#okoye one-shot
bestfriend491 · 1 year
Being okoyes girlfriend, and having fainting spells from a previous abusive relationship. Trying to hide them from her, but ending up fainting in her arms while in public one day.
Lies of Omission. Prt.1
Okoye x Reader
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Summary: Years ago, you were in an abusive relationship. You were hurt badly and now you have chronic fainting spells because of it. You haven't told Okoye yet and now the lies of omission are catching up to you.
Warnings: Fainting, Implied Past violence, Referenced Past violence.
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Looking at yourself in the mirror one last time, you mentally kicked yourself for agreeing to go on a date with Okoye today.
Okoye had been scheduled to leave for 2 weeks last month, and before leaving she had promised to take you somewhere special when she came back. It had actually taken 4 weeks for her to come back, so the day that she was returning, she contacted you and told you to clear your schedule for the next day because she was taking you out and celebrating. You had no problem with this. In fact, you were more than happy to see her and spent some much needed time with her.
The real problem was that you'd been hiding a secret for a while. One that held a lot of ugly history with it. History that had taken you years to get through.
You had meant to tell Okoye about your condition. You intended to tell her about your fainting spells after the 4th date. You thought that the 4th date was far enough into the relationship to tell her the basic version of how everything had happened, leaving out the details of what your ex had done to you, but the day that the 4th date came, you had been too scared to tell her.
So you tried to on the 5th date, and the 6th, and eventually you were far too deep into everything and you had still not gotten around to telling her.
Now it had been months of you lying to, disappearing from and misleading Okoye just to stop her from finding out about it.
You had been doing an okay job until now, only having drawn suspicion to yourself one time when you had been training with Aneka and had fainted in the middle of the match. Aneka insisted that you go to the infirmary but you refused and begged her not to tell Okoye.
She had obliged, on the condition that you would tell her soon, and you told her that you would.
But that was now 3 months ago. Your relationship was no longer new, and although you didn't want to admit it, the clock on how long you could keep your secret was ticking, and you didn't have much time left.
The past week had especially been bad, as you had been having bad trigger after bad trigger and it had been causing a lot more fainting spells. You had experienced 3 yesterday alone so you were definitely worried that it would happen again today.
Of course, you couldn't cancel on her, because it would just bring more attention to you hiding something so you sucked it up and decided to face the day head on.
Unfortunately for you, Okoye had wanted to walk to the location, saying that it would do her some good to walk in the city for once. You would have usually jumped at the opportunity to take her into the city so the two of you could spend some time with your people, but now it just made you curse yourself.
'Has Bast decided she hates me, today?' you thought, but continued walking with Okoye.
The journey started off well, people greeted you and saluted you as you walked by mainly showing their respect to Okoye, but there weren't too many people stopping you and derailing everything choosing to respect that the two of you were clearly having a day for yourselves. You were sure that you'd make it.
Entering the more crowded part of the city, you chose to distract yourself by talking to your girlfriend.
"What's going to be waiting for me at the end of this, might I ask?"
Okoye turned, smiling at you while taking your hand in hers and bringing it up to her lips to kiss your knuckles.
"If I told you before we got there, it wouldn't be a very efficient surprise would it."
"No, but I would know what to expect."
She rolled her eyes, and you let out an exaggerated laugh, enjoying pestering her.
You took a detour when you got distracted playing with the kids and Okoye got sucked into a conversation for a while but soon you were back on track.
An hour or so after, you started to feel the tell-tale signs of a black out, saying silent prayers hoping that Bast could make it wait.
"How far away are we?" You asked, starting to worry that you would pass out soon. Your voice, although slightly shaky, was still firm and sounded relatively okay, so Okoye didn't slow down or turn to look directly at you. If she had, she would have seen the hazy look in your eyes and the woozy swaying of your body.
" Not far, I think. We'll be there in less than half an hour, my love."
There was no way that you were going to make it. You knew that you had about 3 minutes to sit down if you wanted to stop the inevitable from happening.
"I... I need to sit down somewhere."
"Come now, it's not that much more that we need to travel. I've never seen you need to take a break from such a short trip."
"No, Okoye. I really need to sit down and rest for a bit." You looked around to see where the least amount of people were, knowing that you were gonna need some room to lay and also not wanting to scare too many people when it happened.
Now, hearing the raw distress in your voice plus the serious tone in which you had said her name, Okoye looked towards you, not with her previously loving and excited eyes, but with those of intense inspection and worry.
"Sthandwa, are you okay? What's going on."
"I don't feel so good..." not even being able to fully explain, you lost consciousness nearly falling on the hard ground if not for Okoye being there to catch you.
"Y/n!" Okoye held on to you as best as she could, not having been prepared for the weight of your body crashing on hers. The crowd directly around you separated, giving Okoye enough room to lay you down so she could take action.
Since Okoye didn't yet know that this was something that happened a lot, she assumed that something was very wrong with you and that you might have stopped breathing completely.
Luckily when she checked, you still had a pulse, although weak.
Around the two of you a ripple effect of chaos began to stir up in the crowd. People had recognized that you were the one who had fainted, and others had heard Okoye yelling your name, so the general conclusion that many came to was that an attack had started.
People ran to look for people, while others rummaged to leave the area immediately.
3 people who had stood there as you fainted tried to alert everybody else that you had just looked ill and probably lost consciousness but with all of the running bodies, the message wasn't getting out fast enough.
Meanwhile, Okoye laid you on your back. She checked your breathing and asked people to give you some air, hoping that you would regain consciousness soon. After a few minutes, your eyes started to flutter open, as your body also started receiving blood flow again.
Okoye let out a sigh of relief, noting that you were not dead. You sat up after taking a few breaths
" Does anyone here have water?" She asked the audience of civilians.
"I do." a man walked up holding a 1 litre bottle that looked to have about half of it filled with water.
"Can I take it from you?"
"Here you go."
Okoye nodded a brief thank you, opening the bottle and handing you the water while helping you take off the jacket that you had put on earlier in the day, leaving you in just the matching tracksuit bottoms and a tank top.
After 10 minutes you cleared your throat.
"I'm fine." You were actually quite mortified that this had happened, and you still felt terrible, but you pretended that you were fine so that you could leave as soon as possible and all of the commotion over your health could stop.
"Sthandwa sam, don't lie. You just collapsed out of nowhere, we need to get you back to the palace so that Shuri can check your vitals and see what is wrong."
Still being too ashamed to stop and talk to her, you got up and attempted to leave, a bit too quickly though because you grew dizzy as soon as you were halfway up and fell back down.
"Y/n what are you doing? Sit down before you hurt yourself. I'll call someone to bring a quinjet so we can at least go to the hospital."
Getting frustrated at the combined stubbornness of the two of you, you drank the rest of the water, got up again and started to drag Okoye with you.
She was in shock at how easily you were pretending that you were okay, and how quickly you were dismissing her concern. You felt guilty about it too, but if you were going to be having that conversation, you wanted it to be a bit more private or at least in a place where you could finally relax.
The other people surrounding you were calmer now, seeing you awake and moving, but you knew that you would still have to answer plenty of questions on why people thought there was an attack. You didn't want to deal with all of that now. You just wanted to leave.
"I'm alright everybody! Thank you for your concern!" You waved your arms in a waving motion, to say goodbye.
You then turned to Okoye and placed your hand on her cheek, much to her displeasure.
"Sthandwa, I'm fine. Really. I just need you to help me get back to the palace." This was the first thing that you had said that made some sense, and Okoye didn't want you going any further on your own, so she hesitantly helped you get back to your headquarters in the palace, holding most of your weight when it got too much for you.
Reaching the entrance, you made her release you from her grasp and tried to retreat to the infirmary so that you could take your medication and head home, but your girlfriend was not having it.
"Where do you think you're going,Y/n. We need to have Shuri run tests on you."
"Baby, I'm fine, I already told you. I'm just tired and need some sleep. I'm going to go and take some medicine before going to sleep for the rest of the day." You again tried to lie your way out.
You didn't want to fight with her, especially because this was technically your fault, not having told her about everything earlier.
She tried to hold you back, moving in front of you and blocking the way. She looked at you, frustrated and annoyed more than ever. She didn't appreciate you trying to keep things from her.
" Y/n! You can't take medication without knowing what's going on with you!" She pleaded with you, and you could tell that this was stressing her out, but you were becoming just as stressed and finally you just snapped.
" Okoye, I already know! I already know what's wrong so can you just drop it!" You started to tear up and couldn't keep yourself up, crouching down on the floor, Okoye leaning you down against a wall and sitting next to you.
She was in shock at how the day had been going and she hated seeing you break down.
After you composed yourself, you nodded, telling yourself that it was finally time to tell her the truth.
"I get fainting spells." you started, looking in your girlfriends direction, her doing the same.
" A few years ago, I had a really bad fall, and hurt myself very badly. I was fine mostly, but the one permanent thing that happened was that I started to faint randomly. Sometimes it was multiple times a day, and sometimes I could go weeks without fainting. I have medication to help me when it happens but it still gets really bad sometimes."
You sniffled, preparing yourself for her questions that would force you to talk about some much more serious things.
Okoye took your hand, leaned in and kissed your head. She was shocked that you had hidden this for so long.
" Why didn't you tell me? We could have been going through this together." she no longer looked angry, but there was a sense of betrayal in her voice, and it made you feel even worse for hiding.
"I didn't tell you because of the reason that it all happened. I was pushed by my partner at the time. I had been trapped in an abusive relationship with them for 2 years and one day, they got very angry and pushed me down the stairs. The hospital nurse was the only reason I was able to leave. She reported them and they were arrested."
" I didn't tell you because I was too embarrassed. I didn't want you to think that I was weak. I didn't want you to leave me." The tears started to run down again as you finished talking.
Okoye had shed a few tears herself now, feeling the pain that you clearly still had stored inside reflect onto her. She engulfed you in a hug, allowing you to let it all out.
You were a complete wreck, the intense emotions mixed with the side effects of you fainting not too long ago, making you feel terrible.
At some point, you were sure that it was going to happen again.
Before you could warn Okoye, all of your weight laid on her and you once again blacked out.
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Authors Note: This is the first time I've worked with a request before so I hope that I did an okay job. I have an alternative version of part 1 in mind if this wasn't really what you wanted.
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nzia-writes · 1 year
•{ Our Ends Meet}•
Sums: The chieftain of a wakandan village receives a visitor who bears unsettling news. Takes place a day before the Infinity War
Interact please and thank you.
(Pls excuse the spaces below. I’m not sure why it automatically formats that way!)
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(I am obsessed)
Children are the temples of our Mother Earth. A logic that isn’t vastly accepted, but it is a logic you nurture and follow as tradition. Like Baba Abdu said the moment a child would exit the womb: “The youth are of rich blood, praise them as such.”
“Keep your body straight. Eyes on the middle of the target.” You straighten little Eshile’s posture and readjust the bow and arrow tangled between his small fingers. His comrades shoot their arrows with not much struggle to his right and his left. He is discouraged, nervous even, for his lack of coordination.
“Whatever time is best.” You provide him the space to meditate on his decisions. His arrow trembles and beads of sweat roll down his head as the sweltering summer heat and the pressures of the target weigh in on him. Your eyes are taken off of him but for a second before you see two arrows tear through the target. Bullseye.
Everyone is shocked. You are spilling with merit. “Oh! Son, that was great!”
Eshile gulps largely. “That was not me.”
Everyone turns around. There standing on the back porch with a bow in her possession is General Okoye. She remains positioned, aiming high. What an arrogant entrance. This is not the time nor the place. She knows of the rules and yet she still smiles as the children take their respective bows. Little Eshile is frozen in his spot. Your eyes lower to his pants leg. It is gradually growing darker in color, dampening. He is pissing. Okoye’s face has fallen and she stares in concern. You were sure her intentions were pure but the damage has already been made.
“Session is over, kids. Go rest at the play stations. Cooking class is next, hm?”
“Yes, Nana!” They scamper off.
“Son,” you crouch eye level with Eshile. He is not all there but enough of him is there to be reeled back in. Cradling his face gently, you speak to him with the gentle, kind tone he so deserves in the moment. He is back in seconds, still shooken, but he is back. “Now go to Yumaja. She will help you with your clothing, yes?”
“Y-Yes,” he stutters.
“I love you. Now run along.” He doesn’t pay much mind to the smooch delivered to his cheek.
He catches another look at the concerned warrior lingering on the porch before darting off. You then adjust your spectacles, summoning a holographic screen to swipe across. You hit the disable button and the targets begin to diminish before your eyes.
“Nana,” You mock. “Soon I will wear snow-white hair and trot with swollen feet.” You send over your shoulder as you click on a programmed button to fabricate your activity for the next day. Always act ahead of time.
Okoye speaks from where she stands. “Why is there so much haste to age? Last week you were fifty, today you are sixty. Is old age a kink of yours?”
“Ah, cut it out. No kink shaming,” you joke. “Time moves much too fast. It’s only right that I question where it goes.“
“I assume, your beauty. You look younger every time I see your face in those headlines.” She leans against the back door, looking as commanding, and soft as ever.
None of that. Her flattery will not make you move. You will make her move. You pick up a bow and adjust the leather quiver draped over your shoulder. By the time you step onto the first step of the porch, three arrows are sent flying at Okoye. They land near her fingers. Her eyes widen. “Whaat?! You take joy in attempted murder now?”
Your fingers grip her jaw, moving her toward you. “Don’t ever scare my children again. You owe little Eshile an apology.” You cast a simmering glare before passing into your home with her in tow. She was not meaning to instill fear, she was trying to give the children some motivation, for they were struggling with their aim. “It was already in my mind to apologize the moment I saw his face, my love. I am sorry to you as well.”
“I’m sure you are. Leave your spear outside.”
“Do you seriously think I would be bold enough to bring a spear in your holy home? You would wave sage in my face and chant your tongues.”
“You are still going to be cleansed. You have provoked fear around here. I’m sure the demons are not too far away. Maybe you are one of them. My bald headed demon,” you joke.
“Haha, hilarious,” she waves you off.
As you share light conversation with her down your home’s luxurious halls, explaining new historic additions, you stumble upon the living room. The news cast catches your ear. “The King has not announced when the evacuation will be initiated, but this will be of no ease for Wakanda. Danger is on the horizon brothers and sisters— You power the tv off. The news channel invites envious spirits into the home. There will be none of that.
“Hmm,” you hum. Okoye stands slightly tense. You assume she knows something about this evacuation fiasco. Maybe that is why she chose to show her presence without warning. You are about to find out. Before she can open her mouth, you tell her to keep her explanations to herself, to follow you to the kitchen. She sighs but does as so.
The kitchen smells of citrus and curry spices. A beam of light welcomes itself inside and spreads throughout. “Get over here.” You help Okoye to a seat at the table. You then pour her a cup of warm golden milk. It has been her favorite since the honeymoon days. It surprised you quite a bit. You assumed she would be the flashy wine type but she has never forgotten where she comes from.
“Now, what I saw yesterday, I didn’t expect it to come this soon,” you say.
Okoye perks up. “What did you see?”
“I had a premonition.” You join her at the oak table.
Your intuition is one that has been passed down your lineage, gifted with the eye of the wise. Okoye is always enamored by the accuracy of your predictions. Especially those of her triumphs as one of the Dora.
As she awaits your commentary, she interlocks her fingers with yours.
Soon enough, you speak. “During my meditation at the Temple, I saw it. Fire. War. Death. Anguish. All of it befalling The Golden City”
“My love, that had to take a toll on you? You have taken your bath?”
Premonitions depletes one of their energy. Legend says that the mind alternates between the spiritual realm and the time realm, communicating with spirits of many motives. The ancestors have dipped themselves in the mother lake to cleanse themselves, and you have remained committed to tradition.
“Nevermind that. Is this what you came to tell me?”
“I am not alright then.”
Okoye exhales. “I came to see my lover first. The news comes second.”
“Okoye, what is going on?”
She pauses momentarily. “There is a war. The Avengers say it is assumed to be one of mass destruction. One that can only be fought on resistant land.”
Of course it is another war. War has left Wakanda sick. Hardship after hardship. All rooted in the name of fear.
Your chair creaks as you lean back. “Another land for them to destroy? What is of the Black Panther these days? Fighting amongst the Americans. There is always war with them. Bast help us, we cannot withstand another.”
“We are stronger than you think, my love.”
“Wakanda is precious as much as it is strong. It is no nation to be spared. Our culture. Our fruitful history. Does it not hold meaning to you?!”
Okoye sips gracefully. A moment of silence gathers as she allows you to calm yourself. She keeps her voice low as she speaks once more. “This threat is far too great for pride. I am talking about mass extinction. Half the universe gone with a snap of fingers. My love, If this man, this thanos, retrieves what he so seeks, I may never see you again. You may never see me again. Eshile too.”
Your grip on her hand tightens. A life without those that you love? That is a life stripped from meaning. That is suffering. “I see.” You take deep anxious breaths. “I apologize I was just—“
“Concerned, I know.” Okoye is by your side now. “And that is okay. We will be okay.” Her embrace is warm. It catapults you to a state of mind that has less fear and more love. Your muscles ease with it, eyes sliding shut.
“You are shaking like Bambi,” she snickers, kissing your cheek.
You smack her arms. “Well my heart has dropped out of my ass! What do you expect when you tell me I may cease to exist in hours’ time!”
“Mmm. I expect you to stand on your two feet—to raise your chin up high and come with me so we can cherish the time that may count as our last. This is not our first rodeo.”
“That was different. If it is not seeing the ones I love again…well…I am not a warrior.
“A warrior is great for not only their skill in combat, but for their desire to keep fighting. You have so much fight in you. Do not think otherwise.”
“Sweet words that I will not believe. I ran from a wasp the other day and did more damage to my hair than those aunties at the ceremonial reunions.”
Okoye laughs aloud.
“Why do you not mourn the possibility of Wakanda’s end, my love?” You run a thumb across her cheek.
“When you risk your life day after day, the end is all you think about.”
“That is suffering.”
“Not when you have made peace with it.”
You let that marinate. It is disheartening as much as it is honorable. “How long before evacuation?”
“We start by morning. Not much time.”
“We have worked with less. Pack your things. We will head to our ritual sight after I give the children my farewells. They have been retiring early as of late.” You stand from the chair and Okoye stands with you.
“We can bake these nasty curry patties of yours and bring them along as well.”
You point an accusing finger at her. “You only call them nasty because you secretly love them.”
“I do,” she snags a piece from the pile of previously made patties. A squeal fills the room as the flavor hits her from all angles. So giddy for food that is ‘nasty.’ “This one needs a little lemon.” She hoards the cupboards in search of your kettle of sun-dried lemons.
You scoff. “Whatever. I will be back.” Once outside in the beaming heat of Birnin Azzaria, you slide between busy bodies as they tote vases and market food, sandals kicking up red dust. The odds are forever stacked against you.
The temple of Azzaria stands atop a forested mountain, foreseeing the Burnin Azzaria. The sky has eased over and glows a rebellious orange. So soft and delicate on the skin. So pungent you can taste the earthy aromas on your tongue. Colored dots paint your face and Okoye’s. Beadwork is splayed across your chests. And your locs are freed from your turban.
During this time of the day, the sun meets the waters and the gods bestow enchantment, thus bringing a rise to sexual prowess. And well…you and Okoye have chosen to harvest it.
“That’s it, sthandwa. Let it slide down your throat,” Okoye husks.
Your bodies are bare to the brisk winds and the call of Mother Earth. Ritual candles encircle your united bodies, smoke slithering from the wicks, bringing forth The Wakening; in which the soul has been freed. Yours has soared, clutching and melding with Okoye’s as you share your body. You feel a pull in the chest. Toe curling pleasure. Precious moans.
Okoye has her feet planted on either side of your face, heatedly swirling her hips, riding until she should see her ending. You provide a balance of dominance by gripping her ass to guide her up and down your long pink tongue while allowing her freedom to grind on her own. Your groans travel to her toes as you work overtime to consume and consume, to allow your bodies this energetic exchange.
“Yes,” she pants. “Yes, yes, yesss.” Her toned stomach flexes as she sputters and grinds faster. Her vulva blooms like tulips in the peak of spring. Glistens like sticky nectar were smeared on it, sweetening and hydrating your slackened jaws to the likes of heaven. You spit and suck on her pretty folds, savoring all of her. Goodness. Stars are what she sees behind her eyelids and euphoria is what she feels recoiling in her abdomen.
“Oh my….you are being so good for me, so good.”
An orgasmic pressure orbs down south. You both know it’s coming, so it is only fair to usher it in faster. You flick and suck her clit rapidly, pussy juice sprinkling upon its home. She gasps aloud, “Too much. Fuck.” Then she pauses and slightly raises from your mouth.
“You are running now? What did I tell you about that, hm?” You send a mean smack to her ass.
“Wait. Just wait.” Her fingers inch down to spread plump lips, cocoa-brown folds glistening beneath the kiss of the sun. “Mmmh,” she sucks in her bottom lip as she slides her fingers inside, pumping slowly, juices rolling down her thighs in beads. She does it for your pleasure and her own. This may be the last time your divine connection will be explored. It is best to make it last.
“Let me taste, my love. I need you.”
“You will have me,” she whispers. She then slides her creamy coated fingers against your elongated tongue. You suck her off nastily, tasting the sweet musky flavor of her depths. She has always tasted the best, and has always given it the best. You will never leave. Ever.
You chase her fingers as she retracts and she cannot help but chuckle. “You are something else.”
But she loves it beyond saying.
She slides them in her own mouth next, moaning as it melts on her tongue. Then she’s back to putting that pussy all in your mouth. This time she leans back at an angle for an easier ride. It pays off beautifully. You devour her whole until her thighs vibrate into silk. She holds your head still and grinds desperately, walls pulsing to the beat of hollow drums. “Uhhnn. I’m…I’m…mmmh.”
She finishes off, letting her rivers gush in your mouth. Unable to contain the overwhelming shocks, she crawls off the length of your face and melts into empty space next to you. Her sheen chest heaves and her hand becomes trapped between her clenched thighs. Face crinkled in euphoria. Spine arched. Singing cries of fulfillment. You aren’t sure she’s met herself until she relaxes her legs and opens her eyes.
“Who told you to do that to me?”
“You ask? I will deliver.” You lean in, kissing her slow and deep. She flicks your tongue with her own and you both fall victim to a game of rolling your tongues around. Saliva and ripe juices are swapped, moans and giggles becoming the only sound left of the sexual escapades. Final pecks are given as she pulls away. Her angelic gaze penetrates yours.
“I love you,” you whisper.
“I love you and everything there is to know about you. I still have much to discover in this complex mind of yours. So much.”
“You will.”
A moment of stillness grasps your heartstrings. There is the possibility of everything ending. But there is also the possibility of everything continuing. Be that as it may, the universe and the world will march on in this timeline. There is still so much to experience with what remains.
You and Okoye agree on tending to the platters of food on the gigantic plush. You first blow out the ritual candles and cover yourselves in thin woolen blankets. You end up seated across her lap, feasting your eyes on the brilliant city lights as they sprawl across the skyline. The Maglev levitation train and the hover cars glide in the dim sky soundlessly. The moon has now risen on its feet. The spirits with it.
“Your coconut rice and prime rib reminds me of Nomble,” she chews the meal before her.
“I have the touch of the garden god then, yes?”
“I guess,” she gives her infamous side-eye. “I believe you would be a great addition to the Training Facility’s chef crew. On our days of battle, we have these humongous feasts. It is happening right now as we speak.”
You swallow the savory meal that is your vegetable medley and seasoned soy. “Well there is no need for the feast when you have it right here.”
“With the woman I love,” she pecks your lips, sweet as can be.
“Here. I want you to keep this.” You remove your beaded adornment from your neck and carefully attach it to Okoye’s. A piece of you is what she will carry with her in battle to remind her that she serves, not in vain, but in purpose and honor.
Doing it all for love.
“Fight well tomorrow, do you hear me? Help save this universe.”
Okoye chuckles. Your love is one she will always remember, no matter what fate she will meet by morning. “Is there anyone in Wakanda of any match to me combat-wise? If not the Black Panther?”
“Craziest thing I’ve heard since Aneka last told me she manhandled Ayo.”
“I’m telling you, the girl has some nerve.”
“Mmmh. Well I know you have yet to manhandle me.”
That was a bold lie. A bold bold bold lie. But lies are fun to tell. And if this is the last lie you tell, might as well go out with a banger.
“Is that a challenge, my love?”
“Whatever you are going to give, I want it.” You shrug off her lap to rest your plate on the side.
Okoye will not let that challenge fly. She sets her dish to the side and brings you in by the throat. You both fall back in giggles. Maybe fall into another round of love-making? Maybe sit beneath the belts of stars to chat and share your life’s aspirations one hundred times over? Whichever may fit the moment, there will be a well-known shared love. What comes with this shared love is the feeling, the utter appreciation, that death is not the end.
End note: I like to write sex. That is the sentence of the day. 😁
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goldensunflowe-r · 2 years
Shuri Smut
Part 2
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thegirloffans · 1 year
"Attoye Shippers run in here and come get y'all juice!" ❤️💙
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This took way longer to finish than I wanted it to and I am so sorry for the wait y'all🤦🏾‍♀️
Anyway, enjoy! 💕✌🏾
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karisomk · 1 year
Drawn to you- Attuma x Okoye
How is Okoye gonna explain that large crack in the photo of her and W'Kabi's desk? Content warning: Smut fic Attuma f*** Okoye on W'Kabi's desk. https://archiveofourown.org/works/45881512 Preview: She was making his head spin,  giving into impulsive choices that could easily compromise them both. A dangerous game they both were playing with one another. Attuma watched as Okoye rutted against his hand.
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deepdisireslonging · 26 days
Cake or Cookies
A good round of sexy texting during girls’ night leads to sexy personal time when Bucky gets home.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x curvy!Reader
Warnings/Promises: food mention, descriptions of injuries (canon-level), dirty talk, sexting, SMUT, oral (both receiving), implied further smut
Word Count: 3080
Note: They can pry the Avenger Apartment/Tower from my cold dead hands. Everything’s fine, everyone is fine; what trauma? Why can’t we have nice things? I went hunting through some of my lost prompts and found a couple to squeeze together. Happy reading!
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Girls’ night in the Tower was bound to be dangerous. It was usually when Natasha came up with the next round of pranks to play on the boys. And when Wanda took it upon herself to create the best pillow fort to watch movies in. Her magic made it easy to pile the couch pillows and blankets into what looked more like a cozy cave than a fort. And Maria kept track of where to find any films not already stored in Stark’s library.
You were in charge of snacks. Drinks were cozy only: tea, hot chocolate, and coffee. Alcohol parties were for other nights. Snacks ranged anywhere from home-made chips to hors d'oeuvres (fancy and simply indulgent), to the smorgasbord of mass produced favorite snacks you raided from the corner bodega. But you were stumped when it came to tonight’s desserts. The bodega’s sweet treats were present, cheap candy and the like, but you were stuck between the roll of cookie dough and a box mix for cupcakes.
Stumped, you didn’t acknowledge the warm body that ghosted up behind you until a hand slid across your waist. “It’s girls’ night. What are you still doing here?” Sitting down the treats, you turned in Bucky’s arms and scratched your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck.
He lightly kissed your forehead. “Needed a break from Tony. Can you blame me?”
“Not at all.”
You both inhaled deeply, cheek to cheek. The last mission had been a rough one. Most of the team had come back banged up. And you still had a nasty scrape of road burn up one leg. Which is why you were wearing the equivalent of biker shorts. Pepper had gotten them for you sometime after the social media trend of those leggings ladies liked to tease their S.O’s with. They were surprisingly supportive of your form. You usually wore them underneath your gear because they were borderline indecent. But, with one of Bucky’s oversized shirts covering your figure, nobody had commented.
Except for Bucky as he slid his hands down your body to rest over the curve of your ass.
“I thought these stayed out of sight?”
You teased a glance up at him. “Usually, yes. But It’s girls’ night. We all wear the equivalent of our pajamas since you boys will be out. You are all going out, right?”
He nodded. “Yes. Eventually.” But he didn’t move. He hugged you closer, brazenly tilting your head to one side with his nose so he could kiss the underside of your jaw.
“Y/L/N!” Natasha waved from the living room. “Are we ready to go, or what?”
A smile spread across your face. You lightly pushed Bucky away, making him whine. Natasha was already starting the voting poll for the evening’s movies when you turned back to the counter. “I’ve got to bake before the party starts. Do you have a preference for what sweets you’d like to be left over? Cookies or cupcakes?”
Bucky pressed up behind you, resting his large hands on the counter on either side of you, and griding his front into your ass. “Cookies. There’s enough cake in this kitchen already.” He slapped your ass, following with both his hands taking tight squeezes of your flesh.
As you gasped, he rushed out. The wink he shot you from the door warned you that the tease would not be the evening’s last.
Fifteen minutes later, the cookies were out, the movie was in, and everyone was settled into their favorite pile of pillows.
Five minutes into the movie, the texting started.
Lover Boy <3: “How’s the movie?”
You rolled your eyes as you turned your phone on silent. If Okoye heard your phone again, you’d never get it back. “We’re watching Magic Mike. So… It’s going well.” You added a smiley face with its tongue sticking out for good measure.
Bucky’s messages popped up every few minutes. You kept your phone screen towards you to see the notification light up your screen without bothering the other women.
Lover Boy <3: “Should I be jealous?”
You: “Nah. Their gyrating doesn’t do it for me.”
Lover Boy <3: “Good to know.”
Lover Boy <3: “Is there anything in the movie that does ‘do’ it for you?”
You smothered a chuckle into your blanket. Each passing second that you took to come up with a teasing reply was surly wreaking havoc on your man.
You: “Maybe. Who wants to know?”
His reply was slow in coming. When it did, you almost fumbled your phone into the floor.
Lover Boy <3: *image incoming*
The picture you received was of Bucky’s hand resting on the top of his thigh. They were out to dinner somewhere, the edge of the table blocking your photo view from the rest of the guys. In the curve between his forefinger and thumb, his bulge was the center of attention. You stuck a sucker in your mouth to cover up your gasp. But the other ladies were too busy hooting for the first dance scene to notice.
You: “Just him? I must be slipping. Especially since I thought you really liked my shorts earlier.”
Lover Boy <3: “I like those shorts because I like taking them off. Girls night got in the way.”
You: “You’ve got to come home sometime.”
Lover Boy <3: “Then what do you have in mind?”
You turned off the flash for your camera and waited for the TV screen to illuminate your face. Sucker holding down your tongue, you sneaked the pic. Before any of the girls could see and tease you. While it sent, you sucked on the round sugar treat. You imagined Bucky’s cockhead on your tongue, as you knew he would too. His reply came in seconds.
Lover Boy <3: “Minx”
You: “And?”
Lover Boy <3: “When I do get home, I’m going to taste something sweeter. All night long.”
Lover Boy <3: “If you can handle it.”
Biting your lip, you smiled into your blanket.
You: “We both know what I can handle. But can you handle what I want to do to you?”
You: “Bet I can blow you so good you forget how to speak Russian before morning.”
You: “Actually, bet I can make you forget all your languages.”
Lover Boy <3: “An official bet?”
Now it was dangerous territory. Neither of you would wager anything that would show in public. Or bring attention from the team inside the tower. But Bucky’s winnings had a steep cost on your ability to walk the next day. Yours usually meant him taking a few days off to spend time together in some distant cabin.
You: “Do we have time to disappear to the Rockies when I win?”
Lover Boy <3: “We just finished a mission. I’m sure I can convince Steve to leave us alone… at least for several nights in a row when I win.”
It was on.
He played dirty by escaping to the bathroom to shoot you a picture of his cock. It was already thick for you, proud and flushed in his palm.
You also escaped. But the picture you sent didn’t require you to take your clothes off. All you did was tug down the front of his borrowed shirt, and splay your fingers wide between your breasts.
You: “Can’t wait to squeeze you between these.”
Lover Boy <3: “9hey now…”
Good. His texting was already stumbling.
You: *picture incoming*
All you did was rest your hand over your throat. But Bucky’s reply of a bunch of scrambled letters made you laugh. You returned to the movie.
You: “Can’t wait for you to get home. But we’ve got about 3 more hours of movies to watch. Think you can last that long?”
Lover Boy <3: “If I have to. Might have to take care of myself before then.”
Wanda looked over as you squirmed in your seat.
You: “You can’t wait for me? I’ll wait for you.”
When the movie lit up enough, you took a picture of the pillow between your thighs.
Lover Boy <3: “Promise?”
You: “Say please.”
His reply, despite the distance between text and actually hearing his voice, dripped with promise. You bit your lip, hearing his growl in your head.
Lover Boy <3: “Since when do get to make the demands around here?”
Lover Boy <3: “Please.”
You: “Since I’m home. Away from the consequences of mouthing off at you till later.”
Lover Boy <3: “You’re not sharing this conversation with the ladies are you? You’re not usually this… sassy.”
You: “This sass is rated E for everyone. But, no. This conversation is just between us.”
You: “I have to stop texting. Natasha is beginning to notice.”
Lover Boy <3: “Until I get my hands on you:”
It was several minutes until you checked your phone, waiting for the others to drop their questioning looks. When you did, you had to smother your moan. He sent one last picture of his tongue out between his fingers. A promise of delectable problems to come.
Somebody texted the guys when the movies were almost over. They arrived halfway through you girls cleaning up.
“How was the double feature?” Tony asked. He snagged a remaining hors d'oeuvres off the tray before Maria could stick it in the fridge.
You didn’t hear the reply. All you could focus on was how lust-blown Bucky’s eyes were as he stared you down from the other side of the room. You pressed your thighs together. If the way your chest heaved was any indication, you were in for a long night. Steve barely gave you a glance when you walked past him. Bucky gliding past made him give your departure a second look.
The hallway to your room was dark. The lights that illuminated the floor wouldn’t engage fully unless there was an emergency. Which meant that your shadow was faded against the wall. And it was fractured into several clusters of shadows at reach installation. You didn’t look back. It was part of the game. You couldn’t hear him, but sometimes you could have sworn your shadows had an extra layer.
When you reached for your door handle, another hand beat you to it. Bucky pressed up behind you, pushing you into the room and pinning you to the inside of the door as he locked it. He slid his knee between your legs. Fascinated, he enjoyed the show as you slid the apex of your thighs across the muscle he gave you. He stopped your movements with a hand on your hip, while the other lifted your wrists above your head.
“Did you actually wait, or was that a tease?” He reached into your shorts, groaning to find your slick there. While you trembled, he loudly sucked his middle finger into his mouth. “Oh, ангел, I am going to ruin you. For teasing me like you did.”
“You – you started it. Technically.”
He brought one of your hands down to rest over the front of his pants. “Maybe. But you laid down the gauntlet. How do you want to do this?”
With a grin, you wriggled out of his grasp. You walked backwards towards your bed. Bucky stalked slowly after you. Turning, you ran your hands down your sides, to your hips. And back to the curve of your ass. “Cake?” You smoothed your hands up from your rear to your breasts. “Or cookies?”
Bucky groaned. “The whole damn bakery if I can get my hands on it.” He guided you onto the bed, crawling over you in a way that stole your breath. When you tried to roll him onto his back to begin the challenge, he chuckled. “Nuh-uh. Challenger goes second.”
He silenced you with a kiss. As he deepened it, hands kneading into your flesh and removing your clothes, your rebuttal died on your tongue. He barely pulled back enough to remove his own clothes. It wasn’t long before he was working his mouth down your body, kissing and sucking and nipping at your skin until he made it to your sex. 
Sometimes part of the challenge included a timer. Like that one gala when he dared you steal away with him during Tony’s speech, and cum before the ending round of applause. With his head buried under your dress, he won with enough time to participate in the applause for a speech you didn’t give a damn about. You didn’t find out till later that Steve had kept track of when you two disappeared and reappeared. Bucky wrote the time on your bathroom mirror as the time to beat. It had yet to be broken.
Tonight wasn’t one of those times. There was all the time in the world. All night to edge or overstimulate each other to your hearts’ content.
Breathing warm air over your sex, his grin between your thighs sent a ripple of goosebumps over your skin. You weren’t sure which was more disarming: his knowledge of your body and its sweet spots that he could make you cum in minutes, or that same knowledge used to bliss you out over hours till you couldn’t remember more than screaming his name. With his tongue, he began the challenge. As if you weren’t soaked already, he made a mess of you. Curling his fingers through your folds. Delving his tongue deep in search of the ability to taste you for days. When he scraped his teeth across your clit, the electricity tightened your fingers in his hair.
He wasn’t drawing this out. A man on a mission, Bucky was doing everything he could to bring you to the brink as fast as he could. The speed that you hurtled toward release stole your breath. That was his plan. Shock you while trying to beat his time so that you wouldn’t be able to speak. And then he’d win double the bragging rights.
And, damn him, it might just work.
Hungrily, he slurped up your pleasure. Adding a third finger to his onslaught, he curled them all to make you see stars. His metal arm flashed out to pin down your hips before you could arch away from him. The metal was cold, frigid, against your flushed skin. The difference in temperature was enough of an overload to your sparkling nerves that your eyes screwed shut. You babbled a series of sounds, making Bucky hum in delight.
But when he came up for air, gently stroking your folds to ease you down, you surprised him.
“Is that all you got, Barnes?”
“Fuck. Seriously?” He rested his cheek against the inside of your thigh.
You did your best to steady your breath. No point in revealing those six words were all you could manage. After another moment, you curled your own finger. You summoned him to hover over you, dangling his dog-tags in your face. Catching one between your teeth, you gripped and pushed his shoulders until he was on his back.
It was your turn to kiss down his body. Across his collar bone and pecs. Down that center chasm between his abs. From one hip bone, down his V, and up to the other side. As you took his length in hand, you had to smile. The poor man should have let you pleasure him first, instead of torturing himself and his cock with waiting. Gently, you circled your thumb around his tip. It dragged a groan out between his teeth. Good. The more vocal he was, the better you could track his ability to speak. Or lack thereof.
You set the challenge into the back of your mind and got to work in pleasing your man.
The first movements were gentle. And careful around how sensitive he was. Still, each touch and twist kept his voice active. He tried to watch you, but kept dropping his head back in pleasure as you quickened your movements. While he was laid back, you shifted your position.
His head snapped up, and he cursed loudly in Russian as his cock was enveloped between your breasts.
Darting out your tongue, you kitten licked the tip of his cock when it came into range. It gave you no small pleasure to watch your man, the Winter Soldier and former Commando, fall to pieces because of you. He cursed louder in English, Russian, and… was that German? But the more you jerked him between your breasts, the more his vocabulary scrambled together. You waited patiently. His metal hand twitched towards to before fisting the sheet. His flesh hand reached back for the pillows, sheets, headboard. Anything to ground himself. Then you struck. You let go of your breasts and dipped low enough to swallow him down. He roared as he bumped the back of your throat. Planting his feet on the bed, his thighs trembled with keeping himself from thrusting into your mouth.
That was fine. You moved enough for the both of you. And, just as his Russian was little more than the most strained of curses, you settled his balls into one hand, and slid the other up his torso. Your nails lightly caught his skin over his heaving breaths.
The high-pitched hiss from the depths of his lungs was your only warning before he filled your mouth.
Your ministrations slowed. You took every ounce of his pleasure, and smiled around his cock as you sucked your way off his length.
He dragged you up to bury his face in the crook of your neck. His lips trembled while trying to say something. Anything. But all he could do was pant into your skin.
You smiled. And kissed the underside of his jaw. While you both recovered, you murmured gentle reassurances between breaths.
“You cheated,” he finally managed.
“Oh? When did I manage that?”
Running his fingers through his hair, he stared you down. “Those damn shorts.”
With a laugh, you nipped at his chest. “What? You did get to take them off, like you wanted. And I can’t help it if you decided to run your hands all over me and get yourself hard. It jazzed me up too. So, in my mind, we’re even.”
“Fine.” He tilted up your face to kiss you. Mumbling against your lips, he complained, “you’re using alotta words there, ангел.”
“And you’re still capable of Russian.”
Bucky grinned. “Then I guess this challenge isn’t done.”
And it wasn’t until long into the night.
Ангел: angel
Marvel Masterlist 
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killmongerskeeper · 2 years
Your Highness // Shuri // 18+
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Summary: You and Shuri can go at it whenever and wherever. She reminds you that being in public won't stop her from making a mess of you.
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warning: Shameless Smut // Fluff // Shuri is a sneaky little shit // Fingering(Reader Receiving) // Public Orgasm
Word Count: 3.3k
Author's Note: I'm done with my first ever Shuri one shot! I need a couple of gallons of water after writing this one. Shuri had me in a whole chokehold in my own fic. How sway? Hopefully the queen of Shuri fics approve. @haechvn I did my best sis XD.
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You scrolled through all the document pages on your tablet as you made your way to Shuri's lab. She had been hiding away in there for the past 4 days so you decided to drag her out to clear her mind a little bit. The doors opened and you were greeted by Griot as you stalked closer to the princess. She was much taller than you but you made up for it with the puff that rests on top of your head. You sat down the tablet on a nearby table before bringing your hands to rest on her torso. 
"Hey baby." You mumbled placing a kiss to her spine. You felt her shiver in your arms as she turned her head to look down at you. 
"Hi my love. What are you doing here, I thought you had a conference to go to in the states." She questioned and you grinned while letting your hands roam. It's been a while since you had her in your arms, so you want to savor it.
"I do. But I fly in tonight. Was wondering if you'd like to tag along and go to dinner?" You suggested and she sighed.
"Baby you know I have so much to do around here." She said with a frown.
"Let Griot take over. You've been so busy and I miss having you so close to me." You muttered as another kiss landed on her shoulder.
"I don't know Y/N. I don't really have much time to relax nowadays." She said leaning into your soft kisses.
"Exactly my point. You need it." You pushed, running your hands down her thighs. She grabbed your wandering hand before turning to you with wide eyes. 
"Okay, I'll go. Enough with your roaming hands woman." She chuckled as she finally took you in her arms and kissed your lips. You rested a hand on the back of her neck as the two of you refused to part before Okoye walked into the room.
"Am I interrupting something? I can come back at another time." She smirked as Shuri pulled away from you. 
"No it's alright Okoye. I'll have her all to myself when we land tonight." You said before walking out of the lab. 
"Okay princess. I see you." Okoye jokes, causing Shuri to roll her eyes.
"What, jealous?"
"Of course not. Just never expect to walk in on Wakanda's princess with her tongue down her girlfriend's throat." She retorted before handing Shuri the files she was instructed to. 
While Shuri was finishing up in the lab you had packed a suitcase and drew yourself a bath to relax before the long trip. You let the warm water relax your muscles with a sigh as you thought about the conference taking place the next day. You heard the door open and lock before a quiet shuffling sound. 
"Bathing without me I see." Shuri grinned and you turned in the tub to face her, resting your cheek on your arm to stare up at her. Her curls resting over her eyes as she took a seat on the toilet next to you.
"You were busy. Besides, I wanted to get some relaxation before the trip." You told her and she reached down to cup your cheek. Brushing her thumb across your skin before moving down to your lips. You paid no mind to her staring until you realized how lustful her gaze became. You silently watched her as she leaned down to capture your lips in a hungry kiss. She held your jaw as your hand grabbed hold of her legs.
"You know there's room for one more. This tub is big enough." You spoke against her lips and she stood to take off her jacket as you watched with anticipation running through your bones. Once she was completely bare she stepped in the tub before pulling you in her arms. Her lips found your once more and you quickly wrapped your arms around her shoulders. You could feel your arousal gather between your honey thighs as her hands roamed your body. Without breaking the kiss she maneuvered herself behind you and you subconsciously spread your legs, welcoming her in. You sometimes forget how easily she can make you come undone with just her kisses. One of her hands slid up before clamping down on your throat. You couldn't help the moan that left you as she gently squeezed while her other hand was preoccupied with your breast. 
"Shuri-" You were cut off when she pinched your nipple, causing you to jolt while she brought her lips to your ear.
"We talked about this Y/N. What do you call me?" Her tone was firm and you shuddered against her.
"My apologies, your highness." You moaned out as she gave a sharp tug before leaving you. 
"Good girl." With her praise you leaned your head back, giving her more access to you. Her hand left your nipple before submerging under the water moving to where you craved her the most. "So wet for me, yeah."
She was teasing you and you wiggled your hips starting to grow impatient. She grabbed hold of your thigh and gave a light squeeze as a warning for your whining. "Stop whining. You wanted me to relax. I'm doing just that." Her voice held so much passion while her fingers ran over your slippery folds. Slowly. The way she stroked you had your nerves on fire. Every now and then her thumb would graze the throbbing bundle of nerves begged to be touched.
"Please princess, enough with the games." You groaned out, your body eagerly awaited her next move. 
"As you wish, my love." She mused in your ear as she finally buried a finger inside of you. Your back arched at the intrusion, but you welcomed it. The way her touch sent your nerves on fire. You humped into her hand, chasing your release as she mumbled praise after praise.
"Look at you. You're doing so good for me." She wasted no time slipping a second finger into you and your eyes fluttered closed. Your legs trembled at the sensation as you felt her fingers curl to rub a specific spot inside you.
"Fuck." You cursed before you turned your head to find her lips. 
"You're so close now. My pretty girl wants to cum on my fingers does she?" She taunted, her breath fanning against your lips. Her fingers sped up as she swallowed all your whining moans signaling you're nearing your release. Your pussy clamped down on her fingers as you came all over her hand. She chuckled in your ear before pulling out her digits bringing them in front of your face.
"We're in a bath and yet you can still see the mess you made." She said as you took that time to catch your breath. She brushed her hand over your folds and you twitched slightly. Your pussy sensitive from the finger fucking you just got from your lover. "Let's get you cleaned up shall we." Shuri took the time to bathe you as you were slowly coming down from your post orgasm bliss. After the two of you got out of the tub, you spent the next few hours getting everything you needed for this trip. Any notes, files and documents. You had your hair braided before finishing up your packing to give it a fresh look. You went through your mental list making sure you had everything you needed for your trip while Shuri gave instructions to Grio.
"Okay I think that's everything. We're both all packed." You said zipping up your suitcase. 
"Not quite. You're forgetting something." She said as she went to the dresser where she pulled out a box with a bow. "I got these for you. For our date." She handed you the box which you quickly made away with the bow. You opened the box with wide eyes and a soft gasp left you.
"Shuri!" You said in a hushed shout. "You dirty girl." You eyed the lace 2 piece lingerie with gold accents littered over the pieces. You held up the underwear to inspect it and ran your fingers across the lace.
"Thought you would look amazing in it." She told you and you bit your lip. 
"I see. Guess I was forgetting something then." You grinned as you packed the lewd clothes in your bag. 
"Now we're ready." She smiled as you grabbed your bag. You put on a tshirt and jeans while the princess rocked a purple track suit. You know you're on a tight schedule. But damn she looks good. She caught your stare before grabbing your chin.
"Like what you see Y/N?" She questioned and you swallowed some spit before fixing her collar.
"What I can't admire what's mine?" You asked and she pecked your lips.
Okoye and Ramonda greeted the two of you at the aircraft.
"Now I want you to be careful. Remember this is a business trip. No funny business." The queen said with a knowing stare as she eyed her daughter, who had a smile on her face.
"Of course, queen mother. I will make sure the princess doesn't go astray." you said and she snapped her head in your direction. 
"It isn't me she should be worried about." She said and you rolled your eyes. 
"Princess. Y/N. You two are to keep your kimoyo beads with you at all times. If anything happens or goes wrong you are to return to Wakanda with haste." You nodded and Shuri rolled her eyes. "Or Okoye will retrieve the two of you."
"Of course mother. Now we have to go now." Shuri rushed as she grabbed your hand, dragging you to the ship. As soon as the two got through the river border the ship flew on autopilot and the two of you took the chance to get some sleep. You pulled out the makeshift bed and Shuri looked at you with an arched eyebrow. 
"Don't get any ideas. It's for us to sleep until we reach our destination." You told her and she let out a loud laugh. You gave her warning eyes as you put your hair up.
"Fine. I'll allow it." She said taking off her jacket and tossing it on the bench. The two of you got comfortable and you snuggled under her arm whispering sweet nothings to each other until the two of you dozed off.
Shuri was the first to wake up and saw that your destination wasn't too far out. She turned to you sound asleep resting on her chest. She placed a soft kiss on your forehead where your baby hairs are greased down. After a few moments of silence she woke you from your slumber and you prepared to land. Soon after you made it to the hotel you were staying at. 5 star hotel, funded by Nick Fury himself. Fury being the reason you're here. 
"Fury sure does know how to extend an invitation." Shuri said as she scanned the lobby. You checked in under your alias and took the princess to your room. When you arrived you opened the door to the king suite. Shuri took one of her kimoyo beads and attached it to the wall. 
"Griot?" She called out holding your arm to keep you from completely entering the room. You admired how protective she was over you.
"No malicious threats detected princess." The AI spoke and you raised an eyebrow at her.
"Have to be sure." She shrugged as you put your bag next to the bed. "Besides I could think of a million ways to make this room more safe than it is."
"Hey! No lab talk. We're here to relax." You said with a frown and she held up her hands. 
"Okay. No lab talk. Only relax." She repeated and you shook your head.
"8:37. We made the perfect time for that date." You smiled and she nodded as she walked up to you grabbing your waist. 
"There's a restaurant not too far from here. I've already made reservations." She told you and you frowned.
"What? I travel a lot. Always one step ahead of you love." She grinned as you playfully scoffed. 
"Alright then, we should be getting dressed then." You said kissing her cheek. "Shall I wear the gift you gave me?"
"Of course. Even though it'll just be on the floor afterwards." She smirked and you felt your face heating up. You went to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. The bra held your breasts so securely and even gave them a little lift. The panties were nothing short of innocent. Covered everything except maybe a little bit of the curve of your ass. 
"Cheeky princess." You muttered as you slipped the black dress over your curves, thick fabric covering the provocative pieces you had underneath. Once you were done with your makeup, you stepped out of the bathroom before coming to a stop. Shuri stood before you in a black blazer with black dress pants. 
"Damn. Looking good." You said as your mouth went dry and she grinned before putting the kimoyo bracelet on her wrist. 
"I can say the same for you." She said, eyes racking up and down your figure. You grabbed your clutch before reaching for her hand. 
"Come, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I believe we have a reservation." You smiled at her as the two of you left the hotel room. The restaurant wasn't far from the hotel so it didn't take too long to get there. When you arrived you looked around in awe at the decor and sheer environment of the space. Once you were seated you held up the menu looking over the variety of choices. You felt a heated gaze burning through your head and you looked up to meet the brown orbs of the princess.
"Can I help you Shuri?" You asked and she seemed a bit too quiet. You noticed her toying with her kimoyo beads and opened your mouth to speak but nothing came as you felt a warm sensation run through your body. Assuming it was the warmth from the restaurant, you paid it no mind. 
"Have you decided on what to eat yet?" Shuri asked you as she looked over her own menu. You shook your head as the sensation persisted when the waitress appeared.
"Good evening ladies. What will you have to drink tonight?" She asked, looking between the two of you and Shuri spoke up.
"A bottle of your finest red wine please." She smiled and the waitress wrote it down before walking off to the bar. 
"Are you alright my love?" She asked you, toying with her kimoyo beads again and you nodded ignoring the dull sensation. It was only then the sensation became more noticeable. Your body started to grow a little warm and you crossed your legs. Then it hit you. The sensation was vibrations coming from between your legs. Although there's nothing under this dress but-
"You did not." You said as light panic crossed your features. She shrugged her shoulders feigning confusion as the waitress returned with a fancy bottle of red wine. 
"Here you are ladies. Now what can we get started for you this evening?" She asked opening the wine and Shuri's eyes flickered to you with fire behind them.
"Can I have the bourbon glazed salmon?" She asked and the waitress turned to me waiting for my order after filling our glasses to the middle. Shuri had the chance to flick her kimoyo bracelet a third time and you had to uncross your legs to keep the panties from pushing against your clit. 
"Can I just have the same please?" You asked and she smiled before walking away and you finally looked Shuri in the eyes. 
"Are you serious right now?" You asked in a hushed tone trying to cover the moan that nearly slipped out and she smirked. 
"Whatever do you mean Y/N? We're just sitting here having a nice dinner." She stated and you closed your mouth as the vibration went up a notch. You wanted nothing more than to swirl your hips into the vibration but you had to fight that temptation. If you were behind closed doors, you would indulge in her little game and give her a show. But you're not only in the public eye, but in a crowded space. You'd die of embarrassment if someone saw you cum in a restaurant booth. 
"Shuri-" Her eyes found yours and you could see the silent warning blazing behind them and you cleared your throat. "Your highness. Please don't make me cum here."
"But you look so pretty like this. Squirming around being all needy." She gave you a dark chuckle as the waitress walked up with your plates. Something about the way she said it, made you even more wet than you already were. You lowered your head so your braids would fall and cover your face to protect the little dignity you had left. "You ladies, enjoy! Anything else I can get for you?"
"No thank you. This will be all for now." Shuri spoke calmly as if she wasn't on the verge of making you cum in your seat. The waitress looked over at you and you gave the best smile you could muster up and she fell for it before walking over to another table. 
"Please stop." You moaned softly as you covered your face when your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
"Why when you seem to be enjoying this more than I am?" She questioned as she began to cut into her salmon. You couldn't call her bluff, because it was obvious you were enjoying yourself. But you wouldn't admit that to her. It'll only stroke her ego. You felt the coil in your stomach tighten as your release neared. You shifted your hips slightly and wanted to just get it over with. "If you want to cum so badly just let go. No one is stopping you." She touched her kimoyo beads one last time and you swear you could see stars. 
"I want to see my pretty girl cum. Go ahead." Her full attention was on you now and that was enough for the coil to snap. You groaned softly into your hand as you cum in your panties. Legs squeezing together as if to soften the blow. Luckily no one turned to look at you as you rode out your organsm. She held the most satisfying grin on her face when she reached down to turn the vibration off. Your body went slack as she continued to eat her food. You caught your breath before sitting up straight to brush your sweaty palms on your dress. You grabbed your cup and downed your wine in a couple of sips. Your eyes found hers and she still held a burning fire behind them. Letting you know that your night was far from over. You finally began to eat without another word and the waitress found your table when you completed your meal. Shuri paid the check and you grabbed the bottle of wine off the table as the two of you left the restaurant. You could still feel your arousal between your thighs the entire ride back to the hotel. 
"What, are you mad at me now?" She asked in an amused tone and you scoffed. 
"That was the most embarrassing thing to have ever happened. What if someone saw me?"
"No one saw you, baby. I promise you." She laughed and you crossed your arms. "Okay I'll make it up to you when we get back to the room. I'll make you feel so much better for doing so good for me." She squeezed your thigh and you couldn't help but bite your lip. 
"After that stunt you better." You mumbled and she brought you hand to her lips. 
"I will. I can promise you that."
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jnkgrnde · 1 year
— ms. clumsy
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pairings : shuri x black!reader
warnings : gets a lil suggestive, terribly corny 😕
summary : shuri has a huge crush on the reader, and it’s blatantly obvious. one example of this is how clumsy and flustered she gets whenever you walk into the room. this is based off a post i saw comparing shuri and the reader to naveen and tiana from the princess and the frog, where naveen was able to flirt with any and everyone with ease but when it came to tiana, he choked up.
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“whatcha workin’ on, ms. udaku?” was the sentence that made shuri jump and almost drop her tool. she turned around to find you standing behind her with your hands behind your back. “just- uh- just working on okoye’s midnight angel suit.”
it didn’t take long for you to notice her clumsiness whenever you were around. you noticed the signs a long time ago; the stuttering, the flushed look on her face, her eyes dilating just a little whenever she looked at you.
you knew shuri udaku had a crush on you, and you didn’t mind not one bit because you felt the exact same way.
you let out a giggle at her being so nervous. it was cute to watch, having someone that held so much confidence and have so many girls buckle their knees be so flustered around lil’ ol’ you.
“can i watch?” you asked sweetly. shuri didn’t stop to think about the consequences of this, she just didn’t want you to leave. “of- of course” she looked around and saw that there wasn’t anywhere for you to sit. “i’ll pull up a chair for you.”“oh, you don’t have to do that. i got it.”
shuri looked up at you with her eyebrows raised slightly. you’d heard about t’challa and nakia, the way he would freeze whenever he was around her. is this what they meant? because shuri looked like an antelope in headlights.
she stood there, rendered speechless. “shuri?” you spoke softly. saying her name seemed to do it, because she came back to reality, blinking and blushing.
you gave a sweet, sweet smile and touched her arm gently. “you’re cute when you’re flustered, ms. udaku.” you told her, going to grab a chair. shuri watched you get the chair while she prayed and prayed you couldn’t hear her heartbeat, because it was just about to come out of her chest and run to you with no hesitation.
you watched shuri intently as she worked, asking questions here and there. it was another thing you noticed; her loss of focus. your knee touched hers and it was like she was frozen. before you made yourself known, you watched her work diligently all focus on the midnight angel suit. her fingers worked like you’ve never seen before, perfecting the machinery.
it was another thing you loved about shuri.
beside you, shuri was a fumbling mess.
every time you asked a question, she’d answer with a stutter and would refuse to look at you in the eye in fear that you were too close, and one thing would lead to another..
“so,” she finally breathed out, “why did you come down here?” it was the first time since you sat down with her that she looked up at you, and her heart almost stopped.
you were so close. and you looked so pretty. shuri’s eyes trailed down to your glossed over lips — they looked so inviting, just waiting to put hers on them.
her breathing picked up and it didn’t go unnoticed by you. your heart rate picked up and shuri could hear it. you had to stop yourself from kissing her, stop yourself from just holding her perfectly sculpted jaw and putting your lips on hers.
“i just..” you barely whispered, “i wanted to see my favorite girl.” you moved your eyes up to the scientist. your body started moving on it’s own, hand going to touch shuri’s face but you hesitated. “i’m your favorite girl?” she repeated quietly. “‘course you are.”
it was silent, only the sound of breathing filled the space. then, shuri did something that surprised the both of you — she kissed you first. your eyebrows shot up in shock, but you quickly reciprocated the thing you craved most. butterflies erupted in your stomach, and it felt like bells were going off. your heart pounded in your chest, as did shuri’s.
you smiled into the kiss and your heart filled with joy and contentment as you did. heavy breathing started, and hands flew to wherever they desired; shuri’s to your waist, yours to her face. hearts were poured into the kiss along with long months of yearning. she handled you so gently, so delicately as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
it was a while before you two finally separated for air. shuri was sure she had hearts in her eyes as she looked at you. your lips were kiss swollen, eyes blown wide and a stupid smile on your face. shuri slowly formed a smile herself.
“can’t believe you made the first move, udaku.”
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bestfriend491 · 1 year
Through this
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Okoye x Black!Wakandan!Female!Reader
Summary: The day that Okoye is stripped from her title as general, you, who has been away to the Jabari-Lands for meetings with M'Baku, come home and comfort her.
Hurt and Comfort, Ends in Fluff
Warnings: none (unless you consider domestic fluff as something to warn you of)
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Okoye left the throne room filled with her superiors, a prominent line of tears leaving her eyes as she walked briskly, careful not to trip. She had just lost her title as the General and she was no longer a member of the Dora Milaje, now having been demoted to being a regular civilian.
Regardless of that though, she didn't want to be seen crying by too many more people, already feeling humiliated at how weak she must has looked in there. She for sure knew that the word would spread soon and all of central Wakanda would be gossiping about the entire ordeal before suppertime. So she walked as fast as she could to her headquarters in the royal palace, to pack her few things and return to your shared nearby home.
There wasn't much in the room, anyway. Just a few pieces of clothing, some gadgets that she would leave behind, and a small picture framed of the two of you on your trip in America taken last year. It had been a goofy photo, one that she had never shown anyone, of the two of you sharing an ice cream during a short break at an ice cream parlor when you both had a free hour. You had taken it before she could stop you, doing it to quickly for the camera to capture clearly, so it was a bit blurry. But the smiles on your faces were clearly wide and happy.
After admiring the photo and putting it in her bag, she looked around one last time.
She left most of the things that she had found in the room when she had first arrived exactly where they were, choosing to send you a quick message with her kimoyo beads telling you that she would be at home tonight. She tried to make the message sound as normal as possible, not wanting to alarm you, or prompt you to come home from your week away working in the Jabari-Lands too soon.
She remembered you mentioning how important the week was for your work, as you would be attempting to work with M'Baku and his elders for the architectural developments that were to take place in the coming months for their people. M'Baku had been extremely stubborn about the entire situation. Not wanting to admit to the real troubles that living in caves often brought to the people of the Jabari-Lands. After 3 years of negotiating, you were finally given permission to start the renovation process, just a few small things in the caves to make living in them less physically taxing. Although you had offered to do much more for them, you accepted the offer before M'Baku or anyone else could change their minds.
It had been 6 days since you had left, and today was the last day before you were to return, so Okoye didn't want to postpone any of your progress by making you leave 6 hours early. You were each other's weaknesses, and she knew that seeing her hurting would make you loose all rationality and you would rush home faster than ever, just to make sure that she was okay.
If she was lucky, you wouldn't find out about what happened before she could tell you herself, but with the way that the day had been going, she doubted that she had much luck left to her name at that point.
She took off her uniform and left it on the bed, deciding to put on a plain dress and her blue sandals from home. She looked in both directions before leaving her room and subsequently leaving the palace.
The journey home was very uncomfortable because the word was already starting to spread. Many people gave Okoye looks of pity, some, of gratitude and a few people even looked quite smug.
She wasn't as distinguishable as usual, not being in uniform, or standing quite as tall as she usually did, but people still tried to get her to answer questions on whether the rumours were true whenever they recognized her.  They wanted to know if she had really lost the princess and been released from her work with the royal family. She didn't respond much, giving people quick and few words like, "Move, please" or "I'd rather not say" up until she reached home.
By now it was still early, but the sun would set soon and you would be home not to long after.
She had noticed a vibration from her beads on her way, but seeing that it was a call from you she hadn't wanted to answer you while in her current state. She had stopped crying so much, and her face also looked better, but her voice was still fragile and she would have broken down the moment she tried to speak to you.
Now at home, she pressed her beads to play your voicemail.
"Imibuliso, sthandwa sam. Ndizakufika ekhaya kungekudala, kulungile. Akukho mfuneko yoxinzelelo malunga nokupheka. Kukho ukutya efrijini. (Greetings, my love. I'll be home soon, okay. No need to stress about cooking. There's food in the fridge.)"
She felt a bit better hearing this.
Locking the door and sitting her keys on the kitchen table, Okoye went to go lay on the bed in the bedroom. She tried to go to sleep, wanting to get a few hours of rest and wake up to it all having been a huge misunderstanding, but your lack of presence made it hard. She wanted, needed you to be with her. She grabbed your blanket out from the wardrobe wanting to be as close to you as possible, and dragged herself to her favourite corner in the living room to sit by. There was a very nice chair that sat in the corner, but Okoye opted to sit on the floor.
There, she began to slowly allow herself to cry, the tears coming out with less grace as when she was in the palace. She nearly stood up to go back to the palace and fight for her position back, her sore and weak legs being the only things that prevented her from getting up.
After what felt like 10 hours, she heard the door unlock, seeing your figure enter you home from the distance.
"Sthandwa, I'm home!" you announced as you took your shoes off and went to go and wash your hands. It had been a long  day and you wanted to freshen up and relax for the rest of it.
"In here." Okoye declared sniffling.
You hadn't yet seen your wife's emotional condition so you continued to speak about your day as usual, not having spoken to her properly for about 2 weeks.
" Sthandwa sam, awuzuyikholelwa into ethethwe nguM'Baku kwintlanganiso yethu namhlanje. Ngamanye amaxesha andiyazi ukuba iJabari Tribe ivumela njani umntu ohlekisayo ukuba abe nguMpathi wabo- (My darling, you will not believe what M'Baku said at our meeting today. Sometimes I don't know how the Jabari Tribe allow such a comedian to be their leader-)"
You paused upon walking closer and seeing Okoye, your entire world, on the floor with your blanket wrapped around her.
She only took that blanket out when she needed you for comfort and you weren't there. Without knowing what exactly had happened, you felt guilty for not getting there sooner.
"Baby, kwenzeka ntoni (Baby, what's wrong)?" you walked towards her slowly, not wanting to scare her while in her already shaken state. You knew that she didn't respond well to fast movements when she was emotionally charged and you didn't want a hard bruise from her spear on your arm today. Looking around, you noticed that her spear wasn't with her which was strange. 
Okoye knew immediately that you really had no idea what had happened, and although that is what she had hoped for, she now wished you had found out on your way back. Now she had to muster up the courage to tell you the highly disappointing news. Although she knew that you wouldn't be angry, you had always taken pride in being the General of the Dora Milaje's wife. And now that title was no longer.
Seeing her so frazzled, you went to get a glass of water and sat on the chair next to her, handing her the water. She would eventually break down completely, you knew that, but right now you just needed her to stay as calm as possible. You hadn't seen her this emotional since the day King T'challa died, and it had been rare to see her shed even one tear before and after that day, so you knew that it was serious.
After she had drank the water and you had completely soothed her for a while, you went ahead and started asking for answers.
"Do you want to move to the couch?"
She shook her head. You decided to get on the floor as well, moving the chair to the side and positioning yourself to cradle her.
"Can you tell me what happened?"  you asked, your arms holding her softly. You were sitting behind her now your head laying on her shoulder as you nuzzled  her neck so very gently. That usually made her feel good.
"I..." she tried to speak but instantly there was a lump in her throat.
"Take your time, Sthandwa."
Clearing her throat and taking in few shaky breathes, she tried again.
"The queen trusted me to take care of Shuri while we went to find the scientist,  but I failed to." tears again flooded down as you held her a bit tighter.
"I lost her in battle and she was taken. Since I did not adhere to my promise. Queen Ramonda decided that I should be... that I should be stripped of my title and no longer be allowed as a part of the Dora Milaje." The last part came out almost inaudible as her throat closed up again and the only thing she could do was cry.
"Ndiyaxolisa ngokuphoxeka. (I'm sorry for the disappointment.)" she choked out sobbing some more.
"Don't say that Okoye." you turned both of your bodies to make it that you were now craddling her from the front instead of the back, so that she could see your face when you spoke.
"Andaphoxeka qha ndinexhala.(I'm not disappointed, I'm just worried.)"
Her face was completely drenched, you had no tissues on you and you didn't want to leave her to get some so you took the long sleeve of the wool jersey that you were wearing and began to softly and slowly wipe her face of her tears.
You would have to put it in the washing machine after this, which you didn't like doing because it was you favourite jersey and you loved wearing it everyday, but for her it was worth it.
"I'm sorry." Okoye kept repeating herself.
" Don't feel sorry. I'm sorry for not getting here sooner."
"You did take forever." Okoye chuckled out. You laughed around that and said sorry again.
The two of you sat on the floor for a long time, Okoye occasionally going into a fit of tears again but soon pulling herself together.
It was far past the evening when Okoye picked herself up off of the floor, prompting you to do the same. You helped her get into bed and offered her food before saying goodnight.
"Ndiyakuthanda sthandwa sam, futhi ndohlale ndikuthanda, ndifuna uhlale uyazi lo nto. (I love you, my love. I will always do so. I want you to know that.) "
You, still having a little work to do,  closed the door to the bedroom enough to not disturb her sleep but not enough to not hear her if she were to call for you.
The next day...
Okoye woke up feeling a bit more refreshed. She had still been disappointed when she realized that yesterday's events had indeed actually happened, but she was glad that you were there for her when she needed it the most.
Hearing the rustling from the sheets you  called out.
"Sthandwa sam uvukile? (My love are you awake?)"
"Ewe, sthandwa sam (Yes, my love.)"
You came into the room with a tray of her favourite breakfast dish, something you clearly had woken up early to do and definitely had made from scratch.
"For me?" She questioned as she sat up to balance the tray on her legs.
You gave her a a serious look that turned quickly into a smile, "Yes for you."
"You didn't eat dinner yesterday so I wanted to make your breakfast special."
At this point, Okoye remembered once more why she loved you so much. You were always 10 steps ahead in knowing what she needed.
The funny thing was that she knew that you never catered to anyone the way you catered to her. Most of the time you did only exactly what was required, no less and definitely not too much more.
With her, you always did far too much. She always did the same with you so it was a  balanced relationship but the way that you looked after her when she had her moments, the ones that she considered to be weak and humiliating, was always just another reason why she fell more in love with you everyday.
As she indulged in your amazing food, you sat down on your side of the bed facing her way so that she could tell that you had something to say.
"My love. I want you to know how much I love you. I know that I said all of this yesterday but I really meant it. You are always gonna be enough for me. Whether you are a General or a regular civilian or neither of those things. You will always be making me proud."
Okoye kept eating not saying anything but you knew that she heard you.
"Uyandiqonda? (Do you understand me?)"
"Ewe. (Yes.)" She muttered eventually
"I said, do you understand me?!" You asked again wanting to get her riled up.
"YES!" She finally exclaimed.
With that, you went in for a kiss, before attempting to leave the room to give her some privacy.
Before you could leave; she stopped you.
"Wait! I can't finish this all by myself."
You turned around to face her.
"Okoye, be serious, now. You can definitely finish even 2 of those by yourself. If you wanted me to stay you should have just said that."
She laughed out at how much you hated when she tried to beat around the bush, but she didn't want to give you the satisfaction.
"Fine then. You can't go because... because you never finished telling me what M'Baku said at the meeting yesterday."
You were smiling now, going back to where you were so that you could finish telling her what exactly M'Baku had said at the meeting.
You knew that the moment might not last long, and you would have to have a much more intense conversation about everything later on in the day.
But for now, you were both there and you were both happy so you knew that she would be able to get through this.
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The end
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Authors note: I hope you enjoyed the story. I really just felt for Okoye during this scene and wanted to write a bit of comfort for her.
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nzia-writes · 1 year
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Listings :
Our ends meet (18+)
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Imagine being the daughter of Erik Killmonger and Shuri running into you when her and Okoye find Riri
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The commotion could be heard from across the courtyard as the some older kids gave you a hard time. When you walked past them on your way back to the dorms. It was hard being one of the youngest and smartest kids at one of the most prestigious colleges in America. When you got your acceptance letter from Cambridge you were filled with joy and a sense of accomplishment like never before. You told yourself nothing was going to stop you from taking this opportunity, but you knew it would come with challenges.
One of those challenges was sometimes being underestimated because you were a girl and a loner. Not to mention your outspoken no bull-shit attitude. The older kids liked to push your buttons every now and then just to see what you would do. Most of the time you would just give them a death glare and flip a bird before walking away. The headmaster of the school did not tolerate violence whatsoever. So that was out of the question, but sometimes when they really deserved it. You would give them exactly what they were asking for.
Chad grabbed the strap of your bag and used it to pull you to him. He had that cocky grin on his face and dangerous look in his eyes. "Hey buttercup where do you think you're going?
Across the Courtyard
Shuri and Riri were only a few steps behind Okoye who was hanging back just in case something happened. If someone tried to make a move from behind, they would have to get through her first, and if they attacked from the front. She would see it coming from a mile away. They were walking at steady pace with purpose but not so fast to draw attention to themselves.
"Chad let me go." Shuri came to an abrupt her head snapping in the direction of the female voice in distress. Riri didn't stop right away until Okoye clamped a firm hand on her shoulder. She threw the General a slightly irritated look. "What's up with you two I thought we needed to move quick."
"Give it back you asshole" You shouted as Chad snatched your bag away, and held it out of your reach. At that Riri turned in your direction to see what was going on. A grin formed upon her face at the sight.
"Aye what do you find so funny about one of your classmates being tormented" Okoye chastised her.
Riri shook her head with a laugh covering her mouth when Shuri turned to her with a raised eyebrow. She held up both of her hands "will both of you just chill out and enjoy the show."
It was then the group witnessed Chad grab you by the shoulder and shove you away from him so hard. You fell back onto the ground hard. Shuri had seen enough and even though she knew they didn't have time for it, or should be taking the risk. She didn't care anymore "Okoye can you discreetly go kick that colonizer’s ass?"
"With pleasure princess" she accepted getting ready to go over, but Riri blocked her path. "This again small child move or I will move you."
"Naw man trust me if there is any girl on campus who doesn't need your help. Its her just watch this is part of her plan usually things don't escalate, but these idiots must be new or just dumb." Okoye turned to Shuri who didn't look too sure of what Riri was saying, but gave her a nod to hold off for now. Riri turned back around not wanting to miss what was about to go down.
Chad had his back to you laughing with his friends until he felt you tapping him on the shoulder. He rolled his eyes before whirling around to confront you. "Didn't I tell you to beat it I'll drop your bag off after I copy your answers to the homework tonight."
"Or you could just do it yourself dipshit" You shot back balling your hands into fists.
He frowned. "Hey watch how you talk to me. Do you have any idea how hard I can make your life around here."
"Oh please you're too dumb to solve basic Calculus, and I'm supposed to be afraid of you. Let me guess you're going to send one of your groupies after me. Well heads up not going to work."
"Oh yeah and why is that?" He sneered shoving his face into yours. By now everyone in the courtyard had stop what they were doing to watch the argument.
"They'll be too busy screaming my name in my bed we both know you don't get the job done" You whispered into his ear. It wasn't just a joke but a personal attack. You had actually stole one of his the girls he was full crushing on this semester. It did the job Chad pulled his fist back ready to throw a wild haymaker. But you brought your fist up sinking into his stomach before he could even blink. Specks of spit flew out his mouth as he hunched over wrapping his arms around his middle section. You took a few steps back light on your feet as he recovered. "Are you done?"
Chad let out a groan rushing towards you with outspread arms. You dropped to the ground and swept his legs out from under him. He was sent falling to the concrete face-first. Everyone watching either cheered at the move, or closed their eyes, but the crunch sound when his face made impact was loud and defining. You weren't down yet knowing it would take more to get your point across. You grabbed him by the shoulder and rolled him over onto his back with surprising strength. Then proceeded to straddle him and proceeded to lift his head by the collar of his shirt. You drew your fist back into the air making eye contact with Chad. Before bringing it down into his face.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.
His friends watched in fear and awe as you brutally beat Chad until finally his head lolled back. You released him letting his head fall back to the ground gently. The last punch was the one that knocked him out for good. One of his boys tried to attack you from behind, but you rolled backwards making him miss. A kick to the back of his leg made him drop to one knee. Before he could think you were in front uppercutting him in the chin. This time you weren’t holding back so that one punch K.O. this guy. He fell on his side unconscious.
"Now does anyone else want to pick a fight or mess with me?" You asked loud enough that everyone in the courtyard heard. The rest his posse shook their heads frantically and scrambled away. One of them held out your bag which you snatched up. You slung it across your shoulder and started off for your dorm again. Leaving the two unconscious dudes in your wake like it was nothing.
"Now do you two see what I'm talking about y/n is a freaking badass. No one messes with her and get away it" Riri exclaimed slamming a fist into her own hand in excitement.
Not much could catch the General of the Dora Milaje off guard, but Shuri could tell by the way Okoye's eyes followed you. Until you disappeared into a building that she was impressed by your fighting style. It was a little too brutal compared to her own, but there grace in your movements. Especially when you anticipated the second boy coming in from behind. You didn't move like a young girl who had taken a few self-defense classes. You moved like a warrior with a few years of combat training, and maybe even a few fights under your belt.
Shuri herself was captivated by the way you dealt with those guys. Because the way you fought reminded her of someone else, but she couldn't put her finger on it. "Riri who is that girl?"
"I told you that's y/n" she answered.
Okoye asked the question both of them were wondering. "No what's her full name child?"
"Don't tell me you guys are trying to kidnap her too now. Are y'all short on warriors or something?"
"Riri her name for Bast's sake give me her full name" Shuri snapped.
Riri flinched. "Easy her name is Y/N Stevens alright, and before you ask. Yeah me and her are pretty tight she roughed up these guys who tried to stiff me one time. That girl has had my back since day one I asked her to teach me how to move like that once. She told her father taught her how to fight like that before he died. Apparently her dad was like some super assassin for the government or something like that. Either way his daughter is proof of how badass he was."
Riri was too busy talking to see the look exchanged between Shuri and Okoye. At the mention of your last name, and the look just intensified as she continued on giving them more info on your life. "Shuri you don't think she could be-" Okoye spoke up first letting her voice trail off.
Shuri was too far gone in her head already contemplating what Okoye was implying. T'Challa had her do an intensive background search on Erik immediately after that whole thing was over. Just too make sure his uncle hadn't fathered anymore children all those years ago. If you truly was his daughter wouldn't she have found you back then during her initial search. But then again she didn't think to look for any children Erik might have had himself. It didn't occur to her that he would have kids of his own. He seemed like a man too blinded by vengeance and hatred to have the time or desire for his own family. She couldn't even find a girlfriend linked to him.
"Oh yeah one more thing I mean I don't know why y'all care so much-"
"Just spit it out what else is there?" Shuri demanded coming out of her trance.
Riri grabbed her chest as if she was offended before continuing. "She never gave me her father's official government name and all. But he did have like a badass codename she told me. It was Killmonger."
At the sound of his name both Okoye and Shuri gave each other a knowing look. Both of their eyes widened in surprise, Okoye glanced back at the dorms. While Shuri dropped down into a crouching position with her head in her hands. There was no doubt about now both of them were sure.
You were the daughter of Killmonger and that made you Wakanda royalty.
Tag List: @danveration @xxromanoffxx @romanoffomixam @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @yelenabelovasgf @be-missed @jokertgkk @lizlil
953 notes · View notes
Your Highness // Shuri // 18+
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Summary: You and Shuri can go at it whenever and wherever. She reminds you that being in public won’t stop her from making a mess of you.
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warning: Shameless Smut // Fluff // Shuri is a sneaky little shit // Fingering(Reader Receiving) // Public Orgasm
Word Count: 3.3k
Author’s Note: I’m done with my first ever Shuri one shot! I need a couple of gallons of water after writing this one. Shuri had me in a whole chokehold in my own fic. How sway?
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You scrolled through all the document pages on your tablet as you made your way to Shuri's lab. She had been hiding away in there for the past 4 days so you decided to drag her out to clear her mind a little bit. The doors opened and you were greeted by Grio as you stalked closer to the princess. She was much taller than you but you made up for it with the puff that rests on top of your head. You sat down the tablet on a nearby table before bringing your hands to rest on her torso. 
"Hey baby." You mumbled placing a kiss to her spine. You felt her shiver in your arms as she turned her head to look down at you. 
"Hi my love. What are you doing here, I thought you had a conference to go to in the states." She questioned and you grinned while letting your hands roam. It's been a while since you had her in your arms, so you want to savor it.
"I do. But I fly in tonight. Was wondering if you'd like to tag along and go to dinner?" You suggested and she sighed.
"Baby you know I have so much to do around here." She said with a frown.
"Let Grio take over. You've been so busy and I miss having you so close to me." You muttered as another kiss landed on her shoulder.
"I don't know Y/N. I don't really have much time to relax nowadays." She said leaning into your soft kisses.
"Exactly my point. You need it." You pushed, running your hands down her thighs. She grabbed your wandering hand before turning to you with wide eyes. 
"Okay, I'll go. Enough with your roaming hands woman." She chuckled as she finally took you in her arms and kissed your lips. You rested a hand on the back of her neck as the two of you refused to part before Okoye walked into the room.
"Am I interrupting something? I can come back at another time." She smirked as Shuri pulled away from you. 
"No it's alright Okoye. I'll have her all to myself when we land tonight." You said before walking out of the lab. 
"Okay princess. I see you." Okoye jokes, causing Shuri to roll her eyes.
"What, jealous?"
"Of course not. Just never expect to walk in on Wakanda's princess with her tongue down her girlfriend's throat." She retorted before handing Shuri the files she was instructed to. 
While Shuri was finishing up in the lab you had packed a suitcase and drew yourself a bath to relax before the long trip. You let the warm water relax your muscles with a sigh as you thought about the conference taking place the next day. You heard the door open and lock before a quiet shuffling sound. 
"Bathing without me I see." Shuri grinned and you turned in the tub to face her, resting your cheek on your arm to stare up at her. Her curls resting over her eyes as she took a seat on the toilet next to you.
"You were busy. Besides, I wanted to get some relaxation before the trip." You told her and she reached down to cup your cheek. Brushing her thumb across your skin before moving down to your lips. You paid no mind to her staring until you realized how lustful her gaze became. You silently watched her as she leaned down to capture your lips in a hungry kiss. She held your jaw as your hand grabbed hold of her legs.
"You know there's room for one more. This tub is big enough." You spoke against her lips and she stood to take off her jacket as you watched with anticipation running through your bones. Once she was completely bare she stepped in the tub before pulling you in her arms. Her lips found your once more and you quickly wrapped your arms around her shoulders. You could feel your arousal gather between your honey thighs as her hands roamed your body. Without breaking the kiss she maneuvered herself behind you and you subconsciously spread your legs, welcoming her in. You sometimes forget how easily she can make you come undone with just her kisses. One of her hands slid up before clamping down on your throat. You couldn't help the moan that left you as she gently squeezed while her other hand was preoccupied with your breast. 
"Shuri-" You were cut off when she pinched your nipple, causing you to jolt while she brought her lips to your ear.
"We talked about this Y/N. What do you call me?" Her tone was firm and you shuddered against her.
"My apologies, your highness." You moaned out as she gave a sharp tug before leaving you. 
"Good girl." With her praise you leaned your head back, giving her more access to you. Her hand left your nipple before submerging under the water moving to where you craved her the most. "So wet for me, yeah."
She was teasing you and you wiggled your hips starting to grow impatient. She grabbed hold of your thigh and gave a light squeeze as a warning for your whining. "Stop whining. You wanted me to relax. I'm doing just that." Her voice held so much passion while her fingers ran over your slippery folds. Slowly. The way she stroked you had your nerves on fire. Every now and then her thumb would graze the throbbing bundle of nerves begged to be touched.
"Please princess, enough with the games." You groaned out, your body eagerly awaited her next move. 
"As you wish, my love." She mused in your ear as she finally buried a finger inside of you. Your back arched at the intrusion but you welcomed it. The way her touch sent your nerves on fire. You humped into her hand, chasing your release as she mumbled praise after praise.
"Look at you. You're doing so good for me." She wasted no time slipping a second finger into you and your eyes fluttered closed. Your legs trembled at the sensation as you felt her fingers curl to rub a specific spot inside you.
"Fuck." You cursed before you turned your head to find her lips. 
"You're so close now. My pretty girl wants to cum on my fingers does she?" She taunted, her breath fanning against your lips. Her fingers sped up as she swallowed all your whining moans signaling you're nearing your release. Your pussy clamped down on her fingers as you came all over her hand. She chuckled in your ear before pulling out her digits bringing them in front of your face.
"We're in a bath and yet you can still see the mess you made." She said as you took that time to catch your breath. She brushed her hand over your folds and you twitched slightly. Your pussy sensitive from the finger fucking you just got from your lover. "Let's get you cleaned up shall we." Shuri took the time to bathe you as you were slowly coming down from your post orgasm bliss. After the two of you got out of the tub, you spent the next few hours getting everything you needed for this trip. Any notes, files and documents. You had your hair braided before finishing up your packing to give it a fresh look. You went through your mental list making sure you had everything you needed for your trip while Shuri gave instructions to Grio.
"Okay I think that's everything. We're both all packed." You said zipping up your suitcase. 
"Not quite. You're forgetting something." She said as she went to the dresser where she pulled out a box with a bow. "I got these for you. For our date." She handed you the box which you quickly made away with the bow. You opened the box with wide eyes and a soft gasp left you.
"Shuri!" You said in a hushed shout. "You dirty girl." You eyed the lace 2 piece lingerie with gold accents littered over the pieces. You held up the underwear to inspect it and ran your fingers across the lace.
"Thought you would look amazing in it." She told you and you bit your lip. 
"I see. Guess I was forgetting something then." You grinned as you packed the lewd clothes in your bag. 
"Now we're ready." She smiled as you grabbed your bag. You put on a tshirt and jeans while the princess rocked a purple track suit. You know you're on a tight schedule. But damn she looks good. She caught your stare before grabbing your chin.
"Like what you see Y/N?" She questioned and you swallowed some spit before fixing her collar.
"What I can't admire what's mine?" You asked and she pecked your lips.
Okoye and Ramonda greeted the two of you at the aircraft.
"Now I want you to be careful. Remember this is a business trip. No funny business." The queen said with a knowing stare as she eyed her daughter, who had a smile on her face.
"Of course, queen mother. I will make sure the princess doesn't go astray." you said and she snapped her head in your direction. 
"It isn't me she should be worried about." She said and you rolled your eyes. 
"Princess. Y/N. You two are to keep your kimoyo beads with you at all times. If anything happens or goes wrong you are to return to Wakanda with haste." You nodded and Shuri rolled her eyes. "Or Okoye will retrieve the two of you."
"Of course mother. Now we have to go now." Shuri rushed as she grabbed your hand, dragging you to the ship. As soon as the two got through the river border the ship flew on autopilot and the two of you took the chance to get some sleep. You pulled out the makeshift bed and Shuri looked at you with an arched eyebrow. 
"Don't get any ideas. It's for us to sleep until we reach our destination." You told her and she let out a loud laugh. You gave her warning eyes as you put your hair up.
"Fine. I'll allow it." She said taking off her jacket and tossing it on the bench. The two of you got comfortable and you snuggled under her arm whispering sweet nothings to each other until the two of you dozed off.
Shuri was the first to wake up and saw that your destination wasn't too far out. She turned to you sound asleep resting on her chest. She placed a soft kiss on your forehead where your baby hairs are greased down. After a few moments of silence she woke you from your slumber and you prepared to land. Soon after you made it to the hotel you were staying at. 5 star hotel, funded by Nick Fury himself. Fury being the reason you're here. 
"Fury sure does know how to extend an invitation." Shuri said as she scanned the lobby. You checked in under your alias and took the princess to your room. When you arrived you opened the door to the king suite. Shuri took one of her kimoyo beads and attached it to the wall. 
"Grio?" She called out holding your arm to keep you from completely entering the room. You admired how protective she was over you.
"No malicious threats detected princess." The AI spoke and you raised an eyebrow at her.
"Have to be sure." She shrugged as you put your bag next to the bed. "Besides I could think of a million ways to make this room more safe than it is."
"Hey! No lab talk. We're here to relax." You said with a frown and she held up her hands. 
"Okay. No lab talk. Only relax." She repeated and you shook your head.
"8:37. We made the perfect time for that date." You smiled and she nodded as she walked up to you grabbing your waist. 
"There's a restaurant not too far from here. I've already made reservations." She told you and you frowned.
"What? I travel a lot. Always one step ahead of you love." She grinned as you playfully scoffed. 
"Alright then, we should be getting dressed then." You said kissing her cheek. "Shall I wear the gift you gave me?"
"Of course. Even though it'll just be on the floor afterwards." She smirked and you felt your face heating up. You went to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. The bra held your breasts so securely and even gave them a little lift. The panties were nothing short of innocent. Covered everything except maybe a little bit of the curve of your ass. 
"Cheeky princess." You muttered as you slipped the black dress over your curves, thick fabric covering the provocative pieces you had underneath. Once you were done with your makeup, you stepped out of the bathroom before coming to a stop. Shuri stood before you in a black blazer with black dress pants. 
"Damn. Looking good." You said as your mouth went dry and she grinned before putting the kimoyo bracelet on her wrist. 
"I can say the same for you." She said, eyes racking up and down your figure. You grabbed your clutch before reaching for her hand. 
"Come, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I believe we have a reservation." You smiled at her as the two of you left the hotel room. The restaurant wasn't far from the hotel so it didn't take too long to get there. When you arrived you looked around in awe at the decor and sheer environment of the space. Once you were seated you held up the menu looking over the variety of choices. You felt a heated gaze burning through your head and you looked up to meet the brown orbs of the princess.
"Can I help you Shuri?" You asked and she seemed a bit too quiet. You noticed her toying with her kimoyo beads and opened your mouth to speak but nothing came as you felt a warm sensation run through your body. Assuming it was the warmth from the restaurant, you paid it no mind. 
"Have you decided on what to eat yet?" Shuri asked you as she looked over her own menu. You shook your head as the sensation persisted when the waitress appeared.
"Good evening ladies. What will you have to drink tonight?" She asked, looking between the two of you and Shuri spoke up.
"A bottle of your finest red wine please." She smiled and the waitress wrote it down before walking off to the bar. 
"Are you alright my love?" She asked you, toying with her kimoyo beads again and you nodded ignoring the dull sensation. It was only then the sensation became more noticeable. Your body started to grow a little warm and you crossed your legs. Then it hit you. The sensation was vibrations coming from between your legs. Although there's nothing under this dress but-
"You did not." You said as light panic crossed your features. She shrugged her shoulders feigning confusion as the waitress returned with a fancy bottle of red wine. 
"Here you are ladies. Now what can we get started for you this evening?" She asked opening the wine and Shuri's eyes flickered to you with fire behind them.
"Can I have the bourbon glazed salmon?" She asked and the waitress turned to me waiting for my order after filling our glasses to the middle. Shuri had the chance to flick her kimoyo bracelet a third time and I had to uncross my legs to keep the panties from pushing against my clit. 
"Can I just have the same please?" You asked and she smiled before walking away and you finally looked Shuri in the eyes. 
"Are you serious right now?" You asked in a hushed tone trying to cover the moan that nearly slipped out and she smirked. 
"Whatever do you mean Y/N? We're just sitting here having a nice dinner." She stated and you closed your mouth as the vibration went up a notch. You wanted nothing more than to swirl your hips into the vibration but you had to fight that temptation. If you were behind closed doors, you would indulge in her little game and give her a show. But you're not only in the public eye, but in a crowded space. You'd die of embarrassment if someone saw you cum in a restaurant booth. 
"Shuri-" Her eyes found yours and you could see the silent warning blazing behind them and you cleared your throat. "Your highness. Please don't make me cum here."
"But you look so pretty like this. Squirming around being a needy little slut." She gave you a dark chuckle as the waitress walked up with your plates. Something about the way she said it, made you even more wet than you already were. You lowered your head so your braids would fall and cover your face to protect the little dignity you had left. "You ladies, enjoy! Anything else I can get for you?"
"No thank you. This will be all for now." Shuri spoke calmly as if she wasn't on the verge of making you cum in your seat. The waitress looked over at you and you gave the best smile you could muster up and she fell for it before walking over to another table. 
"Please stop." You moaned softly as you covered your face when your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
"Why when you seem to be enjoying this more than I am?" She questioned as she began to cut into her salmon. You couldn't call her bluff, because it was obvious you were enjoying yourself. But you wouldn't admit that to her. It'll only stroke her ego. You felt the coil in your stomach tighten as your release neared. You shifted your hips slightly and wanted to just get it over with. "If you want to cum so badly just let go. No one is stopping you." She touched her kimoyo beads one last time and you swear you could see stars. 
"I want to see my pretty girl cum. Go ahead." Her full attention was on you now and that was enough for the coil to snap. You groaned softly into your hand as you cum in your panties. Legs squeezing together as if to soften the blow. Luckily no one turned to look at you as you rode out your organsm. She held the most satisfying grin on her face when she reached down to turn the vibration off. Your body went slack as she continued to eat her food. You caught your breath before sitting up straight to brush your sweaty palms on your dress. You grabbed your cup and downed your wine in a couple of sips. Your eyes found hers and she still held a burning fire behind them. Letting you know that your night was far from over. You finally began to eat without another word and the waitress found your table when you completed your meal. Shuri paid the check and you grabbed the bottle of wine off the table as the two of you left the restaurant. You could still feel your arousal between your thighs the entire ride back to the hotel. 
"What, are you mad at me now?" She asked in an amused tone and you scoffed. 
"That was the most embarrassing thing to have ever happened. What if someone saw me?"
"No one saw you, baby. I promise you." She laughed and you crossed your arms. "Okay I'll make it up to you when we get back to the room. I'll make you feel so much better for doing so good for me." She squeezed your thigh and you couldn't help but bite your lip. 
"After that stunt you better." You mumbled and she brought you hand to her lips. 
"I will. I can promise you that."
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stvrdrops · 1 year
meet me in the market ☆ | shuri x fem!reader
shuri catches a glimpse of you in the market just to never see you again. that is, until her brother sends her on some errands. what a sly black panther.
warnings : just fluff ! but mention of a kiss
word count : 2k+
note : sorry i haven’t posted anything lately!! i hit writers block and then was busy with school since it’s exam week. i hope y’all enjoy this one shot though !!!
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shuri had caught just the slightest glimpse of you as you walked past her. she could still remember how you smelled, just like the finest flowers in all of wakanda. for a while the princess believed she had dreamt up the image of you. she didn’t quite catch every feature of your face, but she knew she had gotten just enough to know you were stunning. shuri saw how your hair was dark, long, and braided in a beautiful style. she saw how the scarf around your head illuminated your skin tone as she admired from afar. she saw how perfect your nose, eyes, and lips looked from the side as you passed her in a blur. the basket in your hands had been light brown and seemingly hand woven. she had studied that too.
the princess was at the market running errands for her brother when she had caught the glimpse of you. she didn’t know that as she stood there at a flower stall that the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen would pass by. your shoulders had brushed as you rushed through the paths and towards the large crowd.
“so sorry!” you had shouted back to her, not realizing who you’d just bumped into. shuri reached out for you and attempted to find the words to speak, but found herself unable. it was as if she had her mouth sewn shut. her brother would’ve used her own words against her as she imagined him saying, “like an antelope in headlights.” she couldn’t help but scoff.
“would you still like to purchase the flowers?” an older woman spoke from behind the stall. she had a hand on her hip as she waited for shuri to stop holding up the line. shuri quickly looked back at the woman as soon as she lost sight of you. the princess had an urge to follow after you, but she didn’t have the time. there was a small chance she would see you again, considering she had never seen you before and there were so many people in wakanda. she found it entertaining to think of herself in a situation like that of the american story about a woman named cinderella.
shuri quickly regained her composure and then paid for the flowers. her fingers had never moved so fast as she snatched up the bouquet to follow your trail. she held the flowers up high so that they wouldn’t get trampled as she moved through the crowds of people. usually the market was never this busy, but there was a special deals day according to some of the sellers shuri spoke to. however, no matter where she went or who she asked, she couldn’t seem to find you. her heart broke a little at the realization. she was determined to find you.
so, every day after that, shuri would go to the market. the princess easily masked it at first by saying she needed to go and get simple things for the lab or even lie about running errands for the scientists at the lab. okoye would always insist that one of her girls should go with shuri, but she didn’t want that. what if she had been able to spot you on one of the days with a warrior trailing her? she imagined you’d be less inclined to stay and chat.
yet still, after all of these visits shuri was never able to spot you again. she continued asking around and no one knew of you, which she found to be impossible. how did the most beautiful girl in the world go unnoticed? perhaps she wasn’t asking the right people, but who else could she ask? she was certain that she asked nearly everyone in the city by now. this meant there was only one thing left to do, and it was the thing she dreaded most.
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“okoye?” shuri asked as she avoided eye contact. okoye lifted her head and studied shuri’s body language for a second.
she raises an eyebrow, “yes, princess?”
“i need your help finding someone.”
okoye was caught a little off guard but the question definitely peaked her interest. shuri had never asked her for favors related to spying on people or finding out identities. usually shuri would spring chores on okoye, to which the older woman would have to remind her that she is a general and not a baby sitter.
“do i need to look in the worldwide database? i hope nothing bad has happened. i know how you like to talk to those computer nerds online.”
shuri scoffs, “firstly, they are not computer nerds. we all just happen to love tech. secondly, no. she is wakandan.”
ohhh. there it is.
“oh so it’s a girl?” okoye asked with a smile creeping across her face. shuri had a crush on someone and it amused okoye. the princess talked a lot, but never about her love life. she only knew shuri had her first kiss due to a conversation she overheard between shuri and t’challa.
“please do not make this into a big deal.” shuri spoke, each word getting quieter as a heat spread across her face. she was embarrassed to be talking about a girl in this way considering she’s so shy about her love life.
“fine, fine.” okoye said as she began typing into the computer beside shuri. it all made sense now why she had been called to the lab five minutes prior. “do you have a name?”
“well, do you have a full face picture?”
“uh, no…”
“oh, bast. shuri, do you not know anything about this girl?” okoye said as she let her posture fall.
“i saw her in the markets but only for a split second. i know what her side profile looks like but it’s all up here.” shuri says as she points to her head.
“i could pull up every picture of everyone we have in wakanda but that would take ages to search through it all. you may have to let this one go, shuri.” okoye said to the princess, feeling sad she couldn’t help.
“oh.” shuri said as she slouched down into a nearby chair. “it’s for the best then i guess.”
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months went by of shuri sulking around and thinking about only you. she gave up looking for you but never quit thinking about you. oftentimes people in the lab would catch her daydreaming or being unable to focus on the task at hand. t’challa teased her about her little crush. he would often say she obsessed over you like how she would obsess over a latest invention, which meant shuri really liked you. he wasn’t wrong, she really did like you. well, she liked how you looked. she loved the energy you radiated and how angelic your voice had sounded even while in a hurry. she was certain she’d love your personality even more.
she stopped going to the market as often. in fact, she would avoid it. she was convinced that if she went to the market her mind might create some image of you to trick her. she hated being tricked, although she was quite the trickster herself.
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“shuri!” t’challa yelled for his baby sister as he entered her lab. shuri’s ears perked up as she turned her attention away from her new fist launchers.
“what is it brother?”
she watched as t’challa made his way up the stairs to the floor she was on. he was wearing his sandals that she always made fun of, causing her to laugh a little. he immediately knew what the laughter was about it and gave her a glare.
“leave my sandals alone. they are quite comfortable.”
“ah, fine. but what is so important that you are interrupting my lab time?”
“all of your time is lab time. however, i do have a task for you. could you visit the market for me and get nakia something nice? i would go myself but you have the better taste and our anniversary is coming up. i cant get this wrong!”
“i know what you’re up to.” shuri speaks as she furrows her brows at him.
he only laughs, “oh c’mon shuri. you’re still obsessing over the girl and it can’t hurt to go. maybe she’ll be there today.”
“she’s driving me crazy and i don’t even know her…” shuri turns around in her chair, “i guess it can’t hurt to go just once.”
“perfect! i have a list for you.” t’challa says as he digs through his pockets to pull out a crumpled piece of paper.
“you couldn’t even fold it nicely?” shuri asks her brother as she grabs the paper from his hands and stands up. she sighs as she reads off the list of random items. these didn’t even seem like anniversary gifts so something was definitely up. why else would she need fruits that will definitely spoil before their anniversary?
“well, i’ll be off now to meet with the council. get on top of that! preferably now.”
“i didn’t know i was under a time frame but i guess i could use an excuse to step away from this design for a second.” shuri followed her brother down the stairs and through the door. he went down one hallway and then she went down the other to venture into the city. she straightened out her outfit and fluffed her hair on the slight chance you two did meet again.
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the market was easy to traverse once she had gotten there. the first stall she had to visit was the fruits. she didn’t mind stopping there first, seeing as she could pick up some fruit for herself while she’s there.
the different aromas in the air automatically reminded her why she liked going to the market so much. it had been another sale day so there were people all around. deep down shuri held hope in her heart that she’d run into you. however, she knew the chances were slim to none.
when shuri reached the fruits stand she went to grab up one of the mangoes before someone else put their hand on it.
“hey!” shuri said with irritation lacing her voice.
“i’m sorry, did you want the mango?” a familiar voice spoke to her. shuri’s eyes trailed up along the arm she saw, only to find you attached to it. you looked somehow even more perfect than the last time she saw you. now that she was seeing your full face she fell even more in love. you were perfect, it was as if you were designed by bast herself. a part of her couldn’t help but feel like t’challa had a part to play in this whole meet up.
“oh wow…” shuri couldn’t help but say as she stared. her fingers slipped off of the mango as she forgot all about wanting it.
“you’re the princess!” you said in surprise as you realized who you had been talking to. “i’m so sorry, please take the mango.”
“no!” shuri blurted out and touched your hand. they felt so soft against hers and she smiled. “i insist you keep the mango.”
“were you planning on eating it just now?” you ask her while pushing one of your braids behind your ear. shuri melted at the action.
“yeah, but it’s okay. i’ll just get a different fruit. i enjoy them all.”
“well why don’t we just share it? only if you have time of course. i’d hate to intrude on any royal duties you may have. i’m sure you’re a very busy and high priority person.”
shuri didn’t take any time to think about the offer. she didn’t care about any of the other tasks her brother had for her at the moment. she was sure he’d understand why they were done late. well, it didn’t matter if he understood or not because shuri was already nodding her head up and down.
“perfect! i like to eat my fruit by the river. i hope that’s okay with you.”
“of course!” shuri quickly spoke with a large smile spreading across her face. “i’ll pay for the mango, no need to worry.”
the princess quickly handed the vendor the amount due and then followed you as you both made your way to the river. she had butterflies the whole time she held onto your hand. shuri couldn’t believe you were truly real. you were beautiful and real and hopefully all hers later down the line. she had never quite felt this way about anyone before. she only hoped that you were also interested in her. if you weren’t then her heart may quite literally break. you smelled and seemed so pleasant.
“we can sit here.” you said as you sat on the bank of the river. your bag was quickly thrown into your lap as you waited for the princess to sit. inside of the bag was your trusty fruit knife. you pulled it out and began cutting into the fruit with precision as shuri watched. she was completely enthralled by you.
“here, you can have the first bite since you paid for it.” you say while handing her a cube cut from the mango. she took it softly which made your stance drop a little. hums of satisfaction escaped her as she chewed on the juicy orange colored fruit. it was perfectly ripe and smelled sweet. you couldn’t help but giggle at the sounds. you found her beautiful, and honestly couldn’t believe you were event sitting next to her as she ate a mango with you. you had been around the same age as shuri, her only being two years older. you knew that, but she didn’t. you knew almost everything about her due to her being the literal princess of your home.
you take a bite of the mango for yourself. some of the juice spills from your lips and down your chin. shuri takes it upon herself to wipe your chin with her thumb. your face begins to heat up and you swear she can see you blushing as she wipes it away.
“we should meet in the market more often.” shuri said with a mouthful of mango.
you laugh, “i agree.”
you two talk until the sun goes down. the mango was quickly eaten but that didn’t stop you two from enjoying the taste of it as she stole a kiss from you once people retreated back into their homes. her hand never once left yours though as she walked you back to your home, never wanting to say goodbye.
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mal-urameshi · 6 months
may i request a fic where shuri and riri have the house to themselves or they spend the weekend together? and can there be smut maybee
It's My Bday!!! So I decided to gift you guys with a story. 🥰
Anon, I kinda focused too much on the smut aspect, and for that I apologize in advance. I'm rusty guys, so bear with me.
Shoutout to @neptoons1998 in the DMs. We had a blast brainstorming a bunch of ideas.
Warning: 18+
Riri had her back against the wall, mindlessly wiggling her toes as Shuri’s own smile played on her face while she scribbled something on a piece of paper. The two of them were cuddled up on the bed before this. But Riri’s mind was other places as ‘Tokyo Godfathers’ played in the background. Shuri was completely engrossed in the narrative, absolutely oblivious to Riri’s growing unease. Or restlessness, what have you.
Shuri shifted, pulling Riri closer with her movements. 
Riri inaudibly swallowed as her mind continued to wander. They had made things official a few months ago. They’re Girlfriend and Girlfriend. But besides kissing and cuddling, they never went further than that. And Shuri never initiates anything. However, she didn’t either. 
She knew it was because they were both too chicken to say and do anything. Riri took a staggering deep breath and sharply exhaled.
“Are you okay?” Shuri questioned after breaking her concentration from the movie.
“Um...yea.” Riri gazed into Shuri’s eyes before dropping them to her lips and gazing into her eyes again.
“Are you sure?” Shuri turned on her side, “Are you bored?”
“No. The movie’s really heartfelt.” Riri shrugged while idly rubbing the basotho blanket between her fingers. She cast her gaze over to the movie before locking eyes with Shuri again, “I kinda wanna play a game.”
Shuri paused the movie, “What kind of game?”
Riri felt her palms start to sweat. She was too scared to say it out loud. But she didn’t want to backtrack. Her eyes traveled about the room and saw two notebooks. She got off the bed and retrieved them before digging around Shuri’s desk to get a couple of rubber bands and pens. She then held up the materials.
“We write messages to each other on the paper and flick them across the room with the rubber bands.”
Shuri raised a delicate eyebrow.
“It’ll be fun! We can write stuff we’re too chicken to say to each other.” She gave Shuri a pile of rubber bands and a notebook along with a pen before she sat down on the floor on the other side of the room.
“I’ll go first.” Riri scribbled something on a piece of paper, folded it over the rubber band and then shot the note across the room right into Shuri’s lap. 
“Damn! My aim is good!”
Shuri opened up the paper and laughed at its contents, “You broke three of my prototypes? Which ones?”
Riri grinned and shrugged, “I fixed them before you would have noticed. Thank Bast I work well under pressure.”
Shuri shook her head and picked up her own book. She tapped the pen on her chin as she scrunched her nose in thought. She gave a small ‘aha’ before she scribbled her own message and shot it over to Riri.
Riri opened up her note and clapped a hand over her mouth to cover her laughs, “You sniffed me when I slept?”
Shuri stretched her legs and chuckled, “Not my proudest moments. But you were always right there when we were younger. You always smelled like that bubblegum bubble bath Okoye brought back for you.”
Riri scribbled another message and shot it at Shuri. She couldn’t be too blatant. She had to ease into the topic.
So that’s how it went for the past five minutes. Sharing notes and giggles in the otherwise silent room.
Shuri finally shot her message across the room. Riri opened it and ‘I Love You’ was written in block letters with hearts, X’s and O’s shaded around the phrase. Riri gazed across the room to see Shuri holding up a heart with her hands.
Riri grinned while forming her own heart, “I love you, too.”
She dropped her head to the blank page and fisted palms. ‘Don’t be a pussy, Riri.’
Riri tightened her grip on her pen and curled her toes as she carefully phrased her question on the sheet of paper. Carefully, she tore out the page, neatly folded it more times than she could count before closing her eyes and shooting it across the room.
Shuri caught it and Riri pulled her knees up to her chest; worried, nervous, yet intrigued about the other girl’s reaction.
Shuri excitedly opened up the note but her grin faltered when she read the words scribbled on the page.
“Have you ever thought about having sex?”
She felt her heart stutter as she looked over at Riri who was looking nervous. Shuri’s mouth felt dry. She licked her lips and looked at the note again. 
She’d be a heathenous liar if she wrote ‘No’. Because she thought about having sex with Riri more times than she could count. Before they got together. Hell, she wanted to go all the way with her the moment they agreed to be girlfriends. She’d been thinking about that moment forever. Even her dreams starred Riri more than she’d dare to admit.
When would it happen? What would be the appropriate time to initiate? Would Riri be ready? Was she ready? 
Shuri picked up her pen and scribbled on the paper.
Riri’s stomach was in knots. Shuri was awfully quiet over there and she hadn’t said anything. She did that thing where she went into deep thought and her face was unreadable. She curled and uncurled her toes as Shuri scripted her reply before shooting it across to her.
Riri wasted no time unraveling the paper and drinking in the words.
“Yes, I have. Do you want to have sex?”
She looked up at Shuri who gave her her undivided attention.
Riri interlaced her fingers together and nodded before standing up. Suddenly, she felt extremely self-conscious as she walked over to Shuri.
Shuri swung her legs off the side of the bed as Riri closed the distance between them. Her heart thundered against her chest, following Riri’s every movement.
They were going to do it right now? Oh, Bast. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen Riri naked before. Shuri’s eyes raked over her form. But being able to do something about her urges had her heating up. Shuri pressed her legs together. Bast. Bast. Bast! 
Riri walked directly in front of Shuri, and as she’d heard in Christianity, she parted her legs as Moses did the Red Sea. 
The shorter girl closed the distance between them. The kiss started off innocent at first, until Riri lightly nipped on Shuri’s bottom lip. One of Shuri’s palms cupped Riri’s cheek as she eased herself backward, onto the bed, all while their tongues slid debaucherously against each other.
Okay, okay. This wasn’t too different from all the other times they kissed. She shouldn’t be feeling so lightheaded right now. Riri’s trembling hands found purchase on the blankets regardless, afraid her elbows would buckle under the pressure of her nerves
Shuri’s free hand didn’t know what to do with itself; it rubbed against her waist, before playing with the waistband of Riri’s shorts and finally cupping the swell of Riri’s ass, giving it a light squeeze. She could die and cross over to the Ancestral plane right now.
Riri moaned into Shuri’s mouth at the sensation and Bast, if Shuri’s eyes weren’t closed they would have rolled into the back of her head.
Riri broke the kiss to catch her breath but Shuri lifted her head to chase after her lips while trying to tug down her shorts, but to no avail. 
The closest Shuri got to was her neck, but it would do. She licked against the pulse point of Riri’s neck which had her leaning into her touch and grinding against her. Shuri groaned in appreciation and mirrored Riri’s actions. 
“Mm. Shuri…” Riri whined and panted into her ear. Her breath fanned against the shell of Shuri’s ear which had a shiver reverberating up her spine.
Shuri’s own breath escaped her lungs faster than she could replace it, causing her to become somewhat lightheaded. 
This is the first time she’s ever heard Riri make those sounds. And she wanted to know what others she could make. Bast have mercy.
But lightheaded or not, Shuri was unable to resist the urge to slip her fingers into Riri’s shorts. She didn’t know what she was doing, but she was going to learn today. She slid her panties to the side and-
Riri’s beads pinged, causing both girls to halt their activities.
“Are you going to get that?” Shuri asked, not being able to hide the frustration in her voice.
Riri sat up straight, “Yea.” She cleared her throat a few times to get it back to normal.
Shuri’s gaze fell to Riri’s chest. She was basically eye level with it. How could she not? Her nipples had pebbled through the material of her shirt. Shuri looked up at Riri who was speaking into her beads. Her pupils were still blown wide from their new development and Shuri couldn’t help herself from rubbing her palms against Riri’s exposed midriff.
Riri shivered and voice hitched before she swatted away Shuri’s hand, “No, Mama. I’m fine. There was a bug on me.” Riri shot her a glare.
Shuri gave a shrug. She couldn’t blame her for being handsy. Their moment was unjustly interrupted. Her groin ached in protest.
Riri shifted above her and she was now very much conscious of the wet spot in Riri’s shorts. She curiously thumbed the area, completely forgetting about the conversation that was going on above her.
Riri staggered at the stimulation, causing her to lose her equilibrium. A hand braced itself against Shuri’s chest, fisting her shirt for purchase. 
“Okay, Ma. See you in a bit.” Riri hung up the call.
Shuri fell back onto her back with her arms spread out, the heat of the moment being permanently extinguished.
“Are you leaving now?” She turned her head to the side to look at Riri.
Riri sighed and nodded, suddenly feeling self-conscious again. She got off of Shuri and stood up on semi-wobbly legs.
Shuri sat up and walked behind Riri as she gathered her things, “Do you want new pants?”
“Yea, I’ll get one out your closet.” She already made her way over.
Shuri sighed as she heard Riri rummage through her things. They were so close. She bit her lip as her mind replayed what went down barely two minutes ago. Happy and frustrated at the same time. She wanted to do more. She was operating purely on instinct but she was partially happy things ended. What if she wasn’t good enough?
Riri reappeared, causing Shuri to grin. She walked over, gathered Riri into her arms and pressed a kiss to her lips.
Riri folded her arms after they broke apart, looking contemplative for a moment, “Mama’s going on a mission for a few days, so I was wondering if you’d wanna come over for the weekend?”
“Yes! Yes! I’d love to stay over the weekend.” Shuri couldn’t help but pull Riri in for another hug.
Riri blew out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
Shuri walked Riri out to the entrance, “Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you home?”
Riri shook her head and rubbed the back of her neck, “I’m good. Besides, I have to cool down before I get back home and you’re still making me titillated.” She snickered, not being able to help the joke.
Shuri doubled over with laughter, “I’m flattered that I make you titillated. Call me when you get home, okay?”
Riri nodded, pressed one last kiss to her girlfriend’s lips before walking home.
Once Riri was out of view, Shuri ran back to her room and started stripping herself of her pants, “Griot! Initiate ‘Do Not Disturb’ sequence for my room.”
“At once, Princess.”
When Riri got home, she wasted no time giving herself a cold shower after announcing to her mother that she was home.
 “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. We were so close!” She allowed the water to drench the crown of her head to douse her desires, if but only for a moment..
The next day, Riri found herself at her Aunts’ home. Aneka and Ayo were the best people she could come to for all of her questions and queries. They were basically her second Umamas. They always made their home a safe space for her throughout her lifetime and she was comfortable to ask them about just about anything. So she didn’t have any second thoughts as she waited for an answer at their doorstep.
Ayo opened the door and welcomed her niece with a warm smile and hug.
“How are you, Riri?”
Riri smiled, “I’m good Aunty Ayo. I came here for some advice.”
Ayo nodded, “Of course.” She guided Riri to the back porch and got refreshments for the both of them.
Riri immediately drunk down half the glass which had Ayo looking at her with intrigue.
Riri wiped her mouth and dug into her backpack for a pen and notepad. Writing always helped her make sense of her thoughts.
“I need some advice. And I thought there’s nobody better to help me out but you.”
“Whatever it is you need, I‘m here for you, Riri.” Ayo encouraged gently.
Riri bounced her knee and took a deep breath, “I’m planning on having sex with my girlfriend but I want some pointers. We got close but weren’t able to go all the way. But I’m glad we ended up stopping because I have no idea what I’m doing.”
Ayo slowly nodded her head, not expecting the nature of the question, but willing to help nonetheless. One look at Riri and she knew this was eating her up inside.
“Okay, Riri. First thing’s first is that you have to go at your own pace. Make sure that you’re comfortable around each other. Take your time with one another. Have the both of you done anything sexual in nature at all?”
Riri shook her head, “Nah. The craziest thing we ever did was slap each other’s ass. Other than that we just hold each other and cuddle and kiss.”
Ayo smiled, “Okay, that’s good. You’re familiar with nonsexual intimacy. And from what you tell me you both are comfortable.”
“Yea, but my stomach is in knots. Thinking about the actual sex has me nervous. My heart feels like it’s racing out my chest. What if I do something embarrassing? Or I make a fool of myself? I’ve never done this before. Ugh! What if she doesn’t like it, Aunty? And she breaks up with me because of it.”
Ayo leaned over and  gently rubbed Riri’s knee, “Relax, Riri. Shuri doesn’t have any experience either, right?”
Riri hunched over and held her chin in her palm, “She better not. We’re each other’s first relationship.”
“Okay, that’s good! You can learn your likes and dislikes together. I just want you to know that what you see in Pornography isn’t real. All those fake moans and tricks for the camera isn’t how it is supposed to be. And it isn’t a race. You have all the time in the world to take care of each other. And don’t be afraid to communicate.”
“Communicate? Like during sex?” Riri leaned closer.
Ayo nodded, “Yes. Like telling her that you like what she’s doing, or if there’s something she can do better or in a particular way that you would like if you were to do it solo.”
Riri covered her face, “Ugh! Isn’t that going to be like, embarrassing? What if my voice cracks or I sound weird? Or I ruin the mood.”
Ayo chucked, “You won’t be thinking that when in the moment. Besides, don’t you trust Shuri?”
Riri hugged her arms together, “Yea, I do.”
“She won’t make fun of you or anything. And neither of you are going to be professionals from the get-go.” Ayo crossed her legs and leaned back in her seat, “And I’m not saying things aren’t going to be awkward, it is your first time after all. You both are going to fumble and make mistakes, but it’s all about taking your time and learning each other.”
Riri nodded, “Okay. I gotchu, Aunty.”
“Be experimental with your touches, take note of how she reacts, the sounds she makes and you can take those as cues. Don’t be rough at first. Don’t put too much pressure on anything unless she’s vocal about it. The same applies for you.”
Riri took breaks between taking her notes, but she paused when a particular question came to mind, “Um, what- what about teeth and stuff?”
Ayo thoughtfully stroked her nose, “Hm. It depends on how she reacts to it. Don’t go biting like she’s your last meal or anything like that. But light nips here and there. Again, communication and also reading your partner comes into play. If she reacts well, continue what you’re doing. If she doesn’t like what you’re doing, she’ll say something.”
Riri quickly scribbled that down, “Teeth but not too…crazy. Okay!”
Ayo couldn’t help but find it amusing that Riri is taking this lesson so seriously, but she didn’t fault her. She was happy she could offer guidance to her very lost and eager niece.
“Any pointers on foreplay?” Riri idly tapped her pen on her notepad.
“Foreplay?!” Aneka appeared in the doorway which made Riri jump, “What’s going on here?” She walked closer to the duo and put her hand on her hips while looking between wife and niece.
Ayo looked up at her love, “Riri wanted help on how to make love to her girlfriend.”
Aneka gasped as her eyes shone with stars, ”You’re already at that age!” 
She carelessly dropped herself into Ayo’s lap which caused her wife to sit up straighter and wrap her arms around her waist to prevent her from falling off.
“Ayo! Why didn’t you call me? I have lots of sage advice for Riri.” Aneka threw her arm around Ayo’s neck and hugged her close, “Get your notepad ready.” She flapped her wrist excitedly at the pen and paper in Riri’s hands.
Ayo smiled and pressed her cheek against her wife’s chest. Here we go.
“Don’t be scared to use your tongue. You can’t go wrong with your tongue. But not like a slobbery dog either, Riri. You have to finesse it. Like you’re flicking the most delicate of ice cream cones. Really savoring it.” Aneka closed her eyes and stuck the tip of her tongue out while gently flicking it at the air.
“You are being too raunchy, my love.” Ayo lightly chided.
Aneka sucked her teeth, “How else is she supposed to learn, Ayo? She’s a visual learner.”
Aneka turned her focus on Riri again, “Don’t go too fast. I know how teenagers get. Remember how we were the first few times Ayo? She was so shy, Riri! Almost too scared to touch me like I was going to break.”
Ayo lightly patted Aneka’s leg while looking up at her, “She doesn’t need to know all of that, my sweet.”
Riri gripped her pen, wondering if she should write that down or not.
“Okay, okay!” Aneka waved her arms around, “Back to business. Make sure you take your time. You kiss, really get in the moment. Fondling is great for everyone. Don’t be afraid to touch her.”
“Remember I mentioned the tongue? Don’t be shy. And that foreplay you mentioned? Go crazy with the kissing. Really explore her body. Worship every inch of her skin. Be sensual. But don’t get too carried away. You get lost in the sensations, you start moving too fast and you accidentally tear something. Especially if the both of you aren’t wet enough.”
Riri stopped her scribbling and shot her head up, looking completely spooked, “Tear?!”
Aneka cackled while Ayo kept a firm grip on her love so she wouldn’t fall, “Don’t mind her Riri, nothing will tear because you’re going to do things at your own pace.”
Anea wiped her eyes, “You looked so scared. I was joking. But make sure you’re both wet enough. Which I’m sure wouldn’t be a problem the way teenagers are so hot in their pants these days. But if you aren’t wet enough, don’t be scared to suck on your fingers before you start exploring. Oh, right! Make sure your fingernails are short and clean!”
As raunchy as her Aunt was being, Riri appreciated the details as she jotted down the points. She then looked at her hands. She’ll file down her nails when she gets home. They weren’t super long, but she’d hate to accidentally scratch Shuri in there.
“How would I know if I’m making her feel real good?”
“It’s all about response. If she’s pulling you close, sounds like she’s breathless, and she’s restless, not knowing what to do with herself, just squirming and borderline whining like a cat in hea-”
“She has the idea, Aneka.” Ayo cleared her throat as Aneka was coming a bit too close to home.
Aneka’s smile was cheshire as she gazed down at Ayo who held her gaze, “And eye contact is key, Riri.” She pressed her forehead to Ayo’s before pressing a kiss to her lips. She then turned her attention to Riri again.
“You may be shy and self-conscious at first, but being able to look into her eyes, as you trust each other to be there for one another in one of your most vulnerable moments. It’s an absolutely amazing feeling. It makes the experience more intense, intimate as all your walls come tumbling down.” 
Aneka released a whimsical sigh as she allowed her body to melt against Ayo, who hugged her body closer to hers.
Riri’s chest bloomed with warmth as her Aunts’ display of affection. They were goals, for real. Her eyes dropped down to her notes and she did a quick flip through a sequence of pages. She had enough material to work with, she thought. Coming over was an absolutely fruitful venture.
Shuri was by her lonesome in her personal lab. She was running some calculations, yet more often than not, she found herself unable to concentrate. Her mind refused to stay in the present moment, whether it was reliving what happened yesterday with Riri or what has yet to come when she goes to her house for the weekend. 
She decided not to fight it anymore. She had to do her research. 
“Griot! Pull up what the Americans call ‘The Bird App.’”
“Task initiation commencing.” It took all of two seconds for a holographic screen to pop up with the platform’s signature blue and white color scheme. 
“Pull up an archive of all profiles that feature lesbian content. X rated in nature.”
“One moment, Princess.”
Griot pulled up all relevant profiles but Shuri made a face of displeasure, “Black lesbian content, Griot. Bast. Do I have to debug you?”
“My apologies, Princess.” The AI filtered all the content that best suited Shuri’s needs.
“Hmm.” She cupped her chin between her thumb and index as she clicked on a profile and scrolled through the media tab., “I have to start somewhere.”
Half an hour later, Shuri found herself with several holographic tabs open, a video playing in the background of a stud strapping her girlfriend, their moans echoing throughout the lab. 
She scrolled through one of the pages she was on, staring at several different designs, makes, sizes, colors, shapes, you name it.
“Bast, this is more difficult than I thought. Should Riri be with me to decide this?” She scrolled down some more when her eyes bulged in horror at one image where the dildo had veins as thick as her wrist, ”Oh my Bast! Are people in their right minds? How is that to fit into someone?”
Shuri pulled up one of the saved images of a phallic that was simpler in design and of decent length as a starter for them both, “This will do.”
She walked over to her 3D printer and got to work.
“Princess, I must inform-”
“Not now, Griot.” She toggled with the design a bit of a holographic field before she sent it off to be printed. It needed a harness as well.
“But Princess-”
“I’m busy!” She hit print once she was satisfied with the specs of the dildo.
“Shuri?” Her mother called.
“Mother?!” She squeaked out before tapping on her kimoyo beads which killed all of her research that was up.
Ramonda finally appeared in Shuri’s line of sight.
“Mother! What are you doing here?!” Shuri cleared her throat to erase any guilty tones in her voice.
Ramonda clasped her hands together, “Even though this is your lab, it is still a part of my home. Am I not allowed entry?”
Shuri quickly shook her head and gave a frightened glance at the printer that was carefully constructing the dildo.
“Yes, yes. You’re never denied entry.”
Ramonda walked closer to her daughter, “Are you alright? What was that sound just now?”
“What sound?” Shuri shrugged, she internally cringed at her stiffness. 
Ramond looked up in thought, “I can’t quite place it. Was somebody hurt? It sounded like moans of agony.”
Shuri smacked her head, “Oh yes. I was watching a video of someone in pain. There were interviews of civilians after the fallout from Avenger level threats. I was listening to them, but..it just began to be too much so I had to cut it off. All those people, whimpering…in pain.”
“Oh, Shuri. Be mindful of how much of that you consume. It may get you depressed.” Ramonda’s eyes wandered and noticed the active printer, “What are you making?”
“Just a part for an experiment. Nothing to talk about! It’s very mundane. For my own leisure, really.”
“Really? What is it about?” Ramonda’s intrigue had been sparked and began walking towards it.
“No! No! Mother, I’m very self-conscious about it!” Shuri put herself between the printer and Ramonda.
“But you’re always excited to show me your projects.” 
Shuri viciously shook her head, “Well this one is extremely personal Mother, and I don’t want anybody to see it.”
Ramonda could take a hint and didn’t press the issue further, “All right. I was just checking in. Don’t stay in the lab too long now.”
Shuri gave a smile and nodded, “I won’t, Mother.”
Ramonda exited the lab and Shuri completely deflated, “Oh thank Bast! Griot! Why didn’t you tell me my mother was in the lab?!”
“I tried to alert you, Princess, yet you did not heed my attempts.” The Ai quipped.
Shuri found herself walking over to the finished product and a grin slipped its way onto her features as she raised the phallic up. 
“Success! All I need is the harness.”
Shuri ordered Griot to pull up all previously closed pages and sat down in her chair as she clicked on her favorite profile. She admired this one the most because unlike some of the others she’d happened upon. 
This couple wasn’t just having sex. The way their bodies moved in tune to a rhythm known and natural only to them. They weren’t performing for the camera. They were lost in their own world that was reflected in each other’s eyes. It was just them. In a tangle of limbs that was the perfect personification of ‘The Lovers’ Embrace’. Appreciating one another in a duet of sensuality. 
They were making love.
Riri didn’t know what to do with herself. Her mother left for her mission. The house was all hers. She was home alone. Not for long, though. Riri paced and fiddled with her hands. She took several deep breaths to ease her roaring heart. 
Riri didn’t know why she was doing this to herself. Psyching herself out for no reason. It was Shuri. She walked into her bedroom for the thousandth time that evening, scanning the area to make sure nothing was amiss. She made sure her room was clean and the bed was made up, which was probably stupid because Shuri has seen it at its worst over the years. Regardless, she wanted things to be perfect.
The mattress bounced as Riri face-planted into her pillows and let out a scream. She then rolled over, stared at the sealing and licked her lips, “Okay, I’m good.”
Shuri folded the last of her clothes and placed them on the bed. Her gaze slid over to the satin drawstring bag resting on her sheets. She idled her jaw, contemplating if she should bring it. They had the whole weekend to determine if they’d be willing to use it or not. She burned a hole into the bag. Thinking of the contents it holds. 
Shuri exhaled in displeasure, “I decided to make the stupid thing! Why am I second-guessing now?!”
Shuri fiddled with a few of her loose braids. “I should not be intimidated. It is going to be an exciting experience. It is supposed to be an…exhilarating exchange.”
Her eyes fell shut and images of Riri’s naked brown skin played in her mind’s eye. 
Knock Knock.
“Princess? Are you ready?” One of the Doras who were tasked with escorting her to Riri’s residence called.
“One moment!” Shuri shoved her clothes into her backpack. She then glanced at the drawstring bag and threw it into her bag as well before rushing out the door.
Shuri gripped the straps of her backpack, trying to quiet her nerves on her trek over to Riri’s residence. She looked at both Dora’s on either side of her before speaking, “I don’t want the both of you too close to the house.”
The Dora to her right responded, “Princess, we are to keep a reasonable distance at all times.”
The Dora to Shuri’s left nodded once in agreement.
“I don’t plan on leaving the house so you can keep your distance. That’s an order.” She pointed at both of them. The last thing she wanted was the Dora’s being too close, hearing something they shouldn’t and embarrassment ensuing for all parties involved.
“Yes, Princess.” Both Doras responded.
Once in front of Riri’s home, the Doras saluted Shuri before making themself scarce. Not perceived, yet still around.
The door flew open before Shuri could knock. She looked down and smiled at Riri, “Hi.”
“Hey.” Riri smiled back.
The two of them stood there for several moments before Riri caught herself and opened the door wider, “Come inside.”
Shuri walked into the all too familiar abode and straight in the direction of Riri’s bedroom.
“Does she want to do it now?” Shuri found herself wondering as she settled her things.
“Does she want to do it now?” Riri questioned herself. Her palms were starting to feel sweaty as she softly shut the door behind her.
Shuri sat on the bed and looked at Riri. She supposed that was the signal?
Riri noted Shuri looking at her expectantly. Okay, she was signaling that she definitely was ready to get down. SHe started walking over.
Shuri kicked off her shoes, a little too eagerly which caused Riri to laugh.
Shuri paused, “What? Why are you laughing?”
“You’re just super excited.” She held a hand on her hip with a teasing smirk.
Shuri rolled her eyes with her own smile, “You basically trapped me in the room, locked the door and stared at me like I’m your prey. I was just getting ready for you to pounce.”
Their laughter permeated the air, causing a great amount of tension to evaporate from their beings.
Riri joined Shuri on the bed, peppering her lips with kisses. Shuri smiled through the affection and returned it in full.
They found themselves a tangle of limbs on the bed before Riri managed to roll on top of Shuri.
Riri’s hands found themselves beneath Shuri’s shirt and gently caressed the expanse of her stomach, “C’mon Princess, let me help you get this off.” 
Shuri’s skin felt as though it had been set ablaze beneath Riri’s touch. Her face fared no better as she found herself flustered. That nickname she used from time to time tended to do that to her. Princess was her title, yes. But when Riri called her that, it was used as a pet name. A term of endearment.
Her stomach spasmed as Riri’s gentle touch played whispered unrecognizable shapes there. Carefully, Riri helped Shuri out of her shirt, followed by her pants and underwear.
Riri took a moment to admire her girlfriend, “You’re gorgeous, Shuri.”
Shuri covered her face at the praise, “Thank you.”
Feeling a bit more confident, Riri dipped her head and pressed a kiss to Shuri’s neck. Shuri braced her hand on Riri’s shoulder as her neck was licked, nipped and sucked.
“That feels nice.” Shuri barely said above a whisper. She had come over fully prepared to take the lead, but didn’t mind the unfolding of these events.
Riri excitedly hummed in acknowledgement and drew away from her neck. She cupped Shuri’s waist but the clearing of her throat caught her attention.
“Why am I the only one naked?”
Riri’s eyes widened in realization, “Shit, sorry!”
Shuri shook her head, “Don’t worry about it.” She gestured to Riri’s clothes, “May I?”
Riri nodded and raised her arms as Shuri helped her out of her clothes, just as she did her.
Shuri couldn’t help her grin as she ogled her girlfriend’s form, but it was soon cut short by Riri’s eagerness.
“Okay, now, where were we?” Riri grinned as she slowly pushed Shuri onto the bed, followed by pressing kisses down her chest. 
Riri’s mouth latched onto one of Shuri’s breasts and gently sucked it. Her tongue flicked her nipple until it pebbled.
Shuri gasped in a breath which was followed by a stifled moan. 
Shuri felt a gentle kiss on her chin before Riri spoke up, “You don’t have to try to be quiet, Princess. I want to hear you. Can you do that for me?”
Shuri felt wetness permeate between her legs under the intensity of Riri’s gaze. She was unable to look away, she gave a nod, ”Okay, Riri.”
“Good.” She initiated a languid kiss while teasing her girlfriend’s nipple.
The stimulation getting the better of her, Shuri was unable to focus on the liplock. She  panted against Riri’s lips while simultaneously squeezing the swell of her backside to get a grip on something.
Slick warmth pooled on Shuri’s stomach, which could have only come from Riri.
Not being able to help herself, Shuri teased the weeping slit of Riri’s entrance, causing the shorter girl to buck at the sensation.
“Is that okay?” Shuri paused, searching Riri’s face for any hesitation.
Riri gazed into Shuri’s eyes, “Yea. Yea. It’s fine. I was just caught by surprise. You can go ahead. It’s okay.”
Shuri found her place again, gently sliding her fingertips along Riri’s entrance, coating them in her essence, before finally reaching her clit. She softly rubbed circles onto the bundle of nerves while looking in awe at Riri’s reactions.
Eye contact had long been broken, her eyes were screwed shut as she basked in the sensations Shuri was giving her.
Shuri slowly slipped a finger into Riri’s center and was rewarded with a soul-suck clench around the digit. 
Carefully, Shuri experimented with different rhythms until Riri vocalized, ”Mm, just like that baby.”
Pleased by the praise and not wanting to disappoint, Shuri kept her pace against Riri’s folds .
“Do you think you can handle another finger?”
“I’ll take whatever you give me. You’re making me feel so good.” Riri cupped the side of Shuri’s neck while giving her jaw lazy kisses.
Shuri added another finger while searching for one angle in particular, she propped a leg up in concentration. Sighing in dissatisfaction she unsheathed herself from Riri’s channel. Much to the other’s chagrin.
“Shuri, what the hell?” She whined.
“Raise your hips for me.”
Not needing to be told twice, she raised her hips, revealing a thin thread of slick that connected their bodies. Shuri swallowed at the sight, but remained focused on the task at hand.
She placed her hand between their bodies before her fingers found home within Riri once more.
“There we go.” She smiled up at her girlfriend.
Like a moth to fame, she immediately found what she was looking for. She caressed her fingers against the spongy surface of Riri’s walls.
“Oh, Bast, Shuri.” She moaned into Shuri’s ear. Her hips suddenly having a mind of their own, met the thrusts of Shuri’s fingers. 
Using her free hand, she added pressure to Riri’s clit. Lost in the throes of pleasure, Riri bit into Shuri’s shoulder as the bouncing on her fingers grew more wanton; unfortunately, this caused Shuri’s fingers to slip out.
This caused Riri to whine in displeasure. She tried lowering her hips, but Shuri’s leg was in the way. So she found herself mindlessly humping her girlfriend’s thigh for release instead. Anything to regain the sensation she lost.
“C’mon babygirl, my fingers are better than my thighs. Let me help you. You’re almost there.” She playfully nipped Riri’s skin.
Riri eagerly accepted Shuri’s resumption of her ministrations, “You’re doing so good Princess.” 
“Yea?” She looked up at her with a hooded gaze.
“Mhm.” Riri couldn’t think straight.
Shuri placed a kiss to her chest. “I should be telling you the same thing.” Another kiss. “You look so sexy like this.” 
Riri’s breathing became even more labored, if that was even possible as her orgasm washed over her. Her blunted fingernails dug into Shuri’s waist as she rode out her climax.
Riri planted her head on Shuri’s chest to give herself a breather. Shuri gently wiped her brow, “Are you alright?”
Riri took a few breaths as the cloud of ecstasy cleared itself from her senses, “I’m blissed out right now, not gonna lie.”
“That’s good.” Shuri grinned, feeling proud of herself.
“Okay. Your turn!” She shot up with newfound energy and slowly made her way down Shuri’s body.
Shuri propped herself up on her elbows, “Are you sure? We can wait. We have the entire night and weekend.”
“Nah, you gotta get yours too. Just lay back and enjoy yourself, Princess.” She placed a kiss on Shuri’s stomach that left tingles in its wake.
Shuri parted her legs some more for Riri to have better access, causing the other to grin.
“You look good from this angle.” She placed one of Shuri’s legs over her shoulder and trailed kisses up her inner thigh.
Riri bit her lip to hold back a smile, but her efforts were futile. She coaxed Shuri’s slit, causing her to twitch. She gently parted her labia and took an experimental lick.
“Ooh!”  Shuri threw her head back, trying to keep herself together. Riri barely did anything, but her breath alone was overstimulating.
Riri observed as Shuri’s chest heaved. Hm.
She gently sucked her clit next but Riri wasn’t prepared for her head to be ensnared between her thighs and a fist full of her hair.
“S-sorry, Riri.” 
Before Shuri could free her girlfriend from her unintentional clutches, Riri’s sinuous tongue worked against her folds in ways Shuri never thought imaginable.
She couldn’t form a coherent thought and her grip had yet to loosen from Shuri’s hair. She ground her pussy against Riri’s tongue, chasing the release Riri was so dutifully trying to give her. 
“Riri, Riri, Riri!”
Riri slurped and sucked all Shuri had to offer, thoroughly enjoying the fruits of her labour. She hummed in contentment.
Shuri whined, finally letting her hand out of Riri’s tresses.
Riri rose from her perch between Shuri’s legs and smile while she wiped her nose and mouth of wetness.
Shuri threw an arm over her eye as she caught her breath.
“Princess, you wanna taste yourself?” She felt Riri climb over her.
Shuri couldn’t even find it in herself to feel embarrassed. She chuckled at Riri’s proposition. She stuck out her tongue but wasn’t surprised when she felt her girlfriend sucking on it. She wrapped her arms around her middle to properly kiss her. She grabbed her ass for good measure.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” Riri mused.
“And I didn’t know you could work your hips like that.” She chuckled.
Riri grinned, “I found out I definitely love hair pulling. It’s so hot.” 
“I found out I like biting.” She squeezed Riri closer.
“Wait, what? I bit you?” Her eyes roamed Shuri’s body for the offense, “I’m sorry.”
Shuri showed off the deep bite impression on her shoulder. “Don’t apologize. It happened when you orgasmed. I don’t think you broke the skin. But it felt so good. I loved it!” Shuri stretched and happily kicked her feet, slightly jostling Riri.
“Damn. I went primal.” She chuckled as she felt her body start to get tired.
She then grabbed a blanket at the foot of her bed and covered both of them with it.
“This was nice.” She hugged Riri under the sheets as her fatigue set in.
“It was. I’m excited to try other stuff too. But I’m beat right now.” She snuggled closer to Shuri.
Shuri stifled a yawn, “We don’t have to rush anything. We have the whole weekend to make our names.”
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scribblecake · 6 months
Caught You~
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Warnings: Suggestive content
Taglist: @iinkonde, @mybonafidefeelings, @zeezeecave, @gr00vyminibus, @xenaizogie, @blkbinz
~* * *~
You sprinted out of the palace like a bat out of hell. The knowledge that if you weren’t clever, you’d be caught within minutes, sent a thrill down your spine. With feet pounding on smooth pavement, you made your way into the city. You’d hoped to lose her in a crowd.
Legs ache in protest as you push them to carry you forward. Breath came in labored heaves as you managed to leave the palace grounds, relief washed over you as trimmed topiaries gave way to bustling neighborhoods. But you dared not look back.
There was no doubt that she was still hot on your trail, ever the persistent huntress, watching your every move with hungry eyes. That was enough to send another jolt through you. So you ran on. You ran until you came to a market so crowded you were forced to stop.
You could hide here, if only to catch your breath. Looking around, you ducked behind a stall pilled high with herbs and spices. The colorful spires of powder would do well to hide your frame. Blood rushed in your ears as you waited for a sign of your pursuer. Your abdomen twisted and warmed the longer you hid.
Seconds turned to minutes, a racing pulse calmed, breath flowed freely, and still no sign of her. Excitement coursed through you. Had you finally beaten her?
As your eyes scanned the crowd for the hundredth time, a flash of deep red appeared on the far edge of the market. A bolt of energy twisted your stomach and made your heart race. She was here. Gold and red slunk through the throngs of people. Each step she took made your breath catch and your body shiver.
With legs primed to sprint again, you waited for the right moment. But it was too late. Onyx eyes locked onto your crouched frame and your stomach dropped. She found you. But that won’t stop you from making things difficult for her. You bolted.
The chase was resumed. Once again you found yourself sprinting through the streets, dodging people as you went. Frantic eyes searched for the next hiding spot. But it was all in vain. Strong arms shot out of a dark alleyway, pulling you deep into the shadows.
“Caught you~”
You let out a yelp as Okoye’s calloused hands gripped you tightly. A flush settled itself across your cheeks at the contact.
“Shall I receive my prize here? Or must I wait longer, hm?” She husked, nipping at your earlobe. Warmth pooled in your gut at her words, making your body instinctively melt against hers. Muscled arms pressed your soft form to her solid one, making a soft whimper grace the air. Though it wasn’t enough for Okoye.
Skilled fingers wrapped themselves around a slender throat and gave a light squeeze. “Use your words, zintanda.”
You’re sure your underwear was ruined by now. Between the thrill of the chase and the pressure at your throat, a throbbing ache had made itself known in your center. The excitement, the anticipation, it all led to this moment. Being caught. Being devoured. And you intended to do just that.
Twisting to face your lover, eyes trained to her smirking lips. “Haven’t we waited long enough?” 
~* * *~
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sookiesookie · 1 year
swim good₊˚.༄ shuri udaku pt.1
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titled inspired by “swim good” by frank ocean
paring: shuri udaku x blk fem! reader
summary: (a cliche) in sitcom-like fashion, an unathletic shuri udaku attempts to join the swim team to impress a girl she likes.
part summary: shuri is smitten and her lovesick ass gets into trouble.
word count: 2.5k
content will include: third person story-telling + reader goes by all pronouns, nerd!shuri, pining!shuri, athlete stem!reader, reader is aware of shuri’s efforts and finds it adorable, the reader is a huge tease, reader’s a flirt but they’re rlly sweet too, reader is shorter than shuri but stronger, college au, swim sports au, peter parker and friends cameo as her lil nerd group (???), shuriri are besties and dormates, swim teacher!namor, t’challa is alive and he’s the wrestling team coach :’), wrestling team co-coach!m’baku, fencing teacher!okoye mentioned, literature teacher!nakia mentioned, shuri’s hair is the short coily undercut in this story, I refer shuri by like six diff nicknames for fun bc it’s funny and we having fun, by “purple-clad” shuri I mean purple flannel and not the tracksuit, y’know, bc she’s a nerd /hj, I call them teens bc they’re still eightTEEN and nighTEEN, a good chunk of the story is just the other characters dogging on shuri for her sitcom ahh decisions and lines lmao, lots of banter, sitcom-like corniness and humor, sexual jokes but not rlly any content, some tension tho, pretty much fluff, just a lil fun🤷🏾‍♂️
a/n: i didn’t know whether to make this a college au or high school au bc technically I’m bout to leave high school but I’m also not in college yet so idk what id get right or wrong sooooo I’mma play it safe and go freshmen in college???
tags: @bellaallebbella1 for the dt @pinkwright @inmyheadimobsessed @zayswriting @generallysapphic bc they’re the pioneers and my favs fr, and @vampzxi cuz it’s lowkey inspired the shuri high school headcannons even tho it’s not rlly even close but shoutout fr
alsooooo since just getting back into writing like this outside of school direction and im not used to writing a straight shot one shot, this gon be multiple parts IM SAWRIIIIIIIIII, it’s only 2 parts tho
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Her smooth silk brown skin glistens
under the sunlit illuminated windows
as the water trickles
down her broad shoulders
to her god-crafted muscles,
flexing with every step they take
out the pool.
Their chest heaving,
a slightly tired
yet heavy gaze
as they skim around the room at their peers,
eyes landing on one particular figure
with a similar look in their eye.
Her stoic demeanor is slowly replaced
with a playful smirk as she eyes...
Shuri snaps out of her internal monologue, jumping from the huge glass that peered into the school’s aquatic center, and quickly bolts through the double doors that lead to the hallway. When she’s out of sight, she slumps over, catching her breath. “Wow, Ms. Nakia would have either granted me an A+ or sent me to the principal’s office with the type of words I was thinking,” Shuri chuckles to herself.
After a brief pause at her words, her face heats up as she quickly facepalms in shame.
“What the hell am I saying?”
Reluctant, she trudges down the hall in embarrassment, making her way to the place she considered her third home: the science building computer lab (her second home was chemistry lab 2b).
In there resides Peter Parker and Ned Leeds, sitting around a desktop clicking away at some first-person shooter game, with an unwavering MJ Watson sitting a couple of seats away from the boisterous boys, head in a book per the usual. All three teens lined up in typical geeky fashion. Shuri slumps her book bag over a computer table, the sudden noise breaking the immersion of the boys who then looked up from their game, spotting the presence of their purple-clad friend.
“Dude, what have you been doing all this time?” Ned scowls. “We didn’t have any clubs today and we’ve been waiting for you for the past twenty minutes to walk to that new milk tea cafe MJ’s been telling us about.”
Not lifting her head from her book, MJ snarkily remarks, “She’s probably been too busy ogling the crap out of that poor girl over at the aqua center.”
Shuri’s face heats up as she’s quick to defend herself. “Cut it out! Of course I wasn’t!”
MJ smirks, still not looking up from her book. “Sorry, lemme rephrase that better: she’s probably been too busy eye fucking the crap out of that poor girl over at the aqua center.” Blood rushes through Shuri’s cheeks as she sputters incompressible excuses from her mouth, MJ giggling at her discomposure from her book.
“You’re such a mess, Shuri! When are you gonna finally buckle down and rizz her up– or at least go up and talk to the girl instead of borderline stalking her almost every afternoon?” Peter playfully pokes the purple-clad.
Shuri sucks her teeth, swatting him away. “One: the word ‘rizz’ sounds extremely uncanny coming out of your mouth. Please refrain from using that word around me again.”
Collective snorts bounce off the embarrassed white teen whose shit-eating grin twists into a poker face.
“Two: I don’t eye Y/N almost every afternoon.” Shuri pshaws and waves everyone off.
“Oh, my bad!'' Peter dramatically gasps, slapping a hand over his chest. “It’s every morning, lunch break, assembly, dinner break, class transition, and EVERY afternoon.” Collective snickers break out as Shuri backhands Peter, not harshly, but hard enough to derive a strained “ack!” out of him.
“But seriously, Shuri, it’s about time you try and get this girl’s number.” MJ goes on, finally looking up from her book and putting it on the table spine up. “It’s no use for you to keep on hopelessly pining after this girl from afar and not putting in the effort to actually pursue her.” Shuri slumps into a chair and releases an exasperated sigh.
“I do, but what would a versatile and talented girl want with a one-trick pony nerd like me?” MJ visibly cringes at the purple-clad’s words. “Ewww man, this isn’t the 80s! We are NOT living in a Disney Channel sitcom. There’s a lot of people would go for somebody as smart and intelligent as you, you know that.”
“Yeah, maybe to do their homework for them,” Shuri retorts. MJ pauses. “Hmmm, now that claim, I won’t completely disagree with...” “MJ!” Ned dramatically gasps as he lightly slaps MJ on the shoulder.
“Don’t listen to her, Shuri. You are perfectly capable of winning Y/N over just the way you are.”
The purple-clad snickers. “Now THAT was something you could’ve sworn was straight out of a Disney Channel sitcom.”
About 15 minutes later, the eccentric group of teens close up the computer lab and continue down the hallways with milk tea on their minds… except for Shuri. She trails behind the bunch, head hung low, peeping at Y/N’s Instagram.
As her walking gets slower as she’s gaping at her phone, the coil-haired nerd brushes her shoulder against what she thinks is just a wall. She lifts her head to notice the shorter, dark, and gorgeous swimmer— the same one on her phone that she still had in open view.
“Oh! Whassup, Miss Shuri!” Y/N’s eyes light up as he greets the taller.
Shuri’s breath hitches at the lovely emphasis put on her name, blood running cold as she quickly checks her peripheral to make sure the gang wasn’t around to humiliate her more than she already was.
Meanwhile, the teens heard what was going on behind them, but chose to continue on their merry way, intentionally leaving the two alone in the middle of the hallway.
She looks back at the short athlete and returns the greeting with a bashful smile. “What brings you here, Y/N?” The nerd quickly asks in a desperate attempt to carry the conversation, forgetting that people don’t need a reason to just roam the halls, something she mentally facepalms herself for right after.
“Nothin’ much,” Y/N chuckles at Shuri’s nervous efforts. “I’m just coming out of my swim practice. Mr. Namor was runnin’ me dry today.”
The athlete pauses as if she’s recalling something, the corners of her mouth slowly curling into a knowing smirk.
“I saw you peeping me over at the center earlier,” she drawls, “figured you wanted to speak to me about somethin’?” The athlete’s tongue subtly swipes across her bottom lip, as she gazes up at Shuri with a particular look in her eye, irises occasionally shifting down to the open Instagram page still on her phone, waiting for an excuse.
It was enough for the poor nerd to melt into a puddle, knees buckle and collapse, and lay sprawled across the hallway floor right then and there, but luckily for her, she still possessed a pinch of dignity left within her. With fleeting composure, gripping her backpack strap with strain, Shuri gives a weak pshaw.
“Me? I was just passing by! I just really like watching the team…”
As Shuri desperately attempts to form more words that can potentially save her, her eyes flicker to a *very convenient* bulletin board behind the shorter athlete. There, plastered on the brown surface was a poster: “CALLING FOR NEW MEMBERS! Swim Team Tryouts This Thursday at 5 pm! Swim Your Way To Success!”
Oh, Bast…
“In fact, I’m thinking of trying out for the swim team myself,” the nerd straightens up and states proudly, hoping she masked the way she winced at her words.
Y/N, who was expecting a different answer, gapes at the helpless girl in slight shock. “Oh, for real? That’s crazy! I never pegged you as a swimmer, Shuri.”
The nerd’s mouth forms a goofy grin. “And why is that?” She dramatically slaps a hand on her chest. “Is it because I’m of the darker persuasion?”
This derives a hearty cackle out of the shorter athlete, Shuri’s stomach fluttering from the fact that she made the girl laugh.
“Negro, please,” Y/N catches his breath and straightens up. “It’s because… I mean…” The shorter athlete trails off, eyeing Shuri up and down, the nerd’s cheeks heating up in the act.
“You know what? Nevermind. I can’t blame you for wanting to try. Hell, I’ve been swimming since 4 years old, the feeling’s exhilarating.” Y/N sighs off into the distance, as Shuri internally gushes at the shorter athlete’s passion.
Suddenly she snaps out of her trance and backtracks on the words of the other girl.
“Can’t blame me for wanting to ‘try’? Are you still assuming I can’t swim?”
Y/N waves his hands in defense. “No! I’m just saying–”
“Well I’m GOING to try out, I’m GOING to swim like a pro, and I’m GOING to get on the team!”
After a brief pause at her sudden outburst of competitiveness, Shuri reels it back in with a small “...respectfully,” and a cheeky smile.
Amused at the nerd’s sudden wave of confidence, Y/N clasps their hands together in accord. “Sounds like a plan then! I guess I’ll be seeing you Thursday then.” The shorter athlete readjusts the duffle bag strap on her shoulder and starts to walk closer to Shuri, laying an encouraging, yet, knowing hand on the taller’s shoulder, and leans into her ear.
Shuri could have sworn she was imagining what was rasped next.
“Word of advice: work on that backstroke… I know I will.”
Y/N then pulls away with an innocent grin and brushes past the appalled nerd, continuing on their merry way, but to suddenly turn around to yell one last thing:
“And your phone’s still on!”
Frozen in place, the girl slowly peers down to her cellular (one she made the mistake of changing the display settings to go into sleep mode after 5 minutes) still on Y/N’s Instagram page.
Once the athlete was out of sight, Shuri’s knees buckled as she grips the nearest wall, releasing a sigh of relief, quickly washed over with a wave of anxiousness.
What have I got myself into?
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“Y’know a backstroke is a type of swim move, right?”
Riri chuckles at Shuri as she clicks away on her calculator, doing her homework on her bed. The young prodigy lifts her face from it being buried in her pillow and whines.
“But she said it so… sultry like… and her voice was so… raspy… it felt INTENTIONAL!”
“Or maybe your horny ass misconstrued her words and heard ‘backshots’ instead of ‘backstrokes’!” Riri giggled as Shuri proceeded to throw a pillow at the girl.
���Regardless, either word could be used as an innuendo, she did it on purpose,” Shuri retorts.
“Okay, okay, whatever. Sooo, what are you gonna do?”
Shuri flops back on her bed with a sigh. “I will try out for the swim team, like I said I would. I mean, she sounded so intrigued when I mentioned I was interested, and the passion in the way she speaks about it— I should at LEAST try.”
“Aww, I guess that’s fair,” Riri begins to coo. “If you knew how to swim.”
“Shuri, I have never seen you TOUCH water unless it was for drinking or an experiment, let alone be EMERGED in water outside of taking showers and baths in it. We’ve had campus water activities and pool days before and each time you’ve said ‘I’m busy, I’m busy.’”
“Well I was, you know I have school work as my top priority.”
“We have them during school breaks, Shuri, you don’t work on a school break!”
Riri releases an exasperated sigh. “Shuri, can you swim or not?” The prodigy gives her friend a hesitant look. “I mean, I’m not the worst at it…”
“Shuri, just say you’re shit at swimming.”
“Fucking hate it.” Shuri blurts out. “Haven’t stepped foot into a pool since I was 6.”
“Damn it, Shuri!”
“You wanted me to be honest!”
Riri chuckles in disbelief, shaking her head. “That’s not even it, Shuri! Swim team try-outs are on Thursday, that’s in THREE DAYS! You barely know how to swim, what makes you think you’ll be ready within the next three days?”
“I’ll figure it out, okay?” Shuri stresses, trying to calm herself down. “I mean, you seem to know how to swim. Why don’t you teach me?”
“One: you dug this silly lil’ hole yourself,” Riri wags her finger at the prodigy, “I’m not helping you with shit. The most I’ll do is braid your hair back the night before so it can fit better in the swim cap you’ll have to put on. Two: I couldn’t teach you even if I wanted to because I wouldn’t have time, I’m stacked up on homework for the next few days.”
Shuri groans in her pillow, flopping back down on her bed once again. The young prodigy felt hopeless with no more ideas left… except for one last hope.
“C’mon, brother! This is my love life on the line!”
T’Challa chuckles, crossing his arms. “You got yourself into this mess when you knew you couldn’t swim.” He raises is hands in defense. “You have a death wish, I am not helping you.”
“But that’s what Riri said!” Shuri whines.
“Well Riri is a good friend, keep her around. As for me, I have a gym to organize so I am going to continue what I was doing.” T’Challa does just that as he starts to pick up idle weights off the floor.
“I’ll pay you!”
“I have a job, and you’re a broke college student.”
“But with an internship!”
“An unpaid internship.”
“I’ll be your very best friend!”
“I’m your brother, and I already have plenty of friends.”
“Oh, like that old brute that works alongside you?”
“I heard that, you oversized midget!” A snarky coach M’baku scowls from the connected office.
“I’m 5’5!”
“And I’m 6’5, midget!”
Shuri rolls her eyes waves him off. “You work with that oversized man baby,” she sneers to T’Challa.
The older chuckles as he continues to tune out his sister’s persuasions while he tidies around the ring.
“Brother, please!” Shuri drops to her knees dramatically, rubbing her hands together in impatience. “I’m becoming desperate, I REALLY need your help!”
The younger continues to plead as the older man begins to cringe at the pathetic display, checking his peripheral to make sure she wasn’t causing a scene for unwarranted pedestrians that may walk past the gym.
“Okay okay, I will help you! Just stand up, PLEASE! You’re embarrassing me!” T’Challa quickly reassures the girl on the ground.
Shuri’s pleas quickly halt as she jumps to her feet, showering her brother with “thank you”s.
“Ahh, don’t thank me yet,” the older waves the girl off. “And I’m only going to be RE teaching you the basics. Any extra stunts you want to pull for your little girlfriend besides that will be on your accord.”
“Deal,” Shuri clasps her hands together.
“Now will you please leave me be? I have a gym to attend to.”
“Whatever,” Shuri remarks as she starts to head for the exit, “But just know I will be at the gym pool, bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow morning!”
The girl slaps the doorway wall and points at her brother, who both chuckles and cringes at her enthusiasm.
Once the bubbly teen was out of sight, M’baku wheels himself to the office doorway in his rolling chair.
“You know she’s going to drown herself.”
A reluctant T’Challa sighs. “Yep.”
To be continued headass…
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