#ole bub
Utah’s getting some of America’s best broadband
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TOMORROW (May 17), I'm at the INTERNET ARCHIVE in SAN FRANCISCO to keynote the 10th anniversary of the AUTHORS ALLIANCE.
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Residents of 21 cities in Utah have access to some of the fastest, most competitively priced broadband in the country, at speeds up to 10gb/s and prices as low as $75/month. It's uncapped, and the connections are symmetrical: perfect for uploading and downloading. And it's all thanks to the government.
This broadband service is, of course, delivered via fiber optic cable. Of course it is. Fiber is vastly superior to all other forms of broadband delivery, including satellites, but also cable and DSL. Fiber caps out at 100tb/s, while cable caps out at 50gb/s – that is, fiber is 1,000 times faster:
Despite the obvious superiority of fiber, America has been very slow to adopt it. Our monopolistic carriers act as though pulling fiber to our homes is an impossible challenge. All those wires that currently go to your house, from power-lines to copper phone-lines, are relics of a mysterious, fallen civilization and its long-lost arts. Apparently we could no more get a new wire to your house than we could build the pyramids using only hand-tools.
In a sense, the people who say we can't pull wires anymore are right: these are relics of a lost civilization. Specifically, electrification and later, universal telephone service was accomplished through massive federal grants under the New Deal – grants that were typically made to either local governments or non-profit co-operatives who got everyone in town connected to these essential modern utilities.
Today – thanks to decades of neoliberalism and its dogmatic insistence that governments can't do anything and shouldn't try, lest they break the fragile equilibrium of the market – we have lost much of the public capacity that our grandparents took for granted. But in the isolated pockets where this capacity lives on, amazing things happen.
Since 2015, residents of Jackson County, KY – one of the poorest counties in America – have enjoyed some of the country's fastest, cheapest, most reliable broadband. The desperately poor Appalachian county is home to a rural telephone co-op, which grew out of its rural electrification co-op, and it used a combination of federal grants and local capacity to bring fiber to every home in the county, traversing dangerous mountain passes with a mule named "Ole Bub" to reach the most remote homes. The result was an immediately economic uplift for the community, and in the longer term, the county had reliable and effective broadband during the covid lockdowns:
Contrast this with places where the private sector has the only say over who gets broadband, at what speed, and at what price. America is full of broadband deserts – deserts that strand our poorest people. Even in the hearts of our largest densest cities, whole neighborhoods can't get any broadband. You won't be surprised to learn that these are the neighborhoods that were historically redlined, and that the people who live in them are Black and brown, and also live with some of the highest levels of pollution and its attendant sicknesses:
These places are not set up for success under the best of circumstances, and during the lockdowns, they suffered terribly. You think your kid found it hard to go to Zoom school? Imagine what life was like for kids who attended remote learning while sitting on the baking tarmac in a Taco Bell parking lot, using its free wifi:
ISPs loathe competition. They divide up the country into exclusive territories like the Pope dividing up the "new world" and do not trouble one another by trying to sell to customers outside of "their" turf. When Frontier – one of the worst of America's terrible ISPs – went bankrupt, we got to see their books, and we learned two important facts:
The company booked one million customers who had no alternative as an asset, because they would pay more for slower broadband, and Frontier could save a fortune by skipping maintenance, and charging these customers for broadband even through multi-day outages; and
Frontier knew that it could make a billion dollars in profit over a decade by investing in fiber build-out, but it chose not to, because stock analysts will downrank any carrier that made capital investments that took more than five years to mature. Because Frontier's execs were paid primarily in stock, they chose to strand their customers with aging copper connections and to leave a billion dollars sitting on the table, so that their personal net worth didn't suffer a temporary downturn:
ISPs maintain the weirdest position: that a) only the private sector can deliver broadband effectively, but b) to do so, they'll need massive, unsupervised, no-strings-attached government handouts. For years, America went along with this improbable scheme, which is why Trump's FCC chairman Ajit Pai gave the carriers $45 billion in public funds to string slow, 19th-century-style copper lines across rural America:
Now, this is obviously untrue, and people keep figuring out that publicly provisioned broadband is the only way for America to get the same standard of broadband connectivity that our cousins in other high-income nations enjoy. In order to thwart the public's will, the cable and telco lobbyists joined ALEC, the far-right, corporatist lobbying shop, and drafted "model legislation" banning cities and counties from providing broadband, even in places the carriers chose not to serve:
Red states across America adopted these rules, and legislators sold this to their base by saying that this was just "keeping the government out of their internet" (even as every carrier relied on an exclusive, government-granted territorial charter, often with massive government subsidies).
ALEC didn't target red states exclusively because they had pliable, bribable conservative lawmakers. Red states trend rural, and rural places are the most likely sites for public fiber. Partly, that's because low-density areas are harder to make a business case for, but also because these are also the places that got electricity and telephone through New Deal co-ops, which are often still in place.
Just about the only places in America where people like their internet service are the 450+ small towns where the local government provides fiber. These places vote solidly Republican, and it was their beloved conservative lawmakers whom ALEC targeted to enact laws banning their equally beloved fiber – keep voting for Christmas, turkeys, and see where it gets you:
But spare a little sympathy for the conservative movement here. The fact that reality has a pronounced leftist bias must be really frustrating for the ideological project of insisting that anything the market can't provide is literally impossible.
Which brings me back to Utah, a red state with a Republican governor and legislature, and a national leader in passing unconstitutional, unhinged, unworkable legislation as part of an elaborate culture war kabuki:
For more than two decades, a coalition of 21 cities in Utah have been building out municipal fiber. The consortium calls itself UTOPIA: "Utah Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agency":
UTOPIA pursues a hybrid model: they run "open access" fiber and then let anyone offer service over it. This can deliver the best of both worlds: publicly provisioned, blazing-fast fiber to your home, but with service provided by your choice of competing carriers. That means that if Moms for Liberty captures you local government, you're not captive to their ideas about what sites your ISP should block.
As Karl Bode writes for Techdirt, Utahns in UTOPIA regions have their choice of 18 carriers, and competition has driven down prices and increased speeds. Want uncapped 1gb fiber? That's $75/month. Want 10gb fiber? That's $150:
UTOPIA's path to glory wasn't an easy one. The dismal telco monopolists Qwest and Lumen sued to put them out of business, delaying the rollout by years:
UTOPIA has been profitable and self-sustaining for over 15 years and shows no sign of slowing. But 17 states still ban any attempt at this.
Keeping up such an obviously bad policy requires a steady stream of distractions and lies. The "government broadband doesn't work" lie has worn thin, so we've gotten a string of new lies about wireless service, insisting that fiber is obviated by point-to-point microwave relays, or 5g, or satellite service.
There's plenty of places where these services make sense. You're not going to be able to use fiber in a moving car, so yeah, you're going to want 5g (and those 5g towers are going to need to be connected to each other with fiber). Microwave relay service can fill the gap until fiber can be brought in, and it's great for temporary sites (especially in places where it doesn't rain, because rain, clouds, leaves and other obstructions are deadly for microwave relays). Satellite can make sense for an RV or a boat or remote scientific station.
But wireless services are orders of magnitude slower than fiber. With satellite service, you share your bandwidth with an entire region or even a state. If there's only a couple of users in your satellite's footprint, you might get great service, but when your carrier adds a thousand more customers, your connection is sliced into a thousand pieces.
That's also true for everyone sharing your fiber trunk, but the difference is that your fiber trunk supports speeds that are tens of thousands of times faster than the maximum speeds we can put through freespace electromagnetic spectrum. If we need more fiber capacity, we can just fish a new strand of fiber through the conduit. And while you can increase the capacity of wireless by increasing your power and bandwidth, at a certain point you start pump so much EM into the air that birds start falling out of the sky.
Every wireless device in a region shares the same electromagnetic spectrum, and we are only issued one such spectrum per universe. Each strand of fiber, by contrast, has its own little pocket universe, containing a subset of that spectrum.
Despite all its disadvantages, satellite broadband has one distinct advantage, at least from an investor's perspective: it can be monopolized. Just as we only have one electromagnetic spectrum, we also only have one sky, and the satellite density needed to sustain a colorably fast broadband speed pushes the limit of that shared sky:
Private investors love monopoly telecoms providers, because, like pre-bankruptcy Frontier, they are too big to care. Back in 2021, Altice – the fourth-largest cable operator in America – announced that it was slashing its broadband speeds, to be "in line with other ISPs":
In other words: "We've figured out that our competitors are so much worse than we are that we are deliberately degrading our service because we know you will still pay us the same for less."
This is why corporate shills and pro-monopolists prefer satellite to municipal fiber. Sure, it's orders of magnitude slower than fiber. Sure, it costs subscribers far more. Sure, it's less reliable. But boy oh boy is it profitable.
The thing is, reality has a pronounced leftist bias. No amount of market magic will conjure up new electromagnetic spectra that will allow satellite to attain parity with fiber. Physics hates Starlink.
Yeah, I'm talking about Starlink. Of course I am. Elon Musk basically claims that his business genius can triumph over physics itself.
That's not the only vast, impersonal, implacable force that Musk claims he can best with his incredible reality-distortion field. Musk also claims that he can somehow add so many cars to the road that he will end traffic – in other words, he will best geometry too:
Geometry hates Tesla, and physics hates Starlink. Reality has a leftist bias. The future is fiber, and public transit. These are both vastly preferable, more efficient, safer, more reliable and more plausible than satellite and private vehicles. Their only disadvantage is that they fail to give an easily gulled, thin-skinned compulsive liar more power over billions of people. That's a disadvantage I can live with.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: 4028mdk09 (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rote_LED_Fiberglasleuchte.JPG
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
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2aceofspades · 10 months
Bubs doodle hyyypppeeee!!! Listen, we thrive for the bubs, if it weren't obvious, theyre just so good!! xD ~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
-- --- .-. ... ./.- -. --- -. -.-.-- -.-.--
Yeeesss!!! The bubs 🥺❤️💙
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You know I had to sketch something for this occasion... - . . .... . . ~
Gah, I just love them so much fr my lil spontaneous comics of the bubs are tugging too much at my darn heartstrings for no real reason eugh
I'm gonna take this as a sign to get better at dialogue so I can draw more of the bubs interacting
Mwahahaha 😈✨
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iobartach · 8 months
@rustedclaws asked; “Just keep your mouth shut for one second. Just one.”
argumentative, confrontational dialogue prompts
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"Says the one charging in blindly." The request was perfectly clear, the sort that he'd usually heed without the need for debate. Only, this time, he had failed to resist the urge to pass comment, jabbing his pointer finger in the hirsute mutant's direction as he carried on speaking without pause.
"Do you even know what you're doing? Or is your solution for every problem to just try slashing at it?"
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braywashed · 9 months
I'm addicted to the texy chainsaw game which is hilarious because dbd does nothing for me
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kaciidubs · 10 months
I need you to please not tell me that I can continue trying to catch you off guard because I will very much, very quickly wife you up 😂 don't flirt me, you've already made my brain buzz 😂❤️
I love a challenge don't even start with me - do your worst bubs 🤭🤭 and who said anything about flirting? I'm simply.. talking to you nice, the way you deserve 😏❣️
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(Dilf!Deku x Nanny!Reader is what I think is what this is)
Description ~ Single dad #1 pro Deku’s daughter wakes up and starts crying for “mama”
“MAMA!” Izuku shoots out of bed at the sound of his daughter screaming. He sprints down the hallway of his large apartment to his daughter’s room. He turns on the light to find his daughter with tear stained cheeks reaching out for him. He sits on the edge of her bed and wrapped her in his arms. “What was it babygirl?” Izuku asks his 5 year old daughter. “Nightmare, about you and mama.” That caught him off guard, his daughter had never really had a “mother” she was dropped on Izukus doorstep with a paternity test saying she was his. “What do you mean baby?” He gives her a confused smile. “Mama? Where is she. I wanna see her too, where is mama?” Izukus daughter looks up at him with big ol puppy dog eyes that would make anyone certain she was his. “Who are you talking about bubs?” “Mama! She’s around all the time! Don’t pretend daddy.” Looking into her confused eyes and that’s when it clicked, she was talking about her nanny.
“Are you talking about Y/n? She’s not your mama, baby.” The little girl in his arms makes an ‘oh’ sound and cuddles deeper into him, he knows she's just to tired to argue and frankly he is too. Instead of risking another nightmare leaving her in her own bed he picks up his little girl and goes back to his bedroom. Izuku finds himself unable to sleep, instead thinking about you. In the last few months you’re all that’s been taking up his headspace. Thinking about how good you are with his daughter, and he wishes he could tell you but he couldn’t do that. It’s bad enough how much it aches him to be away from his daughter as much as he is but he refuses to put a partner through that. So he keeps his thoughts to himself, but will continue letting his daughter think you are her mother. The next day when you came by before he left he had told you that his daughter was in his room, and that she’d had a nightmare and to keep an eye on her during nap time and if anything changes to keep him updated. The usual stuff- except when he was saying goodbye and he grabbed the back of your head and kissed your forehead before heading out the door. You froze in your spot and started overthinking, of course you found him attractive but it was more than just his physical appearance, you’ve seemingly fallen for him because of the way he acts towards everyone that works for him, the way he is always there to kiss his daughter goodnight even if he has to go right back to work after, its the way he is exactly what people think he is but so much more. Now, switch to the other side of the door Pro hero Deku was panicking, when he got home tonight you would probably tell him you quit, or you’ll give him some kind of “HR paperwork”.
He shouldn’t have done it, he knows that but it felt so natural as if he’d done it every morning, like it was routine. But he hadn’t, it wasn't, he’d never done it, he’s thought of doing it. Thought about what he’d do if he would actually married you and got to do that every day- but that wasn’t your guys’ dynamic, your dynamic was that he’d tell you what was new with his kid then leave, and you’d message him interesting stuff that happened throughout the day, and when he’d get home you’d be watching something on tv and he’d sit beside you and tell what happened that day and then you would politely say goodbye to him, but this? This is too- too domestic for you two. But before he can retract and go back inside to explain he gets a message from work telling him there’s an emergency. So he has no choice but to go about his day, expecting a text from you about anything, so that maybe he’ll stop overthinking and panicking but you don’t.
And back at the apartment you were hanging out with his daughter and there has been so many things you’ve wanted to send him but you didn’t want it to be weird. So you went through your day, overthinking just as much as he did because, what was that this morning? Did he mean to do it? Did he think it was someone else and he mixed up because of how tired he was from his daughter waking up in the middle of the night? Oh god… of course, he probably thought it was someone else. You went about your day trying to put your best fake smile on for the darling little girl and at times you’d forgotten but then it come rushing back justas quickly as it had left. At some point Izuku had called a friend who had the day off to go relieve you of your duties for the day, but that only made your despair and overanalyzing worse. You had spent half the night confused and worried and mind wandering, until eventually you gave in, put on the closest pair of pajama pants you could and drove yourself to his apartment. You knocked quietly a few times and while waiting you were questioning what you were doing here but then he opened the door of his apartment and you knew.
You know what to say and why you’re here, “what was that?” You almost cringe at the question. “What?” Oh no, he’s confused, he doesn’t know what you’re talking about this was a mistake. And you abruptly say that you’re sorry for bothering and turning around but he grabs your wrist turning you to him. “I don’t actually know what it was” “So it was a mistake?” Damn, that hurt. “No, definitely not, I- would you like to come inside to talk? It’s cold out.” You follow behind and sit beside him on his couch facing him, knees close to touching. “Believe me, I, very much, like you, and if I was normal, living a normal life I would ask you out on a date in a heartbeat. But I will not do that to you, and I am sorry for what happened yesterday morning, if you choose to continue working for me then I can arrange that we will not be in the same area at the same times-“ “I’m not fired?” You interrupt him, severely confused.
He then looks back at you mirroring your expression, "w- why would you be fired? I'm the one who did it, if anything i thought you'd have smacked me with HR "sexual harrasment' papers when i got back but you didn't." You cut him off again because this whole misunderstanding was starting to make your head hurt, "Why would you be in trouble? You sent me home early, i thought you were firing me." You place your head in your hands. Izuku wants so badly to rub your back in comfort but is understandably apprehensive of making the situation weirder. You pause with your head in your in your hands. 'How could you have just glossed over what he'd said?' You lift your head to look him in his beautiful emerald eyes, "You, like me?" You tilt a eyebrow at him. His face turns a bright shade of red as he answers, "i- w-well not- no- but-" He becomes frantic with his wording and as your looking at him avoiding your eyes you take a chance. You reach for his face and pull it to your own so your faces are inches apart. You leave space for him to close in case youve read the signals wrong. Waiting for what seems like forever (it was a few seconds), Izuku places his hands at your waist and presses his lips to yours. Both of your movements are slow and intimate as you press together fluidly. Before it goes too far you both pull away breathlessly admiring one another. "Izuku...would you like to go on a date?" You speak softly still doubting what had just happened. Hesitating to answer he looks at you earnestly, "I don't want my schedule to hurt the people i love."
"I know, and I'm probably one of the only people who will actually understand enough for this to last with us. I know your schedule and i know you. I know that if anything happens it isn't your fault." You keep eye contact with him as you speak. "If this doesn't work out i would never hold it against you." He scrutinizes your face for any hesitancy, and when he doesn't find any he answers your question, "How's Sunday?"
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morallyinept · 6 months
COWBOY CHRISTMAS - A Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey) Christmas One Shot
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Summary: Your husband Jack takes you out on a snowy Christmas Eve horse ride around the ranch, then helps you thaw out after.
Pairing: Husband!Jack Daniels x Wife!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It’s you, bub.)
Word Count: 5k
Scoville Smut Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ "You tell me I'm doing well, and then, you try to kill me."
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Warnings/triggers - Established relationship/unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!)/fingering.
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ. ☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
If this story isn't for you, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: Husband Jack hits differently and I'm here for it. Horsey speak researched because I'm not a horsey person. Neigh. I hope you enjoy spending Christmas with Jack. 🎄
Tagging @ladybess-a03 as Jack is her husband 🤠🖤
Enjoy & Happy Holidays! 🎄🖤
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“Now, you hold on tight to them reins there, sugar. Don’t want ol’ Thunder here gallopin’ off into the breach.” Jacks says to you with a wink. 
You watch as he buttons up his denim jacket; a woolly sheepskin lines the collar inside around his neck. “Hoo, it’s a chilly one this mornin’!” He exclaims in that Southern twang making sweet, unbashed love to his vocal chords.
“Remind me why I let you talk me into this?” You say, feeling the cold rake it’s sharp fingernails down your spine. 
“'Cause I can talk you into anythin'." He grins. "Besides, you’re gonna love it.” He assures. 
“I love our warm bed more.” You mutter, trying not to smirk. 
You grip tight on the leather reins with your gloved hands as the horse snuffles gently; the cool air wisps out of his large, wet nostrils in gossamer tendrils, floating into the air.
The snow is fresh and crisp on the ground; the Ranch is covered in billowy marshmallows heaped on the roof like someone let the powdered sugar pour overnight. The whole scene looks as though a snow globe has been shaken up and long since settled with the coarse glitter of it all glimmering under the pallor of the winter sun; a pale blue orb lingering in the sky.
A Christmas Eve morning horse ride with your husband Jack sounded appealing when he suggested it, but now that you’re the one in the driver’s seat so to speak, you're not so sure, as your stomach tosses about with the anxiousness of it all. 
It’s not that you’re not a keen rider, it’s just that Jack’s array of Appaloosas and Mustangs from the rodeo show - that’s been a lucrative business for you both, if not but a hectic one - can always seem to sense your trepidation, and do everything they can to keep you from venturing near them, let alone mounting them. 
But Jack’s a determined son of a gun to get you used to it, and a few lessons with a deep brown Lusitano named Thunder, seem to be paying off, as the two of you bond the more time you spend with the stallion.
Thunder stands at a regal sixteen hands, his physique a perfect blend of strength and elegance. His coat is a rich chestnut, gleaming under the dappled sunlight like polished mahogany. He's probably the most handsome thing you've ever laid eyes on, aside from your husband, of course.
Jack had assured you that Thunder’s physique, combined with his gentle demeanour and keen intelligence, made him not just a stunning horse, but also an ideal companion for you.
And that smooth talking cowboy hadn’t been wrong yet. 
Jack hoists himself up, grunting with a steely puff as he settles on the double saddle behind you. Not brave enough yet to go it alone in the snow, Jack rides tandem with you this morning.
The front of his Stetson knocks gently against the back of your head as he adjusts, and the horse pads his front hooves in anticipation to get going. 
“Easy, Thunder,” he soothes as he reaches around and checks the reins. “You good to go, sweet thing?” Jack asks you. 
“What are you going to hold on to?” You query as he lets go of the reins, turning to glance at him over your shoulder warily.
You’ve seen Jack ride plenty of times, to the point he trusts his stallions and mares implicitly. There's some magical fluidity between them as you watch from the sidelines of the paddock when they practise together.
Although each time he rides free and un-reined, you can’t help but grimace and worry, especially when he shows off in the rodeo ring.
“Why, your gorgeous self, of course!” You feel him pinch your hips playfully and then his arms wrap around your waist. He pats your belly softly. 
“I got you, nice n' tight.” The wetness of his lips are cold as they squish against your cheek where he kisses you affectionately. You giggle as his fuzzy moustache tickles against your skin.
“Now, you’re the one in control, remember. Just like I taught you. Pull back gently if you want him to slow down.”
“Okay.” You nod, taking in a deep breath and sounding much more confident than you actually feel. And Jack picks up on it and rubs your arms down. 
“You’ve got nothin’ to worry about, sugar. He’s infatuated with you.” Jack reassures. He holds you tighter and runs his nose against the side of your face. “And he ain’t the only one.” he murmurs. 
“You keep doing that and we’re never getting out of this damn paddock,” you groan as he nips against your lobe, tonguing it slyly.
Despite the cold, you suddenly feel the warmth creeping up under your jacket trying to strangle you. 
He chuckles and pulls back, sitting himself upright and placing his hands together around your waist again. 
“Let’s skedaddle.” He instructs.
You breathe out, clicking your tongue twice and squeeze your legs gently against the underside of Thunder. He immediately trots forward languidly.
“There you go, nice n' easy there. See, he ain’t so buck wild after all, is he now?” Jack says.  
“No, he’s a good boy,” you say, leaning forward and patting Thunder’s head as he strides forward out the paddock. “A good boy that’s going to go nice and slow, okay?” You whisper, imploring the horse. 
Thunder simply snorts in response.
You settle into it; a gentle trot across the acres of the Ranch on this wintery morning. You can feel the cold biting against your face as you tuck your chin into your scarf to ward off the nip.
The scene is magical; treetops covered in plumes of glittery white, and every sound seems more muted somehow, wrapped up in a bundle of snow that acts as a cosy insulator. 
The soft pads of Thunder’s hooves against the cold ground, and Jack's breathing just behind your ear, are the only sounds you can hear around the exquisite peace.
And you lose yourself to it, closing your eyes and resting back against Jack’s chest as you relax into the ride together. 
“You doin’ alright there?” Jack asks, and you feel his gloved hands rubbing back and forth against your stomach creating fluttery wings to beat and flap around inside of it. 
“Mmm,” you reply. “This is just beautiful.” You confirm feeling more taken with it all. “This was a great idea.” 
“I’m mighty glad you feel that way, darlin’. We gotta get you out ridin’ some more.” Jack suggests.
“I do plenty of riding, cowboy.” You toss a hot smirk at him over your shoulder.
“Christ. Ain’t that the truth.” He chuckles.
You feel his hands squeeze your hips again and his breaths are felt warming in the crook of your neck.
“Wanna kick it up a notch?”
“Go faster?” You peep with alarm. 
“Sure, you can handle it.”
“But the snow, isn’t that dangerous?”
Jack scoffs. “Snow’s fresh, darlin’. No ice.”
“Gotta trust in your horse.”
You make an uncertain noise in the back of your throat.
“Ain’t gonna let anythin’ happen to you.” Jack reassures and your uncertainty begins to waver as you feel yourself melt in the sincerity of his eyes.
“Okay.” You nod, smiling. 
“That’s my girl. Go on, now. Squeeze your calves against him. That’s it, you’re doin’ real good.” Jack praises as Thunder ups his paces to a gentle canter, full of brio and a little faster than his previous meandering.
He bows and nods his large head, whinnying. 
“Oh see, he likes that. Our boy here was bred for speed.” Jack pats the back of the stallion’s neck and Thunder snuffles in response. 
You can feel your fingers gripping tighter on the reins, your body tensing up. 
“You trust me, sugar?” You hear Jack pollute in your ear.
You turn to look at him incredulously.
“He wants to run. Gotta give it to him.” 
“Oh God.” You wince. 
You steady yourself as Thunder nickers and snuffles again. Jack takes your hand and weaves it around Thunder’s mane. A trick he does himself whilst on the rodeo to be sure to stay on if the horse should suddenly veer off.
Your gloved fingers hold tightly through the silken hair whilst your other hand grips on the reins as tight as you can. 
“He’ll take care of you. We both will.” Jack takes a hold of the reins with you, his arms either side. “Hold on tight, darlin’.” 
You steady yourself, holding on tightly as he instructs and bracing yourself. 
“Hup! Hup!” You hear Jack instruct Thunder with a sharp command, and the horse bolts forward.
He attacks the gallop at full speed, like he's running for his life. Like he was born to do nothing else other then run.
“Shit, Jack!” You gasp, as he takes full control. 
The sounds of Thunder’s hooves are louder and feel like they crack and echo across the sky. Your body is forced into a galloping rhythm; your butt bashing up and down against the saddle as you try to find some comfort with it.
You rise up, remembering to anchor yourself in the stirrups, leaning forward like your body is floating as Thunder moves under you.
You can feel Jack’s body against yours, moving with you. He has both hands on the reins, but has manoeuvred so you're safe inside his arms too.
“See why I named him Thunder now?!” Jack muses as he bears down on the reins and the horse’s speed increases furthermore. 
You can feel Thunder’s muscles bunch and release. You can feel and hear his hooves hit the ground in heavy thuds that ricochet through your skeleton, and see the hypnotic, rhythmic motion of his head, which you’re following with your hands.
It’s exhilarating. 
The cold wind whips through your bones, despite the jacket and scarf’s protection. You hear Jack holler and chuckle behind you.
“Alright now!” He cheers triumphantly as Thunder takes a sharp turn, effortlessly, and you cling on for dear life grounding down on your teeth and steadying yourself with your stirrups. 
“Oh my God!” You wail as the exhilaration begins to twist that fear into utter elation. 
Your teeth feel the cold as you can’t contain the wild smile opening up your lips as you giggle and holler alongside Jack; his enthusiasm and passion for the ride infecting you.
The wind is blowing so hard that you really can’t see or hear very clearly and Thunder’s ears twitch up as you holler an enthusiastic woo! Into the air. It feels like you're flying as the wind streams tears from your eyes. 
Thunder’s hooves beat frantically against the snow and the ride through the acres soon comes to an end as Jack instructs you to slow Thunder to a steady trot once more.
You can sense Thunder’s reluctance, he would run forever if he could, but you pull on the reins and announce for him to slow and he does. 
“Woah, easy. Easy…” you soothe as he tries to resist, but eventually settles back into that steady canter as you all catch your collective breath.
You wipe your eyes with the back of your woolly hand and Jack smiles at you. 
“That was amazing,” you admit, your body shaking, not just from the cold now.
“I knew you’d love it.” He replies, grinning. “Your husband knows you better than you think.” 
“Sometimes,” you tease.
“Sometimes?” He scoffs and stamps another kiss on your cold cheek. 
Once in the paddock, Jack jumps off and helps you down. You lunge for him, planting a heavy kiss on his lips and slip your tongue into his hot, wet mouth. 
“What’s got you so hot n’ bothered, hmm?” He murmurs against your lips. 
“Adrenaline.” You shrug giggling, as you stroke the back of Jack's nape where his brown curls gather under his suede Stetson.   
His hands sweep through your hair, messy from being wind-whipped and he studies your face with chocolate mocha eyes. You shiver as he pulls you to him. 
“Fuck, sugar.” He groans as you press your mouth to his again; your kiss mutating into something desperate and untamed.
You both stumble backwards and Jack loses his footing and pulls you down with him in the muddy slush around the paddock.
“Ah shit,” he groans, chuckling. 
You squeal as you feel the cold and wet instantly soak into your jeans. Scrambling, you try to get up, but slip further into the mud as Jack gives up and howls loudly at your plight.
He’s rewarded with a glop of mud thrown at his chest.
“Need a hand there, darlin’?” Once he’s contained himself enough, he helps you up and you both head back to the Ranch to warm up. 
“Go on n’ get yourself inside. I’ll wrangle Thunder back into the stable. Reckon it might snow again soon.” He glances up at the sky, the sun long since besmirched by clouds of grey.
“Don’t take too long, handsome” you smirk.
“Lickety-split.” Jack breathes into your mouth as you kiss him again. 
You look at the state of you both, covered in freezing mud, and Jack has some splashed up on his forehead, and you can’t help but laugh at the state of you both, despite shivering.
“Why don’t you run us a bath?” Jack suggests with dark eyes, and you nod as if under a captive spell.
You leave your muddy boots on the porch and head inside. The warmth hits you immediately and you shimmy yourself out of your wet jacket, blowing into your hands that feel like icicles, despite the gloves. 
You pace up the stairs, wading somewhat as your jeans stick to you, to the bathroom and fill the large jacuzzi-style tub with hot water, stripping as you notice snowflakes starting to billow lightly outside. 
“Missed your calling as a weatherman, Jack.” You snicker to yourself.
You toss in a fragrant bath bomb and light some incense filling the bathroom with heady notes of sandalwood, patchouli, and exotic florals; the swirling tendrils evoking a sense of tranquillity as your skin starts to perspire.
You step into the sizzling, enveloping water that seems to wrap its arms around you with the inviting warmth as you succumb to it wholly.
You breathe out slowly, moaning in relief as you slide your shoulders under the water, the temperature burning you slightly and relishing the feel of it.
You swill the water around; lavishing yourself in the foamy remnants of the bath bomb. You eventually lay still in the water and breathe in and out a few times, keeping your eyes closed.
Your cold, aching muscles from the ride find some sedated bliss in those first few moments; like someone has slowly squeezed the angst and stress out of you like juicing an orange.
You close your eyes and relax, feeling the weight start to drop from you.
The invigorating peace is interrupted by the bathroom door slowly creaking open and footsteps pad in lightly on the tiled floor. 
You turn your head, smiling at Jack as he unbuttons his plaid shirt and drops it to his feet.
You sit up, watching him, and try not to obscenely salivate over your husband as he unbuckles his belt with a slow, deliberate simmer at you, but it's hard not to. He’ll always have that effect on you when he gets naked.
Your eyes roam over tan, sculpted arms, a svelte waist and long legs smattered with dark hairs, before you settle in on the thick, hardening cock between his legs. 
“Scooch on forward, sugar,” he says softly with a wink, standing at the side of the tub; that semi hard-on already taking shape and protruding out from his lean, muscular body.
He steps in and sits down in the water behind you; his long legs running parallel either side of you.
“Couldn’t resist,” you hum. 
“You gettin’ started without me, hmm?” Jack queries as he pulls you back into his chest, wrapping his arms over your stomach again.
You feel him plant kisses into your crown as you nuzzle into him. 
“Scrub my back for me?” You question coyly over your shoulder, and flutter your eyelashes at him.
The steam in the bathroom makes the mirror frost over with condensation and the air seems to vibrate around you both and stick to your clammy skin.
You sit upright; the water making your back glisten at him and he licks his lips as he regards you.
“Well, how can I resist such a tempting offer?” Jack smiles and reaches for the soap on the side of the bath behind him, lathering it up in his big hands. 
You feel his hands massaging into your shoulders; his fingers kneading away all the tension and the slippery feel of the soap foaming on your back, squelching through his thick digits.
“Mmm,” you sigh as he works his thumbs down either side of your spinal cord.
“That feel good, hmm?” Jack husks from behind you, squeezing and manipulating the muscles under your skin. He knows it’s good - knows it will drive you wild.
“Real good…” You utter, eyes closed and lost inside of his hypnotic rhythms and magic hands. 
You can hear him breathe in your ear and feel him plant lascivious kisses down the side of your damp face. The faint scratch of his shaven jaw runs prickly against your skin; the soft fuzz of his moustache counteracting it begins to tickle again.  
It begins to wake your nipples up; sending goosebumps to bloom around your areolas pulling them tight and tingly.
He runs his fingers down your back and up under your arms sitting forward himself, and slathers the soapy lather in his hands across your collarbone and down towards your breasts.
Your breath hitches as his roaming fingers tease your nipples, pulling and rolling them gently, and you sink back into his chest once more as he massages. He runs the open palms of his hands all over them; cupping, squeezing, fondling.
“That’s so nice,” you groan as he kisses the side of your temple. 
“I told you, I know you well.” You can hear him grin, a graze inside your ear.
His wet, soapy fingers continue to work their way down your torso, gliding across your navel before he gives it a gentle squeeze and strokes gently.
“What’re we gonna name this lil’ dill pickle in here, hmm?” Jack asks, and you glance down at your tummy, still flat, but in a few months time it’ll be swollen and rotund as the baby grows.
“Depends what he looks like when he comes out. Hopefully not like a dill pickle. I hate pickles.” You say, crinkling your nose.
You hear Jack snort behind you into your hair. “Hates pickles. I married me a mad one.”
“You knew what you were getting yourself into, cowboy.” You chuckle.
“Mmhm. He?” He queries.
“Feels like a he.” You say, placing your hands on top of Jack’s. The light of your wedding band shimmering in the wet. “What do you think?”
“I think,” Jack breathes in, his lips grazing your skin behind your ear “as long as it’s healthy, darlin’, it don’t matter. Gonna love it all the same.”
You smile, reaching up behind you to stroke his face. You feel him peck your fingers.  
“When he's out, I’ll put another one in there.” He confirms.
“Woah, hold your horses,” you say.
“You just try n’ stop me, sugar. Got yourself a virile man. Gonna have a whole bunch of lil’ rodeo riders gallopin’ about the joint.” Jack pinches your hips gently and you giggle when he hits a ticklish spot as he gruffs another chuckle in your ear.
He feels you flinch and the top of your buttocks push against his cock that has long since hardened completely under the water.
“Besides, I'm waitin’ for these to grow nice n’ big, too,” Jack smirks.
Jack kisses down the side of your face once more; his lips searching yours out and finally making contact with them as you twist yourself in the water to reach them.
His tongue darts into your mouth as he squeezes onto your right breast, and a satisfied grunt escapes into your mouth from him.
You splash water at him as he growls playfully into you, moaning as you kiss him again. 
It makes all the hairs of your body stand tall to order, hearing him moan like that - moan for you. Warming you as you inhale them in; oxygen to your lungs.
Filling you deep with sweet images of him teaching your child - or several of them - to ride horses and take care of them. The thought of Jack’s paternal instincts rile you up even further.
Although it doesn’t take much with the hormones either.
His kiss is hungry; swallowing you up and you raise your wet hands to finger inside of his hair, weaving through it gently at first, but becoming fiercer with tugs as he reacts to it.
You wonder what else it’ll be that you’ll crave this much as your pregnancy advances, because you're constantly craving your husband inside you, night and day it seems.
And neither of you are complaining about it.     
He follows the track of bubbles down your body with his hand, slides down over your torso and abdomen until his fingers reach forward and disappear between the middle of your legs inside the bubbly pool. 
You gasp, breaking the kiss as you feel them instantly finding your clit and shudder as he swipes across it with the pads of his tips. They tease between your soapy folds. His middle finger starts tapping and rubbing against your hub, making you gasp into his mouth.  
“Suck, darlin’... just like that.” 
His other hand grips gently around under your face, stroking your jawline as his digits run over your lips when he breaks the kiss.
Hooded brown eyes regard you before inserting his index and middle finger into your mouth.
You suck on them gently, and run your tongue over them as his other fingers thrum heavier on your clit under the water, causing it to swill around you as you fidget, grinding against his fingers as he slowly teases you with them.
He can still feel the viscous slickness of you around them, feeling silkier in the water. 
“You feel that, sugar? What you’re doin’ to me? Got my cock all big n' hard for you.” His fingers move off your clit and begin to take a walk inside of you, and you gasp again in delight.
Jack marvels with mud coloured eyes as you lap at his fingers, imagining they’re his cock. They taste slightly salty like it; rough and calloused skin being soothed by your tongue.
He groans into your ear nipping at your lobe, as you feel him pressing against your lower back and getting harder by the second. 
“Mmm, Jack…” His name escapes out of your mouth, dripping in honey and all things sweet.
The fingers you’ve been sucking on run across your throat and he kisses you more forcefully as he slides his digits in and out of your pussy, gaining momentum.
Your part your legs wider so he can delve in further to you, arching back up against him as the sensation of tingles flood outwards from your core all over your body and skin, crackling outwards like fuzzed lightning.
“Fuck!” You pant as he works you up and pushes you closer and closer to the edge until you finally leap off.
An electrifying sensation courses through you, sparking an intoxicating blend of satisfaction and euphoria as you gasp out.
“Fuck, darlin’, that’s it.” Jack encourages as the heel of his palm grinds heavily against your clit as he fingers you through your pulsing orgasm.
Your thighs jolt and shudder as he strokes gentler now, teasing circles around your sensitive bud after withdrawing his slick soaked fingers.
You twist around in the bath completely to face him. You want him; want him hard and are going to take him - hard. 
“Fuck,” you moan, taking him in. 
He lays back in the tub, knees open wide with plumes of suds, and cock resting heavy and thick against his stomach.
It makes you salivate to see him like this; so fucking gorgeous and wet, and all yours. 
“See somethin’ you like?” He smirks. 
You run your drenched hands over his cock, nodding. Feeling how he pulses and the veins throb around your grip as you jerk him slowly.
“Show me again how well you can ride, sugar.” Jack challenges, as you grin.
You straddle him, sliding up and down against him; your lips teasing him as you rub against his hard, thick length. 
“Gimme that pussy, darlin’.” 
“You want it, cowboy?” You utter as you slip back and forth over him.
“Oh, you know I want it.” He hisses through his teeth as you rub your cunt up and down his length, groaning as it still tingles on your clit. “Always want this fuckin’ gorgeous pussy.” 
You sit down on his thick cock that’s poking out of the water at you, inviting you onto its swollen, wet head. The water sloshes around you both as he grabs at your hips and grinds you down onto his throbbing dick.
“Fuck,” he grits as he fills you. 
You balance your weight on your arms, holding onto the edges of the tub, sliding up and down him; bouncing that pussy of yours off of his cock. 
“C’mon, sugar. Ride me. Ride your cowboy.” Jack tempts. 
Jack thrusts his hips upwards to meet you halfway as you thud back down on him, making you both cry out.
“Fuck, like that!” He hollers, the water now splashing over the sides of the tub onto the floor with your intense determination to get off.
“That feel good, darlin'? Lemme see you. Eyes on me, sweet thing. Christ, look at you... So fuckin’ gorgeous on my dick. That's it now, work it... Like that. Aw, hell yeah, like that…” he croons, panting.
He can feel himself becoming more and more frantic with you and you love it. You grip onto his hands, anchoring yourself as he bucks underneath you; lifting his hips as you ride him deeper and faster.
“Jack! Fuck!”
You’re wailing as your head snaps back, suds flicking up the tiles, and the water in the tub is nothing more than a swirling whirlpool around you both.
You can feel the brewing of your orgasm; the tightening inside your stomach and the deep pull of your cunt cinching around him.
It’s a delicious feeling as you unwind yourself completely. The air in the bathroom carrying a heavy, languid heat, wrapping you in a heady cocoon of sensual bliss.
Jack gorges on the vision of you, sitting atop him; breasts shiny with the soapy water dripping down them, jiggling up and down. Panting and groaning for him as your body runs slick with water and bubbles. 
The blooming feeling, like a sunlit daydream, unfolds with gentle intensity that bathes you in a soft, golden glow as it builds from within.
A velvet touch of warmth that lingers dreamily through the marrow of your bones, leaving you submerged in a haze of dizzy serenity, where time slows and the world takes on a muted hue around the fuzzed edges of your vision, condensating your eyes as you enjoy the deep thrusting inside you. 
“Darlin’. Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He groans. He can feel himself beginning to lose it, grunting and getting ready to fill you up.
You let go of his hands and slap them down on his chest, riding him ragged over the final hurdle; cunt tightening and pumping his cock.
He can just about bear it as your position means he’s gone that little bit further inside you still, and your walls are rubbing deliciously against him.
“Ah shee-it!” Jack curses out with a snarl pulled around his beautiful lips. “Gonna fill you up, sugar. You’re close now… I can feel it. Want you comin’ all over my cock as I fill you, okay?” He drawls in that thick, Kentucky squall.
Nodding, you go faster; twerking on his dick and feeling the build up inside you reach epic proportions - your own release imminent. You want this; crave this from him, as you let yourself let go. 
“Come for me, Jack!”
“Fuck, yeah!” 
He shudders against you, cursing out and biting his bottom lip as he begins exploding inside you. Veins in his neck twitching and bulging as he howls. 
You slump forward onto him, kissing his wet, smooth chest delicately. The water finally comes to a still as you lay in the hot suds with him. 
You combust around him; calling his name out over and over; your rocking takes on a slow and steady pace until its eventual stop as you both shiver and judder from the come down.
Your body tingles all over and legs feel like wobbly jelly.
“Fuck me...” Jack sighs contentedly, grabbing a hold of your ass and squeezing it gently between the wavy, foamy froth.
“I just did.” You titter and he chuckles. 
“And then some.” He tilts your chin up to him and plants a lingering sensual kiss on your lips. 
“Jesus Christ, I love you, darlin’.” He wraps you tightly in his drenched arms. “You n’ that lil' dill pickle in there.”
You smile contentedly. “We love you too, cowboy.”
A little while later, you’re both dressed in warm clothes by the fireplace, as Jack sips from a glass of honey coloured whiskey.
You’re both exchanging cosy, satisfied smiles as you both wrap the gifts in coordinated teamwork, that you’ve picked out together for the staff that work at the Ranch. 
You crease the folds of the metallic paper, and he tears off the tape strips holding them out to you on a lone finger. He holds the ribbon in place, whilst you tie it into a bow over his digits.
He writes out the cards in a messy scrawl, whilst you place some food down in front of him, and he leans up to kiss you, patting and rubbing your tummy gently.
He lifts up the chunky knit of your sweater to reveal your soft, clean skin. You run your hands through his deep chocolate locks as he beams up at you.
“Happy Christmas, sugar.”
“Happy Christmas, Jack.”
You watch, smiling fondly, as he then runs his nose against your belly, inhaling the perfume of you, and you giggle at the tickle of his moustache.
Jack gazes up at you before pressing his soft, pursed lips below your belly button. A lingering little smooch sinking into the layers of your skin. 
“Happy Christmas, lil' dill pickle.” Jack says.
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sunnitheapollokid · 3 months
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. * ๑ ❀՞ ,, "who said sunshine and alchemy don't mix?"
varian x sunshine-coded reader! 💌
📫 sunni’s notes : these are my first headcanons & i literally love rapunzel she is literally me no doubt about it!!! anyyyhooo enjoy <3
first meeting!
✧ after var’s villain arc is when you met!
✧ you arrived with rapunzel while meeting her on her adventure expedition to follow the black rocks, you guys clicked instantly.
✧ when varian first saw you, he was reminded of rapunzel so much.
✧ though, you we’re much more flirty & just a tat more energetic.
✧ “YOU WORK ON ALCHEMY?! i’ve always wanted to try it!! but you know.. adventuring.. blah blah blah.”
✧ varian was a little caught off guard of how much of a chatterbox you were, but he’s friends with rapunzel! so…
✧ the dynamic was very much yapper x listener.
best friends!
✧ you two started to grow more as friends when he found you crying at attila’s, stress-eating cupcakes.
✧ “you don’t have to be cheery all the time (nickname). you’re great, being kind.. and—“
✧ “thank you, var.”
✧ varian was always such a nervous wreck.
✧ you were just your charming self!
✧ you two were so close, quirin would just let you in and you’d just come by and barge into his lab at old corona.
✧ varian would lose you around town whenever you’d go together and run some errands, like.. watching a child.
✧ “varian why are you wrapping a balloon on my wrist?”
✧ varian was a night person, and you were more of a morning person.
✧ you would drag him to the festivals in corona, even with his 12 projects piling on top of each other.
✧ you’d also teach him some skincare hacks to get rid of the bags under his eyes!
✧ varian however loved how enthusiastic you were and how excited you were about alot of things.
✧ though.. safe to say you were banned from his lab ever since you dropped that vial from fidgeting around.
when he realized he was crushing on you!
✧ he started crushing on you around the time he was really going through it with his sleep schedule.
✧ he was dead on the couch when the door creaked open and he found you bringing him some ham sandwiches and hot chocolate.
✧ you fed him that night and helped him up.
✧ “varian, if you can’t take care of yourself. i will!”
✧ the boy had heart eyes.
when you realized you were crushing on him!
✧ it was one of the karaoke nights of the snuggly duckling!
✧ varian was called to the front and was asked to sing.
✧ and oh my gods.
✧ he sang in such an angelic manner, you were practically lifting from your seat.
✧ in one of the more romantic parts of the song, he looked over at you.
✧ your heart was beating so fast, and boom!
✧ little miss sunshine was crushing.
✧ well who’s surprised? you asked him out.
✧ poor alchemy boy was so flustered, you could use him to heat up your leftovers.
✧ “you owe me my money eugene.”
✧ obviously rapunzel and eugene betted over you two.
✧ for being the one asked out, he was way more nervous than you.
✧ “i’m sorry (nickname). i wanted this to be perfect for you.”
✧ “you’re perfect.”
✧ you know those hops raps does before kissing eugene at their wedding? you did that before kissing him that night.
✧ from then on, he started calling you nicknames like, sunshine, or darling!
✧ you liked calling him sweetie, or bub!
✧ you’d flirt alot with him, despite dating, and had many pick-up lines up your sleeve.
✧ you’d get caught off guard whenever he’d flirt back, because HE’S ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD AT FLIRTING.
✧ you guys acted like how you were as best friends to be honest! just much more touchy.
✧ speaking of which!
✧ varian’s love language is acts of service and words of affirmation.
✧ yours was more of physical touch and quality time!
✧ and even dating, he gets stiff whenever you’d kiss him or get touchy.
✧ you find it funny.
✧ good ‘ol nonchalant x sunshine.
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marshmallowdarling · 2 years
Hi, I saw that you had open requests and I wanted to ask a Yan! Batfam HC:
How would a platonic Yandere! Batfam react to a foster sister who, well, doesn't grow very tall?
All the family memebers of the Batfam are, to least to say, giants. Even the shortes one is quite tall than the avarage height. (All of them, except the child version of Damian, are between 5'5 and 6'2 feet tall. )
But what would happen if his adopted little sister, who eats well, lives a healthy life, has no signs of illness and so on, becomes short in height? She is simply no taller than 5 feet and that's it. All of them grew up well! why you were the exception?
Would they worry that their little sister wouldn't grow up no matter how hard they tried, or would they be happy to have a "pocket edition" little sister?
Thank you so much for requesting Bub and I hope you like it!! I'm so sorry it took so long, I started writing this immediately but I felt like it was too short and I just said fuck it today and wanted to post no matter how short (thought I added a bit more) Also I turned this into GN reader because in the end there was only like two things indicating (Y/N)'s gender and I wanted to appeal to everyone, I'm so sorry if you strictly wanted female reader!! (tbh I wasn't reading it properly when I was editing this oop-)
And I hear what your saying!!! What an amazing idea to imagine,
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I don’t want to keep the height strictly 5 foot just for the x reader element, I never want to force one body type into my writings (except for chubby) just because I want everyone to feel included and one body’s deformed shortness will be different to another. 
But yes!! 
I head canon that all the bat-boys have little snacks that they keep, some not as nutritional as others, but they all end up having more healthy snacks on them because of little ol’ you.
Sandwiches with whatever spread you like, more perishable sandwiches are only brought at short distances not missions (if so, they are bought fresh), cut up fruit, fruit snacks, the jelly beans you find at pharmacies with the red and white cross on the bag, bottles of water and little cartons of juice of whatever flavour you might prefer that day (trust me, Alfred always somehow knows what flavour you’re going to like that day). 
I feel like they would all worry about your short height to an extent, Bruce being the worry wart, constantly getting you checked out every two weeks, making sure you take vitamin gummies (because let’s face it, they’re better than pills and I will NOT take pills).
Second to ol’ Brucey is Jason, he died- and he probably freaks the FUCK out when you keep growing but you don’t show any signs of getting taller. At first, he keeps assuring himself that you’ll grow.
“They’re just a late bloomer”
“May- Maybe Their just short!” 
“Why arn’t they growin- Oh my god is (Y/N) dying?! I told that old man to kidnap them earlier!” 
Oh, Jason definitely watches you when you sleep (like the rest of them) and furrows his brows, trying to figure out an answer to why you’re so small.
The rest of them do have lingering thoughts but they can see Bruce dragging you to the doctors every other week and they make sure your on top of your meals and medicine so they don’t really outwardly do anything else. Tim definitely does poke at your height as a joke, but it does help his delusion of you needing him, like the rest of the fam. All of the boys definately try to 'secretly" show of their strength around you so you rely on them more, though you figured this out quickly and it's somewhat amusing to see them show off their muscles like a peacock.
If you do feel bad about how you look the rest of them will shoot Tim down immediately and praise you up and down. Some of the other more silent boys might do this in a more discreet way but rest be assured your getting the floor you walk on kissed. They might even let you have very light work outs! (Without any equipment) though it usually turns into you sitting on their backs to help them with their push ups or holding their feet so they can send you a compliment or tease as they come up from a sit up.
Foster! Reader is fed a lot- Full plates at every meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner is ate and there is a strict ‘NO SKIPPING’ policy. Even if it’s just a few bites, even just one, your ass better eat and after a fit from you because you watched your siblings skip their meals without any harassment or scolding, the rest of the family now has the same rule as you (much to Bruce’s chagrin after trying to make his kids have a normal eating schedule since forever.) 
Overall they would just be a bit more strict with eating rules and making sure you feel good in your body, but other than that mostly the same.
Aww your just a little thing, you wouldnt survive in the real world cub. Hu? What do you mean "the doctor says I'm healthy and fit?", you might be but your still oh so small and you need your family to protect you! Can't you see how weak you are compared to our big beefy bodies? You don't have to worry your cute little head about it though! Your boys will always be here to take care of you.
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humunanunga · 1 year
So I looked it up, because of course the Holmes books aren't alone to enter the public domain this year, and Metropolis has too. So here's the list I found of creative works that are now public domain:
— The Gangs of New York, by Herbert Asbury (original publication)
— Death Comes for the Archbishop, by Willa Cather
— The Big Four, by Agatha Christie
— The Tower Treasure, the first Hardy Boys mystery by the pseudonymous Franklin W. Dixon
— The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle
— Copper Sun, by Countee Cullen
— Mosquitoes, by William Faulkner
— Men Without Women, by Ernest Hemingway
— Der Steppenwolf, by Herman Hesse (in German)
— Amerika, by Franz Kafka (in German)
— Now We Are Six, by A.A. Milne with illustrations from E.H. Shepard
— Le Temps retrouvé, by Marcel Proust (in French)
— Twilight Sleep, by Edith Wharton
— The Bridge of San Luis Rey, by Thornton Wilder
— To The Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf
— "7th Heaven," directed by Frank Borzage
— "The Battle of the Century," a Laurel and Hardy film directed by Clyde Bruckman
— "The Kid Brother," directed by Ted Wilde
— "The Jazz Singer," directed by Alan Crosland
— "The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog," directed by Alfred Hitchcock
— "Metropolis," directed by Fritz Lang
— "Sunrise," directed by F.W. Murnau
— "Upstream," directed by John Ford
— "Wings," directed by William A. Wellman
Musical compositions
— "Back Water Blues," "Preaching the Blues" and "Foolish Man Blues" (Bessie Smith)
— "The Best Things in Life Are Free," from the musical "Good News" (George Gard "Buddy" De Sylva, Lew Brown, Ray Henderson)
— "Billy Goat Stomp," "Hyena Stomp" and "Jungle Blues" (Ferdinand Joseph Morton)
— "Black and Tan Fantasy" and "East St. Louis Toodle-O" (Bub Miley, Duke Ellington)
— "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man" and "Ol' Man River," from the musical "Show Boat" (Oscar Hammerstein II, Jerome Kern)
— "Diane" (Erno Rapee, Lew Pollack)
— "Funny Face" and "'S Wonderful," from the musical "Funny Face" (Ira and George Gershwin)
— "(I Scream You Scream, We All Scream for) Ice Cream" (Howard Johnson, Billy Moll, Robert A. King)
— "Mississippi Mud" (Harry Barris, James Cavanaugh)
— "My Blue Heaven" (George Whiting, Walter Donaldson)
— "Potato Head Blues" and "Gully Low Blues" (Louis Armstrong)
— "Puttin' on the Ritz" (Irving Berlin)
— "Rusty Pail Blues," "Sloppy Water Blues" and "Soothin' Syrup Stomp" (Thomas Waller)
Source: https://www.voanews.com/a/public-domain-debuts-include-last-sherlock-holmes-work-/6898309.html
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Tesla's Dieselgate
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Elon Musk lies a lot. He lies about being a “utopian socialist.” He lies about being a “free speech absolutist.” He lies about which companies he founded:
https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-cofounder-martin-eberhard-interview-history-elon-musk-ev-market-2023-2 He lies about being the “chief engineer” of those companies:
He lies about really stupid stuff, like claiming that comsats that share the same spectrum will deliver steady broadband speeds as they add more users who each get a narrower slice of that spectrum:
The fundamental laws of physics don’t care about this bullshit, but people do. The comsat lie convinced a bunch of people that pulling fiber to all our homes is literally impossible — as though the electrical and phone lines that come to our homes now were installed by an ancient, lost civilization. Pulling new cabling isn’t a mysterious art, like embalming pharaohs. We do it all the time. One of the poorest places in America installed universal fiber with a mule named “Ole Bub”:
Previous tech barons had “reality distortion fields,” but Musk just blithely contradicts himself and pretends he isn’t doing so, like a budget Steve Jobs. There’s an entire site devoted to cataloging Musk’s public lies:
But while Musk lacks the charm of earlier Silicon Valley grifters, he’s much better than they ever were at running a long con. For years, he’s been promising “full self driving…next year.”
He’s hasn’t delivered, but he keeps claiming he has, making Teslas some of the deadliest cars on the road:
Tesla is a giant shell-game masquerading as a car company. The important thing about Tesla isn’t its cars, it’s Tesla’s business arrangement, the Tesla-Financial Complex:
Once you start unpacking Tesla’s balance sheets, you start to realize how much the company depends on government subsidies and tax-breaks, combined with selling carbon credits that make huge, planet-destroying SUVs possible, under the pretense that this is somehow good for the environment:
But even with all those financial shenanigans, Tesla’s got an absurdly high valuation, soaring at times to 1600x its profitability:
That valuation represents a bet on Tesla’s ability to extract ever-higher rents from its customers. Take Tesla’s batteries: you pay for the battery when you buy your car, but you don’t own that battery. You have to rent the right to use its full capacity, with Tesla reserving the right to reduce how far you go on a charge based on your willingness to pay:
That’s just one of the many rent-a-features that Tesla drivers have to shell out for. You don’t own your car at all: when you sell it as a used vehicle, Tesla strips out these features you paid for and makes the next driver pay again, reducing the value of your used car and transfering it to Tesla’s shareholders:
To maintain this rent-extraction racket, Tesla uses DRM that makes it a felony to alter your own car’s software without Tesla’s permission. This is the root of all autoenshittification:
This is technofeudalism. Whereas capitalists seek profits (income from selling things), feudalists seek rents (income from owning the things other people use). If Telsa were a capitalist enterprise, then entrepreneurs could enter the market and sell mods that let you unlock the functionality in your own car:
But because Tesla is a feudal enterprise, capitalists must first secure permission from the fief, Elon Musk, who decides which companies are allowed to compete with him, and how.
Once a company owns the right to decide which software you can run, there’s no limit to the ways it can extract rent from you. Blocking you from changing your device’s software lets a company run overt scams on you. For example, they can block you from getting your car independently repaired with third-party parts.
But they can also screw you in sneaky ways. Once a device has DRM on it, Section 1201 of the DMCA makes it a felony to bypass that DRM, even for legitimate purposes. That means that your DRM-locked device can spy on you, and because no one is allowed to explore how that surveillance works, the manufacturer can be incredibly sloppy with all the personal info they gather:
All kinds of hidden anti-features can lurk in your DRM-locked car, protected from discovery, analysis and criticism by the illegality of bypassing the DRM. For example, Teslas have a hidden feature that lets them lock out their owners and summon a repo man to drive them away if you have a dispute about a late payment:
DRM is a gun on the mantlepiece in Act I, and by Act III, it goes off, revealing some kind of ugly and often dangerous scam. Remember Dieselgate? Volkswagen created a line of demon-haunted cars: if they thought they were being scrutinized (by regulators measuring their emissions), they switched into a mode that traded performance for low emissions. But when they believed themselves to be unobserved, they reversed this, emitting deadly levels of NOX but delivering superior mileage.
The conversion of the VW diesel fleet into mobile gas-chambers wouldn’t have been possible without DRM. DRM adds a layer of serious criminal jeopardy to anyone attempting to reverse-engineer and study any device, from a phone to a car. DRM let Apple claim to be a champion of its users’ privacy even as it spied on them from asshole to appetite:
Now, Tesla is having its own Dieselgate scandal. A stunning investigation by Steve Stecklow and Norihiko Shirouzu for Reuters reveals how Tesla was able to create its own demon-haunted car, which systematically deceived drivers about its driving range, and the increasingly desperate measures the company turned to as customers discovered the ruse:
The root of the deception is very simple: Tesla mis-sells its cars by falsely claiming ranges that those cars can’t attain. Every person who ever bought a Tesla was defrauded.
But this fraud would be easy to detect. If you bought a Tesla rated for 353 miles on a charge, but the dashboard range predictor told you that your fully charged car could only go 150 miles, you’d immediately figure something was up. So your Telsa tells another lie: the range predictor tells you that you can go 353 miles.
But again, if the car continued to tell you it has 203 miles of range when it was about to run out of charge, you’d figure something was up pretty quick — like, the first time your car ran out of battery while the dashboard cheerily informed you that you had 203 miles of range left.
So Teslas tell a third lie: when the battery charge reached about 50%, the fake range is replaced with the real one. That way, drivers aren’t getting mass-stranded by the roadside, and the scam can continue.
But there’s a new problem: drivers whose cars are rated for 353 miles but can’t go anything like that far on a full charge naturally assume that something is wrong with their cars, so they start calling Tesla service and asking to have the car checked over.
This creates a problem for Tesla: those service calls can cost the company $1,000, and of course, there’s nothing wrong with the car. It’s performing exactly as designed. So Tesla created its boldest fraud yet: a boiler-room full of anti-salespeople charged with convincing people that their cars weren’t broken.
This new unit — the “diversion team” — was headquartered in a Nevada satellite office, which was equipped with a metal xylophone that would be rung in triumph every time a Tesla owner was successfully conned into thinking that their car wasn’t defrauding them.
When a Tesla owner called this boiler room, the diverter would run remote diagnostics on their car, then pronounce it fine, and chide the driver for having energy-hungry driving habits (shades of Steve Jobs’s “You’re holding it wrong”):
The drivers who called the Diversion Team weren’t just lied to, they were also punished. The Tesla app was silently altered so that anyone who filed a complaint about their car’s range was no longer able to book a service appointment for any reason. If their car malfunctioned, they’d have to request a callback, which could take several days.
Meanwhile, the diverters on the diversion team were instructed not to inform drivers if the remote diagnostics they performed detected any other defects in the cars.
The diversion team had a 750 complaint/week quota: to juke this stat, diverters would close the case for any driver who failed to answer the phone when they were eventually called back. The center received 2,000+ calls every week. Diverters were ordered to keep calls to five minutes or less.
Eventually, diverters were ordered to cease performing any remote diagnostics on drivers’ cars: a source told Reuters that “Thousands of customers were told there is nothing wrong with their car” without any diagnostics being performed.
Predicting EV range is an inexact science as many factors can affect battery life, notably whether a journey is uphill or downhill. Every EV automaker has to come up with a figure that represents some kind of best guess under a mix of conditions. But while other manufacturers err on the side of caution, Tesla has the most inaccurate mileage estimates in the industry, double the industry average.
Other countries’ regulators have taken note. In Korea, Tesla was fined millions and Elon Musk was personally required to state that he had deceived Tesla buyers. The Korean regulator found that the true range of Teslas under normal winter conditions was less than half of the claimed range.
Now, many companies have been run by malignant narcissists who lied compulsively — think of Thomas Edison, archnemesis of Nikola Tesla himself. The difference here isn’t merely that Musk is a deeply unfit monster of a human being — but rather, that DRM allows him to defraud his customers behind a state-enforced opaque veil. The digital computers at the heart of a Tesla aren’t just demons haunting the car, changing its performance based on whether it believes it is being observed — they also allow Musk to invoke the power of the US government to felonize anyone who tries to peer into the black box where he commits his frauds.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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This Sunday (July 30) at 1530h, I’m appearing on a panel at Midsummer Scream in Long Beach, CA, to discuss the wonderful, award-winning “Ghost Post” Haunted Mansion project I worked on for Disney Imagineering.
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Image ID [A scene out of an 11th century tome on demon-summoning called 'Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros. Anno 1057. Noli me tangere.' It depicts a demon tormenting two unlucky would-be demon-summoners who have dug up a grave in a graveyard. One summoner is held aloft by his hair, screaming; the other screams from inside the grave he is digging up. The scene has been altered to remove the demon's prominent, urinating penis, to add in a Tesla supercharger, and a red Tesla Model S nosing into the scene.]
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Image: Steve Jurvetson (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tesla_Model_S_Indoors.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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f10werfae · 1 year
My Little Peach
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Short!Reader
summary: Chris Evans bringing his short sized girlfriend! Reader to the park for their date. They are having lots of fun and Chris is in the "mood". Pantie vibrator, ass touching, pussy clenching and naughty whispers (requested by anon) (smut)
Disclaimer: This story is fiction and should not be taken literally, the behaviour is simply imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
Requests are open/ Chris Evans Masterlist, full masterlist, taglist form💌
“Baby dont’cha look all pretty” Chris cooed standing by the door frame of their bedroom, his eyes stuck on his girlfriends behind, which was dressed in the prettiest red lace to offer. “I love it bub, thank you so much” She smiled skipping over, practically naked in only the red underwear, pressing what she thought was an innocent enough, sloppy wet kiss onto her man’s lips.
“Hmm is it comfortable for your pussy?” He asked sneaking his fingers around the thin waistband to tug her closer, her breath hitching when she felt the fabric press up against her sensitive clit. “Chris! Stop being so vulgar” She gasped smacking his chest lightly, walking back over to the bed to pull on her leggings and burnt orange jumper, which was actually Chris’
“M'sorry honey, ya know I jus can’t resist you, jus so gorgeous” He chuckled keeping his bottom lip held by his teeth, holding out his hand for her to hold, and when she did oh did he feel a burst of dominance. His little peach was what she went by to him, that was even her name on his phone till this day. All sweet and juicy just for him, despite not being as tall as the other girls around her, Y/n was definitely a bubbly fierce one.
“C’mon peach, let’s get this forest trail done before it gets dark” He breathed out as they both slipped on their walking shoes, and started their journey down the street. With his hand softly rubbing over her knuckles, he couldn’t help but smile at the way she hummed at every step, nothing could ever ruin her mood. A lovely ball of fire.
“I’m so gonna take a well needed bubble bath when I get home, might even slip in a muscle soak” Y/n spoke out, turning her head towards her boyfriend, his eyes already on her and his lips may as well have been permanently etched into a smile. “Is there not a ‘we’ in that sentence my love? Can your big ‘ol man not join you?”
“I-I mean of course you can, I jus didn’t know whether you’d want to, with your game being on and stuff” Y/n stuttered out, her face starting to feel that tiny bit warmer. “Ya kiddin? Why would I miss out on some one on one time with this piece of ass?” Chris growled, letting go of her hand for a mere second to deliver a loud smack onto her ass
“Chris, behave! What if someone sees us-“
Walking onto the deserted forest trail, Chris smirked as he pressed the red button on the tiny remote hidden in his sweatpants pocket. Feeling his cock start to twitch when he felt his girl’s smaller hand clutch onto his tighter, her legs clenched tightly together almost making her look like bambi on ice.
“C-Chris what’s going on, w-why -oh fuck- why are my panties vibrating” Her free hand went to cover her crotch, her head turning to check if anyone had come onto the trail as well, which was stupid Chris thought. No one came onto this trail anymore, not with the new one being set up a few miles away.
“Oh baby maybe it’s just your imagination, here lemme check for you” Chris took his larger hand, swatting away hers and cupped her throbbing pussy in his hand. Y/n’s hands had now gripped onto Chris' biceps,
“I dunno peach, it seems to feel alright down here, why don’t you tell your man what’s wrong?” He taunted mockingly, watching Y/n’s eyes shimmer with built up tears due to the continuous vibrations abusing her cunt.
“I-it tingles Chrissy, fuck me, fuck I need to take these off” She grunted losing all sense of formality, stumbling to hide behind a massive tree and clawing to take off her leggings.
“Nuh-uh baby, we haven’t even gotten halfway through the trail yet? C’mon you can make it halfway for me can’t you?” Holding her hands away from her crotch firmly, he started tugging her poor self along the trail, watching her having to stop every few seconds as her clit brushed against the vibrations directly.
“C-Chris I really can’t, oh no, I-m gonna c-cum, oh shit oh fuck-“ Within seconds Chris had to hold her up fully, her hips grinding into the air erotically as she rode out her high as best as she could. “Baby you’re so fuckin naughty, be honest, did you soak the new panties I got ya?”
“M’s-sorry I couldn’t hold it” She whimpered looking down to see the massive wet spot on her purple leggings. Hunkering down on his legs, Chris brought his nose directly to her clothed pussy and inhaled deeply,
“Did my little peach make herself cum? Look she’s soaking wet honey. Smells amazing babe” Chris taunted probing her now very prominent pussy lips with his index finger, Y/n’s hands holding onto his shoulder for as much support as possible.
Bringing her up against a tree, Chris pulled down her leggings to her ankles, the vibrating panties moving as if it had a life of its own, before Chris pulled that down too.
“Aww babe, look at her coming out to play today, musta missed me too huh?” Placing a kiss onto her swollen clit, Chris licked a stripe up her slippery slit, remnants of her cum decorating her skin.
“Please baby, I need it so bad” Y/n moaned throwing her head back against the tree, feeling Chris practically make out with her pussy, his tongue darting in and out, all over her cunt. Before settling his lips on her clit and sucking on it crazily, a hum coming from his body imitated the vibrations of the panties he had strategically gifted her.
“Fuck you eat my pussy so good baby, need you to fuck me so bad”
“What if someone sees us Y/n, what then?”
“I don’t care, let them watch” She grunted starting to grind her pussy against Chris' face, one of her legs now thrown over his shoulder as she humped him. The gruff from his beard now itching her tingling pussy in the best way possible. “Chris i’m gonna cum all over your fucking face baby, gonna make you all wet, n’ I want you to look at me while I do it”
Y/n moaned out, holding onto the sides of Chris’ face as his big dark blue orbs made contact with her half lidded eyes, his eyes clutching closed when he felt her hole clench around his tongue, his tastebuds being coated by her sweetness.
“You’re so dirty baby, bet you’d want someone to watch me fuck your tight little pussy wouldn’t ya?” He groaned standing up right to smash his lips onto hers, his hands cupping her face tightly, as he felt her lick her own cum off his face; then her tongue ventured in to meet his. Sucking on his tongue passionately, letting her saliva slowly drip into his mouth filthily, God was he in love with her.
“Spit in my fuckin’ mouth” Chris groaned with his tongue sat out, watching as she smirked before doing as he said. Her eyes watching on as he pulled up her jumper over her head rapidly before spitting onto her tits. Her hardened nipples wet with a mix of their spit, his tongue going down to toy with her nipples.
“Come on baby, let him out to play” Y/n moaned reaching her hand down Chris’ sweatpants to fist his hardened thick cock, swiping her finger over the tip to wipe the precum all over it. Lifting her hand out to suck the liquid accumulated onto her thumb.
“You’re gonna get it baby” Chris pulled down his sweatpants to his ankles, his hands going onto Y/n’s waist before lifting her up to straddle his hips, his tip poking at her swollen cunt. Y/n reached her hand down and guided his cock into her soft wet cavern, wrapping her arms around his neck and shoulders as he basically hugged her to his chest.
Bouncing slowly up and down on his feet Chris watched his woman’s face turn into one of pure ecstasy, her mouth wide open with her eyes threatening to shut.
“You make me so wet Chris oh my- Yes hit that fucking spot, I love you so much” She cried out, trying to make herself bounce even faster if that was even possible.
“Fuck look at your titties peach, bouncing up and down for me, c’mon ma feed me, feed your daddy”
Chris moaned feeling his balls slap against her ass for the hundredth time that minute, waiting as she hoisted herself up that much higher to guide her left breast into his mouth. Listening as he slobbered and moaned all over it like some sort of wild animal.
“I’m gonna drain your balls baby, leave nothin, keepin it all for my sweet pussy” She smirked levelling back down for her lips to meet his cheek and lips,
“All yours baby, all yours n ‘ no one else’s ya hear me? Gonna fuck you stupid and keep you all to myself too”
“No complaints here bubby” Y/n whimpered feeling that same knot start to build up at the pit of her stomach, alongside Chris’ thrusts starting to get more irregular and deeper, meaning he was also close.
“I love you so so much Y/n, you don’t understand, fuck you were made for me n my cock” He groaned kissing up her neck and chin,
“Kiss me while you make you cum in my pussy, make me yours. All yours”
For the first time during this session, Chris and Y/n kissed each other softly, his lips gently tugging on hers with need. Her whimpers being swallowed by him and vice versa, his grip on her ass not letting off as his fingers gently probed at her tight ass just to tease her that bit more.
With his tongue tangling with hers passionately, Y/n couldn’t help but feel extremely vulnerable and emotional, this was them purely making love out in nature. Sure it was a bit weird in terms of setting, but she was with the man she loved, exploring each other’s bodies as if they haven’t already memorised them.
“I’m gonna cum inside you baby, that okay?” Chris asked detaching his lips from hers for a few seconds, before her lips captured his once again as she let out a “mhm” nodding her head frantically.
“Thank you baby” He whispered against her lips as he kissed her again and again as he emptied his balls into her, feeling her thighs relax in his hold as her pussy twitched and throbbed from its simultaneous release. Their hips slowly rocking together romantically as Y/n kissed all over his face and brushed his hair back away from his face, to see him in all his glory.
Chris on the other hand, felt himself blush looking at his precious girlfriend, his peach. Her face shimmered with sweat but that only made her that more beautiful, he even had to fight his thoughts just so he wouldn’t get hard again while still inside her warm pussy.
“Ya happy honey?” Chris asked leaning back against the tub, watching his girl adjust the temperature to the way she wanted.
“Are you kidding? I got the shit fucked outta me and I got my bubble bath, i’m living the dream baby” Y/n leaned back onto his chest, letting his arms encircle her waist as he softly massaged her hips, a major hot fuck session was not necessarily easy.
“Now are you happy, Mr Evans?” Y/n asked turning her body halfway around to look at him, his eyes trailing over her face become pecking her softly,
“Oh you don’t even know baby, you don’t even know”
Taglist tags (Form is up there^^): @patzammit @pandaxnienke @ninasw0rld @emvebee @mischiefsemimanaged @feltonswifesworld87 @bookfrog242 @alina02 @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @evanstanwhore @cevansgurl @marvelgurl @chrisevansdaughter @chrisevansangel @royalwriteroftheuniverse @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @taramaria @mirikusashes @mysticfalls01 @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @bxdbxtxh15 @madebylilly @mdpplgtz03 @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @thereisa8ella @bval-1 @diyabhanushali1 @angelmather1 @annajustwrites @lastwandastan @ravenhood2792 @fdl305 @bluebellsn @alexxavicry @roofwitty779 @aerangi @s-void @oliviah-25 @nikkitc0703 @meetmeatyourworst @girl-of-multi-fandoms @imboredat2am @mansaaay @adoreyouusugar @caps-shield1918 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @tinyelfperson @mrspeacem1nusone @tojisbabymomma
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[A sudden change in weather leaves Dew feeling ill.] Below the cut.
It starts with a general feeling of malaise, something Dew could easily blame on the weather; There’s a storm brewing above the abbey, but the dense clouds have yet to burst, leaving the air charged and... 
He feels sluggish, like someone has tied weights to his... everything.
His joints are stiff, and he feels cold.
Colder than he’s felt in a long time, but the others are starting to look at him funny the more blankets he pulls from the basket beside the couch where he’s been sitting practically since he woke up that very morning.
He glares back at them, shivering, ready to snap with the headache building behind his eyes, but he doesn’t have the energy to get up, let alone yell.
Aether finally stands up and presses the back of his hand to his forehead when he goes for a fifth layer, tutting under his breath before asking one of the others to grab the thermometer from the bathroom.
Dew narrows his eyes at him, but doesn’t put up a fuss when Cumulus returns and holds it in front of his face.
With a huff, Dew opens his mouth and lets her stick the device under his tongue.
Now, it’s normal for Dew to run a little hot, he is a fire ghoul after all, but from the looks on his friends’ faces when the thermometer beeps, he is, perhaps, a bit too hot even for him.
He doesn’t hear the exact number, too busy tunneling back under the blankets, rolling over to face the back of the couch, but before he can settle in, he feels arms sliding underneath his frame and pulling him up.
He wriggles awkwardly and manages to poke his head free of the blankets, only to make eye contact with Swiss, who’s cradling him against his chest and shoulder.
Dew makes an agitated, croaky noise at him and hisses.
“You stop that.” the multi ghoul chastises, smacking his butt through the blankets, making a dull “thwap” sound, “You need a nap.”
His tail swishes irritably.
“You need a nap.” he mocks, grumbling as Swiss bounces him slightly, trying to get a better grip on his body.
“You’re full of a lot of piss and vinegar for someone who’s basically swaddled up like a big ol’ baby.” Swiss sighs, patting his back.
“I wouldn’t have to be if it weren’t so damned cold in here!” Dew whines, admittedly feeling a bit better now that Swiss is actively soothing him.
Dew groans.
“You’re sweating like crazy, you know that, right?” Swiss asks, “It can’t be comfortable being wrapped up like this.”
Dew buries his face in Swiss’ shoulder, mumbling to himself.
“What’s that?”
“I said this is bullshit!” Dew practically shouts in Swiss’ ear, “I’m a fire ghoul! I’m not supposed to get fevers- Call Satan, I wanna have words-”
Swiss snorts.
Fuckin’ snorts!
“It’s not fucking funny!”
Swiss resumes patting his back, “I know, I know, buddy... Just, it happens, people get sick.”
“Yes, even you.”
“I don’t want to be sick.” Dew grumbles, “It’s stupid human bullshit.”
“Spoiler alert bubs, your body is a stupid human body.” Swiss says, “You might be an ultra cool ghoul, but your vessel can still get sick.”
Dew groans again, propping his chin up on Swiss’ shoulder, locking eyes with Aether.
“You can fix this shit, right?” he asks, and Aether gives him a small smile, but shakes his head.
“I can ease the symptoms a bit, but if I can’t ‘fix’ being sick, Dew.” Aether explains, “I could make you some soup though? You want some soup?”
Dew considers this for a moment.
“...Can I have those fish crackers with my soup?”
“Of course.”
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nebulaicnova · 3 months
star rail headcanons!! (pt. 1)
SFW, mostly fluff. minor angst. it's just bullet points so um
Starting with just the Astral Express!
(once again ty for reading <3)
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Very touchy, but in super subtle ways.
She’ll never outright make out with her s/o in public or anything like that, but her hand is always grazing over their hand, or resting on their leg.
Her and Kafka have an “enemies with benefits” relationship.
Welt keeps having to remind her that engaging with one of the most wanted people in the universe is dangerous and she shouldn’t be doing that on the reg.
Himeko only really half listens.
Welt also reminds her that Kafka is literally a mass murderer.
Himeko always brings Kafka some coffee. Kafka hates coffee, but drinks it anyway.
Sometimes she and Kafka run into each other on different missions.
It’s always overdramatic.
They continue to act like it’s their first meeting, mostly so the Astral Express Trio doesn’t get suspicious.
They do get suspicious, considering they start flirting at every given opportunity.
She never really gets angry! It takes so much to actually make her have an outburst. And when she does…
Dan Heng and March have never seen her have a genuine outburst.
Welt has.
Welt is afraid.
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Thinks of literally everyone as his kids. Including Himeko.
Sometimes uses pet names for the Trio.
Calls Dan Heng pumpkin, March buttercup, and the Trailblazer either bubs or honey.
No one knows why.
He doesn’t know why.
Extremely warm. He’s easily the best hugger on the Express.
Being so wrapped up, plus the herrscher core makes him a walking oven. Similar to the Trailblazer.
His fingers are too big to text properly.
“Mr. Yang, we’re heading back to the Luofu.”
Loves when people buy him small trinkets or souvenirs.
His room is decorated with little dolls that March brings back, or different books Dan Heng brings.
With the Trailblazer on the express, he now has amassed a collection of funky keychains.
Tried to fit them all on his phone one time and the loop on his case broke.
Still misses the people from his original universe very much.
He feels a lot of nostalgia whenever he sees Seele from Jarlo VI.
Is actually the person that pushed Jarlo Seele into befriending Jarlo Bronya.
Had to keep himself away from Guinaifen because it hurt too much reminding him of Tesla.
Dan Heng
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He’s pretty scared of Blade.
He’s seen glimpses of him in nightmares.
And on the wanted posters.
Yeah, not really good memories to have.
Nearly shit himself the first time they re-met on the Luofu.
Masked it with slight aggression.
Welt and Himeko both have the general knowledge that he has nightmares on a nearly nightly basis.
He doesn’t like to talk about it.
Himeko will offer him some coffee and cookies.
Welt gives him hugs. Hugs for all.
Gets sick pretty often.
Like a little Victorian child.
Temperature too hot? Sick.
Temperature too cold? Sick.
He stuck next to the Trailblazer as much as he could on Jarlo VI to even it out.
Didn’t work. He got sick again.
Absolutely ADORES hugs.
He never outright shows it, but he is like the number one hug enjoyer.
He’ll always grumble about being shown physical affection, but never once has backed away from a hug.
Welt knows this. And always hugs him.
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Her and Dan Heng fight over who gets to hang out with the Trailblazer more.
(Neither of them take both for an answer.)
She usually wins.
Even though she doesn’t really ACT like it, she’s secretly super intelligent.
It all started when she realized how gloomy things on the Express got.
She started acting super cheery and cutesy and dumb to heighten the mood.
It worked! And then she found out she actually liked it.
She has an iron deficiency.
Most likely because the only meat she insists on eating are chicken tenders and chicken nuggets.
She cried one time because a restaurant was out of nuggets.
Plushie collector.
Has to get EVERY variety of plushie she can find on every planet.
She names them all, too. After the days she bought them.
Himeko sent the Trailblazer with her to try and tone it down. The Trailblazer also started collecting.
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morallyinept · 8 months
The Pit - An Ezra One Shot
^ Sound on 🔊
Summary: Ezra and you stumble into an ominous pit on a prospecting mission for coveted azure diamonds on the Narillan moon, and find more than you bargain for.
Pairing: Ezra x F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It’s you, bub.)
Word Count: 11.9k 👀 'Issa long one!
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️🌶️🌶️ “You tell me I’m doing well, and then, you try to kill me.”
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here
Explicit - DARK-ISH themes/kinks/smut. Possibly an attempt at macabre/gore type horror? Ezra being a roguish douche (but that’s why we love ‘im). Tentacles. Lots of tentacles. Sex/Unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!) Oral/insertion/pregnancy/birthing some weird stuff/alien life forms/interspecies intercourse/some mild dubcon/anal/slight hints of cannibalism, because at this point, why not? 🥴 And some other fucked up shit that my brain rot conjured up. Did I mention the abundance of tentacles?
Sci-Fi/Horror-esque. There’s some plot in there somewhere, I swear to Kevva.
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ. ☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
Author’s Note: Had this idea slithering around the ol’ noggin. Figured Ezra would be down because he’s fancy like that.
I am well aware that this won't be for everyone. If it's not for you, that's absolutely fine. Just quietly slip out. No need to make a fuss.
I'll have more Ezra that's coming soon, in different varieties/genres.
I'm pretty happy with the way Ezra talks in a manner befitting for him in this. I took my own advice. But I'll let you guys be the judge of that. Let me know if I captured him.
Enjoy! 🖤
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“... Blasted, shit-eating things, channel rats. Did I regale you with the time my crew and I were subject to an unfettered infestation?”
Ezra prattles on ahead of you, further up the caverns, the light from his helmet casting an eerie glow about the dark boulder formations.
As far out as he is ahead of you, stepping oafishly over a knuckle of rocks, his voice is sound and droning inside your ear and there is no way to drown him out. Unless you garrotte him, of course.
Now, there’s a thought.
“Yes,” you sigh wearily. “I’ve heard all about the fucking channel rats.” Clubbing him to death with a rock sure sounded like a mighty fine idea about now.
You’re blinded by a small, white light flickering into the back of your retinas when he stops and turns to look back at you.
“Irritation becomes you, Birdie.” Ezra observes with a breathy gruff. It sounds like the crash of the ocean on Lau inside your ear. "Still captivating though."
You're beyond irritated having had the misfortune of listening to him rabble non-stop on this Kevva forsaken journey into the back end of the universe’s rectum it feels like. One that you’re beginning to regret inherently.
“We’re lost, Ezra. We’ve been lost for hours now. I thought you said you knew-”
“-Know these caves like the back of my right paw, yes. That is what I confirmed.” He offers a crooked smile as he waves his stump at you as you catch up to him. "Well, that's not at all disconcerting now is it?" He teases as the place where his right hand should be is filled with an obvious emptiness.
He frowns when you fail to laugh. “I may have offered you a partial truth. But I'm fairly certain I can navigate us to the root of our coveted gain unscathed.” He adds.
“It’s a diminutive guarantee.” Ezra affirms with a serious face. “Although, if I’m to be completely notwithstanding, Narilla is a place I’ve not set foot on before myself. But I've conversed greatly with those who have.”
“Fucking great.” You gripe as you reach him.
Your hair sticks to your face with sweat inside your helmet and it irks you that you can’t simply wipe it away as it catches on your lip tiresomely.
Traipsing around this dank, humid cave system on the forgotten moon of Narilla, with the wily and grossly unpredictable prospector as your guide, is not exactly the mission you'd envisioned when he’d lured you in over strong stout on Puggart Bench of such a daunting, yet rewarding charge.
You’d sat bemused, a few tables away with your scuff booted feet up eavesdropping, as you nursed your own beer, at vicarious tales of skulduggery and betrayal - his own included.
His aquiline face was well known around these putrid parts. As much as you’d love to avoid a feculent swamp like this on The Pug, populated with unsavoury characters in their swarms, it was a necessary evil to hear of good places to prospect now they’d closed up the Bakhroma route for good.
Kevva knows that prospectors could pilfer and loot better than anyone in The Fringe, and your own talents attested to this. Ezra too, had garnered himself an erudite reputation, even if marred in deceit, and a small fortune to retire from past ills that haunted the creases around his sullen eyes.
But yet he was still greedy for more as he bewitched you with promises of riches that would weigh down your pockets despite the preposterousness of it all. Such is the nature of a prospector; their greed knows no bounds. Cannot be satiated. And he could certainly talk the alluring talk, that was for sure.
Something more had drawn you in though; something about his Southern loquacious snap in which he weaved the threads of the fable about his eventful escape from the green moon of Bahkroma; an arm lost to it as well as some semblance of sanity it appeared.
He spoke through glassy, dark eyes, wide with tenacity, sluiced with the oncoming inertia from the hops and grains, and his story pulled a crowd of fellow miners and prospectors keen to hear the anecdotes pouring from his foam drenched moustache, as ludicrous as they were.
Most dismissed it as the drunken ramblings of a mad man quacking into his drink; scarred by his time on the haunting moon and her secrets, and perhaps it did drive him crazy to some extent.
However, Ezra rambled on animatedly about plentiful azure diamonds to anyone that would listen that were hidden in the caves under the frozen surface of Narilla. His story was backed up by those who had heard their own quips. Someone who knew someone who had garnered the moon's wealth for themselves, it was all the same spiel.
Like the twinkle in his eye, you simply couldn’t resist the temptation of their siren call and offered yourself up to accompany him on the collection of such rare, precious gems - Kevva knows the fortune was needed on your part - when a scant few turned away unconvinced. Gems that would fetch much more than Aurelac on the black market anyhow.
Whilst some of the gnarly men expressed their keen interest, Ezra denied them, setting his deep eyes on you.
I require a right-hand… woman, Ezra had stated, looking you up and down with something else inside of his vortex gaze as he supped at the foam from his weighty glass.
He’d shooed away the other potential partners in favour of you and your shapely form that he drank in as much as the beer.
You’d discussed with him the terms and your share of the haul, insisted on absolutely no impropriety, (for which you fell short on later that evening) and here you both were now, docked and stationed on the frozen moon and wandering around the intestines of the caves listening to him harp on about everything and nothing, and all that was gassy air in between.
Your teeth ache from all the grinding.
“Can you attach a slurry? I'm irrevocably parched, pet.” Ezra asks you, panting a little. There's condensation frosting around the rim of his helmet and sweat beads glistening on his forehead.
"I'm not your pet."
"Merely a term of endearment. An otherwise befitting compliment may be too fruitful to assume your acceptance into anything more than acquaintance." He shrugs.
"You assume much." Sighing, you busy yourself with the idle task as you attach the pack to the back of his cargo belt and cap it into the feeding tube for him.
“Do you have any idea where we are?” You query, checking your chronometer and scanning the vast dark abyss that presents itself to you.
The green icons and symbols are blurring faintly through the invisible static, fading like emerald apparitions.
Back on the lander, the static interfered with everything as soon as you entered the atmosphere, and it only unnerved you that, if things should go awry, you would be out here by yourselves.
“Shouldn’t be much further ahead, I’d wager.” Ezra breathes around his straw inside his helmet. He licks his lips as he watches your scornful look tossed back at him. He simply offers you a knowing smirk.
“Lead the way,” you instruct with a knitted brow.
You follow him further into the breach of the dark; the strobes from your mutual head lamps making eerie patterns on the rock walls that claw and silently growl as they come to life like shadow puppets.
A while later Ezra stops dead in his tracks, raising his singular left hand. You hadn’t noticed he’d stopped; too occupied with convincing yourself that you weren’t seeing ominous things slithering around in the shadows.
You walk right into the back of him; your helmet bonking against the back of his. You utter some annoyed profanity that fuzzes into his ear piece.
“Kevva! What's that smell?” You question, wrinkling your nose as it seeps through your respirator. It smells like tar, coating the back of your throat in its thickness like amber tobacco as you inhale.
Ezra studies the wall beside him carefully, noticing the ominous sheen and runs his gloved hand through the goop that coats it.
“The stench emanates from this peculiar secretion.” He pries apart his velvet fingers and the sticky substance is stringy between the fibres. He lances you a look with keening eyes.
Your mind is flooded with skewbald images of your cunt slick beading over his lips, making them shine up at you as your thighs cushion either side of his head. Your groans, his lavacious grunts, batter around the back of your skull and leave broken contusions.
The shiny strings snapping on his gloves serve as a harsh reminder, which you're certain he's recalling in all it's sordid vividity too. Your pussy certainly is as it clenches involuntarily.
“Gross.” You declare as he tries to stifle a wolfish grin at your reaction.
“We push on, Birdie.” Ezra announces, wiping the slime down on the thigh of his olive flight suit.
“Stop calling me that.” You mutter, following behind.
“Well, you won’t tell me your name so I have to call you something.”
“No names.” You remind him.
“I recounted mine freely.”
“No names.” You confirm.
"Kevva's sake, you are stubborn as you are loathsome, woman." He mutters.
“That’s not what you said the other night." You smirk.
"I divulged a lot of soundbites that eve." Ezra can still hear the sounds you made around him, not put off by his apparent incapacitation. “As did you. But yet a mere name seems implausible.”
"Do you ever shut up?"
Ezra thought for a moment then smirked brazenly. "Only when a succulent quim takes throne on my face."
You roll your eyes. "Look, we get the diamonds, we leave and I don’t have to suffer your intolerable, repetitive anecdotes ever again. My name is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things." You growl, sucking your bottom lip into your teeth.
You can hear him chuckling away in your ear piece with a wheezy rasp. “Desperate to be rid of me already? I might flirt with the offended.”
“Pfft. You’ll get over it.” You mirth.
Although a shifty flush creeps insidiously into your already overheated cheeks, as uninvited images of him grunting as you sat on his hawkish face invade your mind like knives at a target board.
He could certainly put that mouth to good use. The thoughts your mind still conjures makes the inside of your helmet stifling.
The smell gets stronger as you meander closer to wherever the heck it is that Ezra is leading you into. A wider cavern opens itself up and you climb upon its slope exercising caution at his instruction to follow.
“One slip and the void will take you,” he warns with a simper rolling around his dry lips.
“Don’t tempt me,” you reply sardonically. You both step slowly and carefully along the ledge as the vertigo sways you towards its jaws. Steadying yourself, you push on behind him.
The tar-like smell intensifies when Ezra announces you’ve both arrived. Although you're hardly impressed - it's just another cavern like the million you’ve already hiked through to get here. You watch as he unclips his helmet spokes and the hiss of his respirator sounds snakelike inside your ear.
“Can we breathe down here?” You question warily at his flippancy.
“Assist me, would you?” He asks as he inhales through a toothy grin, nodding.
Once your own helmet is off, the subtle breeze of clean oxygen hits your face, cooling it. It's incredibly warm down here, considering the moon is in the midst of a deep freeze on the surface.
You watch as Ezra steps forward to another ledge and looks down. “There,” he points.
You step forward yourself and shine a light and are aghast at what you see.
A writhing mass of black, wet tentacles, twisting and undulating in an eerie dance. The glistening surface of each tentacle reflecting an otherworldly sheen, while they move with an unsettling fluidity.
Unfathomable thrumming spirals are spilling out around the pit below the ledge, moving in a coordinated, yet unpredictable manner, in various girths and lengths. Slick as they writhe against one another, pulsing like a singular heartbeat.
“What is that?” You mouth incredulously.
Upon closer inspection, faint iridescent patterns shimmer along the length of the tentacles, creating an illusion of ethereal beauty amidst the stark darkness, like they almost glow in places. The patterns shift and change as the tentacles move.
As the mass undulates gently, it seems to emit a low hum, barely audible, but one that can be felt deep within your chest, resonating with a haunting melody. It's a sound that stirs emotions buried in your subconscious, eliciting a mix of awe and wonder, tinged with an underlying sense of unease as you feel prickles shoot down your spine.
“Our entrance. Hmm. Bigger than I was infromed. No bother. We'll go through it.” Ezra pulls down the zipper of his flight suit and begins shaking it off of his only arm clumsily.
“Wait, what? Through it? What the fuck is it?!” You query, wide-eyed.
The enigmatic display of black, wet tentacles in this mysterious mass is a surreal and haunting sight, one that leaves you captivated by its beauty, while your rational mind reminds you of the depths of the unknown that lie within.
All you can envision is teeth. Sharp, piercing teeth.
“Take your suit off, pet.” He instructs calmly.
“Ezra.” You shake your head concerned.
He rolls his suit over his stump and down to his thermals. “It protects the diamonds. We need to go through it. We’ll pass right through, out to the bottom when they see we're not a threat to them. No harm done.”
“Are you fucking insane?”
“That's yet to be determined officially.” Ezra responds nonchalantly. “Although, I’ve been reassured that this is-”
“Wait, you’re basing this off of hearsay? How do you know that thing won’t fucking eat us?” You're sweating again.
Ezra rolls his suit down to his ankles and begins pulling at the lace of his worn boot. “I don’t.” He simply retorts.
“No.” You shake your head adamantly. “You can go and die if you want. I’ll wait here.” You’d encountered many odd alien-like entities in your time prospecting, but this? This is something else entirely.
You peer carefully over the ledge, seemingly unable to look away at the mass of tentacles that are free of suckers. They're just smooth and slick in their perfection. Lost in the horrific beauty and mystique of the scene, you feel a magnetic pull, as if the mass of tentacles beckons you to join its dance.
A part of you yearns to step closer, to unravel the secrets it holds, and yet another part hesitates, fearing the unknown consequences of such a connection. In the midst of this ghastly display, a heavy feeling of dread envelops you, like an invisible hand tightening around your heart that crushes.
“Nu-uh, Birdie." Ezra warns, darkly. "We go together as agreed upon in our oath. You need to play your part and help me to retrieve the diamonds. Can’t embark on this without you, given my infernal impediment.” Ezra turns to look at you with those muddy eyes, and it's beguiling as it is dangerous.
You stare down at the pit unmoving.
"No harm will come to you under my watch." He reassures, but it fails.
"Don't make promises you can't keep."
He simply offers you a small smile. "Can but wait, Birdie. Let's get a leg on."
“I must be fucking insane…” You mutter, shaking your head. Sighing, you take off your own suit and strip down to your undergarments.
“Good girl,” you hear him say.
You catch Ezra glancing at your bare legs as you're dressed in nothing short of flimsy shorts and a thin camisole that barely covers your modesty under your thermals.
His own undergarments are a frayed t-shirt and some fusty long johns that sit awkwardly under the small paunch of his soft belly.
But he seems to pull them off as your own eyes sway towards the memory of his body on the fraying futon as it writhed and shuddered whilst you sucked down the swell of his cock, back in his dingy bunk apartment nestled in the Noki District on The Pug.
For a man of his advancing years, you think him to be attractive in a roguish kind of way; a scummy diamond in the rough. Scummy enough to have let him eat you out, anyway.
Breathing calmly - or at least trying to - you sit beside him on the edge of the pit staring down at the glistening appendages that swam in a hypnotic pulse against one another.
The sounds of their wet slick can be heard as they slide and pass over one another in heaving waves; a wet shine evident on their alien corium that glimmers at you.
You’re not sure why you're doing it, but you reach forward instinctively and feel the skin of one as you run your palm over it gently, awed by the sensation that leaves prickles flooding down your spinal cord.
The electricity creeps up each nodule and into the bottom of your neck. It feels comforting, soothing as the previous hesitation you felt is washed away in a calming opacity that soon melts your eyelids shut.
The tentacle arches up into your palm, bumping it benignly as its secretions coat your skin with a cooling, thin substance that feels miry as it greets you.
As you attempt to retreat, the allure of the scene grips you, holding you in a trance-like state, unable to tear your eyes away from the eldritch horror that unfolds before you. It's as if the entity, sensing your fear, seeks to draw you deeper into its realm, to become a part of its ancient enigma. To whisper it's secrets in your ear.
The luminescence now reveals disturbing images etched into the tentacles' surface - visions of cosmic terrors, nightmarish landscapes, and grotesque creatures. Each tentacle seems to bear the collective knowledge of the horrors of the universe, driving you to the edges of precarious sanity.
A cacophony of unnerving sounds emanates from the mass - the raspy whispers, unnerving wails, and an ominous heartbeat that seems to reverberate through your own veins. The dread within you intensifies, and an overwhelming feeling of claustrophobia engulfs you as it reaches its zenith; as if the darkness itself is closing in on you, and it has snapping jaws.
“Birdie,” you can hear Ezra bleed into your ominous tranquillity, but he sounds so far away. Like his voice is at the bottom of a metal wire, sounding tinny and ruptured.
The sudden panic in his voice shakes your foundations leaving you unsteady. But it's not him making you sway as you open your eyes to see yourself falling, face first.
You’re tethered by the tentacles wrapping around your ankles and wrists and pulling you forward into the mass of them.
“Ezra!” You gasp trying to repel them as they reach for you, but the combined strength of the slithering organs is undeniable.
You're both immobilised as you're dragged down into the pit. Ezra disappears first; the whites of his wide eyes are the last thing you see before you're blinded by the black.
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The stickiness coats your face, your eyelids. It slicks through your hair; a clear, thin mucus that smells like musky, rich leather and allows you to move freely through the tentacles as you descend further.
"Birdie!" You hear Ezra call out to you and you call back frantically. "Just relax, it will pass you right through."
"Relax?!" You splutter when you feel the prevalent tightening around your waist. It's too tight as it starts to bind and crush against your pelvis.
"Trust me!" He calls again. Oh, if it were that simple, you snarl to yourself.
You try to calm yourself, relax as he so eloquently puts it. But it’s hard; the panic seeds and flowers in you and the coil only tightens under your rib cage in response. It knows your fear.
As it embraces you, tentacles wrapping around every limb and numbing them out, you feel the weightlessness of your body as it travels to the back of your cranium and ignites. You can't see anything, just the never ending void of black that hurts your eyes to try and strain them to reach beyond it.
A sense of foreboding lingers, as if a malevolent entity from the mass of tentacles watches from the shadows; its sinister presence ever-present in the periphery of your senses.
As you sink through the darkness, the very air seems heavy with an oppressive weight, and the pulsing surroundings of the tentacles appear distorted, as if the boundaries between reality and the unknown have blurred.
Each sound in the darkness makes you jump, fearing that some other force might be lurking too close.
A small glimmer fizzes somewhere in the distance, blink and you’d miss it. Purple, maybe blue flashes that spark through a plasma network of neuron pathways that fire and snap ahead. A brain that grows in size and expands. A dying star implodes and blinds you for a moment.
You gasp out in awe and are then fully weightless; floating in the violet nebula that’s haunting in its brilliance, its swirling tendrils stretching across the cosmic canvas like an ethereal tapestry.
As you gaze at the purple nebula, a sense of calm washes over you, momentarily easing the fear and tension that had consumed your senses previously.
The swirling clouds of gas and dust seem to dance with grace, performing an elegant ballet that holds you in rapt attention. You forget everything, you forget it all.
You can't feel your limbs, you can't feel the weight of your bones or the blood in your organs. You can't smell or taste. You're deafened by bubonic silence save for the heavy whooshes of your own breath inside your ear canal.
And then the nebula shrinks, collapsing upon itself into two tiny balls of light that morph and shape into eyeballs with irises the colour of those tasteless Bitz Bars you’d endured on lengthy missions.
The eyes stare at you, they see into you; unblinking and you can feel them rifle around inside the deepest trenches of your mind, picking and rummaging with spidery fingers. And you can only let them as they see all of your sordid secrets and lay them out like sharp medical instruments.
Then thin, wiry nerves root and track from behind them; a skull forms around the eyeballs. Muscles and viscera wrap and coil around a skeleton as the skin grows over it like fungi and tans in colour.
Ezra is before you; naked and plump in his lower belly fat and a thick, flaccid cock hangs between his legs. He’s staring back and floating like you are in this chaotically still space. His stump bears no scars, just perfectly smooth, taut skin around the missing bone like marble.
You can only watch as his cock stiffens and begins to drip mercury. You’re not sure where it comes from, maybe something in the stratosphere, maybe something in your core, but the overwhelming feeling of desire bubbles and courses through your veins making them burn under your skin.
You feel the tentacles again, pulsing and vibrating around you.
There is no other sensation except the feeling of his only arm pulling you towards him and then his lips are crushing against your own, smothering.
You're not repulsed as you taste him; his invading tongue filling your mouth and sliding down your throat that opens willingly for him.
You let him in, you want him to be inside you like this, even though somewhere inside of you, your voice is shrieking and howling at you to resist the ratty bastard. It’s a need that requires satiation.
Any resistance is smothered by the heat between your legs; the wetness that leaks from your swollen cunt lips and mashing into the meat of your thighs as you squeeze them together deliciously to equally appease and chase that desire.
You feel his ever-growing tongue reaching into the back of your oesophagus and expanding; sliding deep down into your guts as you choke and splutter around it as it restricts your airway.
Breathing through your nose is impossible as it fills with the sticky mucus that attaches to the fine cilia suffocating you further.
You try to resist now, to pull away but your limbs still won't work. Your fingers won’t cooperate. You can't feel them. All you can feel is Ezra invading your body through your mouth and licking out every crevice of it with his elongated tongue.
You can feel the cramping in your stomach as he prods around down in there, pushing against your muscles and fat; crushing your offals and lapping at your stomach acids.
You want to scream so badly, but all that comes out around his tongue is moans of abject satisfaction. Your own voice, your own sounds are so alien to your ears. You're enjoying this and you want more, so much more from him.
You feel your mouth fill from your gullet upwards; something warm rising up from the back of your throat from around his tongue as it floods you. Its viscosity bubbles and pools out the side of your lips and down your chin.
Ezra pulls back and you see it; his tongue now black and shiny and no longer pink and fleshy - or human. The flippering tentacle disappears back into his smiling mouth as you gasp for air.
You cough up a thick, white substance that projectiles from you, choking you as you heave it out down your chest.
Somewhere, you know this taste; familiar from your own experiences of swallowing unworthy men’s loads on your knees as they ejaculated into your eager mouth on lonely nights around The Pug.
Somewhere through the heady confusion, you know this is wrong on so many levels as you belch and splutter through bringing up the seminal pearl flow in droves.
A subtle yet unsettling change occurs. The glistening black, wet tentacles from the malevolent mass re-emerge in the scene, twisting and snaking their way into the cosmic display as you splutter.
At first, the juxtaposition of the tentacles against the cosmic backdrop seems incongruous, like an intrusion of darkness into the splendour of the nebula.
However, as you watch, you begin to sense a strange harmony between the two that bleeds into your skin.
The tentacles are back around your body, cinching and curling around your waist, clamping around your wrists. You feel the alluring tickle of something travelling up your thigh and your eyes widen.
“Ezra… It’s-it’s-” you stutter as you feel it snake up your inner thigh and under the hem of your shorts.
“Let us in, Birdie. It’ll feel so good.” Ezra drenches the promise inside your ear, licking and sucking the shell of it. His fingers skim your clit, furrowing inside your shorts and opening your lips for the tentacle to slip fully inside, filling you up. “We’ll make you feel so good.”
You cry out as it slides in, slippery and thick. It stretches you wide, a slight burn from the jarring friction that soon settles into undulating pleasure.
It shouldn’t feel like this, it shouldn’t feel so… good.
You feel a mix of emotions - fascination, fear, and an inexplicable sense of reverence - as you feel it penetrate you deeply. The tentacles, once harbingers of horror, now evoke a different kind of awe.
“Fuck, it feels so good...” You chime falling backwards into the universe.
“Mmm, there you go,” Ezra smiles and you feel his fingers slipping quicker over your engorged clit making you flinch and breathe out dust each time he flicks it. “Let us fuck you, little bird. We’re one now.”
You can hear Ezra; the haunting groans and gasps fill your ears like lead. It’s everywhere around you, echoing and you can’t escape the sounds of his pleasure on loop as you’re fucked by the rogue tentacle stretching you out the further it whelves inside of you.
You can see yourself, devoured by the coils slipping all over your skin; watching yourself get dicked by this entity that knows what you want, knows how to pleasure you like no man could.
Your pussy welcomes the deep thrusts it gives you and you writhe and moan, losing your eyesight. The features on your face dissolve away leaving you a faceless putty for them to remould and sculpt, and you twist and bend to their will.
You’re lost to it; succumbed fully by an invading desire and heat, and the sounds of Ezra’s grunting hammering inside your ears as it rocks through the nebula; a big bang of grunts and heady snarls that rip through the very seam of existence.
But when you finally open your eyes as they grow back into your sockets, he’s no longer there.
All you can see is the nebula again. All you can feel is the fullness between your thighs; the never-ending release it offers as it pumps you full of its seed. The nebula winks back at you and pulses around the edges.
You feel the bunching behind your stomach walls, the fluttering of your pussy spasming and squeezing as you’re pulled apart and smashed back together again, at one with the cosmos.
You cry out; you can see your voice as it shatters into metallic fragments and rains chrome glitter all over you that coats and nicks your throat.
Your gasps birth new stars from your mouth as they find their place in the dust and gases that swirl around your body, completely obliterating it.
And when it’s come and gone, the waves settling as you fall still from the exhausting aftermath, there’s nothing once more; just the never-ending expanse of black.
You breathe out through soaked trembles, and just as he advised, the grip falters and you descend again slowly through the pulsating coils that slide sticky against your face and gums.
You drop and land clumsily onto something solid; the hard, real ground. Your tailbone hits it first and you wince.
Your fingers shakily register the feel of something you recognise and yet it doesn’t seem entirely real as you scrape your brittle nails into the rock beneath your face to be sure.
But your cunt is still contracting; squeezing around a vacant space where you were sure you were penetrated and filled by something thick and binding, and oh so fucking good.
Something that felt indescribable and you mourn its loss irrevocably.
You eye him carefully as he looks back at you with a singular outstretched palm laced with blisters and callouses lanced towards your face.
Ezra helps you up onto jellified legs and above you the tentacles writhe a lowly metre or so above your heads in a hypnotic dance that seems to defy and mock gravity.
Ezra reaches up, his only hand brushing against the swell of the membranes that roll and curl tightly around one another.
"Curious…" He mumbles as the slick glides effortlessly through his calloused fingers; a cosmic ballet of twisting and pulsing.
“What is it?” You ask, dumbfounded and awed.
Your voice doesn't register as your own. You feel like you’ve been swamped in a heavy sleep, plagued by dreams of untold, lucid delights that you can still feel throbbing on your clit.
You’re unsure if it really happened or not and try to shake the delusion, yet you feel yourself pining for it.
You peer at Ezra carefully, looking for any sign that he endured a similar experience, and yet his face is as unreadable in its mischievousness and stoniness as usual.
Your skin feels wet and sticky, your mouth remembers the taste, and his body mirrors your own, coated in the shiny lacquer from passing through the tar coils. His hair is slicked back and darker, almost black, save for the white patch that is stark in its platinum yellow glow; a tiny sun being swallowed in a sea of putrid oily tufts.
The undergarments cling to his skin, saturated and binding and making no attempt to hide the swell of his cock inside of them.
As he glances at you with an astonished smirk, you feel something pull tight in your abdomen; a distant hunger gnawing at the edges of rationality and the sense that you’re unable to get a firm grip on reality anymore.
“A cephalopod of some origin, or many. I've heard tales of Krakens before, but not like this.” Ezra admires bewitchingly as he strokes above him. “It feels…” He closes his eyes and you watch him rise on his tiptoes with a small smile blooming over his mouth. “Sentient.” He concludes through a nasally breath lost inside his thick drawl.
He drops his hand slowly as a lone tentacle feeds down from the others in front of him. You watch rooted as it rubs itself across his broad chest and slithers around him. It runs between his thighs and he moans as it brushes against his cock.
"Uh, this one seems incredibly obliging," Ezra exclaims as he glances at you with astonished mirth bleeding into his ratchet peepers.
You watch it disappear down inside the back of his long johns.
He groans out, his body jars forward but he doesn’t fall; the tentacles have him secured by his arm and back as he becomes weightless in front of you.
“Ezra,” you start forward to assist him, but are stopped when he hisses out, baring his teeth.
He loses his eyes as they roll back into his skull.
“Fuh-uck,” he whines loosely as though his teeth are no longer in his mouth, and you realise you’ve heard this sound before; the sounds of pleasure bursting through the cavity of his chest into your ears.
The same noises he made under you on The Pug with mouthfuls of your seeping cunt.
The tentacle penetrates him and you're drawn into the vortex of his mouth pulling your eyes from their trenches to drink their jelly. You can only watch, body pulsing, skin fraying, as it fucks him right in front of you.
"Kevva, that's deep," he groans, with a blissed out smile.
Then you feel it; it's warm as it glides over your navel and across your skin leaving a moist, sluggish trail. The tentacles bring you together, cocooning you both as Ezra pulls you towards his chest.
And you're not resisting again, instead letting him welcome you into his one-armed embrace.
His body feels good against yours, too good. Like the slats in your rib cages were meant to interlock.
It seems as if he can hear your thoughts and you watch as he opens his chest from the centre; fingers ripping through flesh as he pries open his bony cage and welcomes you into the balloons of his lungs.
Your nose wanders and inhales through his papery bronchioles; they dust into your face like fluffy dandelion seeds and float into the ether.
"Need you inside of me," you groan to him as if in a trance as his sticky heart jostles against your lips as it beats.
You lick across it, sucking on a throbbing ventricle delicately as his blood coays your teeth, and he whines out louder as he ejaculates into his long johns.
“I already am,” Ezra grunts, eyes rolling to the back of his skull again like loose marbles as the crest of his hips buck forward.
You pull back to see him whole once more and glance at the huge, black shape filling you up, fucking into you.
His own cock is hard and weeping pearly globules of come as it rubs against the tentacle with fantastic friction. Your fingers peel him apart; stripping him down to the hard, muscled core of his dick, and he writhes and groans under your touch as you obliterate him.
You look back at his face and he’s swallowing down a thick tentacle inside of his plush mouth before yours is invaded again by the wet velvet.
He fills your holes, all of them. You can feel him stretch out your pussy, sliding in and out with his thick appendage that makes you buck uncontrollably. He feels so plentiful and thick. He slips into the tight crevice of your ass, filling and stretching you wholly and he's inside your mouth; feeling him graze at the back of your throat as he thrusts and chokes you.
He's everywhere, and yet Ezra pulls you close into his scarred chest again whilst he himself is filled in every orifice he possesses and it's still not enough.
He wants to climb inside your skin. You know it, because it's exactly what you want. It’s what you crave. To rest in the sponge of his brain.
You can hear him insipidly rambles to you all the ways in which he wants to devour you for eternity.
His whines set your skin alight; the oil burning you up as it sears and chokes you. That tar-like smell wafting around you both as it smokes you out and leaves you breathless.
“I can see it,” he mutters, but it doesn't come from his mouth, no that’s full of the pulsing thick membrane that fucks him like they fuck you.
Instead, you can see his voice, moving across the nebula as he sings on music scales, lighting up the treble clefs with supernovas.
“Can you see it, Birdie?” He asks you, each red giant twinkling with his din and tone before it dies, and you can. In their dance, the tentacles reveal a deeper truth - that even the most terrifying entities can be transformed by the beauty and wonder of the cosmos.
They are a reminder that in the vastness of the universe, there is a balance between darkness and light, chaos and order, horror and beauty and you understand that now as you approach another climax.
“It’s so fucking beautiful.” You gasp, tears filling your eyes.
You arch your back; your spine cracks through each vertebrae as they pulverise into dust and you collapse in on yourself, boneless and spent once more.
You can feel it and it feels exhilarating to die and be reborn over and over.
You gush around the tentacle and onto Ezra’s soft stomach swell as you come unrestrained, and for what feels like for infinity.
You’ve never fully understood the meaning of the word euphoria until now.
Soon Ezra lets go of you; his own body arching grotesquely and crushing inwardly. His mouth opens as the tentacle ejects, spewing out thick, creamy liquid in a silent scream as he rolls back into the mass of pulsing coils to be devoured all over again.
He twists and turns and you see his left hand come down his shoulder, tugging at the skin below his blade that houses his clipped stump.
Then another hand, and another; more human hands that are his own with the thumb on the left side and all with the tiny bullseye tattoo inked and faded on the web of skin between his thumb and forefinger.
His various left hands are pulling the skin open so you can see his spine through the tears. Small, onyx tendrils move under the bones and he bleeds out that thick, seminal fluid between his contracting muscles.
Ezra removes his skin like removing a sweater and you scream into the void.
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You hear him through the sludgy goop inside your ears; a faint rumble of your body as you are gently shaken awake by thick fingers pulling you out of inertia.
You're on the ground again and the pit of writhing tentacles is still a dark swarm threatening to rain upon your heads. You stare at it, watching it pulse and simper. Trying to understand its secrets, its desires.
Trying to detest it with every fibre of your being but not quite managing to.
There's a chasm where that feeling should be.
Ezra's worrisome face pulls your senses towards him and you clutch onto his arm, reassuring yourself that he's real. Real muscle and bone.
You flinch when you think you see something move under his skin, but it’s just his vein as he tenses.
"What did you see?" He asks you darkly. His eyes are as black as the darkest corners of the universe.
"See?" You ponder it dumbly for a moment as it all floods back to you.
“You were screaming.” He explains.
"I... I'm not sure." You mumble.
"I've deduced that this creature can telepathically link itself to our minds in a mere quest of bewitchment. It can show us our wildest, unarmed desires, or toss us into a gully of the most sordid nightmares." His eyes have shifted into something that you’ve never seen on his face since meeting him - fear.
"What did you see?” You prompt him instead, sitting up. Your head feels like it’s been split into two and neither of your brains can comprehend this scenario fully.
His eyes drop to you and he helps you to your feet clamping his singular hand around your elbow as he yanks.
"Felt so real," he utters through a clenched mouth. Or surreal. You're not quite sure what he says as your face draws up to his.
He glances at you and touches your cheek, cupping it gently. You feel the thick pad of his thumb pull on your bottom lip as he admires the wet, pink flesh of your gums with some irreverent hunger.
"So real." He repeats with darker, hooded eyes.
"Ezra," you steer, peeling his fingers delicately from your skin, despite them soldering into your flesh, and he seems to snap out of it.
He recoils back as though he has been stung. "We need to find a way to leverage our exit." He announces flatly.
"What about the diamonds?" You rub at your arms and they don’t feel like they are attached to you anymore. Neither do your legs and it takes you a moment to realise you are standing freely on them.
"They don't appear to be harbouring any gems down here. I fear we may have been taken in by a ruse." He scowls bitterly.
"You mean you were." You mutter. “I just stupidly came along.”
Ezra sighs loudly and sharply and steps forward craning his head up to the tentacles. He mutters something that you don’t quite catch.
"You're expecting them to give us a ride?" You scoff at him.
"Do you have a more eloquent stratagem? I'm all ears."
"Yes. I'm not going in there again." You say with an inherent coldness prickling at your skin. But yet it’s still hot and dense between your legs.
"Tell me woman, what's rattled you with the visions they gave you?"
"It doesn't matter," you say, turning away from him.
Although you’re not entirely sure if they were just visions. You search along the sharp rocky walls and follow them round with your eyes and there is no obvious sign for escape.
The only way out is back up through them. If they will allow you to leave, that is. The thought makes you cold.
“Birdie, I…” Ezra starts and pauses for a moment. “I know this outcome isn’t what we forecast when this expedition matriculated between us.”
“You think?”
“But I must riposte, that we need to find a way out and the only one presented to us is from whence we came. So if you would find it in you to trust me, then I believe I can lead us out of here fully intact.”
“Trust you, you say?” You snort flippantly.
“Yes. A big ask, I am well aware of its weight.” He scowls at you this time.
“We did things.” You breathe. "You and I, we... copulated."
The words roll off your tongue and you want to shove them back into your mouth and suck the fat from them, but he’s already heard them and is mentally clipping them apart in his bank of memories to keep the best of them - the most sordid.
“I remember vividly our foreplay on The Pug, but you insisted on no penetration and I kept my word. I may not be a gentleman, but I'm no cavalier scoundrel."
"Yes, I know-"
"-Was a satisfaction garnered for us both as I recall. No-one has ever... ” His head snaps towards you with intrigue. "Are you keen to indulge the liasion?"
“No. I mean... Here. That’s what I saw. We didn't just play this time. Us. It’s what I-”
“Felt.” Ezra finishes for you and you nod as you realise that’s what he felt too. His cock, still tenting against his undergarments, reassures you of that.
“And then we were apart. Like, pulled apart from the insides. I watched you remove your skin. Was it real or did we dream it or…? Kevva, I have no idea what is fucking real or not right now.” You mutter, running your hand through your damp, disgusting hair.
“Did you hit your peaks of satisfaction?” Ezra asks.
"Did you come, pet?"
Your cheeks feel hot and you fold your arms sighing. “Yes.” Your stomach pulls tight and it makes you grit your teeth.
“As did I.” He admits freely. "Felt like I couldn't stop. It was kinda nice. Tingly."
He closes his eyes and you watch as his free hand drifts down his sternum and palms his cock over the wet fabric with a soft squeeze, clearly not deterred by your presence.
“It wasn’t you. I mean you weren’t inside me, but you were all the same. It’s confusing. What does it want?” You ask looking up at the swell that seems to hum again. Your palm is running gentle circles against your gut that feels hot.
“I don’t believe it wants anything insidious. It just feels and thrives like we do. It has cravings.” Ezra explains, wandering closer under the centre of it.
You shudder and ponder the creation of such an organism, that you summarise mentally and agree, is not too dissimilar from yourself or Ezra. It exists in the most basic of forms, to feed, to fornicate, to-
You feel a sharp twinge in your lower belly and groan.
“You creamy?” Ezra asks.
“Yeah just… Aaargh!” You hiss and double over clutching your stomach. Horrific cramping churns inside of you and you watch aghast as watery blood trickles down your thighs and legs.
“Ezra!” You shriek hysterically, but he’s wrenched away from your aid as the tentacles swoop down and grab you up in their clutches.
His frantic voice is drowned out as the black takes you again.
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This place is too bright.
It glitters and glares at you in a striking cobalt like you’ve never seen before. It takes a while for your eyes to adjust but when they do, you find yourself sprawled on a never-ending bed of sharp diamond pieces.
Millions of them are scattered over the ground, around your feet; cutting into your buttocks and back as you’re spread over them like you’ve been dumped in here carelessly.
They’re protruding out of the rock walls and you can see them sparkle above you, twinkling like distant stars through a kaleidoscopic blue galaxy.
Your fingers rifle through them and clutch them, squeezing the shards. You watch as your skin is pierced and bleeds, yet you feel no physical pain.
The beauty stuns you for a moment and you forget your predicament for a while as you just marvel in the perplexity.
But you’re soon shoved back into it when you feel the cramps twist up your cervix and you scream out in agony.
“Ssh, it’ll soon be over, dove.” You hear Ezra’s soothing drawl and see a million of his hawkish faces in every facet gleaming at you.
He crunches over the diamonds as he walks, bare feet bleeding and he’s naked. Cock lithe and hard, dripping with a pearly secretion you long to drink from.
He no longer has a stump where his right arm should be, but a long thick tentacle that pulses and squirms excitedly as he strides towards you.
He crouches down at your feet, parting your thighs and runs his tongue up the sweaty streaks of them.
“Ezra, what the fuck is happening?” You gasp and grunt through a fierce contraction. Your insides feel like they’re ripping open and your cervix tightens in a way you’ve never felt before.
“Hush now. You give it what it wants and we can have what we want.” He runs his tongue over the bubbly seam of your dilated cunt and sucks upon your clit hungrily for a beat, pulling a convulsion out of you. “Play your part, Birdie.”
You hum out, head lolling backwards as you can’t help but succumb to the intense sucking on your bud from his lips.
“We knew you’d taste so good.” He whines and the thick black of his arm scales your throat and wraps itself around you, choking you as you gasp.
You cry out as another contraction bears down on your uterus and you can feel a heavy rush followed by a saturated squelch.
Ezra draws back and watches keenly as you birth the pupate azure eggs planted inside you. You scream through it; the agony makes your cunt and womb feel like they’re on fire and he coaxes you through it, lapping up the amniotic fluid each time you disembogue it out.
Sparkling diamonds fall from your hole and Ezra leads you into a jubilant climax as he sucks on your clit and furrows his fingers inside to help pull them out.
The diamonds shatter as the tiny organisms inside birth and slither away into the walls; the glittery shells they leave behind are your trophy.
You watch, astonished and soaked in sweat, as they vacate the discarded diamonds to join the mass of tentacles where they’ll grow and eventually breed another like you who should be so gluttonous as to seek their treasure.
You give it what it wants and we can have what we want.
An exchange. A life cycle. A quid pro quo.
Play your part, Birdie.
Your attention is diverted by Ezra pulling another orgasm from you into his mouth. Then, he’s climbing up your body like an arachnid. His tentacle arm slithers behind you and he spreads you open with his thick cock.
He brutally fucks your spent, stretched hole; his seed soothes the pain, numbs it out almost like a leeches bite.
You cling onto him as he grunts and wheezes inside of your ear.
“You did so good for us, Birdie.” He praises and you can’t help but smile and welcome him in fully as he drills so deep inside of you that you can feel the tip slither out of your mouth between your teeth and into his as he kisses you; becoming an entwined ouroboros of unrelenting pleasure.
It feels like it will never stop as his hips crack and hammer into yours, and you pass out, weighted down by exhaustion of all extremes.
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Puggart Bench, 4 cycles ago...
“I feel some convival attraction to you, despite my infructuous emancipation of it.” Ezra says as he sups at his glass of golden suds. "Your pluckiness appeals to my better nature, Birdie."
"That's the beer talking." You smirk.
He eyes you with a slightly arched brow and wet pink lips. The foam of his beer drags along his moustache and you watch him lick it clean with a quick flick of his tongue. "A siren, no doubt... I'll willingly drown in you."
"Stop with the sweet talk, prospector and get to the point." You mirth. Although his carnal wooing leaves sweat beading on your skin.
“You understand the objective?”
You nod. “Seems simple enough.”
You’d discussed it at length despite the slight buzz you’d gotten from the beer intake, and yet the plan came together without as much input from yourself. He knew the route, he knew the place. He knew where the diamonds were.
And he did all the damn talking.
All you had to do was assist him with the manual labour of it all, as he put it. Mine and prospect. Fly you both in and out too. An extra pair of hands where he only had half.
But it seemed a little too good to be true and you went to question him further when you felt someone knock into your chair from behind.
A wayward hand was felt trying to cup your breast and you grabbed it and squeezed it in a tight crush.
“I’d rethink that, friend. Unless you still want this hand to jerk you off tonight?” You spoke over your shoulder to the drunk assailant trying to grab at you.
He dribbled something shy of an apology onto your shoulder and you let him go, not before removing the ring on his middle finger that encased a shiny, expensive looking gem. Might fetch some credits for your inconvenience.
“Fiery one, aren’t you?” Ezra mused as he observed the whole thing.
“Just another night in this squalor. I can hold my own.” You replied, stuffing the ring in your pocket.
"Good. I require you strong. You play your part, Birdie. I'll see that you're rewarded handsomely for it."
"You speak as if mining diamonds is a dangerous art. It isn’t. I’m fairly astute in the work of dirty hands."
"These aren't just ordinary diamonds to cut your teeth on." He leaned in, placing the glass down on the table with a heavy thud.
You could smell the stink of the alcohol on his breath and that putrid musk of sweat wafting from him, mixed in with something else sweet and foreboding.
He smelled like death - sweet, alluring death.
His scruff was oily and scattered across his ageing, tan skin and throat, and his dark brown eyes bore into your own for a few moments, contemplating.
Ezra ran his hand around his grazed chin, rubbing at the stubble there now peppered with scabs and grey whiskers as he mulled over the thoughts about you accompanying him in his mind.
Black gunk was embedded in his nail beds. His hand was large for his frame, like a great big shovel for a palm; one that could crush a human skull with little effort, you thought. Once armed with two, you could only speculate as to what vile menace those hands could have caused.
“Where do you come from?” You ask him curiously as you sup. That stark blonde streak at his hairline catches the light and looks like it shimmers at you with tempting promises and false conviction.
Ezra looks up at you from his position at the table and smirks. “Where do you come from?” He challenges back.
He looks at you with a haggard expression that is unchanging. It begins to creep you out a little bit the more you see it, making prickles rise on the back of your neck. He suddenly has a way of making you feel nervous for no reason at all.
And men usually don’t make you feel nervous.
You draw back with a contemplative hiss. “The less we know about each other, the better.” You taunt. “No names, for instance.”
He's already haunting your blood as you feel it warm under your skin, and the slick bubble of sweat upon the back of your neck makes its presence known.
“Why the ambiguity?” He questions with a glass stare. "My name is Ezra." He casually tosses his name in front of you on the table, expecting you to return.
But you don't.
You're feeling prickles run all over your skin. You just want to wash him away with the grime and murk that coats his breath.
A spooky, amaranthine being regarding you from opposite the table and he smirks crookedly again through those swollen lips, pursed out, yet remains tight-lipped. You wonder what they taste like.
You wonder whether his foreskin his clipped, what his come tastes like.
“Getting cosy isn’t my style, Ezra.” You mutter, gulping back more foam and blinking the wanton haze away.
“Well regardless, what a delightful romp it would be to charter to Narilla with you, pet. I’m in if you’re in.” Ezra says after some time of eyeing you.
“I’m in,” you agree, sealing your fate. “Although, wouldn’t you rather have some strong muscle to offer us some leverage in case things go awry? There’s plenty of dick-for-brains to choose from.” You glance around the bar at the crass prospectors and miners in all their lunkhead glory.
“Nothing will go awry.” Ezra shakes his head. He clears his throat. “You’ll do just fine. You're Kevva sent for it.”
You feel his eyes drink you in as they wander over your body and you consider for a moment if you’ll end up back at his place tonight riding his face.
The idea isn’t as heinous as you’d like.
“A quick expedition then.” You confirm.
“That it is. We needn’t linger on the moon in the throes of a harsh winter.” His eyes dart away as though recalling something execrable as he struggles to swallow his beer. “In and out.” Ezra clarifies. "It'll be over quickly."
You nod once in agreement.
“There is a price for what you seek, prospectors. Especially you, girlie.” A foreign voice comes from beside you on the adjacent table.
A man with one eye glares under the shroud of his hood at you. A horrific scar as deep as a magenta trench replaces his other eye. Encrusted with old yellow skin like scales that were in various decays of flaking.
“Balderdash and frivolous superstition.” Ezra simply rebuts and knocks back the remnants of the amber beer down his throat.
“What do you mean, a price?” You query with a lazy smirk over your own numb lips to the creepy eavesdropper.
“He means nothing. Just trying to rile you, Birdie, is all. Come on now, we’ll drink some more. I insist. Celebrate our impending agreement.”
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" You muse.
"Why? Is it working? Am I attractive enough to you yet that you'll let me…" he looks up and down your body and licks his lips. "Indulge?"
"You're so presumptuous, Ezra" You smirk. "Maybe I'll be the one to indulge."
Ezra sways you up towards the bar with him and you think no more of it.
Later, you do indeed indulge, and ride hard on his hawkish face as he makes you come hard through juddery breaths as he fucks you with his serpent tongue relentlessly.
You can feel that heady pull on your clit as he sucks out your pleasure greedily in droves whilst you fist through his greasy hair in rapture as you grind your cunt against the furry graze of his chin.
As you suspected you would.
But now, that odd stranger is here, in the diamond pit with you; staring you down with his singular ragged eye watching as the glory of Ezra buries himself inside of you, and that man is whispering to you and now you know.
He was right, there was a price for Narilla’s diamonds.
You know everything now.
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“You knew, didn’t you?” You question Ezra as his silhouette fuzzes into clarity.
The look on his face tells you all you need to know.
Of course he did. It all makes sense now.
“It’s why you favoured me over the other miners to accompany you; because I have a fucking womb!” You spit. "This was my part to play, wasn't it?"
You throw the diamonds you’d been holding at him, and he flinches as they pelt at his feet; his coveted prize.
“Birdie-” He holds up his palm, open in surrender.
“Don’t. Fucking. Call. Me. That!” You launch yourself at him and you both clatter to the stony ground.
You claw at him, aiming for his bastard face, but his free hand captures your fist. He clamps his legs around you to stop you gaining height over him and rolls, pinning you beneath him with ease.
For a man with one arm, he's still incredibly strong and slippery.
“No harm done.” Ezra sneers as you falter; his grip on your wrist flexing it backward a little until you feel a subtle crack and you hiss. “You fulfilled your part, yes. That is true. You got yourself remunerated. We’re free to depart now. It’s how this arrangement works.” He says, darkly.
“I should kill you, you piece of shit!" You seethe at him.
He looks offended. “Now, now. You weren’t saying that earlier when I was buried deep in the hilt of you.” He smirks sinisterly.
“You weren’t,” you shake him off and he rolls onto his back and snickers though rasps. “It wasn’t real.” You affirm, sitting up and flexing your wrist.
"Are you sure?" He questions you smugly.
"No. It was just-" You shake your head.
“Real enough for you to gestate and birth its offspring in droves.” Ezra reminds you.
“You want to lose your other fucking arm?” You warn through a snarl.
He sighs, the smirk dying. “You can’t simply procure the diamonds; you have to replenish your fill. They won’t let you leave if you just take from them. You have to have something to offer in return.” His eyes fall on your body, hungrily. “As I man, I can’t replenish. But you can.”
“You're not a man, you’re a fucking insect!” You rile.
“If I had delineated you the truth, you would never have accompanied me on this treacherous quest.” Ezra mutters, annoyed with clicked lips. “You were an unwitting comrade in my mournful web of deceit, I admit. I'm the arachnid, and you the fly..."
"Fuck you."
He snickers breathily. "I harbour no ill will towards you. You’re quite amiable despite your folly. I would have never let any permanent detriment come to you, Bir-.” He stops short of the moniker as he witnesses your stony glare.
“That’s fucking noble of you.” You growl.
“You’re still alive, yes? All supple appendages intact?”
You glare at him some more.
“Then we completed our charge fully unscathed and significantly richer for it.” Ezra simply says with a casual shrug of indifference.
You really want to punch him and feel his large nose shatter under your knuckles.
“What we possess now is incredibly rare. So few venture here because of the down payment required. You'll be a queen among mere men. You should think yourself fortunate.” He puts, examining one of the diamond shards carefully.
“Tell that to my insides!" You snap. You can still feel the ache; the rawness from the unexpected birth.
"It's what your glorious body was made for. To bear the fruit of life, is it not?"
"That," you point towards the swarming cluster "is not fucking fruit, Ezra!"
Ezra sighs and reaches for you gingerly. "I am burdened with my part in this. I am a host to belligerent shame. Honesty is a skill I do not possess in its entirety. But you and I, we make a damn hoot of a team."
"The prospector and her pimp!" You scoff.
"I'll make it right, if you’ll permit me?"
His deep, brown eyes bore into you and you feel something wobble inside you.
“I meant it when I said I liked you, pet. That clandestine night on The Pug with you? Kevva, it replays in my mind and won't let me have no peace. Your cunt stink is still all up in my sheets." He licks his lips, sucking on the bottom and recalling your taste for a beat with a satisfied murmur - a groan that your skin ignites to in response.
"Who would desire me like this now aside from the whores on Luxillion who take my credits and don't remember my name? They just remember this..." Ezra glances down at his missing appendage.
"I ponder if it was pity on your part, and I would not linger in offense if it was, but regardless, it was something. To me. And I do not take the pleasure you offered me so freely, and with an inkling of that desire for yours truly returned, lightly and with regret." He finishes.
You sigh and shake your head, unable to ignore fully the fizzing inside your veins as he says it, how earnest he suddenly appears.
Despite yourself, that night with him was indeed... something.
There was something so deliciously unkempt about him. Frivolous around the seedy murk. Something that your better nature repelled against, and yet caved to all the same.
“How the fuck do we get out of here?” You groan, looking up at the swarm of tentacles engulfing the only means of escape.
You're not sure if you can take another mind fucking, or a physical one. But your pussy clenches and it zaps on your clit regardless.
“The way we came in, I have already iterated that escape route to you, despite your reluctance to partake. It seems appeased, I think. Satiated. Might pass us up without further incident.”
"Well, I guess we have no choice." You utter.
Ezra gathers the diamonds and shoves them into his wet pockets until they bulge. He looks at you forlornly. “Thank you,” he notes.
You soften despite yourself. “Hold my hand this time. I don’t want to be separated from you and left behind now you’ve gotten what you wanted. I would expect no less from you.”
You can feel it on your skin. The dread. The desire the pit had for you. The fact that, despite his slimy betrayal, you still feel it burn in your core when he smiles crookedly at you.
"I would gladly leave these treasures here, if it meant not taking you with me." He says through molten brown eyes.
"You're so full of shit." You sigh, smirking.
Ezra reaches out with a timid grin of his own and you step forward, interlocking your fingers tightly in his.
“That's as may be, but I won’t let go.” He promises and you believe him as his thumb strokes over the ridge of your knuckles.
You feel his sincerity crush the bones in your hand.
“Once we get out of here, I think I never want to see your face again.” You warn him, but you can feel that your resolve already has cracks in it as you offer him a small, twinkly smile.
“That might be difficult…” Ezra holds up your interlocked hands and they are no longer hands in a muscled knot.
Instead, they are a singular arm that starts from your shoulder and ends at the ball joint on his. The skin is perfectly smooth and there is no separation on where you begin and Ezra ends.
“What the fuck?” You gasp.
“Embrace it, Birdie. It’s the only way we’re getting out.” Ezra smirks. "One last hurrah." He laughs and his breath suddenly smells like the dead Trogs on Ajaxia, as you inhale it into your stomach where it soils and grows roots.
You feel your toes leave the ground as the tentacles lift you upwards. Your joint appendage with Ezra stretches as you feel them try to separate you both.
Somewhere under the muscles and sinew, you grip onto him and he grips you back just as hard.
The nebula rises above you both and you cover your eyes with your free arm as it swells in intensity and size.
Your hand is pulled out of his from under the skin, like taking off a glove and Ezra desperately pulls you into his lap. You wrap your legs around his waist tightly locking you in and he grunts at the welcome intrusion from the crest of your pelvis crushed against his own.
"Not letting you go," he assures. Or warns. They sound one in the same.
His free fingers now push into your skull, sinking into the soft jellied mass of your brain and your own hands grip onto his shoulders, sinking into the bone beneath his flesh.
They slide in so easily, like fluid and you gasp out as he fills your cunt; that pulsing cock free from his undergarments and pumping his spend liberally into you and doesn’t stop. It floods your pussy, leaking out around his fat shaft and dripping down your thighs in thick globules.
“You taste so good, Birdie.” Ezra rasps and his voice is sulfuric. “We could devour you for eternity.”
He pulls back and his mouth is full of your milky flesh; your blood pooling from the corner of his lips and you hear his molars crunch through your bone fragments.
“Stay,” he wheezes. “Stay with us here and let us live inside you.” He pleads as he takes another bite, consuming you whole; his cock thrusting deeper into you and you groan and wail as he drowns you.
You can feel it filling you, that thick seminal fluid pouring from your ears, your nostrils and your eyes.
You're slipping, fading.
You want to stay but you know you should be somewhere else. Somewhere you’re not sure is real and you only dreamed of it.
But the nebula… it’s so fucking beautiful.
To never see it again wrenches your heart. You pluck it from your chest; a mass of sloppy ventricles and offer it out to the amethyst abyss.
You watch as it disintegrates into ash in your palm. You can still feel Ezra filling you, drowning you and you know this is where you belong.
You belong with them; this mass of tentacles that feeds you everything you could only ever imagine and crave. At one with the universe and home inside of the purple nebula that speaks the same language as you and shares a brainstem and-
You’re wrenched and you surface; spluttering as your grapple for the ledge with slippery fingers.
Ezra pulls you over, groaning with the strain as you topple onto him and gasp out. The diamonds spill from his pockets around you both and he pants into your face, his own reddening from the exertion.
“I got you,” he says, his face shiny and wet. "Easy now."
Your shaky fingers around the familiarity of his brackish features as you realise you're back on solid ground and out of the pit.
You can feel his chest heave against yours as you're crushed to him; his arm tight against your back.
“You didn’t leave me in there.” You marvel at him with those pink cheeks around his scruff.
“Do you think me completely unscrupulous, woman?” He frowns.
You lean in and kiss him, planting a deep relieved smooch onto his chapped lips and he’s taken by surprise.
You suck on his tongue and your kiss erupts into something unfinished. He groans back into your mouth as you can still feel how hard he is, how he pulses under you with need and it spreads into you.
“So, I assume by this mere token of affection, you no longer wish to gut me?” He gasps around your mouth.
“No, I still very much wish to,” you smile. “But right now, I just want you inside of me, Ezra. Fuck me.”
His grip on you strengthens. “I can certainly oblige to that,” he gruffs. "Seeing as we almost perished today."
"Almost," you growl.
He pushes his head up to kiss you again. He wastes no time and reaches down as you both fumble around your sticky, cloying undergarments.
He shimmies his long johns down his thighs as best as he can, pulling out his turgid cock that's pulsing with need and slippery with pre-cum.
You pull your shorts to the side as you sit down on him, sinking all the way down to his swollen balls.
“Fuck, Birdie... Better than the visions,” he whines, the cords in his neck straining and pupils blown wide. “So tight..." He gasps as you start rocking on him. "Oh, forgive me, pet. I won't last.”
"I don't care." You grunt wanting him and taking him, as you grind your hips back and forth sloppily.
He feels fucking divine; packing you out and stretching you through this frantic, clumsy fuck you’ve instigated, and you deduce you’re probably still out of your mind on whatever it was that had you feverish and delusional in the pit.
But it's of no matter; you’re too riled up to give a damn about anything else other than your release. And you want nothing more than to soak him.
It’s fast approaching as you grind down harder on him. You can feel him in the places where you’re still raw and tight, but you push through it; the pleasure is your driving force and it bubbles under your abdomen muscles and makes your toes spark.
"In Kevva's name, I swear you're magnificent," he rambles, reaching up with his free hand to grope and palm your breast over your camisole. He watches as you slide up and down on his cock, bewildered and in awe as your slick oils up the dark hairs around the base of him.
"Oh shit," he cants.
You suck on his deceitful tongue as you ride him and milk his cock for all it’s worth. Your peak is so close, quick and bursting like colourful strobes under your eyelids as your clit rubs deliciously against his fuzzy groin curls.
Your walls tighten and flutter around his girthy muscle buried to the hilt in you.
“Mmm fuck, Ezra, I’m going to-” You pant.
“Me too, come for me. All over my cock.” He hisses. “Now! Gah, sweet mother of Kevva,” he groans. “Ohshitohshitohshit… oh-oh shit!"
You tense and shake over him like an earthquake; eyes rolling back into your head and fingers digging into his chest meat.
Your thighs smack against the soft paunch of his stomach as you slow your pace and ride it out until the stars dissipate and that purple nebula fades into the black for good.
A small part of you is sad to see it go.
You feel Ezra pulse and fill you with his own warm heat and it spills out of you as you collapse onto his sternum, your cheek sticking to his wet clothed nipple, satiated and exhausted.
You glance at your discarded flight suits, after what feels like an eternity later of just laying stuck to him and listening to his heartbeat ebb, before you’d entered the creature's pit and realise this was all so very warped and that you actually made it out unscathed, like he had said.
Like he'd promised.
You’re still unsure if it all really happened or if your mind is playing tricks on you. All you can remember is the violet beauty and the feeling of being filled so deeply.
You feel his thick fingers run through the oil of your hair gently rousing your focus. "As much as I'd enjoy staying here with you on this idle precipice, it appears we should make haste to depart before anything else untoward occurs."
You nod and glance up at him, placing a gentle kiss on the scarred skin of his stump poking out under his t-shirt, which makes his eyes glisten at you.
You shuffle off of him and reach for your suit, careful not to eye him and a small part of you wanting to forget it all.
But you can’t forget a man like Ezra so easily - he’s furrowed in too deep already; got those grubby, thick fingers embedded deep into your skin and poisoning you with the dirt that constantly lives under his nails.
He bore witness to your ruining down in the pit, your undoing.
He was there with you as your skin was flayed down to the bone. The complete annihilation of your soul as it tarnished before him. He sought to devour the nerves under your flesh, the depraved delights that the pit drew out of you and into his waiting and willing mouth.
He didn't choke on you like you wanted.
Ezra regards you with a shine in his dark, beady eyes and offers you a small, creeping smile which you can’t help but return as you both dress and reattach your helmets.
The diamonds glitter all around your feet and the euphoria of knowing they’re yours is a little overwhelming.
"I would kill for a shower right now." You say as you follow him back the way you came through the internalised cave systems. Your body stills feels sticky and wet under your flight suit.
You hear him guffaw inside your ear. "Is there not a sanitation pod housed on your lander?"
"No," you frown. "Was too expensive to rent one with luxurious amenities."
"A shame." He concurs. "Although, we can bathe in the waters with the nymphs on Luxillion now if we wish."
"Luxillion?" You snort. "Burning a hole in your pocket already?"
"A man can but dream." Ezra husks inside your ear. "What of your ambition, Birdie?"
You shrug. "Haven't really thought about it."
"You can afford to mull it over some." He crackles.
"Yes I can," you smile, realising that both Ezra and you can simply afford anything you want right now. No matter how ludicrous a thing it is that you desire.
Back in the confines of the lander, you take the controls as Ezra tucks your share of the diamonds into your knapsack.
“If you’ve short changed me, I’ll hunt you down, prospector.” You warn him though a short side glare.
“Perhaps I should recount if you make tempting promises such as those, Birdie.” Ezra quips and smiles at you like a dim light bulb before it runs out of juice.
The thrusters roar into life and the lander pod launches into a frosty orbit. The static still blocks everything out as you fly blind up into the ether. The radio comms crackling and tinny in their off-beat drones.
“Don’t call me that,” you simply say; a small smirk of your own breeding across your lips that you lick away.
“Then what do I call you? I wish to let it roll off my tongue when I fuck you some more back on The Pug.” He simply croons.
You scoff. “You’re so presumptuous, Ezra.” You shake your head with a breathy snuffle of a laugh. “Perhaps, I’ll be the one to fuck you."
And the thought makes your clit throb excitedly, despite it's over-stimulated ache.
"I'll ensure you're held to that bold proposition, pet." Ezra simply clicks his tongue around his teeth, the taste of you still in his gum meat somewhere.
"I would expect no less from you." You quip.
You feel his singular hand creep onto your thigh and give it a good gentle squeeze. Instead of being disgusted, you smile and enjoy the pleasure it evokes through your bloodstream as he warms you.
You then surprise him by caving and finally revealing your name, casually letting it flow from your lips as you release the landing gear.
"Well, it's nice to finally meet you." He grins slickly at you in some deft accomplishment. "Wasn't such a hard endeavor now, was it?"
Ezra sits back in the nav seat smirking as you launch fully into The Fringe, leaving the delectable nightmares of Narilla behind you both.
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I really hope you enjoyed reading this Ezra story of mine. I had a lot of fun writing this and really wanted to challenge myself with this genre. Please let me know your thoughts. I'll be writing more Ezra for sure. 🖤
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greynatomy · 2 years
Baby Preath
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Preath x Baby!Reader
Finally finished this. I wanted to write it about the game Angel City had against San Diego recently, but changed it to OL Reign. Hope y’all like it!
Los Angeles FC vs OL Reign
It would’ve been the first time Christen and Tobin would have played against one another after getting married, but Christen unfortunately is out due to injury. They haven’t publicly said that they were married, but the hard Preath shippers know, but respect their privacy.
During the players’ warmups, the big screen shows Christen Press walking out of the tunnel, with her crutch, being escorted by Jennifer Garner and Glennon Doyle, waving to all the vans who showed up to support. Tobin sees this and her lips subtly tug upwards.
Christen sits down at her seat and watches everyone on the field, sneaking in glances at Tobin, not bothering to hide her smile when they lock eyes. Before you know it, the game had started.
Eight minutes in, Angel City was able to get around OL Reign’s defense and get a goal by Ali Riley. The crowd goes wild. Even Christen gets up from her seat to cheer her teammates on from the audience. Eighty minutes in, Angel City was able to get another goal to put them up ahead 2-1.
All of this cheering, however, reached all the way into the locker room, where your little ears wears able to hear to crowd’s excitement. You stirred, sitting up, rubbing you eyes with your fist. Looking around, you look for where your Mommy could be, but couldn’t see her. 
Your eyes started to water and bottom lip starts to quiver, you just wanted you Mommy. Looking around, should started to recognize where you were, so you looked for the door, opened it, and started walking out. You’ve been here many times, so you knew where everything is, especially how to get to the field.
You walk a bit more until you see the light at the end of the tunnel. You begin walking faster, but not much as you have short legs.
As you get closer, the noises got louder, a little too loud for your liking. 
“Woah.” You said to yourself. You were amazed by how many people you see all around you, distracting you from your quest to find your Mommy. Unfortunately, the crowd cheers again, even louder than before.
“MOMMY!” You cried out. “MOMMY!” Tears started streaming down your face. Luckily, the person that was supposed to be watching you comes running out of the tunnel, your backpack hanging from her shoulder.
“Hey, Y/N. It’s okay.” She crouched down, wrapping her arms around you. She was one of your favorite staff members on the team. She always watched you and played with you while Christen was practicing.
“I wan Mommy!” You cried into her shoulder.
“Okay. Let’s go to Mommy.” She stood up with you still in her arms. She walked up a couple of steps, seeing Christen sitting on one of the seats. “Hey, look who’s over there.” She said pointing towards Christen’s direction.
You lift your head out from her neck to look at where she was pointing. “MOMMY!” You yelled, wiggling in her arms, trying to escape. She sets you down on the ground, where you immediately run off to Christen. “MOMMY!” You yelled again, crashing into her good leg, trying to climb up.
Christen is surprised, not expecting to see you. She sees you lifting your arms over your head, picking you up and setting you on her lap facing her.
“Hi, Bubs. What are you doing up from your nap.”
“Too loud Mommy.” You lay your head on her chest. “I miss you.”
She wraps both her arms around you. “I missed you too bubs.” She grabs your earmuffs from you bag, the bag that the person that was taking care of you gave to her, and puts them over your ears, hearing you sigh in relief.
You were now happily watching the game with your ear muffs, seeing your Mama play. The last couple minutes left, your Mama gets subbed out.
“Mama no play no more?” You ask Christen.
“Yeah, Mama all done.”
“We go see?”
“In a little bit.”
Before you know it, everyone is cheering loudly again, celebrating an Angel City win.
“MOMMY WIN!” You cheered, holding you hands over your head.
“My team did win baby.”
“But Mama lost.” You said sincerely. You are happy that Christen’s team win, but also sad that Tobin’s team lost.
“You have to give Mama a big hug to cheer her up.”
“I give bes hugs!” You wrap your arms around your body, hugging yourself.
Christen sets you down on the floor, you walk next to her carefully on the field. Then, you see someone with a microphone and someone else with a big camera walking towards you and your Mom.
“Hey, Christen, could we ask you a couple of questions?”
“Yeah, sure.” She answered with a big smile. “Stay here and hold onto Mommy’s leg okay.” She told you.
“Otay Mommy.”
“We are here with Christen Press. Christen, how do you feel about the win tonight?”
“Very proud of the girls on the win. They did amazing either the ball movement, communication, yeah.”
As Christen’s interview goes on, Tobin is also getting interviewed a couple feet away. You see her from the corner of your eye.
“MAMA!” You yelled, letting go of Christen’s leg, running straight to where Tobin is, crashing into her legs making her stumble a bit.
“Hi Munchkin!” Tobin matched your energy, picking you up and setting you on her hip, your arms going around her neck.
“And who’s this?” The interviewer asks. You pick your head up, turning your head towards her.
“I Y/N, I this many.” You say holding three fingers up.
“No Bubs, you’re four now remember.” Tobin corrected, putting up one more of your fingers.
“Oh, yeah.” You said in a ‘duh’ tone, slapping your forehead.
“She just had a birthday a couple of weeks ago.”
“Really! Well happy birthday to you.”
“Tank you.” You mumbled into your Mama’s neck, shyly responding.
“Hey, guys.” You hear the voice of your Mommy behind you.
“Mommy! Look! I found Mama!”
“You did find Mama.” She said with a big smile.
“Mama lost. Sowwy you lost Mama.” You said giving her a kiss on the lips. “But Mommy team won.”
The family of three were busy in their own world completely forgetting about the camera pointed at them for the interview. The camera panned away from the family and to the interviewer.
“I’ll just leave the family be, but that was Tobin Heath. What a cute family.”
People watching this interview from home was shocked by this interaction. They were happy for the Preath content, but a four-year-old child calling them Mommy and Mama, now that made people speechless.
In the stadium, many had their phones out, recording and capturing this family moment, their hearts melting seeing baby Preath.
“Can we go eat ice cweam now?”
“Let’s go get ice cream.”
Christen Press (Angel City FC Forward) and Tobin Heath (OL Reign Forward) shared a very cute moment after the game and the fans can’t stop talking about it. 
On Saturday, July 9, 2022, Angel City FC played in their home stadium against OL Reign. Everyone was excited to see Heath and Press in the same place at the same time, but that’s not all that got them freaking out.
During Heath’s post-game interview, a small child was heard running towards her. What she said shocked fans. The child, Y/N (four-years-old) was heard calling her ‘Mama’ and when Christen Press joins them, the child had called her ‘Mommy.’ 
Is this a confirmation of Preath and a Preath Baby?
“Looks like little munchkin is famous.” Tobin said, putting her phone down on the bedside table.
“I guess she is.”
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