#once more not sure on final time but if I had to guess I'd say maybe 3 hours? at most anyways
shopwitchvamp · 2 days
Hello! You can ignore this if the subject is too personal, but I saw you mention that you got a hysterectomy. I've been wanting to get one for awhile for a variety of reasons (no desire to have children, wanting to permanently stop periods, ect) and I was wondering if there was anything I should know about it that isn't talked about a lot?
Yeah I had one at 25 after yearssss of medical horrors. It's a lot and probably a good deal of people don't wanna read my nightmares so-
I had absolutely life ruining periods from endometriosis/PCOS, and I also never wanted children, but couldn't stay on BC to control any of those things because I found out at 21 that it was making my cholesterol sky high. I then spent a few years being truly, literally insane because I was going off and on birth control of various types every few months to try to find anything that wouldn't give me high cholesterol. Drs were like oh maybe the patches will bypass whatever weird mechanism is making this happen, maybe nuvaring, maybe progesterone only, maybe the hormonal IUD, etc etc.
I'd rather not get into what exactly led to finally getting the hysterectomy (extremely traumatic..) but I don't mind talking about the hysterectomy itself.
All I really have to say is that I have ZERO regrets and that my life has improved DRAMATICALLY since getting the hysterectomy. I had a partial so I still have ovaries, which means still having issues from PCOS, still having a hormonal cycle, still dealing with PMDD at times, etc. But given all of the issues I'd had with hormonal BC I didn't want to have my ovaries removed and need to rely on taking hormones forever when they might have caused me more problems. This is an issue very very specific to me tho.
But yeah, before the hysterectomy I used to spend 7-10 days each month-ish incapacitated by nightmare periods, and then very often end up sick (like with a cold or sinus infection or strep throat) afterwards because my body was so weakened. The only thing that had helped before was being on the kind of BC pills you take for like 3 months straight with no breaks so that you skip periods. But once I found out about the cholesterol problem, well. They just cycled me on and off a bunch of different options while doing frequent blood tests, and then in the end were like "idk guess you just have to live with it forever." Until the obgyn I'd been seeing since I was 17, who had witnessed 8 years of my suffering and already done 2 surgeries on me, was finally willing to just do a hysterectomy back in 2016.
I hear that maybe it's a bit easier these days to find a doctor willing to perform a hysterectomy, but I can't say I know much about the process. If you're on the hunt I think maybe like the childfree subreddit has a list of doctors?
If you have any kind of more specific question I guess lemme know. I'm not sure what people do or don't talk about when it comes to this stuff, but I really don't have any negatives to report, which I mainly credit to not getting a total hysterectomy (so no early menopause issues, etc). (EDIT: just fyi anyone reading this, I've muted notifcations because while I don't mind talking about this it isn't exactly something I want popping up into my awareness every few minutes 😅 if you leave any comments or reblog tags it's totally fine, just know that I won't see them. thanks for understanding!)
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unluckyxse7enart · 1 year
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Please! I’m Dead.... Celebi...
Alternate version of my fanart of Lost Silver, now with his pokemon, and some blood too. Why not.
Also fun fact - I’m 99% certain his “shiny” Celebi is supposed to have been the normal Celebi burnt up by Ho-oh’s flames, when looking at the original fanfic along with the companion fangame. So while I didn’t spend too much time on it, I did try to draw it more with that in mind. Hopefully it comes across bc it feels weird that I don’t see this interpretation around more...?
Alternate no-glow effects version, in case anyone wants to see that too:
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fushigurro · 5 months
𝗬𝗨𝗨𝗧𝗔 𝗢𝗞𝗞𝗢𝗧𝗦𝗨 𝗫 𝗚𝗡!𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥. ⌇ 18+ only, mdni / best friend!yuuta who is touch starved / wet dreams / mention of penetrative sex and creampie / male masturbation.
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your best friend is somehow simultaneously in his most relaxed and anxious state while in your presence. it's because he has secrets—secrets he dare not tell lest he lose your treasured closeness and companionship. but as time passes by, these secrets are getting harder and harder to keep.
midnight is approaching and you're the only one whose attention remains on the movie playing on the tv. yuuta's eyes had slipped closed quite some time ago, his body instinctively slumping against yours as it struggled to keep him upright on the couch. his rest was always most bountiful when he was with you, and it was difficult to refrain from being pulled into a slumber that he very much needed.
you let yuuta's head lean against your shoulder without quarrel, leaving him to sleep uninterrupted like the understanding friend you are. after a while, he begins to nuzzle into you a little further, his once soft and steady breaths growing more restless and littered with various noises.
you assume he's having some sort of dream—perhaps a nightmare—but you can't be certain, so it seems best to let him sleep for now. but the huffs and grunts and whines are growing in frequency, his body shuffling against yours, and a minor sweat almost breaking out along his skin. when he buries his face into the crook of your neck, your reflex is to reach up and steady him with a hand in his dark hair, and you finally decide to wake him.
"yuuta," you call softly, his eyes slowly opening at your touch and the sound of your voice. you pull your hand away from his head and he looks up at you groggily before straightening up and coming to his senses.
yuuta's heart is beating rather erratically, yet he forces that sweet, familiar smile onto his face. "oh… sorry about that," he apologizes with an awkward chuckle, rubbing at the back of his neck. "guess i didn't realize how tired i was."
"you're good," you gently reassure him. "i was going to let you sleep, but it sounded like you were having a bad dream or something."
"oh, yeah…" he starts, trying to forge a proper explaination with an anxious smile. "it was just something kinda weird, i think. honestly, i've already mostly forgotten it."
that's a lie. there's simply no way he could forget the way your body felt pressed tightly against his as you explored each other's mouths and he laid you down upon the mattress, fingers intertwined and fitting together like puzzles pieces. he could never forget how his mind had somehow managed to offer him a taste of what it would be like to slide inside you for the first time and hear you breathe out his name, carding a hand through his hair just before he woke up…
yuuta takes a deep breath reenters reality. "well, i'd better get going," he says, standing from the couch and moving to pull on his jacket.
"are you sure? it's pretty late. you can stay here if you want." you worry about him heading home in such a tired state, but he seems eager to get out the door.
"that's okay; i've got a few things to take care of before bed," he replies and bids you a friendly goodbye, promptly leaving and making it a point to get home quickly.
when yuuta steps through the door of his apartment, it's a mad dash to his bedroom where he swiftly kicks off his shoes and climbs onto the bed. his pants are unbuttoned and shoved down just far enough to where he can pull his hard cock out and begin to stroke it, eyes immediately rolling into the back of his skull.
the moan of relief he lets out is lewd, needy, and admittedly rather embarrassing, so he shoves the hem of his shirt between his teeth and looks down at his weeping length, taking in the sight of what you'd effortlessly done to him.
it's borderline pathetic how quickly he cums to the thought of you, to the memory of how it felt to soak in your body heat and have your hand tenderly cradle his head for just a handful of seconds. it's enough to make him absolutely crazed and have him blowing a desperate load all over his own stomach, painting himself in hot release and wishing that it was filling you up instead. and the worst part? he can't help the way the voice in his head keeps chanting 'i love you, i love you, i love you…' as he empties his balls.
shame and satisfaction mix together in his gut, and yuuta is left alone to regret going yet another night without you due to his own cowardice. he loves you too much to risk losing you in any capacity, but it's getting more difficult to keep himself in check these days. you might be his most cherished friend, the one by his side through thick and thin, but he'd much rather feel your hand wrapped around his cock than his own.
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gglitch1dd · 6 months
I know it wasn't the main focus of your Angry Dilf series
But please can we have a one-shot where Izuku and the reader finally have a daughter (I'm a sucker for a daddy-daughter fic).
The doctors thought I was a boy right up until I was born!
It was quite a happy surprise because secretly I think my dad wanted a girl all along 😅 (fyi im an only child)
Idk it could be a cute idea but it's up to you if you want to
Ohhhh... That's cute! I'd think they'd totally have a daughter as their finally child. Last one to wrap up the batch.
The Girl
Dilf Midoriya Izuku x Wifey Reader
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Warning: Parenthood, pregnancy, babies, boy mom Y/N, brief birth scene there.
Now THIS baby, this baby was vasectomy baby. You called them vasectomy baby because by NO MEANS did you think you'd have them. You and your husband had dusted your hands and called it an end to the Midoriya plantation.
However, you just had to have that last dip in the risky pool and there you found yourself standing in the bathroom, in smack disbelief at the two lined pregnancy stick in your hand. Five boys and now no doubt another on the way.
You weren't sure how your husband was going to react considering you had both talked about it and decided that you would be done. So that's how you ended up waiting for him to get home to break the news. You did it with all the boys that just so happened to be present when you had broken the news.
Your large husband turned to look at you as he paused whatever he was reading on his phone to look at you. The sides of his green head of hair were starting to go grey, giving him a devilishly attractive look that you couldn't help but adore. "Yah?" He asked so calm and unsuspecting of your bombshell of news.
You didn't say anything more as you placed down the pregnancy stick before him. His eyes followed you before landing on the stick. His eyes widened comedically before turning to you. He blinked once. Twice. Three times. Before turning to look back at the stick. He put down his phone before turning to look at you fully.
He pointed to the stick with a large finger. "Is this..."
"And you're..."
"Huh." He let out nonchalantly as he took a moment to digest the news.
Walking into the room was your oldest, Toshinori. The green haired fifteen year old boy walked in, dressed in his UA first year uniform. He took an apple from the fruit bowl before his eyes caught on the stick. The apple dropped from his hand as he looked to you with the same round green eyes that his father had. "No!" You persed your lips and nodded your head. Toshinori's jaw dropped before pointing to you and looking to his father. "Is this..."
Midoriya nodded with an amused chuckle. "Boy number 6." Your husband titled.
You gave him a pointed look, putting your hands on your hips. "Izuku!"
"What?" He chuckled putting his hands up. "Honey..." He let out a sigh as he moved to carefully pull you into his arms. "I'm grateful for everything you give me. This is just a surprise, nothing more and nothing less." He told you honestly, moving to hold your hand and bring your hand up so that he could kiss your knuckles. You couldn't help but melt in his arms, always being so swayed by him.
"YASS!" Toshinori cheered, taking the both of you by surprise. "We can form a volleyball team!" He raced out of the kitchen heading upstairs. "ASAHI! GUESS WHAT DAD DID TO MOM AGAIN!"
Your husband's jaw dropped as you let out a loud laugh.
Having had so many boys, the both of you had kind of just assumed it would be a boy just like the other five. It was predictable at this rate. Even your friends had accepted it as a new boy to add to the Midoriya army.
You didn't mind. You were a boy mom. It was kind of what you did and after the second boy, you understood completely how they worked, all being little copies of their father and all running off of chaos, affection, and obssession over something whether it be quirks, heroes, a sport, there was something they would cling to and hold till their grave.
So as your stomach grew and the baby inside you was also seemingly a boy from the ultrasounds, there was nothing to suggest otherwise. Considering you had had your youngest Kota just a little under two years prior, Midoriya had easily redone the nursary and everything was ready for Midoriya sprout Number 6.
However, leaving you both surprised was when you gave birth.
"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Midoriya. It's a girl." The doctor had said as they started cleaning up your little crying baby, bringing her over to you.
You and your standing by husband had both froze. You looked up to Midoriya as he had once again, his eyes widened so wide you were sure he had never looked so shocked. "It's a what!?" He asked.
At this point the labour and delivery nurses were all giggling, having had seen this all before and seeing you often too. You couldn't even get a word in as your girl was placed on your chest.
She was crying, her eyes squeezed shut as she had lungs big enough to wake up the dead. She had a healthy head of green curls like all your boys.
A girl.
A little baby girl.
You quickly shushed her as you brought a hand to her back, holding her gently. "Aww sweetheart, it's okay." You felt tears in your eyes as you smiled, a burst of happiness that made everything else in the room fade away other than your little girl.
It took a minute or two before your husband could finally hold her. She was smaller than her brothers were, sitting in his large hands weighing so light he feared he would drop her, despite having held a newborn plenty of times before.
You saw it.
You could see the moment that your husband switched over from a boy dad to a girl dad.
His eyes softened as he shushed her sweetly. Her little knitted hat sat on her head as she was put against his chest, wrapped up sweetly like a gift from the heavens. Your husband was a crier. It was what he did, but you had never seen him sob so hard since Toshinori's birth. And here he was. A grown man, crying as much tears as the baby.
Once you three had your time together, you soon allowed in the boys followed by your mother-in-law.
"MOM!" Your boys streamed in fast and quickly as if they had been seperated from you for months. They headed towards you quickly as your husband stayed by your side, the biggest smile on his face as he looked down at you and your daughter proudly.
You chuckled as you turned to the boys. "Shhh! Sprouts, you've gotta keep quite. Your sister is sleeping." You told them as you looked down at the little girl, so exhausted from spending the last few hours inducing you into labour to get here.
The boys jaws dropped as they looked to their sister. Instantly you were surrounded on all sides, all of them peering down to look at their little sister. So small and tiny.
You looked to your eldest. Toshinori had a wobbly smile on his face, and then you saw the tears. He quickly wiped his eyes, trying to stop them from falling on the baby. He leaned down and kissed your head. "Are you okay mom?"
You smiled at your boy. He always thought about you, no matter what. You nodded as you put a hand to his shoulder. "I am, thank you baby."
When you turned to your mother in law, Inko was bawling her eyes out as she hugged her son. "A girl!?" She asked softly.
It only made your husband laugh as he nodded, so much taller than her now. He nodded. "Yes, Okaasan. A girl."
Inko shuffled over to you, tired of her son for a second as she kissed your forehead before looking down at the little girl. She awed at the sweet little girl. "How precious." She whispered. "You did such a good job, Y/N. What are you guys gonna call her?"
You looked to your husband, honestly having not entertained the idea of girl names in over a decade. Your husband however seemed like he had been waiting for this question all his life. He put a hand on his mother's shoulder and said a single name.
[Needless to say, that girl is never getting a boyfriend and she's gonna be more protected than the president.]
[Izuku Masterlist]
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aklaustaleteller · 2 months
On One Condition
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Klaus feels bad for messing up Y/n's exam preparation schedule, so he asks her what it is that he can do to 'earn her forgiveness'. Yet somehow, he manages to put up a condition when she asks him to help her with an art project...
Warnings - none, really. Word Count - 1.4k
So, I was rewriting an old fic when I decided to write a little backstory, i.e. this fic, and I hope you guys like it! I'll be posting part two within the next two days so yay!
Update: You can now read part two here!
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She was something else, a feisty one who liked a good chase. And Klaus should've noted that from miles away. But he was too deep in now, and he wasn't going to back down until he had her.
He was waiting outside the school to catch Stefan, have a chat with him and warn him against trying to harm him because telling him off meant telling off the entire group, and Klaus found that lovely.
And he had just caught sight of Stefan when he saw her behind him, her hair bun not so tight as hair stands fell out and framed her face. She was walking with another girl who seemed to be trying profusely to convince Y/n of something -- probably a party if Klaus were to guess but he felt himself tuning in when she walked in a closer range to him.
"I really cannot do it, Vicki. Please try to understand that I'm myself giving exams right now," he heard her say, and then saw as she put her hand on her shoulders. There was softness in her voice that he'd never wished previously to be directed at him.
Bringing her in for a hug, Y/n explained herself again, as if she felt bad for denying whatever it was that Vicky wanted. "I would've helped you out had I not missed out on my preparation earlier. I’ve quite literally been studying the night before for each exam." She smiled, with what emotion Klaus couldn't quite see, but he found it beautiful, nonetheless.
"Why don't you ask Elena? I'm sure that way you'll bump into Jeremy a couple times as well," Y/n grinned, passing the squinting brunette a quick wink before turning back towards the exit with a sigh of relief.
Though it only took a couple steps for her to bump into Klaus, not so accidently. She'd seen him the moment she'd gotten out of the gates, and the fact that she had to pass him in order to reach her car only made her feel... more positive, let’s say.
She hadn't gone out of her way to slam into him, but he had. And the only other thing she has to blame is her spiteful walk that led the one library book she'd borrowed to topple out of her grip.
"Klaus, back off," she gritted, quickly picking up her book and moving once he did.
"It's not my fault, you know, that you bumped into me," Klaus said with a lure in his voice that suggested he just wanted to rile her up. "I'd apologize to me," he shrugged, a lopsided grin pulling up on his face when he noticed her turning.
"I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but that'd be a cruel and unusual punishment," she bit back, pressing her key to unlock the car.
"Please, save your breath. You'd probably need it to blow up your next date," Klaus teased, remembering the night Klaus had crashed her date and scared off the guy by doing nothing, really.
Sighing, Y/n gripped the steering wheel of her car and closed her eyes for a second. "Say something else and this book will become a lethal weapon," her voice was agitated as she warned him, and when he truly backed away with a proud grin on his face, she finally pulled back and drove home, daring to spare him a glance in her rear-view mirrors, an angry blush creeping up her neck when she caught his eyes.
Once she reached home, she didn't bother to lay out her clothes before jumping into her shower. Still, she buttoned up a loose striped cotton shirt and pulled her underwear up her legs. It didn't take her long to just decide on a pair of pyjama shorts.
After a good bowl of salad for lunch, she brought out her schoolwork to just do it on the porch considering the nice weather. But of course, that was a mistake because soon into her immersive study session, she was disturbed by loud clashing noises coming from the house across hers, Elena's house.
Taking a deep breath, she was just getting up when she caught sight of Damon and Stefan inside the house, speeding towards each other. It was purely for the dramatics, she was sure, considering the fact they wouldn't kill each other, they simply didn't have it in them.
She just felt sorry for Elena's dishes, maybe some of her furniture as well.
Twisting the knob she had just pushed the door in to go back inside the house when she heard a voice behind her. "Too noisy, aren't they?"
"You already messed up my preparation schedule once, Klaus. Do not dare to do it again," she said calmly, though her grip on the knob was probably tighter than normal.
With that, she decided to cross the line and enter her home. Then she turned around to face him, but he didn't seem to be in the mood to mess with her either.
"I came here to apologise, and perhaps, make up for the troubles I've caused you," he admitted, looking at her with such sincere eyes that she could've given in right then.
"And how do you plan on doing that? Plus, if this is a joke, I still have that book with me."
"You tell me what it is that will earn me your forgiveness," he said dramatically, making her look down to hide something from him, maybe a smile.
Opening the door wider, she looked at him and then hesitated a little. "Don't make me regret this," she said. "Come in, please."
Klaus was caught a bit off guard but managed to get inside, his eyes wandering right away to take in her house.
"I'm not sure how to word this really, so I'm just going to say it." Taking a breath, she sat on one of the dining table chairs and urged for him to do so too, getting a little flustered when he took the one right by her side and shifted so that he was turned towards her.
"What is it, love?"
"This might be a little ridiculous for you but it's very serious for me," she told him while maintaining eye contact to make sure he understood the situation.
Klaus simply nodded for her to go on, now leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.
"I know you paint, quite impressively, might I add but that's not the point here," she quickly shut the topic before Klaus could tease her.
"The point is, I have this art project that I said yes to under pressure because my favourite teacher asked me to. But were you to see even my handwriting, you'd know I'm no good at it. The most I can draw is a stick figure and even that's wonky sometimes," she admitted bashfully.
"I used to have a friend who'd do it for me, but she left town last year and now... I don't really have anyone who would," she let out a breath at that, her eyes closed in anticipation of his answer.
"So, you wish for me to help you out with this said art project?"
Sitting stiffly, she nodded.
"Okay then. I'll do it... but what is it?"
"Oh great!" She cheered; happiness evident on her face. "It's supposed to be this super zoomed in image of either a grapefruit, or a pomegranate."
Klaus leaned back in his chair then, sighing as he considered it. "I will do it on one condition," he proposed.
"And that is?"
"You will stay with me in my studio when I'm painting it," he shrugged, as if it wasn't so much a big deal.
"But were you not doing this for my forgiveness?" She narrowed her eyes, but when he began to get off the chair, she struggled for some answer to come out of her mouth before he could leave.
"Okay, okay! I will!" She agreed immediately, sitting back down in defeat when he remained standing, a smile on his face.
"I'll go now." He said, walking backwards towards the door and he could see the uncertainty in her eyes. He could've teased her about it but decided against it.
"Come by my house tomorrow, around three or four… your wish," he said before turning to open the door.
He turned back to see her reaction and a smile crept up on his mouth when he saw her smiling back at him.
"I will," she told him while waving him goodbye, stopping just before he sped off with his dead heart beating a mile an hour. 
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mentally-a-slut · 28 days
Hellooo, like I said I would, I am here to send a request your way! I hope it's not too boring, but could I ask you to write for "My breath just made you quiver. Can you imagine what my tongue will do?" with Gale saying it to Tav/reader? (Yes I absolutely had his "practiced tongue" in mind when I wrote this-)
I'd like it with a female Tav, but you are free to change that up if you prefer. I am simply here for the wizard and your writing😂
Teehee, I've been waiting for this one! So sorry this took so long, my internet was out for a few hours and then it took me a while to gather the motivation to open my blog. This one is pretty short and kinda gets straight into the action, but it's the best I can do rn. I hope it's okay! Tysm for the request, and I hope you like it.
Summary: Tav finds out how practiced Gale's tongue really is.
Warnings: smut! oral (f!receiving), whiny Tav, kind of dom!Gale but not really, Gale is cocky, Tav gives brat vibes, she/her pronouns and name Tav used but I left it neutral so you can imagine her as anyone or as yourself, smut starts below the cut!
Rating: E
She hadn't planned for her day to end up this way, but she wasn't complaining.
Tav had started the day ready to face the adventures in store, prepared for anything. It had been tiring as usual, ruthless battles that seemed to pop up at every turn as their group traveled. They survived, miraculously, and made camp just as the sun set.
She had gone to see Gale to chat, just as she always did in the evenings. Tav made a routine of checking in on all of her companions at the end of each day, and she told herself that she didn't favor anyone. Which was of course, a blatant lie, as she always looked forward to her check-ins with the wizard the most.
She had saved him for last, wanting to end her day with a pleasant conversation with a handsome man. She wasn't sure exactly what she had said to steer the conversation into what was now their current situation, but decided to just accept her fortune.
Besides, it was far too difficult to coherently form thoughts when her favorite wizard was knelt between her legs, mouth hovering inches away from her throbbing cunt.
His warm breath brushed her clit, sending a jolt of arousal up her spine that spread through her whole body. Then, his hoarse voice murmured in a low tone, teasing her. "My breath just made you quiver. Can you imagine what my tongue will do?"
She stifled a whine at his words, glaring down at the man. "You talk too much."
Before he had time to retort, she dug her fingers into his long hair, pressing him forward. He, for once, took the hint, and finally flicked his tongue out against her dripping folds.
"Fuck!" Her fingers tightened in his hair as his tongue flattened against her, writhing teasingly around her entrance. He hummed in amusement, which only served to frustrate her more as the vibration intensified the pleasure.
With a quick flick of his tongue against her clit, he finally dove into her, togue exploring her soft insides greedily. Just as fast as it had started, it was over, and he suddenly pulled back. Tav whipped her head up to glare at him, where her eyes settled on his teasing smirk. "Be a good girl and ask nicely."
"Fuck that!"
His hands squeezed her thighs as he moved back, preparing to get up. "Well then, I guess you don't want this bad enough."
She gaped at him, scoffing as he moved away. Just as he was about to leave, she groaned, giving into his ploy. "Wait!"
He froze, raising an eyebrow at her. "Yes?"
She sighed, saying quietly: "Please."
He knelt down again, large hands returning to her spread thighs. "What was that?"
"You know what I said!"
He pulled away again slightly, and Tav frantically called to him. "Please! Please, Gale."
His smile was insufferable, eyes glinting with satisfaction and desire. "Good girl. Say it one more time?"
She opened her mouth to protest, but hesitated as she looked at him poised between her legs, his eyes flickering to her cunt, gaze filled with hunger. Her stomach tightened with even more arousal at his expression, seeing him so eager to please her. "Please. Please, I wanna feel your tongue- fuck!"
His tongue had returned to her immediately, caressing her fold with a newfound vigor. Her words failed her, his practiced movements rendering her to soft sighs and whines as he tasted her.
She gasped when his lips wrapped around her clit at the same time as a finger plunged into her, sending a wave of intense pleasure over her. He didn't hesitate, relentlessly assaulting her clit as he plunged his finger into her at a ruthless pace. Her brain had no time to catch up, blinded by the sheer pleasure of his movements.
Another fingers joined his first one, pace never faltering. His other hand held onto her thigh tightly, preventing her legs from clenching around him. Her muscles tensed as he continued his heavenly movements, stomach forming knots as his fingertips brushed against a spongy spot deep inside her.
She looked down at him when she felt a loss of sensation, his lips pulling away from her swollen clit. Her eyes met his darkened ones, and she couldn't help but moan as his fingers started making a come hither motion inside her, coaxing her impossibly close to her breaking point.
She felt his lips press soft kisses against the inside of her thigh as he sped up, his eyes transfixed on her fucked out expression. Tav struggled to keep her head upright, staring into his eyes as his fingertips pushed her over the edge, triggering her orgasm.
A string of curses fell from her lips, body trembling as he slowly coaxed her through it, but she managed to hold his gaze.
"Look at you, so pretty coming apart on my fingers. Such a good girl for me."
His low words of praise brought her back to earth, blurred vision focusing in on his darkened eyes. She barely even noticed as he carefully removed his fingers, whispering praise to her as he loved up to press his lips to hers.
Her mind was empty, only capable of think of him, of his fingers inside her, his lips melding perfectly with his, how his body felt pressed up against hers. She sighed into the kiss, reaching up to cradle his jaw. His kiss was slow and loving, yet held such desire.
She whined when he pulled back, pouting up at him. He chuckled, his hand squeezing her hip playfully. "Don't worry, love. There's plenty more where that came from."
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lovelybucky1 · 8 months
Bad Guys Win
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Kinktober Day 13- Knife Kink
part two of "nice guys finish last" but can be read as standalone fic
warnings: AFAB!reader, horror movies, referenced violence, knife play, dirty talk, under negotiated kink, dom/sub dynamics, 18+ minors DNI
main masterlist
kinktober masterlist
Ever since that night Anakin got you high and confessed his desire for you, you've been spending a lot more time together. You're still just friends, but now your relationship has a lot more benefits than it did prior.
Tonight Anakin invited you over because he had the house to himself. It was far too casual to be a date, but he got pizza delivered and there was cold beer on the table, so at least he made an effort.
You had no delusions about why you were there. It's a hookup between friends. Good friends, sure. Ones who care about each other very deeply, but it was still just sex.
That's why you were confused when Anakin grabbed your arm and led you down the stairs to the basement. It's technically unfinished, but it was a large area rug, a couch, and a TV hooked up with your brother's PlayStation.
He told you it was movie night and rifled through the shelf of movie cases. He chose Friday the 13th because it was fitting for the day. You fondly rolled your eyes at his joke and joined him on the couch once he got the DVD in the player.
He pressed up against your side on the couch and pulled the classic yawn move and put his arm around you. It was a bit odd to cuddle with Anakin like this, but you know him well enough that the closeness wasn't uncomfortable. The closeness did, however, allow him to feel every twitch of your body.
You jump when Jason pops out of no where, jostling Anakin.
"You okay?" he asks, chuckling.
You scoff. "I'm fine."
"Are you scared? Don't worry, your big brother will protect you," he jokes.
You elbow him in the ribs. "Don't call yourself that, freak."
Anakin just laughs and turns his attention back to the movie.
When it gets to the final chase scene, you're squirming with anxiety. You know it's just a movie, but the suspense gets you to. Anakin looks down at you with a smirk on his lips.
"Would you fuck him?" Anakin asks.
Your head snaps to the side, looking at him with furrowed brows. "Jason?"
"Yeah," Anakin says.
"You mean the crazy killer with the knife?"
Anakin adjusts his position so he can see you better. "Yeah. I mean like, you don't have to think he's hot. But if it was me, would you fuck me?"
What a weird fucking question. You can't tell if he's genuinely curious or if he's fishing for some kind of compliment.
"I guess," you shrug.
"If I had the mask and the knife?"
"Yes, Anakin," you sigh, getting annoyed that he's talking over the climax of the movie.
"Would you like it if I chased you?" he asks, his voice suddenly taking on a different tone. "Would you be my final girl?"
You raise your eyebrow at him. "Is this a sex thing?" you ask.
"Yeah," he smirks. "Think about it. You'd play the little, innocent helpless victim and I'd be the big bad killer. Maybe you got wrapped up in a relationship with a guy who's a bad influence nothin' but trouble," he says as he leans closer to you. "He brings you right to me and I have to have you. I get him out of the way first, and after that, you're all mine."
You lean back as Anakin advance, but when the back of your head hits the couch, you realize you have no where else left to go. Your heart begins to race in his chest as his eyes look over you hungrily. You can't deny that you're getting a little excited despite not knowing what Anakin is up to.
Suddenly, Anakin shifts. He leans up a bit and reaches behind him, searching for something in his back pocket. He reveals a small silver pocket knife that glints in the light from the screen.
He flips the blade of the knife up and you can see the sharp silhouette in the dark. It's only about three inches long, nothing like Jason's, but this one is real.
"I've got you now," he smirks.
The arm around your shoulder turns from comforting to restraining. He's holding you firmly in place by your shoulder with his other hand being occupied by the knife.
"You're crazy," you breathe.
"You want me to stop?" Anakin asks, dropping the knife for a moment.
You consider, but you're open to trying new things and this is obviously something that gets Anakin going.
"No," you say. "Just don't kill me."
Anakin grins, his white teeth glowing in the dark. He raises the knife again and lets the tip of the blade catch on the fabric of your shirt.
"I'm not gonna kill you, you're too special. I'm gonna keep you for myself."
Anakin is now leaning over top of you, blocking your view of the TV. His hand holds your shoulder firmly and his knee is resting on the cushion between your legs. You're trapped, but you don't want to get away.
Anakin tips your chin up with the flat of the knife, making you look at him. He tilts his head condescendingly and looks at you with pity.
"You're lucky I'm the one who got you. Some of the other guys aren't so generous. They like to see pretty things like you bleed dry, but I prefer to keep 'em wet," he says.
You're unclear of the story that goes along with this little fantasy, but you suppose that's not necessary to play the role of the helpless victim.
"Why are you doing this to me?" you ask, using a higher pitched voice to play up the desperation.
Anakin seems elated at your participation in his game. "Because I saw you squirmin' during the movie. This shit turns you on, huh?"
You whine when he shakes you. "No it doesn't," you say. "I was scared."
Anakin hums, not believing you. "Maybe you're more of the Ghostface type then. Would you fuck him?"
Suddenly you feel too shy to maintain eye contact with Anakin. You don't know how he read you like that, but he's right. You've always had a thing for Ghostface. Not the killing, but the voice and that flirty tone he used.
"Yeah, you fucking would," Anakin grins. "So that's your type, huh? I can do that for you, baby."
Anakin has never called you baby before and it does something to you. The tenderness of the pet name combined with the sharp metal waving in your face makes for a confusing mixture of desire in your abdomen.
Before your mind can catch up with your body to realize what's happening, Anakin has you on your back on the floor. He's kneeling over you, straddling your torso. In this position, the side of his face is lit by the TV and he looks hotter than ever. The manic grin on his lips, the lust in his eyes, the line of his throat.
"Aren't you gonna try to run?" he asks. When you shake your head no, he laughs. "Some final girl you are. Just handing yourself over to the bad guy to do whatever he pleases with you."
Anakin tosses the knife on the couch, then grabs the waistband of your sweatpants and panties and pulls them down together. You lift your hips to help him get them off and once you're bare, he slots himself between your legs and hooks them over his shoulders.
"And bad guys like me love ruining pretty things like you," he smirks wickedly.
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watermelonlovershigh · 7 months
can you plz write something where reader squirts alot during sex with harry. maybe its their first time having sex together and it surprises him and maybe she tries to apologize but he isn't having that and tells her to not apologize about something like that. thank you.
A Really Wet Mess (SMUT) /blurb/
AN: so i've never personally squirted so i have no clue how accurate this may be but i hope you enjoy it. please make sure to leave your feedback. thank you!!!
This story contains: sex, female receiving oral, squirting during sex
{ boyfriendrry - softrry - any harry era of your choice }
word count: 665
As you're having sex, you realize you should have warned Harry you're a squirter because you get him and everything around you soaked.
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Right about now is when you're starting to regret not mentioning to Harry that well, you're a squirter. See, you're having sex for the first time in your relationship. You've been dating for about three months and tonight just kind of felt like the perfect moment to finally have sex.
It starts off with with some light making out which then turned to heavy making out. Then that turned into Harry dragging you up to his bedroom where he yanked your pants off, consensually of course, and had begun to eat you out for the first time. And damn was he good at it.
Harry knew exactly what to do with his tongue. Flicking your swollen clit back and forth, up and down. To creating a suction over your clit with his mouth. After about five minutes, you moan out, "Finger, please Harry, add some fingers." You weren't one who craved having your g-spot stimulated to come because you mostly came clitorally anyways but it did add to the sensations.
Without removing his mouth from your pussy, he carefully begins to insert not one but two fingers. You gasp at how thick they are. Then Harry starts to curl them upwards which in turn massages your g-spot perfectly. After this, it only takes a minute more for you to orgasm. But you don't just orgasm, you fucking squirt everywhere.
Clear fluids gush around Harry's fingers as well as fill his mouth. Not to mention soaking his bedding. At first you thought he might get upset because you didn't have time to warn him you were gonna squirt, it just kind of happened. But after coaxing you through your orgasm, he pulls away and mutters, "Fuckin' hell y/n, that was the hottest thing I've ever experienced."
Now Harry has been with one or two other women who were squirters but typically they could only squirt one time during one session of foreplay or sex. So when he finally inserts his cock into your soaked cunt, he's in disbelief when not even five thrusts in you start to squirt again. You're not coming per say and the squirting isn't as much as the first time, but little by little small gushes of liquid gush around his cock.
All you could think about was how sorry you were that you've ruined Harry's duvet and sheets. Well and also the great amount of pleasure you're in. When you come close to actually coming again, this time you warn out, "Har... Harry, think I'm gonna come. And squirt, I'm sorry."
If Harry wasn't on the cusp of his own orgasm, he would have stopped you as soon as you said sorry. But he lets it slide for now and begins to thrust harder while bringing his fingers down to rub over your clit. As soon as he starts stimulating your clitors, you come again. You were just that sensitive at the moment. And as you come you can't stop the amount of liquid gushing from your pussy. It just keeps coming and coming.
Once you've both came and are laying there side by side, out of breath and in a post orgasm haze, Harry heaves out, "Y/n, hey, don't ever, and I mean ever apologize for getting me so, wet. I'd rather have super wet and messy sex than dry sex. Plus it was hot. And I feel honored to make you get that soaked."
You tiredly giggle and reply, "Guess you're right. But I feel like I should have warned you that I'm a squirter. So you could have laid some towels down or something."
"Nope," Harry retorts, "I wouldn't have it any other way. You were perfect tonight." He then leans forward, wrapping your naked body around his equally naked body and kisses you gently on the lips. You nearly melt into his bed. God how did you score the most sexiest, funny, bright, caring, thoughtful, boyfriend? You don't know but you'd rather not ask questions.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithhrry  // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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doctorwhoimagines · 6 months
Don't Mention It
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The Doctor discovers that the two of you have a shared hobby
Twelve x gn!reader
Warnings: None
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You realized it probably wasn't the best idea to touch The Doctor's guitar, but when you got ready for the day and entered the empty console room to find it sitting there unattended, you couldn't resist. After all, sometimes it was simply better to seek forgiveness than to ask for permission. Surely he wouldn't be too upset if he found out, and if he was, you could handle him.
After turning the amp down a bit, you sat on the steps, holding the guitar as you settled into place. Without having to think much about it, you began to play Purple Haze. You were a little out of practice, but it felt nice to strum out a tune.
Before you could move onto another song, you jumped at the sound of The Doctor's voice. "What are you doing?"
When you looked up, his piercing blue eyes and very serious brows were focused right on you. You hadn't even heard him get close.
"Playing guitar. Well, your guitar." You slipped the strap off of your body and handed the instrument to him. "Sorry."
"You never told me you could play." He'd actually been quite surprised at the fact that your playing sounded pleasant, as opposed to the nails on a chalkboard he'd heard when Clara once picked up his guitar.
"I'm sure I have. You probably weren't listening."
"I'm always listening," he said, sounding almost offended.
"You're joking, right?" You stood up from the stairs with a sigh. "Anyway...yes, I play. I just haven't had much time between travelling with you and working whenever I'm back at home. When I hear you playing, it really makes me miss it."
How The Doctor hadn't put the pieces together long ago, he didn't know. When you stopped everything and watched him play, he'd always assumed you were just impressed by his great skills. And maybe it was a little bit of that, but it seemed there had been some longing, too. You were enjoying the music and wishing you could be playing yourself.
The Doctor looked down at the guitar he still held in his hands, and you were caught off guard when he offered it back to you. "I'd better not find even a scratch on it. If I do, I'm dropping you off at home."
You knew he wouldn't do such a thing, but you still intended to respect his request, gingerly taking it from him and putting the strap back over your head.
As The Doctor turned to the console, you sat down once again and played the first thing that came to mind.
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It had been a few days since your last trip with The Doctor when he finally showed up again. You weren't sure how long it had been for him—you never were—but he didn't seem any different.
He played his guitar as he pondered something you couldn't even begin to guess, filling the TARDIS with what you recognized as I Will Dare by The Replacements. An odd choice, you thought, yet that didn't stop you from listening intently.
The Doctor abruptly stopped the tune to put the instrument down, and he was gone from the console room before you could say anything. You sighed in disappointment. You quite liked that song after all.
You continued where he'd left off, humming and tapping your fingers against your thigh.
Moments later, The Doctor came back, holding a guitar case in his hand. You frowned at the sight, because even though he probably had several scattered around the TARDIS, he seemed to prefer the Yamaha that still sat in the console room.
It was even more puzzling when he gave you the case.
"Did you...buy me a guitar?"
"No, no. I didn't buy it. I don't buy things." The Doctor walked over to the console, pretending to look at something on the screen and at least attempting to be out of hugging distance. "A friend gave it to me in the 1960's, and it's been sitting around here ever since."
"1960's?" Very carefully, you placed the case on the floor, opening it to find a beautiful vintage Stratocaster. One very much like Jimi Hendrix used to play. Knowing the man who had given it to you, it was the genuine article.
Without noticing the way he'd been watching you, you closed the case back up and practically ran to The Doctor, throwing yourself at him in a hug. The impact and the way you pushed him into the console knocked some of the wind out of him. "Why does there always have to be hugging?!" He struggled to exclaim as you squeezed him tightly.
"I really can't help it right now." You kissed his cheek and gave him one more squeeze before mercifully letting him go. "Thank you, Doctor. Seriously."
"Don't mention it. Really. I only wanted to stop you playing mine so much."
"That won't be a problem. Believe me."
Returning to the case like a giddy little kid, you took the guitar out and hooked it up to the amp. You missed the small smile on his face as you began to play a song for him.
The Doctor didn't plan to tell you that he had only acquired the guitar after your previous trip.
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
pairing: max phillips x f!reader
genre: smut, office romance
word count: 5k
summary: a week after walking in on your boyfriend fucking someone else, Max gives you the day off. You leave, unaware that you dropped your watch. Much to your surprise, he brings it to you. Your relationship with him escalates in the following days.
warnings: office sex, rough sex, praise kink, dirty talk, use of 'sir' & 'good girl', piv, dom/sub dynamics, very mild degradation (he calls you his cocksleeve like once), dumbification if you squint, soft!max at times
a/n: I drafted this months ago and only now I finally finished the fic, I have no idea why I waited this long especially since I'd written most of it back then but other wips got in the way--sorry Max lmaodvdf this is my first time writing for you and I hope I did you justice 🖤 I rewatched his scenes and I'm still so horny for this man it's making me look stupid
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Max’s office is the nicest one of everyone who works in this building, albeit a bit darker. There’s a succulent on his desk that reminds you of a translucent star and you can’t seem to draw your eyes away from it. His voice is smooth and melodic but you aren’t really listening. Your hand moves over to your watch, feeling the coolness of metal underneath your fingertips. It’s nice. 
It’s safe to say that you’re not really paying attention to anything. 
Your eyes are wet still, a sting every time you dare to blink. It’s been a week since you found your boyfriend screwing someone else on the couch in the living room. The image still lingers in your head, taunting you. 
While you stared, unblinking as they scrambled for their clothes, all you could think of how happy you were that they didn’t use the bedroom. 
Now that the relationship is over it’s easier to see the red flags. The way he belittled you, your passions, the things that you enjoyed. Your body, your cooking, anything you did was never enough for him. It was an open invitation to mock you for who you were. And that was the least of it, he never touched you, and you had to beg him for sex— not in the fun kind if you might add. You feel so fucking stupid for trying to make him happy.
“You’re not listening are you?” 
You flinch upon hearing the question, eyes finally snapping away from the succulent and turning to Max. You didn’t mean to be so obvious about it. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. . . Great, another person you couldn’t make happy no matter what you did. 
“You’ve been like this all week. Is there something going on? You can take leave if you need to, you’re not really much use like this anyway” 
His words sting but you can’t really blame him for it. Though you did find it funny that as an immortal he was so pressed for time. 
“Sorry,” you say and he looks at you, really looks at you. Brown eyes move from your eyes to your lips, his own tongue darting out to wet his own. “I’ll do better just some... personal stuff going on,”
“Shitty breakup.” 
Max appreciates bluntness. You figured that one out on your first day here. He isn’t a fan of keeping anything that might affect your work bottled up. He doesn't like the guessing game either. If there’s something wrong he wants to know and if he can he’ll fix it. Not that he can really fix a broken heart. 
He suddenly stands up, making his way around the desk. He lends against the edge, hands on his lap. Instictecly you curl your fingers around the armrests. Max is pretty docile for the most part, unless he’s hungry. But the way he’s looking down at you, brows relaxed and a faint smile tugging at his lips, it makes your heart drop. He’s a walking corpse but his eyes are more alive compared to most people you’ve met. 
“I’m sure you’ll be happier without commitment wearing you down,” he says, voice dropping, barely above a whisper. You shudder and fail to see the way his fingers twitch. “Don’t think about it, relax, sweetheart.” 
And you do. It’s like warm water dancing over your skin. Your shoulders slump, your body limply sinking into the chair. A lazy smile spreads across your lips and he smiles back, teeth winking at you between his plush lips. “That’s it. You’re not feeling anything  now, are you?” 
You giggle, shaking your head. Even your heartbeat slows, the tips of your fingers tingling with pleasure—
You blink, pinching your brows, you slowly roll your shoulders and hear your bones crack. Max is gazing at you with utmost curiosity, thumbs drumming silently.
Then it hits you. The fucker is using his powers. Fucking vampires. 
“Stop it,” you hiss, your body relaxed but mind racing. He rolls his eyes and waves his hand as a sign of dismissal. The tension that had disappeared from your muscles return at full force, and you jolt. “You shouldn’t do that,” 
“I was trying to help,” he answers without a care in his tone. He buttons his vest and gestures with his head to the door. “Take the rest of the day off. Sort yourself. See you tomorrow, sweetheart.” 
“Just go. It’s fine,” when you fail to look convinced, he pouts and draws a cross over his chest. Ironic. “I swear. Now go, take the day off, collect your thoughts or whatever you need to do,” 
You leave without pointing out the irony of him making a cross over his non-beating heart. You’ve worked long enough to know that if the boss wants you to take the time off, you take the time off. 
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Max drags his palm over his face, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he hops off the desk and turns to look at the empty seat you left behind. He’s not sure if he should be condoning this kind of behavior. He doesn’t want people barging in here asking to leave with the most minuscule of problems. But it isn’t typical of you to be distracted so he decided that you earned it. 
He’s curious about what kind of man would be stupid enough to leave you, let alone make you look that sad. Not that it’s any of his business. 
Max is amidst turning on his heel when he sees it. A small sparkle on the carpeted floor. Cocking an eyebrow, he leans over with his hands in his pockets. A watch? 
That’s right you had a watch when you came in, you were playing with it while he was going over the weekly sales. You must’ve dropped it. Looking almost bored, he scoops it off the floor and stares at it. He sees your initials written on the back, a pretty, delicate little accessory. 
Surely you would miss it. He knows your address due to dragging your drunk self back home after an office party— so maybe he should bring it to you. Max sighs and flips the watch over. He has time to make a quick stop. 
He leaves the office with the watch snug in his pocket. It really isn’t his style to be nice, or remorseful, but he does feel a tad guilty using his powers on you. He genuinely did think he was doing some good. It did look like you were feeling better until you broke out of the trance. 
Max steps into the elevator. The tedious music loud and scratching his ears as always. 
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Taking a day off isn’t going as smoothly as you had hoped. 
Initially, you thought you would binge your favorite shows and eat a bucket of ice cream. Instead, you ended up staring blankly at the ceiling, arm dangling out from the side of the bed. It’s a shitty feeling. Your heart feels heavy and uncomfortable. Maybe Max taking away the pain wasn’t so bad after all? 
There’s a loud knock on the door and you jump. Every bone in your body aches, your heart beating fast as you head to the living room. You’re praying to every god you know that it’s not your ex. You don’t want to deal with him. Especially not today. 
You take a deep, calming, breath. It’s okay. He wouldn’t just show up now, would he? Stupidly enough you don’t look through the peephole before yanking the door open, the person that lurks on the other side takes you by surprise completely. 
It’s Max. 
What the hell? 
“Hiii,” he says with a smug grin. He lifts something to your line of vision and it takes you a moment to recognize your watch. “Found this, thought you might miss it.” 
Blinking, you open your palms and he drops it. It feels like a dream. “Uh…thanks,” 
“You’re welcome,” he peers over your shoulder, looking into the dimly lit apartment. “So how’s your day off going?” 
“Not as fun as I hoped,” you give him a bittersweet smile. His eyes meet yours, and you see your reflection in them, so bright. “Do you want to come inside?” 
A shudder climbs your spine when something dark crosses his face, eyes becoming sharper. Your stomach churns and you swallow, fingers tightening around the watch. 
“Would love to” he chirps, practically jumping over the threshold. “Thank you for the invite, much obliged.” 
“You really can’t come in without being invited?” you ask, closing the door with a push of your heel. 
“Nope,” he answers, emphasizing on the p. “Why do you think I left you at the door after the party? You were too drunk to say ‘come in’ I basically had to push you through the door just so you could crawl the rest of the way to your bedroom,” 
“I honestly thought you were just being an asshole,” 
He scoffs, “I am an asshole. Just not to the people I like,” 
He drops down to the couch, which in return makes your stomach sink. You really need to burn it, you don’t think you can have it in your apartment anymore. You sit across from him, placing the watch neatly on top of the coffee table. “I wasn’t aware you liked me,” 
“Let’s say tolerate. I like your work ethic.” 
“Thank you?” you answer, unsure.
“You’re very much welcome.” 
You’re not sure why you invited him inside. He doesn’t drink coffee unless it’s morning, and he doesn’t really like to eat as far as you could tell. The silence is deafening and uncomfortable. You part your lips to ask if he would like tea or anything else but he beats you to it, gaze fixated on you. 
“So, how did it happen?” 
Your throat goes dry, “What?” 
“The break-up,” he shrugs and leans back into the couch, you internally cringe. “Do you want me to break his neck or something?” 
“What—No!” you’re horrified but can’t ignore the way warmth blossoms in your chest. You’re highly aware that he’s joking, however, it’s still a nice thought that someone actually cares enough to get pissed about it. “Where did that even come from?” 
“I don’t know, I’m not sure I like seeing you so sad. It’s unnerving.” 
“Sorry that my misfortune is bothering you,” you answer, crossing your arms. “He cheated on me, and I’m only now realizing how shitty he was.” 
“So I do need to break his neck then?” 
You laugh. 
You aren’t expecting it, but here you are rubbing tears from your eyes as you laugh with your whole body. There’s just something about the way he said it; as if it was the most normal thing to do. He seems to enjoy the way you laugh. Smiling wide and bright, watching you with fond eyes. 
After minutes, your laughter starts to die down, softening into breathless giggles. You’re surprised to find that Max is still smiling at you, no smugness, no cockiness, just an earnest smile. 
“Thank I really needed that,” you say, heat building at the base of your spine. “Sorry if I worried you. It’s been a bit rough lately.” 
“We can’t all be perfect every second,” he grins, he flattens his palms over his thighs, moving them up and down. Your breath hitches, eyes involuntarily dropping to his crotch. You’re flustered all of a sudden. He tilts his head, tongue poking out of his cheek as he gives you an open-mouthed smirk. “See something you like, sweetheart?” 
Your eyes snap to his face, cheeks burning, “Nope. Not—Not at all,” 
He leans forward, placing his elbows on his thighs. There’s a table in between but you feel as if he’s a breath away. You swallow, goosebumps rousing over your skin. 
“You know I can smell it right?” he purrs. “I can smell the arousal gathering between your legs. I can hear the way your heart is beating… That asshole had no idea how to fuck you properly did he?” 
Your pussy bottoms out at his words. You don’t want to give him the satisfaction that he’s right, you don’t want him to know how badly you want him inside. For him to whisper praises into your ear as you squirm around his cock. You lick your lips. He’s not using his powers, you can tell. Yet you still want to blame it on the fact that he’s doing something to make you feel so hot and bothered. But it’s not him, just you. 
You’re not sure when you started to have the hots for your boss, but clearly, there was something there. Lurking in the darkness of your mind.
“Look at you,” he coos, eyes raking over your body. “So sweet and afraid. Let me be the first one to say that he didn’t deserve you. Not in the slightest,” 
“Max…” you warn. 
“Yeah…?” he mimics your tone, smile somehow wider. “Would you want to get coffee before work tomorrow morning?” 
The question catches you by surprise. You observe him for a brief moment, he seems dead serious—at least the amount of serious Max Phillips can be. 
You nod.
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Your first early morning coffee date with Max goes exactly how you expect it to go. You pay for both coffees as a thank you. He found it unnecessary but grumbled a thanks anyway. He talks a lot about work; about sales, about his time in Romania. But mostly work. You do appreciate the distraction though so you don’t complain. You pitch in, telling him ways the company could improve but also adding that you want to quit one day and do something better with your life. 
The following mornings follow the same pattern. Mostly conversations about work, and sipping coffee. That is until Tuesday rolls around. It’s an especially cold morning and you find yourself huddling closer to him as the two of you sat on the bench. He doesn’t really seem bothered by the cold, which makes sense since he’s cold-blooded. 
Max’s eyes drop to your trembling fingers that were curled helplessly around the coffee cup. You notice his frown, his gaze lifts back up to meet your eyes. “Do you want to go inside?” 
“No, I’m good. Besides it’s too early to start working.” 
He chuckles, shaking his head. “We do get here early don’t we.” 
“I mean…we don’t have to. But I have been enjoying our mornings.” 
“So have I,” he chews on his bottom lip, instinctively moving closer to you when he feels a shudder crawling up your spine. “It sucks that I can’t really warm you up—being undead and all— This would be the perfect moment to hold your hands.” 
Funnily enough, he does manage to warm you up. You look down at your hands, the cup only half full, you place it to the side. Max truly had been a balm to your broken heart these past couple of days. He never got overly flirtatious again as he did in your apartment, some part of you is disappointed that he didn’t. 
“You can—” you lick your lips, the wetness furthering the chill. “You can still do that. If you want to.” 
“Yeah?” he moves his jaw, eyes dropping to your lips. “You’ll be colder.” 
“I think it might be worth the risk.” 
Max brings your hands to his lips, brushing your knuckles and kissing each finger individually. You shudder. He wasn’t wrong, he was awfully cold. But you weren’t wrong either, it’s worth it. Hundred percent. His mouth moves over the back of your hand in the shape of waves, the pit in your stomach rolling, and butterflies fluttering in your chest. His eyes meet yours and you’re mesmerized by him. His eyebrows raise, lips kissing the curve of your wrist, laying a path to the inside, he drags his teeth over the skin right above the vein. 
A sudden fear spikes from your feet to your neck. He wouldn’t, would he? 
“Are you afraid of me?” the question is whispered with a breath into your skin. Everywhere except the tip of your nose is warm. He looks at you with heavy eyelids, lashes kissing his cheeks every time he blinks. 
You don’t have an answer, but you know what he needs to hear. 
“I’m not.” 
Before you can blink his lips mold into yours. He traces the seam of your mouth with his tongue eagerly, and you part your lips, allowing him to taste and dominate. With both hands he holds your wrists firmly, pulling you close until you’re basically flush against him. Max inhales as he presses deeper, licking the inside of your mouth and swallowing your whines. 
He breaks away from you with a smile, you see the flash of fangs.
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You gently knock on the already open door. Max is positively exhausted. His eyes snap from his computer to you, he sighs and signals you to enter with two fingers. You close the door when you enter. 
“Are we still good for dinner?” you ask, feeling slightly foolish now that you were standing in the middle of his office. 
“Sorry baby, not today. These assholes managed to mix everything up, need to fix all that so I’m going to be here late,” 
You try very hard not to look disappointed. You already know you failed when you feel your bottom lip starting to quiver. You ball your hands into weak fists, pushing your nails into your skin. He notices, a moment of worry crosses his face. 
Tonight wasn’t really a date, or anything important. It was just dinner. 
Then why are you so upset?
You neither move away nor lean in as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. “What’s wrong?” he murmurs, and you exhale at the way you can feel his chest move underneath you. 
“Nothing, just—Don’t worry about it. I’m just being clingy. I know you’re busy,” 
“Clingy? Oh, sweetheart,” he rolls his chair back and slaps his thigh. “Come, sit on my lap.” 
“Uh…” your eyes flit between his spread legs and his face. “Excuse me?” 
“Just get your gorgeous self over here.” 
Swallowing, your legs move on their own. Your heart does somersaults in your chest. His smile never falters as you slowly lower yourself down, feeling his frame under you. Your insides clench. Your arms shake. You feel his breath on your neck when he guides your arms around his neck. He presses his lips where your neck and chest meet, heat coils in your stomach. 
“You could never be too clingy,” he murmurs. “And even if you were I would love it. I’m actually really happy you came over, I was starting to think this thing between us was going nowhere.” 
“You want it…to go somewhere?” 
“Of course, I fucking do,” he snaps, looking up, glaring at you. “Do you think I come here that early just to drink coffee—I like spending time with you.” 
You feel yourself start to tremble as his hands move up your thighs and cup your ass. He squeezes gently and you gasp, your skin prickling under his touch. His lips move away from your neck, pressing soft kisses up your jaw until he reaches your ear.
"I want to take this further," he whispers, his breath hot against your skin. "I want to fuck you, sweetheart. Bend you over this table and make you scream my name because I’m sure haven’t been screaming anything for a while."
His hands move around your body, tracing the line of your spine and the curves of your hips. His touch is gentle and yet rough at the same time, your heart beats faster with each passing second. You melt into him, wanting more, wanting him.
“I want to feel your wet cunt around my cock,” he groans, dragging his teeth down the column of your neck. His voice drops an octave. “Let me fuck you sweet thing.”
You pause for a moment, and then you nod, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Yes," you whisper. "Yes, I want this too."
Max smiles, a satisfied smirk playing at the corners of his lips, and he pulls you in for a long, deep kiss. He nips at your bottom lip before pulling it and slipping his tongue into your mouth. Pulling you closer—inhaling you—he cups your head from both sides, and groans into your mouth. You feel the growing wetness between your legs, your body having a mind of its own, you grind down on him, shuddering as you feel the hard length under his pants. 
“Needy,” he tuts, gripping you by the neck. You hiss when he yanks you back, the rest of your body falling still. “You’ll take what I give you. Is that clear?” 
“Yes—” you bite the inside of your cheek. “Yes, sir.” 
Your cheeks burn as his eyes widen momentarily. Then he closes them, taking a steady breath, he cocks his head to the side. A soft hum echoes in his throat. 
“I like that,” he purrs, opening his eyes. “Say that again.” 
“Please, sir.” you choke out.
Max's grip tightens as he bends you over the office table. You gasp, your skin hot as he shoves your pants down to your knees. While you kick them off, you hear a zipper, feel the weight of his cock on the top of your ass. Your face is directly staring at the door— If someone were to waltz in, the first sight to greet them would see you taking your boss’s cock. However, you can hardly care when his warm breath fans your neck, his breathing uneven and rushed. 
He slips his hands down and cups your ass, kneading and squeezing as he shoves you further against the cold desk. 
"You look so sexy like this," he growls, his cock pushing against your ass as he presses himself against you. His hands move up your body, and he starts tugging at the buttons of your shirt, loosening them one by one. His lips brush against your ear and you shiver in anticipation as his hot breath tickles your skin.
"Say. It." 
It’s a threat and some wicked part of you is tempted to exhaust his patience. His hands move down your body, and his fingers start to tease your nipples as he traces circles around them. Then, when you don’t answer, he pinches them harshly. 
Your body jerks at the sharp pain, an acute moan rips from your throat. 
“Fuck me, sir. Please.” 
“You sound so good like this, begging for my cock,” he purrs. “I’m going to go easy on you today sweetheart, but don’t expect me to always be so nice.” 
He slides his hands lower, and his fingers slip between your legs, teasing and caressing your wetness. Your eyes roll back as his fingers start to penetrate you, and you grind downs in search of more. Wanting him deeper, wanting more of him. 
“So fucking wet,” he coos, he pulls out his fingers, smearing wet streaks across your hips. He nudges his cock between your folds and rocks his hips, the catches against your clit and a loud moan rips from your throat. “That’s my girl, and you thought I didn’t want this. What kind of idiot wouldn’t want this pretty cunt? Hmm?” 
“Max, please. . .” 
You hear the growl that rattles his chest. Closing his eyes, he cocks his head to the side, tongue tracing the edges of his fangs. “I really love hearing you beg,” he groans. “And the blood rush in your veins.” 
Your breath catches in your throat—and in one smooth thrust, he slips inside of you. You clutch the edges of the desk, your eyes rolling back into your skull. Suddenly the rest of the world blurs and it’s just you and him. He stretches you perfectly, his length deep enough to hit all the right spots. His hands smooth a path up your spine. You practically purr at the feeling. You whimper, and when you do, his lips are on your neck in an instant. His body a cool, yet comfortable, blanket on top of you. 
“Good girl. Look at you, being so obedient,” he licks the salt off your skin. “You feel so good, baby. The perfect cocksleeve for the boss.” 
“Oh god—” you choke out. You have no idea how to respond to that, but your body sure does. Your walls flutter around him, squeezing him tight. His breath hitches. You feel him straighten behind you, his hands press you down from the waist and you can’t help the small squeal that parts your lips. 
He’s restraining himself. You can tell by the way his hips twitches, eager to bury more of himself into you. His nails bite into your skin and instinctively you raise your hips. “Maaax,” you moan. “Fuck me, please. I can take it.” 
“You can, can’t you?” he mutters, sounding almost impressed. “My perfect girl. You’ll take everything I’ll give you?” 
You breathe out, “Yes—” 
And he gives you everything. 
Every thrust knocks the air from your lungs. Somewhere on the desk your arm hits a stack of papers and they fly everywhere, making a mess on the floor. Max doesn’t stop. He jackhammers into you, splitting you into two. It never felt this intense before. Never. You struggle to breathe and with every snap of his hips, you feel slick dripping down your thighs. Max groans as he wraps his fingers around your neck, pulling you up. Your breasts sway with every stroke, your nipples aching from how hard they are. His one hand remains on your throat as the other moves to your chest, kneading the soft mound in his palm. 
“Wouldn’t be fun if someone walked in right now?” he teases, his teeth grazing the shell of your ear. “Seeing you getting absolutely railed—kinda wish I had a mirror so I could see how cock drunk you look, sweetheart.” 
Fuck, is all you can think and you desperately want to voice it out, tell him how good it feels. His voice, his breath, his teeth, his cock— But all you can do is whimper helplessly, hoping that the sound is enough to convey how much you’re enjoying this. 
“So stupid for me, I love it. You want me to make you come?” 
Another whimper. You nod helplessly, forcing yourself back to meet the movement of his hips. He hums as his hand slides between your legs, he draws wet circles around your clit, and your entire body clenches. You can barely hear him from the blood rush in your ears but you think he mumbles ‘oh shit’. Max continues to play with the sensitive bundle of nerves, with fast strokes he mumbles profanities against your skin. 
You come with his name on your lips. Your body convulses, muscles clenching and unclenching over and over as you gush all around his cock. It feels never-ending. He grinds his hips, burying himself deeper, throbbing inside. You hiss as your second orgasm washes over you, fluttering and twitching, your body goes limp. You're fairly certain if Max wasn’t holding you up, you’d collapse. 
Much to your surprise, Max slowly lays you on top of the desk and the office ceiling comes into view. He’s still pulsing between your legs. He smiles down at you, slides his fingers between your lips—the same fingers he made you come with—and leans in to shove his tongue alongside them. You part your lips wide, the taste of yourself and him making your head spin. You moan around his tongue and fingers. He pulls back with a smile.
“Where do you want me, sweetheart?” he asks, cupping your face with the same hand. 
“You can come inside,” you answer in a daze, then quickly add. “You can’t get me pregnant right?” 
He shakes his head and you smile, “Go ahead then.” 
It doesn’t take him long. He buries his face into the crook of your neck and takes deep inhales of your scent as he spills inside of you. You thread your fingers through his soft locks and gently tug on them. He groans. 
“That’s nice,” he hums, pressing his lips over your clavicle. “I wanna spend an eternity between your legs.” 
“Should I be scared that you actually can do that?” you say with a soft chuckle, he looks down at you, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. He wiggles his brows. 
Max slowly pulls out, and when he stands, he watches the mess pour between your legs. His pupils eat away the color of his eyes and you shudder at how hungry he looks. 
Suddenly shy, you avert your gaze as you try to collect yourself, “Sorry about messing up your schedule. I’ll see you later.” 
“And where do you think you’re going?” 
He grabs your wrists and pulls you into an embrace. You hadn’t realized how tense you were until you feel yourself melting into him. 
“Fuck work,” he says, his hand resting over the small of your back. “I’ll get it done later. Let’s go home so I can at least spend tonight between your legs.” 
You grin into his chest, happy that he can’t see how ecstatic you look. He probably knows how excited you are anyway. 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
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stinkysam · 9 months
Monkey D. Luffy - Always together.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "Luffy and reader being childhood friends and making a promise to get married but reader leaves the island, but they eventually meet again and readers a super powerful swordsman and luffys absolutely mesmerized and they catch up and I guess they eventually get together???" - anon
Reader : male (you/he)
A/N : Part TWO
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"Let's get married one day."
"Why ?" Luffy answered flatly, his pinky finger digging in his nostril.
"So we can be together forever !" You grinned, proud of your idea.
"Mmmmmmh… okay !" Luffy smiled too, extending his hand for you to shake and make this promise official.
You two giggled happily with your plan to stay together, unaware this was your last one with each other. You left the islands a few days later.
You don't remember why, each time your parents tried to tell you you became too angry and upset at the idea of leaving Luffy to listen. Yelling and crying, snot everywhere on your face as you waved him goodbye from your small boat.
But things have changed now. You had grown and were not a crybaby anymore. You were a renowned swordsman, known on all the seas.
Since you've seen Luffy's wanted poster, you went after him, but in the end, he's the one that found you. They stopped at an island to get some food stock. They heard a loud crash and some yelling. Marines. After a single person. You.
You ran past them quickly, not even seeing Luffy. But he saw you and recognized you instantly. He ran too and the rest of his crew followed. He grinned widely as his eyes were on you.
He watched you defeat the marines easily, your sword cutting them smoothly before they could get the time to parry you. You cut the last man after you in half and before you could notice Luffy, his stretched hands were already on you.
He grabbed you and threw himself on you, wrapping lengths and lengths of his arms around you, caging you in his embrace as if to make sure you don't get away.
"Luffy ?!"
"Luffy !" Nami yelled, clearly afraid of you. Usopp did the same. Why was Luffy casually hugging a deadly and notorious swordsman ?!
Zoro straightened when he saw your face, placing a hand on his swords. Sanji straightened too, if Zoro was ready to fight, so was he. He didn't know Zoro had you in his list of people to defeat.
"Luffy, who's- who's that ?" Asked Usopp, shaking and out of breath.
"This ?" Luffy pointed to you as he finally let go of you. "That's [Name]. He's my friend !" He said grinning.
"This is [Last name] [Name], he has a bounty of-" Began Nami only to be cut off by Zoro.
"Soon to be lower than mine." He announced confidently, taking a step forward.
"Oh ?" You raised an eyebrow, turning your head to him, clearly interested. You smiled and awkwardly waved at them before turning your attention back to Luffy.
"I see you have become quite the pirate !" You say, grabbing his cheeks and stretching them. "Didn't expect less from you." You added and Luffy giggled proudly at your words.
"And you became a swordsman ! I wonder who would win between you and Zoro."
"I'd win." / "Me obviously." You both said in unissons to then glare at the other as if you were ready to go fight, making Luffy laugh once more clapping his hands together.
Nami sighed.
"Maybe we should head somewhere else." She said, "Where there's less… decapitated marines on the ground."
You looked around, as if you had forgotten about them and nodded.
You helped them take some stock of food to the Merry and they left with you, getting you away from the marines to have some peace for a moment.
Luffy couldn't stop grinning each time his eyes fell on you or when he thought of you.
He listened intently to your stories while Zoro, Nami and Usopp slowly warmed up to you. Sanji was already coming along, preferring you over the moss head.
It's been a few days now and you were still with them on the Merry.
You were currently stargazing with Luffy, well, to be honest, he tried to get a midnight snack and got kicked out of the kitchen and sent laying on the floor, you just joined him, beer in hand.
After a moment, he spoke.
"[Name], do you remember our promise ?" Luffy asks, staring at you with a smile as you bring your beer to your lips.
"To marry each other to be together forever ? Yeah. I thought you'd forget about it since I left."
"I thought you had forgotten !" He says. That's true. As you left with your parents, Luffy had thought the promise was broken and you didn't want to marry him after all. But Shanks told him the only way to make sure was to find you again. And he did !
"Hey, that wasn't my idea to leave ! But… why do you ask ?" You tilt your head, growing interested. You never thought he'd remember about it and even less mention it.
"Well, I thought about it-"
"You ? Thinking ? Unlikely."
"Shut up ! I've grown since then ! I'm not a kid anymore !" He grimaced and crossed his arms, making you laugh.
Luffy groaned, annoyed by your teasing.
"Alright, alright, go ahead, what did you want to say ?" You said, taking a sip of your beer.
He debated whether to tell you or not. Not because he was hesitant or shy, but because right now, he was truly vexed. He thinks. A lot of thoughts go behind those eyes, okay ?
"Fine." He finally said, slightly reluctant. "Do you wanna be my boyfriend ?" He asks, not an ounce of hesitation in his words, his big eyes on you as his smile reappears again.
You almost spat out your drink, a blush creeping on your cheeks.
"Huh ?"
"I told you ! I thought about it ! And I like you. I want you to be my boyfriend, [Name]." He said, looking at you with expectant eyes. "So we can get married and stay together forever !"
His smile never faltered as he waited for your answer. You looked away, trying to regain your composure and act confident.
"So ? What do you say ? Boyfriends ?"
You could only smile at his eagerness, his own excitement being contagious.
"Yeah. Boyfriends."
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lucy90712 · 3 months
Brother’s best friend- Hector Fort
WC: 2.5k
One rule 'no dating my teammates'. 
One rule 'my sister is off limits'.
We each had one rule to follow but of course you always want what you can't have. I didn't mean to break the rule it really wasn't my intention but when Marc took me to one of his training sessions I was drawn to Hector straight away. Not only was he by far the most attractive guy there he was also really sweet to me and maybe a little flirty which only made me want him more. For a while I held back as my brothers words circled round my brain every time I thought about getting to know Hector better but eventually the attraction was too much to ignore it was like we were drawn to each other. 
It started out innocently we would just talk to each other while he had a break in training and I'd hang out with him when Marc invited him over. That innocence didn't last long though as when we finally exchanged numbers, without Marc's knowledge of course, all we did was flirt with each other which led to us arranging a secret date. I was nervous for the date as I want sure if we would have a real connection or if it's just easy for us to flirt with each other but we actually got on really well and there was definitely a connection there. We went on a few more dates before he asked me to be his girlfriend which was a good 6 months ago now. Over those 6 months we have only told a total of 3 people one of them was my best friend as I use going to see her as an excuse to see Hector and the other two are some of Hector and Marc's teammates as they caught us kissing after a game once. Everyone that knows is sworn to secrecy and so far they've kept that up because they know if Marc finds out they knew they'll be in trouble too. 
As much as it's been hard to hide things from Marc it's definitely worth it. Seeing as it's the one rule he set if he finds out he's definitely going to be mad at both me and Hector. He's a great brother but he's definitely over protective but I guess that comes with being my older brother even if it is just by a few minutes. There are times that I worry he'll find out without me even saying anything because he'll sense that I'm lying. They say twins always have a special connection which is definitely true for me and Marc but he's yet to figure out that I'm hiding something from him which is almost unheard of as I've never kept a secret from him for more than a week before. 
Recently it's become harder to hide everything as Hector and I want to spend more time together but that means I have to have more excuses to go out or sleep somewhere else and I can only think of so many. To try and help keep things under wraps Hector has been coming over more as he can hang out with Marc and then secretly break away to spend time with me. That's exactly what's happening today Hector wanted to see me so he made out like he wanted to spend time with my brother so he's coming over and I'll join them so I can be with Hector. 
Time seemed to really drag on but eventually I heard the front door and two voices downstairs which meant they were finally home. As much as I wanted to run down straight I couldn't as that would be weird and Marc would definitely ask questions so I waited a bit before grabbing my water bottle and heading downstairs. Like always my brother ignored my existence but Hector looked over and smiled so I smiled back and even kissed the air as my brother was far too focused on turning on the Xbox. Once I filled my water bottle I sat myself on the sofa next to Hector as there was still space next to him and he helpfully sat closest to the kitchen. 
"Oh hey I didn't know you were home" Marc said finally acknowledging my presence 
"You never do but I had homework to finish so I decided to stay in today and get it done" I said 
"Well you can join us if you want that's if you want to be beaten again" he laughed 
"Maybe I'll beat you this time I've been practicing" I said 
"Since when?" He asked 
"Oh while you're at training I've been practicing" I replied 
That was a lie I've been playing with Hector at his place but luckily I can think quickly and Marc still seems none the wiser. We all played fifa for a while and of course I didn't beat Marc but I definitely did better than I used to so Hector's coaching has really helped me out. I took a break from playing to make dinner for everyone but the boys kept playing after dinner. Eventually it got dark and time went on so Marc suggested that Hector stay over as it was late and they both had training in the morning. Sometimes it's just too easy this is exactly what I was hoping would happen and yet again my brother pulls through in helping me break the one rule he set for me which he does more than he knows. 
I left and got myself ready for bed then all I had to do was wait. My phone kept me entertained until my bedroom door opened slowly to reveal my lovely boyfriend who was trying to be as quiet as possible so that my brother wasn't alerted that he was here. Once he made it past all the squeaky floor boards and to the other side of my bed he hopped in and opened his arms for me. Of course I immediately attached myself to Hector and he wrapped his arms around me as tightly as he could. He peppered kisses all over my face before his lips finally met mine in a passionate kiss which I've been waiting for all day. 
"I've missed you" Hector said kissing me again 
"I've missed you too" I replied 
"You know maybe we should tell Marc we've been together for a while now and I hate not being able to see you as much as I want and having to sneak around is getting harder" I said 
"I would love to not have to hide things but I value my life too much you know he would kill me if he found out that we're together especially for as long as we have been" he said 
"I know but one day we have to say something we can't live like this forever" I pointed out 
"I know but let's leave it a bit longer if he hasn't found out when we've been together for a year we can tell him then" Hector reasoned 
"Fine but until then you better give me lots of love" I laughed 
"Don't you worry I will give you everything I've got to give" he smiled 
Hector and I stayed up longer than we probably should've but we just wanted to make the most of the time together. We had to wake up early too so that Hector could leave my room before Marc wakes up but spending the time together was definitely worth the lack of sleep. 
Marc didn't catch me and Hector when he stayed in my room the other night and last night I said I was staying with my best friend but really I spent the night at Hector's. We had a great time he set up candles and cooked dinner so we could have a romantic meal together which was really nice as we never get to do that because we can't go out together. I really enjoyed getting to spend a romantic evening with Hector as we don't get to spend much time together and we never really get to have proper dates unless Marc is away which isn't very often. Hector really stuck to his promise too as he made me feel so loved and definitely gave me everything he's got all night long. 
Sadly he had to leave for training quite early but he let me stay until I needed to leave for school and let me lock up with the spare key he gave me a little while back. As soon as I arrived at school people were giving me weird looks which I thought was odd but sometimes this happens when Marc does something good with the team as people know we are twins. It was only when I got the same look from my friends that I started to consider it was something to do with me that was garnering all this attention. To begin with they wouldn't tell me simply just giggling thinking that I was joking around but I wasn't I had no idea what was so funny.
"Seriously guys what's going on what have I done?" I asked 
"Have you seriously not noticed" one of my friends laughed 
"Noticed what?" I asked getting annoyed 
"The hickeys on your neck I mean they are everywhere and they don't exactly blend in" my best friend finally said 
"Shit I didn't notice I got ready really quickly this morning I didn't really pay any attention" I panicked 
"Is it really that bad?" I then asked 
"It's definitely bad you will want to try and cover them before you see your brother if you don't want him to kill you" another friend said 
"And Hector" my best friend added 
"Wait these are from Hector" one friend said 
"I thought you weren't allowed to date your brother's teammates" another added 
"First off yes Hector we've been dating for a while but we've been keeping it quiet clearly until now and second no I'm not supposed to date any of the boys in the team which is why Marc will kill us both if he finds out" I spiralled 
"Don't worry about it right now you should get home first just put some concealer on and keep it on until the bruises are gone" my best friend said trying to calm me down 
"You're right and remember no one say anything about Hector as you'll be on trial for being involved in our murders ok" I said 
They all promised me and we headed to our first class. In every class I sat with my hand covering my neck as I don't need anyone else wondering who seemingly assaulted my neck and I definitely don't want the teachers seeing. It was a long day with all the looks I was getting the boys teasing me asking who the lucky guy was as usually no one comes near me as they are all scared of Marc. Eventually though the end of the day came and I practically ran home to cover up the bruises which only seemed to get worse throughout the day. 
When I finally got a good look at myself in the mirror I could see what everyone was looking it was bad like really bad. As soon as I get the chance I'm definitely going to kill Hector for this as not only was it embarrassing to look like this at school I now I have to be really careful not to rub off the concealer I'll need on my neck for the next few days. Once I started applying makeup to my neck I realised that not even my best concealer was going to fix this. You could still see the deep purple marks under no matter how much I put on so in the end I just took it all off. I'd rather have Marc see the hickeys as they are than see my attempt to cover them as I know he'll be more suspicious if I'm trying to hide them. The only thing I did was put some cream on that will hopefully help the bruises go away a bit quicker. Seeing as there was nothing I could do I just had to wait to see what would happen when Marc came home. 
The front door opening and closing startled me as I wasn't expecting Marc to be home for another hour but in he came along with Hector. Marc barely walked a few steps in before he stopped and silence filled the room. He looked at me then my neck and I looked at him then at Hector who's jaw might as well have been on the floor he was that shocked looking at what he'd done. Then it happened Marc turned to Hector and saw his expression and suddenly the vibe in the room changed. I watched Marc as his hands balled up into fists and anger filled his eyes. I don't know how but he knew he finally figured it out. 
"Are you serious" Marc broke the silence 
"Have you seriously been fucking my sister behind my back" he pretty much screamed 
"What no why would you think that" Hector said clearly panicked 
"Well my sisters neck looks like a vampire attacked it and you had scratches all down your back this morning so unless this is a huge coincidence there is something going on here" Marc continued to scream 
"Ok fine I'll admit that I did that but it's not just sex I promise" Hector said 
"Yeah we've been together for over 6 months now we aren’t just fuck buddies we are actually together" I added 
"There was one rule for both of you and you broke it and then thought you could hide it from me how long did you plan to keep this a secret forever until you were married" Marc raged 
"I'll admit we should've told you sooner but we both knew we were breaking the rules and didn't want this to happen but I can say with full confidence that I love your sister I really do I would never dream of hurting her she's everything to me so I'm sorry we hid this but we just didn't want to anger you" Hector explained 
"Do you really love her?" Marc asked calming down slightly 
"I do she makes me so happy and I love her a lot" Hector said 
"Do you love him?" Marc asked me 
"Yeah he treats me well and he puts a smile on my face" I said 
"I guess if you two are happy together there's nothing I can do but no kissing in front of me or I will kill you both and if you ever hurt her bro I won't hesitate to beat your ass" Marc threatened 
"Understood" Hector said 
"Thank you for understanding we really are happy together I'm just sorry you had to find out this way" I said hugging Marc then going over to Hector 
Hector smiled at me and held my waist gently which actually put a small smile on Marc's face. I don't think it will be long before he comes to terms with our relationship and lets us be but for now I don't think I want to test that theory. 
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chrollohearttags · 7 months
it didn’t take long before the rumor mill began to hit the last place anyone wanted it to. Chatter and discourse circulated among everyone over at AMG. From staff and crew to the top level..concerned about what it meant, not only for the PR manager and her clientele but the company as a whole. Honestly, it all seemed more like some sick, deluded fever dream. There was no way that a photo from years ago, taken completely out of context and held zero weight was creating all of these problems! Although they were both young and there were a lot of drugs and alcohol involved the night that said picture was snapped, they both were adamant in the fact that nothing came of it. There was no way in hell that she’d even entertain the idea of sleeping with EJ. The thought alone made her skin crawl. She didn’t see it for him then and damn sure didn’t now. And vice versa. And even on the off chance there was some forgotten one night stand…what did it matter now anyways?! They had obviously both moved on and there were zero romantic, sexual or otherwise feelings there. Whoever decided to dredge these up from the archives was either bored, miserable or mad as hell over something. Could’ve been a mix of the three..who knows. But what was certain, was that this had to be fixed and quickly..before everything fell apart!
pacing the floor of her high rise condo, purchased for work years ago, the talent scout nursed her glass of wine as she trembled. Fear and anxiety had taken over her entire body…her eyes bloodshot from crying for hours on end. Her heart felt as if it were going to explode from her chest..it was all too much to bear.
“So what are you going to do? Everyone seems to believe that something happened. Even if it was years ago, it’s going to be hard to convince the world that there’s nothing going on.”
“I’m sorry, Aunt Vivi but I’m not worried about convincing the world of anything. They’ll talk and believe what they want regardless. I’m only concerned with what my husband and (y/n) thinks. They’re the victims in all of this…they don’t deserve to have to deal with it.” But alas, she was wrong. Although that was her main priority, she failed to take into consideration how the rest of her clientele must’ve been feeling. She was the public relations manager..the quintessential fixer who made problems go away…if she was knee deep in her own scandal, how the hell could they trust her to get rid of theirs? It was a nightmare!
finally feeling as if the unbearable weight had caught up to her, Mikasa plopped down on a nearby couch, where her aunt and creative director Vivian Ackerman was seated. The older woman would cradle her niece’s head onto her chest akin to the way she had when she was younger. In truth, she was the only adult in her life who had actually taken the time to see her as a child in her adolescence rather than some machine; the ideal artist who moved on everyone else’s time but with her, she could be herself. And right now, the thing she needed most was a shoulder to cry on. To let her frustrations out.
“He left for his tour last night..didn’t even say goodbye. Once social media started talking, he went to a hotel and didn’t say a word. But the look on his face? I'd never seen him in pain like that. When I called him..he didn’t even answer. But then I found his ring on the nightstand. That and the necklace I gave him when he first started playing in my band. He never took that stupid thing off for anything….I guess it’s really over, huh? I screwed up..”
she could feel herself slipping further into despair. The thought of losing the one man who’d always given her the world. The man she joked, laughed and had more fun with than anyone. Who saw her flaws as perfections, accepted her in any way. The love of her life, Jean was gone and now her sweet (y/n) was pissed too. She had blocked her everywhere and was refusing to answer her or Eren’s calls. He told her that (y/n) had someone send for the rest of her belongings and that she wouldn’t be coming back. And EJ was in worse shape than she was. Not even bothering to get out of bed. How could they possibly convince you or anyone else that this was all a huge misunderstanding. But what shocked them both was that there was a single post uploaded to her Instagram page with her on a private jet. Tan leather seats surrounding her along with some roses. She sat posed as if she were straddling someone’s lap and her bare back was facing the camera with her face out of the frame. And coiled around her? Were tattooed arms with some rather familiar looking ink. The caption simply read “having my way.” Comments were shut off for the post so no one could have a field day underneath but trust, the alarm bells were going off something crazy. But one thing was for certain…when it was all said and done, those two would be the ones left crying!
“You think that was a little too much?”
“For what they did? Please..they’re lucky their asses aren’t dead right now. I’d say they got off easy.”
because right now..you were on a flight, headed to Europe. Lying in bed, draped in sheets as they caressed your naked body. But the linen wasn’t the only thing touching you. Right now, those very same arms and hands from the photo were rubbing and caressing your body. Only after using them to bounce you up and down on him. Some might say it was one hell of an overreaction to something that couldn’t be confirmed but fuck it, it shouldn’t have gotten this far. And as for who was helping you exact this little cruel act of revenge?
“Besides…I think this is much better. They can sit and think about that shit while we have some fun. Not like it’s the first time. What do you think?”
“I think you’re right..”
that too would remain a mystery!
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
my birthday is coming up 🩵🩵🩵 I think it’d be really cute if Teo and I got like matching rings and had a cute little date at like a little altar, and maybe he wears a suit and I wear a white gown 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
ANSWERED: Hehe I know exactly what you mean 😻
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Adjusting the black tie around his neck; Teo stands in front of the altar, pulls out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket, and begins to read. "Rosie was... the best lay I ever had. It's a real shame she died in that ugly Victorian nightgown, but I guess even It Girls need a break from serving cunt all the time."
"It's true..." Saint says with tears in her eyes — except not really because I'm livin MY LIFE WITH EDDIE BABYYYY LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!! Ok, actual fic below now, I promise teehee <3
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"Thought I'd find you up here." your voice comes out soft, so as to not startle the man smoking near the ledge. The faint glow of his cigarette stands out even amongst the stars and cityscape backdrop he'd been staring at moments prior. But even after hearing your words, Teo doesn't seem to move.
"Guess I need to switch things up then." He doesn't turn around, though he does makes room for you to stand beside him. "I'm becoming predictable."
Silence blankets the two of you as you both idly stare off into the distance. It'd never been like this at the start of your relationship... And while you wouldn't admit it out loud... It was a nice change of pace. No longer did Teo seek you out for late-night rendezvous, and in turn, you no longer had to fall prey to his hedonistic escapades.
But the silence could only last for so long. And what's more, you were certain Teo would grow bored of the lack of stimulation and do something more... worthy of his attention.
So, with a slight cough, you casually strike up a conversation. "What did you get up to today?"
"Heh, you'll probably see it on the news soon." A sly smirk pulls at his side profile, before Teo finally acknowledges your presence by his side with an intrigued look in his eyes. "And you?"
...And you?
Since when did the Teo Alvarado talk about something other than himself?
"I, uhh..." Clearly not expecting that response, you stumble over your words and avert your gaze towards the illuminated backdrop once more. "I got my nails done?"
"Hmph. You don't sound too sure 'bout it, doll." The taller male extinguishes the butt of his cigarette on the cement railing before leaning against it. A beat passes before he extends a hand out towards you. "Lemme see."
He takes your palms into his larger ones and spares a casual glance over each nail individually. And had you known any better, you would've assumed he was bored. But you did know better. That was a look of genuine intrigue.
"...Green, huh?"
"I-I just felt like it!"
No way were you going to let him in on your suppressed feelings. You were well ware of the fact that once Teo sensed any semblance of attachment, he would run and never look back. You'd seen it happen one too many times, and you weren't going to let the same thing happen to you.
Besides... What you had with Teo; it felt different. It was nothing like the casual hookups he used to have with all those men and women from the city -- now long forgotten the moment he started getting cozy with you.
"...Do you like them?" Hesitantly, you gaze upwards to read his expression. "I thought you might, considering you paid for it and all."
"They're not bad. Could be better." Okay, rude. But before you can say anything, Teo continues, "Here. Try this."
Not allowing you a moment to respond, Teo quickly reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small box. Upon opening it, an almost gaudy ring captures your attention (was that Tiffany's?) -- before his large hand hides it from view as he pulls it out.
Was that...
Reaching for your own hand now, Teo slips the ring onto your finger. Too overwhelmed with what was happening, your mind barely registers the fact that the ring seemed to be your exact size.
"Much better." Teo's voice pulls you from your thoughts. "More my taste."
"T-Teo... You do realize that's my ring fin—"
The sharp look he sends you sends a shiver down your spine. "One more word, and I'll lock you up here and drive off."
"...What about two words?"
Immediately, he drops your hand, turns towards the fire escape door, and waves you off. "Hope you brought a sleeping bag. 'M not coming back till morning."
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry!" Without thinking, you reach for his arm and tug him back into the spot beside you. "I'll be quiet."
Another wave of silence washes over the both of you. Though this time, it felt forced. It seemed far too awkward to suddenly address such an... unexpected and intimate gesture from someone like Teo, but you didn't know what else to say either. Changing the subject would only bring more awkwardness, and it wasn't like you could continue the current conversation either.
Damn this man and his inability to be on the receiving end of basic human emotions.
Completely lost in your own mind, you barely notice how Teo lets out a forced huff beside you and pulls you closer by your hips. He rests his chin against the crown of your head this time -- no doubt to stop you from looking up at him -- before he finally breaks the silence.
"It's my nanny's ring." When you don't respond, Teo continues, "Some... sentimental heirloom shit, I guess. She never had any children 'cause she was busy taking care of me."
Why was he holding you so tightly? Like he was afraid you'd run away at the barest hint of vulnerability?
"And before you ask, yes, she parted with it willingly. I..." You feel him lull his head to the side to pop a joint in his neck, "I asked her for it. Didn't ask for her blessing though, so I don't know why she gave it."
"Teo. This is seriously sounding like a proposal."
"...It's whatever."
"Fine. A birthday gift."
"...You remembered my birthday?"
"Ouch. Do I look like someone who'd forget?" Just as you open your mouth, his hand predicts your actions and squishes your cheeks together. "Wipe that smug look off your face. I can't see it, but I know you're gonna do it."
"...Thank you, Teo." It all suddenly felt far too sentimental in that moment, and you knew all too well that Teo would be responding negatively to it soon. So, deciding to fall back on old ways -- lest he starts to gets mean -- you settle for an all-too-familiar way to thank your lover.
Unashamedly, you turn in his grasp before trailing your hands down the warm expanse of his chest. They rest just above the latch of his belt -- but almost uncharacteristically, Teo pulls them away and wraps your arms around his neck instead.
"...Do I look like someone you could marry?"
"Like I said. I'm getting predictable." He uses your hands to cup his face before leaning closer. "'M switching things up again. Marry me."
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scribbledghost · 5 months
I have a suggestion for a promp!! ✋feel free to consider it if it fancies you, disregard if it doesn't 💕 i felt like it might interest you, bc I really loved the drabble about reader being on base and the alarm going off and her finally meeting ghost, so to say! i feel like you might like the vibe of this as well. idk how to word it well, but i love stories where the two whole different worlds of a couple meet/merge bc of A Situation which lays their differences bare, their consequent reaction to their so's/the situation at hand itself etc
i saw this super cute tiktok the other day of a couple, where the husband/bf? is trying to instill more safety awareness into his partner, he pretends to leave the house, closes the front door and even fakes his footsteps but then knocks on the door to see if his gf will automatically open up assuming its him or look thru the peephole to see who it is
she doesn't ask, and opens up right away (like most of us would do i mean lbr!!) and he berates her for it while she playfully waves it off as him being too paranoid and so serious (mannnn I wish I had it saved!!!) and idk i think was just such super cute moment and I could totally see simon and his so in this situation. Simon has more than his fair share of awareness of what could and does go wrong in the world and is determined to "train" his gf and give a safety drill whenever he sees the opportunity for it (he might even do so bc he is, unconsciously or not, trying to protect her from a fate his family faced because of him) but his gf is happily unaware of that dark side of the world and is like "🤷‍♀️aww but i just knew it was you babe besides im pretty sure nothing could get past you to get to me anyway💕💕" and he is both baffled bc of her casualness (she's a civilian but still), somewhat amused bc he can never get "mad" at her, it would be like getting mad at a puppy who doesn't get a trick right on the first try, and he feels his heart swell because she feels, she knows nothing would get past him to hurt her. he would die sooner than to have a hair on her head harmed (ok this got angsty real quick!!!🥹💕❤️)
🌻anon (also I am sorry for the wall of text omg!!! English isn't my first language so i guess I overcompensate to explain myself wow!! You are a gem in this fandom btw??? I honestly love how detailed your writing is. Quality work, top notch!👌😘💕)
Note: I have been staring at the last paragraph of this for the past five minutes because thank you so so much???? (Also your English is perfect I promise) it seriously means so much to me to hear people like my writing 🥺💖💖 But this definitely interests me! (Personally, I'm wildly paranoid about my own safety, so I'd definitely be checking that peephole every time lol but we're gonna disregard that)
"Love, you're gonna end up givin' me more gray hairs than I've already got."
"And why's that?"
Simon pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a huff. He's not angry - he doesn't think he could ever be angry at you (at least not for long) - but he's starting to wonder if you've got any self-preservation instincts at all.
This isn't the first time you've failed one of his many "safety tests," as you call them. From leaving your car unlocked while you're sitting in it to opening a window overnight when the weather permits, he swears he's aged a decade since living with you. Price had once told him that worrying for your safety was part of the package of loving a civilian, but Simon hadn't quite predicted he'd be worrying this much.
"How many times have I told you to check before you open the door?" he asks.
"But I knew it was you. You just left," you chirp. Good lord, you're too cute for your own good.
"And if it hadn't been me?" he asks. "If someone had taken me out on my way to the car then come to you? You've got to start considering the possibilities, love."
To your average outsider, it probably seems like he's berating you. But the way your eyes sparkle at him tells him you know better. Chastising you, perhaps, but there's no true anger there.
Instead, there's an undercurrent of fear. He knows the consequences of opening the door to the wrong person. And he knows that if the day ever comes when he comes home to blood on the walls and the sight of your lifeless eyes, he'll sit next to you and make sure he dies there too.
But that's a road Simon doesn't want to go down. Not right now, anyway. Not when you're here, smiling at him with mischief in your gaze.
"Simon, be real. I know nothing can get past you to get to me."
He feels his heart rise when you tell him this. Of course, he knows in his soul that he'd never let anything harm you. He knows he'd do unspeakable things to keep you safe. But to hear you say that you know it too sends warmth through his chest.
"Be that as it may," he says, unable to stop himself from quirking a small grin, "you still need to check. Just to be safe."
He grabs your hand as you raise it to wave him off, pulling you slightly closer and angling your chin so he can really look at you and convey the seriousness of his words.
"Please, love," he says. "For me?"
Your gaze softens as you lean into his touch.
"Okay, Simon," you murmur to him. "I promise I'll check before I open the door. For you."
Part of him isn't quite sure if he believes you. But for now, he lets himself feel relieved anyway.
"Good," he says as he leans in to kiss you. "I'll hold you to that."
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wonuwrites · 1 month
ot13’s reaction to “would you love me if I was a worm?” 🪱
Tbh idk what this is either but i got inspired after eating a cheesy gordita crunch and watched a bird look for food a few days ago so here ya go LMFAOOO
Warning: nothing really. blame taco bell.
also randomly putting songs on that came on for the people in case yall wanted new music to listen to <3
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🪱 S. Coups: (Song Note: this song is so Seungcheol coded and I can't even tell you why lmaoooo)
"A worm?" "A worm," you said before taking a sip of your beverage. One of your favorite past times was asking Seungcheol stupid questions you'd see on tiktok and see his reaction. He always entertained them and you were thankful because both of you knew the answers meant NOTHING and that your relationship was solid. Or so you thought. "Well, if you were a worm I guess I would be a bird." "Excuse me!?" "Yeah, I'd be a bird." "Baby, birds eat worms though..." "Yeah and? Don't I do that every night anyway?" He asked while raising a cheeky eyebrow before taking a sip of his drink. You couldn't help but blush at his crude joke and hit his chest softly which caused him to laugh before pulling you close.
🪱 Jeonghan: (Song Note: im feeling nostalgic today~~ lmfaooooo)
To say you caught Jeonghan off guard is an understatement. You would be in the car with him listening to the radio in a comfortable silence when you just sprung the question on him. He half tempted to pull over and give you a genuine "what the fuck" face but instead he just scoffed and started to laugh. "Where did this question come from, (Y/N)?" He would question you. "Just answer, baby. Would you, Yoon Jeonghan, love me if I was a worm?" The use of his full name made him laugh before he just rubbed your thigh and glanced over at you. "Baby, I love you even when you act like a clown. I would love you no matter what."
🪱 Joshua: (Song Note: I got nothing but like yeehaw lmfaoooo. sorry Shua.)
Sometimes, Jisoo and you would give each other "silent treatments" when you were both play fighting and today, it was Jisoo's time to give you the treatment. Why? Well, you ate some leftovers he was thinking about for the last two hours and it killed his pride lolol. While he wasn't mad because truth be told, he was happy you remembered to eat, but still you should've known he was thinking about it because y'all were 'soulmates' or whatever. You rolled your eyes when you realized he was giving you the silent treatment as he started to make Ramen. You started to just playfully annoy him while wrapping your arms around him and just doing the yapping for both of you. He was close to cracking once you started but he finally lost it when you asked him "would you love me if I was a worm." When he didn't say yes right away, you then gave him the "silent treatment" and then it would be his turn to try to annoy you into talking to him.
🪱 Jun: (Song Note: ooo should I do a "sour" version of this? Someone tell me yes pls)
You honestly caught Jun off guard when you asked him. He would just stare at you confused before slowly nodding at you. When you laughed at his reaction it would make him even more confused. You would drop it shortly after you asked but he would think about it for awhile. Shoot, he might text some of the members for advice because well, you really stumped him hahaha. Before you both went to bed, he would roll over and whisper, "So... would you love me if I was a worm?" You would just roll your eyes before kissing him and telling him of course you would.
🪱 Hoshi: (Song Note: Stan BamBam for clear skin. This shoulda been the title imo.)
Soonyoung and you had a really goofy love life for the most part. Sure, you both had your "serious" moments but there was no questioning that you both knew how to be unserious. Today was one of those days. You both were laying on the couch together watching Spongebob. Soonyoung was mindlessly playing with your hair before you decided to hit him with such an important question for him. "Soonyoung?" "hmmm?" "Would you love me if I was a worm?" His hand would stop massaging your head for a minute while he thought about it. You fake gawked at him because he didn't answer as quick as you thought he should. Before you could scold him he would give you a smirk before wrapping his arms around you tight, "why be a worm when you can be a tigress, (y/n)? Let's be tigers forever and ever and ever." You would groan at the 'tiger agenda' but would laugh as he started kissing you all over your face.
🪱 Wonwoo: (Song Note: literally one of the most underrated songs to EVER exist.)
Wonwoo thought he would be safe from this question when it came to you. You see he had already been hit with this question from several members of the maknae line. *cough cough* Mingyu, Hansol, Seokmin, and Chan. *cough cough* so when y'all where getting ready for bed and you asked him he couldn't help but laugh which would make you so confused. He would just smile at you and find you so precious, "of course I would love you if you were a worm you lil cutie." He would give you a soft kiss before pulling you into his chest while you smiled stupidly and contently at his answer.
🪱 Woozi: (Song Note/Rant: If you are still sleeping on Ian you need to reevaluate your life because OMG.)
To be completely honest, I can see Jihoon just giving you a blank stare because his brain just went ???? he didn't know the trend and the question would break his brain. He didn't know what to say so he would just go "uhh sure?" You would fake sulk at his answer and he probably would text one of the younger members to ask for help. I can see Hansol being like "the answer is always yes!!! omg." LOL
🪱 DK: (Song Note: why do I want Seokmin to sing this to me to help me sleep at night? omg)
You would be sitting next to Seokmin on a park bench watching birds just be birds. You were both waiting for Soonyoung and his partner to meet you for a double date and were currently in a comfortable silence. That was until you asked him, "Seokminnie, would you still love me if I was a worm?" As you asked that, a bird had grabbed a worm from the ground and flew away. You both were flabbergasted at the timing and just broke down laughing together. Once you both calmed down he reminded you he'd always love you no matter the life time but for the rest of the day he would lovingly call you "bird food" as if it were a pet name which left Soonyoung and his partner hella confused lmaoooo.
🪱 Mingyu: (Song Note: Nelly will always be that girly for me <3)
One of MIngyu favorite errands to run with you was going grocery shopping. Just spending time with you while planning meals to eat with each other or grabbing snacks with his favorite snack just fueled him with so much happiness. You loved it too because when you were with him, you could turn your brain off and just be yourself. That's why Mingyu wasn't too surprised when you looked at gummy worms and deadpanned asked him, "Baby, if I was a worm would you still love me?" You couldn't see the loving smile he had on his face before he wrapped his arms around you from behind. "Of course, baby. You would be the prettiest and nicest worm to exist."
🪱 Minghao: (Song Note: ngl this might be a future song reaction thingy for my ot13 series I do.)
When you asked Minghao if he would "still love you if you were a worm" he would giggle at your question because duh. He's in this for life baby. He would tell you he would find the BESTEST dirt for you live in and would fight any birds that would try to eat you. It would honestly be just a giggle fest between the both of you.
🪱 Seungkwan: (Song Note: CLC deserved better.)
Seungkwan and you were staying in for the night and were both just hanging out while mindlessly scrolling on your phones. You then crossed a meme that reminded you of the "would you still love me if I was a worm" question. You decided now was the perfect time to make your lovable stud muffin to answer your question. Once you asked him he gave you a stank judgemental side eye before *respectfully* ignoring you. You kept scooting closer and asking him before he couldn't help but laugh and just saying "yes."
🪱 Vernon: (Song Note: When the remix is better than the original... Red Velvet wins always.)
To be real, Hansol was READY for this question. He had seen it on his fyp and knew it was only a matter of time before you would waddle over and ask him if you would still love him if you were a worm. He would be doing whatever Hansol does and just say "yes, I would love you if you were a worm." and also "yes I promise." He would find it very funny when you were pleased by his answer.
🪱 Dino: (Song Note: this song has no business being as much of a bop as it is.)
Chan could go two different ways lmao. He would either laugh at the question before saying "of course I would, but would you love ME?" Or, he would overthink it. Were you an Earthworm? A gummy worm? A pinworm that would be a pain in the ass? He just had to know. Soon you both would be ranking worms and would forget about the question hahaha.
btw just wanted yall to know how committed to writing Chan's part I was:
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I forgot what they were called LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Anyways, which one was your favorite? Mine personally was Seokmin's. I feel like I've been writing so many sad things for him lately so it's been nice to write something super cute like that. <3
Hope yall enjoyed <3 if yall were worms, I would love you all :)
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