velvetchen · 6 years
I’m in love with bruise wow
thank u omfjfssjnj ily !!! 😭💗
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enaasteria · 6 years
Answered Asks // 3
Consolidating asks as to not spam dashboards. Under the cut!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 29th 2018, 3:56:00 pm · 2 days ago wanted to drop by and let you know that i've been listening to 'Fool of Me' by Meshell Ndegeocello for more than a week and it reminds me so much of the heartbreaking moment in chapter 11 when Sehun made the decision to leave Ahri behind. imnotcryingyouare. i hope they become like the song 'Cheek to Cheek' (Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald version) *hinthintwaggleseyebrowswinkwink* hope you have a lovely day <3!
AHHHH REPLIES *-* <3!!! I accept the love you’ve bestowed upon me. I shall violently love you back *SHOOTSHEARTSATYOU* dont worry, I remember the what I wrote in the recs message! I was saying that I’ve been listening to this song ‘Fool of Me’ by Meshell Ndegeocello, which reminded me so much of the end of chapter 11 when Sehun decided to leave Ahri. The heartbreak is so real T_T imnotcryingyouare. I hope they end up being like ‘Cheek to Cheek’ (Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong version)! - ma
OMG SO APPARENTLY I DIDNT DELETE IT. This is how tumblr inept I am. I thought I did. It showed that I did when I was on the computer but apparently I didn’t on mobile. WEIRD. Listening to it now! 
Both of these songs sound so similar. I feel like I’ve heard them before omg. good recs. I really like them.
Fool of Me by Meshell Ndegeocell
Was I blind to the truth just there to fill the space... What kind of fool am I that you so easily set me aside OMG MY HEART IS BREAKING. Why do the lyrics fit so well. Right off with the first few lyrics. I’m crying. YES I AM CRYING. This was almost the same words she thought in the chapter. Was she there only to temporarily fill the void in Sehun’s heart when she felt it was for Jiyul instead. OH NOOOO.
I can't touch you no more Can't touch you any more any more And this relates to Chapter 12 a lot how she wouldn’t really look at him or touch him and this is so sad. THIS WHOLE SONG IS SO SAD but it’s so fitting to that part when he chose Jiyul over her and IT”S GOING INTO MY APT PLAYLIST.
Cheek to Cheek by Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald
THIS WHOLE SONG. Can I just say how cute it is??? This just makes me feel like I missed an opportune moment for Sehun and Ahri to dance together at the wedding??? I kind of made it so that it was Soi and Ahri dancing puahahahha. Technically, I should’ve made Sehun and Ahri dance because he tends to dance when he’s nervous about something.
Sooooo BOOOOO I MISSED THE MOMENT. BUT STILL. It’s ok hahahahah But really. This song. The beat. THE CHEEK TO CHEEK. More like forehead to forehead between the two leads. Thank you so much for the recs!!! I loved them so much and can’t wait to add them to my playlist!!
I read chapter 17 till half past 4 in the morning. I had to sleep because i needed to wake up at 9 for a gym session the next morning. But I have sleep problems so I kept waking up throughout the night and reaching for my phone to reread 17 in my sleep-induced haze and dozing off. I had to fake illness and reschedule my gym session in the end xD. I hope my trainer doesn’t see this. HAHAH even when I was half asleep, I kept thinking that I still had so much to tell you about 17!! - ma
OMG MA. WHY DID U STAY UP SO LATEEEE. NUUUUU. Also since your music anon and the abbrev is MA, I literally scream MAAAAA LOOOOL. AND OMGOSHHHH. Please rest. Please sleeeeeep. Your poor thing. i’m so sorry that the story kept waking you up. But I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and really thank you so much. I really can’t appreciate your messages enough. They make me so HAPPPPPYYYY //runs off screaming while drinking my coffeeeeeeeee//
YASSSSS. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF IT AND I DONT MIND CAPS LOCK AT ALLLL. IT just shows me you’re really excited and I’m excited for you to read it. Many apologies for how long it took me to write it but I hope you enjoy it. AHHHH TY FOR LIKING CH 16. I remember being really stressed over it because it was so SLOOOOOOOWWWW but yas yas. Please enjoy 17. Thank you for your patience //hearts u//
@heythereitsmo​ said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 12:12:00 am · 8 hours ago Oh when Sehun tells Ahri the story of the Keepers, I remembered you wrote a piece about it and it was just — beautiful. I cried then and I cried now because it literally took my breath away. Every chapter is so stunning Ena, every word resonates so deeply in my soul. It wasn’t always easy but they’re happy together and in love and I hope on my own stars that someone will love me the way Sehun loves Ahri — even if there are flaws and hurdles. You wrote this fabulously, love. Fantastic job.
YAS!!! You caught the merge of Keepers into Apt. This and Yua x PCY are all other stories I’m working on and I wanted to weave them into apt for continuity. I like having all my stories intertwine in some manner. It’s fun but also makes my brain want to explode when I have to make it flow right LOL. YOU’RE REALLY GUNNA MAKE ME CRY. Thank you so much for reading. I really remember you as one of the readers staying with this fic for so long. i really think it’s been years for you and I’m so grateful for your patience but also all the support you gave me. I wish you all the love and happiness and thank you for loving my characters as much as I do.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 12:26:00 am · 8 hours ago Okay but Sehun getting provoked by ahri’s ‘other men’ amuses me sooooo much THANK U SO MUCH FOR CH 17 I honestly needed some destressing with an overload of fluff (and that thick tension 😉😏) ☺️💕💓😚
I definitely had to throw in Ahri’s other men to lighten up the mood hahaha. JK JK. I just really love jealous sehun?? I think he’s super sweet and it’s not like he’s like the bad kind of jealousy. He’s just irked??? LOOOL. It’s cute when he’s just agitated. I really hope you love the fluff and slow burn for the kiss LOL
@shewantsmeshesgotme​ said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 1:35:00 am · 7 hours ago I. AM. IN. LOVE. NXKELBFKDLFNFNDNNSKDKFNFBI. I CANT EVEN FORM THOUGHTS IM SO BLOODY IN LOVE OH MY GOD ENA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!!?!? You....you are some sort of a genius wizard I can’t even...I’m just broken I love this fucking story so much and YOU I LOVE YOU THANK YOU CHRIST I NEED TO SIT AND STARE AT THE CEILING FOR AN HOUR. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
LORIIIIIIIIIIIIII. THANK YOUUUUU GAHHHH. THANK YOUU SO MUCHHHH. Thank you for your help. Thank you for reading. Thank you for the screams. IM NOT A GENIUS WIZARD. YOU ARE. BUT THANK YOUUUU. Really thank you so much for reading this fic and DONT STARE AT THE CEILING. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS. Now that I finished 17, I can get to reading all the fics that are sitting in my backlog and I really want to read all of yours. I really need to read The Boxer. It’s on my to do list foreverrrrrrr. hugss!!!
@yeolieminelli​ said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 2:25:00 am · 6 hours ago HUHUHU. Just finished Ch. 17 😭 It's beautiful. How the each traditional family story just made sense for Ahri and Sehun ❤❤❤ Thank you for writing such a beuatiful chapter for both of them. You are a great writer dear. 😁😁😁 On a side note- I was listening to an instrumental that fit so well for the last part of Sehun's surprise, it felt even more magical. I wish I could share it with you, if I discover how. 😂
YAYYYY!!! I”M SO GLAD U ENJOYED ITTT. RIGHT? I’ve had that ending in my head for 3 years now and it’s finally there. It’s finally written and can I place a pat on my back for it because I thought it was fitting for their story too. Thank you so much for your help on it and thank you for reading. What instrumental?? You can send me the title and I can look it up on YT to add to my Apt Song Rec list!!
ramblingpeaches said to enaasteria: @ramblingpeaches I CANT TAG U WHY March 31st 2018, 3:07:00 am · 5 hours ago that was such a beautiful chapter! so worth the wait- no actually way more than that! you honestly have such a way with words. your writing, your story has made me feel a bunch of emotions and you're just so so talented that i feel like i can't properly express how much i adore your writing and hope this somewhat conveys it haha. thank you for an amazing chapter, definitely made my morning! :) ♡
Thank you so much for this message! I’m so glad you thought it was worth the wait. I’m so sorry it took so long to write but I’m such a slow writer. AND I HAVE A WAY WITH WORDS. AHHHHH //SCREAMS// You’re so kind to me and this is really such a great message because it just makes all the screams worth it. AND NOOO. REALLY. You’ve done so much for me. If you read and send me a message of how you enjoyed the chapter, that really just makes my heart swell. Thank you so much for reading!!!
@yeollieollie said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 3:23:00 am · 5 hours ago Omg my heart that was the cutest thing ever why can’t that happen to meeee amazing!!!
Thank you so much for reading!! Wasn’t it??? It’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever written in my entire life and I kind of don’t know what to do with myself anymore LOL.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 31st 2018, 5:11:00 am · 3 hours ago hi chap 17 was full of fluff i literally died after reading it 💗 tq for writing such a wonderful story! :) also! how old are sehun and ahri in this story?
ANONNN. Did you know I screamed a lot while writing this chapter. I felt so bad for my followers on Twitter. They felt the main grunt of it all ahhahahaha. I almost died writing this. My heart hurt so bad from it all T_____T Thank you so much for reading and as for their ages. I heavily---HEAVILYYYY aged Sehun in this because I felt I needed his character a bit older than how he was. And since I started this fic 3 years ago, I really did age this poor boy LOL. He’s 29 and she’s 27 in the story. :)
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suho-mochi · 7 years
I don’t know what to say but I want you to know that I’m here for you and I hope you are okay. You deserve the world and I’m always here if you need anything xxxxx
Oh gosh, you are so sweet
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narika-a · 7 years
Chanyeol - overdose!
Just posting these, so I would know~ My inbox is getting crowded 😂
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puppyeoll · 7 years
I just finished eyes on you, is it really left at help us! :o my heart!!!!! Wow amazing! Was definitely a great series ❤️
OHHH did you really?!? Wow thank you so much sweet pea!! Don’t worry, I have more plans for it, I just need to get around to writing it haha. Thank you for the sweet message! It was great to wake up to this
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jinjikook · 7 years
You can do it 💕💕💕
thank you dearie❤️ idk if you read bangtan but if you do you’re in for a wild ride, it’s a loooooong read but i promise it’s worth it for all the fluff and shenanigans 💕
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gguksgalaxy · 7 years
Lay : why are you always so angry? do you need a good fuck or something? i can help lol
I’m not always angry, and I most certainly don’t need a good fuck. Get lost.
Engraved Chat Time (closed)
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kimjongdaely · 5 years
My Pet Human [Epilogue]
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Pairing: Chen x Reader
Warnings: mention of blood, violence, slavery and sexual situations.
Summary: Every wrong step, every wrong turn led you to this moment. This moment where you would belong completely, utterly to the vampire Kim Jongdae, who never even wanted you in the first place.
Prologue│Chapter 1│Chapter 2│Chapter 3│Chapter 4│Chapter 5│ Chapter 6│Chapter 7│Chapter 8│Chapter 9│Chapter 10│Chapter 11│ Chapter 12│Chapter 13│Chapter 14 [M]│Chapter 15 [M]│Chapter 16│ Chapter 17│Chapter 18│Epilogue
You scream, feeling your arm protest against her inhumane strength. Just a little more pressure and you’re sure it’s going to snap in half.
You can see her crazed, lopsided smile, fangs protruding like two porcelain knives. Her eyes are oddly glazed, glowing bright red.
She chuckles. “It can all go back to the way it was after you die.”
You scream again, for anyone to come to you.
Jongdae, please, I’m here.
She only continues to laugh, voice high-pitched and screechy, making your ears ring. “Now, now. Don’t be afraid.”
How can you not? You struggle in her grasp, but your limbs are bruised from her touch. It hurts every time you move, and there’s no way you can outrun her.
Being human is such a scary thing.
She snaps your head to the side, exposing your neck.
“No!” You yell, trying hard to raise your shoulders in futile attempt to cover your neck. The terror and realization makes you shake. She’s going to bite me!
You feel your fangs graze your neck, and your mind instantly goes blank, your eyes squeezing shut as you brace yourself.
You feel Victoria freeze above you, a low growl ripping itself from her throat as she demands furiously, “Jongdae. Why do you stop me?”
You crack open an eye, seeing Jongdae standing in front of you. His hair is disheveled, eyes glowing just as red as Victoria’s.
His voice is venomous as he spits out, “Let. Her. Go.”
“How could you?” She screeches, hold tightening on you until you’re yelping. “How could you betray me like this, Jongdae?”
“I’ve had enough.” Jongdae shakes his head, voice lowering into a broken whisper. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Why not?” She finally lets go of you, turning towards Jongdae instead. “We could go back to the way we were. We can be happy!”
“We can’t.” Jongdae says firmly. “Not anymore.”
Victoria lets out an animalistic roar, eyes glowing ever brighter. She charges, moving so fast she becomes a blur in the air. Jongdae doesn’t look scared though, nor worried.
He just looks sad.
There’s a moment where everything slows down. You blink, and you see Victoria stumbling back, clutching her chest. There’s blood covering Jongdae’s hand.
“Y-You—” Victoria’s voice comes out choked, a hiss. You can’t see her face from here, but you watch her body fall.
Jongdae sees the moment her eyes change. Clear and bright, like he remembers. Blood trickles from her mouth as she chokes, the hand clutching at her chest trembling.
“Jongdae.” She whispers, voice soft and beautiful and filled with pain. There are tears in her eyes but her expression smooths into a ghost of a smile. She leans forward, bloodied hands cupping his face. Her lips barely grazes his.
And then she falls, body dissolving into ash as it hits the grassy floor.
Jongdae exhales shakily, hands falling to his side.
He did it.
He killed her.
As the wind carries the ashes away, he feels free for the first time in centuries. The weight in his chest lifted, leaving him surprisingly empty. It doesn’t hurt anymore—somehow he knew this day would come. Where he would need to face his past and put an end to it once and for all.
“I love you.” He whispers, letting that fade away too.
He slumps down, feeling all energy leave him.
You’re afraid to move. Everything had happened so fast, you don’t know how to react.
Jongdae killed Victoria.
You slowly push yourself up, wincing at the pain as your body protests. You hobble over to Jongdae, kneeling down next to him.
He looks at you, but not really.
There’s something so sad in his eyes.
You wrap your arms around him, bringing him close, cradling him against your chest like a child.
He doesn’t move, doesn’t really react.
You open your mouth, but you can’t find the right words to say. There’s nothing you could possibly say to ease his pain. He did also kill her for you, so you’re unsure how much comfort you can really give.
At the thought, you slowly begin pulling away, feeling guilty.
If it wasn’t because of you…maybe, maybe Victoria would still be here. Maybe they would be happy together. Maybe—
“Are you still leaving?” His voice comes out a shaky whisper.
“I—” You’re unsure how to respond. You look down. “I don’t know.”
“Don’t leave.” He hangs his head, pressing it against your shoulder. “Please, don’t leave me.”
How could you possibly say no to that? You feel tears sting your eyes as you nod, “I won’t.”
“Yixing…I’m sorry.” You find him the next day. It’s been weird going back to the mansion and feeling like things have gone back to normal—as normal as it can get, after what happened.
Hui immediately got medical attention, and is still resting in her room. She woke up a few times, according to Chanyeol, and seems to be fine.
Jongdae…well, he’s locked himself in his room ever since.
“No worries.” Yixing smiles down at you, though it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Yesterday was…it was rough. I understand that Jongdae needs you.”
You nod, still feeling guilty for everything that happened. You feel like a mess.
Yixing pauses, leaning down. You freeze at the proximity, eyes blown wide as your heart hammers. He’s only a hairsbreadth away, but then he moves up, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You let go of the breath you were holding.
“I wish you happiness.” He murmurs, offering you another smile before he disappears down the hallway.
You brush your forehead, staring after him. At this point, you’re not sure what happiness is.
You head back to your room, almost jumping out of your skin when you find Jongdae leaning against your door.
“Jongdae!” You greet awkwardly, eyes darting around. “You’re up.”
“Yeah,” he says, voice soft. “I wanted to talk to you.”
You gulp, wondering what he wants to say. You nod, though, motioning for him to join you in your room. You plop down on your bed, and he sits down next to you.
“I’ve…spent a lot of time thinking.” Jongdae starts slowly. “About the past. About the future.” He runs a hand through his already messy hair. “And to be honest, I’m a wreck. So much has happened and I’m not sure how to deal with all of this.”
You nod, understanding. He exhales frustratedly.
“I…I didn’t know what I wanted.” He finally says. “I thought I wanted her. I wanted to go back to the past. But…when I was given the chance, I realized I didn’t want it.” He turns towards you, looking exhausted yet somehow renewed. “I realized I want you.”
Your heart stops when he leans in closer, his eyes so beautifully hypnotizing and you can’t look away.
“I don’t think I ever said this.” He murmurs, voice like silk. “I love you.”
Previous Chapter│Next Book
My Pet Human Mini Masterlist
A/N: Omg, it’s over! It’s a little hard to believe, and my heart breaks for them, but at least they’re together now! I kind of love how sad and broken this is. It was fun to write, and hopefully fun to read as well! Thank for all the love and support you have this fic, and please stay tuned for the next book! I’ll see you then!
Tags: @loser-dot-com @lis-redfox @byunfirstlady @a-mistake-tbh @dear-fake-diary @kjds-pretty-nipps @xius-exos @kunkunandtenten @g-exo @shinrin-yokeu @blusyd @aeri-angel @baekhyunsonly @vampwrrrmistresslist @paljungmu @shxrl4747 @nshitae @bbhshowerthoughts @chanyeolol @cutiepieswithacherryontop @yeollieollie @missclownc1 @bleu-boss @iietherealsky @babybookworm-blog @ravyeolii @lookinalittleblue @mccnlitdreams @sweetjellytine @xthefuckerysquaredx @xoforxiuchen @somekindofcharly @lovebuginlove @crazy-gingerbread-lady @the-freefeather @deewangi-deewangi @ugeuuupabo @baekbuns @mark-yien-tuan @chnlnng
Talk to me!
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fairyshuuu · 6 years
artificial love prologue
.summary. You don’t remember, but they call you Raven. You come from a world with bottled emotions and perfect dietary pills, nothing around you is real. Except you. Remember that. .word count.  1.5k .pairing. classified .genre. dystopian!au  ot!9 
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.author’s note. i’m sure most of my new readers haven’t a clue of the existence of this fic because it’s been away for more than a year and a few months, but i’m in love with this world. me and my friend @gguksgalaxy planned it together back in ye old days but i’ll be writing it! i really want to finish this for all the hours of work that have gone into it and for the sake of finishing it for people who might have read this at some point. If you’ve never read it before, I hope you like it as much as I do. .warnings. suspense, weapons, death, blood, murder prologue.  part 1.  part 2.  
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The wind is cold and sharp, cutting into your cheeks like little knives as you pull your dark hood further over your head. It rained yesterday, and the little icicles on the leaves crush underneath your feet, causing you to make more noise than you want. Luckily, the outskirts are deserted, the lands barren and rough, or overgrown like the forest you are moving through right now. 
It’s cold here, temperatures having dropped below zero weeks ago. You lips are going numb underneath your mask, despite your attempt to keep warm. The wind sends a slight shiver to crawl down your spine. It’ll get even colder soon, which worries you, even if you wouldn’t admit it.
As you move carefully forward, the bow hanging around your shoulder catches onto a twig of the pines that obstruct your way. The stream you’ve been following for hours now is frozen over, a thick layer of ice spread over the water. It’s sturdy enough to support you. You know it can’t be far anymore, the stream widening the further you go along it. The lake is your end point, where you’ll find what you’re looking for. You look up at the sun, trying to guess the time of day as your watch has run out of battery weeks ago.
The sound of a truck confirms your suspicions, but hushed voices and controlled footsteps make you still. The wind whispers through the tree tops but the sound is as clear as day.
You duck and finding cover behind a bush. You keep close to the ground. To your left, 3 young men move towards the sound of the truck just like you are. They’re clad in dark colors, blacks, browns, greens, and blend in with the environment better than you do. You recognize the linings of their coats as wolf pelts, and the guns they are holding as 4th battalion rifles, semi automatic. But they seem bulkier, worn, like they’ve been remodeled too many times.  
They stop near the edge of the woods, where the trees thin out and reveal the enormous lake. This used to be a popular spot for holidays long, long ago, but now the environment is too harsh to even travel. It’s frozen, shining in the sun that’s bright for the time of year. They look around, and you press yourself closer to the stone cold forest floor, hoping the darkness of the bush will cover your black attire.
“What now?” The tallest one asks.
The shortest one of them kneels down and takes the bag that’s strapped to his back off, placing it on the ground. He takes out something big and seemingly heavy. The shrubs they are hiding in covers it from your sight, but you suspect it can only be a blunt force weapon. “We wait.” He mumbles, his voice smooth and lithe in the almost silent environment. “You guys know what to do.”
The other two nod, and you watch them sit there, possibly waiting for the same truck as you are. You know the vehicle is coming closer, the sound growing louder with the second, but the spot you're in isn’t optimal. With your sight partially obstructed by trees you decide to take their backs as guidance. If it were one or two of them you could’ve easily taken them out, your bow and arrow silent and quick. But three of them, with guns, seemed like a stupid idea for even someone trained like you.
“Okay,” the shortest speaks again, “on my count, get your weapons ready. Jongin, you’re in the back, Sehun, you’re with me.” The tallest one has the biggest gun, but he holds it steadily as the other two jump out of the shrubs the moment the shorter one gives the signal. Biting your lip, you follow their shapes with your eyes. He must be their leader.
They move, and you take their momentary distraction as a cover to get closer to the edge of the forest so you can watch what will happen. You didn’t expect anyone here this early, but you clearly misjudged.
They stop the truck a few feet from the edge of the forest. It halts in the middle of the lake, where it had been inching forward slowly. The two tallest hold out their guns to the two men in the front seat, clad in City Guard grey and blue. With a confident step on the ice, the leader moves towards the driver’s door. An iron bat swings casually back and forward in his hand. 
He bumps it against the glass, making a resounding sound that even you can hear from the distance you’re sat at. Judging by the way it doesn’t give in, you guess it’s ALON glass used for the military vehicles. All the transportation trucks used this type of glass, and you know the guns they have would be no use. But then, in the light of the sun, you see the leader hold up a thin metal object. It looks suspiciously like a self-made ice pick. That will do the job.
“Get out!” He calls, voice holding a sense of authority, bashing the side of the door with the bat again. The driver doesn’t protest. The older man unlocks the door and exits the car. You're aware these men aren’t trained. Being a transporter isn’t exactly a high end job in the City. The man is grabbed by the collar, and dragged to the back of the truck and out of your sight. “Open it!” He calls then, and you see the taller one move into the truck to remove the key and point his gun at the other guard.
You watch the scene unfold, as the boxes you’re looking for are removed from the truck one by one and slid across the ice, back to the forest. If only you could snag one, but you doubt they’re caring enough to give one up. The leader pulls the driver back to the front harshly, and you can just see enough to catch him hitting the driver over the head with the bat.
The boxes contain something you need, desperately. There won’t be another shipment for over a week, and the idea makes your stomach twist. It churns in anxiety, and the hunger you’ve grown used to. The guy inside the car fires a simple shot at command, point blank. The glass is sprayed with red, dripping down slowly.
“This is all we can take, let’s go.” The leader nods. You feel the wind pick up from over the lake. You hide your face deeper into your mask. Right when they move, a harsh blow nudges off the leader’s hood. It reveals a mess of black hair and pale skin. He is too far away to make out any stark details, but when he turns around you can’t hold a gasp, immediately slapping your hand over your lips in regret. Too late. 
The one that stayed in the back sharply turns around, pointing the gun to the source of the sound. His eyes catch yours, a deep brown full of surprise. You swallow. He’ll call the others and you’ll be done for. They kill without a second thought, that’s clear. 
The leader calls out at the hesitation, looking over in your direction as well. “What’s wrong?” The taller looks over his shoulder, but slowly shakes his head and turns back.
You let out a shaky breath, heart hammering in your chest. What you saw, the leader’s eyes, makes your heart slam violently against it’s containment. Icy blue, bright as the frozen lake itself. You've never seen anything like it. It contrasts starkly with his raven hair.
After that, you see them take the medicine bottles, filling their bags up to the brim. “Jongin.” The leader barks, seemingly fed up with the tempo of the other. The one with the brown eyes and seemingly tanned skin nods and lifts his gun to the truck. He fires five bullets into the ice, while the other two take a few steps away. The ice is thinner near the edge, and gives in with a loud crack. The weight of the truck obviously turns out too much for it to carry, and sinks quickly to the bottom of the lake, taking the guards with it. 
The method leaves behind no traces but a hole in the ice that will freeze overnight.
“Let’s go.” The leader motions his hand. “We have to get home.” He swings his bag over his shoulder, the other two following suit. You watch them leave. You briefly contemplate your chances of getting to one of their bags and living to tell the tale. But there's nothing to contemplate, not really. 
Your brother needs those pills or he won’t live to tell the tale.
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if you want to be (un)tagged for this series, shoot me a message! @ninibears-erigom @rissa-is-a-nerd @very-important-army @byunfirstlady @beautifulparisiangirl @honeybhive @yixings10 @xiubaek13 @yeollieollie @minseok-baozi @lufancy @byunvoyage (i’ve seen you in my notes and i’d thought you might like it, you can just send me something if it’s not your thing)
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clevernewdimension · 8 years
If I told you I was laughing manically, would that upset you? If no, then I am. If yes, then… well I still am.
No one died That’s a good thing, right? I seriously debated killing someone to be honest.
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Biased Here? A Keeper Replies.
List 10 biases and answer the questions.
Tagged by: @oh-beyond
In no particular order, here are the Keeper’s biases:
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EXO Chanyeol
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(g)i-dle Minnie
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EXO Xiumin
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EXO Suho
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AKMU Suhyun
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NCT Jaehyun
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NCT Winwin
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Stray Kids Felix
The Questions
Question 1: Between 1 and 4, who would you rather kiss? ♡
I don’t feel bold to kiss either on the lips. Maybe a cheek kiss for RM before I exit stage left to ask myself why I just did that.
Question 2: Between 2 and 7, who would be your best friend? ♡
Oof that’s rough because both Rosé and Suhyun have great personalities and I think we all share things in common. I would say maybe Rosé would be more of a BFF because of more shared interests and quirks.
Question 3: Between 5 and 10, who has the better voice? ♡
Both have their merits. I don’t have a clear choice so this is a draw.
Question 4: Between 1 and 8, who is the funniest? ♡
I’m going to give that to RM – some of his clumsiness and God of Destruction mishaps earned him a few laughs.
Question 5: Between 6 and 9, who would you date? ♡
Likely Suho – he’d win my folks over in a heartbeat. Sicheng is more like a brotherly figure/fellow savage person that everyone mistakes for being adorably sweet 100% of the time.
Question 6: Between 9 and 10, who would you collaborate with? ♡
I think this goes to Felix – I can see us trying to duet because our ranges complement each other.
Question 7: Between 4 and 8, who is the best dancer? ♡
Jaehyun – he’s been the center point for a lot of the choreography in MVs and that usually means you need to be precise. Minnie and the rest of the group have some tricky gestures in songs that require clean movements and delivery, so she isn’t far behind.
Question 8: Between 3 and 5, who would you most likely marry? ♡
Sadly neither of them. I think I come off as a bit headstrong and Channie has said he would like to take care of his partner and be the provider. (Plus I thought I read that he wanted a more girly girl partner?) Minseok would hate that I’m not a neat freak and I could see him having moments if he found my hair all over the place. (I swear I shed like a dog or cat at times!)
Question 9: Between 1 and 7, who would you nurse to health? ♡
RM. The man’s dubbed himself the God of Destruction and he’s a bit of a danger to himself at times. (Ex. Breaking sunglasses, hand injury during Run era, etc.)
Question 10: Between 2 and 3, who has the better smile? ♡
Rosé – she has this radiance that one can feel when you look at her eyes and see her smile. It just emanates from her whole face when she smiles.
Question 11: Between 6 and 8, who would you want as a vacation partner? ♡
I think I’d have fun with Jaehyun. I had a good laugh watching some of the videos where he cameos with Johnny (Ex. Ikea trip) and he strikes me as someone who is naturally curious. (But also down for almost any adventure.)
Albeit if I did any Star Wars related travel, take the OG Star Wars nerd Suho.
Tagging: (optional) @painting-wings, @yeollieollie, @kathrynwynterbourne, @cheese123344, @bangtan-monsta, @acciolalisa, @hurtroads, @it-is-dana
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velvetchen · 6 years
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hello!! me n mr sehun are here to send u love since it’s about time for another one of these! it feels like my time on here has gone so fast (i’ve only really been active for a year) but all of u have made every second of it feel wonderful, so here’s a “small” ff/appreciation post for all the lovely people whom i’ve met and had the honor of interacting with 💕 (under the cut bc this is just a gigantic lovepost)
bold: mutuals 💞: ur a cherished friend and i love you a lot! ✨: we may not have interacted much in the past but i admire you! italics: check the bottom for a special message!  normal: we’re not mutuals but you’re one of my favorite blogs!
ily you all so much!! i hope you’re all doing well and staying healthy and happy! if there was a post limit for the number of times i could say ily to u all id exceed it in less than a minute 
@0ksoo​ ♡ @02pcy​ ♡ @04jerk​  ♡ @0pcy​ ♡ @1azydays​ ♡ @1osecontrol​ ♡ @1ovesyeol​  💞 ♡ @2baekxing​ ✨ ♡ @3cbx​​ ✨ ♡ @3kpop2jagi1​​​ 💞   ♡  @4baeksoo​​ ✨ ♡ @5ixing​​​   ♡ @5quad​  ♡  @6v6tmn​ ✨ ♡ @7deer-ofthe-dawn7​​  ♡ @88swife​ ♡ @88x10​ ♡ @8bityeol​​  ♡ @achenlove​ ♡ @aegipcy​ ♡ @ananou59​ ♡ @anderfe1​ ♡ @antiberry​  ♡ @artificialskyway​ ♡ @asmaspeaks​ 💞 ♡ @babesehun​ ✨ ♡ @babybaek-gif​ ♡ @babyboydae​ ♡ @babyjongin-png​ ♡ @baekberrie​  ✨ ♡  @baek-love​ ♡ @baek-hyunies​​ ✨ ♡  @baekhyuns  ✨ ♡ @baekintime​ ♡ @baekphia​  ✨ ♡ @baekthru​ ♡ @balancexing​ ♡ @battaery​ ♡ @bbhmutual​ ♡ @bbhyu​ ✨ ♡ @bias-yixing​  ♡ @bkhyunverse​​  ✨ ♡  @bling-me-up ♡ @bloomingbyun​ ♡ @bloomingchen​ ♡ @bloomingdaes​ 💞 ♡ @byun-l​ ✨ ♡ @byunists​ ♡ @byunrelatable​ 💞 ♡ @byunsbf​​  ✨ ♡  @byuny​
@cancermoonjongdae​ ✨ ♡ @cbxies​ ♡ @chaichanyeol​​  ✨ ♡ @changseobs​  ♡ @chanssoo​​ ♡  @chanyoel​ ✨ ♡ @chenbox​ ♡ @cheninadinoonesie​ ✨ ♡ @chensingmachinee​ ♡ @chenstao​ ♡ @chentlemen-first​ ♡ @chentrbl​​ ♡  @chenxibaek​ ✨ ♡ @chenyeo-l​​  ♡  @cherishbycbx​ ♡ @cherrydae​ ♡ @chnlsehun​ ♡ @cinnaminja​ ♡ @citrusluhan​ ✨ ♡ @coerry​​ ♡  @crownkingzyx​ ♡ @crushxiu​​ ♡  @cyberksoo​ ♡ @dae-d​ ♡ @daetrbl​ ♡ @dejasoo​ ♡ @detectivewillis​ ♡ @dksalbum​ ♡ @dokynugs​​ ♡  @dokyungsu​ ✨ ♡ @dokyungwrites​ ♡ @dropsofletters​  ✨ ♡  @dyontstop​​  ✨ ♡ @ellyoppa​​ ✨ ♡ @elyjeon​ ♡ @elyxiun​ ♡ @emperorzyx​ ✨ ♡ @estupidaugly​ ♡ @ethereallkai​ ♡ @eunkwqng​ ♡ @evalocity​ ✨ ♡ @ex-actlymytype​  ♡ @exidgf​  ✨ ♡ @exo-m​​
@fairyyeols​ ✨ ♡ @floweryjeno​ ✨ ♡ @fluffyhunnie​ ♡ @fluffyyeollie​ ♡ @fullsunflower​ 💞 ♡ @furrykyun​ ♡ @fxlunas​ ♡ @gaytaeyongs​​ ♡  @gazpcy​ ♡  @glimmeringclouds​ ♡ @goodevenings​ ♡ @gowonsgf​ ✨ ♡ @gwaenchanhajagiya  ♡  @halfiechen​ ♡ @hanisgf​  ✨♡  @haramluhan​ ♡ @heartzyx​ ♡ @high-on-food​ ✨ ♡ @hongdxbin​  ✨ ♡ @horololbaek​ ✨ ♡ @hosehun​ ♡ @http-sehun​ ♡ @hunniedae​​ ♡ @hweseung​  ♡ @hycks​​ ✨ ♡   @il-hoon ♡ @ilovesehuns ♡ @ilovexiumin ✨ ♡  @ilovkji 💞 ♡ @ilovpcy ♡ @ilujongdae ♡ @iluyeri ♡ @ilywh ✨ ♡  @im-bicurious-yeah ♡ @ineedyixing ✨ ♡ @ireneluvclub ♡ @irenesgf ♡ @itsmeayishaa ✨ ♡ @j0ngs ♡ @jds1andonly 💞 ♡ @jenology ✨ ♡ @jenos ✨ ♡ @jeonheejin  ✨ ♡ @jihoonluv ✨ ♡  @jihyo  ✨ ♡ @jiminsglo ♡ @jinki-and-his-angels ♡ @jjonghyung ♡ @jnys ✨ ♡ @jongdaemyangel ♡ @jongdaepeche-mode  ♡  @jongdaeri  ✨ ♡  @jongnpls ♡ @jongtaeluv ♡ @junghansgf ✨  ♡ @junmyeonpng​
@k1mjdae ♡ @kaichouchou ♡ @kiddosaints 💞 ♡  @kimlips ♡ @kingzyx ♡ @kjd-l ♡ @kjds ♡ @kjmsbf  ♡ @kkimingyu  ✨ ♡ @kmjxngins 💞 ♡ @kokokysoo ♡ @kookiie-bear ✨ ♡ @kpopfanfictrash ✨ ♡ @kriswu  ♡  @ksoo-l  ♡ @ksoocafe ✨ ♡  @ksooscheeks ♡ @kuntented  ✨♡ @kyungsohs ✨ ♡  @kyungsooslatinagf ✨ ♡ @laypromise ♡ @leejinks ✨ ♡  @lgbtsuho ♡ @lisarastar  ♡ @littlepcy ✨ ♡ @loafsoo ♡ @loeychateau ♡ @loeycults ♡ @loeyflowers ♡ @loeys  ♡ @lovkibum ♡ @lovjeon ♡ @luckyones ♡ @lunarbaek  ♡ @luvchou  ♡  @lyjunggukie ♡ @m1ns1k  ♡ @merlionmen 💞 ♡ @merseok ✨ ♡ @milkrosea ♡ @milky-waee ♡ @minialbum ✨ ♡ @minijongdae ♡ @minseokcharm  ♡ @minseoksfav ♡ @minsoek-l ✨ ♡ @mintdae ♡ @mondaybluesmp3 ♡ @monsterpcy ♡ @moondks ♡ @mooonsherbet  ♡ @mrleejinki  ✨ ♡ @mysterylover  ✨
@nctfansite​  ✨ ♡ @notsehun​ ♡ @nut4zyx​ 💞 ♡  @nuyra​​ ✨ ♡  @o1un​ ✨ ♡ @oceantaem​ ✨ ♡ @ohhhappydae​ ✨ ♡ @ohsehuns​​  ✨ ♡  @ohunshine​ ♡ @orbitmv​ ♡ @osh--l​​  ♡  @p6y​ ♡ @pcyall​  ♡ @pcys-l​  ♡ @peachykaix​​ ✨ ♡  @pebble-xo​ ✨ ♡ @petitshinee​ ✨ ♡ @pinkjd​  ♡ @pinkys​ ♡ @prince-lee-taemin​ ♡ @pufflejongin​ ✨ ♡ @pyosunshine​ ✨ ♡ @qimei​ ♡ @raindyops​ ♡ @ratbyun​ ♡  @real-pcys​ ♡ @renjun-l​ ♡ @replaysgf​ ✨ ♡ @rissa-is-a-nerd​  💞 ♡ @romantichen​ 💞 ♡ @sapphicshawol​ ✨ ♡ @sechens​ ✨ ♡ @sehuniepeach​ ✨ ♡ @sehunsface​ 💞 ♡ @seok​ ✨ ♡ @shawol-till-the-end​ ♡ @shimmie-shimmie-kokobop​  ♡ @shineeclub​  ♡ @shininmp3​​  ♡  @shyshykai​ ♡ @smartseok​​ ♡  @smileydae​ ♡ @sobrightandshinee​​ ♡ @softboytaem  ✨ ♡   @softkjd​  ♡  @softkso​ ♡ @softleo​ ♡ @songfromthesoul​ ♡ @soohoesgf​  ♡ @sophrosynes​ ✨ ♡ @spicybyun​​ ♡ @springcbx​​ ♡ @squishy-do-ksoo​  ♡  @stanjdae​ ♡ @stanminseok​ ✨ ♡ @starxiu​​  ✨♡  @succ-my-byuns​ ♡ @suchensheaven​ ♡ @suchently​  ♡ @suholeo​  ✨ ♡ @suhosboy​​ ♡ @suhosjaan​  ♡ @suhoslady​  ♡ @suhoswholeasswife​  ✨  ♡  @sunshinebaekh​ ✨ ♡ @sunshineyeols​ ♡ @sweetjunmyeon​ ✨ ♡ @sweetsoo​
@taekaistan ♡ @taeminsbff ♡ @taeminlee �� @taeminsmove  ✨ ♡ @taemm  ♡ @taesty-taemin  ♡ @taeyyongs 💞 ♡ @teapical ✨ ♡ @technicallymilkshakes ♡ @tenult ✨ ♡ @textsoo ♡ @thegreatxingmibeyond  ✨ ♡ @thunderkjd ♡ @toboroki  ♡  @twentyep  ♡ @twinksuho ♡ @uminbean  ♡ @umsehun ♡ @up10chen ♡ @vangoghwithaflo  ✨ ♡ @viewgf  ✨ ♡ @vitaminsoek ♡ @vivaoh ♡ @vroomvroombaek ♡ @whatsoodo ♡ @whimsical-ness   💞 ♡ @whoreololo  ✨♡ @wodejongdae ♡ @wonhos-chubbybunny  ♡ @xbacks ♡ @xibaeks  ♡  @xingsus ♡ @xiubloom  ✨♡ @xiudough ✨ ♡ @xiuhnny ♡ @xiuhunsoo  ✨ ♡ @xiumens ♡ @xiuminified ♡ @xiuminscheeks ♡ @xiuxiuflake ♡ @xiuyeoltopia 💞 ♡ @xosehun ♡ @yeolben ♡ @yeolology ✨  ♡  @yeolosaur  ♡ @yeolsbaby ♡ @yeoreum ✨ ♡ @yerimoji  💞 ♡ @yiffxing ✨ ♡ @yijeong-you-little-shit  ♡ @yike-xing  ♡ @yixingminseokjongdae 💞 ♡ @your-woohyunnose ♡ @yukseongjae ♡ @yuqigf​  ✨♡  @yvesluv​ ✨ ♡ @zhangyeol​ ♡ @zyx-1​ ♡  @zyxgf​  ✨ ♡ @zyxjs​
♡ special messages: 
1ovesyeol: maki i kno we haven’t talked much but every time i see u on my dash or in my notifications or see you tagged me in something i literally go !!!!!!!!! i get so excited! ur so sweet and one of my favorite people 💞
bloomingdaes: kenzie my fellow hard jd stan i love u i love ur moodboards and ur writing and how much u love nature and ur so talented and so funny skjkjsjks i’m really so glad i know you!! u always put a smile on my face thank u for being so great 💞
jds1andonly: bee i really hope we get the chance to talk more in the future because you’re such a wonderful person n a great person to talk to !! we might not have interacted much recently but i really appreciate your presence in my life 💞
kiddosaints: clarisse you absolute seaweed i don’t know how we’ve put up with each other for this long. thank u for always being awake at 3 am when i want to complain and for sending me memes and being my basic goth bff i love u!! you’ve always understood me even tho we argue about everything but i love how easy our friendship is and i don’t think i’ve ever told you how much i appreciate being able to be ur friend 💞
merlionmen: diksha i love your positivity & how knowledgeable u are about things. i always learn something new every time we talk about something and i really appreciate that!! thank you for your insight and your conversations and your creativity 💞
romantichen: anna, it’s been a while since we talked but i really wanted to say thank you for your kindness and your peaceful presence. i think you’re a very gentle person and you always have something sweet to say! i’m thankful i met you. 💞
sehunsface: jui it feels like i just started messaging you but i’ve never been this comfortable with a friend and i think it’s because ur just one of those people who make everyone feel appreciated. i look forward to talking to you about everything and sending u posts about sehun and making u suffer by making u read my thirst posts every day. thank u for everything!! (and for introducing the cats to me of course). i hope we never grow apart. 💞
taeyyongs: sumaya i know we haven’t been talking for that long but ur one of the most interesting people i’ve ever met, ur funny and sweet and really smart and genuine and i really can’t wait to know you even better. thank u for all your kind words and humor. 💞
whimsical-ness: tara, you’re one of the most talented and beautiful people i know (beautiful inside and out). every time i read ur writing i’m in awe. sometimes i still can’t believe we’re mutuals let alone friends! i cherish every conversations we have. thank you for your stories and being such a wonderful person! 💞
yerimoji: kat i don’t have words for how much i appreciate u and your presence in my life! i still remember all our old conversations and inside jokes i have all our chats saved and i still go through them every now and then. you’re so soft and lovely and i’m so thankful for how you’ve been there for me for so long! ily! 💞
♡ and finally (but most importantly) i want to put in a thank you to every person who’s ever said something nice about my fics, whether in a simple compliment in your tags or an ask - u might not remember, but i definitely do. without you, i wouldn’t be writing. your love and feedback constantly inspires and motivates me and i can’t thank you enough! (i hope you all don’t mind being tagged)
@alisazmn ♡ @anotherscenarioblog ♡ artificialskyway ♡ @baekaix ♡ baekberrie ♡ @baekbunniee ♡ @baekfanapleintemps ♡ @baekmuffin ♡ @bansheeadele ♡ bbhyu ♡ @blamezhang ♡ @bluesficrecs ♡ @bobohuwu ♡ @booksforeverworld ♡ byun-l ♡ @chan-yolo​ ♡ cherrydae ♡ @chogiwhyyynot​ ♡ @choi-fish​ ♡ @distordue ♡ dropsofletters ♡ @f1gs​ ♡ @hansolturnt​ ♡  @hedwigs-quills​ ♡ @high-functioning-sociopathicgeek ♡ hweseung ♡ itsmeayishaa ♡ @killedby3xo  ♡ kookiie-bear ♡ @largepinkdolphin​ ♡ @littlesyasheep​ ♡ @lovestuck-j ♡ @meandmyteatree​ ♡ @miaricky​ ♡  @minoza-loey​ ♡ @monicaexol​ ♡ @noona-clock​ ♡ @parchaaiyaan​ ♡ @pcyungsoo​ ♡ @pixilatedaeries​ ♡ @portietomednalynn​ ♡ @rcsemyg​ ♡ rissa-is-a-nerd ♡ @sereinish​ ♡ @shuirosgarden​ ♡ @simpleejihoon​ ♡ @smoochews​ ♡ @sol-ficrecs​ ♡ @soogirlfriend​ ♡ stanminseok ♡ teapical ♡ @thatssharpilikeit​ ♡ @uwujohnny​ ♡ @very-important-army​ ♡ @where-is-my-llama​ ♡ whoreololo ♡ @yeollieollie​ ♡ @yoongisfire 
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jinjikook · 7 years
What fic is it? "Gives extra strength"
it’s a jimin fic i’ve been pondering over for ages, i finally got the inspiration to work on it and i’ve been writing nearly non-stop for a couple days now on it. it’s become my baby 💖
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gguksgalaxy · 7 years
Baekhyun: your too cute i don't have a horrible question for you , only to stop trying to sleep with angel :) not gonna happen. kangel is endgoals
Kangel???? you mean Angsoo?? Angel and Kyungsoo??
It’s just funny to try, I know she won’t do it. ;)
Engraved Chat Time (closed)
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kimjongdaely · 6 years
Here's to spreading positivity as we look back on 2018! What are your top favorite moments /pieces / interactions here on Tumblr? Tag some people who made a difference in your life and send them some loving! 😘❤️
There were so many amazing moments during 2018, it’s hard to narrow it down 😅
My favorite pieces are My Pet Human (obviously) and currently Alluring. I’m super excited about continuing the Elyxion Chronicles (and I still haven’t gone around finishing The War but I’ll try hard to finish it this year!)
I’ve met so many wonderful people, made so many mutuals and great friends. I want to especially mention @g-exo @byunfirstlady @loser-dot-com @jjaeminnie @silverdagger865 @crazy-gingerbread-lady @ravyeolii @yeollieollie @enchanting-exo @ninibears-erigom @vampwrrr @the-freefeather @shesdreaminginoverdose @oh-beyond @yeaimfishboi
And the writers I look up to: @kpopfanfictrash @noona-clock @marshmallow-phd @3kpop2jagi1 @soobadnoonecanstopher @fairyscribbles @yeolology @kollectionn @fantasies-from-nami
I’m sorry I couldn’t tag everyone, but know that I love you! Thanks for the great year!
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mallowwrites · 6 years
A Heart’s Thoughts - Part Twenty-two
Synopsis: Everyone has their own two powers, but it’s up to luck whether you’ll end up being tortured for it or not.
Welcome to our little Empowered village, the place where you’ll learn to use your powers for good- or, that’s what we were told.
Pairing: Chanyeol x (female) OC
Word count: 3027
Type: Series
Warning: nothing in particular :)
A/N: As this is part twenty-two of the story, and people might just get into it now, I highly recommend reading all the teasers and previous parts ( which you canfind in my masterlist) before reading this for the best reading experience. I hope you enjoy and look forward to the next part.
Notice: I have decided to kinda move my writing platform to Wattpad, where I’ve previously already uploaded all other parts of AHT. I still like the layout of tumblr better, which is why I’ll post a link to the chapter instead of the actual thing in these posts. If any trouble with the links arises, please notify me asap and I’ll try to fix it. Happy reading!
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Tagging: @youwishiwasyoursaas @cafechenle  @fluffyshua @yeolhighness @bymenneske @kimmacchiato @ravyeolii @lovsy @aeri-angel @mans-ayyye@vallikesgivinghugs @baekshitbyun @i-mweakforchangkyun @remeister @starrykyung @baekhyuns-wife @vonseok @dancinginkwell @yeollieollie @saranghae127u @unloyal-jongdae @softcry @miniwaves@artificialskyway @brakdasilence101 @chenbox @chanyeolsabs @littlepcy @thehoofleiestpoof @136 @babybookworm-blog@chenemy @vangoghwithaflo@nunchiwrites @naivepanda @kat-tas-tro-phe@slothydae @inside-beast@soocouldbemyonlystar @catou1305 @taeast and @supernovasolivagant
If you want to be tagged, just send me a message and I’ll make sure to do so in the next update~
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please click this link to go to the Wattpad version of the story :3
if the link doesn’t work, you could consider putting the whole link in your browser instead:
Edit: For some reason, none of the links in this post work. I’ve tried everything I could to fix it but tumblr just won’t work with me on this. I’m very sorry for any inconvenience this could cause, and I hope the links for the next chapter will work just fine.
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