#one of my personal fav tos episodes too
hopecomesbacktolife · 6 months
because this particular scene (and his inflection, tone, etc. when he says this) has lived in my head rent free for years, ever since I first saw tos, here’s a reaction image I made of Kodos saying “I am tired!!”
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shoutout to Arnold Moss (Kodos’s actor) for his gravitas, sheer presence, and amazing acting in this episode, too!
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wiggledforsquiggled · 2 months
15Qs for 15 Friends
tagged by both @sherlock-is-ace and @vroombeams (many thanks !! :D)
Are you named after anyone?
Not to my knowledge, my parents just picked a name they liked (i was the one to tell them the meaning of it actually lmao)
When was the last time you cried?
Last week i Sobbed my eyes out at the series 2 finale of Astrid et Raphaëlle. Literally crying like a baby the entire second half of the episode (it wasn’t even a Sad episode. just very meaningful and well written.)
Do you have any kids?
Nope lmao. I would like them in the future tho!
What sports do/have you played?
So many! The mains ones were Netball and Lacrosse - i love playing sports so much, team ones esp. Dodgeball was also a fav of mine.
Do you use sarcasm?
I’m much less sarcastic than i think i am. I have issues picking up on sarcasm, so when i do you it i try to be really obvious about it. I mostly succeed.
What’s the first thing you notice about a person?
Like if i’m walking past a stranger? Probably whatever jacket/coat they’re wearing. Meeting someone face to face? Probably their facial composition (like distance between features). No idea why but it’s a theme. Noses are fun idk
What’s your eye colour?
Solid Brown. Looks cool in the light tho!
Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
The only horror film i’ve rly watched in Tusk and i really don’t know if i enjoyed it or not. I am also not a fan of Zombies or Werewolves (freak me out) so more often happy endings!
Any Talents?
If you don’t count my ability to spreadsheet (how dare thee) i’ll say im quite naturally athletic, as well as gaining muscle and fitness quite quickly. other than that uhh no idea
Where were you born?
Somewhere in the land of Angles.
What are your hobbies?
Spreadsheeting! Genuinely I must spend at least 15h a week on excel having fun. That and reading fanfiction on AO3 are my main go tos if i have free time.
Do you have any pets?
Nope but i Really want an Italian grey hound or Borzoi in the future. look them up i have a Need to own one. plz.
How tall are you?
179cm! I have been tall my entire life and v happy about it.
Favourite Subject in School?
Purely academically, definitely Maths. esp at GCSE it was plain fun to do (helped that i sat next to my best friend too) and past that i think i just have a brain suited for it. Second Order Non-Homogenous Equations my Beloved
Dream Job?
I do not dream of labour or however that quote goes, but Ideally i’d like to use excel a lot. i wish i were kidding. I did want to be an accountant when i was like 7 so I’ll go w that.
tagging: @toilethamster @simplydm @siryyeet @ininininininstayoutstayout @russilton @hecksee @starsandfluff and whoever else. no pressure ofc!
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nebulouscoffee · 6 months
10, 15, 35, 43 for the Trek ask game?
Thank youuuu and sorry for the late answer! Love these questions <3
10. Which alien pet would you most want for your own?
Honestly I have always been very charmed by Worf's childhood pet domesticated targ (portrayed by Russian wild boar Emmy-Lou😂) - but I would happily adopt a Bajoran hara cat, Cardassian vole, or that cute lizard who climbs over Jadzia on the jungle planet
Anyway look at this lil guy!!!
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15. Top 3 favorite alien crewmembers?
Oooh, this is tough. Am I choosing my favs overall, or based on how much I like their alien-ness specifically? If it's the former, then Kira, B'Elanna, and Dax - if it's the latter, then Odo, Worf, and Saru (Discovery). (Deanna and Kes leaving you out Hurt Me but they didn't write you alien enough for the latter list!! Still top 5 favs though <3)
35. A minor character you wish had become a main character?
Okay let's talk about the long-form arc potential both Seska and Suder had. Literally my favourite thing about the Suder episodes is the questions about restorative justice they raise- is there any point in locking a man up after he's sincerely reformed and no longer dangerous? Is it possible to be? Is it fair to the victim's loved ones to give him the right to roam around like nothing happened? What sort of thing could count as "reparations" in Voyager's situation? What if they really had been stranded with him for 75 years? Would he ever have been able to move on from what he did? What sort of hobbies might he take up in his new life? What would it take to win Janeway's trust? Would the victim's friends ever forgive him? Would he rather disembark the ship and start anew somewhere, or remain with his own people? Would he have been able to make new friends? Are you reading this string of questions in Jonathan Frakes's voice too? Would our main characters all have been able to get past his actions? Would it cause disagreements? How would his relationship with Tuvok have progressed? What issues would their getting back to Earth early raise for him? ... Aaaaand then the show decided to give us none of that😂 (well. except for Jonathan Frakes in a brief cameo that is :D) As for Seska I really don't know what they were thinking with her lol. She starts off as such a promising villain- literally the "reveal" in 'State of Flux' gives me chills! And you can actually understand her actions, her unexpected attachments to Chakotay and the crew. Instead of the whole pregnancy subplot (which made no sense) I would've loved to have seen her grow increasingly afraid she'd made a mistake in teaming up with the Kazon, and try to defect back to Voyager - the questions that would raise would be similar to Suder's, though in this case a bit more personal for characters like Chakotay and B'Elanna. Is she for real? Is she just doing this to trick them again? How do the Bajoran crew members feel about this? What would it take for her to win back people's trust? Say she does something messed up again, does she get a third chance? Would she make friends with Seven of Nine; someone she never personally betrayed who is also seeking redemption for past actions? Society if we'd gotten her as a regular character all the way till S7 - like an actually great redemption arc, where she ends up on good terms with a lot of them by the end (sort of like what they did with Garak on DS9) - ahhh the possibilities!!!
43. Order of shows from most to least favorite?
This is hard😅 okay I'm going to tier rank them that's easier!
Fav tier: DS9 (It's the best <3) Second tier: TNG (I can't not put it here this show literally changed my life) & VOY (has wonderful characters and has also become very important to me) Third tier: TOS movies (love them), Discovery (I have developed a nostalgia for it by now. Plus Michael is blorbo!) Fourth tier: TOS, SNW, Enterprise, Lower Decks (shows I've enjoyed but only really seen once so far) and I guess the AOS movies lol (imo 'Beyond' is the best one) Fifth tier: Picard (if it was just the first season it would've been higher! I actually liked that one) & the TNG movies (ugh) (I am yet to see TAS and Prodigy)
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thegeminisage · 7 months
tng update time. last night we did "heart of glory" and "arsenal of freedom."
heart of glory verdict: REALLY GOOD. i knew going in this was a worf episode but i was NOT expecting the scene at the beginning with geordi! that could have easily been its own episode but it was SO COOL to see how he sees finally - i had been wondering about it.
after watching tholian web i decided it was silly for them to go to that other ship where life support was failing with NO SPACE SUITS. i guess it wouldn't have helped in the event the ship blew up but come on
klingon death ritual a little unsettling at first but actually later i decided it was metal as hell.
worf's dilemma was so good. like in the naked time when he went THAT WORLD IS ALIEN TO ME NOW you can see that he's at odds with both where he came from and where he is now and doesn't feel totally at home in either, which, frankly, is spockcore (honorific). he instantly shot up several spaces in my tng character ranking
and his solution was so good! like, these wackos dont represent what he really wants because they arent Real Klingons theyre extremists or whatever. ik it's a little bit of a copout in some ways but it was kind of nice for him to be able to form his own, third answer to "who's better, humans or klingons." like sometimes the answer is neither are really connecting with me rn im just gonna keep truckin
i will say that there were hints of people doubting worf's loyalties here and him straight up killing that other dude put it all to bed. dont EVER question him again. i'll kill you.
also lowkey racist when that klingon picked the little girl up and everybody went to pieces :/
him promising he was just being polite and didnt want to leave the enterprise lol. everybody stared until he promised TWICE. so true. possibly my fav tng episode so far
arsenal of freedom: NOT that great. not sure why we were watching that one except the lists said to.
i recognized the peddler from other shows, probably b*ffy in this instance. he just has one of those faces
the whole time dr crusher was in the hole i kept waiting for them to huddle for warmth and then they DIDNT. not that i even necessarily wanted to see her demeaned to this level like it would've made me mad but WHY ELSE would you mention she's cold. like i'm also mad that they didn't
also this could've been a tos episode. imagine if bones was in a little hole and spock and kirk had to set his broken arm and unbury him and keep him warm. i know that's just the empath. shut up
kind of dumb of her not to mention she had a leg wound when it was quite literally covered in dirt. girl come on
anyway i liked her acting in this scene. ultimately i've just decided i'm glad they didn't cuddle because this is one of the first times i've seen her as a person and not a Woman(tm). the other time was that other episode where she was nerd out about uh...oh man now i'm mad i can't remember. she was nerding out about some science thing or some famous science person in an episode we watched not too long ago and i liked that too. and then forgot to make a note of it. rip dr crusher :(
ALSO. sorry. if they were getting shot at it was dumb of them to send data alone down into the hole. everybody should have gone into the hole for safety. or data should have pulled picard up so they had an extra phaser. cmon
anyway i liked geordi's thing in this ep. that guy invalidating him was horrible and i'm glad he got to have the last word and also get his moment. GEORDI DESERVES A MOMENT. the ship splitting up is still fucking hilarious to me though. there's so many logical problems with this it makes your head spin
also, once again, there should NOT !!! be children on a starship. insane.
next i am doing "symbiosis" on my own and then tomorrow we're doing "skin of evil" together.
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pussyhoundspock · 2 years
favorite male character: spock 🖖😺
favorite female character: uhura!! 🎧
least favorite character: THEY ALL BANG NO NOTES.
prettiest character: DUH UHURA
funniest character: spock 😌
favorite season: n/a
favorite episode: IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION. right side of paradise is probably one of my season 1 favs for sure and so far i think amok time and the trouble with tribbles are season 2 favs!
favorite romantic ship: sorry for being basic (and right). kirk/spock
favorite family ship:
favorite friend ship: uhura and spock!! OBSESSED with them being besties
worst ship: its not a bad ship or anything but i just don't get mckirk personally or like ot3 stuff with them ... but to be fair i don't really 'ship' anything else in tos besides kirk/spock and in the right mood scotty/uhura so it's safe to say i don't really "get" any of the ships beyond that ... that said shipping is like not something i think about too too often when watching shows so i rarely have a lot of ships but im not really against any ships just would say i don't get the appeal of them personally
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spocksjuul · 2 years
what's ur top 5 fav star trek episodes (all trek not just tos)
Sorry dude you’re mostly getting tos she’s my baby 😁
DISCLAIMER this is definitely not an objective list it’s just the eps that I personally love and go back to a lot ☺️
Also this was HAAARRDDD I love Star Trek so much it was so difficult choosing only 5 episodes and ranking them was impossible 😭 so these are in no particular order:
TOS 3:12 The Empath
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Just a visually stunning episode, I love the set design and the costume they made for Gem. I think the story is ok but the vibes are impeccable.
TOS 1:28 The City on the Edge of Forever
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Ok this one IS objectively one of the best episodes. Heartbreaking story, good character moments, and I always love a good time travel ep. Also the tension between kirk&spock&edith is insane, like a drama but with spacemen, what’s not to love
TAS 1:02 Yesteryear
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UNDERRATED episode bc nobody wants to watch tas which is understandable I GUESS. Spock goes back in time and basically parents his younger self because no one else is gonna fuckin do it. Lots of spock backstory, some gorgeous background paintings of Vulcan, plus we meet spock’s pet sehlat I-Chaya. Written by DC Fontana, who also wrote journey to Babel and thus fleshed out much of Spock’s family dynamics and backstory.
TOS 2:09 Metamorphosis
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Not a super popular episode and I understand why but I just go back to it a lot bc it’s very pretty and I’m a sucker for an unconventional space romance ☺️
TOS 1:04 The Naked Time
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I’ve been surprised to see this episode rank lower on other trek lists bc I feel like it’s such quintessential Star Trek. And idk there’s just something very special about everyone slowly losing their minds in space
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When I’m showing people trek for the first time a lot of the time I’ll start with this episode because I feel like it’s a good mix of fun&dramatic and also gives us a good window into the main characters’ personalities. And of course there’s the spock breakdown which is one of my favorite moments of the series (sorry Spock). There’s a very long post here (thanks @el-im!) about that scene which was basically conceived by nimoy himself and which I think is very important in establishing spocks character early in the series!!
Thanks for the ask I hope this isn’t too long I just rly like talking abt Star Trek ☺️
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szopenhauer · 4 years
it seems that the average survey-taker is a white american female, aged 15-19, who has a car, a cell phone, and an extensive social circle. is this true for you? I’m a white female but not from America and I’m much older, have no car nor friends, just cellphone
have you seen any silent films? I love Buster Keaton 
would you rather be an actor, director, or soundtrack producer? actress and director
have you seen nbc’s ‘hannibal’? thoughts? (if you haven’t, do you want to?) no and don’t want to, yuk
on websites where you’re permitted to change your username, do you do so often, or do you keep the same one for long periods of time? I usually change after a few months
does your computer have a name?  I didn’t call this annoying piece of shit anyhow but maybe if I had a better computer...
are you eager to see how far science + technology will advance, or do you prefer an older way of doing things? do you think we are better off with these advancements, or not? I wish we had choice, I would like the world to be balanced, a bit of this and a bit of that, some advancements are necessary, some are cool but some are awful
what is your favourite comic book or graphic novel? does your favourite novel come in comic-book form? (if not, would you like it to?) I don’t read comics but from those I ever tried my fav manga was Doubt, webcomic (those I saw several but I forgot most of the titles by now) - Lackadaisy and I am fan of Aldebaran and Betelgeza 
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Any friends who are constantly venting about their boyfriend?: it was common - me listening complains about my crush’es exes or current boyfriends/lovers/crushes
Have you ever been ice-skating?: once, in high school, didn’t like it
Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep?: yeah
Did the end of Public Enemies make you sad?: I didn’t finish the movie
Do you obsessively apply lip-gloss or lip balm?: ewww, not at all
Do you think you’d have what it takes to shoot someone if you had to protect yourself?: I believe
What’s your most noticeable flaw?: ugh...
Have you ever walked into a massive cobweb? yes and that was awful because it was full of dead bugs
When you can tell that someone’s lying, do you call them out on it?: often
How many other blogs do you follow on Tumblr?: more than 300 
Does it ever scare you how fast time can go by?: could say so
Have you ever replied “OK” when someone confessed they liked you?: possibly :x
What does your grandma call you?: sigh...
What would you do for immortality and infinite youth?: dunno, definitely wouldn’t sell my soul or kill an innocent person but I would do some stuff for immortality 
Would you rather have a pool or a hot tub?: neither
Have you ever worn a nipple tassel?: haven’t
Ever played hide and seek in the woods on horseback at night?: wow, that’s weirdly specific and now I want this somehow :o
Have you ever held a baby chick?: wild bird’s babies and I regret that because it’s not helfpul for them actually
Do you think wine tastes like rotten fruit? yep
Have you ever felt the need to hide something about yourself?: sometimes, from certain people, I should be myself most of the time tho
Do you think pearls are attractive?: umm...
Have you ever wished you had a different name? Which name would you choose? but I like male ones more or non polish
Have you ever customised an item of clothing? I designed and my mom helped me, made changes for me
Do you prefer drawing or painting?  prefer to draw but look at paintings
Are you saving up for anything right now? What? if I could/had money to save then I would save for a bike, laptop, my own apartment etc.
Do you own any figurines?  cats, dogs, elephants, clowns, horses and others
If you have any siblings, how much rivalry is between you all? it’s complicated
When did you last have itchy eyes? recently
Is it dark outside right now? it’s getting darker 
Do you prefer framed photos or just sticking photos straight onto walls? I prefer them in an album, takes less space 
What’s your favourite type of cake? used to love sękacz the most
Have you ever woken up from a dream and believed it to have been real? I was confused 
If there’s a bug in your room, can you sleep or do you need to get it out? it depends on how annoying/dangerous it is
Do you prefer travelling alone or with people? I like to travel with my dad
What was the last baby animal you saw? pic or irl?
Do you give people high fives or hugs more often? hugs
How long have you known the last person you kissed? I knew her 10 years ago for awhile then we lost contact until this spring
When angry, do you get loud or quiet? depends
What do you currently hear right now? my parents talking
Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? dad
Last person you saw? parent
Did you have a nap today? nope
Are you easy to get along with? am not
When was the last time you were told you were cute? recently my gf called me cute and I’m like Catra about it
Have you ever forgotten to put on an oven mitt before you took something extremely hot out of the oven? not over, just hot pot
Do you own one of those airwick things that automatically sprays every few minutes? hell no
How many light bulbs are on in the room you are currently in? 3, one doesn’t work 
Have you ever had your phone taken away at school before? almost, teacher heard it calling but before they found out who’s phone that was it stopped ringing and I was safe
Do you look better with or without glasses? I’m always ugly 
What is your favorite type of bird? chicken, owl, flamingo, crow, barn swallow...
Did you go fishing a lot when you were younger? Do you now? I hate fishing, never been nor will go
Do you like more flowery scents or more clean scents? no scents, thank you Do you own a manual or electric toothbrush? manual, electric are horrible Preferred brand of toothpaste? m current is Meridol  Piece of make-up you cannot live without? I can live without it
Do you prefer heels or flats? flats are more comfy but I know how to walk in heels, just don’t like to
Do you eat meat? yep Do you still watch cartoons regularly? I recently started watching She-ra with my gf but before that I didn’t watch any animated shows for a long time (just fragments/episodes maybe) Do you leave the TV on and sleep to it? never Ever considered cannibalism? r u serious?... this is scary, I’m gonna puke :x Ever licked a battery? I’m not stupid What does your name mean? lily which was also going to be my name Do animals go to Heaven? hope so Babies are… irritating
When was the last time you saw a doctor? it would be easier to say when I didn’t because I see them too often Do you know anyone who is a firefighter? used to What was the last wedding you went to? my sister’s
What’s your favourite alcoholic beverage? blergh... Do you “binge-watch” tv shows? two episodes a day max What is your opinion of clowns? love Did you wear a necklace today? not today How old are your parents? about 60 What’s something odd you do when you’re anxious or nervous? personal Have you ever received a compliment from a stranger? I have, more than one time Is your wardrobe big enough for all your clothes? it’s not Do you plan ahead when it comes to your outfits? nah Have you ever shaved your face? I shaved my eyebrows (not whole)  What colour is your front door? silver with white paint coming off  Do you take the stairs or the elevator? stairs  Would you ever try herbal medicine as opposed to conventional medicine? I tried  Do you wear open-toed shoes? I despise those Have you ever been to a petting zoo? yeah, I was petting a raccoon <3 and chinchillas are so surprisingly fluffy  When was the last time you wore a button up shirt? weeks ago How many times have you consumed alcohol? once Do you often forget what you were just about to say? ocassionally when interrupted What’s your opinion of Australia? wouldn’t go there Do you own any striped sweaters? absolutely :) Have there ever been any forest or grass fires in your area? as every summer, also trash burn quite often
What color is the trash can in your kitchen? yellow What does the cover on the last book you read look like? it has two people sitting in front of each other Do you wear green on St. Patrick’s Day? I don’t celebrate this holiday, I dislike it Are you even Irish? not even partially Have you ever gotten a wig? What did it look like and what was it for? I have a bunch of wigs  How often do you use a shower cap? What does yours look like? I don’t own any If you wanted to get a cat, would you adopt from a shelter or buy from a breeder? Why? but I don’t want a cat What’s the shortest you’d be willing to cut your hair? almost bald? What do you do when you find a spiderweb in your room? leave it be or clean it
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aenslem · 4 years
Top 5 tos eps ❤️
all of them :D ok i will try but those are not top 5, those are just 5 i love the most at this moment, but in general i love all of tos the same, almost all of tos :D some eps are not really as good as others, but overall i love the entire show and can write down why i love each episode which i will not do because it will take too much of my time :’D 
* mirror mirror, because spock’s beard desrved spin off and that spones scene, you know which one im talking about, THAT scene!! ohhh kasjhdjkahdsajkh but seriously, tHE BEARD!* balance of terror* the naked time* all ours yesterdays, this episode is here because sPONES GOES TOGETHER OR NOT AT ALL AND I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP and you know what? i will add the immunity syndrome here because of spones also, because it has my all time fav scene of star trek, where Spock asks Bones to wish him luck, but Bones doesn’t, and Spock thinks he is going to die!!! and when Spock leaves, and have you seen his face when he leaves???? I AM NOT CRYING!!! and when he leaves, Bones wishes him good luck but Spock doesn’t hear it AND IT’S JUST BEEEN RAINING ON MY FACE OMG I MADE MYSELF SAD AGAIN WHYYYYYY * let that be your last bettlefield - this episode made me think as a kid and see how wrong are things i see almost daily in my life, and i am so glad i have seen it back then. Actually trek played a HUGE role in my life and the way i see things right now, it helped me to become the person i am right now and while speaking with people of my age and even others i see how important it was, because we usually did not talk about anything, our elders really failed to explain so much to us as kids, only making it worse by showing exact opposite. We either never talked about important topics or  were taught to hate what we should not, most of the time not directly but we could see it throught their actions and as kids, we did not know that it is wrong, and for me it did not make sense to hate someone over something as their skin color… and yeah, star trek really helped me to start think on my own, even though it left me all alone in the end and better not open your mouth because then you will be the wrong one anyway, it’s sad…
the important part is it shows how a small difference between those two characters led the entire planet and its people to destroy itself, i really did not understand back then what their problem is. and the last two of the species, instead of leaving the hatred behind and think about everything, that their friends, their families, their planet is destroyed, they continue to fight, because that’s all they have, they lost everything. and for what? tos is awesome because it has a lot of episodes like that, which teach you things and show what could happen to the world if we continue fighting over something as diffference between each other…  
aaaand trouble with tribbles because who doesn’t love tribbles, space seed because KHAAAAAAAN, the city on the edge of forever??? shore leave?? all of them!
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girlkirk-blog · 7 years
SPIRK (for the otp ask meme) !!! xoxo
omg hey!! HOW ARE YOU?
1- Who is the most affectionate?
I’m going to say that Spock is? I know that’s kind of a curve ball for some people but I believe that he shows affection in a very different way from what a lot of people are used to. Like, his affection is checking to make sure everything is alright. You know how in the Shore Leave episode (when they go to that planet and Bones sees a furry and then gets stabbed) Spock tells Kirk that there’s someone who desperately needs some time off and Kirk’s like “YES GOOD IDEA MR. SPOCK I WANT EVERYBODY TO BE HAPPY BC i’M JAMES T HAPPYPANTS” and Spock’s like “jokes on you, it’s you, go bye now” so I think that Spock’s affection is the best type of affection – it’s not all cuddles and quick kisses, Spock’s is things like making sure Jim has eaten, that Jim is okay, etc. 
2-Big spoon/Little spoon?
Spock: Big Spoon
Kirk: Little Spoon (even though he hates it sometimes)
3-Most common argument?
Probably something about how “illogical” Jim’s decision was that day. Like, “Jim, it was highly illogical for you to challenge that alien that was approximately 40.6 times larger than you to a duel” and Jim’s like “suck it logic i BELIEVE IN MIRACLES” (omg i’m making jim such a joke i’m sorry i’ll stop now)
4-Favorite non-sexual activity?
Probably legit being huge nerds with each other. Kirk was known for being basically a pile of books with legs at the academy, and I feel like in their downtime, Spock and Kirk just like go to town with the computer’s library and float all these theories and concepts past each other. Like, Spock tries to help Kirk with the logic of his thought and Kirk tries to help Spock see past the logic in his thought to come to more conclusions. 
5-Who is most likely to carry the other?
6-What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
I think Kirk really likes Spock’s pointy ears. I feel like he always hates it when they have to go and do recon on a planet and they have to cover Spock’s ears up with a beanie or something. I feel like as soon as they’re away from the other people on the planet, Jim quickly takes off Spock’s lil beanie. 
I feel like Spock’s favorite feature of Jim’s is his eyes. I don’t know, I guess Spock just likes them because they’re legit windows to what Jim is thinking? Jim is really good at composing himself and never panicking, but Spock is always able to look for Kirk’s eyes to see exactly what the captain is thinking – he doesn’t even have to use the mind link. 
7-What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
HOT DANG THE INTERACTIONS ON THE BRIDGE??? I have a feeling that they’ll both start analyzing each other a lot (before they confess their feelings.) Like every single time Spock stops to talk to Kirk, Kirk is always like “I MUST ANALYZE EVERYTHING DOES HE LIKE ME BC I LIKE HIM HOLY CRAP WAIT WHAT DID HE SAY ABOUT AN ASTEROID BELT APPROACHING? SHUT UP CHEKOV I’M TRYING TO LISTEN” and Spock just tries his hardest to logically explain WHY the captain would have feelings for him? 
The whole Bridge starts to get annoyed and bones is like “y’all kidding me? y’all kidding me? I’VE BEEN PUTTING UP WITH THIS BY MYSELF FOR LEGIT YEARS” and the atmosphere on the bridge is just kind of funny (in a good way) and Uhura, Sulu, and Chekov are always serving up each other looks. Like, “lmao did you see Spock just check out Kirk’s ass?” 
8-Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Hmmm. I don’t feel like Spock and Kirk are big on nicknames, unless you count “Jim” as a nickname, which it kind of is since Kirk’s first name is actually James. 
9-Who worries the most?
Kirk. Definitely Kirk. You can’t tell me that Kirk doesn’t worry his ass off about Spock, especially during the episode “Journey to Babel” – Jim is so concerned about Spock’s relationship with his father. Like, he wants to know all about it and he wants to help so bad. ALSO I think Spock also worries A WHOLE BUNCH because he’s just always on high alert to be on the look out for his captain – like in that one episode when the flowers SHOOT OUT THORNS AT PEOPLE?? AND SPOCK LEGIT STANDS IN FRONT OF KIRK AND GETS IMPALED WITH THEM TO PROTECT JIM??
10-Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Spock. Dude has a photographic memory and it’s legit amusing but also terrifying when they have little fights. Spock just pulls out “Do you recall what occurred on Eminar VII when…” and Kirk’s like “SPOCK NO?”
11-Who tops?
I think it’s like a cycle – they’ll take turns, whoever is up to it at the time. 
12-Who initiates kisses?
(I already answered this one, so check it out!)
13-Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Spock. I think he just really likes the feel of Kirk’s hand in his? I also think that it’s just instinct, since Vulcan hands are so sensitive. I kind of think it may be the first thing to really calm a Vulcan down – for them to reach out their hand and have their hand held by someone they are close to. 
14-Who kisses the hardest?
Kirk, no doubt. 
15-Who wakes up first?
KIRK. Kirk is the BIGGEST morning person in the FREAKING GALAXY. He’s one of those people that’s like “AH YES MORNING *HUGE CRAZY DEEP INHALE* HELLO GALAXY! I’M STAR TREKKIN’” (ok i’m sorry i just love kirk so much) 
16-Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
I think it’s neither, really. Spock isn’t energized by mornings, but he’s also not exhausted and dislikes them. I think that when Jim gets up, Spock usually gets up as well. 
17-Who says I love you first?
Spock. And it happens in the most VULCAN WAY EVER. like, i’m a slut for the th’y’la trope, y’all already know. Like in all my fics for Star Trek TOS, it always revolves around the expose of “CAPTAIN KIRK IS SPOCK’S FATED” because i just love that trope and nobody can pry it from my hands. So I think it happens when Spock is just like “ok it’s a matter of time before we accidentally fully mind meld so i better just get this over with” 
I believe that they SHOW each other that they are madly in love with each other through their actions such as making sure the other is okay, basically SACRIFICING themselves for the other, etc. I think that when it comes to doing it verbally, they’re both lil nervous babies. 
18-Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
I think Kirk would be the one to leave notes and they’d be cute little things like “you’re a vulCAN not a vulCAN’T” and stupid stuff like that, and it begins to grow on Spock a lil bit and he keeps all of the post-it notes that Kirk puts up. 
19-Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
I feel like EVERYBODY ABOARD THE STARSHIP ENTERPRISE knows that Spock and Kirk are in a relationship, even before Spock and Kirk do, so that’s not really applicable. I feel like Spock tells his mama first because Amanda is that mom that wants to know everything and whenever Spock contacts her she’s always asking about that “nice kirk boy!” and junk and Spock’s just like “UGH FINE” and Amanda’s all excited like “JUST WAIT ‘TIL I TELL YOUR FATHER” 
20-What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
I think that all their friends LOVE it, even though Bones acts like he’s always suffocated by it. I don’t think Bones EVER feels left out, because they’re such an amazing friend group, and they’re all so close, so Bones isn’t threatened by the officialness of the kirk/spock relationship. I think he just LOVES to tease about it and frustrate Kirk and Spock by being a lil southern cockblock. 
As for family, I think that everybody likes it too. Amanda is like the #1 Spirk fan and Sarek is pretty okay with it – he doesn’t really mind either way, I think. 
21-Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Kirk loves to dance like a freaking idiot sometimes, but Spock isn’t really into dancing, so he’ll stand there and just watch, like “…please don’t throw out your back like last time, Doctor McCoy won’t be as understanding this time” 
22-Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
REPLICATOR SQUAD, enough said. (I think that they’d both suck at cooking tbh) 
23-Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Spock actually starts with them first, because he probably asks Bones for some RARE ADVICE and Bones is like “holy shit is this really happening????” when Spock asks Bones about earth relationship advice. So Bones is like “just do these pick up lines and you’re golden” and Spock tries one and instead of Kirk just being like “the fuck is this” he just laughs and loves it. 
24-Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Kirk, because Spock does it through the mind meld lmao
25-Who needs more assurance?
I think they both do. I think that they both need each other very badly – one can’t exist without the other. It’s like that whole entire “by your side” thing. It’s where they’re meant to be. That being said, I think that they’re both VERY assured in their relationship. 
26-What would be their theme song?
“You Sexy Thing” by Hot Chocolate (AKA THE “I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES” SONG  all because of that DAMN video someone made (and it’s my FAVORITE of all time) where there’s that #CLASSIC scene where Spock is like “Captain, you make me almost believe in luck…” and Kirk is like “why mr. spock…you almost make me believe in MIRACLES” and the damn song plays while the credits come on. 
27-Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
aww omg omg omg my fav thing is a kirk/spock raising a child together thing and it brings a tear to my eyes y’all. um. I think that Spock probably would. I think Spock would be extremeLY affectionate with the child. Maybe because he realizes that the child is kind of like him as a child – a human parent with a vulcan parent. and he wants the child to feel like they really do belong. (wipe ur tears i’m crying too)
28-What do they do when they’re away from each other?
wait until they see each other again lmao
29-one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart.
oh dang. okay, here goes. i have this head canon that spock is super super insecure about confessing his feelings for jim, because here’s jim – this huge ass ray of sunshine that LOVES to laugh and smile and he’s just so open, and Spock feels like, since he is a Vulcan, he cannot make jim laugh or so happy like that since it just isn’t in his nature? I also feel like Spock sees Jim as almost unattainable, because here is this amazing captain that he loves to serve under, ofc, but STARFLEET REGULATION and it also doesn’t help that literally almost EVERYWHERE they stop Jim runs into a former female friend or something. (which is something that I really do love because it really shows feminist kirk because he still treats them with respect and love!) 
30-one headcanon about this OTP that mends it.      
Kirk knows that it’s hard for Spock to feel like he can fully express himself, and Kirk is fine with that. So that’s why Kirk flirts so openly and freely with Spock and smiles around him. Spock makes him happier than anything else in the universe, and nothing could ever replace him. (AKA SEARCH FOR SPOCK HELLO?????). So Kirk is always at Spock’s side, smiling and laughing and trying to encourage Spock and is patient with him.
thanks for the ask! and sorry for writing so much!!!
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gplusbfics · 7 years
My Fav TOS Episodes
I am having a super frustrating moment at work right now and in rebellion, going to see if I can throw together a list of my personal fav Star Trek: TOS episodes. NOT a Top 10 and NOT in order, because that would be too much for me at the moment, but working off a list and saying “These ones!”
Devil in the Dark
Journey to Babel
The Trouble with Tribbles
Shore Leave
Space Seed
Amok Time
I, Mudd
Charlie X
The Menagerie
For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Is There No Truth In Beauty?
Plato’s Stepchildren
The Way to Eden
Requiem for Methuselah
Wolf in the Fold
The Changeling
The Apple
The Gamesters of Triskelion
By Any Other Name
The Enemy Within
The Man Trap
The Naked Time
The Squire of Gothos
So that works out to about 25% of episodes? Ha! Probably the only difference in my list and most people’s is I actually like “The Way to Eden” and skip a couple of favorites like “City on the Edge of Forever” and “Arena” that just aren’t favorites of mine.  
I know this isn’t DS9 but at least it’s Trek and not cat pictures so hey!
P.S. I may still post the cat pictures
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