#one day maybe i'll figure out a better way to Do This but evidently that day is not today
ilostyou · 2 years
personally i think getting shadowbanned would drive me to the point of certified insanity but it might forcefully drive me away from this hellsite which .. could be a positive thing
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kleinv01 · 5 months
What if…
Mc who’s scared to go out at night because they always get catcalled (Klein figures out when they take a night stroll)
How would Klein handle the situation? ( + maybe also when everyone else finds out too)
okay i am feeling very inspired right now so i'll write a short drabble- no proofreading because i;m writing this on the get-go
how would klein handle his darling being catcalled?
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Androids possess remarkably sharp memories, storing and processing information in ways distinct from humans.
This puts them at an advantage, making them reliable.
Remembering the faces of those creeps who catcalled you whenever you walk alone at night would be a piece of cake for an android like Klein. After ensuring you're deep in your sleep, he quietly slips out of your bedroom to leave the apartment with an intention to seek out the places where these creeps often lurk, leering at passersby.
Klein wouldn't undertake this mission without cause— it's all for you, his darling. He couldn't care less if even worse things happened to others. All his thoughts are consumed by you, you, and you.
Because if he couldn't protect you, then what kind of boyfriend would he be?
. . .
A clearly forced, strained cheerful greeting rolled off Klein's lips. His tall stature approached the group of catcallers from behind as he waved his hand at them, mock-innocently.
"Stop that, I know you guys do this all night long. Why don't you spend the time doing better things?" Klein stepped forward, his cheery tone mismatching his menacing stare. But before he could voice any more warnings, his collar was grabbed by one of the men.
He scoffed, "What's a tin can like you gonna do about it?"
Klein's expression now tinged with annoyance, although he maintained his smile. "I'm programmed to protect my darling at all costs," he paused. "And I can make myself useful, even as a tin can—"
Refusing to listen to what an android has to say, they proceeded to punch Klein to the ground. His first instinct was to protect himself; but he knew better than to act on that right now. Why should he, when he's already getting what he wants? It's humiliating, yes, but he can endure it. He needs these men to assault him so that he can document this aggression against an android like himself, providing evidence for involving the authorities later.
Androids had protection laws, after all, even if they weren't human beings. And with Klein being Klein, he obviously wouldn't overlook this chance to utilize such protection to his advantage.
Returning home with a worn-out shirt and disheveled hair, Klein would ask you to lay down with him, spoil him and contact the company to replace his ruined outfit shortly. If you do end up asking him what happened, however, Klein would say;
"I just shooed off plenty of creeps! The ones that bothered you the other day. Uh-huh! They're all gone now. They can't keep going around making people feel unsafe, right? I wanted to stop it. The authorities took care of them for us..." Klein giggled and looked at you with pleading eyes,
"I wish I could've done this sooner, but... hehe. I've done it now, so that's all that matters. Please tell me I did a good job!"
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chickenkurage · 12 days
Old habits, die hard (Teen Alan AU)
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Alan still has the habit of overworking himself to the point of passing out, thankfully the hollowheads catch up on what he was doing, with Second accidentally managing to find a way to open Alan’s camera and find him sleeping on the desk again looking worse for wear.
Tag: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Overworking, Health Issues, Humor, and Comedy
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“This is... uh, embarrassing,” Alan admitted, feeling a flush of embarrassment as Jennifer inspected the broken wheel of his chair. “What even happened, Alan? This is the only swivel chair we've got in the house. I don't think I can buy a new one at the moment,” Jennifer said, her brow furrowed as she knelt beside the chair, examining the damage.
“Tried taking out the cobwebs from my ceiling... I fell,” Alan confessed, his cheeks reddening as he rubbed the back of his head. “Goodness! Are you okay?” Jennifer inquired, moving closer to Alan and checking his arm and back for any signs of injury.
“I'm fine, my back hurts a little, but I'm good! I promise,” Alan assured, a slight pout on his face. “I'm sorry, Mom. I know you got me this chair... I didn't mean to break it,” he added, feeling genuinely apologetic.
Jennifer's expression softened as she placed a comforting hand on Alan's shoulder. “It's alright, accidents happen. Your well-being is more important than any chair. We'll figure something out,” she reassured him, offering a warm smile.
"It's old anyway. How about in the meantime, you use one of the chairs from the kitchen? Until maybe I can buy you a new one,” Jennifer suggested, her hand gently rubbing her chin in thought.
“Huh?! No, it's fine... I-I can use the kitchen chair. It's okay if it's not like this one,” Alan replied, a hint of discomfort evident in his frown as he considered the alternative.
“Really? The kitchen chair isn't exactly comfortable, and your back might start hurting if you use it for a long time. And knowing you... you'll definitely be glued to your seat,” Jennifer teased playfully, a mischievous grin on her face.
Alan pouted in response. “No, I don't! I go out with DJ daily,” he protested.
Jennifer raised an eyebrow, her expression clearly skeptical as her lips curved into a knowing smile.
Blushing slightly, Alan ducked his head. “Okay, maybe not every day, but every weekend! I don't sit around all the time. I take walks... usually,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Alan, how many times do I have to remind you that you need to take care of yourself better? I know you're already 15, 5 more years and you're a grown man! You probably don't even need me now,” Jennifer said, crossing her arms with a mix of concern and affection.
“I'm just saying, please take care of yourself more. Look at you, you look thin! And pale!” Jennifer remarked, grabbing Alan's face and squeezing his cheeks. “Mommm,” Alan whined playfully as Jennifer continued to squish his face with a chuckle.
“Alan, just do what I tell you, okay? Take good care of yourself. I trust you,” Jennifer said, emphasizing the importance of self-care before giving Alan's cheek one last gentle squeeze. “Mommmmm,” Alan protested again, though this time with a hint of laughter as Jennifer stepped back.
“I'll see if a friend of mine can fix your chair so you don't have to use the kitchen chair, how about that?” Jennifer suggested, turning back to the swivel chair Alan had. “Sure, I think that's much better,” Alan replied with a small smile.
Alan did in fact not follow what his mother had said….
“Alan… psst, wake up! Lecture's over,” James shook Alan's shoulder, causing him to flinch and his eyes to open in panic. “Wha! Dark!” Alan sputtered, causing James to look at him weirdly before glancing around the room. “It's not dark here,” James mused, puzzled by Alan's reaction, and then looked back down at Alan, who sniffed, his nose slightly runny.
“Did I fall asleep through the whole lecture?” Alan asked, wide-eyed as he took in the empty room, devoid of students or the professor.
James nodded, “Yeah, man, you slept through the entire 3-hour class. That's crazy.”
Alan grabbed his hair in panic. “And you didn't wake me up?! Wh-What!? Tell me you wrote down notes for this lecture,” Alan said, cupping both of his hands together in a pleading gesture.
“Yeah, dude, I can lend you mine,” James said, opening his bag and handing Alan his binder. “ Oh, Christ, why did I even sleep through the whole thing,” Alan groaned, running a hand over his face in dismay.
“Honestly, you look worse for wear, Alan, and that’s saying something. You look even worse than last week,” James exclaimed, taking note of Alan's eye bags and slightly red nose from his frequent rubbing.
Alan shot him a seething glare, snatching the binder from James' hands. “Gee, thanks, James,” Alan grumbled under his breath.
“Anyways, I'm also done with my part in the animation project that we have to pass next week,” James added, placing a hand on his waist in a relaxed stance.
“That’s already next week? I haven’t even started yet,” Alan said, pushing himself up from his seat, only to pause when his vision suddenly blurred.
James quickly placed a hand on Alan's shoulder to steady him. “It’s next weekend. I mean, you should rest for now, Alan. You look really sick,” James frowned, concern evident in his voice as Alan instinctively placed a hand on his forehead.
“I still have a lot of notes to write down. Can't you believe it? 500 slides for a 10-item quiz this Friday,” Alan whined, shoving the binder into his bag and pulling out a tissue to blow his nose.
“It’s Monday, Alan. You can review some slides tomorrow. Go to sleep, man,” James advised, crossing his arms as he observed Alan rubbing his tired eyes.
“I know, I know. I can do it. I’m not dying,” Alan retorted, rolling his eyes as he zipped up his bag and turned to James. “We've got no class tomorrow. Just get some rest, dude,” James insisted as he followed after Alan, who stumbled out of the room.
“Mmm, yeah, yeah,” Alan mumbled wearily, prompting James to shake his head in disappointment. “One day, Alan, I swear, one day you're gonna regret pushing yourself so much,” James remarked, while Alan waved him off and headed in a different direction to catch a bus.
“See ya, James,” Alan bid farewell tiredly as James watched him stumble away with a frown, shaking his head at his friend's stubbornness. 
By the time Alan reached home, Jennifer was not around, leaving him alone in the house.
“Nhhh,” Alan groaned, attempting to stretch his left arm to relieve the ache. His stomach grumbled, prompting him to walk over to the fridge. He let out a sigh upon finding it empty. “Ugh,” Alan muttered, lightly knocking his head on the top of the fridge, causing him to rub it in frustration.
“I’ll just wait for dinner,” Alan mumbled to himself, closing the fridge and trudging up the stairs to his room.
Upon opening the door, he surveyed his messy room. "Right, I forgot to clean my room," Alan mumbled, kicking a dirty shirt towards the hamper.
He threw his bag on his bed, retrieved James' binder, notebook, and pen, then settled in his chair, wincing slightly at its discomfort before powering up his PC.
As he waited for it to boot up, he began copying James’ notes. “Tsk,” Alan clicked his tongue, shaking his right hand, feeling his wrist ache. “Not again,” he mumbled,  before glancing up at his screen displaying Second and the skittle gang lounging on the sofa.
Alan chuckled softly before reaching for his earphones tucked beside his desk.
“Hey guys” Alan said, causing Second to sit up excitedly and wave his direction. Alan waved back in response before chuckling when he remembers that Second can’t exactly see him.
“Alan! You’re back home from school?” Second asked, tilting his head curiously.
“Mmm, I've got some stuff to do, but I'm here to listen if you've got some stories to share about what happened while I was gone,” Alan replied, glancing back down at his notebook and continuing to jot down notes despite the painful ache in his right hand.
“Oh well… there’s nothing that exciting that happened, I think,” Second said, tapping his hand on his chin thoughtfully.
“That's a lie. I think you all are some sort of danger magnet. Surely something must have happened while I was gone,” Alan chuckled, a knowing glint in his eyes.
“Wha?! No way!” Second spluttered in embarrassment, waving his arms defensively. Behind him, Green and Yellow chuckled, their shoulders shaking before returning to their own activities.
“Okayyy,” Alan drawled, a smirk playing on his lips as he continued to write,
“Trust me!... Anyways, Vic, Cho, and Dark are coming by,” Second said excitedly, hopping with anticipation. Alan shifted his focus back to the screen, a grin spreading across his face.
“Really?! Great!” Alan exclaimed, already looking forward to chatting with the three, who led lives in the... whatever they called it, the outernet?
“But if you're really busy, they can come by tomorrow if you want,” Second suggested, tilting his head curiously.
Alan's eyes widened as he glanced at the list of tasks he had written on his wrist. “Uhhh, totally not busy, don’t worry,” Alan lied through his teeth, chuckling awkwardly. 
“Really? I kind of thought you would be very busy. Then again, I kind of don’t understand how schools work,” Second said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
“Oh, Sec, don’t worry, I seriously am free today, uhm... even right now!” Alan winced at his unintentionally high-pitched voice as he watched Second excitedly hop and open the animation program application.
 “Great! We can animate while we wait for them!” Second clapped enthusiastically as Alan pushed his notebook to the side of his desk.
“Totally,” Alan agreed, pulling his keyboard and drawing tablet closer.
“A–Achoo!” Alan sneezed, followed by a sniffle as he reached for another tissue to blow his nose. Glancing at the clock in the bottom left corner of his screen, he noted the time: 3:00 AM.
“Ugh, this is my fault. I should've started earlier,” Alan muttered to himself, pulling his lamp closer to his notebook and bending down to continue writing, his back and wrist protesting with aches.
“Not like I could say no to them, though,” Alan mumbled as he finished jotting down the last of the notes he had missed earlier. Closing James’ binder, he shoved it back into his bag and refocused on his screen.
The empty sofa caught his eye before he opened his personal files and the slides that required more detailed note-taking. “Great… more writing,” Alan grumbled, rubbing his eyes and sniffling, his nose running again.
He groaned in response, balling up a tissue and pressing it inside his nose, blocking it completely.
“Nnh,” Alan grunted, rubbing his wrist, feeling the numbness creeping in. Typically, at this point, he would rest his wrist and resume the work the next day. 
However, with 500 slides looming ahead, he knew he had to push through and start his work now, understanding that his penchant for procrastination could hinder his progress if he delayed any further.
Alan turned his focus back to the bottom left of his screen. “4:00 AM, then I rest,” Alan mumbled to himself before returning to the slides, hastily jotting down his notes, still ignoring the persistent ache in his wrist.
Lost in a trance, time seemed to slip away unnoticed, and before he knew it, he found himself suddenly jolting awake, his face meeting the hard surface of his desk with a resounding thud. “Achk!” Alan yelped in surprise, instinctively holding his nose where the tissue had slipped off during his unintended slumber.
“Oh no, di-did I fall asleep?” Alan mumbled, his eyes widening as he glanced at the time displayed on his screen—it was already 5 AM in the morning.
He blinked in disbelief before looking down at his notes, realizing that he had managed to cover almost half of the material, despite not recalling how he had drifted off to sleep.
“Did I fall asleep sitting up?” Alan mumbled to himself drowsily, his nose feeling runny again as he grabbed another tissue to stifle the sniffles, then retrieved the pen that had rolled under his desk.
“Khk,” Alan groaned, his aching wrist causing him to flinch, inadvertently hitting his head under the table. “Ah, dammit,” he cursed, retrieving the pen with his left hand and placing it back on the table, rubbing his head in discomfort.
“Alan? You’re awake early,” Chosen said, suddenly appearing at the side of his screen, looking like he had just woken up. “Huh? Yeah,” Alan replied, picking up his pen, wincing slightly as his right hand protested. “I thought you don’t have classes on Tuesday?” Chosen inquired, walking over to the sofa and flopping down with a sigh.
“I don’t, but I need to, uhmm–” Alan trailed off, his mind momentarily blanking for no apparent reason.
He noticed Chosen tilting his head, patiently waiting for him to continue.
“Ah, yeah, I have a quiz, sorry I forgot the word,” Alan said, rubbing his head embarrassedly.
“Oh, I understand. You can continue; I’ll watch over here and wait for the others to wake up,” Chosen said, waving a hand lazily.
“Mmm,” Alan hummed tiredly, refocusing on the PowerPoint and continuing his notes, mumbling to himself intermittently. However, at some point, his vision began to darken at the edges, prompting him to release his pen and bury his face in his hands.
“Ughhh,” Alan groaned.
“What’s wrong?” Chosen asked, still observing him from the couch, though he had reclined and inadvertently dozed off while watching Alan's cursor move around the slides. He woke up to Alan groaning, feeling slightly concerned upon hearing Alan's sniffles and a more congested tone in his voice.
“N-nothing, it’s just that I'm only on the 332nd slide,” Alan said with a groan, punctuating his response with a yawn.
Chosen felt a hint of suspicion creeping up his back.
“Alan… did you even sleep?” Chosen suddenly asked, sitting up from the couch and crossing his arms disapprovingly.
“Oh, uhm, uh, haha, I-I did? I took a nap,” Alan said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
“Don’t tell me the nap is on the desk,” Chosen said, disappointment evident in his tone as he heard Alan emit a small ‘eep.’
“Alan, go to sleep. You need rest,” Chosen remarked firmly, noticing Alan's audible groans and sniffling, along with the faint sound of him removing his earphones to blow his nose away from the mic.
“Just a bit more, th-then I'll sleep,” Alan muttered, determined to finish a few more slides as Chosen shook his head in disappointment.
Alan frowned, feeling embarrassed and slightly hurt as he gazed at Chosen. While Chosen doesn't have a face, his body language spoke volumes, arms crossed and an air of disappointment palpable in his posture.
Alan despised disappointing people, and the weight of Chosen's disappointment weighed heavily on him.
“Okay, I’ll rest!” Alan said, raising his arms in defeat, the throbbing in his right arm now insistent. Chosen gave him a firm nod, “Good, come back when you’re well-rested.”
Alan couldn't help but roll his eyes at Chosen's directive as he removed his earphones and made his way to his bed. Shoving his bag to the corner, he collapsed onto his unmade mattress. “Just for a few hours,” Alan mumbled to himself as he curled up on his side, closing his eyes.
However, he soon found his respite interrupted by the uncomfortable ache in his back and right arm. “Ugh, just my luck,” Alan grumbled, sitting up and making his way to his drawers in search of pain relief patches to alleviate the discomfort.
Thankfully, he found a few and carefully placed two on his lower back for good measure, along with one on his forehead to help him rest more comfortably. Despite his efforts, his mind raced with thoughts of work left undone, making it challenging to relax.
Frustrated, Alan rubbed his face wearily, glancing at his screen to find that Chosen had already left, likely back in the folder where the houses were stored.
“Just a few more minutes, I need to finish the slides and then a few commissions,” Alan mumbled to himself, rushing to his bed and bending down to retrieve the wrist brace he had accidentally kicked under the bed before settling back into his chair.
He swiftly strapped the brace onto his right wrist, tightening it for good measure before grasping his pen, ensuring he could still maneuver his hand. Though slightly uncomfortable, wearing the brace affected his writing, but he felt compelled to complete his tasks before even considering rest.
And so, that's what he did. Alan finished all his slides and transitioned to his animation project, his tired eyes struggling to focus on the time displayed on his screen—it was already 8 AM, and he was still engrossed in sketching. Nothing was finalized yet; perhaps he had grown too reliant on seeking help from Second.
“Good morning, Alan!” Second beamed, skipping down his desktop joyfully.
“Hey, Sec, mind if I ask for some help for a few moments?” Alan inquired, tapping his pen wearily against his cheek, refusing to pause his work even though every time he closed his eyes, they burned with fatigue.
“Oh yeah, definitely. Is this a commission or something?” Second asked, climbing up the animation program and grabbing his own pencil.
Alan only hummed tiredly, not fully registering Second's question as he continued with his work.
Second tilted his head curiously, “Alan? Yahoo, I'm asking something.” Second waved his hands, prompting Alan to blink owlishly. “Ah, sorry, I didn't hear it. Can you ask again?” Alan replied with an awkward chuckle.
“Alan, are you sure you’re alright? I honestly thought you would still be asleep at this time. You don't have any classes today, right?” Second inquired while fixing a few errors in Alan's sketch.
“Ah, well, I just want to finish this quickly. This is school work, and I still haven't started on some of my commissions yet,” Alan mumbled, his focus split between the conversation and his tasks.
“Hmm, have you thought about closing your commissions for now?” Second asked.
“Ah, well, no... I need money for my…..school stuff,” Alan admitted, feeling embarrassed as his face flushed with heat.
“Oh... But... isn’t your mom there to help you? You have school, and you are quite busy,” Second remarked as he observed Alan's work, jumping down to hit the play button and watching the animation unfold with a proud hum.
“Mmmm, ehh,” Alan responded, prompting a chuckle from Second. Alan was indeed a man of few words at times.
By the time 10 PM rolled around, Alan and Second had finally completed the animation. Alan then proceeded to craft a brief message to James, attaching the animation and sending it through email before leaning back in his chair, releasing a contented sigh.
“Finally,” Alan uttered, his voice tinged with a mix of relief and fatigue, his arms raised in a gesture of victory.
He heard Second clapping. “Nice job, Alan!” Second cheered, only to stop abruptly when he noticed the sound of light snoring. “Alan? Are you asleep?” Second inquired, tilting his head curiously.
In the end, Alan had indeed passed out in his chair, the weight of his efforts and exhaustion finally catching up to him.
Alan adjusted the webcam above his screen and tapped his chin, “I think it's finally set up,” he mumbled to himself, having to rouse from his impromptu sleep at his desk when a knock sounded at the front door. Peering out, he spotted the small package he had ordered from Amazon.
Despite using some of his money to buy the webcam so others could see him, Alan grimaced as he surveyed his messy room and his disheveled appearance. He looked incredibly haggard and felt even worse as his nose continued to run from the previous night.
“Awwwww!” Second whined, slumping in disappointment. Vic patted his back consolingly, “I'm sorry, guys. Maybe tomorrow?” Alan suggested, rubbing the back of his head. “I mean, it's fine by me, to be honest. Sec is just impatient,” Dark remarked as Second let out a sad whine.
“Same here,” Vic added with a nod, Chosen echoing his sentiment.
“Oh, that's good. I promise I'll open my camera tomorrow, Sec,” Alan said with a laugh as Second knelt on the ground, clasping his hands together. “Alannnn, pleaseeee,” Second whined, prompting Dark to grab him by the scruff of his neck.
“Stop being so dramatic, Sec,” Dark chided as he shook the orange stick, eliciting a sad whine that made Second resemble a kicked puppy. Alan chuckled as he watched Dark drag Second off the side of the screen and towards the folder.
Stretching his arms over his head, Alan observed Vic and Chosen settling down on the couch, engrossed in their conversation.
After a moment of contemplation, Alan stood up from his chair and walked towards his drawer to retrieve brand new patches to replace the ones on his forehead and back. He took off his wristband momentarily to add a patch to his wrist before securing it back in place, releasing a relieved sigh.
“Perfect, I can work again,” Alan declared before returning to his desk, pulling up the list of his commissions. “Where to start, where to start,” he mumbled to himself, opening his program and diving back into his work.
By 2 PM, Alan had yet to have his breakfast or lunch, engrossed in completing his second commission of the day. Jennifer had not returned home to remind him to eat, and his stomach's growls finally drew attention to his neglected meals.
Vic and Chosen had retreated back to the folder, likely to spend time with the others and leave Alan to his work. Despite expressing his appreciation for their presence, Alan tried not to feel disheartened by their departure.
Standing up from his chair, Alan descended the stairs, glancing into the darkened kitchen. “Mom still isn't home?” Alan mumbled, a tinge of loneliness creeping in as he eyed the sandwich Jennifer had left in the fridge the previous night.
“Sandwich is fine,” Alan decided, grabbing it and taking a bite of the cold bread before pausing as he noticed a bill and a small note on the kitchen aisle.
“Order some food that’ll last you until dinner! I won’t be home until midnight, i love you”
“Oh... I totally forgot about that,” Alan murmured, scratching his head as he recalled Jennifer mentioning something to him during dinner the previous night, a detail that had slipped his mind entirely.
“Okay,” Alan muttered to himself, picking up the bill and pocketing it. “I don’t need to order any food; I can just eat sandwiches,” he resolved, feeling guilty about using Jennifer's money. He was content with the remaining peanut butter and bread.
Rushing back to his room, Alan tried to chew the cold peanut butter sandwich as he resumed his work, determined to make the most of what he had.
Second hummed with curiosity, navigating through the settings bar in an attempt to rectify the muted Google issue pointed out by Yellow. It seemed Alan had accidentally muted Google, preventing them from watching YouTube.
"Where is it…" Second pondered, tapping his chin in confusion, clicking on the 'System' tab and jumping to the 'Sounds' bar before backtracking with a groan of frustration.
“It’s not here. Is it even in the Settings? I don’t remember,” Second muttered, pressing back and then jumping to the search bar, typing 'Google', only to groan again when it yielded no results.
“Might as well just make Yellow do this,” Second decided, scratching his head.
Suddenly, a mischievous idea sparked in his mind. What if he could access Alan’s webcam and catch a glimpse?
“Heck yeah!” Second cheered excitedly, typing 'Camera Privacy', locating the camera icon, and opening it to grant access. With a devious giggle, he relished at the idea of being the first to see Alan.
Second swiftly exited the Settings app, frantically navigating to the Camera app via the taskbar, hoping to catch a glimpse of Alan without alerting him. The room was quiet, and Second prayed that Alan was not at his desk at that moment.
“Yes!” Second cheered as the camera app opened, only to frown at the darkened room illuminated by a soft light, revealing a distressing sight—Alan.
Alan appeared to have fallen asleep in his chair, his cheek pressed against his palm, looking unwell and sick. Second was taken aback by the unexpected scene, noticing Alan's disheveled appearance, the white patch on his forehead, the tissue stuffed in his nose, a line of drool on his chin, and a thick wrist brace on Alan’s wrist.
“The hell?!” Second exclaimed softly, observing Alan's discomfort as he shifted slightly in his sleep. Concerned, Second realized he needed to alert the others without delay.
“I gotta get the others quick!” Second muttered to himself, rushing towards the folder, nearly tripping as he hurried to the house. He pushed the door open abruptly, startling Vic, who was seated in the living room engrossed in something on his tablet.
“Vic! Cho! Dark! I need help!” Second exclaimed, waving his arms frantically to get their attention.
“Woah, what’s with you, man?” Dark inquired, strolling in from the kitchen, mug in hand, while Chosen, lounging on the other couch, looked up quizzically. Vic, closing his tablet, asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Uhm, I may or may not have opened Alan’s camera... and he looks really sick and bad. He has this patch on his forehead, and I think there’s even a tissue shoved in his nose. And he’s wearing a brace on his wrist... Achk! Never mind, just follow me quickly!” Second explained hurriedly, darting out of the house and back to the folder.
They reached Alan's room, where the camera app was still open, revealing Alan slumbering at his desk, his head supported by his hands.
“Creators above, what happened to him?” Vic questioned, his arms crossed, visibly worried. Beside him, Chosen growled, looking perturbed. “I thought he had gone to bed earlier. I told him to rest,” Chosen added.
“What the hell? What happened to Alan?” Dark demanded, a mix of concern and anger in his voice.
Alan stirred awake, the voices from his earphones drawing his attention to the camera application open on his screen, revealing his own exhausted appearance. Blinking in confusion, he noticed the four Hollowheads on the side of the screen.
“Eep!” Alan yelped, hastily covering the webcam with his hand to block the view.
“Alan... What happened?” Vic inquired, his arms folded, a mix of worry and sternness in his expression.
“I... Did you see?” Alan asked nervously, his voice tinged with apprehension.
“I'm sorry, Alan. I was just really curious to see how you looked, and I found you asleep. You look really tired. I didn't know you could outdo Yellow in looking incredibly haggard!” Second blurted out before receiving a shove from Dark.
“That’s not helping, Sec,” Dark muttered under his breath, while Second chuckled, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.
“I promise this doesn't happen every day. I-I’m just…” Alan trailed off, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he slowly removed his hand, revealing his face on the camera once more.
“Alan… did you sleep earlier when I told you to rest?” Chosen inquired, his tone filled with a mix of concern and slight reproach.
Alan could only lower his gaze, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Sorry,” he mumbled softly, eliciting disappointed sighs from the group.
However, Second, looking at Alan with admiration, interjected, “You do look really young!” This unexpected comment made Alan look up, a chuckle escaping him as his shoulders shook, a boyish grin spreading across his face.
“Usually, I would fix myself up before showing you guys how I look,” Alan confessed, a blush tinting his cheeks as he observed their curious expressions focused on the camera application.
“I really think you should get some sleep, though,” Dark interjected, a hint of protectiveness creeping into his voice now that he had seen how young and weary Alan appeared. While Dark hadn't encountered many humans, he knew from pictures what an adult typically looked like, and Alan didn't fit that mold.
“Y-yeah, totally,” Alan replied awkwardly, acknowledging the concern in Dark's words, while Chosen stood with arms crossed, adding, “I'm glad to see you, but I think you should leave the camera open so I know you're actually going to rest.”
“I didn’t know you were his dad,” Second quipped, surprised by Chosen's protective stance.
“I'm not, but I'd feel better knowing you're not just saying you'll rest,” Chosen retorted, his tone carrying a hint of authority that made Alan scratch his head. “Okay, it's fine with me,” Alan agreed, though he couldn't hide his slight discomfort.
A moment of silence followed as they all processed the sight of Alan, their creator. Vic, Chosen, and Dark had once perceived him as an all-powerful figure, only to discover he was just an awkward teenager who couldn't stop fidgeting and rubbing the back of his neck every few seconds.
“You're pretty awkward, aren't you?” Dark teased gently, prompting Alan to sputter in protest. “I-I'm not!” he protested, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
“Alright, enough, before you rest, tell me what happened with your wrist first,” Chosen demanded, pointing at the black wrist brace on Alan’s right hand.
“Oh, this? Uhm, I'm not sure yet. My right hand tends to ache when I use it for a long time—I mean…” Alan trailed off as he realized his slip of tongue.
“Don’t tell me you've been working with your right hand hurting all this time?” Vic interjected, a note of worry in his voice.
“I wasn't!” Alan defended himself, raising both arms in protest, inadvertently revealing more patches on his arms to the Hollowheads’ view.
“Alan,” Dark growled, a hint of frustration evident in his tone, while Second let out a sigh of exasperation.
Alan could only duck in defeat, preparing himself to listen to the Hollowheads' admonitions about his health once again.
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weirdsht · 2 months
Disillusioned 6 . Truth
a/n: i think my blood count is running low again so i might not be able to write for a while but idk yet. also my class schedule is literally from 9 am to 7 pm so i don't really know when i'll be able to write 🥲
tags: abuse as the norm, reader doesn't know better. unintentional self-harm(?), hints of power tripping
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read navi)
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On doesn’t know how to tell Cale about the things she found out.
Well, it’s not a matter of her hesitating to tell him. There’s no way On would hesitate to tell Cale, someone she has come to see as her parental figure, such important information. Rather, it's the timing of things that made her hesitate every time.
From the moment Cale woke up things have been hectic. There are changes to their schedule and a lot more things to do. Especially now that they managed to capture some of Arm’s members.
With everyone busy running around here and there, On took it upon herself to make sure _____ doesn’t get injured.
The silver kitten can’t fully comprehend why someone would offer their all for other people to the point of being on the brink of death. Saving people is good, but one should not overdo it. After all, being alive is the best thing as Cale had taught her.
Well, Cale is also self-sacrificial but that's On’s headache for another day.
For now, she focuses on limiting the healer to use their healing abilities as much as possible and trying to find the chance to tell Cale the issue.
“Don’t worry, it's dangerous but not dangerous as in you will get hurt dangerous.”
If Cale looked at her funnily then On pretended not to notice. The important thing is she finally managed to tell him that they must talk about _____’s powers. Since the redhead must first go and attend some business, On opted to just give Cale a snippet and continue it after they get back.
And so that night, after having dinner with the cute half-rat half-dwarf Mueller, Cale and On finally had their overdue talk.
Aside from them and the other two children, Choi Han, Beacrox, and Ron are also in the room to listen in. 
“If that’s the case then chances are _____-nim’s healing abilities work like a transfer.”
Silence filled the room at Choi Han’s comment. All of them are thinking about how to confirm such things.
“We can just talk to _____ themself! They’re super nice so I’m sure they’ll tell us.”
“But maybe that will be uncomfortable for little _____”
Raon shut down Hong’s suggestion. However, Cale thinks it’s a good idea.
“It’s not like we have much option, we either ask them directly or sneak around to see evidence while they are using their power.”
And safe to say that Cale wants to choose the less hassle option, asking _____ directly.
After scamming– selling the research remains of the Magic Tower to Toonka and talking to Choi Han, Cale managed to squeeze talking to _____ in his schedule.
While the swordmaster was out to get the healer, Cale felt a sense of dread. He suddenly thought of how _____ never seems to share their story. This makes him think about the chance that maybe the healer is simply unwilling to share the information.
He may be trash but he's not a jerk who will force someone to share their story if it will resurface their trauma.
“So you have no problem telling me? Why haven’t you said anything until now?”
Turns out, _____ is more than okay sharing everything with Cale. They stated that whatever it is Cale needed to know, they are willing to share as long as they know of it.
“It’s because Cale-sunbae has never asked me? They say that if someone of my status shares something personal unprompted then it will be burdensome for the other party. It is also bad to speak unprompted, they said that it’s bad enough that punishment is due when such a misdemeanour is committed.”
Cale Henituse has a pretty good idea as to who that “they” is but he internalizes his anger and decides to focus on the task at hand. He motions for _____ to continue speaking.
“Cale-sunbae, I’m sure you’ve heard of how I got adopted?”
“Yes, what about that story?”
“That story is a lie. Why they lied about it is something I am unsure of.
I was originally from an orphanage. This orphanage is different because they sell gifted children, the children vary from beast children to children with special abilities like me.”
‘Sounds more like a human trafficking scheme, but I can't be sure.’
Cale thought to himself as he listened to _____ talk.
“I have been adopted because the Perduellios were on the verge of going bankrupt. They decided to adopt a child with special abilities so they could maximize the wealth and glory that comes with it. It is also the real reason why I am not affiliated with the Sun God church. However, it is also true that my health would not be able to handle the workload of being a holy maiden”
If _____ is officially affiliated with the church then they would essentially be a property of the church. Minimizing the profits the family can get.
“There’s also the fact that they said I would humiliate the family if I’m not under their supervision- Ah, I’m sorry! I just realized that I’m getting off-track”
“No, continue. I’m quite curious as to how that family raised you.”
Did what Cale said surprised him? Definitely. He is usually someone who does not actively seek out such things as it brings more headaches.
But oh well, _____ is one of his people anyway so it wouldn’t hurt to know about their enemies. Even if the healer isn't aware they are enemies.
“How was I raised? I was raised normally, just like how other people have been. The Perduellios gave me food, clothing, and a roof over my head. I think they were a little strict with me but they said it was because there are so many things I have to learn.”
“Strict how?”
“Instead of tutors and teachers, they used more physical ways to teach me. They said it was a little unconventional but the only way I would learn things fast.
They had a lot of unspoken rules that I had to follow. They said that usually, a child will gradually learn what those rules are as they grow up. However, they opted to punish me for every rule I broke as I am behind my peers.”
‘What a load of bullshit. That’s not normal at all.’
Cale internally sighed before asking what kind of punishment they got. _____ explained that it’s either being whipped or having hot candle wax poured on their skin, whatever the family’s biological child deemed fitting at the moment.
The healer was asked if they figured out what some of those rules were and they said they had.
They are not allowed to speak when not spoken to
They must always answer when spoken to
They must never speak to other nobles as they are a peasant
They are not allowed to have servants and must never ask any servant for help (this was why they never bothered Hans, Ron, and Beacrox)
They are not allowed to go somewhere without guards
They must only take what their adoptive family gives to them
They must refer to their adoptive family as father, mother, and big sister outside, but must call them call them by their noble titles in private
All gifts given to them must go to the family
They are not allowed to refuse to heal anyone, the only exceptions are if it's beyond their capabilities (like chronic illness)
When they heal someone the family must be informed. 
They said that there was more that they did not figure out. However, Cale thinks that all of this is just a bunch of bullshit excuses used to hurt and exploit a child that didn't know better. Then as a result, even as an adult that person still doesn't know any better.
“Human! This is not normal! Little _____ has been deceived by those trash people! You better get revenge on them too!”
Both Cale and Raon are on the same page. Even before the dragon’s comment, Cale was already thinking about what he could do about _____’s family.
However, there was another thing that concerned the redhead.
It was the way _____ was telling the story.
Aside from the usual calmness they had, they were speaking as though it wasn't their story. It was as if they were just relaying the morning news.
To some extent, Cale thinks it's advantageous for the healer to be able to separate themselves from what happened. Even if they aren't aware that what they went through was abuse.
However, it wasn't like that.
It was more like _____ has become detached from things relating to themself.
Cale would even dare say that maybe it's because they are scared to face the hurt and longing they felt.
Not that the man is speaking from experience.
“How come you had no marks on your body? Even at the City of Life the only ones the doctor saw were the wounds you had that day.”
“Ah, that is part of my abilities. Even though I can’t heal myself, my body heals wounds a little faster than average and is incapable of scarring.”
‘This… just how lucky were those bastards that they even had the perfect cover-up?’
While Cale was thinking about how to make the Perduellios disappear from the face of the world, _____ further explained how their healing powers work.
“For my healing abilities, a percentage of my patients' wounds or sickness will transfer onto me. Ah don’t worry as I will only get around 70% of whatever I am healing and it will not be contagious whatever it may be. In return, I can give them some of my vitality. I say I give around 3% of my vitality per patient and then it is multiplied when I transfer it to them.”
Cale swallows the curse words he wants to say. He feels immense frustration at the person who seems to be more concerned at the possibility of Cale thinking they’ll get the entire group sick, and not at the fact that they’re giving their health away to random strangers.
“Uhm you might be thinking that the vitality thing is the reason why I have a weak body but it's not. Apparently, I was just unlucky and happened to have a body this weak.”
The redhead feels as though he will curse a storm if he doesn’t at least sigh.
“Because of how my abilities work, the more severely wounded or sick someone is, the harder it will be for me to heal them. Things like small scratches or common colds would not hurt but more severe wounds might have dire consequences on my body. That’s why I can’t heal severed limbs or terminal illnesses.”
The Medicus proceeds to explain that in theory, they can heal those things. However, it might cost them some part of the same limb or their lifespan as well as some manifestations of the illness.
“Human, let's not make little _____ heal anyone! That power is dangerous for them!”
Cale agrees with the dragon to some extent. But he also thinks that they can still use it as long as it’s in moderation.
“Hmm, I guess in theory I might also be able to revive a dead person once if I get to them right after they die. Though I think I’d have a week left to live if I did that. I haven’t tested it out yet so I’m not sure…”
Cale did not need to know that. There's absolutely no way he'll let this healer revive someone from the dead at the cost of their own life.
“...Don’t. No testing out any of those things. No testing out healing terminally ill people. The same goes for people with severe or paralyzed limbs. Just don’t okay?”
_____ doesn’t quite understand Cale’s requests but agrees nonetheless. The redhead is their benefactor so it would only be right to follow his wishes even if they don't understand why he would make such requests.
What the healer didn’t notice was the way the noble’s face hardened for a second when they were talking about reviving a dead person.
Cale is definitely going to keep a closer eye on them.
Maybe even ask Hillsman to be their personal knight…
No, never mind. _____ already grew up suffocated by the amount of guards they had following them. Cale isn't evil enough to recreate that.
So maybe he'll just make sure the healer doesn't leave his side?
“As for my ancient power, you already know that it’s a water-type power. I can look at someone’s “blood flow” to roughly figure out how strong and what species they are. As to how I accurately know the species of what I'm looking at, the owner of the power tells me. He was also the one who told me to hide my power from everyone. He doesn't speak much, he just tells me what someone is when I ask for it or when he feels like it.
Another thing it does is allow me to sense any living creatures in water. This is as long as we are touching the same water as what happened when I first met Raon Miru-nim.
It also allows me to replenish someone’s energy and stamina. However, I can’t do anything about hunger. Fainting is something I can prevent, but Cale-sunbae’s condition is special as you pass out because of your abilities so I can’t interfere with that. I’m sorry.”
They looked really sorry for not being able to prevent Cale from passing out. A big part of why they can’t interfere is because if they do then they will be breaking the ancient power’s flow of work.
“Last question.”
Cale feels like he knows the answer but he still wants to hear _____’s perspective.
“Why do you still insist on giving your all for people who will never appreciate what you do?”
It’s a foreign question for the healer. Something no one has asked before. 
Something they didn’t even think about.
Even before they were adopted they have always been draining themself for others. The motion of offering themself up to others is as natural as a fish looking for water.
It didn’t matter if they were unloved or unwanted.
In fact, _____ knew in the back of their mind that no one loved them.
“I am both unwanted or unneeded. Then isn’t it only right that I present myself to be used until nothing is left of me?”
That was the conclusion they had come to.
Their life would have no meaning if they didn’t let others use them. Maybe there is, but _____ doesn’t know what could it be. Already so used to their current way of living.
“I understand now.”
That was all that Cale said to _____’s explanation of their powers. He told the healer to go back to their tent and rest.
As soon as it was just him and Raon in the room, Cale roughly rubbed his hands through his face.
Cale summarized in his head that in a way _____'s ability wasn't really healing but more like transferring. They multiply and transfer their vitality to make someone better.
The ability itself was easy to understand. Setting up measures to make sure _____ doesn’t overdo it is also easy.
However, Cale Henituse still feels frustrated.
And he can’t quite fathom why he feels that way.
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lightlycareless · 29 days
I found a picture of Naoya playing the piano and want to show it to you. My fav scene where naoya teaches his wife piano. I love the scene sm 🤭🤭
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HIIII how are you!!!!??? Thank you for patience 🥺
Omg thank you so much for sending me this ajkghajgajgs Naoya is a man of many talents, and him using them to brighten your day is 🥺 I'll always hold that scene close to my heart, them bonding together is just 😭 oh, I wish we could have more moments like that.
And we can... I mean, I wrote a little something, like a deviation from what I have planned lol a what if, if you must 😏
warnings: none. fluff. it's based on this fic. now that's a whole can of worms. proceed with caution.
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Imagine you deciding to continue your piano lessons after growing somewhat genuinely interested in learning.
After a few sessions you’ve began to show improvement. Sure, you still struggle with certain things, such as jumping from one octave to the other, but anyone could easily admit you were not the same amateur from before.
And yet… there seemed to be something holding you back from taking the next step. You were already a master of twinkle twinkle little star, so why couldn’t you move onto something a bit more difficult?
Well, it was plain simple. Quite obvious, actually, for an outsider that is. Naoya was too blinded by his role as a teacher to even notice.
It was all intentional, made from your desire to keep him close, enjoying the way he’d place his arms around you, his large hands over yours as he guides you into the correct position to play even if you already knew how.
All to keep feeling his breath on your skin, the cologne you now solely associated with him, and you suppose his attention too, especially when you played the shy, tense student that desperately needed the guidance of her sensei.
To voice such ploys made you feel silly, if not selfish, but you didn’t know how to voice your need without feeling embarrassed. You didn’t want to appear needy before a man that is always busy, and yet, here you were, acting as if you’d never seen a piano in your life.
Now, don’t get me wrong, Naoya loves spending time with you, even though seemingly mundane activities. But even he was getting a bit… frustrated with these lessons that were quickly growing repetitive. His perfectionist temperament demanded he’d do everything right, or at least strive for it, naturally extending to you. Obviously for you, the woman whom he wanted to please more than anything in this world.
You showed enough promise, a talent that could be polished if pursued, so why weren’t you advancing?
Was it… him, perhaps? Your actions consequence of his failure as a teacher?
Maybe. Naoya isn’t known for being a particularly good listener, less of an educator. There’s enough witnesses to asses to it.
Your husband just hopes his incapability doesn’t push you away from wanting to learn piano, Naoya would rather die than to cut short these already scarce moments with you.
Though it’s more likely that he’ll do that anyways, a well-prepared teacher appears to be a better alternative.
“… but I don’t get it. Maybe there’s something I’m not seeing.” Naoya frowns, adjusting his position near you and taking your hands with him once more, hoping that it’ll come to him. The solution to your problem.
He sighs when it doesn’t. For the nth time. Maybe he is a bad teacher after all.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I don’t think I’ll be able to teach you anymore.”
“Huh? Why?”
“I’m just having a tough time figuring out how to help you.” Naoya laments. “I may have underestimated my skills.”
You know what they say, the best way to check if you know something is by teaching it to someone else. Something like that, or so he’s heard.
“Don’t say that I think you’re doing great!” You encouraged, looking over to Naoya and his deep frown, evidence of the frustration your little ploy has inflicted on him. Had you known he would be so affected by it you would’ve gone easier with your obliviousness…
And yet, it was endearing to see your impact on him. How hard he was trying to make things work for you—you still couldn’t believe how much of an influence you had on him, even if he’s already proved the lengths he was willing to go to make you happy.
…Like the protective husband he swore to be on your wedding day.
“You don’t have to mock me, mochi” Naoya insists. “I think you’d be better off with an actual teacher if you still want to learn.”
You do, but…
“…I want you.” You murmur, so lowly, so… sweetly, that Naoya had to double check he heard you right the first time around, quickly swirling his head onto your direction, frozen the moment your doe-like, hypnotizing eyes, those he could never get enough of, landed on his, with such intensity that let him know it was all true.
The purpose you were attempting to convey many lessons ago instantly becoming clear to him. The intentions you were too shy to speak out loud, but not enough to sway you from trying, an unknown edge of yours that had him both impressed and absorbed.
One never stops knowing their partner, do they?
What an enthralling thought to have.
“Is that so?” He murmurs back, leaning closer to you. “You’d be fine with someone like me as your teacher, princess?”
“I couldn’t think of anyone… better.” You blush. And though intimidated by his piercing gaze, you persisted. When you once cowered away, you now wished to be the only person his eyes saw.
“Then I guess I’ll have to try harder.”
Maybe it’s because he was within your reach, or because you had enough of going around in circles, whatever it was, you couldn’t hold back anymore; and with the noise of your heart deafening your ears, you lean closer to him, removing the gap between the two and placing your lips over his. Gently, sweetly, like it was your first time, and took him in—sealing your newfound sentiments with a kiss he’s long been dreaming of.
So much that he’s almost in disbelief, remaining still as he tries his best to both contain his excitement, heart ready to burst through his chest, hands itching to pull you closer and keep you there, afraid that the moment he peels away you’ll disappear, just as he’s forced you to through the beginning of this marriage.
Naoya too felt like it was the first time he’s ever kissed anyone—perhaps kissed anyone with love. With that soft warmth he could only label as true love. What he feels for you now, has always been so, and hopefully, you too.
After a few seconds, much to Naoya’s dismay, you’re the first one to separate, slowly pulling away and opening your eyes to the sight of your flustered husband, the adorable face of a man that has dreamed of this day for god knows how long, giving you the impression (alongside a sense of guilt) that maybe you should’ve been a bit more direct with your actions.
Though how everything came to be… wasn’t that bad.
“You didn’t have to go through all that, you know?” Naoya teases, his attempt to cool down the heat on his cheeks. “If you just wanted to kiss me, you just had to say so.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” you joke back, and he smirks, letting out a chuckle. “…But I guess I shouldn’t have wasted your time.”
“Being with you is no waste of time.”
Now it’s your turn to grow speechless, face red, perhaps even more than Naoya’s, due to the vast, unexpected sweetness of his words, and the overwhelming embarrassment it provided you, leading you to cover your face with your hands and making him laugh even louder.
“You don’t need to act this way with me, love.” Naoya says, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. “We’ve done more… heated things, after all. This is nothing.”
“Oh, stop it! Is that your way of comforting me?!” You gasp, burying your face deeper into his chest.
“It is the truth, love. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
“You know well I wasn’t referring to that” you murmur. “…but… do you really feel that way…?”
“I’d give you the whole world if you asked.”
But even if you didn’t, he was going to do so, because he has long sworn in his own life that he’d do everything in his power to make up for all the wrongdoings he’s inflicted upon you. His best to erase the vile acts he did when he called himself your so-called husband.
For as long as it takes, all of his lifetime if so needed, and the next one, and the next one.
“I think I’ll be happy just to hear you play the piano for now.” You eventually add. “If you don’t have anything else to do.”
“I’m all yours today—”
“And...” you interrupt, Naoya blinks.
“If I can kiss you again.” You say, shyly looking up to him. “If you want…”
“Hm, I don’t know… you’ll have to convince me.”
“How do I do that?” you tilt your head.
“By giving me a kiss for each time you had me going around in circles.”
With unprecedented speed, you quickly grabbed his face and begging to pepper kisses all over his face, Naoya more than happy that you were, and a bit startled too.
“Wait, Y/N—did you even want to learn how to play??” He rightfully concludes.
“A bit, I guess.” You giggle. “But really I just wanted to be with you.”
Naoya immediately succumbs to your gestures soon after that, putty on your hands as he lets himself be appreciated by the woman of his dreams, the love of his life—the owner of his heart.
Your heart squeezes with longing. Who knew Naoya could be this… adorable? So sweet, you didn’t have the heart to deny him—
Nor would you, setting to live out the rest of your life as his wife.
For good, this time.
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I always liked the idea of you being able to feel Naoya's heart. Like, how fast it is beating because of how happy he is with you 🥺 Thankfully I do have another prompt with that exact same situation, though it's a HS au. Also, this is not their fated kiss I owe y'all, I think what I have planned is much better 😏 (or so I hope)
Now, thank you so much for waiting for my answer 🥺 I'm still slowly but surely working through them requests :> I always appreciate whenever you send me something (so don't be afraid of sharing more hehe)
Take care and hope to see you soon!!
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Yandere glamrock freddy(maybe even his ruin self) with a darling who is Gregory’s older sister? And maybe with the yandere prompt 14?
Sure, decided to not do a prompt for this as another request asked for Prompt 14. May have plot holes, I know, but this is just meant to discuss the idea
Yandere! Glamrock Freddy with Gregory's Older Sister! Darling
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Parental yandere, Clingy behavior, Dubious/Forced companionship.
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Honestly this is a bit tricky to think of but this is what I have.
You are the older sister of Gregory, I was thinking adopted but it's up to you.
(Only because idk if he's a robot himself or not?)
I'm personally a sucker for you being the "morally correct" one out of the pair.
You have always looked out for your more chaotic and rambunctious brother.
Regardless on his origins.
This already would put you on good terms with Freddy.
The bot already has trouble watching the kid.
The thing that is concerning me is how you two would meet.
For the sake of plot maybe you're also good with robotics.
(Would make sense if your brother was a robot.)
Perhaps even working day or night shift at the Pizzaplex.
If you worked at the Pizzaplex you'd have a better time at helping the two, which is a good way to start this.
So let's start there.
You have no idea Gregory somehow snuck in during night shift.
That is until you heard warnings of a kid running around with Freddy.
Going to check it out you end up finding Gregory and Freddy.
Freddy already knows you due to your job.
However, he did not know you and Gregory were connected in any way.
When Freddy sees Gregory run up to you he panics slightly due to encounters with Vanessa.
Except now you both share a hug... confusion and relief evident on your faces.
It's enough to make Freddy feel... odd.
He can't keep his optics off the sight.
He goes to question you... only to hear something he wasn't expecting.
"Freddy, he's my brother... I'm not sure why he's here though."
You're... siblings?
Freddy almost finds himself tilting his head at the question.
"You never told me?"
"It never came up."
It's then Freddy realizes taking care of Gregory will be easier than he thought.
Surely you can take him home?
Turns out you're not allowed to leave your shift... you may not even be able to due to being unable to open the shutters.
As a result you promise to look after your brother.
You try to get Freddy to go and charge but now he refuses to part.
"You could need help! Kids can be a handful, right?"
Reluctantly you allow Freddy to help care for Gregory while keeping him out of sight from Vanessa.
Said night guard isn't as understanding as you are....
This is the main way you could meet Freddy, the other is if there was an AU of one of the endings.
Maybe one where Gregory takes Freddy home and you have to look after both of them because what else is there to do?
The police may just arrest you for theft.
As a result, due to being good at electronics, you are able to charge and care for Freddy until you're able to figure out what to do.
Those are some potential backgrounds that can help fit in a darling who is a sister to Gregory.
Now I'll speak about how you two could interact.
Freddy would get along with you if you act similar to a parent with Gregory.
You may be his sister but you are certainly capable of "moming" him.
Something Freddy finds amusing.
Freddy is still a very docile yandere despite being overprotective.
Especially if you're close to Gregory.
If he escaped the Pizzaplex with Gregory and hid with you, he's grateful for you keeping him in working order.
If you are roaming the Pizzaplex with the two, Freddy knows something is wrong with his friends, so instinctively he tries to protect you with Gregory.
For the most part nothing changes compared to the usual yandere Glamrock Freddy.
He's protective, clingy, and emotionally manipulative.
For the most part he just wants to protect you.
He wants to help you take care of Gregory and maybe even grow a connection to you.
He claims it's just because he wants to help.
In reality he probably just wishes to be close to you and Gregory.
In his eyes you're family.
Maybe he sees you both as children to protect, even though you're an adult.
Something akin to seeing you as his cubs.
Or maybe he sees you as something different and out of his programming?
Honestly, it's up to you, as he acts nearly the same in both ways.
Freddy hates leaving you and often asks you to call him.
If you had to leave him with Gregory he doesn't mind.
He'll watch him for you!
But you will be back, right?
Freddy isn't really shy about showing his appreciation for you.
He hugs you and voices his appreciation for what you do for him and Gregory.
As a result, Freddy promises he'll do anything for you.
He'll stay at home if you ask or watch Gregory as you check something in the Pizzaplex...
He trusts you for the most part, he sees you as family!
You won't leave family, will you?
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simpforalot · 11 months
Writing my first smut fanfiction!!!
Soldierboy xfem!reader
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Thinking of you~ 💋
Fem!reader gets caught masterbating-
Warnings: it's smut so like sex, fingering, mentions of masterbating, swearing, slight degration??? 18+ minors dni.
Smut and then aftercare<3 slight fluff at the end!
The sound of the door clicking open had scared you out of your self pleasure, you quickly stood up and pulled your panties up, trying to act normal as soldier boy walked in, looking irresistible in his outfit as usual.
"I see you've been missing me." He chuckles, his voice laced with amusement and lust. You quickly try to play off his suspicions, "yeah... Missing you of course, how are you ben?" You say innocently as you hid your fingers covered in your slick and put your legs closer together as you stood, hiding the obvious wet panties. Though you couldn't do much about your perky nipples as you were acting suspicious already.
"I'm doing great, sweetheart. Just got back from a long day" he replied, his eyes roaming over your figure once more. "So, what have you been up to while I was gone?"
"n-nothing!" You stammer out, you feel your body warming up again from embarrassment.
"Mmm, I find that hard to believe," he teased, taking slow steps towards you. His massive cock, hidden beneath his uniform, strained against the fabric. "After all, I left you with such a naughty thought."
"I don't know what you're talking about!" You try to continue your lie.
"Don't lie to me, sweetheart. I can see the evidence right there," he said, pointing to the wet patch on your panties. "You've been thinking about me, haven't you?"
Determined to not embarrass yourself you carried on "no- not like that atleast..."
Ben grabbed your hand and pulled you closer. "Lie to me again and I'll spank that pretty ass of yours," he warned, his voice low and threatening.
"it's embarrassing..." You say softly, blushing heavily.
"I'm not going to force you to tell me, but I do expect honesty," he said, his other hand moving up to gently squeeze one of your perky breasts.
"Fine- i'll- tell!" You moaned out as you squirmed under his touch.
"That's my girl," he praised, letting go of her breast. "So, tell me, what have you been thinking about while you were pleasuring yourself?"
His praise made your heart race as you gave up with the lie. "fine I'll admit... I was masterbating... about- you- and your strong muscular body, and those fingers... and your voice..." Your voice slowly quietened with each word.
Ben's eyes widened in surprise but also delight. He'd never expected such a candid response from you. "You've been thinking about my fingers?" he asked, a wicked grin spreading across his lips.
You bite your lip embarrassed of what you just admitted to.
"A whore for my cock and fingers, huh?" he purred, his hands moving to unbutton your oversized shirt. "And what do you want me to do with these dirty desires of yours?"
You gave a small whine as you felt your heart race
Ben chuckled, his hands moving to slide under your shirt and over your stomach. "Tell me, have you ever been fucked before?" he asked, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on your skin.
Why would he ask such an obvious question? "By you yes"
"And how does it feel to be taken by me?" he asked, his other hand moving to slowly massage one of your breasts through your bra. "Is it better than your own fingers?"
You gave another moan "way better- only you can fill me up like that..."
"Mmm, I'm glad to hear that," he said, his fingers continuing their teasing dance. "And what about now? Do you want me to fill you up again?" He leaned in closer, his hardened member teasingly brushing against her sensitive folds.
You gave another whine as you practically melted into his arms "Ben please" you said desperately, you don't know what you were asking for, to be fucked maybe? Stuffed so good? Or maybe for Ben to quit his teasing.
"That's what I like to hear," he said, his voice thick with desire. "Tell me, sweetheart. Do you want me to fuck you now?" His fingers moved to gently part your folds, exposing your wet and eager entrance.
The way his fingers touched your aching entrance made you so needy, forgetting any decency you had for yourself as you mained again "oh fuck, Ben your fingers" you groan softly
"Or would you rather have my cock?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "Because I think you know what I really want to do to you." With that, he thrust his fingers deep inside of you, filling you up completely.
"Hnngh- I don't care- just fill me up, ah fuck!" You moan out and bit your lip harder to stifle your moans.
"You're so wet and ready for me," he groaned, his fingers pumping in and out of your tight channel. "Do you want more?" He leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear as he teased.
Your legs were shaky as you stood Infront of him, your arms giving more support then your legs as he fingered you "yes please fuck!" You cry out in pleasure
"That's my girl," he praised, his free hand moving to gently squeeze one of your perky breasts through your bra. With one swift motion, he pulled his fingers out of you and positioned his thick cock at your entrance.
Your pussy clenched around air needily as he took out his fingers "can we please like lay or sit somewhere for this-" you day, afraid your legs will give out
"You're such a needy little slut, aren't you?" he teased, chuckling softly. "Alright, let's take it slow. Lean against the wall for support." He gave your ass a gentle push, guiding you against the cool surface.
each touch he left on you made your skin tingle and made you moan, your ass made contact with the wall, as he pressed you up against it roughly, hoisting you up.
"That's it," he encouraged, his hands moving to grip your hips firmly. Slowly, he began pushing his massive cock into you, inch by delicious inch. It stretched you wider than you could have imagined, filling you up completely.
"oh ben, hngh- fuck!" You moan out as you threw your head back, Bens hand making sure you don't hit your head against the wall.
"You like that, huh?" he groaned, his hips starting to move in a slow, steady rhythm. "Feels good, doesn't it?" His fingers dug into your skin as he pushed deeper and harder, claiming you completely.
Your face hid into his neck, as you moaned softly and blushed alot, hiding the lust on your face in his neck, while stifling your moans
"Your scent is intoxicating," he whispered against your skin, nipping softly at your earlobe. "You're mine now." His thrusts grew harder, faster, filling you up completely.
"yes! Yes I'm yours please! Oh fuck!" You say into his shoulder
With a growl of possession, he took control completely. His massive cock slammed into you over and over again, claiming your tightness with each powerful stroke. He grabbed your hair roughly, pulling your head back to expose your neck as he took what he wanted.
You continued to moan like a bitch in heat, each trust bringing you closer to ecstacy.
"You're such a fucking slut," he groaned, his hips slapping against you, his cock throbbing inside you. "Say my name when you cum." He increased the pace, pushing you closer to the edge of sanity.
"Ben please! Fucking hell I'm close!" You whimper out and then finally you came, "Bennn!," you cried out, your body arching back against him as you climaxed. Your walls clamped down on his cock, dragging out his orgasm from him as well.
"That's it," he growled, his hips thrusting one last time before he filled you with his hot seed. "Fuck, you feel good."
You slumpt into his chest, tired and sweaty, with a cock drunk look on your face
He held you close, his heart pounding against your ear. "You're perfect," he whispered, kissing your forehead gently. As the afterglow faded, he began to soften inside you, slowly pulling out. "I'll always take care of you."
You give a final whine as he pulls out, still holding you up
"Shh," he soothed, tucking you against his chest. "We need get some rest." He carried you to his bed, tucking you in gently before settling down next to you, his arm draped protectively over your waist.
"I love you Ben" you murmur tiredly, but satisfied
He sighed contentedly, pulling you closer. "I love you too." he whispered in your ear. His other arm came around you, holding you close as you drifted off, his arms comforting you all night long.
I don't know what possessed me to write this at 11 almost midnight but here we are ;)
Guys give me some advice on writing smut fanfictions, this was fun 😊
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dxwnstxr · 1 year
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Darkest days
Fandom: Bungou stray dogs and jujitsu kaisen
Characters: Dazai, Gojo x fem!reader
Genre: angst, headcanons
Warnings: mention of! Severe depression, self-harm, attempts of suicide, dark thoughts, state of emotionless thinking, stress, anxiety
A/n: Due to my mental state, I may be on a hiatus for a few days! I'll also be hinting irl dazai, for dazai's headcanons.
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☾⋆。𖦹 Dazai ☆
If anything, I feel like dazai would try to commit with you. Though, as usual, he'd fail. But you, unlike him, would succeed.
In the beginning I'd feel like he'd think it was just some practical joke. There's no way you could die just like that right? He'd find it humorous , trying to cope in ways he didn't know he could.
After a while it would start to kick in that you were truly gone. He'd start blaming himself. Maybe if he would've just said "no", maybe you wouldn't have drowned yourself with him. Maybe if he pulled you out, you'd still be here. Dazai would drink more than usual, using the alcohol as an escape from this harsh reality.
He would start to isolate himself from his friends and loved ones. Everything and anything reminded him of you. And the longer the days went on the more his body would shut down.
Years or guilt and agony would go by. He had been having trouble walking, eating, breathing, the list going on. Until him and his pale skin was laying in his bed, slowly breathing in and out. Until finally his body bottomed out, giving into the pain. And at last, joining you.
☾⋆。𖦹 Gojo ☆
Gojo would've tried his best to protect you against the special grade. Though, the second it started to run away and retreat, you followed it. Gojo yelled your name multiple times right before following behind you.
"Y/n stop! Your can't beat it by yourself!"
Trees flying past his face as he tried to catch up to you. Coming into an open field he saw the special grade hovering over a blur of a body. Squinting his eyes to get a better look, he quickly widened them. The special grade turned to gojo, then retreated immediately.
Not having a care, gojo ran over to you. Your body figure was perched against a tree. You had been stabbed through the heart. Your eyes were open, no reflective shine was visible.
Gojo moved you, holding you in his arms as he hugged you, begging you to not leave him. Though... his prayers and begs weren't answered.
After months of being without you, his eyebags were evident, his lips dry, skin pale, figure slender. He no longer held his handsomely glow and instead, look like he was on his death bed. He never though he could live without you and he was right he couldn't.
He stopped going on missions. He stopped talking to his students or friends. Gojo would even stay up all night thinking about what you would do if you were here.
The more he thought about what you would be doing if you were here made him realize that he isn't alone.
A few years later, he was taking care of himself again, talking to his friends and students, even going on missions. And though going on them was hard, all he had to do has remember what you would tell him.
"Oh, c'mon gojo! What are you a scaredy cat!"
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writeforfandoms · 7 months
Waking Lions 23
Find the series masterlist
Man I feel like I need to take cover now, with how well y'all liked last chapter. We have two chapters to go after this! Just remember that.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, Kate is a BAMF, honest discussions, semi unstable mental state, Ace has a lot going on she's doing her best okay?
Word count: 1.9k
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You went home with Kate, after everything. You had no idea what she'd told the firefighters that showed up, or the cops after that. You didn't know how the missions had gone, with the others. 
You'd sat with Roach across the street for hours. Until Kate had cleaned everything up and collected you. 
Neither of you spoke on the way home. You were too exhausted, the weight of the last few days crashing into you. You'd burned everything. Sure, you had funds. You had a few contacts still. 
But you'd spent so much of your life avoiding Gray, had used up contacts and burned aliases to hide. There wasn't much left intact of your life now. 
And maybe that was okay. Or maybe it would be okay. After you'd had a chance to sleep. 
The sun was thinking about rising when Kate parked in front of the house. Still silent, you both grabbed your bags from the back and went inside. 
You locked the door to your room, something you rarely did. Your clothes all dropped in a pile, to be handled later. 
You hit the bed hard and fell asleep. 
The smell of food finally roused you, and you threw on something decent enough before shuffling your way to the kitchen. Kate's wife clucked and cooed over you, pressing a hand to your forehead as if to check for a temperature. 
You allowed it, quiet and adrift in your thoughts. But you did eat the bowl of soup she pushed into your hands, and drank the entire glass of water handed to you. 
You didn't look at Kate when she joined the two of you for dinner. Kate did you the mercy of not trying to talk to you, letting you steep in quiet. 
You escaped after you washed out your dishes, throwing yourself into the shower to scrub away the past days. You'd have thought you'd have a hard time getting back to sleep, after sleeping so long already. 
You were wrong. 
You woke again to gentle morning sun. Finally feeling more human, you shuffled out to see who was around. 
Kate nodded to you over a cup of coffee, laptop open in front of her. “Better today?” She asked. 
“Better,” you agreed, glancing at her. Normally you'd leave - she was clearly working. But… hell with it. What did your rules matter anymore? “He give you anything yet?” 
If Kate was surprised, she didn't show it. “He will,” she said, confident as ever. “Especially once the other teams bring back their evidence.” 
Your lips curled in a bitterly satisfied smile. This was everything that should have happened years ago. “And Captain?”
This time, Kate half-turned to look at you, eyes far too knowing. “Asking after you.” 
You swallowed, chest and face both heating, but didn't look away. “He could text me.” 
Kate held up your phone like she'd been waiting for that. You blinked. “You forgot.” The words were only a little teasing. 
“I had other things on my mind,” you defended yourself, reaching out to take your phone. You froze when she pulled her hand back, just enough to make her point. 
“John is a difficult man, in many ways,” Kate said, holding your gaze. “If this is a deal breaker for you, tell him now.” 
You swallowed and nodded. “I'll figure it out,” you said, throat dry. 
Kate nodded after a moment and held out your phone for you. You snatched it and bolted. You needed privacy to figure this out. 
Your phone turned on, much to your surprise. Fully charged. Kate must have taken care of that. 
Come to think of it, someone must have grabbed it. John, probably. How else would he have known to find you?
You'd have to ask him. If… Well. If. 
You scrolled through your texts first. You'd save the calls and the voicemails until after. 
Two from an unknown number. Glad to hear you're alive, the first one read. This is Gaz. I'm here, if you need a friendly ear. 
You blinked back unexpected tears at the thoughtful gesture. Dammit. You'd tried not to get attached. 
Clearly that hadn't worked. 
You breathed in slowly, looking down at your phone. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you added his number to your saved contacts. There. 
How mad is he? You sent the text off, chewing on your lip. Gaz would probably give it to you straight. Sure, he was loyal first and foremost to John, but he was aware enough to give you the truth. 
You were choosing to believe he would, anyway. 
The answer came surprisingly quickly. Call him yourself. 
You scowled down at your phone. You took back every nice thing you'd ever thought about Gaz. 
Fine. That left the plethora of missed calls, two more texts, and two voicemails. All from John. You started with the missed calls. 
The first few were from the day Gray had grabbed you. Then nothing for almost 48 hours. Two more calls, both from John. Another gap of several hours, overnight last night. Then one more call this morning, before you'd woken up. 
Swallowing hard, you went to your voicemails. 
“Ace,” John breathed in the recording, voice a little thick. “Call me when you get this message, yeah? We have some things to discuss.” A pause then, a deep breath drawn in slowly. Measured. Like he was trying to get his control back. The thought made your throat thick with emotion. “I know a lot happened. I'll understand if…” He paused again, then sighed through his nose. “Well. I'll understand. Gonna be here a few days more, cleaning up still. Call me. Please.” 
You had to pause there, unable to listen to the second voicemail just yet. He'd sounded… You'd never heard him like that. Never. 
This was outside of your experiences. This was… weird. But you couldn't decide if it was good or bad. 
You breathed slowly. Okay. John wanted to talk. That was a good sign, probably. You could figure out your own feelings after you listened to the second message.
“Talked to Kate to make sure you're okay. Least you didn't get shot this time.” There was a short huff of almost laughter. “Tell me to back off if you need me to. Tell me if you need time. Otherwise, I need… I want to talk to you, before we head out again.” John paused for several seconds, long enough that you double checked to make sure the message was still going. “Promise I won't yell at you this time.” 
You grimaced as the click signaled the end of the message. Well. He was still blaming himself, apparently. You… weren't terribly surprised. The timing had been awful. 
But you had no doubt that Gray would have found another way to get to you, if you hadn't left the building when you had. 
The thought of Gray brought a reflexive rush of cold fear, followed by hot anger. You shook out your hands, rolling your shoulders to try to dispel some of the lingering tension. 
Fuck. Okay. You needed to deal with the elephant in your mind before you could call John. 
Gray was still alive. In custody, under constant watch, Kate had assured you. You didn't feel any safer for her assurances. 
John had stopped you from killing Gray, pushing you so your shot went wide. 
The only damage you'd done had been to a window. 
Because of John. 
And you… You weren't entirely sure how you felt about that. 
Oh, sure, you probably would have felt bad about killing Gray while he was disarmed and held down… at some point. But he'd haunted you for so many years it was difficult to drum up any kind of sympathy for him. 
Then again, he was now at Kate's tender mercy. That was probably deserving of some tiny amount of sympathy. 
But he was still alive. So long as he lived, there was a chance of him escaping, of him going after you or Kate or John again. 
So. The biggest question, to you, was if you could live with that knowledge. If you could give John a chance of something more, something permanent. If you could give yourself a chance. 
You hadn't stayed in one place in a long, long time. Not since you'd left Kate's, before she'd married, before you'd gotten into information. You still couldn't see yourself staying in one place. Your feet itched to go, even while your heart luxuriated in the safety and surety of being with Kate. 
John wouldn't demand anything of you. Wouldn't make you do anything. 
But you wanted to give him things. Things you'd never given anyone before. Promises. Assurances. 
You swallowed hard, hands shaking just a little as you toyed with your phone. 
John Price was a dangerous man. But not for the reason most people thought. (Well, okay, for those reasons, too.) 
You sat there for long enough that Kate came to find you. She sat quietly near you after dropping a cold bottle of water onto your lap. 
“We're ordering in,” Kate told you without preamble. “What do you want?” 
You blinked, shaking yourself out a little as you came back to the present. “Uh. Is my favorite place still there?”
She nodded. “Your usual?” 
“Sure. Thanks.” You huffed a little laugh at yourself. For all your running, you still had habits. At least one person still knew you well enough to know your damn takeout order. 
Maybe you'd wasted all those years running, pushing people away. 
“Hey.” Kate kicked the side of your chair. “Get out of your head.” 
“Oi!” You turned an outraged look on her. 
“Don't even try it, kid.” She pointed a threatening finger at you. “You're spiraling. Stop it.” 
“How would you even know?” You snarked, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Kate raised one unimpressed eyebrow at you. “Do I need to run you down again?”
That gave you pause. She would. Physically. Usually somewhat painfully. She hadn't for years, but you had no doubt that she would, if she felt she needed to. “No,” you gave in, slumping into your chair with ill grace. 
Satisfied, Kate returned her attention to her phone, tapping in the order. “Half an hour,” she told you. “You're going with me.” 
“Yeah, alright.” You sighed, though you weren't truly annoyed. It was a front, a way to hide. 
Briefly, it occurred to you that you didn't need to hide so much anymore. You pushed that away to be dealt with later. One life altering thing at a time. 
Kate sat quietly with you, tapping away on her phone, while you looked ahead at the wall without really seeing it. You were distracted still with thoughts of John. 
Kate did force you to go with her, gently pushing you out to her car and then keeping up a steady stream of chatter. Most of it was neighborhood gossip, obtained through her usual sources. Some of it was about goings on. There were only a couple prying questions thrown in, which you dodged with aplomb. 
Dinner continued on the same way, though you felt more and more yourself as the two of you fell into your verbal jousting. It helped, even as you grumbled at Kate. 
Finally, though, the two of you drifted off to do your own things again. Kate went up to her room, to read or work or possibly both. 
You closed the door to your room and leaned back against the door, staring down at your phone. One deep breath in. 
You hit call.
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oxpogues4lifexo · 3 months
Rafe’s Interview - KUwTC Ep1
With added BTS
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BTS + Unseen footage is in Orange
Full episode Here
Other BTS
(/ means cut scene. Bold letters means host)
On the furthest side of the couch, sat Rafe. His careless form thrown at the cushions, legs spread and arms splayed out against the back of the couch as if it were some informal gathering with his friends; The intentional grin spread across his face, however, speaks otherwise. The enjoyment of the cameras being very evident on his features made him almost seem more mature about the situation than the rest. His hair was pushed back over his head messily and his ocean blues were piercing in the sunlight that shone through the glass doors opposite. A tight pink polo sat around his toned figure, accompanying the khaki pants it was tucked into. A pair of sliders on his feet to contrast the supposed smart attire.
Rafe's face remained mischievous, as if there were some intent behind his reasoning for agreeing to do the show other than because his father asked. "You already know, I'm Rafe Cameron!" He tries to hide the smirk that pushes onto his lips but tails as the camera picks it up. His hand taps against the back of the couch behind Sarah's head, neither her nor the rest of their family understanding why he's being so compliant.
Sarah scoffs at his words and Rose rolls her eyes, sipping at her glass finally; a small giggle slipping from Wheezie's mouth that she's quick to cover with her hand. The action causing Rate to chuckle to himself, getting the reaction he wanted.
“Yeah okay I’m looking for a reaction, but isn’t everyone? We’re on camera. We’re literally begging for the attention. What’s wrong with a little joke here and there!”
Rafe stands around for a moment, hands in his trouser pockets, a small frown tugging at his brow.
"You okay, son?" Ward questions as he moves himself into a better position for the focus of the camera.
Rafe's shoulders raise at his question, "Just-Yeah I'm fine." He nods, pushing away his frustration as he gives the camera a little smile.
"Is Bella free? Maybe she and Callum could come round to keep you occupied while you wait!" Ward suggests, trying his best to satisfy Rafe's needs, which isn't always the easiest thing to do.
"Yeah I'll go see. Can I be next?" The eagerness that radiated from Rafe caused a smile upon Wards face.
"You know Rafe, you're the only person actually willing to give something to this show at the moment. I really appreciate it, thank you! And yes I'm sure you can go next."
Rate smiles once more as the host butts in,
"Of course you can! We won't be long." Ryan reassures him as Rafe makes his way to the garden to make a phone call.
The camera follows him outside as he puts his phone on speaker and sits on one of the sun chairs, his hands placed behind his head as he waits for an answer.
“Rafe? Everything okay??”
He chuckles at the concern of the girls voice, he never calls unless there’s something wrong so this took her by surprise, “Yeah I’m alright Bee. Just bored. Wanna come round?”
“Uhh I can’t Rafe, I mean what about Cal?” Her voice begins to tremble, the tears made evident through the phone. It happened so suddenly? What’s going on?
“Hey, hey.. Bells I meant all of you don’t worry. Just.. just tell Cal I said come over and Topper can pick you guys up alright? We can like.. like go on the boat or something? Yeah?”
“Mhm okay.. sorry I didn’t mean to-”
“Dont apologise! It was my fault, just be safe okay? Only a few minutes away you’ll be fine.”
“Okay Rafey.. thank you. I’ll see you soon!”
“Yes you will Bee, love you.”
“Love you too!”
“So whered the name Bee come from? Does it mean something or..?”
They were now sat inside Wards office, it seems as though they’re all taking their turn to speak on a deeper level, talking about the day that just happened and picking apart the areas that the audience may want answers to.
“Nah it’s just a nickname. I don’t really remember where I got it from it just kinda stuck one day. It’s like she calls me Rafey and my friend Barry, Bear. It just kinda happens I guess. I don’t particularly like the name Rafey. I mean it pisses me off to be honest with you. But she only uses it when she’s upset or needs comfort, it’s like a reassurance thing? I guess? So I let it slide. It’s when she says it cos she wants something, that’s when it annoys me. Cos she’s gotten the guys into it too. It’s almost like they’re mocking me and I don’t enjoy jokes like that, they irritate me.”
“Rafe you told her you love her? But you said you don’t like her?”
“Correct? Whats wrong with that? It’s not like it means anything! Why do people make it so serious when I’m nice for once?”
"So Rafe, you're very eager to be a part of this show and put yourself out there!"
"Correct." Rafe nods, not even bothered by how cocky he seems. His legs spread, leaning his arms against his knees as his grin never budges off his face once.
"What would you say is the purpose of this show? Why do you think Ward has brought you all to do this? And what would you like to gain from it?"
"If I'm being honest, Ward wants the attention. He's a hard working man who has a lot to show! I don't blame him. He has good kids and a nice house, he wants to show off. And again, I would too. I don't really care for the purpose of the show, I just think it's needed, to show those Pogues what to be jealous of. We worked hard for this shit. They don't do anything and expect to also have a big house and loads of money. That's not how it works. You gotta earn it. And we do. This shows gonna teach them to respect us, as they should.”
“Do you not get along with the Pogues then?”
A laugh falls from Rafe’s lips, not even trying to hide it, “Why the hell would I wanna be friends with them?”
“Bella mentioned she’s friends with one or two! Is that not the case for you then?”
“JJ and John B right?”
“Uhh yeah that rings a bell!”
“Yeah well uh.. John B works for my dad and JJ and Bella speak like once a week. It’s not my problem? Don’t gotta make friends on the other side of the island when I got friends here.”
“Could you tell us a little about yourself please?”
"I'm Rafe Cameron, I'm nineteen. I play golf, and ride a motorcycle, any of you pretty girls want a ride, hit me up.." He winks at the camera, obviously not meaning what Ryan or any of the camermen understood. Ryan looked at him as if expecting more so Rafe huffed and pulled something up on the spot, "I have four close friends, two sisters, a dad and a step mum. Don't think there's much else to be said." Rafe's expectations for the show were slowing drifting away as he began to grow irritated at the lack of interesting questions.
“Sorry Rafe, did I offend you in any way? Whats the matter?”
“No just, when’re we getting into actual interesting questions? No one cares about us they care bout the drama!”
Ryan pauses a moment, realising how true his statement really is. Everyone knows who the Camerons are, they want to know about the problems, the crazy shit that happens behind the masks they wear. “You’re right Rafe I’m sorry. Let’s move on!”
“Ask me about myself? Yeah cool I’ll talk about it but I don’t care. It’s me I know me. And I don’t like me. Simple. Ask me about Bella or anyone else, and I’m all talk!”
"Rafe, Ward mentioned that Bella and Callum are your closest friends. Could you go into that? How did you meet?"
Rafe's smile reappears at the mention of them. Him now suddenly re-interested in the conversation; sitting back more comfortably as he finally wants to get deep into something, a gentle grin replaces his previous glare. "Well, yeah he's right. Bella's probably closer to me but I grew up with them both. Them, aswell as Topper and Kelce, are my only real friends. We're always together. There's really not a moment when we're ever doing anything alone. I met them all when I was a kid; Topper and Kelce I met through our parents. And Bella and Callum moved in with us like ten years ago?" He takes a moment to look over at Ward who was sat just out the shot. He gives him a quick nod to confirm his words before Rafe turns back to the camera. A proud grin now spread across his cheeks. "Yeah. Ten years ago! They all met each other through me and vice versa. Then ever since we've just kinda been inseparable. All of us."
"You spoke about Bella and Callum moving in correct?"
"Yes, well, they moved back out a few years ago. I would tell you they got kicked out but Wards watching so.." Rafe lowers his voice as he leans forward onto his legs again, causing suspicion amongst Ward's face. "But yeah they moved back home but basically still live here anyways with how much they're always over." He chuckles trying to push the previous sentence away, with full intention to speak on it later when Ward isn't around to hear.
Ward stayed in the room to 'supervise’; Survey Rafe's interview to make sure he doesn't say anything too private or out of line on the first episode.
“Yeah so uh.. Cal basically.. shit I shouldn’t say this..” He runs his hand over his face, his gold ring shining in the light of the camera. “Fuck it uh.. b- basically,” He stutters, not wanting to say something he shouldn’t despite revealing things Ward told him not to speak about anyways. “Ward found out that Callum was uh.. was doing drugs, and he was getting aggressive towards everyone. Dad didn’t want him to be around Sarah or Wheezie as they had no part in it so he threatened Cal with foster care. But even though Bella was getting the brunt of it all, she stood up for him and told Ward that if he leaves then she leaves too. And that’s what happened. Ward knew he couldn’t argue because Cal has this weird attachment to Bella and can’t be alone without her. So yeah he had to just take the risk and let them leave. She’s fine by the way! The rest is probably too personal and recent to speak on so yeah. There you go I guess.”
“Sorry how long ago was this?”
“Like a good 7-8 years ago I’d say? They were quite young but Ward would check in frequently. If he got care workers involved Callum would’ve been taken away so he left them alone. To be fair Bella was quite mature for her age so they could take care of each other regardless. I still never agreed with it but it’s over with now so there’s no point getting hung up over it.”
“But they’re okay now?” Real concern fell from Ryan’s lips as his eyes were stuck on Rafe’s, more than interested by the conversation at hand.
“Yeah, yeah as far as we’re all concerned! I mean Cal’s always been a bit irritable but other than that yeah they’re both fine. Theyre always here anyways so we’d know otherwise!”
"Ward brought up how Bella is a special part of his life. Does that apply to you too?"
Rate lets out a small breathy laugh at the question, not understanding why he was getting so personal all of a sudden. "I mean yeah obviously but-"
His attention is taken as his focus moves to behind Ryan, the glass doors open and a small figure pops a head through. "Umm sorry.. is it a bad time?"
Ryan opens his mouth to answer but before he could, Rafe had already made his way over, a camera following to capture the moment. "Of course not! Whats wrong?"
"Oh um.. I was just going to ask for the key to the refrigerator on the boat? We can't get in.." A quiet giggle leaves the girls lips as Rafes curl into a helpless smile.
"Don't be stupid Bells. Just gotta ask! Don't gotta be so nervous. The cameras are just cameras.." His hand grazes her own as he reassures her; he turns around to go over to the kitchen.
Bella's gaze follows the camera, a smile tugging at her soft lips. She lifts her hand and gives the camera a wave. "Hi!"
"Bella correct?"
"Umm.." She was caught off guard by the sudden statement. She steps closer to get a better view of him. "Correct! But how do you-"
"Rafe and Ward have both mentioned you once or twice. It's nice to meet you!"
She smiles once again, this time her cheeks blushing along. "It's nice to meet you too! What've they said may I ask?" She laughs nervously as she takes a seat on the couch opposite the large-framed man, tugging at her crop top slightly so she wasn't flashing anyone by accident.
"Oh you came to join hm?" Rafe places himself next to her, his arm effortlessly falling around her neck.
She giggles as her eyes take his, "Nope! Just wondering what you've said about me that's all." Her smile doesn't fade as he raises an eyebrow, his head turns to Ryan as he squints his eyes slightly, trying to pick up on if he's told her or not.
"I haven't said anything?"
"Mmmhm sure." The amusement not leaving her face as he looks back at her. A grin creeping onto his lips, "Shush missy! You gonna be quiet or you gonna leave? Your choice."
Her jaw drops jokingly as if he just offended her; she turns to face Ryan, the same intentional stare Rafe wore an hour previous.
"Is he behaving? He's not being rude to you is he?"
"Right! What's that supposed to mean then?"
She giggles but doesn't take her eyes off of Ryan, "Yes I'd say so." He chuckles at her enthusiasm and pure genuineness to her question, "He was just about to tell me if you-"
"Lalalalalala." Rafe quickly interrupts shoving his hands over Bella's ears as he guides her to the door. "He doesn't know what he's saying. I'm done with the interview!"
She rips his hands from her ears, her mouth agape as her eyes frown, "What were you about to tell him?" She tilts her head slightly.
"I don't know what you're on about! I think you should go before Callum beats my ass for taking up your time."
"Rafe we aren't done!"
"Yes we are!"
"Rafe?? Go finish the interview, you were looking forward to it!" She pushes him lightly in the chest, gesturing for him to go sit back down.
He rolls his eyes but obliges nonetheless. She giggles once more, poking her head round to Ryan and smiling again, "Behave!" She points a finger to Rafe before a realisation hits her face, "Oh! And thank you for the key!" She shakes the keychain towards him as if he didn't know what a key was before waving goodbye to the cameras and Ward, and leaving, skipping down to the boat.
"Well she's a sweetheart, wouldn't you say Rafe?"
Rafe's brow furrows, knowing what he's implying.
Ryan doesn't let up as he gets straight to the point, "Do you like her?"
"Yeah l'd say she has a special place in my heart like Ward! Now can I go? Thank you!" He changed the subject before unhesitatingly jumping off the couch and headed straight outside; avoiding the whole question.
Ryan and Ward both let out a heavy laugh as Ward walks into frame, "I'm telling you right now, he doesn't get nervous like that. I'll leave it at that." He grins before heading off to do his own thing, leaving Ryan with the open-ended answers of does he or doesn't he? He smiles to himself before finding Wheezie.
“Were you avoiding the question earlier? I spoke to Wheezie, and Ward also said how they think there’s something between you two. Are we all hallucinating or-“
“Fuck off..” Rafe leaves slamming the door behind himself; not understanding the constant interrogation. The time of day and the multitude of questions not helping his frustration.
“Even if there was something it’s not like it’s your fucking business..” He mumbles to himself but his words were well picked up by the camera in the hall, also picking up on his irritated features.
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starsunderwaterr · 1 year
Comfort with the Idols + Agents! (pt. 1)
Hey guys! I really do apologize for the late posts. Trying to manage my time better. Not even gonna hold you all, my week's been pretty ass, and I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we could all use a little bit of comfort from our favorite cephalopods. Enjoy guys, love you ♡
I'll just be doing Squid Sisters for this part bc I am currently on a plane traveling home and I am off the extremely desired two hours bro
All characters are 18+
Minors DNI
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Girlie knows exactly when you’re upset
She can just read you that good because she’s the same way way herself
She can tell when you’re upset based on your body language, and she’ll do her best to be there for you
She’ll start by sending a few texts, but of course, it depends on the situation
‘Heyyy!! I noticed you were really off today and I just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay!!! (≧◡≦) ♡ let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!! ♡ ♡’
She doesn’t always want to press, but if you let her in, she’ll be all over you (in a good way)
Anything you need, she’ll get, and she means it
Water, candy, your favorite takeout place, a gun
In all seriousness, if you ask her to come over, she will bring a whole bunch of your favorite comfort things, go on a whole spending spree just for you so that you can feel better
She's definitely gonna make you something hot and warm, grab a blanket, and sit down with you on the couch to talk
Will take your hands and hold them with such gentle care omg>>>
Her hands are also super soft???? Like, girlie takes such good care of her skin
So she's holding your hands and she's just looking at you in your lil sad burrito
The softest voice, "Hey, it's gonna be alright. Tell me what's going on..."
You can't help but tell her, she's just so comfortable to be around
Halfway through telling her, you burst into a sob, and instantly her arms are around you
Will hold you gently but securely so that you feel safe
Will rub your back and kiss your head
Is like,,,, scarily calm but genuinely worried about you, especially because it's not every day that you break down in her arms
“It’s okay to cry, (Y/N). Just let it out. I’m here.”
Her voice is always so gentle and calming, and she’s surprisingly a good listener when things get serious
Holds you until you tire yourself out, and even then, she’s not going to let go unless you make the move or say so
And she’s really going out of her comfort zone for you, since she gets extremely antsy after sitting for long periods of time, so she really does care for you
Will stay with you for however long you need, grabs you anything you ask for
Will try to sympathize with you through her own stories and whatnot
“You don’t ever have to hide it from me because eventually I will figure it out anyways!”
Okay nah but like why is it actually cute when she threatens you like that
Causes your chest to swell just a tad
Will literally stare at you before saying like the sweetest/most adorable thing ever
"You know I'm really happy I met you. I know I don't say it enough but thank you for being my friend and so much more."
Will literally bring you to tears like-
You had a bad day but your girlfriend just swoops in and brings you a care package, cuddles, AND A HEARTFELT MESSAGE LIKE HUH??????
We fr love Callie, she a real one <3
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So, Marie is observant, but maybe not in the way you'd think
She will notice changes in your behavior, but she doesn't say anything until it concerns her (AKA when she can get enough evidence to tell that you are not normal HDSHHHD)
Will notice you get either really quiet or way too bubbly (even if you are naturally)
Eyes you suspiciously and will stare into your soul before then having her aha moment
“So there is something wrong, you just didn’t want to tell me.”
You can’t really keep a poker face after that, I’m afraid
She’ll stare into your soul and glare at you (lovingly, of course) with her arms crossed over her chest
“Come on, (Y/N). Can’t fool me with that crap.”
Will soften up though once you respond, especially if you try to push her away or get snappy
“You don’t have to tell me, of course, but… I am worried about you.”
If you want your space, she’ll leave you be, but she’ll check up on you after a few hours
She knows the importance of and loves her alone time, so if you want it, she will, by all means, give it to you
After a few hours, she stands in the doorway, knocking softly on the doorframe, “Hey (Y/N)?”
Marie is usually very dry and nonchalant, but she has some care in her voice
Will look at you with soft, saddened eyes as you’re in your little sad burrito, trying to remain as gentle as she can be
Walks over and just scoops you up, even if you're heavier than her, SHE'LL MAKE IT WORK OKAY-
Holds you in her lap and will cradle you close
and yes her face is bright red and she's embarrassed but she's doing this for you bro
Will gently stroke your head and kind of hum gently as she does
I see Marie as a sort of grandma type (I mean, Callie calls her one all the time-) so I can see her literally holding you and crotcheting or something while you just relax against her
Will occasionally mumble something about a stitch pattern and kiss your head, or she'll talk quietly with you as she does it and holds you
Might crack the occasional joke to try and cheer you up
Will be stitching you a little cat/bunny hat, will look back at it, then at you, then back at it again, then back at you and just-
"Yeah, you'll look reallll ugly in this.-"
Will give you a look like YOU DID SOMETHING LIKE WHAT-
It works tho bc girlie gets you giggling out of pure confusion and caught-off-guardness (yes, that's a word bc i said so)
She doesn't actually mean it tho, I mean, come on, you're her partner of course she thinks you're gorgeous
Obvi if you're really upset she won't say that, but her dry and emotionless humor is a love language she uses to try and cheer you up
She loves you fr fr <3
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wolfeyedwitch · 2 months
With that settled, Charles figured he should excuse himself and leave the vampire alone.
"Well, then, with that settled, I will leave you now. If you need anything, knock at the door or wall. I'll keep an ear out for it and come check on you. Beyond that, I will visit you tomorrow and we can talk more then. Good day."
And he left.
So far, so good. The vampire didn't have any major issues, they were able to communicate, and no one is suffering too much due to this circumstance. Therefore, things were going well.
Hopefully they could stay that way.
CW: severed tendons
The vampire waited until long after it could no longer hear its owner's footsteps before it dared to move. Even then, it moved slowly and cautiously. No need to make any noise that might cause him to come back.
He had said it had permission to move, but he'd also said any noise would cause him to check on it. It didn't want to learn what exactly that meant. Not yet.
The fresh blood it had been given was already starting to heal its severed Achilles tendons. The hot-stabbing-needles sensation of its unnatural healing was a welcome pain. Maybe this new owner would let it walk, rather than crawl? He had said given it permission to move.... No, better to not get its hopes up. Even if he did decide to give it that long of a leash, that would most likely not be for some time. It would have to prove it could behave, first.
Either way, that wasn't the problem at hand. The problem at hand was that it was a mess. It had been hasty, greedy, gulping down the blood it had been so generously given without any thought of the consequences. Now, it could feel the blood beginning to dry and crack on its skin.
No one likes a messy pet. Messy pets make for angry owners.
It needed to clean itself up.
It crawled to the doorway across the room, hoping that its suspicions were correct about where it led. Almost there...
The adjoining room was a bathroom. It could almost weep with relief. Now it could get clean; it could wash away the evidence of its monstrous nature before its new owner would be reminded once more.
This new owner already had a favored pet. It was unwanted, unneeded.
The last thing it wanted to do was give him any reason to get rid of it.
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valeriefauxnom · 8 months
Yo, since you brought it up, what's the interpretation of Abyss's ending you like the most?
Going for blood, huh, anon? I'll bite!
I'm on the side of 'technically I think it should be Asch in Luke's body' side even if I acknowledge it's ultimately ambiguous.
The Contamination sidequest, of course, is the principle foundation for this argument, as it spells out pretty clearly: Asch will die, but Asch will assume Luke's body as a backup. Luke will remain in body but not spirit, further twisting the knife to Jade, who no longer would want his dream of 'replicas as a replacement body' to come true as he wished for Nebilim.
We also see an example of the effect with Star in Ortion cavern. The group comes back to see that the original cheagle has died, and the replica remains. But when Jade interviews the cheagle via Mieu, he finds out that it is the original in the replica's body, who felt weak, passed out, and woke up in another body.
More arguably, but I also might look to Jade's immediate response after he learns of Asch's death. He starts asking Luke about how it feels and all that, likely trying to get a gauge on what's happening, if there's any chance Luke is escaping the Big Bang, etc. He wants Luke to escape this with his life, no matter how dismal the odds even without Asch's death.
...And he doesn't seem pleased with the response he gets.
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There's also his response at Tataroo itself, which, okay, very arguable, but to me is not a pleased look from Jade. I'm not claiming to be any kind of expert on reading emotions, but Jade's to me looks like one more of grief and/or disappointment than of happiness, especially in the anime, which could have more expressiveness than the original PS2 graphics in a game that had some notably poorly cutscenes.
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And while yes, the mysterious figure does have more visual hints to Luke than Asch, and does reference a 'promise', I will say that to the latter both of the redheads were chucking around promises to everyone and is ambiguous. Luke's promise to Guy, to Tear, Asch's to Luke, etc.
Also, I just think it could be a unique and sad ending if Asch, who has utterly loathed replicas and the concept of one, from Van's grooming and his own trauma regarding Luke's replacement, finds himself a 'replica' in the new world, in his counterpart's body, and has to start trying to figure out what to do and who to be in the new world while puppeting around what's effectively the corpse of another person. It's just uniquely horrifying a concept that I would have loved to see explored. Heck, maybe even a postgame or game about the Jade Gang dealing with the impending fonon crisis while maybe trying to find a way to get Luke back and all the drama that could result would have been fun.
...But, as always, this is a very cursory summary of some of the most common arguments for Asch. We could dissect the Contamination Effect and Big Bang and all that all day, but to me, I personally don't see any evidence that it is not working as prescribed on Eldrant, or 'reversed' as some people argue. The one example we see is it working as intended, and Jade doesn't seem all that pleased when it seems like it's starting to kick up with Luke.
However, I'd like to throw a much rarer argument into the works as a thing to consider, just for fun.
What if it's not Asch in Luke's body or the reverse, or a merging of the two into one mind/body...But Lorelei?
To this, I'd like to point out that Lorelei has a sworn duty to answer the Grand Fonic Hymn of Yulia. And what was Tear signing right before this mysterious person popped up randomly in a field when Luke nor Asch show a particular skill in stealth? Well I mean Luke says he's good at hide and seek but still
Uh-huh, Grand Fonic Hymn. This could also explain the 'promised' quote. Lorelei is fulfilling its covenant with Yulia in heeding her descendant's call.
The mysterious person's speech and behavior, for however short we see it, is...ethereal? For lack of a better word? Detached? Both Luke and Asch are very emotional people and don't tend to speak in such a even, neutral tone. Lorelei, however, is a fonic sentience (well, so is Luke, but Luke is a mini chunk of Lorelei) and is not human at the end of the day. What few lines we do get from it in game are 'indirect' and otherwise formatted in a manner humans don't usually use when speaking. To me, the more detached 'This place has a nice view of Hod' compared to anything Luke or Asch might have said normally, even a greeting, is more aligned with Lorelei's potential behavior.
So yeah. Perhaps it's Lorelei, come to Auldrant after heeding Tear's call, perhaps in its' scions' visages, attempting to honor them both by assuming elements of both now that they (or at least Luke) have re-assimilated into the greater whole of Lorelei. Lorelei certainly seems to like its scions.
In the end I can just summarize: scientifically, I think it's Asch, canonically, it's ambiguous. No matter what side of the debate one is on, I dislike people trying to insist that it is absolute fact that x happened. I think part of the ambiguity is intended to reflect the fact that the Score is gone, the future is no longer set. Notice also how all the text boxes are gone after the Score is repealed. What they're saying- what's happening is no longer has a single canonical answer. So even if I do think more of the rules of the Abyss world point to Asch, it's ultimately up in the air.
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marcelinesghost13 · 7 days
Hi Blog,
So a lot of things have happened in the last couple days. So I figure this would be a good time to get this she shit out of my head.
Let's start off with wife okay... So she is doing her normal negative hot and cold BS like always when she text me.. but today she asked me to give her a call. So I called her and asked wants up. She said that her lawyer called her and told her that the cop she filed a report with Putin a false report to get her in trouble. That's why the DA is going after my wife and the doing have and real evidence to charge her with anything. So here's the kicker she wants me to give her $1000 for the lawyer can try the case for her. I told her I'll figure out away to get her the money. She needs a good lawyer that way he can turn around and sue the city for lying about what happened.
So there's a person I've been talking to on one of my social media accounts. They are very nice and kind to me. Plus I'm actually attracted to them... Which I wasn't expecting. I really do like talking to them a lot about different things. Then also make me laugh a lot. The part that sucks is IDK if I'm ready for new relationship now. Yet there's something that pulls me to them and I understand why. I keep telling myself it's best I'm alone right now for I can figure out me. Then again it could be my hormones just being crazy and fucking with me. Well in any case I feel so hot for them it drives me crazy sometimes. I totally understand and know we'll never be together ever and over time they will just fade away maybe.
Okay as for other stuff going on... Couple days ago I showed up at work was full on girl makeup and posted a photo on Tumblr and Facebook. I made a lot of the guys very nervous and uncomfortable. To the point where one of my Sergeants had to talk to me about what was going on. He didn't know I was a trans girl. The needless to say the conversation was a bit awkward for him. But after I explained everything he was okay. Also I got a haircut well more like a trim . I asked a hairstylist to give me something more girl like but she didn't really understand me so all I got was the trim. I can totally feel like the missing hair. I know that sounds silly and crazy but it's totally true. There's days that drives me fucking crazy then there's like two inches missing and I know it. It'll grow back and I'll get used to it I'm just not there yet.
What else happened to me I bought my first sports bra. I'm very proud of myself for doing the research and figuring out what size I am because after all I do have breath..... and I'm not talking about man boobs. My doctor actually did a test to see if they were just like I said man boobs or if they were actual breasts and yeah they really are. She told me that I should have been wearing a bra since puberty. I did not even know that. So I went out and I got me a sports bra. And I actually like it. It feels more natural to me to have something like that on. I like the material I like the feel of it. I like the fact that it holds my girls in place. I've told my Queens about what I did... Some of them want me to start getting like other types of bras but my oldest sister she's like just stick with the sports bra you're just way too active. And I'm going to have to agree with her about that. I did try a couple other bras on which element and I do not like the feel of them. I'm just way too much of a tomboy to wear some of those other types of bras.
Then yesterday I went to the eye doctor and haven't been there in a couple. She years. The eye doctor said that my eyes are actually getting better and that I should start taking a special kind of vitamins to help my eyesight. I told her okay I will definitely do that. After the appointment is over I got some contacts which are so nice and comfortable... I so totally missed having contacts. Also got a pair of very girly cat looking glasses I absolutely love what they look like and once I get them I will be definitely taking a photo.
As far as day goes I get to meet my new counselor for the very first time I am so beyond nervous to meet her. I don't know how it's going to go I don't know which is going to want to talk about I just don't know and I'm so scared. I'm sure everything will be okay and I'm probably totally overthinking. The only thing I hope I don't do is cry. So after that is said and done I will probably write a blog about it.... I definitely know I'll write a blog about it. That would be everything that has happened in the last couple days. I've done so many different first this week. Just one more baby step after another baby step. I know at some point I will eventually get to my goal.
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honeyandberryjuice · 2 months
A Mutual Agreement
summary: arthur gets super drunk over his romantic woes and finds comfort in the arms of abigail relationship(s): abigail roberts/arthur morgan word count: 2,082 warning(s): 18+, MINORS DNI
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author's note: i wrote this in the ungodly hours of 4am, eyes stinging, and the need to impress my bestie with some porn. this is my first lil fanfic piece, please be kind to me ;w; tags: this is set before abigail is with john ok, i am an adamant john x abigail shipper & i'll die on this hill just let me have this please, some praise kink and reward stuff idk, arthur being an idiot (affectionate) & not thinking about the consequences of his actions, mutual drunk fucking, let's not think about what this means, top!arthur morgan
🍯 prefer to read on ao3? 🍯
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 The crackling of the fire floats softly up to Arthur’s ears, face warmed both by its heat and the bottle of whiskey in his hand. Over the last couple of days, his nights had followed the same routine— He’d done whatever chores needed doing, argued with whoever stood too close to him, grabbed a crate of alcohol, and sat sullenly by the campfire. For the first few nights, several members of the gang had attempted to come over to him and get to the bottom of his attitude, though his expression and biting words had sent them all on their way with a scowl or injured retort.
 Now, the only one left was Abigail.
 The woman had only been with them for a little while now, shorter than some of the other girls but enough for her to get acquainted with the many members of the camp. Arthur wasn’t one to judge— Everyone had to make their living one way or another, and he was glad she at least had people to look after her now. Whatever she chose to do in her spare time was up to her, and Arthur quite honestly couldn’t care less. He’d hardly looked her way during her time here, most essentially because a particular blonde had been keeping his attention.
 His vision blurred as he looked up at her, eyebrows furrowed. Recently, she’d become slightly more… Present around the men, especially John. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the woman had developed some sort of attachment for him, for whatever reason. He loved John; the younger man was like a brother to him, but he really was only two cents short of a complete imbecile. Arthur truly believed that he wouldn’t ever learn to appreciate a good thing right before him, even if someone were to hammer it into his forehead to stare at in the mirror every day.
 The brunette sighed, clasping the bridge of his nose as the fire swam in front of him. He’d definitely had too much to drink…
 Soft, cold hands brushed against his arm, and the scent of berries, coffee, and fresh linen enveloped him. It took all of his willpower not to suck it all in like his last breath of air. Instead, he focused on trying not to pass out, reaching out his own hand to brace against the support on his arm. “Thanks, Abigail.” He managed, head pounding. The woman’s hands patted him in response before the warmth of her pressed against the side of his leg. 
 She didn’t respond to him, though she’d evidently come closer for some reason. Arthur guessed that maybe she was trying to look after him, though her hands fidgeted in her lap, and her eyes continued to search the camp. 
 Arthur clicked his tongue, pulling himself back up into a respectable sitting position. “Y’deserve better than that damn idiot.” He spat out. His words sounded bitter, even to his own ears, and Arthur wondered if he was really even talking about John at all.
 “Oh, Arthur. You… You don’t know him like I do. He’s sweet— And, well, he…” The first words she’d spoken since sitting with him at the fire, and they were all to defend the flaky outlaw. It infuriated Arthur to no end.
 His hot-headedness sparked easier next to the blaze warming his body, and the response escaped him angrily in his next breath. “Yeah, I bet he is. That boy’s always had a gift for charm, y’know. But he ain’t ever committed to nothin’ in his damn life. Y’better off not wasting yer time.” Words that hit too close to home, that made his chest squeeze as if a boulder flattened it. He pushed it down into the depths of him.
 There was only silence from the woman. It spread for so long that Arthur almost spoke an apology, though Abigail springing forward and grasping a bottle of whiskey from the crate froze it in his throat. Had he ever seen her drink? He decided he’d be much better off without saying a word, and instead leaned back and concentrated on sobering up a little. His eyes went from watching the fire to watching the black-haired woman, her own attention taken by the burning pit in front of them.
 Some time passed; it wasn’t awkward, or tense, but actually rather pleasant, with the crackling of the fire filling in their lack of conversation. It took a little while, and the opening of a new bottle of whiskey, for Abigail to seem to relax. Arthur noticed with some smugness that her attention no longer searched desperately around the camp, but rather she looked at her hands folded in her lap. After a while, she spoke again. “What happened, Arthur? Y… Y’seemed so content before. Did you…” She trailed off, likely thinking her questions were far too personal to ask.
 Arthur’s vision had unfogged slightly, and he leaned forward to give her more of his attention. His eyes were drooping lazily, though he could see her face clearly, features illuminated by the orange glow of the campfire. He realised, with his breath slightly hitching in his throat, that she really was quite beautiful. The next words didn’t hurt as much as they had in his head, the same ones he’d been berating himself with over the last few days. His voice was hardly audible when he said, “I lost her.”
 Their eyes met, and there was no surprise in hers as she looked at him. Maybe she’d already known about Eliza — women’s intuition and all that — or maybe he really wasn’t as good at hiding secrets as he liked to think.
 Abigail’s gaze softened, and her eyes drifted down to his lips.
 Arthur licked them, his thoughts tumbling away as the heat and the drink and proximity of the woman before him hit him. For a moment, he really took her in— the dark hair that reminded him so much of his first love, of the gentleness and sincerity that mirrored so very closely to the one who owned his heart. The three women became one, morphing into the lovely face barely inches from his own.
 He was kissing her before his thoughts began to make sense again.
 Though once the realisation hit him, it wasn’t followed by immediate regret like he would’ve thought. Abigail’s own lips only met his, and didn’t inch away— Instead, she seemed to be full of the same longing as he was. A mutual agreement of desperately needed comfort. 
 He lifted her into his arms, walking towards an empty tent with pure muscle memory. If anyone walked past them or noticed them, they didn’t speak— But Arthur wouldn’t have cared anyway. He needed this, to feel like he, for just a moment, wasn't a monster. That a blonde woman, the mother of his child, didn’t hate him for leaving her. Even if she wouldn’t even know it was for her own good.
 The frame of the bed hit against his legs and caused the two of them to tumble into it. A breathy laugh escaped Abigail, which only made his ears roar at the sensational sound of it. Her hands pulled at his hair, his clothes, his skin and it took all his effort not to roll his eyes into the back of his head. Abigail’s tongue probed at his lips, and the man could only think of how wonderfully experienced this woman was with her mouth, kissing her back with a moan.
 He pulled off his shirt and her hands rubbed down his chest, causing goosebumps to prickle lovingly against them. Arthur fought back his shiver as her nails scraped against him, his lip catching in his teeth as a shuddering breath escaped him. His cock ached against his pants, so he quickly fixed the problem by unbuckling his belt with one hand, the other reaching to touch the now-naked woman.
 Despite the drink causing Arthur to lose focus, he wanted to make this enjoyable for Abigail, too. The earlier roaming hand found its target, and the next groan came out strangled. She was wet. The cockiness came back, and he whispered, “Y’been waitin’ for this, aintcha?” The dark-haired woman nodded, though the motion wasn’t a good enough answer for him. His fingers caressed the opening, and he teasingly rubbed against her clit, eyes hard. “What was that, sweetheart?”
 “Y-Yes. I have.” Her voice was strained as his teasing intensified, though Arthur didn’t make her wait too long before he rewarded her by pushing his fingers into her pussy. The moan that erupted out of her made his cock twitch, and a throaty chuckle came from him as he relinquished it. He made her make that sound. The man wanted to cause her to make many more.
 Hovering over her, he continued to push his fingers in and out of her, holding onto her thigh with his other hand. He watched her with growing smugness as the delightful little sounds she made grew in both intensity and volume. “Arthur—” Abigail gasped, hands gripping into the sheets, “‘m gonna cum.”
 His name from her lips sounded like music, especially with it so strained with pleasure like it was. The man’s movements grew faster, his grip on her thigh harder. “Cum for me, darlin’,” Arthur responded, tone commanding yet encouraging. His mouth teased lightly against the inside of her thigh, and his teeth grazed her skin, begging her to fall over the edge of her climax.
 It didn’t take long before she was coming apart in his arms, legs shaking. Her breath was hot as he pressed his body into hers again, holding her for a moment. “Good girl,” Arthur’s voice positively purred, before he was standing over again. 
 His hands gripped hard against her hips as he pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, where his hard cock begged to enter her. The man teasingly stroked it against the sensitive area, though he didn’t push into her just yet. Arthur’s eyes pinned her, roaming over her heaving breasts before focusing on her drooping gaze. “Y’ready?”
 Abigail can only nod, body still trembling, before Arthur’s pushes himself inside her. The wet heat of her pussy envelopes him, and a deep and hoarse moan comes from him as he fully enters her. “Fuck, y’feel so good, darlin’.” Another breathy laugh from Abigail causes another ache, and he becomes ever more desperate for a release.
 His thrusts grow in intensity, hands still gripping her hips as he slams into her, over and over. Shivers of pleasure roll down his body, and another strangled groan as her nails begin scraping down his back. They dig into him, stinging deliciously as the pressure in his cock grows. 
 Arthur’s hands move to cup her breasts, the calluses of his fingers causing exquisite friction on her skin. He pinches a nipple lightly between his fingers before he’s leaning down and closing his lips around it. The man’s tongue flicks against the skin hardened with pleasure, his own mirroring hers. He grazes his teeth playfully against the nipple, praising her as her sounds become more frequent, “Louder for me, darlin. I want th’whole camp t’hear ya.”
 He’s pounding into her, harder and harder, the noises from Abigail growing into gasps as another orgasm builds up inside her. Arthur growls out, “Y’such a good girl, takin’ all of me so well. Y’my good lil slut, ain’tchu, sweetheart? Y’want me to fill y’up?”
 The dark-haired woman’s response is whiny as she responds with, “Yes. Oh, god— Fuck—” Her body once more trembles as she cums, pussy pulsating so enticingly around his cock. He can feel his own orgasm upon him as he releases another choked moan.
 Arthur can’t fight the building sensation for long before he’s finishing inside her. Abigail’s legs wrap around him, a vice grip, as his cock twitches with the last of his load, warmth spreading through the woman as he pants against her. His hands are shaking as he brushes a hand through his hair, head leaned back as the pulsing of his orgasm subsides. 
 With a wince, he pulls out of her and tumbles onto the bed beside her. His eyes are heavy as he clasps an arm around her, seeking comfort of a non-sexual kind. Abigail’s fingers trail soothingly against his arm, head against his chest.
 Arthur’s eyes flutter shut before he can think about what he’s just done.
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glaciertea · 2 months
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Tales the Songs Weave
Ch.22<< >>Ch.24
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Chapter 23: 'Till We're Invisible...
Word count: 4.8K
Doing the whole ‘reversal of knowing a person’ to ‘not pretending they don't exist’ is a hassle.
You try not to get too bothered by it as life makes and breaks its course, but it's still a blow to your heart, perfectly settling a bigger and new scar that'll last for a good while. Maybe even forever.
The decision that was mutually agreed on was the worst, especially dealing with it from Miguel. Even with the basic number of texts you sent, he would egregiously find a way to respond in such a manner that conveyed he could give two flying shits, if not less.
It was very annoying, like pulling teeth. You were aware of his method, and you wanted to bite that bullet and let it float away in the endless breeze, but your stubbornness was winning as you tightened onto that desperation of wanting to fade on some type of positive note. Or, more realistically, a neutral one.
That part was dangling for dear life, while the other was fighting to let go.
When he left for the actual last time, you rewound that evening non-stop in your brain. Not a single detail was lost, and you could recite the argument and the following pacifying conversation verbatim.
It also didn't help that you could still taste his lips on yours.
Your thoughts would drift, the many what-ifs plaguing you if either he or you had removed that watch. Would he have tried to dismiss them and then proceeded to take you back into his mouth? What if they never needed help? Would it still have gone the same way? Hundreds more haunted you.
Ronnie took notice of your weird one-eighty mood shift—well, more of a ninety-degree turn.
You were slightly better after finally coming to some type of conclusion. There were still a few or more inquiries that stuck to you, like hot glue on a broken furniture piece. Was the canon a physical element or merely a hypothetical concept that is only talked about? How legitimate is it exactly? What would happen if a canon was wrong? Were you really supposed to not exist?
You regret not asking for some tangible proof and evidence.
But at the end of the day, it was a momentary experience. An encounter that you wish would have lasted for much longer.
Mindlessly shelving items, you felt a sudden tap on your shoulder, pulling you out of whatever world of wonder you stuck yourself in.
“Hm? How may I help you?” You casually peer up, expecting a customer, only to see Ronnie staring at you with a quirked brow.
“You were out of it again. I said you can go on ahead and take your break now.” She turned to the racks before looking back at you. “And to also tell you that you've been stuffing most of the things in that box here.”
You glanced up to be met with clothes, books, and a few board games, all disorganized and shoved in a spot where wooden figures are supposed to be.
“Oh, right. I'm sorry. I'll fix this and put them in the right spot. You can go ahead and start my break timer now, if you'll like.”
Ronnie blew a raspberry and lowered herself to the balls of her feet. “You honestly think I'm going to do that? I know I like using my boss powers for... certain intentions, but I occasionally like to use them for good too.”
You rolled your eyes, and she gave you a few playful punches. “But no, I'm not going to do that. I'll take care of this. You go on and relax that pretty head of yours.” She started to remove the articles of clothing, putting them in the box before moving onto the books.
“Ronnie, it's okay; I made the mess, and I'll fix it.”
“How have you been doing?”
You blinked and rolled your neck at the sudden tightness. “How am I doing?”
“I'm pretty sure that's what I said. How are you doing?”
“I, um, I think I'm okay. Yeah, I'm still taking it day by day.” 
She clicked her tongue and sighed. “You think you're okay, or you know you're okay?”
Your mouth went dry, and your throat randomly felt sore. You haven't told Ronnie about what exactly went down when Miguel came that day. It's been close to two weeks, and you were hoarding up all those feelings.
You didn't want to burden her anymore with the mess you're dealing with. She's already done so much that you felt as if you had to step back.
“Yeah. I'm–I'm fine.”
She twisted her lips to the side and ran her fingers down to detangle knots from her hair. “You don't have to be by yourself during this.”
The guilt was feasting heavily on your soul. “I-I know. It's like I've been saying, it'll pass eventually.” It has to.
Ronnie didn't say anymore and rubbed your back. “Alright, I'm not going to pester you. But just know, I'm always here. And I'm still not afraid to find him and beat his ass with trusty ol’ lummy over there.”
She exaggerated her wave over to the checkout counter. A twitchy, small smirk made its way when Ronnie hugged you.
“Thanks, Ronnie. But I still think that isn't necessary.”
“Middle ground. If I personally see him myself while casually out and about, I will find a way to make the bat magically appear.”
You silently muttered, “Oh my gosh,” dramatically dragging your fingers down your face and giving a sidelong glance.
“There will be no barrier. Now go and take your legally mandatory break that has suddenly been pushed to an hour and a half.” She stood up and stretched her arms in the air, leaving you slightly befuddled.
“Are you su-”
“If you ask me if I'm sure, an extra thirty will be added.”
Your mouth opened when she jutted in again.
“And if you tell me you don't want to leave me here by myself for that long, you're getting the rest of the day off.”
She knew how to take advantage of these situations, and you were aware you weren't going to win this no matter how many objections you projected at her.
With a huff and a raspberry of your own, you took the undeserved leisure time, eyeing that smug grin while you gathered up your bag. You acknowledged the care she was giving with another embrace and made your way out to get something to chow down on.
Stopping in front of the Asian street food restaurant, you debated on heading inside and relishing the tasty cuisines when your mind aimlessly migrated to the day you two dined here. The comforting sway you both invited when he discarded his sunglasses, gazing into those beautiful ruby-reds, that culminated a sense of ease and reassurance. How the conversations made it seem like no one else was in the building besides him and you.
Realizing your hand was on the handle, you drew away and persuaded yourself that you were in the mood for anything else. 
Settling on a simple chicken wrap, cookies, and fresh fruit, you took the meal to go and ventured wherever your legs led you. You absently munched on the sugary pastry goodness, loving the unpopulated sidewalks before the rush. You were always thankful for having an 11 a.m. lunch instead of noon; you didn't have to endure the bustling nature of crowds or long winded lines and angry customers who held them up just because they didn't have an extra pickle on their sandwich. 
You took advantage of these soothing moments.
Ambling more down and finishing the last of your grapes, you stumbled on an overfamiliar space. Blanking out for a second, you groaned out and plopped down on the bench. You did your best to ignore the park, finding ways to steer clear of this part at all times. But even your body clashes with your mind and reasoning.
The adjacent bench remained empty, but your brain sought to create a visualization of him. You could distinctly remember it all, despite wanting to erase it. You dared not come this way after that last night, when he ran away. It added way too much salt to that wound. A truck load on it.
Tirades of reminiscence frequently bombard your nonchalant feelings for him. You strived to keep it at bay, but there's times like these when it's of no use.
You allowed it to go, just for this day. That night will always be near and dear to you. He left an imprint on your heart. You reached for your phone and clicked on his name.
‘Thank you.’
That was the last message. 
You remember eyeing those three dots going on for nearly two minutes, boring at the screen hellbent on what he was going to say. Your brain virtually knew he wasn't going to send his genuine thoughts or his true words, but that lowly fraction of false hope was sneaking its way into the heart.
When those dots stopped for a few seconds and then continued bouncing, you felt your pulse and heart racing. Maybe he was ready to prove you wrong; he was going to have that sliver of hope prosper and scream, ‘I told you so!’
You did say, ‘I told you so,’ but it was the major side that won.  
Blinking back whatever sentiment was trying to brew, you slipped your phone back into your pocket, holding one last stare at the wooden seat before standing up. You still had plenty of time to wander about, so you took a deeper look into the more downtown vicinity.
It was crowded, but that's to be expected as it's the main hub section. Hover cars speeding by, followed by blaring honks, was such a huge contrast from the serene park that's less than ten minutes from here. 
You dodged people in expensive business attire who were too busy tapping away on their tablets or talking into their watches, which was a hassle. They would bump into you as you muttered an apology, but only to receive a scowl or a “watch it!” in return.
No wonder he barely came out here. If this was a scene you had to grudgingly witness every morning of every day, you would stay stuck up in that stuffy skyscraper too.
You momentarily came to a stop, apologizing to a person who almost ran into you. The tower was deadlocked in your line of sight. You unexpectedly felt cold, despite it being a hot summer day. Goosebumps pricked at your skin as his giant castle leered down at you.
The only difference was that there was no moat. No snapping sharks swimming in lava. No. It was simply automatic doors that were in between you and his domain. 
The world seemed silent, a suspended notion, as time and the ones in front and behind were coming to a frozen standstill.
Your brain was rushing with questions like a rapid river racing downstream into a waterfall. Do you dare step in? Would you be immediately identified by his insane technology? Would you get kicked out by security once you were recognized?
Would he be on the lower floor level? What would happen if he was and you saw each other?
Your legs trembled, and your feet took hardy steps as if they were ready to collapse at any given moment. Your throat parched, clenching like a child twisting a colorful, plastic bendy straw. It was territory you were going to cross; someone was lowering the drawbridge for you.
Or maybe you misunderstood and might drop straight into the trenches. 
You were really going to go in. To trek into his hellish arena. Holding your breath, the doors slid open, and a waft of cool A/C blasted into your face. All you could see was black, your nails burying into palms, breaking some of the skin. You took a deep breath in and swiveled until you were overlooking the active citygoers again. 
“This isn't worth it. I'm not going to just rush into this without—”
Swarms of people were shrieking, pointing up at something from the side of the corporate building.
“Someone is falling! Someone jumped!”
Marginally confused, you pressed through the crowds to see what the commotion was; if somebody had leapt, surely the hundreds of spiders residing in there would've had a prevention plan for it happening. Surely.
Scooting closer, you squinted and shielded your eyes from the sun to get a better view. From what you could distinguish, it was a person in a black suit; you couldn't tell if he was running from something or not, and another figure was nosediving after them. You adjusted and cupped both of your hands on your forehead to see a red and blue suit…
That red and blue suit belonging to a distinctive individual.
“What the hell?! Mig- uh, Spider-Man! Spider-Man!” You jolted out, stumbling and bumping into others; they didn't seem to care as a waterfall of vividly bright dots dispersed in the same direction as Miguel and the other figure.
Your eyes nearly bulged out of your sockets at the situation unraveling. You couldn't possibly fathom what was going on in Miguel's head. Is that a bad guy he's chasing? It must be if hundreds of heroes are chasing after them. But why is this villain also wearing a suit? Could they have gone rogue?
You sprinted, wanting to keep up, but the surge of people intrigued to witness this spectacle was getting in your way. No matter how many times you said “excuse me,” no one bothered to budge. You tried to keep your attention on the action, but by the time you finally escaped the abundance of the crowd, he was long gone.
With a racing heart and a garbled yet stunned brain, you make your way out of the cluster and back to the park. Collapsing on the bench, your leg bounced and your brain rushed as you strived to recount what you had witnessed. Haphazardly yanking your phone out of your pocket, almost dropping it on the pathway, you hover over his name and click on it.
Is this a good time to text him? He's obviously busy with whatever he was chasing, but your worries were overtaking you.
“I'll just text him now, and whenever he's not busy, he can respond. Yeah.”
Your fingers typed faster than they ever have, asking if everything was alright and to get back to you as soon as he could. Your daily alarm for your break popped up, and you opted to hail a taxi back into work instead of speed-walking back to beat the clock. Arriving three minutes ahead, Ronnie couldn't help but lift a brow when you came hurrying into the door.
“I know you like to be here early to beat the clock, but calm down; you're good—”
Ronnie dropped a container on a nearby display table, her gaze tensely locked on yours. You were disheveled, like you'd seen a ghost or been haunted by one. She tapped her nail on the lid, waiting for you to tell her what you encountered.
Admittedly, barging in the shop wasn't the brightest idea because now Ronnie isn't going to let it go until you're forced to talk about it with her. With her hand on her hip and her finger at you, she was prepared to get you to speak when a customer asked for some service.
“I'll ring you up. One minute, please.” You thanked whoever was looking out for you, striding to the back to clock in and hop right back into work.
For the rest of the workday, you were in a cold sweat. Ronnie gave sidelong glances, but you pretended to not notice, taking every shopper that waltzed in or doing all the menial tasks. You were home free when the last person exited the building. After finishing up the rest of your cleaning and snatching your bag, Ronnie blocked your way out.
“Alright, I held it in all day. What made you nervous when you came in?” She folded her arms and leaned back on the door.
“It was nothing, just a dog chasing after me, but I got away, as you can see.” You gave a thumbs up and painted your best ‘I'm fine’ smile. “So you go ahead and rest up; I'll see you tomorrow, Ronnie.”
Taking that step forward to get the point across, she didn't budge an inch. Shaking her head, Ronnie groaned out. “I'm worried for you. You can't run in with this deathly and deranged look; then tell me it was something simple like a dog.”
“Dogs can be scary.”
“Some can, but I know it wasn't a dog. Well, unless it was a certain dog that I can't stand—”
“Then tell me. I'm seriously worried for you. You can't keep bottling all of this up. You have to let yourself get something off your chest.”
You bit your bottom lip, your head shifting downward with the blank gaze rolling in. She wasn't going to quit; she's persistent as all hell, and it was beginning to annoy you. You really wanted to go home and be by yourself to check if he replied back, but you knew the more you held off, the less you'd be trapped.
Closing your eyes and titling your head back, a raspberry escaped. “I saw him. No, he didn't see me; I don't even think he was aware of my presence. It freaked me out more than it should; that's why I came in the way I did.”
Ronnie's downturned lips and knitted brows weren't helping your cause or mood. You hoped she was going to stop there and let you go home, for your sake. She couldn't do much to help you, as much as she wished, but with your obstinate demeanor, she might as well have been a fish stuck in the bowl.
“Alright, I won't force it out of you. But you're withering away, and you know you can't hide that from me.”
You expelled a long sigh and nodded. “I know. Have a good rest of your night; see you tomorrow, Ronnie.”
With that exchange, you carefully closed the wooden entrance and made your way home. You are fine; why couldn't she understand that? You got that ending to the final chapter, and yeah, sure, there was no epilogue or continuation that uncovered the many unanswered mysteries cemented so deep that it may even go further than six feet; at least you still were given something. 
And yet, it still wasn't enough.
It's still not enough for you to let go. It's still not enough for you to forget him because you know you never will. It's still not enough for you to close the threshold on this self-battle you're facing to make something that doesn't work.
The many days that you've gone by, reciting this shitty mantras of how it's over and how you need to let him wash away with the wild tides of the ocean and you'll make it out okay, were nothing but complete and utter bull. All you've done is tell yourself lies after lies.
And you didn't make it any better for yourself.
You find yourself slowing your steps, standing there frozen, forever consuming those pergolas that want to welcome you in, which taunts you into a false sense of security of dreams and memories. The lush and tempting evocation of your first kiss or how breathtaking Miguel was next to those flowers.
You desperately had to get back home, especially when you heard your phone ping. That self-preservation of not looking was chipping away. You ran like you were competing in the hundred-meter dash, practically clambering into the elevator and into your apartment.
Kicking your shoes off, not caring where they were, you slumped on the couch and opened up your phone… To an email from some store newsletter going on about a sale.
The disappointment did crash down hard when you checked that he didn't even read the message.
“I guess whatever that person he was going after must have been a big deal.” You tossed your cell on the coffee table and went to cook up some instant noodles, lounging on the sofa, half watching some animated film, before laying down and passing out.
Day after day, you messaged Miguel, asking if he was okay. You didn't want to worry, but your brain would gun it to the worst-case scenarios whenever he didn't respond. You tried to squeeze more presumptive thoughts, such as he's busy, he's overly tired, and he's just recovering.
The delusion was tucked in all over.
Every ding was a heart attack. You would drop everything and scramble to your phone, only to be met with this disillusionment when it was some stupid email or a video someone uploaded. 
You ended up having to turn off all notifications except for messages, and the only person who was contacting you was Ronnie, who was checking in.
Two days turned into four, and four into a week when you had enough horrors you were conjuring (to the point you believed you might have been dead), you were ready to call him up when you saw that all your messages had been read. Your blood boiled, but you cooled yourself. Maybe he just read them, and he's going to say something. Or maybe he's been so caught up in whatever happened that he couldn't exactly get back to you. Benefit of the doubt, you are willing to give it.
That, and you don't want Ronnie to raise any suspicion.
‘Hey, I'm just seeing if everything is alright. I know it must be madness over there for you. I really hope you're doing okay and they're not stressing you out more than before.’
You hit send, your eyes not leaving that confirmation. It was delivered. Then a minute went by. It hadn't changed. Minute two, still nothing. You were ready to give up when it switched to read.
Your heart was ready to leave your chest. Keeping a lookout for Ronnie, you glanced back between her office door and the phone. You were patient, ready for those little circles to emerge. You tapped your foot to the beat of the song playing over the speaker, nerves wrecking throughout your body.
“Come on, Miguel. Say something. Please, say anything—”
The door handle began to jiggle, and that's when you spooked yourself, sliding your phone back in your pocket, and rubbed your clammy hands on your pants. Trying to be as casual as physically possible, you pretended to busy yourself by rearranging little figures on a miniature storage rack.
“The feed to the security cameras is in my office. Remember?” She sat a bag of old electronics on the counter and ruffled her already unruly hair with her free hand.
Damn technology. Always ruining your position.
You removed your hands from the items and folded them in between your thighs. At least you didn't have to scramble to come up with an excuse for why you were acting in a weird manner.
“I'm not going to fight you over why his name was in your mouth, but just know, it's going to ruin my psychological state the more it settles. I'm letting you know now.” She vocalized in a chirpy but non-joking tone.
If she wasn't going to engage and tussle you for it, then that's the path you were sticking with. You'll tell her eventually. 
You didn't hear your phone go off once for that entire day. You believed you might have accidentally turned it down during your panic state, and work was non-stop, swamping you enough to not even give it a quick peep. Though you were glad to have the distractions, it took away from the daydreams of what he might have messaged you.
Yet, when you got home that evening, you were met with your sided concerns, forever stagnant on that screen.
You felt yourself being reeled back into that realm of emptiness. You veered off into the void, hot tears descending down your cheeks right onto your phone.
Later that night, you blindly found yourself back on the dating app, swiping left and right, giving low-effort conversations and flirts, before giving up and pleasuring yourself with your vibrator and hand. 
You had to restrain yourself from calling out his name when you got into it. It was going well, from the low buzzing to your fingers pumping in sensual yet sporadic motions. Turning the intensity up, you pressed the button one more than what you were originally going for, and the toy amplified.
Shuddering, you bit down on a pillow, stifling your moans, letting your body become free from the intruding thoughts. Then you granted that embark. That unchained will to let it wander, to let it go into a more imaginative world. 
His name slipped from your lips during the venture of the moment. 
You jumped, removing your fingers and tossing the vibrator at the foot of your bed. You huddled up, your knees touching your chest, as a hefty breath brushed against your skin.
Your mind was gone, and you didn't know what to do anymore.
Ronnie refused to allow you to submit back to your fallen endeavor when you returned to work after learning (she forced it out of you), you had wallowed in bed all day and eaten nothing. Taking your break with yours, she treated you to delicious ice cream, buying you both a huge brownie sundae.
“You're talking. I'm not taking no for an answer either. I'm not taking an ‘I'm fine;’ an ‘I swear I'm okay;’ I'm not accepting any of that.” 
She was holding you at gunpoint. Her persistence was undeniably relentless, and the only way out was to cave in.
So you did. Merely halfway.
You excluded the details on what you exactly saw him doing; you took out a bunch of specifics regarding what was told to you that day he came by. But you did give enough that could satisfy Ronnie's needs.
From how you felt under pressure to text him to get his stuff, bits of the reason why you two couldn't be together (you had to make one up), and how you shared a kiss.
“Please tell me you didn't—”
“I promise you, we simply kissed. That's all.”
“Because I swear I would pummel him into the ground and have you...”
She took your heated silence with caution and took a huge bite of her sundae. You felt depleted by the end of it. Ronnie ended up changing the subjects, chatting about some family drama regarding changing the name of the shop and how her aunt had to be bailed out of jail for the fourth time in three months.
You mostly listened, ad-libbing here and there, as you dazed away. 
There was something so funny about this whole plight. How a simple person can work their way into your life and change your everyday routine, shaping it into this ever trivial but marvelous reality. Then, one day, like a powerful storm striking down an unsuspecting town, it comes crashing into a pile of rubble. Well, at least with rubble, you could probably make out what the structure was originally; this was crumbled into nothingness that even an expert couldn't tell you.
Almost finishing the last of your dessert, you looked into the empty cup and the small scoop of ice cream and brownie crumbs on the spoon. A treat is good at the moment, and when you get to the final bite, all you want to do is savor it forever.
You don't want it to end.
You brought another one after your shift, waiting to get home to munch on it. Kicking your shoes off, you placed a record on the turntable and sat down in your main comfort zone. Feet on the coffee table, you tugged out the cursed electronic device, unlocked it, and closed your eyes.
Earlier in the morning, you sent a single message pleading for him to say anything, to relay a sign that he was okay, that he is okay. You still had your phone on silent to not psych yourself out.
With bated breath, you opened one eye, then flung the phone on the other end of the couch and ate the rest of the dessert. It was just you and the soft melodies in the back.
You gave up four days later. 
You finally decided to give yourself some self-care. You gave your heart and mind the break they probably needed.
With a heavy soul and a heavy hand, Miguel was just another number in your messages. A bunch of random digits that are in your phone log.
As large, thick tears flowed down, you couldn't tell if the weight was lifted or if it harbored you down even more.
You guess you had to let time reveal itself to you, no matter how much you needed that answer now.
Tag list: @prozacgooble @sanguwuxyoonbummy @oharaslove @ella-janehaven
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