#one minute he talks about giving positive experiences to buck by having this confident person take him on this journey of self discovery
neverevan · 2 months
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I will personally smack Tim Minear in the mouth
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eats-the-stars · 2 years
love the guy assigned to my case at the “help you get a job” program. i have exactly 2 modes. 1) procrastinating until the absolute last minute. And 2) guess I will complete months worth of work that is also due at the end of the year in exactly 3 days of non-stop effort. You can basically flip a coin as to which approach my brain will decide to take for any given task.
so yeah I have a job now. and my poor case manager dude is like “wait. no. that was so fast. it’s been one week. you did how many interviews? and you picked...this one. the one that is not like anything you have done before and also was not on the “jobs I think would work out for me” list that we made?”
and he was scrambling like “accommodations. training. oh god. um. do i need to talk to your employers?” and getting more anxious when I was like “no i think I have it covered.” like i am sorry bro but i know that my vibes in person are like “quiet forgetful autistic person who can pass for either a high school student or a grandma at any moment” and this does not inspire confidence, but I am actually pretty independent once someone gives me a little push to start a thing.
also...dude you have my job history. winter sports area general worker (concessions, ticket sales, renting ski/snowshoe equipment, managing cross-country trails, monitoring the tube hill, etc.). family restaurant hostess (basically every role in the place except a cook). person selling fireworks out of tent for all of July while also living in a smaller tent behind the shipping crate filled with things that go boom. call center customer service rep handling 4 different clients that range from crafts and home decor to incontinence products and super expensive furniture. freelance dog-sitting with clients ranging from “rich couple who wants me to let their elderly cockapoos out twice a day for $50 bucks a pop in a house with a basement theater” to “i’ll give you $10 a day to exercise and feed the 3 huskies in our small apartment also they can jump higher than you are tall and scream louder than you thought possible.” bro we added a whole “volunteer experience” section to my resume because I wrote grants and worked with an environmental group to restore native bluebirds to the community and volunteered at the community table and the animal shelter and the library. like i have done lots of things that are not really connected at all. someone says “hey do you think you could do this?” and I am suddenly living out of a tent for a month googling “what the fuck is a crossette?” i once ended up in Memphis for 2 months doing volunteer construction work in the aftermath of a hurricane because my cousin didn’t want to go alone and everyone was like “oh we know someone who goes with the flow so hard.”
so you better believe i told you “oh i don’t know, maybe a receptionist position would be nice” and then applied to every local job known to god and then a few extra and took the first one to say “cool can you start next week?” i know i did not give off “I will try anything at least once if you ask me fast and then go ‘great!’ before I can process what i agreed to” vibes while sitting in your office in my colorful leggings, grandma sweaters and animal hats while not making eye contact and talking about how lovely my nephew is and how much I enjoy quiet time alone and gardening and i struggle with a poor memory and navigating social interactions. but i know you proofread my resume my guy. you asked questions about all these things except the construction thing because i actually forgot to mention that actually which is good because then i might have had to mention the cult involvement that i wasn’t aware of until i was stuck on-site but it all worked out so no sweat. still, i am glad that he is concerned by my “out of the blue” spontaneity. it’s kind of his job to help people settle into jobs that they can handle, and I also know that I would realistically need more assistance from him if I wasn’t so good at adapting on the fly due to my bad habit of saying “sure, I can do that” to literally anything. also my new job is honestly pretty tame, so i am not sure what he is freaking out about. i should really not mention some of the other jobs i spontaneously applied for before accepting this one. like..my friend...i could be working in a bridal shop. i could be training to install and repair vending machines or decorating cakes or delivering medical equipment. i applied for a job that was literally “window production.” none of these are actually as wild as that time I spent 2 months with a religious cult doing manual labor and living out of an abandoned, half-destroyed school building because my cousin talked me into it. i had to watch a dramatic reenactment of the crucifixion of Jesus on my very first night that brought the whole gymnasium of strangers to wild, howling tears while I was awkwardly clapping my hands as my cousin sobbed incoherently into my shoulder. i once dog-sat a bluetick coonhound for 2 weeks in the dead of winter, and the snow if his yard was so high that he was able to jump the fence and book it down the street. i had to chase him through knee-high snow for over an hour before he stopped to sniff a bemused old lady long enough for me to catch him. i once had a customer at the restaurant rail at me for a good twenty minutes because she was absolutely sure that we did serve pineapple upside down cake and i was just withholding this dessert from her, specifically. the bar for “jobs I would apply for” is so low that I actually thought “well as long as nobody spits in my face, pukes on me consistently, or shanks me in the kidney again I could probably do anything.” although to be fair to my case manager i did not mention those things to him (except the pineapple upside down cake lady because I mention her all the time, i am still pissed off about that situation). also, my sister was actually the one to have a dog wake her up in the middle of the night only to puke directly into her mouth, but I watched it go down, so the psychic trauma of witnessing that still exists.
#honestly i think my poor social skills get me into half of the situations in my life#because i agree to things before i process them because most people talk and talk too fast for me#so i spend the whole conversation trying to keep up also figure out what the hell we're talking about#and then at the end i turn to my sister and say 'so what was that about?'#and she says something like 'you signed up to sell fireworks out of a tent for all of july' and i just have to run with that#the other half of the situations just come from having relatives and family friends that actively seek out situations#but want to drag someone adaptable and chill along who will also not say 'that's literally insane. no' when asked#also i need less cousins who take the zombie apocalypse life tip of always bringing a slow runner with you to situations#like i am a small person ok. my legs are shorter. i can't help it that everyone else is sprinting around on their stilt-legs#also just like i like to take walks with my dad because the mosquitoes love his blood way better than mine#i have a history of 'first person to get stabbed in a situation' that is probably just due to being the weakest looking person in any group#and i don't really panic in emergencies. i don't really know why. maybe it's something to do with being autistic#but if someone is screaming in pain and writhing on the floor#or an alarm goes off#or a bus skids on the ice and smears a stranger across the sidewalk right in front of me#or if i get mugged in a coffee shop while i'm studying for exams#i don't really do the things that other people around me do in the same situation#i personally think that the bubble i exist in just runs slower than everyone else's#so they're all having their reactions and freaking out while i'm still like 'damn something sure is happening right now.#am i supposed to do anything about this?'#and then if the answer is: 'yeah you should probably calm down that guy on the floor. figure out why he's screaming. then call 911 maybe?'#then i'll just do that while other people are saying things like 'oh god what's happening?!'#like if i panicked every time i had a dog that i was responsible for make a stupid life decision in front of me#or had a cult member ask me. an atheist. if i felt like i connected with god at the emotional catharsis activity#or honestly even just every time i've ever been stabbed in the left kidney even tho that's only happened twice#then i don't know i would probably be doing a lot of panicking#maybe it's an energy thing. i feel like panicking requires more energy than i usually have access to
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
hiya! can you do HCs for the slashers with a male s/o? i usually always see them geared towards women so itd be fun to switch it up! (it could be their first m/m relationship or not, doesnt matter!)
Of course hun! Usually I try to keep my writing pretty gender neutral and as inclusive as possible. Hope you enjoy! Also I’m trying to get better with adding warnings… it’s a work in progress
Slashers x Male S/O
Warning: slight nsfw content in all of these and it’s slashers so mentions of murder, kidnapping, etc
Michael Meyers
Michael isn’t good with feelings, usually his feelings towards others are anything but positive, he’s sure of that. But something about you was different, he wasn’t a fan of the feeling honestly. But Michael is a curious person, so he ends up stalking you for a decent amount of time. Eventually, he’s able to predict your every move, he knows your schedule, has figured out all your favorite things. He knows everything about you.
Michael eventually comes to terms with the fact he has a crush on you. After stalking you for some time, he was able to figure out the feeling. But at first he was honestly contemplating making you his next victim just so the feeling would go away. Now he recognizes it as a good feeling though, he needs to keep you and make you his.
His go to is knocking you out on your way home from work one evening. When you wake up you’re arms are tied to the bed, but he was kind enough to leave your feet unrestrained. At first, he just stares at you, unsure of what to do now that he has you. His favorite thing is watching you while you sleep, you just look so content and happy.
Eventually, Michael lets you wander around the house. He knows you can’t leave him, he’ll simply find you again. After all, he’s stalked you for so long he would be able to find you easily. Even if you do alert the cops it’s not like it’s his first time dealing with them. It’s best if you don’t run away, he isn’t against teaching you not to leave him again if you try.
If you make attempts to be kind to him he absolutely adores it! Massaging his shoulders, rubbing patterns across his skin, baking and cooking for him are all gestures that he loves. But, it also proves to him that you care which makes him more possessive over you.
Speaking of possessive, Michael also has the strong urge to always prove to you that he’s the dominant one. He both needs and craves control and feels the need to prove that he’s bigger and stronger than you are. Expect some rough treatment from time to time, he likes to remind you of your place.
He’s a virgin and the only knowledge he really has about sex comes from what he’s caught his victims doing. While he does do a lot of stalking, he really hasn’t learned much. Besides, most of what he’s seen has been between girls and guys, very rarely has it been anything else. But once you show him? He’s insatiable. While he’s never thought much about his sexual desires before, you’ve completely changed that. You can expect him to be pressing against your ass at any time of the day.
Loves joining you in the shower. One, it’s just an easy way for him to see you naked. Two, he usually gets you to wash his hair and all for him and he loves the feeling. You running your hands all over his body to bathe him leads to three, he usually forces you to your knees and gets you to wrap those pretty lips around him. Loves the sight of you looking up at him with water on you eyelashes and lust in your eyes. Some times you’re gonna need a second shower.
Bo Sinclair
Bo is the one most likely to deny to himself that he finds you attractive. He grew up in the Deep South with a religious family in a religious town. Anything that isn’t between a guy and a girl was always frowned upon so it takes him a minute to come to terms with his feelings.
Once he does expect him to be a big flirt. Turns out, Bo can smooth talk guys and girls all the same. It’s easy for him though considering that there’s so much about you he likes that he never seems to run out of compliments. Quickly decides that he loves the sight of you blushing and flustered by the things he says.
Once again, feels the need to prove that he’s the dominant one. Bo has never given up control to anyone, you’re not going to be any different. Often makes a show of his strength to prove he’s stronger than you. Bo also just loves to manhandle you in general, especially during sex. You just look so cute when you get all flustered about him moving you around like you weigh nothing.
Lots of ass grabbing and lewd comments once he gets comfortable with you. He’s a major pervert, so expect him to be handsy with you all of the time.
Eventually gets to the point where he likes to flaunt you. You spend a lot of time with him down at the station and he occasionally gives you small, easy chores to do, but mostly he keeps you there to chat with and keep him company. This also means that you see a lot more of the victims than you might like to and Bo isn’t afraid to let them know the two of you are together. If anyone says anything rude to you then he makes sure they get turned to wax a lot faster than he normally would. If he deems the comment to offensive then there wont be much left of them to make into wax, sorry Vincent.
Bo likes to make you believe that he would never let you top him. But if your able to hold out long enough, you can make him so needy for you that he’ll relent and allow it, but only just the once. Okay, maybe more than once but it’s still a rare occasion. He still won’t let anyone believe that he would ever bottom though. Like I said before, Bo needs to feel in control and that extends to being in control of you as well.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent wasn’t as well versed in relationships as Bo or even Lester. While he would know that he’s attracted to guys, he wouldn’t have much experience at all. He would be very surprised if you showed any interest in him at all honestly, but when you do he knows he has to keep you.
He’s very shy and nervous at first. You’re most likely the first person he’s ever had a romantic relationship with so he’s very unsure of what to do at first. It’ll take a lot of reassurance from you to get him to open up to you and even longer for him to feel confident around you. Since he doesn’t talk and is pretty socially awkward, you can expect small gifts to be his go to way of wooing you. Like a penguin giving you pebbles, he is a large man bringing you wax figures.
Vincent would definitely play a big care taker role honestly. He’s both your protector and your provider. You depend upon him to survive in Ambrose and he enjoys feeling in control for once. Vincent does a good job of making sure you’re taken care of as well. Always makes sure that you eat until your full, gives you only the best of clothes from victims suitcases, and you get first pick of the items left behind by the victims.
Likes keeping you close by. Not down in his workshop of course, he doesn’t want you to see him as a monster and witness the cruel things he does. Besides, he sees you as to precious, to pure and innocent to be able to handle witnessing such things. Of course, you’re aware of the wax figures, but you’re not aware of how they’re made and he wants to keep it that way.
Vincent prefers to have you tied up beneath him with your cheeks flushed and skin covered in sweat. Also thinks your skin looks great when it’s covered in wax. Also loves the way you look so needy for him to give you some sort of relief with your pupils blown wide, lips parted, as your hips attempt buck against his.
However, Vincent does occasionally enjoy letting you take the ropes. This usually happens when he’s stressed out and has to much on his mind. Being able to let go and let you be in charge of his pleasure gives him the freedom and comfort that he needs.
Brahms Heelshire
His parents would be surprised at him requesting a male nanny but so many women had failed that he was curious to try something else. When you came along, he decided that you were perfect for him!
Unlike most of the other slashers, Brahms is more than okay with you topping him, He secretly enjoys being forced into submission and only occasionally likes to take up the dominant role in the bedroom. Goes absolutely feral for the way you discipline him and get him to submit and be good, especially since you never fail to tell him what a good boy he is and how much you enjoy him being well behaved just for you.
At the start though, he simply watches you through the walls. Especially enjoys watching you while you’re in your room or taking a shower. He’s a dirty little wall pervert what do you expect. Once he watches you jerk off for the first time, he quickly decides that he’s 100% attracted to you. Like I said, he’s a dirty wall man.
Enjoys that you still follow the schedule and do such a good job of filling the domestic roles he craves. You provide him with more structure and stability than anyone else previously had. You’re not scared to discipline him when he steps out of line and you do such a good job of taking care of him. Especially loves when you indulge him and spoil him, it drives him crazy.
He’s needy and clingy and loves to cuddle up to you. Brahms is practically glued to your hip 24/7, following you around the mansion like a lost puppy. He’s lucky you find him cute otherwise you would grow annoyed with him quite easily. He enjoys laying his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat, it’s really soothing to him.
Please read to him while he cuddles up against you. It’s his favorite thing ever, especially if you give him attention while you do so like playing with his hair or simply running your free hand up and down his back soothingly.
Will purposefully find ways to get dirty so that you have to bathe him. Refuses to get into the tub or shower unless you join him. Really just wants to be pressed up against the shower wall and fucked. If he needs an excuse to see you naked, he’ll steal your clothes and hide them. Then he watches from the walls as you have to go up to your room to get more clothes. The clothes he stole will remain in his room within the walls to curl up with whenever he pleases.
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher
Honestly these two would compete over you. Might even have a bet over who can woo you first. They get jealous of the other very easily.
Billy is intimidating and plenty of people are scared of him, for good reason of course. So with him you don’t really have to worry about anyone being rude or saying anything offensive. If they do then you’ll see them on the news within the next few days. If you mention it to Billy he basically says “wow, that’s unfortunate, whatever will the world do without them.”
Stu is more likely to get physical with the person as soon as anything offensive leaves their mouth. Usually he’s less affected than Billy but he’s just so protective over you that he can’t manage to keep his cool. Sadly this means he can’t kill the person since he would be more likely to be a suspect after a physical altercation like that. They’ll still have a broken nose.
Billy is more likely to be a top, Stu is more likely to bottom but he is a switch so he likes to top occasionally to. Billy is also more rough with you in bed and enjoys running the blade of his knife across your skin while he has his other hand wrapped tightly around your throat. He degrades you while he fucks you, even the praise is degrading, telling you how good you look getting fucked like the slut you are. Stu is a lot sweeter and needier when it comes to sex. He likes to praise and compliment you, telling you how good you make him feel and how good you look just for him.
Both of them are very proud of you. They aren’t afraid to show you off or be seen with you. We all know that Stu is handsy but Billy isn’t afraid to sweet talk you in front of anyone and everyone. Claims he’s classier than Stu for not basically shoving his hand down your pants in public like he hasn’t grinded against you multiple times already. He’s just more discreet about being handsy in public.
Jesse Cromeans
You get to live lavishly with Jesse, that’s for sure. He makes sure to absolutely spoil you, anything you want is yours. The movies confirmed multiple times that he’s rich and it turns out when it comes to you, Jesse is very generous with his money.
Although, he does love choosing what you wear. Of course all of the clothes in your large closet are designer, he can’t have his boyfriend looking poor. Jesse prefers to dress you up in expensive dress shirts, slacks, and ties, something about it just gets him going. Some times he’ll allow you to wear sweatpants or whatever comfy clothes you want but it’s still going to be name brand stuff.
Also likes to shower with you. Picks out expensive and high end products so that you always smell good. Of course Jesse always smells good, his favorite colognes are never less than $100 for even a small bottle. Sometimes when he comes home late at night and crawls into bed next to you, you can still smell the slight metallic scent of blood on him. It’s usually hard to notice though since the sheets smell strongly of him that it can mask it.
He’s perverted and loves to show you off. Once you find out what he does, he won’t hesitate to take you with him on his “business trips” to different warehouses. Jesse keeps you safely tucked away in his office though, he can’t risk putting you in harms way and certainly doesn’t want you to witness the carnage. Prefers you to sit in his lap during meetings and he isn’t afraid to feel you up during them either.
If he ever gets you to blow him under his desk one day don’t expect him to let you stop just because Spann or Preston walks in. Jesse won’t hesitate to force your head back down if you try and pull away. In fact, having you choke on his cock while someone else in the room does nothing but make him feel even more aroused. Luckily for you, it’ll definitely deter Spann from trying to make any more moves on your boyfriend.
Asa Emory
Asa is a sadist and he absolutely loves to see you squirm. You can expect constant teasing and degrading from him at all times, very rarely does he compliment you. When he does compliment you though, just know he truly means them. Asa doesn’t really do feelings, his best way of showing he cares for you is by keeping you locked in his home rather than in his demented hotel.
Honestly, he probably does his best to keep you from knowing about the extent of his nightly activities. Of course you know about the hotel, you spent a few months there. You also know Asa is sadistic and enjoys hurting other people, even you that he cares so much about. But your stay at the hotel was luxurious compared to what happens to the other people in there. And while he inflicted some pain and left small cuts on you with his knife, it was nothing compared to the way he tortured the other people.
Again, Asa needs control and enjoys being in charge of everything you do. He picks out your clothes, plans out your day for you, he’s into the whole dumbification thing. You have a list of responsibilities like cooking for him and keeping the already neat house clean and tidy. Your not just his boyfriend, you’re his pet. Anything he instructs you to do, you do, otherwise you’ll be punished.
Makes sure you have your own guard dog. He hates having to leave you alone and so he leaves his best trained German Shepherd with you to keep you safe. But on the bright side at least you have well trained company that also happens to be very cuddly and friendly with you. Just don’t let Asa know you let the dog on the couch…
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seongsangsgf · 3 years
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Pairing:Hongjoong x Reader Word Count:2.2k Genre:Smut, Fluff Tags/warnings:very fluffy, soft sex, switch(sub lean)!hongjoong, switch!reader, first time, virgin!hongjoong, mentions of reader having fuck buddies in the past, handjob, oral(fem receiving), Hongjoong is shy in this gif:sanshine A/N:requested by @minionn98! I actuality found this cute while I was writing it 🥺
It’s been awhile since you and Hongjoong have been dating each other. It all started when Hongjoong noticed you as a worker at an expensive fragrance store. He was trying to find a cologne that he’d like to buy but was a little hesitant at first so he decided that he’d ask someone for assistance.
This is where you came into the picture. You found the blue-haired man cute and sweet. Hongjoong was a shy man to begin with. More so he became more shy when he saw you. He thought that you were beautiful hence the reason why he was at a loss for words.
But eventually your kind self helped him and recommended the new cologne that the store was selling that day. Since then Hongjoong would always appear every now and then to buy any new fragrance that the store would sell on a certain day.
In reality however he only went to the store to see you and wanted to ask you out for a date. He was scared though, having too many thoughts about you either rejecting his offer or you already dating someone else. But Hongjoong was relieved when you said yes to him and since then the two of you went out on many dates after your shift at the fragrance store was over.
Hongjoong has tried lots of new things with you along the way and he was happy about things going as planned. But then one day, Hongjoong began to think about the two of you having sex with each other. It was all thanks to one of his friends sending him a link to a porn website and watched at least a couple of videos on there, some rough and kinky and others soft and gentle. Hongjoong loves the soft porn videos more because there was more connection between the pornstars and since that he began having thoughts of the both of you making love to each other. He began to feel hesitant though, thinking that you might not be into it, it wasn’t the right time, or he might mess up.
Hongjoong thought that it was best for him to talk it over with you so that he wouldn’t feel so anxious.
You just came back home from your job when you were met with silence. Normally Hongjoong would go running into you and greet you whenever you came back but this was the complete opposite. The silence was already killing you so you decided to go upstairs to where your shared bedroom was.
When you finally approached your room, you saw your boyfriend sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at the floor while nervously fidgeting his fingers.
“What’s wrong Joongie?” You asked, noticing how nervous he was.
“I-it’s nothing y/n, r-really!” He said smiling nervously, trying to hide the fact that he was feeling anxious and that he wanted to tell you something that has been in his head lately but couldn’t find the right words to say to you.
“Oh Hongjoong you can tell me whatever’s on your mind, I won’t judge you.” You encouraged him, sitting down next to him and gently caressing his face.
Hongjoong felt somewhat relieved at your words of encouragement because in the end you never judged him for the things that he said.
“Well i-it’s just that my one of m-my friends have sent m-me a link to a p-porn site and ever since then I began to have t-thoughts of d-doing all of the things that I’ve since from those v-videos with y-you.” He cringed at how small and timid his voice sounded but was at least proud to get everything out of his chest.
“Of course we can Joongie. I’m ok with it after all.” You have mentioned to him about how you had sex with a few fuck buddies before but that was before you began working. Luckily you were experienced enough with sexual intercourses so you thought that it would be best to guide him along the way. “Since this is your first time would you like for me to be gentle with you sweetie?” You asked softly while holding his hand.
“Y-yes please.” He said in his shy voice, cheeks turning pink.
“Ok then strip and lay down on the bed for me.”
Hongjoong began to get rid of his clothes while you did the same before laying on his back. The both of you admired each other’s exposed bodies, despite the fact that he was blushing at you staring at him, shyly closing his legs.
“Oh Joongie don’t be shy, I’ll take good care of you.” You assured him, getting on top of him before capturing his lips in a soft kiss.
Hongjoong melted into the kiss before he felt your hand wrap around his cock, jolting at the sudden touch and letting out a muffled moan.
“Does this feel good baby?” You asked as you pumped his cock at a steady pace while pinching his nipples, watching him squirm underneath you.
“Y-yes, I need m-more please!” He sobbed as he was enjoying the pleasure that you were giving him.
You granted his wish by speeding your hand a little faster, eliciting more of the beautiful sounds coming out from his mouth.
Hongjoong felt like he was in the clouds right now, not wanting this to end and feeling like he was gonna cum any minute now.
“Y/n I’m gonna c-cum! Let me cum p-please!” He cried as his orgasm was about to crash down on him.
“Go ahead baby boy, cum for me.” You whispered sultry in his ear.
Your seductive voice sent shivers to his spine as he came all over your hand and on his stomach, inhaling shakily as he experienced his first orgasm.
“T-thank you, y/n…” Hongjoong mewled as he was feeling the aftershocks.
A few seconds after he was brought back down to earth, Hongjoong was curious as to how heavenly you would sound, wanting to make you feel good as well.
“Y/n, may I eat you out please?”, he asked, voice beginning to sound a little confident.
You didn’t say anything but decided to lay down on the bed, spreading your legs so that he could get a good view of your pussy.
Hongjoong felt his cock twitch softly at how wet your cunt was, already wanting to do more things to you than just eat you out but also wanting to keep his promise.
He hovered over your body before leaning down to lick and suck on your nipples, making you let out a low moan.
He began to leave soft kisses from your stomach to your inner thighs before his tongue found your clit, kitten licking it before he actually began to eat you out.
“H-hongjoong~!” You moaned out loud, bucking your hips against his face while gently gripping his hair. You thought that he was doing a good job for someone who had no experience.
Hongjoong thought that you sounded beautiful so he decided to find more ways to pleasure you. He pushed two fingers into your tight cunt while sucking on your clit, coaxing the sweet sounds that came from your lips. From how loud and hot you sounded he could tell that he was doing a good job.
Your walls tightened around his fingers, making him think about how good you would feel around his member, the thought of it making his cock harden.
Hongjoong noticed that you were close to cumming so he licked and fingered you faster like if he were a famished man.
You let out a choked moan as you felt your walls spasm around his fingers, your juices gushing and making a mess all over your boyfriends’ face and fingers.
Hongjoong licked your cum off of his face clean while also sucking his fingers clean. If he were to be honest, he’d rather have you for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
“You did such a good job Joongie.” You cooed at him while ruffling the top of his head softly.
“Thank you y/n, I’m glad that I could make you feel as good as you made me feel too.” He smiled softly at you, blush appearing on his cheeks again but not as much as earlier. Hongjoong felt himself getting more comfortable as the moment went on.
“Is there anything else that you need help with Hongjoong?” You asked him softly, wondering about what other things he’d love to do with you now that he was doing good for his first time.
“Well there’s a position that I’ve seen that I’d like to try. Missionary I think that’s what it’s called?” Hongjoong questioned, wondering if that was the name that he was looking for. It became a personal favorite of his because with this position he could do eye contact with you and he’d once told you that your eyes look pretty.
“Ah yes I know what you're talking about baby.” You assured him, once again laying down on your back so that he could get the position right.
“Go ahead baby, you can put it in.” Giving him the green sign, he slid his member inside you, groaning when he felt your walls tighten.
You moaned softly at the stretch, already loving how good his cock felt inside of you.
Hongjoong moved his hips at a slow pace, making sure that the two of you were both comfortable and that he was gentle with you even though you had more experience than him.
You were letting out little sobs and moans as he was making you feel good with his cock, pleasing you in all the right places. You thought that he was fucking your better than your past fuck buddies because in reality he’s the only one that can make you experience euphoria like you are now.
“Hongjoong, more p-please!” You whimpered, wanting to feel more of him and wanting to know what he was capable of doing.
He did as he was told as he was thrusting into you a little faster, moaning loudly as the both of you stimulated each other with you rocking your hips, matching the speed of his thrusts to help him out.
If Hongjoong were to be honest, you looked very beautiful all fucked out, drowning in the pleasure that he was bringing to you. He too was also drowning in his own pleasure.
Hongjoong leaned down to kiss you passionately while holding onto your hand, not wanting the intimate moment to be over. You held onto the back of his head with your free hand to deepen the kiss. Eventually the kiss was broken when Hongjoong found your g-spot, making you let out a cry.
“Joongie I’m g-gonna cum!” You sobbed as you felt your orgasm approach, feeling your cunt get more tighter around his cock.
“Cum for me y/n, please!” He moaned in desperation of wanting you to spill all over his cock so that he could fill you up.
Moans and pitiful cries were heard in the room as the two of you came together, your heat spasming around your boyfriend’s cock as he breeded you full of his warm release.
A few minutes later the two of you were brought back down to earth before cleaning each other up, making sure to change the bedsheets into cleaner ones. Hongjoong nuzzles himself into your neck like if he were a little kitten. You rubbed your hands on his back while whispering gentle praises to him.
“You did so well Joongie, so good for me.” You cooed at him, running your fingers through his hair.
Hongjoong blushed a lot at the compliment before giving you his brightest smile. “Mm I’m glad that I did good for you y/n.” He said cheerfully, pecking your lips softly before actually kissing them. You kissed him back while hugging him, the two of you basking in the romantic moment.
The moment would last until you turned your head to look at the clock, reading 7:00 PM.
“Oh my it’s a little late now, I think I should cook dinner for us, I’m starving.” You stated before getting up from the bed, only to be pulled back down by Hongjoong.
“No I wanna take a nap with you!” He whined cutely.
“Ugh fine whatever.” You shrugged at him. In reality you couldn’t say no to someone as cute as Hongjoong. “I’m still gonna cook dinner though.”
Hongjoong smiled in victory before burying his head into your neck again, wanting more of your affection, to which you gave him that.
“I love you~.” He cooed before planting some kisses onto your neck and jawline.
“I love you too baby~.” You ruffled his hair a little.
The two of you decided to take a nap. You hope that you don’t oversleep so that you can cook for your boyfriend, but then again you don't care. You just wanted to spend some time with your lovely prince right now.
Hongjoong was proud that he was able to do good at his first time, feeling like he completed the challenge. He was glad that he overcame his fears that he had in the beginning. But more importantly, Hongjoong was thankful that you guided him in his first time and he couldn’t wait to do it with you again.
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acciofanfics · 4 years
Rule Breaker (Percy Weasley x Reader) SMUT
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Request: Hi, I was wondering if you guys could write smut with Percy where both are Gryffindor perfect ( they are on last year in Hogwarts ) and Percy breaks the rules for the first time and they have a first time in prefect bathroom.
Pairing: Percy Weasley x FemReader
Warnings: SMUT, perhaps a bit of language? Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!) and I think that’s it??
Word Count: 1,730
A/N: I hope this isn’t too OOC! I don’t know too much about Percy, but I do hope I did him justice and you like it! Also requests are still open and I am having so much fun writing lately! Also I had a hard time finding a gif...- S
Molly and Arthur rarely left Fred, George, Ron or Ginny alone in the burrow. The first three couldn’t be trusted to not get into some sort of trouble and they were always a little more protective over Ginny (she was the only girl). However, Percy they knew they could trust. He was definitely the responsible one, already a prefect and surely on his way to being Head Boy. No there was no reason they would ever second guess their decision to let him and (Y/N) stay at the burrow while they took Harry and his siblings to do some last minute shopping at Diagon Alley.
(Y/N) and Percy sat comfortably on the older couch. It was nice to have a little alone time, they’d been ‘dating’ since 3rd year and it was a rare occurrence. Between being young and being at Hogwarts there was little time for romance. “It’s so quiet.” Percy commented on the lack of annoyance coming from his siblings.
“It’s a little weird,” (Y/N) giggled, “We could talk or we could....”
Percy leaned across the couch and planted a kiss on her lips. It was innocent at first, as it always was. Something was a bit different this time though; perhaps it was the knowledge of no interruptions or maybe it was the fact that they’re a good deal older than when their crushes first formed. Either way what was once an innocent kiss turned heated, even more so than the kisses they’d shared occasionally in the common room when everyone else was already in bed. Hands wanders and groped and before Percy even thought about what he was doing, he helped (Y/N) lift her jumper off.
“Percy, mum wants to know if- Oh god!” Fred yelped, and tried to hide a laugh when (Y/N) pushed Percy off of her and scrambled to reapply her sweater. He turned around, “Nevermind! I’ll just tell her you’re busy trying to make her a grandchild!”
(Y/N) and Percy were sure Fred didn’t actually give them up, because Molly and Arthur didn’t seem phased at all. Of course, the two love birds were on edge until they arrived at Hogwarts; it was only then that they were sure Mr. and Mrs. Weasley weren’t plotting some elaborate punishment. Unfortunately, even then things didn’t go back to normal... it was only the first week of school and Percy had barely seen (Y/N) despite both being Gryffindor prefects.
Percy had been making an effort to keep their interactions minimal. That day, back on the couch, something had snapped. She was all he could think about, and the thoughts weren’t rarely innocent. Sure, he thought about it before; it was only natural. They’d been together for a long time and they were both practically adults. Hell, they’d even snogged before, but maybe it was the fact that they’d never been THAT close before, because those thoughts had always been somewhat fleeting or at the very least easily pushed back. Not anymore.
(Y/N) wasn’t stupid. She knew very well he was ignoring her and she had enough of it. She’d stalked right up to him while he was patrolling the corridors, “Percy, we need to talk. Meet me at the prefects bathroom tonight, 6 pm?” It came out more as a question but before Percy even had a chance to tell her that would be highly inappropriate, she had spun around and walked away from him.
Needed to talk? Once Fred and George found out they’d told him clearly he wasn’t good enough in the sack and now she was going to get rid of him. Percy didn’t feel it necessary to correct them, it would probably only result in more teasing, but alas he was worried. Maybe she would want to get rid of him.... he hadn’t exactly been a doting boyfriend as of late. His mind reeled the rest of the evening and by the time he reached the prefects’ bathroom he didn’t even think about it before he whispered the password (pine-fresh) and walked right in. “(Y/N)! I didn’t mean to...”
She was seated comfortably in the elaborate bathtub already, he hair twisted into a neat bun and everything but her bare shoulders covered by the bubbles. She chose to ignore him and get straight to the point, “Percy, I’ve been thinking. Lately you’ve been ignoring me, there’s no need to deny it we both know it’s true. Anyways, it always boils down to that afternoon at your house, when Fred interrupted. Do you regret the direction we were headed?”
“No!” Percy was thankful that (Y/N) was a pretty straight forward person (at least with him). She never made him guess what she was feeling, but that didn’t help him right now. He still had to explain what he felt. “Well, that’s not entirely true. Since that interaction... I’ve had a hard time concentrating around you and I worry that maybe we aren’t on the same page? And now we’re at school so it’s not even possible if by some miracle you did feel the same.”
(Y/N) chuckled at him, “You can be a bit thick at times. Percy... there’s no one around now.”
“But...” No there was not.... but that was probably breaking at least 20 rules all at once. Of course being in here with her then was probably grounds for expulsion now. Maybe he could be a little harsher with some younger students and indirectly deduct some house points from himself.... Percy was struggling to come up with a reason to walk away, “You have a point...”
(Y/N) could see Percy’s mind unraveling, and she felt a little guilty, but they had to deal with this. “I’m not trying to push you into anything, Perce.”
“Could you just... turn around for a moment?” It wasn’t that Percy hadn’t wanted to. He just shouldn’t, and his biggest conundrum was that usually he didn’t want to if it meant he shouldn’t. He supposed he wasn’t too conflicted because when she turned around he quickly shed his clothing, putting them in a neat pile, and slipped into the hot bath water. He settled himself close enough that she could see he was in, but not close enough he was touching her.
(Y/N) smiled softly at him. Cautiously she moved closer to him. Percy’s face was only a few shades lighter than his own hair, “You sure you’re okay, Perce?”
Merlin he hated feeling this way. He was normally quite confident in his skills and abilities. He just hadn’t had the opportunity to perfect this aspect of his life, “Yes. I just haven’t-“
She couldn’t help but laugh. Of course she quickly stopped when she saw he wasn’t amused, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean like that, really! But we’ve been together since we were kids Percy, I would surely hope not since I haven’t either.”
That was a good point. He didn’t know why that hadn’t crossed his mind. By no means was he no longer nervous, but he was definitely put more at ease, he even chuckled along with her, “You’re right! I don’t know why I didn’t-“
She cut him off by kissing him, hopefully if she caught him while he was acting normal he wouldn’t have a chance to revert to acting so odd. It worked, and Percy melted into the familiarity of her lips. Their lips and tongues moved together and for a moment he’d forgotten about their predicament, until he reached out to grab her and instead of the fabric of her school robe his palms caught her wet bare skin. They paused again for a moment, but that was only for a moment. The desire that they had suppressed since the summer was back full-fold.
(Y/N) pressed herself against Percy and he had to bite back a groan as she rubbed against him. Both of their hands roamed freely without any hinderances of clothes and it was greatly appreciated by both parties. (Y/N) slid her right hand down his chest, delving lower until she captured his hardened shaft in her hand. Any concern she may have had about being too forward disappeared when he moaned into her mouth. She began stroking him, varying the speed of palm based on the reactions it elicited from him.
Percy didn’t know if he could pinpoint exactly what it was that was had him feeling like he’d snuck firewhiskey from the cupboard. It was probably a mixture of hormones, the naked girl in front of him and perhaps Fred and George were right about breaking the rules being fun. Whatever it was had him acting instinctively, and he mimicked his girlfriend to some degree. He reached between her legs and began to tease her as well, when she began bucking her hips against his palm he gave in and dipped his finger inside of her... and then another one.
They became a mess of sloppy kisses and moans, both experimenting with different movements and methods that brought another grunt of approval from their mouths. Until Percy grabbed her hand and brought her to an abrupt stop, “I can’t handle much more of this.”
Wordless (Y/N) guided him to the shallower end of the bath, where the could both sit with the water only reaching right below their chests. Percy tried to focus on the newly exposed flesh while she slid onto him. He laid kisses across her breasts and neck as he waiting for her to adjust to the new feeling that he had to imagine would be much more uncomfortable to her.
(Y/N) gave herself a moment, the experience wasn’t nearly as bad as she has prepared for. Perhaps it was that she had more control in their positions or that she had been properly worked up before hand, but she found it more uncomfortable than anything. With Percy’s mouth and hands distracting her, she began to move her hips, and slowly the uncomfortable feeling phased into a pleasurable one.
It was probably only a few minutes before the slow pace quickened. His hips snapped up to meet hers and it wasn’t long at all before they both gave into the new and intense pleasure, coming undone in each other’s arms.
A goofy grin was on both of their lips and Percy placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, “Wow. Might have to break the rules more often if you’re involved.”
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scripttorture · 3 years
In an older story of mine, I had a scene where a villain holds a minor character at gunpoint and threatens him, and the character gives him a name. The character was not physically harmed, so I assume the effects of torture on memory aren't so much of an issue, and the villain knew he had the information needed. But after reading your blog I am wondering if being held at gunpoint would create enough opposition for the man to want to give a fake name and if I should therefore change this. [1/2]
[2/2] The man has no loyalty to the guy whose name he gives away and is only concerned with self-preservation, so I imagine he would do anything to stop the villain holding him at gunpoint from killing him, but I realise giving a false name could work just as well as a real one here.
Interestingly that isn’t actually true! It seems likely that a person does not need to be physically harmed for the memory problems associated with trauma to show up. The memory problems seem to come from physiological responses to stress. So they are possible in any situation where a person feels seriously at risk, whether they’re in pain or not.
 The study I tend to quote on this doesn’t actually focus on torture survivors. It focused on volunteer special operations soldiers who were put through a mock-capture scenario that lasted 48 hours. They were all sleep deprived and starved for 48 hours. The high stress group was physically threatened and manhandled during a mock ‘interrogation’. The low stress group was not threatened during their ‘interrogation’. The interrogations lasted about 30 minutes.
 The subjects were then asked to identify their interrogator the next day. A variety of identifying methods were used which is why there’s a range.
 The high stress group identified the interrogator correctly 30-49% of the time. The low stress group did it 62-76% of the time.
 The study (Morgan, 2004 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry) also looked at the rate of false positives (how often the subjects were sure they’d identified the right person and were wrong.)
 Now we know that a 100% success rate isn’t really possible with human memory. We also know that sleep deprivation has a terrible effect on memory, especially if it goes on for a while. But this study shows that threat in and of itself has a powerful effect.
 At the same time the situation you’re talking about isn’t similar to the ‘typical’ torture scenario. You’re not talking about multiple prolonged attacks or the kinds of systems and scale that the term torture implies.
 Which means that, yes, this scenario avoids a lot of the reasons that torture doesn’t work. You don’t have the effect on community, group moral, the chain of command or the ability to gather information from other sources. You also don’t necessarily have the deskilling effect torturers experience or the toxic subcultures they form.
 That means the character doing the threatening might still be able to gather useful information, fact check that information and cooperate in a positive way with his allies. Regardless of whether this threat ‘works’ or not the fact this isn’t a consistent pattern of behaviour, happening in a toxic, competitive, high-stress environment means it’s reasonable to write this character as generally effective and… not a torturer.
 I think realistically speaking this kind of scenario might ‘work’ some times. But I don’t think it would be successful very often.
 The memory problems would still be in play, the character doing the threatening still has no way to tell if the other character is lying in that moment and the character being threatened has a good motivation to lie.
 Personally I would not write this as effective. Partly because I think it would be a toss of a coin on whether it would ‘work’ or not. Partly because I think there’s such a pervasive assumption that violence ‘always works’ that it’s worth bucking that trend, challenging those ideas.
 But I think that’s in the realm of personal choice. I think if you feel this scenario adds to the story and you’re not portraying it as something that works every time then it’s up to you.
 I feel more confident in your ability to do it justice because you’ve demonstrated an awareness of how torture, threat and violence work. You’re conscious of the factors at play and actively considering how to handle them.
 Looking back at the question I think I’d missed that this was an older, finished story. I think that also changes things a bit. I don’t think any of us are obliged to keep going back and updating old stories.
 If you want to do this, if you learn from doing this by all means go ahead. I don’t think it would merge well with how I personally approach writing. We learn from our old stories. If you learn best by going back and editing that’s great. And if you learn by moving on and doing things different next time that’s great as well.
 I hope that helps. :)
Available on Wordpress.
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
intertwined | pope heyward x reader
request: anonymous asked: hey babe could you write something about pope taking your virginity? like maybe pope has been with one or two other people before but it’s your first time
summary: on your anniversary, you and pope find out what you’ve been missing
warnings: SMUT, cursing
word count: 1.9k
a/n: alright folks, here’s day three! i really loved this request and it helped me incorporate @https-luna and i’s headcanon that pope is godlike when it comes to going down on his girl. enjoy :)
Pope remembered his first time like it was yesterday. It sucked. JJ had set him up with some random touron who thought he was cute, telling the girl that he had yet to lose his virginity. The girl smirked at him, taking his hand and leading him the room in the chateau that JJ had so graciously offered up. Pope had gotten a half hearted blow job then let the girl ride him until he came. It was awkward and unfulfilling, despite the fact that it was his first time being inside someone. It was when the touron (JJ had never told him her name and pope was too awkward to ask) was collecting her clothes that Pope realized he wasn’t like JJ. He couldn’t fuck random girls then move on the next day. He needed a connection, a spark. He wanted to make love, as cheesy as it sounded.
When he met you, he knew he’d found that person.
You were a Kook, introduced to the Pogues by Sarah. Pope had fallen for you almost instantly, his infatuation only growing as you spent the day together on the Pogue. The others were there too, but to pope it felt like it was just the two of you. Conversation flowed like a stream, soft and calm. When John B pulled up to Sarah’s dock to drop you and her off, Pope had stopped you, asking for your number and the possibility of a date that weekend. His grin was indelible when you said yes.
One date turned to two, then three, and it wasn’t long till you were six months strong. JJ had laughed at him, calling Pope pussy whipped for planning such an elaborate and romantic date for something as simple as a six month anniversary. But this was more than just an anniversary. You had discussed it and you were finally ready to give all of yourself to Pope, and he was ready to give you the most perfect night, much better than his own first time.
He’d convinced everyone to leave the Chateau for the night, cleaning up the pig stye to the best of his ability before picking you up. He cooked you dinner, setting the table complete with candles and roses, it was beautifully cheesy. He’d picked up your favorite for dessert, cuddled up on the couch you ate and talked about how unbelievably happy you were. When the dessert was finished and the plates cleaned, Pope took you hand and pulled you towards him, chests pressing together as  he stroked your cheek.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked, face concerned and voice soft. You grinned up at him, pulling him in for a deep kiss.
“I want you, Pope. I’ve never been more sure about anything.”
He grins and pulls you back in, lips moulding together as his arms wrap around your hips, leading you blindly through the Chateau to the spare bedroom. Pope had cleaned, changing the sheets and picking up all the random shit JJ had left in his time there. Now there were candles and soft pillows and your favorite blanket from Pope’s house.
You giggled as he tripped slightly passing through the doorway, not wanting to remove his lips from yours. He laid you back gently onto the mattress hovering over you, lips moving to your neck as his fingers played with he hem of your shirt.
“Can I?” He asked. You nodded and sat up, allowing him to pull the garment over your head. His jaw dropped in awe, taking in the beautiful lace bralette that covered your breasts. Sure, he had seen you in a bikini before, but there was something so beautiful and alluring about the piece of lingerie that made his heart pound and his dick harden.
You worked on the button of your shorts, Pope helping you and pulling them down your legs, revealing a match set of panties. You giggled when Pope groaned, the beautiful sight before him almost too much. Pushing you back down, he resumed the passionate kiss that almost made you lightheaded and dizzy in all the right ways.
His nimble fingers worked their way to your covered breast, massaging the mound through the fabric before pinching your hardened nipple, earning a soft moan from you.
“Does that feel good?” Pope asked, loving that he was the one causing those lewd noises.
“Y-yeah. Keep going. Touch me more.”
Spurred by your words, Pope moved down your body, kissing every inch of skin he came across until he reached the waistband of your panties. Snapping the elastic, he looked up at you with a smile.
“Can I take these off?”
You just nod, the anticipation stealing the voice from your throat. Soft kisses followed the trail of your underwear, stopping at your ankle. Pope moved back up, staring at your soaked entrance with hungry eyes. One hand wraps around your thigh, pushing your legs farther apart, giving him access to your most precious area.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for so long. Are you ready?”
Intertwining your fingers with his, you smiled, eyes wide and needy as you spoke, “I’m ready, Pope, please. I can’t wait any longer.”
Pope didn’t hesitate to give in to your desires. Pope had prepared for this moment, wanting to give you nothing but the best and most pleasurable experience. After a little too much research, Pope felt confident in his movements, and if the moans that left your mouth were any indication, he had every right to be.
He kitten licked your clit, the movements soft and gentle but sent waves of pleasure up your body. He moved his head down, licking a stripe up your folds, tasting your wetness and moaning into your center.
“Fuck yes, Pope, that feels so good.”
He continued his ministrations, tongue moving from your clit to your folds as you started to squirm above him. After a few minutes of tasting you, he brought his fingers into the mix, gathering your wetness on their tips before sinking one into you slowly. Pope gave you time to adjust, but you didn’t need much, Pope’s mouth had left you soaked and ready. He increased the speed of his digit until you begged for him to add another and another.
The sounds filling the room were vulgar. Pope’s fingers squishing in and out of you as he sucked on your clit, moans falling from your lips as you got closer and closer to your climax. The coil in your gut tightened. You bucked your hips to meet his fingers, desperately chasing your release.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, Pope, I’m gonna cum!” You shout. Pope helped you towards your orgasm, fingers increasing their speed as his tongue pressed flat against your clit. You screamed as you clenched around his fingers, juices leaking out of you. Pope lapped them up, fingers slowly leaving you, forcing a whimper from you at the emptiness. He sat up, locking eyes with you as he sucked your wetness from his fingers. The sinful sight before you almost made you come again. You joined him, sitting up to grab at his shirt, yanking it off him before pulling him down with you. One of your hands reached down to push his pants and boxers down, freeing his dick and allowing you to grasp it. Pope moaned against your mouth, the sensation of your hand around him overwhelming.
“I want you, Pope, please, I want to be yours.”
Pope pulled you in for another passionate kiss, throwing all of his love into the single action before moving away to grab a condom from his pants pocket. You took it from his hand and ripped the package open, slowly rolling it onto his dick.
“Fuck, baby, I can’t wait to be inside you,” Pope moaned.
“Then stop waiting.” Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him and forcing him to hover over you. His hand rested beside of your head, holding him up as he lined his cock up with your entrance. Meeting your eyes one last time, he placed a sweet kiss on your lips, a stark contrast from the hungry and passion filled movements of earlier.
“I love you,” He whispered. You smiled up at him.
“I love you too,” You replied. He gave you one last look, silently asking for permission. You nod, and he slowly entered you, tip gliding between your already damp folds. You took a deep breath adjusting to the new uncomfortable but wonderful feeling of being filled. Pope was gentle with you, moving slowly and allowing you to adjust until he was balls deep.
“How are you doing?” He asked. You took a deep breath, quickly becoming used to the foreign feeling and needing more.
“Good. Start moving, I’m ready.”
He did as you asked, starting with slow, shallow thrusts. It was wonderful, your eyes squeezed shut as he continued to thrust, one hand wandering your body, taking in every curve.
“Fuck, faster, Pope,” You moaned. The way his name fell from your lips made him groan, his pace increasing significantly. His hand stopped it’s wandering, finding it’’s home on your clit, rubbing soft circles as he thrusted faster and harder. You became a mess beneath him, legs wrapping around his waist and fingers digging into his shoulders as he fucked you.
There had never been a pleasure better than this, and you knew it wouldn’t have been better with anyone else. Sure, sex was great, but if you’d had your first time with anyone but Pope, it wouldn’t have been the same. The pleasure and ecstasy was only enhanced by the love shared between the pair of you. It come through in the kisses and touches and the way Pope chanted your name like a melody.
Pope’s thrusts became sloppy, eyes squeezed shut as he rubbed your clit faster, wanting you to cum once more before he did. His arm wrapped around your thigh, hiking it up higher on his hip, reaching a new spot in you that made your eyes roll in the back of your head. The new position plus his movements on your clit had you seeing stars, your orgasm building up, ready to fall of the edge.
“I’m gonna cum! Fuck, Pope, don’t stop!” You screamed. He thrusts harder, making sure to hit that spot that had you yelling his name. With a shout, you clenched around his dick, orgasm washing over you like a tidal wave. He wasn’t far behind you, the feeling of you cumming around him and the sight of you completely undone pushing him over the edge. His hips slowed as he shot cum into the condom, finally stilling inside of you before pulling out, falling onto his back beside you.
Your arm was  draped over your eyes, chest heaving with adrenaline. You suddenly giggled, turning to gaze up at Pope who had a goofy grin on his face.
“That was amazing,” He said, eyes bright. You traced shapes onto his bare chest before pressing a kiss to it.
“You were amazing,” You muttered, meeting his eyes then his lips for a lazy kiss.
The two of you laid their for a while, coming down from your highs and basking in the love and sex filled air. Pope’s fingers ran through your hair before gently tugging on them, forcing him to look up at you.
“Want to do it again?” He asked. You grinned, rolling over to straddle his waist.
“Do you think JJ will want his room back? I don’t ever want to leave.”
“Fuck JJ,” Pope said before sitting up, wrapping his arms around you and meeting your lips in a fiery kiss. Suffice it to say, JJ didn’t get his room back for a while.
taglist/moots:  @ilovejjmaybank @broken-jj @vindictive-hearts  @fttayla @rafej-cambanks @jjmaybby @dontjinx-it @butgilinsky @rekrappeter @diverdcwn @rafecameron @prejudic3 @starlightstarkey @https-luna @sunnypogue @obxmxybxnk @jjmayybank @euphoricheyward @socialwriter @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @peachydrews @outerbanksbro @poguestyleskye @softstarkey @bricksatanakinswindow @mdlyncline @poguemackin @downbytheouterbanks @rae131415 @ptersparkers @prkerspogue @moldisgoodforyou @outrbanks @girlsru1eboysdroo1 @tempestuousjj @stargazingstarkey @anxietyandtacos @uwubonebabie @joshy-obx @sortagaysortahigh @overly-b @highondrew @madelynsclines @cherryobx @royalmerchant @wtfkie @toriswrites
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taytayize123 · 3 years
How one night can change your whole life ✨
THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING FOR MGK. So please I ask you fans and mutuals who love him to be kind. I hope you like it. 🙊💞
It had been a fucking shit year and a half for me given, going through health issues, doctors and nurses that truly didn’t give a shit about how you felt about treatment where they’d just throw endless amounts of pills at you when you clearly tell them that you’ve done your research and other people have achieved remission through eating healthy, working out, and keeping anxiety low yet of course they don’t actually care how you feel. You are just there for them to get a buck out of you and keep the chain going. That whole experience had put me into two depressive meltdowns and to seek professional help by gaining a therapist. When I started therapy I began to realize how much resentment I held in about family members and past friends who’ve treated me like shit and i’m done being walked all over. A strained relationship with my mother. A barely existing relationship with my sister. The only person who seems to take interest in hearing me without having overly dramatic reactions is my dad yet, having a sit down conversation with him is hard so often I got left on my own. My solace in life is music and lately it had been one man that I kept going back to when I was feeling defenseless, stressed, not good enough etc. That was Machine Gun Kelly aka Colson Baker I had really taken a liking to Hotel Diablo about a year ago, something about him had intrigued me so much that I needed to hear every song and lyric. While I may have not struggled with poverty or coming from a broken home as he did, I related to his inability to express emotions the way he needed to be okay in life so he then found an outlet to channel all that rage, anger, sadness, sacredness etc into something that was not only powerful but got him out of that life of struggle, yet it also created new issues for him like finding out who his real friends are in life. Anyways, when he rapped or sang it made me say to myself; “Peyton you are gonna be okay.” an actually believing that for the first time in awhile. 
While, vibing hard to Kells listening to every album as well as learning all the lyrics by heart. Started to develop favorites of his, my attitude started changing as I dove deeper into his music and overall personality. I began to appreciate how he simply didn’t care if he pissed off people as he was being his true self in the process I began to have the confidence in myself to put up or shut up and really stop letting those around me walk all over me and tell them no when they ask me to do something for them knowing they aren’t ever gonna return the favor or assuming I should do something for them just cause I’m family that’s bullshit. Within, this new feeling that i was experience maybe a little good karma came my way because I had gotten a ticket to his latest tour. It was fate or destiny I swear to god because he sold out in my town in ten minutes flat. It felt like I was rewarding myself for really working on my self but also the angels above putting something positive in my life for the first time in a long time and I was so thankful! 
The day was here, October 13th came fast and I was so excited that I was getting this opportunity to see him live and I am stoked. Now, given that my mother asked me to use my car that day, I ended up telling her she could take it but to drop me off early at the venue and I would just chill all day before the concert. It wasn’t an issue, the venue had a hotel on the premise as well as a restaurant, bar, cute outdoor beer gardens and wooden areas to explore. I had chosen to go to the bar and order some lunch and sit up at the bar and read for awhile. 
“Hi, yes could I order the cheese burger with tots please.” I ask nicely to the bartender. She pressed the buttons on the order device and smiled back at me. “Of course. Your order should be up in a minute hun.” she said in a pleasant tone and walked off. I had put my purse up on the counter and dug out my book which happened to be a book about Jimi Hendrix and his life. I’ve always been drawn to musical types I guess, my want for caring for those who struggle and need support somehow has always been attached to people I find interesting. “Here you go love,” the bartender places down my order and my drink as I thank her nicely and turn my page popping a tot into my mouth getting lost in the words yet it stops when I hear
“Do you mind if I sit here?” 
I don’t even look up from my book, and nod happily. As I pick up my drink to take a sip I look up and see him. Machine Gun Kelly sitting next to me. My heart started beating a thousand times a minute but my brain tells my body to PLAY IT COOL. As I smile at him he smiles back,  Hi. I’m Colson, what’s your name? and what are you reading?” he asks me  peeking at my book. “It’s a book about Jimi Hendrix. I am really big into music and just find people who do something in the music field interesting plus he was one of the best guitarists in the world. I’m Peyton nice to meet you.” I say, slowly swallowing still trying to keep my voice even yet on the inside I was FREAKING OUT rightfully so I think. He grins at me as his order arrives, “Yeah, he was an inspiration to me to start playing guitar.” he says picking up his burger and taking a bit. He puts it back down. Noticing a bit of ketchup on his chin I let out a little giggle as I hand him a napkin. He lets out a boastful laugh, “Oh thanks hun, damn where are my manners eating like a savage in front of a pretty girl like yourself.” I look down at the floor. “Nah, I’m not pretty I’m sure you’ve met prettier girls than me.” I say, my happy upbeat tone dropping to one of unsure and self doubt. Still looking at the floor, as I feel fingertips on my chin. He brings my face up to look at his. “Peyton, you are pretty, even beautiful there’s something so real and authentic in your eyes and that is true beauty.” he spoke with such a low but meaningful expression. Staring into those kind blue eyes of his as he is looking back at mine an explosion of a unnameable feeling is spread throughout my whole body. I let out a shy giggle even letting out a short snort, which I snapped back to reality I groaned putting my face in my hands. Colson lets out another sweet chuckle, as he pulls my hands away from my face now holding them in his. “Stop it Peyton, that what you just did was adorable. I have to ask you, will you come back to our backstage area so we can keep talking. There is this pull to you and I can’t figure it out but I need to know more about you. Please.” He spoke with such a gentle tone as his eyes pleaded with mine looking for any hint of a positive answer. I smiled, “Of course, I’ll go with you Colson. Let me pay and we can go.” I said, fishing in my purse for my wallet as I took it out. He already handled the bartender his black amex card and she had cleared the purchase. I stand up in my wedged heels bringing my short 5′3 ass to maybe 5′6, still only coming up to his mid chest looking up at him. “Colson you didn’t have to do that.” I whined, once again Colson cracks another grin looking down at me. “You’re just so adorable. Good thing I don’t mind a bit of whining you’ll learn when to or not.” he smirks at me as he cracks a dirty joke making me laugh again. We turn to leave the restaurant, his hand intertwined with mine. His hands are strong, calloused; years of playing guitar and holding a microphone for hours on end. Fingers wrapping into mine. His other hand firmly placed on the small of my back guiding me which way to go. I thought to myself, as I walked with him; “Whatever will be tonight will be and live life to the fullest.” as the lyrics from his song 27 floored my brain. 
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“ Yeah, forever young, though, haha Always be those crazy kids running wide-eyed down the boulevard, huh 27.” 💞 
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thinkinghq · 4 years
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
♡ usually falls in the positions he is in and lays there a bit catching his breath
♡after a few minutes he gets up and get babywipes cleans up and cuddles with you If you wanna talk about something he talk with you till you guys fall asleep (he didnt know that in the begging tho so he taught ur supposed too fall asleep after sex so when u tell him if you could get something to wipe he stands up and runs but naked around the house Idk why he panicked)
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
♡he loves everything about you
♡but he has a body part that he especially likes it changes(its the body part you make him cum tge most at the moment breast, tights ...)
♡if you tell him you love his dick his favorite body part is his dick if you tell him you love his hands his favorite body part is hands
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
♡thicccccc he cums a lot
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
♡When he had a crush on you he always imagined having sex with you. He felt shameful afterwards tho and couldn't look in your eyes the next day.
♡One of his first sexual encounters where when he was surfing in the internet on the family computer secretly late night and saw pop up porn and made him feel some way. He was terrified for weeks.
♡Once walked in middle school into the girls changing room and saw a girl only with  underwear he was shook and couldn't move what lead many girl to believe he was a pervert. Girls didn't talk to him at all since then.
♡ jerks of with your panties
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
♡ zero he just a too nervous virgin who is too excited to talk to people
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
♡ loves everything where he can see your breast shake
♡ positions where you in control
♡or where he just can jackhammers into you
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
♡giggles when he hears a queef "👀okaaayy farty"  "😐"
♡or says oh wopsi when he slips out of you
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
♡ he thinks it look weird whiteout Hair but at the same time hates it when the hair is to long so he keeps it trimmed
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
♡ for some nights it's all giggle and fun for him on others when he or you is emotional he tells you how much he loves you and needs you 100 times
J = Jack Off (Masturba)tion headcanon)
♡ everyday multiple times
♡after school, when he showers, before he falls asleep and on the weekend he cant say no to a morning wood
♡he usually hasn't a porn preference (yes he jerks to everything) but has a weakness for amateur porn with a cute female in it
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
♡ Anal, face sitting, mutual masturbation, facials and edging
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
♡ in bed (pls don't try to fuck him in the shower he slips always around like a shampoo bottle)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
♡ if you look him into his eyes too long he gets hard but he loves thighs so if you want him wear a skirt <3
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
♡when ur not sure about sex then he won't touch you he could never do it If ur not 100% sure so you need to tell him that 100% confidently you want sex
♡honestly everything that's "dark" for him like knife play, choking (the only chocking he does is hold ur neck and add no pressure to it but he likes it with a little pressure on him) and tortured
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
♡honestly the first time he goes down on you he licked it like a dog (I hc him with a big tongue ok💀)
Like super messy licks on ur entire pussy. But he actually waits for you to tell him what he should do so if you tell him to suck on ur clit a little he does on command he likes it if you tell him what to do till he knows you like a open book and uses ur weak spots to make u cum as fast as he can.
♡CEO of buckling his hips into ur throat on accident cant help himself honestly. He comes pretty fast with oral if you look into his eyes and he is so messy with it pulls out midway when he cums and has half of it in ur mouth half of it on ur face. HEEEEE LOVVEESS a messy blowjob drool teary eyes and moans the moans are the most important part for him cause the vibrations feel good to him
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
♡ in the begging always super slow so you adjust to him in the middle he has a middle fast pace but his hips buckle a lot and ruin the pace and before he cums he goes faster it doesn't  matter what position he is he hold ur hips and fucks you fast his hips dont buck when he is fast also he only slows down if you tell him to.(king of respecting boundaries)
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
♡ he is down when ever you want to he could fuck you 20 times a day even if his dick feels like it's about to fall of he still fucks you <3
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
♡he actually forgets to put a condom on a lot if you dont tell him he notice it 2 minutes in to sex and ask himself "hmmmmm why does it feel so good" and than he panics and is scared you might and up pregnant but then he is like "actually I want to have a family with y/n fuck it I drop out of school and take care of her and our kid" "😐 pls stop dreaming so much and put on a condom now"
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
♡ he can keep fucking u after he cums he just cums again ...(loves being overstimulated)
♡ max. 2 times in one go but if you give a break in between probably 4 times ...
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
♡ he loves vibrator on you drive him crazy how fast you cum when you use one in ur clit while he fucks you
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he doesn't tease at all but if you tease him or edge him.... he end up being s whimpering mess
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
♡he lowkey load says how good it feels and his moans ughhhhhhh<3
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
♡put a leash on him and train him <3
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
♡ About 17cm
♡ he has the most girth in the middle
♡ has lot of veins on the underside
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
♡ Pretty high but waits till you invent things he just doesn't wanna seen as a horny monster by you
♡ When he first discovered masturbating he did it every day always after school that's the reason of his sex drive
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
♡He wraps his long arms around you and falls super fast asleep ... sometimes inside you still
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djarinispunk · 3 years
Chapter Three - Familiar Face
You couldn't hide the shock on your face when you turned to see Javier, your jaw was practically hanging on the floor. If Javier was shocked to see you, he didn't show it. His face was stoic as ever and he practically looked straight past you as he approached you and Steve. If you weren't so in shock maybe you'd feel a little hurt.
"What the hell happened?" Javier asked, looking over the newly ravaged Club Oracle, what a coincidence that only mere weeks ago he was sitting in there.
"We’re thinking its one of Escobar's mules, took him out before things could get too heavy" Steve replied, gesturing to one of the body bags you'd failed to see upon your exit, your body shivered at the thought of who was inside.
"Won’t that put a target on our backs?" Javier asked, he had his back firmly to you, blocking you out.
"What a bigger one than we've got already?" Steve replied, before turning to gesture to you, he introduced you to Javier, telling him your name as if he hadn't been moaning it upon your last visit.
You shook Javier's hand as he told you his name. Looked like he was choosing to feign ignorance over behaving like a normal adult.
"She pretty much operated the whole thing, told her she should be working for us" Steve joked, nudging your shoulder, you just laughed.
"In that case, thanks for making our job easier" Javier added, you sent him a look, narrowing your eyes, enjoying the way he squirmed under your gaze.
"My pleasure" you nodded.
"One more time" Steve began, looking at you with kind eyes, "Are you sure you don't need a medic?"
You smiled, grateful for his hospitality, "I'm good, thank you Agent Murphy"
"Please, just call me Steve" he matched your smile, you watched from the corner of your eye as Javier seemed to roll his eyes.
Was he jealous?
You decided to play with him a little, running your hands along Steve's bicep as you spoke in a hushed tone, "I hate to ask but I'd really appreciate a ride home, I don't think I'm good to drive"
You watched as Javier's jaw clenched. God, men were so predictable.
Before Steve could get a word out, you watched Javier step in.
"Murphy I got this, you've got enough to do here" Javier put his arm around you, you tried to ward off the heat his touch brought.
Steve seemed slightly suspicious, you didn't blame him, Javier wasn't really sly in the way he was attached to your hip.
"Okay, and I'll see you at the station?" Steve began to walk away.
"Bright and early" Javier smiled, his grip on your arm intensifying.
"Bye Steve" you waved, your tone growing weak, suddenly you didn't feel so powerful.
As soon as Steve turned around, Javier had whipped you around to face him. His brow furrowed as he looked down at you. You gulped, trying to ignore the fire it kindled between your legs.
"Enjoy flirting with a married man huh?" Javier tone was so stern and do condescending, you hated that it affected you so much.
You cringed at the knowledge that Steve was married but chose to go a more childish route in replying, "Do I know you?"
"Very funny" he narrowed his eyes, to which you mirrored the movements. To any passers-by it would've just looked like the tow of you were engaged in a very heated staring contest.
"Hmm" he took your silence as a cue to continue "I'm gonna ignore this new attitude you got and give you a ride, okay?"
"Sure, gilipollas" you shrugged, muttering the last bit as you headed towards his car.
You heard his footsteps come to a halt, and turned to face him, he did not look impressed, "What did you say?"
And with the sweetest voice you could muster, you smiled, "Nothing!"
The tension in the car was palpable, you felt strangled by the silence that consumed you both. The most you'd said was your address and that was ten minutes ago. You scanned Javier's profile, it was criminal how beautiful he was doing even the most mundane things like driving. You huffed and turned to face the roads one more.
He picked upon your sigh, "Problem?"
"No problem here, officer" you practically purred the words.
"Still got a stick up your ass?" he said, you rolled your eyes in response.
"Why did you pretend to not know me in front of Agent Murphy?" you asked, choosing to ignore his previous remark.
He sighed before glancing over to you, "It wasn't personal, I'd just rather my colleague not have the opportunity to tease me about who I sleep with"
"Slept with" you corrected, now it was his turn to roll his eyes.
"But, I guess that's understandable" you began, noting his silence, "I just thought you were ashamed or something" you turned your attention to your cuticles, not meaning to sound so vulnerable.
He looked over to you again, taking your hand and placing his lips gently against them. You fought the urge to blush under his honeyed eyes.
"Never would I be ashamed, hermosa" his tone was low and sultry.
"What's taking so long anyways I only live like a mile away" you wondered, not sure how to respond to Javier's honesty.
"We're not going to your house"
You furrowed your brows, "What?"
"I'm taking you to my place" he was confident in his voice, like his words were common knowledge.
"Do I have any say in this?" you asked, eyebrows raised as he just chuckled at you.
"You gonna say no?" he turned to you as he smirked.
Safe to say you stayed quiet for the rest of the car ride. Arriving at Javier's apartment the second time around was far less rushed than the first. You had the chance to look around and assess his living quarters. You could tell Javier was a minimal kind of guy, only requiring the basics.
The one thing you did pick up on was the the record players nestled in the corner of his living room. You wandered over as Javier fixed you both a drink, scanning the crate of vinyl sitting next to it.
"Mind if I choose something" you held a record up to show Javier, he took a break from pouring as he looked over the breakfast nook.
"Be my guest"
You took the vinyl out of the sleeve and soon the sultry tones of Donnie and Joe Emerson were rattling through the room.
You took a seat on Javier's couch, smiling when he joined and handed you a mixed drink.
"Trying to get me drunk Mr..." you pulled a face realising you didn't even know the guys last name, yet you'd been to his house twice already.
"Peña, Mr Peña. And to answer your question, no, I want you to be in the right state of mind for what I'm going to do to you" he purred as his lustful eyes sized you up.
After downing a reasonable amount of your drink, you seemed to gain a little confidence. You set the glass on the coffee table and turned to straddle Javier's hips.
"Is that so? What if I want to take charge?" you spoke, laying soft kisses on his neck, feeling his pulse quicken underneath you.
"You're getting awful bossy, querida"
"Oh yeah? And you're being awful loud Mr Peña" you felt a surge of energy as you head a slight groan from Javier upon hearing you call him such a powerful title.
You continued your path of kisses, heading south and unbuttoning his work uniform as you did so. Javier's hand nestled into your hair as you began to undo the latches on his belt. Javier's thighs tenses as you shimmied him out of his jeans, already you could see his member straining against the fabric of his boxers.
You kissed the strong muscle of Javier's thighs, purposefully avoiding where he was most sensitive. You enjoyed the power as you felt him try to pull you closer to where he wanted you.
"Come on baby" you almost didn't recognise his breathy voice, "You're killing me here"
Deciding you'd had enough of torturing him, you released his cock from the confines of his boxers, not missing the quiet moan that left Javier, only spurring you on more.
You licked a stripe up the underside of Javier's hard cock, before taking him in your mouth completely. You weren't used to someone of his size so you let yourself adjust to the intrusion. When you were more comfortable you hollowed out your cheeks and began to bob up and down, Javier's moans fuelling you as you took him deeper.
"Fuck, just like that" his grip in your hair tightened as he bucked his hips into your mouth, causing you to gag slightly, "Fuck yes, choke on it"
His words ignited your own arousal, wanting nothing more than to reach down and satisfy yourself, but no, you wouldn't, this was about him.
You continued your ministrations on his cock, you could feel his breath quicken with every bob of your head. Knowing his orgasm was fast approaching, you took him dee and let yourself gag around him. Javier let out a deep moan followed by a string of expletives.
Suddenly, he pulled your head off of him and brought you up to reach his height, the sudden movement startled you but soon you were calmed by the feel of his warm lips against yours.
In between kisses he spoke into your mouth, "I want to finish with you" followed by more kisses, "Want to feel you come around me"
His words were met with a groan, this time by you. Javier wasted no time ridding you of your work uniform and settled you in a sitting position, easing into you with a slow thrust.
You both shared a moan as he began a steady pace as fucked up into you. Being on top was a whole other experience than the last time you had sex, he felt so much deeper in you and because of this, you struggled to meet his thrusts.
You soon started to match his hips, letting out wanton moans as you felt him speed up his motions.
"Fuck Javier" you managed to moan out between kisses.
"Talk to me baby, how does he feel" he took to planting wet kisses against you kisses as you lay your head back, basking in the unrivalled pleasure.
"It feels so good. Fuck, I can feel you in my fucking stomach" you whined, feeling your orgasm fast approaching as he hit your g-spot repeatedly.
"I- fuck - I am baby, you feel so fucking good" Javier's thrusts were growing sloppier, he to was close.
"Don't come yet baby, wait for Daddy" the name caught you off guard — your eyes widening slightly but you were quickly overridden with lust, letting out a moan as you snaked a hand down to stimulate your clit.
"Fuck, okay, come now baby. Come on my cock"
And that you did, almost painful in how intense you shook as you rode through your orgasm. You barely even heard Javier's moans as heat seared your body.
After a few minutes of heavy breathing and sweaty kisses, Javier pulled out and you settled against his chest, smiling to yourself as you heard the record come to a halt and flip over.
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thelaclippings · 3 years
A Season in Retrospect
So, turns out Kawhi’s knee injury was significantly worse than we thought. I mean, it’s not career ending (at least that we know of), but the reality is that he never was coming back to the 2021 Playoff Picture. Do I think the Clippers handled this information well? Maybe. Do I think the Clippers should do everything in their power to keep Kawhi around long-term? Probably. But do I think betting everything on Kawhi coming back to his prior form justifies selling the farm? Absolutely not.
Here’s the thing: as a Clippers fan I am absolutely happy to see Kawhi having chosen the Clippers as his team of the future two years ago. I was excited to see Paul George traded to LA and not end up in the purple & gold, a year removed from spurning the Lakers in free agency, even if it broke my heart to see SGA heading back to OKC in return. I was happy to watch them piece together a team that could legitimately combat LeBron and his then-new running mate Anthony Davis. But the season came, the Clippers looked great (especially against LA - trust me, I was there opening night in a sea of crying Laker fans) and it took a pandemic to derail everything. 
Now, I am not a Bubble-whiner, but was it ideal to have the Bubble be the lasting impression of what it prototypically means to traverse the grueling 82 game season and battle the best of the best? No. The Bubble had it faults, but the Clippers had every shot to win it all just like anyone else that was there. Their collapse is historic and another black mark on the Clipper name, but for me that was greatly the fault of Doc Rivers and his relentless approach at sticking to his guns and NEVER making the unconventional adjustment. He’s absolutely known for it, and the Bubble proved it. Would this have been any different if there had not been the bubble? Maybe not, but the many factors of what happened between stopped play and restarting in the Bubble had more effect than is given credit for (i.e. Montreal Harrell and the loss of his best friend, his grandmother).
This last season showed that the Clippers can be scary when everything is clicking. Yes, other teams suffered injuries throughout the season but the Clippers always appeared to be playing at a 7 with intent to turn it up to 11 when the playoffs came. But their secret weapon was the adjustments Ty Lue was willing to make. If you rewatch each series, you will see the EXACT same formula in each one. Games 1 & 2 were close losses, and by Game 3 the adjustments would kick in. Each series had a young Superstar taking the reigns and showing they were unstoppable. Stephen A. Smith talked about it after every game and even went so far to declare Donovan Mitchell the “greatest Jazz player of all time” based on his performance against the Clippers. Then, the Clippers would put that fire out and the rest of the team would have to pick up the slack. And despite the positive depth of each team (and the universal agreement that the Clippers lacked depth), the Clippers rose to the occasion time and time again.
And when Kawhi went down, we didn’t blink. The momentum of confidence from the coaching staff gave guys like Terrance Mann & Luke Kennard the added support to produce some amazing performances. I firmly believe the Clippers could have won it all had Game 1 of the WCF had a couple calls go our way and PG hit a single Free Throw at the end of Game 2. Then some adequate rest between the WCF and the Finals might have recharged enough for a true run of the Bucks. BUT this isn’t a woulda-shoulda-coulda. Like the team, even I was exhausted by Game 6 following a marathon of games every other day for a solid 3 weeks. 
So it’s on to the next season. A chance to let the excitement and accomplishments from this past season settle in and optimism of the future. Except we are now regularly inundated with news about Kawhi and his future with the team and what the extent of his injury might mean. And while it is probably the most unpopular opinion on the internet, I’ll be the first to say it: if Kawhi doesn’t want to be here, then he needs to go.
If Kawhi wants to be in Dallas or Miami, then let him. If his only avenue there is through a sign and trade, then get some quality in return for his loss and move on. Make more adjustments, get into the right groove, and move on. 
I’ve watched nearly every game of the last two seasons and Kawhi on the floor is universally the best player. But there are moments - regularly - where I am not confident that he inspires his teammates. He is known to be low-key on his attitude and that can be jarring. I want passion, emotion, excitement. I personally thrive off the energy of others and maybe that’s where seeing Kawhi on TV or from a distance at the Staples Center doesn’t always translate. But PG’s energy does. Even when he’s saying some dumb stuff (Playoff P...) he still seems to have the support of his teammates. Without PG we wouldn’t have kept Reggie Jackson at next-to-nothing. PG might be the reason Reggie sticks around on a reasonable contract over the loads of money another team might throw at him.
Kawhi brought us Ibaka, sure, and barring the injury might have been a really great impact on the playoffs. But it’s the role players that carried us through the playoffs when Kawhi went down. And if Kawhi still had a big hand in keeping them motivated, then let’s not lose him. Let’s hope that matters enough for Kawhi to not only want to stick around but keep this team together.
The idea of trading away the bench in order to bring in another question-mark player is nauseating to me. If we have to lose guys like Patrick Beverly, Marcus Morris, or Terrance Mann, I don’t want to see the return be mid-level guys who need to jive in a new situation. If the return is anyone but Damian Lillard, I don’t want them. No John Wall. No Russell Westbrook. No Ben Simmons. No middle-of-the-road players that don’t truly elevate over what we have. Marcus Morris was once seen as one of these guys, and at his best still is. Why trade him unless you are absolutely certain the guy coming back is better? Pat Bev is the heart of our team, and proved that in crunch time he is still easily the most effective defensive stopper in the league. Don’t believe me, listen to comments from the Jazz series on guys not wanting to get stuck with him on them.
Yes, their contracts are high. And yes, nothing can be done without moving on from these guys. But why does anything need to be done? If there’s one for certain that needs to be addressed, it’s Kawhi. If he is not the leader of this team, which I would argue Paul George has more of the proven leader qualities than Kawhi has outwardly shown, and he might want to play somewhere else, then use his albatross contract and the unknown of his injury and how it affects his future as the last-ditch-effort trade chip to bring some talent back and give us the flexibility.
Would I be opposed to Kawhi-to-Dallas? Mostly, as I don’t like enough of the surrounding talent to come back as collateral. Short of getting every draft pick imaginable from Dallas, guys like Tim Hardaway, Jr. or Kristaps Porzingis don’t give me the confidence that I would want to be traceable assets or reliable otherwise. Hardaway had a great resurgence, sure, but he needs to find a way to Indiana to keep playing for Rick Carlisle. Porzingis on the other hand is still a good player, but has proven he’s not worth the contract and thus untraceable to a third team so you’re stuck with him. And he does not signlehandedly replace what Kawhi brings. I like guys like Maxi Kleber, but then we have so many bigs we wouldn’t know what to do with, and trading away Zubac’s to accommodate incoming bigs would be a huge mistake. I also would hate the combination of Luka & Kawhi from a competitor standpoint. If we ran into Dallas a third time in the playoffs next season, but they now have Kawhi instead, we are toast. Bottom line.
I’d send Kawhi to Miami. Mostly because he would only be our problem if they made it to the finals, and as a basketball fan I’d love to see that Miami team go head to head with the Nets for a couple seasons and see what shakes out. If Kawhi joined Jimmy Butler in Miami, the East would, in my opinion, have effectively balanced itself back out with the West. I also think the return would be better. Guys like Tyler Herro, Duncan Robinson, Kendrick Nunn all have trade value. Get some picks in return as well and we have some quality building blocks. Or truly pull off the incredible by making this trade as a stepping stone to another one that nets the Clippers Damian Lillard.
I’ve tinkered with the NBA Trade Machine and made this work a variety of ways. Sending Ibaka to the Blazers and Kawhi to the Heat allows the Clippers to bring back not just Lillard, but potentially one of Miami’s sharpshooters or even a talent like Jones Jr. or Kanter. Sporting a lineup that includes George and Lillard without giving up guys like Morris, Zubac, Mann, or Beverly would be a huge win. Keeping Rondo for experience and leadership would be welcome though he likely wouldn’t play much, and spending the remaining resources on retaining guys like Nic Batum & Reggie Jackson would be crucial.
All in all, I would hate to see Kawhi leave a team that could have won it if the injury never happened. I would hate to see this team broken up at all. Bring back Batum, bring back Jackson. Bring back guys like Cousins or even Pat Pat (despite his effective 0 minutes played in the playoffs). Leadership and chemistry is the final piece in this already established puzzle. 
But if Kawhi needs to follow his own path, then I think the Clippers need to suck it up and move on.
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loser-writings · 4 years
Since he definitely doesnt get enough love, how about the nsfw alphabet for twice?
N/SFW Alphabet || Jin Bubaigawara || Twice
For his birthday! It’s a day late, but I hope you enjoy
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Twice is pretty caring actually after sex. He may not be running you a bath, but he will clean you both up, toss you his button up shirt, and grab you something to drink. 
When he lays back down, he will hold you close and play with your hair. Also fairly good with pillow talk if you can ignore his split personality butting in now and then. He also is extremely chatty after so he will talk and hold you close. 
If you are one to fall asleep right after, he might pull you against his chest and trail his fingers up and down your back, humming or praising you til you’re asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He honestly doesn’t like a lot about him. He is pretty insecure about his body, especially the scar on his forehead, but if you forced him to pick something then he would say his hands. 
He loves how rough his hands are. The years of playing guitar and villain work making them rough yet he feels like they’re extremely manly. It’s hard to express, but he loves them a lot.
On his lover, he admires a lot about them but he has to admit that legs are his favorite, but specifically your thighs. He loves to pick you up and hold your thighs in his hands, see how different clothes show off your legs, and if you sit on his bed in nothing but his shirt and underwear, he can’t help but admire your legs.
His split personality also will loudly comment about your legs, so let’s hope that you aren’t bashful.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
It really depends on his mood because sometimes he wants really intimate sex that has him cumming deep inside you, or he wants to be borderline disgusting (As long as you are okay with it of course)
Not saying that facials turn him on but if he is in the nasty mood, then please let him cum on your face. Seeing you a mess just for him makes him not only feel special, but REALLY gets him going.
He also is a bit of a heavy producer and it can be pretty thick, so shit like creampies just sort of happen. 
He actually doesn’t taste all that bad either. He really loves fruit and tries to fit them in his diet as much as possible, so he tastes fairly sweet.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It’s not that he would be interested in a threeway, but he would be. He would never bring it up to you though, so the only way you would find out about this is if you were to bring it up to him.
He also is a switch, so if you want to peg him go for it. Like if you brought it up, you would see him nod quickly and clearly get excited by the idea of being submissive since he is usually thrown into a more dominant role without much thought. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He is fairly experienced. He went a bit wild during his teens and early twenties, so he knows what he is doing. Since the incident though, he lost a lot of confidence 
F = Favorite position (Gif Link included!)
Ahaha [Click for visual]
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
This man gets so into it that he can’t help but have some goofy moments. They’re never intentional, but they just sort of happen and he hopes that you roll with it. 
He never takes it too seriously since he views sex as something that should be fun and enjoyable, so why be serious when you can be giggly? He is all for giggly sex.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He isn’t completely bare, but he keeps his shit pretty damn close to it. He hates hair down there only because it interferes with his villain suit, and cause its just something that overwhelms him. Theyre a bit darker than the hair on his head if they do grow out a bit though.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
God he is one of the most romantic people and nobody can fight me on this. If he is sleeping with you, it's because he truly does trust you and it shows. He will babble praise in your ear and comment about how amazing you look
Sometimes he gets so into it that he just lets a few tears out. He absolutely loves feeling special so if you make him feel loved and cared for, expect him to pull you closer and cry against you. They’re always happy tears though
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
This guy honestly has no shame. If he gets needy, then why the hell should he not give himself what he wants? Hopefully you don’t mind that cause you are almost guaranteed to walk in on him.
Not to mention he may have a slight kink for humiliation and getting caught. Only by you though, if it was anybody else than he would have a shit-fit. Like full panic mode activated.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise || Seriously PRAISE THIS MAN!!! He will be so soft and it pretty much makes the sex twice as sweet (no I don’t regret the pun) not to mention this man constantly needs reassurance? So pretty much be vocal and promise him that he is doing an amazing job. He really appreciates it.
Morning sex || Is this a kink? Well it is now. Sex right as you both wake up is something Jin would die for. The soft mumbles, the sun warming your bodies in just the right way, and being fully relaxed makes him cry like a little baby in your arms. Like he is complete putty in your arms.
Switch || Not a kink, I know. This man is just a COMPLETE switch and he isn’t afraid of being a hard dom, a soft dom, a complete brat, or one of the most obedient babies. He is completely okay with whatever you want when you want it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Okay here me out but like...take this man in the back seat of his car and he will be all fucking for it. Like he will let you ride him until he is in tears while his hands are bound by the seatbelt, just a complete whimpering and crying mess because its all so good.
The classic bed is also a close one. Its just so soft and loving that he can’t help but be a total mess for it
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
I think everybody agrees that Love or the Illusion of love would be enough to keep him going. It doesn’t matter if you are just manipulating him to do what you want or if you actually love him, you just have to act like you care about him. Like do the bare minimum and he will be all yours.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He can handle light bondage on himself, but nothing that he can't untangle himself from. If he starts to panic and feels himself splitting, being bound will only make him panic more. Because of this, he avoids binding his wrists, arms, and legs. His torso? As long as it’s not too tight. He really enjoys how beautiful Shibari looks though, but he just can’t handle it if it keeps him from moving,
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Bro this man is a GOD at oral. Like let him please you, he can have you crying if he can focus on something other than chatting. Once he gets focused and in the zone though, he will have you trembling and will force you through one of the most intense orgasms. After, he will rather give you one of the most excited looks, expecting praise and rewards for his good work, or the most lustful, half lidded gaze as if he is completely intoxicated.
When receiving though, he is the whiniest baby. Like hands will be tangled in your hair, his back will arch off the bed, his hips will buck in your mouth, and he will be crying. Tears are a promise, not a threat here. He just feels so well taken care of that he can’t help but cry
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It switches honestly. He genuinely loves both, and he tries his best to stay consistent, but god he can’t help it. Sometimes he just h a s to slam into you and hear you cry out. It’s all so good to him and he keeps you on your toes this way, but its always so rewarding.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn’t mind them! Just like the J/O headcanon, why would he tell you no if you both are in a mood? He is eager to please even if its just a quick 5 minutes in the car or closet. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Anything you want to do, he will at least try. Sure, he might have tried some things in the past, but he might enjoy it now that some time has passed! The only thing he told you no on was him being tied up.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He really puts his all into the first round, so the most you can get out of him is about two rounds even though he will try to do a third if you want more. He honestly just needs a moment to recover though.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He really isn’t the biggest fan of toys? Like sure, he may have a couple but he really never sees a need for them when he has you. He also loves knowing that its him thats making you feel so good, not just some toy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He enjoys teasing so much more than being teased, but he doesn’t tease intentionally for very long since he gets impatient easily.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
This man is??? S o fucking loud? 
When he is dom, he grunts and groans a lot, praise spilling from his lips like none other. He loves telling you how good you feel as well as mumbling how dirty you are.
When he is sub, god just expect a noise complaint. He is so fucking loud and he cries out a lot. Poor thing just gets sensitive easily.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He can sometimes get panicky during sex and will need a break to calm down. When this happens, you have to go into full comfort mode. He will feel SO guilty over it all and really just needs you to tell him that it’s all okay. Also, if you get him his mask, he will calm down a lot quicker
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Okay like...Hear me out. 
Twice is a BIG dude. Like...solid 9 inches and pretty girthy too. Like he totally has accidentally hurt somebody before with how big he is. He is actually really scared about hurting someone again because of this.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Ehhh Id say moderate to high. It definitely increases when he has a S/O, but normally it can be a bit above average.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It honestly depends. If he topped and nothing too extreme, he will be pretty chatty and can have a boost of energy. If he subbed, he is out within a few minutes. Because of this, hold him close and reassure him that he is okay. After he falls asleep, clean him up, throw his favorite pajamas on him, and relax with him.
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softbuckismykink · 4 years
The Last Goodbye
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So I read that^ and came up with a story and I started writing it... Then when I was about to post I realized opps I read the pronouns wrong... Can’t be bothered to change my story though...  so here it is... :)
Not an x-over just borrowing characters from another show. To play Buck’s ex is Clay Spencer from SEAL Team. Now I didn’t watch the show pass like episode ten in season one so I don’t know much about the character or his origin story. I’m just borrowing him cause I can’t be assed to create an O.C. just for a one shot.  If you happen to have knowledge of how military/navy works please suspend your disbelief, I did research but honestly it’s just me reading wikipedia so I more than likely have gotten the elements concerning SEAL training and other military stuff wrong. You are warned. Don’t get offended.
Another Warning: This is a Buddie fic but it includes intimate scenes (not sex) between Buck and Clay, if you are a Buddie purist, this is your warning. 
X-posted on  AO3
Inspired by a tumblr post by @theladyandthewolves​ (Sorry I forgot to add, I did the linky link thing in AO3 but forgot to add it here)
Summary: In which team finds out Buck has a husband, when said husband turned up out of a blue and asked for a divorce. 
We were almost beautiful A broken piece of art put on display But we were never possible Another perfect moment thrown away I know somebody out there will love you They'll be the forever we never were 'Cause we were everything that's right at the wrong time
I didn't wanna lose you Leave you with a broken heart But wherever we are, we're miles apart I know that we tried, but this is the last goodbye
Life is going good for Buck. He’s back at 118. His team forgave him and his best friend forgave him, and he’s on his way to forgiving himself. 2019 felt like a sucky year for him with the bombing, recovering from his injuries, the tsunami, the lawsuit, Eddie’s street fighting, Bobby’s being exposed to radiation and weeks of worrying about his found!father dying of either radiation poisoning, aplastic anemia, or some kind of cancer.  
Of course there’s no guarantee that 2020 is gonna be better, but Buck likes to feel optimistic about these things. He has to be since it feels like the rest of his found family are the gloom and loom type, so it’s his job to keep the spirits up or they’ll all fall into despair. He said as much to his team as they gather around the side of the fire truck, just having arrived for their shift.       
“No seriously look at what happened last year. I got that injury and I was admittedly surly for a while--”
“Oh you were more than surly, Buck.” Hen commented.
“Okay I was, but that’s not my point. My point was I not my usual happy self and you guys were all just affected by it. And I feel like it’s my fault.”
“Not everything is about you, Buck.” Eddie said, shaking his head, though clearly amused.
“I’m just saying, I’m on to something here because all bad luck started with me being injured last year. So this year part my new years’s resolution is to generate enough positive energy to drive away all the bad luck you guys attract.”
“Yeah right, we are the trouble magnets,” Hen gestures to herself and the rest of the crew, “not you who’s pretty much in competition with Chim for the Idiot with the Most Death-Defying Experience Award.”
“Of course, I mean Chim is still winning in that,” Buck said smugly, “which pretty much proves my point.”
“Okay, Buck. Whatever lets you sleep at night.” Chim shook his head, with a laugh.
The good natured ribbing continued until they all noticed a man standing by the entrance of the station. Dirty blond curls and a full beard, in tight henley and cargo pants, he looked out of place among the clean shaven firefighter crew but he walked inside with so much confidence that you’d think he owned the place. 
“Clay what are you doing here?” Buck asked as he walked towards the scruffy looking man. 
“Hi, Evan.” The man greeted as he met Buck half way, giving Buck a tight hug and, to the young firefighter’s surprise, a kiss on his cheek. Buck could feel the stares bore onto his back. “Sorry to drop in on you at work but I don’t have you phone number or home address.”
“You mean to tell me that years of working with CIA and you can’t even get my contact info?”
“I work as their muscle Evan, I don’t do the intelligence part.”
“We both know that’s bull, Clay. You speak six languages, you are more than just the muscle.”
“And you basically thought me five of those, though I speak nine now, not all fluently but I get by.”
“And you are still arrogant as ever.” Buck sighed, some things never changed. 
“Can we talk privately?” Clay asked when he noticed the peanut gallery behind Buck.
No. Buck thought, he didn’t really want to do this here in the station but it’s only the start of his shift and he can’t really leave so he said, “I can’t leave but we can talk inside, I got a couple minutes so it better be quick.”
Buck lead the man to the relative privacy that the locker room provides. It’s all glass enclosure and anyone from outside can see in but he knew his colleagues would know not to bother them or listen in. 
The moment they were inside the room, Buck turned his back towards the other man, taking a moment to close the door and gather his thoughts. Fucking Clay Spencer, six years and the man still has the ability to turn his day around, making him feel all out of sorts. Buck took a deep breath before facing his husband.
“Not to be morbid Clay, but I figured after I rang that bell the next time I’ll hear about you was when I get a death notification from a CACO officer.”
“Yeah I thought so too.” Clay admitted with a slight grimace. They were young, only 19 when they got married, but they both thought they’ll be together forever. “I mean I did promise ‘till death do us part. I always thought I’d at least fulfill the death portion of that promise. But I also thought I wouldn’t meet another person I’d want to marry again and I did. Her name’s Stella, she’s a grad student at Hudson State.”
“And now you want a divorce.”
“We were over years ago we just never got around to signing the papers for it.  I’m getting married in June so--”
“So what you figure you’d come to my place of work, greet me with a kiss like we last saw each other only this morning, not six years ago and what? Demand that I go sign the divorce papers so you could go on living your merry life?”
“Look Evan, I was an ass. Heck I still am, but I wasn’t the one who left. You did.”
“Let be real, we both know I couldn’t stay.” Buck said, because it was true. DADT was repealed but the prejudice lingers. When the instructors learned that yes Evan Spencer was related to Clay Spencer and no they weren’t brothers or cousins, well let’s just say things get ugly. “I was just holding you back. Being a SEAL was your dream.”
“And there was a time that it was yours too.”
“No, I-”  It never was. I did it to be with you is what Buck wanted to say but he knew that’s unfair to both of them so he said instead, “I did it because I don’t know what I want back then. But I what I did figure out is that I was never built for that kind of life, Clay.”
“I know. You were always too soft.” Clay commented. Buck glared which didn’t escape his husband’s notice. 
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way, Evan. I’m glad you never went through with the training. Of the two of us, you were always the saint--”
“And you are just digging a deeper hole, Spencer. You should quit while you’re ahead.”
“I should, but you know that’s not really my style.”
“You saying it’s mine?” Buck challenged, eager for a fight for some reason, but Clay didn’t rise to the bait.
“You’re putting words into my mouth Evan.” Clay step in closer to him, invading Buck’s personal space. “I never thought any less of you when you quit training. I was actually relieved that you did. You were so determined when you told me you wanted to be a SEAL and I couldn’t say no even if I wanted to. So much. Cause I knew it would break you in ways that I never wanted for you, in ways that would take the best part of you that I loved so much. It was why as much as I hate him, I had Dad pull some strings to get you out of your contract and discharged. I didn’t think you’d take that as a cue to walk away.”
“You think I’m fragile, Clay but I’m not.”
“No,” Clay denied, stepping even closer, close enough that Buck could feel the other man’s breath against his cheek as the SEAL look him in the eye and explained, “I treat you like you are fragile, because that’s how you treat something that’s precious. I’ll admit to that. But I know you are strongest person I’ve ever met, Evan. I loved that about you.” 
“Then why did you let go?” Buck said, his words are demanding but his tone is all but resigned.
“Why didn’t you stay?” Clay parried back, equally yielding. They both knew the answer to each other’s question, love isn’t enough to keep them together and that’s their reality. That doesn’t negate the magnetic attraction they felt towards each other.
The SEAL stepped even closer, their foreheads within a hair’s breadth of the other, as their lips slowly gravitated towards each other. Buck felt the brush of the other man’s dry lips against his own. The touch is so painfully familiar, but gone was the spark his memories insist had once accompanied such intimate gesture. Still Buck felt nostalgic and he was just about to give in and press back when he heard a knock. They sprung apart and Buck turned to the person at the door. Buck saw his best friend leaning against the doorway arms tight cross against his chest. 
“Buck, Cap wants you for the stand-up meeting.” Eddie said tersely informed Buck while glaring at the other man. “Upstairs kitchen. Five minutes.”
“Okay, I’ll be up in two Eds.” Buck nodded with a strained smile. “Thanks for letting me know.” 
“I don’t mind but you gotta hurry or Cap would get pissed.” Eddie said before walking away, but not without directing one last glare at Buck’s visitor.
“Did he just call you, Buck?” Clay asked as soon as Eddie left the room.  “You change your surname back to Buckley? Since when?”
“Not that it’s any of your business but about two years ago after the DOD finally let me back stateside, before I started at the fire Academy. Just for work and my direct deposit bank, for now. I never got around to doing it for anything else. I guess I have to now.”
“You don’t have to. No law requires it of you.” Clay made to close the gap between them again only for Buck to step back. “It would be an unnecessary hassle.”
“You are getting married, Clay. To another person. You don’t get to act possessive and ask me to keep a name I’m half way to dropping.” Buck shook his head, clearly Clay hadn’t change a bit, still one with the need possessively attach his name to everything. The sound of a ladder truck returning reminded Buck of the meeting he was called to, “Look I really need to get going. Give me your phone.”
“Evan I-” Clay started but at the firefighter’s impatient glare, he reluctantly hands over his phone. Buck quickly typed in his contact information.
“There you have my contact number.” Buck handed the phone back and turned to leave, saying over his shoulders, “I also put in my mailing address, so you know where to send in the divorce paper.” 
“Wait, Evan--” Clay called after him, most likely noticing that Buck never put in his home address. “This is a P.O. box.” 
“Where I get my mails delivered to and I know you know how that works.” Buck walked away before the other man could launch another protest.
“So Buck who’s the hunk of meat?” Hen asked as soon as Buck reached the landing of the upstairs loft where the kitchen is located. His crew gathered around the kitchen island where Bobby was preparing breakfast, not at all looking like they are about to have any kind of job related meeting.
“I thought we were doing stand-up meeting?”
“No that was just Eddie here letting out the green eyed mons--Ouch!” Chimney’s explanation was interrupted by Hen elbowing him in the sternum.
“You look like you needed a save so I intervened, I didn’t know I’d be interrupting something.” Eddie remarked, a touch snidely.
“You didn’t interrupt anything. Clay was just um, saying goodbye.”
“I didn’t know friends say goodbye with a kiss.” 
“Clay’s not exactly my friend.”
“Well, he’s not family not with that kiss. What is he an ex-fling? A phase? Is that why he calls you Evan?” Eddie asked eyebrows raised and suspicious.
“Yeah I wondered about that too, we thought you said everyone just call you Buck.” Chim said, scratching his head, “I mean even your sister calls you Buck.”
“Not exactly an ex. And he’s not a phase!” Buck protested, offended at the word phase. At the surprised looks that his friends are giving him for his unusual outburst, he mellowed, shrugged and said, “I mean Clay is Clay. He always called me Evan. Ever since high school.”
“Um, Clay didn’t like that the name Buck is short for Buckley. Some sort of caveman reason I guessed.”
“Okay so the guy is more than a fling then?” Eddie prodded, not letting the topic die like Buck had silently asking him too, with his pointed looks. So much for best friend telepathy.
Buck sighed, resigned to admitting something he has been mum about ever since starting at 118. “Clay Spencer is my husband, or rather my soon to be ex-husband, he’s filing for divorce so.” 
It took a moment for his words to sink in and 
“Wait, what the fuck?! You were married?! And you didn’t tell us?!” Eddie asked sounding a little furious.
“To a man?!” Chim added, confounded and unable to think.
“And now you’re getting a divorce?” Bobby said calmly but the twitch of his eyebrow and the way he straightened up clearly betrayed his surprise.
“Wow my gaydar’s needs readjustment,” Hen shook her head, frowning. “I just thought you were hetero-flexible not full-on freewheeling.”
His team spoke one after another, all shocked at his revelation which granted was a little unexpected coming from him, a reformed self-diagnosed sex addict who’s afraid of commitment. 
“So what happened?” Hen asked being the first one to recover from the shock of Buck’s surprising revelation.
“Between Clay and I?” Buck asked then continued at Hen’s nod, “Well we were together since freshman year, in high school. Um- we bonded over having absent fathers. I thought we’d be together forever but Clay also wanted to join the Navy like his Dad, so we’ve always kept our relationship low key-ish until DADT got repealed. After that, we said fuck it, and got married. My dad got so mad when he found out, which was more because we were only nineteen back then, not because it was so gay which didn’t help of course but yes more because we were just kids when we got married,” Buck explained trying for casual, as he sat himself in the couch. “Anyways Clay enlisted and got into SEAL pipeline program. I got in a year after him, but I had to quit, we separated, the rest they say is history.”
“So that’s why two you broke-up? Because you quit SEAL training?” Bobby asked leaning on the railing across the couch Buck was seated at. Besides the captain is his best friend, Eddie, who has a blank look on his face that Buck couldn’t even begin to decipher. 
“Um he wanted to be a SEAL and I knew I was just holding him back so...” Buck trailed off, noticing how his team look at him with pity in their eyes, “Shit guys don’t look at me that way I’m not some broken piece of glass okay?”
When the pitying looks continued, and Bobby moved as if to comfort him, Buck said, “No, seriously guys, I’m okay. I’m not at all broken up about this at all, so you guys shouldn’t be either. Me and Clay were done years ago. It’s just we got lazy and didn’t get around to signing papers until now.”
“You don’t have to put on front with us, kid.” Chim said moving on to sit in the couch beside his while Hen moved to sit beside him. “We are family, heck you are practically my brother.”
“Chim’s right, Buckaroo. It’s okay to be not okay. We won’t think any less of you if you for it.” Hen added, laying a comforting hand on his shoulders.
“I’m seriously fine. I mean I’m not gonna lie and say it never affected me or that  it didn’t hurt. Because I did, years ago when first broke up, cause I really thought we were forever. But now? I’m not even sad or anything.”
“But if you are, you know that we are here for you, right?”
“I know that Bobby. And I appreciate it.” There was a prolonged silence that lingered for  a couple of minutes as they all just looking for words to say. Eventually Chimney, as always, broke that silence with a joking remark.
“Okay but seriously how did you land some one that hot?” Chim teased Buck.
“Chim seriously?! Your bi is showing.” Hen smirked. 
“What? I’m just saying that is one beast of a man. I’m just wondering what he saw in our Buck.”
“Hey, quit it hobbit,” Hen slapped her best friend in the arm, “Our Buck here is equally as beastly looking if not more.” 
“Hen, not that I don’t appreciate the vote of confidence because I truly do, but I don’t think ‘beastly’ is a look I aspire to project you know.”
“Joking aside, did you really go through SEAL training? Did you mean like BUD/s?” Chim asked, curious about Buck’s past but knowing the younger man would rather not talk about his soon-to-be ex-husband. At  Buck’s nod Chimney asked again, “Isn’t that only for Enlisted Navy?”
“You said you weren’t in the Navy.” Bobby added, confused.
“I wasn’t, I mean not really. I mean technically I was one but only for like less than 180 days? Which meant I got like an ELS.” Buck tried explaining, only garnering more confused looks. “Entry-Level Separation. I entered the program through SEAL Challenge Contract. I got through ‘Hell Week’ at BUD/s but I DOR’d a week after that. So it was like only give or take 155 days before I DOR’d. Which was why I don’t claim to be in the Navy because I barely was in it.”
“DOR?” Hen asked.
“Dropped on request. Clay I guessed heard about it when he was in SQT,” Buck started but had to clarify again, “er SEAL qualification training. Anyways, the instructors were about to shuffle me into the fleet as an enlisted sailor, which is usually what happens when a SEAL candidate drops out. But suddenly I got an offer that the brass would waive my Navy Enlistment contract if I would agree to work as a civilian linguistic analyst attached to a joint operation between the DOD and DEA that’s based in Chile. It was an unusual offer but I figured Clay’s father who’s a retired SEAL pulled some strings. I took the offer and spent four years bouncing around between bases in South America doing translation work.”
“Wait you said you bartender’d in South America, not Schneider’d you way through it.”
“What’s Schneider’d? And when did I say that?”
“Cocaine Wars,” Bobby said as if that alone explains it but of course Evan ‘as far as I’m concerned the world started when I was born’ Buckley didn’t get that reference, so Bobby had to explain further, “Schneider is the name of the actor who is an undercover DEA agent working in South America. And you told me when you were pulling that worm out of that guy who ate a lot of sushi.”
“I wasn’t an undercover agent, I only did translation work in a black site in South America but can’t actually say that in front of strangers so I said the first appropriate thing that came to mind.”
“Bartending is the first thing that came to mind?” 
“Well no not the very first thing... um stripping was actually but that seemed inappropriate too?” Buck said, scratching his head. At the incredulous looks he is getting from his team he defended,  “What?! Bartending is believable job I could have been doing. I mean Bobby did believe it.” 
“That’s not what--” Chim wanted to explain but was interrupted by the sound of the alarms going off. 
“You were awfully quiet after me telling you guys about Clay.” Buck said as soon as him and Eddie were left alone in the locker room. “You barely talked to me all day too. Is there a problem?”
“No.” Eddie replied, abrupt and clearly not wanting to talk about it but at seeing Buck’s pleading gaze, he relented, “Okay I admit I was a little upset because I thought by now we told each other everything. But then I get a slap in the face and realize I don’t know you at all. I mean I didn’t even tell me you were married.  Or that you ex-husband is a slimy squid.”
“I’m still technically married. And I believe military term is frogmen not squid.”
“Well maybe  in the Navy, in the Army they are slimy squids.” Eddie huffed.  “Seriously though, Buck. Why didn’t you tell me? I mean we talked about our exes before. You told me about Abby. You know about Shannon. Heck I even told you about Alex from boot camp. So I don’t know why you thought you couldn’t tell me about your ex-husband Clay.”
“It’s for the same reason you didn’t talk about your ex-wife back when I first asked you.”
“You asked me that before we got really close. And she’s not my ex-wife, she was my wife. There’s a difference.”
“Exactly, she wasn’t your ex-wife. Just like Clay isn’t my ex-husband. I didn’t talk about him like he is my ex because he isn’t.”
“You were separated, you said you didn’t see each other for six years.”
“I know that. I know in my head we are over and truly broken up,” Buck said while gesturing to his head then he laid his hand on his chest, “But here. Well here it’s stupid, because here there’s hope. So I didn’t talk about him like he’s my ex because then it would be like admitting that it’s truly over, no takebacksies over. I was over Clay but I guess I hadn’t reach that point where my heart’s willing to acknowledge it.”
“You dated a lot after him though, that’s like more than acknowledging it. That’s moving on.”
“It’s adapting a coping mechanism. An unhealthy one at that. I had a long list of one night stands because felt rejected and needed validation. Plus I like having sex but I was determined not to let anyone in again. Then I met Abby, who made me realize I crave intimacy not sex, she made me feel safe to love again, but she left before I could commit to loving her. Which was fortunate cause I don’t know how would get over it if she left me after I learned to love her.”
“I don’t think loving someone could be learned, Buck. Either you do, or you don’t.”
“Maybe so. But my point was I didn’t talk about him cause I thought I wasn’t over him yet. And I would have when I’m ready. I didn’t know when I just knew that talking about him before that would be like--”
“Like poking an open wound.” 
“Yes exactly like that.” Buck picked up that metaphor and expounded on it. “What I didn’t realize was that wound long scabbed over. And I left it thinking that if I picked on it, it would bleed again. Only to find out today that it’s all healed.”
“What was the kiss then?”
“The what?”
“The kiss I interrupted Buck.”
“I’m not sure but it felt like a goodbye.”
“I’m not an expert, Buck, but when he kissed you it looked more than just goodbye.” If Buck didn’t know better, he’d say Eddie sounded jealous as he said, “He’s all over you.”
“He isn’t. He kissed me but I’m telling you now, that kiss doesn’t feel like it meant anything to him. Or me. It’s not like what you think.”
“If you say so.” Eddie looked to Buck tryin g to see the truth in his eyes.
“I say so.” Buck said determined as held the other man’s gaze for a few moments, before looking away and shyly admitting, “Besides there is someone else I like.”
The words linger in the air between them as their eyes locked on to each other’s yet again; and slowly they gravitated towards each other without either knowing it. Their foreheads touched, nose brushing. The moment their lips brush, Buck felt the tingle in up his spine making him slightly weak in the knees. He held on to the older man’s waist to help himself stay upright. Eddie lifted his hand to caress the back of Buck’s head as he leaned in to deepen the kiss. Buck can’t help the moan the escaped his lips. And Eddie took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue and explore the younger man’s mouth.  If it was up to Eddie it would have gone further further but Buck pulled away.
“I’m not--” Buck shook his head, trying to clear it from the haze. “I like you but you were just widowed, and I still need to get divorced.”
“Okay, but just so you know this,” Eddie said gesturing at the air between them, “this is gonna happen. I’ll be asking you out as soon as you drop the name Spencer.”
“Not if I  asked you first.”
“Fair enough. As long as I get to eventually marry you, that’s fine.”
“Sure as long as you don’t expect me to take your name.”
“Maybe I’ll take yours instead. Edmundo Buckley has a nice ring to it don’t you think.”
“Yeah, definitely.” Buck managed to spat out with a straight face. They both look at each other in the eye before laughing out loud at the name.
Fuck Edmundo Buckley sounds ridiculous, maybe just this once Buck would take one for the team and take Eddie’s name anyway. Evan Diaz after all sounded way better. 
102 notes · View notes
ofheroesandvillains · 5 years
Reality - Bucky Barnes
Bucky x reader (third person POV) Words: 2.3k Warnings: None, some violence in one nightmare but it’s not graphic. Summary: If he keeps her at arms length then he can’t hurt her. But is it worth hurting himself?
Gosh, it has been a hot minute. I’ve been insanely busy but that’s no excuse. I’ve missed writing so much but it’s been a while so I just whipped this up to get back into the swing of things - I didn’t want to butcher a request with bad writing but I promise I’m working on them. Thank you for your patience, lovely readers, and please let me know what you think! I don't usually dedicate things, but this one is for @softhairbarnes​ who always manages to motivate me with sweet comments - you’re a gem!
(Not my gif!)
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Sometimes when he closed his eyes at night he would see ghosts. A blur of faces, each a distinct reminder that would haunt him into consciousness. Other times he’d feel the wind whipping around him, a distant shout his only companion as fell, and fell, and fell. He always woke up before he could find out what waited for him at the bottom, but he knew it was nothing good.
Bucky had come to terms with his past; knew there was no undoing what had already been done, but it didn’t make sleeping any easier. He didn’t mind, he thought, when the waking world held so much more for him.
Even on nights like these, when sleep was a stranger that wanted nothing to do with him, he couldn’t be all that mad.  He’d get up, walk around, drink some water, then when he finally bored himself to the point of exhaustion, he’d try it again. But tonight things were different.
Tonight his senses alerted him to an anomaly. A disturbance in his usual routine that could not go ignored. He just wasn’t capable…
He’d seen shots like this in movies - Hollywood starlets bathed in the glow of pale moonlight. There was something mystical about it, something beautiful and sacred in the curve of her brow and the slope of her nose, illuminated, yet casting a shadow over the rest of her features. He could lose himself in moments like these, fingers itching to reach out and touch like a connoisseur entranced by the finest of paintings. But there was a reason art was meant to be seen and not touched.
Even the slightest of brushes, a mere stroke of a fingertip, and the picture would never be the same. To disturb her now would be sacrilege. It would shatter the illusion - the daydream he allowed himself to have. Now, as she lay curled up on the couch of the living room, blanketed only by the gleam of the moon, he could pretend that she wasn’t just a friend. If he really wanted to, he could entertain the idea of something more, the same idea he’d dismissed a thousand times before.
But that was not his reality, not yet. And she was just another apparition sent to toy with his mind. Another desire that was just out of reach.
For the third time in as many weeks, Sam was left wondering just how his stores had dropped so low…and then he remembered that he lived with a team of termites.
When Bucky finally arrived for breakfast, bleary-eyed and wearing nothing but his old sweats, it was to the sound of her laughter and the sight of an impressive glower on Sam’s part. The two of them could shoot snappy wisecracks at each other for days if left unsupervised. And much like he did in that moment, he’d just sit back and watch the show.  
“Girl, you keep eating my snacks and I’m gonna snap one day. I’m serious, it’s gonna get ugly.”
She shot Sam a grin, too wide to be innocent, and shuffled over to Bucky with a plate of bacon and eggs in hand.
“You’re a saint, doll.” He thanked with a sleepy little smile.
“Please,” Sam scoffed. “Saints don’t steal from the less fortunate,” he grumbled, shaking an empty box of his favourite cereal for good measure.
“Hey, you automatically lose sole custody of any food left in the shared space. Right, Buck?”
Not many things could get between a hungry super-soldier and a meal, but the moment he felt her arms wind around his bare shoulders, food was the last thing on his mind. It was platonic, she hugged everyone. But the feel of her hands on his chest and her cheek against his temple never failed to make his heart race.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s right,” he said around a mouthful.
Sam scoffed with a roll of his eyes. He shouldn’t have expected any less - he could see the subtle way Bucky leaned back into her embrace from a mile away, all self-satisfied and proud. Like a damn cat, he thought.
“Still haven’t told her?”
Though the whisper was familiar, it was also jarring. He’d been too lost in the moment to even realise he was no longer a lone admirer, and he felt a strange sense of loss at the thought. Why now? Why this moment?
“Nothin’ to tell. Nothin’ she’d want to hear anyway…” He cringed at the roughness of his own voice, and again when he heard Sam move beside him with a sigh.
“She thinks you’re avoiding her, you know?” said Sam. Knows. She knows, would have been more appropriate, and they both knew it - it had already been a week, after all. “She doesn’t understand.”
As if sensing she was the topic of discussion, she frowned. Bucky frowned with her. The daydream slipped through his fingers.
“I just…I’ve been busy.”
The excuse was weak, even to his own ears. Sam’s hand came up to grip his shoulder, reassuring as ever. But Bucky found it did nothing to ease his mind this time.
If he’d torn his eyes away from her for even a moment, he would have noticed the way Sam’s eyes softened. “What are you so scared of, man?”
The dream he’d had that one night was so realistic, so painfully vivid.
“You ever think about what things would have been like if you went back with Steve?”
He had thought about it once, but the past no longer had a place for him. He hadn’t been Bucky Barnes since he’d fallen from that train. There was nothing left for him there, when so much he needed remained here.
“Not really, no.”
She turned to him then, her head propped on her fist as she lay on her side. If he sat up, he could kiss her. How many times had that been the case? How many times had they lain on his very bed just like this and talked long past dawn?
Bucky smiled.
“You sound surprised.”
She shrugged, fingers reaching out to gently comb through his hair. A shiver ran down his spine at her touch.
“I am, I guess. I just thought that maybe you’d like it better back there…it being more familiar and all, ya know?”
She looked away then, a sad glint in her eye that she was too late to hide. Callused fingers slipped around her wrist with a tenderness foreign to them, and he stroked the erratic pulse that hammered away beneath her skin. It wasn’t just him, he realised, she felt it too. But then again, wasn’t that the nature of dreams, to give you something you could never have anywhere else?
“I like it just fine right where I am. In fact,” he turned to face her with a confidence that no longer belonged to him. “There’s no place I’d rather be.”  
The distance between them was quick to disappear, and when his lips finally met hers he wondered just why he hadn’t allowed himself to indulge in the waking world. Surely something so right couldn’t be a bad thing.
Her hands were knotted in his hair, body flush against his when she rolled onto her back, and Bucky felt himself slipping away. She did this to him, made him forget who he was, where he was. She took his damn breath away. 
The sharp tug at his hair was unintentional, but it made him remember all the wrong things.
He was thrown out of the moment, a spectator instead of a participant. His hands were no longer his to control, but he could feel her skin against cool metal as it slithered its way to her throat. It was as soft as the rest of her and he screamed. It shouldn’t have been there, people got hurt in positions like this. His fingers tightened and he felt his heart break.
He felt her arms flail, her nails claw at his skin, but his hand was a vice - snuffing out every last inch of goodness and happiness that remained in his life. When she stilled in his hold he knew there was nothing left for him in this world either. The voice that screamed in the back of his mind, begging for mercy, all desperation and panic, was finally silenced and he came back just in time to witness the aftermath of his love.
When he could, he’d wake with a start. He’d shake himself out of his greatest nightmare and creep to her room on shaky legs, with sweat-drenched clothes and a racing heart. It was only when he saw her, his to watch over but not to touch - never to touch, if he could help it - that he’d sag against the doorway and remind himself.
Never, you would never hurt her. Not here. Not ever.
They both saw her shiver. It was almost winter and the blanket Sam usually kept tucked over the armrest for movie nights was nowhere to be found.
“We should probably move her to her room.”
Bucky nodded along absentmindedly.
“Well, I’ll leave that to you. Goodnight, Buck.”
Bucky’s shoulders grew rigid and he gave Sam a startled look. “What? Why do I have to-“
“Hey man, only one of us has super-strength, and it ain’t me.” Sam shot him a pointed look, and without another word, he left Bucky to his thoughts.
Coward, was the first one to race through Bucky’s mind, but that was a lie. Good friend, begrudgingly followed and he knew Sam was trying to give him the nudge he needed to finally make a move.
One week. One week to think, to deny feelings, to come to terms with them again, to begin the cycle all over again.
One week to decide. Was it enough time? If he had it his way, it never would be. But she was waiting for him just as he had always been waiting for her.
He didn’t notice his feet move until he was looming over her. His throat felt suddenly dry and he was glad she wasn’t awake to see him nervously gulp like an anxious teenager about to experience his first kiss.
His arms slipped under her before he could talk himself out of it. He could have just brought her a blanket, he thought, but it was too late for that. She had already nuzzled her nose into the crook of his neck, and nothing save another world war would get him to part from her now.
Her room was down the hall from his own. The door, shut when Bucky had left his own room earlier, was wide open. He mentally thanked Sam for always thinking of the little things.
Her bed hadn’t been slept in yet, but the covers were already drawn back. He’d miss her warmth, Bucky thought, as he lowered her onto the soft mattress. But she wouldn’t give him the chance to miss it.  
Her voice, still rough with the remnants of sleep, caught him off-guard and he still didn’t quite know what to say. The loud thump of his heart in his ears almost drowned out his response, but the way she curled into him, held him that little bit tighter, reassured him that it was the right one.
“Yeah, sweetheart, it’s me.”
Bleary eyes eased open, the moon reflected in them, and he felt the air leave his lungs for the second time that night.
“Is this a dream?”
He could have said yes, left it at that, and returned to admiring from afar. But that sliver of uncertainty, that small spark of disappointment that even the moon could not chase from her eyes, it wouldn’t allow him to lie to her. It wouldn’t allow him to lie to himself.
“It’s whatever you want it to be.”
There was something so sweet about the smile she gave him. A bashful curl of her lips, so soft he wanted to test its sweetness for himself. Did he…did he do that to her? Was he someone who could put a smile on her face as easily as she could put one on his own?
The sound of her voice so close to his ear now, sent a shiver down his spine. He’d imagined it before, each time a different setting, a different tone, but the same desire he held when her name left his own lips. The reality was never supposed to live up to expectation, but it was far better than he had ever imagined.
He could only hum in response.
“Will you stay?”
How could he not, he thought, when she looked at him like that? Even now, nestled in his arms with her sleepy gaze holding his own prisoner, she had more power over him than anyone before. He’d give her the world if he could. She didn’t control him, she wouldn’t even if she could. But the magnitude of his own devotion, his desire to give her whatever she needed, whatever she asked for, it was unparalleled.
And for a long time, it had scared him. Too long, he realised, because as he looked down at her with a softness only reserved for one, he realised something else too.
He could see himself in her eyes, desperate and tender and full of a love he thought only he possessed. Her brow was soft under his lips as he drew her closer, her head pillowed in the crook of his neck. His smile stretched across her hairline.
“As long as you want,” he whispered into the night.
He’d find the right words in the morning, for now he could just let his reality wrestle his nightmares into submission.
Please let me know if you see any mistakes, it’s super late. Hope you enjoyed it! 
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imjustabandgeek · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Prompt: ‘I love her and that’s the beginning and end of everything’ - The Great Gatsby (Prompt is in bold)
Word Count: 1778 (I got a bit carried away)
A/N: This is my attempt at writing for my sista @a-mess-of-fandoms​ 400 follower writing challenge. I’m so proud of your ever increasing follower count girl and thank you for letting me get involved with this challenge. It’s my first time ever doing something like this so hopefully it’s not a disappointment. I did really quite enjoy it. The GIF isn’t mine but it felt right.
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‘Buck calm down don’t worry’
Bucky stopped his frantic pacing and turned to look at his best friend in shock. He never uses that tone with him, he only gets like this when he’s in Captain mode on missions and even then he doesn’t usually go talk in his ‘Captain’ voice, not to him, his best friend.
Bucky study there mouth agape, frozen in, well it’s hard to say what in. He was already overwhelmed with emotion and feelings and god knows what and now his best friend just pulled this on him.
Steve looked at Bucky realising his tone was one he doesn’t use, not with his best friend anyway. Walking closer to him, Steve placed a hand on his best friends shoulder, using his other hand to wipe over his own face and run through his hair. Letting out a breathy sigh he spoke calmer this time,
‘Look, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to get like that but Buck you just need to stop for a minute and just calm down for a minute and think. I know you’re worried, we all are but you’re not thinking straight’
Dragging his eyes from the floor to look his best friend in the eye, Bucky took a breath to steady himself and Steve saw the tears in his eyes threatening to spill over and the ones that had already escaped.
With a tremble in his voice, Bucky took a breath in and looked his best friend in the eyes before he spoke
‘How am I supposed to think straight, I can’t think straight, hell I can’t think anything. Look at her Steve. Just look at her.... you put yourself in my shoes, take one look at her and tell me how I’m supposed to think straight’ he allowed his eyes to stray to the hospital bed just centimetres from him and to look.
Wires everywhere. Machines beeping. Oxygen tubes hanging off the rails. And there. Right there in the middle of it all... she laid. His girl. His love. His life. His world. There weren’t enough ways to describe what she meant to him and to say just how much he loved her but god he did.
The woman who appeared in his life and made it a life. There was nothing before her, James Buchanan Barnes was a monster trying to exist in a world where people would tell him he wasn’t, but he was or at least he thought he was until she came along...
She was introduced by Stark, she’d been working at some other part of his empire but he thought she’d be better to have around the Avengers compound, he remembers Steve mentioning this woman he’d met and how she seemed nice and how he’d kind of gotten to know her from his visits to Stark’s offices. But nice was an understatement.
Over time, Bucky would find out just how much of an understatement ‘nice’ was, she was quite frankly an angel in human form. She wasn’t scared of Bucky... ever. From the first meeting she looked at him like a normal person not like some sort of murderous freak, he’d never had that happen before and it felt strange but it felt... nice.
As time passed, Bucky and Y/N grew closer, they became good friends and James Barnes found himself falling in love. Hard. It scared him. Hell it did more than scare him, he thought about running away he was so worried. But it turns out he didn’t have to worry because James Barnes wasn’t the only one to fall because Y/N Y/L/N had also fallen in love. Hard.
Over time Y/N become part of the Avengers team as an Avenger, turns out she had powers, she just had ‘unlocked’ them but she did after joining the team with a little help from Bucky; he’d become her confidant and she trusted him so when she had these strange feelings and experiences, she told Bucky because she trusted him not to tell her she’s crazy and he helped he to get the help she needed to unleash her powers.
It took time for Bucky to realise that maybe, just maybe there was a chance that Y/N felt the same way and with a little (a lot) of help from the friends around them, they finally opened up to each other about their feelings and they’ve never looked back.
Y/N became such an important of everyone’s lives, but none more so than James’. She was the only one he would allow to call him James, but she could call him anything she liked. He loved her so much he’d do anything to make her happy and he’d let her do anything she wanted because he loved her. Y/N was the one person to ever enter the life of James Buchanan Barnes and show him the he was not a monster; well she was the one person who finally made him believe it too and for that he could never thank her enough but he wanted to spend his whole life trying and he would, if she was willing to let him.
But now... here he stood wondering if he was ever going to truly live again because his reason for living was laying in a hospital bed. Her life hanging in the balance. He could barely believe his eyes. His Y/N, a strong, powerful and all round superhuman of a woman, laid in a hospital bed looking so weak and so vulnerable and he couldn’t do anything but wait. He had to wait to see if she would wake up from her coma. Wait to see if there was any permanent damage to her health. Wait to see if she would live... and wait to see if his world was going to keep spinning or if it was all about to come crashing down around him.
Bucky was pulled from his thoughts by Steve’s voice...
‘I’m sorry Buck I know it’s hard for you and I’m sorry for lashing out. I know I hate seeing her like this I can’t imagine what it’s like for you I’m sorry’
His best friend was behind him now, Bucky doesn’t remember when he’d returned to the chair at her bedside but he had, and he’d taken the position he had for the past week of holding her hand in his and crying by her bedside hoping and praying she’d be okay. His voice hoarse from the tears and quiet from the lack of food, water and sleep. He’d done barely anything since she got hurt. He couldn’t bring himself to eat or drink because he felt sick, but Steve told him he needed to stay alive and somewhat healthy for Y/N’s sake so he did... kind of.
‘I’m sorry Steve, it’s just so hard. I feel so helpless. I just... I love her and that’s the beginning and end of everything. This is it for me man. Y/N is it for me and I couldn’t save her back on the mission, I didn’t stop this happening to her before and I can’t do anything to help her now but sit here. I don’t know what to do and it’s killing me man....
I just, I can’t change what’s happened so I just wanna change what could happen in the future and the only way I can think to keep her safe is to keep her away from all this for us both to just leave so she doesn’t have to do this anymore and I can spend my life looking after her. I know if she wakes up she won’t let that happen she won’t want to leave but I’m just scared, I don’t know what to do. I just know I can’t lose her. I just can’t Steve.’
Steve placed a hand upon Bucky’s shoulder hoping to comfort his friend, it was all he could do because he didn’t know what would happen to Y/N. Nobody did, it was a waiting game and a hoping game.
‘I know bud. But she will pull through, she’s a fighter you know that. Besides you really think she’d ever leave you and risk somebody else tryna steal her man’
A small chuckle escapes Bucky’s mouth at that, he knows how much his girl loves him and he loves her just as much, maybe even more.
‘I promise, she’s gunna be okay and she will get through it, and let’s face it she’s got the best people in the world to help her get through it and recover. And with you as her bedside nurse she will definitely be fine, especially if she makes you wear the outfit’
Another chuckle, a little louder this time, is shared by both men and Steve feels his best friends shoulder relax just a little bit.
‘You’ll get through this man, you both will and then when you get through it. Maybe then we can have a chat about what happens next and where we go from here but for now let’s just focus on her waking up and making sure she’s okay’ Steve gives his friends shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
A little snuggle can be heard and a slightly defeated but optimistic sigh carries through the air before Bucky responds
Silence settles between the two best friends and Bucky is grateful to have Steve by his side because he doesn’t think he’d have gotten through this without him.
Steve stands by his best friend, looking at the woman who has become like a sister to him laying in the hospital bed and he hopes and prays for the sake of everyone that she pulls round because if she doesn’t, Steve doesn’t know where he or the team goes from here. But more so, he doesn’t know where his best friend, his brother goes from here and that scares him.
Time passes in a comfortable silence between the two men, nothing to be heard but the noises of the hospital equipment keeping Y/N alive. Who knows how long passes... it could be minutes, it could be hours, but it passes nothing the break the somber silence until...
14 notes · View notes
Crucial Details Of Making Money On The Net
There is lots of probable in currency trading nevertheless, but a great deal of people are usually uncertain. Perhaps it may look hard for some. It is wise to become careful with regards to how you commit your hard-earned bucks. Keep up-to-date with information concerning the most up-to-date details.Here are several tips to help you in undertaking that.
Learn all you are able in regards to the foreign currency pair that you just select. Should you take time to find out all the various feasible couples, you won't really get to buying and selling for a long period.
You should make sure you by no means trade under stress and sensing emotionally charged.
Use border intelligently to keep a carry on the profits. Border offers the possible ways to drastically boost income. If border is commonly used carelessly, even though, you could possibly drop plenty of capital. Border ought to be applied once your balances are protected and also at very low threat for shortfall.
Use border intelligently to hold a keep on the earnings. Utilizing border could possibly put important affect on your trades. Unless you take notice, although, it is possible to lose more than any prospective profits. Border is better applied whenever you feel comfortable within your financial situation is secure as well as the shortfall risk for shortfall.
In no way select your position in forex trading in accordance with the overall performance of some other trader. Currency trading traders, but people they go over their accomplishments, not bad. Even if a person has a lot of accomplishment, he could nevertheless get some things wrong. Put with your personal trading prepare and method you possess developed.
Utilize your margin cautiously to preserve your earnings secure. Margin provides the possible ways to boost your profits. If margin is utilized carelessly, nevertheless, you could possibly get rid of a great deal of capital. Margin is best applied whenever you feel comfortable within your situation and the shortfall threat for shortfall.
Learn tips to get pulse out there impulses and understand details to draw in findings from them. This could be the right way to succeed in Foreign exchange making the profits that you want.
The general energy directory indicates exactly what the typical reduction or fall is at a selected market place. You will want to reconsider if you discover out that most traders believe it is unprofitable.
Most skilled Currency trading forex traders will suggestions anyone to have a log of all things you do. Take note of the day-to-day achievements and defeats in your journal. This will let you have a log of the operates and exactly what does not work to guarantee good results in the past.
Placing successful cease losses is much less scientific and much more of an art work compared to a technology. You are accountable for producing all of your forex trading choices and quite often it may be advisable to trust your instincts to prevent a good forex trader.You will need to acquire a lot better with a combination of encounter before Forex currency trading becomes acquainted for your needs.
You ought to decide what type of buying and selling period of time suits you best at the beginning in your foreign exchange practical experience. Use graphs that demonstrate transactions in 15 minute or one hour or so amounts if you're trying to total investments within a couple of hours. Scalpers discovered to penetrate and exiting a few minutes.
Most experienced Forex investors advocate sustaining a record of all things that you simply do. Take note of the two good and problems. This will help you in order to avoid creating the longer term.
It requires time for you to see progress and to learn about this business.
It is best to use a plan once you get involved in foreign exchange buy and sell. Will not depend on short cuts with this market place.
Employing a demonstration platform to business fx trading is an excellent intro well before undertaking real-time buying and selling.
Trade to your advantages and be aware of what they are.Take your time, and after that begin sluggish.
Don't at any time consider proceeding in opposition to tendencies when you're in the beginning stages. You must also never ever think about selecting highs and lows running contrary to the marketplace both. You will notice an actual boost in your measure of anxiousness ranges if you attempt tx accelerator btc to php to industry versus the trends.
Pick the buying and selling strategy that will very best fit in along with your life-style. For those who have difficulty looking for hrs to industry through the day, consider performing long term trades, like weekly and even month to month.
In the event you find yourself inside a shedding routine, don't have the blunder to continue investing to try to constitute failures. Give yourself serious amounts of take in and fully grasp activities before going in to the activity.
Decide what the bugs happen to be in your investing computer software. Even reliable identified software has its own problems.Expect to operate all around your homework.You may not want to steer clear of finding out what information and facts in the midst of your trade.
Make certain your computerized Forex trading Program is able to be custom-made. You wish to know with definite confidence that your application and method to choose your requirements. Be sure that the program you acquire it.
You must not make investments greater than a certain amount of your account. By doing this you are going to let room for blunders. It is possible to return solid if you go through a hit after having a terrible trade. Seeing the market may cause you into large trading. It can be significantly better to get conservative along with your investing type.
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You will need to make a lot of judgements when you bounce into forex trading. This is usually a strategy which is a very little frightening to many, so hesitation is organic. If you're prepared to start off investing, or have already started, make use of the recommendations talked about as an element of your technique. It is crucial that you generally continue to be up to date with the newest information. Use noise judgement when you make investments your cash. It's crucial to usually make smart purchases.
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