#on occasion i do enjoy a good duty is the death of love
vigilskeep · 6 months
lately i’ve been getting really into “warden who romances morrigan but doesn’t go with her through the eluvian”
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poppadom0912 · 11 months
Together (Epilogue)
Warnings: Mentions of hospitals, injuries, kidnappings and death
Summary: Life moves on whether or not you want it to.
A/N: This is it my lovelies! It's lowkey been two months since I first released my baby into the world and you've received her with nothing but love. Thank you so much for all the support you've shown, it truly makes me want to write more and better.
I hope you enjoy the final part of this series. This has been so much fun and quite a wild ride. Lots of emotions, I won't lie, some parts really got deep but when you read this, it'll all be worth it. 🤍🙃
Did I lie about the fluff? ... I'm so sorry, I just couldn't resist😭
Previous Chapter / Series Masterlist
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Black was not your favourite colour.
Some said it nicely complimented your red hair and you kind've looked badass but you couldn't see it. Besides the fact that it was slimming when you wore it, you tried to avoid the colour as much as possible. You much preferred the dark navy and greys instead.
That's why you hated wearing your dress uniform, even if it was for a joyous occasion.
Fixing the black suit, you sighed. According to your lawyer, showing up in uniform created more empathy and so not only were you wearing your uniform, but Jay too.
And Will… Well that was another conversation.
It had been two months since the kidnapping and things were, things were definitely different.
Due to circumstances, the trial had been pushed back a little. Well, their sentencing had, the trial went off without a hitch and all of Intelligence could attest to that but today was the day everyone found how for how long exactly they were going to be jailed.
Everyone had been bitter and rightly so.
Stepping back from the car door, you finished fixing your hair in the car window, happy that no baby hairs were sticking out and the gel was doing its job. You were asked for professional and so a bun seemed fitting.
Going around the car, Kelly joined you by your side but dressed casually. He wasn’t directly involved and your lawyer didn’t make a specific request. According to her, things could go sideways and things needed to look good on your side.
You envied the lack of black your boyfriend was wearing. And what annoyed you even more was the Jay’s uniform was more of a dark blue.
Jay fully healed over the past two months, no injuries for the naked eye to see but the scar was still there on his thigh, the trauma burned into his mind forever after. Similar could be said for you but while Jay was back on duty, you were still taking it slow and doing admin work at the firehouse after being a bored mess at home alone.
Therapy wasn’t much help. Your psychologist wasn’t the problem, in fact she was a darling, but not all things could be fixed. You eventually came to terms with the fact that this would never leave you. As a team, you’d have to turn a new page and keep on going, with the hopes that it became a distant memory no one had to recollect.
You could never get tired of hearing his voice, the tranquillity it brought you needed to be studied. His loving face sent you a soft smile, his eyes scrunching up in attempt to keep you calm and collected.
“Jay messaged me, they’re waiting inside.”
With a sigh, you interlocked hands and let Kelly lead the way inside the courthouse. Anxiety weighed down on you heavily, making it feel like you were walking through a sentient sludge that kept trying to pull you down.
A smile graced your lips but at the sight of your older brother in his dress blues, his entire crew by his side, your smile faltered. As soon as it began wobbling, your eyes burned as everything started to go blurry.
Your chest hurt too much, it suddenly felt like you were having a heart attack in the middle of the courthouse.
“Oh Y/N.” Jay sighed, enveloping you in his arms not a moment later. “Please don’t cry.”
“I’m sorry.” You croaked out, huffing into the crook of his neck, being mindful not to mess up his uniform. “Gosh, I don’t even know why I’m crying.”
“Stop that, don’t apologise.” Jay chided, tutting alike to how Will would whenever you two got into trouble. Whenever Will did that, you knew his annoyance wouldn’t last long, he loved you and Jay too much to hold a grudge.
Shit, now your tears were rolling down your flushed cheeks and making small marks on Jay’s shoulder.
“Do you think he’s okay?”
Jay didn’t say anything for a long time. You were almost scared he wouldn’t answer you like last time. The more time past, the more you knew he wasn’t going to say anything and the same exact scene from two months ago flashed before your eyes, almost sending you into a fit of gut-wrenching tears. But Jay proved you wrong.
“I don’t know what to think anymore Y/N.”
Maggie sighed, shoulders deflating as she sat on the hospital bed. It had been a long day.
Whenever she wanted a break from the ED, she usually found one of the rooms in the ICU where the patient was usually either unconscious or in a coma. The peace and quiet provided her the time and space to get back into tune with her thoughts before going back to being the charge nurse of the bustling emergency department.
Looking at this patient, she didn’t need to look at the chart to know what happened, she’d been in this particular room every single day since their arrival. This patient had a certain pull that made her want to know everything about their condition.
“Thought I’d find you here.” Sharon said, her voice calming as she entered the room, closing the door behind her. “Everyone was waiting downstairs, you missed it.”
“I know.” Maggie replied solemnly, her hands readjusting the blanket around the coma patient. “But they did it, right?”
“They did it.” Sharon confirmed as she moved to stand on the other side of the bed. It was great news, news that should’ve resulted in tears of joy but the charge nurse barely moved an inch.
“Life without parole.” There was a pause, beeping and the whooshing of machines filling the silence. “They weren’t going to settle for anything less.”
“Good.” Maggie replied, her lips pulled tightly together.
Neither of them said anything afterwards. There was still so much that needed to be discussed but the right people weren’t in the room currently. The one big question loomed heavily over them like a stormy cloud just waiting for the right moment to start raining.
“Take a break Maggie. Eat a little something before you join the rest of them.”
Without waiting for a reply, Sharon turned and left the room, mumbling she had a meeting in a few minutes when in reality, she hated being in this room as much as the next person.
Maggie stewed in her thoughts, too many flying all around the place for her to properly take a break.
“Still no change?”
Maggie’s silence was more than enough of an answer. She truly hated her job sometimes, especially when she had to break the news to waiting family members.
“No movement since you left last night.”
Jay’s eyes still filled with tears every time he was given news.
“Are we- Do you think we’re doing the right thing Maggie?” Jay tumbled over his words from where he stood in the doorway, too scared to enter the room. The sadness laced in his words made him sound so innocent and childlike, Maggie just wanted to hide and protect all three Halstead’s from the horrors of the world.
But looking at the coma patient on the bed, Maggie knew her words were biased.
One week later
You were going crazy. You didn’t know how much longer you could handle this. You hated playing the waiting game.
It was in the middle of shift when you got the call. You were finally back to full time firefighting, Crocket deeming you fit and healthy two days ago to work again. The happiness that followed his news only lasted so long.
Your emotions were haywire. When you entered the ED for what felt like the billionth time, you felt your heart physically stop at the sight of a red eyed Maggie. From beside you, Jay was scarily silent, not breathing for a good minute.
But then she smiled, dimples and all.
Connor was supposed to tell you but he was rushed into an emergency surgery and entrusted the charge nurse to tell the two most important people in Will’s life the news.
“Will’s going to make a full recovery. There’s going to be quite a bit of rehab and physical therapy but he’s going to be just fine.”
And for the first time since their initial reunion in the warehouse just over two months ago, all three Halstead siblings would be together again.
It was going to be a long and difficult path to recovery. You and Jay had your own struggles and having Will in a coma only made it harder. But now, Will had the love and support of his baby brother and baby sister, the two people he did all of this for.
And yes, maybe Jay would reem his for being a stupid bastard, protecting them from literal criminals with his life. Obviously, you would chime in when necessary but the big goofy smile on your face did nothing.
All was well now. The future was looking bright for the most of it, guaranteed it be a bit rocky in the next coming weeks that would consist of a gruelling recovery process but at the end of the tunnel, you were all coming out stronger than ever.
Series Masterlist:
@mads-weasley @sowrongitslottie @elite4cekalyma @senjoritanana @hufflepuff-blackwidow @mrspeacem1nusone @kmc1989 @goth-cowgirl-03 @daggersquadphantom @photographerkaiya0306 @jamie0515 @samanthavitale @iamasimpingh0e @lanea-1 @swidkid @jamie0515
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slexenskee · 1 year
What are the heroes opinions on No Scrubs music? And are there certain songs that some of the pros empathize more with?
Been pretty curious about this since Erasure and the Detective talked about how there are plenty of off duty pro's in the crowd of a No Scrubs concert.
Ahaha should I just go down the list? Tbh idk if I'll ever get to most of these reactions so it's a good thing this was asked haha
Echo: Biggest stan. He can do no wrong. She was shocked to hear he's Dabi, but also loves the more chaotic No Scrubs songs (I Write Sins not Tragedies, But it's Better if you Do, Jesus of Suburbia etc) and is like, nahh that checks out. Her favorite album is "Good News for People Who Love Bad News".
All Might: listens to them during his hospital stay bc Naomasa recommended it to him (the troll lol). He loves them on first listen, bc he really digs american alternative music and is shocked he's only first hearing them now. His favorite album is Death Before Decaf by a landslide. He worries about his Satoru-shounen, bc some of these songs deal with a lot of trauma. Also is like... wait a minute Semi-Charmed Life is my favorite song and why is it about crystal-meth??? Satoru-shounen?!
Eraserhead: thinks "... this guy has a lot of songs about women, for a guy who historically has never slept with a single woman." His favorite songs are 'This Ain't a Scene it's an arms race' and 'Sugar we're going down', bc he appreciates the irony of some of the lyrics
Present Mic: loveesss the vibe of Glass Onion Heart, as he's a pop-fan. He was really surprised to find Ru-kun and Dabi are the same person, but he respects the hell out of Ru-kun and adores his music and has also mad respect for Dabi after he saved the kiddos on multiple occasions, so he's a major stan. His favorite song is Tokyo, or Moving to New York, bc they both have that 'electropop sound'
Midnight: Her favorite song is Misery Business, or Thanks for the Memories. She's more of a peripheral fan than Present Mic, but she enjoys their music. She adores Dabi/Ru-kun's 'aesthetic'.
Endeavor: doesn't know how to feel. Is very overwhelmed. Somehow he could handle watching his son blow up a terrorist cult on live TV but has heart palpitations watching him perform in a wig and a Sailor Moon outfit. there's too many songs for him to parse out. He tries the acoustic album first because it seems less overwhelming, and it just makes him kind of sad. And full of regret in a way. His son is so talented and Endeavor had always been so full of himself that he'd never realized. His favorite song is No Such Thing - he identifies with it a lot and lowkey hates himself for it bc he 'realizes' how similar he and Touya must be to go through similar circumstances. He also really likes Notion from the same album. He hasn't managed to branch out to the other albums, but he always listens when the songs are on the radio. He only really dislikes hearing Say It Aint So, for obvious reasons, even though the whole alcoholism and step-father thing confuse the hell out of him.
Tensei: Obviously has a soft spot for the acoustic album he bullied ru-kun into making, but his favorite is Good News for People Who Love Bad News, bc that's the album he first found them through and he feels nostalgic about it, but he absolutely adores all the songs/subliminal messages of Death Before Decaf. I'm Not Okay is his favorite song, although it's a tough call. He obviously was the first hero to find out Ru-kun and Dabi are the same person, and he's also lowkey moonlighting as an online forum warrior defending Dabi to his dying breath lol. He'll be very embarrassed if anyone finds out his screen name.
Best Jeanist: Not his kind of music, but he digs the ✨aesthetic✨ and is obsessed with some of Ru-kuns more performative outfits, even the ones that aren't jeans. He's actually a lowkey fan of Mitsuya's designs (but doesn't know his real identity) and can spot one from a mile off. He would absolutely slink up to Dabi at a random event and ask him where he bought his jeans.
Miruko: Also not her kind of music, but once the 'SixWings' stuff drops she's curious enough to give it a listen. She likes Glass Onion Heart the most bc of its more pop sound. She definitely just wanted to be nosey and see if any of the songs were blatantly about Hawks, but is a little confused to see most of them seem to be about women.
Edgeshot: Actually digs their latest album Infinity On High. Has a soft spot for the Green Day songs, Jesus of Suburbia, Holiday, and Hitchin' a Ride - although he's emphatically not an anti-establishment rebel like those songs would suggest lol.
Kamui Woods: Lowkey another major stan that keeps it lowkey like Tensei. Also has a gay crisis over Ru-kun. 1979 is his favorite song. He's unknowingly a Smashing Pumpkins fan, so he likes Today, Cherub Rock, 1979 and Mayonaise.
Hawks: I mean we'll def get his reaction in the fic but yes he's a fan, once he starts listening to it. His favorite is Mayonaise... for what will be obvious reasons... and also Island in the Sun for similar reasons lol. Outside of those he's actually similar to Endeavor (which he doesn't know how to feel about lol) in that the acoustic album is his favorite and specifically No Such Thing and Notion. Although when he turns 23 he changes his ringtone to What's My Age Again.
Not really heroes but do the students count??
Jirou: Favorite song is Misery Business, but her favorite album is Thanks I Hate it Here. She's a massive fan of all their songs, but with her keen ear for music she's especially fond of the really great riffs in Death Before Decaf. Her second favorite would be Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Katsuki: His favorite song to play is Reinventing The Wheel to Run Myself Over, + he likes that song in general bc he just identifies with it lol. He also really likes Homesick at Space Camp, again becuase it's just a fun song to play on the drums. Most repeated No Scrubs song on his spotify is actually My Heart Is The Worst Kind of Weapon from Ru-kun's acoustic album... bc he's a massive simp and is absolutely obsessed with ru-kun's voice. Like he'd buy random super racy bodice-ripper audiobooks narrated in a language he barely understands just because Ru-kun was narrating them.
Hagakure: Immediately downloads all the albums after the news breaks bc she stans Dabi and omgggg he's a sexy rockstar on top of that?! Yeah she's a bandwagonner and she'll fight you about it. She really loves the fun, teenage-rebellion type songs - What's My Age Again is a personal favorite, even though she's not 23 lol. She also likes Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner, a Little Less Sixteen Candles, and Sugar We're Going Down.
Ashido: Fellow bandwagonner who stans Dabi and now stans Ru-kun. She and Hagakure absolutely nerd out and giggle in their rooms listening to their favorite villain/artist, and Jirou sometimes joins them. Yui finds the whole thing embarrassing and pretends she doesn't notice them. She's also obsessed with the acoustic album (thank you Tensei lol) bc she daydreams of Ru-kun one day serenading her with his guitar. She likes the classic Fall Out Boy From Under the Cork Tree teenage-romance-angst-drama songs, Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner, a Little Less Sixteen Candles, Sugar We're Going Down + Thanks for the Memories and This Ain't a Scene from FOB's Infinity on High.
Uraraka: feels like she has to get into it bc all the 1-A girls are into it now. She's too embarrassed to ask Yui about it directly the way Ashido and Hagakure sometimes do (Yui usually just hedges the questions off) but she always listens to the girl's answers whenever they do. Her favorites are Dance, Dance and Tokyo.
Tamaki: had totally been a fan before realizing Ru-kun and Dabi were the same person, had the usual gay crisis about it, was mortified to realize he'd made such a terrible first impression on one of his favorite artists and goes on to sulk in a corner for a lil bit but gets over it. His favorite song is My Own Worst Enemy, just loves the all around vibe. He also really likes Jesus of Suburbia and Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Mirio: Had heard of them bc of Tamaki, but had never gave them a real listen until after the news dropped. He likes a classic rock sound so his favorites are ones like Cherub Rock, In One Ear, and the assorted Green Day songs. He also loves Dance Floor Anthem though, just because it's such a fun song.
Nejire: Same as Mirio, it's not really her usual bubble-pop so she's heard of them through Tamaki but otherwise has never really listened to them. Accordingly she likes the acoustic album (omggg Ru-kun's voice is so sexy ~) and Glass Onion Heart's more pop-ish songs like Dance Floor Anthem, Dance, Dance and Tokyo.
The general consensus is very "???" and also "man this guy has been through some shit and has some bad vices about it but damn does he have a great voice" and frankly, take one look at him and think he lives a very appropriate rockstar-esque life lol. Ru-kun has definitely given everyone the impression that he drinks/does drugs/sleeps around with a hell of a lot more women than he actually does (or in the case of drugs and women, does at all).
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hiro--aoki · 4 months
sharing is caring, you give me the hoodie, a fluff w rosita and g/n reader please!!! would love to see some of your writing 🫶🏻
Rosita X G/N reader fluff prompt: “Sharing is caring, you give me the hoodie.”
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A/N: I loved writing this one, it's just so cute. Anyways I'm now starting a Daryl and Carol angst fic. Before I go: Happy Pride month ya'll!!! <3
You had always been the physical affection type. Rosita knew that from the start. She had her warning and she ignore it. Usually, your touchiness was never a problem because, low and behold, Rosita would often enjoy it, but on occasions were supply runs didn’t go perfectly, days after Negan took his haul or just plain bad days, Rosita would get a bit…grumpy. She would distance herself a bit, not mentally or emotionally, but physically. She knew that on days where she was in one of her moods, she would get set off easily and the last thing she wanted on days like these, was a lecture from Rick and a week on gardening duty.
It was towards the middle of winter, so the people of Alexandria were stressing since they couldn’t scavenge or grow enough supplies for Negan and his bunch of screwed up disciples. They had sent out more groups on supply runs and the occasional group to the Hilltop or the Kingdom to see if they could trade anything for supplies. Which is what Rosita’s group had gone to today. Rosita, y/n, Daryl, Aaron, and some other random person from Alexandria that Rosita had trained. By her luck, they were heading home empty handed.
Rosita was walking a good four meters or so in front of the group, silently. While Daryl, Aaron and the rando decided to let her have her space, y/n had other plans. Y/n quickened their pace and was soon walking in sync, beside her. They knew their plan would either end with a punch to the face or a calmer and more relaxed trip home.
“Hey Rosi!”
Silence in return. You can’t say your surprised. You keep walking along side her, watching as your steps fall in line. A soft, cold breeze blue over the group and you shudder slightly. You had a coat on but it’s hard to find a jacket thick enough to completely keep out the cold of the Virginian winters. You watch as your cold breath disappears in the thin fog of the woods. You’re slightly stunned as you feel the weight of Rosita’s jacket over your shoulders. You turn you head to Rosita with a confused look.
Before you can ask anything, she says, “Are you warmer?”
“I mean, yeah, but aren’t you gonna freeze?” You glance at her bare shoulders.
“I’ll be fine. We can’t have you freezing to death, can we?” She answers nonchalantly.
“…I guess not.”
You walk in silence again, for another few minutes. You look up as you feel a snowflake land on your nose. The first snow of the season. Now scavenging and trade trips could become nearly impossible. Before your worried thoughts could grow anymore, you feel Rosita wrap her arms around your waist and nuzzle her face into your neck. She’s shivering.
“Rosi, take your jacket back, you’ll catch a chill.”
She shakes her head in her usual stubborn manner.
“Rosi please, for me?”
She groans as you pull off her jacket, the cold air hitting your warm skin, sending a shiver down your spine. You practically have to put the jacket on her.
“Come on Rosi, stop being stubborn for five seconds. Please.”
Finally, she pulls on the jacket.
“Thanks Rosi.”
 You start to skip ahead of the group, but stop and turn.
“By the way, when we get home, I’m stealing your hoodie.”
Bonus: It had been a hard day doing supply runs for Rosita. Walkers had come and screwed everything up, like they always do, meaning the group she went with, came home with jack shit. She barged into the house, making sure to be as quiet as possible, in case you were asleep. She glanced around the room where you usually waited for here to come home. The room was dark as the lights were off and the curtains were drawn.
“Y/n, I’m home!” She called, taking off her boots, still glancing around the room for the chance that she had missed you.
You weren’t there.
She moves around the room, checking every spot you could be hiding in. You are nowhere in sight. She rushes upstairs to your shared bedroom.
“Y/N?!” Rosita asks again, more distressed.
She barely glances around the room, before she’s tackled onto the bed. She lets out a yelp as her and her attacker fall onto the bed. Just as she’s about to attack back, a face pops up right in front hers, pressing a small kiss on her nose. Rosita’s stunned for a second before recognition washes over her.
“Y/N!” She smiles softly, wrapping her arms around you, tightly.
“I can’t…I can’t breathe!” You squeak.
“Right, sorry…is that my hoodie?” She laughs softly pulling the clothe out of your hands.
You try to grab it back like a small child.
“Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie,” you whine.
She laughs again and tosses the hoodie to you. You let out a small giggle as you fumble to put it on. She tugs on the bottom to help pull it over your head. Your pops out like a meerkat with your usual stupidishly wide grin. Rosita looks at you with a soft look of admiration. You crawl over to her and flop down on her lap, snuggling up to her, The safest spot in Alexandria.
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kiribread · 5 months
Headcannon time?! >:)))
so uh since it's been a while since I've actually drawn edgeshot I thought I would do some general headcannons on him! I did a similar post to this when I had JUST started posting and may've done another one like it so if any of these sound familiar that's why.
Some slight manga spoilers ahead
I'm pretty sure it's obvious that's he's on the introvert side of things but I also feel like he's a huge people pleaser by nature.
Before he gave me a daddy issues now he just gives me general parent issues and undiagnosed autism
Emotionally absent mom perhaps?
He could be in a room for like 5 minuets with someone and can pretty accurately diagnose them with whatever mental/physical problem they have and encourage them to get treatment for it but he's one of those guys that refuses to get treated himself
a mom/therapist friend tm
I feel like he got really good grades in school (mainly for the academic validation) and even went to college
He went to college for some sort of medical training probably something like paramedics or ER doctor
While in high school him interning under Recovery girl gives me life <3333
During his 3rd year I could see him taking over for Recovery girl on occasion so she could have a well deserved break
Also, I don't know why but for some reason he gives me oopsy single dad vibes? Like a random baby that he knew nothing about showing up on his door step like" 🧍‍♂️ ok."
He loves that lil girl to death in back though <33333
He always knew he wanted kids in the future so he was pretty happy despite him thinking it was too early for him to be a dad (I'm thinking he was about 19-21 when this happened.)
He does feel pretty guilty often since he can't spend as much time with her as he would like to due to work (this didn't mix well with being a workaholic)
The decision to become a hero was a last second decision on his part he originally wanted to be a full time doctor
What could've changed his mind could be that he either was or he saved someone and inspired him to at least give it a try
I also think he could've considered therapy as a possible option as well
while he was genuinely impressed with Kamui woods during that raid with it being one of the main reasons for the team up one of the other main reasons was that he was a little lonely and thought he be a cool friend <3333. The only reason anyone knows that is bc he got hit by some confession quirk on duty... Kamui cried.
Him and mt lady i feel like sass eachother a lot.
Also probably help straighten her out a bit more.
Was perfectly ok with leaving the media up to mt lady. (Neither him or kamui were particularly fond of doing so.)
Definitely a good cook
I could just be biased bc i like salmon but i feel like he makes some GOOD salmon dishes.
Also definitely eats very healthy.
Won't pass up a good pizza though.
Before I thought that he'd be a huge naruto fan but now I think it'd be hilarious if everyone assumes he is but in reality he never seen a single episode.
He was thinking of watching it but got spoiled on pretty much the entire plot so he decided against it.
He met jeanist when jeanist noticed Edgeshot patching up his jacket during lunch time.
It was jeanist's idea to start the textiles club and Edgeshot was just dragged right along with it.
Many shenanigans happen there.
Edgeshot overall is pretty artsy and likes to try a bit of everything.
He particular likes pen & ink, ceramics, and digital art.
Also enjoys trying other hobbies out like gardening and hiking.
Participated in gymnastics till he got to ua were he used it to train.
Was really good at it but didn't care for the competition part of it.
used to be super cuddly as a kid but has moved away from that and is now picky of who touches him.
People he is close to he does allow them to snuggle up with him.
Likes flattening himself like a blanket and cuddling with people then.
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theladyofdeath · 1 year
Lady Death's Lover {VII}
Lady Death's Lover Masterlist & Summary
19th Century Period AU Nesta x Cassian Secret Affair / Enemies to Lovers / Forbidden Romance Fanfiction / Characters from Sarah J Maas / ACOTAR B ased on a prompt sent in by anonymous
A/N: I meant to post this, like, a week ago...but I have to admit that I've been pretty down lately. It's not been a good mental health week. I apologize for the delay! Now that the school year is in full swing, I may only be posting one chapter a week instead of two. Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy! x
TW: marital abuse, sexual content, language, depression, alcohol abuse
This story is for readers 18+. Mature readers only. Content should not be read by anyone under 18.
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Dear Gwyn,
Emerie and I missed you this last tea. She told me all about her recent travels and now we must wait to hear all about yours once you return. Selfishly, I am glad you will not be gone for long. I swear, I am living vicariously through you and Emerie. I absolutely adore hearing about all the two of you see and do beyond the borders of Velaris. I will not spoil all that Emerie told me for I am certain you wish for her to tell you herself.
I will, however, briefly mention something that I shared. In all honesty, I’m a bit embarrassed about it. No one will ever know about it with the exception of the two of you. There is…a man. This man keeps popping into my mind and just yesterday he popped into my carriage as well. Although, I believe I am to blame for that. It was storming and I offered him shelter. However, that is not the issue. The issue is that, on multiple occasions now, I have felt towards this man. I do not need to tell you how troubling that is. 
I have not acted on these feelings, of course, but when he is near I lose all sense of myself and my duties. It seems silly. I do not know him, not truly. Perhaps I am simply lonely and find him handsome, that is all. At least, I hope that is all. 
Please burn this letter once you have read it and write back soon.
With love,
The sun is shining and the air is warm but I am absolutely miserable. I have been dragged to yet another social dinner alongside my husband. I am on his arm pretending to be the most loyal, loving wife, but inside I am raging. I feel like a caged animal ready to attack, only my target is my husband and that will simply not do.
Apparently, such thoughts are frowned upon.
Unsure of what this dinner is actually for, my mind has already become vacant once we reach our chairs. We are seated across from a few of Tomas’ business partners and their wives, high ranking members of the ton like ourselves. I let the men talk and for once I am grateful for it. If we women were to talk, I would have nothing kind to say to these women. In fact, I would surely say something to them that would get me smacked by the man on my arm.
My husband has never liked my sharp tongue. I figured that out quite quickly. 
It had been less than twenty-four hours into our marriage, the morning after our wedding, our consummation, when he first struck me. He entered my bedchamber and was appalled that I was still nude from the night before. I asked him why he did not like my body, while he was ashamed of my nakedness when it was he that stripped me bare the night before. His response was to throw a nightgown at me and tell me to cover up. He said that no woman should be bare in daylight that is not a whore.
I refused to put the gown on.
And then he hit me.
From that moment, not even twenty-four hours after we had said our vows, I knew my marriage would never be one full of love. 
We eat and the food is decent. The roasted chicken is flavorful and the vegetables have just enough crunch to be satisfying. Tomas does not allow me to drink the wine, but I long for it, just to help me get through the evening until I am safely alone in my room once more with only the company of a good book. 
Unable to make eye contact with the women across from me, my gaze drifts further down the table and my breathing halts. 
I hadn’t even realized he was here. I was so deep within my own thoughts and misery that I hadn’t taken account of who else was present with the exception of those seated across from us. He must have arrived after we did.
As if he can feel my eyes on him, his eyes swivel to mine. 
Lord Cassian is dressed in all his finery and it suits him, strangely. He is always dressed finely, but I still imagine him as a man that is naturally a bit unkempt. I would like to see that version of him.
I give him a polite nod.
He returns the gesture. 
I turn to Tomas to see if he notices my distraction but he is in an enthusiastic conversation with the man beside him — a man whose name I’ve forgotten. He must be important for some reason. 
I try not to look back at Cassian, I truly do, but I can feel him staring. My thoughts drift back to our time in my carriage. Although the ride was short, there was more excitement in that ride than I’ve had with any man in years. Thankfully we arrived at his home before anything could have happened.
And I fear that if the ride had continued any longer, something would have happened. I know such a thing is blasphemy, but I cannot help but wonder what it would be like.
To be ravished by a man like Lord Cassian. 
I look at him once more. His jaw is hard, his eyes dark, as if he knows the thoughts that are running through my mind. I reach for my glass of wine before I remember I do not have one, that my husband does not trust me to drink. 
Realizing I’ve been locking eyes with a lord who is not my husband for far too long, I focus on my empty plate. Still, I can feel his gaze linger, can feel his eyes roaming my body, begging me to look his way. I do not, can not.
Suddenly, I feel like I cannot breathe. The room has grown too hot and I feel as if I am suffocating. Luckily, everyone around the table has begun to rise. I believe the owner of this home, whoever he is, has offered to show everyone something he deems extravagant. Tomas tells me to stay with the other ladies while he goes off to see this extravagant piece of uselessness and leaves me be.
I take the opportunity to get far, far away. 
After sneaking through multiple winding hallways, I find myself outside and in the gardens. The early evening air is cool and welcoming as the sun begins its descent. I immediately find peace in the silence.
The silence evaporates too quickly. 
“Lady Nesta, are you alright?”
I spin around to see, of course, Lord Cassian. He’s standing casually, with his hands clasped behind his back. He’s not smiling. In fact, he looks concerned. 
“Yes, of course,” I reply, trying my best to remain unaffected. “You should return to the party.”
“The men have gone to see Lord Kallias’ new hunting trophies.” He shrugs and I want to laugh at how informal he seems. “I do not care to see such things. I care more to see how you are faring after looking so miserable for the past hour.” 
I snort. “And here I thought I was good at hiding my emotions.”
“You are,” he says, with no hesitation. “I may have been paying more attention than the others.”
I’m blushing.
I hate myself for blushing. 
Suddenly, I can feel his hand on my knee, my hand on his. I was foolish for touching him, for asking what I was about to ask that day in the carriage, but I find it hard to find regret.
I clear my throat. “I see.” 
He takes a step toward me, then another, and I’m frozen in place. 
“You should really go back inside, my lord,” I say, my hands drawing into fists at my sides to keep me grounded. “This is…”
“Inappropriate?” he supplies, stopping a mere foot away. “I mean nothing untoward. Besides, you and I were alone in your carriage just the other day and I do not recall you thinking that inappropriate.”
That may be true, but it quickly grew inappropriate once I wanted to rip off his clothes and mount him on the velvet bench. 
Wonderful. Now that’s all I’m thinking about. 
“I have changed my mind,” I say, quickly. “That and this are both inappropriate. Good day, my lord.”
He doesn’t move. 
“I came out here to be alone,” I add. 
He still doesn’t move.
Just as I’m about to yell at him, he says, ever-so-calmly, “He does not cherish you as he should.”
My back goes rigid. “Pardon me?”
“Your husband,” he says, as if he has any right to what he’s saying, as if it’s not blasphemy to be speaking to a married woman this way. “He does not cherish you. The entire dinner, he looked at you once, and the look he gave you was the same as if he was scolding a child.” 
Anger fuels me. There must be a certain level of arrogance to make a man say such a thing. My shock-filled anger must show because he shrugs.
“I apologize if you do not care for my opinion,” he says, “but I have never been one to hold my tongue.”
I cannot breathe. “You know not of what you speak.”  
"And what is that?" he asks, that smirk remaining. "The truth? I know very well that I speak the truth. It is you that does not want to accept it." 
My jaw aches from how hard it’s clenching. “I believe you are drunk, my lord.”
My hostile tone doesn’t sway him. In fact, it makes his eyes grow brighter. He thinks I’m joking. He must, or he wouldn’t be this ignorant. 
“I may not be sober,” he confesses. “Although, I am far from drunk. Do I look drunk?”
No, he does not, but some people have a certain skill set for hiding their inebriation. Yet, he remains the perfect picture of a gentleman. 
“Leave,” I order, and when he does not, I add, “Please. Do not make me beg.” 
He does not falter. “I would not mind making you beg, Lady Nesta.”
I ignore the way my cheeks heat. “Lady Mandray is what you should refer to me as.”
“Is that the name you truly prefer?” he asks, and that humor dims, if only a little. He’s standing so close to me now that his scent is strong, overpowering me. Mint, with a hint of tobacco. “If so, it is what I will call you, but I fear you prefer Lady Nesta. Perhaps even just, simply, Nesta.” 
Honestly, I’m surprised I’ve been able to control myself for this long. “You must stop speaking to me as if you know me,” I snap. “We do not know each other. You are no friend of mine. The way you are speaking to me is distasteful to say the least. I have never had to endure such an absurd conversation, much less from a member of high society. You should be ashamed of yourself, my lord, to embarrass yourself in front of a lady, to act a fool. If you will not leave me alone, then I shall leave you be.”
I go to take a step around him, but he steps in my path and our bodies nearly collide. 
It’s annoying how he has a habit of doing that.
“Should I scream?” I whisper. It’s meant to be a threat, but my body feels like it’s on fire. “Cry out for help?”
“I have no intention of harming you,” he says, taken aback, as if the idea is ludicrous. I nearly feel bad for insinuating such a thing.
“No,” I say, and I mean it. “I know you would not.” 
He swallows, and neither of us move.
“I will leave you alone,” he says, and his voice is low, reaching my very core. I can feel his breath on my face, the warmth, smelling like expensive red wine. “I apologize if I have overstepped. And you are right. I do not know you, not well, but I have seen glimpses of who you are and that woman is very different from the woman who I saw sitting at that dinner table, next to a man she seems to loathe. I know you well enough to know that you deserve better than a loveless marriage. That is all.” 
“My lord—”
“Fogive me,” he breathes, and he sways forward as my breath catches. 
I called him a fool but it is I who is the fool. I am foolish for wanting this man to kiss me, to touch me, to sweep me into his arms and make me feel something. 
“There is nothing to forgive,” I say, and look from his welcoming lips to his eyes that are watching me so intently that I feel completely nude. 
He leans in closer and the panic sets in.
“I am sorry,” I say, and my voice sounds pathetically broken. “I must go back before Tomas returns.”
As much as I wish to have this moment, long to have this moment, I cannot endure Tomas’ wrath nor can I bear to embarass both myself and my husband before all these guests. I may be foolish, but I am not that foolish. 
Not now, not yet.
One look at me and Lord Cassian nods. There is no judgment in his gaze, there is only understanding.
This time, he bows, and meets my eyes once more before walking away.
“Goodbye, Nesta.”
I do not breathe again until he is completely out of sight. 
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Shu Sakamaki x Reader x Carla Tsukinami Love Triangle Route
So this was originally a request from an ask game I did some time ago (I'm so sorry it's so late). The ask game itself was only meant for short answers but because I'm me, I got carried away and thus why this took so long. I had originally planned to rewrite the endings so they fit with the tone a bit better but at this point I don't think that's going to happen so I decided to post this as is. Enjoy~
Warnings: heavily implied dub-con (nothing worse than you get in the games but still), kidnapping, major character death in some of the endings, basically the sort of content you'd expect from one of the early DL games.
You’re close to starting your final year of high school when you get sent to live with the Sakamaki brothers. Before, you’d never even entertained the possibility that vampires might exist and yet just a few hours in that mansion leaves you with blood trickling down your neck as you’re held down by too strong hands with all the warmth of a corpse. They are cruel and awful and as you sit in your new bedroom later that day and cry into the sleeve of your sweater, you wonder whatever you could have done to deserve being delivered into the hands of monsters.
One day, a couple of weeks after being sent to live with the brothers, you see Shu sleeping in the middle of the road on the way home. Every sensible part of you tells you that you should leave him alone, that he's entirely capable of moving out of the way himself if he so chooses. And even if he weren't, if a car did happen to take him out of commission, it would only benefit you — one less bloodsucker for you to have to worry about. But you can't just walk past him. Even if he's a vampire, you can't leave someone like that.
So you drag him out of the way of any incoming traffic.
It's a decision you soon regret, as before you know it he's pulled you down on top of him, fangs brushing against your neck as he tells you that if you didn't want this, you shouldn't have approached him. He bites down and you curse your own good nature and swear this is the last time you’ll do anything for a vampire.
It doesn’t last.
A couple of days later, you walk home in the snow and spot Shu slumped on the ground at the edge of the Sakamaki estate. You know he won’t catch a cold if he stays out there and your neck still aches from your previous encounter but it just doesn’t seem right to leave someone out in the snow. So you heave him inside, feeling like an idiot as your back aches with effort while Shu, who is clearly awake, makes no attempt to move himself.  Predictably you end up with a bite on the wrist for your troubles.
It becomes something of a pattern after that. You see Shu napping in some precarious or uncomfortable position and you feel duty bound to move him because, damnit, you’re a good person. Or at least that’s what you keep telling yourself anyway. The other Sakamaki brothers pick up on it, and you’re soon deemed as the go to person for moving Shu from one location to another whenever he refuses to move himself, which is often. 
It’s on one of these occasions that Shu’s earbuds get knocked loose as you’re trying to move him without doing your back in. You freeze for a moment, suddenly well aware that you’re manhandling a vampire who could do a lot of very nasty things to you if you upset him. But Shu makes no move to do anything and some part of your brain catches on the music—something classical and lovely. You tell him as much and Shu cracks open a sleepy blue eye.
You’re reminded then that the eldest Sakamaki brother is quite beautiful when he’s not just lying listless on the floor or drinking down gulps of your blood. For all you expect him to tell you to shut up, he doesn’t and you have a small conversation about music. It isn’t long before he puts the earbuds back in and goes right back to sleep, but you’re pretty certain that’s the most words you’ve ever exchanged with him. 
You talk more after that. About music mostly, but sometimes other things come up, like the fact that, no, vampires aren’t allergic to garlic and nor will they burn up in the sun, so you don’t have to keep dragging him inside as soon as it looks like the night is drawing to an end. It’s nice, you think, these small moments where you feel a little bit more like a person and less like a piece of meat. Eventually, one thing leads to another and you end up in bed with him.
Shu had said you wanted it, that if you didn’t you wouldn’t have kept coming back to him. Maybe you did. Or maybe he was just saying that to get in your pants.
It happens again. And again. You seem to have achieved some sort of upgrade from prey to prey with benefits. At least the triplets haven’t been bothering you as much, even if you have gotten some very nasty looks from Reiji. 
One night, as you’re lying next to Shu in his bed, your clothes long since discarded, you find yourself wondering if you have feelings for him. There’s some affection there, certainly, even if you’re not sure when it started. But is it love? Are you even capable of feeling something like that after the hell of the past few months? You’re not sure what he feels for you. Sometimes, when he genuinely chuckles at something you’ve said or when you’re in bed together, you think there might be something. 
Maybe it’s not love, but maybe it’s the closest you’re allowed. Maybe you should just ask him and risk making a fool of yourself.
You don’t get the chance. 
The mansion is in chaos when you awake, or at least you think it is from the shouting and the sounds of furniture and glass breaking. Shu’s unusually serious as he tells you to stay in his room before slipping outside. You hurriedly tug your clothes on while you wait for him to come back, wondering just what the hell is going on. 
But when the door finally opens again, it isn’t Shu who walks through it. It’s a tall man with a scarf covering the lower half of his face and long, flowing white hair stained a dark pink at the tips. He’s terrifying—and he’s looking at you like you’re a piece of gum stuck to his shoe. 
The man orders you to come over to him. You swallow and back up against the wall, debating whether you should shout for Shu or one of the other brothers.
Before you can blink, the stranger has moved across the room and has you pinned to the wall by your throat. His scarf has ridden down a bit in the process and you see the glint of fangs in his mouth as he tells you that defying him is not an option. Another vampire then—or something worse. 
The man continues speaking as black spots start to swim in front of your vision. Something about how your stench is worse than he’d expected and that the purification will need to begin immediately. You don’t get a chance to consider his meaning any further before you black out.
When you come to, it’s to an unfamiliar room and a man with an eyepatch (and glasses?) sneering at you, while the white haired one from before frowns. It is then that you are introduced to Carla Tsukinami and his brother, Shin. You think they’re vampires and ask to make sure but you barely get the words out before you’re backhanded across the face. Carla informs you that they are not vampires, but founders, and any future insinuations that they’re anything like the Sakamaki brothers will result in the removal of your tongue.
Then he’s at your throat, fangs piercing the soft flesh. You’re used to the pain by now, but you’re certainly not used to the sound of him practically growling in your ear as he tells how disgusting the taste of your blood is. His brother joins in and it’s not too long before you pass out again.
And just like that you find yourself swept up in a new routine of bloodsucking and pain. You’d thought your life couldn’t possibly get any worse than those first few awful weeks living with the Sakamakis. You were wrong. 
Carla’s the one you see most often. He’s cold and brutal and you’re still not entirely sure what he wants from you. All you’ve managed to learn so far is that he intends to “purify” your blood — whatever that means — and that he’s planning on doing it by drinking from you every day. It’s during those sessions that you find yourself missing Shu, his low seductive voice in your ear as he tells you what a lewd woman you are for continuing to seek him out. 
Part of you, a small part, keeps hoping that he’s coming to save you. That maybe you’ve managed to make yourself mean enough to him to mean he’ll be willing to rescue you from your current captors. The rest of you is not so convinced. If there’s one thing you’ve learned about Shu, it’s that proactive is not a word in his dictionary. So you put up with the bloodsucking and try to pretend that the person doing it has deep blue eyes instead of gold.
Entirely unknown to you, Shu is feeling your absence a lot more keenly than he would like and is starting to realise he’s broken the only rule he ever made for himself.
You’re a little surprised that the Tsukinami brothers let you roam the halls of their mansion after a while, although the wolf familiars do growl at you if you get too close to any of the exits. There’s a small sitting room with a large bookcase that you end up spending most of your time in. The books aren’t necessarily ones you’d choose to read, but they’re a very welcome distraction from your current situation. 
One day, you’re curled up on the sofa with a book on philosophy that’s proving to be a lot more interesting than you’d thought it would be (or perhaps you’re just that starved of entertainment), when Carla steps into the room. You shut the book and feel every muscle in your body tense, not wanting to be accused of ignoring him. He steps towards you and you’re certain he’s going to drag you from the room and drink your blood until you can no longer stand.
It catches you off guard when he stops, his gaze dropping towards the book in your lap. He makes a noise that might be called considering and you’re so startled when he asks you what you think of the book that you almost forget to answer. You just about manage to squeak out what you make of the text and its ideas, expecting Carla to scoff at your likely naïve interpretation. He doesn’t though, instead seeming to genuinely consider your words. When he offers his own thoughts in response, it makes you pause. His tone isn’t the same as the cold one he uses when ordering you around or hissing about the state of your blood. It’s… measured, it’s the tone of someone who has taken the time to actually think about the words on the page rather than take them at face value.
For a brief moment, it makes him the slightest bit less inhuman.
Perhaps that’s what gives you the courage to ask if there are any other books here he’d recommend. There’s a pause and you fear you’ve overstepped some invisible boundary, that this fleeting lapse in abject cruelty was anything more than that. But then he starts to list off the titles and authors of a couple of volumes, some on a similar topic to the book in your lap, others on entirely different areas but with intriguing ideas nonetheless. 
Predictably your little conversation does nothing to spare you from your “purification” session, but it does happen again the next day. And the one after that. It becomes something of a ritual; the conversations starting out as slightly stilted but before long you’re talking freely, so starved of company that little is required to make you open up. 
It doesn’t help that Carla is, well, interesting to talk to. You’d sort of guessed he was clever from the sharpness of his gaze, how he'll sometimes pause to consider something, but to actually hold a conversation with him is another matter entirely. Some time around then, you notice that the wounds made by his fangs ache less. You’re not entirely certain what that means.
Finally, you pluck up the courage to ask about the paintings covering the walls. They’re all over the mansion, in different styles, depicting different things. For a short while, you’d wondered whether the Tsukinami brothers had stolen the mansion from a particularly well-to-do art collector, before you’d realized that a new painting seemed to appear every so often. 
There is something different about someone, you think, when they talk about something important to them. You see it clearly when Carla talks about his collection, when you feel like for a moment you’re looking at a man rather than a king. It is then you come to the realization that Carla Tsukinami is very, very beautiful.
You’re caught by surprise the day Carla asks about your relationship with the vampire whose scent you were drenched in back when you were taken from the Sakamaki mansion. It’s the first personal question he’s asked you, outside the usual safe boundaries of your conversations on philosophy or art or even—on rare occasions—his race and their history. Carla’s expression is as unreadable as ever, half hidden behind the dark fabric of his scarf, and you can’t decipher exactly what it is he wants to hear, so you decide to tell him the truth—or as close to it as you’re willing to admit to yourself.
Your relationship with the vampire in question was physical in nature, but you weren’t sure how much it really meant—to either of you. The First Blood King says nothing, giving no indication he even heard you aside from a slight narrowing of his eyes. However you don’t miss the way he handles you that night, his touch more intimate than the purification really demands, his fangs burying themselves deep in your flesh, causing your blood to heat in a way it hasn’t before. You’re just on the edge of consciousness when you feel a pair of cold lips press against your own, a kiss tainted with the tang of your own blood.
You should have known, you think, that that night was a prelude to something, although you never would have guessed what. 
Carla entering your room without knocking is not an unusual occurrence, but when he orders you to follow him with no explanation, you feel the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. You’re led to the depths of the mansion—a dungeon, you realise, as you take in the dirty stone walls, the iron bars and rusted chains.
For a horrible, terrifying moment, you imagine yourself chained up in one of these cells, trying to think of anything you’ve done that might merit such a punishment. The shock you feel when Carla stops in front of a set of bars, a head of familiar, messy blonde hair behind them, just visible in the dim light, is nearly enough to make your knees give out. You’ve never seen such emotion on Shu’s face as when he raises his eyes to look at you, your name falling from his lips. He’s injured, you notice, as you take in the dark stains on his clothing, the fading bruise on his cheek. 
Thoughts racing, you wrestle with trying to work out why he’s here, why he looks like that. It is only when you feel Carla’s hands on your shoulders, his slender fingers pressing into you, that you realize he’s been speaking. 
Shu was caught trying to break into their mansion—to get to you—and has been moldering in the dungeon for days. You don’t want to think about how much damage must have been inflicted on him to the point that, even with his vampiric healing, you can still see the signs of it. 
Carla finishes his piece and the timbre of Shu’s voice when he tells the first blood to take his hands off of you—low and brimming with feeling—is not something you’ve heard before. The fingers on your shoulders do nothing but dig in further, making it very clear that Carla has no intention of letting you go. He says as much, and while his tone is as cold as it was when you first encountered him, there’s an edge to it, a slight crack in the emotionless, kingly persona. You can’t help but wonder if it has anything to do with how hard he’s holding onto you. 
Part of you, wants to rejoice. For even as awful as this situation is, the idea that Shuu cared enough to come for you warms something in your chest. It makes you want to run over to him, to swing open the set of bars separating the two of you and to tend to the man who is as familiar with your body as you are.
There is another part of you, however, that feels strangely hollow at his appearance. You don’t want him to be trapped here, in one of these dank, dark cells, and as you think on it now, you can’t actually remember the last time you dreamt of being rescued. There is something in you that has found comfort in your conversations with Carla, in the feeling that there is value to the way the world looks through your eyes. Right now you can feel the solid press of the Founder King behind you, and for as much terror as you should be siezed with, it is overshadowed by something else.
As always, however, you are nothing more than a powerless player in a game of demons and monsters, and never have you felt it more thoroughly than when Carla tells Shu the only hope he has of trying to go against him is to defeat his father and take his power. 
You know little of the Vampire King, just that his power is great enough that every demon recognises it, even the founders. It doesn’t seem possible that Shu, battered as he is, could stand a chance against that sort of strength. No sooner have you opened your mouth to protest, to plead, than Carla’s mouth is by your ear, telling you to stay out of this in a low growl. 
The rest of the conversation passes by while you stand there, helpless to do anything about the mocking smile Shu gives Carla when he asks if the founder thinks the Vampire King is the type to go easy on his own son, or the lack of emotion in Carla’s voice as he replies that it makes no difference to him. 
Shu is given a night to think it over, but just before you’re marched out of the dungeon, his eyes meet yours and you know what his answer will be.
You’re returned to your room, and with every fragment of courage you possess, you turn on Carla and tell him to let Shu go, that you’ll do whatever he wants. His eyes darken and you feel your heart leap into your throat as he pins you against the wall and asks if the son of Karlheinz really matters that much to you. 
You can’t answer him, your heart being torn in two directions, although it cannot compare to the rending in your chest when Carla tells you that it ultimately does not matter to him if Shu is able to slay his father or the other way around. Unknown to the eldest son of Karlheinz, Carla used his magic to place a mark on him, one that will allow the founder to pass through the barrier surrounding Eden if Shu himself is already inside, thus providing him the means to kill whichever vampire is left standing
If anything, the pain when Carla then bites down on the base of your neck is a welcome distraction from your horror, and you do not struggle as you sink into the dark.
Carla is gone when you awake. A quick sneak down into the dungeons, past a couple of familiars, confirms that Shu is too. You hadn’t tried to escape the Tsukinami mansion before, too terrified of the idea of wolf jaws clamped down around your ankles, dragging you back to Carla’s feet. That and you had no idea of where you would run to—if the moments of intimacy you shared with Shu had glossed over the horrors of the Sakamaki household, whether you would even be welcomed back.
Now, however, you know exactly where you have to go and it’s enough to give you the spirit to try. Your feelings are a tangled knot in your head, the memory of Shu’s hands on your body and Carla’s lips on yours—but you know with certainty that you don’t want either of them to die, and so you are going to have to try to find your way to the Vampire King’s residence yourself to try and stop them.
You might never have tried to escape, but you have observed enough that you can predict some of the familiar’s movements. If anything, how easily you are able to slip out of the mansion surprises you, although not quite as much as the bat that seems to be waiting for you by the back door. You’ve spent enough time with demons to be able to distinguish their familiars from wild animals, to know the faint prickle of magic on your skin. 
It could be Shu’s, you think, but you have no way to know for certain. The bat flits around your head for a moment before darting off between the trees, hovering about ten meters ahead of you. Watching your footfalls you take a couple of hesitant steps towards and it flies forwards, maintaining that same distance. The familiar is leading you somewhere, and while you have no way of knowing whether it’s planning to lead you to the Vampire King’s residence or not, it’s the only real hope you have of getting there in time.
And so you follow the path to Eden.
Brute ending:
You arrive in Eden, and by some miracle, you spot Shu down one of the first corridors you check.
Karl tells Shu that he's not Adam. Carla goes to kill Shu because he's outlived his usefulness but you leap in front of him. Carla asks if you're truly choosing to stick with such a useless man. You realise you are.
"I see. If that's the case, then you're truly too tainted to fulfil your purpose."
Carla rips your heart out, looks hurt as he does so. The last thing you hear is a scream from Shuu and the sound of a sword but you die not knowing if it was because he actually felt something for you or because Carla killed him.
Manservant ending:
You arrive to see Karl killing Shu. Carla catches you, because he's been drinking your blood, he's gained enough of the power he lost due to Endzeit to kill Karl (hooray). You mourn Shu briefly but think it should hurt more if you really loved him. You live happily ever after with Carla.
Vampire ending:
You find Shu and Karl again. This time, Shu spots you, realises that you got away from Carla so there's no point in killing Karl and basically tells him to get fucked. Karl goes to leave but Carla arrives and finishes him off himself. Carla orders Shu to hand you over but Shu refuses. Shu reasons that as he just needs your heart, then isn't it fine if he just hands that over. You're surprised and concerned by this, but Shu points out there's a perfectly good heart available to you (Karl's). Carla tries to order you to come to him too but you realise you have feelings for Shu and refuse but tell him to take your heart and live well. Carla is not a stupid man and lets you go. You and Shu abandon the demon world and the other Sakamaki brothers and go and live together in the human world. Because of Karl's heart you slowly transition into a vampire and you hear from one of Shu's familiars that Carla has now taken over as ruler of the demon world.
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Essay: Post-Holidays, I see my Uncle's "Strange New Girls" Hate Watch in a Whole New Light.
No that is not a typo, that is actually what he calls SNW. And my macho-loving Kirk-fanboi of an uncle has been hate watching it religiously. The last time he hated a Star Trek show (DIS) he just didn't watch it. So this opposite response to SNW fascinates me. He talks big talk about there being too many women on the Bridge and hates on La'an with a particular vehemence, both because she's permitted in Starfleet despite a direct relation to the augments' leader and because she's a tiny lady running security. (I can't separate the more reasonable perspective from the sexist one, the man is both.) At first I took his persistent critiques of the SNW crew as a very straightforward anti-women enmity, until Christmas when he came out with the following bomb-shell.
"We just watched Voyager, you know Janeway: Janeway is alright. She's a good captain."
(Color me shocked we had rage-inducing debates about this in my teens and early twenties)
On the one hand, perhaps my uncle has gotten slightly less sexist towards a female captain over the last 30 years? Doubtful considering the way he layers personal criticisms on the female SNW characters. But on the other, him now enjoying Janeway's show does make me understand his hate and fascination with SNW. It's not about the women on the Bridge at all.
It's about Pike.
I'm sure there are other factors. Janeway's main Bridge crew was almost entirely male. And Voyager was written to try not to offend the sensibilities of men like my uncle (an effort that hasn't worked on him until now). But I also think it's got a lot to do with the two captains' presence on the Bridge, and how each captain is portrayed in their own show. Janeway makes many more aggressive command choices than Pike, by virtue of personality and situation. Sometimes she makes those choices even against the reservations of male subordinates. She stares down the barrel of death on numerous occasions, unblinking. She's often the protagonist in her own show. She changes the timeline to influence her past self and encourages her to make a daring and selfish choice that is applauded and shown to pay off in a big way.
And notably, while she's the first woman to have center stage in the captain's seat, her femininity and portrayal of gender is what I think is best described as micro-managed (One need only look at the dizzying array of styles the show experiments with for her hairdo). She dresses in a very feminine way off duty, but often displays more "masculine" behaviors, especially on duty. She very rarely cries. Outside of expressing anger, flirtation, and curiosity, she is not often overtly emotional. A special note for flirtation: she gets wide license to be flirtatious with everyone from enemy combatants to her senior staff to even her ship when she's trying to sweet talk it. She avoids talking about her feelings at all costs. She can't cook and that's a running joke. In all the ways that matter, she acts like one would expect a traditionally male captain to act, with just enough feminine concessions sprinkled in to keep her from coming off as "too masculine."
Pike is very diplomatic and much more rule-conscious. He's Starfleet's boy scout. He takes a back seat in many episodes as other characters get to shine. When he is center stage the conflicts he combats are very personal. He stares down the barrel of "death" (as he's referred to his future disability) and flinches. His trip to change time is done to tell his past self to step aside, act selflessly and take a back seat to a fate that terrifies him. He often listens to and makes decisions that align with his (largely female) Bridge crew's recommendations. And while he dresses in a traditionally masculine way on and off duty, emotionally, he's shown to be much more traditionally feminine. He cries over a dead horse (My uncle was particularly aghast at that). He cooks and is shown to take pleasure in it, even using it as a tool of diplomacy. He is a sympathetic counseling ear for many of his crew.
He does not get to flirt with his Bridge crew. When he is shown expressing sexual interest in someone it leads to emotional hurt and command weakness (in Lift Us Up Where Suffering Cannot Reach, he becomes aware of his love-interest's abhorrent ethics only after watching her participate in something horrific, which he is helpless to stop. And when Batel gets into trouble with the Gorn in Hegemony, his fixation on her well-being comes off as somewhat short-sighted, and contributes to command paralysis in the final scene). His very close friendship with Una may border on romantic attachment, but there's nothing sexual about their on screen interactions. And his quest to have her accepted by the Federation is one of the only major emotional decisions he undertakes that is shown to have a majorly positive outcome.
In sum I think Pike is shown to be vulnerable, gentle, and craving of connections in a way that is very human, but one that men are not traditionally supposed to be. The themes of his arc center on standing aside for the benefit of others, accepting future loss of ability and death, making peace with a future that doesn't center around you - all messages about moving from selfishness to selflessness. His lack of sexual incentives and behaviors stands out distinctly from how male protagonists typically get portrayed. He's basically anathema to the masculine ideal my uncle's spent his life trying to embody.
I still don't know what reason drives my uncle to keep watching "Strange New Girls" as religiously as he has. But I do now see his fixation on finding fault with all the women on the Bridge differently. By critiquing them, he is deflecting attention from his discomfort with the man in the center seat.
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Ye Big Olde Savos Aren Headcanon Masterpost
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(Super long post under the cut)
Short biography
General information:
- Savos is an only child.
- He was born in 4E 5, making him 194 years old by Skyrim time (Elven ages are ugh, but according to the UESP, 200 is old for a dunmer…)
- Savos was born under the apprentice, thus making the month of his birth Sun’s Height.
- He is bisexual.
- He was born in Winterhold and grew up among the city’s large dunmer population.
- Knows Winterhold-dialect Dunmeris, Tamrielic, Nordic, and a tiny bit of Dovahzul.
- His parents owned a tailor shop.  
- He's a second generation immigrant to Skyrim. His parents came to Winterhold shortly after the fall of Baar Dau (I imagine there was a short period of growing volcanic activity before Red Mountain blew up for good), fearing further consequences of the impact. His grandparents lived in Morrowind until their death.
- He has been to Morrowind on several occasions (and he has met Neloth). He has also been to Cyrodiil.
- Savos is not very religious; he was raised to believe in the reclamations, but over the years it has become a matter of “Whichever deity is willing to listen”. However, he does practice ancestor worship in a sense; he regularly leaves a little offering for the dead of the Great Collapse (which included his parents) on the shore below Winterhold. 
- Also, due to the nord/dunmer cultural mixture of his hometown, exclamations like “Shor’s bones!” are just as much a part of his vocabulary as “Azura curse you!”.
- He is fairly short for a dunmer (1,68 metres); he’s just a tiny bit taller than Mirabelle.
- Savos has a Lichtenberg scar (a souvenir from Morokei) running from just below his clavicle all the way to his hips. He’s extremely self-conscious about that and will lash out at anyone questioning his explanation of “magical accident”.
- He has a barely noticeable bald patch (a scar) from when he got hit by an icicle when he was a student.
- He doesn't care much about anyone's looks, including his own. He's clean and knows when to look presentable, but he cares more about being comfy than looking good. Has exactly one outfit for special occasions.
- He's in average shape for his age and lack of physical activity. 
- Savos does not like dealing with people in positions of authority. Serious talks with Jarl Korir, for example, are his personal nightmare.
- Although Savos is an introvert through and through, he is not necessarily shy.
- He is not a good public speaker. Even when he was still a teacher he could not capture the crowd. However, those students who still listened would get clear and easily understandable explanations and instructions.
- Savos’ “Love language” is spending time together.
- Savos enjoys giving physical affection but is terrible at receiving it. It’s not that he doesn’t like it (he’s probably quite touch starved), but he has trouble accepting that someone could care for him.
- For that reason, he’s usually the big spoon - even if his partner is taller than him.
- Savos does not like smalltalk a lot. 
- However, if someone captures his interest he has no problem chatting until the early hours of the morning.
- Despite some different opinions about his leadership, Savos still gets along with everyone in the faculty.
- He does not trust Ancano and finds him annoying at times, but the previous headcanon includes him as well.
- Savos is a fairly sensitive guy and it’s easy to tell whether he’s happy, sad or angry. However, he’s often dishonest as to why.
- Savos is one of those people who’ll always promise to do something “later” and then forget about it. Mirabelle often has to remind him of his duties - much to her annoyance.
- Savos is not the type to make enemies (at least on purpose). If he has nothing nice to say to someone, he won’t say anything.
- Although it rarely happens, Savos can hold a grudge (and for a long time, too).
- He and Viarmo are close friends (and spent a night together once)
- Mirabelle Ervine was his student and he is still very close with her.
- Savos is good friends with Tolfdir and the two sometimes go fishing together.
- He's oblivious to Kraldar's "interest" in him and views him as a good friend.
- In fact, Savos is incredibly dense when it comes to flirting.
- Although Savos doesn’t engage with the students all that much, he still feels a sense of pride whenever he hears about their accomplishments.
- He also loves J'zargo’s shenanigans.
- There are some days where he’ll lock himself in his chambers and not open the door to anybody. The rest of the faculty knows to leave him alone on “one of those days”.
- Savos tolerates some crookery as long as it serves the college. For example, although he isn’t happy about Enthir’s business ventures, he realizes that having someone who can procure anything away from the normal supply lines is indeed quite beneficial.
- I like the idea of him being the nephew of Fathis Aren, the court mage in Bravil during the oblivion crisis. Given Fathis’ area of expertise and the possibility of their lifetimes overlapping, it’s not unlikely.
- Savos is not good at comforting others. He’ll let them pour their heart out to him, he’ll listen, but he doesn’t really know how to react afterwards. However, no matter how poorly he may express it, his sympathy is usually earnest.
- He is, however, very good at keeping secrets.
Skills & Knowledge:
- After the battle with Morokei Savos obsessively researched the dragon cult and its priests. Over time he’s come to understand (but not speak!) a tiny bit of Dovahzul.
- Since his conjuration magic was anything but useful against Morokei, Savos picked up restoration magic as soon as he returned to the college.
- Savos toyed with necromancy when he was an apprentice, intrigued by the promise of immortality. After what he did in Labyrinthian, he’s never used a spell of that sort again.
- Savos is extremely skilled with wards and even (re-)discovered different types of wards by combining restoration and conjuration (think of something like ESO’s barrier and bound ward spells).
- He is a good healer and possesses a decent knowledge of anatomy.
- While Savos is not a physical fighter, he still knows how to keep someone from knocking his teeth out (thanks to Hafnar).
- Savos is an average alchemist.
- He can talk backwards, much to the annoyance of Ancano or anyone else he decides to mess with. He also has a talent for deciphering drunken gibberish.
- Savos’ interest in magic, particularly conjuration, was caused and fostered by his uncle and Savos always looked forward to his visits. 
- He is a quick learner but not very studious, which made him an average student. It was his skill with wards that caught the previous archmage’s attention.
- Although he grew up in a tailor shop, he can't sew at all.
- He's a terrible cook.
- Laments that he doesn’t know telekinesis but never actually sits down to learn it.
Attitude, Hopes And Fears:
- Savos is scared of lightning
- Savos tends to be pretty laid back when it comes to pranks and mischief as long as it doesn’t hurt students or staff.
- Savos is quite conflicted about his position as archmage. On the one hand, he’s proud of his station and wants to use it to improve the college, but on the other hand, he’s fully aware that he wouldn’t have gotten the title if Atmah and his other friends were still alive. Not to mention that they died under his leadership.
- Savos is both an optimist and a hopeless idealist. While this combination lets him believe that he can eventually lead the college into a better future, it also often blinds him to reality.
- In his youth, Savos dreamt of travelling the world in search for ancient knowledge - a dream shared by his friend Atmah. After Labyrinthian he buried any aspirations of adventure.
- Ever since Labyrinthian, Savos has trouble with nightmares. He often stays up late.
- He’s tried several methods to help him sleep, such as stuffing his pillow with lavender - a scent which clings to his hair.
- The easiest way to piss him off is to bring up politics.
- Savos rarely gets seriously angry but if he does, he tends to act irrationally.
- Overall Savos is not a brave man. Standing up to Ancano when he took control of the eye was perhaps the bravest things he’s ever done. It was also the most reckless he’s been since Labyrinthian
- He is crippled by a fear of repeating his mistakes.
- He’s well aware of some of his flaws (his lack of social skills, too lax attitude) but denies others, particularly those related to his past failings. 
- In Savos' opinion, a three-headed man-eating horker could apply for a place at the college—so long as it has the aptitude and keeps the man-eating in check, he'll be okay with that.
- He's got an ego the size of a peanut and it's easy to make him doubt himself.
Taste and Favourite things:
- Despite having tried many different beverages from many different parts of Tamriel, his favourite alcoholic drink is still a good mead.
- Savos has a sweet tooth which he doesn’t get to indulge all that often save for the honey he puts in his tea.
- Ever since his first trip to Morrowind, Savos has had a fascination with bugs and as a child, he always wanted a Nix-hound. He got a Nix-hound plushie instead.
- In fact, Savos likes many creepy crawlies others tend to find disgusting. Spiders, worms, bugs, scorpions — he thinks they're fascinating.
- His biggest hobby is gardening, which later led to an interest in alchemy.
- He used to be interested in archaeology (more Atmah’s hobby than his own, still…), but the expedition to Labyrinthian put a damper on that.
- His favourite food are honey nut treats, though his dad’s fish soup is the one he misses the most.
- His favourite colour is pine green, followed by the deep dark blue of the ocean.
- Savos enjoys going for a walk along the shore every once in a while.
- He is an avid reader with a preference for nonfiction, travel logs in particular. They're good for dreaming oneself away from bleak old Winterhold…
Random Headcanons:
- He’s a blanket thief.
- Savos has two standard sleeping positions: rolled halfway off the bed and blanket burrito.
- Savos is a cheerful drunk overall. However, he also becomes quite reckless if inebriated.
- Despite having lived in Winterhold all his life, he is not at all good at dealing with the cold.
- Savos is a clean but not very orderly person and the chances of finding anything in his quarters without asking is slim.
- He is an absolute night owl and has the bad habit of sleeping in his favourite chair rather than his bed. 
- Savos is not good with children. He likes them all right; he just doesn’t know what to do with them.
- However, he does stand by his opinions. In fact, he can be quite stubborn.
- Savos still has that plush nix hound mentioned above. It’s in… well-loved condition.
- Savos was the type of kid who'd always try to get out of doing chores. He spent most of his childhood playing in the streets with the other kids of the crafter's quarter. He remembers that time fondly.
- He had a very good relationship with his parents that continued into adulthood, despite their disappointment about him joining the college rather than taking over the tailor shop. 
Savos Dadcanons
- Okay so first off I can’t see Savos planning to have kids. The college is no place to raise a child (neither is Winterhold, for that matter) so if he became a father, it would be by accident. As such, I think he’d be happy but also very, very worried.
- However, when he gets to hold his kid for the first time he just turns into a joyous puddle on the floor (like, not literally, but his knees would be very weak and he’d shed few tears).
- He doesn’t really know what to do with children and that really becomes apparent when he has to handle the baby. But damn he’d try. He has probably read every book on childcare the arcanaeum has to offer, though granted there may not be too many of those.
- He’s overall not one for random silliness (I can’t see him making faces at the child or making babytalk, for example) but he’d smile and laugh a lot more around his kid.
- Also cuddles. At first Savos is a little scared of handling the child bc it’s so small and vulnerable, but eventually he’d enjoy holding the them.
- He’d try to teach his kid as much as he possibly could, though not through books and dry teaching. He’d definitely show his kid the garden or venture out into Winterhold at night to watch the stars. In a modern AU he’d absolutely be the dad building a baking soda volcano who’d then be almost as excited as the kid when the volcano explodes.
- There aren’t many children in Winterhold so Savos would be concerned that his child can’t make many -if any- friends. At some point he considered summoning a friend for them before realising that that’s a horrible idea.
- He’d continue his own dad’s bedtime story tradition.
- Savos would be a bit of a worrywart though; he’s lost so many students already so he’d definitely try and shelter his kid a bit. He’d teach them wards as soon as possible.
- He’d absolutely encourage some mischief.
- In fact, I don’t think he’d be a strict parent at all. It’d fall to his SO or Mirabelle to teach the child some boundaries. 
- As a healer, he is entirely unfazed by anatomy and awkward puberty topics. For example, he can give his child The Talk just fine, they just shouldn’t ask him how things feel\taste\etc. He’s a very private man and would get flustered at having to reveal things about his love life.
- He’d always stay a bit insecure about his parenting skills though, even when the child is all grown up. Is he a good dad? Did he raise a responsible adult? Did he prepare his child for all that’s out there? Late at night, he’d wonder.
- At any rate, Savos is by no means #1 dad, but he’d grow into it and he’d always be there for his child, even in case of potentially massive fuck ups.
Savos Adult Headcanons:
The NSFW alphabet
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An Introduction to Hades’ and Persephone’s Kids
I can’t draw for the life of me, but I sure can write lol! So here’s my best descriptions of what I think Hades’ and Persephone’s kids would be like!
1st born - Zagreus, Prince of the Underworld - He basically looks just like his father but he’s got his mother’s eyes. He’s kind like his mother too, but gets most of his bold personality from his father. He is very confident and wants to be powerful like his father. He loves to watch his father work and enjoys learning from him. He also wants to rule by his side when he grows up.
Fun Facts:
He looks a lot like Hades when he was younger.
He has fangs, but not all of his teeth are sharp like his father’s.
He inherited his father’s fire powers.
Because Hades is still God of the Underworld and Lord of the Dead, Zagreus still has to check in with his father about certain things when doing his godly duties since Hades has higher authority. He’s basically Hades’ second in command.
Zagreus introduces himself as “Prince of the Underworld” similar to how his father introduces himself as “Lord of the Dead” to people.
He’s a little bit of a hot head, but not as much as his father.
He can be pretty protective over his little sisters sometimes, though, he argues with Melinoe the most.
2nd born - Melinoe, Goddess of Ghosts and Propitiation - She has a good mixture of both her mother’s and her father’s facial features, but she definitely has her father’s eyes. Her skin is bright white and her hair is pitch black and is very wispy and “smoke-like”. She is considered the “weird kid” and is very interested in the dead souls of the Underworld. She’s also a fan of the macabre and finds strange and dark things to be very fascinating. She has quite an odd and eccentric personality which tends to freak other people out (including her own family on occasion).
Fun Facts:
Her family calls her “Mel” for short.
Melinoe rules over the mortal souls that don’t make it to the underworld, instead living their afterlives on earth.
She has the power to bring spirits from the underworld to earth (or as some call it: raise the dead).
She liked to dabble in alchemy just like her father.
Many mortals are scared of her not only because of her personality, but because she’s associated with ghosts.
Melinoe is neurodivergent and has autistic traits. If autism were diagnosed back in ancient Greece she’d most likely be on the autism spectrum.
Melinoe despises people who disrespect the dead, hence why she’s goddess of propitiation.
Her only friends are mortals, but Hades does not approve of them and worries they are keeping her from her “true potential” as a goddess.
3rd born - Macaria, Goddess of Blessed Death - She looks a lot like her mother. She has light purple skin, dark purple hair and magenta eyes. She is very sweet and kind just like Persephone and cares for both the living and the dead. She’s also babied a lot by her parents because she’s the youngest. She likes to spend her time gardening with her mother in Asphodel Meadows and interacting with the mortal souls there.
Fun Facts:
Her family calls her “Mac” for short.
Hades is protective of all of his children, but is very protective of Macaria the most because she is his youngest daughter and she reminds him a lot of her mother.
When she eventually earns her role as Goddess of Blessed Death, she becomes the caretaker of Asphodel Meadows.
She is the kindest and friendliest of her siblings.
When she gets older she becomes more of the voice of reason with her siblings.
She has a few agriculture powers like her mother. She can mainly make flowers.
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galaxygolfergirl · 2 years
Modern Mystery Inc. Remake
Since the Velma show is trending for being as bad as it is, I thought I would share some headcanons for each Mystery Inc. Member for the AU I’ve been working on.
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This is specifically for the AU that I’ve been developing for a while, not the actual Scooby Canon itself. This is also not a complete list and more will be added latter, but hope you enjoy!
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Fred Jones:
Fred inherited the Mystery Machine from his father, Frank “Skip” Jones, who was a disc jockey that hosted a late night radio horror show, “The Mystery Files.” Frank has since passed (his death was mysterious) when Fred was 10, making his wife, Margaret, a single parent.
He is a lower-middle class kid, working part-time as a mechanic to help support his mom.
Fred also has a collection of his dad’s old cassettes, mix tapes, and CDs that he plays while the gang is on the road, as well as recordings from his dad’s radio show that he listens to in private.
He dresses preppy/kind of like an old man to emulate his dad, whom he looked up to as a kid. His ascot also used to belong to his dad.
Fred has known Velma since Elementary school as they grew up together as neighbors, and were also in forensics class together; they are both sort of the brains of the group but Fred is kind of a “left-brain” himbo at times (smart, but needs a little more common sense). 
He and Velma also both love watching Forensic Files and Unsolved Mysteries. 
Fred became friends with Daphne through their AP English class after they were assigned to work on a project together. Turns out they both have strong opinions on pulp science fiction authors like Ray Bradbury and classic literature. 🤷‍♀️
Though, I don’t really want to characterize him as dumb or a genuine himbo as other versions do. Fred’s not dumb. He is a smart, well-meaning young man, but he is fallible to letting his good intentions get misinterpreted or not come across the way he thinks they do.
Fred is a well-liked guy at school, but by no means a popular kid, jock, or anything thereof. Think theater kid or English literature club kind of popular.
He did actually become friends with Shaggy on their high school track team, though. He had to drop track once he started taking engineering classes (hence the trap making skills), but he and Shaggy do hang out outside of classes. They both like sci fi, fantasy, and horror movies and video games and hang out at Fred’s house on occasion.
He wants to be a horror/mystery novelist, but also work as a mechanical engineer when he graduates college.
In this AU I don’t really want to characterize Fred as a womanizer like other versions have done. He doesn’t really strike me as that kind of guy. Fred, out of the 4 of them, has been in the least amount of relationships and has a general reluctance to due to his insecurities and duty as an extra provider for his mom; he has less time to date than most.
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Daphne Blake:
She’s more of a rebellious rich kid who wants to escape that kind of life and frequently gets into trouble for general delinquency.
Daphne has an inferiority complex and thinks she’s not good enough, despite her parent’s wealth and her academic, social, and athletic success. She’s more pressured to succeed rather than encouraged, thus she feels like she has to act out to get her parents’ attention.
Towards her junior year of high school, she starts avoiding the popular people she used to be friends with and focuses on her investigative work with the gang, with whom she feels more comfortable with and finds more satisfaction in investigative and journalistic work.
Daphne has to access police and government databases because her father is a state representative, and thus is well connected to help the gang in their investigative work. Her dad doesn’t know that she does this, though.
Daphne has an older sister named Andrea Blake, who’s basically Gina from B99, whom she turns to for advice. They’re the only siblings who get along as Andrea is considered a “spinster aunt” and “wine mom.” Andrea is also a Y2K millennial, still living in the 2000s mentally, and her ringtone changes on a daily basis, variating between “Low- by Flo Rida” and “Evacuate the Dancefloor- by Cascada”
Daphne and Shaggy both have a penchant for weed and lived in the same neighborhood during their early tween years when Daphne moved from Vermont to California, which is where this AU takes place.
She and Shaggy got to know each other better when she did field athletics and he was doing track practice. They would frequently swap stories about their travels (her family moved a lot and he was an army brat) and general team gossip. They are also big Transformers and Star Trek fans.
Generally being a jack of all trades in terms of skills and abilities. She’s an excellent driver, investigator, martial artist, and in a lot of ways acts as the sort of muscle of the group ready to kick ass when need be.
She and Velma become best friends over the course of the series. They both like watching cheesy paranormal teen dramas and picking on them, indie dramas, and sharing music they like. Daphne also confides in Velma about her relationship issues and finds Velma a rational and sympathetic sounding board for advice and ideas.
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Velma Dinkley:
Velma is ahead a few grades and thus graduates early along the others in the gang, but also being the youngest of the group means she is ID’ed more often and has to wait longer than the others before she can drink (and is lightly teased for her short stature and age). Frequently mistaken for being younger than she is.
Velma is a middle-class kid, thus is an active socialist advocate and feminist, GSA member, and has a scathing hatred of the 1%. She does find a bit of a conflict of interest being friends with Daphne, 
She is an avid mystery and horror novel reader, sharing Fred’s love of mysteries like his dad.
Since she and Fred have known each other since they were kids, they frequently drop by each other’s houses, either to work on homework, have small talk, or Fred will help with repair/lawn work on the Dinkley’s house. 
Velma is bisexual, having feelings for both men and women as shown through out past iterations and has already come out to her parents about this. She doesn’t date much as she’d like to, however, due to her busy academic schedule and investigative work with the gang. She also has trouble expressing herself vulnerably and is shy when it comes to romance.
She has a growing, eclectic collection of music from the 80s new-wave/post-punk/indie with which she shares with Fred on the road. Her favorite bands from this era are Siouxsie and the Banshees and The Cocteau Twins  and she’s mad people haven’t heard of them; she appreciates and adores the Hex Girls as a result.
Velma wants to be a forensic scientist and bioengineer, one of the reasons being she stayed up way too many nights as a kid and watched Forensic Files and Unsolved Mysteries.
She and Daphne mainly became friends after joining up with the others on a few mysteries, and eventually starts hanging out with her after Fred invites Daphne over for a study group. They both like watching cheesy paranormal teen dramas and picking on them, indie dramas, and sharing music they like. 
Velma helps Shaggy with his homework after finding out he’s dyslexic and the two form a sort of older sister-younger brother dynamic, regularly trading humorous barbs with one another. She also adores Scooby, not being able to have a dog of her own at her house because of her sister’s allergies. She is also curious in studying his capacity for human speech and intelligence.
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Norville “Shaggy” Rogers
His dad is a retired Iraq war vet and state security official, and because of Shaggy’s military family, they tried to get him to enlist after high school. He didn’t take well to the training and was released after a year, instead majoring in culinary studies with an athletic scholarship in track and field.
His parents are divorced; his little sister Maggie “Sugie” Rogers lives with his mom in Pasadena while he lives with his dad in Oakland. He misses his sister and his mom a lot and tries to visit them whenever he can.
Shaggy has PTSD and anxiety as a result of his turbulent family life, and later starts living with his cousin, Dustin, and has Scooby as a service dog for his therapy.
He also has dyslexia and has had some trouble with school; after becoming associated with the Mystery gang, he joins up with them for study group sessions and they help him with things he doesn’t understand while he provides the snacks.
 His dad and his army buddies would call him “Shaggy” because of his consistently messy hair, so the name stuck.
Shaggy is pansexual, having the most relationships out of the 4 of the gang, with all kinds of people. 
He is socially well connected and has inside sources to various underground groups and activities.
Shaggy does indeed smoke weed, and consumes it in a variety of ways.
Shaggy was into magic as a kid and knows all sorts of tricks and disguises. He can do ventriloquism and close-up magic and has used these tricks to get out of tough situations. 
Shaggy loves horror movies and Halloween despite his general fear and anxiety during investigations, and has acquired a vast amount of paraphernalia ranging from classic universal monster movies to the most recent ones. 
Shaggy also loves classic rock like Fred, more specifically underground gonzo rock and other niche acts like Arthur Brown, Frank Zappa, the Cramps, etc. 
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Scoobert “Scooby” Doo
Scooby is a genetically engineered dog trained for human speech as a part of a secret army project that Shaggy’s dad worked on, but was considered “defective” for not being as aggressive as the other dogs. Shaggy begged his dad to let him keep Scooby and after he conceded, Shaggy started taking better care of him and they became good buddies.
Scooby was named after a popular brand of graham cracker treats “Scooby Snacks” after Shaggy fed him some when he brought Scooby home.
Though Scooby is intelligent, he still falls whim to the behavior of a dog; needing walks, doing zoomies, playing keep away with various items and dog toys, etc. The gang often forgets this and often have to remind themselves, “oh right, he’s a dog.” 
While being still being cowardly, Scooby can be brave and go after the villains if they’re endangering his friends, being very competent in taking them down. He’s a cinnamon roll who does have the capacity to kill you. 
Later in the series, Scooby becomes a father to a litter of puppies, including Scooby Junior, a Great Dane/Pitbull mix. Given the average life-span of Great Danes and coupling that with any genetic modification Scooby has been under, he probably only has 3-5 years left of his life and thus starts a family to spare the gang of any pain.
@scoobydoominuscoobydoo @frelmaa @ilovefredjones @cometcrystal @scrappedtogether @scoobysurfers @bookishdruid @blue-pixiedust @thosemeddlingsims @light-miracles @leftsleeverolled @thescoobydooby 
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amourem · 2 months
a meta for fyodor on language and love language as well as one on immortality gogogo
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FYODOR  (  on  language  )
given  his  age  and  apparently  prolific  presence  across  the  globe  -  fyodor  is  fluent  in...  a  staggering  amount  of  languages  and  intermediate  in  even  more.  obviously  -  russian  is  his  mother  tongue,  specifically  the  central  dialect,  though  he  can  occasionally  be  seen  slipping  into  the  southern  as  well.  he  is  fluent  in  all  prominent  slavic  languages,  though  spends  most  of  his  time  speaking  russian,  ukrainian,  polish,  and  czech.  on  occasion  -  he  will  slip  into  a  much  older  dialect/version  of  russian  (  referred  to  as  old  russian  /  old  east  slavic  ),  though  this  is  usually  when  he  doesn't  think  anyone  is  around,  etc.  
he  has  mastered  all  five  romance  languages  with  ease  (and  quite  enjoys  french  and  romanian  in  particular)  considering  he spent  a  good  chunk  of  his  life  reading  exclusively  latin.  english  is  another  widely  spoken  one,  alongside  farsi,  mandarin,  cantonese,  korean  and  finally:  japanese.  he  is,  however,  pretty  bad  at  writing  in  it.  his  knowledge  of  language  is  vast  -  but  he  is  by  no  means  an  expert  in  all,  and  still  speaks  most  of  them  with  a  bit  of  a  russian  lilt.  
FYODOR  (  on  love  language  )  -  aside  from  murder  and  manipulation.
i  spent  a  really  long  time  in  the  shower  thinking  about  this  one  and  i  have  decided  that  fyodor's  'love'  language  is  very  specific.  i  think  i  would  describe  it  as  a  combination  of  words  of  affirmation,  and  physical  touch.  HOWEVER  -  the  problem  is  with  a  man  like  fyodor,  he  simply  does  not  trust.  at  all.  anyone.  ever.  he  relies  solely  on  himself  and  has  thrived  that  way  for  quite  some  time.  you  say  a  kind  word  to  him,  and  his  nature  is  to  immediately  assume  an  ulterior  motive.  the  trick  is  to  get  him  to  listen  -  to  understand,  to  even  remotely  consider  the  words  being  said  to  him  are  not,  in  fact,  a  lie.  
the  biggest  one  though  is  physical  touch.  i  mean,  that's  if  he'll  even  LET  you  touch  him.  he's  killed  men  for  looking  wrong  or  brushing  against  him  in  a  grocery  store.  but  fyodor  is  gratuitously  touch  starved  and  he  has  no  idea  that  he  is  until  he  does.  while  not  particularly  tactile  -  i  do  think  that  even  he  can  find  that  literally  just  sitting  next  to  someone  he  likes  might  be  a  wild  experience.  
but  anytime  he  attempt  to  'engage'  one  of  fyodor's  love  languages  -  you  are  essentially  playing  roulette  on  whether  or  not  he  will  deign  to  accept  the  advance,  or  eat  you  alive.  
FYODOR  (  on  immortality  )
i  don't  want  to  go  TOO  in  depth  about  this  but  fyodor  has...  beef  with  his  immortality.  fyodor  is  driven  to  believe  that  ability  users  are  beings  of  sin  because  of  his  own  existence.  he  is  essentially  the  equivalent  of  having  lived  his  life  with  all  the  religious  dutifulness  of  a  saint,  looks  forward  to  going  to  heaven,  but  the  first  time  he  dies  he  just  discovers  that  god  spit  him  back  out  again  and  left  him  on  this  mortal  plane  to  rot.  each  death  warps  fyodor's  perception  a  little  further  -  until  he  comes  to  some  conclusions:
his  ability  makes  him  a  sinner,  as  he  cannot  commit  to  gods  natural  order  and  die.  it  is  also  possible  he  thinks  himself  a  sinner  due  to  some  events  in  his  past  (witch  burnings,  etc)  but  we  don't  know  yet.  additionally  -  because  god  keeps  spitting  him  back  out  again,  he  must  have  a  grand  plan  for  him.  very  well  then  -  he  will  use  his  immortality  for  good,  and  shepherd  the  people  to  a  sinless  existence  for  a  benevolent  god.  again  -  i  want  to  reiterate.  HUMAN  BEINGS  ARE  NOT  MEANT  TO  DIE  AND  COME  BACK  REPEATEDLY.  he  likely  has  not  always  been  this  warped  (but  he  is  now  evil  little  rat  man).  
anyways  -  'crime'  and  'punishment.'  the  crime?  killing  him.  the  punishment?  subsumed.  yet  fyodor's  immortality  has  brought  him  boundless  pain.  a  hundred  lifetimes  and  a  hundred  deaths  -  where  he  watched  humanity  be  it's  worst,  where  people  have  betrayed  him  ceaselessly  (how  could  he  trust  now),  where  he  has  been  miserable  but  fulfilling  his  duty  nonetheless,  no  matter  how  many  times  god  chooses  to  forsake  him.  
in  essence  -  fyodor  wishes  for  his  immortality  to  end,  but  he  has  work  to  finish  first.  
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plungermusic · 1 year
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"And we’ll sweep out the ashes in the morning …”
Maverick Sunday is always a little bittersweet: still good music left to enjoy but only a few more hours in which to enjoy it, with a bit of a ‘morning-after-the-night-before clearing-up and putting-away’ feel to it.
Getting a lift in with one of the festival crew meant a nice early arrival, allowing us to hear the excellent Chris Murphy [below] sound-checking almost his entire set ahead of his 10.30 start, the expansive Halfway Around The World sounding highly atmospheric drifting out of the empty Barn in the unbroken sunshine. A later highlight of his set ‘proper’ was a full-crowd participation Tinder disaster ballad (who says country music isn’t bang up to date?) Done With Diane. 
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Bau Cat (Abby Butler and Jim Davies of the late, lamented Goat Roper Rodeo Band) turned out a suitably chilled Sunday morning set with Carib and Latin flavours topped by a nice harmony combination of her silky tones and his gruffer vocal (not often heard in the GRRB!) And they didn’t seem at all phased at being introduced by an impromptu, but full-length, rendition of Mercedes Benz by the Moonshine’s on-duty soundman…
The only performance on The Green (as always) on a Sunday came from The Rabble Chorus, with a mix of mildly spiritual and secular choral music: no Bach or Haydn sadly, but they did ‘do’ the Hothouse Flowers! Normally unaccompanied they’d drafted in a couple of guitars on this occasion. The only quibble Plunger have is that the choir could benefit from a little amplification, to get the full experience without having to stand just a foot or two away!
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Standing outside The Peacock for Drew Young [above], his set was every bit as warm as the sun on our backs, especially the mellow morning lilt of Sideways and the honeyed harmonies of Wondering Where This Will End. A darker note was struck by the haunting minor key Georgia Line, Kelly Bayfield adding the eerie counter-vocals, before taking up a tambourine to help drive the bouncy stomp of It’ll Be Soon. An upbeat finish was provided by A Couple Of Rounds Before I Go, David Booth bringing some twang on electric guitar and topped with a brief crowd-singalong-chorus finale.
Up at The Barn, The Henry Brothers, dapper (and probably bloody hot in the circumstances) in their suits, cheered everyone up with a set of upbeat Old Timey 1920s-style ballads of death, disfigurement and disaster. They were a hoot, to be honest.
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LoneHollow [who we sneaked a cheeky portrait of behind the venue, above] returned to the barn for their third set of the weekend, kicking off (after Damon’s laconic “…and the crowd went wild!” observation on the slowly refilling Barn) with his excellent cover of Gregg Allman’s heartfelt Please Call Home, and there were Allmans-y touches too to I Wouldn’t Know How. Their flair for Southern Gothic drama was well represented not only in reprises of Mary Ann and Not Today but in the dark drop-D badlands sweep of Shoot To Kill, Rylie’s airy eerie vocal matched by Damon’s atmospheric slide accompaniment. The pair bade farewell to their debut Maverick with the storming upbeat southern rocker Whiskey Woman.
The closing Moonshine set from Evangeline Gentle [below] was probably as close to a spiritual Sunday experience as Plunger were going to get, her sublime voice bewitching her audience through the anthemic poppy soar of Drop My Name, and an impassioned, warm The Strongest People Have Tender Hearts. Ella Spencer joined her once again, bringing her harmonies to Evangeline’s new single Sarah, before Evangeline ended her set with a spellbinding solo a cappella rendition (in honour of her Scots forebears) of the traditional Black Is The Colour.
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Heading past the peacock stage we caught a little of the Hoth Brothers (who follow the Thomson Twins rule - two guys who aren’t brothers, neither of whom are named Hoth, plus Sarah Ferrell... go figure). Some lovely backwoods Appalachian sounds with cracking banjo and fiddle playing.
With the end of the festival rapidly approaching campers and acts who’d already finished were making their way home so there was a certain amount of leave taking that meant we didn’t catch as much of Suzie Ungerlieder’s barn closing set as we ought, but her sweet, cool vox and some melodic guitar work in an emotional Summerbaby and the atmospheric jangling reverie of Walked All The Way Home (from back when she went under the moniker Oh Susanna) were a fittingly mellow way to come down from our Maverick high.
Another cracking weekend of Americana, country and more in highly picturesque surroundings (even if the weather didn’t always play ball), well fed by the wide range of vendors, and watered (well, ‘beered’, if that’s a word) in company with a largely chilled set of like-minded individuals… hands-down the best festival Plunger know.
It’s no wonder it feels a bit like leaving home when it all comes to an end…
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jade-parcels · 3 years
The genshin men: fatherhood edition
With: Childe, Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, Xiao, Venti, Albedo and Baizhu
Ajax loves kids and he’ll make that known early on in your relationship
Like...This man wants five or more kids but he’ll settle for four. He dreams of a big family, getting to surround himself with you and your kids every night for family dinners, everyone getting together for big birthday parties or reunions! That’s his dream life! Plus, in Snezhnaya, most families have more than two kids anyways
He will cry so hard when his babies are placed in his arms for the first time, I mean he’s a mess. Nose is running, eyes puffy, lost of sniffling lmao he is so excited to be a dad!! Don’t you dare tell the other Harbingers how much he cried...What do you mean you took a picture when he wasn’t looking??? Hey??!?!
With his obscene amount of mora, he’ll buy a huge house that will accommodate everyone. Anything you want will be purchased that day or within 48 hours, the same goes for the kids
But they’ll all learn to be thankful for what they have. They’ll learn to fight, fish and speak multiple languages. He has high expectations but let’s face it, he’ll be proud of them no matter what
You’re gonna have to be the one to put your foot down though because Ajax doesn’t enjoy being the ‘mean parent’, he has trouble saying no to the kiddos which can create some tension between you and your husband. He has good intentions of course!! He doesn’t wanna say no to those cute, freckled faces!!
Zhongli is nervous about having kids because he’s immortal. So this will go one of two ways. 1. You have the baby and the baby ends up not being immortal (or you adopt a baby who is not immortal) Then he loses you both. OR 2. You have the baby and it inherits his immortality and becomes an adeptus. Now he and the baby will have to watch you die while they both life forever.
Either way...It hurts him to think about because he loves you!! He wants to have a family with you!! He wants to give you that perfect family life every human desires!! But he’s torn
You two will just have to figure it out.
Zhongli will be a strong, male figure for your kid(s) and he will instill that traditional kindness and respect into their behavior. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ always, always offer to help someone who needs it, do good deeds and you will feel accomplished, be the best you you can be, alway try your hardest because that’s all that matters
He will be sure that your kid(s) always feel loved ALWAYS. Zhongli will tell them stories, cook for them, take them to school, anything that needs to be done. When you’ve had a rough day, he’ll step in to take over for the night without being asked. He shows interest in everything your kid(s) like and he will do his damn best to display every piece of artwork they make or every pretty rock they find
He...will make a great dad :’)
Ooooh brother, at first Kaeya says no he doesn’t want kids but...Then he starts thinking about it
He observes the happy families that walk around the cobblestone streets of Mondstadt, how the kiddos smile and laugh with their parents. He’ll patrol in the afternoons, usually rounding the corner just in time to see the city’s kids leave school for the day, watching as they all run down the street to go home to their parents or play in the fountain together...Yeah, that really warms his heart
He’d want one or two kids, preferably two to avoid an only child being lonely. He isn’t on the best terms with Diluc but he can admit that they had a great childhood together, playing at the winery and running around as brothers do
Kaeya would be a very patient, understanding father. He doesn’t have much of a temper so he’d use the kids’ mistakes as learning opportunities instead of getting upset at them
He would be obsessed with the kids when they’re babies though oh man if you thought you had baby fever, he has it times ten! He loves holding the baby, watching with a twinkling eye as his baby grasps his thumb with its tiny hand... adorable
And if your kids inherited his eyes, his star shaped pupils that his ancestors passed down to him...He’s gonna get emotional
Everyone at the knights’ headquarters and the Angel’s Share will get sick of him REALLY fast cause he won’t stop bragging about how cute and smart his kids are lmao
Diluc would be such a soft dad don’t even get me started
He loves you so much of course he wants to have kids with you! Is that even a question?? He won’t be the one to bring it up unless he gets the feeling that you want kids but once you ask, he’ll agree so fast
He’ll be grateful to even have one kid with you :’) and he’ll be fine with however many kids YOU want. You want one kid? Perfect! You want four? No problem, the manor is big enough for ten! You...you want ten...? Time to hire some more maids then lmao
Diluc is a worry wart though, he’ll be afraid to hold the baby, feed it, bathe it, he’s terrified of hurting the baby or the baby suddenly hating him. So just help him out!! Cause when he gets comfortable with the baby, he’ll be in full dad mode
He isn’t embarrassed to walk around the manor, conducting business with a baby strapped to his chest!
Diluc is a very kind, gentle dad who will always offer helpful solutions to the kiddos’ problems. He’ll make sure all of their needs are met while also trying to avoid spoiling them... Too much... There will be a fair amount of spoiling...
His own father wasn’t too affectionate with him so that’s why he’ll be affectionate with his kids! Hugs and kisses when he tucks them in at night, big dad hugs when they get home from school, holding their hands in the busy streets of Mondstadt. His father was a great dad! He just aims to be better.
Like Zhongli, he worries about the mortality thing. Since he’s an Adeptus, his kid will certainly be an Adeptus too if you have kids together.
He also worries that his kid(s) will hate him. His duty is to kill demons which means that rain or shine, holidays, special occasions, day or night he’s gotta be ready to go slaughter demonic beings. So he’ll inevitably miss out on important stages in the kiddos’ lives
And admittedly... He’ll be scared of his kids lmao
They’re screaming, crying, barfing, pooping, laughing, screaming again...He can’t predict their behavior. It’s unsettling. All of that goes away one night when you sit him down and place your sleeping baby in his arms. His eyes go wide...And he just watches. This tiny, little baby...Feels no fear for him. It’s comforted by his presence. He almost cries...ALMOST
He’s still pretty much the same Xiao we all know and love but now he has a kid. “Slaying demons is what I do...Hey, go back inside and finish your dinner. Yes, even your vegetables. I don’t care that you don’t like them-...Fine. Don’t tell your mother, bring them to me. I’ll eat them” cute :)
He’s a protective dad and husband, he’d never let anyone or anything harm his beloved family
Venti....does not want kids. He thinks they’re cute! He likes the idea of kids but he knows he wouldn’t enjoy actually having kids
You two already have so much fun together!! You don’t need a kid!! You guys have dogs!! Dogs are like kids! But they’re more independent and they’re cuter!
He’ll feel bad if you want kids and he doesn’t, he really will! But it’ll be nearly impossible to convince him cause he’s made his mind up :/
Venti’ll make it up to you somehow though, he’ll take you out more and show you all of the adventures you guys can have if there aren’t kids around
But for the sake of fatherhood headcanons, let’s pretend he gave in. Venti would be a very caring dad. He would cuddle the hell out of this kiddo and sing to them :’) the only problem is that Venti doesn’t like being tethered to one place for too long so he tends to take off and not come back for a few days... :(
Albedo wants kids mostly just to see what fatherhood would be like. He’s always been curious about what that part of his life would be like so why not have a kid
He’d be good with one kid, two at most cause after practically raising Klee, he knows how some kids can be and...He doesn’t have the mental capacity for more than two kids at a time lmao
He tries his best to show more emotion in his face. We all know he usually sits like this 😐 and goes ‘wow im so happy right now’. If you didn’t know him, you’d think he was bored out of his mind right? So he’s gotta work on that. And when he musters up a smile for the baby and it smiles back at him????? Yeah...He’s gonna try to smile a lot more now
He definitely softens up once he becomes a dad, he shows emotion more than he used to and surprisingly, he takes time off of work. Shocker, I know! He decides that he’s been in the lab long enough and that he wants to be able to be there for these moments with you and his kid(s) :’) :’) He trusts Sucrose and Timaeus to take over for him for a couple hours
He keeps a journal for each kid and writes down the date and time they have their firsts or just interesting things they do ->
- 8/4: Baby sees and plays with a cat for the first time
- 9/5: Baby smacked me in the face and laughed so hard she threw up
-9/12: Baby learns that pulling my hair gets my attention. She now continues to do so
-10/15: Baby stays at Aunt Klee’s house for the first time
Baizhu really loves kids, he works with them a lot and he considers Qiqi to be his daughter anyway but in terms of you guys having a kid together, with his condition he can probably only handle one kid running around
He will do his absolute best to be a good dad. Even if he feels like death, he’ll help change diapers, feed the baby, care for it when you need a break. He isn’t contagious so when you’re sleeping and he feels gross, he’ll sit back against the pillows with the baby on his chest, the three of you resting together (though he doesn’t fall asleep...that would be dangerous for the baby)
Baizhu already tends to nag at you about your health and lifestyle choices but now?? He’ll be a menace. He’ll be constantly evaluating your baby’s condition, checking to see if a certain food is giving them a rash or making sure their skin isn’t drying out. He’s hyper aware of your baby’s health and will be the one to treat them if they get sick
He’s a busy guy since he runs the pharmacy but he will always do his best to be present for your baby’s big milestones! And when your kid cries cause Baizhu’s medicine tastes like shit, he’ll do his best to not be disappointed in their reaction lmao
When you leave him alone with the baby, he’ll wrap a scarf around himself to tie the baby to his chest while he works and...he looks so cute :) dad baizhu <3 <3 <3 <3
Bonus points for him buying the baby toy medical equipment so he can get your kiddo interested in medicine :)
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eternalsawake · 2 years
the umbrella academy and video games they would play - mini drabble
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argue with the wall
luther, number one: honestly minecraft. it was originally stardew valley but he rage quit after getting rejected at the flower dance. has a huge hardcore world, has the best weapons, but gets scared of cave noises.
diego, number two: valorant. absolutely a jett main, but secretly loves playing fade. would definitely bait his team just to “get a clutch ace”, he dies by the bottom frag sova. taunts the top frag of the enemy team each time he kills them. “gg ez” is ingrained into his vocabulary
allison, number three: hers is really tricky but i think call of duty, specifically on xbox. she had rly horrible teammates and rumored them to hit their shots. best idea she’s ever had. has insanely good aim, been accused of hacking on multiple occasions. t bags toxic enemies.
klaus, number four: resident evil. he saw carlos oliveira and chris redfield and was hooked. screamed his ass off when he saw the baby from re8. absolutely LOVES dead by daylight as well. mains the trickster when playing killer and mains mikaela & claudette when playing survivor.
five, number five: has no interest in video games. HOWEVER klaus tried to get him into roblox, and made him play 2 games; arsenal and the mimic. he got into an argument with who he didn’t know was a dev. got banned after telling them they live in their mothers basement. tried playing the mimic, said it wasn’t scary, threw the controller into the screen after dying and left the room.
ben, number six: in his younger years, he enjoyed the sonic franchise. his favorite character is defo knuckles and/or tails. after his death, he always watched klaus play detroit become human. all the siblings watched klaus play and yelled at him when he missed the buttons. bens favorite character is markus, but alice comes second.
viktor, number seven: into more story games (twd, last of us, etc) but his favorite has to be life is strange, true colors to be exact. secretly is really into slime rancher, it helps keep their mind at bay since it’s peaceful. likes the calming music (:
and if the family happens to all play together, their playing mario kart, just dance, or smash bros.
“who the hell plays as their own mii?” - luther
“I DO YOU BASTARD.” - five
a/n: i thought this was rly fun to write 😁😁
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💙Welcome Back💙 (Obi-Wan's Version)
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In the special occasion of Obi-Wan Kenobi Series and Andor's first teaser releasing! I feel like it's the scenario that our husbands come back home to us after a long, long war. Enjoy!
And if there are mistakes, it's mine. Feel free to correct and comment ❤❤❤
Likes and Rebloggings are appreciated!
🌹Click to My AO3
Fandom: Star Wars
Request: No. It's self-indulgent super mini oneshot.
Pairing : Obi-Wan Kenobi x F!Reader
Summaries: You wait for Obi-Wan to return. Set during The Clone Wars when everything is good and Anakin doesn't fall even ROS.
Warning: Mention of death. (I've warned you though)
Rate: T
Words: 529
A/N: English is my second language. I write this before Kenobi part 3 is streaming, I guess now I have to write Cassian's Version and some Obi-Wan fluff. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 Alsooooooooo this is my first Obi-Wan's Fan fiction, I'm sorry if it's a little bit of ooc.
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Obi-Wan strode along the corridor of Y/N’s apartment in a cheerful mood. The sky outside was dusky but brightened by the lights of numerous buildings in Coruscant and speeders. 
Keying the pass code at the door, a happy smile was spreading on his lips as he saw she slept at the dining table. All of his favourite foods had been set ready, all of them were turning cold. 
“Hello there, Y/N.”  
He whispered next to her ear. She jumped. Panicking, she grabbed a spatula near her hand, almost hit him on the face, but he was quick enough to catch it.
“What takes you so long?” She pulled it back, tilting her head. 
“Just a few problems about reporting at the high Council.” 
He disrobed his brown coat and hung it on a metal hanger, while she walked to the small kitchen - bringing cups and herbal tea.
“I was afraid that you might be in danger, since you contacted me hours ago. I… I…” She put them down on the table, biting a lip, “... I thought you were wounded or worse… and I do not dare to ask anyone at Jedi Temple. Anakin and Ahsoka are assigned to another mission, this afternoon…” 
Y/N blurted out with a cracking voice, trying not to cry, and broke down.
“But I am here, my darling.” Obi-Wan took her hand in his. The warmth ran through skins. He caressed her cheek and gently tugged her lock behind her ear. “Do not fret.”
Y/N leaned, hugging him, buried her face in his chest. She trusted him enough to let him read and feel her mind most of the times, unless she denied him blatantly.
“You are the General now. Those separatists could kill you anytime and anywhere. What if Dooku has successfully come up with the scheme to lure you to death? Could one confide all the ways in war-times?” 
She gazed up, staring at Obi-Wan’s face. That was full of tiredness from endless missions and duties.
“I love you so much, Obi-Wan. I hate it every time you are away, though you are one of the outstanding and skilful Jedi Masters.” 
Obi-Wan’s eyes were softened by her confession, which he had never found in her mind before. 
“My dear Y/N, I do love you too.” He moved her closer, “if you are afraid that I will not come back, then listen to me; I promise you. I will try to keep returning to your embrace. Maybe with some scratches, wounds - but definitely alive.” 
Y/N sighed and lightly laughed, partly because of his smoothly soothing voice and his tender touches, also because of his sass.
They stood there for a minute until Y/N murmured indistinctly and delightfully.
“Welcome back, my love.”
Obi-Wan loosened his grip, kissing her forehead. 
“Rest, shower, or do whatever makes you relax. I am going to warm these foods.”
Her relieved smile caused him to smile, too. He sipped tea, watched her working around the kitchen. The sight was a pleasant scenario to behold. When the wars ended, he wished he could come back to her and stayed like this forever. 
Thank you thousand times for reading. 😊😊😊
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