#okay ill shut it
dungeonmechoui · 3 months
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Unprofessional yuri save me.. save me unprofessional yuri.. (image description in alt text)
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sadmages · 7 months
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Finally found a bit for my Durge
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ybcpatrick · 7 months
like i'm so fucking ill about it. the (shipped) gold standard was the last song they needed to play to have performed every single song off of folie à deux live at least once. the record that has caused them the most pain. the one that they avoided like the plague for over a decade after its release, save for i don't care and the occasional instances of disloyal order, what a catch, or 20 dollar nose bleed when they toured with panic! that one time. the one that patrick wouldn't even talk about, for the longest time. it got them booed visciously, it got them dissected by critics, it got them pelted with garbage and glowsticks at shows, it got them stressed and strained to the point of needing to pause all efforts as a band to make sure they could still stay FRIENDS in the wake of it, and now it is the only fall out boy record that they have played 100% of, INCLUDING lullabye and fucking pavlove. and the last song left was (shipped).
you can only blame your problems on the world for so long. i want to scream "i love you" from the top of my lungs, but i'm afraid that someone else will hear me.
(or, they used to be afraid. evidently, not anymore.)
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spicyvampire · 9 months
I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his moans echoed on this audio of a sex tape with one of my best friends' moans that I also immediately recognized on the tape. I would know the sounds he makes while having sex in death, at the end of the world.
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cosmobrain00 · 9 months
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I KNOWWW U GUYS R SICK OF ME ALRDY OKAY I KNOW!!! I got bitten by the au bug n I need to get it out of my system- AND bc I finished my fantasy mike's full design so🫶
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deedala · 11 months
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Ian x Debbie + just hashtag gay ginger middle children things
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biohazzrds · 11 months
Leon the typa guy to ask for a treat after sex
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You know, I can't ever get over the scene where V and Urizen merge. And it's not what you're thinking. It's not cause I was shell-shocked by it (I had it spoiled before playing tee-hee). It's not cause V and Urizen are (basically) never gonna show up again- IT'S BECAUSE VERGIL LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING NURSING HOME PATIENT THAT IS SUFFERING MEMORY LOSS.
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THIS IS THE FACE OF A MAN WHO IS CONFUSED AND UNSURE OF WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. Vergil was out here thinking he was gonna die but fate said, for the 8000nth time, "Fuck you bitch; live goddamnit~✨!"
Tell me I'm not the only one who just dies laughing every time I see this.
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"What- Where am I? Huh, our house looks a lot different than I remember... Why do I remember being dressed like an emo stripper- what is happening---- Oh hey, Dante and *probably* Dante's son." (100% believe that Vergil thought Nero was Dante's)
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kaedescara · 11 months
look . i get the mean dom alhaitham, i do. but hold my hand here for a second:
virgin alhaitham who cries during his first orgasm because he never thought it could feel that good. flustered alhaitham who never took the time from work to experience something beyond a barely platonic relationship and now here you are, touching him in ways that make him burn up. he’s making sounds he’s never made before and god, it’s embarrassing, but he would rather die than ask you to stop
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b0nelessdoodles · 22 days
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fellas, is it gay to get flustered when your colleague wraps his magic around you to keep you out of trouble? 🤔
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pandoraroid · 13 days
another thing i lowkey want at the wedding is the wolves referencing an inside joke... like something from their childhood or teenage years thar still cracks them up to this day. could be something already mentioned before or also something new i'd want it either way.
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Hey yould you hold this for a second?
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Thanks ill take it back now! Nah its juts my creatures, dont worry about them. Theyre doing alright.
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raptureshots · 3 months
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does this even deserve a caption?
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springbon-t-art · 1 year
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The sillies with their comfort foods <3
also a bonus:
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Leave the guy alone, let him enjoy his food >:c
Please do not repost
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cherryblossomriot · 2 years
I think alot about serizawa.
that he's so powerful and so sensitive, and how he's the very common Shonen anime trope of "villain with tragic backstory who just needed friends and is won over to the hero's side after the hero listens to them and shows them kindness" but like, his tragic backstory is so grounded in places others just aren't? like, he just didn't want to hurt anybody, so he hid himself away. that's so simple, yet so poignant and painful, so...normal. its such a common emotion, such a common solution. its not a healthy one or a "good" one, but its all he had...and then at some point, his self-imposed isolation became so hurtful to him that it caused him to become vulnerable to exploitation. to manipulation, and he became a weapon in a never ending cycle of violence, until someone was kind enough to listen to him, to want to help him.
and then i think about the fact that that person was just a child who had experienced the exact same struggle but was provided tools by people who loved him to help manage his problems....and it honestly makes me so emotional. because, like, it's a perfect allegory for how living with mental illness affects people.
serizawa is older than mob, so the society he grew up in didn't know how to handle his powers (mental illness/neurodivergency), but now, as times have changed and society has become increasingly more aware, it opens the pathway for people to find strength together, to have people in their lives that understand that they need kindess, they need love, that their mental illness isnt something bad or wrong.
but even more than that, they know that their differences do not make them bad people, they are not something to be shunned and hidden away, but just something to be worked through. just a unique aspect of how that person is, and it's neither good nor bad, just how they are.
and then i think about how serizawa didn't have anyone like that in his life until he was 30, and how those years of isolation and then manipulation (which caused him to do the very thing he was afraid of), how all of that could have broken him could have made him unloving, could have made him bitter. but instead, he overcame his fears, his guilt, his shame, and under all of that, he's just kind.
when i get really afraid, of myself, of the world, when i want to myself hide away and never leave my bed, my room, i think of him, and i feel so comforted, so much less alone.
what a wonderful man, written so gently, so lovingly. it's so rare to see a grown man with a stigmatized symptom of mental illness depicted in such a kind way, it makes me want to hug ONE through a phone screen.
anyway, uh. yeah katsuya. i think he's pretty neat.
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nebulanightsky · 7 months
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Suddenly remembers their dark experiences with an alternate version of their counterpart
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