#on the previous tag idk it’s not disinterest it’s more like
shibe · 1 year
i think the worst part of it all is the realization that the rose colored glasses are finally coming off
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a-slut-for-smut · 3 years
what are your top 10 relationships in aot?
Hmm very interesting question anon- thanks for asking! Idk if i can really rank them since i only have the one OTP, but i can certainly give my 2 cents on the most popular pairings, according to the interwebs.
2 things to keep in mind:
i dont hate/dislike any pairing. I dont care enough to waste energy doing so. I like what i like, other people like what they like- simple as that, i cant understand why its so hard for ppl to grasp this concept
You may be wondering about my recent tag usage because ive been tagging a lot of diff ships- mainly for my anti-SNK139 shitposts. Just had a wild idea that maybe- JUST MAYBE, we could all put aside our differences and just have a laugh at our shared misery. Because idk how any of us are supposed to be happy with this ending. I mean, upon reflection I see what Isayama was going for, but idk its just tough to swallow unlike Levi's fun juice. Which, in my opinion, should be taken as a compliment- the man set the bar so high with the previous arcs that our expectations were thru the roof despite a rushed final arc, and he just...missed the dunk? Anyway hot take, i know.
Ok i digress- to the ask, in no particular order:
Cute ship, very fluffy. Who doesn't like best friends to lovers trope? And theres no denying they have mutual respect for each other, which is a huge kink of mine. Honestly, its hard for me to ship a pairing if it isn't evident. That said, does this pairing get my ovaries going? Eh, not particularly but i still likies
I was behind this ship mainly because i was sold on Eren's "Walter White" villain arc. What better catalyst for a dramatic change in character than if their child was involved? The idea that Eren went full Hitler because he got Historia preggers and wanted the child to grow up in a "free" world? What parent wouldnt sell their soul for that goal, given the world they live in? And Historia- grappling with the knowledge/morality of Eren's plan but for the sake of the child? Prime for character development. Not to mention all the blatant crumbs. But Isayama went NOPE.
Oh boy. So, firstly, i would have readily accepted this ship if Isayama laid off the one-sidedness a bit. But he didnt. And while im sure there are instances that can be interpreted as mutual affection, i dont see how that excuses all the times Eren snapped at her/just generally annoyed with her attentions. Like, we dont know his POV at all until the very end which retroactively you can say, oh he didnt want to cause her future pain? But by then its too late for US. And in the end (im not clear on this tho/too lazy to check) was it ever made clear to Mikasa that he reciprocated her feelings? Im prob biased/self-projecting here, but I would NOT have stuck around on the off-chance that the dude is faking his disinterest?? Even if he did save my life and is my childhood friend! You dont owe someone love because of that, but because of how you mutually treat one another. Anyway i woulda taken the fucking hint and moved onto Levi's dick, i would never put up with that nonsense
These 2 are bonded, to say the least. They hold each other in high regard and i love that about any ship. Good stuff.
Doesn't do much in the ovary-dept for me relationship-wise, but man, this ship is popular for a reason. The fanart for this ship is TOP TIER 
Again, they regarded each other highly and theres no denying they deeply cared for one another. Sometimes love doesnt give a shit what genitals you happen to have, why cant ppl understand this? We all got hearts and souls, that counts for something??
The energy for this ship is a little tepid for me. Maybe because her ass was stuck in a crystal 70% of the story, but i liked pre-crystal annie alot. If anything, i preferred her dynamic with Eren more, mainly because Eren respected her so much and she contributed a lot to his character growth in the first arc. Just my preferred dynamic for a ship. Also she kicked his ass so much i was beginning to think he was into it
Dont mind it at all. I think it lacks a certain degree of intensity that i prefer in my ships, but theres def mutual respect there and im all for it.
Thought this was a cute ship that came to bloom in the later chapters. its intriguing dynamic- falling in love with the (former) enemy kind of way.
Uh. Where to start. Actually i wont because this post is long enough as is. Just peruse my blog if you're actually curious ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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ladybugsfanfics · 5 years
Shut Up And Kiss Me [8/?] | Tom Hiddleston x reader
 Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader
Style: part 8 of ??
WC: 1.5k (i know it’s short but, yeah well)
Warnings: pining, idk bad writing, unedited
Summary: You and Professor Hiddleston have been colleagues for many years now, and through those years the hatred for each other has only grown. Now, as a new school year starts, you’re being told that you have to share a classroom or a class. Neither are happy about the outcome, but knowing you’ll never come to an agreement, you let the class choose for you. Team-teaching is rare in 2019, but it is a lot harder to do when you can’t stand the person you’re doing it with. 
A/N: this is kind of short, but it suddenly got like midnight here, and I’m stupid and I also had little motivation and it isn’t the best part but I hope it satisfies and promise to deliver smth better next week -_- hope you enjoy ^_^
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Previous | Series Masterlist | Part Nine
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“Hey, good job, take five, okay?” 
Tom nods and moves to get a water bottle. Y/N does the same, almost emptying hers in a matter of seconds. He shakes his head and goes back to drinking from his own bottle. 
The drama teacher (who is less annoyed now that she was appointed director of the play) has them work together every day. It’s been a little over a week since the play was announced and the drama teacher, set on having this be the best production set up by the faculty, is working them to the brim. He has less time to grade papers, come up with new and exciting tasks for his students, and actually work on what he’s supposed to. 
The only upside to the play? He gets to spend time with Y/N. Weirdly enough, that has become an upside. He doesn’t know when the change came, or how exactly it happened, but it did and he isn’t complaining. 
Tom sets down his water bottle as the drama teacher comes up to him. She has this smile on her face Tom doesn’t enjoy, but he returns her smile with a polite one. 
“Hi, Tom,” she says, her voice overly sweet, “you’re doing a great job. Mind making Y/N do the same? She doesn’t seem to be too into this.”
He glances over at Y/N, who stand with the script in hand, reading through the scene they’re working on. Not every line sits, but most of Tom’s does. Y/N hasn’t had the easiest route there. “I think she’s doing the best she can,” he replies, “don’t worry, the play will come out great.”
The drama teacher doesn’t seem happy with his answer, but she doesn’t comment on it and goes back to her seat. In a rather annoyed tone, she yells “okay, let’s take it from the top of the scene. Again.”
He leans down, eyes locked with Y/N’s. His heart beats faster, and faster. Heat traces his back. They’re so close, he can feel her closeness. And then―
Y/N scrambles out of his grip, a polite smile plastered on her face but a thankful glimt in her eyes. Tom returns it, though his heart sinks to the bottom of his gut. It’s not that he’s so eager to kiss her, it’s more that he doesn’t understand what’s so bad about kissing him. 
They probably weren’t going to actually kiss until the play was acted. There was no way that would happen. 
She moves across the stage in hurried steps. Anger seeps out of her eyes, smoke out of her ears and fire out of her nostrils. “You… Asshole.” 
Tom moves back. “I’m sorry.” 
“Sorry?” she asks, voice incredulous. “That’s all you have to say in your defense. A tiny little sorry.” 
He stays quiet. The silence stretches out. 
“Incredible.” She shakes her head, walks past him and sighs. With a last look behind her at him, she walks off the stage. 
The sound of keyboards being used, of voices whispering to each other and of continuous sighs fills the open room of the lecture hall. Tom watches as the students type away, notes how some make grimaces as the write, some mouth the words, and some uses a notebook to help them. 
To his right stands Y/N, eyes traveling over the students looking for the same as him; a hand risen, needing help. He doesn’t find anyone, and neither does his coworker. “I think they got the hang of it,” he tells her. 
She nods. “Yeah, I’m just scared of what they’re writing. Kind of sick of all those couple stories of us.” 
Tom presses his lips together and nods in agreement. “Those aren’t very appropriate, are they?” he asks. 
Y/N shakes her head. “Not really.” She shrugs. “I don’t know, Tom. This play is draining my energy.”
“Yes, mine, too.” He sighs. “It’s taking time away from what I would like to do, which is my work.”
Y/N nods. “Exactly.”
Usually, Tom goes straight from his office and to the classroom, but today he needs a big cup of coffee, and with some extra minutes to spare, he makes his way to the teacher’s lounge. 
The room is empty save for one woman standing by the coffee machine. He recognizes the back of her head, and isn’t surprised when Y/N turns around and sits down in the first chair she finds. 
Tom goes to the coffee machine and pours himself a cup. He relishes in the fresh smell; knowing it’s fresh and newly made makes it even better. With the cup firmly placed in his hands, heating them up a little, he sits down across from Y/N who looks half-asleep with her cup lifted up to her face. 
Neither of them say anything. Neither of them have to, as the silence is more than enough. 
It takes a few minutes before Y/N puts down her mug. She frowns at Tom, her brows drawn together and a squinting look on her face. She tilts her head, presses her lips together and leans forward. “I think I’m wrong, but there’s something on your mug.”
Tom frowns, removing the mug from his face and giving it a check. “I can’t see something.”
“Oh, it’s gone now.” She shrugs. 
He takes a sip, and sees a smile form on Y/N’s face. “It’s back now.”
Tom rolls his eyes. “Ha, ha, very funny,” he replies. 
She nods. “Yeah, I know. Too tired to really make an effort, I guess.” 
“I suppose that isn’t so weird.” 
It’s the end of the week. Finally, Friday, and all Tom can think about is getting a break. Said break will mostly include grading papers and working, but a break nonetheless. 
However, before he gets there, he has two hours confined to the space that is the university's auditorium. They’ve been practicing for two weeks, and they have two more, but the drama teacher insists to go on stage and have the spotlight directed at the two of them. 
Y/N stands centerstage, squinting out to the audience with a scrunched up nose and downturned mouth. A picture of the feeling Tom has in his gut. There are some people in the audience (Benedict said ‘wouldn’t miss it for the world’ and dragged Eddie with him, and if Tom isn’t wrong, sent a text to your friend about the little ‘show’ as he’d put it), and despite the bright light in his eyes, he can see their outlines. Benedict, Eddie and Y/BFF/N all sit in the front row with excited grins on their faces. 
“Which scene are we taking?” asks Y/N, holding her arm up over her eyes to not go blind. 
A small chant of ‘kiss scene’ sounds from the first row and Tom suppresses a smile when Y/N directs a glare in a certain trio’s direction. 
“I thought we could do the kiss scene, and maybe you actually kiss today,” replies the drama teacher, “you need to do it once before the actual show. The more, the better.” A whistle and a yell of ‘woohoo’ follows. 
Tom shakes his head, but nods. “From the top, or?” 
“Do the scene before and then the kiss scene, and we’ll take it from there.” 
Tom nods again and retreats behind the curtain. He watches in his peripheral vision as Y/N does the same, only to drag a chair out on stage and sit down. Script in hand and eyes closed, she leans back. The light from the spotlight cascades over her, showing off her features and a thought runs at the back of Tom’s mind. A thought he chooses to ignore. 
“Action,” says a disinterested voice from the audience. 
Tom’s eyes follows as Y/N stretches in the chair. She fakes a yawn and presses her lips together. The silence stretches on as Y/N moves about on stage. To not wanting to do this in the first place, and not thinking herself a good actor, she knows how to captivate the stage without saying a single thing. 
His heart beats faster, knowing what’s about to happen. There aren’t many characters in the play, as it focuses mainly on the two leads, but there are a few scenes with one of the leads and someone of a lesser role. 
A doorbell noise rings across the speakers. Y/N moves about to the edge of the stage, and walks back with professor Bettany. There aren’t any lines in the scene, only silence and the act of things. The way Bettany moves his mouth, a whisper across the stage, and the reaction on Y/N’s face. If Tom isn’t wrong, an actual tear rolls down your cheek. 
There’s a gasp from the audience, and Tom diverts his view to see Y/N’s best friend leaning forward to watch with intense interest. And the lights go. 
Tom walks to his position on the stage. He can see Y/N take her place at the other end. And despite the little want in his beating heart and his clammy hands, the kiss scene doesn’t end in a kiss. 
Both to his, the trio in the front row and the director’s dismay. Exactly what Y/N thinks, Tom isn’t sure because all he ever sees is your relieved face when your lips don’t touch, making him ache in every way.
permanent tags: @devilbat @adefectivedetective @gamillian
tom tags:  @inlovewith3 @bookgirlunicorn @mindlesschicca @justawriterinprogress @wolfsmom1 @loser-alert @satanskatze
tags:  @plooffairy @just-the-hiddles @jennytwoshoes @lokissidehoe @fruitfly123 @princetale @scorpionchild81 @noplacelikehome77 @winterisakiller @lostsoldieronahill @nonsensicalobsessions @cherrygeek86 @louhpstuff @olyamoriarty @sunshinein17 @kthemarsian @kumikowi @secretcupcakekitty @buckygrantbarnes @josis-teacup @runawaygiirl @januarycalendargirl @funny-fangirl @kinghiddlestonanddixon @scorpiomindfuck  @dr-kayleigh-dh @inmyworstlies @twhgirl @maah-chan @florencia93c @i-am-a-mes @o-deya @eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @cantaloupewatch @carpediem-spero @createdbyanintensenerd​ @beananacake @lysawayne​ @nightrose64
bold in the taglist are people tumblr won’t let me mention
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konan-supernova · 5 years
Only The Beginning
Words: 1,036
Ao3 link
TW/CW: spoiler, Deceit, dark sides mentioned, angsty? Let me know if I need to add anything else
Tagging @phlying-squirrel bc it's angst and definitely related to the endcard? Thought you might like it, idk
Anyway,n on to the story:
“Very well done, Virgil,” Virgil stiffened as he heard the voice, turning his head to Patton's usual spot in front of the curtains. “You're so…. evolved.”
“Deceit,” he huffed. “Real classy of you to sneak up on a side in the middle of housekeeping,” he raised the spider in his hand, stroking it in a way that (he hoped) appeared relaxed, disinterested.
“Well, ‘Classy’ is my middle name. Seriously, it's on my birth certificate, you can look it up, for proof.”
“Yeah, maybe…” Virgil struggled for a response - what could he say to get that stupid snake away from him? “Maybe in opposite town.”
Deceit burst out in over-the-top laughter, and Virgil knew he hadn't quite hit the mark there.
“Alright, alright, you're… overselling it, now,” Virgil gestured at him, hoping he could shut this whole conversation down. Things were only going to get worse, though, and a part of him, deep and primal and terrified, knew that.
“Oh, you are hilarious, Virgil,” Deceit wiped a fake tear from his eye. “You always have been.”
“What are you doing here,” Virgil ground out, his fists curled at his side. He was fine, this was fine, everything was fine.
“Hmm,” Deceit waved a hand in the air. “A bunch of talk about Halloween, a season for dressing up and pretending to be something or someone else,” Virgil rolled his eyes, forcing his facial muscles to relax. “You’re right, a master of deception such as myself has no place in that kind of discussion.”
“Okay, me being able to elicit fear doesn't take away from the fact that I've grown,” Virgil glared. “So don't even try me with that, Harvey Dense.”
“Clever retort,” Deceit exclaimed, sending chills down Virgil's spine. Shut up shut up shut up- “And convincing statement. And cool costume. Are you supposed to be Scarecrow in Joel Schumacher's cancelled third Batman film?”
“You know this is what I normally wear,” Virgil applied the distaste on thick, hoping it would hide the fear still shaking in his soul. How much longer could he keep this up? How long would it be until Deceit brought one of the others into this?
“I've never seen that outfit before in my life,” Deceit said hastily, inspecting his gloves. “Stylish clothing aside, just be sure to… keep up that personal growth, Virgil,” why is he using my name, why does he get to use my name, why why why- “Who knows? Maybe soon, you could be rid of us all.”
Finally, finally, Deceit began to sink down. Virgil took a deep breath, already processing his final comment, eyes widening as he realized exactly who Deceit was referring to-
“Oh! What the-” Deceit popped up again, holding up Patton's Scooby Doo dog collar in his hands. “I was…. totally not looking for thissss…”
“Yeah, you better run,” Virgil sighed and rolled his eyes, beginning to relax this time.
“What was that?” Deceit popped up once more and Virgil wanted to scream, what was he doing, why couldn't he just get out-
“Nothing, get out!” Virgil yelled, wincing at the way his voice cracked from fear, from weakness.
Deceit left for the final time, leaving him exhausted and tense and still filled with fear. How could Deceit still do this to him? How could the mere mention of the others do this to him? He was supposed to be the terrifying one, not them!
But perhaps that was the scary part - he would never be the scary, fear-inducing side he needed to be. There was always something to be afraid of, and while there was, there was no way for Virgil to take control of fear and use it to his advantage. No. When Deceit was around, he would always be afraid, always be the scared one, the powerless one.
Maybe that was a good thing. Yes, he was still valid back when he had been…. the villain, but he was growing now. He was going through more things. He was a friend now, not an enemy. A good guy, even, not a monster. He was by no means a hero, but he wasn't the biggest problem on Thomas's plate, not anymore. He just didn't need to be scary anymore, did he?
He just didn't need to be scary.
Virgil froze at the realization, sitting down on the stairs, his previous activities forgotten. None of the others had liked it when he had tried to scare them only moments ago, even if they admitted it was helpful, necessary even, for understanding him, understanding his growth. It was good as an illustrative tool, but it had hurt them, he had hurt them.
Was that really what he needed? Was that really what Thomas needed? God, it sure wasn't what the others needed.
“Huzzah! And that means my beautiful costume can remain untouched,” Roman had sounded so confident, so relieved, so happy that Virgil would finally be leaving him alone. That Virgil would finally ignore him, move past him. And Roman loved attention.
But not mine, Virgil realized. A new fear seized him, this time not brought on by the thought of the other Dark Sides, or Deceit, or anything Thomas was doing.
No, this fear… this was his own fault.
You're too much, he realized. You've been toning it down, but it's not enough, they're still annoyed with you. They just won't say it because you're more like them now.
In his head, he made a plan to further his personal growth in a way that would be better for everyone. He was so sure of this, so convinced that he had figured it out.
Inn the shadows, there was a flash of yellow and the faint sound of laughter, over-the-top and completely unnecessary. It faded quickly - his job was done. Virgil was truly alone now, for the first time since Deceit had first appeared, but that made little difference. It wouldn't be long now before the next phase began, the final phase of his plans. Very soon, it would all come together, and he just knew that Virgil would cry and cry and cry. And now, all he had to do was wait.
Not much longer, now. Not much longer at all.
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fractempyreal · 5 years
Shipping Info Meme
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Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Fandom-wise ,  I don’t really believe I ship Vergil with anyone ( considering that for the most part, all the characters are related in some way or form ) .  I think that if there’s anything I could potentially ship ,  it would probably be Vergil and Lady but it’s not so much an OTP for me at least .  
Roleplay-wise -----  as I’m sure many people have noticed on this blog ,  I definitely love the ship that I have with @destructivour .  It’s exciting ,  considering the extreme differences between the two characters where it’d difficult to even imagine them together to begin with .  Definitely not the conventional sort of relationship especially in terms of their first meeting ,  but with having talked to Jarvia about them so much ,  it’s fascinating to see how they can relate in certain ways .  Most of the time I’m just crying about them though ,  considering that we end up having a lot of juicy ,  angsty ideas that we play around with as well .  100% it’s definitely the OTP that exists on this blog .
Essentially everything that one can think of ,  barring non/dub-con ,  incest, pedophilia, and the such .  There’s no place for it on my blog ,  and there’s no place for people that do write that shit on my blog either . Otherwise ,  angst ,  fluff ,  smut ,  etc . ?  Hit me with it all .  Take me .
No minors ,  at  all .  Even at his youngest age shown in games ,  Vergil is still of age and again I don’t support the idea of writing ns/fw or shipping with a character that is a minor .  In terms of being of ageless beings ,  I do feel like the other character has to at least appear to be around the similar age as Vergil ,  and considering that I sometimes like to RP him as someone that’s a couple centuries old ,  it’s a thing where there’s a bit more leeway as to what goes and what doesn’t .  
YES .  Very much so .  If you know me from my other blogs ,  then you know how this tends to go .  Most all my muses are extremely difficult to ship with ,  and Vergil is no different .  In fact ,  he’s perhaps the HARDEST to ship with if only because of his disposition and overall disinterest in about 95% of all things .  Shipping with me takes A LOT of work ,  and if you’re not willing to put in the effort or show interest outside of smut ,  then it’s  basically impossible to get a ship off the ground with me .
Once they’re performing the act ,  it’s NS/FW  and will be tagged and placed under a readmore .
Again ,  I could ship Vergil with Lady if there’s some sort of development between them .  Overall though ?  I ship him with power ,  as well as peace because there’s a lot of shit going on in his head .
YES. This is very much preferred because otherwise I’m probably going to assume that every relationship between our muses is platonic .  Of course ,  I should mention that I only have romantic ships with close friends ,  and depending on the muse that I have ,  it kind of varies what sort of ship it might turn out to be .  I do encourage a lot of platonic relationships ,  as those are ones that I’m most accustomed and used to RPing .  Idk there’s just always something nice about someone wanting to have a platonic relationship with a muse instead of a sexual/romantic one .
Not very often .  Again if you know my other blogs ,  then it’s pretty obvious that I’m not ever that focused with finding ships for my muses because I don’t much care for them due to previous ( somewhat bad )  experiences involving shipping .  Chemistry between muns and muses is critical as well ,  if there’s no OOC connection or I’m the one that has to constantly initiate any conversation about ships ,  then I view it as disinterest on the other side and drop the ship .  
Ship more-or-less .  Again ,  I’m not very keen on shipping seeing that there’s always been some kind of petty issue that follows so I try to keep away from it because honestly ,  there should  be more of a focus in terms of interest in a character rather than the focus of  ‘ I wanna bone that character ‘ .  If we already have a ship together though ,  then I’m definitely ship-obsessed and will talk about them with you  ( i.e. scream ,  send you posts/gifs/images that remind me of them ,  and have you come to the conclusion that I’m actually Satan  )  essentially 24/7 or leave you messages about random thoughts that I’ve had throughout the day in terms of AU’s or just more angst material .  Essentially ,  I’ll annoy the fuck out of you about our ship .
Not really ?  I do have some muses that are selectively multiship  ( which tbh tends to mean dualship more than anything )  or even single ship .  Again ,  there’s hardly ever an emphasis on shipping on my blogs and if there is any kind of multishipping going on ,  it tends to be with Jarvia’s other muses or muses of friends that I’m super close with .  
I’ve never been a huge shipper so I never looked at the characters in DMC and thought to ship them together ?  Also because there’s so few characters to ship with that aren’t related to each other to begin with lmao .  If I do have a ship ,  it’s most definitely DantexHappiness .  In terms of actual people ,  then I can go with DantexLady, LadyxTrish. . . uh. . . NeroxKyrie has potential if the relationship was actually developed between them .  SpardaxEva are the OG’s without a doubt .
Become my friend and derp around with me .  Read my rules on my blogs and most questions will already be answered there as to whether or not I’m looking for some kind of ship on my blogs or not .  It tends to be pretty obvious who does read them and who doesn’t just based on initial OOC interactions .  If we have good OOC chemistry ,  then shipping could possibly happen after a little bit of work between our muses .
Tagged by: A couple of people I don’t even remember omg I’m sorry I’m a sham Tagging: @destructivour, @vvaytofall, @lunima, @akumeis, @hybridea | @hallowedcraft | @rookonteur, @divitale, @hhemeraa, @hopewrought, @atlaslain, @vxmpirehunterd | @hishumbleself, @godscale | @misahpyr, @faterror, @zonnelicht, @vitxale, @warsrph, @chainedaccursed  *DABS*
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