#one barbillion
short-wooloo · 10 months
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Barbie Made One Barbillion Dollars!
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cluelessbird · 1 year
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it's barbin' time
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gemthegerm · 1 year
the barbie movie looks unironically dope i love how they chose to begin the teaser in the most unhinged way possible
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concerto-roblox · 8 months
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mother and father spotted slaying in servington county, yassville
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lesserkiwi · 11 months
i refuse to be normal about barbie (2023) i have chosen to be so so dramatic about it
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khany82 · 10 months
Barbie hits one billion!!!
Here's a video of the cast being awesome and meeting Fans and signing autographs during the London Premiere prem actors strike
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irlplasticlamb · 2 years
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first ever movie to earn one barbillion dollars <3
prints available here
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lilithtransrights · 1 year
Can't wait for the Barbie sweep.
One barbillion tickets sold and one morbillion more on the way.
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dixdixbby · 1 year
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I hope this movie makes one barbillion dollars
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lesbinewren · 10 months
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barbielandvshollywood · 10 months
Why has this Barbie changed how we look at feminism?
The impact Barbie had on me is not personal; Barbie has resonated with many women since its release and after just three weeks at the cinema, Barbie has made over $1 Billion (Barbillion) US Dollar in ticket sales globally. The historical milestone is not only a point of celebration for the cast and crew but for the director, Greta Gerwig, for being the first solo female director to reach this historical moment. Why has the film resonated with so many women (and men)? What about this movie has inspired solidarity and reignited a passion for ‘girlhood’? Let’s talk about it.
Many women have gone with sisters, long-time friends and mothers have taken their daughters along to experience in full force the Barbiemania. Guardian readers have spoken about ‘uplifting messages in the film with its focus on feminism and equality’. With others defining the movies motif as ‘one gender definition can never provide a fulfilled society for all.’
The truth is, Barbies message wasn’t revolutionary. It wasn’t the first Hollywood movie to speak on feminism and the involuntary role of women in real life and Hollywood. Little Women (2019) – also directed by Greta Gerwig – speaks on womanhood with Joe March’s monologue emotively captivating what it feels to be forced in a box by society and told this is all you are made for. The 1991 Thelma & Louise movie was a landmark feminist film that delved deep into sisterhood. In fact, looking back, Barbie just repeated the testimonies of all the films that came before it, in a very light-hearted and less ground-breaking way. So again, what makes Barbie different? First of all, Greta Gerwig breathes life into the iconic Barbie doll created by American businesswoman Ruth Handler, manufactured by American toy company Mattel, and launched in 1959. It’s been a significant toy fashion doll market for over six decades and sold over a billion Barbie dolls. The brand expanded into a multimedia franchise including computer-animated films and video games. The change of the Barbie doll over the years reflects the change in women’s role in society. What once was a representation of what a woman should be (perfect) now represents fearlessness and crushes the idea of perfection existing – because it doesn’t. We have Barbies that are Doctors, Astronauts; we have weird Barbie, President Barbie and a transgender barbie. Barbie is you and me; trying our best. Barbie represents how far we've come and how much further we've got. Barbie isn’t afraid to go out into the real world and do what needs to be done, she isn’t afraid to fight for what she believes is right and at every step, she leans on the sisterhood that is always by her side. The film focuses on empowerment and what makes it a radical story is that it strives for equality: a world where we don’t ignore male struggles. Feminism has always meant equality, and this Barbie is here to remind you to strive for that in your real world, man or woman.
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short-wooloo · 10 months
I hope the Barbie Movie makes one Barbillion dollars
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happyman42 · 10 months
My Predictions For 2024
A Roblox streamer will say the n word.
Southern state passes bill making it legal to shoot any trans person on sight.
The Barney Movie makes 8 barbillion dollars, Ben Shapiro then proceeds to make a 7 hour rant about it for views.
Kanye West says some shit about clones or whatever, then collabs with Billy Corgan on an album that never gets finished but gets leaked 3 months later and it's so good that everyone forgets both of their respective shittiness.
A hacker leaks something video game related, gets out scot free from insanity plea, escapes a mental institution and is never heard from ever again.
YouTube will go through a phase where it will start recommending Family Guy anime parodies to people for no reason.
Elon Musk temporarily changes the X icon to some meme from 2017.
A band tries to summon a demon in a concert, they give up and play Creep / Wonderwall instead.
A YouTuber/celebrity I semi-liked gets cancelled and I have to pretend like a give a shit.
People start unironically thinking the Star Wars Holiday Special was genius after Disney somehow makes a worse new one.
AI generated RedLetterMedia videos become a meme for 2 weeks.
DeadWingDork discovers a new fetish on DeviantArt that spawned from an obscure 2000s anime.
RebelTaxi will get semi-cancelled for sending Raven fetish commissions to an underage Furaffinity artist.
The Pokemon anime will show a 2 second gay / lesbian couple that will enrage conservatives so much that Tucker Carlson will cover it.
The Bluey subreddit gets investigated by the CIA after someone leaks classified alien documents on it.
A furry will spread their cum on something or someone, the furry fandom will be traumatized yet again.
Bill Cosby is killed in a mysterious incident, conspiracies ensue.
Twitter / X goes bankrupt and everyone migrates to another website that will be ruined in 5 years.
An early 2010s Let's Player will come out as trans, KiwiFarms will spout cancer about it.
Chris Chan will finally begin his homeless arc after being banned from every place in America.
The Hollywood strike only ends after CordorDigital threatens to make Anime Rock Paper Scissors 3, everyone in Hollywood continues to get screwed over anyways.
Biden dies 2 days after the election ends, whether or not he wins.
Penguinz0 will make a video about any one of these where he'll say the words troglodyte and butthole 7 times and call it content.
Someone will reply with the Apollo ball meme on this post.
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solthecelestine · 11 months
Make the Barbie movie be the first one in history to earn one barbillion dollars
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lordfarragut · 10 months
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aaaaagaronia · 3 years
1-10 13-15 20-27
1. what song makes you feel better?
already answered this but feed me is Very Good
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
bride of reanimator,,,, godly,,,,,
3. what’s your favorite candle scent?
i dont have one djsknhfjdcs
4. what flower would you like to be given?
not like uhhh super into flowers tbh?? like uhhh venus slipper orchids are nice but if you give me a echeveria barbillion and im in Tears
5. who do you feel most you around?
[points directly at meatica]
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
legally not allowed to be perceived so dsfknhgjdsfds
7. what color brings you peace?
dark pinks and muted turquoise!
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
[points aggressively at meatica]
9. what calms you down?
uhhhhhhhhhhh doodling and coffee
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nothing tbh
putting the rest under teh cut because the rat be like hm think ill send you all the questions
13. what’s your comfort food?
pizza rolls!
14. favorite feel-good show?
ash vs evil dead
15. for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
meatica event
alistair- rat
hannah- mother
kiri- simp
isy- boltgun
michael- gamer
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
idk dsjfkds
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
i am asking Nicely for you to fucking Talk
22. what would you say to your future self?
can we take our meds consistently please
23. favorite piece of clothing?
my tremors hoodie!
24. what’s something you do to de-stress?
chewing on my chew brick and doodling jndskhfds
25. what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
[points at all the gift art the You, mother and isy have given me to the point i have a folder for things in both my laptop and phone]
but also you could give a rock and id be in tears
26. what movie would you want to live in?
reanimator :)
27. which character would you want to be?
dr west
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