#one character was like 'wow i love painfully killing people including people i went to school with'
simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
honestly one of my favorite characters ever kills a bunch of cops and blows up the station with random people inside in the very first episode and i still will root for him to either kill even more people or become a better person, whichever he wants.
like, c!dream is the world's smallest potatoes compared to half the characters i've been like 'but what if they could be better' about
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
reading tgcf chapters 72 - 88 end of book 2. body horror kind of in this one. if you know you know and i did include an excerpt of it
i didnt take any notes from 72-76 but uhhhh shit has hit the fan
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fuuuuuuck. but he couldnt get there fast enough and then THAT happened to that family FUCK :(
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xie lian has indeed been greatly sheltered and this is a painful if inevitable moment. very curious about where he goes from here :(
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:pensive: the universe has its own rhythm. perhaps it does but im wondering if this is part of it orrrrrrr
wait theres a girl. shes pretty. feng xin is impressed by her this is a first. is she going to be important? is it too much to ask for? to see a girl do things?
xie lian and the king... i sad. but the anger is real from both sides regardless of their arguments. i sad
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ahhh flashbacks to religious studies. read a whole essay about contagion magic vs similarity magic. pretty sure it was by one of those early anthropologists who were ummm racist but this is definitely a thing that people do
damn so xie lian’s first experience of killing anyone was during the revolt and he killed thousands. wow. “mere ants” like those crushed for him by servants. hoooo boy
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:pleading: hes so good and im so sad for him to painfully learn that just being good isn’t enough
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awwwww. </3
ohhh wait i think the epub version doesnt spoiler out the authors notes awwww i was enjoying the mystery but okay. not sure if i would have guessed this without tbh theres a lot of kids (2) running around with bandages in this book. but i guess the saber thing isnt likely to be anything else. also ohhhhhhhhh hong hong-er... little reddie... ah i see now :(
land of the tender; body of gold hard pressed against desire. hmmmm. im. hmmm. remember that scene with the prostitute in ghost city and how i was glad it ended quickly? i miss those days. i mean murderous desires/lustful desires okay sure thats something fine but. hmm not so sure how i feel about the rest of this. and the hair thing has significance according to the notes. i mean. hmm. moving on for now. ive seen spoilers for more about hualian’s relationship but im gonna wait to comment on it until i know everything
i would actually be curious to see feng xin and mu qing interact without xie lian when theyre still having to work together i wonder if they are more chill or less chill bc clearly feng xin cares a lot about xie lian and im wondering what theyre like with each other without him around. to be fair tho since theyre his generals im not sure if theres much room for that
human face disease time. oh boy. things really are only getting worse. im also suspecting that this disease was intentionally brought into the city to hasten its downfall but we shall see
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saving this for the illustration of the differences between feng xin and mu qing. not sure what it says about me but im finding mu qing relatable that is 100% what i would do but i feel much more fond of feng xin. interesting
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thank you for being a beacon of amusement in these trying times. distract your bickering friends by forcing them to play improv games. also the differences between fx and mq continue to interest me
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awfully convenient there guoshi. i have to say that its looking more and more like the bad shit thats happening in xianle was actually not to do with xie lian. the fact that the yong’an rebels were being supplied? whatever the fuck is going on with lang ying.... i could be wrong but thats what im thinking im wondering how much of this was already laid out or at the very least poised to happen before xie lian intervened
here it comes this is the unsettling body horror bit
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hmmm after this its mu qing who is like “hey ummm you kinda just chopped that guy’s leg off when he hadn’t actually asked you to. kinda fucked up also could definitely turn on you” makes sense that it was mu qing who said that he’s clearly very smart and bc of his background he’s more likely to think of things from a different perspective than xie lian and feng xin. he’s been scornful of commoners before but he definitely understands them more so than the other two
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just when i thought this couldnt get more horrific. no rest for anyone what an awful fate
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saving this as a note on mu qing as a character and his attitude towards xie lian. what xie lian says here about the curse is interesting. the faces/souls vs the ones they are infecting. its awful for both of them and neither are the only truly at fault theyre being pit against each other
its telling that mu qing is the one who is telling xie lian that line about there not being a second cup of water. also BIG ARGUMENT im bookmarking this to come back to in the present day
looks like celestial palace is coming down and im bitterly remembering the fact that xie lian toppled his own statue earlier to let lang ying get away... who then presumably planted the curse.... sighs
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the bits with xie lian’s parents made me tear up. this is, what the kids call, relatable.
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hmmm dont think feng xin is always going to feel this way lmao
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oohh that is a cool image
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i.... sad. and so book 2 ends!!! im wondering when we find out exactly how the split between our trio went down. im sure its sad
politically im still not sure exactly what the message is trying to be i mean obviously theres corruption that completely throws the poor under the bus but so far its also been clear that xie lian actually cant do anything about it. but!!! also xie lian doesnt understand a lot about the world, he’s been sheltered and he’s a prince and he wants to save the world and i love him for that but he hasn’t seen what the reality of life is for a lot of people he’s looking at everything from the position of the nobility and even with all his kindness i dont think thats ever enough to bring about meaningful change. how can it? idk but we still got a LONG ways to go
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 5 years
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wow I’m really just pumping them out today huh
also just so yall know, this thread (so far including Humiliation, Force Feeding, and now Stalking) is now officially titled Damage.
Prompt: stalking
Fandom: Ninjago
Character: Cole
Trigger Warnings: creepy!whumper, and just like… general uncomfy vibes associated with the aforementioned warning. If that sounds like it would bother you, please don’t read!
Koshiro remembered with great clarity the first time he’d ever seen the black ninja.
He’d been out with those other insufferable pests, not on a mission, for once. He remembered the way he’d laughed and smiled and joked, he remembered just how beautiful he’d looked, how bright his eyes were, how carefree he’d been.
Koshiro remembered, with great clarity, the first time he’d realized how badly he wanted that ninja for himself.
He’d done research. He read up on the ninjas’ greatest achievements, their biggest failures, their worst villains, everything he could possibly find out.
He learned that the bratty blue one was Jay, the know it all white one was Zane, and the reckless red one was Kai.
And of course, the one clad in black. Cole. How lovely he was.
Koshiro had disliked the other ninja from the moment he’d started paying attention. They were nothing but children, the lot of them, little kids who were sticking their noses into business they shouldn’t have been. They needed to know their places.
But then there was Cole. He was almost perfect. With a bit of training, he would be.
Koshiro wanted nothing more than to tame him, to claim him, and to teach him to want nothing but him.
He started watching the news more often.
He found pictures online, whether amateur or professional, just to look at. He imagined what it would feel like to have control over such a pretty thing like Cole.
Once he started thinking about it, he couldn’t stop. The idea was just too delicious, too perfect in his mind.
He decided very quickly that no matter what, he would have his way.
He began to visit Ninjago City more often, just to see him. He was careful, of course. He never made direct contact, always making sure to fade into the background. He never got close enough to be noticed. As difficult as it was, it was all going to be worth it.
- - - 
Cole wasn’t one to be paranoid. He was observant, he liked to think, but not to the point of giving himself ridiculous anxiety over nothing. Until recently.
It was just… a feeling. He couldn’t quite pinpoint it, but something was making him uneasy. He had no idea what it was, and that almost made it worse.
Everything was… normal, currently. They had no big villains to face, no horrible apocalypses to stop, and no people to save (unless the few side jobs they took up counted as saving people, but it wasn’t much, just helping out with minor emergencies, really). Still, Cole couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
In public, he felt like he was being watched. It shouldn’t have been concerning, because, being a bit of a mega-celebrity, he was always being watched. There were fans everywhere, no matter where he went, and he and the others were used to it by now.
So why was he so bothered?
There was no reason to be. He was definitely being watched, and sure, if he were a normal civilian, that would have been creepy. But he wasn’t! So why was he so unsettled?
It was probably just his social anxiety seeping through. He’d managed to get a hold on it, but stuff like that never fully went away. That’s all it was, right?
Yeah, definitely. There was no reason to be worried.
- - -
Koshiro wasn’t particularly thrilled to be in the city this weekend. Day of the Departed meant everyone was out and about, and he hated people. The sidewalks were crowded and the traffic was awful, and he wanted to crawl out of his skin.
He’d always seen the holiday as way over-commercialized, anyway. There was no need for all the pointless things stores tried to sell. This was why life was so much better in more rural areas, and he was very much looking forward to getting home.
From somewhere up ahead, a commotion stirred up. He couldn’t quite tell what it was, until…
Something WHAMMED into him and he fell, quite painfully, to the ground. For FSM sake, did people even try to watch where they were going anymore?
“I am so sorry!”
“Are you okay?”
That voice.
He knew that voice.
He’d know that voice anywhere.
“Great going, you killed him!”
Ugh, he’d know that voice anywhere, too.
He opened his eyes, squinting against the harshness of the sun and ignoring whatever was being said about “knocking someone over won’t kill them, Jay.”
And there, above him, the sun shining on him and presenting him like the angel he was, was Cole. His Cole.
And, unfortunately, the other brats.
 “Oh, good, you’re okay.” Cole extended his hand, and Koshiro took it. His skin was soft, his eyes were more beautiful than any picture could show, and Koshiro wished more than ever that he could speed things up. Because finally, finally, he got to see him, to really see him, face to face. And this might be the closest he’d ever been to speechless.
“I’m alright,” he said, dusting himself off. He wanted so badly to do anything more, but if he didn’t present himself as perfectly generic, it could throw a huge wrench in his plans. “I really have to get going.”
“Yeah, us too,” Kai said, followed by Cole’s polite call of,
“Stay safe!”
FSM, how he wanted to speed things up.
- - -
Something about that guy left Cole feeling weird. There was absolutely nothing that wasn’t ordinary about him. He was wearing regular clothes, he talked regularly, there was nothing weird about him!
So why was Cole’s gut twisting like he’d passed some serial killer on the steet and done nothing?
It was probably just the guilt from almost injuring him. Falling on a sidewalk could be really awful, and it could have gone a lot worse. Yeah. That’s all it was. Just a little guilt.
He probably should have listened to his gut.
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maverick-werewolf · 6 years
Hey again, i was wondering if i could actually get sone advice on writing werecreatures? Ive got a weretiger character (hence my initial ask) but i was having a bit of trouble writing him as i dont want him to end up a walking cliche (he's already wierd enough as is). Are there any parts of overall werecreature mythology i should avoid? How can i do them justice?
Aww, I’m flattered you’d ask me for this. :D It means so much!
It’s really up to your preference. For me, what I look for in stories about any kind of werecreatures, is the general directions people tend to take them in today. I’m talking about a few major things. I’ll keep it general instead of specific to werewolves, since your character is a weretiger.
Note that a lot of these depend heavily on the setting and mood you’re going for, so I’ll be more specific in each section…
Things to Avoid
Stereotypical animal traits or jokes. There’s some specifics to this one, because depending on the setting and what you’re wanting to do with the story/characters/werecreatures themselves, giving them slightly more stereotypical traits of their particular animal might be fun or interesting. It can be done well, it just almost never is. Even the animal jokes can be done well, under very carefully controlled circumstances. I’ve, on rare occasion, made a few with a specific character who is crazy enough to do something like that (and they’re basically never actually true, so).
But, more often than not, when something starts dropping completely brainless dog jokes about werewolves (chasing things, dog-like scratching, “wet dog smell” jokes, fetch, can’t eat chocolate, dislikes cats, barking [I went into detail in a recent werewolf fact about just how painfully lame this is for so many reasons] the list goes on and on) and doesn’t have some seriously great reasons for keeping me there? I’m out. (But I am aware I’m often in the minority when it comes to that reaction.)
Overly obvious animal behavior. This goes hand in hand with the first section, really, but lots of things also like to make werecreatures that overtly behave like their animal side and can’t seem to stop it. Again, this can be done right and can be fun, but this is even more rarely done right than the things above. Usually it’s just so over the top and silly that it draws a lot of seriousness away from the character/creature/setting. With this, I’m talking about random compulsive animal behavior, like wanting to mark their territory (yes, urine, and yes things include that for some werecreatures), chasing things (for werewolves), licking themselves (for various felines), scratching themselves with their feet, panting with their tongue out… It’s hard to do that kind of thing and pull it off in a way that doesn’t just feel very “wtf?”
Dead giveaways. This is yet another thing that depends heavily on your setting and what you want to do with it, as well as personal preference. But I’ve personally always preferred the werecreatures that can pass as human (which was the case for basically 99% of folkloric ones as well; I know people will say “but werewolves had unibrows!” or somesuch, but in all honesty, the various silly “ways to identify a werewolf” is just cobbled together bits of random obscure wives-tales that people dug up and popularized on the internet because it was lulzy). Even if they might have, say, reflective/some other kind of oddity about their eyes, slightly sharper teeth, and whatnot (all of which I am guilty of in my own writing to some degree, so you won’t see me complain about any of those).
Rambling aside, what I mean by that is it kind of ruins the fun of the story (again, IMO) if the werecreature is so obviously a werecreature that anyone would immediately figure it out and ruin any mystique behind it. If they’re cool dead giveaways and that’s the kind of thing you’re going for in your setting, that’s one thing. If they’re absurdly silly dead giveaways (unibrow, hairy palms, etc), then it makes it feel almost comical.
Lack of intelligence. This is a serious pet peeve for me, and something I did a werewolf fact on not too long ago. The second something makes a werecreature of any type downright stupid enough to run headlong into a wall or something, I’m out. Part of what makes werecreatures terrifying is that they are still part human, and they are still very intelligent.
Things you should do, IMO:
Keep them scary/powerful. This is so, so, so, so important and I cannot stress it enough. Too many things right now make werecreatures weak, and this especially applies to werewolves. Hearthstone, the Warcraft card game, removes health points from worgen cards when they transform. They literally become weaker when they are in their werewolf form. That makes absolutely no sense, and no one can ever convince me that it does. Hearthstone is certainly not the only culprit, either.
I’m of the opinion that werecreatures should wholesale be physically superior to humans in every single way. Why? They’re monsters. It’s there on the tin. That’s what makes them scary, is that they’re so powerful. Media today portraying werewolves (this rarely seems to apply to other werecreatures, for some reason) as weak, sometimes even bordering on or reaching shambling-dead-zombie levels of weakness, is… Well, I don’t like it one little bit.
This also applies to their human form. For more info, see this post.
Keep them rare. This is almost just as important as the first to me. Today, we get werewolves that are little more than plague rats (i.e. the worgen starting zone in WoW), and we get phrases like “werewolf-infested” thrown around. That’s a phrase that should never be said. That makes them sound like a bug infestation, and bugs are tiny things that you crush with your boot or kill en masse with poison sprays. Werecreatures are not either of those things. Keeping them rare helps to maintain their aura of mystery and power, and it helps make them far scarier. Not to mention, it helps make a werecreature character feel unique, instead of feeling like just another victim of a zombie plague (as that is how lycanthropy is, unfortunately, often depicted today).
However, maybe you have a setting in which werecreatures are more common, and perhaps they’re their own race instead of it being a curse (or disease, like it so often is in modern media), which is fine too. That’s a totally different perspective on things.
Keep them serious. This is so integral to me when it comes to werecreatures, as I’m sure you already know. They aren’t jokes, and they shouldn’t be taken or presented as such. There may be a point in the story where someone gets werewolf cuddles, and that’s fine, and even that can be done in a serious way. But it needs to take time and buildup.
More than anything, refer back to the not making overly silly jokes with them. The second the jokes get out of hand, the werecreatures can’t be taken seriously anymore.
Modern audiences are so very ready to not take werecreatures seriously and see them as a joke. If you give them the chance to do so, they’ll take it and run with it and be perfectly happy to see them as a joke from there on out. That’s often an audience’s natural reaction to them. See a werewolf, make a dog joke. It’s sad, but it’s true. So writers need to tread carefully (and consider deeply each joke they might want to make in regards to them, and what character is making that joke, in what context, etc) to make sure that these particular monsters are taken with the gravity that they deserve, or else a serious story focusing on werecreatures will quite simply fall apart.
Anyway, wow, long post!
Those are just a few off the top of my head - hopefully at least some of them are helpful! I’d love to talk about werecreatures (and writing them) all day, so please don’t hesitate to send me more asks (or messages) if you want to discuss things more. :) I’d love to hear more about this weretiger. :D
P.S.: You said “walking cliche,” I noticed, and I must say - cliches are cliches because they are fun, people like them, and they work. Cliches aren’t always a bad thing!
(If you like my werewolf blog, be sure to check out my other stuff!
Patreon --- YouTube --- Wulfgard --- Werewolf Fact Masterlist --- Twitter)
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meganmazing · 7 years
Fics I Read While On Vacation 2.0!
Last month I went on a trip to Italy, and you know what that means... I downloaded a ton of long fics to keep me sane on the long plane/train journeys, and now I’m sharing a few of my faves with you guys! Pro tip for travelers: DO THIS! When you do’t have reliable wifi, and don’t want to pay for the in-flight wifi, downloading a PDF (or ten) from AO3 is the way to go. Their easy system is one of my favorite features of the site, and has multiple downloading formats other than PDF, too. Plus, they include links back to the work in the PDF so you can go back and comment when you do have wifi! Which you should always do, because authors are a gift, and giving kudos and love in the form of comments in return is a wonderful thing.
This time it’s mainly stevetony, with a few phlint, a cherik series, and one reaper76 (r76) for good measure. And guys. The stony and phlint especially...oh my god. Even when Phil and Clint aren’t the mains, I’m screaming about them. For whatever reason, the Marvel stuff I read his time blew me away, to the point where I’m still thinking about some of the stories, despite it being nearly a month since I got back to the states. One fic genuinely changed me, and I never thought I’d say that without a hint of sarcasm, but here we are. 
Like always, click the bolded titles for the link, and please read the tags on each fic. Even though I tend to steer clear of the truly brutal stuff when I’m on vacation, what squicks you out may not register for me, etc. Remember to throw some love to the works you enjoy, and come scream about them with me anytime <3
Steve Rogers Is A Child by LagLemon  Words: 290k+  Rating: M
Tony gets into fights with Steve all the time and it's driving him insane. Sure, he's not the nicest guy in the world, but all he did was steal a little of the guy's sesame seed bagel - he didn't deserve to get yelled at for something stupid like that.
After drowning his sorrows in hot chocolate and complaining to Pepper about what happened, Tony gets a phone call from Natasha telling him to hurry back home. Something's happened - Steve has been attacked and he's not quite the same man he once was - he's been turned into a child.
With Steve out of commission, the team struggles with what to do and Tony finds himself filling roles he had never expected: babysitter and friend.
THIS is the fic I mentioned in a textpost pretty much immediately after I finished reading. I couldn’t wait for this rec list. My dear friends, this fic gave me a crisis of faith. That’s a tad dramatic, you say? This fic had me rooting for Bucky Barnes and Tony Stark. Winteriron. Yeah. Bucky has an unrequited crush on Tony, and he killed me with it.
Don’t get me wrong, the stevetony here is endgame, and it’s beautiful, but wow. Like. I’m not one to multipship people often - especially not with my top otps - and stony is an og pair of mine. Something about this Tony and this Bucky just...fit? I mean...I think I get it, now. I can see it. You guys win.
I’m still recing this as stevetony, but I had to mention it becasue I’m still in shock weeks after finishing this, and it’s stuck with me. Tony is a character near and dear to my heart, and the story is told from his POV in a way that felt a bit different from the norm to me, and I dig it. Don’t be put off by the child!Steve thing, it’s not forever and it is handled really well in the story. No child sexual/romantic/abuse situations occur. Personally, I would not rec that kind of story.
Falling Into You by sabrecmc     Words: 53k+   Rating: M
Tony and Steve end up as fuck buddies after the events of The Winter Soldier until Steve calls it off. When Loki's spell wipes all of Steve's memories since the last time Loki was in town, Tony decides it will be so much easier to just not tell Steve they had something of a relationship. Spoiler: It isn't.
Or, how Steve fell in love with Tony and forgot about it, and how Tony fell in love with Steve and realized it.
Sometimes, you read a fic that is infuriating, heartbreaking, and sweet all at once, in almost every paragraph (at least for the first three quarters of the story). Tony is at his oblivious, slightly self-destructive best here, and you just want to shake the man, sometimes. Not to worry, I also wanted to shake Steve. It’s equal opportunity obliviousness in this one. The story is told with flashbacks to Tony’s memories of their “fuck buddy” relationship as he remembers them while the present mind-wiped-Steve situation is happening. It was done in a way that felt familiar without feeling redundant, the way this trope sometimes does for me. The ending is so worth it, and melted my heart. 
A Higher Form of War by sabrecmc     Words: 292k+  Rating: M
Tony is a King with a surprising number of people out to kill him. Steve and the rest of the Avengers are fighting for Pierce's rebellion and end up with Tony as their prisoner. Oops.
Basically one of those bodice-ripping romance novels I don't read (ahem) but with far more gay.
Speaking of melting my heart, this fic obliterated it. When I say Slow Burn, I mean it. Oh my sweet lord, do I ever. But you NEED this one if Stevetony is your thing, trust me. It’s AU in the best ways, and uses so much from the first Iron Man movie, as well as the Captain America movies and general MCU. Steve and Tony are painfully true to their characters at times, which brings both the good pain and the bad pain, the way you know you love. Fluff and plenty of angst, along with gorgeous tension and resolutions, and can I just have more of this world? Please? Forever? What is the team up to now? How is everyone? We got two novels worth of story, and I still want more of this universe!
The phlint really is blink-and-you-miss-it, but I am a sucker for the little nods and they made me happy. Also, there are the beginnings of Bucky and Tony being good friends, and I am so here for that friendship right now. 
Deep in the Heart of Me by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)  Words: 257k+       Rating: E  
There were days when the realization that he was someone’s father made Steve's head hurt, but mostly he was grateful that he could trust his instincts, because apparently Peter was what had been missing from his life. Yes, he still had lingering, unresolved issues from his time in the Army, and sure, he had what Bucky annoyingly referred to as a criminally untapped ass, and no life outside of work and Peter, but Steve was okay with how his life had turned out because of trusting his instincts.
Unfortunately, those same instincts had straight up betrayed him by going absolutely haywire upon being exposed to Tony Stark.
Veteran single dad Steve runs a tattoo shop. For his 40th birthday, Pepper arranges for Tony to get that tattoo he always wanted, and he winds up with the mother of all crushes instead. Jumping out of airplanes is one thing, but falling in love is something else entirely. Steve struggles with the idea of actually letting someone into his life. Tony is left trying to keep his heart from being broken while Steve figures things out.
I have been holding off on this story for a long time. Something about Steve being the adoptive dad to Peter had me skeptical, and the heavy mental health aspects were not something I was eager to deal with when I first saw it.  
That being said, I am so glad I read this. Getting real for a sec, I signed up for a mental health counselling consultation after finishing this. I connected so thoroughly with Steve and his experiences, and of course with Tony, too. But Steve’s journey through this story is honestly on a completely different level of fiction for me. Its heartbreakingly real, and downright visceral at times in the descriptions of how Steve feels, as well as how Tony feels, being in love with a person struggling with mental illness. 
I cannot recommend it enough. 
Aside from that, the love story between Steve and Tony blew me away, and I fell so in love with their love, it killed me. The ending is beautiful, and Peter is such a wonderful part of it. The family dynamics surprised me with how much I loved them too, with all of Steve and Bucky’s dads, and Clint and Nat being a part of their squad in the military, it fit perfectly in the story. Also: Let Tony Be A Good Father Figure 2k18 is my new crusade.
(I even grew to like Clint/Bucky in this. Phil is kind of in the world? Not a part of the main crew, but he cameos, and that was nice. Maybe that’s how I rationalized it in the beginning: Clint doesn’t know Phil, it’s fine! I like Clint and Bucky individually so much that it worked for me.)
Holding Out For A Hero by Wordsplat  Words: 100k+  Rating: T (yeah, I know, cue the comical surprise that one of these is rated Teen and Up) 
When Tony was a prince and Steve was his manservant, they were young and reckless and hopelessly in love. But an attack on Tony's life convinces Steve that he can't protect Tony, so he leaves in the dead of night to train until he can. Ten years later, Steve returns to the kingdom a strong and able knight, but his king is both furious and broken-hearted. 
One of my favorite things is when I get to be unreservedly on Tony’s side when he fights with Steve. Steve’s reasoning is understandable for his character, sure, but BOY. Plus, Tony has the Avengers backing him up too, and I live for the team supporting Tony. In the MCU right now, the team is basically all for Cap, but the lack of multiple, meaningful, interpersonal connections from the team to Tony in those movies is a rant for another day. 
Again, this is another story where the supporting cast has my heart. I also adored the knights being made up of the Avengers, and Bruce’s role, which kicked ass and made me happy. But, this story focuses primarily on Steve/Tony, and their relationship just kills me with how sweet/painful it is in turns. The fluff to angst ratio is spot on.
AND: Tony is a good dad! (LTBAGFF 2k18) 
I love their love.
Go Ugly Early by just_another_tinker  Words: 161k+ (still updating)  Rating: E
He’s The Captain?
This was not good. This was so not good.
There were theories of course, of what The Captain would look like. Most followed the typical Hollywoodesque belief that he was some version of the Godfather, sitting in a dark room with a cigar, commanding his forces with a flick of his wrist. There were even some that even thought that The Captain was not one person, but a whole network of people with eyes and ears everywhere.
The blonde Adonis in front of him was definitely not what Tony was expecting.
Of course, in the end it didn’t matter.
There was a reason no one knew what The Captain looked like.
Because anyone who saw his face never lived to tell the tale.
This is not a finished story, and I am perpetually on the edge of my seat waiting for the next update. I’ve rec’ed cherik Mob/Mafia AUs before, but I’ve never read one with steve/tony and the avengers. I’ll admit, Steve as a mob boss? I was skeptical about how well I’d vibe with it. 
Now? Holy shit, friends, I’m living for it. The aspects of Steve’s character that the author explores are everything I didn’t know I needed. Likewise with Tony, but I’m emphasizing Steve becasue it’s so unlike the usual representation Steve gets in fandom.
Apparently the running theme of this rec list is stories where the team is amazing and important to the story, becasue it’s true here, too. They’re Steve’s crew, becasue naturally. I adore the dynamics between everyone, especially when Tony starts to interact with them on the regular. 
But guys. The phlint in this hit me in the feels so hard, I didn’t see it coming until I was ready to tear up. The writing is so good, I forgot a key aspect of Phil’s arc in the MCU for a split second and I was distraught. Clint has POV chapters (Phil also had one very recently, but I think Clint has more content overall), and so you get into their relationship and all the emotions Clint’s going through, and  and I won’t say more becasue you need to read this one, even if you’re just in it for the phlint.
I know I’m a massive sucker for Clint, and love him wherever he shows up, but this time I’m genuinely impressed. The tags have it as minor/background, but it punched me in the chest like it was the main pair.
Of course, the steve/tony is amazing and addictive, but I had to scream about Clint and Phil for a sec.
 First Impressions by raiining   Words: 76k+  Rating: M
Mr. Clint Barton does not like Mr. Phil Coulson. The feeling is not as mutual as he had thought.
A Pride & Prejudice AU.
So, I will be the first to admit that I have a serious affinity for Austen retellings in fanfic. The only downside with is that I tend to be overly picky about them, to the point where I check out fast if something bugs me, even if literately no one else would be bothered, much less notice it in the first place. 
This AU fed my Austen-loving soul and gave me every Phlint thing I’ve ever wanted in an AU like this. Clint’s perspective here is spot-on, and his relationships with Nat and Tony were awesome to read. Not to mention that the author filled character roles perfectly? People were chosen that I wouldn’t have expected but as I was reading I was so on board at every turn, like, yes, of course, this is exactly it! They also twisted the classic P&P story and made it their own, making it fit and make sense for the characters above all, which I absolutely loved. Bookmarked for life. Probably will end up rec’ing this forever.
Phil just breaks my heart, and so does Clint, and I have way too much love for this fic, go read it right now!
And Eternity in an Hour by Selenay   Words: 60k+   Rating: E
He comes from a secret place, far below the city streets, hiding his face from strangers, safe from hate and harm. He brought me there to save my life...and now, wherever I go, he is with me, in spirit. For we have a bond stronger than friendship or love. And although we cannot be together, we will never, ever be apart.
When Phil Coulson is attacked and left for dead, he is rescued and cared for by an unusual man who looks like a beast. As Phil heals, he learns that Clint is part of a community hidden below the city, where people who don't fit into the world above can live in safety. In time, Phil has to return home, but he vows to change his life and find a happier, better future.
Phil and Clint believe their time together is over, but they are destined to meet again when their worlds begin to collide.
A Beauty and the Beast (TV, 1987) fusion fic.
I’ll be honest, this show was before my time, and while my mom loved it and I know the basics of the story through her, I’ve never actually seen it. That being said...hell yes. I was hesitant, because Clint is right next to Tony for Marvel characters that I hold really close to the chest, and making him a “monster” had me cautious in the beginning. Fuzz, claws, really? Yes. If you’re thinking like me, go for it anyway! This story won me over so quickly, I don’t think I even knew it was happening - suddenly I was hooked.   
It’s alternating POV, with a bit more of Phil, I think, since he’s the character we relate to more, being the outsider character to Down Below. Phil isn’t a secret agent in this, but he’s still a competent badass in that way Phil always is, and he was my favorite from the get-go! Their love story is so sweet, you’ll melt by the end. Also, there are explicit sexy times, and they are great. Plus, body image is dealt with wonderfully without feeling like a PSA.
It’s also not told in first person! I thought it was from that part of the summary, but it isn’t, and I was v happy about that.
The Clockwork Murders by Selenay  Words: 76k+  Rating: M
Phil Coulson has two lives: by day he's a quiet, respectable Edwardian gentleman and his biggest risk is on a hand of cards at his club; at night he's a masked vigilante, fighting to make London safer. Keeping those lives separate is difficult enough when his closest friend is the head of a special task force within the Metropolitan police. It becomes even more difficult when his latest case gets dangerously close to home, bodies start washing up on the banks of the Thames, and Detective Inspector Fury's team is tasked with capturing the vigilante.
Clint Barton, Coulson's new valet, is down on his luck and inexperienced at valeting but his skills from his former life may be exactly what Coulson needs. They just need to negotiate their way through Coulson's secret life and their growing attraction to each other. And save London from a terrifying new threat along the way.
Alright, this fic might just be my absolute favorite out of the whole bunch. Not to say the others are lesser in any way, but I LOVE this one! Edwardian Steampunk has never been my thing, but I guess I can’t say that anymore?!  
One of the best Phil POV’s I can remember, along with a romance that just consumed me. Phil is kinda like an Edwardian Batman with less gadgets and slightly lower social standing? I was so on board. Let Phil Be Batman. I’m starting that campaign right now. Clint is also a bit like Robin, if Robin was also Hawkeye. The slow build of their relationship is delicious, and so, so rewarding when it finally comes to a head (lol). When they finally got together, I actually fist pumped (just a very small, non-distracting one, because I was on a train at the time and didn’t want to look like a complete loon, but that’s how much I loved this story). Phil and Clint are vigilante detectives and Clint gets to be smart! What a novel concept! 
I’m also a massive sucker for AU’s where the Avengers find each other and form a team all on their own. The scenario here is AMAZING and everything I never knew I wanted in an AU team-up. When Nat first showed up, I almost squealed out loud. No shame. Steve and Bucky are off being cops with Fury, off-page, so they’re the only ones missing from the story, but Darcy is here!! Plus, she and Nat have a side thing towards the end, and I am HERE FOR IT. This fic just has me so excited, weeks after I finished it. I’m invested and it hurts. 
You know when I care about the plot of a phlint story, that the plot is genuinely compelling, because usually the phlint is all I care about. And the relationship is the foundation from the start, and always the underlying focus, so no worries for the people in it for the tension/sexytimes.
An Ideal Grace by afrocurl and nekosmuse    Words: 86k+   Rating: M
Cherik is one of the few pairings where the No Powers AU’s are some of my favorites. This is one of those times! Both boys have some mental health issues, especially where Erik as concerned, but it handled fairly well. Erik’s mental health specifically is a major arching plot piece, and his therapy sessions are important to his daily life and aren’t just mentioned off-page.
It’s important to say that there is no underage or professor/student relationship between Charles and Erik. There is past professor/student trauma in Erik’s life, but that is always a clearly negative and traumatic aspect of his life, and something he is working towards healing from in the story.  
The only thing that had me a little iffy was the co-dependency between him and Raven, who is his adoptive sister in this, but it is called out, and they are moving forward in this story as well as the sequel. Having those two be siblings instead of her and Charles is a bit different, but I think it worked for the story, even if I still love Raven and Charles as siblings.
The sequel: Love’s Own Crown, I actually think I enjoyed more, since it was less about the identity mix-up and more about their relationship/therapy
The Other One Where Jack is the Gay Roommate by pfaerie  Words: 16k+ Rating: E
Straight guy worries he's being homophobic to gay roommate, realizes he's fallen in love with him. Turns out Gabriel Reyes is fine with Jack Morrison kissing guys if it's him Jack is kissing.
This is kind of a remix of the author’s previous fic of the same name (minus “Other” in the title), but with sexytimes and additional editing. This is the roommate trope at it’s finest. It’s Gabe’s perspective, and in a non-powered/modern day AU, which works 100% to the story’s advantage. Gabe cracks me up, and I liked Widow in this too. All the kudos for the humor and smut! I really love this author’s writing style, especially with the way they write r76′s dynamic.
It’s one of those fics I’d give to a friend who wanted to read r76, but hadn’t before. The angst is mostly “I’m not gay, bro! ...oh wait” kind, plus Gabe just being a pill, not any of the massively heavy and dark content you tend to see with this pair.
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spinnerprincess · 7 years
so i’m catching up on doctor who, after ditching the show at the end of s7 because i just couldn’t stand moffat’s bullshit anymore
i return to it with no less patience for his bullshit, but caring less makes me less angry about it, which is nice
and so, here is my doctor who series 8 review. 
rating: 💜💜💜🖤🖤
I like clara and I like capaldi’s doctor and I hate most of the writing
the last four episodes are marginally better and just barely managed to drag the rating up to 3/5 instead of 2/5
here are some episode reviews if you care or if you just like hearing me complain (it is mostly complaining so don’t bother reading if that’s going to bother you) (no seriously don’t)
they are minorly spoilery but mostly just vague
episode 1: deep breath 
rating: 💜💜🖤🖤🖤 
the restaurant scene was the best part and the only scene really worth a shoutout. well built up to, suspense was grand. everything else was bland or confusing.
capaldi’s a fun doctor. clara is a good companion. the veil scene with clara and vastra was okay. the boyfriend thing was a little tiring since that whole gimmick always seems to have been based off moffat’s perception of all women finding the doctor attractive on some level, but sure. 
jenny and vastra continue to be delightful half the time and treated as if power imbalance in a relationship is a mere quirk and not serious concern the other half of the time (bonus points for this treatment in a wlw relationship). strax’s quirks have long worn thin. 
i already hate how “crazy” missy is. took two seconds. nice. 
episode 2: into the dalek
rating: 💜💜💜🖤🖤
very entertaining premise. execution was acceptable. the twist at the ending does a good job of setting up for the doctor’s personal struggle of the season. however, I find that personal struggle very boring. lots of creativity was put into the structure of the dalek, very fun. 
cold open was very confusing. 
also already getting the impression that this series is going to gloss over the very real problems veterans have. when will people learn you can want to improve life for veterans while condemning the battles that forged them. 
might recommend.
episode 3: robot of sherwood
rating: 💜💜🖤🖤🖤
clara looked fantastic in that dress. the doctor’s pissing contest with robin hood was hilarious. the arrow shooting at the end was adorable.
entertaining, boppy. no real negatives, but no real positives either. kind of a snoozefest.
episode 4: listen
rating: 💜🖤🖤🖤🖤
an episode that might otherwise have been a promising 2/5 or maybe even 3/5 receives 1/5 for the last few minutes alone. 
as usual, moffat likes to break rules like “we can’t go to gallifrey’s history anymore it’s timelocked” on a whim, and by on a whim, I mean, because if he goes to gallifrey’s distant past, he can make it so his characters are somehow the most important people of all time, because they teach the doctor important life-long lessons, isn’t clara amazing, wow, the companion who knows the doctor the most, the one who told him not to fear monsters under the bed. 
it’s the smuggest bullshit i’ve ever seen and i’m so fucking done with this man’s insistence on his characters being the most important to the doctor. he consistently shows no respect to the companions and people that have come before his and it’s infinitely frustrating.
also the entire premise was apparently “the doctor is afraid of the dark” which is just an exhausting reveal for all the drama it puts us through to get there. especially since all the elements of horror are 100% recycled moffat bullshit: corner of your eye (cracks in time), monster under the bed (girl in the fireplace), don’t look at it (blink in reverse), like... so, so painfully rehashed
the date with danny itself was kind of cute but clara’s interactions with orson and rupert pink were awkward at best.
skip it. save yourself
episode 5: time heist
rating: 💜💜💜🖤🖤
honestly with personal bias this one should be a 4/5, but again, that’s personal bias. I mean, come on. space bank heist. what’s not to love. i’m a sucker for a good ocean’s eleven.
good scary moments, good puzzles, interesting characters, fun times.
the architect reveal was obvious but it was a funny reveal the way they did it so who cares. the reason for the heist was a little cliche too but still very good. nothing outstanding, but good job.
would recommend. 
episode 6: the caretaker
rating: 💜💜🖤🖤🖤
I liked courtney. good kid.
the doctor was very in character and vain with the whole adrian thing but there was imo a slightly racist undertone of him presuming clara’s boyfriend was adrian, who looks like matt smith, over danny, a black dude, that made the whole thing kind of uncomfortable. 
the fact that disdain for pe teachers is never questioned was annoying too. even if i personally think so, it’s really irritating to see math elevated as somehow better than pe, inherently.
i spent most of this episode mildly annoyed. i do like clara though.
episode 7: kill the moon
rating: 💜💜🖤🖤🖤
an otherwise enjoyable episode, this one is brought down by the fact that all the main players towards the end are women, and as usual with moffat’s era, the doctor never seems to respect or listen to them when it really counts. 
this used to be a show I loved because the doctor picked up ordinary women and showed them extraordinary things, and more importantly, showed them that they could be extraordinary too. now it’s a show about extraordinary women trying to live ordinary lives while a man shows them extraordinary things but insists on treating them like mundane, ordinary beings. 
I really hope chibnall doesn’t continue this trend.
i suspect we’re meant to empathize with clara at the end, but disagree with her, but like honestly, tell him the fuck off clara. I mean, he won’t learn from it, because moffat’s doctor never does, but tell him the fuck off anyway.
episode 8: mummy on the orient express
rating: 💜💜💜🖤🖤
pretty good. brought down, as usual, by the doctor’s personal struggle of the season, but pretty good. 
great build-up, good suspense, fun mystery. good atmosphere. unsatisfying to have no answers about the perpetrator. zero memorable characters, which is the biggest reason it rang dull, imo. 
clara wears the flapper look extremely well. it’s pretty sad when clara’s outfit is a highlight of an episode, though.
might recommend.
episode 9: flatline
rating: 💜💜💜💜🖤
I enjoyed an episode of doctor who!!!!!! will wonders never cease!!
the only bad part of this episode was the last minute or two where they touched upon the doctor’s "am I a good man” pity festival and gave us another glimpse at missy. 
everything else: fantastic. moral struggles! intense and frightening scenes! fascinating new ideas! neat special effects! the most thrilling new doctor who enemy I’ve seen in ages! clara being absolutely outstanding - moreover, finding out that she is outstanding! fantastic solution at the end! memorable characters who I rooted for!
that was a thrill from start to finish and the first time all season I’ve really, actually, truly remembered why I used to love the show. 
would recommend for sure!!
episode 10: in the forest of the night
rating: ����💜💜🖤🖤
pretty touching, and actually hit most of the emotional beats it was aiming for! that surprised me.
loved the concept behind the trees. appreciated maebh’s story for the most part. cute to have the kids from the school interacting with the doctor.
still not sure what the point of danny is? I like him and he and clara have their sweet moments but it’s hard not to feel like every writer writes him differently, and like him saying “I don’t care what the truth is I just don’t want to be lied to” rings false because every time she has told him the truth it’s been a problem.
also: so exhausted by the idea that danny, as clara’s boyfriend, has any say over how clara’s allowed to spend her time, or who she chooses to spend it with. 
that’s not danny’s fault I don’t think he’s intended to be read as controlling I think the writers are misogynistic little shits.
episode 11: dark water
rating: 💜💜💜🖤🖤
I went into this one preparing to loathe it and as it turns out I was mostly wrong!
this would have been 4/5, except that only since missy’s a girl they have the gall to make her relationship with the doctor tread on explicitly romantic territory? uh-huh. seriously that kiss scene was awful and moffat’s “surprise kisses where one participant is extremely uncomfortable” strikes again. 
let the doctor kiss men, you fucking cowards.
but... masterful plan, pardon the bad joke. saw the twist when they went into the elevator, of course, and internally screamed. can’t believe I recognized the stinger, but I did. very well done, very well set up, very emotional. 
seriously if it weren’t for the fact that missy and her “romance” and her “craziness” represents everything I fucking despise about doctor who’s recent treatment of women, I’d say this was a damn good episode. what a shame.
episode 12: death in heaven 
rating: 💜💜💜🖤🖤
it was good but a large part of the reason I feel so good after watching it is just the fact that I probably won’t have to deal with so much irritating “blah blah soldiers suck” drivel and the whole “am I a good man?” pity fest from the doctor if I watch s9.
another large good part is the shoutout at the end to lethbridge-stewart, that was sorely needed tbh. about time. 
missy was well acted, but I’m still so fed up with the boring het treatment of it all. hey quick questions: why would time lords give a fuck about gender roles or gender orientation as more than weird, antiquated quirks? for that matter why do they even acknowledge the existence of a gender binary half the time? i’ll never know.
good choices include the plot and its resolution. laughing forever at doctor who’s insistence on upgrading their villains to make them somehow scarier all the time, but at least they had a plot reason for it too. also, clara’s bit about feeling special. that’s something I’ve thought was missing from doctor who for a long time, and to see it in a form I can almost believe was a breath of fresh air.
boring choices include setting up as if this episode is going to be all about clara being a total badass, only for it to last all of three seconds. which isn’t to say that clara wasn’t or isn’t a badass so much as, “boy do I love watching an episode where she spends nearly all of it upset and having no lines though.” hint: I do not.
mediocre choices include the characters chosen to be killed off. not like I expected better, of course. please, if you’re listening, let bill come out of her adventures with the doctor alright. people who don’t fit in moffat’s box of tricks so rarely do. 
i’ll watch the christmas special some other time. i sense another bad one coming on. 
s8 sucked but I liked some parts of it! wonder how s9 is.
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foxcroft-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Congratulations, Janelle! Wow it’s almost like you’ve already been playing Willa ??? Wow how did you do that? Oh, yeah, you’re the admin. 
Thanks again for applying! Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the masterlist as soon as you can. Welcome to Foxcroft!
Name: Janelle
Age: 21
Preferred pronouns: she/her
Time zone: PST
Activity: I mean I run this… so I’m on as much as I can be. Getting off early in the mornings means I have a lot of free time.
Anything else?: N/A
Full name: Willa Lorraine Potter
There was a time when Willa’s mother hadn’t settled for the life of the housewife. Her hair was long and untamed. She was the kind of girl who followed her favorite band up the coast, the kind of girl whose smile was welcoming and warm and made her seem like she was within your grasp, but in reality she was oh so unattainable. The only traces left of that girl lie in her daughter’s name. She wanted to name her Willow, but Willa’s father wouldn’t allow it. Finally, the settled on Willa. It was respectable, but still a nod at her mother’s carefree past.
Her middle name was her father’s doing. Lorraine. It’s the name of her paternal great grandmother. Willa never met her. She died just before she Willa was born. Named after a woman she never met, it was her father’s way of honoring the woman, but not knowing her herself, Willa didn’t put much weight in it.
Date of birth: 11/24/1992
How long have they been in Foxcroft:
Endless white picket fences, cars pouring in and out of the suburbs just before 9 a.m. and just after 5 p.m. every Monday through Friday, tupperware parties. Foxcroft’s suburbs have played like old black and white television reruns over and over again, day after day, ever since Willa was born. The episodes change, but still everything seems the same, like a played out catch phrase or a tired show opening – Willa hated it. At the young age of fourteen Willa found herself jaded with conversations of whether to paint the cabinets eggshell or cream, and predictable played-out routines. From that point forward, Willa vowed her life would be interesting, damn it. She’d lose her mind if she ended up like her mother.
DEMI-ROMANTIC PANSEXUAL. She was the girl who fell in love with your mind, with the way you smiled at her, with the words you spoke. Gender didn’t matter. It was about the way you made her feel. But opening her heart was a challenge. She wasn’t cold, just closed off, too caught up in herself, in her thoughts and feelings — like the way vodka burned her throat as she drank until she couldn’t drink anymore. Or the way the fire warmed her fingertips when she struck a match. No, Willa felt everything. Loved everyone. She was just too scared to show it. Sex, on the other hand, was just another way to feel something without giving up too much of herself. It didn’t mean anything, but god did it make her feel alive.
FC change: lol no thx i basically have a shrine to phoebe tonkin she’s my tru god
How do you interpret this character’s personality? How will you portray them? Include two weaknesses and two strengths.
For Willa, there is before and there is after Adam’s death. The one constant is how tired she feels about her life. Adam and Neil made things feel easy. They howled at the moon, they stole six packs and chips from the local supermarket for kicks. Time stood still when the three of them together and it was as if they’d live forever. Immortals weren’t supposed to die — but Adam did.
When Willa found out about his death, time didn’t start again, it continued to stand still, but instead of feeling free, Willa felt trapped. It was as if the metaphorical walls of Foxcroft were closing in on her and she wasn’t strong enough to push back anymore. The free spirit that once was hadn’t died, but had been buried along with her friend’s corpse. Still, Willa endures, and her free spirit manifests in impulses. It comes when she jumps off the top of the ladder on the water tower, not entirely sure if she’ll make it to the ground alive. It comes when she picks fights with drunken patrons at Absinthe Minded who are much bigger and stronger than she is – but they don’t know Willa’s lost her last reason to give a damn. It comes in screams and broken mirrors and empty bottles of vodka. When Adam died, Willa lost her best friend, and when Neil went missing she lost the only person who could have anchored her, but he left, and she went off the rails.
Behind the impulses is a girl who’s terrified. She’s terrified of this town, terrified of losing the friend she’s pushed so far away, terrified of her own life. She could tear the skin from her bones if it meant escaping this prison. All she wants is to get out, but she doesn’t have a clue how. Willa lived for the interesting, to be free, but despite that philosophy she still had no idea what she actually wanted.
POSITIVE: free spirited, loyal, lively, protective
NEGATIVE: impulsive, uncertain, stubborn, immature
How did this character react to the death of Hazel Abrams? Adam Foxcroft? (1+ paragraphs)
Willa would never admit it, but she wasn’t really affected by Hazel’s death. She wishes she cared more, wishes she cried for her best friend’s lost lover, wishes she felt an absence in the group, but she just didn’t. For Willa, it was Adam, Neil and her against the world. Willa never felt like Hazel was truly a part of their little group, she was never really a Bad Kid. She was tacked on, and trailed along because of Neil. They were her boys, not Hazel’s.
Adam’s death, on the other hand, completely changed her. Every smoke she lit up, every glass of whiskey, every firework, every full moon, every star – it was all tainted. Everywhere she looked in the tiny town reminded her of Adam. Absinthe Minded, where they’d drink and sing along to The Clash until they wouldn’t remember it the next day. Rudford’s, where they ended up after a late night of setting fireworks off from the top of the water tower. Foxcroft was their little kingdom, but the king fell, and now all Willa sees is an empty throne.
How do they see the town and its people? Think about the different groups of people and prejudices the town holds about them. (1+ paragraphs)
Socially, Willa is free of many of the prejudices held by the people of Foxcroft. She grew up in the suburbs with a painfully middle class family. They weren’t religious, so Willa didn’t feel the stares that many people in Foxcroft felt as they drove down Sweetwater Road to Sunday service. Willa could have slid by unnoticed, but she was friends with a Foxcroft, and the town loved to gossip about the founding family.
Stealing from liquor stores and grocery stores didn’t help her case much. Willa became a bad example, a criminal. Unlike most people, she reveled in it. Being a delinquent, being a member of the bad kids club gave her something to be. She wasn’t the daughter of suburbia, she was the kind of kid your parents warned you about. In the light of the bonfires they put on at Foxcroft Cemetery, in the bottom of a bottle and the butt of a cigarette, Willa found herself. She didn’t care what anyone in Foxcroft thought of her. She never did.
For non-human characters: What does this character know about what they’ve become? Have they had any experiences that made them aware that weren’t exactly human? Elaborate. (2+ paragraphs)
The night Adam died changed everything for Willa, not just in how she felt, but who she was. Willa was with them, and then she wasn’t, the world in front of her disappeared into nothingness. Was she dead? Was she dreaming? Willa still doesn’t know. All she knows is she woke up in the middle of the swamps the next morning and that’s when they found Adam’s body. The headlines all said Neil did it, but Willa couldn’t help but feel some sort of guilt for what she’d seen. Had she been responsible?
Willa tries not to think about that night, tries not to relive the night her best friend died, but she knows that something changed that night inside her. She’s just too terrified to seek it out.
Please include 1-2 possible plots your see for this character (1 paragraph brief explanation for each)
There are two options here, and you only need to complete one.
Sample #1:  This is a starter for Marlene McKinnon in an AU Harry Potter roleplay.
Sample #2: This is a self para for my character, Matthew Quinn, a thirty-year-old werebear who was infected with the lycanthropy strain. Here he’s visiting his ex-girlfriend’s grave, who he killed when they both shifted and he discovered she was a weredeer. Basically he ate her.
How would you feel about this character dying?: She’s trying real hard to live, but ironically that puts her closer to death. She’s scared of what she thinks she can do right now, but I could see her maybe getting into things too deep eventually and it backfiring on her. Death is definitely a possibility for Willa.
Why did you choose this character?: Phoebe Tonkin. DREAMS. Lost babe trying to feel something and live an interesting life. PAIN. Sign me up.
Extras: pinterest board.
How did you find us?: I run this shit.
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