#omega!Naruto Uzumaki
cannellee · 9 months
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alpha!sasuke x alpha!naruto x omega!reader (f)
— what is it like being team 7's omega ?
my masterlist : ☆
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the moment it was announced that you were going to be a part of naruto and sasuke's team, you knew it would be difficult.
being both alphas, they're naturally in competition most of the time, but adding an omega to their quarrel made things even worse.
it's in their nature to seek their close omega friends' attention. you didn't particularly favour any of them, but naruto was ready to prove anyone else he could be a better partner to you than sasuke.
from this day on, the two of them started to fight even more than usual.
sasuke is a silent type of alpha, but you noticed he didn't particularly try to drive you away. he didn't seem to get annoyed either when you talked to him, you figured it was a privilege reserved to naruto alone.
actually, it's safe to say that sasuke always made sure you were out of danger while out on missions.
he wasn't exactly doubting your level, but he didn't trust you and your abilities fully. his nature made it hard for him to just ignore an omega in possible danger.
it was kind but subtle gestures, noticable to those who paid attention.
whereas for naruto, he was eager to replace you, to tell you to stay away and let him do the work. he didn't mean to come off as condescending nor disrespectful, he was just extremely preoccupied by your safety and wanted to show you he could take care of you.
it didn't take much time for you guys to become a real little pack. both had their antics and grudges, but deep down you knew they both liked each other in their own way.
you played a big part on how they interacted with each other, without you realising. your calming presence and gentle scent helped the two alphas chill down a bit.
your nurturing instincts also contribute to the cohesion of your team. you sometimes act like a mediator, having little to no trouble to resolve conflicts. kakashi has even given up trying to appease those two when they start arguing and directly lets you do your thing. you always succeed in maintaining a good harmony between the three of you, he's really thankful!
your secret trick is letting naruto scent you as long as he wants, he loves to be able to claim you like this, it appeases him so much! it does get on the nerves of sasuke who curses at him to let you go though.
moreover, they may fight once in a will and throw snarky remarks to the other, but if it comes to you, your safety or your mood, they immediately work hand in hand to reassure you.
it would be one of the rare time you'll hear sasuke be so openly mean at someone. he doesn't even foster the idea of an enemy targeting you.
come back injured and you'll be heavily questioned so he can track the one responsible.
both care so much about you, it's safe to say you bring a sense of unity that wouldn't be present if it wasn't for you.
if the three of you were out at a restaurant for example, it was a tacit rule for you to sit between naruto and sasuke.
they pay extra attention to you, naruto in a more exaggerated manner than sasuke, but you noticed sasuke warmed up to you really quickly after you guys first met.
none of them will ever let anybody disrespect their partner, and they trust each other completely to look after you.
sasuke might let his scent spread widely around you, to hold off other people. whether you notice it or not doesn't matter, he will do it regardless.
don't be fooled, they both are very jealous alphas!
naruto expresses his openly, whether it's a friendly interaction that seemed too close for comfort or a compliment directed at you, he'll playfully pout or at least put his claim on you to reaffirm his position as your alpha.
sasuke's is a bit harder to perceive but present nonetheless. you're able to notice it in the way his jaw tightens, the look of his narrow eyes and protective stance.
they both consider you theirs, it's only natural they drive away other alphas. now that they grew much closer, they only accept gestures of affection directed to you, if it comes from one of them.
they also understand you're an omega and your needs manifest differently than theirs. if you need alone time, guidance or to get away from any situation... they got your back! they'll go even as far as giving you their strongly scented clothes and note down every food you like and dislike to make sure you get your favourite next time.
sasuke is at peace with how he feels about you : he likes you a lot and wants to keep you safe. the long days and hours you spent together as teammates forced the three of you to build an unbreakable bond.
their initial alpha rivalry transformed into a playful banter now. they tease each other and use their omega's laughter to measure their victory against each other.
sasuke still likes to mock naruto in front of you, because he knows it makes him embarrassed and it makes you laugh. they love the sound you make, and your lighthearted scent is like a reward.
you might not notice it, but sasuke pays close attention to you and you can expect sweet gifts from him, like pretty flowers which caught his eyes while on mission and reminded him of you.
during training, both of them become very reliable teachers. they want to demonstrate, help you with certain moves... but always having in mind to keep you away from harm.
the same goes for missions, they'll always step in if they assume you're in danger. and they'll do it over and over again, they don't even consider that as annoying or a burden to their mission.
if you think they're doing too much and you want them to calm down with all their protection, they'll understand and let you manage your thing alone. just know that they'll still have an eye on you.
naruto is very passionate and yes, he'll jump in front of you to shield you from anything. he's like a steadfast guardian you know you can count on, no matter how much he likes joking around.
however, sasuke is protective by placing a vigilant eye over you. he assesses potential threats and his actions are calculated. his protective nature is rooted in a silent commitment to keep safe what he holds dear, in this case, you.
during missions, both will offer their hand or arm to cross a particularly tricky path, they'll regularly ask you how you're feeling and if you need a break. if you do, they'll let you rest and go search for some food while the other is inspecting the surroundings.
overall, they are very careful and attentive.
and it really does make you feel protected and safe. you wouldn't trade you team for nothing in the world!
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[HC] Being Omega!Naruto’s Alpha
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Originally Posted: Jul 27, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
Original a/n: listening to this playlist while writing (not my playlist), also this is not very good lmao, it’s just word vomit
Naruto Masterlist
probably already liked you when you were kids
“i’m gonna be your omega one day, believe it”
when he’s not training to be hokage one day, he’s trying to get you to notice him
ofc you notice him, how could you not
he smells like very sugary lemon candy??
you become friends first and stay close friends for a few years
you only start dating when you’re older (shippuden era)
tbh, most people already thought you were dating before that
naruto doesn’t leave the house without being scented
if you’re still asleep when he has to leave, he will wake you up to scent him
naruto has a lot of alpha friends, so it’s important to him that your scent is on him to avoid smelling of any of his alpha friends later on
get’s very mopey if you smell like another omega
refuses to cuddle with you 
but not for long bc he does really love those cuddles
you know how his jacket is kinda like a turtleneck?
when you finally mark him, he wears his jacket partially unzipped for weeks to show off his neck 
we all know he loves missions
however, he hates that it means being away from you
if you’re a ninja too, he’ll beg tsunade to send you with them
she usually says no, none of the other shinobi take their mates with them either
if she does agree, he is literally bouncing to you to tell you
now sometimes this makes his performance during missions better because he wants to show off in front of you
let you know what an amazing omega you have
but sometimes, most of the time, he gets too distracted by your presence
also if you’re the one going on a mission, he usually sneaks along
no one can stop him
he’ll leave a shadow clone behind too so it takes a while for others in the village to catch on
if you’re a civilian, he won’t want you on the missions with him because he’s too afraid of you getting hurt (if you’re a ninja, he’s a lil afraid of this too but you’re his alpha, he trusts in your abilities to protect yourself)
so he has you scent him and a few of his things to make it a little easier on him
expect a whole day of just cuddles when he’s back
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massgenocide03 · 3 months
You're The Only One for Me
~NaruSasu Omegaverse Fanfic~
Summary: An Unexpected Transformation" follows Sasuke Uchiha, a high school junior who hides his Omega status behind suppressants and an Alpha facade due to the overwhelming expectations of his influential family. When his best friend, Naruto, returns to school after a summer of growth and self-discovery, Sasuke is confronted by Naruto’s unexpected manifestation into a confident Alpha.
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Chapter 1
Junior year of high school had just started at Ninshu High for Sasuke. The streets were a cacophony of excited voices, with students eagerly exchanging stories of their summer adventures and speculating about the latest drama. The air was charged with energy and anticipation. However, Sasuke remained detached, his mind already miles ahead, focused on his future. He had little interest in the trivial chatter around him. To him, school was merely an obstacle to overcome before stepping into his preordained path.
Sasuke was the youngest son of the illustrious Uchiha family, a name synonymous with excellence and power. His older brother, Itachi, had set a daunting standard—graduating at the top of his class, excelling in athletics, and now he was in his last year of college at a prestigious university, soon to be probably one of the best prosecutors. The expectations placed on Sasuke were immense, yet his accomplishments felt hollow, overshadowed by a truth that gnawed at his self-worth. Unlike his dominant Alpha brother, Sasuke had manifested as an Omega, which was already considered a big enough disappointment to his All-Alpha prestigious family. To save face his family decided to hide the fact that their youngest son had manifested as an Omega and instead lied to the world and announced that Sasuke too was an Alpha.
Sasuke had also grown to despise himself for being an Omega, a status that fueled his anxieties. He never let his pheromones out and had never experienced a proper heat. Determined to avoid his nature, he relied heavily on suppressants, forcing himself to live in denial. He didn't care about the detrimental effects on his body or the potential consequences. All that mattered to him was not being perceived as weak or different.
The morning walk to school was a rare moment of peace for Sasuke. He savored the quiet, the rhythmic crunch of gravel underfoot, and the crisp morning air that filled his lungs. It was a fifteen-minute escape from the suffocating expectations that awaited him. Before stepping into the bustling main hall, he mentally checked his preparations: Pheromone blockers, check. Neat uniform, check. Suppressants, check. Steeling himself, he entered the school, only to be halted by a familiar, husky voice.
“Heyyy, Sasukeee!”
Naruto’s voice was unmistakable, a blend of exuberance and mischief that Sasuke knew all too well.
Sasuke turned, expecting to see the same short, scrappy Naruto he had always known. Instead, he was met with a surprise that stopped him in his tracks. Over the summer, Naruto had undergone a dramatic transformation. His messy blond hair still shone brightly under the morning sun, maintaining its wild, untamed look, but somehow it suited him even more now. His blue eyes, always full of mischief and energy, now sparkled with a newfound intensity and confidence that caught Sasuke off guard.
Naruto stood an inch taller than Sasuke now, his growth spurt making him appear more imposing. It was surprising to see Naruto be taller than him now, especially considering that even though he was an Omega, Sasuke was relatively tall for one standing at 5 '6", while usually omegas tended to be short and delicate. His tanned skin, a shade deeper from his summer adventures, highlighted the definition in his newly toned muscles. It was clear he had spent the summer working-out, his body now lean and athletic. The broadening of his shoulders and the added muscle mass gave him a more mature, almost intimidating presence.
Sasuke couldn't help but notice how well the changes suited Naruto, adding an unexpected edge to his appearance. The change in Naruto was not just physical. There was an air of confidence about him, a subtle shift in how he carried himself. He seemed more sure of his place in the world, more comfortable in his own skin. This newfound maturity made Sasuke feel a pang of jealousy.
“What the hell happened to you during the summer?” Sasuke scoffed, barely masking his shock.
“Well… I manifested late and it turns out I’m an Alpha. After that, I just went through Alpha puberty, I guess. Also, I ate a lot of vegetables, not just ramen. Maybe that’s why,” Naruto replied with a triumphant smirk.
“Oh coo—wait, YOU’RE AN ALPHA?!” Sasuke’s exclamation drew the attention of everyone nearby. The hallway buzzed with whispers and curious glances.
Clearing his throat, Sasuke quickly regained his composure. His mind, however, was reeling. Naruto, an Alpha? It felt like the universe was playing a cruel joke on him. While Sasuke struggled with his hidden Omega status, Naruto had effortlessly transitioned into the coveted role of an Alpha.
Naruto interrupted his thoughts. “I guess we’re both Alphas now. All the pretty Omega girls are going to want us—the handsome duo.”
Of course, that’s where Naruto’s mind would go first. “Let’s just go inside, idiot,” Sasuke sighed, leading the way.
As they entered the building, Sasuke felt the familiar pressure of pheromones filling the air. Thanks to his suppressants, he wasn’t affected, but the constant reminder of his secret gnawed at him. He was an Omega pretending to be an Alpha, a fact known only to his immediate family. Every step in this charade was a reminder of his perceived inadequacy.
Naruto tried to sling an arm around Sasuke’s shoulder, but Sasuke quickly shrugged it off. He despised physical touch, a habit formed from years of guarding his secret.
“Urgh, you’re such an asshole,” Naruto grumbled, though there was no real malice in his voice.
“Anyway, what class do you have right now?”
“English. You?” Sasuke asked, already knowing his own schedule by heart, a testament to his diligence.
Naruto fished out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket. “Bummer, I have stupid math.”
“How sad. I dread for whoever has to try to get knowledge through that thick skull of yours.”
“Hey! You think you’re so smart, but you’re just an asshole who thinks he knows everything!” Naruto shot back, sticking his tongue out in the process.
They both paused for a second and then they broke into laughter. Naruto had been Sasuke’s best friend since childhood. He was the only one who could insult Sasuke and then make him laugh. Naruto’s presence was a constant, a rare source of comfort in Sasuke’s otherwise complicated life.
“Alright then, Sas. I’m heading to class. If I'm late on my first day, that demoness I call mom will kill me,” Naruto said, pulling a mock-frightened face.
Sasuke nodded, understanding. Mrs. Uzumaki’s temper was legendary, even he was scared of her at times.
“Alright, see you later.”
As Naruto disappeared down another hallway, Sasuke turned to his classroom. He stepped inside, immediately drawing the attention of his classmates. His striking looks and composed demeanor always made an impression. The classroom was already buzzing with students who had arrived early to catch up with friends.
“Sasuke!” A chorus of voices greeted him as he walked to a seat in the middle row. A gaggle of admirers quickly surrounded him, firing off questions and compliments.
“How was your summer, Sasuke?”
“You look even handsomer.”
“Did you get a haircut?”
Sasuke ignored them, his mind drifting. Their blatant displays of pheromones, a desperate attempt to catch his attention, were futile. As an Omega, he was immune to their allure, but if he were truly an Alpha, the overwhelming scent might have provoked a violent reaction, which is why he found all those Omega disgusting, they knew what could happen, but for their own gain they still did it anyways.
The bell finally rang, dispersing his admirers. Sasuke sighed in relief, only to be greeted by the one he found the most annoying.
“Hey, Sasuke…” It was Sakura. She had been infatuated with him since primary school, ignoring countless rejections. She had manifested as an Alpha a while back, and in the eyes of the world, so was he, and still didn’t make her give up on him. She had this delusional idea that together they could be a powerful Alpha couple, but Sasuke just found her annoying and repulsive.
He chose to ignore her greeting, focusing instead on the lesson ahead.
Throughout the whole class she made stupid attempts to get closer to him like “accidently” dropping her pencil right next to his foot, or asking him to explain things to her, which Sasuke thought made her look even more stupid since it was the first day of school and all they were doing was going over the syllabus.
During lunch, Sasuke sought refuge in the library, a sanctuary of silence amid the chaos of school. He unpacked his lunch—onigiri with sliced tomatoes, his favorite—and settled in with a book on federal laws. The quiet allowed him to relax, the world outside fading as he delved into the complexities of legal statutes.
His solitude was short-lived. Naruto plopped down across from him, balancing a lunchbox and a cup of instant ramen. “I knew you would be here. May I join you, kind sir?” he asked with a smirk.
“You’re already sitting down. Why are you asking?” Sasuke rolled his eyes, turning a page.
Naruto ignored the remark, diving into his ramen with gusto. “Can you believe I haven't had ramen ALL SUMMER?!”
“Ugh, it’s so good,” he exclaimed, slurping the broth noisily.
“You’re such a pig,” Sasuke said, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Stop being a hater,” Naruto retorted, grinning.
Sasuke returned to his book, only to be interrupted again seconds later by Naruto’s sudden question. “Hey, so um—what are ruts like?” the boy asked while trying to nonchalantly finish what was left of the broth in his cup.
Sasuke froze. He had no personal experience with Alpha ruts. As an Omega, he went through heats, but the two were not the same and he had technically never experienced a proper Omega heat either. His brother, Itachi, kept his ruts private, he took care of everything by himself, disappearing for days without a word.
“You’ve already been manifested as an Alpha for a while now. You should have had at least one rut or two by now,” Sasuke replied cautiously.
“Well, the clinic said that because I presented late, there might be some issues with my ruts and pheromones. Since I’m also a Dominant Alpha, it’s been...complicated. I haven’t had any ruts yet, but my doctor thinks it will happen soon.”
“Oh, that sounds...difficult. You didn’t mention you were a Dominant Alpha.”
“Yeah, I don’t think it’s a big deal. It’s all the same thing,” Naruto said, scratching his head with an awkward smile.
Probably not to you, but for me it’s a different story, Sasuke thought to himself.
“Anyway, about my question…”
The bell rang, saving Sasuke from further discussion. “Oh man, I gotta go to my next class. See you later, Sasuke!” Naruto called, dashing off.
Sasuke packed up his things and headed to his next class, grateful for the interruption. He had no desire to delve deeper into a conversation about ruts and heats, especially not with Naruto. His secret was a burden he bore alone, a constant reminder of the gap between who he was and who he pretended to be.
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aster-tmblr · 5 months
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sassykinzonline · 8 months
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this canonically makes me adam and naruto eve...or steve i guess
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jellyuwu · 11 months
The blonde stared off into the distance of the kitchen window-interrupted by a deep and soothing voice from the kitchen table.
“Mr. Uzumaki…is everything alright?”
He gave a dry laugh. “…Oh yeah..sorry-so you’ll be back tomorrow Mr. Yamanaka?”
The man furrowed his brows. “Today’s Friday-so I’ll be back Monday Mr. Uzumaki. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”
The blonde’s eyes widened in shock or in terror-the man who stood before him was unsure. “No really…I promise-just a little tired…”
The man’s lips pursed in disapproval before a smile formed. “…right-you’re usually more talkative so I was a little worried is all…”
The blonde internally rolled his eyes. Yeah, that’s before I knew you sold me out…jerk.
Three years with three children passed. After the arrival of their first son, the pair found out with Naruto’s second pregnancy that they were having fraternal twins. One girl and a boy.
Although Sasuke’s claws had yet to loosen its grip on his omega he didn’t want their children’s education to suffer. The two had a conversation about what to do about their children’s education. With a smile, Naruto offered to be their teacher but was shut down with a disapproving look. It was decided Sasuke would hire an at-home teacher for a few hours at a time three days a week…and act as a tattletale to the alpha.
Naruto used to talk the teacher’s ear off regardless of his response or lack thereof. He was elated to have another adult to talk to-but when his rants and word vomit made their way back to his mate’s ears, all trust was lost.
Mr. Yamanaka was also an omega. His nasty scar from being marked by his alpha was visible whenever he came over. It was because of this that the blonde thought the two would grow to be close…to be friends.
Now Naruto kept their conversations short and sweet-remembering he would have to face the consequences of his over-sharing from Sasuke later.
He gulped. “…yeah-just a little tired Mr. Yamanaka it’s really no worries.”
Mr. Yamanaka’s head shook slowly…almost disapprovingly at the other omega-feeling the obvious shift in his attitude and openness towards him-but he mustered another reassuring smile. “Right, Mr. Uzumaki- well please get some rest for you and the baby…”
The blonde nodded-placing a hand on his growing belly. “Oh yeah- I’ll make sure to do that…”
Naruto sat in bed with his mate resting his cheek on his belly.
“…only 2 months until our daughter’s here.”
The blonde nodded. “Yeah, she will be… so excited…”
The alpha lay between the omega’s legs-cheek still resting on his belly. “-you don’t sound excited-Naruto.”
He collected his thoughts quickly to conjure up a response-any sort of excuse. He gave a weak grin. “I’m just a little tired. Pregnancy takes a lot out of you-you know?”
The alpha sat up now holding onto the sides of his mate's belly. He stared blankly at him. “No I don’t..but you’re a pro at this by now hmm?”
Sasuke tilted his head. “Fours years with you and you think I don’t know you like the back of my hand.”
He looked down, but his head was brought back up by the alpha’s grasp. “-wish you were as talkative with me as you were with Mr. Yamanaka.”
The blonde’s face reddened in embarrassment. “…that’s different Mr. Yamanaka is just…”
The alpha’s grip hardened on the omega’s chin as a warning to not take him as an idiot. The alpha teased him nonetheless. “He’s just what…?”
“…he’s just the kid’s teacher but- he’s an omega who’s been marked like me so I thought maybe we could be friends…”
He removed his grip from the omega’s face resting his hands once more on his swollen belly.
He snorted in response..”Uh-huh..friends don’t normally report their findings back to their employer…do they?”
Naruto looked down in embarrassment once more. He mumbled. “Yeah well-I didn’t know you hired a tattle-tale babysitter for me too.”
He stared blankly at the omega. “…I wouldn’t have to if you opened up to me like you open your legs for me.”
The omega looked up retorting back with a quickness. “…no need to add insult to injury…! I get it ok..?!.. I was a fool to believe that we could…be friends…”
He rubbed at the omega’s belly. His eyes flashed a pained expression before resorting back to a blank stare. “-all that should be in that little head of yours is me and our children. If you want to talk-talk to me. If you want to rant-rant to me. If you want to laugh, cry, or share anything…do it all with only me.”
The blonde taken aback by the alpha’s vulnerability tripped over his words. “I didn’t know that you felt that way Sasuke…I just you know-enjoyed having someone else…to talk to…”
His lips pursued. “-well I enjoy talking to you most idiot.”
Naruto glanced at him noticing a hint of red on the alpha’s face. He blurted anxiously. “Your face is turning red…”
The remark resulted in his reddened face growing a few shades darker. “Yeah…and?”
Naruto stared at his mate-shocked to see for once the alpha red in the face and at a loss for words. “…I’ve only seen your face this red when we have sex…so I’m just surprised… I didn’t mean anything by it.”
Sasuke continued to stare at him. “just…be honest with me. I want us to be closer.”
“…you impregnating me three times is not close enough?”
The alpha’s eyes widened ready to retort back until he saw a smile-a genuine smile plaster itself on his mate’s face. The alpha’s eyes softened momentarily. “I want us to be even closer. Like I said if you open up to me like you do in…other ways-then we’ll both be better off…”
“You’re probably right about that…I’ll work on it-I promise…”
The alpha nodded continuing to rub his hands along the omega’s belly. “…speaking of sex-take your clothes off Naruto.”
His eyes widened in disbelief. “…way to ruin the moment Sasuke…! And who said anything about having sex…?!”
He smirked. “I did. Now take off your clothes.”
“-didn’t I just say I was a little tired..?!”
“…didn’t you just promise me you would work on being honest with me? You’re not tired Naruto…now hurry up.”
He groaned taking off his shirt. “What about the kids…?”
“The kids are fast asleep and you know that.”
Sasuke hovered over him on his knees butt naked. The omega with only his shirt off stared up at the alpha in surprise. “…when did you…how did you even get your clothes off that fast..?!”
He grinned. “I’m a pro.”
The alpha wasted no time in removing the omega’s shorts leaving Naruto red in the face at the growing secret in his shorts. “…so you lied to me about two things just now…”
He reached toward the omega’s hardened member slowly stroking at it. A small whine escaped the blonde’s lips leaning his head back into the headboard.
Sasuke continued slowly stroking his mate’s member averting his eyes between Naruto’s leaking cock and his amusing facial expressions.
The alpha began lowering his head to the level of his mate’s member-mouth open. The blonde gasped-eyes widened-red in the face. “Sasuke..! You rarely ever go down on me…you don’t have to you know..”
The alpha’s head remained lowered glaring up at him. “I know I don’t have to…I want to.”
The omega closed his eyes-nodding quickly before letting a few muffled whines feeling the warmth of his mate's warm mouth and tongue work its way on his cock.
Naruto’s heart stammered in excitement and pleasure. Sasuke had only blown him a handful of times but was surprisingly amazing at it.
The blonde clutched the alpha’s hair as he bobbed his head up and down and up and down not minding his grip tightening on his hair.
He whined. “Sasuke…please slow down…please…”
He could have sworn he felt him smirk as he slowed momentarily before he bobbed his head on his member at a faster pace. He moaned in response. “Sasuke…seriously-you have to…to slow down..I’m really about to…”
A few more movements is all it took before the omega spewed hot ropes of cum into his mouth. He stared up in bliss before panic settled in. “Oh no…sorry, I didn’t mean to finish inside your mouth…! I should have-“
The alpha slowly slid his way up the omega’s member before sitting back up staring at the blonde. He gulped-letting his mate’s cum slide down his throat.
Naruto sputtered his next words. “…you didn’t have to do that either Sasuke…!”
“I wanted to Naruto.”
Before the blonde could respond he was interrupted by a kiss. A sensual kiss quickly turned to a desperate kiss that worked its way down to his tender nipples. He lapped, swirled, and sucked his tongue on the omega’s nipples.
His eyes glossed over in tears and pleasure both ran his hands through the alpha’s hair and gripped at it. “…what…what’s gotten into you…?”
His nipple’s went cold with Sasuke now hovering over him hands gripping the headboard.
The blonde looked up at him with a lazy grin. “…you gonna let me top you next?”
The alpha looked down at him disapprovingly. “Don’t push your luck.”
Naruto had a witty remark prepared but was interrupted by the feeling of his mate’s member filling his mouth. He gripped Sasuke’s hips-digging his nails into him with every thrust.
Sasuke picked up the pace looking up in pleasure then back down-eyes shut as he focused on the sensation. Imagining his heavily pregnant omega sucking and bouncing on his cock made his member swell even more.
The omega dug his nails into his hips deeper, looking up at him in horror. Sasuke pounded into his throat harder before moaning in pleasure releasing his load into his mate’s mouth.
Naruto’s grip loosened slightly staring up teary-eyed at his mate who stared down at him. He gulped down the alpha’s seed earning him a small smile in response.
Sasuke sat down next to Naruto legs spread out. He looked over seeing the blonde’s head down almost as if he were pouting. “…I should have known you weren’t just being nice…”
The alpha ran his hand along the blonde’s thigh with a small smile. “…we both got what we wanted, didn’t we?.. I never said I didn’t enjoy it.”
Naruto looked up-staring back at him with a gleam of hope shimmering in his eyes. The alpha resorted back to his deadpan expression. “…but right now I really need you to spread your legs and bounce on my cock for me.”
The blonde returned the same deadpan look. “…you really know how to ruin the moment.”
The alpha shrugged resulting in a sigh from the omega as he got on top guiding Sasuke’s member into his hole. A little force was not enough for his cock to enter him-Naruto groaned reaching behind to loosen himself up. His hand was swatted away before he felt a finger, then two fingers worked its way in his asshole-stretching him out.
The omega gritted his teeth feeling his mate's throbbing cock successfully enter him. He looked up in discomfort making small erratic movements to try to adjust himself.
Sasuke wrapped his arms around the omega-pulling the omega toward him-his swollen belly pressed deeper into the alpha’s chest and abdomen. “Slow down Naruto…”
The alpha blurted as a warning and as advice, the omega’s movements not being pleasurable for the both of them.
He nodded slowing his pace as he went up and down and moved left and right slowly on his mate’s member.
Sasuke let out a breathy response. “That’s it-just like that Naruto…”
The blonde’s heart stammered hearing his mate praise him. His cheeks flushed as he nervously continued at the same pace.
The alpha looked up at him. “…got you nervous…?”
Naruto shook then nodded his head. “your voice-it sounds really nice..and what you said…but how would you know that anyway…?!”
The alpha held onto the omega’s moving hips. “I’m inside you-I can feel you clenching tighter around me..”
The omega’s face reddened in embarrassment. He closed his eyes and focused on his pleasure. It didn’t take long for him to start riding his high-he bucked his hips as he circled on the alpha members then went up and down and up and down.
The two moaned in pleasure as they reached their climax in near unison. The omega’s load shot onto the alpha’s chest-Sasuke finishing inside his mate. The blonde nuzzled his head into his mate’s neck making no attempt to take out his member from his filled hole.
He wrapped his arms around the omega pulling him closer. “-you still didn’t answer the question?…”
The alpha hummed-his eyes closed wanting his mate to finish the question. “-you gonna let me top you?..”
Sasuke’s eyes opened. He glared at the omega. “…and you said I’m the one who knows how to ruin the moment…”
Naruto nuzzled his face once more before being pulled back by the hair at the alpha looking disapprovingly at him. He grinned. “Well…will you?”
His face was shoved back into the alpha’s neck. “Just shut up with that nonsense…”
“You didn’t say no…!”
The alpha smacked his lips together. “Yeah well, I didn’t say yes either…”
Naruto covered his mouth to conceal his laughs-but he couldn’t- he pulled away from the alpha’s neck bursting into laughter. He wiped away the tears. “Could you imagine…?! You bent over for me or riding me…can you-can you Sasuke…just imagine…!”
The omega held onto his belly as he laughed the alpha looking up-a flash of amusement on his face. He chuckled along with him. “No I can’t…or really I don’t want to…now stop laughing before you get me riled up again.”
With every laugh the omega unknowingly dug himself into a deeper hole, Sasuke feeling every clench around his hardening member. It didn’t take long before the omega felt the consequences of his actions swell inside of him.
“Uh oh…wait! I didn’t know that was what you meant by stop laughing…wait…!”
The alpha smiled up at him. “You say that yet you’re still laughing. Just wait a few more months…”
Naruto furrowed his brows breathy laughs leaving his lips. He looked down at him. “Wait a few months…until what?”
The alpha’s smile grew wider. “…until I can get you pregnant again.”
Naruto’s face contorted in horror as he tried to get off of the alpha’s swelling member. The alpha held him down. “You promised this would be the last one…! Absolutely not… no!”
“-well I change my mind. We have plenty of house for one….two..maybe even three more.”
The omega looked at him bewildered. “Two..?!…three…?!”
He hummed in response. “…and plenty of love to give to..including you…”
His face reddened as he looked down at his mate. “I really don’t want to but…just one more.”
The alpha smiled up running his hand across his face. “No promises.”
Naruto rolled his eyes in response before being pushed back onto the bed.
Happy Halloween!
Thank you so much for your support and reading the bonus chapter! I hope you enjoyed it!
I am currently working on a Yandere KawoShin fanfiction (not Omegaverse though lol) so if you’re interested please be on the lookout for that relatively soon!
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ikemenomegas · 2 years
Any thoughts to shake loose on any of your Naruto guys, Io? I like your mun-name!! 💕
From the notebook
Loose leaf ideas:
I'm so sorry, I have no idea what a mun-name is but thank you anyways 😅. Also sorry it's taken so long, I was trying to do the Make a Wish prompts, which I've finally gotten mostly bullet pointed out. Lucky thing because I all but finished one of the last two and then lost it due to my own stupidity... so I've been sadly trying to rewrite it /sigh. I decided to finally shake free those ideas in the mean time, since I haven't posted any writing in a while
Yamato (Tenzo, but this name is for private use)
Because he was raised in Root, he mostly emotes via micro expressions so his Alpha has learned to be really good at reading those looks. His Alpha can literally stare at his face for hours while they talk. Yamato stares right back. Please ask for a booth if you go to a restaurant with him. Everyone thinks you're making bedroom eyes at each other when you're figuring out your next week's meal prep. Actual bedroom eyes are near lethal levels.
He's a pretty tall guy so when you first started spending time at his place, all the cups and plates and things are also really high up. He barely used any of his lower cupboards. When you first move in together, he asks you where all of your stuff is and you think he's joking until you realize he genuinely doesn't check any of those cabinets or drawers that he doesn't use...
All of his furniture is handmade, as in through the wood style. It's all very functional, lots of squares, but elegant. If want different shapes he's really willing and eager to learn how intricate he can get with his jutsu. He's got a remarkably artistic streak, despite his serious demeanor. You'll never have to buy a new bookshelf again, he'll just make them.
Yamato likes quality time and gifts as his receiving love languages. He works really hard for the village and having someone focused on him and appreciative of his hard work and attentive to his needs is key to being a good partner for him
You can't go wrong if you show your appreciation by making him things that he likes, ie a craft, homemade item, or really involved food. He's also not opposed to an evening of pampering where he has your full undivided attention after a day spent sight seeing.
He doesn't make the first move in a relationship, which leaves him in a fun lil' stalemate for a while with his eventual mate, because you can't make moves on the Kazekage and he's thinking "I'm the Kazekage, it would be an unfair power dynamic to tell them I think about them every time I write poetry lately..." On a trip back to Suna, Temari takes one look at him and you and then scolds Kankuro because "I can't be the one to manage both kinds of diplomatic relations. Please do something to make my life a little easier." Kankuro then attempts to organize scenarios for you and Gaara to meet. These go poorly in the way of all comedic anime interludes but do result in the two of you bonding more closely.
Gaara was raised to be the leader of a military nation, but he winds down by engaging in more traditional artistic pursuits. All three of the siblings actually have a talent in at least one area of the more refined arts. Gaara is very accomplished at calligraphy, and I'm not kidding about the poetry, he really does compose different works and a lot of them are very good. He even worked hard at some point during his courtship to create a public stone garden in the village which he sometimes alters during festivals so it has different designs.
He is very responsible when it comes to Kazekage duties. He's also been performing them since before he turned 15, and has almost no penchant for mischief. However, he can be easily coaxed away from his office in the name of training his children/students, where he can be further tricked into simply enjoying himself. He's actually a really patient, insightful teacher.
He has an unfortunate habit, only slightly curbed by age, of being willing to drag everyone into a goal he decides is worthwhile. While he mostly used credible threats to get what he wanted as a child, he's since become very adept at manipulation. Mostly, he's genuine and persistent, but he also knows how to get other people to want to follow him. This includes knowing the exact Look to give his mate whenever he wants something.
I think you could easily write him as demiromantic/aromantic. He isn't romantically attracted to anyone right away, and if he does develop those feelings they aren't all-consuming, but there are certain people he can see himself partnering with for the rest of his life, and certain triggers for kicking those feelings off with his alpha.
The more I research him, the more it is clear his canon outcome is the bad-end version of the shonen trio trope. Yahiko and Konan were in love with one another, and Nagato was the one who loved them both enough to follow them to the ends of the earth. Nothing in any world was ever going to deter him from that, so his Alpha needs to be pointed in the same direction, ideally devoted to Yahiko and his original Akatsuki as well.
Nagato is the one who guides his Alpha in believing in the ideals of Akatsuki. Before the original trio falls apart, this is done without any ultimatum or ulterior motive. Nagato genuinely believes in the dream Yahiko has, and felt very motivated to bring that hope to his Alpha. It was only afterwards that he truly started to fall in love with them, although that was the original spark.
He likes to read, although he seldom has the time or opportunity to do so. Jiraiya's taught all of the Ame orphans to read and write. He truly enjoys ready philosophical treatises and dialogues. He is a fan of fiction but very slow when reading these because he prefers to experience the world himself first hand, interacting with people and places. He once dreamed of traveling throughout Amegakure and the surrounding nations as a kind of pilgrim.
Nagato nearly died after he fought Hanzo for the first time, not because of his injuries, but because chakra depletion left him unable to sense his Alpha. Believing them dead while he was near delirious, he himself nearly died from the grief of losing Yahiko, and them on top of this loss, despite Yahiko's final wish.
In a version of the world where his Alpha does not survive Obito's slaughter of the original Akatsuki members, Nagato recovers their body and turns it into the Preta Path of Pain, appropriate given the path's callback to possessiveness and desire, and representation of the Hungry Ghost Realm. In the version where his Alpha survives, Nagato becomes very possessive over them, only willing to let them take missions for the Akatsuki alongside Konan, alone, or preferably not at all as you three nurse your grief within Amegakure.
You know I love those Uchiha men. They just have a vibe... Shisui in particular. His appearances never make me think first of his death, but of his kindness and his protectiveness over the people he cares for; he dies smiling. Unfortunately, Shisui's path really only works in a non-massacre scenario, since he is approximately sixteen when he dies, which is too young for him to have a mating bond, although I do HC him as considering courting someone at the time the coup starts to take over his life. The with-massacre scenario is one in which Itachi is able to get Shisui out of the village, possibly that he secretly survives the fall thanks to his summons.
Shisui's parents were either not ninjas, or are individuals who have had to retire for the corp for some reason. What we know about him says he was the family breadwinner after he was made a jounin, which leads me to lean towards non-ninja parents. This is particularly interesting for Uchiha clan members, since we don't get to see what the civilian members of clan families do in the Naruto world and most assume the Uchiha clan is shinobi-dominated. It's doubly intriguing when we also know the famous Kagami Uchiha was his ancestor (likely grandfather > great grandfather if we base off other known generations). Since we don't have canon confirmation of this stuff, I guess it counts as a HC?
Given the above, he's the most likely of the Uchiha on my list to willingly and happily take on a civilian Alpha. While I haven't totally fleshed out the background for this pairing, I have toyed around with the idea of an acid-tongued relative of someone from the Daimyo's court whom Shisui met on a mission catching his attention. This oc is a bit of a tsundere with an infamous temper who only Shisui with his notable empathetic and pleasant demeanor is immune to. They become one of the Land of Fire ambassadors and Shisui travels with them on a sort of long-term assignment before they eventually settle together in the village.
The reason they settle in the village is that Shisui decides he wants to have kids and knows that the Uchiha will never risk the sharingan passing into the control of another family or political body. His alpha has to sign a bunch of paperwork relinquishing their ability to inherit anything that might give their family power over their and Shisui's children, but enjoys arguing enough that they remain an ambassador even after settling in Konoha so they can wipe the floor with anyone who has anything to say about Shisui being the reason for their departure.
In the survive-the-fall scenario, Shisui remains blind, retires from being a ninja, and lives with his Alpha in a civilian city, where they help hide his identity and spoil him as much as he will allow. There's potential in this scenario for a path which probably fixes Sasuke btw. There's a lot of options here.
He intentionally emotes more than Yamato, however while Yamato mostly keeps his facial expressions hidden, his reactions to his Alpha are almost always honest. Sai explicitly cultivates his ability to make facial expressions because he was trying to fit in with normal people, throw them off guard, and do his job as a spy better. This makes it more difficult for his Alpha to tell whether Sai is actually showing that he likes something or not. It takes a long time to figure it out. Eventually, his reactions naturally start to correspond with his emotions around family and friends so it's easier on everyone.
His Alpha thinks that Sai really doesn't like them at the beginning. Although he doesn't necessarily understand why, he picks up on this very quickly and tries to fix the situation throughout the next few months, to varying degrees of success. Eventually, he decides to show you how he feels by painting a portrait of you as he sees you. It's exactly as intimate as you'd think it would be. For better or worse, Sai eventually has to come out and say he can't come up with any courting gift more genuine than the portrait to show you how he feels about you personally, which will tip his Alpha off that he is interested in them.
Because he has difficulties showing his emotions, and also in understanding the nuances behind others' reactions, he likes straightforward methods of communication. He trusts his Alpha implicitly and is incredibly perceptive so he is able to read their responses to him. He enjoys words of affirmation the most and appreciates when his Alpha takes the time to talk through things with him. He also likes physical contact, craves it even, but can quickly become overstimulated depending on the situation. He genuinely wants people to like him and to have sincere connections with the people he meets by acting like himself. Although Sai works hard to "earn" his place among the other people in his generation, it takes him a long time to see that everyone has already accepted him, and to understand that relationships take time and hard work.
For many years, he believes he physically can't have children because Root made all of its operatives starting about 5 years before Sai joined infertile. This insights conflicting feelings in him. On the one hand he never has to worry about accidentally becoming pregnant, which is very nice when he starts navigating his physical desires with his mate. On the other hand, he will never have the option and that hurts, because so much was taken from him in the way of choice and this is another one of those things. The procedure may be reversible in some members because I can see Root forcing long-term operatives to have families with their targets to get closer to them, or being gross enough to try and breed operatives, but Sai doesn't know this.
He likes swimming. He has a favorite swimming spot on the Konoha river. It's the kind of activity that sincerely has no purpose, and he finds a serenity in it, in a similar way that lots of people find a zone of focus when running.
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sqwishywrites34 · 2 years
why is it so damn hard to find literally any omegaverse Naruto(franchise and character) x reader where the character isn’t the omega?
like,, i just wanna be dicked down by Alpha Naruto Boys but I could find exactly 1 and it was hcs
if y’all know of any, please, i beg you, send them my way
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A/B/O Team Kakashi — Beta!Kakashi, Beta!Naruto, Omega!Sasuke and Alpha!Sakura:
Kakashi was kinda panicked about the fact he had an A-B-O team, as it reminded him of his own team.
Kakashi started to pack-bond with Naruto by doing each-others hair once Naruto's start to grow long enough.
He had a very hard time aclimating himself to the kids scents and learning what each meant.
At first, he didn't want a team-pack, so he was originally planning on just getting them to a point where they're still good enough to stay shinobi, but that they'd eventually move them to another jonin sensei.
He started to grow attached during the D-rank missions, as his instincts eventually won out and he started to help a bit.
He grew concerned about Sasuke a bit, since his scent would sour whenever someone mentioned anything about being an Omega.
He gently nudged Sakura into being a 'Team-Alpha' through small comments/anectodas whenever she stared away from the boys.
He thought about them as his 'pups' at one point, even if he denies it.
Whenever he was at the hospital because of a stupid injury, he always thought about his pups.
Naruto was completely pissed off once he found out who his teammates were, because he feels like the only reason he's there is to be a buffer.
Naruto had an easier time accepting his feminine side, though he kept it hidden because people would make comments about his interest back when he was a kid, and people thought he'd be an Alpha.
Naruto would often keep himself to one side of Kakashi, as to create a barrier between him and his teammates.
The first time he felt like him and Sakura were teammates, was when they were both left to clean an area up in a D-rank.
Naruto was surprised that Sakura started the conversation, even if it wasn't a topic he was interested in, he tried his best to participate.
He liked being able to, eventually, style Sakura's hair as it made it feel like they were actually friends to him.
When he came back from training with Jiraiya, him and Sakura immediately wrestled each other to the ground.
Sakura suffers an incredible amount of insecurity about her femininity once she presented as an Alpha.
Sakura had a fear of exploring both her more masculine side and her Alpha side, as her parents never expected her to be either.
Sakura was devastated when her parents started to treat her differently, their expectations of her changing drastically in a way she couldn't understand.
Her first time rutting was hell because she didn't know how to soothe it — as her parents had taught her only how to soothe a heat.
Sakura started to resent her femininity once she started to think that it was holding her back from becoming a shinobi.
She went through a heavy phase where she thought that, to be an Alpha, she needed to change everything about herself.
Kakashi put a stop to that, though it was really Tsunade who ultimately helped her through it.
She likes dragging Sai and Naruto shopping with her, as it took longer for her to patch her freidnship with Ino.
She kept her hair short because she preferred to style it then with small accessories, then she did when she had longer hair.
Sasuke though that having an Alpha on the team would just slow him down even more than having the class dead-beat on his team.
Sasuke is hyper-masculine as a default, but people keep assuming it's something he's forcing on himself. It's not. He just isn't a feminine Omega, and that's fine.
Sakura's pheromones were an annoyance to him, especially as she didn't know how to control it yet
Heats were uncomfortable, as he didn't have anyone to teach him how to smooth it over.
He'd work himself to the bone constantly.
He sucked at maintaining a proper diet when younger, so it seriously tanked his stamina when he was starting out as a genin.
In his teen years, he'd just do constant training through his heat, even if his body was screaming for him to take a break.
He forgets to hydrate himself a lot, so he has constant migraines, and it's why he's in a sudden foul mood.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Despite being an omega, Naruto is vry much the “swing child around by ankles as they cackle with glee” parent while kakashi cuddles them cuz “oh no I don’t wanna hurt the baby.”
Imagine kakashi angsting like these hands can’t be trusted with such delicate life for they have known too much blood while naruto is squinting at him like???? Why do you think I take solo missions??? It’s so no one sees me rip out my enemies throats with my teeth and claws??? Does that mean I can’t hold my kid you dumbass?
The parenting style ingrained in every Uzumaki as generational knowledge is “Dangerous Things Carefully”.
Baby Uzumaki’s are wild and will do the dangerous thing no matter what you tell them but at least those things can be done with adult supervision.
Naruto is the first one to play a fun game of “yeet the child” and is very much the Chris Hemsworth approach to parenting with a child cackling held up by an ankle
Kakashi… gets there. It’s less of a thing about the kids as it is his own persistent guilt from years upon years of trauma. But once he gets used to it and sees with his own eyes that the kids aren’t going to break he is right there next to Naruto much to the horror of the civilian parents.
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cannellee · 9 months
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୨୧ alpha!naruto x omega!reader (f)
— how does he act around his omega s/o ?
this is my first time writing for anything other than tokyo rev. I've just entered another naruto brainrot and was baffled by the lack of naruto omegaverse content on tumblr, so I decided to diversify my blog and write for naruto too!
I'll post a headcanon about being team 7's omega later in the evening!
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naruto truly is an energetic person, the reason why he approached you in the first place is because of your empathy for others.
you know him since childhood, while his personality and his curse might have driven others away, you never treated him differently.
you were kind and thoughtful, but you still stood your ground and never hesitated to speak up for others.
naruto was always by your side. he was a noisy kid and whenever you voiced something, he often felt the urge to say it even louder to make sure people heard you or to back you up. you did feel a bit embarrassed sometimes, but his clumsy actions were endearing in their own way.
you noticed how he always seemed to protect you without never overstepping your boundaries. he wanted you to know he would always defend you, but never overwhelm you with his presence.
he would always challenge the other kids whenever he saw them as threats, possibly taking your eyes away from him.
always your #1 defender, never letting any other kids treat you badly, especially since you hung out with him. he wasn't afraid to get mad and pick a fight if he considered that your pride or integrity was involved.
growing up, he still didn't stop following you like your shadow.. the only difference was the way he carried himself, he seemed so much more reliable you found yourself falling for him.
his actions towards you were no longer clumsy attempts to impress you, instead, he started an enthusiastic pursuit, his determination was impressive and you knew he meant every words he ever said to you.
as mindless and forgetful as he might look, naruto is one to spoil you with thoughtful gestures.
during the courting process, he would gift you handwritten notes, try his best to carve a wooden necklace with your initials behind it.
his gifts are surprisingly delicate and he's paying extremely attention to your interests.
naruto is always so supportive of you, cheering you on, congratulating you for any reasons and ready to help you for anything as well.
he's so reassuring, affirming that everything will be fine whenever you're doubting.
if you're in trouble for example, he'll simply tell you to go rest. he'll take care of the rest, you don't have to worry about anything! he'll throw you a big smile and come back with his same happy face, and your problems are all gone in a minute!
even as a teenager, naruto still is pretty jealous, not in a possessive way, but he will get upset when other alphas are looking your way. once again, he will not hesitate to challenge anyone if it means keeping you for himself. yes, he will be the main reason why you don't have any alphas asking you out anymore.
naruto wants to seduce you by showing you how strong and reliable he is, always bragging about his strength and how his training will turn him into one of the best shinobi to ever exist.
he tells you about his ability to protect you, and that he'll never stop working out nor neglect his training. you can rest assured that you'll always be safe by his side!
he is protective of you, that's a fact, although it's not as intense as some other alphas. he trusts you and values your independence, he doesn't want to become a burden or a nuisance to your happiness.
that's why he learnt to take it easy and let you live a normal life most omegas don't even have access to.
but don't worry, naruto isn't scared to step in, in order to shield you from whatever he considers compromising to your safety. he wants you to be 100% comfortable, doing everything in his power to keep you away from harm.
you're his priority and he will offer you his unwavering support in times of distress and doubt.
even during the courting process, you both are comfortable enough to let him spread his scent around you. he'll shower you with his pheromones to calm you down and talk to you in a reassuring manner, so foreign to the naruto people usually have in mind.
once you get together, he's attached to you, more than before if that was even possible.
he's dragging you to surprise dates, gifting you everything that reminded him of you and kissing your forehead every chance he gets.
his nose is always buried in your neck : he's whipped for you and your sweet scent, and he's shameless about it too.
he takes deep breaths with his face pressed against your scent gland and doesn't stop until you push him away. once you look at him, he has the most satisfied grin ever and profusely kisses your whole face with love struck eyes.
he's crazy about pda and isn't embarrassed at all to initiate it, even in public. you're his omega, why would he restrain himself from showing you his love?
he is so proud to be your partner, everyone knows about it the second you start dating.
you're the prettiest omega he ever laid his eyes on and naruto knows how lucky he is that you have chosen him out of everyone.
that's why he's so desperate to show you that he's the right one for you, that he's trustworthy and that you can lean on him.
oh yes please, he's so devoted to you he'll do anything! especially during your most vulnerable moments, when he thinks he's blessed that you chose to trust him near you when you're in this state.
ask him to bring you this type of snacks and he's running outside to get it! ask him to give you more blankets or soft items for your nest and he'll go straight to your favourite shop to buy them.
he's delighted the first time you ask him to scent one of your clothe. sure, he had gifted you a couple of his shirts when you weren't dating, when he was still courting you, but it was always coming from him, and he didn't really know whether you accepted them or just politely threw them away without him knowing.
to have his beautiful omega, directly ask him to be scented by him is a dream come true and you swear he has heart eyes when he eagerly starts scenting all of your wardrobe.
being in your nest, cuddling with you is quality time he'll never neglect or refuse. he loves it so much! everything smells like the both of you, an intoxicating mix of your flowery scent and his own, which makes him soo dizzy.
he's even happier when you start cooking for him, always packing his lunch before a mission or any normal training.
food is one of the things he loves the most, and to have it prepared by his precious omega is such a blessing. you're the best cook and your food is so delicious he can't get enough!
but you're not the only one who can make him giddy, naruto has his ways when he wants to make you flustered.
he actually doesn't do it on purpose, but when he suddenly acts all serious and talks to you with his reassuring and soft voice, looking at you like you're the most beautiful and delicate thing he's ever seen, you can't help the blush from making its way to your cheeks, nor the rapid heartbeats his manly scent sparks.
he smells it in your scent, it's subtle but he's able to decipher such change in you. when you get shy or a bit more submissive than usual, you scent also gets sweeter and softer. it drives him crazy and he has to dig his nose closer.
he teases you a bit about it, but he doesn't want to ruin the romantic mood so he tones it down for now.
his omega needs his love and attention, and he'll give it to her!
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littlechinesedoll · 2 years
My Happy Marriage - Chapter 1 | SasuNaru
Relationship: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Inuzuka Kiba/Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura/Inuzuka Kiba, Haruno Kizashi/Haruno Mebuki
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, Magical Realism, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Historical, Meiji Restoration Era, Taisho Era, Child Abuse, Out of Character, Nobility, Indentured Servitude, Arranged Marriage, Cinderella (Fairy Tale) Elements, Alternate Universe - Different Powers, Curses, Gender Roles, Class Differences, Heavy Angst, Angst and Feels, Discrimination, Abduction, Alpha Uchiha Sasuke, Omega Uzumaki Naruto, Omega Haruno Sakura, Alpha Inuzuka Kiba, Not for Sakura fans, Haruno Sakura Bashing, Haruno Bashing, Age Difference
Based on My Happy Marriage written by Akumi Agitogi and illustrated by Tsukiho Tsukioka.
Uzumaki Naruto, an omega bastard of the Haruno family who is born without a supernatural gift and believed to be cursed by the Nine Tailed Fox, is forced into an existence of servitude by his father and his abusive wife and daughter, his half-sister, Sakura. When Naruto finally comes of marriageable age, though, his hopes of being whisked away to a better life crumble after he discovers his fiancé’s identity: Uchiha Sasuke, an alpha, a commander of the imperial army apparently so cold and cruel that his previous would-be omega brides all fled within three days of their engagements. With no home to return to, Naruto resigns himself to his fate—and soon finds that his pale and beautiful husband-to-be is anything but the monster he expected. [ x ]
Hi everyone! This is my actual first SasuNaru fic (written before but finished after The Fox Bride), so I hope you’ll be gentle. This will follow the manga very, very closely, unless I feel like switching up the scenes, or for the points or character placements that need more explanation. Hope you enjoy!
Please click here to see some additional inspiration/visuals for Sasuke's hair from the doodle by @veemeenniee on twitter.
The ages will be the same as the manga.
Sasuke: 27 Naruto: 19
before you come at me yes historically during this time at the end of the Meiji era to the start of the Taisho era, 18-19 is of marriageable age. in the manga they are not married immediately.
Uzumaki Naruto is a bastard omega son of the Haruno family, a distinguished family.
His mother, a widowed male omega servant, fell pregnant by the head of the household before their master got married just weeks later. He was a child conceived by a momentary diversion. He knew the head of the family is his father, but they had no father-son relationship, and he was largely ignored. But he remembered the love of his mother, who gave him all his heart.
“Naruto,” he said, adjusting Naruto on his lap as they situated themselves in front of a small, once overgrown shrine depicting a nine-tailed fox, outside in the wooded area behind the Haruno estate. He had cleared this out one day on a walk, when Naruto was five moons old in his womb. He lit some incense to offer to the god they’re praying to. “Never forget to pray,” he put the incense in three-year-old Naruto’s small hands and guided him to put the burning sticks into the incense holder in front of the stone shrine.
“To the fox?” Naruto pointed to the effigy carved in the stone.
“To the fox,” his mother nodded, “He gave you these beautiful whiskers,” he traced the light marks on Naruto’s chubby pink cheeks, “and the seal on your belly, to keep you safe,”
“On my belly?”  Naruto repeated, peaking into his haneri, otaiko, and obijime, and seeing the inky black marks on his skin.
He asked the fox to stop his bleeding. To save the child. “You give him thanks, for you were born healthy,” mother fixed the obi back on, tapped at Naruto’s nose, and the child giggled. “For the shelter over our heads, the food in our bowls, our health, and the safety provided to us,”
The boy snuggled into his mother’s comforting scent of rain, cool breeze, and orange blossom, reached up for his mother’s face, which was framed with the same bright blond hair and blue eyes like his own. “Pray! Mama wa kirei desu!” Mama is pretty!
“Thank you, my love,”
The fox didn’t grant his mother health, no matter how hard he prayed. His mother died two years later from a severe fever, and he was left to the servants to care for. Naruto became a servant at the Haruno household at the age of five.
His father’s mate despised him. For being a bastard. For the ugly whiskers on his face and the cursed seal on his belly. He’s a demon, his father’s mate said, carrying the fox demon’s seal on his body. A cursed child to bring destruction to this family. That he was born so his mother should die, his life for his mother’s.
Sakura, his half-sister, an omega born just after Naruto turned one, has all the attention of their father and his mate. He had always thought Sakura, with her green eyes, long, silky, and shiny pink hair, is far more beautiful than him. She has the gift of strength and fast healing.
She looks down on him like her mother.
Sakura throws the hot tea in Naruto’s face. “What the hell is this?!” she barks at him in outrage.
The hot tea stings Naruto’s eyes, scalds the skin on his face and neck, and stains his kimono.
“This is the worst tea I’ve ever had! It’s too bitter! Make it again!”
Naruto bows, forehead almost touching the tatami under him. “Moushiwake arimasen.” There is no excuse for my actions, and I apologize.
Sakura huffs. “Is there anything you can do right? You can’t even brew decent tea. What a disgrace!”
“Out,” barks Sakura’s mother. “Your scent is stuffing the room. Get some herbs on,”
He already has the pockets of his kimono stuffed with fragrant herbs. No amount of herbs can fully hide him, even if he wants them to. How nice it would be, to just disappear.
Naruto gathers the teacups back onto the tray without a word, wondering when this torment will end. His father sits there with his breakfast and tea, ignoring his mate and child’s mistreatment of his bastard. He’s stopped praying to the fox long ago, when the bruises on his body never started to fade. When he realized the fox had done nothing for his ailing mother.
As Naruto brings the tray back to the kitchens, he thinks that if he were an acknowledged child of a respectable family, he at 19 would be at the age where he’ll be expected to marry. But he won’t, seeing as he is a bastard and a servant who does not receive wages. He can never leave.
Another servant picks up the brewing for him, and a grateful Naruto leaves the kitchen to sweep the falling leaves from the gardens. That way, he can avoid Sakura and her mother, who will give him complicated, never ending, or impossible tasks. He prefers to do the laundry or other chores outside the house, which other servants gladly allot to him, perhaps out of consideration.
Naruto looks up to see a good friend. The sight of him relieves the heaviness in Naruto’s chest. “Kiba-san,” he bows. “Hello,”
Inuzuka Kiba, an alpha, is the second child of the Inuzuka family. A childhood friend of Naruto and Sakura’s. His sister, Hana, also an alpha, is first in line for the head of the Inuzuka family. When they were children, the servants let Naruto off to play with him when Kiba was visiting with his father. He holds those memories close to his heart.
Naruto notices Kiba is in a suit. He wonders what formal event he’s about to attend.
“I have something for you,” Kiba hands Naruto a fancy wrapped box. “I hope you like them. It’s not the western sweets that are popular nowadays. I heard those go bad quickly,”
Kiba is the only person Naruto can be himself with, someone Naruto has given a piece of his heart to. He also treats Naruto like a part of a family, not just the bastard servant. When his heats started, he was no longer allowed to play nor be alone with the young alpha. Receiving his courses were the worst thing. It separated Naruto from the only person who cared for him. Kiba had once tried to get his mother, their family head, to interfere with the abuse. That did not end well. Kiba had gotten a stern talking to. Sakura’s mother found out, and the abuse worsened.
A pleasant lightness fills Naruto’s very being as he receives the box. “Thank you very much. I’ll share it with the other servants. I’m sure they’ll enjoy something so luxurious,”
The young Inuzuka wanted only Naruto to have the sweets. “Ah, no. That’s not what I meant…”
“Why are you visiting today, Kiba-san?”
“I have some important business to discuss with your father,” Kiba admits solemnly. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
As Kiba walks away from him, headed for the main house, Naruto gasps. “Maybe a marriage proposal?” he sighs dejectedly. His father won’t offer him to the Inuzuka’s. There would be no point, as he isn’t an acknowledged child. He’s no different than an orphan beggar on the streets.
Later, when the box of sweets has been set aside and his sweeping is almost done, a fellow servant calls for him. “Naruto-kun! The master asks for you,”
Naruto stares.
In the receiving room, Naruto enters quietly, and another servant slides the door closed with a soft thud. Naruto bows before his father, his father’s mate, Sakura, and Kiba-san.
“Today’s discussion,” starts Haruno-dono, “will center on marriage and the future of this family. Naruto,” he pauses, and Naruto dares to look at him. “This is something that you should hear,”
The silence in the room is piercing, and only Haruno-dono is allowed to speak when he is at the center of the room.
“After much thought and consideration, it is a welcome decision that Kiba-kun will marry into the Haruno family and take over as the head. The one to support him as mistress and this family as his wife, will be you, Sakura,”
There isn’t any surprise there, Naruto thinks. He then wonders why he was called here in the first place. He had hoped maybe one day, had Kiba-san, his only friend and confidante, not been chosen to lead the Haruno family, he would ask for Naruto’s hand in marriage from Haruno, and take Naruto away with him. Maybe one day, he’ll be free of such hardship.
Naruto is foolish to even think he would be able to leave the life of a servant behind.
“Naruto,” says Haruno, “You’ll marry into the Uchiha family.” Kiba snaps his head up to look at the family head. “To the head of the family, Uchicha Sasuke-dono,”
Naruto keeps his eyes to the tatami. “Yes,”
Why? What is the point of giving him away to the Uchihas? He’s a bastard; it’s pointless to marry him off when this won’t result in a union of two families.  
“Isn’t that wonderful, Onii-sama!” Sakura pipes up, finally happy to be rid of her untalented half-brother. “The Uchiha family is a high-ranking family! They hold much power and influence,”
But the head of the Uchiha family, an alpha, is known for being a cold and cruel soldier. Naruto hears the other servants gossiping about his engagements, how many omegas from good, respectable families have been presented to him, but have never lasted three days with him. All either chased off or ran away.
Naruto has been ordered to marry such a terrifying man, and once he leaves the estate, there is no going back, and he’s no longer allowed to step into the residence again. He wonders why he’s been chosen to marry Uchiha Sasuke-dono, when it’s impossible for an uneducated omega like him to fit as the mate of a well-known, respected, and prominent family.
“This marriage will be a waste on someone like you with no redeeming qualities nor talents,” Mebuki-oku-sama, Sakura’s mother, sneers at him. “But it would be impolite to turn it down and you’re in no place to refuse,”
“You are not allowed to refuse, Naruto,” says Haruno stiffly. “Pack up your things at once. You will leave and proceed to the Uchiha estate immediately,”
Naruto is dismissed. He bows and doesn’t see Kiba aching to run after him.  
Finally, Naruto is free from the Haruno family, yet he doesn’t feel safe nor relief from his father’s decision to give him away. If anything, he’s dreading his departure even more. He’s terrified of the Uchiha family head’s notoriety. He might just be kicked out of his fiancé’s home or put down by his cruelty.
The omega turns around and sees Kiba with him in the hallway. “Kiba-san?”
Kiba bows. “I’m sorry. I was unable to do anything. I had hoped for a different outcome for us,”
“Kiba-san,” says Naruto, “You have nothing to apologize for,” he smiles at him, the best he can give him despite the heaviness in his chest threatening to pull him down to the floor. “I’m simply unlucky,”
“It’s not about luck!” Kiba hisses.
“I don’t mind. After all, I may find comfort, happiness, maybe love, with the family I’ll marry into,”
Kiba wants Naruto to ask him why he couldn’t protect him. He wants Naruto to blame him for this. He’s a coward; the only thing he ever wanted, was to marry Naruto and take him away from here, and yet, in the face of his soon to be father-in-law, engaged to the wrong child, he couldn’t speak up. “Don’t you… resent me?”
“I would never, Kiba-san. I’ve long let it go. I’ve…forgotten such feelings,”
If words could stop Kiba’s heart. It’s painful, the way those words pierce his chest like cold steel. “I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry, Naruto. I wanted to save you. It’s always been you. I lo—”
Kiba turns around and Sakura, his new fiancée, has followed him.
“What are you two talking about?” she smiles at them.
Kiba stares at her. “Nothing,”
Naruto knows, that despite the laughs and beautiful memories he’s made with Kiba as his childhood friend, despite coming from a respected family, despite his high education and talents, even though he’s blessed with good looks, he’s tied to the decisions made for him by the heads of the families who choose to unite. Kiba-san is kind and understanding, which is why he remains silent, and Naruto feels that his silence will hurt Sakura in the future, just like how it’s hurting Naruto now.
Whatever Kiba was about to say, Naruto doesn’t know and he’s not sure if he wants to find out either. Naruto will forever cherish his memories with him, and the friendship he offered. “Kiba-san,” Naruto bows, “Thank you for all you’ve done for me,”
He doesn’t get a reply. Kiba only watches him walk away.
Naruto finds himself unable to fall asleep that night. He’s finished packing the few belongings he owns. His clothes, which are all servants’ attire, all hand-me-downs from fellow servants. He had other pretty kimonos, accessories left to him by his mother, but he doesn’t know what happened to them. Maybe Mebuki-san took them and threw them away. They were the only things he had left of his mother. Mebuki-san said bastards didn’t deserve such pretty things.
Haruno-dono gave him a fine kimono for his departure tomorrow, since showing up in a beggarly would tarnish their name. His father knew he had nothing yet did nothing. He also told him to introduce himself as a Haruno. How awful, to be ordered to drop his mother’s name. To pretend to be an acknowledged child. If Uchiha-dono finds out about Naruto’s secrets, he will surely be thrown onto the streets.
So that’s what it is. They want to use him as a pawn. To make connections, marry into a powerful family. Haruno-dono isn’t his father. He never was. He was his master.
Sometimes, Naruto wishes he wouldn’t wake up.
When he arrives to the Uchiha residence, he’s surprised to find a humble abode.
Naruto enters the receiving room, kneels, and closes the door with a quiet thud. One wall is decorated with a large red fan with a white base and handle.
His fiancé has his back turned to him. His black haori bore the embroidered with the same red and white fan on the wall. It must be the family crest. Naruto is to be married into this family, should his fiancé not be rid of him in three days’ time.
How very warm, the scent of his new fiancé, like a home. Grass, wood, and warm coal. Surely, he isn’t what they say if Naruto feels drawn to his warmth? Perhaps he can find a home with him.
Nevertheless, he bows his head in greeting. “Pleased to meet you. My name is Haruno Naruto,”
Saying his name with his father’s surname felt like acid in his mouth. It felt like a betrayal to his mother and his mother’s late mate.
The master of the house, his alpha, doesn’t answer or turn to him, so he keeps his head down. Naruto’s used to being ignored. He has never been outside of the Haruno estate since he was five. It’s best if he keeps his manners and bring no shame to the family or embarrass himself when meeting someone for the first time. Time and time again, it’s been ingrained into him that an omega servant like him must know his place.
The master keeps on reading his papers, flips a page after the other.
The bamboo fountain outside is a testament to how long Naruto has his head down, waiting for the response and relieve him from his bow.
The master sighs, turns around and sees the omega still in a bow. “How long do you intend to stay like that?”
Naruto keeps his head down. “Moushiwake arimasen.” My deepest apologies.
“I’m not asking for an apology. Raise your head,”
Naruto obeys, but he doesn’t expect to see that his husband to be, might be the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes own. Fair, porcelain skin, long, dark hair, and piercing obsidian eyes framed by gentle bangs. His delicate features aren’t what is expected from a man of his status and a clan of power.
His breath is caught in his chest. Naruto knows that the Uchiha family is an esteemed and wealthy clan, but is his fiancé of blue blood?
However, he mustn’t let himself be swept away by his fiancé’s appearance. He knows about the many brides this alpha has chased away. Naruto no longer has a home to go back to. Being sent away to the Uchiha family head to be given away in marriage is the same thing as throwing him out to the streets.
No matter how difficult this marriage may turn out to be, he’ll have to endure it.
end notes
Onii-sama (お兄さま・おにいさま) – older brother
Dono (どの)– sort of like mister. Above -san and below -sama.
Oku-sama (奥様。奥さま・おくさま)– mistress / wife
lmk what you think! chapter 2 soon!
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[HC] Nesting
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Originally posted: Mar 17, 2021 Re-posted: Dec 29, 2022
Naruto Masterlist
naruto never had an omega parent to teach him how to build proper nests
he also spends most of his allowance on ramen 
so when it came to nesting, he didn’t have much to work with
he usually just threw the blankets he had onto his bed and then roll around on and in-between them until he got comfy enough
whenever he did this, he was usually too lazy to take his makeshift nest apart again afterwards so it stayed the way it was until it got too smelly for him to bear
then when he starts courting you, he realizes you might expect a proper nest from him
spends a lot of time panicking about this
he finally got you to be his alpha, what if you want to leave him if he can’t provide a good enough nest for the two of  you to spend time in?
ofc you wouldn't leave him for this but he is’t thinking rationally atm
you end up picking up on his distressed scent and asking about it
after finding out about his worries, you go together to a nesting store and stock up on more blankets and pillows that you scent for him
since you were never thought how to make a nest either, the two of you just wing honestly
what matters is that it’s comfortable and that you can cuddle in it
you will now also realize that more and more of your clothes go missing because naruto steals them to put into his nest
he doesn’t bring them back
you’re gonna have to barter for them
good luck
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helenarasmussen87 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Naruto Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nara Shikamaru/Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru & Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru & Uchiha Sasuke Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Nara Shikamaru, Temari (Naruto), Hyuuga Hinata, Haruno Sakura, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Weird Biology, Past Relationship(s), Infidelity, Emotional Infidelity, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Separations, Mpreg, Alpha Uchiha Sasuke, Alpha Nara Shikamaru, Omega Uzumaki Naruto, Past Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto, Beta Hyuuga Hinata, Beta Haruno Sakura, Past Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke, Beta Temari, Past Nara Shikamaru/Temari, Introspection, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bond, Arguing, Angst and Feels, Feelings Realization, Consequences, Secrets, Identity Reveal, Polyamory Series: Part 2 of The Seventh Hokage and His Lovers Summary:
It's been days and the Hokage, his advisor, and the Shadow Hokage have given in to their instincts after Naruto's suppressants stop working and send him into a heat. After mating and bonding, they now have to deal with the fallout of not just their new relationship status, but their families reactions, Naruto's status and what it means for them moving forward now that they're all together.
They know it's not going to be smooth sailing, but surely they can cope without too much damage, right? That's the plan, no matter what. Even if it is a tough path to get there.
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okeutocalma · 1 year
My omega by rent - 01.
— Boas notícias. — Meu pai anunciou, entrando em meu escritório como se ainda fosse o dono dele. O Alpha mais velho havia reduzido consideravelmente seu tempo de trabalho pois estavam em viagem e naqueles dias. Era para ele aproveitar a viagem com mamãe mas está aqui.
Velhos hábitos custam a morrer, especialmente quando você é um bilionário que criou um vasto império corporativo do nada.
— Pai. Você se lembrou da importância de bater antes de entrar em uma sala? — Eu ofereci, deixando de lado os relatórios de conformidade que eu estava lendo antes da interrupção.
— Não. — Ele disse categoricamente. O loiro largou um tipo de arquivo na minha mesa, sorrindo da mesma forma que sempre fazia quando estava prestes a abrir um presente que ganhava de minha mãe. — Lembra-se da Hinata Hyuuga?
Bem, esse era um nome que eu não ouvia há bastante tempo. Era difícil esquecer quando eu conheci os Hyuuga a maior parte da minha vida.
 Um relacionamento de família, pais amigos, desses relacionamentos era mais tumultuado do que os outros, e sempre que pensava em Neji, o garoto tímido e meio desajeitado que sempre comia sozinho e sentava no fundo da classe.
— Sim. — Eu disse, limpando minha garganta quando percebi que meu pai estava me olhando daquele jeito. Aquele que toda a minha família estava me dando desde o meu primeiro heat.  — Eles são parceiros da empresa, vendem eletrônicos para fora do país, por muito tempo foram inimigos da mamãe. 
— Não mais. — Disse ele com orgulho.
— O que aconteceu? Eles vão à falência ou algo assim? Ou simplesmente a dona Kushina morreu para parar com o ódio do velho Hyuuga? — Eu perguntei, abrindo o envelope que ele jogou na minha mesa, começando a ler o conteúdo, eu senti tudo parar e o ar escapar de meus pulmões ao ler tudo.
Contrato de casamento,eu Minato Uzumaki assino esse contrato dando a mão de meu filho Naruto Uzumaki, um Alpha lúpus a Hinata Hyuuga.
Eu, Hiashi Hyuuga assino esse contrato, dando a mão de minha filha Hinata Hyuuga, uma ômega a Naruto Uzumaki.
Sinto um suor frio escorrendo sobre minha testa,eu dei uns dias de férias pro meu pai e é assim que ele me retribui?!
Com um contrato de casamento?!
O olho o fuzilando,o mais velho etava com um sorriso de orelha a orelha como se tivesse acabado de me dar um dos melhores presentes.
—Eu não vou me casar com a Hinata Hyuuga! — Afirmo me levanto da minha cadeira sentindo uma raiva desvomunal,eu nunca havia chegado a confrontar meu pai em suas escolhas,mas dessa vez ele passou demais de seu limite!
— Isso não é uma escolha Naruto. Não pode viver pra sempre nessa putaria, você deve se casar,é tradicional da família e você ja está passando seu cio com a Hyuuga a dois anos,quando pretendia assumi-la?_
Ele estava com uma expressão de desprezo em seu rosto seguido de um rosnado,eu odiava quando ele me olhava assim.
— Eu não quero me casar.Eu não posso me casar! — Afirmo batendo na mesa deixando minha presença escapar propositalmente
— Me dê um bom motivo para não poder se casar.VOCÊ É UM UZUMAKI.DEVERIA APRENDER A ASSUMIR SUAS RESPON…
— EU JÁ TENHO UM ÔMEGA! — Rosno alto cortando sua fala,vendo seus olhos se arregalarem.
ACOMPANHEI O PASSO RÁPIDO de Shikamaru, recusando-me a deixar que minha
mente se preocupasse com as possibilidades. 
Mantive a cabeça erguida, meu desprezo por aqueles ao meu redor nítido em meu rosto. Na verdade, não era fingimento, pois odiava praticamente todo mundo ali, dos cortesãos
e criados dos Hyuuga até os senhores bretões menores sem força moral, que não mostraram resistência quando ele tomou o castelo de sua duquesa para si mesmo.
 Lacaios covardes e bajuladores, todos eles. O Nara fez uma pausa pouco antes de entrar no grande salão, esperou que um pequeno grupo de vassalos passasse, e então os seguiu para dentro, minimizando as chances de que nossa entrada fosse percebida.
Dentro do salão, criados silenciosos corriam de um lado para outro, carregando jarros de vinho, atiçando o fogo, tentando antecipar todas as necessidades antes que pudessem ser repreendidos ou castigados por não
atendê-las com rapidez suficiente. 
Havia pequenos grupos de pessoas espalhados por todo o salão conversando furtivamente entre si. Sem dúvida, já haviam sido informados de que o contrato de Hiashi com meu pai.
A única pessoa no salão que não tinha o bom senso de se envolver em cautela era o idiota do Kiba. 
— Onde está Hinata Hyuuga? — Perguntei em um tom sério usando minha voz de Alpha, fazendo todos ali se tremerem de menos Shikamaru que já estava acostumado.
— Estou aqui Naru~ 
Um rosnado escapou de meus lábios e ecoou por todo salão silencioso, eu me virei para dar de cara com a ômega peituda que não usava quase nenhuma roupa.
— Pra você é Kurama. — Eu vi ela se encolher e um gemido choroso escapar dos lábios pintados de vermelho, apenas me deu nojo. — Que porra de contrato é aquele?! Faça seu pai terminar com aquilo Hinata!
— NÃO! — O grito dela fez meus ouvidos quase sangrarem, eu olhei para ela e a mesma estava com os olhos lacrimejando.
— Não? 
— Não! E-eu fiz meu pai começar com esse contrato! Eu fiz ele perturbar o relâmpago amarelo atrás deste contrato, e como você está na época de arrumar um casamento e só vive na balada, seu pai aceitou rapidamente!
Eu rosnei em desgosto e raiva e ao ver um brilho vermelho refletindo nos olhos perolados, eu percebi que meu lobo estava querendo assumir o controle.
Antes que algo pior pudesse acontecer, que minha vontade era literalmente avançar e rasgar a cara daquela puta, eu senti Shikamaru me puxar para trás e segurar minha nuca com força.
— Shikamaru! Me larga.
— Calado Kurama, você não está bem e se mata-la agora na frente destes criados seu nome e sua influência vai cair na lama,querendo ou não essa vadia é importante.
Rosno em resposta sentindo meu sangue fervendo.Eu odiava quando aquele Alpha estava certo,e opior é que isso acontecia frequentemente… Shikamaru eu confiava minha vida de olhos fechados e deixava a empresa nas mãos dele sem me preocupar.
— Vamos embora Kurama. — Ele falou soltando minha nuca e uma última vez eu olhei para a Hyuuga que tinha um sorriso vitorioso, eu iria arrancar esse sorrisinho da cara dela, de um jeito ou de outro.
Eu soltei um rosnado e saí do local, seguindo Shikamaru, o Alpha que a todo momento me olhava para ter certeza que eu não iria avançar na Hyuuga.
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ABO Team Minato — Beta!Kakashi focuse:
Kakashi and Obito butted heads even more once Kakashi presented.
Kakashi presented a bit late for a Beta, which means his newly acquired instincts are much harder for him to control or understand.
Minato allowed him to start training by himself as they waited for the rest of the team to meet up — as physical exercise is an important part for instict assimilation.
Kakashi's nose became a whole lot sharper, which causes him to avoid Rin and Obito at first — as their scents were so potent that it would cause his instincts to rise and try to take over.
Gai almost immediately fought him the moment they met up post-presentation for Kakashi — as it's Gai's way to help Kakashi with his assimilation but also, to start bonding with the other Beta.
Kushina was so excited when she found out, and almost immediately started to drag Kakashi off to "teach him the way of a beta"
Kakashi secretly enjoyed the Beta bonding experiences he had with Gai and the rest, even if he's stubborn in showing it.
All of these things let up to Kakashi and Obito butting heads a lot more due to instincts and such.
Obito could tell something was different with Kakashi, but he couldn't pin point what
Kakashi was unwilling to accept Obito as his 'Team Alpha' and would rather try to knock him down as to avoid doing so.
Obito was bothered by the fact Kakashi could train.
Kakashi became a lot more annoyed with Obito being late.
Kakashi became accustomed to Rin's scent faster than he did Obito's, not only because Obito's would sour around him
But because Minato thought it would be a good way to have them bond by researching/talking about where Beta's and Omega's overlap
Rin and Kakashi actually start reading about scents and their medical-works as they both got interested in the topic.
Kakashi has a faded metallic and earthy scent to him when he's a kid.
It turned into an earthy and smokey wooden scent once he became Hokage.
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