#one of my newer faves came in too
rowanhoney · 1 year
Mixed Day hmmm
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poppyseed799 · 3 months
I have this problem that’s like the opposite of nostalgia or something where some things I remember liking a lot as a child I look back and only remember the bad times.
This is specifically about Animal Crossing, loved that game as a kid, but I have literally no idea why, cuz it was just pure hell for me from what I can remember.
#also blues clues but less severe. I like blues clues. but my only childhood memories are when I was scared of it#YES I WAS SCARED OF BLUES CLUES. I HAD A HUGE FEAR OF MYSTERIES. IDK HOW OR WHY. ALSO MY MEGALOPHOBIA DIDNT LIKE THE CLOSE UP PAWPRINTS#the Halloween episode also scared me on several occasions. yes I was a baby. still kind of am.#but like I still have positive feelings about blues clues but ANIMAL CROSSING. ohhh man.#first of all that megalophobia I mentioned uh yeah not a big fan of seeing those big fish.#I was terrified of the rumor that you could see a GINORMOUS fish in the ocean. and I’ve been hearing it was REAL? worst thing ever.#but like. I couldn’t even take care of my irl self so you KNOW my village was totally trashed.#so I had to play while constantly getting told ‘everyone HATES living in this town’ and trying my best to fix it but it’s out of control and#I can’t bring myself to clean (I did it once. it was the happiest I’d been finally getting told positive things.)#my house always full of roaches too lol foreshadowing my life as an adult#ALSO THOSE FREAKING DANGEROUS BUGS WOULD GET ME ALL THE TIME I was always playing at night and getting terrified#I never had a ‘favorite villager’ in the traditional sense cuz none of them ever stayed long. they hated my town.#my fave was actually stitches but I never saw him. maybe I saw him once and he IMMEDIATELY moved out. that was my life.#I can’t name a single villager I ever had in my village cuz they always moved out. I learned not to form attachments even tho I wanted to.#and don’t even get me STARTED on Resetti. if you are a Resetti lover then WE ARE NOT MEANT TO INTERACT 😭#I’m joking I won’t judge you as a person if you like him but at the same time I genuinely on god hate him#opening up the game was a nightmare cuz I knew without fail every time I would have to see him.#‘just save’? it wasn’t ever ME that was doing it. it was my little siblings. and NO I couldn’t stop them. they were like GODS at stealing#not to mention parents would always side with them and make us share the games. they liked to delete saves and were gods at that too#but anyways so I was always stuck with Resetti cuz my siblings couldn’t leave my game alone and also couldn’t bring themselves to save befor#stopping. so every day it would be Resetti. I dreaded it so much because he is like SUPER reminiscent of my abusive step father at the time.#I often cried while just desperately trying to get thru his lectures. they were SO. LONG. and OH MY GOD the time he made me repeat something#I legitimately don’t know what it was but like I kept failing it. I know I was rlly bad with copying things as a kid#there was a time where I made the painful decision to quit in the middle of his rant. knowing that it would be worse next time but I was#simply unable to take it at that point in time. HOW EFFED UP IS THAT. THAT I JUST WANT TO PLAY A DAMN GAME BUT I CANT CUZ OF THE TRAUMA.#I hate Resetti I hate Resetti I hate him so much ‘oh he’s just a character’ THATS WHY IM FREE TO HATE HIM BABY!!! IT MAKES IT WORSE THAT PPL#DELIBERATELY CREATED A CHARACTER LIKE THAT HONESTLY! WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT TO POOR INNOCENT ME!!!#anyways yeah literally everything about animal crossing is so distressing to me and yet I remember loving it. no idea why.#my memories of it have like a dramatic and eerie vignette#and that newer one that came out and everyone was so excited. I can’t handle it cuz of the FISH AGAIN!!! MEGALOPHOBIA BE LIKE!!!!!!!
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eepybogboy · 1 year
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did a round of eye swaps this weekend! it's the most ive done all at once, and i gotta say, i do not recommend it. by the time i got new eyes in these four, my hands were begging me to stop, so poor Priscilla sat eyeless for a while. but I'm really happy with the results!
let me walk you through the process a bit.
i used this guide to help decide which eyes i wanted to use.
this all started because i wanted Daria's eyes for Zooey.
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Daria's eyes don't match her color scheme at all, and this has always bothered me about her. they stand out too much, and its jarring. but that minty blue and pale pink are Zooey's colors exactly, it would complete her alien vibe perfectly.
but, unfortunately, Zooey and Daria have different eye chips. Daria has the Twins eye chip, which has four pegs to keep it in place in the socket, and Zooey has the newer B2 chip, which has only two prongs. i was worried that Daria's eyes wouldnt fit in Zooey's head, so i prepared a backup donor: Simone.
Simone has the CNY eye chip, first introduced in Lily Cheng, the Special Edition doll for the Chinese New Year in 2022. this eye mold is more similar to the B2 eyes since it also has only two prongs, so if Daria's eyes didnt sit right in Zooey, these might be a better fit. the colors arent as perfect, but it could work.
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except that Darias eyes fit Zooey perfectly. she looks so cute! now her eyebrows are even more out of place, but I'll get to that later.
i had already taken out Simone's eyes to compare the two, so she was given Zooey's eyes.
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i was blown away by how incredible she looks! so soft and sweet. i was fond of her before, but she's crawled up into my top ten faves with this one alteration.
now, i was going to give those eyes to Daria, but they obviously belong to Simone now. Daria still needs brown eyes though, so i brought out a more fitting donor for her: Priscilla. she has the same color eyes as Zooey, but in the Twins eye chip.
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perfect for ms. Daria, much more natural. it's just what she needed.
now, i wasn't intending to bring Minnie into this, but her eyes are a bit unusually dark, and i had Simone's eyes sitting there.. and well. i already had the hair dryer out.
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honestly? a serve. she has B2 eyes originally, like Zooey, so the lashes are Just under her eyelid but they still fit her sculpt pretty well.
at this point, my hands were aching, and i had worn a blister into my thumb, so i had to take a break. Pris was going into the stock box anyway, so there was no pressure to finish her, but the next day i came back and gave her Minnie's eyes for safekeeping.
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she looks a little sleepy, but overall pretty cute. she probably won't stay this way because she's going into the potential custom pile, but its fine for now.
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look at these four and how perfect they are!! Zooey and Daria came out exactly how i planned, but i am still so shook by how beautiful Simone is now. i just cant stop looking at her.
I'll be reblogging to add more photos, including side by side comparisons to the stock photos since tungle will only let me post 10 pictures at a time
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twopoppies · 1 year
I’m a newer Larrie and pretty naive about the One Direction days because I didn’t listen to that type of music during the time they were a band. I started liking them individually and somehow found myself in this fandom. I guess my question is why do fans compare them constantly? They all came from the same band, they all seem to support each other at least privately if not publicly and appear to be pretty grateful to have had that same experience. I’ve seen some some solo Harry fans really attack Liam and Louis negatively with even comments on their looks. They constantly compare them to Harry and how they’re somehow losers because they don’t currently have the kind of commercial success as Harry. I’ve seen other solo fans also go after Harry for all kinds of reasons too, which is just so sad to see. Was it like this in the band too? Or has this all heightened because they all went solo? They all have different sounds, so why compare them? Am I missing something maybe?
Hi darling. Welcome to the hellhole fandom. So, no. When they were in the band it was actually unusual for anyone to ever voice a dislike for any one of them. People had their favorites, but publicly everyone supported everyone.
1DHQ started the fracture with the constant pushing of Harry vs the band. They really wanted to position Harry as being separate from (and better than) the other guys. Then Zayn left. There were people who were disappointed/angry with him or who no longer cared about his career, so we started having OT5 vs OT4 discourse. Then babygate started and we had the next fracture where people began to think maybe Larry broke up or Louis cheated on Harry. This was when people became houies (people who thought HL has dated, but now has broken up). Then that was followed by the hiatus and Harry/his team pushing the separation of Harry up a notch.
There were still many OT4 supporters until HS1 dropped and then there was a whole faction of people who flipped out over Harry’s lyrics and image not meeting their expectations and I think that was when houies really divided into harries and louies. There were still larries and antis. But now there were also louies who were only interested in Louis and “rad louies” (radical louies) who hated Harry and thought he was the reason Louis’ career was being “sabotaged”. And there were also harries — some of whom hated Louis because they thought he cheated on Harry and some also bought into the idea that Harry was just better than everyone else.
The fractured nature of our fandom really went into overdrive with the popularity of Fine Line and quarantine. Thousands and thousands of people entered the fandom and many had zero interest in 1D. Harry’s het image was in overdrive with Watermelon Sugar and the idea that Camille broke his heart (thus, being inspiration for the album). Holivia, DWD, As It Was, Harry’s House and Harry’s growing fame really made things worse in that department.
It seems as though a lot of Harry’s newest fans see any link back to 1D or his former bandmates as being a step backwards or as the other guys trying to “use” Harry as a way to promote themselves. And until recently, Harry spoke very little about the band and had very little public interaction with them, so unless you paid very close attention, it was easy to think he didn’t care much for or about them. I think many fans do this weird thing of needing their fave to be “the best” — as if that somehow reflects on them, as well. Like, the way many Harries went overboard making sure Lloyd won best tour photographer only because they didn’t want Louis’ photographer to win. It’s ridiculous.
Some of the hatred towards Harry is rooted in jealousy because people feel he had an unfair advantage over the others, thus having a success the others could have had just as well. Some of the hate is people feeling as though he has the power to do whatever he wants in terms of his image and stunts, so he must be fake and only cares about fame and money. Some of it is people buying into the idea that Harry ended the band because he wanted to be a star and he’s actively trying to ruin Louis’ career. There are a million different reasons people send hate his way.
As for comparing the five of them, as you say, they all have different sounds and none of them compete with each other. But I do think Sony very much wants Harry to be the Justin Timberlake and be the only one who reaches that huge level of success. And the media doesn’t help because many of the articles are written in a way that praises Harry and puts the others down (for no reason at all), so fans feel defensive and lash out. I tend to think Liam, Niall, Louis, and Harry all care about each other very much and are supportive of each other. And I really doubt they like the articles that do that nor would they support the nasty way some of the fans behave.
Sorry this was so long. And at the same time, this barely touched the surface, but I hope it helped a little.
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loosesodamarble · 4 months
1, 15, 24 !!
Oooohhhh~! Hello there, new face! Thank you for being kind enough to ask questions from my ask game! It's very sweet of you!
1) First otome
So my first otome was actually Cinderella Phenomenon! The allure of a free game with fairy tale themes and pretty men called out to me! I even streamed me playing it for the first time to some friends!
From there, I played more dating sims on pc before transitioning to playing on the Nintendo Switch.
And well, because Cin Phen was my first, it's lowkey permanently etched into my heart for time and all eternity~!
15) Favorite trope
This is gonna sound weird of me but "men with complicated relationships with religion."
Yeah, it's not really a trope in the most traditional sense but I do have a trend of being drawn to characters who have religion as part of their stories in some aspect.
Saint Germain from "Code Realize." Orlok from "Piofiore." Lucas Proust from "Virche Evermore." Even Il Fado de Rie from "Cafe Enchante" in a way? All of them end up having to confront their faith/a holy higher power in their routes. And it's just compelling to see the characters grasp with their beliefs/themselves to come out of it changed (usually for the better. That's gonna be a yikes for Lucas).
24) Favorite otome
Radiant Tale is one of my newer titles. But it's recently jumped the ranks to be one of my top faves.
All thanks to one handsome merman!
Yes, Paschalia's route alone put me through so much emotional turmoil (I say this with affection) that the game overall has become a favorite.
Okay. More serously. One route isn't doing all of the work. All the other characters are absolute delights (Zafora and Colivus particularly). Ion's route is also very touching too. And the artwork in every route is beyond gorgeous or is too adorable for words when it comes to the chibi art. And actually, the soundtrack is so good that I purchased the physical copy that came with an OST CD so I could download it to my phone and bring it with me. This is pretty big for me since I've never downloaded a soundtrack before. Opening and ending songs are one thing (Sixteen from Variable Barricade, my beloved) but Radiant Tale's OST is that good that I want to hear it even outside the context of the game.
While Paschalia is a big factor for my enjoyment, I think every aspect of the game is strong and that's why it's become a favorite of mine.
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hihi!! how are you??? i see that you've started a bleach blog! may i ask ab your fave bleach charas?? 🩷
My favourite bleach characters!! (some of them at least)
Omg hai /// unfortunately the flood-gates have immediately opened…. My views on the characters might be a little skewed because i have so many random headcanons but!! I am always excited to share my Thoughts…
I've always been a sucker for the ‘sleazy/ lousy older man’ stereotype in anime, especially when its revealed later on that they are super strong (kisuke is another one of my faves go figure) and Shunsui is That to a T
He seems really silly and carefree on the outside but melancholic on the inside which is such a nice contrast that works so well in his favour!! Especially paired next to Ukitake like the two literally fit together like puzzle pieces in both fighting style and personality
I am also a big theater nerd so when I was reading and found that his bankai was essentially a play come to life! I was sold like a cold drink during summer
His entire kit and how he uses it is really cool too; whenever a zanpakuto has multiple forms/ attacks it’s always a huge plus! Children’s games are such a neat idea and unexpectedly tie so well with his character (he does seem to represent alot of traditional Japanese sentiments with his character overall)
But mostly his morals and outlook of the world are really impactful. I think he serves as a great way to show the transition that the gotei 13 are going through after the passage of time- he is more accepting of newer ideologies and is much more flexible than yamamoto was/ but still cares deeply about the soul society just as much! His reluctance to battle is ironically also admirable, even if he does preface by saying that he’d just ‘rather not’ or wanting to drink instead. While the other characters fight for their beliefs, or to bring down a ‘bad guy’, Shunsui sees situations with more sobriety (haha) from an unbiased perspective. That the moment you enter battle everyone is evil, regardless of their intention from the beginning.
You see other characters next to Shunsui and would think that (for example: Byakuya or even Yamamoto) they would be more intelligent or insightful than he is, but would be pleasantly surprised! I can always appreciate a character with that kind of unpredictability,
Also I like pink and he wears pink. Like my first point I am weak for sleazy old farts so I have to admit when I was young reading bleach as it came out; all I could think was “man very pretty… me likey…”
It really helps that he is objectively one of the most unapologetically Cool characters in the series
But for me the main selling point is because the main thing he cares about is battle, he would be an entirely chill person otherwise. The fact that he always allowed his officers to basically do whatever, and puts ‘fun’ (read: brawling for your life) in front of everything? I do feel bad for Yumichika because i do think he’s the one doing all the admin work but oh well 
There is just something just so beautiful about this big chunk of man tearing through hoards of opponents just to go back to his barracks and loaf about for the rest of the day 
I also love how he’s wayyy more intelligent than you would first assume; he’s smart enough to devise little strategies like putting in the eyepatch, putting the bells in his hair etc. Even if they are just to hinder him you gotta give him props! 
This is a personal headcanon but I do think that he would be an excellent listener (especially with gossip) like he would not retain any of the information at all an hour from a conversation, and he would give the most rudimentary answers but a good listener all the same
He does not wear pink BUT Yachiru comes along with him like an accessory to his barbie set and she’s pink so it counts
First and foremost. I am a woman lover
Bleach, out of all the shounens i’ve digested in my life, probably has some of my favourite female characters! I yo-yo between having rangiku, isane, riruka and soi fon as my faves 
But rangiku. Oh How I Love Her. I always love a sneaky gal who is not afraid to use her looks to get what she wants. A party gal and someone who just has a lust for life and wants to have fun! 
She also does seem like she would be terrifyingly real with you as a friend and never say shit just to make you feel better- like I need that in a friend. Tough love! 
Like the advice she gives to Orihime when she feels down about Ichigo (even if she did it butt ass naked) just shows that even if she presents as self-centered she is also aware of other’s feelings and knows when to cut the shit and give it to you like it is
When she’s most needed she is also incredibly loyal to her captain and peers, and puts her whole titty into the battle when it's necessary. It’s a pity that her zanpakuto isn’t more explored; either she hasn’t developed her methods well or hasn’t been shown to its full powers yet. It think of all the problems in bleach that might be its biggest issue (that there are so many characters that it's impossible to showcase them all)
She also wears pink and I like pink 
Shinji technically isn’t my favorite character but he is my number one enemy forever
I am currently going through some strange enemies to lovers (sans the lovers) with him and im not sure how to feel about it? 
Sort of like Shunsui he has that thing where on the outside he looks devastatingly goofy and greasy but is really experienced with lots of valuable insight 
Also I am a big voice person. Even though I am a manga reader I’ve watched most of the anime and his voice… the accent… God I hate him so much 
He also reminds me of a really naughty cat that will do little things to frustrate you but still jump onto your bed at night to snuggle with you and that’s the nicest thing I can say about him 
His music slaps violently hard.
This accidentally became way too long oops i will stop here but other characters that I am very madly deeply in love with with Many Thoughts about include;
Ukitake (my beloved),
Byakuya (because i do think that every bleach fan has a crush on him regardless of their orientation)
and yumchika!!
Also even if i know nothing about miss yaya i would die for her.
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negrowhat · 2 years
Hey Eboni!! I hope you're well. I was searching for a new BL to watch and I came across some of my faves from when I first got into them and it got me wanting to hear your thoughts on quite a few things. I'm just going to bother you with the top one though. What are some of the steamiest 🌶️🌶️🌶️ BLs that you've watched? Maybe top 6? It could be older or a newer release.
HELLO! You can always drop by with BL questions lol! Steamy BLs are quite a new thing these days, more and more series are incorporating more sex-positive themes into their series which can be a good and bad thing. We love some spice but sometimes that spice turns into 'How nasty can we make this before people start to complain?' Anyways here are some of my fave spicy BLs. Top 6 you say? Easy!
TharnType 1 and 2. I mean...people are allowed their opinion of the actual plot of the show, there are no wrong interpretations for that. Tharn and Type were both toxic and there was hella questionable content mixed in with romance and a splash of comedy. But I think we can all agree that Tharn and Type were pioneers in the Spicy Thai BL category. Half of the series was them banging and boy did they BANG and they did it well. I recently did a rewatch of TT2 and the amount of times Tharn was lifting Type's big 6 ft solid ass up onto a hard surface to ravage him was very many.
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Why R U? the Series. Ok so COVID pretty much ruined all the couples on that show except FighterTutor, but what COVID did not ruin was the spicy bits of the series. The sexual tension between Fighter and Tutor was very high and it was showcased on the series very, very frequently. The way that one d!ck grabbing/makeout scene lived rent free in my mind for a very, very long time??? Not to mention there was some powerful vers energy between them and that made for some excellent spicy scenes.
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Secret Crush on You. Nuea and Toh were all over each other; kissing, teasing, touching, and banging. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that Nuea did not care where they were, discretion was not a thing. The two of them were very sex positive and explored a lot of k!nks together. Consent was a constant thing featured in their conversations (and the overall series). Also kudos to them for talking about exploring being vers in one ep and following up with it in another ep.
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Love in the Air. Horny BITCHES! And I mean PayuRain. The clear D/s relationship they had was *chef's kiss*. Their spicy scenes were top tier because it directly reflected the type of dynamic they had. Payu was introducing Rain to the wild side and Rain was an A+ overachieving student eager to push the limits and find out if he would be rewarded or punished...either way was good for him. I could go on and on and on about them. SkyPai definitely had some epic spicy scenes too but there were layers to their sexual relationship.
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KinnPorsche the Series. Duh. My gawd. Their spicy scenes were top tier. All of them. It was clear that a lot of writing and thought went into the love scenes in this series. None of them felt cheap. Smut with emotions was very much what was happening in that series. The scenes were jaw dropping but also carried weight which made them more memorable to the masses.
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Big Dragon the Series. That series was a bit of a mess but one thing they had a firm understanding of was SPICE! Mangkorn and Yai had that love/hate/fuck thing down real good! Yai also seemed to have a bit of a dom/bondage k!nk that I personally think was not explored enough...maybe in s2.
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Honorable mentions to: War of Y, Y-Destiny (KaengPuth), We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd, and the HIStory series.
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thecrabbybarista · 27 days
i reaaally like max and jon matteson characters and they're some of my faves but a lot of the fandom acts so hostile towards fans of them even though im fans of so many other characters and parts of hatchetfield. i just enjoy them too
I'm sorry ppl have acted hostile to you over something that benign.
I think, and this is a thinking trap I myself have fallen into, once npmd came out on YouTube there was a sort of split in the fandom between people who were already there and people from the bmc, heathers, etc fandoms who got into Hatchetfield after npmd.
For a large chunk of its lifespan, the Hatchetfield fandom was very different from fandoms I'd been in prior. It was small, fans were generally older than the ones you might find in fandoms I'd previously been in (like Undertale or Hamilton). It was also not very focused on ship dynamics and such. The fandom of course had their darlings, Paulkins has been my otp for 5 years and generally people were pretty enthusiastic about the canon couples. But there was a bigger focus I think on the stories and theory making. We had 1 Big non canon ship and even then it died out once nmt s1 came out (RIP Tedgens)
And as someone who was in that older version of the fandom for so long, I've never quite warmed up to the way it is now. I don't know how I feel about the sudden massive prevalence of shipping. It's harder to find gen fics on ao3 now and harder to find people crafting theories or writing analysis. It feels more crowded and it's weird to me.
But the thinking trap is searching for people to blame. A lot of people who like Max and Jon Matteson's characters are newer Hatchetfield fans, and so they can be easily stereotyped as the people who changed things. Max fans especially are assumed to woobify his character, but I'm friends with lots of smart Max fans. Hell, I also really like his character.
In the end, you can't blame individual people for the way things have changed, or assume their literacy from what characters they like. It just Happened, and those are just the Characters they Like.
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mousemannation · 6 months
3. 6. 13. 19. for the ask game!
- @shapovalovvs 💌
heyyy ty for sending some in :3
3. Top 5 ATP players
oh wow okay okay hmm okay this is turning out to be very difficult for me 🤔🤔 idk I feel like I don't categorise any players like this.. although I just thought about the wta and I could think of 5 hahsjsj.
I'm just so ready to cheer for the players y'all like and support...The only one that's obvious for me is nadal as I mentioned in my other one of these he is my og and my pookie. I don't actively dislike any players really (except the obvious ones. With court cases against them).
I am a staunch big four truther so Murray does have my support.. don't know if he lives in my heart though. And medvedev lives in my brain but I would never call him pookie. My family used to really like raonic too, and I'm always happy to see him around...
I feel like I've stopped making sense SKKSKSKS I think the takeaway here is that I like seeing all the posts on tennisblr about ur faves and I participate in a sort of second-hand fave experience. Like 100% I'm cheering for shapo or the americans or ruru or vava or lehecka and so on and so forth.
6. Favourite surface to watch?
I answered (or non answered lol) this in my previous post!
13. Who was the first player who got you interested in tennis?
I am such a broken record for these answers haha. My mum loves tennis and is the reason I care about tennis at all. My dad was always a federer truther while my mum liked both federer and nadal, but my friend in primary school liked nadal the most (at least until novak came along bc she was serbian!) and so I decided I did too.
Being as I was a baby child it was never really a conscious decision to care, and kind of the real answer is my mum, who did play recreational tennis sjjejsek
19. Who is the most underrated player?
now see this is one where truly I have no idea at all ejjejsjwjwjjw before i joined tennisblr and before ao24 I was not at ALL caught up with the newer players and really never paid much attention to the rankings/technical aspects. Once again, to me it's just ball go bounce..
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asbatstos · 3 months
boygirl posting from the library study room but i have something to say!!
i have the biggest bone to pick with the people who are like "oml ryan ross is such a piece of shit for writing i dont love u im just passing the time" on she had the world. it grgrgrgr
I might be biased because it's one of my fave songs off pretty odd but like, have yall never listened to the album or know like anything about the process of how it came to be.,.,, before po was cricket and clover which was a whole like fictional storytelling album, kinda like three cheers from what I can make of it so obviously there's gonna be some storytelling elements in the album even if cricket and clover didn't come before the whole po album is a very like fairytale esc album. so automatically assuming things are exactly the truth or real life experiences is just wild to me.
this might sound elitist but ppl especially like newer panic fans take the lyrics too much at face value and don't think about what they're saying and how they are saying it. ppl are always arguing like shitting on ryan or defending him by saying blah blah its from kelties pov. who tf CARES!!!!
we aren't gonna know ryans personal life or what she had the world or even the whole pretty odd album is about, but going around arguing and complaining about a lyric from an album that came out 16 years ago is not gonna do anything
interpret the lyrics how you want, appreciate them, overanalyze, make them ur OWN, and do it on UR OWN!!!!. bashing a grown ass man who does not care on the internet is gonna do you no good. thank you for listening. i hope i don't sound like a ryan d rider but I am
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
Thoughts About Tara Lewis (CM Evolution Spoilers)
Tara Lewis is Queer.
I woke up this morning and the SECOND I was conscious, I turned to my partner and said 'Tara Lewis is Queer'. I woke them up two times last night to tell them the same thing. I have echoed this thought back and forth to friends for hours.
It almost feels like if I don't constantly remind myself that Tara is now canonically queer, then maybe it isn't real. Maybe it was a dream. OR maybe it will be taken from us.
The thing about being in this fandom since 2005 is that I've lived a WHOLE lot of life in that time. I have been through relationships and divorces and insurmountable loss. I can't even count how many times I've moved in that time. I have struggled, I have flourished. All the while, Criminal Minds was a constant for me.
If you're newer to this fandom (Welcome!) then you might not FULLY grasp how wildly improbable it is to be able to say: Tara Lewis, a main character on Criminal Minds, is canonically queer.
When the show first aired I was in college, I had graduated HS an entire year early because the homophobia I faced was suffocating and genuinely dangerous. I was threatened all the time in my school. I came out when I was 15, in a small rural religious town. It was horrific.
I graduated HS and started college by age 17. Criminal Minds started around then and I loved it, because I was already a huge fan of crime dramas (SVU, TXF, Bones). It became a comfort show to me.
It continued to be a comfort show to be for nearly the past two decades. I remember waiting week to week to find out what happened next. Or waiting all summer to find out what happened after a cliffhanger. Or waiting each year for news on whether it was getting renewed or not, especially through the 2007 writer's strike when the fate of many TV shows felt so volatile and unsure. I remember watching the Valhalla arc and Emily's 'death' live. As each season came out on DVD box set, I would buy them and re-watch them (This was when Netflix was only dvd rentals and not streaming. Streaming wasn't even a concept then. We all just bough 8-disc DVD box sets and had to change the DVD every 3 episodes to binge a show)
I remember when the interview came out about how Emily was originally supposed to wake up in bed with a woman. I remember how devastating that was to me. Emily was my fave character back then (now she ties with Tara) and she had always felt gay to me and to find out she COULD have been canonically confirmed as gay but they killed that idea, was really hard. We didn't have a lot of wlw rep in media back then. The L Word was a trailblazing show but it's representations of wlw ultimately did WAY more harm than good (imo. I could write an entire thesis about how tLw really fucked up my entire understanding of what it means to be gay, but I digress)
I remember watching the way CBS treated AJ, Paget and Kirsten. I remember following articles talking about why the women were forced to leave the show while the men were celebrated and doted upon. (Reasons why I hate certain characters that are popular here iykyk)
The very first scene with Tara Lewis in S11 made my heart skip a beat. My soul was screaming 'SHES QUEER!!!! SHE HAS GOT TO BE QUEER!' even though I never once held my breath that would ever become CANON.
Here I am, still in this fandom, seventeen years later, and I get to say 'Tara Lewis is canonically queer' on a show that has gotten me through some of the hardest times in my life. On a show I turned to for comfort when everything felt like Too Much.
Because there is something so incredibly magical about seeing my favourite character and saying: Tara Lewis is Queer...and So Am I.
I know people are already like 'Emily was right there!?' or  'Why not make Emily queer!?' to those people I have one thing to say:
Please stop. Please stop and understand HOW important it is for TARA to be queer.
We have A CANONICALLY QUEER BLACK WOMAN IN HER 50s played by a sapphic actor. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW IMMINESLY RARE AND SPECIAL THAT IS?!?!? Do you have ANY idea of how IMPORTANT that is for representation?????
Emily Prentiss will never be confirmed queer in canon for many reasons. I have a LOT of thoughts about this, but that's not what this post is about.
This post is about celebrating one, extremely special fact.
And I couldn't be happier.
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mimikoolover · 4 months
Hi I’m the anon from the other day who went on a ramble about jikook and the fandom, hope you’re having a good day😊
You’re right that a lot of negativity is on twitter and it’s like its own bubble, it’s always the same in every fandom… and just twitter in general lol it really makes for such a hostile environment. But it’s also really good for getting some sort of overview of fandoms I feel, don’t really get that on any other app. Anyway, I totally understand when you’ve been a fan for a long time the need to step away and toxicity ruining your experience, been there. As a newer fan of something it’s easier to just watch it all go down and not get affected as much, but I try to focus on the positive!
I’ve been having SO much fun becoming a fan watching their content (which seriously, idk if I’ll even get through it all before they all come back… how did new fans ever have time to catch up on old stuff while they were being active in real time too??) But most of all - I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on all this amazing music for so many years! I’ve been somewhat aware of bts for a long time, but never really knew anything or listened to them. After 2020 I assumed it was all Dynamite type stuff, so the chock when I came across Set me free pt 2 and Agust D was real, in the BEST way!
I’ve grown so fond of so many of the group songs, and even the ones I didn’t initially love keep growing on me. I have a new fave every day it seems! They really are so so good and diverse. And as for solo, I love some songs from all of them, but Yoongi and Jimin are the most interesting to me music wise. Hobi too tho, absolutely LOVE some of his songs. Love Fri(end)s too, Namjoons new album keeps growing on me, The Astronaut makes me emo every time I hear it, some of JK’s songs are bops for sure even if I don’t feel as much connection with them. I’m super looking forward to Never let go though!
Gahhh I could talk about their music and content and dynamics and just THEM forever, for you it’s probably like yea dude we been knew they’re amazing lol but here I am sharing the new fan joy!🙌 haha
hey anon nice to hear from you again💜and it's super nice to read how much you're enjoying discovering new content! I definitely miss being a new fan and discovering it all. you may indeed not manage to finish everything before bts comes back🤣but I def recommend watching run! bts and gayo if you can! I'm planning on rewatching them this summer too.
it's funny you say that about their solo work because yoongi's first solo songs solidified me becoming a fan too. like I really enjoyed bts songs obviously but their solo work was so impressive too, it made me an even bigger fan quicker. it's just so good discovering all their music😭
definitely give still with you and my you by jungkook a listen, they're songs he produced/wrote/made like never let go so i expect never let go to be similar and tbh they are my comfort songs along with letter🥹
june is the best month as a bts fan, i hope you're enjoying it a lot🤍
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babieken · 2 years
rant time!
kpop reaction content isn't exactly new (at least as far as I know) but it does seem to have kind of boomed in the last... two-three years I think. I remember there being only a handful of relevant kpop reaction content creators on youtube, some more popular that the others, but still there weren't a ton of them around. and I guess it makes sense because kpop itself has gotten much more popular and widely known outside of just [REDACTED] and among a wider age range I'd say.
but nowadays if you look up “X group - Y title track reaction” you will find tens, if not hundreds of reaction videos (especially if its a well known group) ranging from channels with hundreds of thousand subs to small account with a couple of hundred views on their reaction videos. and I just find that so weird.
like... especially for channels that do reactions as their main (and only) content, I find it extremely difficult to believe that after a certain point there is any authenticity behind these reactions. these big reaction channels are out there reacting to damn near every relevant kpop group's comebacks (and there are a LOT of them) and every single reaction is generally positive and often very enthusiastic.
aside from the fact that logically and statistically it's impossible for someone to like every title track being released, even if they're all objectively good (which they're not), because no one likes every genre and every style of music, there is basically no creativity involved in creating this type of content which makes it very dull both for the creator and the consumer after a while.
on top of that, this type of content has created a really toxic environment around expressing opinions and criticism toward kpop groups and kpop music. I just came across a video from one of these bigger (while also being newer) creators talking about how she's not happy with the content she's been making for the past year. she said that it's extremely overwhelming trying to keep up with every comeback when everyone expects you to react to their fave's CB and after a while sitting and reacting to music videos becomes repetitive especially when you're not even allowed to truly be yourself and express your opinions. she said she can't even talk about having a bias in a group because she would get tons of hate comments and dms about ppl bashing her for not having a different bias. I can't imagine how people would react to a reaction video creator saying she doesn't like a comeback or even a certain element in the song/mv.
I used to love kpop reaction videos back when I had just discovered them and they were not as big. like I genuinely get the appeal. seeing someone who's not a teenage girl (which is what stereotypically the general public thinks kpop stans are) is pretty validating. and back then there were like 'vocal coach reacts' or 'producer reacts' etc. seeing the reaction of "experts" analyzing different parts of a song/mv was really interesting for someone like me with zero knowledge of any of the technical stuff. and I also understand that they do contribute to promoting groups and comebacks to a certain degree. but it has just gone too far, in my opinion.
idk maybe I’ve just gotten old and lost the will to enjoy the small things that used to bring me joy but I genuinely don't enjoy reaction videos anymore. most of those older 'exerpts' (except for two I think) aren't active anymore (I'm guessing at least to some degree bc stans didn't want to hear that their fave was not that legendary of a vocalist or their fave song wasn't as layered and complex as they thought it was) and instead there are just random people reacting to kpop and some of them you can just tell that all their reactions are completely faked out. Youtubers are jumping on this trend bc it’s easy (in terms of not having any kind of real substance) and gets u good views if you’re a little charming and funny.
TL;DR : everything is fake and authenticity is dead. kdjfdjf I'm mostly joking but in the end, as per usual with my rants of this kind, I don't have a specific point or a solution. I'm just starting a conversation. so if any of you have something to add or just want to chat about this send me an ask!! (plz don't reply in the comments because I want this to be on my dash so everyone else can read too.)
#I believe the only technical reactors that arent new are PD and reacttorhek#iirc Dre used to be the biggest reacting channel but idk if hes not active anymore or just not relevant#there are a few ‘dancer reacts’ that are new and i didnt find any of their reactions that fun to watch. they didnt anything to the convo.#idk how new ben (birb) is but i used to like his reactions back when he would pause a lot and make longer comments. new hes making very-#short reactions and barely rewinds/pauses for comments.#i dont watch reacttorhek anymore at first bc they werent doing reactions to my faves anymore so there wasn’t anything for me to watch#but then I discovered that they have a doc where they’ve made a list of groups/songs they wouldn’t be reacting to#i think the explanation was that the producer has to choose songs that are complex enough and are worth their artists reacting to#which made sense but seeing the songs/groups they are reacting to (granted i dont stan any of them) it seems like they’re actually mostly-#-reacting to the most popular groups and not necessarily the groups/cbs that deserves the attention#like it makes sense for them to be picky bc they’re a huge team and cant be mass producing tons of videos like some of these solo reactors#but it seems like instead of picking actually musically complex and interesting songs from lesser known/underrated groups theyre just-#-picking groups that will bring the most views.#i just scrolled thru their channel and nearly all the videos were reactions of popular 4th gen gps#essentially the only reactor i still enjoy watching to some degree is PD#But i still cant get over the fact that none of these reactors ever have anything other than praise to say abt evey song they react to#even I dont like EVERY song my bias group releases#so even when i watch a reaction of a song/mv i DO LIKE i dont know if the person is being genuine abt liking it#okay i think I’m done 🤔#niki screaming into the void#long post
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 7 months
Omg your jackass/wildboyz journey is making me sooo happy!! I was really late to the party watching their stuff because my parents would never have allowed it but I was curious last year and now I’m fully obsessed with them. Steve-O is the ultimate dumb idiot hottie and I love him 😅 anyway thank you for making me feel validated, I love it!!
ahhh glad to hear someone doesn't mind seeing that on their dash ahahahah! -_-" :P yeah i remember seeing random parts of jackass as a kid but like i think it was part of the first movie (i was at my friend's house who had older siblings LOL)?? maybe some of the other movies too on dvd/online but i don't remember now. but yeah i got into it for the first time properly during my summer depression of 2022 haha and now it's having a bit of a renaissance, only this time i'm watching their spinoffs too! i LOOOOOVE Wildboyz sm!!!! Chris and Steve-O are probs my faves out of the crew (i do love johnny too bc duh but like the homoeroticism Chris and Steve-O...hilarious. also animals and travel) <3333 This time i think i can say i'm turning into a bit of a fangirl... :P
Currently I'm watching Viva La Bam but idk, just doesn't hit the same imo (I do love seeing Ape, Phil and Don Vito onscreen tho), but it's still fun. I think partially I find the sound mixing a little too much for my liking in whatever version of the episodes i'm watching, so it does lessen the enjoyment for me lmao (like the music is just too loud and abrupt to hear/focus on whatever else is happening onframe or when someone is speaking??). I wish they would do a new Wildboyz, even just one mini season or special (without bothering animals ofc).
Originally when I first really watched the movies back in 2022 I liked Bam but now on rewatching idk, I didn't really see what I saw back then (he kinda came across as annoying now, especially that I saw him in the tv series this time too). He was cuter w no facial hair tho. Either way, I think my newer view of him is all a way of showing how I've grown and changed as a person since then, haha. But I do hope he gets the help he needs and gets better, seems like he's been going through a lot lately.
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slowdripsunrise · 8 months
ooookkkkkk so its been like. months since i last updated this blog so here we go im just gonna write my feelings out about the books i've read i will try to get through all of them but maybe won't i'll stop writing when i get bored soz. spoilers for many various books under the cut!
ok. first book i read since i last updated my reads on here was i will greet the sun again by khashayar j khabushani! this was such a beautiful piece of work and i really recommend it for anyone who needs a good cry, but still wants a happy/not extremely tragic ending. the writing was beautiful and i think one of my favorite scenes/settings was the beach... the way it was described. as well as the way iran was described, it was so lovely even though there were many bad memories attached to it. that and the K's relationship with Johnny were my fave parts. it was so sweet reading about them and even tho i read this a while ago so i don't remember much, this story has stuck with me throughout... not so much as the exact scenes, but the feelings and emotions i was feeling while reading it. definitely recommend!!!
next i read the life changing magic of tidying up by marie kondo! this was a great little book about organization and lifestyle and i recommend to anyone who maybe wants to get a different perspective on organization! i read and finished this before bed one night, woke up, and started reorganizing and cleaning up my space lmao. no it didnt stay that way, but the effort was there. i don't think that this book is necessarily life changing, however it does offer new ideas about tidying up, and gives some good tips on how to go about it. one of the things i thought pretty relevant to me were the steps in which u should organize, or choosing one thing to organize and only doing that one thing. like doing all of the clothes in the house at once, or toys, etc. instead of a room at a time. for me, i get distracted very easily if i'm doing 4 different things at once, so this is something i wanna try out more! the way the book is set up too makes it easily rereadable, just for a refresher, which i like lol
next i read braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer!!! 5/5 stars one of my top books i read this year 100%. easily. this book was wonderful and engaging and informative and i absolutely loved it. the way the author weaves facts and information along with the story and narrative is so lovely and makes me want to pick up her other book, gathering moss (i think) immediately. this shit was addicting! the stories from her life and the stories from her culture and history were so captivating and immersive oh my god. i think some of my favorite stories of hers where the ones with her students. the camping trip in the marsh (i think it was a marsh. some sort of wetlands....) was lovely; as well as the stories with her daughters. AND THE ENDIGN OHGHHHH MY GOD i had shivers literally all over me. like almost cried not out of sadness but awe of her writing. there were times i almost cried of sadness tho. 5/5 i need to read more from this author.
next - ok. OH KAY. oh also ive decided i'm just going to group all of the books in a series together, especially when i read them all pretty close in time to each other, because a lot of times they all blend together in my head. all this to say - i read the all for the game series by nora sakavic. i went into it knowing it was about gay people that play made up sports and maybe a little bit of mafia esque action was going on. i came out of it extremely entertained and needing to read the next one in the series LMAO this shit was so awesome and epic. 5/5 stars. i've aged out of YA so i usually steer clear of it (especially some of the newer ones. it feels like so much of YA has lost all amounts of trust in their readers and focuses more on publishers and algorithms and such but. whatever) however this is a tumblr classic and you know what i wanted to read something fun and entertaining so thats exactly what i did. i've seen a lot of people ok not a lot a couple people point out that the writing isn't good or isn't super high level or whatever. who give a shit. idk i feel like people are trying to justify liking or reading something that most would consider "bad" or "immature" or. idk the exact word im looking for, ig like a guilty pleasure?? theyre trying to justify it by saying things like "oh yeah, i know the writing is bad But the characters-" or "oh yeah its written like fanfic but-" like yall its fine. it's chill. calm down. personally i didn't think the writing was bad. i thought it was average. also there's nothing wrong with writing a fanfic-esque story, the problem is you people can't suspend ur damn disbelief for more than 2 minutes and have fun. sorry that was a huge rant that wasn't even about the book back to the books I HAD FUN. she did what she needed to to. will i read the sunshine court? yeah probably if i remember. would i recommend this to everyone? no. only people with taste. this was a blast definitely look up trigger warnings tho like. there was more mafia involvement than i originally thought there would be lol. characters slayed. relationships between them were fun to read about. go foxes.
ok this is long so i am going to end it here we are not even close to done but i will try to remember to continue going through everything and then maybe i'll try and compile some of my stats from storygraph for like an end of year thing even tho it's more than halfway through january lol.
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gidle · 1 year
Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I'm not thrilled with the new EP and I'm not sure if I like the new concept, even though I know it's used ironically. All it does to me is making me miss their early material, it seemed so artistic and inspired. This - not so much. I'm still going to listen and support, no doubt here, but at the same time hope for their inspiration to come back from war
anon oN GOD you do not have to defend yourself to me like if you decide this comeback doesnt slap and doesnt touch anything related to it till the next one - idc!!! you wont catch me saying oh if you were A REAL FAN youd still support the girls 🙄 i dont vibe like that and kpop is not that serious
i will agree to disagree though? like idk i kinda see your point but i also kinda dont. cause they just came back from nxde (nxde!!!!!!!) so i dont think queencard is in any way a //sign// that they are less artistic or inspired. if anything, soyeon is going harder on social issues just after tomboy. even if this comeback has a silly concept it still goes on a newer precedent of speaking up about stuff on grounds that we rarely saw before (oh my god, perhaps?)
and like. im not going to defend the concept of this comeback if you dont like it. personally, i love it. soyeon knows she's getting hate no matter what she does. she can deliver an imppecable social critic under a carefully constructed concept (again, nxde!!!!!) and she will still get shit on. so girly might as well be ridiculous and twerk and say how firm her titties are. korea is her kingdom and she shall do what she wants!!!! but the point iS
this is not even their only - or silliest - comeback. like, to this day it still amazes me how well dumdi dumdi did. it was their blandest comeback i can think of. just a silly summer song. senorita hardly delivered anything either, even though I LOVE IT. the fact is, or i think the fact is, they arent always putting up serious themes - be it on concept, message or song style.
its not even about me trusting that soyeon is delivering what she wants to deliver, because i believe that too, but i also believe she delivers it in a perfect balance of what the group NEEDS. lets be real. tomboy was a miracle no one else could have pulled it off. and HOW MANY people were shitting on her unserious, bad rap lyrics. like yes i get it? its not what she did before. but it was what got them where they are. because it is exactly the way it is. so i personally not only trust the process but ive been a nevie since debut and im just here ya know. to enjoy the ride and i have yet to be disappointed. i dont usually expect anything specific from the comebacks, i just want the title track to be something i like to listen to. personally they deliver everytime. i get it if its not your fave cup of tea but also like. not really sure i understand where your thought process is coming from. you are welcome to let me know more though - on anon or not!!!!
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