#oliver crane
bookish-cravings · 1 month
I’ve been thinking a lot about the ‘I am a mother’ scene in Bridgerton - specifically about how the fandom rallies behind Portia and loves her for doing what she must to protect her children and they recognize that she’s in a difficult situation as a woman in that society
But then Marina receives so much hate for doing the same thing even though the situation she’s in is SIGNIFICANTLY worse
And the worst part is the entire fandom is literally just waiting for her to ‘finally’ die so that Eloise can be blindsided into becoming her children’s ‘new mother’
Like, the way the fandom talks about the twins is so weird, Marina is their mother and she loves these kids so much, you guys do know that right? You guys do know that MARINA is Oliver and Amanda’s mother, right?? Right??
You guys trashing this young black girl for doing the best she can in a difficult situation and then putting a white woman on a pedestal for the same thing, and then gleefully waiting for the show to fridge her so that you can get your—insanely toxic—white couple and a white girl can replace her as her children’s mother??
It’s literally just racism, plain and simple, it’s so hard for you to see Marina as the scared, young and vulnerable girl she is who’s deserving of a happy ending because she’s black, I can GUARANTEE she’d be so loved by the fandom if they had a white girl playing her
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easybrainrot34 · 2 months
🩵Bridgerton Girlies Headcanons🩵
Characters : Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Hyacinth. Bonus Kate and Penelope
Briefly Mentioned Characters : John Stirling, Philip Oliver and Amanda Crane, Anthony, Violet, Gregory, and Madame Delacroix
Note : Everyone gets 2 headcanons with one being modern and one period. Also spoilers (from the books) on Eloises period headcanon, so skip if you want. Also Hyacinth was shockingly hard to write for, but i tried my best!
A/N : I’m back!! I took pride month off bc i had real life things going and i basically spent the month being extra bi lol. Hope y’all had a good month and lets get back to writing and having fun ☺️🩵
P.S my request are open :)
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🩵 I feel like Daphne would become a little bit of a match maker. I feel like she wants everyone to have what she and her mom has, which is a love match. If she say that a lady was crushing on a lord or the other way around, she would become a wing woman lol.
🩵 Eloise would take every and any classes where she can learn about social issues and history she can get her hands on in college. I feel like El would get her doctorate and become a professor in literature. She also took time in between degrees to travel the world.
🩵 Ik it’s a pretty popular headcanon that El is such a good mom but I truly feel like Philip married El bc she took Oliver and Amanda under her wing. It takes time for Eloise to not feel like she’s not replacing Marina, but once she does she loves them like they r her kids. Yes she would teach them how to become respected members of the ton, but also how to be kind, not to be scared to have a sharp tongue, and to never be afraid to be themselves.
🩵 I feel like once Fran found her voice she would frequently have no problem holding her own in debating her siblings. It’s Anthony and Eloise r the most shocked by it but welcome it nevertheless. I also feel like El would be secretly proud of her.
🩵 Fran would become a private piano teacher to the local members of high society in Scotland. She would take all kinds of students from children to young debutantes. I feel like she would convince John that this isnt for money, but truly for her love of playing music.
🩵 I feel like Hyacinth would become a writer. She keeps some of her childish wonder and with the help of the family she finally would publish her work. She specifically writes young adult romance and fantasy books.
🩵 Once Violet lets her finally read Whistledown she👏🏻goes👏🏻HAM👏🏻!! She had her governess keep all copies for the moment she was finally aloud. And lord, does she run to Pen. She talkes to Pen about all of her work; not only giving her endless praise, but also seeing if there was anything she didn’t include. She also tells Gregory about all of it (of course against his will, but he secretly doesn’t mind).
🩵 It’s incredibly important to Kate that her children grow up knowing both her Indian culture and Anthonys British culture. I feel like she is one of those moms that will teach and speak Hindi at home so her children r bilingual. She just overall is a classic Indian mom lol.
🩵 I’ve talked about this before but i feel like Kate would really take Hyacinth under her wing. As the lady of the house, she wants her to have a great debut, not just bc it reflects on her but bc she knows Hyacinth deserves it. She also prepares her for the ups and downs of society. She knows how Hyacinth lowkey has rose tinted sunglasses on when it comes to being part of the ton, but she stresses to her that it’s ok if she isn’t perfect. I also feel like she does the same for Gregory, preparing him as much as she can, and they regularly practice on how to talk to ladies (she also gets Anthony to help him too).
🩵 Ik this is cheesy but i feel like even in the modern world Pen would be a writer, and would go under a false name. It would start with fanfics (something tells me she was writing Harry Potter and Twilight fics on fanfic dot net lol) but as she got older she would take it more seriously. She would write romance books and once she had a following she would do a whole face reveal and would do events. She would also have undercover accounts in her fandom to see what her audience really thinks of her work.
🩵 She definitely keeps her friendship with Madame Delacroix even after everything comes out. They have a weekly catch up and would even shout her out more in Whistledown now that everyone knows. She would even invite her over to her and Colin’s estate, not caring about what the ton thinks. (Bc lets be real Pen really doesn’t give a fck lol)
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silverhallow · 4 months
Drabble request: how does Benedict earn Amanda and Oliver's trust after they found out he had choked their dad?
How does Sophie help smooth things over with his newest Niece and Nephew?
Family Feuds
Benedict found it rather odd and slightly terrifying as he stood there, in the grounds of his own home, being glared at by two eight year olds… 
Two eight year olds who looked like they were plotting his demise. There was something so startling like Eloise about the twins that had Benedict worried as he moved away from the twins and towards his sister and wife who were talking to one side.
“Hello my love, is everything okay?” Sophie asked as Benedict approached, noticing how he kept glancing over his shoulder.
“Erm… I am not sure. The twins… I don’t think they like me very much” he said
“I am sure that is not true…” Eloise said “they love Charlie and Alex…”
“El, seriously they’re looking at me like they’re plotting my demise…”
“What? I am sure that is not true” Sophie said glancing over at the twins who sure enough were glaring but the moment they saw Sophie looking over, smiled and waved at their new aunt as Benedict replied
“I saw that look enough growing up, especially from Daphne after i lopped the head off her doll”
“Well what did you do to them?” Sophie asked
“Why would you assume it is my fault? But i’ve not done anything to the twins” Benedict said
“Oh… it might not be the twins… They did ask me two days ago if it was true that you choked their dad…” Eloise said a little guilty feeling in her stomach
“And you told them no right? That it was a misunderstanding…”
“Well no… I said you did but it was nothing… but they didn’t say anything more so I assumed…”
“Oh great, so they think I've tried to kill their father?!” Benedict said “no wonder they want to kill me”
“Go talk to them?” Eloise suggested.
“I tried to talk to them earlier but they actually gave me the cut… and whenever i’ve tried since they’ve just walked off…” Benedict said
Sophie sighed “they just need to have it explained, want me to try and talk to them?” 
“Well I probably should do it… but if you want to try… be my guest, no one is able to actually be mad at you so maybe make more sense” Eloise said with a smile 
Sophie rolled her eyes at her sister in law “you Bridgerton’s are all predictable”
“I’m a Crane now” Eloise said, sticking her tongue out rather immaturely.
“Once a Bridgerton…” Sophie said, shaking her head and walking off from her husband and sister-in-law and towards her newest niece and nephew.
“Hello” she smiled at them both “are you enjoying yourselves?” she asked sweetly.
“Yes thank you” Amanda said sweetly, a smile on her face “you have a lovely home and garden”
“Thank you” Sophie replied “we have a little Apple tree just over the way, did Charlie or Alex show you it? They do so like climbing it” she asked
“Oh not yet!” Oliver replied brightly
“Come, i shall show you” Sophie said and started to walk with the twins, figuring it was easier to talk to them and explain what happened out of the way of the rest of the family.
As she walked she pointed out some of the things her sons liked in the gardens and promised that they could come over often to play with them and it was as she pointed out benedict’s art room from the outside, she saw the faces the twins pulled.
“Can I ask, why you pull a face at the mention of Benedict?”
“He hurt our father. He choked him!” Amanda said angrily.
“I know but he didn’t hurt him, it was all just a misunderstanding. He was trying to protect his sister…” Sophie said
“Why?!” Oliver asked “Father didn’t hurt her”
“We know that now, but at the time, they turned up and saw that their sister had a black eye with no explanation. They did not know about you or Amanda. If you saw Amanda with a black eye and no other explanation and only one person who looked like they could be responsible… what would you do?” Sophie asked Oliver “or if it was Oliver…” she said to Amanda.
“I… I would be upset and angry!” Oliver said “I’m the only one allowed to hurt Manda, and even then I’d not punch her…”
“Same” Amanda said
“See so your Uncle Ben thought that your father had hurt his sister, and so he was trying to protect her, they made up and your Uncle Ben, Anthony and Colin all apologised to your father after they realised and it was explained how it happened” Sophie said.
“Oh so they know it was us…” Oliver said sheepishly.
“They know it was an accident and whilst you were trying to prank her you did not mean for her to get hurt as such… and you apologised to Eloise about it and she forgave you”
“After she put a fish in my bed” Amanda said crossly
“Darling, there is something you need to know about the Bridgerton’s… this family… are crazy. If there is a prank to be returned, revenge to be had… they will do it… you will have to ask your Uncle Ben what he did to Aunt Daphne’s doll after she destroyed one of his paint sets… or your Uncle Colin about how he tried to get Eloise back she changed the sugar for Salt…”
“When did she do that?!” Amanda curiously
“The day before he married Penelope” 
The twins gasped “do they all have stories like this?” Oliver asked
“Oh yes, one of their favourites is the time your Aunt Kate bested your Uncle Anthony at Pall Mall”
“What’s that?” Amanda asked
“It’s a game, ask your Aunt Kate about it, trust me, she loves this story and it will give her great pleasure to tell you it” Sophie smiled
“Oooo we will!” Oliver said brightly, the trip to the apple tree all forgotten as they beamed as they spotted Benedict and without saying another word they ran over to him and begged to hear the story of the doll and with a bright smile towards his wife, sat down with his newest family members and regaled them for the rest of the evening with stories of his childhood.
After everyone had turned in for bed he pressed a kiss to Sophie’s lips, whispering his thanks for smoothing things over, especially as the twins declared him their favourite Uncle as they hugged him before they went to join Charles and Alexander in their bedroom for the first of many sleepovers.
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sea-owl · 9 months
What is your favourite Crane Twins Head Cannon?
I like to think they are the Regency equivalent of Dennis the Menace.
I kinda hope the set one of the Bridgerton Bros on fire.
My personal favorite is that they are way more like Phillip than anyone realizes, including himself. Like had Phillip been raised at least semi normal, he would've been mischevious too and causing pranks with George.
Eloise is the one who truly notices it first. After her and Phillip have been married for a while, and Phillip has become more laid back, his playful mischevious side comes out. Of course, Eloise being Eloise, she does not back down from a challenge. It takes him a few tries, but his pranks get creative. Seeing this side of her husband and then seeing how the twins plan their pranks almost like a science experiment has a light bulb going off over Eloise's head. The twins are their daddy's children.
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kate-bridgerton · 2 years
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Bridgerton Appreciation Week || Day Two Trope  → Someone to Remember Him By: Marina, George, and their twins
Just after the hero's done his Heroic Sacrifice, the girl he left behind discovers that she's pregnant. He's gone, but not forgotten. It's generally considered very romantic, even in historical settings where a single mother can be expected to have a hard time of it on top of all her other problems. Unsurprisingly, it is assumed in these circumstances that Babies Make Everything Better. This trope is considered the intersection of Her Heart Will Go On with Babies Ever After.
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Modern teenage Oliver and Amanda
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bridgertonbabe · 1 year
I love the domestic philoise drabble. Do you have a domestic headcannon for a Regency philoise?
Their morning routine would consist of Phillip pottering around his greenhouse while Eloise catches up on her correspondence before they go for a constitutional together around the grounds of Romney Hall. Eloise would regale him with every last detail of the missives she'd received and of her responses before asking her husband about his plants, which she in turn would listen with genuine fervid interest as Phillip eagerly discussed his flowers. Their morning walk would culminate in Eloise accompanying him into the greenhouse as he ventured into further detail and showed her the plants for a better understanding of what he was explaining, and he was always tickled whenever Eloise displayed the botanical knowledge he had bestowed her with.
In the night whenever the twins suffered a nightmare they would run to their parents bed in search of comfort. If they went to their father he would hold them close, assuring them everything was okay and not to worry, and his warm protective embrace would soothe them back into sleep. Whereas if they went to Eloise's side of the bed she would give them a cuddle and then take them downstairs and to make some warm milk. There she would sit with them and get them to talk through their nightmare, allowing them to explain their scare and upset and perhaps work out if they had any underlying worries that had manifested into their slumber. By the time their mugs were empty her child would have perked up and been reassured that everything was alright before Eloise took them back to bed, sitting with them and stroking their hair until they fell back into a peaceful sleep.
Eloise had two swings installed in the garden, a feature she had greatly missed from Bridgerton House since moving to Romney Hall. The twins were thrilled with them and couldn't get enough of trying to swing higher than the other, and they'd call for their parents to come and push them even higher. In the evenings after the twins were in bed Phillip and Eloise would sit outside, holding hands as they looked up at the starry skies above or across the pastoral views stretching beyond their estate in companionable silence. This would also be the setting for any deep meaningful conversations, whether Phillip opened up about his childhood and his parental worries, or Eloise admitting she was terrified of the childbirth she would soon have to endure.
Phillip would bring his wife newly-picked flowers everyday and Eloise loved her mission of finding the perfect room, the perfect vase, and the perfect spot to have them in (and she actually attended some flower-arranging classes specially for the cause).
Of course Benedict and Sophie living the closest to them would visit often; Benedict would take advantage of the vistas Romney Hall had to offer and set up an easel in the gardens to paint them whilst Sophie enjoyed catching up with Eloise and Phillip as the children ran about and played.
For the twins birthday Phillip bought them a badminton set and while Oliver and Amanda couldn't get enough of playing the lawn game, Eloise preferred to be a spectator to their fun and would decline her husband's invite to join them. Whenever her brother and sister-in-law visited, Sophie was more than eager to join the game and she and Phillip could play with the twins for hours at a time as Eloise and Benedict sat back and watched, their hearts filled with pride and love for the happiness they had provided their spouses with.
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
How do you think the 9 year old Crane twins would handle finding out Phillip is not their Biological Father on the show?
Do you think it will be revealed on the show?
I honestly don't know. I mean it IS Bridgerton. they could chose to draw it out for drama purposes.
I think it would be an interesting plot point for the show to bring up, because not only do the kids deserve to know but show Phillip particularly, seems very attached to the memory of his brother. And he would feel like, not telling them the truth would be to deny George. Especially if Marina leaves it up to him whether the children know or not (ie: if she dies without telling them). So they most likely will be told the truth, probably after Eloise and Phillip have that heart to heart where she questions if he ever loved Marina and he explains all the complicated feelings he felt towards her.
And I think that the children could very well not understand. Because in the show at least, Phillip's involvement in their life, IS that of a benevolent uncle, more than an involved father. And they could misinterpret his actions as such of someone who never wanted to be their real dad and be very sad and angry about it. But that would also give the perfect opportunity for Eloise to help, by drawing a comparison to her brother Anthony, explaining that Phillip may never be their father, but he will always try his best as a father figure. And he will always love them sincerely.
I would love this scene to serve as a bridge between not only the twins and Phillip, realizing that parental relationships can be more than blood, but also that moment where Eloise realizes that all this time she's been unnecessarily hard on Anthony, because out of all the Bridgerton siblings, I really like that scene in the books where Anthony admits that he knows it's not fair, because he also had to be her father when all he wanted was to be her brother.
In the show this could be a nice parallel for Eloise and Anthony to come to terms with how their relationship was a bit distant because Eloise resented him for acting like her dad.
And I like how it could come full circle with the twins eventually understanding that even tho they're not Phillip's biological children, he still loves them with all his heart, because they are the last piece he has of his brother. And Even tho nothing can replace George and Marina. Phillip will always be there for them. Cue Eloise volunteering to be there for them too.
And I don't know maybe the show won't touch the subject, which I doubt because there's drama there. But if they don't touch the subject the twins will still grow up thinking Phillip is their biological dad. But I feel like this would only happen if Marina made him promise not to reveal the truth before she died. And show Marina genuinely loved George too much to do that.
But yeah that's the tea
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apinchofm · 1 year
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adventures in babysitting
T, Fluff & Humour
Lucy and Gregory babysit Amanda and Oliver for the weekend
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alexanderart245 · 8 months
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Every bad bitch needs a failbeing backing them up
[My ocs- Thalia Stirling, Professional Magical Girl, and Oliver Crane, Professional Nuisance]
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
Eloise and Phillip’s Children
Sir and Lady Crane had five children with the older two being from Sir Crane’s first marriage: Amanda, Oliver, Penelope (better known as Penny), Georgiana, and Frederick. Amanda was the eldest, by seven minutes, and preferred to stay out of the spotlight. She grew out of troublemaking ways by the age of ten, although they never fully left her. Amanda was also the one Bridgerton granddaughter not to take a season, but it wasn’t a worry. She found her match in a neighbor’s cousin. Oliver was the eldest son and the second eldest. His troublemaking ways stayed with him a lot longer than they did his sister and he was always down to cause a little bit of a scene. He was, perhaps, an unusual choice but still eligible and eventually gave his heart to a merchant’s daughter, much to the ton’s displeasure. Penny could usually be found with her cousin and best friend, Agatha Bridgerton. They were inseparable, until it came to finding their matches. Penny fell for a duke… who also happened to be a fourth son. Georgiana was the most introverted of the Crane children, inheriting her father’s temperament. She became a sort of wallflower, but was still considered a good match as she was, after all, a Bridgerton by blood. However, Georgiana refused to bend when she fell in love with a viscount (and earl’s heir), who was rumored to be illiterate. Frederick was the youngest and that could be innately obvious at moments. He was a barrister, although he also had a wild side and eventually fell in love with an earl’s daughter. 
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Amanda Mary Crane
Born in 1816, Amanda’s middle name was a play on her mother’s name. It was her father’s idea, just as he made the suggestion that Oliver’s middle name be George.
Amanda is the older twin and never lets Oliver forget that. Much to her displeasure, he ends up taller than her.
Amanda outgrows pranking shortly after her sister, Georgiana is born. However, she will still get into prank wars with Oliver. It’s part of how they love each other.
Amanda had a revolving door of interests, and tends to find a new one every few months. She’s been interested in botany, zoology, architecture, Roman history and more. 
Amanda also finds that she really enjoys writing. She ends up writing a diary, which isn’t something she shares with people. However, she does end up gifting it to a granddaughter who she sees as a kindred spirit.
Amanda is also rather close with her cousin, Caroline Basset. They just clicked.
Amanda married Charles Farraday in 1840, when she was twenty-four and he was twenty-seven. Parts of their love story can be found in the second epilogue of To Sir Phillip With Love.
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Oliver George Crane
Born in 1816, Oliver is very light-hearted. He’s always made it his mission to lighten the mood, which is usually accomplished by jokes and pranks. It takes him a while to grow out of the pranks, which truly occurs shortly after his little brother, Frederick is born. He never truly grows out of pranks, though.
Oliver never lets Amanda forget that he’s the taller twin. 
Oliver loves having cousins. He’s in-between Edmund Bridgerton and Miles Bridgerton and David Basset in age, so he doesn’t have a very close cousin. However, he is good friends with all three boys, even if he brings out the worst in Edmund.
Oliver does not enjoy his time at school. For him, the only saving grace is that his friendship grows with his cousins and he makes other friends. In a modern AU, Oliver would probably have a mild case of ADHD.
Oliver falls in love with Alice Linfield, a merchant’s daughter. She is from a middle class family that can afford to mingle with the ton. Alice is one of the few people who can understand Oliver’s impulse to lighten the mood but can also call him out. 
Oliver married Alice in 1847, when he was thirty-one and she was twenty-four. They have one of the larger age gaps. 
Oliver and Alice have four daughters, Victoria, Adelia, Vinnie and Zadie. Victoria Alice Crane is two years older than Adelia Eloise Crane. Adelia is three years older than Lavinia Amanda “Vinnie” Crane, who is four years older than Zadie Marina Crane.
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Penelope Violet “Penny” Crane
Born in 1825, Penny’s temperament is a combination of her parents’. She is generally fairly even-keeled, but can also lose her temper easily. In addition, she is a hopeless romantic and is not something people expect from her. 
Penny’s godfather is Anthony and her godmother is Francesca. 
Penny is quite close with her cousin, Agatha Bridgerton. They are almost like a Penloise 2.0, with fewer secrets. It never fails to amuse their mothers, and grandmother. However, she also really looks up to her older cousin, Amelia Basset. 
Appearance wise, Penny looks like Eloise and therefore a Bridgerton.
Penny has a wild and fun-loving side, which often masks the personality traits that she inherited from Phillip. However, Penny embraces all of it.
Penny marries Christopher “Kit” Barrington, the Duke of Morcott. He also happens to be a fourth son, which means there’s all sorts of rumors swirling around Kit while they’re courting. 
Penny married Christopher in 1849, when she was twenty-four and he was twenty-eight. 
Penny and Christopher have five children, Alexandra, Hugo, Matthew, Robbie, and Viola. Their eldest child is a daughter named Alexandra Eloise Barrington, who is two years older than the twins, Hugo Christopher Phineas Barrington and Matthew Phillip Ambrose Barrington. The twins are four years older than Robert John Edmund “Robbie” Barrington. Robbie is three years older than Viola Penelope Barrington.
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Georgiana Eloise Crane
Born in 1826, Georgiana has her father’s temperament. She’s introverted, somewhat awkward, and generally fairly even keeled. She also has her father’s love of botany and plants. Georgiana is also closer to Phillip. 
Georgiana’s godfather is Benedict and her godmother is Penelope. 
As a child, Georgiana often trailed after her sister, Penelope, and cousin, Agatha Bridgerton. They rarely let Georgiana join in, despite the fact that Georgiana was only a year younger than them. 
She is a wallflower during her entire time as a debutante. However, she does manage to form her own friend group with two other wallflower debutantes.
Georgiana and Eloise are often at odds with one another. Their arguments really hit fever pitch during Georgiana’s courtship with Viscount Wivenly.
Georgiana falls in love with Lucas Wivenly, a viscount. He’s an heir (and former spare) to an earl, and also has dyslexia. However, because this is the mid-1800s, no one knows what dyslexia is and there are many rumors swirling around Lucas’s struggles with reading and related-tasks. Eloise does not like Lucas at first. Phillip thinks that Lucas is a good man and that Georgiana truly cares for Lucas.
Georgiana married Lucas in 1850, when she was 24 and he was 27.
Georgiana and Lucas have two sons named Nicholas Phillip Edmund Wivenly and Isaac Lucas Benedict Wivenly. Nicholas is two years older than Isaac.
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Frederick Phillip Anthony Crane
Born in 1829, Frederick reminds his grandmother of his Uncle Colin. He’s jovial, friendly, and troublesome. He also has his uncle’s massive appetite. In addition, Frederick has Eloise’s temperament and takes after her more so than Phillip in personality. 
Frederick’s godfather is Colin and his godmother is Daphne.
Frederick is older than his cousins, Richard Bridgerton and John Stirling by approximately two months. He is also extremely close with Richard and John, forming a trio with similar roles and personalities to their uncles ABC with Frederick being Colin, John Benedict, and Richard Anthony. 
His siblings, parents, and grandmother are the only ones Frederick lets call him “Freddie.” Eventually, his wife is added to that list.
Frederick becomes a barrister. He decides that he would like to try and help those who are less fortunate for him. Frederick also has a strong sense of honor, something he inherited from both parents.
Frederick falls in love with Lady Beatrice Winslow, an earl’s daughter. Their match happens quite slowly, as Richard Bridgerton marries Beatrice’s twin sister and John Stirling marries Beatrice’s close friend. They are both a bit oblivious about their growing feelings over the two seasons that occur prior to their courtship beginning. 
Frederick married Beatrice in 1857, when he was 28 and she was 24.
Frederick and Beatrice have two children, Louis and Dotty. Their eldest is a son named Louis Phillip Frederick Crane, while their youngest is a daughter named Theadosia Beatrice “Dotty” Crane.
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Anthony & Kate’s children • Benedict & Sophie’s children • Colin & Penelope’s children • Daphne & Simon’s children • Francesca & Michael’s children • Gregory & Lucy’s children • Hyacinth & Gareth’s children
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folklauerate · 2 years
Bridgerton, Actually--a Love, Actually Holiday AU
The teaser and trailer chapters for Bridgerton, Actually are up now!
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I'll be posting weekly starting Dec 3, with the last chapter being posted on Dec 24! Come join all the fun :)
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asoftepiloguemylove · 3 months
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unknown // BANANA FISH (2018) dir. Hiroko Utsumi // Franz Kafka Letters to Milena; written August 26, 1920 // William Shakespeare The Tragedie of Macbeth // Traci Brimhall Saudade // Mr. Robot (2015-2019) cr. Sam Esmail // The Crane Wives Tongues and Teeth // Ethel Cain Strangers // Mary Oliver Count the Roses // boygenius Not Strong Enough // Kris Kidd // Neil Gaiman // Are you a Soldier, a Poet, or a King? uquiz cr. @atlanticsea // Nicole Dollanganger Dog Teeth // 呪術廻戦 Jujutsu Kaisen (2020-) dir. Shota Goshozono
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silverhallow · 1 year
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Oliver George Crane
Nicknames: Oli, The OG
Profession: Wildlife and Wilderness Photographer
Hobbies: Plants, Old fashioned photography, camping, pulling pranks, restoring old cars
Oliver George Crane is the youngest of the two Crane twins, by 8 minutes and 42 seconds… as he constantly reminded by Amanda.
He’s the calculated one who plans the pranks and helps out Manda’s mad ideas into action.
He fell in love with Photography when Eloise came into the picture and he met his Uncle Ben and with his love of the outdoors and plants his profession was only natural…
Wildlife and wilderness photographer. He loves taking a tent and fucking off into the great outdoors for days and weeks to explore and photograph things.
He loved spending time with Vivi in the grounds of My Cottage and around his fathers home and the two of them taking pictures together.
When he’s home, he loves working in his cousin David’s and John Woodson’s mechanics garage and the two of them spend a lot of time restoring old cars.
For a wedding present for Manda the three boys restore a vintage Mini Cooper for her in Pea Green and he spent time restoring an old James Bond Aston Martin which is his pride and joy.
In Uni he got into a lot of trouble when he and David decided to prank Alex by putting full cups of water around his bed whilst he was out so there was no way of getting in or out…
Thanks to @sirphillipcranestanaccount for her help with this
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sea-owl · 1 year
Accidental demon summoning mixed with reincarnation
After the spouses die in the regency era, the bridgertons lose their minds, commit crimes against those they blame for the deaths (maybe the spouses were murdered or had accidents and died young) so when the bridgertons finally died they became demons.
Now fast forward a few hundred years and the spouses are reincarnated. Philip's twin decide to pull a prank with an old book on summoning demons. And then wind up actually summoning a demon when their father accidently gets a paper cut..... "But why is the demon lady being nice to us and why is she hitting on our dad?"
Cue the others being summoned because they forgot to put the book up
The title will be How Demons Became Our New Family.
I can see this going in a few directions, but my favorite would be the one where it's almost treated like romantic comedy with some slice of life.
Oliver and Amanda didn't mean to summon the demon lady. But Aunt Penelope's old book was so pretty, and it could have been a fun game! Besides, the book said you needed blood to make the contract with the demon, and they knew their dad would be disappointed with them if they cut themselves on purpose.
They set everything else up from the circle to lay out some flowers from their dad's greenhouse. Anthurium for hospitality, dahlias for lasting bonds, protea for change, and the last flower was their choice according to the book. The book says it helps when determining what demon you'll summon. Amanda added bleeding hearts. They were pretty, and her father said they represent lost love and new beginnings.
Phillip came in at some point and played along with his kids. They sat together reading the book, the kids being dramatic in their reading. Just as Phillip was about to flip the page, he accidently gave himself a papercut. On his way to the bathroom, Phillip didn't notice a drop spilled on the circle his kids made. He didn't see the circle glow, nor how the twins watched stun.
What he did see when he got back was some random woman hugging his children. That same woman who immediately threw herself on him when he pulled the twins away.
So the lady's name was Eloise and she's actually a demon they summoned with their dad's blood.
Eloise confused the twins. For a demon, she was really nice and weird. She would help them with pranks, but she also kept hitting on their dad. She always had to be touching him or one of the twins. She also wouldn't let them touch the summoning circle.
"Where did you get this book anyway?" Eloise asked them one day.
"We borrowed it from Aunt Penelope." Aka their aunt had no idea they had it.
Eloise froze. "You're aunt Penelope?"
The twins pointed at the shelf they asked Phillip to put pictures of their family. None of their aunts and uncles were their biological aunts and uncles, but their dad loved them like family. So they were the twins' family too.
On the shelf were pictures of their uncles, Simon, Michael, and Gareth. There were also pictures of their aunts, Kate, Sophie, Penelope, and Lucy.
Eloise looked amazed at the photos. "They're all alive and know each other," she whispered to herself.
Not long after was their family's once a month meet-up.
The twins didn't see Eloise all day, which was weird. Well, not until their aunts and uncles were all looking over the summoning circle that was still on the floor. Eloise showed up next to their dad and she was grinning.
Eloise snapped her fingers and the glasses their aunts and uncles were holding all shattered and cut their hands.
Seven more demons showed up in the circle and they were just as clingy to their aunts and uncles as Eloise was to their dad.
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 years
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From the Tower Window of my Bookhouse
Edoted by Olive Beaupré Miller
Chicago, the Bookhouse for Children Publishers
Artist : Donn Philip Crane
Far away within the wood a troop of Fauns and Sa’tyrs were dancing in a round, while old Syl-va’nus, who was their king, slept in a shady arbor. Gay, rustic, wild-wood folk were these, with horns upon their foreheads and shaggy legs of goats.
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