#om aum mantra
news-24-media · 1 year
(via Om Tat Sat: Connecting Humanity and the Universe)
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lazyyogi · 2 years
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Om is the first mantra. It is the seed syllable of reality Itself.
Om begins and concludes every ritual, meditation, and mantra. Om begins and concludes that Thing we perceive as the Universe.
Om encodes the destination, the map, and the practice of the spiritual path.
The dot embodies the non-dual divine reality inherent in/as all Beings. The loops of the symbol demonstrate the shapes of human consciousness: waking life, dreaming, and dreamless sleep. Dividing the space between Reality and the shapes of human consciousness is a single swoosh, the Illusion.
This symbol is the reason for why some make a distinction between awareness and consciousness. Consciousness can change into many shapes, textures, and flavors. While dreaming, waking, and dreamless sleep are a few, consider also the shapes consciousness takes when exposed to psychedelics.
Yet even while consciousness can shift and change, there is an unknown knower of all these changes that is itself changeless. By unknown, what is meant is that consciousness cannot know this awareness any more than a cartoon character can know its cartoonist. However, that awareness can know itself.
The awareness in all living Beings is that divine reality. Some call it awareness because it is aware of consciousness due to the knowing capacity inherent in awareness but awareness is much more than just that. So why not call it Divine? That is just as good a description for its staggering majesty as any other.
Through an inexplicable and illusory occurrence, this awareness (or Divinity) has mistaken itself to be a single fragment of existence confined within the three shapes of human consciousness. From this arises the experience of separation, individuation, and suffering. All the while, the divine awareness is still the divine awareness. That's why this is called an illusion. It doesn't actually and never actually happened.
And that's also why Enlightenment isn't really a transformation but more like finally remembering or realizing how things actually are, hence realization. A person doesn't become enlightened just as a cartoon character doesn't realize they are the cartoonist. It is the cartoonist who remembers themself.
A non-dual teaching summarizes this succinctly: "There are not two selves, one that realizes the other."
In the end, the only real Self that we have and are is that divine awareness.
All of this and more is encoded in this lucid symbol and simple mantra...
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 3 months
Listen/purchase: Om Sound Healing Music: Tibetan & Crystal Bowls with Deep Mantras for Yoga by Various Artists
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Om Sound Healing Music: Tibetan & Crystal Bowls with Deep Mantras for Yoga Meditation 
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jeevanjali · 3 months
Sawan 2024: क्या है ओंकार, कैसे हुई ॐ की उत्पत्ति? जानिए कहां से आया ओम नमः शिवाय मंत्रSawan 2024: भगवान् शिव के भक्तों के लिए सावन का महीना बेहद पवित्र माह होता है। इस पूरे महीनें शिव की सेवा करने से शिव लोक की प्राप्ति हो जाती है।
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haikuandy · 1 year
haiku 20230806
morning mantraone good aumjust to clear the head Like my haiku? Buy me a coffee
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news24mediapress · 1 year
Om Tat Sat explained: The Spiritual Mantra Connecting Humanity and the U...
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shamballalin · 2 years
What Does "OM" ~ "AUM" Mean?
What Does “OM” ~ “AUM” Mean?
This is the Hindu OM Symbol. You can elongate its sound “OM” or “AUM” for vibrational frequency meditation and healing. But what does it mean? The following is from Jet International in India, a wonderful place to get crystals, talisman items, and information regarding the popular “AUM” symbol seen above. I usually use the “OM” interpretation in my public meditations, classes, and writing, but…
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priyastandon · 2 years
The paradox of Indian ethos & Western education
Aaj Kal Ke Bachhe A conversation between mothers and teachers of school children recently caught my ears, “Aaj kal ke bachhe bhi naa; sunte kahaan hain …” Everyone had woes to share and I pondered yet again on what had gone wrong with our upbringing. We come from a culture that emulates, “Maathru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava, Aacharya Devo Bhava, Atithi Devo Bhava!” Why then should values like obedience, respect, humility, discipline, empathy, gratitude etc. be alien to our youth?
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When I got home, our two-year-old granddaughter was lisping to the age old Nursery Rhymes, ‘Old MacDonald had a farm, Eeeya eeya oh!’ and ‘Rain, Rain go away, come again another day …’ According to Google, the poem ‘Rain, Rain go away …’ dates back to the 17 th century. I guess the poet lived in bleary, cloudy and cold weather so it was a good idea to sing, “Rain, Rain go away; Come again another day …” But in India; especially in Central and Southern India where the weather ranges from hot, hotter to hottest, we really value rain. Our agriculture depends on it. When the God-loving Indian farmer prays to Varun Devta to send the elixir of rain for the thirsty soil so that he can sow the seeds; and his son in school sings, “Rain, Rain go away …,” wouldn’t the paradox confuse the Gods? Do children of kindergarten even understand the poems we teach them? Of course they do not! We teach them to learn by rote with the help of Rhymes ’n’ Rhythm. So how about training them to phonate something that is verily Indian and meaningful; like the cosmic, all-encompassing Om or the Gayatri Mantra? We just need to tutor them to recite it. Understanding comes much later … just as in Nursery Rhymes! 
The ancient Indians knew that the sound of creation is OM. It can be heard reverberating within us by plugging the ears with the fingers and closing our eyes, in silence. Could we teach our school going children to tune-in to this cosmic sound of the Universe? It would teach them to recognize the underlying unity in the diversity of creation!
Enough research has been done on the benefits of reciting the Gayatri Mantra. The Gayatri, amplifies our intellect, unlocks our intuitive powers and awakens the effulgence of the Sun within us. Chanting it helps develop calmness and concentration. The world recognizes this. Sadly, somewhere in the past years, the mention of God and religion vanished from our education system. I taught our two year old granddaughter to chant the Gayatri Mantra.
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ, tát savitúr váreṇyaṃ bhárgo devásya dhīmahi, dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt
She would definitely learn the Nursery Rhymes too at school, but I wanted to teach her something that is definitely more valuable. It is heartening to see that the New Education Policy (NEP 2020) talks about the importance of the Human Values of Truth, Peace, Non- violence, Love and Righteous Conduct. It recognises that teaching values to children is likely to help overcome prevailing fanaticism, violence and corruption, exploitation and drug abuse. It identifies that religion is a key source of value generation. The NEP 2020 is all set to remodel all curriculum and pedagogy such that it is firmly rooted in the Indian ethos, culture and traditions, taking stock of ancient and contemporary knowledge. Resultantly the youth of our country shall benefit from the precious Indian knowledge that is our invaluable legacy. True education must equip children with life skills, human values, character and wisdom; it should not just enable them to earn. The revised focus is much needed and welcome!
And who knows, maybe the morning prayers in our schools get replaced by the effulgent Gayatri! And soon we shall hear, “Aaj kal ke bachhe! Kya baat hai!” And we shall celebrate our children everyday ... not just on Children’s Day!
This piece is published in Hindustan Times today 06.11.22. 
If you would like to share your thoughts do leave a message for me down below. I would be happy to hear from you. 
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talonabraxas · 25 days
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♱ ⛦ ☠︎︎ Here are some mantras to please Kali Ma ☠︎︎ ⛦ ♱
1. Bija Mantra:
This mantra will protect you from all the evil forces.
2. Simple form of Kali Mantra:
“Om Krim Kali”
K stands for full knowledge, R means she is auspicious, I means she bestows booms, and M that she gives freedom
3. Kali Mantra:
“Om Kring Kalikaye Namah”
This mantra is simple and transforms the devotee to pure consciousness.
4. Simple Kali Mantra
“Om Sri Maha Kalikayai Namaha”
Only a few people use this mantra due to its purgative nature.
5. Kalika-Yei Mantra
“Om Klim Kalika-Yei Namaha”
This mantra is believed to bring relief from all kinds of problems, no matter how complex it is.
6. The fifteen syllable mantra
“Om Hrim Shreem Klim Adya Kalika Param Eshwari Swaha” It is believed that this mantra brings rapid growth to one’s spirituality.
7. Kali Mantra for Worship
“Kring Kring Kring Hing Kring Dakshine Kalike Kring Kring Kring Hring Hring Hung Hung Swaha”
Meaning: The Mantra consists of three seeds, krim, hum and hrim, and the name ‘dakhshina kalike’ and ‘swaha’, which signifying offering. This mantra is used by the devotees of Kali, the preserver of Earth, who saves us from all the ignorance and the fear of death.
8. Kali Gayatri
“Om Maha Kalyai Ca Vidmahe Smasana Vasinyai Ca Dhimahi Tanno Kali Prachodayat”
Meaning: Om Great Goddess Kali, the One and only one, who resides in the Ocean of Life and in the Cremation Grounds that dissolve the world. We focus our energies on you, may you grant us boons and blessings.
9. Kali Chants
a). “Om Kali, Kali! Om Kali, Kali!
Namostute, namostute, namo! Namostute, namostute, namo!”
b). “Ananda Ma Ananda Ma Kali
Ananda Ma Ananda Ma Kali Ananda Ma Ananda Ma Kali
Om Kali Ma!”
These are the simple chants to please the Black Goddess.
10. Dakshina Kali Dhyan Mantra : This is also known as karpuradi stotram.
“Om karala-badanam ghoram mukta-kEshim chatur-bhuryam. kalikam dakshinam dibyam munda-mala bibhushitam sadya-chinna shira kharga bama-dordha karambujam abhayam baradan-chaiba dakshina-dardha panikam”
Meaning: Om. Fierce of face, she is dark, with flowing hair and four-armed. Dakshina Kalika divine, adorned with a garland of heads. In Her lotus hands on the left, a severed head and a sword. She bestows sanctuary and blessings with her right hands.
11. Maha kali dhyanam
“Om khargang chakra-gadeshu-chapa-parighan shulang bhushundIng shirah shankhang sanda-dhatIng karistri-nayanAng sarbanga-bhushabritam. nIlashma-dyutimasya pada-dashakang sebe maha kalikang yamastou-chhaite harou kamalajye hantung madhung kaitavam.”
Meaning: Aum, Her ten hands is holding a scimitar, disk, mace, arrows and bow, lance, club, a skull and a conch shell. She is a three-eyed goddess, Her body is covered with ornaments, and Her countenance with the brilliance of blue diamonds, with ten limbs. We offer our service to mahakali, She who Brahma praised for protection from the demons madhu and kaitava, when Bishnu was in sleep. Kali Maa 🖤 Talon Abraxas
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santoschristos · 7 months
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Om Namah Shivaya! Translation of Om Namah Shivaya This mantra is often translated as “adoration to Shiva,” “I bow to Shiva” or “I bow to the inner self.” Om Namah Shivaya is also referred to as the five-syllable mantra or Panchakshara mantra because it has five syllables (Na-Ma-Shi-Va-Ya) that are preceded by the Om or Aum. The five syllables represent the five elements of earth (Na), water (Ma), fire (Shi), air or wind (Va), and space or sky (Ya). Underlying this mantra is a great secret. As we chant the five syllables Namah Shivaya, the five elements that comprise the body are purified. Each syllable purifies its corresponding element. As long as the body and the mind are not completely pure, we cannot fully benefit from our spiritual practice. Therefore, we repeat Om Namah Shivaya to help cleanse them. --Paramahamsa Muktanandaji image art: Eyes of Shiva by Mahaboka
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falangesdovento · 6 months
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O texto é de 2017, estava nos meus velhos arquivos, estou repostando porque achei muito legal, espero que gostem...
Ao organizar algumas coisas dentro de um armário encontrei uma mochila velha, meia largada e esquecida já alguns anos, era toda feinha, e estava até meio mofada, então resolvi dar uma cara nova pra ela, já que a minha velha guerreira estava em pior estado, toda furada e remendada, queria algo simples, mais simbólico, algo que energizasse os meus caminhos, que tivesse a ver comigo e que também transformasse o preto triste do tecido em algo mais vibrante e luminoso, então peguei os pincéis e um pouco de tinta e customizei ela... Legal e simples, porém ainda muito estranho para alguns... Ontem uma senhora que sentou do meu lado no ônibus, viu a mochila no meu colo e me perguntou que símbolo era este? Então falei a ela que este desenho representava o movimento circular das ondas sonoras da vida, da vibração energética do Universo, do som que equilibra e sustenta as coisas, da sonoridade perfeita, da harmonia que coloca tudo no seu lugar... Então ela me disse: Mas vc escuta este som? Eu disse a ela que sim que eu escutava sempre que me permitia, e que todos escutam mas grande parte não se dá conta porque não se permitem ficar em silêncio... e que o Om (ॐ), não era o som cotidiano produzido pelos homens, mas sim o som vibracional emitido pela criação, ou seja tudo que escutamos qdo estamos quietos e centrados em silêncio, quando estamos harmonizados em nós mesmos nos permitindo a escuta divina do nosso próprio corpo vivo, se manifestando, nutrindo e ligado também a outras energias do Universo, do Cosmo e de toda natureza no processo de construção da sua obra...Ou seja o som da voz de Deus...Disse a ela também que o Om ou Aum (ॐ) é o mantra mais importante do hinduísmo e também utilizado em outras religiões. Dsse, que ele contém o conhecimento sagrado dos antigos Vedas e é considerado o corpo sonoro do Absoluto, Shabda Brahman. disse também, que o Om é o som supremo do universo e a semente da vida que nunca desiste e que sempre prospera e fecunda infinitamente...Disse também que o Om é considerado um mantra eterno, os seus três sons, a, u e m, representados no símbolo são os três primeiros estados de consciência. E que na Índia, o mantra Om está em todas partes, e que os Hindus de todas as etnias, castas e idades conhecem perfeitamente o seu significado. Ele ecoa desde a noite das idades em todos os templos e comunidades ao longo do subcontinente.
Ela então absorta e meia sem jeito, sorriu, levantou-se, me desejou boa noite, puxou a cigarra e desceu do ônibus... Tudo é som, tudo é encontro, aprendizado, vibração e movimento...
Na imagem uma mochila que eu customizei em 2017.
Que esta noite nos seja leve e plena da paz e Luz...
Boas Vibrações á todos!
ॐ Lucas Lima ॐ
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cosmiccontemplations · 10 months
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I chose today's topic to be the Om (read "Aum") symbol. It's a really significant symbol that is seen almost everywhere, yet we don't know what it means. Why is that? In my opinion, this specific symbol's overuse in mainstream media and popular culture was that has led to its commercialization and misrepresentation. Through this dilution of its sacredness, this process of mainstreamization diminished its significance in the eyes of some who hold it dear, as it's often used without understanding its spiritual meaning. I would like to change this by writing this article and refreshing the importance of its meaning. Let's dive in!
The Om symbol, which we pronounce as
"Aum," is a sacred sound and spiritual icon in Hinduism. The sacredness of the Om sound lies in its deep spiritual significance. It is believed to encapsulate the entire universe within its vibrations, representing the essence of ultimate reality, encompassing the threefold nature of existence: creation, preservation, and destruction. The sound of Om is believed to connect the physical and spiritual realms, serving as a powerful tool for meditation and spiritual awakening. It is considered the sound of the universe, resonating with the cosmic vibration that underlies all of creation. The chanting of Om is said to bring a sense of peace harmony, and connection to the divine. Knowing this, it's only natural how deep of a significance this sound and symbol of eternal truth holds.
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The Om sound is often associated with the crown chakra, which is the energy center located at the top of the head. In some spiritual practices, Om is considered the beej mantra, or seed mantra, of the crown chakra Chanting Om is believed to help activate and balance this chakra, facilitating spiritual awakening and a deeper connection to higher consciousness.
(The image above (purple) is a symbol of the thousand petal lotus, or the crown chakra located at the top of the head.)
The term"beej mantra' originates from the Sanskrit word "beej" meaning seed. In the context of spiritual practices, a beej mantra is a single syllable or a short phrase that encapsulates the essence of a specific deity or concept. It is believed that chanting or meditating on a beej mantra can invoke the energy associated with that deity or concept, leading to spiritual growth and transformation. Each beej mantra is thought to carry a unique vibrational quality that resonates with the practitioner's consciousness, helping to align their energy with the divine.
Practicing mantras serves various purposes, including promoting focus and concentration during meditation, invoking specific energies or deities, and aligning oneself with higher consciousness. Mantras are also believed to have a calming and centering effect on the mind, promoting inner peace and spiritual growth. Additionally, the vibrational qualities of mantras are thought to resonate with the practitioner's energy, facilitating a deeper connection to the divine.
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(Image: Divine Mother - Adi Shakti)
The concept of the divine varies across different spiritual and religious traditions. In a broad sense, it refers to a transcendent, sacred, or ultimate reality that is often associated with qualities such as omnipotence omniscience, and omnipresence. For many, the divine represents a source of love, wisdom, and guidance, and it can be perceived as a universal force that underlies all of creation.
The ultimate reality is the concept of an underlying, unchanging truth or essence that transcends the material world. It is often associated with the divine or the highest form of existence. Omniscience refers to the attribute of having infinite knowledge and understanding. The beej mantra "Om" is believed to resonate with the ultimate reality and the concept of omniscience. In Hindu philosophy, "Om" is considered a sacred sound that represents the essence of the universe and the divine.
Chanting "Om" is thought to align the practitioner with the ultimate reality and the omniscient nature of the divine, facilitating a deeper connection to higher consciousness and spiritual awakening.
Spiritual awakening refers to a profound shift in consciousness and perception, often accompanied by a heightened sense of awareness and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. It can involve a profound realization of one's true nature, a deep sense of inner peace, and a heightened sensitivity to the spiritual dimensions of life. Spiritual awakening is often described as a transformative and liberating experience that leads to a deeper connection with the divine and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.
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(Spiritual Awakening by Michael Durst)
The experience of spiritual awakening can vary greatly from person to person, but common signs include a deep sense of inner peace, heightened intuition, a greater sense of empathy and compassion, and a shift in perspective towards the interconnectedness of all things. Individuals may also experience a heightened awareness of the present moment, a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment, and a profound connection to the divine or universal consciousness.
I hope you found this article useful! Let me know if you want similar articles in the future. :)
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"Om Namo Narayana" is a mantra from Hinduism that holds significant spiritual and devotional importance. It is composed of three primary elements: "Om," "Namo," and "Narayana." Let's break down the mantra's components and their meanings:Om: "Om" (also spelled as "Aum") is a sacred syllable, often referred to as the "sound of the universe." It is considered the most fundamental and powerful mantra in Hinduism and other Indian religions. "Om" represents the primordial sound of creation, the essence of ultimate reality, and the interconnectedness of all existence.Namo: "Namo" is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as "I bow to" or "I honor." It signifies a deep reverence and submission. When used in a mantra, it expresses humility and devotion to the divine or the object of worship.Narayana: "Narayana" is a name of the deity Lord Vishnu in Hinduism. Vishnu is one of the principal deities in the Hindu pantheon, known as the preserver and sustainer of the universe. "Narayana" can be understood as a form of address to Lord Vishnu and symbolizes the divine presence, protection, and cosmic harmony.So, when the mantra "Om Namo Narayana" is chanted or repeated, it can be understood as an expression of profound devotion and surrender to the divine presence represented by Lord Vishnu. The mantra encapsulates the idea of acknowledging the universal essence (Om), offering respect and humility (Namo), and connecting with the energy of divine preservation and harmony (Narayana).Chanting or meditating on this mantra is believed to invoke spiritual blessings, promote inner peace, and cultivate a deep sense of connection with the divine. It's often used in religious rituals, meditation practices, and devotional singing as a way to attune oneself to higher consciousness and tap into the qualities associated with Lord Vishnu.
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lifetimeyogisblog · 9 months
The sacred sound of “Om” or "AUM" holds profound significance in Hinduism, Yoga, and various spiritual traditions. Chanting Om is believed to connect individuals with the universal consciousness, bringing about inner peace and spiritual elevation.
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reyansh727 · 9 months
Gemstones for Prosperity, Success, and Wealth in Your Life
Gemstones are often regarded as powerful tools to counteract the negative, unfavorable planetary alignments in an individual's horoscope. In contemporary times, they are increasingly employed as astrological remedies to complement efforts aimed at enhancing health, accumulating wealth, and achieving success.
Each planet is associated with a specific precious gemstone, forming the Navratnas, or the nine gemstones for the nine planets. Wearing the gemstone linked to a particular planet is believed to amplify its positive impact or alleviate its negative effects on an individual's horoscope.
The efficacy of gemstones is attributed to a set of prescribed practices in Vedic astrology, including purification processes, mantras, auspicious timings, days, metals, and specific fingers and hands for wearing the gemstones. The weight of the gemstone varies for each person based on the desired outcome. Additionally, Vedic astrology recommends energizing and cleansing processes, along with daily recitation of mantras to enhance the gemstone's effects.
Navigating the Cosmic Landscape
The Radiant Sun and Ruby Step into the realm of fame, fortune, and authority with the radiant Ruby, a beacon for the Sun's energy. Worn on the right-hand ring finger in gold or copper, the Ruby holds the promise of amplified positive impact. The ritual purification process involves a soak in a concoction of milk, honey, and Ganga Jal, followed by the empowering mantra, "Om Suryaya Namah."
Moon's Tranquil Embrace with Pearl Embrace the calming influence of the Moon with the luminous Pearl, a gemstone renowned for balancing emotions and relationships. Worn on the little finger in silver, the Pearl undergoes a purifying soak in Ganga Jal and cow milk. Recite the mantra "Om Chandraya Namah" for daily empowerment.
Mars' Fierce Energy in Red Coral Harness the dynamic energy of Mars with the fiery Red Coral, symbolizing strength and courage. Worn on the ring finger in gold or copper, this gemstone alleviates the Manglik dosha. Immerse the Red Coral in a blend of Ganga Jal and raw milk for purification, and chant the mantra "Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah" to awaken its power.
Mercury's Intellectual Spark in Emerald Embark on a journey of wisdom and intellect with the enchanting Emerald, Mercury's gemstone. Worn on the little finger in gold, this gem enhances communication skills and earning capabilities. Purify the Emerald in a mix of raw milk and Ganga Jal and infuse it with energy using the mantra "Om Budh Budhaya Namah."
Venus' Allure in the Diamond Experience the epitome of love and beauty with the majestic Diamond, representing Venus. Worn on the middle finger in gold, the Diamond enhances wealth and improves marital relations. Purify this gem in a blend of Ganga Jal, raw milk, and honey, and recite the mantra "Om Shukra Devaya Namah" for daily empowerment.
Jupiter's Abundance with Yellow Sapphire Jupiter, the harbinger of good fortune, is embodied in the Yellow Sapphire. Worn on the index finger in gold, this gemstone attracts recognition, fame, and vitality. Purify the Yellow Sapphire in a mix of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Brim Brihaspataaye Namah" for continuous empowerment.
Saturn's Command with Purple Sapphire Bow to the taskmaster, Saturn, with the regal Purple Sapphire. Worn on the middle finger in silver, this gemstone enhances positive results and brings wealth. Purify the Purple Sapphire in a blend of raw milk and Ganga Jal and chant the mantra "Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah" daily for empowerment.
Rahu's Enigma in Hessonite Navigate the mysterious Rahu with the protective Hessonite. Worn on the middle finger in silver, this gemstone guards against malefic influences. Purify the Hessonite in a mix of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Ram Rahave Namah" daily for energizing vibes.
Ketu's Shield in Cats Eye Stone Embrace the enigmatic Ketu with the protective Cats Eye Stone. Worn on the right-hand middle finger in a silver ring, this gemstone safeguards against loss and ill tidings. Purify the Cats Eye Stone in a blend of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Kem Ketave Namah" daily for purification and empowerment.
Conclusion: Nurturing Your Gemstone Allies
Remember, the key to unlocking the full potential of these gemstones lies not only in their mystical properties but in your commitment to personal growth. Get gemstone recommendations based on your kundli for improved luck and success. While gemstones pave the way for luck, success, and wealth, your efforts and initiatives play an integral role. Consult with an astrologer to embark on a personalized journey, unveiling the gemstone that aligns perfectly with your cosmic blueprint. As you wear these gems, cleanse and purify them weekly to ensure they radiate positive energy, guiding and supporting you on your path to prosperity.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
What is Power of Raam Naam
As we all know Rama is a two letter mantra derived out of the ashtakshara (Aum Na mo Na ra ya na ya) and Panchakshara (Na ma Shi va ya).
Once Goddess Parvathi asked Lord Shiva how can a lay man achieve the benefits of reciting Vishnu sahasranama which is basically read by learned schlors.
For which Lord Shiva answered: "Keno Payena lakuna vishnoor naama sahasrakam - Patyathe pandithair nithyam srothumicchyaamyaham Prabho". "Just by reciting rama rama rama. Rama nama has the essence of Vishnu sahasranama or 1000 names of Lord Vishnu".
This is told in the sloka "sri rama rama ramethi rame rame manorame sahasranama thathulyam rama nama varanane"
Rama nama is so sweet as a nectar. It gives happiness to the mind.
Whatever comes in our way as an obstacle, Rama namam will protect us.
What we desire to have, we get it,that is the prowess of the nama.
The celestial s too sing the pride of this taraka mantra and it installs bravery in one's heart
The power of Rama nama is depicted by Lord Hanuman (Ever living - chiranjeevi). He crossed the ocean by chanting the Rama nama. Rama built a bridge across the ocean to reach Lanka, but hanuman just like that crossed the Ocean by just chanting Rama nama. So this means, Rama nama is mightier than Lord Rama himself.
Let us all chant, Hari and Shiva who are one and Rama nama gives happiness both in this birth and in the next birth. It erases the difficulties of the devotees, cures the illness. Let us all chant the nectar like Rama nama daily and get his blessings.
Every other mantra in our scriptures have their own names. Rama Nama is the only Mantra that is called ‘Taraka Mantra’. The word ‘taraka’ means the one that helps us cross. It helps us cross the ocean of ‘samsara’. It helps us cross the cycles of birth and death. If it is chanted as ‘Rama’, then it is a Nama.
If it is chanted ‘Ram’, then it is a Mantra.
Our ancient Sages and Rishis have glorified the Rama Nama.
Rama Nama gets exactly the same importance in Saguna Upasana (worshipping the Absolute Truth as a Being with a form) as does the Pranava (‘Om’) Mantra in Nirguna Upasana (worshipping the Absolute Truth as formless).
Rishi Manu shows that the Rama Nama has links to all the other mantras that ever exist.
In Syavana Smriti (Syavana is the name of a rishi), Syavana says that the Rama Nama is the essence of all the Vedas, Shastras, Itihasas and Puranas.
Sage Vasishta meditated on the Rama Nama for quite a long time. Hence he wanted to name the Almighty with the same Mantra that he had chanted.
In the philosophy of the Yoga, ‘Ra’ is considered the ‘Mooladhara’ (the point of origin of the power of Kundalini) and ‘Ma’ is the ‘Sahasrara’ (the destination). Hence, when the Rama Nama is chanted in the right tone and manner, the serpent power rises and hits the head or the ‘kapala’ Thus, by merely chanting the Rama Nama, one can become a Yogi.
In Vishnu Sahasranamam, Lord Siva asks Parvati to chant the Rama Nama all the time. A good teacher is the one who practices what he preaches. It is obvious that Siva, being the Supreme Guru, (Jagadguru) Himself chants the Rama Nama. When parents do something noble, would not the son follow the same? Muruga and Ganesha chant the Rama Nama always. That is verily their ‘Kula Mantra’.
Sage Vishwamitra took Sri Rama and Lakshmana to the forests for ‘yagna samrakshana’ (protecting their fire austerities from the demons). Out of the boundless love for Sri Rama, Viswamnitra wanted to gift Him something. A sage that he was, he had no worldly possessions, nevertheless, he had performed an abundance of austerities. He had penanced for a very long time on crores of ‘Devatas’ with mantras for each of them. He initiated Sri Rama with these Mantras.
As soon as the Mantras were initiated to Sri Rama, the ‘devatas’ appeared before them! Viswamitra was jealous of the fact that those devatas who could be invoked by him only after severe penances, now appeared the instant Sri Rama chanted their Mantras!
In our Shastras it is prescribed that when the devatas are invited, they can be installed in one of the three — water (that is the reason we install ‘kalas’ – pots of water for japa, kumbabhishekam and the like), fire (that is the reason we perform homam) and the third being, installing them into one’s own body (during Sandhyavandanam, Goddess Gayathri is installed thus). Here, when the devatas were invoked, they refused to go back to their abodes. Hence Sri Rama invited one and all of them into his body. Thus, by merely chanting the Rama Nama, one gets the benefit of invoking all the 33 crores of devatas as well.
Ramayana is filled with instances where merely the Name ‘Rama’ has solved so many miseries and disentangled so many situations.
Generally, people can be divided into two broad categories: the Shaivites, who worship Lord Shiva as the supreme, and the Vaishnavites, who worship Lord Vishnu and His forms as the Supreme Being. The most significant Mantra for any Vaishnavite is the ‘Ashtakshari’ (it contains eight letters in Sanskrit) mantra ‘Om Namo Narayana’.
The chief among the Mantras for the Shaivites is the Panchakshari (5 lettered) mantra, ‘Om Nama Shivaya’. Without the letter ‘ra’, ‘Narayana’ would read as ‘Nayana’ that means one without a way (‘gati’); without the letter, ‘ma’, ‘Namasivaya’ would read as ‘Nasivaya’ that means inauspicious.
So the jiva akshara (life-giving letters) ‘Ra’ and ‘Ma’ of these two Mantras are put together to form the Rama Nama! Anyone chanting this Divine Name thus worships both Shiva and Vishnu at the same time.
Also, Here its is 
One very famous and old true incident of 15th century!
Once there was a very wealthy Seth (businessman) in the current Uttar Pradesh. He was suffering from leprosy disease (vitiligo as we say white spots) for long time and therefore he plans to end his life by taking Samadhi in Ganga Ji.
He along with his family members and friends came to Ganga river and they saw Kamaal. (son of Kabiradas Ji)
Kamaal inquired about everything and smiled.
Kamaal: Seth! What if I remove this leprosy completely from your body?
Seth: I will give half of my wealth to you Maharaj instantly.
Kamaal: Keep your wealth with you. I don't want anything. Just chant Ram once from the bottom of your heart and take a dip in Ganga.
Seth did what Kamaal told, but nothing happened.
Kamaal: You didn't chant Ram from your whole heart. Do it one more time and take a dip.
Again! Nothing happened.
Now Kamaal asked him to say Ram for the third time and while Seth was taking a dip, Kamaal hit his head with a wodden stick.
Seth was horrified and terrified due to this sudden attack and he cried out Ram naam from the bottom of his heart finally.
And magic happened!
His leprosy disease vanished completely.
Kamaal was very happy seeing this and he hurriedly came to Kabiradas Ji and told him everything.
Kabiradas Ji was very sad hearing this that Kamaal had to take Ram naam for 3 times to cure a disease.
Saying Ram for 3 times for such a small purpose made Kabiradas Ji very angry.
He sent Kamaal to Tulsidas Ji who was Param Ram Bhakt with a letter.
Tulsidas Ji read the letter when Kamaal came to him and it was written:
“Dooba Vansh Kabir Ka Upje Poot Kamaal”
“Teen Ram Ke Naam Se Kodi Kiyo Bahaal”
My lineage has drowned when son like Kamaal born who had to take 3 Ram nam for curing a leprosy disease.
Tulsidas Ji smiled and ordered that whoever wants to cure leprosy disease gather at my ashram.
Around 1k patient of leprosy disease gathered from many villages.
Tulsidas Ji came and chant Ram naam only once on the water in his hands and then sprinkled that water on those patients.
And again magic happened!
Every single patient became disease free. Leprosy was vanished from each and everyone's body.
Kamaal returned home and told the incident as it is to Kabiradas Ji.
Kabirdas Ji was not satisfied even after that.
He sent Kamaal to Soordas Ji who was Param Krishna Bhakt.
Soordas Ji was laying on Raman Reti and his eyes were full of tears of love of Govind. He was in dhyan avastha.
Kamaal went to Soordas Ji and told him both the incidents briefly to Soordas Ji.
Soordas Ji: Look at the Yamuna river Kamaal. There is a dead body flowing in it.
Kamaal: Yes! There is a dead body. You doesn't look blind to me at all!
Soordas Ji: (smiling) Take that body out from the river and bring it to me.
Kamaal took the body out and took it before Soordas Ji.
Then Soordas Ji with his heart full of love amd bhakti of Govind, chanted Ra only out of complete Ram and suddenly the dead body became alive and that man stood in front of everybody like he's waken up from a long sleep.
Again magic happened!
Saying half of Ram naam can make a dead into alive!
Valmiki became like a God by chanting Ram naam backwards.
Shri Hanuman Ji Maharaj control Shri Ram himself by continuously chanting Ram naam.
Shri Mahadev took the Halaahal poison and it became an ornament for him because of continous Ram naam jaap.
Lord Rama is the Supreme Lord himself and any paraphernalia associated with him has his qualities invested in them, then what to speak of his holy name!
In Bhagavad Gita (10.25), Lord Krishna says as follows:
maharṣīṇāṁ bhṛgur ahaṁ girām asmy ekam akṣaram yajñānāṁ japa-yajño ’smi sthāvarāṇāṁ himālayaḥ
Of the great sages I am Bhṛgu; of vibrations I am the transcendental oṁ. Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa], and of immovable things I am the Himālayas.
From this, we can understand that the chanting of the holy names of the lord hold the highest position amongst all other forms of sacrifice.
Why is that? you may ask
It is explained in the scriptures that the Lord has invested all his energies and glories into his holy name.
There are some practical examples where it has been shown that the holy names of the Lord are very powerful, and in some cases, even more powerful that the lord himself!
Evidence from Scripture In the phala sruti of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama, it is said as follows: sri rAma rAma rAmeti rame rAme manorame sahasra nAma tat tulyam rAma nAma varAnane As stated by Lord Siva to PArvati - if you just chant the name "Rama",it is equivalent to chanting the 1000 names of Sri MahA Vishnu"
The Transformation of Valmiki There lived a dacoit in the treta yuga who was quite proud of his profession. One day he happened to come across a few sages. Even though he knew they would not have anything of much value to him, he decided to try his luck by approaching the sages with the intent of robbing them. The sages asked him if he was aware of the amount of negative karma his actions would bring him, to which he replied that he only had his family’s best interest in mind. The sages then advised him to ask his family members if they would be willing to share the results of his impious acts. When he asked his family members this question, they laughed and thought he was stupid to even ask such a ridiculous question. This made him realise the worth of his actions, after which he apologised to the sages. The sages gave him to chant the holy names of Lord Rama, following which he was completely transformed into the saint whom we now know as Valmiki.
The incident with Lord Shiva When Lord Brahma recited the Ramayana, it comprised of 100 crore stanzas. Due to concerns of ownership of the scripture, Lord Vishnu divided the Ramayana into 3 sections - 1/3rd was given to MahaLaxmi, 1/3rd to Garuda and 1/3rd to Shesha. At the end of the division remained 2 words: Ra and Ma. These were given to Lord Shiva. These words became the object of meditation of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva also promises to give Rama Nama to his devotees in Kashi to grant them liberation.
The incident with Hanuman Once upon a time, Lord Rama was meeting with sages in Ayodhya. As the sages left Ayodhya, Hanuman offered his obeisances to all sages except Vishwamitra. Vishwamitra was furious at this and demanded that Lord Rama execute the offender. Lord Rama being a noble and just king, obliged. Hanuman took shelter of the holy name of Lord Rama. When Lord Rama shot his arrows at Hanuman, the arrows had no effect on Hanuman. (Please keep in mind that this Lila was plotted by Narada to demonstrate the power of the holy name of Lord Rama)
The incident with the Vanaras If you have heard the story of the Ramayana you would be familiar with how the monkeys accomplished the mighty task of building a bridge from Rameshwaram to Lanka by inscribing Lord Rama’s name on rocks and plunging them in water. Due to the strength of the Holy name, the rocks floated on water.
The story of Vibhishana When Vibhishana left Lanka with his attendants, his associates were wondering how Lord Rama was able to build the bridge across to Lanka. Vibhishana explained to them that it was merely the power of the Holy name. The attendant was skeptical and Vibhishana decided that a demonstration was in order. He handed the attendant a folded up leaf with Rama’s name on it and told him to cross the ocean. The attendant may have been skeptical about Rama’s name but he had faith in Vibhishana’s words. He took the leaf and started crossing the ocean which, to his surprise was only knee deep for him. He kept walking until he reached the midway point. Then out of curiosity, he opened the leaf and read Rama’s name. His skepticism returned. How can such a simple name be so powerful as to make the ocean knee deep? Unfortunately for him, the moment he doubted the power of Rama’s name, the ocean swallowed him up. (Taken from Holy name story: Vibhishana and leaf with name Rama!)
The story of Mother Sita When Hanuman saw Mother Sita in the Ashoka Vatika, she was unkempt and chanting the holy names of Lord Rama. She states to Hanuman that only due to the power of the holy name has she been able to survive in Lanka.
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