#on that day in my timezone lol
cherrymoyas · 1 year
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happy splatfest! i love big mans, i hope he wins for my birthday
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jkvjimin · 5 months
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(82/∞) the perfect nose for butterflies to land on it ♡
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saltedbiscuiit · 5 months
Happy Chuuya Day!
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pastadrawstma · 7 months
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Is this anything?
Day 18 of posting magpod art daily
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theguardianace · 3 months
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fellas is it gay to have your bday card as the mlm flag
[ID in ALT]
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stobinesque · 1 year
@steddie-week day 2: fluff | 1.8k words | teen and up
The door to the apartment slammed shut, followed by the jingle-clang of keys landing in the ceramic bowl Robin had made for Steve two years ago.  
"Babe?" Steve looked up from the magazine he'd been flipping through and frowned at the stormy expression on Eddie's face. 
Eddie barely acknowledged him, just swept past with stomping feet, dropping an absentminded kiss to the top of Steve's head as he made his way into the bedroom. A few moments later Steve heard the telltale thunk and flop of Eddie's bag hitting the ground and the man himself hitting their bed.
Ah, so one of those days.
Steve set down his magazine, folded his reading glasses neatly atop it, and pushed himself up from the couch to make for the bathroom.
Eddie wanted to die. Nope, no, he wanted to commit a homicide. 
Actually, scratch that, being wanted for murder sucked.
What he wanted was for the world not to be full of a bunch of entitled little shitsacks who had never been taught how to talk to another human being who didn't have a white collar around their neck.
At least his bed was there to support him. The mattress was a little lumpy, sure, but nothing could outmatch the satisfaction of dramatically flinging oneself onto a flat surface after a shity day at work. 
The sound of running bath water filtered into Eddie's awareness. 
Okay, maybe one thing.
Steve usually allowed him a few minutes to sulk and brood when he got home feeling like shit. Sometimes interacting with any human (even someone he would literally—and nearly did—die for) was just too much. 
"Mmph." Eddie spit some of the hair that had landed in his mouth out, but didn't bother to raise his head more than half an inch off the bed to do so.
Steve chuckled. "Okay, five more minutes—otherwise the water will get too cold. I'm gonna go make us some tea."
Eddie raised an arm and waved vaguely in the direction of Steve's voice in acknowledgement.
He let himself drift for his five minutes to the sound of Steve puttering around the kitchen—grabbing mugs, teabags, the sugar jar—before peeling himself up off the bed when the shrill whistle of the kettle pierced through the relative silence of the apartment. If he wasn't in the bath by the time Steve made it there he'd be in trouble. Which could be fun, but it wasn't what he was in the mood for today. 
Eddie stripped off his—itchy, sweaty, suffocating—uniform as he padded over to the bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes behind him as he went.
Steve waltzed back into the bathroom with two steaming mugs in his hand to find Eddie already situated in the tub, knees pulled up under his chin, hair piled up in a messy bun, and one hand dragging lazily across the surface of the water. 
Steve set both mugs down on the ground next to the bath. "Hey, baby," he murmured, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend’s temple.
"Hi." Eddie's voice was low and subdued.
“Bad day?” Steve asked as he pulled his shirt up and over his head.
Eddie shrugged. “You could say that.”
“Wanna talk about it?” Steve shucked off his jeans.
Eddie shook his head. “Not much to talk about.”
“Okay.” Steve folded his clothes, set them in a neat stack atop the closed toilet lid, and carefully lowered himself into the bath behind Eddie.
The water was just a touch too hot for his own comfort, but Eddie ran cold and preferred his baths on the scalding warmer side. (Shared showers were a trial. Eddie insisted that Steve was trying to murder him with frostbite. Steve maintained that Eddie was trying to boil the both of them alive.)
Some of the tension had already bled out just from being in the bath. Eddie’s shoulders were no longer curled up around his ears—instead, he was slouched forward into the water. 
Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist and pressed a kiss to the patchy birthmark high up on his back, smiling when Eddie responded with a humming little sigh. “Wash my hair?” he asked.
“Sure thing, Eds.”
Steve reached over to grab the shampoo and tiny bucket they left in the shower just for this. “Wanna drink some of your tea before I douse you?”
Eddie didn’t say anything, but reached out blindly to grab one of the steaming mugs next to the tub. Steve didn’t bother holding back a snort that he’d managed to grab the “Don’t Bother Me, I’m Crabby” mug they’d nicked from Wayne. 
Eddie took a slow sip of the tea, and the second he’d set it back down and straightened back up, Steve dumped a bucket of warm water over his head.
Eddie spluttered. “Babe, what the fuck!”
Steve snickered from behind him. “Just wanted to make sure you were here on earth with me, bedhead.”
Eddie shook his head like a rain-soaked dog. “You could have at least taken out the ponytail first!”
“I suppose I could have,” Steve said, lips twitching up into a smile as he reached up to start pulling Eddie’s dark curls from where they’d gotten tangled in the hair tie. “I got you talking again in something other than a monotone, though.”
“Maybe I was enjoying playing the dark, broody hero.”
Steve pinched Eddie’s side, which resulted in a high-pitched squeak, and a wild flail that had water splashing up around them. "Behave," Steve chastised—though the warning was undercut by the laugh of unconcealed delight he barked out as Eddie’s arms swung around him. 
"You're the one assaulting me in my time of suffering!"
"Suck it up, buttercup,” Steve shot back, combing his fingers through wet curls and gently detangling each and every knot he ran into. He couldn't help but rub the silky-soft strands between his fingers as he went. Steve's own day had been slow and uneventful, but a quiet sort of unease had been hovering at the edges for hours. Drawing Eddie a bath and settling in behind him to wash his hair helped settle Steve back into his body just as much as it did for Eddie. 
Steve began working shampoo into Eddie's roots, massaging his fingers into his scalp, and Eddie's head tipped back as he let out a pleased hum that sounded almost like a purr. "Love your fingers in my hair, Stevie," he mumbled, sounding a bit hazy.
"Yeah? Is that the only place you like my fingers?" Steve asked, right into Eddie's ear. 
Eddie scrambled back upright and turned to face Steve with an alarmed expression on his face. "No! Why would you think that? Did I say something to make you think that? Please, I’m so sorry, baby. Please know that I love your fingers anywhere on me. Or in me. What if they went somewhere else right now?" 
Steve laughed, grabbing Eddie's shoulder to turn him back around with one hand, and dipping the bucket back into the water to rinse the suds out of Eddie's hair with the other. When Steve was sure he'd thoroughly rinsed Eddie's hair he leaned past him to grab the conditioner and whisper in his ear, "You can get them somewhere else a little later if you're good for me, baby," before leaning back and clicking the bottle open.
"I'll be so good for you, Stevie. Just tell me what I gotta do."
"Keep still and don't sass me for the next five minutes."
Eddie's mouth opened and then immediately snapped back shut as he clearly decided that whatever his response to that was gonna be probably qualified as "sass."
"Good boy," Steve said simply, dropping another kiss to Eddie's back. 
"I can be good when I wanna be," Eddie grumbled. 
"Careful," Steve shot back, gently chiding. He methodically worked the conditioner through Eddie's hair in sections, tugging gently as he did, just for the soft satisfaction that ran through him every time Eddie let out a soft gasp in response to it. 
"Always careful, Stevie," Eddie mumbled back, eyes fluttering shut. 
Steve reached down to brush one hand over the scars running down Eddie's side. "Not always," he whispered, just a little sadly, as he pressed a firm kiss to the mostly-faded ring of scars at his throat. 
"Mm, don't be sad, baby."
"Not sad. Just glad you're alive."
Eddie was quiet for a stretch, and Steve chuckled. 
"What? What were you gonna say, asshole?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, love," Eddie replied, all faux innocence.
"You were gonna say something sassy just then, that's why you went all quiet. So, out with it, come on. How were you gonna sass me in response to me saying I'm glad you're alive?"
"Promise you won't hold it against me?"
"Yeah, baby." Steve leaned over to press a kiss to Eddie’s nose. "This one's a freebie."
Eddie looked over his shoulder with a wide grin, and a twinkle in his eye. "I was gonna call you a sap."
Steve rolled his eyes. "Oh, well, fuck me for being happy my boyfriend's alive I guess."
"I was actually hoping that you would fuck me," Eddie replied. 
"You're pushing your luck, Eds," Steve warned, yanking lightly at his hair. 
"Sorry, baby."
Steve ran his hands up and down the sides of Eddie's arms. "All forgiven, Eds." 
Steve let his hands drift as he waited for the conditioner to rest—digging his fingers into the dense coils of muscle in Eddie's neck, smoothing his palms down the ridges of Eddie's spine, ghosting his hands up Eddie's sides. When time was up, he grabbed the bucket, turned on the tap to fill it with clean, warm water, and spilled it over Eddie’s head. Steve combed his fingers through the chestnut locks again, making sure he’d thoroughly rinsed them once more. The two of them fell still and silent, like two little stones in the river bed. 
Steve loved this. The quiet trance they fell into, as Eddie relaxed into the water, and Steve pressed kisses into his lover’s skin, and they both forgot the mugs of tea that Steve made. 
Steve separated Eddie’s hair into even sections, savoring the feeling of freshly cleaned locks passing through his fingers as he wove the strands together—over-under, over-under, over-under—and plaited Eddie’s hair down the length of his back. When he was done, he flipped the end of the braid back over Eddie’s shoulder, and Eddie leaned further into him, pressing the length of his back against Steve’s chest.
Steve let his hands start wandering, and Eddie let out a soft gasp of surprise when the pads of Steve's thumbs brushed over both nipples. "Steve."
"Shh, I got you baby," Steve murmured, and let one hand drop down to where Eddie was stiffening up beneath the water.
"I know you do, Stevie," Eddie whispered back on a sigh and a gasp. "I know you do."
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madebysimblr · 2 months
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Later that Day, Del Sol Valley.
James: [sighs heavily at the unknown cars.] Oh. Right.
[laughter coming from the kitchen]
Person 1: Well no one REALLY cooks every day!
Person 2: I sure don't have time!
Interviewer: Yes, yes, thank you. Anyway back to the questions-
Ti: Of course.
James: [to himself] Just get this all over with.
Ti: I thought that was you!
James: [jumps!] Jesus, Ti. You scared me.
Ti: [laughs] Sorry, I'm just so happy you're home! You should have come in and said hello! We could have included you in the segment!
James: I didn't want to intrude. Besides, it was a long flight. I'm tired.
Ti: Right ok. Well the nanny has the kids still, so we have time just the two of us.
James: Good, there's some stuff I want to talk to you about.
Ti: Talking can wait, I missed you.
James: Damnit, Ti! I said I was tired!
Ti: You don't have to yell… I… You were gone for over a month. [voice breaks] Did you even miss me?
James: ….. I'm sorry, baby. Of course I did.
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wundrousarts · 1 year
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Morrigan <3
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squishlamb · 2 years
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i want you with me on this road to the sky we’ll be shining every night i promise you just me and you 💫🌌
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sirensea14 · 1 year
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Yep, i did it guys, the IMinktober lol
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nordsea-horizons · 2 years
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✨almost time for the new year✨
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yukipri · 1 year
I feel like over the month+, I have like 1-2 hours a day max where I feel relatively awake, and every other hour I'm fighting bone-deep exhaustion. I'll bring it up with my doc at my check up on monday, but tbh i know the solution so idk if she can help
And I can work-work when I feel half-dead, or rather I force myself to because I don't want my cats to starve, but when it comes to creative stuff, it's like my mind is slippery sludge dribbling out my eyes...
The Solution, of course: just stop working 3~10 AM every day (and then taking a short nap, working during the day, and then taking another short nap, hours vary but repeat), and maybe get at least 6, ideally 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep at least every other day, ideally every day.
But do I see that happening? No.
Like rn I know I desperately need to edit fic and reply to comments and do several arts but I'm nodding off at my desk after boss DMing me work at 5 AM and dealing with repair people since 8:30 AM...
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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happy riddle day i spent 4 hours at the dentist
i drew the first page of doodles in the waiting room then came home and drew More Riddle. I Love My Son please celebrate him
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koffing-time · 4 months
A customer slowly pushes the door open. Their face is primarily obscured by their hoodie but one eye is visible, scanning the restaurant lazily. Eventually, they notice the reception desk and start walking towards it. An Alakazam, almost as tall as the customer, floats in after them but turns after a while and sits at a table far from their Trainer. The customer loudly ruffles through his pockets before find a piece of paper, straighten it out, then slams it on the desk.
“Uh… hi,” the customer mumbles. “I got this flier in the mail a little bit ago. I was thinking of redeeming it.”
"One sec!" the barista shouts as they finish another customers order by putting a small mound of whipped cream on top of some sort of iced drink. "Here you go. Enjoy!"
As they walk over, they also quickly wash their hands and dry them on the apron with a little Koffing motif. "Alright, what can i-"
As Tix notices the coupon, their face turns into a strange mixture of an annoyed frown and an amusied grin. "I... did not know brandy also PRINTED some of these. I thought they just sent some random people some messages. Huh." They glare up towards the ceiling, where a fan is slowly spinning with not perfectly constant velocity. The characteristic face of a rotom grins back from the blades as it goes round and round and round and round.
After a short pause, the barista snaps back to service-mode. "Right. I already decided i'll accept the coupons, but as they're not exactly official i can't really tell you what you can get for it. Just choose an item and we're good, is that okay? You can get a drink or a pastry, or a poffin for your Pokémon maybe?"
"I don't even have a printer. How did brandy make this?.." they mumble under their breath while waiting for Shane to decide
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eirasummersart · 1 year
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Today is maid day and, after seeing this beautiful Heartslabyul maid dress design, I really wanted to draw it too. So the dress ISN'T MY DESIGN! Please show the og artist some love, their art is amazing!
I decided to draw Dalia since she's my cute cat girl and I knew she'd look adorable in it 💕I hope you all like it! C:
Closeup crop because I liked it too!
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Commissions are open, check out my pinnned post if you’re intersted!
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theirloveisgross · 2 years
my love letter to walls, the album by louis tomlinson.
dearest walls,
you came into my life when you were barely one year old. it took me a few listens, but then... i'd find myself going back to you more and more.
thanks for being the album that made me fall in love with louis and his beautiful unique voice that i can't get enough of. the album that hugged me in ways i didn't know i needed until i felt its warmth. the album that unlocked the door to two hearts one home. the album that made me experience an artist's world tour like i never had before. the album that i saw live 5 times and, like, 60+ times through livestreams. the album that i got to scream in person with some of my favorite people that i met, partly, through you.
i think your sucessor, faith in the future, is a masterpiece and an upgrade in so so so many ways, but... you, walls, will always, always, always have such a special place in my heart, because you're that feeling i can't put down. and now i'm crying.
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✨💖 happy 3rd birthday, walls! 💖✨
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