thought you didn't feel the same way.
· He sniffled and sat in front of you. He didn't know if he should pretend like he didn't read it.
· He began to shake you slowly. “Y/N.. sunflower.. if you're too sleepy we don't have to go.”
· You make a sound. You stretched and saw the beautiful man stroking your head, trying to fix your hair.
· “Hi there.” You stretched and saw that the letter was slightly torn. “oh no...”
· “C' mon, let me send you home.” You started to stand and walked behind him.
·You stood near his car but you just had to say something.
·  “Taeil-” “I love you, Y/N.”
·  To say you were shocked was an understatement. You wanted to hide under a rock.
· “I love you so much. To know that the girl I love feels the same way is the best feeling ever and I honestly wish I had a giant bouquet of peonies and a teddy bear but I don't so all I can offer is a hug.”
· You smiled so wide as you ran to him. He caught you and twirled you around.
· Both of you in fits of giggles. He places you down and kisses your forehead.
·The next day, he went to your house to pick you up.
· Your grandmother was kissing Taeil's cheeks when he dropped you off at the cafe.
·The boys were surprised. Except for Sicheng and Taeyong.
· “wHAT??” “We told you.”
· Constantly reminding you how much he loves you. He'd call you to tell you he loves you very much. Even at random times of the day, he'd simply call you to tell you he loves you.
· C U D D L E S
· Both of you like to go to poetry slams and open mic sessions
·When he's not tired, he'd sing a song or two.
· Loves making you laugh. Sometimes he'd get you funny gifts or he'd send puns.
· Your family loves him and his family loves you.
· So who kissed who first? Well, you did. Sort of
· It was a park date and you were walking hand in hand.
·He was talking about one of his many ties and how he cant coordinate the colours.
· When out of nowhere you tip-toed and kissed his cheek.
· “You're really cute, y' know that?” you say. He gently places his hands on your cheeks and kisses you.
· Both of you smiling into the kiss.
· Taeil was overjoyed and content with his life. His sunflower.
Hello~ did you guys like it? I don’t actually know how the medical world works, I only know the basics. I deeply apologize if there are mistakes. I also apologise if I’ve offended anyone in any way.
Credits to the owner of the photo.
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incendixrism · 4 years
(kinda long drabble between two of my muses: Maki & Eph [Fu]. Happy Early Valentine’s Day!)
What else could try and help tune out the flurry of nervous thoughts than the bustle of Conton City, especially on an adopted holiday? Earth holidays were a sort of trend in the area, though none could tell how long they would be adopted. Storefronts were adorned with paper hearts and splashes of pink products, restaurants were advertising special candlelight dinners, and couples could be seen hand-in-hand along with other citizens just indulging in the positive energy of the city.
Maki could only keep nervously tapping her finger on the table she had sat at. She had only taken this outside table at a cafe to meet Fu here, yet she was starting to feel that might not happen. After all, he wasn’t very welcomed in the city, there was always a chance someone may have caught on to one of his disguises. Really, it’d be awful if she’d have to go out and fight like this!
Though, right as she was going to try and call him, a raven-haired man slid into the seat across from her at the table. He smirked as she looked up from her device, only for him to tip his circular sunglasses to give a wink. Yupp, that surely was him in his human disguise.
“Sorry about that! A clerk at the corner store almost caught on to my ID,” Fu snickered, waving his fake card. “ ‘Ephesians Chordata’ is an unnatural human name’. Geez! How judgmental! Not everyone on Earth has a boring name like John Smith Worchestershire the Third!”
Maki already found herself giggling with her nerves subsiding, though only slightly. The gift in her bag, along with something she had hidden in there as well, were a clear reminder to her of how stressful this could become. Isn’t that how gift-giving always was? There was always a chance of the other person not liking the gift, or they already had the item. Let alone, what could you really get for the man who could have everything he could ever want? At least, whatever was tangible to someone like her. 
“Oh! I did bring you something,” the demon went on, before reaching under the table. More or less, his way of discreetly opening portals without raising a public alarm. Then, placing a medium-sized white box on the table, tied together with a silver, cord-like ribbon. Fu was already trying to place it in her hands, with an excited grin on his face. “Go ahead and open it if you want!”
Maki obliged, gently pulling off the ribbon and slipping the cover off of it. Then, her eyes were met with a glittering sight. Within the box, there was a pale pink jewel crafted into the shape of a heart. Around it, pink & yellow roses decorated the sides along with pastel macarons and miniature pearls. She could already feel her face warming up as she looked it over, smiling. “F-Fu...this is beautiful! Thank you!”
“Well, y’know! A beautiful gift for someone just as beautiful!” he clasped his hands together, before leaning over and pointing out the features. “I also made the jewel into a makeshift energy storage crystal in case you need to save any sort of unique ki you wanna study! Since like, your reserves aren’t always the most reliable things in the world.”
The demon then stood up, plucking one of the pink roses from the box and proceeding to tie it into one of her hair buns. “And you can use these roses as little decorations for your hair.”
Maki’s face was already warming even more. Oh, they had been together for nearly 2 years now and she still couldn’t stop blushing every time he even looked her way. Though, now it was her turn to hand over her gift for him, and her nerves were already setting in. He gave her something so elaborate....what she had was so simplistic compared to his! Would he even like it?
“I, uh....I have something for you too,” the mutant spoke up as she reached into her bag. She could already see Fu perking up as he sat back down into his seat. Slipping the book from her bag, she hesitantly pushed the manga towards him bashfully. “It’s the next volume of that comic I know you really like.”
It was hell to get. She fought the crowds of the comic shop in Conton by sneaking in the night before they open with the first day of sale of the manga and stealing it. She knew she never would have gotten to it on time had she paid for it. Let alone, Zeno knows she would have fistfought the nerdy patrollers that dumped their cash on getting those volumes first, all to get a copy for Fu. Though, her efforts wouldn’t be in vain, right? She could see Fu’s face light up at the sight, then….a nervous look as he took it? Oh...no.
“Oh dear, this is really cool of you, Maks! But...um...I already have this one.” Her smile fell. Oh dear, one of her worst fears, but one she almost expected. It was his favorite series, of course he wouldn’t wait to get the newest volume. Her efforts really were in vain, and she felt her eyes avert away from him. Though, she could see from the corner of her eye that he only got more nervous. “Oh! It’s okay, it’s okay! This is lovely!” the demon spoke up, waving his hands. “I shouldn’t have said that, sorry. But hey! This could be my travel copy!” The damage was already done, Maki already felt a bit bummed for getting him something he already had. Let alone, she didn’t want him to feel like he had to lie to her about gifts so she wouldn’t be upset. She’d just have to think further outside of the box next time. He still seemed happy, right? He wasn’t disappointed in her, right? 
Then again, she did have a second present for him ready in her bag, but she was too scared to go through with it. Sure, it was a recommendation from a close friend that she said she’d never do, but her nerves were seemingly hyping her up. Though, would she be able to do it while feeling like this? She’d get too flustered too perhaps! She figured that maybe she’ll wait. 
“Well, here, I got big plans for us today, okay? So let’s make the most of it!” Fu said cheerily, taking her hand as she placed her new gift in her bag. She pepped herself back up, trying to match his ecstatic look as he went on, beginning to lead her off to another part of town. “I hope you don’t mind!” 
And so, they went on. 
First, to get something to eat. Fu’s idea was an Italian place that served almost divine spaghetti. Of course, they enjoyed their dinner, though Maki could tell Fu was trying to set up another plan like he saw in movies: getting them both to slurp the same noodle into a kiss. Though, Maki was much too distracted with arguing with herself on whether she should go through with her final gift to him to fall for his trick. Though she could keep up with his conversations, she couldn’t shake the will to go through with it, and the fear that she might massively embarrass herself. 
Then, after they ate, they moved on to a place to dance. It was a couples night, so of course they would be playing slow dances and ballads. Plus, Fu prided himself on being an excellent dancer, and the slow ones were much more kind to Maki’s inability to cut a rug. Though, even here she could tell he orchestrated some elements to appeal to her, like knowing he had the DJ play certain songs that they were familiar with. She figured he had slipped the DJ something wondrous to get that favor. 
Though the thought of the second gift still echoed in her mind, Maki tried to focus on her dance with the demon, sticking close. Though she was level with his chest, she tried to keep eye contact no matter how flustered she got. She could tell he had blatantly chosen some songs by their lyrics, given how many times she had heard lines about partners-in-crime, unlikely love, and secret meetings.The mutant was in awe of how far he had planned the night thus far, and it seemed he wasn’t done. 
Afterwards, Fu had planned to take her to the small fair that popped up in Conton every other week, only to see they had closed it early. He seemed to have been upset with this development, but quickly changed his course. Instead now, they strolled the nature district, admiring the botanical wonders of the universe that were grown there. Maki gently held onto his hand, listening to him excitedly chatter about all the plants. 
Though, she herself was zoning out as her nervous thoughts returned to haunt her. She was thinking more on all she had done tonight, and how Fu had almost done everything, even giving her a gift that she couldn’t dream of. The most she did? Give him a book he already had. She couldn’t live with that! She wanted to pay him back for everything tonight, all the fun he had set up for them. Though, that would mean withdrawing the second gift from her bag. Could she...even do that? It was something she had never done for him before….how would he even feel? One could always say the fact that she protects him and retrieves things for him was payback enough, but she did that all the time already! She couldn’t stand it! She had to absolutely do something else to pay him back! She couldn’t let his kindness be in vain! She couldn’t-!
“Maks? Is everything okay?” Maki snapped out of it, looking back at a concerned Fu. Though the shades of his human disguise partly hid his eyes, she could see that he seemed worried. “You’ve been kinda tense all night. Did….something happen? Or, is it about the book?” he proceeded to inquire. He’s finally noticed, and her final decision had popped into her head. If she was going to embarrass herself, she might as well do it in front of him and not anyone else. 
Thus, she looked around to make sure there were no bystanders before pulling the demon into a secluded grove. She brought him over by a tree that bore glowing wisps, and rocks sanded until they were flat on the tops as seats for visitors that could find it. Ever so gently, the mutant sat Fu on one of the rocks before sitting on one of her own.
 “I...still have one more present to give you,” Maki simply said, before opening her bag and pulling out a ukulele. She could already feel her face burning, feeling his eyes on her as she plucked one note. Wait...it was the wrong one. Try again. Also the wrong one. Shit. Then, finally the correct first note, then carrying on to the instrumental melody of the song she thought of. Finally, her own, quiet vocals. 
It had been a recommendation that she do this for him by a close friend who aided her in understanding relationships. Just serenade him with a song that makes you think of him, is what she was told. And so she went on, too afraid to meet his eyes as she continued, trying not to stutter or let her hands slip. Was it going to be enough? It all was just a song that she felt matched how their relationship flowed. It even had bits about their lives, even being viewed as evil by some. Would he like it? She couldn’t help but remain anxious. All these days of singing along to the radio in her room when she’s alone, was it going to be worth it? Did she sound sincere enough? 
As she plucked the final note and sucked in an anxious breath, she looked back up at Fu. Unexpectedly to her, he looked like he was almost on the verge of tears, and his disguise had seemingly melted away to reveal his true features. Did she upset him? Is that why he looked like he was about to cry? Though, this thought derailed the moment he lunged and pulled her into a twirling hug. Maki was quite caught off guard. 
“U-Um….I didn’t write it so I hope that doesn’t disappoint you…” she could only manage to say, before he pulled away. No, he didn’t look upset at all! He looked overwhelmed with happiness, wiping away tears of joy. 
“That doesn’t matter to me. That...was wonderful Maks!” the demon replied, planting a kiss upon her forehead. Though, the longer he showed his true form, the more nervous she got.
“A-Ah, your disguise faded! People are gonna see…”
“Who cares about that right now! I can get away from them easily anyways, I’m too busy enjoying everything you’ve given to me. T..Thank you!” He fell back into hugging her, only for her to wrap her arms around him right back. Maki herself, she nearly couldn’t believe it. He….actually liked her voice in that form? She felt her heart do a joyous flip. Maybe it wasn’t so bad. Those anxious thoughts really were wrong. She really couldn’t be any happier. 
“It’s my big way of saying ‘I love you’ I suppose,” she giggled, only to feel the young man nuzzle up by her neck. 
“I love it. I loved every bit of it. Just as much as I love you,” Fu replied, clasping one of her hands with his. Though, he then snickered. “So like, lullabying me to sleep one day isn’t out of the question, right?” 
Maki snorted, patting his head. “If you beg for it enough I guess.”
He released her then, but kept her hand held. He had then shifted towards her, getting close as if he wanted to give her one more kiss, though they were interrupted. Hearing a branch snap, the demon haphazardly shifted back into his disguise. From behind them came a patroller tasked with surveying the gardens and making sure nobody was getting into crevices and ruining the botanical life. She shined her flashlight at the two, before sighing.
“Alright you two….whatever you’re doing...don’t do that here. Go home. We still got kids out and we don’t need them seeing a buncha weirdos sucking face,” the woman grumbled, before making a shooing motion at the couple. Fu suppressed a chuckle, then nodded.
“Sure thing! We were about to go elsewhere anyways,” he spoke up, before making sure they had everything and leading Maki out of the area. “I got a couple more things we can do if you want. It isn’t that late anyways. So, what do you think?” Fu turned back to his partner, only to be met with her smile. 
“Whatever’s the most fun. I don’t mind causing a bit of controversy on a day like this,” she replied, before shifting to a smirk, to which he matched. Their typical shenanigans of bending the rules of time and poking at organs, what could be more romantic?
“If you say so, Bunbun. What do you say about another Pilaf-As-Goku timeline?” 
“I say it’s perfect!” 
And so, they were off, leaving behind the lights of the city that so disapproved of their doings. What else could be more fun, than causing chaos with the one you love?
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bluedraggy · 5 years
Beatrice Santello - Gravity
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The next morning Bea was feeling good. It was foggy and the radio indicated the possibility of freezing rain, but she couldn’t help herself. She hugged her dad before leaving the apartment, donned her jacket and scarf, and headed in to work.
Germ was there waiting for her again.
“Hi Bea,” he said with a smile. Quite an accomplishment when you have a beak instead of a mouth, but Bea had come to know his mannerisms.
“Hi Germ. How are you doing? I never talk to you much.”
She opened the door for him and shut it behind her.
“Oh, no problem Bea. Got company over again. Seems like we always have some relation or other staying with us. Lots of times I don’t even know who they are! But it’s kinda fun having so much going on all the time. These are from upstate. They talk funny, but they’re okay.”
“Well, you let me know if you need some time alone. The back room is always available. Hey, Germ… I’m feeling bold today. Let’s crank that thermostat all the way up to 70! What do you say?”
He practically hopped back to turn the thermostat up and she let out a little laugh that felt strange in the old place.
“You’re such an idiot Bea,” she admonished herself. “You’re all giddy just because you touched a dick. You might as well start dressing in floral patterns and wearing cute hats.”
Part of her wanted to slap herself out of it, but most of her was simply happy.
“What’s up today?” Germ asked when he came back. “More inventory?”
“No, I changed my mind. Let’s clean the old place up instead. I feel like doing real work for a change, and it’s been ages. Can you get the cleaning stuff from the warehouse?”
“Will do, Bea.”
Shortly afterwards Bea found herself mopping the floors, while Germ was washing the windows.
“So, Bea. Do you want to talk about it?”
“About what?” 
“Casey of course!”
Bea drew in her breath and sighed, long and audibly.
“You know?”
“I was the audience last night you know.”
“Yeah. Casey. I guess I can’t keep it a secret much longer anyway. Me and Casey.”
“He wrote that song for you, didn’t he?”
“Yup. It’s my song,” Bea said wistfully, stopping her mopping.
“Must be nice.”
“It is, Germ. It’s the most… profound thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Bea’s in love,” Germ practically chirped.
“I guess so,” she laughed. “Who’d ever have guessed that could ever happen?”
“Oh, it’s not so weird,” Germ replied. “You’re not quite the rock you think you are. Never have been.”
“No, I guess I’m not,” Bea admitted. “But Germ… it’s so wonderful and terrible at the same time. I get angry easily, I know. But I don’t get scared, Germ. I’ve never been someone who gets scared.”
“Scared? What’s there to be scared of?”
“You don’t understand, Germ. It makes you so… oh, I don’t know what the word is. Vulnerable? Yeah. It makes you so vulnerable. That’s not something I’m comfortable with.”
“Well, I’m no philosopher Bea, but I think that’s kinda what life is. It’s fragile, no matter how hard you try to be. But it’s nice to see you smile. I don’t think I ever saw you smile before last week. Now you’re practically beaming. You deserve it Bea. Everyone in town knows what you’ve been through. You deserve a little happiness.”
“Well, thanks Germ. You’re a good friend. Just… don’t tell Angus or Gregg yet. Let me and Casey tell them.”
“No problem.”
The bell rang. A regular. Bea looked up, dusted herself off and opened the door.
“Hey Germ, can you do the back room? I’d like to get that done too this morning. I’ll run the shop.”
“No problem, Bea.”
An hour later, the store was empty again and Bea was going over some receipts when Germ stepped out of the back room holding something. He didn’t say anything and Bea looked up.
“Germ? What is it?”
He didn’t answer. He held out his hands over the counter.
Bea’s eyes grew large and she felt the blood leave her face.
“Oh no. Oh god! Germ!”
“It was behind some boxes, over by the blanket.”
Bea took what Germ held in his hands, not wanting to believe what she was seeing, but once she held the drug paraphernalia physically, she could no longer deny it.
“NO!!!” Bea wailed. Her legs began to shake uncontrollably before they turned to noodles and buckled, and she fell to her knees just staring at what she held.
Germ raced around behind the counter and helped her to a sitting position. Her eyes were wet and red already, mascara and eye-shadow running like dark rivers down her eyes.
“Oh Germ. Please wake me up! PLEASE don’t let this be real!”
His own voice shaking, Germ hugged her close. “Sorry Bea. I’m so sorry!”
“Oh god. No. Why here? Anywhere but here! Germ!”
The bell rang and Germ looked up from behind the counter. Another customer.
“Wait here, Bea. I’m going to close up.”
Bea looked up at him and focused for a moment.
“Yes. Yes, do that. Tell them something came up and I had to close. I’ll give them a discount tomorrow or something. Put up a sign.”
“Okay Bea. I’ll be back as soon as I get things squared away.”
She heard Germ talking with the customer, but she wasn’t hearing right. She couldn’t concentrate on what he said. Her heart felt like lead, beating in her chest.
And then she began to think beyond what she was seeing. Her grief turned to rage in increments, but with each passing second the rage became hotter.
“Bea, are you going to be alright?”
Her mascara-streaked eyes looked at him. The bloodshot eyes no longer sought comfort. They had turned hard, but also a deep sadness lay behind them.
“No Germ. I’m not going to be alright ever again I don’t think. Oh Germ. I’ve been so stupid. So GOD DAMNED STUPID!”
She began hitting herself in the head. Germ grabbed her hands and held them together in front of her.
“No, Bea. You’ve been human. Like everyone else that has ever lived. Bea, I know what you’re going through. You’ve been insulating yourself from the world for so long, you’ve forgotten how badly it can hurt. But the only people who don’t hurt are dead. Don’t be dead to the world, Bea. It didn’t work out. But it’s not the end of the world. For you or him. Don’t shut out the whole world because of this.”
Bea looked at Germ for the first time. Really looked at him.
“What are you, Germ?”
“Me? I’m… just Germ. I play video games. I watch you play in the band. I help you around the place. That’s all. I’m just Germ.”
“No. You’re not just Germ. You’re my friend. You’re everyone’s friend. Oh Germ, I’m sorry I could never be more than a friend to you. You deserve… more.”
“Oh Bea, now you’re just being emotional. Snap out of it. I don’t need more. I like being everybody’s friend! I have this uncle though. He’s a janitor. He says these things, like ‘You can’t stop things from breaking, but you can try to keep them from getting worse. And then you try to fix them. You’ve got to learn skills to fix things right though.’  That’s all I am. I want to be like him. I want to fix things.”
“Sorry Germ. I guess you’re right. But damn it hurts. It hurts so goddamn much!”
“I know,” he said, stroking her hands. “I know, Bea.”
“Have you ever been in love?”
“ME? Oh hell no! Thank God no! But I’ve seen it before. I don’t know why people make such a big deal out of it. It always ends in tragedy. Ever Damn Time. And yet…”
“And yet,” she echoed. “And yet, Germ, it’s the greatest feeling ever.”
“Bea, if I was magic and could wipe your memory of Casey - if everything was back to how it was before - would you want me to do that?”
Bea closed her eyes and wiped the tears from them, but they were just replaced with more.
“No. He was so nice. I… No. It’s part of me. I wouldn’t want to lose that.”
“What you felt, Bea,  that was real. The universe will break everything, but that doesn’t mean what was there before wasn’t real.”
“It was. Germ, I want it back so bad. It was magic.”
“So I’ve heard. Bea, this is going to take a long time to get over. But you will get over it. Try to remember that, for those times when you’re alone in bed, staring at the ceiling and beating yourself up over it. You will get over it, Bea. At least mostly. It’s a kind of death, and you’ll go through the mourning of this death. You’ll want to die with it. But don’t succumb to that. You will get over it. After enough time. For now… all you can do is take the pain.”
“It’s going to take a long time, Germ. How is it possible to get this wrapped up in someone in so little time?”
“That damn four-letter word Bea. It is a kind of magic.”
“Black magic.”
“Sometimes. But not always, Bea. Sometimes, it actually works out. For a while.”
She nodded, and gritted her teeth, and Germ helped her to her feet. She picked up the little bag, the glass pipe, the aluminum foil. She was about to throw them in the garbage when the door opened.
She began to tremble at the person who walked into the Ol’ Pickaxe. She turned around so he couldn’t see her face. Germ left and she heard the warehouse door shut behind him, but she heard the words he’d whispered just before he left her side.
“It’s okay to still love him, Bea. There is no shame in that.”
“Good morning Bea!” came Casey’s voice behind her. “Why is the store closed? Something wrong?”
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got7-markjinson · 5 years
Strawberries and Chocolates
Pairing: JB x Reader x Yugyeom Genre: Fluff; Warnings: None!
You were in love with your childhood friend, Im Jaebum for as long as you can remember. But you have been keeping it a secret which slipped out one drunken night with him. Avoiding the awkward confrontation, you employed your neighbor Kim Yugyeom to pretend to be your boyfriend.
A/N: This is it! The ending you guys have voted for! No hate please! I wrote it as light-heartedly as possible, without hurting both of our leads. Enjoy reading and  let’s support JUS2! ❤
Read: Chapter 1,  Chapter 2
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Chapter 3 (END)
“Y/N!”, the old woman squealed in delight as she recognized your face when you approached closer. “My dear! I thought I’d never see you again.”
“It’s nice to see you again, Nana.”, you greeted and gave her a hug.
She hit JB’s hands who was holding the wheelchair she is sitting on, “This man didn’t tell me you’re coming to visit.”
“Well, I love seeing your surprised face, Nana.”, JB gave a mischievous grin at the old woman who held your hand tightly as JB pushed while you three walk across the garden of the facility.
“So tell me dear, how have you been?”, she asked.
“I’m doing great, Nana. Busy with work.”
“Are you already married?”
You and JB unconsciously looked at each other and you grinned, “No, Nana. I’m not married.”
“I already had two kids when I was your age. But I guess the times are different now. Even this old man here is still single.”, she tells you, gesturing at JB behind her. You laughed at her calling him ‘old man’.
“Oh!”, she suddenly clapped her hands as if she had an idea, “Since you both are single, how about you two get married?”
You gave an awkward laugh, but thankfully JB saved you from answering, “Nana, this girl here is off limits to me. And she already has someone to marry her. We’re just waiting for when that is. Right, Y/N?”, he said and suddenly turned to you.
You nodded awkwardly smiling, and he returned his focus to the old woman, “See? Don’t get your hopes up. We already are blessed with her visit today.”
The visit continued with a few more stories from JB’s grandmother. Some of which you already heard when you were younger, but you still enjoyed it nonetheless. You frequented her house when you were just kids and have been treated like one of her grandchildren, you didn’t know how much you missed her until you saw her again today. Apart from the marks of her age, she seems to haven’t changed much, still the same sweet, warm grandmother you cherish.
“Thank you.”, you tell JB on the other end of the phone that night as you get ready for bed.
“What do you mean? I’m the one who should thank you for visiting Nana with me.”
“I didn’t even realize how long since I’ve seen her.”
“She always asks about you whenever I visit.”
“I’m sorry for not keeping in touch.”
“Don’t be. You’re living well. Knowing that is already enough.” JB said, “Hey, do you want to listen to music?”
“Hmm?”, checking the clock, a little past midnight and you’re just laying in bed waiting for sleep anyway. So you answered, “Sure.”
“Hold on.”, you hear ruffles from the other end and a start of a music. “Hello? Are you still there?”
“Yup.”, you answer lazily.
“Can you hear the song?”
“Yup. It sounds good, what is it?”
“Best Part.”, he smiled, pleased that you liked it. “What are your plans, tomorrow?”
“Hmmm… Mark asked to accompany him to buy a gift for Kat. You?”
“Just work.”
You two spent the next hours talking about nothing and everything, with his song playlist in the background. Somehow you were happy, this is just like what you two would do during your teenage years.
“Sorry Nana had to make it awkward earlier.”, he suddenly mentioned.
“About us being together? Well, our ship has sunked when you got a girlfriend.”, you tried to laugh it off.
You heard him hesitate at the other end, “You left me first.”, his voiced quiet. As if he just spoke to himself.
There was a pause. And when you didn’t say anything, he diverted the conversation, “I should probably let you sleep now. Mark will be mad if you get late.”
“I’ll make sure to tell him that you’re the cause if I am.”
He laughed a little, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, JB.”
“Honestly, you don’t even need me for this, do you, Mark Tuan?”, you asked when you were both sitting at the lounge area of the jewelry shop, waiting for his gift to be wrapped.
Mark just gave you a chuckle, “You got me. I actually just wanted to spend the day with one of my friends, is that bad?”
“Well you are going to marry Kat in a few days, so I guess that’s torture enough.”, you both laughed at your comment, “and you’re going to have to treat me to food.”
“Of course.”, Mark nodded.
After getting the gift wrapped present, you both are now walking around the mall with ice cream on your hands.
“Any warnings for me?”, Mark suddenly asked. “before I get married.”, he clarified. You can tell he had been thinking how to ask it ever since you saw each other that morning.
“About Kat? I don’t think you need any warning. You’ve been with each other for so long now. If there’s any flaws from her that would make you think twice about marrying her, you should’ve seen it by now, don’t you think?”
He nodded and smiled contentedly, and you added, “plus, there’s always divorce.”
And you both laughed out loud.
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”, Mark tells you and pulled you closer, putting his arms around your shoulder. “If only you and JB had ended up together, we could’ve done a perfect double wedding!”
You laughed again, “That’s not my fault, your boy got himself hooked first.”
Mark got silent, “Can I tell you a secret?”
You pulled away from him to look at his face, “What’s up?”
“You’re actually the one who friend-zoned him.”
“Don’t bullshit me, Mark.” You said and resumed walking, taking a lick of the ice cream on your hand.
“Remember the night of your graduation and JB and I drove to your college to congratulate you?”, Mark began, “He was rehearsing all day on how to confess. But somehow that night on the party, we overheard you telling your college friends that he is clearly “just” your friend. And he’s like a “brother” to you.”
You looked at Mark again, trying hard to read if he’s lying.
“Swear to God!”, he raised his palm up.
Now, you remembered how JB said, “You left me first.” the night before.
You were suddenly brought back by Yugyeom snapping his fingers in front of your face.
“Are you okay?”, he asked before opening the instant noodle on his hand.
You were apparently zoning out, staring into space, the coffee that you’re stirring absentmindedly is now cold.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just…. Thinking.”, you say. You got up from the seat and went to the sink to pour out the cold coffee from your mug.
“Do you want to talk about it?”, Yugyeom asked, blowing on the hot noodles and slurping a few strands.
You sat down in front of him at your dining table.
“Mark said I friend-zoned him.”
Yugyeom curled his brows, “Does Mark like you?”
“No! I meant him! JB is him!”, you say frustrated.
Yugyeom nodded again, “And so?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know what to think anymore.”
“Well, as I told you before, it’s just up to you to decide if you want to be together or not.”
You pouted, “Clearly easier said than done.”
Yugyeom shuffled your hair, “Cliche as this would sound, just follow your heart.” Afterwards he got up and threw the cup of noodles into your trash. You didn’t notice it was barely half eaten. He left quickly without looking back.
It was only a few days away from KatMark wedding and it’s been awhile since you’ve heard from Yugyeom. You ended up oversleeping and getting late to work because noones knocking at your door early mornings. Your little apartment got quieter, too. You try to check up with him, but your call only gets routed to voicemails.
The day before the wedding, you finally decided to go straight to his apartment. You are about to knock on his door when you saw a beautiful girl standing outside his apartment.
“Excuse me, “, you say trying to get her attention, “Can I help you?”
“Oh, it’s you!”, she said. You tried to remember if you know her from somewhere but can’t seem to recognize her. “I’m one of Gyeom’s clients.”
“Clients…?”, you asked, puzzled.
“He was helping some of us strippers, to do stretching. Kind of like a therapy for dancers.”, she explained.
“Oh.”, you answered but is still confused.
“I think I got his phone charger by mistake so I’m just returning it.”, she said and handed you the charger from her bag.
“Okay,”, you replied, standing awkwardly.
“You really look lovely.”, She said and just looking at you, fondly. “If Yugyeom didn’t have a girlfriend like you, me and a few others would have humped him in a heartbeat.”
“Uhm... thanks.”, you thought maybe it’s part of the “pretend-boyfriend” you asked of him, which is why he said you’re his girlfriend.
“I’m sorry I acted like we know each other!”, she laughed, “It’s just that I’ve been his client for a year now and he always tells me about you and how in love you are with each other so it’s like I’ve known you for so long, too.”
This time your eyes widen in surprise, “… a year?”, thinking maybe you heard it wrong.
“Yup. A year of him telling me your stories. I can tell he’s really fond of you.”, she confirmed. “Anyway, I should probably leave. Just say hello to him for me, alright?”
She left, and you were left standing in front of his door.
You knocked a few times but clearly no one is there. Just when you need him the most. You needed answers. Clearly, there’s a lot of things you don’t know about your annoying neighbor. Why would he say you’re his girlfriend for a year now? Why would he say he has hook-ups and not doing dancer therapy? And why don’t you see him anymore?
It is now the day of the wedding. You were still half-hoping Yugyeom will show up at your door to keep his end of the deal. You were already dressed ready, staring at the clicking clock on your wall, waiting.
“Let’s give him five more minutes.”, you say to yourself.
And in just a few ticks, you heard a knock from your door. You got up and opened it quickly and was surprised to see JB standing on the other side.
“Hi”, he greeted.
When you didn’t say anything, he handed you a note, “Yugyeom asked me to give this to you.”
You opened the note to read it while JB showed himself in, sitting on the couch.
“Y/N, because I know you so well, I know you’re not going to do anything, so I made the decision for you.
I attended Mark’s bachelor party and talked to JB. I told him everything. How you asked me for a favor to pretend to be your boyfriend. How scared you are of what would happen to your friendship. He said he’ll take care of you, so you don’t have to worry.
I also wanted to say thank you. During the time we were acting, I was really happy. The truth is, I’m scared, too. I’m scared you’ll notice that I’m actually not acting. Because of that, I’m sorry I had to go away for a while.
But, this is all for the best, right? Now, you get to have your JB.”
You attended the wedding with JB, as each other’s date. You thought it was going to be awkward, but it isn’t. He still exudes that familiar air when you’re together, and you were comfortable.
You celebrated the wedding of your friends, touched by their personalized speeches, and cheered when they kissed at the end. At the reception, you danced with them. And you weren’t embarrassed. But in all of this, you think of Yugyeom.
You were lining up at the buffet and was in the desert area. There were two options for the cake, either you get the strawberry one or the chocolate one. Knowing your friends, they must’ve done this to get a truce since Kat preferred chocolate and Mark loves strawberries.
Without thinking, you got a plate of the chocolate one and sat in your table. You caught JB staring at you. “What?”, you asked.
He grinned, “I would’ve thought for sure you’re going to pick strawberries.”
You looked at the cake on your plate again, the brown chocolate flavored cake.
“Don’t you remember it’s always been our favorite? I clearly remember Kat the only odd one out of us to order chocolate every time we go out.”, he took a bite of his food, and added. “But maybe people’s taste differs over time.”
You were silent, remembering those times when you were in high school. The truth is, you love chocolates, you always have. You clearly remember you only pretended to like strawberries because JB likes it, too.
“JB…”, you say, “I wanted to tell you something.”
You confessed about the strawberries, but he just laughed it off.
“JB, that’s not all.”, you pouted. Clearly, your date doesn’t take your confessions seriously. “And this next confession is really big.”
“Y/N, you know there’s really nothing about you that would make me think twice about what I feel for you.”
When you’re still pouting, he sighed and put down the spoon and fork from his hand and gave you his full attention, “Okay, what is it?”
“I actually prefer dogs than cats.”
He laughed again, thinking of how cute you are. He couldn’t care less which you prefer. He will accept you whole-heartedly. He sighed when you’re still staring at him. He held your hand. “Y/N, I love you. You know that now, right?”
You nodded.
“Because I love you, I’m going to tell you this.”, he bit his lip. “Don’t you think you’re telling me all of these confessions to make me think twice about you, because you are the one who’s thinking twice about me? About us. About this.”
You froze up on what he said. But he continued, “Or… Maybe you’re already thinking of someone else.”
Inside JYP studio, an rnb song’s intro played, and Yugyeom started dancing to it, being immersed in the song, he has his eyes closed.
Suddenly, the song stopped, and he heard someone ask, “What do you mean you’re not acting?”
He opened his eyes to see you walking closer to him. “Why did you tell your stripper clients I’m your girlfriend when we still haven’t agreed to it yet?”
When you reached in front of him, you asked another, “Why did you go away?”
Yugyeom bit his lip. “How’s the wedding?”, he asked. “Shouldn’t you be out there, having dinner with your ‘actual’ boyfriend?”
“I’d rather be here.”
He looked at you, wondering what you meant. “Did you just waste the opportunity I gave you?”
“I can’t be with JB, Gyeom.”, you stepped a little closer. “I’d rather be with you.”
You hovered your lips above his, waiting. As if asking his permission if you can kiss him. He looked at your eyes, verifying if you meant it. Or if it’s real. In a heartbeat and without warning, he kissed you. Both your eyes closed, your hands reaching for his nape while his hands on your back, pulling you closer to him.
It was passionate, like you both have been thirsting for it for a while now. And it felt so good and so right. And it tasted even better than chocolates.
A/N: Vote result: Yugyeom - 23 votes; JB - 22 votes; It’s a close match, right? ^^ I’m actually very surprised. I would’ve thought JB would win by a landslide, but clearly I don’t know tumblr stans very well as I thought. ^^;
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osomatsu-san-quotes · 5 years
Time to get to know me a little more, don't have to read, just something 4 fun
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My mom-
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Not really anyone-
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Depends. If work then no, if just hanging out then I think so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
‘‘I like’‘ friend: probably. ‘‘I like’‘ crush: no
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
outgoing ppl and that just like memes and gaming. Don't know really
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
my older, middle brother
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
little bit
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
‘‘Ah, ok.’‘
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Kenshi Yonezu songs. (Nighthawks, Lemon, Eine Kleine, Loser, BNHA Intro 2/Peace sign)
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yeah but I have hair that is greasy 24/7. So the person would probably be grossed out before they touch it
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
summer sucks so badly- but I guess…..I- don't know actually
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Never kissed someone before
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Nope, I told him and after years of being good/best friends we stopped talking
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
don't have them. Or I just never talk to them
21. What are your bad habits?
This is kinda embarrassing but thumb sucking. like a baby. Also, nail biting
22. Where would you like to travel?
Japan or China
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
sitting behind my computer
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My face
26. What do you do when you wake up?
think about life and lay there for 30 mins
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
darker. I'm a marshmallow now
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My older youngest brother
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Ye, surprisingly
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Probably yes
31. If your hair long enough for a ponytail?
I think it has to say ‘‘Is’‘, so yeah, it is
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Interesting question- I don't keep in touch with the new celebrities so idk.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
oh god- Ill just use my nickname ppl know me as, not my real one:
RfdIkVERf     -  River
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I have a worse condition than a snail
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
without tv. Don't watch it. Also, you have youtube
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Likes gaming, horror, memes, and is overall a nice guy to talk to
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Outside? You want me dead?
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Probably go into game design
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Depends on what they have done
42. If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I'm being myself
43. Do you smile at strangers?
If I try to smile I look like I am disappointed in them or angry
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
outer space.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Remembering I have youtube vids to watch and I have books to read
46. What are you paranoid about?
the things I don't know
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Yeah. So I ain't going to tell it
50. What was the color of the last hoodie you wore?
Purple. I am wearing it rn
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Yeah, constantly
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My face
53. Favorite makeup brand?
I don't do makeup
54. Favorite store?
Don't go to stores
55. Favorite blog?
Can't think of anything on the top of my head. Too many
56. Favorite color?
Purple or black
57. Favorite food?
Broccoli or something unhealthy like hamburgers
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Yeah. Won a playback competition in 4th grade of elementary
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Once. I yelled back at my teacher
62. Been arrested? For what?
I'm too much of a pussy to do something to get myself arrested
63. Ever been in love?
Of course
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Mk. It all started when I was a baby and my mom kissed me on the head
65. Are you hungry right now?
Just ate
66. Do you like your Tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Don't have Tumblr friends, (Or real friends)
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your best friends?
Don’t have them
71. Craving something? What?
A drink
72. What color are your towels?
blue, blue, black, white
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
around 5
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
over 100 probably
75. Favorite animal?
Bears or cats
76. What color is your underwear?
Night sky dark blue
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favorite ice cream flavor?
79. What color shirt are you wearing?
Purple hoodie
80. What color pants?
dark grey sweatpants
81. Favorite tv show?
82. Favorite movie?
UhHHhh Osomatsu san the movie probably, not sure yet.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Never seen both but I think I like Mean Girls from what I've seen and heard
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls.
85. Favorite character from Mean Girls?
Never seen it
86. Favorite character from Finding Nemo?
random, but Dory
87. The first person, you talked to today?
My older middle brother
88. The last person, you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
To many
90. Name a person you love?
my family
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
100% 24/7 yes
92. In a fight with someone?
Have been.
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
around 5
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
Detective Pikachu
96. Favorite actress?
don't have one
97. Favorite actor?
don't have one
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
100. How are you feeling?
could be better, could be worse
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
of course, I do
103. Can you spell well?
Depends if I'm rushing: not
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
Getting ready to go to bed
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
Isn't this question asked before?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Never had one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Used to
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Nope, for once
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Never tried it
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favorite book?
Warrior Cats
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Pretty spoopy shit
121. Are you mean?
I dunno
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Waste of time when they are going to be dirty again by the next day
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Never thought of it.
125. Do you believe in true love?
Probably not
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
Spending time with myself
128. Would you change your name?
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Never tried it
131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Think about life and what to do
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
This has been asked before
133. Favorite lyrics right now?
‘‘Write a story of a hero!’‘ - Peace sign
134. Can you count to one million?
Yeah but I ain't gonna try rn 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
A lot, hard to pick one
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
around 5′9
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favorite month?
October & December
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favorite quote?
‘‘Eh’‘ -points to sweater- ‘‘ ‘Not my problem‘ ‘‘
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
don't have a book next to me
Wow if you are here holy shit- ty??
-Mod Nekomatsu
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avengerofyourheart · 6 years
Flour Girl {12} (Bucky x reader AU)
Characters: reader, Bucky.
Summary: Discovering the cute guy you just flirted with is the heir of a rival bakery, you suddenly find yourself running into him all over the city. Can your small boutique bakery compete? And how do you deal with the guy who seems determined to make your life a living hell? Luckily you’re distracted by a secret admirer…But who is he? (Inspired by “You’ve Got Mail”, Enemies to Lovers)
Warnings: none! Mild swearing?
Word Count:  2.2k
A/N: Y’all ready for some FLUFF!?????!? I’m excited. :D Finally Bucky is Bucky and now he can be the perfect cinnamon roll we all know he can be. *swoon* I’d love to know your thoughts on this part, any and all feedback is appreciated! I love you guys. <3
<<Part 11   Part 12   Part 13>>  
Flour Girl Series Masterlist 
Full Masterlist
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Repetitive buzzing rudely breached your cozy cocoon of sleep, causing you to stir. Each movement made your muscles ache and head pound. The buzzing was relentless, though, so you finally sat up in bed with a sniffle and threw your legs over the side to stand. Shuffling toward the sound, you were within reaching distance when it went silent. Of course it did.
Exhausted from even walking that short distance, you leaned against the door a moment and closed your eyes to stop your head from spinning when a loud knock from the other side startled you, making you jump.
“Who is it?” you called out in a hoarse, nasally voice as you peered through the peephole.
“It’s Bucky, open up,” a male voice spoke through the door.
Squinting at the distorted image, it was indeed the tall brunet with a mop of perfect hair whom had been your nemesis…until recently? In your ill state, you were almost positive last night had been a fever dream and Jimmy—or Bucky—had never showed up to help you with your baking. The idea still seemed absurd. Realizing you hadn’t responded yet, you cleared your throat, or attempted to, followed by a cough.
“Um…what do you want?” you croaked warily.
“I heard you were sick so I thought I’d check up on you,” he replied, his words now muddled.
Peering through the peephole again, you saw that he was eating something. Something familiar…
“What’re you…is that one of my cookies?” you nearly cried out, finally turning the lock and opening the door.
“Yeah,” Bucky said with a smile, popping the last piece of cookie in his mouth and then continuing to speak with his mouth full. “You were right, these Dark Chocolate Pistachio are amazing, especially with the sea salt on top? So good!” He nearly sang the last two words as he nudged past you into the apartment, leaving you standing there in the doorway, confused.
“Uh…okay. Thanks?” you replied as you closed the door and stepped toward him. “So you stopped by the bakery?” you asked, reaching for a tissue in your bathrobe pocket and blowing your nose.
Bucky chewed a few times before swallowing. “Yup. I didn’t see you at the Nest this morning and Clint said you’d be late with delivering, so I finished mine and thought I’d see what was up. Wanda told me you’re sick? Does that mean you’re actually taking a day off?” he asked in surprise while taking a look around your small apartment, which was now littered with tissues and dirty dishes. You hardly had the time to clean lately and now you just didn’t have the energy.
“Unfortunately, yes. No one wants to see this…” you gestured to your current state, “around food. I did the morning baking for the pastry case and extra for at least part of the day. Wanda offered to do the deliveries, which was sweet of her. She’s only done it a few times and it takes her a bit longer, but I was able to do the extra baking and open the shop before she shoved me out the door to ‘rest and heal’,” you told him using air quotes before another coughing fit took over. Covering your mouth with your sleeve, Bucky took a few steps back, but tried to make it look like he wasn’t dodging your germs.
“Well, good for you,” he declared with a lopsided grin. “You have some drugs or something? Orange juice, all that?” Bucky asked as he took the liberty to open your fridge without asking, knowing that all he would see the empty shelves.
“Hey! Get out of there! I…okay, so I haven’t been to the grocery store in a while,” you admitted, suddenly embarrassed. “It’s fine, I’ll go tomorrow. And yes, I have some cold medicine. I’m waiting for it to kick in so I can finally sleep,” you answered, gesturing to the off-brand over-the-counter box of soft gels.
Nosy once again, Bucky picked up the box and looked at the back which resulted in a low whistle from him. “You’ll be waiting a while, then. This expired 6 months ago, I doubt it’ll help any,” he said, tossing the box on the counter.
Face flushed and feeling dizzy, you now felt like even more of a failure at life. You just wanted him out so you could rest. “It’s fine, Bucky, they just might not be quite as effective, now will you please go so I can sleep?” you demanded and opened the door for him with a sweeping gesture of your arms.
“What’re you going to eat? Isn’t it feed a cold, starve a fever? Or is it the other way around…” he trailed off, pulling out his phone.
Exasperated, you let out a sigh. “I have some ramen, so please just—
“Are you allergic to anything?”
“What?” That caught you off guard. “No, I…you think this is an allergic reaction? It’s just a cold!” you shouted, followed by a sneeze.
“Okay, geez,” he muttered, still focused on his phone as he walked out the door and into the hallway.
“Hey, you forgot your—“
“I’ll be back,” he grinned, walking outside and letting the door close behind him before you could respond.
Frozen in place, you tried to make sense of the past few minutes of interaction. What the hell was that about? Did he just say he was coming back? For his pastries? His behavior was getting more bizarre by the minute. Head foggy, you knew it wouldn’t make any more sense until you kicked this bug, so you shut the door and shuffled back to bed.
Hearing your phone ding, you searched your mess of blankets and finally found the hidden device to see a text message on the screen.
B: Hey, there, Franny. :) Did your day improve at all yesterday? I sure hope so.
A smile stretched across your face, despite the headache creeping behind your right eye.
FG: It did, actually. Got some help from an unexpected source. Sick day today, though. :( How’ve you been?
B: I’ve been good. Busy, but in a good way. I’m so  sorry you’re sick! Isn’t that always the way? The stress passes and the body decides to shut down. Hope you’re getting some rest and TLC! Get better soon.
Feeling an ache in your chest, you decided to put your phone away and bury your head in the pillows. Whether the ache was from coughing or the latent heartache from your almost-meeting, you weren’t sure. B still seemed as sweet and kind as ever, which made you all the more curious about why he would stand you up. If he didn’t want to meet you, then why maintain the charade? Head sore from thinking and illness, you closed your eyes and willed yourself to sleep.
Twenty minutes later, the buzzing returned. You rolled over with a groan, annoyed because you had been almost at the edge of sleep. Between a stuffy nose and coughing fits, there was no comfort to be had. Rolling out of bed, you traced your steps to the door and pressed the intercom button.
“What?” you barked.
“Whoa. Hello to you, too,” the familiar voice squawked through the intercom. “I said I’d be back, remember?”
Squeezing your eyes shut, you leaned against the wall and pressed the button again. “Yeah, but you never said why. I’ll toss the pastries out the window for you,” you threatened before stepping away.
“Hey! I want those intact, thank you very much. Buzz me up,” he requested, but your bed was beckoning so you neglected to answer. After a moment of silence, Bucky spoke again in a sing-song voice. “Oh, Y/N…I have some drugs for you….”
Eyes wide, you ran to the intercom. “Shh!!! What if someone heard you? I have to live and work around here, you know. Ugh, fine,” you relented, pressing the release button for the building’s security door. Within 30 seconds, he was knocking on your door and you let him in.
“Could you not mention drugs around my tenants, even if they’re just for a cold? I have a reputation to uphold…what is all this?” you cut yourself short to see the grocery bags in Bucky’s arms.
Bucky had waltzed in and placed the bags on your small kitchen table. “The cure for the common cold,” he replied with a smirk as he unpacked the bags. “Orange juice, non-expired cold medicine, cough syrup, fancy tissues, and soup,” Bucky declared, looking proud of himself.
“Fancy tissues?” you questioned, allowing yourself a small smile at the sweet gesture.
“The kind with the lotion in it? Keeps your nose from getting all red and stuff. Totally worth the money. I hope you like Chicken Noodle, I know it’s a cliche, but it works,” he continued to putter around the kitchen, finding a spoon in a drawer and also grabbing a fork for some reason. Producing a glass from the cupboard, he poured you some orange juice and placed it on the table. “Sit.”
Narrowing your eyes, you stood still in your confusion. “Why are you doing this?”
Heaving a deep sigh, he pulled out the chair for you and gently held you by your shoulders until the back of your knees hit the chair and you sat. “I’m really not the asshole you think I am. At least, not entirely. I do have friends and roommates and a family that seems to tolerate me. I’m sure you don’t believe any of that and I’ve given you plenty of evidence to the contrary, but I really can be a good guy sometimes. Taking 10 minutes out of my day to make sure you don’t die from taking expired meds and that you actually eat something substantial won’t kill me. Now, eat up,” Bucky urged you as he took a seat across from you.
You watched him open the bag of pastries he brought on his first trip and produce a small brown box that he proceeded to open. He stopped his motions then, noticing you still weren’t eating. Bucky set down his own food and stuck a fork in it, then opening the styrofoam container of soup and pushing it toward you. When you still didn’t pick up your spoon, he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in the chair, staring you down. The soup actually did smell kinda good.
Finally giving in, you begrudgingly ate a spoonful of soup as a wide smile appeared on the brunet’s handsome face. The warm broth eased your sore throat as you swallowed and you then realized how hungry you really were. Satisfied, Bucky dug into his own food, lifting a forkful of the very cinnamon roll you had made the night before to his lips.
“If you microwave it for 30 seconds, it’s even better,” you muttered to him between bites.
“Oh yeah? Well, I guess you’d be the expert.”” He accepted your suggestion and walked over to the microwave above the stove. As the device dinged and he returned to the table, you opened the box of medicine and swallowed the recommended number of pills with orange juice. “Mmm. Hell yeah,” he groaned after taking a bite of warm cinnamon roll.
You let out a laugh, to both of your surprise. “Glad you’re enjoying the fruits of my labors,” you teased, drinking the broth straight from the container. Only a few noodles remained. You had apparently been hungrier than you thought.
You nodded while swallowing. “Much. Thank you, Bucky,” you told him genuinely, holding his gaze.
Bucky maintained eye contact a moment longer before he placed his palms on the table and stood. “Well, I’ll leave you to rest. Hope you feel better soon. Oh, and you might want to shower,” he mentioned, then seeing the offended expression on your face. “No! I just mean…you look fine, it just helps to freshen up and put on clean clothes, you know. Get rid of the germs,” he yammered on, holding the box with half a cinnamon roll inside.
Crossing arms over your chest, you offered a nod. “I’ll take it into consideration. At least let me pay for the…”
“Nope!” he quickly interrupted and threw the door open. “You’ll have to catch me first,” Bucky said with a wink and then he was gone.
Once again, you were left staring at the closed door, more confused than ever. What was up with him? Was he really just trying to make up for his past behavior? It still felt a little jarring, but you had to admit that you were grateful for the food and medicine. You hadn’t coughed in a short while and your sinuses had cleared a little bit. Sleep might even be possible, you thought as you put the orange juice in the empty fridge.
Crawling back under the covers, you heard another ding from your phone, pulling it out of your bathrobe pocket.
B: Being sick sucks, so here’s a picture of a cute dog. Feel better! :)
Chuckling at the adorable picture and attached message, you remembered to plug in your phone to charge before finally falling into a deep slumber with a smile on your face.
Part 13>>  
Sooooo????? How freaking adorable was that?? :D Ugh, I know. Bucky is just the sweetest, but still, I don’t blame her for being suspicious! Do you agree? Oh gosh, I totally wish I had someone come forcibly take care of me when I’m ill. ;) How about those texts, though?? B is still just such a cutie. She still hasn’t connected the dots yet, but who would have thought Jimmy the Jerk could be the one sending such lovely messages?? heh. This part was so fun to write, I love their banter. I’d love to know your thoughts, any and all feedback is appreciated! I adore you all. Thank you. 
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arukit · 6 years
idolish7 - Part 3 Chapter 15.2 Translation
Chapter 15.2 - A song linked to memories
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Tenn: Good evening! We’re TRIGGER! Audience: Kyaaaa…. Tenn: I’m glad we can finally meet again. We’ll be singing with all of our might just for you! Audience: Kyaaaa…. Audience: ….Tenn-kun…! Gaku-san! Ryuunosuke-san! I love you!
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Salaryman 1: Whoa, what’s going on with those girls over there? Salaryman 2: Maybe they’re spectators of that live house? Ah… TRIGGER is playing. Salaryman 1: So it’s TRIGGER! It seems like they’re still popular. I haven’t been seeing them on TV lately, but I’ve been watching Yaotome Gaku’s drama series.
Security guard: If this many people gathered here, it may bother the residents of the neighborhood and the other people as well… If you don’t take measures, this could get troublesome. Anesagi: I apologize for the trouble we have caused you…
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Gaku: Thank you for coming to see us! Ryuunosuke: It’s incredible. The audience is so close that I can see everyone’s faces! Audience: Kyaaaa….
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Anesagi: Eh?! We’ll be prohibited from performing here? Live staff: We’re thankful for the full house but… with just today, we really can’t meet the logistic requirements for TRIGGER’s lives. Live staff: Even the police came several times to give warnings… You’re better off at a place with a much bigger capacity! I’m wishing you luck! Anesagi: …
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Mister Shimooka: That was IDOLiSH7’s “Sakura Message”! Riku: Thank you very much! Audience: Kyaaaa….
Woman 1: Apparently Riku-kun’s favorite food is omurice! Woman 2: So cute! Hey, did you see this month’s magazine? When he tried making carbonara, he ended up boiling soumen noodles! Woman 1: He was the one who said he ate together with Iori-kun, right? I want to see that! I wish they had a camera at their dorm! Woman 2: ZOOL has gotten popular but somehow, they look scary so I couldn’t really get into them. Fufu… Riku is so nice! Woman 1: He makes you want to cheer for him!
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Iori: After MEZZO”, Nanase-san also received a radio work offer… Iori: Seeing how he cannot talk by himself, it’d be better if he teamed up with someone else. Tsumugi: The recording session will be done during the day but the show will be on air late at night. For this reason, I was thinking of someone outside you and Tamaki-san. Tsumugi: Since Mitsuki-san is a regular on several shows, fitting his schedule will be difficult. That’s why I thought Nagi-san would be the best choice. Iori: …Can those two really organize a show together? Tsumugi: It’ll differ from MEZZO”’s soothing mood and I think it could become a fantastic show like no other before!
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Riku: Good evening! This is IDOLiSH7’s Nanase Riku with… Nagi: Hello~! This is Rokuya Nagi! Riku: Here is our first postcard! The topic is “Methods to fall asleep when feeling sleepy”! Nagi: Methods to fall asleep? Let’s see. In my case… Riku: Hold on, I got it wrong! It’s “Methods to stay awake when feeling sleepy”! Nagi: I lay down on my bed. See you next week! Riku: Don’t end it already!! That won’t do! We want methods to keep our eyes open! Nagi: You’re the one who mixed it up, Riku. OH… The postcard is so intricately decorated with colorful pen and yet you still read it wrong. Riku: Hey now… It was my bad. I’m sorry. Nagi: What else could the lady do even more for you to read correctly? Riku: She could whisper softly into my ear. Nagi: Nice idea! Let’s implement that. Very well, with your postcard in hand, dress up nicely and come to the broadcast sta-- Riku: Don’t say that! Don’t come, alright? Please keep sending in your postcards! Nagi: Akin to a whisper in our ear, please decorate your postcards intricately, as intricately as you can. Riku: Alright, for our next postcard… Nagi: OH! Oh my god… Riku: Hey now, don’t get so carried away on the radio! Ahaha! You’re infecting me. What’s up? Nagi: We didn’t even spend a single minute to discuss the previous topic! Riku: Ahaha! That’s true! That won’t do. Come on, methods to stay awake! Nagi: At this point, I’m already wide awake.
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Sougo: Continuing, let me introduce the next song. This song “Melody Blue”  was released in 1982 by “Baby Beer”. Sougo: It’s a hardcore masterpiece. The bass line is heart wrenching, along with the penetrating vocals and the mixing that-- Tamaki: What’s hardcore? Rock? Sougo: It’s indeed rock. The most extreme type of rock. Tamaki: Earlier you talked about al…. al… Sougo: Alternative. Tamaki: That, didn’t you say it was rock too? Sougo: It’s indeed rock. Tamaki: What exactly is rock? Is it something like humans? Sougo: Humans? Tamaki: Like if rock was like humans, then hardcore could be the Americans and Alternative could be the Japanese or something like that. Sougo: Ooh, I suppose that is one way to see it. It… does feel that way. Everybody could be like rock. TamakI: What’s with that category? Sou-chan, you normally go into details so wasn’t that too broad of an answer? Sougo: It’s actually more convoluted than that and personal tastes also come into account, so it’ll differ from one record shops to another. Tamaki: What about hip-hop? Sougo:  I believe that its roots come from jazz but there are thinking schools who say it comes from rock, so who knows? Hip-hop is quite divided. Tamaki: Is it okay for rock to be such a broad category? Next time, can I compare salt, pepper and soy sauce to rock all I want? Sougo: Not a chance. Those are seasonings. Tamaki: Don’t mess with me! It’s unfair that only rock gets to do it!
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Riku: Haa… I’m so tired… Mitsuki: Are you alright, Riku? Riku: Yeah. My body is in good shape. It’s just that my exhaustion finally set in when I returned to the dorm and saw everyone’s faces. Yamato: Same here. I’ve been feeling really worn out. Sougo: Once things settle down, it’d be fun if we could all go on a trip somewhere. Tamaki: I want to go! Fall is probably impossible, then what about winter? How about going to Nagicchi’s country to see the aurora? Nagi: OH! The cold in Northmare during midwinter is extremely harsh. The nights are long and the sun only rises for short hours. Tamaki: Why? Is that place still on Earth? Nagi: Iori, you’ve slacked off on teaching Tamaki geography, haven’t you? Iori: Why did the blame have to fall on me? Riku: How did the people of Northmare from the ancient times manage to live in such a cold place? Nagi: Northmare’s ancestors were Vikings. During summertime, they invaded the neighboring lands and pillaged the food and treasures. Nagi: During winter, they secluded themselves on a safe territory and awaited the arrival of minstrels. Mitsuki: Minstrels? Nagi: They are wandering singers who told tales through songs. During the ancient times in Northmare and the neighboring countries, tales were told through songs. Riku: Tales through songs… Nagi: They would typically be from the Codex Regius written in Old Norse or the Poetic Edda. Nagi: Riku, since you’re an avid reader, in Völuspá… Perhaps you might be familiar with the seeress’ prophecy. Nagi: It is a poem of a myth that tells from the creation of the world to the deaths of the gods. Would you know about it? Riku: Ah! You must mean Ragnarök! I see, it’s from Norse mythology after all! Nagi: Yes! Mitsuki: Then, during winter, the wanderers who sang the poems of myths were anticipated by everyone? Nagi: That is correct. When the rays of light cannot reach them and the world is buried in white, the people took joy in the songs and tales. Nagi: And that is no different from this era. Nagi: Even without needing to be cornered by blizzards, we still have sleepless nights when the heart is lost in a well of darkness where light can no longer reach. Riku: I can understand… When that happens, Tenn-nii would sing for me. The songs had all sorts of stories associated with them. Riku: There were the songs’ own stories and then there were the stories of the memories I had with Tenn-nii. Mitsuki: I wonder if it’s the same with our fans. Just how many stories do our songs have with all the people who listened to us? Mitsuki: Every time they listen to our songs, they’d recall the events of the previous day or something like that. It’d be great if we could connect to them this way. Yamato: So songs are stories, huh… That must be why everyone holds TRIGGER dear. Momo-san holds Re:vale dear just as well. Yamato: If we could no longer listen to a song that we associated to ourselves, the pain would feel like losing a part of ourselves. Sougo: However, we will relive that feeling each and every time we hear it. Even the feelings that we forgot will resurface… Iori: Happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin… I can say this now but for some time, I didn’t have it in me to listen to “miss you…”. Nagi: OH! For me, it was when TRIGGER sang “Natsu ☆shiyouze!” It felt akin to drinking a bitter cup of coffee. Yamato: When I hear “NO DOUBT”, it reminds me of the time I was so overwhelmed that I caused a huge ruckus. It was so uncool, I should have learned to relax my shoulders. Mitsuki: When we did a unit song with TRIGGER, we only kept good memories from that one, didn’t we! Those guys were so cool and we had a lot of fun. Riku: When I was made IDOLiSH7’s center in “MONSTER GENERATiON”, I was so happy… Riku: It felt like I was finally acknowledged but then a lot happened and I lost my confidence… Riku: But when I sang “RESTART POiNTER”, I felt like I did grow up a little. I felt like I could finally forgive myself. Riku: I love the members and the fans after all. I remember not to ever hesitate whenever I sing or listen to that song. Iori: Nanase-san… Riku: There was something that Tenn-nii told me a while ago. He said that even if the world was to stop spinning, it was our job to keep on singing. Riku: When I first heard that, I thought that it was so sad that it had to be so harsh, so unforgiving and so difficult. Riku: But I understand what he meant now. If our songs were associated to a good memory to someone or brought a happy story to someone, then… Riku: Each time we sang, someone would be reliving their story. We can make them relive that feeling of joy and happiness. Riku: Like a shooting star flying across a starless sky. Riku: We can become stars or even a rainbow.
To be continued.
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itsmarianstories · 6 years
🎄Another cheesy Christmas Story🎄
[Jungkook x Reader]
Secret Santa Present Part 2
For @pineapple-panini19
A Story about how that Christmas, which was supposed to be sad and lonely turned out to be the best of them all.
Word count: 7.465
(A/N: So here it finally is! Oh my god, I’m so nervous lmao. I hope you’ll like it!! Feel free to be brutally honest with me tho and tell me if I messed up somehow... )
You took a deep breath, letting the fresh, cold air filling your lungs. It felt good after spending so much time in that stuffy bar. You enjoyed your job in the karaoke bar but it was exhausting and especially at this time of the year, because somehow everyone was in singing mood before Christmas. However, it was your last shift for this year and you weren’t sure if you should be happy about it or not.
For a few moments you just stood outside the bar and enjoyed the view. It was late in the evening, the sun has long went down but the moon was now shining proudly. The city was already decorated, fairy lights everywhere and in all different colours. It smelled sugary, probably from the Christmas market that was just a few blocks away.
“Right, only a week left.” You whispered, your breath causing a small cloud to form in the cold night air. Usually you were so excited about Christmas, looking forward to the holidays. This year however, your mood was a little bummed. It’s the first year you spend Christmas away from your family and most of your friends and celebrating Christmas alone is definitely not the same. You have moved to a different city to attend your dream university but you didn't live her for very long yet and didn't know many people here.
You sighed deeply before starting to stomp through the snow to the subway station. While waiting for your train to arrive you saw a group of friends a few feet away from you, they were joking around and laughing loudly. It made you feel even more lonely so you pulled your phone out of your pocket deciding to call you best friend.
“Hey Y/N! What’s up?” He greeted, sounding a bit out of breath.
“Ah nothing really, I just thought I’d see how you are doing. I miss you, Tae.” You admitted.
“Aww, I miss you too! I promise after Christmas I’ll come and visit you.” He said. You heard a bark in the distance.
“Are you out with Tannie?” You asked, whishing you could cuddle that small, fluffy noodle again.
“Yeah we are Christmas shopping! I just got you your gift!” He sounded excited and you smiled sadly. Your best friend was just as enthusiastic about Christmas as you.
“You don’t have to.”
“I know but I want to.” You knew he would say that. You already have a present for him too.
“Ah sorry Y/N, Tannie is trying to catch a pigeon. I gotta go! I'll see you soon, we’ll celebrate new year together okay? I purple you!” He said. You chuckled.
“Alright, bye Tae. See you soon!” You said and the call ended. You put your phone down with another sigh just as the train arrived. The group of friends got in too and you couldn’t help but watch them, listening to their Christmas plans. You pulled your hood up and sniffled a little, feeling stupid for getting so emotional over such a thing. But honestly you couldn’t help it, you missed your family and your friends and wanted to spend Christmas with them, not all alone in a city where you barely know anyone. But living alone is expensive and you have bills to pay, flying back home is not in the budget.
You pulled your knees against your chest and rested your head on them. The train was almost empty, most people already at home at this time. So when someone suddenly flopped down in front of you, you were fairly surprised. There were a lot of free seats after all. You looked up at the boy in front of you, probably around your age, dressed in black. He looked a bit suspicious but his face was soft and his smile gentle.
“Are you okay?” He asked, big round eyes staring back at you.
“Uh... what?” You asked confused.
“I mean you are crying in the subway, alone in the middle of the night that’s... concerning.” You brought a hand up to your face, feeling that it is indeed wet.
“Oh,” You whispered, wondering when that happened. The boy in front of you crooked his head to the side and you blushed under his stare.
“ Uhm thank you, I guess but I’m fine...It’s just... Christmas.” You poorly explained.
“You don’t like Christmas?” He asked.
“I love Christmas.” Now he looked greatly confused and his face was so cute that you couldn’t help but giggle a little, wiping away the tears from your cheeks with your sleeve.
“I just moved here and don’t know many people yet. It just makes me miss my family.” You added, wondering why you are even telling him all this.
“I’m Jeongguk.” He smiled, holding out his hand for you to take.
“Y/N" You said, shaking his hand.
“Now you know one person more.” You noticed how his nose scrunched up and his eyes crinkled while he smiled, exposing a pair of bunny teeth. His face changed when he remembered something, turning to dig in his bag and pulling out a box full of Christmas cookies.
“Here,” He offered you and wow they were some good looking cookies. Since you weren’t really in Christmas mood you didn’t bother baking some, you didn’t even decorate your apartment. But tasting some couldn’t be bad so you picked up a cookie and hummed while eating it.
“Did you make those?” You asked curious but the boy shook his head.
“Nah, I can’t bake, I’d burn down my whole kitchen. I got them from a woman whose kid is coming to my class.” He admitted, sheepish but fond no less.
“What kind of class?” You wanted to know, shamelessly getting another cookie.
“Dance, hip hop to be precise. We prepared a small Christmas performance and showed it to the parents tonight.”
“Wow, a dancer huh.” You said impressed while imagining a bunch of kids doing hip hop. It sounded adorable. The boy blushed a little at your comment and nodded. Then the train became slower and as you looked up you saw that it was your station, feeling slightly bummed that you had to leave now.
“That’s my station.” You and Jeongguk said at the same time, staring at each other in surprise before sharing a giggle.
“Well, what a coincidence huh?” You said suddenly becoming shy.
“Do you live close?” He asked, while you two made your way out of the subway station. The cold air hitting you even more now, after spending time in the heated train.
“A few blocks from here.” You answered.
“Do you know that Christmas cafe near the kindergarten? Like two blocks from here.” You shrugged.
“To be honest, I kind of avoided everything christmas-ish until now.” You admitted.
“Oh that’s a pity, you should go there. Maybe it would lighten your mood. They have really good drinks and always play those cringy Christmas songs that you kind of hate but listen to every year all over again, just for the sake of it.” He told you, a sparkle in his eyes.
“Sounds beautiful.” You chuckled, feeling lighter than you have in days. “Maybe I should go there.”
“You know,” he cleared his throat “maybe, if you’d like, I could. I mean I know we don’t really know each other and this is probably weird and you can totally say no I just thought, if you’d like, maybe you’d feel better not going alone and like I know I’m not your family but-" You chuckled at his obviously nervous rambling.
“Jeongguk,” you interrupted him. He looked down at you, almost a head taller than you.
“I’d love to go with you. Show me that cafe.” You said, amazed at where all that confidence suddenly came from. He smiled at you brightly, his face dimly lit by the street lanterns and decorations. Wow, he is really pretty.
“Okay! I mean not now it’s probably closed uhm... like tomorrow? Or...”
“Why don’t you give me your number? Then we can go whenever it fits.” You said, screaming internally at your boldness.
“Sure!” Jeongguk pulled out his phone. You two switched phones and typed in your numbers before handing them back.
“Thank you.” He said.
“No thank you! Really.” You said back, snatching another cookie. You two stopped at a corner, your ways parting here.
“Tell that mom, those cookies are really great.” He nodded.
“I will and you’re very welcome! I’ll text you!” He said as you two started to walk apart from each other, backwards though. It was cheesy, but come on. It’s Christmas, a bit cheesieness is allowed!
Once he was out of sight you pulled your phone out and called Tae, screaming in his ear when he picked up and telling him everything.
Christmas suddenly didn’t seem so bad anymore.
 The next morning you woke up, feeling more motivated than ever. You decided to go to the grocery store to get everything you needed to bake. It was time to crawl out of the whole that was called 'self-pity', so you got out of bed, connected your phone to the Bluetooth speakers and blasted your favourite Christmas songs, humming along while getting ready.
You were already out your door when you checked your messages. You couldn’t help but smile when you saw the new message.
Good morning :)
I hope you feel better today!
 You quickly typed out a response before putting your phone away and heading to your favourite grocery store. The way was a little longer but it was an old family business and the grandma, still working there was super nice and always gave you candy.
You enter the shop, slowly pacing through the aisles. You observe the different items, searching for the ones you need so you don’t really pay attention to your surroundings. That is until you bump into something.
Or someone.
You hear a gasped “Oof!” and turn to apologize but your words get stuck in your throat when you see who you just ran over. You feel your face heating up while the taller breaks out in a full on bunny smile.
“Now would you look at this coincidence!” Jeongguk exclaimed.
“Ah- I-I'm sorry.” You say, mind still running slow due to the surprise. Like, what are even the chances.
“No need to apologize.” Jeongguk smiled. “I’m happy to see you again.” He said and you kind of just stare at him because WHAT DID HE SAY??? You blink at him and a few seconds pass, suddenly you realize that a) you still haven’t said anything in return and b) a light rosy colour is forming on the boys cheeks.
“S-Sorry,” He suddenly added, rubbing the back of his neck “that was probably inappropriate considering we don't really know each other.” He seemed so shy and you just had to coo at how cute he is.
“No, no, no, I'm sorry, I was just really surprised.” You quickly said, shaking your head a little. “I'm happy to see you again too.” Another few moments of silence settled over you as you stared at each other until Jeongguk cleared his throat.
“Oh uhm, do you still wanna go to that cafe? Today?” He asked. You nodded, maybe a bit too eager but he beamed back at you so you didn’t think it came of weird.
“I'd love to go but do you have time later in the afternoon? I actually wanted to bake first.” You explained sheepishly and chuckled at the sudden spark in the boys eyes.
“Christmas cookies?” He asked, sounding like an excited child.
“Yeah, you wanna come and help?” The question slipped out without you even thinking about it. You just invited a stranger into your apartment, what the fuck.
“Are you not afraid I could be a serial killer or something?” Jeongguk chuckled.
“I don't think a serial killer would say that.” You giggled, although he kind of had a point.
“Or I’m saying that to gain your trust.” The taller answered back.
“You really don't help yourself right now.” You laughed and watched amused how Jeongguk blushed again.
“N-No, I mean yes! I mean I’d love to help you!”
 So that’s how you both started to finally work off your shopping list, getting all the ingredients (the nice grandma winked at you when you were paying for the stuff) and walked back to your apartment. You felt a little bad that Jeongguk carried all the bags (it weren’t that many but still) but on the other hand he was the one who insisted so you really couldn’t do anything except accept the kind gesture.
You became a bit nervous once the two of you reached your flat.
“So I didn’t really expect any guests, so please don’t judge the messy state of my apartment.” You warned before pushing the door open. Jeongguk chuckled.
“Every girl says that but in the end its all tidy anyway.”
“'Every girl', huh? How many are we talking here?” You teased, watching as he blushed again. He’s so cute when he’s flustered.
“Ah! No, no  that’s not how I meant it. I’m not... I mean it’s just a saying I guess? Uhm...” Really you could only laugh while entering.
You were just glad that you cleaned the kitchen this morning, since you knew you’d need it. The both of you took off your shoes and coats before you showed Jeongguk the way to your kitchen. The latter put the bags down on the kitchen isle and you started to unpack everything.
“Hey! Wanna listen to some music?” You asked, figuring that it would help ceasing awkward silence moments.
“Sure.” Your guest answered while washing his hands. You smirked a little as you played the first song. It didn’t even take five seconds and Jeongguk was staring at you, unamused.
“Seriously?” He said, but laughing anyway.
“It’s a good song!” You argued sarcastically.
“It was. But it has died ten years ago, please let it rest in peace.” You laughed at his reply and sighed exaggerated.
“Fine!” You finally agreed and skipped 'Last Christmas'.
Soon later you had your hands deep in a bowl of dough.
“Hey!” You complained as Jeongguk reached out to sneak a bit of dough for the fifth time now.
“Your intentions were that all along, weren’t they?” You accused and he only smirked while putting the dough in his mouth.
“Maybe?” You took a bit of flour and threw it in his face. Jeongguk laughed, breathed in a bit of flour and started coughing.
“Oh that screams for revenge!” He said. You let out a scream while trying to run away but he was quicker than you and wrapped his arms around your middle, holding you in place while dipping is finger into the Nutella glass and smearing it on your cheek and nose.
“You bully!” You pouted but it only made him laugh more as he let you go to observe his masterpiece.
“Do I look tasty at least?” You joked and he smirked again, licking the Nutella from his finger.
“Very.” He agreed.
Three hours later and you have four boxes full of Christmas cookies.
“Well damn.” You breathed while staring at the product.
“I'm never gonna eat so many cookies, I think we went a bit overboard.” You thought out loud. Jeongguk reached out for a cookie and munched it happily.
“Nah, don’t worry, I’ll help you eat them all.” He assured and you couldn’t help but laugh. Something about this boy made you feel so light. You weren’t sure what exactly it was.
“Okay, I think we deserve a break now. You wanna show me that cafe now?” You asked and watched how Jeongguks eyes began to sparkle.
“Absolutely! Let’s go!”
So you two quickly washed up, got dressed and went outside again.
“Come this way.” Jeongguk said and took your hand to pull you along. However, he didn’t let go. You looked down at your hands and felt a blush creeping up on your cheeks. You wondered if it was okay to lace your fingers but decided against it because well, you were shy after all. Anyways the two of you continued to hold hands all the way to the cafe and only let go once you got inside, to open your jackets and out off the too warm things.
The cafe was actually pretty big but it was so heavily decorated that it looked cozy. Instead of chairs there were small couches and armchairs around coffee tables. Everywhere were candy canes and mistletoes, Christmas balls and other typical nick-nacks. There was a heavy sweet scent in the air of gingerbread and chocolate. People were sitting around, chatting happily and sipping on their beverages and everything radiated an atmosphere that screamed relaxation.
Jeongguk led you to the counter where a girl, dressed up as Christmas fairy asked for your orders.
“One Chilli-Chocolate latte for me, please.” Jeongguk said and turned to look at you. You were looking at the board trying to decide what you’d like but there were so many crazy drinks that you just went with a classic one.
“Uh... one pumpkin spiced latte.” You said and heard Jeongguk snort beside you.
“How boring.” He teased and you stabbed him with your elbow.
“There were too many drinks, I was overwhelmed okay let me live.” You tried to defend yourself but he just laughed harder before pulling out his wallet once the barista came back with your drinks.
“That makes 3,20$ each.” She said and you wanted to grab your own wallet but once you had it Jeongguk had already paid for the both of you.
“Why did you do that?” You asked as you two went to grab a seat.
“Do what?” He asked back, sitting down on one of the couches.
“Pay for my drink.”
“Well I invited you, of course I’m gonna pay.” He said.
“You didn’t have to.”
“I know but I wanted to.” He smiled and you suddenly realized that he kind of resembled a bunny.
You spend about two hours in the cafe just talking about random shit and getting to know each other. You found out that you both liked Marvel movies, he told you about his fear of microwaves and pouted when you laughed for five minutes.
In the end you set a plan to meet again tomorrow for a marvel movie marathon. At your place since there were four boxes of cookies to be eaten. Out side of the cafe you hugged as goodbye and you couldn’t help but notice how strong and safe his arms felt and how he smelled kind if sweat and flowery. It was an untypical scent for men but you enjoyed it no less.
In the evening you were still looking forward to the movie date but when you woke up the next morning you suddenly became really, really nervous. You started cleaning up you entire flat before taking a shower and continuing to change outfits like five times.
“Fuck Y/N get your shit together.” You mumbled to yourself and took a deep breath. It’s not like you two officially named it a date basically it’s just two friends hanging out but somehow that was doing little to calm you.
When it finally knocked on your door you jumped slightly before going to open it. Jeongguk had a bright smile on his face and immediately went in for a hug again. It took you by surprise but you hugged him back anyway and suddenly all your nervousness was gone and all you felt was a deep contentment.
“Hey,” Jeongguk murmured in your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
“Hi,” You said back, your voice a bit breathy as you tried not to speak too loud.
“Come in.” You said as you two pulled apart. Jeongguk took off his shoes and for some reason it made you happy that he came in sweatpants. You felt like it would make the day more intimate. Jeongguk seemed to think the same since he pouted once his eyes had made their way up and down your body.
“You are over dressed.” He stated. You looked down at the black skinny jeans and cream coloured sweater you were wearing and blushed.
“Ah sorry, I had to do some... things before you came.” You lied and quickly turned around so he wouldn’t catch you.
“You can make yourself at home, I’ll change real quick.” You said and ran back to your bedroom.
“Fuck,” you hissed under your breath as you closed the door behind you and went to your closet. Since you didn’t really have much time to think about what you wanted to wear you just pulled out your favourite pair of fluffy pants. They were light blue and had little snowflakes  on them and they were super soft so you guessed it would be fine.
Jeongguk was already seated on the couch once you came back and looked up to you.
“That’s better.” He grinned. You rolled your eyes at him and went to the kitchen to get the cookies as well as some other snacks and drink. The way Jeongguk immediately went for the snacks made you chuckle while you turned on the TV. You two randomly watched one movie after the other, slowly scooping closer each movie until you sat sides pressed together. Jeongguk had a hand on your thigh, his finger redrawing the patterns of the snowflakes. You giggled maybe a bit too often whenever Jeongguk imitated one of the actors and spoke along the lines and Jeongguk laughed whenever you shared one of the unnecessary facts you knew about the movie. For example, how Robert Downey Jr hid snacks all over the set so he could eat while shooting the scenes and the director couldn’t stop him from doing so, so he just let him at one point. Jeongguk threw his head back when you told him that and claimed that he loved Iron man even more now.
The day passed way too quick and at around five pm you turned off the TV. Jeongguk put his arms over his head and stretched.
“Ah, I’m getting old.” He joked as his back cracked a bit.
“You are an idiot.” You giggled and Jeongguk smiled back at you.
“Hey wanna get out and grab some real food? As much as I love your cookies, they are bad for my diet.” He offered and you grinned with raised eyebrows.
“Why are you on a diet?” You asked amused.
“Hey! These muscles don’t come from nothing!” He defended himself.
“What muscles? You are wearing baggy clothes all the time, why do you need muscles?” You teased, not expecting what would happen now. Jeongguk pulled up his hoodie, revealing his abs.
“I’m not having these for the moments where I’m wearing clothes.” He grinned and you choked on your own saliva.
“What the fuck!” You screeched, throwing pillows at him. “Jeon Jeongguk, are you an exhibitionist?” The boy only laughed, put his hoodie back down and pulled you up from the couch.
“Come on, I’m hungry!” He said.
“Wait I gotta change first.” You said but he shook his head.
“I can’t change either, we’ll go like that.”
“What?” You gasped, looking at your snuggle pants. “No way in hell, I’m not going out like this. Your pants at least don’t look like pyjamas.” Jeongguk grinned.
“Come on~ don’t be a part pooper. It’s already dark anyway and we are not going to some fine restaurant. We’ll just get some take out somewhere.” You fake pouted, pretending to be offended.
“What? You are not taking me out to a fine restaurant?” Jeongguk smiled.
“Don’t get me wrong, I definitely would but I’d prefer to wear real clothes for that.” You made a grimace.
“Why don’t you go without clothes? You like to show off your oh so great muscles anyway.” You teased.
“Okay,” He said calmly and moved to pull his sweater over his head. You screeched a bit, hitting him on his arm and chest.
“Oh my god! Stop it you dumbass!” He laughed again, taking your hand and pulling you to the door.
“Come on,” He urged again “It’s gonna be fun!”
“It’s gonna be embarrassing, that’s it!” You whined but followed anyway. The two of you put back on your shoes, wrapped yourselves up in coats and scarfs before leaving. You stole Jeongguks bucket hat and pulled it deep into your face. Not like anyone would recognize you but still...
You went to a small fast food shop and got a load of greasy stuff. You couldn’t help but snort at Jeongguks order.
“What happened to your diet?” You asked and he grinned back.
“I think letting it slip this once will be fine.”
The staff giving you your food grins at you after seeing your outfits and you couldn’t help but blush..
“You two are a cute couple.” He said and you blushed even more.
“Thanks!” Jeongguk said proudly and you almost choked.
“Why didn’t you correct him?” You asked shyly, once outside. Jeongguk shrugged.
“I don’t know, it doesn’t really matter.” He said before his eyes widened.
“Or did it bother you? Oh my god do you have a boyfriend?” You couldn’t help but laugh, his expression was too funny.
“No, it didn’t bother me and I don’t have a boyfriend. I was just... curious.” You said after finishing to laugh.
“Oh, okay,” Jeongguk smiled “then this should be fine, right?” He asked, taking your hand. You blushed again.
“You smooth fucker.” You mumbled, but didn’t protest or pull away, instead your fingers intertwined as you walked back to your apartment.
It was relatively silent from then on, but in a comfortable way. The two of you walking together, both lost in their own worlds but still connected. It felt intimate in a very innocent way and you enjoyed it so much. You couldn’t help but wonder what Jeongguks deal was after all. Why was he bothering spending so much time with you? Was he actually interested in more than just friends or was he just being nice? Was he feeling pity since he found you crying in the subway? The thought made you feel uncomfortable. You didn’t like being pitied and especially not by someone you consider your friend... or even more?
You were back at your apartment sooner than expected, for you were so lost in thought the way just seemed to fly by. After eating the greasy food Jeongguk yawned and smiled softly.
“Thank you for having me for so long.” He said and you snorted a bit.
“Thank you for keeping me company.” You corrected and it was followed by a few more silent seconds in which you two just stared at each other.
“I should probably go.” Jeongguk muttered and got up. You nodded and followed him to the entrance of your flat.
“Thank you, really. I had a lot of fun today.” You said and he grinned again.
“We didn’t even do anything.” He countered but you only shrugged. Jeongguk took a step towards you, once he had his shoes on, and wrapped his arms around you. You closed your eyes and relished in the blissful moment, enjoying how save and warm you felt.
“I don’t know if this is too soon or I don’t know... inappropriate but...” He started and pulled back looking down at you, you returned his gaze curiously, amused over the blush on his cheeks.
“Since I know you don’t really have plans on Christmas I wanted to ask if you’d like to spend it with me and my friends? Don’t worry it’s only like seven people including you and me and we are not really doing much. Just eating a lot and lazing around.” He explained. You didn’t know what to say. Of course the offer was really thoughtful and you’d like to spend Christmas with Jeongguk, but you two still don’t know each other that well and meeting his friends seems... like a couple thing to do. Especially on Christmas.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to answer right away, just think about it, okay?” Jeongguk continued when you stared at him like a deer in the spotlight. You nodded.
“Great! I’ll text you tomorrow, goodnight!” And then Jeongguk was out of the door, before you had the chance to say anything else.
“...goodnight.” You whispered back, although it was way too late.
You made yourself ready for bed all the while thinking about Jeongguks proposal. You were tempted to say yes but... was it really okay? You don’t know any of them, what if they don’t like you? What if they think you are weird or intrusive for just joining on them? You’d ruin their and Jeongguks Christmas and you really don’t want that. What if it’s gonna be awkward the whole evening? It could also ruin your friendship with Jeongguk are you ready to risk that?
You decide to sleep about it for a night and text Jeongguk in the morning.
Good morning :)
Well fuck, you think as you read the two words over and over again. Even the night couldn’t help you find the right answer and now you sit in your living room trying to figure out what to do. Unfortunately you don’t have a lot of time for that figuring out, since Christmas is tomorrow and you probably can’t wait till last minute to decide.
Good morning
Hope you slept well
You answer simply to buy yourself some time. You did not expect for Jeongguk to answer right away.
Ah well a bit like a stone with all that grease in my stomach haha
But I have no regrets
You can’t help but smile at that. Damn, you really want to go see him on Christmas but... can you?
Hey uhm... were you serious last night? About the Christmas thing?
Of course, why? Did you think about it?
You take a deep breath. Communication is key, right?
Yeah I did but I’m still not sure
Are you sure it’s okay for your friends? What if they won’t like me?
Of course I’m sure, I wouldn’t have offered if I weren’t
I don’t want you to feel pressured tho so if it makes you uncomfortable just say no I understand :)
“Goddamn why is he so cute?” You mumble, while typing away on your phone.
It’s not that... but Christmas is like... pretty serious? In a way? And idk if it’s okay for me to just... intrude...
You watch as Jeongguk starts typing, stops, starts again, stops another time and starts again. It takes like five minutes until you finally get a message. Five minutes in which you start to get really anxious for some reason.
I think you misunderstood... I’m not asking you to come out of pity or politeness...
I genuinely want you to be there and meet my friends.
And don’t worry about them! I... lowkey talk about you to them... like a bit...and they said they want to meet you. Actually it was one of them who had the idea to invite you...
You stare at your phone for what felt like hours. Is this real? Suddenly a big wave of excitement hits you and you jump up from the couch.
Oh... that is... surpising
And lowkey really cute
Thank you.
I’d be honoured to come if you are sure it’s okay... :)
GREAT!!! Okay okay it’s at my friends apartment but don’t worry I’ll pick you up at around 4 pm, that works?
Works fine
Should I bring anything?
Nah, my friends are lame so really we’ll just have dinner and laze around. Maybe play a few games, it’s totally chill...
You bit down in your lip. For you it was not lame at all, you couldn’t wait to go. Of course you were still nervous about meeting them but you really wanted to go.
 The next day you woke up super early, since the excitement was sitting in your bones. You made a quick tour through the town but not for too long since it was really packed and then took your time getting ready. Jeongguk said you didn’t have to bring anything but that didn’t feel right so you put a few of your cookies into a box as well as other small things.
It knocked at exactly 4:04 pm and you opened the door maybe a bit too eager.
“Merry Christmas!” Jeongguk yelled as soon as he saw you, a bright smile on his face. He was dressed in normal black jeans and a cringy Christmas sweater and you wondered how it was possible that he still looked so stunning.
“Yeah,” you smiled “merry Christmas.”
“What is that?” He asked looking at your bag.
“Oh just, you know, girl stuff.” He raised his eyebrows but didn’t comment any further. Instead he pulled you in a hug again.
“Alright, let’s go.” He then said and pulled you out. It seemed like you weren’t the only one who was excited. You two took an uber to get there but the drive only took like twenty minutes anyway. The apartment building you were standing in front of was...
“Is this a joke?” You gasped “Is your friend the president or something?” Jeongguk chuckled.
“He’s actually my cousin and no he’s not the president. But he’s a pretty successful fashion designer.” The boy explained, taking your hand and pulling you inside. You blushed as the security guys stared at you two but Jeongguk didn’t seem fazed at all.
“Okay so we will be eight, by the way, the girlfriend of my cousin came too. But she’s cool, so don’t worry.” He said as you two stepped into the elevator. Suddenly the nervousness came crushing back down over you and you gulped, tightly grabbing Jeongguks hand.
“Hey, you really don’t have to worry.”  Jeongguk smiled softly and you nodded as Jeongguk lead you towards the apartment. Why does this feel like you are meeting your boyfriends parents?
“By the way,” Jeongguk said and knocked on the door. He leaned in a bit and whispered into your ear “You look really pretty tonight.”
The door opened and you were a flustered mess, wow this is just great.
“Kookoo! Merry Christmas, my dear little cousin!” A tall, handsome man exclaimed and pulled Jeongguk into a tight hug.
“Merry Christmas, Jinnie!” The younger laughed a small blush tainting his cheeks.
“And this must be your friend.” The man said turning towards you. You wondered why he emphasized the word 'friend' so much. Jeongguk blushed a little more.
“Ah yes, thats's-"
“I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you!” You introduced yourself and shook his hand.
“The pleasure is all mine! I'm Seokjin, please come in!” Seokjin said and stepped aside to let you in. The apartment was huge and beautiful and everything was decorated and smelled like food and it was all just so christmasy that you felt a little overwhelmed. You didn’t expect to have any of that this year.
When you came into the living room you found that everyone was already there. A girl tall and lithe, she wore normal blue jeans and a black sweater but she still looked like a model, with silky black hair. She happily jumped over and slung her arms around Seokjin.
“Hey, you must be Jeonggukies new friend! I’m so glad to meet you, I'm Sunmi.”
“Ah hi, nice to meet you too. Actually, nice to meet you all. I'm Y/N.” You said in the room since there were four other people sitting on the couches and armchairs. There was this couple on the couch with one really tall man who had dimples as deep as the universe and a really small one next to him who had his hands on the tallers thighs and a smug look on his face. The smaller one had black hair and heavy rings on his fingers that made them look even smaller. Then there was another couple with a guy with red hair who beamed like the sun and another who seemed to overshadow that light with his grumpy face.
“Oh my god, hi! Our Jeonggukie is finally bringing someone over and then it’s such a pretty one!” The one with the red hair yelled and jumped up from his place next to the grumpy one who jumped a little.
“I'm Hoseok but you can just call me Hobi!” He said, wearing a stupid Christmas sweater as well.
“This is my Yoongi, he might look a little grumpy right now but that’s only because he couldn’t nap this afternoon, he’ll get around.” Hoseok continued and you waved a little, unsure about what to do.
“I'm Jimin and I can’t wait to tell you all the embarrassing stories about our little Jeonggukie!” The smaller one with the black hair said.
“Jimin!” Jeongguk complained and you couldn’t suppress the giggle.
“Hi! I'm Namjoon. Merry Christmas.” The tall one said. Jimin sat down next to him again and snuggled into his side.
“Okay,” Seokjin said, clapping his hands “the dinner should be ready soon. So let’s go to the dining table.”
It was amazing how Jeongguks friends managed to include you as if you were a part of them and it filled you with a warm and fuzzy goo whenever you looked at Jeongguk and saw the sparkle and fondness in his eyes when he talked to or laughed with his friends. You could almost feel how much he adores them and they adored him. Jeongguk was the youngest and it was obvious how the others enjoyed to baby him. However that didn’t stop them from teasing him.
After the dinner you went back to the living room to exchange presents and you felt a bit nervous again since, well, for obvious reasons. At first you watched how the others gifted each other and how they fell in each others arms to thank them. They were a family and it felt so intimate that you almost felt bad for intruding. Even Yoongi, who you first thought was a bit cold-hearted, turned out to be super soft. He laughed over Jeongguks silly jokes and Hoseoks smiles and he squealed at Hoseoks present, falling into his boyfriends arms and kissing him.
You waited for everyone to calm down again and settle on the couches before you pulled out the little gift you got for Jeongguk. You didn’t want to make a big deal out of it but you felt like you needed at least something, since he really made your Christmas this year.
“Uhm,” You made nervously pulling on his arm for he was sitting next to you. He looked over and saw the present and his eyes widened.
“What...” He whispered
“It’s really just something small but-" Jeongguk grabbed your hand and pulled you off the couch. He brought you back to the entrance and for a moment you thought you did something wrong but then he searched in the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a little present as well.
“Oh my god.” You mumbled, not expecting this at all. The two of you exchanged the presents.
“It’s really not much, it’s just... You know, I was feeling really down this years Christmas and I never would have thought that it could possibly turn out like this! I’m just really grateful that I met you and that you kind of stuck around I guess and so I wanted to do something in return.” You rambled, a little ashamed but Jeongguk smiled so softly that you couldn’t stop yourself.
“Thank you,” He whispered “but you really didn’t have to. I’m glad that we met, too and that my awkward ass actually managed to talk to you without looking like a complete fool.” You felt suddenly so shy so you just looked down.
“Open it!” You urged and watched how he unwrapped the present. As soon as he had opened it he threw his head back and laughed.
“Oh my, really?” He giggled at the Iron Man hoodie.
“I’m sorry, I had to.” You smiled sheepishly.
“What do you mean? I love it!” He assured, hugging you again.
“Okay, now open yours.” He then said, pulling back. You did as said and gasped as you opened the little box.
“Jeongguk what the fuck?” You whisper yelled and took the small bracelet out.
“I don’t know, it reminded me of you.” He said gently. It was a fine, silver bracelet with a shimmering, tear shaped pearl on it.
“It’s beautiful.” You awed and took it out.
“Wasn’t that super expensive? It’s too much.” You pouted.
“Nah, it wasn’t expensive don’t worry. I want you to have it.” He said, took it out of your hand and put it around your wrist.
“Thank you so much!” You exclaimed and hugged him too, kissing his cheek. His skin was so soft and his scent lulled you in. It was a blissful evening and you wished it would last forever. Jeongguk put his head on yours and you felt him gulp.
“I really like you, Y/N.” He murmured. You froze a bit, your fists clawing in his sweater.
“You... you like me?” You asked dumbly, not sure if you heard correctly. Jeongguk chuckled, tightening his hug.
“Yeah, I do. How could you not notice?” He said rhetorically.
“I don’t know, I just...”
“Will you go on a date with me?” He blurted out and you gasped, pulling back to look him in the eye.
“Why would I joke about this?” He pouted, sounding a little offended and it just made him even cuter.
“Oh my god!” You screeched excitedly. “Of course, I will, you idiot!” He laughed and pulled you in again and suddenly you felt his lips on your own.
“Oh fuck! Oh shit! I’m so sorry, oh my god!” He exclaimed letting you go.
“That was totally too soon and a dickmove. It’s just I wanted to do this for a while now and, and I’m really-"  
You cut him off by pressing your lips against his again. It felt so right that you couldn’t bring yourself to stress over it now. His lips were so soft and tasted sweet from the dessert and you wondered how this Christmas, that was supposed to be so sad and lonely turned out to be the best of them all.
          - A few days later -
“Oh my god, Tae!” You screamed, running over the platform.
“Y/N!” Tae screamed back and dropped his luggage to catch you as you crushed into his chest.
“I missed you so much!” You cried, tears pooling in your eyes.
“Aigoo sweetie, don’t cry! I missed you too!” Tae said and you giggled as you looked up.
“Shut up, you big softie! You are crying yourself!” He rubbed at his eyes with a big grin on his face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Tae said. “Christmas was not the same without you! Anyway, show me that mysterious boy of yours!” A new sparkle appeared in his eyes.
“You are unbelievable!” You rolled your eyes but turned around anyway to discretely point at Jeongguk. He was standing at the staircase of the platform, waiting for them. God, he looked so good in his leather jacket and white tee, a black cap on his head.
“That one.”
“Oh my god, the one in black? With the leather jacket and thighs as big as my head?” You nodded giggling.
“What the fuck, Y/N! He looks like some idol, how did you score him? Tell me your secret!”
“I have actually no idea.” You laughed as Tae picked up his bags again and wrapped his free arm around your shoulders.
“Introduce us, I need to check if he’s a good one.” Your best friend insisted and you rolled your eyes again.
“Ggukie!” You called to catch his attention. The boy looked up immediately but frowned at Tae, once he noticed the arm wrapped around you.
“This is Taehyung, Tae this is Jeongguk.” The two stared at each other for a while.
“Marvel or DC?” Tae asked.
“Marvel.” Jeongguk answered quickly.
“Milk first or cereal first?”
“Milk.” Taes jaw dropped.
“What? Are you serious? Babe, you gotta dumb him, there’s no way he’s a human.” Tae said shaking his head. You poked him in the side with your elbow.
“Oh my god, shut up and leave him alone! Let’s go and eat something instead.” You said, leading them out.
“Fried chicken!” They both yelled at the same time and you giggled. Oh yeah, they’d get along just fine.
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The PenPal
Sorry it’s been so long since the last chapter. Here is the next chapter of The PenPal!
New beginnings
A few days later
*back to Ikuto
               “Iku! Letter!” Shigure said excitedly running from the mailbox outside and into the bed and breakfast.
               “Thanks buddy.” Ikuto said scratching his mess of blonde hair before he bounded off to play with Akane. After Ikuto finished what he was doing he took a small break and rested on a lawn chair outside. “I hope she’s feeling better today.” He muttered to himself as he opened the envelope.
Dear Ikuto,
       I took a tumble down the side of a mountain is all, the doctors just want to make sure that I am perfectly healthy before they let me go. My eyes were severely damaged… so time will tell if I get my sight back. If my sight doesn’t return my dream will remain a dream…
               Ikuto wiped the tears that were streaming down his face as he heard Tsuki’s voice in the distance.
              “Ikuto-kun, you okay?” Tsuki asked her head poking out of a nearby window in the bed and breakfast.
              “I’m fine Tsuki.” He smiled wiping his tears quickly. “What do you need?” He asked.
              “You just look like you need a hug, so,” She grunted climbing over the windowsill and jumping onto the grass before bounding over to where he sat, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. “Feel better?” She asked her bright blue eyes gazing up at him.
              “Much better.” He smiled touching her nose playfully. “Now run off and play cutie.” He chuckled as she bounded off into the distance. Once she was gone he read the rest of the letter.
         It sounds like your parents have their hands full, and I’m sure your siblings like having you around. When I was Shigure’s age I ran around the yard looking for all the bugs and critters I could find to show my dad. He was never happy to see me on those days, but I guess all I wanted him to notice me. That’s another story all together, I don’t want to bore you with that story.  
       That’s a smart idea, you taking online classes especially if you work a lot. I have been so busy with high school and my college courses that I haven’t gotten myself a part time job.
          You write music, that’s really cool I’m kind of jealous I can sing well enough, but can’t write a single cord without it sounding like a dying whale. What genre of music do you write, I’d love to hear it sometime. I don’t doubt that you will be an amazing musician. When you make it big I’ll be sure to buy your first album alright? I’m finally feeling better; the flu has finally bit the dust and I’m on the road to full recover and hopefully out of this sanitary prison they call a hospital. I look forward to hearing from you again soon.
          “Ikuto!” His dad shouted from the back door. “Can you cover the front desk while your mom and I go shopping?”
           “Sure thing dad.” Ikuto said as he slid the letter into his back pocket. “I’ll reply when I have some spare time.”
            A few weeks go by and Kyoko’s letter was still on his desk, waiting a reply. His parents surprised him that night when they came home from their shopping trip. Telling him that they were going to go on a vacation to Kyoto for their twenty-fifth anniversary, so that left Ikuto to take care of his siblings and run the bed and breakfast by himself. Luckily they did have several part time employees that helped take care of the patron’s needs and meals, but they were all still pretty new to the job so Ikuto was there most of the day supervising when he wasn’t otherwise chasing his siblings. With his finals coming up in online school courses he spent most every night after closing up the bed and breakfast studying and waking up to Akame’s nightmares.
            Every morning started with a large cup of coffee just to wake himself up before the chaos of the day. The moment his parents returned from their trip he went to his room for a much-needed nap. After waking up the next morning he finally replied to Kyoko’s letter she sent three weeks ago. “I’m so sorry Kyoko, please forgive me.”
Three days later
*back to Kyoko
               After her confrontation with her father Misaki demanded over and over for Kyoko to be released from the hospital to avoid further injury from him. The staff declined, because they didn’t want to get fired for disobeying Dr. Ootori’s direct orders to keep his daughter here until she is ‘fully recovered’ after a thorough examination by himself. Which everyone knew that he had some really high standards, so Misaki resigned herself to getting the permission to stay the night every night until Kyoko was recovered enough for a release.
               For the past few weeks every day that Misaki came back from the store with no letter Kyoko’s spirits dropped. Every day was a rollercoaster of emotions when she heard Misaki come in her hopes would rise and then quickly plummet, until at long last Misaki rushed in excitedly. “Ikuto finally replied Kyoko!”
               “Great.” Kyoko said gloomily with a hint of sarcasm.
               “Don’t you want to hear what he wrote?” She asked as she set the groceries she bought into the mini-fridge they had in the hospital room.
               “Whatever.” She said.
               “Just give him a chance, I’m sure he has a good reason for not writing you for so long.” Misaki said sitting in the chair on the balcony next to Kyoko.
               “Doesn’t matter.” Kyoko shrugged as Misaki ripped open the envelope.
Dear Kyoko,
         I’m so sorry it took me so long to respond to your letter, my parents went on a surprise vacation for three weeks, so I had to hold down the fort at home and the bed and breakfast while they were away. It was quite tiring.
         I’m so sorry to hear about your accident, I hope you can recover fully soon. Especially your eyes, those are needed to do most everything.
         I’m flattered to hear that you want to hear my music, but I have to say I’m not that good. My mom may call me her little superstar, but I still have a long way to go before I’m star material. I can play any genre on the piano and guitar. With my original songs I tend to lean towards calm and soothing melodies, my teacher calls it smooth pop. Sometimes I use my guitar and sing some big country hits just to mix things up at the bed and breakfast. If you want to hear my music maybe we could video chat sometime, but wait do they allow laptops in the hospital? Or when you are released you can always come over to the bed and breakfast, but we can figure that out later I guess.
         I’m sorry again that it took so long to write back to you, I was just so busy lately, please forgive me.
               After Misaki read the letter Kyoko sat their silently, sighing heavily.
               “You know we could go…” Misaki started.
               “No.” Kyoko argued. “I can’t….” She said pointing at her face, the scars across her eyes that she’s felt so many times she knew there is no way that the whole world wouldn’t notice them the second she stepped outside.
               “You look beautiful as always, and your dad will understand or at least accept your condition one day… we hope.” Misaki said as she walked to the microwave, placing some instant noodles inside. “On another note, I got a call from the service dog agency like you asked me to do, they have a dog that is ready for you to start going through the training with.”
               “Great.” Kyoko said, knowing at least in her situation having a new set of eyes to help her avoid obstacles would be helpful. “When?”
               “I told them to bring the dog here tomorrow as soon as they can.” Misaki said as she grabbed her noodles from the microwave. “This should hopefully help you get some of your independence back.”
               “Yea...” Kyoko sighed heavily. “Dad’s not going to like this.”
               “We can only hope he’ll come to his senses.” Misaki replied. “Hopefully before school starts.”
               “Yea.” Kyoko sighed, desperate to change the topic from her overbearing father.
               “Let’s eat, then we’ll write the letter.” Misaki said as she handed Kyoko her cup of noodles.
               “Ok.” Kyoko replied as Misaki placed a cup of noodles into her hands, handing her a fork since chopsticks are difficult for her.
                After the garbage was thrown away, Misaki pulled out her notepad and pen. “Ready when you are.”    
                Once the letter was written Misaki was so happy to hear from Kyoko’s tone of voice that she was starting to feel just a little bit cheerful. Since finding out what the accident did to her eyesight she barely spoke a word for that whole three weeks. She was still not her normal perky self but she’s at least been less snippy than she was when she first got the news from the doctors. Misaki was filled with hope for the future that Kyoko could have with her new friend that she couldn’t keep tears from flowing.
               “What’s wrong?” Kyoko asked, hearing Misaki sniffle a couple of times.
               “I’m just happy Kyoko.” Misaki said as she slid the notebook and letter into her bag. “Your mom would be so happy for you.” Misaki said.
                 “I hope...” Kyoko smiled gazing softly towards Misaki.
A week later
*back to Ikuto
               He had finally finished off his online classes for the summer semester and was ready to enjoy the rest of the summer writing songs and working when he was needed at the bed and breakfast. He went back to the song he wrote a few weeks ago that was inspired by Kyoko, trying to put lyrics to the tune. He racked his brain for several days whenever he had free time, but no lyrics came to him. As he scrubbed the dishes from dinner one day the mail carrier walked in and set the mail on the bar, seeing Ikuto at the sink behind it.
               “Thank you very much.” Ikuto said drying his hands off as the mail carrier walked back outside. He flipped through the pile of letters until he found one from Kyoko. He smiled as he slid the letter into his pocket, going back to his chores. “I’m hope she isn’t mad at my late response.” He sighed in relief.
               That night after closing up the bed and breakfast he went to his room to read Kyoko’s letter.
Dear Ikuto,
       I was so happy to get your letter, I was worried that you forgot about me…. My friends haven’t visited me this whole two months I’ve been here. On top of that my boyfriend dumped me before I was even out of surgery shortly after my accident, and now he’s married to my best friend. He’s the heir to a large company so the marriage was all over the news so if you have a television you probably saw it…. They both graduated at the end of this school year in May and now… I thought what we had was something special, he told me he would wait until I graduated to propose so my studies wouldn’t be hindered. I guess he only really loved me for my family’s money after all.
My family’s business is Ootori Medical Inc. My father is the CEO of the whole company, which is I guess one reason I’m stuck in this hospital, even though all my injuries have healed.
I’m sorry, didn’t mean to rant about something so trivial, but it’s nice to get it off my chest… I…haven’t really spoken much to anyone lately… The only one that I’ve really spoken to has been Misaki, she’s been like a mother to me since I was born. She’s been my scribe for my letters until my eyes heal.
       Misaki has told me time and again that singing was one of my mom’s favorite things to do. There was a rumor of my mom getting a record deal but was forced to give it up when she married my dad. When I would walk to school I would often sing to my favorite songs, I guess in a way it made me feel closer to the mother I never knew….
I’m sorry, this ended up being a letter of venting, I’ll try to avoid that next time it’s just been a rough three weeks…
Were you able to get any sleep while holding the fort down? If not you should take all the time you need to sleep, I’m sure you’ve earned it. You mother should be giving birth soon shouldn’t she?
I would love to visit the bed and breakfast sometime, I’m sick of this prison of a hospital my dad has forced me to stay in.  
           After reading Kyoko’s letter he sat there, unsure what to think or how to respond. He looked over at the clock by his bed and saw it was already midnight. When did it get so late? He thought to himself as he quickly undressed and went to bed, leaving the letter on his nightstand.
               A few days go by and Ikuto finally had a few minutes to sit down to respond to Kyoko’s letter.  
               “You writing to Kyoko?” His mother asked as Ikuto sealed the envelope, she sat down slowly on the couch next to Ikuto.
               “Yea,” Ikuto smiled as he set the envelope on the table. “Do you think it’s too early to ask her to meet in person?” He asked looking over at his mother.
               “Well you have only known her a couple of months so it’s hard to say, does she want to meet you?” she asked.
               “I’m not sure, she mentioned that it would be nice to get out of the hospital so maybe…?”
               “What is she in the hospital for?” She asked.
               “Well, I don’t know the details, but she was in an accident of some sort and her eyes were severely damaged, they aren’t sure if she’ll see once her eyes are recovered. I should ask her if her eyes are better.” He said as he jotted that down on his notepad.
               “Oh the poor thing…” She sighed.
               “Yea… she seems to be dealing with it in her own way, but I can imagine it’s really hard for her, she wants to be a doctor so she needs to be able to see.”
               “Yea she certainly does, I hope all is well. Any sort of serious injury is hard to deal with at first. Especially if you were in perfect health before.”
               “What should I do?” Ikuto asked.
               “Let me read.” She replied as Ikuto handed her the letter. After reading it she set it down, her hand rubbing the end of her chin in thought. “It sounds like she is in need of a friend Ikuto, her life has just been flipped upside down.”
               “Alright, thanks mom.” Ikuto smiled.
               “Maybe you should wait to ask her to visit till she’s able to.”
               “Alright.” He sighed. “I just don’t want to hurt her, it sounds like she’s been through a lot.”
               “You’re so cute when you worry Ikuto.” His mother chuckled.
               Ikuto’s cheeks flushed red in embarrassment, she was only partially right. He was worried about her, but it felt different than anything he had ever felt before. From his previous rejection he wasn’t ready to admit that this could be the beginnings of love that he was feeling. “I just care for her as a friend.” His blush deepened.
               “Whatever you say Ikuto.” She winked as he left to put the letter in the mailbox.
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