#one episode the whole plan was to just kidnap some kids
littleeyesofpallas · 10 months
Okay so i still have L5R verymuch on the brain and trying to find ways to incorporate a fun occult supernatural plot to things I can't help but look back on Samurai Sentai Shinkenger of all things and love what a fucking wildly good premise it had. Not for the stupid hero squad, but for the villains.
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The Gedoshu[外道衆]: "Heretic/Demon Masses" (lit. Gedo[外道]: "Outside-way") are the race of monsters, ayakashi, menacing tokyo every week. But unlike the usual invading force of aliens or whatever else that every season of super sentai has, the gedoshu leader, Chimatsuri Dokoku, has a very specific goal and and very specific mechanism behind it.
In this setting the ayakashi are all former humans who transform directly into monsters after committing some corrupting act, usually tragic, that allows strong negative feelings to consume them. And any time humans feel misery and sorrow and pain, their tears become the water on the river Sanzu, the river that divides the world of the living and of the dead, and from those waters new monsters are inevitably born --never crossing the river to the afterlife, yet not truly alive or human anymore. And it is on a boat on that river that the big boss, Chimatsuri, has been sealed in a kind of limbo between life and death.
So, to facilitate his escape and ultimately revenge, he sends his minions to earth in order to cause so much human suffering that the river Sanzu overflows, allowing him to just ride his ship into the human realm without technically breaking the terms of his imprisonment.
And like? That's so fucking cool??? Like that is a great set up, and it's just wasted on a regular rotation kids' saturday morning show??? And I love that unlike the usual routine of slapping some monsters around once a week, the premise makes it clear that the villains are still very much making progress towards their goal even if the heroes beat them. The accumulation of human suffering is inevitable, it's just a question of how soon it'll hit critical mass, which is maybe the best way to keep the enemy threat feeling real even as they continually lose individual fights.
Also this season had kind of a mixed bag when it came to monster of the week designs, but the big recurring villains were all phenomenal
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littlebigmouse · 10 months
List of Small Things™ I enjoy about Fullmetal Alchemist in no particular order
Everyone in FMAB/manga is just Some Guy™ and very human and I love that so here goes:
Falman getting stuck with a serial-killing suit of armor in his appartment for days and his reaction to it. It may have been weeks. He's been on sick leave the entire time. He's a guy in his early thirties with a flock of early-greying hair because being in a dead-end-role in the military is stressfull, ok. He gets stuck at home with a funny little serial killer (and eventually some foreign body guards, and a foreign prince?? lighting signal fires in his backyard?? like man what a week)
The whole military ambush against the Devil's Nest was yes, kind of kickstarted by the gang kidnapping Al for Greed, but it was mostly kickstarted because Ed was down south to do his yearly official report and Bradley and Armstrong just happened to be present when he was informed Al had gone missing. Greed's entire operation was done in by a teen doing his paperwork
on that note, Greed really decided to spend his immortality wisely by pursuing absolutely none of his supposed ambitions and just decided to settle down with a bunch of buddies. An offshot of the buddies he was initially made to guard, too. I don't think Greed is aware of this either
everyone on that radio building. The radio host 100% down to get some coup-shenanigans into his station to drive engagement. The guys sympathising with Mrs Bradley and taking care of her. Breda taking control of the narrative with a perpetual frown by the skin of his teeth.
I know the story of how the Bradleys met is technically not canon(?) but Mrs Bradley slapping her future husband upon their first meeting because he got his flirting tips from his siblings will never not be funny. Idiots. All of them.
EVERYTHING about Darius and Heinkel. They lost their jobs and became wanted criminals upon helping out some scrawny 15 year old. They have families they miss dearly. They haven't looked back since. "You guys don't HAVE to help me save the world" - "It's not like we have anything better to do"
i was going to say the Ice Cream Truck, because it's iconic, but actually, when told to disguise a vehicle, 15-year-old pinacle of edgelord fashion Edward Elric turned it into a colourful nightmare of spikes that barely resembled a car but might be closely related to the worlds deadliest parade float. None of this was necessary. Ed is just like that.
Hawkeye growing her hair out after meeting Winry, and Winry getting piercings after seeing Hawkeye's
Denny Brosh bursting into tears when he sees Maria Ross is still alive. Dude managed to not quit his job despite working in the same city (department?) where his best friend's killer was his supervisor. They were also very real for showing us that this is a guy who oversleeps and is older brother to at least three younger siblings. There was no need to give us more on Denny Brosh but every little detail hit so hard when they reunited.
okay so remember that time Ed and Ling ate Ed's shoe. Remember that Ed spend some time on a "deserted island" as a kid. Gluttony's stomach had nothing on him. Izumi raised some anime-ass boy-scouts. 100% Farm boy behaviour. These kids are so 15 it makes me want to bite things
immortal, soul-spliced dwarf in a flask got rid of his Sloth and still managed to procrastinate on his world domination plan until the last minute. Most Human disaster.
the entire half-episode they spend on Dr. Knox and his regrets and family. FMA is so good about humanising everyone.
everyone bullied Yoki because he was a small town fraud exploiting workers for his own benefit. Simply a jerk. He also hit Pride with a car in an epic rescue, and cried and screamed the whole way through
that one shot of a kid curiously poking a soldier they found bound on the ground with a stick
(I know it's technically not canon, but-) "I'm trying to save your life, asshole!"
Edward Elric
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youledmehere · 2 months
kinda annoying how people complain about the ending of towl just because their expectations or theories didn’t pan out how they wanted it to. and a majority of the ppl disappointed really were hoping michonne dies / sacrifices herself for rick’s survival or both of them die which makes zero sense anyway and would’ve made everything pointless. also because gimple made one comment saying he wants all the spin-offs to come together in some way people really latched onto that for dear life and thought that towl would be some starting point for that to happen even though it was wrapped for filming by then and was literally premiering. mind you it was always marketed as just being 6 episodes so i don’t know why people thought it would somehow lead to a grand fight with all the other characters. especially since daryl would’ve still been in france timeline wise so it’s not like that reunion would’ve happened either which is another big complaint i saw a lot.
and lets say rick and michonne didn’t blow up the frontliners or kill beale: portland would’ve fallen, kids kidnapped, millions dead and then what? they’re just supposed to let that happen? say it’s not their problem and try to go home anyways and pray the CRM doesn’t find their community? have rick go back to the civic republic and be stuck for even longer while michonne was supposed to go home and gather up whoever is left and march back to philadelphia with just guns and arrows i guess??? along with the commonwealth storm trooper wannabes? try and wage some kind of attack which would’ve been futile since the frontliners would’ve wiped them out even quicker than what happened in the finale resulting in no reunions for anybody and more dead characters?
they planned a six episode story and obviously weren’t going to leave it on some kind of cliff hanger or have some mysterious after credit set up scene because they weren’t thinking of a season two at the time of writing, it ended with a family reunion like it was always going to. but even if there is something else in the future there could still be more story to tell and the civic republic can still be involved. people act like they killed off the whole military in one quick go when it was just the guys in the red uniforms who take out entire cities that died (i think around 2000+ soldiers). its still a big military operation it can span different locations, they talked about there being CRM agents in different communities that could be explored more. having different generals or sergeants with different ideologies can still be a thing. there’s also that estimate about there only being 14? years left of life on earth and the threat of millions of walkers at once so idk seems like there’s multiple storyline possibilities if they choose to continue
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antianakin · 20 days
I watched that scene in V for Vendetta when V kills Delia, and it occurred to me that there isn't quite the same scene throughout TBB S3. Despite the heavy redemption themes for Crosshair and Emerie, I don't think I heard either of them directly acknowledge their wrongs and apologise to their (live) victims. I didn't hear Crosshair admit fault for shooting Wrecker on Kamino, trying to incinerate the squad on Bracca, or kidnapping Hunter and using him as bait. Never mind to Howzer for his squad's arrest and death in captivity, or the people of Ryloth for his assassination of Orn Free Taa. Or to the next of kin of at least two women I remembered he killed during his Imperial service.
I never heard Emerie apologise for using the kids and clones as pincushions to draw blood, abducting and imprisoning them. Has everyone forgotten that she was there regularly while Crosshair was strapped to the bed and being experimented on?
The point is that while both characters did heel-face turns and performed deeds to atone for their pasts, the lack of apology is deafening. Howzer was portrayed as the asshole for not seeing Crosshair's heel-face turn because it should have been ''obvious'' how Crosshair treats Omega. I see it as the characters who should have broken the fourth wall and read the script to bypass the drama that would have occurred if an apology had been forthcoming. The "hard" part was done; Crosshair lost his hand; what more do you idiots want? I would have chalked it to the cancellation had I not seen something similar running around Season 1...
It's one of those aspects that gnaws at me with Disney Star Wars. What I call the externalisation of evil, paired with the lack of accountability. Evil happens because people were forced or duped to act on its behalf, but because these people are not "true" believers (as seen by their redemption), they need not be held accountable for their actions while serving evil. Their acts in service of the "superior good" balance the scales and bypass the need for accountability.
And for a "kids" show lauded as the most "adult" of the TCW-era animation, I have to ask, is this really the lesson to teach kids? Because in real life, no one can read your mind and hear your apology mentally. And some can fake it and be unrepentant in the end. The victims of your wrongdoing have the right to confront you, hear your apology, and decide to absolve or condemn you. "I am not here for what you hoped to do. I am here for what you did"- V
"Is it meaningless to apologise? Never I'm so sorry" - Delia's last words to V
I find myself less upset about Emerie because Emerie was introduced so late that not only do we not see her doing anything THAT horrific, but there wouldn't have been a lot of time to really work through any kind of redemption arc for her. Within her first few episodes, we do see her soften towards Omega a bit, so they DO set up that Emerie isn't all she appears to be which allows for her to have stronger reactions to things like the Force sensitive children in the vault later.
My issue with Emerie, which is likely partially due to the cancellation cutting off some of what they might have planned to do with her, is that we have ZERO EXPLANATION for her. Why does she exist, was she just a defective clone who came out female and so the Kaminoans sent her away or did one of them intentionally try to create a female clone for some reason? Why did they send her to Hemlock, how was Hemlock connected with the Kaminoans to begin with and connected SO early that he was able to acquire a clone before the Jedi and the Republic even knew they existed? Why did Hemlock accept her and what has he been doing TO her this whole time? What is her relationship with being a clone if she was presumably separated from the rest of them for her entire life and not necessarily raised as a clone the same way as even TBB would've been? How does this impact her relationship with the clone prisoners on Tantiss as well as Hemlock?
Her redemption arc feels both half-assed and like... just half-assed enough because Emerie is basically a blank slate the whole time. We don't know anything about her or her motivations for anything and so there's nothing to really make me feel like her quicker change of heart goes against anything we know about her. She's never shown to be particularly unkind or malicious, just... somewhat disconnected from the clone prisoners and inclined to just accept that Hemlock's work is necessary. Because we know so little about her aside from that she's been with Hemlock since she was extremely young, it works for me that she's mostly just kind-of disconnected about the things he's doing to the other clones until she manages to make a personal connection that sort-of changes her perspective. She does not personally capture or hurt anyone to my memory, she never seems to be intentionally trying to cause pain to anybody, there's no malicious intent behind her actions that she has to work around and make up for. There's not even any real prejudice and anger towards the clones themselves that is causing her to be okay with what Hemlock is doing to them. So just her recognizing that a change NEEDS to be made is enough for me with Emerie, I don't feel like I needed more of an apology in order for her "redemption arc" to make sense because she's barely a fleshed out character as it is.
Crosshair on the other hand, DID owe an apology to a lot of people. I HATE the way they handled his interactions with the rest of the squad and with Howzer in particular. I HATE the way HOWZER has to apologize and Crosshair never does. It's fucked up and wrong and such a badly done redemption arc and I honestly can't even blame that on the cancellation because it's early enough in the season that they likely already had that built in before they had to make any changes. There's also already been TWO SEASONS before this to build up to Crosshair's change of heart that I think got mishandled as well. He got so little screen time in season two that his change of heart that turns him against the Empire doesn't feel believable to me at all.
My biggest issue with BOTH of these characters and the way their stories were handled was the distance from the ACTUAL CLONES.
This is an issue I've had with the show from the beginning. It's billed as a show about clones, but the main characters are SO separated and distant from the real clones that none of their development really has anything to do with the clones and it makes it feel like it never really WAS a clone story at all. Crosshair's story would've been more compelling if it had been about his bigotry towards the clones and his development had come specifically from learning they were good people and he was wrong about them. Emerie and Omega's stories should've been about them finally being able to connect to the other clones that they'd been forced away from their whole lives and figuring out what it truly means to BE a clone. The Bad Batch's story would've been more compelling if it had had more focus on what was actually happening to the clones immediately after Order 66 and the desperation and tragedy of trying to save them in a world that cares about them even less than it used to.
Instead, Crosshair's story seems to be about realizing the Empire sees him, PERSONALLY, as expendable and THAT'S what makes him realize it's bad. The fact that the Empire sees him as no different than the other clones doesn't really allow him to see the CLONES in a different light or connect to them better, it just destroys his loyalty to the Empire because he's not considered special anymore. Emerie only turns against the Empire after she sees what's happening with the Force sensitive children, the torture and captivity of the clones doesn't seem to bother her at all. Omega's development for the last two seasons has had nothing to do with her identity as a clone and a lot more with her identity as a "soldier". Echo is the only character with any real connection to the other clones and the moment he starts to voice that, he gets written off and becomes a recurring cameo character instead of a regular main ensemble member. The moment he decides to more fully be a part of a clone-centric storyline, he can't be a part of the Bad Batch's story because the Bad Batch is inherently NOT A CLONE STORY.
And this is the biggest problem with this show. It's selling itself as a clone story and not actually following through on it and it causes this weird dissonance within the narrative because I don't think this show ever truly knew what story it was telling. It hurts every single one of the characters.
This show would've been a LOT better if they had just let it be a story about, say, four random bounty hunters who worked as a team. Or even, god help me, four Mandalorians from different clans or houses or whatever who are BARELY managing to stay civil with each other. It would've made the stories with Crosshair and Emerie feel a LOT easier to stomach because we aren't sitting there wondering why they aren't reacting to what's happening to the other clones around them. It might've made the stories easier to WRITE, too, because they wouldn't have had to keep trying to force a connection between these characters and the clones that so clearly just isn't there.
Maybe these "redemption arcs" would've been better done and made more sense if these characters weren't clones.
But then again I remember how well done Ventress and Kallus's "redemption arcs" were and I think that maybe it wouldn't have mattered at all.
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fazbearedits · 2 months
Okay so I know I keep posting about Nicky but still I think you all need to realize how terrifying it was when I first saw him in episode 6 so I need you to put yourself in his shoes:imagine you are either getting brainwashed by some cryptic bird thing (the guest) or getting traumatized by the thing (the shadow man) if you don’t play with it to the point where your fucking insane and the only other emotion you express is raw fear with the only thing you can cope with is a creepy sack with a stitched smile which is the only way you know how to technically be happy.reminder the only time Nicky smiles is when he finds his mask and is also extremely terrified of mr Peterson as well as I don’t think the thing or guest would want Nicky to stay even I think literally encouraging him to leave probably and says sorry all the time probably being told by the thing or the guest to open the door with Aaron on the other side but mr Peterson always catching him.Just a reminder he was down there for only 2 MONTHS and everyone thought he ran away since he does it all the time and even if he did escape on his own no one would believe him even if Trinity gave a alibi because the reason mr Peterson never harmed any of the kids or passed his property line until Aaron was freed in episode 6 is because his whole plan was to make Nicky look like the bad guy and making up lies about him while mr Peterson put on the whole “widow who lost his kids” act,making every adult lose trust in Nicky viewing him as some “crazy kid” while being a loner and bullied even before and even AFTER you were kidnapped (probably most likely being bullied by finch and other kids) and even coming back to school after going through the most traumatizing experience in your life just to probably get called “crazy” by other kids (hell even Nicky’s own PARENTS probably didn’t believe him about mr Peterson) and still getting harassed by the guest and the thing after all this happened and having some connection to a whether station your kidnapper’s brother died at years ago by the hands of your principal (who bullied mr Peterson but still didn’t believe you and talks shit about you to other families)YOUR FUCKING MAYOR,your local baker and even a police officer
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melloween-candie · 1 year
Yandere Carl [C.G]
Carl Gallagher as a Yandere Headcanon
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Requested // Request Rules
"Yandere Carl Gallagher headcanons?!"
A/n - I was actually planning on doing that for the whole Gallagher family~ I just got held up but don't worry. I'll do Carl next. :)
Carl's a psycho, and that's on ✨PERIOD✨
Submitted by Anon
Warning! Overprotective, some bad language, mentions of manipulation, kidnapping, violence, yandere behavior, delusion, and some paranoia
Word Count: 888
[Fem Reader]
Shameless Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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Yandere Type [Calm]
Okay, first of all, I believe that once Carl finds his darling, he'd instantly become obsessed.
However, him kidnapping you would be a slow burn cause he's still pretty young, and he's still looked after by his family even when he doesn't live with them anymore.
He'd be very cautious about it.
Like Carl may be dumb with everything else, but when it comes to things that relate to breaking the law, he's an expert.
He wouldn't even try to become your friend.
He'd just start flirting with you, and he'd try to win you over with all his 'bling.'
Basically, he'd avoid the friend zone at all costs.
Carl, as a yandere, would differently be the protective type.
Like he sees someone bullying you- once you're gone, he threatens them so they never mess with you again.
He wouldn't kill them, though. I can't really see Carl being a murderer, but perhaps when he gets older, older then maybe.
He'd most likely stalk you.
Would probably be a little perv and steal some of your dirty undies.
While we are on the topic of pervy stuff, he'd probably masturbate to your social media pics.
He wouldn't try to kidnap you instantly. First, he'd prepare.
Though once he has you, he's going to act like it's a normal thing.
He's a little delusional because of how he was raised; he thinks this is okay.
Remember that one episode when Carl came back from military school, and he kidnaps this guy, and in the end, the guy leaves feeling great? Yeah, it's kinda like that. What I mean is that if he sees a problem with you, he'll do anything to 'fix' it.
Carl, however, does have his morals. He wouldn't force himself on you too quickly. He'd actually try to make you love him.
Like he knows he ain't ugly like that. He'd try to woe you even though he kidnapped you.
At some point, he'd break through.
Of course, I see him as a good yandere- what I mean is that he'd be soooo sweet to you but ruthless to anyone else when it comes to the topic of you.
Would definitely feel a little threatened by those who are looking for you. He'd probably put a stop to that quickly.
He's the type of yandere to truly believe that you actually like him. You just don't wanna show it. Ya know- playing hard to get.
Honestly, at some point, when you finally gain Stockholm syndrome, he'd probably let you go. Like he'd trust you enough to let you walk around the house.
By that point, he'd already had his house.
His true goal is to be a 'normal' family. With kids running around and you being a 'stay-at-home mom' (Not the gender itself, just the stereotypes), and him being a working 'dad.'
Okay, to sum it all up. He'd be the protective yandere who stalks you sometimes. Though the creepiest part of this all would have to be how calm he is throughout all this.
And if you ever try to escape, well, he ain't above 'discipline.'
Overall, Carl as a Yandere would actually be good...? What I mean is that comparing him to his other older siblings... At least his calm and sweet to you. Like if he was a Yandere, no one, AND I MEAN no one, would even notice.
He'd be really sweet to you, and he'd try and charm you, then he'd kidnap you and get really delusional and extremely protective, he'd probably even get really paranoid, so he'd move you to a different location once in and while at least when he knows that everyone gave up looking for you.
He'd even be a little manipulative, saying stuff like how "everyone gave up on you pretty quickly, they don't really care about you as much as I do." or like how "I'm the only one you need."
Over all Carl is the yandere who is protective, delusional, manipulative, and actually treats his darling fairly decent. Like if you do something bad, you get punished, but if you do something good, you get rewarded.
And if you guys had kids, which you will, he'd do the same thing to them. He's a fair father.
Also, he'd differently have cameras. He'd even go as low as to train his kids into thinking it's okay to tell him if 'mom' tries to leave. His kids would probably even become a little mean to you if you don't do as they say. One thing is for sure family life would be the start of a bigger he*l hole for you. Sorry, but he just will never learn to trust you when it comes to you going outside alone. And ya, the kids will pick up on that eventually and use it against you.
You can try and tell Carl, but he would most likely not do anything about it and would probably blame you for not being a 'mother' in the situation, and it's all in your head. Like "You have the power to stop them. Tell them off or something." Then he leaves. Even though they probably won't listen to you once he leaves.
Like they're little angels when he's around, but once he's gone, they ain't. Basically, they most likely won't respect you.
They are basically Carl's little minions.
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Like all the other Yandere headcanons I made... I didn't make this whilst thinking about an order. I just made it based on the stuff that popped into my head at that moment, so sorry if it seems out of order or somewhat repetitive. However, I tried to keep him in character. So I hope you guys like it~
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happyk44 · 1 year
No but Miri getting kidnapped by people hoping to ransom her off in exchange for Rei's non-existent oil baron money.
Rei and Kazuki are freaking out, Kazuki is drawing up an extremely elaborate plan to save her while having an absolute meltdown, and Rei is stockpiling guns, and then right before they leave, they open the door to find Miri right there because she was such a fucking hassle the kidnappers just dumped her back off. Like she kept escaping her bindings to play hide and seek and they have no idea how. She kept touching stuff and accidentally releasing their traps back on them. She wouldn't stop talking and screamed bloody murder when no one was paying attention to her.
Episode ends with the group of men agreeing to never kidnap a child again, it's just not worth it, and then their front door kicks down to show Rei with a whole ass rocket launcher or some other flashy shit, going, "don't touch my kid" before he wastes them.
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evewritingsteve · 1 year
wrong place, wrong time
jesse pinkman x reader warnings: kidnapping, normal breaking bad stuff
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summary: You are Lydia's daughter, and just so happen to be kidnapped by Mike. Takes place in the episode before they do the train heist
note: not my best but i needed to get this concept out of my head, enjoy xx
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“Well Lydia, we’ve got the kid so I suggest you come out of hiding and talk this out like the adults we are. You got 4 hours to get over here or little miss y/n gets to meet an unpleasant end. Your choice.” You hear the man hang up the phone, sighing a little. “Well y/n, let’s hope your mother has a little empathy for her secret daughter.” 
You’d reply, and say you weren’t really a secret, just the result of a teen pregnancy, but the gag in your mouth unfortunately stifled any smart remarks. Maybe it was for the best, you didn’t have the best danger meter. Opening your mouth would probably get you hurt. 
But you weren’t hurt, surprisingly, despite the circumstances. Being kidnapped automatically brought your brain to violence, but so far, they hadn’t been overly rough. Certainly not nice, but no harm had been done. You thanked whoever was listening for that. You were hoping this was all for ransom, that your mom would pay, you’d walk out of this fine, and this whole thing would be a terrific story to take back to graduate school. 
You were bound to a chair, rope chafing your arms and legs. You wiggled again, hoping for some give. From what you gathered about the kidnappers, they were old as shit. One sounded too anxious and the other just sounded annoyed. At first you had been terrified, but as the adrenaline wore off you felt yourself growing more annoyed than anything. 
You’d been in the chair for hours, and the phone call the first man made was one of the first times you had heard them speak in hours. You were bored. You’d think being kidnapped would be more action and less anxious waiting. Not that you were complaining. 
You hear a door open and steps making their way closer. 
“Yo who the fuck is this?” A younger male voice cuts through the silence. 
Another one? Jesus. 
“Change of plans,” the annoyed older man speaks and you desperately try to see through the cloth covering your eyes. “Can’t find Lydia but her daughter was there so now here we are.” 
“Her daughter? What yo we’re fucking kidnapping random people now?” 
“Jessie!” The anxious one yells and the room goes silent. 
“Both of you, outside, now.” 
So the younger one was Jessie. You definitely weren’t supposed to know that. You hear them leave and somehow the silence is scarier now than when they were in the room. You close your eyes. God mom, you better have a ransom money stash. 
“What the hell was that? Saying Jessie’s name? You’re going to get us caught Walter!” Mike jabs his finger into Walt’s chest, fuming. 
“I didn’t ask to kidnap an innocent college student Mike! This- this is insane! What are we doing?” 
“Yeah what are we doing?” Jessie throws his hands up, still clueless. 
“Lydia planted that tracker on the methylamine. When I went to her house to have a little talk Lydia was gone. She knew I was onto her and decided to run, but her daughter just so happened to be there. I’ve dealt with Lydia before. She’s skittish. So we take her daughter to get her to come talk to us so we can put an end to this ordeal.” 
“So what, this chick is our hostage now or what?” 
“Yes Jesse. As soon as Lydia gets here we’ll cut her loose and deal with the real problem. The kid is just collateral that we have to deal with now. As long as she doesn’t see our faces this doesn’t have to end with anybody’s death but Lydia’s. Capisce?” 
“Fuck. Alright I guess.” Jessie puts his hands on his head, following Mike when he gestures for them to go back in. 
When they open the door, they all stop. Lydia was already there, undoing the last rope holding you to the chair. You both stop and look up when you hear the door, slightly panicked. 
So much for the blind. 
“Mike what the hell? My daughter?” Lydia stands, helping you do the same. Your eyes are wide as you scan the 3 men’s faces, growing more confused by the minute. Your mom knew these people? What the fuck is she involved with? 
The one that you’re going to assume is Mike, makes his way over to your mom, grabbing her arm and throwing her on to the chair you were previously occupying, dragging her and the chair to a nearby table. You jump out of the way, Mike ignoring your mom’s protests, pulling out handcuffs and locking her to the table. 
“You,” He points at you, grabbing the gun on his waistband, “Stand next to her and don’t move or I swear it’ll be your last.” 
You make your way over, giving your mom a questioning and slightly terrified look. 
“Jesus Lydia you just had to make this harder on me.” 
“Mike we can talk this out but let my daughter go. I didn’t plant that tracker, I swear to God, she knows nothing of this just please, let her leave.” 
“She’s seen our faces, Mike, we can’t just let her go with that information!” The other older man speaks up. The younger one puts his head in his hands. It seemed clear to you that he was dragged into this, and for some reason that put you at ease a bit. They all begin to argue with each other, and you glance at your mom again. 
“She’ll get on a plane right now.” 
They all pause. 
“She’s doing graduate school abroad, she can get on a plane right now and be out of the country in a few hours. Please Mike, she barely knows anything right now, definitely not enough to put you guys away. Just, please Mike.” 
“Mom I can’t leave yo-” 
“Shut up Lydia.” Mike thinks for a while. He didn’t want to kill you. He saw his granddaughter in you and knows he would never forgive himself if he had to kill you to save himself. It was risky, but something told him you really wouldn’t say anything. 
“Alright Lydia. We’ll take her to the airport. But you need to understand one thing,” he turns to you, “I have people everywhere y/n. The second you open your mouth, I’ll know. And then it’s game over for you and everyone you love.” 
You think of your little sister and suddenly realize you’re going to have to take this to the grave. Not that you even knew the entire story, it felt like you walked into the middle of a show and missed all the important parts. But still. Silence was the only answer. 
You simply nod your head in response. 
“Jessie, I would like you to take this young lady to the airport, buy yourself a ticket so you can wait at the gate with her and make sure she gets on the plane. Come back here after. Lydia, you’re gonna make a little call for us.” Mike tosses Jessie the keys, along with a pair of handcuffs. 
“Are these for her?” He gestures to the handcuffs and then to me. If it weren’t for the situation at hand, you might have blushed. 
Mike gives him a look and Jessie almost rolls his eyes. “Alright man shit.” 
He makes his way over to you, mumbling an apology that confuses you even more. It seemed like Mike was the only serious one here, the other two almost acted like they were hostages too. You feel the handcuffs tighten, and you give your mom a final glance. 
“It’ll be okay I’ll call okay?” A pit sits in your stomach at the expression on her face, so you try to give her a small smile, not trusting your voice. You really hope she didn’t get herself into something she can’t control. Jessie gives you a small nudge and you can’t fight the tears that fill your eyes. 
Once you’re in the car, Jesse says something about the handcuffs looking suspicious and takes them off. You grab at your wrists and flinch as the car is locked from the inside. At this point reality was setting in hard. Now that your safety seemed more or less intact, you were nauseous over the thought of your mom still down there for God knows what. 
The car starts moving and your breathing becomes shallow. Jesse takes notice and steals a glance at you. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be alright okay?” It didn’t even sound like he believed his own words. 
“What the fuck.” Is all you can reply. “What the actual fuck?” You laugh a little, about to go into hysterics over the entire thing. 
Jessie looks at you, even more concerned. He had been through some shit and the only time he laughed was when he was really about to lose it. You're trying to control your breathing, and he feels bad, but he can’t help but notice how pretty you are. He can’t believe that you somehow got wrapped into this. It didn’t seem right. He feels horrible. 
At this point you're no longer laughing, just sniffling and trying to stop yourself from sobbing. 
“What are they going to do to my mom?” You look at Jessie. You were never close with your mom, she was distant and cold but always provided for you. She was your mom at the end of the day. Despite being in boarding schools most of your childhood, she was always there when you came home to visit. She couldn’t just be taken from you like that. “What about my sister? What will she do?” 
“You have a sister?” He sounds surprised. You faintly wonder if you should just shut your mouth, and not volunteer anymore information, but some part of you feels like Jessie isn’t going to use this information maliciously. Still, you don’t respond. 
“Listen, I promise nothing will happen to your mom.” 
“How can you possibly promise that?” 
He goes silent and you realize that he probably can’t make that promise. 
The rest of the car ride is silent and you spend some of it observing him. He seems almost shy, despite the rough exterior and style he possesses. For a split second, you wonder if, in different circumstances, you two would have crossed paths and been friends. Maybe flirted. The reasonable part of your brain stomps that out, and politely reminds you that he was somehow involved in your kidnapping. 
The car rolls to a stop at the drop off spot. Once again, you’re confused. 
“Don’t you have to come in with me? You can’t park here.” 
He looks at you, slightly startled. He half expected you to jump out of the car and run to the nearest security guard. He spent half the ride preparing for his life to be over because of the pretty daughter of a criminal. “Oh, uh, I guess I didn’t think of that.” 
You stare at him for a beat. 
“I won’t run to tell anyone. Honestly getting out of America as soon as I can sounds nice right now for what it’s worth.” 
He turns in the driver's seat, fully looking at you for the first time. 
“I know.” 
“You believe me?” 
“I’m a shit kidnapper huh?” 
Despite the situation, you find yourself laughing a little. 
“Sort of.” 
You both sit for a minute until he raises a hand to scratch his head sheepishly. “Look uh, you can just go. I think it’ll be weird if I buy a ticket and don’t get on the plane.” 
You looked at him, shocked that he was actually agreeing to let you go.
“Oh, okay,” you go to open the door, pausing to look at him one last time. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re a real bad guy. It just seems like you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.” You give him a small smile, leaving without waiting for a response. 
You run across the street, nearly missing an impatient car. You feel like you’re on autopilot as you step through the automatic doors, trying to find the nearest help desk to book a flight. Your brain was in override, trying to make sense of everything that happened. You only hoped that once you landed, your mom would answer the phone and everything would be okay. 
You almost gave in when you saw a security personnel walking by, but thought of Jessie. You couldn’t explain it, but you knew going to the authorities would somehow cause more harm than good. You only hoped that Jessie’s sincerity was real. 
Jessie watched as you ran to the doors, seeming more dazed than scared like he imagined you should be. He didn’t understand your final words to him, he was implicated in your fucking kidnapping for fucks sake. But there you were, saying that he wasn’t a bad guy. A car honked behind him, pulling him from his thoughts. He put the car in gear, making his way back to the shitshow he really didn’t want a part of. 
He picks his phone up when he hears the familiar ringtone. 
“Jessie, is she gone?” 
“Yeah, we’re good. What’s going on?” 
“We have to rob a train.” 
Oh fuck. 
reblog, like, tell your momma (aka me)
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liminalmemories21 · 5 days
Tag Game Tuesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Tagged by @ladytessa74. Thank you!
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
What is time? Okay, so I have competing memories about this. I want to say we started watching 911 OG because of the pandemic. But, I also have vivid memories of watching Lonestar from episode 1 because it was a 911 spinoff. And, given when Lonestar started those are incompatible memories.
Which is to say I think we must have started watching 911 OG earlier than I remember.
Which season is your favorite?
Season 2. When they're really getting to know each other, and figure out how to talk to each other. I really love how they handled the whole farmer's market thing - Carlos telling TK about what coming out was like for him, and TK actually listening.
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
Hard to choose, but I think a toss up between Judd and Grace. I just really love their marriage, and how much faith and trust they have in each other, and how much they just clearly love and like each other. Also, Judd's got a great kind of exasperated older brother energy, and his voice has a fantastic cadence to write.
Top five episodes. Go!
I am also terrible at remembering episode numbers. So.
the one with the farmer's market
the entire Marjan episode last season
the kidnapping arc - I love getting to see Carlos be smart about being a detective
the one with the kidnapped kid (my father-in-law more or less), because see above about watching Carlos be smart, and actually recognized for it this time
the Gwyn's death/airplane falling out of the sky episode - because everyone was so good in that episode, and you could feel how much everything ached, and I liked getting to see a glimpse of TK's relationship with his mother.
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Paul. I know we've gotten hints, but I'd love to know more about why he picked firefighting, and what pushed him to leave Chicago in the end.
Also, Nancy, because we know almost nothing about her.
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
I'd like a chance to see TK be good at his job - we know he is because we've been told he is, but I don't feel like we've gotten to see it much.
I'd like a Halloween episode - small children in adorable costumes, and crazy calls, and so much teasing between the team about candy and costumes.
Also, I'd really like the show to remember that TK has a step-father(ish) type person, and a brother.
What do you think is going on in this still?
I mean, realistically I think it's probably nothing that any of us can guess. But, I think it looks like Carlos is doing something that TK doesn't want him to - either still pursuing his father's murderer, or agreeing to do something for work that scares TK (undercover?).
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
I have no words for how much I want lazy making out on the couch that turns into something hotter and heavier. I want low soundtrack so you can hear the way fabric shifts together, and the couch squeaks a little under their weight. I want Carlos's hand gripping TK's hip (think the kiss from Some Kind of Wonderful - the way Eric Stoltz's hand just flexes on her hip, like he can't help himself).
I want them home, and comfortable with each other, but still so hot for each other.
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
Well, apparently they went to a resort somewhere? Given how much Carlos apparently dislikes traveling, we can only imagine the lengths TK had to go to persuade him of that. But, I think Owen and the Andrea upgraded their reservation to apologize for kind of taking over the wedding planning.
I think it wasn't quite what they imagined - because how could it be - but it was what they needed, a chance to be away, to be together, to regroup, and grieve, and not have to try and do it in front of anyone else. I think for the first few days Carlos tried to make it perfect, the way it was supposed to have been, and TK kept trying to say, it doesn't have to be that. And eventually Carlos let himself believe TK and took the time to really process what he lost - not just his father, but the potential for the relationship they were just starting to rebuild.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
I really liked the themed recc lists that @welcometololaland started. I always love a good recc list, and I like ones that come with summaries and personal endorsements.
tagging @carlos-tk, @chicgeekgirl89, @rmd-writes, @welcometololaland, and @jesuisici33
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aestariiwilderness · 3 months
Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 5(?) (I think?) Thoughts
Well, one big one:
And the little ones:
I have been waiting for Omega to pull the age card since season 1 -- actually since before I really knew what the newest Star Wars Baby's name actually was. This was great and I want Hunter to realize it's coming for him next
I haven't stopped laughing about the "moment of silence for our fallen brother" since I saw it. Someone: *mentions Tech* Every single clone in the room: *pledge of Allegiance moment*
Crosshair is 100% the angsty sullen goth vampire hissing like he's been hit with holy water in Hawaiian environments with kind people chasing after him bearing fruit and love that I knew he would be
Crosshair: spends like two weeks on Pabu Crosshair: I can't take it anymore! UGH SUNLIGHT *drags the entire Batch to freaking Barton IV* ah, home sweet murder home. the last place I had a really good angst before my older sister found me and dragged me home by the ear. fond memories
Echo, you're a disgrace but also somehow still the only sane one here
Do datapads just not need to ever charge in Star Wars??
Omega: oh yah I have a sister did you know Echo: okay, we don't have time to unpack all that
Where is the heck is Phee? Is she just...off dismembering Cid or something?
Crosshair: "I know a place" Hunter: "YOU'RE NOT TELLING US EVERYTHING ABOUT IT" Crosshair: "I ALREADY KILLED EVERYTHING DANGEROUS HERE what do you WANT FROM ME" *Dune 2021 erupts from underneath the base* Crosshair: .... Crosshair: huh. guess Mayday forgot to mention that particular natural feature. My bad y'all
Crosshair looking at Batcher: ah, the new and improved Hunter. You're my favorite. We'll try to save you Hunter but if it gets too inconvenient I'll be over there taking a nap Hunter, standing right there: hey
Congratulations Batcher I guess you're his service animal now
Hunter: *sneaks up behind Crosshair stacking random regs' helmets one by one on a crate* Hunter: *considering Crosshair's past track record with regs, the Empire, and loyalty* so, like...did he kill these guys, or...? Hunter:...do I want to know? Hunter: *does a 180* NOPE
Hunter: "dID yOu tHiNK we wErE juST gOinG tO tAkE yOu bAcK witHoUT aSkIng aNy quEsTiONs???" Hunter, you beloved moron. You DID just take him back without asking any questions. To your super secret summer home no less. And let him spend two whole weeks chilling on a beach before it occurred to you to do anything other than stare at him with complete lack of subtlety from the top of a cliff
Why were you stalking him from the top of a cliff Hunter
Crosshair, he was silhouetted against the sun like 100 feet away with an almost seven foot dude right next to him. There was no hiding going on here. At all. Detecting him is not a super sniper skill. If you HADN'T seen that, we'd have a problem
Crosshair: hey yeah guys so this is clearly a Very Important Place to me that I will proceed to tell you Absolutely Nothing About. BTW don't land there Echo, there's a corpse in the middle of the landing pad somewhere. Possibly two if they never bothered picking up Nolan Echo:... Echo, 1000000% done with this Batch's drama: at least there's no blood this time
"I've made mistakes" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *smash cuts to using flamethrower on civilians* *shooting Wrecker* *"aim for the kid!"* *nearly dropping Tech off an ion engine* *trying to burn them all alive in an ion engine* *shooting at them* *kidnapping Hunter* *kidnapping all of them* *getting them trapped on Kamino while it SINKS* *shooting pretty much everybody at some point* *plan 88 but no context!* AHAHAHAHAHAHA this is my new favorite line. Hunter should get him a T-shirt that says that to replace that awful hip pocket thing
Wrecker getting genre-aware
Omega: "I told you to TALK to him not ARGUE with him" Crosshair, sulkily: "He STARTED IT" EDIT: 23. IF I SEE ONE MORE ICE VULTURE IN THIS HOUSE
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
I want to shout this BAD.
Indian. Serials. Or Soap-Dramas. Are. Not. That. Bad.
I mean- I saw people arguing how being a Nagin makes no sense and I was like- so being turned into a shapeshifter vampire with bloody fangs makes sense? Hypocrisy smh.
I can name quite a few Indian shows (the Tv ones, Web series are already appreciated) that actually are amazing! They just fall short when creators choose quantity over quality.
Of course, classics like Sarabhai vs Sarabhai, Office Office, Byomkesh Bakshi, Malgudi days, Mahabharata and Ramayana get the praise they truly deserve! But here some relatively modern shows that get looked over due to same old Saas-Bahu genre.
Yeh unn dino ki baat hai (90s romantic drama), Har yug mein aayega ek arjun (my favourite criminal thriller), Adaalat (law-crime thriller), Beyhadh (the first season is one the best psychic-romance thrills ever), Ek Hasina thi (romantic thriller + also contains Vatshal Sheth from Tarzan the wonder car and is- chef's kiss).
Also can I say Naagin 1, no matter how much everyone bashes it today, was actually a dhasu show?
Honestly, I can add quite a few to the mix myself. Saraswatichandra? Best Romance I’ve seen till date. Ishqbaaz? Laughing out loud since episode 2. Qubool hai? The one time I like Karan Singh Grover. Laut Aao Trisha. Saubhagyavati Bhava. Bepanah. Starplus Mahabharat. Madhubala. On and on and on. Heck, even Anupama wouldn’t be so bad if it stuck to the plot and not for duniya bhar ka drama. But that’s exactly where the problem arises. All these serials start very VERY promising. They deliver well at the beginning aswell. The starting is what gets you hooked, you hope for something entertaining and they seem rather fit for that role. Sure, the overdramatism is there, but this is India, we can digest that much dhum tananananananana tere na tere na tin.
Things start going south when shows start pulling TRP. All the money hungry producers think that “hmmmm, this looks nice, I can milk it. What can possibly go wrong?” Hint: possibly everything can go wrong.
Lets look at Ishqbaaz for example. Three brother, three different perceptions of love, three distinct love stories. A shining new concept with four rather attractive leads to have the young adult population flocking, isn’t it?
It starts really great aswell. The first few episodes stick to the point very well, excessive delay like 3-4 days for like one person to turn around and shit aren’t there. It’s funny, it’s cute, it shows character arcs brilliantly. You’d expect the main leads to all fall in love, learn something and the show to end , right?
Wrong. It starts going off hinges really fast as soon as Starplus realises that the money making cow should stay. The main lead is suddenly super toxic. Shit like ghar ke bahu bete suddenly staging Agatha Christie level conspiracies and having the same intellect as Batman on shrooms becomes the norm. Drama like chhat se girkar yadaasht chale jaana, sautan ka plan samjhna, aur end m pta chlna ki bhencho sab kiya dhara heroine ki saas ka tha. Yep.
I stopped watching here but the thing is there was a look alike adla badli arc after this, so you can see how bad it went.
Next I watched, Saraswatichandra. I kid you not, it had the BEST setting one could ask for. A emotionally stinted guy coming all the way from Dubai to reject this girl, staying in her house. When everyone thinks they are getting married but they resent each other and secretly start falling in love, no? What more can one ask for? They admit their love and do actually get married while none in the families is wiser.
BUT, they had to add faltu ka natak, so add faltugiri they did. Bina baat ka action, stereotypical portrayal, heroine ki kahi aur shaadi, waha se uska talak, heroine ki sister falling in love with hero, whole family conspiring, kidnapping, yada yada yada, y’all get the jist.
The thing is, this wouldn’t be as bad if the characters still acted wisely in the bizzare situations. Or if the situations made sense. Who THE FUCK breaks their engagement a day before the wedding because they got disowned by their dad? Why did he immediately forget that he’s still entitled to his mother’s stuff? Akal kaha hai teri madarchod?
Producers butcher good storylines for paisa. People with no motivation are trying to kill bahu because they are bad. Police is not doing its job, not because its corrupt but because saas bahu ko khud detective khelna hai. Family drama mein randomly kahi se bhi chudail aa jaati hai even if the show not fantasy based. Vamp mast 16 khoon kar deti hai but still is legally allowed in the house. (Konsa law hai ye bc?) Why is everyone so out of character suddenly? WHY IS EVERYONE STUPID?
So, here’s the issue with indian serials: they don’t stick to the story, nor do they develope the story according to the characters, instead they alter the characters, premise and genre of the soap according to whatever story they think will fetch more views. This makes the whole thing bizzare.
Of course, some norms are always relaxed in dramas and a lot more in fantasy/supernatural dramas, but there’s a limit to how much there should be based on characters/ premise of what you offered in the first place.
Bhabhiji and Happu work as well as they do despite overlooking all the points I mentioned because they refresh their storyline every week and aren’t a continous saga, plus they never took themselves seriously as and always promised to be whacky. This is not true for Ganga, Saath nibhana saathiya, Sasural Simar ka, Kumkum bhagya etc., Prachi suffering by the hands of her stepsister cum co-wife even though she can easily turn the tables by making a police report for bigamy becomes frustrating to witness at one point.
Didi ye kya bakwaas likha hai, seedhey bolo na: Indian serials are indeed good and full of potential, but the producers and writers refuse to see that potential and make us flock to other dramas by diminishing our energies.
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kariachi · 2 months
Some thoughts on improving the Rooters Arc
The Plumbers Helpers are not involved ('hey, I know, how about we take half our non-white recurring cast and make them victims of kidnapping, brainwashing, illegal experimentation, and child soldiering by the authorities' how about fucking no)
We get new characters to be Kevin's old team, maybe toss the experimentation entirely or mostly in favor of making them already be from a range of species, maybe even natural hybrids (especially since the original plan for the Rooters seems to be for them to have been from a range of species, this could play more with that)
If you wanna keep the hybridization experiments, have it mostly be the adults with the hybridization being used as a carrot under kids' noses (something something further emphasis on Servantis's view of Kevin as a tool even as he convinces him they're partners in crime)
To facilitate using primarily new characters we replace a lot of flashbacks with a dedicated episode between Rooters of All Evil and Weapon XI showcasing a chunk of Kevin's time with the group (make this a middlepoint, then you can keep the final flashback an Argit-focused and narrated one to keep the vibes between them there)
Some sort of tidbit as to why Argit is alone in a cage (even in canon, why is he the only donor seemingly left, and here especially without the hybridizations why is one of the children being kept in a cage isolated from the others)
Put more emphasis on the fact that Servantis is not doing what he's doing because he's worried about what Ben can do, but because he wants an army that's been as brainwashed as you can get without having to deal with the real delicate and labor intensive tiny children and doesn't want the hero getting in the way (I am tired of people ignoring that in favor of 'oh but he had a point' no he didn't you just didn't pay any fucking attention)
Lean harder into the Plumbers' part in this, seriously how am I expected to believe that one of their groups was sending children to attack various bases and nobody knew? It just so happens that the Magistrata completely ignores the victims, grabs all the evidence, fucks off with an 'oh yeah we're leaving you here as punishment', and it never gets mentioned again? Yeah no, stronger implications of collusion damnit
More solid information on what was done with these kids' heads, because in the original there's implications of sleeper agents and changes made to facilitate that but nothing's ever done with that so we can't actually know- give us answers
Also clarify since when he can't read Kevin's mind- canon is ambiguous on if that's an old or new trait and no more
Osmosians stay. Servantis fucked with Kevin's backstory for Villain Reasons but he is a hybrid and always has been- whether what's going on there gets clarified later is a whole other can of worms
There's fucking aftermath to the while mess, it doesn't just get forgotten as soon as the immediate issue is dealt with- we get an episode dealing with the changes in dynamics resulting from people's heads getting unfucked with, lingering discomfort between Kevin and Ben (because you know Ben would have been harder on people he didn't know turning on him, while Kevin would have understood and felt responsible for them)
The rest of OV shows a steady decline in the younger set's relations with the Plumbers- from Ben and Rook to the Plumbers Helpers- as a result of the revelations of the arc ending in them abandoning the organization
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how would your aus be like now that we know more stuff about the show?
oh god there would be sooooooo incredibly many changes. some I'm gonna leave alone unless directly asked but for some main ones atm--
Four Years: oh dear god so many changes. both just from learning more and also from the fact of being an au I came up with when I was 14 and I would never recommend anyone ever be the age of 14, my sincerest apologies to one luz noceda. I could make a whole other post about this but just to keep it simple lets sayyyyyy...first of all, Amity doesn't go into the Emperor's Coven. I personally still like the idea, but it doesnt really fit. theres helping her mom show off to customers, and then theres being forced into a Coven that wants to murder her crush and her crush's adoptive mom. Amity gives me the impressive of someone who would just start biting. Escaping Expulsion was Amity's "standing up to her mom" episode and I love that sm for her, I'm thinking maybe it could be redone in this au to also involve refusing to even consider the Coven? Dunno, but I know Amity doesn't join it, and neither do the twins.
Keene doesn't exist anymore, obviously. we're back on the Hunter show babey and his redemption arc (like most arcs here) take a much longer time to get on with. most remains the same, but he has a lot more interaction with Luz & the gang prior to Eclipse Lake. that episode becomes more of a "we were making so much progress but then the Panic Button hit in and everything collapsed in on itself" and then some tension between the gang of Hunter feeling shitty and not talking, the guys trying to figure out whats with him, and then Hollow Mind comes in an fucks up everything, as per usual
No more angsty fics about Camila missing her daughter because Vee's here now! yaaaaay. but this does mean Camila went a longer time without ever realizing her daughter was someone else, although I imagine at some point she WOULD feel that something was just Off. obviously shes a regular human shes not gonna think a shapeshifter took the place of her daughter, but shes gonna know something is Off and Strange but she cant put her finger on it and Luz seems happy...most of Yesterday's Lie remains the same but since it's at least been two years, maybe three, since Luz has seen her mom, she looks MUCH different than how Vee changed her appearance, so it throws Camila off quite a bit
smaller things will also stay, such as Luz becoming the Owlet and everyone being their own kinda brand of rebel. I'd have to figure out how to slide in Raine, Darius, Eberwolf, etc, somewhere in here. I'll figure it out
Beta: this one stays the most unchanged I think? granted I was updating it slightly more with updates in the show than Four Years. Hunter is still local nephew of principal and Belos's plan still involves killing all witches but its just in the "saving humanity from these evils" instead of "saving humanity from these evils and then going home". still unsure how the grimwalkers would tie into this, if my guy was just continuously making kids or if hes not actually a puritan and just a nasty old guy, and all the other golden guards are Hunter's older brothers? and he was possibly kidnapped when he was a baby or something? that part im the least sure on
Emperor: well, first of all, the duo of Amity & Luz becomes the trio of Amity, Luz & Hunter. none of them get along. Amity is constantly exasperated by Luz and her dumbassery & Luz thinks shes uptight and a tryhard at times. Luz and Hunter are dumbass on dumbass hatecrimes because Luz also thinks hes uptight but also a massive brat who thinks hes better than everyone & Hunter thinks shes annoying as hell and beneath him on every level. Hunter and Amity just take one look at each other, smell the Gifted Child With Parental Issues Trying To Be Perfect In Every Single Way on each other, and immediately drop into offensive hissing cat positions.
Luz and Hunter are the ones who get along first, mostly cause Luz getting brought over to the Emperor's Coven kind of guaranteed she'd run into Hunter first and they'd end up sticking to each other and realize they're massive nerds. Luz and Amity get along next through the power of Luz being stubborn and wlw. Hunter and Amity are last and technically it only really happens because they may be petty and spiteful but they can and will set that aside for one goal: being even pettier and even more spiteful to anyone being mildly annoying to Luz
This AU in particular hasn't had a lot of updates to it so theres a lot of room to work with her. Luz technically becomes friends with Willow and Gus because shes undercover trying to get new recruits (shes terrible at it). this also means that Hunter is more easily converted to the side of Oh Belos Fucking Sucks because he already has adopted sister Luz telling him to Run and her mildly okay girlfriend yoinking him along. course this also means it fucks up Luz even more to see that Hunter is a grimwalker and, per paraphrased word of Belos, she was the favorite. if it came down to it, Belos would've happily let Hunter die, hell, would've even done it on purpose. by virtue of being human, and Hunter being a clone, she was, in fact, given special treatment, and if anything went slightly wrong then Hunter would've died. these kids are fucked up
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thesameasme · 1 year
Turtle Forever 2?
I know this account hasn’t posted anything in years, but I’m the only one I know who like TMNT and I need to talk about it and get some input for a fan fiction I want to write. Ever since I watched the TMNT Turtles Forever crossover movie, I have been trying to write a Turtles Forever sequel fic where 1987, 2003, 2012, and 2018 TMNT all fight in the Battle Nexus. This is where I need a little help. I can’t decide whether is should be set in the Rise universe with Big Mama running the Battle Nexus or the 2003 Battle Nexus. 
On one hand, if it’s in the Rise universe then Big Mama is in charge. I would prefer if Big Mama was in charge because then all the turtle would have something to worry about. She’s the type to make a deal with the winning group of turtles, as in they get to go back home while the others stay and fight in her Battle Nexus. She would have three copies of her champion from Battle Nexus New York, and since she is the one that brought them to her world she would be the only one to put them back. This situation would put a lot of pressure on the turtles to win and would force them to see the other versions of themselves as enemies. If they see each other as enemies then it would be harder to work together to get all of them back to their own world, it would be especially hard to work with the Rise turtles because their existence is the reason why the others were there  fighting in the first place, which is difficult because they would also be the only one to be able to send the other turtles back to their own worlds other than Big Mama. My problem with this is how all the turtles get there. Saying “Big Mama has a mystic device that can bring them there” seems lame because she would have no need to focus on the turtles, she doesn’t really have a need for revenge from them so her motive would be because of more people coming in to see the fighting. 
One the other hand, the 2003 Battle Nexus is called that because it takes place in an actual Nexus. It a place between worlds and dimensions so it would make more sense for how they would be stuck in another world in the first place. During the actual fighting I planned on putting all of the different turtles into different fighting games and being in an actual Nexus between world would allow the games to be a lot more creative and not bound by the rules of one universe. However, I haven’t watched all of the 2003. I saw a few episodes, specifically where they sneak off and find Master Splinter at the Battle Nexus. Idk what Leo and the Daimyo’s son’s beef is, but he was sucked up into a rip in space so I can’t just be like “oh the new daimyo has beef with them so he takes all the turtles and forces them to fight” like with the Big Mama scenario, unless I say he comes back to kill his dad again and become the Daimyo but I honestly think he’s dead, so it has to be the original Daimyo. The thing is with that though is that the original Daimyo likes the turtles so he wouldn’t force them to come. If they were all just invited then they’d just fight each other like the rules of the tournament, all friendly like, so there would be no drama. Sure, I could write that there is a conspiracy like how it when before during the Battle Nexus episodes but then there would be no need for the other turtles. I could really stretch it and say there is a completely new Daimyo who either want revenge for the last heir or is such a huge fan that they kidnap a bunch of the turtle to make them fight, Collector from the ow house style were it’s some kid with too much power playing with them, but I’d just prefer not to stretch the lore too much. If it’s a good idea I’ll do it, but I doubt it is. I could just set it before the whole battle Nexus events but once again there would be no need for the other turtles if there is no beef, also I want the 2003 turtles to have meet the other turtles.
Ok so that’s the pros and cons of those ideas. Sorry if this is hard to understand, I kind of just wrote down all the junk I was thinking in the moment so my thought might see all over the place. I know I’m not a popular creator or anything, and not a lot of people care about TMNT crossovers, but whether you plan on reading my work in the future or not, the input would still be helpful. I like writing fan fiction and I plan on making this fic the first fic I post on ao3, my account has the same name as my tumblr. I’ll have more things I’ll need advice about like the winners of games and fights so if you actually interested in this fic follow my account. Ok, thank you! Bye!
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alaffy · 3 months
The Righteous Gemstones, Ep.7x07 - Burn for Burn, Wound for Wound, Stripe for Stripe
At couple of posts ago, I mentioned I was concerned about how one part of this season was being played out. At this point, unless there's some twist or flashback, there's something that should have been shown in this season that wasn't and it's a problem. Also, I can't lie, I'm not enjoying this season as much.
So, this is an extremely quick recap. We start with Judy getting supplies at the Drug store so she can help BJ. As she's driving home, rather as she's at a stoplight, she's kidnapped by the Millita. Not long after, her siblings are captured as well. It seems like the two cousins have been working with Peter for quite some time (which I will get back to in a second). It's also clear that Karl is less then happy with this whole plan. Peter let's Eli know that he has his kids and will only gives them back for 15 million. Eli, angry, goes to May-May and tells her what her sons have done. She doesn't believe it at first. Eli calls the police.
Kind of skipping ahead, Eli decides not to pay the 15 million. Both he and May-May don't actually think Peter will do anything to the siblings, that he'll do the right thing. And they might have been right if it were just Peter and the cousins. However, Peter has followers who are a lot more blood thirsty then him. And they believe Peter should kill one of the siblings. And if Peter can't do it himself, they'll do it for him. So, Peter makes the decision to kill one of the three after church services.
Of course, this leads to the siblings having their heart to heart moment of the season.
Also, and I'm mentioning this as I think this will be important later, we have a scene with BJ, Amber, and Gideon discussing about how they're part of the family, yet have no ability to make decisions.
Anyway, Gideon catches May-May taking a phone call and driving away. He followers her in Eli's car. They end up at the Milltia camp. It turns out Karl has called May-May to come and rescue the cousins. They all try to escape, but are stopped by Pater and Chuck. May-May ignores Peter, knowing he won't shoot her. Peter tells Chuck to shoot his mother, but it's clear Chuck doesn't want to. At this point Gideon, who's found the Monster Truck, saves the family. Gideon proceeds to wreck the camp and they all escape.
Here's the problem I'm having with this season. In episode two, we saw Peter threatening the two boys and them running away. We saw the two boys choosing to stay with the Gemstones when Peter came by the restaurant. When, exactly, did Peter get the boys on his side? Did he talk to them after the restaurant and we just weren't shown? Were they always on his side and the whole thing in episode two was fake (something that really doesn't make sense)? There's clearly an important conversation that happened at some point that we haven't been shown. Now, there are still two episodes left and so this could be something that is shown in a flashback. But if it's not, well, this is something that should always have been shown. It's too important to the plot to leave it as a "assume this happened" kind of thing. It's the basic show, don't tell. And, quite frankly, I would rather have had that scene then another scene of the Gemstones bickering.
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
Here we go- on time, for once- with The French Connections Caper! As I mentioned, this is one of my favorite episodes from season one, because I am a little angst whore.
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Alrighty- as always, notes are under the cut!
Who in the world reference. GET IT
The rotating pack of mints is so funny. Did acme have that on file?? Did she hack into his bank account??
The picture of julia just looking exhausted with chase is so funny
Chase is literally That Stupid
Man can you imagine the episode if PAPER STAR had kidnapped chase???? She would have just killed him
The standing up and saying “I will go” is theater kid level blocking i love that
I’m going to be yammering on about the lens of shadowsan’s double betrayal thing for probably the whole episode but goddd its so good. Severus snape and harry potter’s terf ass wish they had what shadowsan and carmen have
Shadowsan’s motif <333
Julia in her suit <3333333 YES YES YES part of the reason I love this episode is because its the first time julia sort of gets to stand on her own a little bit…sets up for next season, when she SLAYS
Also, ever notice that in this “virtual tailor” chase has gloves, but in s3 when he finally gets his suit he doesn’t have them? Interesting that some agents get them and some don’t
Chase getting so pissed off about julia saying she didn’t do it alone is SO FUNNY because he’s RIGHT she is NOT talking about him
Your SILENT partner yessir
Chase’s ego is so large that it blinds him- jackie made a post on it already so I’ll just reference that, but its brilliant characterization
You can make yourself look like a law enforcement imbecile jusst fine
I love the way julia storms off. She cn’t take very large steps so its just very angry and quick heel clatters
She WANTS to be planning something nefarious but unfortunately she must be on the beach
Poor baby she looks so uncomfortable dsghfjda. Also another instance of a stellar outfit that we never get to see again </3
Ivy is actually weirdly talented at making gigantic detailed sand castles. That wave was so poorly timed her poor vile central
Also. wicked wicked
Yeahhh well you say you’re never going back to vile island. And technically you are right
I love the role reversal that shadowsan and brunt do here. Shadowsan is expected to be The Worst and Brunt is carmen’s closest thing to a mother. But in actuality….brunt is a murderous spiteful little bitch and shadwsan is evolving into dadowsan
Jsdfads the look on shadowsan’s face. He knows that everything just got a looot more complicated for him
At least he’s kind of self aware right
Chase only being nice to her because he knows she’s smarter than he is is so funny. He drinks the most vaguely mysoginistic respect women juice on the planet
You have no idea how much the line “wow, foamy” has impacted my daily life. I literally say it every single time i brush my teeth. I can’t stop
Chase lying on the floor looking like he just died of rabies is the funniest fucking thing
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American outlets in france 👍
Carmen did a whole costume change between noon and sunset
Mesmerized by the way that top tuft of hair she has blows in the wind. Wow. could watch that all day
I love how the message goes “SURRENDER WE HAVE CHASE DEVINEAUX” and carmen is just like. Wait. partner??? Travel partner??? 😌😌😌
She’s kind of chill about mentioning that vile is definetely going to kill devineaux and then capture her in this little plan of theirs
“Which is why I’ll need to be careful” she says, walking into a closed off basement with no preparation at all
Why the hell would they put where they were keeping him in the Evil Email they sent her wouldn’t that just set her up to try a rescue mission
Props to raf for making the most diverse array of clueless grunting noises I have ever heard in my life
Wheeze acme set the expectation for him to be kidnapped for employment reasons
ASK YOU WHAT he’s so stupid i love him
“I’ve seen your keycard” said with the exact same tone as. Someting. I don’t know i love how she says that she’s just like Yeah. I’ve seen it. Hah
Shadowsan and that damn sword for intimidation tactics
Oogh that twisted little smile when brunt goes to get the brain scrambler 
Alternate episode where chase gets the hard way and carmen just walks in to a sad sack of broken bones on the floor
I love the almost impressed look on shadowsan’s face when he tells her that he’s singing the french national anthem. Like. of course he is
Interesting little detail that chase leans over and spits out the gag while carmen and company are just kind of making quips about him being tortured
I love he some good drunk but not drunk character tropes in cartoons. Drunk adora. Laughing gassed up anne. Sick luz. We didn’t get drunk carmen but we did get drunk chase and you know what I’m fine with that
Love how shadowsan doesn’t care at all what happens to chase. He cares about carmen, but he’s still a VILE operative. She’s pretty much the only one he cares about until he’s spent a little while with TR
Mmm the music is so good in this ep as well
Thinking abt how if ivy was controlling red drone and carmen was sneaking off to rescue chase…that was zack in carmen cosplay who was dramatically standing ontop of the roof
The weird little petnames brunt uses for chase are also so funny
I have wanted to edit that shot of shadowsan running and jumping over chimneys onto the dinosaur game for SO LONG
Its cool how different the body types of the carmen decoys are. Its pretty easy to tell who’s who even with their faces not showing
You can rock red, zack. I mean. You pick a devil costume out by yourself in s3 so clearly you know it too
I am shocked that she didn’t check the dumpster because. THATS WHERE I WOULD HAVE LOOKED. I guess she knows carmen’s style well enough- in s3 when they’re talking about catching carmen sandiego 101 zuko and luz mention that part of it was knowing that she always takes the high ground, anakin. And while this is zack the two of them are pretty well trained on carmen’s movements, clearly. They jump across the rooftops and everything just like she does to be convincing
BAIT N SWITCH…alright here we go
I like the little setup she has there. She brought the electrocuter thing because she had to get the cuffs off, but she uses it in the fight later too
Another little detail in the animation of chase’s sweat dripping to the floor when he falls
That little interaction between the two of them is so cool. Carmen doesn’t know what to expect, or how she can see or anything. OR that she knows exactly who she is
Pls its 4:30 in the morning the carmen team really do have a messed up sleep schedule
Sleepy julia in pajamas <3333
Me watching a france based murder mystery show: haha. Gendairme. I know how to pronounce that
It is a little inconsistent how carmen has so much difficulty dragging him out here…when these three meet again in mexico carmen just shoves him off the wrestling ring and into a chair with very little effort, although that may be evidence of her training and getting stronger over time.
Anyway, I’m exTREMELY excited for this fight. It is SO BRUTAL 
She’s so. Like. hulking??? Its so creepy how she moves, especially when she uses all these little petnames at the same time as she’s cracking her neck 
THE CATCH OF HER FOOT IS SO GOOD GOD. brunt KNOWS her and even if she didn’t maybe expect her to have a gun she can catch her move pretty easily. This entire fight is full of brunt catching what carmen is going to do as she does it- except for the time with the taser
GOD the crashing into the chair augh that must have hurt so bad wheeze
Brunt is terrifying. She doesn’t slink around or do any acrobatics. She’s just like a final video game boss that has a tracker on your location and does not stop coming
Carmen is again so used to the athletic, fast-moving operatives who usually match her in everything but cleverness, or use long distance weapons like paper star does. But brunt….it doesnt matter how smart carmen is when brunt can overpower her and fling her into the concrete like a bug
Goddd you can see carmen thinking about what the hell she can do. She knows strength isn’t going to work, so she has to find something else to distract brunt while she gets her baby taser
It makes sense actually now that the taser doesnt knock brunt out like a crackle rod would. Its meant for disabling hadcuff electronics, not seizing up the muscles of full grown woman
THE DESPERATION ON CARMEN’S FACE AS SHE ELECTROCUTES BRUNT IS SO GOOD. she knows this is not a good situation. She does. This is not her usual fighting style, obviously. She just wants to get out
The SMOKE when carmen gets electrocuted fuck
UNGH i love how different this fight is. Carmen stumbles on the run to the door and THAT is how you know she’s really in trouble. She’s just yanking on it trying to get out at this point. Its more instinct than battle- she’s just clawing at ANYTHING that could help her 
And then her coat gets ripped. Every time her coat is off in this show she is not in a good spot. Becauseeee COLOR THEORY!! That red is her sign she’s got a chance, but when it comes off and gets destroyed everything. Is. green. Same thing happens in hot rocks of rio, so look out for that next week. It’s really interesting to notice once you find the patterns
That gasp when she’s down on thr ground will be the death of me. And then the rattling on the grate just. Trying to get away and do ANYTHING to save herself from this person she once called a mother figure its SO angsty god i love it
There were NO breaks in that fight scene until carmen was on the ground with absolutely no choices left. It keeps the emotion UP and TENSE and it is FANTASTIC. We get a break once we cut back to shadowsan and the gang…player telling carmen she just needs to make it a little longer, because the cops are better than being dead
Also. zack just waking up with the banana peel on his head.
Why does player have the individual tracking locations of all the cops in the city
Seaosn one and season two were written and made pretty much at the same time, which was SUCH a strong choice. THIS FINALE sets up ALL OF SEASON TWO and SEASON TWO’S FINALE. AUGH. it is such a fantastic end to the season
I love that carmen gets to learn that it wasn’t this woman who rescued her from “the side of the road” here. She doesn’t have to live with that idea in her head….that she could be saved by the same woman who was trying to kill her
Instead she’s saved again by the one who really cared all along- since the moment he saved her from the fire
Please carmen looks so small on the ground there its so scary to watch
God that returning to vile island is for carmen a fate worse than death is so. Its so
Ive always been frustrated with carmen for not. I dont know. Lying?? Saying ok sure ill go back fine to buy herself some time, so that the cops could come in and help her. But i get it. Yknow?? Carmen isn’t that person. But boy would that have prevented a lot of the rib breakage that is about to go down 
God. how limp carmen is in that moment. She flinched away when brunt goes to touch her face, but she just looks. Kind of regretful. She doesn’t really, i think, expect what is about to happen. She just thinks brunt is going to bat her around some more..
Also. how limp carmen is when brunt pulls her into the “hug” is also so scary. GOD i don’t know if its because she’s trying to prepare herself or if she’s in so much pain or if its because some part of her still trusts brunt
That tragic look almost into the camera when she realizes what brunt is doing is HAUNTING i love that sm
This is so dark btw. The foreshadowing way back in episode two for this when brunt hugs her so hard that she feels something crack to now, when that motherly role has twisted into. This
That last gasping breath carmen takes is another one thats just so. Augh. she is really and truly about to die
God the knowledge that at some point carmen just closed her eyes and let it happen because there was nothing else she could do is. What the fuck. Or maybe she just couldn’t breathe enough anymore to keep them open
THE WAY SHE SCRAMBLES BACK AS SOON AS BRUNT GOES LIMP IS. god i love that shot. She’s so. Worn down at that point she’s more like a wild animal than anything ig. Just trying to get away get away get away
And then the way she, still gasping for breath and her voice choked with pain, insults shadowsan because her voice is the only defense she has against him right now
Pls i love shadowsan he doesn’t know how to not be intimidating. Running at her with a sword. “I did not come here to take you back.” this moment scared me SO BAD when i was 13 watching this for the first time. I expected it to cut back to her lying on the floor with some grevious injury, maybe to be narrowly saved by her team but frantically rushed to the hospital or something. 
The shadowsan twist is one of the best I think I’ve seen. Its set up and foreshadowed, enough that you could maybe see it coming on first and have all those little “ohh” moments on later watches. When you really step back and say, “what is the consequence of shadowsan doing all of this?” its carmen being able to escape and not becoming a vile operative. Its. yeah. I dont know. Its so good
AUGH the fear on her face. He steps over coach’s pretty much lifeless body, draws his sword. All she has is a fucking wrench
Player gripping his monitor and screaming her name is SO,, UNGH HE THINKS SHE’S DEAD
And the way they cut back with just the limp bodies around them, as shadowsan sheathes his blade. They knew what they were doing obviously
THAT IS A QUESTION pls i’ve made fun of shadowsan here before because like. Yes. please do follow me into the dark hole no questions asked. I Will Not Stab You once we are at a more convenient and private location that you have moved yourself to. Or transport you back to VILE. just trust me okay carmen follow me right now
LOCK US UP,,, YEAH. REACH US. i love that little…its so small. The us and the little admission of how VILE works (hey- also sets up season THREE’s finale. wild). Yes yes yes. 
I love how shadowsan doesn’t want to admit it. But they have been in it together
GOD YEAH AND THEN. SHE DROPS THE WRENCH and THATS how you know she trusts him, and understands. Thats her last line of defense gone
“It was you….you were the one who found me.”
“YOU ARE IN NO CONDITION TO LEAVE HERE ON YOUR OWN” i love how shouty he is in this season he doesn’t have a gentle voice. He doesnt really. Know how to be vulnerable
But he tries. He tries so hard. He just. He says please and reaches out to her
Girlie im sorry but opening that grate wider would not have made brunt fit any better
That mass of flashing lights in the city is such a good way to show how far they went. Also. why did shadowsan make carmen walk like three miles with her fucked up ribs wheeze. He made her climb some stairs and everything
But he’s soooo gentle with her when they’re walking its so sweet. He lets her lean on him and helps her down to the ground so she can rest…makes sure she is safe before he says anything else and tries to get her medical attention. He is the dadowsan
Ungh gina. Gina gina please. Please put any kind of emotion into “argentina tell me everything now” like thats KIND of an emotional line..,, urgh. The problem i have with gina i think is that she is a fine ACTOR but being a VOICE ACTOR is a LOT DIFFERENT THAN THAT. she doesnt have all her little nice facial expressions and stuff she has carmen who is already inexpressive as is. So when she says that line it just sounds so flat 
He’s only lying about it a little bit, really honestly
Shadowsan: a jerk
“You knew what they’d do to me when I said no” is such an underrated line i love that one
Carmen sounds so much like black sheep when she says “i knew it” and I love that so much. I don’t know if that was a directing choice given to gina but it was a good one. Also carmen forgetting her ribs are fucked up lmaoo
FIRST SHADOWSAN SMILE WHEN HE SAYS HE KNWS CARMEN WOULD ENJOY PROVING THAT TO HERRR that is the moment i think when he really becomes human :)))
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She got my posture fr
That shot of shadowsan walking away from her as the police lights flash between them and the architecture frames everything is soo pretty
I guess i scare easy when i see a drawn sword is such a good line its so funny. i would too! Maybe he didnt have to extend the ruse all the way until he was a mile away from the school and no one was in sight except carmen herself but alright
NO WAY!!!! I love that its kind of a black sheepism
Shadowsan is like yeah i was happy you escaped but GIRLIE I DIDNT THINK YOU WOULD START FIGHTING CRIME LMAO???
The lug jsdfhds
Julia’s like not chief. Not chief with the random carmen accusations too
Used it to bait him?? How would she have done that?? She’s like in the cheese and breath mints store and she goes over the intercom like “chase devineaux please report to the shadowy death basement! We have your keycard <3”
That shot of her sitting and talking to player as the sun rises behind her is also beautiful i love that shot
Ahhh the way she gets up so carefully because of her injuries its so good
“A present” okay its okay you can tell him carmen
ONCE MORE the shot of her standing there and the camera zooming way out is ALSO gorgeous its my blog header actually
God i cant believe we’re already done with season one!! I am SO EXCITED for season two- its my favorite out of all of the seasons and its where things REALLY get juicy. We’ve got the setup and standard formula out and we can start playing around with dynamics, backstories, history, new cast, lore, character development…yes yes yes yes yes i am so excited!!!
Love this episode, solid and fantastic end to a seaosn, which cs finales usually are. Alright- with the feeling that I’m going to have more capers to react to, this is me signing off of season 1 for cs weekly!!
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