#okay might repost when I’m home
gaytobymeres · 10 months
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York train station, a cold November Sunday 2023
Taken on Rollei 35S on Ilford HP5 film
34 notes · View notes
briefinquiries · 2 months
Spencer Reid x Reader: Until You Do
Prompt: You & Reid have unspoken feelings for each other.
Word count: 6.7k
Warnings: blood / injury mention
A/N: This is a shameless repost (still trying to repost my fics since they got deleted. Enjoy :)
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“Sorry I’m late,” Spencer says as he hurries into the briefing room. In one swift motion he slides his bag off his shoulder, laying it gently on the floor beside him, as he takes a seat in the only empty chair around the table. 
Emily nods slightly in response, simultaneously telling Spencer that his lateness was excused, while also encouraging Garcia to continue presenting the team’s current case. 
“Right, um, two people have been murdered outside of Seattle in their homes all within the last two weeks-”
While Garcia continues to speak, you let your gaze wander towards Spencer.  His eyes are intently staring at the picture presented on the screen. He looks okay today, still tired, but not as disheveled as you’ve seen recently. You wonder if maybe he slept in today, and that was why he’d been late to work.  
Prentiss starts talking about the victimology of the case when Spencer’s eyes shift and catch yours. Instantly, you’re flooded with the embarrassment of being caught staring. You swallow the lump in your throat and quickly move your gaze into your hands resting in your lap. You feel Spencer’s eyes linger on you for a few moments longer, all the while hoping that he doesn’t notice the shade of pink your cheeks are slowly turning.  
Focus, you think to yourself.You have a job to do. You turn your attention to the grisly murder scene displayed on the screen and tune back into Garcia’s voice.
“But hold onto your hats, crime fighters, because that’s not even the worst of this whole thing,” she elaborates. “On top of… all the gory things Emily just said, these poor people were all found missing parts of their liver and pancreas.” Her face contorts into a look of disgust, as if just saying the words out loud brought a bad taste to her mouth. “And check this out,” Garcia clicks a button on her remote and brings up a coroner’s report on the screen.
Reid scans the document faster than anyone else. He’s the first to speak. “They were alive when the Unsub cut out their organs.”
Garcia’s sad inhale can be heard throughout the room. “And that is why I am perfectly happy staying in the safe confinement of my bat cave while you all go out and fight evil.”
After Emily calls for wheels up in twenty, the team disperses out of the briefing room, each heading to their desks to gather their to-go bags and whatever other materials they might need for the ride to Seattle. 
“Does Spence look off to you today?” JJ’s voice comes from behind you while you rummage through the top drawer of your desk for your cell phone. She leans against your chair casually and looks towards Reid. He’s standing across the room, clutching his shoulder bag and listening intently to something Matt was saying. 
“What?” you sputter, just the sound of Spencer’s name sending you into overdrive. “How should I know?”
You realize only after the words leave your mouth how defensive they sound. You bite your lip and try to backpedal. “I mean, I don’t know. He seems fine to me.”  
JJ narrows her eyes at you, clearly not buying your act. She is a profiler after all. But before she can interrogate your strange behavior any further, you stand up, grabbing hold of your duffel bag, and brush past her towards the exit. 
The truth is, you’ve had feelings for Spencer for a while now. Longer than you’d like to admit. But you’re barely able to admit that to yourself, let alone anyone else. Especially anyone on the team.  
Your love is unrealistic and unrequited. A combination that is destined for disaster. So, despite everything inside of you screaming for you to act on your feelings, you choose to bury them.  Because that is what’s best for everyone. Everyone except for you.  
Spencer tries not to overthink you staring at him. Or the way your cheeks blushed that beautiful shade of pink when he caught you. He can’t keep getting his hopes up when it comes to you, though. He’s already been let down so many times.  
He thinks back to the very first week you joined the Bureau. God, he was absolutely starstruck as soon as you walked through the door. And if Luke hadn’t commented on the drool pouring down Spencer’s chin, he’s sure his mouth would’ve dropped all the way to his feet.  
He’s even more intrigued the more he gets to know you- or rather, not know you, as time went on. Your incessant need for privacy peaked Spencer’s interest. You are mysterious, and Spencer’s always loved a good mystery. 
“Would you want to get dinner with me tonight?” Spencer had asked you, only a month after you’d joined the team.  
He still remembers how nervous he was, his clammy hands clutching tightly to the strap of his bag. He had to remind himself to breathe or else he might have passed out. 
You barely looked up from the paperwork at your desk before turning him down. “Can’t tonight, I’m playing catch up,” you had said, your voice was void of anything even resembling interest. 
“Don’t give up,” Luke had told him, clapping his shoulder roughly in the elevator. “I think she’s into you. Just ask again in a couple days, maybe she really was just busy.”
Now that his confidence was shaken, it took extra convincing in order to gain enough courage to ask you to dinner a second time.  His stomach was full of butterflies, which Spencer always thought was a stupid analogy until now. But he swears he can feel their wings fluttering around inside of him as he approaches you, putting your coat on and ready to head home. 
“Uh, H-Hi,” he stutters. “Do you want to grab some dinner? With uh, with me?” He can hear the shakiness in his own voice.  
“Sure,” you had replied, looking up just as you finished doing up the last button on your jacket.  You pushed the hair out of your face and smiled at him before turning around to face your coworkers. “Hey- JJ, Pen, Rossi. Spencer and I are gonna grab dinner, you guys in?”
All the butterflies in Spencer’s stomach instantly stilled.
You had made it painfully obvious to Spencer that you were not interested. And he wasn’t one to push. 
Spencer tried getting over you. He tried stifling his feelings, ignoring the way he’d drop anything as soon as he heard your voice, or the way his spirits would instantly be lifted if Emily assigned the two of you the same task during a case. He tried not to notice that your favorite breakfast was toast with avocados or that you always bite your lip whenever you were stressed. And he tried not to pay attention to the fact that you liked your coffee with honey and jiggled your leg whenever you had to sit in one place for too long. Because that’s not the type of thing coworkers noticed about one another. 
But you had a way of always pulling him back in.  Like that morning you brought Spencer a coffee. You had laughed and said the barista messed up your original order, so you got that one for free, honestly it was no big deal. But Spencer tasted the hint of cinnamon and extra cream, and smiled to himself. He spent the entire morning dwelling on the fact that you also knew exactly how he liked his coffee.    
Or, like when he’d catch you gazing at him during the briefing meetings. 
He’s almost sure that it was nothing. He did barge in late, afterall. Everyone stared at him, right?  So why can’t he stop thinking about it?
Seattle lived up to its rainy reputation. From the minute the team lands, the skies were dark with storm clouds.  
Currently, you are all held up at the police station. After coordinating with the captain and deputies, you all start setting up in the back conference room. You work with Matt to start tacking up the info you already knew– pictures of the current victims, lists of possible witnesses all within a three mile radius of each crime scene, and any evidence that had been found.  
Spencer immediately delves into cracking the geological profile, he has his nose practically pressed into the map of the area an officer had provided, seeing things no one else could. While the rest of the team worked through the Seattle PD’s casefiles, Garcia is on speaker phone, the light tapping of her keys can be heard faintly in the background.    
“Garcia, any known connection between the victims?”  
“Not that I can immediately see,” her voice rings through the speaker phone. “Katie is a second grade teacher, Ethan is a personal trainer at the local gym.”
“No gender preference,” JJ says while comparing the driver’s license photos of the victims. 
“No race preference either,” Luke observes. 
“Probably not surrogates,” Rossi drums his fingers together, too many differences.
“We have to be missing something,” Tara’s eyes wander from the photos of the victims.  
“I’ll keep digging,” Garcia assures you all. “I just might need to get my bigger shovel.”
That evening, a third victim is found just across town.  
“Luke, Matt– I want you to head to the dumpsite, canvas the area.” Emily orders. “Y/N, head to the coroner and check if the MO is the same for this victim as it was for the other two. See if you can find anything out about the missing organs. That has to mean something, we just don’t know what yet. JJ, Rossi, can you check out the victim’s house? Maybe we can start narrowing in how these people are all connected. Tara, the victims' family will be here soon. I’d like you to talk to them.”
Emily turns her back towards Spencer. He’s drawing lines on the map. “I’d like you to stay here, Reid. Maybe that third dumpsite can help you narrow down the geological profile.”  
The team all nod in agreement, before beginning to disperse out of the conference room.  
Garcia’s soft voice can be heard through the speaker ordering everyone to “Be safe!”
Once Reid is able to finish up his geological profile, pinpointing the Unsub’s comfort zone within the city, he really starts to feel like they’re closing in.  
“Using the abduction and dumpsites for each victim, I was able to narrow it down to this area,” Reid explains to Emily, drawing the lines on the board. Connected, they formed a small radius. “I think the Unsub lives in one of these three neighborhoods. Matt and Luke are in this area,” he points to one district. “And JJ and Rossi are here,” he points to the second. “If it’s alright, I’d like to head out to the last neighborhood, Medina. I’ll talk to the witnesses there and see what I can find out?”
Emily nods, “Good work, Reid.”
With Spencer gone, Tara and Emily are the only two left at the police station. Emily continues pouring over the evidence while Tara speaks to the victims’ families. About fifteen minutes after Reid leaves the precinct, Emily gets a call on her cell.
“What do you have?” 
“Emily, I think I might have found the connection we were missing between the victims.” You say through the phone. You’re at the coroner’s office still, the bodies of the three victims laid out in front of you. “The doctor said each of the victims had the blood type AB-negative.”
“That’s the rarest blood type,” Emily adds. 
“Exactly. Which could be a coincidence, but the fact that he’s removing organs makes me wonder– what if he’s trying to do a transplant?”
The pieces missing from the profile slowly start to click together in Emily’s mind. “Good work,” she says quickly. “Can you stay on the line for a minute? I’m going to patch Garcia through.”   
“Yeah,” you confirm. You wait a few moments before you hear a dial tone. After only one ring, the line connects. “Garcia, I need you to tell me if any of the names on our lists are suffering from fatal illnesses involving either the pancreas or the liver.”
Emily can hear the clicking of Garcia’s keyboard keys on the other end of the line as she works. 
“Zilch,” she says, disappointment evident in her voice.  
You sigh, but your gut really told you that this was important, so you pressed on. “What about family members of the names on our lists?”
After a few moments of searching Garcia inhales sharply. “There’s a Philip Gardiner on our list and his father, Joseph Gardiner, is currently suffering from stage 4 pancreatitis cancer.”  
There’s a brief pause before Garcia adds, “His medical records show that his father has AB negative blood type.”
“How would he know which victims have the same blood type as his father?” You ask. 
There’s a brief pause before Garcia says, “Philip Gardiner is a medical assistant at the family practice in Medina.”
“Let me guess–” Emily’s voice trails off. 
“All three victims were patients at that practice.”
That’s all that Emily needs. “What’s his address?”
“Already sent to all your phones.”
“Thanks, Garcia.” 
In a haste, Emily dials in the remaining members of the team. One by one, each group answers.  Everyone except for Spencer. His phone hits his voicemail, but Emily continues anyway. 
“Guys, I think we got him. A guy named Philip Gardiner, he was on our list of witnesses. His father has stage four pancreatitis cancer and we think he’s trying to find a healthy pancreas to give to his father.”
Emily looks up the address on the map Spencer so carefully drew out. She runs her finger along the map before finding the exact address.  
Meanwhile, you hear the ping of Garcia’s text ring through your phone. When you check the GPS distance, it says you’re only a mile away. In a haste, you offer the coroner a quick ‘thank you’, before heading out of the medical examiner’s room.  
“I’ve got his address here on the map,” Prentiss explains. Her finger trails around the region of the Unsub’s house, her heart stopping when she realizes that was the area that Reid was going to question witnesses… Alone.  “Penelope,” she says, her voice higher than usual. “Give me the list of witnesses in the Medina area.”   
Garcia begins rattling off a small list of names through the phone. But she inhales sharply after a moment before reading out the name, “Philip Gardiner.”
“Reid went to question the witnesses in the Medina area. He left just over an hour ago,” Prentiss explains.  
“What?” Your voice rings loudly on the line, as you hoist yourself into the SUV. Your entire insides fill with dread. 
“Can we try his phone again,” Matt suggests. 
“I’ve tried three times now, the first time it rang, but now it’s going straight to voicemail,” Garcia says worriedly.  
“Who’s closest to Medina?” Luke asks.  
“I am,” you say, checking your GPS. You’re only a few minutes away from where Reid was. Instantly, you fumble with your keys before harshly turning them and throwing the vehicle into gear. On impulse, you began speeding down the road in the direction of Spencer, pressing the pedal continuously harder.. 
“I want you to wait for backup,” Emily declares sternly. “This Unsub is armed and dangerous, I do not want you going there alone.”
“Emily–” you argue. Your knuckles are growing white with how hard you’re gripping the wheel. The sheer thought of Spencer, alone with that monster, makes you cringe. He had no clue that he was walking into the house of the Unsub– therefore he could have been jumped, or blitzed, or worse… You shake the thought out of your mind and focus instead on the road ahead. 
“Wait for Alvez and Simmons, they’re only ten minutes behind you,” Emily says over the phone.  
You shake your head, even though you know none of them can see you. “No, no, no,” you say, your voice starting to waiver. “No, that’s too long– he doesn’t know–”
“We’re on our way now,” Luke’s voice rings through the line.  
“It’s Reid–” you gasp, your eyes filling with tears. “I can’t leave him in there alone.”  You can’t stand the thought of Reid being hurt, when there’s the possibility of stopping it. If you go there now, you can save him– but if you wait for backup, like Prentiss suggested, he could die. 
“Y/L/N,” Emily states sternly. “I am ordering you to wait for backup, is that understood?”  
You continue speeding down the road, the Unsub’s house just up ahead. You can see Reid’s discarded vehicle parked on the side of the street, confirming what you already knew. He’s there. Your heart clenches in your chest.  
“It’s Spencer–” your voice is just above a whisper. You have direct orders from your supervisor.  Direct orders you know you need to follow, or else there would be serious repercussions. You could be demoted, or transferred, or fired from the Bureau all together. But then you imagine Spencer’s face, and you pictured the crime scene photos from the case. What if Spencer wound up like all those other victims? Cut up and discarded on the side of the road like a piece of garbage? You imagine him in there– alone with the Unsub, wondering if anyone was coming to save him. Yes, you think. You’re coming to save him. “I can’t wait, Emily. I’m sorry.”
You only hear the beginning part of her protest before you end the phone call with a click. You waste no time in launching yourself out of the black SUV, weapon drawn and quickly approaching the front door of the house.  
The drizzle that had been steady since that morning has turned into a hard rain fall. It makes seeing anything around you increasingly difficult. But once you approach the Unsub’s porch, you’re able to take a peek through the windows.  You’re hoping to see any sign of Spencer,  but instead, the curtains are drawn obstructing your view. 
With your heart beating wildly underneath your own chest, you burst through the unlocked door of Philip Gardiner’s home.  
As soon as your eyes adjust to the darkness inside the house, you’re shocked by what you see.  The first thing you notice is Reid. He’s kneeling on the ground with his hands placed above his head. His gun was laying on the ground five feet away from him, discarded like he’d been ordered to drop it. The second thing you realize is that you’re outnumbered. Because not only is Philip Gardiner pointing a gun at Spencer, but his father, Joseph is as well.  
You realize that you just assumed Philip’s father was incapacitated, too sickly and unwell to play any part in these murders. But now you can see that obviously isn’t the case.  
All eyes turn towards you upon your sudden entrance. But you only look at Reid. His sunken eyes widening when he sees you.    
“Put the gun down,” Philip orders, his voice deep and thick with malice. Joseph steps forward and grabs the back of Reid’s head, hoisting it back. He presses the barrel of his pistol right into Reid’s temple.    
“Okay,” you say instantly, trying not to panic. “Okay, okay–” you slowly start to lower your gun.  “I’m putting it down.” Don’t shoot him, don’t shoot him, your mind raced.  
You slide your glock across the floor towards Philip and his father carefully. The younger of the two Unsub’s wastes no time in scooping it up off the floor, before aiming his own gun at you.  
“Why’re you here?” he bellows, his voice shaking with emotion. “Why can’t you people just leave us alone!”
You take a deep breath, a feeble attempt at steadying yourself. “Philip, I’m here to help you,” you say calmly. 
The confusion on his face urges you to continue. “Actually, I’m here to help your father,” you tell him.
“My father?” he asks, his voice littered with skepticism.  
“That’s right, I heard he was sick.”
Philip steps closer to you, the gun never wavering in his hand. “That’s right.”
“I’m here to help. You need a transplant. Pancreas, right?”
Philip’s eyes widen and that’s when you realize you’ve gotten him right where you wanted him.  “Your father is AB-negative, right? That’s the rarest blood type, it’s hard to find a match.”
Your eyes dart to Spencer quickly, who’s still kneeling on the floor. He’s looking at you with desperation and fear plastered over his face. You wish he could read your mind, could hear what you were thinking. You are going to get out of here, you’d tell him. I am going to make sure that you get out of here alive.  
Even if it means I don’t. 
“He can’t help you. He won’t be a match,” you tell them, gesturing towards Spencer.  “But I am.”
“Is this a trick?” Philip asks, his hand was starting to shake from how firmly he was holding the gun. 
“No,” you say, shaking your head in unison with your words. You’re surprised at how calm you’re starting to feel. “No tricks. Just a trade. Let him go, and you can take me instead. Cut me open, take what you want. Just– just let him go,” you plead.  
Philip and his dad both nod slowly.
“Okay,” you say, slowly walking towards the unsubs, your hands raised in the air to show them you aren’t going to play any tricks.  
“What’re you doing?” Reid’s voice is high pitched and panicked. He’s looking frantically at you for answers 
But you ignore him.  
“Let him go,” you urge Gardiner. He nods, and his father uses the fist full of Reid’s hair he still had a hold of to hoist him up on his feet. 
Reid stands, but his eyes remain trained on you. “Y/N, stop– what’re you doing?”
Gardiner grabs a hold of your vest when you’re close enough, tugging you into his embrace. He bars his arm around your neck and plants the gun on your temple. “Go–” he orders Reid.   
Spencer’s stumbling towards the door. “No, no, no–” he stutters. 
“Go, or I’ll shoot her right here,” Gardiner orders. You feel the hard, cold barrel of the gun press deeper into the tissue of your temple, but you still don’t shake. Spencer is going to be safe, you think. That’s all that mattered.  
Reid’s eyes are wide and watery. He’s looking at you wildly, like his genius brain can’t comprehend anything that’s happening.   
But you nod towards him reassuringly. “Spencer, it’s okay,” you tell him, surprised, yet again, by how calm you feel. “Go, it’s okay.” 
It was an easy choice sacrificing yourself for Spencer. The concept of death was scary, but the idea of losing Spencer? That was just unbearable. Plus, there’s no doubt that he’s infinitely more valuable to the team than you are. You know they’d mourn your loss. But they’d get over it, you were replaceable with any other agent. But Spencer? That would leave a wound no other profiler could fill. 
You catch one last glimpse of Spencer before Joseph Gardiner's dad escorts him outside of the house. As the door shuts, ensuring Reid is safe, you’re finally able to exhale the breath of air you’ve been holding in. Spencer is going to be okay.  
“Come with me,” Gardiner orders gruffly. He grabs you by your elbow and drags you towards the back of the house. You stumble on your feet, trying to keep up with his pace. Gardiner leads you all the way through the hallway, around a corner, and through the sliding back door. The exit leads to a deck on the back of the house. It looks old, with chipped red paint and clutter scattered all around it.  
You make your way across it and down a few stairs. When your feet hit the ground, they squish from impact on the wet grass beneath them. Gardiner leads you just a few feet forward. Attached to the back of his house is a cellar door. He undoes the latch before hoisting it open, revealing a pitch black basement. 
“Get in,” he orders, pointing the gun right between your shoulder blades.  
You hesitate briefly, which proves to be a costly mistake. Gardiner hoists the pistol back and rams it into the side of your head. Your entire body whips forward and you stumble on your feet.  “I said get in!” he screams. 
As you feel the blood already trickling down your temple, you nod.  
Taking one step forward, you begin descending into Philip Gardiner’s basement.  
The first thing you do when you’re fully inside is gasp at the smell. It ensnares all of your senses, completely overwhelming you. The back of your hand pressed against your nose does little to mask it.  
Gardiner climbs into the basement after you and turns on a light, illuminating the horror scene in front of you. There are surgical tools and blades on a metal tray wheeled next to a bed with restraints. The bed has dark, crimson blood still on it.  
You’ve walked into horror scenes, much like this one, a countless number of times. But now that you knew this scene was set for you, it sent unsettling shivers down your spine. Better you than Spencer, you remind yourself. The thought makes you instantly feel calmer.  
Gardiner grabs a pair of zip ties on top of the shelf and throws them towards you. “Put them on,” he orders. You nod, and quickly obey him, your head still throbbing from the last time you hesitated. 
Now that you’re restrained, Philip steadily works to set up equipment by placing a wide variety of tools on the metal tray. You realize that he was getting ready to kill you.  
Despite the obvious fear running through your veins, your mind slowly begins to wander to Spencer. The look on his face when Joseph hauled him out of the room, away from you, is burned into your mind. The hurt, the fear, and the confusion all on full display. But he is safe now, and that is all that mattered. 
You wonder if Spencer would figure out why you took his place tonight. You wonder if he’d realize that it wasn’t even an option for you not to, that you had no other choice. You wonder if he knew you couldn’t live without him, or would ever want to.
Philip Gardiner continues stalking around the room. The knives laid out on display make you nauseous. You combat it by taking slow, deep breaths, all while repeating the mantra in your head; he was safe. 
Except suddenly, your mantra is interrupted when the latch to the cellar door bursts open with a bang. Two tall, muscular figures descend down the stairs and into the cellar, their guns drawn.  
“Drop it,” Luke orders sternly, he’s moving in towards Gardiner with a look of pure hatred on his face. Philip raises his hand above his head, the scalpel still clutched tightly in his grasp. But Luke is quick to disarm him before grabbing a pair of handcuffs and clicking them around Gardiner’s wrists.   
Matt, meanwhile, attends to you. He uses his knife to break through the zip ties that have managed to almost cut all the circulation off from your wrists.  
“Let me see,” he says softly, tending to the cut on your forehead. You only now realize that the blood oozing from it had mostly dried, caking itself to the side of your face.    
“I’m fine,” you grumble, trying to stand up. Luke drags Gardiner past you and Matt and up the stairs.  
“That doesn’t look fine,” Matt says. “You’re going to need stitches.”
“It’s not that bad,” you say, raising your hand to touch the wound. Despite your efforts, you wince at the contact. As you finally make it to your feet, you’re woozier than expected. You waiver slightly in place, your head spinning.   
“Easy,” he says, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.  
“Said ‘m fine,” you grumble again.  
Matt nods and adds sarcastically, “Whatever you say.”
He leads you out of the basement, his hand never leaving your shoulder. It’s not until you’re outside, in the cool night air, when you see an entire scene unfolding around you.  
All four of the black SUV’s are parked outside the Unsub’s house– yours with the driver’s side door still wide open from when you’d previously left it in a haste. There’s also an abundance of squad cars gathered, their lights flashing blues and reds, reflecting grimly in the dark. There’s two ambulances parked near the road, two medics rushing frantically towards you.   
“Where’s Reid?” you ask Matt, your eyes searching the crowd for him. 
“Medic’s checking him out right now. He’s okay though.”
You sigh a breath of relief, exhaling tension that you didn’t even realize was still inside of you.  That’s all that mattered. You can handle everything else. 
At least that’s what you thought. You groan when you see Emily jogging over, her vest still strapped on.  
After disobeying her direct orders, you immediately know you were in for it. 
“Matt, how is she?” she asks, refusing to actually look at you. 
“Banged up, possible concussion– I think she’ll need stitches.”
“I can hear you,” you say, wondering why the two of them were talking about you like you were unconscious, or not even present. 
“Get her to the medics,” Emily orders. “We’ll talk later,” she says, her dark eyes piercing yours. 
You nod slowly. You’d gone against her wishes and broken her trust. The adrenaline that had previously been rushing through your body prevented you from originally seeing that. But the rush is starting to fade, and in its wake left a tremendous amount of guilt and shame. You never meant to cross Emily. You had only wanted to save Reid. She had to understand that, right?  
Either way, you made a choice, and now you’d pay the consequences. But it was an easy choice. One that you would make over and over again. Because you’d always choose Spencer, no matter what.  
Matt only lets you go when the medics reach you. They lead you the rest of the way to the ambulance, where you sit on the edge of the back door. The EMT wraps a coarse blanket around your shoulders before starting an exam. He shines lights in your eyes, asks you repetitive questions, and checks your wound. After a while, you zone it all out.  
Until you see him. 
He’s walking past the second ambulance with his hands stuffed in his pants pockets. He has a small bandage placed just above his left eyebrow. You gaze at Spencer, checking him over. He looks okay, other than the bandage, he’s unharmed. You exhale another breath of relief. When he locks eyes with you, you can’t help but smile.  
He keeps his gaze locked on yours, but he doesn’t smile back. Instead, his face remains stoic and serious, his eyes glaring with anger, before looking away. He turns on his feet and walks towards one of the black SUV’s, climbing into the front seat and snapping the door shut  Your smile quickly melts away. 
On the plane ride home, you take a seat directly across from Spencer.  He’s got his nose already stuffed in a book. He doesn’t even glance up when you sit down.  
“Spencer,” you say, trying to get his attention.  
But he ignores you.  
“Reid,” you huff, quickly growing frustrated by his silence. 
Spencer snaps his book shut suddenly and stands up from his seat. Without so much as a single glance he strides across the jet and finds a seat next to Luke and Matt. He crosses one leg over the other and opens his book back up again, going back to his literature like nothing had just happened– like he hadn’t just ripped out your entire heart. 
You’re in the process of biting back tears when Emily replaces Reid’s seat directly across from you. You tuck your feet up on the seat and wrap your arms around yourself, trying to take up less space, or better yet, disappear altogether. 
For a moment, neither one of you speaks.  
After a few seconds, Emily sighs. “How’s your head?” she asks, breaking the silence.  
“It’s fine,” you mumble. That’s a plain lie. Your head throbs. But it’s nothing compared to the ache inside your chest.    
“You were out of line.” Emily states calmly.     
“I know,” you whisper, refusing to meet her gaze. 
“I gave you a direct order–”
“I know,” you repeat. 
“When I give you an order, I need to be able to trust that you’re going to follow it. If this team doesn’t have trust, this team doesn’t have anything.”
You nod, your cheeks flushing hot. She’s putting you on the spot, and speaking loud enough for the entire jet to hear. You deserve it though, you know you did. 
Emily lets out a sigh, her tone suddenly softening and her voice growing quiet.  “What were you thinking?” 
You bite your lip harshly, fighting to hold back the sob boiling in your chest. You wipe your cheeks feverishly before replying. “I was thinking better me than Spencer,” you whisper. “I’m replaceable. He’s not.”
Emily shakes her head.  “You are important to this team.”
You stare down at your lap, unable to truly hear the words Emily was saying. 
But she reaches across the gap and gathers your hands in hers. “Listen to me,” she says sternly. You finally gather up enough courage to look up. “You are important to this team.”  She repeats the words slower and enunciates them more. 
You slowly nod, letting them seep into your skin. You aren’t sure if you believed her, but it’s a start. 
“Okay,” you say. Slowly, you pull your hands away.  
“Do you want to tell me what else is bothering you?” she asks gently. 
You bite your lip harder. You aren’t sure if you can trust yourself to speak without crying.  
“I did it for him,” you finally say. “Because I wanted to keep him safe. But now he’s so angry at me.”
Emily scoffs at your statement, making you narrow your eyebrows in confusion at her.  
“Yeah, right,” she says, amusement dancing in her words. 
“He won’t even look at me,” you say quietly. “I mean– I get why you’re mad at me,” you admit. “I disobeyed your orders, I broke protocol– you could’ve gotten in trouble if anything had happened. But I don’t understand why he is too,” you admit, your voice breaking slightly. “I was just trying to do the right thing… And now he hates me for it.”
Emily shakes her head. “I may not know much, but what I do know is that Spencer Reid isn’t capable of hating you.”
Reid hurries off the jet before you’re able to talk to him, which is what you’d been planning since taking off in Seattle. You groan and wonder if maybe you should just give him space. Clearly that’s what he wants.  
But, when you’re back inside the BAU, cleaning out your desk. Just as you’re about to go home, you look up and see him in the briefing room. Through the glass, Spencer’s thin frame can be seen cleaning up some case files that were left on the table. His back is to you and suddenly, the idea of cornering him in there entered your mind. He has to hear you out, he has to understand why you did what you did.  
Before you can chicken out or change your mind, you hurry upstairs and hoist open the glass doors to the room. Spencer turns around, your sudden entrance jumping him. His face actually looks angrier when he realizes it’s you entering his space. 
“Spencer–” you say, your voice already cracking. You aren’t sure how you’re going to do this. 
“What?” he snaps back harshly, the first words he’s spoken to you since the event. His eyes are sunken and tired, his hair disheveled and messy– still you don’t think you’d ever seen someone so beautiful in your entire life.  
“What did I do?” you plead. 
“Are you kidding me?” he says in disbelief.  
“I just– I was trying to do the right thing,” you explain. 
But Reid cuts you off. “You completely disobeyed Emily’s orders,” he takes a step closer to you.  “You were reckless and selfish and stupid and–”
Your eyes widen. “Selfish?” 
“Yes, selfish!” he bellows, his hands raising in frustration. “You broke protocol. And willingly put yourself into the arms of an Unsub, just so that you could play the hero!”
“I was not trying to be a hero!” you start to raise your own voice in defense. 
But Spencer shakes his head. “Then why’d you do it?”
By now, you’re biting your lip so hard you can taste blood. The anger and frustration you’re feeling towards Spencer left a bad taste in your mouth. Why can’t he understand, why can’t you make him understand?
Did you have to spell it out?
“I did it because I couldn’t stand the idea of something bad happening to my team,” your voice is low. “Even if that meant something bad had to happen to me.”
Spencer stands still, his gaze never softening. After a few moments you speak again. “It worked, didn’t it? I don’t get why you’re so upset–”
In a rushed tone, he blurts out, “I’m upset because you put yourself in danger! I could have lost you!”
Spencer’s words take you back. And you find yourself speechless. Your face immediately softens as you try to absorb what he said, but you’re exhausted and concussed and honestly, don’t trust your own judgment at the moment. 
All you can manage to mutter out is a soft, “Oh.”
Spencer’s anger seems to slowly be melting into just plain sorrow. It hurts to see him looking like he’s in pain. 
“Why would you sacrifice yourself like that?” he asks, his voice is gentler now. 
“Because,” you whisper. It seems like you do have to spell it out for him. “Because that seemed more bearable than the idea of anything happening to you.” The words spilled out of you uncontrollably. You've kept your feelings a secret from Reid for so long, you’re afraid what would happen if you finally revealed them. “The truth is… I’m kind of in love with you. And I couldn’t live with myself if anything ever happened to you.”
At that, Spencer's mouth fell open slightly, like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  
He takes another step forward, and in that moment, for the second time that evening, you wish you could disappear, just dissolve into nothingness, out of sight. You’re feeling so vulnerable, so exposed, you wish you could take the words back– just suck them right back into your mouth and keep them there, a secret forever. 
But Spencer speaks softly, interrupting your thoughts. “What?”
You shake your head. “Don’t make me say it again–”
“I love you too.”
You hear it– but you don’t believe it. Because it can’t be true. 
“Please,” you whisper, wondering if this was just some cruel joke. There is no way Spencer could love you back. “Don’t mess with me. I can’t take it, not from you.” 
Reid shakes his head. “I swear to you, I would never joke about something like this.” 
He takes another step forward and reaches his hand out, touching your cheek softly. His fingers graze your jaw line. “I am in love with you, and I have been for quite some time. Pretty much since the first day I met you. That’s why I was so angry today– imagine if I’d done that to you– taken your place in that house– forced you to leave me with that monster.”
Just the thought made your blood start to boil. The idea of Spencer actually loving you back was just over the horizon– the thought that maybe it’s true was within reach. 
You bite your lip nervously, the feeling of Reid’s thumb gliding across your skin sends shivers down your spine. “I don’t know if I can believe you,” you whisper. 
“Then I’ll just keep telling you,” Spencer says softly. “Until you do.”
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arieslost · 7 months
home to you | op81
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oscar piastri x fem!reader
summary: oscar does what he should’ve done a long time ago.
word count: 2,978
warnings: healing sunburn right at the beginning, a touch of angst
masterlist — join my tag list here!
this is a PART TWO! read part one here :)
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Your sunburn is peeling.
Oscar’s been watching you absentmindedly pick at it for the last ten minutes as you recount your day to him. He’s paying attention to what you’re saying, of course, but now he’s worried that you might accidentally hurt yourself.
“Stop doing that,” he says when you pause to catch your breath, reaching for his phone as if he could put his hand through and stop you himself.
“What?” You frown, and then look at your shoulder. “Oh, right. It’s weirdly satisfying though.”
“This is why you can’t go to the beach by yourself.” Oscar sighs. “You never put on enough sunscreen.”
“I know,” you reply quietly.
As much as both of you have tried, neither of you can help the awkward undertones that seep into every silence you share now. Oscar knows you love him, and you know that he doesn’t feel the same way.
You think he doesn’t feel the same way.
When he saw that look on your face that morning in the kitchen, it reminded him of the way he stared at you on prom night. Oscar didn’t get asked to the senior prom, but you did, and you had turned the offer down. Oscar asked you why, and you told him that you only wanted to go with him, otherwise you weren’t going. You’d dragged him back and forth from your table to the dance floor all night long, and it all would’ve faded into the mush of fleeting high school memories if your favorite song hadn’t come on. Oscar remembers every detail of how your eyes lit up, how you cried, “I love this song!” even though he knew you did, and how you’d grabbed his hands and started dancing with a refreshed energy. He felt like time had stopped and his world revolved around you, and it felt right.
So yeah, he knew the moment you gave him that look that not only did he still love you, but you finally, finally felt the same way. And, for the second time, he’d epically fucked it up.
He often wishes that he could go back and confess to you like he wanted to that night. You’d stayed over because you were too tired to drive home. You were both single. It was the perfect time. But now it’s four years later and he’s sitting in the hotel bathroom on the other side of the world, his girlfriend asleep in the hotel bed, and you on the other end of his phone screen picking at your sunburn that he could’ve prevented had he spent more time with you on vacation.
“You doing okay, Osc?” You ask, pulling on a hoodie of his that you stole from him before he left for his very first F1 race. “Aside from the races, I mean. I know you’re doing great with those.”
“Yeah, I’m alright.” The words come out with practiced ease. “I’d rather hear about how you’re doing though.” I miss you like you wouldn’t believe.
“I think I’ve told you everything like five times now,” you giggle. “I could tell you about the guy that came up to me in the grocery store this afternoon and took a painstakingly long time to ask for my number, but that’s not a long story.”
Oscar’s heart stops. “What?” He replies, teeth gritted, before he clears his throat and lightens his tone. “I mean, what?”
“Yeah, it was kind of strange. He started the conversation by asking me how you were doing, obviously, because you’re so cool and famous-” Oscar flips you off when you roll your eyes, and you laugh. “Anyway, I guess that was his icebreaker, because then he just abruptly segued into grilling me right there in the cereal aisle about my life and how he ‘couldn’t believe he’d never seen me before.’” You recount dramatically. “I’m telling you, Osc, it was nonstop cheesy line after cheesy line. I felt so bad for him I let him have my number.”
“So, he used me as an in and then harassed you until you gave him your number?”
You nod slowly. “Pretty much.”
“You better not actually be considering going out with this guy.” Oscar scoffs.
“Oh, no, I’m not!” You rush to clarify, and he can see a faint blush rising on your cheeks. “I mean, it’s not like I’m waiting for anyone-anything. He was just weird. I only gave him my number so he’d leave me alone… I blocked him when he texted me.”
“You’re horrible,” he starts laughing now, relieved that this guy never even stood a chance. “I love it.”
“You’re supposed to be encouraging me to get out there and find a boyfriend, loser. Brush up on the best friend manual.” You complain, pulling the hood over your head and hiding your face from him so he can’t see how much it hurts to think about finding someone that isn’t him.
He doesn’t notice anyway; he’s distracted by the sound of the covers moving and his girlfriend yawning.
You hear it too, and glance up at the camera. “You have to go?”
His heart breaks at how sad you look. “Yeah, sounds like she’s actually waking up this time. Sorry, honey.”
You shrug, and he knows you’re trying to appear unbothered. “It’s okay. We got, what, an hour and a half? That’s a whole extra 45 minutes or so.”
“You’re allowed to tell me how you really feel, y’know.”
“Damn it, Oscar. You just see right through me. I don’t know why I even bother.” You sigh, covering your face with your hands.
“I don’t know why, either,” he attempts to joke. “Look, I-”
“Oscar? Where are you?” His girlfriend calls, and you stiffen up at the sound of her voice.
“Be there in a minute!” He responds, turning his attention back to you. “I’ll call you again as soon as possible, okay?”
“Bye, honey.”
“Bye, Osc.”
You hang up first.
“I love you,” he whispers to his blank phone screen, and gets up to start his day.
You say it back to your own blank screen and go to sleep.
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Oscar comes to the steadfast conclusion that he wants you and only you at his side at his home race, and not as a friend.
Breaking up with his girlfriend still looms over him. He lies awake for way too long at night trying to figure out the nicest way to do it, but his thoughts always end up taking a detour to you and how he wishes it was you sleeping next to him instead.
Despite the struggle going on in his mind, he goes through the motions of PDA with her for all the cameras and other drivers in the paddock to see. Lando is the only one who realizes what his issue is.
“Mate, you have to figure this out.” The older driver said out of the blue as they were lounging in McLaren hospitality after qualifying.
“Huh?” Oscar frowned at him, tearing his eyes away from his texts with you. “I know I fucked up that quali, but it’s not like I can’t improve.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about, you muppet.” Lando rolled his eyes, and said your name like it’s obvious. “You just have to break up with the girl you’re with now so you can have the girl you really want.”
“You say that like it’s so simple.” Oscar mumbled, looking at the text from you that had just come in.
Just focus on the race, Osc. Quali’s behind you, it doesn’t matter anymore. I’ll be cheering you on, what could possibly go wrong??
“It is, if you think about it. Besides, you’ve been acting so weird lately she might already think something’s up.”
“Gee, thanks. That makes me feel a lot better.” Oscar groaned, sinking lower into his chair.
“Always here for you, mate.”
“I was being sarcastic.”
“I don’t care.”
That enlightening conversation gets Oscar to finally work up the courage to tell his girlfriend those dreaded words following the race– “We need to talk.”
He waits until they’re in the hotel room after dinner to say it so there’s no audience, primarily because he knows that she’s prone to throwing fits when things don’t go her way. The memory of her losing her mind when he took you to breakfast during vacation comes screaming back to him at the speed of light.
She doesn’t say anything at first; instead, she takes her time removing her shoes and taking the pins out of her hair. Oscar can’t stand the silence, so he starts speaking again.
“It’s about-”
“I think I know what this is about.” She interrupts him.
“You do?”
“I’d have to be stupid not to know, Oscar. You’ve been off for the past few days, it’s only with me, and every time I wake up you’re hiding in the bathroom on the phone.” She holds up a hand when he opens his mouth. “I know it’s her, and I’ve known since that vacation. You don’t have to tell me.”
“You’re… you’re not gonna yell?” He can’t hide the surprise in his voice.
“It won’t get me anywhere, will it?”
“It never did.”
She smiles matter-of-factly. “I guess I have to work on that.”
She packs her things without argument. Oscar offers to buy her a plane ticket somewhere, but she waves him off and thanks him anyway before walking out the door.
The Australian Grand Prix is in two weeks. Oscar doesn’t think before he calls you.
“I’m coming home. I need to see you.”
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Your heart has been in your throat ever since Oscar called you this morning. He was so hasty that he didn’t even tell you when he was coming, so every little movement you see outside your window has you running to see if it’s him or not.
He doesn’t show up until almost 9:30 at night. You can hear the engine of his car as he flies through your neighborhood with practiced ease and nearly drifts into your driveway. Your stomach is jumping with nerves and excitement; you didn’t think you’d see him for another two weeks, and despite the awkwardness that your feelings have brought to your friendship, you want nothing more than to hug your best friend.
He starts impatiently knocking on the door as you nearly trip down the stairwell in your rush to let him in.
“Hold on!” You shout, fingers shaking as you unlock the door and wrench it open. “Are you trying to break my door?”
“Jokes later, let me hold you,” he says, reaching for you and meeting you in the middle of the doorway as he pulls you into his chest for a tight embrace.
You melt into him immediately, your arms wrapped around his neck and your nose pressed to the warm skin that peeks out of his hoodie. “I can’t believe you’re here,” you mumble, squeezing him.
He shivers, kissing the top of your head. “I’m here, baby.”
I’m sorry, baby. You think about that so much that it shouldn’t hurt anymore. It sobers your mood a little.
“Why, though?” You ask, pulling away a little to look at him. “Don’t you have things to be doing?”
“I may have forced them to clear my schedule by coming home without telling anyone.”
“Oscar!” You exclaim. “Why? You could get in trouble!”
“Can we talk inside?”
“Yeah, of course. C’mon.” You take his hand and lead him into your house.
He takes off his shoes, leaves his suitcase in the hall, and goes to your living room on autopilot, where he flops down on the couch and lets out a long breath. You sit next to him, knees bumping together as you look at him with a reasonable amount of concern. “You’re acting weird. What’s wrong with you?”
“I broke up with her.” He says, rolling his head to the side so he’s looking at you. “So, nothing’s wrong with me.”
“Bullshit, Osc, it seemed to me like you really liked her.”
“You didn’t, though.”
“Who cares what I think?” Your brain fully computes his words. “Wait- actually, no. I’m not even going to act surprised by the fact that you knew that.” You sigh.
“I care what you think. I care about you. A lot.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“I don’t think you do.” He sits up straighter now, turning his whole body to face you. “Like, in a romantic way.”
You blink at him a couple times. “No you don’t.”
“I don’t?” He repeats incredulously.
“You can’t. You don’t.” You say. “You’re lying.”
“I’m lying?” He says through a laugh. “You’ve known me your whole life. When have I ever lied to you?”
You press your lips together. The only time he’s ever lied to you is when he planned your surprise parties. “I’m gonna need you to do a really good job explaining yourself, otherwise I’m kicking you out. You can’t do this to me, Oscar, you know how I feel-”
“Yes, I do, and I’d love to explain if you’d stop spiraling for a second.” He interrupts, taking your hands to ground you.
You’re once again having the dilemma of wanting to push him away and pull him closer simultaneously. The pressure of his hands holding yours succeeds in calming you, so you allow it.
“The whole reason I knew how you felt in the first place is because of the way you looked at me in the kitchen. You didn’t notice, but I looked at you the exact same way at the prom.” He says, gauging your reaction by how your face contorts slightly as you try to remember the prom at all, aside from the fleeting memory of forcing him to slow dance with you. “That feeling like time stops? Like-”
“Like I got hit by a truck,” you recall, looking down as he runs his thumbs over your knuckles.
“Right.” He nods. “Look, the bottom line here is that I screwed up by not telling you then, and if I had, we would’ve been dating for years at this point and this conversation wouldn’t even be happening.”
You feel like you look like a fish out of water with how your jaw is opening and closing, searching for something to say in response. “Osc-”
“If this makes you change your mind, I get it.” He continues. “But the whole reason I came here is to tell you that I love you. I’m in love with you and I have been since we were 18.”
You go to muster up something to say in response when he says one more thing. “Oh, and I’m tired of only being able to see you through the phone. That’s the other reason.”
You can’t help it– that, paired with his polite cat smile, his flushed cheeks, and his confession has you dissolving into giggles. That quickly morphs into laughter that sends you leaning so far forward your head is practically in Oscar’s lap, but he doesn’t seem to mind because he’s laughing too.
“I hate you so much,” you gasp out, pushing yourself back up so you can look at him when you tell him the complete and total truth. “I’ve been in love with you since we were 14.”
“Shit, that means I have eight years to make up for, not four.”
“Sucks to suck.” You say, easily falling back into your age-old banter.
“You sound like Lando,” he says, wrinkling his nose. “And I was gonna ask if I could kiss you.”
“Ah, shoot. I ruined it.”
“Hmm, no. I’m gonna ask you anyway.” He shifts closer to you, brushing your hair out of your face with both hands. “Can I kiss you? Please?”
You start nodding before he even finishes asking, maybe too enthusiastically, but it’s Oscar. He knows you. He wants you. You don’t need to be embarrassed.
The press of his lips against yours is soft, gentle. You always thought that if you ever kissed Oscar it might be too weird, but the only thing you feel now is right.
It feels right to thread your fingers into his hair. It feels right to let him tug you closer, closer, closer, until you have no choice but to straddle him so you can be as close as he wants you. It feels right when his hands slip under your shirt and lightly run over the skin of your back, when his tongue meets yours, when you give his hair an experimental tug and he moans into your mouth.
The only thing wrong about it is that you have no choice but to break the kiss in order to breathe, but even then you don’t move far from each other, breaths mixing in the minimal space between you both.
“We could have been doing that for a long time,” Oscar sighs, throwing his head back against the couch.
“We have all the time in the world now that we stopped being idiots and confessed.” You point out.
“D’you think you can come to the race in a couple weeks? We can take it slow with this, no one needs to know… I just want you to be there.” He asks.
“Of course, Osc, are you kidding?” You run your hands over his shoulders and down to where his hands rest on your hips. “Though, if you win, I can’t promise no PDA or anything.”
“I’d expect nothing less from my girlfriend.” You can feel him tense up a little, like he’s expecting you to react negatively, but he relaxes immediately when your smile lights up your whole face and you kiss him again.
“I love you,” he whispers against your lips.
“I love you,” you whisper back.
No one else needs to hear it just yet. You only need to tell each other.
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note: i sincerely hope this made up for any tears i may have caused with the angst in the first part. this is the first time i’ve ever been inspired to write a part 2, and i think it’s because i desperately needed it to end happily. thank you so much for all the love on falling for you; i never expected it to get as much attention as it did!
requests are OPEN, and my inbox is always open for comments, criticism, and conversation! feel free to pop in!
reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
dividers by @/saradika !
tags (i’m sorry if i couldn’t tag you!): @venusacrossthestars @67-angelofthelordme-67 @emails-i-can-send @nelly187 @cixrosie @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @imheretoread @mellowarcadefun @yourbane @monsieurbacteria6 @c-losur3 @papayatori @ssprayberrythings @namgification @maih23 @evlkking @witchycarmen @ilovethispookie @maxverstappenfan79 @sya-skies @niallerswolf @fangirl-dot-com @hood-jabi @vellicora @k-pevensie28 @cami26cami @arian-directioner @vildetry06 @hauntedphotographybookstaco @bigheartsthings @northpizzasposts @notturlover @riv3rbank @gesfjjsl @oliveisunstable @lily1sposts @sadbut-true0 @lilcowboy0 @alltoowelltaylor @kimis-gloves @superheroreader @alexmarie29 @anedpev @lalalaphie @waitingforsmartpeople @arrowenchantress @zillygoose @its-cat-eyes @gxllumsriddles @fionaschicken @mrsgeorgerussell63 @bre013 @lizzypiastri @blldsnjs @samantha-chicago @homosexualjohnwayne @opheliabluewolff @catbat011 @drivelikeiido @what-is-happening-helpp @decafmickey @tania2748 @steviesscoops @annahowardsworld
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izvmimi · 7 months
three for one - izuku x reader
cw: children mention. pregnancy mention. husband izuku, married female reader. reader wears a dress. a/n: a repost!
“I’ll be home in an hour. I can’t wait to see you.”
You smile ear to ear as you hang up, still savoring the sound of his voice, but in the immediate silence thereafter, the trepidation you’ve been feeling for the past month and a half resurfaces.
You let out a sigh as you set your cell phone onto the dinner table and return to the stove, turning pork cutlets that sizzle in oil and stirring a pot of soup. Rice steams in the cooker on the countertop, and the smell of Izuku’s favorite foods fill your home.
It smells heavenly, but you’re exhausted, and while the thought of the joy in his expression spurs you forth, you consider for a moment if you should have just aimed for takeout and an evening cuddling on the couch. The fact remains however that you haven’t seen your husband in two months and if you plan to give him life-changing news, you should probably do it over a home-cooked meal, even if he wouldn’t care either way. 
After all, you’ve been hiding the truth from him for months now, and you can’t possibly any longer.
Your belly turns a little, and you worry that you might throw up again before you see him. The table is set by now, and you clean up as much as you can of the kitchen, hoping that the sound of running water calms your nerves.
Before long, Izuku makes it home, right on time, and he’s a whirlwind of motion and joy - his bags go flying out of his hands, as he whisks you into his arm, nearly smothering you with an embrace.
“God, I missed you.”
He spins you as you reply the same, and you can’t help but laugh and squeeze silly tears from your eyes as you wrap your arms tighter around his neck. Your Izuku is back, safe, and you couldn’t be any more grateful. 
“I’m so happy you’re okay,” you say in a voice that’s thick with affection. Your lips meet quickly and don’t separate, engrossed in a dizzying kiss. Your hands run through his messy waves and once your lungs all scream for air, he buries his head into your neck, making a show of inhaling your scent.
“I missed you so much,” he repeats, kissing your cheek. “So much.”
More kisses pepper your skin, and you blink back a few tears, and nod somewhat embarrassed.  You’ve learned to be comfortable with his love language heavily reliant on touch. When he finally pulls back to look at you again, his smile is wide and innocent as usual, familiar and comforting.
Your Izuku, back for you. No scars, no injuries, you are thankful. 
Once he’s finally set you down completely, he begins to tell you excitedly about his adventure, but you don’t miss the gentle yet protective hold on your arms, and the careful once-over, where his eyes quickly scan your body for bruises and other injuries. It’s a habit he’s picked up over time that’s made it nearly impossible to hide your clumsiness from him (something that further reinforces the behavior). It makes you particularly nervous today however, given the circumstances.
Today you wear a baggy dress with an undershirt that covers your arms, the changes your body has undergone in his absence much less evident, but he can still see the anxiety that underlies the excitement in your eyes.
If he does notice, he doesn’t say anything immediately, opting again to kiss you on the forehead, and pet your hair gently.
“Were you good while I was gone?”
The warmth in your cheeks returns, and you nod but give him a playful punch on his shoulder anyway for the paternalistic remark. He grins, then changes the subject although he too is a bit nervous, your slightly muted behavior getting to him. His eyes glide over to the rest of your apartment finally, and then to the dinner table, lighting up immediately.
“Oh my God, that looks amazing.”
He moves over to the dinner table to peruse the wars; you follow him quickly, tension dissipating slightly with the discussion of food. 
“It better taste amazing too,” you joke, bumping himn on the hip. He takes the liberty to go one step forward and pat you on the ass before running off to the guest bathroom to wash his hands.
“Scrub beneath your fingernails!” you call after him, teasingly. You take the opportunity to wash your own hands in the kitchen sink again and consider what to do next.
How do you say this? Should  you wait and let him relax first? 
Surely it’s better if you say something before he puts two and two together? After all, the moment your clothes come off, he’ll notice.
Or perhaps he won’t. Perhaps he’ll just assume you’ve gained a few pounds and say nothing, kissing your belly softly as he’s prone to do. Perhaps it’ll be lovemaking as usual, and his usual sensitivity to your body and needs won’t be enough to notice.
But what if he does?
You were pregnant before he even left.
The days leading up to his trip had been hectic to say the least. Between the two of you preparing his departure, and the unnecessary safety precautions Izuku put in place for you for his absence, and your own work with the new Hero commission ramping up in urgency, you had barely registered that you’d missed one period and then another until you found yourself with a very positive pregnancy test.
What if it wasn’t the right time? Your marriage was still fresh, you’d just settled into the groove of being young professionals who lived together full time, and Izuku was so damn busy all the time-
“Come eat, love,” he calls from the other room. Your hand goes reflexively to your lower belly. 
You have to tell him now or you’ll agonize over it. Now is the time.
“Is it good?” you ask , smiling as you watch him eat with gusto. It’s a silly question because he’s nearly cleared his already overloaded plate.
“Incredible,” he says between ravenous bites. They say watching someone you love eat fills you up, and it’s true. Your cup is full of love.
“You’d say that even if it were awful,” you point out.
“Yes,” he admits, “but I haven’t had to,” he teases. You narrow your eyes at him playfully and he does an air kiss, cheesy enough to make you blow air out of your nose. You pick at your own dinner, but manage only to get a few bites in, which he notices.
It grows quiet for a moment as you think, and you wonder again if now is really the time, but he beats you to breaking the ice.
“Babe, is everything all right?”
Your heart starts to pound. You glance up from your plate towards him and he watches you curiously and patiently, a fleck of rice still stuck to his bottom lip. You consider deflecting, telling him something else that is not really a lie, because his gentle gaze and furrowed eyebrows betraying concern distress you. 
You don’t want to add more to his plate, figuratively.
And yet…
You swallow hard.
“Everything’s fine,” you start, and he nods, “but I have something to tell you.”
Izuku looks slightly surprised by the necessary warning shot. You don’t usually extend him that courtesy, so it’s clear that whatever you’ll say next is serious.
You breathe out slowly through your nose. Izuku watches you again carefully as you steel yourself.
“So you know how we haven’t been trying, but we’ve been a little less careful recently?”
Izuku’s eyes widen, and in the split second where the realization sets in, you can see his cheeks flush deeply and his mouth drop open in an ‘o’.
He immediately jumps to his feet.
“You’re pregnant?” he exclaims.
You nod slowly, and he seems to genuinely bloom with excitement.
“You… fuck, I-I can’t believe this! This is so exciting… babe!”
His hands rest on your shoulders then glide to your cheeks where he squishes them before kissing you again, barely able to contain himself.
Then immediately he starts to pace, the muttering beginning as he figures out what’s going to happen next.
“Why didn’t you tell me immediately? I can’t believe we’re gonna have a little girl or a boy-”
This is the hard part.
You slowly and deliberately raise three fingers and he freezes. A second then two passes, and you blink and then he blinks and the two of you watch each other in silence.
He mirrors the action, raising three fingers to meet yours.
“Do you mean… three…”
The blood seems to drain out of his face.
“Oh. I need to sit down.”
He means it. As he settles back down into his seat, he genuinely looks dizzy and you make some sort of distressed sound between laughing and crying while he’s rubbing his temples, trying to make sense of the loop you’ve thrown him for.
“So… we’re having triplets.”
He looks up from the fixed point he was staring at on the table then at you, and you nod slowly. The both of you take a good look at each other again, and you sigh.
“I know this is so much all at once,” you start, “I’m sorry I-”
“Why are you apologizing for getting pregnant?” he interrupts with a chuckle. You give him a surprised look, then consider it. It’s true. Why are you apologizing for pregnancy?
He reaches over to grab your hand and squeezes it.
“We’ll be fine,” he says, pulling you towards him. You move over to him and he makes space for you to sit in his lap. Your head rests against his chest, and his heart, despite all the news you’ve just dumped on to him, now beats steadily despite yours that races.
Izuku thinks again, pulling your hand to his lips and kisses it softly. You can see the gears turn as you watch his profile, planning, strategizing. In this moment, you realized you were being silly. 
“We’ll be fine,” he repeats. “We can handle anything.”
He turns to you, green eyes twinkling. “Right?”
You smile, genuinely, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
“You would fucking have triplets after I have my second, wouldn’t you, asshole?!”
“Kacchan, this has nothing to do with you!”
“Like hell it doesn’t! How dare you compete with me?”
You and Bakugou’s wife give each other a look and both sip your tea in unison, in amusement.
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tojilvrs · 7 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ FUCK MY EX! (AND HIS BOSS) ceo!toji fushiguro x fem reader (2.7k)
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repost from my old blog!!!
⁂ warnings: MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DNI! toji’s not a bum, reader gets cheated on (not by toji), m receiving oral, pet names, degradation, rough sex, reader’s ex sees them at the end, unprotected sex, creampie, sex as a revenge ploy, some praise, foot on head during doggy (does this have a technical name lol?), also tagging foot fetish JUST IN CASE the last thing counts lol, toji coerces reader, use of the name ‘daddy’ ONCE, spanking, some aftercare, toji steals your panties (and your heart), reader has hair long enough to be pulled
⁂ a/n: this fic literally came out of nowhere i had no plans of writing until i saw twitter porn and a little lightbulb formed above my head. anywho this is not great i wrote and proofread it while i was sleepy so if there’s mistakes don’t tell me i will get embarrassed!!!! THE PACING MIGHT ALSO BE HORRID i was just trying to get my claws on some fictional wiener. k luv u alllll <3
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You never thought you could get this low.
You also never thought you’d come home to find your now ex-boyfriend balls deep in his coworker he told you not to worry about.
Way past the stages of hurt and with no more tears left to spill, you found yourself angry. You were pissed at your ex for being unfaithful. Pissed at the woman for fucking around with a man she knew was not available. And pissed at yourself for not figuring it out sooner. Once you got over your sorrows and finally felt able to pull yourself together, you just wanted to rid your apartment of anything that reminded you of him.
That's how you found yourself across the table from that rat bastard's boss. A box full of his old shit perched in your lap and your nails tapping the side of the cardboard. Scanning the room of Mr. Fushiguro's luxurious office and finding yourself filling with rage all over again knowing that the last time you were here, you were helping him get promoted.
"Pleasure seeing you again," you watched as Mr. Fushiguro took a seat in his plush office chair, "though it appears you're here to play the part of 'scorned girlfriend' instead of ‘concerned girlfriend, hm?’ Word travels fast ‘round here.”
"Right," he clasped his hands together over his chest and kicked his feet up onto his desk, knocking over his name plate, “so what're you here for, scorned ex-girlfriend?"
"Just want to give his shit back. Passing it on to you so I won't have to see him and blondie going at it in your breakroom." You watched the man crack a smile before speaking again.
"S'all you’re gonna do?" He knew your answer by the way you tore your eyes off of him and focused them on the box in your lap instead. Slightly slumping down in your chair as if you were a child in trouble trying to evade the scrutinizing gaze of a parent “Oh, don’t tell me you’re just gonna let bygones be bygones and let him get away with it scott free.”
His tone made you feel like your entire situation was almost comical. You looked back up and narrowed your eyes at the man. Scanning his face and watching the scar on his lip twitch when the corner turned up in a smirk.
“Mr. Fushiguro-“
“Don’t have to be all formal now, call me Toji.”
“Okay, what exactly are you implying, Toji?” he sighed before standing up from his desk and fixing his name plate, smirk never falling from his lips and eyes never leaving yours.
“I know he is my employee, but i’m not really… fond of him either. And you’re too pretty of a girl to just let him get away with cheating. It’d make you feel better to hurt ‘em a little bit. Get a little revenge.”
You broke away eye contact from him again to look around his office. Taking note of how sparsely decorated the area was as you pondered and tried to avoid his eyes. It wasn’t the most mature or logical decision, but he was right. It would make you feel better to make him hurt just a little bit. “And how exactly might I go about that?”
Toji laughed a little as he walked around the desk, taking the box out of your lap and placing it on the floor before settling himself behind you. The sweet tobacco scent of his cologne invaded your nostrils as he got closer to you, making his presence feel almost suffocating.
“Y’know what would really get him?” His voice sounded as if it were laced with a honeyed sweetness. The sound surrounding you and ringing around in your ears. He shifted his feet, but you still felt the heat radiating off of him and onto your back.
“What?”You felt him grow closer. Leaning down behind you. So close that you could feel his breath fan against your skin.
“Fuckin’ his boss.”
The lewd suggestion tickled the shell of your ear. Your eyes widening and mouth going dry once you realized exactly what he was proposing to you. You opened your mouth to protest. To tell him how absolutely ridiculous that was, but your words fell short. Closing your mouth again to look down and stare at the indentions the corners of the cardboard box had left in your skin.
You couldn’t say that you hadn’t let your eyes linger a little too long at Toji Fushiguro. Always noticing how easy he was on the eyes when your ex would make you tag along to work events. How his suits would perfectly contour to his body. Showing off his bulging muscles through the fabric. How he seemed to tower over you and everyone else with his height and domineering presence. How your gazes would linger a little too long on each other and how his fingertips would “accidentally” graze your hips when passing you.
You were taken away from your thoughts by the feeling of his fingers slowly caressing up and down your jaw. His touch soft, contrasting the rough calluses that lined his fingers. You also realized he had now moved directly in front of you and you were eye-level with his crotch.
“What’ll it be, sweetness?” The tip of his thumb travelled up to your bottom lip, smearing some of your lipgloss. “Y’gonna let me help you get back at him?”
You slowly looked up at him and nodded your head, still not trusting any words to come out of your mouth. He smiled down at you, removing the hand on your chin to pet your head and using his other to unbutton his slacks.
“Gonna make you feel so good, you’ll forget allllll about your little ex-boyfriend.”
You were still looking up at him dumbly as he freed heavy cock from the confines of his pants, subconsciously parting your lips and slightly sticking out your tongue at the sight of him. Relishing in the way he looked at you and the noises he made once his cock makes contact with your awaiting tongue.
“Already so good and fuckin’ obedient. Did he teach you that?” You shake your head and he cackles. Easing his way into your throat. “So you’re just naturally a whore, huh?” He lightly slaps your cheek, not even hard enough to sting, and moves from petting your head to gripping your hair once you take him all the way into your mouth. Testing your limits and pushing his way past the tight ring of muscle in the back of your throat, loving the way you choke and sputter around him. “Takin’ me so good. Bet that motherfucker couldn’t properly stuff your throat.”
Toji’s right- he couldn’t. He also isn’t quite as big as Toji is either, in both length and girth. It also seems that the man in front of you didn’t learn to fuck from porn like your ex did. Only pushing your limits a little bit at a time and not throatfucking you from the get-go. Also making sure you’re not suffocating on him for too long.
You began to move your tongue over the vein that ran on the underside of his cock, watching in satisfaction as he throws his head back and groans. Doing it again and again and watching his face contort in pleasure.
“Shit, baby, got the sweetest fuckin’ mouth.” His voice is huskier now, almost breathy. You watch as sweat begins to lightly bead across his forehead and his hands come off of you to loosen his tie around his collar. The air becoming too thick and hot for him. You suck him off with much more passion as you get used to his size. Bobbing your head up and down his length and occasionally pulling yourself off to lick on the sensitive skin around his balls. Not paying much mind to the spit that has run from your mouth and covered the bottom half of your face.
“That’s it- hah- fuck yeah… that’s it. Gonna cum down that pretty fuckin’ throat” You kept up your ministrations, using your hand to lightly squeeze his balls as you took his full length down your throat once more. Listening as Toji’s pants became progressively more and more uneven. Only taking a few more short moments before his abs tighten and he takes in a deep inhale as he shoots his load down your throat. His leg twitching as the coil in his belly snaps. Pulling off of him to stick out your tongue and show him that you swallowed it all.
“Such a good fuckin’ girl, aren’t you?” He gripped your chin tightly and you nodded your head dumbly, fiddling with the hem of your skirt. He smiled and gestured for you to walk over to the plush, black couch he kept in his office. A guiding hand resting on your lower back as he layed you down on your stomach. He took his time running his hands from your calves all the way up to your ass, like he was trying to memorize every dip in your skin. Once he reached the hem of your skirt, he flipped it up. Gently running the palms of his hands over the smooth skin and giving the right cheek a harsh slap and soothing the sting with the very same hand that inflicted it.
“Suckin’ dick make you this wet?” Your slick had soiled your panties, smearing onto your thighs. His fingers lightly ran across the soaked fabric. You felt the couch dip under his weight as he settled behind you, feeling the fabric of his haphazardly pulled down pants and the heat of whatever skin that was exposed press into you.
“Sucking yours does.” you gasp as he pushes your panties to the side to make contact with your swollen clit. The cool air of his office hitting your soaked center makes you shiver. “You’re gentler than I thought you’d be.”
“Oh baby,” He pauses, taking his hands off of you to maneuver himself around, “you haven’t had the worst yet.”
You’re comfused until you feel the tip of his cock prodding your entrance and begin to push in. Your walls greedily sucking him in even though it felt as if he was splitting you in two.
“Tight as a fuckin’ virgin, y’gotta open up for me, girl.” His fingers rub tight circles on your clit. Using that to his advantage to thrust his cock deeper and deeper into you until he’s bottomed out. Your hips arching into him as any remnants of pain begin to wash away and are overtaken with white-hot pleasure. His hands find purchase on your hips as his thrusts begin to speed up. Going harder into you and somehow hitting you deeper each time, causing tears to spring in corners of your eyes.
“Already cryin’ on my cock and we’ve barely even started? Slut can’t handle it?” He slaps your ass again, not caring if it stings. You furiously shake your head as moans and whimpers spill from your lips. Trying your hardest to match his brutal pace with your own hips. “Oh, you think you can take control now, huh? I’d watch it, little girl.”
At first you think he pushes your face into the couch with his hand. That’s until you realize that both his hands are still on your hips and it’s actually his foot that’s found its place on the back of your head as he continues to fuck the memory of your ex out of you. Your pussy clenching down on him at the mere thought of the position.
“Like being treated like a whore don’t you? Shitty man couldn’t do it like I can.” You couldn’t respond back even if you tried. Too caught up in the feeling of being stuffed full by the most skilled man you’ve ever fucked and biggest cock you’ve ever taken. Writhing under him as the pleasure of his tip repeatedly hitting your spot over and over again was becoming almost too much.
Toji must’ve felt the way your pussy began to tighten around him or how your moans were so loud the couch wasn’t muffling them well anymore. His hand snaked around your hip and back down to your clit to rub shapes on it, bringing your closer to your peak.
“That’s right, cum on this cock baby. Hah- cum all over my fuckin’ cock.” He spoke to you through gritted teeth and the sound went straight to your core. It wasn’t long after that your back slipped into a deeper arch and your cunt clenched down on him even harder. A white ring of cream forming around the base of his dick as he worked you through your orgasm and worked himself closer to his.
“Such a good girl. You’re gonna take my cum, yeah? Gonna let me fill you up?” You nodded a quick yes, pussy still quaking from your orgasm. the only thing keeping your hips from collapsing into the couch being the vice grip of his strong hands.
The foot pressed into your head was removed and replaced by his right hand gripping your hair and pulling you up to meet his face. Looking him in the eyes for the first time since he started fucking you and seeing the beast of a man he’s become. Pupils blown, hair messy, and face sweaty as his grunts get louder, more aggressive.
“So pretty baby. You’re my good, pretty girl, right? C’mon, daddy a kiss when he cums. You’ve been so. fucking. good.” The last of his words were punctuated by rough thrusts into your heat. His heavy balls slapping against your clit so hard it was making you jump. You craned your head back even more for your lips to meet his in a sloppy, lust-filled kiss as he lets out a final rough grunt into your mouth. The familiar warmth flooding your pussy as his thrusts begin to let up.
He’s gentle with you for the first time in a while, gently resting your head back down to the couch before slowly pulling his softening dick out, tucking it back into his underwear, and smoothing your skirt back down. Rubbing a hand over the arch of your back and letting you rest on his couch as he pulls off your soiled panties and pockets them for himself. Also noticing a patch of your slick that has soiled the front of his pants and smiling as a mix of both of your releases begin to trickle out of your spent hole. Using two of his fingers to push it back in. The room is quiet for the first time in a long while. Only sound being the oscillating box fan in the corner of the room. It says quiet for a while, until you break the silence.
“Don’t even think I can remember the fucker’s name anymore.”
“Yeah.” You turn over onto your back to face him, watching closely as he fixes his suit to the best of his ability. “Wouldn’t mind seeing you again, if you’d like.”
He turns to face you, smirking again, “Can’t say I’d hate that.”
It’s your turn to smirk at him before letting your head roll over and rest again. Consumed with the thoughts of how that was definitely the best revenge plan you ever participated in.
You’re almost drifting off until that same thought wakes you up again. Sitting up to look at Toji.
“Wait, how was any of that a revenge ploy if he didn’t even see it?” Toji smirks, fixing his tie. Not even a second later you hear a knock on his door before Toji gives the visitor permission to enter.
“You wanted to see m-“ Your ex stops mid-sentence once he sees you lounging on his employer’s couch with his cum leaking out of you. “Wait, what is she doing here?”
“Baby brought your shit by.” Toji kicks the box towards him as he pulls your panties out of his back pocket and swinging them around his index finger. “Anything else you need? Or do you just wanna watch me fuck your ex-girl again?”
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hwaithie · 3 months
the withers and woes of my little fawn heart 𓈒 ˖ ࣪ 𝜗𝜚
“I’m always clinging onto you… and I depend on you quite a bit… don't you find it to be bothersome?” (I’m sorry if my love for you feels harrowing, unbearable, suffocating; I’m sorry the only way I know how to love is like a child.)
al haitham x f!reader ෆ sfw — hurt -> comfort · established relationship · 4k wc · repost from an old blog ノ reader is insecure about many things ノ haitham calls you habibti + baby + sweetheart ノ non - sexual nudity ( ie. you bathe together ) ノ selfship coded ^^;
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All it takes you is a mere step past the front door for Al Haitham to realise you’re unhappy. 
When it comes as large as a raincloud hanging over the house, your sorrow is difficult to not take note of.
First, there’s a drizzle with the drag of your feet; steps that are normally light and fawn-like and struggling to catch up with his own long strides, a wee bit skittish and much more adorably clumsy than you’d like to admit, are now sluggish. Devoid of their usual urgency and purpose. 
Then, a deluge, as he hears you heave a sigh from beyond the pages of his manuscript. You’re burdened by something, he notices, as you scuff along the hardwood floor, let your bag—and subsequently your heart—tumble to the ground. 
“Welcome home.” Al Haitham rises from the daybed, coming to meet you in the foyer. “How... was work?” 
Something in his tone, the pause in his question and the uncharacteristic apprehension of it makes you want to wither and crumble. Quick as ever is he with his eyes—most especially when it comes to you. 
How you so wish in this moment that weren’t the case.
“Fine!” Your reply is light, “Just, I’m a bit tired… is it okay if we eat leftovers from last night for dinner? I’m really sorry…” When you smile up at him, it doesn’t meet your eyes, nor too do your eyes meet his own.
Lies—you’ve never been all that successful at convincing him of them, due in part to the guilt that you can’t keep hidden from your countenance, as well as the callowness of your voice that seems to render any falsity you utter ring with an air of untruth.
“It’s nothing to apologise for.” He says slowly, standing before you as he awaits the hug you always give him when you arrive home from work, the press of your ear over his heart. You up on the tips of your toes as you ask him for a kiss and to cut up a peach so you might feed them to each other as you sit on the windowsill facing village hills.
You do none of these, and Al Haitham wonders why.
Walking past you, he ruffles your hair and softly scratches your scalp. “Go wash up; I’ll set the table.”
You want to speak, say thank you, though you can find no words, a deep melancholy breaking over you like a hurricane. It terrifies you. But still you lift your head, look past his ear as you smile again to hide all the woe-rapture that festers within.
And this is all it takes for Al Haitham to resolve that he will do something about it.
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The tahchin is bitter on your tongue today. 
Grains of rice pebbly between your teeth, chicken tasting far too much of chicken and not the blend of spices it had been marinated in. It’s near unpalatable. 
And just as it is unpalatable, it is a most arduous task to even lift your fork. The weight of your melancholy is clamped to your wrist and jaw—it makes eating all the more difficult than it need be, and a knot at the back of your throat that feeds the taste of bile into your mouth only serves to darken the shadow that your malaise casts over dinner.
How is it: your favourite dish losing its ability to console, its only purpose to be a vessel for sustenance. Yet, even at that, what sustenance does it provide you with when each bite makes you feel as though you might hurl?
“You’re not eating.” Al Haitham observes sharply, glancing at you out the corner of his eye. It’s a serious shortcoming in his mind, obviously, for someone who does so dearly enjoy her meals.
You shrug despondently and sigh, “Suppose I’m just not hungry.”
As much as he may want to, Al Haitham doesn’t push further—his hands hovering over the wires of what appears to be some ticking time bomb before deciding to leave them untouched in fear of what may arise from snipping the wrong one. 
And you’re grateful for it—that he doesn’t ask you what the matter is—and simply hums in acknowledgement before returning to his food.
(His silence casts a harsh stroke upon your heart.)
You’re grateful, truly, you are.
(You hear his voice in your head—‘are you alright, habibti?’, and quickly, you seize a grasp of your heart to stop the bleeding that threatens to reach your eyes.)
Now you’ve gone and worsened the spoil of your appetite.
Resting your fork on the worn wood table, you sigh yet again—this time around a soft wispy thing that does little to soothe the ache of your lungs, and turn your head to regard his profile. 
The relaxed ridge of his brows and the handsome slope of his nose, lidded teal eyes that are always analysing, never idling; he is just as a diamond is. All sharp edges that glimmer and glint, not only in body but also in mind.
Al Haitham is beautiful by way of his nurturing and guiding in a seemingly unorthodox manner. Generous with his intentions no matter how hard he may try to prove otherwise, clever and witty and always five steps ahead and so incredibly attractive in his self-assurance—oh, he is just perfect—as is the ground he walks upon and the air that floats over his head and each word that touches his lips. 
What is he like… winter fields blanketed by the sun and the tips of flower petals after a deluge, bubbles in wine, diamonds, diamonds, all diamonds. He is a brilliant blue diamond in your night sky.
And you, what are you like? 
Puerile at heart and loud with your love. A wee bit foolish and entirely silly, always fumbling and mumbling and messing up in spite of trying your best. 
If Al Haitham is as a diamond is, then perhaps you would best be suited to a pearl—with those little dewy globes resting on your lashes more often than not, a heart smooth to the touch and all the more fragile.
Which, yes, does sound rather precious when worded in such a way, but you can’t help but wonder, if for Al Haitham you are too much. 
Whether your whimsies are too fantastical, and your brain is too often in the clouds and not in your head where it belongs. Or whether the apple-sweet naivety that offers your heart up to anyone who shows you even a modicum of kindness, be it honest or corrupt, is too much of an annoyance to look after. You worry whether your love is too strong for someone like him who has grown so comfortable in his own company, like fire scorching his blood or the waves of the sea crashing along a cliff or the sticky residue of honey on fingertips that just won’t wash off.
These woes slather uncertainty over your spine, and before you can think, you’re already reaching over to clutch at Al Haitham’s sleeve. 
It’s an effort to command his attention, silently, for if you call him by his name instead, you fear the tears may fly out your eyes and the pathetic hiccups out your throat and you’d weep until the end of eternity. That’s how it feels, anyway.
“Yes, habibti?” Al Haitham wipes the corner of his lip with his thumb and lays down his fork just as you’ve done yours. He waits for your voice to fill the heavy air of the dining room, but when he notices the nervous nibble of your lip and the twiddles of your thumb, he sighs, pulls you in closer by the leg of your chair. “You know, you shouldn’t be afraid to tell me if anything’s troubling you. I’ll do my best to help however I can.”
His hand swallows your fist in a comforting embrace, plucking your fingers free one by one so that he can thread his between yours. It’s a challenge to not look his way when he behaves so darling, and in his eyes you see a certain pleading softness swimming round the edges of his pupils. 
It’d be hard to notice to an untrained eye, what with his acts of romance mostly always lacking the entirety of pomp and blare in the world, but you can tell—of course you can.
It holds you spellbound, compels you to give in, and so, you reach your trembling hands past your ribs and take hold of your burgeoning heart, pay little heed to the rose thorns that scrape and scar it as you tug it free of its cavity. Placing the lame organ in front of Al Haitham, you wince at all its clotted ugliness and self-serving insecurity.
“That’s exactly it… I cause a lot of trouble for you, don’t I.”
(Am I too much? Am I too overbearing?)
“I’m always clinging onto you… and I depend on you quite a bit… don’t you find it to be bothersome?”
(I’m sorry if my love for you feels harrowing, unbearable, suffocating; I’m sorry the only way I know how to love is like a child.)
“It’s just—” There’s a fracture in your voice and then a whimper that follows. 
You’re quick to avert your gaze from him and down to the worn wood table, at your grubby plate of food. The words, recited in your head over and over slip away from your tongue and leave it laid with only scribbled thoughts; they float up—up—up… and then your eyes squeeze shut and your fingertips press anxiously into the space between his knuckles and your shoulders shirk in on themselves.
As many a time have you weeped before him—over the loveliness of a perfectly sunny day or a particularly sweet and excellent bite into a zaytun peach, over all things nonsensical and silly and things that one ought not to be weeping at. But in this moment, you feel obliged to hide your tears from him.
You’d rather he didn’t see you cry, at least, not over something like this. 
Not over yourself.
“It’s just, I can’t help but feel as though you’d fare better off with someone more like you—someone more sound in mind and less chaotic at heart, perhaps. I dunno…” You pick idly at your food, the tooth of your fork accidentally sending a grain of rice flying to the floor under the pressure of its touch. How unfortunate. “I don’t know…”
(I wish I were more like you. Maybe then I’d feel like less of a liability at your side.)
In all your days of loving Al Haitham, you’ve only presented your heart to him as a dog would to its human, loyal and eager, but today you’re atoning. It’s near sacrificial—your laments and apologies for being too much, too little, not enough, whatever. 
Your heart waits anxiously before him: sliced down the precise centre, carmine, bleeding, beating.
And for the first time since you’ve come bounding into Al Haitham’s life, his house is silent, though, this silence seems to dislike being broken as he mulls yours words over—save for the sad hymns sung by the wind and the gauche scritches and scratches of your fork atop ceramic.
The tears begin to brim and froth behind your lash-line, like milk on the stove that boils and isn’t being kept a watchful eye over. Yet, even as your vision begins to blur, you know Al Haitham is glancing your way.
He takes your heart into his mouth and cradles it gently within his maw.
“Is this what’s been on your mind? Silly girl.” 
Your lover leans into your space and flicks your forehead gently, coaxing your gaze from your lap to his face. 
“Your heart is rather big.”
(You make it easy to adore you. And I like that. It saves me so much trouble making myself adore someone.)
“You both love and loathe it in equal parts.”
(You will always be so free and blithe, as you will always be naive and afraid. Such is the eternal nature of your heart—it will coddle and weather in its fragility until its last days. Won’t you trust it to me to make sure of? To care for?)
“Yes—you cry too often, and you forgive too easily, and you worry too much about those who aren’t deserving of your care, and you feel guilt too strongly over things you have no control over.”
(You are so precious, so pure, so full of infinite compassion for the world.)
“It’s easy for one’s heart to be trampled over if it’s held in their palms, for the world to see. Just as you hold out yours.”
(To me, your beauty lies heaviest within your fawn heart.)
Al Haitham’s words are veined with ice, and your lips freeze in their subtle pout—one that wobbles on the edge of a dejected frown, “It’s not like I mean for it to—” 
“But don’t you realise that’s why I’m here? Why I’ll continue to be here? To catch your heart before it has a chance to get trampled over, and to tend to it when it does?” The ice crackles through his words and they all break up, as if it were spring again. “Don’t you realise this is what I admire most about you?”
(I love you.)
For a moment, your heart flutters queerly. The veil shrouding your thoughts lifts and you’re left to be shaken and pierced by Al Haitham’s tender tone.
“It sounds as though you wish you were more like me…” Your lover takes the fork from your hand and raises with his fingers your chin, so that you may properly meet his eyes for the first time this evening. “But when we love someone, we love them entirely for themselves, not whatever thing we’ve twisted them into to fit our own image. If that were the case—we’d only be loving the reflection of ourselves we find in them. Is this not what you once told me, sweetheart?”
(I love you, in all your adorably jejune whimsies and nonsensical musings and humble tidings. I love the darling tears that cling to the round of your cheek and your great excitability and childish curiosity—all things I lack. And of all things I love your mad, devout love; so… please, please continue to love me as you do without fear of abandonment.)
Perhaps, after all, it is okay that you are nothing like him and he is nothing like you. That you are diametric antitheses, like earth and air or diamond and pearl. Your eyes falter under his gaze, body rigid in his arms as he manoeuvres you into his lap and presses his palms to your hot cheeks. 
“Please, I…” You weaken and he smiles and then you tremble and soften and melt and the tears finally bubble onto your face just as a white rose slips past its sheath. 
Like a baby, you sob—free of guilt and shame, it’s the only thing you know how to do when you’ve already spoken the words in your mind.
You press a palm to his chest, fingers splayed out over his heart, head tilted down and hair hiding yourself from him. Though, he can still see; and you know he can, even if all that’s in your periphery are clouds and fuzz, wobbly pearls of dew that dribble down your face. He doesn’t ask you to look at him—he already knows why you weep. From catharsis or love or joy or heartache or gratitude… all of them at once or perhaps none of them at all.
“I-I’m really sorry for s-spoiling dinner!” Your voice is stuffy with sniffles and you hiccup in between your words, eyes squeezed shut awfully tight so that your nose crinkles. How sweet.
Al Haitham spares you a smile that twists your heart as he leans in to brush his lips against yours, exchanging breaths. “You haven’t spoiled anything. Now—” With one hand, he holds you by the dip of your waist to press you to his chest and uses the other to gather a bite of fragrant rice on his fork, “You need to eat.”
At the hands of your lover, the tahchin is savoury and full of life on your tongue, nowhere near as nauseating and boorish as earlier. “Isn’t it fascinating, Haitham?” You part your lips to take another bite and shrug your shoulders up to your ears childishly, enjoying the soothing pinpricks travelling along your spine as familiar spices settle on your tongue and flush your entire being with warmth. “How the tahchin tastes so much more delicious now that you’re feeding it to me?”
He watches on in awe as you chew on your food, tiny little hiccups from tears unshed that occasionally rack your chest and fluster you, the ones that have dried coming off your face as gossamer flakes. They’re angel tears, he’s certain of that much. 
“Must you look so cute when you eat?” Your lover takes the fat of your cheeks between his thumb and index finger as you chew, gently squeezing and marvelling at the suppleness of your skin. “I may be tempted to cut dinner short and whisk you to the bedroom… if you will have me show you just how precious you are. ” 
“Stop teasing…” You grasp his wrist gently, swallowing your food and sucking in your cheek to bite down on it bashfully, look the opposite way of prying eyes. They’re lidded and lazy and there’s a smirk that lifts them up at the edges—his eyes—but also his heart. Because you just make him feel like that: organs and limbs loose and relaxed and thumping with a calm pulse, vision framed by a glowy pink haze as though he were laying on marble under the sun by the sea. Everything sweet and wonderful in the world.
“Even after all the moments we’ve shared…” His smirk morphs into a smile, and he pinches your bottom lip to bring you in closer. “You’re still just as shy as though it were our first.”
You can't help but burst into a lovely little peal of giggles as he kisses you and pampers you, your toes dusting over the floor playfully and fingertips curling strands of his hair. Your cheeks are stuffed with warm food and your eyes burn with the crystalline that brims at your lower lashes when you swallow thickly, so you push back the tremble to your voice and bury it under his love stored in bite after bite of tahchin. 
And even after your plate has been emptied and love is about to burst past the seams of your heart and your tummy, and you lay half-asleep atop him in a growing pool of moonlight—even after much of your aches and pains have been put to rest, Al Haitham still has yet to be completely satisfied, awaiting to be placated by one final thing.
“Come, you must be tired,” He ties your hair for you, takes you by your hand, offers to wash the lingering fogs out of your soul. “Why don’t we bathe together before we sleep? I’m sure it’ll soothe your mind.”
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Al Haitham’s touch is soft as he strips you of your clothing, kisses downwards of your clavicle after he removes your necklace—your wrist, your rib, your belly, your thigh. He knows just how you like your baths: window propped wide open to waft in the fragrance from blossoming peach trees and the sweet lulls of nightly birdsong, padisarah petals coasting across the water.
He prepares the room for you as such, swathing your frame between his long, broad limbs in the tub, too tiny for two—yet, he finds it to be a simple task to ignore the annoyance of the ledge digging into his spine when your body curls up against him like this, cheek pillowed by the plush of his chest and your arms draped around his waist.
“You like holding me close, sweetheart?” 
It’s a fun little poke at just how tight you cling to him, but truthfully, Al Haitham is all the same. A hand on the small of your back or warm fingers massaging your chilly nape—he finds the utmost comfort in feeling your skin on his, familiarity in the clouds of chantilly cream and sumeru rose that seem to linger about in the air around you. 
Perhaps, he is just as clingy as you are, in how he cuddles you close to his chest and takes a book from the stool next to the bathtub, preparing to read to you from it.
And you listen intently—no matter how hard the throes of sleep try to whisk you away—to the flip of parchment, the birds keeping you company at the sill, the handsome cadence to your lover’s voice that makes your cheeks feel all bubbly, the beat of his heart dovetailing yours through your back.
He reads to you until the moon casts her light over the water through the window and your fingers are pruned—short fairytales about butterflies dancing on honey cups, maidens falling in love with talking roses—all from a certain emerald-covered book handed down to him from the only person to show him the same tender care you do.
The tension is dispelled from your shoulders, the barely there coil of anguish around you fully snapping and resolving into something lighter, entirely less murky. And as you sit there in his embrace, you feel your nose twitch and the backs of your eyes sting. 
Again! Again, you cry! How lame you are in love, indeed, silly girl.
Because Al Haitham is romantic in the way he silently cares for you like this, looks at you as though you’re extraordinarily lovely, the greatest bit of knowledge he’d ever be able to wrap his head around; touches you as if you were the most delicate of flowers. 
Which, you are, because how can you not blossom under his affection and grow a little love-struck?
The words halt in his throat and he looks down at your face, or as much of it as he can make out when you’ve near buried it entirely into his neck. Humming sweetly, he coaxes you on with lithe fingers slipping beneath the water’s surface to rub shapes into your doughy hip. “Yes?”
“I love you…” You pick mindlessly at the emerald on his chest, let the words flow freely from the blubbering mess that has become of your voice— “I really love you, a whole lot.”—look up at him and smile toothily, plainly, eyes all watery and full of hope, promise, just like the child in you. “You love me a whole lot, too, don’t you?”
And what can he do but mirror your smile. Because from it a picture of reassurance has been born, flooding and twisting and seizing his entire being. Sometimes, most times, he doesn’t know how to behave when this thing, this wild love so eagerly breaks his body and pours without end into the hollow of his heart. 
But it is a nice feeling, a sweet feeling: when you look at him like this and he thinks, perhaps, he could learn to love as freely as this too. All he has to do is look. It won’t be hard. 
After all, everything he sees holds your darling smile within it.
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thank you for reading ! ! ٩(^‿^)۶ if you liked what you read & wanted to show your appreciation — you can do so by donating to a vetted fundraiser to aid palestinians in the gaza genocide 🍉
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nateezfics · 5 months
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↳ things ateez say during sex. san version.
↳ warning: smut, dirty/sexual language
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• “is that how you wanna play? fine, i’ll play along, but just remember you asked for this.”
• “what was that? say that again. i dare you.”
• “oh c’mon, where’s that attitude from earlier? don’t tell me it’s all gone just because you’ve got my cock in you.”
• “if you don’t behave, i’ll spank you. but then again, you might like that too much.”
• “see, precious, this is what happens when you’re good; you get rewarded. isn’t it nice?”
• “open your mouth. i’m gonna stuff it with my cock so you won’t be able to mouth off to me again.”
• “i love you even though you are a brat to me way too often.”
• “always so eager to take my cock. filthy.”
• “you have been so good for me, precious. lay back and let me worship you.”
• “you want more? what’s the magic word? ah, there you go.”
• “you mean to tell me that you were acting like a little brat just to get my attention? oh precious, if you wanted me to fuck you so bad, you could’ve just asked.”
• “fuck, precious, your nails digging into my back are gonna drive me crazy.”
• “leave your mark on me, and i’ll do the same for you.”
• “stop wiggling or else i’ll have to tie you up.”
• “precious, if you keep moaning like that, i might cum too early.”
• “okay precious, suck on my fingers. we gotta keep quiet or else they’ll hear us.”
• “you’re really crying, huh? feels that good?”
• “look at me while you cum, precious. ah, you’re so pretty.”
• “brats don’t get to make demands. face down, ass up.”
• “i’ll deal with you at home. now behave, precious, unless you don’t want a single orgasm at all tonight.”
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AUTHOR’S NOTES — i am of the opinion that san leans more towards being a hard dom. in fact, i think all three of the demon line are more hard doms. i think they can have their soft moments for sure, but ultimately they love to be a little more rough during the deed. i also am fully convinced they are brat tamers, especially hongjoong and san ;3
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azzibuckets · 2 months
do you even love me anymore? [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: quick little blurb based on azzi’s tiktok repost
a/n: yall better not give my any heat for the fact that im so desperate that im getting inspo from tiktok reposts
word count: 700
Paige dragged her teeth across Azzi’s collarbone, nipping at her skin and tasting the saltiness of her sweat. In response, Azzi’s grip on Paige’s hair tightened as her breath hitched, her chest heaving in sync with the pants escaping through her parted lips. Paige’s hands trailed down Azzi’s abs, tugging at the strings of Azzi’s shorts, but her hands were gently pushed away.
“What’s wrong?”
“You said we could get Yogurtland.”
Paige dipped her head back down, running her lips along the soft crease of Azzi’s neck. “You’re seriously thinking about yogurt right now?” When Azzi sighed softly and tilted her head to give Paige more access, the blonde smirked, congratulating herself for making Azzi forget about dessert so quickly.
Azzi’s eyes fluttered close. “I want gummy worms this time. And chocolate chips.”
Paige dropped her head onto Azzi’s shoulder and groaned, knowing that she was fighting a losing battle. “Right now?”
“Right now.”
With another exaggerated sugh, Paige dutifully climbed into the front seat. “What are you getting? I might take a bite.”
“You’re not getting your own?” Azzi’s face looked almost wounded.
“Nah, I’m good. I’m still full from dinner.”
“Ugh, fine. We might as we just go home then,” Azzi grumbled, purposefully ignoring Paige’s hand splayed out for hers on the console.
Paige looked in disbelief at the dark haired girl before grabbing her hand and forcefully interlocking their fingers. “Dude, we can still get you your yogurt.”
“I don’t wanna be getting dessert while you’re just watching me.”
“I’m not even hungry anymore.”
“Az, you’re being ridiculous.” The fondness in Paige’s voice was evident. When Azzi stayed silent, the older girl shook her head and started the engine. “Okay, I’m driving there anyways.”
Once they parked in front of the white building, Azzi stayed wordless, slumped low in her seat with her arms crossed and looking everywhere but the huge pink Yogurtland sign right in front of them.
“Unbelievable.” Paige reached over and unbuckled Azzi’s seatbelt, trying to prod her into getting out. “You were literally just begging me to get Yogurtland two seconds ago.”
“That was before you broke my heart and called me a fattie,” Azzi said coldly, tapping her nails against the armrest.
“Well, we’re here now, so you might as well get some.”
Azzi sniffed, her nose upturned as she looked away. “Do you even love me anymore?”
“What the fuck?”
“You don’t even wanna get dessert with me. Next thing I know, you’re gonna be saying you don’t want kids with me.”
Paige rested her forehead against the wheel of her car, resisting the urge to bang her head. Goddamn it. “Azzi,” she said slowly. “Would you like me to get yogurt as well?”
Azzi was already out of the car and slamming the door before Paige finished her sentence. “You’re paying!” she yelled as she ran inside the store.
Rolling her eyes, Paige grabbed her wallet and followed her girlfriend inside. Azzi was pumping vanilla yogurt into her bowl by the time Paige walked through the door. The blonde took a furtive look around the mostly empty store before wrapping her arms around the younger girl’s waist and planting a sloppy kiss onto her cheek.
“Ew, Paige,” Azzi complained, wiping her cheek with the sleeve of her sweater.
“What should I get?” Paige asked, even though she already knew she was going to get strawberry because that was Azzi’s second favorite flavor but Azzi would never get it in her own bowl because she hated the way strawberry and vanilla tasted when mixed together.
“I don’t know, anything,” Azzi said dismissively as she moved to the bar of toppings, but Paige smiled when she saw the quick glance she sent to the strawberry dispenser.
Paige pressed a quick kiss to Azzi’s hairline as they walked out, each with a bowl of yogurt. “Happy?” she murmured, nuzzling her nose against her hair.
Azzi nodded, offering a spoonful of her vanilla yogurt for Paige to try. “That’s good,” Paige said, biting back a grin when she saw the wistful glance Azzi sent towards her own bowl. “You want some of mine?”
“I mean, I guess I can try it,” Azzi said nonchalantly.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re dramatic as hell?” Paige said when Azzi finished taking a bite.
“Not my fault when you spoil me.” Azzi said cheekily. “You have no one to blame yourself.”
“My fault? You’re the one who walks around looking like this all the time,” Paige grumbled. She pressed Azzi against the car, hands fisting her shirt. “I should just lock you up in my room and never let you out.”
Azzi brushed her nose against Paige’s, her eyes lighting up with a smile. “Refuse to get dessert with me again and you’ll regret it,” she said, faux sweetness dripping off her words.
“You’re sick.”
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lemonlover1110 · 11 months
Toji Fushiguro & Shiu Kong
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader x Shiu Kong
Summary: Shiu knows that his best friend and his wife like each other, so he chooses to do something about it.
Warnings: MDNI, smut, threesome, vaginal fingering, oral sex (f. and m. receiving), face fucking, handjob, creampie, Shiu is jealous (just a bit), praising, they call reader a slut
*Yes, this is my third time reposting this
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Your husband sees the way you look at his best friend. It’s hard not to see the lust behind your eyes every time that you look at Toji. When you hear that Toji’s coming over, you put on your cutest dress, put on some makeup and do your hair. He watches as you giggle at his every joke, getting a little too touchy with him as well. You always assure your husband that it’s nothing, even if he catches you red handed flirting with Toji; it’s not actually flirting… At least nothing too intense, but it’s enough to make him see red.
Shiu is completely jealous of Toji. So fucking jealous because his wife likes his best friend more than him. It makes Shiu seethe, and what infuriates him more is the fact that he has to pretend everything is okay. He has to keep his cool around you when you lie and tell him that you don’t understand what he means, you obviously don’t like Toji. That’s his best friend. You only have eyes for him.
God, he’s so fucking annoyed by it all. But he has a plan, something that he should maybe consult with you both first, but he isn’t. He calls you when he’s headed home and he tells you how he wants to find you: all dolled up, wearing his favorite lingerie set. He knows that you’ll abide since he asks very little of you. All while Toji sits next to him on his ride home, not paying any attention to what Shiu says. 
They converse very little while on the way there; Toji is engulfed in his phone, and Shiu wonders why since Toji isn’t usually the type of person that stares at his phone. Maybe Toji is checking up on his son– Or he’s talking to someone. Either way, Shiu doesn’t care, as long as Toji isn’t talking to Shiu’s wife.
“What’s your wife cooking tonight?” Toji finally asks, looking at Shiu, who just shrugs in response. You’re definitely not cooking anything. “I hope it’s something good, I’m fucking hungry.”
“You won’t be that hungry when we get there.” Shiu says, which doesn’t make any sense. Toji is about to question it but Shiu parks in front of the house. They exit the car and walk into the home. The men hear you yell,
“Shiu!” You drag out his name, walking to the living room to meet him; you’re wearing just what he wanted you to wear, looking exactly how he wanted you to. You have a smirk on your face, however, it fades away when your eyes land on a man that’s not your husband. You and Toji stare at each other for a minute before you both turn to look at Shiu. “What the hell is this?”
“Hmm… What?” Shiu pretends to be confused. You both shoot daggers his way until he puts his hands up defensively. “I’ve seen the way you two look at each other, I’m just trying to do you a favor.”
“A favor? What exactly?” You ask him, watching as Shiu steps toward you. He kisses your lips before a smile comes to his lips.
“You two get to fuck as long as I get to join you.” Shiu says, and you cross your arms.
“Who said I want to fuck him?” You furrow your eyebrows. Yeah, you want to fuck Toji, but you’d never tell that to your husband– You know better than that. Shiu’s hand goes under your chin and he tilts your head up. He chuckles before he pecks your lips again.
“You don’t have to lie to me, honey. I know you better than you think.” Shiu responds. “Plus, you see how quiet Toji is? You might not like him so much, but he certainly wants to fuck you. Would you do that for my dear friend? Please?”
“I– Um– No–” It feels like someone else has taken over Toji’s body. He would certainly agree if he had gotten the news before walking into your home and finding you in lingerie. He doesn’t know why he doesn’t just agree because Shiu has clearly given the greenlight– But this could all be a test and Toji can’t lose his only friend. Shiu helps Toji out in so many ways, Toji can’t lose that. “I don’t–”
“Who do you two think I am?” Shiu ends up asking, and you end up rolling your eyes. Since he wants you to fuck Toji so bad, fine. You walk over to Toji, smiling at him before your hands go up to his shoulders and then meet behind his neck
“He wants us to fuck so bad, fine. Let’s do it.” You lick your lip before smirking at Toji. He can’t be blamed, you were the one that walked over to him first. Shiu would surely understand, right? If it’s a test, Toji tries to fight back his desire but he can’t when you’re looking so tempting in front of him. Your hand caresses his cheek before your lips go up to meet his. 
He kisses you back and deepens the kiss, licking your bottom lip and when you open your mouth, his tongue goes inside your mouth. His tongue presses against yours, and he lets his hands roam around your body, although he’s hesitant at first. He gets more comfortable as he feels you up. He completely forgets that Shiu is watching, getting lost in your lips and your tongue.
You end up pulling away, a smirk coming to your lips. You grab his hand and walk over to your husband, grabbing his hand as well. You take both men to the bedroom, and when you’re there, Toji’s arms wrap around your waist before one hand wraps around your throat and he begins to kiss you. Shiu begins to kiss and suck on your neck while Toji focuses on your lips. Shiu kisses up your neck and stops at your ear, “You look so good tonight, honey.”
You’re not paying much attention to Shiu since Toji is so intoxicating. Toji’s hand goes into your panties, and his index and middle finger run through your folds. His fingers move slowly and move in a circular motion once they’re on your clit. Toji pulls away from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting your lips. Toji has a smug smile on his lips before he comments, “Oh, you’re so fucking pretty. I can’t wait to watch you take my cock.”
Toji takes his hand out of your panties, and he looks at Shiu. Shiu kisses your jaw before he orders, “Get on the bed.”
You do so without a problem. Both men want the same thing, and it’s to get on their knees and taste you on their tongue. Shiu loves the way you taste on his tongue, and while Toji is a person that prefers to receive rather than give, he just wants to taste you for at least once in his life; your lips aren't enough.
The sight of two men getting on their knees for you is something that certainly boosts your ego. Toji’s tongue begins to run through your folds while Shiu’s tongue goes directly to your clit. You bite down on your lip, holding back the soft moans that threaten to leave your lips as the men start off. They’re both looking up at you, watching your pretty face as pleasure slowly consumes you– It’s not too much now, but Shiu stops lapping at your clit and he smiles at you.
“Open your mouth, baby.” Shiu says, which you do, and he shoves his fingers in. Your tongue swirls around them, and when he thinks they’re wet enough, he inserts both fingers into your cunt. You moan, his thick fingers filling you up. He slowly moves them in and out of you, “Oh, you’re so pretty… You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? You were thinking about doing this, right?”
You bite down your lip and you shake your head. You can’t let your husband know that you have been thinking about this… More about Toji than him, but you certainly don’t mind having both. Shiu scissors his fingers, and he watches you shut your eyes.
You throw your head back and finally moan. You feel a second tongue on your cunt again, and when you look back at them, you watch as Shiu’s tongue presses against Toji’s to take over. Toji doesn’t want to stop but Shiu is too overbearing and Toji stops. Toji gets a different idea, his eyes landing on your juicy lips.
“Oh, fuck, you’re so pretty.” Toji gets up from the floor and takes a seat beside you. He grabs your throat again, his lips landing on yours again, and your hand goes to his pants. You unbutton his pants and move your hand into his boxers, your hand wrapping around his cock. Shiu watches you, so focused on how your tongue swirls around Toji’s and it’s turning him on more than he’d like. You’re moaning into the kiss, and Toji loves the vibrations that it sends– Although that’s the last thing he notices while your hand lazily strokes his cock.
Toji’s free hand goes to your back and unhooks your bra. He pulls away from the kiss and slides off your bra. Toji kisses down your neck and his mouth then lands on your nipple. He begins to suck on your nipple while you take your hand out to spit on it before your hand goes back to stroking his cock. 
Your moans roam freely into the air, Shiu’s tongue working just right, and so are his fingers. His fingers are curved just right, and they brush against your sweet spot; it makes you glad that he’s the one that’s fingering you instead of Toji because Shiu just knows every inch of your body. Your orgasm is building up, and you get louder by the second.
You look down at your husband who is looking back up at you. He’s watching every contort in your face, something that’s enough to make him soil his pants. You shut your eyes again, and he knows how close you are to finishing. It’s just all too much for you. Not only Shiu, but Toji moaning against your tit as you stroke his cock. Shiu absolutely hates how you’re moaning Toji’s name though– It drives Shiu absolutely insane.
“Fuck, Shiu!” You finally moan his name as you reach your orgasm, and when Toji hears Shiu’s name, he bites down on your nipple. Shiu takes his fingers out and stops playing with your clit, standing up from the floor. Toji also stops sucking on your breast, and you take your hand out of his boxers. Shiu unbuttons his pants, taking them off along with his boxers.
“You pick what you want to do with her, Toji.” Shiu says, completely ignoring what you’d like. Shiu knows you, you’d be fine with anything as long as you get fucked. Toji licks his lips as he looks you up and down before he stands up.
“Bend over.” Toji orders, and you do as he says. He spanks your ass before he pulls down his pants and strokes his cock a couple of times before his tip runs through your folds. He inserts his cock slowly, and you immediately feel how much thicker he is compared to your husband– And he’s longer too. 
Toji has to bite his mouth to not make a sound as he feels your pussy wrap around him. You feel so fucking good around him, even better than he imagined. He’s always thought about you like this– He just didn’t expect it to feel so fucking good. 
“Fuck– Gimme a minute, Toji.” You say, needing a minute to get adjusted to him. You nearly forget about your husband, until his body is right in front of you. He grabs a handful of your hair and forces you to look up at his face.
“I hope my pretty little wife hasn’t forgotten about me.” Shiu comments, and you’re too focused on Toji to properly take care of your husband. Your hand wraps around his cock and you begin to stroke his cock.
“After this, she’ll completely forget about you.” Toji jokes. He begins to move, and your hands hold on to Shiu’s thighs for balance. Shiu takes advantage of your open mouth to shove his cock inside it. Your moans are completely muffled with your mouth wrapped around your husband’s cock.
Both men are moving their hips to gain pleasure from you. Toji’s nails are digging into your hips while your nails are digging into Shiu’s thighs. Toji hears as you gag on Shiu’s cock, and he chuckles before he mutters, “You didn’t tell me your wife is such a good little slut.”
“Shut up. I don’t want to listen to you.” Shiu says. Drool is running down your chin as you gag on your husband’s dick. He thrusts it in and out of you, being less gentle than he usually is. You can’t complain though, you like this side of him– You’re not so focused on him but rather the cock that fills up your cunt.
Toji’s dick hits every right spot, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. Right now you’re so grateful that your husband came up with this. You hear Shiu moan, “Fuck– What a good little mouth… Maybe I should fuck it more often.”
“Doubt it’s as good as this.” Toji responds, picking up speed with each thrust. He’s getting harsher with each thrust and you fucking love it. You’re moaning on Shiu’s cock, and it’s driving the man wild. Toji praises you, “You’re taking it like a good little slut.”
“Oh, she’s a good little slut.” Shiu replies. Oh, they’d love to hear your response to this, but your mouth is just so full. Tears run down your eyes, the makeup on your face completely fucked up. “My good little slut.”
One of Toji’s hands goes under to play with your clit, even though through penetration alone he could make you come. Your orgasm doesn’t take too long to build up. Your walls are tightening around Toji’s cock, and he’s groaning at the feeling.
“Fuck… Shit…” Shiu begins, his breathing getting heavy as his release approaches. Your mouth feels so great when it’s wrapped around his cock. It’s so good that the slight jealousy that he felt at the beginning, thinking about Toji feeling your tight pussy, is completely gone. You’re looking up at your husband, watching how his head is thrown back and he’s getting lost in the feeling.
You feel his cum hit the back of your throat, and you attempt your best to swallow every drop before it spills out of your mouth and down his cock/the floor. Just as Shiu pulls his cock out, your orgasm takes over you. Your nails dig into Shiu’s thighs even stronger, drawing blood from his flesh as you try to maintain your balance. 
Toji looks at how your juices coat his cock, hearing the lewd sound that results from him thrusting in and out of you, and it drives him insane. He’ll be thinking about this for months. He’s so close to finishing, and his thrusts become sloppy– Should he pull out or…?
His thinking gets too cloudy. Before he can even decide if he wants to pull out, he ends up finishing inside of you. Once every drop of his cum is inside of you, he pulls out. 
“Sorry man, I meant to pull out.” Toji says, pushing his cum back inside you.
“It’s alright man, pull out next time.”
Next time?
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casiia · 1 year
OMG OMG OKAY HEAR ME OUT. ghostface ethan edging reader after reader receives a phone call from him…!!?!?!?!!!
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[ 𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 ੈ✩‧₊˚ ]
pairing .: ethan landry x reader
genre .: suggestive content
word count .: 2k
warnings .: smut-ish (minors dni.), contains scream XI spoilers! scream plotline, threatening, mentions of a knife, soooo unedited, kissing, lingering touches, dry humping
author's note .: maybe planning on making another part to this <3 i have no idea if this is what was actually requested, but i had a lot of fun writing this! took a massive break from writing and i think i’m back, this is probably very ooc and might make no sense but i have zero experience writing thriller things like this idk. dialogue was used from the 1995 (or 7) scream movie. accepting constructive criticism, reblogs are appreciated. 
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“hey, pretty girl.”
pulling the phone away from your ear confused, you checked your screen to see who was on the other line, frowning slightly when you saw no contact.
“who is this?” setting the home phone back on it’s stand, you let the call ring out on speaker, turning your attention back to the stove.
“there’s no fun in telling you who i am just yet, why don’t you answer a few of my questions first.”
rolling your eyes, you shook the pot once more before turning to lean against the counter, the buttery smell of popcorn filling your nose. “why should i do that?” speaking over the loud crackles and pops coming from the fire, you moved around the island to grab a bowl.
“it’ll be fun. so tell me, what’s your favorite scary movie?”
“hm, i don’t know.” pouring the yellow kernels into the large bowl, you popped a few pieces into your mouth with a satisfied hum. grabbing the phone and turning it off speaker, you pressed it between your ear and shoulder, balancing the device steadily. “maybe, halloween? think that’s the one where that guy stalks the babysitters.”
“you think it was scary?”
“i guess, anyways. tell me who you are now.” ungraciously falling onto the couch, you picked at the pieces of popcorn that had fallen into your lap, licking your lips with a smile as a salty taste covered your tastebuds.
“can’t do that princess, haven’t finished asking my questions.”
“then hurry up and ask them already.” annoyance showing on your face, you reached across the many throw pillows and grabbed the remote —  clicking through the channels with disinterest, before going to browse your downloaded pick of scary movies.
“you got a boyfriend?”
eyebrows raising in shock, you stilled with a quiet laugh. “why, wanna ask me out on a date or what.” you teased the person on the other line, shifting in your seat as you began to ponder who you were really talking to.
“we’ll see, do you have a boyfriend?”
“no.” placing the overflowing bowl of popcorn on the coffee table, you stood to make way to your room, keeping the chunky phone against your ear.
“that’s a shame, such a pretty one you are.”
biting back a smile, you switched the light to your room on; bending down to open your drawer of pajamas, you tossed an oversized shirt onto your neatly made bed. “you gonna be this charming to me when i find out who you are?”
“got anymore questions for me, or can i start guessing who this is.” unbuttoning your jeans, you kicked the pair of uncomfortable pants off . turning the speaker back on, you tossed the phone onto your pillow, pulling your tank top up and over your head before slipping on the big shirt.
“go ahead, you’re giving me such a good show.”
“what are you talking about?” picking up the dirty clothes that you had left stranded on your floor, you walked into your connecting bathroom, putting the clothes in your dirty hamper.
“hm, that’s a nice shirt you’re wearing. where did you get it?”
eyes widening in surprise, you slowly turned back into your bedroom, your knuckles white as you gripped onto the phone. “can you see me?”
“ah what a good girl! putting her brain to some use.”
“if you can really see me, how many fingers am i holding up?” walking up to your window, you peered outside trying to get a good look. sticking out your middle finger, you squinted as you stared into your dark backyard, trying to piece together unfamiliar shadows. 
“funny, one.”
“shit.” shutting your blinds in hurry, you stumbled out of your room, quickly heading back downstairs. “who is this, jason?”
“from econ? no.” 
“you better leave me alone, my boyfriend is coming over soon.” closing the blinds to your backdoor, you shuffled into your kitchen, grabbing a large knife. “he’s strong, s-so get out of here!” 
“i thought you said you didn’t have a boyfriend?” 
“w-well i lied!” locking your front door, you turned down all the lights, curling into a corner, knife in hand. your breath was ragged, eyes darting from place to place in worry. “tell me who you are before i call the police.”
“quit being such a brat, the fun isn’t over just yet.”
chewing on your lip, tears lined your waterline as fear overtook you. anxiety creeping up your throat with every shallow breath you took. “this isn’t funny.” you flinched at the loud noise emitting from the buzzing device, a staticy and robotic laugh filling the eerily quiet apartment. 
“you look so cute with that knife. what’re you gonna do, stab me?”
“show yourself, you coward!” standing from the hardwood floor, you paced around the kitchen, blinking away any tears that threatened to spill down your pink cheeks. frustration and anger burning in your chest, when the anonymous caller laughed again.
“careful what you wish for.”
a loud ringing echoes from the phone as the call ends, the wind whistling against the windows has you whipping your head to each sudden noise. pressing yourself up against the wall, the knife that you held a safe distance away from you.
“where are you, motherfucker.” your voice just barely above a whisper, you jumped at the sound of your doorknob rattling – a fist loudly knocking against the wood of your door. “go away! i’ll kill you.”
“baby? hey, what’s going on it’s just me.”
“ethan?” letting the knife drop to the marble of your kitchen countertop, you winced at the loud clang. running to your front door, you stood on the tip of your toes, peering through the peak hole to see your boyfriend awkwardly standing in front of you. twisting the lock, you threw the door open before jumping into his arms.
“what’s wrong? did you forget i was coming or something?” pressing a quick kiss to your cheek, he circles his arms around your waist with a hesitant laugh. 
“no- no. this guy just prank called me, i was so scared.” pressing your face into his shoulder, you gripped onto his coat, muffled sobs racking from your chest. “he saw me, ethan.” 
“no, pretty, don't cry. i’m sure it was just some sick joke.” gently pulling you away from his tearstained coat, he cradled your face in the palm of his hand; wiping your wet cheeks, he pressed a light kiss in between your brows. “relax, no one’s gonna hurt you as long as i’m here.” 
“can you stay the night?” leaning into his touch, you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. “don’t think i can sleep without you.” twirling his thick brown hair between your fingers, you sighed heavily, relaxing in his embrace. 
“of course, i was planning on it anyway.” adjusting the bag on his shoulder, he squeezed your hip once nudging you inside your apartment. “don’t want these creeps lookin at you, especially without pants.”
shaking your head with a smile, you wiped your remaining tears with the back of your hand, sniffling quietly and shuffling back inside. “lock it, please.” grabbing his bag, you tossed it onto the sofa, the sound of a lock clicking easing your shoulders.
“you were really scared, huh.” ethan laughs at the abandon knife on the counter, picking it up and putting it back with the other collection of cooking knives. 
“i was, that was the creepiest interaction i’ve ever had.” dragging your hands down your face with a huff, you walked over to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his torso and pressing your face into his back. “y’should jus’ move in with me.” your words muffled, you felt his chest rise and fall with another laugh.
“i was the one that made that request, i’d rather live with you than chad.” he loosened your arms around him, dragging you around his body so you were caged between him and the counter. “i am really sorry you had to go through that, did you call the police?” 
“no, i think there are worse things to worry about. it was just some silly call.” rubbing your arms nervously, you took a deep breath, reassuring yourself of any crazy thoughts. “i don’t want to talk about it anymore, how was your day?” pulling yourself up on the countertop, you shuddered lightly when your bare skin met with the cool marble. 
“uninteresting, just caught up in some classes, i missed you a lot.” moving in between your legs, he dragged his fingers against your thigh, teasing the hem of your shirt higher up your leg. “is this mine? i’ve been looking for it.” inching his hand up your shirt, he squeezed your hip, his thumb trailing along the lace of your panties. 
“mhm, it’s comfortable. didn’t think you’d miss it much.” sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, you placed your hands on his chest, drawing little circles into his shirt. looking up at him through your lashes, you licked your lips, your fingers settling at the base of his neck. “ethan…”
“what is it, baby.” bringing his other hand up to your cheek, he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “want me to stop?” moving to retract his hand that found it’s way under your shirt, he looked down at you with worried eyes, scared that he had read the room wrong. 
“no! no. i want you, ethan.” grabbing his wrist, you bring his large hands back to your body, leaning forward to press a sweet kiss to his collarbone. “do you— do you want me?” guiding his hands under your shirt, you whined softly, his cold fingers grazing your stomach. 
“oh fuck.” mumbling under his breath, he pressed his lips to your forehead, glancing down at your exposed panties; pretty and pink, decorated with a white lace, a small bow stitched right in the center. 
“gonna answer my question?” trailing along the seam of his belt, you played with the hem of his shirt, your lips lingering on his skin with every word you mumbled. 
“i do, baby. let me make you feel good.” rubbing up and down your sides with a light chuckle, he gently patted your waist. “you deserve it, such a good girl.” 
tugging at the collar of his thick coat, you pressed your soft lips to his with a happy hum, your fingers entangling in his curly brunette hair. swiping your tongue against his bottom lip, you brought your hand up to cup his jaw, pulling him impossibly closer to you. 
ethan grinned against your lips, snaking his arm around your waist to grind his clothed crotch against your damp panties. “s’wet for me, haven’t even done anything to you yet.”
gasping into his mouth at the roll of his hips, you squeezed your thighs around his waist yearning for more. “please, ethan.” your words blurred together as you continued to kiss him – you tugged lightly on his hair with a mewl, the bulge showing in his jeans nudging your clit.
“so needy, can’t wait–”
a deafening ring cuts him off, his phone softly buzzing in the pocket of his jacket. letting your hands fall from his hair and atop of his shoulders, you shook your head with concern. “ethan, no.”
“relax, i bet it’s just chad.” giving your thigh a reassuring squeeze, he reaches into his pocket, pulling out the red phone. tilting his screen, he showed you the number on the screen, one that he had not previously saved. “recognize it?”
“no, i wasn’t shown a number.” anxiously playing with your fingers, you kept your eyes glued to the vibrating phone. “put it on speaker.”
nodding at your request, you watched him accept the call, letting it play out loud. “who is this?” 
“hello, ethan. what’s your favorite scary movie?”
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🏷 .: @loaksbitch @sullybby @vmptears my stinky ethan landry apologist
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pshcomforts · 7 months
➳ let you break my heart again | psh.
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collegestudent!sunghoon x fem!reader (mentions of wonyoung from ive)
“one day i will stop falling in love with you”
synopsis: you’ve been in love with your friend, sunghoon for a long time but he has eyes on someone else.
warnings/content: college au. unrequited love. pure and heavy angst. cursing. no happy ending. written in third pov. sunghoon’s oblivious. reader is introverted. a little bit of jay x reader.
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 3.3k
a/n: part two — ₊˚ʚ falling in love ɞ˚₊
fictional characters — dae (jungwon’s boyfriend), min-su (heeseung’s girlfriend), and ji-woo (jake’s girlfriend). shameless part two is in the works i swear!
current song playing: let you break my heart again by laufey
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
1:04 ─────|────────────── -3:25
it was a gloomy and early evening, and all y/n could hear were the sounds of bird chirps and wind whispers.
she gave a soft sigh as she arrived onto the school campus. “just a few hours today, it’s gonna rain too..,” she murmured with a saddened expression.
the girl soon felt a harsh arm tug around her neck, pulling her close within the person’s chest.
in an instant, the smell of cologne and fresh laundry attacked her senses and she knew who it was.
“you just got here??” her close friend, sunghoon beamed towards her.
y/n’s heart instantly thumped at the processed words. “yeah.. did you?” she took a gulp, eyes trailing up towards the body figure.
she heard him give a low chuckle that caused her insides to churn and twist all in one. “i’ve been here for a while, dummy. we’ve all been waiting for you.” hoon spoke, arms unintentionally linking her closer in his presence.
the girl awkwardly laughed along before swallowing her feelings away. “oh.. well, i’m here now.”
“finally! i’ve been waiting since 8am!”
“you have?” her head peered up and she only hoped that sunghoon didn’t notice the blushing red around her cheeks and ears.
he didn’t. the stupid boy was oblivious.
so he only cackled a laugh before furiously nodding his head — “yeah! i need to give you an update on how it’s going so far with wonyoung.”
y/n’s heart instantly sank to the pit of her stomach, killing all of the possible butterflies that had been formed there. “o..oh…,” she mumbled with a lip bite. “yeah, how’s it going so far?”
she attempted a smile but could only go so far with just her lips forcibly pressing into a thin line.
sunghoon didn’t notice the way his friend who’s crushed on him for months subtly withdrew away from him as he yapped on and on about his progress.
“so me and her..,” “and then we..,” “but she also told me..,” “and i really want her to know that..,” the oblivious boy mumbled on, and all she could do was let him run his mouth with how much excitement surged through him.
y/n laughed here and there, playing the simple mannered jokes to quiet down her aching pain that wished to become present.
but even with her efforts, her tears that caused a shine to display in her eyes were worsening her act. and when she quietly sniffed away her snot, sunghoon immediately noticed and stopped in his tracks.
“hey,” he nudged. “you okay?”
“yeah.. no, yeah, i’m definitely fine! it’s just getting cold so i think i’m getting a little sick.” she muffled back with her head turned away from him.
he didn’t give a response. at least, not right away. it was urgently quiet as he observed her body language, almost as if trying to figure her out.
“are you sure you’re okay?” the male softly uttered. his voice was sweet and reassuring, much like his feelings for wonyoung.
“if you need to, just go back home. your head might hurt if you stay in class.” he added in.
y/n hated this. she hated how caring he was, how unintentionally charming he was. she hated it, and she hated him (lies).
“no it’s fine, hoon.”
sunghoon’s face spoke with disbelief in her words. resting his hand on her shoulder, he firmly murmured, “i’m sure the professor will understand, i don’t want you to force yourself-“
“i said i’m fine.” the girl harshly reiterated.
after the cold shoulder, she felt his hand slip off of her shoulder — causing a burning pulse to ache in her heart. he was the one who withdrew this time, and she felt it.
“you didn’t have to be harsh, y/n.”
sunghoon’s hand was about to fully slip away but y/n caught it in time, fingers dangling onto the forearm with hope and regret.
“sorry, sunghoon, i’m just a little irritated with this cold,” she lied. nothing about her runny nose and teary eyes were about a cold. he was the reason, but he couldn’t know that.
✩ ‘i don’t even think that you care like i do’ ✩
hoon sighed. “i know you get a little mean when your head starts to hurt but don’t take it out on me,” he softly joked, playfully nudging her head afterwards.
the girl rolled her eyes before giving a light smack to his arm. “shut up, i’m just not feeling well.” another lie.
“well just don’t get me sick cause then i’ll get wonyoung sick.”
his words processed into her ears faster than she thought, and her smile dropped.
but when sunghoon looked back at her to see if she laughed at his joke, she quickly wore a grin once more.
“calm down, you guys are still talking.” y/n said with a stab to the heart.
“not after today, i hope.”
her ears perked up. she knew it wasn’t possible for her friend to like her back, especially with how much he always went on and on about a girl like wonyoung; but it didn’t hurt to have a little hope right?
✩ ‘pretend that we are more than friends’ ✩
“what’s happening today?” she asked, finding it hard to gulp down saliva with her heartbeats in her throat.
sunghoon awkwardly chuckled as he scratched the back of his nape. “i’m planning to ask her out today.”
another heart drop to the stomach.
✩ ‘i should stop’ ✩
‘of course.. i’m an idiot…,’ she thought to herself as she exhaled a heavy sigh.
“what? that’s not a good idea?” the boy asked, catching onto that exaggerated sigh.
“what? oh.. no, it’s a good idea! ask her out!” she beamed, displaying a wide smile. she felt like an idiot. her hopes went up for a second, just for it to be shot down like always.
✩ ‘heaven knows i’ve tried’ ✩
“thank you, y/n! you always help me with her, i can’t thank you enough!” sunghoon yelled, hugging and shaking her around.
y/n lightly laughed. “once is enough..,”
“what..? nothing! hey, there’s jake and them, let’s go!” she dragged him towards their friend group and sighed in relief.
“you guys are finally here?” jake teased, displaying his full set of teeth as he laid his head on his girlfriend’s shoulders.
y/n nodded. “yeah, i just came on campus.”
“girl, it’s noon!” her friend, ji-woo yelled in disbelief.
“hey, my class is later, so i’m not late!”
“that’s true, at least she’s planning to go to class.” dae chimed in with a shrug in his shoulders.
“exactly! thank you,” the single friend defensively beamed back.
“that’s a first.” min-su uttered, causing cackled laughter to erupt out of the group.
a few topics of discussions immersed before sunghoon intervened with his own — “so i’m planning to ask wonyoung out.”
everyone immediately shifted their gaze to y/n, who had her head slightly drooped down. they knew she liked him. everyone knew, everyone but sunghoon.
but it wasn’t like they could just tell him for her. it wasn’t their place, and she’d honestly rather keep it a secret with how eager he was to be going out with another girl.
y/n softly shook her head ‘no’ towards her three closer friends who intentionally stared at her a little longer than the members. ‘no, don’t say anything, it’s fine’ — she spoke with that head shake.
ji-woo sighed out before uttering, “you’re really gonna go out with her?”
sunghoon’s head tilted to the side in confusion as he responded with a — “yes? is it that surprising?” he turned his attention to jake to get an idea of what his girlfriend meant, only for jake to just awkwardly smile.
“well, you’re just not the type to be that bold, you know?” dae urged, saving ji-woo’s ass.
“yeah, you’re usually more like the guy who just lets stuff happens unintentionally.” min-su said in an attempt to cover their question up.
“baby, i’m sure sunghoon’s just getting more confident with her.” heeseung replied to his girlfriend, intertwining his hands with hers.
y/n’s head slightly bolted before looking at the male who just spoke. they met eyes before he mouthed a ‘sorry’ towards her.
“hee’s right. she just makes me feel confident in being more out there. she’s so sweet, and talks confidently, and..,” sunghoon chattered on.
and it was then that she realized just how different wonyoung and her were.
wonyoung was extroverted, and y/n was introverted.
she was so outgoing and natural in everything she did, and y/n truly admired her for that. she couldn’t ever hate someone who was so unbelievably sweet like wonyoung.
but the two girls were different, and y/n could see just how much sunghoon and her wouldn’t work out. they were too similar, and he needed someone opposite from him.
her. it was her who was like that. wonyoung brought the best in him, and y/n was at least glad for that.
so as hoon kept yapping on about his plan, y/n disassociated with every thought that flooded her head. she couldn’t bare to hear the same words, so the best thing that she could do was just blur out whatever he was saying.
the group took notice and eventually stopped sunghoon.
“hey y/n, doesn’t your class start soon?” dae quickly intervened with an eyebrow raise.
“hm? oh, yeah.. soon.” she blatantly said, no sense of emotion shown.
ji-woo awkwardly laughed as she added, “girl you should start walking.” her chuckle was in an attempt to make light jokes of the situation, but y/n only nodded.
“okay,” she mumbled and got up from the table seat.
“oh, i’ll walk you.” jay uttered, taking the excuse and leaving as well.
sunghoon cocked his head. “what? but i was supposed to walk her. jay??”
“don’t worry, i’ll walk her! her class will be close to mine anyway!” the dark haired boy shouted before catching up to y/n.
“hey,” jay bumped his arm against hers. “you want to talk about it..?”
she sighed as she faced him. his face showed a sickly amount of worry and it only caused her to playfully push his head away.
“does it look like i want to talk about it?” y/n murmured, softly pouting.
jay chuckled. “no, but i’m here if you need me. i know it’s not easy, y/n, and sunghoon’s a little stupid for not seeing that you like him.”
she clicked her tongue as she rolled her eyes. “please, i haven’t shown that i’ve liked him at all. he’s not stupid, he’s just in love with someone else.” when her words actually processed, she felt her heart shatter into a million pieces.
the girl stopped her tracks and lowered her head, causing jay to look back at her with pity.
“y/n..,” he whispered, brows furrowing at her state.
“it’s pathetic, isn’t it?” she chuckled through her pain, tears already flowing down her cheeks. “being in love with someone who only sees me as a friend.”
“it’s not. maybe if you just tell him-“
“what, tell him and make our whole relationship awkward? no. he’s already adamant on going out with her anyway, there’s no point.”
y/n’s head lowered even more, hiding away her puffy, red eyes that were clear in daylight. she let out soft sobs before attempting to shut down her feelings.
✩ ‘promise i don’t mean to cry’ ✩
“sorry, this is gross. i’m not crying anymore, sorry jay-“
✩ ‘but i get overwhelmed and confused’ ✩
in swift seconds, jay pulled her into his embrace and softly squeezed her. “your feelings for sunghoon aren’t stupid. you may be for not telling him any sooner, but your feelings are never invalidated.” he muffled through the hug.
the girl cracked a smile at his words before slapping his arms. “thanks.. that was a little mean but, thanks jay.”
jay beamed a sweet and reassuring smile as he stroked her hair for a second. “what are friends for?” he said.
✩ ‘some day, someone will like me like i like you’ ✩
“are you still planning to go to class?”
“should i..? after i cried..?”
he cackled a laugh, shining a smile towards her before mumbling, “it’s up to you, but i honestly wouldn’t. you can always catch up too..,”
y/n turned her head to look at him. “are you suggesting that you skip with me?”
“who said i was skipping??” the tall male grinned ear to ear as he watched her exasperate a sigh out.
“you cant tell me to skip and not have you skip with me!”
“fine.. i’ll skip with you.” jay sighed in defeat. “but we have to get the others to skip too!”
“deal! i was already texting dae!”
the two laughed before making a weird U-turn from their pathway.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
eventually, their plan to skip only turned into a library study session. and with such short timing, only a few were willing to do it — dae, min-su, ji-woo, and niki.
the rest were either still in class, at home already, or in some cases, asking their crush out.
so when it was just the six in one big table, everything was chaotically quiet.
y/n sat next to her three closest friends while jay and niki silently bickered here and there.
“i cant believe jungwon didn’t come, he’s usually always down for these study sessions.” niki snorted.
“well wonie wasn’t feeling it today so he just went home.” dae butted in, eyes staying glued to his laptop.
jay huffed out a sigh. “this is a little boring.. i thought we were gonna do something more fun when we skipped, y/n.”
“well, we have to catch up for the work we missed.”
“remind me to never skip with you again..,”
the group quietly laughed together as jay continued — “seriously, y/n, what was the point if we were going to do something like study?”
“i just didn’t want to listen to my professor talk,” she scowled.
“let’s go eat somewhere, at least!” the male frowned, eyes rolling at how much she was concentrating.
“i wouldn’t mind eating..,” niki chimed in.
“let’s go!” yelled ji-woo, getting everyone hyped up to leave.
y/n immediately jumped up from her cushioned seat with a beam — “okay! i just have to go pee first.”
“do you want us to wait for you?”
“no it’s fine, jay needs to get the car anyway so just come around the block and i’ll be here.”
a few debates on staying with the girl was made before she ultimately convinced jay to just let them go first.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
once y/n was finally done, she brought herself to the front of the library. as she stepped out, she finally heard the heavy rain drops pour from outside.
the campus was flooded with wet puddles and muddy sidewalks. she exaggerated a sigh as she covered herself with a hoodie.
“should’ve just had someone wait with me,” she mumbled under her breath.
the girl glanced back and forth, from left to right to ensure nothing was in her way, but once she did so, she completely hated the sight she came across.
a few ways down from her once-peripheral vision, y/n saw sunghoon and wonyoung wrapped around each other in a hug.
she immediately found it hard to breathe with how tight her heart began to clench onto every single ache. tears ran through her cheeks as she watched from afar.
the only thing that further confirmed his stated plans from earlier were the dim lights on campus — exhibiting how well hoon was wrapping his arms around her, how well they fit each other like puzzle pieces.
she bit her lips as she tried to swallow back another crying sob, but she just couldn’t help it.
y/n was watching her closest friend fall in love with someone else this entire time, and she’s always been able to somewhat sustain it. but now? now, he would actually be with wonyoung, instead of the girl who’s been in love with him since high school.
✩ ‘if only you knew what i felt like’ ✩
her breath hitched as every memory of her and hoon being potentially more flashed away in an instant. she’d always thought that maybe on some level, she’d get with sunghoon because of how well it went for all three of her close friends to find their special someone from being friends first.
but that little fragment of hope she had left for something possible was now crushed to a pulp.
✩ ‘some day, one day’ ✩
it wasn’t like the movies where the two friends realize their love for each other, and y/n knew that now. because if it was anything like that, hoon wouldn’t have been so excited to tell her everything that he knew about wonyoung.
he would’ve just confessed his feelings, and baam, happy ending.
but yet again, it wasn’t like the movies.
so she harshly wiped her tears away and though no one was around, she couldn’t help but be thankful for the heavy raindrops that blended her tears in with it. a half smile plastered across her face in revelation to that while sighing.
‘happy for you..,’ y/n thought to herself as she pulled out her phone.
✩ ‘i will stop falling in love with you’ ✩
beads of water from the rain plopped on her phone in a quick pace while she texted a family member — ‘can you come pick me up?’
she bit her lips before leaving to her shared group chat with her beloved friends.
y/n <33:
hey.. i just remembered that i have an exam next week so i have to study for it
go ahead and eat without me tho!! my brother’s already on his way so don’t worry abt any of that! :)
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
You have an exam??
Why didn’t you tell us!
Just come out anyway 🥰
hee’s fav 🤍:
yeah one day won’t hurt!
jake’s girl 🫂:
jay’s taking forever but yeah, just come y/n!
y/n’s eyes glistened when she felt another wave of emotions hit her. they didn’t even know she was going through such a thing, and it hurt that she couldn’t tell them yet.
y/n <33:
no it’s okayy, another time!
a buzz to her phone was made before she found her brother pulling up. she ran to the car with a shaky breath, and soon, they drove away from the heartbreaking sight.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when the girl got home, she immediately ran to her room and sobbed her eyes out. she broke down in a crying mess after holding it in in front of her brother.
tears streamed down her cheeks and snot filled her nose with every hiccup in her throat.
“i’m an idiot,” y/n grumbled in a scratchy whisper.
just then, her phone rang like crazy and she peeked over. her three friends were calling, most likely to call and talk like they do every night, but she couldn’t do it. not right now.
so she declined it, and a few other buzzed calls from them.
y/n ignored the flooding texts of concerns and playful frustrations before coming across a few from sunghoon.
hoonie 🤍:
You busy??
I have to tell you how it went, y/n
Text me back as soon as possible! I have such good news 🙂
her heart sank. of course he had good news, she was there to witness it. but she was a good friend after all.
✩ ‘until i do, i’ll be thinking of you’ ✩
y/n <33:
oh really?? what happened?
✩ ‘then of course i’ll let you break my heart again’ ✩
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500 Followers = 500 Words Event: Jeonghan
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Dinner Can Wait | Jeonghan
-> Pairing: Yoon Jeonghan x gf!Reader
-> Requested by: @staytiny2000
-> Prompt:  Prompt 31 - He's had a hard day at practice and all he wants is Y/N.  
-> Warnings: showering together (nothing kinky). Alludes to a bad dance practice. No mentions of military because we ain't going there, okay?
-> Word Count: 507
-> Requests: Closed.
500 followers = 500 words M.List | Main Masterlist | Tag List Form
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The moment Jeonghan walks into the apartment, he drops his bag onto the floor and slips off his shoes right by the door. As he steps further inside, the delicious aroma of the food Y/N is cooking fills the air. He heads over to her and greets her with a sweet kiss.  
"I just started on dinner," she says with a smile as he leans in to her pressing a kiss to her shoulder. "You have plenty of time to take a shower," she adds, knowing he’ll want to freshen up before eating. This has become their little routine: he comes home, she cooks while he showers, and then they enjoy their meal together before winding down for the night.��
However, tonight Jeonghan has something different in mind. He reaches around her to switch off the stove, gently takes the utensil from her hand, and moves the pan to an unused burner. 
“Hannie, what are you doing?”  
“Come shower with me,” he replies, guiding her toward the bathroom, leaving no room for her to object.  
“But the food-,” she starts, but Jeonghan shakes his head.  
“Dinner can wait. I’ve missed you all day,” he insists, making her feel a twinge of concern. He seems more clingy than usual, hinting that something might have happened during dance practice.  
"Are you okay?" she asks as he turns on the shower, testing the water with his hand until it reaches a comfortable temperature for both of them. 
Jeonghan nods, but there's a flicker of something in his eyes that makes Y/N wonder if he means it. She watches him as he removes his clothes and steps into the shower. In a flash, she undresses and joins him before he can pull her in with him. She learned from a previous time when he was like this that she needed to be quick before he pulled her in, clothes and all.  
With the water cascading down their bodies, she can’t help but notice the tension in his body. 
“I’m fine,” he reassures her, his voice is softer than usual. “It’s just been a long day. Practice was intense, and we were all getting frustrated with each other.” 
Y/N nods, her heart aching a little at the thought of Jeonghan having a rough day. She steps closer and wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest. She can feel the tension in his muscles slowly begin to ease under her touch.  
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asks, looking up at him.  
He sighs, running a hand through his damp hair, and shakes his head. “Not really,” his voice is low, and she can sense the weight of his exhaustion. “I just want to be with you.” 
“Okay,” she replies, not wanting to push him into talking about what happened. Instead, she focuses on taking care of him.  
After their shower, Jeonghan and Y/N decide to order food rather than continue cooking. When their food arrives, they cozy up on the couch and start a movie.  
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©️ 2024 dancinglikebutterflywings - do not copy/modify/repost anywhere. reblog instead
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@rainydayteacups - @staytiny2000 - @forever-atiny - @shuaserendipity95
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luviwon · 3 months
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pairing: idol!sunoo x fangirl!reader
context: after a late night concert, sunoo asks you out to go for a drink or two. nevertheless, after drinking too much, he decides to take you to his house and look after you. but your shyness disappeared all along with your sobriety and while walking to his place, you thought a kiss would have been just fine. but don’t you wonder how you ended up being given head in the middle of the street?
genre: SMUT
warnings: public sexual relations, dominant sunoo, oral sex (receiving), fingering, horny and slightly drunk sunoo, VERY drunk reader, orgasm denial, sunoo calling the reader princess, mutual consent
a/n: if you enjoy my work please repost!<3
“that is no way to be, y/n” sunoo exclaimed, grabbing the vodka bottle from your hands.
“i thought you wanted to go for drinks. am i doing something different to that?”
you chuckled, swallowing another hiccup down your throat. you couldn’t stop smiling as the bar started to move around you. you kept looking around, feeling how the room showed different colours than before. your head was heavy and in a complete daze, but it made you feel so good and for some reason, happy a lot, so your conclusion was that adding more alcohol will only make the euphoric feeling grow more.
sunoo, on the other hand, was paying attention to your every move. he was the one who invited you so if anything were to happen, it would have been on him.
“you are indeed drinking, but don’t get yourself too into it. i’m afraid you might feel sick tomorrow”
“it’s not tomorrow yet, so let’s drink more” you let out another giggle, followed by redeeming your bottle back and filling up your and sunoo’s glasses.
this time, he didn’t complain anymore, instead he looked at you and smiled. despite how much he wanted to prevent the hangover, he loved your smile so much more. but the two of you were just friends as his company forbade him from dating anyone. not like they would have to know either way.
“let’s clear up these glasses and then start walking home, okay?”
you weren’t bothered to answer, but you gave him a small nod and continued drinking. as you put the glass down, you raised your head and looked at him. how did you end up being here with kim sunoo? the unique, prettiest kim sunoo, the well known idol, hot man and most beautiful smile owner? fan signs were indeed an amazing method of meeting your favourites, but keeping in touch even after was no small thing.
he looked so good in that white shirt, slowly oversize on him, enough to show off his neck and collarbone. his eyes were fixed on yours, his blonde hair just in place. his lips were rosy and plump, attracting you towards them. his skin showed no imperfection and the perfume he was wearing was like no other. strong, woody. just like you like it.
“are you ready to go now?”
you couldn’t say a lot but let a soft “mhm” out and tried to get off the stool with your eyes half-closed, but the blonde guy stopped you. “allow me” he said, offering you his hand. without any hesitation, you gave your hand to him and got off safely. his touch was heavenly and it brought the two of you closer.
“ladies first” he said, opening the door of the bar for you. the breezy air hit your face as soon as you left the cozy, warm room. for a second, you even forgot how far home is or which one was the way. but that was no worry for you to have. “i will take you to my apartment as it is closer, and in the morning i will call you a taxi to get you home”
it didn’t sound like a question, but more of a statement. but who were you to turn down his offer? walking in heels was no easy job when your head was so dizzy, thus grabbing sunoo’s arm over and over again wasn’t a surprise. but he wasn’t complaining, if anything he would have loved to just carry you on his back. “it’s only 15min away, we will be there before you know it”
the more you walked, the more drunk you felt. you couldn’t even keep your head up and your legs refused to walk eventually. “sunoo-ya! i’m so tired, how long now?” you stopped in the middle of the road and pouted. he turned around, witnessing your refusal to move anymore. the road was deserted, all the stores shut down, not even the lights were working properly, let alone there being any ubers for you to take home instead of going through all the pain of walking.
sunoo came closer to you, his loud steps awakening the street. you met his gaze which made you as silent as a mouse. as he got closer, you gulped and walked towards him too. “you know you are really beautiful when you are drunk” said sunoo, cupping your cheek in his hand. his mouth was slightly open and the smell of vodka was no absent, and that only made you want to have a taste of him as well.
without much realisation, you pressed your lips against his, sensing a sweet flavour. his lips were so soft that yours were just sliding on them, it gave you so many butterflies and made you feel weak. instead of ending the small peck there, sunoo grabbed your back with his other hand and pushed you into a deeper kiss, this time his tongue meeting yours in a fascinating dance. he had a long one, quite cheeky and hungry for your taste.
it was loud, the sound of your lips meeting each other, escaping innocent pleasure sounds. sunoo pushed you carefully against an empty wall, resting his forehead on yours while letting go of your addictive lips and opening his eye to admire your features. you opened yours as well, only to meet sunoo’s gaze and feel intimidated by his beauty.
“i could never get enough of your lips, y/n” he said, grabbing your waist around his arm. “you feel so good in my arms already, with my hands all over you”
your weak legs were trembling, possibly because of the cold wind or perhaps because of how close he was, how passionately he kissed you and how fast your heart was beating. sunoo noticed that your legs could not hold on anymore and pushed his knee between them, making you let a soft whimper out. he smirked at this image of you and pushed you down his knee more, feeling satisfaction while seeing the pleasure on your face.
“and when you think that is only my knee that is making you feel like this, beautiful”
you couldn’t help but grind on his leg, biting your lower lip. how could you be such a mess in the middle of the road? “you looked so hot on the stage today, sunoo. seeing you perform bite me made me feel things i could never say aloud”
“you know what they say about dancers” he leaned towards your ear and whispered softly. “they do know how to move their bodies just right ”
his hand which once was holding onto your waist, went lower down, teasing you by playing with your skirt band. the side zip was so tempting, making him wonder whether it would be too risky to relish you then and there. “sunoo i need you now” you gave him the last sign he needed and pulled down your zipper, your skirt falling down until it met sunoo’s knee, which didn’t move an inch. why stopping the pleasure?
“i need to drown my tongue inside your pussy so much, y/n” he whispered again, this time his breathe hitting your exposed neck.
if his stage presence was something spectacular, his current position could never compete. your head felt dizzy but weren’t you actually drunk on sunoo? fucking kim sunoo who had no limits, taking the biggest risks to spoil you just the way you deserve it.
“what about a small finger play?” he whispered again, lowering down his knee and leaving the skirt to fall on the ground. his impatient fingers lingered around your panties, indecisive whether he should go soft or hard on you. he couldn’t help himself either way, as this moment made him more turned on than ever. he bit his lower lip and pressed his index and middle finger against your already wet panties, which at this point where only there to tease sunoo more. “i want you to be all soaked for me down there, okay princess?” the blonde said softly into your ear again.
you nodded and crossed your legs at the sensation of his fingers. they were pressing against your intimate part firmly, causing you to cross your legs to stop the pleasure caused by merely his fingers. “don’t be shy, princess, you will beg for more once i start” at the thought of that you had another hiccup sabotage you and exposed your bright smile along with your wet cunt.
“should i tease you more before i bury my fingers deep inside you?” he asked with a clear smirk on his face. due to the dizziness you had a hard time keeping your head up thus it kept falling down. noticing, sunoo grabbed you by the chin and raised your head, making you stare into his eyes “if you want me to make you feel good you need to look at me the whole time, okay princess? that is your task”
you let a moan out while trying to agree, feeling how his pointy fingers pull your panties to the side. his index finger focused on your clit, rubbing it well for you to let loud whines out. sunoo bit his lower lip and kept on playing with your beautiful cunt, going harder against it. he went all around it, inside, outside just exploring how wet and nice your thirsty pussy was. “sunoo-, you fingers…i need them inside me, please”
“please?” he smirked more hearing you begging. before you knew it, his two fingers were all the way inside you, causing you to push your head down again and moan his fucking hot name. “eyes on me i said” sunoo added promptly, raising your head again, this time with a serious face. “you better listen to me if you want to cum tonight”
“yes, baby” you whispered, sighing while trying to control your body. he smiled again, moving his thick fingers in and out, your wetness awakening the street again. you sounded so good he couldn’t help but go faster to hear it more and more and more. the smirk on his face was showing everything already, not taking a break from pleasuring you.
sunoo grabbed your right hand and placed it on his hardened cock, against his trousers “can you feel my love growing for you, princess?” added while pushing his fingers all the way up, arching them inside you. at this point you didn’t even try to hide it anymore, the moans were uncontrollable, moans that did not hesitate to scream his name clearly. he was the one responsible for all the whimpering.
his speed and control made you feel like you could explode any second, unable to stand up anymore. the amount of times your legs got way too weak from all the pleasure was not even possible to be said. he did not slow down at all, save for the time he wanted to tease you by going slower and then hit you back with his stable speed. it was not surprise when you felt like you were going to reach climax any time then. with your hand on his masculinity, you bit your lips as well. “baby i can’t anymore i really need to cum”
“seriously, princess? is that all it took for you to cum for me” sunoo said in a low voice, chuckling “too bad” his fingers slowly left your heated inside, leaving a temporary tattoo with your honey on your cheek. the way he edged you was so hot but you still needed him so much he couldn’t leave you like this, desperate and unfucked yet. the fact that you were in the middle of the street was not a problem anymore either, it was just the two of you, having a passionate and intimate moment together.
before you knew it, sunoo’s knees were already on the ground. his face was really close to your cunt, his hot breathe hitting your exposed pussy and making you shake for a second “don’t worry, princess, i will take great care of you” he assured you while winking at you. he came closer, sticking out his playful tongue and staring at you from down there. without breaking from the eye contact, the tip of his tongue touched your frontal part, giving you shivers.
sunoo was indeed unpredictable as he went all the way in without any warnings. he suddenly decided to take you right then and there and addressed no further question but fed his needs. no teasing, no thighs play, no foreplay, just straight into it as he was incredibly hungry for your taste. and once he was into it, his eyes widened at the amazing taste of your cunt, rolling his eyes back while sucking on your clit. unable to keep your legs stable anymore, you grabbed his shining blonde and held into it, pulling it every time he was doing better and better.
the hungry sounds did not stop at all. sunoo kept moaning while eating you out, sliding his tongue everywhere inside and outside, seeing what makes you feel best, what makes you react most and of course, what makes you moan his name loudest. he went from sucking on a certain part to taking your whole pussy inside your mouth, over and over again. he looked so damn hot down there, with his hands on your ass, grabbing it harder in his hands each time he went deeper.
“sunoo, your tongue feels so good” you barely managed to say, throwing your head back and resisting the need to cross your legs. “please don’t stop” even though you had your eyes closed, you could feel how another smirk appeared on his face. his tongue did the job, exploring all of your sides and ending up buried inside you, just like his fingers before. his moans were quiet but they were indeed there, hidden inside you cunt.
he was edging you again, getting you very close to cuming, this time all over his pretty face. “sunoo-“ you kept moaning his name, moving at a slow pace up and down to get even more from his mouth. it was incredible this moment you were sharing. not in a hundred lives you would have thought that you would end up being given head by kim sunoo in the middle of the street against a store wall. and now you were so close again, holding it as much as you could to relish the pleasure even more in the end.
“don’t try to avoid it, princess” his mouth was taking your clit again, his tongue playing with it again, keeping a constant speed aware of your needs to cum. you opened your eyes and looked at him, and he was looking back at you. his hair, his eyes, his mouth taking you so well, the moans, the perfume, the way he was making you feel, his tongue and the whole edging brought you to the point that you couldn’t wait anymore. you let yourself cum while sunoo’s tongue kept going and his eyes enjoying your orgasm face.
despite how hard he wanted to get up and make out with you that second, he really wanted to have you enjoy it until the last second, so he kept sucking of your clit until you were legs were trembling so much you got on your knees next to time. “fuck” you screamed, feeling all out of breathe from the amount of ecstasy and pleasure. he giggled at that and cupped your cheek with his right hand. sunoo came closer to your face, with his reddish lips slightly open and his gaze still on you. he was so beautiful
“what about next round, princess?”
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joonsmagicshop · 3 months
Wait For Me?
Summary: Yoongi has to leave you for two whole weeks because of work. He asks you to wait for him and you get a very naughty idea, what if while you wait for him...he waits for you too
Paring: Yoongi/Reader
Work Count: 8K
Rating: M/18+
Tags: smut, sub Yoongi, slight dom Yoongi, Dom reader, not cuming for two weeks. desperate Yoongi, dirty talk, mentions of Yoongi's balls (We have all seen the bulge pics), video call masturbation, eating pussy, Yoongi is a whiny boy, reader calls him baby boy and gives him pet names.
Authors Note: Tag list people I am so sorry!!!!! I was fixing my tumblr and completely deleted this fic on accident so this is a repost. Also this is filth like this is absolutely top five filthiest things I have written (so far) so please enjoy
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As you were about to take the chocolate chip muffins out of the oven your phone vibrated loudly against the countertop.
You hastily took them out, knowing how easy it would be to get distracted by your phone and burn the surprise you worked on for your boyfriend Yoongi.
You placed them on the stovetop to cool and quickly shucked off the bright blue oven mits Yoongi had bought you last Christmas and you picked up your phone to see a message from him.
Yoongi: Sorry darling looks like we have a meeting that is going longer than we thought. I’ll be home later. I’ll pick up something for dinner though
You frown when you read the message as you check the clock, it’s already five and Yoongi should have been on his way home.
You knew what you were getting into dating Min Yoongi of BTS and while you had assured him time and time again you were okay with him working long hours, being gone for days even months at a time and you were okay with being hidden for your own safety, sometimes it still made you sad how little time you got to spend with him.
You: It’s okay Yoongs. You pick up dinner I already made dessert so we are even ;)
Yoongi: Is this a euphemism or did you actually make dessert… I do remember promising to eat you out after we couldn’t wait to fuck last time
You: Gonna have to come home and find out sweetness, though I like the way you think and I’m holding you to that promise ;)
You felt yourself blush as you slowly took the now-cooled muffins out of the tin and began to place them in a plastic container.
Yoongi: Fuck.
You shake your head with a small smile on your face as you make your way back to the couch. You gather up your big blanket and drape it over your bare legs as you open your book to the page it was on before the timer dinged. You figured you might as well get settled in while you waited for Yoongi.
Yoongi: Well I know what’s on the menu for dessert ;) But what do you want me to pick up for dinner?
You blush when you read his message and feel a giddiness spread throughout your veins.
You: Whatever you like sweetness. I’m providing dessert anyway so your choice.
Yoongi: Babe you're going to make me hard in this meeting
You: I can’t help it if I like flustering my boy. Love it when you get all blushy and hard over something as simple as eating pussy.
Yoongi: Namjoon is shooting me death glares because I can’t concentrate you minx.
You giggle again and send him a winky face before locking your phone and opening your book with a satisfied smile.
Two hours later you hear the front door open and you tilt your head back to see Yoongi standing there in a plain white teeshirt and sweats. His hair is long and falling in front of his exquisite face and you put your bookmark in your book and saunter over to him.
You help him by taking some of the takeout food bags and you both comfortably slide into your routine of him setting the table and you setting the food up.
You both take your usual places at the table and you give him a quick peck on the cheek as you sit. His face flushes red and you grin at how easily flustered he seems to get with small acts of affection.
You talk about your day and Yoongi listens as you both dig in. The sunlight has long faded and you light some candles and dim the lights for the ambiance of it all.
Yoongi is usually pretty shy and quiet but tonight he seems extra quiet, letting your voice and stories fill the silence as he chews his food and sips his water.
You can tell something is off and while you want to give Yoongi the space to tell you himself as the night goes on he seems to draw into himself more, hardly looking at you and making himself smaller.
“Yoongs everything okay?” You ask as you stand to clean the dishes.
“I uh. Yeah. I mean. Our meeting today was shit.” He says as you abandon cleaning to shove your chair closer to his, letting your bare knee brush against his clothed one and intertwining your fingers with his long ones.
“You can talk to me about it you know. Here I was blabbing about my day when you had a crappy day. I’m sorry sweetness.” You say as he lowers his eyes to your intertwined hands and your stomach jolts with nerves.
“It’s okay I like hearing about your day. I love your voice.” He whispers.
You rub your thumb across his and give him time and space to speak.
“We got news today that we have a press release to do. In Los Angeles.” He mutters keeping his voice low as the candle on the table flickers and illuminates the beautiful curves of his face.
“That’s awesome Yoongi. You always have fun when you go to the States! When do you leave?” You ask brushing a lock of hair away from his eyes.
His mouth forms a hard line and your stomach drops.
“Tomorrow morning, eight am. Bright and early. Gone for two weeks…as of now” He scoffs as you feel your heart sink in your chest.
Yoongi just got home a week ago and you had all these plans and house renovations you wanted to complete and they were sending him away early.
“Namjoon was pissed. He said we had just gotten home and hardly had time to spend with loved ones before we were whisked away again. PR told us we don’t have a choice.” Yoongi grits out looking angry and torn as he rakes his hands through his hair to push it back from his face.
You rub his palm with your thumb trying to soothe him as he rants on.
About how unfair it is
About how much he loves the fans but he doesn’t want to leave again when he just got back
About how Hoseok complained because he promised his family he would spend a week away with them at their summer home and now he can’t
You take it all in and let Yoongi rant. You see how tense his shoulders get and you quickly get up off your chair to hug him.
“I’m so sorry Yoongs. I know you don’t want to go.” You say softly petting his hair as he melts into your shoulder and lets you comfort him.
“I just got you back I don’t want to go again. I hate leaving you.” He whines as you deliver a soft kiss to the crown of his head and he looks up at you through wide eyes.
“I’m gonna miss you too much. I lost you for two months now I get you back for a week and I’m gone again. I didn’t even get to fuck you as much as I planned.” He pouts which has you smirking and blushing as you rake your hands through his soft dark locks.
“We did have plans to make up for lost time.'“ You tease as Yoongi groans and closes his eyes.
“Don’t remind me. Being away from you last time was torture. Two whole months without you and this week we were so busy we hardly had alone time. And I had all these plans and things I wanted to do sexually and now we can’t” He groaned.
You let out a laugh.
“You were planning our sex life while working?” You ask in disbelief.
“Nah usually at night when I couldn’t sleep. I find staring at the ceiling dealing with time zone differences and jet lag gives you all sorts of time to think….and plan.” He says with a grin that has your pulse racing.
“You horndog!” You tease smacking his arm as he wraps his arms around you caging you in.
“Says the one who got me hard during a meeting today! I don’t even have time for dessert I have to start packing.” He says sadly.
“Sweetness I like the way you think but I did make dessert. Well…chocolate chip muffins. Bring them with you and share them with the boys.” You say as he stares up at you.
“As long as I don’t have to share you I’ll share the muffins….I guess.” He teases as you press a kiss to his forehead and smile against his warm skin.
You pull away and he gets up from his chair and you both get to work cleaning the kitchen. You had to admit the evening took a somber turn and even though you tried to be happy and excited for Yoongi and the band heading to LA for more press and to get their names out there, you were going to miss him terribly. A week was not enough time especially when you spent most of it visiting with your family, or his, or catching up with friends who missed you both.
After the kitchen is clean you both end up in the bedroom. Instead of sexy times, you are sprawled on the bed watching as he grabs his large black suitcase and places it on the bed next to you, then goes through all his drawers to see what he needs.
“Ugh, it’s going to be cold in LA. I’m going to have to pack so many sweaters and they take up so much room.” He sighs as he places a stacked pile of neatly folded sweaters on the bed and you watch as he sorts them all.
“Well save some for me. I like to wear your stuff when you’re gone.” You remind him with a grin as he picks a sweater from the bottom of the pile to throw your way.
It’s the soft black pullover sweater he wears all the time that no matter how many times it’s washed it always smells like him.
You grin and throw it over your head.
“It should just be yours. You look so much cuter in it than I do,” he admits as you crawl forward on the bed pushing his luggage out of the way to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
“Don’t say that Yoongs. You are just as cute as me if not cuter.” You tease which has him blushing pink and grinning like a fool.
“I’m not cute.” He mutters though you can tell he is pleased with being called cute.
Something you learned about Yoongi was as much as he adored receiving compliments he had a hard time accepting them and believing them. It was something the two of you were working on.
“Nope, my cute detector is going crazy every time I’m near you so it must be you who is the cute one.” You reply making beeping noises that have him blushing and giggling behind his hands
“You are so cute Yoongs. Especially when you wear sweaters that are too big and it gives you sweater paws, or when the weather is cold and your cheeks get extra rosy, or when you pretend to be this big and bad rapper but you become my subby little boy behind closed doors.” You continue as he gasps and you see a blush flood his cheeks.
“Stoppp you're making me blush!” He whines as you giggle and grab his wrists to move his hands from his pretty flushed face.
“Was that something you were thinking about on those long nights? How good it feels to be my subby baby boy and let me do whatever I want to you? Hmm?” You tease as you feel a sort of power heat up your skin at Yoongi’s flushed expression.
It took almost a year for Yoongi to admit that while he loves being in control during sex he also likes to be taken care of. You both had a long conversation about it and in your mind it made sense. Yoongi was the type of person to put everyone else first and always take care of others. Of course, he would like to be taken care of as well.
You had started playing around with the dynamic six months ago but with all his traveling you were having less and less time to explore this new and exciting part of your sex life.
“Y/N You’re gonna make me hard.” He whines as you look down to see a sizeable bulge in his sweats and you grin in satisfaction.
“My sweetness getting so hard just from thinking about me playing with him hmm? So horny Yoongs.” You provoked as your hand slipped from his shoulder to down his firm chest as you watched him suck in a breath. By the time you made it to his sizeable bulge, his cock was straining against the material and stretching it to show off his impressive length and girth.
“Y/N. I-” He looked at the alarm clock on the night table and groaned. “We don’t have time. I have to be up in five hours for the airport.”
You knew he was right but that didn’t stop you from giving his cock a squeeze which had a high whine leaving his mouth.
“You are right. I kind of hate that you’re right though.” You say with a soft laugh as you try to hide how affected you were by the whole thing too.
“Believe me I do too. I’m gonna miss you. I’m gonna miss this.” He admits as he leans in and kisses you.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders again and sit back on your knees as Yoongi deepens the kiss. His hair is soft and tickles your face as your mouth molds to his and you feel him smile against your lips.
“You will wait for me right?” He asks in a small voice when he finally pulls away from the kiss.
“I’m not going anywhere Yoongs.” You reply in the same small voice as he shoots you a small smile.
He pulls away and continues to pack as you lay back down on the bed and answer some messages on your phone.
You can’t help but stare at your hot boyfriend and the fact his bulge is still evident in his pants. You could see the outline and while he seemed to be nonchalant about it you were not and it was making you needy.
He moved around the room collecting things and you ogled him until an idea popped into your head. A way for you both to still explore things sexually while he was out of town.
You of course had already tried sexting and very naked video calls but this would be something…new. Something that made your core throb and your heart race.
“Okay, I’m packed,” Yoongi announces snapping you from your thoughts as you stare at him with a mischievous grin.
“Oh, I know that look. You are scheming and planning something. What is it?” He asks as you abandon your phone and push yourself off the bed to stand in front of him.
“Yoongi. You know how you asked if I’d wait for you.” You start slowly trying to control your excitement.
“The conversation we had five minutes ago...yes?” He teases as you bite your lip.
“Can you promise you will wait for me too?” You ask batting your eyes at him.
“I’m not sure what you mean?” He says voice low.
“Well. You like being my subby sweet boy don’t you.” You ask with a dark tone to your voice and a tilt of your head.
Yoongi swallows hard and nods.
“And you lay in your bed all alone and think of me, and plan fun sexy things to do when you get home.” You goad as he nods again.
“And does my Yoongi touch himself when he thinks about these things? Do you wrap your fingers around your cock and try to stay quiet while jerking yourself off?” You ask as Yoongi’s eyes are blown wide.
“I’m going to take that as a yes. Well, this time. You won’t. If I have to wait for you, I want you to wait for me. Two weeks. No cumming until you get home.” You say firmly as Yoongi’s mouth drops open and he gasps.
“Y/N” He whines but by the look in his eye you know he really likes this idea.
“You can’t tell me you can’t hold back for only two weeks. Are you an animal Yoongs? Do you really need your hands around you cock that bad?”
He shakes his head, lips parted and wet from licking them as he stares at you in shock.
“I-fuck I hate that idea but it’s also hot as fuck.” He admits as you trail a fingernail down his chest and he sucks in a gasp.
“Why? You want me to sit here and wait for you while you get to travel the world Are you telling me you are so fucking needy you can’t last two weeks without jerking off?” You bite out
“I think I’ll explode.” He admits shyly as you smirk.
“You will explode… when you get home. All over my face, or in my mouth, or pussy. I guess I have two weeks to decide don’t I?” You ask him as he nods.
You trail your hand down further and when you get to his sizeable bulge you cup it and he cries out softly. His cock jerks in your hand and his head lolls forward to watch your movements.
You waste no time slipping your hand in his pants and encircling his hard cock. Yoongi groans when you jerk him root to tip, and when you flick your hand over the crown of his cock your fingers are soaked with precum.
“So messy Yoongs.” You taunt as he thrusts up in your hand and fucks your fist.
It takes hardly any time before he is whining your name and spilling all over your fist. You work him through it and Yoongi is a whining shaking mess as you slow your movements and remove your hand.
You go to the ensuite bathroom to get cleaned up and you smirk when you can hear Yoongi’s labored breathing. You feel your arousal stick to your sleep shorts and you try to ignore the insistent throbbing of your pussy as you wash your hands.
When you come back in the bedroom the luggage is moved to the floor and Yoongi is flopped on his back on the bed in just his boxers
You stand in front of him with a warm cloth and Yoongi opens his eyes long enough to watch as you pull his boxers down to free his now soft cock and you take your time wiping him clean though most of his release got on your fist anyway.
You throw the cloth in the laundry and cup his now soft cock in your hand.
“D-Don’t Sensitive.” He whines out as you release his cock to cup his balls.
“All nice and empty Yoongs. If they look like this when you come home you are in big trouble.” You warn as he shivers under you and you tuck him back into his boxers.
You slide into bed next to him and he rolls over to spoon you taking his time wrapping his arms around you and pushing his cock into your backside, you can start to feel hardening again.
“Really Yoongi?” You tease as he chuckles softly in your hair.
“I can’t help it you are so hot. And the fact you aren’t letting me cum for two weeks. It’s going to be torture but it’s also kind of hot.” He admits as you smile against the pillow and fall asleep.
Seven days in and everything seemed to be okay.
You both got into an easy rhythm of texting each other when you could and sending pictures throughout the day.
His pictures always made you smile and miss him even more as you finally got to the weekend of your first week.
He had told you he was going to have Friday night off so you agreed to video call, showering right after work, and making a quick dinner so you could see him regardless of the time difference.
When you heard the shrill ring of your phone you bolted towards it almost knocking it right off the bed as you scrambled to answer.
Your heart thumped wildly when you saw his face on the screen. He looked just as beautiful as he did when he left and you both took the time to get caught up.
Joy seemed to radiate off both of you in waves and after almost two hours you finally had run out of things to say.
“It sounds like you are having a blast Yoongi! I knew you’d have fun!” You say as you pull the blankets up higher on your legs and get the pillows behind your back to prop yourself up.
Yoongi shoots you a gummy smile and you smile back at him, feeling warmth radiate from your chest. You love him so much it’s insane.
“Yeah I’m having fun, but I still miss you.” He acknowledges as you grin and rub your legs together to try and warm them up. The bed is always a lot colder when he is gone and the raging windstorm outside doesn’t help.
“I miss you too Yoongs. I miss your smile and your hugs and how you always make the perfect breakfast for me. I miss when you sing under your breath and I miss your hands.”
“My… hands?” He asks cutting you off with a confused expression
“Well, your fingers I guess. You have such nice fingers and hands Yoongi. Your hands are all veiny and your fingers are so long…” You trail off as you cock and eyebrow and Yoongi’s lips part.
“Yeah…” He says lowly as you feel arousal pool in your panties
Insatiable need coursed through your veins as you remember the last time you were with Yoongi. How you wrapped your hand around his cock and made him fall apart without even fully getting him naked. How he instantly succumbed to your idea of making him wait two weeks to cum and how whiny and needy he was that night.
“You know I love your hands Yoongs, and other parts of you.” You tease as you run your hand under the blanket out of his line of sight and you spread your legs as you dip your fingers into your waistband to find your aching core already wet with arousal.
“W-What are you doing?” He asks with a fiery gaze trailing up and down your body.
“I’m so horny Yoongs. We didn’t have time to take care of me before you left.” You whine as you circle your clit and your hips jolt involuntarily causing the phone to jerk.
“Just thinking about my hands get you that wet?” He mutters as you continue to give your clit light pressure and open your legs wider to give your hand more room.
You can feel his eyes on your body, his gaze piercing as you keep your eyes closed and give in to the sensation that is flooding your body.
It has been so long since you were touched even your hand is making you ache as you shift your hips to slip one finger inside your body, gasping when your tight heat sucks the finger right in.
“Fuck you’re making me so fucking hard,” Yoongi swore as he watched you pleasure yourself. His cock was sitting in his boxers rock hard and leaking, the weight of it and the heat of it against his skin was making him antsy and he longed to wrap a palm around it and make himself cum.
“Didn’t you say you would wait for me?” He teases as you flutter your eyes open and stare at him with a wicked grin on your face.
“I said I’d wait for you to come home. I never said I couldn’t cum, just you.” You said as Yoongi’s eyes widened in shock and his cock twitched pathetically in his underwear.
“You- I? How is that fair!” He groaned as you curled your finger inside your body and your hips rutted against it. You are aching to be filled even more so you add another finger and scissor them, trying to mimic how Yoongi’s cock would stretch you out.
“It’s fair because you're my subby boy. I don’t take orders from you Yoongs. You promised to be a good boy and not cum. You were so turned on you didn’t bother reading the fine print. Or asking for terms.”
You don’t bother to look at him when you respond. Instead, you curl your fingers against your front wall and let a moan spill from your lips as you ride your fingers.
“Y/N you- you can’t.” He whines out and when you finally open your eyes Yoongi is a mess. His hair is sweaty and plastered to his forehead, his cheeks are a dusty pink color and you can see how his teeth scrape his bottom lip in desperation as you pump your fingers in and out of your body, moving the phone close so he can hear the obscene noises.
“What if I cum untouched? That can’t count, right? I’m so fucking hard baby I can’t.” He breathes out, voice high-pitched and panicked as you snicker and halt your movements.
“Take off your boxers I wanna see your cock.” You demand as you prop the phone up on some spare pillows and Yoongi lets out a sigh of relief as he does the same with his phone and pulls his boxers down.
His cock springs up and hits his clothed stomach and you take him in. The crown is flushed a deep red and the vein that spirals up his cock is protruding and angry looking. His cock twitches against his stomach and you watch as he circles it with his hand.
“Did I say you could touch? You are supposed to be a good boy not a fucking animal who can’t control himself!” You bark as Yoongi rips his hand from his cock and his hips thrust up into thin air.
“You- You said I could take them off!” He argues as you stare at him through the screen and take in how truly fucked out he looks.
“Never said you could touch. That’s strike one. Strike three and you will be punished. I wanted you to take it out so I could make sure my bad boy didn’t disobey me.” You tell him as he gasps and quickly sits on his hands to stop himself from touching. His cock twitches weakly against his stomach and pearls of precum dribble out and coat his shirt
“Such a leaky whore for me Yoongi.” You growl as you open your legs wider and begin to circle your clit again.
Yoongi can’t tear his eyes away from your body and he whines and wiggles on the bed desperate to get his hand around his cock. He is so hard it is starting to hurt.
You continue to rub your clit and feel the coil of pressure get tighter in your stomach. Yoongi looks so desperate, so fucked out from watching you it turns you on more.
“Please, baby.” He cries out as you watch his cock twitch on his stomach and more precum oozes out.
“Please what Yoongi? If you're going to beg me to let you touch yourself the answer is no.” You growl as you speed up your movements knowing you are getting closer with every pass of your finger over your aching clit.
“Please cum for me, baby. I want to watch you watch you fall apart. Please my cock can’t take much more I need you to cum or I might cum on accident.” He admits as he stares at you in a frenzy.
His words set you off and you cum, crying out his name and arching off the bed as you ride out your high. You can hardly hear Yoongi’s desperate whines as you thrash on the bed and when you finally come down and the ringing in your ears stops you stare at the screen to see Yoongi who is staring at you with desperation etched into his features.
“I’m not going to let you cum Yoongs. Not until you’re home.” You say as you pull the blankets back over your lap and run a shaky hand through your hair.
You can see his cock throb again and Yoongi whines and ruts his hips up, desperately searching for any friction to relieve the painful ache of his cock.
“Fuck I’m so hard. Fuck you are so hot. Fuck.” He grits out as he slowly and carefully pulls his boxers back up, the feeling of the fabric against his cock makes him hiss and you giggle as you watch him grit his teeth.
“Wet dreams don’t count right?” He asks in a panic as his eyes widen.
“This two-week thing is really getting to you huh?” You tease as Yoongi nods and runs a hand through his sweat-soaked hair.
“I just watched the hottest girl on the planet make herself cum and I’m hard as a rock and can’t touch myself. This is torture.” He says with a half laugh that has you smiling.
“Is it too much? Do you want to stop” You ask honestly as you take in how truly turned on he looks
“Not at all. I know the end will be worth it. Though I don’t think my cock is ever going to go down. I’m close to humping the bed like a horny teenager right now” He says shyly as you giggle.
“I think that’s also against the rules.” You tease as he smiles at you.
“I know. I didn’t expect you to play dirty though. Watching you cum. Fuck nothing in the world is as hot as that.”
You feel yourself start to blush.
“You not making it easier on yourself you know.” You joke as Yoongi grimaces.
“I know. I should probably try to get some sleep though. We have an early day tomorrow. Namjoon is dragging me and Jin to some art thing.” He says as you feel yourself grow sleepy in post-orgasmic bliss.
“Sounds fun.” You say tucking a pillow comfortably behind your head and curling into a ball on your side.
“Yeah I’m hard as fuck and I get to go to a boring art thing tomorrow. Living my best life.” Yoongi pouts and you giggle softly.
“Love you Yoongs.” You sigh as you feel your eyes flutter closed.
“Love you too babe.” He says softly back as you fall asleep.
The second week was torture for Yoongi. Though you didn’t pull any more dirty tricks it seemed his body realized something was wrong with his refusal to jerk off and it was getting revenge.
Yoongi started to wake up with a hard-on almost every single morning and not just a case of normal morning wood, he would be leaking and twitching and so achingly hard that it made him want to hit someone or something.
Cold showers had become his best friend and his balls constantly ached even when he wasn’t hard.
Yoongi couldn’t wait to get home to you in more ways than one and on the final day, he was so jittery even the boys started to take notice.
The universe also decided to torture Yoongi because while he was supposed to get home at a decent hour the plane got delayed and he ended up flying it at two am
By the time he got home, it was well past three in the morning and Yoongi burst through the door and threw his bags on the ground. He would get them later, or never, it didn’t matter as long as he found you
He made his way to the bedroom quickly and when he entered he saw you snuggled on your side clutching his sweater. You looked so small under the big puffy duvet that Yoongi let out a small sigh.
You had books scattered around you and the TV was left on. His smile widened when he realized you tried your best to wait up for him.
He moved around the room slowly and quietly, turning off the TV, putting the bookmark you had left on the bed in the book and he slowly stripped down and slipped into bed to hold you in his arms.
He was hard. Of course, he was. But that could wait because you immediately rolled over and melted into his warm embrace, snuggling your head into his strong chest and smiling against his skin.
“Home?” You asked voice heavy with sleep.
“I’m home. Get some rest beautiful.” He mumbled as he kissed the crown of your head.
Yoongi woke up with a start as the sensation of a warm mouth around his cock made him twitch and jerk awake.
Was it another dream?
God if he came without your permission he would be in so much trouble.
Yoongi forced his eyes open and the wet heat enveloped his cock again sending delicious pleasure down his spine.
This was real
This was so real
And this was you
He lifted the blankets to see you had woken up before him and crawled between his legs and was currently sucking his cock while staring up at him with your innocent doe eyes
His hands immediately gripped the blankets for dear life, his knuckles turning white as he fought back every instinct to thrust up into your mouth. It felt so good and he was so sensitive that he was moaning your name within seconds, trying to keep his hips glued to the bed.
You popped off his cock with a wet noise and Yoongi’s eyes shot open as you smiled up at him.
“Morning,” you called in a sing-song voice as Yoongi panted above you.
“M-More Pl-please,” Yoongi begged in a broken whine as you chuckled and sat up between his legs, pushing the blanket off of you and exposing his lower half to the cold air.
His cock was rock hard and wet with your spit and twitched at the loss of contact. Yoongi felt so much blood rushing south that his head felt dizzy and when you came up to straddle him Yoongi let out a frustrated whine as you sat too far back to give his cock any kind of friction.
“Now is that any way to greet your girlfriend after not seeing her for two weeks?” You stated crossing your arms over your chest and staring him down.
He could see that the cold of the room was affecting your body as your nipples hardened under your shirt and his cock throbbed painfully.
“Sorry, I just. Fuck I haven’t come in two weeks and you gave me a blowjob. I’m- all fucked.” He says breathlessly as you lean forward and catch his lips in a searing kiss.
Yoongi grabs your hips to hold you steady as he presses his lips into yours. Your lips part for his easily and when you grind down on his upper thighs Yoongi lets out a groan against your mouth.
You feel the wetness pool at your center as you let him take charge of the kiss. His hands tangle in your bedhead and he easily flips you over so you are on your back and he hovers over you. He growls against your mouth and nips and sucks at your lips as you gasp.
One hand comes to rest in your hair while the other plays with your nipples through your sleep shirt.
He slowly ruts his cock into your thigh and you can feel just how leaky he is as he smears his precum around your heated skin.
You pull away and gasp for air as Yoongi stares at you with darkened eyes and a look of pure lust on his face.
“While that makeout was hot as fuck I think you are forgetting who is in charge here Yoongs.” You tease as he shuts his eyes in frustration.
“I thought we were done with this. I didn’t cum for two weeks. You win. Now I get to cum right?” He asks voice low and gravely as you laugh and lightly push him off of you.
You get yourself situated between his legs and Yoongi’s eyes widen when you finally push his boxers down and fully expose his cock to the cold air.
“Not so fast Yoongi. I have to check and make sure you weren’t naughty.” You taunt as you run a finger down his cock and he shivers and grips the blankets for support.
You take your time with his cock. Picking it up and inspecting it, running your soft fingers all over the head and the shaft making it throb and twitch in your hand. When you give him a harsh tug Yoongi feels like the air is punched from his lungs as his cock throbs and leaks precum all over your fist.
“You can-can’t tease me. I’m so sensitive I might cum without meaning to. Please.” He begs as you slowly lean down to suck on his cockhead and Yoongi feels electricity running through his veins. He is so horny so desperate, that he can feel his cock throbbing with each touch, he can feel the precum ooze out of the slit and cover his heated shaft.
Your hand trails down the underside of his cock and he whines when you make it to his balls. They are heavy and hot in your hand as you roll them around and Yoongi lets out a noise somewhere between a grunt and a whine.
“Fuck you-you can’t… so sensitive.” He cries out as he arches off the bed at the sensation, the veins in his arms popping out as he grips the sheets for dear life.
This man is totally at your mercy and you love it
“So full Yoongs.” You taunted as you rolled them and played with them some more. Watching as his cock twitched pathetically against his shirt.
“We have to drain them, baby. You're so full you might burst.” You tease as you move away from his cock and sit beside him on the bed.
“Pl-please do something. I’ve been so good. Didn’t touch myself once. Please.” He begs jutting out his lower lip in a pout and you chuckle.
“How about I make you a deal? You stretch me out with your fingers so I can take your massive cock. If you can be a good boy and hold off a little longer I’ll let you cum inside me, with a condom of course. If you can’t control yourself you get to cum on your fist. Deal?” You ask
Without waiting Yoongi is already between your legs and you giggle when he spreads them apart and sticks his whole face into your pussy.
You cry out and grab for his hair as he licks up everything your body is willing to give him. His tongue is rough and hot against your core and when he flicks it over your clit you whine out above him.
He uses one hand to hold your hips down and the other hand comes to join his mouth as he slips a finger inside easily. You moan and thrash on the bed as he works you open. You can subtly feel his hips fucking his hot cock into the mattress and you grin when he lets out a wild moan against your core.
“There you are stretched please sit on my cock.” He begs quickly as he pulls away and sits up next to you on the bed.
His chest is heaving and his cheeks are flushed and wet with your arousal and you stare at him in shock.
“Did I say you were done?” You ask darkly as Yoongi swallows hard.
“I’m gonna cum. Seriously I can’t. Too sensitive it hurts too much.” He whined as you stared him down with a cold glance.
“The challenge was to control yourself Yoongi. Not rush your way into things so you don’t cum.” You say darkly as you push him down on the mattress and fully take control.
You don’t even bother with his cock. Instead, you climb up his body and position each knee so you are straddling his face.
“You rap and sing about how good you are with your tongue so fucking prove it. Make me cum and if I’m feeling generous I’ll let you cum.” You grit out.
You don’t bother letting him answer instead you sink down on his mouth and sigh when he starts to lap at your juices.
His tongue prods your entrance and you whine and grab for his hair when he sticks in inside. Thrusting in and out and flicking over your clit in a way that has you moaning out his name in broken whimpers.
You feel the bed shift and you look back in time to see one of his hands is sneakily wrapped around his cock, not jerking it, just holding the base in a vice-like grip and you realize Yoongi is very very desperate to cum, and trying his best not to.
“I’ll let you hold your cock like a pathetic loser who can’t hold his cum properly. If I see that hand move I’ll chain you to the bedpost and get a pretty cock ring to put around you. Or maybe a chastity cage that way we can make sure you aren’t cumming without permission. Would you like that Yoongs? Like to be my caged-up little slut?”
The whine he lets out is animalistic and you thrash against him when he brings his free hand up to play with your clit. You can tell he is doubling down to get you to cum and you watch as he leaks more precum on his fingers and that sets you off.
You have no time to warn him as you cum all over his face and tongue. The coil of pleasure snaps and you ride out your high chanting his name and holding onto the headboard for dear life.
When you finally come down and roll off of him both of you are breathing heavily and you crack your eyes open to see the very firm grip he has on the base of his cock.
“P-Please Y/N It hurts so bad. My balls are so heavy. Please let me cum. I’ve been your good boy. I’ve been so good.” Yoongi cries as tears of desperation leak from his eyes.
You slowly sit up on your knees and wipe his tears away. His cheeks are red and his eyes are swimming with more tears and all you want to do is make him feel better.
“Just let me get the condom sweetness. You have been such a good boy for me. Just last a little longer okay?” You coo as you reach into the bedside drawer to grab the condom.
Yoongi sighs in relief as you rip the packet and roll the condom onto his cock. The sensation has his cock twitching frantically and you bite back a smile.
“How do you want this?” You ask softly as you reach up to wipe more tears from his face.
“Don’t care. Just wanna be inside of you.” He mutters as tears still slip down his face and his body is thrumming in anticipation.
You climb on top of him deciding that riding him will be your best bet and when his cockhead runs through your folds he tenses up and grits his teeth so hard you could see the muscles in his jaw working.
“Deep breaths Yoongs.” You reminded him as he cracked his eyes open.
“I’m not going to last long. I’m so close to the edge that it’s insane. If you want to feel me inside of you I’m going to need to you sink down on my cock before I cum.” He warns as you finally do as he says and you take a deep breath and sink down.
Yoongi arches violently off the bed nearly knocking you off it as you put your hands on his chest and try to steady yourself.
You can feel his cock twitching inside of you and you open your mouth to taunt him but his hands are on your hips and he gives you no time to adjust as he fucks up wildly into you.
“Yoongi! Slow. Hurts!” You cry out as he thrusts and hits your G-spot effortlessly.
“I can’t babe. I have to move because I have to cum. There is so much heat and pressure down there. And you feel so tight and hot against me. Fuck you feel so good." I’m not going to last. Honest.” He says in a broken whine as you roll your hips to meet his thrusts.
The burn of his cock stretching you is still there but it is quickly replaced by burning pleasure.
Yoongi is fucking into you wildly, his hair is a mess on the pillow and the grunts and moans that leave his mouth are pornographic.
“Want you to rub your clit. Want you to cum with me, baby. I can’t hold back.” He warns as your hand quickly finds your clit and you rub it, arching your back to get him to hit deeper inside of you.
Chaos ensues.
You moan his name as your second orgasm catches both of you by surprise. You feel your walls flutter around his aching length and you cream his cock, wailing his name as it leaks out of you and down his shaft covering his balls.
Yoongi tips off the edge soon after.
His hands are harsh on your hips and he pounds up into you so forcefully that your teeth chatter in your mouth. You feel him twitch and he cries out your name in ecstasy as he cums hard into the condom
And cums
And cums
There is so much and he is still thrusting through it all as he empties himself inside of you.
You slump down on his chest as everything feels warm and fuzzy. Yoongi is breathing raggedly in your ear as his cock twitches inside of you and leaks out the last of his cum.
You are so spent your bones feel like jelly.
You lean your head up to see Yoongi crying and you wipe his tears away.
“It just felt so good. Fuck there was so much pressure and now it’s gone and I’m just so happy. Fuck two weeks without cuming is awful.” He comments as you finally slip off his cock and he hisses.
You walk to the washroom to get cleaned up and bring out a towel for him
His dark hair is plastered to his face and a sheen of sweat is covering his body.
You pull the condom off and snicker when you see truly how much cum is inside of it. He clearly was very pent-up and you giggle when you throw it out. You clean off the shaft and his balls and snuggle into bed with him, throwing the towel in the laundry you know you will have to do tomorrow.
“Fuck that orgasm was wild. I think I passed out at one point.” He admits to you as he wraps his arms around your body and you snuggle into his chest.
“You came a lot. Like a lot. The condom was almost full.” You say to him as he blushes and you press a kiss on his cheek.
“Don’t be embarrassed it’s sexy.” You say as you fall into a lapse of silence.
“That was torture but also all sorts of hot. It has been a long time since I have cum like that.” He says softly petting your hair and pressing kisses to your temples.
“Want to do it again?” You ask with an eyebrow raised.
“As long as you don’t make me wait two weeks. My balls were aching the whole second week. Fucking torture.” He grits out as you giggle.
“Worth it?” You ask staring into his softened eyes.
“Worth it.” He admits with a smile.
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marlenesluv · 1 year
Home. (OP)
request -> “hi! if it's not a bother, could you do a oscar piastri x adhd reader (very hyper and bubbly), from Brazil (Paraná) but she speaks a bunch of languages, and is studying mechanical engineering, also she's 18, thank you ❤️”
note: lovey love love this sm. oscar is so sweet, not enough oscar love out there fr. i might start writing for him more?.. happy to write some brazilian reader too, i love this. i made this to skip the launch, just some cute stuff of them dating! anyways, i hope you enjoy :)❤️
warnings: none!!
fc: rafaella consentino
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: y/n.user, landonorris, and 289,024 others
oscarpiastri: back to her roots 📍Paraná, Brazil 🇧🇷
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oscar.y/nfanpage: oscar 🤝 turning into a y/n fanpage
y/n.user: happy to be back and show you around😊🫶
|> oscarpiastri: we walked 15 miles in one day, how much more to see is there??
|> y/n.user: so so SO much more
|> oscarpiastri: i’ll only walk my feet off for you🫶
f1.edits: they are so sweet, they give me a toothache 🥹
y/n.wagpage: my favorite wag 💁‍♀️🙏
pastry.fanpage: brazil is so beautiful, enjoy your break with your gf oscar!
landonorris: no invite?
|> oscarpiastri: next time
|> y/n.user: OO YAYAYA i’m such a good tour guide
|> landonorris: oh no, im gonna have to walk 100 miles, aren’t i?
|> oscarpiastri: 😁😁
f1.updates: i love me some summer break content. and when it’s oscar & y/n? NEED
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liked by: oscarpiastri, francisca.cgomes, and 173,135 others
y/n.user: finally got a break from building stuff and finals🫠 agora posso mostrar ao Oscar minha casa
translation (i used google so this might not even be correct but pls bear with me): now i get to show oscar my home
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oscarpiastri: i love you💚💛💙
|> y/n.user: aww, i love you too💚💛💙
|> user7: i’m- stop. this is so cute
y/n.fans: multilingual queen👸
francisca.cgomes: you guys are the cutest
|> y/n.user: kikaaaa <3
f1.wags: just wondering, does anyone know what other languages y/n speaks??
|> y/n.fanpage: portuguese is her main language, then english. and she also knows japanese, french, italian, spanish, some german, and i think she said she’s learning dutch!
|> f1.wags: howwww….
|> y/n.user: haha, you got them all! my parents thought i needed to know as many languages as possible, so i try to always expand :)
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liked by: oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, and 182,294 others
y/n.user: is he as good on a moped as he is in an f1 car…?
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lilymhe: i just cant believe you EXIST. you’re stunning
|> y/n.user: LILYYYYY 🥹😭 i cant believe YOU exist
f1andf2.wags: i love the way that all the wags are friends wtf🥹
|> wag.postsoff1: me tooooo
oscarpiastri: yes, yes i am
|> y/n.user: my kens job is vroom
|> francisca.cgomes: mine too!
|> carmenmmundt: wow! mine too, guys😇
user77: you beautyyyyy💛
your instagram story:
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liked by: oscarpiastri, danielricciardo, and 199,246 others
y/n.user: back to the paddock fits😁 so excited to annoy the mclaren engineers while i do my coursework 😇
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oscarpiastri: they love you, it’s okay
|> y/n.user: i love gossiping with them☺️
f1.wagpage: cutest couple ever, STOP IT NOW
formula1updates: so excited for the paddock posts!!
oscary/n.ship: pls teach oscar some portuguese🙏
|> y/n.user: trust me, i’ve been trying. he’s getting somewhere
pierregasly: can’t wait for you to steal my gf again
|> y/n.user: is it stealing if she comes over willingly?🤨
editsforwags: the first look so good🤝
mclaren: excited to have you both back🧡
*liked by creator*
user04: 日本に来てください!(come to japan!)
|> y/n.user: すぐ!(soon!)
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
592 notes · View notes
amorchai · 7 months
bubba can you please repost the eddie blurb you wrote where reader is all anxious at the party and then he comes over and makes them feel all better??
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pairing(s): eddie munson x reader
words: 1157
warnings/tags: loud party, mentions of anxiety, implications of shy!reader!
a/n: this is a repost from my old account, the original post had 367 notes.
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the house party had been going on for less than an hour now and your nerves were quickly getting worse and worse as the night went on. you hadn’t seen steve and robin since you first arrived, eddie was talking to some people across the room, and nancy and jonathan were right beside you but in their own little world.
if you’re friends weren’t here you wouldn’t have even considered coming, but eddie begged with pleading eyes and you found yourself in steve’s car holding robin’s hand the whole way there. robin had promised to stick by your side that night, however, her and steve were swooped away from the moment they entered and you didn’t feel like wandering.
“are you sure you’re okay, y/n?” you break your watch from the yelling guys only across the room who pat each other’s backs and to nancy. both her and jonathan look at you sympathetically, and you force a small smile and nod, “i’m sure.”
“i get it, party’s aren’t my thing too. we can stay for a bit longer and then you can come back to mine,” jonathan proposes, nancy nodding along in agreement. party’s weren’t your thing and everyone knew that, but you still wanted to act like everything was fine, “i said i’m okay. just because i’m a little quiet doesn’t mean—.”
“there you are, you nuisance! been waiting to talk to chatty chatterson here all night.”
your body bounces against the couch when eddie jumps down beside you, shoulder bashing into yours while he points to you teasingly. “what’s up, baby? why the long face?” nancy and jonathan watch their friends with a small smirk, the pining almost reaching the point unbearable.
“there’s no long face, i’m having a blast, munson.”
eddie’s shoulder nudges yours, placing the red solo cup in his hand to the floor by the couch before tilting his head down to meet your gaze, “oh i can see, keep some of that energy or you’ll tire yourself out.”
you whine, leaning your head down so it tucks against his collarbone, the rough denim vest brushing your forehead and his chest vibrates with a small chuckle while one hand cups the back of your head affectionately.
“eddie,” your voice small and in a whiney tone but loud enough for eddie to hear over the music across the large house.
his lips ghost your temple when he replies, breath fanning your ear, “what’s up, baby? why the long face?” eddie asks again. this time his tone much lower, in a pout while he speaks in hopes you actually tell him the problem.
“wanna go home, eds.”
eddie tuts before his posture sits straight, and you think you’ve disappointed him for lasting a whopping forty minutes here before itching to go home. so you pull back from his chest to look up into his eyes, which already gaze down at yours so softly.
“then why are we still here, huh? let’s go,” eddie responds as if it’s the simplest answer of them all, as if you’re stupid for thinking he wouldn’t immediately go with you, which you might just be for thinking.
“oh no, you can stay, i’ll walk home.”
eddie’s eyes widen in pure disbelief, “you are not walking home alone at this time, are you insane?” you can hear nancy’s small laugh from beside but you don’t look away from your friend in front, butterflies erupting at eddie’s statement.
he stands up, reaching a hand out as an invitation to hold and you look to nancy and jonathan with a nervous glance before wishing them a goodnight and slip your palm into eddie’s. his fingers fidget, nudging yours apart to properly intertwine together, his palm large and warm with the cold rings alighting your skin ever so slightly.
and eddie leans back down to you, and you’re unsure if it’s the bad lighting or if you’re eyes are mistaken but his cheeks look significantly redder than a few moments before and there’s a hint of a smirk in his smile.
his breath fans your cheek as he speaks and you can feel your breath hitch in your throat, “hold on tight, baby.”
eddie’s palm squeezes yours while he guides you through the array of people, leading in front while his arm trails back to keep his hand tight against yours. however, every couple of seconds he’s glancing back at you.
“eddie,” you ushered, free hand touching his arm and he stops moving to look back at you. your body colliding against his as you lean up to talk to him, “the front doors that way,” you gesture to behind you.
he smirks again, sending you a little wink in contrast to how softly his thumb brushes the back of your hand when he replies, “we’re taking steve’s car.” your eyes widen and you tug on his hand again when he tries to start moving, “but you’re not allowed to drive steve’s car, steve said—.”
“steve says a lot of things. i’m sure under this circumstance he’ll let me.”
“what about everyone else?” you ask again and eddie can only chuckle at your rambled state. he turns around to fully face you, free hand squishing yours between his, “baby.” you hum to show your listening but nearly melt when he raises your hands up to his lips, streams of pecks left across your skin peeking out beneath his.
once he pulls back, both his hands rub yours in an attempt to keep them warm, “stop worrying, yeah? i’ve got you. i’ll drive you back and i can go get the others later on, okay?”. you nod, eyes closed as you try to control your worries, the loud noises around you overwhelming you.
moving away, eddie drops one hand and he keeps the other entwined but just as he’s about to walk away again, your hand tugs to pull him back. usually people would get agitated with moments like this, what more could you want?
eddie’s not usual people, he turns around with patience written across his face, softness to show he’s waiting and that he doesn’t mind your worries even an inch. he’s here to help you. the squeezes to your hand bring you to speak, “can i come with you when you pick up the others later?”.
a showing you don’t want him to leave, that you would prefer him as close as possible. driving you home to be alone didn’t feel like enough and eddie could tell so his previous smirk vanishes into a fond smile and he leans in to kiss your cheek endearingly, a wordless ‘yes.’
and when he turns around this time you don’t hesitate, mind too fuzzy and muddled from the feeling of his lips on your skin and his hand tightly sticks to yours while he weaves you past everyone in efforts to find steve so he can get you out of there.
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amorchai © ─ all rights reserved. no reposting/translating/copying will be tolerated.
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