#on the verge of doing something embarassing to get myself out of this
castielafflicted · 1 year
turns out what it takes for me to bookmark a fic that uses "cass" instead of "cas" is to plunge my brain so far in the pretending to be dean space that im lost when its over
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Hi Mae! I’m gonna ramble in your inbox for a sec don’t mind me
So it’s graduation season (as you are very aware, congrats btw!!) and I just graduated high school today and it was great but it was also really sad (and I’m aware this is very dumb to complain about because a lot of people have no one around them to support them and I am very lucky because I do) but I was there alone up until the ceremony started and my family came to watch.
And I know that I wasn’t the only one getting ready alone but it made me kinda sad to see all these kids with their parents helping them get ready and taking care of them and I didn’t have that. And I know that it’s not because my parents don’t love me, they just always have so much going on and I’ve always kinda had to look after myself and I’m usually fine. (And realistically I know if they were there it would probably be way more stressful) but for some reason it just made me really sad. I was struggling to get all my stuff on right so much that the girl in front of me had to help T-T and I just kept thinking that I wish I had a mom there.
Thankfully I had friends there who were looking after me too (one of them gave me free rein of his chocolate pretzels ♥️) and my teachers were all really great but I was literally on the verge of tears all day bc of all the emotions T-T
Also a random guy saw me waiting after the ceremony by myself and just said “congratulations, kiddo” i literally almost started bawling 😭 so I am very lucky that I had more support than a lot of other people, I was just kinda lonely for a bit. (I really hope this doesn’t come across like I’m ungrateful rip)
Anyways that’s all!! I hope things are going well for you!
Hi lovely, I don't think that's dumb to complain about at all!
I actually think I really get where you're coming from, my parents are divorced and often I find it easier to tell them I'm just going to do things on my own rather than mediate who will be with me at what time and where, so lots of the big parent-centered events in my life have been by myself too. I understand that you want to give them credit where it's due, and I think it's a good thing that you still know how much they love and care for you but it's totally understandable to feel sad regardless.
It's so kind and considerate of others to try and step in for you when they see you don't have the support they do, but I know that in the moment that also doesn't always feel great. When I was little my dad never wanted to come to anything and often my friends' dads would take turns doing the thing with me so I didn't feel left out, and that was so so sweet of them but I was pretty embarassed at the time! It's not nice to feel pitiful, and the idea that people are perceiving the same thing as you are in your parents' absence probably didn't make you feel better.
Like you said, none of that detracts from how loved you truly are, and it sounds like you know this already but it seems like you also have all this excess love pouring in from the people around you!! I'm incapable of not looking for silver lining, and to me all those kind people are definitely something to be grateful for, but also I think it's okay to let yourself mope a little if you want to my love. Don't deny how you feel because you think it's dumb or unjustified or anything of the kind! I promise you it's very valid.
Congratulations on your graduation sweetheart!! I'm sure your family are all very proud of you, as well as the friends who were there for you on the day (and me too!!). I hope you enjoy a lovely summer and take some time to reward yourself for all your hard work before whatever comes next <3
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starjxsung · 5 months
I know I'm ruining myself with this but *inhales* I'm gonna ask for a reaction *exhales*
I'm going through the screenshots I have of my conversations with my ex. one time, his friend/housemate who is younger than him called me hyung's new gf and it was so cute to me and him
now I knoooow I'll be sobbing at it but how do you think skz would react to another member calling you something like that? like idk how the use of a "possessive noun" to refer to you would make them feel
btw I should learn how to talk, I explain way too much for every word to make sure there's no miscommunication cause traaauma~
- ☾
AW that’s so cute (but also fuck ur ex. real) ALSO THE LINK YOU SENT DOES NOT WORK 💔 IT SAYS PAGE NOT VALID
Chan: would love this shit lmfaooo he strikes me as the type whose interest is piqued by what the others perceive his relationships to be like & he’s all “really??” When they give their options. He’s fascinated with the prospect of a new nickname finding its way into your relationship and he’ll jokingly say it to you all the time
Minho: FLUSTEREDDD as hell. Something embarassing to him about people perceiving his relationships and creating labels. But behind closed doors he’s really into it and he’s kinda proud (verges on cocky) about everyone taking notice of his relationship
Changbin: is like. Yeah. Yup. That’s her! Genuinely doesn’t shut up about it the first time he hears it. Probably makes his friends call you that from then on out and runs it into the GROUNDDDD
Hyunjin: also flustered, but more in a shy way. I get the vibe labels almost scare him, so when other people bring up possessive nouns first, he’s almost embarrassed he hadn’t established it first. If you’re comfy w it, he’s comfy too. But it takes him a little bit to get fully used to it
Jisung: gives me the vibe that he’d absolutely fucking love it LMAO I think he’d subtly try to get people to call him it like several more times after & almost brags about it every chance he gets. Not usually the possessive type but definitely likes if he gives off that vibe and earns the title
Felix: shocked the first time he hears it tbh. Mostly wants to make sure you’re comfortable with it and tries to not show how excited he is about it until you’re like “yeah that’s fine”. If you are fine with it, he’s kinda like Jisung in that it’s a sense of pride for him and he’s really happy to have gotten you the title. Just more cutesy about it than prideful
Seungmin: will act like he’s not down for it. But definitely won’t mind if people call you it again ! I think he really likes the sense of security it adds to the relationship. Like a “she’s really mine?” Sorta feeling. I feel like it’d bring you closer tbh
Jeongin: finds it funny ! He’s like ???? The first time he hears it which probably makes his friends fall you it even more just for fun. Kinda becomes a common thing among all of you, but he’ll always hit people with the “stoppp” whenever he hears it. Not mad at it or anything, just a little shy and protective
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cator99 · 1 year
Weren't u in a band? What did u do in it & u got any yt vids of u guys floating around?
I don't think I've ever shared that information on here, but yes, I was in a few, and we sucked, so no. We only ever performed at open mic nights, dive bars, and charity events. I was frontman. Actually there was one band I was in that was veering fast into not-sucking territory and we got positive feedback but things fell apart pretty quick after our bassist and guitarist got into a physical altercation over whether or not their home was indeed a punk house, which would determine if the bassist would be required to do the dishes more than once a month. The guitarist was an ex suburbanite. He pretended to be cool with the way the rest of us lived because he was a self proclaimed radical marxist tankie and trying to be in touch with the working poor while hiding the fact that his dad owned a business. But hey, he was the only one of us who had been put in any sort of real musical lessons (whatever my retarded guitarist dad tried to do to me didn't count), which drastically improved our sound. The guitarist called the cops on the bassist, thus spurring accusations of transphobic murder attempt via cop... which is kinda hard to come back from..... I tried to bring the ftm I was dating at the time into the fold as a replacement, (honestly he was way more musically knowledgeable than any of us, we would have been lucky) but then our drummer was like going through a transition-induced divorce and moved away..... which, if you have any idea how drummers work, caused half of the city's bands to fall apart. Transgenderism ruins the party again. So, to try and once again fill in the gaps, my friend who sometimes acted as my co-writer asked their partner- a solo electronic musician who performed at festivals who I had never been introduced to due to this person's antisocial reputation- to come jam with us.... but seeing as that individual and the bassist were ex-fuckbuddies, and- as should go without saying considering all prior information about them that I've given- both mentally unstable transwomen... I'm sure you can imagine why that wasn't the right move... they tried to grin and bear it and be mature adults about the whole thing..... however, this person turned out to be really just beyond obnoxious, agressively trampling any input from anyone, it was just going nowhere and I felt exhausted even trying because, where I used to be the one who had a cohesive plan- and artistic vision, dare I say- that could be followed through on very directly, and my bandmates trusted me enough to stay on it, suddenly we were all trying to do something different, all fighting for control, on top of the fucked up evil psychosexual energy between the co-writer, the synth freak, and the bassist, and then myself and my boyfriend who were on the verge of ending things... and all of our ideas clashed and whenever one of us was satisfied with something another would feel the exact opposite. We were running in circles. The one thing we all seemed to agree on was how irreconcilable our creative differences were. I only flirt with making music for personal reasons anymore because I think being a musician nowadays is quite frankly very embarassing. I wouldn't want to get involved in that shit even as a joke. I know this answers more questions than you asked but this is a blog I'm not here to just be like "yes, and no." Actually, you know what, we had in fact recorded some stuff with that shitty electronic artist, but I disliked that person so fucking much that I never bothered to ask for the files.
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gwagwagwagoogoo · 2 years
Your self-reflection at the end of your chapter review was very beautiful.
Thanks! And I think its critical to inform you All that I had to leave work because in part of it
Yknow shit isn’t as simple and cut as ‘I have hope I can push through the day!’ When you’re a mess. Sometimes it is! Sometimes it isn’t!
Asa gives me a general hope but sometimes hope isn’t as simple as that. I’m feeling much better but at the time I tried really hard to keep myself moving but it’s sometimes better to acknowledge your limits what you can do and when not yknow
Like I was on the verge of tears the whole day, I couldn’t focus I couldn’t even speak (sometimes I get so fucked up by something i enter periods of non verbalcy or I start speaking in fragmented sentences and in general cant use my voice. Hashtag autism!) so I had to pull my manager aside and ask her to leave
Which was embarassing but I’m glad I did it! Doesn’t mean I lost my hope, it just meant I had to go and regain my thoughts and collect myself yknow
It seems like a really simple and obvious thing yknow but yeah. Emotions (or sadness) is like a wound and I mean that in the most complimentary way
I’m still not 100% better because I have this hope but I am getting better bit by bit cuz of it
Also I just love rambling about non sense this isn’t suppose to be a mental health 😍😍😍 post bc I’m not tryna be poetic I’m just rambling about myself and I guess you’re all here for it. There’s no conclusion, there’s no big up lifting message to send out to masses
I’m just cradling a little wound and trying to feel better about it bit by bit and do my best and I’m very proud of myself for knowing my limits
Idk how this turned into a ramble but you get it lmaoooo
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chiyoso · 1 year
“having a taste of his own medicine”
j. kaisen : gojo satoru.
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▶PLAY. satoru, having his first, genuine crush on someone, that someone being you, so gentle, honest and clueless you.
▶CONTENT. headcannons, sfw, fluff, sprinkle of sad, comfort, something to heal gojo nation along with myself, satoru hard copium, hard denial, fat ass crush on you fr
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𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 being everyone's crush, everyone's eye candy to indulge in, people succumbing to his good looks and charisma, being whole ass attraction for the male, female and creatures alike gaze.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 then finding himself in a predicament from your gentleness, an affection so genuine, unlike any other towards him, in a way where it leaves him in a stunlock, a state of doubt, confusion, not long after a feeling that he think he wouldn't have again, that bubbly, shy and giddy feeling he sees in both his vocal and silent admirers, and yet you didn't even do anything that's considered romantic and flirty at all.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 used to his situation and having seen so much people become completely flustered to him, from people who become undone by a flusteredness, an embarassment, to people who want to boldly want him for physical intimate means, it was natural for his environment to be attracted solely by his looks, especially complimenting his personality, not expecting that flare of heat creep up, up and up slowly from his neck to his face and ears, seeing you for the first time interact with his three students.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 finding himself agape by your words with that soft tone of yours that he doesn't hear in many people when you compliment him about his occupation, then his way of teaching his students from Itadori's ramblings about him, not thinking too deeply about these compliments at first and him thinking you just want to get in his pants, starting with praise. He still couldn't get that cute intriguing compliment when you mentioned his blindfold, pure curiousity that accompanied your question to his whole appearance instead of fawning over him in comparison to the people who did it immediately, and automatically.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 stealing confused, curious glances in your direction when his student Nobara continues to talk to you—or more like compliment you, her boldness, her words eliciting that flushed look he's so used to from other people effortlessly on your demeanor, yet you couldn't even bat an eye towards him.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 unable to bring himself into the conversation of you and Nobara without his thoughts racing, his cold veins stopping him in his tracks when he was on the verge of deciding to take a step to your direction. You were so close, yet so... far? Like a second infinity. He couldn't find the words to compliment you as well—not when his heart was literally in his throat, hammering away with vigor while he only continued to still, to observe you from afar between his other two students.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 flinching when you finally return his gaze once your conversation briefly ended with Nobara, even with his blindfold, he's still unable to meet your gaze.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 being a man of many intimate interactions, sexual or not, he found himself with complete disbelief and self shame when he couldn't mutter out a complete sentence without pausing, taking a sharp inhale—biting his bottom lip to stop himself mid sentence knowing a stutter will follow through his next words, your head tilting to the side, worried and concerned from his sudden silence, taking his pause as an indication that he didn't want to conversate further, ending the chat with a sigh with that cute pout from you.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 overthinking so much the way your body was about to move away as if he was in a quick time event between life and death.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 calling out to you in instinct, his hand that was wrapped on your wrist, now brought up to the top of your hair as he flashes you a cheeky grin—an attempt of confidence, when in reality he's just as nervous as you, even when that cute blush returned to your pretty face.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 couldn't control his flush anymore, the red hue visibly spreading to his neck, his ears, at the realization of his actions as of current towards you, stuttering during an attempt of the words “you're cute” and ultimately covering the bottom half of his face, clearing his throat and excusing himself having a common cold.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 giving Itadori a quick look that pierced through his blindfold, shutting him up when he was about to comment how it was summer, and that of the theory about him not being able to get sick because of his infinity.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 wondering endlessly why he was stuttering, about this growing feeling. Love, attraction, desire—lust, it was no stranger to a man of his caliber, his playfulness, calling plenty of individuals endearing compliments, actions that led to nights of pleasure, days of loveless sex for his accumulative stress, all these experiences, charisma and skill, and yet... he couldn't bring himself to utter a simple, simple compliment towards you? Was it your looks? Your physique? Your personality? The way you held yourself with such humility? Virtue? Genuinity? Either way, he couldn't bear the thought of tainting you with his history of being a man who used constant pleasure as a relief, to put that insecurity onto someone as sweet as you was sin itself for him. He felt this once in his youth, once, in the state of delight and serenity with someone who was held so dear to him, was. He couldn't even believe he was even comparing you to him, but his emotions only resonated with truth, what he was feeling could have only been—been...
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 having his spaced out self brought back to reality from his overthinking again, when he felt his chest, or his infinity really being lightly hit multiple times. You were close—no, closer to him, calling out to him in a visible slight concern on your expression, while you continued to hit him repeatedly against his chest, while Nobara and her body and weaponry were being held back by her fellow classmates, thinking about throwing a nail towards him would snap him back to reality.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 having himself questioned innocently by Itadori because he can notice the fine, small details about his change in behavior and social patterns from his teacher.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 absolutely melting and taking in stealthy sharp inhales with his mouth when you cut Itadori off, defending what was left of his crumbling dignity with that cute pout of yours, you were still so close by the way, not realizing his hand was still on top of your hair, which you obviously didn't mind.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 in disarray, thinking about variations of “is this how people always feel whenever they're with me?” then he notices it, noticing that faint blush on your cheeks start to mirror his while your gaze stayed at the floor, unmoving.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 left dumbfounded when you retract yourself from him, his hand hovering in the air while you took a few paces back from him. People came to him like how a fly moves towards any form of light, blinded from his looks, his charms, the flies were endless... but there you were, moving away from him. Were you that flustered? Were you that overwhelmed by his touch? Why did you go away? Why did you—
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 as if strucked by lightning, corners of his lips turning into a visible frown once you greeted the four individuals abruptly a goodbye.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 relief washing over him when Nobara had asked for your phone number, another wave of relief releasing him from his inner turmoil when you agreed to exchange contacts, she was secretly his favorite student right now.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 finding himself jealous, squinting his lids at the three once Itadori joined in the exchange, as well as Megumi.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 unable to move, unable to utter a single word, unable to bring himself to you with his own phone, feeling a dread set in when you were nearing completion in your happy exchange.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 felt his heart leap out of his chest when you shyly return your gaze to his direction, that soft look on your face cleaning off all negativity from him—as if you were clensing a curse with your simple, yet mesmerizing gaze.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 finally finding himself the courage, automatically moving from your request of his contact, his trembling, sweaty hands already stationed at his pocket, grasping his phone and wiping it on the fabric of his back while he shyly laughed with you.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 feeling himself throb, his loud, thumping heart deafening his sense of hearing when you began to put your own contact information into his phone, already thinking and sweating further about that near future where he finds himself hesitant while his thumbs are hovered above the send button, the text consistint of “hi~~~~~!!!♡♡♡” his eyes squinting at the three hearts specifically, before throwing his phone against his pillow, cringing at himself with his hands covering his red face.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 thinking of all other scenarios while he glanced back and forth to your number, and your back when you finally left.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 immediately putting a ♡ beside your name, his lips being bitten down, stifling his smile, feeling all warm, giddy and happy.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 startled in his fixation on your contact when he felt his three students behind his back, sneering at the ♡ beside your name, Nobara calling him out with a smug grin while the two other students patted his back harshly, with the same smugness.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 drowning in both dread and hope, jolting and blushing profusely to his student's repeated chants of “teacher has a cru~sh” three times, causing a disturbances on the street they were on.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 finally acknowledging that you were his first ever genuine crush, hoping that you and him could be something more—after he gets over his shyness and self cringing and finally send that one text to you in order to startup a conversation with you, then having his phone snatch by a pissed off, impatient Nobara with her two other classmates behind her, finally sending the text he was dreading to send, muffled screaming against his hands, in agony and embarassment, regretting internally about her being a favorite student by him earlier.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 making Nobara his favorite student again when he saw your text message respond positively to his text bubble of “can i take you out on a date?” eyes widened and fixated to your reply; “of course gojo-san ♡” especially the heart.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 jumping, rolling, tumbling over the tatami floor mat, his eyes glued to his phone, legs swinging, texting and planning the date with you while his students—especially Nobara start to get annoyed by his loud gushing, starting to regret her previous course of action, unaware of this being the result.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 happy, and internally hopeful, promising with a passion to protect you from the world of curses, sprits—until the day where you talk to him about it, until you wish for it, then doubling his protection over you when you decide to walk into this world, with you within his arms.
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p.s hug your fellow gojo believer, they going through gege's bullshit rn, also reblog helps my audience reach, thank you.
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whosjunglejim4322 · 4 years
Warnings: SMUT, insecurities but mark just needs a lil reassurance abt how good he makes you feel, finger fucking/sucking, he cums in his pants, fluff bc yall r in love love <3
Mark knows he's being irrational about this whole ordeal. One conversation shouldn't be getting under his skin like it is, but this one thing seems to be knocking at the forefront of his brain, throwing him out of focus as of late.
So what, you masturbate. It's normal, he's not there all the time, of course you do. He does too, but he also becomes outrageously horny everytime he so much as thinks about your skin or the way you kiss him. And it's safe to say he thinks about you alot. Alot alot.
"It's different, though? I'm a guy, we jerk off an outrageous amount," he argues, furrowing his eyebrows as you stare up at his pacing form from the bed, grinning. He's cute when he's flustered.
"And girls just...aren't supposed to get horny without the help of a guy?" You inquire.
He stops pacing at this, slumping his shoulders. "that's not what I mean, I just-" he sighs, plopping himself next to you on the edge of the bed. He chews on the inside of his lip for a moment before shaking his head.
"Nevermind, I'm just tired." He runs his fingers through his disheveled hair, looking at you apologetically with his big doe eyes.
You're still amused, giggling as you reach over to cup his rosy hued cheeks, pulling him to your mouth for a kiss.
"A little toy could never replace you, my love."
You'd reassured him that night by wrapping your lips around his dick, and he was too lost in the belly aching anticipation and bliss of it all, to really pay attention to what it was you'd just said.
A little toy.
He hasn't stopped thinking about it. It's both slightly irritating, while also being the new source of his sexual frustration when he's supposed to be practicing. He thinks it may be more irritating than the ladder though, because as much as he hates to admit it, he is a jealous creature. 
It's silly, childish and he knows it. Maybe that's why he's so unsettled by this, because he knows that you love him. He knows you like his dick, from what you've expressed. But, maybe he's doing something wrong?
Maybe you just don't want to to wound his ego, and instead act like his dick is enough to satisfy you. Of course, he knows some sensations are better than others, but how often do you need to touch yourself? Does he not please you enough in the moments you two are together?
These questions still nag him when he walks into your apartment at around 7:35 pm, causing worry to crease between his brows.
You, of course, pick up on this when you round the corner from your bedroom to see him making his way towards you, lost in thought. Your arms snake around his middle and your lips place a kiss to his jaw. A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.
"What's got you all mopey?" You ask, searching for any signs of pain or discomfort in his eyes, only to be stumped by his undreadable expression. Maybe he's just had a long day?
He hums, broken from his self depricating reverie, evidently not realizing he's wearing his emotions so blatantly.
"Nothin' just tired, wanted to come home." He buries his face in the crook of your shoulder once you've pulled him into your room, his breath warm against your neck.
You must've just taken a shower, skin the scent of his favorite soap that always has him sniffing you randomly throughout the day. He squeezes you tighter.
You kiss the side of his head, reluctantly pulling yourself away only to grab his hands and move to the bed, not believing that there's nothing more than just fatigue that's got his usual goofy smile hidden behind such a frustrated countenance.
You crawl onto his lap once his back is against the headboard, his hands slipping underneath your shirt to rub your back, a habit when he's nervous. He knows what's coming, already avoiding your eyes.
"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong, Mark Lee? No excuses, this time." You mean business, but your voice is still as soft and comforting as ever. He can't resist looking up at you once you stroke his cheek with your thumb, featherlight.
With a drawn out breath, he reluctantly responds, knowing it'll only eat at him further if he doesn't.
"It's just....I feel like maybe I don't do enough for you...sexually? Like, I know everyone masturbates and It's totally fine you use a toy and stuff, I just feel like...like maybe It's better than...than what I can do? I know I'm not the most experienced but-"
He's stuttering, ears tomato red at the tips and he's a bit perplexed to see such a jubilant smile spreading across your face as he rubs the back of his neck, embarassed beyond belief.
"Mark..." you cup his soft, blazing cheeks in your palms, forcing him to meet your gaze as squeamish as he's suddenly become. "you're that upset over something like this?"
You don't sound judgemental nor teasing, despite the way you're grinning. But still, he wants to hide his face, wants to bow his head in shame. Suddenly he feels very foolish.
Not being able to stand seeing him so crestfallen, you reassure him, trurthfully. Your heart aches.
"Hey hey, look at me bub," wide doe eyes stare back at you, as you move some of his hair out from in front of his forehead where the strands have fallen. "you are more than enough, so good that when you're away I cant stand it. I have to touch myself, and I'm not just saying that."
His expression has regained some confidence, though you're not done yet. You've got this determination swirling in the pit of your belly, thrumming through your veins. You want him to know how truly incredible he really is, how good he really makes you feel.
"I think about your hands, your mouth, your dick. And you know what? By the end of it I'm not even satisfied, because that little toy isn't you. Do you understand? Hmm? Or do I have to show you?"
Suddenly his heartbeat is loud in his ears, adams apple bobbing as he swallows. He's hardened underneath you and you known that you've got him.
"I-I understand, now. But you could still show me, you know. If you want." His voice is a little unsteady but the corners of his soft, pink mouth twitch at the corners with an echo of a smile.
It's too much, Mark Lee absolutely will be the death of you. And so you kiss him, in a way that has his toes curling and his arms wrapping around your middle like a boa, refusing to let go.
Your fingers are tiwsted in his hair as you suck on his plush bottom lip, a gasp leaving his throat when your teeth nibble the sensitive skin. He can feel your hardened nipples through your sweater, pressing against his chest.
Your knees have tightened around the small of his waist as well, crotch rubbing against the strained bulge in his basketball shorts. You whine into his mouth.
"Mm, you should feel how wet you make me," his hands venture lower at this, until his warm fingertips are pressing into the flesh of your thighs. "go ahead Markie, touch me."
He groans, not being able to hold it back from his chest at the sound of your voice and your generous offer. His fingers, delicate and eager rub your pussy through your lounge shorts, and his jaw slacks a bit at your lack of underwear.
Your tongue slips against his, mouths parted and greedy while he slips his hand into the warmth of your shorts - and practically whines.
He wasn't expecting the abundance of your essence, the utter and complete lack of friction as his digits glide effortlessly through your silken folds. He takes his ring finger and presses the pad of it against your entrance, circling and listening to the lewd, slick sounds.
"Oh fuck," he croons free hand on your lower back and urging you against his touch. "you're s-so wet already, how are you so wet?" He's mystified, and completely fucked.
"I told you." You kiss him again, swallowing his reply and grinding your pussy against his palm. Without warning, he slips a finger in, and then another, falling apart at the way your walls so eagerly welcome them. He trembles.
"Mm, Mark." You're reaching down, underneath his arm and gripping his length, hot in your hand underneath the slinky material of his shorts. He twitches.
Suddenly his fingers are curling inside of you, and he begins to languidly pump them in and out of your sopping heat, on fire from his toes to the top of his head. You have to grip onto his shoulders, momentarily forgetting your previous endeavor of palming his dick.
He doesn't mind, not when you're whining like this, fingers digging into his skin, your body rocking against his while your walls hug and squeeze around his digits.
"Does it feel good?" He asks genuinley, but already knows the answer, too high off of this moment to not want his ego stroked. Your eyebrows are furrowed, lips kiss bitten, skin hot to the touch. You can barely make out an answer, and he swears all the blood in his body rushes straight to his dick.
"S-so good Markie - harder, please." You bury your face in the crook of his shoulder as tour thighs tremble around his narrow hips, lips trembling against his throat. He obliges you happily, anything to have you wilting against him like this. To hear more of the sounds you're making, for him.
Anyone outside the door would know whats going on, with the squelching of your wetness and the vigor in which he's fucking you with his fingers, heel of his palm nudging your clit with each thrust. You already feel that pit of pressure inside your belly expanding, so close to the brink of exploding.
He's fairing the same, if he's honest. You're rubbing up against the painful, throbbing boner in his bottoms, hidden behind only a thin layer of clothing. Your juices have leaked, leaving your own shorts wet at the crotch and the sight is erotic in a way that makes him buck up against you.
His free hand cups your face when he adds a third finger, pulling you from his shoulder to look at your face.
He damn near blows his load right then and there.
You look like you're on the verge of tears, not able to hold yourself up straight. A blush burns his skin, when you lean into his touch, fingers grasping at the front of his white tee.
"M'gonna cum soon Markie."
His heart threatens to explode from his chest when you turn your head and suck his thumb into your warm mouth, closing your eyes and bliss while his fingers pump into you, buried to the third knuckle.
This causes him to thrust into you with a sudden jolt, and the way his fingertips rub against the sweet spot deep inside of you, has the build up of pleasure finally spilling over like a broken dam.
The fingers on either of his hands are soaked now, one with your saliva and the other with your cum. You're gripping onto his wrists, letting him massage the inside of your walls while they contract around him, eyes rolled to the back of your head.
The sight, the feeling, is too much. You're a mess, a beautiful, sopping wet mess and without warning it's like a freight train is hitting him at full force, cock twitching willdy as pure bliss seeps through his pores.
You're still shivering, humping his hand while spurts of cum fill the inside of his shorts, dripping down the crease of his thigh and even soaking through the material a bit. Your eyes are barely able to open, but you will them to when you hear the almost imperceptible groan that strains from his throat when your heartbeat finally stops drumming so loudly in your ears.
Your belly lurches, skin tingly to the touch as he slumps against the headboard, peering up at you with more adoration than you can handle.
"I-I came in my pants." He breathes out, panting heavily alongside you. The thrill that runs down your spine like a tremor at the realization that he's cum, untouched, because of you, is what allows you to have half the mind to pull his fingers from your aching heat - replacing the others in your mouth.
His head lolls to the side, honey eyes trained on you like it’s impossible to look away while you suck your juices from his digits, humming around them. It's like he's staring up at the sun, mesmerized.
And then you're kissing him, and he's sure he's gone to heaven. He tastes you on the tip of your own tongue, and you're so sweet, so tender when you grasp his cheeks.
"I came in my pants too, by the way. Technically." You smile, and he chuckles warmly, giddy. His arms encapsulate you and he nudges the tip of your nose with his own.
The toy can have its fun, he thinks to himself. Because really, truly, nothing - and no one, will ever be as lucky and as enamored as he is with you.
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robin-the-enby · 4 years
Pairing: Grell Sutcliff x f!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff
Summary: Grell's love language are gifts. And since you two haven't spent much time together, she takes you on a shopping date.
A/N: This is set in the era when the anime takes place, so the reader is feminine. I also used she/her pronouns when referring to Grell.
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* * * * *
Who would've thought that being a reaper would require so much paperwork? The last place one would expect bureaucracy was the afterlife. It almost made her regret how she chose to end her previous life. Almost.
Of course she couldn't bring herself to hate it completely. After all, it wasn't that bad. Just boring. Although that is an enormous understatement in her opinion. She just thinks she could be doing something much more interesting with her time than spending hours filling out papers being scolded by her higher-ups (ehm ehm William ehm ehm) afterwards, only to have to fill them out again.
The second reason was you. At the end of the day, when a very physically and mentally tired William told her to get out of his sight with a heavy sigh and she could finally come back to you in the middle of the night, when you were fast asleep and she could see the open book laying on your slowly rising and falling chest and the still lit candle as you tried once again to stay awake so that you could welcome your girlfriend home, it was all worth it. If she hadn't became a reaper, she would have never met you and at this point, such a life was unimaginable for Grell.
Unfortunately for both of you, you couldn't enjoy your nights together very well, because Grell was needed at work earlier than you had the will to wake up.
The first thing your conscious mind registered was the chirping of birds. Next was the sunlight on your eyelids, like an angry mob banging on a witch's door. You felt like you could lay there for the whole day, just listening to those beautiful sounds and feeling the light on your eyelids shift as the day passed.
You felt the space next to you with your hand, the action automatical and always with the same result. As your hand was met only with cold, ruffled sheets, you opened your eyes.
Sighing with disappointment that your momentary bliss was over, you made your way to your wardrobe to get ready for the day ahead of you.
As you sat in front of the mirror, touching up your face just a bit with makeup, you couldn't help but smile as your sight landed on your girlfriend's part of the cosmetic table. It would never be true bliss without her here, you though as the tip of your pointer finger lightly traced Grell's bright red lipstick.
A series of sharp knocks rippled through the air, interrupting the constant chattering of people and tweeting of birds flowing into the room through the open window. A melodic voice you knew all too well called out to you like a siren "Oh daaaaaaaarling!"
You got up from your chair with such force that you nearly knocked it over. But even if you did, you wouldn't have payed it any mind, for your thoughts were focused only on the person standing in the open door to your shared home. You rushed through the rooms, your heart hammering like a humming bird in your chest, your mind barely able to comprehend that this wasn' a dream. But when you caught a glimpse of your girlfriend's bright red hair and her mischievous green eyes, you couldn't help but grin in glee.
Speeding trhough the hallway to close the distance between you two, you threw yourself at her, nearly toppling Grell over with the force of your attack. Her arms immediately snaked around your waist, bringing you closer to her. Pressing a kiss to your temple, she chuckled in your ear "My my, what a greeting. Wouldn't expect anything less from my love." and laughed some more when she heard a muffled "I missed you." coming from where you burried your face in her clothes. With another peck to your head, Grell let go of you, looking you up and down "I see you're already dressed. Marvelous! Well then, we've got places to be, chop chop!" She clapped her hands and turned you around and lead you where your shoes were.
You couldn't help but stare with a shocked expression on your face "Places to be? Waitwaitwait, slow down honey, tell me what's going on!" you tried to reason with her as you tied your shoelaces.
As soon as you straightened up again, Grell was immediately ushering you out the door with a sweet smile on her face. "It's simple darling, William gave me a few days off and since we haven't spent much time together, I decidedvto take you on a date. There's a lot of places I'd like to take you to and the day is oh so short." the redhead explained, purposefully leaving out the details, such as the way dear William let her take a few days off. You didn't need to know the details after all, it was all boring, some shouting and pleading here, some threats and annoying the superior reaper there. Bureaucracy. Boring and unimportant.
What mattered was the present. Arms linked, you two walked along the streets of London, chatting and giggling. Grell was very fond of showing affection wherever she went, to the point where it was almost inapropriate. But nobody really cared, since most people still saw your girlfriend as a man, despite her untraditional looks. It saddened you a little, that others did not see her for who she really was, but you supposed it was for the better.
Grell insisted that this date was albout about you. After leaving you alone for so long, even if not by her choice, she needs to spoil you. You told her you’re not mad at her, on the contrary actually, just to be sure she knows that and doesn’t feel like she has to do this for you. Your loving girlfriend only rewarded you with a beaming smile and assured you that it’s nothing like that and that you don’t need to worry, before resuming in showering you in compliments and praises, as well as gifts.
Yes, Grell really had the day planned out to a T. First, she took you to a dressmaker, the lovely lady seemingly expecting you already, greeting Grell like an old friend. She explained to you that she was a regular here and that you don’t need to worry about anything, because this lovely lady is one of the best seamstresses in the area. And she wasn’t lying. The seamstress discussed every detail of the dress with you, the fabric, shape and adornments. And while she took your measurements, Grell kept gushing and almost purring about how ravishing you’ll look in your new dress, how you chose a perfect colour that brings out your eyes and will surely make your skin glow and that she won’t be able to keep her hands off you, making you blush a nice red colour which she immediately complimented as well and in turn making the seamstress gush about what a cute couple you are.
Then you two stopped at a bakery to pick up some bread, which she let you pay for after some begging, and after that went to a nice, quiet park with a small pond where you two fed and watched different kinds of ducks and a pair of swans. Both of your hearts melted at the sight of small ducklings following their mothers in a line like toddlers in kindergarten on a walk. You pointed out to each other when a duck did something funny or cute, which happened very often.
Seeing those adorable birds eat made your stomach grumble. Grell looked over at your embarassed face and giggled “You should’ve said you were hungry my dear! I could go for some food myself.” she said thoughtfully, tapping a finger on her chin. And before you could say red, she was already tugging you in the direction of a restaurant that she wanted to check out for quite some time now, but was waiting for the right moment, so she could bring you along as well. The food there was nothing short of delicious.
Lastly she asked you directly if you’d like to go somewhere. You thought for a while, trying to come up with a way to reward her for this amazing day, you got a brilliant idea. “Close your eyes.” you instructed the reaper softly “And don’t open them until I tell you to.” Linking your arm through hers, you began to slowly and carefully guide your curious girlfriend to a flowershop you passed one day on your way from the market. You still had some money on you and figured you’d buy her some flowers, which you were sure would make Grell happy.
“Stay here, don’t move a muscle, I’ll be right back.” you said softly “And don’t open your eyes.” you reprimanded her jokingly. Grell for once did as she was told and stood exactly where you left her, rocking on the balls of her feet, until you stood in front of her again. She could tell, because you were wearing a perfume she gave you for Christmas. “Alright, open your eyes.” you told her.
As soon as that sentence came out of your mouth, Grell’s eyes flew open in anticipation. She was met with your face on which a cheeky smile had bloomed and it was clear you were holding something behind your back. You pulled out a bouquet of red spider lillies and blood red poppies with a soft ‘ta-daa’ escaping your lips. Grell switched her gaze from the gift you got her to your face, her eyes twinkling in the afternoon sun. She looked on the verge of tears, moved by the loving gesture. You took one lilly from the tightly tied up bouquet and put it softly in her hair “Looking beautiful as ever my love.” you cooed softly. Grell’s smile got even wider, if that was possible and before you could stop her, she was already pressing kisses and little pecks all over your face, enjoying your happy squeaks. An elderly couple passed the two of you, without either you or your girlfriend noticing, the man scoffing “Young people don’t know anything about manners these days...” While his wife patted him gently on the arm he had linked with hers and smiled “Oh leave them be Richard. We weren’t any different when we were young.”
Your legs were rather tired after the long day and you both agreed to go home. Even though this day was nearly over, you couldn’t wait for the next morning to come, so that you could have your morning bliss.
* * * * *
I know this isn’t for everyone, but I was in the mood for some sweet sweet fluff
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taylorsage22 · 4 years
Call me Daddy (Damien Darhk x Reader)
Request-Anonymous said: Hi, can you write Damien Darhk×reader, smut? Thanks 💕
Warnings-Wow so um Daddy kink and spanking.
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“Y/N, I’m home!” You heard Damien call from downstairs. You jumped in a little in suprise because you weren’t expecting him to be home, and it immediatly put a smile onto your face. Within a few minuetes you saw him enter the doorway to your shared bedroom wearing his normal grin as he walked towards the bed and gave you a quick peck to the lips. “You’re home early.” You said glad to have more unexpected time with him. He was always with the legion and any extra time was always appreciated.
“Yeah, decided we needed a break so we left early. Since im back, do you want to go out to a dinner or something?“ He questioned looking at you with that same big smile I fell in love with. "Actually im kinda just in the mood to watch a movie and cuddle in bed if its okay with you.” I asked with a hint of suggestion in my voice. He quickly nodded and and jumped into bed with me putting on a movie. We were about half way into the movie when a really rough sex scene came on. I had to admit it was actually begining to turn me on. The femals leader started to call they guy “Daddy” and it was having a bigger effect on me that I would have thought. I glanced over at Damien whose arm was wrapped around my waist and his neck snuggled into my shoulder. He was half asleep and I knew he must have been exhasted, yet i couldn’t get rid if the growing tension inbetween my legs.
Slowly I tucked my hands underneath the blanket and into the waistband of my black lace panties. Slowly I slid my fingers up and down my slit imagining it was Damien’s hand instead of mine. After I teased myself a bit, I inserted a finger into me and softly began to moan. It started out with soft whimpers of “Damien Oh, Damien” but quickly turned into “Daddy” as i picked up pace. I was on the verge of getting myself to the edge when i felt a hand cup my heat over the blanket, stopping all movement. I looked over to seeing Damien’s eyes boring into mine as they drew darker. “What did you just say, Baby girl?” He let out in a low deep whisper that made me wetter just hearing it. “I-I said Damien, I just didn’t want to wake you baby.” I stutterer back as I felt him move closer while pulling out my hand and replacing it with his own. “You know, Princess, you really shouldn’t lie to me.” He spoke with an authority in his voice as he quickly inserted two fingers causeing me to let out a deep moan.
"Me and you both know that you weren’t moaning Damien. Call me Daddy Baby.“ He continued as he rapidly pushed his fingers in and out if my core while applying pressure to clit with thumb. "Daddy” I let out softly begining to buck my hips into his hand wanting to get to my release faster. He took his other hand and held my hips down into the mattress. “Angel, I’m going to need you to be much louder than that. C'mon beg for it baby. Show me how much you want me.” He growled, moving his fingers faster and adding the come hither motion causing it to make my jolt and write underneath him. “Daddy Please, Daddy faster.” I moaned loudly letting him take over my body as i was teetering in my release. He could feel me clenching around his fingers and started to roll my clit around with his thumb, adding just tge right amount of pressure. “Cum for me sweetheart.” He breathed out and i came loudly and hard onto his fingers. He kept his fingers going trying to ride out my orgasm and when i was finished he let his hand their a moment.
I was breathing deeply and was a little embarassed he found about my secret kink. I was about to open my mouth so we could talk about it when he cut me off. “Don’t make a sound princess. Were not finished.” He said with a smirk and a mischevious glint in his eyes. I looked at him confused for a moment when he quickly pulled me out of the covers and onto his lap as he moved towards the bottom of out bed. I had my stomach and my core resting on his grey sweatpants while my ass was raised slightly into the air.
"Damien what are we-“ I was immediatly cut off when i felt a hard smack onto my butt. I let out a moan as i felt a rush if wetness go to my core. "What did I just say baby girl? Not a sound.” He spoke again. His voice was dominant and authoratative yet still had a slight hint if amusement in it. Whenever his rough side came out in bed it was always the best nights of my life but we had never done anything like this before. It was like something straight out of a fantasy i was always to shy to ask for. I was snapped out of my thoughts when another harsh slap hit my bottom. “That is for pleasuring youself while i was in bed next to you.” Slap. “That is for talking when i didn’t give you permission to speak.” He gave me two more slaps and I had to bite my lip to keep from making any noise.
I was so turned on I tried to rub my legs together to increase the friction. My lace panties were rubbing up against my clit and i was biting diwn on my lip so hard i almost broke the skin. He gave one last slap, that was his hardest yet. “And that was fir calling me Damein instead of Daddy.” He massaged my now tender ass and pulled me into a sitting postion so I was straddling his thigh. I could feel how hard he was through his sweats and i couldn’t help let out a whimper. His hands grabbed into my hips as he looked into my eyes.
“i am going to wreck you, Doll.”
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might-guys-acorn · 5 years
I love your imagines sooo. Could you write about shikamaru and his s/o getting caught by the s/o's brother who is Asuma, (in a reeallly heated moment) , and she is all ashamed and Shikamaru is like "it's fiiiinee, he likes me best than others anyway" and just a lot of Asuma teasing his little sister for dating Shika, and Asuma giving Shika the "if you hurt her I kill you" talk. Lots of love for you and keep on with the good work 😉😉
I know its been a while, but I needed a break from the novel writing, so Im here😊 Hewwo😘 thanks for this precious request anon💕 -Acorn🦎
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"Shika, dont be too loud!" You giggled, as your boyfriend laughed, tickling you on your bed. You'd snuck him in after your brother left, going to grab groceries from the store. But he could be back at any time, and you certainly didn't need Asuma knowing you were in love with his favorite student. That could end badly for all parties involved. But either way, you couldnt stay away from him, Shikamaru was snarky, and a little blunt, but he was also super kind, smart, and as much as he tried to deny it, he was the very definition of a cuddlebug.
So here you were, hopelessly wriggling against his tickle attack, trying to swat him off but failing for the most part. Until, you thought quickly of a strategy, grabbing hold of one of his wrists, and pinning him underneath you, your hair brushing his cheek from the closeness.
"Gotcha, Nara." You said, smirking into his startled gaze. He wiped the stunned look off in a second and narrowed his eyes, and suddenly you felt the mood shift, an electric buzz bouncing between the 2 inches of space between your lips. He tugged his hand out of your grip, lacing it in your hair at the base of your neck, and pulled you gently to close the gap, his lips softly pressing against yours. He was so gentle, but in this position there was no way thatd be enough for you. You deepened the kiss, pulling on his lower lip with your teeth, running your tongue across his mouth and cursing yourself for needing air. When you came up to breathe, you placed a small kiss on the corner of his mouth, then his chin and finally settled in the crook of his neck, leaving a bit of a mark over his pulse.
"Now that could be troublesome, Hisha." You heard him say, and you smiled, bringing yourself back up to his eyes, and taking in the playful depths of deep brown he held there. Damn this boy was intoxicating. So much so that you didnt particularly notice when your bedroom door opened. But you couldnt miss the unmistakable cough from your doorway.
Turning to face the sound, still straddled over your secret boyfriend, your face was confused on whether to turn bright red or to flush of color completely.
"Asuma! Uh, youre home early?" You said, coughing as you quickly scrambled to the other side of the bed, Shika sitting up and staring at his hands from the other end.
"That I am. I dont think youd take this route of implication when I said 'Stay safe' before I left." Your brother said from your door, glancing at Shikamaru's obvious hickey, ans smirking as he lit a cigarette. Always the joker, wasnt he? Youd scold him for smoking in the house, but honestly you were in no place to talk about breaking rules.
"I'll give you two a minute." He said, before closing your bedroom door. You put your face in your hands, nearly on the verge of tears from the severe panic you just endured, but you felt Shika's arm around you in a second. And he was....laughing?
"Listen, hisha, that could have been a lot worse." He said, and you shot him a dark look, but his smirk never faultered. He really thought this was funny.
"You really think this is funny? I just completely embarassed myself in front of him, and he could quite possibly be planning your death, and youre laughing? What the hell, Nara?" You scolded, and his smile only grew at your frustration. What was with this dumbass?
"Relax, Y/N. It's just Asuma. Im his favorite, he'd never hurt me, and honestly hes not one to judge you, either." He said, and you rolled your eyes, calming down a bit. Maybe he was right. You glanced at the clock, and gasped, seeing it was nearly time for dinner and you hadnt even started.
"I guess so. Im gonna go start dinner, are you staying?" You asked, and he thought for a minute before nodding. You got up, straightening your clothes before opening the door and heading to the kitchen. Shikamaru followed you out, and he knew right were Asuma would be. He didnt show it, but this impending conversation scared him a bit. But it'd be okay. Right?
"So my sister, huh?" Asuma said, as Shika entered the room, pausing before going to sit across from him at the shogi table.
"Yeah. Not intentional, but pure coincidence." Shikamaru responded, before making the first move. Asuma looked up at him with a lopsided smile.
"Well, I have to say youve got good taste. I can see why." He responded, and Shikamaru let out a breath he didnt know he was holding. But that didnt last long, because Asuma followed up with, "But you know if you hurt her in anyway, Ill have to kill you."
"Id never do something like that. Hish, I mean, Y/N is probably the best thing to happen to me." Shikamaru said quickly, and Asuma laughed.
"I'm only joking. Mostly."
Dinner went well for the most part, just a few awkward silences as most 'meet-the-guardian' dinners do. But generally, it was like it always had been. It wasnt until Shikamaru left, and you were washing the dishes, that Asuma came in and gave you his signature sly smile.
"Watch your hickey placement next time, Y/N. Or your secret boyfriend wont be secret for long."
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Both alike': New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
'Both alike'
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Chapter Summary : Yirina woke up from her night after reliving an troubling memory....and an talk is necessary with someone....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3500
It was since an long time that I didn't feel myself like that and it was quite troubling for me to reface that again....last time I was like that was when I first try to contact Freya herself in the New Orleans and since, I was mainly able to concentrate myself on not doing that again even with the most painful moments that I had to live : seeing Freya again in that mall, calling her back and also seeing Zasha back and learning of what happened to them in 3 years. I was strong but it only needed an picture of Perseus, an memory of the safehouse and Adler himself to make me prove wrong.
I did face an fear of needles towards me and everytime I see an needle that is intented to get to me, I see Adler again, injecting right into the left eye socket while I was on that stretcher, surrounded and unable to move as it was doing nothing to help my state. Adler is an unforgivable man and seriously, there's not an simple way for me to pardon for what he has done against a lot of people. He could say that he did this because of the 'sake of the national security and the Free World' but it will never help him for good, making only things bad.
After everyone left except Zasha & Park, I start to fell asleep a few minutes later, slowly closing my eyes on that couch as the two were staying next to me, trying to recomfort me by an lot and their presence with me was only making me good despite my whole damn state right now. I'm just an woman is trying to discover about herself in the middle of an secret war, having tides to the both sides and just wanting to live normally....Am I going to live that for real ?
As I opened my eyes, I could see myself....laid down in an flying american cargo plane and I wasn't feeling so well....3 bullets were in me at my chest level and I was still hooded.....this day, it was the day that Adler found me on that airstrip and I was transported somewhere but I couldn't know where exactly....maybe to an CIA facility or....I couldn't know and I don't want to know in fact.
I was laid on the ground, seeing two mens standing up just next to me both talking to each other....Russell Adler himself wearing an green jacket and a cap and the other....he was more looking like an american military doctor. I couldn't hear at the beginning but as I slowly regain consciousness of the situation, I could hear them well.
"So, what are we going to do with her ?" The doctor asked, his arms crossed, looking at Adler very curious.
"We're gonna bring her back for interrogation." Adler replied before he moved his head around to look at Mason & Woods from afar, the two sleeping deeply. "For everyone else, she's declared dead." He added, looking back at the doctor who was confused.
"What do you mean ?" The doctor de-crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow to Adler.
"You heard me right, soldier." Adler was sounding annoyed like if the doctor should have already know of what he was talking about. "No one need to know here that this russian girl has survived."
"And why that ?" The doctor demanded again.
"Listen...." Adler started, pointing at me & him, looking dead serious and not wanting to awake the two. "Perseus agents aren't so willing to give an word to us and....this one.....I'm not sure if she's gonna talk for real."
"So ?"
"This means that maybe normals means of interrogation aren't going to work with her." Adler seemed pretty sure of his word before looking around again. "We're still going to do them but if the others asked.....tell them that she died of her wounds." He exclaimed as I could feel myself moving my hand very slowly.
"Help....help me...." I whispered in an very low voice as it was muffled by the hood I still have on my head, raising my hand towards Adler as the two realized that I was awake....until Adler quickly moved his left hand right in front of my mouth, avoiding me to speak again.
"Shut up !" He ordered, sounding low and holding my mouth as I could feel my eyes crying by an lot from that, never that I was scared by the man himself. "If you tell one more word here, you really gonna die." He affirmed before he look back at the doctor. "Give her enough anaesthetic drug to make her sleep again."
"But, sir...." The doctor tried to start before he could see Adler looking back at him, angry.
"That wasn't an suggestion, that's an order !" He admitted as he was still holding me before the doctor took a deep breath, taking out an syringue and checking if it was full.
"It....it should be enough for an long sleep." The doctor snorted as he got next to me, kneeling before he injected me with the needle right into my left arm as Adler was forcing me to not move with me, crying out with my eyes as I couldn't speak an word.
"Good girl." Adler smirked as I could start to feel the anaesthetic taking over me as I start to slow close my eyes, still seeing Adler smirking as the doctor start to walk away, not looking behind him, maybe feeling guilty and leaving me alone with Adler on top of me.....
"You're going to be an wonderful asset !"
This memory, it kinda make me believe that Adler never actually see me as an human being but more like an fucking tool....an asset. His said 'forgiveness' towards me, the excuses he was making to me, to Park and everyone, I'm pretty sure it's the damn bullshit coming from his mouth like always. I did see it when he wanted to apologize to me about what he has done but I didn't see it when he apologized for his bad words towards my relationship with Park. This memory.....and many others like this one....is making me open my eyes fully.
After hours of struggling in my sleep, fighting to not say to myself that I'm not an 'asset', I awoke slowly, back into that couch where Park & Zasha brought me in. I was still kinda feeling not good even if that feeling was very minimal like if I was still facing that memory in my head. When my eyes were fully open, I looked around to see the main room almost empty with only Zasha at the desk we were using.
I started to slowly move in the couch, redressing myself to get sit on it before I took an deep breath once I was fully sit, getting my hands on my face, wanting to see if I was still kinda dizzy and it was better than I thought to be honest. I passed my hands quickly in my hair & face before I took an look at Zasha, working.
"How's work, Zed ?" I exclaimed in an funny tone with me trying to raise my voice as it wasn't sounding so well right now as I just woke up.
"My god !" Zasha almost jumpscared from their seat at hearing my voice before putting their right hand above their heart, at the verge of having an cardiac arrest because of me. "Yirina." They breathed as they move from their seat to walk to me. "You're alright ?" They asked me, putting their hands on top of mine.
"Yeah, it's better than last night." I grinned at them, joining our hands together before I look around again. "Where's everyone ?"
"Well, they all left for one of their missions in the city, they took Greta & Garrett in." They replied, making the same as me, more focused on the dashboard. "It's only, me, Park....and also Mason too in here."
"Oh...he...he didn't go with them ?" I demanded, knowing that Mason wasn't so good when he saw me like that yesterday. They shook their head.
"No, his friend Woods said that it was better that he stay here to rest." They added.
"And where's Park ?" I asked.
"She's just in the kitchen, taking an coffee....we're after noon." They responded, making me an bit relieved but also stunned to learn that I slept for an long, long time since I remembered to have start sleeping at 11 PM....almost more than 13 hours of sleep. "It's good to see you well, Yirina." They added, making an smile to me as I start to remember of something.
"Zasha...I did remember of something." I started, getting their attention on me as we were having our both hands together. "You said...the day Dedov left that....you had feelings for me...." I looked at them who was an bit embarassed about it....seeing them blushing. "Was....was it true ?" I could remember well what they have said to me that day and seeing our hands together make me relive that memory in an flash.
"Yeah...." They snorted, sounding very low, looking away from me. "I was until Portnova arrived in my life." They continued as I could see an tear on their left eye before they move their hand to clean it. "I....shit..."
"Hey, it's okay, Zed." I affirmed as I make them look at me with an smile. "It's just that I wanted to know but I didn't want to trouble you in case with that." I said before I slowly got up from my couch to hug them as an recomfortive way. "I'm your friend and I will do my best to get Portnova back to you." I affirmed, feeling Zasha's hands on my back.
"We will.." Zasha whispered, sounding an bit sad before we withdraw from each other, making an little tap on their shoulder before taking an breath.
"So....to change....how's work ?" I repeated my very first question to them, keeping my hand on their shoulder.
"With Park, we were able to track down the usual routine of Lukas Ritter and maybe found an way to make them talk about getting to Portnova." They fully replied with an smile, moving away to get back at our desk, walking with them to it. "We are maybe going to move on him tonight as we know of his trips in the city."
"It's like trying to know if these 'differents opinions' are real." I suggested, referring to what we have seen in those transmissions last night and they nodded. "Listen, I'm gonna go see Park, take something to eat and then, we're coming back to work." I added as I start to walk away slowly.
"Sounds good for me." They exclaimed, getting sit on their chair to work.
"And don't drink too much coffee." I scoffed, stopping myself to point at them.
"Doesn't sound right, then." They said before they laugh and me too as I start to walk again to the kitchen's direction.
I was feeling good despite still having an sort of headache in me, having this particular memory in me...seeing Adler holding my mouth to control me....like he did after that...I need to break that control but I don't know how exactly I can do it. I tried to stop to think about it as I was getting inside the kitchen that was already open before I could see Park standing up next to the fridge in her thoughts and without an word, I moved to get next to her, to hug her exactly.
"Oh, Yiri..." She started surprised, breaking away from her thoughts as I was hugging her with my arms before she moved her arms around me too. "You surprised me." She sounded happy nonetheless that I was awake
"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry." I whispered, apologizing from doing that to her even if she was okay with it.
"How do you feel ?" She asked me as we broke the hug, just facing each other.
"Well, I'm feeling good but bad thoughts...." I began with, trying to look away before I leaned on the counter just next to her, crossing my arms. "I just remember the day where Adler transported me to get to an CIA facility somewhere....the day I was left for dead." I looked at Park who was worried and curious to know more.
"What did you see ?" She questioned me as she put her hands on mine, feeling her touch on me.
"Adler....ordering someone by force to tell the other that I was dead for unknow reasons...seeing him controlling me like I was nothing to him....at all." I fully replied, holding back my own tears to not think of myself been nothing....just an asset. "That's why Woods & Mason were never aware of me..." I suggested as the two were unaware of my brainwashing at that time...I could still see their reactions when they learned about it.
"Yes." Park breathed, sad to rethink about it as she got next to me, very close as we joined hands together. "It was so painful to me to keep your state secret to Woods & Mason at that time but with Mason's history & Adler's threats, I couldn't." She sniffed as she put her head on my shoulder. I was holding back my own tears to see her like that.
"But now, they know and...." I started before I cut myself in my own voice, feeling myself bad in an sudden, finding myself at Park's place and feeling her own pain. "Mason..." I whispered like that.
"When he learned about it, he's refacing his old history." Park explained as I moved my hands behind her shoulder, looking in front of me, blank stare. "There's moments where he's reliving what the CIA did to him when they interrogate him." She snorted, her hands touching my chest and her head still on my shoulder. "He's been thinking about you since you left with me....he told me that 2 hours ago."
"Really ?" She moved her head on my shoulder, meaning an yes according to her moves. "Do you think I should go talk with him ?" I proposed before Park move to face me, not sure of it according to her face.
"I don't know but it could maybe help you." She responded, taking my hands in hers again. "If it can help you feel better, so do it. I'm with you in both ways." She affirmed, making me grin an little.
"Yes but I think I need to take it easy, you know ?" I suggested and she nodded as it was her own words that I was saying back.
"Listen, maybe you can go to him now ?" She proposed, pulling me for an very quick kiss on the lips, just to give me hope & recomfort. "I'm going to prepare something for you once you're finished with him."
"Sounds good." I said with an smile, making also an quick kiss on her lips before I start to walk away from the kitchen, leaving Park alone in it.
Honestly, talking with Mason himself was giving stress because even if the two of us shared the same state during an part of our life, I wasn't going to talk to him, already knowing everything about him and like if it was normal. It's been years Mason faced that situation and he's been fighting for years to get things right and to forget what happened to him but with me here and what I suffered because of Adler, his old memories....his bad thoughts has popped up again in his life.
When I arrived in front of Mason's room, I took an deep breath before actually starting to knock on the door and to be honest, I wasn't sure if Mason was going to allow me to enter or to even acknowledge me now as he wasn't going well these days.
"Come in." I could hear him through the door, his voice muffled because of it and I was trembling before I put my hand on the door handle, slowly opening it to discover Mason sitting on the edge of his bed, looking blank stare at the wall before he looked at me. "Oh, it's you." He said in an low voice.
"I...I wanted to know how you were now ?" I asked, sounding troubled as I close the door behind me, sweating at the idea to know more about Mason.
"Right now ?" They repeated, still with the same voice. "It's always bad thoughts coming back." He replied before he took an breath. "Come on, take an seat." He pointed with his hand to an seat that was just next to his bed but I shook my head.
"No, I'm good." I grinned, thanking him of his gratefulness as I moved next to the wall, crossing my arms and looking down. "Bad thoughts..." I whispered, likely to myself....something that we're been having both.
"Yeah, it's always like this." He affirmed, making me look at him slowly. "Sometimes, it's good and some, it's fucking bad." He added, swearing at the end.
"It's things that we just want to forget and leave them forever but there's always something that brought it back." I exclaimed, taking an deep breath as I was literally mentioning myself at the end. "Was I this 'something' ?" I asked.
"Mmhm..." He nodded slowly, looking away from me.
"I'm sorry." I apologized.
"You couldn't know." He said clearly to me, taking back an normal voice before he did an deep breath, looking back at me. "And I didn't know." He added.
"We both faced the same thing and...." I started, not sure of asking to be honest. "What happened to you ?" I literally asked him, making him look at me with serious eyes.
"You want to know ?" He asked me back and I....slowly nodded even if I didn't want to do that. He redressed himself well on his bed before looking back at me. "In 1961, I was tasked with Woods & and an old friend to kill Castro during the Bay of Pigs invasion." He started, getting my attention on his story, I know that I have to shut my mouth during all of this. "The man we killed....was just an damn decoy and I was captured to make sure that Woods and my friend got away. Castro himself gave me away to....Dragovich."
"Nikita Dragovich..." I whispered and he nodded to me, seeing on his face that I shouldn't say this name.....shut up, Yiri !.....
"Him and his friends...they brainwashed because they wanted me to kill my own president but.....someone stepped inside and changed everything." He continued, looking away from me...especially at the seat like if he was seeing someone sit on it.....better to not ask...."Instead of their orders, the man....ordered me to kill them....to accomplish an vengeance that he wasn't able to do." He smiled at the chair before taking an quick look at me. "I did kill them for me....but also for him."
"What was his name ?" I demanded.
"I can't tell you.....no....I can't tell her." He affirmed, focused on the chair....he was definitely seeing someone on it....maybe that man he's talking about.
"Why are you looking at the chair ?" I did really questioned him about that even if I promised myself to not do it....I'm such stupid for fuck sake.....he shook his head, biting his lips, still looking at the chair.
"We're both alike, Yirina." He looked back at me, sure of his words.....yeah, he was right above all, he's like me, I'm like him but him....he know the pain for years and me....it's been almost 2 months that I'm trying to struggle with myself if we don't count the coma in it. "Me, you...we're facing our own life and wonder how we can fight."
"You know well of the fight but me....I'm still trying to struggle about it." I exclaimed as I removed myself from the wall, de-crossing my arms. "I don't know how I'm still here as I thought that an bullet took me away." I put my finger on my scar at my head.
"You're trying to know more about yourself and to say....you're an lucky girl." He admitted, referring to some of the good events that happened to me even if it wasn't an lot of it. He then start to laid down on his bed, wanting to rest. "I was told once that....people like us....everyone in here, we're just pawns in an big chess game...useful but one your potential is used to its max, we're putting you in the trash." He proclaimed, true in his words....very true to say....
"The Cold War has been an chess game since 1945...." I said, wondering how that conflict between two differents worlds was still on. "Spies has been the pawns for years with people like Adler or Hudson making the moves."
"Yeah." Mason whispered as he moved to face the wall, turning his back to me. "I think that you should go, I need some rest." He suggested and I start to leave his room slowly, knowing more about Mason before I could hear saying randoms numbers at an very low voice and then , I finally left his room, closing the door behind me with an thought in my head.....
We're just pawns....me...him....Park....Zasha....we're all pawns !
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zenofanfiction · 4 years
The Eternal Journey
Chapter 2 - Confrontation
"The Shinto Shrine ? Why are we going there, Zeno ?" Jae-Ha asks, curious.
"The Shrine is the only place where the voice of Heaven can be heard. You're all asking for the truth and for trustworthy proofs, this is where you'll find them." Zeno answers calmly.
Ever since the Yellow Dragon has talked about the Shinto Shrine, his eyes have been tainted with sadness and melancholy but Jae-Ha still doesn't understand the real cause of this sudden grief.
Zeno and Jae-Ha walk out of the tent together, heading for Shin-Ah and the other's tent. When they arrive in front of the closed curtain, Zeno stops for a few seconds, taking deep breaths.
"Zeno, are you okay ?" Jae-Ha asks worriedly.
"I'm fine, just need to think for a second. Pull myself together." he answers, his eyes still closed.
A few more seconds and the Ouryuu enters the tent, earning the worried and startled looks of his friends inside the tent.
"Z...Zeno ?" Kija whispers nervously.
But he doesn't even bother looking at the White Dragon and walks slowly towards Shin-Ah's bed. He looks at him with great melancholy but still kneels in front of his sleeping body.
Zeno stays on Shin-Ah's side for a few seconds, closing his eyes again and focusing. Somehow, the two other dragons begin feeling a distant powerful aura emanating from Zeno. It becomes stronger and stronger before completely overwhelming them.
"Z...Zeno ? What's this sudden energy...?" Jae-Ha asks in awe.
Zeno, invisibly glowing with immense solar power, looks at him with wise warm eyes.
"Nothing that wasn't already there before, Ryokuryuu." he answers softly.
Kija is torn between submitting to this incredible heavenly force or running away in panic. This huge aura surrounds him whole and the dominance of its strengh frightens him to the core. He's never felt something so powerful and yet he feels in his heart that this aura won't hurt him.
"Don't be afraid, Kija. Everything's fine." Zeno states.
The Yellow Dragon turns back to Shin-Ah, contempling his sleeping face.
"You shouldn't have used your power on me, Seiryuu." the Yellow Dragon sighs.
"You were wrong to force me but no one should have to endure the weight of my soul and past. Especially a young innocent spirit like yours..." he goes on softly, his eyes full of regrets and sadness.
Zeno slowly raises his right hand and places it on Shin-Ah's closed eyes. He closes his own eyes and suddenly his hand begins glowing a beautiful warm blue, exactly the same as his eyes.
Jae-Ha, Kija, Yun, Yona and Hak are all amazed by this warm reassuring glow and silently witness one of the many faces of the Ouryuu's power.
"I forgive you and release you from the burden of roaming my endless soul." Zeno murmurs.
"Roaming his endless soul ? What is he talking about ?" Jae-Ha wonders worriedly.
"Wake up, Seiryuu." Zeno says, his authority weighting on everyone in the tent.
All eyes are now on Shin-Ah, all waiting for Zeno's power to prove itself real or not. To their estonishment, Shin-Ah naturally opens his eyes. He looks straight in front of him, not aknowledging the others.
"Shin-Ah ! Thank God you're finally awake !" Kija suddenly breaks the silence.
Everybody hurries by Shin-Ah's side, asking him how he feels, what happened, etc. Well, everybody except for Jae-Ha who's eyes are glued to Zeno's still frame.
Zeno eyes the little relieved group without smiling, almost on the verge of tears.
Jae-Ha doesn't understand. Why has Zeno been so sad since Shin-Ah read his soul ? What could be so earthshattering that their ever cheerful boy would suddenly become such a sad mess...?
The Yellow Dragon makes a small eye contact with Shin-Ah. The latter tries to say something but Zeno just nods, already knowing what's in his friend's mind. He gives him a little sad smile of reassurance before leaving the tent without anybody else noticing.
But of course, Jae-Ha follows the small boy outside, worried about him.
"Zeno, wait." he calls him.
The Yellow Dragon turns back, looking tiredly at his friend.
"What is it, Jae-Ha ?"
"Hum...Your power's amazing, Zeno. You should be proud of it." he mumbles, blushing.
Jae-Ha is suddenly very embarassed. Why did he really follow him outside ? He can't just say Hey you seem sad, what's wrong?, can he ? And he isn't ready to just openly worry about this young man in front of him without any reason.
Zeno has a little smile when he responds.
"Glad you enjoyed it. We'll see if you're still as enthousiastic when you know about my whole power."
Jae-Ha is about to respond but suddenly Shin-Ah storms out of the tent, everybody following behind and worrying about him already getting out of bed.
He stands in front of Zeno, maskless, without saying a word. Zeno stays still too, not moving an inch and looking straight into Shin-Ah's powerful eyes.
Nobody dares to say anything, the moment between those two dragons seems out of time and almost sacred. Before Yona can interrupt their everlasting silence, Shin-Ah begins sniffing and sobbing.
All eyes turn on him alone and Shin-Ah breaks in tears.
"Z...Zeno... Our..yuu" he whimpers almost like a child.
Zeno doesn't move for a few seconds, just looks down. After a while, he finally gives in and hugs the crying boy.
"It's okay, Seiryuu. Don't worry about it." he reassures him.
"B..But, Zeno... I'm sorry, I d..don't want you to h..hate me..." he still whimpers, unable to prevent hot tears from streaming down his marked cheeks.
"I don't hate you, Shin-Ah. I'll never hate you. I love you and nothing you can do will ever change that fact." Zeno smiles warmly, wiping a tear away from his friend's face.
"But you're a..already suffering so much... How could I do t..that to you..." Shin-Ah can't stop sobbing.
"Stop, Seiryuu... I'm fine, you didn't do anything bad, no need to blame yourself." Zeno replies, still hugging the crying boy.
Jae-Ha, already worrying about Zeno all the time, doesn't let this slip out of his mind.
"Already suffering so much ? What could hurt our young joyful dragon this much that even Shin-Ah is worrying about him...?" he wonders.
"I...I'm s..so sorry O..Ouryuu..." Shin-Ah goes on.
"Shhh... I'm okay, I'm safe, don't worry about me. We're all together now, that's all that matters." he whispers with sad eyes.
It takes a few minutes but the Blue Dragon finally calms down. Kija thinks this is a good time to begin asking questions.
"Why wouldn't Zeno be okay, Shin-Ah ? What did you see, what's his power ?" Kija tries to step in and searches for answers. Shin-Ah then looks up and shoots his friend the most frightening cold glare.
"When will you realize it's none of your fucking business, Kija ?! Don't you think you've already done enough ?!" Jae-Ha immediately stops him.
"You shouldn't be so inquisitive, Hakuryuu. Sometimes, you just have to accept that certain things are way beyond what you alone can comprehend." Shin-Ah says coldly.
"What ? Come on, at least we didn't do it for nothing, just tell me already."
Zeno, completely silent, is almost boiling in anger in the back. He tries really hard not to burst out in rage.
"This matter is not mine to reveal." Shin-Ah states softly, looking at Zeno.
Kija looks at him too, exploding in curiousity.
"Zeno, don't you think it's high time fore you to tell us ?! After everything Shin-Ah has been through because of you, you could at least reveal yourself now !" he says angrily.
"Don't talk to him like that, Kija. You were the one who asked Shin-Ah to use his power against his own brother." Yun steps in.
He has always thought that dragon matters should stay between dragons but his friend is taking things way too far and he can't let Zeno be bullied like that just because of his selfish childish curiousity.
"Oh so now you care, Yun ?!" Kija retorts.
"Yes, I do and maybe you should start caring about his feelings too !" he replies.
"Just drop it, Yun ! This is between the four dragons." Kija says.
"Oh, so I guess Yona, Hak and I don't have anything to say in the matter ?!"
"Well, Yona does." Kija admits.
"So, Yona. What do you think ?" Yun asks his friend.
All eyes turn to her.
"Hum... I think Zeno should tell us what he really is capable of. If he has to protect me, I'd like to know how." she explains softly but with authority.
"See, Zeno ? Even Yona wants you to show us your power !" Kija says in excitement.
"Weither she wants it or not, I'm not gonna change my mind." Zeno states coldly.
"What ?! She's your master and you will do as she asks !"
"It's not because she's a Princess that she can order us around like we're her slaves." Zeno retorts.
Yona looks down, embarassed, but doesn't say anything.
"She's your freaking master, Zeno. You have to obey her." the White Dragon goes on.
"She's not." Zeno whispers.
"What did you just say ?!" Kija continues.
"She's not my freaking master !" Zeno speaks louder, angrily.
At that, everybody shuts up. Of course, except for Kija.
"What the fuck ?! How come she's not your master ?! She certainly is ours ! See, guys ? That's exactly like I said earlier ! He's not really one of us, he isn't even loyal to the Princess !"
"Hum... Zeno, what do you mean by not your master...?" Jae-Ha asks nervously.
"I mean exactly what I said. I didn't make oath of allegance to her and won't in the future. The Ouryuu only has one master and this person isn't Princess Yona." Zeno explains calmly.
"But then... who is it ?" Hak questions, curious now.
At that, vivid memories of King Hiryuu flash through Zeno's mind, leaving him with a void in the heart so deep that even his endless tears can't fill it.
"He isn't of our world anymore." Zeno answers, eyes full of melancholy and grief.
"Oh that's just great ! Now we're here, travelling with some stranger who isn't even loyal to Princess Yona but to some dead guy nobody knows about ! And he won't even show us his power !" Kija comes back on topic.
"Don't talk about him this way, Hakuryuu." he replies threateningly.
"Or what ? I bet you won't do a thing, Zeno ! If you're not willing to use your power, I wonder how your threats can be of any concequence !" Kija adds.
"Just fucking stop, Kija !" Jae-Ha steps in before Zeno can explode in rage but it was already too late.
"What the fuck is wrong with you ?! I'm your dragon brother and yet you don't respect me or my privacy for one bit !" Zeno says angrily.
"I don't know you, why would I respect you ?! For all I know you're just some random dude keeping tons of secrets !" Kija replies.
"And did you wonder maybe why they are secrets ?! You didn't even imagine that I won't show you my power because it hurts too much ! You have no fucking idea about what I went through because of this power !" he explodes.
"We've all been through a lot because of our power !" Kija answers.
"That's enough, I'm out. Good luck with your journey." Zeno storms out.
"No, wait Zeno !" Jae-Ha tries to reach him.
"No, Jae-Ha ! I'm not staying this time ! Not after being accused, attacked and now insulted by a selfish immature dragon who's just too curious for his own good !"
Zeno snaps back.
"No buts ! I tried really hard with all of you to be your friend and to bear with his insolent attitude but it's not worth it ! To think I was about to take you all to the
Shinto Shrine, what a fool I am ! I won't take this opportunistic child to sacred grounds !" he shouts.
"Well, if you're so unhappy, just go ! We don't need a powerless dragon like you anyway." Kija says.
"Shut up, Kija." Shin-Ah says, walking behind Zeno and grabbing his hand.
"Don't, Shin-Ah. I won't change my mind. He went to far..." Zeno tells him softly.
"We need you, Ouryuu. The Gods want us all to stick together and you know it." he replies.
"Well, I haven't really been in the Gods good papers in the past." Zeno says coldly.
"Please, Zeno. I know we all hurt you and especially this idiot, but I really want you to stay. We've lived apart for way too long..." Shin-Ah adds.
Zeno looks at him silently and sighs before Shin-Ah goes on.
"Do you want to be alone, Zeno ?" he asks sadly and with compassion.
Zeno is taken aback by this question. He didn't expect Shin-Ah to point exactly at his insecurities like that. But he's right.
"I don't. I really don't want to be alone, Seiryuu. I've waited for you for so long..." Zeno replies sadly.
A silent unique tear falls from his eye.
"But Kija doesn't trust me and wants me to leave, Shin-Ah." he says even more sadly.
"He doesn't understand what's happening and what a great honor your presence among us really is, Ouryuu. Give him another chance, our time all together is limited and you know it." Shin-Ah adds.
Zeno looks down and then at Kija. He turns to the whole group before speaking up.
"You're right. I'll stay, but you all have to come with me to the Shinto Shrine first thing in the morning. Everything will be revealed on those sacred grounds."
He looks at Kija and sighs before walking to the fire. Everybody stays still and Shin-Ah walks quickly towards Kija.
"You make one remark, one comment about his power again and he's not the one who'll be leaving." he threatens.
"What are you talking about ? I'm not the enemy here." Kija answers, irritated.
"I think you don't realize how sacred and mighty the Ouryuu is, but let me tell you one thing ; you talk to him the way you did earlier once more and even the Gods won't be able to forgive you, Hakuryuu."
"What's so special about him ?"
"Everything, Kija. Everything is special about him ! You have no idea about his past and trust me, none of our sad childhood story can compare." Shin-Ah says intensely.
"Well, even if he's been through a lot, if his power isn't strong and that he can't fight with us on the field, of what use is he to us ?" Kija asks.
"Gosh, Kija. Just... Don't push him." Shin-Ah sighs.
"It's not like he could injure me, he's harmless against my dragon arm." Kija adds proudly.
Shin-Ah laughs a bit.
"What's so funny ?"
"You're way over your head, Kija. Zeno could kill all of us without even a scratch if he wanted. You have no idea who you're up against." he says, turning towards the fire and walking to Zeno.
"I'm sorry about Kija, Zeno. He doesn't really mean his rude words, he has no idea how this situation really hurts your feelings." Shin-Ah says, sitting next to his dragon friend by the fire.
"I know, Shin-Ah. I wish I could explain it all to him, but it has become so complicated that unless another Hakuryuu explains it to him, he won't believe me." Zeno answers.
"Is that why you're taking us to the Shinto Shrine ? To talk to the previous Hakuryuu." Shin-Ah asks with excitement.
"Ahaha ! If it could only be the previous Hakuryuu ! We're gonna see all of the previous dragons tomorrow." he explains with a little laugh.
"I didn't know it was even possible." Shin-Ah says with a smile.
"Only the Ouryuu has the power to open the sacred doors that lead to the Hiryuu sanctuary. All the other dragons's spirit await there." Zeno tells him.
"Well, I can't wait." he replies, still smiling.
Suddenly, his smile leaves his face and he looks at Zeno intensely.
"I'm also sorry I hurt you, Zeno. I shouldn't have forced my power on you." he says seriously.
"No, you shouldn't have. But what's done is done, right? I didn't want you to see all that, nor did I want to be reminded of my tragic past." Zeno answers sadly.
"You relived it all ? I didn't know my power had this effect on the people I use it on." Shin-Ah adds.
"Yeah, everything just flashed in front of my eyes. Not a really pleasant display..."
"I'm sorry, I get it now." Shin-Ah tells him.
"You're already forgiven, Shin-Ah. But I just want you to promise me not to use your soul reading power on me ever again. With other people it may be okay because they don't have as much background as I do but if I have to relive my past once again, it'll drive me crazy for sure..." Zeno asks him sadly.
"I promise you I won't use my soul reading power on you ever again, Ouryuu." Shin-Ah swears to him.
"Thank you, Seiryuu." he replies softly.
"No, thank you for staying with us."
"It's all right, don't worry about it." Zeno smiles at him.
They stay in silence for a little bit before Jae-Ha joins them.
"Hey, guys. May I join you ?" he asks nervously.
"Of course, Jae-Ha." Zeno replies warmly.
"Hum... I'm sorry ab..." Jae-Ha tries but is cut by his friend.
"It's okay, Jae-Ha. Please stop apologizing. I also went too far and what I said to you was really rude, please forgive me." Zeno asks.
"Of course, Zeno." he answers with a little smile.
Jae-Ha understands immediately that everything's okay between them now and he's really relieved that Zeno has calmed down.
The three dragons stay by the fire for most of the night. Around midnight, Jae-Ha and Shin-Ah go to bed, leaving Zeno alone by the fire.
The Yellow Dragon stays there all night, thinking about the past. Silent tears occasionally stream down his devastated face and fall on the floor sadly.
When morning comes, Zeno is still by the fire on his own. He has calmed down, now being an expert in the art of hiding his real emotions from his friends.
"Zeno...? Did you stay here all night ?" Jae-Ha asks, walking out of his tent.
"Yeah, had a lot to think about." Zeno answers surprisingly honestly.
"Are you okay, though ?"
"Yeah, I'm fine don't worry. Go finish packing your stuff, we're leaving in half an hour." Zeno instructs joyully.
After everybody has packed, they head to the Shinto Shrine.
"How far is it, Zeno ?" Yun asks him.
"It's about three hours away, we should he there around noon." he answers calmly but is interrupted by a sudden scream.
The boys turn to see what's happening and they're met with the awful sight of Kija, on the floor, covered in blood. An enormous bear stands behind him, growling.
"Kija !" Jae-Ha yells.
Thanks to the amazing warrior Hak is, he's on the bear a few seconds later, piercing his heart with his sword. The bear's body falls to the floor as everybody runs towards Kija.
"Oh my God, Kija ! Are you okay ?!" Shin-Ah asks worriedly.
"H...He injured my shoulder..." he mumbles, holding his bloody arm.
"Lay down, we'll stop the bleeding and bandage your shoulder." Yona instructs.
Yun and Zeno watch silently as they lower the White Dragon's body on the floor and start working on his injury.
Zeno walks slowly towards the little group and sits beside Kija.
"I'm gonna show you my power now, Hakuryuu." he whispers seriously.
"W..What ? Now really isn't a good time, Zeno !" he answers, hurting really bad.
"I told you I'd use it if I had to and you desperately need it right now." Zeno adds, placing both his hands on his friend's injured shoulder.
"What a...are you doing ?" Kija grinds between his teeth.
"It's gonna be okay, Kija. Trust me." he replies softly.
Suddenly, the three other dragons feel the same aura as the day before emanating from Zeno. His hands begin glowing and Kija feels his pain going away. The wound slowly closes itself, almost magically.
After a few minutes, Zeno's hands stop glowing and he takes them away, showing Kija's completely healed shoulder.
They all look at the Yellow Dragon with amazement. Did he just... heal Kija ?
"How do you feel, Hakuryuu?" Zeno asks quietly.
"I...I feel fine, it doesn't hurt anymore. What did you do, Zeno ?" he mumbles, looking at him with wide astonished eyes.
"I healed your shoulder. That is one of my power." Zeno answers with a little smile.
Kija straighten himself and touches his shoulder, witnessing its complete recovery. He looks up at Zeno, feeling really bad for the way he behaved until now.
"Zeno..." he whispers.
"I'm glad you're feeling better, let's get going then, shall we ?" the Yellow Dragon adds before standing up.
But as soon as he gets on his feet, Zeno feels really light-headed and falls back, almost fainting. Jae-Ha grabs him before he hurts himself.
"Zeno ! Are you okay ?" he asks worriedly.
"S...Sorry, this power requires a lot of energy. I just have to rest for a bit and I'll be okay." Zeno answers, putting a hand on his throbing head.
Jae-Ha leads him to the nearest rock, sitting with him.
"Take all the time you need." he says softly.
Everybody's still looking at Zeno with their mouth wide open. The walk to him, forming a little crowd around him.
"Don't pressure him, guys." Jae-Ha says softly, still looking at his weak friend.
"It's fine, Jae-Ha. I'm sure you all have tons of questions." Zeno replies.
Kija is the first.
"So, you have healing abilities, Zeno ?" he asks.
"Yeah, that's one of the Ouryuu power."
"But then, why didn't you want to show us ? It's really helpful and it'll make an huge difference in the battlefield." he adds.
"I didn't want you to know about my whole power. Compared to the other aspects of the Ouryuu's abilities, the healing process is a fine one, I guess." Zeno answers.
"But can you heal anybody or just the three other dragons ?" Yun asks then.
"As long as they're not already on deathbed, I can possibly heal anybody."
"That's simply amazing." Kija whispers.
"Yeah, that's really great but what are the concequences for you, Zeno ?" Jae-Ha asks worriedly.
"Well, as you saw, it takes me a tremendous amount of energy to heal someone. Right now it was only a shoulder injury and yet I'm worn out. So, for actual serious injuries, it really drains me." Zeno explains.
"So, this isn't a power that we should abuse." Yun adds seriously.
"What happens if you use it too much, Zeno ?" Yona asks, curious.
"Well, I always have enough energy available ; that's linked to my other power. But I'm be completely exhausted and in the end, it starts hurting very much."
"Why does it start hurting ?" Hak questions.
"Because when I don't have any energy left to put into the injury, then I begin taking the pain in myself. It's like transfering the person's injury from its body to mine." he answers honestly.
"So you end up being the injured one ?" Jae-Ha asks worriedly.
"Yeah, but it's okay though. My other power takes it from there." Zeno replies mysteriously.
"So you're saying that we can use you to endlessly heal everybody, all the time ? That's really great." Yona adds.
"If needed, then yes that's possible." Zeno answers coldly.
"That's absolutely out of question. We're not hurting Zeno so that the other ones can continue fighting and getting even more injured and going back to Zeno to get healed again, etc." Jae-Ha states, worrying about how selfless their young blonde boy actually is.
"You talked about another power ? What is it ?" Kija grows even more curious.
"Don't push your luck, Kija. You'll discover everything in a little bit." Zeno says, getting up again.
Jae-Ha helps him on his feet and support his body to be sure he doesn't lose his balance.
"Thank you, Jae-Ha. I'm better now, we can go." Zeno tells them with a little smile.
As they resume their journey, Zeno and Jae-Ha are cheerfully chatting in the front. After a while, Kija runs up to their level.
"Hum, Jae-Ha ? Would you mind giving me a moment with Zeno...?" he asks nervously.
The two other dragons look at him, curious.
"Well, as long as you promise me you won't try to force him to tell you about his other power, I don't mind."
"I won't." he answers.
"Okay, then." Jae-Ha says, going back to walk with Hak and the others.
Zeno continues walking in silence as if he's alone. He knows why Kija comes to him and wants him to speak up first.
"Hum, so, Zeno... I wanted to talk to you because I think I need to apologize to you..." Kija whispers nervously.
"What ? Sorry, I didn't hear." Zeno feigns, wanting his friend to be more honest and open with him.
"I said I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked Shin-Ah to look in your soul and I shouldn't have pushed you the way I did. So, I'm truely sorry for behaving like such a dork." Kija admits.
Zeno doesn't reply at first and just looks at him with a smile.
"Well, you sure went too far and really hurt my feelings." Zeno answers.
Kija looks down, ashamed of himself.
"But you're also very young and bold. All the Hakuryuu are, it's okay." Zeno adds with a little warm smile.
"All the Hakuryuu ?" Kija asks, not understanding.
But Zeno doesn't answer, he just winks at his dragon friend.
They walk for two more hours before arriving in front of a little abandonned shrine.
"Hum, are you sure it's here, Zeno ? It's only rubble..." Kija wonders.
"Yeah, maybe you got the wrong location." Yun suggests.
But the dragons can clearly feel a very strong energy behind those walls.
"I feel this is a sacred site, but I don't know, it's a weird feeling... Like the power is here but very distant at the same time." Shin-Ah adds.
Zeno turns his back to the shrine, looking at them. He smiles warmly before focusing and closing his eyes.
His immense aura comes back once again and this time, he begins actually glowing. A strong, wise light surrounds them whole and when they all open their eyes again, they're met with an unexpected tremendous Shrine.
"What ?!" Jae-Ha says, completely dumb-founded.
They all look at this luxurous solemn Shrine, not believing their eyes.
"Guys, am I dreaming or what ?!" Yun exclaims.
"But it was just a ruined little shrine a few seconds ago ! What in hell happened ?!" Kija says.
Shin-Ah turns to look at Zeno.
"Zeno, did you just...?" he asks in awe.
"The sacred Shrine can only be revealed by the Ouryuu." he explains seriously.
Zeno looks back at the Shrine with an immense feeling of melancholy.
"It's been so long since I've come here... But I'm finally home. Abi, Shuten, Guen." he whispers.
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black-sunbeam · 5 years
Pepero - Exo Lay Fanfic
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Genre - Oneshot Fluff
Word count - 1671
So this is a Yixing fanfic that I wrote in high school and I finally decided to post it. Enjoyy
'Do you know the pepero game?' Lay asked me as we unpacked the snacks. 
I knew where this was going as I stared at the box of pepero sticks he was holding up. 
'No I don't' I replied, looking away, being totally dishonest. Of course I knew it and I was sure of one thing. There was no way I was going to do something that embarrassing.
'Do you want to know?' He urged getting all excited.
I sighed.
'Not right now Lay..'
'It's really fun.'
'Could you please pass me the biscuits' I said in a futile attempt to distract him.
He picked up the tin of biscuits and handed it to me. 
'Listen!' He literally squealed 'how it works is...'
'Where's the bread? We didn't forget to buy it right?' I clearly cut him off
Lay was silent as he shook his head and passed me the loaf of bread. I took it and continued stocking the other stuff, ignoring his presence. He looked at me for a few seconds before he asked
'Do you not want to know?' the disappointment in his voice was clear and I instantly felt bad.
'It's not that..' I said, feeling sorry 'Can we just concentrate on unpacking this stuff for now?..' 
I couldn't look into those dejected eyes as he looked at me and nodded silently and shoved the pepero box away. I could feel the depressed atmosphere as he shuffled around the groceries. The last thing I wanted was make him sad. I sighed. 
'Okay fine.. tell me..fast...'
He was elated to hear this and hurriedly pulled out the box of pepero. I turned away and started arranging the food in the refrigerator to avoiding any eye contact.
'It's really simple' he started 
'We take one stick. I put one end in my mouth and the other end goes in yours...'
I blushed at the details and I could feel the heat in my face. I was grateful to have the refrigerator cooling my head. 
'Then we start eating from the ends and our faces come closer...' he explained as I cringed.
I started picturing it in my mind which made my head spin. Just imagining it was bad enough...
'And... We kiss' 
Don't we leave a 2cm gap?' I replied unconsciously, looking up at him.
He stared at me, bewildered and I realised my folly. I quickly turned back into the freezer as he kept looking at me.
'You knew?' He asked
I blushed, my eyebrows slightly furrowing.
'Yes..'  I admitted
'I've seen it a few times on shows' 
His eyes never shifted as he examined me silently and I wished he'd look away.
'Look... I...' I began, scavenging my brain for an excuse, but before i could say anything he placed the pepero box on the kitchen counter and walked away.
I was left speechless as he strode towards the sofa and sat curled up on it with his legs up and chin touching his knees. I mentally punched myself about ten times as I watched him, pouting in the corner.
I sighed and walked towards him. He refused to look at me. So I knelt down on the floor in front of him and took his hands in mine.
'I'm so sorry Yixing. I didn't mean to lie to you like that. Will you forgive me?' 
He still wouldn't look at me
'Please..' I begged and his eyes softened 
He hesitated a bit but finally spoke
'You didn't want to do it with me..' he mumbled .
I was surprised when I heard that. So that's why he was depressed. I never saw it from his point of view. Was that how he interpreted it?
'No' I exclaimed 'I was just embarassed to do it'
He still pouted, melting my heart again.
I looked up at his crestfallen face and said,
'You know what? I want to do it'
I noticed his eyebrows rise in surprise. I got up and went to the kitchen counter. I took the box of pepero and opened it. I could see Lay watching me from the corner of his eye. He pretended to not have been looking when I returned with the box and knelt down on the floor in front of him again. 
I took one stick and held it in my mouth and leaned upwards, towards him. He had turned his head away but his steady eyes were watching me and he had a faint smile on his lips.
'Unghh'  I pointed at the pepero in my mouth, nudging his legs with my fingers.
He stared at me for five seconds before he looked away and abruptly chuckled.
'Unghh?'  I looked at him confused.
He put his legs down and with his left hand lifted my chin upwards as he leaned into my face, his eyes looking into mine.
'Oh you are so cute' he grinned smugly, 
My heart was instantly hit by rapid palpitations as he bit the other end of the stick.
He kept biting off pieces and I shut my eyes unable to bear looking at his face from such close proximity without fainting. He kept biting it off, coming closer each second when all of a sudden the pepero stick broke, his lips only two inches from mine.
I opened my eyes because I knew that was the end of the game. I felt a split second of relief that it was over when all of a sudden he held my face in his hands and pulled it close to his
And kissed me.
My eyes went wide open as he pressed his lips to mine. I couldn't even hear my heartbeats anymore. Only some distant, melodious, chiming bells. 
When finally after a long second our lips parted. He opened his eyes and looked at me, grinning and I stared back with shock on my face. 
I lost all the strength in my legs and collapsed on my behind, my face boiling hot. He smirked, enjoying my reaction as he got down on the floor and leaned towards me, crunching the pepero stick in his mouth.
'So did you like the game?' He whispered in my ear in a teasing tone, his breath tickling my neck and ears. 
My voice disappeared leaving just a knot in my throat and I flushed deeper. 
Chuckling again he faced me and our eyes met. He stopped laughing almost immediately and held my gaze for about ten seconds as his expression changed completely from teasing to serious before he placed his left palm on my cheek. I shuddered at the touch as his fingers reached to the back and dug into my hair, tangling it and gently pulling my head closer to his.
I tried to form comprehensible words but instead empty air escaped my mouth. I didn't even struggle this time when the gap between our faces kept decreasing, till finally our lips met again. 
I have absolutely no idea how to put into words what I felt at that moment. My heart was beating so fast that it hurt, like it was being punctured with sharp skewers from every side.
I held my breath and my mind went haywire due to the lack of oxygen. But the most unexpected feeling was that my body was reacting to him, to his every touch, wanting to close the distance between us. I didn't care if it hurt. I felt a wave of electricity passing through my nerves and I knew I was on the verge of passing out.
Our lips finally separated and I gasped for air. I looked at Lay to see him still intently looking at me. I held my aching chest with my left hand trying to calm my short-circuited heart, partially coming to my senses. 
I started taking deep breaths and our eyes met once more. He held me again slowly coming closer but I knew I was at my limit and with a swift movement, I held up my palm and covered his mouth.
He looked at me questioningly.
I shook my head taking a few deep breaths.
'That's.. all I can take...for one day..' I heaved, somehow finding my voice, my mind still going topsy-turvy.
His response was unexpected as he roared with laughter and backed away. I nearly collapsed to the floor, when he got up and lifted me in his arms effortlessly. He put me back on my feet and whispered chuckling 'Shall we continue unpacking then?' he remarked like nothing even happened.
I nodded dizzily, holding onto the side-table for support, trying to recover. 
He walked towards the kitchen, still shaking  with laughter and I watched his back as he walked. 
I was absolutely sure of one thing.
I was uncontrollably in love with him, and nothing could change that. I followed him with my numb legs, slightly tripping at each step. He held me to his side began unloading the rest of the groceries. I felt a sudden gush of warmth in my chest as i watched him. 
I still had the box of pepero in my right hand which I made absolutely sure to place in the far corner of the back shelf. 
I was trying to shy away from the thought of it but I knew that the unforgettable memories of today would always remain in my heart, making me red each time I thought of him.
I went to the room the next morning. Lay had already left and I got a text that he'd be back by noon. I decided to cook something for lunch rather than ordering in again and went into the kitchen. The first thing I saw in the kitchen when i entered made my jaw drop and the blood flow right through my face.
The box of pepero was on the front shelf at eye level with a note stuck to it
- 'Nineteen sticks left' 
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This is my very first fanfic. I hope you like it. It's clear who my bias is hehehe. Also I'm not really sure how the Pepero game works so I made up my own version here lol xD
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Everyone obviously has a plan Pt. 3
Hello, I guess for now this is the last part of the story :)
'Ehm, well, you see... he... uhm... well...' Marinette stammered on the verge of a small panic attack. Why did that darn cat decide to visit her right now? Doesn't he have anything better to do? Like annoying someone else? Alya opened the small window to let Chat in, only for him to realize his horrible mistake. His escape attempt however was stopped by Alya pulling on his tail, which resulted in him falling inside Mari's room. Marinette could just speechlessly watch her best friend manhandle the boy. If it weren't for her role in the current situation, she might even laugh at the whole scene. As it was Chat was trying to salvage his pride by getting to his feet fairly quickly, but his reputation was beyond repair at this moment. He was lucky enough that Alya didn't have her phone camera on. He could already see her posting the pictures and video on her blog with some hashtag like cat-astrophy or cat fail. 'Ok, would someone please explain what is going on here? Why is Chat here? Wait. Mari, is he the reason why you decided to give up on Adrien?' Alya asked incedulously. 'What? No. I mean- No!' Marinette tried to come up with a coherent sentence, but she failed miserably. 'What can you say in your defence, cat boy?' Alya turned to Chat. 'Why did you come here, of all places in Paris? Any particular reason?' 'I-I-I was on a patrol close by, aaand decided to stop by to visit my princess in her tower,' Chat recovered. 'Your princess?' 'Chat, you're not helping,' Marinette muttered annoyed. 'Marinette has helped me and Ladybug several times in the akuma fights, so I stop by from time to time. Is there anything bad about it?' 'No, but I think my alleged best friend has a lot of explaining to do. And I'm still waiting, girl.' She turned to Marinette again. 'Does he have anything to do with you taking down all of pretty boy's pictures?' 'I-I'm sorry, but I think I should leave. I am obviously interrupting...' Chat started. 'Yes, you should-' Mari started and at the same time Alya said: 'Don't you dare.' Chat felt terrified at this point, not knowing where to look, what to do or what to say. How could he get out of this? Why didn't he just once listen to Plagg telling him to wait a little longer before going to the bakery? Just why? And now he had to suffer consequences of his choice, namely two girls - one looking at him as if she was planning to make him suffer, in a very bloody way, and another that was firing questions at him at a lightning speed. He was doomed. He looked helplessly from one girl to the other, trying to come up with any solution that wouldn't involve physical pain on his side. No such luck. And still he couldn't miss the mentions of his name and pictures, that Marinette said were on her walls because of her interest in fashion. But what did then Alya mean 'give up on him'? He was obviously missing a point here. A very important one. 'So, Marinette? Is the kitty-kat the reason why sunshine boy is out of the picture?' 'No, he isn't.' Marinette shook her head. 'I told you my reasons and I didn't lie.' 'Ok, girl. I believe you. I should go now, I have to babysit the twins. But you are not getting away from me, I expect all the details. And an exclusive interview on your relationship with Paris' cat superhero. Bye, see you tomorrow at school.' Alya waved at the two of them. As soon as the trapdoor closed behind her, Marinette looked at Chat mortified and enraged at the same time. 'What are you doing here?' 'Well, as I said, I was nearby and I thought I would stop by to see how are you doing. In hindsight it might not have been such a great idea.' Chat answered sheepishly. 'Now she thinks we are... we have... we...' 'Are dating?' Chat offered. 'Yes.' Marinette hissed. 'But we aren't, so what is the problem?' he asked. 'The problem is, that Alya tends to come to her own conclusions, sometimes without verifying her facts, just like now. And it is going to be very complicated to convince her of the truth. As if my life wasn't complicated enough.' She sighed and sat on her chaise lounge. 'I'm sorry for causing you problems, princess. I offer my sincere apawlogies.' 'Ugh, not that again,' Marinette groaned. 'Why? Don't you find me amewsing?' His flirty nature came back full force. He flashed her a smirk. 'And what did I hear about you giving up on the Agreste boy? Were you two a couple?' 'That is none of your business, kitty. You know what they say about curiosity and the cat.' 'Come on, Mari, I'm your friend. What happened? You seem a little bit off.' 'You know that I had a crush on this boy for a long time, now you even know his name. Well, apparently, he is in love with someone else. And I found out only after I embarassed myself in front of him and was finally about to confess. So I have thought about it and I have decided to stop pursuing him. We will be just friends and I have to accept that. So that is what I'm going to do.' She smiled at him sadly. To say e was shocked would be an understatement of the century. He couldn't believe his ears. Marinette had a crush on him. Actually, on both of him. She had already confessed her feelings to him as Chat and now she said she wanted to confess to Adrien. What was he supposed to say? How should he act? 'Oh, Mari, I'm so sorry. I... Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?' A lonely tear escaped her eye, but she quickly wiped it away. 'Could you just please help me take down his schedule?' 'His what?!' Did she really have something like that? Marinette went to her table and showed him. His jaw fell to the floor. He has never seen anything so elaborte before. How does she know so much about his life? Who is this girl? 'Ehm... well... that is rather... unexpected and... detailed...' He looked at all of his activities written down in a calendar. There was a lot of them. How did she even know about all of them? 'Yes,' Marinette blushed, 'uhm, you see... I may have went a little bit overboard with this crush thing...' Chat's face visibly reddened. 'You could say that.' 'Can we please just take it down and never speak about it again? Ever?' 'Yes, that might be a good idea.' He stood up and helped her take the last evidence of her (obsession) crush down. 'So,' he started, trying to seem casual, 'are you going to be okay?' 'Yes, I just have to come to terms with my decision, but I think it's the right one, at least for now. He doesn't see me that way, so I'll just be his friend and support him whenever he needs it.' He smiled at her, knowing that he couldn't wish for a better friend than Marinette. How did he even deserve her? He was now, more than ever, determined to make her smile and laugh. But maybe he should leave out any pranks for a while. 'I'm sure he will appreciate that. You truly are amazing, Marinette. You are like an everyday Ladybug. Brave and smart and so kind to others.' He smiled at her softly. She froze at hearing so familiar words. 'What did you just call me?' '... everyday... Ladybug...?' There was a question hanging in the air. A slow realization, followed by widened eyes, and yet another panic attack. 'Mari?' 'You... him... you... how... oh my god... how could I be so blind? Oh my god, oh my god, ohmygod...' All of her interactions with Chat, with Adrien, every moment when Adrien was around and Chat was nowhere to be found, when Chat was there and Adrien was absent. It all made sense now. Then another realization hit her. 'Oh my god! I kissed Adrien Agreste. Several times.' Marinette rambled on and on. 'You what?!' Chat looked just as shocked now. She looked at him, as if she saw him for the first time, as if she just now realized he was in the room with her. She opened her mouth, but there were no more words coming out. Adrien was terrified. What did he just say? What did she just say? Something he said must have done this to her. What is so wrong with calling her everyday Ladybug... only... SHIT! He realized his mistake. Ladybug was going to hang him by his tail from the Eiffel Tower. He would bet his miraculous on that. How could he salvage this? Was there any way to salvation at this point? Maybe if he tried to pretend that it was nothing, maybe just a coincidence... 'Is there something wrong?' He tried to act nonchalantly... and failed miserably when his voice broke at the end of sentence. 'How could I be so blind? I... we... Tikki...' 'Tikki?' Who is Tikki? Where did he hear that name before? ... Oh... Oh, no... Ladybug... Marinette? No, Marinette knows Ladybug in her civil life, that's why she knows the name of her kwami. But... 'Marinette, inhale... exhale... slowly... breathe in... and out...' Third voice belonging to a small red and black creature sounded. At that moment Chat got into the same state as Marinette. The conclusion he came to hit him like a truck. How was this possible? Could he really be so blind? Could she really have been so close to him all this time? 'M'lady?' She looked at him with wide eyes, really seeing him. 'Adrien?' 'Oh my god! I-I-I...' Words abandoned him. His brain left him there, standing, not being able to form any sentence, word, sound. How did this happen? Finally, she broke the silence. 'We weren't supposed to know.' 'Marinette, it was not your fault. Eventually the identities are always revealed. Even though usually it's much later on.' Tikki tried to calm her chosen. 'But what about Hawkmoth? If he finds out...' 'Then we make sure we beat him first.' Chat said. 'We are a team, Bugaboo. No matter what, we always help each other and find each other. Obviously, even out of suit.' He grinned. 'Pound it?' He offered his fist. Marinette looked at him hesitantly. He was waiting patiently, smiling softly at her. She couldn't help herself and smiled back at him. 'Pound it.' 'So... I hear you have a teeny tiny little crush on a certain boy.' Chat started with a teasing smile. 'Stop it. I told you never to speak of it again.' 'Or should I say a major obsession with him?' He couldn't hold back anymore. 'Why didn't you tell me?' His face became serious again. 'I... I was afraid. Everytime I tried to approach you, to talk to you, I would become a complete mess, stuttering, clumsy mess. How could I even want to be with someone so... perfect. Even though, now that I know you are such a dork...' 'Hey! No need to be rude!' Chat crossed his arms. 'Now that I know, who you really are, I think I might reevaluate my previous decision.' She looked at him shyly. 'That would be wise, my princess. Knowing what I know now, it would be most beneficial.' He stepped closer, his fingertips slowly brushing her hand. 'I'm sorry that I didn't see you sooner.' 'Better now than never.' Marinette smiled at him and slowly closed the distance between them. His arm tenderly encircled her waist, pulling her closer towards him. It might have lasted a second, a minute or a century. Time didn't matter anymore. 'Uhm, Chat, Adrien, could you please detransform? I think Plagg might want to gloat about this for a while.' Tikki interrupted their bliss. 'Oh, yes, sure. Sorry. Claws in.' A small black cat-like creature flew out of the ring and instead of Chat Noir Adrien Agreste was standing in her bedroom. Adrien Agreste. In her bedroom. Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir. 'Oh my god!' Marinette exhaled again. 'What am I going to tell Alya?' 'Don't worry, I'm sure that between four of us we can come up with a plan.'
Thank you for your support. It means a lot :) :-*
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Then/Now (Part 2)
[Part 1], [ao3 link]
Part 2 of my Fantasy High fic
Trigger warning for anxiety, panic attaks, and very minor self harm
Part 2- Now
Everything is normal, but then, that's how it usually starts. I'm sat on my bed reading a High Level Divination book. A word I read triggers a small memory, a feeling. Something bad. I don't know what it is, but it hurts.
I start thinking. Usually, nowadays, when I think, it's good. It's about Divination, or ice cream, or my friends. But when I get like this, all of that seems to dissipate and Bad Thoughts swarm my brain, overwhelming me.
My pulse quickens and my vision clouds, and I need to get more air into my lungs. I start to hyperventilate, wringing my hands together and frantically looking around. Are Tracker and Jawbone home? Have I taken my meds today?
My mind is a whirlwind as I try to recall anything useful, but try as I might, I can only see the blank, accusatory faces of those whose deaths I've caused. Doreen, Mr Gibbons, Johnny Spells, Zayn, Coach Daybreak, Penelope, Dayne, Mr Seacaster, and countless others I can't name. I killed them! So many people are dead because of me! I'm a fucking monster!
Light headed, I grab at my hair, trying to pull it out, begging my brain to just shut the fuck up! My glasses slide off my nose, I can't see where they went. Everything is blurry and I don't know if it's because of my shitty eyesight, or something else.
Dizzying pictures and sounds and thoughts flash in my head and I can't breathe and I'm going to faint and I've just got to get away.
I bolt for the door, but my hands are clammy and I can't open it. I cast Mage Hand on the door to pull the handle into my hand, but I can't concentrate. Lightning Bolt, then Burning Hands, then fucking Witch Bolt, but they all just fizzle at my fingertips. My sister's voice echoes in my head: 'A real wizard would be able to do it. You just aren't good enough. Loser.' A sob catches in my throat and, before I can stop myself, I am crying, having slid down the door onto the floor.
My knees are tucked to my chest and I am rocking back and forth, feeling uneasy and shaky and panicked all at once. My breathing is out of hand and I am close to throwing up. Subconsciously I begin to scratch at my arms, desperately trying to claw myself out of my skin.
I'm trapped and alone and afraid, with thunder and lightning striking throughout my head.
A knock on the front door, sounding so far away I think I've imagined it. "Hey, Adaine! Can we come in?" I don't respond. A different voice, "Tracker? Are you home?"
She isn't, or she would've come to check on me. Or maybe she is, and she just doesn't care. Makes sense. No-one cares about me, they never have. Even my own parents hate me. They hate me so much they just left without me! They haven't even tried to contact me since they left! I say I don't care, but who wouldn't care if their parents just abandoned them? No matter how shitty they are. I-
A scuffle. Someone tries to open my bedroom door.
I'm sat against it, blocking the way. What if it's the police, come to take me away again? What if it's Aelwen, having come back to seek revenge? What if the Harvestmen are still at large and they've come for me? I can't think straight, immediately jumping to the worst possible conclusions.
"Adaine, open up!" a voice from the other side commands.
I shake my head vehemently, though they can't see.
"Leave me alone! Go away!"
"Adaine, I can tell you're panicking. I can feel that you're against the door. Can you please let us in? We just want to help."
'Just want to help'. Aelwen said she wanted to help when she told me to steal that stupid book on the first day of school. I broke a ward and started the freeing of Kalvaxus because she said she wanted to help! Biz said he wanted to help by being The Hacker, but he was using the girls in the palimpsests for his sick little games- Riz even told me he said he wanted to put me in one of those things, that creep. We trusted him and look how that turned out!
No. No-one ever wants to help. I can't open the door. They're tricking me. They're going to hurt me.
I push harder against the door, on the verge of passing out from shortness of breath.
A deafening guitar riff, and the door bursts open, shoving me out of my safe spot. I scramble backwards against my chest of drawers, still blind and panicking, readying Web in my outstretched hand. I can't move to escape; I'm paralysed.
"Stay back! St-Stay back or else!"
"Adaine, I'm sorry, we just needed to get the door open. Don't cast anything, it's us! It's Kristen and Fig!" "We just wanted to hang! Are you okay?"
Eyes screwed shut and shaking my head furiously once again, I lower my hand. The ruckus in my head is confusing me and it's not Kristen and Fig's voices I am hearing. But if it really is my friends, I don't want to hurt them. Haven't I caused enough damage in the world?
"I'm going to kneel down next to you, and I'm going to hug you. Is that okay?" She seems genuine, so I slowly nod, keeping Web at the ready just in case.
True to her word, they both pull me into a tight embrace. At first I stiffen, but the way they feel, so soft and warm, and smelling of popcorn and smoke, tells me it really is them and I hug back. Sobs racket through my body as my friends hold me, rubbing circles on my back and whispering calming words into my ear.
After ten minutes of crying on the floor, clinging to them like a Koala bear, I manage to stop crying.
"Deep breaths in through your nose, and out through your mouth," I am instructed, and I comply. It doesn't take long before my head becomes less clouded and my breathing returns to normal, and though I am still violently shaking, I can now see and hear and think almost normally.
"F-Fig, Kristen, I.." my voice, raspy and shaky, breaks the silence of us looking at each other. I don't know what I'm trying to say. Sorry? Thank you? Just.. everything.
Fig looks worried, searching around for evidence of a fight. Kristen is smiling comfortingly at me, a hand on my shoulder. Gently placing my glasses back on my face, she shakes her head softly.
"It's okay, you don't have to talk. I know how draining panic attacks can be! In the Church, I volunteered at a call centre for people with anxiety, so I know how to help! Plus, you're our friend! We get it!" Kristen grins at me, making the whole room light up. Or maybe it's the bright tie dye and her almost-neon hair doing that. "Oh.. Oh." Fig comes to a realisation. "Dude, you don't have to explain anything."
"What does Jawbone do when you have attacks?" she asks, and it takes a moment for me to register the question.
"I, uh.. he makes me do affirmations. Guys, I am so, so sorry! I- I nearly attacked you! And I made you sit here with me and I got your shirts all wet and- I'm really sorry, I didn't mean- I'm so stupid a-and selfish and-! Thank you. Thank you." I splutter out in one breath.
Kristen shakes her head again. "Do you do your affirmations by yourself, or does he make you repeat them after him?"
"I..." My brain is still scrambled. "I.. repeat them. There's a list on my bedside table."
As she moves to get the list and Fig fetches a glass of water, I rearrange myself so that I am cross-legged, and wipe my eyes with my sleeve. I'm so embarassed that my friends saw me like that, I just want to curl up in a ball and die. But I don't. I sit prim and proper, my back straight and my hands on my knees, just like I was taught. Put on the façade that I am okay now, try not to lose any more of my dignity. They probably hate me, now that they've seen how pathetic I am. None of my friends have ever seen my attacks, I make excuses when I feel them coming and get out of there so that they don't find out. They'd think me such a coward if they knew. I'm sure Kristen and Fig do now.
Paper in hand, she sits opposite me, Fig entering a moment later and handing me the liquid. I take a large sip, breathing deeply.
"Okay, repeat after me: 'I am safe'." "I.. am safe." I mumble, looking at the floor.
"'My panic disorder does not define me'." "My panic disorder doesn't define me.."
My cheeks redden as a sense of humiliation takes over. I can't look at them. They must think I'm so stupid for having to do this. Stupid. Idiot. Should've been quieter- they didn't have to get involved.
"'My panic attacks are not my fault'." "My panic attacks are not my fault."
What's the point? Do they really think that repeating these meaningless phrases is going to make me believe them?
"'I am not a coward'." "I... I'm not a coward."
"'I am not pathetic'." "I'm not pathetic."
"'I am not a burden on others for having this disorder'." "I am not a burden on others for having this disorder.."
"'This isn't who I am. I am ill'." "I.. This isn't who I am, I'm ill."
"'I have a mental illness and that's fine'." "...I have a mental illness and that's fine."
I know the mantra by heart, the amount of times Jawbone has made me repeat it to him, but that doesn't mean I think any of it is true. But the look on my friends' faces- they look so proud of me- says that they think it is.
I manage a small smile back at them.
"Are you tired? Do you want to sleep? If not, I can call the rest of the group over to hang out! We can order take out! I'll eat anything but corn! Or... maybe especially corn... do you think if I eat it with bad intentions, it becomes sacrelige instead of prayer? Oh, nevermind. What do you think?" Kristen rambles at a million miles a minute, and it takes me a second to register what she's asking me.
"I, uh... Yeah. Yeah, I guess Jawbone and Tracker are out, so as long we don't make a mess..."
"Awesome! I'll message them right away!" she exclaims, grin wide and eyes bright. As she hurries away, I am left with Fig, who still looks incredibly concerned. I don't look at her.
"Dude... Why didn't you tell us you have anxiety?" her voice is soft and upset- a total contrast to how she usually presents herself. I hate it.
"I, uh..." I don't know how to answer. "Well... Well, I don't know. I- I didn't want to cause a fuss, I suppose. I can deal with it by myself." I don't mean to sound so uppity, to regress into an old persona of pretentiousness to distance myself.
"No, that's... that's not what I mean to say." At this point, Kristen has re-entered the room, and is listening too. "What I mean is... I know, logically and objectively, that if I had just told you about... that, then no harm would come from it. I knew that. You guys are my friends. I'm ill and I can't- can't help it. "But, in my head, I get these paranoid feelings that, if anyone knew, they'd think me lesser. They'd think I'm weak and stupid and pathetic. I was never allowed- I've never been very good at conveying emotion and, um... I suppose I just thought I'd make a fool out of myself." My voice is barely above a whisper and my eyes do not leave the floor the entire time. I can't look at them and see them judging me like I know they are.
"Adaine," Kristen speaks from the doorway. "Nothing you feel is stupid. You're not stupid." "Yeah, you're the most metal person I know, and one of my two dads is a Devil!" Fig chimes in, and I let out a quiet giggle.
"Riz, Gorgug, and Fabian will be here soon, and we don't have to tell them anything. But I promise, they won't think any less of you. And neither do we." "Nuh uh! We could never! Besides, if you were 'stupid', why would I copy off you all the time in tests?" I laugh again, and concede that maybe they're right. They don't seem to be upset with me, or to be looking down on me. I never really thought they would- they are nice people- but I tend to imagine the worst.
We sit in a comfortable quiet for a few minutes, until the rest of our little group show up. I am now entirely poised and okay- all traces of tears are gone from my face, and I have completely composed myself.
"Hey, gang! Do we have any leads? I've been working on my board, but so far-" "The Ball, we have not convened at this sub-standard dwelling place for mysteries. It is none of our concern." "I dunno, Fabian, it's a little concerning... Hey, can I call Zelda over?"
I smile. A genuine, happy smile. I may not be entirely okay, and there may be times where I slip... but I have a brilliant group of friends right there next to me who will support me and love me through it all. My family left me, but so what? I have a new, better family. I found them myself and I love them! And they love me!
"Hey guys, listen. I know I can be pretty tough to read, like, I don't wear my heart on my sleeve and..."
I am happy.
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edogawatranslations · 6 years
999: Alterna (2) - Part 6, Chapters 4-5
Table of Contents | Previous: Part 6, Chapter 3
Chapter 4
After returning to [C-Deck], Akane and I met back up with Lotus and headed back the way we came towards the large hospital room.
Back in the hospital room, Ace, Clover, and Seven had returned safely and joined up with Santa.
Yet something about them felt off. Seven had a grim expression on his face, while Ace’s face had been completely drained of color. Clover looked so frail that she appeared to be on the verge of fading away.
Santa, with the same apathetic expression as always, turned to look at us.
“Did something happen?” I asked with bated breath.
“...Snake’s dead,” Santa muttered, staring upwards with his arms crossed.
“W-” A shiver shot through my body. I felt heart palpitations, rendering me unable to breathe properly. Cold sweat gushed out of my forehead and the back of my neck.
Akane and Lotus seemed to have the same reaction. Neither of them moved an inch, as despair crawled across their faces.
“Y-You’re kidding, right?”
“If that’s whatcha think, then why don’tcha see for yourself?” Seven said. He was shivering, with both hands curled into tight fists.
“But we’d have to go through a numbered door...”
“No need to worry about that,” Ace responded. He pointed to the numberless door. “We stuck a pillow in the door’s gap. The lock isn’t engaged, so you can go through there.”
“And then?”
“The x-ray room will be to your left. We opened that door by solving the question on the monitor, so you can open it quite easily.”
In other words, we could enter the x-ray room without having to pass through a numbered door.
Ace continued, “You’ll find the corpse inside where the seven creepy dolls are standing.”
“Got it. I’ll go and check.”
Lotus, Akane, and I nodded at each other before heading for the numberless door.
Upon entering the hallway, a iron door came into view on our left. We couldn’t pry it open earlier, but as Seven had said, the door now opened with ease.
Steeling myself, I leapt through the door.
“...Ugh.” Akane immediately grimaced and brought her hands over her mouth as she entered the room behind me.
“Where’s this foul odor coming from?” Lotus followed, pinching her nose.
An unnatural stench filled the room. The stench of blood, the stench of rotting flesh, the stench of human waste, the stench of something burning - all of that and more assaulted my nostrils.
I too soon became unable to withstand the odor, having no choice but to cover my mouth with my palm. While suppressing the nausea welling up inside me, I looked around the room.
“What’s that?”
I couldn’t help but tremble at the eerie sight before me.
Seven anatomical models stood basking in the red light emitting from the ceiling, all staring in the same direction. Photographs of each one of our faces were pasted on their heads.
When were these photos taken? I bit my lip in anger. The model with Akane’s face displayed a radiant smile.
Lotus with her pursed lips, Seven with a fierce look in his eyes, Santa with his snarky smile, Ace with his eyes closed, and Clover with a cutesy expression - Snake and the man with the [9] bracelet weren’t present.
I turned to look where the seven figures directed their gazes. There was a cloth partition dividing the room. The wall behind it was dotted with fresh blood. Based on where the splatters were more pronounced, it became obvious where Snake’s body was.
“June, wait here,” I turned around to address Akane.
“Please, just keep quiet and do as I say.”
While keeping Akane back with my palm, I stepped cautiously toward the partition. Lotus followed, clinging to my back.
I grabbed the partition with both hands. Hesitantly, I peeked behind it.
My heart stopped. My body froze. It felt like time had frozen as well.
A nightmarish sight lay beyond the partition, one that would make anyone flinch in terror. The entire area was a sea of red. Chunks of meat and flesh were strewn about in pools of blood.
A head. Both arms. Both legs. A torso.
One section of the torso had completely burst open, pink intestines splaying out from the inside.
Gobs of meat covered the surrounding walls. Yellow mucus trickled down from everywhere, as if slugs had run rampant across the room.
“W-What the fuck is this? No...!!!”
Unable to stomach the grotesque scene, Lotus fled from the room. Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of vomiting echo through the halls. That was the natural reaction. It was strange that I could remain as calm as I was.
“Lotus, are you okay?” June left the room to look after Lotus. For the time being, I wouldn’t have to worry about her coming back.
I turned to examine the corpse once more. Parts of it had been scorched black. The head seemed to have it the worst - as if it had been encapsulated by red-hot flames, it resembled a fully burnt match head.
Next to the head was the corpse’s left wrist. It must have gotten flung there from shock of the explosion. A stark white bone jutted out from the cross-section where it had been torn off.
I gazed at the corpse as a whole. The mass of meat was covered in burnt, tattered clothes. A wine-red colored necktie, a bloodied dress shirt, a navy blue jacket with yellow lines, and grey trousers. I had seen it all before. There was no question the corpse belonged to Snake.
“Why... Why did this have to happen...”
I clasped my hands together for Snake and looked up.
What appeared to be numbers were scribbled all over the blood-splattered wall.
5... 2...
The rest had been covered by the blood.
What did these numbers mean?
Intrigue filled my mind, but I had almost reached my limit. I couldn’t bear to stay in the room for much longer.
“Damn, this is horrible.”
Santa’s voice came from behind me. I turned around, and saw him gazing at the gruesome corpse with the same cool and calm countenance as always.
“Why are you here?” I asked.
“Thought I’d check it out for myself.” With no hesitation, Santa stepped into a puddle of blood.
“What happened to not wanting to get your shoes dirty?”
“That’s not important anymore. Everyone’s gonna get murdered at this rate. I gotta do some investigating if I want to survive, with or without anyone else.”
As he said that, he kicked Snake’s corpse. The torso twisted into a grotesque shape as something within was crushed with a resounding “splat.”
My stomach growled like a dog. Something sour churned up my insides. I couldn’t take it anymore.
Leaving Santa behind, I flew out of the x-ray room.
The stench of blood that had filled my nostrils wouldn’t go away.
Each time that metallic smell reached my lungs, the scene inside the x-ray room flashed into my mind. How many times would I have to endure this nausea?
Chapter 5
After returning to the large hospital room with Akane and Lotus, my gaze turned first and foremost to Clover.
She was sitting on the edge of a bed, her head hanging low. Her dull, hollow eyes stared aimlessly at the floor. Other than her rhythmic machine-like breathing, she displayed no reactions whatsoever. Her body looked so fragile that even a single touch may have been enough to break her.
Soon enough, Santa returned. His shoes were completely soaked red with blood. Just seeing them made me nauseous.
The seven of us had once again reunited in the hospital room.
“You get it now? It’s true,” Seven said as he approached me. Out of consideration for Clover, he lowered his voice to a whisper. “Snake was murdered.”
“You think he died some other way? You need at least three people to open a numbered door. Whoever did Snake in used the <RED> with him and opened the [3] door. And then they pushed him in.”
“That’s terrible...” Akane covered her face.
The door would have closed after nine seconds. By himself, Snake would have no way out. No, he likely wouldn’t have given up. Even if he realized the futility of his actions, he would have entered the x-ray room to seek out the <DEAD>.
To disarm the bracelet’s time bomb, everyone who authenticated on the <RED> must also touch the <DEAD>. Snake wouldn’t have been able to do anything in his situation. So after 81 seconds...
As the gruesome image of the x-ray room crept back into my mind, I vigorously shook my head.
“Who would do such a thing...?” Lotus murmured.
“At least three people including Snake would be needed to open the numbered door. One culprit plus Snake wouldn’t be enough to open the door,” Seven responded brusquely. “This was the work of multiple people.”
I crossed my arms. “There’s something I want to confirm first.”
“When exactly was Snake killed?”
“Must’ve been when everyone split up to look for the <RED> circuit boards. We couldn’t find Snake after that.”
“So everyone was off on their own searching for the circuit boards in different areas. That means no one has an alibi, right?”
“Yeah. Any one of us could be guilty.”
“W-Wait just a moment!” Akane cried out in a fluster. “What’s wrong with you two? You’re talking about this like it’s obvious, but you’re saying there’s a murderer among us, right?”
“Yep. And not just one—there must be at least two among us,” Seven replied.
“Seven, that’s enough,” Ace chided. “What is there to gain from sowing the seeds of suspicion around? Aren’t we playing right into Zero’s hands?”
Seven couldn’t help but show embarassment in response to Ace’s sharp rebuke.
“What do you mean, ‘playing right into Zero’s hands?’” Lotus asked, leaning forward in curiosity.
“I’m saying that this is just another part of Zero’s plan,” Ace continued with a scowl. “We must not forget that we are still playing Zero’s game. And since this is a game, there will surely be winners and losers. Those who escape through the [9] door become winners; those who fail become losers. Zero is trying to force us to compete for victory.”
“In other words, you’re saying that Zero is intentionally trying to stir up dissent among us...” Akane summarized.
“Exactly. That is why we must avoid falling into the trap of suspecting one another. If we do not trust each other and fail to come together, we will fall right into Zero’s trap.”
“So Snake’s death...?” Lotus asked.
Ace nodded. “Right. That was most likely Zero’s handiwork as well.”
“That has to be it. Ace is right!” Akane said in agreement.
“Above anyone else, we must suspect the gamemaster himself. After all, he’s the one who abducted us all in the first place.”
Ace and Akane had a point. However, now more than ever, I couldn’t help but suspect those around me.
Thoughtlessly, I blurted out, “What if Zero is one of us?”
Next: Part 6, Chapters 6-9
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