#on ONLY wanting to save her from death as he isn't fond of her dying over and over again using the power of time
beepiiboop · 11 months
i have few wh mutuals so i have to send this to u directly: these lyrics from any way you want me by brockhampton r very noelclaire to me (though more one-sided like in game, more of a noel thinking too much about her situation)
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OH MY GODDDDDD. OUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
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nanomooselet · 4 months
Little but Fierce VIII
Knives is totally dismissive of Meryl. He acknowledges she exists all of three times.
Once in Vash's memories, to delete her from them; once as he's piercing the Core, to call her a parasite and dismiss her attempts to get Vash to wake up; and once to try and violently kill her because... she succeeded in waking Vash up.
I listed all those statements that Knives claimed to be the truth; now here's everything that I believe proves them false.
Vash is pretty, but he's useless without his brother.
Vash does not need his brother. He loves him - of course he does. He wants to save him. But he's never needed him. Rem was the one he relied on for support, and after her death, Vash was too afraid of Nai to give him that kind of trust. He's spent decades surviving away from him, something Knives simply will not acknowledge. He tries to remove Vash's autonomy because as long as he has it, Vash is at risk of abandoning him again, just as Rem did.
Remember that once Knives initiated the memory retrieval process, Dr. Conrad warned Meryl that breaking that connection would kill Vash? Knives made Vash need him, made him dependent. That's his idea of making Vash perfect.
He's a powerless, weak, pathetically naïve, blubberingly sentimental little baby who doesn't care about the Plants, too busy enabling humanity's abuse via performing his cringing, grasping abasement before them to notice how his brethren suffer.
Knives developed his powers first. But Vash's powers are greater. He can do everything a normal Plant can do; he can also do much more, and he's such a wonderful, kind and compassionate man, with amazing reserves of emotional strength. Knives wouldn't have had to try and subjugate him otherwise.
Vash personally talks to the Plants, cares for them, soothes their pain. And he's been doing that not just to help them, but to help the humans panicking because if the Plants died, so too would they. He spent years travelling between crash sites helping Plants and teaching humans to take care of them, assuming an authoritative role even as a little boy, and if he hadn't figured out he could do that, he would almost certainly have killed himself. Remember he finally made the choice to live in order to save a dying Plant, not a human - dying because the environment was incompatible. You know, because they'd all been crashed on a desert planet. Certainly many Plants are still suffering. Because Vash is the only one doing this. He can't rest or delegate. It has to be him alone; it all depends upon him.
And Knives has been too busy playing his stupid piano to take any notice. And having other people do things for him. Oh, and making it damn near impossible for Vash to do what he does, partly because Vash has been convinced he bears all the responsibility and accepts the punishment himself. It's incredible he's held up even as well as he has.
If Knives is even aware Vash can heal Plants, he likely wouldn't care, because he views Plants in dependent form as imperfect, the same way he has contempt for Vash's fondness for eating. When Vash tried to talk to him about the needs of the other Plants based on his own direct experience, Knives didn't just shut him down by calling what Rem said a lie, he started mocking Vash's grief over her death, complaining that she inconvenienced him. He isn't interested in an alternative. His is the only way. It always has to be his way; that's been reflected in all his abuse.
Knives himself is the more powerful (and much less human-like) of the twins; the strongest and most righteous activist for necessary change now that, sadly despite all good faith attempts at communication, non-violent solutions have failed.
Remember Zazie, Elendira and Vash himself all have said don't judge by appearances. Yeah, Knives's colouration makes him look a bit more like the dependents than Vash does. That doesn't mean he's less human.
When he first started using his chosen name, Knives was doing nothing to help his brethren in the wake of the Fall. All he did was retaliate against humans and obsess over Vash. He bet everything on being able to carry out his plans using his brother's power. He didn't bother to communicate with any human other than Dr. Conrad. Seriously, count how many humans he addresses directly in the series. The total shrinks to one if you leave out those he doesn't immediately try to kill.
As for the "less human-like" part...
Dr. Conrad and Knives believe a soul is what gives a Plant free will, makes an Independent. Knives is referred to as an angel, and as perfect.
But angels don't have souls, so much as they are souls - they're beings of spirit, not matter. Humans are the ones who have both souls and material bodies. The dependents are in their tanks because their bodies can't survive outside of them. What makes Vash and Knives what they are isn't a soul. It's their humanity.
Thus I simply can't take the idea that Knives is "perfect" at face value. I stand by the assertion that Knives, in defining all humanity as selfish and greedy parasites, inadvertently exposes how human he is himself.
He truly has only the best and most altruistic intentions: the freedom of his people, and the happiness of his brother.
Look at what he did to Vash. The only other member of his kind he knows to be a person, and he chained and silenced him. Look at how often Knives is around dying Plants, dying because of the situation he forced them into. Do you believe it?
I don't. I find no truth in his words. I can count on one hand the moments I think he's being honest about anything. And I'd like this to be kept in mind as I continue.
I said before that the series seems mostly to take on Knives's point of view, and it's worth also keeping that in mind - especially when you remember the Punisher was Knives's chosen, custom-tailored agent. A gift. He was the one Knives obviously expected would become Vash's chief emotional support; all the better to kick it out from under him. After all, his brother is the one Vash truly loves; the brother who is a weapon, a punisher of human sin, who's done all he's done for his family. Who better to bring Vash home than an imperfect replacement, reminding him of what it was in his life that's been absent for so long? His human inadequacy would add strength to Knives's argument. And so focus goes to Wolfwood, showing how being forced to take on this role has made him suffer. He is, literally, pivotal; his backstory and conflict is revealed and resolved in 6/7, the midpoint of the series.
Naturally, it just demonstrates all the ways Wolfwood isn't like Knives, and that Vash never needed his help. Wolfwood is the one saved by Vash, not the other way round.
So… because Knives was so focused on Wolfwood and what he would mean to Vash, he never once thought Meryl mattered, not to Vash and not to the Plants and not to the world at large. She's a parasite, nothing more. There's no way some silly officious little womanchild with no weapons or powers could mean anything.
Right up until the moment she did, and he promotes her instantly, all the way from insignificant to tango primary.
Meryl in his mind goes from insect he can't be bothered to swat to an ideological threat on the level of Rem Saverem, and he starts shrieking denials that she's beaten him. And remember that I said you should believe the opposite of whatever he says?
She has.
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Because she loves Vash. (Platonic or romantic as usual doesn't matter.) She's chosen to follow him even to the edge of reality. Though she found Vash frustrating, she didn't try to change him, nor does she need or want anything from him. She saw how much strength he had, what he could do if someone just had faith. When Vash declares I won't stop until they believe in me, he can draw hope from the assurance that Meryl already does. And unlike Rem, Luida, Rosa - Knives can't do jack-shit about it.
And Vash, in turn, has deep appreciation for her support. She tied him up all the way back in ep 1 - which I called "laying a claim" - and here Vash reciprocates, binding them together. She's lent him her agency, her independence, and she didn't have to resort to anything like the grotesque extremes Knives did. It required no more or less from her than unyielding love - an ordinary human's love. Just like Rem. Thank you, Meryl. I heard her voice through you.
Her love is rooted in seeking and embracing the hard truth rather than shoring up a comforting lie. When Vash starts to break free of Knives's illusion, it's by holding to the truth - it was Rem who promised to protect him, not Nai. Nai isn't an innocent little boy anymore but monster of metal chains and blades, something Vash has every reason to run from. Rem loves Vash no matter what's been done to him, and Knives cannot kill her as long as she remains alive in him. Knives is too frightened to face the truth, regards it with so much terror he tries to flee back into the ignorance of the childhood before he learned it. In contrast, Meryl's courage and conviction, her dedication to seeking and spreading truth, is so strong in her they steel that which is within those surrounding her; Roberto, Wolfwood, even in Vash. She may be small, but her power is sufficient.
Never ever overlook Meryl motherfucking Stryfe. That's a mistake so great it can see a man go from the threshold of victory to on fire.
And I'm still not done talking about her. One more instalment.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
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Phantom bride event-Seeing you in formal wear (suit/wedding dress/whatever) Pt. 5
Characters: Epel Felmier, Ace Trappola, Riddle Rosehearts
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, religion, death, obsession, possessiveness, murder, unhealthy relationship
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Oh glorious day!
Epels eyes have been blessed, his soul purified, his mind now as calm as the sea
He never thought that he would be fortunate enough just feeling your presence (aka us playing the game)
But then! THEN! You descended and are now proposing to some dead spoiled princess
After that first minute of pure awe and joy fades he notices something
Wait, you are proposing... BUT NOT TO HIM
NU-UH! Not happening
Like the poisoned apple he is supposed to represent he whispers to you that you are not the right person for this job, poisoning your mind
For his defense, you really aren't the right person for this kind of thing
You are after all the Overseer, his God!
But he can't say this because... well... the Shaftlands isn't exactly fond of his view on you
BUT if he would have had a say in this then he would steal one of Vils more special poisons, lock you in a glass cofin and hide you so that only he could see you
You just look so... so perfect that he doesn't want this moment to fade
But didn't you worry, he wouldn't dare to kill you, just make you sleep for a very long time
But for now he can only cry on the inside and save his dorm leader (without laughing about the handprint on his cheek)
Uh, maybe give him a hug after this? So he doesn't go through with his plan? Just do it! I can already see him roughly guessing how big the coffin has to be and where he can get a glass one without looking sus!
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Oh no, he isn't mad
Just disappointed!
How could you have done this to him??!
But not only disappointed in you ofc
Crowley was like, oh, there are as good as no students left! Let's just sent the fu... (remembers that minors read this) *ahem* the Overseer
Now, Ace is no Queen but only a small student in Heartlabyul, a small card solider if you need another comparison
And then you stumbled like Alice into his world, out of nowhere
Of course, unlike the card soldiers back then he already knows you
Who wouldn't? From the righteous rule over the Queendom to the many legends told all around the world
You were even a God in some places!
Not going to lie, he was intimidated the first time he met you
But you were just so kind and he couldn't believe that you weren't some haughty person
And now there is no way he would give you up to some princess
He believes that he and you are made for each other
And if you are to become his homecountries official highness like they were aiming to then he would happily follow your every command and chop the heads off of those who would dare to oppose you
But he would not let you do one thing and that was this. You belonged to him! Not her! Not anyone else! Only him!
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Oh no, that princess will get the death glare of her life
You know how angry he can get
Especially if it's against something from the Queen of hearts or you
And now you, yes you heard right, you need to bend to some spoiled ghosts wishes so that someone doesn't have to die
He would love to just use off with your head but the look you gave him told him not to do that
I mean, it's just a fake proposal so what could be so bad about that right? Right??! *Sighs*
Riddles nerves just dying from pure anger, that could be the bad thing
It's a miracle that he doesn't just storm off to the castle with a flamingo in hand, striking guards with it left and right (those beaks have to be hard and also: the poor flamingo)
But he keeps himself together
If you two have to go to that wedding and propose then he shall make her see that you are meant with him
That red suit of his? It weirdly matches your clothing
And also, you two look like a could, e who gets married now!
Riddle can now die as a happy man
This is more than anything he could ever dream of
If only he could be the only one who could see you like this
He will allow this, for now, but at your wedding with him there will be no fourth pair of eyes (the one marrying you two has to bet there as well after all) and if there is a fifth? Well, not for long.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
Dances of the dragons; what are things you like about the story in the show and book.
Well clearly I’m very fond of Rhaenyra and her little family. Something I really like exploring in fiction is ~blended families~ having been born into one myself and I find it fascinating especially in the pseudo-medieval context of a song of ice and fire. The complexity of balancing this family with what the world at large considers proper, of protecting this family when it's very existence is a threat to the established order of things.
I also really love the whole Aegon/Sunfyre and Baela/Moondancer stand off. I think the narrative aspects of it are amazing and it fits their characters so well. Baela being purposefully kept out of the war, kept even from defending Dragonstone, going off on this long shot stand off against the leader of the enemy faction and then she fails. I think what is often forgotten about Baela in this instance is that her amazing bravery is worth nothing in the end. Aegon still takes Dragonstone, Rhaenyra is still murdered, and worst of all, Moondancer dies and Sunfyre is mortally wounded. All she does is help kill two more dragons, help kill the power of her own family, sacrificing her own beloved dragon, her own agency later in life, for nothing not even a temporary win. Then you have Aegon as Sunfyre's only rider, Sunfyre feeling Aegon's distress and sacrificing his own life to come save Aegon, taking not one but two life ending crashes to the ground all for love of Aegon, and then just dying and leaving Aegon such a mess he's dragging Baela out and threatening to become a kinslayer with his own two hands in front of the entirety of King's Landing. The moment Sunfyre dies, Aegon is dead. They are too connected in a way many of the other bonds are not. It's not just like Vhagar or Caraxes mindlessly going into death because it's what their riders want from them; no, Sunfyre seeks death out in a vain attempt to save his rider, after Aegon goes through deliberate pains to separate himself from Sunfyre to spare Sunfyre the same fate as Vhagar, Caraxes, Arrax, or Meleys.
Also that final confrontation between Aegon and Rhaenyra - that i hope you died / you first, you are the elder exchange - is soooooo good. The way Aegon traumatizes the Younger the way Helaena and Jaehaera were, completely screwing over his own heir in his rage, and Rhaenyra's body isn't even safe from being sexually abused when she's dead.....George was cooking here.
As for the show, I think the casting is leaps and bounds better than the main show. I think probably the weakest links on the cast are (I'm about to get tomatoes thrown at me here) Ewan, Emily, and Sonoya but I don't think any of them are bad by any stretch. Emily does some amazing work showing Alicent's despair and anxiety and intelligence. I would put her on the same level as Maisie in the original show - she needs some time to find her feet as an actor but you can see her growing and changing as an artist and performer before your eyes. Sonoya has a bit of a lackluster script to work with (it's hard to adapt Mysaria, she's just a bunch of awful ~far east~ stereotypes rolled into one upsetting character) and she's also clearly struggling around her accent. I'm hoping she'll pull a Peter Dinklage next season and get used to the accent. Ewan is also here I guess (*kanye shrug* I think he looks too old and little Aemond was leagues better, sue me!!). But everyone else is just on their mark constantly, elevating the script with their own ideas or acting choices. And what I'll give Condal, Hess, and Miguel is that they also let the actors have a say in the characters. In my opinion, the best shows always include actor input. Three of my favorite shows in fact - Leverage, Battlestar Galactica, and Farscape - all include rather long arcs for several characters that came because the actors said "can we dig into what motivates my character more? i wrote out a backstory if you're interested" or "i'm not sure my character would react that way, i think it would go this way" and the writers listened and let them be part of the writing. I love to drag these writers for all the best ideas coming from the actors but I find it commendable that instead of plugging their ears to minor pushback like D&D did, they said "damn tom, olivia, this carriage scene is so much better the way you're doing it, go crazy" or "hey matt you're doing some great acting here, tell us what you're thinking, let's dig in" and emma has talked extensively about how they let them really dig into gender performance as they wrote the character.
Maybe that doesn't seem like a big compliment but, at the risk of sounding too cheesy, I think art is a conversation ya kno?! It's a push and pull between the performers, the writers, the cinematographers, the special effects, as well as the viewer. When you see art as a dictatorship, it stifles what you're saying. But when you bring in fresh eyes, when you collaborate, I think you are more likely to have a much more polished, much more beautiful end product. And I think in allowing like, Emily Carrey the ability to read her own queerness into Alicent and then portray that on screen made for an Alicent that feels so much more real than if Emily was forced to simply read the words on the page without emotionally connecting to it! Look at how Stephen Dillane and the guy who played Barristan were clearly phoning it in because they weren't listened to! Look at how clearly annoyed Gwendoline and Nikolaj were at the ending there because they didn't like how the plot was going! When the artists are involved in the making of their own craft, it's just better!
(but what about Rhys, you say, didn't you once say he had negative charisma? yes, yes he does, i think he's wildly overrated as an actor and i don't understand the appeal but i think otto himself is also devoid of charisma so rhys fits!! i am a hater sorry!!!)
Anyways, yes, I love Rhaenyra and Aegon because I love deranged gay older sister - violent beefy young brother duos from hell with all my heart, I love Baela the Burnt with all my heart, and I love all the actors and the collaborative nature of HOTD.
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sweetmage · 2 months
Got obsessed with a new NPC, yippee!!🎉 Unfortunately he dies 😭
Anyway, here is a little bit of Niall and my new warden Valentin saying their final goodbye in the fade 🥲 
Words: 836
Series: Dragon Age Origins
Ship: M!Surana/Niall
Tags: Character death, belated confessions, final goodbyes
Reality crashed upon Val like a wave, sudden and suffocating. The Litany... all Niall could speak of was the Litany, as though he had not just admitted to giving everything with the casualness of a passing comment. 
'His body...'
Val shook his head slowly as though denial might displace the truth. "But there must be some way. Wynne is with us, she's a healer, she—"
Niall stopped him with a wan smile. "This isn't something any mage can undo. I have... minutes, maybe. Maybe less. Promise me you'll take the Litany."
"Of course, but—" His tone rose, words tumbling upon words in a rush to make sense of it all. "There must be something. There's always something. What about—?"
"Val," Niall spoke, quiet as a sigh. "Don't do this. It won't help you, it won't save me. I was never meant to save the circle or survive its troubles. I am dying. It is as simple as that."
"Then what do I do?" Val demanded, hands clenching uselessly at his side. "What am I supposed to do?"
"Fine. Just like you always do." His words were tinted with a morose fondness and his eyes lingered upon him like he wished to take his image with him to the Maker's side.
"I thought... I had hoped I'd bring you with me. Then you'd be free of all of this."
"I always thought it would be me that would take you from all of this. A foolish thought now, but... I wanted to. I had forgotten what it was like to hope. I saw no future for myself, I didn't really care if I lived or died. I would just keep going until I couldn't. But I wanted better for you. I thought when I was an enchanter I could raise my voice for the Isolationists, that maybe I could make a change. That you might be safer, might be happier, you wouldn't need to run away anymore."
Val's eyes fell upon Niall's form, pale and ethereal and flickering like a candle nearing the end of it's wick. "You would have done great things. You deserved better than this."
"I got what I wanted in the end. No thanks to me, but... I am happy to know you'll be alright. Even if I can't be there to see it with you. In the end, haven't we both escaped the Circle in some way? My only regret is that I could not save it. Perhaps trying to play hero was a foolish act. But if there is anyone who can, it's you."
"You weren't playing hero, Niall." Val took a step closer to him, wishing to reach out and take him in his arms the way he'd always wanted. "I would never have made it from this place were you not here."
"We both know that's not true." Niall closed the distance between them, taking Val's hand in his own and pressing it against his cheek. There was no warmth or substance, all that remained was the memory of him. "I would have liked to have loved you," he said quietly. "Just once. When we weren't trapped in a cage, but I'm glad to have known you. It was a privilege. You will be alright, Valentin, you have fought worse and come out alive."
He could resist no longer, taking Niall into his arms and embracing him in a way the templars never would have allowed. "I love you," he murmured against his hair. "Do not die believing you've done nothing for me, for the circle."
"If it's you saying it, perhaps there is some truth. Before I was taken to the Circle, my mother always said that I was meant for greatness. I hope I haven't disappointed her..."
"She'd be proud," Val assured him, "you've done well." 
"If you see her by some chance, do tell her that I tried my best. But," he grew suddenly seriously, leaning back the embrace while his hands still rested upon his shoulders. "You must make it out of here alive. Do not forget the Litany, you will need it to stand any chance against the blood mages. And..." Another look, long and longing. Even among the troubled tides beneath his features, he'd never looked so at ease. "It is time for us both to be on our way. Be strong, Val."
"I... I will try. Should we meet again, it will not be today. You will not have gone in vain. Go easy into the beyond, you've nothing to wor—"
His words all but sent him on his way. Niall faded in an instant, passing on from this world and to the next.
"May your soul know peace," Val spoke to the air where Niall had been, wrapping his arms tightly around his middle so that the feeling of Niall's embrace would not leave him just yet. "And may your ashes know rest."
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lightshiningforth · 2 years
Continuing my saga of showing my best friend Star Trek: TOS for the first time, she watched "Journey to Babel." And while she's not fond of Sarek, she hates Amanda. Hates her. And it really made me rethink about how I feel about Amanda. Because I feel like I had absorbed the general vibe from fans that Sarek = bad dad with high expectations and Amanda = sweet loving mom. But yeesh, my friend's complaints from "Journey to Babel" absolutely ring true. Her primary issue is with the conversation Amanda has in which she attempts to persuade Spock to go forth with the procedure to save his father. This scene:
Amanda: You must turn command over to somebody else. Spock: Mother, when I was commissioned, I took an oath to carry out responsibilities which were clearly and exactly specified. Amanda: Any competent officer can command this ship. Only you can give your father the blood transfusions that he needs to live. Spock: Any officer can command this ship under normal circumstances. The circumstances are not normal. We are carrying over one hundred valuable Federation passengers. We are being pursued by an alien ship and subject to possible attack, there has been murder and attempted murder on board. I cannot dismiss my duties. Amanda: Duty? Your duty is to your father! Spock: I know. This must take precedence. If I could give the transfusion without loss of time or efficiency I would. Sarek understands my reasons. Amanda: Well, I don’t. It’s not human. Oh, that’s not a dirty word, you’re human, too. Let that part of you come through. Your father’s dying. Spock: Mother, how can you have lived on Vulcan so long, married a Vulcan, raised a son on Vulcan, without understanding what it means to be a Vulcan? Amanda: Well, if this is what it means, then I don’t want to know. Spock: It means to adopt a philosophy, a way of life which is logical and beneficial. We cannot disregard that philosophy merely for personal gain. No matter how important that gain might be. Amanda: Nothing is as important as your father’s life. Spock: Can you imagine what my father would say if I were to agree, if I were to give up command of this vessel, jeopardize hundreds of lives, risk interplanetary war, all for the life of one person? Amanda: When you were five years old, and came home stiff-lipped, anguished, because the other boys tormented you, saying you weren’t really Vulcan… I watched you, knowing that inside, the human part of you was crying. And I cried, too. There must be some part of me in you. Some part that I still can reach. If being Vulcan is more important to you, then you’ll stand there, speaking rules and regulations and Starfleet and Vulcan philosophy and let your father die… and I’ll hate you for the rest of my life. Spock: Mother- Amanda: Go to him, now, please! Spock: I cannot. Amanda: slaps him, leaves
There's the obvious thing, that Amanda has no right to slap Spock. That's messed up, no matter how upset she is. But then there's her final attempt at persuasion, which was what got my friend riled up. Amanda uses Spock's childhood torment against him, and does the same thing Sarek does. Sarek doesn't consider Spock Vulcan enough, despite the fact that that's his fault for having a son with a human woman. Now Amanda is upset that Spock isn't human enough, even though (as Spock points out) she had a son with a Vulcan and raised her son on Vulcan to believe Vulcan ideals. She has also switched her position from earlier in the episode, when she said that she wouldn't allow Spock to risk his own life in an operation to save Sarek. Now she demands that Spock put Sarek first.
In the name of fairness, a few words in Amanda's defense:
She's clearly emotionally distraught. Her husband is dying.
Earlier, Spock makes the case that to her that to not going forth with the surgery would be condemning Sarek to death. He introduces that language to the conversation, she repurposes it here.
She sees no reason that anyone else couldn't command the ship. To her it seems that Spock is throwing away the planned-upon surgery on a heartless technicality.
She attempts (at first) to reason with logic (someone else could serve your function on the bridge, no one else could do so as a blood donor).
That said... she's not being fair to Spock. We've gone from "I won't let you risk your life" to "I'll hate you forever if you don't." He's clearly tormented by the circumstances (dying father, nearly dying friend, impossible command situation), and rather than offering any sort of empathy, she's accusing him of having none and piling on the guilt. Of course he cares about his father's life - it was his idea to do the surgery in the first place, at risk to himself.
And why is it always about Spock's duty to Sarek? What about Sarek's duty to Spock? Sarek is the one who stopped speaking to Spock because he chose a career path he didn't approve of. And yet Spock is the one who gets a little dig about not calling or visiting home. Why not stand up for your son? It's not enough to tease Sarek about being secretly proud of Spock, in private. Why not ask him to acknowledge his son in public? True, she does request that he thank Spock for saving his life in the end, and it's Sarek who does the whole dickish "Why thank logic?" thing. But throughout the episode we see Amanda prioritize her husband over her son. She tells Kirk that the Vulcan way is a better way than the human way... until the Vulcan way risks Sarek's life, at which point she starts guilting Spock for being insufficiently human. Insufficiently like her. But she is someone who has dedicated her life to the Vulcan way of being. How is that fair?
Anyway... what do you think? Is this take too hard on Amanda, or is it fair critique?
(Not considering AOS or Discovery Amanda in this train of thought btw)
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magz · 6 months
Comtinuing liveblog code geass
Episode 7-8 (edit)
The show try frame (ep 7) thing where that sect of JP resistance group not listen to him, n all dying except him, as them all "being stupid" for not listen to lelouch
But thing is: he not try get allies beyond the like. Maybe 7 people from same resistance group he got in episode 2.
The reason the other sect all died was because they not trust him, n Lelouch was too prideful n confident in his intelligence as if actual political conflict n militia work would be like playing chess.
As soon as 1 thing went different from Lelouch's predictions, resulting in a member's death, they all started not believe him. Because they not *trust* him, they have no reason to. He only won 1 battle before.
N Lelouch had opportunity to make the other sects trust him ! He had time, especially when he was informed the other sects were being killed off by cornelia before ! He was told it was happening n asked for what to do by his group members. He could have done allying with other resistance groups, n his little scheming, n prepared if he cared - but he brush it off. Until a diff related sect was already under siege.
This immaturity in thinking his goal of destroy Britannian legacy n revenge his father will be easy, was reflected in ep3 when he did his first kill with own hands - killing his half-brother. N became nauseous n distressed (rightfully so), but he somehow thought that wouldn't happen n he presumed he was weaker than he thought n brushed it off.
Imo The problem wasn't that he got nauseous or that he was "weaker" - it was that he knows little of actual reality of conflict n oppression n killing. with actual people. Knows little the human side of things. the psychology of death + suffering + distress as actual thing that affects. N not just as plans, n chess.
If not for C.C. saving him with a diversion, he would have died in ep7 when his plan failed. As he not take into account that each battlefield will be different, n that people aren't chess pawns - they have feelings n suspicions.
With that in mind... his win in ep8, in the hostage situation was "genius" in realm of propaganda.
Using princess cornelia's fondness of her little sistern n wanting her safety.
Making one the Japanese Liberation Front commanders kill themself when they not concede to him, n make it seem like JLF knew they were on the wrong in strategy so the other JLF members back down.
Saving the Britannian hostages, when he was also consider killing euphy.
He made situation where he only needed leverage the very basics of emotions but no deaper than that. would not have matter whether Japanese liberation front became ally or not, whether enemies n allies acted certain way, he would have adapted the narrative to it.
All so he and his "knights" can look like saviors of the people for the people, regardless of if they Britannian or Japanese.
Yes, is "genius" propaganda leverage.
But it's bad logic for liberation of colonies to focus on dividing the conflict as "unarmed people" and "people with weapons".
Liberation isn't his main goal anyways. It's revenge against his father, as an exiled royalty.
So it won't matter, suppose.
Anyways - nenenenenenen's crush on euphemy was established in this episode w euphie save her. n nenenenenenen hatred of Japanese has been cemented further thru being made hostage when she is just rich white girl who hates poor people n has never experienced that type trauma before.
Suzaku doing whatever, suppose. He was ready to feel incompetent n cry about being unable to save people with his flawed follow-the-law morals n trust in britannia+justice, but this development was cut short by lelouch (zero) saving them.
Lelouch inadvertently just delaying the inevitable here (suffering) n keeping his rival suzaku going without have to self-examine his own goals/views.
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esther-dot · 3 years
Rhaegar gave roses to Lyanna and abduct her away which leads her to death. Loras gave rose to Sansa but his family trap Sansa in kingslaying and he didn't loved her. Jon think about giving flowers to Ygritte who mocked him and their relationship was doomed and she died. Chett gave flowers to Bessa who mocked him and he killed her. Daario gave flowers to woo Dany but their relationship isn't going to last long. Cat also wore flowers and play with LF once, who betrayed her in the end.
I think this is another manifestation of Martin's interest in duality. The flowers that are associated with love are also associated with betrayal/death. It's most noticeable with Lyanna:
"I was with her when she died," Ned reminded the king. "She wanted to come home, to rest beside Brandon and Father." He could hear her still at times. Promise me, she had cried, in a room that smelled of blood and roses. Promise me, Ned. The fever had taken her strength and her voice had been faint as a whisper, but when he gave her his word, the fear had gone out of his sister's eyes. Ned remembered the way she had smiled then, how tightly her fingers had clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling from her palm, dead and black. After that he remembered nothing. They had found him still holding her body, silent with grief. The little crannogman, Howland Reed, had taken her hand from his. Ned could recall none of it. "I bring her flowers when I can," he said. "Lyanna was … fond of flowers." (AGOT, Eddard I)
"And now it begins," said Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light.
"No," Ned said with sadness in his voice. "Now it ends." As they came together in a rush of steel and shadow, he could hear Lyanna screaming. "Eddard!" she called. A storm of rose petals blew across a blood-streaked sky, as blue as the eyes of death.
"Lord Eddard," Lyanna called again. (AGOT, Eddard X)
Ned remembered the moment when all the smiles died, when Prince Rhaegar Targaryen urged his horse past his own wife, the Dornish princess Elia Martell, to lay the queen of beauty's laurel in Lyanna's lap. He could see it still: a crown of winter roses, blue as frost.
Ned Stark reached out his hand to grasp the flowery crown, but beneath the pale blue petals the thorns lay hidden. He felt them clawing at his skin, sharp and cruel, saw the slow trickle of blood run down his fingers, and woke, trembling, in the dark.
Promise me, Ned, his sister had whispered from her bed of blood. She had loved the scent of winter roses.
"Gods save me," Ned wept. "I am going mad."(AGOT, Eddard XV)
There are thorns beneath the flowers in all the examples you list. The Queen of Thorns has a plot that implicates Sansa, Ygritte shoots Jon, Chett kills Bess, Daario represents violence to Dany (not sure how that relationship ends), LF is responsible for the death of Ned/the fall of House Stark, and of course, Rhaegar's choice to crown Lyanna set off a chain of events that led to her death as well as Brandon and Rickard's. This goes with the sweet smell to hide a foul odor idea, the love is a sweet poison comment, the link between life and death (only death may pay for life and women dying in childbirth) etc etc.
That is a lot of unhappy, so let's remember that we also have that adorable moment when Arya gives Ned flowers. 💗
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dansantcaparet · 3 years
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Aerith, the Non-Optional Girl...
By FF_Goddess/Shiva of www.cloudandaerith.com
If you are interested in why I believe that Cloud's love for Aerith during the events of FFVII is not optional, then keep reading... Otherwise, thanks for stopping by! I hope this article gave you a clear view of why Cloud and Aerith fans believe they are the intended pairing of FFVII. :-)
Regardless of what choices you make during FFVII, it does not change these facts:
1. Cloud was attracted to Aerith from the beginning, admiring her radiant eyes and saying that her smile "was a good purchase".
* Cloud never admits any such thing about Tifa. In fact, he never makes any remarks on her appearance... ever.
2. Cloud and Aerith's meeting in the church was reproduced with Zack and Aerith in Crisis Core, giving Cloud and Aerith a direct parallel to Aerith's first romance as well as giving them a straightforward link to another canon couple in the same universe.
3. Cloud and Aerith meeting one another was described as "destiny" in multiple official sources.
4. Cloud agreed to become Aerith's bodyguard without asking for money. Instead, he accepts a date with her as payment.
* Cloud had just recently refused to fulfill his promise to Tifa, told her that her cause with Avalanche didn't mean anything to him, and also refused to help Avalanche further without being paid (and even more money than what he had received for his last mission with them).
5. Cloud smiles and laughs with Aerith. It is the **only** time during FFVII that he does either of these things.
* Tifa was not able to get Cloud to smile or laugh **at all** during the course of FFVII.
6. When Cloud is at Aerith's house, he remembers his mother telling him that the perfect girlfriend for him was someone older. As we all know, Aerith is one year older than Cloud.
* Tifa is one year younger than Cloud, which suggests that Cloud's mother would not have considered her an ideal match for her son.
7. Cloud and Aerith have a date in the park where they discuss Aerith's romantic past.
* Cloud never asks Tifa about her ex-boyfriends. In fact, he doesn't seem to care who she's been with.
8. Tifa is immediately jealous of Aerith and the bond she has formed so quickly with Cloud. The only reason for Tifa to be jealous is if she sees romantic interest between the two of them.
9. Cloud continually expresses concern for Aerith's safety whilst ignoring the fact that Tifa is in the same amount of danger. Cloud is also supportive when Aerith is frightened.
*By comparison, we have Cloud rudely demanding "Why'd you come along anyway?" when Tifa becomes scared before they jump from the train. The way he treats these two women is like night and day.
10. When Aerith is kidnapped, Cloud states he needs to rescue her "by all means!"
* Cloud ignores Tifa, who is drowning in her own guilt after the plate falls, and heads out to rescue Aerith with or without her.
11. Cloud braves Shinra HQ, a massive skyscraper crawling with his enemies, the most difficult quest he has faced so far, in order to rescue Aerith.
* Cloud is reluctant to rescue Tifa from Corneo because it means he will have to dress in drag.
12. Barret notices the change in Cloud when they are entering Shinra HQ, remarking that "there are times when even you fight for other people". This was said in response to Cloud's stony resolve to rescue Aerith, regardless of the risks involved.
* Barret knows that Cloud previously refused to fight for either he or Tifa without compensation.
13. Cloud mentions being Aerith's bodyguard right in front of Tifa. This is the deal he had made with Aerith, the deal where he is her protector in exchange for a date. If Cloud is bringing up his deal with Aerith, then that means he fully intends on collecting on that date with Aerith.
* Cloud never plans on any dates with just he and Tifa... ever.
14. When Tifa hears of Cloud's plans for a date with Aerith, she remarks rather harshly, "EXCUSE me." This was confirmed as a jealous outburst from Tifa when she saw them "developing their world together" and noticed the obvious "special bond" Aerith had with Cloud that was different than Tifa's bond with Cloud. Aerith's "special bond" with Cloud is clearly a romantic one or Tifa wouldn't be getting jealous.
* Aerith is **never** jealous of Tifa's bond with Cloud, which implies that she doesn't see anything romantic going on between the two of them. And, considering Aerith's ability to see inside the hearts and minds of others, this is a pretty profound statement.
15. Aerith's CG render is tied to her dream of riding the airship with Cloud. Cloud's CG render is of him just before he busts into Shinra HQ to rescue Aerith.
* Tifa's CG render is tied to her promise with Cloud.
16. When Aerith is feeling alone at Cosmo Canyon, Cloud tells her he is there for her and he wants to help.
17. Cloud and Aerith have a **second** date at the Gold Saucer. This is the default date for FFVII and is the only one being taken into consideration regarding the storyline. It is also the one date that makes sense as it is the **only** promised date within the game.
* Cloud doesn't date Tifa unless the player chooses to have him do so. In order to get the date with Tifa, the player has to play the game in a way that isn't considered "normal".
18. Cloud shows concern for Aerith when she cries over Tseng at the Temple of the Ancients.
* The night before the battle, when they are sitting under the Highwind, Tifa starts crying. And what does Cloud do? He looks away.
19. Cait Sith makes a prediction about "the affinity between Cloud and Aerith" which states that they are perfect for one another. He also predicts that they are destined to be married. Cloud makes no objections to this prediction, even if Tifa is present. Cait Sith remarks "Poor Tifa" regardless of whether Tifa is present or not.
20. It was confirmed that, despite the fact that Aerith dies, she and Cloud still have hope for a future together. Therefore, Cait Sith's prediction of Cloud and Aerith's "great future" stands firm.
21. Aerith is able to communicate with Cloud in his dreams due to her ability to speak directly to his heart. This implies a profound bond like that of soul mates.
22. Cloud tries to run after Aerith in his dream even before Sephiroth appeared and began to threaten her. This suggests that Cloud desperately did not want Aerith to leave.
23. Cloud and Aerith's lines together just before Aerith leaves are strikingly similar to those spoken in the play, Loveless, between a woman and her lover.
Cloud also first met Aerith under a sign for Loveless.
24. Cloud feels Aerith's presence in his **soul** and can hear her voice from distances so great that he could not possibly hear it with his physical senses.
This reinforces the idea that they are indeed soul mates.
* This kind of thing never occurs between Cloud and Tifa.
25. Sephiroth forces Cloud to beat Aerith and then attempts to make Cloud kill Aerith. This implies that Sephiroth knows Aerith is Cloud's weakness and being forced to harm her will cause Cloud the greatest amount of suffering.
26. When Sephiroth attempts to make Cloud kill Aerith, Cloud is able to resist Sephiroth's will. This is the **only** time in the game Cloud is able to overcome Sephiroth's mind control once he is under the evil maniac's influence.
27. When Aerith dies, Cloud holds her close and pours his heart and soul out in front of Sephiroth and everyone. He abandons his pursuit of Sephiroth and his quest to save the Planet, saying that none of it means anything to him anymore. And why? Because Aerith is gone.
* When Tifa lay dying in the Nibelheim Reactor, Cloud set her aside and went after Sephiroth. It was Tifa's teacher, Zangan, who considered her life more important than pursuing Sephiroth and it was Zangan who saved her life.
28. It was confirmed in Maiden of the Planet that Aerith's death broke Cloud's heart and he was consumed with grief over her death, blame toward himself, and hatred toward Sephiroth.
* When Cloud thought Tifa was dying, he said he was "really sad". o_0 Seriously?
29. Maiden of the Planet confirms that Aerith can hear the cries of Cloud's breaking heart. This ties her to his heart and soul once more.
30. In Maiden of the Planet, Aerith is surprised over Cloud's reaction to her death. She didn't realize how much she meant to him, which suggests that his feelings for her were not platonic in nature. After all, she knew they were friends before her death.
31. The game developers confirmed that, rather than the cliché of having a man die for the woman he loves, they decided to flip things and have a woman die for the man she loves. They also stated that they wanted to achieve an emotional impact on the player caused by seeing Cloud's pain ("feeling dazed at the gravity of the loss" caused by losing "someone you loved very much").
32. Cloud's companions come to offer him their condolences after Aerith's death. This suggests that they understand the depth of Cloud's feelings for Aerith.
33. Cloud alone is the one to put Aerith to rest at the spring. This indicates just how special Aerith was to Cloud.
34. After her death, Aerith can see that Cloud's heart is falling apart "from the sadness of losing her". Cloud is also being consumed by the "anger and hate he had for her being taken from him". And so we know Cloud considers Aerith's loss very personal: he "lost her" and she was "taken from him".
This suggest that Cloud considers Aerith an irreplaceable part of his life.
35. Even though Aerith was gone, Cloud continued to speak about her and remember her with fondness.
36. In the Lifestream, it is Aerith who guides Tifa into "Cloud's closed heart". What we can take away from this is that Aerith has access to Cloud's heart, even when it is closed to all others. Yet again Aerith is associated with Cloud's heart, just more proof that she is his soul mate.
37. Cloud promises Aerith that he will complete her mission and save the Planet she loved so well.
38. Cloud states that he is fighting to save the Planet and that one of the things he is fighting for is "a very personal memory". Since we know Cloud had promised Aerith that he would complete her mission to save the Planet, then naturally the personal element associated to his desire to save the Planet is Aerith.
39. Cloud also states that one of the reasons he is fighting is to free Aerith from Sephiroth's control: "Although she should've returned to the planet by now, something stopped her and now she's stuck...... We've got to set her free."
40. After Cloud defeats Sephiroth and is surrounded by Lifestream, he reaches toward the light with longing. Aerith reaches for him in return, both of them yearning to be reunited. In this scene, Cloud's actions clearly show that he wants to be with Aerith.
41. Earlier, Cloud told the Planet that he had come to show it everyone's wishes, including his and Aerith's. He then demanded an answer from the Planet.
While dangling from a ledge, he tells Tifa that the Planet had given him an answer to his wish: "The planet's answer... The Promised Land... I think I can find her there." If the Planet's answer to Cloud's question is that he can find Aerith in his Promised Land, then logically the question Cloud had asked of it previously was "How can I be with Aerith again? Where can I find her?" This shows two things: 1.) Cloud desperately wants to be with Aerith again, regardless of whether she is alive or dead. 2.) Cloud's Promised Land, the place where Cloud will find what makes him most happy, is associated with Aerith. And this is hardly a surprise since we already know she was the **only** person in the game who ever made him smile or laugh.
42. Cloud mentions his desire to be reunited with Aerith in his Promised Land right in front of Tifa, which makes it very clear that these two are not an item, regardless of what optional choices the player has made.
43. The lowest affection rating for Aerith in the game is 24. However, it is possible to completely eradicate all romantic interest in Tifa during the game, driving her affection rating all the way to zero.
So, there you go. These 43 facts remain regardless of what optional choices you make during the game, regardless of what optional scenes you get
(*COUGH*Highwind Scene*COUGH*), and regardless of which girl the **player** personally prefers. No matter what, Cloud is attracted to Aerith, protects her as his bodyguard, and goes on at least one date with her. No matter what, Tifa is jealous of the budding relationship between Cloud and Aerith. No matter what, Cloud and Aerith are confirmed to have a "special bond" and are predicted to be married. No matter what, Cloud is devastated over Aerith's death and one of the reasons he fights is for her. No matter what, Cloud is longing to be with Aerith at the end, reaching for her hand and asking the Planet how he can be with her again. No matter what, it is Aerith that Cloud wants to meet in his Promised Land. And, no matter what, it is impossible to use the affection rating system to eradicate all of the romantic affection between Cloud and Aerith.
Also, regardless of what optional choices you make, Cloud still makes his affection for Aerith clear right in front of Tifa. He calls himself her bodyguard in front of Tifa, bringing up a deal in which the result is Cloud dating Aerith. Cloud also doesn't object when Cait Sith offers to be the preacher at he and Aerith's wedding (even when Tifa is standing right there).
Cloud and Tifa fans like to assert that the High Affection version of the Highwind Scene is canon, even though they don't have any proof of this. They even go so far as to suggest Cloud and Tifa had sex under the Highwind, which is equally as absurd. And, yet, right after Cloud rescues Tifa from falling and they are clinging to the side of the Northern Crater, he says, right in front of her, that it is Aerith that he wants to see again in his Promised Land. And this is **after** he and Tifa supposedly confessed romantic feelings for one another (High Affection version of the Highwind Scene) and, according to rabid CloTis, had sex. If that is the case, then Cloud just used Tifa for sex, played her feelings, and dropped her like a rock.
Because it isn't Tifa that Cloud wants to be with in the place of supreme bliss (his Promised Land), it's a completely different woman (Aerith).
Also, Cloud demanded an answer from the Planet, remember? This is after he showed the Planet his wishes. His answer was that he could be with Aerith again if he could find the/his Promised Land. And so the wish he expressed to the Planet was quite obviously how he could be reunited with Aerith. This scene **also** took place after the supposed confession of love and alleged sex on pointy rocks under the Highwind. **IF** Cloud confessed romantic feelings for Tifa under the Highwind, then why would he be seeking a reunion with her confirmed "love rival"? **IF** Cloud confessed romantic feelings for Tifa under the Highwind, then why wasn't Tifa the one he states he wants to be with? Why wasn't his wish about her? And why doesn't he care about how she is feeling when he ignores her and says he wants to be with Aerith?
These scenes only make sense if you take the Low Affection version of the Highwind Scene into account. If Cloud and Tifa only shared feelings of a platonic nature, then they are only friends. And Cloud doesn't come off like a cold-hearted jerk who could care less about Tifa's breaking heart. If they are only friends, then it makes perfect sense why Cloud would be seeking a reunion with Aerith again instead of wanting to be with Tifa.
In my opinion, the Low Affection version of the Highwind Scene is the one being followed throughout the rest of the game as well as the Compilation (during which Cloud and Tifa are not portrayed as being in any romantic relationship and there has been **zero** progression toward a romantic relationship between them). Not only that, but the two Highwind Scenes are merely there for replay value and nothing more. While the **player** can choose for Cloud to show romantic interest in Tifa, it doesn't change the fact that he loves Aerith. In other words, Cloud's love for Tifa is **optional**.
Cloud's love for Aerith is **not optional**.
A good example is FFX, where Tidus can show romantic interest in Rikku or Lulu. Between Rikku and Lulu, it is Lulu that seems more inclined to show interest in Tidus, but it doesn't mean that either of them were intended to be Tidus's love interest. Regardless of any optional scenes or dialogues, regardless of affections levels, Tidus still loves Yuna and they are the intended pairing. The scenes with Rikku and Lulu were simply thrown in for replay value. They don't actually mean anything in the end. It is much the same between Cloud and Tifa.
Though Cloud can date Tifa, Yuffie, or Barret instead of Aerith, it doesn't change the fact that Cloud and Aerith love one another and are the intended pairing of FFVII. And, although Cloud has an optional scene with Tifa that may or may not show affection between them under the Highwind, it doesn't change the fact that Cloud and Aerith are the intended pairing of FFVII and Cloud loves Aerith regardless of any affection and/or optional scenes he might feel/share with Tifa (or anyone else).
An interesting note: Yuna is the default character for cut scenes when there is a tie, much like Aerith is the default character for the date scene at Gold Saucer, even if there is a tie between she and Tifa (or anyone else). Coincidence? I think not...
The bottom line? Cloud loves Aerith. The **player** can choose for Cloud to **also** love Tifa, but you cannot eradicate the love between Cloud and Aerith. He can love **both** Aerith and Tifa (optionally). Or he can love just Aerith. He cannot love just Tifa. This was the original intent when the game was created, regardless of the current fan-pandering stance that Square-ENIX has now taken.
One final thought in regard to Square-ENIX's fan-pandering... Throughout the Compilation and all spin-off games in which Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa appear, Cloud x Aerith gets actual solid proof while Cloud x Tifa gets fluff that seems to satisfy the fans, but doesn't actually have any true meaning to it. Want proof of that? Just read through my site... ;-)
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zabrak-show · 3 years
In the novel Clone Wars: Stories of the Light and Dark Obi-Wan's chapter retells the episode "The Lawless". While overall I found the book, while certainly not bad, missing a certain something and although some chapters really add to the corresponding episodes such as Rex' retelling of the Umbara arc, many are just very close retellings of the episodes. Now Kenobi's chapter was a mixed bag to me because some of it is really just an exact recount of the events of the episode, however, I found some additions made in regards to Maul interesting.
To no one's surprise there's a bit about Obi-Wan's almost hatred: "Hate was not the Jedi way. But for this man, Obi-Wan had grown weary of keeping it at bay."
Then we get confirmation that Maul is either just very perceptive, simply has Kenobi all figured out or is actually able to mindprobe even such thoroughly trained - albeit here clearly distraught - Jedi as Obi-Wan: "Maul seemed to sense his thoughts."
And of course we have Obi-Wan's reaction to Satine's death - which tbh made me all the more convinced that even though Obi-Wan might have crushed on her as a padawan, he is more fond of than in love sith her at this point -: "When Maul killed Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan was stricken with sorrow. Sorrow gripped him again. But there was something else, as well. Something dangerous. Something that scorched. Satine wasn't Maul's enemy. She was just a tool Maul had used to get something he wanted, the throne of Mandalore. And a tool to hurt Obi-Wan. Using a person that way was the worst form of cruelty. Satine had been a person, and her death wasn't just a loss for Obi-Wan. It was a loss for so many more. She'd been a child on this world. Like other children, she'd taken her first step, uttered her first word, laughed and chased flitters in the tall grass of the Mandalorian plains. She'd learned to read, made friends, suffered hurts, recovered and laughed again. And she'd become a leader. She should have lived to see her world thrive, to see her people find peace, to prosper, to make music and art. She should have grown old and been able to look back on all she'd achieved.
"But in a split second, Maul had ended all that. He'd extinguished a light in the universe and replaced it with shadow. Such an act was truly the definition of the dark side. And Obi-Wan burned with rage.
"With the rage came a vision: Eyes smoldering with hatred. Screams in the red glare of a lightsaber.
"Obi-Wan would cleave Maul in two. He would do much worse. There would be nothing left of him. Or the Dathomirian. Or the commandos, those Mandalorian traitors. He would kill them Almec. He would kill anyone who'd had a hand in overthrowing Satine, anyone who'd contributed to her death.
"And he would kill anyone who tried to stop him. Anyone who stood in his way, by word or by deed.
"Maul laughed. "And now we see the true Obi-Wan Kenobi. The one he hides behind a mask of wit and charm. The one who yearns to be set free."
"And if Obi-Wan gave in to his desires, he'd be giving Maul exactly what he wanted."
So overall this just aligns with the episode. Although I do think Maul's additional taunt in this is so in character for him (and it'd be hilarious if it weren't for the entirety of the situation that Maul describes Obi-Wan as witty and charming). Although it's interesting just how close Obi-Wan came to falling. And ofc this passage really just hammers home the point that Maul wanted for Obi-Wan to fall to the dark side rather than wanting to kill him.
Anyways. The passage I've been dying to point out as an avid Obimaul shipper is the following:
"You can kill me, but you will never destroy me," Obi-Wan said, trying to keep his anger under control. "It takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace it."
"It is more powerful than you know."
"And those who oppose it are more powerful than you'll ever be."
There was still a chance to turn this right. He could not overpower Maul, but maybe he could reach him. Maybe he could match Maul's fury, not with equal fury but with understanding. With sympathy. Maul had not always been this way. He'd had his future stolen from him. He'd been warped by the Force-wielders of Dathomir. He'd been groomed to become a creature of anger and vengeance who stood before Obi-Wan.
"I know where you're from," said Obi-Wan. "I've been to your village. I know the decision to join the dark side wasn't yours. I know the Nightsisters made it for you."
Obi-Wan cringed. The words had not come out as he'd intended. He'd wanted to extend a kindness that Maul perhaps never experienced. But he let his own anger and his own fear infect his words with venom."
And then the scene moves along as seen in the episode.
But phew. I feel like there is so much to unpack here. Obi-Wan trying to reach out for Maul is soooo good. I love that meeting anger with understanding and kindness is the Obimaul trope and this is pretty much that. It's interesting that Obi-Wan aknowledges that he couldn't strike the right tone.
Honestly all of this makes me yearn for the AU where he does reach Maul and maybe I'll even write it myself. Just Maul giving in and opening himself up to said kindness (although the staging might have to be different for that e.g. Maul visiting Obi-Wan in prison as an additional scene before he kills Satine).
This also made me reconsider the Siege of Mandalore. We all know, that Maul at that point of the story is not out to kill Kenobi. And honestly, considering that Maul is hyperaware of Kenobi's emotions in these scene and could possibly also have felt Obi-Wan's "kill 'em sith kindness" impulse, isn't it even more likely, that Maul wanted Kenobi to join him in robbing Sheev of his priced pupil Anakin but also killing Palpatine? I always thought Maul wanted to reveal Sidious to Kenobi and he only adapts his plan because it isn't Obi-Wan that arrives. But with this scene in mind, couldn't it possibly be, that Maul remembered that Obi-Wan once tried to reach out for him and wanted to extend the same gesture with the goal of overthrowing Palpatine? Whilst there is this short moment in "The Son of Dathomir" comic in which Maul and Dooku unite in fighting Kenobi, I feel like after Talzin was also killed by Palpatine Maul was kind of aimless - because in the comic he (unfortunately) has essentially moved from seeing himself as Sidious' tool to being Mother Talzin's tool (he even states the latter directly) - and nothing matters to him as much as overthrowing Sidious in that final arc, because he knows if not now then never. He has foreseen what Sidious and Vader will become and knows this is his last shot to truly hurt Palpatine in any way. And lastly Maul is certainly not that delusional that he'd think he can kill Kenobi and Skywalker alone (which is an interpretation I've seen and honestly just feels wrong at that point)
Essentially I am convinced that Maul wanted to form a sort of alliance with Obi-Wan to overthrow Sidious (The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that). Maul knows that Obi-Wan knows him better than anyone and I think at the very least he hoped he could convince Obi-Wan of the truth. Additionally Obi-Wan is the only being left in his life Maul has a connection to, who hasn't been killed by Sidious.
All I am saying is that I join the ranks of other anons and blogs as a huge Obimaul enabler.
Wow!! This was so informative and awesome. I don't have that book so I appreciate the run down A LOT! And will probably save this as reference point tbh.
I don't really have anything to add other than thank you for sharing with me, and that I think you absolutely should write an AU where Obi-Wan is able to reach Maul. How that would play out and what happens when they do is a delicious thought.
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fugamalefica · 4 years
Do you think Dumbledore disproves Bellamort?
Of course not! Not at all, anon. I actually think he proves it. Here is why I think that.
Dumbledore didn't know of Bellatrix's true status. Voldemort wanted to be above human (but he wasn't and his death symbolises that) and Bellatrix was the most humanising thing for him, his greatest pressure point, which isn't something he would like for everyone to know, especially his archenemy. Voldemort was extremely powerful and intelligent, so I don't think that Dumbledore was the only one who used deception tactics with him and succeeded. He did too, and this was one of them. This is proven by the fact that he never suspected that a Horcrux can be in her vault, probably because he saw no logical reason for it to be there. Lucius was meant to smuggle it to Hogwarts which explains why he was given the Horcrux but Dumbledore had no reason to suspect that Bellatrix would have one.
Dumbledore said Voldemort grew closer to Hogwarts than any human because he found acceptance and home there. What this means is no worthy human had ever accepted him and also implies that he had the capability to care if he found the right person. Bellatrix was also the only human being who had ever understood him, accepted him despite knowing him, and loved him still and for it, even. All the others, Dumbledore, Mrs Cole, who wanted to change him or thought him misguided were the Anti-Bellatrix and he hated them. This is the first time he had ever got love and acceptance and felt comfortable and at home with a human, because he knew she would not judge him for it. He knew she would still be as obsessively, lovingly, beautifully devoted. And not just any other person, but an extremely powerful, capable, and intelligent witch par excellence! She bowed to no one but him and clearly it mattered to him. She made him feel at home and she was worthy, had all the qualities he admired, so he definitely grew to care for her.
Dumbledore said Voldemort was as fond of Nagini as he can be of anything but he only cared for her as a vessel for his soul and a tool/weapon, like a musician cares for his instrument. If he had genuinely cared for her like he did for Bella, he would not show it. He wanted to appear above human and exhibiting emotions would be appearing weak and human. His soul in Nagini was what truly mattered to him and yet he did not care for her as much as he did for Bella. His reaction to both of their deaths proves that. When Nagini died, he just let out a scream and when Bellatrix died, he screamed, dealt with three of the best duellists there with one spell and hey and tried to kill Molly. It is stated in the books that he does not kill unless he deems it necessary and the fact that he saw it necessary to avenge Bella but not Nagini, despite being obsessed with immortality, says a great deal. He knew killing Neville wouldn't have brought his soul back but he also knew killing Molly wouldn't have brought Bella back, yet he did it even though he would have accomplished nothing by it. He was in the middle of his own duel when he did that, and it wasn't because of her usefulness because Nagini was more useful technically, and Voldemort, the greatest wizard of all times, who brought about the death of Albus Dumbledore, the one who was the master of the Elder wand, definitely did not believe anyone there to be capable of defeating him.
Dumbledore said the death of his own followers didn't matter to him more than that of the enemy, yet he, an intrinsically selfish man, contradicted this twice. The only selfless thing he ever did was for her after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries where he saved her from going back to Azkaban and not for her usefulness since she wasn't assigned anything till the rest were back. She wasn't even dying and h could have freed her anyway and if he had left without her, it would have been to his benefit. When he possessed Harry's body and everyone thought he had decided to flee, Bella had screamed his name because she wasn't expecting him to leave without her which implies It's not unusual for him to help her.
Dumbledore said he was incapable of love. Love is supposed to be selfless, sacrificial, and unadulterated. That's the gist but there can be many things on the side. His feelings for her were not black-and-white. He didn't love her, because he did not sacrificially and selflessly care for her or putting her above everything else. The quintessence of true love, according to Rowling, is maternal love and because it fits all standards. That's why it's so exalted in the series. That's what Lily felt for Harry. What Harry felt when he sacrificed himself for the 'good' of the Wizarding World. That's what the heroes felt. Voldemort did not feel that, but he wasn't apathetic towards her either. In the end, it proves the point that he cannot love. No matter how much he cared for Bella and how much she loved him, he still did not love her.
Bellamort, in the books, is written beautifully in a subtle way. Rowling uses contradiction to incorporate it by having Dumbledore say one thing, which is correct generally, and having Voldemort prove it wrong by doing something contradictory for Bellatrix that makes her an exception. Dumbledore wasn't omniscient, it would have been bad writing if he were, and I completely understand why Rowling did not explicitly write it. Harry Potter's targeted audience is children and young adults. Writing such complex relationships in the books would have doubtless confused them and humanised the villains, but it is up to the reader to recognise this. Unfortunately, most people do not see it. The gist of Harry Potter might be the childish good VS evil but there are many things on the side that make it more realistic and complex. It is, of course, the readers' choice if they choose to see it as a children's book and ignore the things that make the story greyer but it is unfortunate. I don't think Rowling intended it to be just that, which is why she is expanding the universe but it's not as well received as it should have been because people don't want to let go of the childish facets of the books.
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janehaster · 5 years
Some interesting facts about Hank you might have missed (Detroit: Become Human)
DBH is full of little details that help understand the characters’ background and their motivations, details which can go entirely amiss if the player isn't paying enough attention to their surroundings. 
You have to play several times over to notice bits and pieces of information scattered everywhere and be able to reconstruct the characters’ background by patiently piecing them together. If you’re thorough enough, you can even uncover whole chunks of the characters’ past which they refuse to talk about (something VERY frequent in Hank’s case...and equally frustrating). 
Here are a few details about the life of Hank Anderson, the lieutenant who is chosen to help Connor with his investigation, along with some interpretations of my own about his mysterious past based on the evidence we find in the game:
The park where Hank goes to drink after the Eden Club mission is a playground for children. If you pay attention, you’ll see the place is full of recreational equipments, like a swingset, a toy house and a merry-go-round.  He says the place has a nice view and mentions going there a lot before something happened. This is where he used to bring his son Cole to play before his death.
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What hurts most about this scene is how a human notices the photo of Hank’s dead son on his kitchen table, then the fact Hank drove to a playground and immediately associates them both, while an android (Connor) is unable to see the correlation between them. This is why Connor asks before what?. He’s clueless to the overwhelming evidence around him of Hank thinking about his son in that moment and choosing to revisit the playground. 
Hank used to be part of a multi-department unit called the Red Ice Task Force which successfully busted a ring of drug dealers that sold red ice in Detroit. He has a photo of his unit on his desk, and you can even see the notes he left on each of them, where some nicknames were scribbled and associated to each of their faces. Some of them are fond nicknames, others, not so much:
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The nicknames (from right to left): 
Prick & Asskisser - the two male policemen in the far right
Nice girl - the smiling policewoman in front of Prick and Asskisser
Asshole - the smiling policeman on the front
Real police - the policewoman in the back, behind Asshole
A good cop - the policeman in the back, right next to her
Hank Anderson
??? - policeman on his left
Not seen since 2019. Owes me some $ - last policeman, in the far left
Hank worked in the Red Ice Task Force two years before the birth of his son Cole. Cole was born in 2029, as seen in the photo below.
Hank also lost his son in 2035, only three years before the events of DBH, as seen in Cole’s picture below.
The reason why Hank feels so disenchanted is because he worked hard to end the traffic of red ice in the city only to lose his son to a doctor who was a drug addict. This made him feel like his work was ultimately worthless and even guiltier about losing his son, since despite his efforts, there was nothing he could do to save him. The day Cole died, he learned he was fighting a losing battle. So he just gave up. On life. On his job as a good police officer. On everything.
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Hank plays Russian roulette because deep down, he doesn’t want to die. Something keeps him from offing himself once and for all. He’s afraid of death. Proof of that is how scared he becomes when he is holding for dear life on the ledge right at top of that building during our chase for the deviant Rupert (where you must choose between saving Hank and keep chasing the android). Hank was so scared of the prospect of dying he punches Connor in the face and yells at him due to the android’s refusal to save him. Therefore, Hank might have suicidal tendencies, but he’s not truly suicidal. If he truly wished to die, then all he needed to do was to let go from that ledge or fully load his gun next time he’s at home and shoot himself. And he knows that.
His sense of guilt and helplessness for his son's death is what makes him so protective of Connor. He’s aware Connor is just an android. And yet prevents him from facing potentially fatal situations. Hank just can’t cope well with death and will project his fatherly feelings for Cole onto Connor. This is why he commits suicide if he witnesses Connor’s death over and over. But this is also the reason why he warms up to Connor throughout the game. He inevitably associates the android with Cole despite himself.
Hank shoots you if he’s hostile after Connor repeats over and over again that he's just a machine, unable to have real emotions. Hank's actions have two root causes: 
1) The doctor who was high on red ice was emotionally dysfunctional. He used drugs to cope with his personal problems, a behaviour that seemed normal in Detroit given the socioeconomic hardship the city was going through (thirty percent rate of unemployment). We also see how androids are progressively replacing humans in every line of work. Remember when Hank complained how people are replacing normal relationships with humans for androids (Eden Club mission)? This seems to be a big issue in Detroit. Along with the huge unemployment rate, it indicates a depersonalisation of human interaction. That is to say, a tendency for humans to avoid contact with each other and replace real interaction either with an android or with drug abuse, something which Hank not only disapproves, but finds disturbing.
2) In the very first scene of the game, we see the mother despair when she learns they sent an android instead of a real human to save her daughter. Hank’s son didn’t survive because an android was sent to save him. Or at least that’s how Hank sees it. Much like that mother, he believes Cole would be alive if a human doctor had been there for Cole, another consequence of the ongoing depersonalisation process, as Hank sees it. 
This is why it’s so important for Connor to restore Hank’s faith in the possibility of there still being real human interaction left in this world. Of there being people who CARE about something. And if Connor fails to do so, repeatedly telling Hank he’s just a machine, this will trigger Hank to the point he'll relive the day - or night - his son died because the hospital assigned a machine, something less than a human - an android - to save his son. Hank feels wronged, betrayed by mankind, by the very people he swore to protect as a police officer. Despite his efforts to save the city, they let him down. The fact that nobody cared enough to save Cole is what killed him inside and later triggered his suicidal tendencies. Human indifference took away the most important thing in his life.
Thoughout the game, Hank is watching you, trying to figure out what sort of person Connor is. This is why he questions your decisions after every mission. Remember his dialog with Connor where he asks why didn't he shoot Chloe at Kamski's place? That's when he begins to wonder if androids aren't more than just programmed machines and capable of free will...and even empathy.
Unless Connor’s actions succeed in restoring Hank's hope in humanity, he sees no light at the end of the tunnel. And what could give a disillusioned, mourning father more hope than an android being able to feel and empathise with both humans and androids, to the point he rebels against his program and spares his targets, regardless of his mission?
There might be more on Hank, so this post will be edited in the future as I notice more details with each gameplay. 
If you liked this analysis, please like and share it. Do not repost without mentioning the source or without posting a link to the original post. I think that goes without saying, right?
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nylaaaaa · 4 years
Little Secret
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Chapter 1. Your Secret Is Safe With Me
Name and Surname: Natalie Fleur Estelle
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 19th August 1692
Place ( Registration 
of      < District                     Cynthell
Birth  ( Sub-District
"Here's the birth certificate. It has nothing about her parents on it as you suggested." I gave the man standing beside me, who had grown to be a brother to me, a quick, but satisfied, grunt of approval. 
"Thank you. Keep this between us and I'll keep up my end of the deal." Quintin gave me a questioning side glance. I knew he didn't appreciate me bringing up the past but I needed him to keep this between us.
"I don't see why you won't be honest to her. For all we know she might be like you..." I knew what he was suggesting, but I refused to listen. She won't be like me. She can't be like me. I waved him away, annoyance clear as day across my face. He will be annoyed too. We both have secrets. I just don't know whose is worth more.
Today is possibly the worst day I'll have in my life. I'm honestly not sure. 
Today I officially turn 18 which, unluckily for me, means I have to add another thing to my job description.
Isaieth adopted me when I was born because my father died and it caused my mum to become a drunk. I don't exactly blame her for leaving and forgetting her troubles with a drink. But I also can't say I'm fond of it. I love Isaieth with all my heart, he feels like an actual father to me. But I sometimes wish I had an actual mother to help me grow as well.
When I was born my father died. No one told me how, I just know it was traumatic enough to make my mother a drunk. Isaieth adopted me when I was 2 after he had an accident that caused him to be deaf and partially blind. He wasn't fit for work anymore so the second I turned an age where I can go to the toilet by myself he taught me how to tend his farm. He makes a business by selling wheat that he grows and whatever we can get from the few animals we own. When I was 16 I found an abandoned lamb who we later discovered was a merino sheep. Merino sheep are, in my opinion, the best sheep you can get. Their carcasses are smaller than the average sheep so they aren't used for meat but rather for the wool that they grow. The average amount of wool the sheep grows is 11kg which is enough for about 11 sweaters. Aswell as the sheep we have 2 chickens, both of which are female. They were actually, in some ways, a gift from the king. The king and Isaieth are best friends almost from birth. They both grew up in royalty but only the king kept it that way. Isaieth was the son of a knight, and so in turn, Isaieth was also a knight. The king was born a prince and then was assigned a knight who happened to be Isaieth. One of the times when Isaieth was protecting the king he ended up getting seriously injured and the king fired him for his own safety. The king doesn't exactly care for the knight's wellbeing but because they were friends he decided a knight was too dangerous for Isaieth. After the event the king offered him a plot of land on the outskirts of the city that was run down and abandoned but had potential for a farm. Isaieth's dream as a boy was to grow old and have his own farm, so like any friend the king got him his own farm. Because of the friendship and countless times Isaieth saved his life our rent was greatly reduced and we were offered a permanent job to make sure we always had the money to pay rent. The job included selling off our produce from the animals. The eggs given to Isaieth was originally just starter food but Isaieth decided to keep them and let them hatch instead. When they grew to be quite old he kept a few of the last eggs they would hatch and did the same thing. The hens we have now are 1 years old, or will be in a few days. We don't get much from our farm but because of the discount on rent sometimes we have enough money to spare to get nice things. The average price of rent can go up to 100 gold.
(100 gold is like 1k, the money in this story is, bronze= pence or cents or whatever is the lowest in your country, silver= pounds or dollars etc and gold= the hundreds +. In simpler terms, but in GBP ((Great British Pounds)) terms, 1 bronze= 1 pence, 1 silver= 1 pound and 1 gold= 100 pound.)
Ours however got put down to 45 gold. It's still a lot that we just about make each month but we're still thankful that he even gave us this place to begin with. He didn't actually have to.
It's also lucky that our farm works well with rent times. Each month you have to go to the castle and pay your rent. If you dont have enough or you skip it they go to your house and either take a child, that becomes their servent who has to work for the money you didn't pay, or they take some belongings that you don't get back unless you pay extra. Luckily we've never seen it first hand but one of my childhood friends ended up becoming a servent from it. I haven't seen her since. Our wheat takes a month to grow so we've always got that to keep our money up. Unfortunately wheat sells cheap, one wheat grain sells for 30 bronze. Every month we grow, on average, 700 wheat grains but have to keep back 350 to replant so we can get 350 the next month too. So on average every month with wheat alone we make 10 gold and 5 silver. Which by itself is almost a quarter of our rent. Replanting and harvesting wheat is one of the most tedious jobs of farming, but maintaining is by far the easiest. You only have to water the plant at most once in summer but otherwise never. All you really have to do is make sure the plant isn't dying and be on your way. The worst job I have is turning the sheeps pelt into wool. She doesn't like to be milked so doing that is an annoyance but I dread making wool the most out of all the farm jobs I have. Next to maintaining the crop the hens are the easiest too. They lay at least one egg everyday, the only thing I have to do is collect the eggs without breaking them and make sure the hens are well fed and have fresh air. With making wool you have to flatten the pelt completely and then tie the strands together to make a really long piece of wool that I have to cut and ball up. It's the worst job on the entire farm but I can't say I hate doing it. My favourite thing is balling it all up after dying it. I'm just thankful all these things take a month to do or we'd be screwed on rent every month.
(Realistically these don't actually take a month, I researched so much to make the story as legit as possible but for story sake I tweaked the timing. Hens do lay one egg a day at least, if properly cared for and also depending on breed. But wheat takes a LOT longer to grow and you can only shave a sheep once a year. I changed the timing of it all tho or I'd have to be even more creative with money and stuff and tbh I'd rather not. Coming up with these ideas for the farm was hard enough.)
On average you get 2 balls of yarn out of 1kg of wool. Luckily for us our merino sheep produces 11kg of wool giving us 22 balls of yarn. 1 ball of yarn sells for 1 gold, so for 22 balls of yarn we make 22 gold. Personally I think it's extremely expensive but it does make sense considering there aren't many sheep around, which also means clothes, blankets and shoes are harder to get. On average with the hens we get 2 eggs a day. 1 egg sells for 25 silver, meaning the 2 we make in a day gives us 50 silver. There's 28 days in a month meaning with eggs alone we make 14 gold. Altogether in one month we usually make roughly 46 gold. As good of an amount as that is, 45 of it has to go to the king, leaving us with roughly 1 gold left. Because we're human and need to eat, bathe and clothe ourselves just like everyone else, whatever's left gets spent on stuff like that. On average every month we spend about 50 silver on food. I have my own plant pots in my room that we use for our own food. There's only 2 of them but in one plant pot I grow strawberries and in the other I grow raspberries. Truth be told if I sold the strawberries and raspberries we'd probably be richer but honestly, we're both kinda used to this life and although we don't have everything we want, we have everything we need. Besides the fruits take 2 months to grow and because of my reputation people would refuse to buy them for their actual price. They just about accept the other things, if fruits were in the mix I'd probably get death glares and 1 bronze for a batch. It doesn't bother me too much though because with whatever odd bit of wheat we had spare from the 700 odd we plant and sell we use that to make bread or pastry, so every 2 months we make the fruits into a jam or crush them and make a pie. My all time favourite activity is making them into pies or bread and jam with Isaieth. It's the only thing we can properly do together. He helps me replant and harvest the wheat sometimes because there's so much of it but usually he just watches from afar. His eye sight is getting worse the older he gets so he helps less and less. It saddens me because I know he doesn't want to go fully blind, we wouldn't be able to communicate at all and what kind of life are you living if you can't see or hear anything. You might as well be dead at that point or you'd be so throughly confused. 
Getting back on track. Today is a bad day because it's the first day where I have to pay for the rent. I've been a few times with Isaieth as a child but I've never gone alone. It's an adults job and should only be done by an adult. But today, aswell as being my birthday, it's also rent day. Isaieth didn't actually want me to do it but I insisted knowing that he would have severe trouble doing it himself. And what's more is that I have to go alone to sell our produce now aswell. I don't put any blame on him and I especially will never complain. But in my head I can feel bitter about the situation. 
I look forward to the day.....
No I don't. 
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